Effects of tongue position on mandibular muscle activity and heart rate function

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E lar m ,b An MN, AKE F Ob -relat stu y and pla pain-f Stu ith a Mu hy an ele f 3 pe mo Re tempo sig ue wa po Co he mo ph mall, ind l Med Re an ha od co potential for significant iatrogenic consequences to emerge when treatment strategies are applied without evidence from controlled clinical studies.1,2 One of the more common reversible strategies that dental provid- ers is ov tiv mi ass po co cle ins ton tio ap against the palate with slight pressure. However, there is scant evidence that placing the tongue against the palate is indeed a position of “rest” if rest refers to reduction of muscle activity. aAs Psy bPr tuc cM dRe ver Re 200 107 © 2 doi offer to patients with temporomandibular disorders to monitor and control tongue position as a part of an erall effort to reduce unnecessary parafunctional ac- ity.3 Generally the goal of these instructions is to nimize muscle activity for pain management. The umption here is that maintaining a particular “rest” sition where muscle activity is minimized will help ntrol muscle overuse, and facilitate reduction in mus- -related pain. There are 2 recent studies that provide data demon- strating increased muscle activity when the tongue is placed against the palate.8,9 Carlson and colleagues8 reported data from healthy, pain-free participants that showed significantly higher electromyographic (EMG) activity in the right temporalis and suprahyoid muscles when the tongue was placed against the palate with slight pressure compared with resting the tongue on the floor of the mouth. In a similar investigation, Takahashi and colleagues9 used an intraoral appliance to evaluate tongue positions and muscle activity. This device in- cluded 2 pressure transducers to detect contact with the tongue, as well as the placement of 3 external EMG sensors on the right masseter, right anterior temporalis, and suprahyoid muscles.9 The results of this study found significant differences between rest and anterior tongue placement for masseter muscle activity, and significant differences between rest and both anterior sistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry and chology, Department of Anesthesiology, Mayo Clinic. ofessor and Chair, Department of Psychology, University of Ken- ky. edical Resident, College of Medicine, University of Kentucky. search Fellow, Department of Neurobiology, Wake Forest Uni- sity. ceived for publication Oct 10, 2008; returned for revision Jun 18, 9; accepted for publication Jun 26, 2009. 9-2104/$ - see front matter ffects of tongue position on mandibu heart rate function John E. Schmidt, PhD,a Charles R. Carlson, PhD Alexandre S. Quevedo, DDS, PhD,d Rochester, MAYO CLINIC, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, AND W jectives. A primary goal of pain management for muscle dy aimed to investigate masticatory muscle group activit ced on the palate or the floor of the mouth in a healthy dy design. Participants were 23 females and 18 males w scle activity was measured using surface electromyograp ctrocardiography. The experimental protocol consisted o uth, and tongue placement on palate. sults. Results indicated significantly more activity in the nificant reduction in heart rate variability when the tong sition on the floor of the mouth. nclusions. Instructions to place the tongue on the roof of t ysiological functioning (i.e., relaxation) but rather promote s exed by muscle tone and cardiac function. (Oral Surg Ora cently there has been strong interest in developing d applying strategies for health care treatments that ve demonstrated effectiveness according to the meth- s of science. For the management of orofacial pain nditions, this is particularly salient because of the an tem 009 Published by Mosby, Inc. :10.1016/j.tripleo.2009.06.029 uscle activity and drew R. Usery, MD,c and Lexington, KY, and Winston-Salem, NC OREST UNIVERSITY ed pain is to reduce masticatory muscle activity. This heart rate variability change when the tongue was ree sample. mean age of 19.6 years (standard deviation � 1.5). d heart period were measured using riods: baseline, tongue placement on the floor of ralis and suprahyoid muscle regions as well as a s positioned on the palate compared with tongue uth are not instructions that will promote reduced but potentially important increases in overall activity as Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009;108:881-888) In the dental literature, there are several examples of truction sets that tell the patient where to place the gue for achieving a rest position.4,5 These instruc- ns are typically part of comprehensive treatment proaches, and instruct the patient to place the tongue 6,7 d superior tongue placements for activity in both the poralis and suprahyoid muscle groups. 