ELECTRICITY Emaco group has 21 subsidiaries in E.U. and it is present in Libya as: • Contractor & Engineering for: ο Infrastructure and Building construction ο Industrial automation and PLC ο Electrical, mechanical & steam ο Water and sewage control, management & treatment ο Hazardous waste disposal & treatment ο Steel works (hangar, high pressure vessel, storage tanks etc.) ο Hospital & industrial maintenance ο Oil and Gas ο Port and Airport • Manufacturer & Supplier of: • POWER STATION • SUBSTATION • OVERHEAD LINE • HV & LV CABLE • HV & LV CONNECTORS • HV INSULATORS • HV & LV MATERIALS ο Industrial machinery ο Ecology equipment ο Steel works ο Tools & instruments ο Laboratories & training equipment ο Incinerator & fire fighting ο Industrial spare parts Emaco group companies in Italy manufactures, supplies and installs tools and laboratories & materials since its establishment in 1971 with a capital of 35 Millions Euro Emaco group has grown particularly in the last 25 years and at present we count no. 21 subsidiaries in E.U. mainly in the fields of manufacturing and installing electri- cal, electronic, mechanical & environmental machinery, tools, instruments & labora- tories Emaco Group Holding: France, UK, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Hong Kong, USA, Emaco group operative arm H.Q. in Italy 56023 Cascina - PISA 100 via Caprera Libya branch Tripoli (Libya) ph/fx 4443772 hotline 0913774555 UK calling centre + (44)1312083316 www.emacogroup.eu / www.emacogroupintl.com
[email protected],
[email protected] ENAC0 uR00P P0WER S0L0TI0N ͳǤ Power Ƭ Distribution Transformers We pioviue a compiehensive iange of powei anu uistiibution tiansfoimeisǡ both newly manufactuieu anu ieǦengineeieuǤ 0ui tiansfoimeis aie in accoiuance with inteinationally iecognizeu stanuaius anu come with inuustiy leauing guaiantees foi complete peace of minuǤ Range of Productsǣ • 0il cooleu Bistiibution tiansfoimei iange ͵ͳkvA to ͵ͲͲͲkvA • Aii cooleu cast iesin Bistiibution tiansfoimei iange ͷͲkvA to ͵ͲͲͲkvA • 0il cooleu Powei tiansfoimeis iange ͵ͲͲͲkvA to ͳͷͲNvA • Aii cooleu Powei tiansfoimeis iange ͵ͲͲͲkvA to ͳNvA • Piimaiy voltages up to ͵Kv foi Bistiibution Tiansfoimeis • Piimaiy voltages up to ʹʹͲKv foi Powei Tiansfoimeis Servicesǣ • 0veihaul Ƭ iefuibishment of youi existing tiansfoimeis • Bieak uown ieplacement within ʹͶ houis on ceitain piouucts aǤ Cast resin transformers Fiie iesistant Cast iesin tiansfoimeis aie well suiteu foi installation in highǦ iise builuingsǡ hospitalsǡ unueigiounu tunnelsǡ schoolǡ steel factoiiesǡ chemical plants anu places wheie fiie safety is a gieat conceinǤ Bazaiu fiee to the enviionmentǡ cast iesin tiansfoimeis have ovei the yeais pioven to be highly ieliableǤ Uur Transformer Rangeǣ • Bistiibution iange fiom ͷͲkvA to ͵ͲͲͲkvA • Powei iange fiom ͵ͲͲͲkvA to ͳNvA • Piimaiy voltages up to ͵Kv Basic Featuresǣ • Fiee stanuing cast iesin tiansfoimei complete with biǦuiiectional iolleis • Set of PTͳͲͲ 0hm • Natuially ventilateu steel enclosuie ȋIPʹͳȌ • Bottom entiy glanu plates foi Bv Ƭ Lv teiminations • Natuially cooleu ȋANȌ • Tap changei ȋNanual linksȌ • Rating plate • Lifting points • Eaithing point • Compliant to IEC ʹ Uptional Featuresǣ • ventilateu enclosuie with highei IP iating • Foiceu aii cooling incieasing output by up to ͶͲΨǤ • Top entiy glanu plates • Busbai tiunking • Enclosuie mounteu Bv Ƭ Lv cable boxes • Flangeu enclosuie foi uiiect mounting of Low voltage Ƭ Neuium voltage switchgeai • Cooling systems foi polluteu enviionments • Tempeiatuie ielays • Naishalling box • Special paint tieatments • Close coupleu inuooiȀoutuooi low voltage ciicuit bieakei cabinets up to ͶͲͲͲ Amps • Close coupleu inuooiȀoutuooi meuium voltage iing main unitsȋRnʹcǦTͳ oi TʹȌ oi switches sfǡvacuum etc bǤ Uil ȋliquidȌ filled Power and Distribution Transformers 0ui liquiu cooleu powei anu uistiibution tiansfoimeis aie available both newly manufactuieu anu ieǦengineeieuǤ 0il immeiseu powei tiansfoimeis can opeiate with highei powei iatings anu highei voltage applications than theii cast iesin countei paitsǤ 0il cooleu tiansfoimeis aie wiuely useu in applications of moie than ʹͲͲͲͲkvAǤ Wheie fiie safety is an issue oi an enviionmentally fiienuly solution is piefeiieu we can supply miuel filleu tiansfoimeis as an alteinativeǤ Range of Productsǣ • 0il cooleu Bistiibution tiansfoimei iange ͵ͳkvA to ͵ͲͲͲkvA voltage class ͵kv • 0il cooleu Powei tiansfoimeis iange ͵ͲͲͲkvA to ͳͷͲNvA voltage class ʹʹͲKv Typesǣ • uiounu mounteu Ȁ pau mounteu tiansfoimeis • Pole mounteu tiansfoimeis • 0nit types tiansfoimeis • Rectifiei tiansfoimeis • Seiies type ieactois • 0thei custom uesign tiansfoimeis Basic Featuresǣ • Steel welueu tank constiuction • Skiu mounteu base • Tap changei • Rauiatois • Suitable foi uiiect mounting switchgeai ȋLv Ƭ NvȌ • 0il level inuicatoi • Rating plate • Lifting Ƭ jacking points • Liquiu filling point Ƭ uiain valve • Compliant to ESI ͵ͷǦͳ BSͳͳ ȋͳͻͺȌ BSEN ͲͲ • Lv Ƭ Bv steel fabiicateu cable boxes Uptional Featuresǣ • Fiee bieathing oi Beimetically sealeu • 0il immeiseu • Low flammability synthetic cooling meuium Niuel ȋEsteiȌ oi Silicon fluiu • 0ffǦloau tap changei with selectoi • 0n loau tap changei with uiive mechanism Ƭ iemote tap changei contiol panel • Cooling types available 0NAN 0NAF 0FAF 0FWF • Special paint tieatments • Biiect mounteu outuooi low voltage ciicuit bieakei cabinets up to ͶͲͲͲ Amps • Biiect mounteu outuooi meuium voltage iing main unitsȋRnʹcǦTͳ oi TʹȌ oi switches sfǡvacuum oi oil insulateu • 0il tempeiatuie inuicatoi • Winuing tempeiatuie inuicatoi • Buchholz Relay with conseivatoi • Piessuie ielief uevice ȋQualitiol PRvȌ • 0thei piotection Ƭ inuication uevices ȋlink to qualitiol site in sepaiate winuowȌ • Naishalling box ʹǤ Tbe Emaco CroupǦ Low loss amorpbous core transformers The Emaco uioupis the EǤ0̵s fiist supei low loss amoiphous coie uistiibution tiansfoimei achieving uniivalleu savings in eneigy costs anu associateu C0ʹ emissionsǤ Combining lowei no loau anu loau lossesǡ Emaco uioupsupei low loss amoiphous uistiibution tiansfoimeis aie the most efficient uistiibution tiansfoimeis available touayǤ Baseu on an aveiage ʹͷǦyeai tiansfoimei lifespanǡ a ͳͲͲͲkvA Emaco uiouptiansfoimei achieves up to ͉ͲǡͲͲͲ woith of eneigy costs savings uuiing its seiviceǤ Auuitionally the eliminates ͵Ͳ tonnes of associateu C0ʹ emissionsǢ contiibuting not just to youi bottom line but also youi enviionmental cieuential anu taigetsǤ The maiginally highei upfiont capital investment foi the exceptional Emaco uiouptiansfoimei typically achieves payback in thiee yeaisǤ The Emaco uioupuistiibution tiansfoimei can be supplieu foi iatings fiom ͵ͳͷkvA up to ʹͷͲͲ kvAǤ aǤ Amorpbous metal core transformers ȋAMT̵sȌ Wbat are amorpbous metal core transformersǫ The coies of conventional tiansfoimeis consist of stacks of laminations that aie maue fiom silicon steel with an almost unifoim ciystalline stiuctuie ȋCRu0ȌǤ In tiansfoimeis with amoiphous coiesǡ a iibbon of steel is wounu foiming the coieǤ The big benefit of amoiphous metal coie tiansfoimeis is that amoiphous steel has lowei hysteiesis lossesǤ Simply put this means that less eneigy is wasteu in magnetising anu uemagnetising it uuiing each cycle of the supply cuiientǤ How mucb energy can be savedǫ The coie of the majoiity of touayǯs tiansfoimeis is maue of CRu0 steelǤ When this is ieplaceu by amoiphous metalǡ the coie loss of the tiansfoimei is ieuuceu by as much as ͷΨǤ Advantages of Amorpbous metal core transformersǣ Ȉ 0p to ͷΨ eneigy saving ovei conventional silicone steel ȋCRu0Ȍ Ȉ Reuuceu caibon uioxiue emissions Ȉ Reuuction in fossil fuel consumption Ȉ Reuuceu magnetising cuiient Ȉ Reuuceu tempeiatuie iise of coie Wbat are amorpbous metalsǫ Also known as metallic glass alloysǡ they uiffei fiom tiauitional metals in that they have a nonǦciystalline stiuctuie anu possess unique physical anu magnetic piopeities that combine stiength anu haiuness with flexibility anu toughnessǤ ͵Ǥ Voltage Uptimisation tbrougb Transformer supply Touayǯs businesses aie conceineu about impioving eneigy efficiency foi both builuings anu sitesǤ voltage optimization ȋv0Ȍ is being haileu as the application of choice to impiove utility economics anu ieuuce associateu C0ʹ emissionsǤ voltage optimization units aie being installeu acioss a wiue iange of applicationsǡ uespite all too often compiomising existing equipment anu caiiying the iisk of system fault uistuibanceǤ Donǯt tahe tbe rish Ȃ Tap into Emaco Croup transformers to optimize site voltage 0ui highly efficient Emaco uioupiange of uistiibution tiansfoimeis come with an auuitional tapping iange at no extia costǤ This enables you to optimize voltage supply fiom Ͷͳͷv to ͵ͺͲv accoiuing to youi siteǯs neeus wheievei youi incoming supply is at meuium voltage without the neeu of uisiupting youi existing systemsǤ Apait fiom integiating smoothly with youi existing installationsǡ a powei tiansfoimei that achieves the same voltage level as a voltage optimization unit ȋαoptimum voltage foi that paiticulai siteȌǡ especially a supei efficient tiansfoimei like oui Emaco uioupǡ will uelivei bettei financial savings than a voltage optimization unitǤ Emaco Croup ǣ Convincing savings Pioviuing optimiseu voltage supply to youi site will iesult in substantial eneigy costs savingsǤ In auuition to this the Emaco uiouptiansfoimei will geneiate aveiage lifeǦtime savings of ͉ͲǡͲͲͲǤͲͲ maue by ieuuceu loau anu noǦloau losses as well as cutting uown on ͵Ͳkg of associateu C0ʹ emissionsǤ ͶǤ Switcbgear 0ui switchgeai piouucts aie available both newly manufactuieu anu ieǦ engineeieuǤ We offei switchgeai with piimaiy voltages up to ͵kvǤ Range of Productsǣ • Low voltage Switchboaius ȋInuooiȌ Ͷͳͷ volt ABB System Builuei up to ͵ʹͲͲAmps • Low voltage Switchgeai ȋ0utuooiȌ Ǧ Aii Ciicuit Bieakeisǡ Nolueu Case Ciicuit Bieakeis oi fuseu pillais mounteu in an outuooi enclosuie ȋIP iateuȌ • Neuium voltage Switchgeai ͵͵kv Ȃvacuumǡ SF oi 0il Ring main units Isolatois Ƭ fuseu switches ȋLong Ƭ Ciawfoiu uF͵ǡ }Ͷǡ TͶuF͵Ȍ Schneiuei Ring mastei iange Ȃ RNʹcǡ CEʹǡ CNʹǡ SEǡ SN Retiofit vacuum ciicuit bieakeis • Bigh voltage Switchgeai ͵kv Ȃ vacuum oi SF • Notoi staiting equipment up to ͳͳkv Servicesǣ • 0veihaul Ƭ iefuibishment of youi existing Switchgeai • Piotection upgiaues of youi Switchgeai • Compounu to aii busǦbai Ƭ cable box upgiaues • Bieak uown ieplacement within ʹͶ houis on ceitain piouucts aǤ Scbneider Ringmaster Range Ringmastei offeis a iange of fixeu pattein extensible anu nonǦextensible switches anu ciicuit bieakeisǤ A vaiiety of uiffeient panels aie available foi each unit within the iangeǡ togethei with a numbei of optional accessoiies that can suppoit the most complex system specificationsǤ Piouuct iangeǣ CNʹ Ǧ ʹͲͲA nonǦextensible ciicuit bieakei ȋtiansfoimei mounteu oi fiee stanuingȌ SN Ǧ ͵ͲA nonǦextensible switch ȋtiansfoimei mounteu oi fiee stanuingȌǤ CEʹ Ǧ ʹͲͲA extensible ciicuit bieakei ȋswitchboaiu mounteuȌǤ CE Ǧ ͵ͲA extensible ciicuit bieakei ȋswitchboaiu mounteuȌǤ SE Ǧ ͵ͲA extensible switch ȋswitchboaiu mounteuȌǤ N0ʹ Ǧ ʹͲͲA feeuei meteiing unit ȋciicuit connecteuǡ tiansfoimei mounteu oi fiee stanuingȌǤ Current Stoch Stochlist Ǧ New Scbneider Switcbgear Type Protection Rating Stoch CEʹǦTʹȀʹͳ vIP ͵ͲͲ 0P T0 ͵ǤͷNvA ʹ CEʹǦTȀʹͳ TLF 0P T0 ͳǤNvA CNʹǦTͳȀʹͳ vIP ͵ͲͲ 0P T0 ͵ǤͷNvA ͳ CNʹǦTȀʹͳ TLF 0P T0 ͳǤNvA Ͷ RNʹcǦTͳȀʹͳ TLF 0P T0 ͳǤNvA Ͷ RNʹcǦTʹȀʹͳ vIP ͵ͲͲ 0P T0 ͵ǤͷNvA ʹ SEǦSͳȀʹͳ ͵ͲA ʹ SNǦSͳȀʹͳ ͵ͲA ʹ aǤ LV switcbgear and pillars We manufactuie a compiehensive iange of outuooi Lv switchgeai foi both tiansfoimei mounting oi fieestanuing using ABB piouuctsǤ TXǦFPǤ Fuseu feeuei pillai iange compiising of ǣ • IPʹX opeiatoi piotectionǤ • In line manual fuse uisconnectoisǤ • Fully shiouueu fuselinks in fuse caiiieisǤ • Bin fusesǤ • Fuseu ways up to ͳʹͷͲampsǤ • Eithei single pole oi tiiple pole switching availableǤ • Incoming fault make loau bieak isolatois up to ͵ͳͷͲamps ACʹ͵ oi ACʹʹBǤ • Bus bai system to suit up to ʹͲͲͲKva tiansfoimeiǤ TXǦDPǤ Distribution feeder pillar range comprising of ǣ • IPʹX opeiatoi piotectionǤ • Incoming Ƭ outgoing uevices fully segiegateu to foim Ͷ type ʹǤ • 0utgoing uevices fully segiegateu to foim Ͷ type ʹǤ • Ͷ pole bus bai system up to ʹͺͲͲ ampsǤ • ACBs up to ͵ʹͲͲ ampsǤ • Nini ACBS up to ͳͲͲampsǤ • NCCBs up to ͳͲͲ ampsǤ • Slim line fuseu switches up to ͵Ͳ ampsǤ TXǦBCǤ Breaher cabinet range comprising of ǣ • IPʹX opeiatoi piotectionǤ • ACBs up to ͷͲͲͲampsǤ • NCCBS up to ͳͲͲampsǤ • Relays Ƭ CTs can be fitteuǤ TXǦSCǤ Breaher splitter cabinet range comprising of ǣ • IPʹX opeiatoi piotectionǤ • ʹ x ACBs up to ͳͲͲ amps ȋͶʹ KAȌ Ƭ ͵ʹͲͲamp bus baisǤ • ʹ x NCCBs up to ͳͲͲamps Ƭ ͵ʹͲͲamp baisǤ • Wiuth ʹͲmm bǤ Uutdoor Switcbgearǣ Merlin Cerin Ȁ Scbneider Ring Main Units Ƭ Circuit Breahers EǤU We pioviue low anu meuium voltage switchgeai foi outuooi useǤ 0ui equipment is available newly manufactuieu oi ieǦengineeieuǤ Piouuct oveiviewǣ Low voltage Ͷͳͷ volt products ǣ Suitable foi uiiect tiansfoimei mounting oi fiee stanuing • Fuseu pillais • Aii ciicuit bieakeis Ƭ moulueu case ciicuit bieakeis up to ͶͲͲͲ Amps Medium voltage products ǣ • Fiee stanuing iing main units • Extensible Ƭ non extensible ciicuit bieakeis Extensible Ƭ non extensible switches Ȁ isolatois Range of products ǣ • Extensible oi non extensible • vacuum SF oil Ƭ aii Insulateu • Piimaiy voltages up to ͵kv Types of New medium voltage products ǣ • Scbneider Ringmaster range RNʹc Ǧ Tͳ Ƭ Tʹ iing main unit SE Extensible switch CEʹ Ǧ Tͳ Ƭ Tʹ Extensible ciicuit bieakei SN Ǧ Sͳ Non extensible switch CNʹ Ǧ Tʹ Non extensible ciicuit bieakei Types of Refurbisbed medium voltage products ǣ Non extensible oil equipment • Long Ƭ Ciawfoiu T͵uF͵ anu TͶuF͵ • Biush NSN • Reyiolle R0KSSǡR0KǡR0KS • Lucy FRN0 • Yoikshiie Tyke Extensible oil equipment • Long Ƭ Ciawfoiu • }͵ oi }Ͷ oil switches with uF͵ fuse switches • Biush • 0L0 oil switches with BF0 fuse switches • Reyiolle • R0S oil switches with R0K fuse switches • Lucy • E0S oil switches with E0F fuse switches • Yoikshiie • FNS oil switches with 0FS oi AFS fuse switches • 0SA0 oil switches with FSA0 fuse switches Non extensible SF equipment • uEC Ȁ ALST0N Long Ƭ Ciawfoiu • Satuin • Biush • Falcon • Reyiolle • uuaiuian • Lucy • Tiiuent • Neilin • ueiinȀSchneiuei • Ringmastei ͷǤ Enclosed Battery cbargersǣ Tbe Cbargetec Series RWB uesign anu manufactuie a compiehensive iange of inuustiial batteiy chaigeis ȋbatteiy tiip unitsǡ BT0ǯsȌ anu batteiy monitoiing systemsǤ 0ui Chaigetec units aie compactǡ smait anu aie available in ʹͶ voltsǡ ͵Ͳ voltsǡ ͷͲ volts anu ͳͳͲ volts BCǤ 0ptional analysing anu monitoiing equipment incluues high alaimsǡ low alaimsǡ eaith leakage alaimsǡ chaige failuie alaims anu geneial batteiy alaim monitoisǤ The Chaigetec units come in thiee iangesǣ Economyǡ foi applications that uonǯt iequiie any stanuing loauǡ Inteimeuiate foi stanuing loau iequiiements up to ͷAmps anu the Beavy uuty iange foi laigei stanuing loau iequiiements aǤ Tbe Heavy duty range The CͷͲͲ iange of batteiy tiip units is suitable foi laigei batteiies anu stanuing loau applicationsǤ Typically this woulu be batteiies fiom ʹͲAh to ʹͲͷAh with chaigeis fiom ͳͲA to ͷAǤ As such these units aie flooi mounteuǤ They incluue a thyiistoi contiolleu tempeiatuie compensateu cuiient limiteu chaigei with vaiious alaims incluuing mains fail anu chaige failǤ bǤ Tbe intermediate battery cbarger rangeǣ Cbargetec C͵ͲͲ and CͶͲͲ series The Chaigetec C͵ͲͲ anu CͶͲͲ seiies of batteiy tiip units pioviue a moie compiehensive aiiay of functions anu alaims than those offeieu in the Economy iangeǤ This incluues a miciopiocessoi baseuǡ tempeiatuie compensateuǡ anu cuiient limiteu chaigei with a wiuei iange of alaimsǡ incluuing high voltsǡ low voltsǡ AC mains failǡ anu low batteiy voltage cutǦoff via the batteiy isolation NCBǤ The batteiy loau test facility is now automaticǤ The stanuing loau capability is incieaseu ovei the economy tiip unit toͳͷͲwattsǤ The meteiing is also incieaseu ovei the economy tiip unit to incluue a voltmeteiǡ a chaige Ȁ uischaige ammetei anu LEBǯs to inuicate the alaim conuitionǤ Chaigei sizeǣ ͵ͲͲmA to ͶAǤ voltage iangeǣ ʹͶǡ ͵Ͳǡ ͷͲ Ƭ ͳͳͲv BCǤ Batteiy sizeǣ ͷ oi ͺAh ȋvRLAȌǤ cǤ Tbe Cbargetec Economy Range Cbargetec CͳͲͲ and CʹͲͲ Series The CͳͲͲ anu CʹͲͲ iange of batteiy tiip units pioviue the essential function of pioviuing a back up batteiy tiip supplyǤ They featuie basic alaims with a volt fiee changeovei contactǤ They come with a voltmeteiǡ LEBǯs foi AC mains on anu chaige failǡ a manual batteiy loau test facility anu a batteiy isolation NCBǤ Chaigei sizeǣ ͲmA to ͲͲmAǤ voltage iangeǣ ʹͶ Ƭ ͵Ͳv BCǤ Batteiy sizeǣ ͳǤʹAh ȋNiǦCuȌǡ ͺAh ȋvRLAȌǤ Ǥ Substations Emaco uioup Powei Solutions pioviue a compiehensive iange of substationsǤ We offei packageu substation tuin key solutions as well as containei mounteu switchgeai anu tiansfoimeisǤ 0ui substation piouucts aie available both newly manufactuieu anu ieǦ engineeieuǤ Main Products ǣ • Package substations • IS0 Containeiiseu switchgeai Ƭ tiansfoimeis Range of Products ǣ • Tiansfoimeis liquiu filleu oi aii cooleu • Inuooi Low voltage switchboaius up to ͶͲͲͲ Amps • 0utuooi Low voltage equipmentǡ feeuei pillais Ƭ uistiibution cabinets up to ͶͲͲͲ Amps • Inuooi Neuium voltage switchgeai up to ͵͵kv • 0utuooi Neuium voltage switchgeai up to ʹͲkv • Notoi staiting equipment Ͷͳͷ Ȃ ͳͳͲͲͲ volts Ǥ SITE SERVICES • All woik caiiieu out unuei a peimit to woik systemǤ 0ui engineeis have hau extensive tiaining in Bv switching All staff on site will have CITB safety passpoits • Facilities and Bachupǣ We opeiate a fully equippeu woikshop staffeu by peisonnel with a wiue iange of expeiience who caiiy out full iefuibishment anu iepaiis of all types of switchgeaiǤ • Quality Ƭ Cuaranteeǣ We opeiate a stiict Test anu Inspection Pioceuuie on all equipment leaving oui WoikshopǤ The tests comply with all ielevant Biitish Stanuaius anu aie appioveu by majoi Inuustiial 0seis anu National CompaniesǤ ͺǤ Client Testimonials for Emaco Croup Power Solutions Thank you foi youi assistance anu youi iesponses uuiing the tiansfoimei investigations anu changeoveiǤ I coulu not have askeu foi bettei suppoitǤdz }on Waiingǡ Boulting uioup plc ̶0ne call was all it tookǡ the oiuei placeuǡ Emaco uioupǯs ueliveieu the goousǡ as piomiseuǡ anu took the olu ieuunuant tiansfoimei away foi a cieuitǨ The job coulun̵t have been smootheiǡ a Fiist Class Seivice fiom stait to finishǨ̶ Rolfe Nooieǡ ABB gioup DzI woulu like to thank you foi youi valueu help iesolving the two iecent pioblems iegaiuing tiansfoimei leak anu ieplacement switchgeaiǤ Please thank youi site staff foi the piofessional way they caiiieu out the woik on site yesteiuaydz Chiis Stenningǡ EBF Eneigy ͻǤ Emaco Croup Power Solutions Ǧ Case Studies Power Transformers We supplieu a iefuibisheu Ǥͷ NvA tiansfoimei within ͵ weeks enabling oui customei to stait his emeigency geneiation plant in SiiǦ LankaǤ We subsequently uesigneu anu manufactuieu a new Ǥͷ NvA powei tiansfoimei aiounu the existing cable centies minimising the outage time when the customei was in a position to change the tiansfoimei oveiǤ Switcbgear Ȁ Substations ͳʹkv vacuum ciicuit bieakei switchboaiu built within an ʹͲFt IS0 containei Locationǣ Niuule East Besigneu anu built by PBT foi linking oui customeis geneiatoi sets to the giiu supplyǤ aǤ Case study ͳͳ hV containerised sf switcbboard Sbiraz Urban Railway Pro|ect Titleǣ Shiiaz 0iban Railway pioject Equipmentǣ Containeiiseu ͳͳ kv sf Switchboaiu Locationǣ Iian Descriptionǣ Besign Ƭ builu ͳͳ kv sf switchboaiu complete with eaithing tiansfoimeiǤ Bouseu in a theimally insulateu ʹͲ foot IS0 containei complete with lighting anu aii conuitioning bǤ Substations Pro|ects Pro|ect Titleǣ ʹͲFt Bi Cube containeiizeu Substation ͳͳkv ʹͲͲͲAmpǤ Equipmentǣ Alstom BWX vacuum switchboaiu Ͷ x ͺͲͲA Incomeis ʹ x ʹͲͲͲAmp Feeueis ͳ x ʹͲͲͲA BusǦsectionǤ Locationǣ Iiaq Descriptionǣ Besign Ƭ builu of an ͳͳkv ʹͲͲͲAmp iateu aii conuitioneu containeiiseu substationǤ Consisting of a panel vacuum switchboaiu complete with soliu state piotection ielaysǡ meteiingǡ voltage tiansfoimeisǡ batteiy chaigei ȋclosing anu tiippingȌǡ heating anu lightingǤ Customers Briefǣ Besign anu builu an ͳͳkv ʹͲͲͲAmp containeiiseu substation within Ͷ weeksǤ Baving the equipment in stock we weie able to tuin iounu the job within the Ͷ weeks iequesteu by oui customeiǤ The equipment was then aii lifteu uiiectly to oui customeis site in