Directory of-infosec-assured-products

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1. DIRECTORY OF INFOSEC ASSUREDPRODUCTS 2001 2. CONTENTSINTRODUCTIONPage 3-4IACSIntroduction to CESG Infosec Assurance and Certification Services Page 5-8CLEF Contact DetailsPage 9International Certification Body Contact DetailsPage 9CC and ITSEC Certified Products • Smart CardsPage 10 • PC Access ControlPage 11-13 • Operating SystemsPage 14-18 • Networking Page 19-24 • FirewallsPage 24-31 • Communications Page 32-37 • DatabasesPage 38-43 • MiscellaneousPage 43-44PROTECTION PROFILESIntroduction to Protection Profiles Page 45List of Protection Profiles productsPage 46-49CAPSIntroduction to CESG Approved Products Scheme Page 51-52CAPS products • Data EncryptionPage 53-55 • Communications SecurityPage 55-57 • Access Control Page 58-61 • MiscellaneousPage 62TEMPESTIntroduction to Tempest Page 63List of Tempest approved products Page 64-66Company names and addresses Page 67-68INDEX Page 69-702 3. INTRODUCTIONThis ‘Directory of Infosec AssuredProducts’ is a new publication thatreplaces the former UKSP-06. It hasbeen produced as a top-level guide forboth product developers, vendors andend-users, and gives details of themeans by which security products areapproved or certified, an overviewof the products’ features, and thecontext in which they should be used.The Directory will be updated on anannual basis. However, as new productsare regularly being approved andcertified, these will be reflected onCESG’s websites, accessible, as and when theybecome available.The first part of the Directory containsan introduction to CESG’s InfosecAssurance and Certification Services[IACS]. IACS has been created to provideThe Communications-Electronicsa seamless service to customers, andSecurity Group [CESG] is the UK’s products listed in the sections whichNational Technical Authority forfollow cover the various aspects of IACS.Information Security. As part of this It is recognised that, in practice,remit, CESG works closely with IT customers will require more specificdevelopers and vendors to provide guidance. The IACS management officeend users with a choice of products has therefore been created to providewhose security features have been advice and guidance to developers,objectively assessed and whichvendors and end-users on the mostmeet clear standards of securityappropriate solution to their specificassurance.assurance requirements.This is followed by a description of themechanisms by which products arecertified under ITSEC or CommonCriteria, a list of certified products, andan explanation of ‘protection profiles’.Also contained in the Directory is a briefdescription of the new ‘Fast TrackAssessment’ (FTA) service which hasbeen designed to assess IT securityproducts at the specific behest ofcustomers in government.3 4. The Directory next has a section coveringthe CESG Assisted Products Scheme[CAPS].This scheme ensures that governmentand public sector users have access to awide range of approved products thatemploy cryptographic security measures.These products have undergone athorough investigation of the securityoffered by the cryptography employed,whether this is through implementationof a CESG algorithm or a public domainalgorithm.Finally, there is a section containing anintroduction to TEMPEST services and alist of TEMPEST certified products.Inevitably, a directory such as this cannotcover all aspects of approved or certifiedInfosec products and related services.Customers may need more in-depthguidance and advice, and contact detailsare therefore provided in each of therelevant sections.For any general queries regarding CESG’swider range of Infosec services, pleasecontact the marketing office, details forwhich are given on the back page of thisdirectory.4 5. IACS(IACS)Infosec Assurance and Certification Services The IACS approach For Developers… Technical assessors from IACS will work with developers or end users to define the best solution to their assurance requirements. By understanding the developer’s goals, IACS can define the most effective assessment package to achieve them. An assessment package could include: s Internationally recognised CC or ITSEC Certification s Cryptographic approval for HMG and the CNI (usually carried out under CAPS) s Fast Track assessment of products for HMG and the CNI s Systems assessments at all levels forIT products and systems evolve HMG and commercerapidly and are increasingly diverseand complicated. Similarly, customer For End Users…requirements change and expand to Products which have been certified bycounter new threats and to adapt us, or by our partners around the world,to new ways of working. CESG has offer end users ready-made assurance.brought together its assurance Where a Government or CNI customerservices under IACS to offer has a requirement for assurance in anbespoke solutions to these uncertified product, we can perform anew security challenges. Fast Track Assessment. This allows the customer to determine whether the product is appropriate for his needs. If assurance is required in a system, then a range of packages, including IT Health Check, is available. e-mail: [email protected] IACS Management Office PO Box 152 Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL52 5UF Tel. +44 (0)1242 238739 Fax: +44 (0)1242 235233 5 6. Formal Evaluation and Certificate Maintenance SchemeCertification Evaluation results only apply to aThe products within this section have specific version of a product, and anybeen certified against either Commonsubsequent changes (including patches,Criteria or IT Security Evaluation Criteria hot fixes and service packs) to that(ITSEC). Certificates are awarded product may invalidate those resultsfollowing extensive testing of theand, therefore, the Certificate. Becauseproduct’s IT security features to ensurethe evolution of products is so rapid,that those features meet an agreedthe Certificate Maintenance SchemeSecurity Target. Results of a successful(CMS) has been devised in response.evaluation are published in a CMS provides a means of maintainingCertification Report. This contains the same level of assurance in a productadditional information and advice onafter certification without the need forhow the certified product should be re-evaluation.used and any restrictions that may applyin its configuration or use on specific ITSECplatforms. Prospective purchasers ofITSEC is the set of criteria used for thecertified products should read both the past decade by Europe and AustralasiaST and the CR to ensure that thefor the evaluation of products andproduct is suitable. STs and CRs aresystems. ITSEC was a major buildingavailable from the developers and, in block in the formulation of theaddition, can usually be downloaded Common Criteria.from the CESG web site.Common CriteriaWhat is a Security Target?CC represents the outcome ofinternational efforts to align andThis is a document specifying thedevelop the existing European andsecurity functionality of a product andNorth American criteria and has beenthe assurance level against which it isratified as ISO standard 15408. Theevaluated as well as a descriptionapproximate assurance correspondencerelating the product to the environmentbetween ITSEC and CC is shown which it will operate.A fuller description of the testing carriedout at each assurance level is containedVulnerabilities on the web site.Certification is not a guarantee offreedom from security vulnerabilities;Common CriteriaITSECthere remains a possibility thatexploitable vulnerabilities may beEAL1 –discovered after a Certificate has been EAL2 E1awarded. Users and prospectiveEAL3 E2purchasers should check regularlywhether any security vulnerabilities have EAL4 E3been discovered since certification and,EAL5 E4if appropriate, should check with theEAL6 E5vendor to see if any patches exist forthe product.EAL7 E66 7. International Mutual Recognitionon products which have been assessedDevelopers whose products are certified elsewhere. Links are available from theagainst ITSEC or CC enjoy the benefits of CESG web site and contact details foran internationally recognised Certificate.the other recognised Certification BodiesIn this brochure we detail only those appear on page 9.products which have been evaluated in HMG Departments wishing to usethe UK, but end users should access the foreign certified products inother relevant national web sites toenvironments where national security isobtain the most up to date informationan issue are advised to consult CESG.Our Certificates are currently recognised as follows: Assurance Levels RecognisedEvaluation – CESG working Australia & ITSEC E1-E6with industry New ZealandCC EAL1-4Formal evaluation in the UK is carried Canada out by independent testing laboratories IsraelCC EAL1-4known as CLEFs which are appointed by USAthe Certification Body in CESG. CLEFsmeet rigorous security and ISO/IEC France 17025 quality standards. The UK has 5 FinlandCLEFs, which can be contracted to carryout both evaluation and preparatory Germanyconsultancy work. CLEF contact details Greece are on page 9. Italy ITSEC E1-E6CC EAL 1-7The results of the testing of the product Netherlandsare provided to the Certification Body in Norway an evaluation technical report which Spainforms the basis of the Certification Sweden Report. The CB is part of CESG and is Switzerlanditself accredited by UKAS to EN45011for its ITSEC and CC certifications.CESG recognises Certificates from other international bodies as follows: Certification/Validation Recognised Assurance LevelsAISEP, AustraliaCommon Criteria EAL1 to EAL4, ITSEC E1 to E6BSI, GermanyCommon Criteria EAL1 to EAL7, ITSEC E1 to E6CSE, Canada Common Criteria EAL1 to EAL4DCSSI, France Common Criteria EAL1 to EAL7, ITSEC E1 to E6NIAP, USA Common Criteria EAL1 to EAL47 8. Fast TrackEntering into evaluationFast Track Assessment (FTA) provides awithin IACSfast, flexible, cost-effective process forDevelopers need to contact both a CLEFthe generation of a CESG endorsed and the IACS Management Office in orderassessment of the extent to which to determine what sort of evaluation issecurity-enabled products meet theto be carried out and how much theInfosec requirements of Sponsors, inservice will cost. It may be advisable toaccordance with national Infosec policy.obtain some technical consultancySponsors would be central and local services prior to the commitment togovernment, and Critical National evaluation, and guidance and advice isInfrastructure (CNI) services, where it isavailable from the CLEFs, the IACS MOin the national interest. FTA tailors eachand CESG Listed Advisor Schemeassessment to the context of theconsultants. The need for evaluationintended use of the product, resulting in consultancy should be discussed with thea report that provides authoritativeIACS MO and the CLEFs at the start ofguidance on the product’s suitability.the product evaluation lifecycle.The FTA service provides the assuranceWhere cryptography is a key function ofrequired by identified sponsors in products the security functionality offered by thewhose market and limited cryptography product and the intended end usersdo not justify formal evaluation andinclude HMG clients, then this must becertification, or evaluation under CAPS.assessed by CESG. This can be doneThe FTA Service is intended to addressunder the CESG Assisted Productsassurance requirements in the low toScheme (CAPS) and as a single packagemedium range. with ITSEC/CC or Fast Track evaluationsor assessments.The IACS Management Office is happy toSystem Evaluationsprovide more information on any of theSystem evaluation is highly relevant as a Assurance and Certification Servicesmeans of minimising risk and as a briefly described here.confidence hallmark for trading partners,especially as systems typically comprise acombination of certified and uncertifiedproducts. Important benefits of suchevaluations are demonstrable compliancewith the provisions of the Data ProtectionAct (1998), and supporting evidence thatwill enhance existing ISO17799accreditation and assist in demonstratingcompliance with BS7799 Part 2. CESGoffers a number of flexible optionsincluding evaluations where only limitedfunctionality is tested and evaluationagainst an assurance profile (eg E3 forfirewall, E2 for authentication, E1 foraudit) to meet differing requirements. ForGovernment or CNI users there is also theoption of a system IT Health Check.8 9. CLEF Contact Details Foreign Scheme Contact DetailsCMG Admiral (CLEF) AustraliaKing’s Court High StreetThe AISEP ManagerCamberleyCertification & Evaluation GroupSurrey GU15 3RNInformation Security BranchTel. +44 (0) 1276 686678 Defence Signals DirectorateFax. +44 (0) 1276 691028 Locked Bag 5076, Kingston ACT 2604Ralph Worswick Tel. +61 2 6265 [email protected]. +62 2 6265 0328EDS Ltd (CLEF)Wavendon Tower CanadaWavendon www.cse.dnd.caMilton KeynesCommunications Security EstablishmentBucks MK17 8LX Criteria CoordinatorTel. +44 (0) 1908 284234 IT Security Standards and InitiativesFax. +44 (0) 1908 284393 PO Box 9703, TerminalTrevor HuttonOttawa, Canada K1G [email protected] Tel. +1 613 991 7600 Fax. +1 613 991 7411IBM Global Services (CLEF)Meudon HouseMeudon AvenueFranceFarnboroughwww.scssi.gouv.frHants GU14 7NB Direction Centrale de la Sécurité desTel. +44 (0) 1252 558081 Systèmes d’Information,Fax. +44 (0) 1252 558001 18, Rue du Docteur ZamenhofBob Finlay F-92131, [email protected]édex, France Tel. +33 141 463784Logica UK Ltd (CLEF) Fax. +33 141 463701Chaucer HouseThe Office ParkSpringfield DriveGermanyLeatherheadwww.bsi.bund.deSurrey KT22 7LPBundesamt für Sicherheit in derTel. +44 (0) 1372 369831 InformationstechnikFax. +44 (0) 1372 369834 Referat II 2, Godesberger Allee 183Simon Milford53175 Bonn, [email protected]. +49 228 9583 141 Fax. +49 228 9582 455Syntegra (CLEF)Guidion HouseUSAHarvest Crescent Park, Fleet National Information AssuranceHants GU13 8UZ PartnershipTel. +44 (0) 1252 778837 100 Bureau Drive (Mailstop 8930)Fax. +44 (0) 1252 811635 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8930, USAJanet Scruby Tel. [email protected] Fax. +1.301.948.0279 9 10. IACS – SMART CARDS MONDEX Purse 2.0 Multos v3 on HitachiH8/3112 ICC ITSEC E6 ITSEC E6 Certificate Number: P129 September 1999Certificate Number: P130 September 1999 CLEF: Logica CLEF: Logica The MONDEX Purse is an electronic purseMULTOS is a secure, multi-application operating designed to provide individuals and businesses system for use on an Integrated Circuit Card with an electronic alternative to the use of notes (ICC) (smartcard), to manage, segregate and and coins for making cash payments. Mondex execute applications written for MULTOS (such as electronic cash is stored on Integrated Circuitloyalty, ticketing, credit, debit and electronic Cards (ICCs), also known as smartcards.purse). This implementation of the MULTOS-3 MONDEX Purse Release 2.0, developed by specification, developed by platform seven and platform seven and Mondex International, has Mondex International, has been evaluated on an been evaluated when running on MULTOSHitachi H8/3112 ICC. Applications are loaded by Version 3, (which has been separately evaluatedMULTOS into the ICC’s EEPROM. During the to ITSEC E6) and the Hitachi H8/3112 ICC.production process, each ICC is injected with aunique EEPROM identifier and a uniquesymmetric key known only to the MULTOSSecurity Manager. Once loaded, MULTOS ensuresthat the application is segregated from any otherapplications present on the card. SUPPLIER:SUPPLIER: MAOSCO Ltd, 47-53 Cannon StreetMAOSCO Ltd, 47-53 Cannon Street London EC4M 5SQLondon EC4M 5SQ Point of contact: David Meadon Point of contact: David Meadon Telephone: +44 20 7557 5420Telephone: +44 20 7557 5420 Facsimile: +44 20 7557 5430Facsimile: +44 20 7557 5430 Email:[email protected] Email:[email