1. Getting a “bigger bang forbuck” from your changeprogrammesDavid MillerChairman and Founder© Changefirst Limited, all rights reserved 2. We help with project and programme teams Enable organisations to implement projects effectively OCM methodology called People Centred Implementation (PCI®) Trained over 12,000 people in over 35 countries around the world Dedicated training delivery partners in Melbourne and Sao Paulo Over 5,000 change leaders receive our newsletter and our LinkedIn group has over 1800 members© Changefirst Limited, all rights reserved 2012 changefirst.com 2 3. Change is what happens when there is amismatch between expectations and reality changefirst.com© Changefirst Limited, all rights reserved 2012 3 4. This can make change difficult for people© Changefirst Limited, all rights reserved 2012 changefirst.com 4 5. Usually leads to a significant loss of value fromchange projectsHow the value gap isclosedengaging peopleBusiness CaseImplementationbuilding skillsshifting behaviourValue GapHelping people toadaptInstallation Time© Changefirst Limited, all rights reserved 2012 changefirst.com5 6. OCM is…. Structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organisations from a current state to a desired future state. Organisational processes aimed at helping employees to accept and embrace changes in their current business environment.© Changefirst Limited, all rights reserved 2012 changefirst.com 6 7. The challenge is to sustain commitment Our data tells us this is not always easy…How people behaved after implementation 70 60 50 % Respondents 40 30 20 100Still resistingAccepting the change Committed to the the changebut not engagednew way of working This data is taken from Initiative Legacy Assessment database. It is cumulative data collected since 2005 from change managers who attended accreditation workshops. It is a composite of nearly 2,500 participants from over 50 companies. They come from over 30 countries.© Changefirst Limited, all rights reserved 2012changefirst.com 7 8. You need a pragmatic process to close the value gap PCI® (People-Centred Implementation)© Changefirst Limited, all rights reserved 2012 changefirst.com 8 9. Six Critical Success Factors Re-capCSF End-GoalPeople are dissatisfied with the current state andShared Change Purposebuy-in to the visionEffective ChangeExecutive sponsors are ensuring the change isLeadershipimplementedPowerful Engagement Processes are being used to ensure people areProcesses engagedCommitted LocalManagers are willing and able to help users to adaptSponsorsStrong Personal Users are committed and new behaviours are beingConnectionusedSustained PersonalUser resistance to change is being managedPerformance© Changefirst Limited, all rights reserved 2012changefirst.com 9 10. PCI can be integrated into project planningMain PCI Shared ChangeEffective Change Powerful EngagementLocal Success FactorsCSFPurposeLeadership ProcessesProjectStarting UpInitiating Planning Delivering andStages> ControllingKey tasks> Identify lessons Build Change Network Assess change Build plan to prepare from change legacy Mapreadinesslocal sponsors and Build case for Identify stakeholder Build engagement agents change issues plans including Tailor change plan to Analyse impact of Identify tasks to buildcommunications,local needs change change leadershipinvolvement, rewards Identify skills and Build and learning materials communication forrequirements case for changePlans> Kick-off plan Change leadership plan Engagement plan Local changedeployment planExamples Initial Change Change Network Change Readiness Change Readinessof tools>DescriptionMappingAssessment Assessment Initiative Legacy Sponsor Assessment Resistance Reasons Assessment Assessment© Changefirst Limited, all rights reserved 2012changefirst.com10 11. These are the key challenges that change agentsfaceChangefirst: Role of the change agent research, 2011© Changefirst Limited, all rights reserved 2012changefirst.com 11 12. Lastly, DIY is the most successful approachWhich change resources were the most effective?Source: 2009 Change in a Downturn Survey by Changefirst© Changefirst Limited, all rights reserved 2012changefirst.com12 13. Key points…… Major change happens when people engage with it The challenge for Change Leaders is to implement rather than just install change PCI integrated with Project Management can close the value gap For ever £1 invested in OCM you can get ROI of £6.50© Changefirst Limited, all rights reserved 2012 changefirst.com13 14. Thank you.Any Questions?© Changefirst Limited, all rights reserved 15. You can find outmore…© Changefirst Limited, all rights reserved 16. How change management improves your project management - white paperAvailable in the knowledge centre on ourwebsite at changefirst.com/resource-papers© Changefirst Limited, all rights reserved 2012 changefirst.com16 17. Discussion on Changefirst LinkedIn group …join over 1,800 of your peers already networking via the Changefirst LinkedIn group© Changefirst Limited, all rights reserved 2012 changefirst.com 17 18. Successful Change by David Miller Successful Change explores the people aspects of change and how you can engage people to help deliver successful change in your organisation. It is now available from Amazon in paperback and ebook formats and other retailers. You can find a free chapter download on our website at: changefirst.com/free-chapter-download© Changefirst Limited, all rights reserved 2012 changefirst.com 18 19. Or contact usT: +44 (0) 1444 450 777E:
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