OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System V300R005 Planning Guidelines Issue 02 Date 2008-09-10 Part Number 00435191 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. provides customers with comprehensive technical support and service. For any assistance, please contact our local office or company headquarters. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Address: Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email:
[email protected] Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2008. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Trademarks and Permissions and other Huawei trademarks are the property of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders. Notice The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but the statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Contents About This Document.....................................................................................................................1 1 Overview of Planning...............................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Planning Items.................................................................................................................................................1-2 1.2 References.......................................................................................................................................................1-3 2 Planning Network Layers.........................................................................................................2-1 2.1 Basic Principles...............................................................................................................................................2-2 2.2 Service Access.................................................................................................................................................2-2 2.3 Network Layers for the OptiX 155/622H.......................................................................................................2-2 2.4 Interconnection with Other OptiX Equipment................................................................................................2-3 2.4.1 Interconnection Capabilities...................................................................................................................2-3 2.4.2 Interconnection with the OptiX Metro Series Equipment......................................................................2-4 2.4.3 Interconnection with the OptiX OSN Series Equipment.......................................................................2-5 2.5 Network Management Capabilities of the T2000 and the Computation of the Capabilities..........................2-5 3 Planning Networking................................................................................................................3-1 3.1 Basic Principles...............................................................................................................................................3-2 3.2 NE Types Supported by the Equipment..........................................................................................................3-2 3.2.1 TM..........................................................................................................................................................3-3 3.2.2 ADM.......................................................................................................................................................3-3 3.2.3 MADM...................................................................................................................................................3-4 3.3 Networking Modes Supported by the Equipment...........................................................................................3-4 4 Planning Network Protection..................................................................................................4-1 4.1 Basic Principles...............................................................................................................................................4-3 4.2 Network Protection Schemes Supported by the Equipment...........................................................................4-3 4.3 Planning the MSP Ring...................................................................................................................................4-4 4.3.1 Capabilities of Supporting the MSP Ring..............................................................................................4-4 4.3.2 Planning Principles.................................................................................................................................4-4 4.4 Planning the SNCP..........................................................................................................................................4-4 4.4.1 Capabilities of Supporting the SNCP.....................................................................................................4-5 4.4.2 Planning Principles.................................................................................................................................4-5 4.5 Planning the 1+1 Linear MSP.........................................................................................................................4-5 4.5.1 Capabilities of Supporting the 1+1 Linear MSP....................................................................................4-5 4.5.2 Planning Principles.................................................................................................................................4-6 OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines Contents Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i 4.6 Planning the 1:N Linear MSP.........................................................................................................................4-6 4.6.1 Capabilities of Supporting the 1:N Linear MSP....................................................................................4-6 4.6.2 Planning Principles.................................................................................................................................4-6 4.7 Planning the DNI Protection...........................................................................................................................4-7 4.7.1 Capabilities of Supporting the DNI Protection......................................................................................4-7 4.7.2 Planning Principles.................................................................................................................................4-7 4.8 Planning the Fiber-Shared Virtual Trail Protection........................................................................................4-7 4.8.1 Capabilities of Supporting the Fiber-Shared Virtual Trail Protection...................................................4-8 4.8.2 Planning Principles.................................................................................................................................4-8 4.9 Planning the VP-Ring and VC-Ring Protection Schemes for the ATM Service............................................4-8 4.9.1 Capabilities of Supporting the VP-Ring and VC-Ring Protection Schemes for the ATM Service.......4-8 4.9.2 Planning Principles.................................................................................................................................4-9 5 Planning the DCN......................................................................................................................5-1 5.1 DCN Schemes Supported by the Equipment..................................................................................................5-2 5.2 Basic Principles...............................................................................................................................................5-2 5.3 Planning NE IDs and IPs.................................................................................................................................5-3 5.4 Planning the HWECC.....................................................................................................................................5-3 5.4.1 Capabilities of Supporting the HWECC................................................................................................5-4 5.4.2 Planning Principles.................................................................................................................................5-4 5.5 Planning the IP over DCC...............................................................................................................................5-5 5.5.1 Capabilities of Supporting the IP over DCC..........................................................................................5-5 5.5.2 Planning Principles.................................................................................................................................5-5 5.6 Planning the OSI over DCC............................................................................................................................5-6 5.6.1 Capabilities of Supporting the OSI over DCC.......................................................................................5-6 5.6.2 Planning Principles.................................................................................................................................5-7 5.6.3 Planning Cases.......................................................................................................................................5-8 6 Planning Services.......................................................................................................................6-1 6.1 Basic Planning Principles................................................................................................................................6-2 6.2 Maximum Service Access Capacity................................................................................................................6-2 6.2.1 Service Access Capacity........................................................................................................................6-2 6.2.2 Access Capacity of Slots........................................................................................................................6-3 6.2.3 Cross-Connect Capacity.........................................................................................................................6-3 6.3 Planning SDH Services...................................................................................................................................6-4 6.3.1 Capability of Supporting SDH Services.................................................................................................6-4 6.3.2 Planning Principles.................................................................................................................................6-5 6.4 Planning PDH Services...................................................................................................................................6-5 6.4.1 Capability of Supporting PDH Services.................................................................................................6-5 6.4.2 Planning Principles.................................................................................................................................6-6 6.5 Planning Ethernet Services..............................................................................................................................6-7 6.5.1 Capability of Supporting Ethernet Services...........................................................................................6-7 6.5.2 Planning Principles...............................................................................................................................6-10 6.5.3 Planning Transparently Transmitted EPL Services.............................................................................6-11 Contents OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines ii Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) 6.5.4 Planning Port-Shared EVPL Services..................................................................................................6-13 6.5.5 Planning VCTRUNK-Shared EVPL Services.....................................................................................6-15 6.5.6 Planning EVPL Services (Transit Scheme).........................................................................................6-16 6.5.7 Planning EPLAN Services...................................................................................................................6-17 6.5.8 Planning EVPLAN Services................................................................................................................6-19 6.6 Planning ATM Services................................................................................................................................6-21 6.6.1 Capability of Supporting the ATM Services........................................................................................6-22 6.6.2 Planning Principles...............................................................................................................................6-22 6.6.3 Planning Transparently Transmitted ATM Services............................................................................6-23 6.6.4 Planning Multicast ATM Services.......................................................................................................6-24 6.6.5 Planning Statistically Multiplexed ATM Services...............................................................................6-26 6.7 Planning DDN Services................................................................................................................................6-29 6.7.1 Capability of Supporting DDN Services..............................................................................................6-30 6.7.2 Planning Principles...............................................................................................................................6-31 6.7.3 Planning N x 64 kbit/s Services (Point-to-Point Transmission)..........................................................6-31 6.7.4 Planning Framed E1 Services (Point-to-Point Transmission)..............................................................6-32 6.7.5 Planning N x 64 kbit/s and Framed E1 Services (Hybrid Transmission)............................................6-33 6.7.6 Planning Converged Framed E1 Services............................................................................................6-34 6.7.7 Planning Converged N x 64 kbit/s Services.........................................................................................6-35 7 Planning Equipment-Level Protection...................................................................................7-1 8 Planning Clocks..........................................................................................................................8-1 8.1 Basic Principles...............................................................................................................................................8-2 8.2 Capabilities of Supporting Clocks...................................................................................................................8-2 8.3 Planning Examples..........................................................................................................................................8-3 9 Planning Orderwire and Auxiliary Interfaces......................................................................9-1 9.1 Planning Orderwire Phone Interfaces..............................................................................................................9-2 9.1.1 Capability of Supporting Orderwire Phone Interfaces...........................................................................9-2 9.1.2 Planning Principles.................................................................................................................................9-2 9.1.3 Planning Example..................................................................................................................................9-2 9.2 Planning Broadcast Data Interfaces S1âS4.....................................................................................................9-3 9.2.1 Capability of Supporting Broadcast Data Interfaces..............................................................................9-3 9.2.2 Planning Principles.................................................................................................................................9-3 9.2.3 Planning Example..................................................................................................................................9-4 9.3 Planning External Alarm Interfaces................................................................................................................9-5 9.3.1 Capability of Supporting External Alarm Interfaces..............................................................................9-5 9.3.2 Planning Principles.................................................................................................................................9-5 10 Planning Hardware................................................................................................................10-1 10.1 Planning the Cabinet...................................................................................................................................10-2 10.1.1 Cabinet...............................................................................................................................................10-2 10.1.2 Planning Principles.............................................................................................................................10-3 10.2 Planning Slots for Boards............................................................................................................................10-3 OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines Contents Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. iii 10.2.1 Slot Allocation....................................................................................................................................10-3 10.2.2 Planning Principles.............................................................................................................................10-4 10.3 Planning Interface Boards...........................................................................................................................10-4 10.3.1 Planning Interface Boards..................................................................................................................10-4 11 Planning Environment for Operation................................................................................11-1 11.1 Power Supply Specifications and Power Consumption of Boards.............................................................11-2 11.2 Environment for Operation.........................................................................................................................11-4 11.3 Planning Principles......................................................................................................................................11-6 12 Overview of Network Optimization..................................................................................12-1 12.1 Purpose of Network Optimization...............................................................................................................12-2 12.2 Principles for Optimizing the Network.......................................................................................................12-2 12.3 Parameters Related to Network Optimization.............................................................................................12-2 12.4 Process for Optimizing a Network..............................................................................................................12-2 12.5 Principles for Monitoring the Network.......................................................................................................12-4 A Glossary..................................................................................................................................... A-1 B Acronyms and Abbreviations.................................................................................................B-1 Index.................................................................................................................................................i-1 Contents OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines iv Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Figures Figure 2-1 Application of the OptiX 155/622H in a transmission network.........................................................2-3 Figure 2-2 Hybrid networking of the OptiX 155/622H and other equipment......................................................2-4 Figure 2-3 Hybrid networking of the OptiX 155/622H and other OptiX Metro series equipment......................2-5 Figure 3-1 Hardware configuration when the OptiX 155/622H functions as an STM-1 TM NE........................3-3 Figure 3-2 Hardware configuration when the OptiX 155/622H functions as an STM-1 ADM NE....................3-4 Figure 3-3 Hardware configuration when the OptiX 155/622H functions as an STM-1 and STM-4 MADM NE ...............................................................................................................................................................................3-4 Figure 5-1 Planning of the DCN network in the OSI over DCC mode................................................................5-9 Figure 6-1 Access capacity of service board slots of the OptiX 155/622H.........................................................6-3 Figure 6-2 Networking diagram for transparently transmitted EPL services.....................................................6-12 Figure 6-3 Networking diagram for port-shared EPL services..........................................................................6-13 Figure 6-4 Application scheme for port-shared EPL services............................................................................6-14 Figure 6-5 Networking diagram for the VCTRUNK-shared EVPL services.....................................................6-15 Figure 6-6 Application scheme for the VCTRUNK-shared EVPL services......................................................6-15 Figure 6-7 Networking diagram for EVPL services (Transit scheme)...............................................................6-17 Figure 6-8 Networking diagram for the EPLAN service...................................................................................6-18 Figure 6-9 Networking diagram for the EVPLAN service................................................................................6-20 Figure 6-10 Networking diagram for transparent transmission of ATM services.............................................6-23 Figure 6-11 Networking diagram for the multicast ATM services....................................................................6-25 Figure 6-12 Networking diagram for the statistically multiplexed ATM services............................................6-27 Figure 6-13 Networking diagram for the N x 64 kbit/s service (point-to-point transmission)..........................6-31 Figure 6-14 Networking diagram for the Framed E1 service (point-to-point transmission).............................6-32 Figure 6-15 Networking diagram for the Framed E1 and N x 64 kbit/s services (hybrid transmission)...........6-33 Figure 6-16 Networking diagram for the converged Framed E1 service...........................................................6-35 Figure 6-17 Networking diagram for the converged N x 64 kbit/s services......................................................6-36 Figure 8-1 Configuration of clocks in the chain network.....................................................................................8-3 Figure 8-2 Configuration of clocks in the tangent rings network........................................................................8-4 Figure 8-3 Configuration of clocks in the intersecting rings network..................................................................8-4 Figure 9-1 Planning the orderwire phone interfaces............................................................................................9-3 Figure 9-2 Application of the broadcast data interfaces.......................................................................................9-4 Figure 10-1 Slot layout of the OptiX 155/622H ................................................................................................10-3 OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines Figures Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. v Tables Table 1-1 Planning items of the OptiX 155/622H................................................................................................1-2 Table 2-1 Services supported by the OptiX 155/622H and the access capability for each service type..............2-2 Table 2-2 List of management capability coefficients on different hardware platforms.....................................2-6 Table 2-3 List of the equivalent coefficients of different NEs to the OptiX 155/622H ......................................2-6 Table 3-1 Networking modes and topologies supported by the OptiX 155/622H...............................................3-5 Table 4-1 Network protection schemes supported by the OptiX 155/622H........................................................4-3 Table 6-1 Service access capacity of the OptiX 155/622H..................................................................................6-3 Table 6-2 SDH boards of the OptiX 155/622H and their features.......................................................................6-4 Table 6-3 PDH boards of the OptiX 155/622H and their features.......................................................................6-5 Table 6-4 Features of the ET1, ET1O, ET1D, and EF1.......................................................................................6-7 Table 6-5 Features of the EFS, EFSC, EFT, ELT2, and