BLT 3012 Hydraulics InfoWorks Tutorial This lesson provides a brief introduction to InfoWorks RS, guiding you through the basic steps required to create a database, import river sections and a ground model, load event information, edit the data, run a simulation and investigate the results. By the end of this lesson you should have a full understanding of the main principles involved in InfoWorks RS, what the system can be used for and how InfoWorks can model a river system to analyse its behaviour in different circumstances. Stage 1: Setting Up the Model Group The model data and results are held in a master database. You will normally have just one active master database, which will contain all your data. However, you may have other master databases for specific purposes, such as the InfoWorks example database used for this tutorial. The master database includes one or more model groups, each of which defines an area of work and contains all the data needed to run a series of models on a particular river network. The first task is to open the example master database and create a model group: 1. Open the C:\\Program Files\Infoworks75 folder. Copy the RS Examples folder to C:\Temp 2. Start InfoWorks. If Infoworks RS 7.5 icon is not on your screen, click on Start, then move cursor to All programs then Infoworks 7.5, then Infoworks RS 7.5 then click on i Infoworks RS 7.5. 3. From the File menu, choose Master Database / Select Master Database. The Master Database Management dialog box is displayed. 4. Click on the Browse button in the Master Database Path box at the bottom of the dialog. A Windows Open dialog is displayed. 5. Open the C:\Temp\RS Examples folder. The example database name will be in the form RSExamples12-18-2006. Click on the RSExamples file and then on Open. The sample database appears in the Master Database Path box. 6. You should not need to change the Local Root directory in the box at the top of the dialog. Click on OK to close the Master Database Management dialog. 7. From the Window menu, choose InfoWorks Explorer. The InfoWorks Explorer window is displayed. The window contains a Master Database icon and below that a number of model group icons. 8. Click on the button to the left of the Tutorial icon. Further model groups are displayed. 9. Right-click on the Tutorial icon and select New / Model Group from the pop-up menu. The Model Group dialog is displayed. 10. Type 'Your Name' as the model group name and click on the Generate Subgroups box (leave the ‘ask for a name for each subgroup’ unchecked). Click on OK. The new model group should have been included towards the bottom of the Tutorial model group. You may need to scroll down to see this. 1 11. Right-click on the 'Your Name' Model icon and then on Open. The Model Group window opens on the left of the screen. 12. Close the InfoWorks Explorer window by clicking on the button in the top righthand corner of the window. (You may have to drag the window's title bar to the left in order to see the button.) You have now created a model group to hold your data. The contents of the model group will be displayed in the Model Group window. Stage 2: Importing Isis Data The next task is to import some existing data to create your first network. A network contains all the information needed to describe the river system: the river sections that describe the river and associated flood plain sections; the ground model for the area; and the physical structures on the river (bridges, weirs etc.) This stage of the lesson shows you how to import existing Isis data and introduces the GeoPlan, a geographical representation of the network, usually displayed over the top of a map. The procedures for importing Isis data are as follows: 1. Right-click on the ‘Your Name’ icon in the Model Group window and select Import / Model From Isis Files. The Isis Files Import dialog is displayed. 2. Click on the ... button on the right of the ISIS Data File (DAT) box to select a file. From the ‘RS Examples’ directory, select Tutorial Files/Ringley/Upper_Ringley.DAT and click on Open. 3. Click on OK to close the ISIS Files Import dialog and complete the import process. 4. When the data has finished importing, the Network dialog is displayed. Change the name of the new network to 'Your Name Sections' and click on OK. 5. Similarly, in the Event dialog, rename the event data as ‘Your Name Events’. 6. When asked if you want to view the log file, click on No. 7. This data will be used to run simulations. 8. Close the empty window at the bottom of the screen by selecting Window / Output Window. The river network is displayed in the GeoPlan view as a collection of lines, symbols and labels. 