the satirical manufactory zikison ~ paracin * serbia r zikison caricature and short comic cartoon ~ december, 2007 kiks elektronski list ~ karikatura i kratki strip 12 Happy New year 2008 world Authors Camilo Andres Triana Cubillos - COLUMBIA Best wishes for the coming year! kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip II Satirična Radionica Žikišon 2007. The Satirical Manufactoriy II Zikison 2007 Portrait / Portret: 1. Marian Avramescu - ROMANIA; The caricature / Karikatura: 1. Marcin Bondarowicz - POLAND; The Short Comic Strip / Kratki strip: 1. Makhmudjon Eshonkulov - UZBEKISTAN. The Jury of the II “ZIKISON” 2007 Žiri II „ŽIKIŠON“ 2007. Consisted up from - u sastavu: Zoran Spasojević Paske, satiric writer and cartoonist / satiričar i karikaturista, KRAGUJEVAC; Branislav Đokić Kan, painter, cartoonist and satiric writer / slikar, karikaturista i satiričar, JAGODINA; Franja Straka, comic strip cartoonist / strip autor, BEOČIN; Vladica Milenković Vlajče, satiric and poetic writer / satiričar i pesnik, PARAĆIN; Zoran Matić Mazos, graphical designer, cartoonist and satiric writer / grafički dizajner, karikaturista i satiričar, PARAĆIN. Portrait / Portret: 2. Rene Bouschet – FRANCE; 3. Cesar Ibarra Zuniga – COLOMBIA; The Caricature / Karikatura: 2.Jordan Pop Iliev – MACEDONIA; 3. Bayram Hajizadeh – AZERBAIJAN; The Short Comic Strip / Kratki strip: 2. Santiago Cornejo Corne – ARGENTINA; 3. Camilo Andreas Triana Cubillos - COLOMBIA. Results Caricature and Short Comic Strip II ZIKISON 2007 Paracin - SERBIA 2 kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip The Portrait caricature “ZIKISON” 2007 / Portret karikatura “ŽIKIŠON” 2007. FIRST PRIZE - PRVA NAGRADA Marian Avramescu ROMANIA Name, Surname: Marian Avramescu; Birthdate: 09.02.1957; Address: com. Sangeru, Jud. Prahova, code 107515, Romania; Telephone: +0040/0244441037; E-mail:
[email protected] Number of cartoons you have sent: 4; Participated festivals, competitions: Gaudeamus Bookfest, Bucharest, 2006; Exhibitions : Bucuresti, Ploiesti, Cluj-Napoca, Piatra Neamt, Singeru; Awards : Special prize at Pressclub Awards, Bucharest, 2005; Books: “Cum ma vezi si cum te vad”, A.M. Press, 2004; Signature: 3 kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip SECOND PRIZE - DRUGA NAGRADA Rene Bouschet France Short bio: Full Name: Rene BOUSCHET Aka: Erby KEZAKO Birth: May 30, 1947 – (Besseges – France) Sex: Male Address: Le pont d'Andon – 30120 AVEZE – LE VIGAN – FRANCE Tel: + 03 4 67 81 20 18 Biography: Cartoonist born and alive in the South of France. Draw in numerous publications on Web, French newspapers magazines and exhibitions of digital drawings. 4 kiks kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip THIRD PRIZE - TREĆA NAGRADA Cesar Ibarra Zuñiga COLOMBIA Telephone number: 5385108; Mobile Phone: 3163918367. Address: Cll 55A sur # 72A – 46; Bogotà (Colombia) E-mail:
[email protected] & CURRICULUM VITAE He is born the 15th March of 1982, in the beautiful city of Bogotá (Colombia), from their first years of life he shows great interest for the drawing, interest that becomes their vocation. In 1998 it finishes their studies in the “Cafam” school where he participated illustrating in the student newspaper “area libre.” Time later, he enters to “the national school of cartoon” where he acquires knowledge in different technical that used in its professional development. Admirer of artits like Joe Madureira, Caravaggio, Alex Ross.etc. Lover of the movies, the comics and of their favorite soccer team “Millonarios”. He has participated in many competitions and visual projects at national and international level.Rock Comic ( Animation and Comic) 2005, Stuttgart Awards "The Fasination for Football" Alemania 2006, International C a r t o o n Fe s t iv a l Occupation Iran 2006, Humor a Gallarate "La Scuola" 2006 Italia, Don Quichotte Imigracion 2 0 0 7 T u rq u i a , H u m o DAEVA 2007, El realismo magico Vida y Obra (Garcia Marquez) Guadalajara 2007... 