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1 From Vimsottari & udu dasa's by S. Rath; Which Dasa…all dasas will be available in Jagannatha Hora program To be used when….what for.. Special condition dasa's have criteria that can overlap i.e. it is possible that the criteria of two or more dasa are present in a horoscope. In such a case, the order of precedence given by Parasara should be used to select the suitable dasa. ; ashtottari (including its variation of Tithi Ashtottari dasa) ,Shodasottari , Dwadasottari , Panchottari , Satabdika , Chaturasiti sama , Dwisaptati sama , Shasti sama , Shat trimsa sama BPHS; The other kinds of Dashas, propagated by the sages, are Char, Sthir, Kendr, Karak, Brahma Grah, Manduk, Shul, Yogardh, Drig, Trikon, Rāśi, Panchswara, Yogini, Pind, Nausargik, Asht Varg, Sandhya, Pachak, Tara etc. But in our view all these Dashas are not appropriate From Scientific Hindu astrology by P.S. Sastri # 1;Vaidyanatha states (5.55) for longevity if the Sun is the strongest follow Pindayu; if Moon, Naisargika; if Budha, Rashmija ; if guru, Vimshottari; if Shani, Samudaya ashtaka varga; and if Lagna, Amsa ayurdaya. From wich star it starts; In Jataka Parijata, several different naksatras are mentioned and recommended for the calculations. They are:*Janma naksatra (natal Moon naksatra) * Lagna naksatra * Utpanna naksatra (5th from janma); In case matters related to longevity are needed. * Kshema naksatra (the 4th one from the janma naksatra) OR* Adhana naksatra (8th from janma) .Now, whichever of the above has more planets in kendras (angles) to it, is considered the stronger, and thus can, and should be, used in preference to the others. And for prasna The stronger amongst Name Nakshatra (the constellation/Pada indicated by the first letter in the name of the person) and Prasna Nakshatra (the constellation occupied by the Moon at the time of query or examination of a chart) is used . The Dasa and bhukti has to be calculated from lagna star or moon star, or Utpanna Nakshatra whichever is stronger, (the one in vargottama will be stronger) moon/lagna naksatra is stronger when it have the most planets in kendra from it, if they have the same number of planets aspecting them from kendras, then check out which one is aspected by Venus or Jupiter, check out also their position, aspect and conjunction. TIPS from Vimsottari & udu dasa (p. 42); see how many udu dasas are applicable in a chart, note their governing planet (it is the one excluded from the cycle), the strongest governing planet will decide which udu dasa will predominate & guide the life events/ theme sequences in life. So the strongest governing planet will be the one whose position will be the strongest from AK ; Kendras, Panaparas and Apoklimas from AK, get full strength, half strength and feeble strength respectively, when two or more special conditions dasa's apply, there shall be a tussle/ struggle between their governors to direct the life of the native, especially where malefic planets are involved. Those in kendra to the Atmakaraka shall prove to be stronger then those in panapara while those governors placed in apoklimas from the A.K. shall be the weakest. Nakshatra dasas tribhagi variations (all stars included) are available for most udu dasas. : Vimsottari dasa, Lagna Kendradi Graha Dasa, also known as the Moola Dasa; A variation of vimsottari, Ashtottari dasa, Kalachakradasa, Yogini dasa, Dwisaptati sama dasa, Shatrimsa sama dasa, Dwadasottari dasa, Chaturaseeti sama dasa, Sataabdika dasa, Shodasottari dasa, Panchottari dasa and Shashtihayani dasa. Planet in BOLD = have same star lordship than another dasa, horizontal grey square indicates the starting sequence for calculations of cycles & the ruling planet starting it, Vertical grey squares indicates 1 full cycle, All these dasas have been tested on JHora and JHora is correct Valid in cases 50 % 50 % 50 % 16 % 0.7 % 8 % 8 % 16 % 8 % 50 % Udu Dasa System vimso- ttari Ashto- ttari No _ Shoda- sottari No _ Dwada- sottari No \ pancho- ttari No__ Satab- Dika No__ Catur- Asitika No__ Dvisap- Tati No _ Shasti- Hayani No _ Shat- trimsat No _ B o l d P t s . Cycle of Yrs 120 108 116 112 105 100 84 72 60 36 Lo Ys Lo Ys Lo Ys Lo Ys Lo Ys Lo Ys Lo Ys Lo Ys Lo Ys Lo Ys Stars cycle 1 Aswini _ 7 _ _ 15 _ 11 \ 16 _ 5 } 12 _ 9 ) \ 7 2 Bharani \ 20 _ 12 _ 16 ) 9 _ 17 \ 10 @ 12 q 9 ) _ 8 3 Krittika @ 6 \ ¶ 17 @ 7 ) 18 ¶ 10 _ 12 ¶ 9 ) 10 _ 1 4 Rohini _ 10 \ \ 18 _ 21 @ 12 ) 20 q 12 ) 9 @ @ 2 5 Mrigasira q 7 \ 21 @ 11 } 19 ¶ 13 q 20 ¶ 12 \ 9 @ ) 3 6 Ardra _ 18 @ q 12 q 17 } 14 } 30 ) 12 } 9 @ q 4 7 Punarvasu ) 16 @ ) 13 _ 15 q 15 @ 5 \ 12 _ 9 @ 10 ¶ 5 8 Pushya } 19 @ @ 11 ¶ 13 \ 16 _ 5 } 12 @ 9 q } 6 9 Aslesha ¶ 17 @ 6 q 12 _ 11 _ 17 \ 10 @ 12 _ 9 q \ 7 10 Magha _ 7 _ ) 13 ) 9 ) 18 ¶ 10 _ 12 q 9 q 10 _ 8 11 Purva p \ 20 _ } 14 @ 7 @ 12 ) 20 q 12 ¶ 9 _ _ 1 12 Uttara p @ 6 _ 15 _ 15 _ 21 ¶ 13 q 20 ¶ 12 ) 9 _ @ 2 13 Hasta _ 10 q _ 16 } 19 } 14 } 30 ) 12 \ 9 _ ) 3 14 Chitra q 7 q ¶ 17 q 17 q 15 @ 5 \ 12 } 9 _ 6 q 4 15 Swati _ 18 q \ 18 _ 15 \ 16 _ 5 @ 12 _ 9 ¶ ¶ 5 16 Visakha ) 16 q 8 @ 11 ¶ 13 _ 17 \ 10 _ 12 @ 9 ¶ } 6 17 Anura. } 19 ¶ q 12 _ 11 @ 12 ¶ 10 q 12 _ 9 ¶ 6 \ 7 18 Jyestha ¶ 17 ¶ ) 13 ) 9 ¶ 13 ) 20 ¶ 12 q 9 \ _ 8 19 Mula _ 7 ¶ 17 } 14 @ 7 } 14 q 20 ) 12 @ 9 \ _ 1 20 P.ashada \ 20 } _ 15 _ 21 q 15 } 30 \ 12 _ 9 \ @ 2 21 U.ashada @ 6 } _ 16 } 19 \ 16 @ 5 } 12 q 9 \ 6 ) 3 Abhijit 28 th no } No } 22 Sravana _ 10 } 10 ¶ 17 q 17 _ 17 _ 5 @ 12 ¶ 9 } _ 1 23 Dhanista q 7 ) \ 18 _ 15 ) 18 \ 10 _ 12 ) 9 } 6 @ 2 24 Satabhi. _ 18 ) @ 11 ¶ 13 @ 12 ¶ 10 q 12 \ 9 _ ) 3 25 P.bhadra ) 16 ) 19 q 12 _ 11 ¶ 13 ) 20 ¶ 12 } 9 _ q 4 26 Ut.badra } 19 _ ) 13 ) 9 } 14 q 20 ) 12 _ 9 _ ¶ 5 27 Revati ¶ 17 _ } 14 @ 7 q 15 } 30 \ 12 @ 9 _ 6 } 6 Bold points Rasi dasas: Phalita dasas ;Narayana dasa, Sudasa, Drigdasa, lagna kendradi rasi dasa, Atma karaka kendradi rasi dasa, Trikona dasa, Chara dasa (Pararsara), Chara dasa (K.N. Rao), Yogardha dasa and Paryaya dasas (Chara, Sthira and Ubhaya Paryaya dasas, with only one applicable in each chart). Drig dasa, Ayur dasas; Shoola dasa, Niryana Shoola dasa, Brahma dasa, Sthira dasa, Mandooka dasa, Navamsa dasa and Varnada dasa. 2 Other dasas: Moola dasa, Tara dasa, Atma karaka kendradi graha dasa, Patyayini dasa, Sudarsana chakra dasa, Rasi-bhukta Vimsottari dasa, Tithi Astottari dasa and Tithi Yogini dasa. Options for any dasa, if you right click in JHora you get 2 options; (♥ = prefered default) #1, Definition of years in dasa; (Normal solar year (35.2425), Savana years 360 days), user defined year (in days), ♥ solar longitude based year (360 deg year), year with 360 tithis. #2, Preferences related to dasas; Dasa seed setting for tajaka, ♥ use dasa sesham in compressed mundane dasas. First part; UDU DASAS (naksatra dasas order in JHora): Nakshatra Dasa: This is either Ashtottari or Vimshottari. Tribhagi (3 x40 years); tribhagi variation is available in Vimsottari dasa and most other nakshatra dasas in JHora the Tribhagi Vimsottari dasa can also be considered as a form of compressed Vimsottari dasa into three cycles of 40 years each covering the short, middle and long life spans. tribhagi Vimsottari dasa shows how 360 degrees of the zodiac are mapped into 120 years of one's paramayush. This dasa shows when the Sahamas are activated (For example, Bhandana Sahama is applicable to time the event of imprisonment of a person. Look at the longitude and the sign of that particular Sahama. The planets and the Nakshatra that are occupying that point are very important to time the event. When that particular point in Tribhagi Vimsottari dasa is activated, imprisonment may happen.). This is a dasa that is like vimshottari but it takes into account the three cycles of life, it realizes that a child thinks different than a 40 year old. Sun dasa goes from 6 years to 2 years, Moon goes from 10 years to 3.3 years, etc. Then the dasas repeat again. The first cycle of the Sun would be the nakshatra causing its dasa, the 2 nd dasa would be that planet's next nakshatra, the third Sun dasa would give the results of the last naksatra of that planet. For example, if Moon is in Krittika nakshatra, the person is born in Sun dasa, the next dasa will be Moon giving the results of Rohini, when the second cycle of Moon dasa comes the person will get the effects of Hasta naksatra. It is a magnificent dasa. This dasa can be used for seeing the Ak phala, the bhadakesh phala, and many other fruits of karma In the order of importance, see the following in analyzing the Tribhagi Lessons on Vedic Astrology – Volume 2 (Rev 1) 78 • First see planet in Nakshatra • Vedha is important in point view of planet has influence • Aspect of a planet • Be careful on Latta on Nakshatra It touches all over the zodiac. This dasa is primarily used in Rasi and secondarily use in Navamsa. It is very physical and mundane. applicable in all charts like those of animals and other creatures. In human beings, this dasa is used to understand the influence/ effects of each nakshatra in the 3 sets of nine constellations counted from the Moon or Lagna. The use of the Navatara chakra is seen in its entirety in this dasa. According to Pt. Sanjay Rath, if the Janma Nakshatra is stronger to initiate the vimshottari dasa, then the Navatara chakra is initiated from the Lagna Nakshatra and vice-versa. Vimsottari dasa Our first natural choice is Vimsottari dasa unless other special conditions at birth prevail. It is a general purpose naksatra dasa that shows all the events in a native's life from the vantage point of native's mind. It tracks the changes throughout ore's life. It is one of the most important of all dasas in Kali Yuga. Though it is normally started from Moon's nakshatra, it can also be started from Kshema, Utpana and Adhana taras, lagna, Mandi and Trisphuta. Click the Options button to choose a variation. OPTION # 1; Vimsottari dasa starting point; janma tara (Moon), Kshema (4 th star), Utpana (5 th star), and Adhana (8 th star), lagna, Maandi , Gulikaand Trisphuta, Surya, Kuja, Buddha, Guru, Sukra, Sani, Rahu, Ketu, Brighu bindu, Indu lagna, Pranapada, User’s special point, user’s special lagna. Some people find Moon's longitude in various divisional charts and use it when finding Vimsottari dasa. If you want to experiment, choose the divisional chart below. If you just want to use the standard dasa, make sure that RASI CHART is selected below! OPTION # 2; Choose the divisional chart to be used for calculations; (D1 to D144) Vimsottari, 120 years;(no planet excluded), Valid in 50% cases; Vimsottari dasa is based on the progression of Moon and it shows the changing mental situation, it shows the mental status evolving and covers 120 degree of Zodiac. In Vimsottari, progressed moon influence from a particular planet is taken into consideration and it covers 3 Nakshatra in a dasa. It is indiscriminately used today in ignorance of Parashara's dictum. The condition attached is simple; birth is in Krishna Paksha (Waning moon) and Lagna is in sun hora or birth is in Sukla Paksha (waxing Moon) and Lagna is in Moon Hora, if birth is not so then use Shodasottari. Have variations of Tara, Tribhagi and Moola dasa, Irrespective of special conditions, Vimsottari dasa (and its variations) will always apply in a horoscope. Generally, Janma & Lagna dasa (i.e. Vimsottari dasa initiated from natal Moon nakshatra or Lagna nakshatra) are phalita dasa (fruits of this life) whereas Utpanna, Kshema and Adhana dasa are used mainly for longevity analysis (ayur dasa). Using Dasa Variations If the sign containing the 5th star from Moon is stronger than the sign containing Moon, Vimsottari dasa started from utpanna star may be preferred for general results. If the 5th star spans across 2 signs, take the sign containing the same quarter as occupied by Moon in birthstar. If Moon is in Makha 3rd pada (quarter), for example, 5th star is Chitra and it starts in Virgo and ends in Libra. So we should take the 3rd quarter of Chitra and we then get Libra. So Leo’s strength should be compared to Libra’s. How do we know which sign is stronger? There are no clear guidelines in the literature to compare the strengths. A sign aspected by Jupiter and occupied by more planets may be taken to be stronger. We can also use known events to see which dasa is working better. Vimsottari dasa started from the 4th and 8th stars is used mainly for the purposes of longevity determination. Look at the signs containing Moon and these 2 stars and find the strongest sign. Here a sign aspected by marakas and malefics becomes stronger. Start Vimsottari dasa from the star in the strongest of these 3 signs and use it in longevity analysis. If Moon is in Makha 3rd pada in Leo, 4th and 8th stars are Hasta (Virgo) and Anuradha (Scorpio). We should compare the strengths of Leo, Virgo and Scorpio. Some authorities have also recommended Vimsottari dasa from the longitude of lagna instead of Moon. In practice, this will give better results only when lagna is considerably more powerful than Moon. (my remark; the lagna/ birth conditions implies that the Lagna/ birth is not as auspicious as in Shodasottari, the support of the luminaries is not as strong, therefore rahu will not feel so restricted) We always compute the fraction left at birth in the first dasa based on the fraction of the constellation occupied by Moon, that is yet to be traversed by Moon. However, we need not always take the lord of Moon’s constellation as the planet ruling the first dasa. We can take the lord of the 4th, 5th or 8th constellation from Moon’s constellation to start the first das These 3 stars are called kshema, utpanna and adhana stars. nakshatra Ayurdaya is same as the Vimshottari Dasa system but named for finding longevity. it applies when guru is the strongest in Shadbala. #1; Ashtottari Dasa (controversial nakshatra dasa): same 2 options as vimsottari 3 Ashtottari dasa is a popular nakshatra dasa. Some hold it to be universally applicable. Some apply it for daytime births in Krishna paksha and night time births