FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Nationalional IInformaormaticscs CenCentre A premier ICT Organisation of Government of IndiaHkkjr ljdkj dk izeq[k vkbZlhVh laxBu jk"Vªh; lwpuk&foKku dsUn Patron Dr. B.K. Gairola Director General, NIC Advisor Dr. Y.K. Sharma Deputy Director General, NIC Editorial Committee Dr. Shefali S. Dash –Editor-in-Chief A. Venkatesan B.V. Sarma Neeta Verma D.C. Mishra Shalini Mathrani I.P.S. Sethi M.K. Mishra Vinay Thakur Chayan Kanti Dhar Mala Mittal Mohan Das Design & Layout A.K. Aggarwal Print & Circulation Anita Arora Published by : National Informatics Centre, Department of Electronics & Information Technology, M/o Communications & InformaticsTechnology, Govt. of India FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Preface NIC has spearheaded majority of e-Governance programmes in the country and commendable work has been done in Land Records, Education, Health, Rural Development and Transport sectors. Time has come now to bring in digital inclusion by extending these services to rural population. This will be possible by improving connectivity, content (local content based on local language), building Human Capacities and Sustainability.. Another major role envisaged for NIC relates to managing of e-Governance infrastructure set up under various government initiatives across the country. NIC is engaged in supporting the states to manage the state level e-Governance Infrastructure such as State Data Centers, State Wide Area Networks & State Portals. Setting up of a broadband backbone to facilitate delivery of e-services to the common man located in the remotest part of the country in a seamless and integrated manner is another priority area. This compendium presents the details of Nationwide Common ICT Infrastructure to support e-Governance services to the citizen, Products and Solutions designed to address e-Governance Initiatives, Major e-Governance Projects, State/UT Informatics Support and district level services rendered at the grassroots level. It endeavors to create a comprehensive picture of the contribution of NIC in the area of e-Governance initiatives for citizen empowerment. It is hoped that this knowledge base will be used as a tool to ensure that the benefits of ICT are percolated to every citizen. One of the objectives of the compendium is that government organizations within the country as well as governments of other countries may use the lessons learnt to create similar success stories without the necessity of reinvention. Acknowledgements The Editorial Committee is grateful to Dr. B.K. Gairola, Director General, National Informatics Centre for his valuable direction and guidance during the preparation of this compendium. The committee sincerely acknowledges the visionary inputs provided by Dr. Y.K. Sharma, Deputy Director General, NIC, for developing the framework of the document. We are indebted to the entire NIC community for their support and contribution towards the content of this compendium. We are also thankful to the Project Coordinators, State Informatics Officers and District Informatics Officers for providing details of projects and applications. Last but not the least, we thank Ms. Neena Jhol and other support staff for their Editorial Committee painstaking efforts in typing the manuscript. FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT C O N T E N T S 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 ICT INFRASTRUCTURE & SERVICES 5 2.1 National Level 6 2.2 State Level 18 2.3 District Level 19 3 PRODUCTS & SOLUTIONS 21 3.1 Agricultural Marketing Information Systems Network (AGMARKNET) 22 3.2 Bhu-naksha 22 3.3 Cooperative Core Banking Solution (CCBS) 23 3.4 CollabCAD 24 3.5 CollabLand 25 3.6 Digital Archiving and Management 26 3.7 e-Granthalaya - Digital Agenda for Automation and Networking of Libraries 27 3.8 Election Automation System (ELECON) 27 3.9 e-Lekha 27 3.10 e-Hospital 28 3.11 e-Payroll (CompDDO) 29 3.12 e-Office 30 3.13 Government e-Procurement System of NIC (GePNIC) 30 3.14 Instant Money Order (iMO) 31 3.15 National Portal of India 32 3.16 NREGASoft 32 3.17 Online Admission Counseling System 33 3.18 Online Scholarship Management System (OSMS) 33 3.19 PlanPlus 34 3.20 Panchayati Raj Institution Accounting Software (PRIASoft) 34 3.21 National Panchayat Portal (NPP) 35 3.22 Area Profiler for Panchayat 35 3.23 Sarathi / Vahan 36 3.24 TreasuryNET 36 3.25 Virtual Post Office (ePost Office) 37 3.26 Value Added Tax (VAT) Soft 37 4 NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS 41 4.1 Advertisement Automation System for DAVP 42 4.2 Agricultural Informatics and Communication Network (AGRISNET) 43 4.3 Agricultural Schemes Monitoring Management Information Systems 43 4.4 AWAASSoft for Indira Awaas Yojana 43 4.5 Census of Minor Irrigation 44 C O N T E N T S 4.6 Centralised Public Grievance Redress And Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) 44 4.7 Centralised Web Based Port Community System (PCS) 45 4.8 Common Integrated Police Application (CIPA) 45 4.9 Communication Plan For Election Tracking (ComET) 46 4.10 Community Information Centres (CICs) Project 47 4.11 Computerisation of Central Government Health Scheme Dispensaries 48 4.12 Computerisation of Central Herd Registration Scheme (CHRS) 48 4.13 Computerisation of Agriculture Census and Input Survey 48 4.14 Computerisation of 18th Livestock Census 2007 49 4.15 Computerised Registration of Pesticides 49 4.16 Computerisation and Networking of Consumer Forums (CONFONET) 49 4.17 Crop Production Statistics (CPS) Information System 50 4.18 DACNET 50 4.19 Data Analysis Systems for Evaluation of Flagship Programmes 50 4.20 DISNIC-PLAN Project 51 4.21 e-Courts Project 51 4.22 Electronic Post (ePost) 51 4.23 e-Panchayat Mission Mode Project 52 4.24 Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) Project 52 4.25 Exam Results through Internet 54 4.26 Forest Rights Monitoring System 54 4.27 ICT for Indian Judiciary 54 4.28 ICT System for National Bamboo Mission 55 4.29 Immigration, Visa, Foreigners Registration & Tracking (IVFRT) System 55 4.30 India Image 56 4.31 Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) for Rural Water Sector 57 4.32 Integrated Disease Surveillance Project 57 4.33 Integrated Information System for Food Grains Management 58 4.34 Integrated Voice Response System (IVRS) 58 4.35 Indian Customs EDI System (ICES) 59 4.36 Land Use Statistics (LUS) Information System 59 4.37 Limited Liability Partnership Act Project 60 4.38 MIS for Preparedness, Control and Containment of Avian Influenza 60 4.39 MIS on Integrated Action Plan for Selected Tribal & Backward Districts 60 4.40 Monitoring of Projects submitted to EFC (MIS-EFC) 60 4.41 National Animal Disease Reporting System (NADRS) Project 61 4.42 National Employment Service Project 61 4.43 National Horticulture Mission 62 4.44 National Land Records Modernisation Programme (NLRMP) 62 4.45 National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) MIS 63 C O N T E N T S FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT C O N T E N T S 4.46 NIKSHAY - Prevention & Monitoring of Tuberculosis in India 64 4.47 Nirmal Gram Puraskar Online System 64 4.48 Official Language Portal 65 4.49 Online System for Allotment of All-India Quota of Medical/Dental Seats 65 4.50 Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) 66 4.51 Online Monitoring System for the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) 66 4.52 Pension Authorisation, Retrieval and Accounting System (PARAS) 67 4.53 Passport Issuance System 67 4.54 Pensioner's Portal for Government Servants 68 4.55 Pest Disease Monitoring Information System (PDMIS) 69 4.56 Plant Quarantine Information System (PQIS) 69 4.57 Postal Accounts Current System (PACS) 69 4.58 Postal Life Insurance Soft (PLISoft) 70 4.59 Project Arrow 71 4.60 Public Distribution System (PDS) Computerization 71 4.61 Registration And Licensing of Fishing Crafts (ReALCraft) 72 4.62 Retail Prices Monitoring System 72 4.63 Rural Consumer Price Index (CPI-Rural) 72 4.64 Sea Port Project 73 4.65 Seednet India Portal 73 4.66 Smart Card Based Public Distribution System 74 4.67 Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)-MIS 74 4.68 Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference Portal 75 4.69 Waqf Management System of India (WAMSI) 76 5 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 81 5.1 Biometrics & Biocode for Land Records 82 5.2. Secure Service Delivery through Digital Signature 82 5.3 SCOSTA Standards for Smart Card 82 5.4 Mobile Technologies for e-Governance Applications 83 6 e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES 85 6.1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 86 6.2 Andhra Pradesh 87 6.3 Arunachal Pradesh 90 6.4 Assam 91 6.5 Bihar 93 6.6 Chandigarh 96 6.7 Chhattisgarh 98 6.8 Daman & Diu 102 C O N T E N T S 6.9 Delhi 103 6.10 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 105 6.11 Goa 106 6.12 Gujarat 108 6.13 Haryana 113 6.14 Himachal Pradesh 116 6.15 Jammu & Kashmir 119 6.16 Jharkhand 120 6.17 Karnataka 122 6.18 Kerala 126 6.19 Lakshadweep 129 6.20 Madhya Pradesh 131 6.21 Maharashtra 135 6.22 Manipur 138 6.23 Meghalaya 139 6.24 Mizoram 143 6.25 Nagaland 144 6.26 Odisha 146 6.27 Puducherry 149 6.28 Punjab 151 6.29 Rajasthan 154 6.30 Sikkim 156 6.31 Tamilnadu 157 6.32 Tripura 160 6.33 Uttar Pradesh 163 6.34 Uttarakhand 167 6.35 West Bengal 169 7 DISTRICT LEVEL SERVICES 173 7.1 Core Services 174 7.2 Service Delivery 176 8 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE SERVICES INC. 183 8.1 NICSI Advantage 184 8.2 Service Offerings for Business Advancement 184 8.3 Key Projects and Customers 185 9 AWARDS 187 9.1 National Projects 188 9.2 State Projects 189 C O N T E N T S FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT INTRODUCTION C H A P T E R 01 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENTFOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT 2 National Informatics Centre (NIC) was established in 1976, and has since emerged as a "prime builder" of e-Government/ e-Governance applications up to grassroots level as well as a promoter of digital opportunities for sustainable development. NIC, through its ICT Network, "NICNET", has institutional linkages with all the Ministries /Departments of the Central Government, 35 State Governments/ Union Territories, and about 625 District administrations of India. NIC has been instrumental in steering e-Government/ e-Governance applications in government ministries/ departments at the Centre, States, Districts and Blocks, facilitating improvement in government services, wider transparency, promoting decentralized planning and management, resulting in better efficiency and accountability to the people of India. "Informatics-led-development" programme of the government has been spearheaded by NIC to derive competitive advantage by implementing ICT applications in social & public administration which is discernable from the following major activities: • Setting up of ICT Infrastructure • Implementation of National and State Level e-Governance Projects • Products and Services • Consultancy to the government departments • Research and Development • Capacity Building During the last three decades, NIC has implemented many "network centric" application software for Programme implementation in various ministries and departments, using state-of-the-technology software tools. During 1980s and early part of 1990s, the policy thrust was on creating "Management Information System (MIS)" and "Decision Support System (DSS)" for development , planning and responsive administration in governments which led to the genesis of present day "e-Governance" / "e-Government". "Bridging the Digital Divide", "Social and Financial Inclusion through ICT" and "Reaching- the-Unreached" concepts were tried and made operational in the late nineties. NIC has vast expertise and experience in the design, development and operationalisation of various e-Government projects in the areas of Public Administration and Governance like Agriculture & Food, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Forestry & Environment, Industry, Health, Education, Budget and Treasury, Fiscal Resources, Transport, Water Resources, Court Management, Rural Development, Land Records and Property registration, Culture & Tourism, Import & Exports facilitation, Social Welfare Services, Micro- level Planning, etc. With increasing awareness leading to demand and availability of ICT infrastructure with better capacities and programme framework, the governance space in the country witnessed a new round of projects and products, covering the entire spectrum of e-Governance including G2C, G2B, G2G, with emphasis on service delivery. This document presents the details of Nationwide Common ICT Infrastructure to support e-Governance services to the citizen, Products and Solutions designed to address e-Governance Initiatives, Major e-Governance Projects, State/UT Informatics Support and district level services rendered. NIC has set up state-of-the-art ICT infrastructure consisting of National and state Data Centres to manage the information systems and websites of Central Ministries/Departments, Disaster Recovery Centres, Network Operations facility to manage heterogeneous networks spread across Bhawans, States and Districts, Certifying Authority, Video-Conferencing and capacity building across the country. National Knowledge Network (NKN) has been set up to connect institutions/organizations carrying out research and development, Higher Education and Governance with speed of the order of multi Gigabits per second. Further, State Government secretariats are connected to the Central Government by very high speed links on Optical Fibre Cable (OFC). Districts are connected to respective State capitals through leased lines. The chapter on Products and Solutions describes various initiatives like Government eProcurement System(GePNIC), 1 I INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION Office Management Software (eOffice), Hospital Management System (eHospital), Government Financial Accounting Information System (eLekha), etc. which are replicable in various Government organizations. As NIC is supporting a majority of the mission mode e-Governance projects, the chapter on National e-Governance Projects lists the of details of these projects namely National Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP), Transport and National Registry, Treasury Computerisation, VAT, MG- NREGA, India-Portal, e-Courts, Postal Life Insurance, etc. NIC also lays framework and designs systems for online monitoring of almost all central government schemes like Integrated Watershed Management (IWMP), IAY, SGSY, NSAP, BRGF, Schedule Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers Act etc. The chapter on e-Governance in States enumerates the details of ICT support being provided in the States / UTs by NIC. Separate chapter on District Level Services has been included to enumerate the citizen centric services which are rendered electronically at the district level. The list includes different types of certificates such as Income Certificate, Caste Certificate, and Residence Certificate etc. along with other services like Scholarship portals, permits, passes, licenses to name a few. In executing all these activities, NIC has been given recognition in terms of awards and accolades in International as well as National levels, which are listed in the last chapter. 3 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT ICT INFRASTRUCTURE ANDSERVICES C H A P T E R 02 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT 2.1 National Level 2.1.1 NIC Network (NICNET) NICNET is a Nationwide computer and communication network of NIC, utilizes state-of-the art network technologies to provide connectivity to Central Government Ministries/Departments and all 35 States/UTs and 616 Districts of India. This high bandwidth network forms the backbone in the country to support e- governance initiatives in various sectors and plays a pivotal role in decentralized planning, improvement in Government services, wider transparency of national and local Governments and improving their accountability to the citizens. NICNET utilizes variety of technologies including terrestrial, wireless and VSAT networking to provide connectivity across the country and is now extending to the grassroots level. Mode of connectivity is decided based on suitability depending on factors such as user requirement and terrain. State Wide Area Networks (SWAN) in a number of states is also being integrated with NICNET. Wireless Metropolitan Area Network (MANs) and Local Area Networks (LAN) have also been established in various government organizations to access NICNET services. State government secretariats are connected to the Central government by very high speed links on Optical Fibre Cable (OFC). All Districts are connected to respective state capitals through leased lines. 550 Districts have 34 mbps WAN connectivity from their respective state capitals. These are also equipped with Channelised STM-1 for aggregating various other departments/ organizations at district level. Leased circuit connectivity has been provided to 1318 Post Office across the country. Over 50,000 nodes of Local Area Networks in Central Government offices and State Government Secretariats are operational including 6500 nodes in NE States. The Integrated Network Operations Centre (INOC) at Delhi manages and monitors all NIC Centres in States, Districts & Bhawans. INOC has been equipped with a Video Wall for effective monitoring of the network services. Facility Management Services are provided at NIC HQ, States, Districts and Bhawans to extend effective NICNET services. 2.1.2 National Data Centres (NDCs) NIC has setup National Data Centres at Delhi, Hyderabad and Pune which provide shared hosting and co-location facilities to the Government all over India. Besides this, mini Data Centres are also operational in all NIC State Centres to cater to the e-governance requirements at the state level. The Internet Data Centre (IDC) located in the NIC office at Delhi is equipped with more than 450 servers, 500 TB storage infrastructure and high speed network connectivity. The Data Centre has got ISO/ IEC 27001:2005 ISMS (Information Security Management System) certification. The Storage Capacity is regularly increased to meet the growing demands and providing online backup for critical applications. The National Data Centre at Hyderabad has about 100 racks and 800 TB of storage. The Disaster Recovery site at NIC Hyderabad is connected to IDC, Delhi and some of the State Data Centres for continuity of services in case of disaster. The National Data Centre at Pune is built over 10,000 square feet. This Centre was commissioned in March 2010 and has 137 Server Racks and 400 TB of storage. This centre is also acting as Disaster recovery site for some of the State Centers and organizations. Server virtualization has been implemented for some of the web applications. NIC has recently setup a state-of-the-art Tier 3 Data Centre at Delhi to provide services to various e-Governance initiatives undertaken by Government of India. It will also provide Disaster Recovery facilities for few State Data 2 I ICT INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES For further details, please contact:
[email protected],
[email protected] Network Operations Centre, National Data Centre, Shastri Park, New Delhi ICT INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES Centres and other NIC National Data Centres. The centre is built over an area of 30,000 sq. ft. with over 400 racks. 2.1.3 National Knowledge Network (NKN) The NKN ( is a state-of-the-art multi-gigabit pan- India network for providing a unified high speed network backbone for all knowledge related institutions in the country. The purpose of such a knowledge network goes to the very core of the country's quest for building quality institutions with requisite research facilities and creating a pool of highly trained professionals. The NKN will enable scientists, researchers and students from different backgrounds and diverse geographies to work closely for advancing human development in critical areas. In the initial phase of implementation, a core backbone consisting of 18 Points of Presence has been established with 2.5 Gbps capacity. 774 Institutes have been connected to NKN and 66 virtual classrooms have been setup at mentoring and mentored IITs and other institutes. MoU has been signed with service providers i.e. BSNL, Railtel, PGCIL & MTNL to ensure connectivity for the high speed backbone within the country. Trans Eurasia Information Network link (TEIN3) has been integrated with NKN for providing international connectivity for global collaborative research. MoU has been signed between GLORIAD (The Global ring network for advanced applications development), NKN and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR). A local ring connecting NIPGR, NIPFP, ICGEB, IUAC, NII, and IIMC with JNU has been established. Network Sanitation Lab is being setup at IIT Bombay, for sanitization of network equipment to be deployed in NKN. NKN network is designed with the aim of providing highest level of availability and scalability, robust & reliable connectivity and best bandwidth capacity. For NKN, various National Long Distance Carriers (NLDs) have provided 1Gbps / 2.5Gbps capacity links which can be self healed. Further, the NLDs are in process of upgrading (using DWDM) to 10Gbps or more connectivity. NKN is a platform for delivering effective distance education where teachers and students can interact in real time. This is especially significant in India where access to education is limited by factors such as geography, lack of infrastructure facilities etc. The network enables co-sharing of information such as classroom lectures, presentations and handouts among 7 For further details, please contact:
[email protected],
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT different institutions. NKN enables collaboration among researchers from different educational networks like GLORIAD, TEIN3, GARUDA, CERN etc. It also enables sharing of scientific databases and remote access to advanced research facilities NKN has the capability to handle high bandwidth with low latency with a provision overlay grid computing. Some of the grid based applications are climate change/global warming, science projects like Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and ITER. The Garuda Grid has enhanced its power and stability by migrating to NKN. The Virtual Library will enable sharing of journals, books and research papers across different institutions. The network enables a large number of institutions to access high-performance computing to conduct advanced research in areas such as weather monitoring, earthquake engineering and other computationally intensive fields. NKN provides a test-bed for testing and validation of services before they are made available to the production network. The network will provide high speed backbone connectivity for e-governance infrastructure such as data centres at the national and state levels, and networks (SWANs). 2.1.4 Business Intellegence (BI) Services NIC is providing services in the area of business intelligence solution to users across the government. The ultimate goal of Business Intelligence (BI) is to provide people with access to the information along with analytical facilities so as to extract knowledge from the vast information base. This enables them to make better decisions, share insights with others, collaborate throughout the organization, and, ultimately, improve its bottom line. The BI system can help to provide insight into the vast government data through an integrated, centrally managed, and trusted data source and BI provides with the reporting and analysis tools and technologies to capture both structured and unstructured information. A BI System on Foreign Tourists Arrival and Departure has been developed and implemented for the benefit of Ministry of Tourism. A BI system on Central Government Health Scheme is being extensively used by the CGHS wing of Health Ministry. A Proof of Concept was developed and demonstrated to Planning Commission for Bharat Nirman Projects catering to the Left Wing Extremists affected districts. Proof of Concept was also developed on Mother and Child Tracking system for the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. 2.1.5 Cyber Security NIC provides necessary security for network, servers, applications and client systems by introducing security appliances at the critical network segments of NICNET using network firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems/Intrusion Prevention Systems, Application Firewalls etc. Additionally, work is being done in the areas of Formulation of NICNET Security Policies, Restructuring of the network, Patch Management, Anti-virus Services, Secure Communication Establishment using VPN/SSL, Scanning of servers for vulnerabilities and hardening, Security Auditing of networks and applications, Log analysis, Security Incident monitoring, Analysis and Response, Development of PKI enabled applications, etc. NIC has formulated and circulated Cyber Security Policies, guidelines and SOPs for Government offices/ministries. 2.1.6 Satellite Communication Services NICNET VSAT Network is a satellite based network across the country. NIC is providing Data & Video Conferencing services on this network. This network is used widely for various G2G, G2C application delivery across the country. NICNET has the largest Video Conferencing in India and is also providing Videoconferencing services to many Central and State Government Ministries/Departments. NICNET DVB Broadband/DAMA VSATs have been deployed in all the districts of India. NIC has established Disaster Recovery Center at NIC Hyderabad to enable the continuity of VSAT operations at user's premises whenever there is a failure at Delhi. For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] ICT INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES NIC is in the process of providing broadband connectivity to 2500 Common Service Centres using VSATs in the North Eastern and inaccessible regions of the country. These Centres are to be used for delivering e-Gov services to the citizen. NIC is also in the process of providing satellite based reliable communication to National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) Battalions using transportable/quick deployable VSATS which can be carried to the disaster sites to set up Emergency Operation Centers. The rapid growth and vast expansion of the Satellite network led to a need to put in place tools to monitor and evaluate network performance. These tools allow users to check availability and data usage of each VSAT on a daily basis, view the current online status of the VSAT at any moment in time as well as graphically view the details of the throughput of a VSAT. A number of diagrams and graphs of the overview of the entire network as well as summaries for important projects have been provided. The representations are constantly evolving based on feedback from users and to meet new requirements. For an efficient handling of complaint calls from remote VSAT users, a Complaint Management System has been developed. A remote user can lodge a complaint for his/her VSAT by mailing to helpdesk (
[email protected]) or by making a call to the toll free number 1800112489. A complaint ticket is then auto generated which is then sent to the user's registered mail id and the registered mobile number as an SMS. 2.1.7 Messaging Services A comprehensive web based Messaging Service ( and has been extended to all the Ministries and Departments of Govt of India, including the offices of the President , Prime Minister of India and critical offices like Ministry of External Affairs. During 2009-10, a Disaster Recovery site had been set up for this service at National Data Centre, Hyderabad. Presently, the number of accounts is over 3.5 lakhs. NIC is currently in the process of upgrading the messaging services by introducing advanced features like OTP/Audio and Video and the new service is expected to be launched by Sept 2012. The Disaster recovery setup was made fully operational in 2010-11. As part of ensuring business continuity 8 DR drills are carried out each year. During the year 2010-11, NIC consolidated all its messaging domains across India into a single domain i.e.
[email protected]. At present, it gives messaging cover to over 450 virtual domains. In addition to virtual domains, NIC also offers userids with the domain
[email protected] . 9 � Data transferred by the site MGHS002 (Mawkynrew) of Meghalaya for May 2012 � NICNET VSAT Architecture For further details, please contact:
[email protected] Satellite Communication Services FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT In addition to core messaging, NIC also provides distribution list, SMTP gateway services and single source authentication as part of its messaging framework. Over 500 applications are integrated with the authentication server in NICNET. A very large number of these applications are part of the critical e-Governance framework of Govt of India. 2.1.8 SMS Gateway Services NIC has setup a SMS gateway with the objective to integrate the various applications hosted by NIC through the SMS gateway for alerts and updates. SMS gateway is being used heavily for a variety of applications and messaging services. In many applications it is being used to populate the database. The system will soon become one of the key resources for various applications and a mode for data dissemination across Govt of India.The roadmap of this service includes deploying a secure SMS agent for secure transactions. In 2012-13, the service would be enhanced to provide voice SMS, international access, missed call service etc. NIC has configured a replica of the setup in Delhi at Hyderabad as part of its Business continuity plan and DR. Since its launch in May 2010, over 400 applications are integrated with this gateway and over 3 Cr SMS are being sent per month. 2.1.9 Certifying Authority A Certifying Authority (CA) is a trusted third party or an entity that has been granted license by the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA), the Apex Regulatory body for Certifying Authorities in the country, to validate identities and issue Digital Signature Certificates. NIC has established the Certifying Authority (NICCA) at NICHQ in May, 2003, which consists of state-of-the-art secure infrastructure, with biometric sensors and surveillance system of international standards. Establishment of NICCA has vital implication in promoting e- governance in the country, by building the 'trusted' digital environment, in the usage of cyber space. E-mail services and other documents transmitted over Internet can be used as valid legal documents for its further processing, thus minimizing the delays in transmission of documents among the decision makers in the government. NICCA ( functions as a trusted authority mainly in the G2G domain, for issuance of Digital Signature Certificates (DSC). NICCA caters to the following functions: • Identification of persons applying for Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) through Registration Authority (RA). • Issuance of DSC. • Publication of DSCs and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL). • Maintenance of online Directory Services for DSCs and CRLs. � Messaging Services in NIC For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] � Current Implementation of SMS service ICT INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES A Digital Signature is analogous to the handwritten signatures and provides the same level of Authenticity, Integrity and Non- repudiation. Digital Signatures are created and verified using Public Key Cryptography, which is based on the concept of a unique key pair - Private Key and Public Key, generated by a robust mathematical algorithm. The private key is used to digitally sign a document and is securely held by the owner, while the public key is made known to everyone for verifying the digital signatures. NICCA has been successful in proliferation of DSC usage in many Central; State Government Departments and other Public Sector/Autonomous Bodies. NICCA issues both Signing and Encryption Certificates to various individuals and Organizations. Certificates, issued by NICCA may be used for signing, secure- email, encryption, SSL server, SSL Client, Time Stamping Certificate, OCSP Signer Certificate, Smart Card Login, and IPSec Certificate. Some of prominent Organizations/Projects, which are using NICCA DSC and are serving the masses, include DGS&D, DRDO, Ministry of Company Affairs(MCA21 project), Vehicle Registration/Licensing for transport department, Bhoomi Project Karnataka, Department of Post, REIC, Delhi High Court, Supreme Court of India etc. NICCA issues all classes of certificates viz. Class I, Class -II and Class III and more than 18000 DSCs (individual & device) have been issued till date. NICCA is expanding its reach further and has opened four Registration Authorities (RA) at the following locations at NIC-RA, Bangalore, NIC-RA, Bhubneshwar, BARC- RA, Trombay, Mumbai, ECIL-RA Hyderabad Depending upon the requirement, more RAs are being planned, for faster turnaround time in processing DSC requests. The Disaster Recovery (DR) system is operational which enables NICCA to recover and renew all critical business processes using the Disaster Recovery site at Hyderabad. Three new Registration Authorities have been established at NIC State Centres in Assam, Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. 2.1.10 Web Services NIC is extending comprehensive World Wide Web services ( to Central and State Governments Ministries & Departments in the areas of consultancy, web design and development, web hosting, value added web services for promotion of websites, enhancement of web sites & training. Hosting infrastructure is being provided to a large number of e- governance projects like CGHS, Panchayat Portal, Government accounting, Exam Results Portal, Online Counseling to Admission to various professional courses across the country. NIC's wide range of hosting services start right from Shared Hosting and Dedicated Servers to Co-located Servers and Managed Hosting. Hosting solutions are available on a variety of platforms such as Linux, Windows, and Solaris etc. NIC also supports state-of-the-art web technologies and a variety of databases on the servers. The hosting infrastructure includes a large number of powerful performance tuned and secure servers. Load balancing and clustering solutions are used to effectively manage the heavy traffic on the websites during peak-hours and to ensure a high degree of availability. A site brought to NIC for hosting can be up on the server in less than an hour's time. Developing a successful presence on the web takes a combination of quality content, dynamic programming, powerful graphics and very importantly, a carefully planned promotion strategy. NIC helps in fine-tuning the site in such a way that it gets a high ranking in various search engines. Sites are also promoted through NIC's own portals such as 'India Image' and "GOI- Directory " which attract a large number of visitors everyday from all across the globe. 11 � How a NICCA Issues Certificates For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT 2.1.11 Guidelines for Indian Government Websites Guidelines for Indian Government Websites (GIGW) ( were developed with an objective to make the Indian Government websites comply with the essential pre-requisites of UUU Trilogy i.e.; Usable, User- Centric and Universally Accessible. These guidelines are based on International Standards as well as Information Technology Act of India. The objective was to provide guidelines for maintaining a consistent identity of the Indian Government websites, allowing proper policies and disclaimers in place to enhance the trust levels of the citizens, devising a structured approach towards maintaining the quality and scope of content, utilizing good design features to enhance the user experience and above all confirming to effective management towards website hosting and website promotion. The GIGW advocates policies and guidelines for Indian Government Websites and Portals, at any organizational level and belonging to both Central Government as well as State/UT Governments for making Government websites citizen centric and visitor friendly. These Guidelines have received an overwhelming support from all levels in the Government and have been included as in integral part of the Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedures (CSMOP) by the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances (DAR&PG), Government of India. 2.1.12 GOV.IN Domain Registration As per the new Internet Domain Name Policy released by the Department of Information Technology, NIC is the exclusive registrar for GOV.IN country level Domain Registration. GOV.IN has been reserved for registering domain names for all the Government Departments/ Institutions/ Organizations at various levels right from Central Government, States & UTs, Districts, Blocks and Panchayats. NIC has also been providing Domain Name Registration under NIC.IN as part of their Internet services since 1995 and has around 8000 domain names already registered. A majority of government ministries and departments including State Governments and District Administrations have registered their domains under NIC.IN domain name. Now, these websites have to be hosted under the 'GOV.IN' domain and NIC is providing this service free of cost to its users. To facilitate the GOV.IN Domain Registration, NIC has set up an exclusive web site ( The domain name registration polices, process and eligibility requirements have also been published on the site. The site also facilitates online registration of 'GOV.IN' Domain Names. 2.1.13 Webcast Services With the advent of high end streaming media technology, the concept of doing live/on-demand Webcast has gained popularity like never before. Webcasting an event allows you to extend the reach of your events to all corners of the world. At NIC, it is ensured that the events get an optimum webcast with flawless production quality. NIC's webcast service ( offers a turnkey solution for an event, bringing onsite production, hosting, and streaming to millions of online viewers. Various features include a webcast room with state of art infrastructure at NICHQ and 15 more at state capitals, MPEG2/MPEG4 media encoding engines used to transmit live media from event venue to NIC webcast room at broadband rate, latest Audio-Video capturing cards and broadcast streaming servers, High speed Optical Fiber/RF/Leased line/Satellite connections to the distributions server, Archiving services for various events, User interaction services, including Q & A session, customizing web interfaces, and support slide transmission, web pages announcing For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] ICT INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES upcoming events, Webcast Management Software to support various stages of webcast. In an attempt to ensure universality, both the popular and prevalent streaming media technologies viz. Real Network Technology and Microsoft's Windows Media technology are being fully supported by the state-of-the art media servers set up by us. Live webcast services are being provided for various programmes, events and conferences. Some of the events webcast include Annual Republic Day Speeches and parade from the Raj path, Independence Day Celebrations Electronics and IT Exposition organized by the Department of Information Technology, union budget speech and presentation in the parliament. 2.1.14 e-Governance Standards To ensure Interoperability among e-Governance applications, Government of India has setup an institutional mechanism for formulation of Standards through collaborative efforts of stakeholders from DIT, NIC, STQC, other Government Departments, Industry, Academia and Public. Various Working groups and Expert committees have been created for this purpose. NIC is playing a key role in coordination and steering the standards formulation process and also technical participation in preparation of Approach papers, standards formulation, drafts review process and POC. Policy on Open Standards, Metadata and Data standard for Person Identification & Land Region Codification, Biometric Data Standards for Fingerprint and Face Images, Interoperability Guidelines for Digital Signature Certificates, Guidelines for usage of Digital Signature, Indian Languages Encoding and Font standards, Quality Assurance Framework, Conformity Assessment Requirements document, Information Security Framework and Guidelines have been already published on the portal ( Standards for eForms design, Interoperability Framework for e- Governance in India, Technical standards in Interoperability areas are in the advanced stage of preparation. 2.1.15 Video Conferencing Services Multipoint Video Conferencing (VC) services are provided over NICNET from 631 existing studios spread across India. NIC has deployed 41 Multipoint Control Units on NICNET and approximately 8500 multisite conferences with total of more than 1,80,000 site hours of VC Services were decentralized by providing Multipoint Control Units to all states. Web based VC services ( were launched in Jan-2011. Any user connected over NICNET or Internet can conduct high definition quality VC in Point to point or multipoint conference using their Laptop/PCs. Virtual Class Room was setup over National Knowledge Network (NKN). Total 63 Virtual Class Rooms have been constructed with latest state of art technology at 15 IITs and 5 NIC Centers. Similar facilities have been setup at 13 NITs, 5 IISERs, IISc, Chennai Mathematical Institute and TIFR. Executive VC Systems (EVCS) network has been extended to the office of Director General of Police (DGP) of all states. Executive VC Systems (EVCS) : Videoconferencing technology has now moved out of conference rooms with ISDN/VSAT connectivity, to desktops due to drastic reduction in price of equipments and improvement in network infrastructure and bandwidth capabilities. NIC has taken the step to shift from group systems to desktop videoconferencing Systems by introducing EVCSNET, i.e. EVCS on NICNET. EVCS is an integrated system with 17" LCD display screen and a fixed 13 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected],
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT camera with integrated microphone and speakers and is suitable for conducting small meetings. EVCS is capable of connecting VC sessions over IP up to 768 Kbps using H.264 video codec. It is interoperable with Group VC systems using H.323 protocols and it has the capability to send and receive computer presentations using H.239 standards. EVCS is equipped with Advanced Encryption Standards (AES) to ensure communications are confidential and secure. All the EVCS Systems have been registered with a centralized gatekeeper and their contact address book is being managed with Global Directory Management service. NIC officers in various Ministries, Departments, States, and Union Territories have extended on-site training, documentation and demonstration to Secretaries and their staff. This is used for providing videoconferencing for Secretaries of GOI, Chief Secretaries of States and UT & Planning Commission. Department of Posts, Labour & Employment, Women & Child Development, Drinking Water Supply, Coal, Border Management and Home Affairs have also been connected through EVCSNET from their respective offices. 2.1.16 Integrated Network Operations Integrated Network Operations Centre (iNOC) ( is responsible for the constant monitoring & troubleshooting of network devices to ensure round the clock management of NICNET. The iNOC team specializes in technical issues relating to network and guarantees a fast response time to all critical issues. Contactable by phone, fax or email 24 hours a day, all year round, for emergency cover and support, the team is geared up to significantly to enhance NICNET services. Sophisticated alarm tools prioritize network related issues to ensure quick repair times. Scheduling of planned intervention and management of planned outages of the system, tending to basic daily network operation, fault handling and responding to customer queries are all tasks carried out by iNOC. 2.1.17 Open Technology Centre Open Technology Centre (OTC) acts as a nodal agency for Open Technology established to spearhead the adoption of Open Technology (which includes components like Open Source Software, Standards, Open Hardware, Open Course ware and Open Product Design) in e-governance. OTC has identified set of Open Source Software (OSS) Stack for development and deployment in various e-governance applications. The stack details are available at the portal. OTC has evolved a support model for provisioning necessary support for the identified Open Source stack, so that the e- governance applications based on stack implemented are guaranteed of hassle free implementation and also assured of For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] ICT INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES technological support for sustained operations. Open Technology Centre sensitizes the adoption of Open Technology and facilitates various knowledge-based Services & Products effectively; it facilitates e-Governance Services to reach vast majority of Citizens effectively, even if they live in remote rural areas. It helps to create National Infra-Structure facilities and Local Capacity Building with the available limited Govt. resources using Open Technologies. OTC has set up infrastructure for supporting the Open Source software, Open Standards and Open Hardware in the form of Collaborative Portal, Issue Tracking System (ITS) by using Open Source tools. These collaborative mechanisms target towards various users, developers, administrators involved in the E-Governance projects of State governments and the Central government. The OTC portal serves as a digital repository for all the knowledge generated with regards to Open Technology used in e-governance applications. The portal is available at OTC has set up five technology committees for standardisation in e-governance applications. The committee's are (a) Standards for Digital Signature (b) Standards for Finger Print & Bio metrics (c) Metadata and Data Standards (MDDS) on Person and Identification and Codification of Land Regions, (d) Mapping Open standards Principles to Technology Standards of Interoperability (e) Framework for E-Governance (IFEG), Standards for Indian Languages OTC aims at providing a formal-structure to address issues related to Open Technology Solutions such as Long-term Management Capability, Manpower availability & Internal Capacity Building, selection of appropriate solutions, gap filling in tools/platforms and reducing the risk of Security Vulnerabilities. 2.1.18 Capacity Building Training Division at NIC Headquarters ( conducted update training programmes in PostgresSQL clustering & Replication, Ms Visual Studio 2010, SQL Server 2008, Windows Azure, SQL Azure, Version Control (Subversion), Change Management (Mantis) Web Hosting Services using Virtual Classroom technology, in which over 225 NIC officers from all over India participated. A series of Training Programmes on Software Engineering with emphasis on Requirements and Design were conducted which were attended by over 240 NIC Officers. The programme focused on skill building in creating good quality Requirement and Design Documents using IEEE Standards. Management Development Programmes on Leadership development, Organisational Behavior Project management were conducted at IIM Indore, IIM Lucknow and LBSNNA Mussoorie which were attended by 90 NIC Middle and Senior level officers. Sponsored programmes included workshops on e-Governance and Trainers Training programme in Hindi. Various components for eForm technology like Code Generator, digital signature and application with workflow have also been developed. NIC Training Unit (NICTU), Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie provides ICT related training to the officers of All India Services during all the training programmes conducted at the Academy. 7 courses were conducted for officers of IAS and other services in which more than 300 sessions of training were conducted and training imparted to about 900 officials. The NIC eLearning services over NICNET has been upgraded to higher version with better video quality with bigger size and stabilized across NIC. Over 1500 Live Sessions have been conducted over the NIC Web Connect E-learning Services including tele-education project in North East where online PET/PMT coaching was given to students online. 2.1.19 National GIS Services "Geographical Information System (GIS)" has emerged as powerful tool which has the potential to organize complex spatial environment with tabular relationships. National GIS Web Portal ( has emerged as single window system for delivering of Spatial Data Infrastructure and Services. "Spatial Data Infrastructure for Multi-Layer 15 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected],
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Geographical Information System for Planning" Project has been implemented with the support of Planning Commission. This has led to establishment of "National Geographical Information System (GIS) Framework" as "Service Oriented Architecture" around at 1,50,000 scale SOI reference framework. GIS Services Roll-out in States include Transformation of Spatial Data from Everest Datum to WGS 84 Datum for bringing data in Open Series Map format for citizen/public services, Enhancement of Ground Verified Village Boundaries and village/habitation location, Spatial Data procurement, enhancement, updates, development and building re-usable GIS products for deployment in application services. State Spatial Data Infrastructure Initiatives have been undertaken in Bihar, U.P., M.P., Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan. GIS services have been deployed for critical sectors such as Telecom (OFC Mapping), GIS mapping of Rural Post Offices and Pin Code Area Mapping, education, Election, water, soil, agriculture and environment. Ground Water Information System from CGWB and Sports Infrastructure Mapping for Common Wealth Games.Telecom Infrastructure has been mapped to facilitate high speed broadband connectivity to Panchayats in Rural Areas. ICT INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES The National GIS Asset as Largest spatial data base, known as "National Spatial Database (NSDB)" with integration of raster, vector and MIS data has further been enhanced around which Enterprise Architecture enabling customization of web-GIS applications and services. Satellite Images are extensively processed to synchronize with the base map from SOI and suitable seamless mosaic prepared. The versatile Enterprise Architecture has capability not only to store and retrieve the data but also provides an environment to share data in service mode. "Value-Added NICMAPS Services" at top of this National GIS enterprise architecture has been evolved as "Common Service Delivery Platform" for E-governance & Planning. Therefore, in order to further scale up the services, the requirement in terms of high scale data organization, particularly city and cadastral level and attribute data management needs to be accessed along with ICT Infrastructure capacity for sustained services. 2.1.20 Utility Mapping The problems of urban migration, congestion and overloading of utilities in Delhi run parallel to those of any other large city in the world. In Delhi these problems are compounded due to the fact that the city infrastructure has evolved over several hundred years. The network records have not been maintained properly. The city administrators realized that conventional methods were not good enough for the management of the utility networks. The "Computer Aided Utility Mapping Project (Delhi)" was initiated during 1998-1999 in the 9th five Year Plan. The objective was to create the large-scale digital maps on scale 1:1250 of Delhi City with utility network and related data about water, sewage, electricity, gas etc. superimposed on them with the help of the utility agencies. NIC through the project shall support software and hardware for utility mapping. The utility agencies are to create a district wise cell within the organization for using this facility. The project provides excellent planning tools for various local bodies. In addition, many benefits are foreseen such as availability of integrated information of all the underground utilities; Co- ordination of digging procedures; Detection of potential areas of water contamination i.e. proximity of the sewerage line to a leaking water network could cause water contamination; Protection of records from damage; Proper analysis and reanalysis of the water requirement and sewage load of the colonies of the city; Better tool for evaluation of alternatives; Better planning and traffic load analysis.; Easier leak detection and fault detection by preparing history; Reduction in maintenance time Under the Computer Aided Digital Mapping Project for Six Cities, the map compilation and attribute data collection in the field and its linkage to the corresponding base map features for Bengaluru and Kolkata has been completed. The utility agencies of Ahmedabad, Chennai, Hyderabad and Mumbai city are able to access the base map data, compiled earlier and located at the central map server, to overlay their utility network such as water, sewage, electricity, telephone on the digital base map using location identification. Linking of assets data of Chennai Corporation is completed. Under the Computer Aided Digital Mapping Project (Delhi), base map updating for south-west Delhi and 30% of central Delhi has been completed from aerial photography of the year 2002. The 17 For further details, please contact:
[email protected],
[email protected] � National GIS- An Indian Perspective FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT digital base map is being accessed by Delhi Jal Board, Delhi Police, Delhi Traffic Police on 24 X 7 basis. 2.2 State Level In addition to the core infrastructure at the national level, NIC centers at States/UTs are also equipped to provide Web Hosting, Internet connectivity, E-mail facility, LAN / WAN connectivity (leased line), Dial Up services, Technical support and consultancy to the state governments and district administration. 2.2.1 Internet Data Centre Hosting infrastructure of NIC includes strategic storage, known as Storage Area Network (SAN), facilitating high availability (24x7), quick scalability, efficient management & optimized utilization of resources, with connection to Internet on very high bandwidth. Most of the State level IDCs consist of SAN storage along with State-of-the-art Servers, Windows & Linux based hosting environment. 2.2.2 Network Infrastructure Network Infrastructure in States/UTs supports Video Conferencing, Anti Virus Support and Security services at State/District levels on 24x7 basis. States/ UTs are equipped with high end technology products & solutions to provide seamless services to their users as below: • State Portal (Government) hosting State websites. • Intranet applications at State Secretariat • Web-enabled applications pertaining to Commissioner Land Records, Food Department, School Education, Forest Department, Health, etc. • FTP Server for transmission of utility/applications software to District Centres. 2.2.3 Local Area Network(LAN) / Wide Area Network(WAN) Gigabit Backbone (Upgradeable to 10 G) based Structured & Managed Local Area Network at State Secretariat, to support various upcoming National & State level e-Governance Applications, Media Streaming, High Speed Data Transfer, Various Intranet/Internet Applications, IP Telephone, Desktop Video Conferencing etc are also available. � (Gigabit Multi Link Core & Distribution Network) � NICNET Setup at State Centres � Floor Network Design- VLANs have been created at Department Level For further details, please contact:
[email protected] ICT INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES 2.2.4 Video Conferencing (VC) Services Video Conferencing Services have been provided to the CM Office, Governor Office and Districts in all the states. The VC facilities are extensively used in the states. 2.3 District Level Each NIC District Center has been provided with state-of- the-art ICT infrastructure including Rack Server, Clients, Printers, 2 Mbps or more Leased Line connectivity to NIC State Centres with SCPC DAMA backup Link as well as a Video Conferencing System. 19 � NICNET Setup at NIC District Centre 03 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT C H A P T E R 03 PRODUCTSAND SOLUTIONS FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT NIC is providing a range of products and services for various government organizations in areas of Business Intelligence, Archiving and management of large government repositories, office management (e-Office), e- procurement, etc. 3.1 Agricultural Marketing Information Systems Network (AGMARKNET) NICNET based Agricultural Marketing Information System Network (AGMARKNET) ( has been implemented for linking all important Agricultural Produce Wholesale Markets, State Agricultural Marketing Boards/Directorates and Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI) regional offices located throughout the country for effective information exchange on market prices. AGMARKNET has expanded to 3360 nodes. This system facilitates collection of daily market information from these markets which is being disseminated through the portal for the use of various stakeholders. Apart from English, the daily market information is being disseminated in 11 Indian languages (Hindi Gujarati, Gurumukhi, Marathi, Bengali, Oriya, Assamese, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu and Malayalam). Interfaces have been provided to facilitate monitoring of transactions below the minimum support prices (MSPs). The portal contents include weekly/monthly price and arrivals trends, market profiles, commodity profiles, commodity grades and standards, market research studies, market atlas, application status of AGMARK certification, etc. An e-Alert system, developed with the support of NIC Kerala state unit, is under implementation to facilitate posting of information to the registered users through e-mail and SMS. Reporting status and likely anomalous prices reported by markets is informed to NIC and DMI State Coordinators through automatically generated e-mails every month for their monitoring use and improving the performance of markets in terms of data reporting. To expand the reach of AGMARKNET for wider dissemination, measures are being taken to deliver the market information through Regional TV Channels of Doordarshan and Cable TV Network; SMS (a mobile based interface developed in collaborative mode by IIT Kanpur, BSNL, DMI and NIC) and Email; Digital Display Boards being installed in agricultural produce wholesale markets by the Forward Market Commission (FMC); Farmers' Training Centers (FTCs); Various delivery channels such as Common Service Centres (CSCs), Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS), Mass Media, etc. have been identified. 3.2 Bhu-naksha Computerization of Land Records has been in practice for quite some time now and various States/UTs have already made significant headway in this regard. While Record of Rights(ROR) data has been converted to the digital form by many States/UTs long back, the preservation and manipulation of cadastral or parcel maps on the digital media had been elusive owing to cost and technology constraints till recently. Though some States/UTs have taken initiative in this matter the solution provided by them was limited to scanning and printing the maps or generating the MIS reports based on the digitized maps. The real need was to have a mechanism not only to store and secure the digitized maps but to integrate with RoR as well as to edit them to reflect the actual changes arising out of mutations. Accordingly, NIC developed a tool 'Bhu-naksha' to cater to all basic necessities of the tehsil level revenue functionary with regard to land parcel management. Bhu- naksha is suitable for the States/UTs where village cadastral maps are in practice. Bhu-naksha is a tool developed using open source technologies to facilitate management of digitized 3 I PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS For further details, please contact:
[email protected] PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS cadastral maps. It integrates with the existing land records application of the States/UTs and enables printing and mutation of map with RoR. The system is Unicode compliant and has all features of LIS system to handle land records data. It allows query on various features available on the map such as all parcels owned by particular land owner, crop wise query, land holding wise queries etc. The system has been designed after studying the requirements of all the states and is easily configurable as per state requirements. The system has been implemented in the states of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Odisha, Tripura and Rajasthan. Customization to suite the requirements of data and formats for the States of Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh are being done. The package has been demonstrated to the States of Jammu & Kashmir, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Assam, Bihar, Sikkim and Daman & Diu to gather state specific requirements from these States/UTs. Web based Bhu-naksha is also under development. 3.3 Cooperative Core Banking Solution (CCBS) CCBS ( an Integrated Core Banking Application is specially designed to meet all the banking related requirements of State Co-operative Banks (SCBs), District Central Co- operative Banks (DCCBs), and Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACSs). Common interface for all the category of banks provides integration of information flow within the banks. This will help in financial inclusion and better monitoring of banks. Reports compilation and MIS analysis will be at single button press. CCBS for PACS is fully compliant with Common Accounting System (CAS) recommended by NABARD.CCBS is designed in such a way that all the social sector related Government fund distribution (MGNREGA, Mid Day Meals, Old Age Pension etc) to the targeted beneficiary could be channelized and disbursed at the door step through PACS. The fund disbursement could be easily monitored and day to day position of fund distribution under these heads known at the apex level. The CCBS application has highly parameterized role based security levels. The biometrics based authentication could be enabled for right distribution of funds to right people on various schemes. CCBS is developed with the great care to minimize the cost of application and better return of Investment (ROI). Banks do not have to invest a large amount of money for creation of Data Centre, Disaster Recovery Centre, purchase of high end server and its maintenance. The main objective is to serve the poorest of the poor in our country by furthering banking in the rural areas of the country. 23 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] � Bhu-naksha � Bhu-naksha print-out FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Some of the features of CCBS are SOA architecture, Multilingual support,. KYC Norms compliant, Grouping of account, Mobile banking and SMS alert on withdrawal of transaction. CCBS will help the SCBs, DCCBs and PACS to provide state of the art technology to fully support current and future business needs; fast & error free disposal of transactions; timely & accurate preparation of cash book, trial balance and profit & loss account; Centralized control; MIS and Audit Trail Reports for decision support; effective security management and disaster recovery plans complying with the industry standards and RBI norms; faster response to queries of account holders & branch manager; better monitoring of agricultural and non-agricultural loans and advances; to compete with other commercial banks. Many SCBs, DCCBs and PACS have shown interest in CCBS implementation. The application has been successfully implemented at 6 branches of Meghalaya State Cooperative Bank, Shillong, 2 branches each of Nainital, Dehradun and Tehri Garhwal DCCB in Uttarakhand and Hathoj PACS of Jaipur district. It is under implementation at Sikkim State Cooperative Bank and its branches, Raipur DCCB in Chattisgarh and PACS in Odisha etc. The Rajasthan Government has decided to implement the application in all the 6000 PACS in the states. CCBS may thus be offered as a centrally managed hosted service which could be used by any of the institutions at rural level who may be engaged in making payment to people in rural areas availing benefits from social sector programs of the government. NIC/ NICSI proposes to offer such a technology solution to rural banks and institutions without requiring them to establish infrastructure for deploying such a solution. Recognizing that payments are a Meta requirement and form the core to most transactional services, the CCBS solution will have the capability to become an integral part to a wide range of financial services offered across rural population of India. 3.4 CollabCAD CollabCAD ( is a 3D CAD/CAM Software system for collaborative design & development of Industrial Products. It provides a collaborative framework for Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM), Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) & Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). It is a total solution from product design, visualization, and analysis to content management, workflow and office automation. CollabCAD is an initiative of National Informatics Centre (NIC, Department of Information Technology), Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC, Department of Atomic Energy) and Vikram Sarabhai Space Center (Department of Space, VSSC). CollabCAD is developed on the Linux platform and is available on Windows and Linux For further details, please contact:
[email protected],
[email protected] Inauguration of CCBS for Meghalaya Co-operative Apex Bank on 20th October 2011 by Hon’ble Chief Minister of Meghalaya, Dr. Mukul Sangma Inauguration of CCBS implementation at Hathoj PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS (Red Hat, Ubuntu, Mandriva and Mandrake). It is developed using open source software tools such as Java/Java 3D, Open Cascade geometry kernel and supports open standards of data exchange such as XML, STEP, IGES, and VRML to ensure interoperability. The main objective of the CollabCAD Software is to provide a cost effective, indigenous CAD/CAM Solution to the Strategic Sector, Small and Medium Enterprises and Educational Institutions. It is being used by BARC, VSSC and other government organizations for creating an archival of designs. Further, CollabCAD is an ideal tool for SMEs considering the versatility of the software. CBSE has introduced CollabCAD in the course curriculum of the Engineering Graphics (formerly Engineering Drawing) course for Class XII. CollabCAD Marketing, Support and Training Centres have been established in various educational institutions. An important use of this software has been in the area of computerization of land records for which a product named CollabLand has been developed for mapping of land records. The extension of CollabCAD to biomedical applications has been accepted as a model project for demonstrating the capability of the NKN. CollabCAD is available in 2 modes: (a) Standalone - to work on standalone systems (b) Client-Server mode for collaborative designing and multiple users. The main features are Design & Drafting, Surface & Solid Modeling (Parametric & Feature Based), Re-Engineering - Surface re-construction, Styling, Constraint Manager - Sketcher, Assembly - Integrated Assembly Manager, Basic NC, Tool palette Customization, Collaborative Design, Database Connectivity, Scripting (Jython) Data Exchange - Supports Open Standards such as IGES, STEP, STL, VRML, Visualisation, Product Lifecycle Management (Content Management & Workflow), Interface to Enterprise Automation Application. CollabCAD also offers other niche features like Bar Code to link the designs to non CAD utilities like MRP, Meshing, Creation and linking of databases etc. It provides database connectivity and a component library framework and enables the user to create or use a Standard Parts/ Component library. CollabCAD has also been integrated with an Advanced multi-purpose CFD Software for Engineering Design and with a Casting Simulation Software. CollabCAD facilitates the conventional CAD/CAM capabilities like design, drafting, surface and solid modeling, feature based modeling, basic NC features, data exchange, scripting etc. Surface models can be reverse engineered from point cloud digitized data, obtained from raw/scanned data. CollabCAD also provides reflection line analysis for visual inspection using Zebra Stripes mapping. The Zebra stripes mapping is a surface evaluation method for checking surface continuity. It supports basic NC operations like lathe roughing, lathe contouring, lathe center drilling, lathe thread cutting, point-to-point operations, surface milling, tools and animation. CollabCAD provides a collaborative framework for CAD/CAM professionals to work across a network and concurrently access the same design for viewing and modification. It also offers an interactive design environment through audio and video conferencing, for on-line communication between participating designers. CollabCAD provides a Finite Element Analysis Module (currently only for Linux based distributions). It provides pre and post processor for Meshing, Modifying and Analyzing Geometrical Structures. The Finite Element Solver offers a full range of multiphysics analysis and the modeling methods go well beyond thermo-mechanical calculations, applicable for linear as well as non-linear structures Integrating CAD with PLM, CollabCAD provides an interface to a content repository and incorporates security, locking and versioning of the engineering drawings and documents. It further provides an interface to a workflow system and enables the user to specify, execute, monitor and coordinate the organizations flow of work. It also provides an interface to an open source enterprise automation software, comprising of ERP, MRP, SCM, CRM and Ecommerce modules. 3.5 CollabLand CollabLand (, developed using Open Source Technologies, is a software for digitization and mosaicing of survey maps for computerization of Land Records. It can handle a variety of survey systems, extending from the conventional Chain / Theodolite method to the modern Electronic Total 25 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Station (ETS) system. CollabLand can generate maps of individual Land Parcels to Traverse and Mosaic maps, surveyed in a host of units of measurement. Besides, it can import maps existing in Shape files, and few other proprietary formats. CollabLand follows a database based approach, there by ensuring access to maps from anywhere at anytime. This further facilitates integration of the cadastral maps with legacy applications for ownership (non-spatial) information. Being the software cost would be negligible, especially in the scenario of a large scale roll-out requiring lots of installations. CollabLand is currently being used by states like Tamilnadu, Kerala and Puducherry. 3.6 Digital Archiving and Management The rapid surge in the generation and dissemination of digital information, in various formats, is a unique phenomenon of our times. Digital objects are being created by governments, private corporations, authors, publishers, librarians, museum curators etc. in the form of text documents, photographs, images, audio and video footage. Therefore, the science of Digital Archiving and Management has evolved rapidly over the last decade or so and currently, cutting edge tools are available, for building digital repositories. Based on careful evaluation of the different technology options, NIC, has identified Open Source technology, to provide solutions to other government organizations/agencies. DSpace is being used currently, which is a groundbreaking Open Source digital repository software tool which captures, stores, indexes, preserves and redistributes content in digital formats. Some major projects undertaken, by the group, are Digitization of Rajya Sabha Debates, Digital Herbaria and Judis. Under the project Digitization of Rajya Sabha Official Debates, The Upper House of the Parliament of India (Rajya Sabha) is developing an online repository of Questions-Answers and Debates held during the Rajya Sabha sessions and the first phase of the application was launched in Jan, 2010. The proceedings of the Rajya Sabha are conducted in English, Hindi and Urdu and are presently available in print format in the form of books from 1952 to the present. NIC has undertaken the task of archiving these debates using DSpace. India's Virtual Herbarium (IVH) & Digital Herbaria (DH):The Botanical Survey of India (BSI) under the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Government of India acts as the custodian of the country's floral wealth comprising about 45,000 plants spread over the entire country. It is proposed to digitize the photographs of these specimens for the purpose of preservation and provide access over the Internet. NIC is setting up a Digital Herbarium (DH) comprising an Imaging Studio as well as complete repository of high resolution images with search facility, at each of BSI's 14 Herbaria, to cater to an in- house need for preservation of their collections, in digital form. Also, an Indian Virtual Herbarium (IVH) is being developed at a central location with high speed Internet connectivity. DSpace is being used for capturing, storing and indexing of these For further details, please contact:
[email protected] � Digital Archiving and Management � CollabLand ( PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS specimens. Users can browse the specimen repository by botanical name, family name, date of collection, etc. A Zoom feature has been added to clearly view the image of the specimen. Judis is a digital repository application for the Supreme Court of India with judgments of the apex court, High Courts and District Courts readily available for search and reference. The repository is currently being populated with data from the year 2000 to present. 3.7 e-Granthalaya - Digital Agenda for Automation and Networking of Libraries NIC has a low cost solution e-Granthalaya Library Management Software ( for automation and networking of libraries. The software installation base has gone up to more than two thousand libraries till date. Types of Libraries covered under the project are Police and Prison organizations, Schools, Universities and Colleges Libraries, Public Libraries and Government Libraries. Jammu and Kashmir and Tripura Government have adopted eGranthalaya and NIC technologies to automate and network all Public Libraries in their states. To strengthen the libraries towards making India a knowledge based society, eGranthalaya digital agenda of NIC has been considered to be rolled out on a PPP model. NICSI has been assigned the role of empanelling agencies for rolling out of eGranthalaya. 3.8 Election Automation System (ELECON) ELECON was implemented during 1989 General Election in Bihar. Subsequently it was released during 1991 General Elections across the country. Over a period of two decades,it has been established as a product to automate some of the major activities during elections. The latest version, ELECON 9.0 has been designed to support all the requirements and guidelines of the Commission for polling party formation & its deployment with zero bias, in addition to the randomized allotments of EVMs to the booths that confirms to the canons of transparency regarding fairness of poll practices. 3.9 e-Lekha e-Lekha is a prudent financial management application which provides an electronic payment and accounting information system for the Civil Accounts Organization of the Government of India with the objective of improving efficiency and accuracy of the accounting process. Built in and around the COMPACT application running at Pay and Accounts Offices and other offline interfaces it provides a system of core accounting with integration of daily, monthly and annual accounting processes for near real time value added reporting and financial monitoring 27 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] � Data Analysis for Successive Elections � Comparative Satisfaction Index For further details, please contact:
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT and control. e-Lekha is being used by all Civil Ministries of the Government of India covering 324 Pay and Accounts Offices and 47 Ministries / Departments. e-Lekha is developed by the Accounts Informatics Division for the Controller General of Accounts (CGA) to update and monitor daily reporting of expenditure in sync with the budget allotted to a ministry and its sub units and schemes. This software is positioned at the lowest level of accounting and helps in optimum utilization of financial resources as well as for monitoring social plan projects initiated by various ministries / departments of the central government. At the lowest level of this system, runs an application called COMPACT. This is a client-server application, which runs on servers in each Pay and Accounts Office and in the offices of all the ministries across the country. Accounting personnel are given access to the COMPACT server, where they can record the expenditure of that particular office for that day. At the end of the day, a single tamper-proof file is generated from the COMPACT system, which is then uploaded to the e-Lekha server using its Web based interface. In this way, e-Lekha gets all the daily fiscal data from each office across the country. Ministries can use this system to monitor their fiscal health for the year, month or on a daily basis. They can even keep track of which PAOs have submitted their daily reports to e-Lekha and which are pending. They can also monitor how their allocated budget is being used in various projects and schemes. Each ministry then submits the monthly account through e-Lekha, which is then accessed and compiled by CGA at the Government of India level. e-Lekha also facilitates an electronic payment gateway and Itemized tracking for all Government payments through core accounting services on e-Lekha. It provides an interface for e- payments (NEFT/RTGS) digitally signed for process by agency banks and electronic reconciliation through digitally signed electronic scrolls. Necessary audit trails for all electronic payments and reconciliation scrolls are built into the system. With the help of this project, monitoring the country's financial health has become very easy and a great degree of transparency has been incorporated into the system. e-Lekha has facilitated full integration of payment and accounting functions. Monthly, Finance and Appropriation accounts are prepared from a central database. The impact is felt tremendously. There is timeliness in accounts preparation and submission - adhered to SDDS and annual accounts prepared within same calendar year; Accuracy of Accounts - online validation, no audit qualifications; Transparency of Payment Process - bill pendency, tracking of bills, cheques; Management and online availability of Chart of Accounts of GOI (over 1 Lakh heads of accounts and their interrelationships, over 70 Controller Codes, Over 500 PAO codes and over 6000 DDO codes ) ;Transparency in Accounts - expenditures and revenues (27 Lakh Vouchers, 8 Lakh Valuables excluding Tax Revenue) ; Automation of Provident Fund Accounts - 5.16 Lakh GPF subscribers; Computerisation of Pension Cases - 72000 cases in 2007-08; Single database for all Detailed Demand for Grants of GOI - at all tiers, against over 100 Demand for Grants and associated DDO wise allocations; Scheme monitoring - 1250 Plan Schemes of GOI; Effective shared grants management - pension, public works etc.; Efficient Bank reconciliation - agency banks and RBI - suspense balances reduction from Rs. 972.34 Crores in 2000-01. to Rs. 338 Cr. in 2006-07. 3.10 e-Hospital Hospital Management System called e-Hospital@NIC is a workflow based ICT solution specifically meant for the hospitals in Government Sector. An HL7 Development Framework (HDF) compliant and ISO/IEC 9126 certified end-to-end solution for For further details, please contact:
[email protected] � e-Lekha PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS managing processes and services in hospitals including providing tele-medicine services. It helps small to large size hospitals to streamline patient care, hospital administration, ancillary services and clinical support activities.It is a patient- centric system rather than a series of add-ons to a financial system which is more prevalent in the private sector. e-Hospital@NIC - consists of more than 14 core modules that covers major functional areas of the Hospital viz. Out Patient Department, In Patient Department, Casualty, Ward Management, Operation Theatre Management, Birth & Death Certification, Path Laboratory, Radiology, Blood Bank, Stores and Inventory, Accounts and related MIS Reports etc. Each module could be implemented individually or be combined to form an integrated system to suit any of the hospital's needs. NIC is providing expertise to implement this system in designing systems for patient care delivery in fail-safe and 24x7 availability of services. e-Hospital@NIC provides the benefits of streamlined operations, enhanced administration control, improved response to patient care, cost control and improved productivity. It reduces patient's waiting time by smooth flow of information and provides housekeeping of medical records such as patient's history, diagnostic details and prescriptions by doctors. It generates various MIS and statistical reports which give information on common diseases prevalent in certain areas, the catchments areas of the hospital, Hospital statistics in terms of Inpatients, outpatients, Diagnostic Services, Surgeries etc. 3.11 e-Payroll (CompDDO) Accounts Informatics Division (ACID) of NIC has developed a Comprehensive DDO (CompDDO) package with a view to automate the functions of the DDOs in various Ministries and Departments of the Government of India, State Governments and Autonomous Bodies. The CompDDO Software covers the major functions of DDOs i.e., Salary, Salary Arrears, DA Arrears, Income Tax, Honorarium, Over Time Allowance, Bonus, Tuition Reimbursement, Contingency/Other Bills, CDDO Process and GPF Accounts Maintenance. The application aims at increasing the operational efficiency of DDO functions as an outcome of proper validations, speed, user-friendly interface. Security features and access to the software for authorized users has been built in along with predefined access rights to the users of the forms and reports of the application. The system has a Client/Server application with Multi-user facility and Backup option through software. 29 � e-Hospital@NIC � e-Hospital@NIC � Patient Medical Report For further details, please contact:
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT CompDDO is a full life cycle workflow application and the MIS features allow the users to maintain and generate all statutory reports. It caters to the requirement of both Cheque Drawing DDOs (CDDO) and Non Cheque Drawing DDOs (NCDDO) including the cheque processing and issuing functions of CDDOs. It is tightly interfaced with the "COMPACT" software running at Pay and Accounts Offices. All the different types of bills, their schedules, pension cases etc. can be generated in the electronic format through Comprehensive DDO package and can be sent to PAOs for incorporation into COMPACT. On the other hand, all the administrative and accounting masters along with their budgetary provisions are incorporated in the electronic format from PAOs through COMPACT application which prevents DDOs from misclassifying accounting heads in the bills. The software also has electronic interfaces with other external applications viz. Income Tax Department for generating the Form 24 and Quarterly report in electronic format. The software caters to all the five modes of payments viz. Cash, Cheque, Bank (Salary Account), Demand Draft and ECS (Electronic Clearance System). It is estimated that currently over 400 DDOs are using the CompDDO package across various Ministries & Departments across India. The figures are arrived at from the online registered users that have downloaded the CompDDO software from the NIC provided link. It is envisaged and mandated that the CompDDO application requires to be used as a standard tool by all DDOs across India, approximately 6000 in numbers. 3.12 e-Office e-Office has been designed in sync with the need for an effective and transparent Governance and has been conceived as the instrument for the Next Generation Government. The vision of e-Office is to achieve a simplified, responsive, effective and transparent working of all government offices. The product is developed as a standard reusable product amenable to replication across the governments, both at the central and the state levels. The key features of e-office are Government around a Standard Architecture & framework, Standardize on a Single Product for reuse across the Government, Maintain security of the critical and sensitive data, Inter/Intra Government Information sharing & Movement , Centralized file and work flow system. The main services offered are eFile, Knowledge Management System (KMS), eLeave, eTour, Personnel Information System, Collaboration and Messaging Services and Advanced Search functionalities. e-Office is based on Technology Neutral Open Architecture. It has Common Data Sets and Standards. It is Unicode Compliant with support for local languages. It provides for Role based access for authorization and Directory based authentication. It includes a Workflow manager and has an Organization level common repository of user information for various services and applications. 3.13 Government e-Procurement System of NIC (GePNIC) e-Procurement is the process by which manual tendering activity is carried out using internet and associated technologies in a faster and secure environment. NIC has developed a generic e-Procurement System - GePNIC using open source technologies which can be easily be adopted for all kinds of procurement activities such as Goods, Services & Works by Government offices across the country. It aims at increasing transparency and non discrimination amongst bidders, by allowing free access to tender documents, clarifications, secure submission of bid documents online and access to online bid opening event to all bidders, from any place on 24x7 basis, through Internet. The system has been designed taking into account the General Financial Rules (GFR) and tender rules followed in various State Governments and also the CVC guidelines on tendering. The major functionalities covered include: Registration of Government officials & bidders in different roles using a valid DSC, tender creation, publishing of tenders and corrigendum, For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS uploading the decisions of pre-bid meeting, online bid submission / resubmission / withdrawal as per the needs (which are configurable across tenders), online tender opening, decryption of bid documents, uploading the evaluation details, and award of contract. eAuction Module is in the pilot phase. Some of the salient features built into the system are facility for online / offline payment of tender fee and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD), exemption of EMD, encryption of bid documents submitted by the bidder at the client end, facility of single / two / multi cover bid system, offline technical evaluation, generation of comparative charts for financial bids, uploading of committee recommendations / evaluation summaries at each stage of the tender process, publication of award of contract information, communication of 'Event Alerts' by email and/or also through SMS to various stakeholders, status of each tender at various stages and detailed MIS report module etc. Each document uploaded into the system is digitally signed for authentication purposes which introduces accountability on the part of the stakeholders namely officials / bidders. The application can be configured for use by an organization at its apex level, and at multiple subordinate levels, at which tenders are independently floated. Bidder categories / classes are also configurable. The solution has strong in-built security features including two-factor authentication with Digital Signature Certificates (DSCs) as per IT Act 2000, Usage of SSL, role-based User Access and bid-encryption at client end, using PKI technologies. The solution has been initially security audited by two independent agencies. Periodic security auditing by CERT-in empanelled agencies is regularly being carried out. GePNIC has been implemented successfully in the State Governments of Odisha, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Chandigarh UT , Jharkhand, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, NICSI, Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL), Sambalpur a Public Limited Organisation, PWD Punjab, Visakhapatnam Port Trust, Tripura, Uttarakhand and Rajasthan and Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals (DGS&D). It is also being implemented for procurements under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) of Rural Development Ministry in 21 states, covering some of the North Eastern states. Around 1,25,286 tenders, worth over Rs 157698.21 Crores, have been processed successfully till 30th April 2012. Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Department of Commerce has decided adoption of NIC's e-Procurement System in Government departments of 23 states through the Mission Mode Project (MMP) on e-Procurement. Under this, ten states will be covered in the first phase of the project during the year 2011-12, and the remaining thirteen states in the subsequent year 2012- 13. States/UTs such as Jammu & Kashmir, Kerala, Maharashtra and Puducherry are in the pipeline to start using the solution. The eProcurement implementation is carried out with the support of NICSI to facilitate the implementation / rollout of the GePNIC solution in a quick and effective way, which includes support for handholding, training and establishment of helpdesk facilities as per the needs of user department, on payment of charges as per the NICSI empanelment rates. 3.14 Instant Money Order (iMO) Department of Posts launched instant money order service in 2006. This service gives speed, mobility, safety and reliability for domestic money transfer through Post Offices (iMO Centre) between two resident individuals in Indian territory from Rs 1000/- to Rs 50,000/-. Presently it is running from 9000 Post Offices across the country and further expansion is going on. Given the instant nature of transmission of money, iMO tariff is 31 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT very reasonable and is cheaper than normal money order for amount exceeding Rs. 3000/-. The system also facilitates online pairing of transactions (Booking & Payment). Trend analysis and forecasting is possible which helps the management in planning and decision making. 3.15 National Portal of India National Portal of India ( provides a one stop source of Government information & services both in English and Hindi and it acts as a single window Gateway to over 7000 Indian Government websites. This G2A (Government to All) portal caters to all services i.e. G2G, G2C, G2B, G2E and is operational since 10th November 2005. Citizens can access information on diverse aspects and topics, as well as online citizen services across sectors and government departments. Thus the Portal has led to a faster and efficient access to government information and services in a unified manner. The Portal has also proven to be an effective medium for the participation of common citizens in the process of governance since they are encouraged to voice their opinion on a number of national issues, participate in online discussion forums and provide feedback on important matters as in the case of Sixth Pay Commission, CIC Online, NGO partnership, Online National Testing Scheme etc. Portal Content Framework, ( has been developed to ensure that the contributors, belonging to any constituent of the Government at any level, contribute content in a pre-set standardized format through a CMS. Web Ratna Awards have been institutionalized to promote exemplary e- Gov Initiatives in Web, undertaken by Ministries/ Departments/ States instituted under the eight categories of Citizen Centric Service, Public Participation Initiatives, Outstanding Web Content, Innovative Use of Technology etc. The portal is Compliant to National & International standards with ISO certification against Quality Characteristics-functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability & portability, Website Quality Certificate Level 1. The Portal also complies with priority 2 (level AA) of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 laid down by the W3C.Since its launch, has been duly recognized at national and international forums. Apart from being awarded the ISO Certification for Software Product, it has received a number of awards. 3.16 NREGASoft Government of India through National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005 aims to provide for enhancement of livelihood security of the households in rural areas of the country by providing at least one hundred days of guaranteed wage employment in every financial year to every household whose adult member volunteers to do unskilled manual work. NREGAsoft ( is a workflow based, transaction level, local language enabled MIS that has been developed for MGNREGA. to facilitate online monitoring and decision making process during the coordination & implementation of NREGA scheme across the country The system provides G2G, G2B, G2C, C2G services through the portal. Presently the system has around 11 crore job cards having names of around 24 crore workers and the details of when they demand jobs ,when and which worksite is allocated to them and when they have actually worked on the worksite and the amount they earned. The system has been designed to overcome the barriers of internet connectivity, language and For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS illiteracy. It makes available all the documents like Muster Rolls, registration application register, job card/employment register/muster roll issue register, muster roll receipt register which are inaccessible to public otherwise. It has been implemented in more than 34 states/UTs. 3.17 Online Admission Counseling System "e-Counseling" is a web based application package for online admissions. The system aims at streamlining the admission processes in all phases like Examination, Counseling and post Counseling in the Technical and Academic Institutions across the country. The system is being used by All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE) under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India since 2003 for admission in various NITs and Deemed Universities. Subsequently various State Governments viz. Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Uttaranchal, Odisha, Gujarat have started using the system for admission in various Technical/Academic courses like, Engineering, Medical, B.Ed, MCA, MBA, Polytechnics etc. National Council of Hotel Management, under Ministry of Tourism have adopted the system since last two years for admission in Bachelor of Hotel Management and Hospitality courses in various Institutes of Hotel Management in the country. As a part of the process some of the examination boards like AIPMT, AIEEE, Odisha, Chandigarh etc are also using the system for on-line Application Form submission for Entrance Examination which is linked to the e-payment gateway for fee submission etc. The project aims at Standardization & streamlining of admission processes, providing 100% Transparency in the admission processes, Avoids overlapping of multiple examinations at multiple locations, Reduces physical, mental stresses & financial burden on candidates due to travel involved in reaching out to different locations. The allocation of seats is carried out as per the merit, reservation policies and choices exercised by the candidates. 3.18 Online Scholarship Management System (OSMS) The web based software for Online Scholarship Management System (OSMS) for Merit cum Means based scholarship of Ministry of Minority Affairs has five distinct modules. These are:- (i) Student Module (ii) Institute Module (iii) District/Regional Module (optional) (iv) State Department Module and (v) Central Module The 'Institute Module' of the software was made live from 01st March, 2011. The site can be accessed through URL The 'Student Module' of the software has been made operational from 15th April, 2011. Students can apply online for the Merit cum Means scholarship. Online applications will show up in the inbox of the institutes. Only Institute registered/approved with State Authorities are 33 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] � Work Flow of NREGA For further details, please contact:
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT allowed the facility of online scrutiny. After the scrutiny process by institutes, states will be able to generate merit list based on the targets given to respective states. After generation of merit list, states would be able to send proposal to the Ministry of Minority affairs. Online Scholarship Management System (OSMS) for Merit cum Means based scholarship of Ministry of Minority Affairs is being implemented in all the 35 states/UTs. 3.19 PlanPlus PlanPlus (, a software under ePanchayat MMP is designed to simplify and strengthen the decentralized planning process based on participatory approach. It enables preparation of District as well as Sectoral Plans, in harmony with the guidelines for decentralized planning issued by the Planning Commission. PlanPlus accommodates customizable workflows to suit state specific requirements. As the Plan, under development, moves along with the workflow, all the agencies participating in the preparation of Plans can transparently work in their respective area, leading to the generation of an Integrated District Plan. PlanPlus has been adopted by more than 70,000 planning units across the country, amounting to approximately 70% adoption. It utilizes open source technologies and has been implemented in more than 15 states. 3.20 Panchayati Raj Institution Accounting Software (PRIASoft) PRIASoft (, a software under ePanchayat MMP, aims to keep track of all the in-flow (Receipts) and out- flow (Payments) of the PRIs. It not only facilitates maintenance of accounts under Model Accounting System (MAS), but also ensures monitoring of allocated funds, expenditure incurred, inter-PRIs transfers/advances and automatic generation of desired reports, registers and other financial information just by making basic transaction entries from the vouchers. PRIASoft is a Centralized Accounting Software intended for use by all the three levels of Panchayats viz., District, Block and Village Panchayat. The software, apart from making the process of accounting simple and easy (necessarily due to lack of trained manpower at this level) for the panchayats, also ensures better financial management, transparency and accountability of the panchayats leading to the following two- fold advantage: • Enhanced credibility of Panchayats which would induce greater devolution of funds to Panchayati Raj Institutions. • Enhanced ability of higher authorities to track the flow and usage of funds and accordingly decide on subsequent releases. For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] or
[email protected] PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS PRIASoft is based on open source technologies and is implemented in more than 15 states. 3.21 National Panchayat Portal (NPP) Panchayat as a Local Self Governing body needs a web identity of its own and would also like to share and exchange information with all stakeholders that are part of Panchayati Raj system viz. other panchayats, State PR departments and MoPR. National Panchayat Portal (NPP) (, a system under ePanchayat MMP, is designed to be a versatile front-end for citizens to access the information & services provided by the Panchayats on their devolved responsibilities. It is a web-based content management and content exchange framework that generates and maintains dynamic web sites for entire Panchayati Raj System in the country, including Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR), State Panchayati Raj Departments (35), District Panchayats (560), Intermediate Panchayats (6096) and Village Panchayats (2,32,000) in the respective local languages and interlink all these web sites to enable information exchange among them. Being the front-end of each panchayat, each NPP site would also act as a single common gateway to all other panchayat applications, which are under development as part of Panchayat Enterprise Suite (PES) using single-sign on. 24 States have already adopted NPP and many more states are likely to become part of National Panchayat Portal in the near future. 3.22 Area Profiler for Panchayat This is a web based application for maintaining a comprehensive database on Panchayat Profiles which includes: • Demography, Geography, Education, Health, Drinking Water and Infrastructure details of all Panchayat at each tier of the panchayat (ZP/BP/GP). • Family Register at Village Panchayat Level. • Election and Elected Member Details at each tier (ZP/BP/GP) • Details of Panchayat Officials working at each tier (ZP/BP/GP) • Standing Committee and Its member details at each tier (ZP/BP/GP) • Details of panchayat election, wards, seats reservation pattern. Major states in the database are Maharashtra, Punjab, Gujarat, Tripura, WB, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Himachal, UP, 35 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] � Area Profiler for Panchayat FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Uttarakhand whose elected members data and other information can see online. 3.23 Sarathi / Vahan The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways has been facilitating the process of computerization of approximately 1000 Road Transport Offices (RTOs) across the country. The objectives of the Transport Project were to create/develop standard schema/datasets for all RTOs across the country, computerize and connect all RTOs across the country, develop and implement standardized software for Driving License (DL) & Registration Certificate (RC), issue smart card based DL & RC and establish the State Register and National Register. The activities involved are as follows: • About 1000 of RTOs across the country were targeted to be computerized. This broadly includes the provisions for Hardware, LAN Networking, Software Customization & Installation, and Training of Employees etc. For this purpose standard software called VAHAN for Registration Certificate and SARATHI for Driving License has been developed by NIC and is being implemented across the country. • RTOs across the country are being connected with NICData Centre through VPN/BB/Leased Line to support data transfer between individual RTO and State Register/National Register. • The information captured at the RTO level goes to the State Register. The State Register acts as a repository at the state level providing information to State Transport department, RTO, automobile dealers, police department and other G2C services. Data from the state registers will flow to the National Register. Selected information has been envisaged to be captured at the national level. The National Register acts as a central repository of all crucial data / information. This will also enable users to avail the service on "Anywhere Service" basis. In addition to the above, National Register will also act as a selective backup of state level repository. National Register will provide information to DoRTH, RTO, inter-state check post, police department and other G2C services. • Software for Replication and Services for the State Register and National Register has been implemented. The services provided for Registration Certificate are Payment of Taxes and fees, application for issuance of National goods permit, Application for No Objection Certificate (NOC)/ Clearance Certificate (CC), Document Authentication/ Verification at Inter State Check Posts, Information on Vehicle ownership detail, tax due date, vehicle fitness due date, Application status tracking, etc. The services provided for Driving Licenses are application for Issue of License, application for service on existing license, Slot Booking for Learner License Test, Information on Driving license details, status of the driving license, application status, fee payment details, etc. Presently 96% of RTOs across the country have been computerized. These RTOs are connected to NIC Data Centre through the VPN/BB/Leased Line. State Register has been established for all the states and 90% of the data of the RTOs computerized has been replicated to the State Register. National Register has been established in Centre of Excellence for DL & RC, NIC Hyderabad and till now 30 of 35 State Registers data has been replicated to National Register. Issuance of Online National Permit across the country has been launched in Sep 15, 2010.West Bengal has started online payment services for Vehicle Taxation and other citizen centric services. 3.24 TreasuryNET The Web based software was developed for the Finance Department to computerize accounting for accuracy and speed at PAO, Treasury and sub treasuries and provide MIS. Continuous efforts were taken to adopt emerging technology and meet the following challenges. For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS • Continuously changing user requirements • Business process re-engineering • Software maintenance, and interoperability with other applications, • Interoperability with other agencies for exchange of information and services, • Better e-governance services. The system has evolved from the stand alone compilation module to the web based system incorporating the work flow of bills, generating accounts for AG and facilitating the electronic payment like ECS, EFT etc. The system is successfully implemented in Manipur, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir treasuries; it was also customised for fiscal transaction processing for PWD department of Meghalaya. 3.25 Virtual Post Office (e-Post Office) India Post has launched its e-Commerce portal, the "e-Post Office" in 2011 to enable customers to transact postal business any time and from anywhere using either debit card or credit card over internet. Currently e-Post Office offers the following services: • Electronic Money Order (eMO) • Instant Money Order (iMO) • Sale of Philatelic Stamps • Postal information • Tracking of Express and International shipments • PIN Code Search • Registering of feedback and complaints It is proposed to make e-Post Office more inclusive by making available other services like payment of Postal Life Insurance premium, sending ePost, etc. 3.26 Value Added Tax (VAT) Soft Value Added Tax (VAT) is a major source of income for the states. Computerisation of VAT processes in the past few years has led to manifold increase in collections. It has also led to improvement of internal efficiency of the department. The computerized VAT system provides the following functionalities to provide better services to the business community efficiently 37 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] � TreasuryNET FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT with greater transparency: • Electronic registration of dealers • Electronic filing & processing of returns • Electronic processing & clearances of refunds • Electronic payment of taxes • Electronic audit of dealers • Electronic assessment of dealers • Electronic scrutiny of returns • Electronic appeal of assessment order • Online dealer ledger • Online issuance of statutory forms • Facility to dealer to obtain various online information services • Codification of list of items based on HSN code • Electronic compilation of various reports such as tax collection etc. • e-Tax Deduction at Source � Value Added Tax (VAT) Soft PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS • Waybill information • Transit document processing and tracking • Management Information System • Penalties, Recoveries and Vigilance cases The States where NIC is working with the State Government for VAT computerization are Haryana, Karnataka, West Bengal, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Bihar, Uttaranchal, Tamilnadu, Uttar Pradesh, Goa, Jharkhand, Dadra Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Puducherry, Chhattisgarh, Tripura, Mizoram, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland. 39 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT 04 NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS C H A P T E R 04 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT NIC is implementing a majority of the mission mode e-Governance projects such as Immigration, Visa, Foreigners Registration and Tracking (IVFRT) System, National Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP), Transport, Treasury Computerisation, Value Added Tax (VAT), Agriculture, India-Portal, e-Courts, e-Districts etc. NIC also lays framework and designs systems for online monitoring of most of the central government schemes like MG-NREGA, Integrated Watershed Management (IWMP) etc. The status of implementation of such projects and other national projects like Mother and Child Tracking System (MCTS), mFMS, Employee Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) Project, Integrated Disease Surveillance Projects (IDSP) etc. is listed in Table 1. 4.1 Advertisement Automation System for DAVP DAVP informs and educates people about government's policies and programmes and motivates them to participate in developmental activities, through its various vehicles of communication viz. advertising in audiovisual as well as print media, printed publicity, exhibitions, outdoor publicity and mass mailing. As DAVP's business grew several times during the period 2001-2007, it was decided to automate its entire business processes i.e. empanelment of newspapers, TV and radio stations and other agencies; release of advertisement business, transmission of designs, billing, payment and maintenance of accounts of DAVP and its client ministries/departments. Accordingly, a complete system was designed in January 2010 after incorporating some process reengineering and change over from manual mode was effected within three years. All media plans of DAVP are now being prepared via the NIC Media Planning software, advertisement releases, bill submission and processing is automated and all payments are through NEFT. Software for Print advertisement and audio visuals was developed in first phase. Earlier publishers/agencies used to visit DAVP to get their RO (Release Order) and design of the advertisement, submit their bills and take their payments. After development of software, they don't need to visit DAVP and get the requisite information online. Also the distribution of advertisement business is through software hence everyone gets equitable opportunity to receive the advertisements. DAVP can monitor the business data on a real time basis and can take corrective measures if required, to release the business fairly and as per policy by maintaining complete transparency. Newspapers get SMS alerts whenever there is an advertisement for them so there is no chance of missing advertisements. Software for empanelment has extended the true benefits of e-governance to newspapers, audio-video channels, community radio stations, outdoor agencies. Software for Outdoor Publicity has made the process of making media plan and Release Order easy and transparent. Bulk SMS Media Planning and Release Order Viewing Software is also implemented. Unicode data for Hindi SMS is enabled. In the second phase, similar strategy was adopted for release of audio-visual campaigns and outdoor publicity campaigns to radio/TV channels and subsequently to outdoor agencies. Simultaneously, online bill submission and bill processing was developed such that the module had seamless data connectivity with media planning, release of advertisements and accounts status of client ministries/departments. The payment module was developed to enable 100% payment through NEFT system. The empanelment software was developed for faster processing of applications, reduce the errors of manual data entry, instant communication of application status and providing transparency. 5767 Publishers, 534 Telecast/Broadcast agencies, 4576 theatres and 205 Outdoor Publicity agencies are using this software. NIC has replicated this software for Govt of Odisha, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. Scope of Services/ Activities Covered • Issuing of Release Order to Publishers, Channels, Radio stations, Theatres, Outdoor wings. • Distribution of advertisement matter (design) to print publishers, radio channels, Bulk SMS agencies and outdoor agencies. • Online Bill submission by Publishers, Channels, Radio stations, Theatres, SMS agencies. 4 I NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS • Automated Bill Processing for Publishers, Channels, and Radio stations. • No cheque payment to any stakeholder. All payments through NEFT. • Equitable distribution of advertisement to Publishers and ceiling based system through Automated Media list generation software. • Online empanelment of Publishers, Channels, Radio stations, Community Radio stations, Digital Cinema, Outdoor Publicity agencies. The software has resulted in enhancement of efficiency, cost effectiveness, and transparency of process, besides convenience for DAVP users. 4.2 Agricultural Informatics and Communication Network (AGRISNET) The project aims to strengthen extension services and provide advisory services to farmers using ICT tools, develop Decision Support Systems and Databases, and improve dissemination of Information on Government Programs and services, agricultural resources and technology. Project components include development of e-governance Applications and Portals in local languages, Capacity Building through Human Resource Development, Establishment of Networking Infrastructure and Computing Infrastructure. It is being implemented in West Bengal, Assam, Odisha, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Uttar Pradesh, and Karnataka. 4.3 Agricultural Schemes Monitoring Management Information Systems several web based systems have been developed and implemented for monitoring physical and financial progress of various schemes of the Department of Agriculture and Co- operation. These schemes are generally implemented through the state level agriculture/horticulture departments who are expected to regularly report the progress made under various components of respective schemes. The web applications developed under this category include: Monitoring Systems for Rashtriya krishi Vikas Yojana (, National Food Security Mission (, National Horticulture Mission (, Macro Management in Agriculture (, National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Areas (, River Valley Project & Flood Prone River (, National Bamboo Mission (, Horticulture Mission in NE &Himalayan States (, Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure, Grading and Standardization (, AGMARK Certification Programme (, Retail Prices Monitoring System (, Farm Mechanization (, Drought Management Information System (, and Extension Reforms ( 4.4 AWAASSoft for Indira Awaas Yojana AWAASsoft was launched in August 2010 as an e-governance solution for Indira Awaas Yojana which is a flagship scheme of the Ministry of Rural Development where financial assistance is provided to the poor in the rural areas to construct houses. It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme with state share and implemented through the Zilla Parishads/DRDAs with an annual target of around 30 Lakh houses with a central budget of Rs 10,000 crores. The present per unit grant is Rs 45,000 and Rs 48,500 respectively for plain and hilly areas for construction of new houses. There are few other minor schemes also viz. up- gradation, contingency fund, credit cum subsidy, Homestead schemes, special package etc. AWAASsoft is a transaction based web enabled MIS with several modules viz. target setting, beneficiary management, Inspection and verification of houses, 43 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT finance, convergence, personal, grievance etc. The various stake-holders using this software are Gram Panchayat, Block Office, DRDA/Zila Parishad, Rural Development Department of State Governments/ UT Admins, Ministry of Rural Development, Financial institutions and beneficiaries . It is a single window interface for all stake holders with local language support, workflow automation, record keeping, accounting management etc. It has been integrated with BPL Census database. In order to make the system transparent, several transaction based reports are made available in public domain and then beneficiaries can check their status in the MIS through their unique IDs. The Indira Awwas Yojana programme is implemented in all States/ UTs of the country except Delhi and Chandigarh. The AWAASsoft MIS has been implemented in all States/UT except Delhi, Chandigarh, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Till date, around 20 lakh beneficiary details have beep uploaded in the system. 4.5 Census of Minor Irrigation The system for Census of Minor Irrigation ( has been designed to facilitate the development planning of Minor Irrigation schemes at micro level - Village, Block, District and State level. The system covers 20 million Minor Irrigation Structures in the country. The Minor Irrigation schemes include Dug wells, Shallow Tube wells, Deep Tube wells, Surface Flow Schemes and Surface Lift Schemes. The system has resulted in strengthening the decision-making in the management of water resources. It provides information based on pre-defined queries with an improved Management Information System. Online Analytical Processing System and Data Visualization have been developed along with models for discovery of pattern among data. The outcomes include efficient planning and decision making for development of Water Resources through consistent and consolidated information and Prediction of irrigation potential created and utilized. 4.6 Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) In accordance with the Government's initiative to enable the citizen virtually reach the concerned office to lodge a complaint; the Public Grievance Portal was implemented for Central Government ministries/departments/organizations in June 2007 The interface for the President Secretariat has been developed and has been integrated with CPGRAMS. Similarly, the lodging of pension grievances and integration with CPGRAMS has also been implemented. This helps the PGOs to view the grievances of these organizations on their desk. Once the grievance is received by the PGO of the ministry/department, these grievances are available to the PGOs in their 'Operational Desk' as new grievances. The PGO may click on the Registration No. For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS to get the details of the grievances.Based on the grievance details, the PGO may take action either to keep it with himself/herself for action or forward it to the subordinate office for necessary action or may close the case if the information provided is inadequate. Similar action is being taken by the subordinate offices.The action taken report (ATR) is reviewed before closure of the grievance. State CPGRAMS has been developed and implemented in the pilot states of Haryana and Odisha in July 2010. It has privileges for state secretariat as well as for district administration. Employees' Provident Fund Organization(EPFO) manages the provident fund deposited by various private entities. The office has 140 Sub-regional offices spread across the country. Companies deposit the PF in the respective RPFO of the employer's registered office. Whenever an individual changes his employer, there is a possibility of transfer of funds from one Sub-Regional Office(SRO)/RO to another SRO/RO of EPFO. The subscribers of EPF face lot of problems in connection with transfers and withdrawal. EPFO Grievance Management System was developed and implemented in May 2010 to enable an efficient lodging/management of EPF-related grievances by the concerned EPF subscribers/Establishments and facilitate an improved service delivery in redress of such grievances. 4.7 Centralised Web Based Port Community System (PCS) At the instance of Ministry of Shipping, Indian Ports Association (IPA) has taken the initiative to establish a centralized/uniform Port Community System(PCS) covering all its major ports, as a part of its collective, collaborative and co-operative approach to EDI implementation, for the benefit of all the members of the Indian Port Community. PCS is an e-Commerce initiative of the major ports aimed to integrate the maritime processes across logistic chain. PCS is a comprehensive, highly secure extensible and scalable solution integrating seamlessly the trade community, Ports, Banks and Government Agencies. The project provides single window Integrated ICT environment to facilitate seamless and efficient exchange of Information securely among the stakeholders of twelve major ports of India. The system facilitates secure exchange of EDI messages using multiple formats (UN-EDIFACT, XML, and Proprietary) and multiple protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, AS2, SOAP etc.). PCS provides cargo/container "track and trace" facility and also meets the MIS requirements of the ports. The project is being implemented at all 12 Major Ports on the country's coastline and now it is being extended to other non-major ports of India. The project integrates all the major stakeholders including ports, shipping lines/agents, importers/exporter/custom house agents, banks, stevedores, Railways, CONCOR, CFS, Main line operators, customs, PHO, MMD etc. 4.8 Common Integrated Police Application (CIPA) CIPA was developed for automation of the Police Station level functioning from the point of view of provisions in the CrPC. CIPA is aimed at automating the Processes (workflow) of Police Stations, with an objective to capture all data related to crime & criminals and improve efficiency of the Police Stations. NIC has undertaken design & development of the 2-tier (Client-Server) Software in JAVA, with built-in multi-lingual Indian languages support which has been deployed under Open Source Software (OSS) environment viz. LINUX (OS), PostGreSQL (RDBMS), Open Office (Office automation software) etc. Mechanism has 45 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] � Centralised Web Based Port Community System (PCS) For further details, please contact:
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT also been provided for the Local customization requirements at state level. CIPA has been rolled out at 4000+ Police Stations across all the States/UTs. Consolidation of the Police Stations databases at the State level has been implemented in Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Delhi. CIPA facilitates automating the following functionalities at the Police Stations: • Registration of Cases e.g. FIRs, Missing Persons, UIDBs, NCRs etc. • Developments during Investigation e.g. Arrests, Seizures, Charge sheeting etc. • Developments during Prosecution e.g. Hearing in Courts, Summons/Warrants etc. • Maintaining Records of Criminals and Gangs. • Generating various statutory Registers require to be maintained by the Police Station, and Periodic statements to be sent to the higher levels. Crime & Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) Scheme has now been conceptualized and the scope of work under the Scheme includes implementation of the CIPA Software in the remaining Police Stations, transmission & consolidation of the Police Stations Databases at a Central location (State Hqrs.) for effective use and sharing of information and expansion of CIPA to cover Traffic, Law and Order, Intelligence & Security, Police Station Management, etc. 4.9 Communication Plan for Election Tracking (ComET) A perfect Communication Plan is essential for effective Election Tracking. ComET enables micro-management of elections, concurrent tracking and evaluation of issues and mid-course corrections. ComET is implemented to computerize communication details of all the polling stations of the country for efficient election tracking. ComET is a search enabled database of polling station level communication contact points for focused tracking on the poll day. The Plan operates through a well structured multi- layer Communication Teams (CTs) at ARO (Assembly segment level), DEO (District Level), CEO (State Level) and ECI (National Level). It creates a huge 'psychological presence', builds confidence in field election functionaries and helps the prioritization for intervention at the moment of crisis. Communication Teams have clear demarcation of geographical areas and communication-related responsibilities geared to quick crisis resolution and grievance monitoring and information flow. ComET was first implemented in Madhya Pradesh during 2008 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] � Common Integrated Police Application (CIPA) � Communication Plan For Election Tracking-ComET NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS State Assembly Elections. In 2009, during General Elections to Lok Sabha, it was rolled out to cover all States/ UTs. 4.10 Community Information Centres (CICs) Project The Community Information Centres (CICs) project of the Government of India, launched on 17 August, 2002, is one of the world's largest Telecentre initiatives. It has been implemented with an aim to take the multifarious benefits of ICT to the grassroots in the relatively remoter and less developed regions of India. CICs have already been established in 555 Blocks of the eight North Eastern states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura. 135 CICs have also been set up in the state of J&K. The project goals were to set up ICT Infrastructure at the Block level, to provide Web Access and Internet Services such as e- mail, Market Access, Access to Socio-Economic Databases. Other services offered are e-learning (Computer Aided Learning Processes), e-medicine and e-consulting, e-governance applications, Government to citizen (Citizen Centric) services, Weather Information etc. It was envisaged that the CICs would create IT awareness among local people, conduct Computer Training Programmes and disseminate Notification on Tender and e-employment Notification. Each Centre is equipped with computer communications equipment: a Server and five Clients connected to a VSAT on Local Area Network (LAN). A TV has also been provided for edutainment purposes. The CIC infrastructure is depicted pictorially below. Each CIC has two Operators for managing it and providing services to the public. The CICs provide some Basic services which include Internet browsing, e-mail, Printing, Data entry, Word processing and Training for the local populace on fundamentals of computers. In addition, a large number of CICs offer several services with a government to citizen orientation. e-Suvidha is a one stop service facilitation window application which has been developed by NIC and implemented in the CICs in the North East. This Web-based application enables citizens to submit requests for government services and to monitor the status of their applications. e-Suvidha also provides the government officials, responsible for providing services, with a tool to monitor the status of applications being processed by their offices. The CIC at Nyoma, Leh, J&K at 13,772 ft above sea level is the highest cyber café/Internet kiosk in the world. Another one at Nathu La, Sikkim at 13, 600 ft is strategically located to facilitate Indo-China trade as the route has recently been opened after a long passage of time. The CICs have helped to accelerate IT usage in the rural areas of the North Eastern states of India and J&K. Internet is now emerging as the principal medium of communication for every state. Some of the more popular usages have been career guidance and distant learning opportunities, online admissions at various educational institutes, results of various examinations, online railway reservation booking and status, email and chat, TV viewing for entertainment and information, access to exam results, citizen centric services 47 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] CIC at Nyoma, Leh � Community Information Centres (CICs) Project FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT and access to government departments. The establishment of CICs has helped bridge the digital divide between the North East and J&K and the rest of the country. Although, CICs charge nominally for services provided, the revenue thus generated is, in some cases, not enough to even meet day-to-day running costs like those for paper and other consumables, electricity bills etc. Depending on the location of the CICs, however, some of them are able to even purchase additional equipment like color printers, scanners etc. It is the remoteness/centrality of the CIC site and the consequent paying capacity of the user that determines the amount of income generated. However, in view of the enduring salutary social impact of the project it is felt that financial sustainability is not of key relevance. 4.11 Computerisation of Central Government Health Scheme Dispensaries Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) ( provides OPD facility through the Dispensaries (Wellness Centers) and first aid posts to the Central Government Employees and Pensioners, MPs, Ex- MPs, Judges of Supreme Court and High Courts, Journalists, etc. It also provides referral facility to its members in specialized hospitals and diagnostics centers authorized by CGHS for IPD treatments and diagnostics purposes respectively. Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) caters to approximately 32 lakhs beneficiaries across 24 cities. The operations in CGHS Delhi have been totally computerized. The system is aimed at providing computerized environment for registration, prescription, issue of medicines, indents, stores, lab etc, thereby improving the quality of health services and minimizing the overall service delivery time to the CGHS beneficiaries in a typical Wellness Centre (OPD) environment. The transparent system enables the CGHS to take timely decisions on inventory management, patient management etc using various MIS and statistical reports. 4.12 Computerisation of Central Herd Registration Scheme (CHRS) The objective of CHRS is to find superior quality of cattle and buffaloes among Indian breeds. The software application has been developed for registration and monitoring of elite cow and buffalo breeds of national importance which will help in providing incentive to livestock farmers for rearing. The software is operational in four CHRS locations at Rohtak, Ajmer, Ahmedabad and Ongole. 4.13 Computerisation of Agriculture Census and Input Survey Agriculture Census and Input Survey ( is a large scale, periodic operation for collection and derivation of quantitative information about the structural aspect of agriculture in the country. The data is collected once in a five year according to different size classes of operational holdings, social groups and gender. Computerization process involves Digitization, Validation, Processing and Report Generation of data collected under three phases of Agriculture Census operation. In Phase-I (T1) the data is collected on Number, Area and Social Characteristics of Operational Holdings. Data on characteristics of operational holdings like tenancy, land use, irrigation status, Sources of irrigation, area under different crops For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS etc. is collected during Phase-II (Schedule H). Phase-III (Input Survey), involves collection of data on details of consumption of various Farm Inputs like chemicals, fertilizers & manures, agriculture credit, implements and machinery, livestock, seed etc. used by different size groups of farmers. The database generated is of immense use for planning and resource allocation to states for developmental schemes and relief works. This also facilitates implementation and monitoring of land holding pattern and irrigation programme for various groups. The system also provides the levels of consumption of various inputs namely fertilizers, HYV seeds, pesticides, Farm Yard Manure, agricultural implements and machinery, credit, etc. 4.14 Computerisation of 18th Livestock Census 2007 The aim of Livestock Census is to collect detailed information on livestock population category wise along with age, sex- composition etc. It also provides disaggregated information on poultry, animal operated agricultural implements and machinery and fishery statistics. Enumeration is done on all-India basis and covers district-wise information with rural/urban break-up. In addition to this, it provides Breed wise information on Livestock. The census data has been computerized by NIC and State/UT wise detailed reports are published at the website ( 4.15 Computerised Registration of Pesticides A secured and integrated application has been implemented for Central Insecticides Board and Registration Committee Faridabad to bring transparency and improve delivery of services for all categories of pesticides registration as per the Insecticides Act 1968. The system available at facilitates online filing of application for pesticide registration and submission of documents, e- Payment for registration fees, creation of company database, work flow for online application processing, issuing alerts through email at different milestones of approval process, availability of online application status and deficiency reports for applicants, generation of Registration Certificate and MIS Reports, creation of Databank on registered Product Leaflets and Labels and submission of grievances relating to application submitted by pesticides companies. 4.16 Computerisation and Networking of Consumer Forums (CONFONET) CONFONET provides a single-window solution for automation of activities undertaken at the Consumer Forums at the national, state (35 state commissions) and district level (600 districts). The project has provided an ICT solution to achieve efficiency, transparency and e-governance at the consumer forums and has facilitated disposal of cases in a time bound manner. The registration of complaints, recording of court proceedings, issue of notices, generation of cause lists, recording of judgments, record-keeping and generation of statistical reports etc. are carried out through the application software. The captured data is replicated to a central website portal. Through the portal, consumers have easy access to accurate and dependable information regarding cause lists, judgments, case status and case history. quick search facility using case number, complainant name, respondent name etc. and free text search for judgments is available. Currently around 319 locations are uploading Cause lists and 249 locations are uploading judgments to the central server. More than 240 locations are updating data on on a regular basis. As on date, case status of around 7.5 lakh cases is available on the portal and 5000 new cases are added each month. In addition, more than 3 lakh judgments are available on the portal and more than 7000 judgments are added each month. 49 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT 4.17 Crop Production Statistics (CPS) Information System This application available at is being used to collect district wise, crop wise, season wise and year wise data on crop covered area and production.. The data is being used to study and analyze crop production, production contribution to district/state/country, Agro-climatic zone wise performance, and high performance production order for crops, crop growing pattern and diversifications. The system is also a vital source for formulating crop related schemes and assessing their impacts. 4.18 DACNET A Central Sector Scheme for bringing e-Governance in the Directorates and Field Units of Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (DAC) has been executed by NIC in 40 Directorates/Attached/Subordinate offices of DAC and their field units. Functional Hardware/Software tools have been provided with LAN and Internet service, websites/application software related to the directorates have been developed and implemented to empower the officials of these units and promote collaborative computing. It has reduced the time taken to deliver the services by making information available online at 4.19 Data Analysis Systems for Evaluation of Flagship Programmes Keeping in view the importance of an efficient evaluation system, the Programme Evaluation Organization (PEO), Planning Commission conducts three to four evaluation studies every year. In these Evaluation Studies data collected from beneficiaries as well as implementers at different levels like Village, Block, District and State on various issues relating to implementation and impact of the schemes, is extensively analyzed by PEO to prepare an 'Evaluation Report'. A system has been developed by integrating Information Technology into each step of the study starting from Data Preparation, Entry, Validation to Data Analysis. In last three years Data Analysis Systems have been developed for the following schemes : • Cooked Mid-day Meal Scheme (CMDM) • Rural Road Component of Bharat Nirman (Rural Roads) • Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) Data Analysis System has a Data Entry Package to support entry of data collected and a Analysis Module for analyzing the data. New initiative was taken to implement the system in a distributed environment by allowing Regional and Programme Evaluation Offices in various states to do the data entry work from their offices for the concerned states over Internet. For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] or
[email protected] http://pcmis/tsc For further details, please contact:
[email protected] NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS 4.20 DISNIC-PLAN Project DISNIC-PLAN Project ( for Micro Level Planning was launched in about 27 Sectors of importance, viz. Agriculture, Education, Industries, Rural Development, Health etc., to provide decision support to the district administration. Planning Commission has suggested NIC to re-establish the DISNIC-PLAN Project with institutional linkages of grassroots level organizations by building up of spatial and non-spatial databases to provide continuous support to development agencies in districts. The DISNIC-PLAN was envisaged to get implemented in one district in 28 States starting with Jhajjar in Haryana and North and South Goa. Dataset for creating "Village level database" has been worked out through various national/state/regional workshops and also from inputs from various Government Departments and institutions. 4.21 e-Courts Project The e-Courts scheme aims ICT enablement of the lower courts across the country in their functioning. The project envisages deployment of hardware, software and networking to assist district and taluka courts in streamlining their day to day functioning. Key functions such as case filing, allocation, registration, case workflow, orders and judgments will be IT- enabled. Cause lists, Case status, orders, judgments will be available on the web and made accessible to litigants, advocates, and general public. The project aims to build a national grid of key judicial information available 24x7 in a reliable and secure manner. The key services to the public are Registration of cases, copies of judgments through the web, Preparation and delivery of decrees through email, generation of automated cause list, generation of court diaries, Availability of Case status Generation of daily orders. The services for Registry are submission and tracking of report of Commissioner/ pleader appointed for recording evidence, storing of documentary evidence, Scanning and digitally capturing the cases in the database, automated calculation of court fees due and paid, Release of orders to the copying section, Filing of written statement by the defendant, Tracking of generation of written statement, etc. 4.22 Electronic Post (ePost) The internet revolution has allowed rapid exchange of communication through email. However, the internet has not yet reached most of rural India and other remote areas. To bridge this digital divide and to bring the benefit of the revolutionary internet technology to people living in rural areas, Department of Posts has introduced ePost ( ePost is a service under which printed or even handwritten messages of customers are scanned and transmitted as email. At the destination post offices, these messages are printed, enveloped and delivered through postmen like other letters to the respective postal addresses. For this purpose, ePost centres have been set up in Post Offices covering all the districts and major towns. These ePost centres are equipped with internet connection, computers, printers and scanners. However, ePost service is not limited to the ePost centres only and can be availed from any Post Office. The messages booked at Post Offices which are not the ePost centres, are sent to ePost centres for scanning and dispatch. Similarly, messages received at ePost centres for areas beyond their delivery jurisdiction are printed and sent to concerned Post Offices for delivery in normal channel through postman. Besides availing 51 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] � e-Courts Project FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT ePost service through Post Offices, it can also be availed from customer's home or office having internet access as a prepaid customer. The current rate for the ePost service is Rs. 10 per page per addressee. In addition to these retail services, Corporate Houses and bulk users also can avail this service at discounted rates. The corporate/ bulk users have the facility to create their own templates (in any language) in which bulk messages can be sent to their customers along with the customer's personalized data. 4.23 e-Panchayat Mission Mode Project Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR), Government of India, has undertaken e-Panchayat Mission Mode Project (e-Panchayat MMP), in collaboration with NIC/NICSI, with a view to introduce and strengthen e-Governance in Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) across the country and build associated capacities of the PRIs for effective adoption of the e-Governance initiative. MoPR identified 12 Core Common Application Areas for PRIs, which when automated could lead to enhanced efficiency, transparency and accountability of PRIs. Some of these applications are : • Assigning & maintaining Unique IDs for Panchayats & Urban Local Bodies (Local Government Directory) and their assets • Panchayat Profiler for capturing details related to socio- economic information, demographic details, public infrastructure and amenities etc. (PRIProfiler) • Planning & Budgeting (PlanPlus), Accounting (PriaSoft) and Scheme Implementation & Monitoring (ActionSoft) • Service Delivery to manage the service delivery process in a transparent and efficient manner 4.24 Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) Project The Employees' Provident Fund Organization is a statutory body administering a compulsory contributory Provident Fund, Pension and an Insurance scheme for Indian Work force. The Computerization of EPFO has been designed to address the challenges of providing efficient, accessible and timely services to the member subscribers and employers which is being carried out in two phases. The focus of the 1st phase is to develop and implement an Application Software that provides best possible services to the Provident Fund For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] � Comprehensive Framework for Panchayat Enterprise Suite NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS Members and helps in creation of a strong local data base having features to update and improve legacy data in a phased and practical manner. After completion of 1st phase, the Provident Fund Members will be able to view their PF balances and status position of their claims etc. through Internet. The 2nd phase concentrates on consolidating services and data base at the central level so as to provide 'anytime-anywhere' services and to implement a double entry accounting system. Some of the Modules covered under 1st phase are: • Establishment Module: Provides functions for creation and updation of the database of an establishment. Facility has been given for uploading of data, Reconciliation of challan data with Bank statement, uploading of returns such as Form 12A, 3A, 6A and generation of Demand Collection and Balance Register (DCBR) and compilation of annual statement of accounts of the members. • Member Module: Provides function for entry of Form 5/9/10/2 for entry of member details, Family details and nomination particulars. In addition Member Data can be updated using various functions such as Member VDR, Member VDR Special and Withdrawal History etc. • Claims Module: Provides functions for receipt, processing and settlement of various types of claims such as Form 19, Form 20, Form 31, Form 13, Form 10C, Form 10D and Form 5IF. Assist the field officials to settle the claims after taking into account the Contributions, Transfer-in accumulations, if any (Annexure 'K'), withdrawals already given and also to rectify any discrepancy noticed at the time of settlement of claims through Appendix 'E'. • Pension Module: Provides functions for generation and printing of PPOs and Scheme Certificates. Assist the field officials in keeping track of surrender of Scheme Certificates, Transfer-in and out with or without PPO, generation of statements soft as well as hard copy, for initial arrear pension payments as well as generation of monthly statements for pension payments, updating various details such as Life, Non marriage certificate, Date of death etc. in the application software. • Payment Module: Provides for generation and approval of scrolls, preparation of cash books etc. Assist the field officials in releasing payments through Cheqeus, Money Orders, Core Banking System of SBI and NEFT, handling of returned cheques, cancellation of state cheques etc. Payment confirmations received from SBI through bank statements can be uploaded to facilitate reconciliation of cash books with payment details etc. • System Administration Module: System Administration Module provides for creation of Users, assigning roles to them with the period of validity, defining number of levels. • Data Migration Module: Facilitates migration of legacy data into the new system on 'As-is-where-is-basis' and to address the issues relating to the inconsistency, inaccuracy and imperfection in the legacy data through the application software. • The new application software for EPFO was launched at Karnal on 7th September 2009. The software has been rolled out subsequently in various offices, and has now been implemented in 119 offices out of 120 offices. With its launch, EPF members will experience speedy claim settlement, timely issue of annual accounts and disbursement of pension to pensioners. 53 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] � Employees' Provident Fund Organization FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT 4.25 Exam Results through Internet The Exam results portal is a web based software system developed to publish Exam Results on Net. Along with state of art infrastructure, the complete solution was set up at NIC Data Centre at Delhi ( The main objective of the Project has been to establish "Authentic & Always First" Point of Access to Results of All the Examinations in India be it Academic, Entrance or Recruitment and to ensure fast access to the data. The system uses state-of-the-art infrastructure comprising performance tuned network devices, servers and software products as well as application along with the latest load balancing techniques are being used to effectively manage the peak load on servers, immediately after the announcement of any result. The solution was first deployed for dissemination of CBSE results on the net and has been extended for use by a number of School Education Boards as well as, Entrance exams (AIEEE, AIPMT), Universities such as Indraprastha University, Institute of Chartered Accounts of India (ICAI) and recruitment boards like Staff Selection Commission (SSC). NIC has developed a specialised software for publishing exam results which has been made available to the NIC centres across India with appropriate guidelines to use/customise the software. 4.26 Forest Rights Monitoring System Forest Right Monitoring System-MIS was developed to capture the workflow for Patta allotment starting from receipt of application to final distribution of the Patta Certificate. This system support multilingual interfaces with two different themes. A sound based support is also built in to the system. System allows Citizen to check the status of their claim application any time. All other reports of approved applications, rejected applications, partially accepted applications related to Individual and Community Claim are available on the website. One can see the details of around 2 lakhs committee members created in 19 states. As per online statistics available in the system, 8.5 lakh applications were received and around 4 lakh claims were settled. The drilldown reports of individual claims, district wise and community claims are also. In the state of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Kerala map of the allotted land is also being printed along with the Patta certificate. In community Claims, around 1347 claims were settled. The reports are being shown in charts as well in tabular form. The system has been developed using advanced Java. JBOSS, PostgreSQL & Fusion Chart. 4.27 ICT for Indian Judiciary The National Informatics Centre (NIC) is serving the legal community through Information Technology (IT) since 1990 when the COURTIS (Court Information System) Project was commissioned for streamlining registries of various courts. Since then, NIC with the constant support of the Supreme Court For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS of India has taken great strides. Today all High Courts have been computerised and interconnected through NICNET. For execution of this project, the IT needs of various stakeholders viz., the litigants, the judges, the advocates and the registry were identified and catered for. Information on some of the applications which have been successfully implemented at Supreme Court and 21 High Courts are given below. These applications have either direct or indirect impact on the masses i.e. litigants. The entire range of applications developed provides both G2G and G2C services. • Case Status module provides information on pending and disposed case status information to litigants/advocates on Internet. It covers the cases at Supreme Court and High Courts. • Judgment Information System (JUDIS) is available online as well as on CD-Rom consisting of complete text of reported judgment of the Supreme Court and a number of High Courts. Judgments can be accessed through Part name, Advocate, Date of judgment and more importantly through Free text search. Judgments are available on the web-site within 24 hours of their delivery in the court. • Cause Lists are scheduling of cases to be heard by the courts on the following day. The Cause lists of Supreme Court and all High Courts are available on the internet. Advocates can generate their own Cause lists from the site. Litigants can retrieve information through the name of either petitioner or respondent . The Court wise/ Judge wise lists can be prepared. • Daily Orders of Supreme Court and High Courts are available on the web. As soon as the orders are signed by the Judges, they are available on Internet. These orders are only for information to the litigants. For official copy of the signed orders one has to obtain through normal channels. Litigants can have access to the signed orders without travelling to the court In addition to the above a number of backend functions of the court have also been computerized. Additionally a module for e- filing is also now available. 4.28 ICT System for National Bamboo Mission The National Bamboo Mission (NBM) scheme, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation envisages to promote the growth of the bamboo sector and promote, develop and disseminate technologies through traditional wisdom and modern scientific knowledge to generate employment opportunities for skilled and unskilled persons, especially unemployed youths. NIC has developed an MIS ( on District level Progress Monitoring facilitating online reporting of data from States & Districts. 4.29 Immigration, Visa, Foreigners Registration & Tracking (IVFRT) System IVFRT Project is one of the ten Central Government Mission Mode Projects under the NEGP. The project aims at developing an integrated system across the functions of immigration, visa and foreigner's registration and tracking as part of a broader emphasis on immigration control. IT infrastructure and services 55 ICT for Indian Judiciary For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT are being set up at 77 Immigration check posts, 170 Indian Missions abroad, 7 Foreigners Regional Registration Offices (FRROs) and about 600 Foreigners Registration Offices (FROs). The implementation of the project will enable authentication of a traveler's identity through use of Intelligent Document Scanners and Biometrics, updation of details at entry and exit points, and improved tracking through sharing of information captured during visa issuance, travel, stay etc. The overall task includes streamlining functions, processes, people, technology and resources, and designing a secured and integrated ICT system and planned an interface with the passport and Visa system that enables seamless information flow among various stakeholders and facilitation of in-bound and out-bound travelers. IVFRT system is envisaged as an asynchronous system with one central system. The system would enable cross flow of requisite data for UCF creation and updation including traveler history, biometric and biographic information as well as risk assessment. This system would facilitate information exchange between MHA, MEA and other agencies such as Bureau of Immigration and FRRO/FRO as role based access control. The system would facilitate visa information data and its sharing with ICPs(under MHA) to enable viewing traveler's visa information at ICPs. Visa application forms have been standardized. Online Visa application system with appointment scheduling has been completed and introduced in Bangladesh, Pakistan and UK covering 7 missions / consulates. New visa sticker with enhanced security features (2D barcode, Photo, MRZ) has been introduced in Rajshahi (Bangladesh). The Visa Applications received by the Missions (Pakistan, Bangladesh and UK) are uploaded by the authorized officers on the Central Processing Server. IB, BoI and RAW have been given access to Visa Application Data and these agencies are granting online clearance for Prior Reference Cases. MHA is also clearing the cases electronically. The project shall result in integration of all the concerned systems starting from Visa application to their exit from India including their stay and ensure seamless flow/ sharing of Information among all stake-holders. All the IVFRT systems shall be networked on a real-time basis with all embassies and consulates, immigration checkpoints in India, and the seven FRROs. All visa applications will be online, and an online watch list will be created in coordination with various security agencies to quicken the visa process for genuine travelers. 4.30 India Image India Image Programme is aimed at establishing Government presence on the web. NIC offers Design, Development and Consultancy on Government Websites and Portals. Consultancy and support is given to Government Departments in designing new sites as well as enhancing existing websites. Number of existing websites of the Government were reviewed & redesigned to make them compliant with Guidelines for Government websites. These included Ministry of Finance, NIC � Visa Online For further details, please contact:
[email protected] � India Image NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS Home portal, Department of Information Technology, Department of Social Justice etc. 4.31 Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) for Rural Water Sector The Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) software ( launched in April, 2009 was implemented in all states and UTs. The data pertaining to drinking water supply status in 16,59,580 rural habitations of the country, is available online. It also enables monitoring of coverage of schools and anganwadis with safe drinking water. The coverage status of a habitation is monitored on the basis of online progress report generated by the states. The focus of monitoring of coverage is being further shifted from habitation status to population coverage status within the habitation. The IMIS also enables the user to view the water quality affected habitations, the mitigation measures taken and the details of the safe water supply systems catering to the needs of these affected habitations. Salient features • Provides near to real time coverage status of a particular habitation available with water supply assets created within that habitation and their functionality status, thereby promoting transparency. • Allows viewing of the quality status of a source to find out if safe potable water is available in a particular habitation • Facilitates the monitoring of the covered habitations which have slipped back to uncovered status again • Helps in elimination of repeated investments in some habitations while other uncovered / difficult habitations remain deprived. • Achieves high transparency through user-friendly reports available in public domain • Creates an interaction between the government and the PRIs as both can monitor the community-based programs and the status of water supply assets handed over to the PRIs. 4.32 Integrated Disease Surveillance Project Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP) is a decentralized, State based Surveillance Program in the country. It is intended to detect early warning signals of impending outbreaks and help initiate an effective response in a timely manner. ICT enabled IDSP project envisages use of computer and communication network for distance learning, information and data handling and transmission of data from the field for rapid action on the containment of diseases. The project seeks to enhance analysis and disaster preparedness, mitigation and response. Further emphasis in on improving the efficiency of existing surveillance activities of disease control programs and build decentralized structure for facilitating sharing of relevant information for smooth operation of the project. The National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD) serves as a hub of all the surveillance data activities and monitors all reports related to any disease outbreak. 57 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT The system has resulted in speedy data transmission for IDSP and other health programmes. The system allows online entry of data to central server, data entry of hand written formats and collecting information through telephone/IVRS. The data is loaded to central server at New Delhi that has been made available for monitoring, trend analysis and remedial actions at district, state and central level. With the setting up of IDSP, it has been possible to gather disease surveillance data in short span of time and effectively analyze the data for monitoring/predicting of an outbreak of diseases. 4.33 Integrated Information System for Food Grains Management IISFM for Food Corporation of India (FCI) is a flagship project which operates through a country-wide network of 5 Zonal Offices, 23 Regional Offices and 170 District Offices. The system captures complete workflow of FCI at depots spread all over India. It captures stock position of grains stored in around 1700 depots managed by FCI. Through this, the latest stock position and trend analysis on off take and availability of grains, etc. is made available to the planners and decision makers over the web. The system has a base application for the Districts which consolidates the stock position at District level. All the 166 FCI districts are entering their fortnightly stock data through this centralized online application. The fortnightly stock position at District level is available over the web. The Depot Application covers various operations of the Depot such as Receipts, Issues, Dispatches, Rail Movement, Gunny Inventory, Quality Treatment, Internal Movement and Data Transmission. It generates 68 different reports at the Depot Level. The Masters & Feedback Management System (MFMS) provides a common platform for the users to post and track not only their feedbacks but also the feedbacks posted by other users. 4.34 Integrated Voice Response System (IVRS) NIC has been implementing a large number of e-Governance projects for various ministries / departments / states on turnkey basis to strengthen governance. A number of these projects are citizen centric and require direct contact for support, access and information needs. Many of these projects are in the socio- economic sector which are being monitored by Government officials / ministries / states; and often require assistance in accessing the applications in timely manner. The IVRS Services uses the latest IT tools as an interface to deliver voice centric services to citizen and govt. departments. The interface is a general solution with multi languages, so that it can be used across India at the grass root level too. NIC is hosting IVRS at the Central IVRS servers at iNOC for PWD, Hon. Supreme Court of India & Hon. High Court of Delhi, School Results Announcement (CBSE 10th, 12th). The present infrastructure is being upgraded to build up a Central IVRS Service delivery platform infrastructure to facilitate the application support for e- Governance projects. Further the same infrastructure will also be used by the other government department for providing IVRS interface to e-governance projects. The above upgradation will provide for usage of Text to Speech and Voice Recognition Technology in various Indian languages for IVRS & Call Center Services which can be utilised for all G2C projects scaling up to approx. 2.5 to 10 Lakhs@ calls per day. � Integrated Voice Response System (IVRS) For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS 4.35 Indian Customs EDI System (ICES) Indian Customs EDI System (ICES) is an initiative of Indian Customs to use ICT to meet these challenges by eliminating redundant processes, decreasing reliance on cumbersome paper documents, speeding up processing times, and creating international standards for data. ICES is a workflow based automation system for processing of customs documents at different levels for clearance of cargo. The documents are reviewed by different level of officers at various stages of processing. The final clearance is accorded after selective physical examination. ICES keeps track of the officers who have handled the document at each stage of processing. Document tracking facility is also given to the trade for enquiry. The process of Customs Clearance is depicted below: ICES provides for integration with other agencies involved in Customs clearance process through EDI technology over ICEGATE. The agencies involved are - Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), Banks, Shipping Agents, Importers/Exporters/Custom House Agents, Port Authorities, Airports, Container Freight Stations, Inland Container depots etc. Other value added services implemented as part of ICES Application are: • e-Payment of Customs duties through multiple banks • Touch Screen Kiosks at Custom Houses • Tele-enquiry • Remote EDI System (RES) Software for preparation and remote filing of Imports/Exports/Import General Manifest/Consol Manifest Declarations in EDI format • On-line Document Tracking at Web Site • Web based Help Desk facility 4.36 Land Use Statistics (LUS) Information System This application ( is being used to collect data on how the geographical land is being used under different classifications including irrigated area of different water sources, crop wise irrigated and un- irrigated area. The data is being used to study and analyze land use pattern, crop diversifications, impact of the different ongoing schemes on irrigation & crops and for formulation of new schemes. 59 � Indian Customs EDI System (ICES) For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT 4.37 Limited Liability Partnership Act Project The Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is viewed as an alternative corporate business vehicle that provides the benefits of limited liability but allows its members the flexibility of organizing their internal structure as a partnership based on a mutually arrived agreement. The LLP form would enable entrepreneurs, professionals and enterprises providing services of any kind or engaged in scientific and technical disciplines, to form commercially efficient vehicles suited to their requirements. Ministry of Corporate Affairs implemented LLP Act 2008 w.e.f 01st April 2009 and NIC has been engaged in for implementing an online eGovernance solution for the same. The application has an exclusive Portal as a virtual front office to access around 23 downloadable forms meant for steps in formation and running of LLP. The portal facilitates the users to upload the digitally signed e-forms alongwith enclosures/attachments and payment of fee through payment gateway by credit card/net banking. This portal also facilitates the front office users to check the status of filed forms or work on the observations of the back office. The Back Office is a fully automated system with the features of work flow and role based access for the registration of LLPs. The complete internal office jobs are handled through this web based system and no paper files are created. 4.38 MIS for Preparedness, Control and Containment of Avian Influenza A web-based application system for Preparedness, Control and Containment of Avian Influenza" has been developed for the use of all Central and Regional Animal Disease Diagnostic laboratories and Animal Quarantine Certification Service Stations. This application captures details of unusual sickness of the birds from the Disease Investigation officer, tests conducted on received samples by the Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratories and test results obtained from them. 4.39 MIS on Integrated Action Plan for Selected Tribal & Backward Districts The implementation of development programmes in Selected Tribal & Backward Districts needs to be improved calling for special steps to strengthen the administration, including filling up of vacancies, increasing stakeholder participation, capacity building and improving monitoring and evaluation. A web based MIS for Integrated Action Plan (IAP) for 60 Selected Tribal and Backward Districts pertaining to 09 States (IAP-MIS) ( has been developed to facilitate online monitoring of various programmes. It has been widely used for updating the performance of eleven major flagship programmes as well as to monitor the financial utilization. The MIS also has linkages with Census 2001 Demographic and Amenities database pertaining to these 60 districts. The system provides district and village level information relating to nine types of basic amenities such Education, Health, Drinking Water, Communication, Recreational Facilities, Banking, Post Telegraph and Telephone, Electrical Supply and Connectivity in 34 Left Wing Extremism affected districts. The progress of the project in these 60 districts are monitored regularly through videoconference. 4.40 Monitoring of Projects submitted to EFC (MIS-EFC) Planning Commission undertakes appraisal of Central Sector projects and schemes before these are considered for For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS investment approval/decision by the Public Investment Board (PIB) or Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC) depending upon the size and nature of project cost. A web based Management Information system has been developed to view the status appraisal notes issued and pending EFC/PIB proposals for appraisal to undertake the techno-economic appraisal of Central Sector projects and schemes of major projects and programmes in the public sector for facilitating the investment decision by the Government. Information of issued appraisal notes has been uploaded since January, 2008 and till date pending EFC/PIB proposals.. System can be accessed using URL. 4.41 National Animal Disease Reporting System (NADRS) Project The main objective of National Animal Disease Reporting System (NADRS) Project is to record and monitor livestock disease situation in the country with a view to initiate preventive and curative action in a timely and speedy manner. The NADRS involves a computerized network, integrating both MIS and GIS, linking 7032 Block, District and the State/UT Headquarters in the country to the Central Disease Reporting & Monitoring Unit (CDRMU) in the DADF at New Delhi. 4.42 National Employment Service Project National Employment Service Project had been developed for Ministry of Labour and Employment, Directorate General of Employment & Training (DGET), for computerization of Employment Exchanges in the country. The systems aims to provide a single point portal for jobseekers, employers and employment exchange officials. It consists of the following modules: • Registration module for various activities related to registration/renewal of job seekers and issue of Employment Card. • Vacancy module for registration of employers and booking of job vacancies. • Submission module for searching of live register to match job-seekers to a notified vacancy, preparing submission list and taking care of post submission activities. • Employment Market Information module for collecting regular information about employment in private sector as well as public sector about number of persons employed, vacancies occurred and types of persons in short supply. • Vocational Guidance module to provide information to the students/Job-seekers about the career conferences/ exhibitions/seminars/career campaigns etc • Employment Statistics module to provide complete information about the job seekers registered, vacancies notified and vacancies filled at Employment Exchange, State and All India level. 61 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT 4.43 National Horticulture Mission National Horticulture Mission (NHM) is being implemented in all the States and Union Territories of India to promote holistic growth of the horticulture sector covering fruits, vegetables, root and tuber crops, mushroom, spices, flowers, aromatic plants, cashew and cocoa through a variety of interventions relating to production and productivity improvement, HRD, post harvest management and marketing. The HORTNET project ( is a unique intervention to accomplish e-Governance in NHM where-in total transparency has been envisaged in all the processes of workflow i.e., online application filing, authentication, processing and online payment to the beneficiary's bank account. SMS based e-alerting is an added feature of the system. The project is being implemented using the available Govt. ICT infrastructure, i.e. NIC Data Centre Infrastructure. The Project enables all stakeholders to gain access to information and data on real time basis for ensuring better delivery mechanism and efficient administration of the scheme. The MIS has been designed to promote G2G, G2C, G2F interface with access to grass-root level data on ANY- TIME-ANY-WHERE basis. Online data is being reported from 18 States and 2 UTs. The system is being roll-out nationally to all states and districts. Horticulture Mission for North East and Himalayan States (HMNEHS) ( has been launched for Integrated Development of Horticulture in this area. The Mission is based on the "end-to-end approach" taking into account the entire gamut of horticulture development, with all backward and forward linkages, in a holistic manner. It envisages to provide North East and Himalayan states with adequate Information and Communication Technology infrastructure. A central database and an ICT based Progress Monitoring System has been established for storing all the necessary information and data related to scheme. 4.44 National Land Records Modernisation Programme (NLRMP) The Government of India has decided to implement the Centrally-Sponsored scheme in the shape of the National Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP) by merging two existing Centrally-Sponsored Schemes of Computerization of Land Records (CLR) and Strengthening of Revenue Administration and Updating of Land Records (SRA&ULR). The major components of the programme are computerization of all land records including textual and spatial records and mutations, survey/re-survey and updation of all survey & settlement records including creation of original cadastral records wherever necessary, computerization of registration, development of core GIS and capacity building. The basic service of distributing computerized Record of Rights (RoR) is operational in around 4000 tehsils of the country. The Bhunaksha software for integration of Record of Rights (RoR) and Maps has also been implemented in the States of Chhattisgarh and Haryana where RoR and map abstract are being distributed from computers. The training on Bhunakha System has been given to officials of Tripura and pilot run is being done for one Revenue Circle. The customization of system is being done for Odisha and Himachal Pradesh. NLRMP training of trainers has been given to 621 Revenue Officials at 31 locations. This has been instrumental to prepare trained manpower to further train field level survey and revenue officials. For further details, please contact:
[email protected] NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS Some of the systems currently operational across the country include Bhoomi in Karnataka, Tamil Nilam in Tamil Nadu, e-Dharni- Goa, Bhuyan-Chhatisgarh, ApnaKhata - Rajasthan, Himbhoomi - Himachal Pradesh, e-Dhara - Gujarat, Bhumi - West Bengal. The States of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Goa and Gujarat are fully operational and have stopped the manual distribution of Record of Rights. The States of Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Sikkim, Andhra Pradesh, Pondicherry and NCT of Delhi have made many tehsils/taluks operational. Record of Rights is available for viewing on the internet for the states of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Tripura, Assam, Goa, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Haryana. Property Registration: Property Registration involves recording a copy of a document and transferring the title in immovable property to the office of the Registrar. The registration process has been computerized in around 3000 sub-registrar offices of the country enabling better citizen services and generation of various statistical reports. The major projects running across the Country are SCORE (Bihar), PRERNA (Uttar Pradesh), CARD (AP), Panjeeyan (Assam), DORIS (Delhi), ReD (Gujarat), HALRIS/ HARIS (Haryana), HIMRIS (HP), STAR (TN), PEARL (Kerala), e-Pathiram (Puducherry), PRISM (Punjab), CORD (West Bengal), SARITA (Maharashtra), KAVERI (Karnataka), CROWN (Uttarakhand), Sikkim, Chhattisgarh, Manipur, Tripura, etc. e-Stamping system has been implemented in the States of Assam, Gujarat and Delhi. Some States like Gujarat have designed simplified 2-3 page deed documents. The first page will contain property details and second page contains parties' details & few related declarations. The states of Gujarat, Delhi and Bihar have provided online calculators for property and land valuation. The property registration system has been further integrated with land records mutation process in the States of Maharashtra and Himachal Pradesh. 4.45 National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) MIS Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS), under the National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP), Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, was launched in November 2007. Under IGNOAPS, old age pension of Rs. 200/- is being granted to a person who is 65 years or higher and belonging to a household below the poverty line'. On the occasion of the launch of the IGNOAPS, it was indicated that all efforts should be made to include details of every beneficiary in a computerized data base. The system was developed to capture the legacy data of old pensioners; identification, verification and sanction of new 63 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] � National Land Records Modernisation Programme (NLRMP) FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT pensioners; sanctions, releases and allocations of funds; disbursement of pensions; periodic physical verification of pensioners; transfer of pensioners; process appeals; etc. All the States were requested to furnish legacy data of all the existing beneficiaries under IGNOAPS in digital format. In order to allow entry of data from remote locations offline system was designed in MS-Access and made available on website for downloading and data entry. Further, during 2009, Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme (IGNWPS) and the Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension Scheme (IGNDPS) were also launched. IGNWPS is given to widows belonging to BPL and aged between 40 and 64. IGNDPS is given to those disabled persons who are aged between 18 and 64 and have at least one severe disability of 80% or higher and at least two disabilities of 40% above. IGNOAPs MIS was enhanced to include IGNWPS and IGNDPS. It is based on Open Source technologies. The system facilitates disbursement of pension as per RBI guidelines and helps in achieving transparency and ensuring accountability apart from improving monitoring of implementation of the Programme. NIC is further working on extending the system to include other State level social schemes to make the system all inclusive. 4.46 NIKSHAY - Prevention & Monitoring of Tuberculosis in India Ministry of Health & Family Welfare launched Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP), incorporating the components of internationally recommended DOTS Strategy for control of TB in India in 1992. In order to monitor individual TB patient, NIKSHAY, case-based, web-based application software has been developed and hosted at The application includes monitoring & management of users and masters at national, state and district level. Tuberculosis units register the TB patients and a unique number is generated for future references. Registration of TB Patients includes personal details, DOT provider details, history of anti-TB Treatment, pre- treatment lab test details and disease classification. The application facilitates role based search facility based on TB Registration ID and through navigation. Profiles of State TB Officers (STOs), District TB Officers (DTOs) and Tuberculosis Unit Officers and Officials are also being maintained. Push & Pull based SMS technology will be used to monitor the progress of the project, to have contact with TB Patients, DOTS Providers for monitoring of treatment follow-up. More than 5000 DMCs/PHIs have been created. 4.47 Nirmal Gram Puraskar Online System The Nirmal Gram Puraskar (NGP) ( is a national award winner under Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) Programme of the Department of Drinking Water Supply. It is an incentive for Panchayati Raj Institutions (GP, BP and ZP) as well as individuals and organizations that are the driving force for 100% sanitation coverage in rural India. Every year Hon'ble President of India gives away these Awards to those Panchayats which have succeeded in achieving 100% sanitation coverage in that year. The NIC Information Systems Cell of Department of Drinking Water Supply has played an important role in this massive exercise, by computerizing the entire process starting from initial process of application entry at district level, initial scrutiny at state level and final scrutiny at Central level and the process of generating awardees list. It also contains modules, For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS which helps the department officials in making all the logistic arrangements for the NGP awarding ceremony. Till now 28002 Gram Panchayats, 181 Block Panchayats and 13 Zilla Panchayats have been awarded NGP. In addition to the above, about 50 types of Reports are prepared for supporting decision- making and logistic arrangements for the main function. • All information is available in public domain, thereby inducting a high level of transparency. • Any applicant PRI can view the application status online • The verifying agencies can file their reports online thereby reducing massive paper work and compilation time. • Availability of information in public domain has also generated awareness about this incentive of the GoI in promoting a safe hygienic and healthy living environment for the rural people. 4.48 Official Language Portal The Official Language portal ( is a bilingual site using Unicode's Open Type Fonts i.e. Mangal. Services through this portal include Seniority Lists of Central Secretariat Official Language employees, Hindi Salahkar Samitis, learning hindi - Prabodh, Praveen & Pragya online, Online English to Hindi Translation, online Bilingual, Bi- directional e-Mahashabdkosh, Processing of Hindi Teaching Scheme Examination Results, etc. 4.49 Online System for Allotment of All-India Quota of Medical/Dental Seats In the previous years, candidates sometimes along with their parents had to travel long distances to participate in the counseling process. The entire counselling process, conducted in 2-3 rounds used to span 3 months. In order to reduce the time span for counseling and facilitate students to take part in the counseling process from their homes or nearest internet access point, online system has been designed for allotment of All-India Quota of Medical/Dental Seats from 2012. This web based application facilitates end-to- end support towards streamlining the admission processes in all phases like Examination, Counseling and post Counseling operations in the Technical and Academic Institutions. 10968 students for 5294 number of seats in Medical stream in 136 institutes and 481 students for 182 number of seats in Dental 65 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] or
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT stream in 26 institutes have registered. It is proposed to extend this service for UGs in which approximetely 125 institutes are participating for more than 3000 seats across the country. The advantages of online counseling over traditional counseling through personal appearance are: • Since the number of seats available under All India Quota, in both PG and UG courses have increased over the years, it is not possible to complete counseling by personal appearance with in prescribed time limit. • Candidates, including Physically Challenged and girls students, and their parents are required to undertake long journey number of times (up to 6-8 times) within short period of time, causing financial and physical strain to them. • Two rounds of counseling (through personal appearance have been extended to 3 rounds through online counseling ensuring better utilization of All India Quota PG and UG seats and minimize wastage of All India Quota Seats. • The expenditure on counseling is almost nil for the candidates and much less for Government. • The online counselling process is faceless yet fully transparent and fair. 4.50 Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) OCI ( scheme was introduced by amending the Citizenship Act, 1955 in August 2005. The scheme provides for registration as Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) of Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs). The OCI documents consist of OCI Registration Booklet and a Universal visa sticker. The OCI can apply for card online from anywhere in the world. The form submitted by the applicant is registered by the respective Embassy, Competent Authority at Indian Missions/ Posts after verification of the application scans. The status of the application submitted can be viewed through Online Status Enquiry. The applicant can also sent email in case of any problem while applying through online or delay in the issuance. An on-line OCI miscellaneous service is now available for re- issuance /issuance of duplicate OCI documents. Through this application 6,49,951 persons have been issued OCI cards. 4.51 Online Monitoring System for the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) Total Sanitation Campaign is a flagship programme of the Government of India, which follows a principle of "low to no subsidy" where a nominal subsidy in the form of incentive is given to rural poor households for construction of toilets. The key intervention areas are Individual household latrines (IHHL), School Sanitation and Hygiene Education (SSHE), Community Sanitary Complex, Anganwadi toilets supported by Rural Sanitary Marts (RSM) and Production Centers (PCs). The project is being implemented in rural areas taking district as a unit of implementation. So far, 607 projects have been sanctioned in 607 districts with total layout of 22672 crore. These projects are at various stages of implementation. The TSC online system facilitates • Approval of Projects on the basis of Baseline Survey • Release of funds for approved projects • Monitoring of Physical & Financial Progress report For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] � Process Flow of Counseling System NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS • Implementation of Support programme (IEC,HRD,CCDU) During the 11th Five year plan, Ministry has successfully implemented the TSC web-based online monitoring system at the Gram Panchayat level. The system displays names of 1,96,35,933 beneficiaries of 1,50,136 GPs as on 23rd May 2012. The data inputs / updates made through this software gets automatically reflected in all the reports/ queries and GIS maps generated by the system. All these reports/queries/graphs/GIS maps are being used by all the districts/states/Ministries & Other departments/ministries of GOI. • The TSC Online system provides all necessary information to GoI for approval of projects, release of funds in ongoing projects as well as monitoring of the existing projects. • All information is available in public domain, thereby inducting a high level of transparency and has truly empowered the end user with information at fingertips. • Availability of information in public domain has also generated awareness about the endeavour of the GoI in promoting a safe hygienic and healthy living environment for the rural people as well spreading the message of safe sanitation and dignity of womenfolk. 4.52 Pension Authorisation, Retrieval and Accounting System (PARAS) The working of Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO) is fully computerized and it maintains a databank of Central (Civil) pensioners. Over 9 lakh pensioners are provided pension related services by the CPAO through more than 50,000 paying bank branches all over the country. PARAS facilitates accounting of the pension disbursed by banks & reimbursed by Govt. and tracking of a case right from the receipt to dispatch. It provides for Grievance Redressal and VIP, RTI & Court Cases. 4.53 Passport Issuance System The Consular, Passport and Visa (CPV) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) provides passport and consular services to Indian citizens through the Central Passport Organization (CPO), and consular and visa services to foreign nationals and Indians residing overseas through the passport, visa and consular wings of over 160 Missions and Posts abroad. The system allows Indian citizens to apply online from anywhere in India and submit the printed passport application form. The whole passport issuance starting from scanning of the application form, granting, police verification, security clearance and printing of machine readable Passport and dispatch of passport is fully computerized. Centralized Pendency Monitoring, Disaster Recovery for Individual offices and Passport booklet dispatch system and automatic Police Verification clearance approval system has also been included in existing system. Passport applications are being currently received at district level through over 365 DPCs, 1000 Speed Post Centers, 19 PACCs. For public facilitation, remote enquiries such as web, SMS and IVR were introduced. To take the passport service to the doorstep of the public, decentralized related modules like WEBPASS are introduced. This system includes modules from 67 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] or
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT online registration to printing of machine-readable passports. Over 500 million pages of passport application forms have been scanned, stored for electronic retrieval to go towards less paper office. For further details kindly visit, & Passport Information on Net (PISON) is a composite repository of Indian Passport applicants throughout globe. The total size of database is 80 million records, which include alphanumeric details and images of the passport applicants. PISON is also used by Immigration Check Posts (FRRO Offices) and other security agencies. The arrangement is also made to transmit the Police Clearance report online to passport offices. PISON also makes a check on multiple passport holders. Refer Passports are being printed for over 125 small Indian Missions. Over 400 passports are printed per day, and the unsigned printed documents are being sent to Indian Missions which avoid dispatch of Blank booklets. The passports that are issued are ICAO standard passports. According to the guide lines set by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) no hand written passports should be issued after 2010. This decision is taken by ICAO to speed up the passenger clearance at International Airports and strengthen the security of the travel documents. Refer 4.54 Pensioner's Portal for Government Servants The Pensioners' Portal is a Mission Mode Project of the Department of Pensions and Pensioners' Welfare, Government of India, taken-up under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP), which provides G2G, G2E and G2C services to the users. It is primarily aimed at making the pension/retirement related information, services and grievances handling mechanism accessible online to the needy pensioners and, thus, help bridge the gap between the Pensioners and the Government. The portal is also expected to serve as a one stop information source for the pensioners of Government of India (especially civil pensioners) across the country. The web-based Pensioners' Portal is serving as a dedicated platform(24 x 7 hours) for accessing pension and pensioner related information and services, especially related to Central Civil Pensioners. The Portal has both interactive and non- interactive components. The non interactive information available includes Pensions Act/Rules, Schemes, Procedures, Circulars, DA/DR Rates, Forms, Checklists, Guidelines, For further details, please contact:
[email protected] NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS Retirement Benefits & Welfare Measures, Classes of Pension, Pension Process Road Map/Time Frame, Citizen Charter of D/o Pension & Pensioners' Welfare, Hyperlinks to the Utilities/Services & relevant information sources the employees/pensioners/senior citizens may need most, 6th CPC Report & Recommendations and FAQs. The interactive component includes Online calculators for pension/family pension, gratuity and commutation as per 5th and 6th Pay Commission recommendations; status enquiries, generation of personalised pension road map, on-line lodging and status enquiry of grievances, submission of replies/clarifications by the pensioners/pensioners' Associations; Web based Centralised Pension Grievance Redress & Monitoring System (CPENGRAMS) a web based work flow system enabling the Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations to forward pension related grievances for facilitating the redress of grievances at the appropriate level. 4.55 Pest Disease Monitoring Information System (PDMIS) A web based online system ( is implemented for reporting and dissemination of pest disease situations by the States on weekly basis at district level. Information System for Integrated Pest Management ( is implemented for reporting crop wise pests & diseases situation and their intensity, available bio- control agents in the field, conservation and augmentation of bio-control agents, rodent control measures taken for pest control and Farmers Field School (FFS) activities undertaken by Central Integrated Pest Management Centres (CIPM). 4.56 Plant Quarantine Information System (PQIS) Plant Quarantine Information System (, a centralized application has been implemented to facilitate online registration of traders, online submission of application for Import permit, Import Release Order and Phyto-Sanitary Certificate (PSC) by traders, automation of fees calculation, workflow for processing these applications online at Plant Quarantine Stations, generation of Phyto-Sanitary Certificate (PSC), Import Permit (IP) and Import Release Order (IRO), MIS Reports for monitoring the application processing and creation of database on Import conditions as per the Plant Quarantine Order 2003. 32 Plant Quarantine Stations have been networked through dedicated leased line to NICNET for accessing the system. The system is also being used by the PSC Issuing Authorities (101). The system brings transparency in quarantine services, uniform adoption of standard procedures at all the PQSs and helps in minimizing visits of traders at Plant Quarantine Stations to get the certificate issued. 4.57 Postal Accounts Current System (PACS) PACS is a web based and workflow driven computerized system towards the management of the reporting, accounting and reconciliation of Government Business Transactions performed by the various Postal Units under various Postal Circles across the country. The software has the following major systems: • Transaction Reporting System for Banks and RBI • Transaction Reporting System for Postal Units • Discrepancy Management System • Penal Interest Management System • Automatic Transaction Accounting and Transfer Entry System • Inter Government Advises and Accounting • Cheque Book Management 69 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT • Reconciliation / Pairing • INTRANET Portal • Ledgers, Broadsheets, Reports and MIS The key success factors of this software would be to collect e- scrolls from banks and e-Schedules from Postal units so that the reconciliation of transactions between Postal Units and Bank Branches takes place automatically along with accounting of transactions with RBI and agency banks. The PACS software development was completed in 2009 and implementation at Karnataka Postal Circle has been completed. The PACS software was replicated and implemented on a pilot basis in five more circles (Delhi, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Jaipur and Bhopal) by 2010. After the successful completion at the pilot circles, Department of Posts has decided to customize, replicate and implement the software (PACS) from June-2011 in all other 16 Postal Circles across the country and expected to be completed by May-2012. The customization and replication has since been completed in Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Odisha, Himachal Pradesh and Chattisgarh. Customization is in progress in other Postal Circles. The PACS software, once fully replicated, will be covering 23 Postal Circles, 16 Agency Banks, RBI and about ten thousand Postal Units including Head Post Offices and Select Sub Post Offices across the country. NIC Bangalore has developed and implemented Government Business Transaction Reporting System (GBTRS) software for use in Agency Banks and this software are now being used by CANARA Bank, Syndicate Bank, Indian Bank and Indian Overseas Bank. NIC has also developed and implemented CBS (Core Banking System) Extraction Tools for State Bank of Mysore and State Bank of Hyderabad and implementation is in progress at State Bank of Travancore. GBTRS and CBS Extraction tools are the key measures to ensure e-Scrolls from Agency Banks other than State bank of India (SBI). SBI has introduced GBSS (Government Business Solution Software) and e-Scrolls are being arranged for the pilot circles using GBSS software. The Schedule Generation Tool, developed by NIC, has been integrated with the MEGHDOOT software so that e-Schedules are available from all Head Post Offices. 4.58 Postal Life Insurance (PLI Soft) Web based Postal Life Insurance software has been implemented to automate the workflow for issuance of policies and managing the accounts for each policy holder starting from acceptance of proposal till exit of the policy. This system is being used by 23 circles, 45 regions, 440 divisions and 820 Head Post offices across the country. Various modules incorporated in the software during the current year are Proposal entry and incentive calculation for agents, SMS For further details, please contact:
[email protected] � A typical window showing the pairing process NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS integration for sending alerts/acknowledgements to policy holders, Premium payment by insurant anywhere in the country, Instant transfer of policy, Assignment, conversion and Lapse policy, etc. Online fund position is provided from 820 head post offices to the PLI Directorate on a daily basis so that it can be invested in the market. Presently there are more than 54 lakh policies with sum assured to the tune of Rs. 72,257 Crores and 180 lakh active policies with sum assured to the tune of Rs. 78509 Crores under the Postal Life Insurance (PLI) and Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) schemes respectively. 4.59 Project Arrow Project Arrow was as an integrated and focused approach to enhance the Quality of Services and improve the 'Look and Feel' of identified Post Offices across the country. The underlining objective of the project was to provide e-enabled services so that Post Offices become a "Window to the World" for the 'Aam Aadmi'. This project was started with 50 identified Post Offices in first phase and expanded to 10,000+ post offices in four phases. NIC has developed Project Arrow Dash board and online monitoring system to improve quality of services by capturing transaction details by online data entry and customized data extraction tool (DET). Comprehensive Dash board has been designed to monitor status of various parameters like mail receipt / delivery, revenue etc., Data captured from DET files is displayed in various forms on web for analysis to concerned users. Detailed Key Performance Indicators (KPI) reports has been designed for 90+ parameters captured from 10,000+ post offices located across the country and have been made available online to all stake holders. All the views / reports made available to individual post offices and administrative offices like circle / region / divisional offices. Regular review meetings are taken based on these data to monitor the performance of the Project Arrow Post Offices. 4.60 Public Distribution System (PDS) Computerization End to End Computerization of Public Distribution System Activities (ePDS) is to enhance efficiency and monitoring of Distribution of Essential Commodities to the intended beneficiaries. The PDS computerization project makes PDS delivery system more effective in achieving food Security, bring in optimization of subsidy costs , improve Internal administrative efficiency in the Department, minimize the transit losses and pilferage at various levels, make information available to citizen through multiple interfaces like website or SMS and ensure timely delivery of commodities to FPS dealers. NIC as an overall Technical Consultant is providing the support to states in designing the standards for PDS processes, development of Common Application Software (CAS) and customization according to state requirements. NIC has developed the Common Application Software that covers Allocation of Food grains, Ration Card Management System, Smart Card based sale of commodities at FPS, Dissemination of information through Web portal and SMS, FPS Management and Food Grains Movement monitoring. PDS computerization is in advanced stage of implementation in the states of Delhi, Gujarat, Kerala, Chhattisgarh, Puducherry and Chandigarh. 71 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT PDS computerization is in progress in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Meghalaya, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh,Bihar and Rajasthan. 4.61 Registration and Licensing of Fishing Crafts (ReALCraft) Registration And Licensing of Fishing Crafts (ReALCraft) Software, a workflow based System, was developed by NIC Kerala and made operational in the State of Kerala. The objectives of ReALCraft are to create and maintain a National Database of all Fishing Vessels across the country, to electronically generate Registration Certificates and Fishing License to Fishermen; to prevent registration with a duplicate engine number and to minimize the need for physical movement of the application form for approval, etc. by facilitating electronic movement of files. The application is being rolled out at 165 locations (places of Registry) in all the Coastal States (Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha & West Bengal) and Union Territories (Daman & Diu, Lakshadweep & Minicoy Islands, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Puducherry). The Merchant Shipping Act (MS Act) has been amended to enable all the States and UTs to adopt uniform format of registration. NIC has fully customized the ReALCraft application to meet the requirements of all States and UTs for Uniform Registration of Fishing Vessels. State Fisheries Officials have been trained, ICT infrastructure has been established and Broadband Connectivity has been provided at all 165 places of Registry. Fishermen can get status of their application just by sending registration number or application reference number through SMS and also the Marine Enforcement Team can get Vessel information by sending vessel identification number, registration number, license, permit, SART or EPIRB.(sea safety equipments) by sending SMS. Coastal Guards, Navy, State Marine Police, MPEDA, Mercantile Marine Department (MMD) can enforce strict security norms using this system and can get all the information of a fishermen and the fishing boat they catch in the sea. The ReALCraft Application has helped distribution of registration certificates to 5000 fishermen by the District Magistrate of the Nellore district, Andhra Pradesh. 4.62 Retail Prices Monitoring System An Intranet based system has been developed to facilitate monitoring of Weekly Retail Prices of Food items and Monthly Retail Prices of Non Food items. Price data is entered at market level. The system facilitates central level monitoring of Weekly and Monthly Retail Prices of Essential Commodities. The data is collected and compiled on weekly basis for food items and on monthly basis for non food items. Data is entered Market wise, Commodity wise, Date wise for Food and Non Food items. 4.63 Rural Consumer Price Index (CPI-Rural) Consumer Price Index (CPI) - Rural, a web enabled software was developed to collect rural retail price by Central Statistics Organization (CSO) through the post offices. CSO has selected around 500 commodities for collecting retail prices every month from 1183 villages covering all districts of the country. Each village has been linked to nearest head / sub post office for data For further details, please contact:
[email protected] � Registration and Licensing of Fishing Crafts (ReALCraft) For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS entry. Data is collected by the postal field staff and verified by the Supervisor (Post Master).This has been designed with role based access control for operator, supervisor and CSO. Each role has been assigned with pre defined access and privileges depending on requirements. Extensive diagnostic reports have been provided to help the operators to correct the wrongly entered data. Different types of MIS reports have been designed to provide information to various stake holders as per their requirements along with the option to download the collected data. 4.64 Sea Port Project The domain knowledge acquired by NIC in more than last 10 years has resulted in producing Enterprise-wide Port Business Applications system for Indian Sea Ports supporting G2B and G2G e-Governance mission in our country. The latest development in this regard is the Port Operations Management System (POMS) for sea-ports, a product supporting Vessel, Cargo, Container, Berth, Railway, CFS & Billing operations having seamless integration with respective Customs as well as Port Business Stakeholder (Agents) message through Port Community System Portal of IPA. The project conceived as a by-product from the Enterprise Application System of HDC developed and implemented by NIC. "POMS" is successfully operational in Kolkata Dock System (KoPT) and Ennore Port Limited, Chennai. The same is being initiated for Chennai Port Trust. The product 'POMS' can play a vital role in implementing a uniform standard based port operations management for both major and upcoming minor ports in India. The salient features of POMS include - Supporting end-to-end integrated business activity, enriched with re-engineered business practices acquired through collaborative process analysis matching Indian environment, based on cost-effective open-source/standard platform, web-based system supporting multi-tier enterprise architecture, RIA based user interface, wireless PDA interface etc 4.65 Seednet India Portal Seednet India Portal (\) is a 'National Initiative for information on Quality seeds' for prosperity of farmers. The key objectives of the project are to make timely availability of seeds information (breeder, foundation and certified seeds) and demand and supply of seeds. Under the project, a complete Seed Supply chain has been developed to enable state governments, public sector and private seed producers to provide online indent for breeder seeds and also provide the requirement and availability of seeds online. 73 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] � Rural Retail Price survey report FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Uniform Seed Certification software is being implemented in Seed Certification Agencies. 4.66 Smart Card Based Public Distribution System Smart Card based applications are implemented for a number of National and State level projects. Driving License & Vehicle Registration Certificate (DL/RC), Multi-Purpose National Identity Card (MNIC), Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY), ePassport and PDS respectively are some of the major projects implemented across the country. Key Management System (KMS) of DL/RC for the States of Goa, Delhi, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh have been done this year and approximately 1182 number of authority cards were issued to the State nodal offices. MNIC (Multipurpose National Identity Card) is an initiative of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Office of Registrar General, India to create a national ID for every Indian citizen with the objective of obviating the need for multiple documentary proofs. It is desired to allow multiple applications integrated onto a single smart card. Ministry of Labour and Employment has entrusted NIC to design and develop KMS software for the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) project. The system should provide the mechanism, so that only authorized agencies are able to perform the card data modification to complete the field transactions. Software for implementing these requirements has been developed. Maintenance and up gradation in the applications for SCOSTA- CL cards has been carried out for the year 2010-11. e-Passport, a biometric passport uses contactless smart card technology, embedded in the back cover for Indian passport. Under Public Distribution System Project, existing Paper based Ration Cards have been replaced with Smart Cards having all biometric, demographic and personal information details of people. A pilot project has been initiated to replace paper based Ration Cards with SCbPDS in Haryana and Chandigarh. Generic software has been developed by NIC and tested by the respective State Governments. The project envisages Introduction of SCOSTA compliant Smart Cards for all the stakeholders, Web enabled, role and workflow based Application Software on Open Source platform and Distribution of commodities at FPS through PoS terminals using biometric authentication to check genuineness of beneficiary. 4.67 Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)-MIS Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) is to assist the poor families (Swarozgaries) by ensuring appreciable sustained level of income over a period of time. This objective is to be achieved by inter alia organizing the rural poor into Self Help Groups (SHGs) through the process of social mobilization, their training and capacity building and provision of income generating assets. The SHG approach helps the poor to build their self-confidence through community action, interactions in group meetings and collective decision making, identification and prioritization of their needs and resources. MIS-SGSY, is a role based web enabled Information Management System for managing all the activities of SGSY from MoRD level to Block level, Routing Agencies and Implementing Agencies. The system has major modules like SHG, DRDA Administration, and Special Projects. In SHG module, activities like Component wise funds allocation at MoRD, allocation by MoRD to districts, corresponding allocations by states to districts are covered. Funds expenditure planning at District level, Expenditure details, Bank For further details, please contact:
[email protected] For further details, please contact:
[email protected] NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS linkage details of SHGs, SHGs members, Training Institutions details, Products/ Activity details, Individual Swarozgaries details are also available. Loan Sanction/Rejection disbursal schedule details are available.In Special Projects module, activities like On line proposal entry at District/State/MoRD level, its approval, Sanctioning and Releasing of funds to Routing agencies, Online generation of Sanction and release orders and Transferring of funds from Routing Agencies to Implementing Agencies, Funds receipt by Implementing agency, Funds Expenditure, Training Institution details and Beneficiaries Training details are covered. The application is developed using open source resources like Java, Hibernate and Struts (Java Script, Ajax). Postgres is used as the database and it is hosted on Linux servers. 4.68 Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference Portal Telemarketing calls are a major cause of worry not only for people in India, but across the globe. The objective of National Consumer Call Preference (NCCP) Registry is to curb Unsolicited Commercial Communication (UCC). Unsolicited Commercial Communication has been defined as "any message, through voice or SMS, using telecommunications service, which is transmitted for the purpose of informing about, or soliciting or promoting any commercial product or service, which a subscriber opts not to receive, but does not include any transactional message; or any messages transmitted on the directions of central Government or State Government or agencies authorized by it” . Earlier during 2007, India became one of the few countries to have started the National Do Not Call (NDNC) Registry ( service to protect the telephone subscribers from such Unsolicited Commercial Communication. The NDNC Registry could not achieve the full objective of protecting the telephone subscribers from UCCs. Therefore, TRAI came up with the new regulation "The Telecom Commercial 75 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] Inauguration of NCCP Registry by Mr. Kapil Sibal on 27th September 2011 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Communications Customer Preference Regulations, 2010" on 1st December 2010. Accordingly, NDNC portal has been revamped and a new registry i.e. National Consumer Call Preference (NCCP) registry has been set up at www. which has started functioning from 15th January, 2011. The NCCP Registry is a database having the list of all the telephone numbers of the subscribers who do not want to receive UCC or opt to receive messages of certain categories. The telephone subscriber (Landline or mobile) who does not wish to receive UCC or receive certain category messages can register their telephone number with their Access provider (AP) for inclusion in the NCCP Registry which will be included in the database within 7 days of receipt. As on date, 170 million customers are registered in NCCP database. The Telemarketer will have to verify their calling telephone numbers list and SMS sending list with the NCCP before making a call or sending SMS. A penalty per call/message has been prescribed to discourage telemarketers who make calls to numbers registered in CCP list. The defaulter telemarketer will face disconnection of telecom service and blacklisting in case of continuous sending of Unsolicited Commercial Communication (UCC) even after being penalized. More than 5 TMs have been blacklisted so far with approximately 7400 disconnections of telecom resources so far. The complete statistics as in May 2012 are summarised in the Table 1 : 4.69 Waqf Management System of India (WAMSI) Waqf is the permanent dedication by a person professing Islam, of movable or immovable property for any purpose recognized by the Islamic law as pious, religious or charitable. Waqf is a national resource to be used to develop institutions and earn income for Muslims welfare, it is so badly managed that it is the only system where virtually no accountability is demanded. Often Waqf Properties are facing the threat of encroachment, alienation and sold-out. JPC on Waqf in its 9th Report had recommended the computerization of the records of State/UT Waqf Boards (SWBs) with the help of NIC. Waqf Management System of India (WAMSI) has been developed with following objectives: Number Of Number Access Provider 18 Registered Telemarketers 2,462 Locations of TMs all over India 1,122 Allocated Telecom Resources 1,60,717 Customers Registered 17,00,66,514 Customers in Fully blocked category 16,41,80,867 Customers in Partially blocked category 58,85,647 UCC complaints registered 1,23,571 Action taken cases for complaints 1,20,022 Penalty deducted from TMs Rs. 58,45,000 Telemarketers blacklisted 5 Resources Disconnected 7417 � Table 1 For further details, please contact:
[email protected] NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS • To have up-to-date correct inventories of Waqf Properties. • To facilitate cross checking of Waqf Properties records with other databases maintained at State/UT level especially those of Revenue Records and Civic Bodies. • To track the revenue generated from individual Waqf Properties by ensuring timely reminders for submission of Annual Returns by Waqf Properties’ Managers. • To transparently manage the leasing process of Waqf Properties and to monitor the pending payments from lessees thereof. • To digitally preserve the Waqf Properties Ownership Establishing Documents and to facilitate their easy retrieval when required in case of litigations in courts. Apart from known benefits as part of objectives listed above, there would be lot of intrinsic benefits such as streamlining of record keeping at State/UT Waqf Boards, introducing transparency in the existing system of waqf management, etc. Another anticipated benefit would be of electronic access of valuable Waqf Properties documents that will reduce unnecessary handling of fragile documents thus contributing to their long-term preservation. Common man could query and access various Reports dynamically generated through this system to know the status of Waqf Properties like who is the Manager, how much Revenue was generated in previous years, if it is under litigation then who is the petitioner/defendant etc, if it is encroached then who is the encroacher, etc. This will become social audit. State/UT Waqf Boards Interface 77 For further details, please contact:
[email protected],
[email protected] National Level Projects Advertisement Automation (DAVP) AGMARKNET Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) Centralized Payroll Package Community Information Centres Project Common Integrated Police Application (CIPA) CONFONET (Consumer Forums Network) Cooperative Core Banking Solution DISNIC-PLAN eAwas e-Counselling e-Courts e-District e-Granthalaya e-Hospital/ONCONET Election Informatics Employee Provident Fund Organization Project Employment Exchange Project e-Municipalities Energy Billing System for State Electricity Boards e-Office/IntraGov e-Procurement (GePNIC) Examination Results Portal Fertilizer Subsidy FISHNET ICT for Indian Judiciary Integrated Action Plan for Selected Tribal & Backward Districts Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP) IVFRT (Immigration & Visa) Land Records Mother and Child Tracking System National Animal Disease Reporting System NREGASoft Panchayat Informatics (NPP/Priasoft) Passport Computerization Patram Pension Information System Plan Plus Postal Accounts Current System (PACS) Prison Management Property Registration Public Distribution System Public Grievance Seaport Project Transport Project (SARATHI and VAHAN) Treasury Computerisation Value Added Tax Web based Scholarship Services XGEN (Xtended Green Node) AN DA M AN & N IC O BA R AN DH RA P RA DE SH AR UN AC HA L PR AD ES H AS SA M BI HA R CH AN DI G AR H CH HA TT IS G AR H DA DR A & NA G AR H AV EL I DA M AN DE LH I G O A G UJ AR AT HA RY AN A HI M AC HA L PR AD ES H JA M M U & KA SH M IR JH AR KH AN D KA RN AT AK A KE RA LA FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Table 1 : Status of Implementation of National Projects AN DA M AN & N IC O BA R AN DH RA P RA DE SH AR UN AC HA L PR AD ES H AS SA M BI HA R CH AN DI G AR H CH HA TT IS G AR H DA DR A & NA G AR H AV EL I DA M AN DE LH I G O A G UJ AR AT HA RY AN A HI M AC HA L PR AD ES H JA M M U & KA SH M IR JH AR KH AN D KA RN AT AK A KE RA LA National Level Projects Advertisement Automation (DAVP) AGMARKNET Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) Centralized Payroll Package Community Information Centres Project Common Integrated Police Application (CIPA) CONFONET (Consumer Forums Network) Cooperative Core Banking Solution DISNIC-PLAN eAwas e-Counselling e-Courts e-District e-Granthalaya e-Hospital/ONCONET Election Informatics Employee Provident Fund Organization Project Employment Exchange Project e-Municipalities Energy Billing System for State Electricity Boards e-Office/IntraGov e-Procurement (GePNIC) Examination Results Portal Fertilizer Subsidy FISHNET ICT for Indian Judiciary Integrated Action Plan for Selected Tribal & Backward Districts Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP) IVFRT (Immigration & Visa) Land Records Mother and Child Tracking System National Animal Disease Reporting System NREGASoft Panchayat Informatics (NPP/Priasoft) Passport Computerization Patram Pension Information System Plan Plus Postal Accounts Current System (PACS) Prison Management Property Registration Public Distribution System Public Grievance Seaport Project Transport Project (SARATHI and VAHAN) Treasury Computerisation Value Added Tax Web based Scholarship Services XGEN (Xtended Green Node) NATIONAL e-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS LA KS HA DW EE P M AD HY A PR AD ES H M AH AR AS HT RA M AN IP UR M EG HA LA YA M IZ O RA M NA G AL AN D O RI SS A PU DU CH ER RY PU NJ AB RA JA ST HA N SI KK IM TA M IL N AD U TR IP UR A UT TA R PR AD ES H UT TA RA KH AN D W ES T BE NG ALNational Level Projects Advertisement Automation (DAVP) AGMARKNET Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) Centralized Payroll Package Community Information Centres Project Common Integrated Police Application (CIPA) CONFONET (Consumer Forums Network) Cooperative Core Banking Solution DISNIC-PLAN eAwas e-Counselling e-Courts e-District e-Granthalaya e-Hospital/ONCONET Election Informatics Employee Provident Fund Organization Project Employment Exchange Project e-Municipalities Energy Billing System for State Electricity Boards e-Office/IntraGov e-Procurement (GePNIC) Examination Results Portal Fertilizer Subsidy FISHNET ICT for Indian Judiciary Integrated Action Plan for Selected Tribal & Backward Districts Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP) IVFRT (Immigration & Visa) Land Records Mother and Child Tracking System National Animal Disease Reporting System NREGASoft Panchayat Informatics (NPP/Priasoft) Passport Computerization Patram Pension Information System Plan Plus Postal Accounts Current System (PACS) Prison Management Property Registration Public Distribution System Public Grievance Seaport Project Transport Project (SARATHI and VAHAN) Treasury Computerisation Value Added Tax Web based Scholarship Services XGEN (Xtended Green Node) 79 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT C H A P T E R 05 RESEARCHAND DEVELOPMENT FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT 5.1 Biometrics & Biocode for Land Records Biometrics is the automated method of recognizing a person based on a physiological or behavioral characteristic. Biometric technologies are becoming the foundation of an extensive array of highly secure identification and personal verification solutions. Finger print (Bio-metrics) authentication is used to ensure fool proof system for uniquely identifying the person. The technology has been used in land records and Bio-metric devices have been provided in the tehsils. Whenever there is any transaction, updation/mutation to be done, use of bio- metric/finger print is mandatory. The system is operational in 20 states where no change in land records database can be done without Bio-metric of Tehsildar. The same has been done to enforce security of the system and no unauthorized person can make any changes therein. 2-Dimensional barcode is generated from important columns of the Record of Rights (ROR) Registers. Solution implemented has two main components; first one is 2-D Bar Code generation module and other is Bar Code verification module. The 2-D Bar Coded RORs has created a sense of trust among the revenue administration, public and agencies providing loan and other services. The main objective of devising this solution is to generate the RORs that can be verified by any third party in a time bound manner at the time of acceptance with minimum resource. The same has been provided to provide extra security to printed copy of RoR in the states of Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Haryana. This technology is being used by e- DISHA Ekal Sewa Kendras in Haryana for delivering many other services also. 5.2 Secure Service Delivery through Digital Signature PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) is a collection of technologies, processes, and organizational policies that support the use of public key cryptography to verify the authenticity of public keys. PKI provides the mechanisms to ensure that trusted relationships are established and maintained. PKI enables users to securely and privately exchange data and do financial transaction over internet. The PKI and digital signature technology has been used to ensure secure delivery of services such as Records of Rights copies, Court Judgment, certified copy of Registered Deed, non-encumbrance certificate and host of other services in accordance with Section 65(1) of IT Act 2000, the Digital Signature. Under Land Records, using PKI Land Records has been securing & authentication the electronic document of ROR (E-ROR) from delivery databases in deliverable format. Storage and issuance of Identification number for each E-ROR for future references. Re-usable plug- in has been written which can be used in any application for secured delivery of services. 5.3 SCOSTA Standards for Smart Card National Informatics Center worked along with academia and industry players, to evolve a complete implementable Smart Card Operating Systems Standards, which is named SCOSTA (Smart Card Operating System for Transport Application). These standards are absolutely generic and are deployment- ready for all kind of Identity applications like Citizen ID Card, PDS card, Election Card, BPL Card, , PAN Card etc. SCOSTA is primarily based on ISO-7816 standards, and hence complie 5 I RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT � Frame work forDelivery of secure ROR � Biometrics & Biocode for Land Records RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT with international requirements also. As of now, more than twenty major national and international industry players have adopted these standards for their Smart Card products which are sold in national and international markets. SCOSTA has also been recommended by the Technical Committee for UID Project. 5.4 Mobile Technologies for e-Governance Applications e-Governance is the use of information technology like WAN, Internet and mobile computing by Governance agencies, to transform private businesses and public agencies, as well as to empower the citizens. Mobile-Governance, on the other hand, is the use of mobile or wireless technology to improve Government service and provide information "anytime, anywhere". Mobile applications also rely on good back office ICT infrastructure and well defined work processes. A lot of R&D activities have been initiated in this area and NIC has started using mobile -Governance for collection and delivery of services in various sectors. SMS based services have been rolled out in Examination Results, Land Mutation status in Maharashtra, Certificate status and public grievance under e-District project in Uttar Pradesh. Mobile- Services (Transactions and Payments) are also being used on pilot basis for making payment to the workers under NREGA. Under Watershed Development programme and Drinking Water Supply Programme, PDAs are being used to pick the coordinates and photographs of various facilities being created from the field and transmit to the central server. 83 06 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT C H A P T E R 06 e-GOVERNANCEIN STATES FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT 6.1 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS The A & N Islands is a Union Territory consisting of around 570 islands scattered in Bay of Bengal, more than 1200 km from mainland. The islands are remotely located and face infrastructure and technology constraints, resulting in unique challenges in implementing e-Governance projects. The NIC Andaman state unit was established in 1988 at Secretariat, Port Blair to give thrust to the computerization efforts in Government domain. The NIC District units are functioning in two districts of South Andaman and Nicobar. Setting up of NIC district centre is in progress in the third district of North & Middle Andaman. The NIC offices at state and district levels provide a wide range of services in e-Governance spectrum to A & N Administration and to GOI offices in the UT. The services cover software projects for different functional areas of departments, providing Internet and e-Mail facilities to the Government offices, video conference sessions from Port Blair to the GOI offices in New Delhi, Capacity building including training to govt officials, technical consultancy services to A & N Administration on e-Gov projects etc. 6.1.1 IT Support and Services BIRth and Death Registration System (BIRDS) Launched in Jan 2008, BIRDS is a software built as per the uniform and updated guidelines of Registrar General of India (RGI) for registering births and deaths in the country online. Citizens can download unsigned copy of birth/death certificate from website. The Head office of Directorate of Health Services (DHS) monitors birth and death registrations through website. The system generates statistical reports required by RGI in prescribed formats. Facility for other Govt offices like RGI, Civil supplies department, Elections department, Transport department etc., to download birth and death records periodically from website, including downloading of data in XML format is also available. There is a workflow based system in website for changes in birth records, NOC etc., This system has been implemented in all 91 registration centres in the UT, Health centres of DHS. The number of records in BIRDS is 2.5 lakhs. Electronic Citizen Services (ECS) ECS is a G2C project launched in Oct 2007 for handling around 36 types of services offered by District and Tehsil offices to citizens. The services are categorized as Orders, Permits, Licenses, Certificates, etc.. At design stage of ECS, the service parameters are defined and built for each service including (a) classification of service (b) various operating levels like dealing clerks, Assistants, Asst Commissioners along with their defined roles (c) time frame fixed at each level (d) work flow for the service. With this design architecture, every application for a service received at District Collector/Tehsil office is tracked at each level till final delivery of service to citizen. Now, citizens submit application for various services, get acknowledgement across the counter and can track status of their application through website, IVRS, helpdesk or Kiosk. Around 20,000 applications from citizens are serviced every year. The citizens can download 6 I e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES � Birth and Death Registration System � Electronic Citizen Services e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES the final output for some of the services directly from website. The back end databases are also simultaneously made online with ECS in synchronization. Online Hotel Accommodation with Payment Gateway Interface It is a completely web based system that facilitates tourists proposing to visit Andaman & Nicobar islands to book their accommodation in Govt owned Star Category hotels, through Internet. The tourists provide their requirements including room type, no of beds, period of stay and other services in the website and a unique customer-id is generated for each booking request. The department confirms availability of accommodation offline and sends an e-mail back to customer. The customer can also track his request status through website. Once confirmed, tourist makes payment for advance reservation through the payment gateway interface of Axis bank. This system has resulted in better room occupancy ratio of the star category hotels. Around 20,000 applications from citizens are serviced every year. e-BASIC for Billing, Accounting System and Inventory Control for Sagarika Emporium The Govt. run Sagarika Emporium is a popular sales outlet in Port Blair selling traditional craft items of artisans in A & N islands to tourists. The e-BASIC software has fulfilled the objectives of computerized billing and accounting system including system generated daily cash book etc., automatic generation of supply orders, receipt of items against supply orders placed, bank statement for amounts disbursement to units based on sales, reconciliation of accounts, monthly closing of accounts, MIS and inventory analysis etc. Around 50,000 bills per year are generated from e-Basic. As part of e- BASIC , a website was developed through which a registered Unit can view its transaction details. The online services provided to units are many such as List of supply orders placed by emporium on unit, with facility of downloading supply order, List of items of a unit that are popular i.e., sold in higher numbers to customers for a period, List of items reaching re- order level, so that a unit can have production planning in advance, List of fast moving items, high value items sold, amounts disbursed by emporium to bank and amount transferred by bank to unit etc. Promise Promise software for web based monitoring and review of important and time bound projects of A & N Administration covers more than 65 projects of around 16 departments and GOI offices. The departments periodically update the status of each project for both physical and financial progress against the pre- defined targets. The Chief Secretary reviews the progress of these projects every quarter and identifies project delays and likely cost overruns. The dynamic graph facility available in software facilitates easier project tracking by combining both physical and financial progress. Likely delays in project completion and cost overruns are identified and remedial measures are put in place to ensure the successful completion of projects in time and within the estimated costs. Being a web based software with targets and achievements at macro level, the software can be easily implemented in other states. 6.2 ANDHRA PRADESH NIC started its State Centre at Hyderabad in 1986. The broad range of services includes system study, design, coding, testing, training, implementation, software maintenance and hand holding support. A Data Centre has been established at 87 � Project Monitoring Information System (Promise) For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Andaman & Nicobar UT Centre 11, Old Pradesh Council Building Secretariat Complex Port Blair -744101 Phone : 03192 - 232733 E Mail :
[email protected] Web Site: FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT NIC, Hyderabad with the objective of providing high service availability and scalability. The Data Centre is operated by offering continuous maintainability, system redundancies, multiple active power & cooling delivery pathways, fault tolerance, and enhanced physical security. The Data Centre is powered with state-of-the-art physical and ICT infrastructure, offering services with heterogeneous support at state level / national level including Disaster Recovery Services. Support is also extended to the Andhra Pradesh State Data Centre, through a composite team. The networking facilities include 34 Mbps circuits connecting 21 NIC District centers and 2 Mbps circuits connecting Hyderabad and RR District NIC Centres to NIC State Centre, Multi-Site IP based Video Conferencing studios at State and Districts, Hi-bandwidth redundant Internet Gateway. More than 200 websites have been hosted. E-mail services are provided on Centralised Server at Delhi with DR services from Hyderabad. Around 6000 e-mail accounts are provided. All the 23 Districts of AP are on the Video Conferencing Network. 6.2.1 IT Support and Services Computer-Aided Administration of Registration Department (CARD) This system ( was designed to smoothen the citizen - Government interface by transforming services of property registration across the counters leveraging the benefits of IT with pre-defined service levels. The various features of the system are electronic preservation of documents and automation of back-office functions, Counter-based/web-based services on issue of Certified copies, Market Value assessment, Encumbrances, Transparent valuation of the properties. Impact of the project is such that it has increased the productivity of employees and has led to an increase in the number of registrations and thus increased revenue to the department. Land Record Information System This system was designed to provide land related citizen services and to automate back office functions. It consists of online mutation workflow for effecting change of ownership The citizen is able to get the status of mutation application process at Mandal Revenue Offices. It is possible to generate all the land records accounts and Copies of Pahani / Adangal, ROR1B and land ownership certificates. One can get land related certificate copies from the Mandal Revenue Offices. Prajavani Prajavani ( is a web based system for e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES on-line monitoring of Public Grievances at District Collectorates in Telugu. This system facilitates the citizen to file a grievance and see its response at the kiosk. The grievance is marked to an officer with due date and Officers can feed their response. The benefits are that citizens need not come to Collectorates and can still can get their grievances addressed. SMS based Complaint Status system is available at Anantapur and Kadapa districts. e-Panchayat e-Panchayat ( is an e- Governance initiative for the rural sector providing comprehensive software solution attempting automation of Gram Panchayat functions. The services offered are Birth & Death Registrations which include Capturing of event details, Name inclusion, Non-availability Certificates, Registration of events, Issuance of Certificates, Statistics, House Tax including Automation of Assessment, Demand Collections, Arrear Processing and Annual Demand Enhancement, Special Notices/Demand Notices, Registers/Field Books/Defaulters Trade License includes Issue of Licenses, Cancellations, Renewal, Demand Notices, Fee Collection etc. Benefits are improved citizen services, better transparency, streamlining of procedures and monitoring of revenues & services. GIS School Mapping for Sarva Siksha Abhiyan This is a Web GIS application ( to enable planning for the access, enrolment, retention, quality and monitoring aspects, integration of school infrastructure, facilities, budget & expenditure, child & teacher information, attendance, mid-day-meal program, results, school complexes along with required visuals, integrating. A proximity analysis helps to meet the norms of the government in establishing the new schools and upgrading the existing schools wherever required. Distance among schools and habitations can be found to help rationalization of schools and Infrastructure status can be found using visuals. GIS based customized modules facilitate quick decisions across the table. Online Vaccination Appointment for International Travellers This Online Vaccination Appointment for International Travellers ( was developed with an objective to eliminate queues by international travellers seeking vaccination as per WHO norms. Features include online appointment booking, updation of the vaccination information, generation of the certificate as per WHO norms and MIS reports generation. This system has eliminated long queues and attracted passengers from neighboring states. Web based MIS for Panchayat Raj (Watersoft) It is a workflow application which aids planning, monitoring and executing various works taken up by the department. It is web based with centralized approach of data capture and monitoring with Office wise, Role based authorized access facilitating online release of work wise funds to division offices. The benefits are availability of complete assets data, water sources data with water quality test reports. Integrated Management system of Pay & Accounts Office & Treasuries (IMPACT) IMPACT is a system which includes features such as online bill passing with validations, effective budget control system, maintenance of earnings, loans and advances, centralized pay processing and comprehensive report generation. It has provision for crediting government employees salaries, loans and advances through ECS system It has resulted in timely submission of accounts to Accountant General and to the Government, elimination of duplication in the internal functioning of Pay and Account Office (PAO), elimination of manual errors and misclassification of bills and dissemination of information to DDOs. IMPACT has thus resulted in providing transparency. 89 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Case Status Information System for Cyberabad Police It is a system for instant tracking of Address Details based on Mobile/Vehicle Regd. No. Police CUG can instantly track the stolen vehicle, mobile by sending SMS. It has eliminated delays in attending crime and increased productivity. Missing Persons Information System This system helps to trace the missing persons and to ensure that all the missing persons are recorded & restored .NGOs, Individuals can report/search a missing/found /unidentified person. It is helpful to Citizens, Police Department, NGO's in tracing out the missing persons Karmika Sankshema Nidhi Paryavekshana It is a system to computerize the activities of Labour Welfare Board like Creation of Statewide Database of Establishments registered with Labour Department, Capturing the collection details of the Subscription (towards the Welfare Fund), Generation of Checklists of Establishment for verification, Demand, Collection, Balance Reports, Details of Receipts & Payments other than aid to beneficiaries, Daily inward/Outward reports, Bank Schedules for depositing and reconciliation of cheques/DDs, ,Asset report, Income and Expenditure reports & Generation of Annual Report. Work Flow System for Dept. of Horticulture It includes features viz. Online Registration of applications with acknowledgment and Status appraisal through mail or SMS, provision to file online application for more than one component & crop, verification, counseling and finalizing suitable components to suit the land / area, facility for Survey No. verification with Land Records data and authentication of residence proof of the application through BPL data, Stage wise monitoring the work progress and release of funds & Grievance monitoring. List of Business Information System (LOBIS) LOBIS was designed to automate the workflow of Judicial Registry for the High Court. It facilitates registration of case across the counter, Auto allocation of case file to scrutiny officer and case number after scrutiny, Generation of cause list, Title for orders / judgments, Notices, Index preparation of disposed Case files, Auto Calculation of stamp fee for issue of certified documents. Case information is made available on Case Number, Party Name, Low court Number, Advocate name. It is also available on IVRS and SMS. Judgments and Daily order are made available on internet. Girl Child Protection System It is an online workflow based automation system to promote enrollment and retention of girl child in school facilitating online entry of applications by CDPOs, school administration, generation and authentication of certificates in local language, etc. Complaint & Alert System An SMS Based Complaint Receiving System has been implemented as a supplement to existing Dial 100 facility. Citizens can send an SMS related to Terror, Crime, Traffic and Harassment to this application which would be forwarded to concerned Officer/Group of Officers for appropriate action. Implemented in Hyderabad Commissionerate and Cyberabad Commissionerate, it has become a role model for other states like Jammu & Kerala. 6.3 ARUNACHAL PRADESH Arunachal Pradesh stretches from snow-capped mountains in the north to the plains of Brahmaputra valley in the south. Arunachal is the largest state area-wise in the north-east region, even larger than Assam which is the most populous. Since the establishment of NIC, Arunachal Pradesh State Centre at Itanagar, in the month of November, 1988, it has played a key role in ushering in ICT based culture in the functioning of the state government. Over the years, NIC, Arunachal Pradesh State Centre has been instrumental in the conceptualisation, design and development of many ICT based applications for the For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Andhra Pradesh State Centre A-Block, Govt. Offices Complex, Tank Bund Road, Hyderabad - 500063 Phone : 040 - 23223139 E Mail :
[email protected] Web Site : e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES state government as well as in the capacity building of the government manpower. 6.3.1 IT Support and Services Jan-Suvidha Jan-Suvidha application is a single window certificate delivery system implemented in 10 Deputy Commissioner and 2 Additional Deputy Commissioner Offices. Various certificates are computerized and issued/ renewed within a short specified period. The Jan Suvidha Centre charges a minimum fee for all the services. Payroll and GPF Computerisation Project A generic payroll system has been developed and implemented in about 80 government offices of the state. Using the GPF accounting process, about 32,000 GPF accounts are maintained by the Directorate of Accounts & Treasuries. 6.3.2 ICT Infrastructure and Web Services The internet connectivity to around 30 state government departments is provided through RF connection/OFC from the NIC State Centre, Itanagar. The wireless LAN connectivity is also provided to the Governor's Secretariat, Legislative Assembly, and Chief Minister's Residence. The wireless nodes share the existing 45 Mbps Leased Line Circuit which is backed up by 2 x 2 Mbps Leased Line. Web hosting and e-mail services to various government departments have also been provided. NIC Arunachal Pradesh also undertakes web application development on request from Govt. departments. 6.4 ASSAM Assam is a north eastern state of India with its capital at Dispur, in the eastern part of Guwahati city. Located south of the eastern Himalayas, Assam comprises the Brahmaputra and the Barak river valleys and the Karbi Anglong and the North Cachar Hills with an area of 78,438 square kilometre. Assam is known for Assam tea, petroleum resources, Assam silk and for its rich biodiversity. It is a land of one-horned Indian rhinoceros tigers, numerous species of birds and provides one of the last wild habitats for the Asian elephant. It is increasingly becoming a popular destination for wild-life tourism and notably Kaziranga and Manas are both World Heritage Sites. A land of high rainfall, Assam is endowed with lush greenery, Sal tree forests. The mighty river Brahmaputra, provide the region with a unique hydro-geomorphic environment. Assam State Centre (ASSC) of the National Informatics Centre (NIC) was set up in April 1986. Various district units were formed 1990 onwards, and now there is a NIC District Unit in each of 27 districts of the State. The SIO is supported at the State level by a team of 28 technical officers and ten other support staff. The NIC Assam State has a Training Division, a National Informatics Centre Services Incorporated (NICSI) office, dedicated NIC cells in the Guwahati High Court and Regional Passport Office, Guwahati. 6.4.1 IT Support and Services Land Records (Dharitree) A work-flow based web-enabled system for Land Records developed with multi-lingual support in Assamese and Bengali has been built up and implemented throughout the State. A number of training programmes were conducted to train a large 91 For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Arunachal Pradesh State Centre Block 23, Civil Secretariat Itanagar - 791111 Phone: 0360-2212919 E Mail :
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT number of Revenue Circle Officers. Enhancement/Modifications of Dharitree as per suggestions of Circles Officers was carried out. Draft Tender Papers prepared and submitted to Revenue & Disaster Management Department for digitisation of cadastral maps. Election Web-enabled Counting System in English and Assamese was made online for Kamrup & Kamrup Metro Districts (as per State Election Commission guideline) for Panchayat Elections held on 28th Jan 2008. For Lok Sabha Election 2009, Counting Management software was developed and used successfully on the day of counting. This web-based software worked smoothly from all the forty eight counting centres in the State which were connected with NOC, Guwahati through broadband as well as VPN lines from BSNL.. Necessary modules for initial conversion of Electoral Roll Data (font- based) to Unicode were developed. During Assembly Election 2011, similar services provided with additional modules for SMS-based poll monitoring, candidates affidavit uploading and Grievance Monitoring system related to Code of Conduct; randomisation of Polling Personnel and EVM. Geographic Information System Dhekiajuli Town cadastral maps digitised and a Prototype GIS built up as a proof of concept. Work on WebGIS application for Village Information and Land Records for Dibrugarh & Sonitpur district is completed. Under multi Layered GIS of Planning Commission of India, NIC Assam State Unit participated in extracting themes from LISS III imageries for Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya and Mizoram & PAN imageries for Arunachal Pradesh through third party (ARSAC & NERIWALM); Data extracted using LISS III submitted by ARSAC is under verification stage. Updated village polygons and habitation point database for 12 districts and habitation database for 23 districts. Base maps are created for the following, which were not available with NIC, with the help of Directorate of Assam Survey & Settlement, Guwahati: (a) Dhemaji district : Jonai Circle, (b) Karimganj district: Patharkandi Circle, (c) Part of Chirang district. Refined spatial data accuracy (habitation database, as point layer) for more than 90 % for the districts :Barpeta, Cachar,Golaghat, Nalbari . Also polling stations have been mapped as point layer, assigned census codes( for the associated village) for the districts :Barpeta, Lakhimpur, Golaghat, Dhemaji. Teachers Database Developed and implemented the Teachers Database project for primary and middle school teachers as per direction of Guwahati High Court. MIS for PPP An MIS developed for Public Private Participation (PPP) Cell under the Planning & Development (P&D) Department with Secure login and session security enhancement and Report generation in PDF & Excel format. The PPP Cell has implemented the system. Small Tea Growers A database of more than 68000 Small Tea Growers built up for � Small Tea Growers e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES 14 districts together with Bought Leaf Factories and Estate Factories. Department of Industries & Commerce published one volume on graphical analysis and three volumes of textual data. Examination On request from the Secretariat Administration Department, necessary modules developed and hosted to enable online access of various documents (e.g. Admit Card etc) necessary for appearing in the Examination for Junior Assistants. Enhancement of Security features in the application for displaying SEBA results. Tele Education A Pilot project on Tele-Education implemented for nineteen Higher Secondary Schools in Assam for imparting Coaching classes for entrance examinations. Monitoring of regular classroom attendance of 18 schools and 1 college covered under the Tele-Education project in Assam. 6.4.2 ICT Infrastructure National Knowledge Network PoP having a bandwidth of 2.5 Gbps made operational at Guwahati on 5th March 2011 It is the first PoP to have been made operational at State-level. 2 Gbps Guwahati-Kolkata link is operational. Network Operations Centre (NOC): At present, there are two 100 Mbps links from BSNL and PGCIL to Delhi and Hyderabad. All the NE State capitals are connected to this centre either by BSNL or by PGCIL. The NOC is manned 24/7 and has got a 5 TB SAN. Eucalyptus-based Cloud Computing infrastructure successfully implemented at NOC. Guwahati Secretariat LAN is operational. All the 8 Blocks of the Secretariat are connected to the NOC with OFC backbone. All major and important locations inside the campus have secured WEP Wi-Fi access. RF net connectivity has been commissioned from June 2006 in about 50 Directorates and other organizations. 2 Mbps leased line connectivity is provided in 23 districts in Assam. Also local leased lines provided to Passport Office, Guwahati High Court, Immigration Control at Guwahati Airport. Government offices/schools etc are connected through WiMAX at each District Head Quarter. Till now, this project has been implemented in sixteen districts. Full Fledged VC set up is there at all 27 districts of Assam. 15 districts are running VC on 34 Mbps lease line and 12 districts are running VC on 2 Mbps lease line. 6.5 BIHAR National Informatics Centre has its wide presence in Bihar such as Patna High Court, Governor's Secretariat, Secretariats, CM Secretariat, Passport Office, Custom Office at Raxaul and Emigration Centre at Gaya International Airport besides the 38 districts of Bihar. These centres have been instrumental in accelerating the pace of e-Governance with ICT-led initiatives and developments using the infrastructure of NIC e.g. NICNET backbone, Data Centre, Video-Conferencing, Web Hosting, e- Mail Services, training etc. Regular technical support is being provided for the implementation of various national and state government ICT initiatives and support. The successful joint venture of NIC and State Government departments have been in socio-economic sectors like Rural Development, Urban Development, Property Registration, Land Records, Surface Transport, General Administration, Social Welfare, Human Resources Development, Health, Agriculture 93 For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Assam State Centre Old Gana Sewa Bhawan Secretariat Complex, Dispur Guwahati-781006 Phone : 0361 - 2260254 E Mail :
[email protected] Conference on e-Governance Projects on 29-7-2010 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT & Animal Husbandry, Panchayati Raj, CGHS Wellness Centre, Lokayukta office etc. 6.5.1 IT Support and Services A number of ICT led projects recently initiated and implemented under the technical guidance and support of NIC Team in Bihar are Nagrik Seva Kendra, i-BhuGoal, Vahan & Sarathi, e- Registration, Chanakya, e-Procurement, MUDRA, e-Gazette etc. Moreover, ELECON, RACE, Bhu-Abhilekh, Courts Computerization, GPF, Office of Lokayukta, Regional Passport Office, Custom Office (EDI) and Application software for Panchayati Raj Department have also been operational and are being utilized by the departments. Nagarik Seva Kendra Most recently Nagrik Seva Kendra project has been initiated to provide various government services in delivery of citizen centric services in a stipulated timeframe under Right to Public Services Act (RTPS). Nagrik Seva Kendra project envisages enabling the back end computerization and also using the SWAN for connectivity and CSCs for service delivery. The aim is to provide G2C services comprising of issue of certificates, applications for various govt. schemes, grievances etc. from the Nagrik Seva Kendra. Citizen goes to any CSC for various services under Right to Service Act. i-BHUGOAL Geomatics Oriented Application Model, iBhuGoal, has been initiated for Bihar infrastructure mapping for efficient and transparent decision making process. This project envisages establishment of Bihar State Spatial Data Infrastructure for Multi-Layer GIS by leveraging the existing & available data and ICT infrastructure resources at NIC Hq as well as State Level, involving various stakeholders in the state. It is meant to visualize MIS data spatially through thematic maps. A GIS/GPS/Remote Sensing based project for Bihar Infrastructure Mapping of educational facilities has been initiated for approx 75000 schools, 80000 Anganwadi Kendras, ITIs, Polytechnics, Engineering Colleges, Colleges and Universities of the state. Computerization of Patna High Court Patna High Court is one of the leading High courts in India to Computerize Cause List Management System. As of now LAN with FO backbone has been established. Daily Cause lists are published on Statistical reports are generated. Judgment Writing Information Management System (JWIMS) facilitates Secretaries/PA's to create, update & pronounce orders/judgments. Judgment & Order Retrieval System (JOARS) are accessed through Case No., Party Name etc. Reception cum Information Counter (RIC) disseminates information to advocates, Litigants & others Citizens. Advocate-on-Record Information System (AoR) contains database of all registered advocates. Judicial Officers Activities Monitoring System helps to monitor the various activities of each Judicial Officers. These activities are captured online. Also Judicial Officers Service Record Information System helps different committees of the Patna High Court. e-Registration Under e-Registration project of Registration department, recently an exclusive Data Centre has been established to centralize database of deed from year 1996 onward. Around 1.2 crore records are expected to be captured using SCORE and scanning & indexing of old deeds. Registry offices have been connected through VPN for daily transmission of records. A web based query system has been designed to enable citizens to access information for transactions related to Property Registration in public domain. � Nagrik Seva Kendra e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES Chanakya Chanakya is a Workflow based solution for automation of university business process related to Registration and Examination module. Registration Module includes Registration Form Data Entry, Registration Form Verification in workflow, Registration Number Allotment and Generation of Registration Cards and Index Registers. The Examination Module includes Form Processing and Issuance of Admit Card, Examination Form Entry and Verification, Roll Number Allotment, Generation and Printing of Admit Card including Examination Schedule, Generation of Attendance Sheet and Report for Examination Centres, Interface for filling Absent/Expelled Information Sheets, Marks Processing and Tabulation Register preparation, Interface for Marks-foil Entry, Verification Interface for Tabulator, Tabulation Register Printing facility, Mark-sheet Printing facility and Certificate printing facility etc. Government Financial Accounting System (G-FACTS) G-FACTS is being extensively used at 534 Blocks by the BDOs and PO Offices, and 38 DRDAs of Rural development Department for preparing Accounts, Cash Books and other analysis reports required for day-to-day financial Management. This is a web based application hosted at Bhu-Abhilekh The computerization of Land Records in Bihar has an estimated number of 2.5 crores land holders spread across 19,949 revenue villages in 534 circles in 38 districts. Bhu-Abhilekh is window based Unicode compliant application software with Indian Language interface for maintaining land records information, issuing computerized RoR and work flow based mutation of land. As of now Land Records in 147 circles in the State are ready for G2C services. Mudra The system "MUnicipal Corporation Digital Revenue Administration (MUDRA) - a web enabled application software has been deployed at 43 ULBs out of 49 ULBs. The system helps the Holding owners, Tax collectors, officials at headquarter levels and Circle levels. The features include functioning activities of Holding owners, Tax Collectors, Computerized Bill generation, Demand note generation, Online tax collection, Receipt generation, Makan database, etc. e-Gazette e-Gazette ( is a Web based application to render services to departments /employees of Bihar Government as well citizens of Bihar. This application receives the notifications from different departments to be published in the Gazettes. The system facilitates online advanced searching, viewing, downloading and printing of Gazettes. Zero Tolerance MIS (ZeroTMIS) The objective of Zero Tolerance MIS ( is to monitor the extent to which the established rule of laws are implemented by various line departments in the districts. This web based application (G2G) helps the authority to monitor 8 different line departments viz. Commercial Taxes, Nagar Nikay (Nagar Nigam, Nagar Panchayat & Panchayat), Excise, Weight & Measure, Electricity, Food, Drug & Labour to decide the violations of various conducts related to business by various establishments on complex parameters to maintain the tolerance level to zero. The application is currently under implementation in five districts i.e. Gaya, Aurangabad, Jehanabad, Nawada & Arwal under Magadh Divisional Commissioner, Gaya. Voters Grievance Portal This G2C portal ( exclusively deals with receiving and monitoring various grievances, complaints, requests & information from public, political parties, contesting candidates, officials relating to election department at the time of election as well as pre & post election period with an objective that a single grievance / complaint is not left un-attended within its time frame. Any election related complaints / information received through this portal assigns an unique id which helps the complainant to track its status through out its life cycle thus making the redressal process transparent. This has become a tool in the hand of Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) to monitor the grievance disposal progress at districts by respective District Election Officers (DEOs). Call Centre at Pitra Pakshya Mela at Gaya To bridge the Public-Administration gap and to encourage the public participation in the process of governance, NIC Gaya has been extending the required MIS, technical & managerial 95 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT support to mela administration through call centre during fortnight long Pitra Pakshya Mela on 24x7 basis. Mela related information received over voice is captured on-line through a data capture menu of the software developed locally. Based on the types of Complaints/ Grievances/ Information, mela control room is handed over the hard copy of the information immediately for further action. At the end of the day, a consolidated report is generated enumerating the sector-wise information received along with the complying department name for review of the District Magistrate in the mela control room. The information like bus/auto-rickshaw fare, distance between Vishnupad and different Vedis, distance of temple/Vedi from Station/Bus stand, panda name of a particular state/district, medical camp facility locations in the town during mela, places of accommodation arrangement by the Administration for the pilgrims, Hotel facilities at Gaya and Bodhgaya, schedule of Cultural activities, issues relating to power problem, sanitation issues, missing person information etc. are some of the information that are passed on to the caller instantly. 6.5.2 ICT Infrastructure • NIC e-Mail has been widely used by government officials. • Websites of various departments and organizations are accessible through Govt. of Bihar website ( • NICNET Last Mile Connectivity (LMC) in Bihar has reached to 78 in addition to the 38 NIC district Centres of Bihar. The connectivity up to the districts is being upgraded to 34 Mbps with STM/CPE technology. • NKN connectivity has been extended to IGIMS-Patna and NIT-Patna besides IIT-Patna and ICAR-Patna. • More than 10,000 hours of Video-Conferencing have been utilized for more than 4000 sessions. 6.6 CHANDIGARH NIC Chandigarh UT Unit is the nodal agency for implementation of all e-Governance initiatives in the UT of Chandigarh. During the last 21 years of its operations, many eGovernance projects have been successfully implemented and are running smoothly. Totals Informatics support is being provided through the UT Unit which has one district unit also. 6.6.1 IT Support and Services Intranet Portal of Chandigarh Administration The portal harnesses content from across the various departments of Chandigarh Administration and provides a � Intranet Portal of Chandigarh Administration For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Bihar State Centre 3rd Floor, Technology Bhawan Bailey Road, Punai Chak Patna-800015 Phone : 0612-2546198 E Mail :
[email protected] Centre at Pitra Pakshya Mela at Gaya e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES common information platform. Although, the primary driver for the development of this solution was the need to have a single point of access for various applications, this portal has now become the face of the Chandigarh Administration. User accounts of employees are maintained in common database where it is authenticated and access provided as per assigned roles. The access is also limited to valid domains. On successful login, the selected application is made available to the user. Various applications accessible through the portal are Common Services for All Departments, Department wise Specific Services, Employees Intranet, Press Releases etc. The portal maintains complete transactional history through various applications and generates consolidated reports for senior officers. Smart Card based PDS (SCbPDS) A pilot implementation of this project was carried out in Chandigarh to take care of all the ensuing processes right from allocation to the disbursement of commodities at FPS. A KMS enabled Smart Ration Card with the beneficiary and a PoS Terminal integrated with weigh bridge and connected to central server through GPRS and with the FPS owner's Smart Card at the FPS makes the transaction happen. Biometrics authentication ensures that the commodity is delivered to the intended beneficiary. General Financial Accounting System (GFAS) GFAS helps in integrating the Budget and the Treasury operations, which till now were running in silos It is accessible by all offices/Boards and Corporations. Allocation of budget by Finance department, preparation of bill by DDO, presentation of bill to treasury, approval/rejection based on funds available etc are some of the activities carried out using this system. It facilitates making available the latest figures at any given time. Online availability of data helps in knowing about the available funds, expenditure status and the receipts. It also makes account, cheque and vouchers reconciliation very easy. A robust MIS supports variety of reports catering to day to day requirements of various offices. Industrial Tribunal & Labour Court A centralised solution developed for the court to manage and keep track of the cases has become an integral part of their day to day working. All reports are generated through the system and queries regarding case status, case history, decided/disposed cases etc are easily responded. Prevention of Food Adulteration (Food Licensing) The Food Safety Act includes rules and regulations for the registration and licensing of premises used or proposed to be used for the purposes of a food business. The application has been developed and implemented to streamline the food licensing process of the Administration. The software covers the complete process of food licensing which starts from accepting the license application with fee including penalty and late fee, giving receipt to the applicant and ends at the delivery of the license to the applicant. An effective monitoring and reporting mechanism assists the enforcement staff. 6.6.2 ICT Infrastructure Chandigarh State Wide Area Network (SWAN) Chandigarh State Wide Area Network, has been fully implemented in Chandigarh UT by NIC All the major departments and Citizen Service Centres namely eSampark/ eJanSampark/ eGramSampark Centres have been connected through SWAN. There are 7 fully operational PoPs (Point of Presence) namely UT Secretariat-SHQ, Municipal Corporation, Deputy Commissioner Office, Sub Divisional Magistrate(South), Sub Divisional Magistrate(East), Government Medical College and Hospital Sector32, Government Multi-Specialty Hospital Sector 16 & Registration & Licensing Authority. Chandigarh Administration has further extended SWAN to many departments from State Hqrs and POPs. It has facilitated the implementation of eGovernance projects as the reach has 97 � Chandigarh State Wide Area Network (SWAN) FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT been widened. It has become equally easy to disseminate information across various offices and has resulted in adoption of standardized approach by all departments. State Data Centre (SDC) Chandigarh Administration decided to use the existing National Informatics Centre, Chandigarh UT Network & Data Centre (NDC), established in 2004, as State Data Centre. The same site is being used as State Headquarter site under SWAN Project, thus all the major buildings/departments are connected to Data Centre. The NDC is equipped with state of art infrastructure to facilitate e-governance initiatives of Chandigarh Administration as well as to cater to diverse computing and networking requirements of the government. A high capacity (10 TB) storage area network (SAN) is also set up in NDC to provide consolidated storage infrastructure for Intranet Applications, Citizens Services, eGovernance applications, Databases, E-mail and other internet services. The NDC is operational on 24x7x365 basis and also remains manned by technical persons to respond to any kind of requirement. All the major buildings, Citizen centric centres (viz. eSampark, eJan Sampark and eGram Sampark) are also connected to the NDC through high speed channels to provide efficient services. Services are delivered through a wide array of servers, which are configured to provide fault tolerant environment. 6.7 CHHATTISGARH NIC Chhattisgarh state centre was established in November 2001, just about one year after the State of Chhattisgarh came into existence on 1st November, 2000. Ever since, it has left no stone unturned in providing ICT services to the state be it Internet & e-mailing, implementation of National projects, software development to cater to local administrative needs, training or technical advice. 6.7.1 IT Support and Services VC of Public Grievance Redressing System The General Administration Department on daily basis contacts people over videoconferencing and addresses their grievances. Wide publicity has been given for people to directly approach VC centers at NIC District Centres and get in touch with GAD. This method of grievance redressing has shown amazing results with many long pending cases getting cleared within a week. It has been successfully implemented for the past five years. A web based MIS has also been developed and is being used by many departments for effective monitoring of grievances received from public. Janadarshan Honorable CM meets the public every Thursday and public present their grievances before him. The whole process of Jandarshan is computerized for effective monitoring and redressal of these grievances by introducing the concept of pre-printed token numbers which are used to give as a receipt to the applicants. After registration of the applications, letter is generated, one copy of that letter is sent to concerned department and other copy is sent to applicant. Applicant can see the status of his/her application at Jandarshan website based on the token number which was given to him/her during Jandarshan Program. To monitor the entire Jandarshan process several useful reports are generated by the system. e-Agri Agriculture portal provides various kinds of information about agriculture department, it includes various reports, circulars, For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer Chandigarh UT Centre Room No 222, UT Secretariat Sector 9-D, Chandigarh-160017 Phone : 0172-2740706 E Mail :
[email protected] e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES letter, orders, forms etc.( AGRIculture MIS ( is a web based solution for monitoring the activities of agriculture department that includes fertilizer & bio-fertilizer distribution, seed & loan distribution, fertilizer testing and rainfall monitoring. This aids in mobilizing the resources from one place to another by the Govt. Agriculture Subsidy ( is an online application that automates the subsidy distribution operation under various schemes of Agriculture department. The application is entered online from block level, forwarded to district office & the same is sanctioned at District level. While sanctioning the subsidy, it is taken care that necessary funds are available at district office that was allocated from state level office. The subsidies are granted for 10 different schemes of central & state. The details of payment of subsidy are also entered online & SMS is sent to the farmer on every event of his application. Various kinds of reports are available for monitoring and evaluation of the project. AgriBudget ( Agriculture Budget is an online budget tracking and monitoring application for Agriculture department. It monitors the fund flow from central, state to districts for all the schemes, central, state, head wise, target achievement, fund utilization at each level (state, division and district) under different schemes of central government and state government. In case of non expenditure of funds the same can be transferred back to Govt. for further allocation to other district. e-Health This portal provides various kinds of information about the Health department. It includes various reports, circulars, letter, orders etc. apart from the details of the department. All the ICT components, instructions, orders are kept on the portal for ready reference. ( Mother & Child Tracking System is an online application for tracking the details of pregnant women & child in the state. The details of health services provided to a women during pregnancy, delivery details, services given post delivery, registration of child is done and child immunization is given up to 16 years. ( Health Program Monitoring is an online application to monitor the execution of various health programs like Maternal & child health, Family planning, Blindness, IDSP, NLEP etc. ( Daily Hospital Reporting System District & CHC hospitals use this online application ( for reporting the details of services provided daily to patients in the hospital. This includes OPD & IPD patients in hospitals. Inspection Reporting System: ( This web based application is designed to enter the details of health centre inspection done by health officials from state, district & block level. This is being monitored by Govt. Health Incentives ( is an online application to capture the details of incentives provided to ground level health staff for their performance based on no. of institutional deliveries performed under a particular health centre. The staff is provided incentives based upon his/ her performance. Bhuian (Land Records Computerisation Programme) Extending the project from Tehsil down to Village level, 99 � Bhuian (Land Records Computerisation Programme) FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Computers to patwaris were issued under e-Basta scheme of the Govt. of Chhattisgarh since year 2006. The BHUIYAN application software was customized according to the need of patwaris and patwari halka wise data has been extracted and loaded to enable updating of data due to mutation and issuance of RoR by patwaris. Also an application has been developed to carry out digitised Khasra (Land Parcel) map editing as a result of mutation using open source Geotools 2.0 library and with other options to merge Khasras, view layers and print Khasra map etc. The tool is named 'Bhu-Naksha'. This tool can be integrated with Land Records application with suitable customization. It can be implemented in Linux or Windows environment. This module is being customized for other states. Property Registration Process Computerisation (e- Panjiyan) e-Panjiyan ( is a system for computerization of Sub Registrar offices in the state. The project has been implemented on pilot basis at Bilaspur since 05/09/2008. Under NLRMP it is now being rolled out to Narayanpur District also. The application facilitates Registration data entry, Document search Index preparation, Property valuation and relevant report generation. The impact of the system is that the registration process has been streamlined, and the document search time has been greatly reduced. Public is freed from bringing the multiple photographs and use of ink pad for finger prints as result of implementation of Web camera and Biometric Finger print devices. The entire registration process is now completed within 45 minutes saving a lot of time. e-Works - Rural Engineering Services (RES) Works and Accounting System RES works and accounting system ( is an ICT initiative for computerizing the entire department's work flow and merge the financial accounting and the monitoring of the work progress in an integrated system. Rural Engineering Services is a technical wing of the Panchayat and Rural Development Department, which takes up all kinds of construction works in rural area. The scope of the project covers entry of work of all divisions of the RES and monitoring the work progress and expenditure. The cheque printing to contractors is done online leading to complete control on payments. Generation of monthly AG office reports has led to savings in time. The system has brought complete transparency and accountability in the working of RES. Treasury Computerisation (e-Kosh) The system ( provides solutions for effective Fiscal Management, Budgetary Control on Expenditure, Receipts and Accounting. e-Kosh is intended for intranetworking of all the 18 districts, 1 city and 46 sub treasuries, 4 divisional joint director offices in the state with the directorate using Leased line/VSAT network. This will facilitate accessing a common pool of data resources for budget distribution, online bill passing, pension disbursements, receipt consolidation etc. and enable the finance department to report the latest financial position to government from time to time. e- Kosh is running successfully since April 2005 in all the treasuries and sub treasuries across the state. e-Koshonline provides online information to government departments, DDOs, citizens on expenditure, receipts, budget availability etc. in a classified manner. e-Challan e-Challan ( is the web enabled software to facilitate government tax payers to pay the taxes online pertaining to any department. The user shall have the internet enabled online bank account to use this facility. The users can make the payment by simply filling the e-form provided and through the selected bank's gateway in which he/she has an online account. The data at the end of each day e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES will be communicated by the bank to the identified treasury for compiling required receipts account. This facility is provided for online bank account holders of State Bank of India, Axis Bank, Union Bank of India, Punjab National Bank and in process for ICICI Bank. Pension Management System Online pension management system ( is developed and maintained to automate the pension processes at divisional joint director offices from accepting the case to calculation of pension, gratuity, commutation and preparation of orders on pre-printed stationery for issue to beneficiaries, treasury concerned, DDOs and AG office. Pensioner's database is created by capturing information of existing pensioners and maintained. Treasuries access the online database to release initial payment and transfer the case to the choice bank of the pensioner. The broad objectives are to track monthly pension payments, evaluate government requirements on pension liabilities from time to time and redress the grievances of pensioners. Monthly pension payments from banks and treasuries are captured to monitor the eligibility criteria once the pension becomes family pension. PWD Online The project aims to automate internal office processes of PWD department with respect to works monitoring and accounting. The software ( has been prepared for capturing various masters viz. division master, contractor master, agreement master, Budgeted works master, non budgeted works master, allocation master and transactions related to various types of vouchers and receipts. The expenditure now is drawn in consonance to sanctioned Loc under each head and accordingly online cheques are prepared. Reports on budgeted works, non budgeted works, agreements etc. are made available. At the end of the month, each divisional office is able to generate monthly accounts, cash book, reports as per various formats required at AG office and submit online to AG. e-Return of Commercial Tax Department e-Return application has been developed and implemented since July 2010. At present 56000 registered dealers of commercial Tax Department in Chhattisgarh state have filed quarterly/annual returns online. This system has eased the burden of dealers as well as helped the commercial tax department to monitor the revenue. It also helps the department in identifying the defaulter dealers. At present the system facilitates the dealers to file their quarterly VAT, ET and CST returns online. Enhancements are being made in the system to facilitate the contractors and dealers also to file their composite return online. e-Return is available on the Internet at for the public. Online Paddy Procurement System The project is process computerization of complete food grain supply chain. The project involves computerization of 1587 purchase centers, 60 MARKFED storage centers, 70 CGSCSC CMR receiving centers, 35 FCI receiving centers, all the 16 food controllers' office at district collectorate, all the District Marketing Offices of MARKFED, all the District Managers Offices of CGSCSC and head quarters of MARKFED and CGSCSC. All the operations involved in procurement of paddy and milling are being done through computers for the last two years. Purchase centre module is a form based module. All other modules are web-enabled. To achieve near real time data transfer from purchase centres without internet connectivity, an innovative system of motor cycle riders (Runners) has been evolved. Runners bring electronic data (encrypted with salt for security) and upload the data from nearest NET points which are VSATs provided at block level as an extension of NICNET to rural department offices. At the same time runners get data from web, relevant to the purchase center, to load in purchase centers computers. 9 Lakh farmers every year are benefitted with this quick payment through computer generated cheques on the same day as against 3 to 6 days. Public Distribution System Online All the operations involved in Public Distribution System up to lifting of the commodities by Fair Price Shops have been computerized by connecting 16 District offices, 120 warehouses through a VSAT network. Since the ration cards database is available, shop-wise allocation-release has now been automated. Per card allocations are fed into the computer at the State level. Shop-wise allocations are calculated by the 101 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT software. Receipt and issue of PDS commodities at warehouse has been computerized. Citizens can register their e-mail id or mobile numbers on this web-site. Whenever PDS commodities are dispatched to an FPS from the warehouse an e-mail message or an SMS is sent to all the e-mail Ids/mobile numbers registered for that FPS. This message has the truck number, the quantities of PDS commodities being sent by that truck, and the date and time of dispatch. Online Employment System (e-Rojgar) This is a web based employment portal that takes care of all the common activities carried out at employment exchanges to maintain uniformity of the procedures such as registration, vacancy booking and submission of candidates to the employers, employment statistics, collection of employment market information and vocational guidance and career counseling for self employment. 6.8 DAMAN & DIU The Union Territory of Daman & Diu made up of two districts namely Daman and Diu at the distance of about 760 kms from each other. Daman, the City of Twin Forts, is having an area of 72 sqkm and is the HQ of the UT. Diu, the City of Blue water, is having an area about 39 sqkm. The UT is surrounded by Gujarat State. The main occupation of Diu is fisheries and tourism. Daman is having many industries, mainly plastic industry. NIC has implemented several e-governance projects in the UT, and provided all possible help to the administration in implementation of e-Governance Projects. NIC is providing technical guidance to the Administration in implementation of SWAN, SDC, SSDG, SP and other NeGP projects. 6.8.1 IT Support and Services Registration of Birth & Death (RBD) The Birth & Death data of whole UT is digitized. RBD records are kept in Village Panchayats and Municipal Council. Records of last 40 years are available in digitized format. Very soon, the RBD will be incorporated as eServices under the NeGP. The major impact of the system is searching of the record, which took a lot of time earlier. HT Bill/LTBill/Dom (Billing Systems for Electricity Department ) Three separate systems have been developed to automate the billing of Industrial / Commercial / Domestic Customer. This system provides relief from the laborious calculation work each month and ensures timely issuance of error free bills. It makes available various registers and reports. Ration Card Issue and Maintenance System (RIMS) The Ration Card data of whole UT is digitized using NIC software. RIMS is implemented at Civil Supply Offices at Daman and Diu. The computer generated Ration Cards are delivered to public. The allocation of the goods can be calculated dynamically each month. The Ration Card Data is available in Digitized Format for the Online PDS system being developed by NIC. This will also used in the eServices for PDS. NIC is also involved in implementing other National Projects like Realcraft, NADRS, MCTS, Confonet, IDSP, Agriculture Census, Live Stock Census, Court Computerization (eCourt) etc. NIC has also implemented accounting application like For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Chhattisgarh State Centre Room No. 238, 1st Floor Mantralaya (D.K.S.Bhavan) Raipur - 492001 Phone : 0771-2221238, 4080238 E Mail :