881 ide mo hy ba po pu cle ele res Gl tai res ing ac the ing ma co the dif wi mi tio co wh sw tha tas tra ifie are int cra oth fro gio tru co an Th an lea pra ma tha Su ce the fac the su pe me ch cifi ton act pa log by qu be (E res tor pre sq int to oft ton he ity po tiv pa ity tio sel tie kn mu pa sib cia wa wh the wa the 1) 2) OOOOE 882 Schmidt et al. December 2009 Results from these studies provide corroborating ev- nce that placing the tongue against the roof of the uth results in increased muscle activity in the supra- oid and temporalis regions.8,9 Despite these data- sed findings, the question of the appropriate rest sition for the tongue remains controversial.7 For our rposes, we define “rest” as a position in which mus- activity is at a minimum value, as measured by ctromyography. The importance of maintaining a t position is illustrated by a series of studies by aros and colleagues10-12 demonstrating that main- ning small levels of masticatory muscle activity can ult in significant pain and dysfunction. These find- s support the value of reduced masticatory muscle tivity as a goal for orofacial pain management. Fur- rmore, recent functional magnetic resonance imag- (fMRI) studies have shown that tongue position intained on the roof of the mouth results in higher rtical activity compared with the tongue resting on floor of the mouth, and that there are significant ferences in areas of cerebral activation associated th tongue position and movement.13-15 The fMRI studies showing cortical in addition to dbrain and brainstem control of tongue motor func- n are consistent with studies showing how reversible rtex cooling extinguished some tongue behaviors ile having minimal effect on some evoked chewing/ allowing jaw muscle activity.13-19 Recent findings t tongue nociception and learned tongue protrusion ks induce neuroplastic changes in the cortex illus- te how brain control of tongue activity can be mod- d by environmental stimuli.20,21 Tongue movements complex and represent a portion of the highly egrated continuum of behaviors mediated by the nial nerves, and the hypoglossal motor nuclei, like er cranial nerve motor nuclei, receive neural input m widespread cortical, midbrain, and brainstem re- ns.22-25 These regions help process the entire spec- m of sensory input so that the brain can effectively ordinate feeding behaviors, breathing, and speech d modulate cardiovascular and endocrine functions. ey also form the central autonomic nervous system d greater limbic system, which contribute to the rning process.26,27 The therapeutic suggestion to ctice elevated or protruded tongue rest positions y instill learned, but functionally irrelevant postures t are assumed when stressors stimulate the brain. ch postures defy gravity, activate muscle metabore- ptors, and, with fatigue summation, produce sympa- tic demands that may have adverse effects on oro- ial pain patients. The likelihood that the tongue position on the roof of mouth results in less muscle activity is thus not pported by available research findings. Further, ex- rimental studies raise the question of whether place- nt of the tongue against the palate is associated with anges in other physiologic systems beyond the spe- c musculature and cortical structures associated with gue activity. If such an effect does occur with tongue ivity, habitual placement of the tongue against the late may contribute to disruption of integrated physio- ic system balance. These disruptions could be indexed measures of autonomic nervous system functioning. Change in the autonomic nervous system can be antitatively assessed by examining the change in the at to beat (NN) interval of an electrocardiogram CG). This index of heart rate variability (HRV) rep- ents the heart’s ability to respond to normal regula- y impulses that affect heart rhythm.28,29 For the sent study, the time domain index of root mean uare of successive differences (RMSSD) of the NN ervals will be used. The RMSSD value is considered be a strong indicator of parasympathetic activity, en referred to as cardiac vagal tone.29 Possible association between change in cardiac vagal e and tongue position–related muscle activity may lp increase understanding of the physiologic reactiv- found in chronic orofacial pain patients. This patient pulation has consistently demonstrated higher reac- ity compared with pain-free controls in studies of in thresholds, emotional and cardiovascular reactiv- , psychological