IiaqǤ cǤ transformer ͵ͲȀͶͲ MVA for Cameroon Pro|ect Titleǣ AES Sonel ͵ͲȀͶͲ NvA Equipmentǣ ͵ͲȀͶͲ NvA ͻͲkvȀͳͷkv 0NANȀ0NAF Powei Tiansfoimei with 0LTC Locationǣ Cameioon Descriptionǣ Supplyǡ Install Ƭ commission of ͵ͲȀͶͲ NvA ͻͲkvȀͳͷkv oil cooleu Tiansfoimei complete with on loau tap changeiǡ incluuing conseivatoi complete with Buchholz ielayǡ oil tempeiatuie Ƭ winuing tempeiatuie ielayǡ Naishalling boxǡ AvR panel foi contiol of the on loau tap changeiǤ Pro|ect Higbligbts ǣ Customei iequiieu the tiansfoimei to be uesigneuǡ built Ƭ ieauy foi shipment within ͳͲ weeksǤ The tiansfoimei was neeueu to supply much neeueu emeigency powei to a iegion of CameioonǤ PBT weie able to ieact to oui customeis neeus anu piouuce the tiansfoimei within the iequiieu ͳͲ weeks F0B ͳͷ MVA NICC Iran Pro|ect Titleǣ National Iianian uas Coipoiation Powei Tiansfoimei Equipmentǣ ͳͷ NvA kvȀͳͳkv 0NAN Powei Tiansfoimei with 0LTC Locationǣ Iian Descriptionǣ Supply of ͳͷ NvA kvȀͳͳkv oil cooleu Tiansfoimei complete with on loau tap changeiǤ Incluuing conseivatoi complete with Buchholz ielayǡ oil tempeiatuie Ƭ winuing tempeiatuie ielayǡ Naishalling boxǡ AvR panel foi contiol of the on loau tap changei supplied for tbe Uffsbore wave industryǤ Pro|ect Titleǣ Pelamis Wave Eneigy Conveitei Equipmentǣ ͳʹͷͲ KvA Niuel filleu geneiation tiansfoimeis Locationǣ EǤ0 PBT weie askeu by 0cean Powei Beliveiy to uesign Ƭ builu a geneiating tiansfoimei foi theii pioto type Pelamis wave eneigy conveitoiǤ The tiansfoimei was specially uesigneu to opeiate in the haish woilu of the offshoie wave InuustiyǤ Foi enviiomental ieasons Niuel fluiu was choosen as the cooling meuuim as apposeu to mineial oilǤ Successful fielu tiials have been on going in the 0ikneys foi ovei ͳͺ months Ƭ theie has been consiueiable inteiest fiom othei Countiies sush as Spainǡ ueimanyǡ Poitugal Ƭ BenmaikǤ ͳͲǤ Reference Library and tecbnical information 0peiations anu maintenance manual uistiibution Tiansfoimeis Bata sheetsǣ Niuel Filleu Tiansfoimeis 0il filleu Tiansfoimeis Polychloiinateu Biphenyl ȏPCBȐ Infoimation Tiansfoimei Tap Switch TRANSFORMER TAP SWITCHES WHAT A TRANSFORMER TAP CHANGER IS AND WHAT IT DOES. A tap changer is a device fitted to power transformers for regulation of the output voltage to required levels. This is normally achieved by changing the ratios of the transformers on the system by altering the number of turns in one winding of the appropriate transformer/s. Supply authorities are under obligation to their customers to maintain the supply voltage between certain limits. Tap changers offer variable control to keep the supply voltage within these limits. About 96% of all power transformers today above 10MVA incorporate on load tap changers as a means of voltage regulation [4]. Tap changers can be on load or off load. On load tap changers generally consist of a diverter switch and a selector switch operating as a unit to effect transfer current from one voltage tap to the next. It was more than 60 years ago on load tap changers were introduced to power transformers as a means of on load voltage control. Tap changers possess two fundamental features: (a) Some form of impedance is present to prevent short circuiting of the tapped section, and (b) A duplicate circuit is provided so that the load current can be carried by one circuit whilst switching is being carried out on the other. The impedance mentioned above can either be resistive or reactive. The tap changer with a resistive type of impedance uses high speed switching, whereas the reactive type uses slow moving switching. High speed resistor switching is now the most popular method used worldwide, and hence it is the method that is reviewed in this report. The tapped portion of the winding may be located at one of the following locations, depending upon the type of winding: (a) At the line end of the winding; (b) In the middle of the winding; (c) At the star point. The most common type of arrangements is the last two. This is because they give the least electrical stress between the tap changer and earth; along with subjecting the tapings to less physical and electrical stress from fault currents entering the line terminals. At lower voltages the tap changer may be located at either the low voltage or high voltage windings. Tap changers can be connected to the primary or secondary side windings of the transformer depending on: - Current rating of the transformer - Insulation levels present - Type of winding within the transformer (eg. Star, delta or autotransformer) - Position of tap changer in the winding - Losses associated with different tap changer configurations eg. Coarse tap or reverse winding - Step voltage and circulating currents - Cost - Physical size The Consequences Of Transformer Failure Transformers are one of the more expensive pieces of equipment used in a power system, and the potential consequences of failure can be quite damaging. This has been shown in the past with the political and media attention surrounding blackouts at various locations around the world. Within Australia and New Zealand, the largest cost transformer failures have occurred due to internal winding faults, faulty load tap changers, and failed winding accessories respectively. Failure of winding accessories includes loose coil clamping bolts, together with internal winding faults and faulty tap changers. These failures affected on average ten transformers per year during the period 1975 to 1995, incurring repair costs of at least $600,000 per year, together with other associated costs. For example, with several elements drawn from an Australian case study and through discussion with engineers at Pacific Power’s Advanced Technical Center, the cost of a generator unit transformer failing has been conservatively estimated at $5.4M[7]. This figure was considered conservative because there are many other factors that could be added on to this figure that are difficult to determine. It is interesting to note the root of these failures appear to have been predominantly design and manufacturing flaws [1]. Current Maintenance Strategies of Transformer Tap Changers During the past years and after a number of visits, meetings, lectures and training courses, the conclusion has been reached that proper organization and execution of OLTC maintenance is found only in very few cases [6]. The frequency of maintenance to on load tap changers is dependent on the condition of the diverter switch and the necessity to maintain the motor drive unit. Maintenance of the diverter switch should be carried out on a cyclic basis, but on transformers where frequency of tap change is high, maintenance may be necessary before the cyclic maintenance becomes due. A certain period should not be exceeded between inspections. When considering inspection periods, serious consideration should be given to the breaking of circulating current which in some cases may exceed the load current. The diverter switch and tap selector is the only internal moving parts in a transformer. The diverter switch does the entire on load making and breaking of currents, whereas the tap selector pre- selects the tap to which the diverter switch will transfer the load current. The tap selector operates off load and therefore needs no maintenance. However experience has shown that in some circumstances inspection of selector switches becomes necessary where contacts become misaligned or contact braids in fact fatigueandbreak. The next segment is a list taken from [4] on what should be carried out during tap changer maintenance. - Replace contacts in older type tap changers. Modern tap changers rarely require contact replacement; this depends on the characteristics of the tap changer in question. The frequency of diverter switch and motor drive unit inspections can usually be obtained from manufacturer manuals or previous maintenance experience. - Measuring and recording contact consumption during inspection will give a reasonably accurate life expectancy of the contacts at that present load condition. Therefore this should be done on a regular basis. - Transition resistors should be checked for continuity and value as an open circuited resistor can result in excessive contact wear. - Need to equalize rotation lag between the diverter switch and the motor drive unit to ensure minimum spring energisation in the energy accumulator springs. - The function of relays, interlocks, limit switches and switches should be checked as well as remote indication of tap position. - Drive shafts and gearboxes must be inspected for radial and axial wear. A large percentage of tap change failures are as a result of drive shaft faults. - Replace transformer oil with clean, dry oil. Cleaning is only carried out with transformer oil not solvents. Carbon and copper deposits are generally found on horizontal surfaces of the diverter switch as small convection currents in the oil are established each tap change. This results in the carbon being deposited on top of the diverter. The statements in this publication are based on our present knowledge and experience. Due to the number of possible influences in the processing and application of our products, these statements do not exempt the user from making his own tests and experiments. They cannot be taken as legally binding assurance regarding certain properties or suitability for a particular application. Any possible patent rights as well as existing laws and provisions must be observed at the responsibility of the user. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA: Jul.7 th ,'99 SIWO - KUL Codice TSK AGG.: CONNECTION CABLE Scheda tecnica 15.8 I Pag: 1 / 3 High temperaure and very flexible single core cable Gruppo F DESCRIPTION The connection cable Type SIWO-KUL is a very flexible single core cable. It is manufactured in the voltage range of 1.1 kV, 3.3/4.2 kV, 6.6 kV and 13.8 kV. The operating temperature for continuous service extends from –60°C. up to +180°C. The use of silicone rubber, a high grade corona resistant insulation material, gives the cable excellent dielectric strength. The braided synthetic yarn covering, which is applied directly over the insulation, gives the cable, because of its short braiding pitch and high compactness, an excellent mechanical protection by maintaining good flexibility. The varnishing of the braiding results in good antifriction properties, high abrasion and excellent chemical resistance against transformer oil, light fuel oil and most types of cleaning agents. In the event of fire, no corrosive and toxic gases will be given off. Hence, damage caused by fire can be kept to a minimum. Compared with other plastic insulated cables, SIWO-KUL generates only little smoke and is therefore defined as “low smoke grade” according to the “Guideline for fire regulations”. Of course, the cable meets the requirements concerning fire propagation specified in IEEE 383 and IEC 332-1 respectively. According to the French specification N.F.F.16.101, this cable is BF1 approved which means that it is in compliance with requirements for cable used in the internal wiring of rail cars. Under the influence of flames the silicone rubber reduces to silicone oxide, which is an excellent electrical insulator. Because of this chemical reaction a relatively long functional endurance under fire conditions can be achieved. Tests according to IEC 331 and VDE 0472 part 814, at rated voltage, show a function time of at least 30 minutes. The insulation wallthickness has been designed taking into consideration the high dielectric strength of silicone rubber. The breakdown voltage of the finished cable is at least twice the value of the test voltage. The cable meets the requirements of UIC 895 and, concerning dielectric strength, BSS 6195 Type 5, voltage categories C,D, E and F. APPLICATIONS The SIWO-KUL cable is used where high flexibility is required and high temperature conditions are present. It is therefore a suitable connection cable for high voltage machines, for transformers, motors, generations etc. Thanks to its goods antifriction properties and abrasion resistance it is also well suited for traction machines and shipbuilding. The statements in this publication are based on our present knowledge and experience. Due to the number of possible influences in the processing and application of our products, these statements do not exempt the user from making his own tests and experiments. They cannot be taken as legally binding assurance regarding certain properties or suitability for a particular application. Any possible patent rights as well as existing laws and provisions must be observed at the responsibility of the user. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA : Jul.7 th ,'99 SIWO - KUL Codice TSK AGG.: CONNECTION CABLE Scheda tecnica 15.8 I Pag: 2 / 3 High temperaure and very flexible single core cable Gruppo F 1) Copper conductor tinned, flexible, class 5 IEC 228 2) Semi-conductive tape only for Kv. 6,6 and 13,8 3) Silicone rubber insulation 4) Protective synthetic yarn braiding, polyurethane varnished. TECHNICAL DATA Ref. U.M. TSK 1,1 TSK 3,3/4,2 TSK 6,6 TSK 13,8 Rated voltage KV 1,1 3,3/4,2 6,6 13,8 Test voltage KV 3,5 10 15 30 Breakdown voltage KV 10 20 30 60 Min. bending radius: 5 x d. 5 x d 5 x d 6 x d 6 x d Colour Yellow Red Grey Black Permissible temp. range: - continuous: - intermittent: 1h / 12 h - short time duty t 3s °C °C °C -60 +180 +220 +350 Electrical properties: -breakdown field strength KV/mm t50 -dielectric constant E R : 3....4 -loss factor tan: Tgd d 10 -2 Mechanical properties: -Tensile strenght -Elongation at break -Hardness MPa % Shore A 8....9 280 60....70 CROSS SECTIONS AND SIZES Section Costruction Insul. Wall thickness Out. Diam min. - max. mm 2 mm KV 1,1 KV 3,3 KV 6,6 KV 13,8 KV 1,1 KV 3,3 KV 6,6 KV 13,8 1,50 2,50 4,00 30 x 0,25 50 x 0,25 56 x 0,30 0,90 0,90 0,90 --- 1,80 1,80 --- --- 2,20 --- --- --- 3,8-4,1 4,3-4,6 4,9-5,2 --- 6,1-6,4 6,7-7,0 --- --- 8,0-8,3 --- --- --- 6,00 10 16 84 x 0,30 80 x 0,40 126 x 0,40 0,90 0,90 0,90 1,80 1,80 1,80 2,20 2,20 2,20 3,50 3,50 3,50 5,8-6,1 7,0-7,4 8,2-8,6 7,6-7,9 8,8-9,2 10,0-10,4 8,9-9,3 10,1-10,5 11,3-11,7 11,5-11,9 12,7-13,1 13,9-14,5 25 35 50 196 x 0,40 276 x 0,40 396 x 0,40 1,10 1,10 1,30 1,80 1,80 2,00 2,20 2,20 2,40 3,50 3,50 3,50 10,1-10,5 11,7-12,3 13,8-14,4 11,5-11,9 13,1-13,7 15,2-15,8 12,8-13,2 14,4-15,0 16,5-17,1 15,4-16,0 17,0-17,6 18,7-19,3 70 95 120 360 x 0,50 475 x 0,50 608 x 0,50 1,30 1,50 1,50 2,00 2,30 2,30 2,40 2,40 2,40 3,50 3,50 3,50 15,5-16,1 17,9-18,5 19,9-20,5 16,9-17,5 19,5-20,1 21,5-22,1 18,1-18,7 20,1-20,8 22,1-22,8 20,4-21,0 22,4-23,0 24,4-25,0 150 185 240 756 x 0,50 925 x 0,50 1221 x 0,50 1,70 1,90 2,10 2,30 2,30 2,30 2,50 2,50 2,50 3,70 3,70 3,70 22,6-23,2 24,4-25,0 27,9-28,5 23,8-24,4 25,2-25,8 29,0-29,6 24,7-25,3 26,1-26,7 29,9-30,7 27,1-27,7 28,5-29,3 32,3-33,1 300 1525 x 0,50 --- --- 2,50 3,70 --- --- 34,4-35,2 36,8-37,6 The statements in this publication are based on our present knowledge and experience. Due to the number of possible influences in the processing and application of our products, these statements do not exempt the user from making his own tests and experiments. They cannot be taken as legally binding assurance regarding certain properties or suitability for a particular application. Any possible patent rights as well as existing laws and provisions must be observed at the responsibility of the user. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA : Jul.7 th ,'99 SIWO - KUL Codice TSK AGG.: CONNECTION CABLE Scheda tecnica 15.8 I Pag: 3 / 3 High temperaure and very flexible single core cable Gruppo F CONDUCTOR RESISTANCE AND CABLE WEIGHT Section :/Km 20°C Cable weight Kg./1'000 m. mm 2 KV 1,1 KV 3,3 KV 6,6 KV 13,8 KV 1,1 KV 3,3 KV 6,6 KV 13,8 1,50 2,50 4,00 13.7 8.21 5.09 - 8.21 5.09 - - 5.09 - - - 29 37 58 - 57 74 - - 96 - - - 6,00 10 16 3.39 1.95 1.24 3.39 1.95 1.24 3.39 1.95 1.24 3.39 1.95 1.24 76 121 179 101 150 212 121 172 237 173 230 301 25 35 50 0.795 0.566 0.393 0.795 0.566 0.393 0.795 0.566 0.393 0.795 0.566 0.393 273 377 536 304 412 576 331 441 612 405 520 688 70 95 120 0.277 0.210 0.164 0.277 0.210 0.164 0.277 0.210 0.164 0.277 0.210 0.164 737 970 1222 783 1030 1288 822 1060 1313 905 1150 1414 150 185 240 0.132 0.108 0.0817 0.132 0.108 0.0817 0.132 0.108 0.0817 0.132 0.108 0.0817 1522 1855 2442 1577 1894 2463 1630 1934 2490 1740 2050 2640 fkpri^qflkJpóëíÉã=Ñçê=eáÖÜJsçäí~ÖÉ|oo All values stated are to be seen as typical values. We reserve the right to introduce changes within the framework of further r 7 m oÉëáåoáÅÜ=Ó=fkpri^qflk=póëíÉã=Ó=`çáäë=Ñçê =eáÖÜ=sçäí~ÖÉ=j~ÅÜáåÉë For high and highest Voltage (3,0kV up to >13,0kV) ^=ú=`çåÇìÅíçêW - rectangular Copper wires Ö dimensions: 5,0mm² up to 25mm² _=ú=`çåÇìÅíçê=fåëìä~íáçåW 1. Mica tapes based on PET-film carrier Ö high dielectric strength Ö excellent corona resistance Standard tapes from KREMPEL: - KREMICA.flex K1002-09 > PET-film/ mica paper/ EP-resin Ö used when pre-consolidation of the coil is done prior to coil forming; HYPERSEAL NG is used for stackbonding. - KREMICA.flex K1015-09 > PET-film + hot-melt adhesive/ mica paper/ EP-resin Ö used when pre-consolidation of the coil is done after coil forming - KREMICA.flex K1017-10 > PET-film/ mica paper/ EP-resin/ PET-film + hot-melt Ö used when pre-consolidation of the coil is done after coil forming Ö other tape compositions are available on request, e.g. glass or Polyimide carriers. Ö Several standard methods of taping are possible: - ½ -lapped; butt-lapped; 1 / 3 –lapped (decided by customer and conductor manufacturer). Hot –melt adhesive PET-film Mica paper PET-film Copper wire covered with KREMICA.flex K1017-10 fkpri^qflkJpóëíÉã=Ñçê=eáÖÜJsçäí~ÖÉ|oo All values stated are to be seen as typical values. We reserve the right to introduce changes within the framework of further r 7 m 2. Insulation Thickness (=IT) after pressing Ö IT = n= number of layers p= type of overlapping ( butt-lapped 0 / 0 ; ½ lapped ; 1 / 3 lapped;...) d= thickness of tape (mm) c= compression of the tape (%) Ö Example: KREMICA.flex K1002-09; 2 x 1 / 3 lapped Ö IT = = 0,225mm 3. Breakdown Voltage of KREMICA.flex insulated wires Ö Type of KREMICA.flex Ö Type of overlapping Ö Number of layers Ö BDV (average): 3,0 – 5,0kV Example: KREMICA.flex K1002-09; 1 layer x ½-overlapping (n +2 x n x p) x d x (100-c) 100 IT BDV against steel balls > 3kV BDV between conductors: > 6kV (2 +2 x 2 x 1 / 3 ) x 0,09 x (100-25) 100 fkpri^qflkJpóëíÉã=Ñçê=eáÖÜJsçäí~ÖÉ|oo All values stated are to be seen as typical values. We reserve the right to introduce changes within the framework of further r 7 m `=ú=mêÉJÅçåëçäáÇ~íáçåW 1. Conductor Insulation with KREMICA.flex K1002-09 Ö HYPERSEAL NG2 0,13x25mm: Glass-EP Prepreg 1 x butt-lapped layer or open spiral wound Ö HYPERSTRIP MPF2 0,05x40mm: Release film 1 x ½ lapped layer; removed after pressing Ö Pressing cycle: e.g. 10min at 160°C 2. Conductor Insulation with KREMICA.flex K1015-09 (or K1017-10) Ö HYPERSTRIP MPF2 0,05x40mm: Release film 1 x ½ lapped layer; removed after pressing Ö Pressing cycle: e.g. 5min at 130°C HYPERSTRIP MPF HYPERSEAL NG2 HYPERSTRIP MPF Hot-melt adhesive Copper wire covered with KREMICA.flex K1002-09 Copper wire covered with KREMICA.flex K1015-09 fkpri^qflkJpóëíÉã=Ñçê=eáÖÜJsçäí~ÖÉ|oo All values stated are to be seen as typical values. We reserve the right to introduce changes within the framework of further r 7 m a=ú=j~áåJfåëìä~íáçå=Eëäçí=C=ÉåÇïáåÇáåÖF 1. Slot part/ Main wall insulation Material mm Carrier Mica Resin System KREMICA.therm K2006-18 0,18x20-25 0,18x1000 Glass fabric calc. Mica Epoxy Resin KREMICA.therm K2004-18 0,18x20-25 0,18x1000 Glass fabric unc. Mica Epoxy Resin KREMICA.therm K2004-28 0,28x25 0,28x1000 Glass fabric unc. Mica Epoxy Resin KREMICA.therm K2020-15 0,15x20-25 0,15x1000 PET-film calc. Mica Epoxy Resin Inner Corona Protection (ICP): Cond. tape 03 EFR 13AA 0,08x20-40 PET-Fleece - thread reinforced - Synthetic Resin Outer Corona Protection (OCP): Cond. tape 06 ELR 14AA 0,08x20-40 PET-Fleece - Synthetic Resin Inner Corona Protection (ICP): Cond. tape 05 GGR 32AA 0,05x20-40 Glass fabric - Synthetic Resin Outer Corona Protection (OCP): Cond. tape 10 GGR 32AA 0,10x20-40 Glass fabric - Synthetic Resin 2. Endwinding Material mm Carrier Mica Resin System KREMICA.flex K1022-13 0,13x20-25 PET-film/ Glass fabric/ PET-film calc. Mica Epoxy Resin, Flexible KREMICA.therm K2006-18 0,18x20-25 Glass fabric calc. Mica Epoxy Resin KREMICA.therm K2004-18 0,18x20-25 Glass fabric unc. Mica Epoxy Resin KREMICA.therm K2020-15 0,15x20-25 PET-film calc. Mica Epoxy Resin Semi conductive tape: Akasic 4b 0,20x20-25 Glass/ PET-fabric - SIC-Epoxy Resin Sealing tape: HYPERSEAL M 0,14x20-25 Polyester-fabric - Synthetic Resin fkpri^qflkJpóëíÉã=Ñçê=eáÖÜJsçäí~ÖÉ|oo All values stated are to be seen as typical values. We reserve the right to introduce changes within the framework of further r 7 m 3. Lead out Material mm Carrier Mica Resin System KREMICA.flex K1022-13 0,13x20-25 PET-film/ Glass fabric/ PET-film Calc. Mica Epoxy Resin, Flexible KREMICA.therm K2006-18 0,18x20-25 Glass fabric Calc. Mica Epoxy Resin KREMICA.therm K2004-18 0,18x20-25 Glass fabric Unc. Mica Epoxy Resin KREMICA.therm K2020-15 0,15x20-25 PET-film Calc. Mica Epoxy Resin Sealing tape: HYPERSEAL M 0,14x20-25 Polyester-fabric - Synthetic Resin Informations and Details This information is to be used as a guideline and should give you the support to design your insulation system. Several other tapes and combinations are available on request. More details and further information for these quality products from KREMPEL will be available upon your request. Please contact our sales team or any of the authorized KREMPEL Partners and Agents. fkpri^qflkJpóëíÉã=Ñçê=eáÖÜJsçäí~ÖÉ|oo All values stated are to be seen as typical values. We reserve the right to introduce changes within the framework of further r 7 m b=ú=cìää=fåëìä~íáçå=póëíÉã KREMICA.therm K2006 or KREMICA.therm K2020 03 EFR 13AA (ICP) 05 GGR 32AA (ICP) 06 ELR 14AA (OCP) 10 GGR 32AA (OCP) Slot-Insulation: Conductor with... KREMICA.flex K1002-09 (+HYPERSEAL NG) KREMICA.flex K1015-09 KREMICA.flex K1017-10 KREMICA.therm K2006 KREMICA.therm K2020 03 EFR 13AA (ICP) or 05 GGR 32AA (ICP) 06 ELR 14AA (OCP) or 10 GGR 32AA (OCP) Slot wedge: KREMPEL Wacosit Profile or Pregnit cutted Profiles Slot Liner: TRIVOLTHERM N Akasic 4b Lead out insulation HYPERSEAL M endwinding main/ slot part endwinding & lead out This information is intended only for general guidance in the application of our products. It has been obtained by careful investigation and reprensents the present state of our knowledge and experience. Because of the large number of possible methods of applications and processing we are not able to assume responsability in any one particular case for either the technical results or the patent rights situation applicable to the country under consideration. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA: 1.Ott.1993 COMBINED FLEXIBLE INSULATING Codice ROC Pag: MATERIALS: Scheda tecnica 01.1 GB RO/C Gruppo C DESCRIPTION Two materials are laminated together: Polyester film for electrical insulation in accordance with DIN IEC 674 and special presspaper Psp 3040 in accordance with DIN 7733. 1 layer of paper+film= RO/C-2 PLIES 1 layer of paper+film+1 layer of paper=RO/C-3 PLIES Film thickness can be of 25: RO/C-2,5M or 50 micron: RO/C-5M USE Slot insulation, slot closure, layer insulation. CHARACTERISTICS Presspaper has good absorbency of impregnating varnishes and resins, thus providing excellent bonding of all winding components. This material has smooth surface, therefore good machinability. INSULATION CLASS: In accordance with VDE 0530, Part 1: B (130° C) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Condioning:Standard reference Atmosphere 23/50 Test standard Unit RO/C-2,5M 2 PLIES(*) RO/C-2,5M 3 PLIES(*) RO/C-5M 2 PLIES(*) RO/C-5M 3 PLIES(*) Film thickness DIN 7739 mm 0,023 0,023 0,05 0,05 Material density DIN 7739 g/m 3 1,25 1,2 1,3 1,25 Tensile strength DIN 7739 non-folded-min M.D. C.M.D. N/mm 2 N/mm 2 100 70 100 70 100 70 100 70 Folded-min M.D. C.M.D. N/mm 2 N/mm 2 70 60 60 60 70 60 70 60 Elongation DIN 7739 non-folded-min M.D C.M.D. % % 5 14 5 12 5 14 5 12 Folded-min M.D. C.M.D. % % 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 Tear resistance (Eyelet method) DIN 7734 M.D. C.M.D. N N 180 250 110 130 250 200 200 250 Dielectric strength Non folded-min Folded-min DIN 53481 KV KV 7 6 7 6 8 7 9 8 (*) Mean values based on the measurements of materials of indicated thickness. M.D. :Machine direction. C.M.D.:Cross machine direction AVAILABILITY: Rolls width mm. 750-1.000; about. kg. 50 Reels from 10 mm. minimum kg. 50; Tolerances in accordance to DIN 40600 Available thicknesses: RO/C 2,5M-2 and 3 Plies: mm.0,13 0,18 0,23 0,28 0,33 0,38 RO/C. 5M-2 and 3 Plies: mm.0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30 0,35 0,40 0,45 STORAGE: In the condition as delivered RO/C has a moisture content of 6-8%, which is necessary for maintaining good process ability.By storing the material either in undamaged original packaging or at room temperature of approx. 20°C. and approx. 65% relative humidity, it remains unchanged This information is intended only for general guidance in the application of our products. It has been obtained by careful investigation and reprensents the present state of our knowledge and experience. Because of the large number of possible methods of applications and processing we are not able to assume responsability in any one particular case for either the technical results or the patent rights situation applicable to the country under consideration. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA 27 Ott 97 DMD S Codice DMDS Pag 1 NON WOVEN PET-FILM-NON WOV. PET Scheda tecnica 01 2 6 GB LAMINATE AND SATURATED Gruppo C DESCRIPTION Flexible laminate of 3 plies: - Non woven polyester cloth - Polyester film- - Non woven polyester cloth. To improve thermal resistance and slippery this laminate is varnished with an electrical insulating varnish of class “F”, it can be white, pink , red or other colours. Adesion of layers is obtained with high temperature thermosetting glue. Adesion of impregnating varnish/resins is very good. Water absorbtion is very low and mechanical resistance very high. Dielectric strenght is done by the thickness of polyester film. USE Electrical motors: slot insulation, slot closing phase separation. Transformers: dry and casted for interlayers insulation INSULATING CLASS: “F” Acc. VDE 0530 Part 1 Use of impregnating varnishes or resins of Class” F” will furthermore improve thermal resistacnce of DMDS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS U.M. DMDS50 2-2-2 DMDS75 2-3-2 DMDS100 2-4-2 DMDS125 2-5-2 DMDS190 2-8-2 DMDS250 2-10-2 DMDS350 2-14-2 Total thickness mm 0,15 0,18 0,20 0,23 0,30 0,35 0,45 Film thickness mm 0,05 0,075 0,10 0,125 0,19 0,25 0,35 Yeld g/m 2 140 185 210 250 340 425 560 Tensile strength -longitudinal N/cm 2 100 120 140 170 240 300 400 Elongation % 18 18 18 18 20 20 20 Dielectric strength kV 6 7 9 10 15 18 22 AVAILABILITY: Rolls width mm1000; about. kg. 50 or kg 400 Reels from 10 mm. minimum kg. 50; Tolerances in accordance to DIN 40600 This information is intended only for general guidance in the application of our products. It has been obtained by careful investigation and reprensents the present state of our knowledge and experience. Because of the large number of possible methods of applications and processing we are not able to assume responsability in any one particular case for either the technical results or the patent rights situation applicable to the country under consideration. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA 8 aprile ’09 DM Codice DM Pag 1 NON WOVEN – POLYESTER FILM Scheda tecnica 01 2 9 GB 2 PLIES LAMINATE Gruppo C DESCRIPTION Flexible laminate of 2 plies: - Non woven polyester cloth - Polyester film Adesion of layers is obtained with high temperature thermosetting glue. Adesion of impregnating varnish/resins is very good. Water absorbtion is very low and mechanical resistance very high. Dielectric strenght is done by the thickness of polyester film. USE Electrical motors: slot insulation, slot closing phase separation. Transformers: dry and casted for interlayers insulation INSULATING CLASS Use of impregnating varnishes or resins of Class” F” will allow use of “DM” in class “F” appliances TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS U.M. DM50 2-2 DM75 2-3 DM125 2-5 DM190 2-8 DM250 2-10 DM300 2-12 DM350 2-14 Film thickness mm 0,050 0,075 0,125 0,190 0,250 0,300 0,350 Total thickness mm 0,11 0,14 0,19 0,25 0,31 0,36 0,41 Yeld g/m 2 100 134 200 300 380 450 530 Tensile strength -longitudinal N/cm 2 95 115 165 235 295 340 395 Elongation % 18 18 18 20 20 20 20 Dielectric strength kV 6 7 10 15 18 20 22 AVAILABILITY: Rolls width mm. 1000; about kg 50 or kg 400 Reels from 10 mm minimum kg. 50; Tolerances in accordance to DIN 40600 This information is intended only for general guidance in the application of our products. It has been obtained by careful investigation and reprensents the present state of our knowledge and experience. Because of the large number of possible methods of applications and processing we are not able to assume responsability in any one particular case for either the technical results or the patent rights situation applicable to the country under consideration. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATE: 01.Apr.09 COMBINED FLEXIBLE MATERIAL Codice NKK112 ALU Page 1/1 CREPE PAPER AND ALUMINIUM FOIL Scheda tecnica 01 6 GB 01 6 GB NKK112ALU.doc NKK112ALU Gruppo C DESCRIPTION NKK112ALU is a combination of electrical Kraft paper and aluminium foil, with a non conductive adhesive which is insoluble in water and hot oil. Creped Kraft Paper is produced from sulphate wood pulp. APPLICATION Aluminium crepe paper allows outstanding precision shielding in transformers coil, cables, electronic components and electric devices. CHARACTERISTICS High elongation and flexibility enable NKK112ALU to assume desired shapes smoothly to wrap simply around all shapes and sizes. INSULATION CLASS: “A” TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Properties (According to ASTM D 202 @ std. cond.) Unit Values Weight of plain Kraft Paper g/m 2 73 Weight of Creped Kraft Paper g/m 2 112,3 Thickness of Crepe Paper mm 0,28 Thickness of Alu Foil mm 0,10 Thickness Total mm 0,38 Elongation % 50 Tensile strength MD N/mm 2,6-4,4 AVAILABILITY: Rolls : mm 1240 -620- ID 72,2 - OD 560 Reels : mm 20 – 25 – 30 ID 50 mm – OD 150 mm Le notizie contenute nel presente bollettino sono frutto di accurate ricerche e di numerosi esperimenti nel ns laboratorio Data però la molteplicità delle applicazioni pratiche, esse hanno valore unicamente indicativo, senza alcuna nostra responsabilità. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) Italy telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 www. erbaisolanti.com E mail:
[email protected] DATE: Jun 2003 E 100 Codice NA923H POLYESTER FILM TAPES Scheda tecnica 32.3 GB Pag: 1/1 UNIDIRECTIONAL GLASS FIBERS REINFORCED Gruppo L DESCRIPTION E100 is a pressure adhesive tape of polyester film reinforced with unidirectional glass yarns. Laminate with a special synthetic thermosetting rubber adhesive. E100 has been designed for applications requiring high tensile strength and tear resistance. Thermosetting adhesive has high resistance to solvents and varnishes. Higher after during 2 hours at 130°C. APPLICATIONS To tie coils and large windings. Phase separation, edges of slot insulations. In transformers to hold beginning and end of windings. HEAT CLASS: B (130°C) PROPERTIES Type E 1 0 0 Backing Polyester film – unidirectional glass fiber reinforced Adhesive Thermo setting rubber Colour White Backing thickness mm 0,085 Total thickness mm 0,13 Peel adhesion N/cm 3,2 Tensile strength N/cm 200 Elongation % 5 Breakdown voltage kv 5 Thermal class B Usage temperature °C 130 PACKING AND BOXES Lenght m 50 Width mm 9 12 15 19 25 30 38 50 Rolls per box n. 96 72 60 48 36 30 24 18 Inside diameter mm 76 Le notizie contenute nel presente bollettino sono frutto di accurate ricerche e di numerosi esperimenti nel ns laboratorio. Data però la molteplicità delle applicazioni pratiche, esse hanno valore unicamente indicativo, senza alcuna nostra responsabilità. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA: 01.Febr.98 E 98 X Codice NA930Hxx Pag: 1 / 1 POLYESTER FILM TAPES Scheda tecnica 32.3.3 GLASS CLOTH REINFORCED Gruppo L DESCRIPTION E98X is a pressure adhesive tape with polyester film thich.0,023mm. reinforced with glass cloth and synthetic resin thermosetting adhesive. It has been designed for applications requiring high tensile strength and tear resistance. APPLICATIONS To tie coils and large windings. Phase separation, edges of slot insulations. In transformers to hold beginning and end of windings. HEAT CLASS: F (155°C) PROPERTIES Type E 9 8 X Backing Polyester film glass cloth reinforced Adhesive Synthetic resin Colour Translucent Backing thickness mm 0,11 Total thickness mm 0,16 Peel adhesion N/cm 6 Tensile strength N/cm 380 Elongation % 4 Breakdown voltage kv 5 Thermal class F Usage temperature °C 155 PACKING AND BOXES Lenght m 50 Width mm 9 12 15 19 25 30 38 50 Rolls per box n. 96 72 60 48 36 30 24 18 Inside diameter mm 76 The statements in this publication are based on our present knowledge and experience. Due to the number of possible influences in the processing and application of our products, these statements do not exempt ther user from making his own tests and experiments. They cannot be taken as legally binding assurance regarding certain properties or suitability for a particular application. Any possible patent rights as well as existing laws and provisions must be observed at the responsability of the user. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATE: Jan 01.02 PLYMOUTH PREMIUM 111 Cod NAB111 19 Pag: 1 / 1 ALL WEATHER ADHESIVE VINYL TAPE Scheda tecnica 34.1.0GB Gruppo L DESCRIPTION Premium 111 Black Vinyl Plastic Electrical Tape is an all- weather, pressure sensitive, vinyl tape that gives complete electrical and mechanical protection for most general taping jobs with more dielectric protection than simile tapes. Method of bonding the adhesive to the vinyl prevents transfer and gives greater adhesive strength. Thin, tough and resilient, it can be stretched to conform easily without breaking. Easily applied at low temperatures. MAIN FEATURES Thickness mm 0,18 – Cold and weather resistant – High Dielectric Strength – Highly elastic – Flame retardant – UL and CSA Approved- Highly resistant to sun, water, oil, acids, alkalies, corrosive chemicals – Meets ASTM Specification D-3005. APPLICATIONS General splicing. Primary insulation for splices at not more than 600 Volts.. Prospective outer jacket. Low temperature applications. PROPERTIES Value Unit Test Method Colour Black - - Thickness 0,18 mm ASTM-D-1000 Tensile Strength 18 Ib/in ASTM-D-1000 Elongation 240 % ASTM-D-1000 Adhesion to Steel to Backing to Backing @ 7°C. 20 50 oz/in oz/in ASTM-D-1000 ASTM-D-1000 Unwind @ -7°C. 100 oz/in ASTM-D-1000 Flammability 4 max. Second ASTM-D-1000 Flagging 0,10 max. In ASTM-D-1000 Temp. Rating -Maximum -Minimum 105 / 80 -10 / -18 °C. °C. UL 510 / CSA 22.2 UL 510 / CSA 22.2 Dielectric Strength Standard Wet Min 10.000 Min 9.000 Volts Volts ASTM-D-1000 ASTM-D-1000 Dielectric constant 3.2 - ASTM-D-150 Power Factor 0.01 - ASTM-D-150 Insul. Resistance 1 x 10 6 megahoms ASTM-D-1000 USE Apply weak pressure to tape on cleaned cables or wires. Do not elongate last 25 mm, cover surface and wait 5/10 seconds, than apply pressure DIMENSIONAL DATA AND PACKAGING Rolls length: Mt. 20 Standard Width: mm 19 The statements in this publication are based on our present knowledge and experience. Due to the number of possible influences in the processing and application of our products, these statements do not exempt ther user from making his own tests and experiments. They cannot be taken as legally binding assurance regarding certain properties or suitability for a particular application. Any possible patent rights as well as existing laws and provisions must be observed at the responsability of the user. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATE: Sept 01.09 PLYMOUTH N Types Codice NABXX Pag: 1 / 1 ADHESIVE VINYL ELECTRICAL TAPES Scheda tecnica 34.1.2GB Gruppo L DESCRIPTIONS Plymouth electrical tapes are based on a vinyl film and are characterised by excellent performance and very long durability. A balanced combination of high quality rubber-adhesive systems on special vinyl film avoid compatibility issues. These tapes can be used on all different plastic wire insulations and elastomeres. All PVC tapes meet RoHS and do not contain Phthalates. PLYMOUTH N10: Economical tape is available in several colours. It is highly conformable with a good adhesion level. N10 is flame retardant and used for general insulation purposes and colour coding. PLYMOUTH N12: This tape is available in several colours. It is highly conformable with a good adhesion level. N12 is flame retardant and suitable for all kind of mechanical and electrical applications. N12 can be used for primary insulation of splices up to 600 V. PLYMOUTH N15 Premium : This black tape is an high quality product with superior mechanical resistance. N15 Premium is suitable for reparation of outer jackets of power cables and other applications where higher abrasion resistance is required. PLYMOUTH N17 –PLYMOUTH N20 - PLYMOUTH N40: These black PVC tapes are equipped with a special high level of adhesive and are designed for all types of mechanical and electrical applications. Additional thickness allows for quicker build-ups and added abrasion protection. PROPERTIES Unit N 10 N 12 N 15 Premium N 17 N 20 N 40 Backing Material - - - - - Dimensions mm x m. 15 x 10 19 x 10 19 x 20 19 x 10 19 x 20 19 x 20 19 x 20 50 x 30 50 x 30 Colours - Black Blue Red White Yellow Green Grey Brown- Yellow/Green Black Blue Red White Yellow Green Grey Brown- Yellow/Green Black Black Black Black Adhesive Rubber Based Rubber Based Rubber Based Rubber Based Rubber Based Rubber Based Thickness (1) mm 0,13 0,15 0,18 0,20 0,23 0,39 Breaking Strength N/cm 22 27 33 38 43 86 Elongation at Break % 200 220 240 240 240 280 Adhesion to Steel N/cm 3,5 3,5 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,2 Adhesion to backing N/cm 3,3 3,3 3,8 3,8 3,8 4,0 Dielectric breakdown kV 6 8 9 10 11 14 Temperature Rating ° C 105 105 105 105 105 105 The statements in this publication are based on our present knowledge and experience. Due to the number of possible influences in the processing and application of our products, these statements do not exempt ther user from making his own tests and experiments. They cannot be taken as legally binding assurance regarding certain properties or suitability for a particular application. Any possible patent rights as well as existing laws and provisions must be observed at the responsability of the user. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA: Jan 01.02 BISHOP W 963 PLYSAFE Cod. NAB963 XX Pag: 1 / 1 EPR Self Amalgamating High Voltage Data Sheet 34.2 0 Tape Group L DESCRIPTION W963 is an Ethylene Propylene Rubber based high voltage possessing excellent electrical, chemical, and physical properties. W963 Plysafe is a self-amalgamating tape that maintains a tight insulation build-up for void free electrical stability and permanent resistance to moisture penetration. The excellent stretch of W963 Plysafe permits fast taping speeds and uniform build-up with normal taping techniques. W963 Plysafe is compatible with all extruded dielectric cable insulation’s. APPLICATIONS For insulating and jacketing of splices on power able from 600 volts through 69.000 volts and for building stress cones and jacketing of terminations on power cable from 600 volts thru 35.000 volts. Moisture seal for all water-proofing needs; insulating and protecting bus components. Due to its high stable mechanical and chemical properties, W963 Plysafe is ideal for cable jacket repair and restoration. MAIN FEATURES Self-amagamating – Outstanding corona and ozone resistance – UV Resistant – Excellent moisture, corrosion and chemical resistance. PROPERTIES Value Unit Test Method Colour Black - - Thickness 0.762 mm ASTM-D-4325 Tensile Strength 350 Psi ASTM-D-4325 Elongation 750 % ASTM-D-4325 Fusion 5/64 max. inc. ASTM-D-4325 Heat resistance 130 °C. ASTM-D-4325 Operating Temp -Continuous Emergency Overload 90 130 °C. °C. ASTM-D-4388 ASTM-D-4388 Water Absorption 0,06 % ASTM-D-570 Ozone Resistance Pass Visual ASTM-D-4325 UV Resistance Pass Visual ASTM-D-4325 Dielectric Strength 750 V/mil ASTM-D-4325 Diel. Constant 24h @ 23°C. 168h @ 70°C. 2.7 2.9 -- ASTM-D-4325 ASTM-D-4325 Dissipation Factor 24h@23°C 168h @ 70°C. 0.005 0.015 ASTM-D-4325 ASTM-D-4325 Volume Resistivity: 96h@28°C. 50%RH 96h @ 23°C. 98%RH 10 16 10 16 ohm-cm ohm-cm ASTM-D-4325 ASTM-D-4325 U-Bend >1000 Hours IPCEA S-19-81 DIMENSIONAL DATA AND PACKAGING Rolls length: Standard Width: Packing: Mt. 9,1 mm 19 N. 48 rolls per case, individually packed; kg. 11 This information is intended only for general giudance in the application of our products. It has been obtained by careful investigation and represents the present state of our knowledge and experience. Because of the large number of possible methods of applications and processing we are not able to assume responsibility in any one particular case for either the technical results or the patent rights situation applicable to the country under consideration. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5503.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA: 17 Nov 98 TAPE ELASTO SILICONE Codice NASIL Pag: 1 / 1 SELF FUSIONING Scheda tecnica 34.3GB Upd. 01-Sept-01 Gruppo L CONSTRUCTION Silicone rubber with a slightly adhesive surface which allows an adhesive tape on tape wrapping. - Triangular or rectangular section. - A Polyester film placed between 2 tape layers on our roll avoids the layer’s adhering to each other. APPLICATIONS - For rotating machines and transformers - For splices, joinings, establishing of insulating sets - Establishing isolations on cables - Dust and humidity tightness INSULATING CLASS: 200 (200 °C) CHARACTERISTICS U.M. VALORI Hardness SHORE-A = 60 r5 Density g/cm 3 = 1,9 +/-0,020 Rupture strength MPa t 6 Elongation at rupture % t 350 Breakdown strength KV/0,1 mm t 2,5 Breakdown strength after aging KV/0,1 mm t 1,8 Relative Dielectric Constant = 2,8 ÷ 3 Resistance to intermittent temp. °C = -50 ÷ +250 Resistance to cont. temp. °C = 200 Dissipation factor KCal•h 1,1x10 3 ÷ 2,5x10 3 Resistivity in volume ohm/cm :/cm = 3x10 15 ÷ 1x10 16 PUT UP In sections: - Triangular: central thickness = 0,5 mm with a central blue marking line - Rectangular: central thickness = 0,5 mm Other thicknesses: on demand In 20 and 25 mm widths. Other widths on demand . In 10M or 20M rolls (the standard being 20M) REF SECT. THICK. mm WIDTH mm NASIL T20 Triangular 0,5 20 NASIL T25 Triangular 0,5 25 NASIL R20 Rectangula r 0,5 20 NASIL R25 Rectangula r 0,5 25 STORAGE Take the habitual precautions for insulating storage, moderate temperature, do not expose to sun. To be preferably stoked in a cool place with a temperature not exceeding 20°C. Average time life: 6 months maximum. TRIANGULAR RECTANGULAR Blue central line Blue central line This information is intended only for general guidance in the application of our products. It has been obtained by careful investigation and reprensents the present state of our knowledge and experience. Because of the large number of possible methods of applications and processing we are not able to assume responsability in any one particular case for either the technical results or the patent rights situation applicable to the country under consideration. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA: 16.Lug.04 E 94H – E 95H – E 96H – E 99H Codice NAxxHxx SOST. 27.Feb.97 ADHESIVE TAPES Scheda tecnica 36.1.0 GB Pag: 1 / 1 GLASS CLOTH BACKING Gruppo L DESCRIPTION Tear and abrasion resistant tapes with very high temperature resistance. APPLICATIONS Holding and general insulation of coils and transformers. Cable harnessing at high temperatures. Interphases insulation. Heavy coil banding. Slot edge reinforcement. HEAT CLASS: B (130°C) or F (155°C) or H (180°C), see below. PROPERTIES Type E 94H E 95H E 96H E 99H Backing G L A S S C L O T H Adhesive ACR TS-R SIL SIL Colour W H I T E Backing thickness mm 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 Total thickness mm 0,165 0,180 0,165 0,170 Peel adhesion N/cm 3,5 4,0 3,0 1,5 Tensile strength N/cm 280 280 280 280 Elongation % 5 5 5 5 Breakdown voltage kv 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,0 Thermal class F (155°C) B (130°C) H (180°C) H (180°C) Usage temperature °C -- -- 250 250 PACKING AND BOXES Lenght m 33 or 50 Width mm 9 12 15 19 25 30 38 50 Rolls per box n. 192 144 120 96 72 60 48 36 Inside diameter mm 76 - 1 - This information is intended only for general guidance in the application of our products. It has been obtained by careful investigation and reprensents the present state of our knowledge and experience. Because of the large number of possible methods of applications and processing we are not able to assume responsability in any one particular case for either the technical results or the patent rights situation applicable to the country under consideration. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA: 18.Mar.94 VTR-ES... Codice VRES AGG.: 17.Mag.99 BRAIDED FIBREGLASS SLEEVING Scheda tecnica 20.6.10 GB Pag: 1 / 1 COATED WITH SILICONE RUBBER Gruppo H DESCRIPTION Braided fibreglass sleeving coated with silicone rubber. APPLICATIONS Ideal thermal and electrical insulating material for devices with high operating temperatures. Combines the good mechanical resistance of fibreglass braid with the flexibility, chemical resistance and dielectric strength of silicone elastomer. THERMAL CLASS : H (180°C) PROPERTIES Dielectric TEST METHOD U M VTR ES 25 (KV 2,5) VTR ES 40 (KV 4,0) IEC 684 250 mm - Central / Lowest Value KV 3,0 / 2,5 5,0 / 4,0 DIN 40620 200 mm, 60 sec. proof KV 3,0 4,0 UL 1441 25 mm KV 4,0 7,0 Thermic IEC 684 Operating Temp. °C - 70 ÷ + 200 UL 1441 Thermal overcharge and aging resistance 7 gg a 265°C - 60 gg a 235°C °C There are neither cracks nor deformation on the surface of the silicone rubber coating. Chemical Excellent resistance to hydrocarbides, gasolines, oils, solvents and aggressive chemical agents in generals. FLAME RESISTANCE Passes the flame test-sleeving in horizontal position (HS) and vertical position (VW-I) as specified DIN 40420 and UL 1441. AVAILABILITY Nominal Bore (mm) Bore Tolerance (mm) Minimum wall thickness KV 2,5 Minimum wall thickness KV 4 Standard Put-up (m) 0,50 ÷ 0,75 / 0,8 + 0,15 0,25 0,35 400 1 + 0,20 0,35 0,45 400 1,5 ÷ 3 + 0,20 0,35 0,45 200 3,5 ÷ 4 + 0,25 0,35 0,45 200 5 ÷ 6 + 0,25 0,45 0,55 200 7 ÷ 8 + 0,25 0,45 0,55 100 9 ÷ 10 + 0,50 0,45 0,55 100 12 + 0,50 0,55 0,65 100 14 + 0,50 0,65 0,75 50 16 ÷ 20 + 1,0 0,65 0,75 50 22 + 1,0 0,85 0,95 25 22 + 1,0 0,90 1,00 25 STANDARD COLOURS: Red and black. Other colours on request with minimum 3.000 meters per diameter and colour. We can supply sleeving cutted at requested length. DATA : 26.01.00 VTR-ES CONFORM Codice VRES AGG.: 26.01.00 FLEXIBLE SILICONE RUBBER Scheda tecnica 20.6.11 Pag: 1 / 1 COATED FIBERGLASS SLEEVING. Gruppo H DESCRIPTION VTR-ES CONFORM , is a flexible silicone rubber coated fiberglass sleeving , that conforms to irregular shapes and requires no heat or mechanical tools for installation . It simply slips over wathever shape you need to cover for a perfect performance fit . The I.D. expands to twice its normal size (1:2 ratio for Grade A and 1:1,1,6 ratio for Grade B ), without loosing dielectric integrity . APPLICATIONS Over hard to insulate irregular shapes. Over rectangular wire in form wound coils . Over thermal cutoff in appliances. Over bus bars and bus bar connections. For military wire harnesses . Over motor lead connectors. To insulate over brazed or soldered splices . CARACTERISTICS OF VTR-ES CONFORM PROPERTY TEST METHOD PERFORMANCE Continuos Operating Temperature _ - 70 °C + 200 °C Dielectric Strenght UL - 1441 GRADE A : 8000 V in dry test normal or expanded GRADE B : 4000 V normal - 2500 expanded Expansion Ratio _ GRADE A 1:2 GRADE B 1:1,6 Thermal Resistance UL-224 1 hour at 300 °C = No cracking of coating Heat aging UL-1441 168 hours at 265 °C No cracks or deformation Flame resistance UL-1441 VW-1 Rated = Will not support combustion Resistance to penetration UL-1441 Excellent Oil Resistance UL-1441 96 hours at 100 °C Passes Chemical Resistance UL-1441 Resistant to oils, solvents,varnishes and aggressive chemical agent in general Available sizes : Nominal ID from 2mm to 16mm . ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 The statements in this publication are based on our present knowledge and experience. Due to the number of possible influences in the processing and application of our products, these statements do not exempt ther user from making his own tests and experiments. They cannot be taken as legally binding assurance regarding certain properties or suitability for a particular application. Any possible patent rights as well as existing laws and provisions must be observed at the responsability of the user. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127
[email protected] - www.erbaisolanti.com. DATA: 03.Ott.03 VTR-ES...H Codice VAES Pag: 1 / 1 BRAIDED FIBREGLASS SLEEVING Scheda tecnica 20.6.14GB VAES COATED WITH SILICONE RUBBER Gruppo H DESCRIPTION Braided fibreglass sleeving coated with silicone rubber. APPLICATIONS Electrical motors and transformers; coils; heating resistances; cables; wiring harness; all electrical devices working at high temperature. DESCRIPTION Approvals: UL E220238 FSG THERMAL CLASS: 200 OPERATING TEMPERATURE: -30°C y +200°C PROPERTIES Dielectric TEST METHOD U M VAES15 VAES25 VAES40 IEC 684 250 mm – Lowest central value KV 1,5 2,5 4,0 GRADE C2 C1 B Thermic Test Operating Temperature Results UL 1441 7 days at 265°C 60 days at 235°C There are neither works nor deformation on the surface of the silicone rubber coating. Chemical Excellent resistance to hidrocarbons, oils, solvents and aggressive chemicals agents in generals tests to specific chemicals are strongly recommended. FLAME RESISTANCE Passes the flame test-sleeving in horizontal position (HS) and vertical position (VW-I) as specified DIN 40420 and UL 1441. AVAILABILITY Nominal Bore (mm) Bore Tolerance (mm) Minimum wall thickness C2 - C1 - B Standard Put-up (m) 0,50 ÷ 2,5 +0,25 –0,00 0,18 200 3 ÷ 4 +0,50 –0,00 0,23 200 5 ÷ 6 +0,50 –0,00 0,28 100 7 ÷ 9 +0,60 –0,00 0,28 100 10 ÷ 12 +0,80 –0,00 0,40 100 14 ÷ 18 +0,80 –0,00 0,48 100 20 ÷ 30 +1,00 –0,00 0,50 50 STANDARD COLOURS Brick red. Upon request and minimum 5000 metres: black, white, blue, yellow, green and brown. These sleeving can be supplied to specific lengths from 20 mm to 1000 mm. This information is intended only for general guidance in the application of our products. It has been obtained by careful investigation and reprensents the present state of our knowledge and experience. Because of the large number of possible methods of applications and processing we are not able to assume responsability in any one particular case for either the technical results or the patent rights situation applicable to the country under consideration. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA: 18.Dic.98 E / CB / N Codice KBN Pag: 1 / 1 Grade Hp 2061 Acc. To DIN 7735 Scheda tecnica 07.1.0 LM Paper - Phenolic Resin Gruppo D VALUES ACCORDING TO DIN 7735 NORM. UNIT VALUES PHYSICAL VALUES Specific gravity DIN 53479 g / cm 3 1,4 Water absorption (3 mm) % 3,5 ELECTRICAL VALUES Insulation resistance DIN 53482 : 10 5 Dielectric strength A 3 mm DIN 53481 KV 10 4 Dielectric strength z 25 mm DIN 53481 KV 30 THERMAL VALUES Thermal stability class IEC Pub. 85 E (120°C) MECHANICAL VALUES Tensile strength DIN 53455 N/mm 2 13000 Compressive strength A DIN 53454 N/mm 2 12000 Flexural strength DIN 53452 N/mm 2 12000 Modulus of elasticity DIN 7735 N/mm 2 - Unnotched impact strength a n 15 DIN 53453 mJ/ mm 2 - Notched impact strength a k 15 DIN 53453 Ncm/ cm 2 250 Splitting resistance DIN 53463 N 3000 COMPONENTS: STANDARD THICKNESSES: STANDARD SIZE: TOLERANCE: Paper - Phenolic resin 0,2 - 20 mm 1300 x 1400, 1300 x 2800 mm according to DIN 40605 This information is intended only for general guidance in the application of our products. It has been obtained by careful investigation and reprensents the present state of our knowledge and experience. Because of the large number of possible methods of applications and processing we are not able to assume responsability in any one particular case for either the technical results or the patent rights situation applicable to the country under consideration. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA: 23.Dic.98 G-ETRONAX EP11 TUBES Codice EIETRXTEP Pag: 1 / 1 Grade Hgw 2375.4 Acc. to DIN 7735 Scheda tecnica 09.6 Glass Fabric - Epoxy Resin Gruppo D VALUES ACCORDING TO DIN 7735 NORM. UNIT VALUES PHYSICAL VALUES Specific gravity DIN 53479 g / cm 3 1,7 – 1,9 Water absorption DIN 53495 Mg (relative value) 0,5 ELECTRICAL VALUES Insulation resistance DIN 53482 : 10 11 Dielectric strenght A 3 mm DIN 53481 KV 40 Dielectric strength z 25 mm DIN 53481 KV 40 Dielectric constant DIN 53483 4,5 Dissipation factor 50 Hz DIN 53483 0,01 Dissipation factor 1 MHz DIN 53483 0,03 Antitracking resistance KA DIN 53480 1 Antitracking resistance KC DIN 53480 V 200 THERMAL VALUES Thermal stability class IEC Pub. 85 H Heat resist. Distorsion DIN 53462 °C. > 180 Thermal expansion Lengthwise VDE 0304/2 1/K 2-4x10 -5 Heat conductivity DIN 52612 W/mK 0.3 MECHANICAL VALUES Tensile strength DIN 53455 N/mm 2 200 Compressive strength A DIN 53454 N/mm 2 400 Compressive strength z DIN 53454 N/mm 2 150 Flexural strength DIN 53452 N/mm 2 300 Modulus of elasticity DIN 7735 N/mm 2 18 x 10 3 COMPONENTS: STANDARD DIMENSIONS: LENGTHS: TOLERANCE: Glass Fabric – Epoxy Resin Inside Diameter 4-1250 mm Outside Diameter 6-1270 mm Inside Diameter < 5 mm: 500 mm Inside Diameter 5-1250 mm: 1000 – 1250 mm According to DIN 40606 ground, unvarnished Le notizie contenute nel presente bollettino sono frutto di accurate ricerche e di numerosi esperimenti nel ns laboratorio. Data però la molteplicità delle applicazioni pratiche, esse hanno valore unicamente indicativo, senza alcuna nostra responsabilità. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA: 7.Set.94 TBL-HS Codice TBLHS Pag: 1/1 HOLLOW BRAID Scheda tecnica 45.7 GB POLYESTER YARN HEAT-SHRINKABLE Gruppo I DESCRIPTION Based on continuous Polyester yarns and braided into a hollow braid. Are principally made unbleached. Braided Tubular with continuous Fibers. APPLICATIONS Fastening, banding, binding of units. The more or less important heat shrinkage (see Properties) allows to obtain an excellent banding and avoid looseness between the different units. PROPERTIES Reference U.M. T B L - H S Width mm 6 8 10 16 18 20 22 24 26 30 35 Yarn title Dtex 1 1 0 0 Weight Gr/mt 4 8,5 11 17 21 25 29 40 43 48 55 Wall thickness mm 0,50 0,65 0,65 0,68 0,68 0,75 0,75 0,86 0,86 0,95 1,0 Breaking resistance DaN DaN < 800 Between 800 ÷ 1.200 > 1.200 Elongation to 2/3 of the resistance % < 20 > 20 Shrinkage 1 h at 140°C Freely suspended % 10 ± 3 AVAILABILITY On cardboard jaw bobbins. Jaw diameter 220, 300 mm. The statements in this publication are based on our present knowledge and experience. Due to the number of possible influences in the processing and application of our products, these statements do not exempt ther user from making his own tests and experiments. They cannot be taken as legally binding assurance regarding certain properties or suitability for a particular application. Any possible patent rights as well as existing laws and provisions must be observed at the responsability of the user. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA: 17.Giu.94 E-BAND TRAFO Codice S68..... Pag: 1 REINFORCED KRAFT PAPER Scheda tecnica 41 2 1GB 41_2_1GB Gruppo N DESCRIPTION Two layers of pure kraft paper, laminated with glass threads. APPLICATION Winding of coils of oil cooled transformers. USE E-BAND TRAFO is winded by hands and glued at end. TECHNICAL DATA Unit S6820 S6825 S6830 Width mm 20 25 30 Thickness mm 0,17 0,17 0,17 Tensile strenght da N 75 95 115 - paper Elongation - fibers % % 2 3 2 3 2 3 Dielectric strenght dry KV/mm 8 8 8 Conductivity of acqueous extract m S/cm 40 40 40 Colour brown brown brown Insulating class A A A ORDERING GUIDE Inside diameter mm 47 - Outside diameter mm 175 - Lenght of rolls m 150 Width 20 25 30 Weight of 1 roll (gr) 300 400 500 Rolls per cartoon 40 32 28 Meters per cartoon 6.000 4.800 4.200 Size of packing mm 390 x 390 x 220 Le notizie contenute nel presente bollettino sono frutto di accurate ricerche e di numerosi esperimenti nel ns laboratorio. Data però la molteplicità delle applicazioni pratiche, esse hanno valore unicamente indicativo, senza alcuna nostra responsabilità. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA: 06.Lug.93 E-KRAFT-BAND Codice SRT Pag: 1 / 1 RT Band Scheda tecnica 41.3GB Gruppo N DESCRIPTION Structured tape of high strength rayon yarns. The yarns are bound together with a synthetic resin glue that according to our present state of knowledge has no negative influence on impregnating resins or varnish. The RT tape is strongly hygroscopic and can be impregnated very intensively with varnishes or resins. It is suitable for use from thermal class B (+130 °C); in combination with the appropriate impregnation’s it is also optimally suitable for use in higher classes. APPLICATION For the binding and bandaging of armature and bindings of coils in the manufacturing of electric motors and transformers. THERMAL CLASS B (F) For class F motors if impregnated with class F resins or varnish. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CODE UM SRT 4 SRT 6 SRT 8 SRT 11 SRT 14 SRT 16 SRT 18 SRT 22 Width approx. mm 1,8 2,6 3,5 4,8 6,1 6,9 7,8 9,5 Thickness approx. mm 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,30 Tensile Strength DaN (kp) 20 30 40 55 70 80 90 110 Elongation % 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Peak temperature °C 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 Ordering guide, packing and boxes CODICE UM SRT 4 SRT 6 SRT 8 SRT 11 SRT 14 SRT 16 SRT 18 SRT 22 Standard colour Beige Meters per spool m 1.800 1.000 800 500 400 350 300 250 Inside Diam. mm 25 Otside Diam. mm 115 Spool width mm 140 Weight Approx. kg 1,00 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,80 0,80 0,90 Packing &Size n. 12 spools per cartoon size: 350 x 275 x 225 mm Meters per Cartoon mt 21.600 12.000 9.600 6.000 4.800 4.200 3.600 3.000 The statements in this publication are based on our present knowledge and experience. Due to the number of possible influences in the processing and application of our products, these statements do not exempt ther user from making his own tests and experiments. They cannot be taken as legally binding assurance regarding certain properties or suitability for a particular application. Any possible patent rights as well as existing laws and provisions must be observed at the responsability of the user. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA: 21 Lug 97 TRAFOPRESSPAN - ROLLS Codice P3055 Pag.: 1 / 1 PRESSPAN OF PURE CELLULOSE FIBRES Scheda tecnica 02.3.0GB PSP3055 DIN 7733 e IEC 641 Gruppo A DESCRIPTION Manufactured according to DIN 7733; Type 3055; according to IEC 641/1. Type P2-1. This presspan is produced in rolls, calendered, with 100% sulphate cellulose, natural colour, high degree of purity, high mechanical resistance and fully compatible with cooling fluids (minerals oils, MIDEL, etc.). APPLICATIONS Insulation for oil cooled transformers and switches, end-insulation of small dry transformers, winding coils for small transformers. Production of shaped parts, spacers, caps, rings, etc., punched parts, gaskets. INSULATION CLASS: A (105°C) sec VDE 0530 PART 1 TECHNICAL PROPERTIES Tests according to DIN 7733 U N I T V A L U E S Standard Conductivity of aqu. extract KS/cm 100 DIN 7734 Tensile strength - MD N/mm 2 t 70 DIN 7734 Tensile strength - CMD N/mm 2 t 50 DIN 7734 Elongation - MD % t 6 DIN 7734 Elongation - CMD % t 8 DIN 7734 Electrical strength kV/mm t 11 DIN 7734 Ash content max % 2 DIN 7734 Moisture content max % 8 DIN 7734 Density g/cm 3 1,20 - 1,25 DIN 7734 SPECIFIC PRESSBOARD PROPERTIES U N I T V A L U E S Melting point --- none Coefficient of linear thermal expansion k -1 5 x 10 -6 Thermal conductivity W/(m x K) 0,45 Dielectric constant --- 4,1 - 4,4 Specific volume resistance : x cm 10 14 - 10 15 AVAILABILITY Thickness: from 0,1 to 1 mm. Inside diameter 76 mm - Outside diameter 240 mm. Rolls of abt Kg 50; suppliable with abt kg 100. Width rolls mm 1.000; for thickness from 0,1 mm to 0,5 mm available width up to 2.000 mm. Reels on customer specifications from 4,7 mm - I.D. 70 mm / O.D. 240 mm. Tolerances on thicknesses: Thickness mm 0,10 0,15 - 0,20 - 0,25 0,30 0,35 - 0,40 - 0,45 0,5 - 0,6 - 0,7 - 0,8 1,0 Tolerance mm r 0,01 r 0,02 r 0,03 r 0,04 r 0,05 r 0,07 Storage in dry rooms. Storage in original packaging. This information is intended only for general guidance in the application of our products. It has been obtained by careful investigation and reprensents the present state of our knowledge and experience. Because of the large number of possible methods of applications and processing we are not able to assume responsability in any one particular case for either the technical results or the patent rights situation applicable to the country under consideration. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA: 28.May.98 Diamond Paper Pre-preg Codice P3055 xxxD Pag: 1 / 2 DIAMOND DOTTED PRESSPAPER Scheda tecnica 02.3.3 I P 3 0 5 5 D Gruppo A APPLICATIONS The trend towards continually greater power and voltage ratings necessary led to corresponding greater dielectric and mechanical stress in the active part of oil-filled power transformers and measuring transformers. As the solution for this problem, insulation materials with diamond- pattern resin coating were developed to cope with these forces. The partial resin coating mechanically strengthens the coil on the one hand and ensures dependable exchange between the solid and liquid medium on the other hand. DESCRIPTION P3055D is manufactured with transformer presspaper PSP 3055 with thickness ranging from 0,06 to 0,50 mm as base material. Using a special printing process, we coat this proven insulation material on both sides with a diamond- pattern partial epoxy resin layer. The coating squares of P3055D have a side length of 9,5 mm and a separation of 6,35 mm. This means that approximately 36% of the total area of each side is print-coated with epoxy resin. The squares are arranged such that their diagonals lie parallel and at right angles to the machine run direction of the transformer presspaper. The thickness of the resin coating is indipendent of the base material thickness and has a value of 0,020 mm on each side with r 0,010 mm tolerance. A characteristic feature is that the epoxy resin is still in the reactive B-state. On raising the temperature to 110°C to 130°C, the re-meltable low molecular resin softens and becames sticky again, so that it becomes firmly bonded to the electrical conductor. The high molecular non- melting C-state is reached after elapse of the curing time. The insulation is then in the stable duroplastic condition. A nonmelting linkage has been produced which cannot be attacked by the liquid insulation media. ADVANTAGES x Special insulation material for transformers with high power and voltage ratings. x Internal strengthening of the coil. x Axial and radial mechanical forces safely tolerated. x Complete medium exchange. PROCESSING P3055D is dry and non-sticky in the state as delivered. It can be processed as layer insulation by the customary methods. When making narrow reels (on reel cutting machines), it is essential to make sure that the cut edges are in perfect condition, because edges which are not clean cut can lead to breakage in the course of the winding process. This information is intended only for general guidance in the application of our products. It has been obtained by careful investigation and reprensents the present state of our knowledge and experience. Because of the large number of possible methods of applications and processing we are not able to assume responsability in any one particular case for either the technical results or the patent rights situation applicable to the country under consideration. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA: 28.May.98 Diamond Paper Pre-preg Codice P3055 xxxD Pag: 2 / 2 DIAMOND DOTTED PRESSPAPER Scheda tecnica 02.3.3 I P 3 0 5 5 D Gruppo A RECOMMENDED CURING CONDITIONS Temperature * ) (°C) 110 120 130 Curing Time (h) 10 5 2 * ) These temperature are object temperatures and must exist in all parts of the insulation material for the specific time (which does not include the heat-up time) TECHNICAL DATA PROPERTIES Unit V A L U E S P3055D Types mm 0,06 0,075 0,125 0,175 0,20 0,25 0,30 0,38 0,40 0,50 Area weight presspan + resin coating g/m 2 70 85 140 195 225 280 335 420 445 555 Thickness resin coating each side (2x) mm 0,020 r 0,010 Nominal thick. presspan + resin coating mm 0,08 0,095 0,145 0,195 0,22 0,270 0,320 0,400 0,420 0,520 Tensile strenth Longitudinal Transverse N/mm 2 N/mm 2 >70 >40 Break-down voltage dry kV > 0,5 t 0,9 t 1,2 t 1,4 t 2,0 t 2,5 Break-down voltage in oil kV t 5 t 7 t 8 t 11 t 13,5 t 15 Tensile shear strength 100°C N/mm 2 t 1 t 1,2 t 1,6 t 2,0 Electrical conductivity of aqueous extract PS/cm d 80 Shrinkage Longitudinal Transverse % % d 1,2 d 2,0 Ash content % on weight d 1 Moisture content % on weight d 7 Storage Time P3055D must be stored in dry rooms in its original packaging. The maximum permissible storage temperature is 30°C. avoid direct solar radiation and other sources of radiant heat. Furthermore, to avoid cold flow and blocking, avoid subjecting the reels to pressure , i.e. do not stack them. It is best to store master reels standing upright, and narrow reels lying without radial pressure. AVAILABILITY Rolls mm 1.000 1.600 Inside Diam. mm 70 - 76 Narrow reels from mm 20 Tolerances in accordance to DIN 40600. The statements in this publication are based on our present knowledge and experience. Due to the number of possible influences in the processing and application of our products, these statements do not exempt ther user from making his own tests and experiments. They cannot be taken as legally binding assurance regarding certain properties or suitability for a particular application. Any possible patent rights as well as existing laws and provisions must be observed at the responsability of the user. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA 10 Dic 96 TRANSFORMER KRAFT PAPER Codice NK Pag 1 / 1 CREPE PAPER Scheda tecnica 02.6.2GB Gruppo A USE The paper is used in oil filled transormer as insulating paper. DESCRIPTION The transformer paper is made without additive to the cellulose fibres. Consequently there will be no break down products than can contaminate the oil or reduce insulation properties. CHARACTERISTICS The tranformer paper is characterised by its: - Very high purity. - Good heat resistance. - Good ageing properties. - Excellent strenght. - Excellent elasticity. MATERIAL SPECIFICATION PROPERTIES ACC.IEC 554-2 UNITS NKK60 NKK100 NKK110 BASE PAPER Thickness Microns 45 61 82 Grammage g/m 2 34 46 62 Diel.Strength unimp kV/mm 10 10 10 CREPED PAPER Grammage gr/m 2 60 100 110 Tensile strength MD kN/m Min. 1,5 Min. 2 4 -5,5 Elongation % !55 !100 !70 Ph in extract 7 8 7 Conductivity IEC 554 mS/m Max 7.0 Max. 10 Max. 7 ORDERING GUIDE - Inside Diameter 76 mm - Outside Diamater 450/500 mm - Rolls of Kg 100/140 - Rolls width mm 1000. Upon request up to mm.1.750 - Reels width from 12 mm - I.D.70 mm / O.D. 300 mm The statements in this publication are based on our present knowledge and experience. Due to the number of possible influences in the processing and application of our products, these statements do not exempt ther user from making his own tests and experiments. They cannot be taken as legally binding assurance regarding certain properties or suitability for a particular application. Any possible patent rights as well as existing laws and provisions must be observed at the responsability of the user. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA 23 Mar 94 TRAFOKRAFT Codice NK Agg. 16 Ott 06 TRANSFORMER KRAFT PAPER Scheda tecnica 02.7.GB Pag 1/1 PLAIN PAPER Gruppo A USE The paper is used in oil filled transformer as insulating paper. DESCRIPTION The transformer paper is made without additives to the cellulose fibres. Consequently there will be no break down products than can contaminate the oil or reduce insulation properties. CHARACTERISTICS The transformer paper is characterised by its: - Very high purity. - Good heat resistance. - Good ageing properties. - Excellent strenght. - Excellent elasticity. MATERIAL SPECIFICATION ACC. 554-2 UNIT NK050 NK055 NK065 NK075 NK080 NK100 NK105 NK125 NK250 Thickness Pm 50 55 65 75 80 100 105 125 250 Basis weight g/m 2 36 40 46 54 57 76 80 87,5 170 App. density 0,72 0,73 0,71 0,72 0,71 0,76 0,76 0,70 0,68 Tensile strength M D C D N/mm N/mm t 4,0 t 1,5 t 4,0 t 1,5 t 5,0 t 1,8 t 4,9 t 2,0 t 6,0 t 2,0 t 7,0 t 2,7 t 8,0 t 3,1 t 9,0 t 3,3 t 16,0 t 7,5 Elongation M D C D % % t 2,0 t 4,5 t 2,1 t 4,5 t 2,0 t 4,0 t 2,2 t 4,5 t 2,2 t 4,5 t 2,2 t 5,0 t 2,0 t 5,0 t 2 t 4 t 2 t 4 Moisture % 6 r 1 6 r 1 6 r 1 6 r 1 6 r 1 6 r 1 6 r 1 6 6 Acidity P H 7,5 r 1 7,5 r 1 7,5 r 1 7,5 r 1 7,5 r 1 7,5 r 1 7,5 r 1 7,0 r 1 7,0 r 1 Ash content % d 0,5 d 0,5 d 0,5 d 0,5 d 0,5 d 0,5 d 0,5 d 0,6 Conductivity mS/mm 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 4 4 Dielectric strenght Dry Impregnated kV/mm kV/mm t 9 t 75 t 9 t 75 t 8,5 t 70 t 8,5 t 70 t 8,5 t 70 t 8,5 t 70 t 8,5 t 70 ORDERING GUIDE - Inside Diameter 76 mm - Outside Diamater 40 mm - Rolls of Kg 100/140 - Rolls width mm 1000 - Reels width from 10 mm - I.D.70/76 mm / O.D. 300 mm The statements in this publication are based on our present knowledge and experience. Due to the number of possible influences in the processing and application of our products, these statements do not exempt the user from making his own tests and experiments. They cannot be taken as legally binding assurance regarding certain properties or suitability for a particular application. Any possible patent rights as well as existing laws and provisions must be observed at the responsibility of the user. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA: 18 Mag 93 FLEXIBLE CREPE PAPER TUBES Codice PK... Pag: 1 / 1 FOR OIL FILLED TRANSFORMERS Scheda tecnica 02.8 GB Gruppo A DESCRIPTION Wound tubes made from insulating paper, type P5238 according to DIN 6740, creped. The end of last layer is bonded. USE Insulation of connections in liquid filled transformer. CHARACTERISTICS These tubes are compatible with insulating fluids like MIDEL 7131, mineral oil and silicon fluid. THERMAL CLASS: A (105°C.) sec. VDE 0530 PART I STANDARD DIMENSION DIMENSIONS mm TOLLERANCES mm DIELECTRIC STRENGTH AFTER OIL IMMERSION STANDARD Put - Up Quantities Ins. Lenght Wall thick. I.D. L. T.. Epaiss.Parois en mm Mt Dia m mm mm 1 1,5 2 3 1.000 --- 7.000 4 1.000 --- 5.000 5 1.000 1.200 5.000 6 1.000 1.200 4.000 7 1.000 1.200 4.000 8 1.000 1.200 3.000 9 1.000 1.200 3.000 10 1.000 1.200 2.000 11 1.000 1.200 1.500 12 1.000 1.200 1.200 13 1.000 1.200 1 2,5 2 + 0,5 +/- 10 + 0,5 KV 16 KV 22 KV 27 1.000 14 1.000 1.200 1.000 16 1.000 1.200 800 18 1.000 1.200 800 20 1.000 1.200 800 22 1.000 1.200 800 24 1.000 1.200 800 26 1.000 1.200 800 30 1.000 1.200 400 35 1.000 1.200 400 40 1.000 1.200 400 ORDERING GUIDE Minimum 100 m..Dimensions of cartoon boxes: Length 1.000 mm: 600 x 600 x 1080 Length 1.200 mm: 600 x 600 x 1230 Other dimensions upon request. The statements in this publication are based on our present knowledge and experience. Due to the number of possible influences in the processing and application of our products, these statements do not exempt ther user from making his own tests and experiments. They cannot be taken as legally binding assurance regarding certain properties or suitability for a particular application. Any possible patent rights as well as existing laws and provisions must be observed at the responsability of the user. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA: 20 Feb.’98 ELECTROPRESSPAN BF Codice P3010 Agg. 29 Giu.00 PRESSPAN OF PURE CELLULOSE FIBRES Scheda tecnica 05 1 GB Pag: 1 / 1 PSP3010, PSP3011*, PSP3012* - DIN 7733 and IEC 641 Gruppo A DESCRIPTION ELECTROPRESSPAN BROWN - SHEETS is a paper-like product consisting of pure cellulose fibres. It is produced in a layer-forming process of insulating paper of maximum purity. ADVANTAGES In addition to the high dielectric strength, this product has no melting point and it is able to withstand severe short duration thermal stresses (e. g. a few seconds at 350°C) without any significant deterioration. Our ELECTROPRESSPAN BROWN – SHEETS is therefore used up to 190°C in appropriate cases. It has a good impregnating capacity. APPLICATIONS Stamping and shaped components, coil formers, stator and rotor end disks, shim stamping, switches, dry transformers, dividers, distance plates, cut pieces and washers. INSULATION CLASS: A (105°C) sec VDE 0530 PART 1 TECHNICAL PROPERTIES (DIN 7734 - IEC 641) Thickness U N I T 0,70 0,75 0,80 0,90 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 4,0 Conductivity of aqu. extract KS/cm d200 Tensile strength - MD N/mm 2 t60 t70 Tensile strength - CMD N/mm 2 t30 t40 Elongation - MD % t5,5 Elongation - CMD % t 8 Dielectric strength kV/mm t11 t10 t 9 no spec. Ash content % d 5 Moisture content % d 8 Density g/cm 3 1 , 2 - 1 , 3 Shrinkage % d 2 AVAILABILITY Thickness 0,70 0,75 0,80 0,90 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 4,0 Tolerances 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,12 0,15 0,20 Area weight Kg/m 2 0,875 0,935 1,00 1,125 1,25 1,875 2,50 3,125 3,75 5,00 Tolerance % 10 Area utilization approx m 2 /Kg 1,14 1,07 1,0 0,9 0,8 0,5 0,4 0,32 0,27 0,2 Standard dimension type WZ abt. mm 1000 x 2100 or 1000 x 1050 or 700 x 1000 * In accordance with the production programme these types can also supplied with one side smooth (PSP3011) or both sides smooth (PSP3012). The statements in this publication are based on our present knowledge and experience. Due to the number of possible influences in the processing and application of our products, these statements do not exempt ther user from making his own tests and experiments. They cannot be taken as legally binding assurance regarding certain properties or suitability for a particular application. Any possible patent rights as well as existing laws and provisions must be observed at the responsability of the user. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA: 03.Mar.00 TECHNO – PRESSPAN M Codice PAKSMxx PRESSPAN OF PURE CELLULOSE FIBRES Scheda tecnica 05 5 GB Pag: 1 / 1 FOR SOLDERING MASKS Gruppo A DESCRIPTION Pressboard Techno-Presspan black-grey is a paper-like product consisting of pure cellulose fibres. It is produced in a layer-forming process of insulating paper of maximum purity. ADVANTAGES In addition to the high dielectric strength, this product has no melting point and it is able to withstand severe short duration thermal stresses (e. g. a few seconds at 350°C) without any significant deterioration. Our TECHNO-PRESSPAN M is therefore used up to 190°C in appropriate cases. APPLICATIONS Stamping and shaped components, soldering masks, stamped shims, switches, distance plates, cut pieces and washers. INSULATION CLASS: A (105°C) sec VDE 0530 PART 1 TECHNICAL PROPERTIES (DIN 7734 - IEC 641) Thickness U N I T 1,2 1,3 1,5 Conductivity of aqu. extract KS/cm d250 Tensile strength - MD N/mm 2 t60 Tensile strength - CMD N/mm 2 t30 Elongation - MD % t4,5 Elongation - CMD % t 6,5 Dielectric strength kV/mm t 8 Ash content % d 5 Moisture content % d 8 Density g/cm 3 0,95 y 1,05 Shrinkage % d 2 Water absorption – Cobb test g/m 2 d 30 Melting Point -- None Tolerances on thickness % +/- 10 AVAILABILITY Thickness 1,0 1,5 Tolerances 0,07 0,10 Standard dimension type WZ abt. mm 1120 x 2175 The statements in this publication are based on our present knowledge and experience. Due to the number of possible influences in the processing and application of our products, these statements do not exempt ther user from making his own tests and experiments. They cannot be taken as legally binding assurance regarding certain properties or suitability for a particular application. Any possible patent rights as well as existing laws and provisions must be observed at the responsability of the user. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA: 21 Lug 97 TRAFOPRESSPAN - SHEETS Codice P3050 Pag: 1 / 1 PRESSPAN OF PURE CELLULOSE FIBRES Scheda tecnica 06 1 GB PSP3050 DIN 7733 and IEC 641 Gruppo A DESCRIPTION Trafopresspan manufactured with 100% sulphate cellulose with high chemical purity. It is produced only in natural colour. Its high grade insulating and mechanical properties are based upon use of very selected raw materials and severe control of the manufacturing process. It shows great resistance to effects produced by transformer oil and high temperature. APPLICATIONS For oil cooled transformers and switches, running with mineral oil and MIDEL. Production of shaped parts, spacers, caps, rings, etc., punched parts, gaskets, winding coils for small transformers. INSULATION CLASS: A (105°C) sec VDE 0530 PART 1 TECHNICAL PROPERTIES Tests according to DIN 7733 U N I T V A L U E S Standard Conductivity of aqu. extract KS/cm 100 DIN 7734 Tensile strength - MD N/mm 2 t 80 DIN 7734 Tensile strength - CMD N/mm 2 t 55 DIN 7734 Elongation - MD % t 6 DIN 7734 Elongation - CMD % t 8 DIN 7734 Electrical strength kV/mm t 10 DIN 7734 Ash content % d 2 DIN 7734 Moisture content % d 8 DIN 7734 Density g/cm 3 1,20 - 1,30 DIN 7734 Storage conditions dry rooms Storage in orig. packaging SPECIFIC PRESSBOARD PROPERTIES U N I T V A L U E S Melting point --- none Coefficient of linear thermal expansion k -1 5 x 10 -6 Thermal conductivity W/(m x K) 0,45 Dielectric constant --- 4,1 - 4,4 Specific volume resistance : x cm 10 14 - 10 15 AVAILABILITY Thickness: 0,1 y 4 mm 1 layer. Glued for thickness above and up to 20 mm. Sizes: 1.000 x 2.100 mm abt - 1.000 x 1.050 mm abt - 1.000 x 700 mm abt Pallets: Kg 500 Tolerances on thicknesses: Thickness mm 0,80 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 Tolerance mm ±0,05 ±0,07 ±0,10 ±0,10 ±0,12 ±0,15 ±0,20 ±0,20 The statements in this publication are based on our present knowledge and experience. Due to the number of possible influences in the processing and application of our products, these statements do not exempt ther user from making his own tests and experiments. They cannot be taken as legally binding assurance regarding certain properties or suitability for a particular application. Any possible patent rights as well as existing laws and provisions must be observed at the responsability of the user. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA : 1 Sett ‘09 POWERBOARD AK Codice P3052D xxxK Pag: 1 / 1 TRAFOPRESSPAN OF PURE CELLULOSE Scheda tecnica 06 3 1 06_3_ 1 Power board 3052 GB.doc PSP3052 DIN 7733 and IEC 641 Gruppo A The statements in this publication are based on our present knowledge and experience. Due to the number of possible influences in the processing and application of our products, these statements do not exempt ther user from making his own tests and experiments. They cannot be taken as legally binding assurance regarding certain properties or suitability for a particular application. Any possible patent rights as well as existing laws and provisions must be observed at the responsability of the user. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA : 1 Sett ‘09 POWERBOARD AK Codice P3052D xxxK Pag: 1 / 1 TRAFOPRESSPAN OF PURE CELLULOSE Scheda tecnica 06 3 1 06_3_ 1 Power board 3052 GB.doc PSP3052 DIN 7733 and IEC 641 Gruppo A This information is intended only for general guidance in the application of our products. It has been obtained by careful investigation and reprensents the present state of our knowledge and experience. Because of the large number of possible methods of applications and processing we are not able to assume responsability in any one particular case for either the technical results or the patent rights situation applicable to the country under consideration. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 web site: www.erbaisolanti.com DATE: 01.Mar.03 UWM CABLE ROUND and FLAT Codice UWMCPxx UWMCTxx Pag: 1 / 2 CABLE FOR SUBMERSIBLE MOTORS Scheda tecnica 15.5 GB FOR DRINKING WATER PUMPS Gruppo F Outer sheat Fine stranded of EPR blue copper conductors Outer sheat Fine stranded of EPR blue copper conductors EPR Insulation EPR Insulation DESCRIPTION Fine stranded copper conductors insulated with EPR(black-blue-brown) and outer sheath of EPR blue. Reference: UWMCP for Flat Type and UWMCT for Round Type. USE Connection cable for submersible motors (pumps) for permanent use in process and potable water up to a temperature of 70°C. CHARACTERISTICS Excellent insulation properties in water. Very low water absorption (very low increase of the cable weight). Preservation of the mechanical strength. BAM* certificate 3.41/7126/93 confirming the suitability of TML type B in potable water. *Bundesanstalt fur Materialprufung (Federal Institute for the testing of materials) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS U N I T V A L U E S Conductor resistance Acc. To DIN VDE 0295 AC Test Voltage 50 hz 2.500V / 15 min Rated Voltage V 600 / 1.000 Max permanent admissible operating voltage In AC systems In DC systems U 0 / V U 0 / V 720 V / 1.200 V 900 V / 1.800 V Current rating Acc. To DIN VDE 0100, part 523 Max admissible temperature at the condustor - in operation - at short-circuit °C °C 90 250 Temperature range - Fixed installation - In motion °C °C -40 to 80 -25 to 80 Max admissible tensile stress N/Sqmm 15 Max admissible water depth m 600 UWM CT ROUND TYPE UWM CP FLAT TYPE N.° of cores x cross-section mm 2 Outer diameter Min – Max valuemm Copper content kg/km Net weight approx. kg/km N.°of cores x cross-section mm 2 Copper content kg/km Outer dimen. approx. mm x mm Net weight approx. kg/km 1 x 16 11,0 - 14,5 154 290 3 x 4 115 19 x 9 290 1 x 25 12,5 - 16,5 240 410 3 x 6 173 23 x 10 400 1 x 35 14,0 - 18,5 336 560 3 x 10 288 28 x 12 620 1 x 50 16,5 - 21,0 480 740 3 x 16 461 31 x 14 900 1 x 70 18,5 - 23,5 672 1000 3 x 25 720 37 x 17 1150 ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 0039(0)2/5530.3089 - fax 0039 (0)2/5530.3127