protected] URL:http://www.multos.comURL: DEVELOPER: DEVELOPER: Platform7, 6th Floor, 1-2 Finsbury SquarePlatform7, 6th Floor, 1-2 Finsbury Square London EC2A 1AALondon EC2A 1AA Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7714 8492Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7714 8492 Facsimile: +44 (0) 20 7714 8246Facsimile: +44 (0) 20 7714 8246 URL: URL:http://www.platform7.com10 11. IACS – PC ACCESS CONTROLKILGETTY PLUS NT4 v1.0 KILGETTY PLUS v1.2hGovernment use onlyGovernment use onlyITSEC E3 ITSEC E3Certificate Number: P112, Issue 2 May 2000 Certificate Number: p105 November 1998CLEF: EDSCLEF: CMG AdmiralKILGETTY PLUS NT4 is a total hard diskKILGETTY PLUS is a total disk encryptionencryption product, which protects government product, which protects government data againstdata (protectively marked up to TOP SECRET) unauthorised access in the event of loss. For useagainst unauthorised access in the event of loss. with IBM compatible computers runningMicrosoft DOS, Win 3.1 and Win 9x, all data thatKILGETTY PLUS NT4 is for use with IBM is held on the computer’s hard disk is fullycompatible computers running Microsoftencrypted, including data structures, operatingWindows NT4, with hard disks up to 7.8GB in system and applications. Access is via a touchsize. All data that is held on the computer’s hardmemory device (read by a reader attached to thedisk is fully encrypted, including data structures, serial port), user identity and password.operating system and applications. Access is via atouch memory device (read by a reader attachedKILGETTY PLUS provides CESG approvedto the serial port), user identity and for data protectively marked up toTOP SECRET and is suitable for hard disks upKILGETTY PLUS NT4 was evaluated on Microsoftto 4GB.Windows NT4 Server and Workstation versionswith Service Packs 3, 4, 5, and 6a.The Software BoxThe Software BoxGreen Park Business Centre, Goose LaneGreen Park Business Centre, Goose LaneSutton on the Forest, York YO6 1ETSutton on the Forest, York YO6 1ETUnited KingdomUnited KingdomPoint of Contact: The Security GroupPoint of Contact: The Security GroupTelephone: +44 (0) 1347 812100Telephone: +44 (0) 1347 812100Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: URL: 12. IACS – PC ACCESS CONTROL Portcullis Guardian Angel Reflex Disknet for NT v 5.01D1v1.20 ITSEC E2ITSEC E2 Certificate Number: 98/93 January 1998Certificate Number: P125 July 1999 CLEF: SyntegraCLEF: Logica The security mechanisms of this pre-DOS loaderReflex Disknet for Windows NT Data Security are designed to enforce PC access control for a works by creating a “shield” around every system. hierarchy of users. The security barriers are Disknet denies access to the hard disk if the imposed by: target PC is booted from a floppy and the • Authentication using passwords encrypted by system can be configured to prevent any booting an endorsed implementation of the CESGfrom floppy if required. It prohibits users FIREGUARD algorithm.tampering with PC configurations and prevents the introduction of unauthorised/illegal software. • User security profiles, auditing and a File PSG module prevents modification or deletion of Access Control Matrix managing access to the existing files, and prevents any changes to data. applications. PSG will also prevent any • Blocking non-authenticated programs toexecutable files being installed. prevent the introduction of malicious code (e.g. Viruses). • Disk certification preventing the use of floppy disks not formatted by Guardian Angel. • Encryption of data using an endorsed implementation of the CESG RED PIKE algorithm to protect files being exported or transmitted. Portcullis Computer Security LtdReflex Magnetics The Grange Barn, Pikes End31-33 Priory Park Road, London NW6 7HP Pinner, Middlesex HA5 2EX United Kingdom Point of contact: Alan RomanisPoint of contact: Andy Campbell Telephone: +44 (0) 208 868 0098 Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7372 6666 Facsimile: +44 (0) 208 868 0017 Facsimile: +44 (0) 20 7372 2507 Email: [email protected]: [email protected] URL: URL: http://reflex-magnetics.com12 13. IACS – PC ACCESS CONTROLSeNTry 20/20 STOPLOCK V v2.23a STOPLOCK VSC v2.23 STOPLOCK V SCenSOS v2.23aCOMMON CRITERIA EAL1 ITSEC E3Certificate Number: P100 July 1998 Certificate Number: 96/65a September 1996CLEF: IBM Global ServicesCLEF: LogicaSeNTry 2020 enables users to store files securely Stoplock V is a software based access controlby generating an encrypted virtual drive on the package for use on IBM PCs and compatibleshost PC hard disk, access to which is restrictedrunning MS-DOS or Windows 3.x. It providesvia a passphrase. The virtual drive can betools for the controlling, monitoring andformatted to either NTFS or FAT file systems andprotection of data. Stoplock V/Sc includes anall files are encrypted in real-time. At any time additional smartcard for user authentication andthe user can dismount the drive or if required, user management, and Stoplock V SCenSOSset an inactivity threshold for automatic provides integration with the SCenSOS operatingdismount. system for networked control and systemmanagement.The software can be installed on either aWindows NT Server or NT Workstation The evaluated functions include:(Version 4.0 SP3). The size of the virtual• Identification and Authentication;drive is limited by the OS and can utilise thefollowing encryption algorithms:• Access Control:• MDC/SHS - enhanced boot protection• DC/RIPM - access restrictions to files and directories• Cast- rights defined by administrators only• Square• DES • Trusted Processes defined by a privileged user.• MDC/SHA1• Accountability and Audit:• Blowfish- Audit trail of various events• Triple DES- audit trail may only be accessed by privileged• Safer users.MIS Corporate Defence SolutionsMIS House, Hermitage CourtConclusive Logic LtdHermitage Lane, Maidstone Babbage House, 55 King Street,Kent ME16 9NT, United Kingdom Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 1DUUnited KingdomTelephone: +44 (0) 1622 723400Point of contact: Steve MathewsFacsimile: +44 (0) 1622 728580Telephone: +44 (0) 1628 470900Email:[email protected]: +44 (0) 1628 470901URL:http://mis-cds.comURL: 13 14. IACS – OPERATING SYSTEMS Argus B1/CMWArgus B1/CMW v1.2 for Solaris 2.4v1.3.2 for Solaris 2.4 Argus C2/TMWArgus C2/TMW v1.2 for Solaris 2.4v1.3.2 for Solaris 2.4 ITSEC E3 F-B1 CMW ITSEC E3 F-C2 TMW ITSEC E3 F-B1 CMW ITSEC E3 F-C2 TMW Certificate Number: Certificate Number: 96/73a (B1/CMW, x86 platform) 99/89a (B1/CMW, x86 platform) December 1996 September 1999 96/73b (C2/TMW, x86 and SPARC platforms)99/89b (C2/TMW, x86 and SPARC platforms) December 1996 September 1999 CLEF: CMG Admiral CLEF: CMG Admiral The Argus TMW and CMW products areThe Argus TMW and CMW products are workstation/server enhancements that bring an workstation/server enhancements that bring an off-the-shelf Solaris 2.4 system up to labeled-C2 off-the-shelf Solaris 2.4 system up to labeled-C2 and B1 level respectively. Each provides full and B1 level respectively. Each provides full floating information label functionality. The CMW floating information label functionality. The CMW product also provides mandatory access controlproduct also provides mandatory access control (MAC) based on sensitivity labels. Both support (MAC) based on sensitivity labels. Both support labelled printing and a complete labelled X-labelled printing and a complete labelled X- windows subsystem for system-high (TMW) and windows subsystem for system-high (TMW) and multilevel (CMW) operations. Each can operate multilevel (CMW) operations. Each can operate in either X-window or command-line mode for in either X-window or command-line mode for desktop or server applications. The evaluationdesktop or server applications. The evaluation included trusted networking, trusted path, leastincluded trusted networking, trusted networked privilege, audit, and other functionality.access, trusted path, least privilege, superuser emulation, audit, and other functionality. Argus Systems Group, Inc. Argus Systems Group, Inc. 1809 Woodfield Drive, Savoy, IL 61874, USA1809 Woodfield Drive, Savoy, IL 61874, USA Point of contact: Paul A. McNabbPoint of contact: Paul A. McNabb Telephone: +1 217 355 6308Telephone: +1 217 355 6308 Facsimile: +1 217 355 1433Facsimile: +1 217 355 1433 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] URL: URL: http://www.argus-systems.com14 15. IACS – OPERATING SYSTEMSHewlett Packard IBM DYNIX/ptx UnixHP-UX 10.20 v4.1 SLS and 4.1a SLS onSymmetry 5000 Systems(models SE30 and SE40)ITSEC E3 /CESG ASSISTED PRODUCTS SCHEME ITSEC E3Certificate Number: P111 February 1999Certificate Number: 97/74 February 1997CLEF: CMG ADMIRAL CLEF: LogicaHewlett-Packard’s HP-UX version 10.20 is an DYNIX/ptx is a secure Operating System certifiedX/Open UNIX 95 branded product, meaning thatto E3 F-C2, and is IBM’s enhanced version ofit conforms with X/Open’s Single UNIX UNIX for the Symmetry series of symmetricSpecification (SPEC1170). In addition HP-UX multiprocessing systems. DYNIX/ptx conforms to10.20 complies with such standards as X/Openall the leading industry operating systemsstandards, including IEEE POSIX 1003.1-1990,Portability Guide Issue IV Base Profile (XPG4),FIPS, X-Open, XPG4, Intel ABI+, OSF AES andOSF AES, IEEE POSIX 1003.1 and 1003.2, SVIDUSLSVID3. DYNIX/ptx includes specific support3 level 1 APIs, as well as all major de facto APIsfor operations with concurrent user populationssuch as BSD excess of 1000 and disk volumes in excess of1000GB. The hardware may be extended byHP-UX 10.20 is designed to exceed the ITSEC F-adding more processors with true linearC2 functionality class, with the following notableperformance scalability.extensions:• Terminal-based User AuthenticationThree additional CESG modules are available for• Time-based User Authenticationuse in HMG systems and may be applied for,• Boot Authentication namely FIRESTONE, THUNDERBOLT and• Access Control ListsTHUNDERFLASH password encryption andgeneration packages.• ‘Green Book’ compliant Password Management- generation & encryptionHP-UX 10.20 is supported across the full rangeof HP9000 Workstations and ServersHewlett-Packard LtdNine Mile Ride, Wokingham,Berkshire RG40 3LL, United KingdomPoint of contact: Christopher Simpson Point of contact: Valerie AshtonTelephone: 01344-365029 Telephone: +44 (0) 1932 851111Facsimile: 01344-763747 Facsimile: +44 (0) 1932 850011Email:[email protected]: [email protected]: 15 16. IACS – OPERATING SYSTEMS IBM DYNIX/ptxMicrosoft Windows NT v4.4.2 running on Symmetry 5000Workstations and Win NT systems and NUMA-Q 2000Server 4.0 ITSEC E3 ITSEC E3 Certificate Number: P108V2 January 2000Certificate Number: P121 March 1999 CLEF: Logica CLEF: Logica DYNIX/ptx Version 4.4.2 (with CESG algorithms) Windows NT is a multi-tasking operating system is IBM’s enhanced version of UNIX running on for controlling and managing networks of Symmetry 5000 systems (Model SE40) and computers and electronic resources in a NUMA-Q (Non Uniform Memory Access) 2000distributed multi-user environment. Trusted log (with EMC≈ Symmetrix 3430/3700 disk arrays)on for user authentication, DAC of electronic and is evaluated to E3 F-C2. resources, accounting and audit of user activities,and controlling system policies and user profiles DYNIX/ptx is a robust and reliable in arbitrary network configurations, including implementation of UNIX for secure commercial interconnection of trusted domains, have been projects running enterprise level applications.evaluated. The evaluated Windows NT 4.0 SP3 DYNIX/ptx conforms to all the leading industry security enforcing functions specified in its operating systems standards, including IEEESecurity Target provide the essential basis on POSIX 1003.1-1990, FIPS, X-Open, XPG4, Intel which other specialised security enforcing ABI+, OSF AES and USLSVID3.functions of evaluatable systems such asmessaging, firewall, virtual private network, and Four optional CESG modules will be available for PKI related systems could depend. Microsoft are use in HMG systems, namely FIREGUARD,participating in the development of Common FIRESTONE, THUNDERBOLT and Criteria Protection Profiles of such systems. THUNDERFLASH password encryption and generation packages.Microsoft LtdMicrosoft Campus, Thames Valley Park,Reading, Berks RG1 1WG, United Kingdom Point of contact: Valerie Ashton Point of contact: Peter Birch Telephone: +44 (0) 1932 851111 Telephone: +44 (0) 870 6010 100 Facsimile: +44 (0) 1932 850011 Facsimile: +44 (0) 870 6020 100 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] URL: URL: 17. IACS – OPERATING SYSTEMSSun Solaris 2.6 Sun SolarisCertificate Maintenance Schemev8 with AdminSuite v 3.0.1ITSEC E3COMMON CRITERIA EAL4Certificate Number: P101 January 1999 Certificate Number: P148 November 2000CLEF: LogicaCLEF: LogicaSolaris 2.6 is the latest version of Sun’sSolaris 8 is a UNIX-based operating system whichcommercial Solaris operating system evaluated tocan be configured from a number ofITSEC E3/F-C2. The product was initiallyworkstations and servers to form a singleevaluated on the Sun UltraSPARC-1 Workstation distributed system. AdminSuite 3.0.1 providesand servers sharing information in a distributedtools to configure security aspects of Solaris 8.networking environment. The evaluation includes Both Solaris 8 and AdminSuite 3.0.1 have beenthe following features in addition to the ITSEC developed by Sun Microsystems Inc. Solaris 8,Functionality Class F-C2: with AdminSuite 3.0.1, has been certified as• CDE window system meeting the Common Criteria Part 3 conformant• Networking utilising the TCP/IP protocolrequirements of EAL4 for the specified Common• NIS+ Distributed Naming Service Criteria Part 2 extended functionality in the• NFS specified environment when running on thespecified Sun SPARC and Intel PentiumIn February 1999, Sun entered into theplatforms. It has also met the requirements ofCertificate Maintenance Scheme andthe Controlled Access Protection Profile.evaluation is extended to a wide range of Sunplatforms, from uni-processor MicroSPARCworkstations to multi-processor UltraSPARCEnterprise servers.Sun Microsystems IncSun Microsystems IncMPK 18-211 rm 2295, 901 San Antonio Road, MPK 18-211 rm 2295, 901 San Antonio Road,Palo Alto, CA 94303, USAPalo Alto, CA 94303, USAPoint of contact :Point of contact :Telephone:Telephone:Facsimile: +1 650 786 5731Facsimile: +1 650 786 5731Email: [email protected]: [email protected]: 18. IACS – OPERATING SYSTEMS Trusted Solaris 2.5.1 Certificate Maintenance Scheme ITSEC E3 Certificate Number: P104 September 1998 CLEF: Logica Trusted Solaris 2.5.1 is a highly configurable trusted operating system based on Sun’s Solaris 2.5.1 commercial UNIX operating system. It is designed to meet the specific security needs of customer seeking evaluated security systems. Trusted Solaris supports ITSEC E3/F-B1 and ITSEC E3/F-C2 with the following major features, all of which were included in the evaluation: • MAC, DAC and information labels; • Least privilege; • Full identification and authentication facilities,including password generation; • Separate trusted administration and securityroles; • Graphical User Interface administration tools; • Centralised Trusted Facilities Management; • NIS+ Naming service; • Secure CDE Windowing environment withsupport for X11R5 and Motif; • Trusted Networking using TCP/IP and TSIX orMASIX protocols; • Trusted NFS; • Auditing; • Multi-level mail. Sun Microsystems Inc MPK 18-211 rm 2295, 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA Point of contact: Telephone: Facsimile: +1 650 786 5731 Email: [email protected] URL: 19. IACS – NETWORKINGAuthoriszor Secure ExtranetEntrust/Admin &Access Management System Entrust/Authority from Entrust/PKI 4.0aIN EVALUATION COMMON CRITERIA EAL4 COMMON CRITERIA EAL3Projected