in Sukla paksha. Some apply it when Rahu is in a trine or quadrant from lagna lord (but not in lagna). As it is based on a 108-year cycle, some use it is an ayur dasa and time death from it. As only chara karakas figure in it, some use it as a dasa that shows sustenance and raja yogas. Ashtottari 50% of cases , 108 years, (ketu excluded is the governor of the dasa); (includes Abhijit) The conditions for it applicability are highly controversial, BPHS says;Rahu is placed in a Kendra or Trikona from the lagna lord (paka lagna) but NOT in lagna AND it is daytime birth in Krishna paksha or night time births in Sukla paksha = not auspicious (rahu is strong). It is the only Udu dasa with Shastihayani whose cycle that included all the naksatras .The effects of ketu, the mokshakarak and Rudra graha are felt throughout the period. great achievement will be in the export (Ketu) of indigenous knowledge or goods. Some scholars have suggested that ashtottari dasa is best used as an ayur dasa, i.e. a dasa that shows longevity. . Since Ketu is excluded from the list of planets and only eight are considered for the Ashtottari dasa, these planets are treated as the eight petals of the lotus that forms the Kalachakra. There are three different views on the applicability of Ashtottari dasa: (1) Ashtottari dasa is applicable in all charts. →(not in BPHS) (2) Ashtottari dasa is applicable if Rahu, who is not in lagna, is in a quadrant or a trine from lagna lord. (3) Ashtottari dasa is applicable for daytime births in Krishna paksha and night time births in Sukla paksha . →(not in BPHS) Some people use Ashtottari dasa as an ayur dasa and see longevity in it. Some other people use Ashtottari dasa as a phalita dasa. Because only chara karakas, i.e. Rahu and the seven planets, have dasas under the Ashtottari dasa scheme, it may also be suggested that it shows events related to sustenance, achievements, raja yogas and moksha (just like chara karakas do). Some people, however, prefer to see all matters in Ashtottari dasa. Ketu is the governor of the dasa and does to feature in the list of planets furnishing their dasa's in the Ashtottari scheme. The effects of ketu, the mokshkarak and Rudra graha are felt throughout the period Dasa order is ; here are two varieties(Scientific Hindu astrology by P.S. Sastri # 1, quoted from BPHS); If Rahu is in Kendra, count from Ardra (sixth from Aswini) to the birth star. The remainder will give the first dasa in the sequence of Sun (6 years), Moon (15), Mars (8), Mercury (17), Saturn (10), Jupiter (19), Rahu (12) and Venus (21).If Rahu is in trine, count from Krittika (3) to the birth star and take the remainder in the sequence of Venus (21), Sun (6), Moon (15), Mars (8), Mercury (17), Saturn (10), Jupiter (19) and Rahu (12). The condition is: The stars are grouped thus: Ardra to Ashlesha-Sun (6); Magha to Uttara Phalguni-Moon (15); Hasta to Vishakha-Mars (8); Anuradha to Mula-Budha (17); Purvashadha to Shravana-Saturn (10); Dhanishtha to Purvabhadra (abhijit included)-Jupiter (19); Uttarabhadra to Bharani-Rahu (12); and Krittika to Mrigasira-Venus (21).(remark; malefics are spread to 4 naksatras and benefics only to 3) Antardasas starts with the following planet, ex ; the sun first antardasa will be, @_, then @q, @¶, @}, @), @_, @\, then @@at last. Which Panchanga or Ephemeris gives us the starting and ending points of Abhijit? If Uttarashadha happens to be the Janm Nakshatr, the duration of its first three Padas is taken, as Bhabhog and the Dasha calculations should be done accordingly. The Dasha and calculations for Abhijit Nakshatr are done by taking the 4 th Pad of Uttarashadha plus the 15 th part of the beginning of Shravan. For Shravan the Bhabhog would be the total of its duration in Ghatikas minus the 1/15 th part of the beginning of Shravan. TITHI ASHTOTTARI DASA; Tithi Ashtottari dasa is applicable in all charts, especially when used in conjunction with the Tithi Pravesh chakra Tithi Ashtottari dasa is a variation of the Ashtottari dasa Kalachakra dasa is a general purpose nakshatra dasa that is based on Moon's navamsa. It shows all the events in a native's life from the vantage point of the native's inner spirit and motivation. Parasara called it the most respectable of all dasas. It was taught by Lord Shiva to Parvati. Kalachakra dasa starting point; OPTION # 1;; Moon's navamsa or lagna navamsa, Lord Shiva explicitly taught that lagna navamsa or Moon navamsa may be used in Kalachakra dasa. Navamsas of the first 3 padas of Rohini are taken as Sc, Li and Vi. The 4th pada's navamsa is typically taken to be Le, but Cn offers consistency with Kalachakra Navamsa chart. So you choose; OPTION # 2; Rohini 4th pada is Cancer navamsa or Rohini 4th pada is Leo navamsa OPTION # 3; Choose the calculation method for Kalachakra dasa calculation + explanation; Method # 1; Full Cycle Fraction Method - ADs strictly from one dasa cycle (Santhanam): Apply dasa sesham fraction to the full cycle associated with the navamsa of Moon/lagna. At the end, go to the next cycle. Antardasas are strictly from the nine signs in dasa cycle. Method # 2; First Dasa Fraction Method -ADs strictly from dasa cycle (BV. Raman): Apply dasa sesham fraction to the first dasa in the cycle associated with the navamsa of Moon/lagna. The nine signs in the dasa cycle are taken to be antardasa signs. Method # 3; Full Cycle Fraction Method - continuity in Ads (JHora 5.0): Apply dasa sesham fraction to the full cycle associated with the navamsa of Moon/lagna. Antardasas can jump into the next dasa cycle to maintain continuity, just like mahadasas. Method # 4; First Dasa Fraction Method - continuity in Ads; Apply dasa sesham fraction to the first dasa in the cycle associated with the navamsa of Moon/lagna. Antardasas can jump into the next dasa cycle to maintain continuity. Method # 5; Nakshatra Pada Iteration Method (Rao & S.Rath @ SJC conference); Mahadasas in each dasa cycle are mapped back to the nakshatrapadas based on nava-navamsas within navamsas. Antardasas are found from the nakshatra pada corresponding to the mahadasa sign. Method # 6; Raghavacharya Method: Kalachakra dasa is the progression of Moon's navamsa. Nine navamsas from Moon's or lagna's navamsa are taken as mahadasas. Antardases are the nava.navamsas within each navamsa (mahadasa). This method was taught by Sriman Tirumala Samudrala Venkata Raghavacharya in a Telugu language book published in 1931 Kalacakra das SEE separate file (kalacakra,Puja, dasa, D10). BPHS ch. 46 v.6-11; O Brahmin! Some Maharishis have made a mention of Kala and Chakr Dasha, but they have recognized the Kala Chakr Dasha, as supreme BPHS ch.46 v. 52.. for longevity matters, When Shukra is the strongest in Shadbalas we have to follow the longevity as per this system from Scientific Hindu astrology by P.S. Sastri # 1) . If in a chart Shukra is the weakest, we cannot apply Kalachakra Kalacakra das.Shows the native inner spirit and motivation, for birth in sandya (junction of day and night)= +/- 2 hours before or after are sunrise or sunset. nautical twilight = center of sun is 12° before ascendant or after descendant =roughly 1 muhurta about 48 mn from center of sun. The first three Nakshatras i.e. Ashwini, Bharani and Kritika belong to Savya Nakshatras. The next three Nakshatras i.e. Rohini, Mrigasira and Ardra belong to Apsavya group. The next three will then belong to Savya group and so on. Yogini Dasa (with planets replacing yoginis): same 2 options as vimsottari dasa is a tantrik dasa that shows the impact of various Yoginis on a person at various times. Yogini das, 36 years, an Ayur Dasa, the yogini Dasa is applicable only to the three sets of yoginis said to be governing the three octogans of the Shri Chakra. It shows the Tantric effects of yoginis at various times,it is used more for the destruction of the body as Shat-trimsa sama dasa with also 36 years is for the sustenance of the body. Yogini das fits into the Ayur Khanda (portion of longevity) as determined by other methods, a clear demarcation of sura/asura planets is done, moon, sun, Jupiter and Mars are sura. The Yogini Mudda dasha is used for solar return annual chart (36 years cycle becomes 1 year) 4 Shat-trimsa sama dasa has been often confused with the Yogini dasa of an exactly similar period of 36 years and having exactly similar major periods of 1-8 years for the eight planets excluding Ketu. One author has even published a book showing the Yogini dasa as a Phalita Dasa instead of an Ayur Dasa Yogini Dasa: There are eight yoginis called Mangala, Pingala, Dhanya, Bhramari, Bhadrika, Ulka, Siddhanta and Siddha. These are ruled respectively by the Moon, Sun, Guru, Kuja, Buddha, Shani, Shukra and Rahu. These have a duration of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 years respectively. Note the Nakshatra at birth. Count it from Ashwini, and add three to it. Divide it by eight. The remainder is to be counted from Mangala.. Note how much of Moon's longitude in that Nakshatra is yet to elapse. Calculate by the rule of three, the balance of the dasa at birth. Dwi-saptati sama dasa (applicable if lagna lord is in 7th or 7th lord is in lagna), same options as vimsottari #7; Dwisaptati Sama (72 years, ketu excluded) 0.7% cases; Lord of 1 in 7 or Lord of 7 in 1. The dasas follow in the order of the week days plus Rahu. Each has a duration of nine years. Count from Mula (19th star) to the birth star, divide it by eight, and the remainder is to be counted in the sequence of Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu. Hara (a form of Shiva) is the governor and among planets the Moon is the representative/ governor of the dasa. The special condition relates to the seventh house which is the seat of all desires indicating that the theme is the fulfillment of desires. The Lordship and placement of the Moon will indicate the people or objects that will lead to the fulfillment of objective/desire. Mother and elderly ladies are indicated by Moon. The seventh house, like the lagna is Pedestal of truth, It indicates Hara, lord of 7’ and can be either very benevolent as the Guru in the sense of removing all obstacles in the spiritual path or very destructive like Rudra In both cases, Ketu is the significator. It is the benevolent mokshakarka as well the destructive Rudra. Shat-trimsa sama dasa (applicable for daytime births in Sun's Nora and night-time births in Moon's hora) , same options as vimsottari #9; Shat trimsat sama, (ketu excluded, 36 years) 50 % of cases; birth is in the daytime and Lagna is in Sun Hora or birth is in the night and Lagna is in Moon hora. The sequence of the dasas starts from one year, increases by one gradually, and ends at eight years. The constellations starting from Shravana are ruled by the Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Venus and Rahu. Count from Shravana to the birth star, divide it by eight, and count the remainder from the Moon in the sequence given above. This Dasa has been often confused by many astrologers with the Yogini dasa of an exactly similar period of 36 years and having exactly similar major periods of 1-8 years for the eight planets excluding Ketu. Shat-trimsa is a phalita dasa. Mercury is the governor and wealth is a focus as the special conditions relate to the hora. Sustenance would be a more appropriate term to explain life's theme, destruction of the body is seen with yogini das.a clear demarcation of sura/asura planets is done, moon, sun, Jupiter and Mars are sura. Dwadasottari dasa (applicable if lagna is in Venusian amsa), same options as vimsottari, (governor is Venus) #3; Dwadasottari (112 years, venus excluded); The Navamsa lagna should be Taurus or Libra. so lagna in D1 must be in the sign occupy by Venus in D9 then Dwadasottari das (112 years) shall apply (8% of cases). Count from the birth constellation to Revati (27) and divide it by eight. The remainder gives the starting major period. The sequence is-Sun (7), Jupiter (9), Ketu (11), Mercury (13), Rahu (15), Mars (17), Saturn (19), and Moon (21) Venus is the governor and is not in the list of planets furnishing dasas. The base or ocean is the cultural field of arts, music, painting, movies etc. This dasa is specifically their periods of achievement. These are the people who will work on a Venusians base to achieve their life's objectives. Chaturaseeti sama dasa (applicable if 10th lord is in 10th); same options as vimsottari, #6; Chaturasitika dasa (84 years), (rahu & ketu excluded); the tenth Lord is in the tenth house. (8% cases) Count from Swati (15) to the birth star and divide it by seven. The remainder is to be counted in the order of the weekdays. Each one has a duration of twelve years. The tenth Lord (Indra-the king of heaven symbolized by the tenth house) is the governor and the special condition relates to this house and lord. The presence of the special condition indicates that there is Karma yoga and it is on this that the entire chart revolves. Position, honor and money become instruments. Such a karma yogi believes in working for the sake of fulfillment of objectives. Jupiter in the chart will indicate the direction of the blessing or the people who will play a vital role in the achievement of Karma yoga. Saturn is the natural significator for the worker. The bodiless nodes (Rahu & Ketu) do not find a place in this scheme, and in a sense, govern this dasa system, as they are Karmic control planets. Sataabdika dasa (applicable if lagna is in vargottama); same options as vimsottari, #5; Satabdika (100 years) (rahu & ketu excluded, 8% cases) ; ascendant is vargottama , Count from Revati to the Janm Nakshatr and divide this number by seven. The remainder will indicate the Lords of Dashas in this order: Sūrya, Candr, Śukr, Budh, Guru, Man gal and Śani. Their Dashas will be of 5, 5, 10, 10, 20, 20 and 30 years. Such an ascendant becomes powerful and protects the native from all calamities. Lagna is also the governor of Satabdika dasa just like its predecessor the Panchottari dasa and the special condition envisages a vargottama lagna. The theme changes from Brahmas' perspective of creation to Vishnu's perspective of dharma. The base will every strong beliefs and ideals (that will vary as per planets in the trines to lagna). Shodasottari dasa (applicable if lagna is in Moon's hora in Krishna paksha or in Sun's hora in Sukla paksha);same options as vimsottari, #2; Shodasottari, 116 years ; 50% cases (rahu excluded); if birth is not so then use Vimsottari. Sun or Moon Conditions are auspicious with the lagna; it strengthens the effects of Jupiter. Consequently, Rahu is excluded and Moksha Karaka Ketu is included in this dasa scheme BPHS ch.46 text 23. Count the number of Nakshatras from Pushya to the Janm Nakshatr. Divide this number by 8. The remainder will indicate the Dashas of Sūrya, Man gal, Guru, Śani, Ketu, Candr, Budh and Śukr. The Dashas of the above Grahas are of 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 years. 