Gas Field Development in Malaysia

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soclstY PetrdelJn of Endneera SPE 29318 Gas Fields Development h Malaysia Chen Kah Seong*, DannrisHusain* and Abdul Hamid Abdul Karim, Exploration & Production Sector, PETRONAS q SPE Membere I*, ~ d PeIrdeum EIwinaa, Inc. . , ~..u. A@lar..,, . . . “,, m a .-A--L/url,.rul w !me in **a &**, W*S, .-a M.*. ! Ss5. . .. -mm ma src -M Ttipqwwnprepwd mk~wmnlOclOdhJr~ iof pmetliailm wntained In an abdmcl wb+nhtod by thn uttw(a). Cat6nt8 of the parw, byan SPEP~CommHln folbwlngmviow dinfwmMbn Kmmti Wti Ms). Win_, =~, *ti~k -~o-tib~byti sOcMy Of PawOhum E_dm wP@hdti~ofMfdeumE@wfs, nam?kwm, armambus .a~dS-tiwm~@~xbyE_*N-dhM mqnOtb@c@@d.ltm~ 8h0umamlahlmfmPkwwdmmkkwm Of FwdwmslQIMws. Pumbdca tOcOPYlsratrk!@ mwldJamuOf lwlm0mthulmw0rd8.llilal@m of wlwa and by wlmm the paper IS pfe8smd. Write lJt+ulM, SPE, P.O. Sox sSSSSS, Rkhmdam, 1% 7SOSS.WM U.S.A. T@sx 1SSS4S SPEUT. ABSTRACT This paper is a review of the gas fields development in Malaysia. The major subsurface engineering considerations for gas development inctude drive mechanism determination, well requirement, completion strategies, well deliverabiiiies, recovery factor and resewoir surveillance requirements. For surface engineering, the major considerations include offshore facilities funtilon, platform con~uration and sequence and process and compression requirements. The result of the review is the summa~ of some of the differences in gas fields development to date. W~h the increasing demand for gas prompted by the onshore pipeline network installation by PETRONAS to fuel the power and industrial sector, sales from Jemeh, EPMI’s first gas platform, was initiated in 1991. Gas demand is projected to continue to grow in the near future. To meet this growth, EPMI will develop another field, namely Lawit, for production in 1997. In addition, two gas resenmim in existing producing oil fields were also developed in 1984. However, their development will not be discussed here. In Sarawak, E-11, being the closest to shore, was the first gas field developed by SSB. Delivery of gas to shore commenced in 1982: Shortly thereafter, in 1983 the second gas field F-23, came onstream. The thid and the largest gas field, F-8, started production in 1987. Produced gas offshore Sarawak is delivered to Lquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plant and fertilizer plant. A small portion was used for power generation. Another LNG project is currently under construction and will commence operation in 1995. Development of gas fields dedicated for the second LNG project is currently in progress. This paper discusses the major subsurface and surface engineering considerations for gas fields development in Malaysia. It will also outline some of the differences in gas fields development to-date. INTRODUCTION The first gas field development in Malaysia started in 1982 when E-1 1 field, located offshore Sarewak, was developed. In the following years, four more gas fields namely Duyong, Jemeh, F-23 and F-8 were developed. The Duyong and Jemeh gas fields are located ofihore Peninsular Malaysia while E-1 1, F-23 and F-8 fields are located offshore Sarawak (Figure 1). The fields are operated by PETRONAS Carigali Sendirian Berhad (PCSB), ESSO Production Malaysia Inc. (EPMI) and Sarawak SHELL Berhad (SSB), all are the PS Contractors to PETRONAS, the national oil company. !n Peninsular Malaysia, the first development statied in 1984 when Duyong field was developed by PCSB to provide the necessaty offshore infrastructure for A-. -1-.. --..4 UI ~aa GalA. Ultaf IIA G r -1 ##lKlurnl # 8aray -#a. ,.s“*. 11-IU= n*ka.a Dmnim.,,lel@ \4.3tm*.eiB Ucwcluplllutll Referencesand illustrationst end of paper a GEOLOGY OF PRODUCING FIELDS In Peninsular Malaysia, hydrocarbon accumulations are found in the Upper Oliiocene - Upper Miocene alluvial-coastal plain elastics. Duyong field, the first to be developed offshore Peninsular Malaysia, is a large 549 2 Gas Fields Development In Malaysia SPE 029318 asymmetrical anticlinal structure elongated in the east west direction. The main reservoir is interpreted to be a shorefacsdbarrier bar deposit. Jemehl f~ld is a large west-notthwest to east-southeast trending anticline. The gas bearing reservoirs are interpretad to have been deposited in a lower coastal plain environment and are mostly tiial with some deltaic deposits. The characteristic geological features of the Central Luconia Province offshore Sarawak, which forms the outer half of the 200- 300 km wide Central Sarawak swn c.mhnnatp reefniri huiklyos Sh5~, “, “ -, ””,,”.