5 kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip The Caricature - Free Form / Karikatura - slobodna tema FIRST PRIZE - PRVA NAGRADA Marcin Bondarowicz POLAND Marcin Bondarowicz is a Polish cartoonist and illustrator. He is also a painter, a photograph. He was born in 1976 in Starachowice, Poland. He lives now in Poland as a freelance artist. He also publishes his cartoons on several Websites dedicated to the cartoons. Marcin Bondarowicz works in traditional and digital graphic. He is doing all sort of illustrations in various techniques such as: oil painting, acrylic, computer illustration. Marcin has recently been working as a journalist specialized into press illustration. Education & qualifications: The Instytut of Technology in Radom: Poland [ masters degree in graphic design and painting ] Here are some of Marcin's achievements and rewards : Leader of artistic set in 1991; Rewarded by Rector for active work during study; Prize winner in a competition for a poster connected with preventing drug habit and integration of local community; Prize winner in a photo competition: International Year of The Family in 1994-2004, subject mother and a child USA 2004; The Nomination for the reward in the International Cartoon Competition Satyrykon 2005, category humor and social satire Poland; The Special Award in BIRD2005 International Art Award CHINA; The Bronze Prize in The 2nd WINE International Invitation Cartoon Exhibition CHINA 2005; The Honourable Mentions [FOR-PENCIL] in The International Competition of Graphic Humour FOR pro FOR 2006 [Joke for For 2006 ] Praha, Czech Republic 2006; Finalist of Sprito di Vino 7th International Competition for young artists of satirical cartoons concerning World Wine, Italy 2006; Laureat The International Competition of Graphic Humour FOR pro FOR 2006 Praga Czechy - Honourable FÓR- pencil [Čestná FÓR-tužka]; Sezond Prize in The Competition of a Caricature and a Short Comic Strip – Serbia 2006 THE CARICATURE WITHOUT WORDS - Free Form; First Prize in The 6th International Contest of Pictorial Humour and Flash Humour "New technologies" BARAKALDO 2006 Spain; Honorable Mention in The Second Baku International Cartoon Contests-2006; Honourable Prize in The 1th International China Olympic Cartoon Competition for January, 2007. Marcin Bondarowicz has cooperated as an illustrator and sarcastic drawer with newspapers such as : Harvard Business Review Poland, Manager Magazyn Polish Edition, Business Week Polish Edition, Poland Monthly, Przegląd Podatkowy, Puls Biznesu, Gazeta Bankowa, Dziennik Zachodni, Integracja Europejska, Nowy Robotnik, Trybuna Robotnicza, Najwyższy CZAS, Regiony, Nowy Tygodnik Popularny, Gazeta Samorządu i Administracji, Le MONDE Diplomatique, Yeni Akrep – New Skorpion International Cartoon Magazine, INPRECOR Correspondance de presse internationale, KIKS Cartoon Magazyn. A lot of his art works are in private collections in Poland and in foreign countries. Permanent exhibition of his art works and projects of posters can be viewed on : portfolio: web site: MARCIN BONDAROWICZ Address: Żeromskiego 8/8, 27-200 Strachowice, Poland Te l e p h o n e : + 4 8 5 0 2 2 1 5 9 5 3 e - m a i l :
[email protected] [email protected] 6 kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip SECOND PRIZE - DRUGA NAGRADA Jordan Pop Iliev MACEDONIA Jordan Pop - Iliev ul."Dusan Taskovic" br. 45/13 MK-1000 Skopje Republic of Macedonia email:
