Charisma Cost Control

April 4, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Business
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1. Cost ControlSimple | Intuitive | Flexible | Complete 2. Main value Organizes, simplifies and automates complex processes and workflows; Cross departmental automation and organizational processes that cover multiple departments; Dramatically decrease operational costs and improves employees effiency; Increases the companys agility and competitiveness; 360 view over the performance indicators; Increases customer loyality; Collaborative working environment, focused on satisfying business partners’ needs; Updates and develops customers business needs.Management value Provides key reports and analysis for executives to run business; Reports with the ability to go from high level to low level detail; Comprehensive insight from all departments and systems; Provides executive dashboards, on-spot quick facts and real-time notifications.Employee’s value Clean and friendly user interface; Commonly performed tasks can be automated; Can provide data from other applications and sources; Can access various reports from the same interface; Provides technical support directly from the application interface; Provides development methods and tools for business flows and entities directly from the application.Market value In 2012, Charisma ERP was designated as one of the 5 strongest European B2B solutions in the "Enterprise Vertical Market Solution" segment. 3. Cost Control Charisma Cost Control defines, tracks, checks, approves and centralizes the internal purchasing processes. The product optimizes the purchasing flows, from structuring the budget, managing the expense requests, managing and developing the relationships with suppliers to tracking the contracts and their completion under the best terms. . Charisma Cost Control helps the companies that want to have anThe product includes a suite of actual control of the purchasingstandalone applications (eExpense process, as well as the managementRequest Approval, eProcurement, flow of operational costs andSupplier Contract Management), contracts with the suppliers.perfectly integrated with Charisma ERP You have the opportunity to see theor with any other ERP system. solution live, visiting one of the reference customers from abroad. In addition, we can provide eExpense Approval additional developments to prove our team’s responsiveness. Defining Approval Stock budget Expense Request check eProcurement Supplier Purchasing processes Bids Contract data base completion (RFP, RFQ, RFX) Supplier Contract Management Track Payment Delinquency Payment contract schedule Management Approval execution 4. eExpense Request Approval eExpense Request Approval module is a software product especially designed for tracking, controlling and increasing the efficiency of the expenses within a company. The main tools used are the expenseFinancial and Operational Benefits budgets, order cards, approval flow for the expense requests and the Diminishes the financial risk possibility to query the internal The system controls each acquisition (stopping / inventor in real time. The products limiting / identifying), by enforcing an automatic includes the processes specific to validation process. Thus the companys budget each business field, easy to adapt to exceeding is prevented, ensuring the permanent the specific needs of any company. framing within the planned and validated budget. User transparency The system provides quick access for all the companys employees by posting the occurred expense orders and their centralization into a single location. The products eliminates the human resources allocation for this process, therefore significantly reducing the time for routine activities and operational costs. Controls and reduces the operational and data migration costs Connecting and synchronizing with any other ERP system allows the automation and streamline of purchasing management, based on an unique database. Reduces the time required for building the expense budget The user friendly interface and/or the integration with the already configured ERP system allow quick building of the expense budget, without any special training. 4 5 5. FeaturesThe budget is the organizationsn Each budget line is assigned to an nstructure required for defining, planning owner who will confirm the cost orand controlling the costs over time the value of the expense.periods. Either we talk about expenses n Each budget is assigned an ownerfor electricity, water, gas, office supplies, who will approve the expensehardware equipment, telephony and amount.Internet, or about the expenses with the n the expense into the budget Chargingemployees, operational departments, account can be done either when themarketing, all can be grouped, restricted request is initiated, or on its approval,and tracked in detail by means of manually or automatically, depending ondefining cost centers and budget lines, the companys approaching.on distinct time periods, at the The application has the option to access norganization level. the internal material or stockable itemsRegardless they are defined withinn inventory, being managed and storedeExpense Request Approval application within the company.or externally configured in other ERP The system provides a series of nsystem, each budget line is assigned a specialized preconfigured reports, asbudget owner. He/she manages all the well as performance indicators, to allowexpense requests posted by order cards, the quick tracking of the companysincluding the amount, the cost center expense and money allocation process.related to the requested expense and its eExpense Request Approval module can ntype. be directly integrated with ContractThe expense request approval flow isn Management module when theflexible and can be tailored to any type selection of the service and equipmentof organization, and the actual approval providers is agreed, and the processis done in three steps: does not need any prospection, tracking n Each employee is assigned to a the purchasing and/or bidding manager who approves the processes. expense opportunity. 