distress, fatigue, and sleep dysfunc- n.30-32 These characteristics suggest compromised f-regulatory processes are important factors in pa- nts suffering from chronic orofacial pain. Increased owledge regarding the associations between facial scle activity and cardiac vagal tone in a healthy in-free sample will further our understanding of pos- le mechanisms contributing to and sustaining orofa- l pain. The present study had 2 general aims. The first aim s to investigate activity in masticatory muscle groups en the tongue was placed on the palate or the floor of mouth in a healthy pain-free sample. The second aim s to investigate cardiac vagal tone response to placing tongue on either the palate or the floor of the mouth. Two specific hypotheses were forwarded: It was predicted that positioning the tongue with slight pressure on the palate would involve an in- crease in temporal, masseter, and suprahyoid muscle activity, compared with measured muscle activity when resting the tongue on the floor of the mouth.8,9 It was predicted that positioning the tongue with slight pressure on the palate would be associated with decreased cardiac vagal tone (diminished HRV) compared with cardiac vagal tone when the tongue is placed on the floor of the mouth (elevated M Pa tuc pro we cu ton (4) dis ica rat pre tic ing Hg Po pre pro of 18 me he the 80 (n rec Ex roo pa Pa su tic Ph ch tic po Cu pa pe me to 28 the ph ity Ph M tem stu an gra Ag EM ule sam filt Th su co ma BI cro Br un co ule dio Ow da the ful ac sh dio fol am pa Th wi the he filt Bi ity SP of Th pro ing stu pe an do RM ton an da OOOOE Volume 108, Number 6 Schmidt et al. 883 HRV). Change in cardiac vagal tone was quantita- tively assessed by measuring change in the RMSSD index of HRV. ETHODS rticipants This study was approved by the University of Ken- ky Institutional Review Board and all participants vided written informed consent. Inclusion criteria re as follows: (1) age 18 years or older; (2) no rrent or past injury or pain in the jaw, mouth, or gue; (3) no current or past chronic pain condition; no current or past history of hypertension or heart ease; (5) not taking any cardiovascular control med- tion; (6) no history of asthma or other chronic respi- ory conditions; (7) no history of diabetes; (8) not gnant at time of study participation; (9) before par- ipation, resting blood pressure must meet the follow- criteria: systolic blood pressure lower than 140 mm , diastolic blood pressure lower than 90 mm Hg.33 wer analysis to determine sample size was based on vious studies, indicating a sample size of 40 would vide adequate power at a beta of 0.80 and an alpha 0.05.3,8,9,34 Study participants were 23 females and males with a mean age of 19.6 years (SD � 1.5), a an weight of 163.4 pounds (SD � 35.5), and a mean ight of 68.4 inches (SD� 3.8). Ethnic distribution of study sample was as follows: Caucasian (n � 33, .5%), African American (n � 4, 9.8%), Hispanic � 2, 4.9%), and other (n� 2, 4.9%). All participants eived class credit for completion of this study. perimental setting All procedures were conducted in a sound-attenuated m in the Psychophysiology Laboratory at the De- rtment of Psychology of the University of Kentucky. rticipants were seated in a cushioned chair with head pport. Once informed consent was obtained, all par- ipants completed a health history questionnaire. ysiological recording devices were then attached and ecked for accuracy. During all study procedures, par- ipants were asked to sit as quietly and comfortably as ssible and to refrain from any unnecessary movements. rrent stage of menstrual cycle Day of menstrual cycle was recorded for female rticipants by asking for the last day of their previous riod. The menstrual cycle is divided into 4 phases: nstruation (days 1 to 5), proliferative phase (days 6 13), ovulation (day 14), and luteal phase (days 15 to ). Autonomic regulation of the heart fluctuates during menstrual cycle with HRV being lower in the luteal ase than in the other phases; thus, sympathetic activ- is dominant during the luteal phase.35,36 ysiological measures The physiological measures were recorded using the P150 Biopac data acquisition system (Biopac Sys- s, Inc., Goleta, CA). The configuration for this dy included the electromyographic, carbon dioxide, d electrocardiogram amplifier modules. Electromyo- phic activity at each muscle site was recorded using /AgCl electrodes with shielded leads connected to an G100C electromyographic amplifier module. Mod- settings were as follows: sampling rate � 100 ples per second, amplifier gain � 1000, low pass er � 500 Hz, notch interference filter 60 Hz � on. e EMG