EGT..............................................................................6-9 Table 6-6 Service routes for the transparently transmitted EPL services...........................................................6-12 Table 6-7 Service routes for the port-shared EPL services................................................................................6-14 Table 6-8 Routes for the VCTRUNK-shared EVPL services............................................................................6-16 Table 6-9 Service routes for the EVPL services (Transit scheme).....................................................................6-17 Table 6-10 Routes for the EPLAN service.........................................................................................................6-19 Table 6-11 Routes for the EVPLAN service......................................................................................................6-21 Table 6-12 Features of the AIUD and AIUQ.....................................................................................................6-22 Table 6-13 Routes for transparently transmitted ATM services........................................................................6-24 Table 6-14 Routes for multicast ATM services..................................................................................................6-26 Table 6-15 Requirements for statistically multiplexing ATM services.............................................................6-27 Table 6-16 Routes for the statistically multiplexed ATM services....................................................................6-28 Table 6-17 Features of the N64 and N64Q.........................................................................................................6-30 Table 6-18 Routes for the N x 64 kbit/s service (point-to-point transmission)..................................................6-32 Table 6-19 Routes for the Framed E1 service (point-to-point transmission).....................................................6-33 Table 6-20 Routes for the 4 x 64 kbit/s and the Framed E1 service (hybrid transmission)...............................6-34 Table 6-21 Routes for the converted Framed E1 services..................................................................................6-35 Table 6-22 Routes for the converged N x 64 kbit/s services..............................................................................6-37 Table 10-1 Technical specifications of the ETSI cabinets.................................................................................10-2 Table 10-2 Technical specifications of the 19-inch cabinet...............................................................................10-2 Table 10-3 Interfaces of SDH processing boards...............................................................................................10-4 Table 10-4 Interfaces of PDH processing boards...............................................................................................10-5 Table 10-5 Interfaces of data service processing boards....................................................................................10-6 OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines Tables Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. vii Table 10-6 Interfaces of other boards.................................................................................................................10-7 Table 11-1 Power supply specifications.............................................................................................................11-2 Table 11-2 Power consumption and weight of the boards of the OptiX 155/622H. .........................................11-2 Table 11-3 Requirements for temperature and humidity....................................................................................11-4 Table 11-4 Other climatic requirements.............................................................................................................11-4 Table 11-5 Requirements for the density of the mechanical active substance...................................................11-5 Table 11-6 Density requirements for chemical active substances during operation..........................................11-5 Table 11-7 Requirements for mechanical stress during operation.....................................................................11-5 Tables OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines viii Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) About This Document Purpose This document descries the OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) (hereafter referred to as OptiX 155/622H) in the following aspects: l Planning overview l Planning network layers l Planning networking l Planning network protection l Planning the DCN This document helps readers understand the planning of the OptiX 155/622H in a comprehensive manner. Related Versions The following table lists the product versions related to this document. Product Name Version OptiX 155/622H V300R005 OptiX iManager T2000 V200R007 Intended Audience The intended audiences of this document are network planning engineers. Organization The manual is organized as follows: OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines About This Document Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1 Chapter Description 1 Overview of Planning This chapter describes the planning items and references for the planning of the OptiX 155/622H. 2 Planning Network Layers This chapter describes the network layer for the OptiX 155/622H, capabilities of the OptiX 155/622H to interconnect with other OptiX equipment, and capabilities of the T2000 to manage the OptiX 155/622H. 3 Planning Networking This chapter describes the principles for planning the networking, and the NE types and networking modes supported by the OptiX 155/622H. 4 Planning Network Protection This chapter describes the principles of the network protection and how to plan network protection schemes. 5 Planning the DCN This chapter describes the principles for planning the DCN, the DCN modes supported by the OptiX 155/622H, and common methods of planning the DCN. 6 Planning Services This chapter describes the principles for planning services and the methods of planning various types of services. 7 Planning Equipment-Level Protection This chapter describes the equipment-level protection and the port protection supported by the OptiX 155/622H. 8 Planning Clocks This chapter describes the principles for planning the clock protection, capabilities of the OptiX 155/622H to process clocks, and how to plan the clock protection by providing an example. 9 Planning Orderwire and Auxiliary Interfaces This chapter describes how to plan the orderwire, broadcast data interface, and external alarm interface of the OptiX 155/622H. 10 Planning Hardware This chapter describes how to plan the cabinet, slots for installing the board, and the interfaces on the board. 11 Planning Environment for Operation This chapter describes the principles for planning the operation environment, power consumption of the equipment, and requirements of the equipment for the operation environment. 12 Overview of Network Optimization This chapter describes the purpose, principles, related parameters, and brief process for optimizing a network. A Glossary This chapter lists the terms that are used in this document. B Acronyms and Abbreviations This document lists the acronyms and abbreviations that are used in this document. About This Document OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Conventions Symbol Conventions The following symbols may be found in this document. They are defined as follows. Symbol Description Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could cause equipment damage, data loss, and performance degradation, or unexpected results. Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save your time. Provides additional information to emphasize or supplement important points of the main text. General Conventions Convention Description Times New Roman Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman. Boldface Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in boldface. For example, log in as user root. Italic Book titles are in italics. Courier New Terminal display is in Courier New. Command Conventions Convention Description Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface. Italic Command arguments are in italic. [ ] Items (keywords or arguments) in square brackets [ ] are optional. { x | y | ... } Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. One is selected. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines About This Document Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3 Convention Description [ x | y | ... ] Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets and separated by vertical bars. One or none is selected. { x | y | ... } * Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. A minimum of one or a maximum of all can be selected. GUI Conventions Convention Description Boldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles are in boldface. For example, click OK. > Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">" signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder. Keyboard Operation Format Description Key Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab. Key 1+Key 2 Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing Ctrl+Alt+A means the three keys should be pressed concurrently. Key 1, Key 2 Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means the two keys should be pressed in turn. Mouse Operation Action Description Click Select and release the primary mouse button without moving the pointer. Double-click Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and quickly without moving the pointer. Drag Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the pointer to a certain position. Update History Updates between document versions are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document version contains all updates made to previous versions. About This Document OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Updates in Issue 02 (2008-09-10) l The name of this document is modified. l Certain known defects are fixed. Updates in Issue 01 (2008-07-01) Initial field trial release. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines About This Document Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 5 1 Overview of Planning About This Chapter When planning the network, consider the network layers, networking modes, and network protection schemes, and refer to relevant documents. 1.1 Planning Items This section describes the planning items of the OptiX 155/622H and the contents of each item. 1.2 References When planning the OptiX 155/622H, refer to the documents that involve the product features of the OptiX 155/622H. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 1 Overview of Planning Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1-1 1.1 Planning Items This section describes the planning items of the OptiX 155/622H and the contents of each item. When planning a network based on the OptiX 155/622H, you need to plan the items, such as network layer, service, protection, and clock. Table 1-1 Planning items of the OptiX 155/622H Item Content s Description 2 Planning Network Layers Chapter 2 This chapter describes the network layer for the OptiX 155/622H, principles for planning network layers, capabilities of the OptiX 155/622H to interconnect with other OptiX equipment, and capabilities of the T2000 to manage the OptiX 155/622H. 3 Planning Networking Chapter 3 This chapter describes the principles for planning networking, and the NE types and networking modes supported by the OptiX 155/622H. 4 Planning Network Protection Chapter 4 This chapter describes the basic principles for planning network protection schemes and the network protection schemes supported by the OptiX 155/622H. 5 Planning the DCN Chapter 5 This chapter describes the HWECC, IP over DCC and OSI over DCC protocols supported by the OptiX 155/622H, and the principles for planning the DCN. 6 Planning Services Chapter 6 This chapter describes the basic principles for planning services, the service access capability, and the planning of services. 7 Planning Equipment-Level Protection Chapter 7 This chapter describes the equipment-level protection schemes supported by the OptiX 155/622H. 8 Planning Clocks Chapter 8 This chapter describes the basic principles for planning clocks, and capability of the OptiX 155/622H to process clocks and to protect clocks. 9 Planning Orderwire and Auxiliary Interfaces Chapter 9 This chapter describes the capabilities of the OptiX 155/622H of supporting the orderwire phone, S1âS4 data interfaces and alarm interfaces. 10 Planning Hardware Chapter 10 This chapter describes the principles for planning the cabinet, slots and interfaces for the OptiX 155/622H. 11 Planning Environment for Operation Chapter 11 This chapter describes the principles for planning the operation environment, power consumption of the equipment, and requirements of the equipment for the operation environment. 1 Overview of Planning OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 1-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Item Content s Description 12 Overview of Network Optimization Chapter 12 This chapter describes the purpose, principles, related parameters, and brief process for optimizing a network. NOTE During the planning of a transmission network, you should first collect and analyze service requirements, and then analyze the existing network information and determine the network capacity. After that, you should plan the T2000. The operations mentioned in this note are not described in this document. 1.2 References When planning the OptiX 155/622H, refer to the documents that involve the product features of the OptiX 155/622H. References: l OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4 MSTP Optical Transmission System Product Description l OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4 MSTP Optical Transmission System Hardware Description OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 1 Overview of Planning Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1-3 2 Planning Network Layers About This Chapter When planning the network layers, follow the basic principles, and consider the network layers for the equipment, interconnection with other OptiX equipment, and network management capabilities of the T2000. 2.1 Basic Principles When planning the layers of the transmission network, consider the necessity to layer the network, rationality of layering the network, and functions of each layer. 2.2 Service Access The OptiX 155/622H can access multiple types of services and can interconnect with switches, wireless base stations, and Ethernet switches. 2.3 Network Layers for the OptiX 155/622H The OptiX 155/622H is a type of STM-1/STM-4 case-shaped equipment developed by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. It can access multiple types of services and can be used at the access layer of metropolitan area networks (MANs) and local transmission networks to access VIP private lines, wireless base stations, and digital subscriber line access multiplexers (DSLAM). 2.4 Interconnection with Other OptiX Equipment The OptiX 155/622H can interconnect with other Huawei OptiX equipment to provide an integrated transmission network solution. 2.5 Network Management Capabilities of the T2000 and the Computation of the Capabilities The T2000 enables users to perform management and maintenance operations on the OptiX 155/622H. During the network planning, consider the management capabilities of the T2000 to select the hardware and management domains of the T2000. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 2 Planning Network Layers Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2-1 2.1 Basic Principles When planning the layers of the transmission network, consider the necessity to layer the network, rationality of layering the network, and functions of each layer. You need to consider the following items when planning the layers of the transmission network: l Necessity to layer the network l Rationality of layering the network l Functions of each layer, such as grooming, accessing and convergence l Interworking with data and service networks l Coverage of networks and services l Future evolution of networks and services l Rationality of the capacity of each layer l Traffic equilibrium at each station 2.2 Service Access The OptiX 155/622H can access multiple types of services and can interconnect with switches, wireless base stations, and Ethernet switches. Table 2-1 lists the services that the OptiX 155/622H can access and the access capability for each service type. Table 2-1 Services supported by the OptiX 155/622H and the access capability for each service type Service Type Maximum Access Capability of a Single OptiX 155/622H NE SDH service 16 x STM-1 (o), 6 x STM-1 (e), 5 x STM-4 PDH service 112 x E1, 96 x E1/T1, 9 x E3, 9 x T3, 48 x Framed E1 Ethernet service 24 x FE (e), 8 x FE (o), 3 x GE (o) N x 64 kbit/s service 12 x N x 64 kbit/s (N ⤠31) ATM service 4 x STM-1 ATM Audio and data service 12 x audio + 4 x RS-232 + 4 x RS-422 2.3 Network Layers for the OptiX 155/622H The OptiX 155/622H is a type of STM-1/STM-4 case-shaped equipment developed by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. It can access multiple types of services and can be used at the access layer of metropolitan area networks (MANs) and local transmission networks to access VIP private lines, wireless base stations, and digital subscriber line access multiplexers (DSLAM). 2 Planning Network Layers OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 2-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Figure 2-1 Application of the OptiX 155/622H in a transmission network OptiX OSN 9500 Backbone layer Convergence layer Access layer OptiX 10G OptiX 155/622H OptiX Metro 500 OptiX Metro 500 OptiX 2500+ OptiX 155/622H OptiX 2500+ OptiX 10G 2.4 Interconnection with Other OptiX Equipment The OptiX 155/622H can interconnect with other Huawei OptiX equipment to provide an integrated transmission network solution. 2.4.1 Interconnection Capabilities The OptiX 155/622H can interconnect with the Huawei OptiX OSN and Metro series equipment to provide an integrated transmission network solution. 2.4.2 Interconnection with the OptiX Metro Series Equipment There is no restriction when the OptiX 155/622 interconnects with other OptiX Metro series equipment. 2.4.3 Interconnection with the OptiX OSN Series Equipment The OptiX 155/622H can interconnect with the OptiX OSN 9500, OptiX OSN 7500, OptiX OSN 3500, OptiX OSN 2500, and OptiX OSN 1500 through SDH, PDH, and Ethernet interfaces. 2.4.1 Interconnection Capabilities The OptiX 155/622H can interconnect with the Huawei OptiX OSN and Metro series equipment to provide an integrated transmission network solution. The OptiX 155/622H can interconnect with the following types of equipment: l OptiX Metro series equipment: OptiX 10G, OptiX 2500+, OptiX 155/622, OptiX Metro 500, and OptiX Metro 100 l OptiX OSN series equipment: OptiX OSN 9500, OptiX OSN 7500, OptiX OSN 3500, OptiX OSN 2500, and OptiX OSN 1500. Figure 2-2 shows the application of the integrated MAN network where the OptiX 155/622H is interconnected with other equipment. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 2 Planning Network Layers Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2-3 Figure 2-2 Hybrid networking of the OptiX 155/622H and other equipment OptiX 155/622H DWDMOptiX OSN 9500 OptiX OSN 3500 iManager T2000 OptiX 10G OptiX 155/622H STM-64 ring STM-16 ring STM-16 ring STM-1/4 ring STM-1/4 ring Backbone layer Convergence layer Access layer OptiX Metro 100 OptiX 10G OptiX 2500+ OptiX 2500+ OptiX Metro 100 OptiX 155/622H STM-1/4 ring STM-64 ring OptiX 10GOptiX OSN 3500 OptiX OSN 3500 OptiX 2500+ OptiX 2500+ OptiX 155/622H OptiX 155/622H OptiX 155/622H 2.4.2 Interconnection with the OptiX Metro Series Equipment There is no restriction when the OptiX 155/622 interconnects with other OptiX Metro series equipment. Figure 2-3 shows the application of the hybrid networking where the OptiX 155/622H is connected to other OptiX Metro series equipment. 2 Planning Network Layers OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 2-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Figure 2-3 Hybrid networking of the OptiX 155/622H and other OptiX Metro series equipment OptiX OSN 9500 Backbone layer Convergence layer Access layer OptiX 10G OptiX 155/622H OptiX Metro 500 OptiX Metro 500 OptiX 2500+ OptiX 155/622H OptiX 2500+ OptiX 10G 2.4.3 Interconnection with the OptiX OSN Series Equipment The OptiX 155/622H can interconnect with the OptiX OSN 9500, OptiX OSN 7500, OptiX OSN 3500, OptiX OSN 2500, and OptiX OSN 1500 through SDH, PDH, and Ethernet interfaces. 2.5 Network Management Capabilities of the T2000 and the Computation of the Capabilities The T2000 enables users to perform management and maintenance operations on the OptiX 155/622H. During the network planning, consider the management capabilities of the T2000 to select the hardware and management domains of the T2000. Number of the OptiX 155/622H NEs Managed by the T2000 One set of the T2000 can manage a maximum of 2000 OptiX 155/622H NEs. The number is based on the tests in certain conditions and reflects the management capabilities of the T2000 in an objective manner. Computation Formulas for the Management Capabilities Computation formulas for the management capabilities of the T2000 are as follows: l Number of the manageable NEs = 1000 x A ÷ B l A: refers to the management capability coefficient of the hardware platform. For details, refer to Table 2-2. l B: refers to the equivalent coefficient of the NEs to the OptiX 155/622H. For details, refer to Table 2-3. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 2 Planning Network Layers Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2-5 Computation Methods for the Management Capabilities The management capabilities of the T2000 refer to the number of the maximum manageable NEs when the specified performance specifications are met. At present, a set of T2000 software can manage a maximum of 2000 STM-1 NEs. When the T2000 manages networks composed of different types of NEs, the management capabilities can be computed from the preceding data. During the computation, the following factors should be considered: l The number of fibers and services can be different for different types of NEs, and thus the size of the databases varies. l Different hardware platforms affect the management capabilities of the T2000, especially the T2000 server. l If the client and server are running on the same computer, the management capabilities can be reduced by 50%. Thus, the client and the server should run on separate computers. In this case, the effect of the client on the management capabilities of the server can be disregarded. Table 2-2 List of management capability coefficients on different hardware platforms Hardware Platform Management Capability Coefficient Maximum Number of Accessed Clients Sun Netra240 0.6 16 Sun Fire V890 (2 CPU) 1 24 Sun Fire V890 (4 CPU) 1.5 32 Fujitsu PW 650 (2 CPU) 1 24 Fujitsu PW 650 (4 CPU) 1.5 32 Sun Fire E4900 2 32 Sun Netra240 (dual-node) 0.6 16 DELL PE 6800 1.5 32 DELL PE 2900 1 24 DELL PE 840 0.6 16 Table 2-3 List of the equivalent coefficients of different NEs to the OptiX 155/622H NE Type Equivalent Coefficient to the OptiX 155/622H OptiX OSN series OptiX OSN 1500 3.5 (with ASON enabled)/2.5 (with ASON disabled) OptiX OSN 2000 2 2 Planning Network Layers OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 2-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) NE Type Equivalent Coefficient to the OptiX 155/622H OptiX OSN 2500 4.5 (with ASON enabled)/3.5 (with ASON disabled) OptiX OSN 3500 6.5 (with ASON enabled)/4.5 (with ASON disabled) OptiX OSN 7500 10 (with ASON enabled)/6.5 (with ASON disabled) OptiX OSN 9500 15 (with ASON enabled)/10 (with ASON disabled) OptiX MSTP series OptiX Metro 100 0.5 OptiX Metro 200 0.5 OptiX Metro 500 1 OptiX 155/622H 1 OptiX 155/622H V3 1 OptiX Metro 1050 1.5 OptiX Metro 1100 1.5 OptiX 155/622(Metro 2050) 2 OptiX 2500+(Metro 3000) 3 OptiX Metro 3100 3 OptiX 10G(Metro 5000) 4 OptiX SDH series OptiX 155C 1 OptiX 155S 1 OptiX 155/622B 2 OptiX 2500 3 OptiX 2500 REG 1.5 OptiX RTN series OptiX RTN 610 0.4 OptiX RTN 620 0.5 OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 2 Planning Network Layers Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2-7 3 Planning Networking About This Chapter When planning the networking, follow the basic principles, and consider the NE types and networking modes supported by the OptiX 155/622H. 3.1 Basic Principles When planning the transmission network, consider the line structure, service type, and service requirement. 3.2 NE Types Supported by the Equipment In a network, The OptiX 155/622H can be configured as different types of NEs, including TM, ADM and MADM. 3.3 Networking Modes Supported by the Equipment The OptiX 155/622H supports networking modes, such as the chain, ring, HUB, ring with chain, tangent rings, intersecting rings, at the STM-1 and STM-4 levels. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 3 Planning Networking Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3-1 3.1 Basic Principles When planning the transmission network, consider the line structure, service type, and service requirement. Adhere to the following principles: l At the access layer, because the service capacity is small and most traffic is converged to a central node, use the unidirectional SNCP ring. l In the case of the communication between offices, because the traffic between nodes is high and each node needs to add/drop abundant services, use the bidirectional MSP ring. l Use the two-fiber bidirectional MSP when the services on the ring are discrete. In extreme cases, when services are configured between each two nodes, the service capacity on the ring becomes maximum, that is, STM-N x K / 2 (K indicates the number of nodes on the ring). In this way, the network resources can be fully utilized. The MSP requires the support of the automatic protection switching (APS) protocol, and thus it results in the complicated protection mechanism and high maintenance costs. l The SNCP can provide protections at the VC-4, VC-3, or VC-12 level. This protection scheme features high flexibility. l Use the SNCP or MSP protection scheme in the case of inter-ring services or services between the ring and chain. l The protection schemes for the chain network include the 1+1 linear MSP and 1:N linear MSP. To fully utilize the network resources, use the 1:N protection scheme to transmit the extra services on the protection routes. You can still use the 1+1 protection scheme for rapid restoration of services in the case of the switching. l The DNI is mainly used on intersecting rings, at gateway nodes with great service capacity, and for connecting tandem offices. The primary advantage of the DNI is to provide protection when node failures occur. 