Fluoroplastics || Commercial Grades of Fluoropolymers

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9 Commercial Grades of Fluoropolymers 9.1 Introduction This chapter presents some of the information published (or provided to the author) by manufac- turers about the commercial grades of fluoropol- ymers. All tables capture the typical properties of commercial grades as published or made available by fluoropolymer manufacturers. Some of the product grades listed may be obsolete; the data are only intended for historical purposes. None of the data may be used for specification purposes. Polymer properties have been classified by resin suppliers in separate tables. The readers should contact the indi- vidual manufacturers for definitive data for each resin’s grade. 9.2 Granular PTFE Granular polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) grades have been divided into homopolymer and modified resins. Each group has been further divided into low flow (or fine cut) and free flow (or pelletized). Modified and ram extrusion powders are also included in the data tables. Tables 9.1e9.4 show the classifications of granular resins based on bulk density. Tables 9.5e9.20 provide data for a number of granular PTFE resins. It is important to note that, in spite of similarity of properties, no two resins are ever truly “equivalent”. Granular PTFE resins are specified by ASTM Method D 4894 (ISO 12086-1 and 12086-2). This standard provides procedures and references to other ASTM methods for the measurement of resin properties. Table 9.1 Grouping of Granular Fine-Cut (Low-Flow) Poly Apparent Density DuPont Teflon� Asahi Glass Fluon� Low (400 g/l) 7AX, 7A G-155, G-170, G-190, G-192 Fluoroplastics, Volume 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-4557-3199-2.000 Copyright � 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 9.3 PTFE Dispersions PTFE dispersions are produced by dispersion (emulsion) polymerization, followed by surfactant stabilization and usually a form of concentration. PTFE dispersions can be further formulated by the addition of various organic and inorganic additives and converted into coatings. A number of techniques are available for the application of PTFE-based coatings to metallic and nonmetallic substrates. Particle size, solid concentration, viscosity, and surfactant type and concentration are the important variable for dispersions. Commercial PTFE disper- sions offered by major manufacturers have been lis- ted in the Tables 9.21e9.25. ASTM Method D 4441 (ISO 12086-1 and 12086-2) specifies PTFE disper- sions. Viscosity of the dispersion is measured by ASTM Method D 2196. ASTM Method D 4441 also provides procedures or references to other ASTM methods for the measurement of properties. 9.4 Fine Powder PTFE Fine powder PTFE is produced by dispersion (emulsion) polymerization followed by coagulation, isolation, and drying. Fine powder or coagulated dispersion powders are classified according to pro- cessing characteristics. A crucial factor in the selec- tion of a powder for paste extrusion is its reduction ratio range, which is often specified by the manufac- turer. Reduction ratio is the cross section of the paste in the extruder barrel to that of the extrudate. The resin selected to make a particular part must be reducible to tetrafluoroethylene Resins by Apparent Density Dyneon Hostaflon� Daikin Polyflon� Solvay Solexis Algoflon� T-1750 M-12, M-15HS F-5, F-6, F-111X M-15, M-18 F-5S, F-7 09-4 157 http://dx.doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-4557-3199-2.00009-4 Table 9.2 Grouping of Granular Pelletized (Free-Flow) Polytetrafluoroethylene Resins by Apparent Density Apparent Density DuPont Teflon� Asahi Glass Fluon� Dyneon Hostaflon� Daikin Polyflon� Solvay Solexis Algoflon� Medium (800 g/l) 850A, 860A, 807N, 807NX, 809N G-340, G-350 TF 1620, TF 1641, TF 1645 M-392, M-393 S-121, S-131 Table 9.3 Homopolymer Polytetrafluoroethylene Ram Extrusion Granular Resins Apparent Density DuPont Teflon� Asahi Glass Fluon� Ausimont Algoflon� Medium (800 g/l) Table 9.4 Modified Polytetrafluoroethylene Granular Resins Type DuPont Teflon� Asahi Glass Fluon� Dyneon Hostaflon� Daikin Polyflon� Fine cut (low flow) NXT 70, NXT 75 F3141X TFM 1700, TFM 1705 M-111, M-112 Pelletized (free flow) NXT 85 TFM-1600, 1630 M-139 Ram extrusion grade TFR-1105 158 FLUOROPLASTICS, VOLUME 1 the extrudate at a reasonable pressure in the extruder. This means that it should generate sufficient pressure for fibrillation of the resin, yet the pressure must not exceed the normal range of commercial equipment. Reduction ratio is primarily related to the molecular weight of the polymer; the lower the molecular weight, the higher the reduction