electrodes were placed on the right masseter, prahyoid, and right and left temporalis muscles ac- rding to procedures described by Cram and Kas- n.37 The raw EMG signal was integrated using the OPAC software, and the mean EMG values in mi- volts were calculated for each recording period. eathing rate was recorded by placing a nasal cannula der the participant’s nose. The cannula tubing was nnected to a CO2100C amplifier module. This mod- provides a continuous measure of end tidal carbon xide level and breathing rate in breaths per minute. ing to equipment problems, end tidal carbon dioxide ta were not available for all participants; therefore, se data are not reported. Breathing rate was success- ly recorded for all study participants. Cardiovascular tivity was recorded using Ag/AgCl electrodes with ielded leads connected to an ECG100C electrocar- gram amplifier module. Module settings were as lows: sampling rate � 1000 samples per second, plifier gain � 1000, low-pass filter � 35 Hz, high- ss filter � 0.05 Hz, notch interference 60 Hz � on. e electrodes were placed in the Lead I configuration, th the positive and negative electrodes connected to inside of the forearms.38 To calculate the RMSSD art rate variability index, the ECG signal was first ered and transformed into NN intervals using the opac Acquire system software followed by variabil- analyses using HRV Analysis Software version 1.1 1 by Biomedical Signal Analysis Group, Department Applied Physics, University of Kuopio, Finland. is software package is a standalone HRV analysis gram that provides a variety of HRV indices includ- time-domain and frequency-domain values. For this dy, because of the short time length for each study riod (baseline � 5 minutes, tongue position on floor d roof, post � 1 minute for each trial), the time- main HRV index of RMSSD was reported. The SSD HRV index was used to quantify cardiac vagal e as this technique has proven to be accurate, valid, d clinically useful for short time periods of ECG ta.39,40 Pr tai su blo we a lea ba pa for mo rio in his tol the for to roo ex flo ran ton tri tee mi na po dix rem fro An iol EM for 2 r res Th (to po ys ph lin us us rec co ca pre ys the IL P are RE Co se the po (n EM sel we gro we ing va M ma (W me be pe co tio wo Fo fer on du P dis mu oid pe Re for .00 co mu pe ral (W me tem ac tra OOOOE 884 Schmidt et al. December 2009 ocedure Once informed consent and health history were ob- ned, height and weight were recorded. Blood pres- re was assessed using a Paramed 9200 automated od pressure cuff to ensure resting blood pressures re within study criteria. The participant was seated in comfortable chair and the physiological recording ds were attached and tested, followed by a 5-minute seline recording period. During all recording periods, rticipants were instructed to sit as quietly and com- tably as possible and to refrain from unnecessary vements. Immediately preceding the baseline recording pe- d, all participants were asked where the tongue was the mouth. The reported placement was recorded as or her “normal” tongue position. Participants were d they would be instructed to alternate the position of tongue between the roof and the floor of the mouth 1-minute periods. Participants were then instructed either place the anterior third of the tongue on the f of the mouth according to modified guidelines plained by Rocabado,6 or to rest the tongue on the or of the mouth. The order of tongue placement was domly assigned, with 19 participants beginning with gue placement on the roof of the mouth. During all al periods, participants were asked to keep lips and th slightly apart to control for facial positioning and to nimize extraneous movements. All participants alter- ted tongue position until 2 trials were completed in each sition. Instructions for each trial are given in Appen- 1. Upon completion of all trials, the sensors were oved and participants were debriefed and excused m the study. alytic strategy Before completing the statistical analyses, mean phys- ogical activity was calculated by averaging integrated G, breathing rate, heart rate, and RMSSD variables all study trials. These values were averaged for the oof position trials and for the 2 floor position trials, ulting in 1 set of values for each tongue position. ese 2 composite trials will be noted as the TF period ngue position on the floor) and TR period (tongue sition on the roof). Overall repeated measures anal- es of variance (ANOVAs) were performed on the ysiological variables using the 3 trial periods: base- e, TF period, and TR period. Focused contrasts were ed to evaluate a priori hypotheses. The advantage of ing a repeated measures design with physiological ordings is that each participant acts as his or her own ntrol.41 This approach controls for other factors that n influence physiological recordings such as skin paration, age, and site placement.42 Statistical anal- es were completed with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences, Release 15.