Final research paper of mgt321

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NORTH SOUTH UNIVERSITY School Of Business SUMMER 2012 RESEARCH PAPER ON ATTITUDES AFFECTING JOB SATISFACTION (APEX ADELCHI FOOTWEAR LIMITED) ORGANIZATION BEHAVIOR MGT321 Section 05 Submitted to – Jasim Uddin (JDN) Submitted by: Name ID Md. Jahir Shah 1010 830 030 Md. Rakib Hossain 0920 229 030 Asma Akhter 0635 720 30 Iraj Ahmed Siddiqui 0920 280 030 Toufiq Asif Rahman 0930 379 030 Md. Rakib Siddiqui 0920 189 530 Submission Date - 9th July, 2012 Letter of Transmittal 9th July, 2012 Jasim Uddin (JDN) Lecturer, School of Business, North South University, Dhaka. Dear Sir, We have successfully completed our group research entitled “attitudes affecting job satisfaction” as requirements for partial fulfillment of the course MGT321. This research is a summary of our findings from the organization in Bangladesh named, Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited (AAFL). We hope it will enhance our future critical thinking about various organization behavior practices and establish a theoretical and practical baseline regarding the course. To work on this research was approved by you on June 25th, 2012. We have completed the research on schedule and met all your proposed objectives within the allotted time. The contents of this research concentrate on everything as per outline. We have tried our level best to include all the relevant theoretical framework, critical analysis, application of knowledge and practice base evidence. If you have any questions or queries regarding the contents of the research; we would be grateful to receive your advice. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to have a practical knowledge about an organization which follows various modern Organization Behavior (OB) concepts. We are looking forward to work under your honorable supervision in our future courses. Thanking you, Sincerely ----------------- --------------------- ----------------------- Jahir Shah Md. Rakib Hossain Asma Akhter ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ Iraj Ahmed Siddiqui Toufiq Asif Rahman Md. Rakib Siddiqui Acknowledgement No study can be completed without the support of the employees of the organization where it is conducted; more so when the job satisfaction and attrition rate of the employees is the primary focus. Unconditional assistance and uninterrupted cooperation from our previous subordinates, co-workers and friends in different organization in which we have experience, are vital for our recent study. This study would not have taken its present shape in the absence of openness and readiness to share their insights, judgment and views of the employees of the organization. Our special thanks to our honorable faculty member Jasim Uddin (JDN) for his support and guidance at various stages of the project starting from its inception. We would also like to thank Mr. Md. Mominul Ahsan, General Manager (HRM), AAFL; he gave us idea of the Apex Adelchi footwear industry and their present economic situation. This project has really been an experience which gave us the insight of the work culture in Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited and reasons for attrition rate prevailing in the industry. Executive Summary We have done our research on the Apex Adelchi Footwear (Apex Footwear) Limited, in which we are trying to find out the level of job satisfaction of the employees working in the industry and their attrition rate. Job satisfaction shows how content the employee is with his/her job. It is a person’s evaluation of his or her job and work context. Job satisfaction depends upon various factors like Job Content, the supervisor, career opportunities in the company, salary, promotion and other incentives and benefits which a employee can draw from the industry, working condition the environment of the company and the sub ordinates with which an employee works. Salary is one of the factors which affect job satisfaction; the level of satisfaction also depends upon the attitude of the person. People having negative attitude towards their job are generally not satisfied with their job irrespective of their promotion, working environment and salary which they are offered. The easiest way to express dissatisfaction is to leave the organization; this increases the turnover rate of the employees in an organization and increases the attrition rate. Some other ways to express dissatisfaction is to raise voice and attempts to improve the situation, passively wait for conditions to improve and the other is to neglect the situation making it worse. Job satisfaction goes hand in hand with productivity. The responses to the survey have been quantified by assigning weights to answers. On performing the regression analysis on the factors affecting intention to quit (and hence attrition) it was found that work compensation work quality and work environment are the three factors – work compensation, work quality and work environment that contribute the most to intention to quit (and hence to attrition). Table of Contents Definition of Job Satisfaction.................................................................................1 Objective of the Study............................................................................................3 Detailed Analysis for factors considered................................................................3 Models of Job Satisfaction......................................................................................4  Job Characteristics Model.......................................................................................5 Relationships and Practical