Itala. Das Neue Testament in altlateinischer Ãberlieferung by A. Jülicher; W. Matzko; K. Aland Review by: A. F. J. Klijn Novum Testamentum, Vol. 7, Fasc. 2 (Mar., 1964), p. 162 Published by: BRILL Stable URL: . Accessed: 15/06/2014 02:09 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact
[email protected]. . BRILL is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Novum Testamentum. This content downloaded from on Sun, 15 Jun 2014 02:09:07 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions BOOK REVIEWS Itala. Das Neue Testament in altlateinischer Uberlieferung. Nach den Handschriften herausgegeben von A. JULICHER, durchgesehen und zum Druck besorgt von W. MATZKO t wund K. ALAND. IV Das Johannes- Evangelium. Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin 1963. With volume K. ALAND completed the Itala. A. JULICHER composed the 'original text of the Itala', W. MATZKOW was responsible for the variant readings quoted from the different Old-Latin manuscripts (Matthew 1938, Mark 1940) and K. ALAND edited the last two volumes (Luke 1954, John I963). The rest of the New Testament in the Old-Latin version will be published by the Vetus Latina-Institut der Erzabtei Beuron. We are grateful that the Old-Latin manuscript evidence is availabe for the gospels and that volume I and II will be revised and reprinted in the near future. Nevertheless it is astonishing to imagine that no one knowns the principles according to which JULICHER reconstructed the original text of the Itala which is used as a basic text in these four volumes. It is generally accepted that such a text never existed. For the time being, however, these volumes are the only easily available source for the Old-Latin manuscript text and, therefore, are indispensable tools for textual critics. A. F. J. KLIJN WALTER BAUER, Rechtglaubigkeit und Ketzerei im altesten Christentum, zweite Auflage mit einem Nachtrag von GEORG STRECKER, in: Beitrdge zur historischen Theologie Io, J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tiibingen 1964 One of the most remarkable developments in the study of the earliest stage of christianity is the discovery that heresy is not a corruption of an original orthodox faith, but that in the beginning no sharp dividing line existed between orthodoxy and heresy. We should say that orthodoxy is a gradual growth out of an amorphous mass of christian ideas. It was W. BAUER in his book Rechtglaubigkeit und Ketzerei, published about thirty years ago showed that orthodox chritianity in centres like Edessa, Egypt, Asia Minor and Rome was still in the making before 200 A.D. In this review we are not going into detailed criticism. It may be that the book has to be corrected in some of its details, but it succeeded in proving its main thesis. It is more important to see in which areas study of early christianity has developed during the last thirty years. In the first place much has been done in the study of the background of the Pauline Epistles. At the moment we know much more about the opponents of Paul in Asia Minor and Greece than a generation ago. Scholars have not yet come to a general agreement, but we gradually notice that already in the Pauline churches gnosticizing and judaizing forces were at work. In the second place we see that the study of Jewish-christianity has attracted the attention of many scholars. For this reason we are particularly grateful for STRECKER'S ,,Nachtrag" dealing with the Didascalia and the Pseudo-Clementines. The second edition adds a chapter about ,,Die Aufnahme des Buches". BOOK REVIEWS Itala. Das Neue Testament in altlateinischer Uberlieferung. Nach den Handschriften herausgegeben von A. JULICHER, durchgesehen und zum Druck besorgt von W. MATZKO t wund K. ALAND. IV Das Johannes- Evangelium. Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin 1963. With volume K. ALAND completed the Itala. A. JULICHER composed the 'original text of the Itala', W. MATZKOW was responsible for the variant readings quoted from the different Old-Latin manuscripts (Matthew 1938, Mark 1940) and K. ALAND edited the last two volumes (Luke 1954, John I963). The rest of the New Testament in the Old-Latin version will be published by the Vetus Latina-Institut der Erzabtei Beuron. We are grateful that the Old-Latin manuscript evidence is availabe for the gospels and that volume I and II will be revised and reprinted in the near future. Nevertheless it is astonishing to imagine that no one knowns the principles according to which JULICHER reconstructed the original text of the Itala which is used as a basic text in these four volumes. It is generally accepted that such a text never existed. For the time being, however, these volumes are the only easily available source for the Old-Latin manuscript text and, therefore, are indispensable tools for textual critics. A. F. J. KLIJN WALTER BAUER, Rechtglaubigkeit und Ketzerei im altesten Christentum, zweite Auflage mit einem Nachtrag von GEORG STRECKER, in: Beitrdge zur historischen Theologie Io, J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tiibingen 1964 One of the most remarkable developments in the study of the earliest stage of christianity is the discovery that heresy is not a corruption of an original orthodox faith, but that in the beginning no sharp dividing line existed between orthodoxy and heresy. We should say that orthodoxy is a gradual growth out of an amorphous mass of christian ideas. It was W. BAUER in his book Rechtglaubigkeit und Ketzerei, published about thirty years ago showed that orthodox chritianity in centres like Edessa, Egypt, Asia Minor and Rome was still in the making before 200 A.D. In this review we are not going into detailed criticism. It may be that the book has to be corrected in some of its details, but it succeeded in proving its main thesis. It is more important to see in which areas study of early christianity has developed during the last thirty years. In the first place much has been done in the study of the background of the Pauline Epistles. At the moment we know much more about the opponents of Paul in Asia Minor and Greece than a generation ago. Scholars have not yet come to a general agreement, but we gradually notice that already in the Pauline churches gnosticizing and judaizing forces were at work. In the second place we see that the study of Jewish-christianity has attracted the attention of many scholars. For this reason we are particularly grateful for STRECKER'S ,,Nachtrag" dealing with the Didascalia and the Pseudo-Clementines. The second edition adds a chapter about ,,Die Aufnahme des Buches". This content downloaded from on Sun, 15 Jun 2014 02:09:07 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Article Contents p.[162] Issue Table of Contents Novum Testamentum, Vol. 7, Fasc. 2 (Mar., 1964), pp. 73-166 Die Altarinschrift eines Gottesfürchtigen in Pergamon [pp.73-80] Form Criticism and the Synoptic Problem [pp.81-118] The Five Loaves of the High Priest (Mt XII, 1-8; Mk II, 23-28; Lk VI, 1-5; 1 Sam XXI, 1-6) [pp.119-122] The Great Eschatological Discourse [pp.123-127] A Note on Luke XXII 36 [pp.128-134] Der Dank des Apostels: Zum Verständnis von Philipper IV 10-20 [pp.135-141] Das Amt der Frau im Neuen Testament [pp.142-161] Book Reviews untitled [p.162] untitled [pp.162-163] untitled [pp.163-164] Publications Received by the Editor [pp.165-166]