IindraLogic Prog 04 2007 e
April 15, 2018 | Author: Anonymous |
Industrial Hydraulics Electric Drives and Controls Linear Motion Assembly Technologies Pneumatics Service Automation Mobile Hydraulics Training manual Indralogic Basic Revision 04 / 2007 didactic from Rexroth. Systematic Success Indralogic Basic Revision 04 / 2007 Impressum Publisher: Bosch Rexroth AG Service Automation didactic Author: Helmut Kleinhans BRC / SAL2 Impressum Herausgeber: Bosch Rexroth AG Service Automation didactic Nachdruck, Vervielfältigung und Übersetzung, auch auszugsweise, nur mit unserer vorherigen schriftlichen Zustimmung und mit Quellenangabe gestattet. Wir übernehmen keine Haftung für die Übereinstimmung des Inhalts mit den jeweils geltenden gesetzlichen Vorschriften. Reproduction, copying, or translation of this publication, wholly or in part, only with our previous written permission and with source credit. We assume no responsibility for agreement of the contents with local laws and regulations. Bosch Rexroth AG is exempt from liability, and reserves the right to make changes at any time. Table of Contents I Chapter 1 −−−> Network installation Setup of the “Network Neighborhood” in Windows 2000 Setup of the “Network Neighborhood” in Windows 2000 Setup of the “Network Neighbourhood” in Windows 2000 Setup of the “Network Neighborhood” in Windows 2000 Setup of the “Network Neighborhood” in Windows 2000 Setup of the “Network Neighbourhood” in Windows XP Setup of the “Network Neighbourhood” in Windows XP Setup of the “Network Neighbourhood” in Windows XP Setup of the “Network Neighbourhood” in Windows XP Setup of the “Network Neighbourhood” in Windows XP Functional overview Hardware stucture of IndraControl L40 Features Mechanical structure Connectionss and interfaces Current and voltage supply I/O connections First time installation L40 − IP−Address setup Firmware− Hardware version & Status display L40 Setup of L40 serial RS232 interface Display of L40 Project status Deletion of complete L40 Program−Memory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Chapter 2 −−−> Basic setup IndraWorks / IndraLogic Language and Basic settings for “IndraWorks” Generation of a new “IndraWorks” Project Generation of a new “IndraWorks” Project (continuation) Definition of communication for IndraLogic L40 / VEP30 (Hardware−PLC) Definition of communication for IndraLogic L40 / VEP30 (Hardware−PLC) Definition of communication channel for VPP/BTV−Panel (Software−PLC) Definition of communication channel for VPP/BTV−Panel (Software−PLC) Completion of communication setup / creation of the new project Communication with a “L40” / “VEPxx” (Hardware − PLC) Communication with a “VPP / BTV“ − Panel (Software − PLC) IndraWorks / Indralogic directory structure IndraWorks / IndraLogic Basic settings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Table of Contents II Chapter 3 −−−> IndraWorks I/O Configuration Setup of I/O Start address of OnBoard I/O’s Configuration of Rexroth Inline Modules (first Inline−Modul) Configuration of Rexroth Inline Modules (first Inline−Modul) Configuration of Rexroth Inline Modules (second Inline−Modul) Configuration of Rexroth Inline Modules (second Inline−Modul) Import of additional GSD−Files for Profibus−DP I/O−Configuration Import of additional GSD−Files for Profibus−DP I/O−Configuration Directory structure of GSD−Files Configuration of Profibus−DP I/O − Modules Configuration of Profibus−DP I/O − Modules Configuration of Profibus−DP I/O − Modules Configuration of Function − Modules Setup of the Profibus−DP transmission rate Load Profibus−DP Configuration into PLC−Controller Load Profibus−DP Configuration into PLC−Controller Load Profibus−DP Configuration into PLC−Controller 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Chapter 4 −−−> IndraLogic basic settings Setting the basic parameters for Indralogic − “Load & Save“ Setting the basic parameters for Indralogic − “Editor” Setting the basic parameters for Indralogic − “Desktop” Setting the basic parameters for Indralogic − “Directories” Setting the basic parameters for Indralogic − “Build” Setting the basic parameters for Indralogic − “Source download” IndraLogic − “Symbol configuration” IndraLogic − “Symbol configuration” “Target System” − Basic setup − “General” “Target System” − Basic setup − “General” Project structure Main program “PLC_PRG” IndraLogic directory structure on harddrive (Development system) IndraLogic directory structure on harddrive (Project data) Files in the Indralogic programming system Display structure IndraLogic Generation of a new “Folder” Generation of a new “Object” Elements of Program Organization Units (POU) Elements of Program Organization Units (POU) Programming languages for POU’s Elements of a Program Organization Unit (POU) Elements of Program Organization Units (POU) Deklaration section of Program Organisation Units (POU) Characteristics of the POU−Interface Formal parameters and Return values of a POU External and internal access to POE−Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Table of Contents III Chapter 5 −−−> Load Program Load options and Memory structure Used / Generated files Check and compile complete PLC−Program Check interface setting to PLC (IP−Address) Load PLC−Program into the PLC Generate “Boot Project” in PLC−Controller 1 2 3 4 5 6 Chapter 6 −−−> Import / Export of Program blocks Export of Project data Export of Project data Import of exported project data Import of exported project data 1 2 3 4 Chapter 7 −−−> Programming with Logic Address definition of Inputs, Outputs and Markers Definition of Input, Outputs and Markers Using bit signals in the program Monitoring of Bit−Signals Standard Data Types in Indralogic Validity of Variables Declaration of Variables Declaration of Constants Global Variables in POU’s via “VAR_EXTERNAL” Online − Status display of variables in declaration window Resizing the Online Window Selection of display format in Online mode 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Table of Contents IV Chapter 8 −−−> Programming in List Creation of a program in LIST Calling of POU’s with and without parameters in “LIST” Programming of logic operations in LIST (Example 1) Programming of logic operations in LIST (Example 2) Programming of logic operations in LIST (Example 3) Programming of logic operations in LIST (Example 4) Programming of logic operations in LIST (Example 5) Monitor display in LIST (PRG’s) Creation of a “Function” in LIST Definition and Usage of a “Function” (FUN) Online − Status display of “Functions” Creation of a “Function block” in LIST Definition and Usage of a “Function block” (FB) Definition and Usage of a “Function block” (FB) Online − Status display of “Function blocks” Online − Status display of “Function blocks” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Chapter 9 −−−> Programming in Ladder Creation of a program in LDR Input of a program in LDR Alteration of program in LDR Addition of a new OR − Element Addition of a new “AND” element Adding a new LDR−Network branch Addition of “Function blocks” in LDR Addition of “FBD−Operators” in LDR Addition of “FBD−Operators” in LDR Call of Programs (PRG’s) in LDR Call of Programs (PRG’s) in LDR Call of Functions (FUN’s) in LDR Call of Function Blocks (FB’s) in LDR Conditional calls of PRG’s, FUN’s and FB’s in LDR Online display of POU’s written in LDR Additional display options in LDR Comment input in LDR Jump instruction in LDR 1 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Table of Contents V Chapter 10 −−−> Programming in FBD Creation of a program in FBD Input of a program in FBD Adding of new Logic − Elements in FBD Definition / Alteration the logic or function of a Basic−FBD−Element Deletion of Inputs, Outputs and Elements Adding a new FBD−Network Direct switchover from “FBD” to “LDR” display Monitor display in FBD Input of Comment in FBD Jumps in FBD Call of Programs, Functions and Function blocks in FBD Call of Programs, Functions and Function blocks in FBD Definition and usage of Timers Definition and usage of Timers Monitoring of Timers / Diagram Switch On Delay (TON) Monitoring of Timers / Diagram Switch Off Delay (TOF) Monitoring of Timers / Diagram Pulse function (TP) Monitoring of Timers / Diagram Real Time Clock (RTC) Definition and usage of Counters Definition and usage of Counters Online − Status display Up Counter (CTU) Online − Status display Down Counter (CTD) Online − Status display Up / Down Counter (CTUD) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Table of Contents VI Chapter 11 −−−> Sequence programming Selection of IEC compliant SFC Input Mode IEC−Step−Action commands Creation of an IEC−Sequence program Adding a new step element Copy / Paste an existing “Step” in a “Sequence” module Deletion of an existing Step−Element Adding a new Step − Action Deletion of a Step−Action Programming of a step continuation logic Programming of a step continuation logic (continuation) Programming an Action−Logic Programming an Action−Logic (continuation) Programming a step “Entry” logic Programming a step “Entry” logic (continuation) Programming a step “Exit” logic Programming a step “Exit” logic (continuation) Deletion of a step “Entry” or “Exit” logic Step−Property−Variables Step−Prpoperty−Flags Step−Property−Flags Programming of Step−Property−Flags Online display of Step−Property−Flags Sample sequence program in “LDR” − Step elements & Parameters Sample sequence program in “LDR” − Continuation logic Sample sequence program in “LDR” − Command output Sample sequence program in “LDR” − Program callup Sequence Branching / Jump Sequence Branching / Jump Sample program sequence Branching / Jump Input of “Step” comment and “Step” monitoring time Selection of “step comment” or “Step monitoring time” display 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Table of Contents VII Chapter 12 −−−> Programming in ST Logic operations with “Structured Text” (ST) Logic operations with “Structured Text” (ST) Calling program modules (PRG’s) Definition and usage of Functions (FUN) Function parameter input Online − Status display of of Functions Definition and usage of Function Blocks (FB) Definition of an instance for a function block (Memory allocation) Monitoring of Function Blocks Monitoring of Function Blocks Selection of SFC Input Mode (simlified SFC non IEC) Creation of a SFC−Sequence programm Add a new step element Copy / Paste an existing “Step” in a “Sequence” module Deletion of an existing Step−Element Programming a step Sample Sequence program “ST” − Step elements & Parameters Sample Sequence program “ST” − Continuation logic Sample Sequence program “ST” − Command output Sample Sequence program “ST” − Module callup Sequence Branching / Jump Sequence Branching / Jump Sample program sequence Branching / Jump Sample program sequence Branching / Jump 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Chapter 13 −−−> Task managment Applications with Task managemant Time related behavier of Tasks Creation of a new Task Creation of a Task − Definition of the Task properties Creation of a Task − Definition of a program module Description of properties − Cyclic Task Description of properties − Free wheeling Task Description of properties − Event controlled Task Description of properties − External Event controlled Task (Interrupt) Description of properties − System events Display of “Task Timing Diagram” in Online mode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Chapter 14 −−−> Library managment Insertion of a new library into the current project Insertion of a new library into the current project 1 2 Table of Contents VIII Chapter 15 −−−> Remanence behaviour of variables Behavier of variables after Power Off / ON and Stop / Run (Remanence) Declaration of remanent variables Usage of remanent variables in POU’s Usage of remanent variablen in POU’s 1 2 3 4 Chapter 16 −−−> Monitoring Monitoring the program flow Enter variable list into “Watch & Recipe Manager“ Online display of variable list with “Watch and Recipe Manager” Read and alter Variables with “Recipe” Manager Write Variables from “ Recipe Manager” into PLC Activation of the “Trace” Function Definition of “Trace” Parameters Definition of “Trace” Parameters Definition of “Trace” Parameter Start of a “Trace” sample recording Start of a “Trace” sample recording 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Chapter 17 −−−> User specific data structures Definition of Enumerations Using enumerations in the program Monitoring of enumerations Definition and usage of Structures Using structures in the program Monitoring of structures of userspecific data types Status display in the program Status display in the “Ressources” 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 Table of Contents IX Chapter 18 Backup & Restoring an IndraWorks − Project Backup of a complete IndraWorks − Project Backup of a complete IndraWorks − Project Backup of a complete IndraWorks − Project Restoring of an archived IndraWorks−Project (ZIP−File) Restoring of an archived IndraWorks−Project (ZIP−File) Restoring of an archived IndraWorks−Project (ZIP−File) Restoring of an archived IndraWorks−Project (ZIP−File) Restoring of an archived IndraWorks−Project (ZIP−File) Adaption of the PLC−Directories Importing a Standalone IndraLogic Program (*.PRO−File) Importing a Standalone IndraLogic Program (*.PRO−File) Definition of communication for IndraLogic L40 / VEP30 (Hardware−PLC) Definition of communication for IndraLogic L40 / VEP30 (Hardware−PLC) Importing a Standalone IndraLogic Program (*.PRO−File) Importing a Standalone IndraLogic Program (*.PRO−File) Importing a Standalone IndraLogic Program (*.PRO−File) Importing a Standalone IndraLogic Program (*.PRO−File) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Chapter 19 Language translation Generation of the translation file Generation of the translation file Input of the translations into the translation file Input of the translations into the translation file Switchover to another language 1 2 3 4 5 Table of Contents X Chapter 20 Command overview Identifier, Keywords Identifier, Keywords Numerical literals String-Literals Time literals 1. Duration of time Date and Time Boolean Operators Arithmetical Operators Compare Operators Bit manipulation Type conversion Numeric Functions Numeric Functions Selection Function String Functions String Funktions Standard-Function blocks Flip Flop Elements Flankenerkennung Timer Counter 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 14 15 Table of Contents XI Chapter 21 Exercises Network structure I/O − Bus Configuration Program structure Global Variables Inputs and Outputs Signal list Switch Box (Bit signals) Signal list Switch Box (Byte & Word) Signal Markers Example 1 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6 AND before OR Circuit Circuit with bracket Circuit with OR−bracket Transportation Slide Signal list machine model Signal list machine model Exercise Programming of a Function Exercise Programming of a Function Exercise Programming of a Function Block Exercise Programming of a Function Block − Manual logic Exercise Programming of a Function Block − Automatic logic Automatic Sequence “Robot Station” Automatic Sequence “Robot Station” Automatic Sequence “Robot Station” Automatic Sequence “Transportation Slide” Automatic Sequence “Press In Station” Automatic Sequence “Press In Station” 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Network CHAP 1 I Chapter 1 Network Installation © 2004 This manual is the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG, also in the case of Intellectual Property Right applications. Without their consent it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.Errors and technical modifications reserved. TCP/IP Installation Setup of the “Network Neighborhood” in Windows 2000 CHAP 1 1 Note ! Before the setup of the “Network Neighborhood”, the a “Network−card” must have been installed 1. Call−up the Windows “Control Panel” and double click on the “System” icon TCP/IP Installation Setup of the “Network Neighborhood” in Windows 2000 CHAP 1 2 2. Click onto “Network Identification“ and than onto the button “Properties” 3. Enter “Computer name” and “Workgroup”, to which computer should belong to Note ! • The “Computer name” must be unique in whole the network • The “Workgroup” name must be the same on all computers on the network Note ! • The “Workgroup” name must be the same on all computers on the network, which should belong to this group TCP/IP Installation Setup of the “Network Neighbourhood” in Windows 2000 4. Call−up the Windows “Control Panel” and double click on the “Network and Dial−up Connections” icon CHAP 1 3 5. Open the network connection for which you want to set the IP−Address TCP/IP Installation Setup of the “Network Neighborhood” in Windows 2000 6. Click onto “Properties”, to open the “TCP/IP−Property” window CHAP 1 4 7. Select entry “Internet Protokol (TCP/IP)” and click onto button “Properties” TCP/IP Installation Setup of the “Network Neighborhood” in Windows 2000 8. Enter the “IP−address” and the “Subnet mask” CHAP 1 5 Important note ! It is not recommended to make any other alterations or changes in the “Network” properties window IP−Address Subnet mask No entry required in the “Default gateway” field TCP/IP Installation Setup of the “Network Neighbourhood” in Windows XP CHAP 1 6 Note ! Before the setup of the “Network Neighbourhood”, the a “Network Card” must have been installed 1. Call−up the Windows “Control Panel” via the “Start” button 2. Double click on the “System” icon TCP/IP Installation Setup of the “Network Neighbourhood” in Windows XP 3. Click onto tab “Computer name” CHAP 1 7 4. Click onto “Change” Note ! • The “Computer name” must be unique in whole the network Note ! • The “Workgroup” name should be the same on all computers belonging to this group TCP/IP Installation Setup of the “Network Neighbourhood” in Windows XP 5. Call−up the Windows “Control Panel” and double click on the “Network and Dial−up Connections” icon CHAP 1 8 6. Open the “Property” window by double clicking onto the network connection for which you want to set the IP−Address TCP/IP Installation Setup of the “Network Neighbourhood” in Windows XP 7. Click onto “Properties”, to open the “TCP/IP−Property” window CHAP 1 9 8. Select entry “Internet Protokol (TCP/IP)” and click onto button “Properties” TCP/IP Installation Setup of the “Network Neighbourhood” in Windows XP 9. Enter the “IP−address” and the “Subnet mask” CHAP 1 10 IP−Adresse Subnet Mask No entry required in the “Default gateway” field Important note ! It is not recommended to make any other alterations or changes in the “Network” properties window Hardware L40 & Network − Installation CHAP 1 11 Functional overview Status−Display Ethernet connection for Onboard I/O 8 fast inputs usable as interrupt inputs 8 outputs (0,5 A) power supply terminal 8 characters − Programming unit or Operating panel − communication to: 4 Buttons New controls e.g. adjustment of the (NetVarUDPLib) or communication parameters or to the old CLxx world (BuepE_Client) Inline I/O Extension with Rexroth−Inline− Modules max. 64 Modules max. 32Byte I and O Extension− interface for Function− modules . RS232−interface for − COM PROG Programming unit − COM SERV small operation panel − COM USER Programming unit or serial communication with SysLibCom Progr. memory 32 MB RAM 64 kB NvRAM Boot project Remanence new File types Profibus DP−V1 max. 8 k I/O Add DP−Slaves to I/O configuration