Certification Date: July 2001Certificate Number: P122 March 1999CLEF: IBM Global ServicesCLEF: SyntegraAuthoriszor been developed to provide a secure Entrust/Authority is the core component of anHTTP page delivery system which publishesEntrust public-key infrastructure. Acting as theWWW pages via Microsoft Internet Information Certification Authority (CA), Entrust/AuthorityServer. Content is protected from attack byissues X.509 public-key certificates and performsstoring it in a location that is inaccessible from key and certificate management functions.the Internet whilst webroot is constantlyOther Entrust/Authority capabilities include themonitored to protect against file deposition orability to cross-certify with other CAs, the use ofmodification attacks.flexible certificates (for including X.509v3 certificate extensions), and the use of flexibleThe optional client support allows web content user password be delivered, on demand, in strict accordancewith a client’s pre-defined security profile.Entrust/Admin is an administrative interface to Entrust/Authority and allows operators toIt provides a Management System that will allow: manage users, set the security policy, and control• Multiple site support; the PKI. All messages between Entrust/Admin• Positive Identification of clients;and Entrust/Authority are secured for• Definition of security profiles for clientsconfidentiality, integrity, and authentication. and content;• Activity logging.Authoriszor LtdEntrust Technologies Ltd.Windsor House, Cornwall Rd 1000 Innovation Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada,Harrogate HG1 2PN, United KingdomK2K 3E7Point of contact: Richard Atkinson Point of contact: Darryl StalTelephone: +44 (0) 1423 730300 Telephone: (613) 270-3483Facsimile: +44 (0) 1423 730315 Facsimile: (613) 270-2503Email: [email protected]:[email protected]: http://www.authoriszor.comURL: 19 20. IACS – NETWORKING Entrust/RA from Entrust/PKIEntrust/RA from Entrust/PKI 5.05.1 COMMON CRITERIA EAL3 COMMON CRITERIA EAL3 Certificate Number: P141 March 2000Certificate Number: P153 February 2001 CLEF: Syntegra CLEF: Syntegra Entrust/RA 5.0 is an administrative interface to Entrust/RA 5.1 is an administrative interface to Entrust/Authority and allows operators toEntrust/Authority and allows operators to manage users, set the security policy, and control manage users, set the security policy, and control the PKI. Security Officers and Administratorsthe PKI. Security Officers and Administrators connecting to Entrust/Authority authenticate connecting to Entrust/Authority authenticate themselves using digital signatures. themselves using digital signatures. Once complete, all messages betweenOnce complete, all messages between Entrust/RA and Entrust/Authority are thenEntrust/RA and Entrust/Authority are then secured for confidentiality, integrity, andsecured for confidentiality, integrity, and authentication. Cryptographic operations for authentication. Cryptographic operations for Entrust/RA are performed in the FIPS 140-1 Entrust/RA are performed in the FIPS 140-1 Level 2 validated Entrust cryptographic module.Level 2 validated Entrust cryptographic module. Entrust/RA is currently certified on Microsoft Entrust/RA is being evaluated on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3. Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a. Entrust Technologies Ltd.Entrust Technologies Ltd. 1000 Innovation Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada,1000 Innovation Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2K 3E7K2K 3E7 Point of contact: Darryl StalPoint of contact: Darryl Stal Telephone: (613) 270-3483Telephone: (613) 270-3483 Facsimile: (613) 270-2503Facsimile: (613) 270-2503 E-mail:[email protected] E-mail:[email protected] URL: http://www.entrust.comURL: http://www.entrust.com20 21. IACS – NETWORKINGEntrust/Authority fromEntrust/Authority fromEntrust/PKI 5.0 Entrust/PKI 5.1COMMON CRITERIA EAL3COMMON CRITERIA EAL3Certificate Number: P141 March 2000 Certificate Number: P153 February 2001CLEF: SyntegraCLEF: SyntegraEntrust/Authority 5.0 is the core component ofEntrust/Authority 5.1 is the core component ofan Entrust public-key infrastructure. Acting as an Entrust public-key infrastructure. Acting asthe Certification Authority (CA), Entrust/Authority the Certification Authority (CA), Entrust/Authorityissues X.509 public-key certificates and performs issues X.509 public-key certificates and performskey and certificate management functions. key and certificate management functions.Other Entrust/Authority capabilities include theOther Entrust/Authority capabilities include theability to cross-certify with other CAs, the use of ability to cross-certify with other CAs, the use offlexible certificates (for including X.509v3flexible certificates (for including X.509v3certificate extensions), the use of flexible user certificate extensions), the use of flexible userpassword rules, the ability to specify either RSA password rules, the ability to specify either RSA(1024 or 2048) or DSA 1024 as the CA signing(1024 or 2048) or DSA 1024 as the CA signingalgorithm and CA signing key size, and the abilityalgorithm and CA signing key size, and the abilityto renew the CA signing key pair before it expiresto renew the CA signing key pair before it expiresand to recover from possible CA key and to recover from possible CA keycompromise. compromise.Entrust Technologies Ltd. Entrust Technologies Ltd.1000 Innovation Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1000 Innovation Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada,K2K 3E7 K2K 3E7Point of contact: Darryl Stal Point of contact: Darryl StalTelephone: (613) 270-3483 Telephone: (613) 270-3483Facsimile: (613) 270-2503 Facsimile: (613) 270-2503E-mail:[email protected]:[email protected]: URL: http://www.entrust.com21 22. IACS – NETWORKING Remote Management Centre Luna® CA3 Token ITSEC E1 IN EVALUATION COMMON CRITERIA EAL4 Certificate Number: S115 January 2001Projected Certification Date: 1 July 2001 CLEF: CMG AdmiralCLEF: SYNTEGRA IBM Remote Management Centre provides aThe Luna® CA3 Token, Luna® Dock Card Reader, focal point for Remote Network Management, and Luna® PIN Entry Device combine to provide Remote Systems Management and Remote a robust hardware security module for Environmental Monitoring. The security of theCertification Authorities, Certification Service unit allows multiple customers to be managed Providers and Validation Authorities within Public from a central location whilst maintaining the Key Infrastructures. The product provides secure integrity of the individual networks and mission generation, storage, access control and backup critical systems. The service allows RMC staff toof the private signing key of the Authority. integrate with customers’ networks in a secure It provides advanced security features such as manner using a combination of authentication,trusted path for entry of authentication data, auditing and accounting incorporated into theM of N activation for multi-person control of secure LAN. Several technologies are employed, critical operations and Luna® Key Cloning for including firewalls, controlled access lists, user secure backup of private keys and other authentication and monitoring. The individualsensitive data. customers monitoring stations integrate into this secure environment allowing display of individual alarms on a centralised videowall.Chrysalis-ITS IBMOne Chrysalis Way, Ottawa, ON Weybridge Business Park, Addlestone Road,K2G 6P9, Canada Weybridge, Surrey, KT15 2UF, United Kingdom Point of contact: Terry Fletcher, VP Trusted Systems Engineering Point of contact: David Stacey Telephone: 613 723-5076 Telephone: +44 (0) 1932 851111 Facsimile: 6I3 723 5078 Facsimile: +44 (0) 1932 814333 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] [email protected] URL: URL: http://www.chrysalis-its.com22 23. IACS – NETWORKINGSureWare KeyPer v1.0 SureWare Net ED20MITSEC E3 IN EVALUATION ITSEC E3 and CAPSCertificate Number: P154 March 2001Projected Certification Date: December 2001CLEF: IBM Global ServicesCLEF: IBM Global ServicesSureWare Keyper is a hardware cryptographicThe SureWare Net ED20M is an Ethernet VPNmodule that guarantees the safety and integrity of encryptor that allows users to communicatekey material. SureWare Keyper has been awarded protectively marked material across untrustedFIPS 140-1 level 4. It connects to a hostnetworks by using cryptographic mechanisms tocomputer via standard networking technology in lower the marking of the actual network traffic.order to provide secure cryptographic services tohost computer applications:Features:• Key Generation • Transfer of encrypted user data IP datagrams• Encryption between pairs of encryptors• Message Authentication Code• Configurable security policy for authorising IP• Signingaddresses and protocols • Automated key managementThese applications will communicate with • Audit trail of eventsSureWare Keyper via the industry standard• Local and remote management optionsinterface PKCS#11. • Security enforcing remote management communications protected cryptographicallyThe scope of the evaluation covered those• Authenticated local managementmechanisms that protect the cryptographic• Operational and standby modesservices that the TOE provides. Triple DES and • Tamper resistant crypto-kernelSHA-1 contained within the TOE are publicly• Operation with Ethernet V2.0 and IEEE 802.3known. Other cryptographic services provided with SNAP headerssuch as RSA and Diffie Hellman, were outside thescope of the evaluation.Baltimore Technologies Ltd Baltimore Technologies Ltd39/41 Parkgate Street, Dublin 8, Ireland 39/41 Parkgate Street, Dublin 8, IrelandPoint of contact:Point of contact:Telephone: +61 2 9409 0300 Telephone: +61 2 9409 0300Facsimile: +61 2 9409 0301 Facsimile: +61 2 9409 0301Email: [email protected]: [email protected]: http://www.baltimore.comURL: 23 24. IACS – NETWORKING IACS – FIREWALLS Tracker 2650 Data Collection BorderWare Firewall Server Unit v6.1.2 ITSEC E2 COMMON CRITERIA EAL4 Certificate Number: P133 March 2000Certificate Number: P136 January 2000 CLEF: Logica CLEF: Syntegra Tracker is an intelligent modem that reliably logs The BorderWare Firewall server’s EAL4 data in 32 Megabytes of battery backed memorycertification covers the integrated operating until polled. It receives data on four RS232 system and a completed set of the facilities ports that can also be used for transparent two- needed to operate a secure and effective Internet way communication with the data source. It willconnection. The Firewall’s operating system dial out when it detects alarm conditions. (S-CORE) is hardened to protect against knownvulnerabilities and to provide a secure platform When used in a network management system,for the extensive set of application proxies that Tracker prevents subscribers on a switch fromcontrol information flow through the Firewall. gaining access to the remote managementThe proxies are complimented with application system and provides assured separation between server for E-mail, FTP, WWW and dual DNS. subscribers and management traffic. It alsoThe integrated Mail server can be configured to protects the switch from unauthorised access provide a complete e-mail system or operate as a when replacing diagnostic modems.relay delivering mail to protected internal servers. This product was evaluated for the MOD’s Defence Fixed Telecommunications Service. Data Track Technology plc 153 Somerford Road Christchurch Dorset BH23 3TY United Kingdom BorderWare Technologies Inc1 The Harlequin Centre, Southall Lane, Point of contact: Mike Terry, Business Southall, Middlesex UB2 5NH, United KingdomDevelopment Manager Point of contact: Telephone: +44 (0) 1425 282022 Telephone: +44 (0) 20 8893 6066 Facsimile: +44 (0) 1425 271978 Facsimile: +44 (0) 20 8574 8384 Email: [email protected] Email:[email protected] URL: URL:http://www.borderware.com24 25. IACS – FIREWALLSBorderWare Firewall Server Check Point Firewall-1v6.5 v4.0 Stateful InspectionIN EVALUATION COMMON CRITERIA EAL4 ITSEC E3PROJECTED CERTIFICATION DATE: 3Q 2001Certificate Number: P107 March 1999CLEF: Syntegra CLEF: CMG AdmiralThe BorderWare Firewall includes an integrated This evaluation addresses the core elements ofoperating system and a completed set of services Firewall-1 i.e. the Stateful Inspection engine,needed to operate a secure and effective Internetauditing, address translation and the command-connection. The Firewall’s operating systemline user interface for Microsoft NT Version 4.0(S-CORE) is hardened to protect against knownSP 3, Solaris 2.6, AIX version 4.2.1 and HP-UXvulnerabilities and to provide a secure platform Version 10.10.for the extensive set of application proxies thatcontrol information flow through the Firewall. The Firewall-1 product suite delivers anThe proxies are complimented with applicationintegrated solution that scales to meet theserver for E-mail, FTP, WWW and dual DNS.demands of organizations large and small,The integrated Mail server can be configured tosecuring your enterprise network – LAN, Internet,provide a complete e-mail system or operate as a intranet and extranets.relay delivering mail to protected internal servers.V6.5 of the Firewall server will be available both Based on Stateful Inspection technology, apackaged on dedicated hardware and as asecurity technology invented and patented bycomplete software package for easy installationCheck Point Software Technologies, FireWall-1on standard hardware.provides security at the highest level currently available. Stateful Inspection incorporates communication, application state and context information, which is stored and updated dynamically.BorderWare Technologies IncCheck Point Software Technologies Ltd1 The Harlequin Centre, Southall Lane, 3A Jabotinsky St., Diamond Tower,Southall, Middlesex UB2 5NH, United KingdomRamat-Gan 52520, IsraelPoint of contact:Point of contact: Nigel MouldTelephone: +44 (0) 20 8893 6066Telephone: +44 (0) 1223 713611Facsimile: +44 (0) 20 8574 8384Facsimile: +44 (0) 1223 713621Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: URL: 25 26. IACS – FIREWALLS Check Point VPN-1/Firewall-1Cisco Secure PIX Firewall v4.1 SP2Software Version 5.2(3) Hardware Models 515, 520 & 525 ITSEC E3COMMON CRITERIA EAL4 Certificate Number: P149 January 2001 Certificate Number: P152 January 2001 CLEF: CMG Admiral CLEF: Syntegra This evaluation addresses the core elements ofThe Cisco Secure PIX Firewall is a dedicated Firewall-1, but also includes the Graphical Userfirewall appliance from Cisco Systems. The family Interface, Remote Management, Authentication, of firewalls delivers strong security without Encryption and LDAP interface for FireWall-1impacting network performance. The product Version 4.1 running on Microsoft NT Version 4.0 line scales to meet a range of customer SP 5, Solaris 2.6 and AIX Version 4.3.requirements, and has only two license levels - one restricted licence and an unlimited licence. VPN-1/FireWall-1 is the most comprehensive security suite available today. Providing anThe PIX Firewall is an integrated unit and does integrated solution that scales to meet the not have an underlying operating system such as demands of organizations large and small, NT or UNIX, and this increases security and securing your enterprise network – LAN, Internet, performance. The PIX 525 is able to support over intranet and extranets. 