Facebook for Business [Fan Pages] Sean Lukasik [email protected] www.CreAgentMarketing.com Questions I hope to answer: What are the pros and cons of having a fan page? How do I do it? (...and do it right?)â How will I know when I'm successful? Who has time for this? PROS CONS more searchable content more links to your website measurable word of mouth brand support 200,000,000+ people more time / resources open to the public relative learning curve Why is this NOT a waste of time? How do I do it? ....and do it right? http://www.facebook.com/ZiffLaw?v=app_4949752878 Social Media = Networking Meeting people and starting conversations Providing quality content for others to share Answering questions and helping others Building relationships for future success How do I know when I'm successful? Who has time for this? [email protected] www.CreAgentMarketing.com facebook.com/creagent twitter.com/agentforthearts
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