3.2 NE Types Supported by the Equipment In a network, The OptiX 155/622H can be configured as different types of NEs, including TM, ADM and MADM. 3.2.1 TM A TM multiplexes the PDH signals at a low rate into SDH optical signals at a high rate, and thus realizes the cross-connection between line signals and tributary signals. A TM also implements the reverse process. 3.2.2 ADM ADMs are used most widely in the SDH network. An ADM combines functions of synchronous multiplexing and digital cross-connection, and can flexibly add/drop tributary signals. 3.2.3 MADM An MADM can be considered the combination of multiple ADMs, and it functions as the core unit to construct complex networks. In addition to all the functions of an ADM, an MADM can also realize the cross-connection between ADMs, which operate at the same rate or at different rates. 3 Planning Networking OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 3-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) 3.2.1 TM A TM multiplexes the PDH signals at a low rate into SDH optical signals at a high rate, and thus realizes the cross-connection between line signals and tributary signals. A TM also implements the reverse process. The stations in a point-to-point topology or the two terminal stations on a chain are generally configured as TMs. The terminal stations in the networking of ring with a chain are configured as TMs. Figure 3-1 shows how to configure the hardware of the OptiX 155/622H when it functions as an STM-1 TM NE. One OI2S board receives and transmits STM-1 optical signals. The OI2S board can be installed in slots IU1âIU3. Other boards can be installed in the remaining slots of the equipment as the services require. Figure 3-1 Hardware configuration when the OptiX 155/622H functions as an STM-1 TM NE IU1-OI2SIU2IU3 IU4 IU5 IU6 IU11-SCC IU12-XC IU13-STG IU14-EOW NOTE The SCB board combines the functions of the SCC unit (SCC), cross-connect unit (XC), clock unit (STG), orderwire unit (EOW), STM-1/STM-4 optical interface unit, and E1 electrical interface unit. These units correspond to different IU numbers on the T2000. This manual describes these units of the SCB board according to the slot definitions of the T2000. 3.2.2 ADM ADMs are used most widely in the SDH network. An ADM combines functions of synchronous multiplexing and digital cross-connection, and can flexibly add/drop tributary signals. Similar to a TM, an ADM can multiplex and demultiplex signals. In addition, an ADM can realize the cross-connection between line signals and between line signals and tributary signals. For example, an ADM can multiplex the accessed E1 signals and thus enable them to be transmitted in the line signals in two directions. Moreover, the line signals in the two directions can also be interconnected. ADMs are widely used in the chain networking, ring networking, and HUB networking. Figure 3-2 shows how to configure the hardware of the OptiX 155/622H when it functions as an STM-1 ADM NE. One OI2D board receives and transmits STM-1 signals in two directions. The OI2D board can be installed in slots IU1âIU3. Other boards can be installed in the remaining slots of the equipment as the services require. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 3 Planning Networking Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3-3 Figure 3-2 Hardware configuration when the OptiX 155/622H functions as an STM-1 ADM NE IU1IU2IU3 IU4 IU5-OI2D IU6 IU11-SCC IU12-XC IU13-STG IU14-EOW 3.2.3 MADM An MADM can be considered the combination of multiple ADMs, and it functions as the core unit to construct complex networks. In addition to all the functions of an ADM, an MADM can also realize the cross-connection between ADMs, which operate at the same rate or at different rates. MADMs are used at the central nodes in the networking of ring with chain, networking of tangent rings, networking of intersecting rings, and HUB networking Figure 3-3 shows how to configure the hardware of the OptiX 155/622H when it functions as an STM-1 and STM-4 MADM NE. The three optical interface boards realize the functions of an MADM NE. Other boards can be installed in the remaining slots of the equipment as the services require. Figure 3-3 Hardware configuration when the OptiX 155/622H functions as an STM-1 and STM-4 MADM NE IU1-OI2SIU2-OI2SIU3 IU4 IU5-OI4D IU6 IU11-SCC IU12-XC IU13-STG IU14-EOW 3.3 Networking Modes Supported by the Equipment The OptiX 155/622H supports networking modes, such as the chain, ring, HUB, ring with chain, tangent rings, intersecting rings, at the STM-1 and STM-4 levels. Table 3-1 lists the networking modes supported by the OptiX 155/622H. 3 Planning Networking OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 3-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Table 3-1 Networking modes and topologies supported by the OptiX 155/622H Networki ng Mode Topology Chain Ring Tangent rings Intersectin g rings Ring with chain OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 3 Planning Networking Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3-5 Networki ng Mode Topology HUB Note: MADM ADM TM 3 Planning Networking OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 3-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) 4 Planning Network Protection About This Chapter The network protection is provided for services in the entire network instead of a single NE. The network protection protects the SDH, Ethernet, and ATM services. Thus, proper planning can ensure the effectiveness of the network protection. 4.1 Basic Principles Users can choose proper network protection schemes according to the features of network protection schemes and application scenarios. 4.2 Network Protection Schemes Supported by the Equipment The OptiX 155/622H supports network protection schemes for the SDH service and the ATM service. 4.3 Planning the MSP Ring The MSP ring, widely used in the SDH network, includes the four-fiber bidirectional MSP ring, two-fiber bidirectional MSP ring, and two-fiber unidirectional MSP ring. 4.4 Planning the SNCP The SNCP is used most widely in the SDH network. 4.5 Planning the 1+1 Linear MSP The 1+1 linear MSP, used in the SDH chain network, has high switching speed, high reliability, and low bandwidth utilization. 4.6 Planning the 1:N Linear MSP The 1:N linear MSP is used in the SDH chain network. One protection channel protects services on N working channels. However, two faulty working channels cannot be protected at the same time. When all the channels are normal, the protection channel can carry extra services. 4.7 Planning the DNI Protection The DNI protection can be configured on two interconnected nodes. The DNI protection enhances the reliability of the services between the two rings. 4.8 Planning the Fiber-Shared Virtual Trail Protection For the fiber-shared virtual trail protection, two or multiple ring networks share the same fiber. The capacity of the fiber is classified and divided into different protection groups in VC-4 granularities. Thus, multiple network protection schemes can be used in one optical fiber. The OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 4 Planning Network Protection Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4-1 fiber-shared virtual trail protection enhances the survivability of the network and bandwidth utilization. 4.9 Planning the VP-Ring and VC-Ring Protection Schemes for the ATM Service The VP-Ring and VC-Ring, used for the ATM services, can coexist with the MSP and SNCP schemes at the SDH layer. 4 Planning Network Protection OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 4-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) 4.1 Basic Principles Users can choose proper network protection schemes according to the features of network protection schemes and application scenarios. Adhere to the following principles when planning network protection. l At the access layer, the service capacity is small, and most services are converged at a central node. Thus, the unidirectional SNCP ring is applicable. l In the case of the inter-office communication, the service capacity of each node is large, and a larger service adding/dropping capability is required. Thus, the bidirectional MSP ring is applicable. l When services on the ring are discrete, the two-fiber bidirectional MSP is applicable. In the case of extreme situations, when services only travel between two adjacent nodes, the maximum service capacity on the ring is STM-N x K/2 ( "K" represents the number of nodes). In this case, the resource utilization is large. However, the MSP, which needs the support of the automatic protection switching (APS) protocol, has complex protection mechanisms and strict network maintenance requirements. l The SNCP scheme is applied to protect services at the VC-4, VC-3 or VC-12 level. Hence, the SNCP scheme has more flexibility. l In the case of the inter-ring and ring with chain services, the SNCP or MSP is applicable. l Protection schemes for the chain network include the 1+1 linear MSP and the 1:N linear MSP. In the case of 1:N linear MSP, protection routes can carry extra services. Thus, the network utilization is enhanced. When rapid service restoration after the switching is required, the 1+1 protection is applicable. l The DNI is mainly used on intersecting rings and at gateway nodes with great service capacity, or used for connecting tandem offices. The primary advantage of the DNI is that it provides protection when multi-node failures occur. NOTE Slot IU3 does not support the configuring of the MSP and fiber-shared virtual trail protection. 4.2 Network Protection Schemes Supported by the Equipment The OptiX 155/622H supports network protection schemes for the SDH service and the ATM service. Table 4-1 lists the network protection schemes supported by the OptiX 155/622H. Table 4-1 Network protection schemes supported by the OptiX 155/622H Protection Level Protection Scheme SDH network protection MSP SNCP 1+1 linear MSP OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 4 Planning Network Protection Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4-3 Protection Level Protection Scheme 1:N linear MSP DNI protection Fiber-shared virtual trail protection Network protection for the ATM service VP-Ring, VC-Ring network protection 4.3 Planning the MSP Ring The MSP ring, widely used in the SDH network, includes the four-fiber bidirectional MSP ring, two-fiber bidirectional MSP ring, and two-fiber unidirectional MSP ring. 4.3.1 Capabilities of Supporting the MSP Ring When planning the MSP ring for the OptiX 155/622H, first consider the capabilities of supporting the MSP ring. 4.3.2 Planning Principles To rationally and effectively plan the MSP ring, the planning principles should be followed. 4.3.1 Capabilities of Supporting the MSP Ring When planning the MSP ring for the OptiX 155/622H, first consider the capabilities of supporting the MSP ring. The OptiX 155/622H supports the following types of MSP rings: l Two-fiber unidirectional MSP at the STM-1 level l Two-fiber unidirectional/bidirectional MSP at the STM-4 level 4.3.2 Planning Principles To rationally and effectively plan the MSP ring, the planning principles should be followed. Adhere to the following principles when planning the MSP ring. l The number of nodes on an MSP ring should not exceed 16. l On the bidirectional MSP ring, services are configured on half of the VC-4 channels, and the other half of the VC-4 channels are used as protection channels. If extra services are configured on the protection channels, these services are unavailable when protection switching occurs. l On an MSP ring, do not form an ADM NE by using different optical interfaces on the same multichannel optical interface board. Otherwise, services in the two directions of the ADM are unavailable at the same time, when the board fails. 4.4 Planning the SNCP The SNCP is used most widely in the SDH network. 4.4.1 Capabilities of Supporting the SNCP 4 Planning Network Protection OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 4-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Before you plan the SNCP for the OptiX 155/622H, first consider the capabilities of supporting the SNCP. 4.4.2 Planning Principles To rationally and effectively plan the SNCP, the planning principles should be followed. 4.4.1 Capabilities of Supporting the SNCP Before you plan the SNCP for the OptiX 155/622H, first consider the capabilities of supporting the SNCP. In the case of the OptiX 155/622H, the capabilities of supporting the SNCP are listed as follows: l The SNCP function of the OptiX 155/622H is compliant with ITU-T G.841 and G.842. l The SNCP can be at the VC-4, VC-3, or VC-12 level. 4.4.2 Planning Principles To rationally and effectively plan the SNCP, the planning principles should be followed. Adhere to the following principles when planning the SNCP. l In the case of the ring and ring with chain networks at the STM-1 level, the SNCP is recommended if the services on the ring are centralized. l When the SNCP and the MSP coexist, set the hold-off time of the SNCP longer than the switching time (50 ms) of the MSP to avoid the interference between the SNCP and the MSP. l In the DNI networking, the primary and secondary nodes of the SNCP should be correctly set on the ring in the same direction. l In the DNI networking, the SNCP and linear MSP schemes cannot be used on the chain at the same time. 4.5 Planning the 1+1 Linear MSP The 1+1 linear MSP, used in the SDH chain network, has high switching speed, high reliability, and low bandwidth utilization. 4.5.1 Capabilities of Supporting the 1+1 Linear MSP When planning the 1+1 linear MSP for the OptiX 155/622H, first consider the capabilities of supporting the 1+1 linear MSP. 4.5.2 Planning Principles To rationally and effectively plan the 1+1 linear MSP, the planning principles should be followed. 4.5.1 Capabilities of Supporting the 1+1 Linear MSP When planning the 1+1 linear MSP for the OptiX 155/622H, first consider the capabilities of supporting the 1+1 linear MSP. In the case of the OptiX 155/622H, the capabilities of supporting the 1+1 Linear MSP are as follows: l An OptiX 155/622H system supports a maximum of three 1+1 linear MSP groups. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 4 Planning Network Protection Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4-5 l The switching and bridging mode supports the single-ended and dual-ended switchings. l The switching revertive mode supports the revertive mode and non-revertive mode. 4.5.2 Planning Principles To rationally and effectively plan the 1+1 linear MSP, the planning principles should be followed. Adhere to the following principles when planning the 1+1 linear MSP. l Do not use different optical interfaces on one multichannel optical interface board to form the 1+1 protection group. Otherwise, the protection function is unavailable when the board fails. l The switching and bridging mode should be set to the single-ended switching. l The switching revertive mode should be set to the non-revertive mode. l The switching restoration time is required to be set to 600s. l It is recommended that you set the B2_SD as the trigger condition of the linear MSP ring protection switching. 4.6 Planning the 1:N Linear MSP The 1:N linear MSP is used in the SDH chain network. One protection channel protects services on N working channels. However, two faulty working channels cannot be protected at the same time. When all the channels are normal, the protection channel can carry extra services. 4.6.1 Capabilities of Supporting the 1:N Linear MSP When planning the 1:N linear MSP for the OptiX 155/622H, first consider the capabilities of supporting the 1:N linear MSP. 4.6.2 Planning Principles To rationally and effectively plan the 1:N linear MSP, the planning principles should be followed. 4.6.1 Capabilities of Supporting the 1:N Linear MSP When planning the 1:N linear MSP for the OptiX 155/622H, first consider the capabilities of supporting the 1:N linear MSP. The OptiX 155/622H supports the 1:N linear MSP at the following levels: l 1:N (1â¤Nâ¤5) linear MSP at the STM-4 level l 1:N (1â¤Nâ¤5) linear MSP at the STM-1 level In the case of the OptiX 155/622H, the capabilities of supporting the 1:N linear MSP are as follows: l The switching and bridging mode is the dual-ended switching. l The switching revertive mode is the revertive. 4.6.2 Planning Principles To rationally and effectively plan the 1:N linear MSP, the planning principles should be followed. 4 Planning Network Protection OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 4-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Adhere to the following principles when planning the 1:N linear MSP. l Do not use different optical/electrical interfaces on the same multichannel optical/electrical interface board to form a 1:N protection group. Otherwise, the protection function is unavailable when the board fails. l In the 1:N protection scheme, the protection route can carry extra services, but the extra services cannot be protected. l It is recommended that you set the WTR time of the linear MSP ring to 600s. l It is recommended that you set the B2_SD as the trigger condition of the linear MSP ring protection switching. 4.7 Planning the DNI Protection The DNI protection can be configured on two interconnected nodes. The DNI protection enhances the reliability of the services between the two rings. 4.7.1 Capabilities of Supporting the DNI Protection When planning the DNI protection for the OptiX 155/622H, first consider the capabilities of supporting the DNI protection. 4.7.2 Planning Principles To rationally and effectively plan the DNI protection, the planning principles should be followed. 4.7.1 Capabilities of Supporting the DNI Protection When planning the DNI protection for the OptiX 155/622H, first consider the capabilities of supporting the DNI protection. The OptiX 155/622H supports the DNI protection compliant with ITU-T G.842. 4.7.2 Planning Principles To rationally and effectively plan the DNI protection, the planning principles should be followed. Adhere to the following principles when planning the DNI protection. l The DNI network combines the ring network and the chain network. Two rings in a DNI network can be configured with the SNCP or MSP. l The chain that connects the two rings can be configured with the DNI protection or the fiber-shared virtual trail protection. 4.8 Planning the Fiber-Shared Virtual Trail Protection For the fiber-shared virtual trail protection, two or multiple ring networks share the same fiber. The capacity of the fiber is classified and divided into different protection groups in VC-4 granularities. Thus, multiple network protection schemes can be used in one optical fiber. The fiber-shared virtual trail protection enhances the survivability of the network and bandwidth utilization. 4.8.1 Capabilities of Supporting the Fiber-Shared Virtual Trail Protection When planning the fiber-shared virtual trail protection for the OptiX 155/622H, first consider the capabilities of supporting the fiber-shared virtual trail protection. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 4 Planning Network Protection Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4-7 4.8.2 Planning Principles To rationally and effectively plan the fiber-shared virtual trail protection, the planning principles should be followed. 4.8.1 Capabilities of Supporting the Fiber-Shared Virtual Trail Protection When planning the fiber-shared virtual trail protection for the OptiX 155/622H, first consider the capabilities of supporting the fiber-shared virtual trail protection. The OptiX 155/622H supports two MSP rings sharing the same section of fiber. 4.8.2 Planning Principles To rationally and effectively plan the fiber-shared virtual trail protection, the planning principles should be followed. When planning the fiber-share virtual trail protection, follow a certain principle. Normally, in the case of the optical-path-shared MSP, two low-rate line units share the same high-rate line unit. 4.9 Planning the VP-Ring and VC-Ring Protection Schemes for the ATM Service The VP-Ring and VC-Ring, used for the ATM services, can coexist with the MSP and SNCP schemes at the SDH layer. 4.9.1 Capabilities of Supporting the VP-Ring and VC-Ring Protection Schemes for the ATM Service When planning the VP-Ring and VC-Ring protection for the OptiX 155/622H, first consider the capabilities of supporting the VP-Ring and VC-Ring protection. 4.9.2 Planning Principles To rationally and effectively plan the VP-Ring and VC-Ring protection, the planning principles should be followed. 4.9.1 Capabilities of Supporting the VP-Ring and VC-Ring Protection Schemes for the ATM Service When planning the VP-Ring and VC-Ring protection for the OptiX 155/622H, first consider the capabilities of supporting the VP-Ring and VC-Ring protection. The ATM board for the OptiX 155/622H supports the ATM layer protection schemes recommended by ITU-T I.630, including the VP-Ring and VC-Ring protection schemes. In the case of the OptiX 155/622H, the capabilities of supporting the VP-Ring and VC-Ring protection schemes for the ATM services are as follows: l The VP-Ring and VC-Ring protection schemes include the 1+1 protection and the 1:1 protection. â In the case of the 1+1 protection, the switching occurs at the sink end of the service, and the protection mode is the revertive mode. 4 Planning Network Protection OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 4-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) â In the case of the 1:1 protection, the switching occurs at both the source and sink ends of the service, and the protection mode is the non-revertive mode. l The VP-Ring and VC-Ring protection schemes can coexist with the MSP and SNCP protection schemes for the SDH layer. 4.9.2 Planning Principles To rationally and effectively plan the VP-Ring and VC-Ring protection, the planning principles should be followed. Adhere to the following principles when planning the VP-Ring and VC-Ring protection schemes for the ATM services. l It is recommended that you use the bidirectional MSP ring and VP-Ring/VC-Ring to form the network. In this case, the VP-Ring or VC-Ring protection should be configured with a hold-off time, which should exceed 4s. When the switching conditions are met, activate the protection for the SDH layer first. If the switching at the SDH layer fails, activate the VP-Ring or VC-Ring protection to realize the layered protection. l In a network, when the VP-Ring or VC-Ring coexists with non-protection rings, the hold- off time should be set to 0s. In this case, the VP-Ring or VC-Ring protection is of the first level protection. l Other protection schemes for the SDH layer can be combined with the VP-Ring or VC- Ring. This configuration is not recommended because it is relatively complex and requires greater bandwidth. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 4 Planning Network Protection Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4-9 5 Planning the DCN About This Chapter The OptiX 155/622H can construct the DCN in three ways, HWECC, IP over DCC, and OSI over DCC. When planning the DCN, adhere to the basic principles and specific principles for different construction modes. 5.1 DCN Schemes Supported by the Equipment In the SDH network, the T2000 communicates with NEs through the DCN, and thus the T2000 can manage and maintain the NEs. The NEs in the DCN use the DCC bytes to communicate with each other. 5.2 Basic Principles When constructing the DCN, select proper communication protocols according to the actual networking situation, and follow the planning principles. 5.3 Planning NE IDs and IPs NE IDs are used to identify Huawei transmission equipment. Thus, the NE IDs should be configured when the DCN network uses the HWECC, IP over DCC, and OSI over DCC protocols. 5.4 Planning the HWECC For the HWECC, the data that supports the HWECC protocol is transmitted in the DCC. The HWECC protocol, developed by Huawei, is a private communication protocol used for the DCN networking of the optical equipment. 5.5 Planning the IP over DCC For the IP over DCC, the data that supports the TCP/IP protocol is transmitted in the DCC. 5.6 Planning the OSI over DCC For the OSI over DCC, the data that supports the OSI protocol is transmitted in the DCC. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 5 Planning the DCN Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 5-1 5.1 DCN Schemes Supported by the Equipment In the SDH network, the T2000 communicates with NEs through the DCN, and thus the T2000 can manage and maintain the NEs. The NEs in the DCN use the DCC bytes to communicate with each other. The OptiX 155/622H can construct the DCN in the following ways: l The HWECC protocol is used to transmit data through the DCC. It is a private communication protocol developed by Huawei for the DCN networking of the optical network equipment. l The IP over DCC indicates that the data transmitted through the DCC supports the transmission control protocol and internet protocol (TCP/IP). l The OSI over DCC indicates that the data transmitted through the DCC supports the open systems interconnection (OSI) protocol. The DCC of the OptiX 1155/622H has two resource allocation modes: one uses the D1âD3 bytes as physical transmission channels, and the other uses the D1âD3 bytes and the D4âD12 bytes as physical transmission channels. The details about the DCC resource allocation modes of the OptiX 155/622H are listed as follows: l Mode 1: Supports 40 D1âD3 channels. l Mode 2: Supports 20 D1âD3 channels and 6 D4âD12 channels. NOTE When the OptiX 155/622H forms a hybrid network with equipment from other vendors that does not support the IP or OSI standard communication protocol, the hybrid network provides solutions of transparent transmission through the DCC bytes. 