LSM Lesson 18

April 15, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Documents
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YOGA & MEDITATION Lesson 18 Dronasana (The Bowel Pose) Dronasana strengthens the recti muscles and other abdominal muscles, facilitating the lifting of the buttocks in Halasana, Viparit Karni Mudra, Sarvangasana. In Sulabha Dronasana the forearms remain on the floor while lifting head and legs. But now in Dronasana raise the legs and the body from waist upwards simultaneously, keeping hands parallel to the floor and at the level of the shoulders. The body is balanced on the hips and some portion of the lower back, in the final posture. Contra-Indication: If there is any swelling in the abdomen, appendicitis or sharp abdominal pain or any serious problem with spinal column. Technique: 1. 2. 3. Lie on the back. Join both the legs, hands near the body. Slowly start lifting both the legs and torso up. Hands should be parallel to the ground. Body is resting on the buttocks. For releasing bring both the extremities on the ground. Benefits: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) The abdominal muscles, especially the recti are strengthened. The spinal column becomes flexible. Accumulated fats on the stomach get reduced. Prevents diabetes, because of improvement in function of abdominal organs. Functioning of thyroid and parathyroid glands is improved. Bhujangasana (The Cobra Pose) The portion of the body from the toes to the umbilicus is on the floor and the portion of the body from the waist to the head is raised with the help of the muscles of the back. Also while attaining this asana each 117 YOGA & MEDITATION vertebra is raised up and backward – a movement similar to that of rising of each ring of a chain – giving backward bend to the spinal column. The objective of Bhujangasana is to make maximum use of the shoulder and back muscles for giving a backward bend. Sulabha Bhujangasana and Poorva Bhujangasana are the preparatory practices and this is the Standard Pose. The position of the hands is different than Poorva and Sulabha Bhujangasana. By folding both the arms at the elbows place the palms on the floor near the chest. The elbows should be closer to each other. Contra-Indication: Severe backache or neck ache any acute abdominal problem like ulcers, appendicitis or hernia causing pain. Technique: 1. 2. 3. Lie on the chest. Join both the legs, forehead on the ground. By folding both the arms at the elbows place the palms on the floor near the chest. By grazing nose and chin slowly come up as much as possible. Maintain the posture for 3-5 breathing cycles. Release in the reverse order. Benefits: 1) 2) 3) 4) Respiratory, digestive and excretory systems are improved. Helps in curing indigestion, constipation and increases lung capacity. The health of the glands viz. Thyroid and Para-Thyroid Glands situated in the neck improves. The flexibility of the spine is maintained and increased. Minor dislocation of the vertebrae is corrected by the daily practice of this Asana. 4-5 rounds of Bhujangasana take away the strain on the muscles of the neck, back and waist. Those who keep the SPINE erect, shoulders straight and neck and head high command respect in the society. Sulabha Dhanurasana (The Easy Bow Pose) In the final stage of Dhanurasana, the body from the head to knees gets a backward bend like a bow. The legs, with the ankle joints held by hands, go up. The formation of the hands and the below- 118 YOGA & MEDITATION knee part of the legs looks like a drawn-out bowstring. Therefore this asana has got the name Dhanurasana. In the final posture a tug-of-war between the legs and hands takes place. Contra-Indications: Abdominal disorders such as Ulcers, Colitis, etc and very stiff back. Technique: 1. 2. 3. Lie on the chest. Keep distance between legs. Chin on the floor. Fold the legs and bring the heels near the buttocks. Catch hold of the ankles by the respective palms. Keeping hands straight, stretch the legs back and up. Maintain the final posture. Release in the reverse order. Benefits: 1. 2. 3. The spinal column becomes flexible and the problem of ‘round back’ or KYPHOSIS is over come. Vertebral muscles become flexible and strong, blood circulation is improved and nerves are activated. Problems of the waist and neck because of improper blood circulation and disuse atrophy are overcome with the practice of this asana. Hence it is very beneficial to the people engaged in white-collar jobs. The intercostals muscles are contracted and expanded so the respiration is improved. It gives relief to asthmatic people. The fat deposit on the abdomen diminishes and the girth is reduced. This asana can be used as a curative measure for indigestion, constipation, gas trouble, etc. 4. 5. 6. Virasana (Warrior Pose) The withdrawal of oneself from the outside world and the achievement of an emotional calm is called Conditioning. It helps the individual to get rid of his negativity and to acquire a calm, stable and well-balanced mind and get ready for Meditation. Virasana is one of the meditative 119 YOGA & MEDITATION postures. It helps to increase self-confidence. In all the meditative postures following four aspects are essential: 1. 2. 3. 