Access to VCP panel (IL_VCP_DP) Acyclic Services (V1) DP_Diag via function DP_RDREC, DP_WRREC Hardware L40 & Network − Installation CHAP 1 12 Hardware stucture of IndraControl L40 IndraControl L40 is a compact control system designed for a medium performance range. It is mounted to a hat rail. The IndraControl L40 may be expanded at the right end with I/O modules of the Inline−System. The functionality of the IndraControl L40−System can be enhanced at the left end with special function modules. IndraControl L40 uses the proved Real Time operating system VxWorks. The processor is a 266MHz Geode with 32MB DRAM and 64kByte NvRAM. Features User memory Remanent memory 32 MB 64 kByte Runtime Programming languages Programming system Programming interface Functions for monitoring Indralogic (according to EC 61131−3) according to IEC61131−3: IL, LAD, FBS, ST, SFC, CFC Rexroth IndraWorks Ethernet or RS232 Monitoring, Online Change, Trace, Write (1 cycle) / Simulation, Breakpoint, single step, single cycle Supplied libraries Standard IEC 6131−3 library TCP/IP + ser. communication, VCP interface, DP_Diagnosis Number of tasks 16 Task types In−/ Outputs Forcing, cyclic, free wheeling, event controlled 8 Bit I (interrupt) + 8 Bit O on board 512 Bit I/O (central) 8 kByte I/O (decentral via Profibus−DP V1) typical 120 µs (1000 Instr. of IL) Cycle time Hardware L40 & Network − Installation CHAP 1 13 Mechanical structure The IndraControl L40 is mounted to a standard hat rail according to DIN EN50022. (35mm x 7,5mm) Note: Beside the mounting function, the hat rail also has the function of grounding and is additionally used for heat conduction. This means, that the hat rail must always be connected to a grounding bus. Additional the heat is partial conducted via the hat rail. So it is used in conjunction with the metallic ground plate of the L40 as a cooling element. The power supply voltages and the Onboard− in− and Outputs are wired via the Inline− terminals. Sensors and actors at the Onboard− I/O’s are connected with a 2−wire technique (Sensors with 24V and signal, actors with signal and 0V). The connection terminals for all wires are facing located at the front side of the housing. The bending radius should not exceed 120mm. Because of its low protection category IP20, the IndraControl L40 must be mounted inside of a control cabinet or a similar housing. The prefered mounting position is horizontal. Due to thermic reasons, a vertical mounting is not recommended. Connectionss and interfaces Label on housing X3C X7E X7P Interface type Serial interface RS232 Network interface: Ethernet 10Base T / 100Base X DP: PROFIBUS DP Connector type D−Sub−connector (male), 9−poles RJ45−connector (female) D−Sub−connector (female), 9−poles For more informations please see manual: Indracontrol L40 Chapter 7 − “Connections and interfaces” Hardware L40 & Network − Installation CHAP 1 14 Current and voltage supply The 24V power supply used to supply power to the L40, has to be equipped with a save circuit isolation according to EN 60742. supply terminal supply terminal supply terminal with fuse The main circuit may be separated from other circuit segments, which are independent of each other. In that case, the main circuit supplies the main voltage for all these segments. Using this option , a separate supply circuit for actor groups can be realized. The maximum current load is 8 A (Sum of main circuit and all segments). If the limit value is reached (current sum of US and UM), a new (additional) power supply terminal must be used. For more informations please see manual: Indracontrol L40 Chapter 7.2 − “Power supply” Hardware L40 & Network − Installation CHAP 1 15 I/O connections Master I CPU National Geode SC1100 min. 266 MHz 32 MB DRAM + 64 kByte NvRAM N T Node 0 Onboard I/O 1 Byte Input (can be used as interrupt input) 1 Byte Output E R Node 1 B I/O at local Expansion interface max. 32 Byte I / O via Inline−Modules U S Node 2 Profibus DP I/O max. 125 DP−Slaves max. 12 MBaud max. 244Byte/telegramm max. 8 kByte I / O 2 . . . . . 126 Hardware L40 & Network − Installation First time installation L40 − IP−Address setup CHAP 1 16 INIT Enter RUN Enter STOP Ethernet Enter Display IP Adrress Ethernet Enter Display IP : Enter Input IP : Display Subnet Mask AAA : 192 Enter Subnet : Enter Input BBB : 168 Enter AAA : 255 Enter CCC : 1 Enter BBB : 255 Enter DDD : 11 Enter CCC : 255 Enter OK : ? ESC Abort Enter Confirm DDD : 0 Enter OK : ? ESC Abort Enter Confirm Hardware L40 & Network − Installation Firmware− Hardware version & Status display L40 CHAP 1 17 INIT Enter RUN STOP Ethernet Selection RS 232 Display Firmware Enter 03V03 ESC Abort Hardware Enter CML 40.1−NP−220−NA ESC Abort Temp Enter + 44,0C ESC Abort OHC CTRL Enter ESC 1018 h Abort OHC FAN Enter ESC 0h Abort Hardware L40 & Network − Installation Setup of L40 serial RS232 interface CHAP 1 18 INIT Enter RUN STOP Ethernet Selection RS 232 Enter COM SERV Enter COM : SERV Enter OK : ? ESC Abort Enter Confirm COM : USER Enter OK : ? ESC Abort Enter Confirm COM : PROG Enter OK : ? ESC Abort Enter Confirm Hardware L40 & Network − Installation Display of L40 Project status CHAP 1 19 RUN PLC:OK Enter Outp. ON Enter OUTP: ON OUTP: OFF ESC Abort Enter Confirm PLC RUN Enter PLC: RUN PLC: STOP ESC Abort Enter Confirm PLC PROJ Enter PROJ:L40_Name.pro PROJ−DATE : DT#2006−08−16−09:30:23 PROJ−SIZE : 456678 Byte ESC Abort Hardware L40 & Network − Installation Deletion of complete L40 Program−Memory CHAP 1 20 HW WATCH 1. Disconnect L40 from supply voltage . 2. Reconnect L40 to supply voltage BOOT1.01 ESC 3. Wait until you see this message 4. Press both keys at the same time and keep them pressed + Enter BOOT1.02 BOOT1.03 BOOT1.04 Bootproj Enter 5. Wait until you see this message, than release the two keys delete ? Enter OK : ? Enter Confirm deletion Bootproj ESC Exit INIT 6. Complete L40 program memory has been deleted and PLC− Program has to be loaded with IndraLogic IndraWorks Projects CHAP 2 I Chapter 2 IndraWorks Projects © 2004 This manual is the exclusive property of ROBERT BOSCH GMBH, also in the case of Intellectual Property Right applications. Without their consent it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. Errors and technical modifications reserved. IndraWorks Projects Language and Basic settings for “IndraWorks” CHAP 2 1 Click onto “Tools / Options”, to set the basic parameters of “IndraWorks” Language setting for User Interface Default directory for “IndraWorks” projects Menu parameters IndraWorks Projects Generation of a new “IndraWorks” Project CHAP 2 2 1. Click onto “Drive and Control“, to display the available “Target Systems” 2. Click onto “File” and select “New / Project” 3. Enter the name of the new project, and select the directory, into whicjh you want to store the project 4. Take over the new settings by clicking onto the “OK” button IndraWorks Projects Generation of a new “IndraWorks” Project (continuation) CHAP 2 3 5. Select desired “Target System” with the left mouse button and keep the left mouse button pressed 6. Drag the selected “Target System” with the left mouse button still pressed onto the “Project name” and release the left mouse button as soon as a line is displayed below the “Project name” 7. Enter the name of the new “IndraWorks” project IndraWorks Projects CHAP 2 4 Definition of communication for IndraLogic L40 / VEP30 (Hardware−PLC) 8. Select desired firmware version 9. Click onto button “Extended” to select “BYTE” or “WORD” addressing mode 10. Callup the communication window, in order to enter the parameters to be used for the connection with the “Target System” 11. Click onto “Gateway”, to setup the parameters for a local “Gateway − Server” 12. Select “Local” and confirm by clicking onto the “OK” button IndraWorks Projects CHAP 2 5 Definition of communication for IndraLogic L40 / VEP30 (Hardware−PLC) 13. Click onto “New” to create a new communication channel 14. Select communication channel “Tcp/Ip (Level 2 Route)” 15. Open the input field for the IP−Address by double clicking onto “localhost” 17. Apply new settings by 16. Enter the IP−Address of the “L40” controller to which you want to make a connection and confirm the input by pressing the “Enter” key clicking onto the “OK” button IndraWorks Projects CHAP 2 6 Definition of communication channel for VPP/BTV−Panel (Software−PLC) 10. Callup the communication window, in order to enter the parameters to be used for the connection with the “Target System” 11. Click onto “New” to create a new communication channel 12. Select communication channel “Tcp/Ip (Level 2 Route)” IndraWorks Projects CHAP 2 7 Definition of communication channel for VPP/BTV−Panel (Software−PLC) 13. Click onto “Gateway”, to setup the parameters for an external “Gateway−Server” 14. Select “Tcp/Ip“ 15. Enter the IP−Address of the “VPP/BTV”−Panel to which you want to make a connection, and confirm the address by clicking onto the “OK” button 16. Apply new settings by clicking onto the “OK” button IndraWorks Projects CHAP 2 8 Completion of communication setup / creation of the new project Communication via a local Gateway−Server (L40) Note ! By clicking with the right mouse button onto the icon “Logic”, the communication window can be called up again by selecting “Properties” IndraWorks Projects Communication with a “L40” / “VEPxx” (Hardware − PLC) External PC with IndraWorks / Indralogic CHAP 2 9 IndraLogic Programming System − Target System “L40/VEP30” Communication via “Gateway” with “Local” (IP − Gateway − Server Network adapter (e.g. IP−Addresse = L40 / VEP30 Integrated network adapter (e.g. IP − Hardware − PLC (VxWorks) IndraWorks Projects CHAP 2 10 Communication with a “VPP / BTV“ − Panel (Software − PLC) External PC with IndraWorks / Indralogic Indralogic Programming System − Target System VPP/BTV Communication via “Gateway” with TCP/IP ( Network adapter (e.g. IP−Address = VPP / BTV Network adapter (e.g. IP − Address = Gateway Server Communication with “VxWin Shared Memory Network“ via local network IP−Address Software − PLC IndraWorks Projects IndraWorks / Indralogic directory structure CHAP 2 11 “IndraWorks Project” directory PLC−Program “Indralogic” Project directory Directory with PLC−Program files IndraWorks Projects IndraWorks / IndraLogic Basic settings CHAP 2 12 1. Select the icon “Logic” with the left mouse button, press the right mouse button and select “Properties” 2. Activate / Deactivate settings by clicking with the left mouse button on it 3. Check, if the directory for the I/O Confiiguration (GSD − Files) is correct Default setting : C:\Program files\Rexroth\IndraWorks\IndraLogic\Targets\Config\ IndraWorks I/O Configuration CHAP 3 Chapter 3 IndraWorks I/O − Configuration Nachdruck, Vervielfältigung und Übersetzung, auch auszugsweise, nur mit unserer vorherigen schriftlichen Zustimmung und mit Quellenangabe gestattet. Wir übernehmen keine Haftung für die Übereinstimmung des Inhalts mit den jeweils geltenden gesetzlichen Vorschriften. Reproduction, copying, or translation of this publication, wholly or in part, only with our previous written permission and with source credit. We assume no responsibility for agreement of the contents with local laws and regulations Bosch Rexroth AG is exempt from liability, and reserves the right to make changes at any time. IndraWorks I/O − Configuration Setup of I/O Start address of OnBoard I/O’s CHAP 3 1 The hardware based controllers (L40) have integrated inputs and outputs on the motherboard. The onboard inputs can also be used as interrupt inputs. The default start addresses are “I0” and “Q0”. OnBoard Inputs OnBoard Outputs 1. Open I/O − Window by double clicking on the address 2. Adapt “Input / Output“ Start − Address 3. Take over Start − Address by clicking onto the “Apply” button 4. Check “Input / Output“ addresses IndraWorks I/O − Configuration CHAP 3 2 Configuration of Rexroth Inline Modules (first Inline−Modul) 1. Click onto the button “Periphery” and select “Rexroth Inline” 2. Select the Inline−Module which has to be inserted into the project with the left mouse button, and keep the mouse button pressed 3. Drag the selected “Inline Modul” with the left mouse button still pressed onto the icon “Inline I/O”, and release the left mouse button as soon as two little squares are displayed IndraWorks I/O − Configuration CHAP 3 3 Configuration of Rexroth Inline Modules (first Inline−Modul) 4. Enter the I/O − Start address 5. Take over the new address by clicking onto the “Apply” button 6. Check, if the new address is correct (Caution ! Obey Word / Byte addressing mode) IndraWorks I/O − Configuration CHAP 3 4 Configuration of Rexroth Inline Modules (second Inline−Modul) 7. Select the Inline−Module which has to be additionally inserted into the project with the left mouse button, and keep the mouse button pressed 8. Drag the selected “Inline Modul” with the left mouse button still pressed onto an existing “Inline module”, and release the left mouse button as soon as a line is displayed below the selected “Inline Module” Important note! The order in the configuration window, must match 100% the order of the installed “Inline Modules”, otherwise a configuration error is displayed after the program has been loaded into the controller IndraWorks I/O − Configuration CHAP 3 5 Configuration of Rexroth Inline Modules (second Inline−Modul) 9. Enter the I/O − Start address 10. Take over the new address by clicking onto the “Apply” button 11. Check, if the new address is correct (Caution ! Obey Word / Byte addressing mode) IndraWorks I/O − Configuration CHAP 3 6 Import of additional GSD−Files for Profibus−DP I/O−Configuration 1. Click onto the button “Periphery” and select “ProfibusDP / I_O“ 2. Check , if the required Profibus−DP I/O−Module is already existing in the selection list 3. Click with the left mouse button onto icon “Profibus−M”, press the right mouse button and select “Import GSD files” 4. Select the “GSD−Files” you want to add to the existing list, and take over the selection by clicking onto the “Open” button IndraWorks I/O − Configuration CHAP 3 7 Import of additional GSD−Files for Profibus−DP I/O−Configuration 5. Check, if all imported “GSD−Files” are displayed in the list Directory structure of GSD−Files Note ! To remove an installed “GSD−File” from the list in “IndraWorks”, the file must be manually deleted from the “Config” − Directory IndraWorks I/O − Configuration Configuration of Profibus−DP I/O − Modules CHAP 3 8 1. Click onto the button “Periphery” and select “ProfibusDP / I_O“ 2. Select the Profibus−DP module which has to be inserted into the project with the left mouse button, and keep the mouse button pressed 3. Drag the selected “Profibus−DP” module with the left mouse button still pressed onto the icon “Profibus/M”, and release the left mouse button as soon as two little squares are displayed IndraWorks I/O − Configuration Configuration of Profibus−DP I/O − Modules CHAP 3 9 4. To adapt the Profibus−Station Address, open the inserted module by double clicking on it 5. Enter the station address of the Profibus−DP I/O−Module, 5. Take over the station address (Bus address) by clicking onto the “Apply” button Note ! The window with the “Station” address can be called up again by double clicking onto the corresponding basic module IndraWorks I/O − Configuration Configuration of Profibus−DP I/O − Modules CHAP 3 10 6. Drag the selected “Type” of the I/O−Module with the left mouse button still pressed onto the icon of the previously inserted “Basic” module, and release the left mouse button as soon as two little squares are displayed 7. To adapt the I/O−Start Address, open the inserted module by double clicking on it 8. Enter the I/O − Start address 9. Take over the new address by clicking onto the “Apply” button 10. Check, if the “Module Type” is correct (Caution ! Obey Word / Byte addressing mode) Note ! The I/O−Address input window can be called up again by double clicking onto the “Module Type” IndraWorks I/O − Configuration Configuration of Function − Modules CHAP 3 11 1. Click onto the button “FM” 2. Select the desired Function−Module, which is to be inserted into the project with the left mouse button and keep the mouse button pressed 3. Drag the selected “Function−Module”with the left mouse button still pressed onto the icon “Inline I/O”, and release the left mouse button as soon as two little squares are displayed 4. To adapt the I/O−Start Address, open the inserted module by double clicking on it 5. Enter the I/O − Start addresses 6 Take over the new address by clicking onto the “Apply” button IndraWorks I/O − Configuration Setup of the Profibus−DP transmission rate CHAP 3 12 1. Open the “Bus parameter window” by double clicking onto the Icon “Profibus / M ” 2. Adapt the transmission rate according to the specification of the used I/O−Modules Note ! For the first time installation, it is recommended to set the “Transmission” rate to 1500MBit. As soon as the Profibus−DP runs in an error free state, the “Transmission” rate can be increased to the maximum value. IndraWorks I/O−Configuration Load Profibus−DP Configuration into PLC−Controller CHAP 3 13 1. Callup “IndraLogic” by double clicking with the left mouse button onto the icon “Logic” 2. Click onto the tab “Ressources” and open the I/O−Configuration window by double clicking with the left mouse button onto “PLC Configuration” ( = is managed by “IndraWorks”) 3. Check, if the I/O−Configuration was taken over from “IndraWorks” without errors IndraWorks I/O−Configuration Load Profibus−DP Configuration into PLC−Controller CHAP 3 14 4. Select “Project / Rebuild all” and compile the Indralogic project 5. Check, if the project was compiled without erros IndraWorks I/O−Configuration Load Profibus−DP Configuration into PLC−Controller CHAP 3 15 6. Select “Online / Login” and load the IndraLogic project into the PLC−Controller 7. After loading is completed, start the PLC− Program using “Online / Run” 8. Check the function of the I/O−Modules and the status of the connected signals j − Signalzustand ist “0” (False) J − Signalzustand = “1” (True) IndraLogic Program structure CHAP 4 Kapitel 2Chapter 5C Chapter 4 IndraLogic Program structure Nachdruck, Vervielfältigung und Übersetzung, auch auszugsweise, nur mit unserer vorherigen schriftlichen Zustimmung und mit Quellenangabe gestattet. Wir übernehmen keine Haftung für die Übereinstimmung des Inhalts mit den jeweils geltenden gesetzlichen Vorschriften. Reproduction, copying, or translation of this publication, wholly or in part, only with our previous written permission and with source credit. We assume no responsibility for agreement of the contents with local laws and regulations Bosch Rexroth AG is exempt from liability, and reserves the right to make changes at any time. IndraLogic Basic Setup CHAP 4 1 Setting the basic parameters for Indralogic − “Load & Save“ 1. Click onto “Project / Options“, to setup the basic parameters 2. Click onto “Load & Save“, to define the system properties and the memory handling Create Backup • With every “Save” a backup file with the extension ”.bak” is generated • This *.bak“ −file is kept after closing the project. and can be restored when required Auto Save • While you are working, the project is saved according to a defined time interval to a temporary file with the extension ”.asd”., which is erased at a normal exit from the program • If for any reason IndraLogic is not shut down ”normally”, then the file will not be erased • If the project is opened