1. September | October 2010Feature title: Ecobiol Aqua the effective single strain probiotic International Aquafeed is published five times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom.All data is published in good faith, based on information received, and while every care is taken to prevent inaccuracies,the publishers accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for the consequences of action taken on the basis ofinformation published.©Copyright 2009 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any formor by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Perendale Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1464-0058 The International magazine for the aquaculture feed industry 2. F: Probiotic F: Probioticin the probiotic group, 5% higher then faciens (nor-Table 2:- Effect of the addition of a B. amyloliquefaciens probiotic on mortality the 302 units in the control group. Themal contentTreatmentPonds Surface (has) Initial animals Mortality (%) Rising feedEscalatingOpportunistic activity was 7.47 units in the Low Shrimp protease Environmental of bacteriacost fish meal price diseases probiotic group, almost two times the four & fish pricesimpactin one tonne units measured in the control group. The of feed) pro- Control 3 24.5 196000039.34 differences in the lipase activity were notduce 1.8kg Ecobiol Aqua 3 24.5 196000033.50 so high, only 2.5% higher, 40.32 units in theof lactic probiotic group and 39.1 in the controlacid. WhenTired of hearing only bad news ?Table 3:- Effect of the addition of a B. amyloliquefaciens probiotic on production group. Ecobiol pro- From this we deduce that this enzyme duces the FinalSurfaceInitial Final Body production improves not only protein,lactic acid in TreatmentPonds Biomass(ha)animalsWeight (g) Feed is the main cost in most aquaculture operationsbut also the starch and fat digestibility … the fish’s gut, (Ton)Ecobiol strain probiotic Aqua and the most difficult one to reduce when ingredient prices are rising … energy digestibility, as these nutrients it controls are essential for the energy of the diet pathogenicControl3 24.5 196000019.616.90 calculation. bacteria and Ecobiol Aqua3 24.5 196000023.618.16 Ecobiol Aqua controls intestinal pH by is used as producing lactic acidsubstrate for growth by beneficial bacteria Barstar (produced by the same bacteria butPerformance Preservation Health and Feed andSensory Bacteria ferment carbohydrates to(lactobacilli). Several trials have demon-not ejected to the media), acts as a natural Enhancement& StabilizationWell-Being Food Safety Improvement obtain energy following different biochemi-strated the beneficial effect that lactic acidantibiotic.the effective singleAQUAGEST®AQUABITE®maximizes digestibility and feed utilization efficiency enhances palatability and appetite cal pathways; in the case of B. amyloliquefa- ciens, carbohydrates are normally degraded following the lactic acid route.has on fish growth.Ecobiol Aqua actively balance intestinalmicrobiotaBarstar is active at all pHs and is effectiveinhibiting the transcription of the geneticmaterial into protein in all kinds of bacteria, It has been observed that for every gram Once the spore is transformed intoGram negative (E. coli, Vibrio) and GramSANACORE® GM improves growth and productivity by promoting applying nature for a healthy and sustainable future of sugar present in the media, B. amylolique-the active form of the bacteria, the B. positive (clostridia).a healthy gut microflora faciens is able to produce 0.9g of lactic acid.amyloliquefaciens produces Barnase to The inhibition of growth of those bac- If there are enough carbohydrates in the avoid competition for the loci. Barnase isteria has been demonstrated in
[email protected] • www.nutriad.netP environment, 1012 CFU of B. amylolique-a ribonuclease that, without its inhibitor, studies evaluating the bactericide capacityrobiotics are viable culturesalgal population densities are very high,the spores of the B. amyloliquefaciens IAF11-PellPress 10.12.2008 10:52 Uhr Seite 1of microorganisms which, Vibrio numbers are much higher comparedcan endure pelleting processes of up towhen added to the animal to the normal open water situation. In 90ºC (see Table 1). If the feed processingfeed, can reach and colonise these cases it a defence against over- reaches higher temperatures thanCOURSE:10TH PRACTICAL SHORT this, it isAre you surethe animal’s digestive system, benefi- exposure to Vibrio is necessary (whose Aquafeed Platform - Aquaculture Feed Extrusion,recommended to apply the product post I‘m not missingFlat Die Pelleting Pressescially improving the properties of the pathogenicity may have been increasedpelleting (mixed with& Feed FormulationNutrition, fish oil, for example).a key essentialindigenous flora and interacting withby the abusive use of antibiotic growthThe Pand”, of Ecobiol Aqua is due to“Het effect Ghent, University, Ghent, Belgiumfor small,for small,nutrient?the pathogenic bacteria. promoters).several reasons:November 8 - 9, 2010medium,medium,www.smartshortcourses.comEcobiol