24-26. The Dasha may be adopted, when the Lagn is in the Hora of Candr with birth in the Krishna Paksh, or, when Lagn is in the Hora of Sūrya with birth in the Shukla Paksh. Count the constellation at birth from Pushyami (eighth from Ashwini), divide the total by eight and count the remainder from the Sun in the sequence of-Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Ketu, Moon, Mercury and Venus. The total dasa years for these are respectively 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 years.. The results given in the chapters following this for the sub periods have proved to be absolutely correct. The effects of Rahu are predominant and felt throughout life. The purpose or objectives are achieved through the import (Rahu) of goods and Knowledge. Shodasottari dasa will show the periods when such activity of import will flourish or when it will end. It is important that one should not get based against Rahu with xenophobic/ dislike attitudes and should declare good or bad on the basis of yogas and other combinations prevailing in the chart. Panchottari dasa (applicable if lagna is in Cancer in rasi and dwadasamsa): same options as vimsottari #4; Panchottari, 105 years, (rahu & ketu excluded, 0.7% cases); Such a position is possible only when the Lagna is in the range 0-2°30' in cancer. Count from Anuradha up to the Janm Nakshatr and divide the number by 7. The remainder will indicate the Dasha. The order of the Dasha Lords is Sūrya, Budh, Śani, Man gal, Śukr, Candr and Guru. The Dashas of the Grahas are 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 years. The dwadasamsa in also called Suryamsa and shows the lineage, family etc. to which a person belongs. It connects the native to his birth circumstances of the various equations emerging for the creation of beings in various signs and dwadasamsa, the first dwadasamsa of cancer (0-2030') is the area reflecting the creation of the universe, and is a sense the seat of Brahma, the creator. The life giving forces of creation are so powerful at this area of the zodiac that 5 the destroyers (Rahu ketu) become defunct and have nor role. Lagna is the governor, and the theme is the establishment of a lineage or to propagate the process of creation. Shashti-hayani Dasa (applicable if Sun is in lagna). same options as vimsottari. #8; Shasti sama or Shastihayani 60 y. Sun must be in lagna(8% of cases), . Lagna dispositor & Moon dispositor is the same Lord.it is the only Udu dasa with Ashtottari whose cycle that included all the naksatras. The calculations are based on the method adopted for Astottari System. The first three stars from Aswini come under Jupiter (10 years). The next four-from Rohini to Punarvasu are ruled by the Sun (10 years). Pushyami to Magha come under Mars (10 years). Purva Phalguni to Chitra under the Moon (6 years). Swati to Anuradha under Budha (6), Jyeshtha to Uttarashadha under Venus (6), Abhijit to Dhanishtha under Saturn (6), and Shatabhisha to Revatl under Rahu (6). Which Pauchanga or Ephemeris gives the duration of Abhijit? The Sun (Surya-Sun God) is the governor and the special condition for dasa applicability also relates to the Sun. The lordship of the Sun will indicate the "elder" (Sun indicates an elder or fatherly figure) who will be represented by the Sun and whose directions will be the major theme in the life of the person. 2 nd part, RASI DASAS/ phalita dasas as in JHora; Narayana Dasaof any D chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa) Narayana dasa is a general purpose rasi dasa that can be computed for all divisional charts. It is the most versatile dasa taught by maharshis. It is actually a suite of dasas that encompasses Chara dasa, Lagnamsaka dasas and Padanadamsa dasas. Narayana dasa uses the regular progression for movable signs ruled by Brahma (Creator), every-sixth progression for fixed signs ruled by Shiva (Destroyer) and trinal progression for dual signs ruled by Vishnu (Sustainer). This is the most natural progression and shows how various aspects of a person change with time and how they impact various areas of one's life. The basic Narayana dasa of rasi chart tracks how lagna changes throughout one's life and shows the changing environments that one comes under. Narayana rules effort, environment and sustenance. Narayana dasa shows exactly that. OPTION # 1;Narayana dasa of which D.n: (D1 to D144), D1 is default + 3 types of Narayana dasas in OPTION # 2; 1);Normal Narayana Dasa, 2) Paka Narayana dasa from paka lagna (lagna lord), 3) Sama Narayana dasa Strengths; When you edit birth data or re-open the chart, strengths will be automatically computed again. Until then, what you enter below will be used temporarily. OPTION # 3; Lord of Aquarius; Saturn or Rahu. OPTION # 4; Lord of Scorpio; Mars or Ketu OPTIONS # 5; Does Saturn or Ketu exception apply Start dasas from; Any 12 signs OR use the default No exception/ Saturn exception /Ketu exception Or Last setting Stronger of Ar & Li: Ar or Li: No exception/ Saturn exception/ Ketu exception Stronger of Ta & Sc: Ta or Sc: No exception/ Saturn exception/ Ketu exception Stronger of Ge & Sg: Ge or Sg No exception/ Saturn exception/ Ketu exception Stronger of Cn & Cp: Cn or Cp No exception/ Saturn exception/ Ketu exception Stronger of Le & Aqu: Le or Aqu No exception/ Saturn exception/ Ketu exception Stronger of Vi & Pi: Vi or Pi: No exception/ Saturn exception/ Ketu exception Narayana dasa, Introduction; # Narayana dasa is a very important rasi dasa. It is a phalita dasa. It shows general results. Narayana dasa is computed differently for different divisional charts and we can use Narayana dasa of a divisional chart to predict matters related to that divisional chart. Narayana dasa is based on the progression of lagna in one’s life. it shows the changing physical environment that the native is placed under As one dasa ends and another starts, one rasi stops being the progressed lagna and another rasi becomes one’s progressed lagna. Using the progressed lagna as the reference, we find out the events that happen in that dasa. Thus we get twelve charts for each person, with each chart applicable in one dasa. This is a very versatile dasa system and readers sould pay attention to the details of calculation. Interpretation Narayana dasa gives the progression of lagna in life. During the dasa of a rasi, that rasi acts as lagna. If dasas are started from the 7th house from lagna, then Narayana dasa gives the progression of the 7th house. So the 7th from dasa rasi gives the progressed lagna, i.e. the rasi that acts as lagna during the dasa. Treat the dasa rasi or the 7th from it – based on whether dasas start from lagna or the 7th house – as lagna and analyze the chart, to see fortune in a dasa. We will denote it with “dasa lagna”. We will denote the rasi containing the lord of dasa lagna with “paaka rasi”. Just as the strength of lagna lord is very important in a natal chart, strength of the lord of dasa lagna is the key to interpreting a dasa. In addition, a lot of principles were mentioned by Parasara: Natural malefics in the 3rd and 6th from dasa lagna give success in ventures. Natural benefics in those houses give failures. Natural benefics in trines and 8th from dasa lagna give happiness and success. Natural malefics in those houses give failures, obstructions and unhappiness. Situation of a planet – benefic or a malefic – in the 11th house ensures gains. Rahu in the 8th and 12th houses from dasa lagna gives constant fear. If the lord of dasa lagna or the lord of a trine or a quadrant from it is exalted or in own house, it gives excellent results. Debilitation, on the other hand, is bad. If the lord of a dusthana from dasa lagna is debilitated, it gives good results. If the 4th house from dasa lagna has malefics, there will be discomfort and lack of happiness. Benefics in the same house give happiness, well-being and pleasures. Benefics in the 2nd and 5th houses from dasa lagna give good name, fame and favors from authorities. Malefics in the same houses bring bad results in the same areas. If the 7th house from dasa lagna and paaka rasi is afflicted by malefics, there may troubles in marriage. Raja yogas and dhana yogas with respect to dasa lagna bring success. If dasa lagna or paaka rasi is associated with an exalted planet or a planet in own house, there will be all-round success and accumulation of wealth in that dasa. In addition to interpreting dasas taking dasa lagna as lagna, we can interpret dasas from the natal references also. For example, dasa of raajya pada gives success in career. Dasa of upapada may bring marriage. Dasa of the 2nd house or the 7th house from upapada may bring troubles in marriage. Dasa of GL may bring power. In particular, antardasas aspected by GL may bring promotions. Antardasas aspecting upapada may bring marriage. Arudha padas aspected by antardasa rasi are important in deciding the results in an antardasa. We also judge the results given in antardasas by looking at the house occupied by antardasa lord from dasa rasi. Another approach is to divide each dasa into three equal parts. The rasi dominates in the first part. Its lord dominates in the second part and gives his results. Occupants of the rasi and those who aspect it dominate in the third part. Conclusion Narayana dasa may be said to be the most important phalita dasa. Its versatility lies in the fact that it can be computed separately for each divisional chart for precise timing of specific matters. In fact, we can compute more than one Narayana dasa for each divisional chart. Narayana dasa of D-12 seeded from the 12th lord is native-centric. It shows events in a native’s life that are related to parents. Even when looking at the events in the lives of parents, it takes the native as the reference. To see events in the lives of parents directly, we can use different seeds. Similarly, 12th house used as the seed in D-24 Narayana dasa shows the learning from the point of view of one’s evolution. One can use the 4th house (formal learning) as the seed in D-24 Narayana dasa to see formal education. By using a different seed, we can examine the events related to the chosen divisional chart from a different angle. Readers should try to master this fantastic dasa system. 6 Lagnamsaka Dasa from D-9 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa): Lagnamsaka dasa is a variation of Narayana dasa, which shows the physical fructification of various environmental influences such as dharma. same complete options as Narayana dasa Padanaathaamsa Dasa of D-9 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa) Padanaathaarnsa dasa is a variation of Narayana dasa, which shows how one's abilities, karma, learning, spiritual activities etc impact one's image and status with changing time. same all options as Narayana dasa Sudasa (a phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings): Just as Narayana dasa tracks the movement of lagna with time, Sudasa is a rasi dasa that tracks the movement of Sree lagna with time. Sree lagna is the residence of Lakshmi in one's chart. Sudasa tracks the changes in Lakshmi's residence with time and shows her blessings. It shows prosperity, fruition and well-being. It can show everything from power (Rajya Lakshmi's blessing) to money (Dhana Lakshmi's blessing) to child-birth (Santhana Lakshmi's blessing) to vehicles (Vahan Lakshmi's blessing) to moksha (Moksha Lakshmi's blessing). While Narayana dasa shows effort and environment, Sudasa shows well-being and prosperity. For timing wealth and power, it is particularly indispensable. How to calculate antardasas in Sudasa: OPTION # 1; _Like in Narayan dasa _Quadrants from dasa sign or 7th (odd/ even->forward/ backward) _Regular from dasa sign or 7th (odd/ even->forward/ backward) _Quadrants from dasa sign or 7th (odd/ even->forward/ backward) _Regular from dasa sign or 7th (odd/ even->forward/ backward) Strengths; same strength options # 3,4 & 5 as Narayana dasa Sudasa, Introduction; Sudasa is a rasi dasa. shows the progression of SL (Sree lagna) – abode of Lakshmi – shows blessings one receives It is also called “Sree Lagna Kendradi Rasi Dasa” or simply “Rasi Dasa”. Sree Lagna is based both on lagna and Moon. It shows prosperity, which is partly physical/real and partly mental/perceptive! So Kendradi rasi dasa uses the movement ruled by Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. So this dasa shows the periods of prosperity. It shows the progression of lagna using the movement ruled by Sri Lakshmi. It shows the fructification of yogas. Its computation is based on kendras etc from Sree Lagna. Sudasa is important for materialistic things like money, power and authority. It can be used to predict financial matters and matters related to status and power. If a political leader occupies a post of power, he must be enjoying a favorable dasa as per Sudasa. If a businessman sees increasing profits, he must be enjoying a favorable dasa as per Sudasa. If someone struggles with tight finances, he must be going through an