ratio. Most manufacturers specify the recommended range of reduction ratio or its upper limit. It is diffi- cult to find the exact match of any specific product. Tables 9.26e9.30 should be consulted to obtain the exact reduction ratio and other properties of each resin, as published by the manufacturer. A review of these data reveals that certain resins have a broader range of reduction ratio than the others, which makes them more versatile with respect to processing. The variation in the properties shown in tables is due to the difference in the type of properties that are pub- lished by the fine powder manufacturers. ASTM Method D 4895 (ISO 12086-1 and 12086-2) specifies fine powder PTFE resins. It also provides procedures or references to other ASTM methods for the measurement of resin properties. Dispersions of copolymers of tetrafluoroethylene are also coated on surfaces. Fluoropolymer manu- facturers should be contacted for the information. 9.5 Polychlorotrifluoroethylene Polymers Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE) consump- tion is much smaller than PTFE and is offered in film and resin forms. Few manufacturers produce it. The important factor by which any PCTFE is classified is zero strength time (ZST), which is an indicator of molecular weight. This material is offered in powder and pellet forms at different ZSTs (molecular weights). PCTFE resins are fabricated into parts by compression molding, extrusion, and injection molding (requires pellets) processes. Table 9.5 Properties of DuPont Teflon� Granular PTFE Resins1e8 Resina Type Standard Specific Gravity Particle Size D50, mm Bulk Density, g/l Dielectric Breakdown Strength, kV/mm Mold Shrinkage, % Tensile Strength, MPa Elongation, % Thermal Instability Index 7AX Low flow 2.16 34 460 3.4 34.5 375 3 7CX Low flow 2.16 27 264 6 42.1 400 3.4 8AX Free flow 2.15 490 680 2.8 41.4 330 7.6 807NX Free flow 2.16 550 900 33 320 5 9B Presintered 550 575 NXT 70 Modified low flow 2.17 33 440 208 31.5 450 NXT 75 Modified low flow 2.17 33 440 208 4.7 31.5 500 NXT 85 Modified low flow 2.17 400 780 4.7 28 400 PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene; X denotes polymer made without use of ammonium perfluoroctanoate. aSome of the resins listed in this table may be obsolete. The data are presented strictly for historical purposes. Table 9.6 Properties of Asahi Glass Company Fluon� Granular PTFE Resins9 Resina Type Particle Size D50, mm Bulk Density, g/l Mold Shrinkage, % Tensile Strength, MPa Break Elongation, % Dielectric Breakdown Strength, kV/mm G155 Low flow 30 420 5 33 350 80 G163 Low flow 25 330 5 42 350 90 G170 Low flow 30 440 4.3 38 365 G190 Low flow 25 440 42 370 G192 Low flow 25 460 41 360 G307 Free flow 650 750 36 350 G311 Free flow 760 800 2.9 33 340 G340 Free flow 350 820 39 350 G350 Free flow 350 920 39 350 G401 Free flow 1500 725 17e20 300e350 G580 Free flow 30 420 4.3 38 375 G201 Presintered 500 675 12 22 330 50 G204 Presintered 100 575 PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. aSome of the resins listed in this table may be obsolete. The data are presented strictly for historical purposes. 9 : C O M M E R C IA L G R A D E S O F F L U O R O P O L Y M E R S 1 5 9 Table 9.7 Properties of Dyneon Company Hostaflon� Granular PTFE Resins10e20 Resin Type Standard Specific Gravity Particle Size D50, mm Bulk Density, g/l Mold Shrinkage, % Tensile Strength, MPa Break Elongation, % Dielectric Breakdown Strength, kV/mm TF1702 Homopolymer low flow 2.16 27 410 5.2 42 590 90 TF1750 Homopolymer low flow 2.16 25 370 4.3 28 350 140 TF 1620 Semi free flow 2.15 220 850 3 28 350 100 TF1641 Free flow 2.15 450 830 2.8 28 350 100 TF1645 Free flow 2.15 450 830 2.6 28 350 100 TFM1700 Modified low flow 2.16 25 420 5.8 33 450 146 TFM1705 Modified free flow 2.16 25 420 5.8 33 450 1465 TFM1600 Modified free flow 2.16 450 830 3.5 32 450 104 TFM1630 Modified free flow 2.16 200 840 4 29 400 106 TFR1502 Modified free flow 2.16 800 800 10.4 35 500 TFR1105 Presintered modified 880 800 27 450 PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. Table 9.8 Properties of Daikin Company Polyflon� Granular PTFE Resins21 Resina Type Standard Specific Gravity Particle Size D50, mm Bulk Density, g/l Dielectric Breakdown Strength, kV/0.1 mm Mold Shrinkage, % Tensile Strength, MPa Break Elongation, % M-12 Low flow 2.16 50 350 12 3.1 43 400 M-15 Low flow 2.16 420 10 4.1 30 350 M-15HS Low flow 2.15e2.17 240e320 6.0e8.0 35 350 M-18 Low flow 2.16 40 480 10 3.2 43 400 M-391S Free flow 2.17 350 790 8 43 380 M-392 Free flow 2.17 400 870 6 40 350 M-393 Free flow 2.17 500 930 3 36 330 M-111 Modified low flow 2.17 40 400 13.5 4.4 43.5 450 M-112 Modified low flow 2.15 40 400 13 4.6 44.5 420 M-139 Modified low flow 2.17 400 900 9 37 390 PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. aSome of the resins listed in this table may be obsolete. The data are presented strictly for historical purposes. 