Implications.................................................................5 Work Environment.................................................................................................5 Compensation.........................................................................................................6 Work Quality..........................................................................................................7 Organizational Commitment....................................................................................7 Methodology (Brief Profile of the Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited).....................10 Employee Relationship……………………….......................................................11  Method of Research……………...........................................................................11 Methodology of Survey…….................................................................................12 Survey Questions and Responses..........................................................................13 Results……….......................................................................................................25 Recommendation..................................................................................................26 Conclusion...........................................................................................................26 References............................................................................................................27 Questionnaire........................................................................................................28 Definition of Job Satisfaction Many authors give a variety of definitions of job satisfaction. Some definitions of job satisfaction are given below: “Job satisfaction does not seem to reduce absence, turnover and perhaps accident rates”. -Robert L. Kahn “Job satisfaction is defined as a pleasurable, emotional, state resulting from appraisal of one’s job. An affective reaction to one’s job.” -Weiss “Job satisfaction is a general attitude towards one’s job: the difference between the amount of reward workers receive and the amount they believe they should receive.” -Stephen P. Robbins Job satisfaction defines as “The amount of overall positive affect (or feeling) that individuals have toward their jobs.” -Hugh J. Arnold and Daniel C. Feldman “Job satisfaction is the amount of pleasure or contentment associated with a job. If you like your job intensely, you will experience high job satisfaction. If you dislike your job intensely, you will experience job dissatisfaction.” Andrew J DuBrins, “Job satisfaction is general attitude, which is the result of many specific attitudes in three areas namely: Specific job factors Individual characteristics Group relationship outside the job.” -Blum and Naylor 1 “Job satisfaction is defined as “any contribution, psychological, physical, and environmental circumstances that cause a person truthfully say, ‘I am satisfied with my job.”“Job satisfaction is defined, as employee’s judgment of how well his job on a whole is satisfying his various needs.” -Mr. Smith 2 Objective of the Study The research has been undertaken with following objectives. · To study the level of job satisfaction among the employees of Apex Adelchi footwear limited · To understand the organization’s behavioral environment and employee relationship with the management · To study the factors affecting job satisfaction in the Apex Adelchi footwear limited Detailed Analysis for Factors Considered Job Satisfaction Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job. The happier people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be. Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly linked. Job design aims to enhance job satisfaction and performance; methods include job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment. Other influences on satisfaction include the management style and culture, employee involvement, empowerment and autonomous work position. Definition: Job satisfaction has been defined as a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job; an affective reaction to one’s job; and an attitude towards one’s job. Weiss (2002) has argued that job satisfaction is an attitude but points out that researchers should clearly distinguish the objects of cognitive evaluation which are affect (emotion), beliefs and behaviors. This definition suggests that we form attitudes towards our jobs by taking into account our feelings, our beliefs, and our behaviors. 3 Models of Job Satisfaction Affect Theory  Edwin A. Locke’s Range of Affect Theory (1976) is arguably the most famous job satisfaction model. The main premise of this theory is that satisfaction is determined by a discrepancy between what one wants in a job and what one has in a job. Further, the theory states that how much one value a given facet of work (e.g. the degree of autonomy in a position) moderate show satisfied/dissatisfied one becomes when expectations are/aren’t met. Dispositional Theory  Another well-known job satisfaction theory is the Dispositional Theory. It is a very general theory that suggests that people have innate dispositions that cause them to have tendencies toward a certain level of satisfaction, regardless of one’s job. This approach became a notable explanation of job satisfaction in light of evidence that job satisfaction tends to be stable over time and across careers and jobs. Research also indicates that identical twins have similar levels of job satisfaction. Two-Factor Theory (Motivator-Hygiene Theory) Frederick Herzberg’s two factor theory (also known as Motivator Hygiene Theory) attempts to explain satisfaction and motivation in the workplace. This theory states that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are driven by different factors – motivation and hygiene factors, respectively. An employee’s motivation to work is continually related to job satisfaction of a subordinate. Motivation can be seen as an inner force that drives individuals to attain personal and organizational goals. Motivating factors are those aspects of the job that make people want to perform, and provide people with satisfaction, for example achievement in work, recognition, promotion opportunities. These motivating factors are considered to be intrinsic to the job, or the work carried out. Hygiene factors include aspects of the working environment such as pay, company policies, supervisory practices, and other working conditions. 