Covalent incorporation of starch derivative into waterborne polyurethane for biodegradability

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Carbohydrate Polymers 87 (2012) 1803– 1809 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Carbohydrate Polymers jo u rn al hom epa ge: www.elsev ier .com Covale o w biodeg Su Jin Le Department of of Kor a r t i c l Article history: Received 29 A Received in re 28 September Accepted 30 S Available onlin Keywords: Waterborne p Starch VTMS Biodegradatio (VTM rids rada ight elec tifunc hyb ease o muc 1. Introdu Polyurethanes (PUs) are a most versatile engineering material which is synthesized by a simple polyaddition reaction of polyol, isocyanate, and chain extender. They find a variety of industrial applications including coatings, adhesives, sealants, elastomers (abbreviate tile finish a Bhatti, Zube Bhatti, & Sh 2010 is ove annually. Convent dimethyl fo solventborn advantages isocyanates able to arom also much f tightly bou essential fo tal consider and it is no cations incl ∗ Correspon E-mail add ang, Larock, 2008; Park et al., 2009; Petrie, 2000). However, lack of degradability and growing land pollution have become serious with polymeric materials and led to concern about biodegradation. Polyurethane has been found to be susceptible to biodegradation by naturally occurring microorganisms (Howard, 0144-8617/$ – doi:10.1016/j. d by CASE), primer, sports goods, medical devices, tex- side from the various foam products (Barikani, Zia, r, & Bhatti, 2008; Kim & Kim, 2005; Zia, Barikani, Zuber, eikh, 2008). The worldwide annual production of PU in r twelve million tons, and ever increasing by about 5% ionally PU was produced in solvent typically in acetone, rmamide (DMF) and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK). The e PU (SPU) has great freedoms in molecular design and in processing. For example, aromatic as well as aliphatic are used in SPU, while waterborne PU (WPU) is vulner- atic type due to its fast reaction with water. Drying is aster with SPU than WPU where water molecules are nded to the ionic species which, on the other hand, is r dispersion in water. Due to the safety and environmen- ation, WPU is steadily replacing SPU since late 1960s, w legislated in many countries in many areas of appli- uding primers, adhesives, and coatings industries (Jung, ding author. Tel.: +82 51 510 2406; fax: +82 51 514 1726. ress: [email protected] (B.K. Kim). 2002). Microbial degradation of polyurethanes depends on the many properties of the polymer such as molecular orientation, crystallinity, cross-linking and chemical groups present in the molecular chains which determine the accessibility to degrading- enzyme systems. However, microbial degradation of polyurethane is mainly limited to polyester type, which is hypothesized to be mainly due to the hydrolysis of ester bonds by the esterase enzymes. On the other hand, starch is a most promising material for biodegradable plastics because of the abundant supply, low cost, renewability, and ease of chemical modifications (Cao, Chang, & Huneault, 2008; Galliard, 1987; Mathew & Dufresne, 2002; Whistler & Bemiller, 2009). However, compared to conventional synthetic thermoplastics, starch based biodegradable products exhibit water sensitivity, brittleness, and poor mechanical prop- erties (Santayanon & Wootthikanokkhan, 2003). Consequently, a number of physical and chemical methods have been used to solve this problem. Among them blending with biodegradable synthetic polymers offers a relative simple and effective route to enhance the properties of starch based biodegradable materials. These include starch blends with WPU from poly(�-caprolactone) (Cao et al., 2008; Zou et al., 2011), castor oil (Lu, Tighzert, Dole, & Erre, 2005; Wu, Wu, Tian, Zhang, & Cai, 2008) and rapeseed oil (Lu, Tighzert, see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. carbpol.2011.09.098 nt incorporation of starch derivative int radability e, Byung Kyu Kim ∗ Polymer Science and Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan 609-737, Republic e i n f o ugust 2011 vised form 2011 eptember 2011 e 6 October 2011 olyurethane n a b s t r a c t We introduced vinyltrimethoxysilane by covalent bond (hereafter called hyb Effects of starch content on the biodeg solution were evaluated in terms of we angle, Shore A hardness, and scanning vided the chemical hybrids with mul and strength of the hybrids. When the loss of 15% and tensile strength decr Notably, these property changes were than those of chemical hybrids. ction Kim, K / locate /carbpol aterborne polyurethane for ea S) modified starch into the waterborne polyurethane (WPU) or chemical hybrids) to enhance the biodegradability of WPU. tion of the chemical hybrids in �-amylase solution and buffer loss and tensile property change with incubation time, contact tron microscopy morphology. The VTMS modified starch pro- tional crosslinks and significantly enhanced tensile modulus rids were incubated in �-amylase solution, maximum weight f 60% were noted in 10 days with 10% starch incorporation. h smaller with physical blend of WPU and unmodified starch © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. & Kim, 2010; Lamba, Woodhouse, & Cooper, 1998; Lu & 1804 S.J. Lee, B.K. Kim / Carbohydrate Polymers 87 (2012) 1803– 1809 Table 1 Formulations to prepare WPU/starch chemical hybrids (number is the weight in grams, total solid = 30 g). Soft segment Hard segment Ionic group HEA VTMS Starch (wt%) PTMG650 HDI 1,4-BD IPDI DMBA (wt%) HDI WPU 16.55 4.28 2.60 0.64 3 2.70 2.32 – – BS05 5 VS02 0.51 2 VS05 1.29 5 VS10 2.64 10 Berzin, & Rondot, 2005). The blends were miscible at low WPU content ( S.J. Lee, B.K. Kim / Carbohydrate Polymers 87 (2012) 1803– 1809 1805 Schem by an UV la 70 ◦C (Schem 2.4. Charac The hyd between VT minated pr followed by Mattson Sa The sample morphology days, was ex Hitachi S43 Particle analyzer (B Biodegra solution wh measured w 500 mm/mi ing to ASTM least five ru was measu ASTM D 22 to about 8 pressing the TIR spectra of virgin VTMS and after condensation reaction with starch. ults and discussion nyl modification and HEA capping 1 sh mple evail n be Fig. 1. F 3. Res 3.1. Vi Fig. has co the pr reactio e 2. Synthetic route to prepare WPU/starch chemical hybrids. mp. Finally the UV cured film was dried for two days at e 2). terizations rolysis reaction of VTMS, and condensation reaction MS and starch, and end capping reaction of NCO ter- epolymer with HEA, and the UV cure reaction were the IR measurements. IR spectra were measured on a tellite Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer. was obtained by casting films on the KBr pellet. Surface of the films, which were incubated in �-amylase for 10 amined under the scanning electron microscopy (SEM, 0, Japan). size of the dispersion was determined by a particle size eckman Coulter, N5). dation was tested in a buffer solution and in �-amylase ich expedites degradation. Mechanical properties were ith a universal testing machine (Lloyd) at a crosshead of n. Microtensile test specimens were prepared accord- D 1822. Tests were made at room temperature and at ns were made to report the average. Shore A hardness red using an indentation hardness tester according to 40–75. Eight sheets with 1 mm thickness were stacked mm thickness. The measurement was carried out by sample sheet on a type-A durometer at a load of 9.8 N. appears at a Fig. 2 sh appears upo while the v Jeong, & Kim 3.2. Particle The par amount of implies tha entially mig gradient. A greater par Fig. 2. FTIR sp cure. ows the characteristic absorption peak of Si–O–CH3 tely disappeared upon hydrolysis reaction of VTMS at ing experimental conditions. Upon the condensation tween the hydrolyzed VTMS and starch, Si–O–C peak round 1000 cm−1. ows that the NCO absorption peak at 2270 cm−1 dis- n capping the NCO terminated prepolymers with HEA, inyl peak at 807 cm−1 disappears upon UV curing (Jung, , 2010). size and surface properties ticle sizes increases with the addition and increasing starch (Table 2) (Lu, Tighzert, Berzin, et al., 2005). This t the starch solution added to the dispersion is prefer- rated into the WPU particles due to the concentration t the same content of starch, modified starch gives ticle size than the blend with virgin starch due both ectra of NCO terminated prepolymer, after HEA capping, and after UV 1806 S.J. Lee, B.K. Kim / Carbohydrate Polymers 87 (2012) 1803– 1809 Table 2 Particle size of the dispersion, contact angle and Shore A hardness of the cast film. Particle size (nm) Contact angle (◦) Hardness (Shore A) Before starch addition After starch addition WPU 104.40 106.11 65 65 BS05 104.40 118.47 62 67 VS02 104.40 127.76 68 71 VS05 104.40 142.60 72 76 VS10 104.40 144.67 80 82 to the enhanced miscibility with WPU and enlarged size of vinyl modified starch. Contact angle of the blend cast film decreases below WPU due to the increased hydrophilicity of the film (Table 2). However, contact angle increases with the addition and increas- ing amount of modified starch. This implies that crosslink effect is more significant than hydrophilicity increase. Hardness is an important property of coating which finds an ample application of WPU. Hardness of the cast film increases with the addition and increasing amount of modified starch (Table 2). This again is due to the increased crosslink density of the film. A small increase with blend seems due to the strong hydrogen bond between WPU and starch. 3.3. Biodeg Fig. 3 sh buffer solu five days fo ference dep hybrids in pared with in �-amyla added. �-A breakdown starch chai weight loss incorporate crosslinked network alo spectra of t peak at 172 is dissolved tated as sho Fig. 3. . 