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1. 1Parason…..the Refining People 2. FINE BAR TECHNOLOGY IN REFINING SYSTEM FOR PULP & PAPER INDUSTRY BY SHEKHAR DESARADAPARASON MACHINERY (I) PVT. LTD. AURANGABAD, INDIA 2 3. Abstract:• Refining plays an important role in stock preparation as well as throughput - the complete paper making process.• Next to raw material selection, it has the greatest influence on final product quality.• The new finer bar width and narrower grooves, resulting in increased cutting edge length (CEL).• The finer bar design secures a reduction in specific edge load (SEL) and total power.• Obtain optimum strength properties with low intensity refining for Hardwood & Recycled fiber 3 Parason…..the Refining People 4. Purpose of Refining:• Brings product properties within specifications.• Improve runnability on Paper Machine.• Change of Pulp properties• More strength properties: Tensile strength, Internal bond.• Surface properties: Smoothness, porosity.• Other important properties: Formation, Bulk. 4 Parason…..the Refining People 5. Fibre treatment is predominantlycarried out by the EDGE of thebar as under 5 Parason…..the Refining People 6. Primary Refining Effects:• Removes Primary Wall.• Internal Fibrillation and Cell Wall de-lamination.• External Fibrillation.• Fibre Cutting (Fibre Length reduction).• Creation of fines. 6 Parason…..the Refining People 7. Structure of fibre: W a r ty la y e r T e r tia r y w a ll (T ) (a fe w la m in a e ) Lum en In n e r la y e r (S 2) o f T h in la m in a s e c o n d a r y w a ll b e tw e e n (n o la m in a e e x c e p t T a n d S 2 la y e r s a fte r p u lp in g ) S 2 fib r il a n g le O u te r la y e r (S 1) o r not over 30 s e c o n d a r y w a ll (m a n y la m in a e T h in la m in a 5 0 - 9 0 to a x is ) b e tw e e nS 1 a n d S 2 la y e r s P r im a r y w a ll (P ) (a fe w la m in a e ) M id d le la m e lla P it 7 Parason…..the Refining People 8. External FibrillationFibril Angle: Parason…..the Refining People 8 9. Secondary Layer/Fibrils: Parason…..the Refining People 9 10. Internal De-lamination:Forces applied onthe fibre by the barsof Stator & Rotor inRefiner cause fibrilsto move relative toeach other, breakingbonds and thuscausing fibre delamination.Fibre delaminationcontributes to otherchanges in the fibresuch as swelling and 10 increased flexibility. Parason…..the Refining People 11. How fibre bonding really works!: 11 Parason…..the Refining People 12. Influence of beating on coarse & fine fibres: 12 Parason…..the Refining People 13. in m ic r o n s d ia m e te r Typical Fibre Dimensions: 42 38 F ib r e 30 28 4 .0 2 .7 2 .2 1 .6 W a ll th ic k n e s s in m ic r o n sF ib r e le n g th in m illim e tr e s 4 .0 3 .0 2 .0 1 .0 0 .0 C o a s ta l H e m lo c k S p ru c e / W e s te rn D o u g la s F ir P in e Red Cedar 13 " W e ig h t w e ig h te d le n g th s m e a s u r e d b y K a ja a n i F S 2 0 0 " Parason…..the Refining People 14. in m ic r o n s d ia m e te r Typical Fibre Dimensions: 35 F ib r e 32 28 25 16 2 .9 2 .1 2 .2 3 .5 3 .4 W a ll th ic k n e s s in m ic r o n sF ib r e le n g th in m illim e tr e s 4 .0 3 .0 2 .0 1 .0 0 .0 S c a n d in a v ia n L o d g e p o le W h ite B ir c h E u c a ly p tu s P in e P in e S p ru c e (T y p ic a l) " W e ig h t w e ig h te d le n g th s m e a s u r e d b y K a ja a n i F S 2 0 0 " 14 Parason…..the Refining People 15. Spruce Hand sheet: 15 Parason…..the Refining People 16. Utilization of Fine Bar Plates:(Low Intensity Refining Plates)1. Raw Materials : a. Hardwood b. ONP, Magazines, Note Book, Records, MOW etc., (Only white grade papers)2. Paper Grade: • Newsprint, Writing & Printing, Tissue, Posters, Colour Papers & Duplex Board for top layer (white). 16 Parason…..the Refining People 17. Recycled fibres: • Recycled paper is a valuable source of fibre for the paper and board industry. • Recycled fibre has already been Refined and dried once or more. • Recycled fiber must be refined gently to avoid excessive Fines generation and Fibre damage. 17 Parason…..the Refining People 18. Recycled Fibers:•It is Desirable to : Regenerate the Swelling and Bonding Ability of Fibers.