- , ---------- ~ of the Middle Miocene age. Stmcturally, the fiekts can be broadly divided into two types :pinnacle carbonate build-up - steep sided and conical, developed where higher rates of subsidence andhx higher c!es?ic ~~pJ! ~~ RQ! ~!!~~ rn~;~~ carbonate buildupsand buildoute.g. El 1. platform carbonate buiidup - large, high-relief, steepflanked and flat-topped may cover 100 kmz areally and 1000 m thick e.g. F23 and F6, The carbonate sequence comprises mainly limestone witii minor amounts of doiomite beneath tiie mast. Stratigraphically, the fields can be groupad as carbonate build-up encased in shales and siliclastics. gas fields in Malaysia where sufficient production history are available, the presence of weak aquifer support was observed. Well Requirement The number of wells planned for sandstone reservoirs offshore Peninsular Malaysia is to provide suffwient drainage points to deplete the resewoirs, to develop adequate well capacity to meet base demand and peaking requirements and flexibility to cover geological of uncertainties. in determining the o@numI Mifibei wells for initial field development, the sand mntinuity is generally assumed to be good and the drive mechanism would be pressure depletion or weak to moderate water drive. If reservoir continuity is poorer or the aquifer suoom -.. .—stronger than expected, more wells may be is __rr required in order to maintain the long term production profile. In addition, well optimization should also considered tradeoffs between number of wells, tubing size, compressiontiming and projected well downtime. Well spacing is planned to achieve good reserves drainage and minimize risk of reserve loss associated with potential reservoir variations. Most of the weiis are centered at the crest of the reservoirs. For edge gas wells, they are located away from the gas-water contacts to delay potentialwater arrival in these wells. For carbonate reservoim in the Central Luconia, Sarawak, the number of wells required from each field was based on meeting the expected demand, taking into account well deliverabilites to sustain plateau production for a certain number of years. In order to allow for any possible disappointing or mechanically unsuccessfulwells and also to provide some back-up for wells that will inevitably need to be shut in from time to time for operational reasons, additional wells were planned. Most of the wells were located along a circle (rinn of w~i~) , close to the crest of the field structure. ,. ...= -. -.-—– dc I mrhar w“,.” “..”-. the nmsmt .... ~. -----development is shown in Table 1 below. MAJOR SUBSURFACE CONSIDERATIONS Drive Mechanism ENGINEERING A key pail in the preparation of a gas development plan is the determination of the reservoir drive mechanism. Since the gas reservoirs have associated aquifers, it is necessaty to evaluate the extent and impact of aquifer actkity on gas production and recovery. However, the an, dfar aLIml&jLIl WI Llle asr”,,.a d.a.dh n~ +h e nnnt Us,,,,”. ha ““ Aetnrminarl “ .“, ,,,,.. ”” hef(i~ “---- n - development commences. Usually, during pre development stage, the strength of aquifer is based on geologist opinion, based on considerations of reservoir qualiiy and continuity in terms of regional geology. Gas resemoir producing under the influence of strong water drivwwill have lower recovery as the gas trapped behind water front could not be recovered. The uncertainties in drive mechanism can be studied via the use of sophistbted reservoir simulation models. For example, pm-development reservoir simulation studies were carried out for Jemehf and F-62 fiekts to investigate the impact of drive mechanism on gas recovefy. As gas production continues, more