INGLES CAA 3s Vol2 2010reduzido

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Caro(a) aluno(a), Desde que você teve os primeiros contatos formais com a língua inglesa como parte de seu currículo na escola estadual, você aprendeu que são muitas as oportunidades para aprofundar seus conhecimentos sobre esse idioma. Você já sabe que o Inglês está presente no nosso dia a dia e como é fácil complementar o que é apresentado nas aulas regulares, através de sites, redes de relacionamento, músicas e filmes, por exemplo. O Inglês é o idioma mais usado na internet, nas telecomunicações em geral e no mundo dos negócios, e é cada vez mais fácil entrar em contato com outros povos e conhecer seus costumes, ao mesmo tempo em que transmitimos informações sobre nosso país e nossa cultura. Você está se aproximando do momento em que deixará a escola; os conhecimentos adquiridos até agora serão a base para sua formação futura. Neste volume, você revisará a linguagem associada com o gênero anúncio de emprego, que inclui as habilidades e responsabilidades pertinentes a várias funções. Mais uma vez, o Inglês lhe permitirá falar sobre você e suas experiências, agora enfatizando suas qualificações para a atuação profissional. Coordenadoria de Estudos e Normas Pedagógicas – CENP Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo Equipe Técnica de Linguagens e Códigos INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 1 28/06/10 12:26 INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 2 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 3 LEARNING TARGETS First job Neste Caderno, você fará atividades que irão ajudá-lo a: 1. Reconhecer as características e a organização de um anúncio de emprego. 2. Identificar os diferentes tipos de informações veiculadas em um anúncio de emprego. 3. Reconhecer o significado de abreviações em anúncios de emprego. 4. Reconhecer o uso de verbos que indicam diferentes habilidades. 5. Elaborar hipóteses a respeito do assunto de um texto e verificá-las com base na leitura. 6. Identificar palavras cognatas ou emprestadas da língua inglesa para compreender um texto. 7. Elaborar um anúncio de emprego (fictício ou real). 8. Trabalhar em equipe, assumindo funções e contribuindo para o trabalho em grupo. INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 3 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 4 SITUATED LEARNING 1 LOOKING FOR THE FIRST JOB 1. Match the jobs with the duties. security guard teacher nurse architect receptionist dentist accountant waiter salesman lawyer a) Looks after your teeth: b) Answers the phone, makes appointments: c) Helps people to learn: d) Sells products: e) Takes care of patients in hospitals: f ) Serves in restaurants: g) Writes contracts, represents people in court: h) Checks financial results: i) Designs buildings: j) Is in charge of protecting people and things: 2. Match the personal qualities and skills to their definitions. a) cooperative b) motivated c) talented d) proactive, self-starters e) computer literate f ) flexible g) numerate h) methodical and organized ( ) good at working on their own and making decisions ( ) can work in a planned way ( ) good with numbers ! ? INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 4 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 5 ( ) good with computers ( ) very interested in doing well at their job ( ) naturally very good at what they do ( ) can assume different responsibilities if necessary ( ) work well with other people Expansion activity Read below a list of 10 qualities and skills employers seek in job candidates according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Annual Job Outlook Survey, conducted in early 2003. Number them, trying to guess the order of importance according to NACE. Discuss the results in groups. ( ) Flexibility and adaptability ( ) Strong work ethics ( ) Honesty and integrity ( ) Organizational skills ( ) Teamwork skills ( ) Motivation and initiative ( ) Communication skills (verbal and written) ( ) Analytical skills ( ) Interpersonal skills ( ) Computer skills 3. Read the following text and write the subtitles in the correct place. a) Follow-up. b) Body language. c) Where to search. d) A simple résumé. INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 5 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 6 Tips for your first job Preparing for the job hunt. The most important steps to get your first job take place before you even leave your home. You have to get prepared. Get a list of places to apply. You can get a list of places looking for people from a variety of sources. You can pick up a local newspaper, go to an employment agency, visit internet job sites, or walk through your town looking for help wanted signs. Put on your list of places anywhere that you think it would be fun to work, and go get that job. There is no problem about walking in and asking for a job, and it shows the manager that you are interested and ambitious. 1. ( ) .