Immobilization of microbial cells on inner epidermis of onion bulb scale for biosensor application

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Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26 (2011) 4399– 4404 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Biosensors and Bioelectronics j our na l ho me page: www.elsev ier .co Immob er biosen Jitendra Nuclear Agricu 00085 a r t i c l Article history: Received 26 Fe Received in re Accepted 25 A Available onlin Keywords: Onion bulb sca Microbial bios Sphingomonas Optical microp Methyl parath as u Sph P), h rime ulb s irectl is an trol. f me mem droly ith sp 1. Introduction Biosenso are integra tion of the immobilize a specific c et al., 2006; transducer Fundament ponent shou of a transdu played a key Tembe et a The choice tains the m storage stab have been biosensor p composed o and therefo optimum fu ∗ Correspon E-mail add (S.F. D’Souza). mers like eggshell membrane and bamboo inner shell membrane have been proved to be useful support for enzyme immobiliza- 0956-5663/$ – doi:10.1016/j. r is an analytical device in which biological systems ted with the transducer for detection and quantifica- specific analyte. Microbial biosensor is generally an d cell that is combined with a transducer to monitor hange in the microenvironment (D’Souza, 2001b; Lei Su et al., 2011). Biocomponent can be integrated with directly or in combination with immobilizing support. al requirement of biosensor is that the biological com- ld bring the physico-chemical changes in close vicinity cer and in this direction immobilization technology has role (Turner et al., 1987; D’Souza, 1999, 2001a, 2001b; l., 2006, 2008; Kumar and D’Souza, 2008, 2009, 2010). of support and techniques should be such that it main- icrobial enzyme activity and has reusability as well as ility. A variety of synthetic as well as natural polymers exploited for immobilization of cells and enzymes for reparation. Natural polymers in living organisms are f biomolecules like carbohydrates, lipids and proteins re it can provide a biocompatible microenvironment for nctioning of enzyme and microbial cells. Natural poly- ding author. Tel.: +91 22 25593632; fax: +91 22 25505151. resses: [email protected] (J. Kumar), [email protected] tion for biosensor application (Wu et al., 2004; Yang et al., 2006; Tembe et al., 2008). Recently our group has reported a new natural polymer, inner epidermis of the onion bulb scales as a support for immobilization of glucose oxidase enzyme for biosensor applica- tion (Kumar and D’Souza, 2009). Subsequently based on our work, Wang et al. (2010) immobilized glucose oxidase/O-(2-hydroxyl) propyl-3-trimethylammonium chitosan chloride nanoparticles on onion inner epidermis for development of glucose biosensor. Inner epidermis of the onion bulb scales consists of elongated tubu- lar cells, blunt or tapering ends along with numerous guard cells (Scott et al., 1958; Bruce and Hepworth, 2004; Kumar and D’Souza, 2009). Structural features of the cell wall of inner epidermis cells are an elaborate extracellular matrix consisting of a microfibrillar cellulose phase and a matrix phase that contains a variety of poly- mers such as polygalacturonic acid (PGA), hemicelluloses, proteins, and phenolics, including lignin (Carpita and Gibeaut, 1993; Brett and Waldron, 1996; Kumar and D’Souza, 2009) and therefore it is mechanically stronger than the other reported natural polymer and can provide a biocompatible microenvironment and stable support for immobilization of biocomponent like enzymes and microbial cells. In the case when enzymes are expressed in periplasm or in cytoplasmic membrane of cells, whole cells directly can be immo- bilized even without permeabilisation and they can be used for simple biosensor applications (Svitel et al., 1998; D’Souza, 2001a, see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. bios.2011.04.049 ilization of microbial cells on inner epid sor application Kumar, S.F. D’Souza ∗ lture and Biotechnology Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai 4 e i n f o bruary 2011 vised form 22 April 2011 pril 2011 e 4 May 2011 le ensor sp. JK1 late detector ion a b s t r a c t Inner epidermis of onion bulb scales w for biosensor application. A bacterium mophoric product, p-nitrophenol (PN detected by electrochemical and colo bilized on inner epidermis of onion b immobilized onion membrane was d optical transducer. Methyl parathion field of agriculture for insect pest con problem. A detection range 4–80 �M