Chemical screening of olive biophenol extracts by hyphenated liquid chromatography

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analyt ica ch im ica acta 6 0 3 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 176–189 avai lab le at iencedi rec t .com journa l homepage: www.e lsev ier .com/ locate /aca Chem o hyphe Hassan zle E.H. Graham e, Ch NSW 2678, a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 20 August 2007 Received in revised form 20 Septemb Accepted 20 Published o Keywords: Liquid chromatogr ionisation-m Photodiode Fluorimetry Olive mill w Oil Fruit Secoiridoids Polyphenols a b s t r a c t Chemical screening using reversed phase HPLC–photodiode array detection (RPLC–DAD) and RPLC–electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (RPLC–ESI-MS) is widely applied as an approach to streamline natural products research. The full potential of this approach 1. In Biophenols for diverse ties. They a HPLC (RPLC biophenols flavonoids) ode array has used t this has ge wavelength ∗ Correspon E-mail a 0003-2670/$ doi:10.1016/ er 2007 September 2007 n line 26 September 2007 aphy–electrospray ass spectrometry array detection aste is demonstrated in this paper by application to the chemical screening of olive products including olive mill waste (OMW). Out of 100 biophenols previously reported in olive prod- ucts, the on-line RPLC–DAD–ESI-MS was able to confirm the presence of 52 compounds in OMW. This included a number of simple phenols, flavonoids and secoiridoids. By care- ful examination of the combined DAD and ESI-MS data, extra information was elucidated including: the site of glycosidation on the phenol ring of hydroxytyrosol; the identity of the other luteolin-glucoside isomer as luteolin-4′-O-glucoside; identifying rutin rather than the previously reported hesperidin (and the reasons for possible mis-assignment); and the detection of diastereomers of 4-hydroxyphenylethyl alcohol-deacetoxy elenolic acid dialdehyde (4-HPEA-DEDA) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethyl alcohol-deacetoxy elenolic acid dialdehyde (3,4-DHPEA-DEDA). © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. troduction have attracted increased attention in recent years reasons including their wide range of bioactivi- re relatively polar compounds and reversed phase ) has been widely used for their analysis [1]. Many have characteristic ultraviolet spectra (e.g. the [2] making them ideal candidates for photodi- detection (DAD) and most of the reported work he combination of RPLC and DAD [1,3]. However, nerally involved use of a single or at most 2–3 s and the full capabilities of DAD have not been ding author. Tel.: +61 2 6933 2547; fax: +61 2 6933 2737. ddress: [email protected] (K. Robards). exploited or even explored [4,5] despite the ability to dif- ferentiate between compounds within the same class when their UV–vis spectra are sensitive to substitution patterns [2]. RPLC with DAD is well suited for chemical screening of biophenols in a range of matrices. In RPLC, the more polar molecules elute first and hence elution order can also provide valuable structural information [6]. The integration of chemical screening into bioactive compound discovery programs reduces the chance of missing novel and uniden- tified compounds, prevents replication during separation, and opens a new horizon for reassessment of traditional plants. – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. j.aca.2007.09.044 ical screening of olive biophen nated liquid chromatography K. Obied, Danny R. Bedgood Jr, Paul D. Pren Centre for Agricultural Innovation, School of Wine and Food Scienc Australia l extracts by r, Kevin Robards ∗ arles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, analyt ica ch im ica acta 6 0 3 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 176–189 177 Nevertheless, other detection methods offer particular advantages as, for example, fluorimetric detection (FLD)which is both mor spectromet simultaneo complete s RPLC–MS, t vide useful that have b nentiallyw RPLC–ESI-M ing techniq biophenols stituents [7 elution con [10], while Olive m fruits repre with a wide ity of the bi [5,13]. In th DAD, ESI an ing comple on the com ber of bioph main aim is gration of t time, UV ab to provide than is usu ing program 2. Ex 2.1. Rea Reagents a described p 2.2. Sam OMW samp oil mill (Sa Grove” (Wa samples w the Mission (8th June). F the Frantoi under liqui −20 ◦C [13]. temperatur 2.3. Ext 2.3.1. Fre Sodium m according This involv methanol:w metabisulfite (2% (w/w)). The mixture was filtered, re- extracted and defatted with hexane. All extractions were ed at 20±2 ◦C. Extracts without sodium metabisulfite repa e ext nol + Oli -drie old ted tw isulfi Oli tion s in nol + Hig RPL e an elive de a ed olum lia) ge ( ed p ater 0:1m grad s fol ease in, i and min. cenc RPL chro xtrac nd oi tand C se raph e an d 280 (Melb nd m ) serv wer grad s fol asin incr and 5mi e sensitive and selective than DAD whereas mass ry (MS) provides universal detection that allows us determination of molecular weight. Though tructure elucidation is not usually possible with he fragmentation of the molecular ions can pro- structural information. The number of compounds een detected in bio-extracts is increasing expo- ith the introduction of electrospray ionisation (ESI). S has recently been adopted as a routine screen- ue for these extracts to identify previously reported , and allow identification of novel unidentified con- –9]. However, ESI-MS is extremely sensitive to the ditions and suppression effects are not uncommon some compounds may fail to ionise [11]. ill waste (OMW) resulting from processing of olive sents a complex matrix that is rich in biophenols array of biological activities [5,12]. The complex- ophenolic fraction of OMWhas been demonstrated e present study, the potential of RPLC coupled with d FLD was explored for its application for screen- x extracts. This is the most comprehensive study bination ofMSandDAD to screen sucha largenum- enols froma diverse range of phenolic classes. Our to demonstrate a systematic approach to the inte- he full range of analytical data available – retention sorbance, fluorescence and mass spectrometric – more information about a natural product extract ally derived from a conventional chemical screen- . perimental gents and standards nd standards were obtained and prepared as reviously [13]. pling and sample pre-treatment les from a Pieralisi commercial two-phase olive mbuca, Italy) were obtained from “Riverina Olive gga Wagga, NSW, Australia). The Frantoio OMW ere collected in the 2003 season (26th May) and OMW samples were collected in the 2004 season ruit and virgin olive oil samples were collected for o cultivar. The fruit and fresh waste were stored d nitrogenwithout delay, freeze dried and stored at Olive oil samples were stored in the dark at room e until extracted. raction of biophenols eze-dried OMW etabisulfite preserved extracts were prepared to the method described previously [13]. ed extraction of freeze-dried OMW (1g) with ater (60:40 (v/v); 5mL) containing sodium perform were p ing th (metha HCl. 2.3.2. Freeze househ extrac metab 2.3.3. Extrac proces metha 2.4. 