[email protected] [email protected] Роден е во 1940 година. Завршил Филозофски Факултет. Карикатурата му била преокупација од најрано детство,активно почнал да објавува од 1969 година. Во поранешните југословенски простори беше редовен соработник во повеќе значајни весници и списанија, како и во странство каде беше препечатуван. Во 1977 година ја издава книгата под име “Рогови“. Поп-Илиев е еден од основачите на Асоцијацијата на Карикатуристи на Македонија, иницијатор и организатор на првите македонски изложби во странство. Првата самостојна изложба ја имал на фестивалот “Сатирикон“ во Ленгица – Полска во 1980 година. Илустратор е на повеќе книги и учебници. Застапен е во повеќе музеи на карикатури во светот. Негови карикатури се публикувани во околу 350 каталози од конкурси и изложби на карикатура. Денес е еден од најактивните карикатуристи во Македонија. Има добиено повеќе од 50 меѓународни награди и признанија. адреса: Јордан Поп Илиев; ул. Душан Тасковиќ бр. 45/13; 1000 Скопје, Македонија 7 kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip THIRD PRIZE - TREĆA NAGRADA Bayram Hajizadeh AZERBAIJAN The President of Azerbaijan Cartoonists' Union The President of FECO group Azerbaijan The Chief-editor of the magazine “We & Cartoon” Address: AZ1010 Azerbaijan Baku Neftchilar avenue 145 Azerbaijan Cartoonists' Union Tel: (994 12) 493 28 98; Fax: (994 12) 493 09 18 E-mail:
[email protected] &
[email protected] Web: Was born in Baku, Azerbaijan 1968; Finished Azerbaijan State Artists' School named after A.Azimzadeh in 1987; Graduated from the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Art named after M.Aliyev in 1994; Has been working as a cartoonist since 1985; Is the member of the Journalists' Union since 1999; Is the member of the Azerbaijan Artists' Union since 2005; Is the Chief-editor of the magazine “We & Cartoon” since 2006; Is the President of Azerbaijan Cartoonists' Union since 2006; Is the participant awarder of the Republic and International exhibitions; Is the author of the books “Azerbaijan Caricaturists” (2005) and “Our Centerary History of Cartoon” (2006), “Azerbaijan Cartoon Yesterday and Today”(2007); The Contemporary Cartoon of Azerbaijan(2007); Is the Honoured Art Worker of the Azerbaijan Republic (2007). Awards: 2005 - Molla Nasreddin - 100 International Cartoon Contest – I Prize - Azerbaijan Baku; 2005- Leng Mu International Cartoon Contest Gold Prize – China; 2006 - Molla Nasreddin - 100 International Cartoon Contest – Special Prize - Azerbaijan Baku; 2006 - DICACO International cartoon contest “Best cartoon” – Special Prize – Korea; 2007-Clausurada la XV Bienal International de Humorismo Grafico - Humor General Primer Premio –Cuba; 2007 - Clausurada la XV Bienal International de Humorismo Grafico - Satira Politica Honour Prize - Cuba; 2007 - Third International Cartoon Contes Special Prize - Syria; 2007- Fourth International Cartoon Contest Kozuchow - Honorable Mention - Poland; 2007 - Homer Davenport International Cartoon Contest - Public's Choice award –USA; 2007 - DICACO International Cartoon Contest “Best cartoon” – Special Prize – Korea; 2007 - The First International Cartoon Contest NAJI Al, ALI Success Award – Syria. 8 kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip The Short Alternative Comic Strip - Free Form / Kratki alternativni strip - slobodna tema FIRST PRIZE - PRVA NAGRADA Makhmudjon Eshonkulov Awards from International Cartoon Contests: 2002,2003,2004,2005,2007 Honorable Mention ”DICACO” Daejeon, Korea; 2002 Special Prize “Int.Hodja Nasreddin CC” Istanbul, Turkey 2002 Gold Prize “GOGLM” Nanjing, China 2003 Special Mention “FCW” Shanghai. China 2003,2005 Prizes for Excellence “GOGLM” Nanjing,China 2004 Seleсted Prize “1-Seoul World CC”Seoul, Korea 2004 Honorable Mention, Banska Stiavnica, Slovensko 2004 Selected Prize “FCW” Shanghai, China 2004 First Prize “Int. Comics Communication 2004” Tokyo, Japan 2004 Special Prize “Int. Don Quichotte CC” Stutgard, Germany 2005 Winning Prize “Int.Syria CC” Damascus, Syria 2005 Honorary Mention “Int. Golden Keg CC” Presov, Slovensko 2005 Special Prize “EurocARToons” Kaliningrad, Russia 2005 Honorable Mention “Int. Karpik CC” Niemodlin, Poland 2005 Silver Prize “Int. Molla Nasreddin CC” Baku, Azerbaijan 2005 Excellence Prize “Int.Wine