340Mbps of throughput and over 250,000 concurrent sessions. VPN-1/Firewall-1 is the center of an extensive policy management framework. The intuitive GUI is used to write the enterprise security policy, which is then applied to all remote or internal gateways. Check Point Software Technologies Ltd Cisco Systems 3A Jabotinsky St., Diamond Tower, 3, The Square, Stockley Park, Ramat-Gan 52520, Israel UXBRIDGE, Middlesex UB11 1BN Point of contact: Nigel Mould Point of contact: Paul King Telephone: +44 (0) 1223 713611Telephone: +44 (0) 20 8756 8349 Facsimile: +44 (0) 1223 713621Facsimile: +44 (0) 20 8576 8099 Email: [email protected]: [email protected] URL: http://www.checkpoint.comURL: 27. IACS – FIREWALLSCyberGuard Firewall for CyberGuard Firewall forWindows NTUnixWare 4.1Certificate Maintenance Scheme(also available as CyberGuard FirewallAppliances) Certificate MaintenanceSchemeThe latest CMS Approved version of CyberGuard The latest CMS Approved version ofFirewall for Windows NT is 4.2 PSU1. AllCyberGuard Firewall for UnixWare 4.1 is 4.2intermediate releases and updates are also CMSPSU1. All intermediate releases and updatesapproved. are also CMS approved.ITSEC E3ITSEC E3Certificate Number: P118 January 1999 Certificate Number: P117 January 1999CLEF: LogicaCLEF: LogicaCyberGuard Firewall for Windows NT is closely CyberGuard® Firewall for UnixWare® is providedlinked to Microsoft Windows NT® to maximise with a MLS UNIX operating system. It safeguardsperformance, accuracy and security of the information held on internal networks, bynetwork. The evaluated firewall is a multi-homedcontrolling the access of external users andconfiguration providing both IP packet filteringprotecting the integrity, availability, authenticationand application-level proxies. A Graphical User data and anonymity of the internal network.Interface (GUI) for configuration and reporting Configuration and Reporting is performed with aand up to 16 multiple network interfaces arelocal Graphical User Interface (GUI). Additionalavailable. To ease installation and management, network interfaces (up to 32) provide DMZ orthe firewall interacts with and exploits existing further internal/ external network connections.NT domain controllers to obtain user andThe firewall runs on either single or multi-authentication information. The Windows NTprocessor Intel servers with UnixWare 2.1.3.environment is secured with SecureGuard™for CyberGuard Firewall for UnixWare is availableNT, providing protection against security threats from Release 4.2 onwards as a pre-stagedsuch as uncontrolled access to system resources.appliance known as FireSTAR, KnightStar andAvailable for systems with a minimum of STARLord Premium Appliance Firewalls.133MHz Intel Pentium Processor, 32MB Memory These variants are therefore CMS Approved.running Windows NT rev 4.0 with Service Pack 3or 4.CyberGuard Europe Ltd CyberGuard Europe LtdAsmec Centre, Eagle House, The Ring,Asmec Centre, Eagle House, The Ring,Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1HB Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1HBPoint of contact: Andrew Clarke Point of contact: Andrew ClarkeTelephone: + 44 (0)1344 382550Telephone: + 44 (0)1344 382550Facsimile: + 44 (0)1344 382551Facsimile: + 44 (0)1344 382551Email: [email protected] Email:[email protected]: 27 28. IACS – FIREWALLS CyberGuard Firewall v2 CyberGuard Firewall for Certificate Maintenance Scheme UnixWare/Premium CyberGuard Firewall 2.2.1e has CMS Appliance Firewall 4.3 approved versions up to CyberGuard Firewall 2.2.3r9. ITSEC E3 COMMON CRITERIA EAL4 Certificate Number: 97/78 March 1997 Certificate Number: P150 December 2000 CLEF: Logica CLEF: Logica CyberGuard Firewall Version 2 is an applianceCyberGuard Firewall is a packet filter, (stateful firewall that controls and monitors user access to inspection) and application level proxy firewall local- and wide-area networks by leveraging theprovided with a MLS (secure) Unix operating advantages of a multi-level secure architecture. system. It safeguards internal networks by CyberGuard Firewall runs on B1 secure operatingcontrolling external access and protects the system and networking products. CyberGuard isintegrity, availability, authentication data and designed to reduce the area of risk to a singleanonymity of the internal network. system; it operates as a packet-filtering gateway, Configuration/reporting is performed via local a proxy gateway and a Bastion Host in a multi- GUI. Additional interfaces (up to 32) provide system environment. For example, when locatedDMZ or further internal/external connections. between an internal network, an Intranet and/orEvaluated security features include: Connection the internet, it provides valuable protection of a level Access Control for IP packets; Accounting, company’s computing resources and data.auditing and statistics; Alerts for security events; CyberGuard Firewall has been evaluated on both Network Address Translation and Split Domain the NH4000 and NH5000 platforms, in either Name Server (DNS). The firewall runs on single tower or rack-mounted packaging. or multi-processor Intel IA-32 processors and asa packaged solution – the CyberGuard PremiumAppliance family: FireSTAR, KnightSTAR andSTARLord. CyberGuard Europe LtdCyberGuard Europe Ltd Asmec Centre, Eagle House, The Ring, Asmec Centre, Eagle House, The Ring, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1HBBracknell, Berkshire RG12 1HB Point of contact: Andrew ClarkePoint of contact: Andrew Clarke Telephone: + 44 (0)1344 382550 Telephone: + 44 (0)1344 382550 Facsimile: + 44 (0)1344 382551 Facsimile: + 44 (0)1344 382551 Email: [email protected]:[email protected] URL: URL: 29. IACS – FIREWALLSGauntlet Internet Firewall MailGuard Bastion 1.0for Windows NTv3.01ITSEC E3 ITSEC E3Certificate Number: P127 June 1999 Certificate Number: P144 May 2000CLEF: EDSCLEF: AdmiralThe Gauntlet Internet Firewall for Windows NT is MailGuard Bastion is a high assurance messaginga native development for Windows NT 4.0. firewall that allows the exchange of X.400 andThe Gauntlet Internet Firewall for Windows NTSMTP/MIME messages between networks ofcombines an application gateway with userdiffering security levels or conflicting securitytransparency and ease of management. Securitypolicies.functions evaluated include:• Prevention of internal IP addess spoofing; MailGuard Bastion is evaluated and assured to• System integrity checking; ITSEC E3, making it ideally suited to meet the• Comprehensive auditing and accountingmost stringent security policies. The productfunctions; builds upon the Trusted Solaris operating system,• Alarms raised to the Administrator on definedwhich itself is ITSEC E3/F-B1 and E3/F-C2events;approved. MailGuard Bastion can be supplied as• Packet level filtering;a software package or as a turnkey system• SMTP, telnet, rlogin, HTTP, ftp, SQL*net, pop3 (comprising hardware and software) configuredand PLUG proxies;and working to requirements.• Strong user Authentication with the ability toinsert user definable mechanisms;• Configurable option to prevent JAVA applets,JAVA scripts and ActiveX;• URL filtration mechanisms;• Content Vectoring Protocol support. NET-TEL Computer Systems LtdNetwork Associates – UK4 Place Farm, Wheathampstead227 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire SL1 5PP Herts AL4 8SB, United KingdomPoint of contact: Evan GarricksPoint of contact: Nick WardTelephone: +44 (0) 1753 217 500Telephone: +44 1582 830500Facsimile: +44 (0) 1753 217 520Facsimile: +44 1582 830501Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: http://www.nai.comURL: 29 30. IACS – FIREWALLS Safegate v2.0.2SWIPSY Firewall Toolkit COMMON CRITERIA EAL3 ITSEC E3 Certificate Number: P139 January 2000Certificate Number: P147 August 2000 CLEF: Logica CLEF: EDS Safegate (Version 2.0.2) firewall has theThe SWIPSY (Switch IP SecurelY) firewall toolkit following functions: provides an extensible framework for • IP packet filtering; constructing assured Bastion Host firewalls. • application gateway (non-transparent and transparent);SWIPSY is based on a stripped down • security management (containing the auditconfiguration of Sun’s Trusted Solaris (TSol) 2.5.1 functions);operating system. By relying on the mandatoryaccess controls of TSol, SWIPSY provides strong IP packet filtering permits or denies theseparation between networks. Controlled transmission of IP packets through Safegate from communication between networks can be the hostile network and the private networkconfigured, using either a filestore or a TCP/UDP according to filtering rules defined by an interface. authorised administrator. The transparent gateway (TCP, UDP, ICMP, FTP, Telnet and various Third party proxies such as Squid or Message multimedia services) allows a direct connectionTransfer Agents may be integrated, without the between a client on the private network and aneed for re-evaluation, to achieve an E3 firewall, host on the Internet. The non-transparentalthough formal evaluation of the software may gateway (only FTP and Telnet services) allowsbe necessary if certain TSol privileges are needed. simultaneous sessions between the client on the private network and the Internet host.Central Enquiry DeskDefence Evaluation and Research Agency, Fujitsu LtdIvely Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 0LX, 1405, Ohmaru, Inagi-shi, United Kingdom Tokyo 206-8503, JapanPoint of contact: Sharon Lewis Point of contact: Takehiko YahagiTelephone: +44 1684 896535 Telephone: +81 44 370 7637 Facsimile: +44 1684 896660 Facsimile: +81 44 370 7737 Email: [email protected] Email:[email protected]: URL: 31. IACS – FIREWALLSSymantec Enterprise FirewallVCS Firewall v3.0v6.5IN EVALUATION COMMON CRITERIA EAL4COMMON CRITERIA EAL1Projected Certification Date: July 2001 Certificate Number: P123 March 1999CLEF: SyntegraCLEF: IBM Global ServicesSymantec Enterprise Firewall provides completeThe VCS Firewall manages data andperimeter protection by integrating application communications between trusted and untrustedproxies, network circuits and packet filtering into networks. It supports four independent networksits hybrid architecture. Its intuitive management and can manage simultaneously traffic betweenand high-performance characteristics work all pairs of networks. The VCS Firewall is proxy-together comprising the most secure,based. Proxies for HTTP, Telnet, FTP and Mailmanageable, flexible firewall for enterpriseExchange, as well as a Generic proxy for all otherprotection. Integrated components, such asproxiable protocols, are included. Packet filteringapplication proxy architecture and a multi-firewall of TCP, UDP and ICMP is also GUI enable the Symantec Enterprise All configuration of the VCS Firewall is by way ofFirewall to address the broad perimeter securitya Graphical User Interface. This makes the VCSneeds of companies connecting to the Internet.Firewall easy to configure, as well as providingSome of the features unique to the Symantec sanity checking on the configuration.Enterprise Firewall include:(1) initial & continuous system hardening,(2) DDoS attack protection,(3) support for authenticating sessions,(4) consolidated, non-order-dependent rulesetting, and(5) generic and port-range service proxiessupporting legacy, proprietary or emergingprotocols.The Knowledge GroupSYMANTEC CorporationKnowledge House, Concorde Road,266 Second Avenue, Waltham, Patchway, Bristol BS34 5TB, United KingdomMassachusetts 02451Point of contact: Regina HammondPoint of contact: Alan JonesTelephone: +1 781-530-2305Telephone: +44 (0) 117 900 7500Facsimile: +1 781-487-6755Facsimile: +44 (0) 117 900 7501Email: [email protected]:URL: 32. IACS – COMMUNICATIONS Baltimore ED2048R3Baltimore ED600RTS Government Use Only ITSEC E3 and CAPS approvedITSEC E3 and CAPS approved Certificate Number: 96/60 April 1996Certificate Number: 95/55 September 1995 CLEF: IBM Global Services CLEF: Syntegra The ED2048R3 provides cryptographic The ED600RTS is a RAMBUTAN Encryptor for protection for up to 2.048 Mbps point-to-pointsynchronous data transmitted on a point-to-point links. The ED2048R3 has 2 interface options:link, at speeds of up to 128 Kbps using an X.21 • X21 interface. The ED2048R3 offers a two-tier key • G.703/G.732/G704hierarchy. Four data encryption keys (DEKs) can The X.21 interface is suited to protecting flexible be entered into the master encryptor from a bandwidth services as line speeds swipe card and downloaded over the link to slave can be increased without reconfiguration. units. Alternatively, the ED2048R3 can be The G704 interfaces support an nx64 Kbpsmanaged from the Baltimore Network Security fractional service. Workstation, to provide automated key and equipment management The ED2048R3 offers a two-tier key hierarchy. Four data encryption keys (DEKs) can be entered into the master encryptor from a swipe card and downloaded over the link to slave units. Alternatively, the ED2048R3 can be managed from the Baltimore Network Security Workstation, to provide automated key and equipment management. Baltimore Technologies LtdBaltimore Technologies Ltd 39/41 Parkgate Street, Dublin 8, Ireland39/41 Parkgate Street, Dublin 8, Ireland Point of contact: Point of contact: Telephone: +61 2 9409 0300Telephone: +61 2 9409 0300 Facsimile: +61 2 9409 0301Facsimile: +61 2 9409 0301 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] URL: 33. IACS – COMMUNICATIONSBaltimore ED8000RL Cisco 3640 RouterGovernment Use OnlyITSEC E3 and CAPS approved IN EVALUATION ITSEC E2Certificate Number: 97/92 December 1997PROJECTED CERTIFICATION DATE: MAY 2001CLEF: IBM Global ServicesCLEF: CMG AdmiralThe ED8000RL is an Ethernet encryptorThe Cisco 3640 is a multifunction platform thatusing the RAMBUTAN algorithm. It providescombines dial access, routing, LAN-to-LANcryptographic protection for user data services and multiservice integration of voice andtransmitted between LANs using Internetdata in the same device. As a modular solution,Protocol across WANs. The encryptor is the Cisco 3640 has the flexibility to meet bothinterposed between a local Ethernet LAN subnet current and future connectivity requirements.and the router giving access to the WAN. The Cisco 3640 is fully supported by Cisco• Central management IOSTM software, which includes LAN-to-LAN• Supports Ethernet V2.0 and IEEE 802.3 framerouting, data and access security and WANformat incorporating SNAPoptimization. Applications supported are• Holds up to 16 data keys to enable creation of asynchronous and synchronous serial interfaces.separate cryptographic zones• Supports up to 512 destination IP subnet ordevice addresses• Data rate exceeds 2Mbits per second• SNMP TRAPs can be sent to a separate NMC SUPPLIER: Cisco Systems Limited 3 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB11 1BN, United Kingdom Point of contact: Jon Arnold (For Cisco) Telephone: +44 (0) 208 756 8651 URL:http://[email protected] SYSTEM DESIGNER:Baltimore Technologies Ltd INCA39/41 Parkgate Street, Dublin 8, Ireland Post Point C2, North Star House,Point of contact:North Star Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 1BSTelephone: +61 2 9409 0300 Point of contact: David GrantFacsimile: +61 2 9409 0301 Telephone: +44 (0) 1793 863173Email: [email protected]: +44 (0) 1793 863010URL: Email:[email protected] 34. IACS – COMMUNICATIONS DataCryptor 2000 Meridian Option 1 (22.46) (Synchronous Line Encryptor) SPC Switch ITSEC E3 IN EVALUATION ITSEC E2 Certificate Number: P126 August 1999 Projected Certification Date: 2Q 2001 CLEF: CMG AdmiralCLEF: CMG Admiral The Datacryptor 2000 Link product range areThe Meridian Option 61C (22.46) is a state-of- encryption devices specifically designed tothe-art Software Stored Program Control Digital provide secure communications over circuits at Switch. Utilised as a platform for integrated voice speeds of up to 2Mbps using a variety of lineand data, Meridian Option 61C (22.46) delivers interfaces. The Datacryptor 2000 preventssophisticated messaging, call centre and unauthorised information access and protects computer telephony integration (CTI) applications against eavesdropping for data transmissions for Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) using