DUF User Guide

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Interface Applications Settlement and Reporting Applications Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates Dynamic Update Facility User Guide ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* Table of Contents 1. 2. Introduction..................................................................................................................................... Initial Software distribution............................................................................................................... 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 4. 4.1. 4.1.1. Mainframe Installation Package.......................................................................... PC Installation Package...................................................................................... Documentation..................................................................................................... Software Updates.................................................................................................... Mainframe Full File Replacement........................................................................ PC Upgrade and Full Repository Replacement.................................................. Mainframe Delta Updates.................................................................................... PC Delta and Upgrades....................................................................................... Auto Update Run Control Option (AUTOUPDT)................................................. Client Options for EP Updates................................................................................ Mainframe............................................................................................................ Using DUF automatically maintained LOADLIB on mainframe....................... 4.1.2. Using DUF with Change Management (CM) maintained LOADLIB on mainframe...................................................................................................................... 4.2. 4.2.1. 4.2.2. 5. 6. 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 7. 7.1. 7.2. 8. 8.1. PC........................................................................................................................ DUF TC54 processing...................................................................................... Installing PC Updates....................................................................................... Files Created during Mainframe Installation........................................................... Mainframe Incoming Job EP4IN Overview............................................................. Submit Dynamic JCL on Mainframe.................................................................... Building New Load Modules on Mainframe......................................................... Load Module Effective Date and Testing on Mainframe..................................... Mainframe Return Codes for Incoming Job Steps.............................................. Mainframe Incoming JOB and Procedure EP4IN................................................... EP4IN Job............................................................................................................ Mainframe EP4IN PROCEDURE – DUF steps................................................... Using Change Management Tools (EP4INCM Job) on Mainframe........................ JOBLIB................................................................................................................. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 3 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.2. 8.3. 8.4. 9. 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. 9.5. 10. 10.1. 10.2. 10.3. 10.4. 11. EPTBLUPD.......................................................................................................... EPCHGMGT Utility............................................................................................. EPTBLSPT........................................................................................................... Classifying Updates – Mandatory or Optional on Mainframe................................. Release Timeline................................................................................................. Release Table...................................................................................................... Mainframe Mandatory Updates........................................................................... When updates can either be mandatory or optional on mainframe.................... Synchronizing EP4.0 Software release levels on Mainframe............................. PC Edit Package Incoming Processing.................................................................. PC Load Module Effective Date and Testing................................................... PC Return Codes for Incoming Processing..................................................... Using Change Management Utility (EPCHGMGT) on PC............................... Creating individual repository files from master repository (EPTBLSPT)........ Value and Definition Repository tables................................................................................................ Return codes....................................................................................................................................... Value and Definition Repository tables................................................................................................ Return codes....................................................................................................................................... Classifying Updates – Mandatory or Optional on PC............................................. Release Timeline.............................................................................................. Release Table.................................................................................................. PC Mandatory Updates.................................................................................... When updates can either be mandatory or optional on PC............................. Synchronizing EP4.0 Software Release Levels on PC.................................... Repository tables.............................................................................................. Core components............................................................................................. Workstation components.................................................................................. 11.1. 11.2. 11.3. 11.4. 11.5. 12. 12.1. 12.2. 12.3. Verifying PC installs................................................................................................ Appendix A: Examples of EPCHGMGT log messages - Mainframe.................................. Appendix B: Examples of EPCHGMGT log messages - PC............................................... Appendix B: Examples of EPCHGMGT log messages - PC............................................... Appendix C: Examples of Visa Broadcast message – EPTBLUPD return code =04........ Appendix D: EPTBLSPT sample log messages.................................................................. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 1. Introduction Edit Package (EP) Release 4.0 became generally available in August 2010. Release 4.0 maintains the basic functionality of EP Release 3.0; however unlike previous versions of EP, version 4.0 is distributed in Object Code Only (OCO). Updates for mainframe clients are distributed as Object decks, and as Microsoft install (MSI) files for PC clients. With the OCO distribution method, the EP source code is not available to the client. The Dynamic Update Facility (DUF) is a new feature that is used by the client to keep EP software up to date. The purpose of this document is to provide clients with the information necessary to utilize DUF in the most appropriate manner for their unique environment. DUF was designed to automatically provide updated EP software to clients so they would always have the most current EP version. This guide will describe the various ways that DUF may be used by the client to maintain EP software. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 5 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Initial Software distribution The standard software distribution method for EP 4.0 (mainframe or PC) is via download from Visa Online (VOL). The installation packages will be available on CD-ROM only for those places where legal statutes, regulatory ordinances, client business rules, or limitations that prohibit the use of internet access. However, CD-ROMs will be mailed to endpoints only on an ad hoc basis by submitting a request through a Visa regional client support representative. 2.1. Mainframe Installation Package The mainframe installation package available on VOL includes all updates and enhancements for the mandatory business release. This package should be used by new clients and existing clients who just started the migration to Release 4.0. The installation package includes JCL, procedures, object modules, link control cards, master repository tables and test files. The EP4U010 utility that is also included in the package will use these files to install EP4.0 into the client’s EP4.0 environment. After the software is installed, the tables and software are brought up to the current level through a full file replace request. 2.2. PC Installation Package Like the mainframe, the PC installation package available on VOL includes all the updates and enhancements for the mandatory business release. This package should be used by new clients and existing clients who just started the migration to Release 4.0. The installation package will include Microsoft install file (*.msi), setup.exe and readme.txt in a self-extracting file (RAR file). The readme.txt includes instructions on how to install the software in a stand-alone or client-server configuration using the installation wizard (setup.exe). After the software is installed, the tables and software are brought up to the current level through a full file replace request. 2.3. Documentation The following Edit Package Release 4.0 user documentation is also available on VOL. • • • • • • Migration Implementation Guide Operations Guide PC EP User’s Guide Reports Messages Run Control Options Quick Reference Guide ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 3. Software Updates After the initial installation of Release 4.0, most program module and repository file updates will be provided via TC54 transactions which will be included in the incoming interchange files. Updates to program modules and Repository files for Release 4.0 will include an effective date on which the updates will automatically become active. However, there will be occasions where TC54 updates are not possible due to volume constraints. In this case, software updates will be available either as downloads from VOL, or on a CD-ROM by request through a Visa regional client support representative. The software updates from VOL must be applied using the EP4U140 utility, instead of through an incoming run. This process is described in detail later in this document. 3.1. Mainframe Full File Replacement The mainframe full file replacement includes the most up to date object modules, link control cards and repository tables from either the VCMS environment or production. Mainframe full file replacement can only be processed via an incoming run if the client has performed an initial install of the EP4.0 in their environment using the EP4U010 utility. The mainframe full file replacements in the VCMS and production environments are identical except for the BIN and ARDEF. The VCMS BIN and ARDEF include additional BINs and ARDEFs used exclusively for testing purposes. The mainframe full file replacement is available on request and used by clients who would like to completely refresh their environment with the most up to date software components. 