•It is not Desirable to: Shorten the Fibers Weaken the Fibers Increase the De- watering Resistance. Reduce the Bulk.•If not refined in a correct way the resultcan be disastrous. 18 Parason…..the Refining People 19. Refined with Low Intensity Plate: 19 Parason…..the Refining People 20. Low Intensity Refining:• At the present scenario in paper industries, usage of Recycled (white base) & Hardwood fibre are increased, so paper industries are compelled to go for “low intensity refining”.• Hardwood & Recycled fiber (White base) have shorter and thinner fibers than softwood pulps, and resistance against refining load is much lower.• The gentle refining action increases the specific surface area of the fibers by fibrillating their outer surface, leading to greater strength development. 20 Parason…..the Refining People 21. 21Parason…..the21 Refining Peop 22. Low Intensity Refining :• The technological results and cost of refining depend on the refining intensity, in other wards “Specific Edge Load” (SEL)• While refining under low intensity, there are two possibilities: (a) Reduce refining power. (b) Increase cutting edge length (CEL). 22 Parason…..the Refining People 23. Low Intensity Refining:•Large number of bar edges crossingpoints, there are more chances of retainingshort fiber material on the bar edges,treating it in the refining zone.•Thicker fiber mat between the plates(more fiber-to-fiber interaction) increasethe treatment of number of fibers.•“Low” intensity causes more internalfibrillation &“High” intensity causesexternal fibrillation. 23 Parason…..the Refining People 24. SEL is the Energy applied to Fibersfrom the Rotor Edge to the Stator Edge Parason…..the Refining People 25. Pt(kW) - Po(kW) SEL(Ws/m) = CEL(Km) x n(r/s)Pt : Total Power (Kw)Po : No Load Power (Kw)n : Rotating speed (rps)CEL : Cutting Edge Length (Km/rev) = Zr x Zst x LZr : no. of rotor barsZst : no. of stator barL : Average length of one bar Parason…..the Refining People 26. Low Intensity Refining:•Each impact on the fibers makes moregentle, so the applied power isdistributed over more bar edges.•The gentle refining action increases thespecific surface area of the fibers byfibrillating their outer surface, leading togreater strength development.•In hardwood chemical pulps, fasterchange in drainage (freeness, SR) for agiven amount of applied energy. 26 Parason…..the Refining People 27. Low Intensity Refining:•Length of fibre is preserved, and fiberdamage is minimized which makes lessamount of bulk loss while refining.•Better fiber mat formation in therefining zone, Wider gap between therotor and stator refiner plates, less plate-to-plate contact which leads to reductionin applied power. This helps to reducethe size of “Disc diameter” 27 Parason…..the Refining People 28. Model-TDR-24”,Connected Power-300 kW ;No Load Power- 100kW; RPM – 720 Our Bar Pattern C.E.L S.E.LPA No. (WxG) (km/sec) (ws/m)4579 5x5 62.0 2.74579-F 4x4 93.6 (51%) 1.84579-G 2.8x3.3 170.4(175%) 1.04579-V 2.5x3 216.0(248%) 0.784579-W 2x3 248.0(300%) 0.684579-X 1.5x3 303.1(489%) 0.56 29. REFINING INTENSITY(SEL) Vs ENERGY(PARASON - TDR-24” Refiner )(Ref. IPPTA Journal, Volume 20, Number-1, Jan-Mar. 2008) 4.0 REFINING INTENSITY (Ws/m) 3.0 CEL – 82.4 km/sec) (5x5) 2.0 1.0 CEL – 227.2 km/sec) (2.8x3.3) 0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 SPECIFIC ENERGY – kWh/ oSR/MT 29 Parason…..the Refining People 30. FREENESS Vs NET ENERGY(PARASON - TDR-24” Refiner ) 10.0 FINE BAR (227.2 km/sec) 8.0 FREENESS (Degree SR) CONVENTIONAL (82.4km/sec) 6.0 4.0 2.0 0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 SPECIFIC ENERGY – kWh/ OSR/MT 30(Ref. IPPTA Journal, Volume 20, Number-1, Jan-Mar. 2008) Parason…..the Refining People 31. Low Intensity Refiner Plates: Advantage LimitBar width • CEL •Fillings • Refiner efficiency material • CEL • PluggingGroove width • Refiner efficiency • Through- put • LifetimeBar height • No-load power •Through- put 31 Parason…..the Refining People 32. TYPE OF FIBER S.E.L• SOFTWOOD - 1.5 – 6.0 Ws/m• HARDWOOD - 0.2 – 0.8 Ws/m• RECYCLED FIBER (White) - 0.4 – 2.0 Ws/m• RECYCLED FIBER (Kraft) – 2.0 – 4.0 Ws/m• POST REFINING OF MECHANICAL PULP - 0.7 – 1.5 Ws/m• REJECT REFINING IN CHEMICAL PULP MILL – 0.5 – 2.0 Ws/m 32 Parason…..the Refining People 33. PULP GRADE SPECIFIC ENERGY• SOFTWOOD - 60 – 250kWh/t• HARDWOOD - 20 – 80kWh/t• RECYCLED FIBER - 20 – 100kWh/t• POST REFINING OF MECHANICAL PULP - 30 – 80kWh/t• REJECT REFINING IN CHEMICAL PULP MILL – 50 – 100kWh/t 33 Parason…..the Refining People 34. Benefits of Low Intensity Refining :• Improved Tensile strength and Porosity at a given Bulk & drainage.