……………………… It is the information age – you need to be able to demonstrate solid computer literacy that is relevant to your field. Put together a simple résumé. Many first-time or part-time job seekers do not believe they need a résumé, or think that “Well, I don’t really have anything to put on a résumé.” First, having a résumé to give to the prospective employer shows you have put some effort into finding a job. Secondly, it allows you to show those things about you that you want the employer to remember. Even if you have no work experience, you can still give the employer an idea of who you are, and what your strengths are. Using examples from school or internships to answer questions about your experience paints a clearer picture of your qualifications and skills for the employer. Remember: a résumé should be a concise, error-free, one-page document that can be easily scanned. 2. ( ) .………………………….. Make sure when you leave home, that you are well-dressed. You do not need to be in a suit, just make sure you look presentable. 3. ( ) .………………………... Before you go to apply anywhere, you need to prepare yourself for rejection. As a first-time job seeker, you mentally need to be prepared for someone to say “No”. There’s nothing wrong with a busi- ness owner saying to you, “I’m sorry, we don’t need anyone right now.” However, if you get a “No, I’m sorry”, respond by saying, “Well, if you do need someone in the future, please give me a call. I’ll leave you a copy of my résumé. Thanks for your time”. This shows the manager that you are serious about getting a job, and you have demonstrated the ability to follow up. Stand up straight and be mature. Go to each of the employers on your list, walk in the door, and ask for that job. Keep your head up, maintain eye contact, have a firm handshake, and be confident. When communicating to a manager, demonstrate that you are eager to get the job. No matter what career path you choose to follow, you are required to have solid written and oral communication skills to get a job. 4. ( ) .………………… It’s hard to smile when you are feeling uncomfortable – but a smile during an interview shows enthusiasm for the position and the company. Potential employers might interpret a non-smiling face as a lack of interest. Follow Up. This is probably the most important part of getting a job. Employers look for candidates who have the ability to follow up with customers, because it shows a willingness to get involved and be responsible. Always make a follow up call or get in touch with the potential employer. 5. ( ) …………………… A thank you note following a phone or face-to-face interview reinforces your interest in the position and the company. Tips for your first job Preparing for the job hunt. The most important steps to get your first job take place before you even leave your The most important steps to get your first job take place before you even leave your home. You have to get prepared. Tips for your first job Tips for your first job If you want to prepare yourself to get your first job, read the following tips. They will help you understand what is involved in the job-search process. ( )…………………………………………….. Visit internet job sites, read job ads in local newspapers, go to employment agencies, or walk through your town / neighborhood looking for “help wanted” signs. Add to your list the companies where you would like to work. Computer literacy. Dealing with computers is a must nowadays. Knowledge about basic computer programs and internet skills certainly make a difference in a competitive market. ( )………………………………………………… Everybody needs a résumé to introduce themselves. It is an essential tool to describe your qualities and skills. Even if you are still at school and have no work experience, you can show the things you are able to do. A résumé can point out some topics like the school subjects you like best, the volunteer work you have done or internships you have completed. Remember: a résumé has to be well-written (check out for any language errors) and concise (one page is enough) so that anybody can scan it easily. Your appearance. When looking for a job or having an interview, take care of your appearance. Choose a simple hair style and appropriate clothes to help create a professional look. Interview. Try to feel comfortable and smile during the interview. Give precise answers and ask questions about the company and the job to show that you are interested in the position. ( )…………………………………………………………. Keep eye contact and have a firm handshake to show you are confident. When invited to take a seat, sit up straight and avoid moving your hands all the time. ( )…………………………………………………………… After the interview, remember to make a follow-up call to check if you will be hired or not. If you get a “No, I’m sorry”, keep your attitude positive and try to discover the reason you were not selected. This can help you in the next interview. INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 6 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 7 4. Read the text again and answer these questions. a) What is the purpose of the tips? Are they written for experienced professionals only? b) What kind of document is a résumé? Why is it important? c) Does appearance matter in the job-search process? Why? d) What kind of message does eye contact send to the interviewer? e) Why is it important to do a follow-up even if the applicant gets a negative answer? f ) How can the applicant show interest in the position during the interview? 