[email protected] Web Site: e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES COMPACT/PAO200, CDDO2PAO, eLekha etc. It is also providing technical help to maintain the Electoral Roll System and is maintaining the web sites of the Administration. 6.9 DELHI The myriad faces of the city of Delhi are simply fascinating. In some places it remains a garden city, tree lined and with beautiful parks, but in some places it can also be crowded with heavy traffic. Turbaned Sikhs, colourfully dressed Rajasthani and Gujarati women, Muslim shopkeepers along Chandni Chowk in Old Delhi, Tibetans and Ladakhis in the street stalls along Janpath and Kashmiris in the handicraft emporia around Connaught Place, all add to the cosmopolitan feel of the city. Soaring skyscrapers, posh residential colonies and bustling commercial complexes can be seen along with the ancient historical monuments. NIC Office at the Delhi Secretariat, one of the total solution providers of Govt. of National Capital Territory of Delhi is actively involved in most of the IT enabled applications and makes use of the latest state of the art technology in its day to day activities to provide better services to the citizens of NCT of Delhi. This, coupled with committed political leadership and a policy environment conducive to technology-enabled governance has brought the e-Government maturity in National Capital Territory of Delhi at an advanced level. 6.9.1 IT Support and Services Delhi Online Registration Information System DORIS for Property Registration has been implemented in 9 revenue districts. DORIS has been developed with the objective of providing Single Window Service, timely registration, transparent & reliable transactions. Various features include online capturing and storing of photograph of first party, second party and witnesses, security checks, information on registration fee, printing of registration certificate, etc. e-Parampatra e-Parampatra available at the Deputy Commissioner Office is the single window system for the issuance of various kinds of certificates like Caste (Scheduled, OBC) ,Domicile,. Schedule Caste, Income, Birth Order, Death Order, Handicap, Surviving Member, Freedom Fighter, Solvency, Nationality, Non Encumbrance, Other State SC/ST & Marriage Registration. It has been implemented in all the 9 revenue districts. Service Level Agreement System (SLAS) SLAS for public dealing departments of the Delhi Govt. is a system for monitoring of delivery of citizen centric services. Delhi Government has notified an Act for implementation of 103 � e-Parampatra For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Daman & Diu UT Centre Secretariat, 1st Floor, Fort Area Moti Daman - 396220 Phone: 0260-2230985, E Mail:
[email protected] � Service Level Agreement System (SLAS) FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT the same. The services being monitored through e-SLA are Issuance of Certificate by Revenue Department, Issuance of Ration Card, Registration Of Birth & Death, Registration under DVAT, Issuance & Renewal of Driving License, New Meter connection of BSES & NDPL. Departments are supposed to provide the service within the stipulated time as per the Citizen Charter, if department fails to do so, the SLA is invoked. More than 13 lakh applications have been uploaded in the system. With the implementation of this software the departments have become more conscious for timely disposal of application. It has facilitated the citizens to monitor whether their applications are disposed off within stipulated time. e-Litigation It is a web based application which helps the Law & Judicial Department to monitor all Court Cases being handled by various departments of Delhi Government. Centralised Payroll (DDO) It is a web based system which has been developed to take care of all the payroll accounting functions of DDO's. It generates more than 25 types of bills and more than 35 types of schedules It also generates LPC, post sanction details, loan break up details etc. It is integrated with PAO-2000 and GPF Monitoring Information System. Major modules of the system are pay bills including schedules, variation statement, pay- slips etc. e-Gazette e-Gazette is a system which has been implemented to electronically monitor all the notifications issued by the Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Every department issuing the notification makes the entry in the software and then a automatically generated NCTD No is being placed against a group of notifications to be forwarded for printing of a Gazette. The gazette details are also entered in the software against each notification after printing of a gazette. This software is being used by the General Administration Department (GAD) and all the departments of Govt. of NCT of Delhi. The notifications entered in the system can be searched easily. It helps the GAD to facilitate the Senior Officers by providing the required details of the notifications within short span of time. e-Purti e-Purti is a stores management system which has been implemented at Delhi Secretariat over the intranet & all departments are being issued items online through this system only. e-Clipping Monitoring System Developed for Directorate of Information Publication (DIP), Govt. of NCT of Delhi through which it is able to upload clippings from newspapers related to Delhi Govt., which would then be viewed by concerned Depts. online. e-Awas This is a software for allotment of residential quarters of Delhi Government. Allotment of Type-I Quarters is done through e- Awas system. DISE (District Information system for Elections)- Support provided to Delhi Government through DISE system for conducting Elections related to Vidhan Sabha and Parliamentary Elections. Public Assets Management System (PAMS) All Departments/ Agencies of Delhi Govt. are using this system to register their Land Assets . Land & Building Department is the nodal department for implementing this system. Chief Minister's Office Applications (CMOAs) CMOAs are as follows: Public Grievances Redressal & Monitoring System (PGRAMS) is an online web based software which has been developed & implemented in order to help the public for solving their problems. Bhagidari is the Citizen- Government Partnership to solve the problems of residents of Delhi. A web based application has been developed to computerize every activity of the Bhagidari Cell. Other applications are Letter Monitoring System and MLA -MP Development Issues Monitoring system. Lt. Governor's Office Applications It consists of a system implemented for monitoring of Very Important References (VIRs)/ Special Follow-Up (SFUs)Cases of Raj Niwas. e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES Delhi Secretariat's Applications This includes File Monitoring System through which all files in Delhi Secretariat are received/dispatched, Letter Monitoring System, Daily Appointment Monitoring System, Daily Schedule Monitoring System, Location Information System (LOCIS),e- mail Address Information System, Complaint Monitoring system, Library Computerization (e-Granthalaya) Pulse Polio Immunisation Programme Support is provided for Pulse Polio Immunization program of Delhi Govt. through a software which helps in deployment of manpower across 70 Assembly segments and approximately 25,000 booths. 6.9.2 ICT Infrastructure and Web Services LAN of 700 nodes is functional in the Delhi Secretariat with optical fiber as backbone. 100 Mbps lease line connectivity between Delhi Secretariat & NIC Hqrs. has been established and Internet/E-mail Services to Delhi Government are being provided through this facility. A 100Mbps lease line connectivity between Delhi Secretariat & Laxmi Nagar Data Centre (LNDC) has also been established. Under DSWAN (Delhi State Wide Area Network), 79 locations of Delhi Government are connected with Delhi Secretariat of which 66 locations are connected through 2Mbps Leased Lines and 13 locations are connected through 4 Mbps Leased lines. Delhi Government has been provided connectivity with secured and authenticated broadband -Tri Band-DG facility. Delhi Government has decided to collocate the state Data Centre at NIC's facilities at Laxmi Nagar Data Centre /Shastri Park Data Centre. Technical support is provided for preparation & hosting of over 150 websites of Govt. of NCT of Delhi. High Definition Videoconferencing Systems have been installed at Delhi Secretariat & Deputy Commissioner's Offices. 6.10 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI Dadra & Nagar Haveli, endowed with nature's munificence, is a land of spell-binding beauty, green forests, winding rivers, unimaginable waterfronts, gentle gurgle of streams, distant dotting mountain ranges and a gorgeous kaleidoscope of flora and fauna. Owing to its serenity and quaint sylvan surroundings, this territory is a heaven for those who hunt around for a tranquil holiday. The State Centre of UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli, along with the district centre, is providing IT support to the state and district Administration in the areas of Software and Hardware Consultancy, Software development, Implementation of the IT solutions, Extending the Internet and E-mail connectivity to the government Offices, Hosting and maintenance of various Government Web Sites, etc. 6.10.1 IT Support and Services An official website of the UT of Dadra and Nagar Haveli ( containing) links to various citizen centric services has been developed. Value Added Tax Computerisation (VATSoft) VATSoft appl icat ion software developed and 105 For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC NCT of Delhi Centre Level 3, B Wing Delhi Sachivalaya, I.P. Estate New Delhi - 110002 Phone: 011-23392184 E Mail :
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT customized by NIC, Karnataka has been implemented in the UT. Bhu Panji Karan The Computerized Document Registration Services at Sub- Registrar Office, Silvassa has been implemented. The Revenue Department of Dadra & Nagar Haveli UT Administration has adopted "Garvi" application software developed & customized by NIC Gandhinagar as "BHOO PANJIKARAN". The coordination and implementation support is being provided by NIC Collectorate, Silvassa. 6.11 GOA Goa is a tiny emerald land on the west coast of India. A very striking feature of Goa is the harmonious relationship among various religious communities, who have lived together peacefully for generations. Though a late entrant to the planning process, Goa has emerged as one of the most developed States in India and even achieved the ranking of one of the best states in India with regards to investment environment and infrastructure. NIC Goa State Centre was established in 1989. The Center was functioning from the North Goa District Collectorate. There are 2 districts in Goa : North Goa and South Goa. North Goa District Informatics Centre (DIC) was established in 1989.South Goa District Informatics Centre (DIC) was established in 1990. A Computer Cell in the Secretariat was established in 1993, to cater to the requirements of Secretariat. This center is equipped with state of the art Data Center with SAN and Network Operation Center connecting both District Collectorates and all 11 Taluka Offices with Leased Lines. The Goa Government Computer Centre was merged with NIC in October 1994 .NIC Goa State Centre and NIC District Centres at both the Collectorates cater to the ICT needs of Government of Goa as well as various Central Government nodal offices within Goa. 6.11.1 IT Support and Services Accounts Online This application has been developed for the Directorate of Accounts (DOA), the budget controlling Authority of Government of Goa. NIC, Goa has been providing IT support to DOA since 1993. There are two District Treasuries and 9 Sub- Treasuries. Besides there are various sections doing different kinds functional activities in DOA. The Accounts-Online a web- based project, has been implemented in the DOA to meet all their functional requirements. Some of the systems implemented are as follows: • Integrated Bill Processing System • MICR Cheques • Compilation of Accounts • Budget Processing • Treasury Accounting System • General Provident Fund System • Contribution Pension System • Advances Management System For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Dadra & Nagar Haveli UT Centre 3rd Floor, Secretariat Collectorate Office 66, K.V. Road, Amli Silvassa - 396230 Phone: 0260-2630800 E Mail :
[email protected] e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES • Loans Management System • Works Audit System • Pension Accounting System • Online Financial Information System The DOA already has data sharing facility with the Finance Department and the AG, Goa office. The DOA also pays its gazetted officers through the ECS mode of payment. SMS intimation is provided after successful crediting of salary. The project resulted in faster deposit of salaries and bills being cleared on time. Monthly Compilation account closing time is reduced from 3 months to 25 days. Dharani II Goa was the first state to have 100% computerized Land Records. Both rural & urban Record of Rights (ROR) are computerized. The current version, DHARANI-II developed and implemented by NIC, Goa for the Department of Settlement and Land Records (DSLR) has the following major services: • Dharani Rural & Dharani Urban are the textual web-based solutions implemented for maintenance of Rural & Urban ROR's for Government of Goa. • Legacy data conversion to UNICODE. • Digital crop survey. Under this project DSLR had issued a Netbook PC to all 200 Talathis of Goa, for conduct of crop survey. Each Netbook is provided with ROR data, cadastral maps of saza & a click-once based solution for recording the cultivator entries in the Kharif & Rabi seasons. The recorded cultivator details are pushed through web service, which enable the Mamlatdars (Tehsildars) to certify the cultivator entries using Dharani Rural. Once entries are certified the entries appear on the Record of Rights. Other features include web enabled Touch Screen Kiosk Interface at all Mamlatdar offices and biometric authentication.. Dharani-II for Rural ROR is implemented in all 11 talukas of Goa. Dharani- II for Urban ROR is implemented in all 4 City Survey Offices of Goa. 13 Mahiti Ghars issue RORs in Goa. VSoft It is a web enabled efficient and user-friendly application for the Commercial Tax Offices (CTO) in the state of Goa. This system is an excellent example of taking e-Governance to the business community. All the seven CTOs are interconnected with the Head Office through the state-wide intranet GBBN (Goa Broad Band Network). Various features of the software are as follows : • Automatic generation of TIN number. • All statutory forms are bar coded. • Notification to users on software updates is online. • Simplified process for transfer and cancellation of Registered Dealers. 107 � Connectivity among various departments for Accounts Online Application FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT • Online payment through Cyber Treasury and Banks. • Dissemination of online information to the Enforcement Wing through VPN enabled Wireless network. Some of the modules implemented are Registration, Tax Collection, E-Filing of return, Assessment of dealers etc. With the introduction of the VATSoft system in May 2008, the objectives of providing clean administration of registration of dealers, better and efficient monitoring and collection of tax, online payment of tax have been met. File Management System The File Management System (FMS) is a web-based system, designed with the sole purpose of facilitating tracing of files and documents within a government department as well as between departments. Every time a letter/ file is inwarded at the entry point in a government office, a unique number is generated. This number is used to trace the movement of the letter/ file in the government department and also if it is marked outside the department to another department. Some salient features of this system are: • Online help available. • The system has different roles for different categories of users such as central registry, sectional inward/outward, dealing hand, super user and administrator to cater to functional requirements of a department. • An exhaustive list of MIS reports is available for departmental use. • Letter/ file can be moved between departments seamlessly. • Tracing mechanism is available. • One has to remember only the unique number generated at first entry point, in order to trace letter/ file. FMS designed and developed by NIC, Goa was successfully implemented in the state Secretariat in September 2010. FMS is now being replicated and implemented in other departments. Till date more than 800 people from 20 departments have been trained in the use of FMS. This system available through the state Intranet GBBN is now being used by the departments to track their files. DC*Suite & Taluka*Suite DC*Suite & Taluka*Suite will help the South Goa District Administration to achieve less paper office, efficient monitoring, transparency, speedy disposals, best citizen services delivery. With the total computerization of the South Goa District Collectorate and all the five Taluka Offices, people would be able to track the status of a file or an application easily either through the Citizen Facilitation Centre / the Touch Screen based Kiosks installed at the important places or through the SMS based service provided by the South Goa District Administration. 6.12 GUJARAT Gujarat is one of the most diverse States in India. Its history stretches over a long period from the age old Harappan For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Goa State Centre H- Block, Paraiso De Goa Porvorim Goa - 403521 Phone : 0832-2410159 E Mail :
[email protected] Website: � VSoft e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES Civilization to the Mughal period. Gujarat's endless journey from Roots to Wings is timeless. Gujarat is also one of the most progressive states in India with state of an art Government infrastructure. Gujarat has State Wide Area Network having connectivity up to taluka level offices. Almost all computers are networked under GSWAN. Village panchayats are also given VSAT connectivity under the e-Gram project. There are many e-governance activities carried out by the state with the help of NIC, some of which are listed below. 6.12.1 IT Support and Services Apno Taluko Vibrant Taluko (ATVT) ATVT is an online system developed to facilitate the Taluka Sarkar to deliver 162 services effectively and reliably to the common citizen. The services provided by ATVT include One Day Services like Certificates such as Income, Caste, Residence, Senior Citizen etc., Renewals such as Arms license, ration card, Birth date change etc. Non One Day Services are services which are being delivered to the beneficiary in a pre decided time frame. Citizens have to submit the application form for required service with complete details, necessary attached documents and a photograph to ATVT operator. All services are mapped to respective offices and processed there. After approval, the certificate will be sent back to ATVT Centre for delivery to the citizen. SMS is sent to applicant on receipt of application at ATVT counter and at the time of approval. A citizen can know the status of the application from anywhere though ATVT website. State Wide Attention on Grievances by Application of Technology (SWAGAT) SWAGAT offers the citizens of Gujarat a fair opportunity to personally present their grievances directly to the Chief Minister. This system has all the stakeholders connected in real time and the complainant is given a justified hearing. SWAGAT ensures high levels of accountability and transparency in the administration process. The grievances are first presented at the Sub-District or District level so that they are resolved locally. If they remain unresolved after that, they are referred to the Chief Minister. In case there are repetitive grievances on same issues, certain policy decisions are to be reviewed or changes in policies are to be incorporated. This eliminates the occurrence of such grievances for good. e-Mamta Name based Mother and Child Tracking System In January 2010, e-Mamta, a name-based tracking information management system of Mother and Child, was conceptualized. It aimed at reducing Infant Mortality Rate and Mother Mortality Rate. It is a web-based software application that anticipated covering entire Gujarat, with special emphasis on rural, urban slum and slum-like populace. This project would perform the identification and documentation of pregnant women and children under the age group of 0-6 years. City Survey Information System (CSIS-GUJARAT) For monitoring and maintaining the ever changing Urban Land Records and for effective implementation of Urban development programmes, an Urban Land Information & Management System with highest level of transparency is the need of the hour. NIC has developed a complete web-enabled CSIS- GUJARAT which is in use for 66 City Survey Offices located at 26 districts of Gujarat. At present 19 City Survey offices are already working online and rest of 47 city survey offices have started online data entry. More than 9.70 Lakh property cards have been digitised. A module for flat property card has also been developed. Extensive training has been imparted at Deen Dayal Institute Gandhinagar on the CSIS software to all the maintenance surveyors throughout the state. Food Civil Supply and Consumer Affairs The basic vision behind the Computerization of FCSCA 109 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Department is to improve the delivery system, increase monitoring of all aspects of the work and to develop an IT enabled environment to ease out the procurement and distribution operations of food grain. The objective of the application is to enhance the ability during the whole process of distributing, enforcing and managing the public distribution system undertaken by the department. It is a common system at State level, District level and Taluka level which will make information available to all the concerned persons on a timely basis. Scope of the project is Bar-coded ration cards, PDS Coupons system, License, Allocation, Demand & Challan, Godown module, Flour Mill Module, Daily Price Monitoring and a module for Legal Metrology Finger prints are captured in newly generated bar-coded ration cards. The card contains 2D bar- code. The PDS coupon is issued to the beneficiaries after the verification of finger print data. Bar-coded rations cards are being issued across the state and PDS coupons system is started in pilot FPS selected one for each taluka. Drugs (Allopathic) Manufacturing License Allocation for FDCA It is a web based application developed for Food & Drugs Control Administration under the Health Department. Two different modules DMLA and iDMLA are developed. DMLA module is accessible over intranet and it is made for FDCA office while iDMLA is for drugs (allopathic) manufacturers and it is accessible over internet..This is workflow based application processing and having role based access. The scope of the project is issuance of fresh license, renewal and amendments in license, additional product permission, certificates and complete firm profile. The drugs (allopathic) manufacture can register themselves on the portal. After verification by the competent authority firms may have access to its profile. Firms can apply on-line on the portal for various type of services. Implemented, more than 1200 firms have registered themselves on the portal and using the services. Total 3000 licenses entered having more than 1 lacks product. Works Monitoring System The Works Monitoring System for Road & Building Department is developed in consultation with concerned Chief Engineers to monitor the budgetary, expenditure and progress of all Civil Works. The system is accessible over the internet as well as GSWAN and the access is granted to all the Executive/Superintending Engineers at the field offices and to all officials of the Secretariat Office. The system has the features to capture all the time series data (viz., References, Budgetary provision, etc) and to enter progress of the work on various stages starting from pre construction clearance details (viz., Availability of Land, Readiness of Land, DTP, Tendering, Work Order etc.,), construction stage details (viz., physical and financial progress) and post construction stage data (viz., Commissioning date, Maintenance Guarantee etc.,). The system also captures administrative data establishing ownership of works with implementing agency, administrative region and constituency etc, � Works Monitoring System � Food Civil Supply & Consumer Affairs e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES VIKASPATH VIKASPATH was conceptualized and implemented in year 2008-09 in Junagadh district. After successful run, the state has adopted the applications and decided to roll it out across the state. Details of proposal or list of work for any scheme is available on the web. Submission of proposal, principle approval/disapproval of proposal, preparation of plan & estimate, technical sanction, Grant allocation, Booking of Bill wise expenditure, uploading of photographs of work completed etc are entered through the administrative section. Various types of reports are available to the administration. More than 11 districts have been started using the system and 50,000+ proposals/works have been processed so far. e-Governance in Gujarat Judiciary Gujarat Judiciary is implementing e-Governance strategy across all levels of Judiciary. Entire project was divided into modular pieces with short term deliverables. Establishment of key standards, especially related to network connectivity and information management is very important to enable integrated services. G2G and G2C services were mainly targeted as service deliverables With help of e-governance, there are improvements in delivering the services like timely justice, immediate follow up of courts action , speedy issuance of Certified Copy, bunching of cases for speedy disposal, knowing case status through gadgets, judiciary grid among all courts through secured network. Case Status is available at the judicial service centre. Orders/Judgment, Business List, List of registered matters, Advocate diary, advocate cause list, IVR services for the case status etc. are also offered. A comprehensive project progress monitoring system is used to capture the key data. The PPMS also captures project progress details, generates customized reports for evaluation. School Health Programme This maintains Health Record of a student comprising of Student Name, Registration No., Date Of Birth, Class, Health Check up Date, Weight in kgs., Height in cms., Gender, Category and all the findings of Doctor related to various specified diseases. It was also decided to have unique ID for the student/child so that history of the student's health check up may be available from the system. In addition to this student/child's association with the School/Anganwadi and the locality of School/Anganwadi on the purview of both Revenue and Health was added up. Integrated Online Junction on Net (iOJN) for Decentralized District Planning Main objective behind the development of iOjN4 Planning system is to smoothen the various types of administrative process and to introduce an effective monitoring system for expediting the project which are sanctioned and funded under Decentralized Planning Schemes. "iOjN 4 Planning " is a web enabled application operating on Internet. Starting from the proposal, system takes care up to completion of the work. Submission of Proposal, Acceptance of Proposal, Details of Plan-Estimate, Administrative Sanction, Allocation of Grant, Expenditure done, Details of UTC are the main components of the system. Schemes running under district planning are MLA fund, MP fund,15% Discretionary Scheme, 5 % Incentive scheme special backward area etc. The benefit of the system is proper utilization of Govt. funds, Asset register at village level , monitoring and review of work, latest status of the work/proposal. Revenue Cases Management System (RCMS) District administration decided to introduce e-governance in process of hearing land appeal cases at collector, prant office and mamlatdar office level. Looking at the gravity of impact on public, this office has received a request from other districts of the state for adopting the same and it is being rolled out across the state. Main 111 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT objective of developing this system is to bring ease and transparency in hearing of land appeal cases in the court of collector. Features of the system are on-line status of the case, print copy of Judgments/Order, Search engine and Hearing Boards. Property Registration System (gARVI) The Government of Gujarat had come out with the concept of e-Jamin Project part, Garvi to provide services to the citizens related to all process of Property Registration which includes Pre-Valuation of Properties (i.e. verification of ownership and seller of the property before registration), Registration of Documents and corresponding Mutation of Entries for sale deed of agriculture land. Integrating system of Sub Registrar office and Mamlatdar office under the same roof and at the same place. After registration of agriculture property, auto mutation process updates '' Kaachi Nondh'' in land record register at the same time. e-Jamin Project was started as a pilot project from Mansa, Dist : Gandhinagar in August 2010 using a software named gARVI (Administrative process of Registration, Valuation and Indexing in Gujarat) After successful pilot testing, the gARVI was gradually implemented in other taluka places. As on date it is running successfully at 225 taluka places of 26 districts of the State. Gujarat is the FIRST State to launch and provide this facility in the country. With selected private vendor this application is operated in all Sub Registrar offices. Around 3000 documents are registered through this system on daily basis Pension Authorisation System (e-Nivruti) e- Nivruti automated all the pension activities from inward to outward at DAP level. e-Nivruti supports, provisional pension, pension calculations, DCRG calculation, CVP calculation for various class of pension like family, superannuation, voluntary etc. Also supports all type of revisions like superannuation convert into FP after taking pension/ before taking pension etc. Also incorporated all the changes according to 6'th pay commission in the software. Software generates all the legal documents like PPO, DCRG authority, CVP authority, revised authority, service verification, AE (account enfacement), forwarding letters, PPO register, DCRG register, CVP register, inward register, outward register, monthly reports and various type of MIS reports for monitoring. Those entries done at service verification & provisional pension time are also available at the time of pension authorization. Pension Case Status Online (PeCaSo) This web based application is to disseminate the status of any pension case forwarded to Directorate of Accounts (Postal). An individual can see the status of his pension case. The module also provides circle and division wise information of cases. The application provides search features on various parameters. Software is implemented in Gujarat Rajasthan, Kerala Odisha, Bihar & Jharkhand Circle. Integrated Solution for Land Records and Registration (e-Jamin) This is an integrated solution for the Registrar office and Dy. mamlatdar office and implemented in 26 districts and 225 talukas. For this system to work, e-Jamin Kendra's were set up at Taluka Mamlatdar offices to access and update land records in a scalable manner. New 75+ sub registrar offices have been started along with e-stamping facility at taluka mamlatdar offices under one roof. Through these e-Jamin centers, a secured automated database of the village land records of all the 26 districts of Gujarat are being maintained using workflow-based eBhulekh software. Nominal fees of Rs.5/- per ROR being charged for the system to be a self-sustainable structure. Mutation application is Free of Cost. By checking seller's photo and validating finger print, Gujarat is now ensuring the security of data and limiting fraud cases of registration. Online Job Application System (OJAS) Online Job Application System (OJAS) is an online workflow system developed to facilitate the recruitment process. OJAS has also been used for Teachers Eligibility/Aptitude Test (TET/TAT) for upper primary/Secondary and Higher Secondary teacher's eligibility exam. The online format allows quick and secure uploads of photographs and signatures of applicants. Important application details, confirmation of applications, communication of confirmations, call letters for written exams-interviews, change in venue or time, etc. all happens through mail or SMSes. Xtended Green Node (XGN) XGN is a web enabled software/Portal for the day to day operations at any State Pollution Control Boards in India. It has e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES been gradually implemented since June-2008. It is aiding the GPCB in effective and qualitative implementation of Pollution & Environment Acts (Air, Water ,Hazard & Bio-Medical wastes) through Granting NOC-Consents, Authorizations, Inspections, Samplings & legal procedures. Implemented in 5 other states viz. Goa, Uttarakhand, H.P, M.P and A.P. Drug Logistics and Inventory Management System (DLIMS) DLIMS is a very good example of G2G and G2B services which ultimately leads to G2C. All procurement and distribution related activities of the state starting from demand of various Government officers to timely supply of medicines and medical equipments are taken care by this system. Various steps of procurement including fixing of rate contracts, placing orders, supply from vendors, and distribution to the indenting offices and payment to suppliers are well integrated in this system. DLIMS has also played an important role in monitoring various government sponsored National Programmes such as Anti- Malaria, School Health, Epidemic, Nirmal Gujarat, Anti Rabies, Medical Camps etc. The online DLIMS application is accessed through URL 6.13 HARYANA The name of Haryana instantly conjures up the image of a State which astonishingly combines both-antiquity and plenty. The Vedic land of Haryana has been a cradle of Indian culture and civilization. Haryana emerged as a separate State in the federal galaxy of the Indian Republic on November 1, 1966. With just 1.37% of the total geographical area and less than 2% of India's population, Haryana has carved a place of distinction for itself during the past three decades. Whether it is agriculture or industry, canal irrigation or rural electrification, Haryana has marched towards modernity with leaps and bounds. Today, it enjoys the unique distinction in India of having provided electricity, metallic roads and potable drinking water to all its villages within record time. Haryana is among the most prosperous states in India, having one of the highest per-capita incomes in the country. The NIC Haryana State Centre (NIC-HRSC) has established 5 Informatics Centres at State Headquarters and 21 District Informatics Centres (DICs) in all 21 District Mini Secretariats, with adequate computing facilities, Local Area Networks (LANs) and communication facilities. These Informatics Centres and other major office complexes are linked with managed Leased lines. All PCs on these LANs have been provided dedicated e- mail/Internet access facility. The NIC-HRSC has been functioning as a joint technology partner of the Haryana Secretariat for Information Technology. The State IT department, NIC-HRSC & Society for IT initiative fund for e- Governance at SHQ & DITS at DHQs are facilitating the line departments and assisting them on all technical aspects. 6.13.1 IT Support and Services Haryana Land Records Information System (HALRIS) It is a complete Integrated workflow automation system of Land Record components. HALRIS provides a single window Interface for Deed Writing, Registration, Mutation, Jamabandi and copy of ROR. The ROR data is available on Internet website Haryana is one of very few states, where property registration system and Land Records System have been dynamically integrated. HALRIS has also been integrated with Spatial (Mussavies / Cadastral Maps) Data by customizing Bhu-Naksha Software. The digitization of 113 For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Gujarat State Centre Block-13, 2nd floor, New Sachivalaya Gandhinagar -382010 Phone : 079-23223890 E Mail :
[email protected] Web Site : FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Cadastral Maps / Mussavies has been out sourced for all districts through open bidding process, as per NLRMP (National Land Records Modernization Programme) guidelines. More than 70 villages of Ambala tehsil has been linked with Bhu- Naksha for issuing RoR along with digital Map of the Land Parcel. Property Registration (HARIS) Haryana Registration Information System facilitates Registration of Properties & Land. Linked to Mutations & Jamabandies and implemented at all Tehsils and Sub-Tehsils has led to significant increase in revenue collection. Biometric details and photograph of sub-registrar along with buyer & seller has brought in greater transparency. The Token management sub-system have facilities namely Token Issuance, Print Token, Integration of Token with Registration of deed, Summary reports. Online Treasury Information System (OTIS) OTIS has been implemented at 100% treasuries & Sub treasuries. To facilitate high taxpayers, a payment gateway interface with SBI online has been established to have Cyber Treasuries concept. e-Kosh21 - Web enabled Treasuries Workflow Integration system has also been initiated. Web enabled On-line Budget Allocation System has been implemented for all BCAs (Budget Controlling Authorities), BCOs (Budget Controlling Officers) and extended to DDOs. EPS (Electronic Payment System) for all government payments also developed and integrated in Online Treasury Information System. Centralized e-Salary system for all government employees with linkage to their Personnel Records & e-Pension System for all pensioners of Haryana Government has also been initiated. Commercial Taxes VATMACS Value Added Tax Management, Assessment, Collection System (modules like VAT Return Processing, Dealers Registration, Fact Sheet Compilation, Statuary Forms Inventory, Road Side Checking) has been implemented at all DETC offices. TINXSYS (Tax Information & Exchange System) Integration. Daily VAT Collections integrated with OTIS to facilitate reconciliation. Police Suite of software packages (Personnel management, Payroll System, Pension Accounting, Inventory and Vehicle Management and Control System, Budget Control including Appropriation and Variance Analysis, Audit Control & Audit Para Monitoring System, Court Cases Management, DAK & Crime Information System) was developed for facilitating police functioning. Dynamic Police Web Portal CIPA (Common Integrated Police Application) project is being implemented at most of the Police stations. All district Police H qs websites developed and launched. Daily Diary Report (DDR ) and Selected FIR Status on web. e-District A comprehensive network (LAN), a modern IT training lab, District level e-DISHA Centers have been established in each district mini secretariat. A suite of office automation software packages for district & revenue administration has been developed and is being implemented on district LANs. Rohtak is the pilot e-District under NeGP funding to state. The Integrated software for e-Services related to Certificates Issuance, Grievance Redressal and Revenue Court Cases, Agriculture Inputs has been developed along with integrated Residents Registration data repository. Interface for signing with Digital Signatures Certificates integrated. e-Health This is a suite of software packages to monitor the e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES Prevention of Food Adulteration, Medical Certification of Cause of Death, Processing Bed Occupancy and Mortality Rate, Directly Observed Treatment Short-term for eradication of TB disease, Medicine Inventory Monitoring System, Doctors Leave Accounting System and Family Welfare MIS, Malaria Monitoring Software, Software for National School Health Program, was developed and implemented at Civil Surgeons offices. Hospitals OPD MIS, Physically Handicapped Certificate Issuing system introduced. Integrated Disease Surveillance Project is implemented at all districts. Doctors Self Appraisal System has been developed for on-line monitoring of performance of all specialists and MBBS Medical Officers, by including exhaustive details of all the work done by the doctors during the month and constraints, if any, in performing as per the bench marks set for the minimum performance of all specialties. Capacity Building & implementation of Mother & Child Tracking System (MCTS) has been started. Smart Card based Ration Cards (SCbRC) and Public Distribution System (e-PDS) Project Government of India selected Haryana and Chandigarh as first pilot state in India for implementing this project. All standards and specifications were formulated & finalized. System Study, System Requirement Specifications, Architecture framework and Structured development of centralized integrated workflow software was completed. Off-line data digitization of existing Ration Cards of seven districts was done. The sub- pilot was launched for 3 Fare Price Shop (FPS) in Panchkula district on 13/07/2010. System Integrator was appointed and agreement signed between Food Department and System Integrator on 31/03/2011. In the first phase, the SI has initiated the implementation process in 04 blocks (Ambala, Sonipat, Gharaunda, Sirsa). The field camps are being organized and the enrolment of family members in progress. The Public Distribution System (PDS) project has also been liked with KYR of UIDAI and KYR+ of State Citizens database projects. e-DISHA G2C Services (Ekal Seva Kendra) One District level e-DISHA Center (DleDC) established at 19 districts. These DleDCs are providing hassle free citizen services through a single window in a transparent way. e- DISHA Centres have also been established and made functional at 65 locations in the field. State Portal The official web portal is a single window web based delivery of information services on any where, anytime basis. More than 15 public information services are being provided on this portal. This portal provides a linkage to departments and district websites. Haryana on India Portal: Haryana specific inputs (G2C services and information, schemes, forms, procedures etc.) are uploaded on India portal Exclusive websites of all Districts' Administration and all District Police Offices have been developed and launched. 115 e-DISHA Centre FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Online Reservation System for Tourist Complexes Online Reservation System for Tourist Complexes with payment gateway interface has been developed. An interactive website for Haryana Tourism has also been integrated. This has brought transparency in availability of facilities and cost components and helped in increasing tourism System Maintenance, enhancements and ICT support services to user department on smooth implementation. System has also been adopted by Tripura Tourism Department. Online Paperless Entrance Exam System and Online Off Campus Counseling It has been successfully implemented since 2006-2007. Activities include online registration, allotment of centers, conductance of exam, Rank generation, exporting ranks data to Counseling system & MIS reports. On-line Entrance Exam and On-line Off-Campus Counseling Project were integrated and completed successfully. System adopted by number of States including CBSE. Haryana Pensions Processing and Information System This system has been implemented for more than 21 lakh beneficiaries under 8 schemes. System helps in timely disbursement of pension to old age and other pensioners every month. It has been linked with Birth & Death, Ration cards & Photo ID cards. Individual beneficiaries' data was ported for transfer to Banks for EBT (Electronics Banking Transfer) scheme for pension disbursement. Senior Citizens ID Cards Preparation and Issuance System was developed for creating a database of Sr. Citizens and issuing ID Cards to them, facilitating availing of various benefits. 6.13.2 ICT Infrastructure NICNET WAN connectivity is established between the State NIC and districts through managed Leased Lines. Leased Line connectivity to District Head Post Offices, District level e-DISHA Centers and identified Central Government offices also established. The NIC-State Data Centre along with SAN has been established at Haryana Civil Secretariat. All the mission critical servers are installed in this data centre in a secure DMZ. GIS infrastructure is established at NIC Haryana state data centre, to meet the functional requirements of the departments. The state's base maps with village points/boundaries and important layers, Assembly & Parliament constituencies' boundaries have been digitized in 1: 50,000 scale. The NICNET based VC services established in all districts and Multi point VC services established at State HQ., Executive VC Systems installed and made operational in the offices of Chief Secretary, DGP and CPMG Haryana. Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) Registering Authority has been set up at Chandigarh. 6.14 HIMACHAL PRADESH Himachal Pradesh is a sparsely populated state with difficult topographical and climatic conditions. However, the state has been at the forefront in many sectors like education, information technology, health and law & order at the national level. The state centre has developed and implemented many citizen centric services. This has helped the citizens who had to travel long distances on foot or by road to reach the appropriate level of administration to get their jobs done. A number of G2G and G2E software applications have also been developed for the state government. The details of eGovernance Infrastructure and Applications are given below. 6.14.1 IT Support and Services NIC is providing IT support and services to HP Secretariat, 12 Deputy Commissioner Offices, HP High Court, HP Vidhan Sabha e-Samadhan - Public Grievance Redressal System This is a generic web-based "e-Samadhan" system ( for grievance monitoring. It enables online filing of grievances/demands by citizens and their redressal through the work-flow system developed for the back- end Government offices. The software has been developed for For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Haryana State Centre New Secretariat Building, Ground Floor Sector 17 E, Chandigarh - 160017 Phone : 0172 - 2711642 E Mail :
[email protected] e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES the Department of Public Grievance Redressal. It has been implemented in various departmental offices where internet connectivity is available. e-Kalyan - Welfare Pension MIS This system ( automates the work of preparation and disbursement of pensions through Money Orders and also preparation of ledgers, updating the record of dead/non-traced persons etc. It helps to enforce the system of pension disbursement as per government guidelines right from the receipt of application stage to disbursement of the pension This software has been implemented in all 12 Districts. Approximately 3 lakh pensioners (old age, widow, handicapped etc) are being given pension using this software and all central and state schemes are covered under it. e-Gazette - Digital Gazette The Official State gazette (RajPatra) ( in digital format on the web in a searchable format was developed and implemented by NIC discontinuing the earlier manual printed Gazette of State Government. This was the first gazette of the country which is published in digital format only (digitally signed too). It has interfaces for departments, Controller of Printing & Stationery for uploading notifications/ gazettes in a decentralized manner. Shastr - Arms License Issuance System This system ( is based on the workflow of issuance of arms licenses. Data is captured right from the "cash collection stage" to its final "arms license delivery". The software is implemented in all Districts where Arms Licenses are issued at the Headquarters e-Parman - Certificate Issuance System It is a system wherein the applicant visiting Tehsildar/ Sub- Divisional Magistrate can obtain the desired certificate within minutes on the submission of the application. Around 16 different certificates are issued using software. The disability and senior citizen certificates are also issued through the Software at 12 DWO offices of the welfare department. The software is implemented in all Tehsils and SDM offices of the State. Land Records Computerisation (HimBhoomi) Software helps to generate the next Jamabandi and related records after amalgamating changes due to mutations, changes observed in harvest inspection automatically. The Web and touch screen interface has been developed and integration with Registration software has been done as per the requirements of NLRMP. Copies of Jamabandi are distributed to interested parties through LokMitra Centres at Panchayat level in the State. So far a total of 103 Tehsils have been made online out of a total of 116 Tehsils. Registration Information System (HimRis) It is a workflow application and helps the Sub-Registrar Offices to undertake deed registration in an efficient, simple & speedy manner. The software covers all kinds of deeds. Its integration has been done with the Land Records software to prevent fraudulent transactions and keep the records updated all the time. All 88 financially viable SROs covered under the software and integrated software (HimBhoomi & HIMRIS) has been implemented in 71 tehsils (SROs). Budget Processing MIS This is a web-based system ( which helps in preparation of HP State Government Budget (interim, supplementary, vote on account) in a very efficient and speedily manner. Budget sanctioned to the departments and List of Works is made available to the departments on the 117 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT website. It also covers Online Budget Distribution & Reporting, Online Treasury Information System (OLTIS), eSalary for all State Government employees, ePension for all State Government pensioners OLTIS has been implemented in 100 TOs, eSalary in 54 IPAOs and ePension in 15 TOs. REFNIC REFNIC ( is a software used for Electronic tracking of files/ letters (Papers under consideration) in a big office, Internet interface for officers/ general public, auto- emails for better monitoring/ assessment of workload in different sections. It is implemented in HP Secretariat, DC & SDM offices, HPSEB, DIT, Directorate of Education. Works MIS MIS includes the working methodology of the department at all operational levels viz. Section, Sub-Division, Division, Circle, Zonal and Head Office and comprises of the functions of Finance Management, Scheme Management, Contractor Management and Material Inventory Mgt. The software has been implemented in 16 major divisions of the IPH Department and is proposed to be implemented in all offices of the HP IPH Department. e-Rozgar eRozgar ( is a computerised solution to the day-to-day activities of the various Employment Exchanges in the state starting from candidate online registration / renewal / transfer of registration etc. It is implemented in all exchanges and sub-exchanges barring few exchanges. The employers book vacancies and submission or sponsoring of candidates is done to incorporate seniority and rotation related prescribed rules and regulations. The data related to around 906253 registrants is available centrally and is made available to private sector industries registered with the Department of Industries for the recruitment of the employees. Personnel MIS (e-Service Book) It is developed for convenient and effective monitoring of employee service book with complete details. Personnel details of the employee, like, Address, Nominee, Family, Education, Training, Leave, ACR, service history is captured and made available. Online Hotels Reservation System This system ( has been developed for meeting the requirements of any Group of Hotels having Hotels at different physical locations for advance reservation through travel agencies/hotels and by general public over the Internet. with HDFC and AXIS payment gateways. The software is implemented in HPTDC since October 2001 with over 3.24 Lakh bookings and Rs. 364 crores worth advance booking covering 64 Hotels and 48 Village Tourism Hotels. e-Attendance This is a web-based software for monitoring biometric based attendance of employees. The software is implemented in HP Secretariat. It includes Generation of Employee Codes in PMIS ,Transfer of PMIS Data into Biometric Machines and Merging the finger prints of employees with PMIS Data in Biometric Machines. 6.14.2 ICT Infrastructure and Web Services • More than 3000 nodes in Himachal are connected to NICNET. • All 7 NKN Institutes are connected (IGMC, Institute of Advanced Studies, IHBT Palampur, Central University, ITI Mandi, Tanda Medical College, CPRI). • All Districts are connected with 34 Mbps LL and VSATs as back-up at all locations. • 4 Tribal Sub-Divisions (Kaza, Pangi, Bharmour & Pooh) connected through VSATs. • 1 GBPS connectivity to State. • 20 VC Studios in the State (CM & CS office, Secretariat, 12 Districts, 5 tribal sub-divisions, EVCS in CS office) . The state centre has designed and developed more than 80 websites of different departments and provides services in website design, development & hosting services, security audit of web-applications/ websites, remote publishing of web- content, publishing of Results of HP University, Subordinate Services Selection board, Board of Departmental Exams etc e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES through touch screen interfaces, IVRS, SMS and websites and web-casting of important events. 6.15 JAMMU AND KASHMIR In Jammu & Kashmir State, National Informatics Centre (NIC) came into existence in 1988. NIC J&K is having its State Centre (HQ) at Civil Secretariat, Jammu and is also having a Move Cell which moves along with Darbar to Civil Secretariat, Srinagar from May to October every year. NIC J&K is providing network e-Governance support to State Governments, Central Government, District Administrations and other Government bodies. NIC J&K is having its offices at all the 14 District Headquarters, Passports Office and High Court. Video Conferencing Network for J&K Police has been established. The Office of Director General of J&K Police at Jammu/ Srinagar has been connected with Zonal IG offices and SSP Offices of J&K including remote districts of Leh, Kargil, Poonch and Kupwara. Executive video conferencing facility has been established at the office of the Chief Post Master General at Jammu. 6.15.1 IT Support and Services Community Information Centres (CIC) Based on the experiences and performance of the CIC project in the North Eastern States, Department of Information Technology, GoI on the request of Chief Minister of J&K decided for the replication of the same scheme for setting up of 135 CICs at the Block Headquarters in the State of Jammu & Kashmir with projected outlay of Rs 40.67 Crores. 135 CICs have been set up and are providing Internet services, computer education and training to local community / government offices and school children to accelerate socio-economic development of the region. This project was successfully completed and handed over to J&K State Government as per MOU. Computerisation of Municipal Corporations Birth and Death Registration, Estates and Revenue Monitoring, Payroll and GPF, Complaint Monitoring, Single Window System, Court Cases Monitoring, etc. have been successfully implemented at Municipal Corporations of Jammu & Srinagar. NIC J&K is providing total solution for all Municipals corporations, committees and corporation in J&K for replication of these software SMS Based Complaint Receiving System A supplement to Dial 100 for the general public of Jammu Zone can send their complaints / information through SMS to PCR Jammu, the information thus received is captured in system for necessary action by the concern PS. Alternatively it is also being utilized for flashing the important messages to all the Police Stations and Police Officials of Jammu Zone Traffic Challan Information System This is a software for maintaining and manipulating the data of daily challans done by Traffic Police officials for violations/ offences committed by the offenders. The software can be integrated with RTO Office and Traffic Courts for effective monitoring and hence reducing the inconsistencies of the records. Computerisation of Election Department (e-Electoral Rolls) NIC J&K has developed and implemented the Project 119 For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Himachal State Centre 6th Floor, Armsdale Building HP Secretariat, Chhota Shimla Shimla - 171002 Phone : 0177 - 2624045 E Mail :
[email protected] Web Site : FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT for the Comprehensive Intensive and Summary revisions of Electoral Rolls in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) comprising of more than 63 Lakhs electors in more than 8000 Polling Stations in local language Urdu interface. The output is in the form of Electoral Rolls in Urdu and Hindi, in the format prescribed by the ECI of India. All the menus and forms have bi-lingual interface. Various types of MIS reports are generated by the system. Revenue Administration through Computerized Energy Billing The software developed for Power Development department of Government of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) to generate and distribute the Electricity Bills of the Consumers in various categories like Domestic, Commercial, Municipalities, Agriculture, Industries etc. Project Successfully Implemented at 20-Sub Divisions of Kashmir Division and 15-Sub Divisions in Jammu Division. Electricity Bills of more than 2 lakhs consumers generated through the software and been distributed to the consumers. Revenue is been realized through these electricity Bills. Budget Computerisation Budget Allocation System initiated by the Finance Department Government of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) to speed up the process of Budget preparation as per the Six Tier of classification of Account Heads. The project has been implemented in the Finance Department. The Budget allocation system streamlines the generation of demand for grants, Budget Bill, Various Variance Reports and Budget Release to the various departments for the vote. The Discussion sheets for various departments prepared using the software. 6.16 JHARKHAND The 28th state of the Indian Union came into existence on 15th November '2000 with Ranchi as its capital. NIC Jharkhand State Centre (JHSC), is at the forefront in implementing ICT based projects for the state government, and has earned many laurels towards implementing projects which has initiated e- governance in different sectors the state. The implementation of State Wide Area Network (JharNet) by the state government has solved the last mile connectivity problem, creating a seamless backbone for connectivity up to the block level, facilitating video conferencing, IP telephony and data center based services. Coupled with IT consultancy and software design, development & implementation, NIC with NICNET, its high speed, state of art network, has augmented the efforts in providing ICT based citizen services, data /video connectivity, web hosting etc. and has emerged as a total IT solution provider to the state government. The state has 24 districts, out of which NIC is functional in 22 districts. 6.16.1 IT Support and Services Integrated Online Treasury Information System of Jharkhand (KUBER) The online system integrates the functions of DDO (Bill preparation) Treasury operations, Bank payments & Receipts and GPF accounting. It provides digital interface of treasury accounts to AG, CPS data transfer to NSDL (Fund manager), SMS based communication & an exhaustive MIS to the Government and the employees. Secure operations, proper validations and checks on fund ,online advices to the bank, introduction of biometrics security at the Treasury Officer level and salary bill entries at the DDO level itself are some of the unique features of the system. Compulsory capture of GPF/CPF schedules at the source facilitates the GPF accounting. The MIS provides daily receipts and expenditure positions up to the subhead level for any treasury, DDO, demand no. etc. DDOs and subscribers can view the details of their GPF/CPF contributions on the web interface directly. The initiative has brought major finance sectors of the state online under an integrated umbrella. Apart from transparency, ease of operation and access to information, state has been able to go for a better fiscal management. For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Jammu & Kashmir State Centre NB-12 Mini Secretariat Jammu-180001 Phone: 0191-2547720, 2546672 E Mail :
[email protected] Web Site: e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES Online VAT Computerisation The online VAT software for computerization of commercial tax has been a major e- governance initiative in the state. Apart from computerization of processes like Registration, Return Filing and Payment, major e-Services have also been launched. e-Return and e- Payments with six major nationalized banks have already been started. e-Payment presently operates through the banks portal with day-end data updating at the commercial taxes and treasuries system databases through XML. The software has improved tax compliance, reduced tax evasion and has brought many new commercial establishments into the tax net. The state has been able to reach the target of tax collection, much ahead in time, because of introduction of e- payment. VC Based Justice in Jails Video conferencing facility has been setup between all the Central Jail / District Jails and the Civil Courts throughout the state, for producing the under trials to the courts without physically moving them. The project has highlighted the number of Under trials languishing in Jails without being heard by the court of law, thereby greatly improving human rights situation in the state. The system has replaced the old practice of transporting under trials in the courts thereby eliminating security risk associated and cost reduction in preparation of other logistics. Prison Management System (PMS) and Visitor Management System PMS application maintains the records of the prisoners and the various cases registered against them in all 26 jails and sub jails of the state. It also facilitates in granting remission to the prisoners maintaining the rules. The software also captures the details of all the inmates along with the photographs and the thumb impressions, thus, eliminating any chance of impersonation. Government has experienced the impact in terms of reduced cases of impersonation and much better control over the visitors' movement. e-Nagrik Sewa e-Nagrik ( is an application for providing G2C services from the CSCs (Pragya Kendras at Jharkhand). The e-Nagrik Sewa software, facilitates submission of application forms by the citizens for issue of certificates like Caste, Birth, Death, Residential and Income. The citizen interface provides for the submission, tracking and monitoring of applications along with the facility to download forms and guidelines issued by the government from time to time. The Government interface provides for updating the status of the applications submitted and generates the Certificates. The system helps in creating a central repository of certificates. Authenticity of the issued certificate can be checked from anywhere. More than 7 lakh certificates have already been issued using the system. The citizen is getting the certificates without facing the hassle of traveling to Circle offices again and again. Land Records Computerisation A Unicode based application software (Vasudha) has been developed for Land Record Computerization in the State. The aim of this project is to computerize the land records of the state. Computerization of land records is an effort to computerize the khatiyan i.e. base document of land records and Register-2 to a cutoff date and then record all the future transactions online. The process captures the data online, making it available to the people through the web, so that the people can take informed decisions. The project was initially taken up in East Singhbhum on pilot basis. In East Singhbhum, all the khatiyans and Register-2 had been computerized and the Mutation process has been made online. Success at East Singhbhum has been 121 Video Conferencing between Khunti Court & Jail FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT a great morale booster and now the software is being replicated in other districts of the state like Ranchi, Dumka and West Singhbhum. Old Age Pension Monitoring System This is an initiative for the payment of pension at the doorstep of the old age pensioners in coordination with the banks implemented in the districts of Dhanbad & Deoghar. The system is implemented in offline mode in some other districts like Dumka, Pakur, Godda, Chaibasa, Gumla & Bokaro. The beneficiaries are getting their pension directly in their accounts. Government has made arrangements with some of the banks to appoint Business correspondents to deliver the pension at the door steps of the pensioners, where ever needed. About 45000 pensioners are being benefitted at the district of Dhanbad only. The initiative has brought about transparency and an effective service delivery mechanism for the senior citizens of the state. It is available at the URL Open Election - Election Support Service The software provides all the features to support the activities required to conduct a General Election. The new software has many improved features and it facilitated the Government to conduct the Assembly election-2009, Panchayat election-2010 and some Bye Elections, successfully. Revenue Case Monitoring System ( e-Rajaswa Nyayalaya) The application provides an interface through which general people can know the status of their cases pending at district revenue officers court such as Deputy Commissioner, Additional Collector and Land Reforms Deputy Collector. They can download orders, can view cause list. Government Revenue Officials can make online entry of day to day case proceedings. They can upload the orders of their Court. The system is presently implemented at Ranchi and Bokaro. 6.16.2 ICT Infrastructure A state-of-the art "Data & Network Centre "(iNOC) has been established at NIC Ranchi. NICNET has expanded to the districts in 22 districts. All the districts are connected to State Network Centre . The data centre is secured through CISCO PIX redundant Firewalls along with IPS for Intrusion prevention. It is connected through NICNET at State Headquarters at Ranchi . It consists of 3 TB Storage Area Network (SAN) with 10 servers . Several citizen centric applications are hosted in the data centre. Applications like SAMWAD and e-NAGRIKSEWA are the two most used applications. Apart from districts, high speed NICNET has been extended to important institutions like Post offices, passport office , Police offices, High court, District Court, Department of Statistics, PAO, CGHS, UID, RGI etc over VPN. NIC has setup VC studio and VC facilities over NICNET, in the state. On an average, 100 hours of VC sessions are conducted per month. NIC will be covering institutions like RIMS, NIT, UCIL, NML & CIMFR under the GBPS Knowledge Network of the country. The Jharkhand state team has also developed an application for monitoring of the VPN over broad band. 6.17 KARNATAKA The industrially progressive state of Karnataka has experienced significant growth in ICT in the last decade. Greater emphasis on development, the vision of the State leadership in adopting For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Jharkhand State Centre 2nd Floor, Engineers Hostel Building - II HEC, Sector 4, Dhurwa Ranchi - 834 004 Phone : 0651- 2400746 E Mail :