3.2. PC Upgrade and Full Repository Replacement The PC Cumulative Upgrade contains all the software updates issued from the last mandatory release. This cumulative upgrade can be applied to the last mandatory full install. The PC Cumulative Upgrades can be requested and delivered as TC54s or optionally downloaded from VOL. The PC upgrade and full repository replacement in the VCMS and production environments, which are available upon request, are identical except for the BIN and ARDEF. The VCMS BIN and ARDEF include additional BINs and ARDEFs used exclusively for testing purposes. 3.3. Mainframe Delta Updates On a daily basis, DUF checks the Edit Package software components and files at Visa to determine if there are any updates. The difference between two consecutive releases of the EP repository files, object modules and link control cards are called release delta updates. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 7 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ The difference between two consecutive versions of the BIN and ARDEF tables are called daily delta updates and they are sent daily via TC54s to clients worldwide. When there is a change to the EP software files due to a mandatory or optional change, updates will be generated. For more information on Classifying Updates – Mandatory or Optional, refer to Section 9. 3.4. PC Delta and Upgrades On a daily basis DUF checks the Edit Package software components and files at Visa to determine if there are any updates. The difference between two consecutive releases of the EP repository files are release delta updates, When there are updates to the PC software components, the Microsoft install files for the PC will include all the software updates from the last mandatory release. The difference between two consecutive versions of the BIN and ARDEF tables are called daily delta updates and they are sent daily via TC54s to clients worldwide. When there is a change to EP software files due to a mandatory or optional change, updates will be generated. For more information on Classifying Updates – Mandatory or Optional, refer to Section 9. 3.5. Auto Update Run Control Option (AUTOUPDT) AUTOUPDT provides the ability to request for updates required to keep the processing center’s repository tables and software current. Important Note: The AUTOUPDT feature is not available for Visa Europe clients. For clients with repository and software that are out of date, software and repository update transactions can be sent from Visa to bring the tables and software up to date through any of the following options: • • Using the run control option AUTOUPDT Requesting updates through your Visa representative. Using the run control option AUTOUPDT: Requesting table updates automatically using the run control option AUTOUPDT includes the following steps: 1. The client must turn on the AUTOUPDT run control option (AUTOUPDT=YES) to alert Visa that they wish to use the automatic table update feature; Refer to Appendix A- Edit Package Release 4 Operations Guide for more information. Default value for AUTOUPDT is YES. 2. The client must run an outgoing to provide Visa with the current status of their tables. Note, that the status reported to Visa indicates the current software release levels based on what Visa has sent to the client not what the client has chosen to implement in their production environment. . ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 3. Visa will create the table updates required to bring the client’s tables up to date, based on the current version of tables at Visa and the client’s table versions. 4. The client must process an incoming EP run to process table updates. The EP-299 Report generated must indicate a successful table update for the run. 5. Mainframe clients must allocate enough space for TC 54 work files to accommodate mainframe full file replacements which is approximately 750,000 TC 54 records. PC clients must have sufficient space to hold cumulative upgrades from the last mandatory full install which is approximately 300,000 TC 54 records. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 9 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Client Options for EP Updates EP Release 4.0 program updates are distributed as object modules for the mainframe programs and Microsoft install files (*.msi) files for the PC EP. 4.1. Mainframe During an incoming run, the Dynamic Update Facility (DUF) will automatically convert the TC54s to object modules and link-edit control cards. In addition, DUF will automatically link the object modules and create load modules in accordance with the DLLBUILD table defined in the Repository Value Table. The DLLOAD table in the Repository Value contains the effective date of each load module. The effective date dictates the date on which this particular module will begin to be used (loaded and executed). That effective date is often coordinated with repository updates which are required to be effective on the same date. Release 4.0 provides two software update options to processing centers using mainframe. 4.2. Using DUF automatically maintained LOADLIB on mainframe When using this option, the client is using the default JCL for Incoming Job (EP4IN) created by the mainframe install utility EP4U010. The JOBLIB statement points to the LOADLIB created during installation. DUF updates to the load modules are made against this LOADLIB. Using this approach, EP software is updated automatically from the TC54s with no further action required by the client. For more information refer to the following sections: • • Section 5- Mainframe Incoming Job EP4IN Overview Section 6- Mainframe Incoming Job and Procedure EP4IN 4.3. Using DUF with Change Management (CM) maintained LOADLIB on mainframe For clients who wish to use change management software to track their changes, this option provides the client with alternate JCL for Incoming Job (EP4INCM) created by the mainframe install utility EP4U010. The JOBLIB statement which by default points to the DUF maintained LOADLIB should be changed to the LOADLIB created and maintained by the client’s change management tool such as Endevor or CMAN. The DUF steps are similar to the default job EP4IN, however, there are two additional steps: 1. EPTBLUPD will create object and link-edit control libraries which can be used by the client to stage the object modules and link-edit control cards into their change management files, such as ENDEVOR and CMAN 2. EPTBLSPT includes a report detailing the current status of the load modules in the production ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* LOADLIB compared to what is defined in the EP DLLOAD repository value table. EPTBLSPT also assures that repository value table updates are coordinated with the load modules that actually exist in the production LOADLIB. For more information about this option, refer to the following sections • • • Section 6- Mainframe Incoming Job EP4IN Overview Section 7- Mainframe Incoming Job and Procedure EP4IN Section 8- Using Change Management Tools on mainframe When using the CM option, it is the client’s responsibility to ensure that the implementation of production updates are performed in a timely manner to satisfy EP processing requirements and to stay in synch with Visa’s software release levels. For more information, refer to: • Section 9 –Classifying Updates – Mandatory or Optional 4.4. PC The PC EP software includes the repository files, core components similar to the mainframe and workstation components that support the user interface, data entry and file transfer interfaces to Extended Access Server (EAS) and Direct Exchange (DEX). 4.5. DUF TC54 processing Repository files updates, such as BIN and ARDEF updates are sent via TC54s. When software updates are sent via TC54s, incoming processing will write the TC54s into an extract file. The repository TC54 updates are applied to the master repository files. If there are software upgrades, DUF will automatically convert the TC54s to a self-extracting file called PCDLLOUT.exe. Upon execution, 3 files will be created: • • • Microsoft Install files (*.msi) Install Wizard – setup.exe Readme.txt – installation instructions For more information refer to Section 10 – PC Edit Package Incoming Processing Software updates are normally sent via TC54s. However, there may be occasions when upgrades are provided as software downloads from VOL or optionally through CD-ROMs. Software upgrades from VOL or CD-ROM are provided as a self-extracting file (RAR) file which will create three files just like DUF TC54 process. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 11 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.6. Installing PC Updates The installation instructions will have a description of the changes included in the upgrade package and instructions on how to apply the upgrade in a client-server or stand-alone configuration. While the incoming processing of TC54s created all necessary files for installing the upgrade, the client must perform the installation in their production environment. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure that the implementation of the production updates are performed in a timely manner to satisfy EP processing requirements and to stay in synch with Visa’s software release levels. For more information refer to: • • Section 11 – PC: Classifying Updates – Mandatory or Optional Section 12 – Verifying PC Installs ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 5. Files Created during Mainframe Installation The EP mainframe install utility EP4U010 will create the various files necessary for EP processing. Table 1-1 shows the key files and libraries created during installation. The variables: &APPL and &BUILD will be set to the processing centers high-level qualifier and sub-qualifier. Table 1-1 Key Files created during Mainframe Installation Name &APPL.&BUILD.INSTALL.JCL Type PDS Purpose JCL and procedure library for linking and installation LINKJOB Execution JCL for the EPZPLINK procedure. EPZPLINK JCL procedure executed by LINKJOB to allocate and create load modules for the installation process INSTALL Install utility job and Execution JCL for the INSTPRC procedure. INSTPRC JCL procedure executed by INSTALL to install EP Release 4.0. EBTBLSPT JCL procedure executed by INSTALL to load individual Repository tables from the combined Repository table &APPL.&BUILD.JCL PDS JCL library EPSETUP Final job used during EP4.0 install EP4IN Incoming EP 4.0 example JCL using TC formats and DUF option EP4INCM ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 13 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Incoming EP 4.0 example JCL using TC formats and CM option EP4OUT Outgoing EP 4.0 example JCL using TC formats EP4INVM Incoming EP 4.0 example JCL using VML format and DUF option EP4INVCM Incoming EP 4.0 example JCL using VML format and CM option EP4OUTVM Outgoing EP 4.0 example JCL using VML format EP4U100 EP 4.0 job Initialize History file EP4U130 EP 4.0 job to process table updates (TC54) EP4U132 EP 4.0 job to create individual repository from master repository EP4U140 EP 4.0 job to process Updates from VOL EP40EXT EP 4.0 job to generate on-request reports and Table extracts E4DUFJCD EP job used for DUF Link processing &APPL.&BUILD.OBJ &APPL.&BUILD.LCTL PDS PDS Object Library Link control library ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* &APPL.&BUILD.LOAD &APPL.&BUILD.PARM &APPL.&BUILD.PROC PDS PDS PDS Procedure library EPALLOC Load Library Parameter control library Allocate empty EP4.0 files EP4IN EP 4.0 Incoming procedure used by EP4IN job above (DUF option) EP4INCM EP 4.0 Incoming procedure used by EP4INCM job above (CM option) EP4OUT EP 4.0 Outgoing procedure used by EP4OUT job above EP4U100 EP 4.0 procedure to initialize History file EP4U130 EP 4.0 procedure to process table updates (TC54) EP4U132 EP 4.0 procedure to create individual repository from master repository EP4U140 EP 4.0 procedure to process updates from VOL EP40EXT EP 4.0 procedure to generate on-request reports and table extracts EPLINK00 is a procedure in use to create the object modules in the dynamic JCL submitted by the internal reader if any load modules will be built ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 15 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ EPLINK01 is a procedure use to create LOAD modules in the dynamic JCL submitted by the internal reader if any load modules will be built EPLINK99 is a procedure use to run Table Split program and take a backup of a newly created Master Repository EPTBLSPT is a procedure use to run Table Split program which loads individual repository files from Master Repository during the installation &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.ARDEF.TABLE &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.BIN.TABLE &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.DEF.TABLE &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.PROFILE.TABLE &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.VALUE.TABLE &APPL.