1 6 0 F L U O R O P L A S T IC S, V O L U M E 1 Table 9.9 Properties of Solvay Solexis Company Algoflon� Granular PTFE Resins22e25 Resina Type Standard Specific Gravity Particle Size D50, mm Bulk Density, g/l Mold Shrinkage, % Tensile Strength, MPa Break Elongation, % Dielectric Breakdown Strength, kV/mm F5 Homopolymer low flow 2.17 15 380 3 40 350 F5S Homopolymer low flow 2.16 15 410 3.1 44 400 F6 Homopolymer low flow 2.17 15 380 3.2 42 370 F7 Homopolymer low flow 2.17 15 410 3 44 400 75 F111X Homopolymer low flow 2.16 10 370 4.5 41 350 G10 Free flow 2.13e2.18 550 500 14 �150 G50 Free flow 2.13e2.18 500 500 14 �150 S131 Free flow 2.17 650 910 2.9 33 �310 65 S121 Free flow 2.17 550 810 2.7 37 340 70 E2 Presintered homopolymer 2.15 550 640 �17 250 E2BP Presintered homopolymer 2.15 700 670 �18 260 F3141X Modified free flow 2.17 25 440 3.8 42 500 PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. aSome of the resins listed in this table may be obsolete. The data are presented strictly for historical purposes. 9 : C O M M E R C IA L G R A D E S O F F L U O R O P O L Y M E R S 1 6 1 Table 9.10 Properties of Halopolymer Company Fluoropolast� Granular PTFE Resins26 Resina Type Standard Specific Gravity Particle Size D50, mm Bulk Density, g/l Tensile Strength, MPa Break Elongation, % F-4(S,P,PN,O,T) Low flow 2.18e2.21 100e180 26e15 350e150 F-4PN-90 Low flow 2.19 46e135 25 350 F-4PN-40 Low flow 2.19 21e45 25 350 F-4PN-20 Low flow 2.19 6e20 25 350 F-4A-1 710 26 310 F-4A-2 690 21 275 F-4A-3 670 21 250 F-4TG-Grade 1 Presintered 600e800 600e800 F-4TG-Grade 2 Presintered 450e800 F-4TG-2 Presintered 450e600 F-4M Modified low flow 2.18 28 310 F-4ML Modified low flow 2.19 24 400 F-4MT Modified low flow 2.19 24 400 F-4MO Modified low flow 2.20 15.7 350 F-4MN Modified low flow 2.22 10 150 PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. aSome of the resins listed in this table may be obsolete. The date are presented strictly for historical purposes. 1 6 2 F L U O R O P L A S T IC S, V O L U M E 1 Table 9.11 Properties of Chenguang Granular PT Resins27 Resin Standard Specific Gravity Pa cle Size 0, mm Bulk Density, g/l Shrinkage, % Tensile Strength, MPa Break Elongation, % CGM031A (lever 1) 2.13e2.19 90 30 420� 100 �4.5 �25.5 �250 Qualified 2.13e2.19 90 30 420� 100 �4.5 �22.5 �250 CGM031B (lever 1) 2.13e2.19 7 90 420� 100 �4.5 �25.5 �250 Qualified 2.13e2.19 7 90 420� 100 �4.5 �22.5 �250 CGM031C (lever 1) 2.13e2.19 13 260 420� 100 �4.5 �25.5 �250 Qualified 2.13e2.19 13 260 420� 100 �4.5 �22.5 �250 PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. Table 9.12 Properties of Zhejiang Juhua Granular FE Resins28 Resin Standard Specific Gravity Bulk Density, g/l P le Size , mm Shrinkage, % Growth, % Dielectric Breakdown Strength, kV/mm Thermal Instability Index Tensile Strength, MPa Break Elongation, % JF-4TM 2.13e2.19 300e550 3 5 2.16 7.08 �30 �37.5 �320 JF-4TN-S 2.13e2.19 300e550 3 10 2.64 7.19 �30 �320 JF-4A1 2.13e2.19 600e800 20 00 �2.025 5.68 �30 �37.5 �275 JF-G90 first grade 2.13e2.18 400e600 8 20 �60 �50 �25.5 �250 JF-4A2 first grade 2.13e2.18 40 00 �30 �25.5 �275 JF-G120 first grade 2.13e2.18 400e600 10 60 �60 �50 �25.5 �250 JF-4A3 2.13e2.19 600e900 �30 �25.5 �275 JF-G20 2.13e2.19 200e400 1 0 e �37.5 �400 JF-G25 2.13e2.19 300e500 2 0 �100 �37.5 �400 PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. 9 : C O M M E R C IA L G R A D E S O F F L U O R O P O L Y M E R S 1 6 3 FE rti D5 e1 e1 0e 0e 0e 0e PT artic D50 0� 0� 0e4 0e1 0e6 1e1 0e2 1e3 Table 9.13 Properties of Shanghai 3F Granular PTFE Resins29 Resin Type Standard Specific Gravity Bulk Density, g/l Average Particle Size, mm Shrinkage, % Thermal Instability index Tensile Strength, MPa Break Elongation, % FR104 Low flow 2.13e2.17 300e450 25� 10 �30 �300 FR105 Low flow 2.13e2.17 300e450 25� 10 �350 FR101 Low flow 2.13e2.18 400e600 100e180 �50 �25.5 �250 FR102 Free flow 2.13e2.17 600e850 300e700 2.7e3.7 �25 �280 FR103 Free flow 2.13e2.17 535e735 290e550 PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. Table 9.14 Properties of Fuxin Hengtong Granular PTFE Resins30 Resin Type Standard Specific Gravity Average Particle Size, mm Bulk Density, g/l Thermal Instability Index Tensile Strength, MPa Break Elongation, % SM100 Low flow 180 500� 100 �50 �28.5 �300 SM200 Low flow 2.13e2.18 180 500� 100 �50 �28.5 �300 SM300 Low flow 2.13e2.18 180 500� 100 �50 �28.5 �300 Fines Low flow 2.13e2.19 Table 9.16 Properties of Jiangsu Meilan Granular PTFE Resins32 Resin Standard Specific Gravity rmal