Design is Trust— 9 Principles For Interactive Credibility

April 14, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Business
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1. 9DESIGN IS TRUST ^ 10 PRINCIPLES FOR INTERACTIVE CREDIBILITYjason cranford teague@jasonspeaking | | [email protected] 2. DESIGN IS TRUST10 Principles for Interactive Credibility 3. helvetica neue condensed bold DESIGN IS TRUST10 Principles for Interactive Credibility 4. helvetica neue ultra lightDESIGN IS TRUST10 Principles for Interactive Credibility 5. DESIGN IS TRUST10 PRINCIPLES FOR INTERACTIVE CREDIBILITYhelvetica neue condensed boldletter spacing: 10% 6. DESIGN IS TRUST10 PRINCIPLES FOR INTERACTIVE CREDIBILITY50% black 7. harringtonDESIGN IS TRUST 10 PRINCIPLES FOR INTERACTIVE CREDIBILITY 8. cooper stdDESIGN IS TRUST10 PRINCIPLES FOR INTERACTIVE CREDIBILITY 9. stencilDESIGN IS TRUST 10 PRINCIPLES FOR INTERACTIVE CREDIBILITY 10. architects daughterDESIGN IS TRUST 10 PRINCIPLES FOR INTERACTIVE CREDIBILITY 11. comic sansDESIGN IS TRUST10 PRINCIPLES FOR INTERACTIVE CREDIBILITY 12. helvetica neue ultra light helvetica neue condensed boldDESIGN IS TRUST10 PRINCIPLES FOR INTERACTIVE CREDIBILITYhelvetica neue condensed boldletter spacing: 6%50% black 13. museo sans 100museo sans 900DESIGN IS TRUST10 PRINCIPLES FOR INTERA CTIVE CREDIBILITY 14. DESIGN IS TRUST10 PRINCIPLES FOR INTERACTIVE CREDIBILITY Museo Slab letter spacing: 1% 15. 9DESIGN IS TRUST ^ 10 PRINCIPLES FOR INTERACTIVE CREDIBILITYjason cranford teague@jasonspeaking | | [email protected] 16. Widows peak indicate possiblevampirismHang loose or devil sign?Smile that frightens smallchildrenGoatee Indicates he is from evilalternate universe Why would you trust thisEmbroidered shirt commonly man?worn by pirates 17. MS in Tech. Comm. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute15 Books & 100s of articleson digital media designDozens of conferencepresentations for SXSW, HOW, WebVisions…17 years of Web designexperienceWhy youshould trustClients have included Marriott, AOL,this man! Bank of America, Virgin, Coca-Cola,WebMD, Aspen Ideas Festival… 18. SHOW 19. THE CLIENT 20. “People think its this veneer —that the designers are handedthis box and told, Make it lookgood! Thats not what we thinkdesign is. Its not just what itlooks like and feels like. Designis how it works.— Steve Jobs 21. INTERACTIVEDESIGN 22. DESIGN = TRUST 23. “One Third of 12–15 year olds believethat if a search engine listsinformation then it must be truthful…— Truth, Lies and the Internet⅓ 24. “…15 per cent don’t consider theveracity of results but just visit thesites they ‘like the look of’.— Truth, Lies and the 25. 9 PRINCIPLES…1. Be Sincere2. Know Your Voice3. Preserve Context4. Transition Changes5. Guide, Don’t Dictate6. Show, Then Tell7. Keep Promises8. Make it Simple, Not Simplistic9. Leave Them Wanting More 26. AUDIENCE 27. “Contempt for the intelligence of theaudience engenders graphics thatlie… graphic excellence begins withtelling the truth.—Edward Tufte 28. WHERE DO WESTART? 29. SINCERITY 30. FIRST PRINCIPLEBE SINCERE 31. preserve 32. contrasttexture 33. SECOND PRINCIPLEKNOW YOURVOICE 34. “Words mean more than what is setdown on paper. It takes the humanvoice to infuse them with shades ofdeeper meaning.— Maya Angelou 35. classical 36. contemporary 37. grunge 38. CONSISTENT VOICE 39. Constant 40. THIRD PRINCIPLEPRESERVECONTEXT 41. “Always design a thing by consideringit in its next larger context — a chairin a room, a room in a house, ahouse in an environment, anenvironment in a city plan.— Eliel Saarinen 42. OUT OF CONTEXT 43. 44. Preserve FixedPoints Provide a backdrop 45. FOURTH PRINCIPLETRANSITION CHANGES 46. “The real art of conducting consists intransitions.— Gustav Mahler 47. CHANGE BLINDNESS 48. 49. “ 50. “ 51. “show thein-between 52. click for 53. slides out 54. FOURTH PRINCIPLE GUIDE,DON’T DICTATE 55. “No man has the right to dictate whatother men should perceive, create orproduce, but all should be encouragedto reveal themselves, their perceptionsand emotions, and to build confidencein the creative spirit.— Ansel Adams 56. DON’T THINK OF AN ELEPHANT! 57. 58. help the userfind their path 59. FIFTH PRINCIPLESHOW, THEN TELL 60. “Dont tell me the moon is shining;show me the glint of light on brokenglass.— Anton Chekhov 61. WE SEE PATTERNS FIRST 62. 63. 64. SEVENTH PRINCIPLEKEEP PROMISES 65. “The promise given was a necessity ofthe past: the word broken is anecessity of the present.— Niccolo Machiavelli 66. 67. INCONSISTENTINTERFACES ARE ABROKEN PROMISE 68. EIGHTH PRINCIPLEMAKE IT SIMPLE,NOT SIMPLISTIC 69. “Truth is something which cant betold in a few words. Those whosimplify the universe only reduce theexpansion of its meaning.— Anaïs Nin 70. Lings Cars 71. DON’T MAKE ME THINK! 72. 73. NINTH PRINCIPLE LEAVE THEMWANTING MORE 74. “When youre finished changing,youre finished.— Benjamin Franklin 75. more movies are always 76. 77. 78. 9 PRINCIPLES…1. Be Sincere2. Know Your Voice3. Preserve Context4. Transition Changes5. Guide, Don’t Dictate6. Show, Then Tell7. Keep Promises8. Make it Simple, Not Simplistic9. Leave Them Wanting More 79. “To be persuasive we must bebelievable; to be believable we mustbe credible; to be credible we mustbe truthful.It is as simple as that.—Edward R. Murrow 80. 81. 82. 9DESIGN IS TRUST ^ 10 PRINCIPLES FOR INTERACTIVE CREDIBILITYjason cranford teague@jasonspeaking | | [email protected]


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