2.4.1. Routin vent d UV dio perform 18(2) c Austra cartrid describ 100:1w of 90:1 linear used a B, incr for 5m 15min for 10 fluores 2.4.2. Liquid olive e fruit a micro UK). L matog Modul 240 an 5�m) (1%) a (v/v/v) ditions linear used a B incre 5min, 15min B over red using exactly the same procedures, but replac- raction solvent with acidified aqueous methanol water, 80+20 (v/v)) adjusted to pH 2 with conc. ve fruits d Frantoio olive fruits (20.0 g) were blended using a blender for 1min. The resulting paste (1.00 g) was ice with 5mL 60% aqueous methanol (2% sodium te (w/w)) as indicated for the OMW samples. ve oil was carried out according to Kalua et al. [14], a which 15mL olive oil was extracted with 3mL water (50+50, v/v). h performance liquid chromatography C–DAD and RPLC–DAD–FLD alysis was performed with a Varian 9021 sol- ry system equipped with a Varian 9065 Polychrom rray detector (190–367nm) [13]. Separation was by gradient elution on a Phenomenex Luna C- n, 5�m particle size; (150mm×4.6mm) (Sydney, attached to a Phenomenex SecurityGuard guard Sydney, Australia). Analysis conditions were as reviously [13]. Thus, solvent A was a mixture of /acetic acid (v/v), and solvent B was a mixture ethanol/acetonitrile/acetic acid (v/v/v). A six-step ient analysis for a total run time of 60min was lows: starting from 90% solvent A and 10% solvent to 30% solvent B over 10min and then isocratic ncrease to 40% solvent B over 10min, to 50% over to 100% solvent B over 10min, and finally isocratic For fluorimetric detection, a Perkin-Elmer LC-240 e detector was connected in series. C–MS matography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS) of the ts (used as a generic term referring to all of waste, l) was performed on a Waters Micromass Quattro em quadrupole mass spectrometer (Manchester, paration was provided by a Waters liquid chro- (Milford, MA, USA), consisting of a 2695 Separation d 2487 dual wavelength UV detector operated at nm. An SGEWakosil C18 column (150mm×2mm; ourne, Australia) was used. Aqueous formic acid ethanol + acetonitrile + formic acid (89.5 + 9.5 + 1 ed as solvents A and B, respectively. Analysis con- e as described before [12] and involved a seven-step ient analysis for a total run time of 75min was lows: starting from 90% solvent A and 10% solvent g to 30% solvent B over 10min, then isocratic for eased to 40% solvent B over 10min, to 50% over to 100% solvent B over 10min, back to 10% solvent n and finally isocratic for 10min. 178 analyt ica ch im ica acta 6 0 3 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 176–189 2.4.3. RPLC–DAD–MS Samples were analysed using a Beckman (Fullerton, CA, USA) liquid chromatograph, consisting of a 126 pump and a 168 diode array detector. A Micromass Quattro II (Manchester, UK) was used for the mass spectrometry analysis with C18 Phe- nomenex column (Sydney, Australia) at a flow rate 1mLmin−1 and applying the gradient previously described [15]. Solvent A was a mixture of water + formic acid 100+1 (v/v) and Sol- vent B was a mixture of methanol + acetonitrile + formic acid 90+10+1 (v/v/v). Data were acquired by MassLynx system for the mass spectrometer and Beckman system for diode array detection; two wavelengths, 280nm and 520nm, from the diode array were also recorded by the MassLynx system to allow data alignment. During LC–MS, scans were performed for both positive and negative ions (m/z 120 to m/z 1000). Cone voltage fragmentation was also used in both ion modes. A splitter system on the solvent flow from the HPLC allowed approximately 150�L of the flow to be directed to the elec- trospray source. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Spectroscopic study of reference biophenols Before embarking on the analysis of the olive extracts, it was necessary to examine a series of standard biophenols, repre- sentative of different biophenolic classes commonly reported in olives and olive products, by RPLC–DAD–FLD and RPLC–ESI- MS (Tables 1 and 2) to ascertain structure/spectra relation- ships. FromRPLC–DAD, various correlations between structure and UV spectrum (Table 1) were extracted. The most notable effects of substitution occurred for the B-band (the high- est absorption maximum of benzene analogues) [16]. Thus, addition of one o-hydroxyl group to a monophenol to give the corresponding catechol resulted in a bathochromic shift of 5–15nm as observed for tyrosol (273nm)/hydroxytyrosol (278nm) and p-coumaric acid (307nm)/caffeic acid (321nm). The addition of a further o-hydroxyl group to the catechol to give the corresponding pyrogallol derivative resulted in a decrease of 20nm (e.g. protocatechuic acid, 291nm versus gallic acid, 271nm). Substitution at the o-hydroxyl group in a catechol caused minimal change (e.g. protocatechuic acid versus vanillic acid; caffeic acid versus ferulic acid). The addi- tion of a p-carboxyl to a catechol resulted in an increase of ca 15nm, e.g. catechol and protocatechuic acid, while addition of a p-alkyl group slightly affected the �max as seen for cat- echol (275nm) and hydroxytyrosol (278nm). Esterification at the alcoholic hydroxyl group with elenolic acid did not affect the B-band, e.g. hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein, yet the lower absorption maximum increased by ca 10nm. For flavonoids, the �max (band I) increased in the series: fla- vanone (hesperidin) analyt ica ch im ica acta 6 0 3 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 176–189 179 Table 2 – ESI-MS data of reference biophenols at a cone voltage 70V Standard Major peaks in positive ion ESI-MS Gallic acid Hydroxytyr Tyrosol 4-Hydroxyp Caffeic acid Verbascosi Rutin Oleuropein Quercetin Luteolin Peaks are i s. a Very low b No peaks the same c increase in Glycosidati stantial dec fromthe ch (e.g. apigen Using an 330nm, res fluorescent conditions extracts. Di by Ryan et tion but an to thede-ox lier work; o In the curre (protocatec group resto of the cinn cent under The stan negative (N (−30 