4  Job Characteristics Model Hackman & Oldham proposed the Job which is widely used as a framework to study how particular job characteristics impact on job outcomes, including job satisfaction. The model states that there are five core job characteristics (skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback) which impact three critical psychological states (experienced meaningfulness, experienced responsibility for outcomes, and knowledge of the actual results), in turn influencing work outcomes (job satisfaction, absenteeism, work motivation, etc.). The five core job characteristics can be combined to form a motivating potential score (MPS) for a job, which can be used as an index of how likely a job is to affect an employee's attitudes and behaviors. Relationships and Practical Implications Job Satisfaction can be an important indicator of how employees feel about their jobs and a predictor of work behaviors such as organizational citizenship, absenteeism, and turnover. Further, job satisfaction can partially mediate the relationship of personality variables and deviant work behaviors. One common research finding is that job satisfaction is correlated with life satisfaction. This correlation is reciprocal, meaning people who are satisfied with life tend to be satisfied with their job and people who are satisfied with their job tend to be satisfied with life. However, some research has found that job satisfaction is not significantly related to life satisfaction when other variables such as non-work satisfaction and core self-evaluations are taken into account. Work Environment A work environment can be identified as the place that one works. i.e. - in an office building in a cube, at home at the kitchen table, from a car or truck, at a construction site. All are work environments. We tend, however, to hear about "healthy work environments." This can point to other factors in the work environment, such as co-workers, air quality, ergonomic seating, management (the boss!), child care, parking, noise, and even the size of one's cube. 5 A work environment doesn't require a job. It requires that work has to be done in some place. Say you need to do homework. Where do you do it? At school in study hall? At your kitchen table? On the floor at a friend's house? These can also be considered work environments. Creating a Positive Work Environment An effective work environment is vital to the success of small businesses and large corporations alike. When problems remain unsolved and rules never get implemented, the result can be an unproductive staff and a stale work environment. People working together with a common denominator will accomplish tasks with greater ease and have higher expectations of themselves and their work. (Success and passion) A positive work environment is critical no matter how many employees you have. It is management that fosters the work atmosphere so they are responsible for conducting things in a way that helps raise people's spirits. There are four basic beliefs: •Hope •Trust •Pleasure •Opportunity Compensation With the technological developments taking place at a higher rate, the salary packages are too increasing at a much higher rate. Pay packages in Bangladesh have witnessed an increase of more than 14% in 2011 over last year’s salary packages. The compensation package comprises of monetary and non-monetary benefits that includes salary, special allowances, house rent allowance, travel allowance, mobile allowance, employee stock options, club memberships, accommodations, retirement benefits and other benefits. Globalization is being considered as the cause for such salary hikes. The establishment of multi-national companies and privatization has led the Bangladeshi footwear industry to witness higher salary package. 6 With the immense competition of attracting and retaining talented human resource, compensation package is the only motivation factor available with the organizations be it Bangladeshi origin organizations or foreign-owned multinationals. With the high attrition rate organizations are increasing their salary packages to attract and retain talented human resource. Work Quality Work quality is basically how an employee perceives the quality of work that he does and how fulfilling is it for the higher needs of the employee i.e. of self actualization. Factors on which work quality depends, Employee participation: How involved is he in the overall management of his work. How of responsibility and freedom he/she is being given. Employee participation as a workplace strategy Information sharing: How much of the information about the projects, company etc is shared with the employee. Receiving feedback on your work: does he get proper feedback for his effort, basic recognition of his work for further motivation and enhancement. Skill use: How much he is able to use his