5. In your opinion, which is the most important tip for your first job? INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 7 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 8 2. What professional is necessary to solve these problems? Unscramble the words to find out. a) I’ve got a terrible toothache. TTIEDNS b) My dog got sick after our trip. AATIIVEENNRR c) We are going to celebrate our wedding anniversary and we would like to have some pictures of the party. PTOPHRAHREOG d) I definitely need to wear glasses! I can’t read well! NTIPOICA e) I have to have a haircut immediately, my fringe is too long. HAEDRERSSIR f ) All the lights went off last night because of a short circuit. TRIELECIANC dentist HOMEWORK: FOCUS ON LANGUAGE 1 1. Look at the word snake and find: four adjectives, four occupations and four verbs. Pay attention: sometimes the same letter is used in two words! INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 8 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 9 3. Use a dictionary to find the adjective. Follow the example. Noun Adjective honesty curiosity popularity self-confidence self-confident reliability energy 4. Complete the sentences using the adjectives from Activity 3 to describe the professions. a) An English teacher has to be . b) A doctor needs to be . c) A physical education teacher has to be . d) A politician needs to be . e) A bank cashier has to be . f ) A scientist has to be . self-confident Question: Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance? Answer: He didn’t have anybody to take. (any BODY). FOR FUN INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 9 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 10 SITUATED LEARNING 2 KNOWING ABOUT JOB ADS – 1 1. In your opinion, what kind of information does a job ad bring? ( ) Skills and qualifications needed ( ) Job types: part-time, full-time, temporary, permanent ( ) Benefits available ( ) Contact information ( ) Job description ( ) Education level required ( ) Salary ( ) Name of the company ( ) Working hours ( ) Responsibilities 2. Read the job ad and answer this question: What kind of information (from Activity 1) does it present? ! ? Vistrom Vistrom Automotive Systems. One of the biggest global suppliers in the automotive market, employing over 82,000 people based in 23 countries, is seeking highly motivated professionals to work for Chassis Division, fluent in English and available for traveling occasionally to join their team. Please send CV in English indicating salary levels, showing on the envelope the code of the desired position to Basildon, Essex – UK - SS14 7TH. Controls Engineer – Electronic or Mechanical Engineering degree; – experience in electronic automation, testing and calibration in assembly plant (hardware and software), pneumatic and hydraulic systems, TPM concepts; – good knowledge of equipment with CNC and PLC programs. – Code “Control-877”. Manufacturing Engineer – 3 to 5 years experience in machining processes (turning, grinding, milling); – experience in dimensional control gauging, tolerance analysis, line balancing, new equipment try-outs and acceptance; – knowledge of FMEA process, APQP, lean manufacturing concept. Code “Man-877”. Application/Product Engineer – 2 to 5 years experience in Steering Systems; – experience in application and research in product design and specification; – experience in field analysis; – development of new systems technologies; – experience in regional market tendency analysis. Code “Aplic-877”. INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 10 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 11 3. Read the ad again and answer the following questions. a) What is Vistrom’s line of business? b) Where is it based? c) How many employees does Vistrom have? d) What are the essential requirements for all professionals? e) What are the specific requirements for Application/Product Engineer? f ) What is the degree required for Controls Engineer? g) If you were interested in one of the positions, what should you do? INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 11 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 12 4. Read the five employment ads and complete the chart. Ads Job advertised Qualifications Responsibilities How to get in touch Ad 1 Ad 2 Ad 3 Ad 4 Ad 5 INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 12 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 13 Ad 1 Executive Assistant Large asset management firm is selecting an executive assistant to work in NYC. The professional’s responsibilities include scheduling travel arrangements, coordinating meetings and typing documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Applicants must have 3+ years experience supporting high-level executives. Please send your résumé to P.O. Box 4213 Zip Code 03112-049 White Plains/ NY. Ad 2 Bilingual Receptionist International Telecommunications Company is selecting a bilingual receptionist to provide foreigners with front-office reception support, answer all international incoming calls and sort the international mail. No previous experience is required, but fluency in English is mandatory. Applicants should send résumés to P.O. Box 321 – ZIP 03117-001 São Paulo/SP. Ad 3 Marketing/ Sales Manager Miracles wholesale bakery needs hands-on marketing/sales management capable of creating effective marketing/sales strategies & implementing them. Successful candidate will have 5+ yrs experience in food industry. Competitive salary plus benefits. Fax résumé including salary history to: Christopher Hans. 914-375-1514. Ad 4 Nanny/ Housekeeper Live out. Flex hrs/5 days. Some travel. Must be energetic, neat, organized, light cooking. Bnfts. Top pay. 212-605-0562. Ad 5 Program analyst US-based multinational company is seeking a program analyst to work in New Jersey. Requirements: advanced user of Java and Java Script, JDBC, Oracle, Vignette, HTML; Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics; Technology or related degree (math-oriented); two (2) years experience as a Senior Systems Administrator or two (2) years experience as a Senior Program Analyst or two (2) years related experience as a Web Developer/Programmer. Interested applicants can send their résumés in duplicate to: HR Manager, SOFTWARE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, CORP., 1 Austin Ave., 2nd Floor, Iselin, NJ 08830; or mail them to [email protected] INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 13 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 14 HOMEWORK: FOCUS ON LANGUAGE 2 1. Here is a list of words to describe employee qualities and performance. Use the prefixes un-; dis-; ir-; in-; im- to make these adjectives negative. You may use a dictionary for help. a) organized b) patient c) secure d) experienced e) responsible f ) reliable g) obedient h) honest i) friendly 2. Match the sentences with a similar meaning. a) He got a promotion after five months in the company. b) He applied for a job advertised in a newspaper. c) He got a pay rise at the end of the year. d) He resigned yesterday morning. e) He got retired at the age of 70. f ) He was unemployed for the first time in his life. g) He was fired last month. ( ) He was dismissed a month ago. ( ) He was given more money. ( ) He was given a better job. ( ) He got old and stopped working. ( ) He answered a job ad. ( ) He decided to leave the job. ( ) He didn’t have a job. 3. Complete the sentences using the words in the box. business income successful qualifications unemployed employees phone a) The manager will talk to you in a minute. She is on the . b) Mr. Vince is not here at the moment. He is away on . c) “Get a job” is a company that helps people to find new jobs. d) I hope to leave High School with some useful . e) Jean became a professional in this area. phone INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 14 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 15 f ) Her father has three jobs, so he has a high . g) All the in this company are given vacation in January. 4. Use the code to read the mysterious job ad. Would you like to apply for this job?  = A  = B  = C  = D  = E  = F  = G  = H  = I  = K  = L  = M  = N  = O  = P  = R  = S  = T  = U  = V  = W  = X  = Y  = &                                         .    -    ,            ,     ,     , 16-20      ,                  .                 . Question: Why did the tomato blush? Answer: Because it saw the salad dressing! FOR FUN INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 15 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 16 SITUATED LEARNING 3 KNOWING ABOUT JOB ADS – 2 1. Study the verbs below and rewrite them in the chart, classifying them according to their meaning. ! ? to be available to join to seek to be able to to send to travel to look for to test to contact to develop to research to select to find a job to coordinate to call to schedule to apply for a job to manage to type to follow up to get in touch to submit to provide to have an interview to answer the phone to assist to organize to file to negotiate to analyze Verbs used when you are looking for a job Verbs used to show the tasks and responsibilities of your position at work 2. Read the sentences below and complete them using the verbs from Activity 1. a) The accountant has and approve schedules, reports and balance sheets. b) The administrative assistant has meetings and travel arrangements. c) The sales assistant has the clients to offer new products. d) The secretary has the telephone and her boss. e) The sales representative has the sales contact to maximize sales volume. 