Instability Index Dielectric Breakdown Strength, kV/mm Tensile Strength, MPa Break Elongation, % Miflon�3112 Milfon�3122 Milfon�3113 Milfon�3123 2.13e2.18 �50 �60 �25.5 �250 Milfon�3114 Milfon�3124 Milfon�3212 Milfon�3222 Milfon�3213 Milfon�3223 2.13e2.18 �50 e �22.5 �250 Milfon�3214 Milfon�3224 Milfon�3313 �16 �200 Milfon�3021 Milfon�3031 2.13e2.19 �50 �100 �27.4 �300 Milfon�3121 Milfon�3131 2.13e2.19 �50 �25.5 �300 Milfon�3221 Milfon�3231 2.13e2.19 �50 �25.5 �280 Milfon�3321 �22.5 �250 PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. Table 9.17 Properties of Zhejiang Jusheng Granul TFE Resins33 Resin Type Standard Specific Gravity Thermal ability Index Dielectric Breakdown Strength, kV/ mm Bulk Density, g/l Particle Size D50, mm Tensile Strength, MPa Break Elongation, % JF-4TM Low flow 2.13e2.19 �30 �100 300e450 32 �36 �320 JF-4TN-S Low flow 2.13e2.19 �30 �100 �35 �320 JF-4TN Low flow 2.13e2.19 �30 �32 �300 JF-G20 Low flow 2.13e2.19 200e400 17 �37.5 �400 JF-G25 Low flow 2.13e2.19 �100 300e500 26 �37.5 �400 JF-G120 first- class Low flow 2.13e2.18 �50 �60 500 � 100 100e600 �25.5 �250 JF-G90 first-class Low flow 2.13e2.18 �50 �60 500� 100 60e100 �25.5 �250 JF-G180 first- class Low flow 2.13e2.18 �50 �60 500� 100 �25.5 �250 JF-4A1 Free flow 2.13e2.19 �30 600e800 200e450 �25.5 �275 JF-4A2 Free flow 2.13e2.19 �30 600e800 450e800 �26.5 �300 JF-4A3 Free flow 2.13e2.19 �30 600e800 >800 �25.5 �300 PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. 9 : C O M M E R C IA L G R A D E S O F F L U O R O P O L Y M E R S 1 6 5 The ar P Inst Table 9.18 Properties of Shandong Huafu (Jinan 3F) Granular PTFE Resins34 Resin Standard Specific Gravity Thermal Instability Index Dielectric Breakdown Strength, kV/mm Bulk Density, g/l Particle Size D50, mm Tensile Strength, MPa Break Elongation, % 4S01-A 2.13e2.18 �50 �60 500� 100 180� 80 �32 �250 4S01-B 2.13e2.18 �50 �60 �25.5 �250 4S01-B 2.13e2.18 �50 e �22.5 �250 4S02-A 2.13e2.19 �50 �40 �300 4S02-B 2.13e2.19 �50 �27.4 �300 4S02-C 2.13e2.19 �50 �25.5 �280 4S02-D 2.13e2.19 �50 �24.5 �280 4S03-A 2.13e2.19 �30 �150 300e450 �30.0 �320 4S03-B 2.13e2.19 �30 �100 300e450 �27.4 �280 PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. Table 9.19 Properties of SinoFluoron Company Granular PTFE Resins35 Resin Type Standard Specific Gravity Particle Size D50, mm Bulk Density, g/l Dielectric Strength, kV/mm Tensile Strength, MPa Break Elongation, % FM701 Low flow 2.16 140 470 100 30 370 FM702 Low flow 2.16 25 380 100 32 440 FF801 Free flow 2.16 500 800 70 26 280 FF901 Presintered 2.16 420 650 PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. 1 6 6 F L U O R O P L A S T IC S, V O L U M E 1 Table 9.20 Properties of Gujarat Fluorochemical Company Inoflon� Granular PTFE Resins36e47 Resin Type Standard Specific Gravity Particle Size D50, mm Bulk Density, g/l Mold Shrinkage, % Tensile Strength, MPa Break Elongation, % 610 Homopolymer low flow 2.16 200 500 3 30 300 630 Homopolymer low flow 2.16 33 400 4 33 350 640 Homopolymer low flow 2.16 23 400 4.5 35 400 210 Homopolymer low flow 2.16 600 750 2.5 35 275 220 Homopolymer low flow 2.16 600 825 2 32 275 230 Homopolymer low flow 2.15 300 700 2.25 35 375 510 Presintered 2.16 600 650 N.A. 20 200 515 Presintered 2.14e2.17 150 600 N.A. 20 200 M690 Modified low flow 2.16 25 350 5 35 500 M695 Modified low flow 2.165 25 350 5.5 34 550 M290 Modified low flow 2.16 600 750 4 35 500 M295 Modified low flow 2.165 600 750 4.5 35 550 PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. 9 : C O M M E R C IA L G R A D E S O F F L U O R O P O L Y M E R S 1 6 7 Table 9.21 Properties of DuPont’s Dispersions48e53 Teflon� Method 30 33 35 335D PFAD 40 121D FEP Solids content, % by weight ASTM D4441 60 61 35 60 60 55 Surfactant content, % by weight ASTM D4441 6 (Nonionic) 6.5 (Nonionic) 2.2 (Anionic) 6 (Nonionic) 6 (Nonionic) 5.5 Dispersion particle size, mm DuPont 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.20 0.22 0.18 Density, g/cm3 ASTM D4441 1.51 1.52 1.246 1.50 1.51 1.41 Brookfield viscosity at 25 �C, MPa.S ASTM D2196 25 20 25 25 25 20 pH (minimum) ASTM E70 10 10 10 10 10 10 Standard specific gravity sintered resin ASTM D4441 2.22 2.22 2.22 N.A. 2.215 N.A. Resin e PTFE PTFE PTFE PFA PTFE FEP Melt flow rate ASTM D2116 N.A. N.A. N.A. 2 g/10 min at 372 �C and 5 kg load cell N.A. 8 g/10 min at 372 �C and 5 kg load cell PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene; PFA, perfluoroalkoxy polymer; FEP, fluorinated ethylene propylene. Table 9.22 Properties of Asahi Glass Company PTFE Dispersions54 Fluon� AD132E AD208E AD220E AD309E AD650E Solids content, % by weight 59 60 60 60 30 Nonionic surfactant content, % by weight 6 5.5 5.5 5.5 3.5 Dispersion particle size, mm 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 Brookfield viscosity at 23 �C, MPa.S 15 17 17 15 5 Critical film thickness, mm 20 24 24 20 N.A. Polymer PTFE PTFE PTFE PTFE PTFE PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. 