again, you are promted, if you want to open the “original file” or the “auto save file“ Ask for project info • When saving a new project or saving a project under a new name, the project info is automatically called • You can visualize the project info with the command ’Project / Project info’ and alter it Auto Load • At the next start of IndraLogic the last open project is automatically loaded • This can also be achieved by entering entering the project in the command line Save before compile • The project will be saved before each compilation inta a file with the extension ”.asd”, which behaves like described under option ’Auto Save’ Remind of boot project on exit • If the project has been modified and downloaded without creating a new “Boot project” since the last download, a dialog will remind the user before leaving the project, and the “Boot project” can be newly generated IndraLogic Basic Setup Setting the basic parameters for Indralogic − “Editor” CHAP 4 2 Number of space per “Tab” (e.g. 2) Select a fixed font type (e.g. Courier) Autodeclaration • If this option is activted , then after the input of a not−yet−declared variable, the “Variable” declaration window is called up automatically Autoformat • If this option is activated, an automatic formatting is carried out when a line completed − the following formatting is carried out • Operators and Keywords written in small letters are converted into capitals • Tabs are inserted automatically to achive uniformly divided columns List components • If this option is activated, “Intellisense” will be activated with the following functions: − if you insert a dot at a position where a identifier should be inserted, then a selection list will opened, offering all global variables which are found in the project − If you insert the name of a function block instance, followed by a dot, a selection list of all Declarations as tables • Variables are displayed in a table instead of using the usual declaration editor. • This table is sorted like a card box, where you find tabs for input variables, output variables local variables and in_out variables. Mark • the representation of theactual mark in the graphical Editors can be selected as: − dotted rectangle − a rectangle with solid lines − as a filled rectangle Bit values • the representation of the binary datatypes (BYTE, WORD, DWORD) in “Monotor” can be set to Decimal, Hexadecimal order Binary Surpress monitoring of complex types (array, pointer, VAR_IN_OUT) • if this option is activated, complex data typs like Arrays, Pointers, VAR_IN_OUTs are not displayed in the Monitor window, when Online Mode is selected Show POU symbols • if this option is activated, icons will be displayed inside of the POU−Boxes, if they are stored as bitmaps in the Library directory (POU−Name “TON” = Symbol name “TON.bmp”) IndraLogic Basic Setup Setting the basic parameters for Indralogic − “Desktop” CHAP 4 3 language selection for the User Interface, program code is not changed (Code is always in “English”) Note ! Language selection is only possible under Windows NT, Windows 2000 und Windows XP möglich Toolbar • a toolbar with buttons for faster selection of menu commands is dispalyed below the menu bar Status bar • a status bar at the lower edge of the main windowis displayed Online in Security mode: • In “Online mode” with the commands ’Run’, ’Stop’, ’Reset’ ’Toggle Breakpoint’, ’Single cycle’, ’Write values’, ’Force values’ and ’Release force’, a dialog box appears with the confirmation request whether the command should really be executed • This option is saved with the project Query communication parameters before login • as soon as the command ’Online’ ’Login’ is executed, a communication parameter dialog will be displayed • To go into online mode, this dialog must be confirmed by clicking onto the “OK” button Do not save communication parameters in project • The settings of the communication parameters dialog (’Online’ ’Communication Parameters’) Printer borders • In every editor window, the limits of the currently set print range are marked with red dashed lines • Their size depends on the following: − paper size − orientation F4 ignores warnings • After compilation, when F4 is pressed in a message window, the focus jumps only to lines with error messages, warning messages are ignored MDI−representation • with active MDI−Option multiple windows can be opened • with deactivated MDI−Option only one window can be opened in Full Screen Mode IndraLogic Basic Setup CHAP 4 4 Setting the basic parameters for Indralogic − “Directories” Directory selection • in the “Project” and “General” sections of this window the default directories can be entered • these directories are used to search for “Libraries” or “Control configuration files” or to save the compiled program file and the Source upload files • Compiled files are of the type “.map” and “.list”, the “Symbol” files however are stored directly into the project directory • for the “Library” and “Configuration” files several directories can be entered, separated by a semicolon “;” Note ! Do not use empty spaces and special characters except for ”_” in the directory names. Validity of inputs • Entries made in the “Project” section are stored into the Project file • Entries made in the “Generall” section are stored into the “.ini” − file of Indralogic and they are valid for all projects • In the section “Target” the default names of the directories for Libraries and Configuration files are taken from the Target system settings (e.g from the Target configuration file) • These fields are blocked for editing, entries however can be selected and copied Note ! The search order is defined as follows • first the directories entered in the ’Project’ sections are searched • next search path is taken from the ’Target’ section • finally the directories entered n the “General” section are searched Important note ! • If two files with the same name are found, the one in the directory that is searched first will be used IndraLogic Basic Setup Setting the basic parameters for Indralogic − “Build” CHAP 4 5 Note! If the “Number of “Data” segments is not sufficent enough for the current project, the compiler will output an error message Debugging • Additional to the program code, debugging code is created, resulting in a considerably larger file • The debugging code is needed in order to make use of the debugging functions offered by IndraLogic (e.g. breakpoints) • When this option is switched off, project processing becomes faster and the size of the code decreases. • The option is stored with the project. Replace constatnts • The value of each constant is loaded directly, in Online mode the constants are displayed in green • Forcing, writing and monitoring of a constant is then no longer possible • If the option is deactivated, the value is loaded into a storage location via variable access (this does in fact allow writing the variable value, but implies longer processing time). Nested comments • Comments can be placed within other comments Example: (* a:=inst.out; (* to be checked *) b:=b+1; *) • the comment that begins with the first bracket is not closed by the bracket following ”checked,” but only by the last bracket Create binary file of the application • A binary image of the generated code (boot project) is created in the project directory during compilation (File name: “Project_name.bin”) Number of data • Enter here how many storage segments are to be reserved for your project data in the controller. (This space is required so that an Online Change can still be carried out when new variables are added) Note ! All entries in the Build Options dialog are stored into the project file IndraLogic Basic Setup CHAP 4 6 Setting the basic parameters for Indralogic − “Source download” Note ! Source download requires time, when loading a program. If source is not required in PLC don’t download it, to speed up load process. • The option “Sourcecode only” exclusively affects the Indralogic file (file extension .pro) • The option “All files” also includes files such as the associated library files, visualization bitmaps, configuration files, etc. • The option “Implicit at load” allows the selected file range to be automatically loaded into the controller system on the command ’Online / Login’. • The option “Notice at load” offers a dialog, when the command ’Online / Login’ is selected, with the question ”Do you want to write the source code into the controller system?” Pressing “Yes” will automatically load the selected range of files into the controller system, or you can alternatively click onto “No”, and the source code is not loaded into the controller. • The option “Implicit an create boot project” allows the selcted file range to be automatically loaded into the controller system on the command ’Online’ / Create boot project’ • The option “On demand” loads the source code only, if ’Online / Sourcecode download’ is selected in the “Online” menu Download “Source code” from the controller IndraLogic Basic Setup IndraLogic − “Symbol configuration” CHAP 4 7 Function The settings made here, are used to configure the handling of the “Symbol file” “Projectname.sym” or as a Binary−File of the name “Projectname.sdb”. The “Symbol file” is required for the data exchange with the controller, and is used by the “OPC−” or “GateWay DDE“ − Server. Settings • If the option “Dump symbol entries” is activated, all project variables will be stored automatically into the “Symbol file” during the compiler run (Projectname.SYM) • If the option “Dump XML Symbol table” is activated, all project variables will be additionally stored into a XML−Version of the “Symbol file” (Projectname.SYM_XML) • both files will be stored into the project directory Configuration of the Symbol file entries with the button “Configure symbol file” • If the option “Symbol configuration from “INI−File” is activated in the “Target settings”, the symbol file entries will be generated using the “IndraLogic.ini” file or from another “*.INI” file which is defined in the “Indralogic.ini” file (in this case, the object attributes cannot be edited) • If option “Symbol configuration from “INI−File” is not activated in the “Target settings”, the symbol file entries will be generated according to the selection made with “Configure symbol file” IndraLogic Basic Setup IndraLogic − “Symbol configuration” CHAP 4 8 Select all objects from which the variables have to be stored into the “Symbol file” The following options are available: Export varibales of objects • All variables of the selected objects are taken over into the “Symbol file” Export data entries • for structures and arrays of an object entries for the access to the main variable are generated Export structure components • each structure variable is generated as an individual entry in “Symbol file” Export array entries • each element is genertated as an individual entry in the “Symbol file” Write access • all variables in the “Symbol file” are enabled for “Write” access IndraLogic Basic Setup “Target System” − Basic setup − “General” CHAP 4 9 Depending on the selected “Target System”, certain functions can be set / reset by “IndraLogic” using “Resources / Target System / General” Note ! Adaptions of the functions is only possible, if the “Target System” is checked out from the ENI−Database IndraLogic Basic Setup “Target System” − Basic setup − “General” I/O−Configuration / No address check An I/O−Address can be defined only once. n The same I/O address can be defined in several tasks. CHAP 4 10 Support preemptive multitasking n A Task with a low priority can be interrupted immediately by a task with a higher priority. The Task with low priority is continued after the high priority task has been completed. Byte addressing mode Each variable allocates memory according to its size. The addressing of the Variables is done according to their size (B, W, D) n The addressing of the Variables is done generally Byte by Byte. Online Change Loading of changes requires a STOP of the controller. n Changes are loaded without of a STOP of the controller. Update unused I/O’s Variables not used in theprogram are not updated in the I/O Update Cycle n all Variables no matter if they are used in the program or not, are updated in the I/O Update Cycle Download symbol file Symbol files are used as address references for external OPC−Clients or for the Communication requests of VCP− or VPP − Panels. They are generated, if the checkbox in ’Project / Options / Symbol configuration’ is checked. The Symbol file is not loaded into the L40 n The Symbol file is loaded into the L40 Symbol config from INI file The Symbol configuration is defined in ’Project’ / Options’ under the function ’Configure symbol file’ . n The Symbol configuration is read out of the INDRALOGIC.INI file. The button ’Configure symbol file’ is not available with this selection. PLC Browser The PLC Browser is a tool, which can communicate with the L40 via command line commands The PLC Browser is not available in the Resources. n The PLC Browser is available in the Resources. Trace The Trace function makes available a 8−channel Oscilloscope for digital and analogue values, which can be used to monitor “Global” − Variables. Trace is not available in the Resources. n Trace is available in the Resources. Load boot project automatically The boot project must be updated manually with the command ’Online / Create boot project’ in the L40. n The Boot project is updated with each “LogIn” (Load / Online Change) in the L40 Flash−Memory Retain forcing • The active forcings remain active, after a new program is loaded IndraLogic Project Structures CHAP 4 11 Project structure Project Programs / Modules Global Variables Data Types Declarations Code Main program “PLC_PRG” Update of input status Processing of forcing list inputs Processinh of the IndraLogic Application Callup of additional Programs, Functions and Function Blocks Processing of forcing list outputs Update of output status The module “PLC_PRG” has a special status among all other modules. “PLC_PRG” is the only module, which is directly called by the “runtime system Functions of the Indralogic Runtime system IndraLogic Application ( user specific program) IndraLogic Project Structures CHAP 4 12 IndraLogic directory structure on harddrive (Development system) Um Development system Directory structure is generated during the installation process IndraLogic Project Structures CHAP 4 13 IndraLogic directory structure on harddrive (Project data) Example : Um IndraLogic Project Structures CHAP 4 14 Files in the Indralogic programming system The following table shows the predefined file extensions and their assignment to the used files: File extension .pro *.lib, *.obj, *.hex *.ci *.ri IndraLogic.ini *.trg *.txt *.tnf *.cfg, *.gsd *.eds, *.dib, *.ico *.sdb, *.sym *.log *.bmp Retain.BIN Persist.DAT MPS.BIN Ethernet.BIN Config.DAT Bootrom.SYS Default.STS Default.PRG Default.CHK Source.DAT corresponding files the IndraLogic project file libraries and if available the corresponding object and hex−files compiler information download/reference information INI file target files in binary format for all installed targets target files for the installed targets in text format, if available target files in text format (only for installation − reference to *.trg) files used for PLC configuration (configuration files, device files, icons etc.) symbolic informations generated from the project project log file bitmaps for project POUs and visualization Pointer to the adresses of remanent ’RETAIN’ variables, in NvRAM remanent ’PERSIST’ variables on the FLASH card Master Parameter Set for the Profibus−DP configuration Contains the IP address, Subnet Mask and Gateway address Stored data of the control configuration Boot sector for VxWorks operating system Status of the control after a restart Boot project − Program code Boot project − Checksum Compressed source code stored on the FLASH card IndraLogic Project Structures CHAP 4 15 Display structure IndraLogic Declaration window for variables Program window Message and Error display Modules Data Types Visualization Resources IndraLogic Project Structures CHAP 4 16 Generation of a new “Folder” 1. Select level under which the new structure is to be generated e.g. POU’s 2. Press right mouse button and select “New Folder” 3. Select “New Folder” object, press right mouse button and select “Rename Object” IndraLogic Project Structures CHAP 4 17 Generation of a new “Object” 1. Select the “Level” and the “Folder” under which the “New Object” is to be inserted 2. Press the right mouse button and select “Add Object” 3. Select “Type of POU”, “Language of POU” and enter the “Name” of the new POU IndraLogic Program Structures CHAP 4 18 Elements of Program Organization Units (POU) Configuration Ressource Task Data types & variables Program Organization Units (POU) Program (PRG) Function Block (FB) Function (FUN) • The modules which a project is made of are called Program Organization Units by the IEC61131 standard • POU’s are the same as the Program, Organization, Sequence and Function modules used in the PLC−Programming world • To reduce the large variety, very specific meanings of module types and to simlify the programming of them, is the most important goal of the standardization IndraLogic Program Structures CHAP 4 19 Elements of Program Organization Units (POU) Organization module OM PM Program module SM Sequence module (PRG) (FB) DM Data module FM Function module (FUN) Programming languages for POU’s POU − Type Program Functionblock Function Keyword Program Function_Block Function Description Main program with allocation of PLC−I/O devices, Global Variables and Access Paths Module with Input and Output Variables Is the mainly used POU−Type for programming Module with Return Value to extend the instruction set of a PLC LDR LIST FUP ST SFC IndraLogic Program Structures CHAP 4 20 Elements of a Program Organization Unit (POU) The following three POU−Types differ by the the properties of their usage: Function (FUN) • Parameterized POU without static variables (without memorized values), which returns always the same result with the same input parameters as a function result value. Function block (FB) • Parameterized POU with static variables (with memorized values) • A Function Block (e.g. Timer or Counter module) with the same input parameters returns results, which depend on the status of the internal (VAR) and external (VAR_EXTERNAL) variables, which remain unchanged between FB−Calls. Program (PRG) • This POU−Type represents the “Main Program” • All variables of the complete program, to which physical address have been assigned (e.g. Inputs and Outputs of the PLC) must be declared inside of this POU or above (Ressources, Configuration) • remaining properties like FB Usage of parameters • Programs (PRG) and Function Block (FB) can be programmed together with parameters, which can be passed together with the call of the module • Functions have “Input” parameters and one “Function Return Value” • Such properties have been previously only available with Function Blocks • This makes an IEC 61131−3 FUNCTION_BLOCK with Inputs and Output parameters equivalent to the previously used Function Modules in PLC’s • As a result of the extended or restricted properties of the POU−Types PROGRAM and FUNCTION, there are no eqivalent counterparts in modules according to DIN 19239 General Specifications • A POU is a self contained unit, which