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DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING LIST OF INDIAN ROAD CONGRESS (IRC) PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE SL. NO. 1 CODE NO. IRC:3-1983 TITLE OF THE PUBLICATION Dimensions and Weights of Road Design Vehicles (First Revision) Standard specifications and Code of practice for Road Bridges, Section 1- General features of Design (Seventh Revision) Standard specifications and Code of practice for Road bridges, section II – Loads and Stresses (Fourth Revision) Traffic Census on Non – Urban Roads (First Revision) Recommended Practice for Borrowpits for Road Embankments Constructed by Manual Operation Standard specifications and Code of practice for Construction of Concrete Roads (Third Revision) Design Criteria for Prestressed Concrete Road Bridges (Post – Tensioned Concrete) (Third Revision) Standard specifications and Code of practice for Water Bound Macadam (Third Revision) Standard specifications and Code of practice for Road Bridges, Section III Cement Concrete (Plain and Reinforced) (Third Revision) Standard specifications and PUBLISHERS IRC PRICE 40.00 2 IRC:5-1998 IRC 120.00 3 IRC:6-2000 IRC 200.00 4 5 IRC:9-1972 IRC:10-1961 IRC IRC 60.00 40.00 6 IRC:15-2002 IRC 200.00 7 IRC:18-2000 IRC 120.00 8 IRC:19-2005 IRC 80.00 9 IRC:21-2000 IRC 200.00 10 IRC:22-1986 IRC 120.00 11 IRC:24-2001 12 IRC:28-1967 13 IRC:32-1969 14 IRC:33-1969 15 IRC:34-1970 16 IRC:36-1970 17 IRC:37-2001 18 IRC:38- 1988 19 IRC:40- 2002 20 IRC:42- 1972 21 IRC:44- 1976 Code of practice for Road Bridges, Section VI- Composite Construction (First Revision) Standard specifications and Code of practice for Road Bridges, Section V- Steel Road Bridges (Second Revision) Tentative Specifications for the Construction of Stabilized Soil Roads with Soft Aggregate in Areas of Moderate and High Rainfall Standard for Vertical and Horizontal Clearances of Overhead Electric Power and Telecommunication Lines as Related to Roads Standard Procedure for Evaluation and Condition Surveys of Stabilized Soil Roads Recommendations for Road Construction in Waterlogged Areas Recommended Practice for the Construction of Earth Embankments for Road Works Guidelines for the Design of Flexible Pavements (Second Revision) Guidelines for Design of Horizontal Curves for Highways and Design Tables (First Revision) Standard specifications and Code of practice for Road Bridges, Section IV- Brick Stone and Block Masonry (Second Revision) Proforma for Record of Test Values of Locally Available Pavement Construction Materials Tentative Guidelines for Cement Concrete Mix Design for Pavements (for Non- Air Entrained and Continuously IRC 200.00 IRC 40.00 IRC 24.00 IRC 24.00 IRC 60.00 IRC 80.00 IRC 200.00 IRC 600.00 IRC 120.00 IRC 40.00 IRC 80.00 22 IRC:45- 1972 23 IRC:49- 1973 24 IRC:50- 1973 25 IRC:51- 1992 26 IRC:52- 2001 27 28 IRC:53- 1982 IRC:54- 1974 29 IRC:56- 1974 30 IRC:57- 1974 31 IRC:58- 2002 32 IRC:59- 1976 33 IRC:61- 1976 34 IRC:63- 1976 Graded Concrete ) (First Revision) Recommendations for Estimating the Resistance of Soil Below the Maximum Scour Level in the Design of Well Foundations of Bridges. Recommended Practice for the Pulverization of Black Cotton Soils for Lime Stabilization. Recommended Design Criteria for the Use of Cement – Modified Soil in Road Construction Guidelines for the Use of Soil Lime Mixes in Road Construction (First Revision) Recommendations About the Alignment Survey and Geometric Design of Hill Roads (Second Revision) Road Accident Forms A-1 and 4 (First Revision) Lateral and Vertical Clearances at Underpasses for Vehicular Traffic Recommended Practice for Treatment of Embankment Slopes for Erosion Control Recommended Practice for Sealing of Joints in Concrete Pavements Guidelines for the Design of Plain Jointed Rigid Pavements for Highways (Second Revision) Tentative Guidelines for the Design of gap Graded Cement Concrete Mixes for Road Pavements Tentative Guidelines for the Construction of Cement Concrete Pavements in Hot Weather Tentative Guidelines for the Use of Low Grade Aggregates and Soil Aggregate Mixtures in Road IRC 80.00 IRC 24.00 IRC 24.00 IRC 40.00 IRC 120.00 IRC IRC 24.00 24.00 IRC 40.00 IRC 40.00 IRC 200.00 IRC 24.00 IRC 40.00 IRC 24.00 35 IRC:64- 1990 36 37 38 39 IRC:65- 1976 IRC:66- 1976 IRC:69- 1977 IRC:70- 1977 40 41 42 IRC:73- 1980 IRC:75- 1979 IRC:76- 1979 43 IRC:77- 1979 44 IRC:78- 2000 45 IRC:81- 1997 46 IRC:82- 1982 47 IRC:83- 1999 48 IRC:83- 1987 (Part II) 49 IRC:83- 1987 (Part III) Pavement Construction Guidelines for Capacity of Roads in Rural Areas (First Revision) Recommended Practice for Traffic Rotaries Recommended Practice for