[email protected] e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES different models of project implementation, coupled with new technologies has resulted in a paradigm shift in the way e- Governance has penetrated in the state. Better computing and network infrastructure has had a catalytic effect in taking the benefits of ICT to every corner of the State. Bridging the gap between the haves and the have-nots has been the focus of the Government of Karnataka. The aspiration is being fulfilled by continuously providing more and better services to the citizens of Karnataka. The rural citizens are empowered by taking ICT to their doorsteps thus enabling them to demand their rights along with providing urban masses with a better interface for their interactions with the Government. Use of bio-metrics for authentication, digitally signed documents, water marked and hologram affixed stationery, integration with payment gateways, SMS technology in almost all applications facilitate secured transactions and convenience to citizens. The Karnataka State Centre of NIC has successfully completed two decades of ICT support services to the Government of Karnataka since its inception at Bangalore in 1987. From then on, NIC has been playing a catalytic role in the promotion of IT amongst Government Departments, including the 29 District Offices. 6.17.1 IT Support and Services VATSoft VATSoft for the commercial taxes department facilitates 3.9 lakh dealers of various commodities to register, make e- payment, file returns online, download statutory forms, view their records maintained by the department The stakeholders - dealers, bankers, VAT officers, audit/enforcement officers, check post officers, treasury - exchange data electronically. The officers act on these requests of the dealers enabling quicker and transparent approvals. The documents / way bills produced at check posts are verified against the on-line document / SMS message. It is mandatory for all the dealers to file the returns electronically. This project has created tremendous impact. More than 3.5 Lakhs (more than 98 %) dealers of Karnataka are using this facility. There is improvement in compliance of the submission of the forms, tax collection reduction in the tax evasion On an average Rs1000 Crores are received through E-Payment every month. 7 lakh Way Bill forms are filled up and downloaded (as part of E-Forms Services) and 1 lakh CST forms are filled up on- line and downloaded by the dealers VATSoft has been extended to Goa, Puducherry, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Diu and Daman and Nagar Haveli. Rural Digital Services (Nemmadi) Nemmadi facilitates the rural citizen's interactions with the Government. Rural Digital Services is a single window system for delivering 40 G2C services (certificates such as income, caste, residence & social security pensions, land records documents) to the citizens from village level kiosks. Implemented in 2006 , under the PPP model , 800 tele-centres have been established at the Hobli (Sub Taluk) level and the Taluk level back office (203) by providing the hardware, network and operators. Accepting the oral request from the citizen, giving an acknowledgment, checking the status and printing of the digitally signed certificate / endorsement on watermarked stationery affixed with hologram are facilitated at the village tele-centre while the rest of the activities are performed at the taluk back office. The software facilitates queuing of messages when connectivity is not available, processing of applications on FIFO basis, tracking of the water marked stationery, enabling issue of certificates across the counter, using data of ration card to digitally sign the data in bulk mode to facilitate speedy delivery of services etc. More than 53 lakh applications have been processed till date in 123 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT addition to 46 lakh Land Record Certificates being delivered. The SMS service has been integrated with the software so that the applicants will be able to get the status of the delivery of the certificates. Land Records Management System (Bhoomi) LRMS has been enhanced to enable citizens to obtain digitally signed land records documents, to integrate survey activities with land records mutation process, to synchronize survey with records updation during a transaction, to initiate land registration by tightly integrating with the Bhoomi system and then automatically initiating a mutation transaction in Bhoomi system to update the land records details. The land acquisition software integrates with Bhoomi by updating the bhoomi records at different stages in the land acquisition process. Use of handheld devices for crop updation capturing GPS coordinates and photographs of crops is being piloted in Mysore district. Nearly 7 million land records are digitized and maintained in the central repository at the SDC and more than 1.5 crore land records are issued during the year. The information of all the stages of mutation process will be alerted to the farmers through SMS service in English and Kannada. Another value added service is registration of mobile numbers against a survey number. An SMS alert is sent to the owner whenever there is a transaction initiated on that survey number. e-Initiative in Municipality Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) has introduced e-initiatives for property tax payment, birth/ death registration, trade license system and grievances monitoring system. Property tax software, hosted for the public to calculate the property tax to be paid based on given parameters and make e- payment or pay at service centres. Registration of birth or death at citizen service centres and by the hospitals, has led to a transparent, efficient and handy system for issue of birth certificates. Property owners are very happy in using the tax calculator which has helped them to arrive at tax to be paid. This site has about 3.5 lakh hits. The citizens are also happy that computer generated receipts are given to them at the help centers. Postal Accounts Current System (PACS) PACS is a software for reporting, accounting and reconciliation of government business transactions of all postal units across the country over the national postal network. Automatic reconciliation of transactions between postal units with RBI and agency banks has been achieved by use of electronic generation of e-Scrolls and PO schedules. The e-data can be uploaded using software interfaces and reconciliation and accounting can be done effortlessly. Most of the instruments are identified and linked automatically and other unlinked items could be watched / monitored with ease. Panchtantra Panchtantra is a tool for automated Gram Panchayat. It enables the Gram panchayats to maintain data of beneficiaries availing subsidy, assets and liabilities and also provides citizen services enablement, GP fund management guided by the double entry accounting system, property tax system, MIS on the different schemes and works. Checks and balances as part of the Inauguration of the e-Governance initiatives in the BBMP � Rural Digital Services (Nemmadi) e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES workflow built in some of these systems ensure proper approvals for different works and clearing of bills. It has been successfully implemented in all 5628 GPs. Ration Card Management System (RCMS) RCMS enables Matching of Ration Cards (RC) data with various other data - GP Properties, ESCOM RR Masters and LPG connections - to identify the ineligible Ration Cards and LPG Connections, for Food and Civil Supplies Department. Ganakeekrutha Grahakara Seva (GGS) GGS is an online system for Revenue Billing and Collection of Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board. It is operational since April 2003 computerising the activities of the Cash Counter, Sub-Divisions and head office. On-the-spot billing using the hand held device enables 6 lakhs customers to receive the bills in time. The impact of the system is such that the revenue collection has improved from Rs.180 Cr. To 455 Cr. Computerisation of Karnataka Appellate Tribunal CKAT resulted in e-enabling status of around 20,000 cases and daily cause lists. Around 18,000 Judgments of KAT are hosted for electronic retrieval. Introduction of computerization in KAT has enabled the Appellants, Advocates and Citizens to view the Cause Lists through Internet and this has reduced the paper work in the Tribunal. Citizens are also able to know their Case status through the web. Litigant Information System (LIS) LIS has automated the different sections of the High Court of Karnataka, bringing in accuracy and transparency in disposing of cases. Display boards located at strategic locations in the High court providing information on cases being heard, enabling citizens to get the case status by SMS / IVRS / information kiosks. e-filing of cases are recent initiatives which have been greatly applauded. Computerised circuit benches at Dharwad and Gulbarga enable electronic data interchange with High Court facilitating faster information consolidation. The website presents information on daily cause lists, case status, certified copy, scrutiny of objections, notifications, daily orders, judgements (since 2002) and attracts 7000 hits every day. The system has reduced the pendency of litigation and provided transparency in judicial process. Basket of Applications for Secretariat (Sachivalaya Vahini) BAS has been implemented in 40 departments of Karnataka Secretariat on a LAN with 1500 nodes. It comprises of Letter monitoring System, File Monitoring System (FMS) , Court Cases monitoring, Document Management system. A kiosk set up in the Secretariat enables general public to track the files/letters. More than 4 lakh files are being tracked through this system. Computerisation of Karnataka Information Commission (KIC) KIC has been an effective way to disseminate information to the citizen or the RTI applicant by way of SMS messages at every stage in the electronic workflow process enabled in the KIC to process the application. 6.17.2 ICT Infrastructure The State Data Centre at NIC is equipped with SAN (Storage Area Network) of six tera byte storage space with dedicated servers for various applications on heterogeneous Operating Systems and RDBMS. Routers, Bridges/Hubs, 34Mbps Leased Lines and Ku-Band VSATS for redundancy in District NIC Centres, RF network in Bangalore city for Vidhana Soudha, Secretariat, Education, High Court of Karnataka, Agriculture and Industry, ISDN nodes and Studio based multi-site Video Conference systems constitute the communication infrastructure. 125 Inauguration of the computerization process at Karnataka Appellate Tribunal. FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT District Centres are connected with 34Mbps / 2 Mbps Leased Line with the iNOC Centre in Bangalore to meet the email, Internet and Videoconferencing requirements of the District Administration, Zilla Panchayat and district level Departments. VC studios of Zilla Panchayats utilizes the NIC network. STM1 is provided to extend links to various departments in the District. National Postal Network has been commissioned as a closed user group of NICNET and over 90 postal locations have since been connected in Karnataka. Highly available network connecting up to the districts and 24X7 hosting facilities in the NIC Data Centre have greatly helped the user to embark on massive delivery of services on-line. 6.18 KERALA Keralam, the land of kera or coconut, is a never-ending array of coconut palms...sun blanched beaches…kettuvallams over enchanting backwaters...magical monsoon showers…silent valleys vibrant with flora and fauna…misty mountains of the Western Ghats…fragrance of spices…evenings reverberating with the rhythm of a thousand art forms...fairs and festivals... NIC Kerala State Centre , one of the total solution providers of Government of Kerala, is actively involved in most of the IT enabled applications and has changed the mindset of the working community in the Government to make use of the latest state of the art technology in their day to day activities to provide better services to the citizens of Kerala. NIC 's presence in Kerala include the state centre at Vellayambalam, Trivandrum and district centres at the respective districts headquarters. 6.18.1 IT Support and Services Scholarship Management System The system ( facilitates registration, selection and disbursement of various scholarships instituted by Government of Kerala and Central government. The key information of the application is bar-coded and printed on the web-registration printout, which is used for tracing the applications and verifications. All the eighteen scholarships disbursed by the directorate of collegiate education are made on-line. Students can apply on-line and all the processing up to the final transfer of funds to the students are done through the system. Examination Management System The EMS is a comprehensive package for candidate registration, processing and dissemination of results of SSLC, Higher Secondary, Vocational Higher Secondary, TTC, A-Level (SSLC Equivalency), examinations conducted by the respective Boards of Government of Kerala. The system captures the candidates' data and marks. Parallel tabulation and data entry permits publishing of the result in the shortest possible time. hsCAPnic hsCAPnic is a 'Single Window System' which facilitates submitting single application for admission to any school. By using the system, plus-one admission service was given to about 4.5 lakh applicants in the academic year 2010-2011. There were about 45 lakh options for about 2.25 lakh seats in the 1,200 Higher Secondary Schools with 46 Course Combinations. Service and Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala (SPARK) SPARK is a G2E web based Personnel Administration and accounts software covering 5.25 lakhs employees. Permanent Employee Number (PEN) for all employees is allotted through For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Karnataka State Centre 6th & 7th Floor, Mini Tower Visveshwaraya Building Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Veedhi Bangalore - 560 001 Phone : 080 - 22863790 E Mail :
[email protected] Web Site : e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES the system. The system addresses all requirements in HR, salary, Income Tax, generating Identity Cards and Establishment Accounts matters. Targeted Efficient Transparent Rationing and Allocation Public Distribution System (TETRAPDS) TETRAPDS is a comprehensive package for automating the activities of the Taluk Supply Offices, District Supply Offices and Commissioner ate of Civil Supplies. The Department has created a database of around 70 lakhs ration cardholders and 3 Crore family members whose details can be accessed online. Applications for ration cards and related services are made on- line and around 2500 applications are received from citizens through Akshaya centers everyday. Foodgrains Movement through SMS It is a unique project to inform to the citizen about the food grains movement from FCI godown to the wholesale dealers and from there to the Authorized Ration Dealers. All those who are registering in the system will get an alert on the commodity, the quantity lifted and the vehicle registration number. e-District Palakkad and Kannur are the two districts selected for the pilot implementation of the e-District project in Kerala. 23 services pertaining to Revenue Certificates have been implemented and the application is available at A total of 2,33,886 e-applications have been processed so far and 1,90,777 digitally signed certificates issued using the system. The services are available through more than 340 Akshaya Centres (CSC), relieving people of the need to go to various offices to get their work done. The status of applications is updated on line and citizen is alerted through SMS. 380 village offices and respective taluk offices are enabled to process the e-applications. Friends Reengineered and Enterprise Enabled Software (FREES) FREES is a "single window scheme" where citizens have the opportunity to pay all the taxes and other dues to Government. Major Services offered through FREES are Electricity bill, Water bill, Land Phone bill, Mobile bill and wireless bills, 134 Services of Motor Vehicles Department (Fees and Tax payment), Property Tax collection for Corporation, Building Tax for Revenue Department, 35 services for Civil Supplies Department, 77 services of Electrical Inspectorate and more than 50000 services of University. The FREES package is tailored to use in both FRIENDS and Akshaya centers (Common Service Centers) and offers "any center-any payment" using a single interface. District Collectorate Suite (DC*Suite) DC*Suite is an integrated suite of applications for the District Collectorate. From a Tapal / Dak to the File and up to the disposal of the File, the entire flow is handled through the system. DC*Suite has been implemented in 13 out of 14 districts in Kerala. This has also been implemented in the state of Goa for which NIC Kerala has extended all assistance Taluk*Suite, an extension of DC Suite is an application for modernization and computerization of Taluk/Village All approved documents are prepared with bar code and timestamps which can be verified at any point of time. Counter, KIOSK, Web, SMS and WAP based Citizen Services are provided. The project is implemented in Palakkad district using LAPP. Treasury Information System (TIS) and Treasury Information Management System (TRIM) TIS and TRIM are web-based systems designed and developed as a centralized repository of treasury transactions and related data to provide G2G and G2C services. Payment and receipt transactions taking place in all the treasuries are brought to the Data Centre at the Directorate of Treasuries through the TIS on a daily basis through a dial-up network. Apart from maintaining individual transactions, the TRIM system holds treasury-wise, date-wise, head-of-account-wise summary details for effective and fast information delivery. e-Government and citizen services are provided through the treasury portal Citizens are benefited by receiving passbook details of savings bank, fixed-deposit, pensioners' accounts etc. The finance department of the state government can get current cash flow details of the treasuries on a day-to-day basis and from AG after two months. This enables the government to take faster and better decisions. Direct and complex queries on expenditure 127 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT and receipts are available for any combination of 9-tier Head of Account and period. Progressive expenditure is calculated against budget estimate and the permissible amount set by the Finance Department. Effective Management of LOC Issuance (EMLI) EMLI is a web application ( developed for Finance Department for automating the Issuance of Letter of Credit (LOC) based on the bills submitted online by the work executing departments. 230 Division offices coming under departments like PWD, Forest etc., are using this application In the current financial year. More than 20,000 bills have been processed and the LOC for Rs. 925 Crores have been issued using the system. SEVANA SEVANA is a portal ( where registered users can contribute information that they wish to share with others. Anybody who owns any public utility firm or offers any service can register their details in the site. Hospitals, hotels, supermarkets, etc or service such as advocates, doctors, and tree climbers can register. Registration is totally free and can be done from any of the AKSHAYA centers. Dr. SMS Project It is a health information portal ( for the information delivery of health facility spread over Kerala. An SMS with requested facility/specialty sent to the specified number will receive the details of nearest centers with the requirement. The facility centers are identified based on the PIN Code specified by the requester. Information includes Emergencies, Diagnostics Procedures, Laboratory service, the details of Doctors working in respective specialties, Blood Donor details. RR Online RR Online is a G2G e-service from District Revenue Administration for online submission of Form24 to all Requisition departments coming under RR Act. It is linked to DC*suite through an online tapal module which will take RR data to DC*suite. The service started in Malappuram District and is being offered through 65 bank branches. Early Warning System (EWS) Community based Early Warning System is a G2C service developed on LAMP. EWS is a part of disaster management system for district administration and it will provide disaster based authentic information to the target audience through EWS alerts or group SMS. The system is initially planned to cover all sea going fisherman in the costal districts of Kerala. Information and Data Exchange Advanced System (IDEAS) IDEAS is a web based application developed in LAMP to track the status of Petition/ Tapal/ File at the core with many add on features. System supports G2E & G2C services -Meeting Management, Knowledge Management, Dash board, Reminder Service, Notice Board, Messaging, Search Facility, Immediate attention, Transfer details, visitors pass, security checkups and Officer Alerts. It is successfully implemented in all the departments of Govt. Secretariat. Assurance Implementation Desk (AID) NIC has developed a software application called Assurance Implementation Desk (AID) for the efficient distribution, follow- up and monitoring of assurances made in the State Legislative Assembly. The purpose of the automated solution is to ensure the effective and timely implementation of the assurances given by the concerned Minister in the floor of the Legislative Assembly and thereby enhance the overall efficiency of the system. Centralized Allotment Process for Lateral Entry Admission (LCAPnic) LCAPnic is a web based application developed for conducting e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES online counselling for the allotment of seats for Lateral Entry Admission to B. Tech courses in Kerala. The software is developed by taking care of all the existing rules of Communal reservations and Special Reservations. The Directorate of Technical Education is using this application from the 2008 onwards. The eligible candidates can apply for admission to any Government /Aided /Government Self Financing, Private Self Financing Engineering Colleges (Govt. seats) in Kerala by giving option through the Website Allotment is done by option processing and result is published on the website. CAPnic This software is for Commissionerate of Entrance Examinations (CEE) to conduct the counselling for the allotment of seats for the Professional Courses in Kerala. This solution is used for conducting the counseling for Medical, Engineering, B.Pharm, and Architecture courses and allotment of seats. The important steps are Data Capturing from the OMR sheets using scanners, Validations & valuation of the OMR Data, Rank List preparation & Rank List publishing, On-line Options site publishing (, Allotment process, Allotment results publishing, Site for payment of fee, Site for colleges etc. SAND SAND is web based project initiated by district administration towards ensuring good governance in resource conservation, management and sharing. This was the first attempt through ICT from the Government of Kerala side to control the River bank erosion and Sand Mafia. The System Aims to eliminate influence of middlemen and provide river sand to the actual beneficiary at a reasonable price. The system also restricts the movement of river sand mining. The project was initiated in Thrissur district and replicated to Palakkad, Idukki, Kozhikode and Kasserkode. 6.18.2 ICT Infrastructure and Web Services Network Operations Centre (NOC) & Data Centre, with 24 x 7 operation support, has been established at NIC Kerala State Centre for strengthening the network and services to user departments. The National Network Backbone has been enhanced to 2.5 GBPS as a part of the National Knowledge Network. 2 MBPS leased line network has been established in Kerala which includes 14 NIC District Centres, High Court, NITC, Lakshadweep, 116 Post Offices, 4 Passport Offices, BOI, DGFT, PAO, PQS, VSSC (node of NKN) etc. NIC Kerala is providing web site development and hosting services to various Government Departments / District administration on both Linux and WINDOWS platforms. 35 websites on Linux and 20 on windows platform are hosted at NIC Kerala Data Center. Services also include Registration of domains, uploading facility on portal, state specific contents of National portal of India, Publication of 23 results of various boards and universities. 6.19 LAKSHADWEEP The Union Territory of Lakshadweep is a group of 36 coral islands and islets of which eleven are inhabited. These Islands lie scattered randomly in the Arabian Sea, about 220 to 420 Kms off the Malabar Coast; geographically isolated each island behaves almost like a country by itself. Lack of adequate transport facilities and deficiencies in communication in these islands pose a major problem for the masses. It takes around eight days during normal season and fifteen days during monsoon to go to the headquarters island of Kavaratti and avail of important services and return to one's native island. To virtually integrate these far-flung islands, NIC Lakshadweep has implemented several e-governance projects with focus on delivering services virtually anywhere, as also to usher in transparency, accountability and efficiency in the extension of public services. Information and communication technology has helped digitally integrate the geographically dispersed islands in respect of several important needs of life. 129 For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Kerala State Centre CDAC Building, Keltron House Vellayambalam Thiruvananthapuram- 695033 Phone : 0471-2726328 E Mail :
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT 6.19.1 IT Support and Services Lakport - Web based Ship Ticket Reservation System Being scattered in the Arabian Sea, the main mode of transport for the common man in the islands is ship service. Shipping is truly the lifeline of people of Lakshadweep. All the thirteen port offices of the Administration have been interconnected, extending NICNET's VSAT based communication network. This network has enabled Web-based ship ticket passenger reservation and cargo booking systems. The ship schedules, ship ticket availability, status of ship tickets are now available through internet providing transparency and easy access. Tickets for any ship from "anywhere to anywhere" can be booked through the authorized booking counters at Kochi, Kozhikode or in any of the islands. SMS services for alerts, availability of seats, ship schedule, ticket status and cancellation of tickets are integrated. Online electronic display boards are installed in all the ticket counters providing maximum transparency in ship ticketing. This system has revolutionized the style of living of the islanders as they are able to plan their journeys in advance. Integrated e-Governance Solution to Electricity Department This project is a total e-governance solution designed for the Department of Electricity, providing for "a digitally integrated department" where all the services to the consumers, employees and business are available online from anywhere. All the offices of the department in the islands and mainland are interconnected through NICNET-VSAT facilities. Web-enabled work flow systems have been developed for all the public activities of the department, namely electricity consumer management, energy billing, complaints management, materials management, human resource management etc. Since every household in every island is electrified, this project has created a lot of impact. The dispersed offices of the department in the islands and mainland are 'Virtually' integrated. The Electricity Consumer Services are available at the doorstep of the people. The process of providing service connection has become transparent and structured and is free from human manipulations. Centralized management of all the Consumer Services, Complaint Management, Materials management, Human resource management and centralized accounting & monitoring is possible. There is no need to physically send the reports/documents etc. to Kavaratti from outlying island. The time taken for submitting and processing the application is minimized. Monitoring of the availability and movement of materials is possible from anywhere, anytime Online Medical Inventory (Ever Alert) 'Ever-Alert' is an online application system designed, developed and implemented for the Department of Medical and Health Services to facilitate the process of indent, procurement and monitoring of availability of medicines in the Hospitals, Community Health Centres and Primary Health Centres across all the islands. All the hospitals and other Health Centres are provided with the dedicated internet connection through VSAT. While considering the health sector, the basic requirements of medicines and keeping the stock position of vital medicines are very important tasks to be carried out to provide health care to the ordinary citizens of Lakshadweep. Lakshadweep is the only State/UT in India, where no private hospitals and clinics are available. The entire population of Lakshadweep solely � Integrated e-Governance Solution to Electricity Department e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES depends on the services offered by the government owned hospitals/Medical institutions. Total Digitalization of Employment Services This project aims at safeguarding objectivity and transparency in providing employment and in facilitating dynamic utilization of human resource and bringing employment exchange services to the very doorsteps of the people of Lakshadweep. Employment Exchanges all over the country, we know, are infamous for their long and chaotic queues of desperate job seekers. Timely and systemic online registration from any part of India or abroad, maintenance of seniority and online sponsoring of names to employers/ government departments has been achieved which goes a long way in bringing trust between government agencies and the unemployed persons and the numerous job seekers. Dispersed islands have virtually been integrated and eight 'Virtual Employment Exchanges' have started functioning with the existing manpower and infrastructure. Physical travel by the user to Kavaratti for registration, renewal and for adding qualifications etc, are now not required resulting in savings of money and time. Details about candidates are updated instantly into the live register. Candidates get better opportunity to check their latest status, verify their details of registrations, etc, sitting at home. Centralized management of the employment services and centralized accounting & monitoring removes ad-hocism. e-Permit - Online Permit System UT of Lakshadweep is a restricted area. A valid entry permit is required to the Lakshadweep Islands. The permits are issued from the Administration officer, Kochi. The Permit Management System accepts applications for entry permits and issues the permit. The accepted applications are given a registration number and the status of permit applications can be viewed through internet. The application details along with the photograph of the applicant are digitized and stored, Further processing of the application is done at various levels and permit is issued after due checking by the authorities. The verifying authorities, The Deputy Collectors/Sub Divisional Offices in various islands get advance information on the permits issued. The permits are stored electronically in a central database and the electronic version of the permit (e-permit) can be generated at any time from any where. 6.20 MADHYA PRADESH Madhya Pradesh State Centre (MPSC), of NIC, Madhya Pradesh - "The Cyber Gateway of the State" was setup at Bhopal, in the year 1988, to play a catalytic role in promoting informatics culture and to provide ICT services to government departments/organization, besides architecting & implementing various e-Governance initiatives with the best possible technology support for achieving targeted goal of delivering efficient citizen services to the common public in the State. To succeed in this endeavor, NIC implemented State-wide network of District Centers and sub-offices. Currently, NIC District Centers are operational at all the 50 Districts. NIC has also created special Centers at various important locations, i.e., State Secretariat (Mantralaya), State Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha), High Court & it's two Benches, Commissioner Land Records, Customs and Passport Office. In order to achieve automation of Government processes & functions, appropriate backbone ICT infrastructure has been established in the State, which includes, 100Mbps to 2.5Gbps redundant Internet Backbone, 2Mbps to 34Mbps Leased Line 131 � e-permit - Online Permit System For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Lakshadweep UT Centre Secretariat UT of Lakshadweep Kavaratti - 682555 Phone: 04896 -262413 E-Mail :
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT connectivity to Districts, High Definition Multipoint Video Conferencing facility in all the Districts, OFC-based connectivity between Mantralaya, Vidhan Sabha, Satpura & Vindhyachal Bhawans, Gigabit-based Local Area Network (LAN) at Mantralaya, Geomatics Infrastructure, etc. supported by a team of highly qualified IT professionals. 6.20.1 IT Support and Services Computerisation of Mantralaya Madhya Pradesh has 50 Districts, 313 Development Blocks, about 22,000 Panchayats and 55,393 Villages. Mantralaya (Secretariat), located at Bhopal covers 52 Departments where all the significant decisions regarding the state are taken and implemented. It is one of the important political and administrative centers of the state. Madhya Pradesh State Centre has established its sub center at Mantralaya (Secretariat) to fulfill its computerization needs LAN is established & development of number of ICT applications is taken up to meet the functional needs of the Departments. The ICT projects implemented include computerization of the O/o. Hon'ble CM and CS, Departmental Monitoring System, File Movement Monitoring System, Vidhan Sabha Question Reply Management System, Chief Minister Monitoring Programme (Performance Management System). Internet facility is available in all the chambers of the Officers. It is also available in all the 172 sections. The video conferencing facility is being regularly used by the Hon'ble Chief Minister, Chief Secretary, Departmental Secretaries etc for reviewing the progress of implementation of the projects. Samadhan Online (Public Grievances Redressal) Samadhan Online Programme is conducted on First Wednesday of every month. A web site is designed, developed and hosted by NIC through which about 20 to 25 applications, selected carefully and confidentially, are sent to the concerned officials for submission of report. The report is submitted online by the Officials to the Office of Hon'ble Chief Minister. These reports are reviewed by the Hon'ble Chief Minister along with the complainant at 4 PM on that day and the concerned officials through the Video-conferencing facility. All the Department and District Officials are asked to remain in the Office for clarifications, if any. All the Districts are participating in this programme through the Video-conferencing facility set up by NIC whereas the Departmental Secretaries participate from Video Conferencing Hall set up at Mantralaya. As the officials are not sure about the application and the nature of it being taken up, they are always on toes. They constantly review the progress of implementation of the welfare schemes besides paying attention to each of the Grievances. This has resulted in the increase in the disposal of cases as well as improvement in its quality. It has also helped in effective implementation of various welfare schemes. State Education Portal School Education sector is the largest sector in terms of beneficiaries, geographical reach, engagement of human resources and establishments in Madhya Pradesh. The portal Samadhan Online (Public Grievances Redressal) � Computerisation of Mantralaya e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES leverages ICT for enhancing the performance of School Education Sector & facilitating a proactive, accountable and transparent governance to meet the goals of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan (SSA), requirements of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (popularly known as RTE Act) and spirit of RTI Act, 2005 to facilitate social audit. The portal and its applications influences more than 80% of the families and population of the state whose children are undergoing education in state and covers every village/habitat located in the remotest corner. This portal has helped the government in taking appropriate decisions and improving the overall education scenario in the state. e-Scholarship Portal This is an online, work flow-based system for streamlining and automation of process related to sanction and disbursal of various scholarships It is a common platform for beneficiaries and stakeholders for all scholarship and related schemes and services being provided by various departments of Government. It ensures that the deserving candidates receive scholarship within time and without leakages. It provides a comprehensive MIS for the Government to facilitate the monitoring of Scholarship distribution and analysis of funds required to meet the demand of scholarship from various districts. It also facilitates Social Audit by dissemination of the details of the college/school wise beneficiaries' and their detailed profile including Caste, Family income, and sanctioned scholarship amount etc. on the portal. Rural Road Connectivity to Habitations (i-GeoApproach) Its a enterprise web-based ( G2G solution on SOA architecture. This application serves all the 50 districts of the state covering around 55,000 villages and all the roads from National Highways to village roads along with other related spatial features (railway, forest, water bodies etc.). Services/ activities covered under this project are • Conversion of road maps of entire state of M.P. into digital form & their seamless mosaic. • Integration of other layers (village locations, railway, major water bodies, forest) with road data. • Integration of attribute data (Census, Core Network (CN-I), PMGSY road progress (PR-I) data etc.). • Distance computation, zoom/ pan on the screen. • Generalized Query-based map/report outputs • E-mail Service facility to send maps/reports. • Display of profiles (road/villages). • Updation of attribute data & printing of reports/ thematic maps from remote locations at PIUs. • Security of data as per Map Restriction policy of GoI. 133 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT This system is an effective tool for planning rural road connectivity to habitations, it helps in better management of facilities and offers scientific approach to rural roads planning/ maintenance. BHU - ABHILEKH Land Records Information System Bhu-Abhilekh is an ISO Certified G2C and G2G application software product for the Office of the Commissioner, Land Records and Settlement, Department of Revenue to deliver excellent grass root governance within the domain of Land Management. It is implemented at tehsil level all over the state with various features viz., Printouts of ROR/B-1, data availability report, data backup and restoration facility, User Rights, Audit Trail, Panch-Sala Khasra, Mutation, Data freezing after agriculture year-end etc. It supports biometric authentication, Patwari-Halkawise rights to data entry operator for data entry/ modification, District/Tehsil/ RI /Halka/ Village and year wise backup facility, faster crop modification based on selection of crop & group of khasras. Collection of tax and arrears for a village and group of khasras with same Bank Challan and facility to print Khasra/ Khatauni of diverted land and individual liability are some important features. Web-enabled Questions Monitoring System for Vidhan Sabha (e-Prashna) e-Prashna is an online Monitoring System for Questions asked by the MLAs in the Vidhan Sabha. Questions are usually of two types i.e. Starred and Unstarred. There are certain business rules for admissibility of these questions. When a question is submitted by MLA, it is registered and an acknowledgement is printed and given to MLA. Limitation rules as applicable are incorporated into the system for accepting or rejecting the question. If a question is rejected through limitation process then it is marked as "Vyapgat" and detailed entry is disallowed by the system, else it is open for detailed entry. After detailed entry, an "Order Copy" is printed and sent to Vidhan Sabha officers for approval and corrections. Questions are dispatched online to the concerned departments for a particular house date. All these communications are recorded by the system and note sheets of communications are sent to MLA. After entertaining the department request for change, the questions are re-dispatched. Departments submit the reply online. The automation process has helped in speeding up of the entire process and made the monitoring easy. It has helped in huge reduction of usage of � Web-enabled Questions Monitoring System for Vidhan Sabha (e-Prashna) � BHU - ABHILEKH Land Records Information System e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES stationery. With the availability of digital records the archiving, storing, searching etc has become very easy. GeoForest GeoForest, is a decision-support system based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) & developed using J2EE front-end which has access via intranet/internet ( for authorized users. Enterprise GeoDatabase covers entire forest area of M.P. The spatial layers include Forest Ranges, Compartments with their legal status (RF/PF), classification of forest, forest type, site quality etc. Working circles, felling series & coupes pertaining to a working plan are also part of Spatial GeoDatabase. This system facilitates forest management towards stock mapping, processing & analysis of forest resource, review & monitoring of working plan, identification of potential forest planning and management areas & measures to be taken. 6.20.2 ICT Infrastructure and Web Services Presently, State Internet Data Centre IDC is equipped with more than 80 state-of-the-art Servers and 25 TB SAN Storage, besides LTO-3 & LTO-4 Backup Library. The IDC services are made operational to the users 24x7 with more than 99.99% uptime, appropriate backup and satisfactory operation support. Web Hosting Services covers the maintenance of over 585 websites through Madhya Pradesh Portal ( to facilitate a greater access to all interested netizens for promoting G2G/G2B/G2C/G2E interaction. Email facility has been provided to more than 15000 users in the state covering Central Govt./ State Government and PSUs. About 70 VC studios have been setup in the State and around 70 VC sessions per month are being conducted which accounts to highest VC usage by any state in the country. 6.21 MAHARASHTRA NIC Maharashtra State Centre, Mumbai is assisting Government of Maharashtra in major e-governance and office automation projects by using latest state of art computer software and hardware technology. 6.21.1 IT Support and Services Lokayukt Automation System (LAS) LAS is a workflow application for the Office of Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayukta, Government of Maharashtra. It enables registration of complaints regarding allegations and grievances and helps the Lokayukta office in monitoring & redressal process. It also facilitates inward of letters/ references related to the complaints and general letters. 135 SAN Storage For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Madhya Pradesh State Centre C Wing, Basement, Vindhyanchal Bhawan Bhopal -462004 Phone : 0755-2551447 E Mail :
[email protected] Web Site : FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Food and Civil Supplies Information System (MAHAFOOD) MAHAFOOD ( is a web-based application which automates the various stages of movement of food grains. The data entered at different locations are summarized and consolidated to provide an E-governance solution for effective decision making and monitoring the progress of monthly allotment, lifting, off take and distribution of essential commodities under various schemes. Status Information Management System (SIMNIC) SIMNIC ( is a web based application which acts as a single window for online data collection in dynamically created formats from remote field offices of government departments. It is available in 10 Indian languages. Indian Administrative Service Personnel Information System (IASPIS) IASPIS is a web-based application which automates the various matters related to service book of IAS officers. It is used for generation of executive and civil list and to provide instant and up-to-date information regarding service matters to all members of service. Land Records Information System (LRIS) LRIS Computerisation of Land Records, is implemented in all tehsils of Maharashtra. LMIS is used for taking mutations and distribution of 7/12 extracts to Khatedars and Property Card Information System is used for taking mutation distribution of Property Cards through the City Survey Offices and Taluka Inspector of Land Records. Employment Guarantee Scheme (MAHEGS) MAHEGS is an application system to computerize the progress of works under farm pond development as part of Employment Guarantee Scheme of Government of Maharashtra, which is launched with a view to provide employment to all unskilled job seekers in the rural area. Certificate Issuing and Monitoring System (CIMS) CIMS is developed for issuing various certificates like SC, ST, Senior citizen etc. issued by the Mumbai City District Collectorate Office. It includes enquiry and search facilities. Court Cases Automation System (CCAS) and Adjourned Cases Enquiry System (ACES) CCAS and ACES ( are developed for the Office of Chief Presenting Officer, Maharashtra Administrative Tribunal, Mumbai. These systems facilitates query on status of pending cases. by giving any Case no., hearing date, applicant name and department name. � Indian Administrative Service Personnel Information System (IASPIS) e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES Government Receipt Accounting System (GRAS) Government Receipt Accounting System (GRAS) has been implemented for Finance Department to facilitate on line payments of all taxes for state govt. This scheme facilitates anytime, anywhere payment through net banking and an instant on-line payment receipt is generated once the transaction is complete. The system provides for the e-receipt accounting process, from accepting e-payment till submission of the receipt account to AG. The system also provides for the confirmation of services given by the departments to end users.To make the system secured various features such as digital signatures; SSL and URL integration with banks are incorporated. The system has also been tested by STQC for functionality, security, penetration and performance. Eight banks Bank of India (BOI), Bank of Baroda (BOB), Indian Overseas Bank (IOB), Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), Punjab National Bank (PNB) ,State Bank of India (SBI), State Bank of Hyderabad (SBH), Union Bank of India(UBI) have being integrated with GRAS. Regional Transport Department started accepting new vehicle registration fees using this system. Dealers could log into this system and prepare the challan required for registering the vehicle. The GRAS system has being integrated with VAHAN software of RTO offices. ARTHWAHINI ARTHWAHINI is an Integrated Financial Management System for the Finance Department. It provides for the interoperability between the multiple stakeholders like the Accountant General, Central Government, Budget Section, Directorate of Accounts and Treasuries, Departments, Treasury Officer, Drawing and disbursing officer, Virtual Treasury cell, Banks, Pensioner. Fiscal MIS for varying parameters and monitoring tool for processes are some of the other features. 6.21.2 ICT Infrastructure and Web Services A Secured Computer & Communication Network and Data Centre for e-Governance having storage capacity of 10 Terabyte, provides Website hosting, Internet and Email services to Mantralaya and District LAN users. It also provides Dialup facility to departments. National Knowledge network PoP at Mumbai and its connectivity to IIT Mumbai, BARC and TIFR has been set up. Executive VC systems network implemented for Chief Secretary office, Director General of Police, Chief Post Master General and 35 districts of Maharashtra. ICT support was provided during visit of US President and Videoconference between Mumbai & Kanpura Panchayat in Ajmer District, Rajasthan 137 � ARTHWAHINI FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Web services for hosting of website in Govt. data centers at Delhi and Mumbai is provided to more than 100 departments. Maharashtra Publicity directorate, Nuclear Power Corporation and Maharashtra Police website are the prominent online applications running on the NICNET. 6.22 MANIPUR Manipur, literally meaning "A jeweled land" nestles deep within a lush green corner of North East India. Surrounded by blue hills with an oval shaped valley at the centre, rich in art and tradition and surcharged with nature's pristine glory, Manipur lies on a melting pot of culture. NIC was established in the year 1988 in Manipur with the opening of its State Centre at Imphal. In the year 1990, it opened its district offices, 8 in number at that time. Its 9th district centre i.e. Imphal East District was opened in the year 2000. NIC is widely known for its prompt services in the field of IT. It has been rendering its services as IT consultant, software developer, infrastructure provider and project implementer. The strength of NIC lies in its qualified professionals all over the districts. 6.22.1 IT Support and Services Monitoring of Non Lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR) & Special Plan Assistance (SPA) This project was launched to facilitate proper monitoring of Planned Schemes of Manipur, improve data exchange between various department and enable tracking of projects to understand the reasons of delay. Special Plan Assistance (SPA) , Non-lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR), North Eastern Council (NEC) and Border Area Development Programme (BADP) are the main plan schemes undertaken by Government of Manipur for building major infrastructure to improve socio-economic conditions. Among this, SPA alone contributes major share of the schemes followed by NLCPR .NLCPR has been put in operation since September, 2010 and SPA will be made operational by September, 2011. The project has resulted in 24x7 access to Retained projects list, DPR Status (Approval/Revision), Project Approval/Sanction from DoNER by concerned Departments. Easy tracking of funds sanctioned from DoNER to FD (GOM) and fund release from Finance Department , Govt. of Manipur. It has enabled timely submission of UC/QPR to Line Departments, easy access to Fund Receipt/Release by Line Department, increased reporting functions. It is being used by 13 Departments. Pay Roll Computerisation The Education Department, Government of Manipur, is one of the largest civil department having 12239 employees deployed in 1697 offices under 232 DDOs as on 31st Jan 2008. As a part of monthly routine work, the DDOs are preparing the respective entitled pay bills. The traditional system cannot has a number of loopholes. The objective was to develop a system for preparing salary bills and other entitlements for all the employees using a centralized database system. It links details of employees with CPIS database (such as basic, pay scale, Grade, DDO, Head of account etc.) and improves the system of pay & allowance distribution to the employees The system has enabled proper recording of salary components along with employees' information. Less time is taken for salary preparation and there is increased transparency in accounting. 50 DDOs are using the system. � A Report prepared by Payroll Software For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Maharashtra State Centre 11th Floor, New Administrative Building Mantralaya Madam Cama Road Mumbai-400032. Phone : 022-22046934 E Mail :
[email protected] Website: e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES VAT Computerisation in Manipur VATSoft is online application software to increase tax collection and improve the tax administration of the Department of Taxes, Govt. of Manipur. Using this software, dealers can perform various activities online through the portal by selecting a branch/Zone office. These are e-Registration ,e-Payment, e- Returns, e-Query, e-Refunds, e-Grievances and downloading statutory forms The Department is able to access the VATSoft MIS to generate number of MIS reports related to dealers/tax. The officials can also access various modules like Audit Processing, Check Post Management etc. VAtSoft has had a tremendous impact It has facilitated easy and transparent process for payment of taxes, filing of returns and refunds in the form of e-filing and e-payment, online status tracking of registration, transfers, re-registration, collections and refunds, better proximity of dealers and the department's services through introduction of web, simplified internal processes and online transactions, less paperwork and improved efficiency, simplified process of vehicle checking and monitoring at all check posts, modernization of all check-posts and real time connectivity and information availability to the department anytime anywhere. 6.23 MEGHALAYA NIC Meghalaya was first established in 1988 in the basement of the Addl. Secretariat building and since that time it has left no stone unturned in rendering various ICT services to the State and Central Government offices located in Meghalaya. In the year 2003, NIC Meghalaya has shifted to its own building in the Secretariat Hill which also houses the IT Department of the State Government for synergizing the activities for the development of IT in the state. NIC also has its presence in all district headquarters, Block headquarters and some Civil Sub- Divisions. These centres are manned by qualified IT professionals and are well connected with state capital and rest of the world through high speed VSATs and lease line. 6.23.1 IT Support and Services e-Services e-Services available are issue of Caste Certificate , Tribe Certificate, PRC, OBC Certificate, Domicile Certificate, Permission to Hold special events, Sr. Citizen Certificate, addition deletion, modification, transposition in the Electoral Roll, e-Payment of Trade Taxes. e-Waybill (Taxation Dept). e- Registration, application for job vacancy in Meghalaya Public Service Commission Computerisation of Treasuries (Treasury NET) Treasury NET is a web-enabled application that takes care of all the activities and transactions in the District treasury, designed on a 3-tier architecture with PHP on the client-end and DB2 in the back-end. It has been designed on a role based workflow concept where the data flows from the lower level (Counter) to 139 � e-Registration Module of VATSoft For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Manipur State Centre Room No. 79, Ministers Block Ground Floor, New Secretariat Imphal-795001 Phone : 0385 -2461206 E Mail :
[email protected] � e-Services FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT a higher level(Treasury Officer). TreasuryNET has been implemented in all District Treasuries and Sub-Treasuries. Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) IFMS is an information system that tracks financial transactions and summarizes financial information of the State Government of Meghalaya. It is a web based application which hosts the financial Information of various government departments facilitating effective financial administration and financial management. The application is also designed to display various financial reports which are related to Drawing & Disbursing Officers (DDOs), Heads of Department (HODs), Administrative departments and Finance department. Personal Leave Attendance Salary Management Application PLASMA has been designed to create an employee database of all the government employees of Meghalaya for the preparation of the monthly salaries of the various departments. It is compliant with the recommendations of the Thirteenth Finance Commission. Pension Automated System Through this system, the monthly pension payment is centrally processed at the Central Pension Cell for the Pensioners of all Treasuries/sub treasuries and the Payment order or scroll is sent to SBI Shillong where the amount is credited directly to the accounts of the pensioners using the core banking facilities. Payment by ECS (Electronic Clearance System) has been successfully implemented for those pensioners who draw their pension from the Bank of Baroda - Shillong, Upper Shillong and Mawdiangdiang Branch. Budget Information System BIS is a client-server application developed and implemented in the Finance Department to generate and print the Annual Budget Documents of the State Government. All documents related to preparation of the state budget have been computerized. The budget reports are available in the portal of the State Government Computerisation of Meghalaya Public Service Commission The application caters to the need of Pre and Post Examination processes of the Meghalaya Public Service Commission and includes activities like processing of Application Forms, assigning unique Application Code to applicants, retrieval of eligible candidates from the database, issuing of intimation � Computerisation of Treasuries (Treasury NET) � Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES letters, admit cards etc. VAT Computerisation This has been implemented since April 2005. It is a web-based system wherein centralized database architecture has been adopted. A number of online citizen centric services are available such as Online Payment of Taxes (e-Payment) , Online Request for Way-bills (e-Waybills) , Filing of Online Returns (e-Returns) , Online Dealer Search, etc. Energy Billing System (EBS) EBS is a state of the art web application that provides energy billing solutions to MeECL. The EBS is designed over a two tier based Client Server model and it automates the whole process of the revenue collection in which some of the many concerns include: Power Connection & Consumer Management , Billing & Collection, Power Management (Generation & Consumption), Audit Reports. It has been implemented in three Revenue Sub- Divisions across the state. Hospital Management System (e-Hospitals) e-Hospitals is a solution to manage patients, and provides health information to the patients, doctors, nurses, para- medical personnel, professionals, administrators, etc. The various modules in this application are OPD Registration, IPD Registration, Cabin Management, OT Module, Radiology Module, Birth and Death Certificate, Ward Management, Medical Record Management, Laboratory & Clinical activities, Central Cash Counter, MS Module, Rooster Duty Module, Blood Bank Hospital Management System has been customised and implemented in Ganesh Das Hospital, Shillong. Steps have been taken up to implement the application in other Civil Hospitals across the state. Plan Scheme Monitoring System This is a web based application designed and developed for the purpose of monitoring of various plan schemes executed by various government departments. It monitors the status, physical and financial progress of various schemes execute by Govt. departments. Department user will log onto the system and regularly submit their reports online, this enables the system to generate sector wise, department wise, plan wise consolidated reports. Computerisation of Shillong Municipal Board (SMB) Some of the major functions of Shillong Municipality Board have been automated as per details given below: Birth and Death Registration The application forms are accepted, verified and entered by Birth and Death section Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Yearly / monthly reports, receipts etc. are generated and printed online. Property Assessment and Tax on Property The software encompasses maintenance of property records, computation of property taxes under the stipulated heads (viz. House, Sanitation, Water, Lighting) generation of property bills, generation of demand notices, yearly demand register etc. Moreover, the software also automates apportionment and mutation of holdings. Collection of taxes and generation of receipts is also done through the software. Complaint Monitoring System The system accepts all types of complaints where acknowledgement and complaint number is issued for future querying. The complaint is then forwarded to concerned department for compliance. Head of the Department can view the complaint and monitor its status. The software has the provision to provide Interactive Voice Recognition System interface. 141 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Computerisation of Election Department A number of applications have been developed and implemented for the State Election department such as Photo roll Application, Integration Application, MERIMS , Delimitation of Assembly Constituencies etc. Extensive technical support is being provided to the State Election department in conducting Election in the State for Parliamentary, Legislative Assembly and District Councils Election. The applications comprise Randomization of Polling Personnel, Randomization of EVMs, Uploading the Round-wise Election Result in the internet. MBOSE Results on the NET The results of various examinations conducted by the Meghalaya Board of School Education (MBOSE) are published on the internet for the benefit of the students/citizens residing in the rural areas of the State. The web-site is used to publish the results. The results included the Result Abstract, Merit List of the top ten candidates (General List and Tribal list), List of all the candidates securing highest marks in each subjects and the division wise detailed results. A search engine was developed where the students can get the details of their result by typing in their registration no.SMS facility is also available. e-Court Project NIC Meghalaya is providing extensive ICT support and services to the District court Shillong and High Court Shillong Bench in the implementation of the e-Court project. A computer centre has been set up in the premises and all court rooms have been provided with a computer to record the proceedings. LAN has been installed and commissioned in the office of the District & Session Judge/ High Court. The Court Information System (CIS) has been implemented. Court cases are entered in the CIS system and case proceedings are updated from time to time. The departmental website for the office of the District Judge has been launched & the Judgments and Cause list of various court rooms are published on the internet regularly ( Video Conference facility has been commissioned in the High Court thus enabling the Judges/Officers to participate in any VC meeting with other High Courts across the country. CM Engagement Management System Engagement management system is being used for managing the daily engagements of Chief Minister. The dealing Asst at CM office enters the daily engagements based on which reports are generated and sent to CM and other officers. CM Special Development Fund Monitoring System It has been developed with an objective to monitor the schemes sanctioned by the CM's office for various developmental programmes for a particular financial year. This system captures the data and current status of the schemes at the Secretariat level, Department of Urban Affairs Level, Directorate Level and Executive Engineer Level. It also keeps track of the amount of money remaining in the fund. The data available will enable the CM and other authorized user to see the current status and details of the schemes under this fund for a particular financial year. 6.23.2 ICT Infrastructure The communication infrastructure consists of a 45 Mbps Leased Line from BSNL and PGCIL between NIC Meghalaya and INOC Centre at Guwahati. A 2 Mbps Leased Line connects Shillong with all NIC District HQs. SCPC (DAMA) from BSNL is available for Data, Voice and Video-conferencing at all District HQs., CM Office, NIC State Centre etc. and VSATs are installed at seven District HQ and Sub-Divisional HQ. A full-fledged state-of-the-art Data centre operates on 24x7 online mode. The capacity of the Storage Area Network (SAN) is 4 Tera Bytes. It includes the SecureNet Servers, Pix firewall, Anti-virus, NAT Servers, etc.National Knwledge Network has been commssioned and connectivity to ICAR, Umiam and North Eastern Hills University (NEHU) have been established. STM1 were installed in all NIC districts hqrs. Secretariat Horse Shoe Building, Taxation Building, PHED, DGP's Office and NIC are interconnected via Optical Fibre Cable. 80 office buildings in and around the city are connected by Wireless/ Radio Frequency links. A wireless LAN of 100 Nodes capacity has been installed in the Yojana Bhavans. Taxation Department, Agriculture Department, Commissioner of Transport, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Dept., Directorate of Educational Research & Training, ITI, General Post Office, NEC and Census Operation has been connected using 2 mbps lease line. About e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES 2000 nodes have been connected to the LAN with e-mail and internet connectivity. Approximately 400 email accounts under NICNET domain have been created for government officials and departments. Video Conferencing facilities has been set up and commissioned at NIC State Centre, Yojana Bhawan, High Court Bench, NEC Secretariat and all District Hqrs..EVCS System has also been set up and implemented in the Office chamber of the Chief Secretary. 6.24 MIZORAM Perching on the high hills of North Eastern corner, Mizoram is a storehouse of natural beauty with its endless variety of landscape, hilly terrains, meandering streams deep gorges, rich wealth of flora and fauna. Flanked by Bangladesh on the west and Myanmar on the east and south, Mizoram occupies an importance strategic position having a long international boundary of 722 Kms. The NIC state centre of Mizoram is housed in the Civil Secretariat and connects all Secretariat buildings and Raj Bhawan using Optic Fiber Cables, 6 DC offices, Chief Ministers Office, Post offices and High Court using 2 mbps leased line and 76 departments by Radio Frequency(RF). Various departments in the district are having Wimax connectivity. 6.24.1 IT Support and Services ZORAM Land Computerisation Serchhip District was selected as a Pilot Project for Land Records Computerization. Bhumi software is developed by NIC, West Bengal. However, after thorough discussion and system study it was found not to be feasible for Mizoram. As such the software was freshly developed under the guidance of NIC, West Bengal. Training for the line department was conducted by NIC, Serchhip District Unit. The Pilot project was inaugurated on 25/05/2007 at Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Serchhip. At present the software captures the workflow of the system. The system has resulted in maintaining transparency at all levels of work flow. There is enhancement in efficiency resulting in expeditious disposal of pending applications. e-KIOSK During the preparation of the Mizoram Assembly Election 2008, it was observed that the Election staff was kept preoccupied by voters enquiring about their EPIC details. As such the Election Officer proposed the used of KIOSK machine to help reduce workload of their staff. Serchhip District is the only one in Mizoram to have a KIOSK for citizens where voters can obtain latest information about the EPIC details as well as location of polling booths. Criminal Investigation Department - Records Information Management System (CID - RMS) The Criminal Investigation Department - Special Branch (CID - SB) unit of Mizoram Police has been actively involved in operation against insurgent, arms smuggling, drugs trafficking etc, in and outside the State and the close monitoring of different political parties, NGOs, Student Organizations etc. The main purpose of the software is to keep track of the activities of the various organizations and generate various reports as required by the Unit. Transport Operation (MISTO) The main purpose of this application is to keep data related to transport information. This application specifies requirements for the Intranet Based Web Enabled Software Package for Transport Department (Operations). The work value of each 143 For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Meghalaya State Centre Secretariate Hill Shillong-793001 Phone : 0364 - 2225501 E Mail :