CC” Beijing, China 2005,2006 Success Award “FCW” Shanghai, China 2005 Special Mention “Int.Rendon C.Festival” Rionegro, Colombia 2006 Bronze Prize “Int. Syria CC” Damascus, Syria 2006 Golden Pensil Prize “Int. Press Contest” Tashkent,Uzbekistan 2006 Golden Helmet Prize “Int. Fest. Humour&Satire” Krusevac, Serbia 2006 Prize of Kozuchow Castle Castellian, Kozuchow,Poland 2006 Honorable Mention “Int. CC” Praha, Czech Republic 2006 Honorable Mention Award “Int. Haifa CC” Haifa, Israel 2006 First Prize “Int. Piracicaba C.Exhibition” Piracicaba, Brasil 2006 Excellence Prize “Int. Fes. Caragiale-2006, Romania 2006 Best Cartoon Prize “DICACO” Daejeon. Korea 2006 Special Honor Prize “GOGLM” Nanjing, China 2006 Selected Prize “Red Man” Int.CHC, Beijing, China 2007 Orhan Holding Prize “Int. Cemal Nadir CC” Bursa, Turkey 2007 Gold Prize “Int. Zagreb Car. Exhibition” Zagreb,Croatia 2007 2 nd Mention “Int. Diogenes Taborda Salon” Buenos Aires, Argentina 2007 Succes Award “Int. CC NAJI AL ALI” Damascus, Syria 2007 Bronze Prize “Guangxi Int. CC” Guangxi, China 2007 Special Prize “HumoDAEVA Int.CC” Deva, Romania U Z B E K I S T A N Born in 1958, in the villaje of Telov in Beshariq distirict of Uzbekistan. Graduated from Tashkent State Pedagogic Institute, faculty of drawing. Member Artists Union of Uzbekistan. He lives in Tashkent city. Is a regular participant of countrues daily newspapers and magazines. He had personal exhibition in town Krusevac of country Serbia in 2007 He has participated in more 250 Nacional and International Cartoon Exhibitions. P.O.Box 4334, 100000; Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Phone: 99890 3253465;
[email protected] /
[email protected] 9 kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip SECOND PRIZE - DRUGA NAGRADA Cornejo Santiago Corne ARGENTINA Short Biography: · Profession: cartoonist and art director of an Illustration company. · Activity in book illustrations, posters, cartoons, Cards, etc. · Publishing his cartoons in magazines and newspapers of many countries: U.S.A., England, Argentina, Germany, Switzerland, China, etc. Publication in humor magazines: ÒMADÓ, ÒMAD KidsÓ, ÒCrackedÓ, ÒNebelspaterÓ, etc. · 2 books published with recompilations of his cartoons. Illustrated more than 20 Children's books for different countries. · won the First Prize in Marostica, Italy; and he also has prizes in 2007 other 23 cartoon contests (Vericelli, Italy – De los Baños, Cuba Brazil, Slovenia, Korea, etc.) and participated in many international Exhibitions and Festivals all around the world. ENTRY FORM Last Name: Cornejo First Name: Santiago Pseudonym: CORNE Sex: Male Date of Birth: 14.06.1976. Address: Santiago Cornejo Lote 68 - Barrio Privado Villa Rosa Chubut 2350- Loc.Villa Rosa – PILAR Buenos Aires (B1631ENV) ARGENTINA Telephone: +(54-11) 4815-9716 E-mail:
[email protected] website: 10 kiks kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip THIRD PRIZE - TREĆA NAGRADA Camilo Andres Triana Cubillos COLUMBIA h B i o g r a p y : Born in Villeta, Colombia in October 05 of 1977. In 2001 graduates of Graphic Designer. From 1999 has worked as Illustrator, cartoonist, designer comics, Caricaturist, animator 2D and Columnist. Their cartoonist career began in the web of a tv channel in Colombia thanks to the national school of caricature. It has collaborated for companies: Creative Plastilina, Dini Magazine, School National of caricature, Website "Portal El Can" (Spain), Editorial Santillana, Leo Burnett Colombia. In 2006 it wins the first position in The Competition of a Caricature and a Short Comic Strip" (ZIKISON), in SERBIA. It has classified in competitions of graphic humor in countries : * BRAZIL- the I International Festival of Graphic Humor of Ipojuca,Brazil "Porto Galhinas",, 2005 * ROMANIA - International Caricature Exhibit "CARAGIALE" 2006, * USA - the Competition of Graphic Humor CartoonRing, New York Cartoon