2004 35lh Annual IEEE Power Elecrronics Specialisis Conference Aachen, Cennony, 2004 Optimization of Stranded-Wire Windings and Comparison with Litz Wire on the Basis of Cost and Loss. Xu Tang and Charles R. Sullivan Email:
[email protected] http:llengineering.dartmouth.edulinductor 8000 Cummings Hall, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755, USA Abstract-Stranded wire with uninsulated strands has been proposed as a low-cost alternative to litz wire. In this paper, we develop a method to optimize stranded-wire designs on the basis of cost and loss, and compare the results to optimized litz-wire designs. A simply calculated parameter is shown to he useful to predict when each type of wire is preferred. A method to extend both loss prediction and optimization for arbitrary geometries and waveforms is also introduced. Deliberate oxidation of strands is proposed as a method to improve performance of stranded wire, and to increase its range of applicability. Experimental measurements with approximately 0.15 p n oxide show dramatic increases in interstrand resistivity, indicating that this approach could be very effective. I. INTRODUCTION Simple stranded wire without insulation on the individual strands has recently been proposed as a cost-effective sub- stitute for litz wire for reducing eddy-current loss in high- frequency transformer and inductor windings [ I ] . Although it seems self-evident that the individual copper strands that constitute litz wire should be insulated to prevent circulating currents and to effect the function of litz wire in reducing losses, stranded wire with uninsulated strands, which we will refer to simply as stranded wire, can be expected to reduce circulating currents significantly compared to solid wire. It provides an intermediate alternative between the extremes of litz wire and solid wire on both cost and the potential to reduce circulating currents. It appears that stranded wire is a useful alternative to consider where the high cost of litz wire is prohibitive and slightly higher losses can be tolerated. However, in such a situation, it is also possible to choose a lower cost litz-wire design. Choosing a litz-wire design is difficult, because of the large design space of possible choices for number and diameter of strands, many of which have high cost, high loss, or both. Hence, careful optimization can be invaluable; the methods in [21, [31, [4] narrow the design space to a smaller set of alternatives, each of which provides the lowest possible loss at any given cost. Thus, in order to determine when and where stranded wire offers advantages, it is necessary to compare a range of optimized designs, and show that the stranded wire can provide lower cost at a given loss, or lower loss at a given cost. We undertake such a comparison in this paper, by combining the loss analysis of stranded wire in [I] with the optimization of litz wire in 121. Previous work on loss calculation in stranded wire is reviewed in Section I-A. A method to find the lowest-loss This work was suppRed in pal by the United States Depanment of Energy under gran1 DE-FC36-01GOI 106. stranded-wire design for any given cost is described i n Sec- tion IV, based on a cost model developed in Section 11. Section 111 discusses an important parameter in the model: interstrand resistivity, and introduces and tests a method to improve it. The loss model is used to compare optimized stranded- and litz-win: designs in Section V, including finding a simple calculation that can be applied to a given design problem to determine whether stranded wire will be advan- tageous. In Section VI, the methods of Sections I-A, 1V and V are extended t~ address arbitrary waveforms that may be different in each winding and two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (343) field geometries. A. Loss Calculation The calculation of high-frequency effects in stranded wire developed in [I] is reviewed briefly here, and in more detail in Appendix I. High-frequency winding loss effects include skin effect (the tendency for high-frequency currents to flow on the surface of a conductor) and proximity effect (the tendency for current to flow in other undesirable patterns-loops or concentrated d i s t r ibu t ionsdue to the presence of magnetic fields generated by nearby conductors). Ordinarily, proximity-effect losses are dominant over skin-effect losses because in a multi-layer winding the total magnetic field is much larger than the field generated