&BUILD. REPOSIT.CODEBASE.TABLE &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.TABLE Sequential Sequential Sequential Sequential Sequential Sequential EP4.0 data repository Account Range Table EP4.0 data repository BIN table EP4.0 data repository definition table EP4.0 data repository profile table EP4.0 data repository value table file EP4.0 repository codebase table file GDG Combined repository table file which includes the ARDEF, BIN, CODEBASE, DEFINITIONS, PROFILE, and VALUE repository tables Customized run control options file – contains the options selected during install Rules Object Library – not currently used Rules Load Library – not currently used Log created by EPTBLSPT that the shows the records counts of each of the repository table generated from the combined repository tables &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.OVERRIDE Sequential &APPL.&BUILD.RULES.OBJ &APPL.&BUILD.RULES.LOAD &APPL.&BUILD.DUFLOG PDS PDS GDG ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 6.Mainframe Incoming Job EP4IN Overview The EP mainframe installation utility created EP4IN procedure. Figure 1-1 shows the key processes related to Dynamic Update Facility (DUF). Incoming Process STEP02: EPZOS TC54EXT Master Repository (0) Return Codes: RC=00 - Successful Repository Table update RC=03 - Successful S /W Updates processing , and Dynamic job to update load library was submitted RC=04 - Review Visa Broadcast Message RC=06 - Table or S/W update process fail Table Update process STEP04: EPTBLUPD JCLOUT (DYNAMIC JCL) DLLOUT (OBJECT code ) New Master Repository (+1) JCLOUT executes procedures : EPLINK00 - Creates DUF object library EPLINK01 - Links object modules EPLINK99 - Creates the individual repository files STEP05: IEBGENER Submit Dynamic JCL thru Internal Reader ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 17 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ The following describes the key job processes: 1. The input file to incoming processing may include financial and non-financial transactions. Nonfinancial transactions may include EP Updates – TC54s. 2. The incoming program will select and write TC54 Extract records to a TC54EX file. 3. The table update program (EPTBLUPD) will process the TC54 Extract file and will create the following output files: o o o JCLOUT – dynamic JCL DLLOUT – link edit control cards and object code from &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.VALUE.TABLE NEW MASTER REPOSITORY 6.1. Submit Dynamic JCL on Mainframe The dynamic JCL created by the Table Update Process (Step04: EPTBLUPD) will execute 3 procedures: 1. EPLINK00 – creates the DUF combined Link Edit Control Card and Object library from the DLLOUT file 2. EPLINK01 – uses the combined Link Edit Control Card and Object library and executes the Linkage Editor to create load modules and place them into the LOADLIB created by the install process (&APPL.&BUILD.LOAD) 3. EPLINK99 – will split the new master repository into individual repository files and create a backup master repository file. &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.ARDEF.TABLE &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.BIN.TABLE &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.DEF.TABLE Sequential Sequential Sequential Repository Account Range Table Repository BIN table Repository definition table Repository profile table Repository value table file Repository codebase table file &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.PROFILE.TABLE Sequential &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.VALUE.TABLE Sequential &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.CODEBASE.TABLE Sequential 6.2. Building New Load Modules on Mainframe When there are code updates, the dynamic JCL will create new load modules based on the DLLBUILD value table in the &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.VALUE.TABLE: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* VLdllbuildC****00000010 DLL Build Table VLdllbuildC****00000020 System (MVS / PCW) VLdllbuildC****00000030 | DLL Disposition VLdllbuildC****00000040 | | Task Date VLdllbuildC****00000050 | | | VLdllbuildC****00000060 | | | VLdllbuildREPCTFB01 20110129 MVS SHR 20110128 VLdllbuildREPCTFP01 20110129 MVS SHR 20110128 VLdllbuildREPFM001 20101105 MVS SHR 20101104 VLdllbuildREPHIST 20110129 MVS SHR 20110128 VLdllbuildREPRPT001 20110129 MVS SHR 20110128 VLdllbuildREPRUL001 20101105 MVS SHR 20101104 VLdllbuildREPRUL002 20101228 MVS NEW 20101227 VLdllbuildREPTBLSPT 20110129 MVS SHR 20110128 VLdllbuildREPTBLUPD 20110129 MVS SHR 20110128 For example, EPRUL002 load module will be created by the dynamic JCL with an effective date 2010/12/28, since it has a disposition of NEW. 6.3. Load Module Effective Date and Testing on Mainframe The value table DLLOAD in the &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.VALUE.TABLE defines what load modules are loaded and executed for a given run date. Eff Date VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload VLdlload VLdlload Repbuildtc Repbuildtc Repbuildtc Reprule Reprule Reprule Reprule Reprule Reprule Reprulcob Reprulcob 20100101 20110615 20111015 20101105 20110228 20110415 20110520 20110615 20111015 20101105 20110228 Load epctfb01 epctfb02 epctfb02 eprul001 eprul002 eprul003 eprul004 eprul005 eprul006 epcob001 epcob002 Type CTF CTF CTF PC Load Parm dd:EPOUT dd:EPOUT dd:EPOUT TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) P P MODULE(EPCOB001) MODULE(EPCOB002) Using the above example, EPRUL002 was built on 12/28/2010. The system will start loading and executing EPRUL002 when the run date equals the effective date (run date is 2011/02/28). The future effective dating of EPRUL002 will enable clients to perform testing using the new module prior to the implementation date. In this example, clients can execute the new module built on 2010/12/28 by using the TABLEDATE option of 2011/02/28 and RUNMODE =TEST from 2010/12/28 up to a few days before the implementation date of 2011/02/28. 6.4. Mainframe Return Codes for Incoming Job Steps The Incoming Process will issue the following DUF return codes: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 19 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Step02: EPzOS: Return code= 16: Load module(s) with type “M-Mandatory” was not found in the production load library. The incoming ran was not successful. Refer to section 9 – Classifying Updates – Mandatory or Optional. 2. Step03: IDCAMS: Return code = 05. This means that the incoming processing was successful but the input file does not contain TC54s. All succeeding steps after STEP03 pertaining for TC54 processing will be bypassed. 3. Step04: EPTBLUPD: Return code = 00. The TC54 repository updates were successfully processed. Repository updates include BIN, ARDEF, value, codebase, profile and repository definitions. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 4. Step04: EPTBLUPD: Return code = 03. The TC54s updates include software updates and they were successfully processed. The DLLOUT and JCLOUT files were successfully created. 5. Step04: EPTBLUPD: Return code = 04. The TC54 updates include a message or instructions from Visa. The message will be written to the EP-299 report. For example: The message may instruct the client to check the Visa Online (VOL) EP Release 4 for Upgrade instructions for a given effective date. For example refer to Appendix C. 6. Step04: EPTBLUPD: Return code = 06. The TC54s update process failed. 7. Step05: With DUF option, the dynamically created JCL from JCLOUT is submitted automatically. The job in this JCL will update the load library. For example, the job log will contain this information: 18.53.02 JOB10968 18.53.02 JOB10976 18.53.02 JOB10976 -STEP04 EP4IN EPTBLUPD ON INTRDR 03 24409 9.31 29.65 231K $HASP100 TENEP40 IRR010I EDIT PACKAGE 4 FROM JOB10968 TENEP40 USERID @VLUN IS ASSIGNED TO THIS JOB. In this example JOB10976 (Dynamic JCL-JCLOUT) created by the EP4IN incoming processing JOB10968 – TENEP40 was submitted when EPTBLUPD has a return code of 3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 21 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Mainframe Incoming JOB and Procedure EP4IN The EP mainframe installation utility created JCL for EP4IN job and procedure. 7.1. EP4IN Job EDIT &APPL.&BUILD.JCL(EP4IN) - 01.02 Columns 00001 00080 Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR ****** ********************************* Top of Data ********************************** 000001 //TENEP40 JOB (R811392,85075,EP40),'EDIT PACKAGE 4', 000002 // CLASS=J, 000003 // MSGCLASS=X, 000004 // REGION=0M 000005 //* 000006 /*JOBPARM LINES=9999 000007 //* 000008 //JOBLIB DD DSN=&APPL.&BUILD.RULES.LOAD,DISP=SHR 000009 // DD DSN=&APPL.&BUILD.LOAD,DISP=SHR 000010 //* 000011 //PROC JCLLIB ORDER=(&APPL.&BUILD.PROC, 000012 // &APPL.&BUILD.PROC, 000013 // &APPL.&BUILD.JCL) 000014 //* 000015 //EP4IN EXEC PROC=EP4IN, 000016 // APPL=&APPL, * APPLICATION FILES 000017 // PROFILE=INCOMINGTC * PROFILE 000018 //* 000019 //STEP02.EPIN DD DSN=&APPL.&BUILD.TEST.IITF,DISP=SHR 000020 //* 000021 //STEP02.TMPOPT DD * 000022 * 000023 * EDIT PACKAGE 4.0 TEMPORARY RUN OPTIONS 000024 * 000025 CENTRBIN=400552 000026 CENTRCODE=SECURITY 000027 CENTRNAME=FIRST ANYWHERE BANK 000028 RUNMODE=TEST 000029 //* ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 7.2. Mainframe EP4IN PROCEDURE – DUF steps VIEW &APPL.&BUILD.PROC(EP4IN) - 01.00 Command ===> 001687 //* 001688 //* SET CONDITION CODE '05' IF NO TC54S TO PROCESS 001689 //* 001690 //STEP03 EXEC PGM=&IDCMS, 001691 // COND=(&CC03) 001692 //* 001693 //INDD DD DSN=&APPL&BUILD..&TM..&OUT.TC54EX,DISP=SHR 001694 //OUTDD DD DUMMY, 001695 // DCB=(&DTC54EX) 001696 //* 001697 //SYSIN DD DSN=&APPL&BUILD..&PARMLIB(&EPTCC),DISP=SHR 001698 //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=&SYSOUTX 001699 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=&SYSOUTX 001700 //* 001701 //* TABLE UPDATE PROCESS 001702 //* 001703 //STEP04 EXEC PGM=&TBLUPD, 001704 // COND=(&CC04) 001705 //* 001706 //REPOSIT DD DSN=&APPL&BUILD..&REPOS..&TABLE(0),DISP=SHR 001707 //* 001708 //TC54EXT DD DSN=&APPL&BUILD..&TM..&OUT.TC54EX,DISP=SHR 001709 //* 001710 //JOBCARDS DD DSN=&APPL&BUILD..JCL(E4DUFJCD),DISP=SHR 001711 //* 001712 //REPOSITO DD DSN=&APPL&BUILD..&TM..&REPOS..TABLEOUT, 001713 // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), 001714 // UNIT=&UNIT, 001715 // SPACE=(&SREPOS), 001716 // DCB=(&DREPOS) 001717 //* 001718 //JCLOUT DD DSN=&APPL&BUILD..&TM..&OUT.JCLOUTM, 001719 // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), 001720 // UNIT=&UNIT, 001721 // SPACE=(&SJCLOUT), 001722 // DCB=&DDLLOUT 001723 //* 001724 //DLLOUT DD DSN=&APPL&BUILD..&TM..&OUT.DLLOUTM, 001725 // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), 001726 // UNIT=&UNIT, 001727 // SPACE=(&SDLLOUT), 001728 // DCB=&DDLLOUT 001729 //* 001730 //LOG DD DSN=&APPL&BUILD..&OUT.L5,DISP=SHR 001731 //* 001732 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=&SYSOUTX 001733 //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=&SYSOUTX 001734 //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=&SYSOUTD 001735 //CEEDUMP DD SYSOUT=&SYSOUTD 001736 //* 001737 //*-----------------------------------------------------001738 //* SUBMIT NEXT JOB DUFLINK 001739 //*-----------------------------------------------------001740 //* 001741 //STEP05 EXEC PGM=&IEBGENER, 001742 // COND=(&CC05) 001743 //SYSPRINT DD DUMMY 001744 //SYSIN DD DUMMY 001745 //SYSUT1 DD DSN=&APPL&BUILD..&TM..