both private and public networks. The unit technology. These support WAN bandwidth provides both Tamper Evidence and Tamper consolidation, transport and delivery of Resistance, and once commissioned, will operatemultimedia communications. When configured as automatically without further intervention.part of a communications network the switch The Datacryptor 2000 series employ the Zaxus prevents subscribers from gaining access to the Key Management Scheme to securely generate management system and thus provides an and distribute data encryption keys. Thisassured separation between subscribers and dispenses with the previously time-consuming management traffic. This product is being and laborious tasks associated with secure key evaluated specifically for the MOD’s Defence management which significantly reduces the costFixed Telecommunications Service. of ownership.SUPPLIER:Nortel NetworksMaidenhead Office Park, Westacott Way,Maidenhead, Berkshire SL1 3OH,United KingdomPoint of contact: NortelTelephone: +44 (0) 1628 432566Facsimile: +44 (0) 1628 432657 Zaxus Technical SalesURL: Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9SB,SYSTEM DESIGNER: United Kingdom INCA Point of contact: Chris Woods, Product Manager Post Point C2, North Star House,(Network Security)North Star Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 1BS Telephone: +44 (0)1273 384600Point of contact: David Grant Facsimile: +44 (0)1273 384601Telephone: +44 (0) 1793 863173 Email: [email protected] Facsimile: +44 (0) 1793 863010 URL: Email:[email protected] 35. IACS – COMMUNICATIONSNetwork SecurityNortel Switch NortelWorkstation Automated DPN - 100/20 vG36.03Security ManagementITSEC E3 and CAPS approvedITSEC E1Certificate Number: 97/75 Certificate Number: P142 March 2000CLEF: SyntegraCLEF: LogicaBaltimore’s RAMBUTAN Network Security The Nortel DPN -100/20 switch running softwareWorkstation (NSW) offers users automatedVersion G36.03 was developed by Nortel and is asecurity management for the ED2048R3 andswitch within DFTS designed to form part of aED600RTS link encryptors or the ED8000RL LANpacket switched data communications service.IP encryptor. The NSW comprises a PC and aIts purpose is to provide the interface betweencryptographic processor, the CG600R. Keyuser lines and the network. It can be configureddistribution is authenticated and encrypted either as an Access Module (AM) or a Resourcebetween the NSW and target encryptors.Module (RM). The latter serves trunks, providingA physical key has to be loaded into encryptors dynamic routing tables, whereas the formersix monthly. All other keys are supplied to the serves links and link/trunk interfaces. The switchNSW by CESG. Status, alarm and auditis a component of the DFTS PSS, which has alsoinformation can be collected automatically or been evaluated. The Nortel DPN - 100/20 switchunder operator control. The NSW is protected by was evaluated against ITSEC E1 assurancepassword protection mechanisms. Plain text keyrequirements.material is not accessible by an NSW operator.SUPPLIER:Nortel NetworksMaidenhead Office Park, Westacott Way,Maidenhead, Berkshire SL1 3OH,United KingdomPoint of contact: NortelTelephone: +44 (0) 1628 432566Facsimile: +44 (0) 1628 432657URL:http://nortelnetwork.comSYSTEM DESIGNER:Baltimore Technologies LtdINCA39/41 Parkgate Street, Dublin 8, IrelandPost Point C2, North Star House,Point of contact: North Star Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 1BSTelephone: +61 2 9409 0300Point of contact: David GrantFacsimile: +61 2 9409 0301Telephone: +44 (0) 1793 863173Email: [email protected] Facsimile: +44 (0) 1793 863010URL: Email:[email protected] 35 36. IACS – COMMUNICATIONS Nortel Passport Switch 6480 OMEGA v7.12 Increment 19 Government Use Only ITSEC E1ITSEC E3 Certificate Number: P143 March 2000 Certificate Number: P134 January 2000 CLEF: LogicaCLEF: CMG Admiral The Nortel Passport Switch 6480 running OMEGA is a multi-level secure message-handling software Version 5.0.16 was developed by Nortel product which provides a full range of network Networks and is a switch within DFTS designed and secure messaging facilities. Features include: to form part of a packet switched data• MAC, DAC and application of security labels, communications service. Its purpose is to Drafting, release control, distribution, delivery, support high capacity services on the network.routing, servicing and correction of messages It provides access protocol support for Frame with full provision of accountability, archiving Relay, Asynchronous Transfer Mode and LAN and traceability interconnect. The switch is a component of the • Acceptance and generation of almost all DFTS PSS, which has been evaluated. The Nortel message formats including ACP127 and X.400 Passport Switch 6480 was evaluated against (1984 and 1988); ITSEC E1 assurance requirements. • Gateways to a number of recognised defence systems, ranging from RS232 and ITA5 to X.25; • Facilities for communications with ships via a range of LF, HF and satellite bearers; • Access for PC’s and a CMW platform connected via LAN and WAN. SUPPLIER: Nortel Networks Maidenhead Office Park, Westacott Way, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL1 3OH, United Kingdom Point of contact: Nortel Telephone: +44 (0) 1628 432566 Facsimile: +44 (0) 1628 432657 URL: SYSTEM DESIGNER: INCAICL Post Point C2, North Star House,Jays Close, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG22 4BY North Star Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 1BS Point of contact: John Reynolds Point of contact: David Grant Telephone: +44 (0) 1256 428235 Telephone: +44 (0) 1793 863173Facsimile: +44 (0) 1256 428389 Facsimile: +44 (0) 1793 863010Email:[email protected] Email:[email protected] URL:http://www.icl.com36 37. IACS – COMMUNICATIONSRealitis (6.1) DX SPC Switch SafeDial v1.27 ITSEC E3 and CAPS approved*IN EVALUATION ITSEC E2 Certificate Number: 98/90 January 1998CLEF: CMG Admiral CLEF: CMG AdmiralThe Realitis (6.1) DX Communication Switch is aSafeDial is a V.34 compatible modem specificallystate-of-the-art Software Stored Program Control designed to provide secure communications forDigital Switch. Utilised as a platform for personal computers. SafeDial is a credit card sizeintegrated voice and data, Realitis (6.1) DX (type 2 PCMCIA) communication andCommunications Switch supports industriescryptographic processor combination particularlystandard interfaces and open communication suited to laptop use. It prevents unauthorisedstandards, such as ISDN and IP. When configuredinformation access and provides privacy for dataas part of a communications network the switch transmissions using public telephone networks.prevents subscribers from gaining access to theThe unit is tamper resistant, easily transportablemanagement system and thus provides an and once commissioned only requires a passwordassured separation between subscribers and for normal operation. This product inserts into amanagement traffic. This product is beingstandard PCMCIA socket, and is provided with aevaluated specifically for the MOD’s Defence linking cable suitable for attachment to aFixed Telecommunications Service.standard UK telephone socket. The device employs the Zaxus Key Management Scheme to securely distribute data encryption keys. *SafeDial v1.37 approved for baseline and enhanced gradeSUPPLIER:SIEMENSBrickhill Street, Willen Lake, Milton Keynes,Buckinghamshire MK15 0DS, United Kingdom Zaxus Technical SalesSYSTEM DESIGNER: Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square,INCA University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9SB,Post Point C2, North Star House, United KingdomNorth Star Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 1BSPoint of contact: Chris Woods, Business ManagerPoint of contact: David Grant (For INCA) (Network Security)Telephone: +44 (0) 1793 863173 Telephone: +44 (0)1273 384600Facsimile: +44 (0) 1793 863010 Facsimile: +44 (0)1273 384601Email:[email protected]: [email protected]: URL: http://zaxus.com37 38. IACS – DATABASES Trusted Oracle7, Informix OnLine Dynamic Release Server v7.23 ITSEC E3 ITSEC E2 Certificate Number: 94/33 September 1994 Certificate Number: 98/95 February 1999 CLEF: Logica CLEF: CMG Admiral Trusted Oracle7 is a Multi-Level Secure Relational INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server version 7.23 Database Management System Server. Trusted is a multi-threaded database server designed to Oracle7, Release, in conjunction with anexploit the capabilities of both symmetric operating system of functionality ITSEC F-B1 ormultiprocessor (SMP) and uniprocessor greater, can be used to provide database securityarchitectures to deliver database scalability, for systems which require F-B1 securitymanageability and performance OnLine Dynamic functionality for databases. In addition to theServer provides transaction processing and security functions listed for Oracle7, Release decision support through parallel data query, Trusted Oracle7 also supports(PDQ) technology, high availability, data integrity, Mandatory Access Control and Labelling for the mainframe-calibre administration and multi-level secure environment.client/server. It supports Informix’s entire rangeof SQL-based application development tools anda large number of third party tools. Designed tobe portable across E2/F-C2 UNIX platforms,tailoring to specific platforms involves changes toa small and well defined set of source modulesrequiring a minimal amount of re-evaluation.The product was evaluated on DEC UNIX V4.0c.Informix Software Ltd6 New Square, Bedfont Lakes, Feltham,Middlesex TW14 8HA. United Kingdom Oracle Corporation UK LimitedPoint of contact: Andy Legge 560 Oracle Parkway, Thames Valley Park,Systems Engineer - Reading, Berkshire, RG6 1RAHigh Performance Solutions Point of contact: Shaun LeeTelephone: Direct +44 (0) 20 8818 1017Security Evaluations Manager Mobile+44 (0) 7801 684 017 Telephone: 0118-924-3860Switchboard +44 (0) 20 8818 1000 Facsimile: 0118-924-7400 Facsimile: +44 (0) 20 8818 1118 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] URL: URL: www: 39. IACS – DATABASESCA Open INGRES/EnhancedOracle7,Security 1.2/01Release E3 ITSEC E3Certificate Number: P146 July 2000 Certificate Number: 94/33 September 1994CLEF IBM Global Services CLEF: LogicaOpen INGRES/Enhanced Security 1.2/01 is a fullyOracle7 is a Relational Database Managementfeatured multi-level Relational Database System Server. Oracle7, Release,Management System offering an ANSI compliant in conjunction with an operating system ofSQL interface. In addition to the standard functionality ITSEC F-C2 or greater, can be usedDiscretionary Access Controls (DAC), it provides to provide database security for systems whichSecurity Auditing and Mandatory Access Control require F-C2 security functionality for databases.(MAC) features. When used in conjunction with an Under these conditions, the main securityF-B1 operating system it is intended to providefunctions are Discretionary Access Control,security for systems requiring F-B1 functionality. Identification and Authentication, Object Reuse,INGRES/Enhanced Security acts as a vital Secure Data Exchange, and Audit andcomponent of a secure system by providing a setAccountability.of database security functions that cover theareas of Identification, DAC, MAC, Accountability,Audit and Object Reuse. When used with an F-C2 operating system, OpenINGRES 1.2/01provides F-C2 functionality, in applications wherethere is no requirement for MAC.Computer AssociatesOracle Corporation UK LimitedComputer Associates House, 560 Oracle Parkway, Thames Valley Park,183/187 Bath Road, Slough, Berks SL1 4AA Reading, Berkshire RG6 1RAPoint of contact: Adrian OldfieldPoint of contact: Shaun Lee European DirectorSecurity Evaluations Manager Strategic Alliances Telephone: 0118-924-3860Telephone: +44(0)1753 242819 Facsimile: 0118-924-7400Facsimile: +44 (0)1753 825464Email: [email protected]: [email protected]: 40. IACS – DATABASES Trusted Oracle7, Oracle7, Release ITSEC E3 COMMON CRITERIA EAL4 Certificate Number: 98/96 March 1998 Certificate Number: P103 September 1998 CLEF: EDSCLEF: Logica Trusted Oracle7 is a Multi-Level Secure Relational Oracle7 is a Relational Database Management Database Management System. Trusted Oracle7, System, providing advanced security and Release, when used in conjunction with functionality for multi-user, distributed database an operating system of ITSEC F-B1 or greater,environments. Oracle7, Release, provides database security for systems thatwhen used in conjunction with an operating require F-B1 functionality. In addition to the system of ITSEC F-C2 or greater, provides security functions listed for Trusted Oracle7, database security for systems that require F-C2 Release, Trusted Oracle7, Release functionality. Oracle7, Release, was, also supports multi-level secure stand- evaluated against the Commercial Database alone and client/server distributed database protection profile. The main security functions environments.are identical to those given in the Oracle7,Release, ITSEC E3 evaluation entry. Oracle Corporation UK LimitedOracle Corporation UK Limited 560 Oracle Parkway, Thames Valley Park,560 Oracle Parkway, Thames Valley Park, Reading, Berkshire RG6 1RA Reading, Berkshire RG6 1RA Point of contact: Shaun LeePoint of contact: Shaun LeeSecurity Evaluations ManagerSecurity Evaluations Manager Telephone: 0118-924-3860 Telephone: 0118-924-3860 Facsimile: 0118-924-7400 Facsimile: 0118-924-7400 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] URL: URL: security/seceval/listing.htm40 41. IACS – DATABASESOracle7, Trusted Oracle7,Release Release E3 ITSEC E3Certificate Number: Certified 98/94 February 1998Certificate Number: P124 July 1999CLEF: Logica CLEF: LogicaOracle7 is a Relational Database ManagementTrusted Oracle7 is a Multi-Level Secure RelationalSystem, providing advanced security andDatabase Management System. Trusted Oracle7,functionality for multi-user, distributed database Release, when used in conjunction withenvironments. Oracle7, Release, an operating system of ITSEC F-B1 or greater,when used in conjunction with an operating provides database security for systems thatsystem of ITSEC F-C2 or greater, providesrequire F-B1 functionality. In addition to thedatabase security for systems that require F-C2security functions listed for Trusted Oracle7,functionality. The main security functions include Release, Trusted Oracle7, Releasegranular privileges for enforcement of least, also supports trusted storedprivilege, user-configurable roles for privilege procedures, flexible label management, labelmanagement, flexible auditing, views, stored policy enforcement and multiple securityprocedures and triggers for enhanced accessarchitecturescontrol and alert processing, row-level locking,robust replication and recovery mechanisms,secure distributed database communication andthe ability to use external authenticationmechanisms.Oracle Corporation UK LimitedOracle Corporation UK Limited560 Oracle Parkway, Thames Valley Park,560 Oracle Parkway, Thames Valley Park,Reading, Berkshire RG6 1RA Reading, Berkshire RG6 1RAPoint of contact: Shaun LeePoint of contact: Shaun Lee Security Evaluations Manager Security Evaluations ManagerTelephone: 0118-924-3860 Telephone: 0118-924-3860Facsimile: 0118-924-7400 Facsimile: 0118-924-7400Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: URL: security/seceval/listing.htm security/seceval/listing.htm41 42. IACS – DATABASES Oracle7, Oracle8, Release ITSEC E3 COMMON CRITERIA EAL4 Certificate Number: P109 December 1998 Certificate Number: P106 October 2000 CLEF: Logica CLEF: Logica Oracle7 is a Relational Database ManagementOracle8 is an Object/Relational Database System, providing advanced security andManagement System, providing advanced security