9. You can now add a map behind the network to show where the river network is in relation to roads, buildings etc. Right-click anywhere in the GeoPlan window and select Layer Control. The Layer Control dialog is displayed. The appearance of the dialog and the action to be taken depends on whether you are using Mapinfo or ArcView. This version is currently set to Arcview. For ArcView, the dialog shows that currently there are no layers selected. ArcView Click on Insert. Using the ‘Look in’ bar at the top choose: Tutorial Files/Maps/MainRiver_region.shp from the ‘Example 2 Data Directory’ and click on Open. The new layer is added to the dialog. Repeat with Model_Features_polyline. For MapInfo, the dialog shows that a number of layers are already being displayed by default. Click on Add, choose Tutorial Files/Maps/MainRiver.TAB from the ‘Example Data Directory’ and click on Open. The new layer is added to the dialog. Repeat the process to add Model_Features.TAB. 10. Click on OK to close the Layer Control dialog. The GeoPlan is redrawn with the additional detail behind the network. The new layers allow you to see where the network elements are in relation to the river and other features. MapInfo You can now begin to explore the imported network and investigate the facilities that are available in the GeoPlan view. Stage 3: Using the GeoPlan InfoWorks has a number of tools for investigating your network and its data, some of which you can try out now. This lesson explores the use of the GeoPlan, with which you can inspect any part of the network. To explore the network with the GeoPlan: 1. Open the imported network in GeoPlan view by right-clicking on ‘Your Name Sections’ and then on Open. (Alternatively, drag the network icon into the main window.) The GeoPlan view is displayed. 2. The network display has been scaled so that the entire network is visible. However, this makes it difficult to see the detail. To change the display: o Make the GeoPlan window larger by dragging the edges or by maximising the window. o Click on the button on the toolbar and then anywhere on the GeoPlan to zoom in on part of the network. Each time you click on the network, you will increase the magnification, with the display centred on the point where you click. Alternatively with the button displayed you can left click anywhere on the GeoPlan and drag to zoom in on a particular area. o Move to another part of the network by clicking on the dragging the pointer on the GeoPlan. button and then o o Decrease the magnification by clicking on the button and then on the GeoPlan. You can switch the Locator window on or off by selecting ‘Geo/Show Locator Window’. The area shown on the GeoPlan is represented by a red rectangle on the Locator window. Drag the rectangle to a different place on the Locator window to display the corresponding part of the network in the GeoPlan. Move the Locator window by dragging its title bar. 3 3. To remove the map background, so that only the network objects are displayed, rightclick anywhere on the GeoPlan and select Layer Control. Click on Model_Features in the Layers box and then on the Visible option in Properties (clearing the box). Repeat for MainRiver. Click on OK and the window shows just the network. 4. The network is made up of nodes (green dots) and links (blue lines). A node is a point at which the shape of the river has been surveyed; the green dot is placed at the main channel centre line, which is defined as the lowest mid-point of the bed. Associated with each node is a river section (green line). Each link (blue line) represents the river between two nodes. o o Click on the button and then on an object. If you are close to more than one object, the Multiple Selection dialog will be displayed, showing the labels of the nearest objects. Click on one of these and then on OK. The appropriate properties sheet is displayed. Click on the tabs at the bottom of the sheet to see different groups of information. Click on Cancel (you may have to move the ‘property sheet’ window to the left to see ‘Cancel’) when you have finished viewing the data. o 5. Use the tool to find specific network objects. When you click on the button, the Find Network Objects dialog is displayed. If you type part of the name in the Wildcard box (with * wherever part of the name is missing) any matching objects are shown in the box on the right. Click on the one you want and then on Select and Find. o o For example, use the tool to locate node XS379. The node is close to a road bridge and is at the point in the river at which the valley widens. (Use the Layer Control options if you want to view the roads.) 6. Use the tool to move north until you reach the area above XS351. Zoom in on this region. There are a number of objects between XS350U and XS350D: o The two junctions (DMY4_JUNCT and DMY3_JUNCT) allow the flow to be split into two parts for a short stretch of the river. o o There is a connection link between each junction and its adjacent node (XS350U.DMY4_JUNCT.1 and DMY3_JUNCT.XS350D.1). The link between the junctions (DMY4_JUNCT.DMY3_JUNCT.1) is a sharp crested weir. Use the tool to click on this link. The Properties Sheet gives the weir dimensions. To the left is a spill unit, DMY2_SPILL. Spill units are used for modelling complex flows, such as the lateral flow between channels or the flow to a flood storage area. In this case the spill models flow that would bypass the weir along the floodplain. You can view the area blocked off by the weir by inspecting the Section Data tab on the spill unit's Property Sheet. o 4 There are two spill links (DMY4_JUNCT.DMY2_SPILL.1 and DMY2_SPILL.DMY3_JUNCT.1) to connect the spill to the junctions. 