• Increase Bulk with same smoothness & drainage.• Improve Pick resistance of Harwood vessel segments.• Reduce energy requirements to achieve targeted specifications.• Greater Shive reduction at a given drainage in mechanical pulp. 34 Parason…..the Refining People 35. Low Intensity Refining Benefits: • 18 – 30% higher tear, 10% higher Tensile and twice the long fiber content. • 23 – 27% energy savings. • Produces the highest degree of fibrillation and therefore a better bonding pulp. 35 Parason…..the Refining People 36. Case Study:(Ref. IPPTA Journal, Volume 20, Number-1, Jan-Mar. 2008)Ballarpur Industries Ltd., Yamuna Nagar (Haryana) Parameters New Parason TDR New Parason TDR with with Tackle PA 4579 GDisc Size, inches Tackle24 4579 PA 24Motor rating, kW 350 350Bar Pattern in mm 5 x 5 x 10 x 5 2.8 x 3.3 x 8 x 10Cutting edge length, km/rev 5.15 14.2Cutting edge length, km/sec 82.4 227.2Max. Load, Kw 320 320No load, kW 140 140Net load, kW 180 180Specific edge load, Ws/m 2.18 0.79o SR rise 6 10Pulp flow, MT/hr 3.0 3.0SEC, kWh/oSR/MT 10.0 6.0 36 Parason…..the Refining People 37. Case Study: Ballarpur Industries Ltd., Yamuna Nagar.Comparative Refining Performance: Parameters Normal After New Refiner PM-1 PM-2 Draw:3.0M Draw: T/hr 3.5-4.0 MT/hr PM-1&2 PM-1 PM-2Refiner DDR2 DDR3 TDR NEW TDR DDR NEW TDRInitial oSR 18 18 18 18 18 18Final oSR 28 28 28 28 28 28o SR rise 10 10 10 10 10 10Avg. load, kW 175 184 124 320 124 309Total load kW 483 320 433Avg. draw, MT/hr 3.5 3.0 3.5Power Consumption, 138 107 124kWh/MTPower Saving, kWh/ 14 – 31 kWh/MT of PaperMT Net Saving Approx. = Rs. 19.0 lacs/annum 37 Parason…..the Refining People 38. •PARASON’S R & D ALWAYS TRYS TO INDUCTNEW DEVELOPED ITEMS KEEPING IN MIND TOGIVE EFFICIENT & FRUITFUL SUPPORT TO THEIRVALUABLE CLIENTS OF PULP & PAPER INDUSTRIES.•THE UNTAINTED SUPPORT FROM THE CLIENTSINDUCED PARASON TO DEVELOP NEW “FINE &SUPER FINE BAR PATTERNS HAVING 2.0 & 1.5mmBAR WIDTH.•THIS NEW DEVELOPED PATTERN GIVES MORE BARLENGTH, ULTIMATELY LESS SPECIFIC EDGE LOAD.•THIS, IN TURN WILL HELP OUR VALUED CLIENTS BY 38 WAY OF CONSIDERABLE POWER SAVING. Parason…..the Refining People 39. Parason New Fine Bar Patterns:TDR Bar CEL SELModel Pattern No. Details (Km/sec) (Ws/m) (W x G) 17” PA – 4003-V 2.5x3 83.7 0.74 PA– 4003-W 2x3 97.8 0.63 21” PA – 2527-V 2.5x3 153.3 0.73 PA– 2527-W 2x3 183.3 0.61 24” PA-4579-V 2.5x3 216.0 0.78 PA-4579-W 2x3 248.0 0.6839 Parason…..the Refining People 40. Parason New Super Fine BarPatterns:TDR Bar CEL SELModel Pattern No. Details (Km/sec) (Ws/m) (W x G) 17” PA-4003- X 1.5x3 123.2 0.50 21” PA-2527- X 1.5x3 224.0 0.50 24” PA–4579-X 1.5x3 303.1 0.56 40 Parason…..the Refining People 41. PARASON can develop theRefiner Plate with SEL in therange of 0.5 to 1.0 Ws/m forwhich we expect full support fromour valued clients of Pulp &Paper Industry. Technical feedback & co-operation solicited to gain theresults by using Low IntensityRefiner Plates. 41 Parason…..the Refining People 42. Summary:Fiber refining plays a vital role inpaper making process. Betterunderstanding and applying in aproper way & correct knowledge,better runnability of paper machineand high quality paper at reasonablecost can be achieved. 42 Parason…..the Refining People 43. Conclusion:Refiner operation with Hardwood &Secondary Fibre (white grade) shouldbe at low specific edge loads below 1.0Ws/m (low intensity refining). Plates should have high cutting edgelength, the final result is optimumstrength and optical properties, higherrefiner efficiency and low specificrefining energies. 43 Parason…..the Refining People 44. REFINING…. OUR RESOURCESTHANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! 44 Parason…..the Refining People


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