only by oni: strand or turn. For this reason, the loss calculation in [ I ] focuses on proximity-effect loss. In multi-strand windings, proximity-effect loss includes ef- fects at both the strand level and the bundle level, as illustrated in Fig. I . Strand-level proximity effect may optionally be still further divided into internal proximity effect (the effect of other currents within the bundle) and external proximity effect, but we instead consider the total proximity effect as a result of the total field at any given strand 121. Strand-level effects are usually not affected by the presence or absence of insulation and standard litz-wire analysis 151, 161, 171, [8] can be applied to uninsulated strands. The effect of increased length due to twisting is addressed in [ I ] , as reviewed in Appendix I, resulting in this expression for power loss due to strand-level proximity effect: where w is the radiari frequency of the sinusoidal excitation, e is the length of the bundle, pc is the resistivity of copper, p is the pitch of the twisting, n is the number of strands in a bundle, d, is the diameter of each strand, bz is the spatial 0-7803-8399-0/04/$20.00 02004 IEEE. 854 I 1 "Internal" "External" h g . I. Types of eddy-culrent effens in bundled wire average of the squared peak magnetic flux density, and K , is the strand packing factor, which is assumed to be independent of the pitch. This model ( I ) is only valid if the strand diameter is smaller than or comparable to a skin depth [9], [IO], a s is the case in good litz- or stranded-wire designs. For 1-D field geometries, the average squared field can be easily calculated [ I I ] , [IO]. An approach for more complicated geometries and for non-sinusoidal waveforms is discussed in Section VI. Predicting bundle-level proximity effect with finite conduc- tivity between strands is more complex than predicting strand- level effects. For this calculation, the conductivity between strands is characterized by an effective resistivity of the composite material comprising many strands, p a s , measured perpendicular to the strand or bundle axis. Typical values of psr range from 20 pLRm to 200 p0.m [ I ] . This important parameter is discussed in more detail in Section 111. As reviewed in Appendix I, [ I ] derives an expression for the bundle-level proximity-effect loss. This expression has been experimentally verified in [ l ] . From (2), we see that the bundle-level eddy-current loss decreases as pitch is reduced. However, the other losses, P, = I:,,,,R~~ and the strand-level eddy-current loss Eddy. IWnd given by ( I ) , increase as pitch is reduced. Thus, the total loss has a minimum value at an intermediate, optimal pitch, pOpt. In [ I ] , this optimal pitch is found to be where I,,, is the rms current in the winding under consider- ation. 11. COST MODELLING As discussed in [8], [2], optimizing litz-wire designs without considering cost leads to the use of very large numbers of tine strands that are prohibitively expensive. Thus, practical optimization must include a cost model, particularly given that the goal of using stranded wire is to reduce cost. Aachen, Germany, 2W4 As was done in [2] for litz wire, we developed a curve- fit function for the cost per unit mass of stranded wire from manufacturers' pricing. 0.49 x mG 2.5 x m2 + d: (4) The cost Cm,coPper(ds) in (4) is for stranded copper wire with no strand insulation or bundle insulation, and is normalized to a value of one for the cost per unit mass of large-strand litz wire, so that the values can be compared directly with costs From the curve-fit model for litz-wire cost in [2], 4 C m , c o p p ( d , ) = 0.46 + which has the same normalization. For stranded wire, there is an additional complication: It is necessary to insulate the overall bundle before a winding can be constructed, whereas with litz wire, i t is possible to rely only on the strand insulation, or to add only serving (a textile wrap) to mechanically protect the strands while still relying on the strand insulation for electrical isolation between turns. A thermoplastic insulation, such as PTFE (Teflon), PVC, polyester, polyuretahne, or polypropylene can be extruded over a litz- or stranded-wire winding. The relative cost and temperature ratings of these materials are listed in Table I. The cost of this insulation is an important factor in determining whether and when stranded wire is competitive with litz wire. In some applications, thermoplastic such as PTFE is used for