3. Order this list to show the usual process for getting a job. ( ) Have an interview. ( ) Write a CV telling the story of your working life and/or studies. ( ) Send a résumé and a cover letter. INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 16 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 17 ( ) Write a cover letter explaining why you want the job and why you are the right person for that position. ( ) Read the classifieds in the newspaper, use internet job sites. 4. Read the two ads and fill in the chart according to the information requested. Ad 1 Ad 2 Position Place of work Salary Experience How to contact Requirements Ad 1 Receptionist Job Description Well-established law firm in St. Petersburg seeks a full-time receptionist. No previous legal experience is necessary. Basic word processing and clerical skills are required. Position involves interaction with clientele and office staff. Hours are 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday. Compensation will be based upon skills and experience. Contact Information Email: [email protected] Apply now! Ad 2 Children Entertainers Reply to: [email protected] Looking for individuals who can dress up as various characters for kids’ parties. We are also looking for performers such as clowns, singers etc. We offer training and provide everything, even the costume. You just have to have the right attitude. Please email us with your basic information and a recent full body picture. Our pay begins at $25 per hour show plus travel once trained. 954-239-1334 please check Compensation: from $25 per hour show Apply now! INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 17 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 18 5. Some classified ads in newspapers have abbreviations. Study the ad and underline the abbreviations. Can you figure out what they mean? Expansion activity 1. Have a look at this list of abbreviations used in ads and try to guess their meanings. FT PT a.m./p.m. eves M-F sal $9/h $450/wk $1200/mo HS Dip exp pref. req. 2 yrs exp. pref. refs apply ASAP 2. Discuss the following questions in groups of four. a) If you work: What do you do? What are your responsibilities? What time do you start and leave work? How do you go to work? How long does it take you to get to work? b) If you don’t work: What kind of job would you like to do? Where would you like to work? What routine would you like to have? Would you like to work from home? What kind of working hours would you like to have? Have you applied for any jobs? Were you interviewed? Receptionist Two perm posns available in our lux off immed start. Prev exp in similar posn pref and some typ exp reqd. Sal neg to $7500. Pls ph Mr P Framer after 9 a.m. to set up appt during bus hrs. 555 6789. Refs nec. INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 18 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 19 HOMEWORK: FOCUS ON LANGUAGE 3 1. Circle the correct word to complete the sentences. a) Did you get a job as a typist / typewriter? b) Don’t forget to ask the cash / cashier for a receipt for your payment. c) Mr. Coleman is a good employer / employ, he pays his employees / unemployed well. d) I’ll talk to the bank manager / management to get a loan to buy a new house. e) Stuart’s sister is a very famous science / scientist in our country. 2. Use the tips to complete this word puzzle. a) When you a team, you become a member of that team. b) Your manager or supervisor at work is your . c) “Refs” is an for “references”. d) If you are interested in this job, you should for it! e) Applicants should their résumés to P.O. Box 321. f ) You can buy a at the newsstand and look for a good job. a) J b) O c) B d) A e) D f ) S j b a a s n INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 19 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 20 3. Read these sentences and number them (1-8) to discover what happened to Sarah. ( ) She accepted the job because it was an excellent opportunity for her career. (1 ) Sarah saw a job ad on a website that called her attention. ( ) After three years Sarah got a promotion to a new department. ( ) She decided to apply for the job and sent her résumé. ( ) But her boss wasn’t satisfied with her work in the new position. ( ) Two weeks later she was interviewed by her future boss. ( ) She was fired. ( ) The company decided to hire her. 4. Read the job Ad 1 for a Receptionist in Situated Learning 3, Activity 4, and find out eight words that can be abbreviated to save space and money. a) b) c) d) e) f ) g) h) i) Question: Which is faster, heat or cold? Answer: Heat, because you can catch a cold. FOR FUN office – OFF INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 20 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 21 SITUATED LEARNING 4 PRODUCING JOB ADS ! ? Ad 1 Experienced Nursing Assistant – to care for your loved one. Over 20 yrs exp. Available FT. Own transp. Ref. 879-569-451. Ad 2 Mechanic – self-motivated and hard working. Over 10 yrs exp. Diploma of Mechanical Engineering. Solid exp. in equipment maintenance. FT. Cal 727- 786-5568. Ad 3 Hairdresser – creative, artistic w/ excellent interpersonal skills. Specialized in haircuts for men, women and children. HS Dip. Available M-F / PT. Refs. 727-658-1891. Ad 4 Motivated Personal Trainer – enthusiastic about health and fitness. Effective leader w/excellent communication skills. 