[email protected] - www.erbaisolanti.com DATA: 04.Nov.98 WINDING WIRE Codice UWM AGG.: 08.Mag.03 FOR SUBMERSIBLE MOTORS Scheda tecnica 16.1 I Pag: 1 / 3 UWM - PVC Gruppo G General information Driving units of submersible pumps, so called «wet type motors», have been used to a large extent for many years. Due to their simple construction, these motors can be manufactured in comparably small series. This enables end-user countries to set up their own production. This is not possible for canned, oil-filled, motors. Unlike an oil filled motors whose insulation would fail due to contact with moisture entering from without, the water filled unit will continue to operate. There is also no danger of polluting water with oil. The advantages of «wet type motors» in comparison to canned motors are known all over the world and production of such motors is increasing steadily. The application of this technology though, does not rest solely in the traditional field of submersible pumps. Nowadays, «wet type motors» are used more and more as driving units of special pumps, dredge boats, submarines, deep- sea research instruments etc. The winding wires of «wet type motors» are continually in contact with liquids that are more or less aggressive. For this reason the extruded insulation of the winding wires has to be absolutely water tight and resistant to a number of different substances. The dielectric properties of the insulation (dielectric strength, insulation resistance, dielectric losses), have to meet high standards that, of course, have to be fulfilled under the influence of moisture for long periods of time. Due to our longstanding experience and tests we have has developed suitable PVC compound for this special application. Other compounds have been carefully chosen from available products on the market and continue to be evaluated in our laboratories. Our insulating materials have excellent properties to assure longevity. Here are some of the main characteristics: - High dielectric strength - High insulation resistance - Low dielectric losses (tan w) - Good thermal and chemical resistance it goes without saying that our laboratory continues to test proven as well as new insulation materials in respect to the suitability for this very specific application. This will assure consistant quality and further improvement. Our company has been in the market of selling water-tight winding wires for submersible pump motors since 1950. We have, due to longstanding experience, the know-how to develop and use the proper materials. We guarantee the highest standards. l. Types of wires UWM Years of experience, developments and tests carried out in our plant enables us to offer the following types: UWM-PVC 600/1000V 70° C UWM-C2.2-PP 1000V 80° C UWM-XLPE-PA 1000V 90° C 2. Conductor UWM-PVC Solid copper conductor, untinned, annealed, elongation 25% minimum. Diameter range: 0.50... 4.00 mm. UWM-C2.2-PP Solid copper conductor, enamelled, annealed, elongation 25% minimum. Diameter range: 0.50 ... 4.00 mm UWM-XLPE-PA Solid copper conductor, untinned, annealed, elongation 25% minimum. Diameter range: 1.10 ... 4.00 mm Or concentric stranded conductor, untinned, annealed, elongation of individual wires in the strand 25% minimum. Section range: on request Special constructions and other sizes: on request. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 0039(0)2/5530.3089 - fax 0039 (0)2/5530.3127
[email protected] - www.erbaisolanti.com DATA: 04.Nov.98 WINDING WIRE Codice UWM Pag: 2 / 3 FOR SUBMERSIBLE MOTORS Scheda tecnica 16.1 I UWM - PVC Gruppo G 3.lnsulation/ Protection sheath The wall thickness of insulation and protective sheath depends on the conductor diameters. UWM-PVC lnsulation: Special PVC-compound Wall thickness: 0.35 ... 0.80 mm UWM-C2.2-PP lnsulation: Polypropylene Wall thickness: 0.30 ... 0.80 mm UWM-XLPE-PA lnsulation: Cross-linked Polyethylene Insulation thickness: 0.35 ... 0.60 mm Protective sheath: Polyamide (Nylon Sheath thickness: 0.10... 0.20 mm 4. Tolerances/Eccentricity Outer diameter of the insulated wire < 2.20 mm 2.21-3.00 mm 3.01-6.00 mm > 6.01 mm Tolerances on outer diameter of the insulated wire ± 0.05 mm ± 0.07 mm ± 0.10 mm ± 0.15 Eccentricity d10% d12% d15% d15% W max W min W max - W min E % = ----------------------- x 100 % W max + W min 6. Test The following tests are carried out on 100% of every production lot: 6.1 Mechanical tests a) Dimension of the bare copper conductor b) Dimension of the insulated wire c) Eccentricity d) Surface 6.2 Electrical tests Test voltage, duration of test and technical data on: page 3 for UWM-PVC page 4 for UWM-C2.2PP page 5 for UWM-XLPE-PA Winding wires for submersible motors Type UWM-PVC Electrical characteristics Working voltage 50 Hz 600/1000 V Test voltage after 2 x 24 h in water at 20°C 15 min/50 Hz 2500 V Operating temperature 70° C Loss factor tan w Acc. To DIN 53483 20° C/800Hz 6x10 -2 70° C/800Hz 8x10 -2 Relative dielectric constant Acc. To DIN 53483 20° C/800Hz 3,5 Acc. To DIN 53483 70° C/800Hz 7,5 Volume resistivity Acc. To VDE 0472 part 502 20° C/500 V Dz 10 15 ȍcm 70° C/500 V Dz 10 15 ȍcm Breakdown voltage measured on wire 1,6 - 2,4 20° C t55 KV/mm 70° C t45 KV/mm ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 0039(0)2/5530.3089 - fax 0039 (0)2/5530.3127
[email protected] - www.erbaisolanti.com DATA: 04.Nov.98 WINDING WIRE Codice UWM Pag: 3 / 3 FOR SUBMERSIBLE MOTORS Scheda tecnica 16.1 I UWM PVC Gruppo G Mechanical characteristics Tensile strenth on delivery V B >20N/mm 2 Tensile strength after aging 28 d/80°C. ' V B < ± 10% Elongation at break on delivery H B < ± 150% Elongation at break after aging 28 d/80°C. ' H B < ± 15% (VDE 0472/602) Hot deformation (reduction of wall thickness) 80°C./4h 20N/mm 2 Tensile strength after aging 28 d/90°C. ' V B < ± 15% Elongation at break on delivery H B < ± 200% Elongation at break after aging 28 d/90°C. ' H B < ± 15% (VDE 0472/602) Hot deformation (reduction of wall thickness) 100°C./4h < 10% (VDE 0472/602) 90°C./4h < 2% DIAMETER OF CONDUCTOR mm SECTION mm 2 OUTER DIAMETER mm WEIGHT OF COPPER Kg/Km WEIGHT OF INSULATED WIRE Kg/Km LENGHT OF COIL m 1,10 0,905 2,00 8,460 10,610 600 1,20 1,131 2,10 10,065 12,355 600 1,30 1,330 2,20 11,815 14,240 600 1,40 1,540 2,40 13,700 16,610 500 1,50 1,770 2,50 15,730 18,795 500 1,60 2,010 2,60 17,895 21,110 500 1,70 2,270 2,70 20,200 23,570 500 1,80 2,540 2,80 22,650 26,170 500 1,90 2,830 2,90 25,235 28,905 500 2,00 3,140 3,10 27,960 32,230 500 2,10 3,460 3,30 30,825 35,850 400 2,20 3,800 3,40 33,830 39,040 400 2,30 4,150 3,50 36,980 42,375 400 2,40 4,520 3,70 40,260 46,375 400 2,50 4,900 3,80 43,690 50,000 300 2,60 5,300 3,90 47,250 53,760 300 2,70 5,726 4,10 50,960 58,265 300 2,80 6,150 4,20 54,800 62,320 300 2,90 6,650 4,30 58,785 66,520 300 3,00 7,060 4,50 62,910 71,660 300 3,10 7,574 4,60 67,175 76,155 300 3,20 8,040 4,70 71,580 80,790 300 3,30 8,550 4,80 76,120 85,565 300 3,40 9,079 4,90 80,800 90,475 300 3,50 9,620 5,10 85,600 96,280 300 3,60 10,179 5,20 90,590 101,485 300 3,70 10,752 5,30 95,695 106,835 300 3,80 11,340 5,40 100,935 112,320 300 3,90 11,950 5,50 106,320 117,955 300 4,00 12,560 5,70 111,840 124,550 300 These values are typical data for MYLAR polyester film and are not intented for use as limiting specifications. For attitional information, contact your Du Pont representative. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATA: 08.June.94 M Y L A R H S Codice MYHS Pag: 1 / 1 HEAT SHRINKABLE POLYESTER FILM Scheda tecnica 04.3.1GB Gruppo B DESCRIPTION Du Pont's MYLAR HS is an uncoated, transparent polyester film designed for heat shrink applications. It is currently available in 37,5 micron, and other thicknesses may be made available upon special request. CHARACTERISTICS Unlike most PET films, MYLAR HS is not heat stabilized, and will shrink with considerable force when exposed to heat. Immersion of the film in boiling water will produce appriximately 50% shrinkage. USES - Winding of coils, to increase pressure on conductors on curing. Usually above resin rich Mica tapes - Is a tool during moulding, shaping or jigging operations. The bonding is the result of tape's shrinking under heat effect. During moulding or jigging operations the tape can be wrapped on the different parts of the mould that have been applied to the material that is to shape, the shrinking tape brings together the different parts of the mould, so as to obtain exactly the required section tape. - Heat shrinkable tubes and bags. PROPERTIES Property Test Units 37,5 Micron Thickness ASTM D374 Pm 38 Yield - m 2 /Kg 19.1 Unit Weight ASTM E252 g/m 2 52.6 (0,5 m2) Ten.Strenght ASTM D882 MPa, MD. 214 (Ultimate) TD 234 Elongation ASTM D882 %, MD 150 at Break TD 110 Modulus ASTM D882 MPa, MD 3100 TD 3100 Haze ASTM D1003 % 12,0 Shrinkage 5 seconds in % MD, 45 100°C. water TD 50 WVTR ASTM F1249 g/m 2 15 100° F90%RH day Oxygen ASTM D3985 cc/m 2 day Permeability atm, Before Shrinkage 75 After Shrinkage 30-45 AVAILABILITY: ROLLS: Width 330 mm Lenght mt 2.075 approx REELS: Width from 10 mm I.D. 76 mm O.D. 330 ± 6 mm or less I.D. 76 mm O.D. 330 mm ± 6 mm or less Tollerances according to DIN 40600 . This information is intended only for general guidance in the application of our products. It has been obtained by careful investigation and reprensents the present state of our knowledge and experience. Because of the large number of possible methods of applications and processing we are not able to assume responsability in any one particular case for either the technical results or the patent rights situation applicable to the country under consideration. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 DATE: 1.Aug.1996 H Y P E R S T R I P Codice PKPF2xx Pag: 1/1 Release Coated Polyester Film Scheda tecnica 04 3 2 Both side Gruppo B DESCRIPTION Hyperstrip PF release films are manufactured by coating PET film on both sides with a non-migratory silicone resin. The silicone resin acts as a release agent and is fully cured during manufacture. It is produced in two thickness: x PF1 mm 0,023 x PF2 mm 0,050 USE The principal use of Hiperstrip PF release films is as mould release agents during the hot pressing of H.V. machine coil insulation. Generally the Hyperstrip PF release films are applied as a wrapper but the release films can be supplied as tapes. Hyperstrip PF release films can be used to provide a mould release in conjunction with the processing of most synthetic resin/hardener types. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS H Y P E R S T R I P Designation PF1 PF2 Thickness mm 0,023 0,050 Tolerance mm r 0,003 r 0,007 Minimum Short Term Temperature 180°C 180°C Melting Point 250°C 250°C Shrinkage at 150°C Linear (MD) 2,0% 2,0% Crosswise (TD) 1,0% 1,0% Tensile Strength N/mm 5 6 AVAILABILITY: Widths (nominal) mm 908 Tolerance mm r 10 Tape Widths mm 20 , 25 , 30 Tolerance mm r 0,30 Roll Length metres 50 – 200 Roll Centre mm 76 Other widths can be supplied on request Le notizie contenute nel presente bollettino sono frutto di accurate ricerche e di numerosi esperimenti nel ns laboratorio. Data però la molteplicità delle applicazioni pratiche, esse hanno valore unicamente indicativo, senza alcuna nostra responsabilità. ERBA ISOLANTI srl Via Liguria n. 34/31 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) telef. 02/5530.3089 - fax 02/5530.3127 TIPO 410 THICK. MM APPROX WEIGH FOR STANDARD ROLL mm 610 mm 914 LENGHT OF ROLL YELD WEIGHT FOR 1 SQM THICKNESS KG KG MT Mq GR MM 0,05 0,08 0,13 0,18 27 29 33 33 41 44 45 49 1143 768 439 320 25,6 15,9 8,9 5,9 39 63 112 168 0,05 0,08 0,13 0,18 0,25 0,30 0,38 35 34 37 53 51 55 238 183 155 4,1 3,3 2,6 244 305 388 0,25 0,30 0,38 0,51 0,61 0,76 38 42 41 57 63 62 119 101 82 1,9 1,5 1,2 524 682 827 0,51 0,61 0,76 Diameters of Rolls: Outside 300 +/- 15 mm Inside 76 mm Width of Rolls: 914 mm +/- 15 mm Property Unit 1 mil 25µm 2 mil 50µm 3 mil 75µm 5 mil 125µm Test Method Ultimate Tensile Strength at 23°C, (73°F) at 200°C (392°F) psi (MPa) 33,500(231) 20,000(139) 33,500(231) 20,000(139) 33,500(231) 20,000(139) 33,500(231) 20,000(139) ASTM D-882-91, Method A* Ultimate Elongation at 23°C, (73°F) at 200°C (392°F) % 72 83 82 83 82 83 82 83 ASTM D-882-91, Method A Tensile Modulus at 23°C, (73°F) at 200°C (392°F) psi (GPa) 370,000 (2.5) 290,000 (2.0) 370,000 (2.5) 290,000 (2.0) 370,000 (2.5) 290,000 (2.0) 370,000 (2.5) 290,000 (2.0) ASTM D-882-91, Method A Density g/cc 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42 ASTM D-1505-90 MIT Folding Endurance cycles 285,000 55,000 6000 5,000 ASTM D-2176-89 Tear Strength-propagating (Elmendorf), N (lbf) 0.07 (0.02) 0.21 (0.02) 0.38 (0.02) 0.58 (0.02) ASTM D-1922-89 Tear Strength, Initial (Graves), N (lbf) 7.2 (1.6) 16.3 (1.6) 26.3 (1.6) 46.9 (1.6) ASTM D-1004-90 Yield Point at 3% at 23°C, (73°F) at 200°C (392°F) MPa (psi) 69 (10,000) 41 (6000) 69 (10,000) 41 (6000) 69 (10,000) 41 (6000) 69 (10,000) 41 (6000) ASTM D-882-91 Stress to produce 5% elong. at 23°C, (73°F) at 200°C (392°F) MPa (psi) 90 (13,000) 61 (9000) 90 (13,000) 61 (9000) 90 (13,000) 61 (9000) 90 (13,000) 61 (9000) ASTM D-882-92 Impact Strength at 23°C, (73°F) N•cm•(ft lb) 78 (0.58) 78 (0.58) 78 (0.58) 78 (0.58) DuPont Pneumatic Impact Test Coefficient of Friction, kinetic (film-to-film) 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 ASTM D-1894-90 Coefficient of Friction, static (film-to-film) 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 ASTM D-1894-90 Refractive Index (sodium D line) 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 ASTM D-542-90 Poisson’s Ratio 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 Avg. three samples, Elon- gated at 5, 7, 10% Low temperature flex life pass pass pass pass IPC-TM-650, Method 2.6.18 Table 1 Physical Properties of Kapton ® HN at 23°C (73°F) `Speclman slze 25 x l50 mm (l.6 ln), [aw separatlon l00 mm (4 ln), [aw speed, 50mm/mln (2 ln/mln). Ultlmate refers to the tenslle strength and elongatlon measured at break. Thermal Property Typical Value Test Condition Test Method Melting Point None None ASTM E-794-85 (1989) Thermal Coefficient of Linear Expansion 20 ppm/°C (11 ppm/°F) -14 to 38°C (7 to 100°F) ASTM D-696-91 Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity, W/m•K cal cm•sec•°C 0.12 2.87 x 10 4 296 K 23°C ASTM F-433-77 (1987) Specific Heat, J/g•K (cal/g•°C) 1.09 (0.261) Differential calorimetry Heat Sealability not heat sealable Solder Float pass IPC-TM-650, method 2.4.13A Smoke Generation D m =90% Patents and Awards (1) Invention Patent: The position detecting approach for two-axis reverse- rotating permanent magnet motor(Applying Number: 200410029144.6); (2) Invention Patent: A drive system using two-axis reverse-rotating permanent magnet motor and brushless DC control method(Applying Number: 200410029145.0); (3) Invention Patent: A weak magnet technique acquired from combining the flux construct of the permanent magnet motor and vector control method(Applying Number: 200610130401.4); (4) Invention Patent: An approach for improving the detecting precise of rotor position of the permanent magnet brushless DC motor(Applying Number: 200810052483.4); (5) Utility model: A High-efficiency and energy-saving direct drive system using permanent magnet motor (Applying Number: 200820074130.X). Applications and Achievements (1) The drive machine of elevator without gear ; (2) The direct drive system of screw pump for oil extraction; (3) The direct drive wind-power generator; (4) The drive motor and controller of crane. Permanent magnet motor Permanent magnet motor control system Soft starts SOFT STARTERS - 6A to 1200A starter ratings - Standard and severe-duty types Internal by-pass contactor up to 245A rating - Torque ramp starting - Total motor protection incorporated - Clock calendar - Digital control and adjustment - RS232 and RS485 serial ports for remote supervision and control - Modbus®-RTU and proprietary ASCII communication protocols. AC MOTOR DRIVES (VFDs) - Versions for single-phase up to 2.2kW and three-phase up to 630kW - Special function for pump and fan control using PID algorithm - Active earth leakage protection EMC suppressor built in all versions - Selectable motor control mode: V/f, vector, energy saving - Selectable digital and analog input and output functions. AUTOMATIC POWER FACTOR CONTROLLERS - Microprocessor supervision and control - Accurate current evaluation with TRMS readings - Automatic rational adjustment - Versions with 5, 7, 8 or 12 steps; one with static outputs - Use in co-generation systems - Communication serial interfaces ASCII and Modbus®-RTU communication protocols. BATTERY CHARGERS - 1 charging level - Versions for lead-acid batteries, 2.5 to 12A ratings - Charging current limitation selectable. AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCHES - Supervision of two three-phase supply lines - Emergency demand supervision for stand-by generating set - Control of contactors, motorised circuit breakers or motorised changeover switches - Event logging - TRMS measurements of voltage values - Microprocessor remote control and supervision - RS232 and RS485 ports - Modbus®-RTU and Modbus®-ASCII communication protocols - Real time clock Variable Speed Drives (UPTO3Mw) Input Voltage -- 1-Phase 200, 208, 230, 240VAC Output Voltage -- 3 Phase, 208, 230, 240 VAC. ABB's newest Drive, the ACS 150. Rated from .5 HP up to 3 HP. More brains, less money. FlashDrop Integrated interface Integrated potentiometer Inbuilt C3 EMC fi lter Inbuilt brake chopper Side-by-side mounting Coated boards 1-phase, 200 to 240 V ±10% 0.37 to 2.2 kW (0.5 to 3 hp) 3-phase, 200 to 240 V ±10% 0.37 to 2.2 kW (0.5 to 3 hp) 3-phase, 380 to 480 V ±10% 0.37 to 4 kW (0.5 to 5 hp) Variable Torque Drives. Q7 Low Voltage Variable Torque HVAC The Q7 Series Adjustable Speed Drive combines our state-of-the-art IGBTs with faster microprocessors to give you the most advanced HVAC drive we have ever built. The Q7 is designed to last. We utilize oversized transistors to increase the life of the drive and heavy-duty DC bus capacitors to absorb spikes and dips that may occur during operation. It is available with AC link reactor or DC link reactor along with 12 or 18 pulse options to mitigate harmonics on power systems. The Q7 is a quiet, dependable and user-friendly drive that is perfect for any HVAC system. Vector Control Drives. The Lab-Volt Vector-Control Drive Converter (Model 9013) is a compact Flux Vector Control Inverter designed to be used with the Power Supply (Model 8821), the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor, the Prime Mover / Dynamometer (Model 8960), and the Data Acquisition Interface FUSES & FUSEGEAR SWITCHES /SWITCHGEAR Automotive Fuses As you can see automotive fuses come in many different sizes and shapes. They also come in many different values (amperage ratings). A fuse is designed to burn through or blow at a specific amperage level. If too many amps of current are drawn through the fuse it blows and cuts off the power for that circuit. Fuses are a one time use only part and must be replaced once they have burned through. To test a fuse, simply use a test light to check for voltage on both sides of the fuse. To check a fuse that is not in a circuit use an ohm meter to check for continuity. ASI Bus System Standard Features • Low profile, compact package for ease in mounting where space limitations are an issue. • Actuators and accessories meet ISO and NAMUR Standards, therefore no special training is required for field installation/conversion. • M12 SS connection utilized for network interfacing -Type 4X rated. • No moving parts with proximity sensor triggered by a target puck. • Sealed proximity switch so open cavity condensation is not an issue. • Each actuator has visual indication and proximity feedback to the PLC. • Each component meets Type 4X. • Low power consumption allows power and data communications via the same two-wire cable. • A system of 31 valves requires less than 5 amps of AS-i power. • Expandability with gateway and/or insulation displacement connector. • 5 ms reaction time from PLC to cycling of unit. • Conformance to AS-i Certificate ZU15101 Accessories • Master/Controller - AS-i • Master/Controller - Gateway • Power Supply • Addressing Unit • Operating Software • Yellow Communications Cable • Black Power Cable • Displacement Connectors Displacement Splitter Cable Clip Bottle Fuses. Bottle Fuse gL - General Purpose D01 (E14) bottle fuses. Manufactured by ETI in Slovenia. 