bundle insulation on litz wire in order to increase the dielectric strength for high voltage or for safety requirements. In such cases, stranded wire is significantly cheaper. However, in other litz applications where no bundle insulation is used, the extra cost of the bundle insulation must be subtracted from the cost savings of using stranded wire. We have also developed an approximate model for the cost of coating per unit length, again based on manufacturers' pricing: Coating lit2 wire costs more than coating stranded wire because litz wire is more suceptihle to mechanical and thermal damage. Thus, the constant kCl takes on different values for coating litz or stranded wire with the same PTFE insulation (2 x m-l or 1.5 x 10-5m-', respectively). For PTFE insulation, the same value for k,z is used for either case, 2.4 x With these constants, (6) gives normalized values compatible with (4) and (5). (i.e., as in (4) and (5), the values are normalized to a value of one for large-strand litz wire.) TABLE I RELATIVE COST ANI) OPERATION TEMPERATURE OF SEVERAL BUNDLE INSULATION MATERIALS. Polypropylene PVC Polyester Polyurethvne PTFE Kelauve cost I 1.25 4 5 7 Operation 'C temperature 80 105 180 I80 ZW 855 2004 35th Annual IEEE Power Elecrronics Specialisls Conference This means that (4), (5). and (6) can he used together to compare costs of different strategies. Note that the constants in these formulas are subject to change as wire technology changes. However, even with different constants, the structure of the model and general conclusions are likely to remain unchanged. 111. INTERSTRAND RESISTIVITY The interstrand resistivity could, in theory, he larger than the hulk resistivity of copper because of two different effects. Firstly, current flowing between strands must crowd into a narrow contact area. This "bottleneck" introduces extra re- sistance. However, extensive analysis of this effect, including calculations of contact area as a function of pressure and finite- element analysis of the current flow [12], showed that the resistance produced by this effect is much smaller than values measured in practice, using measurement methods described in [I]. Thus, we conclude that the resistance must be mostly produced by contact resistance and surface contamination, for example by a thin layer of surface oxidation. Because even slight oxidation seems to substantially en- hance resistance between strands, we propose increasing resistivity by deliberately introducing slight oxidation. The oxidation of copper is a complex process. The oxidation rate depends on several factors including the temperature and gas composition [13]. Different forms of oxidation rate laws are observed in different temperature ranges [13]. At high temperatures (above 800' C), a parabolic rate law is Aacben, Germany, 2004 large pitch and small strand diameter should be used to achieve this goal. So we chose wire consisting of 210 strands of 40 AWG with a pitch of 30 mm. We oxidized the strands of one sample for I O minutes at 200' C in normal air in an oven and then twisted the oxidized strands into a bundle. The oven was pre-warmed to %OOo C before strands were put into it. We used the direct proximity-effect loss measurement method described in [ I ] to measure the proximity-effect loss in both clean and oxidized wire samples, and found the interstrand resistivity by fitting the predicted curve to the measured curve. Note that the strand-level proximity loss is not affected by interstrand resistivity. For the bare stranded wire, an interstrand resistivity of 150 fi0.m is chosen to fit the measured curve, while for the oxidized stranded wire, an interstrand resistivity of 450 p 0 . m is chosen to fit the measured curve. The interstrand resistivity is increased by about a factor of three due to oxidation. And this resistivity is about 25 times the worst-case number of 20 p 0 . m for bare wire [I ] . In these two wire samples, the bundle-level loss dominates over strand-level loss. The total loss in the wire is reduced by about a factor of three due to the oxidation of strarids. We also find that oxidized stranded wire is easier to solder than litz wire. In the wire industry, the typical annealing temperature is about 700' C. At this temperature, the oxidation rate is about 100 times faster than at 200" C. This means an oxidation layer of thickness 0.15 fim can be grown in less than I O seconds. Thus oxidation of strands is a practical way to improve the performance of stranded