[email protected] � Transport Operation (MISTO) FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT mechanic and the expenditure or parts repaired of each vehicle can be calculated automatically and reports can be generated .Inventory control software maintains a database that can be updated just after the vehicle parts are supplied to the workshop so that the current stock status can be viewed. This MIS package provides role based login access to the system so that only relevant and authenticated information is available. Inner Line Pass/Permit (ILP) The offline version of ILP, which captures data and issues computer generated pass is used in the ILP branch Aizawl at the DC Office. Fund Management System (FMS) FMS is a web-based application which is used by DC Office for their management of funds including the following operations viz. entering of data for funds received , approval of fund from concerned authority, allotment of funds in various departments, monitoring of fund expenditure. Commercial Taxes- Mission Mode Programme (CT - MMP) The Department of Commercial tax plays a role in the mobilization of the resources of the State Government of Mizoram, In order to meet the increasing requirements of funds through taxation and efficiency of VAT administration the Government introduced CT-MMP and Vat-Soft. This has provided service to dealers for online registration, e-waybill, e- return, e-payment and has improved the administration of the Taxation Department. New Land Use Policy Project (NLUP) NLUP is an integrated & comprehensive planning and implementation of New Land Use Policy to translate into action the vision of the Government to make "New Mizoram", through Transformation Development Model This is a G2G project supporting the district administration of Saiha district. Birth and Death Registration System This system facilitates speedier retrieval of Records. Being a Web based system, the respective office can see all the information about the registered births and deaths in District. The system is expandable as new sites can be added. It is more efficient than the previous manual record keeping. General Provident Fund Monitoring System GPF Account is created for all employees under Govt. of Mizoram. Using this system, credit, debit, withdrawal etc. can be entered, monitored, updated at any time and interest calculation can be done for selected months DLI can also be calculated and issued using this system. Annual Report for an individual / Department wise can be generated. This system is also used for issuing annual statement . 6.25 NAGALAND Nagaland is a vibrant hill state Located in the extreme North Eastern End of India, bounded by Myanmar in the East; Assam in the West; Arunachal Pradesh and a part of Assam in the North with Manipur in the south. It offers rich incomparable traditional and cultural heritage. The Government of Nagaland envisions implementing e- governance in the State with a view to enhance transparency, efficiency and provide quality & prompt services to its citizens. National Informatics Centre (NIC) was entrusted to chalk out an Action Plan detailing the existing status, proposed activities, roles and responsibilities, and implementation methodology. For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Mizoram State Centre Civil Secretariat, Floor C Room No 721, Treasury Square Aizawl -796001 Phone : 0389 - 232 4712 E Mail :
[email protected] � New Land Use Policy Project (NLUP) e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES 6.25.1 IT Support and Services Inner Line Computerisation Programme Any person who is not a local inhabitant and desiring to cross the Inner Line into Nagaland is required to have Inner Line Permit (ILP). ILP Cells were established by the government of Nagaland at all the Deputy Commissioner's Offices and Nagaland House located in different parts of the country. A Monitoring Cell was set up in the office of the Commissioner, Kohima where each ILP Cell submit reports pertaining to issue of ILPs and action taken against defaulters on a fortnightly basis. NIC Kohima developed ILP Management System which has been implemented at the eight districts and at Nagaland House, Kolkata. State administration can effectively monitor ILPs issued, renewed, defaulted etc. Revenue earned from ILP registration and renewal has grown manifold. State authorities can get various kinds of reports in required format. Weather Information System (WIS) The climate of Nagaland varies at short distance which is mainly due to the terrain features. The department of Soil & Water Conservation is responsible for maintaining and collecting the daily weather report from its meteorological stations in different parts of the state at varying altitude. Presently 14 2nd Class Meteorological Stations are fully functioning including 1 under the Indian Meteorological Department, with its headquarters at Pune. Based on the requirement of the department, a web based application - Weather Information System was designed, developed by the state centre. The data is fed by the department from 14 Meteorological Stations in different parts of the state which can be accessed at This application collects daily weather data such as rainfall, temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, barometric pressures, etc. and provides this data to user agencies. Climatic data is a major parameter for soil classification in soil survey, selection of crops and plants species best suited to climatic conditions. Employment Exchange Computerisation It is a G2C and G2G application providing services pertaining to the vacancies of the government departments and business organization. Employers can search the availability of qualified and suitable candidate(s) from the database. The job seekers can register their name on-line and search the availability of vacancies in various government departments and other organisations. The application is functioning at the Regional Employment Exchange, Kohima and District Employment Exchange, Dimapur. Tele Education Tele Education facilities were set up at all the Govt. Higher Secondary Schools having Science Stream including Kohima Science College and three private schools in Dimapur. Village Profile It is a web based searchable comprehensive database on village profile available to the citizens through the URL Rural Development Software was developed for monitoring the progress of centrally sponsored schemes. It was implemented for MGNREGA (52 Blocks) and BRGF (5 Districts) project. Block Backwardness Index for Planning Department required for planning process is also monitored. Election Support NIC Nagaland has been actively involved in giving support to the election process for the Lok Sabha as well as the Legislative Assembly. The randomization software of Polling Officials is successfully implemented. Technical support for Online Election Trends and results for all the districts were provided during the elections. State electoral roll database has been hosted and Photo Electoral Roll management Systems (ERMS) is in progress. 145 � Election Support FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT 6.25.2 ICT Infrastructure NIC Kohima State Unit, located at the Secretariat Building, has been connected to NICNET with 45 Mbps Leased Line. Secretariat LAN with structured OFC backbone supports 350 Nodes extending up to the main secretariat building. It also has a RF connectivity covering 40 State Government Directorates using Speed LAN Modems. At the District level, 2 MBPS Lease Line connects seven districts while the remaining four districts namely, Mon, Kiphire, Peren and Longleng are connected by DVB VSAT. 34 MBPS Lease Line for Dimapur, Phek, Tuensang, Mokokchung and Wokha connectivity are under progress. Wimax connectivity is available at five districts - Kohima, Dimapur, Mokokchung, Wokha and Phek. The Executive Video Conferencing System (EVCS) at Chief Secretary Office and DGP Office provides effective audio-visual communication. The fourteen Video Conferencing studios in the state connect all the 11 District Headquarters Nagaland House New Delhi, Chief Minister's Residential office and Chief Information Commission Office, Kohima. The Multi Conferencing Unit (MCU) installed at State Centre provides smooth and seamless connectivity especially during monthly review of various schemes over VC setup.NIC Data Centre at Kohima is equipped with 3TB SAN system with three nos. of Blade Server enclosures having 13 Blade Servers, and 11 Rack servers. 6.26 ODISHA "ODISHA" comes from the Sanskrit "ODRA DESHA" or "ODRA VISHAY". The Odisha state, which was once a land of Kings and Kingdoms, now boasts of being rich source of natural resources. Its people, temple architecture, classical dance, religions, fairs and festivals, unique handlooms and handicrafts, green woodlands, rock caves, charming blue hills have always attracted historians, tourists and travellers from all over the world. Its rich history, revolutionary freedom movement, fascinatingly sculptured temples and monuments, tribal life characterized by dance, music, rituals, hunting, gaiety and wild ways have become important topics of research for great historians and scholars. NIC, Odisha State Centre, has been playing a catalytic role in promoting IT culture for effective governance at the State and District levels. 6.26.1 IT Support and Services Odisha Health Workforce Information System (OHWIS) OHWIS is a web enabled system to monitor and manage the Human Resource of the Health Department through an integrated application to achieve optimum utilization of the resources for health. The system facilitates processes entry of Doctor Information, updation of detailed profile information, Transfer/ Cancellations, archival of retired doctor's information, generation of various reports for a comprehensive view of the doctors placed in the districts. Teachers Provident Fund Accounting System It is for the Office of the Controller of Accounts and mainly deals with preparation of Ledger Cards and Account Slips for all the employees under the State Govt. Aided Educational Institutions. The system has been provided with different modules for various operations like data entry for monthly Treasury Schedules along with Challans and Vouchers, Entry of Opening Balance, Compilation of Treasury Schedules along with Challans and Vouchers, Check List for Treasury Schedules along with Challans and Vouchers, Broadsheet generation, etc. Supplementary Budget Information System This system has been implemented to compile and process the supplementary budget estimates of the state. This system takes Demand Schedules comprising amount demanded, adjustments and surrenders from different demands, savings within the grant and reasons for additional demand as inputs and generates detail supplementary budget reports and mover list as outputs. Letter of Credit Monitoring System This system has been implemented to establish the control on issue and utilization of letter of credit and to closely monitor the For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Nagaland State Centre 3rd Floor, Central Block New Secretariat Complex Kohima-797004 Phone: 0370 -2270022 E Mail :
[email protected] e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES scheme wise and plan wise LC position and to make the accounting easier. This system prepares reports showing the Budget Provision, LC Due, Cut in LC, Supplementary effects on LC, DGS & D Deductions, Improvement over previous year, Net entitlement and LC position as on date. It also automatically generates the LC authorization forms and department wise monthly statements. This system has been extended to accommodate the DDOs(DRDAs) wise LC distribution. Standardisation of District Portal with Web CMS Presently most of the Districts are having websites, which are yet to be built on a uniform structure to address the real citizen centric requirements. So a standardized district portal framework across the country is put in place, which is citizen centric, disseminates information about district and sub-district level. It acts as a single window platform for all categories of information satisfying G2C, G2B, G2E and G2G services. The standardization of district portal initiative is based on the content architecture of the National Portal of India (, a mission mode project under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP). Centralized Grievance Redress and Monitoring System e- ABHIJOGA e-ABHIJOGA ( is a Grievance Redressal Portal in the Grievance Cell of Hon'ble CM. It primarily aims at submission of grievances by the aggrieved citizens from anywhere and anytime (24x7) basis for communication with the nodal Public Grievance officers resulting in the speedy redress of their grievances. e-Abhijoga facilitates Online lodging of grievances by citizens to the CMO/Departments which can be linked to their official Web site. The system generates unique registration number upon the online submission of grievances. Online Payment through Payment Gateway This software offers devotees the opportunity to serve the LORD by contributing generously towards expenses for the RAJ-BHOGA (KOTHA-BHOGA) and at the same time creating a permanent and adequate financial base for Shri Jagannath Temple at Puri. Automation of Dr. Abhin Chandra Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital The application software includes two modules, one for the hospital and the other for the College. The Hospital module includes Patient Registration, OPD/Prescription, Lab Test, Medicine Stock/Dispensing, IPD, User Fee and College module manages Admission, Accounts, Gen. Store, Library. Chief Minister's Relief Fund (e-CMRF) It is meant to distribute relief measures to the distressed. It was created in the year 1954 to provide immediate relief to the people of Odisha affected by the major natural calamities like flood, drought, fire accident etc, and it also provides the financial 147 � Dashboard view of e-CMRF system FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT assistance to the needy individuals for their treatment of major diseases. This fund depends upon budgetary allocation provided by the Government of Odisha and Voluntary donation received from the general people and several organizations related to social responsibility. Scheme Monitoring System for ST & SC Development Department (Tribal Soft) The purpose of this project is to computerize & monitor various schemes being implemented by the ST & SC Development, Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare Department. Energy Soft Energy Soft has been developed for the Department of Energy, Govt. of Odisha to automate the issuance of Licenses to Contractors, Workmen, Supervisors, etc.; monitor the collection of Electricity Duty; status of rural electrification of villages / habitats selected under Biju Gram Jyoti Yojana (BGJY); monitor status of equipments / requests received for testing at STL office & generating test reports and maintain databases of designated consumers, Energy Managers / Auditors, Designated Buildings, Energy Intensive Industries, Energy Audit Firms, etc. e-Municipality e-Municipality is having ten web enabled modules comprising Citizen Centric Grievance Redressal Monitoring System, Kalyan Mandap Reservation System, Marriage Registration, Birth Registration, Death Registration, Holding Tax Monitoring System, License Monitoring System, Old age Pension, Employee Provident Fund Monitoring System, Urban BPL are pluggable to Citizen Service Centres through the use of SOA and XML Web Services. Performance Appraisal Report (PAR) Maintenance & Monitoring System The objective of this system is to keep record of all information relating to Performance Appraisal Report (PAR) of State Govternment Officers and staffs in their respective departments and of All India Services Officers working in the State and monitor the tracking of PARs at all stages in order to avoid a delay in submission or any un-toward mishaps and timely preparation of the assessment sheet for the purpose of DPC/Time Bound advancement scale. MIS on MPR under ICDS Scheme The main features of this project are to develop database to accommodate information for different ICDS activities from monthly progress report of different ICDS projects of Odisha and to generate different query based modules, reports for better analysis. This consists of data entry forms, Query Generation and Report Generation features. Tehsil Land Records Application (Bhulekh) Bhulekh includes Mutation Module has been developed by NIC, Odisha State Unit. The different modules of Bhulekh are (i) ROR/Certified Copy module, (ii) Mutation, (iii) Query (iv) Reports. The ROR module includes issue of ROR Certified Copy, Plot Index and Chumbak Khatiyan. The mutation module includes mutation data entry and updation and Record Correction along with detailed history report. Query module includes generalized and specific query. Reports cover issue of various miscellaneous certificates. Water Billing Payment System The water tariff billing and payment system is being developed for the six major towns of Odisha. Besides generation and print facility of monthly bills, the system also handles user payments, tariff policy, consumer information and adjustments. Work flow concept is used to segregate the process sub tasks, defines roles and responsibilities for each employee, and allows for effective segregation of data through � Tribal Soft e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES uniform location codes, jurisdiction and organizational hierarchy. 6.27 PUDUCHERRY Away from the hustle and bustle of big city, Puducherry is a quiet little town on the southern coast. The unmistakable French connection, the tree lined boulevards, the quaint colonial heritage buildings, the spiritual scene, the endless stretches of unspoilt virgin beaches, backwater, a surprising choice of restaurants serving a melange of cuisines, provide a heady mix that draw travellers from near and far. The Union Territory of Puducherry comprises of four coastal regions viz.- Puducherry, Karaikal, Mahe and Yanam. Puducherry and Karaikal are situated on the East Coasts in Tamil Nadu, Yanam in Andhra Pradesh and Mahe on the West Coast in Kerala. The NIC Puducherry State Unit comprises of four regional centres located at these coastal regions. It has been offering a large number of IT support services to the government departments. 6.27.1 IT and Support Services Puducherry VAT Processing System VAT Soft is an online, user-friendly system developed to cater to the back office workflow needs and to the online service delivery. This application, developed by NIC Karnataka has been customized to suit the local requirements. It has been incorporated with numerous business rules defined in the Puducherry VAT Act and Rules. It has the functionalities for Returns Processing, e-Payment of Sales Tax, Registration Processing, Statutory Forms, Statutory Forms Cancellation, Statutory Forms Submission, Acknowledgement, MIS reports, Audit Selection Assignment Processing, Inspection Processing, Penalty Collection, etc. VAT Soft system has helped in improving the tax administration and tax collection activities of the Department. Automation of the VAT related activities has reduced the mechanical and clerical work for preparation of various reports and registers, generation of reports and notices to defaulters, missing payments, short payments and monitoring the tax collection, etc. VAT Soft has 150 Department Users and more than 10,000 dealers. ICT for Civil Supplies The Ration cards of Puducherry UT are digitized and the issue of PDS commodities are monitored through web enabled system. All the ration cards are available on net. The ration card data is handed over to a System Integrator for verifying and capturing biometric and photo data for the issue of smart cards. ,36,000 cards including member details are available online. The complete PDS chain comprising allocation, distribution and consumption are updated in an online system. Finance Portal of Govt. of Puducherry The Finance outlay and expenditure are monitored online with the help of this portal. By linking treasuries with Budget and Planning, sectoral/scheme/department wise outlay versus expenditure are seen online. Also, Letter On Credit (LOC) projects like PWD and Port are updating the data directly in the portal. As the portal is online, the Government can ascertain the performance of expenditures at any instant. The reports are presented in plan review 149 For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Odisha State Centre Unit IV, Sachivalaya Marg Bhubaneshwar-751001 Phone : 0674-2508438 E Mail:
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT meetings. Around 100 Graphs, 25 reports are generated from the system. Modernisation of Prisons The Roster Management system for randomizing the locations for Warders is generated from the system. A visitor management system is also developed to capture the visitors information with photograph. A web enabled Prisoner's Monitoring system to capture the details of inmates is also implemented. A VC setup is created to connect the courts and the prisons to avoid the movements of prisoners for producing to remand extension. The Prisoner details are made available in the digitized form. The visitors are monitored through a system. Birth & Death Information System (BDIS) BDIS software help the local bodies to register the births and deaths in the respective commune panchayats /municipalities. The certificates are issued across the counter. The MIS related reports are generated through the system. The users are Puducherry Municipality and 5 Commune Panchayats. Property/House Tax Assessment and Collection Details Monitoring System This system is a web enabled online system for computing the property assessment and disseminating the property assessment particulars, demand details and tax payment particulars to the public. Also, the department can see the demand, collection and balance till date for a Municipality / Commune panchayat is automated for a drilldown analysis up to an individual assessment. The computerized receipt of payment is issued to the public. It has reduced the manual preparation and compilation time drastically and brought the transparency in the demand generation and tax collection process. Web Based Old Age Pension Payment This is a web enabled online system for maintaining the payment particulars of Old Age/Widow and Destitute Pension for Women and Child Department. It facilitates the online information about the pensioners detail, payment details and other stoppage details to the pensioners. It has reduced the manual entry time drastically and brought in transparency in the pension payment process. Online Centralized Pay Roll System It is a role based Pay roll Accounting System for 600 DDOs. It facilitates the online Payroll process, pay bills, schedules preparation for bill clerks of a department. Aquittance and Pay slips are prepared by Cashiers taking outside recoveries into account. It also has functionalities for DA Arrear Processing, Bonus Processing, IT Calculation and related reports etc. Individual employee can see their personal, GPF and pay particulars through net. It supports Electronic Clearance System (ECS) for payment of individual salary It has reduced the pay bill processing time drastically and brought transparency in the payroll process 600 + DDOs are using the system from Pondy, Karaikal , Mahe and Yanam. Assembly Elections It is a web enabled online system for collecting the employee details from all government departments, Randomization Process of polling personnel allocation as well as EVM, and completed the Prepoll activities. It is also collecting Polling particulars booth wise from all RO offices to integrate the data for consolidation of Poll percentage in each constituency. The system helps in the collection and dissemination of time wise votes polled, booth wise votes polled, constituency wise and region wise voting turn out. Also, during counting of votes, the ROs are provided with system to feed the booth wise votes secured by each candidate. On consolidation, the result is disseminated round wise, constituency wise and party wise positions. Through this system, people were able to get the � Finance Portal of Govt. of Puducherry e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES round wise lead positions, party wise tally and results including the outlying regions Karaikal, Mahe and Yanam.. Rajiv Gandhi Social Security Scheme (RGSS) A computerized system for automating this national scheme which provides all the necessary queries and reports on the financial assistance to Below Poverty Line family members in the event of their natural and unnatural death, partial or permanent disability due to accident. All the MIS related reports and acknowledgment slips are generated through the system. Centralized Admission of HSC Course in Education Department (CENTAC) A centralized admission process of Higher Secondary Course based on the marks obtained in 10th Std. in Government Higher Secondary Schools, Puducherry. The allotment of students in each School is as per the allocation and availability of seats and also as per the students merit in each category and Special Categories There are around 32 different courses in 37 schools. Through this software counseling was done for around 5000 students in about 2 weeks time. Comprehensive Recruitment Software for Govt. of Puducherry Software developed for pre and post examination processes. Using the software with minimum modifications required to each recruitment process based on the selection criteria. A web site has been designed to publish the results to bring transparency in the examination process. Integrated Property Registration Information System e- Pathiram e-Pathiram is a state of the art complete workflow automated system covering the entire registration process at the Sub Registrar offices. The system provides transparent valuation with respect to property registered which results in accurate calculation of stamp duty and registration fees to be paid to the Government. The system also has inbuilt photo capturing and finger print capturing of the executants and claimants. The registered documents are scanned and archived using a scanning and archival system. A website is also available for getting the GLR values. The system has eliminated the complete manual process of writing of index registers and maintenance of copies of the documents registered in volumes. Once the document is regularized by allotting a document registration number, the details are immediately available for Encumbrance search. 6.28 PUNJAB Established in 1988, Punjab State Centre of National Informatics Centre (NIC-Punjab) has been instrumental in bringing ICT culture in Punjab government. With a focus on building IT interfaces to facilitate citizen-friendly and transparent government, NIC has made significant contributions in improving service delivery in a number of departments including Revenue, District administration, Rural Development, Finance, Agriculture, Employment, Elections, Social Welfare, Food & Civil Supplies, Courts etc. eProcurement, Technical Education, Counseling and SUWIDHA are our latest initiatives which have revolutionized the way government provides services to its customers. Service counters have been established across the state at district and sub-district level promising and providing committed service delivery. NIC Punjab has also embraced Mobile technology to reach the masses. 6.28.1 IT Support and Services Web Based Counseling Web Based Counseling for Punjab State Technical Education Board and Punjab Technical University: First of its kind in the state of Punjab, Web-based online Off-Campus Counseling for PSBTE has been implemented for the admissions in all the Diploma courses in Engineering, Lateral Entry (LEET) to Engineering and Pharmacy streams in about 100 institutes across the state and Chandigarh (UT). It has also been implemented for admissions to all the B. Tech/B. Pharmacy Degree courses in more than 80 colleges all over the state of 4 151 For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Puducherry UT Centre 4th Floor, Chief Secretariat Puducherry - 605 001 Tel. : 0413 - 2336675 E Mail :
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Universities viz. (Punjab Technical University, Guru Nanak Dev University, Punjabi University, Punjab Agriculture University) under Punjab Technical University (PTU). Implementation of web-based counseling has provided transparency in admissions and seat allotment process. It has minimized travel burden and also inconvenience on part of the students and parents. The system has helped the students in making better choices of streams conveniently and has provided fair chance of allotment to eligible candidates. Single User-friendly Window Disposal Help-Line for Applicants (SUWIDHA) SUWIDHA is built to provide the convenience to the citizen by capturing the input at a single point, defining a specified delivery date depending upon the type of service, accepting cash at the counter itself and delivering district administration services to the citizens from the same counters. It ensures timely delivery without any need to interact with the concerned branch. SUWIDHA has been implemented in all the districts of Punjab. Online status of the applications submitted on SUWIDHA Counters in the districts is available on SUWIDHA website ( It has been replicated at all district and SDM offices of Punjab. SUWIDHA has provided single-window access for all applications pertaining to different jobs of DC office. It has reduced delays and pre-defined the delivery time for every job. Citizens are able to check their application status online. SUWIDHA has provided a friendly, affordable, speedier and efficient interface between the government and public. It has brought in greater transparency, efficiency, objectivity, accountability and speed. Property Registration Information System Module (PRISM) PRISM automates all major activities of Sub-Registrar office and covers deeds of Sale, Mortgage, Will, Adoption, SPA, GPA, Exchange, Pattanama/ Lease, Tatima, Cancellation of SPA/GPA/Will total 27 deeds etc. Major features include token issuance, online capturing, storage, printing of photographs on stamp paper, valuation of property, scanning of deed documents online/offline, on the spot registration, issuance of mutation notice as Parchayadast, finalization & pendency check of deeds by SRO, single window service etc. It has been implemented in all 153 SRO offices in Punjab. PRISM is ISO certified product. Integrated Treasuries Information System of Punjab (iTISP ) iTISP is an online system developed for automation of district treasuries in Punjab. Salient features of TISP are verification of messenger and DDO by photograph and signature, online system, computerized cheque printing, linkage with budget, AG accounts and bank, tight security, Web enabled etc. Payments, receipts, pension, LOC, stamp etc are included. It has been implemented at all the District Treasuries and all Sub-Treasuries of the state. All sub-treasuries and treasuries have been linked to the state HQ. iTISP provides fiscal management and control by providing a transparent and accountable system of financial transactions resulting in efficiency and cost saving for government. It prevents expenditure beyond budget allocation. It provides decision support for senior government officers. Permit and National Permit Portal Permits software computerizes all the tasks related to National Permit, Stage Carriage Permit and Contract Carriage Permit. It has facility for payment of Composite Fee for National Permit thereby allowing the transporter to operate his vehicle throughout India. National Permit Portal has facility for online acceptance of composite fee through net banking as well as through e- challan generated from the portal. It is being used in all 4 Regional Transport Authorities for issuance of National Permits. e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES Monitoring of Election System through SMS (MESS) MESS is web based application software for Department of Elections, Punjab. The application is aimed at capturing a set of fixed events for all the Polling Stations of an Assembly Constituencies through SMS by the authorized mobile numbers from respective Polling stations (in this case PROs) in a prescribed format and to update the database for online monitoring reports on CEO's website. The software has the provision for entering data through web-entry also. Web- entry is only allowed to authorized users like ROs / AROs of the assembly segments. With the implementation of the software the administration has been able to monitor the election process on the polling day. Different events are recorded on the polling day so as to ensure a proper conduct of polling process. Integrated Scheme Monitoring System (ISMS) for Department of Water Supply and Sanitation (DWSS) Integrated Scheme Monitoring System (ISMS) is a web based system for 5 operational levels (viz. Head Office, Zone, Circle, Division and Sub-Division offices) of DWWS. It is extremely important for effective planning, monitoring and implementation of various activities/schemes of the department and easy availability of data to all the concerned agencies like World Bank, NABARD etc. The current system includes Scheme and Program Management System, Contractor and Supplier Information System, Material and Store management System, Personnel & Payroll Information System, Finance and Works Accounting System, Resource Management System, Water Quality Management System and Equipment Information System along with dashboard for higher authorities. Protection from unauthorized users is provided through delegation of privileges as and where required. ISMS facilitates monitoring of overall progress (Physical and Financial) of Rural Water Supply schemes at different levels. It also helps the decision makers to finalize a future plan for left out rural population to provide them good drinking water and sanitation facility. Affidavit Issuance System (AIS) AIS provides easy access to the administration for attestation of affidavit of any kind by paying nominal fees. The photograph of the deponent is captured in person on the spot along with purpose of affidavit along with other relevant details. Widely appreciated by the citizens, media and administrators, AIS has been replicated at all the districts and Tehsils with service over multiple counters. District Information System for Elections (DISE) DISE is randomization software for Election Department. It handles the functionalities like formation of polling parties, counting parties, EVM (Electronic Voting Machine) randomization for Lok Sabha/ Assembly Elections in a random way, election orders for individual polling parties, micro observer parties and EVM orders, Constituency wise distribution of employees, department wise, sub department wise orders, attendance sheets, Election Duty Certificate, issue of ID Card, various types of checklist reports for various constituencies and marking of absentees, cancellation and absentees, cancellation reports as per Election Commission of India ECI guidelines. It has helped the administration to deploy personnel on polling duty, micro observers and counting staff randomly as per the guidelines issued by ECI. The software enables the administration to keep track of employees deployed on the polling duty. 153 Affidavit Issuance System (AIS) counters at Ludhiana For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Punjab State Centre Room No. 109, Ground Floor Punjab Mini Secretariat, Sector 9 Chandigarh -160009 Phone : 0172-2745776 E Mail :
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT 6.29 RAJASTHAN Colorful Rajasthan is a fairy tale of majestic palaces, fortresses, cities, and buzzing bazaars with the confluence of history, chivalry, romance, rugged natural beauty, art, crafts and culture. With this rich historical and cultural background, NIC in the state had taken off in 1988 has started showing its true colors. Today with the efforts of team NIC the state of Rajasthan is surging ahead as a leader in e-Governance and ICT developments covering a wide gamut of applications. NIC Rajasthan in close coordination with the state government agencies has undertaken various ICT projects efficiently and effectively. 6.29.1 IT Support and Services Rural Connectivity (GPNIC) for Panchayats had conceptualized by Government of India as a pilot programme for connecting rural India with high speed fiber backbone directly up to Panchayats. Riding on fibre backbone, web based GPNIC software has been designed, developed and implemented for panchayats in Srinagar Block in Ajmer district to facilitate Panchayat office in accessing various online services in simplistic manner. BSNL provided optical fiber based connectivity at ten panchayat offices which was then extended to other government offices, schools, hospitals with the help of wireless system. The villages for the first time held video- conferencing with government officials from their own native place. So impressed was the US delegation seeing people use this system that US president decided to have a peek into the future of India on 7th Nov 2010. Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) IFMS is a web based system for complete government financial accounting. It includes budget planning, estimates preparation, distribution / allocation, fund management, treasury functions etc. The budget was prepared using the IFMS. IFMS consists of Budget Preparation, Budget Distribution, Online Treasuries. It has been initiated with the concept of 'Any-Where-Treasury'. A robust network has been set up to connect all treasuries, sub treasuries to web based IFMS portal. IFMS aims to take care of majority of the common requirements maintaining uniformity of procedures, adopting the best practices and networking of all the offices i.e. Finance Department, Directorate of Treasuries & Accounts, Pension Department, all treasuries and sub treasuries. It will also address issues related to interoperability between G2G, G2C and G2B. Presently all 39 treasuries and 221 sub treasuries are using this online application with the facility for the banks to upload the daily scroll. Online Answering Information System (OASYS) OASYS was a natural culmination of the long association of NIC with Legislative Assembly and all the departments of Rajasthan Government to facilitate faster & secure communication pertaining to assembly questions. All answers received through the system are also accessible through the web portal of Legislative Assembly immediately after the Question Hour. The detailed replies can instantly be viewed by media or any citizen. It is first such application ever deployed by any legislative body in India. This is an eco-friendly solution as it results in savings of more than 10 million paper sheets every year. SUGAM SUGAM is a web based Single Window Service Delivery Launching of e-Sugam in Jaipur VC session at Kanpura (Ajmer district) e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES system, currently used in 750 offices is an effective tool for grievance redressal for citizens. It has a multilevel implementation including all 33 district Collectorates and all the 247 Tehsil offices of Rajasthan. The system facilitates timely delivery of various citizen services such as Issuance of Bonafide Resident certificate, Caste Certificate etc. About different 40 services are being extended through this system. The system is now being extended to CSC/E-Mitra nodes with a digital signature facility. Pregnancy, Child Tracking and Health Services Management System (PCTS) A web based online system has been developed for Medical, Health and Family Welfare department, for improving its services right up to Health Sub centre. The system is extremely useful in ensuring better health for women, minimizing maternal mortality, neo natal mortality and in tracing areas with decreasing sex ratio at birth. It is also useful in monitoring functioning of all health institutions across the state numbering more than 13,000. Presently it has 23.5 lakhs beneficiary records and is operational from more than 500 locations across the state. Swasthya Sandesh Sewa has been linked to the PCTS, which is reminder service for the parents for vaccination of their children and also to the Service Providers (ANM). The system also helps in ensuring adequate medicine and vaccine stocks at every health facility. Sarva Shikshan Abhiyan (RAJSSA) Portal RAJSSA is a comprehensive online system for the survey monitoring and to collect booth wise summery data. Rajasthan Council of Elementary Education undertook the project of CTS (Child Tracking Survey) along with NIC Rajasthan in 2010. As a massive exercise, village/habitat level details of each child were surveyed. The data was captured through the ICR technology. In and out school children counts were published in the public domain within 10 days of completion of the CTS survey. A total of 1210917 children were found as Out of School Children in the state. Rajasthan is now amongst the few states which is providing the village/habitat wise Village Education Register in the public domain. Patient Management for Chief Minister's BPL Jeevan Raksha Kosh It is a web based on-line application, intended to facilitate free medical treatment to poor patients in any Government health facility at state, district or sub district level. The system extends right up to the CHC's and PHC's and is part of HEALING which is a comprehensive e-governance tool for the department. Presently the system is being accessed by more than 550 hospital facilities spread all over the state. Forty lakhs patient records are available online. Pre Teachers Entrance Test Counseling Minimizes the travel burden on counselees and provides better transparency in the system. About 1.25 lakhs candidates participate in the counseling process to take admissions for about 90000 seats available in 790 colleges every year. One website is the candidate site, to get all required information and fill his/her choices. Other is the intra site, where concerned institutes may see their list of allotted candidates and provide online reporting. Online BPL Census It is one of the massive database creation exercises where each of the rural household has been surveyed and micro details were captured including attributes about each and every family member. For the first time the OMR/OCR sheets were used in the BPL census survey conducted in 2002. NIC State unit since beginning helped the department in formulating tender documents for the data capturing work. NIC State unit has extended support in validation of the data and necessary application has been built to provide various analytical reports on interim and final data. There has been wide usage of the data by various departments and agencies for upliftment of the poor. The data reflects current BPL position tracked till the village level. This data is used by Rural Development department, Department of Food, Education, Medical and Health, LIC, World Bank, ICICI bank, IL & FS in formulating and monitoring important schemes. Integrated Workflow based System for Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) PHED is used for planning and monitoring activities and resources including materials, manpower, projects and finance. 155 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT This is accessed from more than 240 offices of PHED of the state. The system covers 151 Divisions, 43 Circle Offices, 13 Region Offices, 33 Water Quality Labs & the PHED HQ. Data is captured into the system from all divisions, circle offices, region offices and water quality labs etc. Annual funds of around 1000 crore are being managed through this system and works account are generated since 2007. Work Flow based Materials Management System links all the material stores of PHED. Projects and Works Management Systems allows comprehensive monitoring of projects for physical & financial progress. Personnel Information System provides service records online for all the employees. Other modules include Water Quality Monitoring, Audit Para Monitoring, Schemes & Assets Management, Tender Management and Documents Management. Wider Perspective and New Horizons of Erstwhile LRC (APNAKHATA) APNAKHATA has major components like Land Records, Digitization of Khasra Maps, Settlement Survey, Registration & Stamps and Integration of processes. As it has been implemented in the Rajasthan state in a systematized and organized manner, it has proven to be one of the most popular services to citizens. Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board (RSPCB) RSPCB is beneficial to the Government, Central Pollution Control Board, RSPCB itself, Industries and the Indian Community by providing correct and authentic online Information. The project scope was to develop, deliver, install and implement automated application systems for the various sections in the department to fulfill the need of reliable, auto-responsive, paperless and cost effective computer based transparent system for information compilation, dissemination and sharing throughout the department and the customers. Rajasthan High Court Computerisation Project It is a comprehensive Judicial Software System has been developed which caters to all Judicial activities viz., Case Filing, Paper Filing (Power, Reply etc), Reporting of Lower Court, and FIR details, Classification, Scrutiny, Bail Trapping, Registration, Peshi, Track the Peshi Date of a case, Cause list, track the cause listing details of a case with item no, date and court no., Disposal, Consign to Record Room, Comprehensive MIS Report Generation. Computerisation of Police Department This software is supported by a web based Personnel Information System (PIS). A database containing nearly 65,000 records pertaining to general information, personnel details, educational qualification, nominations details, postings, awards, rewards, punishments, trainings for the officials & officers of the Police Department is being maintained in the application. Mid Day Meal Monitoring System (MDM) MDM has been developed and deployed to monitor the grants, transfer and distribution of funds and grains from Govt. of India to the districts, blocks and schools, progress and utilization. MDM system provides online status of the monthly progress of the program. Monthly entry of records from each school is done at the block level. 6.30 SIKKIM Sikkim is sheer magic. This is not just the most beautiful place in the world but cleanest and safest too. If once the charms of the State were limited to mists, mountains and colourful butterflies, they are now complimented by tangible development and progress. The Government of Sikkim is aware of the transformational changes of IT technology and would like to harness its capabilities for the welfare of the state by having up to date citizen services, ensuring greater accountability through e- governance and also promote IT investments in the state. NIC Sikkim has been instrumental in this endeavour of the state and has provided IT support in various sectors. For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Rajasthan State Centre Room No. 8318, N.W. Block, Secretariat Jaipur-302005 Phone : 141-2227992 E Mail :
[email protected] e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES 6.30.1 IT Support and Services Online Registration and Certificates Handling, Issuance and Delivery (ORCHID) 'ORCHID' is capable of processing all kinds of certificates e.g. OBC/MBC, SC/ST, Birth/Death, Employment and register all types of properties online and issue certificate of registration. It is a complete work-flow automation with re-engineering of few steps in the web-based technology with Finger-Print enabled access system. The system facilitates entry of applications received for registration or certificate, Generation and printing of acknowledgement, spot verification request, Capturing photographs and fingerprints of applicants etc. It generates various MIS reports. Application is implemented in Gangtok district. GPF Online Payment system General Provident Fund cell in Sikkim is located in Gangtok. Earlier all the employees had to correspond to GPF cell in Gangtok for the withdrawal of their GPF amount. The cheque was issued only by GPF cell Gangtok for all the employees of the state. This was causing delay in processing and payments of the GPF withdrawal. Hence decentralization of GPF cell was conceived to facilitate payments in districts so that the harassment and delay in payments could be avoided. GPF online payment system is web-based application to facilitate the GPF payment to employees in the district. Changes have been made in existing Pay and Accounts software so that the GPF cheques could be issued at districts. Employees can view their GPF details at system has enabled fast and efficient redressal of payments and increased transparency. VAT Computerisation Vat computerization in Sikkim started in April 2005 and the customization was done on Vat software used in West Bengal. The software is web based and back end is oracle 9i . Various modules such as registration, endorsement, waybill, return, TDS are complete for entry, modification and reports are in use by the department. Further customization is going on in consultation with department. Reports have enhanced the efficiency of the department in collection of taxes and dynamic reports are generated on various parameters.The system is being used by all IT and CT offices in Sikkim and checkposts. 6.31 TAMIL NADU 6.31.1 IT Support and Services e-Services for Commercial Taxes Department This system ( enables the Dealers to file online VAT monthly Return facilitating e-payment and tracking the status of applications submitted online. Online services available are filing of e-Request for saleable forms, submission of Form-W refund Claims, submission of goods movement through for quick clearance at Checkpost (Fast Track Clearance System) and submission of New registration applications. More than 2.52 lakhs Dealers are filing their Returns online every month. More than 2.1 Crores invoice details of Sales and Purchases are being uploaded every month. e-Payment facility has been enabled to Dealers since September 2009 through SBI, Indian Overseas Bank, Indian Bank, Canara Bank and Bank of Baroda. More than Rs. 1802 Crores taxes are being collected through e- payment every month. 157 For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Sikkim State Centre Tashiling Secretariat Gangtok - 737103 Phone : 03592 -223109 E Mail :
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT e-district - Scholarship System This web based system ( provides a facility for students to file applications for scholarship online through their respective Institutions. The system provides for requisite back office work flow for processing the application. It facilitates quicker processing of scholarship applications and also provides the status of the scholarship application through the website/CSC (Common Service Centers) to the students. The system has been implemented in all the districts covering 1200 institutions During the year 2010-11, more than 3.70 lakhs students have applied for scholarship using this system. MERIT Cum Means Scholarship - Ministry of Minority Affairs A web based complete workflow based system ( has been designed and developed for the Merit and Means Scholarship Scheme of Ministry of Minority Affairs which provides financial assistance to the poor and meritorious students belonging to the Minority communities for studying in professional courses as part of the eScholarship project. The system is being implemented across all the States. e-District Revenue - Online Filing for Certificates The main features of the e-District Revenue are - Citizen Registration at CSC, Application for certificate through CSC / Online, Generation of Unique Application ID , Receipt of Acknowledgement by the Citizen. This is a workflow based software with authentication and authorisation at different levels right from Village Administrative Officer to Tahsildar. The certificates, printed with 2D Bar Coding, are approved using Digital Signature and issued through the CSC. Application Status is available to the Citizen through the website. A Dashboard for monitoring is available to the State / District Level Officers. The system has been implemented in all taluks of Krishnagiri District where 220 CSCs are registered and operational. This system is available at e-District Social Welfare A workflow system ( has been developed and implemented for the end-to-end processing of applications submitted through CSCs for availing the Marriage Assistance & Girl Child Protection scheme of the Social Welfare department. Over a period of 7 months, more than 1400 applications have been filed online through the system. Pregnancy and Infant Cohort Monitoring & Evaluation System This online monitoring system ( helps to monitor the health status of Pregnant Women registered with any PHC in the rural areas of the state and the infants born to these women. Provides State-level data for tracking the pregnant mother for provision of health care during Pregnancy / Natal / Postnatal period, Outcome of the delivery, provision of care to infant, Health Status of Infant. Facilitates Medical Officers to monitor the health of women, even if they are registered in a different PHC. Geographic Information Systems(GIS) in the Districts District GIS ( has been initiated for two pilot Districts viz. Cuddalore and Nagapattinam under the guidance of Tamil Nadu State Planning Commission. A framework has been created to facilitate the creation of District GIS. Necessary spatial layers on various natural resources like soil, water resources, delineation of watershed, location of tanks, etc are also provided. More than 80 layers for Cuddalore District and 60 layers for Nagapattinam District have been prepared. Chennai Utility Mapping The basic objective of this project is to develop a City wide Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) with capabilities that will deliver maximum benefits to the utility agencies and to meet the current needs of the City Administration in their respective areas. • Digital base map of 192.5 sq. Km. area covering more than 80 layers, using aerial photography under stereoscopic vision has been created with the same origin and accuracy. • The base map and attribute information collected in the field have been linked to the corresponding base map features • Web GIS with more than 80 layers has been developed. e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES • Various web GIS based spatial queries like ward boundaries, police station jurisdiction, fatal accident locations etc. have been developed under this project Monthly PDS Allotment Software This online system ( helps to arrive at monthly PDS Allotments for all Fair Price Shops in the state. • Monthly entry of Number of cards (Fair Price shop wise) and Commodity stock. • Over 60 Statements and Reports relating to Allotment, Offtake and Sales of Sugar, PDS/AAY/ANS/OAP Rice, Kerosene, Wheat and Special commodities are generated at various levels, such as Fair-price Shop, Agency/ Cooperative Society, Wholesaler, Godown and Taluk. • Allotment for Police Cards & Bulk Permits. Comparative statements and exception statements for monitoring purposes. The system covers 232 Taluk Supply Offices, 29,560 Fair Price shops, 6545 Societies/Agencies and 244 Godowns. Directorate of Technical Education This system ( helps the citizens to get the basic details of around 450+ Polytechnic Colleges and 450 Engineering Colleges and enables the Diploma Students studying in the Polytechnic Colleges to know the Attendance details for the current Academic Year. Tamilnadu Rural Development Housing Scheme A web based system ( been developed, to capture details of around 22 Lakh hut dwellers identified under the scheme, located at Villages and Hamlets across Tamil Nadu. The system was used to select 3 Lakhs beneficiaries for the year 2010-2011, to generate work orders for the selected beneficiaries and for generation of eligibility cards for 16 Lakhs beneficiaries in the ensuing years. Government e-Procurement System of NIC A generic Government eProcurement system has been developed , for implementation in the government offices across the country with the objective of Online Enrolment of the Government officials & the bidders, Tender creation & Publishing, Publishing of Corrigendum, Publishing of pre-bid meeting documents, Online bid submission/re submission, Facility for Online payment collection through bank payment gateway, Withdrawal of online bids, Tender opening online, Award of the Contract (AOC) etc. Online Consent for TNPCB The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB), in order to minimize delay in processing the applications for consent has introduced the 'Online submission of Application for Consent' at This facility helps the industries to submit the applications anytime anywhere. District offices can enter the details of each application at every stage of the back office operation. e-Pension System The "ePension" System developed for the Pension Pay Office is an Intranet based workflow model system which handles all the stages of processing right from the receipt of Pension application from AGs office till the sanction of Pension. As a pilot run the system has been implemented in the Pension Pay Office, Chennai. The system has been implemented in 7 District Treasuries and 44 Sub Treasuries. Online Grievance Day Petition System for Districts This system provides a facility to citizens to file a petition to the district administration. The system also handles the necessary back office processing. It enables effective monitoring of the grievances submitted by the citizens to the 159 � Government eProcurement System of NIC FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT district administration. This application is implemented in 27 districts and more than 5.32 lakh petitions have been received so far. Online Scheme Monitoring System This is an application to monitor various Projects implemented by Rural Development Department ( Updation of physical and Financial Progress of more than 1 Lakh projects from Block Level. Reports for State/District /Block level authorities and Drill down reports are provided which help the State/District level authorities to probe a particular project executed at Village Panchayat level. Dash boards and GIS interface is provided in the system, which help the authorities to monitor / review the projects. This system is implemented in all 31 Districts and 385 blocks. Around 83,000 Project details are entered and are being monitored using this software. Automated Treasury Bill Passing System (Karuvoolam - ATBPS) It is a Web-based Workflow Model System developed for the Department of Treasuries and Accounts. It has been implemented on pilot basis in the Treasuries of Karur and Theni districts. The system has now been implemented in 7 district treasuries, 36 sub treasuries and 3 PAO Offices (Madurai, Secretariat, New Delhi). 6.32 TRIPURA Tripura, nestled in a tip of the Northeast, flourishes on the bounties of nature but the beauty of the state is heightened by its human resources on the one hand and rich cultural tradition on the other. The Tripura State Unit of NIC was formally setup in 1989-90. The center, though located in a remote state of North East part of India, is now comparable with the best in the country in terms of skilled manpower and latest Information Technology tools and services. The profile of NIC services in Tripura to District Administration, State Govt. Departments and Central Ministries/Department etc. can be broadly categorized in the areas of Software Design & Development, Networking, Internet Services, ,Web Site Development & Hosting, Video Conferencing, Training and Consultancy. 6.32.1 IT Support and Services Energy Billing System (EBS) EBS is implemented at Electrical subdivisions across the state and has the facility to record and index the power distribution inventory viz. pole, Transformer, Feeder etc. mapped to each consumer. On regular basis, system generated meter reading sheets are carried to the consumer premises for recording the current meter reading, the data is then fed into the system after which the system automatically generates the current bill along with arrear payable if any. Consumer receives the bill and comes to the collection counters on-site / off-site. On payment, system generated receipt is handed over to consumer. Day end collection, bill summary is auto generated. The consumer ledger is auto updated. Information on bill, collection and consumer ledger is available over the NET and KIOSK for transparency. Defaulter list and notice is generated every month for defaulter cases. ATC loss, other audit & MIS reports are generated every month for close monitoring of the revenue system. The system has resulted improved transparency, increased efficiency- Quarterly billing system of manual days is changed to monthly billing system and increased revenue collection. e-Hospital@NIC e-Hospital@NIC, a workflow based ICT Solution for Medical College & Hospital, is a generic application, which addresses all the major functional areas of a hospital. It deals with complete treatment cycle of OPD/IPD patients and integrates various functions in the areas of -clinical, administrative, and finance. It is a patient-centric system rather than a series of add-ons to a financial system. e-Hospital@NIC solution helps small to large size hospitals to streamline patient care, hospital administration, ancillary services and clinical support activities. e-Hospital@NIC - consists of more than 20 core modules, includes- OPD Patient Registration, IPD Patient Registration, Ward Management, ICU and Cabin Management, OPD Clinic, Prescription, Pharmacy, OT Management System, Cash Counter, Radiology System, Pathology, Blood Bank Management System, Hospital Staff For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Tamil Nadu State Centre E 2 A, First Floor, Rajaji Bhawan Besant Nagar Chennai - 600 090 Phone : 044-24917850 E Mail :
[email protected] e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES Scheduling, Store and Inventory, Dietary Module, Laundry Management, Birth & Death and Hospital Record, Student Management System, Payroll and Personal Information System, Administrative module. Each module can be implemented individually or be combined to form an integrated system. The system has resulted in Cost control and improved productivity. It reduces the patient's waiting time by smooth flow of information and provides house keeping of medical records such as patient's history, diagnostic details and prescriptions by doctors. Maintenance of hospital statistics in terms of inpatient, outpatients, diagnostic, services, Surgeries and so on for future research work. The e-Hospital@NIC suite is installed and implemented in various Government Hospitals viz., Dr. BRAM Teaching Hospital (Tripura), Dr. RML Hospital (Delhi), Ganesh Das Civil Hospital (Meghalaya), GBP Teaching Hospital (Tripura), Ernakulum Civil Hospital (Kerala), Sports Injury Centre- Safdarjung Hospital (Delhi), Kottakkal Ayurveda College(Kerala); on progress at Indira Gandhi Gas Rahat Hospital(MP) and AIIMS-Delhi. Tele-medicine component of the e-Hospital@NIC suite is also installed and implemented at Medical College Hospital (Mandya), Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology. e-Suvidha e-Suvidha is a workflow based application to automate time bound servicing of Citizen Requests (Certificates, Administrative Orders and Certified Copies of Documents). The software supports OL digital photographs, collection of charges, Workflow monitoring and Internet based displaying of Serviceability Status against Service Request. A generalized framework comprising of 5 Sub-Processes has been adopted in the application which are as follows: • Filing of Service Requests. • Validation of supporting documents/ testimonials submitted. • Decision on the request by a competent authority (Issue/Reject). • Printing of deliverables (Output or Rejection Intimation). • Dispatch of printed deliverables. Each of the Sub-Processes for any Service could be configured for the mandated time duration (in hours or working days). Based on the state holiday list, the software calculates and prints the completion date for a Service Request in a two-part Application Acknowledgement slip along with the supporting documents description. Land Records Computerization 31 Revenue circles out of 33 are providing computerized ROR. Land Records Project started in the year 1992 with one pilot district of North Tripura. Land Records Software (Jami Ver 3.0) was further enhanced into 3-tier web-based solution to handle the following: • Work flow based OnLine Mutation process and generation of computerized ROR. • Biometric and Role based Authentication. • Scanning of the Manual order. • Monthly back up of ROR is hosted in the website- • Various MIS Reports to facilitate Government decision. • KIOSK module functional in all Revenue circle. 161 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT RoR of 22 Revenue circles data has been consolidated and hosted at State level Data Centre for access and management of data and citizen centric services over the net. Tripura Registration Information System (TRIS) TRIS is a comprehensive workflow based application which takes care of various Registration activities like: • Receiving and serialization of presented documents using intelligent input forms to capture document details. • Determination of stamp duty and fee based on document type, generation of receipts. • Integrated accounting for Fees and Stamp duty collection. • Database support for market value assessment, cross verification with Land Records Database. • Capturing of online photograph and bio-metric impression. • Service for visit commission, request for duplicate document, searching of document. • Generation of various Registers, notices, reports etc. • Scanning and Delivery of documents. e-Pourasabha (Municipal Application) e-Pourasabha is an e-governance application for urban local bodies. The major components are : • Tax Collection system • Property Tax • Water Tax • Touji and other Misc. collections • KIOSK based data centric information system for citizens on tax demand • Web based data centric information system for citizens on tax demand. • Static web-site based information on rules regulations, downloadable forms etc. • Online-demand list and notice generation facility. • MIS reports on demand and collection. • Birth & Death Registration system. • Application receipt and generation of acknowledgement. • Status report over the web. • Certificate generation. • MIS reports and record maintenance. e-PSC for Public Service Commissions e-PSC for Tripura Public Service Commission is a process flow based system to automate the steps involved in conducting a recruitment process. The application has facility for: • Receiving requisitions from various departments for recruitment. • Web-Site publishing of Advertisement by TPSC. • Candidates can apply over the net or Download application form. • Receiving application over computerised counters with appropriate acknowledgement. • Short listing candidates on pre-defined criteria. • Subject -wise / Exam-wise grouping of candidates and attendance list generation. • Subject-wise combination of candidates for optimum exam schedule and centre utilization. e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES • Generating admin cards and publishing on the web-site. • Entering marks and generating result sheet. • Publishing results on web-site. Physically Challenged Persons Information System (PCPIS) PCPIS ( is a web enabled application running in all three District Disability and Rehabilitation Centre (DDRC) and State Social Welfare department. It has the following features: • On-Line Issuance of Disability Certificate to the Physically Challenged Persons on the same day of medical checkup. • The system captures details like Personal Information Educational, Employment information along with Image and Finger Print impression. • The Information System records the various Assistance like Scholarship, Stipend for Complete Blind, Travelling Allowance etc. provided by the Social welfare department and the other NGOs. • Record of Appliances issued to the Disabled by District Disability Rehabilitation Centre (DDRC) and other Organizations. • Training and Rehabilitation detail is also maintained. 6.33 UTTAR PRADESH Uttar Pradesh is the most populous state in the country accounting for about 17 percent of the country's population. It is the fourth largest state in terms of size covering nearly 9 percent of the country's geographical area. With 75 districts and nearly 1 lakh villages, the state is also larger than many countries of the world. However, it is a little known fact that Uttar Pradesh was one of the first states to kick start ICT initiatives in eGovernance. The state already has a fully automated treasury system; the land records information is available on internet, land registry, transport, rural development, industry and many other sectors are already at advanced stages of computerization. Uttar Pradesh is also leading in implementation of a number of NeGP projects such as eDistrict & SWAN. 6.33.1 IT Support and Services e-District The main objective of e-district is to radically improve the way districts work and provide services to citizens. This entails re- designing of the existing processes and delivery mechanisms, backend computerization of the government departments and district administration and a front-end system to ensure easy access of information and services to the citizen's through a single window system. The front-ends are built in the form of eDistrict Centre at district, Tehsil Computer Centre & Lokvani Centre at tehsil and block, while the village-level front-ends are being established through Common Services Centres (CSCs). eDistrict has been rolled out in six pilot districts -Sultanpur, Raebarelli, Sitapur, Gorakhpur, Ghaziabad & Gautam Budh Nagar. More than 23 services pertaining to Certificates, 163 For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Tripura State Centre New Secretariat, 3rd Floor Bay-4, New Capital Complex Agartala - 799 006 Phone : 0381-2414053 E Mail :