and + +70V). Wit sensitive by quercetin a NIM, while higher sen hydroxyph previously ditions in b and the pse the mass sp Using st nols and no ns [M as v mol + 46] osol larw as l ed m ation in N eudo PIM biophenol Major peaks in negative ion ESI-MS 215 (7), 169 (100), 125 (15), 97 (5) osol 199 (17), 153 (100), 123 (35), 97 (2) 137a henyl acetic acid 197 (17), 151 (100), 107 (51) 179 (100), 135 (36) de 1247 (2), 669 (1), 623 (30), 461 (9), 207 (15), 179 (7), 161 (100), 153 (2), 135 (11) 655 (7), 611 (6), 610 (29), 609 (88), 461 (2), 302 (16), 301 (97), 300 (100), 179 (7), 161 (12), 151 (4) 1079 (3), 585 (8), 539 (60), 377 (18), 307 (30), 275 (44), 223 (13), 153 (6), 151 (1), 149 (49), 139 (59), 101 (79), 95 (50), 89 (100) 603 (7), 369 (4), 301 (100), 265 (1), 247 (1), 147 (2), 97 (8) 571 (1), 285 (100), 241 (3), 175 (20), 151 (33), 133 (87), 107 (34) n bold and intensities relative to the base peak are given in parenthese intensity. detected. lass as seen for apigenin and luteolin in which an the number of hydroxyl groups increased �max [2]. on at the chromophoric portion resulted in a sub- rease in �max (e.g. quercetin and rutin), while away romophore theabsorption (band I)wasnot affected in and apigenin-7-glucoside). excitation and emission wavelength of 280 and pectively, only 11 of the reference standards were (Table 1). These wavelengths represented the that produced maximum fluorescence in olive fferences between these data and results reported al. [17] using the same solvents and instrumenta- ular io where pseudo [M−H for tyr molecu PIM w provid inform tation the ps of the emission wavelength of 340nm may be attributed ygenationofmobile phaseswithhelium in the ear- xygen is well known as a fluorescence quencher. nt study, hydroxylation abolished the fluorescence huic acid) while methylation of the o-hydroxyl red the fluorescence (vanillic acid). Moreover, none amic acids investigated in this study were fluores- the specified conditions. dard compounds were examined (Table 2) in both IM) and positive ionisation modes (PIM) under soft 35V) and “strong” ionisation conditions (−70 and h the exception of the flavonoids, NIM was more 20–50-fold than PIM. For the flavonoid aglycones, nd luteolin, PIM was slightly more sensitive than the flavonoid glycoside, rutin, showed slightly sitivity in NIM. The monophenols, tyrosol and 4- enylacetic acid, did not give a detectable peak as reported for tyrosol [11]. Under soft ionisation con- oth NIM and PIM, limited fragmentation took place udomolecular ion was the most abundant peak in ectra. rong ionisation, small molecular weight biophe- n-glycosylated flavonoids had their pseudomolec- lated stand very promi domolecula The ava screening s used in th minor com Thus, oleu main peak MS. Thepea UV–vis spe ing excitati component resented ab same mole fied as oleu RPLC–ESI-M had a mole and its rela a carboxyl oleuropein carboxyl de oleuroside- 359 (26), 199 (8), 171 (13), 153 (100), 125 (27), 99 (15), 97 (21), 81 (30) 155 (18), 137 (100), 119 (24), 102 (12), 91 (23), 88 (11) –b –b 181 (2), 163 (18), 135 (15), 117 (14), 89 (100) 647 (70), 625 (2), 479 (4), 471 (4), 325 (27), 163 (100), 135 (36), 117 (26), 89 (45) 633 (37), 611 (2), 519 (10), 485 (4), 465 (1), 331 (9), 304 (28), 303 (100), 219 (3), 169 (3), 137 (5), 85 (33) 563 (40), 541 (1), 401 (14), 361 (9), 165 (7), 137 (41), 119 (12), 91 (100) 325 (14), 303 (98), 285 (10), 257 (29), 229 (65), 201 (25), 165 (25), 153 (100), 137 (47), 121 (19), 111 (27) 309 (3), 287 (100), 241 (6), 213 (4), 185 (12), 161 (7), 153 (70), 135 (25), 117 (2) −H]− as the base peak in the NIM mass spectra erbascoside, rutin, and oleuropein had a small ecular ion peak in NIM. Adducts with formic acid − were detected for all the tested standards except and caffeic acid. Dimers were observed for large eight biophenols in theNIMmass spectra. Though ess sensitive than NIM for most biophenols, it ore fragmentation and hence more structural . Oleuropein was exceptional in that fragmen- IM was greater than for PIM. Excluding luteolin, molecular ion did not form the base peak in any mass spectra. Sodium adducts for the glycosy- ards, verbascoside, oleuropein, and rutin, were nent and sometimes more intense than the pseu- r ion itself. ilability of suitable standards is a challenge for bio- tudies and the power of the detection techniques is study is demonstrated by the identification of ponents in the commercial oleuropein standard. ropein (Extrasynthese standard) generated two s in RPLC–DAD–FLD and three peaks in RPLC–ESI- ks identified byRPLC–DAD–FLDexhibited identical ctra and both peaks fluoresced at 330nm follow- on at 280nm. The first eluting peak was the major , oleuropein itself, while the later eluting peak rep- out 10% of the peak area of oleuropein, had the cular weight (540amu) and was previously identi- roside (Fig. 1) [18]. The additional peak seen with S eluted between oleuropein and oleuroside and cular weight of 584amu. Fragmentation behaviour tive retention suggested that this compound was derivative of oleuroside. As carbon 3 is similar in and oleuroside and only oleuroside formed the rivative, it is more likely that this compound is 10-carboxylic acid (Fig. 1). 180 analyt ica ch im ica acta 6 0 3 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 176–189 Fig. 1 – res o 3.2. Scr Biophenoli (cv. Franto of biophen fruit [4,7,8, biophenols to those co ing the dat identificati lows. Firstl standards, was assess tra, and flu that of the molecular were not av mode at so scanned fo [M−H]−. W ining UV–v the expecte pounds in and the lit chromatog screening p generating was condu ent classes power of co of olive ext The TIC ground noi The contin mass spect [36]. /z 13 rmed H)2· TIC w t app und sign at 5 n, th d a senc Numbering system used for elenolic acid; chemical structu eening of olive biophenolic extracts c extracts from fruit and oil (cv. Frantoio) plus OMW io and Correggiola) were screened for the range ols previously reported in olive products such as 19], oil [14,20–22] and OMW [5]. The full range of is presented in Table 3 but discussion is limited mpounds that best illustrate the use of combin- a from DAD and MS to allow facile and efficient on. Three screening strategies were used as fol- y, where reference compounds were available as the presence or absence of a particular biophenol noise and m ion fo [(HCOO in the did no compo ered in eluting the ru reveale the pre ed by comparison of retention time, UV–vis spec- orescence at 330nm (excitation at 280nm) with reference. The presence was further confirmed by mass