5.2 Basic Principles When constructing the DCN, select proper communication protocols according to the actual networking situation, and follow the planning principles. The principles for planning the DCN are as follows: l When the OptiX 155/622H constructs a network with other Huawei equipment, the HWECC or IP over DCC protocol is recommended. Use the same communication protocol in the entire DCN network. l When the OptiX 155/622H constructs a hybrid network with equipment from other vendors, use the IP over DCC or OSI over DCC protocol according to the protocol supported by the equipment from other vendors. l The OptiX 155/622H constructs a hybrid network with equipment from other vendors. In this case, if the equipment from other vendors do not support the IP over DCC or OSI over DCC, use the DCC bytes to transparently transmit the management information. l When a communication protocol is used to construct the DCN network, properly set the DCN network scale and divide the network according to the network situation. Thus, the effect of large network scale on the DCN network can be reduced. l The DCN network should be of the ring type to ensure the reliability of the network communication. Thus, route protection can be provided when fiber cuts or NE 5 Planning the DCN OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 5-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) abnormalities occur. If fibers of the equipment cannot form a ring, extra DCN channels should be constructed to form a ring, and thus the route protection function can be realized. 5.3 Planning NE IDs and IPs NE IDs are used to identify Huawei transmission equipment. Thus, the NE IDs should be configured when the DCN network uses the HWECC, IP over DCC, and OSI over DCC protocols. Because gateway NEs need to communicate with the T2000 through the IPs, only the IPs of the gateway NEs need to be set. The ID is independent of the IP, and thus they can be set separately. When the default ID (49136) of a gateway NE is modified, the IP of the gateway NE also changes. In other cases, the IP, however, does not change with the changed ID. The principles for planning the NE IDs and IPs are as follows: l The ID of each NE should be unique. l In the same DCN network, the ID of each NE should be unique. l An NE ID is 24 bits in binary, which can be divided into the former eight bits and the latter 16 bits. â The former eight bits indicate the extended ID (the default value is 9), also called the subnet number, which identifies different subnets. The subnet number cannot be 0 or 0xFF (255 in decimal). â The latter 16 bits indicate the basic ID. The value of the basic ID cannot be 0 or 0xBFF0 (49136 in decimal), or be greater than 0xBFF0. l In the ring network, the NE IDs should be increased one by one in the same direction along the ring network. l A complex network should be divided into rings and chains. First set IDs for NEs on the ring from 1 to N, and then set the IDs for NEs on the chain as N+1, N+2, ... The principles for planning the NE IPs are listed as follows: l The IPs of the gateway NEs should be set according to the IP planning of the external DCN. The IPs of the non-gateway NEs do not require to be set. l The default subnet is, and the default subnet mask is 5.4 Planning the HWECC For the HWECC, the data that supports the HWECC protocol is transmitted in the DCC. The HWECC protocol, developed by Huawei, is a private communication protocol used for the DCN networking of the optical equipment. 5.4.1 Capabilities of Supporting the HWECC The OptiX 155/622H supports the HWECC. After the NE IDs in the network are set, the ECC communication is available without other settings. 5.4.2 Planning Principles When constructing the DCN by using the HWECC, follow the basic planning principles and principles for planning the NE IDs, NE IP addresses, and gateway NEs. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 5 Planning the DCN Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 5-3 5.4.1 Capabilities of Supporting the HWECC The OptiX 155/622H supports the HWECC. After the NE IDs in the network are set, the ECC communication is available without other settings. The HWECC of the OptiX 155/622H supports communication through fibers or Ethernet cables. When no optical routes are available between nodes, set the extended ECC through Ethernet cables. 5.4.2 Planning Principles When constructing the DCN by using the HWECC, follow the basic planning principles and principles for planning the NE IDs, NE IP addresses, and gateway NEs. Basic Principles The HWECC protocol is mainly used to construct the DCN between Huawei transmission equipment. Adhere to the following principles when planning the HWECC. l When the OptiX 155/622H or other Huawei OptiX OSN series equipment is used as the gateway NE, there should be less than 100 NEs in each HWECC subnet. When the OptiX 10G , OptiX 2500+ is used as the gateway NE, there should be less than 50 NEs in each HWECC subnet. l The HWECC subnet should be of the ring type to ensure that the route protection is available when fiber cuts or NE abnormalities occur. l The ECC communication should not be performed between different HWECC subnets. l The OptiX 155/622H automatically assigns ECC channels to each SDH board. As the number of the ECC channels is restrained by the equipment, the unnecessary ECC channels should be shut down. l The number of nodes for each gateway NE is limited. Thus, when the number of nodes exceeds the limit, multiple gateway NEs can be configured. l In normal situations, do not manually configure the ECC routes. l When the extended ECC is required for communication, manually configure the extended ECC. The ECC should not be automatically extended. Thus, the bandwidth between NEs, which uses the ECC for communication, can be saved. Principles for Planning NE IDs For details, see 5.3 Planning NE IDs and IPs. Principles for Planning IP Addresses The IP address is used for communication between gateway NEs and the T2000. Thus, the gateway NEs should be configured with IP addresses. In addition, NEs that use the extended ECC functions should be configured with IP addresses. In normal situations, the IP addresses of NEs need not manually configured. The IP addresses vary with the NE IDs. The format of the IP address is "129.E.A.B". "E" represents the extended ID of the NE (The value is 9 by default), and "A.B" represents the former eight bits and the latter eight bits. When the IP addresses are manually configured, the mapping relation between the IP addresses and the IDs is unavailable. By default, the subnet IP address is "", and the subnet mask is "". 5 Planning the DCN OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 5-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Principles for Planning Gateway NEs Adhere to the following principles when planning the gateway NEs. l Correctly set the IP addresses and subnet masks for the gateway NEs. l Only the equipment connected to the T2000 through cables can be configured as gateway NEs. l In actual networking, the traffic volume of the gateway NEs is large. NEs with large ECC management abilities should be configured as gateway NEs to ensure stable communication. In addition, gateway NEs should form a star network with other NEs to reduce the traffic volume of other NEs. l It is recommended that you select a standby gateway NE to ensure the stability of the network connection. The standby gateway NE should meet the requirements for the active gateway NE. In addition, the standby gateway NE can manage a portion of NEs, and the active and standby gateway NEs mutually back up one another. Thus, the network stability can be ensured. 5.5 Planning the IP over DCC For the IP over DCC, the data that supports the TCP/IP protocol is transmitted in the DCC. 5.5.1 Capabilities of Supporting the IP over DCC The OptiX 155/622H supports the IP over DCC, which is realized by the TCP/IP protocol. 5.5.2 Planning Principles When constructing the DCN by using the IP over DCC, follow the basic planning principles and principles for planning the NE IDs and NE IP addresses. 5.5.1 Capabilities of Supporting the IP over DCC The OptiX 155/622H supports the IP over DCC, which is realized by the TCP/IP protocol. l The NEs can be accessed to the T2000 through the gateway NEs or be directly accessed to the T2000. l The TCP/IP application protocols, such as the FTP, Telnet, and SNMP, can be supported. l The open shortest path first (OSPF) dynamic routing protocol and static routing protocol are supported. Through the IP over DCC, the OptiX 155/622H can form a hybrid DCN network with equipment from other vendors that supports the IP over DCC. 5.5.2 Planning Principles When constructing the DCN by using the IP over DCC, follow the basic planning principles and principles for planning the NE IDs and NE IP addresses. Basic Principles The IP over DCC is mainly used for managing the hybrid network composed of the OptiX 155/622H and equipment from other vendors that supports the IP over DCC. The IP over DCC is also used for managing the network composed of Huawei transmission equipment. Adhere to the following principles when planning the IP over DCC. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 5 Planning the DCN Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 5-5 l In the same OSPF area, the number of NEs should not exceed 60. l When the T2000 is used to manage the NEs, the number of non-gateway NEs accessed by the same gateway NE should not exceed 60 (It is recommended that the number does not exceed 50.) Principles for Planning NE IDs For details, see 5.3 Planning NE IDs and IPs. Principles for Planning IP Addresses Adhere to the following principles when planning the IP addresses. l The IP address of each NE should be unique. l NEs can use the standard IP address types A, B, and C, in which the IP addresses of NEs range from "" to "". However, the broadcast addresses, network addresses and address "127.x.x.x" cannot be used. The subnet addresses "192.168.x.x" and "192.169.x.x" cannot be used. l The IP addresses should work with the subnet masks, and they should support subnet masks that have variable length. l When the NEs directly access the T2000 by using the static routing protocol, it is recommended that the gateway NEs and non-gateway NEs use different IP subnets. l If two networks are connected through the Ethernet, they should be in different IP subnets. Thus, all NEs can be accessed through the T2000 when the network is divided into areas. 5.6 Planning the OSI over DCC For the OSI over DCC, the data that supports the OSI protocol is transmitted in the DCC. 5.6.1 Capabilities of Supporting the OSI over DCC The OptiX 155/622H supports the OSI over DCC, which is realized by using the lower four layers of protocols in the OSI standard seven-layer protocols. 5.6.2 Planning Principles When constructing the DCN by using the OSI over DCC, follow the basic planning principles and principles for planning the NE IDs, dividing network areas, selecting gateway NEs, and configuring roles of the LAPD of optical interfaces. 5.6.3 Planning Cases A case is given to show how to plan the address and node type, and how to select gateway NEs in the DCN network areas. 5.6.1 Capabilities of Supporting the OSI over DCC The OptiX 155/622H supports the OSI over DCC, which is realized by using the lower four layers of protocols in the OSI standard seven-layer protocols. l The OptiX 155/622H uses the format of the simple network service access point (NSAP) address as the node protocol identification. l The OptiX 155/622H supports three types of nodes, the end system (ES), level 1 Intermediate systems (L1-IS), and level 2 intermediate systems (L2-IS). l The IS-IS protocol is used between ISs to dynamically exchange the routing information. 5 Planning the DCN OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 5-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) l The ES-IS protocol is used between the ES and the IS to perform the labor discovery and to exchange the routing information. l The OptiX 155/622H supports the IS-IS Level 2 protocol to realize route layering. l The OptiX 155/622H supports the TP4 protocol. l NEs can be accessed to the T2000 through the gateway NEs or be directly accessed to the T2000. Through the OSI over DCC, the OptiX 155/622H can form the hybrid DCN network with equipment from other vendors that supports the OSI over DCC. 5.6.2 Planning Principles When constructing the DCN by using the OSI over DCC, follow the basic planning principles and principles for planning the NE IDs, dividing network areas, selecting gateway NEs, and configuring roles of the LAPD of optical interfaces. Basic Principles The features of the OSI over DCC communication are mainly used for managing the hybrid network constructed by the OptiX 155/622H and equipment from other vendors. When the network is constructed only by Huawei transmission equipment, the OSI over DCC is not recommended. Only nodes at the network terminal can be configured as the ES. The functions of the ES routing are limited, which prevents network expansion. Thus, it is not recommended that you configure the equipment as the ES during the networking. Huawei T2000 is operating as a node of the ES network. By default, the L1-IS is the node type of Huawei equipment, which only supports the intra-area routing (Level 1 Routing). If the equipment supports the inter-area routing (Level 2 Routing), the node type of the network should be configured as the L2-IS. The L2-IS maintains two routing tables. One of the two routing tables is used for the intra-area routing, and the other is used for the inter-area routing. The OptiX 155/622H supports the IS-IS Level 2 routing functions. When the OSI communication protocol is used, the network should be divided into areas according to the network scale. In the entire DCN network, the number of areas cannot exceed 32. The number of NEs in the same area cannot exceed 50. The DCN network should be constructed as a ring network to provide route protection when fiber cuts or NE abnormalities occur. When the network is constructed by the OptiX 155/622H0 and equipment from other vendors, the network planning should be based on the design principles for equipment from other vendors. Principles for Planning NE IDs For details, see 5.3 Planning NE IDs and IPs. Dividing Network Areas The OSI protocol supports the functions of route layering. It uses the SYS ID to realize the intra- area routing, and the AREA ID to realize the inter-area routing. When planning the DCN OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 5 Planning the DCN Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 5-7 network, properly divide the areas and assign the number of NEs in each area according to the topology situation of the network. In the case of a small-scale network with less than 50 NEs, there is no need to divide the network into areas. In this case, set the node types of all NEs to the L1-IS, and set the same AREA ID to the NSAPs of all NEs. In the case of a large-scale network, divide the network according to the following principles: l Divide the DCN network into multiple areas to facilitate management. l In each area, select multiple NEs to function as the L2-IS. It is recommended that you select two NEs that mutually back up each other, in each area. l In the entire DCN network, all L2 equipment should be consecutive. Selecting Gateway NEs When the OSI over DCC is used to create the DCN, create the TP4 connection between the T2000 and the gateway NEs. The management data transmitted by the T2000 to the non-gateway NEs should be forwarded by the gateway NEs. When creating the gateway NEs on the T2000 interface, enter the NE IDs and specify the NSAP addresses. When creating the non-gateway NEs, enter the NE IDs and specify their gateway NEs. When all nodes in the DCN network are running the OSI protocol stack, it is recommended that you do not create all NEs as the gateway NEs. Select a portion of nodes as the gateway NEs, and create other NEs as the non-gateway NEs and specify their gateway NEs. Each gateway NE should manage less than 64 non-gateway NEs to avoid overloading the gateway NEs and reducing the overall T2000 system performance. When selecting the gateway NEs, select the NEs close to the T2000 on the topology. Thus, less overhead bytes are needed when the gateway NEs communicate with the T2000 and the efficiency can be enhanced. If route layering is supported when you divide the areas, select one NE or multiple NEs in each area as the gateway NE or gateway NEs. When creating the non-gateway NEs, specify their gateway NE in the local area. Select a standby gateway NE for the non-gateway NEs to ensure the access reliability of the T2000. Configuring Roles of the LAPD of Optical Interfaces When using the OSI protocol in the communication between optical interfaces, use the LAPD protocol at the link layer realized by the optical interfaces. According to the requirements for the LAPD protocol, set different roles for the LAPD at both the ends of the interconnected optical interfaces. There are two roles of the LAPD, "User" and "Network". The principle for setting the roles is that the optical interfaces at the two ends interconnected through fibers should be set to different roles. The optical interface at one end should be set to "User", and that at the other end should be set to "Network". 5.6.3 Planning Cases A case is given to show how to plan the address and node type, and how to select gateway NEs in the DCN network areas. 5 Planning the DCN OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 5-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Figure 5-1 shows that when the network is constructed by Huawei equipment and equipment from other vendors, the OSI over DCC is used to construct the DCN network. Figure 5-1 Planning of the DCN network in the OSI over DCC mode Level 2 Routing Area HuaWei T2000 OSI LAN ES GNE Legacy Network GNE New Network Other Vendor's EMS Huawei equipment the third party equipment OSI DCN When planning the DCN network, divide the entire network into three areas. The AREA IDs for the three areas are "391F1190", "391F1200", and "391F1210" (in hex). The equipment at the core layer should be configured as the L2-IS, and the equipment at the edge layer should be configured as the L1-IS. In addition, select NEs close to the T2000 on the topology as the gateway NEs. After the NE AREA ID and NE ID are configured, the NSAP address of an NE is determined and it is unique. For example, the NSAP address of NE 01 is 391F120008003E0900011D. NOTE As shown in Figure 5-1, the gateway NEs are the L2 equipment. However, this does not indicate that only the L2 equipment can be gateway NEs. The L1 equipment can also be gateway NEs. When the OSI protocol is used, the L2-IS nodes in the network should be consecutive. Thus, when dividing areas, properly select the L2-IS nodes. As shown in Figure 5-1, NE 03 and NE OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 5 Planning the DCN Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 5-9 13 are configured as L1-ISs. In this case, the T2000 cannot manage NEs in AREA B and AREA C, and the network communication is abnormal, because the L2 equipment is not consecutive. 5 Planning the DCN OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 5-10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) 6 Planning Services About This Chapter The OptiX 155/622H supports multiple types of services. For the OptiX 155/622H, when planning the services, consider the access capacity for different services and planning principles. 6.1 Basic Planning Principles The OptiX 155/622H supports multiple services. 6.2 Maximum Service Access Capacity For the OptiX 155/622H, the maximum service access capacity, access capacity of slots, and cross-connect capacity of slots are defined. 6.3 Planning SDH Services The OptiX 155/622H supports multiple SDH services. When planning the SDH services, follow the basic principles. 6.4 Planning PDH Services The OptiX 155/622H supports multiple PDH services. When planning the PDH services, follow the basic principles. 6.5 Planning Ethernet Services The OptiX 155/622H supports multiple Ethernet services. When planning the Ethernet services, follow the basic principles and choose proper principles according to the actual network situation. 6.6 Planning ATM Services The OptiX 155/622H supports multiple ATM services. When planning the ATM services, follow the basic principles. 6.7 Planning DDN Services The OptiX 155/622H supports multiple types of DDN services. When planning the DDN services, follow the basic principles. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6 Planning Services Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6-1 6.1 Basic Planning Principles The OptiX 155/622H supports multiple services. When planning the services, follow the basic principles: l Analyze the service requirements. l Consider the service requirements that can be met in a transmission network. l Determine the proper schemes for providing services. The following factors should be considered: â Valid slots for service boards â Service routes â Aligning sequence of services in a VC-4 l Determine the interface types for services. l Check for the available network resources when planning new services for the existing network. The available resources involve the higher order cross-connection resources, lower order cross-connection resources and VC-4 paths. l Consider the capability of the network and the equipment in the network of supporting future services. 6.2 Maximum Service Access Capacity For the OptiX 155/622H, the maximum service access capacity, access capacity of slots, and cross-connect capacity of slots are defined. 6.2.1 Service Access Capacity The capacity of services that the OptiX 155/622H can access varies according to the type and quantity of the configured boards. 6.2.2 Access Capacity of Slots The OptiX 155/622H provides six logical slots to house service boards. The maximum access capacity is 26xVC-4s. 6.2.3 Cross-Connect Capacity The OptiX 155/622H provides a cross-connect capacity at the VC-4/VC-3/VC-12 level that is equivalent to 26x26 VC-4s 6.2.1 Service Access Capacity The capacity of services that the OptiX 155/622H can access varies according to the type and quantity of the configured boards. Table 6-1 lists the maximum capacity of the OptiX 155/622H for accessing different services. 6 Planning Services OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Table 6-1 Service access capacity of the OptiX 155/622H Service Type Maximum Number of Services STM-4 standard service 5 STM-1 standard service 16 STM-1 (electrical) service 6 E3 service 9 T3 service 9 E1 service 112 E1/T1 service 96 N x 64 kbit/s service (N = 1â31) 12 Framed E1 service 48 FE (optical) service 8 FE service 24 GE service 3 STM-1 ATM service 4 6.2.2 Access Capacity of Slots The OptiX 155/622H provides six logical slots to house service boards. The maximum access capacity is 26xVC-4s. Figure 6-1 shows the access capacity of slots of the OptiX 155/622H. Figure 6-1 Access capacity of service board slots of the OptiX 155/622H IU1 FAN POI/ POU IU2IU3 IU4 SCB 622Mbit/s 622Mbit/s 622Mbit/s 622Mbit/s IU5 IU6 1.25Gbit/s 311Mbit/s NOTE Slots IU5 and IU6 in Figure 6-1 are logical slots, and they are actually integrated on the SCB board. 6.2.3 Cross-Connect Capacity The OptiX 155/622H provides a cross-connect capacity at the VC-4/VC-3/VC-12 level that is equivalent to 26x26 VC-4s OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6 Planning Services Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6-3 6.3 Planning SDH Services The OptiX 155/622H supports multiple SDH services. When planning the SDH services, follow the basic principles. 6.3.1 Capability of Supporting SDH Services The OptiX 155/622H supports the SDH services at the STM-1 and STM-4 levels. 6.3.2 Planning Principles Adhere to the following principles when planning SDH services. 6.3.1 Capability of Supporting SDH Services The OptiX 155/622H supports the SDH services at the STM-1 and STM-4 levels. Table 6-2 lists the SDH boards of the OptiX 155/622H and their features. Table 6-2 SDH boards of the OptiX 155/622H and their features Board Description Interfacing Mode Interface Type OI4 1 x STM-4 optical interface board Interfaces available on the front panel SC OI4D 2 x STM-4 optical interface board Interfaces available on the front panel SC/LC OI2S 1 x STM-1 optical interface board Interfaces available on the front panel SC OI2D 2 x STM-1 optical interface board Interfaces available on the front panel SC/LC SL1Q 4 x STM-1 optical interface board Interfaces available on the front panel SC SL1O 8 x STM-1 optical interface board Interfaces available on the front panel SC SB2L 1 x STM-1 single-fiber bidirectional optical interface board Interfaces available on the front panel SC SB2R 1 x STM-1 single-fiber bidirectional optical interface board Interfaces available on the front panel SC 6 Planning Services OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Board Description Interfacing Mode Interface Type SB2D 2 x STM-1 single-fiber bidirectional optical interface board Interfaces available on the front panel SC SLE 1 x STM-1 electrical interface board Interfaces available on the front panel SMB SDE 2 x STM-1 electrical interface board Interfaces available on the front panel SMB 6.3.2 Planning Principles Adhere to the following principles when planning SDH services. l Choose proper SDH processing boards according to the interface rate and interface quantity. l Choose proper optical modules according to the distance among nodes in the network and the attenuation. Proper optical modules must be used to avoid that the received optical power is lower than the receiver sensitivity or overload optical power. 