1 6 8 F L U O R O P L A S T IC S, V O L U M E 1 Table 9.23 Properties of Dyneon’s Dispersions55e61 Hostaflon� TF 5033Z TF 5035Z TF 5041GZ TF 5041Z TF 5050Z TF 5060Z TF 5070Z Solids content, % by weight 24 58 58 59 58 59 50 Surfactant content, % by weight (type) 5 (Ionic) 5 (Nonionic) 6 (Nonionic) 9 (Nonionic) 5 (Nonionic) 8 (Nonionic) 8 (Nonionic) Dispersion particle size, mm 0.22 0.18 0.20 0.225 0.21 0.22 0.12 Brookfield viscosity at 30S-1 12 130 130 10 25 N.A. pH >9 >9 >9 >9 >9 >9 >9 Polymer PTFE PTFE PTFE PTFE PTFE PTFE PTFE PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. Table 9.24 Properties of Daikin PTFE Dispersions62 Polyflon� D-210 D-210C D-310 D-410 D-610 D-610C Polymer type Homopolymer Homopolymer Modified Modified Homopolymer Homopolymer Solids content, % by weight 59e61 59e61 59e61 59e61 59e61 59e61 Nonionic surfactant content, % by weight 6e7.2 6e7.2 6e7.2 6e7.2 6e7.2 5.5e6.5 Dispersion particle size, mm 0.22e0.25 0.22e0.25 0.22e0.25 0.26e0.30 0.26e0.30 0.26e0.30 Specific gravity at 25 �C 1.50e1.53 1.50e1.53 1.50e1.53 1.50e1.53 1.50e1.53 1.50e1.53 Viscosity at 25 �C, MPa.S Table 9.25 Properties of Solvay Solexis Algoflon� PTFE Dispersions63 No New Data AvailabledContact Solvay. Algoflon� D60/G D60/G6 D60FX D60 EXP1 D3310 D60/A D60/27 D60/EXP96 D3310 Solids content, % by weight 60 57.5 60 61 58 60 60 59 59 Nonionic surfactant content, % by weight 3.75 5.6 3 3.8 3.5 3 2.75 3 3 Dispersion particle size, mm 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 Specific gravity at 20 �C 1.51 1.49 1.52 1.53 1.50 1.52 1.52 1.50 1.50 Brookfield viscosity at 20 �C, MPa.S 26 25 30 30 25 16 15 pH (minimum) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Conductivity, mS/cm 700 600 600 750 1100 700 650 1300 1300 PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. Table 9.26 Propertiesa of DuPont Teflon� Fine Powder PTFE64e76 Resin Standard Specific Gravity Average Particle Size, mm Thermal Instability Index (TII) Stretch Void Index (SVI) Extrusion Pressure, MPa (Reduction Ratio) Bulk Density, g/l 6C X 2.17 475 Table 9.27 Properties of Asahi Glass Company’s Fluon� Fine Powder PTFE77 Resin Type Reduction Ratio Range Specific Gravity Average Particle Size, mm Extrusion Pressure, MPa (Reduction Ratio) Bulk Density, g/l CD 90E Modified 400e4000:1 2.19 580 38 (1600:1) 450 CD 97E Modified 400e4000:1 2.18 510 38 (1600:1) 480 CD 122E Homopolymer 15e300:1 2.16 500 50 (400:1) 545 CD 123E Homopolymer 15e300:1 2.16 475 45 (400:1) 545 CD 127E Homopolymer 25e400:1 2.16 475 35 (400:1) 545 CD 141E Homopolymer 25e700:1 2.19 475 27 (400:1) 520 CD 086 EL Modified 100e500:1 2.15 475 28 (400:1) 470 CD 086 EH Modified 100e500:1 2.15 475 35 (400:1) 470 PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. Table 9.28 Properties of Dyneon’s Hostaflon� Fine Powder PTFE78e88 Hostaflon� Type Reduction Ratio Range Specific Gravity Average Particle Size, mm Tensile Strength, MPa Elongation at Break, % Extrusion Pressure, MPa (Reduction Ratio) Bulk Density, g/l TF 2001Z Modified low flow 20e1000:1 2.15 550 34 400 50 (400:1) 450 TF 2033Z Modified free flow 20e100:1 2.16 520 37 430 32 (400:1) 460 TF 2070Z Modified free flow 20e2000:1 2.16 350 36 400 19 (400:1) 460 TF 2021Z Homopolymer low flow 20e500:1 2.15 500 30 340 30 (400:1) 480 TF 2025Z Homopolymer low flow 10e300:1 N.A. 500 34 360 40 (400:1) 480 TF 2029Z Homopolymer low flow 5e100:1 2.15 500 28 340 50 (400:1) 480 TF 2035Z Homopolymer free flow 15e300:1 2.16 550 37 460 38 (400:1) 480 TF 2053Z Homopolymer low flow 20e1200:1 2.16 520 24 390 65 (1600:1) 500 TF 2071Z Homopolymer free flow 20e1600:1 2.16 450 34 410 50 (1600:1) 390 TF 2072Z Homopolymer low flow 50e3000:1 2.17 440 35 470 40 (400:1) 470 TF 2073Z Homopolymer low flow 50e4200 2.17 430 35 460 30 (400:1) 490 PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. 