wire. observed [13]: 3 - 5 - dt F (7) where C is the thickness of oxidation layer, t is the oxidation time and kl is the parabolic scaling constant. At intermediate temperatures (200 to 800" C), a cubic law is observed [13]: At lower temperatures (lower than 200O C), the oxidation rate follows a reciprocal logarithmic law 1131. We can save time by oxidizing the strands at very high temperature (above looOO C). For simplicity in testing, we choose to oxidize the strands at intermediate temperatures. For our purposes, we do not need to find a mathematical model for oxidation in the temperature range we are interested in, but can instead directly find the thickness of oxidation layer grown in a given time at a specific temperature from experimental data. Ten minutes of oxidation at 256' C in normal air gives an oxidation layer of thickness 0.15 fim as calculated in [I21 from the experimental data in [13]. The oxidation thickness is much smaller than the strand diameter (the diameter of strand 40 AWG is about 80 fim, and the thickness of a single-build magnet wire insulation is about 8 pm). The increase of DC resistance of a strand by such an oxidation layer can be ignored. In order to detect the loss difference between bare and oxidized stranded wire, we need to choose wire in which the bundle-level proximity-effect loss dominates over the strand- level proximity-effect loss. Comparing ( I ) with (2), we find 1V. OPTIMIZATION There are many possible combinations of strand diameter and number of strands (d, and n) for any given cost. We wish to find the combination that, for a given cost, provides the minimum loss. For a particular strand size, d,, we can calculate the number of strands, n, for the given cost, and then calculate the power loss using the loss model described in Section I-A. Thus, for a fixed cost, we can calculate the loss for any given strand diameter. We then use a numerical optimization routine (the Nelder-Mead Simplex algorithm [ 141 as implemented in the MATLAB function frninsearch) to find the strand diameter that yields the minimum power loss for the given cost. We repeat this procedure for different costs to find the minimum loss for any given cost. A flowchart of this process is shown in Fig. 2. v. COMPARING LITZ A N D S T R A N D E D WIRE One way to compare litz wire and stranded wire is through an example. We start by considering the same design example used in [2] (RM5 ferrite core, number of turns N = 14, frequency f = 1 MH.2, bobbin window breadth bb = 4.93 mm, core window breadth b, = G.3 mm). Curves of minimum loss at any given cost are shown for FIFE coated litz-wire and PTFE stranded-wire windings with and without strand oxidation in Fig. 3. At the upper left of Fig. 3, the cost of the stranded-wire winding is lower than the cost of the litz-wire winding for 856 2004 351h Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference Aochen, Germany, 2004 B 2 P a 3 E P 1 - 0.0 Give design specification Use the Matlab function to find ds that yields minimum loss in the winding Calculate n and the loss Normalize a l l losses and costs 10 the 1 0 s and cost Generate @he cost and 10s tradeoff curve Fig. 2. Flowchan of the procedure to generate cos1 and loss tradeoff curves. the same loss. However, for a given increase in cost (corre- sponding to using finer strands), the loss reduction is greater for litz wire than for stranded wire. There is a point at which the two curves intersect and to the right of ihis point, the litz- wire winding performs better than the stranded-wire winding. We denote the intersection point as the critical strand diameter, dcVit. If we have a design using a litz-wire winding with strand diameter larger than d,,,,, a stranded-wire winding can provide the same performance at a lower cost, whereas for designs using strand diameters smaller than d,,it, stranded wire offers no advantage. Note that the oxidation significantly extends the region in which stranded wire has an advantage. Although Fig. 3 clearly shows the cost and loss ranges Nomatized Cost Fig. 3. Cost and loss. for FTFE-coaled lilz-wire and PTFE-coated suanded- wire windings. with and without oxidation. A l l are normalized to an optimal cosr/loss design using a PTFE-coaled l i lz-wire winding with 44 AWF strands. in which litz- or stranded-wire windings are preferable, the designer must still make a choice between lower-loss, higher- cost designs and higher-loss, lower-cost designs. Given de- tailed information on the application, one