data. Secondly, when reference compounds ailable, the TIC traces in both negative and positive ft ionisation and strong ionisation conditions were r appropriate pseudomolecular ions [M+H]+ and hen found, confirmation was performed by exam- is spectra and mass spectral fragmentation data at d elution time, depending on pre-identified com- the sample, the structure of the target compound, erature data. Thirdly, major peaks in TIC and UV- rams that were not identified by either of the other rocesses were screened for novel compounds by UV–vis spectra and mass spectra. In all, screening cted for approximately 100 biophenols from differ- (Table 3). The main aim was to demonstrate the mbined use of RPLC–DAD and ESI-MS in screening racts. traces of extracts showed a high level of back- se compared with spectrophotometric detection. uous flow of mobile phase components to the rometer usually results in increased background ing glasswa 3.2.1. Sim By means reported no to confirm eight comp inconclusiv than appro detection b mation of complexity The pre mined usin time and U tyrosol, con didnot occu compound identified f relative ret screening s of hydroxy (HG3) or 4′ f biophenols present in oleuropein standard. The most prominent peaks were m/z 129 in PIM 7 in NIM. The latter was identified as a cluster by mobile phase constituents corresponding to HCOO−] [37]. Themaximum intensity of these ions as less than 10%, and almost all of these ion peaks ear as major peaks in the mass spectra of detected s. Thus, the effect of background noise was consid- ificant [36]. The TIC of OMW showed a sharp peak 1.23min followed by a broad peak till the end of is was only detected in PIM. The mass spectrum pattern characteristic for polyethylene detergents, e of which was attributed to remnants fromwash- re. ple phenols of RPLC–DAD–ESI-MS, out of the 16 previously n-acidic simple phenols (Table 3); it was possible the presence of six compounds and the absence of ounds while results for only two compounds were e. For simple phenols with amolecular weight less ximately 200, if their concentration does not allow y DAD, the MS data alone did not permit confir- their presence due to background noise and the of the matrices. sence of tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol was deter- g screening strategy 1 by comparison of retention V-spectrum of authentic compounds. In the case of firmationbyMSdatawasnot possible as ionisation r under the analysis conditions. Glucosides of both s eluted prior to the parent biophenols and were rom UV, mass spectral and fluorescence data, plus ention and partitioning behaviour [13] according to trategy 2 (Table 3). There are three possible isomers tyrosol glucoside: 1-glucoside (HG1), 3′-glucoside -glucoside (HG4) (Fig. 2). Although hydroxytyrosol a n a l y t ic a c h im ic a a c t a 6 0 3 (2 0 0 7 ) 176–189 181 Table 3 – Screening of reported biophenols in olive samples with retention times and mass spectral data Class/biophenol TR MWa Major ESI− peaks Major ESI+ peaks FO FF FW CW Commentb Reference Simple phenols Catechol 9.00 110 – – – – I [23] Cornoside 316 A – – – – III [24] 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylglycol 170 B 169 193, 171, * * * * III [23,24] 4-Methylcatechol 124 – – – – II [23] Halleridone 154 C – * * – IV [5] d(+)-Erythro-1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxy)- phenyl-1,2,3-propantriol 7.80 or 8.95 214 427e, 259c, 213, 195, 151 429f, 237d, 215, 197, 155 + ++ + + III [23] Hydroxytyrosol 7.05 154 C 307e, 153 155, 137 +++ +++ +++ +++ I [13] Hydroxytyrosol glucoside 6.19 316 A 315, 179, 153 317, 155 – +++ +++ +++ II [13] Hydroxytyrosol acetate 196 D – – – – IV [5] Tyrosol 9.77 138 F ++ ++ ++ ++ I [13] Tyrosol glucoside (Salidroside) 8.55 300 E 599e, 299, 227 601f, 323d, 301, 229 – – – ++ III [25] Tyrosol acetate 180 G – – – – IV [5] 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl ethanol 168 H – – – – IV [5] 1-O-[2-(3,4-dihydroxy) phenylethyl]-(3,4- dihydroxy)phenyl-1,2-ethandiol 306 – – – – IV [23] 1-O-[2-(4-hydroxy) phenylethyl]-(3,4- dihydroxy)phenyl-1,2-ethandiol 290 - – – – IV [23] 4-[�-d-xylopyranosyl-(1→6)]-�-d- glucopyranosyl-1,4-dihydroxy-2- methoxybenzene 4.93 434 479c, 433, 281, 199, 149 457d, 435, 303, 284, 229, 141 – ++ ++ – II [23] Benzoic acids Gallic acid 4.63 170 B – – – – I [5] Protocatechuic acid 7.61 154 C – – – – I [5] 2,4-Dihydroxybenzoic acid 154 C * * * * IV [5] 2,6-Dihydroxybenzoic acid 154 C * * * * IV [5] 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid 10.88 138 F – – – – I [23] 4-Hydroxybenzaldehydei 122 * * * * IV [26] 3,4,5-Trimethoxybenzoic acid 212 * * * – IV [26] Syringic acid 12.84 198 197, 152 221d, 199, 154 + – – – I [5] 3,4-Dimethoxybenzoic (Veratric) acid 182 I – – – – I [26] 2,6-Dimethoxybenzoic acid 182 I – – – – II [26] Syringaldehydei 182 I – – – – II [26] Homovanillic acid 12.46 182 I – – – – II [5] Vanillic acid 11.92 168 H ++ ++ ++ – I [4] 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic acid 168 H – – – – I [23] 2,5-Dihydroxyphenylacetic (homogentisic) acid 5.80 168 H – – – – I Vanillini 152 J – – – – II [26] 4-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid 11.60 152 J – – – – I [5] 3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl acetic (homoveratric) acid 196 D – – – – II [27] Cinnamic acids Caffeic acid 12.39co 180 G 179 361f, 181 + ++ ++ ++ I [4] Cafeoylglucose 342 – – – – II [26] Caftaric acid 312 – – – – II 5-Caffeoylquinic acid (Chlorogenic acid) 10.92co 354 353, 191, 179 355 – + + + I [4] Cinnamic acid 36.82 148 – – – – I [26] o-Coumaric acid 26.75 164 K – – – – I [4] p-Coumaric acid 19.16 164 K 163 165 + – – – I [4] Ferulic acid 20.86 194 – – – – I [25] Sinapic acid 21.03 224 – – – – I [25] Verbascoside 23.14 624 L 669c, 623, 605, 461, 299, 161 647d, 625, 479, 471, 325, 163, 147 – +++ +++ +++ I [12] Isoacteoside 26.58 624 L 669c, 623, 459, 297, 161, 135 647d, 625, 479, 471, 325, 181, 163 – ++ ++ ++ II [28] �-Hydroxy verbascoside 640 – – – – IV [29] 182 a n a l y t ic a c h im ic a a c t a 6 0 3 (2 0 0 7 ) 176–189 Table 3 – (Continued ) Class/biophenol TR MWa Major ESI− peaks Major ESI+ peaks FO FF FW CW Commentb Reference �-Ethanol-acteoside 668 – – – – IV [30] Verbascoside (ferulic) derivative 638 – – – – IV [30] Flavonoids Cyanidin 14.20 287 M – – – – I [26] Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside 449 N – – – – II [4] Cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside 7.74 595 P 595, 449, 287 – ++ – – II [4] Delphinidin 303 – – – – II [5] Delphinidin-3-O-glucoside 6.74 465 465, 303 – + – – II [5] Apigenin 44.64co 270 