9 : C O M M E R C IA L G R A D E S O F F L U O R O P O L Y M E R S 1 7 1 Table 9.29 Properties of Daikin’s Fine Powder PTFE89 Property F-100 Series F-200 Series F-300 Series Type of polymer Homopolymer Modified Modified Average particle size, mm 500 500 500 Apparent density, g/l 450 450 450 Melting point, �C(�F) 326e328(619e622) 322e328(612e622) 322e328(612e622) Tensile strength, MPa(psi) >19.6(2842) >19.6(2842) >19.6(2842) Elongation, % >300 >350 >250 Reduction ratio 1000 Maximum 4000 Maximum 1500 Maximum PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. Table 9.30 Properties of Solvay Solexis Fine Powder PTFE90 No New Data Available Algoflon� Reduction Ratio Range Specific Gravity Average Particle Size, mm Tensile Strength, MPa Elongation at Break, % Extrusiona Pressure, MPa (Reduction Ratio) Bulk Density, g/l DF200 25e150 DF1 500 540 DF210 30e300 2.16 500 30 300 8 (100:1) 500 DF230X 30e300 2.16 500 30 300 9 (100:1) 500 DF280X 30e450 2.16 350 30 300 6 (100:1) 500 DF380 30e1100 2.16 350 30 375 16 (400:1) 450 DF381X 80e1100 2.15 350 30 375 24 (400:1) 450 DFC 250e4400 PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. aAclon� is a trademark of AlliedSignal Company. Table 9.31 Honeywell Corp Aclar� PCTFE Film Products91 Product Grade Thickness, mm UltRx 6000 Ultra high vapor barrier 152 UltRx 4000 Ultra high vapor barrier 102 UltRx 3000 High vapor barrier 76 UltRx 2000 High vapor barrier 51 SupRx 900 Medium range barrier 23 Rx20e Medium range barrier 20 Rx160 Medium range barrier 15 PCTFE, polychlorotrifluoroethylene. 172 FLUOROPLASTICS, VOLUME 1 Tables 9.31e9.34 provide information for a few commercial grades of PCTFE. ASTM Method D 1430 (ISO 12086-1 and 12086-2) covers PCTFE plastics that consist of at least 90% chlorotrifluoro- ethylene and are suitable for extrusion and for compression and injection molding. The remaining 10% could include chemical modifications, such as comonomers, but not colorants, fillers, plasticizers, or mechanical blends with other resins according to ASTM Method D 1430. This standard also provides procedures or references to other ASTM methods for the measurement of resin properties. The main manufacturers of PCTFE are Honey- well and Daikin corporations. Oriented melt Table 9.32 Arkema Corp Voltalef� PCTFE Resins92 Updated Grade Designation Presentation Apparent Density Utilization VOLTALEF� 300 HD Power 500e600 microns 0.4e0.5 Compression molding, very good flow VOLTALEF� 302 Dense powder 700 microns 1.0 All methods and in particular compression molding PCTFE, polychlorotrifluoroethylene. Table 9.33 Properties of Daikin’s Neoflon�a PCTFE Resins93 Updated Product ZST,b s Apparent Density, g/l Flowc Value 3 103, ml/s Form M-300 200e300 600 1e3 Powder (10e60 mesh) M-300H 200e300 1000 1e3 Granular powder M-300P 200e300 1200 1e3 Pellet M-300PL 200e300 1200 1e3 Pellet M-400H 301e450 1000 0.5e0.8 Granular powder PCTFE, Polychlorotrifluoroethylene. aNeoflon� is a trademark of Daikin Company. bASTM D 1430, zero strength time at 250 �C. cMeasured by flow tester at 230 �C, under load 100 MPa (nozzle size 1 mm dia, 1 mm length). Table 9.34 Properties of Honeywell’s Aclon�a PCTFE Resins94e96 Product Type Specific Gravity Apparent Density, g/l ZSTb, s Crystalline Melting Point, �C Initial Re-melt 1090 Homopolymer 2.144 1,160 80e90 214 21 3100 Copolymer 2.10 640e960 90e130 190e200 e 3280 Copolymer 2.10 640e960 150e250 190e200 e aAclon� is a trademark of Honeywell Corp. bASTM D 1430, zero strength time at 250 �C. 9: COMMERCIAL GRADES OF FLUOROPOLYMERS 173 extruded films of PCTFE are offered under the trademark of Aclar� by AlliedSignal. The primary applications of PCTFE films are in packaging, where moisture and chemical barrier properties are required. References 1. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE 7AX, PTFE Granular Molding Resin, Product information, Publication No. K-26496; April 2013. 2. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE 7CX, PTFE Granular Molding Resin, Product information, Publication No. K-26149; May 2013. 3. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE 8AX, PTFE Granular Molding Resin, Product information, Publication No. K-26150; May 2013. 4. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE 807NX, PTFE Granular Molding Resin, Product information, Publication No. K-26073; May 2013. 5. DuPont� Teflon� NXT 70, Fluoropolymer Resin Modified PTFEGranularMolding Resin, Product information, Publication No. H-68893e4; April 2005. 6. DuPont� Teflon�NXT 75, Fluoropolymer Resin Modified PTFEGranularMolding Resin, Product information, Publication No. H71067e2; June 1999. 174 FLUOROPLASTICS, VOLUME 1 7. DuPont� Teflon�NXT 85, Fluoropolymer Resin Modified PTFEGranularMolding Resin, Product information, Publication No. K15317; March 2006. 8. DuPont� Company. www.Teflon.com; 2014. 9. Fluon� Polytetrafluoroethylene Granular Poly- mers, Asahi Glass Company. www.agcce.com/ GradeRangePDFs/GranPoly.pdf; 2014. 10. 3M� Dyneon� PTFE Powder TF 1702, Product Data Sheet, Dyneon, www.dyneon.eu; July 2013. 11. 3M� Dyneon� PTFE Powder TF 1750, Product Data Sheet, Dyneon, www.dyneon.eu; July 2013. 12. 3M� Dyneon� PTFE Powder TF 1620, Product Data Sheet, Dyneon, www.dyneon.eu; July 2013. 13. 3M� Dyneon� PTFE Powder TF 1641, Product Data Sheet, Dyneon, www.dyneon.eu; July 2013. 14. 3M� Dyneon� PTFE Powder TF 1645, Product Data Sheet, Dyneon, www.dyneon.eu; July 2013. 