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, ). The criterion for statistical significance was set at less than .05. Effect sizes for hypothesized analyses reported using Cohen’s d. SULTS mparison of physiological variables based on lf-reported normal tongue position Participants were asked to state tongue position after baseline recording period. Reported “normal” tongue sition was floor (n� 22), roof (n� 12), and not sure � 7). Univariate analyses on baseline, floor, and roof G variables showed no differences between the f-reported floor and roof groups. No differences re detected between the self-reported floor and roof ups on HR or RMSSD. These preliminary analyses re followed by repeated measures analyses compar- the main effect of study period on physiological riables. uscle activity The overall ANOVA for EMG activity in the right sseter muscle indicated no main effect for period ilks’ Lambda (2,39) � 2.35, P � .109). Repeated asures univariate was not completed on these data cause of no significant main effect detected for the riod. The overall ANOVA was followed by focused ntrasts to evaluate the a priori hypothesis that posi- ning the tongue with slight pressure on the palate uld result in an increase in masseter muscle activity. cused contrasts showed a marginally significant dif- ence between the tongue on the roof (TR) and tongue the floor (TF) periods with higher muscle activity ring the TR period; TR � 0.992 versus TF � 0.855, � .078. EMG and other physiological results are played in Table I. In contrast to the finding with the right masseter scle, the ANOVA for EMG activity in the suprahy- muscle was highly significant for the effect of riod (Wilks’ Lambda (2,39) � 16.08, P � .001). peated measures univariate analyses were significant suprahyoid muscle activity (F(2,39) � 17.56, P � 1) across the 3 study periods. As predicted, focused ntrasts showed a much higher level of suprahyoid scle activity in the TR period compared with the TF riod; TR � 2.09 versus TF � 1.42, P � .001. The ANOVA for EMG activity in the right tempo- is muscle also indicated a significant effect for period ilks’ Lambda (2,39) � 7.59, P � .002). Repeated asures univariate analyses were significant for right poralis muscle activity (F(2,39) � 8.24, P � .001) ross the 3 study periods. As predicted, focused con- sts showed significantly higher muscle activity in the TR ve mu pe Re for .00 co the ve Br sig 4.3 su bre pe bre TF He ca (2, res be AN (W pe RM pe po wo wi sig He Cu pa tiv (n DI Ta epeate Rig 0.9 Sup 2.0 Rig 1.3 Lef 1.3 Bre 16.1 Sta fect siz AN effect Bre AN these a Ta R He 66.73 RM 63.38 Sta fect siz AN ect was AN t mean *B on roof OOOOE Volume 108, Number 6 Schmidt et al. 885 period compared with the TF period; TR � 1.35 rsus TF � 1.18, P � .001. The final muscle group tested was the left temporalis scle, which also indicated a significant effect for riod (Wilks’ Lambda (2,39) � 8.97, P � .001). peated measures univariate analyses were significant left temporalis muscle activity (F(2,39)� 6.37, P� 3) across the 3 study periods. As predicted, focused ntrasts showed significantly higher muscle activity in TR period compared with the TF period, TR� 1.34 rsus TF � 1.13, P � .010. eathing rate The overall ANOVA for breathing rate indicated a nificant main effect for period (Wilks’ Lambda (2,39)� 7, P � .02). This was followed by a repeated mea- res univariate analysis, which was significant for athing rate (F(2,39) � 4.48, P � .014) across the 3 riods. Focused contrasts showed significantly higher athing rate during the TR period compared with the period, TR � 16.15 versus TF � 15.47, P � .023. art rate and RMSSD The overall ANOVA for heart rate was not signifi- nt for the main effect for period (Wilks’ Lambda 39) � 2.62, P � .086). As with the right masseter ults, repeated measures analyses were not completed cause no main effect was detected. The overall OVA for RMSSD indicated a main effect for period ilks’ Lambda (2,39) � 4.15, P � .023). The re- ated measures univariate analysis was significant for SSD (F(2,39) � 5.49, P � .006) across the 3 study ble I. Electromyographic activity and breathing rate r Baseline Floor ht masseter 0.95 (0.54) 0.86 (0.31) rahyoid 1.62 (0.88) 1.42 (0.92) ht temporalis 1.62 (0.94) 1.18 (0.71) t temporalis 1.46 (0.71) 1.13 (0.53) athing