Slide 1Component 4 ANDALUSIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY - IAT Avignon, 17-18th may 2011 Slide 2TIMETABLE 1. COMMUNICATION 2. MANAGEMENT 3. CONSTITUTION OF THE TECHNO-ENVIRONMENTAL PLATFORM FOR THE AGRO-FOOD SECTOR IN THE MEDITERRANEAN 4. IDENTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS OF ENVIRONMENTA TECHNOLOGIES AND BEST PRACTICES ON ECO-INNOVATION IN THE MEDITERRANEAN 5. PILOT PROJECT FOR THE TRANSFER OF PROJECT RESULTS IN A SPECIFIC RELEVANT SUBSECTOR IN EACH REGION Slide 3Component 4 Identification and analysis of environmental Technologies and Best Practises on Eco-innovation in the Mediterranean (Component leader: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) Description Conclusions of the Analysis of the environmental technologies and best practices in use within most relevant subsectors of the MED Agrofood industry (C3) will be the basis to design and develop the Catalogue of Best Available Technologies (BAT) and Best Environmental Practices (BEP) in the Mediterranean Agrofood sector. Design and development of a Web Tool for Best Available Technologies (BAT) and Best Environmental Practices (BEP) within the Mediterranean Agrofood sector. Slide 4Leader UoA Phase 4.1. Development of a Catalogue of Best Available Environmental Technologies (BAT) in the Mediterranean Agrofood Sector. Phase Component 4 Phase 4.4. Prospective Technological Studies of the five most relevant sub-sectors within the Mediterranean Agrofood Sector. Phase 4.3. Design and Development of a Web Tool for Best Available Technologies (BAT) and Best Environmental Practices (BEP) in the Mediterranean Agrofood Sector. Bistra Identification and analysis of environmental Technologies and Best Practises on Eco-innovation in the Mediterranean (Component leader: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) Phase 4.2. Development of a Catalogue of Best Environmental Practices (BEP) in the Mediterranean Agrofood Sector. PSTS UoA Slide 5C4 PLANNING PHASETASKACTIONWHOWHEN C4 Identification and analysis of environmental technologies and best practices on eco-innovation in the Mediterranean Start = 15June 2010 End = 15 Sept. 2011 4.1 & 4.2 Development of BEP/BAT catalogue Distribution of BAT/ BEP template (xls file) UoA STPS 15/10/2010 Conference call All20/10/2010 Identification of BAT/ BEP (interim) (Every partner will send to component coordinator and Lead Partner a small description of BAT/BEP using the distributed excel file and will be approved and discussed in next SC meeting) All30/10/2010 International review of BAT/ BEP based on template All20/02/2011 Slide 6PHASETASKACTIONWHOWHEN C4 Identification and analysis of environmental technologies and best practices on eco-innovation in the Mediterranean Start = 15June 2010 End = 15 Sept. 2011 4.3 Development of Web tool Description of web-tool developed UoA 15/10/2010 Comments on web-tool description ALL 18/11/2010 Pilot use of web-tool UoA/ALL Feb. 2011 Translation of web-tool content in partners’ language ALL March 2011 Integration of all BAT/BEP information in web tool UoA/ALL April 2011 C4 PLANNING Slide 7PHASETASKACTIONWHOWHEN C4 Identification and analysis of environmental technologies and best practices on eco-innovation in the Mediterranean Start = 15June 2010 End = 15 Sept. 2011 4.4 Prospective studies Distribution of draft template for prospective studies BISTRA June 2011 Final study template ALL July 2011 Draft of technological study ALL End Aug. 2011 Feedback for technological study BISTRA IAT Sept. 2011 Final technological study ALL End Sept. 2011 C4 PLANNING Slide 8Timetable Component 4 Identification and analysis of environmental Technologies and Best Practises on Eco-innovation in the Mediterranean (Component leader: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) D13. Prospective Technological Studies of the five most relevant subsector within the Mediterranean Agrofood Sector. D12. Web Tool for Best Available Technologies (BAT) and Best Environmental Practises (BEP) within the Mediterranean Agrofood Sector. Slide 9Phase 4.1. Development of a Catalogue of Best Available Technologies (BAT) in the Mediterranean Agrofood Sector. Best Available Technologies (BAT) considered in this Catalogue are those available to avoid generating pollutants (technologies integrated in the process) and to reduce the number of pollutants generated (end-of-line technologies). Working groups in each region have identified the Best Available Technologies (BAT) for the most relevant subsector