unfavorable dasa as per Sudasa. Interpretation # Dasas of HL, 7th from HL and the signs aspecting HL bring financial prosperity. If the lord of the dasa sign occupies or aspects HL, it will improve the chance of financial prosperity. Similarly, if the lord of HL occupies or aspects dasa sign, it will also improve the chances of financial prosperity. For example, say HL is in Aries, Mars is in Leo and Sun is in Scorpio. Then (a) Leo aspects HL, (b) lord of Leo aspects HL and (c) lord of HL occupies Leo. So Leo dasa is triply likely to bring financial prosperity. # Same thing holds for GL and the prescribed results are power and authority instead of financial prosperity. # Upachayas from any house stand for the growth of matters signified by that house. AL stands for one’s status. So dasas of upachayas from AL bring growth of status. Dasa of the 1 1th house from AL is particularly favorable. The 8th and 12th houses from AL bring setbacks to one’s status. Their dasas can be unfavourable. Important Notes Sree lagna is the residence of Lakshmi in a natal chart. Sudasa sign is the residence of Lakshmi at a given time. It shows what area of life prospers. For example, Lakshmi coming in contact with Jupiter or 5th house or 5th lord may bring the blessings of Santhana Lakshmi and bring the well-being of progeny. Lakshmi coming in contact with Sun or 5th lord may bring the blessings of Rajya Lakshmi and bring power. Lakshmi coming in contact with Ketu or 12th house or 12th lord may bring the blessings of Moksha Lakshmi and bring spiritual activities. And so on. Narayana dasa is based on the progression of lagna and it shows the changing physical environment that the native is placed under. Vimsottari dasa is based on the progression of Moon and it shows the changing mental situation. Sudasa is based on the progression of Sree Lagna, which is based both on lagna and Moon. It shows prosperity, which is partly physical/real and partly mental/perceptive! Drigdasa (religious) shows religious and spiritual activities and spiritual evolution. OPTION # 1; Which version of drigdasa to use; Drigdasa taught by Parasara or Drigdasa taught by SJVC teachers from 1998/ 2007 Strengths of signs; same options # 3,4 & 5 as Narayana dasa Drigdasa, Introduction; Drigdasa is a rasi dasa. Drik means vision and drigdasa is a dasa based on aspects. It shows how spiritual vision develops in a native and steers one’s life. If a native’s chart promises spiritual growth, this dasa shows religious and spiritual activities and the evolution of one’s soul. Interpretation (1) Dasa of arudha lagna can bring renunciation if there are parivraja yogas in the chart, indicating renunciation. (1) Dasas of signs aspecting arudha lagna can bring external activities that are important for one’s spiritual evolution. (1) Dasa of lagna and the 7th house can bring internal awakening and self-realization. (1) Dasa of lagna can also bring fame and power related to spreading spiritual knowledge. A monk may, for example, become the Chief Pontiff of a monastery. (1) Dasas of signs containing or aspecting mantrapada (A5, arudha pada of the 5th house) can bring a religious initiation or sadhana (rigorous practice) of a mantra. (1) Dasa of the sign containing mrityupada (A8, arudha pada of 8th house) can bring yogic sadhana. It can activate Kundalini sakti. (1) Ketu is the significator of moksha (final liberation). Dasa of the sign containing Ketu can bring spiritual activities that take one towards liberation. Ketu is the only planet who can give real spiritual awakening and liberation. (1) Dasa of the sign containing Rahu can create progress after internal turmoil if Rahu is favorable. If Rahu is unfavorable, it can take the native in the direction of materialism. Drig dasa shows the direction or god’s blessings (drig means drishti). Religious & spiritual activities Kala dasa; for birth in sandhyas ( lagna is +/- 2Hrs. from center of sun, or Sun +/- 2Hrs. ≈ +/- 30° from asc. or desc. )BPHS, 44-49. 5 ghatikas before the sight of the semi-disk (half) of the setting Sun and 5 ghatikas after that, and 5 ghatikas before and after, the rising of the Sun, that is 10 ghatikas in the evening and 10 ghatikas in the morning are called the Sandhyas (twilight) The 10 ghatikas of the night have been named Poorna and those of the day have been given the name Mugdha. The Sandhya at the time of Sunrise. is called Khanda (9) and the sandhya at the time of sunset is said to be Sudha (VT). Both these Sandhyas are of 10 ghatikas each. If the birth be in Poorna or Mugdha, its past ghatikas should be multiplied by 2 and the product be divided by 15. The figure so arrived at should be converted into years, months etc. By multiplying it by the serial number of the Sun and other planets (1, 2 etc.) in their normal order (that is the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu), we will get the Kala Dasa of these planets. If the 7 birth be during Sandhya (twilight) then its past ghatikas should be multiplied by 4 and the product be divided by 15. The figure so arrived at in terms of years, month etc-should be multiplied by the serial number of the Sun and other planets (1, 2 etc.) to get the Kala Dasa of all the nine planets. Kala Dasa Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 @ _ q ¶ ) \ } _ _ 2 4 6 8 11 13 15 17 20 2 5 7 10 1 4 7 10 1 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 Example : Ista Ghatikas is 3/25. This is within the Sandhya at Sunrise. Therefore its past ghatikas 8 /25 multiplied by 4 would be 33/40. This product divided by 4 will amount to 2 years, 2 months and 28 days. Multiplying this figure by 1, 2 etc. (the Serial number of the planets) we will get their Kala Dasas is shown in the Table given : Lagna Kendradi Rasi Dasa (fructification of yogas): Lagna kendradi rasi dasa shows prosperity of various aspects of a person. It can show financial prosperity, prosperity of raja yogas, prosperity of parivraja yogas etc. Strengths of signs; same options # 3,4 & 5 as Narayana dasa AK Kendradi Rast Dasa (experiences of soul)shows matters related to soul. It shows the experiences of the soul in this life Strengths of signs; same options # 3,4 & 5 as Narayana dasa Kendra Dasas: We have to begin in the case of a moveable sign from the lagna or its seventh, whichever is stronger. In the case of odd signs, the sequence is clock-wise; and in the even signs it is anti-clockwise. In the case of a fixed sign as lagna, we start from the second, counting the second from lagna or from the seventh. Each Rasi gives nine years. If the seventh house is stronger the sequence will be 7, 10, 1, 4, 8, 11, 2, 5, 9, 12, 3 and 6. Trikona Dasa (dasa showing purusharthas - four purposes in life) Trikona dasa is a rasi dasa that shows how the native follows purusharthas (dharma/duty, artha/wealth, kama/desires, moksha/emancipation). no options Chara dasa (Parasara) (a popular phalita rasi dasa): Strengths of signs; same options # 3,4 & 5 as Narayana dasa Chara dasa is a general purpose rasi dasa that was taught by Parasara. It is a part of die Narayana dasa system. Some scholars suggest that Chara dasa applies only to natives with lagna in a chara rasi, i.e. movable sign. Chara dasa of K. N. Rao (modified version of a phalita rasi dasa) Chara dasa is a general purpose rasi dasa that was taught by Parasara. It is a part of the Narayana dasa system. Some scholars suggest that Chara dasa applies only to natives with lagna in a chara rasi, i.e. movable sign. Author K.N.Rao modified Parasara's teachings and some people follow him instead of Parasara. Strengths of signs; same options # 3,4 & 5 as Narayana dasa Chara dasa of Iranganti Rangacharya (modified version of a phalita rasi dasa) Chara dasa is a general purpose rasi dasa that was taught by Parasara and Jaimini. Scholar Iranganti Rangacharya's interpretation of Jaimini's teachings based on the commentary by Raghava Bhatta and Nrisimha Suri varies from Chara dasa described by Pt. Sanjay Rath and Sri K.N.Rao. Though this version is not at all popular, there could be some worth in it and so it is being given here. Sri Rangacharya was undoubtedly a great scholar of Sanskrit and astrology. Strengths of signs; same options # 3,4 & 5 as Narayana dasa Yogardha dasa (a rasi dasa based on chara and sthira dasas): Yogardha dasa is a rasi dasa that was taught by Parasara and Jaimini. Its application should be learnt from a competent guru. Strengths of signs; same options # 3,4 & 5 as Narayana dasa Yogardha Dasa:a rasi dasa; BPHS; 174. The spans of Dashas of the Rāśis in the Yogardha Dasha system are half of the total of the spans of Char and Sthir Dashas. The Dasha will commence from the Rāśi of Lagn, or Yuvati, whichever is stronger. The order of the Dashas of the 12 Rāśis will be counted onwards, if the opening Dasha Rāśi is an odd one. If it be an even Rāśi, the Dashas will be in reverse order. Calculate the years given by each sign as per Chara Dasa and Sthira Dasa. In each sign add the two and take half of the total. This is explained in our Jaimini Sutram. The first dasa will be that of the lagna or of the seventh whichever is stronger. In the case of women the first dasa is that of the seventh sign. FROM studies in Jaimini astro. by B.V. Raman; The span of the Rasi Dasa in Yogardha Dasa is the mean of its Sthira and Chara Dasa periods. The order is direct or otherwise according as the Rasi of the first Dasa (which will be Lagna or the 7th whichever is stronger), is odd or even. 27. Drigdasa & 28. Trikona Dasa: These two are explained in our Jaimini Sutram. 29. Nakshatrad Rashi Dasa: Note the Nakshatra in which the Moon is at the time of birth. Divide the total duration of the nakshatra by twelve. Count then from lagna onwards. Note the past when the birth took place. For example the Moon is in Shravana. Its total duration is 800 minutes. One twelfth is 66'.40". At the time of birth the Moon has traversed 584'.47". The ninth part began at 533'.20". The ninth from lagna (Mina) is Vrishchika; and it is from this sign we start. Each sign has nine years. 30. Tara Dasa: The first dasa starts with the planet in a Kendra. If there are two or more planets in the Kendra or Kendras, note the stronger one. From that planet the dasa starts. The dasas are given the same years as in Vimshottari. If Budha is in the tenth and if there are no planets in any other Kendra, the first dasa will be that of Budha. It is for 17 years. Find the balance of Budha dasa at birth from the position he has yet to traverse. Next follow Ketu, Shukra, Ravi and Moon. Sthira, Chara or Ubhaya Paryaya dasa (of any D chart) refers to the fixed, movable & dual types.( shows illnesses, litigations & worries): OPTION # 1; Paryaya dasa of which D-n: (D8 seems the default one) Strengths of signs; same options # 3,4 & 5 as Narayana dasa Navamsha Sthira Dasa: Each sign gives nine years. See our Jaimini Sutram. Sthira Dasa: available in JHora (a rasi based dasa that shows ayur dasa/ death, it is prana/ life that becomes sthira/ fixed)This is explained by Jaimini & Parasara. FROM studies in Jaimini astro. by B.V. Raman; In Sthira Dasa scheme, a Chara, a Sthira and a Dwiswabhava Rasi, gets 7, 8 and 9 years respectively as its span. The Dasa starts from the sign occupied by Brahma and the other Dasas succeed in the direct order. BPHS 168-169. Maharishi Parashar said. Now I am going to describe the Sthir Dasha. In this Dasha system 7, 8 and 9 years are the Dasha spans of the Movable (Char), Fixed (Sthir) and Dual (Dvisva Bhava) Rāśis. In this system the Dasha of the 12 Rāśis begins from the Brahm Grah Ashrit Rāśi. The Dashas are counted onwards from the odd Rāśis and in the reverse order from the even Rāśis. 170-173. Maitreya said. O great Sage! Now please enlighten me how the Brahm Grah is picked out in a chart. Maharishi Parashar said. From amongst the Lords of Ari, Randhr and Vyaya the Grah, who may possess the greatest strength and is placed in Lagn, or in Yuvati with strength, the one, placed in an odd Rāśi within sixth Bhava from the Bhava concerned, is called the Brahm Grah. The Lord of Randhr in Randhr is also accepted, as Brahm Grah. If Śani, or Rahu/Ketu obtain Brahmatva (qualifications of Brahm Grah), they become Brahm Grah. If a number of Grahas obtain Brahmatva, the one with the largest number of degrees would become Brahm Grah. If there is parity in the degrees of such Grahas, the most powerful amongst them would become Brahm Grah. Note : If the lord of the 8th is in the 8th, he would be Brahma Graha. Other planets posited in the 8th house are treated as Brahma Grahas. If there be no planet in the 8th, the planet in an odd sign within 6 signs from the Ascendant' or the 7th would become Brahma Graha. If a number of planets qualify fof this position, the one with more degrees should be taken as Brahma Graha. The actual degrees of Rahu would be those which are arrived at after deducting from 30. Rahu's degrees etc. after deducting from 30 would be-16°-4'-26 " . 