Aqua improves nutrient digest-and highand high Probiotics in aquaculture can work on Survive in adverse ibility of the diet MARKET TRENDS produc-because of thecapacitiescapacitiestwo completely different situations: onconditions tion of enzymes once Market Trends in Aquaculture Current and Futureinside the animalone hand, they can control pathogenic Ecobiol Aqua is a probiotic developed The name of FEED bacteria included in the INGREDIENTS Ingredient Trends and the Effects on the Extrusion Process; Utilization of Algae in ONLINE ARCHIVEbacteria population in animals’ intestines by Norel SA that is Aquafeed and Nutrition; Raw Material Bottlenecksamy-Ecobiol Aqua, B. in Formulation(competitive exclusion, bacteriocines), as made up exclusivelyTable 1: - B. amyloliquefaciens loliquefaciens, was given You can find back issues of PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN FEED FORMULATIONwell as help the animal digest the feed andof spores of Bacilluscounts (CFU/g of feed) before and Nutrition;after observing the Other Feed Additives for Feed FormulationArtemia, Enrichments and way International Aquafeed onand after pelleting (90ºC) Hatcheries; Larval Nutrition and Starter Feeds; Shrimp Feed: Formulation and Stability;maintain good health; they are consideredamyloliquefaciens. starch wasIngredient TestingRapid Analytical Methods forhydrolysedour website, available to viewas a good option to antibiotic growthpromoters.The spore is a struc- ture that is adopted byBefore pelletAfter pellet in the presence of theseFEED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Grinding for Aquatic Feed; Feed PreparationBut B. amyloliq-bacteria. Technology; Feed Coating, Absorptioncompletely free of charge.Individual features fromn VANNAGEN ® Coating by Vacuum and Micro Encapsulation; Feed Pelletization; Proper Dosification & On the other hand, the addition of live the bacteria to survive2.60 x 106Mixing of Macro-Minor Ingredients producesfornot2.25 x 106uefaciens and Liquids Aquafeed, the pages of Internationalbacteria to the ponds where the animalsin adverse conditions. 1.68 x 1061.50 x 106 AQUATIConlyFEED EXTRUSION also amylases: it Aquafeed can also be found naturally supports…are farmed may modify the bacterial com-During the produc-produces proteases and Fundamentals of Introduction to Extrusion Technology; Critical Issues in Extruderon www.docstoc.com/profile/… Per formance1.27 x 106Process Control;x 106 Feed Extrusion: Applications of Twin Screw Extruders; New1.16 Aquaticposition of the water and sediment.tion process in León lipases of Product Density and Specific MechanicalExtrusion Technology with Online Controlthat help the ani-perendale… Health Energy Input; High Fat Extrusion for Aquafeed; Micro Aquatic Feeds; Drying of In aquaculture, it is easier for the(Spain), the vegetativemal Aquafeed the feed.digesting… Stress managementopportunistic pathogenic bacteria to bacteria of B. amyloliquefaciens are forcedIn a study performed with EcobiolPLANT DESIGNcolonise the gastrointestinal tract of the into the spore form. This confers the bac-CriticalAqua in and Plant Design for(presented at the Issues: Noise and Parameters shrimp feed Aquafeed; Environmentalwww.aquafeed.co.uk/archive.phpanimals because they are supported byteria a very stable presentation for storage ASAIM SE Aquaculture Conference Quality Aquafeed Odor Control; Post Processing and Handling of 2010),www.chemoforma.comthe environment where the animals areand feed processing, without affecting its it was observed QUALITY ASSURANCEthat two hours after thefarmed.capacity to acquire the vegetative form Aquafeed Quality: Lipid Oxidation and Palatability; Chemical and Microbiologicaladministration of feed, the animals that Aspects; Mycotoxins Management in Aquafeed; Verifying End Product Quality For example, Vibrio bacteria are nor- once the environment is favourable for its were receiving Ecobiol in the feed - at a AMANDUS KAHL GmbH & Co. KGCONTACTSmally found attached to algae and formsdevelopment (that is, inside the animals,ratio of 106 CFU/gram of feed - had higherDieselstrasse 5-9, D-21465 Reinbek / Hamburg Dr. Ignace DebruynePhone: +49 40 727 71 0, Fax: +49 40 727 71 100Dr. Sefa Koseoglu We have your per for mance in mindpart of the normal flora of fish and shrimps where there are nutrients, adequate tem-ID&A Ignace Debruyne & Associates the control animalsenzymatic activity than Filtration and Membrane World
[email protected] as well as zooplankton.perature and moisture). Telephone: +32 (0)51 31 12 74(no probiotic). Telephone: +1 979 764 8360www.akahl.de Fax: +32 (0)51 31 56 75Fax: +1 979 694 7031 In aquaculture ponds, where animal and Different trials have demonstrated thatEmai:
[email protected] activity was