4. W lase U is . Also e am e sta interact with the WPU in the process of degradation. echanical properties 6 shows the tensile behavior of the films with different tion times with the detailed data in Table 3. The as cured how that initial modulus and break strength monotonically radation ows the weight loss of film vs. incubation time in a tion. About 5% of the original weight is lost in about r the chemical hybrids and blend, with a slight dif- ending on the amount of starch. Degradation of the �-amylase is expedited by about three times as com- that of buffer solution (Fig. 4). The weight loss of VS05 se solution is approximately 2.5 times of the starch mylase is a calcium metalloenzyme that catalyses the of starch into sugars at random locations along the n, and hence much great weight loss is expected. The of the hybrids is greater than the amount of starch d into the hybrids. This means that the WPU segments by the VTMS modified starch are removed from the ng with the starch. To verify this, we measured the IR he precipitates which show the characteristic urethane 0 cm−1 (Fig. 5). Among the hydrolysis products, glucose in solution while the urethane segments are precipi- wn in the figure. The weight loss of WPU and blend in Fig �-amy for WP chains with th that th do not 3.4. M Fig. incuba films s Weight loss of the film vs incubation time in a buffer solution. Fig. 5. eight loss of the film vs incubation time in �-amylase solution. is essentially the same with the buffer solution. Result expected since �-amylase selectively hydrolyses starch , the weight loss for the blend is essentially the same ount of starch blended to the WPU (5%). This implies rch molecules in blend are independently degraded and FTIR spectra of precipitates after hydrolysis of starch chains. S.J. Lee, B.K. Kim / Carbohydrate Polymers 87 (2012) 1803– 1809 1807 Table 3 Initial modulus break stress and strain of the cast film at different incubation times. Incubation time 0 day 3 days 10 days Initial modulus [MPa] Break strength [MPa] Break strain [%] Initial modulus [MPa] Break strength [MPa] Break strain [%] Initial modulus [MPa] Break strength [MPa] Break strain [%] WPU 20.1 23.3 379.4 19.5 20.7 363.1 18.0 20.2 363.4 BS05 23.6 24.2 386.7 22.8 20.0 363.9 20.5 20.1 363.2 VS02 40.2 26.9 375.9 39.0 20.7 338.8 22.1 17.9 322.8 VS05 51.1 39.4 365.1 46.5 28.4 305.3 38.9 19.5 236.1 VS10 65.7 43.1 351.5 52.1 32.1 290.5 40.2 17.5 175.6 increase with the addition and increasing amount of modified starch accompanied by a marginal decrease of elongation at break. This indicates that the starch molecules provide the hybrids with multifunctional crosslinks connecting the WPU segments. Effect of crosslink is obvious by comparing the hybrids with the simple blend which shows a marginal increase in modulus and strength over the WPU. Upon incubation in the �-amylase, modulus and strength of the hybrids are significantly decreased in proportion to the amount of starch incorporated, a verification of biodegradation. Consequently, break strengths of the hybrids are almost reversed in ten days of incubation. Notably, these properties are not changed with the blend as well as the WPU, indicating that these materi- als are not vulnerable to the hydrolysis reaction catalysed by the enzyme. 3.5. Morphology SEM morphology (Fig. 7) shows that the film surfaces of WPU and blend are not damaged in the �-amylase solution, while those of hybrids are seriously damaged in proportion to the starch content. Fig. 6. Tensile behaviors of the hybrid cast films vs incubation time: 0 day (a), 3 days (b), and 10 days (c). 1808 S.J. Lee, B.K. Kim / Carbohydrate Polymers 87 (2012) 1803– 1809 4. Conclus Chemica ified starch covalent bo of WPU hy decreased t SEM. Tensi the addition strates the bridging th When th imum weig was incorpo molecules a from the ne same with t is independ The par amount of molecules e casting and with the mo Fig. 7. SEM morphology of the film surface incubated 10 days in �-amylase solutio ions l incorporation of vinyltrimethoxysilane (VTMS) mod- molecules into the waterborne polyurethane (WPU) by nd showed a significantly enhanced biodegradability brids in terms of weight loss in �-amylase solution, ensile properties, and roughened film surfaces from le modulus and strength of the WPU increased with and increasing amount of starch content. This demon- role of starch molecules as multifunctional crosslinks e polyurethane molecules in network structure. e hybrids were incubated in �-amylase solution, max- ht loss was greater than the amount of starch which rated into the hybrid. This implies that when the starch re degraded, polyurethane segments are also degraded tworks. The maximum weight loss of the blend was the he amount of starch blended confirming that the starch ently degraded in blend. ticle size increased with the addition and increasing starch to the dispersion. This indicates that the starch ffectively migrated into the WPU particle, followed by drying while UV cure occurs to form covalent bonding dified starch and WPU. Contact hydrophilic crosslink ef increased w density. A s strong hydr Acknowled The rese Center and References Barikani, M., engineerin bohydrate Cao, X., Chan of plastici polyureth Galliard, T. (19 Howard, G. T. ( terioration Jung, D. H., Je having sha n. (a) WPU, (b) BS05, (c) VS02, (d) VS05, (e) VS10. angle decreased with blend due to the increased ity and increased with chemical hybrids, implying that fect is more significant than hydrophilicity. 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Covalent incorporation of starch derivative into waterborne polyurethane for biodegradability 1 Introduction 2 Experimental 2.1 Materials 2.2 Modification of starch 2.3 Synthesis of WPU and UV cure 2.4 Characterizations 3 Results and discussion 3.1 Vinyl modification and HEA capping 3.2 Particle size and surface properties 3.3 Biodegradation 3.4 Mechanical properties 3.5 Morphology 4 Conclusions Acknowledgements References


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