can be compiled independently from other program parts by the compiler • However the compiler requires information about the calling interface of the POU’s, which are called inside of the module (Prototypes) • To build the complete program, compiled POU’s can be linked together later on • The name of a POU is known inside of the complete project and must not be allocated several times at different locations • Local Subroutines, which are possible with other high level languages, are not known by the IEC 61131−3 standard • This makes the name of a POU and its calling interface globally available to all other POU’s in a project, as soon as the POU has been declared • This autonomy of the POU’s, makes not only possible an extensive modularization of an application, but also the reusability of already implemented and tested programs IndraLogic Program Structures CHAP 4 21 Elements of Program Organization Units (POU) A POU consist of the following parts: − Definitionof the POU Type with POU Name (and Data type with Functions) − Declaration sectin with the variable declarations − POU−Body with the program code Program Prog name Function_Block FB name Function FUN name Interface variables Local variables Program code (POU Body) Declaration section Code section Declaration section • Declarations are are used to define all variables of a POU • A difference is made between the “Local” (internal) variables of a POU and the “Interface” (In /Out) variables, which can be seen by the outside program Program code section (POU Body) • In the Program section of a POU the binary logic and/ or the data processing is to be programmed using one of the following progrmming languages − Instruction list (IL) − Ladder Diagram (LD) − Functions Plan (FBD) − Structured Text (ST) Function_Block FB name Function_Block Continue Interface variables Local variables Program code (POU Body) VAR_INPUT VAR_OUTPUT VAR LD ... LD ST ... ST VarIN VarIN : VarOUT1 : VarOUT2 : VarLocal : BOOL; END_VAR BYTE ; BOOL ; END_VAR BYTE ; END_VAR VarLocal VarOUT1 VarOUT2 IndraLogic Program Structures CHAP 4 22 Deklaration section of Program Organisation Units (POU) Usage of Variable types inside of the 3 POU Types Variable type PROGRAM VAR VAR_INPUT VAR_OUTPUT VAR_IN_OUT VAR_EXTERNAL VAR_GLOBAL VAR_ACCESS yes yes yes yes yes yes yes permitted inside of FUNCTION_BLOCK yes yes yes yes yes no no FUNCTION yes yes no no no no no • as shown in the table above, all variable types can be used together with a “Program” • Function blocks cannot provide global variables to other POU’s, this is only permitted in Programs, Ressources and Configurations • Function blocks can acces such global variables only by using the variable type “VAR_External” • Functions are the most restrictive POU’s, because they can only use “VAR” and “VAR_INPUT” variable types • Functions return their “Result” via the Function Value • Except for the “Local” variable type “VAR”, all other variable types can be used to exchange information between different POU’s IndraLogic Program Structures CHAP 4 23 Characteristics of the POU−Interface By allocating the “POE−Variables” to “Variable types” inside of the declaration block, the interface of the POU and its “Local data” range is determined. The POU−Interface is arranged as follows: − Calling interface: Formal parameters (Input and Input / Output parameters) − Return values: Output parameter or Funktion value − Globale interface with globale / external variables and access paths • Calling interface and Return values / Function values of a POU can also entered in a graphical format using “LDR” or “ FUP” • The Variables of the Calling interface are also refered to as “Formal “ parameters • At the time when a POU is called the “Formal” parameters are assigned to “Actual” parameters • this means they are assigned to actual variables, values, signals or constants Variable type Calling interface (Formal parameters) Return value Global interface VAR_INPUT VAR_OUTPUT VAR_OUTPUT VAR_GLOBAL VAR_EXTERNAL VAR_ACCESS VAR Description Input / Output parameters displayable in graphical representation Output parameters displayable in graphical representation Global data Local data Internal POU data IndraLogic Program Structures CHAP 4 24 Formal parameters and Return values of a POU The two calling interfaces respectively the Return values differ in the access methode respectively the access right Formal parameter (VAR_INPUT) • The actual parameters are passed on to the POU as values i.e. not the variable itself is passed to the POU but a copy of it • this assures that the value passed via the input variable cannot be altered inside of the called POU • This concept is also known as call by value Formal parameter (VAR_IN_OUT) • The actual parameters are passed on to the POU as a pointer to its memory location, i.e. the variable itself is passed on to the POU and can be read and altered inside of the called POU • Alterations of the value affect directly the value of passed variable outside of the POU • This concept is also know as call by reference • This type of variable offers “Pointers”, like in high level languages (e.g. “C”), • in a high level language they are used as Return values from subroutines, by returning the memory address of the corresponding parameter Return value (VAR_OUTPUT) • Return values are not passed to the calling POU, but they are available as values in the calling POU • They are not part of the calling interface • They are graphically represented together with VAR_INPUT and VAR_IN_OUT but their values are further processed as read only in text base languages like “LIST” and “ST” • the returned value is passed back to the calling POU using the return by value concept, i.e the value is available for the calling instance (FB or PRG) • this protects the output parameters from being altered by the calling POU • Together with the POE−Type “PROGRAM”, the output parameters are passed on to the actual parameter and can be used for further processing in the calling module • If arrays or user defined data structures are passed as variables, the usage of VAR_IN_OUT can result in very efficent programs, • reason is, that the variables must not be copied at runtime like VAR_INPUT or VAR_OUTPUT, only their pointers have to be passed • but this has also the disadvantage, that the variables are not protected from unwanted manipulations from the caling POU IndraLogic Program Structures CHAP 4 25 External and internal access to POE−Variables • one characteristic of Formal parameters and Return values is their visibility outside (external) of the POU in which they are used • the calling POU can (but must not) use their names explicit to set input variables • this results in a better documentation of the calling POU and paremeters can be exchanged or ommited • Input and output variables possess in this context an additional protection against unwanted Read or Write operations Variable type VAR Local variable VAR_INPUT Input variale VAR_OUTPUT Output variable VAR_IN_OUT Input and Output variable VAR_EXTERNAL External variable Access rights external internal − W RW R A local variable is only vissble inside of a POU and can only be altered inside of this POU An input variable is visible in the calling POU and can be altered there. Inside of the called POU, the variable is read only An output variable is visible in the calling POU and can only be read there. Inside of the called POU, the variable has read / write access rights An input / output variable has the combined capabilities of VAR_INPUT and VAR_OUTPUT. The variable has read / write access rights inside and outside of the called POU An external variable was declared as a global variable in another POU. This variable is available to all other POU’s with read / write access rights. Every change inside of a POU is also available to the outside. A global variable is declared inside of a POU. This variable is available to all other POU’s with read / write access rights. Every change inside of a POU is also available to the outside. A global variable of configurations, used as a communication channel between components (Ressources) of configurations. This variable can be used like a global variable inside of a POU Description R RW RW RW RW RW VAR_GLOBAL Global variable RW RW VAR_ACCESS Access path RW RW W = Write access RL = Read access RW = Read / Write access Load / Unload CHAP 5 I Chapter 5 Program Load / Unload © 2004 This manual is the exclusive property of ROBERT BOSCH GMBH, also in the case of Intellectual Property Right applications. Without their consent it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. Errors and technical modifications reserved. Load PLC−Program CHAP 5 1 Load options and Memory structure PC with Indralogic Indralogic Project file Login PLC Memory newly loaded program Online generation of Boot project *.PRO actual running program Load / Unload source code FLASH Memory Boot project Name : Default.prg Source code compressed Original Project Name: Source.DAT Reload program after shutdown Load PLC−Program CHAP 5 2 Used / Generated files PC with Indralogic Login Name.PRO PLC Memory PLC Program Name.SYM Name.SDB Load source code FLASH Memory Default.STS Retain.BIN Persist.DAT Boot project Default.PRG Default.CHK Name0000000br.CI Name0000000br.RI Source code Compile Source.DAT Untiteled.PRO Unload source code Source.DAT Programm neu laden nach Neustart Online generate Boot project Compile Load PLC−Program CHAP 5 3 Check and compile complete PLC−Program 1. Select “Project / Rebuild all” in the menubar, to check/compile PLC−Program 2. Check if compiler result is error free Note ! If errors are displayed at the end of the compiler run, press “F4” to jump directly to the incorrect program statement. If you have lots of errors, check, if you have included all required libraries. Load PLC−Program CHAP 5 4 Check interface setting to PLC (IP−Address) 1. Select “Online / Communication Parameters” in the menubar, to check/set the IP−Address of the CPS21−Panel and the internal IP−Address for the Software − PLC VPP / BTV Panels Software PLC L20 / L40 / VEP30 Hardware PLC 2. Confirm settings, by clicking onto the “OK” button Load PLC−Program CHAP 5 5 Load PLC−Program into the PLC 1. Select “Online / Login” in the menubar, to load the error free compiled PLC−Program into the PLC 2. Confirm “Loading” by clicking onto the “Yes” button 3. Start the PLC−Program” Load PLC−Program CHAP 5 6 Generate “Boot Project” in PLC−Controller 1. Select “Online / Create Boot project” in the menubar, to generate a “Boot” project in the PLC−Controller 2. Check if you are “Online” (Logout is displayed,if you are logged in and online)” Export / Import CHAP 6 I Chapter 6 Export / Import of Project data © 2004 This manual is the exclusive property of ROBERT BOSCH GMBH, also in the case of Intellectual Property Right applications. Without their consent it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. Errors and technical modifications reserved. Export / Import Export of Project data CHAP 6 1 Note ! IndraLogic handles the data entered in a project, in individual sections, inside of the development enviroment. If individual program sections have to be taken over into another project, it would be to difficult to export the data with “Copy” and “Paste”. However if the function “Export” is used, not only the data is copied, but also the structures and the variables. The “Export” file generated, is a plain ASCII − File, which includes all selected programs, structures and variables in ASCII − Format. 1. Select “Project / Export” in the menubar 2. Press the “CTRL” key and keep it pressed, then select all directories, individual programs, Variables and data structures in the displayed window, which you want to export Export / Import Export of Project data 3. Select the “Target” directory in the displayed “Explorer” window, into which the “Export” file is to be stored CHAP 6 2 4. Enter the name of the “Export” file and take over the data, by clicking onto the “Save” button 6. Close the current project via “File / Close”, before you open the new project into which you want to “Import” the exported data Export / Import Import of exported project data CHAP 6 3 Note ! In order to insert the previously exported project data from an “Export” file into another project, the function “Import” must be used . Caution ! With the “Import” function not only the program data, but also the directory structures, variables and data types are inserted into the current project (i.e. existing structures, variables and data types in the current project can be overwritten by the imported data). 1. Select “Project / Import” in the menubar 2. Select the directory from which you want to import the “Export” file, in the displayed “Explorer” window 3. Select the “Export” file, which is to be imported into Yes − existing Structure the current project, by clicking onto the “Open” button is overwritten No − existing Structure remains unchanged, a new structure with the extension “_1” is created 4. If structures, variables or programs of the same name are present in the current project, a warning message is displayed. In the displayed window the further processing of the import can be selected (i.e. a selection can be made, if the existing data is to be overwritten or if the imported data is to be discarded) Export / Import Import of exported project data CHAP 6 4 5. Check the current project for existing errors, by carrying out a new “Compiler” run (Project / Rebuild all) Programming CHAP 7 I Chapter 7 Programming with Indralogic © 2004 This manual is the exclusive property of ROBERT BOSCH GMBH, also in the case of Intellectual Property Right applications. Without their consent it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. Errors and technical modifications reserved. I/O Definition Address definition of Inputs, Outputs and Markers Structure of address definition % Percentage sign I − Input Q − Output X without B W D CHAP 7 1 − − − − − M − Marker Single Bit Single Bit Byte Word Double Word 2.7 − Bit− Address 13 − Byte Address 18 − Word Address 20 − Double Word Address Addressing examples: %QX2.7 %IB13 %IW18 %MD20 Addressing example with Symbolic names: Valve_1 LedBar ST1_Value Temp1 AT %QX2.7 AT %IB13 AT %IW18 AT %MD20 : BOOL : BYTE : WORD : DWORD Important note ! The address format in Indralogic is set to Byte−Addressing mode by default. This means, the Profibus−DP I/O addresses and the addresses used inside of Indralogic are identical If Word addressing mode is selected, the Profibus−DP I/O addresses must be divided by 2, in order to get the correct IndraLogic Word address. Examples Byte addressing mode: IndraLogic Profibus %QX2.7 %IX7.4 %IX7.7 Q2.7 I7.4 I7.7 Examples Word addressing mode: IndraLogic Profibus %QX2.7 %IX3.12 %IX3.15 Q4.7 I7.4 I7.7 I/O Definition Definition of Input, Outputs and Markers CHAP 7 2 Using bit signals in the program I/O Definition Monitoring of Bit−Signals CHAP 7 3 Important note ! The status of a signal in the display below, is only updated and displayed, if the signal is used somewhere else in the program (Program must be called and processed) Standard Data Types Standard Data Types in Indralogic The IEC 61131−3 standard defines five groups of basic data types − Bit sequence (ANY_BIT), − Integer with / without sign (ANY_INT), − Floating point (ANY_REAL), − Date, and Time (ANY_DATE), − String, Duration, Abgeleitete (ANY). CHAP 7 4 In the following table the properties of the five data type groups are described: − Name (Keyword) − Description (Short description) − Number of Bits (Data width) − value range (with related IEC−Literal) − Defaullt values „initial“ The data width and the value range given below, is depending on the target system and the implementation of the software Data type BOOL WORD DWORD SINT INT DINT USINT UINT UDINT REAL LREAL Data type DATE TOD DT TIME STRING Description Bits boolean 8 Bit sequence 16 16 Bit sequence 32 32 short integer 8 integer 16 Double integer 32 Unsigned short integer 8 Unsigned integer 16 Unsigned Double int 32 Float 32 long float 64 Description Date Time of day Date & Time Duration Sequence of characters. Range 0,...,255 0,...,65535 0,...,4294967295 −128,...,+127 −32768,...,+32767 −2147483648,...,2147483647 0,...,+255 0,...,+65535 0 ,..., + 4294967295 Default 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 Default d#0001−01−01 (treated like a D−Word) tod#00:00:00 (treated like a D−Word) dt#0001−01−01−00:00:00 (treated like a D−Word) t#0s (treated like a D−Word) (max. 255 char., Default without definition 80) Instead of the keyword TOD it also possible to use the keyword TIME_OF_DAY Instead of keyword DT it also possible to use the keyword DATE_AND_TIME Default value for a string is an empty character sequence. Variable declaration Validity of Variables CHAP 7 5 Global Variables Program (PRG) Local Variables VAR . END_VAR VAR_GLOBAL . END_VAR Program (PRG) Local Variables VAR . END_VAR Program Program Program (FUN & FB) VAR_INPUT . END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT . END_VAR Var_IN_OUT . END_VAR Local Variables VAR . END_VAR Interface Variables Program Program Variable declaration Declaration of Variables CHAP 7 6 Variable declaration Declaration of Constants CHAP 7 7 Variable declaration Global Variables in POU’s via “VAR_EXTERNAL” CHAP 7 8 Variable declaration Online − Status display of variables in declaration window CHAP 7 9 Variable declaration Resizing the Online Window CHAP 7 10 Variable declaration Selection of display format in Online mode CHAP 7 11 Programming in LIST CHAP 8 Chapter 8 Programming in LIST © 2004 This manual is the exclusive property of ROBERT BOSCH GMBH, also in the case of Intellectual Property Right applications. Without their consent it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. Errors and technical modifications reserved. Programming in LIST Creation of a program in LIST CHAP 8 1 1.Click with the left mouse button onto the “Level” and the “Folder” under which the “New Object” is to be inserted 2. Press the right mouse button and select “Add Object” 3. Select “Type of POU”, “Language of POU” and enter the “Name” of the new POU Input : AND( After input : AND ( S0 S0 Programming in LIST Calling of POU’s with and without parameters in “LIST” CHAP 8 2 Programming in LIST Programming of logic operations in LIST (Example 1) CHAP 8 3 • Logic operations in “List” are programmed using the statements “AND”, ANDNOT”, “OR” • • and so on the first statement of a rung must be always “LD” If brackets have to be used, the rules of the Boolean Algebra cannot be applied 100% Note ! Only round brackets “(” and “)” are valid Bracket rules: The result of an operation is always set with the close bracket ”)“ statement The result produced at this point, is used as a logical “AND” with the next contact or the next block of brackets Rule • If more than one contact is connected in parallel to an other contact, this “OR−Branch” must be set into brackets • If only one contact is connected in parallel, the rule “AND” before “OR” applies and no bracket is required / Programming in LIST Programming of logic operations in LIST (Example 2) CHAP 8 4 Rule • If more than one contact is connected in parallel to an other contact, this “OR−Branch” must be set into brackets • If only one contact is connected in parallel, the rule “AND” before “OR” applies and no bracket is required Programming in LIST Programming of logic operations in LIST (Example 3) CHAP 8 