7. You can display a grid of all objects of one type (e.g. all nodes or all links). From the Window menu, choose Grid Views and then click on one of the options in the submenu (for example, New Nodes Window to view all nodes). The grid view is displayed: o Use the scroll bars to move around the grid. o Drag the corners or edges of the window to change its size and shape. o Drag the borders between column headings to change the widths of the columns. o o Click on the button to close the grid view. 8. You can select objects on the GeoPlan with the tool. When you click on an object it turns red; to select several objects, hold down the CTRL key as you click on them. 9. A selection can be saved for future use: o Mark a selection. o Choose Selection / Save Selection. o In the Save As dialog, click on the Selection List Group and then enter a name (e.g. 'River bridge region'). o Click on Save. 10. The Long Section view allows you to inspect a stretch of the river: o o o o o Click on the (New Long Section) tool to open a Long Section window. Click on the GeoPlan view. Click on the (Long Section Pick) tool and hold down the CTRL key, then click on a number of consecutive links. The Long Section view shows a cross-section through the selected links. The long section is extended as you click on adjacent links. You can change the display by right-clicking on the Long Section view and selecting Properties. For example, you can turn on the Show Node check box in the Labels tab; in the Scale tab, click on Manual Limits and increase the upper and lower limits. Click on OK. The red and green lines show the heights of the left and right banks respectively. Close the Long Section window when you have finished inspecting it. Resize the GeoPlan window. 11. You can resize the display so that you can see the whole network by right-clicking anywhere on the GeoPlan and selecting Find Network from the pop-up menu. o There are a number of other tools available in InfoWorks. One of the most powerful is the thematics facility, which is illustrated next. The next stage also imports a ground model. Stage 4: Importing a Ground Model You can now import a ground model, which contains topographical information relating to the network. You can then investigate the InfoWorks thematics options, which allow you to view particular aspects of your data graphically. For example, you can display a contour map based on ground levels or represent flow in the river by coloured lines of different width. 5 The following steps import a ground model and demonstrate how to use thematics: 1. If your network is not already open, open the network in GeoPlan view by rightclicking on ‘Your Name Sections’ and then on Open. 2. First, import the ground model: o Right-click on the Ground Model TIN Group and select Import / Ground Model TIN / InfoWorks Ground Model File. o From the ? directory, select Tutorial Files/Ground Model/Tutorial_Model.IIM and click on Open. 3. Add the ground model to the GeoPlan view by clicking on the + sign next to the Ground Model TIN Group and dragging Tutorial_Model onto the GeoPlan. The ground model name is added to the title bar but there is no other visible change. 4. Next, you can display a theme showing ground level contours: o Right-click on the GeoPlan and select Themes from the pop-up menu. The GeoPlan Themes dialog is displayed. Click on the Ground tab. o o In the Choose Map Source section, click on Contours. Enter a value of 10 in the Ranges box (under Ranges and Colours, Ground). The box below now shows 10 levels, each with a colour (initially all black, unless the Contours option has been used before). Click on the first colour bar and select a colour from the standard Windows Color dialog. (This will represent the lowest ground level.) Click on the last colour bar and select a different colour (for the highest ground level). Make sure that the Auto Colours check box is turned on and click on the Scale Now button to change the values shown for each colour. Click on OK. You can now see the contours for the network. Click on the button to display a key. o o o 5. Save the theme for future use: o Right-click on the Theme Group and select New / Theme. The Save Themes dialog is displayed, listing the themes currently applied to the network. o Click on the box to the left of 'Mapper - Ground Model - Filled'. Click on OK. The theme is added to the theme group. Turn off the contours by right-clicking on the GeoPlan, selecting Themes, clicking on the Ground tab and clicking on None in the Choose Map Source section. 