rate 15.24 (2.79) 15.47 (2.10) ndard deviation is denoted within parentheses. Cohen’s d notes ef OVA was not completed for the right masseter data because no main athing rate is shown in breaths per minute. OVA, analysis of variance; EMG, electromyographic; -, no data for ble II. Heart rate and HRV analyses Baseline Floor art rate 68.44 (11.16) 67.30 (10.80) SSD 71.25 (44.53) 68.60* (40.67) ndard deviation is denoted within parentheses. Cohen’s d notes ef OVA was not completed for the heart rate data because no main eff OVA, analysis of variance; HRV, heart rate variability; RMSSD, roo old indicates increase in vagal tone compared with tongue position riods. Focused contrasts to evaluate the a priori hy- thesis that tongue position on the roof of the mouth uld be associated with lower RMSSD compared th tongue position on the floor of the mouth was nificant, TR � 63.39 versus TF � 68.60, P � .016. art rate and RMSSD values are displayed in Table II. rrent stage of menstrual cycle Menstrual stage distribution for the female partici- nts was as follows: menstruation (n � 1), prolifera- e phase (n � 4), ovulation (n � 0), and luteal phase � 8). The remaining female participants (n � 10) re taking oral contraceptives. Before the completing physiological analyses, participants in the luteal ase were compared with the remaining female par- ipants on HR and RMSSD during all study peri- s. No significant differences were found between 2 female subgroups on HR or RMSSD, P’s greater n .05. SCUSSION The results of the study replicated and extended the dings of 2 previous studies that demonstrated muscle tivation of temporalis and suprahyoid groups when gue position is maintained on the roof of the uth.8,9 Furthermore, the results of this study showed t tongue position has a significant effect on heart rate riability in that when the tongue was elevated to the f of the mouth there was a significant reduction in rdiac vagal tone. This finding suggests that there is egration between tongue activity and heart function own by the increase in muscle activity corresponding d measures ANOVA Roof F (2,39) P Cohen’s d 9 (0.49) — — 0.34 9 (1.12) 17.56 .001 0.65 5 (0.67) 8.24 .001 0.25 4 (0.65) 6.37 .003 0.36 5 (2.20) 4.48 .014 0.32 es between Floor and Roof conditions only. Repeated measures was detected for the period. EMG values are shown in microvolts. nalyses. oof F(2,39) P Cohen’s d (11.374) — — 0.05 (37.82) 5.49 .006 0.10 es between Floor and Roof conditions only. Repeated measures detected for the period. Heart rate is shown in beats per minutes. square of successive differences; -, no data for these analyses. of mouth. fin ac ton mo tha va roo ca int sh we the ph tic od the tha wi tha mo bri ac po cre in de of see ex du ton ins tio ag a s pa str reg HR wh tre low aft by po in do ab be rum tio wi the als pro an res aro tai ma ica de the ch Th of att ac ma rec fre sy clo sel tec al. pa the po we po mi fin mu tai rig na rel po ma mo tha ma su tio tom no pre fac the po ton ac tan tie of the res ica thi ba Th he scr Pa an tem cli OOOOE 886 Schmidt et al. December 2009 th a measureable change in heart function. It is clear t instructions to place the tongue on the roof of the uth with slight pressure are not instructions that ng about relaxation (i.e., reduction in sympathetic tivity) but rather promote small, but potentially im- rtant changes in overall activity as indexed by in- ased muscle tone and reduced cardiac vagal tone. Because there is evidence that even small increases muscle activity for extended periods can result in the velopment of pain and dysfunction, the importance allowing the tongue to rest as frequently as possible ms self-evident.10 The present findings replicate and tend the results of earlier studies demonstrating re- ced EMG activity in several muscle groups when the gue is resting on the floor of the mouth. Therefore, tructions for helping individuals obtain a rest posi- n for muscles associated with the jaw should encour- e the assumption of this rest position and not promote trategy whereby the tongue is placed up against the late. There are numerous reports in the literature demon- ating the importance of HRV as an index of self- ulatory control.43-46 It has been found that higher V is associated with higher self-regulatory ability ether after a laboratory stressor or coping with dis- ssing life events.43,46,47 Conversely, individuals with HRV appear to have reduced self-regulatory ability er experiencing a stressor, as quantitatively indexed the sustained reduction in HRV indices during st-stressor laboratory assessment.43 The difference HRV among individuals in laboratory assessments es not appear