269, 227, 161, 153, 139 271, 229, 149, 121 – ++ ++ ++ I [4] Apigenin-7-O-glucoside 31.50 432 Q 431, 269, 199, 179 455d, 433, 271 – + – – I [4] Apigenin-7-O-rutinoside 29.75 578 577, 431, 269 579, 433, 293, 271 – ++ ++ – II [4] Luteolin 40.62 286 M 285, 151, 133 287, 153, 135 + +++ +++ +++ I [5] Luteolin-4′-O-glucoside 30.39 448 N 447, 377, 285 449, 287 – ++ ++ ++ II [5] Luteolin-6-C-glucoside (Homoorientin) 448 N – – – – II [4] Luteolin-7-O-glucoside 24.80 448 N 447, 285 449, 287 – ++ ++ +++ I [4] Luteolin-8-C-glucoside (Orientin) 448 N – – – – II [4] Luteolin-3′,7-O-diglucoside 610 R – – – – II [4] Luteolin-7-O-rutinoside 24.40 594 P 593, 447, 285 595, 449, 287 – ++ ++ ++ II [4] Luteolin-4′-O-rutinoside 25.90 594 P – ++ ++ ++ II [4] Quercetin 39.00 302 S 301 303 – – – + I [12] Quercetin-3-rhamnoside (Quercetrin) 32.35 448 N 447, 301, 300 449, 303 – – + – II [4] Rutin (Quercetin-3-rutinoside) 26.17co 610 R 609, 301, 300 633d, 611, 465, 303, 137 – +++ +++ +++ I [13] Hesperitin 302 S – – – – II [4] Hesperidin (hesperitin-3-rutinoside) 27.70 610 R – – – – I [4] Chrysoeriol 44.92 300 E 299, 284, 149 323d, 301, 286, 151, 135 + + + – III [31] Isochromans 1-(3′-Methoxy-4′-hydroxy)phenyl-6,7- dihydroxyisochroman 288 – – – – IV [5] 1-Phenyl-6,7-dihydroxyisochroman 242 T – – – – IV [5] Lignans Pinoresinol 25.13co 358 357, 339 359, 341 +++ – – – II [19] Hydroxypinoresinol 24.77 374 373, 357, 339, 151 375, 359, 341 ++ – – – III [19] Acetoxypinoresinol 24.99co 416 U 831e, 461c, 415, 373, 371,151 833f, 439d, 417, 359, 357, 319 +++ – – – II [19] Acetylhydroxypinoresinol 27.14 432 Q 431 433d, 417 ++ – – – III Secoiridoids Demethyloleuropein 21.12 526 525, 447, 323, 241 549d, 527, 365, 347, 137 – ++ – – III [5] Demethylligstroside 510 – – – – IV [5] Oleuropein 29.59 540 V 539, 377, 307, 275, 223 563, 541, 379, 361, 243, 225, 207, 165, 137 – ++ ++ ++ I [4] Oleuroside 34.10 540 V 539, 377, 307, 275, 223 563d, 541, 379, 361, 243, 225, 207, 165, 137 – ++ ++ ++ II [5] Ligstroside 31.16 524 523, 385, 303, 223 547d, 525, 387, 305, 225 – + + + III [24] Oleuropein diglucoside 25.43 702 701, 539, 377 703, 541, 379, 361, 225, 137 – – – + IV [32] Nu¨zhenide 25.86co 686 685, 523, 229, 223 709d, 687, 525, 507, 369, 225 – ++ ++ ++ III [5] Oleuropein aglycone derivative 1 (aldehyde) 25.57 378 W 459h, 377, 307, 275, 241, 153, 149, 139 483, 461h, 379, 347, 189, 137 ++ ++ ++ ++ III Oleuropein aglycone derivative 2 (aldehyde) 27.20 378 W 459h 461h ++ ++ ++ + III Oleuropein aglycone derivative 3 (aldehyde) 28.30 378 W 459h, 377, 153 461h, 379, 361, 137 ++ ++ ++ ++ III Oleuropein aglycone derivative 4 (aldehyde) 35.61 378 W 459h, 377, 241, 153 461h, 379 – ++ ++ – III a n a l y t ic a c h im ic a a c t a 6 0 3 (2 0 0 7 ) 176–189 183 Oleuropein aglycone derivative 5 (aldehyde) 36.90 378 W 459h, 377 461h, 379 – + + – III Oleuropein aglycone derivative 6 (aldehyde) 38.12 378 W 459h, 377 461h, 379 – + + – III Oleuropein aglycone derivative 7 (aldehyde) 40.19 378 W 459h, 377 461h, 379 – + + – III Oleuropein aglycone derivative 8 (aldehyde) 40.91 378 W 459h, 377 461h, 379 – + + – III Ligstroside aglycone derivative 1 (aldehyde) 32.17 362 X 443h, 361, 291, 241, 137 445h, 363, 245 – + + + III Ligstroside aglycone derivative 2 35.75 362 X 361 363 – + + + III Ligstroside aglycone derivative 3 27.00 362 X 361, 333 363 + – – + III 3,4-DHPEA-DEDA (Oleuropein aglycone decarboxymethyl dialdehyde form) 27.28, 27.71 320 401h, 319, 301, 195 403h, 321, 303 ++ ++ ++ +++ III [33] 4-HPEA-DEDA (Ligstroside aglycone decarboxymethyl dialdehyde form) 34.02, 34.59 304 385h, 303, 285, 179 387h, 327d, 305, 287 ++ ++ ++ +++ III [4] Elenolic acid 1 18.55 242 T 323h, 241, 139 325h, 265d, 243 +++ ++ ++ ++ III [5] Elenolic acid 2 19.27 242 T 323h, 241 243 +++ ++ ++ ++ III Elenolic acid 3 14.00 242 T 241 243 ++ – – – III Elenolic acid glucoside (Oleoside-11-methyl ester) 13.96 404 807e, 449c, 403, 241, 809f, 427d, 405, 243, 225, 165 – ++ + + III [7] Elenolic acid diglucoside 566 – – – – IV [34] Oleoside 11.38 390 Y 435c, 389, 244, 183 413d, 391, 229, 211, 193 – ++ + ++ III [8] Secologanoside 12.10 390 Y 389, 345, 225, 183 391, 362, 211 – ++ – – III 2H-pyran-4-acetic acid, 3-hydroxymethyl-2,3-dihydro-5- (methoxycarbonyl)-2-methyl-methyl ester 258 257 259 * * * – IV [25] 3-[1-(Hydroxymethyl)-1-propenyl]-�- glutarolactone 184 183 185 * – – – IV [35] 3-[1-(Hydroxymethyl)-1-propenyl]-�- glutarolactone hydrate 202 201, 183 225d, 203, 185 – * * * IV [35] Caffeoyl-6′-secologanoside 31.74 552 551, 507, 389, 385, 341, 303, 281, 251, 179, 161 575d, 553, 325, 305, 181, 163 – ++ ++ ++ III [30] Comselogoside 36.32 536 535, 491, 389, 345, 265, 163, 145 559d, 537, 489, 309, 293, 165, 147 – +++ +++ +++ III [15] Hydroxytyrosyl acyclodihydroelenolate (HT-ACDE) 27.05 382 763e, 427c, 381, 363, 349, 245, 227, 153, 151 765f, 405d, 383, 365, 229, 137 – +++ +++ – III [15] Unknown compounds Molecular mass 408 7.51 408 815e, 443c, 407, 245, 227, 151 839g, 817f, 431d, 409, 391, 247, 229, 211, 197, 169, 155 – ++ ++ ++ III Molecular mass 402 12.53 402 447c, 401, 351, 269, 153 425d, 403, 353, 271, 229, 177 – ++ ++ ++ III Molecular mass 378 15.68 378 W 377, 197, 153 401d, 379, 217, 199 – ++ ++ ++ III Molecular mass 416 17.12 416 U 461c, 415, 241 439d, 417, 243 – – ++ – III Molecular mass 366 33.03 366 411c, 365, 347, 333, 227 389d, 367, 349, 229, 121 ++ ++ ++ ++ III MW=molecular weight; ESI− =negative ion mode; ESI+ =positive ion mode; FO=Frantoio oil; FF = Frantoio Fruit; FW=Frantoio OMW; CW=Correggiola OMW; TR = retention time (min); in the case of aldehydic species this is quoted for the sulfite addition compound. coCoeluting compounds are described as: (−) absent, (+) traces, (++) present (detected equally well in DAD and MS), (+++) a major peak in DAD chromatograms, and (*) the evidence for its presence is inconclusive. a Isobars are indicated using same uppercase letter. b I—identification confirmed by the use of reference compound; II—identification confirmed by the use of DAD and comparison with literature values; III—tentative assignment of structure based on fragmentation pattern; IV—detection by scanning of TIC traces (generating reconstructed ion chromatograms). c [M−H+HCOOH]−. d [M+Na]+. e [2M−H]−. f [2M+H]+. g [2M+Na]+. h Pseudomolecular ion of bisulfite addition product [M+82]. i Aldehydes are grouped under the corresponding phenolic acid class. 