skill sets in his work. Or does his work gives no scope for using his skills to him. Opportunities for skills development: What opportunity does his work offers to him to further enhance his knowledge and improve his skill sets? Workplace training: whether he is being given proper training for the job he has to do. Organizational Commitment Organizational commitment is the psychological attachment of an employee to an organization. Model of commitment According to Meyer and Allen's (1991) three-component model of commitment, prior research indicated that there are three "mind sets" which can characterize an employee's commitment to the organization: 7 Affective Commitment: AC is defined as the employee's positive emotional attachment to the organization. An employee who is affectively committed strongly identifies with the goals of the organization and desires to remain a part of the organization. This employee commits to the organization because he/she "wants to". In developing this concept, Meyer and Allen drew largely on Mow day, Porter, and Steers's (1982) concept of commitment, which in turn drew on earlier work by Kanter (1968). Continuance Commitment: The individual commits to the organization because he/she perceives high costs of losing organizational membership (cf. Becker's 1960 "side bet theory"), including economic costs (such as pension accruals) and social costs (friendship ties with co-workers) that would be incurred. The employee remains a member of the organization because he/she "has to". Normative Commitment: The individual commits to and remains with an organization because of feelings of obligation. These feelings may derive from many sources. For example, the organization may have invested resources in training an employee who then feels a 'moral' obligation to put forth effort on the job and stay with the organization to 'repay the debt.' It may also reflect an internalized norm, developed before the person joins the organization through family or other socialization processes, that one should be loyal to one’s organization. The employee stays with the organization because he/she "ought to”. TYPES · Intellectual Commitment (full) · Emotional Commitment (full) · Financial Commitment (phased) 8 Guidelines to Enhance Organizational Commitment There are five guidelines which help to enhance organizational commitment. 1) Commit to people-first values: Put it in writing, hire the right-kind managers, and walk the talk. 2) Clarify and communicate your mission: Clarify the mission and ideology; make it charismatic; use value-based hiring practices; stress values-based orientation and training; build the tradition. 3) Guarantee organizational justice: Have a comprehensive grievance procedure; provide for extensive two-way communications. 4) Community of practice: Build value-based homogeneity; share and a hare alike; emphasize barn raising, cross-utilization, and teamwork; getting people to work together. 5) Support employee development: Commit to actualizing; provide first-year job challenge; enrich and empower; promote from within; provide developmental activities; provide employees 9 Methodology Brief Profile of the Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited Apex is a leading foot wears company of Bangladesh. Apex footwear Limited, established on 4th January, 1990 Mr. Sayed Manzur Ilahi is the entrepreneur of Apex. It changes the name to Apex Adelchi footwear limited. 27th December, 2007. It is the second largest footwear company in Bangladesh. Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited is a leading manufacturer and exporter of leather footwear from Bangladesh to Japan, Western Europe and North America. Apex Adelchi was one of the first companies to start exporting value added finished leather products from Bangladesh. The company is also involved in local retail business. AAFL has strategic, technical and marketing alliances with Italy. Public listed and traded since 1993, AAFL is professionally managed, currently employees 8000 persons and is in full compliance with Corporate Governance Compliance Report under Section 2CC of the Securities Exchange Commission Notification Order. Per day production capacity is more than 20000 pairs. Apex footwear is most successful footwear company in Bangladesh. The company achieved net sales of BDT 7.8 billon in 2011. Its market share is growing fast along with the emerging middle income population of the country. 10 Employee Relationship Apex Adelchi Footwear maintains a very strong relationship among employees. It presently employs 8000 persons at various departments. In the lunch time during office hour, employees have their foods by sitting in same table. The company provides same type of food for all employees. It never differentiates any person in terms of their designations. It maintains a free flow of information among the employees. Any employee can ask any question to any middle and top level management at any time. When a person comes to another person, they give priority to that person’s need to their own task that they were performing. They deem it is discourteous to continue their own task when a person comes to them. Most of its employees believe that they are doing a business not a job. Method of Research For our research, we have formed series of questions to measure job satisfaction and reasons for attrition rate in organizations selected. The questionnaire was mainly divided into three parts. First part is to find out the factor which best represents the employee overall job satisfaction. The factors used were employee recognition, pay and benefits, and job content. Second part contained the questions regarding agreeableness of