e TerragridcomTPI

May 5, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Documents
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GRIDGRID Generation Telecom Transmission Distribution Markets Telecom Oil and Gas e-terragridcom TPI Integrated teleprotection Telecom Generation Transmission Distribution Markets Telecom Oil and Gas e-terragridcom TPI is an integrated teleprotection module for e-terragridcom T390 power line carrier customers’ critical applications must have dependable access to electricity. Reliable and independent communication between protection relays is paramount in ensuring security of service, protecting the power grid, and maintaining protection scheme operability. The e-terragridcom TPI provides an integrated Teleprotection to Power line carrier, that remains a 100% Power Utility controlled communication network. As an alternative to full digital communication solutions, Alstom Grid offers an innovative product for significant improvements in communication reliability in the electrical network. With its dual path communication channels, the e-terragridcom TPI can deliver maximised performance according to customer requirements, drawing the benefits of an optical digital link in parallel with the Plc link. Communication interface redundancy and connectivity To improve security and reliability of Teleprotection commands, the e-terragridcom TPI offers the option of digital paths concurrently to Plc thus, improving the Probability of missing commands (Pmc) and Transfer Time (T0). Furthermore, in response to key requests from customers, logical operations can now be applied to commands sent simultaneously on all available communication links. At the reception side, an “oR” function can be applied on the commands received on a different path to trip the corresponding output The output is activated by the first received command from either link. ●● In terms of Pmc, reliability is improved by the fact that the 2 links operate in parallel ●● Transfer time (T0) is the best of the two links Communication link options The e-terragridcom TPI can be equipped with an optical SFP module for “inter or intrasubstation“ communications, allowing direct connection of the e-terragridcom TPIs or to a multiplexer compatible with Ieee c37.94 without converter or other intermediate equipment. Also, e-terragridcom TPI connectivity can be expanded with the addition of electrical communication interfaces over V11/ X21, G703-1 64 Kbits/s and G703-6 2 mBits/s. Modular architecture The Plc T390 modular architecture can include up to two e-terragridcom TPI modules. ●● The 1U height e-terragridcom TPI module offers the largest number of inputs and outputs for an integrated Teleprotection. ●● each e-terragridcom TPI module is equipped with eight Inputs and 14 Heavy Duty outputs. They are freely programmable through the Human machine Interface (HmI) as main output, copy, or alarm. capacity to activate directly some circuit trip coils. ●● The e-terragridcom TPI module supports up to four commands in analogue mode, or six with priority scheme. ●● In digital mode, eight commands are supported, to cover more protection requirements, but which can also be applied to alarms and position information. ●● modular ●● Integrated ●● communication redundancy ●● optimized bandwidth ●● manageable Customer Benefits Enhance your grid security without trade-offs Optical Interface as per IEEE C37.94 Transmission Line SNMP Compliant Network Management Software e-terrasentinel LMU Coupling Box LMU Coupling Box Electrical Interface as per V11 / G703 or E1 Multi- plexer Multi- plexer Max 40 ou 80W (option) Telecom Network Optional concurent digital communication path for teleprotection command Circuit plug and coupling capacitor Circuit plug and coupling capacitor e-terragridcom T390 Power Line Carrier e-terragridcom T390 Power Line Carrier Integrated Teleprotection Module e-terragridcom TPI e-terragridcom DXC or e-terragridcom e-DXC Telecom e-terragridcom TPI Generation Transmission Distribution Markets Telecom Oil and Gas 1 TPi in QAM ●● command in the e-terragridcom T390 digital band (QAm separated or adjacent mode) ●● 4 independent commands or 6 with priority scheme ●● 4 / 8 / 16 KHz per band ●● Functioning in superimposed mode 16 kHz 1 TPi in Speech band silent mode or dual tone per channel (up to 2) ●● Analogue modulation (separated or adjacent) ●● 4 commands or 6 with priority scheme ●● Silent mode (no bandwidth use) in speech band or dual tone (1800 Hz band) (RF band allocation by HmI) ●● 2 / 2.5 / 4 KHz per band Teleprotection configuration and maintenance The Teleprotection module is fully configurable through the graphical HmI of the Plc by the mean of an allocation matrix. The HmI automatically recognises the e-terragridcom TPI module(s) and the Plc, which creates time and cost savings, since additional interfaces and specialised test and commissioning tools are unnecessary. All facilities of the graphical HmI T1, such as remote configuration using the PLC’s IP address are available to the e-terragridcom TPI module. This includes compatibility with network management system compliant with SNmP protocol. To cope with cyber security concerns, e-terragridcom T390 is the first PLC equipment to offer AeS encryption and this feature is also available with e-terragridcom TPI module to ensure secure information exchange between the HmI and the e-terragridcom T390. Bandwidth optimisation To benefit from the maximum ratio