184 analyt ica ch im ica acta 6 0 3 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 176–189 drox glucoside is the positio three isom [40]. HG1w in olive lea [32] and in of HG1 in o verbascosid componen rosol deriva lower �max hydroxyl gr the two str data. In contr olive oil, fr and syring coumaric a extracts (Ta previously Whether th tralian and methodolo found in co in Australia to acid or b 3.2.2. Fla The only p in the chr were assig 3-O-glucos molecular rutinoside a were easily spectra an system. Cy at 525nm,w 340–350nm appeared e The overal sent ensi ng t gluc 3). C n-ru as l the as um w isom sugg assig teoli the 50nm n-4′- eten eak ion a s, mo icate e agl ovid Fig. 2 – Chemical structures of different hy frequently reported in the literature [17,34,38,39], n of glycosidation is rarely specified. Indeed, the ers have been identified in olive oil extract by NMR as identified as themajor hydroxytyrosol glucoside ves based on its fragmentation pattern in MS/MS vegetation water by 1H NMR [24]. The occurrence live is not surprising as it is a hydrolysis product of e.However,HG4has also been identifiedas amajor t of OMW and olive fruit [38,39]. The hydroxyty- tive detected in this study has its B-band shifted to (273nm) which confirmed glycosidation at the ring oups, i.e. HG3 or HG4. Further distinction between uctures was not possible from UV or mass spectral ast to most literature reports on Mediterranean uit and OMW, only two benzoic acids (vanillic acid ic acid) and three cinnamic acids (caffeic acid, p- cid and chlorogenic acid) were detected in the ble 3) and all were minor components as reported for Australian olive fruits [17,41] and olive oil [14]. is is due to geographical differences between Aus- Mediterranean olives or results from processing gy is not clear. In plants, phenolic acids are mostly njugated forms [42]. However, the level of phenols the pre more s Usi mono- (Table luteoli pound study, firmed spectr noside which tively two lu fied as �max 3 luteoli ative r A p retent isobar compl and th This pr n olives did not significantly change in response ase hydrolysis [17]. vonoids eaks attributable to anthocyanins were detected omatograms of Frantoio fruits at 520nm. These ned as cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside and delphinidin- ide, respectively, based on their UV–vis spectra, masses and fragmentation pattern. Cyanidin-3-O- nd luteolin-rutinoside(s) are isobars, however they differentiated from each other by their UV–vis d expected retention times on the reverse phase anidin-3-O-rutinoside absorbs in the visible region hile luteolin-rutinoside(s) have theirmaximumat . The positively charged cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside arlier than its aglycone, cyanidin, as was expected. l MS detection sensitivity of anthocyanins under fragmentat erally, 3-su as rutin bu more easily [M+Na]+ o was due to rutin but n aglycone [Y mentation used in thi lose ameth the [M+H− [10]. No pea found in th possibility 0,2B+ appea peritin due ytyrosol glucosides. experimental conditions was low, though PIMwas tive than NIM. he second screening procedure, two luteolin osides and two luteolin-rutinosides were detected ardoso et al. [8] also reported two isomers of tinoside. They identified the first eluting com- uteolin-7-O-rutinoside on RPLC [8]. In the current identity of the first eluting rutinoside was con- luteolin-7-O-rutinoside by comparing the UV–vis ith that of Cardoso et al. [8]. The later eluting ruti- er had a UV–vis spectrum with �max of 336nm ested a 4′-substitution. Hence, the isomer is tenta- ned as luteolin-4′-O-rutinoside. In the case of the n glucosides, the early eluting isomer was identi- most commonly reported luteolin-7-O-glucoside, , and the later eluting isomer was assigned as O-glucoside based on its �max of 337nm, and rel- tion time [7]. eluting at 26.17min was identified as rutin from nd mass spectral data. Rutin and hesperidin are lecular mass 610amu, and the situation is further d by having an identical glycone part (rutinose); ycones (quercetin and hesperitin) are also isobars. ed a good example of the power of theRPLC–ESI-MS ion pattern to discriminate between isobars. Gen- bstituted flavonoids (flavonol-3-O-glycosides) such t not hesperidin (flavanone) form sodium adducts [43]. Thus, the peak at m/z 633 is attributable to f rutin. Furthermore, the peak at m/z 300 in NIM quercetin radical aglycone, as flavonols such as ot flavanones (hesperidin) can generate radical 0 −H]− at high energy ionisation [10]. The frag- system described by Cuyckens and Claeys [6] is s study. Methoxy flavonoids including hesperidin yl radical (15 amu) from the [M+H]+ so readily that CH3]+ ion dominates the spectrumof the aglycone ks corresponding to the loss ofmethyl radical were e PIM mass spectrum, which again excluded the of hesperidin. The retro-Diels-Alder fragment ion red at m/z 137 for quercetin and at m/z 151 for hes- to the different substitution pattern on the C-ring. analyt ica ch im ica acta 6 0 3 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 176–189 185 While m/z 137 was detected in the present study which con- firms that the peak was due to rutin, it appears that previous studies misinterpreted the spectrum [14]. 3.2.3. Isochromans and lignans Hydroxyisochroman derivatives are minor components that have recently been discovered in Italian commercial extra vir- gin olive oil [22]. There are no reports of their presence in olive fruits; this may be because they are formed during processing or storage of olive oil or their part per trillion concentrations (ngkg−1). None of the two reported derivatives in olive oil were found in our samples (Table 3). Similarly, lignans have recently been identified in extra virgin olive oil [44] as major components. The major peak in the 280nm chromatogram and TIC of Frantoio oil sample was identified as a mixture of pinoresinol and acetoxypinoresinol, �max 226 and 277nm. Smaller amounts of hydroxypinoresinol and another late elut- ing derivative with molecular mass 432amu were detected. The late eluting isomer was tentatively assigned as acetylhy- droxypinoresinol. However, lignanswere not detected inOMW or fruit sam 3.2.4. Sec These are example, o commonly ligstroside. with the p Although D secoiridoid 22 previous the presenc while resul Anumb molecular traces for t only two p to oleurope for the agl (Fig. 3). Thi the presen cose expos undergoes ring opening, and a series of subsequent transfor- mations can occur. Fig. 4 summarises these transformations which can occur physiologically through biotransformations during fruit maturation or as artefacts during olive oil extrac- tion or subsequent sample handling. The situation is further complicated by the possibility of five isobars of oleuropein aglycone, molecular mass 378. These can