o tion plot of enzymatic assay. A single for 32 days with 90% of its initial hy membrane was also demonstrated w m/locate /b ios mis of onion bulb scale for , India sed as a natural support for immobilization of microbial cells ingomonas sp. that hydrolyzes methyl parathion into a chro- as been isolated and identified in our laboratory. PNP can be tric methods. Whole cells of Sphingomonas sp. were immo- cale by adsorption followed by cross-linking methods. Cells y placed in the wells of microplate and associated with the organophosphorus pesticide that has been widely used in the This pesticide causes environmental pollution and ecological thyl parathion was estimated from the linear range of calibra- brane was reused for 52 reactions and was found to be stable tic activity. The applicability of the cells immobilized onion iked samples. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 4400 J. Kumar, S.F. D’Souza / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26 (2011) 4399– 4404 2001b). Passive trapping of cells into the pores or adhesion on the surfaces of glass fibre or other synthetic membrane has been well documented (D’Souza, 1999, 2001a, 2001b; Jha et al., 2009; Kumar et al., 2006; Kumar and D’Souza, 2010). The major advantage of the cells im are in direc thus elimin associated w (D’Souza, 2 or adhesion cell wash o use and he but not as cross-linkin component of the immo Methyl pound, whi toxic to ma phorus (OP agriculture degradation ical problem develop bio phorus pes et al., 2001; parathion (OPH) enzy Pseudomona 1989; Mun enzyme wa 1988; Soma into detecta PNP can be which can organophos this field an methyl para 2010). In the pr scale as na Sphingomon microplate analysis wa methyl par product, PN absorbance D’Souza, 20 on bottom s with the op membrane a convenien in a single p membrane 2. Materia 2.1. Materi Methyl p ionate) pur Ehrenstorfe Central Dru solution wa A bacterium hydrolyzing methyl parathion pesticide up to a chromophoric prod- uct PNP, using oligonucleotide primers from opd gene (Accession No. EU709764) and organophosphorus hydrolase enzyme activity. Isolate was identified on the basis of morphological, biochemical S rRN All o esea icroo ate yzing broth O4·1 wate by e act th th mod tary 500 llet w ) an V–vis omon visib rried ible abso and ere cann arry trol. ptimi tratio ount glut ts of on m ytic inke ldeh ed in mob ircula pide ion o e inn oom 3 �L ratur mo and s ansd ical (MD ion o mobilized through adhesion or adsorption is that they t contact with the liquid phase containing the substrate ating the mass transfer problem which is commonly ith entrapment and other methods of immobilization 001a, 2001b). A basic limitation of adsorption method of cells on immobilizing support is the possibility of ut from the immobilized support during continuous nce the biocomponent can be used only as disposable reusable (Kumar et al., 2006). Adsorption followed by g eliminates cell wash out from the immobilized bio- and therefore it increases the reusability and stability bilized biocomponent. parathion is a nitro-aromatic organophosphate com- ch has been widely used as an insecticide although it is mmals (Melnikov, 1995; Stolyarov, 1998). Organophos- ) pesticides have been widely used in the field of for insect pest control. These pesticides and their products cause environmental pollution and ecolog- . Recently, there has been an intense research effort to sensor devices for the determination of organophos- ticides (A. Mulchandani et al., 2001; P. Mulchandani Kumar et al., 2006; Kumar and D’Souza, 2010). Methyl can be hydrolyzed by organophosphorus hydrolase me, which was first discovered in soil microorganisms s diminuta MG and Flavobacterium sp. (Dumas et al., necke and Hsieh, 1974). In each of these organisms s coded by opd gene (Mulbry et al., 1986; Harper et al., ra et al., 2002) and hydrolyzes the methyl parathion ble product p-nitrophenol (PNP) (Kumar et al., 2006). detected by electrochemical or colorimetric methods be exploited to develop a biosensor for detection of phate pesticide. Our laboratory has been working in d reported a few microbial biosensors for detection of thion pesticide (Kumar et al., 2006; Kumar and D’Souza, esent study, we describe inner epidermis of onion bulb tural support for immobilization of microbial cells of as sp. and its association with optical transducer of reader for detection of methyl parathion pesticide. The s based on the relationship between the amount of athion hydrolyzed and the amount of