15. 3M� Dyneon� PTFE Powder TFM 1700, Product Data Sheet, Dyneon, www.dyneon.eu; July 2013. 16. 3M� Dyneon� PTFE Powder TFM 1705, Product Data Sheet, Dyneon, www.dyneon.eu; July 2013. 17. 3M� Dyneon� PTFE Powder TFM 1600, Product Data Sheet, Dyneon, www.dyneon.eu; July 2013. 18. 3M� Dyneon� PTFE Powder TFM 1630, Product Data Sheet, Dyneon, www.dyneon.eu; July 2013. 19. 3M� Dyneon� PTFE Powder TFR 1502, Product Data Sheet, Dyneon, www.dyneon.eu; July 2013. 20. 3M� Dyneon� PTFE Powder TFR 1105, Dyneon� Polytetrafluoroethylene Product Comparison Guide, Dyneon, Pub No 98-0504- 2001-1; March 2007. 21. Daikin Polyflon� PTFE Molding Powders, Product Information, 4.13.100, www.Daikin- America.com; 2013. 22. ALGOFLON�F 5 Polytetrafluoroethylene, Technical Data Sheet, Solvay Corp, www.Solvay. com; 2013. 23. ALGOFLON�F 5S Polytetrafluoroethylene, Technical Data Sheet, Solvay Corp, www.Solvay. com; 2013. 24. ALGOFLON�F 7 Polytetrafluoroethylene, Technical Data Sheet, Solvay Corp, www.Solvay. com; 2013. 25. ALGOFLON� S121 Polytetrafluoroethylene, Technical Data Sheet, Solvay Corp, www.Solvay. com; 2013. 26. PTFE and PTFECompounds, HalopolymerCorp, www.Halopolymer.com; 2014. 27. ChenGuang Research Institute of Chemical Industry, www.chenguang-chemi.com; 2014. 28. Zhejiang Juhua Co, www.juhua.com; April 2014. 29. Shanghai 3F NewMaterial Company, www.sh3f. com; January 2014. 30. Fuxin Heng Tong Fluorine Chemicals Co., www. htfluo.us; January 2014. 31. Shandong Dongyue Granular PTFE, http:// sdccl01.en.china.cn; April 2014. 32. Jiangsu Meilan Chemical Co., www. ChinaMeilan.com; 2014. 33. Zhejiang Jusheng Fluorochemical Co., www. JushengChem.com; 2014. 34. Shandong Huafu Fluoro-Chemical Co., http://en. sdflon.com; 2014. 35. FluoronChemicals, www.sinofluoron.com; 2014. 36. Inoflon� Polytetrafluoroethylene Resins, Inoflon� 610, Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited, www.inoflon.com; 2014. 37. Inoflon� Polytetrafluoroethylene Resins, Inoflon� 630, Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited, www.inoflon.com; 2014. 38. Inoflon� Polytetrafluoroethylene Resins, Inoflon� 640, Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited, www.inoflon.com; 2014. 39. Inoflon� Polytetrafluoroethylene Resins, Inoflon� 210, Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited, www.inoflon.com; 2014. 40. Inoflon� Polytetrafluoroethylene Resins, Inoflon� 220, Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited, www.inoflon.com; 2014. 41. Inoflon� Polytetrafluoroethylene Resins, Inoflon� 230, Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited, www.inoflon.com; 2014. 42. a. Inoflon� Polytetrafluoroethylene Resins, Inoflon� 510, Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited, www.inoflon.com; 2014. b. Inoflon� Polytetrafluoroethylene Resins, Inoflon� 515, Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited, www.inoflon.com; 2014. 43. Inoflon� Polytetrafluoroethylene Resins, Inoflon� 690, Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited, www.inoflon.com; 2014. 44. Inoflon� Polytetrafluoroethylene Resins, Inoflon� 695, Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited, www.inoflon.com; 2014. 45. Inoflon� Polytetrafluoroethylene Resins, Inoflon� 290, Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited, www.inoflon.com; 2014. 9: COMMERCIAL GRADES OF FLUOROPOLYMERS 175 46. Inoflon� Polytetrafluoroethylene Resins, Inoflon� 295, Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited, www.inoflon.com; 2014. 47. Fluon� Polytetrafluoroethylene Granular Poly- mers, Asahi Glass Company, www.agcce.com/ GradeRangePDFs/GranPoly.pdf; 2014. 48. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE DISP 30, Fluoroplastic Resin, PTFE aqueous dispersion, Publication No. K-25656; April 2013. 49. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE DISP 33, Fluoroplastic Resin, PTFE aqueous dispersion, Publication No. K-25656; April 2013. 50. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE DISP 35, Fluoroplastic Resin, PTFE aqueous dispersion, Publication No. K-25656; April 2013. 51. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE DISP 335D, Fluoro- plastic Resin, PTFE aqueous dispersion, Publi- cation No. K-25656; April 2013. 52. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE DISP 40, Fluoroplastic Resin, PTFE aqueous dispersion, Publication No. K-25656; April 2013. 53. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE DISP FEPD 121, Fluo- roplastic Resin, PTFE aqueous dispersion, Publication No. K-25656; April 2013. 54. Fluon� Polytetrafluoroethylene Aqueous Dispersion Polymers www.agcce.com/ GradeRangePDFs/CoagDispPoly.pdf; 2014. 55. 3M� Dyneon� PTFE Dispersion TF 5033Z, Technical Information, Dyneon, www.dyneon. eu; 2011. 