1. THEONLYONEINTHEWORLD A BUSINESSPLANTOPROTECT,PREVENTANDINCREASEYOURBOTTOMLINE. 2. AVERAGECOSTINREPAIRSANDMAINTENANCE TRANSMISSION CHRONICWARNING LIGHTPROBLEMS FAULTYWIRINGAND DAMAGEDWIRES RUSTANDCORROSION BRAKESFROMEXTERNAL CONTAMINATIONANDCORROSION oftotaloperating costspentonfuel 39% ofoverallexpenses ondriversalary 26% ontruckcab andtrailer 17% ONREPAIRSAND MAINTENANCE 10%$18,000/yearintotalaveragecostpertruck oninsurance 4% ontires 3% onpermits, licencesandtolls 2% Estimatedoperating costperkilometerexcludinglabor COMMONPROBLEMSFOUNDINTRUCKS $18,000/YEAR $0.27 2 3. INTRODUCINGNANOTECHNOLOGYATITSBEST 4 GAMMA NANO Auto Anticorrosion Lubricant products have powerful waterproofing, anti-corrosion, lubricating and penetrating properties. Our product protects movable parts from freezing at temperatures up to -80°C. FEATURES Stopscorrosionprocessandprotectsvehicle’scomponentsfromallkindsofmoisture(steam,humidity,condensation,fog,splashes,acidrains,saltandchlorinatedwater, sulphuretted hydrogen, chloride, chlorine-containing gases, etc.) Has high penetration rate and can penetrate under layers of rust to lubricate and cleanse hard to reach mechanisms. PROPERTIES Releases rust build-ups Helps to easily turn off bolts, nuts, and other screwed connections Prevents parts from squeaking Prevents freezing of moving mechanisms (locks, doors, car trunks) Provides stable operation of equipment in winter Allows to drive a car and to use mechanisms in various climatic conditions Builds water proof and water repellent coating Completely displaces moisture from the applied surface Due to powerful capillary effect penetrates inside units without dismantling Fills in microscopic cavities AUTO ANTICORROSION LUBRICANT | SKU#2721 Maintains high elasticity Does not cause harmful effects and does not destroy metals, plastic, rubber, glass, varnish, colors, and ceramics Does not dissolve in water Does not emulsify Rubber, silicone, acrylic, tetrafluoroethylene and aroma free Health and environment friendly Operating temperature range of up to -80°С Depending on the type of application and weather conditions, duration of protective coating may last between 1 to 3 years For auto electrical protection against moisture, short circuiting and current leakage. Protective coating securely holds to the surface and withstands strong mechanical loading.AnysurfaceappliedwithGAMMANANOAutoElectricalInsulationcanbepreparedforpaintingbyremovingaprotectingcoatingwithanycircuitplatecleanser, brake cleanser or alcohol. Protects electric equipment, contacts, and wiring from all kind of moisture (steam, moisture, condensation, fog, splashes, rains, acid rains, salt and chlorinated water, hydrogen sulphide, chloride, chlorine-containing gases, etc.). FEATURES PROPERTIES Builds water proof and water repellent coating Completely displaces moisture from the applied surface Improves strength of dielectric conductivity Helps to avoid freezing and oxidizing of the contacts Eliminates soot, carbon deposit and dirt Prevents oxidation, the formation of fungus and mold on electric contacts Protects against static electricity and prevents current leakage Cleans and protects the contacts of electric equipment from dust and dirt Restores working capacity and electric conductivity of electronic components and devices damaged by humidity or exposure to water Significantly increases service life of electrical components Allows for driving in extreme weather conditions Due to powerful capillary effect, penetrates inside units without dismantling AUTO ELECTRICAL INSULATION | SKU#2620 Fills in microscopic cavities Maintains high elasticity Does not cause harmful effects and does not destroy metals, plastic, rubber, glass, varnish, colors, ceramics and electric engines Does not dissolve in water Does not emulsify Rubber, silicone, acrylic, tetrafluoroethylene and aroma free Weather and temperature resistant Health and environmentally friendly Operating temperature range of up to -80°С Depending on the type of application and weather conditions, duration of protective coating may last between 1 to 3 years 4. WHATISNANOTECHNOLOGYANDHOWITWORKS HowdoesGammaNanoAntiCorrosionLubricantoperate? HowdoesGammaNanoElectricalInsulationoperate? 1. Any type of moisture that settles on the metal surfaces leads to corrosion and destruction over time. Getting electrical equipment exposed to any type of moisture will lead to current leakage and short circuits, which in turn can damage electrical devices. 2. GAMMA NANO penetrates at the molecular level into all the micro cracks and uneven parts of the surfaces, creating an invisible protective water repellent film. GAMMA NANO will protect even when applied on wet surfaces and will displace 100% of moisture within 10 seconds. 