to be attributable to one specific vari- le, but instead is likely a multifactorial issue. It has en suggested that cognitive (e.g., racing thoughts, ination) as well as behavioral (e.g., hyperventila- n) patterns may contribute to sympathetic activation th the end result being a less adaptive functioning for autonomic nervous system.48,49 Thus, for individu- who regularly engage in a cognitive or behavioral cess associated with elevated sympathetic activity d reduced cardiac vagal tone, an acute stressor may ult in faster, more intense, and more sustained usal. Findings from the present study suggest main- ning the tongue on the palate with slight pressure y be a contributing factor to increases in physiolog- l activation that were evidenced by the observed crease in cardiac vagal tone. Our study design cannot provide direct evidence for contribution of sympathetic activity to the observed anges in HRV owing to the use of the RMSSD index. is HRV index is considered to be a quantitative index cardiac vagal tone. Further work in this area should empt to assess both sympathetic and parasympathetic tivity in the HRV spectrum by using frequency do- in indices. Our study design used short-term ECG ording, the length of which is not recommended for quency domain analyses that are required to examine mpathetic and parasympathetic functioning more sely.29 An additional possible limitation is the use of f-report regarding tongue position. We did not use hnical sensors such as the one used by Takahashi et 9 to assess actual tongue position, but given the ttern of physiological findings are consistent with ir work, it is reasonable to conclude that tongue sition was likely consistent with self-reports that re obtained. The design of the study was intended to minimize the tential role that “normal” rest positions of the tongue ght have on muscle activity. We believe that the dings in this study provide a consistent picture of scle activity increase when tongue position is main- ned on the roof of the mouth. Given the attention to orous experimental controls in order to rule out alter- tive interpretations, the present findings are likely a iable representation of muscle activity in the larger pulation. Although it is the case that some individuals y report that resting the tongue on the floor of the uth “doesn’t feel relaxed,” the evidence is consistent t muscle activity is lowest when such a position is intained.8,9 What may be important to focus on with ch individuals is the necessary “internal recalibra- n” that is needed because they have become accus- ed to heightened muscle activity as a part of their rmal habit patterns. That is why if an individual sents with pain or discomfort in the muscles of the e and the tongue positioned against the palate, one of first lines of interventions may be to alter tongue sition to the floor of the mouth.3 In summary, the present study provides evidence that gue position influences both motor and cardiac vagal tivity in small, but significant and potentially impor- t ways. Researchers now have additional opportuni- s to explore the potentially far-reaching implications tongue position on self-regulatory functioning. Fur- r, clinicians have an opportunity to teach patients a t position of the tongue that truly fosters physiolog- l rest. It is hoped that the field of orofacial pain uses s information in the service of patient care that is sed on the results of scientific study. e authors thank the editor and reviewers for their lpful comments on earlier versions of this manu- ipt. 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Also keep your lips and teeth slightly apart so that the mouth stays in a relaxed position, and close your eyes.” ‘Down’ instructions: “Begin by placing your tongue on the floor of the mouth. Make sure you are not pushing against the back of the teeth. The tongue should stay comfortably on the floor of the mouth. Just let the tip of the tongue ‘flop’ to the floor of the mouth and let it lie there until I tell you to move it. Also, keep your lips and teeth slightly apart so that the mouth is in a relaxed position, and close your eyes.” OOOOE 888 Schmidt et al. December 2009 Effects of tongue position on mandibular muscle activity and heart rate function METHODS Participants Experimental setting Current stage of menstrual cycle Physiological measures Procedure Analytic strategy RESULTS Comparison of physiological variables based on self-reported normal tongue position Muscle activity Breathing rate Heart rate and RMSSD Current stage of menstrual cycle DISCUSSION ACKNOWLEDGMENT REFERENCES APPENDIX 1


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