6. You can redisplay the theme at any time: o Drag the theme from the Theme Group onto the network. o When you have finished viewing the contours, close the Thematic Key window. o Turn off the theme using the Themes window as before. o You can use the other tabs on the GeoPlan Themes dialog to display many different parameters for nodes, links and other features, and you can have several types of theme switched on at the same time. 6 You can now make some changes to the network. Stage 5: Editing the Network In Stage 3, you opened the network just to look at it. When you want to change an existing network, you must check it out. This operation creates a new version of the network, which can be amended. The original version of the network is kept in the master database. When you have finished editing the network, you must check it in again. Whenever you check out a network, you should also check out the corresponding event. In this stage you will generate flood compartments, so that the model simulation can calculate flood depths. You will also check that the data you have imported and the changes you have made are valid. The following steps will check the network out, make some changes and check it back in again: 1. Right-click on the ‘Your Name Sections’ and select Check Out. The Network dialog is displayed and suggests that the new version of the network be called ‘Your Name Sections #1'. Click on OK. The network is displayed in the GeoPlan view. 2. Right-click on 'Your Name Events’ and select Check Out. Accept the name of ‘Your Name Events #1’. 3. Drag the Tutorial_Model ground model onto the network. 4. You can now generate flood compartments for the river network, so that the simulation can calculate flood depths. o Display the whole network by right-clicking and selecting Find Network. Click on the (Generate Default Flood Compartments) button. o o o A warning message is displayed. Click on OK. A second message tells you how many flood compartments and flood map lines have been created. Click on OK. Zoom in to view the flood compartments. o 5. The network should be checked for errors: o Select Network / Validate Network. o o Click on OK in the Network Validation dialog. The network is validated and the Output window is displayed. The window is blank, as there are no errors. Close the Output window by clicking on the button in the top left of the window. 6. The changes are now complete so the network must be checked in. Click on the + button to the left of the ‘Your Name Sections’ network icon in the Model Group window to show the ‘Your Name Sections #1’ network. 7 o 7. Right-click on the ‘Your Name Sections #1’ network icon in the Model Group window and select Check In. You are given the opportunity to enter comments relating to the network. Enter a comment and click on OK. The network is checked in. To show that the network has been checked in, the network icon in the Model Group window no longer has a red border. 8. In a similar way, check in the ‘Your Name Events #1’ event. The next stage is to inspect the rainfall data. Stage 6: Viewing Event Data In order to run a simulation of the network, you need event data and boundary conditions. This data was imported with the network and can be viewed. 1. Close the GeoPlan view by clicking on the button in the top right-hand corner of the window. 2. You can inspect the event data by opening it. Either right-click on the ‘Your Name Events #1’ icon in the Model Group window and select Open or, more simply, drag the event onto the main window. The dialog box shows that there is a boundary at the downstream end of the river. It also shows the interpolation method to be used for the flow-stage boundary. 3. Click on the Rainfall Boundary tab. This tab shows the parameters that will be used to generate storm data. Use the scroll bar to view the data to the right. 4. Right-click on the data and select Properties. The Rainfall Boundary Property Sheet is displayed, with the General tab open. 5. Click on the Event Data tab to see the storm parameters. 6. When you have finished viewing the data, close the event grid by clicking on the button in the top right-hand corner of each window. You can now run a simulation for the network. Stage 7: Running a Simulation You can model the behaviour of a river system under particular conditions by running a simulation. The simulation tests the effects of given boundary conditions within the river system over a period of time, allowing you to estimate flow and stage values and simulate flooding patterns. As for other parts of the system, you must start by creating a group. The run group will contain one or more runs, each of which contains the data needed to set up the InfoWorks simulation engine. When the model has been run, the run object will contain one or more simulation objects: one for each rainfall event. The run must be scheduled; this involves setting up the parameters for the simulation engine. The InfoWorks Simulation Controller then performs the simulations. The following steps allow you to run a simulation: 8 1. Right-click on the Run Group and select New / Run. The Schedule RS Run dialog is displayed. o o o o In the Run Title box, enter the title as 'Steady Run'. Drag the ‘Your Name Sections #1’ network into the Network box. Drag the ‘Your Name Events #1’ icon into the Event box. Drag the Tutorial_Model icon into the Ground Model box. 2. Click on Run Simulations. The Simulation Controller dialog is displayed. If you click on the Current Simulation tab you will be able to watch the progress of the run. 3. When the simulation is complete (as shown in the Scheduled Simulations tab), close the Simulation Controller by clicking on the button in the top right-hand corner of the window. 