3. GAMMA NANO products are applied through aerosol spray cans. Each can covers up to 27 SQFT. Nanotechnology is the science, engineering, and technology conducted at the nanoscale, which is about 1 to 100 nanometers. Nanoscience and nanotechnology are the study and application of extremely smallthingsandcanbeusedacrossalltheothersciencefields,suchaschemistry, biology, physics, materials science, and engineering. Displaces 100% of moisture by filling in micro cracks. It is a powerful protection against any kind of corrosion by creating an invisible nano coating while efficiently protecting external and internal surfaces of transport vehicles, domesticandindustrialequipments,agriculturalandbuildingequipmentsforat least 1 year. Our Gamma Nano Anti Corrosion Lubricant significantly increases service life for all your devices and equipments. Like our Anti Corrosion Lubricant, our Gamma Nano Electrical Insulation creates a powerful coating that penetrates at the nano scale level and displaces 100% of moisture. In doing so, it not only protects, but also improves dielectric conductivity of surfaces and prevents current leakage, avoids electrical components from freezing and oxidizing of contacts, all the while significantly increasing the service life of all your electrical devices and equipments. DEVELOPEDONTHEBASISOFADVANCEDNANOTECHNOLOGIES PREVENTS SHORT CIRCUIT AND CURRENT LEAKAGE INCREASES SERVICE LIFE OF ELECTRICS SAVES REPAIR COST DISPLACES 100% OF MOISTURE TOP RANK DURABILITY LIFELONG PROTECTION MAINTAINS ITS ELASTICITY FOR LONGTIME STABLE INVISIBLE COATING PREVENTS CORROSION OPERATINGTEMPERATURE UPTO -80°С NEXT GENERATION PENETRATING LUBRICANT PROTECTIVE COATING FOR AT LEAST ONEYEAR ONE SPRAY CAN COVERS UPTO 27 SQUARE FOOT 5 5. 6 A truck under repair and maintenance can be costly and time consuming., not to mention bad for business when you have deadlines to fulfill. At Gamma Nano, we understand business and therefore make it our missiontohelpyousavetimeandmoneyforwhatmattersmost.SelectGammaNanotodecreaseyourcosts associated with repairs and maintenance by applying our products as preventive measure. It’s all about increasing your bottom line. DeterminethedegreeofconformityoftheNANOPROTECHproduct’sprotectiveproperties.Thetestingprocedureisbasedoncomparisonofcorrosion test results on samples before and after application of the aerosol. The contactless transformers installed in distribution cabinets were used as samplesandwereexposedtocorrosionduetohighhumidity(upto100%)andhightemperature(up to 35C). Test conditions were conducted in the period from 26.04.10 to 18.05.11 at ambient condi- tions. Conclusion:thetestedtoolhastrulyanti-corrosionanddielectricpropertiesandissuitableforuseon switching nodes of communication facilities operating in conditions of high humidity and high temperatures. Chief engineer of Central telecom center No2, Nasonov M.V. Scope of testing: IT’SABOUTTHEBOTTOMLINEANDEASEOFMINDONTHEROAD DON’TWORRY,WE’VEDONEOURDUEDILIGENCEAND COMPAREDOURSELVESWITHOURCOMPETITION...THEREARENONE! SGSTestResults | ReportNo.:H0RD0002 Metal Plate #1 after 96h salt fog exposure Metal Plate #2 after 96h salt fog exposure Metal Plate #3 after 96h salt fog exposure Metal Plate #4 after 96h salt fog exposure NANOPROTECH OÜ Uus-Sadama, 21, Tallinn, 10120, Estonia Certificate Of conformity with RoHS (2002/95/EC) Issued: __________________________________ Indrek Aeltermann Member of the Board Certificate of conformity with REACH (EC1907/2006) 6. 7 Gamma Nano Auto Deodorizer eliminates unpleasant odors caused by smoke, food, mildew and pets. Reduces odors by maximizing the oxidation process through the photocatalysis effect of visible light. For use on cars, public transit, trains, airplanes and other modes of transportation. When exposed to visible light, Gamma Nano breaks down and eliminates all allergens, odors, and air pollutants in your vehicle, purifying and protecting your car’s interior for a fresher and healthier driving experience. WHY GAMMA NANO AUTO DEODORIZER? Over the past two decades, studies have consistently revealed that driving in tightly packed traffic leads to interior concentrationsofpollutantsupto50timeshigherthanthatofnormalcityair.Manyofthepollutantsaresuspected to be carcinogens that can affect neurological, immune and reproductive systems. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the American Lung Association (ALA), insideairis10timesmorepollutedthanoutsideair,withcarinteriorsrankingalongside industrialplantsforair quality. With Gamma Nano Auto Deodorizer, you can literally breathe easier. Just one application of Gamma Nano is all it takes to make your car deodorized and the air in your car clean and pure.You’ll immediately notice the difference. Gamma Nano not only removes contaminants from the air but also prevents them from coming back, keeping the air in your car fresh and odor-free. VISIBLE LIGHT PHOTOCATALYST (TiO )2 REACTOR SURFACE POLLUTANTS ABSORBTO SURFACE ABSORBED POLLUTANTS BREAK DOWN UNDER UV LIGHT FINAL PRODUCTS (CO ANDWATER DESORB) FEATURES SKU#2500 Decomposes odor, smell, and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) such as Formaldehyde (CH O), Acetaldehyde(CH CHO) Decomposes organic stains on the surface Prevents surfaces as a medium of transmission of infection Longer term antimicrobial and deodorant effect Green and eco-friendly APPLICATIONS Spray it on the surface of absorbent materials, textiles and furniture such as seats, ceilings, carpets, dashboards, trunks, door panels. 2 2 THE ONLY PRODUCT INTHEWORLDTO GUARANTEE EFFECTIVENESS FOR UPTO ONEYEAR. DRIVERS CAN DRIVERS SPEND AN INCREDIBLE AMOUNT OFTIME INTHEIRVEHICLE 7. UNMATCHED | UNRIVALED | TRUE TESTED TEL: 1-905-738-3986 | FAX: 1-905-738-3928 | Email:
[email protected] 399FourValleyDrive,Unit22,Concord,ONL4K5Y7 | www.gamma-nano.ca