5 Rule • If a contact is in front of another contact block, the complete contact block has to be set into brackets • Inside of the contact block which is set into brackets the following rules apply: • If more than one contact is connected in parallel to another contact, this “OR−Branch” must be set into brackets • If only one contact is connected in parallel, the rule “AND” before “OR” applies and no bracket is required Programming in LIST Programming of logic operations in LIST (Example 4) CHAP 8 6 Rule • If a contact is in front of another contact block, the complete contact block has to be set into brackets • Inside of the contact block which is set into brackets the following rules apply: • If more than one contact is connected in parallel to another contact, this “OR−Branch” must be set into brackets • If only one contact is connected in parallel, the rule “AND” before “OR” applies and no bracket is required Programming in LIST Programming of logic operations in LIST (Example 5) CHAP 8 7 Rule • If a contact is in front of another contact block, the complete contact block has to be set into brackets • Inside of the contact block which is set into brackets the following rules apply: • If more than one contact is connected in parallel to another contact, this “OR−Branch” must be set into brackets • If only one contact is connected in parallel, the rule “AND” before “OR” applies and no bracket is required Programming in LIST Monitor display in LIST (PRG’s) CHAP 8 8 Programming in LIST Creation of a “Function” in LIST CHAP 8 9 1.Click with the left mouse button onto the “Level” and the “Folder” under which the “New Object” is to be inserted 2. Press the right mouse button and select “Add Object” 3. Select “Type of POU”, “Language of POU” and enter the “Name” of the new POU Programming in LIST Definition and Usage of a “Function” (FUN) Program inside of a “Function” CHAP 8 10 Calling a “Function” in the program Programming in LIST Online − Status display of “Functions” Status display in the calling program CHAP 8 11 Status display inside of the “Function” Programming in LIST Creation of a “Function block” in LIST CHAP 8 12 1.Click with the left mouse button onto the “Level” and the “Folder” under which the “New Object” is to be inserted 2. Press the right mouse button and select “Add Object” 3. Select “Type of POU”, “Language of POU” and enter the “Name” of the new POU Programming in LIST Definition and Usage of a “Function block” (FB) Program inside of a “Function block” CHAP 8 13 Signals used together with the call of the “Function Block” Programming in LIST Definition and Usage of a “Function block” (FB) Call of a “Function Block in a program CHAP 8 14 Manual_Move(FB) Robot_1_Right 1.Instance Var_Input Robot_1_Left Work_limit : Inputs: 2.Instance Manual_mode : E_Stop : Jog_Work : Jog_Base : End_Var Var_Output Movement End_Var _Right _Manual _ESTOP _Key_Work _Key_Base Outputs: _Y1_Right Inputs: _Left _Manual _ESTOP _Key_Base _Key_Work Outputs: _Y1_Left Memory 1.Instance Inputs: _Right _Manual _ESTOP _Key_Work _Key_Base Outputs: _Y1_Right Memory 2.Instance Inputs: _Left _Manual _ESTOP _Key_Base _Key_Work Outputs: _Y1_Left : Programming in LIST Online − Status display of “Function blocks” Monitoring in the Global variable definition window CHAP 8 15 Monitoring of the function block in the calling module Programming in LIST Online − Status display of “Function blocks” Monitoring inside of the Function Block CHAP 8 16 2. Select instance by double clicking on it 1. Double click onto the function block in the left window 3. Signal status inside of the selected instance is displayed Programming in LDR CHAP 9 Chapter 9 Programming in LDR © 2004 This manual is the exclusive property of ROBERT BOSCH GMBH, also in the case of Intellectual Property Right applications. Without their consent it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. Errors and technical modifications reserved. Programming in Ladder Creation of a program in LDR CHAP 9 1 1.Click with the left mouse button onto the “Level” and the “Folder” under which the “New Object” is to be inserted 2. Press the right mouse button and select “Add Object” 3. Select “Type of POU”, “Language of POU” and enter the “Name” of the new POU Programming in Ladder Input of a program in LDR CHAP 9 2 1. Empty program branch, with selection mark at the end of the branchs 2. Click onto the “AND” button 3. Enter the symbolic name of the signal 4. Click with the left mouse button onto an existing contact, in order to mark the start position for the next input 5. Click onto the parallel contact button (OR) 6. Enter the symbolic name of the signal 7. Click with the left mouse button onto the basic line, in order to insert a new “AND” contact or an “Output” element Programming in Ladder Alteration of program in LDR Addition of a new OR − Element CHAP 9 3 1. Press the “Shift” key and keep it pressed, then select all contacts to which you want to connect the new “OR” element in parallel, by clicking with the left mouse button on them 2. Click onto the “OR” button 3. Enter the symbolic name of the signal Addition of a new “AND” element 1. Click with the left mouse button onto the element, where you want to insert the new “AND” element in front of it 2. Click onto the “AND” element button 3. Enter the symbolic name of the signal Programming in Ladder Adding a new LDR−Network branch CHAP 9 4 1. Press the right mouse button and select “Network (after)“ or “Network ( before)” 2. Enter the logic for the new network in LDR Programming in Ladder Addition of “Function blocks” in LDR 1. Click onto the position where you want to insert the “Function block” and position the mouse pointer at this position CHAP 9 5 2. Press the right mouse button, to call up the menu, then select “Function block” 3. Select the desired “Function block” and confirm by clicking onto the “OK” button 4. Enter the parameters of the “Function block” and if required declare a new instance for the “FB” Programming in Ladder Addition of “FBD−Operators” in LDR CHAP 9 6 1. Click onto the position where you want to add a “FBD−Operator“ 2. Press the right mouse button and select “Box with EN” 3. Click with the left mouse button onto “AND” and than press function key “F2” Programming in Ladder Addition of “FBD−Operators” in LDR CHAP 9 7 F2 4. Click onto “FBD−Operators“ in the left window and select the “FBD−Operation” that you want to insert (e.g. “MUL”) 5. Enter the Variables / Signals, which you want to use with the “FBD−Operator” Programming in Ladder Call of Programs (PRG’s) in LDR 1. Click onto the base line of the network into which you want to add a program call CHAP 9 8 2. Press the right mouse button and select “Box with EN” 3. Click with the left mouse button onto “AND” and than press function key “F2” Programming in Ladder Call of Programs (PRG’s) in LDR CHAP 9 9 F2 4. Click onto “Standard Programs“ or “User defined Programs“ in the left window, and than select with the left mouse button, the “Program” that you want to insert 5. Click with the left mouse button directly onto the base line in front of “???”, and than press the “Delete” key to delete the output assignment and “???” Note ! Only if the output assignment is deleted an error free compiler run is possible Programming in Ladder Call of Functions (FUN’s) in LDR CHAP 9 10 F2 4. Click onto “Standard Functions“ or “User defined Functions“ in the left window, and than select with the left mouse button, the “Function” that you want to insert 5. Enter the Variables / Signals, which you want to use with the “Function” Programming in Ladder Call of Function Blocks (FB’s) in LDR CHAP 9 11 F2 4. Click onto “Standard Function Blocks“ or “User defined Function Blocks“ in the left window, and than select with the left mouse button, the “Function Block” that you want to insert 5. Enter the Variables / Signals, which you want to use with the “Function Block” Programming in Ladder Conditional calls of PRG’s, FUN’s and FB’s in LDR CHAP 9 12 Note ! If Programs, Functions and Function Block have to be called conditionally, the function “Box with EN” has to be used in Ladder diagram 1. Click with the left mouse button onto the base line in front of the Program, Function or Function Block, which has to called conditionally 2. Click onto the “AND” contact in the toolbar 3. Enter additional logic to be used with the conditional call Programming in Ladder Online display of POU’s written in LDR CHAP 9 13 Logic result is “TRUE” Logic result is “FALSE” Programming in Ladder Additional display options in LDR 1. Select “Extras / Options” in the menubar CHAP 9 14 Default setting 2. Activate the desired additional options in the displayed selection window Programming in Ladder Comment input in LDR CHAP 9 15 1. Press the right mouse button and select “Comment” 2. Enter the first line of the comment (to make a new line, press the “Enter” key) Programming in Ladder Jump instruction in LDR CHAP 9 16 1. Press the right mouse button and select “Jump” 2. Alter the default label from “Label” to a desired label (e.g. “End”) 3. Enter the jump destination label according to the nemae used together with the “Jump” statement (e.g. End:) Caution ! This is a comment line Programming in FBD CHAP 10 Chapter 10 Programming in FBD © 2004 This manual is the exclusive property of ROBERT BOSCH GMBH, also in the case of Intellectual Property Right applications. Without their consent it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. Errors and technical modifications reserved. Programming in FBD Creation of a program in FBD CHAP 10 1 1.Click with the left mouse button onto the “Level” and the “Folder” under which the “New Object” is to be inserted 2. Press the right mouse button and select “Add Object” 3. Select “Type of POU”, “Language of POU” and enter the “Name” of the new POU Programming in FBD Input of a program in FBD CHAP 10 2 1. Select “???” and delete the question marks with the “Del” key 2. Click onto button “Box” to insert a Basic FBD−Element 3. Press the “F2” key, to call up a “Function” selection window F2 4. Enter the names of the signals to be used Programming in FBD Adding of new Logic − Elements in FBD Connection points for new FBD−Elements CHAP 10 3 At this “Connection point” the following FBD−Elements can be added: − Box − Assignment − Jump − Return − Set (S) / Reset (R) At this “Connection point” the following FBD−Elements can be added: − Box − Negation At this “Connection point” the following FBD−Elements can be added: − Output Programming in FBD CHAP 10 4 Definition / Alteration the logic or function of a Basic−FBD−Element 1. Click with the left mouse button onto the text displayed inside of the element (Text background is changed to black color) 2. Press “F2” key to call up the Function selection window F2 3. First select the “Function Group” then the “Function” itself Programming in FBD Deletion of Inputs, Outputs and Elements Deletion of an Input pin CHAP 10 5 Select the Input − Pin to be deleted by a click with the left mouse button and delete the pin by pressing the “Del” key Del Deletion of an Output pin Select the Output − Pin to be deleted by a click with the left mouse button and delete the pin by pressing the “Del” key Del Deletion of a complete Element Select the Elemet to be deleted by a click with the left mouse button and delete the pin by pressing the “Del” key Del Important note ! If an element is deleted to which other elements are connected to, all elements connected to the input pins of this element will be deleted and the logic is adapted accordingly Programming in FBD Adding a new FBD−Network CHAP 10 6 1. Press the right mouse button and select “Network (after)” or “Network (before)” 2. Enter the logic into the new FBD−Network Programming in FBD Direct switchover from “FBD” to “LDR” display CHAP 10 7 1. Select “Extras / View” in the menubar and select the desired display mode Programming in FBD CHAP 10 8 Monitor display in FBD Representation in Blue Logic result = TRUE Representation in Black Logic result = False Note ! The color for the signal status representation can be adapted under “Project / Options / Colors” Programming in FBD Input of Comment in FBD CHAP 10 9 1. Press the right mouse button and select “Comment“ 2. Enter comment, to make a new comment line, press the “Enter” key Programming in FBD Jumps in FBD CHAP 10 10 1. Press the right mouse button and select “Jump“ 2. Adapt the default text for the target e.g. “Label” to “End”) 3. Enter the target label according to the entered label (e.g. End: ) Caution ! This is the comment line Programming in FBD Call of Programs, Functions and Function blocks in FBD CHAP 10 11 1. Select “???” and delete the question marks with the “Del” key 2. Click onto button “Box” to insert a Basic FBD−Element F2 3. Press the “F2” key, to call up the “Function” selection window Programming in FBD Call of Programs, Functions and Function blocks in FBD CHAP 10 12 4. If are there are any parameters, enter the required information Programming in FBD Definition and usage of Timers CHAP 10 13 1. Select “???” and delete the question marks with the “Del” key 2. Click onto button “Box” to insert a Basic FBD−Element 3. Press the “F2” key, to call up a “Function” selection window F2 4. Select the desired Timer −Function block Programming in FBD Definition and usage of Timers CHAP 10 14 5. Enter the name of the instance for the timer function and define the remaining parameters Programming in FBD Monitoring of Timers / Diagram Switch On Delay (TON) CHAP 10 15 Time diagram Switch On Delay Input Variables IN : Start signal (BOOL) PT : Time command value (TIME) Example T#2s, T#2000ms Output Variables Q : Timer check Bit (Bool) − “Q” = “1”, if “IN” = “1” and if the actual time (ET) is equal to command value (PT) − in alle other cases “Q” = “0” ET : actual time value (Time) − actual time (ET) is counted up as soon as “IN” = “1” − if command value (PT) is reached, actual time (ET) is stopped Programming in FBD Monitoring of Timers / Diagram Switch Off Delay (TOF) CHAP 10 16 Time diagram Switch Off Delay Input Variables IN : Start signal (BOOL) PT : Time command value (TIME) Example T#2s, T#2000ms Output Variables Q : Timer check Bit (Bool) − “Q” = “0”, if “IN” = “0” and if the actual time (ET) is equal to command value (PT) − in alle other cases “Q” = “1” ET : actual time value (Time) − actual time (ET) is counted up as soon as “IN” = “0” − if command value (PT) is reached, actual time (ET) is stopped Programming in FBD Monitoring of Timers / Diagram Pulse function (TP) CHAP 10 17 Time diagram Pulse function (TP) Input Variables IN : Start signal (BOOL) PT : Time command value (TIME) Example T#2s, T#2000ms Output Variables Q : Timer check Bit (Bool) − “Q” = “1”, if “IN” = “1” and if the actual time (ET) is less than command value (PT) − in alle other cases “Q” = “0” ET : actual time value (Time) − actual time (ET) is counted up as soon as “IN” = “1” − if command value (PT) is reached, actual time (ET) is stopped Programming in FBD Monitoring of Timers / Diagram Real Time Clock (RTC) CHAP 10 18 Input Variables EN : Enable signal (BOOL) PT : Date/Time command value (DT) Example : DT#2004−04−15−14:00:00 Output Variables Q : Time check Bit (Bool) − “Q” = “1”, if “EN” = “1“ − in alle other cases “Q” = “0” CDT : active Date and Time (DT) Example : DT#2004−07−30−22:10:23 − as soon as “EN” = “1”, the given command value at “PDT” is set at the output parameter “CDT” and “CDT” is incremented in steps of seconds as long as “EN” = “1” − if “EN” = “0”, then “DT#1970−01−01−00:00” is output at “CDT” Programming in FBD Definition and usage of Counters CHAP 10 19 1. Select “???” and delete the question marks with the “Del” key 2. Click onto button “Box” to insert a Basic FBD−Element 3. Press the “F2” key, to call up a “Function” selection window F2 4. Select the desired Counter −Function block Programming in FBD Definition and usage of Counters CHAP 10 20 5. Enter the name of the instance for the counter function and define the remaining parameters Programming in FBD Online − Status display Up Counter (CTU) CHAP 10 21 Input Variable CU : Count signal (BOOL) edge triggert Reset : Reset signal (BOOL) resets actual counter value “CV” and result bit “Q” to “0” PV : Command value (INT) max. 65535 Output variables Q : Result Bit (Bool) − “Q” = “1”, if actual counter value (CV) is equal or greater than command value (PV) − in all other cases “Q” = “0” CV : actual counter value (INT) − actual counter value (CV) is incremented by 1 as soon as the count signal (CU) is changing form “0” to “1” or from “1” to “0” − if “Reset” = “1” the actual counter value (CV) and ouput (Q) are reset to “0” − as long as “Reset” = “1” counting is blocked Programming in FBD Online − Status display Down Counter (CTD) CHAP 10 22 Input Variable CU : Count signal (BOOL) edge triggert Load : Load signal (BOOL) sets actual counter value “CV” to command value (PV) PV : Command value (INT) max. 65535 Reset : Reset signal (BOOL) resets actual counter value “CV” and result bit “Q” to “0” Output variables Q : Result Bit (Bool) − “Q” = “1”, if actual counter value (CV) is equal to “0” − in all other cases “Q” = “0” CV : actual counter value (INT) − actual counter value (CV) is decremented by 1 as soon as the count signal (CD) is changing form “0” to “1” or from “1” to “0” − if “Load” = “1” actual counter value (CV) ist set to the command value (PV) − as long as “Load” = “1” counting is blocked − if actual counter (CV) value reaches “0”, counting is stopped − if “Reset” = “1” the actual counter value (CV) and ouput (Q) are reset to “0” − as long as “Reset” = “1” counting is blocked Programming in FBD Online − Status display Up / Down Counter (CTUD) CHAP 10 23 Input Variable CU : Count up signal (BOOL) edge triggert CD : Count down signal (BOOL) edge triggert Load : Load signal (BOOL) sets actual counter value “CV” to command value (PV) Reset : Reset signal (BOOL) resets actual counter value “CV” and result bit “Q” to “0” PV : Command value (INT) max. 65535 Output variables QU : Result Bit (Bool) − “QU” = “1”, if actual counter value (CV) is equal or greater than command value (PV) − in all other cases “QU” = “0” QD : Result Bit (Bool) − “Q” = “1”, if actual counter value (CV) is equal to “0” − in all other cases “Q” = “0” CV : actual counter value (INT) − actual counter value (CV) is incremented by 1 as soon as the count signal (CU) is changing form “=” t0 “1” or from “1” to “0” − actual counter value (CV) is decremented by 1 as soon as the count signal (CD) is changing form “0” to “1” or from “1” to “0” − if “Load” = “1” actual counter value (CV) ist set to the command value (PV) − as long as “Load” = “1” counting is blocked − if actual counter (CV) value reaches “0”, counting is stopped − if “Reset” = “1” the actual counter value (CV) and ouput (Q) are reset to “0” − as long as “Reset” = “1” counting is blocked Sequence Programming CHAP 11 Chapter 11 Sequence Programming with Indralogic Sequence Programming Selection of IEC compliant SFC Input Mode CHAP 11 1 Note ! Indralogic offers 2 different types of SFC−Programming modes. The so called simplified mode, is not compliant to IEC61131. The other SFC−Mode is compliant to IEC. Before SFC Programming is started, the required mode should be activated, because it is not possible to convert it afterwards. IEC−Library In order to use the IEC−Comliant Sequence, the SFC−Library “IECSFC.LIB” must be added to the library window (Window / Library Manager / Additional