[email protected] amylase 315.4 unitsChemoforma Ltd. CH-4302 Augst Switzerland Tel +41 61 811 33 55 Fax +41 61 811 28 03 18 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | September-october 2010September-october 2010 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 19 AquAFeed | September-october 2010September-october 2010 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 5 3. F: Probiotic Fatten up your bottom line. Buhler high-performance animal and aqua feed production systems are used by leading companies around the world. These producers know they so the quality of the water can rely not just on the technology itself, but also on the support that accompanies it. A quality becomes increas-service combining local presence with global expertise both lowers feed mill operating ingly important for animal survival. costs and increases capacity utilization. So the question is not whether you can afford to Mortality is also reduced as the probioticchoose Buhler – it’s how a solution from Buhler will feed your profits. To find out more, improves animal intestinal visit www.buhlergroup.com. health and hence, general health status; it being more difficult for pathogens (even virus) to successfully infect an individual.Figure 1: Inhibition halos of Vibrio In a field trial run withparahaemolyticus CECT 511 around the wells ofEcobiol Aqua supernate a total of six ponds, 49ha and 3,920,000 shrimp, the Bühler AG, Feed & Biomass, CH-9240 Uzwil, Switzerland, T +41 71 955 11 11, F +41 71 955 28 96 mortality was reduced
[email protected], www.buhlergroup.com more than 5%. Ecobiol Aqua improves feed conversion ratio and growth (animal size) Due to all the afore- mentionedbenefits: enzyme production, lactic acid excretion to the lumen, intestinal micro- biota balance, better ani- mal health, etc, the animals are able to perform betterFigure 2: Performance parameters in Litopaneus from a zootechnical pointvannamei juveniles fed a control diet, or a diet of view.including B. amyloliquefaciens probiotic Ecobiol Aqua is effec- tive in both young and of the supernate of B. amyloliquefaciens.adult, productive animals. The supernate of the fermentation of B.The effect on young animals has been amyloliquefaciens is placed in six mm wells, demonstrated in different trials (see Figure and the halo around that well where the dif- 2). It helps the earlier uptake of feed and ferent shed bacteria are not able to grow is avoids health problems. measured: the bigger the halo, the strongerWith adult animals, when the density in the inhibition.the ponds increases and the water quality The combination of the Barnase produc- worsens, the effect of the probiotic is even tion, that inhibits the growth of pathogenic more effective (see Table 3). bacteria populations, with the lactic acid production, that improves the lactic flora Conclusion population, ends up in a well-balanced,The usual probiotic products used in steady and healthy intestinal microbiota inaquaculture are composed of different "Ecobiol Aqua the fish, which can be observed as betterstrains of different bacteria that do not have health and more resistance to illnesses in well defined effects. Ecobiol Aqua is a single is a single the animals. strain probiotic effective at many different strain probioticlevels that ensures safe and economically Ecobiol Aqua reduces profitable production. effective at many mortality in the pondsAs mentioned before, the use of thedifferent levels probiotic Ecobiol Aqua improves nutrient More inforMation:that ensures safe digestibility. This fact has a direct effect Juan José Mallo, Ingeniero Agrónomo on the water quality, there is less organicTechnical Director and economically matter in the water, and whatever organicNorel S.A. matter is in there, can be degraded by P.I. Can Coll, c/ Indstria, 1 profitable(08185) Lli de Vall, Barcelona Spain the bacteria included in the probiotic. In Website: www.norelynature.comproduction" aquaculture the animal density is muchThe solution behind the solution. higher than in natural open water situations20 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | September-october 2010 4. This digital re-print is part of the September | October 2010 edition of International Aquafeed magazine. Content from the magazine is available to view free-of-charge, both as a full online magazine on our website, and as an archive of individual features on the docstoc website. LINKS Please click here to view our other publications on www.docstoc.com.VO L U M E 1 3 I S S U E 5 2 0 1 0• See the full issue Influence of natural and artificial binders- in feeds for Litopenaeus vannamei• Visit the International Aquafeed website on digestibility & growth Ecobiol Aqua- the effective single strain probiotic• Contact the International Aquafeed Team A general overview aquaculture in the EU Abalone feed development in South Africa• Subscribe to International Aquafeed THE INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE FOR THE AQUACULTURE FEED INDUSTRYMember of the World Aquaculture Society, European Aquaculture Society, American Feed Industry Associationand the International Aquafeed AssociationIAF10-05.indd 1 07/09/2010 14:54 To purchase a paper copy of the magazine, or to subscribe to the paper edition please contact our Circulation and Subscriptions Manager on the link above. INFORMATION FOR ADVERTISERS - CLICK HERE www.aquafeed.co.uk