56. 3M� Dyneon� PTFE Dispersion TF 5035Z, Technical Information, Dyneon, www.dyneon. eu; 2011. 57. 3M� Dyneon� PTFE Dispersion TF 5041GZ, Technical Information, Dyneon, www.dyneon. eu; 2011. 58. 3M� Dyneon� PTFE Dispersion TF 5041Z, Technical Information, Dyneon, www.dyneon. eu; 2011. 59. 3M� Dyneon� PTFE Dispersion TF 5050Z, Technical Information, Dyneon, www.dyneon. eu; 2011. 60. 3M� Dyneon� PTFE Dispersion TF 5060Z, Technical Information, Dyneon, www.dyneon. eu; 2011. 61. 3M� Dyneon� PTFE Dispersion TF 5070Z, Technical Information, Dyneon, www.dyneon. eu; 2011. 62. Daikin Polyflon� PTFE Aqueous Dispersions, Product Information, 4.13.100, www.Daikin- America.com; 2013. 63. Solvay Solexis Dispersion, www.solvayplastics. com/sites/solvayplastics/EN/specialty_polymers /Pages/solvay-specialty-polymers.aspx; 2014. 64. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE 6CX Fluoroplastic Resin, PTFE Fine Powder, Product Information, K-25824; April 2013. 65. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE 6CNX Fluoroplastic Resin, PTFE Fine Powder, Product Information, K-24268; April 2013. 66. DuPont� Teflon�PTFE60XFluoroplastic Resin, PTFE Fine Powder, Product Information, K-26439; April 2013. 67. DuPont� Teflon�PTFE62XFluoroplastic Resin, PTFE Fine Powder, Product Information, K- 24271; April 2013. 68. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE 62NX Fluoroplastic Resin, PTFE Fine Powder, Product Information, K-24269; April 2013. 69. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE 62XTX Fluoroplastic Resin, PTFE Fine Powder, Product Information, K-24270; April 2013. 70. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE 601X Fluoroplastic Resin, PTFE Fine Powder, Product Information, K-26440; April 2013. 71. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE 605XTX Fluoroplastic Resin, PTFE Fine Powder, Product Information, K-24254; April 2013. 72. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE 613AX Fluoroplastic resin, PTFE Fine Powder, Product Information, K-26442; April 2013. 73. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE 640XTX Fluoroplastic Resin, PTFE Fine Powder, Product Information, K-25880; April 2013. 74. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE 669X Fluoroplastic Resin, PTFE Fine Powder, Product Information, K-26104; April 2013. 75. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE 669NX Fluoroplastic resin, PTFE Fine Powder, Product Information, K-24253; April 2013. 76. DuPont� Teflon� PTFE CFP-6000X Fluoro- plastic resin, PTFE Fine Powder, Product Infor- mation, K-26132; April 2013. 77. Fluon� Polytetrafluoroethylene Coagulated Dispersion Polymers, www.agcce.com/ GradeRangePDFs/CoagDispPoly.pdf; 2014. 176 FLUOROPLASTICS, VOLUME 1 78. 3M� Dyneon� TF 2021 Z PTFE, General Purpose PTFE Fine Powder for Paste Extru- sion, Preliminary Technical Information; April 2009. 79. 3M� Dyneon� TF 2025 Z PTFE, PTFE Fine Powder for Paste Extrusion, Preliminary Tech- nical Information; April 2009. 80. 3M� Dyneon� TF 2029 Z PTFE, PTFE Fine Powder for Paste Extrusion, Preliminary Tech- nical Information; April 2009. 81. 3M� Dyneon� TF 2035 Z PTFE Fine Powder, Product Data Sheet; July 2013. 82. 3M� Dyneon� TF 2053 Z, PTFEFine Powder for Tubing, Technical Information; August 2009. 83. 3M� Dyneon� TF 2071 Z, PTFE Fine Powder, Product Data Sheet; July 2013. 84. 3M� Dyneon� TF 2072 Z, PTFEFine Powder for Thin-Wall Tubing and Wire and Cable Applica- tions, Technical Information; August 2009. 85. 3M� Dyneon� TF 2073 Z, PTFEFine Powder for Micro Tubing, Technical Information; August 2009. 86. 3M� Dyneon� TFM� Modified PTFE Fine Powder TFM 2001Z, Product Data Sheet; July 2013. 87. 3M� Dyneon� TFM� Modified PTFE Fine Powder TFM 2033Z, Product Data Sheet; July 2013. 88. 3M� Dyneon� TFM� Modified PTFE Fine Powder TFM 2070Z, Product Data Sheet; July 2013. 89. Daikin Polyflon� PTFE Fine Powders, Product Information, 4.13.100, www.Daikin-America. com; 2013. 90. Solvay Solexis Fine Powder, www.solvayplastics. com/sites/solvayplastics/EN/specialty_polymers/ Pages/solvay-specialty-polymers.aspx; 2014. 91. Honeywell Corp, www.honeywell-aclar.com; January 2014. 92. Voltalef� PCTFE Technical Brochure, published by Arkema Corp, www.voltalef.com; May 10, 2004. 93. Daikin Neoflon� PCTFE, www.daikin.com/chm/ products/resin/resin_05.html; 2014. 94. Aclon� 3100 Honeywell Product Info; January 2006. 95. Aclon� 3280 Honeywell Product Info; January 2006. 96. Aclon� 1090 Honeywell Product Info; July 2005. Commercial Grades of Fluoropolymers Introduction Granular PTFE PTFE Dispersions Fine Powder PTFE Polychlorotrifluoroethylene Polymers References


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