historical data were obtained. These data were analysad and matched to the reservoir model. By then, the prominent drive mechanism could be ascetiain. In the present producing n A Wllllllary , -6 .,, --* VI +hfi LIIG Ilu,,, w-1 “t n,, mhnr nf FIELD RESERVOIR TYPE Sandstone Sandstone Carbonate Carbonata Carbonate PRESENT NUMBER OF WELLS 13 20 Duyong Jerneh E-11 F-23 F-6 11 10 10 fields Table 1: Numberof wellsfor developed 550 - SPE29318 Chen Kah Seong, Darwis Husain and Abdul Hamid Abdul Karim 3 Well Completion Strategy The gas fields located offshore Peninsular Malaysia consist of a series of vwtically stacked sandstones. The well completion strategy is designed to optimize hydrocarbon recovery from the field based on available geological and geophysical interpretatiins, while recognizing and providing tlexibiliiy for development uncertainties. Several factors were considered in determining this strategy, including areal extent and reservoir parameters, reservoir reserves, controllmonitoring need, water influx mitigation and deliverabilityrequirements. It would be impractical economically, to have separate completions for each reservoir. For completion purposes, the sands have to be segregated into various commingling groups based on resefvoir size, proximity, pressure communication, reservoir qualiiy and necessity for reservoir control and monitoring. To provide operational flexibility, such commingled wells were equipped with selective completions to allow reservoir controllwell monitoring and enable shut-off of zones should aquifer strength be greater than anticipated and result in water encroachment. The wells that are located at the crest or near crastal area of the reservoir and are considerably far from the gas-water contact were fully petioratad. Wells that are not located at the crestal area and potentially affected by ‘wiii~i ~iEiiWWi~ilt ‘wf$i= @Wjj pf%fOiSM h thf$ targeted on the top zone while the second row of six wells were targeted on the bottom zone. Generally, wells were pwforated at 100 tt. intetvals with the bottom perforations located about 1/3 above the gas-water contact in otder to avoid premature water ---, coning. Well Deliverability The stabilized flow deliverability of a gas well is essential for planning the operation of any gas field. The flow for different back capacity must be determined pressures at any time in the life of the reservoir and the change of flow capacity with average rasefvoir pressure change must be considered. The most common method used for determining gas well delivarabiiiiy is the multiipoint testing, in which a well is produced at several differant rates. Measured flow rates and well pressures were used to formulate inflow performance equation. There are basically two types of tests which can be conducted, namely flow after flow —.. . and isochronal tests. 130tntype of tests were fraquentiy used for gas discovedes in Malaysia, depending on the test objectives. Once a well has been tested and the delivarabliiy or inflow performance equation established, it is sometimes desirable to be able to predict how changes in caftain Thaco & ,,1 parameters w!!! #fan, ~he infi~~ nnrfnnnanem r-~u-mmmu-u--. I II--V changes may be the result of resewoir depletion or time, or may resutt from well workovers. The key values required for an accurate rate praditilon are gas permeability, net gas thickness, rate independent skin factor and turbulence factor. Other factors tike resenmir temperature, gas viscosity, comprassibiliiy factor, drainage radius and wellbore radius are considered to remain constant. As a result, the well detiverabiliiy could be o~lmized. For the sandstone resewoim offshore Peninsular Malaysia, some of the welts were completed as single producer while some were completed as dual producer. Single well completion used 5.5” tubing size while dual complatiin used 3.5” tubing size. For the carbonate resefvoits, all wells were completed as single zone producers with 7“ tubing size. The range of well deliverability for the producing fields Q= shown in Tab!e ~. upper part of the gas column. Where the qualiiy of the reservoir is poorer, welts were perforated