6.4 Planning PDH Services The OptiX 155/622H supports multiple PDH services. When planning the PDH services, follow the basic principles. 6.4.1 Capability of Supporting PDH Services The OptiX 155/622H supports the E1, E1/T1 E3 and T3 services. 6.4.2 Planning Principles Choose proper PDH processing boards and interface boards according to the actual service types. Configure the TPS protection for the PDH processing boards as required. 6.4.1 Capability of Supporting PDH Services The OptiX 155/622H supports the E1, E1/T1 E3 and T3 services. Table 6-3 lists the PDH boards of the OptiX 155/622H and their features. Table 6-3 PDH boards of the OptiX 155/622H and their features Board Description Interfacing Mode Interface Type SP1S 4 x E1 processing board Interfaces available on the front panel 2 mm HM SP1D 8 x E1 processing board Interfaces available on the front panel 2 mm HM OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6 Planning Services Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6-5 Board Description Interfacing Mode Interface Type SP2D 16 x E1 processing board Interfaces available on the front panel 2 mm HM PD2S 16 x E1 processing board Interfaces available on the front panel 2 mm HM PD2D 32 x E1 processing board Interfaces available on the front panel 2 mm HM PD2T 48 x E1 processing board Interfaces available on the front panel 2 mm HM SM1S 4 x E1/T1 processing board Interfaces available on the front panel 2 mm HM SM1D 8 x E1/T1 processing board Interfaces available on the front panel 2 mm HM PM2S 16 x E1/T1 processing board Interfaces available on the front panel 2 mm HM PM2D 32 x E1/T1 processing board Interfaces available on the front panel 2 mm HM PM2T 48 x E1/T1 processing board Interfaces available on the front panel 2 mm HM PE3S 1 x E3 processing board Interfaces available on the front panel SMB PE3D 2 x E3 processing board Interfaces available on the front panel SMB PE3T 3 x E3 processing board Interfaces available on the front panel SMB PT3S 1 x T3 processing board Interfaces available on the front panel SMB PT3D 2 x T3 processing board Interfaces available on the front panel SMB PT3T 3 x T3 processing board Interfaces available on the front panel SMB 6.4.2 Planning Principles Choose proper PDH processing boards and interface boards according to the actual service types. Configure the TPS protection for the PDH processing boards as required. 6 Planning Services OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) 6.5 Planning Ethernet Services The OptiX 155/622H supports multiple Ethernet services. When planning the Ethernet services, follow the basic principles and choose proper principles according to the actual network situation. 6.5.1 Capability of Supporting Ethernet Services The OptiX 155/622H supports four types of Ethernet services, including EPL, EVPL, EPLAN, and EVPLAN. 6.5.2 Planning Principles When planning the Ethernet services, follow the basic principles and select the corresponding service types according to the actual network situation. 6.5.3 Planning Transparently Transmitted EPL Services The transparently transmitted EPL services can be used to plan the Ethernet services. 6.5.4 Planning Port-Shared EVPL Services The port-shared EPL services can be used to plan the Ethernet services. 6.5.5 Planning VCTRUNK-Shared EVPL Services The VCTRUNK-shared EVPL services can be used to plan the Ethernet services. 6.5.6 Planning EVPL Services (Transit Scheme) The EVPL services (Transit Scheme) can be used to plan the Ethernet services. 6.5.7 Planning EPLAN Services The EPLAN services can be used to plan the Ethernet services. 6.5.8 Planning EVPLAN Services The EVPLAN services can be used to plan the Ethernet services. 6.5.1 Capability of Supporting Ethernet Services The OptiX 155/622H supports four types of Ethernet services, including EPL, EVPL, EPLAN, and EVPLAN. The OptiX 155/622H provides multiple types of Ethernet boards to support different Ethernet services. These boards are classified into two categories according to their supported encapsulation protocols. Table 6-4 lists the Ethernet boards that support the multi-link point to point protocol. Table 6-5 lists the Ethernet boards that support the generic framing procedure. Table 6-4 Features of the ET1, ET1O, ET1D, and EF1 Function ET1 ET1O ET1D EF1 Number of FE electrical interfaces 8 8 2 4 Number of FE optical interfaces - - - 2 OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6 Planning Services Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6-7 Function ET1 ET1O ET1D EF1 Connector type RJ-45 RJ-45 RJ-45 Electrical: RJ-45 Optical: LC Valid slot IU4 IU4 IU1, IU2, IU3 IU4 Workin g mode Electr ical interfa ce 10/100BASE-T (X) 10/100BASE-T (X) 10/100BASE-T (X) 10/100BASE- T(X) Optic al interfa ce - - - 100BASE-FX Encapsulation protocol ML-PPP VC-4 bandwidth on the SDH side 1 1 1 1 Bound bandwidth 48 x E1 48 x E1 16 x E1 48 x E1 Number of VCTRUNKs 16 16 16 16 Layer 2 switching - Supported Supported Supported VLAN Supported Supported Supported Supported EVPL - - - - EPL Supported - Supported - EPLAN - Supported Supported Supported EVPLAN - - - - RSTP - Supported Supported Supported IGMP-Snooping - Supported Supported Supported RMON Supported Supported Supported Supported 6 Planning Services OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Table 6-5 Features of the EFS, EFSC, EFT, ELT2, and EGT Function EFS EFSC EGS EFT ELT2 EGT Number of FE electrical interfaces 4 12 - 4 - - Number of FE optical interfaces - - - - 2 - Number of GE optical interfaces - - 1 - - 1 Connector type RJ-45 RJ-45 LC RJ-45 LC LC Valid slot IU1, IU2, IU3 IU4 IU1, IU2, IU3 IU1, IU2, IU3 IU1, IU2, IU3 IU1, IU2, IU3 Wo rkin g mo de FE electrical interface 10/100BAS ET(X) 10/100B ASE-T (X) - 10/100 BASE- T(X) - - FE optical interface - - - - 100BAS E-FX - GE optical interface - - 1000BA SE-SX/ LX/ZX - - 1000BA SE-SX/ LX/ZX VC-4 bandwidth on the SDH side 4 4 4 2 2 2 Bound bandwidth 12 x VC-3 or 126 x VC-12 + 6 x VC-3 12 x VC-3 or 126 x VC-12 + 6 x VC-3 12 x VC-3 or 126 x VC-12 + 6 x VC-3 6 x VC-3 or 63 x V- C12 + 3 x VC-3 6 x VC-3 or 63 x VC-12 + 3 x VC-3 6 x VC-3 or 63 x VC-12 Number of VCTRUNKs 24 24 24 4 2 1 Layer 2 switching Supported Supporte d Support ed - - - VLAN Supported Supporte d Support ed - - - EVPL Supported Supporte d Support ed - - - EPL Supported Supporte d Support ed Support ed Supporte d Supporte d EPLAN Supported Supporte d Support ed - - - OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6 Planning Services Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6-9 Function EFS EFSC EGS EFT ELT2 EGT EVPLAN Supported Supporte d Support ed - - - STP Supported Supporte d Support ed - - - GFP Supported Supporte d Support ed Support ed Supporte d Supporte d LAPS - - - Support ed Supporte d Supporte d LPT Supported Supporte d Support ed - - - Test frame Supported Supporte d Support ed Support ed Supporte d Supporte d CAR Supported Supporte d Support ed - - - IGMP-Snooping Supported Supporte d Support ed - - - LCAS V2 Supported Supporte d Support ed Support ed Supporte d Supporte d 6.5.2 Planning Principles When planning the Ethernet services, follow the basic principles and select the corresponding service types according to the actual network situation. Basic Planning Principles Adhere to the following principles when planning Ethernet services: l The Ethernet data frames should be encapsulated before being accessed into an SDH network. The connected Ethernet boards should encapsulate data frames in the same format. l The Ethernet boards have GE and FE optical interfaces. Optical interfaces of the same type should be used to connect Ethernet processing boards. l Choose a proper optical module for the Ethernet board with GE optical interfaces according to the transmission distance. l Set LCAS, CAR and flow control for the Ethernet services as required. Selection of Service Types Ethernet services are of four types, which are EPL, EVPL, EPLAN and EVPLAN. EPL service 6 Planning Services OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6-10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) l The EPL service uses the line bandwidth exclusively and is isolated from other services. Hence, the EPL service is of higher security. This scheme for EPL services can be used for private lines of key customers. l The point-to-multipoint transmission of Ethernet services is realized. By identifying VLAN tags, several EPL services can share the same port or VCTRUNK. As a result, the port resources are saved. The services of different users share the bandwidth and content for bandwidth in a fair manner. Such a scheme is applicable if users require large-volume services at different time. EVPL service l The VLAN IDs and MPLS tags can be used to isolate the EVPL services of different users or the EVPL services of different departments in the same company. In this way, the data of the same VLAN in the same link is isolated. l Ingress and Egress indicate two operations performed to the label switch path (LSP). Ingress indicates that the MPLS label is added and Egress indicates that the MPLS label is stripped. When the EVPL services enter a network, the Ingress operation is performed. When the EVPL services exit a network, the Egress operation is performed. This is a typical application of the EVPL service. l The EVPL service can be applied in the Transit scheme to transparently transmit and forward the MPLS data packets. l The transmission efficiency of the EVPL service is low and complex configuration is required. As a result, use the EPL service instead of the EVPL service unless the EPL service is required. EPLAN service l The EPLAN services can dynamically share the bandwidth at multiple points. As a result, the EPLAN service is in line with the dynamic feature of data services and the bandwidth resources are saved. l The configured EPLAN service should not form a ring. Otherwise, a broadcast storm is caused. If the EPLAN service is configured into a ring, the RSTP protocol should be enabled in the network to avoid broadcast storms. EVPLAN service l The VLAN IDs and MPLS labels can be used to isolate the EVPLAN services of different users or the EVPLAN services of different departments in the same company. l The EVPLAN services can dynamically share the bandwidth at multiple points. Different from the EPLAN service, the EVPLAN service requires that any two nodes in the network be connected by an LSP to form a mesh network. In addition, the service features help prevent broadcast storms effectively. l The MPLS technology is applied for the EVPLAN service. As a result, the transmission efficiency is lower than that of the EPLAN service and the configuration is more complex. Use the EPLAN service to meet the service requirements unless the EVPLAN service is specifically required. 6.5.3 Planning Transparently Transmitted EPL Services The transparently transmitted EPL services can be used to plan the Ethernet services. Service Requirement Company A and company B at NE 1 need to transmit data services respectively to company A and company B at NE 2. It is required that services of company A and company B are totally OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6 Planning Services Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6-11 isolated from each other. Both company A and company B provide 100M Ethernet electrical interfaces. Company A requires 10M bandwidth and company B requires 45M bandwidth. Networking Application Services of company A and company B are required to be transparently transmitted between NE 1 and NE 2. Two OptiX 155/622H systems can be used as NE 1 and NE 2. Figure 6-2 shows the networking diagram. Figure 6-2 Networking diagram for transparently transmitted EPL services VCTRUNK 1PORT1 PORT2 VCTRUNK 1 VCTRUNK2 VCTRUNK2 POTR1 A NE1 NE2 B B A PORT2 OptiX 155/622H Enterprise user At NE 1, services from company A and company B are accessed respectively from Ethernet ports. At NE 2, services from company A and company B are also respectively accessed from Ethernet ports. In the line, the EPL service from company A is carried by one VCTRUNK and the EPL service from company B is carried by another VCTRUNK. Application Scheme Use the port routing scheme for the transparently transmitted EPL services. Hardware Configuration Configure one EFT for NE 1 and NE 2 to access Ethernet services from company A and company B respectively. Service Route Table 6-6 lists the service routes. Table 6-6 Service routes for the transparently transmitted EPL services Route Location NE 1 NE 2 Company A (NE 1ââNE 2) PORT1ââVCTRUNK1 VCTRUNK1ââPORT1 Five VC-12s are bound in VCTRUNK 1. 6 Planning Services OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6-12 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Route Location NE 1 NE 2 Company B (NE 1ââNE 2) PORT2ââVCTRUNK2 VCTRUNK2ââPORT2 One VC-3 is bound in VCTRUNK 2. 6.5.4 Planning Port-Shared EVPL Services The port-shared EPL services can be used to plan the Ethernet services. Service Requirement The headquarters of company A is located at NE 1 and two departments are located at NE 2. The headquarters need to communicate with the two branches. The two departments should be isolated from each other and should each use 10M bandwidth. The Ethernet switch of company A provides 100M Ethernet electrical interfaces and the Ethernet switch at the headquarters supports the VLAN. Networking Application Services from the two departments are transmitted to the headquarters at NE 1 and are then converged. Services from the headquarters are also transmitted to the two departments at NE 2. The OptiX 155/622H equipment can be used to meet the service requirement. Figure 6-3 shows the networking diagram. Figure 6-3 Networking diagram for port-shared EPL services VCTRUNK 1 PORT1 VCTRUNK 2 Headquarters of company A NE 1 NE 2 VCTRUNK2 VCTRUNK 1 Department 1 OptiX 155/622H Enterprise user POTR1 PORT2 Department 2 Application Scheme Use the port+VLAN as the routing scheme for the port-shared EPL services. Figure 6-4 shows the details. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6 Planning Services Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6-13 Figure 6-4 Application scheme for port-shared EPL services Headquarters of company A NE 1 NE 2 Department 2 OptiX 155/622H Enterprise user PORT1 PORT2 VLAN100 PORT1 VLAN100 VLAN200 VLAN200 VCTRUNK1 VCTRUNK2 Department 1 In the converging direction, at NE 2, services of the two departments are accessed from Ethernet ports of NE 2 and then are added with VLAN tags (VLAN ID: 100 and 200). The services are transmitted by one VCTRUNK respectively to NE 1. The services are converged at NE 1 and are then output from one Ethernet port. In the distributing direction, the Ethernet processing board of NE 1 processes the services (VLAN ID: 100 and 200) from the headquarters of company A. The Ethernet processing board of NE 1 then uses different VCTRUNKs to distribute the respective services to the two departments at NE 2. Hardware Configuration Configure one ET1D for NE 1 and NE 2 to access Ethernet services from the headquarters and departments of company A respectively. Service Route Table 6-7 lists the service routes. Table 6-7 Service routes for the port-shared EPL services Route Location NE 1 NE 2 Headquarter ââ department 1 (NE 1ââNE 2) PORT1+VLAN ID: 100ââ VCTRUNK1+VLAN ID: 100 VCTRUNK1+VLAN ID: 100ââ PORT1+VLAN ID: 100 Five VC-12s are bound in VCTRUNK 1. Headquarter ââ department 2 (NE 1ââNE 2) PORT1+VLAN ID: 200ââ VCTRUNK2+VLAN ID: 200 VCTRUNK2+VLAN ID: 200ââ PORT2+VLAN ID: 200 Five VC-12s are bound in VCTRUNK 2. 6 Planning Services OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6-14 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) 6.5.5 Planning VCTRUNK-Shared EVPL Services The VCTRUNK-shared EVPL services can be used to plan the Ethernet services. Service Requirement Two branches of company A are located at NE 1 and NE 2 respectively. The department of branch A needs to communicate with the same department of branch B. The service of one department is isolated from the service of another department. The two departments should share a 10M bandwidth. The VLAN ID for the services of the two departments of company A is 100. The two departments of company A can provide 100M Ethernet electrical interfaces. Networking Application The services of the two departments are of the same VLAN ID and share a bandwidth. Hence, such services can be configured as EVPL services. The EVPL service is encapsulated in the MPLS-L2 VPN format and supports the identification of external labels (Tunnel) and internal labels (VC). The OptiX 155/622H supports the EVPL service and can be used to meet the previous transmission requirements. Figure 6-5 shows the networking diagram. Figure 6-5 Networking diagram for the VCTRUNK-shared EVPL services VCTRUNK 1 PORT1 PORT2 PORT2 PORT1 NE 1 NE 2 Company A OptiX 155/622H Department 1Department 1 Department 2 Branch A Branch B Department 2 Application Scheme The port+MPLS routing scheme is used for the VCTRUNK-shared EVPL services. Figure 6-6 shows the details. Figure 6-6 Application scheme for the VCTRUNK-shared EVPL services Branch A NE 1 NE 2 Company A OptiX 155/622H Branch B PE Add label P PE VCTRUNK1 PORT2 PORT1PORT1 PORT2 Department 2 Department 1 Strip label Department 1 Department 2 P OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6 Planning Services Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6-15 The services of the two departments are of the same VLAN ID and share a bandwidth. Hence, it is necessary to add MPLS labels for identification. At NE 1, the services of departments 2 and 1 are accessed from Port 1 and Port 2, and are added with MPLS labels (Tunnel label and VC label). The Ethernet processing board converges and then transmits the services in one VCTRUNK to NE 2. At NE 2, the Ethernet processing board processes the services with different MPLS labels from NE 1 and distributes the services to the two departments of branch B respectively, according to the MPLS labels. Hardware Configuration Configure one EFS board for NE 1 to access Ethernet services of department 1 and department 2. Configure one EFS board for NE 2 to access Ethernet services of department 1 and department 2. Service Route Table 6-8 lists the service routes. Table 6-8 Routes for the VCTRUNK-shared EVPL services Route Location NE 1 NE 2 Department 2 Port 1ââVCTRUNK 1+MPLS label 1 VCTRUNK 1+MPLS label 1ââPort 1 Department 1 Port 2ââVCTRUNK 1+MPLS label 2 VCTRUNK 1+MPLS label 2ââPort 2 Five VC-12s are bound in VCTRUNK 1. 6.5.6 Planning EVPL Services (Transit Scheme) The EVPL services (Transit Scheme) can be used to plan the Ethernet services. Service Requirement Two branches of company A are located at different places and need to transmit data services to each other. The router that supports the MPLS is connected to the MSTP equipment. The transmitted data packets have the MPLS labels. The MSTP equipment transmits only the MPLS data packets and the bandwidth is 10M. Company A provides 100M Ethernet electrical interfaces. Networking Application The OptiX 155/622H can be used to transparently transmit the MPLS data packets of the two branches. Figure 6-7 shows the networking diagram. 6 Planning Services OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6-16 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Figure 6-7 Networking diagram for EVPL services (Transit scheme) VCTRUNK 1 PORT1 VCTRUNK 1 PORT1 Branch 1 of company A NE1 NE2 OptiX 155/622H Enterprise user Branch 2 of company ATransit LSP Transit LSP VCTRUNK The Transit scheme for EVPL services can be applied to transparently transmit the MPLS data packets. Application Scheme The port+transit LSP scheme is applied for the EVPL services. All logical ports (Port and VCTRUNK included) of NE 1 and NE 2 are set as P ports. The LSP is of the Transit type. The label exchange is performed to the MPLS data packets, which are then transparently transmitted. Hardware Configuration Configure one EFS for NE 1 and NE 2 respectively to access the MPLS data packets from company A. Service Route Table 6-9 lists the service routes for the EVPL services (Transit scheme) Table 6-9 Service routes for the EVPL services (Transit scheme) Route Location NE 1 NE 2 Company A Port 1+MPLS label 1ââ VCTRUNK 1+MPLS label 2 VCTRUNK 1+MPLS label 2ââPort 1+MPLS label 1 Five VC-12s are bound in VCTRUNK 1. The OptiX 155/622H supports the exchange of only the Tunnel labels. 6.5.7 Planning EPLAN Services The EPLAN services can be used to plan the Ethernet services. Service Requirement Three departments of company A are located at NE 1, NE 2 and NE 3. As required, the three departments can communicate with each other. The three departments dynamically share a 10M OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6 Planning Services Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6-17 bandwidth. The Ethernet equipment of the company A provides 100M Ethernet electrical interface and the VLAN ID is 100. Networking Application The three departments can communicate with each other and dynamically share a bandwidth. The EPLAN service meets the requirements. Using a virtual bridge (VB), the Ethernet processing board of the OptiX 155/622H can perform Layer 2 switching on the Ethernet data. Hence, the OptiX 155/622H supports the EPLAN service. Figure 6-8 shows the networking diagram for the EPLAN service. Figure 6-8 Networking diagram for the EPLAN service NE 1 NE 2 Company A OptiX 155/622H NE3Department 3 of company A Access point Port 1 Port 1 Port 1 VCTRUNK1 VCTRUNK2 VB VB VCTRUNK1 VB PORT1 VCTRUNK1 PORT1 PORT1 Department 2 of company A Department 1of company A Application Scheme The VB is used for the application of the EPLAN service. Each NE in the system can create one or several VBs. Each VB establishes a port address table. The system updates the table by self-learning. Services of department 2 are accessed to NE 2. The data packets select the mapping VCTRUNK according to the port address table. The data packets are then transmitted to department 1 and department 3. Hardware Configuration Configure one EFS for NE 1 to access Ethernet services from department 1 of company A. Configure one EFS for NE 2 to access Ethernet services from department 2 of company A. Configure one EFS for NE 3 to access Ethernet services from department 3 of company A. Service Route Table 6-10 lists the routes for the EPLAN service. 6 Planning Services OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6-18 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Table 6-10 Routes for the EPLAN service Route Location NE 1 NE 2 NE 3 Company A VB (Port 1, VCTRUNK 1) Filter table (Port 1, VCTRUNK 1) for VLAN ID 100 VB (Port 1, VCTRUNK 1, VCTRUNK 2)Filter table (Port 1, VCTRUNK 1, VCTRUNK 2) for VLAN ID 100 VB (Port 1, VCTRUNK 1) Filter table (Port 1, VCTRUNK 1) for VLAN ID 100 Both VCTRUNK 1 and VCTRUNK 2 are bound with five VC-12s. 6.5.8 Planning EVPLAN Services The EVPLAN services can be used to plan the Ethernet services. Service Requirement Three departments of company A are located at NE 1, NE 2 and NE 3. As required, the three departments can communicate with each other. Three departments of company B are located at NE 1, NE 2 and NE 3. As required, the three departments also can communicate with each other. The services of company A and B are isolated from each other and share the line bandwidth. The data packets of company A and company B are of the same VLAN ID. Both company A and company B provide 100M Ethernet electrical interfaces. The Ethernet equipment of users supports the VLAN. Networking Application The EVPLAN services can dynamically share the bandwidth and support the isolation of MPLS labels for the data packets accessed into the same VLAN. The data services with the same VLAN ID are accessed into the same NE and dynamically share the bandwidth. The EVPLAN service can meet the service requirements. Figure 6-9 shows the networking diagram for the EVPLAN service. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6 Planning Services Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6-19 Figure 6-9 Networking diagram for the EVPLAN service NE 1 NE2 Company A OptiX 155/622H NE3 Access point Port 1 LSP Department 3 of company B Port 2 VB2VB1 VCTRUNK1 PORT1PORT2 VCTRUNK2 PE P PE P V B VB1VCTRUNK1 PORT1 PORT2 VCTRUNK2 PE P PE P 2VB1 VCTRUNK2 VCTRUNK1 PE P PE P LSP LSP PORT1PORT2VB2 VB2 Department 3 of company A Port 1 Port 2 Department 2 of company ADepartment 2 of company B Port 1 Port 2 Department 1 of company B Department 1of company A Company B Different from the EPLAN service, the EVPLAN service is further encapsulated in the MPLS format. The data packets of the same VLAN ID are identified according to the MPLS labels. Hence, data packets of the same VLAN but of different VBs can be carried by the same VCTRUNK. In this way, several departments of company A and company B dynamically share the bandwidth and have isolated services. Application Scheme The VB+MPLS routing scheme is used for the EVPLAN service. The Ethernet processing boards of the OptiX 155/622H support the creation of VBs and the MPLS encapsulation. The EVPLAN service supports the MPLS encapsulation. Hence, several VB users share the same VCTRUNK. In this way, several VB users dynamically share the bandwidth. At NE 1, department 1 of company A is of VB1 and department 1 of company B is of VB2. In one direction, VB1 and VB2 share VCTRUNK 1, which is bound with five VC-12s. In the other direction, VB1 and VB2 share VCTRUNK 2, which is also bound with five VC-12s. In this way, VB1 (company A) and VB2 (company B) dynamically share a 10M bandwidth. The application schemes for NE 2 and NE 3 are the same as that for NE 1. The EVPLAN service requires that any two nodes be connected by an LSP. Hardware Configuration Configure one EFS boards for NE 1. Use two Ethernet ports to access Ethernet services from department of company A and department 1 of company B respectively. Configure one EFS boards for NE 2. Use two Ethernet ports to access Ethernet services from department 2 of company A and department 2 of company B respectively. 