&OUT.JCLOUTM,DISP=SHR 001746 //SYSUT2 DD SYSOUT=(A,INTRDR) 001747 //* Columns 00001 00080 Scroll ===> CSR ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 23 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Using Change Management Tools (EP4INCM Job) on Mainframe The default EP4IN job that is created during the mainframe installation is a fully integrated process which automatically updates the EP files and program executables created during the install process. These files and executables are the same files used during the incoming, i.e.: the TC54s are extracted and are applied dynamically to the files maintained by EP (including the load library). This means that the Incoming Job is executed from the Load Library maintained by the EP automatic DUF Process. EP4IN Job EDIT &APPL.&BUILD.JCL(EP4IN) - 01.02 Columns 00001 00080 Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR ****** ********************************* Top of Data ********************************** 000001 //TENEP40 JOB (R811392,85075,EP40),'EDIT PACKAGE 4', 000002 // CLASS=J, 000003 // MSGCLASS=X, 000004 // REGION=0M 000005 //* 000006 /*JOBPARM LINES=9999 000007 //* 000008 //JOBLIB DD DSN=&APPL.&BUILD.RULES.LOAD,DISP=SHR 000009 // DD DSN=&APPL.&BUILD.LOAD,DISP=SHR 000010 //* Since new load modules are created with a future effective date, the client can test using the load modules by using TABLEDATE=ccyymmdd and RUNMODE=TEST run control option where ccyymmdd is the production implementation date. With the default DUF option, the default EP4IN job is a fully integrated process that automatically manages the updates to the EP system (not only repository updates but also load module updates) received through TC54s. There is an option for clients to use their own Change Management tools such as Endevor or CMAN. In this scenario, the JOBLIB for Incoming job will be pointing to the Endevor maintained Load Library instead of the Load Library that is automatically maintained by EP. DUF continues to automatically manage repository updates but the method and timing of the updating the load modules is controlled by the user. With the CM option, the alternate job (EP4INCM) and procedure (EP4INCM) are similar to the default EP4IN job and procedure except for the differences discussed in sections: 8.1 through 8.4. Figure 1-2 shows the Incoming Process using Change Management Option. 8.1. JOBLIB JOBLIB will point to the Change Management tool maintained Load Library which means that the Edit Package will execute load modules from the this library instead of the DUF maintained library. EDIT &APPL.&BUILD.JCL(EP4INCM) - 01.02 Columns 00001 00080 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR ****** ********************************* Top of Data ********************************** 000001 //TENEP40 JOB (R811392,85075,EP40),'EDIT PACKAGE 4', 000002 // CLASS=J, 000003 // MSGCLASS=X, 000004 // REGION=0M 000005 //* 000006 /*JOBPARM LINES=9999 000007 //* 000009 //JOBLIB DD DSN=YOUR.ENDEVOR.LOAD,DISP=SHR 000010 //* 8.2. EPTBLUPD During incoming processing with TC54s in the input file, ETBLUPD will create a Dynamic JCL (JCLOUT) which will perform the following procedures as the default processes: • • EPLINK00 – creates the temporary DUF combined Link Edit Control Card and Object library from DLLOUT file EPLINK01 – uses the combined Link Edit Control Card and Object library and executes the Linkage Editor to create load modules and place them into the LOADLIB created by the install process (&APPL.&BUILD.LOAD). For CM option, EPTBLUPD will also create: • OBJOUT – a sequential file that will contain all the Object modules for new or updated load modules and IEBUPDTE control cards for updating the Object library. A later IEBUPDTE step will update the Object Library (OBJPDS) LCTLOUT – a sequential file that will contain all the Link Edit Control Cards for new or updated load modules and IEBUPDTE control cards for updating the Link-control library. A later IEBUPDTE step will update Linker Library (LCTLOUT) The client can use the Object Library and Link Edit Control Library created by EPTBLUPD to stage the changes into their Change Management tool (like Endevor) to update their production Libraries. In addition, EPTBLUPD can be used as a utility that will allow clients to request all the object modules and linker cards for all the load modules. When EPTBLUPD is used as utility, object and linker cards are generated from the current repository files and TC54 input file is set to dummy. • 8.3. EPCHGMGT Utility Addition of EP4.0 Change Management tool (EPCHGMGT) that will: 1. Capture Information for EP TC50s: 1. Write to the Incoming Hold File (ENVINF) information about the load module versions in the Endevor Load Library vs. the current DLLOAD Value table The ENVINF file contains Run control options used for Incoming that is input to the Outgoing process for purposes of creating TC50s ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 25 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ The current process of writing to the Incoming Hold File (ENVINF) information about what repository codebase version was sent to the client will not change. 2. Report on exception conditions and assign appropriate return codes: Log the load module versions that are defined in the DLLLOAD table but which are not found in their Change Management tool created library. Issue a return of 4 to alert the clients that there are pending “M-Mandatory” updates that must be staged to their Change Management tool. Issue a return of 2 to alert the clients that there are pending “E-Evaluate” updates that have not been staged to their Change Management tool. Issue a return of 0 when there are no pending updates that have not been staged to their Change Management tool. Refer to Appendix A for examples of the EPCHGMGT log messages. 8.4. EPTBLSPT The master repository files are files that contain all the individual repository files. ETBLSPT will split the new master repository into individual repository files and create a backup master repository file. &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.ARDEF.TABLE &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.BIN.TABLE &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.DEF.TABLE Sequential Sequential Sequential Repository Account Range Table Repository BIN table Repository definition table Repository profile table Repository value table file Repository codebase table file &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.PROFILE.TABLE &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.VALUE.TABLE Sequential Sequential &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.CODEBASE.TABLE Sequential Value and Definition Repository tables The master repository file is a file updated by the DUF processing during incoming processing of TC54s. The individual repository files are files being used by the outgoing and incoming processing of transactions. With the CM option, certain value and definition table entries in the master repository table may or may not be written to the individual repository value and definition tables. All value and definition table entries in the master repository file with effective dates equal to that of the release with implementation type of ‘M’ (mandatory) will be written to the individual repository value and definitions table. Note that if there are missing ‘M’ (mandatory) load modules from the production ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* environment during the outgoing and incoming run, the processing will end with a return code of 16. All value and definition table entries in the master repository file with effective dates equal to that of the release with implementation type of ‘E’ (evaluate) will be written to the individual repository value and definitions table, if all load modules for the release are present in the production load libraries. Note, if the there are missing ‘E’ modules for the effective date, the corresponding value and definitions table entries from the master repository are excluded from the individual value and definition tables. This will keep the individual repository tables used for the run in sync with the load modules in the current production environment as well as prevent an abnormal termination of the run because there are missing ‘E’ modules in the production. For example, the DLLOAD table in the individual repository value table will not include ‘E’ modules missing in the production environment. Return codes EPTBLSPT will issue a return code of ‘0’ if all the load modules defined in the DLLOAD table are present in the production environment. EPTBLSPT will issue a return code of ‘2’ if one or more load modules for a release with implementation type of ‘E’ – Evaluate are missing from the production environment. EPTBLSPT will issue a return code of ‘4’ if one or more load modules for a release with implementation type of ‘M’ – Mandatory are missing from the production environment. For EPTBLSPT sample log messages, refer to Appendix D. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 27 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 1-2 shows the Incoming Process using Change Management Option: Incoming Process STEP02: EPZOS TC54EXT Return Codes: RC=00 - Successful Repository Table update RC=03 - Successful S/W Updates processing, Object and Link edit control cards ready for Staging to Change Management Tools RC=04 - Review Visa Broadcast Message RC=06 - Table or S update process fail /W Table Update process STEP04: EPTBLUPD Master Repository (0) JCLOUT (DYNAMIC JCL) DLLOUT (OBJECT code) New Master Repository (+1) OBJOUT (OBJECT code sequential file) LCTLOUT (Link-edit control cards-sequential file) JCLOUT executes procs: EPLINK00 - Creates DUF object library EPLINK01 - Links object modules IEBUPDTE IEBUPDTE STEP05: IEBGENER Submit Dynamic JCL thru Internal Reader OBJPDS (OBJECT LIBRARY- PDS) LCTLOUT (Link-edit control cards-sequential file) INPUT TO CHANGE MGMNT TOOLS : Return Codes : RC=00 - Successful RC=02 - There are missing ‘E’ modules From load library RC=04 - There are missing ‘M’ modules From load library , SPLIT MASTER REPOSITORY FILE EPTBLSPT OBJPDS – Object Library LCTLPDS – Link Edit Control Cards REPOSITORY ARDEF table REPOSITORY BIN TABLE REPOSITORY DEFINITION TABLE REPOSITORY PROFILE REPOSITORY VALUE TABLE REPOSITORY CODEBASE TABLE ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 9. Classifying Updates – Mandatory or Optional on Mainframe Visa will issue periodic software updates to Release 4.0 for the following reasons: 1. Business Release enhancements that must be implemented worldwide. Examples of this type of change are the April and October 2011 Business Release. 2. Various Off-Release Business Enhancements that may apply to certain jurisdictions. An example of this would be changes to Cashback rules for the Canada region. For this example, the change may be mandatory for Canada clients but not for other clients. 3. Enhancements to comply with certain regulatory changes. Examples of these are currency code changes for certain countries and related processing rules for originals and chargebacks, government mandates, etc. These changes may be mandatory for certain clients, but not for others. 4. Fixes to address client reported problems. These changes would be required for clients experiencing the problem and possibly optional for clients that would not be impacted. 5. Enhancements to EP Functions. For example, changes or enhancements to a PC EP function would not require a change for mainframe users. These types of changes will be mandatory for certain clients, but not for others. 9.1. Release Timeline The Technical Letter for the semi-annual Business Release includes a Release Timeline table. The table is a high-level calendar of events for the implementation of changes to the BASE I, V.I.P., and BASE II Systems. EP software availability dates are included in this table. Acquirers and issuers should include these dates in project planning for the release and schedule implementation activities accordingly. 9.2. Release Table The Release table in the &APPL.