with higher shot density to minimize drawdown at the perforated interval. As the gas volume are distributed over stacks of rasetvoir, initial development cells for complethig the wells in major reservoirs onty. The minor rasefvoirs will be completed at a later stage through recompletion of existing wells. m A. -+s.t-mmmA Uvnzlldwm?u, UIG +ha =~~r!st+ariqifi m -W,w, Ii? ,“ ~v”,q,-, nankvsimai fmatnlrn@ nf *“U.”,”” “, the Central Luconia gas fieids are carbonate reefoid buildups. Wfihin the carbonate buildup, the presence of continuous tiiht streak layers may divide the gas accumul~lon into separate resewoir systems which will not be in effective pressure communication during the penbd of fietd production. When there is communication between individual layers of a field, single compltilon strategy will apply. However, if there were different pressure zones which limited communication, the completion strategy wiii be different. Tine uniformity in the depletion at the same time provide adequate production capacity were taken into account. For an example, in F62, it was noted that the bottom zone has low porosity compared to the top zone. The presence of a tight !ayer fwlher divided the zones into dlffemnt pressure regimes. As a result, two rows of completion were applied. One row consists of four wells were 551 4 FIELD RESERVOIR‘ TW3tNG SIZE (IN) TYPE Sandstone Sandstone 5“ 3.5” 5.5” Gas Fields Development In Malaysia iNiiiAL WZLL DEUVERABILITITES (MMSCF/D) 10-40 10-20 50 ~~[!. Thn ““”””y ----- . --, ,,” c,,hcammot SIIWCWS are -, CS@ed SPE29318 Out aS and Duyong Jerneh E-11 F-23 EF-6 Table 2: Initialwelldeliierebilites daveloped for fields when necassa~ based on the delivarabliiy test to check any drastic dectine in resenmir/well productivity. Static Bottom Hole Pressure sutvay (SBHP) is carried out to assess the reservoir pressure depletion and areal pressure distribution. As the reservoir matures, the pressure measurements are carried only in selected wells. The selected wells, can be refereed to as ‘key welts’, usually represent certain percentage of the total wells. In raservoim where the production from several sandstone resenmirs is combined or commingled in the wellbore, it is helptid to periodically run flowmeter surveys to establish flow profiles over the total completion internal. This determines the distribtilon of flow out of or into dfierent zones. The sumy results are crucial for resenmir performance monitoring and predictionby simulation model. !nn]a! pressure test SUIVSy with shut-in and buitdup testing of each producer should be conducted to define inflow deliirebiliiy parameters following completion. It is important to measure the initialdeliverabilitiis as this will have an impact on the subsequent well offtake capacity. The d~ribution of well deliverebitiies will also influence the field offtake capacity. Subsequent well deliirebility test coukt be conducted at surfaceas this will not dsrupt production and supply of gas to customers. Well deliverebtiiy and rate performance analysis woutd enable rapid identiti~ton of any well productivitydeterioration. Another important rasetvoir surveillance activity involves monitoring of fluid contact movement. In F-23 field for example, an observation well was drilled vertically from ihe oenter of the platform down to the some 150 tt. of SC@kW SeCtkXL Recovery Factor The recowxy factors for the gas fields were derived according to the appropriate resetvoir drive mechanism using simulation model or matetiel balance study based on certain abandonment conditions. The abandonment condh~ofi~dfie~ be~ie~fi fie~~ afid aiu I-..4 .-a uaaw wmttl9mm+ha compression suction pressure design. For the carbonate gas reservoim, reservoir compaction also contributedto additional gas recovery. The recovery due to reservoir compaction in the cedxmate fields is estimated to be about 2%. The range of recovery factors for the developed fields are shown in Table 3. FIELD RESERVOIR ABANDONMENT AVERAGE lLzrEEs Jemeh I Sandstone I 250 I 80% I Gas wet~i COfi’kiCt @AC] V4SS I F-6 I Carbonate I 800 I 68% I Tabie 3: Producing fieias recovery factor periodically monitored by neutron log. The rise in the GWC was determined by comparing the cument GWC log with the base log. A plot of GWC rise with respect to fime ~n~lcr eumu~?ive fine nn-ult @inn . . was aenerstede ~..” p..