3 yrs exp. Available am/pm. Ref. 813- 650-4711. 1. When looking for a job, we can find ads in different places, such as the internet, newspapers, and employment agencies. But we can also post personal ads to show employers that we are available. Study these examples of ads posted by job seekers. 2. Have a look at Situated Learning 2 and 3 and pay attention to the way a job ad is organized. What kind of information does it bring? What is the sequence of the information? What are the verbs used to describe responsibilities? What are the qualities and skills required? What are the abbreviations used? Now work in small groups (three or four). Suppose you are looking for a job and there is a website where you can post your personal ad offering your work. You may decide if it will be real or fictitious. Suggested positions: clown; spy; food tester; stuntman; window cleaner; kitchen assistant on submarine; cook needed for expedition to South Pole. INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 21 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 22 3. Choose the position your group is going to write about. Then, fill in the chart to organize the information you will possibly use. Skills / qualifications Job description Salary Working hours Job types: part-time, full-time, temporary, permanent Education level Responsibilities Contact information Verbs related to tasks and responsibilities Abbreviations INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 22 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 23 DRAFT 5. It is time to share the texts! Swap drafts with another group. Read your friends’ job ad carefully and help them improve their texts. How can they be improved? Do you have any suggestions? Are the verbs in the correct tense? What about spelling and punctuation? 6. Now, get your text back. Read it again and try to make corrections. 7. Finally, produce the final version of your job ad. Hang it on the wall, read your classmates’ texts and talk about the different kinds of professions presented. swap = trocar 4. Now you will write the ad giving more details about the information you put in the chart. Try to write short sentences to express your ideas. Don’t worry about mistakes now, it is only a draft! draft = rascunho INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 23 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 24 A job ad: final version INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 24 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 25 LEARN TO LEARN Formal and informal English 1. Classifique as frases como formais (F) ou informais (I). ( ) E aí, tudo bem? ( ) Bom dia, como vai o senhor? ( ) Você teria alguns minutos para podermos conversar? ( ) Cê tá com pressa? ( ) Eu quero falar com a Ana. ( ) Eu poderia falar com a Ana, por favor? 2. Em que situações usamos a linguagem formal (F) e a linguagem informal (I)? ( ) Em entrevistas de emprego. ( ) Em casa, com familiares. ( ) Na escrita de documentos. ( ) No ambiente profissional. ( ) Com os amigos mais próximos. ( ) Com pessoas não conhecidas. A mudança do registro de fala, dependendo da situação e da pessoa com quem se fala, mostra que você consegue perceber o grau de intimidade e por isso sabe como agir adequadamente. Dirigimo-nos a pessoas desconhecidas (situação formal) com maior dis- tanciamento por meio de uma fala mais elaborada e correta. Já com pessoas conhecidas e bem próximas (situação informal), demonstramos maior intimidade por meio do uso de expressões coloquiais, algumas gírias e palavras contraídas (cê = você). Comece a prestar atenção ao modo como você fala com as pessoas. É interessante perceber que mudamos de registro naturalmente nas diferentes situações do dia a dia. Respostas da questão 1: I; F; F; I; I; F. Respostas da questão 2: F; I; F; F; I; F. INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 25 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 26 3. Veja como essa mudança ocorre na língua inglesa. Observe o uso das palavras. a) Em um restaurante: Cliente: “A coffee.” (informal) Cliente: “I would like some coffee, please.” (formal) b) Em uma ligação telefônica: Quem liga: “Is John in?” (informal) Quem liga: “I would like to talk to John.” (formal) c) Em uma loja: Vendedor: “It’s ten bucks.” (informal) Vendedor: “It costs ten dollars.” (formal) Na língua inglesa, dizer “Give me a coffee” pode soar como uma ordem e causar constrangimento. Por outro lado, o uso da expressão “Would you be so kind as to give me some coffee? ” pode soar exageradamente formal e até pedante. Já o uso de “would like” mostra certa neutralidade e, ao mesmo tempo, polidez no tratamento com as pessoas. Think about it! Por que é importante conhecer diferentes registros quando se aprende uma língua estrangeira? Que situações constrangedoras podem