&BUILD.REPOSIT.VALUE.TABLE contains the information about each software release such as the release description and effective date, CPD distribution date and implementation type. The implementation type determines if a release must be implemented before the release effective date (Mandatory) or evaluated to determine if implementation can be done after the effective date (Evaluate). For example a release table may contain the following information: Release Effective Date VLrelease VLrelease VLrelease VLrelease 20100101 20101105 20110228 20110415 CPD Distribution Date 20100101 20101031 20110131 20110225 Implementation Type M-Mandatory M-Mandatory M-Mandatory M-Mandatory Description Release 4.0 initial distribution November 2010 Maintenance Release February 2011 Maintenance Release April 2011 Business Release ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 29 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ VLrelease VLrelease VLrelease 20110520 20110615 20111015 20110507 20110531 20110827 E-Evaluate E-Evaluate M-Mandatory OCT Pilot Message Set Business Requirements June 2011 Maintenance Install October 2011 Business Release 9.3. Mainframe Mandatory Updates When a change is mandatory and must be implemented worldwide, such as the April and October 2011 Business Release enhancements, Visa will: 1. Distribute the changes via TC54s whenever possible or make the updates available through VOL downloads or optionally via CD-ROMs. 2. Update the Release table to include an entry with the release effective date and implementation type of ‘M’ – Mandatory. In addition, updated load modules will also be added to the DLLOAD table in the master repository with the same release effective date. For example, April 2011 Business Release has effective date of 20110415 and an implementation type of “M” – Mandatory. Release Effective Date VLrelease VLrelease 20110228 20110415 CPD Distribution Date 20110131 20110225 Implementation Type M-Mandatory M-Mandatory Description February 2011 Maintenance Release April 2011 Business Release In addition, if the April 2011 Business Release required changes to rules, the DLLOAD table will be updated to add EPRUL003 with an effective date of the release. Since the April 2011 Business Release is mandatory, EPRUL003 must be present in the production environment for the required effective date. Imp VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Repbuildtc Repbuildtc Repbuildtc Reprule Reprule Reprule Eff Date 20100101 20110615 20111015 20101105 20110228 20110415 Load epctfb01 epctfb02 epctfb02 eprul001 eprul002 eprul003 Type CTF CTF CTF PC Load Parm dd:EPOUT dd:EPOUT dd:EPOUT TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) Type M E M M M M In this example, the EPRUL003 load module must be present in the production library when the run date equals 2011/04/15, otherwise the EP run will fail with a return code of 16. 9.4. When updates can either be mandatory or optional on mainframe When a change is mandatory for some clients, but not for others, such as the case for the types of updates for groups 2, 3, 4 and 5 Visa will: 1. Distribute the changes via TC54s whenever possible or make the updates available through VOL downloads or optionally via CD-ROMs. 2. Issue a return code of 3 for EPTBLUPD (STEP04 in the EP4IN proc) and display a text message on ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* the EP-299 report with a brief description of the change and its effective date. Depending on the type of change, an upgrade document may also be made available on VOL. 3. Visa will include a new entry in the release table with an implementation type of ‘E’ – Evaluate. Release Effective Date VLrelease VLrelease VLrelease 20110228 20110415 20110520 CPD Distribution Date 20110131 20110225 20110507 Implementation Type M-Mandatory M-Mandatory E-Evaluate Description February 2011 Maintenance Release April 2011 Business Release OCT Pilot Message Set Business Requirements In addition, if the May 2011 Business Release required changes to rules, the DLLOAD table in the master repository will be updated to add EPRUL004 with an effective date of 05/20/2011. Since May 2011 Business Release must be evaluated by the clients, EPRUL004 will have an effective implementation type of ‘E’ – Evaluate. Imp Eff Date Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Reprule Reprule Reprule 20110228 20110415 20110520 Load eprul002 eprul003 eprul004 Type PC Load Parm TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) Type M M E For clients using the DUF maintained LOADLIB on mainframe: When the DUF maintained LOADLIB is used in production (EP4IN), the load module EPRUL004 will be automatically created when the TC54s are processed. The return code of 3 indicates the successful processing of updates. For clients using the Change Management maintained LOADLIB on mainframe: The client should EVALUATE the upgrade document and determine if the update must be implemented in their production environment before the effective date of the change. Mandatory change for the client for the given effective date When the LOADLIB used in Incoming is updated via a Change Management tool (EP4INCM) like Endevor or CMAN, then it is the client’s responsibility to insure that the load module is present in their production library before the given effective date. Refer to Section 8 - Using Change Management Tools for more information. Optional change for the client for the given effective date The clients may opt not to implement the change for the given effective date, but they should implement the new release as soon as time permits. Visa recommends that clients should implement the releases within the 45-day window or sooner since EP release levels will be synchronized for the April and October business release. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 31 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Exception Processing and use Fallback Load Modules Imp Eff Date Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Reprule Reprule Reprule 20110228 20110415 2011052 0 Load eprul002 eprul003 eprul004 Type PC Load Parm TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) Type M M E Using the example of EPRUL004 with an effective date of 05/20/2011, if a client runs an outgoing with a system date of 05/20/2011 and their production load library does not contain EPRUL004, the system will load and execute EPRUL003 since it is the load module with an effective date equal to that of the Mandatory release. If for some reason EPRUL003 is not found in the client’s production load library, the system will issue a return code of 16. In the next scenario, Visa issued EPRUL005 effective 06/15/2011 for June 15, 2011 release. The DLLOAD table in the master repository contains the following entries. Imp Eff Date Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Reprule Reprule Reprule Reprule 20110228 20110415 20110520 20110615 Load eprul002 eprul003 eprul004 eprul005 Type PC Load Parm TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) Type M M E E Client A implemented May 20, 2011 release with EPRUL004 effective 05/20/2011 but did not implement June 15, 2001 release. When Client A runs outgoing on 06/15/2011, EP will not find EPRUL005 in the production library and it will load and execute the module EPRUL004. Client B did not implement May 20, 2011 and June 15, 2011 releases. When Client B runs outgoing on 06/15/2011, EP will not find EPRUL005 and EPRUL004. EP will load and execute the mandatory module EPRUL003. 9.5. Synchronizing EP4.0 Software release levels on Mainframe The changes to support the bi-annual Business Release enhancements are mandatory for all clients worldwide. The load modules that will be effective for these dates will include all the release enhancements plus the various interim changes appended to the previous business release version. Using the previous examples (EPRUL004 and EPRUL005) and assuming that the rules are updated for the October 2011 Business Release with EPRUL006, the DLLOAD table in the master repository will be populated for the October 2011 Business Release as follows: Imp Eff Date Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Reprule Reprule Reprule Reprule Reprule 20110228 20110415 20110520 20110615 20111015 Load eprul002 eprul003 eprul004 eprul005 eprul006 Type PC Load Parm TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) Type M M E E M Visa has issued EPCTFB02 with an effective of June 15, 2011 to fix the Japan TCR2 ASCII/EBCDIC conversion. Since June 2011 release has an implementation type of ‘E’ – Evaluate , the installation and execution of EPCTFB02 is mandatory for some clients and optional for others on June 15, 2011. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* Imp Eff Date VLdlload VLdlloa d Repbuildtc Repbuildtc 20100101 20110615 Load epctfb01 epctfb02 Type CTF CTF PC Load Parm dd:EPOUT dd:EPOUT Type M E When the October 2011 Business Release Enhancements are distributed sometime in the last 2 weeks of August 2011, Visa will not re-issue EPCTFB02 since it was first distributed before the 06/15/2011 and no changes were required for this module. Visa will update the DLLOAD table in the master repository to add EPCTFB02 with effective 10/15/2011 and since October 2011 is a mandatory release, EPCTFB02 must be implemented in production before 10/15/2011. Imp Eff Date VLdlload VLdlload VLdlloa d Repbuildtc Repbuildtc Repbuildtc 20100101 20110615 20111015 Load epctfb01 epctfb02 epctfb02 Type CTF CTF CTF PC Load Parm dd:EPOUT dd:EPOUT dd:EPOUT Type M E M Visa will not be re-distributing EPCTFB02 for the following reasons when the module becomes mandatory: 1. Some members may have opted to implement EPCTFB02 before the 06/15/2011 and re-issuing the modules might raise questions as to whether we have made additional changes. 2. Re-issuing EPCTFB02 again in August will increase the TC54 updates for October 2011 when in fact the module was not changed Visa recommends that the output of the DUF process that creates the PDS for the object and link library be put on DISK management class that allows a longer retention period for clients who are opting not to implement the optional changes to their Change Management system right away. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 33 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.PC Edit Package Incoming Processing The following describes the incoming file processing for the PC: 1. The input file to incoming processing may include financial and non-financial transactions. Non-financial transactions may include EP updates – TC54s. 2. The incoming program will select and write TC54 Extract records to a TC54EX file. 3. The table update program (EPTBLUPD) will process the TC54 Extract file and will create the following output files under base directory: • • PCDLLOUT - executable that will create the install files, installation wizard and installation instructions New Master Repository Figure 1-3 shows the key processes related to Dynamic Update Facility (DUF) during PC EP Incoming Processing ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 10.1. Incoming Process TC54EXT Master Repository (0) Return Codes: RC=00 - Successful Repository Table update RC=03 - Successful S /W Updates processing, PCDLLOUT.exe is ready for execution to Install software updates RC=04 - Review Visa Broadcast Message RC=06 - Table or S/W update process fail Table Update process PCDLLOUT (EXECUTABLE) New Master Repository (+1) PCDLLOUT will create the following files : Microsoft install files (*.msi) Installation Wisard (SetUp.exe) Readme.doc Split Master Repository EPTBLSPT Change Management Utility EPCHGMGT PC Load Module Effective Date and Testing The value table DLLLOAD in the REPOSIT.VALUE.TABLE defines what load modules are loaded and executed for a given run date. Eff Date VLdlload Repbuildtc 20100101 Load epctfb01 Type CTF PC Load Parm dd:EPOUT ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 35 __________________________________________________________________________________________ VLdlload VLdlload Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload VLdlload VLdlload Repbuildtc Repbuildtc Reprule Reprule Reprule Reprule Reprule Reprule Reprulcob Reprulcob 20110615 20111015 20101105 20110228 20110415 20110520 20110615 20111015 20101105 20110228 epctfb02 epctfb02 eprul001 eprul002 eprul003 eprul004 eprul005 eprul006 epcob001 epcob002 CTF CTF dd:EPOUT dd:EPOUT TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) P P MODULE(EPCOB001) MODULE(EPCOB002) Using the above example, EPRUL002 was built on 12/28/2010. The system will start loading and executing EPRUL002 when the run date equals the effective date (run date is 2011/02/28). The future effective dating of EPRUL002 will enable clients to perform testing using the new module prior to the implementation date. In this example, clients can execute the new module built on 2010/12/28 by using the TABLEDATE option of 2011/02/28 and RUNMODE =TEST from 2010/12/28 up to a few days before the implementation date of 2011/02/28. 