functionality for multi-user, distributed database and functionality for multi-user, distributed environments. Oracle7, Release, when database environments. Oracle8, Release used in conjunction with an operating system of8., when used in conjunction with an ITSEC F-C2 or greater, provides database securityoperating system incorporating the Controlled for systems that require F-C2 functionality. Access Protection (or the equivalent ITSEC F-C2 The main security functions are identical to those functionality) provides database security for given in the Oracle7, Release, ITSECsystems that require C2 functionality. E3 evaluation entry. Oracle8, Release, was evaluatedagainst the Database Management Systemprotection profile. In addition to the securityfunctions listed for Oracle7, Release,Oracle8 also supports mutual authentication ofdatabases, single sign-on, passwordmanagement, data dictionary protection, globalroles and X.509 certificate based authentication. Oracle Corporation UK LimitedOracle Corporation UK Limited 560 Oracle Parkway, Thames Valley Park,560 Oracle Parkway, Thames Valley Park, Reading, Berkshire RG6 1RA Reading, Berkshire RG6 1RA Point of contact: Shaun LeePoint of contact: Shaun LeeSecurity Evaluations Manager Security Evaluations Manager Telephone: 0118-924-3860 Telephone: 0118-924-3860 Facsimile: 0118-924-7400 Facsimile: 0118-924-7400 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] URL: URL: security/seceval/listing.htm42 43. IACS – DATABASES IACS – MISCELLANEOUSOracle8i, AUDITOR PlusRelease 8.1.7 v1.4-03 Revision SITSEC E1IN EVALUATION COMMON CRITERIA EAL4Certificate Number: 96/70 October 1996CLEF: LogicaCLEF: CMG AdmiralOracle8i is an Object/Relational DatabaseAUDITOR Plus is an integrated set of softwareManagement System, providing advanced securitytools for security auditing and management ofand functionality for multi-user, distributed Compaq’s OpenVMS operating system. OpenVMSdatabase environments. Oracle8i, Release 8.1.7, contains many security related mechanisms andis in evaluation against the Database Managementthe product provides a means of automatingSystem protection profile. In addition to the their use and controlling their functions listed for Oracle8, ReleaseIts major areas of functionality are:, Oracle8i also supports security policies • Regular monitoring of system security settingsfor fine grained access control, application against defined policy Baseline.specific security context, invoker’s and definer’s• Real-time change detection and responserights to permit separation of programmed logicfacility.from privileges and data and integration with • Multi-level access according to userLDAP-based directory services. (System manager, auditor, help desk etc).• Network wide user authorisation management.• Password synchronisation.• Audit report generation.Oracle Corporation UK Limited560 Oracle Parkway, Thames Valley Park, IBSL TechnologiesReading, Berkshire RG6 1RAAshby House, 3 Derbyshire Road South,Point of contact: Shaun Lee Sale, Manchester M33 3JN, United KingdomSecurity Evaluations ManagerTelephone: 0118-924-3860Point of contact: John ReamFacsimile: 0118-924-7400Telephone: +44 (0) 870 121 0990Email: [email protected]: +44 (0) 870 121 0995URL:[email protected] security/seceval/listing.htm URL: 43 44. IACS – MISCELLANEOUS Hitachi Multiple LogicalTrusted EDI on Trusted Processor FacilitySolaris 1.2 v3.3.0Government Use Only ITSEC E3ITSEC E3 Certificate Number: P116 March 1999 Certificate Number: 97/85 July 1997 CLEF: LogicaCLEF: EDS Ltd The Hitachi Data Systems MLPF version 3.3.0 Trusted EDI passes AECMA S2000M format EDI logically partitions a single hardware platform messages (EDIMs) between trading partners with respect to several operating systems.using X.435/X.400 messages over Public Switch This allows the definition and allocation ofStream (X.25) connections. The security features hardware system resources to named partitions.that Trusted EDI provides are as follows: Each partition is capable of being independently• Integrity checking of received X.435 messages operated as if it were a physical processor • Non-repudiation of origin of X.435 messages complex. An operating system in a logical • Origin Authentication of X.435 messages partition can function simultaneously with those• Validation of format of EDIMs against AECMA in other logical partitions. Information in logical S2000M. partition is not directly or indirectly accessible to other logical partitions unless sharing isThe X.435 security features are implemented deliberately set. This means that a user on the through the use of encryption techniques which, operating system of a logical partition is notin the evaluated configuration, use the Secure aware of other operating systems on other Hashing Standard (SHS) algorithm and the RSA logical partitions. algorithm. This product was developed specifically for the MoD’s Logistic Support System. Hitachi Data Systems 750 Central Expressway, MS 32/36, EDS Systems Assurance Group PO Box 54996, Santa Clara, CA 95056-0996, 1-3 Bartley Wood Business Park, Hook, USA Hampshire, United Kingdom Point of contact: Nelson King Point of contact: Geoff Lambert Telephone: +1 408 970 1023Telephone: +44 (0) 1256 742000 Facsimile: +1 408 988 8601Facsimile: +44 (0) 1256 742700 Email:Email: [email protected] URL:URL: http://www.eds.com44 45. PROTECTION PROFILESPROTECTION PROFILESA PP is not related to any given productor system, rather it defines a user’sneeds independent of any specificproduct. Certification against a PP willspecify the extent to whichrequirements of the Profile have beenmet.A PP is particularly useful in assistingthe formulation of procurementspecification.PP’s certified by the UK Scheme areshown here. Additional PPs can befound at the CC website:www.commoncriteria.orgA Protection Profile is a set ofrequirements designed for a setof circumstances. It consists of:s A list of threatss A list of functional requirementss A list of assurance activitiess A justification that these addressthe threatProtection Profiles can be designed by agroup of prospective customers whohave similar IT security needs, or by thesoftware developer himself. 45 46. PROTECTION PROFILES Biometric Device Protection Controlled Access Profile (Draft) Protection Profile v1.d COMMON CRITERIA EAL3 IN EVALUATION COMMON CRITERIA EAL4Certificate Number: PP006 October 1999 CLEF: Logica This is a draft Protection Profile intended for the Controlled Access Protection Profile is designed Common Criteria evaluation and certification of for use as a Protection Profile under Common biometric devices at evaluation assurance levelsCriteria. It is suitable for systems which require EAL1-EAL4. This draft has been produced byindividual users and administrators to control CESG with the collaboration and support of theaccess to objects on the basis of user identity or German and US CC authorities. It will be used onmembership of a group. This Protection Profile a trial basis until validated and approved forwas developed by the National Security Agency. normal use. It is derived from the C2 class of the US Department of Defense’s Trusted Computer Common Criteria Biometric product evaluationSystem Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC). Products will include independent performance testingevaluated against the Controlled Access using CESG developed ‘Best Practices forProtection Profile must be evaluated to an Biometric Testing’ standards. assurance level of at least EAL3. This protection profile supersedes the UK Controlled Access Protection Profile, which has been withdrawn. CESG PO Box 152, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL52 5UF, United Kingdom Point of contact: Phillip Statham National Security Agency Telephone: +44 (0) 1242 221491POC: Howard Holm Facsimile: +44 (0) 1242 235233Telephone: +1 410 854 4458 Email: [email protected]: URL: URL: 47. PROTECTION PROFILESLabeled SecurityPrivilege Directed ContentProtection ProfileProtection Profilev1.bCOMMON CRITERIA EAL3COMMON CRITERIA EAL4Certificate Number: PP007 October 1999Certificate Number: PP009 January 2001CLEF: LogicaCLEF: IBM Global ServicesLabeled Security Protection Profile is designed This protection profile specifies security featuresfor use as a Protection Profile under Commonand an intended environment of a productCriteria. It is suitable for systems requiring adesigned to protect a website by offering to asecurity policy based on a combination of web visitor only content consistent withuser-controlled access to objects and the authorisations granted to that visitor, and tosensitivity or category of labelled information.protect such a website from subversion.This Protection Profile was developed by theNational Security Agency. It is derived fromthe B1 class of the US Department of Defense’sTrusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria(TCSEC).Products evaluated against the LSPP must beevaluated to an assurance level of at least EAL3augmented by ADV_SPM.1 (informal securitypolicy model). This protection profile supersedesthe UK Labelled Security Protection Profile,which has been withdrawn.Authoriszor LtdWindsor House, Cornwall Rd,Harrogate HG1 2PN, United KingdomNational Security AgencyPoint of contact: Richard AtkinsonPOC: Howard HolmTelephone: +44 (0) 1423 730300Telephone: +1 410 854 4458Facsimile: +44 (0) 1423 730315Facsimile:Email: [email protected]: http://www.authoriszor.com47 48. PROTECTION PROFILES Role-Based Access ControlOracle Database Protection Profile Management System v1.0 Protection Profile COMMON CRITERIA EAL2 COMMON CRITERIA EAL3 Certificate Number: PP001 September 1998 Certificate Number: PP008 May 2000 CLEF: Logica CLEF: Logica Role-based access control allows the systemThis protection profile specifies security administrator to define roles based on job requirements for database management systems functions within an organization. As the user’sin organisations where there are requirements for job responsibilities change,user membership in the protection of the confidentiality (on a “need roles can be granted and revoked easily. As theto know” basis), integrity and availability of organization inevitably changes, roles can beinformation stored in the database. The Oracle modified easily through role hierarchies. As the Database Management System protection profile job changes, privileges are changed for thewhich is an ISO-15408 certified protection individual roles not for individual users. profile, was evaluated against the CommonCriteria at EAL3. The RBAC Protection Profile is meant to define a minimal set of requirements. More advanced functionality can be specified in the security target. Meeting the requirements in this protection profile would significantly enhance the security of many operating systems, database management systems, systems management tools, and other applications.Oracle Corporation UK Limited560 Oracle Parkway, Thames Valley Park,Reading, Berkshire RG6 1RA National Institute ofPoint of contact: Shaun Lee Standards and TechnologySecurity Evaluations Manager Point of contact: Ramaswamy Chandramouli Telephone: 0118-924-3860 Telephone: +1 301 975 5013 Facsimile: 0118-924-7400 Facsimile: +1 301 948 0279 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]: URL: 49. PROTECTION PROFILESOracle Commercial DatabaseOracle GovernmentManagement System Database ManagementProtection ProfileSystem Protection ProfileCOMMON CRITERIA EAL3COMMON CRITERIA EAL3Certificate Number: PP002 September 1999Certificate Number: PP003 October 1998CLEF: LogicaCLEF: LogicaThis protection profile specifies securityThis protection profile specifies securityrequirements for database management systemsrequirements for database management systemsin organisations where there are requirements for in organisations where there are requirements forthe protection of the confidentiality (on a “need the protection of the confidentiality (on a “needto know” basis), integrity and availability ofto know” basis), integrity and availability ofinformation stored in the database. The Oracleinformation stored in the database. The OracleCommercial Database Management System Government Database Management Systemprotection profile was evaluated against theprotection profile was evaluated against theCommon Criteria at EAL3.Common Criteria at EAL3.Oracle Corporation UK Limited Oracle Corporation UK Limited560 Oracle Parkway, Thames Valley Park, 560 Oracle Parkway, Thames Valley Park,Reading, Berkshire RG6 1RAReading, Berkshire RG6 1RAPoint of contact: Shaun Lee Point of contact: Shaun Lee Security Evaluations ManagerSecurity Evaluations ManagerTelephone: 0118-924-3860Telephone: 0118-924-3860Facsimile: 0118-924-7400Facsimile: 0118-924-7400Email: [email protected]: [email protected]: security/seceval/listing.htmsecurity/seceval/listing.htm49 50. CAPSHMG Cryptographic StandardsCryptographic products are graded interms of three different CryptographicProtection Levels:Baseline:CAPSThese products can use CESGdesigned or more normally publicdomain cryptographic algorithms.Within the UK, Baseline products aresuitable for the protection of data upto the RESTRICTED protectivemarking. This is also the minimumgrade of encryption required toprotect communications ofRESTRICTED material to or fromplaces outside the United Kingdom.The transmission of RESTRICTEDmaterial over the Internet requiresBaseline Grade encryption, regardlessof the geographical location of theuser. It is for Departments to decide,The CAPS scheme has beenon the basis of a risk assessment,established to provide design whether additional measures,consultancy for developers andincluding Enhanced Gradevendors of products utilising encryption, may be needed incryptographic security measures.particular circumstances.The scheme also providesEnhanced:cryptographic verification of these These products require CESGproducts to government standardsdesigned cryptographic algorithms.and formally approves their use byEnhanced grade products can protectHMG and other public sector data up to and including theorganisations.CONFIDENTIAL protective marking.In some circumstances EnhancedWhat do we mean bygrade approved products can beCryptographic products? used to protect data up to theSECRET protective marking.Cryptographic products use encryptionto provide security. HMG policy High Grade:determines the standards required for This level of cryptographic protectionthe use of approved encryption which is is for data protectively markedemployed to protect sensitive SECRET and above. Currently this isgovernment data.beyond the scope of CAPS approvalprocesses. 