Manual CGCrawlEditor

April 30, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Documents
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CGCrawlEditor Manual Purpose CGCrawlEditor is used to define tickers/rolls launched from the VECTORBOX/VServer platform. This manual refers to CGCrawlEditor version Main screen Installation CGCrawlEditor is installed as part of the standard VectorBox installation process. This creates the C\VectorBox407\CGTemplateEditor folder, which contains the following files: • CGCrawlEditorPlusU.exe (application file). • Background.jpg (application background image). • Engine.ini (video format configuration engine). • V3margen.png (used to define safety margins). • The standard installation also includes a template editor (CGTemplateEditorPlusU.exe). Important: The graphic editors must not be installed on the same PC as VectorBox. These applications should be installed individually from the installation CD (select the CGTemplateEditor option). 0909121 Manual CGCrawlEditor 4.07_Rev 1.4 (EN)_Draft.doc Page 1 of 6 Control settings Screen Window: This is the area of the video screen occupied by the ticker/roll. The ticker/roll position and dimensions are user- definable. ! Hor. position: Horizontal position in pixels measured from the left-hand side of the screen. ! Ver. position: Vertical position in pixels measured from the bottom of the screen. ! Width: Ticker width. ! Height: Ticker height. Motion: This defines the various ticker motion parameters. ! Number of laps: Number of times that the item will be displayed1. If, for example, this parameter is set to 3 and only one item is available, then this item will be displayed 3 times before stopping. To loop the ticker indefinitely, set this parameter to -1. ! Speed: Ticker speed in pixels per frame. ! Direction: Horizontal/vertical ticker/roll direction. ! Item delay (secs): Delay in seconds between two separate items. Once the item has been displayed in full, the ticker will pause for the delay indicated. ! Intra delay (secs): This parameter defines the delay applied if an item does not fit within the area defined for the ticker (Screen Window). After this delay, the next item is displayed. ! Line memory: This saves the last item displayed and inserts the next scheduled item when the ticker is reactivated. ! Stops if data is empty: When this option is selected, the program displays the last item read until a new one is received. If it is not selected, only the ticker background will remain visible after the last item has been displayed. 1 'Item' refers to an individually numbered line found either in an XML file or defined in the 'Modify Crawl data' dialogue box. 0909121 Manual CGCrawlEditor 4.07_Rev 1.4 (EN)_Draft.doc Page 2 of 6 Colors: This defines the text and shadow colors. ! Foreground Color: Defines text color (RGB) and opacity (0–255) [0 = maximum transparency; 255 = maximum opacity]. ! Shadow Color: Defines text shadow color (RGB) and opacity (0–255) [0 = maximum transparency; 255 = maximum opacity]. ! Shadow W: Text shadow width in pixels. ! Shadow H: Text shadow height in pixels. Text: This defines the text font and position within the ticker area. ! H.Offset: Horizontal offset in pixels between the text and the edge of the ticker area (Screen Window). The point from which this distance is measured will depend on the Direction setting (see Direction, Motion). ! Direction RIGHT TO LEFT: Offset measured from the left-hand edge of the window. ! Direction LEFT TO RIGHT: Offset measured from the right-hand edge of the window. ! Direction BOTTOM TO TOP: Depending on the text justification setting (Just x), the offset will be measured from either the right- or left-hand edge of the window (from the left-hand edge under left justification and from the right-hand edge under right justification). ! V.Offset: Vertical offset in pixels between the text and the upper edge of the ticker area (Screen Window). ! Font: Text font selected. ! Height: Text font size selected. ! Just x: Text justification within the ticker window if the BOTTOM TO TOP direction is selected. ! Layer: Graphics layer used to display the text if the Vserver application supports rendering on more than one layer. 