-.. . .. ..________ Due to thin and consotiiated nature of the sandstones, reservoir compaction was not envisaged. However, the thick and porous formation encountered in the carbonates justii close monitoring of the resenmir compaction. Radioactive tags were located at every 35 ft. intend of the porous zone of the obsenmtion well to monitor the rate of reservoir compatilon. Formation Subsidence Monitoring Tool (FSMT) logging nms made at regular intetvals gave direct measurement of compaction at the specitlc pressure depletion at a time. A plot of compaction with respect to pressure decline WSS produced. For resenmir performance monitoring, the most commonly used reservoir surveillance plot is the pressure-cumulative production plot. By ptottingthe total field or resemoir gas remvered vetsus P/Z on various Resewoir Suwelllance The efficiency of a gas well or field operation requires constant monitoring of the total field and individual well performance in order to detect problems which may seriously reduce gas recovery or producing capacity. Main parameters to be monitored include pressure, flow rate, cumulative productionand water produdton. Periodic measurement of bottom hole pressure is considered essential to properiy analyze the reservoir performance. Pressure Build Up (PBU) survey is carried out to obtain reservoir pressure and other necessa~ resenmir paremetem such as penneabifii, skin factor and resewoir boundary for each reservoir. Initial PBU survey is usually carried out for every newly completed 552 SPE 29318 Chen Kah Seong, Danvis Husain and Abdul Hamid Abdul Karim 5 scales, production problems such as abnormal pressure, water influx, leakage or loss of gas, or bad data can be detected. Once sufficient h~oty has been obtained under reasonably stabilized operating conditions, it is possible to extrapolate the hWon’cal plot to the --anticipated abandonment preeeum and tiius anWe at =fi estimate of ultimate resenms. Unfortunately, several factors will affect the valiiiy of this method of estimation. If a full or partial water dtlve is present, the rate of pressure decline will be less than what would have been obsemed had the resenmir been on a stmight pressure depitilon. Such a decline would be erroneously ---interpreted as an indication of a much iarger reseiVOiT than actualty exists. The obsetved performance must thus be closely tied to the known geological contigumtion of the resenmir so that the reasons for the patlicular performance observed can be propedy defined. Further evaluation to detect the presence and degree of the water influx can be carried out using t-laviena-0deh3 diagno~ic plot. In addition, vatious typas of productii problems can be detected by monitoringthe petformanca of a gas well by ptotting production mtes of gas, condensate and water versus time. To pmvlde for the dehydmtion of the gas and Iiiuid streams to etiminate the need for special tmnsport pipeline matefiats which woutd otherwise be necessary due to the presence of COZ in the gas stream. To provide accumte metering facilities for the measurement of gas, condensate and water volumes for reconciliationpupses. To mwide accommodation and Iiie SUPPOII for open&ions and maintenance personnet - Platform Configuration And Sequence The initial development for E-1 1 (FQure 2) and Duyong (Figwe 3) fields was based on conventional small multiiplatforms (four-platform production complex arrangement consist of drilling, production, king quartem and vent ptatforrns), fixed stmcture complexes, dedicated gas inlet, slugcatcher and condensate stabilisatiin faciliii (appliible only for development in Centml Luconia). At E-11, being the focal complex for Centml Luconia, there is an additional pipeline riser ptatform. Provision is made at both fields for installation of a sepamte compression ptatform at a later stage in its producing Iiie. * MAJOR SURFACE CONSIDERAllONS Offshore Facilities ENGINEERING A- .L- u=[[~llu -1..---.1 11!8 q Iul ..