6 Planning Services OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6-20 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Configure one EFS boards for NE 3. Use two Ethernet ports to access Ethernet services from department 3 of company A and department 3 of company B respectively. Service Route Table 6-11 lists the service routes. Table 6-11 Routes for the EVPLAN service Route Locatio n NE 1 NE 2 NE 3 Compan y A VB1: Port 1, VCTRUNK 1 (MPLS label 1), VCTRUNK 2 (MPLS label 1) Filter table (Port 1, VCTRUNK 1, VCTRUNK 2) for the VLAN ID 100 VB1: Port 1, VCTRUNK 1 (MPLS label 1), VCTRUNK 2 (MPLS label 1) Filter table (Port 1, VCTRUNK 1, VCTRUNK 2) for the VLAN ID 100 VB1: Port 1, VCTRUNK 1 (MPLS label 1), VCTRUNK 2 (MPLS label 1) Filter table (Port 1, VCTRUNK 1, VCTRUNK 2) for the VLAN ID 100 Compan y B VB2: Port 2, VCTRUNK 1 (MPLS label 2), VCTRUNK 2 (MPLS label 2) Filter table (Port 2, VCTRUNK 1, VCTRUNK 2) for the VLAN ID 100 VB1: Port 1, VCTRUNK 1 (MPLS label 1), VCTRUNK 2 (MPLS label 1) Filter table (Port 1, VCTRUNK 1, VCTRUNK 2) for the VLAN ID 100 VB1: Port 1, VCTRUNK 1 (MPLS label 1), VCTRUNK 2 (MPLS label 1) Filter table (Port 1, VCTRUNK 1, VCTRUNK 2) for the VLAN ID 100 Both VCTRUNK 1 and VCTRUNK 2 are bound with five VC-12s. 6.6 Planning ATM Services The OptiX 155/622H supports multiple ATM services. When planning the ATM services, follow the basic principles. 6.6.1 Capability of Supporting the ATM Services The OptiX 155/622H supports the ATM services, such as the CBR, rt-VBR, nrt-VBR, and UBR. 6.6.2 Planning Principles When planning the ATM and IMA services, follow the basic principles and select the corresponding service types according to the actual network situation. 6.6.3 Planning Transparently Transmitted ATM Services The method of planning the transparently transmitted ATM services is defined. 6.6.4 Planning Multicast ATM Services The method of planning the multicast ATM services is defined. 6.6.5 Planning Statistically Multiplexed ATM Services OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6 Planning Services Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6-21 The method of planning the statistically multiplexed ATM services is defined. 6.6.1 Capability of Supporting the ATM Services The OptiX 155/622H supports the ATM services, such as the CBR, rt-VBR, nrt-VBR, and UBR. The OptiX 155/622H provides two ATM boards, which are the AIUD and AIUQ. Table 6-12 lists the features of the AIUD and AIUQ. Table 6-12 Features of the AIUD and AIUQ Function AIUD AIUQ Front panel interface 2 x STM-1 4 x STM-1 Connector type LC LC Maximum ATM service access capability 155 Mbit/s Mapping mode VC-3, VC-4 Service type CBR, rt-VBR, nrt-VBR, and UBR Traffic type and QoS IETF RFC2514, ATM forum TM 4.0 Supported ATM multicast connections Spatial multicast and logical multicast ATM protection (ITU-T I. 630) Unidirectional or bidirectional 1+1, 1:1 VP-Ring, VC-Ring OAM function (ITU-T I. 610) AIS, RDI, LB (Loopback), CC (continuity check) 6.6.2 Planning Principles When planning the ATM and IMA services, follow the basic principles and select the corresponding service types according to the actual network situation. Basic Planning Principles The ATM service can be protected by using the protection schemes for the SDH network. It is recommended to use a bidirectional MSP ring and a VP-Ring or VC-Ring for networking. In this way, if the SDH network does not provide any protection, you can use the VP-Ring or VC- Ring protection to protect the ATM service. Set the traffic parameters according to the service type. Selection of Application Schemes The ATM board supports the transparent transmission, multicast and statistical multiplexing of the ATM service. 6 Planning Services OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6-22 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) The basic function of the MSTP equipment is to transparently transmit ATM services in a point- to- point manner. This function has the following features: l The bandwidth of the SDH equipment is used exclusively and thus the bandwidth utilization is of a low rate. l The protection schemes for the SDH network are used to provide the SDH-layer protection. As a result, the reliability is increased. The multicast is a point-to-point application scheme. For example, a message is transmitted from the central node to other nodes in the network. The multicast services are carried by the SDH network. Each multicast service uses a specific bandwidth exclusively and thus the bandwidth utilization is of a low rate. The statistical multiplexing of the ATM services is widely used to statistically multiplex ATM services accessed from different nodes into one VC-4. The VC-4s are converged to one port of the central node and then transmitted to the ATM switch at the upper layer. In this way, both the bandwidth resource and the port resource are saved. 6.6.3 Planning Transparently Transmitted ATM Services The method of planning the transparently transmitted ATM services is defined. Service Requirement The ATM switch at one place needs to communicate with the ATM switch at another place. The bandwidth is 100 Mbit/s. The ATM switch provides 155 Mbit/s optical interfaces and the service type is CBR. The services between the two places are important and must be protected. Networking Application The OptiX 155/622H can be used to transmit the ATM services between the two places.Figure 6-10 shows the networking diagram. Figure 6-10 Networking diagram for transparent transmission of ATM services MSTP network MSTP ATM switch ATM switch 155 Mbit/s optical interface Working trail Protection trailNE 1 NE 2 155 Mbit/s optical interface Use two OptiX 155/622H systems at the two places and the two systems are named NE 1 and NE 2. Each OptiX 155/622H NE is connected to the 155 Mbit/s optical interface of the ATM switch. The ATM services between NE 1 and NE 2 must be protected. For this purpose, configure a working trail and a protection trail in the MSTP network. Configure the service as a pass-through service at the SDH NEs that the working trail and the protection trail involve. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6 Planning Services Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6-23 Application Scheme Use the point-to-point transparent transmission scheme. The protection in the SDH network can be used to protect the service. Hardware Configuration Configure one AIUD for both NE 1 and NE 2 to access the 155 Mbit/s ATM service from the ATM switch. NOTE Because the characteristics of the 155 Mbit/s optical interface on the ATM board are the same as the characteristics of the STM-1 optical interface on the SDH board, use the SDH line board (for example, the OI4 board) other than the ATM board if the MSTP equipment is not required to process ATM services. Service Route Table 6-13 lists the service routes. Table 6-13 Routes for transparently transmitted ATM services Route Type NE 1 NE 2 Working route ATM external port 1ââATM internal port 1ââ VC-4 (working trail) VC-4 (working trail)ââATM internal port 1 ââATM external port 1 Protection route ATM external 1â âATM internal port 2ââVC-4 (protection trail) VC-4 (protection trail)ââATM internal port 2ââATM external port 1 NOTE The ATM external port is also the external optical interface where ATM services are accessed. The ATM internal port is the logical port VCTRUNK, which is the port used to connect the ATM processing module and the SDH cross-connect module. The VPI and VCI for the working route and the protection route can be the same or can be different. 6.6.4 Planning Multicast ATM Services The method of planning the multicast ATM services is defined. Service Requirement The ATM service (TV program) at place A needs to be transmitted to places B, C and D in a unidirectional manner. The ATM service is from the ATM switch and the bandwidth for the service is 50 Mbit/s. The ATM switch provides 155 Mbit/s optical interfaces and the service is of the CBR type. 6 Planning Services OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6-24 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Networking Application The ATM processing boards of the OptiX 155/622H support the unidirectional multicast of the ATM services. Figure 6-11 shows the networking diagram. Four OptiX 155/622H systems are used as NE 1, NE 2, NE 3 and NE 4 at the four places respectively. NE 1 at place A is the central node, which receives the ATM service from the ATM switch and then multicasts the ATM service to NE 2, NE 3 and NE 4. NE 2, NE 3 and NE 4 receive the multicast ATM service transmitted from the ATM switch. Figure 6-11 Networking diagram for the multicast ATM services STM-4 two-fiber unprotected ring NE 1 NE 2 NE 3 NE 4 OptiX 155/622H ATM switch DSLAM 155 Mbit/s optical interface 155 Mbit/s optical interface (1,32) (1,33) (1,34) 155 Mbit/s optical interface 155 Mbit/s optical interface Numbers in the brackets indicate the values of the VPI and VCI. A B C D Application Scheme The point-to-point multicast scheme is used first to duplicate the service from the ATM switch and then to transmit the service to NE 2, NE 3 and NE 4. Hardware Configuration For NE 1, configure one AIUQ, which is used to access the 155 Mbit/s ATM service from the ATM switch. For each of NE 2, NE 3 and NE 4, configure one AIUQ board, which is used to receive the multicast service from NE 1. Service Route Table 6-14 lists the service routes. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6 Planning Services Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6-25 Table 6-14 Routes for multicast ATM services Route Location NE 1 NE 2 NE 3 NE 4 NE 1 to NE 2 Root connection: ATM external port 1 (1, 32)â ATM internal port 1 (1, 32)â VC-4 (No.1) p2p connection: VC-4 (No.1)â ATM internal port 1 (1, 32)âATM external port 1 (1, 32) - - NE 1 to NE 3 Leave connection: ATM external port 1 (1, 32)â ATM internal port 2 (1, 33)â VC-4 (No.2) VC-4 pass-through P2P connection: VC-4 (No.2)â ATM internal port 1 (1, 33)âATM external port 1 (1, 33) - NE 1 to NE 4 Leave connection: ATM external port 1 (1, 32)â ATM internal port 3 (1, 34)â VC-4 (No.3) - - p2p connection: VC-4 (No.3) âATM internal port 1 (1, 34)âATM external port 1 (1, 34) NOTE The external ATM port is also the external optical interface where ATM services are accessed. The internal ATM port is the logical port VCTRUNK, which is the port used to connect the ATM processing module and the SDH cross-connect module. The ATM service that NE 2, NE 3 and NE 4 receive is duplicated at the central node, NE 1. Hence, it is required to create one root connection and two unidirectional leaf connections at NE 1. The ATM service in the root connection cannot be duplicated for the leaf connections. The VC connection is used. The numbers in the brackets are values of the VPI and VCI. For example, (1, 32) indicates that the VPI value is 1 and the VCI value is 32. 6.6.5 Planning Statistically Multiplexed ATM Services The method of planning the statistically multiplexed ATM services is defined. Service Requirement In one city, a communication line is to be created and should cover places A, B, C and D. The services from the DSLAM nodes at places B, C and D should be transmitted to the ATM switch at place A. The ATM switch provides one 155 Mbit/s optical interface to access the ATM service from each node. Table 6-15 lists the service requirements. 6 Planning Services OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6-26 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Table 6-15 Requirements for statistically multiplexing ATM services Transmi ssion Mode Source Node Sink Node Bandwidth Point to point NE 2 provides 155 Mbit/s POS interfaces. NE 1 3 x 10 Mbit/s Point to point NE 3 provides 155 Mbit/s POS interfaces. NE 1 2 x 20 Mbit/s Point to point NE 4 provides 155 Mbit/s and 34 Mbit/s POS interfaces. NE 1 1 x 30 Mbit/s 1 x 20 Mbit/s The ATM service at each node is of the CBR type. The ATM service must be protected. Networking Application The total bandwidth for the ATM services converged to NE 1 is 120 Mbit/s (3 x 10 Mbit/s + 2 x 20 Mbit/s + 30 Mbit/s + 20 Mbit/s). The ATM services can share a VC-4 bandwidth. The OptiX 155/622H can be used to transmit and converge the data services. The ATM services can be statistically multiplexed in a point-to-point manner and share a bandwidth on the ring. The OptiX 155/622H is used as a multi-service transmission platform (MSTP) to transmit and converge ATM services. Figure 6-12 shows the networking diagram. Figure 6-12 Networking diagram for the statistically multiplexed ATM services Two-fiber bidirectional MSP ring NE 1 NE 2 NE 3 NE 4 OptiX 155/622H ATM switch DSLAM 20M 155 Mbit/s optical interface (1,0) (2,0) (3,0) (4,0) (5,0) (6,0) (7,0) 20M 20M 30M Numbers in the brackets indicate the values of the VPI and VCI. 10M 10M 10M OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6 Planning Services Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6-27 Four OptiX 155/622H systems are used at the four places and are named NE 1, NE 2, NE 3 and NE 4 respectively. NE 1 is the central node, which receives and converges the ATM services from other nodes, and then transmits the ATM services to the ATM switch. NE 2, NE 3 and NE 4 receive the ATM services from the DSLAM nodes and then multiplex the ATM services into one VC-4. The VC-4 is then transmitted to the central node, NE 1. Application Scheme The statistical multiplexing scheme is used to statistically multiplex the ATM services accessed from NE 2, NE 3 and NE 4 into one VC-4. The ATM services are converged to one port of NE 1 and then transmitted to the ATM switch at the upper layer. The two-fiber bidirectional MSP ring protection can be used to protect the ATM services with the switching time being less than 50 ms. Hardware Configuration For NE 1, configure one AIUQ board, which is used to converge the ATM services from each node and transmit the ATM services to the ATM switch at the upper layer through a 155 Mbit/ s port. For each of the NEs, NE 2, NE 3 and NE 4, configure one AIUQ board, which is used to receive the ATM services from the DSLAM nodes. Service Route Table 6-16 lists the service routes. Table 6-16 Routes for the statistically multiplexed ATM services Route Location NE 1 NE 2 NE 3 NE 4 NE 1 to NE 2 ATM external port 1 (1â3, 0) ââATM internal port 1 (1â3, 0)ââ VC-4 (No.1) 10 Mbit/s service 1: ATM external port 1 (1, 0)ââATM internal port 1 (1, 0)â âVC-4 (No.1) Pass-through service: ATM internal port 2 (1â3, 0)ââ ATM internal port 2 (1â3, 0) ââVC-4 (No. 1) Pass-through service: ATM internal port 1 (1â 3, 0)ââATM internal port 2 (1â 5, 0)ââVC-4 (No.1)10 Mbit/s service 2:ATM external port 2 (2, 0)ââATM internal port 1 (2, 0)â âVC-4 (No.1) 10 Mbit/s service 3: ATM external port 3 (3, 0)ââATM internal port 1 (3, 0)â âVC-4 (No.1) 6 Planning Services OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6-28 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Route Location NE 1 NE 2 NE 3 NE 4 NE1 to NE 3 ATM external port 1 (4â5, 0) ââATM internal port 1 (4â5, 0)ââ VC-4 (No.1) - 20 Mbit/s service 1: ATM external port 1 (4, 0)ââ ATM internal port 2 (4, 0)â âVC-4 (No.1) Pass-through service: ATM internal port 1 (4â 5, 0)ââATM internal port 2 (4â 5, 0)ââVC-4 (No.1) - 20 Mbit/s service 2: ATM external port 2 (5, 0)ââ ATM internal port 2 (5, 0)â âVC-4 (No.1) NE 1 to NE 4 ATM external port 1 (6â7, 0) ââATM internal port 1 (6â7, 0)ââ VC-4 (No.1) - - 20 Mbit/s service 1: PL3 interface â âATM internal port 3 (6, 0)ââ ATM internal port 2 (6, 0)ââVC-4 (No. 1) 30 Mbit/s service 1: ATM external port 1 (7, 0)ââ ATM internal port 2 (7, 0)ââVC-4 (No.1) NOTE l The external ATM port is also the external optical interface where ATM services are accessed. The internal ATM port is the logical port VCTRUNK, which is the port used to connect the ATM processing module and the SDH cross-connect module. l The VP connection is used. The numbers in the bracket are values of the VPI and VCI. For example, (1, 0) indicates that the VPI value is 1 and the VCI value is 0. 6.7 Planning DDN Services The OptiX 155/622H supports multiple types of DDN services. When planning the DDN services, follow the basic principles. 6.7.1 Capability of Supporting DDN Services The OptiX 155/622H supports the DDN services, such as the N x 64 kbit/s service and Framed E1 service. 6.7.2 Planning Principles OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6 Planning Services Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6-29 When planning DDN services, choose the proper boards according to the planned types of DDN services. 6.7.3 Planning N x 64 kbit/s Services (Point-to-Point Transmission) The method of planning the point-to-point transmission of N x 64 kbit/s services is defined. 6.7.4 Planning Framed E1 Services (Point-to-Point Transmission) The method of planning the point-to-point transmission of Framed E1 services is defined. 6.7.5 Planning N x 64 kbit/s and Framed E1 Services (Hybrid Transmission) The method of planning the hybrid transmission of N x 64 kbit/s and Framed E1 services is defined. 6.7.6 Planning Converged Framed E1 Services The method of planning the converged Framed E1 is defined. 6.7.7 Planning Converged N x 64 kbit/s Services The method of planning the converged N x 64 kbit/s services is defined. 6.7.1 Capability of Supporting DDN Services The OptiX 155/622H supports the DDN services, such as the N x 64 kbit/s service and Framed E1 service. The OptiX 155/622H uses the N64 and N64Q board to access and process DDN services. Table 6-17 lists the features of the N64 and N64Q. Table 6-17 Features of the N64 and N64Q Board Feature N64 N64Q FP2D Processin g capability Process 2 x N x 64kbit/s and Framed E1 Process 4 x N x 64kbit/ s Process 16 x Framed E1 Interface type N x 64 kbit/s interface: V. 35, V.24, X.21, RS-449, EIA-530 N x 64 kbit/s interface: V.35, V.24, X.21, RS-449, EIA-530 Framed E1 interface Loopback Inloop and outloop for all ports. Inloop and outloop for all ports. Inloop and outloop for all ports. The OptiX 155/622H supports the following networking application schemes for DDN services: l Point-to-point transmission of N x 64 kbit/s services l Point-to-point transmission of Framed E1 services l Hybrid transmission of N x 64 kbit/s and Framed E1 services l Convergence of Framed E1 services l Convergence of N x 64 kbit/s services 6 Planning Services OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6-30 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) 6.7.2 Planning Principles When planning DDN services, choose the proper boards according to the planned types of DDN services. 6.7.3 Planning N x 64 kbit/s Services (Point-to-Point Transmission) The method of planning the point-to-point transmission of N x 64 kbit/s services is defined. Service Requirement One 4 x 64 kbit/s service is to be transmitted between the headquarters of company A, at NE 1, and a branch, at NE 2. The V.35 protocol is applied as the interface protocol. Networking Application The OptiX 155/622H supports the point-to-point transmission of N x 64 kbit/s services. Figure 6-13 shows the networking diagram. Figure 6-13 Networking diagram for the N x 64 kbit/s service (point-to-point transmission) NE 1 NE 2 Branch of company A OptiX 155/622H Enterprise user 4 x 64 kbit/s 4 x 64 kbit/s Application Scheme The N64Q board first accesses the 4 x 64 kbit/s service and then the DX1 maps the service into a VC-12, which is transmitted by a line board. The protection in the SDH network is used to protect the 4 x 64 kbit/s service. Hardware Configuration Configure one N64Q for NE 1 to access the 4 x 64 kbit/s service from the headquarters of company A. Configure one N64Q for NE 2 to access the 4 x 64 kbit/s service from the branch of company A. Service Route Table 6-18 lists the service routes. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6 Planning Services Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6-31 Table 6-18 Routes for the N x 64 kbit/s service (point-to-point transmission) Route Position NE 1 NE 2 NE 1 to NE 2 4 x 64 kit/s serviceââDDN portââcross-connect boardââline 4 x 64 kit/s serviceââDDN portââDX1ââcross- connect boardââline 6.7.4 Planning Framed E1 Services (Point-to-Point Transmission) The method of planning the point-to-point transmission of Framed E1 services is defined. Service Requirement One Framed E1 service is to be transmitted between the headquarters of company A at one place, and a branch at another place. The V.35 protocol is applied as the interface protocol. Networking Application The OptiX 155/622H supports the point-to-point transmission of N x 64 kbit/s services. Figure 6-14 shows the networking diagram. Figure 6-14 Networking diagram for the Framed E1 service (point-to-point transmission) NE1 NE2 Branch of company A OptiX 155/622H Enterprise user Framed E1 Framed E1 Application Scheme The FP2D first accesses the Framed E1 service and maps the service into a VC-12, which is transmitted by a line board. Hardware Configuration Configure one FP2D for NE 1 to access the Framed E1 service from the headquarters of company A. Configure one FP2D for NE 2 to access the Framed service from the branch of company A. 6 Planning Services OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6-32 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Service Route Table 6-19 Routes for the Framed E1 service (point-to-point transmission) Route Position NE 1 NE 2 NE 1 to NE 2 Frame E1 serviceââFrame E1 port of the FP2Dââcross-connect boardâ âline Frame E1 serviceââFrame E1 port of the FP2Dââcross- connect boardââline 6.7.5 Planning N x 64 kbit/s and Framed E1 Services (Hybrid Transmission) The method of planning the hybrid transmission of N x 64 kbit/s and Framed E1 services is defined. Service Requirement One 2 x 64 kbit/s service is to be transmitted between the headquarters of company A, at NE 1 and a branch, at NE 2. One Framed E1 service is to be transmitted between the headquarters of company B, at NE 1, and a branch, at NE 2. Networking Application Figure 6-15 shows the networking diagram. Figure 6-15 Networking diagram for the Framed E1 and N x 64 kbit/s services (hybrid transmission) Enterprise user Company A 2 x 64 kbit/s Framed E1 2 x 64 kbit/s OptiX 155/622H Framed E1 Branch of company B Branch of company A Application Scheme The N64 first accesses the 2 x 64 kbit/s and the Framed E1 services and then maps the services into a VC-12, which is transmitted by a line board. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6 Planning Services Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6-33 Hardware Configuration Configure one N64 for NE 1 to access the 2 x 64 kbit/s service from the headquarters of company A and the Framed E1 service from the headquarters of company B. Configure one N64 for NE 2 to access the 2 x 64 kbit/s service from the branch of company A and the Framed E1 service from the branch of company B. Service Route Table 6-20 lists the service routes. Table 6-20 Routes for the 4 x 64 kbit/s and the Framed E1 service (hybrid transmission) Route Position NE 1 NE 2 Company A: NE 1 to NE 2 2 x 64 kbit/s serviceââ DDN port of the N64ââ cross-connect boardââline 2 x 64 kbit/s serviceââ DDN port of the N64ââ cross-connect boardââline Company B: NE 1 to NE 2 Framed E1 serviceââ Framed E1 port of the N64â âcrossconnect boardââ line Framed E1 serviceââ Framed E1 port of the N64â âcross-connect boardââ line 6.7.6 Planning Converged Framed E1 Services The method of planning the converged Framed E1 is defined. Service Requirement The headquarters of company A is located at NE 1 and two departments are located at NE 2. Each department needs to transmit a Framed E1 service to the headquarters. Networking Application The OptiX 155/622H can be used to meet the service requirement. The services from the two departments are converged at NE 2 and then transmitted to the headquarters through NE 1. Figure 6-16 shows the networking diagram. 6 Planning Services OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6-34 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Figure 6-16 Networking diagram for the converged Framed E1 service OptiX 155/622H Framed E1 NE 1 NE 2 Department 1 of company A Enterprise user Framed E1 Framed E1 Department 2 of company A Headquarters of company A Application Scheme The N64 board of NE 1 maps the Framed E1 service into a VC-12 and then transmits the VC-12 to NE 2 through the SDH network. The Framed E1 signals are separated from the SDH service at NE 2. The N64 board of NE 2 then converts the Framed E1 signals to Framed E1 services, which are finally transmitted to the two departments. Hardware Configuration Configure one N64 for NE 1 to access the Framed E1 service from the headquarters of company A. Configure one N64 for NE 2 to access the Framed E1 service from the two departments of company A. Service Route Table 6-21 lists the service routes. Table 6-21 Routes for the converted Framed E1 services Route Position NE 1 NE 2 Headquartersââ department 1 (NE 1 to NE 2) Framed E1 serviceââFramed E1 port of the N64ââcross- connect boardââline Framed E1 serviceââFramed E1 port of the N64ââcross- connect boardââline Headquartersââ department 2 (NE 1 to NE 2) Framed E1 serviceââFramed E1 port of the N64ââcross- connect boardââline Framed E1 serviceââFramed E1 port of the N64ââcross- connect boardââline 6.7.7 Planning Converged N x 64 kbit/s Services The method of planning the converged N x 64 kbit/s services is defined. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6 Planning Services Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6-35 Service Requirement The headquarters of company A is located at NE 1 and two departments are located at NE 2. Each department needs to transmit an 4 x 64 kbit/s service to the headquarters. Networking Application The OptiX 155/622H can be used to meet the service requirement. The services from the two departments are converged at NE 2 and then transmitted to the headquarters through NE 1.Figure 6-17 shows the networking diagram. Figure 6-17 Networking diagram for the converged N x 64 kbit/s services OptiX 155/622H Headquarters of company A NE1 NE2 Department 2 of company A Enterprise user 2 x 64 kbit/s4 x 64 kbit/s 2 x 64 kbit/s Department 1 of company A Application Scheme The N64Q board of NE 1 maps the 4 x 64 kbit/s service into a VC-12 and then transmits the VC-12 to NE 2 through the SDH network. The 64 kbit/s signals are separated from the SDH service at NE 2. The N64Q board of NE 2 then converts 64 kbit/s signals into two 2 x 64 kbit/s services for the two departments. Hardware Configuration Configure one N64Q for NE 1 to access the 4 x 64 kbit/s service from the headquarters of company A. Configure one N64Q for NE 2 to access the 2 x 64 kbit/s service respectively from the two departments of company A. Service Route Table 6-22 lists the service routes. 