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Pension, Public Distribution System, Revenue Court, Employment, Grievances etc from eight line departments have been covered for complete automation and delivery. Implemented in December 2008, more than 35 lakh digitally signed certificates/services have already been delivered through the system. The eDistrict project has tremendous impact for the citizens who otherwise have to run to different officials for getting their work done. The project also helps in facilitating district administration to efficiently monitor the functioning of various departments and help in generating efficient MIS for better decision making at all levels. e-Scholarship and e-Pension 'eScholarship' was initiated as a project of hope for children belonging to the weaker sections of the society and uphold their right to education. The project was aimed to reach deserving candidates within time frame and without leakages, increase transparency in distribution of scholarships to the students & devise a tool for proper monitoring, control & planning for the state government. It is a web based solution which allows direct transfer of the scholarship to the bank account of the beneficiary. It has already benefited more than 4.2 crore students of the state. The project has also helped the government in saving more than 700 crore by minimizing frauds and misappropriations. The old-age pension scheme is aimed to benefit more than 40 lakh senior citizens through online dissemination of information and direct transfer of pension to their bank accounts. The project has had a positive impact on all stake holders. Existing processes have been simplified which makes it easier and convenient for the pensioners. The government too has benefitted in terms of savings on finance & manpower, less strenuous work, higher productivity and fewer errors in computation & calculations. The "Uttar Pradesh Mukhya Mantri Mahamaya Gharib Arthik Madad Yojna" is a scheme for the people of weaker section of the society. The aim of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to people, particularly women, who could not be covered under other government benefit scheme. The target group is around 30 lakh beneficiaries. Under the project a massive survey has been done at Gram Panchayat level to identify the genuine beneficiaries and data compilation is in progress from the district level. The bank accounts for the beneficiaries are also been opened to facilitate online transfer of funds directly to their accounts. Food and Civil Supplies The Department of Food & Civil Supplies is implementing a comprehensive IT based plan to computerize the complete food grain supply chain in Uttar Pradesh right from paddy procurement from farmers, its storage, milling and distribution of rice and other commodities to 5.95 crore ration card holders (12 crore beneficiaries) through its 72000+ Fair Price Shops (FPS). As a part of this project, 3742 Paddy procurement centres, 7000+ storage centres or godowns and all district offices are Common Service Centre at one of the districts � e-District Certificate e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES being computerized. Plans have also been made to extend this computerization to the block level. Many technological innovations have been incorporated and transparency is being insured by information sharing with the citizen directly through website and SMS system. A major task of digitization has already been accomplished and this data is available on the website . The SMS system informs the citizen as soon as the ration of his/her area is lifted from the godown by the Fair Price Shop Owner. A pilot project for SMART card based Ration Card System has also been completed in district Sitapur and very soon the system will be rolled out for the entire state. Online Complaint Registration System and a call centre based helpline system are some other features that have increased transparency and improved the citizen and department interaction. Vanij Yakar Automation System (VYAS) NIC-UP in association with Department of Commercial Tax initiated the computerization of VAT (Value Added Tax) system. The initial version of the application was inaugurated in November 2007. Subsequently, the entire application, which is primarily divided into two parts Web Portal & VYAS (VanijYa kar Automation System), was simultaneously rolled out in all the 94 commercial tax assessment offices in a record time of four months. VYAS is designed to automate almost all the activities related to VAT system. It is a unique user-id/password based single window system to cater the needs of the Traders. The entire activity wise work flow is being captured through Front office and Back office modules of the system. A number of modules such as Receipt, Registry, Return, Challan, Help-desk, Assessment, Administration etc. have been developed and implemented successfully. This Software contains the database of more than five lakh dealers/traders and provisions have been made to capture the photographs and thumb impressions of all the dealers for future purposes. Some important features of the VAT Computerisation are- • Web based application facilitating 24 by 7 operations. • Single window receipt and registration process All 94 locations have a Vyapari Suvidha kendra acting as one stop shop for all type of receipts • NET Banking interface provides speedy and efficient financial transactions and increases the overall productivity of the department. About 8,000 traders have already used this facility and around 6,000 crores of tax has been collected through NET payment in the current financial year. • e-Return filing - the online process has helped in ensuring compliance to the government's decision of making return filing compulsory for all traders having a turn over of more than one crore. A little over one lakh traders have already filed e-Return amounting to five thousand crores. • Automated Input Tax Credit wherein the dealer can claim Input Tax Credit on his purchases on the basis of tax invoices issued by selling dealer. • Online TDF generation for transit authorization of goods movement through the state or from outside the state. On an average, 6,000 transporters are downloading this form from the website ( every day. • Online Forms 38 (declaration for import) download Tehsil Divas and Lokvani Both these projects are aimed to simplify the grievances redressal mechanism with kiosks being setup in remote areas and automated monitoring mechanism to track the complaint till their redressal. This pioneering work has set an example of rural eGovernance in the country and has also generated local 165 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT employment in the rural areas. Both the applications have been implemented across the state and a total of 14.37 lakh applications have been registered through the tehsil divas application out of which 13.73 lakh have been disposed with a disposal rate above 95.51%. Bhulekh (Land Records Computerisation) Bhulekh is one of the most important e-Governance applications that has transformed the process of maintenance of Land Records information and automated the delivery of Record of Rights to the farmers. The manual system has been discontinued and the IT based electronic delivery system has been implemented in all the 312+ tehsils impacting more than 25 million landowners spread across 1 lakh villages and 100 million plot holdings. It is one of the largest ever rolled out IT project in the State to benefit the common masses Treasury Computerisation ITSANIC 5 (Integrated Treasury System Application of NIC) - became the first software from the State to pass the test of STQC and get the ISO Certification. Numerous other modules have been added and software features enhanced. The project running since 1994 has seen many technological innovations and is a successful implementation at 90 sites in both the states of Uttar Pradesh & Uttaranchal. The basic objective of ITSANIC is to facilitate online voucher acceptance, its validation, checking of budget classification, bill passing, unit level budget checking, online cheque printing, accounts preparation for UP's Accountant General (A.G.) etc. The receipts are also being monitored and analysed by the concerned authorities on regular basis. The web-site links the data from all the treasuries. Land Registry PRERNA or Property Evaluation & Registration Application is a one stop citizen-centric electronic solution for all kind of property registration. It has knowledge base of all the legislation, procedures with respect to deed registration and functions as a single window system for e-services like - market value assistance to the public in general and farmers in particular, on demand generation of encumbrance certificate, on-spot registration, electronic storage of deeds, endorsement & printing of photographs generation of Index Registers etc. The project has been implemented in 106 Sub-Registrar Offices in the 70 districts. Nivesh Mitra (Investment Friend) This is a single window system for entrepreneurs willing to setup industry in the state. The portal has facility for online submission and updating of all forms by the applicants desirous of setting up an enterprise in UP and facilitates faster and time-bound issuance of various approvals by the government. Online Counseling & Result dissemination The application caters to the requirements of more than 1 lakh candidates seeking admission in about 200 Institutes, Medical Colleges & Universities in different streams. The UP Result Portal benefits more than 50 lakh students every year by publishing online results of various examinations. This has really helped the students of remote areas in getting their results in a short time. e-MANCHITRA Economics & Statistics Division of Planning Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh and NIC-UP State Unit initiated e- MANCHITRA (Map based Analytical Charting and Reporting Application) for generating dynamic atlases and disseminating other GIS products for fulfilling the gaps in the decentralized planning at the levels of village, block and district panchayats. A very large number of local level maps can be automatically generated using SPIDER (Sankhyikiya Patrika : Internet based Data Entry & Retrieval) databases for measuring local level sustainable developments and decision making. e- MANCHITRA Maps and Charts point towards inter-village pachayat, inter-block, inter-district, inter-regional and inter-state disparities which indicate the priority of development for reducing imbalances. SPIDER Sankhyikiya Patrika (SP), an annual publication of Economics & Statistics Division of State Planning Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh, consisting more than 4000 parameters in the form of 100 tables/ sub-tables related to agriculture and allied activities, industry, social sector, power, transport and communication, banking, urban facilities, rural amenities etc. at village, block, district and e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES divisional levels, is prepared for every district since the year 1977. Computerisation of SP (CoSP) on a pilot basis was initiated by NIC in the year 1993 for three states Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. Sankhyikiya Patrika: Internet based Data Entry & Retrieval (SPIDER) portal was developed. SP data for the years 1995 to 2010 are available on the portal. Standardisation of formats, conversion of SP data in digital form, increase in cost efficiency, saving of approx. Rs 1.5 Crore per annum, increase in consistency, accuracy and transparency and time lag reduction, data integration of different levels, increase in accessibility of data for researchers, institutions, universities, NGOs, governments and public at large, were the objectives. It is also ISO certified in year 2009. 6.34 UTTARAKHAND 6.34.1 IT Support and Services Automation of Commercial Tax Department By NIC (ACTNIC) This system includes Dealer registration/renewal/ cancellation and data management, Filing of periodical returns, Challan Entry and Management, Statutory Forms Issuance etc. The data stored using offline application software in local server of an office gets updated on central web server through .net web services using dial-up/broadband connectivity in all sector offices. This makes data synchronized at local and remote servers. Web Interface has also been implemented to analyze registration and return data entered by all offices of the department. A registered dealer can view its business information through web interface of the data. Land Records Computerisation Land Records Computerisation at Tahsil Level & Citizen Centric Land Records Website (Dev-bhoomi) is implemented in all the 84 tehsils spread across 13 districts. The projects scope included computerization of Khatauni Issuance and Maintenance Process, Automation of Mutation Work Flow Process , MIS Reports for Khataunies and Training of key stakeholders (Revenue Staff). With the launch of the "Dev- bhoomi" citizen centric website, citizens are viewing the details of their Khataunies anytime, anywhere on Internet. The website and the data available on it are in Hindi and searching of Khataunies is made as simple as possible. One can search either by Owner's name or by Plot/Gata numbers or by Khata numbers after selecting the concerned village in the Tahsil from the District. Farmers do not have to run after Lekhpals/Patwaries for obtaining the details of their Land- records. Computerisation of Sub-Registrar Offices of Uttarakhand by NIC (CROUN) This is a project for computerization of deed-registration and scanning of various kinds of documents/deeds in a Sub- Registrar office. The evidentry entities such as executing party's thumb impressions, photographs, signatures are captured electronically using bio-metric, webcam and signature capturing devices. The system has resulted in transparent and timely delivery of service of deed registration and record management to citizens. A citizen can calculate evaluation of a land through web interface. e-Kosh E-Kosh aims to build an online system that enables end users 167 For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Uttar Pradesh State Centre 6th Floor, Yojana Bhawan 9, Sarojni Naidu Marg Lucknow 226 001 Phone : 0522-2238415 E Mail :
[email protected] Web Site :, FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT to see reports online viz. Budget Allotment and expenditure, Payroll related reports, pension related reports, receipt, cheque issue etc. Data comes from 29 different treasuries at a centralized data center automatically. Users/DDOs can see reports online as and when necessary. State Budget Monitoring may be done with the help of this software. Integrated Pension Management System (IPMS) This web application includes pensioner's related information, their PPO, CPO, GPO etc. calculation/generation is being done through this system . Now after Sixth Pay commission it has been reformed according to its recommendations. Uttarakhand Employee of four services, pensioners under old pension scheme ad new pensioners are utilizing it. Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) This system facilitates Uttarakhand Pensioners of old & new pension scheme and all new State Govt. employees (after oct.'2005) to know their status such as MI, Leave, Pay slip Status, and Amount Deposit through telephonically. File Manager /Information Sharing system GO's/presentations related to New pension scheme are uploaded by the department. MIS for Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan & PeyJal Nigam under Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission Project The Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission, DDWS, GOI had taken up a Computerization Project under the 10th Five Year Plan for effective planning, monitoring and implementation of various activities under the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sector. The scope of the project included providing end users a WEB Based Integrated Management Information System at 5 operational levels; viz. Head Office, Zones, Circles, Divisions and at Sub-Divisional level. Service History and Entitlement Detail (SHED) It includes Pay, Leave related information for 4 services IPS, IFS, FINANCE, and JUDICIARY. It has been reformed according to 6Th Pay Comm. recommendations. CONFONET Project To set up ICT infrastructure at Consumer Redressal forums all over State so as to achieve Efficiency , Transparency, Systematizing of working and time bound delivery of justice to the consumers. Confonet is already implemented in State Consumer Commission, Dehradun and is being implemented in all the districts of Uttarakhand. e-Citizen-RTI Requests and Appeals Management System This system assists the Public Authorities in the Uttarakhand Government in implementing the RTI Act , 05 smoothly and efficiently in their respective PIOs' and the Appellate Authorities' offices. The software keeps track of all the processes from submission of a request for information by the citizen to issuing all the relevant letters/correspondence to the Citizen/Third Party/ Authorities etc. in Devanagari script; from filing an appeal to the Appellate Authority to final disposal of the request. It also highlights any violation of time duration which is important for the PIOs. The various important sections and sub-sections covered from the viewpoint of effective ICT implementation as per the provisions of the RTI Act,2005 are Section 4(1)(a) to 4(1)(d) , 4(2) , 4(3) , 6(1)(a) , 6(1)(b) , 6(3) , 7(1) , 25 and 25 (i) Single Window Integrated RTI System for Secretariat (SIWIRSYS) SIWIRSYS software has been designed and in Devnagari script (Unicode) to create a single window system for all the citizens' RTI Requests, Appeals etc. to be received for any of the 58 Departments located within the Uttarakhand Secretariat . The software has already been approved by the Uttarakhand State Government. Budget Information System Budget Information System is for the management of Annual budget maintained by the Finance department .It presents the current financial scenario of the state. The Budget sanctions, allotments and the expenditure are matter of concern for everyone associated with finance. It comprises of facility for entry of data, its maintenance, queries and reports for all treasuries and AG Office. Reports have been developed according to the financial year and grant code wise, major head wise, Standard object wise etc. e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES Integrated Pay & Accounts Office (IPAO) Integrated Pay & Accounts Office (IPAO) Software features are as follows: • Accounts Computerization has features such as on- line system of data processing. Cash book (Receipt & Payment) , Posting Register (Minor & Major head wise), Posting schedule, 47-Ka,Kha,Ga reports, Cheques related reports, Warrant register, Operator wise reports, CCL & DCL reports, PLA reports, Inputs etc. are being generated through this module. All cheques are printed automatically by this module. Data is also being transferred from treasury to Directorate Treasury, Dehradun, NIC and AG Office. • Pension Distribution Computerization:- All pensions are being disbursed timely with the help of this module through ECS/EFT. • Payroll Computerization:- It helps to disburse the salary to employees and generates all the pay related reports and Account General reports in time. It is alsovery helpful in budget controlling. The salaries of the employees are being sent to bank through ECS/EFT with the help of this software. • GPF Monitoring System: By this module the computer automatically calculates the Annual Interest on the GPF contributed by an employee in a year. The individual GPF slip and GPF register can be generated. • Group Insurance Computerization:- The State Govt. Employee are getting GIS claims after retirement/death from their district with the help of this software. State Employee Information System The Department is involved in the following tasks namely Collection of basic data; preparation of analytical reports; monitoring and evolution of developments schemes/programs, Data on the state employees, estimation of State Income, monitoring and evaluations of Department Development Plans, Monitoring and evaluations. The total no. of post created, filled, scale wise employees etc. reports can be generated with the help of this software. 6.35 WEST BENGAL The NIC, West Bengal State Centre (NIC-WBSC) has been actively involved with the promotion and penetration of Informatics Culture towards e-governance exclusively to the Government at the State and District administrations. New initiatives, as per enthusiasm of the Government of West Bengal towards electronics governance have been taken up. Citizen centric applications, service delivery systems and E- Governance applications being the present demand of the user community and so also of the administration, NIC-WBSC has gone ahead with development of citizen centric and service oriented systems. The result of this effort is demonstrated by a number of systems that are in operation in various Departments.The target is now to introduce E-Governance in true sense keeping all the aspects of service models G2C, G2G, G2E, G2B and the interoperability framework in view. 6.35.1 IT Support and Services Election Related Services Pre-election activities, activities on election day and Post election activities including result transmission for General Assembly Elections was extended to CEO, DEO and RO for statutory processes and for new methods & techniques to monitor and conduct election process efficiently. Preparation of Polling Personnel database, randomisation, generation of appointment letters, formation of polling parties and randomised tagging with polling stations are some the major activities. Counting personnel database was prepared and appointment letters generated and finally randomized tagging of such personnel to counting tables done. EVM randomization and deployment are also done. NIC helped user manage all election 169 For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC Uttarakhand State Centre Secretariat Compound Subhash Road Dehradun-248001 Phone No. : 0135-2713735 E Mail :
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT data locally and upload them in the GENESYS database when required. Missing Children Tracking Portal This portal ( is implemented in all Police Stations of the state numbering around 500. Data on all missing/recovered persons are fed into the system and each case is supported by a GD entry in the respective police station. Generation of Talas Form directly from missing/recovered data for use by SCRB and for submission to NCRB is now possible. No separate Talas form is now required, nor the conventional process of compilation of reports and transmission of the same. School Education General Services : This is an online workflow system ( for feeding mandatory disclosures under National Council for Teachers' Education (NCTE) Act. Through this software, data in educational infrastructure, details of faculty, intake of trainees, syllabus etc. are regularly fed at source and reports generated. Status Teachers' Pension ( DPPG office audits pension papers and calculates pension, normal/enhanced family pension, gratuity and commutation for employees in Non Govt. Aided/Sponsored Educational Institutions, Municipalities and Panchayats. A workflow based software "Pension File Management System" is implemented for processing pension files from receiving till despatch of PPO. In the workflow, the application records the auditor remarks and objections in addition to pension calculation and printing of PPO. Pensioners/Citizen can get pension file status through the website. Mutual Transfer of School Teachers ( Online submission of requests for mutual transfer of school teachers are accepted and processed through matching of requests. Government actions based on the requests received (11,000 nos. approximately till date) are expected shortly. Linking cases of mutual transfers (contra entries) is automatic in the system. SC/ST Development and Finance Corps This system ( allows online submission of requests for enrolment of SC/ST persons for job focussed training programmes being conducted through nominated/registered training institutes. Online submission of applications for education loan to such students intending to go for higher education is also facilitated.. Recommendations of the institutions and thereafter sanction by the National agency is also integrated Land Records (BHUCHITRA) This provides digitized plot maps along with computerised Records of Rights to citizens (land holders) on demand. Creation of central database for rendering e-services is in progress. Property Registration (CORD) This system facilitates registration of deed on the same day of submitting request. Creation of central database for rendering e- services is in progress. Commercial Tax Computerization (VAT) Online submission of ST Return 220,000 dealers and VAT Return in form 15R for 26000 composite Dealers is being done using this system ( SMS based acknowledgement of receipt of e-return submitted. Facilities for remote verification of dematerialised waybill, CST form and transport document e-GOVERNANCE IN STATES by Commercial Tax Field Officers through SMS is introduced. Port Operation Management System (POMS) A subset of Enterprise Application for HDC for Port Operations Management System (POMS) suitable for Indian Sea Ports to enable Marine, Shipping, Cargo & Container Handling, Railway Operations, Billing with Payment & Receipt activities having seamless integration of Port Community System (PCS) & Indian Customs Messages supporting a G2B and G2G e-Gov implementation for major Ports. POMS has been successfully implemented at Haldia Dock Complex, Kolkata Dock System and Ennore Port Ltd. Annual State Budget In the computerization of annual state budget, budget figures used to be arrived at through a hybrid method of manual and automated ones. This year for the first time a generalised method is devised to arrive at budget figures. Therefore, an application module is developed through which generation of budget figures has become an automated process. Monitoring of plan fund /Revenue Receipts for Finance Department Fund is allocated to 74 Administrative Departments through the annual state budget which in turn release fund to their sub- offices through this software and the amounts so released would not exceed the budget allocation at sub-detail level. Once released, fund is considered to be spent. Thus, the state Government is able to monitor govt expenditure keeping the budget constraints in view. A host of MIS reports are generated at different levels. Assessment of revenue realised under different heads for major revenue earning departments. Head of Account wise actual receipt data from AG has also been made available. The system is available at e-Courts A Court Information System(CIS) which is expected to handle cases starting from their filing, allocation, registration, hearing and issue of final orders. At present online filing of cases and printing of acknowledge slips are implemented in all district courts of West Bengal. xPERT - Excise Program for Effective Revenue Tracking xPERT is a web-based application towards total e-governance of State Excise. The activities which are already made operational are: (a) Preparation of Excise Licensee Master, Packaged Foreign Liquor Brand Owner Master, Packaged Foreign Liquor Brand Bottler Master and other master tables required as perquisite for computerization of Movement of Spirits/Packaged Liquors (b) Design, Development & hosting of the Excise Department Portal (c) Grant of Excise License for the Next Period of Settlement (d) Label Registration of Packaged Foreign Liquor (e) Import Permit/NOC for Molasses (f) Import Permit/Pass for Bulk Spirit (g) Import Permit/Pass for Packaged Foreign Liquor (h) Transport Pass for Packaged Foreign Liquor (i) Export Pass for Packaged Foreign Liquor (j) Collection of Excise Duties/Fees through online bank payment gateway (k) Transport Pass for Coloured Spirit & Coloured &/or Flavoured Spirit (l) Transport Pass for Bulk Spirit (m) Inventory Systems at the Production Units (n) Computerization of other functional units of the Excise Directorate viz. Law Section, Organization Section, Preventive Organizations Section, Narcotic Cell, Special Section, Training Institute, Chemical Examination Laboratory & Internal Audit Wing. 171 For further details, please contact: State Informatics Officer NIC West Bengal State centre Bidyut Bhawan, Ground Floor DJ Block, Sector 2, Salt Lake Kolkata -700061 Phone : 033-23591929 E Mail :
[email protected] Web Site : 7 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT C H A P T E R 077 DISTRICT LEVELSERVICES FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Districts, which are the basic administrative units of Government, have spearheaded the movement towards automation at the grass root level. These are the nodal centers of major activities across programs and schemes of central and state government which are delivered through the district administration. The NIC centers spread across districts have led the building of ICT infrastructure and applications to support citizen service delivery needs at district level. 7.1 Core Services A number of G2C services are rendered electronically to the citizens at the district/sub district level. The list includes registration, issuance of certificates, permits, passes, licenses, etc. along with other services like Scholarship portals, utility bill payment etc. These have been categorized into 33 core services as shown in the Table 1. The core service state matrix summarizes the distribution of these core services across all states/UTs as shown in Table 2. Based on data collated from various states, core services delivered in number of states & number of core services across states have been computed in Graphs 1 & 2. It is observed from the Graph 1 that caste certificate is the most common service and is rendered across 28 states, followed by Residence certificate, Land Record documents and Income certificate. BPL certificate and Tribal permit are least common across states. Graph 2 shows that Haryana tops the list in terms of most number of core services delivered followed by Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Kerala. The services considered in the graph are those which are ‘identified’ core services. There are multiple state specific services, which are not represented in these graphs. 7 I District Level Services Table 1: Core Services Graph 1. Core services delivered in number of states Graph 2. Number of core services across states DISTRICT LEVEL SERVICES 175 Se rv ice /S ta te Af fid av its /A tte st at io n 7 Ag ric ul tu re a nd A llie d 10 Ar m s Li ce ns e 15 Bi rth /D ea th C er tif ica te 21 BP L Ce rti fic at e 4 Ca st e Ce rti fic at e 28 Ch ar ac te r C er tif ica te 10 Di sa bi lit y Ce rti fic at e 8 Dr ivi ng L ice ns e 20 Fa m ily /D ep en de nt C er tif ica te 10 Gr iev an ce R ed re ss al 14 In co m e Ce rti fic at e 24 La nd R ec or d Do cu m en ts 25 Li ce ns e 8 Ma rri ag e Ce rti fic at e 11 Na tio na lit y Ce rti fic at e 6 No O bj ec tio n Ce rti fic at e 12 Pe rm iss io n 8 Pe rm its /P as se s 8 Ra tio n Ca rd 10 Re sid en ce C er tif ica te 26 Re ve nu e Co lle ct io n (T ax ) 9 Ri gh t T o In fo rm at io n 11 Sc he m es /P ro gr am m es 18 Sc ho lar sh ip 6 Se nio r C itiz en /A ge C er tif ica te 8 Tr ib al Pe rm it 4 Un em pl oy m en t C er tif ica te 6 Ut ilit y Bi lls 14 Ve hi cle R eg ist ra tio n 21 Vo te r's L ist 11 W id ow c er tif ica te 4 TO TA L 12 11 7 22 10 15 7 10 6 13 7 12 23 19 8 4 17 19 15 20 13 5 13 11 4 16 10 7 10 1 8 14 14 6 8 ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ANDHRA PRADESH ARUNACHAL PRADESH ASSAM BIHAR CHANDIGARH CHHATTISGARH DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI DAMAN DELHI GOA GUJARAT HARYANA HIMACHAL PRADESH JAMMU & KASHMIR JHARKHAND KARNATAKA KERALA LAKSHADWEEP MADHYA PRADESH MAHARASHTRA MANIPUR MEGHALAYA MIZORAM NAGALAND ORISSA PUDUCHERRY PUNJAB RAJASTHAN SIKKIM TAMIL NADU TRIPURA UTTAR PRADESH UTTARAKHAND WEST BENGAL TOTAL Ta bl e 2 : C or e Se rv ic e St at e M at rix FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT 7.2 Service Delivery Electronic service delivery requires physical presence of channels of interaction and communication among government departments/ministries and citizens. Significant efforts are made by central & state governments to build these channels of delivery closest to the citizen and increase the reach up to the last mile. This is done by providing networks and infrastructure across geography of district. These modes of delivery are generally government establishments (PRIs, DC Office, Transport Office, etc.). However, in some cases these are also kiosks and centres for service delivery which are based on Public Private Partnerships (CSCs). Penetration of these modes/channels of delivery varies from state to state. In most of the states, government services are delivered at the district level only, but in few states these service delivery channels have also penetrated to village and village Panchayat level. The most popular service delivery channels are: • DC Office • SDO Office (Sub Divisional Office) • Block/Tehsil Office • Transport Office • CSCs (Common Service Centers) • Internet Most of the states are delivering services at District level through multiple delivery channels as mentioned above. Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Kerala have penetration till the village level and services are being delivered through various delivery channels. Andaman and Nicobar, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Odisha, Punjab, Puducherry, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Tripura and Uttarakhand have penetration up to the block level. CSCs are being used as a common channel of delivery of services in Bihar, J&K, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tamil Nadu & UP. Integrated Citizen Service kiosks offer a convenient method of reaching the government at the time and location of choice. “Reach and range” is key to any service offering and an essential component to bridging the digital divide and the government has an opportunity to provide it through extensive use of these kiosks. These kiosks have evolved as an effective service channel. Listed below are some of the popular service delivery mechanisms in the States/ UTs: 7.2.1 Arunachal Pradesh Jan Suvidha Jan Suvidha is a Computerized Facilitation Centre, initiated to substantially improve the citizen interface by making it a pleasant experience. People throng these centres to avail a number of services which are delivered in the shortest possible time. All certificates viz. Birth & Death Income Certificate, ST Certificate, Inner Line Permit (ILP), Succession Certificate are computerized and issued through a single window at a very affordable cost. One can also know the status of application with the monitoring facilities available. 7.2.2 Andhra Pradesh Rural Seva Kendras / Rural Service Delivery Points (RSDP) Rural e-Seva centres are established at various Mandals / Blocks in Andhra Pradesh through which services are delivered in rural areas and e-Seva centres are established in urban areas for delivery of services. For example, there are 47 Rural e-Seva centres in West Godavari and 32 e-Seva centres in Anantapur. RSDP are established at village level and these centres are involved in catering to various G2C services .For example, there are 100 RSDPs in West Godavari. These services are also delivered from various Tehsil offices/ Gram Panchayat offices throughout the State. � Jan Suvidha Interface DISTRICT LEVEL SERVICES 177 Prajavani Prajavani is a web based system for on-line monitoring of Public Grievances at Collectorate has been successfully developed and implemented and made operational in 17 districts. Citizens can get their grievances addressed at any Prajavani counter and get an acknowledgement. It will be forwarded to a Call Center, where the grievance is marked to the concerned Officer along with due date. Officers can feed their response after attending to the grievance. Citizen can see the response from any internet access point . An SMS based complaint status system is also operational at Anantapur. 7.2.3 Chandigarh e-Sampark, eJan Sampark Chandigarh transformed into a knowledge based city, wherein every citizen has access to the benefits of information technology. This initiative, e-Sampark, launched in September 2004, is a highly visible project benefiting the citizens by giving them a “multi-service” – “single-window” convenience. 23 G2C and 5 B2C services are being provided free of cost and for an extended duration. More than 2 lakh applications are processed per month. Most of the services are delivered instantaneously through 25 Jan Sampark centres across the city. eJan Sampark project targets that the benefits of ICT should reach the masses, by easy dissemination of Information Services and to deliver useful non-transactional services like registration of grievances, acceptance of RTI applications and appointment in Government hospitals. Under project eGram Sampark, Rural Knowledge Centres are operational providing eSampark and eJan Sampark services to rural population in order to bridge the digital divide. 7.2.4 Gujarat Jan Seva Kendra The web based system ( is running successfully in various taluka and district centers of Gujarat. The user can go to any counter and apply for caste certificate, income certificate, selected affidavits etc. User can know the status of his/her application by providing the unique application number. 7.2.5 Haryana Electronic Delivery of Integrated Services of Haryana to all – (e-DISHA) An e-DISHA centre is established in each of the 19 districts from where 39 G2C services can be availed. Officials concerned with respective services are also available in these centres, during its time of operation, so as to reduce the legwork Prajavani e-Sampark Kiosk-Chandigarh e-Disha Centre FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT of citizens. A nominal fee is levied for availing these services This has also provisioned a lot of job opportunities for the local unemployed youth. 7.2.6 Himachal Pradesh Sugam Sugam is an e-governance initiative in Himachal Pradesh wherein various services are being offered in a time-bound and effective manner under one roof in a standardized manner. G2C Services offered include Issue of various types Driving License(Sarathi), Registration of Vehicle and other works (Vahan), Registration of Land deeds (HimRis), Sanction of Arms License (Shastr), Acceptance of Passport applications (WebPass), Online Issuance of Land Records (HimBhoomi), Issuance of different certificates(ePraman), Registration of Grievances (eSamadhan), Registration of Candidates for Employment (eRozgar), Disability & Senior Citizen IDs, Daily Prices of Agriculture Commodities (AgmarkNet), Payment of various types Bills, Providing various details like bus time table, blood donors’ directory, status of applications, telephone directory etc. 51 Sugam Centres are operational in HP. “e-Samadhan” is a citizen-centric, web-enabled and work-flow based system for automation, standardization and uniformity of the grievance redressal system in all departments of Himachal Pradesh. Various “e-Samadhan” counters are established by the Government at Sugam centres in all D.C. offices, SDM offices and offices of other departments. eSamadhan Services are extended through CSCs i.e. LokMitra Kendras. RoR are also made available through these centres. 65 Employment exchanges were made online and users could register through these Kendra’s. 7.2.7 Jharkhand e-Nagrik Seva Kendra The government of Jharkhand took an important step by establishing the first e-Nagrik Sewa Kendra. NIC Jharkhand developed an web based application for providing G2C services from the Kendra through a citizen interface and government interface. Citizens can apply at these centres for issuance of certificates, download forms and guidelines issued by the government from time to time and can submit and monitor the status of applications. The Government interface provides for updating the status of the applications submitted and generates the certificates using the utility link. 7.2.8 Karnataka Nemmadi-Rural Digital Services (RDS) Facilitating the rural citizen’s interactions with the Government, RDS is a single window system for delivering 40 G2C services (certificates such as income, caste, residence & social security pensions, land records) to the citizens from village level kiosks. This was implemented in 2006 under the PPP model wherein the vendor has established 800 tele- centres at the Hobli (Sub Taluk) level and the Taluk level back office (203) by providing the hardware, network and operators. Accepting the oral request from the citizen, giving an acknowledgment, checking the status and printing of the SUGAM � E Nagrik Sewa interface DISTRICT LEVEL SERVICES 179 digitally signed certificate / endorsement on watermarked stationery affixed with hologram are facilitated at the village tele-centre while the rest of the activities are performed at the taluk back office. The software facilitates queuing of messages when connectivity is not available, processing of applications on First In First Out basis, tracking of the water marked stationery, enabling issue of certificates across the counter, using data of ration card to digitally sign the data in bulk mode to facilitate speedy delivery of services, etc. For the current financial year till date more than 53 lakh applications have been processed in addition to 46 lakh Land Record Certificates being delivered through the above infrastructure. 7.2.9 Madhya Pradesh Samadhan Kendra’s Government of Madhya Pradesh, with the objective of simplifying the public delivery system has started the project ‘Samadhan Ek Din’ in the year 2007. The project endeavors to promote excellence & transparency in public administration. Keeping the citizen convenience as the prime goal, the Government of M.P. has opened Samadhan Kendra’s at all the District Head Quarters to provide better services to the citizens under one umbrella on the same day of application. Jan Mitra centres are also available at district level. The following steps are taken to deliver the services under one umbrella : • Opening of Samadhan Kendra’s at Citizen suitable locations. • The details of the service (Application Form, Enclosures required and Payment details) are displayed on the display Board at these Samadhan Kendras • Arrangement for the submission of the fees is made at the Samadhan Kendra itself • The Completed Application Form along with the Fee Receipt is submitted at one of the Counters of the Samadhan Kendra • A LAN is established at Samadhan Kendra for processing of applications through the intranet based System Nemmadi-Rural Digital Services e-Samadhan Kendra at Bhopal � Samadhan Kendra's FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT The computerized system provides for : • Registration of application • Uploading of documents • Processing of documents • Printing of Certificates, wherever feasible • Monitoring the delivery of documents • Searching the status of application • In-depth data analysis • Effective Monitoring 7.2.10 Maharashtra SETU Centres Established with an aim to lay the foundation for e-governance, SETU Centres immediately made a visible impact of the Government’s intention by making the interaction more transparent, pleasant and satisfying. Various different types of certificates /permits/ licenses are being accepted & issued from the SETU or Citizens Facilitation Centres (CFCs) located at six different Offices of Collector, SDM, BDO, RTO, Tehsil and Taluka. These centres provide the applicant a facility to complete all formalities under one roof. More than 1 lakh certificates/permits/ licenses have already been issued from the SETU centre located at Nanded, which is the first in the state to receive ISO 9001:2000 certificate for quality management system. 7.2.11 Odisha e-Grama and e-Sahayata e-Grama is an e-Governance initiative implemented in 70 villages. It started way back in Dec’2002, with the objectives of providing G2C services to common man through different Gram Panchayat and village level IT kiosks. The kiosks were self- financed and opened by the villagers, youth clubs and NGOs from their own resources. Different static and dynamic services are provided in Oriya language also. Self-sustainability of the Kiosk is achieved by imparting low cost computer education programmes to the village students and literates and undertaking typing and DTP works. e-Sahayata, started in Aug’2005, is an integrated Citizen Information and Service delivery system. Aimed at improving the service delivery mechanism for the benefit of common man it has been very successful as a large number of people have availed the services. A monitoring mechanism for District Administration is also in place. An interactive touch-screen based kiosk makes the information easily accessible and generated good response. 7.2.12 Punjab SUWIDHA (Single User-friendly Window Disposal Help- Line for Applicants) SUWIDHA is built to provide convenience to the citizen by capturing the input at a single point, defining a specified deliveryCitizen Facilitation Centre e-Sahayata Kiosk DISTRICT LEVEL SERVICES 181 date depending upon the type of service, accepting cash at the counter itself and delivering services to the citizens from the same counters. It ensures timely delivery without need for interaction with the concerned branch. Status of the applications submitted on SUWIDHA Counters is available through Web, SMS and Kiosks. SUWIDHA has been successfully implemented at 92 locations covering Districts/Tehsils/Sub Tehsils. 7.2.13 Rajasthan Sugam Centres SUGAM (Single Window system for service delivery at all District Collectorates and all Tehsil HQs of the state) offers 30 services like Caste Certificate, Bonafide Resident certificate. Income certificate, Solvency certificate, NoC for electricity connection, Permission letter for birth & death certificate, Arms License Renewal etc. This has been implemented at 49 locations - 13 district HQs and 36 Tehsil. 7.2.14 Uttar Pradesh Lokvani Uttar Pradesh offers more than 23 Government to Citizen (G2C) services pertaining to Certificates, Pension, Public Distribution System, Revenue Court, Employment, Grievances etc., from eight line departments. All these services have been completely automated for delivery. e-District is a web based application which can be accessed by the citizens on anywhere, anytime, basis using Internet. However, for rural citizens where Internet is not available, the citizen can visit the nearest CSC, Lokvani Centres, Tehsil Computer Centres, eDistrict Centres or any other office from which the e-District application can be accessed. The citizen need not visit the office from which he/she is seeking the service. Both the application submission and final delivery of the service is done at the nearest CSC/e- District centre. State-of-the-art e-District Centres have been established within the collectorate compound in each of the six pilot districts. These e-District Centres have about 15 counters to serve the citizens. SUWIDHA Sugam Centre Lokvani Centre FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT C H A P T E R 08 NATIONAL INFORMATICSCENTRE SERVICES INC. FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT National Informatics Centre Services Inc. (NICSI) was established in 1995 as a section-25 Company under National Informatics Centre, Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India for providing and procuring IT solutions for multiple e- Governance projects undertaken by NIC, DeitY, Government and Government Organizations (like Public Sector Undertakings). NICSI is a leading IT company with a government facing focus, having a turnover of more than Rs. 300 crores. It has more than 15 years of experience in assisting government organizations by providing state-of-the-art and cost effective solutions for all their growing ICT needs. These solutions are delivered through purchase of products and services from high quality vendors, empanelled with NICSI. 8.1 NICSI Advantage Proven Reliability With the execution of approximately 1200 projects on annual basis, NICSI has a proven record of providing IT solutions to central government, state governments and public sector undertakings. Strategic alliances with leading vendors help NICSI in providing dependable and efficient solutions to its customers. Quality Products NICSI leverages partnerships with leading vendors to provide standardized and customized solutions at competitive prices, such that the customers can avail the benefits of its services in a cost effective, minimal risk and efficient manner. This enables its customers to achieve a sustainable long term success through the use of quality products. Adherence to Best Practices The procurement process of NICSI is fully compliant with the GFR rules of the Government of India. The vendors are empanelled through open tenders with special emphasis on quality and transparency. Solution integration with the customers current systems and confirmation with the internal and external audit requirements is ensured. High Market Penetration Besides working on important national and state level projects, NICSI has extensive experience of providing solutions at the district and block level as well. 8.2 Service Offerings for Business Advancement 8.2.1 Procurement of Hardware & Software • Hardware: NICSI procures hardware such as laptops, desktops, peripherals, projectors, servers, processors for its customers. In order to ensure quality, all hardware procurements are tested before supply to the end customer. • Software: NICSI procures application and security software such as database management systems, firewalls, antivirus, office packages, backup and recovery software and network software for its customers. 8.2.2 Network and Integration Services NICSI assists its customers in setting up of wireless networks and procurement of network items such as routers, switches, IP Phones, LAN and WAN components. NICSI has strategic alliances with CISCO Systems, HP, Avaya, IronPort, Juniper and Avocent. • Consultancy Services: NICSI hires consultants with expertise in devising strategy for e-Governance projects. NICSI deals with Ernst and Young, PWC, KPMG and Wipro for empanelling consultants on e-Governance projects. • Data Centre Services: NICSI, at its data centre, offers wide variety of services to different Government Departments/ Organizations as part of the countrywide e-Governance initiatives. Services set are flexible and customizable according to the need of individual customer. NICSI has two data centers (both located in Delhi) with a combined capacity of around 35,000 sq. ft. The services provided include collocation, shared and dedicated hosting services. • Technical Support Services: NICSI provides various technical support services by empanelling leading vendors. 8 I NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE SERVICES INC. NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE SERVICES INC. 185 8.3 Key Projects and Customers International Projects • Bhutan: Implementation of 5 NIC developed applications for the Royal Government of Bhutan • Mongolia : Up gradation & modernization of Atal Behari Vajpayee Centre for Excellence in Information and Communication Technology (ABVCE- ICT) at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia ; Setting up of CICs in Mongolia • Mauritius : Implementation of e-Prison project in Mauritius • Bangladesh : Information system infrastructure setup at the Centre for Integrated Rural Development for Asia and Pacific, Bangladesh National Projects • Rollout of e-Procurement: It is a generic system developed to bring in more transparency and efficiency in the Government procurement process. e-Procurement software has been provided to Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab for implementation. • e-Office: It is an instrument for the Next Generation Governance with a Content Management Framework (CMF) enabling the employees to create their own content and submit for review and publication on the portal. • e-Hospital: It is a generic application software which addresses all the major functions of a Government hospital. • Implementation of National Knowledge Network : NKN project is an internal network capable of providing secure and reliable connectivity with ultra-high speed core with multiples of 2.5/10G to 40/100 Gbps. • Creation of National Data Centre : With the objective of protecting data and ensuring effective backup and data recovery, NICSI has setup a state-of-the-art Tier III Internet Data Centre at Delhi IT park premises at Shastri park. • Creation of Development Centre • Other Major Projects : Uttar Pradesh State Wide Area Network, Passport Office, computerization of CGHS dispensaries and introduction of plastic cards to the CGHS beneficiaries, mission mode projects like e-districts in a number of States. Comprehensive DDO Software, Office Procedure Automation (OPA) Software and File Tracking System (FTS) were implemented in a number of Government Departments. Some other major projects undertaken are setting-up of high speed data processing centre in the various offices of Registrar General, India for Census-2011; facilitating UIDAI, Community Participation Unit of UP Jal Nigam for data centre setup; VC networking in J&K; Court Computerization; Counseling for admission in different courses; Integrated Finance Management System for Government of Rajasthan; Computerization of Chief Election Office; Prisons in Punjab; NIC services to Doordarshan for Commonwealth Games etc. The services of NICSI span across the central and state governments. Some of the esteemed clientele of the organization are given in Table 1. � Table 1: Key customers of NICSI For further details, please contact:
[email protected] FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT C H A P T E R 09 AWARDS FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT A number of NIC Projects at National, State & District Level have been awarded for their contribution to e-governance over the years. Some of the important awards are listed below: 9.1 National Projects 9.1.1 NREGASoft NREGAsoft was awarded the National award for e-Governance 2009-2010 for Best Government website. 9.1.2 National Portal of India (NPI) The NPI has been awarded the Government to Citizen Initiative of the Year in e-Government Track, e-India 2009 by Centre for Science, Development and Media Studies (CSDMS). It also won the Best System Demonstration Award at 9th International Digital Government Research Conference at Montreal, Canada , Digital Government Society of North America in 2008. It was awarded Best Government Web Site - Silver Icon Award in 2007 and Best Project Technology Award in 2006. 9.1.3 Posts Projects Department of Posts was the winner of SKOCH Digital Inclusion Award 2011 for All ICT Initiatives under the category 'Technology in Corporate Competitiveness'. Postal Life Insurance(PLI) received Certificate of Merit from Skoch Inclusion in 2011(Top 100 ICT projects in India) and Oracle e- Governance Excellence award in 2005 under Innovation in IT category. Best e Content -Manthan award 2007 and Microsoft e-Governance award for Innovative Project in 2006 has been given to iMO project. Skoch Inclusion 2011 Certificate of Merit (Top 100 ICT projects in India) and Skoch award 2010 have been awarded to the epost project. E post Office received the Skoch Inclusion 2011 Certificate of Merit (Top 100 ICT projects in India).Project Arrow received the Prime Minister's Award for Excellence in Public Administration in 2010. 9.1.4 GIS Projects Geomatics Applications won Indian Geomatics Award from Indian Society of Geomatics (ISG) in 2009. National GIS Portal won Geo-Spatial Excellence Award by GIS Development (Map World Forum) in 2009. GIS And Remote Sensing Division was awarded " Making a Difference in People's Lives in GIS" in 2006. 9.1.5 e-Lekha e-Lekha developed by Accounts Informatics Division won National eGovernance Awards 2009 -Silver Icon for Exemplary Horizontal Transfer of ICT Best Practices. It was also awarded Government Technology Awards in 2008 and PC Quest Best IT Implementation of the year award in 2007. 9.1.6 Panchayat Portal Panchayat Raj Informatics Division won the National E- Governance Award 2008-2009 (Best Government Web Site category) for their website. 9.1.7 Common Integrated Police Application CIPA was awarded "The World Is Open Award" 2008. 9.1.8 CGHS Computerisation Project Health Informatics Division was awarded The World is Open Award 2008 for CGHS Computerization. 9.1.9 Agriculture Projects AGMARKNET received Microsoft Award 2006 for being "A Project of National Importance". It was judged the Scotch Editor's Choice 2006. On Civil Services Day 2008, AGMARKNET was Identified as a programme of 'Innovations in Administration'. Minor Irrigation Census Computerization Project and SEEDNET was awarded The PCQuest Best IT implementation award 2007 9.1.10 Integrated System for Foodgrains Management (IISFM) IISFM developed by Food and Consumer Affairs Infosys Division was awarded the Best e- Governance Project G2G/G2E in 2007. It was also awarded The Maximum Social Impact, IT Project of the Year in 2006. 9.1.11 MIS on Integrated Action Plan for Selected Tribal & Backward Districts (IAPMIS) IAPMIS developed by NIC -Planning Commission Unit has been awarded Digital Inclusion Award for 2011 in the category of 'Technology in Minorities and Weaker Section Development' 9 I AWARDS AWARDS 9.2 State Projects 9.2.1 Andhra Pradesh Online Scholarship Management System(OSMS) Project received National E-Governance award 2009-2010 for Excellence in Government Process Reengineering as well as World is Open Award 2010. E Medlabs -IPM project - Diagnostic centre workflow automation solution including screening of A-H1N12009 cases, won e-India 2010 Jury award and Public Choice Awards. 9.2.2 Arunachal Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh received State Award (Silver Medal) for its Jan-Suvidha software by State Government of Arunachal Pradesh in 2008. 9.2.3 Bihar SCORE (e-Registration) won the Prime Minister Award for Excellence in Public Administration for year 2007-08. ELECON (Election Confidential) won the 11th National e-Governance Award (Silver Medal) in year 2008. e-KHAZANA (Computerization of Budget, Treasuries & State Provident Fund) won the National Award for e-Governance (Excellence in Government Process Re-engineering) in 2007. 9.2.4 Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh received CSI-Nihilent Award- Best e governed Department - Dept. of Food, PCQuest Best IT Implementation of The Year 2009, National eGovernance Award (GOLD) for Public Distribution System, Prime Minister's Award for Excellence in Public Administration for 08-09 for computerization of Paddy Procurement and PDS. Dhaan Kharidi project received National eGovernance Award 2008 (BRONZE) and eIndia Award 2008 for Best Government Initiative. Chhattisgarh also received Online eIndia Award 2008 for Best ICT enabled department - Dept. of Food and Online Manthan South Asia Award 2008 for Best Content. 9.2.5 Gujarat Drug Logistics and Inventory Management System developed by Gujarat is a recipient of the National e- Governance award in the health sector in the year 2009. Xtended Green Node (XGN) is also a recipient of National e-Governance Award for Re-engineering of Process, and CSI Award- Special Recognition.The Gujarat High Court has achieved the India-Tech Excellence Awards under the e-Governance Category on 'ICT in Gujarat State Judiciary: The Journey So Far'. It has also won the CSI-Nihilent e- Governance Awards 2008-09 under the Project Category on 'ICT in Gujarat Judiciary'. The High Court has also won the GOLD in the category "Exemplary horizontal transfer of ICT-based best practices" in the National award for e- governance 2009-10. 9.2.6 Goa The Department of Accounts and NIC's joint efforts at computerization were rewarded in the form of bagging the prestigious CSI-NIHILENT Award in the department category for Accounts Online in 2009. 9.2.7 Haryana Haryana received an award on "Outstanding individual contribution in Programme implementation of RSBY (Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana)" at National conference of RSBY held in 2011. It also received Good Governance Champion Award 2010 (North Zone) at the Government Technologies Conference 2011. Value added Queue Management System, multiple counters and Process re-engineering in HARIS at Gurgaon received Skoch Challenger Award 2010. It was awarded "Rashtriya Gaurav Award-2009" by India International Friendship Society for meritorious services in the field of IT & e- Governance. The project- Integrated Workflow System for Paperless Admissions to AICTE approved Courses in Haryana received CSI-Nihilent "Best e-Governed Project", Excellent Project Award 2007-08. Haryana received 4th Rank in Dataquest-IDC e-Governance Survey 2008 for "best e- Governed State of India". Results Through Binocular (RTB) - ICT Based Examination System & Publication of the Results of Haryana School Education Board received Skoch Challenger Award 2007-08. Haryana also received Telecom India Excellence Winner's Award 2007 for Best e-governed State. The state also received National e-Governance Awards 2008 for Integrated Web-based Workflow System for Paperless Admissions to AICTE approved Courses in Haryana (Gold Icon Award) and Mustard Procurement Management System at Rohtak (Silver Icon Award). HALRIS - Dynamic Integration of 189 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Property registration & Land Records, and RTB - Results Through Binocular received two awards at the 9th National e- Governance Conference in 2006. OTIS (On-line Treasuries Information System) received Microsoft National e-Governance award 2006. 9.2.8 Himachal Pradesh Electronic Gazette & HIMPOL were awarded National eGovernance Award-Bronze in 2009 for Professional Excellence in Government Process Reengineering and Outstanding Performance in Citizen Centric Service Delivery respectively. Integrated Land Records Computerisation (HIMRIS) received National eGovernance Award-Golden Icon in 2006 (Professional Excellence for Process Reengineering- Category New Entrant). 9.2.9 Karnataka Nemmadi project has won the Microsoft e-Governance award 2007, National e-Governance awards -'Silver Icon' in 2007 and Government Technology award for eGovernance in the Asia Pacific region in 2007. Land records management system- Bhoomi project has won many awards like National E-Governance award in 2003, CAPAM Sweden in 2002, united nations award for public services in 2006. Pancha Tantra - Grama Panchayatha Online System' of RDPR, Govt. of Karnataka and NIC, Bangalore has got the GOLD award of National e-governance 2010-11 under the category - "Exemplary Re-Use of ICT Based Solutions". The Ganakeekrutha Grahakara Seve (BGS) is the revenue billing and collection system of Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Boards (BWSSB),and is delivering a range of government-to-citizen (G2C) services to more than five lakh citizens of Bangalore. It has won National Urban Water Awards, 2009 for Achieving Cost Recovery Through Effective Billing And Collection. It has also won Silver Icon Award for its Exemplary Performance in E- Governance Initiatives undertaken in the board in the year 2003. 9.2.10 Kerala Project ReALCraft has won South Asia Manthan 2010 Award under 'e-Governance, Public Service Delivery & Digital Constituency' Category. Kerala also won the best e-district in computerization award 2007-08 by CSI- Nihilent. DC*Suite won the Best e-Governance Award by CSI - Nihilent in 2007. CSI Nihilent e-Governance Award was received for CAPnic project (in 2006-07), for MESSAGE project (in 2007-2008), for Transport project (in 2007-2008) and for hsCAPNIC project (in 2008-2009). The CAPnic project received the Manthan Award South Asia in 2009. The hsCAPnic project received the National eGovernance Award in 2010 for Focus Sector Education. SAND bagged first place in e-governance award from Government of Kerala 2009 as well as CSI Nihilant Award of appreciation under G2C in 2011. 9.2.11 Madhya Pradesh New Defined Contributory Pension Scheme (NDCPS) bagged Chief Minister Excellence Award for good Governance for year 2010). Seva Mitra Samadhan Kendra of District Administration, Seoni bagged e-World Forum (Jury Award) - Best e-District Initiative of the Year 2010. M.P. State Education Portal project has bagged the National E- Governance 'Gold Icon' Award. It has also bagged CSI National E-Governance Award for year 2009.The project has won Manthan South Asia E-Governance Award in 2009 and MP State E-Governance award for Best Project under 'IT for Masses Category'. e-Scholarship Portal won e- governance certificate of appreciation from the MP State Govt. in 2010. i-GeoApproach (Internet Geomatics-based Application for Planning Rural Road Connectivity to Habitations (Under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY) bagged International Special Achievement Award in GIS and National e-Governance Award 2009-10 in "Innovative usage of Technology in e-Governance". Land Records Information System has been awarded CSI Excellence Award (Best IT uses in state) for promotion of Information Technology. 9.2.12 Maharashtra Maharashtra received the Manthan appreciation award for e- lokshai IVRS. Rojgar Vahini won the Best E-Governed Project (Out Standing Project) in the CSI-Nihilent E-Governance Awards 2007-2008. 9.2.13 Odisha The successful implementation of e-Municipality at AWARDS Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) has enabled the state to fetch the "Pragati Sathi (Partner of Progress)" award. 9.2.14 Punjab SUWIDHA was ranked topmost among all the e-governance projects in the country by Skoch in 2005-06. SUWIDHA received Excellence award from Microsoft for 2006. 9.2.15 Rajasthan At eWorld Forum 2011, Rajasthan won the first Prize for SUGAM Single Window and Kanpura (Ajmer) GPNIC Rural Connectivity projects. Project 'Pay Manager' has received eRajasthan-2009 Public Choice award under G2C Category. "Pregnancy, Child Tracking & Health Services Management System" received the first prize under the e-HEALTH Government Policy Initiative category at eINDIA 2010. SUGAM (Jodhpur) won CSI-Nihilent e-Governance Awards 2008-09 under district category.. "eGram" has received eRajasthan-2009 Jury Award under G2C Category and Manthan Award South Asia 2009. BPL Census received PC Quest Best IT Implementation award in 2008. Apna Khata (Land Revenue Computerization Project) was adjudged First runner-up for excellence in IT Government Sector. Treasury Computerization project was awarded TCS- Oracle e-Governance Excellence for IT and Revenue Efficiency in 2006. 9.2.16 Tamil Nadu GePNIC has bagged Skoch-Challenger Award 2010, eIndia Award for G2B Initiative of the year 2009 , India-Tech Excellence Award 2009 for the Odisha Implementation. 9.2.17 Tripura Energy Billing System received CSI-Nihilent Awards 2008-09 under Project category. e-Hospital@NIC suite, an HLDevelopment Framework (HDF) compliant and ISO/IEC 9126 certified end-to-end solution for managing processes and services in public hospital, implemented at Dr. B R Ambedkar Memorial Hospital and Tripura Medical College received eWorld Award 2011 under the category "Best ICT Enabled Hospital". 9.2.18 Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh received Prime Minister's Award for Excellence in Public Administration for implementation of Lokvani in Sitapur. Lokvani also received Golden Icon Award at 9th National e-Governance Conference, Special mention at the Stockholm Challenge, Microsoft Award for Best Practices and Manthan Award. The SIO received the "Transformation Leadership Samman" by Lucknow Management Association & DataQuest e-Gov Champions Award for spreading eGovernance in the states of Uttar Pradesh & Bihar. eScholarship received 'Certificate of Merit' during the Microsoft Government Leadership Summit. ePDS project received CSI Nihilent Award for eGovernance 2009- 10 and Manthan Award. Bhulekh (Land Records Computerisation) & UP Treasury were awarded Oracle eGovernance Award. Board of Revenue was awarded CSI Nihilent Award for Best eGoverned Department for its computerization by NIC. Besides this, some NIC districts also received awards. Manthan Award was given to Pilibhit for Telemedicine Application. Manthan Gold Award to District Mirzapur & NISANI - (National Identity Card Software). Other awards were Nasscom Award for Jhansi, eWorld Award for Arogyam & eSamvad to Kanpur Dehat. 8 officers of NIC-UP State Unit also received " President Silver Medal" & a " Certificate of Honour" for computerisation of Population Census 1991. NIC- UP State Unit also received the best paper award during " 10th ESRI India User Conference, 2009. 191 FOR CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT Department of Electronics & Information Technology Ministry of Communications & Information Technology Government of India A-Block, C.G.O. Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi - 110 003 E-Mail:
[email protected] Website: © Copyright 2012 NIC, DeitY, MCIT National Informatics Centre (NIC) is a premier S&T organization of the Government and has been responsible for inculcating ICT culture in the country. NIC assists the Ministries/ Departments, State Governments and District Administration to implement methodologies for management & monitoring of e-Governance projects. In short, it has been an integrated solution provider for overall ICT needs of the Governments at various levels. This compendium presents the details of NIC's initiatives in setting up of Nationwide Common ICT Infrastructure, Standard Products and Solutions designed to address e-Governance initiatives, major National Projects, State/UT Informatics support and services rendered at District / below District level . It endeavors to create a comprehensive picture of the contribution of NIC in the area of e-Governance for citizen empowerment. bysDV¡ªkfudh vkSSj lwPkuk izkS|ksfxdh foHkkx lapkj vksSj lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh ea=ky; Hkkjr ljdkj ,-CykWd] dsUnzh; dk;kZy; ifjlj] yks/kh jksM ubZ fnYyh-110 003 jk"Vªh; lwpuk-foKku dsUnz National Informatics Centre