400V a.c. 250V d.c. gL rated. 36mm x 11mm (max) diameter. One end diameter varies with current rating. Colour coded one end. Packed in 10's Amp Colour 2 Pink 4 Brown 6 Green 10 Red 16 Grey Part Number Description D01/2A/GL D01 (E14) 2A GL BOTTLE FUSE 380V D01/4A/GL D01 (E14) 4A GL BOTTLE FUSE 380V D01/6A/GL D01 (E14) 6A GL BOTTLE FUSE 380V D01/10A/GL D01 (E14) 10A GL BOTTLE FUSE 380V D01/16A/GL D01 (E14) 16A GL BOTTLE FUSE 380V Busbar Systems Busbar Systems UL1077/508 Busbar System Features • 1-57 different pin configurations • 1/2 pole spacing (auxiliary switch) available • Power Feeding: Power Feed Lugs (115A), Direct Power Feed (115A), Power Feed Block (200A) • UL recognized and listed for Altech’s R-Series, V-EA Series and MA Series of Manual Motor Controllers and Supplementary Protectors • UL recognized and listed for use with most popular UL1077 supplementary protectors and UL508 Manual Motor Controllers in the market. • Customers can cut the Busbar without losing the UL approval • Line/Load reversible Circuit Breakers • Most circuit breakers should be switched up to be on (opposite to switches, thus creating some confusion at times!) Some circuit breakers trip by a button popping out, these are reset by pushing the button back in. • If the fuse blows or the circuit breaker trips regally, try moving appliances to different power points (like the one on the range if you are in the kitchen) and also trying not to use the appliance simultaneously if you can avoid it. • For your safety it is recommended to turn the power off before removing fuses or re-inserting the fuse carrier. • Do not replace the fuse wire with a rating other than what is indicated on the fuse carrier(See Figure 1). Follow the channel for the fuse wire (See Figure 2). Do not wrap the fuse wire around the end of the fuse contact, as this can become a shock hazard if it come undone. If in any doubt, get professional advise, as a incorrectly wired fuse can be very dangerous. • Figure 1 Figure 2 • If the fuse blows occasionally, this may be due to aging (no loud bang when the fuse blows). Reducing the loading on the circuit will help to slow this aging process down. Try moving appliances to different power points (like the one on the range if you are in the kitchen) and also trying not to use the appliance simultaneously if you can avoid it. If this is not possible it would be best to ask if a circuit breaker can be installed which would eliminate the problem Circuit Protection The extensive array of electrical distribution systems suited to a broad scope of domestic, commercial and industrial applications, together with instruments for detection and measurement of key electrical parameters, and surge protectors for power and communications lines ensures unrivalled capability to fulfil the most demanding specifications. DIN Std Fuses Distribution Banks Fixed capacitor bank Capacitor banks Energy Description Medium voltage capacitor banks Energy are designed for power factor correction in electrical networks from 15 to 36kV. Global compensation offer from 600 kvar to 5 Mvar is composed of: • CP227 fixed capacitor banks • CP254 automatic capacitor banks Technical data: • indoor installation • altitude less than 1000m • protection degree of the enclosure IP23 • insulation voltage (kV):17.5, 24, 36 • rated voltage (V):15000, 22000, 33000 Distribution Panels Mains Panels are constructed to individual site requirements utilising all necessary main network protection devices and supplementary circuit protective equipment in either polyester enclosures or floor mounted specialist kit systems where electrical and mechanical characteristics determine a larger panel is required. Specialist advice from our Engineering Department is particularly advisable with regard to this type of equipment to enable marina operators to obtain the correct equipment applicable to the electrical requirements of the installation. Electronic Fuses Fuse Definitions When specifying the use and application of any safety or protective device, it is obviously essential, particulary from a liability standpoint, that the terminology used is both correct and fully understood. This section briefly explains the most commonly used terms associated with electronic fuses. Fuse Selection Guide The fuse must carry the normal load current of the circuit without nuisance openings. However, when an overcurrent occurs the fuse must interrupt the overcurrent, limit the energy let-through, and withstand the voltage across the fuse during arcing. To properly select a fuse the followings must be considered: • Normal operating current (The current rating of a fuse is typically derated 25% for operation at 25C to avoid nuisance blowing. For example, a fuse with a current rating of 10A is not usually recommended for operation at more than 7.5A in a 25C ambient.) • Overload current and time interval in which the fuse must open. • Application voltage (AC or DC Voltage). • Inrush currents, surge currents, pulses, start-up currents characteristics. • Ambient temperature. • Applicable standards agency required, such as UL, CSA, VDE. • Considerations: Reduce installation cost, ease of removal, mounting type/form factor, etc. Extra Low Voltage Fuses Feeder Pillars Feeder pillars that have achieved appreciation in the domestic market for superior quality standards. These feeder pillars designed with the aid of our cutting edge technology are widely used across numerous industries for rigid construction, optimum performance and high efficiency. Fuse Blocks & Holders. General Purpose Fuses. Specifications Item Number: CR2LS-75 Manufacturer: FUJI GENERAL PURPOSE CONTROL & FUSES Item Category: Fuses Subcategory: Japanese Series: CR Amps: 75 Volts AC: 250 Volts DC: 400 Characteristic: Semiconductor Interrupt Rating: 100kA @ 250V I^2t Clearing Amps: 2300 Amps Package Type: Offset Bolted Trip Indicator: N Alarm Contact: N RoHS: N Height (mm): 56 MilliMeters Depth (mm): 18.5 MilliMeters Mounting Centers (mm): 42 MilliMeters Picture No.: FUGP-FUSE-CR2LS-1 H x W x D (in.): 2.21 x .47 x .73 Net Weight: .99 oz High Power Switchgear High Speed Fuses The 458 Series Nano2® Fuse is an ultra-small, square surface mount fuse designed to support a variety of space constrained overcurrent protection applications. Offering a 1206 size footprint, it is the smallest wire-in-air type surface mount fuse offered by Littelfuse. Features: Surface Mount Fuse Fully compatible with lead free soldering profiles RoHS Compliant Halogen Free Available in ratings of 1to 10 Amperes Applications: Notebook PC LCD backlight inverter LCD Panel DC/DC converter Battery Pack Car Navigation System Network Equipment Telecom Equipment Electronic Signage Portable Consumer Electronics High Voltage Fuses over voltage protection devices, which respond in less than 1ns and can protect against a threat voltage up to 15kV as per IEC 61000-4-2 standards. The ESD suppression devices are widely used for high data rate applications because it has leakage current of less than 1nA and an ultra low capacitance less than 0.15pF. These ESD Suppression Devices has an insertion loss of less than -0.2dB at frequencies up to 6 GHz. HRC Fuses Japanese Fuses National Fuse products carries the most popular Kyosan Japanese fuses. Kyosan clear-up fuses are designed to protect semi-conductor devices such as diodes, thyristor modules, or transistor inventive circuits. National Fuse carries these popular Kyosan Electric Japanese fuses: • Kyosan Electric Japanese fuses 25FH, 25SH • Kyosan Electric Japanese fuses 50KAR • Kyosan Electric Japanese fuses 60FHS • Kyosan Electric Japanese fuses 80LF Low Voltage Fuses Low Voltage Switchboards National Fuse products carries the most popular Kyosan Japanese fuses. kyosan clear-up fuses are designed to protect semi-conductor devices such as diodes, thyristor modules, or transistor inventive circuits. National Fuse carries these popular Kyosan Electric Japanese fuses: • Kyosan Electric Japanese fuses 25FH, 25SH • Kyosan Electric Japanese fuses 50KAR • Kyosan Electric Japanese fuses 60FHS • Kyosan Electric Japanese fuses 80LF Low Voltage Fuses Low Voltage Switchboards MCB’s Miniature circuit breakers (MCBs) • For domestic/residential installations in emerging markets: typical breaking capacities 3 / 4,5 / 6 kA • Compact Home SH 200 T, SH 200 L, SH 200 • For domestic or small commercial installations: up to 10 kA breaking capacity • specials S440, S950/970 • proM compact S200, S200 M • For industrial installations up to 25 kA breaking capacity and specials • proM compact S200, S200M, S200P, S200U, S200UP • specials S280UC, S290 • Special, selective, back-up MCB’s for for utilities, with high breaking capacity (25 kA) and full selectivity to downstream breakers, range S 700 • For commercial and industrial applications with high breaking capacities and special features / accessories, ranges S200P, 290, S500, S610, S220, S800 MCCB’s. The moulded-case circuit-breakers, proposed by ABB SACE, derive from two families of apparatus: the well-known and consolidated Isomax S series and the recent but already much awarded Tmax series (Top selection at Intel Design 2003 for their technological content and respect of the environment ). In particular, Tmax are characterised by an extremely high level of performances with limited overall dimensions, installation simplicity and an increasingly greater guarantee of safety for the operator thanks to their reinforced insulation. Tmax circuit-breakers, thanks to their performances, completeness of protection releases and accessories, can be used for all distribution and sub-distribution application for both AC and DC electrical plants. Specific characteristics of Tmax The Tmax series is characterised by being a product with a high technological content - the fruit of the most advanced design and simulation tools with excellent performances in minimum overall dimensions. Thanks to the new technology used for the arcing chambers and the speed of contact opening, the circuit-breakers of the Tmax series guarantee strong limitation of the specific let-through energy and reduction in the peak currents, therefore limiting overheating of the devices and electro-dynamic stresses. Furthermore, the new Tmax circuit-breakers use a completely common and standardised range of accessories with considerable advantages in terms of reduced stocks as well as flexibility and ease of use. Then within this range there are also the new residual current releases up to 500 A. Field of application The moulded-case circuit-breakers are used in industrial and civil low voltage plants with service currents from 1 to 1000 A. They are used in direct and alternating current distribution switchgear, for motor protection (Motor Control Center), generators, and capacitors and for end users. Medium Voltage Fuses. Motor Circuit Breakers Enclosed DOL starters, safety switch disconnectors, thermal-magnetic motor circuit breakers Description TeSys wall-mounted DOL starters LG, LJ Enclosed DOL starters are used to control starting or stopping of the machine TeSys motor-starter solutions incorporate 2 auxiliary contacts which allow them to be integrated in safety wiring diagrams TeSys Vario switch disconnectors Installed on an enclosure or in a cabinet, these rotary control switch disconnectors act as circuit load breakers Available in open or enclosed version Fixed on the front panel or DIN rail mounted Padlockable versions Thermal-magnetic motor circuit breakers TeSys GV2-ME NH Fuse Disconnectors to 630 A Product description The basic function of 160A Fuse Switch Disconnector is to protect and disconnector a network during faults and is specially designed for on-load switch. The switch offers a reliable medium for disconnector & protection of fully insulated open wire network. The fuse switch is versatile and is ideally suited for mountion directly to poles, transformer & cross arms. Features: 1. Designed for full load switching with fuse links of disconnector blades upto a rated current. 2. Mounting facility and unique modular design allowing one, two, three or more switches to be installed together to meet SP. TP or TPN system requirements. 3. Fully insulated made from corrosion proof, impact resistant, weather & UV resistant glass fiber reinforced polymide compound with high gladd content suitable for consistent performance under adverse climatic conditions. 4. The upper housing of the switch is hinged to the lower body and can be withdrawn by the insulated operation rod thereby enabling changing of fuse from ground level 5. Flexibility of linking a series of flaps for simultaneous operation 6. The contacts, made up of ETP grade copper -duy plated are rigidly mounted in the housing independentof the terminal bolts. Single incoming & Double outgoing termination is provided in standard version. 7. Electrical & Mechanical fuse indicators are provided to show status of blown fuse. ITEM CODE ZC160A ZC630A Body/ Carrier Material Polyamide Polyamide Rated Operating Current 160A 630A Rated Operating Voltage In 440 V 50Hz 440V 50Hz Rated Operating Voltage ue 1000V 1000V Rated Short Time Current ui 10KA rms for 0.5with 17Peak 10KA rms for 0.5with 17Peak Oil Immersed Fuses. Oil-immersed high voltage current-limiting fuse for transformer mothball protection This product is used in indoor power system of 50Hz AC,rated voltage from 12KV to 15.5KV,to power transformer and other electrical equipment from overloading and short- circuit.This oil-immersed fuse can be used in series with the oil-immersed expulsion fuse of PRNT□-15.5 for overload protection to provide full-range protection for transformer. The quality of the products meet the specifications of the International Electrotechnical Commission Standard IEC60282-1 and the National Standard GB/T15166.2 1.Type Pan Assemblies. Powr-Pro Fuses. FeaturesandBenefits · Eliminate unnecessary downtime - KLPC POWR-PRO series timedelay withstands system surges and keeps your circuits in service. · Best protection for system components - Maximum current limitation means less equipment and system damage when short circuits occur. Reduced damage means that electrical service can be restored quickly, reducing costly downtime, and often permitting equipment repair rather than replacement. · Coordinates with other system components - KLPC series fuses provide maximum coordination with fuses and circuit breakers both on the line and load side of the fuses. See the Fuseology section of this catalog for additional information. · Eliminate need to oversize fuses - This may permit the use of smaller, less expensive switches. Since lower rated fuses are more currentlimiting, equipment receives even better protection. · 300kA Interrupting Rating - Littelfuse self- certified to 300, 000 amperes as standard. Meets future trend towards higher available short circuit currents. Specifications Voltage Ratings: Interrupting Ratings: AC: 600 Volts DC: 480 Volts AC: 200, 000 amperes rms symmetrical 300, 000 amperes rms symmetrical (Littelfuse self-certified) DC: 20, 000 amperes 200 - 6000 amperes AC: Standard 248-10, Class L UL Listed 601 - 6000 amps (File No: E81895) UL Recognized 200 - 600 amps (File No: E71611) CSA Certified 200 - 6000 amps (File No: LR29862) QPL Federal Specifications WF-1814 700 - 6000 amps DC: Littelfuse self- Protistor Semiconductor Fuses. Red Spot Fuses. • Ratings from 20A to 400A, up to 660 Volt ac • Available in either front, back stud and half front/back stud connection • 20A flush mounted (back connected) version • Standard finish is black, but Fuse Holders in white, green or grey colours can also be supplied • Fully shrouded for personnel safety • Complying fully with BS88 Parts 1 and 6 & the IEE Wiring Rerulations (BS 7671-2001). • Protection features against vibration • Accomodates both the bolted tag Red Spot Standard and Red Spot 400 Series ranges of HRC Fuse Links. RS Fuse Holders. Semiconductor Fuses. Fuses For Semiconductor Protection European Standard Class gRL (gs) Side and end view This is the first full range of class gs fuse now recognized by the IEC as class (gs). gRL class (IEC class gs) fuses offers superior performance by combing of two fuse classes into one. Type gRL fuses provide protection to power electronic equipment and cables with low power losses and low I 2 t-values simultaneously. Fuse type gRL offers: Semiconductor protection against short circuit faults via their Ultra Rapid "gR" characteristic (semiconductor fuse). Cable protection against overload via their "gL" characteristic. SMT Fuses. Vacuum Circuit Breakers POWER SEMI-CONDUCTORS Capsule Diodes. Diodes. Heat Sink's & Power Assemblies. GBT’s IGBT/ Thyristor Cooling Systems Mosfets. Power Diodes. Thyristors A Thyristor (silicon controlled rectifier or SCR) is a little like a transistor. When a small current flows into the flow from the ANODE (A) to the gate stops the thyristor continues to allow current to flow from anode to cathode. It latches on A Thyristor (silicon controlled rectifier or SCR) is a little like a transistor. When a small current flows into the GATE (G), this allows a larger current to ) to the CATHODE (C). Even when the current gate stops the thyristor continues to allow current to flow from anode to A Thyristor (silicon controlled rectifier or SCR) is a little like a transistor. ), this allows a larger current to current into the gate stops the thyristor continues to allow current to flow from anode to CONTROL GEAR Brake Resistors. ES Series, 0.6 - 4.5 kW Continuous: • Spiral wire wound resistor element on ceramic former • Negligible noise • Low inductance • Temperature stable design, low increase of resistance value • Optional thermal switch • Terminal block mounted at one end of the enclosure, cover for terminal block, allow for ingress protection IP 20 Contactors. DOL Starters Electronic Overload Pilot Light & Switches Power Factor Correction Star-Delta Starters The Condor Pressure Control GmbH C-SDU Star/delta connection offer, in due consideration of the relevant standards, the possibility of economically operating motors with a switching capacity greater than 4 kW using public mains networks. With this 2-stage starter the inrush current (Star circuit) is reduced by 1/3 of that to be expected when starting the motor directly. The torque is equally reduced during start-up phase. During the start-up phase (1 – 32 seconds), a special change-over relay with a contact switching time of 50 ms, guarantees reliable change over from star