be identified as the cyclic aglycone (II), the acyclic enol form of oleuropeindial (I), the acyclic dialdehyde form of oleuropeindial (XII), the cyclic mono-aldehyde (XXV), and the lactone product of Canniz- zaro reaction (XIV) (Fig. 4). Keto–enol tautomerism results in racemisation around C-4 giving two diastereomers of oleu- ropeindial (XII) and also the cyclic mono-aldehyde (XXV) is diastereomeric. Similarly, for the oleuropein isomer, oleuro- side (Table 3) (Fig. 1), a range of products is expected upon deglycosylation of the glycoside. Thus, the single biophenol, oleuropein can theoretically give rise to many compounds in an olive extract. It was not possible to assign structures to the nine com- pounds of Fig. 3. However, 11 of the compounds in Fig. 3 are dic a ns u tion e ion ed an isulfi of nt io ditio met e al y, th ruct dic s at 1 live er, th UV– me a u iso ith m senc Fig. 3 – Rec mole bisulfite ad ly p addition pr ples. oiridoids an important group of compounds in olive. For leosides are oleaceae-specific secoiridoids that are esterified to a phenolicmoiety as in oleuropein and As the non-phenolic secoiridoids are co-extracted henolic fraction, they are included in this study. AD was not particularly useful in screening for s, RPLC–ESI-MS provided valuable insight and, of ly reported secoiridoids, it was possible to confirm e of 17 compounds and absence of 2 compounds ts were inconclusive for 3 compounds (Table 3). er of isomers and/or isobars of the same secoiridoid mass were detected. For instance, scanning TIC he parent glycoside at m/z +541 and −539 revealed eaks eluting at 29.59 and 34.10min corresponding in and oleuroside, respectively (Table 3). Scanning ycone at m/z +379 and −377 showed nine peaks s is not unexpected as oleuropein is stabilised by ce of the glucose residue. The removal of the glu- es the labile hemiacetal carbon C-1 (Fig. 1) that aldehy reactio acetyla bisulfit detect metab mation fragme fite ad to the firm th namel ther st aldehy eluting moth o Howev on its tion ti 378 am ucts w the ab onstructed mass chromatograms for oleuropein aglycones ( duct (molecular mass 460amu) in Frantoio OMW extract. On oduct with sodium metabisulfite). nd are expected to undergo nucleophilic addition nder acidic conditions, i.e. hydration with water, with methanol, and sulfite adduct formation with s (Fig. 5). In the present study, hydrates were not d methanol acetals were observed when sodium te was not used in the extraction solvent. The for- these adducts with characteristic mass spectral ns, [M−H+82]− and [M+H+82]+ due to the sul- n product, and [M−H+32]− and [M+H+32]+, due hanol hemiacetal, provided a useful tool to con- dehydic nature of eight of the nine compounds; ose eluting between 25 and 41min (Table 3). Fur- ural assignment of these peaks to the individual tructures in Fig. 4 was not feasible. The ninth peak, 5.68min, was reported previously in Hardy’s Mam- fruits [7] andwas identified as oleuropein aglycone. is peak cannot be an oleuropein aglycone based vis spectrum (�max 225 and 333nm), short reten- nd mass spectral data (Table 3). Unlike the other bars, peak 9 (Fig. 3) did not form addition prod- ethanol or with sodium metabisulfite indicating e of aldehydic groups. cular mass of 378amu) and the corresponding eak (9) was non-aldehydic (did not form bisulfite 186 analyt ica ch im ica acta 6 0 3 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 176–189 Fig. 4 – Tra and sampl oleuropein enol form o aglycone (3 (IX) 3,4-DH (378), (XIII) (monohydr elenolic ac (XXII) lacto product) [4 correspond An anal sponding a with ligstro only three which one Scannin ropein dec alcohol-dea (VIII, Fig. 4 and oleaci 27.71min diastereom confirmed addition pr methanol aglycone ( acid dialde as two pea DEDA have form in A diastereom nsformations of oleuropein (R=hydroxytyrosol) during maturati e handling. Compounds (with molecular mass) are identified as aglycone (378), (III) oleuropein (540), (IV) demethyloleuropein (52 f demethyloleuropein aglycone (364), (VII) demethyloleuropein a ,4-dihydroxyphenyl ethyl alcohol decarboxymethyl elenolic acid PEA-DEDA acetal (366) [33], (X) oleoside methyl ester (404), (XI) el Cannizzaro-like product of oleuropeindial (396) [46], (XIV) lacton ate), (XVI) elenolic acid dialdehyde (242), (XVII) oleoside (390), (X id dialdehyde DEDA (184), (XX) demethyloleuropein aglycone ace ne form of XXI [25], (XXIII) demethyl elenolic acid (228), (XXIV) el 7], (XXV) hydroxytyrosol elenolate (oleuropein aglycone aldehyd ing range of compounds is observed for ligstroside in which R= ogous situation exists for ligstroside and its corre- glycone with a molecular mass of 362. However, side an oleuroside analog was not detected and ligstroside aglycone derivatives were observed of was aldehydic (Table 3). g for m/z −319 and +321 corresponding to oleu- arboxymethyl aglycone (3,4-dihydroxyphenylethyl cetoxy elenolic acid dialdehyde; 3,4-DHPEA-DEDA) ), also known as 4-noroleuropein aglycone [45] n [9] revealed two peaks eluting at 27.28 and with similar fragmentation pattern suggesting ers. The aldehydic nature of both peaks was by peak shifting due to formation of bisulfite oducts (eluting approximately 3min earlier) and acetals. The tyrosol analog, deacetoxyligstroside 4-hydroxyphenylethyl alcohol-deacetoxy elenolic hyde; 4-HPEA-DEDA or oleocanthal [50]) also eluted ks (Table 3). Both 3,4-DHPEA-DEDA and 4-HPEA- been identified previously as their dialdehyde ustralian olive fruit and olive oil [7,14]. The ers of 4-HPEA-DEDA were not investigated any further du and PIM h sensitive. While o gle peak in Frantoio fr of 390amu of oleoside (Fig. 6). Bot RPLC. Close detected ol which indic was tentat ported by oleuroside. A peak w was detect (Table 3). A previously [30] and al glucopyran on (biotransformation), processing, extraction, follows: (I) oleuropeindial, enol form (378), (II) 6), (V) demethyloleuropein aglycone (364), (VI) glycone dialdehyde (364), (VIII) 4-noroleuropein dialdehyde or 3,4-DHPEA-DEDA) (320) [33,45] enolic acid (242), (XII) oleuropeindial (keto form) e of XIII (378) [46]; (XV) oleuropeindial VIII) acetal of XIX, (XIX) decarboxymethyl tal (410), (XXI) Cannizzaro-like product of XIX, enolic acid mono-aldehyde (rearrangement e form or 3,4-DHPEA-EA) (378) [48,49]. A tyrosol. e to their ultra-trace concentration. Both NIM ad good sensitivity; nevertheless PIM was more leoside (XVII, Fig. 4) (Fig. 6) was detected as a sin- TIC for Frantoio OMW and Correggiola OMW, in uit another peak with the same molecular mass eluted 1min after oleoside. Two isomers (isobars) are