Festival, 2006 * IRAN - The Occupation International Cartoon Contest 2006", 2006 * AZERBAIJAN - Second BAKU International Cartoon Contest 2006", 2006 * ITALIA - "HUMOR A GALLARATE, Internacional Cartoon Contest,Grand Prix 'Marco Biassoni'" 2006 & 2007 * SERBIA- The Competition of a Caricature and a Short Comic Strip" 2006 * TURKEY- "INTERNATIONAL DON QUICHOTTE CARTOON CONTEST", http://www.donquichotte.at2007 * ROMANIA - "6th HumoDÆVA International Cartoon Contest" ndex.php?action=dorate&cat=23& pic=3591 2007. * ROMANIA - "101 GREAT CARICATURISTS AND PORTRAIT ARTISTS OF THE WORLD" ttp:// * BRAzIL - 1st International saloon of Humor for the Amazon Forest 2007 WWW.BRAZILCARTOON.COM CAMILO A. TRIANA C. ILUSTRATOR&CARTOONIST 11 kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip The honorary prize: Dear friends, Qigong Huang--China; Manhua Liu--China; Hong Liu--China; The Master Cup International Cartoon and Illustration Roberto Mangosi--Italy; Ronald Libin--Belgium Biennial get succeess with your kind spreading and supports, we received 2355 works from 76 countries and Stephen Mumberson--UK; IRENEUSZ PARZYSZEK-Poland; De La Nuez Raul--USA; KRISTIINA LEHTONEN--Finland; areas. Weidong Cai--China; Billha Zussman--The Netherlands; The jury meeting was helden on October 25. Agnieszka Boron--Poland; The jury panel: CRISTOBAL REINOSO--Argentina; Mr.Dachuan Xia--secretary-general of China Artists's BERT M L WITTE--Holland; Marlene Pohle--Germany; association cartoon committee, Aristides Esteban Hernandez Guerrero--Cuba; Mr.Haifeng Li--The director of Beijing cartoon center, TOMIK FRANTISEK-Czech; MAGDALENA NOWAK-Poland; Mr.Cheng Zhu--The president of "Master" Illustrators's Eric Pelka-- USA; Rumen Dragostinov--Bulgaria; Federation, Bikic Bojan--Serbia; Tumying Benjasit--Thailand; Mr.Yu Du--The director of The 1st International China ROSS THOMSON--UK; Willem Rasing--The Netherlands; Olympic Cartoon Competition, Agnieszka Rogowska--Poland; Tarkibi Alireza--Iran; Mr.Nianqun Zhang--Well known philosopher, Kurtu Valeriu-- Germany; JOVAN PROKOPLJEVIC--Serbia; Mr.Liping Zhu--Well known rhymist, Mr.Shouqing Tian--The famous painter and calligrapher AGNIESRKA ROGOWSKA-- Poland; Jianbing Qi--China. The winners: Grand Master prize: Selected prize: Tao Xu--China ARSEN GEVORGYAN-- ARMENIA; Wanshuai Sun--China; "Master" Illustrators's Federation prize: Shushan Yang--China; Daryl Cagle--USA; Yuriy Kosobukin--Ukraine PELKA ERIC--USA; Sichenko Sergey--Israel; Ronaldo Master prize: Cunha Dias-- BRASIL; Constantin Pavel--Romania; Hui Jin--China; Georgiev Valentin--Bulgaria; BILL STOTT--UK; Paolo Dalponte--Italy; PIETRZYK KAZANEVSKY VLADIMIR--Ukraine; ZBIGNIEW--Poalnd; Andrea Bersani--Italy; MARIUSZ STAWARSKI--Poland; Sergei TUNIN--Russia; Ludo Goderis--Belgium; PAWEL KUCZYNSKI--Poland; JERZY GLUSZEK--Poland; Hovian Crist--USA; Bozorgmehr Hosseinpour--Iran; SEMERENKO VLAOLIMIR--RUSSIA; BILL STOTT-- UK; ISMAIL MOHAMED EFFAT--Egypt; TSVETKOV IVAILO--Bulgaria; GABRIEL RUSU--Romania; Yoo Jung Yul--Korea; TRUTULESCU MARIAN--Romania; Liang Yu--China Majid Salehi--Iran; TRZEPALKA MACIEJ--Poland; The best cartoons prize: Oleg GOUTSOL--Ukraine; SILVERINI ANTONELLO--Italy; ERAY OZBEK--Turkey ANDREA PECCHIA--Italy; Runtang Li--China; Peter NIEUWENDIJK--The Netherlands Ivan Haramija--Croatia; Pol LEURS--Luxembourg; MASOUD ZIAEL ZARDKHASHOEI--Iran LUC VERNIMMEN--Belgium; MIKIO NAKAHARA--Japan; LUKA LAGATOR-- Montenegro LUBOMIR MIHAILOV-- BULGARIA; ALI DIVANDARI--Iran; SEVKET YALAZ-- Turkey VELEZ BECERRA VICTOR EMMANVEL--Mexico; SKAZHENYK DMYTRO URIEVICH--Ukraine MUHITTIN KOROGLU--Russia; Nikolic JASNA--UK; Zlatkovsky Mikhail--Russia MOHAMMAD ALI KHALAJI--Iran; The best illustrations prize: HRVATSKO DRUSTVO KARIKATURISTA-- CROATIA; Paolo Dalpante--Italy Musa GUMUS-- TURKEY; FARUK SOYARAT-- TURKEY; Sergey Hrapov--Ukraine GOLNAR SERVATIAN-- IRAN; DARIUSZ KACA-- POLAND; Shiming Hou--China