4. Click on the + button for the Run Group and you will see that it now contains the Steady Run, which in turn contains the ‘Your Name Events #1’ simulation. 5. Now run the simulation again, this time using the event data: o Create a new run (as per step 1 above) with the title 'Unsteady Run'. o Drag the ‘Your Name Sections #1’ network into the Network box. o Drag the ‘Your Name Events #1’ icon into the Event box. o Drag the Tutorial_Model icon into the Ground Model box. o Open the Run Group and the Steady Run icon. Drag the ‘Your Name Events #1’ simulation icon into the Initial Conditions box. o Change the Run Type to Unsteady (Adaptive Timestep). o In the Run Time box, click on Run Times Relative to Hydrological Start Time and enter a value of 37 for the Hydraulic End Time. 6. Click on Run Simulations. The Simulation Controller dialog is displayed. When the simulation is complete, close the Simulation Controller. The simulation has created a large number of results, which you can now inspect. Stage 8: Viewing Text Results The results of a simulation can be investigated in several ways. First, you should inspect the log of actions performed during the simulation. The log indicates whether there were any problems during the simulation. You can also look at more detailed information about the simulation in the diagnostics report. The results can be viewed as follows: 1. Right-click on the ‘Your Name Events #1’ simulation in the Unsteady Run (which is in the Run Group). Select Open As. You are given a list of options to choose from. 2. Click on the 'Log results' option and then on OK. The text window shows a log of the actions carried out during the simulation. 3. Use the scroll bars to move around the report and check for any messages that indicate that there may have been a problem with the simulation. If there are any problems in the simulation, the data it produces may not be reliable. After checking the log, close the window. 9 4. Right-click on the Ringley Events simulation again and select Open As. This time, choose the 'Diagnostics' option. The results are shown as a text-based report. 5. Use the scroll bars to move around the report and inspect the data. When you have finished, close the window. The text reports show you how reliable the simulation is likely to be. Now you can see what the simulation looks like by replaying it in the GeoPlan view. Stage 9: Viewing Results in GeoPlan Results can be illustrated in the GeoPlan, which gives you the opportunity to replay a run and see how the network changes over the period of the simulation. Using the thematic options, you can monitor the effect of the run on a number of network parameters. The results can be viewed as follows: 1. Drag the ‘Your Name Events #1’ simulation in the Unsteady Run (which is in the Run Group) onto the main window. The network is displayed. Increase the size of the GeoPlan window and use the network. 2. Display the river in long section: o o o and buttons to zoom in on the middle of the Click on the (Long Section Pick) tool. Click on any link. The Long Section view opens and shows the full length of the river. Right-click on the Long Section view, select Properties and turn on the Show Strip Plan option (in the Options tab). Set the Manual limits on the Scale tab to 150 and 125. Click on OK. 3. Click on the button to replay the simulation. The level of flow in the river is illustrated in the Long Section view. The current date and time of the simulation are shown in the top left-hand corner of the GeoPlan window. If you want to play the simulation again, you must first click on the button. When you have finished, close the Long Section view and resize the GeoPlan. 4. Click on the button to rewind the simulation. Select Window / Grid Views / Link Results. Click on the button. You can watch the values of the parameters change as the simulation progresses. Close the grid after viewing the results. 5. You can use themes to illustrate the change in a number of parameters as the simulation progresses. For example, you can show the flow in each link: o o o o o Change the icon to Right click in the GeoPlan. In the Themes dialog, click on the Links tab. From the Choose Field drop-down list, select 'sim.flow'. Check that the Auto Colours check box is turned on. Enter 5 for the Ranges. Choose a colour for the first and last bars. Select a different Width for each bar. Click on Scale Now. Click on OK. 10 o o o Click on the symbol to show a key for the link flows. Click on the button to rewind the simulation and then on to play the simulation again. The thickness of the lines and their colour illustrates the flow in each link over a period of time. 6. Use a different sort of theme to illustrate flooding during the event: o In the GeoPlan Themes dialog, click on the Flood tab. o Click on Contours. o Enter 25 for the Ranges. Choose a colour for the first and last bars. Click on Scale Now. Click on OK. o o Zoom in on part of the network. Click on the button to rewind the simulation and then on to play the simulation again. The theme shows the flooding expanding and receding during the course of the event. 