CONTENTS NOTESABOUT THE TRANSCRIPTIONS These ten pieces, which appear in print for the first time,weretranscribed directryfrom Dilermando Reis' original recordings.Aside from va se rc Agradat the other nine selections haveone recorded versioneach.A roughtranslationiwirr, ,rra .r sobradinho, for it is impossibie ""."pti." to know the exactmeaningD ermandohad i., -i.raand the recordingdateappear in parenthesis next to the title. Alma Apaixonada / SouIin Love(196grecording) This piece, though written in 3/4, is not exactrya wartz.Dilermando praysit as a sentimentarsong.There are many gracenotes anticipating the bass line. Someare stylistic and somewereprobablyusedto facilitatethe-performance. Desengano (1966recording) / Disenchantment This is a greatchoro with a strongmelody.Notethat somegapsin the main merodyare filled in with another one which creates a kind of questionand answereffect. Eterna Saudade/ Etemal Longing (1963recording) This is one of Reis'typicarwaltzes. written in a minor ket it mustbe prayedsrowlyand with a melancholic feeling.Thereis a nice contrasting effectin trr. iirri ,".r". bu., of the secondsectionwhich areplayedtwice asfast. Feitigo / Sorcery (1968 recording) My favoriteof Dilermando's choros isIeifrEo. Muchof its charmisdueto the anticipated bassnotes throughout the piece,which in this case go beyond styristic.rru.ri", to becomean essential part of the piece. tY j ')'(,', .: The rhythm changes suddenly in bars 30 and 31 (second section), which may cause reading problems. These two bars should be played as if they were written thii way: L'islesso t€mpo ll ,e-. Fim de Festa / End of the Party (1964 recording) Sandrinha / Little Sandra(1970 recording) Reiscomposed many sentimental waltzes in E minor. These two share this characteristic and, besidesthe romantic feeling, have a similar structure. Gente Boa / GoodPeople(1975 recording) This choro is quite effectivedespite not havinga strongbass line, sotypical ofthe choro. It must be played with plenty of swing. pay attention to the pizzicatos (they are very important) and, once more, to anticipated bassnotes. Rosasde Outono / Autumn Roses (1969 recording) Although played slowly, it differs from the other waltzes in this volume in that it is not sad and has not repeated melodic phrasesin either section. There are some similarities between this piece and Dois Destinos,which is in Volume 1 of this series. Sobradinho / (1969 recording) This is the only maxixe in this collection. The first section recallsthe well-known sons de Carrilhdes(Soundof Bells),byJolo Pernambuco and must be plaved with the same feeling. The title may refer to a Brazilian city. VA se tu Agrada / See If YouLike It (1948 and 1971 recorrlings) Both versions of this choro were recorded with z guitars. In this arrangement for solo guitar, I have tried to maintain some of the original feeling. I consider this to be the most difficult piece in the collection. I wouldlike to thankmy friends Dailorpereira, Edmar Fenicio, Hahocunha,lodoBarbosa, Richard udler,Ronoel simdes, Rubinho, and william Kobata whohelped mein various ways. specialthanks to Erasto Reis(Dilermando's nephew) and the entire Reisfamily flom (Sdo Guaratinguetd Paulo). Thisvolume, once again,isdedicated toMr Ronoel simdes, whose workfor thepdsts0 yeafi, hasbeen preseruation in the of theguitarhistory. fundamental IVAN PASCHOITO Aotil2O. 1994 REIS(L9L6-L977) DTLERMANDO popularguitarist,wasbornin Slo probablythemostfamousBrazilian DilermandoReis, paulostatebut lived most of his life in RiodeJaneiro, whereheworkedactivelyin radio about20 - 78 rpm and 23 - LPs. From 1941to 1975he recorded and recordings. Tarrega, of Bach,Barrios, the compositions He playedall kinds of music and recorded was the Gnattali, and Pixinguinha among many others. However,his preference to modulations traditional Brazilian guitar style: doleful waltzesand chorosfull of playedwith his unique styleand sound. "confuse"accompanists, many about 100of his own compositions, He wasa greatcomposeralso.He recorded and se of Brazilianpopularguitar-like DoisDestinos of which becamereal standards EIaPerguntar. containing his last Reis, In 1975he recordedthe LP TheBrazilianGuitarof Dilermando compositions:chorosand waltzes,of course. IVAN PASCHOITO Ivan was born in s6o Paulo, Brazii in 1953. Fascinatedwith the sound of Dilermando Reis, he began teaching himself the guitar at the age of 1'2. In 1973, Ivan began transcdbing and arranging the music of Baden Powell, Toquinho, Milton Nascimento, Vinicius de Moraes, and others. His first arrangementswere published in 1984' Paulinho Nogueira, Dilermando Ivan's favorite guitarists