10.2.PC Return Codes for Incoming Processing The Incoming Process will issue the following return codes: 1. Incoming run: Return code= 16: Load module(s) with type “M-Mandatory” was not found in the production load library. The incoming ran was not successful. Refer to section 11 – Classifying Updates – Mandatory or Optional on PC. 2. EP Table Update: Return code = 05. This means that the incoming processing was successful but the input file does not contain TC54s. All succeeding steps pertaining to TC54 processing will be bypassed. 3. EP Table Update: Return code = 01. The TC54 repository updates were successfully processed. Repository updates include BIN, ARDEF, value, codebase, profile and repository definitions. 4. EP Table Update: Return code = 03. The TC54s updates include software and repository file updates and they were successfully processed. PCDLLOUT.exe is also created under base directory. 5. EP Table Update: Return code = 04. The TC54 updates include a message or instructions from Visa. The message will be written to the EP-299 report. For example: The message may instruct the client to check the Visa Online (VOL) EP Release 4 for Upgrade instructions for a given effective date. Refer to Appendix C for an example. 6. EP Table Update: Step04: EPTBLUPD: Return code = 06. The TC54s update process failed. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 10.3.Using Change Management Utility (EPCHGMGT) on PC The Incoming Process includes the EPCHGMGT utility that will: 1. Create EP environmental TC50s that will include the names of the load modules in the current DLLOAD table in the repository.value.txt and information indicating whether the load modules exist in the current EP production environment. 2. Report on exception conditions and assign appropriate return codes. Log the load module versions that are defined in the DLLLOAD table but which are not found in the client’s production environment. Issue a return of 6 to alert the clients that there are pending “M-Mandatory” updates that must be installed in their production environment. Issue a return of 4 to alert the clients that there are pending “E-Evaluate” updates that have not been installed in their production environment. Issue a return of 0 when there are no pending updates that have not been installed in their production environment Refer to Appendix B for example of the EPCHGMGT log messages. 10.4.Creating individual repository files from master repository (EPTBLSPT) The master repository files is file contains all the individual repository files. ETBLSPT will split the new master repository into individual repository files and create a backup master repository file. repository.ARDEF.txt repository.BIN.txt repos.def.txt Sequential Sequential Sequential Repository Account Range Table Repository BIN table Repository definition table Repository profile table Repository value table file Repository codebase table file profile.rco.txt repository.VALUE.txt Sequential Sequential repository.codebase.txt Sequential Value and Definition Repository tables The master repository file is a file updated by the DUF processing during incoming processing of TC54s. The individual repository files are files being used by the outgoing and incoming processing of ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 37 __________________________________________________________________________________________ transactions. For the PC implementation, certain value and definition table entries in the master repository table may or may not be written to the individual repository value and definition tables. All value and definition table entries in the master repository file with effective dates equal to that of the release with implementation type of ‘M’ (mandatory) will be written to the individual repository value and definitions table. Note that if there are missing ‘M’ (mandatory) load modules from production environment during outgoing and incoming run, the processing will end with return code of 16. All value and definition table entries in the master repository file with effective dates equal to that of the release with implementation type of ‘E’ (evaluate) will be written to the individual repository value and definitions table, if all load modules for the release are present in the production load libraries. Note if there are missing ‘E’ modules for the effective date, the corresponding value and definitions table entries from the master repository are excluded from the individual value and definition tables. This will keep the individual repository tables used for the run in sync with the load modules in the current production environment as well as prevent an abnormal termination of the run because the there are missing ‘E’ modules in the production. For example, the DLLOAD table in the individual repository value table will not include ‘E’ modules missing in the production environment. Return codes EPTBLSPT will issue a return code of ‘0’ if all the load modules defined in the DLLOAD table are present in the production environment. EPTBLSPT will issue a return code of ‘2’ if one or more load modules for a release with implementation type of ‘E’ – Evaluate are missing from the production environment. EPTBLSPT will issue a return code of ‘4’ if one or more load modules for a release with implementation type of ‘M’ – Mandatory are missing from the production environment. For EPTBLSPT sample log messages, refer to Appendix D. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 11.Classifying Updates – Mandatory or Optional on PC Visa will issue periodic software updates to Release 4.0 for the following reasons: 1. Business Release enhancements that must be implemented worldwide. Examples of this type of change are the April and October 2011 Business Release. 2. Various Off-Release Business Enhancements that may apply to certain jurisdictions. An example of this would be changes to Cashback rules for the Canada region. For this example, the change may be mandatory for Canada clients but not for other clients. 3. Enhancements to comply with certain regulatory changes. Examples of these are currency code changes for certain countries and related processing rules for originals and chargebacks, government mandates, etc. These changes may be mandatory for certain clients, but not for others. 4. Fixes to address client reported problems. These changes would be required for clients experiencing the problem and possibly optional for clients that would not be impacted. 5. Enhancements to EP Functions. For example, changes or enhancements to a PC EP function would not require a change for mainframe users. These types of changes will be mandatory for certain clients, but not for others. 11.1.Release Timeline The Technical Letter for the semi-annual Business Release includes a Release Timeline table. The table is a high-level calendar of events for the implementation of changes to the BASE I, V.I.P., and BASE II Systems. EP software availability dates are included in this table. Acquirers and issuers should include these dates in project planning for the release and schedule implementation activities accordingly. 11.2.Release Table The Release table in the repository.value.txt contains the information about each software release such as the release description and effective date, CPD distribution date and implementation type. The implementation type determines if a release must be implemented before the release effective date (Mandatory) or evaluated to determine if implementation can be done after the effective date (Evaluate). For example a release table may contain the following information: Release Effective Date VLrelease VLrelease VLrelease VLrelease 20100101 20101105 20110228 20110415 CPD Distribution Date 20100101 20101031 20110131 20110225 Implementation Type M-Mandatory M-Mandatory M-Mandatory M-Mandatory Description Release 4.0 initial distribution November 2010 Maintenance Release February 2011 Maintenance Release April 2011 Business Release ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 39 __________________________________________________________________________________________ VLrelease VLrelease VLrelease 20110520 20110615 20111015 20110507 20110531 20110827 E-Evaluate E-Evaluate M-Mandatory OCT Pilot Message Set Business Requirements June 2011 Maintenance Install October 2011 Business Release 11.3.PC Mandatory Updates When a change is mandatory and must be implemented worldwide, such as the April and October 2011 Business Release enhancements, Visa will: 1. Distribute the changes via TC54s whenever possible or make the updates available through VOL downloads or optionally via CD-ROMs. 2. Update the Release table to include an entry with the release effective date and implementation type of ‘M’ – Mandatory. In addition, updated load modules will also be added to the DLLOAD table in the master repository with the same release effective date. For example April 2011 Business Release has effective date of 20110415 and an implementation type of “M” – Mandatory. Release Effective Date VLrelease VLrelease 20110228 20110415 CPD Distribution Date 20110131 20110225 Implementation Type M-Mandatory M-Mandatory Description February 2011 Maintenance Release April 2011 Business Release In addition, if the April 2011 Business release required changes to rules, the DLLOAD table will be updated to add EPRUL003 with an effective date of the release. Since the April 2011 Business Release is mandatory, EPRUL003 must be present in the production environment for the required effective date. Imp Eff Date VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Repbuildtc Repbuildtc Repbuildtc Reprule Reprule Reprule 20100101 20110615 20111015 20101105 20110228 20110415 Load epctfb01 epctfb02 epctfb02 eprul001 eprul002 eprul003 Type CTF CTF CTF PC Load Parm dd:EPOUT dd:EPOUT dd:EPOUT TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) Type M E M M M M In this example, the EPRUL003 load module must be present in the production library when the run date equals 2011/04/15, otherwise the EP run will fail with a return code of 16. 11.4.When updates can either be mandatory or optional on PC When a change is mandatory for some clients, but not for others, such as the case for the types of updates for groups 2, 3, 4 and 5 Visa will: 1. Distribute the changes via TC54s whenever possible or make the updates available through VOL downloads or optionally via CD-ROMs. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2. Issue a return code of 3 for EPTBLUPD (STEP04 in the EP4IN proc) and display a text message on the EP-299 report with a brief description of the change and its effective date. Depending on the type of change, an upgrade document may also be made available on VOL. 3. Visa will include a new entry in the release table with an implementation type of ‘E’ – Evaluate. Release Effective Date VLrelease VLrelease VLrelease 20110228 20110415 20110520 CPD Distribution Date 20110131 20110225 20110507 Implementation Type M-Mandatory M-Mandatory E-Evaluate Description February 2011 Maintenance Release April 2011 Business Release OCT Pilot Message Set Business Requirements In addition, if the May 2011 Business Release required changes to rules, the DLLOAD table in the master repository will be updated to add EPRUL004 with an effective date of 05/15/2011. Since May 2011 Business Release must be evaluated by the clients, EPRUL004 will have an effective implementation type of ‘E’ – Evaluate. Imp Eff Date Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Reprule Reprule Reprule 20110228 20110415 20110520 Load eprul002 eprul003 eprul004 Type PC Load Parm TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) Type M M E The client should EVALUATE the upgrade document and determine if the update must be implemented in their production environment before the effective date of the change. Mandatory change for the client for the given effective date While the incoming processing of TC54s created all necessary files for installing the upgrade, it is the client’s responsibility to insure that software upgrade is installed in their production environment. Optional change for the client for the given effective date The clients may opt not to implement the change for the given effective date, but they should implement the software upgrade as soon as time permits. Visa recommends that clients should implement the upgrades within the 45-day window or sooner since EP release levels will be synchronized for the April and October Business Release. Exception Processing and use Fallback Load Modules Imp Eff Date Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Reprule Reprule Reprule 20110228 20110415 20110520 Load eprul002 eprul003 eprul004 Type PC Load Parm TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) Type M M E ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 41 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Using the example of EPRUL004 with an effective date of 05/20/2011, if a client runs an outgoing with a system date of 05/20/2011 and their production environment does not contain EPRUL004; the system will load and execute EPRUL003 since it is the load module with an effective date equal to that of the Mandatory release. If for some reason EPRUL003 is not found in the client’s production environment, the system will issue a return code of 16. In the next scenario, Visa issued EPRUL005 effective 06/15/2011 for June 15, 2011 release. The DLLOAD table in the master repository contains the following entries. Imp Eff Date Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Reprule Reprule Reprule Reprule 20110228 20110415 20110520 20110615 Load eprul002 eprul003 eprul004 eprul005 Type PC Load Parm TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) Type M M E E Client A implemented May 20, 2011 release with EPRUL004 effective 05/20/2011 but did not implement June 15, 2001 release. When Client A runs outgoing on 06/15/2011, EP will not find EPRUL005 in the production environment and it will load and execute the module EPRUL004. Client B did not implement May 20, 2011 and June 15, 2011 releases. When Client B runs outgoing on 06/15/2011, EP will not find EPRUL005 and EPRUL004. EP will load and execute the mandatory module EPRUL003 Client C did not install the upgrade for EPRUL004 (May 20, 2011 release), but installed the upgrade that contained EPRUL005 on 2011/05/21 (June 15, 2011 release). When the outgoing runs on 2011/05/21, system will find EPRUL004 and will execute this module since it is effective 2011/05/20. When Client C runs outgoing on 06/15/2011, EP will load and execute EPRUL005. In this example note, that PC EP upgrade for June 15, 2011 release is a cumulative upgrade from the last mandatory release, hence, it also contained EPRUL004. 11.5.Synchronizing EP4.0 Software Release Levels on PC The changes to support the bi-annual Business Release enhancements are mandatory for all clients worldwide. The modules that will be effective for these dates will include all the release enhancements plus the various interim changes appended to the previous business release version. Using the previous examples (EPRUL004 and EPRUL005) and assuming that the rules are updated for the October 2011 Business Release with EPRUL006, the DLLOAD table in the master repository will be populated for the October 2011 Business Release as follows: Imp Eff Date Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Vldlload Reprule Reprule Reprule Reprule Reprule 20110228 20110415 20110520 20110615 20111015 Load eprul002 eprul003 eprul004 eprul005 eprul006 Type PC Load Parm TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) Type M M E E M Visa has issued EPCTFB02 with an effective of June 15, 2011 to fix the Japan TCR2 ASCII/EBCDIC conversion. Since June 15, 2011 release has an implementation type of ‘E’ – Evaluate, the installation ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* and execution of EPCTFB02 is mandatory for some clients and optional for others before June 15, 2011. Imp Eff Date VLdlload VLdlloa d Repbuildtc Repbuildtc 20100101 20110615 Load epctfb01 epctfb02 Type CTF CTF PC Load Parm dd:EPOUT dd:EPOUT Type M E If there are no updates required to EPCTFB02 for the October 2011, Visa will update the DLLOAD table in the master repository to add EPCTFB02 (same version as that of the June 15, 2011 release) with an effective 10/15/2011. Since October 2011 is a mandatory release, EPCTFB02 becomes mandatory for the October 2011 release. When the October 2011 Business Release Enhancements are distributed sometime in the last 2 weeks of August 2011, the PC upgrade for October 2011 will include EPCTFB02. When the client installs the October 2011 release, their environment will have all the required modules for the release. Imp Eff Date VLdlload VLdlload VLdlloa d Repbuildtc Repbuildtc Repbuildtc 20100101 20110615 20111015 Load epctfb01 epctfb02 epctfb02 Type CTF CTF CTF PC Load Parm dd:EPOUT dd:EPOUT dd:EPOUT Type M E M ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 43 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 12.Verifying PC installs As noted previously the PC upgrade installation package may consist of updates to the following components: • • • Repository Tables Core components Workstation components The client must verify successful installation of these components. 12.1.Repository tables The upgrade package will include instructions on how to verify that the client’s production environment contains the required repository table versions. For example, the client can verify successful installation of the upgrades by using the test files provided and running an Outgoing run. The Processing Log report (EP-199) includes information about the various repository versions and effective dates. This can be compared with the expected repository table versions as noted in the upgrade document. 12.2.Core components The upgrade package will include instructions on how to verify that the client’s production environment contains the necessary core components. For example, the client can verify successful installation of the upgrades by using the test files provided and running an Incoming run. The Processing Log report (EP-299) will include log messages from the Change Management Utility (Appendix B: Examples of EPCHGMGT log messages – PC) regarding the status of the core modules. 12.3.Workstation components The upgrade package will include instructions on how to verify that the client’s production environment contains the necessary workstation components. The PC EP About.log contains information about the installed core and workstation components. The client must compare the About.log-Current Edit Package Information from their installed version with the expected core and workstation component versions upon successful upgrade installation. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* For example: Current Edit Package Information EPWIN400 Version - 4.00.0004 - Date - 2/25/2011 11:38:50 AM EPMF Version - 4.00.0003.02 - Date - 2/9/2011 3:22:08 PM BPBatch Version - 4.00.0004 - Date - 2/25/2011 11:38:54 AM ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 45 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Appendix A: Examples of EPCHGMGT log messages - Mainframe DLLOAD table: VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload C****00000010 C****00000020 C****00000030 C****00000040 C****00000050 C****00000060 C****00000070 Reparsetc 20100101 Reparsevml 20100101 Reparsewtf 20100101 Repbuildtc 20100101 Repbuildvml 20100101 Repbuildwtf 20100101 Repfilemgr 20100101 Repnetwork 20100101 Reposixmsg 20100101 Repreport 20100101 Reprulcob 20101105 Reprulcob 20110228 Reprulcob 20110415 Reprule 20101105 Reprule 20110228 Reprule 20110415 Reprule 20110520 Reprule 20110615 Reprule 20111015 ** dlload table ** Key pointed to from threads table (load column) Table identifies DLL's to be loaded Table is searched serially load | epctfp01 epvmlp01 epwtfp01 epctfb01 epvmlb01 epwtfb01 epfm001 epnet001 eposixmsg eprpt001 epcob001 epcob002 epcob003 eprul001 eprul002 eprul003 eprul004 eprul005 eprul006 type | CTF VTF WTF CTF VTF WTF load-parm | dd:EPIN dd:VML dd:WTF dd:EPOUT dd:EPOUT 3 MODULE(EPCOB001) MODULE(EPCOB002) MODULE(EPCOB003) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) System date 03/25/2011; All modules required modules were found in the production load library – return code = 0. DLLOAD table includes an entry for EPRUL003. Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Input Repository sorted in 0 passes. 10 = 'dlload R' MVS records found in Value Table. BLDL RC(0) Reason(0) Module -------EPCTFP01 EPVMLP01 EPCTFB01 Effective Date -------20100101 20100101 20100101 Status ------FOUND FOUND FOUND -------Required Required Required ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I EPVMLB01 EPFM001 EPRPT001 EPRUL001 EPRUL002 EPRUL003 20100101 20100101 20100101 20101105 20110228 20110415 FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND Required Required Required Required Required Required System date 04/16/2011; Visa has issued an updated DLLOAD table with EPRUL004 which was not found in the production load library – return code =2 Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Input Repository sorted in 0 passes. 12 = 'dlload R' MVS records found in Value Table. BLDL RC(2) Reason(0) Module -------EPCTFP01 EPVMLP01 EPCTFB01 EPVMLB01 EPFM001 EPRPT001 EPRUL001 EPRUL002 EPRUL003 EPRUL004 Effective Date -------20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20101105 20110228 20110415 20110520 Status ------FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND MISSING -------Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required EVALUATE System date 05/16/2011; Visa has issued an updated DLLOAD table with EPRUL005 which was not found in the production load library – return code = 2 Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Input Repository sorted in 0 passes. 12 = 'dlload R' MVS records found in Value Table. BLDL RC(2) Reason(0) Module -------EPCTFP01 EPVMLP01 EPCTFB01 EPVMLB01 EPFM001 EPRPT001 EPRUL001 Effective Date -------20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20101105 Status ------FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND -------Required Required Required Required Required Required Required ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 47 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I EPRUL002 EPRUL003 EPRUL004 EPRUL005 20110228 20110415 20110520 20110615 FOUND FOUND MISSING MISSING Required Required EVALUATE EVALUATE System date 08/28/2011; Visa has issued an updated DLLOAD table with EPRUL006 which was not found in the production load library – return code = 4 Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Input Repository sorted in 0 passes. 13 = 'dlload R' MVS records found in Value Table. BLDL RC(4) Reason(0) Module -------EPCTFP01 EPVMLP01 EPCTFB01 EPVMLB01 EPFM001 EPRPT001 EPRUL001 EPRUL002 EPRUL003 EPRUL004 EPRUL005 EPRUL006 Effective Date -------20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20101105 20110228 20110415 20110520 20110615 20111015 Status ------FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND MISSING MISSING MISSING -------Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required EVALUATE EVALUATE Required ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* An example of EPCHGMGT output with return code=04, showing the release tables: 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 Epchgmgt-0135I Running As Job......... Starting on............ Program Compiled....... Platform Version.Build. Operating System....... Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I EPCHGMGT (Job ID: JOB09029) 2011/05/12 at 16:20 May 12 2011 at 16:18:48 Version 4.0 Program CEpchgmg V4.00.B0015 IBM z/OS 01.11.00 Input Repository table records loaded = 31 Input Repository table sorted in 0 passes. Input Dlload table sorted in 0 passes. 