chromophoric P formed, which was quantified by measuring the at the �max 410 nm (Kumar et al., 2006; Kumar and 10). Cells immobilized onion membranes were placed urface of the wells of microplate, which was associated tical transducer. Association of cells immobilized onion with microplate having 96 reaction vessels provides t system for detecting multiple numbers of samples latform. Here biocomponent, cells immobilized onion was reusable in nature. ls and methods als arathion (O,O-dimethyl O-4-nitrophenyl phosphoroth- ity, 98.5% analytical grade was purchased from Dr. r Schorfers Augsburg, Germany, p-nitrophenol from g House, New Delhi, India. Glutaraldehyde (25%, w/w) s purchased from Sisco Research Laboratories, Mumbai. Sphingomonas sp. JK1 was isolated from field soil for and 16 2010). Sisco R 2.2. M Isol hydrol moto Na2HP milliQ studied enzym out wi (from on a ro tion at the pe (pH 8.0 2.3. U Sphing UV– was ca UV/Vis imum 273 nm cells w were s blank c as con 2.4. O concen Am tion of amoun bilized hydrol cross-l glutara observ 2.5. Im A c inner e bilizat onto th 1 h at r tion of tempe After im buffer 2.6. Tr Opt reader detect A gene (Accession No. EU616621) (Kumar and D’Souza, ther analytical grade chemicals were purchased from rch Laboratory, Mumbai, India. rganism and culture condition Sphingomonas sp. JK1, having methyl parathion activity, was grown in 100 mL modified Waki- media (consist of 15 g sucrose; 5 g peptone; 2 g 2H2O; 0.5 g Ca(NO3)2·4H2O; and 0.5 g FeSO4·7H2O in 1 L r) for 24 h at 30 ◦C. Growing time of cell biomass was measuring the absorbance �max 600 nm for optimum ivity. Inoculation of Luria broth (200 mL) was carried e 1/100th volume from the overnight grown culture ified Wakimoto broth) and incubated for 36 h at 30 ◦C shaker at 140 rpm. Cells were harvested by centrifuga- 0 × g for 10 min and washed twice with buffer. Finally, as resuspended in 1/10th volume in phosphate buffers d stored at 4 ◦C (Kumar and D’Souza, 2010). ible spectral study of methyl parathion hydrolysis by as sp. le spectral scanning from 240 to 440 nm wavelengths out for observation of hydrolysis of methyl parathion on spectrophotometer, from Jasco, Model V-530. The max- rption peaks of methyl parathion and p-nitrophenol are 410 nm, respectively. A 20 �L of harvested microbial incubated with 1 mL of 200 �M methyl parathion and ed before and after hydrolysis of methyl parathion. A ing only of 1 mL of 200 �M methyl parathion was used zation of cell loading and glutaraldehyde n for immobilization of cell suspension to be immobilized and concentra- araldehyde for cross-linking were optimized. Different cell suspensions (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 �L) were immo- embrane of inner epidermis of onion bulb scale and activities were observed. Immobilized cells were also d with different concentrations (0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5%) of yde. The immobilized microbial hydrolytic activity was response to methyl parathion. ilization of microbial cells on inner epidermis of onion r membrane (diameter = 5 mm; area = 19.64 sq mm) of rmis of onion bulb scale was cut and used for immo- f bacterial cells. A 20 �L cell suspension was adsorbed er epidermis of onion bulb scale and was dried in air for temperature. Cross-linking was then activated by addi- of 2% glutaraldehyde followed by incubation at room e and binding the cells to the surface and to each other. bilization, microbial onion membrane was washed with tored at 4 ◦C until use. ucer and operating system transducer integrated in multidetection microplate MR) from Biotek (model SynergyTM HT) was used for the f absorbance at 410 nm (Kumar and D’Souza, 2010). The J. Kumar, S.F. D’Souza / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26 (2011) 4399– 4404 4401 Synergy Time Resolved (TM) option allows time-resolved measure- ments by using the xenon flash light source in conjunction with the photomultiplier tubes (PMT) detector. The monochromator pro- vides wavelength selection from 200 to 999 nm in 1 nm increments. The reader operations ing of each software. Ce wells and 2 into the we that corresp initial and fi PNP. Cells m after every a carried out 2.7. SEM stu membrane A scan Netherland of the cells immobilize with Au/Pd the whole membranes 2.8. Enzym Optical concentrati at �max 410 were carrie using meth in phospha appearance �max 410 nm 2.9. Analysi Syntheti incubating with the fin The pre-inc buffer (pH 8 room temp 3. Results 3.1. UV–vis Hydroly which has o studied by shown in F recorded w after additio absorption of methyl p decreased. 