0909121 Manual CGCrawlEditor 4.07_Rev 1.4 (EN)_Draft.doc Page 3 of 6 Data: This defines the source of the text item displayed. The ticker text source can be defined either a) by directly defining the text when selecting the ticker, b) by selecting the XML file and TAG (or TAGs) containing the item, or c) by selecting an RSS file. ! Data from file: If this checkbox is not ticked, the text is defined in the ticker itself. If it is ticked, the text is obtained from an external file. ! Xml File: XML file containing the item to be displayed. ! Xml TAG: TAG within the XML file containing the item to be displayed. Please note that XML file TAGs distinguish between lower and upper case letters. ! AutoIncrement TAG: If this checkbox is not ticked, the ticker will continually display the same item (the contents of the above-mentioned TAG). If it is ticked, the system will search for the item contained in the next TAG in that TAG's numerical sequence (starting with TAG1). Example: If the following ticker parameters are set: XML File: D:\TickersData\weather.xml TAG File: /Temperatures/Scotland AutoIncrement TAG: Not ticked The system will search for the following TAG Cloudy and rainy for Wednesday morning. The rain will start to dissipate in the afternoon from West to East as skies will begin to brighten across the West. A light to moderate west-south-westerly wind. And will continually display this information. Example: If the following ticker parameters are set: XML File: D:\TickersData\weather.xml TAG File: /Temperatures/Scotland/City AutoIncrement TAG: Ticked The system will search for the following TAG 0909121 Manual CGCrawlEditor 4.07_Rev 1.4 (EN)_Draft.doc Page 4 of 6 Cloudy and rainy for Wednesday morning. After displaying this information, the system will then search for the next TAG in that TAG's numerical sequence. Mainly cloudy and very windy on Thursday with scattered showers ! RSS: Indicates that the file defined under Xml File is in RSS format. If the RSS checkbox is ticked, the user can also define the following fields: ! Title: Displays the content of the TAG Title field in an RSS item. ! Description: Displays the content of the TAG Description field in an RSS item. If the Title and Description checkboxes are ticked, the user can specify a text used to separate these two texts. The user can also specify a carriage return between texts displayed in a vertical roll. ! Separator: Text used to separate the content of the Title and Description TAGs. ! Line Feed: When a vertical roll is specified and the Title and Description fields are defined for an RSS file, this setting instructs the system to display the contents of the Description field in the next line of text. Background: This defines the background color and/or template applied to the ticker. ! Background Color: Defines text color (RGB) and opacity (0-255) [0 = maximum transparency; 255 = maximum opacity]. ! Use Background Template: If this checkbox is ticked, a background template is applied to the ticker. ! Template: Indicates the template file. ! Layer: Graphics layer used to display the ticker background if the Vserver application supports rendering on more than one layer. If it does not, the ticker background will be displayed on the same layer as the text. Please note that upper layers are superimposed over lower ones. 0909121 Manual CGCrawlEditor 4.07_Rev 1.4 (EN)_Draft.doc Page 5 of 6 0909121 Manual CGCrawlEditor 4.07_Rev 1.4 (EN)_Draft.doc Page 6 of 6 CGCrawlEditor toolbar The program's toolbar contains the following functions: Create a new ticker/roll (.CGS file). Open an existing ticker/roll (.CGS file). Save the ticker currently being edited. Display the ticker on a background that simulates the video layer to view transparencies. Undo. Redo. Adjust the application windows to optimise display. Preview the ticker in motion. Operation on the VBox platform Tickers/rolls can be inserted as follows: ! From the Vbox/Vnews Graphics Console. ! From a playlist as a CG-In / CG-Out line. ! From a subline in a playlist line. In the first case, the operator inserts and removes the graphic. In the second, the graphic is broadcast when the playlist reaches the corresponding CG-In line and is taken off air when it reaches the CG-Out line. In the third case, the graphic will be inserted at the position defined within the subline and will be played for the duration indicated in the same. Please note that in all three cases ticker duration will vary according to the number of times that the item has been configured to be displayed. Purpose Installation Control settings Screen Window: Motion: Colors: Text: Data: Background: CGCrawlEditor toolbar Operation on the VBox platform


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