known, i.e. secologanoside and secologanol h isomers are expected to elute after oleoside on examination of the fragmentation pattern of the eoside isomer revealed a neutral loss of 44 (Table 3) ates a free carboxyl group. Hence, the second peak ively assigned as secologanoside which was sup- the detection of secologanoside derivatives, e.g. ith molecular mass 552amu, eluting at 31.74min ed in fruit and waste extracts but not in oil extract compound with the same mass spectrum was identified as a caffeoyl ester of secologanoside so tentatively assigned as the disaccharide, 6′-�- osyl oleoside [8]. However, in the Cardoso study [8], analyt ica ch im ica acta 6 0 3 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 176–189 187 Fig. 5 – Str water; (II) m metabisulfi oleoside elu �-glucopyra the basic pr retention t with a sho of a caffeo tral fragme ucture of secoiridoid dialdehydes and their extraction solvent ar ethanol hemiacetal derivative forms in methanolic solvents; (II te is used to preserve the hydroalcoholic extract. ted at 16.2min and the compound assigned as 6′- nosyl oleoside eluted at 44.6min which violates inciples of RPLCwhere glycosidation decreases the ime. This compound had �max of 327 and 245nm ulder at 305nm which suggested the presence yl moiety. This was supported by mass spec- ntation data although not unambiguously. The caffeic acid secologano cose residu the caffeic gested that the caffeic This was a Fig. 6 – Isobars of oleoside (see XVII tefacts: (I) monohydrate derivative forms in I) bisulfite addition product forms when sodium can be attached to the carboxyl group of the side (as in oleuroside and oleuropein) or to the glu- e (as in verbascoside). The bathochromic shift of acid in the compound under investigation sug- the esterification happened with the carboxyl of acid to a hydroxyl group on the sugar residue. lso confirmed by the detection of m/z 325 in PIM in Fig. 4). 188 analyt ica ch im ica acta 6 0 3 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 176–189 which is characteristic for caffeoylhexose [6] and the com- pound was tentatively assigned as caffeoyl-6′-secologanoside (cafselogos 3.3. Bio Application allowed som phenols fro olive fruit, phenolic cl flavonoids, similar but tribution o followed a found in t much hyd sides were glycosylate ascribed to tion of mi flavonoid a and chryso than luteol cyanin con only a sm din glucosi was detect dation or c from antho flavonoidal Similar to oleuropein were detec present in ologanosid Lignans constituted and its deri processing 4. Co The chemi comprises chemical s priate for screeningo hydroxytyr MSalone ac encountere the on-line facile scree 100 previou was possib careful exa extra infor cosidation the other lu identifying rutin rather than the previously reported hes- peridin (and the reasons for possiblemis-assignment); and the ion o The scre ches rede ted in owl thor rtis K lind omet ch a sity r en Roba Sant ntos alys . Roba Ryan .K. Ob bard Cuyc Ryan bard M. Ca M.G.C . Siva 005) 5 Cuyc 002) 2 Ryan .K. Ob em. .K. Ob bard M. Ka enzle .K. Ob em. M. Si entifi ns, N Ryan bard . Ant enzle W. O iege . Bren od C W. O . Bart Bian 001) 4 ide). phenol profiles in fruit, oil and waste of the screening strategy to fruit, oil and waste e insights into transfer and transformation of bio- m fruit to end products – oil and waste. Although oil and OMW were dominated by the same bio- asses, namely, secoiridoids, simple phenols, and the biophenol profile of the fruit and OMW were differed significantly from that of oil. The dis- f these classes between oil and OMW in general simple partitioning model, where the glycosides he fruit were transferred into the OMW without rolysis or degradation. None of the fruit glyco- detected in the olive oil. Previous reports of d derivatives in olive oil samples [40,51] can be the use of three-phase processing and forma- croemulsions in these earlier studies. The only glycones identified in the olive oil were luteolin eriol, whereas apigenin, which is more lipophilic in, surprisingly did not appear in the oil. Antho- tent was not high in the midseason olive fruits; all amount of cyanidin rutinoside and delphini- de was detected. Neither of these anthocyanins ed in OMW most probably due to their degra- omplexation to form a red pigment [13]. Apart cyanins and some minor flavonoid glycosides, the profile of the fruit is mostly transferred to OMW. flavonoids, only the aglycones of the secoiridoids, aglycones, ligstroside aglycones and elenolic acid ted in olive oil. All the fruit secoiridoids were OMW except for demethyloleuropein and sec- e. were totally absent in the fruit and OMW, yet they a major biophenolic class in the oil. Pinoresinol vatives were artefacts that were formed during the and/or the short storage of the olive oil. nclusion cal diversity of the various biophenolic classes an analytical challenge for any comprehensive creening program. In this work, FLD was inappro- general screening, but has potential for targeted f specific compound(s) or a class of compounds, e.g. osol and tyrosol derivatives. Neither DAD nor ESI- commodated the diverse nature of the compounds d in olive samples. It was their combined use in mode with RPLC that enabled fast, efficient and ning of such a plethora of biophenols. Out of nearly sly reported biophenols screened in this study, it le to confirm the presence of 52 compounds. By mination of the combined DAD and ESI-MS data, mation was elucidated including: the site of gly- on thephenol ring of hydroxytyrosol; the identity of teolin-glucoside isomer as luteolin-4′-O-glucoside; detect DEDA. can be approa on a p extrac Ackn The au Dr Cu dine (F spectr Resear Univer r e f e [1] K. [2] C. Sa An 92 [3] K. [4] D. [5] H Ro [6] F. [7] D. Ro [8] S. C. 21 [9] G. (2 [10] F. (2 [11] D. [12] H Ch [13] H Ro [14] C. Pr [15] H Ch [16] R. Id So [17] D. Ro [18] M Pr [19] R. Sp [20] M Fo [21] R. H [22] A. 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Chemical screening of olive biophenol extracts by hyphenated liquid chromatography Introduction Experimental Reagents and standards Sampling and sample pre-treatment Extraction of biophenols Freeze-dried OMW Olive fruits Olive oil High performance liquid chromatography RPLC-DAD and RPLC-DAD-FLD RPLC-MS RPLC-DAD-MS Results and discussion Spectroscopic study of reference biophenols Screening of olive biophenolic extracts Simple phenols Flavonoids Isochromans and lignans Secoiridoids Biophenol profiles in fruit, oil and waste Conclusion Acknowledgment References


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