Library) IEC compliant SFC−Programming mode is active Sequence Programming IEC−Step−Action commands CHAP 11 2 The following Step−Action output commands are available in the IEC compliant sequence: N R S L D P SD DS SL Non−stored overriding Reset Set (Stored) time Limited time Delayed Pulse Stored and time Delayed Delayed and Stored Action is active as long as the step is active Action is deactivated Action is activated and remains active until a Reset for this action is issued Action is activated for a certain time, but only as long as the step remains active Action is activated after a certain time, if the step is still active at this point and remains active as long as the step is active Action is carried out one time, when the step is activated Action is activated after a certain time and remains active until a Reset for this action is issued Action is activated after a certain time, if the step is still active at this point and remains active until a Reset for this action is issued Action is activated for a limited time Stored and time Limited The Step−Action commands “L”, “D”, “SD”, “DS” and “SL” require a time value in the TIME−Constant format, e.g. T#5s or T#500ms Sequence Programming Creation of an IEC−Sequence program CHAP 11 3 1. Select with the left mouse button the folder under which the new SFC−Program is to created 2. Press the right mouse button and select “Add Object” in the menu 3. Select “Program” and “SFC” in the property window and enter name of sequence module 4. Change the default text from “Init” to “N000” and “Trans0” to e.g. _S1 = TRUE and enter the action to be carried out by this step e.g. “_Y1” Sequence Programming Adding a new step element CHAP 11 4 1. Select “Transition” with left mouse button, press right mouse button and select “Step−Transition (after)” in the popup menu 2. Change the default text from “Step2” to “N001” and “Trans1” to e.g. “_S3 = TRUE“ and “Action_1” to e.g. “_Y2” Sequence Programming Copy / Paste an existing “Step” in a “Sequence” module CHAP 11 5 1. Select “Transition” with left mouse button, press ”CTRL” key and keep it pressed, then select “Step element” with left mouse button 2. Select “Edit / Copy” in the menubar 3. Select “Transition” after which you want to insert the copied step element, with left mouse button, press the “CTRL” key and keep it pressed, than press right mouse button and select “Paste after” 4. Select “Paste after” in the menubar 5. Adapt the “Step number” in the step element Sequence Programming Deletion of an existing Step−Element CHAP 11 6 1. Select “Transition” with left mouse button, press ”CTRL” key and keep it pressed, then select “Step element” with left mouse button 2. Select “Edit / Delete” in the menubar 3. If required, adapt step number Sequence Programming Adding a new Step − Action CHAP 11 7 1. Click with the left mouse button onto the step element, to which a new action is to be added 2. Press the right mouse button and select “Associate Action” 3. Adapt the “Default” values to your needs Sequence Programming Deletion of a Step−Action CHAP 11 8 1. Click with the left mouse button onto the step element, at which an “Action is to be deleted 2. Press the right mouse button and select “Clear Action / Transition” 3. Select the action which is to be deleted and confirm deletion with the “OK” button Sequence Programming Programming of a step continuation logic CHAP 11 9 1. Click with the left mouse button onto the Transition, for which the continuation logic has to be programmed 2. Press the right mouse button and select “Zoom Action / Transition” 3. Select the programming language, in which the continuation logic is to be programmed continuation on the next page Sequence Programming Programming of a step continuation logic (continuation) CHAP 11 10 4. Enter the “Continuation logic” in the selected language 5. By double clicking with the left mouse button onto the object name, you can switch back to the graphical display 6. An active “Continuation logic” is indicated by a black triangle Note By double clicking onto the black triangle, the “Continuation logic” can be called up and edited Sequence Programming Programming an Action−Logic CHAP 11 11 1. Enter the name of the “Action” program 2. Select the name of sequence program in the left window, press the right mouse button and select “Add Action” 3. Select the desired “Programming language” and enter the name of the “Action” program Continuation on next page Sequence Programming Programming an Action−Logic (continuation) CHAP 11 12 4. Enter the “Action logic” in the selected language Sequence Programming Programming a step “Entry” logic CHAP 11 13 Note ! The step “Entry” logic is processed only once when the step is selected the first time. 1. Click with the left mouse button onto the Step, for which an “Entry” logic is to be programmed 2. Press the right mouse button and select “Add Entry−Action” 3. Select the desired “Programming language” in which the “Entry” logic is to be programmed continuation on next page Sequence Programming Programming a step “Entry” logic (continuation) CHAP 11 14 4. Enter the “Entry“ logic in the selected language Sequence Programming Programming a step “Exit” logic Note ! The step “Exit” logic is processed only once when the step is exited. CHAP 11 15 1. Click with the left mouse button onto the Step, for which an “Exit” logic is to be programmed 2. Press the right mouse button and select “Add Exit−Action” 3. Select the desired “Programming language” in which the “Exit” logic is to be programmed continuation on the next page Sequence Programming Programming a step “Exit” logic (continuation) CHAP 11 16 4. Enter the “Exit“ logic in the selected language Sequence Programming Deletion of a step “Entry” or “Exit” logic CHAP 11 17 1. Click with the left mouse button onto the Step, for which an “Entry/ Exit” logic is to be removed 2. Press the right mouse button and select “Clear Action / Transition“ 3. Select the actions to be removed, and confirm by clicking on the “OK” button 4. Click onto the “OK” button, without selecting a step action in the displayed window Sequence programming Step−Property−Variables Step variables in SFC CHAP 11 18 • Default variables are used together with SFC, to make it possible to check the status of a sequence in other parts of the program • Each step has a Flag, which is used to store the status of the step • The Step_Flag − active or inactive status of a step is called: “Stepname.x“ − IEC−Sequence −> SqA_080_Robot1.N005.x “Stepname” − Simplified sequence −> SqA_080_Robot1.N005 • This boolean variable is set to “TRUE”, if the corresponding step is active, and set to “FALSE”, if the corresponding step is inactive • this variable can be used in each “Action” and “Transition” of the SFC−POU • To check, if an “IEC−Action” is active or not, the variable “Actionname.x” can be used • Together with IEC−Steps, the active time a step has been active, can be checked using the default variable “Stepname.t” • it is also possible to access the default variables from other programs inside of the project Example: act_step_1 : = SqA_050_Loadstation.N001.x Here the default variable “N001.x” is used, to check the status of IEC−Step “N001” in POU “SqA_050_Loadstation” act_step_1_Time : = SqA_050_Loadstation.N001.t Here the default variable “N001.t“ is used, to check the time the step has been active Sequence programming Step−Prpoperty−Flags IEC−Library CHAP 11 19 To use the complete set of the IEC−Sequence Flags, the SFC−Library “AnalyzationNew.lib” must be linked into the project (Window / Library Manager / Aditional library) SFC−Flags For controlling the operation of SFC POUs flags can be used, which are created implicitely during running the project. To read this flags you have to define appropriate global or local variables as inputs or outputs. Example: If in a SFC POU a step is active for a longer time than defined in the step attributes, then a flag will be set, which is accessible by using a variable ”SFCError” (SFCError gets TRUE in this case). • For controlling the operation of SFC POUs flags can be used, which are created implicitely during running the project • To read this flags you have to define appropriate global or local variables as inputs or outputs Example: If in a SFC−POU, a step is active for a longer time than defined in the step attributes, then a flag will be set, which is accessible by using the variable “SFCError” (SFCError gets TRUE in this case). The following flag variables can be used: SFCEnableLimit − Type BOOL • When it has the value TRUE, the timeouts of the steps will be registered in SFCError • Other timeouts will be ignored • the usage can be helpful during first time installation or manual mode SFCInit − Type BOOL • When this variable has the value TRUE, the sequential function chart is set back to the Init step • The other SFC flags are reset too (initialization) • The Init step remains active, but is not executed, for as long as the variable has the value TRUE • It is only when “SFCInit” is again set to FALSE, that the block can be processed normally SFCReset − Type BOOL • This variable behaves similarly to SFCInit • Unlike the latter, however, further processing takes place after the initialization of the Init step • Thus for example the SFCReset flag could be re−set to FALSE in the Init step SFCQuitError − Type BOOL • Provided that the Execution of the SFC diagram is stopped for as long as this boolean variable has the value TRUE whereby a possible timeout in the variable SFCError is reset • All previous times in the active steps are reset when the variable again assumes the value FALSE • The declaration of the flag SFCError is a prerequisite, to registers all timeouts in the SFC SFCPause − Type BOOL • Execution of the SFC diagram is stopped for as long as this boolean variable has the value TRUE SFCError − Type BOOL • This Boolean variable is TRUE when a timeout has occurred in a SFC diagram • If another timeout occurs in a program after the first one, it will not be registered unless the variable SFCError is reset first • The declaration of the flag SFCError is a prerequisite for the functioning of the other Flag− Varaiables (SFCErrorStep, SFCErrorPOU, SFCQuitError, SFCErrorAnalyzationTable) Sequence programming Step−Property−Flags CHAP 11 20 SFCTrans − Type BOOL • This variable is set to TRUE, when a transition is actuated (next step is selected) SFCErrorStep − Type STRING • If “SFCError” registers a timeout, the name of the step, which has caused the timeout, is stored into this variable • The declaration of the flag SFCError is a prerequisite, to registers all timeouts in the SFC SFCErrorPOU − Type STRING • If “SFCError” registers a timeout, the name of the POU, which has caused the timeout, is stored into this variable • The declaration of the flag SFCError is a prerequisite, to registers all timeouts in the SFC SFCCurrentStep − Type STRING • The name of the active step is stored in this variable • this is done independently of the time monitoring • If parallel branches exist in a sequence, the step in the branch on the outer right is stored into this variable SFCErrorAnalyzationTable − Type Array [0..15] of ExpressionResult • This variable provides the result of an analyzation of a transition expression • For each component of the expression, which is contributing to a FALSE of the transition and thereby to a timeout of the previous step, the following information is written to the structure ExpressionResult : − Name − Address − Comment − actual status • This is possible for maximum 16 variables (Array−Size max. 0..15) • The structure ExpressionResult as well as the implicitely used analyzation modules are provided with the library AnalyzationNew.lib • The analyzation modules also can be used in other POUs, which are not programmed in SFC Note ! • It is a pre−condition for the analyzation of a transition expression, that a timeout is registered in the preceeding step • So a time monitoring must be implemented there and also the variable SFCError (see above) must be defined in the declaration window SFCTip, SFCTipMode − Type BOOL • This variables allow Jog−Mode of the SFC • When this is switched on by “SFCTipMode” = TRUE, it is only possible to skip to the next step, if “SFCTip” is set to TRUE • As long as “SFCTipMode” is set to FALSE, it is even possible to skip over transitions Sequence programming Programming of Step−Property−Flags CHAP 11 21 Sequence programming Online display of Step−Property−Flags CHAP 11 22 Sequence programming CHAP 11 23 Sample sequence program in “LDR” − Step elements & Parameters In this example, the command output of the sequence is programmed in a separate module, using the step variables. This has the advantage, that the movement can be stooped or canceled any time, independent of the sequence module. Sequence programming Sample sequence program in “LDR” − Continuation logic INIT − Step (N000) − Continuation logic CHAP 11 24 Movement steps (N005 − N0xx) − Continuation logic Sequence programming Sample sequence program in “LDR” − Command output Command output via Step variable “Stepname.x” Format : Sequencename.Stepname.x e.g. SqA_050_Robot1.N005.x CHAP 11 25 Sequence programming Sample sequence program in “LDR” − Program callup CHAP 11 26 Sequence Programming Sequence Branching / Jump CHAP 11 27 1. Select the “Continuation” element at which the Branching / Jump is to be inserted 2. Press the right mouse button and select “Alternative Branch (right) Sequence Programming Sequence Branching / Jump CHAP 11 28 3. Change the default text from “TRANSXX” to the defined “Continuation” logic e.g. “_S3 = False” 4. Select the “Continuation” element and press the right mouse button, then select “Jump” or “Step−Transition (after)” 5. Change default text from“Step” to the step number you want to jump to e.g. “N004” Sequence Programming Sample program sequence Branching / Jump CHAP 11 29 Sequence Programming Input of “Step” comment and “Step” monitoring time CHAP 11 30 1. Click with the left mouse button onto the “Step element” for which you want to enter a “Comment” or a “Monitoring time” 2. Press the right mouse button and select “Step Attributes” 3. Enter the desired “Comment” and/or the “Monitoring time” (Time format : T#2000ms or T#2s) Note ! Display of “Comment” or “Monitoring time” has to be selected under “Tools / Options” (see next page) Note ! In order to insert additional lines, press “Ctrl” + “Enter” key Sequence Programming CHAP 11 31 Selection of “step comment” or “Step monitoring time” display 1. Press the right mouse button inside of the “Sequence” window and select “Options” Comment display Monitoring time display Programming in ST CHAP 12 Chapter 12 Programming IN ST © 2004 This manual is the exclusive property of ROBERT BOSCH GMBH, also in the case of Intellectual Property Right applications. Without their consent it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. Errors and technical modifications reserved. Programming in ST Logic operations with “Structured Text” (ST) CHAP 12 1 • Logic operations with “Structured Text” are programmed using the commands “IF / THEN / ELSE / END_IF” • The status of the used signals are checked using the statments “TRUE” or “FALSE” • If brackets have to be used, the rules of the “Boolean Algebra” apply Note ! only round brackets are valid “(” and “)” Example : Output with “Assignment” (not latched) Programming in ST Logic operations with “Structured Text” (ST) Example : Output with “Set“ and “Reset” (latched) CHAP 12 2 Programming in ST Calling program modules (PRG’s) CHAP 12 3 Programming in ST Definition and usage of Functions (FUN) Program inside of the function CHAP 12 4 Call of function Programming in ST Function parameter input Parameter input in the calling module CHAP 12 5 Parameter input inside of the function Programming in ST Online − Status display of of Functions Monitoring in the calling module CHAP 12 6 Monitoring inside of the function Programming in ST Definition and usage of Function Blocks (FB) Program inside of the function block CHAP 12 7 Call of function block Programming in ST CHAP 12 8 Definition of an instance for a function block (Memory allocation) Bas_Manual (Instance) Inputs: _S0 _S1 Output: _Y9 Memory Bas_Manual Inputs: _S0 _S1 Output: _Y9 Manual_Move (FB) Inputs VAR_INPUT left_limit right_limit END_VAR Outputs VAR_OUTPUT out_ok END_VAR Bas_Manual_2 (Instance) Inputs: _S2 _S3 Output: _Y10 Memory Bas_Manual_2 Inputs: _S2 _S3 Output: _Y10 Programming in ST Monitoring of Function Blocks Monitoring in the Global variable definition window CHAP 12 9 Monitoring of the function block in the calling module Programming in ST Monitoring of Function Blocks Monitoring inside of the Function Block CHAP 12 10 2. Select instance by double clicking on it 1. Double click onto the function block in the left window 3. Signal status inside of the selected instance is displayed Programming in ST Selection of SFC Input Mode (simlified SFC non IEC) CHAP 12 11 Note Codesys offers 2 different types of SFC−Programming modes. The so called simplified mode, is not compliant to IEC61131. The other SFC−Mode is compliant to IEC. Before SFC Programming is started, the required mode should be activated, because it is not possible to convert it afterwards. simplified SFC−Programming mode is active Programming in ST Creation of a SFC−Sequence programm CHAP 12 12 1. Select with the left mouse button the folder under which the new SFC−Program is to created 2. Press the right mouse button and select “Add Object” in the menu 3. Select “Program” and “SFC” in the property window and enter name of sequence module e.g. SqA_020_Pusher1 4. Change the default text from “Init” to “N000” and “Trans0” to “RetVal=OK” Programming in ST Add a new step element CHAP 12 13 1. Select “Transition” with left mouse button, press right mouse button and select “Step−Transition (after)” in the popup menu 2. Change the default text from “Step2” to “N001” and “Trans1” to “RetVal=OK” Programming in ST Copy / Paste an existing “Step” in a “Sequence” module CHAP 12 14 1. Select “Transition” with left mouse button, press ”CTRL” key and keep it pressed, then select “Step element” with left mouse button 2. Select “Edit / Copy” in the menubar 3. Select “Transition” after which you want to insert the copied step element, with left mouse button, press the “CTRL” key and keep it pressed, then press right mouse button and select “Paste after” in the menu 4. Adapt the “Step number” in the step element Programming in ST Deletion of an existing Step−Element CHAP 12 15 1. Select “Transition” with left mouse button, press ”CTRL” key and keep it pressed, then select “Step element” with left mouse button 2. Select “Edit / Delete” in the menubar 3. If required, adapt step number Programming in ST Programming a step CHAP 12 16 1. Double click with the left mouse button onto the step element Note ! If the step element is opend the first time, the programming language in which step program is to be written, can be selected 2. Select the Programming language to be used 3. Enter the program in the selected programming language Programming in ST CHAP 12 17 Sample Sequence program “ST” − Step elements & Parameters In this example, the command output of the sequence is programmed in a separate module, using the step variables. This has the advantage, that the movement can be stooped or canceled any time, independent of the sequence module. Programming in ST Sample Sequence program “ST” − Continuation