include: CarlosBarbosa-Lima, Williams. and Reis,Garoto (Anibal Augusto Sardinha), John GUITARSOLOPUBLICATIONS 514 Bryant Street SanFrancisco California 94107-1217 USA Alma Apaixonada Transcribedby Ivan Paschoito (10/91) Andante sostenuto rJ=rol Dilermando Reis OII cantabile }. a L i7 r l i7 'l 01971 EDICOES MUSTCATS TAPAJOS LTDA. All RightsControlledand Administered in the UnitedStates and Canada by ColSems DMI,Inc. A11 Rights InternationalCopydght Secured. Reserved. Printedin the USA. Usedby Permission. GSP-65 r ;:a Q? rl -'r o9F I 1'T"ff \r fr l- 7E' 'l @ s@ u) ----------------- l?) GSP-65 (' I ?' I @ @ @ cv_ r CII GSP-65 Desengano Transcribed by Ivan Paschoito(10/91) Adagto 1) = 721 (choro) Dilermando Reis @1994GUITAR SOLO PUBLICATIONS (ASCAP) Intemational coptright secured. All rights rese ed. Photocopying this music is illegal. Printed in the USA. GSP-65 r0 trfrl. -l AdUi CIIT _r CV-. n+r\-+ ,l CVI ---------_ CIV,...i 0x lr' cvII I _ ll2.0x f-:^n tt'? -)J/. ? -.-../l\--=/ D. C. al Coda 4l @ Con t GSP-65 EternaSaudade Transcribedby (11/91) Ivan Paschoito Anaante 1J = 34; (waltz) Dilermando Reis 'J\d-l @@71 4 1\a); il I- an 0 ( r .l--'1 NI )l td4 (ASCAP) SOLO PUBLICATIONS CUITAR @1994 All rishts reselved. Internationalcopyrightsecured. this musicis illegal. Printedin the USA. Photocopying GSP-65 -12 "l F dappio movifiento GSP-65 IJ D. S. al Coda GSP-65 't4 Feitico t Transcdbedby (choro) Dilermando Reis Ivan Paschoito(9/91) Larghetto 1J = 69; rtgorosa cII I CIV O1992[DICOES MUSICAIS LTDA. Warner/Tamerlane Publishing Corp. InternationalCopyrightSecured. All RightsReserved. Usedby I'ermission.Printedin the USA. GSP-65 C1I 3l'-l +'a 3 r-i .4. -L. z c ' >-2 CVII > @-,1 o @ cvI ' '=-----.-'-'/ >T l ben ttu)rcoto - ocIIl cn' ,r ,Tf fi- '1 6@ v)= D. S. al Coda @ coao GSP-65 16 ,-., . Fim de Festa (WaltZ) , ,\ -rit Andrnte 1J=o61 ^ .q. @ra @ .r rranscribed by Ivan Paschoito (11/91) - ziT z,.riTl r ,.i a ,\ At1 4) t,lr 9-----------4l @ zl 4 1) 4 l.-- Ol994GUITARSOLO PUBLICAT]ONS (ASCAP) Internationalcopyrightsecured. Al1rightsreserved. Photocopying this musicis illegal. Printedin t1leUSA. GSP-65 cIr '("1 i GSP-65 @ con ClI GSP-65 GenteBoa (choro) Transcdbedby Ivan Paschoito(10/91) Adagio (,) = 76) Dilermando Reis scherzando cII_ 01994 GUITAR SOLOPUBLTCATIONS (ASCAP) Intemaiionalcopyrightsecured. All rightsresened. Photocopying this musicis illegal. printedin the USA. GSP-65 * crx _ @-__,___r rcti . ll. ---l --E o-- cIx-l t-r'at ?t' >?ft' l-V D. S. al Coda - I--_-t/ --------l Pizz * Onlv "A" note is tied. notes must be played. "" No iies here. Both "C" and "A" GSP-65 Transcribedby Rosas de Outono (waltz) 0v 21 Ivan Paschoito(10/91) Adante 1J = 331 Dilermando Reis Y f--=.-.---.\ ta' I ' -, I I qlx l-^-. I u.+rl! zl rl 4 CIY n l a. 01971 EDTCOES MUSTCAISTAPAJOSLTDA. All RiShts Controiled andAdministered in rne United Statesand Canada by Colgems EMI, Inc. International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission. printed in the USA. GSP-65 22 cv /a 3> 0v_ --,- -4j1-l -3"""'1 nr nr ,,-.--\i +' ol -a- I CIII Jrf. II; rr v't cII- -----------) I 4l i-r -l -r. al), lt :.) Ii t t ^ 'fo 0rv ,5ft l | --_=,/ I }. f>. C. al Coda tt.l2 I To- 8rq ' --., 4' t \9 J I $ coao a' I tau. GSP-65 24 Sandrinha Transcribedby (11/91) Ivan Paschoito Larghelto 1J = 661 tlvII (waltz) Dilermando Reis , @6 4t^t ..1 .x'r a'"1 lF. @ __ _-____r @--. P. l\-_=- "l rv 01971 EDICOESMUSICAIS TAPAJOSLTDA. All Rights Controlled andAdministered in the United Statesand Canadaby Colgems EMI, Inc. International Copydght Secured. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission. Printed in the USA. GSP-65 25 @@ .' \1 \, ,,?l @s 4r = i.. q! _a {:! i :12 1'Al 4 f. r r cvIII @ I .4 (+a cvll cr\' I GSP-65 1l') ,l -nE' r l\---.- _=--- GSP-65 Sobradinho Tmnscibed by 27 Ivan Paschoito(10/91) Adagio1J = 691 (maxixe) Dilermando Reis 'f-' Ftr l@ 0rr- _-, 't @1992 RIGHTSONGMUSIC, INC. Warner/Tamerlane Publishing Corp. Intemational Copyright Secured. A11 Rights Reselved. Used by Permission. Printed in the USA. GSP-65 28 tbtl)a Tfi L-/ cIIt I clv *r CYII i 3 crrr rao ,ll' 'L-r----'"e'r D. S. al Codn. c]l r $ Coao 4utt-', n.,2 .Nx ltlt GSP-65 -Ve turanged by Ivan Paschoito (11/91) (J = 63) Larghetto sete Agrada (choro) 29 Dilermando Reis clv I cvI I cvII '- I arY 7 4 ' jl - - c\' + r ll ^l .TY "',._---------..\,rIT cvII I .u tJ--.f- ,lT @ CIV- (ASCAP) 01994 GUITAR SOLOPUBLICATIONS InternationalcopFight secured.All rightsreserved. Photocopying this musicis illegal. Pdntedin the USA. GSP-65 30 +' ra- cvII i cv t't ctv I 0Ir __-- clv D. S. al Coda 11. ltz. GSP-65
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