4. neck and spine erect, positioning of the legs rooted to ground for steadiness, adjustment of hands to suit the posture, and avoiding undue pressure on abdominal viscera. This asana has a little modification after sitting in Vajrasana. Contra-Indications: Severe ankle, knee or stomach pain. Benefits: 1) 2) 3) 4) Improves the blood circulation in the lower abdominal region. Maintains the health of the genital area. Removes spinal defects and develops the habit of keeping the spinal column in its natural state. Ankle joints and knee joints are stretched in this asana, it makes the muscles there flexible and improves blood circulation. The workings of the nerves in these regions are also improved. This asana is very useful as a preventive measure for some types of rheumatic problems. It increases agility. The warriors are always ready to get up and attack at a short notice. 5) 6) Poorva Hansasana (The Pre-Swan Pose) Due to a sedentary and cushy life, city dwellers usually suffer from various complaints of the digestive system. Also, after the age of 40,the metabolic rate changes for the worse, which brings down a person’s work capacity. Every city dweller therefore faces the problems of how to maintain the efficiency of the digestive and excretory systems. Mayurasana is a good solution to this problem. Poorva Hansasana is the Preparatory Practice of Mayurasana. Hans means water bird SWAN, in Sanskrit. Contra-Indications: Any abdominal disorders or pain; very weak wrists. 120 YOGA & MEDITATION Technique: 1. 2. 3. Position yourself on Knees and toes, with buttocks on the heels. Bring both the forearms together and join them. Bend from the waist. Keep both the palms on the floor near the toes, fingers pointing to the toes. Bring down the torso and fold the hands at the elbows. Joined elbows should come below the navel region. Slowly rest the forehead on the ground. Maintain the posture and release in reverse order. Benefits: 1. In the final stage of the Asana, the entire weight of the body is balanced on the elbows placed below the navel region. Extra pressure is exerted on the left and right branches of the aorta resulting in a decreased flow of blood to legs. This greatly increases the blood flow to the digestive organs, aiding the digestive process. Strengthens the abdominal muscles. The fat deposited on the abdomen gets reduced, helps trim the potbelly. Muscles of the hands and the wrists are strengthened. The balancing capacity of the body is increased. Functional efficiency of kidneys and the adrenal glands situated above improves. 2. 3. 4. Caution: Persons who do not follow the correct technique of this asana and practice it with due attention are always exposed to injury on the face or wrists or shoulder. Vajrasanastha Yoga Mudra (The Symbol Of Yoga In Thunderbolt Pose) The technique of attaining this mudra is to keep both the fists near the respective groins. And then take chin forward, up and start bending forward from waist. Other wise going into asana and coming out is same as the previous one. Contra-Indications: Don’t perform this mudra in case of a stiff neck, trunk or knees, severe backache or neck ache or acute stomachache, abdominal disorders, hydrocele or hernia. Benefits: 121 YOGA & MEDITATION 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) The abdominal wall becomes healthy and strong. Promotes the health of the organs in abdominal region by circulating the stagnated blood. Ptosis is cured and displaced organs in the lower abdomen regain their original position. Prevents the sagging of the uterus and related problems. Lumbosacral nerves are strengthened. Many types of lumbar pain are eliminated. Constipation is reduced. Prevents the troublesome growth of the prostate glands. Note: One should not perform the asana for more than one minute, without applying intermittent Uddiyan Bandha. Sulabha Uttana Agnisar (The Easy Gastric Fire Kindler-in Lying Position) The performance of this practice kindles the gastric fire (Jathra Agni = Jatharagni) and improves the digestive system. It is a boon for those suffering from constipation and dyspepsia. It provides good churning to almost all organs inside the stomach. ContraIndications: Severe pain in the abdomen. Benefits: 1. 2. 3. 4. Stimulates Pancreas and Liver. Relief from gases and indigestion Improves sluggish liver and spleen. Increases the flexibility of the abdominal wall. Sulabha Supta Vajrasana (The Easy Supine Thunderbolt Pose) This asana is one step before Supta Vajrasana. For attaining this posture first go into Poorva Supta Vajrasana. Then slowly shift the body weight on the left hand and place right hand from elbow to palm on the floor, in the same manner place left hand from elbow to palm on the floor. And relax your head. In this 122 YOGA & MEDITATION position the knees, ankles, and thighs experience a greater pull providing anterior stretch. Contra-Indications: Persons having stiff ankles and knee joints should go into this asana very slowly. Benefits: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Muscles in the abdominal region, the recti muscles are stretched. As a result the abdominal wall becomes flexible. The fat deposited in the abdominal region is removed. This asana can be used for therapeutic purpose for treating indigestion, constipation, gas trouble, acidity, heaviness of the stomach etc. This is a preventive asana for problems such as stiffness of knees, arthritis etc. Due to the pull exerted on the chest region, the muscles there (costal and intercostals muscles) become more flexible, strong and healthy and enhance the lung capacity. This asana helps cure or treat respiratory problems such as asthma, breathlessness etc. 6) ●●● 123


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