51 51. The CAPS scheme has been very The sale of any approved cryptographic successful in ensuring that a wide rangeproduct is subject to approval by CESG. of approved cryptographic products is This is an important process to ensure available for use by HMG and public that cryptographic products are going to sector customers as can be seen by theappropriate recipients and to ensure list of products featured in this section that the implementation of of the directory. cryptography requested is appropriate to the requirement. It is also an The latest product approvals can be important element of the Key found on the CESG web site at: production process, ensuring that receive appropriate key material for their This site also provides a list of those requirement. products currently undergoing the approval process.CESG Assisted Products Scheme The listing is categorised as follows to PO Box 144 aid identification of products Cheltenham appropriate to your requirement: GloucestershireGL52 5UE s Data EncryptionTel: +44 (0)1242 221491 Ext.4130 s Communications SecurityFax: +44 (0)1242 s Access Controlemail: [email protected] s Miscellaneous Contact details for advice on products and for sales enquiries are given in the product listing. In addition, for MOD customers, many of the CAPS approved products featured in this directory are available through the MOD DCSA catalogue, the current agent of supply being The Software Box, who can be contacted as follows: The Software Box East Moor House Green Park Business Centre Sutton on the Forest YORK YO6 1ET Tel: 01347 812100 Fax: 01347 81122052 52. CAPS – Data EncryptionPGP for HMG REFLEX DATA VAULT (HMG)for NT v1.0, 1.0B, HMG-3DES v1.0Assurance Level: CAPS approved baseline Assurance Level: CAPS approved baselinePGP for HMG provides complete e-mail, file andReflex Data Vault (HMG versions) allow users tonetwork security in a single, tightly integratedstore up to 4 Gigabytes of data securely in apack encryption. PGP for HMG consists of file dedicated “logical” drive on their hard disk.and e-mail-based encryption, the ability to Data is automatically encrypted. The encryptedimport keys and to send keys to an LDAP server. drive is secured by FIREGUARD and RED PIKE.A triple DES version is also available. This systemPGP protects messages against unauthorizedis fully compatible with Windows NT’s NTFSreading - digital signatures guarantee authenticity filing system and security features. If a userand data integrity. PGP e-mail plug-ins support forgets his password, Data Vault can “inject” athe majority of e-mail key, which will totally disregard oldkey/passwords. The main encryption key canQuick, seamless integration of PGP’s toolsalso be changed. Running on Windows NTencourages data security. The intuitive interface version 4.0, Reflex Data Vault requires less thanassures corporate policies are carried out daily. 1Mb of hard disk space.E-mails and files can be secured andauthenticated.On removing or replacing sensitive information,users are a click away from secure file deletion.Network Associates International Ltd. Reflex Magnetics Ltd227 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire SL1 5PP31-33 Priory Park Road, London NW6 7HPTelephone: 01753 217588 Telephone: 020 7372 6666Facsimile: 01753 217520 Facsimile: 020 7372 2507E-mail:[email protected]:[email protected]: www.reflex-magnetics.com53 53. CAPS – Data Encryption SECRETS for HMGSERCO DATASENTRY NT Assurance Level: CAPS approved baselineAssurance Level: CAPS evaluation in progress “Drag and drop” file encryptor for encryptionA highly secure data protection scheme for PCs of files prior to transmission over an untrusted running Windows-NT4 offering total disk network. protection and wave encryption. Access to anyDataSentry protected PC is by the use of apersonalised touch token (iButton) together withthe entry of a PIN number and user name. Entegrity Solutions LimitedSerco Ltd Avis House, Park Road, Bracknell Pavilion 2, Olympus Park Business Centre, Berkshire, RG12 2BWQuedgeley, Gloucester GL2 4NF Telephone: 01344 782950Telephone: 01452 726300 Facsimile: Facsimile: 01452 726393 E-mail:E-mail: [email protected] URL: URL:54 54. CAPS – Data EncryptionCommunications SecurityTOPSOFT CYBERLOCK DATA DATACRYPTOR 2000 SERIESAssurance Level: CAPS approved baselineAssurance Level: CAPS approvedTopsoft’s file encryption product TS CyberLock The Datacryptor 2000 series from Zaxus LtdData provides transparent token-based file (formerly Racal) are built on a high performanceencryption. The product utilises a kernel-mode cryptographic platform which uses hi densityfile system filter driver for NTFS and FAT fileFPGA (programmable Gate Array) technology tosystems running on Windows NT and Windowsdeliver high performance encryption solutions for2000. On-the-fly file encryption is provided toUK Government and Defence type flexible security policies allowingThe Datacryptor 2000 UKG series use bothencryption of: publicly available and CESG encryption algorithms• selected files and key management schemes to deliver the• specific directories appropriate security solutions. The equipment is• file patterns (wild cards) orsupplied with designated software, network• mapped network drives. interface cables, and a CD containing supporting applications, utilities and manuals.When sensitive data is shared over a network, TSData ensures data is transmitted in encryptedThe Datacryptor 2000 series is used to protectform and decrypted locally on the client the confidentiality of traffic as described in themachine. Key material is stored securely on aManual of Protective Security. In particular:physical token, typically an ISO 7186-4• the Baseline Grade version of the productsmartcard. TS Data is integrated with TS Access, (using Triple DES) may be used to protect thea CAPS-approved password authenticationconfidentiality of traffic protectively marked upproduct, allowing a single token to be used forto and including RESTRICTED in the UK andaccess control and file encryption.overseas, and • the Enhanced Grade version of the productProduct design has prioritised usability and ease of (using EMBATTLE) may be used to protect theinstallation. Encryption is performed using triple confidentiality of traffic protectively marked upDES, though product modularity allows algorithmto and including Short Term Sensitivity SECREToptions to be considered by application. (i.e. traffic with intelligence life of less than one year) in the UK and overseas. A further version (using BATON) may be used to protect Long Term SECRET. The Datacryptor 2000 series is suitable for reverse tunnelling and is available with a number of communications configurations.Topsoft LtdThales E-Security LtdWoodgate House, Games Road,Meadow View House, Crendon Industrial Estate,Cockfosters, Herts EN4 9HN Long Crendon, Bucks HP18 9EQTelephone: 020 8275 0808 Telephone: 01844 201800Facsimile: 020 8275 0044 Facsimile: 01844 208850E-mail:[email protected]:URL: www.topsoft-security.comURL: 55 55. CAPS – Communications Security DIAL THRU CRYPTO (DTC) MULTITONE Z-PAGE Assurance Level: CAPS approved baselineAssurance Level: CAPS approved baseline A low cost solution for a transparent encryption A PC-based paging system using CESG-approved device designed to work over ISDN. It provides algorithms specially designed for Government, encryption for the two B channels enabling two Military and NHS use. simultaneous 64Kb/s (standard rate) encrypted data streams for voice, data, fax and video. Z-Page is used with a special version of The modular and flexible design enables DTC to Multitone’s Fourline Alphanumeric pager. The PC be adapted for future support of other protocols software is simply installed and the system such as (A)DSL or to use other encryptionenabled by connecting to the network via a serial algorithms such as user of the Z-Page has 64-bitEncryption/decryption keys known only to thatpager and the PC Software.Compatible with Wide Area, Z-Page can receiveboth secure and conventional messaging.Full security features include:Automatic Key Changes, Password (PNI) Entry,Full Password Entry, Automatic Erase SecureData after incorrect password entries. Marconi Secure Systems Ltd Multitone Electronics plc 2 Wavertree Boulevard, Multitone House, Beggarwood Lane, Wavertree Industrial Park, Liverpool L7 9PEKempshott Hill, Basingstoke, Telephone: 0151 282 5294 Hants, RG23 7LL Facsimile: 0151 254 1194 Telephone: 01256 320292 E-mail: sales@marconi_securesystems.comFacsimile: 01256 462643 URL: URL: www.multitone.com56 56. CAPS – Communications SecuritySECURITY X-KRYPTORENHANCEMENTSFOR MICROSOFT EXCHANGE –EXCHANGE(SE)Assurance Level: CAPS evaluation in progress Assurance Level: To be evaluated under CAPSVersions: v1.0 to v3.1 working with MicrosoftX-Kryptor is a dedicated network encryptionExchange v5.5-SP2 to Exchange 2000 and device that provides domain based security andOutlook 98 or Outlook 2000, for NT4 or network traffic encryption. The device has twoWindows 2000 active 10/100Mb LAN interfaces and will segment network domains, a trusted domain willMicrosoft Exchange E-MAIL Security pass clear data, the un-trusted domain will passEnhancement comprises a client extension built only encrypted data. Communications across theon Microsoft’s standard Outlook product and aun-trusted network can be to either anotherserver based Policy Manager. Security features are trusted X-Kryptor, or to a Network Client deviceprovided to allow controlled release of emails with the X-Kryptor Secure Device Driver installed.and for sensitive data to be transmitted acrossEncryption techniques available include AES withinsecure networks including the Internet.128bit key. CESG approved algorithms can beThe following features are available:implemented upon request.• Centralised Policy Enforcement based onDestination and Message Label• Confidentiality – CESG-approved DataEncryption• Proof of Content Origin – CESG-approvedElectronic Signatures• Classification Labelling• Release Authority – Boundary ComplianceChecking• Additional security featuresCompaq Computer LtdSecure Solutions Team, 2 Kelvin Close,Birchwood Science Park North, Risley,Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 7PBBarron McCann LimitedTelephone: 01925-841881BeMac House, Fifth Avenue,Facsimile: 01925-841800Letchworth, Herts SG6 2HFE-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 01462 01462 482112nt_security.html Email: [email protected] URL: www.x-kryptor.com57 57. CAPS – Access Control CASQUE-HMG EDS FIREGUARD ONSOLARIS 2.6 Assurance Level: CAPS approved Assurance Level: CAPS approved CASQUE-HMG enables the access control of The EDS FIREGUARD software module replaces sensitive information on remote servers; itthe commercial password encryption algorithm provides strong authentication, key management with the CESG-approved FIREGUARD password and key distribution on open platforms.generation and encryption algorithm and ensuresusers can only operate with these passwords. The system comprises optical tokens that can use The product is delivered as an easy-to-install any light-emitting screen (e.g. any workstationpatch tape. monitor, backlit TFT laptop screens etc), a Standalone Administration System and server software for any platform. CASQUE-HMG server side can interface directly to application programs by using http, or provide user authentication at firewalls eg Checkpoint. CASQUE-HMG does not interfere with proxy servers or firewalls and has as its principal aim to provide authentication that is easy to integrate, use and administer. Distributed Management Systems Ltd Stockclough Lane, Blackburn BB2 5JREDS Point of Contact: Basil Philips1-3 Bartley Wood Business Park Telephone: 01254 208419Bartley Way, Hook, Hampshire RG27 9XA Facsimile: 01254 208418Telephone: 01256 742584 Mobile:07887 524907Facsimile: 01256 742060 E-Mail [email protected]: [email protected] URL: www.dms-soft.comURL:www.eds.com58 58. CAPS – Access ControlHEWLETT PACKARDPORTCULLIS GUARDIANHP-UX 10.20 ENHANCED ANGEL NTAUTHENTICATIONAssurance Level: CAPS approved Assurance Level: CAPS approved baselineThe HP-UX Enhanced Authentication package is a The security mechanisms of this pre-boot loaderCESG-approved implementation of theare designed to protect the Windows NT boot-FIREGUARD algorithms for HP-UX 10.20 thatmanager by:includes:• Displaying screen-warning facilities to meet• FIREGUARD Application Programming Interfacethe requirements of current UK legislation.(API) – to allow applications to perform user• Asset Tagging to aid recovery of stolenauthentication with the FIREGUARD algorithmhardware.• FIREGUARD Header files and libraries • Authentication using passwords encrypted byInstallation mechanism for the installation of an endorsed implementation of the CESGproject specific ‘seed’ values FIREGUARD algorithm. • Control of access to floppy disk and hard disks.Modified HP-UX commands to support user• Remote configuration and administration.authentication with the FIREGUARD algorithmthrough the following commands and utilities:• passwd• su• login• initcon ftpd ftpd• ftpd• rexecd• CDE loginHewlett-Packard LtdPortcullis Computer Security LtdNine Mile Ride, Wokingham, The Grange Barn, Pikes EndBerkshire RG40 3LL Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 2EXTelephone: 01344 365029Telephone: 020 8868 0098Facsimile: 01344 763747Facsimile: 020 8868 0017E-mail:[email protected]:[email protected]: www.portcullis-security59 59. CAPS – Access Control PORTCULLIS GUARDIANSECURITY ANGEL (SECURE PARTITION) ENHANCEMENTSFOR MICROSOFT WINDOWSNT – NT(SE) Assurance Level: CAPS approvedAssurance Level: CAPS approved (FIREGUARD implementation only) In addition to the screen-warning, asset-tagging,Versions: v1.0 to v3.2 working with Microsoft and boot protection provided by GANT, this Windows NT SP1 to SP6a derivative provides an additional feature designed to store data of differing protective markings Microsoft Windows NT v4.0 Operating System securely.Security Enhancement, designed by Compaq andMicrosoft, adds the security features that are Using a CAPS-approved implementation of therequired to protect classified data at any level. FIREGUARD authentication algorithm, GASP The following optional features are configured ensures that selection of a specific hard disk centrally at the time of the system-wide partition is controlled in order that the user may installation: choose to: • CESG Replacement Password Hashing System • Connect to the network and the non-sensitive (Uniquely valued) data store, or • CESG Password Generation System • Connect to a sensitive data storage area with• Password Obfuscation System the network disconnected.• Last Login and Multiple Login Information• CD/Floppy Disk Centralised Access Control• CD Auditing• Single workstation with multiple desktopsenabling role-based security• Additional security featuresCompaq Computer LtdSecure Solutions Team, 2 Kelvin Close, Portcullis Computer Security Ltd Birchwood Science Park North, Risley, The Grange Barn, Pikes End Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 7PB Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 2EX Telephone: 01925-841881 Telephone: 020 8868 0098 Facsimile: 01925-841800 Facsimile: 020 8868 0017 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail:[email protected] URL: www.portcullis-security nt_security.html60 60. CAPS – Access ControlSECURITY SECURITYENHANCEMENTS ENHANCEMENTSFOR MICROSOFT WINDOWS 2000 – FOR MICROSOFT WINDOWS NTWINDOWS 2000(SE) TERMINAL SERVER – WTS(SE)Assurance Level: CAPS approved Assurance Level: CAPS approvedVersions: v1.0& v2.0 working with MicrosoftVersions: v1.0, v1.1 and 1.0-2 working withWindows 2000 SP1 Microsoft Windows NT Terminal Server Edition SP3 to SP6Microsoft Windows 2000 Operating SystemSecurity Enhancement, designed by Compaq and Microsoft Windows NT Terminal Server EditionMicrosoft, adds the security features that are v4.0 Operating System Security Enhancement,required to protect sensitive data at any leveldesigned by Compaq and Microsoft, adds thebased on the enhancements to Windows NTsecurity features that are required to protectprovided by NT(SE). The following optional sensitive data at any level. The following optionalfeatures are configured centrally at the time of features are configured centrally at the time ofthe system-wide installation:the system wide installation:• CESG Replacement Password Hashing System • CESG Replacement Password Hashing System(Uniquely valued)(Uniquely valued)• CESG Password Generation System• CESG Password Generation System• Password Obfuscation System• Password Obfuscation System• Last Login Information and Multiple Login• Last Login and Multiple Login InformationDenial Service.