8 = 'RELEASE R' records found in Value Table. The following RELEASE VLRELEASE VLRELEASE VLRELEASE VLRELEASE VLRELEASE VLRELEASE VLRELEASE VLRELEASE R20100101 R20101105 R20110228 R20110415 R20110429 R20110515 R20110527 R20110615 records will be processed: 20091201 20101005 20110201 20110315 20110401 20110501 20110516 20110601 M M M M E E E E Base Release Another 2010 Release First 2011 Release April 2011 BE Another April 2011 Release RNT XXXX- OCT Pilot May Maintenance Durbin 23 = 'dlload R' records found in Value Table. BLDL RC(4) Reason(0) Module -------EPCTFP01 EPVMLP01 EPWTFP01 EPCTFB01 EPVMLB01 EPWTFB01 EPFM001 EPNET001 EPOSIXMS EPRPT001 EPCOB001 EPCOB002 EPCOB003 EPCOB004 EPCOB005 EPCOB005 EPCOB006 EPRUL001 Effective Date -------20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20101105 20110228 20110415 20110429 20110527 20110527 20110615 20101105 Status ------FOUND FOUND MISSING FOUND FOUND MISSING FOUND MISSING MISSING FOUND MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING -------REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED EVALUATE EVALUATE EVALUATE EVALUATE REQUIRED ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 49 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 2011-05-12 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 16:20:42 Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I EPRUL002 EPRUL003 EPRUL004 EPRUL005 EPRUL006 EP4UT001 20110228 20110415 20110429 20110527 20110615 20100101 MISSING FOUND FOUND MISSING MISSING MISSING REQUIRED REQUIRED EVALUATE EVALUATE EVALUATE REQUIRED The following Releases were processed: NumberOfModules Effective DateDist- E Found Missing Date -ributed M ------ ------- -------- -------- 6 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 5 2 2 1 1 0 2 2 2 20100101 20101105 20110228 20110415 20110429 20110515 20110527 20110527 20110615 20091201 20101005 20110201 20110315 20110401 20110501 20110516 20110516 20110601 M M M M E E E E E Description ---------------------------------------Base Release Another 2010 Release First 2011 Release April 2011 BE Another April 2011 Release RNT XXXX- OCT Pilot May Maintenance May Maintenance Durbin Records with any of the following Effective Dates will be excluded from the Value and Definition Tables. Effective --Date--------20110429 20110527 20110615 Epchgmgt-0820I Edit Package 4.0 Compress / Table Update Category Count --------------------------------------Execution Resources Elapsed time.............. 0 Program CPU Seconds....... 0.02 System CPU Seconds........ 0.00 Memory in use............. 2,183,168 Return Code............... 6 File Usage Repository Input File..... 0 Epchgmgt-0820I ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 51 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Appendix B: Examples of EPCHGMGT log messages - PC DLLOAD table: VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload VLdlload C****00000010 C****00000020 C****00000030 C****00000040 C****00000050 C****00000060 C****00000070 Reparsetc 20100101 Reparsevml 20100101 Reparsewtf 20100101 Repbuildtc 20100101 Repbuildvml 20100101 Repbuildwtf 20100101 Repfilemgr 20100101 Repnetwork 20100101 Reposixmsg 20100101 Repreport 20100101 Reprulcob 20101105 Reprulcob 20110228 Reprulcob 20110415 Reprule 20101105 Reprule 20110228 Reprule 20110415 Reprule 20110520 Reprule 20110615 Reprule 20111015 ** dlload table ** Key pointed to from threads table (load column) Table identifies DLL's to be loaded Table is searched serially load | epctfp01 epvmlp01 epwtfp01 epctfb01 epvmlb01 epwtfb01 epfm001 epnet001 eposixmsg eprpt001 epcob001 epcob002 epcob003 eprul001 eprul002 eprul003 eprul004 eprul005 eprul006 type | CTF VTF WTF CTF VTF WTF load-parm | dd:EPIN dd:VML dd:WTF dd:EPOUT dd:EPOUT 3 MODULE(EPCOB001) MODULE(EPCOB002) MODULE(EPCOB003) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) System date 2011/04/07; Return code =2. Example DLLOAD table includes an entries for modules that have not been distributed. The following sample log messages were generated 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 19:59:04 19:59:04 20:08:27 20:08:27 20:08:27 20:08:27 20:08:27 20:08:27 20:08:27 20:08:27 20:08:27 Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I BLDL RC(2) Reason(0) Module -------EPCTFP01 EPVMLP01 EPWTFP01 EPCTFB01 EPVMLB01 EPWTFB01 Effective Date -------20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 Status ------FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND -------REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 2011-04-07 20:08:27 20:08:27 20:08:27 20:08:27 20:08:27 20:08:27 20:08:27 20:08:27 20:08:27 20:08:27 20:08:27 20:08:27 20:08:27 20:08:27 Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I Epchgmgt-0135I EPFM001 EPNET001 EPOSIXMS EPRPT001 EPCOB001 EPCOB002 EPCOB003 EPRUL001 EPRUL002 EPRUL003 EPRUL004 EPRUL005 EPRUL006 EP4UT001 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20101105 20110228 20110415 20101105 20110228 20110415 20110520 20110615 20111015 20100101 FOUND FOUND MISSING FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND FOUND MISSING MISSING MISSING FOUND REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED EVALUATE EVALUATE REQUIRED ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 53 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Appendix C: Examples of Visa Broadcast message – EPTBLUPD return code =04 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 2010-06-02 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 22:43:20 EPTBLUPD-0135I EPTBLUPD-0135I EPTBLUPD-0217I EPTBLUPD-0217I EPTBLUPD-0217I EPTBLUPD-0217I EPTBLUPD-0217I EPTBLUPD-0217I EPTBLUPD-0217I EPTBLUPD-0217I EPTBLUPD-0217I EPTBLUPD-0217I EPTBLUPD-0217I EPTBLUPD-0217I EPTBLUPD-0217I EPTBLUPD-0217I EPTBLUPD-0217I EPTBLUPD-0217I EPTBLUPD-0217I EPTBLUPD-0217I EPTBLUPD-0217I EPTBLUPD-0217I EPTBLUPD-0217I Input Repository sorted in 0 passes. Transactions sorted in 0 passes. *********************************************************************** *** ******************************************************************* *** test message 01 for PC *** test message 02 for PC *** test message 03 for PC *** test message 04 for PC *** test message 05 for PC *** test message 06 for PC *** *** ******************************************************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ *** ******************************************************************** *** test message 01 for PC and MVS *** test message 02 for PC and MVS *** test message 03 for PC and MVS *** test message 04 for PC and MVS *** test message 05 for PC and MVS *** test message 06 for PC and MVS *** *** ******************************************************************** ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* Appendix D: EPTBLSPT sample log messages 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 00:33:56 00:33:56 00:33:56 00:33:56 00:33:56 00:33:56 00:33:58 00:33:58 00:33:58 00:33:58 00:33:59 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 EPTBLSPT-0135I Running As Job......... Starting on............ Program Compiled....... Platform Version.Build. Operating System....... EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I TESTJOB (Job ID: JOB0000) 2011/05/13 at 00:33 May 12 2011 at 17:33:35 Version 4.0 Program CEptblsp V4.00.B0015 Microsoft WIN32 5.1.2600 (Service Pack 3) Default allocation for memory table was not large enough to hold contents of DD(REPOSIT) DSN(C:\EPNGTESTFILES\TEN.PROD.EPNG.REPOSIT.TABLE.G0022V00.@WOVE) Initial estimate of 100 records and 6,400 bytes automatically replaced by actual of 737,279 records and 88,952,495 bytes. Input Repository table records loaded = 737,279 Input Repository table sorted in 4 passes. Input Dlload table sorted in 0 passes. 8 = 'RELEASE R' records found in Value Table. The following RELEASE 25RELEASE 25RELEASE 25RELEASE 25RELEASE 25RELEASE 25RELEASE 25RELEASE 25RELEASE R20100101 R20101105 R20110228 R20110415 R20110429 R20110515 R20110527 R20110615 records will be processed: 20091201 20101005 20110201 20110315 20110401 20110501 20110516 20110601 M M M M E E E E Base Release Another 2010 Release First 2011 Release April 2011 BE Another April 2011 Release RNT XXXX- OCT Pilot May Maintenance Durbin 23 = 'dlload R' records found in Value Table. records will be processed: 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20101105 20110228 20110415 20110515 epctfp01 epvmlp01 epwtfp01 epctfb01 epvmlb01 epwtfb01 epfm001 epnet001 eposixmsg eprpt001 epcob001 epcob002 epcob003 epcob004 CTF VTF WTF CTF VTF WTF dd:EPIN dd:VML dd:WTF dd:EPOUT dd:EPOUT 3 MODULE(EPCOB001) MODULE(EPCOB002) MODULE(EPCOB003) MODULE(EPCOB004) The following dlload 25dlload 25dlload 25dlload 25dlload 25dlload 25dlload 25dlload 25dlload 25dlload 25dlload 25dlload 25dlload 25dlload 25dlload Reparsetc Reparsevml Reparsewtf Repbuildtc Repbuildvml Repbuildwtf Repfilemgr Repnetwork Reposixmsg Repreport Reprulcob Reprulcob Reprulcob Reprulcob ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2/2/2012 Edit Package Release 4.0 Software Distribution and Updates 55 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I 25dlload Reprulcob 25dlload Reprulcob 25dlload Reprule 25dlload Reprule 25dlload Reprule 25dlload Reprule 25dlload Reprule 25dlload Reprule 25dlload Reputil BLDL RC(4) Reason(0) Module -------EPCTFP01 EPVMLP01 EPWTFP01 EPCTFB01 EPVMLB01 EPWTFB01 EPFM001 EPNET001 EPOSIXMS EPRPT001 EPCOB001 EPCOB002 EPCOB003 EPCOB004 EPCOB005 EPCOB006 EPRUL001 EPRUL002 EPRUL003 EPRUL004 EPRUL005 EPRUL006 EP4UT001 Effective Date -------20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20100101 20101105 20110228 20110415 20110515 20110527 20110615 20101105 20110228 20110415 20110515 20110527 20110615 20100101 20110527 20110615 20101105 20110228 20110415 20110515 20110527 20110615 20100101 epcob005 epcob006 eprul001 eprul002 eprul003 eprul004 eprul005 eprul006 ep4ut001 MODULE(EPCOB005) MODULE(EPCOB006) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) FIELDS(0) TRACE(DUMP) Status ------MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING -------REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED EVALUATE EVALUATE EVALUATE REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED EVALUATE EVALUATE EVALUATE REQUIRED The following Releases were processed: NumberOfModules Effective DateDist- E Found Missing Date -ributed M ------ ------- -------- -------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 2 2 2 0 2 20100101 20101105 20110228 20110415 20110429 20110515 20091201 20101005 20110201 20110315 20110401 20110501 M M M M E E Description ---------------------------------------Base Release Another 2010 Release First 2011 Release April 2011 BE Another April 2011 Release RNT XXXX- OCT Pilot ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential* 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 2011-05-13 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:00 00:34:01 00:34:01 00:34:01 00:34:01 00:34:01 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 00:34:22 EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I EPTBLSPT-0135I 0 0 2 2 20110527 20110615 20110516 20110601 E E May Maintenance Durbin Records with any of the following Effective Dates will be excluded from the Value and Definition Tables. Effective --Date--------20110515 20110527 20110615 DD: REPOSIT , DSN: C:\EPNGTESTFILES\TEN.PROD.EPNG.REPOSIT.TABLE.G0022V00.@WOVE, Sorted in 0 passes. 0 Override records read. 0 Records deleted by Override. 0 Records modified by Override. 0 Records inserted by Override. Count --------26 5.75 2.34 111,136,768 EPTBLSPT-0820I Edit Package 4.0 Table Split Utility Category ------------------------------------Execution Resources Elapsed time..................... Program CPU Seconds.............. System CPU Seconds............... Memory in use.................... Rec Count *Byte Count Files ------------ -----------Repository....(in).. 737,279 88,952,495 ARDEF Table...(out). 79,261 7,926,100 BIN Table.....(out). 71,440 7,144,000 CODEBASE Table(out). 16 1,002 CODEOBJ.......(out). 547,874 76,511,102 DEF Table.....(out). 477 28,944 PROFILE Table.(out). 122 7,104 VAULE Table...(out). 36,859 2,438,052 'Evaluate' Releases with DEF Table VALUE Table uninstalled modules Recs Deleted Recs Deleted ------------------------ ------------ -----------20110515 0 50 20110527 0 66 20110615 4 123 * Byte Count: note that this excludes any record overhead bytes: such as CR/LF in Windows, Record/Block descriptor words in z/OS. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Visa *Confidential*


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