within their region, at national, and international level. Each subsector has been studied by two different partners, ensuring this way comparison and exchange of experiences among different regions. University of Athens compiles all the Environmental Technologies identified by the partners, emphasising those which are more applicable in all participating regions. Component 4Identification and analysis of environmental Technologies and Best Practises on Eco-innovation in the Mediterranean (Component leader: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) Slide 10Phase 4.2. Development of a Catalogue of Best Environmental Practices (BEP) in the Mediterranean Agrofood Sector. Best Environmental Practices (BEP) considered in this Catalogue are those available that allow to control, monitor, measure and improve environmental performance. Working groups in each region identified the Best Environmental Practices (BEP) for the most relevant subsector within their region. Each subsector has studied by two different partners, ensuring this way comparison and exchange of experiences among different regions. Phase Leader has compiled all the Environmental Practices identified by the partners, emphasising those which are more applicable in all participating regions. Component 4 Identification and analysis of environmental Technologies and Best Practises on Eco-innovation in the Mediterranean (Component leader: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) Slide 11Phase 4.3. Design and Development of a Web Tool for Best Available Technologies (BAT) and Best Environmental Practices (BEP) in the Mediterranean Agrofood Sector. For each Best Available Technologies (BAT) and Best Environmental Practices (BEP) identified, the Web Tool provides users with an exhaustive description, applicability, environmental performance achieved with its implementation, and contact information of companies developing or having implemented each BAT/BEP. Component 4 Identification and analysis of environmental Technologies and Best Practises on Eco-innovation in the Mediterranean (Component leader: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) Slide 12WEBTOOL Soon available at Agronenvironmed website or directly through: The webtool has been designed to offer the user three main features: 1. To allow the search of BAT/BEP by subsector (1 st search level) 2. To allow the search by environmental issue (2 nd search level) 3. To allow the search of only SMEs and technological providers. Slide 131. To allow the search of BAT/BEP by subsector (1 st search level) The user selects a process- The user then selects the environmental issue. A description of the environmental issue appears. Below, the user can find all relevant BAT/BEP. The user can click on BAT/BEP and a brief description appears following a link to the pdf file (based on templates) with the full description, plus all the relevant SMEs/Providers. The user can click on a SME/technological provider information and map about the SME/technological provider appears on main window. 2. To allow the search by environmental issue (2 nd search level) Slide 143.To allow the search of only SMEs and technological providers.. An interested party (SME/Technological Provider) can register itself at the webtool simply by selecting “I want to list my company”. Then the user fills in the necessary fields and and as soon as SEND is selected all the information is sent to UoA team for approval. Once approved, the information of the company is then available through the webtool. Slide 15Phase 4.4. Prospective Technological Studies of the five most relevant subsector within the Mediterranean Agrofood sector. In order to know the evolution of technologies and good practices of environmental management, each partner will develop a prospective technological study for the most relevant subsector in it region. Each subsector will be studied by two different partners, ensuring this way comparison and exchange of experiences among different regions. Component 4 Identification and analysis of environmental Technologies and Best Practises on Eco-innovation in the Mediterranean (Component leader: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) Bistra makes the template Slide 16Current Situation for BATBEP Catalogue 13rd May 2011 Slide 17Tel. +34 95 446 80 10 Fax: +34 95 446 04 07 C/ Leonardo da Vinci, 2 Isla de La Cartuja E- 41092 Sevilla. Spain Anne D. Furphy [email protected] Thank you!
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