8 Example 11/2/1927 R D M S Sun 9 29 36 53 Moon 2 22 6 58 Mars 1 0 56 21 Mercury 10 13 6 26 Jupiter 10 13 41 58 Venus 10 20 4 2 Saturn 7 13 24 27 Rahu 2 13 55 34 Ascendant 10 16 28 5 Here it may be mentioned that some learneds in Hindu Astrology adopt the method of counting from the Sun onwards while others follow the system of counting from Atmakaraka onwards. We are of the view that the system of reckoning from Atmakaraka onwards is more logical and practicable in this Dasa system. In accordance with the system described in the chapter dealing with the Atmakaraka, the Sun here has traversed the maximum number of degrees, will be Atmakarka and Venus who comes next with degrees, will be Amatya (4qt xt). After that comes Rahu, Karaka for brother, Jupiter Karaka for mother, Saturn Karaka for father, Mercury Karaka for son. Moon Karaka for gnati and Mars Karaka for wife llustrative Table AKAmatya Brother Mother Father Son Gnati Wife SunVenus Rahu Jupiter Satutn Mercury Moon Mars There is no planet in the 8th house but there are three benefics in the Ascendant and they aspect the 7th house. Therefore; Ascendant would be treated as the strongest. Counting back-wards upto six signs from the Ascendant, we find that the lord of the 8th Mercury occupies the odd sign Aquarius. Thus, lords of the Dasas of the 12 signs would be from Aquarius onwards;aqu 8,pis 9,7, 8,9,7, 8,9,7, 8,9,cap 7. Paryaya dasas are of 3 types (according to JHora), it refers to the fixed, movable & dual types. Chara Paryaya Dasa: …Char 158-166. Now I will tell you about the working out of the Dasha years of Vrischik and Kumbh. If both the Lords of the two Rāśis, Vrischik and Kumbh, are placed in their own Rāśis, their Dasha will be of 12 years. Otherwise the Dasha will be of the number of years, indicated by the number, counted from that Rāśi to the Rāśi, occupied by its Lord. If one Grah be in his own Rāśi and the other in any other Rāśi, the Dasha will be of the number of years counted, from the above first Rāśi to the other. If the Lords are in different Rāśis, the counting is to be done up to the Rāśi, which is stronger. The Rāśi, which has a Grah, placed in it, is considered more powerful than the Rāśi without a Grah in it. If both are with Grahas in them, the one with more Grahas would be considered more powerful. If both Rāśis are occupied by an equal number of Grahas, the strength of the Rāśi itself should be taken into account. The principle for considering the Bal of the Rāśi is, that the Fixed Rāśi is considered stronger than the Movable one and the Dual Rāśi is considered more powerful than the Fixed Rāśi. If there is equality in the strength of the Rāśis, then to determine the number of years of Dasha counting should be done up to the Rāśi with bigger number. If one Rāśi is occupied by a Grah in exaltation, the counting should be done up to that Rāśi only. In addition 1 should be added in the number of years in the case of a Rāśi with an exalted Grah and 1 should be deducted from the number of years in the case of a Rāśi with a Grah in debilitation. The prediction should be made after calculating the Dashas in this manner. 167. If the Rāśi in Dharm Bhava is in an odd Pad, the counting should be from the Rāśi in the Lagn onwards. The counting would be in the reverse order, if the Pad is even. The Dashas of Rāśis have to be fixed, keeping this in view. For Example. In the above Tula is the Rāśi in Dharm Bhava in an odd Pad. Amongst the Lords of Lagn, Śani and Rahu, Rahu is associated with a Grah. Therefore Rahu is more powerful than, Śani. Therefore counting should be done up to Rahu. Kumbh is in even Pad, therefore counting has to be done from Kumbh up to Rahu in the reverse order, by which the Char Dasha for Kumbh would come to 8 years. Mesh is in odd Pad. Therefore the Char Dasha for Mesh will be one year. The Dasha of other Rāśis should be calculated in the same manner. In odd signs the sequence is clockwise, and in even signs it is anticlockwise. From a given Rashi count the number from that sign to the sign occupied by its lord. This is the number of years given by that sign. The odd signs here are Mesha, Vrishabha, Mithuna, Tula, Vrishchika, and Dhanush. The rest are even signs. If a planet is in its own, it gives twelve years; if it is exalted, add one year to the years given by it; and if it is debilitated, deduct one year. As an example, take Mesha whose lord is in Mina. He then gives eleven years. We have to proceed in this manner. For further details see our Jaimini Sutram (Publication: Ranjan Publications). FROM studies in Jaimini astro. by B.V. Raman; The various methods of Dasas recommended by Jaimini always refer to Rasis and the most favoured one appears to be Chara Paryaya Dasa. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius belong to the Savya group of signs and the rest to the Apasavya group. In calculating any Dasa, two things have to be borne in mind, viz., the order of the Dasas and -the span of the Dasa periods as these vary with regard to each horoscope. The span however remains constant in respect of Sthira and Shula Dasas. Taking up Chara Dasa again, the first Dasa invariably starts from Lagna Rasi. The order of succession of Dasas is direct or converse according as the 9th Rasi from Lagna falls in a Savya or Apasavya group. The period of a Rasi is equal to the number of signs intervening between the Rasi and its lord, counted clock-wise or anti-clockwise according as the Rasi in question belongs to Savya or Apasavya group. If the lord of the Rasi is Uchha the period is increased by one year ; if the lord is neecha, the period is decreased by one year. In the case of Kambha and Vrischika, as they have two lords each, there is a slight variation in the matter of reckoning their Dasa periods. The duration of a sub-period or Bbukti is one-twelfth of the duration of a main period or Dasa. If 9th from the Rasi of which sub-periods are required refers to Savya group, the order of succession of the sub-periods is direct, the first being that of the 2nd from the Rasi. If it refers to Apasavya group, the Bhuktis succeeded in the reverse order starting from the 12th from the Rasi concerned Ayur Paryaya Dasa called also Thrikona Dasa (because periods of signs are in trinal order) ; FROM studies in Jaimini astro. by B.V. Raman; The Thrikona Dasa starts from the strongest Rasi out of Lagna, 5th and 9th, and other Dasas run in the direct or converse order according as the starting Rasi refers to Savya or Apasavya group. The Dasa span of a Rasi is the same as in the case o f Chara Dasa. Refer for further details to article 93. c From varga cakra by S. Rath; 17.9 Ayur Paryaya Dasa; Maharishi Jaimini teaches the specific use of Paryaya Dasa in Shastamsa chart. Paryaya Dasa is of three types, depending upon the ascending sign, in Shastamsa chart, is dual, fixed of moveable. These are Ayur (longevity) sign Dasa and predict disease, evils and even death. The period of Dasa signs are from the respective sign to its lord as in Char Dasas. The Paryaya Dasa may be used for Phalit Jyotisha. In that case, its rule for application and assessment of strength will be different. In fact, Shastamsa, Ashtamsa or Ekadasamsa (D6, D8 & D11) charts are to predict evils, diseases and death etc. These charts are not for Phalit Jyotisha. My notes; JHora recommends to use all 3 paryaya dasas in D6 (illness, litigations, worries) In this article, we will discuss the rules of the Ayur Paryaya Dasa, as elucidated in `Updesa Sutras'. 17.9.1 Lagna is a Dual sign= The Chaka Paryaya Dasa is applicable (Sutra 3.3.124). This is also called Trikona Dasa. The strongest among the 1st, 5th and 9th houses from ascendant (Trines) initiates the Dasa. (It may be noted that the choice of Dasa does not depend on the initiating sign but on the 9 ascending sign in Shastamsa). After the Dasa period of the trine sings, the Dasa progresses to the second house from the initiating sign and its trine signs and so on. The reckoning of trines/2nd house etc. is Zodiacal if the initiating Dasa sign is Visampada (odd-footed 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, and 9 signs), else it is reversed for Sampada signs (even-footed signs 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 and 12). It may be noted that: (1) Choice of Dasa is dependent, on ascending sign, (2). Order of the Dasa is decided by initiating sign, and (3) 2nd, 3rd, 4th and subsequent cycles start from the second of initiating sign of previous cycle. The following two rules are also applicable: (1) If Saturn is placed in initiating sign, the order always be Zodiacal (and not regular as in Char or Narayana Dasa). (2) In case Ketu is placed in the initiating sign, the order will be reversed from the specified rule i.e. if initiating sign is Sampada sign, the order will be Zodiacal and for Visampada Rasi it will reverse. If Saturn and Ketu are jointly placed in initiaing sign, the planet which has more malefic potential will decide the order. Table 4 gives the Chara (Trikona) Paryaya Dasa. Commencement of next cycle: After completion of one cycle of 12 signs, the next cycle starts from the sign falling in the 2nd house of the initiating sign of preceding cycles of trine signs. This means, .once first cycle commences from an initiating sign, the Dasa sequence will continue in same manner without any break even after completion of Dasa of one full cycle of 12 signs. Table 31: Chara Paryaya Dasa (Trikona Dasa) 1st 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sign # Sign► starting Dasa 1 Aries 1 5 9 2 6 10 3 7 11 4 8 12 2 Taurus 2 6 10 3 7 11 4 8 12 5 9 1 3 Gemini 3 7 11 4 8 12 5 9 1 6 10 2 4 Cancer 4 12 8 3 11 7 2 10 6 1 9 5 5 Leo 5 1 9 4 12 8 3 11 7 2 10 6 6 Virgo 6 2 10 5 1 9 4 12 8 3 11 7 7 Libra 7 11 3 8 12 4 9 1 5 10 3 7 8 Scorpio 8 12 4 9 1 5 10 2 6 11 3 7 9 Sag 9 1 5 10 2 6 11 3 7 12 4 8 10 Capri 10 6 2 9 5 1 8 4 12 7 3 11 11 Aqua 11 7 3 10 6 2 9 5 1 8 4 12 12 Pisces 12 8 4 11 7 3 10 6 2 9 5 Is 17.9.2 Lagna is a fixed sign The Sthir Paryaya Dasa will be applicable. The stronger between the first and seventh houses will initiate the Dasa. After completing the Dasa of 1st/7th signs, Dasa will progress to the second from the initiating sign. After completing the Dasa of the second/eighth house is it will progress to 3/9 house axis and so on. The other rules of Dasa reckoning are same as for the Chara Paryaya Dasa. Table 32: Sthir Paryaya Dasa Initiating Sign 1st dasa 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Tau 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 6 2 7 1 Leo 5 11 4 1J 3 9 2 8 1 7 12 6 Sco 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 1 7 aqu 11 5 10 4 9 3 8 2 7 1 6 12 17.9.3 Lagna is a moveable sign.= The Ubhaya Paryaya Dasa is applicable. Like in previous two Dasa, the Dasa will commence from the strongest sign in Kendra house (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house). After completing the Dasa of four Kendra signs, the Dasa will progress to second Kendra. The other rules are similar as in previous Dasas for dual and fixed sign. Table 33: Ubhaya Paryaya Dasa Initiating Sign 1st dasa 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Aries 1 4 7 10 2 5 8 11 3 6 9 12 Cancer 4 1 10 7 3 12 9 6 2 11 8 5 Libra 7 10 1 4 8 11 2 5 9 12 3 6 Capricorn 10 7 4 1 9 6 3 12 8 5 2 11s 17.9.4Period of sign Dasa The period of a Dasa of sign is determined by the portion of the lord of Dasa sign with respect to Dasa sign. Counting is Zodiacal if Dasa Rasi is odd-footed (1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9) and counting is in reverse order if Dasa Rasi is even-footed (4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12). Count houses from Dasa Rasi to its lord. Subtract one from the count. That gives Dasa period in years. There are special rules for Scorpio and Aquarius, which are slightly different than applicable in Narayana or Char Dasas. Exceptions: 1. Sign occupied by its own lord gives 12 years period. 2. If the lord of the Dasa sign is exalted, add one year to Dasa length. 3. Dasa of any sign will not exceed 12 years. 4. After completing one cycle of the Dasa of 12 signs, in the next cycle, each sign will give the Dasa period equivalent to 12 (twelve) minus the Dasa period in first cycle. Suppose Aries sign gives Dasa period of 5 years, in next cycle, Aries sign will provide Dasa period of 7 years (12-5). Special Rules for Scorpio and Aquarius signs 1. These two signs are owned by two lords - Scorpio by Mars and Ketu and Aquarius by Saturn and Rahu. 2. Dasa period of these two signs will be given by their stronger lords. 3. In Shastamsa chart Rahu and Ketu will always be together in one sign and thus will be more stronger than Saturn or Mazs.(except in case Saturn and Mars are also conjoined in one sign). In Shastamsa chart malefic association makes the sign stronger and benefic association will make the sign weaker. 4. The other rules for computation of Dasa period is same and are given below in brief: a) If Rahu/Ketu are in Scorpio/Aquarius, the computation of Dasa period will be done up to Mars or Saturn respectively and vise-versa. b) Aquarius sign, if occupied by Rahu/Ketu/Saturn, will give 12 years. Similarly, sign Scorpio will give 12 years if occupied by Rahu/Ketu/Mas. c) If these Rasis are unoccupied, the counting will be done either upto sign occupied by Rahu and Ketu jointly or upto the sign occupied by Mars or Saturn, as the case may be. Malefic association will strengthen the sign and benefic association will weaken the sign. d) Moveable signs will be stronger than fixed signs and fixed signs will be stronger than dual signs. Dual signs are considered weakest in Shastamsa chart to do evil. e) In nutshell, the predominance of malefic effect will be considered as stronger for counting Dasa period. 17.10 Antar and Pratyantar Dasa 17.10.1 Antar/Pratyantar Dasa Periods (BPHS, 53/5).; The Dasa years of the signs be divided by 12, the resultant will be the Antardasa years of each sign. Similarly divisions of the Antardasa years of the sign, the Pratyantar Dasa years of the signs are obtained. 17.10.2 Apex sign of Antardasa (BPHS, 53/6).; "Antardasa starts from the sign where lord of the Dasa sign is placed (i.e. Paaka Rasi) or the 7th house therefrom, whichever is stronger. (According to special Rules given below in this article). The same method will be adopted to find Pratyantar Dasa. In the event of the Apex sign being odd, the Antaz Dasa sequence will be Zodiacal and regular. In case of even signs, it will be in the reverse direction. (This rule is applicable in case of sign Dasas of fixed period only.)" 17.10.3 Sequence of sub-periods of Dasa signs (BPH, 53/7-12). Maharishi Parasara teaches the following sequence of Antardasa and Pratyantar Dasa after ascertaining the Apex sign and duration of Antardasas for Chara Dasas specifically. The sequence of Antardasa is different for moveable fixed and dual signs: a) If the apex Dasa sign, of all the three kinds of signs viz. moveable, fixed and dual, is an odd sign, the order of MW/Pratyantar Dasa will be Zodiacal (forward direction), and in the case of even signs, the order will be in the reverse direction. b) Apex sign is moveable sign: If the Apex Antardasa is of a moveable sign, the sequence of twelve Antardasas of the sign will be in regular order (in the forward or reverse direction depending upon odd or even sign). c) Apex sign is fixed sign: If the apex Antardasa is of a fixed sign, the Antardasa sequence will commence from Apex sign followed by the Antardasa of every 6th sign there from. (The forward or reverse direction will be as per rule `a' above.) 