to delta operation. During continuous operation, all motors connected to the Star/delta connection are protected by a manual motor starter with thermal and magnetic trip. Standard executions contain a manual motor starter and an on / off switch for the control circuit. Complete star/delta connections additionally have a main circuit-breaker with enclosure locking, an emergency button, an hour meter and an operating LED. Star/delta connections as standard-version with an additional transformer are used, if there is no neutral leader connected. Thermal Overloads 3UA series thermal realy is suitabel for using in power system with AC 50Hz, rated operation voltage up to 660V and 1000V, in main cirucuit, current from 0.1A to 630A. It is used to protect AC three-phase asynchronous motor against overload and open-phase. The realys have the best push-button for breaking NC contacts and the operating indication and free trip characteristics. The products also can be supplied with protecting case to ensure safety. The products can plug in the contactor and install independently or mount by rail Vacuum Contactors Single Line Vacuum Safety Systems - Terminal connections to wire emergency stop of machine tool - Easy to operate - Very Economical - By-Pass Switch to accommodate other workholding devises Multiple Zone Vacuum Safety System units for use with routers and large multiple zone vacuum chucks. The unit indicates which zone has a vacuum leak. Multiple Line Vacuum Safety Systems - Terminal connections to wire emergency stop of machine tool - Vacuum sensor to detect current vacuum levels - Warning alarm buzzer (86 dbs) - Warning indicator light - In-line filter with sight jar - Easy and convenient 110 VAC operating voltage SENSORS & SAFETY SWITCHES Capacitive Sensors & Accessories.Coded Safety Sensors The miniaturized non-contact capacitive displacement sensor system capaNCDT 6019 is developed for machine and facility integration. Typical applications can be found in positioning, wear measurements, gap measurements, displacement, roundness and others. Electromechanical Limit Switches Limit switches automatically monitor and indicate whether the movement limits of a particular device have been exceeded. A standard industrial limit switch is an electromechanical device that contains an actuator linked to a series of contacts. When an object meets the actuator, the limit switch triggers the contacts to either form or break an electrical connection. Limit switches are commonly employed in a wide range of applications and under a variety of operating conditions due to their ease of installation, relatively straightforward design, ruggedness, and reliability. Electronic Proximity Switches Description: Electronic Proximity Switches Part Type: Manufacturer: Siemens Alt. Manufacturer: System Name: Simatic S5 System SubType: Additional Information: Approx. Dimensions: 6" x 2" x 2" (15cm x 5cm x 5cm) Approx. Weight: 0 lbs, 7 oz (0.2 kg) E-Stop Pull Wire Switches GLH Rope Switch Guardian Line GLH features: Die Cast Yellow Painted enclosure IP 67 for hosedown. Contact blocks (4 pole) 3NC + 1NO or 4NC or 2NC + 2NO. 3 conduit entries M20 or ½" NPT Protect hazards up to 250 m. long. Reset by push button. Rope tension indicators. Optional Signalling lamp available Green / Flashing Red 24V dc. Rope pulled and breakage detection. E-Stop Mushroom type button fitted. Explosion-proof version available Flow Indicators & Sensors Flow indicator DWYER Series 500 Sight Window -- Shows Level or Contents of Tanks, Pipelines; Tempered, Replaceable Glass Window Series 550 Sight Window -- Shows Level or Contents of Tanks, Pipelines; Fused Glass and Steel Construction Series SFI-100/SFI-300/SFI-300F/SFI-400/SFI-700 MIDWEST Sight Flow Indicator -- Inexpensive Protection for Expensive Equipment and Systems Footswitches. Hall Effect Devices. Hall Effect Devices detect magnetic flux density (mainly produced by a permanent magnet) and are used in both movement and position sensing. By integrating the sensing element onto the same silicon as its control logic and interface circuitry, Melexis has produced sensor chips with various degrees of intelligence to suit most applications. Sensing the rotation of shafts (e.g. cam- and crank-shaft) in engine, monitoring movement in motors and actuators, sensing pedal, throttle and steering wheel position, Melexis Hall Devices offer a reliable, contactless method of movement and position detection. Melexis is a technological leader for the design, development and testing of integrated Hall Effect Devices. Melexis Hall Effect Devices enable an optimal use of the smaller feature sizes of which semiconductor technology is capable today. Therefore, very sophisticated mixed analog-digital signal conditioning circuitry (such as Chopped Analog String, Digital Signal Processing Core, Microcontroller) can be integrated. Most of the devices can withstand the severe automotive conditions despite few external components. Heavy Duty Limit Switches Level Sensors Limit Switches. Machine-operated limit switches for the control and movement limitation for processing and manufacturing machines for lifts in ships for transportation equipment as trigger switches in safety and alarm systems Magnetic Proximity Switches Proximity switches and sensors use a reed switch and a permanent magnet. Each is encased in a plastic housing for protection and ease of mounting. A classic use is sensing the opening of a door in a security system. A reed switch in the jamb and a permanent magnet in the door complete a circuit when the door is closed. Opening the door breaks the circuit. Proximity switches can be achieved using a number of different technologies depending on the application. Magnetic Sensors Honeywell magnetic sensors and magnetometers offer complete magnetic field sensing solutions, are highly accurate, and allow for easy integration for virtually any application. Compassing - Electronic Compasses and GPS Navigation Most navigation systems today use some type of compass to determine heading direction. Using the earth's magnetic field, electronic compasses based on Honeywell magnetoresistive (MR) sensors can electrically resolve better than 0.1 degree rotation. Honeywell advanced magnetic sensors and magnetometers provide users with a complete turnkey solution for electronic compassing. OCV / OCR Position Detection Position Switches MODULAR PREWIRED SWITCHES NA-NB-NF SERIES Pressure Sensors & Transducers The M5100 pressure sensor is overvoltage protected to 16 Vdc in both positive and reverse polarity. Machined from a solid piece of 17-4PH stainless steel, the sensor is leakproof and withstands more than 10 million pressure cycles without failure. Operating range is from 40 to 125°C. Each sensor features 100-V/m EMI protection and 1% total error band. Measurement Specialties Inc., 1000 Lucas Way, Hampton, VA 23666, (757) 766-4443 Input devices include transducers, sensors, and switches. Sensors and transducers convert physical data such as speed, position, temperature, acceleration, and pressure into electrical signals that are recognized by the controller. Switches allow operators to supply information that supplements or overrides input data. Output devices include power semiconductors and ICs, relays, and circuit breakers. By providing control over electrical power subsystems that drive motors and solenoids, they allow the controller to initiate, halt, or modify action in the controlled system. Sensors and Transducers Position and velocity sensors are common in industrial and automotive applications. Position sensors span a broad spectrum, and virtually all closed- loop motion-control systems use one. Velocity sensors or tachometers also are widely used. Other sensors measure pressure, temperature, and acceleration. Factory automation, in particular, requires linear and rotational position transducers. These demands and a need for digital interfacing are being met by synchros, resolvers, optical shaft encoders, linear-variable differential transformers (LVDTs), and potentiometers. Rotary Switches LW30 series rotary switched applied in circuits for AC 50HZ with working voltage up to 440V and rated working current up to 100A. LW30 is suitable to control: air conditioner, water pump and ventilating equipments. LW30 series rotary switches have six current ratings: 20A, 32A,40A,63A,80A and 100A. LW30 series has the finger protection terminal. Specifications: • LW30 o LW30 series rotary switched applied in circuits for AC 50HZ with working voltage up to 440V and rated working current up to 100A. • LW30 is suitable to control: air conditioner, water pump and ventilating equipments. • LW30 series rotary switches have six current ratings: 20A, 32A,40A,63A,80A and 100A. • LW30 series has the finger protection terminal. Features: • LW30 o LW30 has the main and single function of connecting and breaking circuits, but they are used in big amount. In addition, this series also has many ways of mounting, including panel mounting, panel mounting with pad-lock, single lock parallel mounting, doorlock safety mounting with padlock system and single hole mounting. Main Products: rotary switch, cam switch, switch, electric welding machine s Safety Relays & Safety Switches Safety switches FR series Safety relay ASO Transducers Ultrasonic Sensors Ultrasonic sensors have long been used for range measurements, tank level control, web brake and proximity detection when difficult environments, challenging reflection surfaces or the need for extreme accuracy render traditional optical sensing devices unsuitable. At Migatron, we offer a wide variety of high- quality standard ultrasonic sensors and controllers, as well as design assistance for semi-custom units. MOTORS EX-Motors. Induction Motors. MV Motor Fuses. Medium-voltage fuse is involved in the medium voltage protection from many years. The expertise is centered on the protection of the MV/LV transformer in the power distribution networks with solutions encompassing medium voltage Limitor® fuses for overhead lines protection, oil-tight medium voltage fuses fitting the transformer tank and fault indicators especially the Nortroll® products. Our medium voltage solutions concern also the industrial field with both North-American and European (DIN) standard medium-voltage motor protection fuses. The offering covers also the protection of potential transformers and medium voltage capacitors Permanent Magnet Motors. AUTOMATION & INSTRUMENTATION Ammeters Area Laser Scanners CT’s. Current & Voltage Monitors DIN Instruments. Offering environmental protection to NEMA-4X, Model BOX wall- or bulkhead- mount enclosure comes with 1/8 DIN panel cutout for use with 1/8 DIN instruments with 5.30 in. max depth. Compartment that houses instrument is hermetically sealed, and mounting holes are located on rear surface, outside of sealed compartment. Wire feedthroughs are via 3 sealed cable glands, which accept up to 0.24 in. dia cables. Transparent cover is available for instruments lacking front-panel protection Electronic & Mechanical Timers Electronic Monitors Energy Management Systems High Speed Image Checking High Speed Measurement Accepting the signal from our speed sensors and from a variety of transmitters with a pulse or AC-output. The unit provides alternative input paths for high level and low amplitude. Performance data easy programmed locally at the unit by incorporated keys. Incorporated 2 speed alarms with SPDT relay contacts. Response characteristics individually programmable: setpoints, response characteristics and starting conditions. Optional one 20 ma analog output with programmable span Signal frequency range 0 – 100 kHz. Supply from 18-40 v or 85-265 v AC or DC. Hours Run Meters. Image Checkers Inductive & Optoelectronic Sensors In addition to tubular housings of metal, stainless steel and plastic, Balluff offers versions in rectilinear housings of plastic or metal in virtually all sizes with various functions and performance data. Diffuse, retro-reflective and thru-beam models are available with different functions and form factors. Industrial PC’s Motor Power Monitors (Over/Under) Multi Pin Plugs And Sockets There are many situations where it is necessary to introduce multiple low- level drive and signal circuits into a vacuum system. This can be conveniently, economically and safely achieved by employing a single U.H.V. flange carrying the required number of feedthroughs which can then be mated to a secure but quick connect/disconnect plug. For working voltages up to 3.5kV d.c., pin to pin and pin to ground, a compact multi-pin socket is employed based on a monolithic ceramic. This design allows a large number of pins to be accommodated in a small diameter vacuum flange. Working voltages above 3.5kV up to 10kV d.c. necessitate the use of individual feedthroughs for each pin. Panel Meters PLC Interfacing PLC’s. Programmable Controllers. Protection Relays. RED615, member of ABB's 615 product series, is a phase-segregated two-end line differential protection and control IED perfectly harmonized for utility and industrial power systems, including looped and meshed distribution networks with or without decentralized power generation. Re-engineered from the ground up, the new 615 series has been designed to unleash the full potential of the IEC 61850 standard for communication and interoperability of substation automation equipment. RED615 provides phase-segregated high speed, longitudinal differential protection for overhead line and cable feeders in distribution networks. Two RED615s interconnected over a communication link form an absolutely selective unit protection scheme. Protection of ring-type and meshed distribution networks generally requires unit protection solutions, also applied in radial networks containing distributed power generation. Due to the ready-made adaptation of RED615 for the line differential protection, the IED can be rapidly set up and commissioned, once it has been given the application-specific IED settings. If the IED needs to be adapted to the special requirements of the intended application, the flexibility of the RED615 allows the IED's standard signal configuration to be adjusted. SCADA. SF6 Distribution. Terminals (full range). Text Displays. Timer Relays. The SIPROTEC 7SJ602 is a numerical overcurrent relay which, in addition to its primary use in radial distribution networks and motor protection, can also be employed as backup for feeder, transformer and generator differential protection. It provides definite-time and inverse-time overcurrent protection along with overload and negative-sequence protection for a very comprehensive relay package. In this way, equipment such as motors can be protected against asymmetric and excessive loading. Feeder protection • Overcurrent-time protection • Sensitive earth-fault detection • Directional sensitive earth-fault detection • Displacement voltage • Disk emulation • Overload protection • Breaker failure protection • Negative-sequence protection • Cold load pickup • Auto-reclosure • Trip circuit supervision Motor protection • Starting time supervision • Locked rotor • Restart inhibit • Undercurrent monitoring Timers for All Applications Touch Screens Voltmeter OTHER Carbon Brushes THESE CARBON BRUSHES FIT A RANGE OF BELT DRIVEN PERFORMANCE POWER 250MM TABLE SAWS INCLUDING FMTC1500TK, FMTC1500WTK, FMTC1500TSS Contactor / Timing Relays Contactor Contactors - mini-contactors type CRMI up to 9A AC3 duty - contactors type CRNI up to 100A AC3 duty - contactors type CRLI from 110A to 400A AC3 duty Thermal overload relays - for the protection of electric motors from overload and phase fault - adjustable rated range from 0,1 A to 400 A DIN Rail Terminal Block. CAMG03(MG03) connection box(distribution block) is designed for distribution equipment and switchgears; it is used as bus bar and current terminal in different electrical devices. Enclosures & Cubicles Fireproof Electric Enclosures Fireproof Design There are a great number of variations in fireproof enclosure design, each depending on application requirements and the dimensional and operational parameters of a shielded device. However, certain basic design principles are shared by the majority of fireproof industrial enclosure systems, including: Cables and connectors do not have direct entry into the fireproof enclosure. External flange surfaces display strong metal-to-metal bonding or form a vented joint that does not exceed a maximum gap allowance. Rubber or other materials that may undergo deterioration are not used to seal joints. All externally facing joints and flanges are machined and installed with a preset minimum distance between the outer and inner sides of the enclosures. Any fasteners used to secure covers are hooded. Shaft and spindle bearings maintain a minimum length and a maximum radial clearance according to application requirements. The specifications for each of these characteristics vary depending on the fireproofing project at hand, but rigorous and careful testing are always used to determine the enclosure’s effectiveness. One of the required tests involves identifying the maximum pressure that could possibly be produced from a gas explosion inside the enclosure, and then exposing the enclosure to slightly higher pressure in order to evaluate its protection levels. A similar test is used to verify whether or not an explosion within the enclosure will ignite a combustible atmosphere and spread fire to external systems. Cubicles Interface Terminal Blocks. Modular Bus-Bar Systems Sizes and configurations can be tailored to meet your specific needs. MV Cable Jointing Kits MEDIUM VOLTAGE JOINTING KITS For XLPE 11 - 22kV Single Core & Three Core These jointing kits have been designed to encompass easy installation, requiring minimal skills, by utilizing leading edge dual extrusion thick wall heat shrink technology. The kits cater for polymeric straight joints and polymeric to PILC transition joints, and can be used on single and three core cables ranging from 16mm2 to 630mm2. This product range has been fully tested to the requirements of VDE 0278, CENELEC HD629.1S1 and IEC 60502. Parts 1-4 Pre Fabricated Busbar Systems Safety Edges & Mats Safety Plc’s Safety Relays The core of the system is the central unit with eight safety-related inputs, one safety-related relay output and one safety-related solid-state output. Up to seven safety or standard expansion modules can be connected to the central unit. The expandability makes the one system easily scalable for applications with as little as three safety functions to as many as 40. Speciality Cable Products Terminating & Protection Solutions AC Testing, Applied DC Testing, ATS, Cable Terminating, Insulation Partial Discharge, Power Factor ELECTRICITY Emaco group has 21 subsidiaries in E.U. and it is present in Libya as: • Contractor & Engineering for: ο Infrastructure and Building construction ο Industrial automation and PLC ο Electrical, mechanical & steam ο Water and sewage control, management & treatment ο Hazardous waste disposal & treatment ο Steel works (hangar, high pressure vessel, storage tanks etc.) ο Hospital & industrial maintenance ο Oil and Gas ο Port and Airport • Manufacturer & Supplier of: • POWER STATION • SUBSTATION • OVERHEAD LINE • HV & LV CABLE • HV & LV CONNECTORS • HV INSULATORS • HV & LV MATERIALS ο Industrial machinery ο Ecology equipment ο Steel works ο Tools & instruments ο Laboratories & training equipment ο Incinerator & fire fighting ο Industrial spare parts Emaco group companies in Italy manufactures, supplies and installs tools and laboratories & materials since its establishment in 1971 with a capital of 35 Millions Euro Emaco group has grown particularly in the last 25 years and at present we count no. 21 subsidiaries in E.U. mainly in the fields of manufacturing and installing electri- cal, electronic, mechanical & environmental machinery, tools, instruments & labora- tories Emaco Group Holding: France, UK, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Hong Kong, USA, Emaco group operative arm H.Q. in Italy 56023 Cascina - PISA 100 via Caprera Libya branch Tripoli (Libya) ph/fx 4443772 hotline 0913774555 UK calling centre + (44)1312083316 www.emacogroup.eu / www.emacogroupintl.com
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