- ~44= lkCX4=&t, ..-- Z ~m~~ 4hn LIIU i. fm+%mkra. .“-”,”” 11111 -- The gas development in Malaysia is carried out after some form of commitment to supply gas for a certain period of time is made with gas customers e.g. LNG plants or gas processing plants. A strategic ptan for the exectilon of the project will be developed to ensure that the committed demand are met. The development plan is usually integrated with downstream facilities. A processing and tmnsmission system will be installed to meet the detivwy quantiiy and specifkation. The facilities will be designed to meet certain availability and reliabilityto ensure security of suppty. As seveml operatom are invotved in the development, sevaml development concepts and opemting philosophies were adopted. The experience gained in the past project provide useful tesson for the future projects. Based on the development to date, it can ‘be sumrnmized that offshore facitiiies shoukt fulfill the followingfunctions: q expanded to include other sources of gas. In Peninsular Malaysia, associated gas gathering scheme was implemented. The system was connected to the ~Jy~ng ~=~ w-. .Iqnnh nac fdd was -r4M “- ,,”.. u - ----- ---- bf’Q@?? O!?S!RXWl were in 1991 to meet the increasing gas demand. Unlike the cartier developments (E-1 1, Duyong, F-23 and F-6), EPMI employed the three-platform production complex arrangement for the development of Jemeh field. The production and living quartets were integmted into a single platform (Figure 4). Another gas inletklugcatcher was Malted as the Duyong slugcatcher does not have sufficient capacity. In Samwak, development of F-23 and F-6 fields (Fiiure 2) also utiliied the four-ptatfonn production complex arrangement, simitar to the E-11 field. The concept was adopted at that time as it was fett that such arrangement coukt provide maximum flexibility and safety of operation at an acceptable level of incremental cost over integmted platforms. After F-23 and F-6 fietds were put on produtilon, a second trunkline was installed in 1990 to improve the raliibitiiy and sewrity of gas suppty. In Samwak, a major development involving 11 gas fields was under&akento supply gas to the three additional LNG tmins in 1995. The development will consist of two standalone complexes and a riser platform which will be instalted near the existing E-11 comptexes. A dedicated -.. :..14 .1.....nn4Aa. ~p~ @*~fi~*e Stetipsetion ~ua IIIISL, alu~!#aLw Ivl facilities will be constructed. The new developments To provide a platform from whti wells can be drilled and wellheads can be supported. 553 6 Gas PieIds Development In Malaysia SPE 29318 could not utilise existing E-1 1 riser for tie-in and subsequent utilisation of existing trunkline owing to limited slots and the nature of the gas which is sour. Unlike the E-1 1, F-23 and F-6 developments where four-platform production arrangement concept were adopted, development of the gas fields will see integration of some of the facilities to minimise the cost of development. Similarly, Lawit gas development is being implemented in Peninsular Malaysia to cater the increase in gas demand. New integrated pletfonm and another trunkline to shore will be installed in 1998 for statt-up in 1997. CONCLUSIONS 1. In sandstone reservoim off%horePeninsular Malaysia, well spacing is planned to achieve good reserves drainage and minimize risk of reserve loss associated with potential resetvoir variations. This resulted in more wells drilled in sandstone resewoirs. On the other hand, well spacing is not ctiicel in carbonate --,-;= --A M =* nf ihn wdlc warm Iomtd alma a rfbzl Wull= allu 881O*. .,,” ..”.“, ..”,.. . ----- -.-..= circle (ring of wells) close to the crest of the field structure. 2. The gas fields located offshore Peninsular Malaysia consist of a series of vertically stacked sandstones. It would be impractical to have separate completions for each reservoir. For completion purposes, the sands have to be segregated into various commingling groups. On the other hand, the carbonate reservoirs are of reefoid buildups. The wells are completed over the gas bearing zones, with the bottom perforations located about one third above the gas-water contact. 