employees on different factors like Work environment, Compensation, Work quality, Organizational commitment. The above factors were considered because in general for any employee those are the main factors which contribute to both personal and professional satisfaction. From the employee’s rating on the agreeableness to different factors we can find out the level of the job satisfaction of employees in different companies and also the main reason for the attrition rate. Third part is to find out the crucial reasons for the attrition rate i.e. the main reasons for employees to make decision to quit the job. Some of the factors mentioned in questionnaire are work quality, politics in the organization, work load, compensation, and work environment. We also followed some other methods which are given below: · Literature review of the related topics. · Library research & studies. 11 · On line journal assessment & analysis about the topic. · Consulting with the general work force or employees of that organization’s root level. · Noting the important points & in formations & focused our analysis based on the data which were available during the conversation with the employees. · Class room lectures, class notes, lecture notes, relevant case studies · Real life experience & evidences with examples on the basis of theoretical & conceptual analytical frame work. · In few cases hypothetical & conceptual evaluation on the basis of availability of the current information to draw an effective conclusion. Methodology of Survey The responses to the survey have been quantified by assigning weights to answers. For instance, a “Strongly agree” in response to a question gets a weight of 4, an “Agree” gets a weight of 3, a disagree gets a weight of 2 and so on. We have formulated some hypotheses pertaining to the different factors that affect attrition in AAFL and then a regression analysis has been done to find out as to which all factors contribute significantly to attrition. The dependent variable that we have taken is Intention to quit (the question chosen is - As soon as possible I will leave this organization) which may be taken as a good representation of attrition. The independent variables (or the factors that affect intention to quit and hence attrition) are – Work compensation, organizational commitment, work quality and work environment. The following hypotheses have been formulated: 12 Variables Null Hypothesis-H0 Alternate Hypothesis – H1 Work compensation Work compensation does not contribute significantly to intention to quit Work compensation does contributes significantly to intention to quit Organizational commitment Organizational commitment does not contribute significantly to intention to quit Organizational commitment does contribute significantly to intention to quit Work quality Work quality does not contribute significantly to intention to quit Work quality does contribute significantly to intention to quit Work environment Work Environment does not contribute significantly to intention to quit Work environment does contribute significantly to intention to quit   13 Survey Questions and Responses Gender Male 81 75% Female 27 25%   DIRECTIONS: Please select the level that best represents your level of overall job satisfaction for each item below. - That your views and participation are valued? Strongly satisfied 7% Satisfied 71% Dissatisfied 16% Strongly dissatisfied 6% 14 DIRECTIONS: Please select the level that best represents your level of overall job satisfaction for each item below. - That your work gives you a feeling of personal accomplishment? Strongly satisfied 16% Satisfied 65% Dissatisfied 13% Strongly dissatisfied 13% DIRECTIONS: Please select the level that best represents your level of overall job satisfaction for each item below. - That you receive appropriate recognition for your contributions? Strongly satisfied 21% Satisfied 33% Dissatisfied 40% Strongly dissatisfied 6%   15 DIRECTIONS: Please select the level that best represents your level of overall job satisfaction for each item below. - That your compensation matches your responsibilities? Strongly satisfied 12% Satisfied 54% Dissatisfied 29% Strongly dissatisfied 6% Work environment: - I have the resources I need to do my job well Strongly agree 32% Agree 61% Disagree 3% Strongly disagree 4% 16 Work environment: - I have all the information I need to do my job effectively Strongly agree 28% Agree 58% Disagree 14% Strongly disagree 0%     Work environment: - My workplace is safe Strongly agree 56% Agree 33% Disagree 9% Strongly disagree 1% 17 Work environment: - My work climate encourages teamwork and support Strongly agree 19% Agree 49% Disagree 27% Strongly disagree 6% Compensation: - I am paid fairly for the work I do Strongly agree 6% Agree 59% Disagree 34% Strongly disagree 0%   18 Compensation: - My salary is competitive with similar jobs I might find elsewhere Strongly agree 27% Agree 54% Disagree 18% Strongly disagree 2% Compensation: - My benefits (over & above my pay) are comparable to those offered by other organizations   Strongly agree 28% Agree 51% Disagree 18% Strongly disagree 4% 19 Work quality: - My responsibilities and quality of work match my skills and qualifications Strongly agree 7% Agree 64% Disagree 25% Strongly disagree 4%   Intention to Quit: - I think a lot about quitting my job Strongly agree 10% Agree 52% Disagree 32% Strongly disagree 6%   20 Intention to Quit: - I am actively searching for an alternative to my present job Strongly agree 6% Agree 44% Disagree 44% Strongly disagree 6% Intention to Quit: - As soon as possible I will leave this organization Strongly agree 21% Agree 39% Disagree 31% Strongly disagree 8%   