can calculate the cost of the power losses over the life of the equipment, and compare that to the cost of a lower-loss winding as described in [21. However, it may be desirable to use lower loss designs than this simple calculation alone would indicate, because there may be additional equipment and energy-cost savings from reduced cooling requirements, and because of the environmental benefits of reduced energy consumption. Returning to the question of whether to choose litz or stranded wire, we find that the position of the point at which the two curves intersect changes with six different parameters. It would be desirable to find a parameter that is a combination of all these parameters such that the curve only depends on the one new parameter. We suppose this parameter has the following form: Through a series of numerical experimenb, we found X to be As long as this parameter stays constant, the intersection point does not change changing with X. A simple calculation of X provides an easy way for a designer to determine whether stranded wire is advantageous in a particular design, without the effort of performing the full optimization of either type of winding. After calculating X from (IO) and finding derit from Fig. 4, a designer knows the range of strand diameters in which stranded wire is advantageous. Note that Fig. 4 applies re- gardless of whether oxidation is used; oxidation factors into the value of X such that the same curve applies, but a given design now falls on a different point on the curve. The larger the value of X, the smaller the range of strand sizes for which stranded wire is preferred. So if we have a design with a small value of X, which corresponds to large number of turns, high operation frequency and relatively small core window width, stranded wire is often advantageous. The comparison between litz and stranded wire depends on whether one is considering using thermoplastic insulation on both, or on only the stranded wire, and it depends on the type of thermoplastic used. In our cost models and in the price quotes we have seen, PTFE insulated stranded wire is always more expensive than litz wire without bundle insulation. Thus, litz wire is always preferred in that comparison. However, stranded wire is often preferred if PTFE bundle insulation would be used on the litz wire anyway. If PVC or other less expensive bundle insulation can be used on the stranded wire, stranded wire may be lower in cost even if no bundle insulation is needed on the litz wire. Table I1 compares these costs, and Fig. 4 includes a curve for this comparison (PVC insulation on the stranded wire and no bundle insulation on the litz wire) as well as a curve for PTFE on both types of wire. Both curves indicate a substantial range in which stranded wire is advantageous. The same example plotted in Fig. 3 is analyzed stays constant). Fig. 4 shows 857 2004 35rh Annual IEEE Power Elecrronics Speciulisrs Conference %/-I Auchen, Germany, 2004 Pig. 4. Critical strand diameter as a function of X. For a given design. X can be calculated. and dc7;b can be found from this curve. The best design choices at then swanded wire with strand diameter larger than d,,;, or litz wire with strand diameter smaller than d,,,t. Two curves are shown: one for the choice between litz wire and stranded wire. both with PTFE bundle insulation; and one for the choice between litz wire without bundle insulalion and stranded wire with PVC insulation. TABLE I I RRI.ATIVBCOST I'EK UNIT LENGTH OFI.ITI WIRE WITH NO 1IUNI)I.R INSULATION AND STRANDED WIRE WITH PVC BUNI>I.R 1NSUI.ATION 32 36 40 44 SO Liu wire with no bundle insulation 6.82 2.86 1.36 I 4.76 S m & d wire wib PVC bundle insulation 4.51 2.1 I 1.46 1.01 3.03 All wires consist of 105 strands. Costs are normaliced to a value of one for lilz wire using 44 AWG strands. again in Fig. 5, hut this time comparing stranded wire with PVC insulation to litz wire with no insulation, rather than PTFE insulation on both. Note that although the regions where stranded wire shows an advantage are similar in Figs. 3 and 5, the size of the advantage is bigger in Fig. 5 . VI. MODIFICATION OF LOSS MODEL FOR ARBITRARY WAVEFORMS A N D 2-D OR 3-D FIELD GEOMETRY Our loss-prediction model is developed based on sinusoidal waveforms and I-D field analysis. This section modifies the loss model for arbitrary waveforms and 2-D or 3-D field geometry. based on the squared field derivative (SFD) method for calculating loss [15], which is reviewed