3.2. Optimi immobilizat Because dermis of o 200 0 1 2 3 4 Methyl parathion Methyl Parathion + cells (Before hydrolysis) Methyl Parathion + cells (After hydrolysis) V–vis onas is ne mob y. In nt am d hy cell s ydro zed f ldeh g the g ef ioco to t M st ane stu f uni rane l sup rea o bulb pide brous bserved in the micrograph of cells immobilized inner epider- onion bulb scale (Fig. 3b) and was absent in the micrograph of obilized surface (Fig. 3a). Presence of bacterial cells confirms mobilization of Sphingomonas sp. onto the inner epidermis n bulb scale. sociation of microbial onion membrane with microplate on membrane is a natural polymer, comprises biomolecules icrofibrillar cellulose, PGA, hemicelluloses, proteins and lics including lignin (Carpita and Gibeaut, 1993; Brett and n, 1996; Kumar and D’Souza, 2009) and therefore it pro- a biocompatible microenvironment and stable support for m functioning of microbial enzyme. Cells immobilized membranes were placed into the wells of microplate. late technology was utilized to develop an effective biosen- l for detection of multiple numbers of samples (Kumar and a, 2010). There are two characteristics of microplate which is completely controlled via KC4TM PC software for all including data reduction and analysis. Online monitor- well of 96 wells microplate can be carried out using this lls immobilized onion membranes were placed into the 00 �L volume of methyl parathion sample was added lls and readings were acquired at 410 nm wavelength onds to PNP. The absorbance differences between the nal readings were proportional to the concentration of odified onion biocomponent was washed with buffer nalysis of sample and reused. All the experiments were at room temperature. dy of the microbial cells immobilized onion ning electron microscope (Model XL30 Philips, s) was employed to observe the surface structure immobilized onion membrane. For SEM study, cells d onion membrane was mounted on stubs and coated using a sputter coater. The SEM micrographs of cells immobilized and unimmobilized (blank) onion were taken at magnification 10,000×. atic assay using cells immobilized onion membrane microplate transducer was calibrated using standard on (4–400 �M) of PNP by determining the absorbance nm (ε410 = 16,500 M−1 cm−1 for PNP). Enzymatic assays d out with cells immobilized onion biocomponent yl parathion concentration ranging from 4 to 400 �M te buffer (pH 8.0) at room temperature for 5 min and of PNP was measured on optical microplate reader at (Kumar and D’Souza, 2010). s of methyl parathion spiked samples c methyl parathion spiked samples were prepared by methyl parathion in the tap water at room temperature al concentrations of 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 �M. ubated tap water samples were mixed with phosphate .0) in ratio 3:1 and analyzed by microbial biosensor at erature. and discussions ible spectral study of methyl parathion hydrolysis sis of methyl parathion using Sphingomonas sp. JK1, pd gene for organophosphorus hydrolase enzyme, was UV–visible spectral scanning. The scanning results are ig. 1; the maximum absorption peak at 273 nm was hen only methyl parathion sample was scanned. Just n of microbial cells in methyl parathion sample, a new peak appeared at 410 nm and after complete hydrolysis arathion, peak at 410 nm increased and peak at 273 nm zation of cell loading and glutaraldehyde for ion of the limited space of circular membrane of inner epi- nion bulb scale (diameter = 5 mm; area = 19.64 sq mm), A bs or ba nc e (O D ) Fig. 1. U Sphingom there for im activit differe tion an 20 �L mum h optimi glutara bindin leachin of the b similar 2010). 3.3. SE membr SEM istics o memb natura lized a onion inner e losic fi were o mis of unimm the im of onio 3.4. As Oni like m pheno Waldro vided optimu onion Microp sor too D’Souz 500400300 Wavelength (nm) ible spectral study for the hydrolysis of methyl parathion using isolate sp. ed to optimize the effect of biomass (cells) loading ilization of cells to achieve the optimum hydrolytic order to investigate the effect of biomass loading, ounts of cell suspension were used for immobiliza- drolytic activities were observed. As shown in Fig. 2a, uspension used for immobilization was having opti- lytic activity. Glutaraldehyde concentration was also or cross-linking. It was also observed in Fig. 2b that 2% yde concentration was optimum for cross-linking and cells to the surface and to each other