logic INIT − Step (N000) − Continuation logic CHAP 12 18 Movements steps (N005 − N0xx) − Continuation logic Programming in ST Sample Sequence program “ST” − Command output Command output via Step variable “Nxxx” Format : Sequencename.Stepname e.g. SqA_080_Robot1.N005 CHAP 12 19 Programming in ST Sample Sequence program “ST” − Module callup CHAP 12 20 Programming in ST Sequence Branching / Jump CHAP 12 21 1. Select the “Transition” at which the Branching / Jump is to be added 2. Press the right mouse buton and select “Alternative Branch (right) Programming in ST Sequence Branching / Jump CHAP 12 22 3. Change the default text from “TRANSXX” to the defined “Transition” logic e.g. “RetVal = JP1” 4. Select the “Continuation” element and press the right mouse button, then select “Jump” or “Step−Transition (after)” 5. Change default text from“Step” to the step number you want to jump to e.g. “N004” Programming in ST Sample program sequence Branching / Jump CHAP 12 23 Programming in ST Sample program sequence Branching / Jump CHAP 12 24 Task Managment CHAP 13 I Chapter 13 Task Managment © 2004 This manual is the exclusive property of ROBERT BOSCH GMBH, also in the case of Intellectual Property Right applications. Without their consent it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. Errors and technical modifications reserved. Task managment Applications with Task managemant CHAP 13 1 Description In addition to declaring the special “PLC_PRG” program, you can also control the processing of your project using the task management. • A Task is a time unit in the processing of an IEC program • It is defined by a name, a priority and by a type determining which condition will trigger the start of the task • This condition can be defined by a time (cyclic, freewheeling) or by an internal or external event which will trigger the task; e.g. the rising edge of a global project variable or an interrupt event of the controller • For each task you can specify a series of programs that will be started by the task • If the task is executed in the present cycle, then these programs will be processed for the length of one cycle. • The combination of priority and condition will determine in which chronological order the tasks will be executed Types of Tasks Communication Free running Task L Cycle time S L Cyclic Task L S L S Event controlled Task L S L S Event Task managment Time related behavier of Tasks CHAP 13 2 For the execution of a Task, the following rules apply: • That task is executed, whose condition has been met; i.e., if its specified time has expired, or after its condition (event) variable exhibits a rising edge • If several tasks have a valid requirement, then the task with the highest priority will be executed • If several tasks have valid conditions and equivalent priorities, then the task that has had the longest waiting time will be executed first. • The processing of the program calls will be done according to their order (top down) in the task editor None preemtive behavier Advantage : Data consistancy Disadvantage : No fast inputs L S L Park L S time delay Preemtive behavier Advantage : fast inputs Disadvantage : Data consistancy is not guaranteed Free running Task Priority 10 L S L Event controlled Task Priority 5 L S Event Task managment CHAP 13 3 Creation of a new Task 1. Click onto “Ressources” / “Task configuration” to create one or several Tasks 2. Click onto “Task configuration” in the middle window, press the right mouse button and select “Append Task” continuation on next page Task managment CHAP 13 4 Creation of a Task − Definition of the Task properties 3. Enter the “Type” and the corresponding “Parameters” for the selected Task 4. Click onto “Task configuration” to take over the new parameters into the Task window continuation on next page Task managment CHAP 13 5 Creation of a Task − Definition of a program module 5. Click onto the “Name” of the Task in the Task window, press the right mouse button and select “Append Program Call” F2 6. Select the field “Program Call” and press the function key “F2” to callup the program selection window 7. Select the module which is to be called by the task, in the displayed selection list Task managment Description of properties − Cyclic Task CHAP 13 6 Name • a name for the task; with this name the task is represented in the configuration tree • the name can be edited there after a mouse click on the entry or after pressing the “Space” key when the entry is selected Priority (0−31): • a number between 0 and 31 • whereas 0 represents the highest, 31 the lowest priority Type: Cyclic • The task will be processed cyclically according to the time definition given in the field ’Interval’ Interval • the period of time, after which the task should be restarted • If a number is entered, then you can choose the desired time in the selection box behind the edit field in milliseconds [ms] or microseconds [µs] • Inputs in [ms] −format will be shown in the TIME format (e.g. ”t#200ms”) as soon as the window gets a focus change • Inputs in [ms] will always be displayed as a plain number (e.g. ”300”) Watchdog Time −> Monitoring time, after which the PLC is stopped with a “Cycle time error” Sensitivity−> Number of times the Monitoring time can be triggered, before the PLC goes to STOP Task managment Description of properties − Free wheeling Task CHAP 13 7 Name • a name for the task; with this name the task is represented in the configuration tree • the name can be edited there after a mouse click on the entry or after pressing the “Space” key when the entry is selected Priority (0−31): • a number between 0 and 31 • whereas 0 represents the highest, 31 the lowest priority Type: freewheeling • The task will be processed as soon as the program is started and at the end of the cycle, it will be automatically restarted in a continuous loop (There is no cycle time definition) Watchdog Time −> Sensitivity −> Monitoring time, after which the PLC is stopped with a “Cycle time error” Number of times the Monitoring time can be triggered, before the PLC goes to STOP Task managment Description of properties − Event controlled Task CHAP 13 8 F2 Name • a name for the task; with this name the task is represented in the configuration tree • the name can be edited there after a mouse click on the entry or after pressing the “Space” key when the entry is selected Priority (0−31): • a number between 0 and 31 • whereas 0 represents the highest, 31 the lowest priority Type: triggered by event • The task will be started as soon as the variable, which is defined in the Event field is changing its status from “0” to “1” Properties / Single • a “Global” Variable / Signal is to be entered in this field, which is used to start the Task Watchdog Time Sensitivity −> −> Monitoring time, after which the PLC is stopped with a “Cycle time error” Number of times the Monitoring time can be triggered, before the PLC goes to STOP Task managment CHAP 13 9 Description of properties − External Event controlled Task (Interrupt) Name • a name for the task; with this name the task is represented in the configuration tree • the name can be edited there after a mouse click on the entry or after pressing the “Space” key when the entry is selected Priority (0−31): • a number between 0 and 31 • whereas 0 represents the highest, 31 the lowest priority Type: triggered by external event • The task will be started as soon as the onboard input (interrupt) of the L40 PLC − Controller, which is defined in the Event field is changing its status from “0” to “1” Properties / Event • One of the 7 interupt inputs located on the motherboard of the L40 − Controller Watchdog Time Sensitivity −> −> Monitoring time, after which the PLC is stopped with a “Cycle time error” Number of times the Monitoring time can be triggered, before the PLC goes to STOP Task managment CHAP 13 10 Description of properties − System events Note: System event controlled Tasks are related to the selected “Target System” and may not be present in this form in every controller 1. Click onto the “System event” for which a task is to be defined 2. Select the field “called POU” by double clicking on it, enter the name of the program or callup a program list window by pressing function key “F2” F2 Task managment CHAP 13 11 Display of “Task Timing Diagram” in Online mode 1. Check if library “SysTaskInfo.Lib” is linked into the project 2. If required, include library via function “Window/Library Manager − Additional library” Note ! The library is control specific and therefore can be found in the “Target” − directory of the selected target system 3. Timing diagram can be monitored after “Online / Login” under “Taskconfiguration” Libraries CHAP 14 I Chapter 14 Library managment © 2004 This manual is the exclusive property of ROBERT BOSCH GMBH, also in the case of Intellectual Property Right applications. Without their consent it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. Errors and technical modifications reserved. Library managment Insertion of a new library into the current project 1. Select “Window / Library Manager” in the menubar CHAP 14 1 2. All libraries included in the current project are displayed Library managment Insertion of a new library into the current project CHAP 14 2 3. Select the upper window with the left mouse button, then press the right mouse button 4. Select the “Library” which is additionally to be included into the current project 5. All Functions / Function blocks out of this library can now be used in the current project Remanence CHAP 15 I Chapter 15 Remanence behaviour of variables © 2004 This manual is the exclusive property of ROBERT BOSCH GMBH, also in the case of Intellectual Property Right applications. Without their consent it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. Errors and technical modifications reserved. Remanence behaviour of variables CHAP 15 1 Behavier of variables after Power Off / ON and Stop / Run (Remanence) Like in the previous generation of PLC’s, the behavier of variables after Power Off / On and Stop / Run can be affected by internal settings. Indralogic is using the statements “VAR_RETAIN” and VAR_PERSISTENT” in the declaration section, to determine, if the Status / Value of a variable is cleared after Power Off / On or Stop / Run or not. Switch Off / On Online Reset Online / Login Online / Reset (Cold) Var Retain Remant_var : DINT End_Var All variables declared as “Retain”, keep their status / values, the status / value of all other variables are cleared Var Persistent Remanent_var : DINT End_var All variables declared as “Persistant”, keep their status / values, the status / value of all other variables are cleared PLC Program Switch Off / On Online Reset Online / Login Online / Reset (Cold) Online / Reset (Original) Var Retain Persistent Remant_var : DINT End_Var All variables declared as “Retain Persistent”, keep their status / values, the status / value of all other variables are cleared complete user memory is deleted PLC Program PLC Flash Memory Retain.BIN Persist.DAT Remanence behaviour of variables Declaration of remanent variables CHAP 15 2 Remanence behaviour of variables Usage of remanent variables in POU’s CHAP 15 3 If a variable is declared in a Function Block as “Retain / Persistent”, the complete instance of this function block is saved into the “Retain / Persistent” section. But only the variable which is declared as “Retain/Persistent” will be treated as a remanent variable. All other variables will be cleared. If a variable is declared in a Function as “Retain / Persistent” the declaraqtion is ignored and the variable is treated like a non remanent variable (i.e. the Status / value of this variable is cleared, like all the other non remanent variables). Remanence behaviour of variables Usage of remanent variablen in POU’s CHAP 15 4 If a variable is declared in a “Programm” as “Retain / Persistent”, exactly this one variable is saved into the “Retain / Persistent” section Monitor CHAP 16 I Chapter 16 Program Monitoring © 2004 This manual is the exclusive property of ROBERT BOSCH GMBH, also in the case of Intellectual Property Right applications. Without their consent it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. Errors and technical modifications reserved. Program Monitoring Monitoring the program flow CHAP 16 1 Sometimes it is necessary to see if a part of the program is processed or not. With the function “Display Flow Control” every line of the program which is process is mark in green on the left side of the window in the line number display. Program Monitoring Enter variable list into “Watch & Recipe Manager“ CHAP 16 2 Sometimes it is necessary to find out what status / value a certain signal / variable has. Occasionally it also required towrite variable values into the PLC to test a function. This function is provided by the “Watch and Recipe Manager“ Important note ! In “Watch und Recipe Manager” only “Global Variabls” can be entered and displayed. New variables öcan only be entered, if you are logged off (”Online / Logout”) Program Monitoring CHAP 16 3 Online display of variable list with “Watch and Recipe Manager” Program Monitoring Read and alter Variables with “Recipe” Manager CHAP 16 4 All values displayed in the “Watch” window are send to the “Recipe Manager” By double clicking onto a Variable, an input window is called up, into which new values can be entered Program Monitoring Write Variables from “ Recipe Manager” into PLC CHAP 16 5 Note ! Only the values displayed in blue color are written into the PLC Programming Monitoring Activation of the “Trace” Function CHAP 16 6 Note ! Before the “Trace” function can be used, it has to be activated in the “Target settings” 1. Select “Ressources”, and open the “Target settings” by double clicking on Programming Monitoring Definition of “Trace” Parameters CHAP 16 7 • Monitoring of variables in the “Trace” window means, that the status / value of variables are monitored and recorded for a certain duration • the monitored values are stored into a ring buffer (Trace buffer) • If the memory of the ring buffer is full, the oldest values will be overwriten • a maximum of 20 Variables can be monitored and recorded at the same time • for each variable a maximum of 500 values can be recorded • due to the fixed size of the ring buffer in the PLC, it is possible that with a high number of variables or with a very long variables (DWORD), less than 500 values can be recorded 1. Select “Ressources” and “Sampling Trace“ 2. Press the right mouse button and select “Trace Configuration” 3. Enter the signals / values to be monitored into the “Trace” configuration window Programming Monitoring Definition of “Trace” Parameters CHAP 16 8 • “Trace” definitions can be saved onto harddrive • a saved “Trace” configuration can be loaded from the harddrive Trace Name • this name is displayed in the “Trace” window at the top right position of the “Selection” list Trigger Variable • a boolean or an analog variable can be entered into this field • if the status / value of the “Trigger Variable” is changing, the recording is started and the defined number of changes is displayed before and behind the “Trigger” point Trigger Position • in this field the percentage of values to be displayed before the “Trigger” point can be entered. (e.g. if a value of 25 is entered, 25 % of the measured values will be displayed before the “Trigger” point and 75% after he “trigger” point. Then “Trace” is stopped) Trigger Level • In this field the value of an analog variable can be entered, at which the trigger event occurs Trigger edge − positive • the trigger is started by the rising edge of a boolean trigger variable, respectively by the change of an analog trigger variable from the current to a lower value − negative • the trigger is started by the falling edge of a boolean trigger variable, respectively by the change of an analog trigger variable from the current to a higher value − both • the trigger is started by the falling and the rising edge of a boolean triger variable respectively at the passing from positive to negative or negative to positive − none • the trigger is not used Programming Monitoring Definition of “Trace” Parameter CHAP 16 9 Number of samples • in this field the number of samples can be entered, after which a new recording cycle is started and the old values are overwritten by the new values Sample rate (ms) • time between two recordings in milliseconds • a “0” means : one scan cycle with each PLC Cyle Recording − single • the entered number of samples is displayed once − continuous • the sampling is restarted at the end of a samling cycle • e.g. if you enter a ’35’, the first display includes the samples 1 to 35, then the next sample block (36 − 79) is called up automatically and so on − Manual • the display of the sample recording must be selected manually in the menu via the function “Read Trace” Variables • all variables to be monitored have to be entered into this field, for a later selection in the “Trace” window for the fields “Var 0” to “Var 7” Note ! Entereing a “.” in the fields for the “Trace” variables calls up a selection of the available variables Input format : .Var_name Programming Monitoring Start of a “Trace” sample recording CHAP 16 10 1. First enter the variables to be recorded into the fields “Var 0” to “Var 7” 2. Select “Online / Login” to change over to “Monitor” mode Programming Monitoring Start of a “Trace” sample recording CHAP 16 11 3. Press the right mouse button and select “Start Trace” 4. As soon as the trigger condition is met, the result is displayed as soon as the number of defined samples have been completed User specific data structures CHAP 17 Chapter 17 User specific data structures © 2004 This manual is the exclusive property of ROBERT BOSCH GMBH, also in the case of Intellectual Property Right applications. Without their consent it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. Errors and technical modifications reserved. User specific data structures Definition of Enumerations CHAP 17 1 Using enumerations in the program User specific data structures Monitoring of enumerations CHAP 17 2 User specific data structures Definition and usage of Structures CHAP 17 3 Using structures in the program User specific data structures Monitoring of structures of userspecific data types Status display in the program CHAP 17 4 Status display in the “Ressources” Data Backup / Data Restore CHAP 18 Chapter 18 Data Backup and Data Restore Nachdruck, Vervielfältigung und Übersetzung, auch auszugsweise, nur mit unserer vorherigen schriftlichen Zustimmung und mit Quellenangabe gestattet. Wir übernehmen keine Haftung für die Übereinstimmung des Inhalts mit den jeweils geltenden gesetzlichen Vorschriften. Reproduction, copying, or translation of this publication, wholly or in part, only with our previous written permission and with source credit. We assume no responsibility for agreement of the contents with local laws and regulations Bosch Rexroth AG is exempt from liability, and reserves the right to make changes at any time. Data Backup / Data Restore CHAP 18 1 Backup of a complete IndraWorks − Project In order to make a Backup of a complete IndraWorks − Project, inclusive Visualization and all other comonents included in the project, IndraWorks has an integrated ZIP−Utility, which stores the complete project inta a compressed ZIP−File on the harddrive or removeable devices. This ZIP−File can than be easily passed on to other persons and restored on a different computer with IndraWorks. 