10 d) Apex sign is Dual sign: If the apex Antardasa sign is of a dual sign, the first Antardasa will be of the apex sign, then the Antardasas of the signs in angle (Kendra) to the apex Antardasa sign, followed by the Antardasa signs in angles to the signs in trine (i.e. 5th and 9th house) to the apex sign. In this manner, the sequence of 12 Antardasas will be completed. Special Rules: a If Saturn will be placed in Apex sing, the direction of sequence will always Zodiacal. The manner of sequence will not change. If Rahu/Ketu will be placed in the Apex sign; the assigned direction as per rule will be reversed. The manner of sequence will not change.  If all the three Rahu/Ketu/Saturn will be placed in the Apex sign, the most afflicting malefic planet between Ketu and Saturn will decide the direction of sequence.  Note: The above special rules are applicable for Char, Naryana or Paryaya Dasas. In case of other fixed period sign Dasas, the rules as per Sloka 5 and 6 will only be applicable. 17.11 Strength of signs The Paryaya Dasa applicable to Shastamsa chart is Ayur Dasa. The aspect/conjunction of malefic or the sign owned by a malefic makes it stronger to inflict evils, diseases and death. Maharishi Jaimini has given the guidance in Sutras 2.3.17and from 3.3.109 to 3.3.117. The stronger sign is chosen both for initiating main Dasa as well as Antardasa. In Phalit Dasas, association of benefic, make the sign stronger. But in the case of Ayur Paryaya Dasa, the association of Malefic makes the sign stronger to do the evils, the association of benefic makes the sign weaker to do the evils. The rules are formulated below based on the guidance given in above Sutras: 1. The sign with malefic planet(s), or a sign owned by a malefic (Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Leo), or a sign aspected by a malefic (by sign aspect), will be more strong than a sign with lesser member of planets, or associated with benefic. 2. There are three criteria to gain evil strength. The strongest is conjunction with malefic, the sign of a malefic planet and then the aspect of malefic planet in decreasing order. The role of benefic will be reversed. The aspect of benefic will be most strong to ward-off evil (say by 25%), the sign of benefic planet and then conjunction of benefic will reduce the evils in decreasing order. 3. If the strength of sign is evenly balanced, then the natural malefic strength of sign should be considered. Moveable sign will be stronger to fixed sign, and fixed sign will be stronger to dual sign to do evil. (This order is reversed in Phalita Dasas). 4. In nutshell a sign having more malefic association will be considered Note: Some astrologers are also applying Paryaya Dasa on Shastamsa chart for Phalita Jyotisha. This may possibly be done only after making some amendments in the reckoning of Dasas. The main differences are as under: a) The stronger sign will be decided based on the rules applicable for Char/ Narayana Dasa. b) The order of Dasa (Zodiacally or reversed) will be decided based on odd-footed or even-footed signs occupied in ninth house from the initiating sign. c) After completion of Dasa of one cycle, the Dasa progresses to the second house from the last sign Dasa of the previous cycle. (In Ayur Paryaya Dasa, 2nd house is counted from initiating sign.) d) The rules for judgment of Phalit Dasa could be applicable which are on different basis than Ayur Dasas. e) In my opinion, Phalit Dasa should be applied on the Divisional charts, which are for this purpose. Shastamsa, Ashtamsa, Rudramsa charts are for diseases, disputes, enemy, adversity and death. As such Ayur Dasas should be applied on these divisional charts. Both types of Dasa are applicable in Trisamsa chart. f) Vimshottari Dasa is a universal Dasa and is applicable on all charts. This Dasa is most commonly used, but it is a very difficult Dasa to apply being its reach is very vast, wide, and comprehensive. 17.12 Commencement of Ayur Paryaya Dasa Reference point for commencement of Ayur Paryaya Dasa in Shastamsa chart -Maharishi has introduced following two Vargas in Chapter III Quarter III of `Upadesa Sutras':  Ekadasamsa/Rudramsa/Labhamsa.  Shastamsa/Kaulaka. In Sutra 3.3.70, Labhamsa Varga was introduced and Sutra 3.3.71. Clearly indicates "as the Dasa (Manduka) progresses from eleventh to the eleventh (i.e. ninth house) and so on, the evils befalling the native are seen from this inimical division. The Labhamsa Varga basically dealing the evils befalling on the native. On the other hand, Shastamsa Lagna as well as Karkamsa sign represents native (along with all evils, the native carries in this incarnation). The Kaulakas falling in 2nd to sixth house and their Charkarka are similarly representing his relatives. Maharishi has therefore specially advised the use of Ayur Paryaya Dasa for Shastamsa chart. It can start only from Ascending Kaulaka because that is the focal point with the help of which all other houses operate. Both potential and promise are shown by Ascending Kaulaka, which acts as `Aadya sign; Sixth house in the Shastamsa chart is the house of action from which the indications contained in ascending Kaulaka becomes operative. The role of Kaulakas falling in 9th, 11th and 2nd house is also explained in this article in detail. 17.12.1 Basic Rules for Assessment of Paryaya Dasa In Shastamsa chart, every Kaulaka is indicative of some kinds of evils. The basis of assessment obtained from each house (Kaulaka) in Shastamsa chart is elaborated in detail in Clause 11 of this article. The following four factors are important for assessment of the Dasa of a sign: a) Significator house and respective Chara -Karka, e.g. in case of mother, second house and Matrukarka (Eight Charkarka scheme will be applied i.e. including Rahu) and in case of cousins ,third house and Gytikarka are considered. b) Pada (Arudha) Lagna is to be calculated in Shastamsa chart independently. c) Rudra for each relative is to be identified with help of significator houses. The counting of 8th house is recommended according to the following table for choosing Rudra by some authorities Sign ArTa GeCnGeVi Li ScSg CpAqPi 8th houseScGeCpSg Cn AqTaSgCnGeCpLe The stronger of two lords of 8th houses from (1) sign of significator house, (2) the sign in 7th house from significator, becomes Rudra. In Shastamsa chart, the planet, which carries more malefic influence, becomes Rudra (I recommend the counting of the 8th house by direct method should not be ignored.) d) The death normally occurs in the Dasa of death inflicting sign i.e. the 2nd sign from significator house. e) The death is also considered from the sign falling in third house from Chara karaka or Upapada (Arudha Lagna). If death is not possible in third house, if may occur in Dasa of signs which are aspecting the third house. Even-footed sign becomes more powerful candidate to inflict death if aspecting odd-footed sign in third house and vice-versa. f) The signs, which are trine to Rudra and also aspecting the sign in third house (indicated in the point (e) above), gain potential to kill the person. g) The signs, which gain malefic strength to harm the native and its relations, also become powerful instrument in their Dasa to give evils, diseases and even death (refer article 11). h) Sthira Karakas play an important and protective role in Shastamsa chart. The signs owned by Sthira Karaka do not kill the respective relative in their Dasa period. Sthira (Fixed) Karakas are as under: 11 # Father - Stronger between Sun and Venus (Malefic strength) # Mother - Stronger between Moon and Mars. # Mars - Younger brothers, sisters, brother in laws, sister in laws and mother. # Mercury - Maternal uncles, aunts, and all maternal relatives. # Jupiter - Parental grand-parents (& relations), husband and children. # Venus - Wife, father/mother-in-law & maternal grand-parents. # Saturn - Elders - some say elder co-born. # The Dasa of the sign falling in 2nd house from Sthira (fixed) Karaka is conductive for good results to respective relations. j) If Dasa of an inimical sign, to a particular relative is operating and if this Dasa sign is trine to one of the signs namely Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces and/or Jupiter or Saturn, will give the effects as per dictums given in article 11.7. 17.12.2 The Role of Antardasa 1. Antardasa of the sixth house from the Dasa sign or its seventh house will be inimical to the native. 2. If the main Dasa sign, as well as Antardasa sign, both are inimical to the native or its relations as per rules given in Clause 11 of this article, such combination of Dasa/Antardasa will do maximum harm. 3. If Dasa sign is afflicted or occupied by malefic and Antardasa sign is aspecting the Dasa sign, the evils should be judged from the Antardasa sign. Odd-footed signs aspected by even-footed signs and vise-versa, will do maximum damage. 4. If both Dasa and Antardasa of signs falling in 2nd and 8th house from the significator house will be death inflicting. Benefic aspect will contain the damage. As such Dasas Antardasa of signs afflicted by malefic, and falling in the axis of 2nd/8th house will be inimical, even death inflicting to the native; similarly, 3/9 axis for parents, 4/10 axis for co-born and cousins, 5/11 spouse, 6/12 is for children and 7/1 is for enemies. 5. The Dasa and Antardasa of signs placed in 3rd, 7th and 11th house from the significator house, if afflicted give inimical results. Similarly, Dasa and Antardasa of signs, which are afflicted by malefic, and placed in 1st, 8th and 9th house from significator houses or Charkarka prove inimical. The severity of evils should be judged from the association of malefic. A benefic association ward-off the evils. 17.12.3 Omenclature of Dasa signs and effects 1. Aadya sign (3:T ti81): This is the prime (first) sign, which decides the choice of the sign from where a particular cycle of Dasa, Antardasa of Pratyantar Dasa will commence. 2. Paaka Dasa sign ( tigil): In case ofAntar and Pratyanar Dasa, Aadya sign becomes the Paaka Dasa sign. In case of main Dasa scheme, Aadya sign is also called Paaka Dasa sign. 3. Apex sign (iT T tigl): The sign, which initiates the Dasa, is called Apex sign. 4. Dasha-Prada sign (consic (iESl): Any Dasa sign, whose effects and results are under consideration. 5 Bhoga sign ('TT tigl): _ Where the Dasa Prada sign is Paaka sign (Aadya sign), this sign also becomes Bhoga sign. The Antar/Pratyantar Dasa of this sign does not yield to good results if malefic planet is placed therein. Bhoga sign of other Dasa Prada signs is away from Paaka sign by as many signs as Paaka sign is away from Dasa Prada sign, e.g. if Libra is Paaka sign, and Pisces is Dasa Prada sign, the Bhoga sign will become Leo. The Dasa Prada sign, whose both Paaka and Bhoga signs and occupied by malefic(s), will give evil and adverse results. 17.13 Conclusion Maharishi Jaimini has given a deep insight and methodology to predict miseries, evils, diseases and death with the help of Kaulaka, Shastamsa chart and Ayur Paryaya Dasa. The above narration and rules are formulated on the basis of my understanding and experience based on Jaimini. Sutras translated by Pt. Sanjay Rath. I invite critical analysis and comments. This will help to develop better understanding on the role of Kaulaka . 3 rd part of RASI DASAS; Ayur dasas as in JHora; shoola dasa of all (any) houses; Shoola dasa (troubles and death): Shoola dasa is an important ayur dasa. It is a rasi dasa. It shows the force of Shiva (Destroyer). It shows death and destruction of native. Its variations that are started from various houses show deaths of various relatives. OPTION # 1; Which house should Shoola dasa start from? 1st (self), 2 nd , 3 rd (sibling, father in law), 4 th (mother), 5th (children, paternal grandfather),6 th (maternal uncle),7 th (wife, maternal grandmother),8 th ,9 th (father),10 th (mother in aw),11 th ,12 th (paternal grandmother, materal grandfather). OPTION # 2; Where do antardasas start? (Choose your preference.)