to prevent the fects and thereby increases the stability and longevity mponent. Optimized glutaraldehyde concentration was hat of the previous report (Kumar and D’Souza, 2009, udy of the cells immobilized inner epidermis of onion dy was carried out to investigate the surface character- mmobilized (blank) and whole cells immobilized onion and described the occurrence of microbial cells on the port. In this part, surface morphologies of the immobi- f both blank and cells immobilized inner epidermis of scale were imaged by SEM (Fig. 3). SEM micrographs of rmis of onion bulb scale showed that it consists of cellu- structures. A bunch of bacterial cells (sizes 0.4–0.8 �m) 4402 J. Kumar, S.F. D’Souza / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26 (2011) 4399– 4404 a 6543210 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 O D a t 4 10 nm Gluteraldehyde concentration(%) 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 O D a t 4 10 nm b Fig. 2. Optimi (b) for immob were utilize teristic is th and therefo taneously o provides a s which enab 5004003002001000 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 100 0.0 0.1 0.2 O D a t 4 10 nm Methyl parathion (µM) Fig. 4. Calibration of the optical biosensor using cells immobilized onion membrane with methyl parathion (4–400 �M) (inset: linearity between 4 and 80 �M with lin- ear regression equation, y = 0.01296 + 0.00212x, r2 = 0.9819 where ‘y’ represents the absorbance at 410 nm and ‘x’ the substrate concentration). the whole plate irrespective of the number of samples present on the plate (Filippini et al., 2003). Cells modified onion membrane on the bottom surface of microplate in association with optical transducer (MDMR) and KC4 software was capable for rapid data ition and efficient data handling and therefore this system e cap iffere the fi onio late Fig. acquis becam with d This is on the microp 302010 Amount of cell suspension (µl) zation of cell biomass loading (a) and glutaraldehyde concentration ilization on onion membrane (size 5 mm diameter). d for developing an improved biosensor, first charac- at the microplate is having 96 wells (reaction vessels) re multiple number of samples can be handled simul- n a single platform and second characteristic is that it impler approach of two-dimensional micropositioning, les the acquisition of time independent measurement of 3.5. Calibra Biosenso membrane parathion a linear rang mated usin range of bi parathion. onion mem report (Kum 3.6. Reusab immobilized Reusabi teristics of 3. SEM study of the cells immobilized onion membrane at 10,000×. Micrograph of unim able for online monitoring of multiple samples, even nt concentrations, on a single platform simultaneously. rst report where microbial cells have been immobilized n membrane and integrated with optical transducer of reader for biosensor application. tion of the biosensor and detection range r was calibrated in association with microbial onion using different (4–400 �M) concentrations of methyl nd absorbance was observed. As shown in Fig. 4, a e between 4 and 80 �M of methyl parathion was esti- g cells immobilized onion membrane and the detection osensor was calibrated between 4 and 80 �M methyl Detection range of biosensor using cells immobilized brane was equally comparable to that of the earlier ar et al., 2006; Kumar and D’Souza, 2010). ility, reproducibility and stability of the whole cells onion membrane lity, reproducibility and stability are desirable charac- a good biosensor. Reusability is one of the desirable mobilized (a) and cells immobilized (b) onion membrane. J. Kumar, S.F. D’Souza / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26 (2011) 4399– 4404 4403 806040200 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 O D a t 4 10 nm Number of reusability of single onion membrane Fig. 5. Reusability of the cells immobilized onion membrane. 80 �M methyl parathion was used for the study of reusability. factors which is important for the applicability of the immobilized biocomponent in biosensor application. The reusability of micro- bial cells immobilized onion membrane, prepared in the presence and absence of glutaraldehyde was studied. Whole cells immobi- lized onion membrane, prepared in the presence of glutaraldehyde showed a h bound the a to each oth of whole ce microbial c whole cells single cells immobilize to our earlie the other re The reprod different ce was quite g (mean = 8.4 onion mem strated hig membrane 0 0 20 40 60 B io se ns or M ea su re m en t ( M et hy l p ar at hi on µ M ) Fig. 6. Correla spiked concen 50 and 60 �M Fig. 1) with retention of 90% activity, when stored at 4 ◦C which is better than that of the earlier report which was stable for only 18 days (Kumar and D’Souza, 2010). 