ocorrer quando um falante é muito for- mal ou muito informal em determinada situação? Até que ponto aprender inglês por meio de músicas e filmes, por exemplo, pode ajudar o aprendiz de língua estrangeira a ter maior consciência a respeito dos diferentes registros de linguagem? Pense nisso! INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 26 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 27 VOCABULARY LOG Aqui você vai registrar o vocabulário que aprendeu neste Caderno. Escolha duas palavras ou expressões nas Situated Learning 1, 2 e 3 e escreva cada uma delas no campo 1 (My word or expression). No campo 2 (Definition or translation), você anota uma definição ou tradução para a palavra. Depois, no campo 3 (Association, example or picture), escreva algo ligado à primeira palavra ou um exemplo; você também pode fazer uma ilustração nesse espaço. No campo 4 (Sentence from the text), você anota a frase em que a palavra apareceu no Caderno. Sentence from the text Situated Learning 1 Sentence from the text Situated Learning 1 Sentence from the text Situated Learning 2 INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 27 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 28 Sentence from the text Situated Learning 2 Sentence from the text Situated Learning 3 Sentence from the text Situated Learning 3 INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 28 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 29 LEARN MORE Para aprender mais a respeito dos conteúdos deste Caderno, sugerimos uma lista de músicas (songs), sites e filmes (films) com os quais você pode ampliar suas oportunidades de aprender inglês. Songs Para encontrar as letras das músicas sugeridas, basta escrever o título, o nome do artista e a palavra lyrics em seu site preferido de busca na internet. • A Hard Day’s Night (The Beatles) • Blue Sky Mine (Midnight Oil) • Livin’ on a Prayer (Bon Jovi) • Out of Job (Bruce Springsteen) Sites Para saber mais sobre anúncios de emprego, exemplos de CV, cartas de apresentação, entrevistas e textos com dicas a respeito de como se comportar em uma entrevista, em inglês, você pode visitar os seguintes endereços (acessos em: 27 nov. 2009): • • • • • • • Films • O diabo veste Prada (The Devil Wears Prada). Direção: David Frankel. EUA, 2006. 109 min. Drama/Comédia. Livre. Uma jovem recém-formada em jornalismo se muda para Nova Iorque e busca um emprego. Consegue uma entrevista em uma famosa revista de moda e por causa de sua atitude proativa, consegue o emprego. Mas seu estilo é motivo de piada entre os colegas de trabalho. • Uma babá quase perfeita (Mrs Doubtfire). Direção: Chris Columbus. EUA, 1993. 125 min. Comédia. Livre. Essa é a história de um homem separado e impedido pela ex-esposa de passar mais tempo perto de seus filhos. Ele tem a ideia de se disfarçar de mulher e trabalhar de babá em seu antigo lar para poder participar mais intensamente da vida deles. A mãe entrevista várias candidatas para a vaga de babá e acaba contratando seu próprio ex-marido. INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 29 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 30 INSTANT LANGUAGE Nesta seção de seu Caderno, você encontra alguns conteúdos linguísticos sistematizados em tabelas para auxiliá-lo em seu trajeto de aprendizagem da língua inglesa. Você pode usar essas tabelas como um material de referência e consultá-las mesmo quando já tiver concluído o Ensino Médio! Some verbs & phrases look after answer the phone be in charge of be available be able to take care of get prepared get involved get in touch with take place pick up paint a picture give someone a call apply for a job Word formation Prefixes to make negative adjectives Some suffixes and prefixes un-: reliable – unreliable dis-: respectful – disrespectful ir-: rational – irrational in-: valid – invalid im-: patient – impatient (v) employ (n) employer (n) employment (n) employee (adj) employed (adj) unemployed INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 30 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 31 Some jobs & occupations accountant architect cashier dentist electrician hairdresser lawyer manager nurse optician photographer receptionist salesman scientist security guard teacher typist veterinarian waiter Some adjectives & qualities cooperative flexible honest methodical motivated organized proactive reliable responsible self-confident flexibility adaptability honesty integrity motivation initiative organization creativity sensitivity independence INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 31 28/06/10 12:26 Inglês - 3a série - Volume 2 32 SELF-ASSESSMENT Revisite a lista de expectativas de aprendizagem na seção Learning Targets. Em seguida, folheie seu Caderno e procure relacionar essas expectativas às atividades que você realizou. Por fim, registre, nas linhas a seguir, o que você já sabia, o que você aprendeu e o que você gostaria de aprender mais nos próximos meses! INGLES_CAA_2bi_3s.indd 32 28/06/10 12:26


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