in Appendix 11. The ac resistance factor, F, = R,,/Rd,, for a litz-wire winding with sinusoidal waveforms and I-D field geometry [ 5 ] , 161, [7], [XI can he expressed: where b, is the breadth of the core window, N is the number of turns, kc represents constant terms in the first form of the expression lumped together, A, is the cross-sectional area of a strand and the subscript j indicates the j t h winding in a multi-winding transformer. In [3], a procedure for calculating kc for arbitrary waveforms and 2-D or 3-D field geometry 4 Fig. 5 . Tradeoff lines for stranded wire with PVC bundle insulation and litz wire with no bundle injulation. Also a tradeoff line for oxidized stranded wire with PVC bundle insulation is shown. An interstrand resistivity pas = 450 uR.m i s used for oxidized stranded wire. is derived, such that (11) can still he used to accurately calculate losses, including the effects of fringing fields, mutual resistance effects [ 161, and non-sinusoidal waveforms. The calculation of ke [3] is based on the squared field derivative (SFD) method for calculating loss [15]; the necessary formulas are summarized in Appendix 11-A. If we can rewrite the stranded-wire loss model in terms of k f , we will he able to use the method in (31 (Appendix 11-A) to calculate kc and it will possible to calculate loss in stranded wire for arbitrary waveforms and 2-D or 3-D field geometries. The ac resistance factor, F,, for a stranded-wire winding can be expressed as: where P, is resistive power loss, I:,,,sRdc. We insert the ex- pression for optimal pitch (3) into the equation for Peddy, bundle (2) and find F, as a function of ke: Thus for any given core geometry and arbitrary waveforms, we can calculate the value of kf using the method provided in Appendix 11-A (from [3]) and then find the power loss in a stranded-wire winding from: (14) where F, is calculated from (13). In addition to using this approach to calculata power loss, we can use the method described in Section IV to generate cost and loss tradeoff curves. The curves of critical diameter based on the parameter X can also be used for arbitrary waveforms and geometries if we calculate X in terms of ke by comparing an expression for X with an expression for kc. both based on the simple I-D 858 2004 351h Annul IEEE Power Electronics Specialisrs Conference Ausoidal case. The result is: Lhis allows one to determine whether a design with arbitraryâ waveforms and geometries is a good candidate for stranded wire by using the curves in Fig. 4; the applicability of the sna!ysis based on X is no longer limited to simple geometries snd waveforms. VII. CONCLUSION Stranded wire is an attractive low-cost alternative to litz wire, but only in certain situations. Because of the large design space of number and diameter of strands, and because of the possibility of incurring very high loss if these parameters are not chosen carefully, it is important to truly optimize either a litz- or stranded-wire design. We have introduced a method to optimize stranded-wire designs based on the experimentally verified loss analysis in [I]. A simply calculated parameter has been introduced to predict when each type of wire is preferred. A method to extend both loss prediction and optimization for arbitrary geometries and waveforms has also been introduced. Deliberate oxidation of strands is proposed as a method to improve performance of stranded wire, and to increase its range of applicability. Experimental measurements with approximately 0.15 p m oxide show dramatic increases in interstrand resistivity, indicating that this approach could be very effective. APPENDIX I LOSS CALCULATION I N STRANDED WIRE The loss calculations in [ I ] are briefly reviewed below. Because the bundle-level proximity effect losses are reduced by using smaller pitch, it is important to include the effect of pitch on dc resistance and on strand-level proximity effect. A. DC resistance The distance a strand travels is longer when i t is twisted than when it goes straight. With simple twisting, each strand will stay within one cylindrical shell at a radius r. and thus will be longer than the overall bundle by a factor of where p is the pitch, 8 is the angle relative lo straight axial travel, and e d is the actual length of the strand. The overall dc resistance of a twisted bundle is the parallel combination of the resistances of many such strands, each at a different radius. Because of the different resistances. the dc current will not