3.7. Applica samples The pre- phate buffe for optimum were analyz cal biosenso spiked conc yielded a s which dem membrane 4. Conclus We desc dermis of of microbi hydrolyzes p-nitrophen epidermis linking. Imm Cells sur tran pon is of bios ion a ility pide lls im pon wled are g for p dix A plem line v igh number of reusability. Glutaraldehyde treatment dsorbed microbial cells onto the onion membrane and er by cross-linking and therefore reduced the leaching lls, thus increasing the reusability of the immobilized ells. It was observed that 90% activity of immobilized enzyme was retained up to 52 repeated reactions with immobilized onion membrane (Fig. 5). Although cells d onion biocomponent was less reusable as compared r report (Kumar and D’Souza, 2010) but was better than port on disposable biocomponent (Kumar et al., 2006). ucibility of the measurement in different wells using lls immobilized onion membrane across the microplate ood. The low relative standard deviations (RSD), 0.156 8 × 10−6 A, when n = 6) in response of cells immobilized brane against 80 �M methyl parathion also demon- h reproducibility. Microbial cells immobilized onion was stable for 32 days of investigation (Supplementary study. bottom optical biocom analys of the parath reusab inner e bial ce biocom Ackno We (BARC) Appen Sup the on 604020 Spiked concentration (Methyl parathion µM) tion of the biosensor measurement with actual methyl parathion tration. Spiked methyl parathion concentrations (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, ). References Brett, C.T., Wa Chapman Bruce, D.M., H Carpita, N.C., G D’Souza, S.F., 1 D’Souza, S.F., 2 D’Souza, S.F., 2 Dumas, D.P., 19659–19 Filippini, D., A electron. 1 Harper, L.L., M 2586–258 Jha, S.K., Kan 2637–264 Kumar, J., D’So Kumar, J., D’So Kumar, J., D’So Kumar, J., Jha, Lei, Y., Chen, W bility of biosensor for methyl parathion spiked incubated tap water samples were mixed with phos- rs (pH 8.0) in ratio 3:1 for maintaining the optimum pH functioning of microbial enzyme and spiked samples ed by Sphingomonas sp. immobilized onion based opti- r. As shown in Fig. 6 the straight line fit plot between the entration of methyl parathion and the biosensor results lope of 0.961 with a positive correlation (r2 = 0.9963) onstrates the feasibility of the cells immobilized onion for biosensor application. ion ribed immobilization of microbial cells on inner epi- onion bulb scale and its application in development al biosensor. A bacterium Sphingomonas sp. which the methyl parathion up to a chromophoric product, ol was immobilized directly onto the surface of inner of onion bulb scale by adsorption followed by cross- obilization of microbial cells was confirmed by SEM immobilized onion biocomponent was placed on the face of microplate and associated directly with the sducer, microplate reader. Multiple cells immobilized ents were placed on reaction vessels of microplate for multiple samples on a single platform. 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Immobilization of microbial cells on inner epidermis of onion bulb scale for biosensor application 1 Introduction 2 Materials and methods 2.1 Materials 2.2 Microorganism and culture condition 2.3 UV–visible spectral study of methyl parathion hydrolysis by Sphingomonas sp. 2.4 Optimization of cell loading and glutaraldehyde concentration for immobilization 2.5 Immobilization of microbial cells on inner epidermis of onion 2.6 Transducer and operating system 2.7 SEM study of the microbial cells immobilized onion membrane 2.8 Enzymatic assay using cells immobilized onion membrane 2.9 Analysis of methyl parathion spiked samples 3 Results and discussions 3.1 UV–visible spectral study of methyl parathion hydrolysis 3.2 Optimization of cell loading and glutaraldehyde for immobilization 3.3 SEM study of the cells immobilized inner epidermis of onion membrane 3.4 Association of microbial onion membrane with microplate 3.5 Calibration of the biosensor and detection range 3.6 Reusability, reproducibility and stability of the whole cells immobilized onion membrane 3.7 Applicability of biosensor for methyl parathion spiked samples 4 Conclusion Acknowledgement Appendix A Supplementary data Appendix A Supplementary data


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