6. eProcurementeProcurement module optimizes and simplifies theplanning, the execution, the assessment and theimprovement of purchasing, contracting and renegotiatingprocesses with various partners. This module includes thepolitics and practices used by the largest companies inRomania, in various business fields. It is the moment to renegotiate a series of contracts with the traditional suppliers. Therefore, the contracts of utilities, preferential interest rates in the contracts with the banks or financing institutions, or the contracts with the retailers related to purchasing the office supplies, hardware equipment or software can be reviewed and improved for cutting the operational costs. Also a helpful solution for lowering the costs is toFinancial and Operational Benefits totally or partially outsource the payroll or personnel management, the activities related to Quick decisions in choosing the offers transportation, infrastructure and IT Thanks to the transparency of the purchasing process, management, financial and eExpense Request Approval module reduces the time accounting services, equipment needed for managing the process of choosing the maintenance, legal advisory, etc. favorable offer. Reduces the operational costs Thanks to the automation of the entire purchasing flow and integration with other information systems used by the purchasing or financial-accounting departments, eExpense Request Approval solution dramatically reduces the downtime and routine tasks, streamlining and facilitating the purchasing process. Increases the efficiency of quoting and ordering process eExpense Request Approval solution improves the capacity to turn the opportunities to value, reducing the companys expenses by choosing the best offer that meets the specified selection criteria. 6 7 7. Featuresn quick access to the potential orProvides quotations directly posted bycurrent suppliers by managing and suppliers or imported from externalquerying a partner database. sources,Provides an efficient management ofn n reviewing, selecting and approvingpurchasing processes, capturing the the favorable offers,entire process, from the occurrence and n bids on determined period, openingdefining of a companys need to by inviting the suppliers with thecontracting and actual fulfillment of the best offers to compete for the finalrequest (the approved expense request). selection,The best platform for:n n concluding the contract with the n management of RFPs / RFQs supplier (Requests For Proposal / Quotation) n complete information and Provides or any other type of requests to the history of suppliers, existing offers, candidate partners, signed contracts, invoices. n recording and comparing the 8. Supplier Contract Management Supplier Contract Management module within Charisma Cost Control solution is the solution you need for tracking the entire lifecycle of a purchasing contract, from itsFinancial and Operational Benefits preparation to its signing and termination. Supplier Contract Reduces the costs allocated for managing contracts Management module is a requisite The module eliminates the medieval practices and component for supporting the provides a modern method of contract management strategies of the companies running by centralizing data, eliminating the redundancy of large purchasing projects, becoming manual work, automating and eliminating some steps a requisite both by its features, and (for example, the contracts with a value lower than a by its capabilities of integration with given threshold do not pass through the legal any other ERP, project department). The exceptional configurability of the management, human resources, solution allows defining approval flows according to etc. business software solutions. the specific of each single company. Increases conformity and eliminates financial risks Includes a tool for storing the "lessons learned" over time, helping the company to define and comply with a series of company politics and rules. Reduces operational risks The module ensures an efficient control for running the contracted projects, including alerts for the required tasks, as well as notifications for the risks associated with each task. Thus, any failure to comply with the company policies is notified immediately to the decision persons, who can proactively intercede in the process, cutting the operational risks. Improves the financial management The module provides total transparency of contracts on their entire effective period, being of a real support in the strategic decisions of the company. 8 9 9. Featuresn the contracts and the relatedTracking configuring and tracking "to be paid" information. approval flows, by defining the rolesManaging the commercial and financialn involved in the approval process andissues related to the contracts, such as: payment terms.suppliers invoices, the agreed payment Matching the invoices with the nschedule, advance payments, securities, payments made and budget trust letters, outstanding amounts Document management - supporting nor debts situation by period, penalties. the work with documents and physicalControlling the investment analysis andn files assigned to workflows or to theplanning process: financing scenarios, execution of a contract with the supplier.budgeting / business plan, cash flow or n performance search engine for A highbalance sheet. quick finding the data related toManagement of delinquencies andn suppliers, contracts, current stages inevents occurring during the contract contract execution.(ticket management). The history of contractual relationships nManagement of approval the suppliern with various suppliers, helping theinvoice payment („ePayment”) by company in the decisional process. 10. With over 17 years of experience, TotalSoft is the largest Romanian ERP provider. With 1500 clients in the private and public sector in 25 countries, such as USA, Germany, UK, Austria, Italy or France, TotalSoft has an undeniable expertise in 9 verticals, focusing on retail and distribution, constructions, financial services and medical ones. The company has its own suite of software solutions, namely Charisma Business Suite, to which renowned systems, such as Charisma ERP, Charisma HCM or Charisma Medical Software belong. TotalSoft is member of Global Finance Group, one of the largest private investment companies in South-Eastern Europe, with offices in Athens, Bucharest, Sofia and Belgrade. Global Finance manages funds amounting to over EUR 850 million and has carried out over 70 investments since its founding in 1991.poza 11. © TotalSoft 2012TotalSoft Headquarters Planned SubsidiariesActive Subsidiaries TotalSoft Implementations Sweden Senegal Estonia Russia United Kingdom Poland Germany Belgium Czech Rep Ukraine Slovakia Austria Moldova France Hungary Qatar RomaniaUSA Italy Serbia Saudi Arabia Bulgaria UAE Spain Albania Greece TotalSoft Headquarters Global City Business Park, 10 Bucharest - Nord Street Building O2, 8th Floor, Voluntari, llfov,România P: +4021 335 17 09 W:,, E: [email protected] Austria | Greece | Bulgaria | Qatar


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