• Terminal Server CD/Floppy Disk Access Control• CD and Floppy Disk Centralised Access Control• Terminal Server CD Auditing• CD usage and Floppy Disk File Transfer • Additional security featuresAuditing• Single workstation with multiple desktopsenabling role-based security• Additional security featuresCompaq Computer LtdCompaq Computer LtdSecure Solutions Team, 2 Kelvin Close, Secure Solutions Team, 2 Kelvin Close,Birchwood Science Park North, Risley,Birchwood Science Park North, Risley,Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 7PBWarrington, Cheshire, WA3 7PBTelephone: 01925-841881Telephone: 01925-841881Facsimile: 01925-841800Facsimile: 01925-841800E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] nt_security.html 61 61. CAPS – Miscellaneous ABATHORN PROCESSGORE D3 TAMPER RESPONDENT TECHNOLOGY Assurance Level: CAPS approvedAssurance Level: CAPS approval in progress A secure data authentication solution, whichGore D3 Tamper Respondent Technology allows validation of electronic (digital) or physical provides a respondent barrier to physical (printed) documents. No matter what E-Securityintrusion in security hardware. is applied, it all vanishes immediately the document is printed out. The Abathorn solutionThe D3 sensor is an organic, flexible sheet sensor however carries all key information to thewhich folds around an electronic package to document, transferring the trust from the create an envelope with no direct entry points. electronic to the physical document.Once coated, entry without circuit damage and detection is very improbable. Electrically, the The solution authenticates all significant data sensor consists of a resistive network which is through the TTP/CA, the document issuer and continually monitored by a detector circuit inside incorporates a biometric template, which canthe package. When detection occurs it is fast and identify the bearer.permanent. The sensor is low power and being non metallic is also very difficult to analyse by If applicable the Abathorn solution can carry the x-ray. D3 is designed to detect penetration by digital signature to the paper. conducting and non conducting drills and probes as well as by erosive and chemical attacks. The solution provides Data/Document Legality, The D3 system has successfully undergone a Non-Repudiation, Continuity of Evidence,number of validations to FIPS140-1 level 4 and Integrity, Audit, Traceability, Compliance, ZKA criteria. Admissibility and Reconciliation capabilities. W L Gore and Associate (UK) Ltd Abathorn LimitedDundee Technology Park PO Box 17, Cirencester, Glos GL7 5ZFDundee DD2 1JA Telephone: 01285 650781 Telephone: 01382 569204 Facsimile: 01285 740149 Facsimile: 01382 561007 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail:[email protected] URL:www.abathorn.comURL: www.wlgore.com62 62. TEMPESTCESG provides thefollowinguniquespecialist TEMPESTservices:s Equipment andinstallation designguidances Certification standardss Certification for compliance withHMG standardss Background and installation-designtrainingTEMPESTs Tester training, leading to formalnationally recognised accreditations Specialist signals processing andanalysis.To find out about the products available,please consult the following two lists,which are arranged alphabetically byequipment category. Contact details forthe manufacturers of these productsThe security of information may beare given at the end of this section.compromised by electromagneticFor more details on a specific approvedphenomena. What areproduct, please refer in the firstelectromagnetic phenomena?instance to the company POC for thatproduct. For more general enquiriesCommunications and IT equipmentsregarding approval of TEMPESTand systems can produceproducts, please contact the CESGelectromagnetic emanations whichTEMPEST office on:may compromise the confidentialityof information. This aspect of Tel: 01242 221491 ext. 4681,information security is known asFax: 01242 256394 orTEMPEST. CESG has developed ane-mail: [email protected] of the current threatto information integrity andavailability from electromagneticphenomena and ensures that cost-effective measures are provided. 63 63. TEMPEST – APPROVED PRODUCT LIST A. CERTIFIED TO AMSG-720B OR BTR/01/202 STANDARD CategoryManufacturer Equipment Facsimile Interface Secure Computer Systems Ltd. SSG 933T Fibre Optic Converter DRS Rugged Systems (Europe) Ltd. QFOCV24T Fibre Optic Converter DRS Rugged Systems (Europe) Ltd. QFOCX21T Fibre Optic Dist. UnitLindgren-RayproofL2839/005T Fibre Optic EthernetVolamp Ltd.VES8042T Fibre Optic EthernetVolamp Ltd.VES8042TR Fibre Optic Hub Trend Communications Ltd.643A Fibre Optic Interface Lindgren-RayproofL2243/CT/004 Fibre Optic Interface Lindgren-RayproofY21881/T Fibre Optic Interface Lindgren-RayproofY21882/T Fibre Optic Multiplexer Honeywell Network Solutions Ltd. 9016T Fibre Optic Multiplexer Lindgren-RayproofY21871 Fibre Optic Multiplexer Lindgren-RayproofY21906 Fibre Optic Transceiver Lindgren-RayproofL/2840/005T Fibre Optic Transceiver Lindgren-RayproofL/2840/006T Modem Secure Systems Production Ltd. COMSEC LD5010 Monitor, Colour Secure Computer Systems Ltd. SL 15BT001 LCD 15” MONITOR Packet Switch UnitInternational Computers Ltd. X25T Paper Tape Attachment Siemens plcT1560 Paper Tape Attachment Trend Communications Ltd.PC 612 PTA Printer, Dot Matrix Trend Communications Ltd.614RO Printer, Dot Matrix Trend Communications Ltd.610RO Printer, LaserSecure Computer Systems Ltd. SC4050T Scanner Secure Computer Systems Ltd. SC6250T Scanner Secure Computer Systems Ltd. SS6350BT Teleprinter Siemens plcT1501 RO Teleprinter Siemens plcT1502 KSR Teleprinter Siemens plcT1504 ESR Teleprinter Trend Communications Ltd.610156 Teleprinter Trend Communications Ltd.615B ESR Teleprinter Trend Communications Ltd.628A TerminalDRS Rugged Systems (Europe) Ltd. LS20T TerminalSecure Systems Production Ltd. Wyse 370 FT Terminal, Secure Office International Computers Ltd. DRS M15/1TS Terminal, Workstation DRS Rugged Systems (Europe) Ltd. j435T Terminal, Workstation DRS Rugged Systems (Europe) Ltd. j438T Terminal, Workstation DRS Rugged Systems (Europe) Ltd. j735T64 64. TEMPEST – APPROVED PRODUCT LISTB. CERTIFIED TO AMSG-788A OR BTR/01/210 STANDARDCategoryManufacturerEquipmentCombiner/Splitter Secure Systems Production Ltd.Combiner/SplitterComputer, PersonalJoyce-Loebl Ltd.JLTS/1/P133-FO/TComputer, PersonalSecure Computer Systems Ltd.SC8000T seriesComputer, PersonalSecure Computer Systems Ltd.SC6000T seriesComputer, PersonalSecure Systems Production Ltd.Alphastation 600 5/333 & DecServer 700Computer, PersonalTrend Communications Ltd. 635B 386SXComputer, PersonalTrend Communications Ltd. 645Computer, Personal, RobustDRS Rugged Systems (Europe) HTOUA Robust 486Computer, Personal, RuggedDRS Rugged Systems (Europe) EXIComputer, Personal, RuggedDRS Rugged Systems (Europe) LXIComputer, Personal, RuggedDRS Rugged Systems (Europe) EXI PentiumComputer, Personal, RuggedDRS Rugged Systems (Europe) Application ServerComputer, Personal, RuggedDRS Rugged Systems (Europe) RP6000 Buzzard 410/TEMPER002Computer, Personal, RuggedDRS Rugged Systems (Europe) GIS ClientComputer, Personal, RuggedDRS Rugged Systems (Europe) GRIDCASE 1587XGAData Link Processor SystemUltra Electronics / Data Sciences DLPSFacsimile Secure Computer Systems Ltd.SFX80T-M(R)(D)Facsimile Secure Computer Systems Ltd.TS-21TFacsimile Trend Communications Ltd. 640Facsimile Trend Communications Ltd. 650Facsimile Trend Communications Ltd. 650AFibre Optic Distribution Unit EUROPEAN DATA SYSTEMS Battery backed fibre optic hubFibre Optic Distribution Unit Lindgren-Rayproof L2839/HX-STPFibre Optic Modem Lindgren-Rayproof FOCRS232RFibre Optic Modem Secure Systems Production Ltd.LD-7132Fibre Optic Mux./Demux. Lindgren-Rayproof L3201/210/STFibre Optic Transceiver Lindgren-Rayproof L2840/HT-STGround Support System DRS Rugged Systems (Europe) Apache GSSKeyboardDRS Rugged Systems (Europe) QK102/776/RMonitor DRS Rugged Systems (Europe) EAGLE II MonitorMonitor, Colour DRS Rugged Systems (Europe) HTOUB Rack 14”Monitor, Colour Secure Computer Systems Ltd.SM15T-003Monitor, Colour Secure Computer Systems Ltd.HM-174B High Res. MonitorMonitor, Colour Secure Computer Systems Ltd.SM15T-004Monitor, Colour Secure Computer Systems Ltd.SM15T-001Monitor, Colour Secure Computer Systems Ltd.HM-114BPacket Switch UnitSecure Systems Production Ltd.CPX10-5T X.25 UNIT 65 65. TEMPEST – APPROVED PRODUCT LIST B. CERTIFIED TO AMSG-788A OR BTR/01/210 STANDARD (Continued) CategoryManufacturerEquipment Packet Switch UnitSecure Systems Production Ltd. CPX10-3T Paper Tape Punch & Reader Secure Computer Systems Ltd. N4000 Printer BLAZEPOINT Ltd.Blazepoint 400M Printer Printer BLAZEPOINT Ltd.BLAZE 100L 10-PPM LED Printer Printer Trend Communications Ltd.636A Printer, Colour Secure Computer Systems Ltd. SC 895T Printer, Dot Matrix DRS Rugged Systems (Europe)CP8240 24PIN Printer, Dot Matrix Secure Systems Production Ltd. 280T Printer, Dot Matrix Trend Communications Ltd.636F Printer, Dot Matrix Trend Communications Ltd.636C Printer, Dot Matrix Litton Data SystemsV2-LP(T) Printer, Dot Matrix Secure Systems Production Ltd. PD-121B Printer, LaserBLAZEPOINT Ltd.BLAZEPOINT OPTRA T162 Printer, LaserSecure Systems Production Ltd. PL-137B LED RouterSecure Computer Systems Ltd. SC1005T-X21 Router Router, PacketEUROPEAN DATA SYSTEMSTactical Packet Router TerminalDRS Rugged Systems (Europe)LS20R TerminalDRS Rugged Systems (Europe)7392 Message Terminal TerminalDRS Rugged Systems (Europe)LS40R TerminalDRS Rugged Systems (Europe)LSX17CR TerminalInternational Computers Ltd. 20271/001 & 20683/001 (K/B) Terminal, CHOTS, Colour International Computers Ltd. 20373/002 Terminal, CHOTS, Mono International Computers Ltd. 20373T Terminal, CHOTS, Mono International Computers Ltd. 20683T Terminal, Message DRS Rugged Systems (Europe)7392 Terminal, Secure Office International Computers Ltd. M15/2TS Workstation DRS Rugged Systems (Europe)LWS715/50R Workstation DRS Rugged Systems (Europe)LWS712/60R66 66. TEMPEST – COMPANIESCOMPANY NAMES AND ADDRESSESManufacturer Address ContactBLAZEPOINT Ltd.Unit 2, Tower Estate, Warpsgrove Lane, Chalgrove,Telephone: 01865 891666 Oxfordshire OX44 7XZContact: Mr D SelwoodDRS Rugged Systems (Europe) Ltd. The Trading Estate, Farnham,Telephone: 01252 734488 Surrey GU9 9NNContact: Mr D CockarillEUROPEAN DATA SYSTEMS Ltd. Cornbrash Park, Bumpers Farm Chippenham, Telephone: 01249 461234 Wiltshire SN14 6RAContact: Mr W ClementsGRID Defence Systems Ltd.Highbridge House, 93-96 Oxford Rd Uxbridge, Telephone: 01895 230650 Middlesex UB8 1LU Contact: Mr P Rushton (Piers)Honeywell Network Solutions Ltd. Lovelace Road,Telephone: 01438 730700 Bracknell,Contact: Mr S Cockley (Steve) Berkshire RG12 8WDE-mail: [email protected] Computers Ltd. Jays Close, Viables Industrial Estate,Telephone: 01256 428083 Basingstoke,Contact: Mr M Conroy (Mick) Hampshire RG22 4BYE-mail: [email protected] Ltd. Post Design and Engineering Services 390 Princeway, Team Valley,Telephone: 0191 420 3000 Gateshead NE11 0TUContact: Mr M CattleLindgren-RayproofBoulton Road, Pin Green Industrial Area, Stevenage,Telephone: 01438 730700 Hertfordshire SG1 4TH Contact: Mr C CastroLitton Data SystemsBurlington House, 118 Burlington Road New MaldenTelephone: 020 8329 2041 Surrey KT3 4NRContact: Mr J Yale (John)67 67. TEMPEST – COMPANIES COMPANY NAMES AND ADDRESSES (Continued) Manufacturer AddressContact Secure Computer Systems Ltd. Henley House,Barnett Way,Barnwood,Gloucester Telephone: 01452 371999Gloucestershire GL4 3RTContact: Mr F Foskett Secure Systems Production Ltd. 9 Manchester Park,Tewkesbury RoadCheltenham Telephone: 01242 257800Gloucestershire GL51 9EJ Contact: Mr J Walker Siemens plcSiemens HouseOldburyBracknellTelephone: 01344 396000Berkshire RG12 8FZ Contact: Mr R E Miller Trend Communications Ltd.Knaves Beech EstateLoudwaterHigh Wycombe Telephone: 01628 524977Buckinghamshire HP10 9QZ Contact: Mr P Deane Ultra Electronics /Data Sciences Ltd. Knaves Beech Business Centre Loudwater High Wycombe Telephone: 01628 530000 Buckinghamshire HP10 9UT Contact: Mr S Bennison Volamp Ltd.Unit 3Riverside Business ParkDogflud WayFarnhamTelephone: 01252 724055Surrey GU9 7SS Contact: Mr W Saich68 68. INDEX INDEX69 69. INDEX ProductPage ProductPage A E Abathorn Process62Evaluation Assurance Levels (EAL)6-7 Argus B1/CMW v1.2 & v1.3.214EDS Fireguard on Solaris 2.658 Argus C2/TMW v1.2 & v1.3.214EDS Ltd. (CLEF)9 Assurance levels 7Enhanced grade encryption 51 AUDITOR Plus v1.4-03 Revision S 43Entrust/Admin & Entrust/Authority 4.0a19 Authoriszor Secure Extranet AccessEntrust/Authority 5.0 & 5.1 21 Management System 19Entrust/RA 5.020 B Entrust/RA 5.120 Baltimore ED600RTS32F Baltimore ED8000RL33 Fast Track 8 Baltimore ED2048R332 Foreign Scheme contacts9 Baseline encryption 51 Biometric Device Protection Profile 46G BorderWare Firewall Server v6.1.2 24Gauntlet Internet Firewall for BorderWare Firewall Server v6.5 25Windows NT v3.0129 Gore D3 Tamper Respondent Technology62 C CA Open INGRES/Enhanced Security 1.2/01 39H Casque-HMG58Hewlett Packard HP-UX 10.20 15 Certificate Maintenance Scheme (CMS) 6Hewlett Packard HP-UX 10.20 Enhanced Certificate recognition7Authentication59 Check Point Firewall-1 v4.0 25High Grade encryption 51 Check Point VPN-1/Firewall-1 v4.1 26Hitachi Multiple Logical Processor Facility v3.3.0 44 Cisco 3640 Router 33 Cisco PIX Firewall Software Version 5.2(3)26 I CLEFs7IBM DYNIX/ptx v4.1 & v4.1a15 CMG Admiral (CLEF) 9IBM DYNIX/ptx v4.4.216 Common Criteria6-7IBM Global Services (CLEF) 9 Controlled Access Protection Profile v1.d 46Informix OnLine Dynamic Server v.7.23 38 Cryptographic Protection Levels 51International mutual recognition 7 Cryptographic standards for HMG 51ITSEC6-7 CyberGuard Firewall for UnixWare 4.127 K CyberGuard Firewall for UnixWare/Premium Appliance Firewall 4.328Kilgetty Plus NT4 Version 1.0 11 CyberGuard Firewall for Windows NT27Kilgetty Plus V1.2h 11 CyberGuard Firewall v228 L D Labeled Security Protection Profile v1.b47 Datacryptor 2000 34, 55 Logica UK Ltd. (CLEF)9 Dial Thru Crypto (DTC)56Luna CA Token 2270 70. INDEXProduct Page Product PageMSMailGuard Bastion 1.029Safedial v1.27 37Meridian Option 1 (22.46) SPC Switch 34Safegate v2.0.230Microsoft Windows NT WorkstationsSecrets for HMG54and Win NT Server 4.016Security Enhancements forMOD DCSA catalogue 52Microsoft Exchange – Exchange(SE)57Mondex Purse 2.0 10Security Enhancements for MicrosoftMultitone Z-Page 56Windows 2000 – Windows 2000(SE)61Multos v310Security Enhancements for Microsoft Windows NT – NT(SE)60NSecurity Enhancements for MicrosoftNetwork Security Workstation Automated Windows NT Terminal Server – WTS(SE) 61Security Management35Security target 6Nortel Passport Switch 648036SeNTry 20/20 13Nortel Switch DPN – 100/20 vG36.03 35Serco Datasentry NT54OStoplock V v2.23 & 2.23a 13OMEGA Version 7.12 Increment 1936Sun Solaris 2.617Oracle7, Release Solaris v8 17Oracle7, Release SureWare KeyPer v1.0 23Oracle7, Release 42SureWare Net ED20M 23Oracle8, Release 42SWIPSY Firewall Toolkit30Oracle8i, Release 8.1.743Symantec Enterprise Firewall v6.531Oracle Commercial Database ManagementSyntegra (CLEF) 9System Protection Profile49System evaluations8Oracle Database ManagementSystem Protection Profile48TOracle Government Database ManagementTopsoft Cyberlock Access 55System Protection Profile49 Tracker 2650 18P Tracker 2650 Data Collection Unit18PGP for HMG53 Trusted EDI on Trusted Solaris 1.2 44Portcullis Guardian Angel NT 59 Trusted Oracle7, Release Guardian Angel (Secure Partition) 60 Trusted Oracle7, Release 40Portcullis Guardian Angel V 5.01D1 12 Trusted Oracle7, Release 41Privilege Directed Content Protection Profile47 Trusted Solaris 2.5.118RRealitis (6.1) DX SPC Switch 37VReflex Data Vault (HMG) for NT v1.053VCS Firewall v3.031Reflex Disknet for NT V1.2012Vulnerabilities 6Remote Management Centre 22 xRole-Based Access Control ProtectionProfile v1.0 48X-Kryptor5771 71. The Marketing Office10/2W25, PO Box 144, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL52 5UE Tel: +44 (0)1242 237323 • Fax: +44 (0)1242 257520email: [email protected] © Crown Copyright 2001


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