Slawomir Luczynski -- POLAND; IBNU THALHAN ABDULLOH--Indonesia ERENBURG BORIS-- ISRAEL; NORA FLEMING--FINLAND; SAEIDEH ALIIADEH--IRAN OSMANI SIMANCA-- BRAZIL; Valentin Druzhinin--Russia; Agim Sulaj--ITALY Lian Cai-- China; Jing Wang-- China; Valentin Druzhinin--Russia. Osmani Esteban Simanca--Brazil. The sprcial prize of jury member: OLEG DERACHOV--Canada; Marcin Bondarowicz--Poland; AMEKAN HASSAN--Iran; Marina Trushnikova--Russia; Thanks again for your announcing the result of Angel Boligan Corbo--Mexico; Gatto Alessandro--Italy; Master Cup International Cartoon and Illustration Stefanovic Vida--Serbia; Goknil Can--Turkey; Biennial! Juan Canals Carreras--Spain; Lubomir Mihailov--Bulgaria. Special prize of Beijing cartoon center: Your friendly ANA PILI--Argentina; Xiaoqiang Hou--China. Souran Kurdpour-- Germany Ms. Xiao Gu Yue Special prize of "Master" Illustrators's Federation: Master Cup International Cartoon and Illustration K.RAVI-- India; Olga BABANINA--Russia; Biennial committee Caiyun Sun--China. Dear Colleague, We announce the result of special topic--Money attach in The 1th International China Olympic Cartoon Competition, thank you very much for your great spreadding. The detail as follow: Theme: Money, any matter about money. The works's format should be Jpeg or Gif, size of entry is 200 DPI, A4 format(21×30cm), please attach your name, address, email, telephone, fax with your cartoons together. Entries entered other exhibitions or awarded in other contests previously will be also accepped. The number of entries are no limited. Please send the digital works to:
[email protected] or
[email protected]. Please send your cartoons no later than November, 30, 2007. Thanks again. Sincerely Yours, Committee of The 1th International China Olympic Cartoon Competition 12 kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip The 1th International China Olympic Competition Monthly Prize - September, 2007 A)Olympic section--Winning Prize-Cai Weidong--China kiks B)Free section--Winning Prize-Liu Hong--China Dear Colleague, We are sorry to send the winning cartoons marked with our logo on our last mail. Here we send the original winning cartoons of the monthly prize of September, 2007 of The 1th International China Olympic Cartoon Competitionagain, thank you very much for your understanding and spreading. Also the result on web site: mprize.asp?pid=13 Thanks again. Sincerely Yours, Yu Du Director of The 1th International China Olympic Cartoon Competition C)Special prize for Comic Strip-Song Haidong--China kiks D)Special prize for caricature– Fan Xuhui--China 13 kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip E)Special prize of Jury– Rumen Dragostinov--Bulgaria E)Special prize of Jury-Quan Yingsheng--China Honourable Prize--Saeed Sadeghi--Iran Honourable Prize--Yang Xin--China kiks 14 kiks 12 _________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip The 1th International China Olympic Competition Monthly Prize - October, 2007 A)Olympic section--Winning Prize– PAWEL KUCZYNSKI--Poland B)Free section--Winning Prize--Sergey Sichenko--Israel Dear Colleague, We announce the result of the monthly prize of October, 2007 of The 1th International China Olympic Cartoon Competition, thank you very much for your spreadding. Also the result on web site: Thanks again. Sincerely Yours, Yu Du Director of The 1th International China Olympic Cartoon Competition C)Special prize for Comic Strip– Quan Yingsheng--China C)Special prize for Comic Strip– Liu Gang--China 15 kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip Honourable Prize - Arsen Gevorgyan (ARMENIA) D)Special prize for caricature– Wu Jianjun--China E)Special prize of Jury– Hrapov Sergey--Ukraine Honourable Prize - Abedin Mohammadi (IRAN) Honourable Prize– OMIDREZA KHORSAND--Italy 16 Honourable Prize– Wei Tiesheng--China kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip Magazine Srdić - SERBIA Slobodan "RHINOCEROS" ( ) CARICATURE COMPETITION Theme: "WORLD KNOWN PERSON" (From present or past: sport, music, art, politics, literature, and so on) Technique: Any technique will be accepted. Deadline: February 28th 2008 Maximum entry: 5 You may send by post or e-mail (A4 - A3 size). Post address: MAGAZINE "NOSOROG", CARA DUSANA 4, 78000 BANJA LUKA, REPUBLIKA SRPSKA, Bosnia and Herzegovina, EUROPE Note: Please, do not send originals, because we will not send you back! Address for sending by e-mail:
[email protected] Note: 300 dpi resolution! In both cases, please, write your name, address, e-mail, and, specially, name of person you made caricature (for each caricature). Note: Sender must be author of caricature! 7th Tabriz International Cartoon Contest National union is one of the goals in every society and country so that they can make relations with others. Religious, racial, and verbal differences should not cause division. Nations even look for common grounds inside their own countries. World should learn to live together and this starts first from inside the countries. People should learn respecting other races, languages, religions, etc. We invite cartoonists to reflect their scrutinized ideas through cartoon. Theme: Solidarity / Free Regulations: 1- Number of works are unlimited. 2- Size can be min. A4 and max. A3 3- Color and techniques are free. 4- You can send your works either by post or by email. 5- If you send your cartoons by email, they should be scanned in 200DPI resolution. 6- Full information of the artist is required; full name, address, tel, email. 7- Works will not be returned. 8- A catalogue of selected cartoons will be sent to their authors accompanied by the catalogue of Tabriz 6th International Cartoon Contest - Kings. 9- An exhibition of selected works will be held in Tabriz. PRIZES: First prize: 350 Euros + diploma Second prize: 250 Euros + diploma Third prize: 150 Euros + diploma Deadline: February 29, 2008 Judgment: March 5, 2008 Prizes: Special prizes: 5 diplomas First winner: Gold Medal (real gold) + Diploma + Gift Package + Statue Yuri: Mr. Goran Kljajich, president; writer, founder of "Rhino" Second winner: Silver Medal (real silver) + magazine and this competition; Republic of Srpska Diploma + Gift Package + Statue First winner: Bronze Medal (real bronze) + Mr. Miladin Beric, writer, vice-president; Republika Srpska Diploma + Gift Package + Statue 10 works will be nominated for Diploma + Gift Ms. Ljiljana Cekic, actress, official spokesman of competition; Republika Srpska Package + Statue. Also Diploma + Gift Package + Statue will be Ms. Maria Claudia Re, cartoonist, Argentina assigned for three cartoon in second catagory (Free). Mr. Senad Honic, cartoonist and writer, Sweden Address to send your cartoons: Tabriz Cartoonists Mr. Mica M.Tumaric, writer, Serbia Association, Azerbaijan Cartoon Museum, Former Tabriz Estate Library, Golestan Garden, Tabriz, Mr. Georgi Josifov, academic painter, Serbia Iran, Zip Code: 51396-13117
[email protected] Mr. Milenko Kosanovic, cartoonist, Serbia Competition supported by Ministry of education and culture of Republika Srpska! 17 E-Mail:
[email protected] Website: kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip
[email protected] Achmad Cholid - INDONESIA 18 kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip Franja Straka - SERBIA 19 kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip Zoo V rt 20 kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip Rešad Sultanović - BOSNIA & HERCEGOVINA
[email protected] 21
[email protected] kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip
[email protected] Zlatko Krstevski - MACEDONIA 22 kiks 12_________________________________________________________karikatura i kratki strip Gholamreza Bahram Azimi - IRAN
[email protected] 23 S i m o n V u č k o v i ć M O N T E N E G R O
[email protected]