_From dasa sign itself _From the stronger of dasa sign and 7th from it. _From the lord of the stronger of dasa sign and 7th from it. Shula Dana: Find the Rudra Rashi as per Jaimini. This dasa begins with the seventh sign from Rudra Rashi. If Rudra Is Shukra placed in Vrishchika, the first dasa is that of Vrishabha. The sequence is clockwise. Moveable signs give seven years, fixed eight, and common ones nine years. This is helpful In determining the period of death. Shoola das, Introduction; We looked at “Niryaana Shoola dasa” used for timing one’s death. There is another dasa called Shoola dasa that can also be used for timing death. It shows death, diseases, suffering and death of relatives. Interpretation; Like in Niryana Shoola dasa, dasa of a Trishoola rasi can bring death. Because the 2nd and 8th rasis in the natural zodiac are owned by Mars and Venus, rasi aspect on either of them by Moon generates Rudra yoga and rasis aspected by Rudra yoga planets can give death. This author found the following rules to hold true in many cases: “AL or the trines from it can give death. If malefics or marakas occupy or aspect the 3rd from AL or the 8th from AL, those 2 houses can give death.” Lagna and 7th house both show the self of a person. They stand for the invisible and visible selves. Niryaana Shoola dasa starts from the 8th house from one of them. Niryaana Shoola dasa essentially shows the progress of the 8th house. It shows the motion of praana (life). That is why it has an uneven motion. It goes forward in some charts and backward in some charts. Also the lengths of dasas can be 7, 8 or 9 years. All this shows that different people have different motion of praana. When praana reaches Shiva’s Trishoola or a powerful maraka rasi, the native can die. In Shoola dasa, however, the motion has a constant rate of 9 years per dasa and the order of dasas is always fixed. This fixed motion is like the motion of a quartz crystal. It is not the motion of praana and it must be a universal motion. It is suggested that Shoola dasas show the force of Lord Shiva. The force of Lord Shiva starts from one’s self and moves at a constant rate in afixed direction. So Shoola dasa rasi hitting Trishoola rasis is less significant than Niryaana Shoola dasa rasi hitting Trishoola rasis. In the case of Shoola dasa, death occurs when Shiva’s motion hits AL or the trines from it or the houses of vitality from AL (3rd and 8th). AL is involved instead of lagna, because our existence is a maya (illusion) and what Lord Shiva destroys is the illusion of our existence. The physical body (lagna) simply merges with the material universe, when burnt or buried, and the perceived self or the maya of existence (AL) is what is completely destroyed by Lord Shiva. Lesson: Niryaana Shoola dasa shows the motion of praana (life). Death occurs when praana hits maraka rasis and the trines from Rudra (Trishoola rasis). Shoola dasa is the reverse. It shows the motion of Shiva. Death occurs primarily when Shiva’s motion hits the trines from AL or the 3rd house from AL or the 8th house from AL. 12 We have listed several rasis above. How do we choose one answer from the list? There are 2criteria: (1) Usually a rasi occupied or aspected by AK or Jupiter does not kill a native, unless that planet happens to be Rudra. (2) Based on whether the native is of short/middle/long life, we are limited to just 4 dasas. The first 4 Shoola dasas (0-36 years) bring death to a person of the short life category. The middle 4 Shoola dasas (36-72 years) bring death to a person of the middle life category. The last 4 Shoola dasas (72-108 years) bring death to a person of the long life category. We should choose a good candidate from those dasas. Death of Near Relatives Shoola dasa shows Shiva’s punishment. It shows misfortune, suffering and death. Using it, death of near relatives can also be timed. For each relative, we treat the house that shows him/her as lagna and find Shoola dasa based on it. Shoola dasa starts from the stronger of that rasi and the 7th from it. We have different names for Shoola dasas started from different houses. For example, Pitri Shoola dasa (pitri = father) starts from the stronger of 9th and 3rd houses. It is used in the timing of father’s death. Bhratri Shoola dasa (bhratri = brother) also starts from the stronger of 3rd and 9th houses and it shows the death of younger siblings. Matri Shoola dasa (matri = mother) starts from the stronger of 4th and 10th houses. Dara Shoola dasa (dara = wife) starts from the stronger of 7th and 1 st houses and it shows the death of wife (this dasa will be identical to the native’s normal Shoola dasa). Putra Shoola dasa (putra = son) starts from the stronger of 5th and 11th houses and it shows the death of a child. We mentioned earlier that sthira karakas are useful in timing death. Sthira karaka of father represents father in a chart, for the purpose of matters controlled by Shiva (i.e. suffering and death). Pitri Shoola dasa shows the motion of Shiva’s force for the father. When Shiva’s force strikes trines from sthira karaka of father, father’s death can take place. Trines from the corresponding arudha pada can also give death. Similarly, we can time the death of other near relatives. Let us see a couple of examples. Niryana Shoola Dasa (death), Niryana shoola dasa is an important ayur dasa. It is a rasi dasa. It shows the motion of prana. It is used in timing death. Strengths; same strength options # 3,4 & 5 as Narayana dasa Niryana Shoola Dasa, Introduction Niryana Shula Dasa is of considerable importance.(longevity) It is employed for determining the life-terms of the native and his relatives. Niryaana means death and shoola is a weapon of Lord Shiva, who is the lord of destruction. Niryaana Shoola dasa is one of the most reliable dasa systems for the timing of death. Parasara simply called it “Shoola dasa”, but some scholars use the name Shoola dasa to denote a different dasa. We will learn it in another chapter. In order to avoid confusion, we will call the dasa to be learnt in this chapter as “Niryaana Shoola dasa”. Interpretation Dasa of strong maraka rasis and dasas of rasis containing strong maraka grahas can bring death. Usually death occurs in the dasa of a Trishoola rasi. There are three Trishoola rasis and we can identify the correct rasi based on the longevity category (short, middle or long life). If Trishoolas don’t bring death, the rasi containing Rudra in the 12th house can bring death. Antardasa at the time of death can be the 6th, 7th, 8th or 12th rasi from dasa rasi. It can also be a rasi that aspects the rasi that, in navamsa, contains the owner of the 8th house from dasa rasi. Suppose dasa rasi at death is Ta and Jupiter is in Le in navamsa. Then the antardasas of the 6th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses from Ta (i.e. Li, Sc, Sg and Ar) can bring death. Also the antardasas of Ar, Le, Li and Cp – rasis that aspect Le, which contains Jupiter in navamsa – can bring death. If there is a common rasi between these two principles, it can be a strong candidate. For more information, please refer to “Vedic Astrology: An Integrated Approach” by P.V.R. Narasimha Rao, from which the above material is extracted. Brahma dasa (cycle of Life, death and life): It is an important ayur dasa that sheds light on the cycle of life-death-and-life Strengths; When you edit birth data or re-open the chart, strengths will be automatically computed again. Until then, what you enter below will be used temporarily. OPTION # 3; Lord of Aquarius; Saturn or Rahu. OPTION # 4; Lord of Scorpio; Mars or Ketu OPTIONS # 5; Does Saturn or Ketu exception apply Start dasas from; Any 12 signs OR use the default No exception/ Saturn exception /Ketu exception Or Last setting Brahma Dasa: This has been explained in our Jaiminii Sutram. FROM studies in Jaimini astro. by B.V. Raman; Brahma Dasa starts from Brahma Rasi and runs in the direct order, or starts from the 7th from Brahma and runs in the reverse order, according as Lagna is odd or even. The span of a Dasa is the distance from the Rasi concerned to the Rasi occupied by the lord of the 6th from the Rasi in question. Sthira dasa (an ayur dasa that shows death): Sthira dasa is a rasi dasa that was taught by Parasara and Jaimini. In Indian philosophy, death is nothing but praana (life) becoming sthira (fixed). Sthira dasa is an ayur dasa and shows death. Strengths; same strength options # 3,4 & 5 as Narayana dasa Mandooka dasa of D-11 (Rath) (of D11 only no options); an ayur dasa showing wars and destruction: Mandooka dasa of Rudramsa (D-11) shows death, wars and destruction. It is an ayur dasa. It is very important in predicting the outcomes of wars. Mandooka dasa of K N Rao (a conditional phalita rasi dasa); Mandooka dasa of K.N. Rao is applicable to people with 4 or more planets in quadrants from lagna. no options Manduka Dasa: It is also called Trikuta Dasa. Seven years are given to moveable signs, eight to fixed signs, and nine to common ones. The sequence is from lagna onwards signs 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 10, 3, 7, 11, 4, 8 and 12. If first dasa is from the stronger of lagna and the seventh for males; and for women the first dasa is from the seventh. Navamsa dasa (death): no options. Navamsa dasa is an important ayur dasa. It is a rasi dasa. Unless navamsa dasa sign contains or aspects Yama, Lord of death (wich planet is that, Saturn, 8 th lord or Pluto?) in the 3rd house from arudha lagna, death cannot come. Varnada dasa (troubles and death): no options. Varnada dasa is an important ayur dasa. It is a rasi dasa. It shows the force of Shiva (Destroyer). It shows death and destruction of native. Its variations that are started from various houses show deaths of various relatives. Varnada Dasa: This is explained in our Jaimini Sutram. FROM studies in Jaimini astro. by B.V. Raman; it starts from Lagna and Tuns in the direct order if the Lagna is odd. If the Lagna is even, the Dasa starts from the 12th and runs in the reverse order. The span of a Dasa is the distance measured in terms of signs from Lagna to the Varnada concerned. 4 th part, OTHER DASAS included in JHora; Moola Dasa (dasa showing the root of events - past karma:). Moola dasa is a general purpose planetary dasa that is good at showing various phases in life. This was the most popular dasa at the time of Varahamihira and Kalyana Verma (author of Saravali). This dasa shows the root (moola) of events, i.e. past karma. Use D-60 (past life) and rasi (this life) with Moola dasa to judge how past life's karma influences this life's events. This is one of the finest dasas we know today. OPTIONS # 1, 2 & 3; Use lagna as a candidate for starting Moola dasa  Use Moon as a candidate for starting Moola dasa  Use Sun as a candidate for starting Moola dasa. (All are ticked as default) 13 OPTION # 4; If a planet occupies occupies its moolalrikona, is the moolatrikona correction (to be subtracted from Vimsottari dasa years) 0 or 12 years? Twelve years is the default Moola Dasa also known as Lagna Kendradi Graha Dasa is a variation of vimsottari, it is applicable in all charts as it gives the results of the karma of past life/ curses of past life with D60 which we have to suffer in the present incarnation. (if in past life, D60 if a planet and house karaka is afflicted by functional malefic then the corresponding curse will be pending on the native in this life, If Moola dasa is running with corresponding planet, then the curse is sitting on your head; ex; Jupiter afflicted = curse from brahmanas, venus + 7 th house afflicted= curse from spouse, Sun + 9 th = father, moon + 4 = from mother, merc + 6 th afflicted = curse from maternal uncle.) Moola dasa in software is currently not perfect. Moola means “root”. Moola dasa shows the root cause of the events. dasa shows the root. It is like seeing the root whereas vimsottari is like seeing the plant. It is the link between the events of current life and the past life (which is the root cause of events). At the time of Varahamihira and Kalyana Verma, this was a very popular dasa system. If a planet shows sins in past life (shashtyamsa, D-60), his Moola dasa in this life may give punishment for those sins. If a planet shows learning in a specialized subject in past life, the native may learn that subject relatively easily in that planet’s Moola dasa in this life. And so on. This is a very sacred dasa and should not be abused. Always look for yogas in Shastiamsa and time the results of these yogas using Moola dasa (Use JHLite 6.0 for Moola dasa calculations). This dasa shall give pronounced results in the charts of divine personalities and saints who have come to this planet for completing a final form of some curse or such terms of final punishment and redemption. As the name suggests the dasa begins from the Lagna or any other Kendra, whichever is stronger and has planet(s) disposited in them, and is succeeded by the other Kendra's (having planet(s) in it) according to their strengths. After completing the periods of the planets in the quadrants, the dasa shifts to the planets in the four signs in the Panapara and then to the Apoklimas. Example 2; Determine the dasa for Male born on 7 August 1963 at 9:15’ AM IST at Lat:21N28’ Long:84E01’,Sambalpur, India. Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa Lagna 9 Vi 22' 27.89" UPha 4 Vi Pi Sun - BK 20 Cn 35' 47.39" Asre 2 Cn Cp Moon - GK 13 Aq 00' 08.14" Sata 2 Aq Cp Mars - PK 13 Vi 22' 21.29" Hast 2 Vi Ta Mercury - DK 12 Le 37' 34.18" Magh 4 Le Cn Jupiter - AmK 26 Pi 07' 40.99" Reva 3 Pi Aq Venus - MK 14 Cn 19' 03.44" Push 4 Cn Sc Saturn (R) - AK 26 Cp 51' 53.18" Dhan 2 Cp Vi Rahu 25 Ge 47' 15.58" Puna 2 Ge Ta Ketu 25 Sg 47' 15.58" PSha 4 Sg Sc Maandi 8 Li 07' 57.58" Swat 1 Li Sg Gulika 26 Vi 57' 34.86" Chit 2 Vi Vi In Chart 2, all four quadrants are occupied by four planets. Normally the conjunction of four or more planets in a Kendra gives Pravrajya (renunciation) Yoga and in this case, they are in separate signs and as per Lesson # 4, Tara Dasa is applicable in the chart. Step 1: Determination of the strongest planet The four planets in quadrants are Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu and Mars. The nodes Rahu & Ketu are exalted in Gemini & Sagittarius respectively and are stronger than Jupiter in own sign (Pisces) or Mars in an inimical sign. Both nodes are equally aspected as per Rasi Drishti by Jupiter and are not conjoined any planets. In such a scenario we can use Bhava Bala[20] wherein the tenth house has a total strength of 10.53 Rupa and the fourth house has 9.37 Rupa. Thus Ketu is the strongest planet. Step 2: Order of Dasa The order of the dasa is based on Kendradi dasa. The planets in Kendra furnish the initial dasa’s on the basis of their strengths. This is followed by the dasa’s of planets in Panapara & then Apoklimas. Thus the order of Dasa for Chart 2 is as follows:- Ketu, Rahu, Jupiter, Mars, (Kendra) Sun, Venus, Saturn (Panapara), Mercury, Moon (Apoklimas). NOTE: This is the beginning of undoing the fixed concepts that many of you may have developed and in trying to make the mind more flexible to think. Naisargika Dasa (dasa of the nature):Naisargika dasa is a general purpose phalita dasa that throws light on the changing nature of a person with changing time. Special OPTIONS (for setting Antardasas only); In naisargika dasa, antardasas of planets in 7th from dasa lord get a weight of 1 /7, planets in conjunction with dasa lord get 1 /2, planets in 4th and 8th from dasa lord get 1 /4 and planets in 5th and 9th get 1/3 . When it comes to antardasas of other planets (dasa lord himself, planets in 3 rd and 10th from him, planets in 2nd, 6th, 11th and 12th from him), there are different views. Please set your preferences.  