7. Save the themes for future use: o Right-click on the Theme Group in the Model Group window and select New / Theme. o Tick the boxes to the left of the two new themes and click on OK. o Right click in the GeoPlan. Switch off the themes on the GeoPlan Properties dialog. 8. Add labels to show the values for specific links: o Right click in the GeoPlan. In the GeoPlan Properties dialog, click on the Labels tab. o Click on the Label Fields button. The Label Property Sheet Filter dialog box is displayed. o Click on Use Filter to select it. o Select the items you want to label (e.g. River etc.) Click on OK. o o o o o o o o o The Network Label Field Settings dialog is displayed. Click on the River Section tab and select 'flow (Flow)'. Click on OK. Click on OK again to close the GeoPlan Properties dialog. Select the tool. Click on a node to show (or hide) the label for that river section. Click OK to the River Section in the Multiple Selection box. Drag the label to move it to a new position. Label other nodes in the same way. Replay the simulation as before. The labels show the flow in the river sections during the course of the simulation. 9. Display a cross-section at a node: o o o o Click on the (Display Cross Section Levels) tool and then on a node. Select a river section from the Multiple Selection list. Replay the simulation. Close the cross-section window. 10. Display a flooding section: 11 o o o o Click on the (Flooding Section View) tool. Mark a series of points across the network (not necessarily in a straight line) by clicking at points of interest. Double-click to finish. Click on the Maximum Spacing option in the Create New Flooding Section View dialog and click on OK. Replay the simulation. The window shows the ground and flooding levels along the selected line. Close the flooding section window. 11. Close the GeoPlan view when you have finished viewing the results. These results can also be inspected as graphs. o Stage 10: Producing Graphs InfoWorks provides a number of options for displaying the results of simulations in graphical form.This stage looks at one particular type of graph: 1. Drag the ‘Your Name Events #1’ simulation in the Unsteady Run (which is in the Run Group) onto the main window. The network is displayed. Increase the size of the GeoPlan window and use the and buttons to zoom in on the part of the (Select) icon. network containing the weir (XS350). Click on the 2. Display graphs of flow and velocity for a selected link: o Select a link near the weir by clicking on it. o From the Results menu, select Graph Reports / Simulation(s) Report. The RS Select Simulations dialog is displayed. o Drag the ‘Your Name Events #1’ simulation (not the event of the same name) into the Sim box. o Click on Current to show that you want to produce a graph for the selected link. o o o o Click on Produce Graphs. You are asked to select the parameters that are to be included in the report. Click on Structures/Links for the Location. Click on Flow and Velocity as the parameters to plot. Click on OK. The graph is displayed. Close the RS Select Simulations dialog (which was left on screen so that you could produce another simulation graph). When you have finished viewing the report, close the Results Report window. 3. Display the same parameters for more than one link: o Hold down the CTRL key and click on another link on the GeoPlan, so that two links are selected. o From the Results menu, select Graph Reports / Simulation(s) Report. The RS Select Simulations dialog is redisplayed. o Drag the ‘Your Name Events #1’ simulation into the Sim box. o Click on Current to show that you want to produce a graph for the selected links. o Click on Produce Graphs. The Parameter Selection dialog is redisplayed. 12 Click on Structures/Links for the Location. Click on Flow and Velocity as the parameters to plot. Click on OK. The graph is displayed. Close the RS Select Simulations dialog. To view the graph for the second link, right-click and select Next Page. When you have finished viewing the report, close the Results Report window. 4. You can display a graph of the effect of the simulation on various parameters for any point in the network. For example, you can view a graph of the flow through a o o o particular link. Click on the (Graph) button and then on a network object. Select a parameter from the list and click on OK. The graph is displayed and can be resized. 5. Hold down the CTRL key while clicking on the button to display a grid of results for a particular link or node. Close the grid when you have finished viewing the results. 13