between transmission speed and bandwidth, the e-terragridcom TPI can transmit Teleprotection signals within the Plc digital communication stream. Since e-terragridcom TPI command signals cut the digital transmission a Fast Recovery Time algorithm allows resynchronisation of the Digital communication link after tripping commands that can be as low as 200ms. The e-terragridcom TPI module can also work with analogue channels of 2; 2.5 or 4 kHz . Two possibilities are offered : ●● Dedicated band to Teleprotection command for best transfer time and security ●● ”Silent mode “ over the speech channel. At Idle state the teleprotection does not require any bandwidth. When a trip command is activated, only the channel dedicated to voice transmission can be cut depending on activation or non-activation of the boost facility The e-terragridcom TPI architecture is already prepared for support of future hardware developments and, similarly, the firmware is “Ethernet-ready” (Teleprotection applications using IEC 61850). The firmware also incorporates future options to comply with a large range of customer constraints. Future-Proofed Design 4 or 8 or 16 kHz Pilote-terragridcomTPIQAM TX Band Signalling Signalling 4 or 5 or 8 kHz PilotPilot e-terragridcomTPI Sp ee ch T X Ba nd Sp ee ch R X Ba nd Telephone Telephone PABX Data RS232 Data V11 Data Ethernet Protection Relay Intertripping commands Additional Amplifier Up to 80W (Optional) External Teleprotection Amplifier Up to 40W Processing Unit Optional Service Unit Up to 9 Integrated Teleprotection Module with Dual Communication Path (Optional) 2nd Integrated Teleprotection Module (Optional) LAN Multiplexer Digital Medium Power Line Medium Telecom Network Telecom e-terragridcom TPI Generation Transmission Distribution Markets Telecom Oil and Gas Telecom For further information please contact: Alstom Grid Inc. 10865 Willows Rd. Ne, Redmond WA 98052-2502, USA Tel: +1 (425) 822 6800 e-mail: [email protected] Alstom Grid Worldwide Contact Center www.alstom.com/grid/contactcentre/ Tel: +44 (0) 1785 250 070 www.alstom.com © A lS To m 2 01 1. A ll rig ht s r es er ve d. In fo rm at io n co nt ai ne d in th is do cu m en t i s i nd ic at iv e on ly. N o re pr es en ta tio n or w ar ra nt y is gi ve n or sh ou ld b e re lie d on th at it is co m pl et e or co rr ec t o r w ill a pp ly to a ny p ar tic ul ar p ro je ct . T hi s w ill de pe nd o n th e te ch ni ca l a nd c om m er ci al c irc um st an ce s. It is p ro vi de d w ith ou t l ia bi lit y an d is su bj ec t t o ch an ge w ith ou t n ot ice . R ep ro du ct io n, u se o r d isc lo su re to th ird p ar tie s, w ith ou t e xp re ss w rit te n au th or ity , i s st ric tly p ro hi bi te d. GRIDGRID Features ●● Teleprotection module for Digital Power line carrier e-terragridcom T390 ●● modular architecture upgradable by the customer ●● Transmission up to four independent commands over e-terragridcom T390 (up to six with priority) ●● Transmission up to eight independent commands over Digital link ●● command can be send simultaneously on both communication medium if available for better reliability and transfer time ●● Commands configurable as blocking, permissive or direct tripping ●● optimised communication through Power line carrier e-terragridcom T390 ●● compliant with digital Plc e-terragridcom T390 communication (TP in QAm) Communication Interfaces ●● overhead line through Power line carrier e-terragridcom T390 ●● Redundant communication interface as an option ( to be chosen among ) ●● 64 Kbit/s with G703.1 ●● 2 mbit/s with G703.6 ●● From 32 to 256 Kbit/s with V11 / V35 (RS422 – X24 protocol) ●● optical interface for direct link or Ieee c37.94 to e-terragridcom DXc or any other multiplexer with compatible interface or ●› Direct single mode up to 250 km ●› Communication on single or dual fibre Human Machine Interface ●● Integrated test tools ●● command forcing with loop-back function offering transfer time measurement ●● Real transfer time and BeR measurement on the digital link ●● cross-connection matrix for Input , output and communication path ●› Input and output logical combinations with ”logical command” capacity Inputs ans Outputs ●● 8 Inputs – command acquisition by voltage (24 to 250VDc) with optoelectronic decoupling ●● 14 Heavy Duty outputs (8 N/o and 6 N/o-N/c) - up to 290VDc, 100W, Breaking capacity up to 8A* ) * at 100 VDc Performance - 4 commands mode ●● Permissive Transfer Time (T0) (including Plcs treatment time): ●› TP over Speech: T0 ≤ 12 ms ●› TP in QAM: T0 ≤ 12 ms ●› TP digital 64 Kbps: T0 ≤ 6.5 ms ●● Probability of unwanted command (Puc): ●› Analogue mode: Puc up to 10-9 ●› Digital mode: Puc ≤ 6E E-30 ●● Probability of missing command (Pmc): ●› Analogue mode: Up to 10-6 ●› Digital mode: Pmc ≤ 1E E-35 Operating Conditions ●● Power supply voltage ●› 48VDc -30% to +25% ●● operating temperature ●› -30°c / +55°c as per Iec 60068-2-1 and -2 ●● max relative humidity ●› 95% at 40°c as per Iec 60068-2-3 ●● Storage Temperature ●› -45°c < T < +70°c as per Iec 60870-2-1 and -2 ●● mechanical Test ●› Iec 60255-21-1 and -2 Applicable Standard ●● Iec recommendations ●› General: follows Iec 60834-1 ●› emc as per cISP22 (2006) ●› Iec 61000-6-4 ●› Iec 61000-6-2 ●● european recommendations ●› eN 60950 ●● Ieee Standard ●› c37.90.1 /.2 / .3 ●› c37.94 compatible Physical Dimension (mm) ●● 483 (W) * 43,6 (1U) (H) * 297 (D) Technical data Telecom e-terragridcom TPI


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