he exactly equal for each strand. However. calculations are simplified by assuming that the dc current flowing in each strand is the same, and this approximation was shown in [ I ] to he good to better than 2% when the pitch is more than six times the diameter of the bundle. On this basis. the dc resistance is found in [ I ] to be Rdc = -(1 4 p e + ~ m$ 4K,pZ (17) where e is the length of the bundle, pc is the resistivity of copper, and K , is a strand-packing factor defined in [ I ] as ~ 859 Aachen. Germany, 2004 4 P c_ U Fig. 6. the marked path. Integration loop used IO find voltage that induces current Row along where As is the overall bundle area and A, is the sum of the cross Sectional areas of all the strands, with the strand areas taken perpendicular to the bundle, not perpendicular to the strands, such that the cross sections are elliptical. In (17). the factor % represents resistance without twisting, and the expression in the parentheses represents the effect of pitch. B. Strand-level eddy-current loss Standard proximity-effect power loss models [ 5 ] , [7], [8], [I71 for fine strands (assuming the strand to he small compared to a skin depth at the frequency of interest [9], [IO]. which will the case for good designs) can be modified to include the effect of twisting as for dc resistance, resulting in - where BZ is the SpaIial average of the square of the peak value of the ac flux density, B, and B(t ) varies at a radian frequency w. In typical transformer designs, a standard I-D model of the field is sufficient to obtain the average value of BZ [ I l l , [IO], where b, (s the width of the winding window, N is the number of turns and I is the peak current. C. Bundle-level eddy-current loss In a twisted bundle with significant resistance between strands, the potential between a pair of strands can he calculated as the derivative of the integral of the flux linked by the path shown in Fig. 6. The area of the loop in Fig. 6 varies with the distance a between the positions where potential is evaluated. We assume that the flux is uniform throughout the bundle; that the eddy currents are not large enough to significantly reduce the flux. The situation in which eddy current is large enough to reduce the flux is discussed in [I]. In a given cross section through the bundle, different strands are at different points in the twist cycle, corresponding to different values of a. Thus, the potential difference between a strand and the strand in the corresponding position on the opposite side of the bundle may be calculated as a function of the position in the bundle. This potential drives the currents between strands. Reference [I] approximates the network of discrete resistances between strands as a continuous medium described by a resistivity pas in the plane perpendicular to the axis. Thus, current and loss can be calculated from the electric field which is found from the gradient of potential. The resulting time-average bundle-level proximity-effect loss is calculated in [I] to be 2 W 35th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Speciulisls Conference APPENDIX 11 THE SFD METHOD FOR LOSS CALCULATION WITH ARBITRARY WAVEFORMS A N D GEOMETRIES The SFD method [IS] is a generalized version of an approach to nonsinusoidal waveforms that has been widely used [E], [IS], [19]. [ZO]. It is based on the dependence of losses on the squared derivative of the field, (g)â. It is valid when the diameter of a strand is small compared to a skin depth. as is the case for a well-designed litz-wire or stranded-wire winding. Given the dependence of loss on (s)â, and given that B is a linear function of the current in different windings, it is possible to accouni for the losses resulting from these different currents using a âdynamic loss matrixâ D [ I S ] Auchen. German): 2004 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Thanks to New England Wire Technologies Corp., Lisbon, NH, USA, for producing special wire samples. REFERENCES [ I ] X. Tang and C. R. Sullivan, âStranded wire with uninsulated strands as a IOW-cost alternative to litz wire,â in IEEE Power Electronics Spec;di.st.s Conference, 2003. I21 C. R. Sullivan. âCost-constrained selection of strand wire and number in a litz-wire transformer winding,â IEEE Transactions on Power Elec- tmnics, vol. 16. no. 2. M a r 2001. 131 C. Sullivan. T. Abdallah. and T. Fujiwara, âOptimization of a flyback transformer winding considering two-dimensional field effects, cost and loss,â in Proceedings