1. Click onto the button “Archive project” 2. Click onto button “Next” to continue Data Backup / Data Restore CHAP 18 2 Backup of a complete IndraWorks − Project 3. Enter the drive/directory and the name of the archive file under which you want to store the project (only existing directories can be used) 4. Protect your archive by entering a password (Optional) 5. Click onto button “Next” to continue 6. Check if the selected options are correct 7. Click onto button “Finish“ to to start archiving Data Backup / Data Restore CHAP 18 3 Backup of a complete IndraWorks − Project 8. Project is commpressed and stored under the entered file name 9. Click onto the button “Close” to complete the backup process Data Backup / Data Restore CHAP 18 4 Restoring of an archived IndraWorks−Project (ZIP−File) Using this function, a previously archived IndraWorks−Project can be restored into a fully working project 1. Close the actual IndrWorks−Project via “File/ Close / Project” 2. Click onto the button “Restore project“ 3. Click onto button “Next” to continue Data Backup / Data Restore CHAP 18 5 Restoring of an archived IndraWorks−Project (ZIP−File) 4. Select the directory in which the archived ZIP−File is located 5. Select the ZIP−File which is to be restored 6. Click onto button “Open” Data Backup / Data Restore CHAP 18 6 Restoring of an archived IndraWorks−Project (ZIP−File) 7. Click onto button “Next” 8. Select the directory into which you want to restore the archived project 9. Click onto button “Next” Data Backup / Data Restore CHAP 18 7 Restoring of an archived IndraWorks−Project (ZIP−File) 10. Check your settings and click onto button “Finish”, to start the restore process 11. ZIP−File is unpacked and the project is restored into the selected directory Data Backup / Data Restore CHAP 18 8 Restoring of an archived IndraWorks−Project (ZIP−File) 12. Result is displayed 13. Activate direct loading of the restored project into IndraWorks project window Data Backup / Data Restore CHAP 18 9 Adaption of the PLC−Directories Sometimes it is necessary to adapt the directories of a restored project. This is always required, if the project was archived on another computer, with a different directory structures for the “IndraWorks” development software. 1. Select the “Logic” icon with the left mouse button, press the right mouse button and select “Properties” 2. Adapt the IndraWorks−Installation directory. e.g. “C:\Programme\...” to “C:\Program files\....” Data Backup / Data Restore CHAP 18 10 Importing a Standalone IndraLogic Program (*.PRO−File) The function “Import PLC project data” can be used to repair a corrupted IndraWorks−Project or to integrate a Standalone IndraLogic − Project into IndraWorks. 1. Click onto “Drive and Control”, to display the available “Target Systems” 2. Click onto “File” and select “New / Project” 3. Enter the name of the new project and select the directory, into which you want to store the new project 4. Click onto “OK” button, to take over your selection Data Backup / Data Restore CHAP 18 11 Importing a Standalone IndraLogic Program (*.PRO−File) 5. Select the desired “Target System” with the left mouse button, keep the left mouse button pressed 6. Drag the selected “Target System” with the left mouse button still pressed onto the “Project name” and release the left mouse button as soon as you can see a line below the “Project name” 7. Enter the name for the “IndraLogik” Program Data Backup / Data Restore CHAP 18 12 Definition of communication for IndraLogic L40 / VEP30 (Hardware−PLC) 8. Select desired firmware version 9. Click onto button “Extended” to select “BYTE” or “WORD” addressing mode 10. Callup the communication window, in order to enter the parameters to be used for the connection with the “Target System” 11. Click onto “Gateway”, to setup the parameters for a local “Gateway − Server” 12. Select “Local” and confirm by clicking onto the “OK” button Data Backup / Data Restore CHAP 18 13 Definition of communication for IndraLogic L40 / VEP30 (Hardware−PLC) 13. Click onto “New” to create a new communication channel 14. Select communication channel “Tcp/Ip (Level 2 Route)” 15. Open the input field for the IP−Address by double clicking onto “localhost” 17. Apply new settings by 16. Enter the IP−Address of the “L40” controller to which you want to make a connection and confirm the input by pressing the “Enter” key clicking onto the “OK” button Data Backup / Data Restore CHAP 18 14 Importing a Standalone IndraLogic Program (*.PRO−File) 18. Click onto the button “Finish” to take over the new settings Note ! By clicking with the right mouse button onto the icon “Logic”, the communication window can be called up again by selecting “Properties” Data Backup / Data Restore CHAP 18 15 Importing a Standalone IndraLogic Program (*.PRO−File) 19. Select the Indralogic−Project with the left mouse button, press the right mouse button and select “Import PLC project data“ 20. Select the directory in which the “Pro−File” to be imported is located 21. Select the “Pro−File” to be imported 22. Click onto button “Open” to load the selected file Data Backup / Data Restore CHAP 18 16 Importing a Standalone IndraLogic Program (*.PRO−File) 23. Select the Objects, which you want to import 24. Click onto the button “Import”, to import the selected objects 25. Enter the following into the three password windows: User name : ENI Password : 123456 Data Backup / Data Restore CHAP 18 17 Importing a Standalone IndraLogic Program (*.PRO−File) 26. The “PLC−Project data” is now integrated into “IndraWorks” and can be used for further processing Language translation CHAP 19 Chapter 19 Language translation Nachdruck, Vervielfältigung und Übersetzung, auch auszugsweise, nur mit unserer vorherigen schriftlichen Zustimmung und mit Quellenangabe gestattet. Wir übernehmen keine Haftung für die Übereinstimmung des Inhalts mit den jeweils geltenden gesetzlichen Vorschriften. Reproduction, copying, or translation of this publication, wholly or in part, only with our previous written permission and with source credit. We assume no responsibility for agreement of the contents with local laws and regulations Bosch Rexroth AG is exempt from liability, and reserves the right to make changes at any time. Language translation CHAP 19 1 Generation of the translation file The original language used during the development of an IndraLogic PLC−Program can be automatically translated into any other language by using a translation file. This translation file is automatically generated with the original language text. The additional languages have than to be entered into the translation file manually by the user. The translation using the translation file can be carried out temporarily or permanent. If the translation is carried out temporary, it is possible to go back to the original language. If the translation is carried using the translate option, the original texts are replaced permantly by the text of the newly selected language. 1. Select function “Project / Translate into other languages / Create translation file ...” 2. Select the objects you want to include into the tranlation file 3. Insert the languages into which you want to translate the original text Language translation CHAP 19 2 Generation of the translation file 4. Start the generation of the translation file by clicking onto the “OK” button Note ! If the translation file already exists, only the newly found objects will be added, existing translations will not be effected. Additionally a backup file is generated from the previous version of the translation file. 5. After completion of the generation, the system automatically switches back to IndraLogic Language translation CHAP 19 3 Input of the translations into the translation file In order to enter the translations for the various languages into the translation file, the file has to be opened with an ASCII−Editor like “Notepad”. The translation file is located in the same directory as your “*.Pro − File”. The translation file also has the same name as the “*.PRO−File”, but with the file extension “*.tlt”. 1. Check, into which directory the translation file is stored to. 2. Select the directory using the “Windows Explorer” and open the translation file with an ASCII−Editor Language translation CHAP 19 4 Input of the translations into the translation file Original−String Original−String Translation text Translation text Original−Comment Original−Comment Translation text Translation text Language translation CHAP 19 5 Switchover to another language 1. Select “Project / Translate into another languages / View translated project” − View translated project : Original text is replaced temporarily for display only − Translate this project : Original text is replaced permanently and saved into the project 2. Select the language you want to switch to 3. Program is displayed in the selected language Command overview CHAP 20 I Chapter 20 Command overview © 2004 This manual is the exclusive property of ROBERT BOSCH GMBH, also in the case of Intellectual Property Right applications. Without their consent it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. Errors and technical modifications reserved. Command overview CHAP 20 1 Identifier, Keywords Identifiers (Variable name) Sequence of characters, numbers and underscore (_). Must start with a character or an underscore (_). More than one leading underscor or several underscores in a row are invalid. Identifiers must also not include any spaces. A minimum of 6 characters must be supported by every system. Examples of Identifiers START STOP VALVE_6 VALVE_E_7 _16E8 _Motor Command overview CHAP 20 2 Identifier, Keywords Keywords A keyword consist of a sequence of characters without any “Spaces”. Keywords must not be used for any other purposes e.g. Variable names Keywords ACTION...END_ACTION ARRAY...OF AT CASE...OF...ELSE...END_CASE CONFIGURATION...END_CONFIGURATION CONSTANT EN ENO EXIT FALSE F_EDGE FOR...TO...BY...END_FOR FUNCTION...END_FUNCTION FUNCTION_BLOCK...END_FUNCTION_BLOCK IF...THEN...ELSIF...ELSE...END_IF INITIAL_STEP...END_STEP PROGRAMM...WITH... PROGRAMM...END_PROGRAMM R_EDGE READ_ONLY READ_WRITE REPEAT...UNTIL...END_REPEAT RESOURCE...ON...END_RESOURCE RETAIN RETURN STEP..END_STEP STRUCT...END_STRUCT TASK TRANSITION...FROM...TO...END_TRANSITION TRUE TYPE...END_TYPE VAR...END_VAR VAR_INPUT...END_VAR VAR_IN_OUT...END_VAR VAR_EXTERNAL...END_VAR VAR_ACCESS...END_VAR VAR_GLOBAL...END_VAR WHILE...DO...END_WHILE WITH Furthermore: Data type names Function names Function block names Operators of the LIST Language Operators of the ST Language Command overview CHAP 20 3 Numerical literals Integer literals and Real literals Examples -5 +96 628_26 Integer literals underscores between numbers must be ommitted Real literals Real literals with an Exponent Literal Base 2 Literal Base 8 Literal Base 16 Boolean Zero and One Boolean FALSE and TRUE -5.0 0.123 12.56 6.2E – 4 i.e. 6.2e – 4 -2.6E + 3 i.e. -2.6e + 3 12.0E3 i.e. 12.0e3 2#1010_1010 8#156 16#FF 0 1 FALSE TRUE String-Literals Sequence of zero or more characters between two single quote characters (’) Example ‘‘ ‘X‘ ‘‘ ‘$“ ‘$$6.00‘ $$ $‘ $L bzw. $l $N bzw. $n $P bzw. $p $R bzw. $r Empty string with a length of zero String of the length one with character X String of the length one with a space character String of the length one with a quote character String of the length five with, $6.00 Dollar-Character $ Single quote character Line feed New line New page Carriage return Time literals 1.Duration of time Command values for time literals must start with the keywords T#, TIME#, t# or time# Underscores can be used to separate the time unit from the time literal. Examples T#80 ms T#30.8s T#9.5m T#20.6h T#30h26m t#7d16h12m TIME#2.5h time#2.5h Time#12h_22m_48s T#16h_12m_18s Command overview CHAP 20 4 Date and Time DATE# bzw. D# TIME_OF_DAY# bzw. TOD# DATE_AND_TIME# bzw. DT# Date Time of Day Date and Time Examples Date#1996-04-6 D#1996-04-6 D#1996-04-6 TIME_OF_DAY#17 : 19 : 40.12 TOD#17 : 19 : 40.12 DATE_AND_TIME#1996-04-12-17 : 26 : 45.16 Dt#1996-01-12-17 : 26 : 45.16 Boolean Operators Operator AND Parameter ANY_BIT Comment AND Function Example ST OUT := _S1 AND _S2 LIST LD AND ST OR ANY_BIT OR Function _S1 _S2 OUT ST OUT := _S1 OR _S2 LIST LD OR ST _S1 _S2 OUT NOT ANY_BIT NOT Function, Negation ST OUT := _S1 AND NOT _S2 LIST LD ANDN ST _S1 _S2 OUT XOR ANY_BIT XOR-Function ST OUT := _S1 XOR _S2 LIST LD XOR ST _S1 _S2 OUT Command overview CHAP 20 5 Arithmetical Operators Operator InputLIST ST Parameter ADD + ANY_NUM OutputParameter ANY_NUM Comment Addition Example ST Result := Value1 + Value2; LIST LD ADD ST SUB − ANY_NUM ANY_NUM Subtraction Value1 Value2 Result ST Result : =Value1 − Value2; LIST LD SUB ST Value1 Value2 Result MUL * ANY_NUM ANY_NUM Multiplication ST Result := Value1 * Value2; LIST DIV / ANY_NUM ANY_NUM Division; with ANY_INT integer division ST Result : =Value1 / Value2; LIST LD MUL ST Value1 Value2 Result MOD ANY_INT ANY_INT Modulo (Reminder with integer division) ST Result : =Value1 MOD Value2; LIST LD MOD ST Value1 Value2 Result EXPT Base: ANY_REAL Exponent: ANY_NUM ANY_REAL Power of ST Result := EXPT( Value1, Value2); LIST LD EXPT ST Value1 Value2 Result MOVE ANY_NUM ANY_NUM Assignment ST Result := MOVE( Value1) same as Result := Value1; LIST LD Value1 MOVE Result ST Result same as LD Value1 ST Result Command overview CHAP 20 6 Compare Operators Operator LIST ST GT > InputParameter ANY_BIT ANY_NUM STRING TIME ANY_DATE OutputParameter BOOL Comment Greater than Example ST X;= A > B; LIST LD GT ST BOOL Greater than or Equal A B X GE >= ANY_BIT ANY_NUM STRING TIME ANY_DATE ST X;= A >= B; LIST LD GE ST A B X LE Type : R − IB IL 24 DO 16 Q8.0 ... Q9.7 B − IO K − DP −−−> Type : 16DI / 16DA Profibus−DP Master 10 I4.0 ... I5.7 Q4.0...Q5.7 Switch box R−ILB PB 24 −−−> Type : ILB PB 24 DI16 DO16 12 I60.0 ... I61.7 Q60.0...Q61.7 Robot & Transport slide R−ILB PB 24 −−−> Type : ILB PB 24 DI16 DO16 I62.0 ... I63.7 13 Q62.0...Q63.7 Press In Station Exercises Program structure CHAP 21 3 Exercises Global Variables Inputs and Outputs CHAP 21 4 Exercises Signal list Switch Box (Bit signals) Inputs I4.0 I4.1 I4.2 I4.3 I4.4 I4.5 I4.6 I4.7 I5.0 I5.1 I5.2 I5.3 I5.4 I5.5 I5.6 I5.7 Outputs Q4.0 Q4.1 Q4.2 Q4.3 Q4.4 Q4.5 Q4.6 Q4.7 Q5.0 Q5.1 Q5.2 Q5.3 Q5.4 Q5.5 Q5.6 Q5.7 Inputs I4 I5 I4 Q4 Q5 Q4 M20.0 M20.1 M20.2 M20.3 _S0 _S1 _S2 _S3 _S4 _S5 _S6 _S7 _S8 _S9 _S10 _S11 _S12 _S13 _S14 _S15 _Y0 _Y1 _Y2 _Y3 _Y4 _Y5 _Y6 _Y7 _Y8 _Y9 _Y10 _Y11 _Y12 _Y13 _Y14 _Y15 _S0_S7 _S8_S15 _S0_S15 _Y0_Y7 _Y8_Y15 _Y0_Y15 _Auto _manual _Jog _Special Switch 0 Switch 1 Switch 2 Switch 3 Switch 4 Switch 5 Switch 6 Switch 7 Switch 8 Switch 9 Switch 10 Switch 11 Switch 12 Switch 13 Switch 14 Switch 15 Led 0 Led 1 Led 2 Led 3 Led 4 Led 5 Led 6 Led 7 Led 8 Led 9 Led 10 Led 11 Led 12 Led 13 Led 14 Led 15 Byte Byte Word Byte Byte Word CHAP 21 5 Signal list Switch Box (Byte & Word) Outputs Signal Markers Automatic mode manual mode Jog mode Special mode Exercises Example 1 CHAP 21 6 Example 2 Exercises Example 3 CHAP 21 7 Exercises Example 4 CHAP 21 8 Exercises Example 5 CHAP 21 9 Exercises Example 6 CHAP 21 10 Exercises CHAP 21 11 AND before OR Circuit 1 −S10 −S11 −S12 & O >=1 −S20 −S21 & + = −Y7 Exercises CHAP 21 12 Circuit with bracket 2 −S1 −S2 −S3 −S10 −S11 & >=1 & −S12 −S13 −S17 & −S18 −S20 −S21 & >=1 + = −Y8 Exercises CHAP 21 13 Circuit with OR−bracket 3 −S12 −S13 −S2 −S3 O & >=1 & O −S4 −S5 & −S16 −S19 >=1 & −S21 O −S22 + = −Y9 Transportation Slide I61.1 Q61.0 Q60.7 I61.2 I60.7 I61.0 PressIn Station Exercises Robot Station Q60.5 Q60.4 I62.0 I60.5 I60.3 I60.2 I60.4 I60.6 Q60.6 I62.4 Q62.0 Q62.4 I62.2 Q62.2 Q62.3 I62.3 I62.7 Q60.0 I60.0 Q60.3 I62.6 Q62.1 Q62.5 I62.5 CHAP 21 I62.1 Q60.1 I60.1 14 Q60.2 Exercises Signal list machine model Robot Station Inputs Address I60.0 I60.1 I60.2 I60.3 I60.4 I60.5 I60.6 CHAP 21 15 Symbol name 301S101B 301S101A 301S201A 301S201B 301S301A 301S301B 301S401A Robot Rotation Arm at top Robot Rotation Arm at bottom Robot Rotation Arm at right Robot Rotation Arm at left Robot Rotation Arm at front Robot Rotation Arm at rear Robot Gripper closed Comment Outputs Address Q60.0 Q60.1 Q60.2 Q60.3 Q60.4 Q60.5 Q60.6 Symbol name 301Y101B 301Y101A 301Y201B 301Y201A 301Y301A 301Y301B 301Y401A Move Robot Rotation Arm Up Move Robot Rotation Arm Down Move Robot Rotation Arm to the left Move Robot Rotation Arm to the right Move Robot Arm to the front Move Robot Arm to the back Close Robot Gripper Comment Transportation slide Inputs Address I60.7 I61.0 I61.1 I61.2 I63.0 Symbol name 401S101B 401S101A 401S101 401S201 400S600 Transportation slide at front Transportation slide at rear Transportation slide occupied at front Transportation slide occupied at rear PressIn ready Comment Outputs Address Q60.7 Q61.0 Q61.1 Symbol name 401Y101B 401Y101A 400Y600 Transportation slide backward Transportation slide forward Enable signal Robot station ready Comment Exercises Signal list machine model Press In station Inputs Address I62.0 I62.1 I62.2 I62.3 I62.4 I62.5 I62.6 I62.7 I63.0 CHAP 21 16 Symbol name 501S101B 501S101A 501S201B 501S201A 501S301B 501S301A 501S101 501S201 500S600 Safety gate at top Safety gate at bottom Horizontal unit at front Horizontal unit at rear Press In unit at top Press In unit at bottom Part present at front Part present at rear Robot ready Comment Outputs Address Q62.0 Q62.1 Q62.2 Q62.3 Q62.4 Q62.5 Q62.6 Symbol name 501Y201B 501Y201A 501Y101B 501Y101A 501Y301B 501Y301A Safety gate up Safety gate down Pusher forward Pusher backward Press In unit up Press In unit down Enable signal Press In−Station ready Comment 500Y600 Exercise Exercise Programming of a Function Movement from Work to Base Position CHAP 21 17 Set movement to Work Reset movement to Base Movement from Base to Work Position Set movement to Base Reset movement to Work Callup PLC_PRG −−−−> Manual_Move_Robot −−−−−−> Base_Move Work_Move −−−−−−> Exercise Exercise Programming of a Function Logic from Base to Work Position CHAP 21 18 Logic from Work to Base Position Switch assignment − Switch box _S7 _S6 _S5 _S4 _S3 _S2 _S1 _S0 Jog Mode Jog Door Start Jog Work Jog Base E−Stop Manual Auto _S15 _S14 _S13 _S12 _S11 _S10 _S9 _S8 Pusher Forw Backw Gate Up Down PressIn Up Down Slide. Forw Backw Gripper Close Open Robot Forw Backw Robot right Left Robot Up Down Exercise Exercise Programming of a Function Block CHAP 21 19 Switch assignment − Switch box _S7 _S6 _S5 _S4 _S3 _S2 _S1 _S0 Jog Mode Jog Door Start Jog Work Jog Base E−Stop Manual Auto _S15 _S14 _S13 _S12 _S11 _S10 _S9 _S8 Pusher Forw Backw Gate Up Down PressIn Up Down Slide. Forw Backw Gripper Close Open Robot Forw Backw Robot right Left Robot Up Down Callup PLC_PRG Manual_Move_Stat120 Instances of BaseMoveFB −−−−> −−−−−−> Exercise CHAP 21 20 Exercise Programming of a Function Block − Manual logic Local variables Logic − Manual Mode => Input Manual = ”TRUE” Exercise CHAP 21 21 Exercise Programming of a Function Block − Automatic logic Logic − Automatic Mode => Input Manual = ”FALSE” Logic − Set outputs Exercises Automatic Sequence “Robot Station” CHAP 21 22 Exercises Automatic Sequence “Robot Station” CHAP 21 23 Exercises Automatic Sequence “Robot Station” CHAP 21 24 Exercises Automatic Sequence “Transportation Slide” CHAP 21 25 Exercises Automatic Sequence “Press In Station” CHAP 21 26 Exercises Automatic Sequence “Press In Station” CHAP 21 27
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