Site Distance on Rural Highways Space Standards for Roads in Urban Areas Guidelines on Regulation and Control of Mixed Traffic in Urban Areas Geometric Design Standards for Rural (Non Urban) Highways Guidelines for the Design of High Embankments Tentative Guidelines for Structural Strength Evaluation of Rigid Airfield Pavements Tentative Guidelines for Repair of Concrete Pavements Using Synthetic Resins Standard specifications and Code of practice for Road Bridges, Section VIIFoundations and Substructure (Second Revision) Guidelines for Strengthening of Flexible Road Pavements Using Benkelman Beam Deflection Technique (First Revision ) Code of Practice for Maintenance of Bituminous Surfaces of Highways Standard specifications and Code of practice for Road Bridges, Section IX- Bearings, Part I: Metallic Bearings (First Revision) Standard specifications and Code of practice for Road Bridges, Section IX- Bearings, Part II: Elastometric Bearings Standard specifications and Code of practice for Road IRC 40.00 IRC IRC IRC IRC 40.00 40.00 24.00 40.00 IRC IRC 120.00 120.00 32.00 IRC 36.00 IRC 200.00 IRC 160.00 IRC 80.00 IRC 100.00 IRC 100.00 IRC 200.00 50 51 52 IRC:84- 1983 IRC:86- 1983 IRC:89- 1997 53 54 IRC:92- 1985 IRC:93- 1985 55 IRC:101- 1988 56 57 IRC:102- 1988 IRC:104- 1988 58 59 60 IRC:106- 1990 IRC:108- 1996 IRC:109- 1997 Bridges, Section IX- Bearings, Part III: POT, POT-CUMPTFE,PIN and Metallic Guide Bearings Code of Practice for Curing of Cement Concrete Pavements Geometric Design Standards for Urban Roads in Plains Guidelines for Design and Construction of River Training and Control Works for Road Bridges (First Revision) Guidelines for the Design of Interchanges in Urban Areas Guidelines on Design and Installation of Road Traffic Signals Guidelines for Design of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements with elastic Joints Traffic Studies for Planning Bypasses Around Towns Guidelines For Environmental Impact Assessment Of Highway Projects Guidelines for Capacity of Urban Roads in Plain Areas Guidelines for Traffic Prediction on Rural Highways Guidelines for Wet Mix Macadam IRC IRC IRC 24.00 100.00 120.00 IRC IRC 36.00 40.00 IRC 32.00 IRC IRC 80.00 60.00 IRC IRC IRC 40.00 80.00 80.00 II. IRC SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS 61 IRC:SP:12-1973 Tentative Recommendations on the Provision of parking Spaces for Urban Areas Guidelines for the Design of Small Bridges and Culverts (First Revision) Guidelines for Surface Evenness of Highway Pavements (First Revision) Recommendations About IRC 40.00 62 IRC:SP:13-2004 IRC 400.00 63 IRC:SP:16-2004 IRC 60.00 64 IRC:SP:17-1977 IRC 36.00 65 66 67 IRC:SP:18-1978 IRC:SP:23-1983 IRC:SP:24-1984 68 IRC:SP: 30-1993 69 70 IRC:SP: 35-1990 IRC:SP: 37-1991 71 IRC:SP: 40-1993 72 IRC:SP: 41-1994 73 74 IRC:SP: 42-1994 IRC:SP: 43-1994 75 76 IRC:SP: 44-1996 IRC:SP: 47-1998 77 IRC:SP: 49-1998 78 79 80 81 82 IRC:SP: 50-1999 IRC:SP: 52-1999 IRC:SP: 54-2000 IRC:SP: 56-2000 IRC:SP: 59-2002 83 IRC:SP: 60-2002 Overlays on Cement Concrete Pavements Manual for Highway Bridge Maintenance Inspection Vertical Curves for Highways Guidelines on the Choice and Planning of Appropriate Technology in Road Construction Manual on Economic Evaluation of Highway Projects in India (First Revision) Guidelines for Inspection and Maintenance of Bridges Guidelines for Evaluation of Load Carrying Capacity of Bridges Guidelines on Techniques for Strengthening and Rehabilitation of Bridges Guidelines on Design of AtGrade Intersections in Rural &Urban Areas Guidelines on Road Drainage Guidelines on Low-Cost Traffic Management Technique for Urban Areas Highway Safety Code Guidelines on Quality Systems for Road Bridges. (Plain, Reinforced , Prestressed and Composite Concrete) Guidelines for the use of Dry Lean Concrete as Sub-base for Rigid Pavement Guidelines on Urban Drainage Bridge Inspector’s Reference Manual Project Preparation Manual for Bridges Guidelines for Steel Pedestrian Bridges Guidelines for Use of Geotextiles in Road Pavements and Associated Works An Approach Document for IRC IRC IRC 80.00 100.00 32.00 IRC 200.00 IRC IRC 100.00 160.00 IRC 160.00 IRC 140.00 IRC IRC 160.00 160.00 IRC IRC 160.00 280.00 IRC 60.00 IRC IRC IRC IRC IRC 160.00 140.00 160.00 40.00 120.00 IRC 160.00 Assessment of Remaining Life of Concrete Bridges III. MINISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT PUBLICATIONS (Now Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways) 84 MORT & H Pocket Book for Bridge Engineers,2000 (First Revision) MORT & H Pocket Book for Highway Engineers,2002 (Second Revision) IRC 200.00 85 IRC 320.00


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