6 Planning Services OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6-36 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Table 6-22 Routes for the converged N x 64 kbit/s services Route Position NE 1 NE 2 Headquartersâ âdepartment 1 (NE 1 to NE 2) 4 x 64 kbit/s serviceââDDN of the N64Qââcross-connect boardââline 2 x 64 kbit/s serviceââDDN of the N64Qââcross-connect boardââline Headquartersâ âdepartment 2 (NE 1 to NE 2) 4 x 64 kbit/s serviceââDDN of the N64Qââcross-connect boardââline 2 x 64 kbit/s serviceââDDN of the N64Qââcross-connect boardââline OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 6 Planning Services Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6-37 7 Planning Equipment-Level Protection For the OptiX 155/622H, the capabilities of supporting the equipment-level protection is defined. The POI/POU board of the OptiX 155/622H inputs two â48 V/â60 V DC power supplies at the same time. These two power supplies back up each other. When either of them fails, the other takes over to ensure normal operation of the equipment. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 7 Planning Equipment-Level Protection Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 7-1 8 Planning Clocks About This Chapter The OptiX 155/622H supports multiple clock modes, and provides the clock protection switching in multiple ways. 8.1 Basic Principles When planning the clocks in the network, follow the basic principles. 8.2 Capabilities of Supporting Clocks The clocks supported by the equipment and the clock protection are defined. 8.3 Planning Examples Examples are given to show how to configure clocks in the chain, tangent ring, and intersecting ring networks. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 8 Planning Clocks Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 8-1 8.1 Basic Principles When planning the clocks in the network, follow the basic principles. l At the backbone and convergence layers, use the clock protection and configure the active and standby reference clock sources to perform the clock switching. At the access layer, in normal situations, configure one reference clock source at the central station. Clocks at other stations follow the clock at the central station. l Central nodes or nodes with high reliability can provide clock sources. l When the building integrated timing supply system (BITS) or other external clock equipment with high precision is provided, the NE should use the external timing mode. When no BITS or other external clock equipment with high precision is provided, the NE should use the line timing mode. The internal timing mode should be used as the lowest clock tracing level. l Properly plan the clock synchronization network to avoid interlocked clocks and clock loops. l The shortest route requirements for the line clock tracing are as follows: â In the case of the ring network composed of less than six NEs, the reference clock source is traced in one direction. â In the case of the ring network composed of six or more than six NEs, the line clock tracing should follow the shortest route. Thus, in the case of the network composed of N NEs, N/2 NEs trace the reference clock source in one direction and the other N/2 NEs trace the reference clock source in another direction. l When multiple clocks form a long chain, clock compensation is required. In this case, the number of the G.812 secondary clocks on the transmission link should not exceed 10. The number of the G.813 clocks between two G.812 secondary clocks should not exceed 20. The number of G.813 clocks between the G.811 clock and the G.812 clock should not exceed 20. The number of G.813 clocks should not exceed 60. 8.2 Capabilities of Supporting Clocks The clocks supported by the equipment and the clock protection are defined. Basic Functions The clocks of the OptiX 155/622H have the following functions: l Tracing of the external clock source, line clock source, tributary clock source and internal clock source. l Non-SSM, standard SSM and extended SSM. l Clock working modes compliant with ITU-T G.781, such as locked, hold-over, and free run. l Output of the line clock, tributary clock and external clock. l Tributary re-timing. Clock Protection OptiX 155/622H can realize the clock protection switching in the following ways: 8 Planning Clocks OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 8-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) l Do not enable the SSM, and then perform the clock source selection and switching according to the priority list. In this case, do not configure two clocks in two directions on one NE into the priority list. Otherwise, the clocks form a loop. l Enable the standard SSM mode, and then configure the priority list to ensure that the OptiX 155/622H can automatically select the clock source with the highest priority to avoid the locked loop. l Enable the extended SSM mode. Use the fifth to eighth bits of the S1 byte to define the quality of the clock source, and use the first to fourth bits of the S1 byte to define the clock source ID. Thus, the clock loop can be avoided. The principles for setting the clock IDs are as follows: â All external BITSs should be assigned with clock IDs. â In the case of nodes with external BITSs, the internal clocks of these nodes should be assigned with clock IDs. â In the case of nodes that access the chain or ring network to another ring network, the clock sources of these nodes should be assigned with clock IDs. â In the case of nodes that access the chain or ring network to another ring network, when the clock tracing level includes the line clock source, the line clock sources accessed to another ring network should be assigned with clock IDs. 8.3 Planning Examples Examples are given to show how to configure clocks in the chain, tangent ring, and intersecting ring networks. Configure Clocks in the Chain Network When the SSM is enabled, clocks are not interlocked in the chain network. If excessive nodes exist on the chain, add the BITS clock for compensation. See Figure 8-1. Figure 8-1 Configuration of clocks in the chain network Node 1 Node 21Node 2 Node N. . . . . . BITS CompensationBITS Clock tracing Configure Clocks in the Tangent Ring Network In the case of the tangent rings, configure a BITS clock at the tangent node as the reference clock source of the network. See Figure 8-2. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 8 Planning Clocks Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 8-3 Figure 8-2 Configuration of clocks in the tangent rings network BITS Clock tracing Configure Clocks in the Intersecting Ring Network In the case of the intersecting rings, configure an active BITS clock at one of the junction nodes as the reference clock source of the network. Configure a standby BITS clock at another junction node to perform the clock active/standby switching. See Figure 8-3. Figure 8-3 Configuration of clocks in the intersecting rings network BITS Standby BITS Clock tracing 8 Planning Clocks OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 8-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) 9 Planning Orderwire and Auxiliary Interfaces About This Chapter The planning of orderwire and auxiliary interfaces is defined, and a planning example is given. 9.1 Planning Orderwire Phone Interfaces As the capabilities of supporting orderwire phone interfaces are defined, plan the orderwire phone interface according to the planning principles. 9.2 Planning Broadcast Data Interfaces S1âS4 The broadcast data interfaces are S1âS4. 9.3 Planning External Alarm Interfaces The planning of the external alarm interfaces is defined. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 9 Planning Orderwire and Auxiliary Interfaces Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 9-1 9.1 Planning Orderwire Phone Interfaces As the capabilities of supporting orderwire phone interfaces are defined, plan the orderwire phone interface according to the planning principles. 9.1.1 Capability of Supporting Orderwire Phone Interfaces The OptiX 155/622H provides one orderwire phone interface, which uses the RJ-11 connector. 9.1.2 Planning Principles The principles for planning the orderwire phone interfaces are defined. 9.1.3 Planning Example An example is given to show how to plan the orderwire phone interfaces. 9.1.1 Capability of Supporting Orderwire Phone Interfaces The OptiX 155/622H provides one orderwire phone interface, which uses the RJ-11 connector. 9.1.2 Planning Principles The principles for planning the orderwire phone interfaces are defined. Adhere to the following principles when planning orderwire phone interfaces: l Make sure that the orderwire signaling is compatible in the entire network. l Set the orderwire phone number in the format: subnet number (one character) + user number (three characters). l Make sure that all orderwire phone numbers in the entire network, except the conference phone number, are unique. l Make sure that the conference phone numbers in the entire network are the same and the number should be larger than the orderwire phone number. It is recommended that the conference phone number be set to 9999. l Make sure that the dial-up scheme of the orderwire phone of each node is dual-tone multifrequency. l Make sure the call waiting time of each node is the same. If less than 30 nodes are present in the network, set the call waiting time to 5s. If more than 30 nodes are present in the network, set the call waiting time to 9s. l The orderwire phone number should increase as the node ID increases. l Consider the possibility of howl in the orderwire loop. Release the loop to solve the problem of howl in the conference call. 9.1.3 Planning Example An example is given to show how to plan the orderwire phone interfaces. Figure 9-1 shows how to plan the orderwire phone interfaces. Set the orderwire phone number as four characters, with the last two characters being the same as the node ID. The conference phone number has four characters and is 9999. 9 Planning Orderwire and Auxiliary Interfaces OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 9-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Figure 9-1 Planning the orderwire phone interfaces Ring 1 Node 01 Phone: 1001Node 02 Phone: 1002 Node 04 Phone: 1004 Node 03 Phone: 1003 Node 20 Phone: 1020 Node 21 Phone: 1021 Node 31 Phone: 1031 Node 32 Phone: 1032 Node 41 Phone: 1041 Node 43 Phone: 1043 Node 53 Phone: 1053 Node 54 Phone: 1054 Meeting number: 9999 Ring 2 Ring 3 Ring 4 Ring 5 9.2 Planning Broadcast Data Interfaces S1âS4 The broadcast data interfaces are S1âS4. 9.2.1 Capability of Supporting Broadcast Data Interfaces The capability of supporting broadcast data interfaces is defined. 9.2.2 Planning Principles The principles for planning the broadcast data interfaces are defined. 9.2.3 Planning Example An example is given to show how to plan the data broadcast interface. 9.2.1 Capability of Supporting Broadcast Data Interfaces The capability of supporting broadcast data interfaces is defined. The OptiX 155/622H provides four broadcast data interfaces COM2, COM3, COM4 (F3) and F2, which are of the RJ-45 type. The broadcast data interfaces can be used for universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) full-duplex communication. The broadcast data interfaces S1âS4 can be connected to the data terminal equipment. The data of the data terminal equipment can then be transmitted in the SDH network in a point-to-point or point-to-multipoint manner. In this way, data can be broadcast to several optical interfaces. 9.2.2 Planning Principles The principles for planning the broadcast data interfaces are defined. Adhere to the following principles when planning broadcast data interfaces: OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 9 Planning Orderwire and Auxiliary Interfaces Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 9-3 l The configured broadcast data interfaces should not form a loop. l Do not configure the unused optical interfaces into the broadcast domain for the broadcast interface. l Do not configure the NE where the broadcast interface is not used, into the broadcast domain. l Make sure the data flows in the same direction as the clock tracing. If the equipment at the opposite end uses the RS-232 interface to connect to the broadcast data interface of the OptiX 155/622H, this equipment should meet the following requirements: l The interface should be of the RS-232 high level (â9 V). l Use the software to ensure that only one slave node can transmit data to the master node at any time. l The cables should not be longer than 15 m. 9.2.3 Planning Example An example is given to show how to plan the data broadcast interface. Service Requirement As shown in Figure 9-2, NE 2, NE 3 and NE 4 are equipped with environment monitors, and NE 1 is equipped with a monitoring computer (master node). The monitoring computer needs to communicate with the environment monitor (slave node) of NE 2âNE 4 through the OptiX 155/622H. The monitoring computer broadcasts commands to the environment monitors of NE 2âNE 4. The environment monitors of NE 2âNE 4 report the collected data to the monitoring computer. Application Scheme Figure 9-2 shows an application scheme. Figure 9-2 Application of the broadcast data interfaces Two-fiber bidirectional MSP ring NE1 NE2 NE3 NE4 OptiX 155/622H Data flow Environment computer Environment monitor Environment monitor 9 Planning Orderwire and Auxiliary Interfaces OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 9-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) NE 1âNE 4 all use the broadcast data interface S1 to connect to the monitoring computer or environment monitor, and use optical interface boards to transmit data to the SDH network. NE 1 connects the monitoring computer through the S1 interface. NE 1 then transmits the data that is received by the S1 interface to the west and east NEs. In the converse direction, the west and east NEs transmit data to NE 1, which then transmits the data through the S1 interface. In this way, at any time, only one environment monitor can transmit data. 9.3 Planning External Alarm Interfaces The planning of the external alarm interfaces is defined. 9.3.1 Capability of Supporting External Alarm Interfaces The capability of supporting external alarm interfaces is defined. 9.3.2 Planning Principles The principles for planning the external alarm interfaces are defined. 9.3.1 Capability of Supporting External Alarm Interfaces The capability of supporting external alarm interfaces is defined. The OptiX 155/622H supports the following external alarm interfaces: l Four alarm input interfaces, which are used to access the alarm signals from external equipment. l Two alarm output interfaces, which are used to output the alarm signals of the local NE. Use RJ-45 connectors for the external alarm interfaces. 9.3.2 Planning Principles The principles for planning the external alarm interfaces are defined. The external alarm input interfaces are used for monitoring the environment of the equipment room. The alarm signals are transmitted to the T2000 or a central alarm monitoring equipment through these interfaces. Generally, the external alarm output interfaces are used to transmit the alarm signals of NEs to the central alarm monitor equipment. On the T2000, you can set the alarm trigger mode for each alarm to Enabled or Disabled. In either mode, alarms are reported. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 9 Planning Orderwire and Auxiliary Interfaces Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 9-5 10 Planning Hardware About This Chapter The planning for the cabinet, IUs, and interfaces is defined. 10.1 Planning the Cabinet The appearance and specifications of the cabinet, and the principles for planning the cabinet are defined. 10.2 Planning Slots for Boards The slot layout, the mapping relation between the board and slot, and the principles for the slots are defined. 10.3 Planning Interface Boards The interfaces for each board and the principles for planning the interfaces are defined. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 10 Planning Hardware Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10-1 10.1 Planning the Cabinet The appearance and specifications of the cabinet, and the principles for planning the cabinet are defined. 10.1.1 Cabinet The OptiX 155/622H can be installed in the ETSI cabinet or 19-inch cabinet. 10.1.2 Planning Principles When choosing a cabinet, consider the internal height of the equipment room, height of the combined cabinet, and subrack quantity. 10.1.1 Cabinet The OptiX 155/622H can be installed in the ETSI cabinet or 19-inch cabinet. Table 10-1 lists the technical specifications of the ETSI cabinets. Table 10-1 Technical specifications of the ETSI cabinets Dimensions (mm) Weight (kg) Allowed Chassis Quantity 600 (W) x 300 (D) x 2000 (H) 55 3 600 (W) x 600 (D) x 2000 (H) 79 3 600 (W) x 300 (D) x 2200 (H) 60 4 600 (W) x 600 (D) x 2200 (H) 84 4 600 (W) x 300 (D) x 2600 (H) 70 4 600 (W) x 600 (D) x 2600 (H) 94 4 NOTE All dimensions are in mm. The following figure shows the dimensions of the width, the depth and the height. W H D Table 10-2 lists the technical specifications of the 19-inch cabinet. Table 10-2 Technical specifications of the 19-inch cabinet Dimensions (mm) Weight (kg) Allowed Chassis Quantity 600 (W) x 300 (D) x 2000 (H) 90 3 10 Planning Hardware OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 10-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Dimensions (mm) Weight (kg) Allowed Chassis Quantity 600 (W) x 600 (D) x 2200 (H) 110 4 10.1.2 Planning Principles When choosing a cabinet, consider the internal height of the equipment room, height of the combined cabinet, and subrack quantity. Consider the following factors when you choose a cabinet for the OptiX 155/622H subrack: l Internal height of the equipment room l Height of the combined cabinet 10.2 Planning Slots for Boards The slot layout, the mapping relation between the board and slot, and the principles for the slots are defined. 10.2.1 Slot Allocation The OptiX 155/622H has three layers and provides seven slots. 10.2.2 Planning Principles There is no special requirement. 10.2.1 Slot Allocation The OptiX 155/622H has three layers and provides seven slots. Figure 10-1 shows the slot layout of the OptiX 155/622H. Figure 10-1 Slot layout of the OptiX 155/622H IU1 FAN POI/ POU IU2IU3 IU4 SCB 622 Mbit/s IU5 IU6 The slot layout of the OptiX 155/622H is described as follows: l Slots for service processing boards: IU1âIU6. NOTE Slots IU5 and IU6 inFigure 10-1 are logical slots, and they are actually integrated on the SCB board. l Slot for the units of SCC, cross-connect, clock, and line: SCB l Slot for the fan board: FAN l Slot for the power board: POI/POU OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 10 Planning Hardware Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10-3 10.2.2 Planning Principles There is no special requirement. 10.3 Planning Interface Boards The interfaces for each board and the principles for planning the interfaces are defined. 10.3.1 Planning Interface Boards Interfaces supported by the equipment are interfaces of the SDH processing boards, PDH processing boards, and data processing boards. 10.3.1 Planning Interface Boards Interfaces supported by the equipment are interfaces of the SDH processing boards, PDH processing boards, and data processing boards. Interfaces of SDH Processing Boards Table 10-3 lists the interfaces of the SDH processing boards of the OptiX 155/622H. Table 10-3 Interfaces of SDH processing boards Board Name Description Interface Type Connector Type OI4 1 x STM-4 optical interface board Ie-4, S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2 SC OI4D 2 x STM-4 optical interface board Ie-4, S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2 SC OI2S 1 x STM-1 optical interface board Ie-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2 SC OI2D 2 x STM-1 optical interface board Ie-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2 SC SL1Q 4 x STM-1 optical interface board Ie-1, S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2 SC SL1O 8 x STM-1 optical interface board Ie-1, S-1.1, L-1.2 SC SB2L 1 x STM-1 single-fiber bidirectional optical interface board (only one left optical interface available) Ie-1, S-1.1, L-1.2 SC SB2R 1 x STM-1 single-fiber bidirectional optical interface board (only one right optical interface available) Ie-1, S-1.1, L-1.2 SC 10 Planning Hardware OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 10-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Board Name Description Interface Type Connector Type SB2D 2 x STM-1 single fiber bidirectional optical interface board Ie-1, S-1.1, L-1.2 SC SLE 1 x STM-1 electrical interface board 75-ohm STM-1 electrical interface SMB SDE 2 x STM-1 electrical interface board 75-ohm STM-1 electrical interface SMB Interfaces of PDH Processing Boards Table 10-4 lists the interfaces of the PDH processing boards of the OptiX 155/622H. Table 10-4 Interfaces of PDH processing boards Board Name Description Interface Type Connector Type SP1S 4 x E1 electrical interface board 75-ohm/120-ohm E1 electrical interface DB78 SP1D 8 x E1 electrical interface board 75-ohm/120-ohm E1 electrical interface DB78 SP2D 16 x E1 electrical interface board 75-ohm/120-ohm E1 electrical interface DB78 PD2S 16 x E1 electrical interface board 75-ohm/120-ohm E1 electrical interface DB78 PD2D 32 x E1 electrical interface board 75-ohm/120-ohm E1 electrical interface DB78 PD2T 48 x E1 electrical interface board 75-ohm/120-ohm E1 electrical interface DB78 SM1S 4 x E1/T1 electrical interface board 75-ohm/120-ohm E1 electrical interface 100-ohm T1 electrical interface DB78 SM1D 8 x E1/T1 electrical interface board 75-ohm/120-ohmE1 electrical interface 100-ohm T1 electrical interface DB78 OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 10 Planning Hardware Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10-5 Board Name Description Interface Type Connector Type PM2S 16 x E1/T1 electrical interface board 75-ohm/120-ohm e1electrical interface 100-ohm T1 electrical interface DB78 PM2D 32 x E1/T1 electrical interface boar 75-ohm/120-ohm E1 electrical interface 100-ohm T1 electrical interface DB78 PM2T 48 x E1/T1 electrical interface board 75-ohm/120-ohm E1 electrical interface 100-ohm T1 electrical interface DB78 PE3S 1 x E3 electrical interface board 75-ohm E3 electrical interface SMB PE3D 2 x E3 electrical interface board 75-ohm E3 electrical interface SMB PE3T 3 x E3 electrical interface board 75-ohm E3 electrical interface SMB PT3S 1 x T3 electrical interface board 75-ohm T3 electrical interface SMB PT3D 2 x T3 electrical interface board 75-ohm T3 electrical interface SMB PT3T 3 x T3 electrical interface board 75-ohm T3 electrical interface SMB Interfaces of Data Service Processing Boards Table 10-5 lists the Ethernet service processing boards of the OptiX 155/622H. Table 10-5 Interfaces of data service processing boards Board Name Description Interface Type Connector Type ET 8-port Ethernet service interface board 10/100BASE-T(X) RJ-45 ET1O 8-port Ethernet service electrical interface board 10/100BASE-T(X) RJ-45 ET1D 2-port Ethernet service electrical interface board 10/100BASE-T(X) RJ-45 10 Planning Hardware OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 10-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Board Name Description Interface Type Connector Type EF1 6-port Ethernet service interface board 10/100BASE-T(X) 100BASE-FX RJ-45, LC ELT2 2-port Fast Ethernet optical interface board 100BASE-FX LC EFS 4-port Ethernet service electrical interface board 10/100BASE-T(X) RJ-45 EFT 4-port Ethernet service interface board 10/100BASE-T(X) RJ-45 EGS 1-port Gigabit Ethernet optical interface board 1000BASE-SX/LX/ ZX LC EFSC 12-port Ethernet service interface board 10/100BASE-T(X) RJ-45 EGT 1-port Gigabit Ethernet transparent transmission board 1000BASE-SX/LX/ ZX LC N64 N x 64 kbit/s interface board V.35, X.21, RS-449, V.24, EIA-530, Framed E1 DB78 N64Q 4 x N x 64 kbit/s interface board V.35, X.21, RS-449, V.24, EIA-530 DB78 FP2D 16 x Framed E1 electrical interface board 75-ohm/120-ohm electrical interface DB78 AIUD 2 x ATM optical interface board S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2, Ve-4.2 LC AIUQ 4 x ATM optical interface board S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2, Ve-4.2 LC Interfaces of Other Boards Table 10-6 lists the interfaces of other boards. Table 10-6 Interfaces of other boards Board Name Description Interface Type Connector Type SCB System control board 16 electrical interfaces DB78 Two optical interfaces SC OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 10 Planning Hardware Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10-7 Board Name Description Interface Type Connector Type NM interface, transparent data interface, external clock interface RJ-45 Orderwire interface RJ-11 UPM Dedicated power system - - Built-in 220 V chassis built-in chassis - - 10 Planning Hardware OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 10-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) 11 Planning Environment for Operation About This Chapter The power consumption of the equipment, environment for operation, and planning principles are defined. 11.1 Power Supply Specifications and Power Consumption of Boards The power consumption of the equipment should be considered when planning the operating environment for the equipment. 11.2 Environment for Operation The OptiX 155/622H requires a certain environment for operation. 11.3 Planning Principles When planning the environment for the equipment, follow the basic principles. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 11 Planning Environment for Operation Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 11-1 11.1 Power Supply Specifications and Power Consumption of Boards The power consumption of the equipment should be considered when planning the operating environment for the equipment. Table 11-1 lists the power supply specifications of the OptiX 155/622H. Table 11-1 Power supply specifications Parameter Specification Power supply mode DC power supply Nominal voltage â48 V, â60 V, or +24 V Voltage range â38.4 V to â57.6 V, â48 V to â72 V, or +19.2 V to 28.8 V Max. power consumption 100 W NOTE If the power consumption is higher than 100 W, the OptiX 155/622H works abnormally. Table 11-2 lists the power consumption and weight of the boards of the OptiX 155/622H. Table 11-2 Power consumption and weight of the boards of the OptiX 155/622H. Board Power Consumption (W) Weight (kg) EF1 25 0.68 EFS 30.9 0.26 EFSC 22 0.6 EFT 8 0.26 EGS 17 0.3 ELT2 9 0.22 EGT 18.3 0.2 ET1 26.1 0.74 ET1D 15 0.26 ET1O 26.1 0.74 FP2D 8.4 0.25 AIUD 23W 1.5 11 Planning Environment for Operation OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 11-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Board Power Consumption (W) Weight (kg) AIUQ 25W 1.5 N64 4 0.22 N64Q 5 0.20 OI2D 11 0.22 OI2S 10 0.21 OI4 11.5 0.2 FP2D 8.4 0.25 PD2D 14.5 0.66 PD2S 11 0.54 PD2T 18.5 0.77 PL3 8 0.28 PM2D 10 0.64 PM2S 9 0.52 PM2T 11 0.74 SB2D 11 0.2 SB2L 10 0.2 SB2R 10 0.2 SCB 24 0.8 SDE 10 0.22 SL1O 14 0.66 SL1Q 9 0.6 SLE 9 0.21 SM1D 4.5 0.22 SM1S 4 0.2 SP1D 5 0.24 SP1S 3.95 0.21 SP2D 5.4 0.25 OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 11 Planning Environment for Operation Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 11-3 11.2 Environment for Operation The OptiX 155/622H requires a certain environment for operation. Climate Table 11-3 and Table 11-4 list the climate requirements for operation of the OptiX 155/622H. Table 11-3 Requirements for temperature and humidity Temperature Relative Humidity Long-term operation Short-term operation Long-term operation Short-term operation 0°C to 45°C â5°C to 50°C 10% to 90% 5% to 95% NOTE The temperature and humidity values are tested in a place that is 1.5 m above the floor and 0.4 m in front of the equipment. Short-term operation means that the consecutive working time of the equipment does not exceed 96 hours, and the accumulated working time every year does not exceed 15 days. Table 11-4 Other climatic requirements Item Range Altitude ⤠4000 m Air pressure 60 kPa to 106 kPa Temperature change rate ⤠0.5°C/min Air flowing speed ⤠1 m/s Biological Environment Avoid the growth of microbes, such as eumycete and mycete. Take anti-rodent measures. Air Cleanness The air must be free from explosive, electric-conductive, magnetic-conductive or corrosive dust. The density of the mechanical active substances complies with the requirements defined by Table 11-5. 11 Planning Environment for Operation OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 11-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Table 11-5 Requirements for the density of the mechanical active substance Mechanical Active Substance Content Dust particle ⤠3x105 particles/m3 Suspending dust ⤠0.4 mg/m³ Precipitable dust ⤠15 mg/m²·h Gravel ⤠100 mg/m³ The density of the chemical active substances complies with the requirements defined by Table 11-6. Table 11-6 Density requirements for chemical active substances during operation Chemical Active Substance Content SO2 ⤠0.20 mg/m³ H2S ⤠0.006 mg/m³ NH3 ⤠0.05 mg/m³ Cl2 ⤠0.01 mg/m³ HCl ⤠0.10 mg/m³ HF ⤠0.01 mg/m³ O3 ⤠0.005 mg/m³ CO ⤠5.0 mg/m³ Mechanical Stress Table 11-7 lists the requirements of mechanical stress for operation. Table 11-7 Requirements for mechanical stress during operation Item Sub-Item Range Sinusoidal vibration Velocity ⤠5 mm/s - Acceleration - ⤠2 mm/s² Frequency range 5 Hz to 62 Hz 62 Hz to 200 Hz Impact Impact response spectrum II Half-sin wave, 30 m/s2, 11 ms, three times on each surface Static load 0 kPa OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 11 Planning Environment for Operation Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 11-5 Item Sub-Item Range NOTE Impact response spectrum is the maximum acceleration response curve generated by an equipment that is spurred by a specified impact. Static load is the pressure from the top, which the equipment with package can endure when the equipment is placed in a specific manner. 11.3 Planning Principles When planning the environment for the equipment, follow the basic principles. Consider the following items when planning the operating environment for the OptiX 155/622H. l Location of the equipment room l Architecture of the equipment room l Architecture of the equipment room l Cleanness of the equipment room l Humidity and temperature requirements for the equipment l ESD protection l Lightning protection grounding l Power supply of the equipment l Fire-fighting measures 11 Planning Environment for Operation OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 11-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) 12 Overview of Network Optimization About This Chapter As the scale of a network increases, more services are provides and the network becomes more complex. As a result, the network should be optimized according to specific principles. 12.1 Purpose of Network Optimization The network optimization can improve the usage of network resources, safety, and stability of the network, and increase the efficiency in network maintenance. 12.2 Principles for Optimizing the Network When optimizing the network, follow the basic principles. 12.3 Parameters Related to Network Optimization Parameters related to network optimization have direct impacts on the network optimization. 12.4 Process for Optimizing a Network The process for optimizing a network includes preparing the optimization, evaluating the network, providing and analyzing network optimization schemes, and performing the network optimization. 12.5 Principles for Monitoring the Network Follow certain principles when monitoring the network. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 12 Overview of Network Optimization Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 12-1 12.1 Purpose of Network Optimization The network optimization can improve the usage of network resources, safety, and stability of the network, and increase the efficiency in network maintenance. As the scale of a network increases, more services are provided and the network becomes more complex. As a result, the engineering construction and network maintenance become more difficult. In addition, more faults occur in the network. Hence, it is necessary to optimize such a network. The purposes for optimizing the network are as follows: l Improve the usage of network resources. l Improve the safety and stability of the network. l Increase the efficiency in network maintenance. 12.2 Principles for Optimizing the Network When optimizing the network, follow the basic principles. Adhere to the following principles when optimizing the network: l Fully use the investment in network to be optimized. l Analyze the existing network and conclude the service trend. l Apply a measurable optimization scheme. l Apply proper measures to ensure that the network optimization can be performed. 12.3 Parameters Related to Network Optimization Parameters related to network optimization have direct impacts on the network optimization. Parameters related to network optimization are listed as follows: l Network capacity l NE configuration l T2000 configuration 12.4 Process for Optimizing a Network The process for optimizing a network includes preparing the optimization, evaluating the network, providing and analyzing network optimization schemes, and performing the network optimization. The network optimization includes the following procedures: l Preparing for the optimization l Evaluating the network l Providing and analyzing network optimization schemes l Perform the network optimization 12 Overview of Network Optimization OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 12-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Prepare for the Optimization Make the following preparations before optimizing the network: l Confirm the requirements for network optimization. l Plan the scope, objects and date for network optimization. l Determine the personnel responsible for optimizing the network. l Collect documents about the network and analyze the network running condition. l Prepare the tools for network optimization. Evaluate the Network The following operations should be performed to evaluate the network. l Determine the purposes, objects, scope and date for network optimization. l Determine the methods for evaluating the network optimization schemes. l Collect in-field data and perform tests on site. l Analyze the data, give marks and find the problem. l Issue evaluation results and give optimization suggestions. Provide and Analyze Network Optimization Schemes The following operations should be done to provide and analyze network optimization schemes. l Determine the nodes and objects for optimization. l Provide schemes for optimizing different items as follows: â Operation environment â Networking â Service optimization â Service optimization scheme â Network self-healing and protection â Network clock â Optical network spare parts â Network security management â Network ECC communication â Other network optimization suggestions l Provide an overall analysis of the network optimization and an overall network optimization scheme. l Provide verifications and tests for the overall scheme. l Conclude and determine a network optimization scheme. l Purchase devices, materials and related service items. l Confirm the delivered devices and materials. Perform the Network Optimization The following operations should be done to perform the network optimization. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 12 Overview of Network Optimization Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 12-3 l Determine a scheme for performing the network optimization. l Determine the personnel responsible for performing the optimization, and the tools, vehicles, spare parts and emergency schemes. l Perform the network optimization. l Check and verify the network optimization. l Make the network optimization process and results known to the people concerned. l Conclude the optimization for each item and trace the optimization. 12.5 Principles for Monitoring the Network Follow certain principles when monitoring the network. The principles are listed as follows: l Monitor the network in a centralized manner on the T2000. l Clear alarms in a timely manner. 12 Overview of Network Optimization OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines 12-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) A Glossary A ADM Add/Drop Multiplexing. Network elements that provide access to all, or some subset of the constituent signals contained within an STM-N signal. The constituent signals are added to (inserted), and/or dropped from (extracted) the STM-N signal as it passed through the ADM. APS Automatic Protection Switching. SDH switching mechanism that routes traffic from working paths to protect paths in case a line board failure or fiber cut occurs. Asynchronous Protocol operation in which more than one exchange between a given pair of entities can be handled simultaneously. ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode. A transfer mode in which the information is organized into cells; it is asynchronous in the sense that the recurrence of cells containing information from an individual user is not necessarily periodic. It is a protocol within the OSI layer 1. An ATM cell consists of a 5 octet header followed by 48 octets of data. B BITS Building Integrated Timing Supply. A building timing supply that minimizes the number of synchronization links entering an office. Sometimes referred to as a synchronization supply unit. Broadcast The act of sending a frame addressed to all stations on the network C CAR Committed Access Rate. The CAR limits the input or output transmission rate on an interface. CBR Constant Bit Rate. The Constant Bit Rate service category is used by connections that request a static amount of bandwidth that is continuously available during the connection lifetime. This amount of bandwidth is characterized by a peak cell Rate (PCR) value. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines A Glossary Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. A-1 E ECC Embedded Control Channel. An ECC provides a logical operations channel between SDH NEs, utilizing a data communications channel (DCC) as its physical layer. EPL Ethernet Private Line. An EPL service is a point-to-point interconnection between two UNIs without SDH bandwidth sharing. Transport bandwidth is never shared between different customers. EPLAN Ethernet Private LAN. A EPLAN service is both a LAN service and a private service. Transport bandwidth is never shared between different customers. EVPL Ethernet Virtual Private Line. A EVPL service is a service that is both a line service and a virtual private service. EVPLAN Ethernet Virtual Private Local Area Network. A EVPLAN service is a service that is both a LAN service and a virtual private service. G Gateway NE Gateway Network Element. Gateway NE provides the communications between NEs and network management system. I IP address A 32-bit identifier that is unique to each network device. IP over DCC The IP Over DCC follows TCP/IP telecommunications standards and controls the remote NEs through the Internet. The IP Over DCC means that the IP over DCC uses overhead DCC byte (the default is D1-D3) for communication. L LCAS Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme. A solution features flexible bandwidth and dynamic adjustment. In addition, it provides a failure tolerance mechanism, which enhances the viability of virtual concatenations and enables the dynamic adjustment to bandwidth (nonservice affecting). M MSP Multiplex Section Protection. The MSP function provides capability for switching a signal from a working to a protection section. A Glossary OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines A-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) MSTP Multi-service transmission platform. It is based on the SDH platform, capable of accessing, processing and transmitting TDM services, ATM services, and Ethernet services, and providing unified management of these services. N NE Network Element. A stand-alone physical entity that supports at least network element functions and may also support operations system function or mediation functions. It contains managed objects, a message communication function and a management applications function. O Orderwire It establishes the voice communication among the operators and maintenance engineers work in each working station. Q QoS Quality of Service. Information sent in the forward direction to indicate the Quality of Service class requested by the user for a connection. QOS classes are defined to allow a network to optimize resources in supporting various service classes. S Synchronous Digital Hierarchy. A hierarchical set of digital transport structures, standardized for the transport of suitably adapted payloads over physical transmission networks. SNCP Subnet Connection Protection. A working subnetwork connection is replaced by a protection subnetwork connection if the working subnetwork connection fails, or if its performance falls below a required level. SSM Synchronization Status Message. ITU-T defines S1 byte to transmit the network synchronization status information. It uses the lower four bits of the multiplex section overhead S1 byte to indicate 16 types of synchronization quality grades. OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines A Glossary Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. A-3 B Acronyms and Abbreviations A APS Automatic Protection Switching ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode C CAR Committed Access Rate CBR Constant Bit Rate D DCC Data Communication Channels DCN Data Communication Network DNI Dual Node Interconnection DSLAM Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer E EPL Ethernet Private Line EVPL Ethernet Virtual Private Line EPLAN Ethernet Private LAN EVPLAN Ethernet Virtual Private LAN G GFP Generic Framing Procedure I IP Intelligent Peripheral; Internet Protocol OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines B Acronyms and Abbreviations Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. B-1 ITU-T International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector L LAN Local Area Network LC Lucent Connector LCAS Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme M MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching MSP Multiplex Section Protection N nrt-VBR non-real time Variable Bit Rate NSAP Network Service Access Point O OSI open systems interconnection P PCR Peak Cell Rate PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy R rt-VBR real time Variable Bit Rate S SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy SNCP Sub-Network Connection Protection SSM Synchronization Status Message STM-1 SDH Transport Module -1 STM-4 SDH Transport Module -4 B Acronyms and Abbreviations OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines B-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) T TCP Transport Control Protocol U UBR Unspecified Bit Rate V VLAN Virtual Local Area Network VP Virtual Path VPN Virtual Private Network OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines B Acronyms and Abbreviations Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. B-3 Index Symbols/Numerics 1+1 linear MSP plan planning principle, 4-6 supporting capability, 4-5 1:N linear MSP plan planning principle, 4-7 supporting capability, 4-6 A ATM service multicast, 6-24 planning principle, 6-22 statistically multiplexed, 6-26 supporting capability, 6-22 transparently transmitted, 6-23 C clock plan basic principle, 8-2 planning example, 8-3 supporting capability, 8-2 D DCN network plan basic principle, 5-2 DCN schemes supported by the equipment, 5-2 planning NE ID and IP, 5-3 planning the HWECC, 5-3 planning the IP over DCC, 5-5 planning the OSI over DCC, 5-6 DDN service converged Framed E1, 6-34 converged N x 64 kbit/s, 6-36 Framed E1: point-to-point transmission, 6-32 N x 64 kbit/s and Framed E1 services: hybrid transmission, 6-33 N x 64 kbit/s: point-to-point transmission, 6-31 planning principle, 6-31 supporting capability, 6-30 DNI plan planning principle, 4-7 supporting capability, 4-7 E Ethernet service EPL: port-shared, 6-13 EPL: transparently transmitted, 6-11 EPLAN, 6-17 EVPL: transit scheme, 6-16 EVPL: VCTRUNK-shared, 6-15 EVPLAN, 6-19 planning principle, 6-10 supporting capability, 6-7 F fiber-shared virtual trail plan planning principle, 4-8 supporting capability, 4-8 H hardware plan planning interface board, 10-4 planning slot for board, 10-3 planning the cabinet, 10-2 I interconnection with other OptiX series product interconnection capability, 2-3 interconnection with the Metro series product, 2-4 interconnection with the OSN series product, 2-5 M maximum service access capacity access capacity of slot, 6-3 cross-connect capacity, 6-3 service access capacity, 6-2 MSP ring plan planning principle, 4-4 supporting capability, 4-4 OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines Index Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i-1 N network layer planning basic principle, 2-2 interconnection with other OptiX equipment, 2-3 management capabilities of the NM system, 2-5 network optimization parameter, 12-2 principle for monitoring, 12-4 principle for optimizing the network, 12-2 process, 12-2 purpose, 12-2 network protection plan 1+1 linear MSP, 4-5 1:N linear MSP, 4-6 basic principle, 4-3 DNI, 4-7 fiber-shared virtual trail protection, 4-7 MSP ring, 4-4 network protection schemes supported by the equipment, 4-3 SNCP ring, 4-4 VP-ring and VC-ring protection schemes for the ATM service, 4-8 networking plan basic principle, 3-2 NE type supported by the equipment, 3-2 networking mode supported by the equipment, 3-4 O Operation environment plan environment for operation, 11-4 planning principle, 11-6 power supply specifications and power consumption of board, 11-2 orderwire plan planning broadcast data interfaces S1âS4, 9-3 planning external alarm interface, 9-5 planning orderwire phone interface, 9-2 P PDH service planning principle, 6-6 supporting capability, 6-5 planning broadcast data interface planning example, 9-4 planning principle, 9-3 supporting capability, 9-3 planning external alarm interface planning principle, 9-5 supporting capability, 9-5 planning HWECC planning principle, 5-4 supporting capability, 5-4 planning orderwire phone interface planning example, 9-2 planning principle, 9-2 supporting capability, 9-2 planning slot planning principle, 10-4 slot allocation, 10-3 planning the cabinet cabinet specification, 10-2 planning principle, 10-3 planning the IP over DCC planning principle, 5-5 supporting capability, 5-5 planning the OSI over DCC planning case, 5-8 planning principle, 5-7 supporting capability, 5-6 S SDH service planning principle, 6-5 supporting capability, 6-4 service plan basic principle, 6-2 maximum service access capacity, 6-2 planning ATM service, 6-21 planning DDN service, 6-29 planning Ethernet service, 6-7 planning PDH service, 6-5 planning SDH service, 6-4 SNCP ring plan planning principle, 4-5 supporting capability, 4-5 V VP-ring and VC-ring plan planning principle, 4-9 supporting capability, 4-8 Index OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4/STM-16 MSTP Optical Transmission System Planning Guidelines i-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 02 (2008-09-10) Contents Figures Tables About This Document 1 Overview of Planning 1.1 Planning Items 1.2 References 2 Planning Network Layers 2.1 Basic Principles 2.2 Service Access 2.3 Network Layers for the OptiX 155/622H 2.4 Interconnection with Other OptiX Equipment 2.4.1 Interconnection Capabilities 2.4.2 Interconnection with the OptiX Metro Series Equipment 2.4.3 Interconnection with the OptiX OSN Series Equipment 2.5 Network Management Capabilities of the T2000 and the Computation of the Capabilities 3 Planning Networking 3.1 Basic Principles 3.2 NE Types Supported by the Equipment 3.2.1 TM 3.2.2 ADM 3.2.3 MADM 3.3 Networking Modes Supported by the Equipment 4 Planning Network Protection 4.1 Basic Principles 4.2 Network Protection Schemes Supported by the Equipment 4.3 Planning the MSP Ring 4.3.1 Capabilities of Supporting the MSP Ring 4.3.2 Planning Principles 4.4 Planning the SNCP 4.4.1 Capabilities of Supporting the SNCP 4.4.2 Planning Principles 4.5 Planning the 1+1 Linear MSP 4.5.1 Capabilities of Supporting the 1+1 Linear MSP 4.5.2 Planning Principles 4.6 Planning the 1:N Linear MSP 4.6.1 Capabilities of Supporting the 1:N Linear MSP 4.6.2 Planning Principles 4.7 Planning the DNI Protection 4.7.1 Capabilities of Supporting the DNI Protection 4.7.2 Planning Principles 4.8 Planning the Fiber-Shared Virtual Trail Protection 4.8.1 Capabilities of Supporting the Fiber-Shared Virtual Trail Protection 4.8.2 Planning Principles 4.9 Planning the VP-Ring and VC-Ring Protection Schemes for the ATM Service 4.9.1 Capabilities of Supporting the VP-Ring and VC-Ring Protection Schemes for the ATM Service 4.9.2 Planning Principles 5 Planning the DCN 5.1 DCN Schemes Supported by the Equipment 5.2 Basic Principles 5.3 Planning NE IDs and IPs 5.4 Planning the HWECC 5.4.1 Capabilities of Supporting the HWECC 5.4.2 Planning Principles 5.5 Planning the IP over DCC 5.5.1 Capabilities of Supporting the IP over DCC 5.5.2 Planning Principles 5.6 Planning the OSI over DCC 5.6.1 Capabilities of Supporting the OSI over DCC 5.6.2 Planning Principles 5.6.3 Planning Cases 6 Planning Services 6.1 Basic Planning Principles 6.2 Maximum Service Access Capacity 6.2.1 Service Access Capacity 6.2.2 Access Capacity of Slots 6.2.3 Cross-Connect Capacity 6.3 Planning SDH Services 6.3.1 Capability of Supporting SDH Services 6.3.2 Planning Principles 6.4 Planning PDH Services 6.4.1 Capability of Supporting PDH Services 6.4.2 Planning Principles 6.5 Planning Ethernet Services 6.5.1 Capability of Supporting Ethernet Services 6.5.2 Planning Principles 6.5.3 Planning Transparently Transmitted EPL Services 6.5.4 Planning Port-Shared EVPL Services 6.5.5 Planning VCTRUNK-Shared EVPL Services 6.5.6 Planning EVPL Services (Transit Scheme) 6.5.7 Planning EPLAN Services 6.5.8 Planning EVPLAN Services 6.6 Planning ATM Services 6.6.1 Capability of Supporting the ATM Services 6.6.2 Planning Principles 6.6.3 Planning Transparently Transmitted ATM Services 6.6.4 Planning Multicast ATM Services 6.6.5 Planning Statistically Multiplexed ATM Services 6.7 Planning DDN Services 6.7.1 Capability of Supporting DDN Services 6.7.2 Planning Principles 6.7.3 Planning N x 64 kbit/s Services (Point-to-Point Transmission) 6.7.4 Planning Framed E1 Services (Point-to-Point Transmission) 6.7.5 Planning N x 64 kbit/s and Framed E1 Services (Hybrid Transmission) 6.7.6 Planning Converged Framed E1 Services 6.7.7 Planning Converged N x 64 kbit/s Services 7 Planning Equipment-Level Protection 8 Planning Clocks 8.1 Basic Principles 8.2 Capabilities of Supporting Clocks 8.3 Planning Examples 9 Planning Orderwire and Auxiliary Interfaces 9.1 Planning Orderwire Phone Interfaces 9.1.1 Capability of Supporting Orderwire Phone Interfaces 9.1.2 Planning Principles 9.1.3 Planning Example 9.2 Planning Broadcast Data Interfaces S1âS4 9.2.1 Capability of Supporting Broadcast Data Interfaces 9.2.2 Planning Principles 9.2.3 Planning Example 9.3 Planning External Alarm Interfaces 9.3.1 Capability of Supporting External Alarm Interfaces 9.3.2 Planning Principles 10 Planning Hardware 10.1 Planning the Cabinet 10.1.1 Cabinet 10.1.2 Planning Principles 10.2 Planning Slots for Boards 10.2.1 Slot Allocation 10.2.2 Planning Principles 10.3 Planning Interface Boards 10.3.1 Planning Interface Boards 11 Planning Environment for Operation 11.1 Power Supply Specifications and Power Consumption of Boards 11.2 Environment for Operation 11.3 Planning Principles 12 Overview of Network Optimization 12.1 Purpose of Network Optimization 12.2 Principles for Optimizing the Network 12.3 Parameters Related to Network Optimization 12.4 Process for Optimizing a Network 12.5 Principles for Monitoring the Network A Glossary B Acronyms and Abbreviations Index