Leadership, Strategy and Performance Management

April 4, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Documents
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1. Leadership, Strategy and Performance Management Prof Erwin Schwella 2. Orientation Introduction Leadership Approaches: Leading towards the Future Strategy: Context, Vision, Capacity, Competency, Empowerment and Implementation Leadership and Strategy for Performance Leading Learning for Performance Conclusion 3. Leadership Theory Development Trait Approach Behavioral Approach Situational Approach Transformational Approach Social Learning Approach LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 4. Strategy: From Context to Implementation Strategy: Context, Vision, Capacity, Competency, Empowerment, Implementation 5. Understanding and Analysing Context Macro Trends STEEP Analysis Social Technological Economic Environmental Political Stakeholder Analysis Regulators Suppliers Consumers Competitors 6. Transformational Leadership Process 1. Envisioning 2. Planning 3. Teaming 4. Motivating 5. Evaluating 6. Recycling LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 7. Social Learning Approaches Peter Senge’s Learning Organisation Approach Shared vision Team learning Personal mastery Mental models Systems thinking Overcoming Learning Disabilities 8. Get on the balcony Identify the adaptive challenge Regulate distress Maintain disciplined attention Give the work back to the people Protect the voices of leadership from below Leadership in Situations of Adaptive Problems 6 Principles LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 9. Leadership and Strategy for Performance Leading Learning for Performance The Importance of Leadership and Learning Strong empowering and facilitating learning leadership Facilitative rather than directive Strategically aimed at creating an improved future Linked to action planning, implementation and continuous evaluation and recycling 10. Leadership and Strategy for Performance Conducive to creating learning organisations Strong on commitment to vision and purpose Encourage capacity building, learning and empowerment in the true spirit of a learning organisation; rather than a centralised controlling top down bureaucratic approach 11. The Four Performance learning Questions What happened? Descriptive qualitative and quantitative assessment Why? Diagnostic analysis What can I/We learn from this? Deliberative empowerment and team learning How can the learning be used and built back into the system to improve the system? Prognostic capacity building for continuous improvement 12. Conclusion Strong leadership may call for courageous approaches moving away from power and authority as foundations Discuss and discover rather than leader commands leadership Towards new competencies jointly discovered, applied and tested for continuous improvement


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