3. For the sandstone reservoirs, some of the wells were completed es single producer while some were completed as dual producer. Single well completion used 5.5” tubing size while dual compl~lon used 3.5” tubing size. For the carbonate resewoim, all wells were completed as single zone producers with 7“ tubing size. 4. In carbonate reservoirs, it was observed that resetvoir compaction also contributeto recovery factor. 5. EPMI operated platform is based on integrated concept whereas PCSB/SSB operated platforms are based on platform complexes concept. However, in --- W -m- IJ=IUS ac c-- ~~~; “ml the deveioplmu~it I~u= 4%-1AJUIawwl~~oi thrnn I~,.Dalt!,,-- NC plants, SSB integrated some of faciliies to minimize the structure for cost saving in deeper water development. 6. EPMI operates with dedicated gas and condensate pipeline while PCSB/SSB operate multiphase pipeline for transport of gas and condensate to shore. In formulating the overall concept on the recent development, future requirements were also taken into consideration where future tie-ins and operational flexibiiiiy protilons have been incotporeted in the design. Thus, for Mure developments, the cluster concept approach will be adopted to formulate the ultimate system configuration where the utWation of available infra-structure is maximized. For example, in the development of Lawit field, provMons were made to cater for future tie-in from nearby fields. Process And Compression Requirements Each development was o~tmised to meet process requirements and gas supply obliitilons. The gas from the wellhead will require condensate separation, dehydration and compression prior to transmission to futther processing plants onshore. The condensate will be either reinfected into the gas pipeline (E-11, F-23, F-6 and Duyong fields) or pumped into dedicated trunkline (Jemeh field) for transmission to shore. The present tiweiqxnerit facilities are dasigmxt ptilmati!y tc safeguard against corrosion and erosion. The main hazard for the trunktine is sweet corrosion caused by the carbon dioxide present in the gas. The design capacNes for the producing fields are as follows. In Peninsular Malaysia gas development, compression facilities are required at earty stage of production. The compression faciliies were designed for certain availability where sufficient redundancy in equipment incorporated. In formulating the were overall compression requirements, the following are considered Horse power requirements. Sparing philosophy. Future flexbiliiy. Sharing of facilities. Standardization. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank the management of Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) for the permission to publiih ths paper. REFERENCES 1.R. Thambydurai, A.F. Mustapha, K.H. Mueller and M.R. D~on, : “Jemeh Gas Field Development Planning”, paper OSEA 88199 presented at the 7th Offsho& SOuth East Asia Confe&me, Singapore, 2-5 February 1988. 554 SPE29318 Chen Kah Seong, Danwis Husain and Abdul Hamid AbduIKarim 7 2. P.Y. Wee and S.L. Liew, :” Development Planning Of The F6 Gas Field In Central Luconia, Offshore Sarewak, Malaysia”, paper OSEA 88198 presented at 7th Offshore South East Asia Conference, Singapore, 2-5 Febmaty 1988. 3. Gaffney, Cllne and Associated, : “An Independent Audit Of Non-Associated Gas Reserves, Offshore report published for PETRONAS, Sarawak”, PETRONAS Carigali and Sarawak Shell, January 1993. 4. Oil & Gas Consultants International, Inc. and Dr. H. Dale Beggs, : “Gas Produ&lon Operations”, 1981. 5. F-6 Development Plan, Unpubliihad SSB report 1966. 6. Duyong Revisit 1 Field Development Unpublished PCSB report 1994. Plan, 555 MA I AVCIA q ~Rnnl ICING GAS FIELDS LOCATION sOUTH CHINA /--, /. THAIIAND t SEA >/. .—_” \ \ L \ ‘\\ t : SUMTERA LEGEND KALIMANTAN o PRoDUCINGGAS FIELD \ FIGURE 1: ------ .-- .-.-., FIELDS LUGA I IUN 1 El 1 \ \ \\ /’ / . FIGURE 2: CENTRAL LUCONIA FIELDS IAYOUT “ “/ 556 FIGURE 3: DUYONG FIELD LAYOUT E * MC Ulllm 1 GEN. Ismml . I i o 557 7 I.-l m . ... ——— _ ....— WIInME) . I . 1 i FIGURE 4: JERNEH COMPLEX LAYOUT ‘


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