21 Organizational Commitment: - If necessary, I am prepared to put myself out for this organization (e.g. by working long and/or unsocial hours) Strongly agree 21% Agree 45% Disagree 33% Strongly disagree 0% Organizational Commitment: - If asked, I am prepared to take on more responsibility or tasks not in my job description Strongly agree 20% Agree 65% Disagree 14% Strongly disagree 1% 22 Organizational Commitment: - I feel that it is worthwhile to work hard for this organization Strongly agree 15% Agree 68% Disagree 14% Strongly disagree 4%   Organizational Commitment: - I am committed to this organization Strongly agree 22 20% Agree 62 57% Disagree 22 20% Strongly disagree 2 2%   23 What are the most crucial reason(s) that will affect your decision if you choose to quit your job? Compensation (whole pay package) 78 72% Work environment 55 51% Quality of work  68 63% Want to start your own venture 10 9% Too much work load 56 52% Too little work  4 4% Politics in the organization 56 52%  None, I won't quit my job 1 1% 24 Results On performing the regression analysis on the factors affecting intention to quit (and hence attrition) it was found that work compensation work quality and work environment are the three factors that contribute the most to intention to quit (and hence to attrition). Accordingly the null hypotheses for these three factors were rejected and the final conclusion is depicted in the table below: Variables Null Hypothesis – H0 Alternate Hypothesis –H1 Conclusion Work compensation Work compensation does not contribute significantly to intention to quit Work compensation does contribute significantly to intention to quit Reject the null hypothesis Organizational commitment Organizational commitment does not contribute significantly to intention to quit Organizational commitment does contribute significantly to intention to quit Do not reject the null hypothesis Work quality Work quality does not contribute significantly to intention to quit Work quality does contribute significantly to intention to quit Reject the null hypothesis Work  Environment Work environment does not contribute significantly to intention to quit Work environment does contribute significantly to intention to quit Reject the null hypothesis 25 RECOMMENDATION AAFL is a leading manufacturer and exporter of leather Footwear Company and it has lot of operations in different region of the world. So it needs to work with the different work environment of the world. They need to keep in mind that different employees in different countries have different job satisfaction needs. That’s why they are very serious at this sector. They have some motivational technique to control this job attitude affect and it’s very effective. Among most of the theories Apex motivational techniques nearly matches to the Herzberg’ 2 factors theory where they believe employees should get those typical hygiene factors as well as motivational factors. They mainly combine ‘High Highgene + High Motivation system ‘where they successfully make people highly motivated less complains. They provide better working conditions premium, bonus on special occasion, deliver securities, or insurance policies. Apex uses motivation technique throw job design where they ‘Feed people to jobs’ They provide the employees both Extrinsic Rewards (Payoffs granted to the individual by other rewards like money, employee benefits, promotions, recognition, status symbols, and praise)And Intrinsic Rewards (Self-granted and internally experienced payoffs like sense of accomplishment, self-esteem, and self-actualization). They firmly believe that, “rewards must be linked to performance“& they just motive their employees by telling not to forget that tag line. They also offer flexible time schedules where they allow employees to choose their own arrival and departure times within specified limits. So, it’s more effective to keep good employee & make them satisfied. Conclusion After carefully analyzing the management of Apex, we have come to this conclusion that the management practices employed at this company is exemplary for a company of its size and nature. The emphasis that the company has put on motivating its quality resources is one of the strengths of this company. Mr. Sayed Manzur Ilahi worked really hard to make his dream comes true, and now he is a successful entrepreneur and his contribution, struggle, ability of taking risk and facing challenges lead him to this success. 26 REFERENCING 1) Pearson Education – Organizational Behavior 13e by Stephen P Robbins  and Timothy A Judge 2) 3) Hoskinson, Porter, & Wrench, p.133 4) Hackman & Oldham, 1980; Smith, Kendall, & Hulin, 1969 5) THE PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT, page -48(FIGURE 2.13) 6) Crant, M. J. (1995). The proactive personality scale and objective job performance among real estate agents. Journal of Applied Psychology, 80, 532–537. 7) Peter G. (summer 2002) “performance management & appraisal” 8) 9) AAFL’s general manager (HRM) 27 Annexure Questionnaire Name: Current employer: Gender Male Female DIRECTIONS: Please select the level that best represents your level of overall job satisfaction for each item below. 28 Please rate your agreeableness on the items listed below. Work environment: 29 Compensation: Work quality: 30 Intention to Quit: Organizational Commitment:   31 What are the most crucial reason(s) that will affect your decision if you choose to quit your job? Compensation (whole pay package) Work environment Quality of work Want to start your own venture Too much work load Too little work Politics in the organization None, I won't quit my job 32


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