Mahadasa lord has no antardasa (default)  Planets in 3rd and 10th from dasa lord have no antardasas  Planets in 2nd, 6th, 11th and 12th from dasa lord have no antardasas Tara Dasa (applicable if all the four quadrants are occupied): Tara dasa is a general purpose planetary dasa that is applicable If all the four quadrants from lagna are occupied by planets (Rahu and Ketu are considered as planets here). It is basically Moola dasa without Moolatrikona correction and with dasa sesham. This is a hybrid between Vimsottari dasa and Moola dasa. No options Tara dasa, destiny to fulfill; all 4 kendras are occupied ( __ included ). It is believed that such natives are born to fulfill a strong desire or karmic curse related to a previous incarnation.…..A variation of vimsottari (an hybrid vimsottari/ moola dasa). T is basically Moola dasa without moolatrikona coretion and with das sesham. In this Dasha Janm, Sampat etc. in their order replace Sūrya, Candr etc., placed in Kendras. This Dasha is applied in those cases only, where there are Grahas in Kendras. If there are a number of Grahas, the first Dasha will belong to the strongest amongst them.. planet ) } ¶ _ \ @ _ q _ tara pratya sadha vadha maitra Ati-m janma sampat vipat ksema years 16 19 17 7 20 6 10 7 18 ex; Jupiter is strongest amongst all the planets in Kendras. Therefore the first Dasa will belong to Jupiter. Dasa years will be the same as described for Vimsottari Dasa Kaala Dasa (a versatile phalita rasi dasa): Kaala dasa is based on the time of the day when birth happened. No options AK kendradi graha dasa (experiences of the soul).is a general purpose planetary dasa that is good at showing the experiences of the soul. no options 14 Patyayini Dasa (useful in Tajaka charts).Patyayksi dasa is used with dasa pravesh charts (period commencement charts) to finely time events in a dasa. It is most commonly used in Tajaka annual and monthly charts. The special feature of this dasa is that lagna has dasa along with planets. In a dasa pravesh chart, dasa sign is the most important reference and lagna of the chart joins planets and becomes a useful parameter. So it also has a dasa. no options Sudarsana Chakra Dasa of any D chart (Lagna; Moon; Sun): Sudarsana Chakra Dasa is the best tool for predicting annual, monthly and daily fortune according to Parasara. This dasa is found by progressing lagna, Moon and Sun at the rate of one sign per year. OPTION # 1; Sudarsana chakra dare based on which varga?....choose an D chart (D1 is the default) OPTION # 2; Antardasa reckoning; # 1;From the dasa sign , # 2;From the lord of dasa sign (default) Sudarsana Chakra dasa, a rasi dasa; Introduction Parasara said that Sudarsana Chakra dasa was taught by Brahma – the Creator – Himself and that it is a great tool for predicting daily, monthly and annual fortune. Because the calculations necessary for Sudarsana Chakra dasa interpretation are an integral part of casting Tajaka annual, monthly and sixty-hour charts, it should be borne in mind that this is a dasa applicable to natal charts. This is just a natal dasa like Vimsottari dasa, Narayana dasa and Kalachakra dasa. Sudarsana Chakra In each chart, there are 3 important reference points: (1) lagna, (2) Moon, and, (3) Sun. Lagna represents the physical body. Moon represents the mind. Sun represents the soul. The three together represent one’s self. We should consider houses from all the three reference points when judging a chart. For example, we need to look at the 10 th house from lagna, Moon and Sun to see career. Though we typically give importance to lagna, all the three references are important. To symbolically represent this, we can draw Sudarsana Chakra (SC) as taught by Parasara. We should draw 3 concentric circles. We should write down the bhava chakra with respect to lagna, Moon and Sun in the inner, middle and outer charts. To illustrate this, let us take the rasi chart given in Error! Reference source not found.. Sudarsana Chakra for this chart is given in Figure 2. The 10 th house from lagna is in Sg and it has Ketu. The 1 0th house from Moon is Sc and it is empty. The 10 th house from Sun is Aries and it is empty. We should analyze all the 3 factors together to draw conclusions. Figure 2: Sudarsana Chakra Dasa Computation Dasas of the 12 houses run in cycles throughout a native’s life. Each dasa is for one year. For example, dasa of the 1 st house runs in the 1 st year of one’s life. Dasa of the 2nd house runs in the 2nd year of one’s life. After 12 years, dasa of the 1 st house will return in the 13th year. Dasa of the 2nd house will return in the 14th year. After every 12 years, the same dasas keep coming. One year stands for a solar year here. A new dasa starts after every one year. The exact date and time when a new SC dasa starts can be found by casting Tajaka annual chart. Look at the number of years completed. Adding one to it, you get the year that starts. Divide it by 12 and find the remainder (if the remainder is zero, make it 12). This remainder gives the house whose dasa runs in the year. For example, let us take a native who finishes 44 years and starts the 45th year of his life on a particular date. Because the remainder when 45 is divided by 12 is 9, SC dasa of the 9th house runs in the 45th year. When we say dasa of the 9th house here, we mean the 9th house from lagna, Moon and Sun. If lagna is in Pi, Moon is in Aq and Sun is in Cn, then the 9th house is in Sc, Li and Pi. However, analyzing with 3 signs becomes difficult. So one may conveniently choose the strongest reference out of lagna, Moon and Sun and take dasas from it. This is only an approximation, but it simplifies analysis. Antardasas: Each dasa is divided into 12 antardasas. Take the sign containing the lord of the dasa sign as lagna and give the 1 st, 2nd, 3rd etc houses from it to antardasas. Links with Tajaka; In short, Tajaka annual, monthly and sixty-hour charts are nothing but the entry charts of dasas, antardasas and pratyantardasas as per Sudarsana Chakra dasa. Muntha in Tajaka annual charts is nothing but the dasa sign as per Sudarsana Chakra dasa, but always reckoned from lagna. If we redefine muntha to be the progressed from the strongest of lagna, Moon and Sun (instead of always from lagna), it exactly becomes the SC dasa sign. We can find Sudarsana Chakra dasa for divisional charts also. We take the strongest of lagna, Moon and Sun and then start SC dasa from there. It moves at the rate of one house per year. Examples will make this clear. Dasa Interpretation To interpret a dasa (or antardasa or pratyantardasa), we have to take the dasa sign (or antardasa sign or pratyantardasa sign) as lagna and analyze the planetary positions with respect to it. What planetary positions do we mean – natal or transit? Some people may prefer to analyze the natal positions, but that would suggest that one gets the same results after every 12 years. That is not logical. Parasara clearly advised that we have to analyze the planetary positions at the commencement of a dasa (or antardasa or pratyantardasa) with respect to the dasa sign (or antardasa sign or pratyantardasa sign). This is where Tajaka charts fit in. 15 If benefics are in quadrants, trines and 8th from dasa sign, favorable results can be expected. Benefics in houses other than the 6th and 12th houses produce good results for the houses they occupy. Malefics in the 3rd, 6th and 1 1th houses bring good results. Malefics in other houses spoil the results of the houses they occupy. In particular, Rahu destroys the house he occupies. Buddhi Gati Dasa (from Agni Purana) BuddhiGatiDasaVarga is defined in Agni Purana with no specific name. It shows the direction of budchi. It shows which planet sits on head at a given time. That planet can be propitiated. OPTION # 1; Sudarsana chakra dasa based on which varga? (any D chart) Rasi chart is the default. Rasi-bhukta vimsottari dasa of any D chart, Rasi-bhukta vimsottari dasa is a variation of vimsottari dasa, where dasas are divided equally among 12 rasis when finding antardasas. Pratyantardasas belong to eight planets in kakshya orders. This is analyzed using prastara ashtakavarga and transits. OPTION # 1; RB Vimsottari dasa starting point; (only the first 8 options available compared to 20 in vimsottari dasa); janma tara (Moon), Kshema (4 th star), Utpana (5 th star), and Adhana (8 th star), lagna, Maandi , Gulika and Trisphuta (sookshma) or Surya sphuta. OPTION # 2; RBV dasa based on which varga? ; (D1 to D144) The strength of signs is as in Narayana dasa. If you want to change the strengths used, change them in Havana dasa options. They wil be used in this dasa too Karaka Dasa (chara karaka effects) Karaka dasa is used to see the effects of chara karakas in life, no options Karaka Graha Dasa: From the Karakamsha lagna count the number of signs till we get the sign occupied by the Atmakaraka. Next take the Amatyakaraka. Count the sign he is in from the lagna and deduct one in all cases. The count is from the birth lagna. The sequence is that of the Karakas- Atma, Amatya, Bhratri, Matri, Putra, Jnati and Dasa. Karaka Kendra Dasa: Each sign gives nine years. Here we take up the positions in Navamsa. The method is the same as in that of Kendra Dasa. Tithi Astottari dasaof (any 12) tithis (useful especially in Tithi Pravesha charts), Tithi Astottari dasa is a very useful variation of Ashtottari dasa. It is based on tithis instead of naksatras. It is particularly useful in Tithi Pravesha charts, which are the lunar counterpart of the Tajaka solar return charts. OPTION # 1; Select the tithi that you want to be used as the seed in initiating dasas. Janma tithi (1st), Dhana tithi (2 nd ), Bhratri tithi (3 rd ), Matri tithi (4 th ), Putra tithi (5 th ), Satru tithi (6 th ), Dara tithi (7 th ), Mrityu tithi (8 th ), Pitri tithi (9 th ), Karma tithi (10 th ), Labha tithi (11 th ), Vyaya tithi (12 th ), OPTION # 2; Select the two planets used in tithi computation: If you are unsure, leave Sun and Moon. So you have the choice within 2 lists with 10 choices in each (lagna + 9 planets) Yoga Vimsottari dasa ( useful especially in Yoga Pravesha charts), Yoga Vimsottari dasa is a very useful variation of vimsottari dasa. It is based on yogas instead of naksatras. It is particularly useful in Yoga Pravesha charts, which are a Soli-lunar counterpart of the Tajaka solar return charts. This dasa is a research of PVR Narasimha Rao. No options. Karana Caturaseeti sama dasa, ( useful especially in Tithi/ Karana Pravesha charts), it is a special variation of the conditional nakshatra dasa that is applicable in Tithi/ Karana Pravesha charts for seeing events related to karana, i.e. earthly nature. No options. Tithi Yogini Dasa of (any 12) tithis (based on tithis instead of naksatras): Yogini dasa is a tantrik dasa that shows the impact of various Yoginis on a person. Tithi Yogini dasa is a variation that is based on tithis instead of nakshatras. It is not a commonly employed dasa. OPTION # 1; Select the tithi that you want to be used as the seed in initiating dasas. Janma tithi (1st), Dhana tithi (2 nd ), Bhratri tithi (3 rd ), Matri tithi (4 th ), Putra tithi (5 th ), Satru tithi (6 th ), Dara tithi (7 th ), Mrityu tithi (8 th ), Pitri tithi (9 th ), Karma tithi (10 th ), Labha tithi (11 th ), Vyaya tithi (12 th ), OPTION # 2; Select the two planets used in tithi computation: If you are unsure, leave Sun and Moon. So you have the choice within 2 lists with 10 choices in each (lagna + 9 planets). 5 th part, OTHER DASAS not found in JHora Chakra Dasa: (Not in JHora ? )BPHS ch.46 v. 50-51; When one is born during the day, the dasa begins with the sign occupied by the lord of the lagna. If the birth is at night, the dasa begins with the lagna Rashi; and if it is at twilight (Sandhya), it is from the second house. The dasa of each sign has ten years. Example : The birth is during the day and the lord of the Ascendant is in Scorpio. Therefore the Dasa of 10 years will commence from Scorpio and all subsequent signs Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra will have Dasa of 10 years each. Uttara Dasa: (Not in JHora ? ) This starts from Atmakaraka. We have to derive the duration of the dasas as in Chara Dasa. Kottara sama das ; (an udu dasa) no information available! not in JHora Navamsa dasa Nava Dasa: The first dasa will be that of a planet having the lowest number of degrees in a sign. The other dasas follow in an ascending order. Here Rahu and Ketu also are taken into account. There are various methods besides this one. The second way is to start from the planet having the highest number of degrees on a sign. The dasa of a planet is twelve years and of a Rasi it is nine years. Suppose the Moon is 8s, 25°.29'.38". Converting into minutes we get 15929'.38". Divide this by twenty and deduct it from 108. Then we get the years to elapse from the time of birth. We get forty one years and a little more. Rashyamshaka Dasa: Note the sign occupied in the navamsha by the lord of lagna. The count is from the stronger between Lagna and its lord. The number of rasi elapsed gives the number of years. Ashtaka Varga Dasa: This will be treated in the chapter as Ashtakavarga. Sandhya Dasa: Total duration of life is taken to be one hundred years. Each planet has ten years. The first dasa is that of the lord of lagna. The other dasas follow in the order of the week days. After Shani we have Rahu and Ketu 16 Pancha Svara Dasa: The letters are divided into five groups. Each group gives twelve years. The groups are:


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