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Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems for vessels to fulfill IMO III in 2016 Written by: Alejandro Hombravella Alican Kılıçaslan Jérémy Péralès Carolin Rüß European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 1  INDEX INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................7  CHAPTER I  MARINE ENGINES AND EXHAUST INFORMATION....................9  IMO 3 ...................................................................................................................................................9  Emission Control Areas (ECA) ......................................................................................................10  NOx Emission Standards ................................................................................................................11  SOx Sulphur Content of Fuel .........................................................................................................12  Other Provisions .............................................................................................................................14  MAK ENGINES ................................................................................................................................15  M 20 C ............................................................................................................................................15  M 32 C ............................................................................................................................................19  M 43 C ............................................................................................................................................23  FUELS ................................................................................................................................................28  Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) ....................................................................................................................29  Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) ..............................................................................................................32  EXHAUST GAS CLEANING SYSTEMS ........................................................................................35  European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 2  SCRUBBER TECHNOLOGIES........................................................................................................ 35  WET SCRUBBER ..........................................................................................................................35  Ecospec ...........................................................................................................................................36  Hamworthy Krystallon ...................................................................................................................41  Marine Exhaust Solutions ...............................................................................................................46  Wärtsilä ...........................................................................................................................................48  Aalborg Industries ..........................................................................................................................56  DRY SCRUBBER..............................................................................................................................62  Couple Systems ..............................................................................................................................62  SCR SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION ..............................................................................70  Johnson Mattey ...............................................................................................................................72  Hug Engineering .............................................................................................................................74  H+H ................................................................................................................................................77  Diesel Emission Control .................................................................................................................81  Miratech Corporation .....................................................................................................................82  Bosch Emissions .............................................................................................................................84  BOILER .............................................................................................................................................87  SILENCER .........................................................................................................................................89  FUNNEL ............................................................................................................................................91  European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 3  CHAPTER II  EGCS ARRANGEMENTS ..........................................................................................92  SCRUBBER TECHNOLOGIES........................................................................................................ 93  Wet Scrubber ..................................................................................................................................93  Dry Scrubber...................................................................................................................................99  SCR SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION ............................................................................101  CONTAINER SHIP .........................................................................................................................103  EGCS Solutions ............................................................................................................................106  Stability .........................................................................................................................................116  CRUISE SHIP ..................................................................................................................................120  EGCS Solutions ............................................................................................................................124  Stability .........................................................................................................................................134  TUG BOAT ......................................................................................................................................138  EGCS Solutions ............................................................................................................................141  Stability .........................................................................................................................................144  CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................148  European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 4  APPENDIX  APPENDIX I: MAK Engines ....................................................................................................... 150  M 25 C ..........................................................................................................................................150  VM 32 C .......................................................................................................................................153  VM 43 C .......................................................................................................................................157  APPENDIX II: Load and Emissions comparison graphs.................................................................161  Container Ship ..............................................................................................................................161  Cruise Ship ...................................................................................................................................169  Tug boat ........................................................................................................................................177  APPENDIX III: Noise Level Regulation .........................................................................................179  APPENDIX IV: EGCS Emissions Reductions ................................................................................181  APPENDIX V: EGCS Components dimensions .............................................................................182  APPENDIX VI: Weight of Dry Scrubber ........................................................................................184  APPENDIX VII: Scrubber Decision Matrix ....................................................................................185  Container Ship ..............................................................................................................................185  APPENDIX VIII: Drawings.............................................................................................................188  Container Ship with Open Loop Seawater Scrubber ....................................................................189  Container Ship with Closed Loop Freshwater Scrubber ..............................................................190  Container Ship with Hybrid System .............................................................................................191  Container Ship with Dry Scrubber ...............................................................................................192  Container Ship without Scrubber .................................................................................................193  Cruise Ship with Open Loop Seawater Scrubber .........................................................................194  European Project Semester 2011 5  Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems Cruise Ship with Closed Loop Freshwater Scrubber....................................................................195  Cruise Ship with Hybrid System ..................................................................................................196  Cruise Ship with Dry Scrubber .....................................................................................................197  Cruise Ship without Scrubber .......................................................................................................198  Tug Boat .......................................................................................................................................199  APPENDIX IX: Technical Drawings ..............................................................................................200  Open Loop Seawater Scrubber .....................................................................................................201  Closed Loop Freshwater Scrubber ...............................................................................................202  Hybrid System ..............................................................................................................................203  Dry Scrubber.................................................................................................................................204  SCR ...............................................................................................................................................205  Reference List ..................................................................................................................................206  List of figures ...................................................................................................................................211  List of tables .....................................................................................................................................213  List of pictures ..................................................................................................................................215  List of graphs ....................................................................................................................................216  List of drawings ................................................................................................................................218  List of technical drawings ................................................................................................................218  European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 6  INTRODUCTION The European Project Semester is a good opportunity for foreign students to learn how to work in a team. To work with new student workmates from diverse countries is a very good opportunity to improve English language skills and to know more different cultures. Further to this, the first month is occupied with lectures and workshops on team building, intercultural management, business and marketing. In 2011, the EPS Kiel is composed of six teams of four students. Every team is assigned one supervisor, who gives academic advices and support to the team. Team Caterpillar is composed of four students from diverse countries (Germany, Spain, Turkey and France), taking part in the European Project Semester (EPS) 2011. Carolin Rüss, Alejandro Hombravella, Alican Kilicaslan and Jérémy Péralès are working with Fachhochschule Kiel and Caterpillar GmbH. The goal of the project is to decide on the most efficient Exhaust Gas Cleaning System (EGCS) arrangements and parts for three different types of ships: container vessels, cruise ships and tug boats, to fulfill the regulations of the IMO III emission criteria, which will be introduced in 2016. The focus is mostly on stability, costs, availability, environmental pollution and the location where to arrange the parts in the ship. The first chapter is information about the legislations, fuel types, engines and several technologies and suppliers of the EGCS components. Much of the information cited in this part of the report comes from external sources, such as websites and PDF documents. In the Appendix, a reference list is available in order to see from where the pictures, figures, tables and graphs are taken. The second chapter describes the three vessel types and the final decision of the arrangements, with some drawings to have the overview of the arrangement. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 7  The whole team is very glad to take part in this project and hoping the reader will enjoy this report. The responsibilities for the parts of the report are divided as followed: Alejandro was taking care of Couples System dry scrubber, general description of container vessels, Appendix VIII (Drawings), Appendix IV (EGCS Emissions Reductions), Appendix V (EGCS Components Dimensions) and Appendix VII (Scrubber Desition Matrix). Alican was writing about MAK Engines (Appendix I), Wärtsilä and Ecospec wet scrubbers, quemical reactions and processes, cruise ship general information and emission graphs in Appendix II and VI (Weight of Dry Scrubber). Carolin worked on IMO III legislations, Aalborg Industries wet scrubber, SCR Selective Catalytic Reduction, scrubber technologies technical description, SCR technical description, technical drawings (Appendix IX), stability calculations, noise level regulations (Appendix III) and together with Jeremy on the EGCS solution comments. Jeremy focused on fuels, Hamworthy Kristallon and Marine Exhaust Solution wet scrubbers, boiler, silencer, funnel, dry scrubber technical description, tug boat general description, and together with Carolin on the EGCS solution comments. The introduction, the information research and the conclusion were group works. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 8  CHAPTER I: MARINE ENGINES AND EXHAUST INFORMATION All ships need to fulfill the IMO III regulations in 2016 by reducing emissions. Caterpillar Kiel is building six different types of engines, using HFO and MDO fuels. To observe the laws, an exhaust gas cleaning system is needed, composed of a scrubber, boiler, SCR, silencer and funnel. IMO 3 International Maritime Organization (IMO) is an agency of the United Nations which has been formed to promote maritime safety. It was formally established by an international conference in Geneva in 1948, and became active in 1958 when the IMO Convention entered into force (the original name was the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization, or IMCO, but the name was changed in 1982 to IMO). IMO currently groups 167 Member States and 3 Associate Members. IMO ship pollution rules are contained in the “International Convention on the Prevention of Pollution from Ships”, known as MARPOL 73/78. In September 27th 1997, the MARPOL Convention has been amended by the “1997 Protocol”, which includes Annex VI titled “Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships”. MARPOL Annex VI sets limits on NOx and SOx emissions from ship exhausts, and prohibits deliberate emissions of ozone depleting substances. The IMO emission standards are commonly referred to as Tier I to III standards. The Tier I standards were defined in the 1997 version of Annex VI, while the Tier II/III standards were introduced by Annex VI amendments adopted in 2008, as follows:  1997 Protocol (Tier I) - The “1997 Protocol” to MARPOL, which includes Annex VI, becomes effective 12 months after being accepted by 15 States with not less than 50% of world merchant shipping tonnage. In May 18th 2004, Samoa deposited its ratification as the European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 9  15th State (joining Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Liberia, Marshal Islands, Norway, Panama, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, and Vanuatu). At that time, Annex VI was ratified by United States with 54.57% of world merchant shipping tonnage. Accordingly, Annex VI entered into force on 19th May 2005. It applies retroactively to new engines greater than 130 kW installed on vessels constructed on or after January 1st 2000, or which undergo a major conversion after that date. The regulation also applies to fixed and floating rigs and to drilling platforms (except for emissions associated directly with exploration and/or handling of sea-bed minerals). In anticipation of the Annex VI ratification, most marine engine manufacturers have been building engines compliant with the above standards since 2000.  2008 Amendments (Tier II/III) - Annex VI adopted in October 2008, introduced new fuel quality requirements beginning from July 2010, Tier II and III NOx emission standards for new engines, and Tier I NOx requirements for existing pre-2000 engines. The revised Annex VI enters into force on 1st July 2010. By October 2008, Annex VI was ratified by 53 countries, representing 81.88% of tonnage. Emission Control Areas (ECA) Two sets of emission and fuel quality requirements are defined by Annex VI: global requirements and more stringent requirements applicable to ships in Emission Control Areas (ECA). An Emission Control Area can be designated for SOx and PM, or NOx, or all three types of emissions from ships, subject to a proposal from a Party to Annex VI. The zones are shown in Fig. 1. Existing Emission Control Areas include:    Baltic Sea (SOx, adopted: 1997 / entered into force: 2005) North Sea (SOx, 2005/2006) North American ECA, including most of US and Canadian coast (NOx & SOx, 2010/2012). European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 10  Fig. 1: ECA-Zones [1] NOx Emission Standards NOx emission limits are set for diesel engines depending on the engine maximum operating speed (n, rpm), as shown in Table 1 and presented graphically in Fig. 2. Tier I and Tier II limits are global, while the Tier III standards apply only in NOx Emission Control Areas. Tab. 1: NOx limits [2] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 11  Fig. 2: MARPOL Annex VI NOx Emission Limits [3] Tier II standards are expected to be met by combustion process optimization. The parameters examined by engine manufacturers include fuel injection timing, pressure, rate shaping, fuel nozzle flow area, exhaust valve timing and cylinder compression volume. Tier III standards are expected to require dedicated NOx emission control technologies, such as various forms of water induction into the combustion process (with fuel, scavenging air or incylinder), exhaust gas recirculation or selective catalytic reduction. SOx Sulphur Content of Fuel Annex VI regulations include caps on Sulphur content of fuel oil as a measure to control SOx emissions and, indirectly, Particular Matter (PM) emissions (there are no explicit PM emission limits). Special fuel quality provisions exist for SOx Emission Control Areas (SOx ECA or SECA). The Sulphur limits and implementation dates are listed in Tab. 2 and illustrated in Fig. 3. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 12  Sulphur Limit in Fuel Date 2000 2010.07 2012 2015 2020a SOx ECA 1.5% 1.0% 3.5% 0.1% 0.5% Global 4.5% a - alternative date is 2025, to be decided by a review in 2018 Tab. 2: MARPOL Annex VI Fuel Sulphur Limits Fig. 3: MARPOL Annex VI Fuel Sulphur Limits [4] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 13  Alternative measures are also allowed (in the SOx ECAs and globally) to reduce Sulphur emissions, such as through the use of scrubbers. For example, instead of using the 1.5% Sulphur fuel in SOx ECAs, ships can fit an exhaust gas cleaning system or use any other technological method to limit SOx emissions to ≤ 6 g/kWh (as SO2). Other Provisions Annex VI prohibits deliberate emissions of ozone depleting substances, which include halons and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). New installations containing ozone-depleting substances are prohibited on all ships. But new installations containing hydro-chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are permitted until 1st January 2020. Annex VI also prohibits the incineration on board ships of certain products, such as contaminated packaging materials and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Compliance Compliance with the provisions of Annex VI is determined by periodic inspections and surveys. Upon passing the surveys, the ship is issued an “International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate”, which is valid for up to 5 years. Under the “NOx Technical Code”, the ship operator (not the engine manufacturer) is responsible for in-use compliance. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 14  MAK ENGINES This part of the chapter describes the six different types of Mak engines shown in Tab. 3, which are produced by Caterpillar Kiel. Bhp kW Tab. 3: Mak Propulsion Engines [5] M 20 C Engine Description Pic. 1: M 20 C [5] The M 20 C, as shown as in Pic. 1 and Fig. 4, is a four stroke diesel engine, non-reversible, turbocharged and intercooled with direct fuel injection. Cylinder configuration: Bore: Stroke: Stroke/Bore-Ratio: Swept volume: Output/cyl.: BMEP: Revolutions: Mean piston speed: Turbocharging: Direction of rotation: 6, 8, 9 in-line 200 mm 300 mm 1.5 9.4 l/Cyl. 170/190 kW 24.1/24.2 bar 900/1000 rpm Fig. 4: M 20 C [5] 9/10 m/s single-pipe system clockwise, option: counter-clockwise European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 15  General data and outputs The maximum continuous rating (locked output), stated by Caterpillar Motoren, refers to the following reference conditions according to IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) for main and auxiliary engines. Reference conditions according to IACS (tropical conditions): air pressure air temperature relative humidity seawater temperature 100 kPa (1 bar) 318 K (45 °C) 60 % 305 K (32 °C) Fuel consumption The fuel consumption data refers to the following reference conditions: intake temperature charge air temperature charge air coolant inlet temperature net heating value of the Diesel oil tolerance 298 K (25 °C) 318 K (45 °C) 298 K (25 °C) 42700 kJ/kg 5% Specification of the fuel consumption data without fitted-on pumps; for each pump fitted on, an additional consumption of 1 % has to be calculated. Increased consumption under tropical conditions 3 g/kWh European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 16  Nitrogen oxide emissions (NOx-values) NOx-limit values according MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI: 11.3 g/kWh (1000 rpm) 11.5 g/kWh ( 900 rpm) Main engine: CP propeller, according to cycle E2: FP propeller, according to cycle E3: 9.8 g/kWh (1000 rpm) 10.1 g/kWh ( 900 rpm) 10.0 g/kWh (1000 rpm) 10.5 g/kWh ( 900 rpm) Technical data Technical data is listed in Tab. 4 and 5. Tab. 4: Technical data of M 20 C [5] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 17  Tab. 5: Technical data of M 20 C [5] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 18  M 32 C Pic. 2: M 32 C [7] Engine description The M 32 C, as shown as in Pic. 2 and Fig. 5, is a four stroke diesel engine, non-reversible, turbocharged and intercooled with direct fuel injection. Cylinder configuration: Bore: Stroke: Stroke/Bore-Ratio: Swept volume: Output/cyl.: BMEP: Revolutions: Mean piston speed: Turbocharging: Direction of rotation: clockwise 6, 8, 9 in-line 320 mm 480 mm 1.5 38.7 l/Cyl. 500 kW 25.9 bar 600 rpm 9.6 m/s single log, option: pulse clockwise, option: counterFig. 5: M 32 C [7] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 19  General data and outputs The maximum continuous rating (locked output) stated by Caterpillar Motoren refers to the following reference conditions according to IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) for main and auxiliary engines. Reference conditions according to IACS (tropical conditions): air pressure 100 kPa (1 bar) air temperature 318 K (45 °C) relative humidity 60 % seawater temperature 305 K (32 °C) Fuel consumption The fuel consumption data refers to the following reference conditions: intake temperature charge air temperature charge air coolant inlet temperature net heating value of the diesel oil tolerance 298 K (25 °C) 318 K (45 °C) 298 K (25 °C) 42700 kJ/kg 5% Specification of the fuel consumption data without fitted-on pumps; for each pump fitted on an additional consumption of 1 % has to be calculated. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 20  Lubricating oil consumption Lubricating oil consumption: tolerance 0.6 g/kWh; value is based on rated output, + 0.3 g/kWh. Nitrogen oxide emissions (NOx-values) NOx-limit values according to IMO II: Main engine: 10.1 g/kWh (n = 600 rpm) CP propeller, according to cycle E2: 9.69 g/kWh Emergency operation without turbocharger Emergency operation is permissible with MDO only up to approximately 15 % of the MCR (Maximum Continuous Rating). European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 21  Technical Data Technical data is shown in Tab. 6. Tab. 6: Technical data of M 32 C [7] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 22  M 43 C Engine Description Pic. 3: M 43 C [9] The M 43 C, as shown as in Pic. 3 and Fig. 6, is a four stroke diesel engine, non-reversible, turbocharged and intercooled with direct fuel injection. Cylinder configuration: Bore: Stroke: Stroke/Bore-Ratio: Swept volume: Output/cyl.: BMEP: 27.1/26.4 bar Revolutions: Mean piston speed: Turbocharging: Direction of rotation: option: counter-clockwise 6, 7, 8, 9 in-line 430 mm 610 mm 1.42 88.6 l/Cyl. 900 / 1000 kW 24.4/23.7 / 500/514 rpm 10.2/10.5 m/s single log clockwise, Fig. 6: M 43 C [9] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 23  General data and outputs The maximum continuous rating (locked output), stated by Caterpillar Motoren, refers to the following reference conditions according to IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) for main and auxiliary engines. Reference conditions according to IACS (tropical conditions): air pressure air temperature relative humidity 100 kPa (1 bar) 318 K (45 °C) 60 % seawater temperature 305 K (32 °C) Fuel consumption The fuel consumption data refers to the following reference conditions: intake temperature charge air temperature charge air coolant inlet temperature net heating value of the diesel oil tolerance 298 K (25 °C) 318 K (45 °C) 298 K (25 °C) 42700 kJ/kg 5% Specification of the fuel consumption data without fitted-on pumps; for each pump fitted on an additional consumption of 1 % has to be calculated. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 24  Soot and emissions (NOx-values) NOx-limit values according IMO-regulations: 12.98 g/kWh (n = 500 rpm) Main engine: CP propeller, according to cycle E2: 11.78 g/kWh In combination with Flex Cam Technology (FCT) (optional) the soot emission will be lower than 0.3 FSN (Filter Smoke Number) in the operation range between 10 and 100 % load. Emergency operation without turbocharger Tab. 7: Technical data of M 43 C- Without Turbocharger [9] Emergency operation, which is listed in Tab. 7, is permissible only with MDO and up to approximately 15 % of the MCR. Rotor dismantled: Constant speed 500 rpm, Combinator operation 360 rpm Rotor blocked: Constant speed 500 rpm, Combinator operation 350 rpm General installation aspect Inclication angles of ships at which engine running must be possible: Heel to each side: Rolling to each side: Trim by head and stern: Pitching: 15° + 22.5° 5° + 7.5° European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 25  Technical data (900 kW) Technical data is given in Tab. 8 and 9. Tab. 8: Technical data of M 43 C (900 kW) [9] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 26  Technical Data 1000 kW Tab. 9: Technical data of M 43 C (1000 kW) [9] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 27  FUELS Fuel oil is a fraction obtained from petroleum distillation, either as a distillate or a residue. Broadly speaking, fuel oil is any liquid petroleum product that is burned in a furnace or boiler for the generation of heat or used in an engine for the generation of power, except oils having a flash point of approximately 40 °C (104 °F) and oils burned in cotton or wool-wick burners. In this sense, diesel is a type of fuel oil. Fuel oil is made of long hydrocarbon chains, particularly alkanes, cycloalkanes and aromatics. The term fuel oil is also used in a stricter sense to refer only to the heaviest commercial fuel that can be obtained from crude oil, heavier than gasoline and naphtha. Pic. 4: An oil tanker taking on bunker fuel [11] In Pic. 4 is shown an example of oil tanker taking on bunker fuel. Bunker fuel is technically any type of fuel oil used aboard ships. It gets its name from the containers on ships and in ports that it is stored in; in the days of steam they were coal bunkers but now they are bunker fuel tanks. The Australian Customs and the Australian Tax Office define a bunker fuel as the fuel that powers the engine of a ship or aircraft. Bunker A is No. 2 fuel oil, bunker B is No. 4 or No. 5 and bunker C is No. 6. Since No. 6 is the most common, "bunker fuel" is often used as a synonym for No. 6. No. 5 fuel oil is also called navy special fuel oil or just navy special; No. 5 or 6 are also called Furnace Fuel Oil (FFO); the high viscosity requires heating, usually by a re-circulated low pressure steam system, before the oil can be pumped from a bunker tank. In the context of shipping, the labeling of bunkers as previously described is rarely used in modern practice. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 28  In the maritime field, another type of classification is used for fuel oils:  MGO (Marine Gas Oil) - roughly equivalent to No. 2 fuel oil, made from distillate only.  MDO (Marine Diesel Oil) - A blend of heavy gasoil that may contain very small amounts of black refinery feed stocks, but has a low viscosity up to 12 cSt (12 mm²/s) so it needs not be heated for use in internal combustion engines.  IFO (Intermediate Fuel Oil) A blend of gasoil and heavy fuel oil, with less gasoil than marine diesel oil.  MFO (Marine Fuel Oil) - same as HFO (another naming).  HFO (Heavy Fuel Oil) - Pure or nearly pure residual oil, roughly equivalent to No. 6 fuel oil. Marine diesel oil contains some heavy fuel oil, unlike regular diesels. Also, marine fuel oils sometimes contain waste products such as used motor oil. Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) Heavy fuel oils are blended products based on the residues from various refinery distillation and cracking processes. They are viscous liquids with a characteristic odor and require heating for storage and combustion. Heavy fuel oils are used in medium to large industrial plants, marine applications and power stations in combustion equipment such as boilers, furnaces and diesel engines. Heavy fuel oil is a general term and other names commonly used to describe this range of products include: residual fuel oil, bunker fuel, bunker C, fuel oil No 6, industrial fuel oil, marine fuel oil and black oil. In addition, terms such as heavy fuel oil, medium fuel oil and light fuel oil are used to describe products for industrial applications to give a general indication of the viscosity and density of the product. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 29  Heavy fuel oil consists primarily of the residue from distillation or cracking units in the refinery. Historically, fuel oils were based on long residues from the atmospheric distillation column and were known as straight run fuels. However, the increasing demand for transportation fuels such as gasoline, kerosene and diesel has led to an increased value for the atmospheric residue as a feedstock for vacuum distillation and for cracking processes. As a consequence, most heavy fuel oils are currently based on short residues and residues from thermal and catalytic cracking operations. These fuels differ in character from straight run fuels in that the density and mean molecular weight are higher, as is the carbon/hydrogen ratio. The density of some heavy fuel oils can be above 1,000 kg/m3, which has environmental implications in the event of a spillage into freshwater. In Pic. 5, some Heavy Fuel Oil drops can be seen. Pic. 5: Heavy Fuel Oil drops [12] To produce fuels, that can be conveniently handled and stored in industrial and marine installations and to meet marketing specification limits, the high viscosity residue components are normally blended with gas oils or similar lower viscosity fractions. In refineries with catalytic cracking units, catalytically cracked cycle oils are common fuel oil diluents. As a result, the composition of residual fuel oils can vary widely and will depend on the refinery configuration. The crude oils are processed and the overall refinery demanded. Residual fuel oils are complex mixtures of high molecular weight compounds, having a typical boiling range from 350 to 650°C. They consist of aromatic, aliphatic and naphthenic hydrocarbons, typically having carbon numbers from C20 to C50, together with asphaltenes and smaller amounts of heterocyclic compounds containing Sulphur, Nitrogen and Oxygen. They have chemical characteristics similar to asphalt and hence, are considered to be stabilized suspensions of asphaltenes in an oily medium. Asphaltenes are highly polar aromatic compounds of very high European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 30  molecular weight (2000-5000) and in the blending of heavy fuel oils, it is necessary to ensure that these compounds remain in suspension over the normal range of storage temperatures. Heavy fuel oils also contain organo-metallic compounds from their presence in the original crude oils. The most important of these trace metals is Vanadium. Some crude sources, for example, from the Caribbean area and Mexico are particularly high in Vanadium and this is reflected in high Vanadium contents in heavy fuel oils produced from these crudes. Vanadium is of major significance for fuels burned in both diesel engines and boilers because when combined with Sodium (perhaps from seawater contamination) and other metallic compounds in critical proportions it can form high melting point ashes which are corrosive to engine exhaust valves, valve seats and superheater elements. Other elements that occur in heavy fuel oils include Nickel, Iron, Potassium, Sodium, Aluminum and Silicon. Aluminum and Silicon are mainly derived from refinery catalyst fines. Appreciable concentrations of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (PAC) can be present in heavy fuel oils depending on the nature and amount of the low viscosity diluents used and whether the residue component is cracked or un-cracked. If the residue components are from the atmospheric or vacuum distillation columns, the concentration of three to seven ring aromatic hydrocarbons is likely to be in the order of 6 to 8%. If heavy catalytically cracked or steam-cracked components are used, the level may approach 20%. One of the diluents fractions commonly used is catalytically cracked cycle oil, which has been reported to contain 58% three to five ring aromatic hydrocarbons. Typical properties Marketing specifications have been established by a number of authorities to ensure the satisfactory operation of industrial and marine equipment, utilizing heavy fuel oils. Such specifications include ASTM D-396 (ASTM 1992), BS 2869 for inland fuels (BSI 1988), ISO 8217 for marine fuels (ISO 1996) and CIMAC requirements for residual fuels for diesel engines (CIMAC 1990). European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 31  Tab. 10: Range of physico-chemical properties for heavy fuel oils [13] The composition and resulting toxicity of heavy fuel oils varies depending on the amount and type of cutter stock used (shown in Tab. 10). Following accidental spillage of this oil, the lighter one, more volatile components will be lost by evaporation, dissolution and biodegradation. The water-soluble fraction, which principally contains aromatic hydrocarbons and polar compounds, will be responsible for the acute toxicity effects on organisms. The remaining heavy fraction will become attached to the substrate or sequestered in the sediments. Little long-term impact has been observed in the supralittoral, littoral or pelagic zones following a spill. The tar-like residue will persist for many years, however, in the sediments with possible re-suspension and continued impact on benthic organisms. Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) Diesel Oil is a type of distillate fuel oil which consists of heavy fractions or the mixture of light fraction distillate and heavy fraction (residual fuel oil), and have dark black chromatic, but European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 32  remain to liquid at low temperature. The usage of diesel oil in general is the fuel for diesel engine with medium or low rotation (300 - 1.000 RPM). This diesel oil is also known as Industrial Diesel Oil or Marine Diesel Fuel (MDF). Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) is a middle distillate fuel oil which can contain traces to 10% or more residual fuel oil from transportation contamination and heavy fuel oil blending. The diesel oil is bunkered at a dedicated deck connection for transfer and distribution to the ship’s storage tanks. A sample cock is provided at the deck connection to permit obtaining fuel samples during the bunkering process. Diesel oil is transferred from the storage tanks by means of a transfer pump and a purifier mounted pump. Single stage purification is typically operated at 100% throughput. However, a reduction in throughput to 60-70% of rated capacity may be made when purifying the more contaminated diesel oils. The only heating requirement for diesel oil is a pre-heater for purification purposes. Storage tank stripping connections should be provided to permit pumping the tank contents to any other storage tank, the purifier, or a sludge tank. Below are listed the main capabilities: - Diesel oil sampling while bunkering. - Diesel oil transfer from storage to service tank by way of the purifier system. - Diesel oil transfer from any storage tank to any other storage tank, or directly to the service tank. - Diesel oil supplied to the emergency diesel generator by either the transfer pump or the purifier. - Diesel oil service tank bottom drains directly to the sludge tank. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 33  Typical properties The typical properties of MDO are shown in Tab. 11. Tab. 11: Range of physico-chemical properties for marine diesel oils [14] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 34  EXHAUST GAS CLEANING SYSTEMS The different parts of an Exhaust Gas Cleaning System are scrubbers, SCR catalyst, boiler and silencer, which clean the exhaust gas from the engine. They will be explained in the following pages. SCRUBBER TECHNOLOGIES There are two different types of scrubber: the wet scrubber and the dry scrubber. This two scrubbers will be presented in this chapter. WET SCRUBBER The wet scrubber is divided in three different technologies: open loop seawater, closed loop freshwater and hybrid system. They are called “wet” because they use seawater directly or indirectly. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 35  Ecospec The controlling of SO2, NOx and CO2 emissions is mostly needed, when CSNOX is produced. The CSNOx effectively reduces the emission of all these three gases in one single process. The CSNOx technology has taken into consideration the space and storage constraints onboard. It is designed to fit into the most restricted engine room space available onboard most ships. The simplicity and non aggressive treatment nature of the CSNOx technology translate to best effective equipment and process cost. These provide the motivation for the ship owners to implement emission control. CSNOx Technology The system consists mainly of 5 subsystems: I. Seawater Intake System II. Spray Water System III. Abator Tower System IV. Wash Water System V. Exhaust Gas Monitoring System European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 36  I. Seawater Intake System The intake seawater Bio Fouling Control (BFC) system is a green technology for curbing the growth of marine organisms, such as barnacles. The system uses a specific varying Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) waveform to target certain marine organisms. It is an auxiliary system of CSNOx used for protecting the pipeline of the system. II. Spray Water System Booster Treatment System consists of three different components: • SO2 Absorption Enhancer (SAE) • Mineral Scale Control (MSC) • CO2 NOx Reducer (CNR) To utilize the ULF treated effect and in the process, improve the pH and the reaction capability of the treated seawater before it is channeled into the abator tower. Stage 1 Water system starts from the pumping of seawater from the intake of sea chest drawn in by suction pumps. The seawater passes through the SAE before being sprayed. This is shown in Fig. 7 and 8. pH Exciter System The pH Exciter (PHX) system through the use of ULF, conditioned the seawater before channeling it into the treatment tank to treat for the use for Stage 2 process. The conditioning of the seawater improves the water absorption capability and also controls scaling in the pipes. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 37  Water Treatment The purpose of the water treatment system is to scrub the flue gas in the abator tower efficiently. The water treatment system consists of the PHX system followed by the Ultra Low Frequency Electrolysis System (ULFELS). Through the use of ULF technology, the seawater is first treated by PHX system and directed into the ULFELS treatment tank whereby its pH is raised to between 9.2 and 9.5. The treated seawater is then pumped into the abator tower to remove the GHGs CO2 and NOx. A level sensor is also added into the water treatment system to control the water level in the ULFELS treatment tank. When the water level is higher than the sensor level, a signal will be sent from the level sensor to shut down the suction pump while the booster pump continues to drain the tank. A standby light will be lighted up during this period. When the water level drops to below the sensor level, the level sensor will turn on the suction pump to fill the ULFELS treatment tank. An indicator light will be lighted to show that the suction pump is switched on. Stage 2 Stage 2 water system starts from the in-line BFC system. The seawater intake pH quality is then monitored and a suction pump is used to pump the water through the PHX system before being channeled into the ULFELS treatment tank for further treatment. A water pressure booster pump is used to pump the ULFELS treated water through the MSC and CNR systems before it is directed into the abator tower. The quality of the ULFELS treated water is monitored just before it is pumped through the MSC and CNR systems and a pressure regulator is used to control the spray from the nozzle into the abator tower. This stage is for removing CO2 and NOx. Fig. 7: Stages 1 and 2 fitted in the ship [16] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 38  Fig. 8: Stages 1 and 2 of CSNOx Ecospec Scrubber Technology [16] III Abator Tower System Abator tower serves as a chamber for the reaction between SAE system treated or PHX and ULFELS treated water and exhaust gas removing the three gases from exhaust gas streams. IV Wash Water System The wash water treatment system is used for controlling the quality of water discharged into the sea. With this system in place, the discharged water will always have a pH of at least 6.5. This is to ensure that the CSNOx process is both improving the quality of the exhaust gas and enhancing the quality of the discharged water, protecting the marine eco-system. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 39  V Exhaust Gas Monitoring System The exhaust gas monitoring system is to observe gas composition, gas pressure, gas temperature and water level sensor. By analyzing the exhaust gas monitoring system parameters, like in Tab. 12 and 13, the change in the exhaust gas from inlet to outlet can be observed clearly. In the verifications, conducted onboard a 100000 ton oil tanker, at 50% gas load (equivalent to approximately 5 MW engine output), ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) issued a Statement of Fact on the performance of CSNOx system with the following results: Tab. 13: Removal efficiencies [16] Tab. 12: Wash water quality [16] The removal efficiencies of the CSNOx system allows vessels installed with CSNOx to continue using normal heavy fuel and yet meet the 0.1% Sulphur content, as required by the EU Directive effective from 1st January 2010. In other words, there is no need for vessel owners to convert to distillate fuel or modifying the fuel system for switching to distillate. The removal efficiency for NOx is the absolute reduction percentage. After translating this removal efficiency into the NOx emission requirement as per the Tier I, II or III requirements, the CSNOx system is able to remove NOx to such level that vessels installed with it are able to meet even the strictest Tier III requirement. Apart from meeting the SO2 and NOx requirements, there is no other cost effective system currently available to remove CO2 at the rate the CSNOx system is capable of. CSNOx truly is a cost-effective and efficient solution for solving the emission issues faced by the ship owners. In addition, the results also affirm CSNOx scalability and suitability for a normal ship’s operations. CSNOx is extremely efficient in removing SO2, NOx and CO2. Of significance is also the wash water quality, which met all IMO requirements with most parameters surpassing the strict criteria by a large margin. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 40  Hamworthy Krystallon Hamworthy is a market-leading global company providing specialist equipment and services to the marine, oil and gas and industrial sectors. Through a mix of market-led organic development and strategic acquisitions, Hamworthy has built a business that is now regarded as a global leader with enviable expertise, providing specialist equipment and service to a broad range of markets. Their key markets are marine oil and gas. Their marine markets are predominantly for the specialist ship types of oil and gas carriers and cruise ships, although they serve the entire merchant fleet with a wide range of equipment and services. For the oil and gas industry they support production facilities with systems that address issues of process efficiency and environmental compliance. Although they have a strong marine heritage, many of their products and systems naturally find industrial applications. Headquartered in Poole (UK), Hamworthy has design, development and production facilities in the UK, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Singapore, and a modern assembly plant in China. In addition, there are sales and service offices in Korea, China, USA, The Netherlands, Spain, India and the Middle East. Wherever they operate, they remain committed to continuous improvement and to their promise to always deliver. The scrubbing technology Hamworthy Krystallon has undertaken extensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies on a seawater scrubber installed on a 1MW auxiliary engine, on the ferry “The Pride of Kent”. Hamworthy Krystallon Seawater Scrubber technology will remove more than 98% of Sulphur from exhaust gas emissions along with the majority of PM from a 3.5% Sulphur residual European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 41  fuel, providing compliance under the equivalency section of the IMO regulations. It removes 70% or more of the PM of Carbon present in exhaust gas. The principle reaction is the neutralization of the SO2/SO42- by carbonates and other compounds existing in the wash water. The Hamworthy Krystallon Seawater Scrubber (shown in Fig. 9) is based on the same process used in their Inert Gas scrubbers for almost 50 years. The technology is suitable for both, new build and retrofit applications and is a simple, globally accepted and proven solution. The scrubbing process The carbonate/Bi-carbonate in seawater neutralizes the SO2 in the exhaust gas, in a three-stage scrubbing process. 1. Venturi section Fig. 9: Hamworthy Krystallon Scrubber 3D view [19] The exhaust gas enters the venturi section and is cooled down and saturated with a seawater spray. This seawater spray also provides an ejector effect, reducing the total pressure drop over the system. 2. Bubble plate The gas flow is turned upwards and led through a patented bubble plate arrangement, seen in Pic. 6. This creates a very turbulent mixing of the water and exhaust gas, wetting the particles and absorbing the SO2. The bubble plate is a unique technology that allows a higher gas velocity through the scrubber, which again leads to a smaller footprint, without an increase in pressure drop. Pic. 6: Bubble plate [20] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 42  3. Wet filter After the bubble plate there is a wet filter to polish remaining Sulphur from the gas and a demister to avoid carry-over of water droplets in the cleaned exhaust gas. In Fig. 10, a schematic of the seawater scrubber and its other different parts are presented. Fig. 10: Hamworthy Krystallon scrubbing circuit [21] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 43  Plume control A plume control situated after the scrubber avoids potential steam plume generation. A steam plume is harmless, but still undesirable. Wash water The wash water is monitored for pH, PAH (Hydrocarbons), turbidity and temperature when it is pumped up through the sea chest. It is then distributed to the venturi, bubble plate and wet filter sections. The discharge from the scrubber is passed through a hydrocyclone, either by natural gravity or via a booster pump and discharged overboard. The discharge is again monitored and compared to the intake measurements to make sure that it is in line with the discharge criteria. Sludge The particulate matter captured in the wash water is transferred to a small sludge tank. The collected sludge is categorized as being non-hazardous, but must be disposed to shore. Neutralization process The majority of neutralization is provided by carbonates in the seas, oceans, and coastal waters, however about 4.0% of the neutralization is provided by borates and other ions in low concentrations. The process of neutralization follows the following generally accepted paths. CO2, pH and carbonates are all related by the following three equations: 1. CO2 + H2O  H2CO3 (Carbonic Acid) 2. H2CO3  H+ + HCO3 - (Bicarbonate) 3. HCO3  H+ + CO32- (Carbonate) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 44  Addition of acids (increasing H+) shifts the equations to the left, which at the end leads to a release of one molecule of CO2 per proton added. CO2 evolution from the neutralization process Considering the reactions above in terms of relative SO2 evolution based upon one ton of marine heavy fuel oil with a global average 2.7% S content is as follows: 2.7% S = 27 kg Sulphur/ton of fuel and Sulphur (32 g/mol) = 843.75 Moles S 1 mole SO2 results in 1 mole H2O4 which has 2 protons, therefore creates 2 moles CO2 according to the equations above. The neutralization of Sulphur can produce 1687.5 moles CO2 = 74.25 kg CO2 if the equilibrium would be shifted all the way. Taking into account that about 4% of neutralization is undertaken by borates and other compounds the amount of carbonate alkalinity is thus only 96% of the neutralization process. Multiplying the CO2 evolution by this factor of 0.96 from a 100% carbonate process reduces the emission to 71.28 kg CO2. Hence one ton of 2.7% S fuel may evolve 71.28 kg of CO2 through a neutralization process with bicarbonates. Due to the reduction in bicarbonate, some protons will be consumed through reaction 3, producing more bicarbonate. The equilibrium constants are such that this reaction will only occur to a small extent, but this will nevertheless further reduce the amount of CO2 that will effectively be released. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 45  Marine Exhaust Solutions Marine Exhaust Solutions Inc. is part of the DME Group (Diversified Metal Engineering Ltd.) of companies. DME has grown into an international business with clients around the world. DME has recently formed a wholly owned subsidiary, Marine Exhaust Solutions Inc. (MES), which has spent the past six years in research, development and commercialization of an exhaust gas scrubbing technology for marine diesel engines. This technology is called the MES EcoSilencer®. DME equipment has been installed internationally in locations such as: USA, England, Ireland, Bermuda, Palestine, China, Japan, Colombia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Turkey, Brazil and more. The MES EcoSilencer® is a unique product that utilizes advances in seawater scrubbing to achieve dramatic reductions in SO2 emissions. EcoSilencer seawater scrubbing system is an economic solution which is saving millions of dollars in expected low Sulphur fuel cost premiums, and provides superior reduction rates for SO2 removal over switching to low Sulphur residual fuel. Up to 90% SO2 exhaust emissions reduction allow you to burn the maximum 4.5% Sulphur fuel and still surpass the regulated reduction to 1.5% Sulphur fuel. The system is compatible with any engine size from 100 kW to 100000 kW. It’s safe, reliable low maintenance, no reagents, no catalysts, no filters to replace or clean. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 46  Scrubbing technology  The principle of operation of EcoSilencer®, presented in Fig. 11, is based on using seawater as scrubbing medium for SO2, NOx, soot and particulate enters the removal. Overboard seawater (cooling water) system through a sea chest and a set of strainers and is pumped by seawater pump into Fig. 11: Marine Exhaust Solutions scrubbing technology circuit [22] a heat exchanger. through the After heat passing exchanger, the cooling water is discharged overboard. Before entering the heat exchanger, an amount of overboard seawater is directed into a separate water circulating system (scrubbing water). The scrubbing water is pumped through a bottom part of each installed EcoSilencer®. One EcoSilencer® is provided for each diesel engine. Inside each EcoSilencer® engine exhaust gas passes through a shallow bath of scrubbing seawater. In the process, SO2, NOx, soot and particulate are removed from the exhaust gas. After scrubbing process, the scrubbing water is pumped out from each EcoSilencer® through a water filtration plant where it passes through a series of primary and secondary hydrocyclones. Primary hydro-cyclones remove heavy fractions like soot particles and other solids. Secondary hydro-cyclones remove light fractions such as oils. Removed soot, solids and oils are diverted into a settling tank for further separation, by gravity and onshore disposal. After filtration, a portion of cleaned scrubbing water joins the cooling water line and is discharged overboard. The remaining portion of scrubbing water passes through the heat exchanger, which removes the excess heat from the scrubbing water, before returning back into the water circulating system. The engine size determines the size of the cooling and scrubbing water systems. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 47  Wärtsilä Wärtsilä is a global leader in complete lifecycle power solutions for the marine and energy markets. By emphasizing technological innovation and total efficiency, Wärtsilä maximizes the environmental and economic performance of the vessels and power plants of its customers. Wärtsilä enhances the business of its customers by providing integrated systems, solutions, and products that are efficient, economically, and environmentally sustainable for the marine industry. Being a technology leader in this field, and through the experience, know-how and dedication of their personnel, Wärtsilä is able to customize innovative and optimized lifecycle solutions to the benefit of their clients around the world. Wärtsilä supports its customers throughout the lifecycle of their installations by optimizing efficiency and performance. It provides a comprehensive portfolio of services and a good service network in the industry for both the power plant and marine markets. Wärtsilä committed to providing high quality, expert support as well as availability of services, wherever customers are, in an environmentally sound way. Closed Loop Freshwater scrubber system Water pH elevated with alkali sodium hydroxide ( NaOH ). After exhaust gas enters, streambi-Sulphur oxides are captured and neutralized by scrubbing water chemically forming sulfates. Cleaned exhaust gas exits, water and sulphides return to process collection tank. Closed loop works with freshwater to which NaOH is added for the neutralization of SOX. Closed loop scrubber technology (shown in Fig. 12) means zero discharge and its power requirement about ½ to 1% of the fuel consumption. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 48  Fig. 12: Closed Loop Freshwater scrubber system [15] Freshwater Makeup Freshwater compensates for losses from evaporation and bleed off extraction. depends conditions: Consumption on ambient seawater temperature, exhaust inlet temperature, and chloride content of water; generally about 0.1 m3/ MWh. Fig. 13 shows a freshwater Fig. 13: Freshwater Makeup [15] makeup. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 49  Seawater Cooling The seawater cooling, presented in Fig. 14, minimizes freshwater vapor entrapment by cleaned exhaust gases exiting the scrubber to reduce both, plume opacity and freshwater consumption. Cooling does not impact Sulphur removal efficiency from exhaust gases. Fig. 14: Seawater Cooling [15] Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) Unit NaOH is added to the scrubbing water to boost pH and improve Sulphur oxide removal efficiency. Typical 50% concentration of NaOH (Sodium hydroxide, alkaline or caustic soda) is used as alkali. Input data for alkali feed control are Sulphur content and engine load. Alkali consumption depends on concentration level, engine power, fuel Sulphur percentage level and desired SOx reduction. Fig. 15 demonstrates a Sodium hydroxide unit. Fig. 15: Sodium Hydroxide NaOH Unit [15] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 50  Water Treatment A small bleed off passes through the water treatment unit (shown in Fig. 16) containing traces of oil and combustion products at neutral pH. Effluent is cleaned from the bleed off, is monitored, and discharged to the sea if satisfactory. Sludge impurities are placed into a holding tank for future disposal in qualified shore side treatment facility. Fig. 16: Water treatment [15] CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION Sulphurous acid and Bisulphite ion produce dissolution in water. SO2 forms the hydrate SO2, H2O or sulphurous acid H2SO3, which dissociates rapidly to form the bisulphite ion HSO3 which in turn oxidized to sulfate. SO2 (gas)  SO2 (aq) + H2O  H2SO3 H2SO3  H+ + HSO3H+ + HSO3-  2H+ + SO3 2Each molecule of neutralized Sulphur will release protons. At seawater pH: 80% SO32- and 20% HSO3This is represented in Gra. 1. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 51  Gra. 1: Percentage of total sulphurious acid vs. pH [15] Alkalinity Alkalinity reflects the ability to react with acids and neutralize them. Total Alkalinity (AT) [HCO3-]T + 2·[CO32-]T+ [OH-]T-[H+]SWS-[HSO4-]+[B(OH)4-]T+2·[PO43-]T+[HPO42-]T+[SiO(OH)3-]T When acid is added to high alkalinity water, the pH of water decreases and the buffering capacity is used (referred to Gra. 2 and 3). - slow pH decrease to 6. - rapid drop from pH 6 to 5.5. - weak buffering capacity from pH 5.5 to 4.5. - buffering capacity used at pH 4.5, no alkalinity left. Gra. 2: Sulphur reduction vs. pH [15] Alkaline power reduces as neutralization starts. It is then controlled by adjusting flow in seawater scrubbers, or adjusting caustic quantity in freshwater scrubbers. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 52  Gra. 3: Efficiency and pH vs. Time in Scrubber [15] Ocean absorbs 7300 million tons CO2 each year. In seawater, dissolved CO2 and carbonates are related as follows: Addition of sulphuric acid shift the above chemical equations to the left hence, releasing some molecules of CO2 for each Sulphur element. Gra. 4 shows relative abundance of carbonic acid, bicarbonate ion and carbonate ion in seawater. At seawater pH: European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 53  Gra. 4: Relative abundance of carbonic acid, bicarbonate ion and carbonate ion in seawater [15] The hydration of sulphuric acid is thermodynamically favorable (∆H = 880 kJ/mol). The affinity of sulphuric acid for water is sufficiently strong that it will take hydrogen and oxygen atoms out of other compounds: In freshwater scrubbers, SO2 is binded to a salt and consequently does not react with natural bicarbonate of seawater. There is no release of CO2. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 54  Ships without seawater Scrubber Residual fuel 2.7% S is equivalent to 9,5 Mt/y S for a shipping consumption of 350 million tons/year. A ship without any scrubber technology produces 19 Mt SO2 to the seas. It means an ocean naturally absorbs 7300 million tons CO2 each year and 2,7% S from stack creates 19 million tons CO2/year at sea. Ships with seawater Scrubber On the other hand, it needs 2-3% extra power to run with this technology. Seawater scrubber reduces Sulphur from stack down to 0,1% S. Total CO2 created with seawater scrubber is also ~19,3 Mt CO2/year. Ships with Freshwater Scrubber Freshwater scrubber technology needs 1% extra power and also reduces Sulphur from stack down to 0,1% S (represented in Gra. 5). No CO2 is created in scrubber or at effluent discharge. Gra. 5: Sulphur and CO2 scrubber technologies comparison [15] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 55  Aalborg Industries The headquarters of Aalborg Industries is located in the city of Aalborg in Denmark and traces its history as a boiler engineering and manufacturing company back to 1919. From its origins as part of Aalborg Shipyard, Aalborg Industries grew to supplying marine boilers to other shipyards internationally and developed a business within supply and service of industrial and power station boilers. Since the late 1960s, Aalborg Industries has carried out boiler service around the world and opened its first subsidiary abroad in 1978. In the past decade, additional resources have been invested in strengthening the company's expertise in service and equipment supply for Floating Production Systems (the offshore market). In recent decades, Aalborg Industries has acquired several leading marine equipment companies and a couple of industrial companies. Today, Aalborg Industries is the world's leading marine boiler engineering company and manufacturer and a major supplier of inert gas systems, thermal fluid systems, and shell and tube heat exchangers. Scrubber technology Sulphur removal rate is >98% and PM trapping up to 80%. Aalborg Industries scrubber, shown in Fig. 17, is able to clean the exhaust gas from ship main engines, auxiliary and boilers by scrubbing the exhaust gas in an open loop with seawater or a closed loop with freshwater. Due to its hybrid functions it provides a unique modular and flexible design with the highest degree of operational flexibility. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 56  The hybrid system operates with seawater in an open loop and freshwater in a closed loop. At open sea, the system operates with seawater. In harbours and ECTAs the system can operate with freshwater, without generating any significant amount of sludge to be handled at port calls. Energy consumption is between 0.2 to 1.4% of engine power depending on the solution choice. Optimal solution depends on available space, water temperature, water alkalinity, ship route, fuel price, NaOH price and legislative requirements. Fig. 17: Scrubber process from Aalborg Industries [17] Main scrubbing process In the first stage of the scrubbing process, the heat up to 350°C exhaust gas is utilised by cooling it to 160-180°C in an exhaust gas economiser (optional) as opposed to just wasting the heat. In the second stage, the exhaust gas is treated in a special ejector where it is further cooled by injection of water and where the majority of the soot particles in the exhaust gas will be removed. In the third stage, the exhaust gas is led through an absorption duct where it is sprayed with water and thus cleaned of the remaining Sulphur dioxide. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 57  Seawater scrubbing process In the open circuit, as demonstrated in Fig. 18, the seawater goes through a pump directly into the scrubber together with the exhaust gas. In the scrubber, the exhaust gas is cleaned by plastic balls of 90 mm diameter. The dirty seawater is led directly through the sea. Fig. 18 Open Loop Scrubber process from Aalborg Industries [17] Freshwater Scrubber Freshwater clogged with NaOH coming from a buffer tank is cooled before going into the scrubber. After the exhaust gas is scrubbed, the water goes back to the buffer tank, where it is cleaned by a filter. The black water goes through a sludge tank, the cleaned water is used again. This process is illustrated in Fig. 19. Advantages: Possibility to increase the pH, significant less discharge water to clean, no corrosion. Disadvantages: Costs, bunkering, and storage of NaOH. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 58  Chemical Reaction NaOH + SO2(g) + 1/2O2(g)  Na+ + HSO4- + H2O Fig. 19: Freshwater scrubbing process [17] Switch between Freshwater and Seawater in sensitive areas Fig. 20: Hybrid system in sensitive areas [17] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 59  Switch between FW and SW at open Sea At the open sea, the accumulated water of the tank is slowly removed back to the sea (referred to Fig. 20), having no NaOH consumption. Tank is slowly filled up again to prepare for the arrival at sensitive areas (shown in Fig. 21 and 22). The whole process appears in Fig. 23. Fig. 21: Removing accumulation Hybrid System [17] Fig. 22: Refilling tank Hybrid System [17] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 60  Fig. 23: Aalborg Industries scrubbing circuit [18] Energy consumption [%] The energy consumption is listed next in Tab. 14. Tab. 14: FW and SW energy consumption (%) [17] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 61  Ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg DRY SCRUBBER The dry scrubber is the only technology not using seawater for its cleaning process; it uses calcium hydroxide granulate instead. Couple Systems In first place DryEGCS is considered technologically, with reference to its basic operating mode, procedural setup, consumption of materials and production of residues. Investment and operating costs are then highlighted, in terms of the environmental impact of the technology. These considerations will be embedded within a Strength-Weakness-Analysis. Basic Principle of Desulphurization The large-scale proven method for the desulphurization of flue gases is nowadays in general based on absorptive processes. Lime based materials, such as Calcium carbonate (CaCO3), burnt lime (CaO) or hydrated lime [Ca(OH)2], are normally used. In principle it would be possible to use water as an absorbing agent, but the solubility of SO2 in water is quite low (maximum 35 m³ SO2 in 1 m³ water at 20°C and 1 atm pressure). Because of this low physical solubility of SO2 in water, which decreases at lower pH-values, alkaline reacting solutions such as limestone suspensions are used to react with acidic components of the flue gas to finally result in chemical absorption. Beside this limestone suspension-based so-called wet desulphurization process, dry processes utilizing limestone or Calcium hydroxide are also established broadly on the market. During the direct desulphurization process, limestone is used in the combustion chambers at temperatures between 850 and 1100 °C, and the limestone decomposes according to equation: CaCO3 → CaO + CO2 (1) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 62  The evolving burnt lime reacts with SO2 according to equation (2), in an exothermic process to produce calcium Sulfate. CaO + SO2 + ½ O2 → CaSO4 + 500 kJ/mol (2) This process is preferred for fluid bed combustions. In small and medium-sized combustion plants, dry and semi-dry processes based on Calcium hydroxide are particularly well established because of the lower capital costs, operating safety and the smaller floor space requirement compared with wet processes. These units are operated at temperatures between 80 °C and 250 °C, based on the fact that as much as possible of the available thermal power in the exhaust gas is used for generating steam. The lower the operating temperature the more exhaust gas heat can be used, especially if the combustion unit is used as a combined heat and power unit. For this reason, low temperatures are preferred. The selected operating temperature depends on the first place of the concentration of the acidic exhaust gas components SO2, HCl and HF, as well as on the concentration of the hygroscopic salts formed within the absorbers. For temperatures below the dehydration temperature the reaction step for Calcium hydroxide with SO2 can be described as follows: Ca(OH)2 + SO2 → CaSO3 + H2O (3) Aside from this, other reactions are also taking place, see also: Ca(OH)2 + SO2 + ½ O2 → CaSO4 + H2O (4) Ca(OH)2 + SO3 → CaSO4 + H2O (5) This means that during the absorption of Sulphur oxides, Calcium sulfite and Calcium sulfate are generated. The absorption of Sulphur oxides can also be conducted beyond the above mentioned temperature range. Above the dehydration temperature, the reaction can be described as follows, due to a preferred oxidation of the SO2 through water: CaO + SO2 + H2O + ½ O2 → CaSO4 + H2O (6) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 63  The upper temperature level of 250 °C is limited by the maximum operating temperature of fabric filters which are generally used in dry desulphurization processes. Mehlmann, in his dissertation of 1988, explored the effectiveness of lime products over the temperature range between 150 and 500°C, and also between 850 and 1200°C. In both cases it was obvious that with increasing reaction temperature the reaction velocity also increases. The results in the temperature range 150° to 500 °C are especially significant for the DryEGCS as the desulphurization of the diesel engine exhaust gas is supposed to be operated at approximately 320 °C. Process Description The present study basically deals with the question of exhaust gas desulphurization of ship diesel engines. The removal of nitrogen oxides by utilizing the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) is considered only in terms of the combination of an SCR with the DryEGCS process. It is assumed that separation of diesel soot particles is taking place simultaneously in the DryEGCS (see Fig. 26). The absorber utilized within the DryEGCS process is designed by the company Hellmich GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, and is operated with calcium hydroxide granulates Ca(OH)2. For a fundamental description (see Fig. 24), the exhaust gas enters the multistage absorber sidewise, and flows horizontally through the bulk layer made of granulates. The granulate is loaded into the absorber from the top, discharged at the bottom and transported into the residue silo. A two stage construction is planned for the exhaust gas cleaning. The granulate material of stage 1 is discharged at the bottom into a sieve drum and fed into stage 2. If both stages are installed side by side the discharging speed can be adjusted separately for both stages. If required (i.e. due to particle load of the exhaust gas) the granulate of the first stage can be discharged faster. This explains as well, why the fixed bed cascade absorber can simultaneously take over the function of a Fig. 24: Operating principle of the DryEGCS absorber [23] diesel particle precipitator. The solid fraction separated in the sieve drum is also discharged to the residue silo. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 64  The exhaust gas is fed in and discharged out of the absorber through triangle-shaped cascade channels. The channels are reciprocally closed at the housing wall, so that the exhaust gas is forced to find its way through the granulate material layer. The remaining time of the exhaust gas within the layer equals approximately 3.7 seconds over both stages, at an assumed porosity of 38%. The stocking container for fresh Ca(OH)2 is integrated into the first stage of the absorber by elongating the housing at the top. Ballast tanks within the ship will be used for storing the residue. As shown in Fig. 25, the DryEGCS will be installed directly downstream of the turbo charger at an exhaust gas temperature of approximately 240°C to 350°C. Fig. 25: Flow chart of the desulphurization plant (Hellmich) [23] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 65  Fig. 26: Three-dimensional view of the DryEGCS absorber in a one-stage design [23] Consumables The desulphurization unit requires, aside from electrical energy, only Ca(OH)2 in the shape of spherical granulate (see Fig. 27). This product comes from Märker Kalk, located at Harburg and Schwaben, Germany. The Ca(OH)2 is usually distributed as a powder and thus not useable in a fixed bed cascade absorber. Märker Zementwerke managed to develop and produce a granulate on a large scale, meeting the requirements of a fixed bed absorber for its hardness and abrasion resistance. Calcium carbonate granulates and Calcium carbonate split (CaCO3) have been available for a long time, and were used by Hellmich for many years in industrial applications such as brick kilns. At the chosen operating temperature of approximately 300 °C, CaCO3 shows a significantly lower reactivity for SO2 compared with Ca(OH)2. For this reason 5% Ca(OH)2 is added to the CaCO3-split in order to increase the reactivity for Sulphur oxides. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 66  Fig. 27: Calcium hydroxide granulates [23] Calcium hydroxide granulate, produced in the Harburg plant, had a capacity of 12000 t in 2010, depending on the growth of the market. Now, in 2011, the minimum capacity is 20000 t. Residues The desulphurization unit discharges only loaded absorbing granulate. It is planned to store this residue in the ballast tanks of the ships. The DryEGCS is dimensioned very conservative, in order to safely achieve the separation efficiency. That means that Hellmich designs the units, in such a way that the loading capacity of the Calcium hydroxide granulates is well below maximum. For the first units, a loading of only 60% is planned, which means that the absorption material still has a wide margin of remaining capacity for desulphurization. Thus, it is intended to exploit the loaded granulate together with the fuel sludge in the combustion process of power plants. There, the granulate can fully react and be utilized for the desulphurization of the utility exhaust gas at high temperature. The carbon containing residues of the fuel sludge can substitute for fossil fuel. It is assumed that this disposal route will be cost neutral. Alternatively the residues can be used as mine filling, like those of dry absorption units in waste incinerators have been handled for years. In this case, costs of approximately $100/t have to be reckoned with (statement by Texocon, Potsdam, 09/2008). As soon as Couple Systems has practical experiences from shipping, it can be assumed that the consumption of absorber granulates and the amount of residue can be reduced. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 67  Environmental Impact The DryEGCS of Couple Systems removes at least 80% of the Sulphur dioxides contained in the exhaust gas, and turns it into a resource value (utilization in power plant) or revokes it from the biosphere (mine filling). There is no way that transmission of the pollutants into the hydrosphere can take place. The only residue produced can be utilized in combination with the fuel sludge in the power industry, or as mine filling. During the use in a power plant, the Sulphur is normally converted into gypsum. Thereby, 75% of the Sulphur oxides emitted by the operation of ship engines is extracted from the crucial environmental compartments, namely the atmosphere, hydrosphere and the upper lithosphere. Particles carried in the engine exhaust gas, and particularly fine-sized particles, are largely precipitated in the DryEGCS, and thus also revoked from the above mentioned environments. The energy consumption used for the operation of the system has a negligible value of 0.006 kW per kW engine power. The granulated Calcium hydroxide absorbing matter has a high energy requirement during the production process, and thus also contributes to the CO2 load (calcination of limestone at 850°C and the thermal treatment of the granulates with fossil energy carrier). During the lime burning, in addition to the chemical reaction according to equation (1), CO2 is separated. During the manufacturing process of the granulate material a gas-fired dryer is needed and this generates further CO2 loads. This disadvantage has to be paid with the higher price for the Ca(OH)2 absorption material, as opposed to limestone (CaCO3). The exhaust gas temperature of the desulphurization unit exceeds significantly the dew point temperature. A reheating of the exhaust gas is therefore not required, as is the case with wet scrubbers. In the event, that catalytic NOx removal system has to be considered. This unit can be installed directly behind the exhaust gas desulphurization unit. An energy intensive reheating is then not needed, and a smaller catalyst can be installed with a higher operational life time (saving of energy and resources for the manufacturing of a catalyst). European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 68  The following table (Tab. 15) compares the advantages and disadvantages of the DryEGCS. Strength • Robust and simple system • Long-term proven technology • No transmission of pollutants into the biosphere components • No aerosol formation • Recyclable residues downstream without reheating • Combined particle precipitation granulate • No examination of sewage quality required • Low energy consumption Weakness • Additional cost for absorbents • Availability of absorbents • No reference on board of a vessel • Capacity plant engineering • Space requirement of the unit • Chemical-physical function intrinsically • Limited supplier market for absorbents • Yet not SCC certified • No corrosion of downstream installed exhaust gas • No directly comparable reference on land • Feasibility to install a small SCR catalyst based on trial results Tab. 15: Strength-Weakness [23] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 69  SCR SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION The method of converting the harmful nitrogen oxide emissions (NOx) into harmless nitrogen gas (N2) and water (H2O), with the help of a catalytic reaction, is called Selective Catalytic Reduction or SCR. A gaseous reductant, typically anhydrous ammonia, aqueous ammonia or urea, is added to a stream of flue or exhaust gas, and is absorbed onto a catalyst. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a reaction product when urea is used as the reductant. Selective catalytic reduction of NOx using ammonia as the reducing agent was patented in the United States by the Englehard Corporation in 1957. Development of SCR technology continued in Japan and the US in the early 1960s with research focusing on less expensive and more durable catalyst agents. The first large scale SCR was installed by the IHI Corporation in 1978. The emission of nitrogen oxide compounds has long been the focus of health professionals and regulatory agencies worldwide. In many locations, regulations require stringent reductions of NOx levels for new equipment installations and retrofit of existing installations. SCR reduces NOx by 70-95% The chemical reaction (Fig. 28) is: 4NO + 4NH3 + O2 → 4N2 + 6H2O 2NO2 + 4NH3 + O2 → 3N2 + 6H2O NO + NO2 + 2NH3 → 2N2 + 3H2O Fig. 28: Main chemical reaction [24] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 70  The following diagramm (Fig. 29) represents the process of the exhaust gas cleaning system by the SCR. Fig. 29: Normal catalytic flow chart [25] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 71  Johnson Mattey Johnson Matthey is involved in the supply of catalysts (see Fig. 31) to control pollutant emissions since the late 1960s, when catalyst technology was used to control stack emissions from nitric acid plants in North America. A global leader in catalytic systems for emissions control, Johnson Matthey Emission Control Technologies has 15 manufacturing sites and 9 technology centers around the world. Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR Catalyst) There are two main classes of SCR system, defined by the source of the reductant used. These are ammonia-SCR (of which urea-SCR is the most common) and hydrocarbon-SCR (lean NOx reduction). Ammonia SCR Johnson Matthey can offer coated and extruded catalysts, seen in Fig. 30. Ammonia-SCR systems react ammonia (NH3) with the NOx to form nitrogen (N2) and water (H2O). There are three reaction pathways: 4NH3 + 4NO + O2 → 4N2 + 6H2O 2NH3 + NO + NO2 → 2N2 + 3H2O 8NH3 + 6NO2 → 7N2 + 12H2O Fig. 30: Operating window [26] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 72  Any source of ammonia can be used, but most commonly the source is an aqueous solution of urea. This decomposes in the exhaust stream in two stages to form ammonia and carbon dioxide (CO2): NH2C(O)NH2 → HNCO + NH3 ↓ HNCO + H2O → CO2 + NH3 Fig. 31: Johnson Mattey catalyst [26] Coated SCR Catalyst Johnson Matthey's coated SCR catalysts have proven performance and durability, giving 80% NOx conversion over more than 120000km. Hydrocarbon-SCR Hydrocarbon-SCR (lean NOx reduction) systems use hydrocarbons as the reductant. The hydrocarbon may be that occurring in the exhaust gas (raw) or it may be added to the exhaust gas. This has the advantage that no additional reductant source need to be carried but these systems cannot offer the performance of ammonia-SCR systems. The reaction pathways depend on the hydrocarbon used but the following describes the total reaction in the system, also shown in Gra. 6. HC + NOx → N2 + CO2 + H2O Two alternative HC-SCR systems are available, with different operating temperature Gra. 6: Catalyst Performance with Hydrocarbons [27] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 73  Hug Engineering Hug Engineering's core business is the development, manufacturing, engineering, sales and servicing of exhaust gas purification systems. The company has been providing standard solutions to its customers for more than 25 years. Because of innovation and know-how, Hug Engineering has become one of the world leaders in the area of diesel particle filters and catalytic exhaust after treatment for stationary and mobile applications. 1983: Founded by H.T. Hug as a one man engineering company 1986: Started out with SCR-DeNOx for large Diesel and Gas Engines 1994: Developed combined DPF and SCR systems 2002: Entered the market of smaller mobile engines 2005: Entered the market with small DPF-Systems for applications from 5 - 600kW 2008: Over 250 Employees over the world, Turnover > € 80 M. Selective Catalytic NOx Reduction (SCR) DeNOx The nitrogen oxide passes through honeycomb-patterned convertors with a fine cell structure. The nitrogen oxides react with the reactant on the active surface of the convertor and are reduced to water and nitrogen, as illustrated in Fig. 32. Fig. 32: Chemical reaction of Hug Engineering [28] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 74  Hug Engineering catalysts reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbon (HC) in exhausts deriving from internal combustion engines and turbines. SCR can be put on engine from 5-20MW with many operation hours (1000-3000h per year). The expected life span is 10-30 years. The SCR has a 32-40% urea/water solution. The urea dosing engine is independent. The NOx conversation is up to 70-90% and there are no secondary emissions (NO2) permitted. There are two different reductants used: Nauticlean    Particulate filter systems Particulate filter DeNOx systems DeNOx systems All Nauticlean systems are suitable for engines and generators of 200-5000kW. The particulate filter system efficiently reduces the emitted particles and removes them to more than 99%. The particulate filter DeNOx System reduces the dangerous nitrogen oxides (NOx) as well as the soot particles up to 97%. Safety of the systems in ships and yachts is main priority. Nauticlean is recognized and certified by leading classification societies and ensures high security at sea. It is suitable for both new and retrofit applications even if there limited space is available. Nauticlean complies with the regional exhaust emission standards and legislations issued by harbour authorities. Features:     Effective removal of particles in excess of 99% Effective removal of nitrogen oxides up to 97% Certified by current standards and directives (Lloyd's Register, Germanischer Lloyd) Minimum space required – partly replaces the silencers European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 75  Marine High-sea ships, offshore supply ships, inland ships, passenger ships and ferries all produce NOx-gases. The marine system, especially developed by Hug Engineering AG for this range of applications, can abate the dangerous nitrogen oxides (NOx). It consists of:    SCR catalysts (Pic. 7) Dosing system for the reactant Control system Pic. 7: Catalyst of Hug Engineering [29] Depending on the Sulphur content in the fuel, the size and construction of the exhaust abatement system varies. The Marine DeNOx System is particularly suitable for engines using Heavy Fuel Oil. As opposed to other systems on the market, it produces significantly less SO3. With a high Sulphur content this will result in visible blue exhaust smoke. At the same time, undesirable deposits on downstream heat exchangers due to high SO3 content can also be avoided. For vessels using Marine Diesel there is a new EA-Series available. It is a very compact system, low in weight and appropriate where space is limited. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 76  H+H H+H delivered more than 650 SCR systems on 182 vessels till now, with customers all around the world in more than 20 countries. At the moment, the company has the leading position in the SCR Marine Market. SCR means a high efficient NOx reduction combined with HC reduction, soot reduction and sound attenuation. 1998 - Foundation of L+H Katalysatoren- und Umwelttechnik GmbH, headquarters at Wiesbaden by Alexander Hommen. Take over and assistance of the Didier Werke AG´s customers at Wiesbaden – field of Exhaust Gas Treatment. Focus activities of the company were SCR for cogeneration plants. 2007 -The NOx-tax is introduced in Finland. The sensibilization for environmental protection is also considerably increasing both for population and industry, bringing more and more inquiries for SCR Systems in Europe, Asia and also in Dubai. With more than 80 SCR-Systems, H+H can in the meantime be considered as one of the leaders in the SCR technology for marine applications. The foundation of H+H Engineering & Service GmbH has been established with headquarters at Sonnefeld/Franconia. Managing partners of H+H GmbH are Hartmut Ritter and Jürgen Müller. 2008 - New extension of sales contract with Süd-Chemie AG for more European countries. H+H SCR technology is able to remove the NOx particles up to 0,5-2g/KW remaining NOx by now, which is below the IMO 3. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 77  Fig. 33: H+H SCR chemical reaction [30] SCR Principle process As represented in Fig. 33, the principle process consists in three main steps: 1. Injection of Urea Solution (CO (NO2)2 + H2O) 2. Conversion of Urea to Ammonia (NH3) 3. Reduction of NOx with Ammonia (NOx + NH3 + O2  N2 + H2O) Result: Nitrogen and Water Main SCR Component  Honeycomb (Pic. 8) catalysts based on TiO2 Full extrudate Further components: WO3, V2O5  Choice of catalyst geometry, shown in Pic. 9, depending on exhaust gas conditions  High activity and mechanical stability as well as long operating times → Low investment and operating costs Pic. 8: Honeycomb modul [30] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 78  Pic. 9: H+H SCR catalyst [30] Gra. 7: Temperature at different Sulphur contents [30] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 79  Features Performance: NOx Reduction: HC Reduction: Soot Reduction: Sound Attenuation: 90-98% 80-90% 20-30% 10-35dB(A) 280-510°C MDO/MGO/HFO 30-50 €/kW 6-8 €/kW Operation: Temp. (Gra. 7): Fuel: Specific Costs: Invest cost: Running cost: Reduction: 0.6815 kg NOx Reduction with 1 l urea 15 l/h urea / MW engine power for 90% NOx reduction Consumption: per 100 l/h fuel oil → 7 l/h urea 40% European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 80  Diesel Emission Control D.E.C. Marine specializes in construction of SCR - Selective Catalytic Reduction systems for marine applications. It is based in Göteborg and supply SCR installations for marine applications world-wide. Exclusively developed for marine diesel engines, fully automatic and characterized by low complexity, high efficiency, long service life and a compact design. Features: NOx reduction up to 99% • Also reduction of (HC) • Can be combined with Oxidation catalyst for CO reduction. • After treatment – easily adopted to various diesel engines (see Fig. 34). • DEC has delivered SCR system to > 200 marine diesel engines on 48 ships Fig. 34: DEC catalyst [31] The following table (Tab. 16) lists the different costs of the DEC SCR. Tab. 16: DEC costs [31] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 81  Miratech Corporation Miratech Corporation is one of the leaders of advanced emissions solutions for Marine Engine applications. The company delivers high quality sales and customer service and provides the clients with expert knowledge, training, as well as service after sales. The line of Marine emissions products meet regulatory requirements with solutions for workboat applications such as tows, ferries, dredges, tugs, and yachts, to gen-sets on blue water vessels. The company provides breakthrough technology that incorporates NSCR, SCR or Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) systems for 4-cycle and 2-cycle diesel engines. SCR Catalyst The combination of an Oxidation Catalyst with MIRATECH SCR provides the complete lean-burn compliance package. In the following figure (Fig. 35), the chemical reaction is demonstrated. Fig. 35: Miratech chemical reaction [25] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 82  The Miratech SCR system (Fig. 36) is a good option to operate a lean-burn gas or diesel industrial engine and has a complex emission challenge with the following pollutants:     Nitrogen oxide (NOx) Carbon monoxide (CO) Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) The SCR systems advanced urea reactant injection control assures emission compliance, while allowing the engine to run harder, longer and with greater flexibility. Fig. 36: Miratech flow chart [25] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 83  Bosch Emissions Robert Bosch GmbH is a technology-based corporation that was founded by Robert Bosch in Stuttgart, in 1886. Robert Bosch GmbH is the world's largest supplier of automobile components, developing other industry fields as well. The Bosch headquarters are in Gerlingen, near Stuttgart. The Bosch Group comprises more than 320 subsidiary companies. The SCR catalytic converter Denoxtronic The SCR catalytic converter represents a technological advance which fulfils the demands for economical and clean-running engines. The SCR operates with the reduction agent AdBlue. SCR catalytic converters can be used alone or in combination with a particulate filter, which is not yet available as standard equipment for commercial transports. A central part of the system is the Denoxtronic reduction-agent metering system from Bosch. At present, the SCR catalytic converter is being prepared for series introduction with a number of different commercial transport manufacturers. 1. Denoxtronic delivery module. 2. AdBlue tank. 3. Filter. 4. Temperature sensor. 5. ADBlue lebel sensor. 6. Dosing sontrol unit DCU. 7. Actuators. 8. Sensors. 9. Engine CAN. 10. Diagnosis CAN. 11. AdBlue dosing module. 12. Exhaust sensor. 13. Oxidation catalytic converter. 14. SCR catalytic converter. 15. Slip catalytic converter. Fig. 37: Bosch Emissions flow chart [32] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 84  Denoxtronic In the SCR process, as shown in Fig. 37, the reduction agent AdBlue is mixed into the exhaust gas. Suitably prepared, the Ad-Blue is fed into the exhaust-gas flow upstream of the SCR catalytic converter. This is where the ammonia required for the subsequent reaction is produced from the urea. In a second step, the ammonia transforms the nitrous oxides of the exhaust gas in the SCR catalytic converter into water and nitrogen. The second generation injects the AdBlue into the exhaust system without the need of compressed air. Both systems are used, in particular, in heavy commercial transports, in order to reduce nitrous oxides downstream of the engine (see Pic. 10). Pic. 10: 1.Hauling Modul. - 2. Charging Modul. - 3. Dosing Control Unit. [32] AdBlue is a stable, non-flammable, colorless fluid containing 32.5% urea which is not classified as hazardous to health and does not require any special handling precautions. It is made to internationally-recognized standards. Urea is used as an artificial fertilizer and is found in products such as cosmetics. The consumption of AdBlue is typically 3-4% of fuel consumption for a Euro IV engine, and 5-7% for a Euro V engine, depending on operating and loading conditions. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 85  The following table (Tab. 17) lists the technical data of the Bosch SCR. Technical Description Injection amount min/max Drop size Life Span Hauling Modul Charging Modul Dosing Contro Unit Start/Stop cycle Heating Concept Operational Voltage Interface AdBlue Electric/Hauling Modul Electric/Charging Modul Dimension Hauling Modul Dimension Charging Modul Injection pipe between Hauling and Charging Modul: Length and bore diameter Application Range Emission Target MD/HD/OHW EURO 5/6, US10, JPNLT, Tier 4, Stage 4 Tab. 17: Bosch SCR technical description 36/7200 g/h at 9 bar  75 m Sauter Mean Diameter 30000h 24000h 30000h 100000 Electric/cooling water 12V/24V Plastics SAE J2044 3/8” and 5/16” TYCO 12pin Bosch compact 100 x 60 x 110 mm 220 x 209 x 134 mm  10m 3…6 mm European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 86  BOILER The purpose of the boiler (Fig. 38) is to heat water (or other fluid) to obtain a higher pressure on the engine. The pressure vessel is usually made of steel. In live steam models, copper or brass is often used because it is more easily fabricated in smaller size boilers. The source of heat for a boiler is combustion of any of several fuels, such as wood, coal, oil, or natural gas. There are two different configurations for a boiler: Fire-tube boiler or Water-tube boiler. Fig. 38: Standard boiler [33] The Fire-tube boiler, illustrated in Fig. 39, is composed of tubes of hot gases running through a sealed container of water. Most of the time, the Water-tube boiler Fig. 39: Fire-tube boiler [34] configuration is used on ships. In this type, the water tubes are arranged inside a furnace in a number of possible configurations: often the water tubes connect large drums, the lower ones containing water and the upper ones, steam and water; in other cases, such as a mono-tube boiler, water is circulated by a pump through a succession of coils. This type generally gives high steam production rates, but less storage capacity than the above. Watertube boilers, shown in Fig. 40, can be designed to exploit any heat source and are generally preferred in high pressure applications since the high pressure steam is contained within small diameter pipes which can withstand the pressure with a thinner wall. Fig. 40: Water-tube boiler [35] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 87  The following is a list of boiler suppliers:  Aalborg Industries  Mitsubishi Heavy Industries  Kangrim  Garioni Naval  Chromalox European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 88  SILENCER The purpose of the Exhaust Gas Silencer, presented in Fig. 41, is to reduce the sound level with the absorption principle for high frequencies or reflection principle for low frequencies. The absorption principle Fig. 41: Exhaust Gas Silencer [36] Absorption silencers (Fig. 42) use a cavity packed with heat-resistant compressible fibers to damp the pressure waves. This type of silencer is also known as a straight through silencer because in many cases it consists of a single perforated tube surrounded by a body containing the fibers. Absorption silencers are more effective at dealing with high frequency (500-8000 Hz) pulses. In many cases reflection and absorption principles are combined within a single unit. The force depends on geometry of perforation, sound absorption coefficient and apparent density of material. The noise reduction with the absorption principle is about 50dB from the loss maximal, which is a loss of sound pressure. Fig. 42: Absorption principle silencer section [37] The reflection principle Reflection, as its name suggests, involves reflecting pressure waves against a fixed surface so that the reflected wave interferes with the original wave and partially cancels it out. For this European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 89  reason a reflection silencer is also known as an interference silencer. A reflection silencer (Fig. 43) consists of several chambers which are connected by tubes protruding into the chambers. Reflection silencers are usually chosen where reducing low frequency noise is the priority and hence they are widely used in heavy duty sectors. Fig. 43: Reflection principle silencer section [37] The following is a list of silencer suppliers:          HUSS []  Lindenberg []  LS Luhe-Stahl [] Silencer Marine [] Vetus [] Taylor [] Universal [] Kaefer [] Maxim [] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 90  FUNNEL Removal of smoke and exhaust gas identification of the ship-owner company direct the smoke up in the air to disturb nobody, bypass the friction resistance and do not foul the decks and ship structures. Appendage Very high funnel fins turbulate the exhaust gas and guide it to the horizontal direction. Process The inner gas is warm and therefore has a lower weight than the cold air outside. So the gas moves up through the funnel pipe. There is a room with less air pressure, where the cold air is conducted. Gauge pressure is about 0.0009-0.0015 bar, depends on the resistance. Funnel area The required funnel cross-sectional area, illustrated in Fig. 44, is determined by the volume of exhaust gases produced by the propulsion plant. Early steam vessels needed multiple funnels, but as efficiency has increased, new machinery needs fewer funnels. Fig. 44: Example of a funnel [18] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 91  CHAPTER II: EGCS ARRANGEMENTS This chapter is about a presentation of the different technologies of scrubbers and SCRs, and their technical drawings. Therefore, each kind of ship (container, cruise and tug) will have a general description, the different scrubber technologies associated to it and to finish, a calculation of the stability. Many Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (EGCS) are possible for different kinds of ships. The goal of this part is to present different solutions for three types of ships. These arrangements are compared to each other to find, at the end, the best settings for the ships, either with the use of HFO or MDO. For every solution, there is one drawing and some explanations for its arrangement. Because every ship has different requirements, the decision is based on different factors, which are rated variable. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 92  SCRUBBER TECHNOLOGIES Two different scrubber technologies will be described: the Wet Scrubber and the Dry Scrubber. Wet Scrubber Scrubbers reduce the Sulphur oxides [SOx] coming out from the exhaust gas up to 99% by washing it in different ways. They work with the use of HFO, because all other fuel types maintain less SOx, which could be reduced by the engine. Wet scrubbers are running with the seawater as an open loop or with freshwater as a closed loop, where some alkali products must be added. The scrubbers could also work as a hybrid system, which combines the open with the closed loop. So that the closed loop system could be used in harbours and ECA zones, and the open loop is used at the open sea. Mostly all of these scrubber technologies could even set in as a retrofit model or integrated in the ships building process. In the main scrubbing process, the first stage is to cool the exhaust gas which is up to 350°C down to 160-180°C in an exhaust gas economiser (optional) as opposed to just wasting the heat. In the second stage, the exhaust gas is treated in a special ejector where it is further cooled by injection of water and where the majority of the soot particles in the exhaust gas will be removed. In the third stage, the exhaust gas is led through an absorption duct where it is sprayed with water and thus cleaned of the remaining Sulphur dioxide. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 93  Open Loop In the Open Loop (see Tech. draw. 1), seawater is led through the scrubber to remove the SOx out of the exhaust. After it is going back to the sea again, depending on the company if the water is cleaned before or not. Often the seawater is led through filters, oil separators, soot separators, water treatments and other tanks. Also depends on the company if there is just seawater or the water must be clogged by carbonates and other compounds. Process: The seawater is pumped to the scrubber, into where the water is sprayed. Optionally, the water pH level is monitored, Bio-fouling controlled and treated by an energizing tank. After the scrubbing process, the dirty seawater is led through different units, or directly to the sea. The water goes through a discharge mixing tank, which controls the pH or a water treatment from where the black water is directed to a sludge tank. In another option the water goes first into a soot separator, then in an oil separator and, at the end, the black water is stored in a soot settling tank, while the rest is discharged over board. Overall, the water is monitored by different units. Tech. draw. 1: Open Loop Seawater Circuit European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 94  Closed Loop In the Closed Loop system (see Tech. draw. 2), no seawater comes from the outside and no water is discharged to the sea after the scrubbing process. The freshwater is stored in a large tank. The closed loop works with freshwater to which alkali sodium hydroxide [NaOH] is added for the neutralization of SOx. This technology needs a power requirement about 0.2% - 1.4% of the fuel consumption. NaOH is added to the scrubbing water to boost pH and improve the Sulphur oxide removal efficiency. Typical 50% concentration of NaOH is used as alkali. Input data for alkali feed control are the Sulphur content and engine load. Alkali consumption depends on the concentration level, engine power, fuel Sulphur level, and desired SOx reduction. However, the optimal solution depends on available space, water temperature, water alkalinity, ship route, fuel prices, NaOH price, and legislative requirements. In the main scrubbing process freshwater clogged with NaOH coming from a buffer tank is cooled by seawater before going into the scrubber. After the exhaust gas is scrubbed, the water goes back to the buffer tank, where it is cleaned by a filter. The black water goes through a sludge tank, the cleaned water is used again in a cycle. The advantages of a closed loop technology are the possibility to increase the pH level, has no corrosion and a significant less discharge water to clean. But there are also a few disadvantages, which are the costs, bunkering and storage of NaOH and the extra tanks which are needed. Process: From a buffer/process tank, where either NaOH is already included or coming from a special unit, the water is pumped up to the scrubber. While going up the water is cooled down by a seawater cooler. From the scrubber, the freshwater is led to the tank again, going through a filter or water treatment, which separates the black water from the freshwater. The black water is stored in a European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 95  sludge or in a holding tank, and the cleaned water goes back to process. For observing, there is a special gas/water monitoring unit. Tech. draw. 2: Closed Loop Freshwater Circuit European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 96  Hybrid System The Hybrid System (Tech. draw. 3) operates with seawater in an open loop, and freshwater in a closed loop. On open sea, the system operates with seawater. In harbours and ECAs, the system can operate with freshwater, without generating any significant amount of sludge to be handled at port calls. The main advantage of this system is, when on open sea the system switches to the open loop, the accumulated water of the tank could slowly be removed back to the sea, having no NaOH consumption. Tank is slowly filled up again to prepare for the arrival at sensitive areas. So only the sludge tank has to be removed at the harbours. Process: The Process is a mixture of open and closed loop. Tech. draw. 3: Hybrid System Circuit European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 97  Suppliers Main suppliers for the open loop are Ecospec, Wärtsilä, Hamworthy Kristallon, Aalborg and Marine Exhaust Solutions. Suppliers for the closed loop are Wärtsilä and Aalborg and for the hybrid system, Aalborg is the only company. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 98  Dry Scrubber Scrubbers remove at least 80% of the Sulphur dioxides (SOx) contained in the exhaust gas and turn it into a resource value (utilization in power plant) or revoke it from the biosphere (mine filling). There is no possibility that transmission of the pollutants into the hydrosphere can take place. They work using HFO, because all other fuel types maintain less SOx, which could be reduced by the engine. The Dry Scrubber technology (Tech. draw. 4) has a basic operating mode, consumes materials and produces residues. It works with the desulphurization of flue gases, based on an absorptive process by using lime based materials such as calcium carbonate (CaCO3), burnt lime (CaO) or hydrated lime [Ca(OH)2]. During the direct desulphurization process, limestone is used in the combustion chambers at temperatures between 850°C and 1100°C and the limestone decomposes according to equation: CaCO3  CaO + CO2 Then, the evolving burnt lime (CaO) reacts with SO2 from the engine to produce calcium Sulfate. CaO + SO2 + 1/2 O2  CaSO4 + 500 kJ/mol The DryEGCS desulphurization is supposed to be operated at approximately 320°C. The main chemical reaction in this technology is: Ca(OH)2 + SO2  CaSO3 + H2O To explain the technology in details, the exhaust gas enters in the multistage absorber sidewise and flows horizontally through the bulk layer made of granulates which are loaded into the absorber from the top, discharged at the bottom and transported into the residue silo. The exhaust gas is fed in and discharged out of the absorber through triangle-shaped cascade channels, which are reciprocally closed at the housing wall so that the exhaust gas is forced to find its way through the granulate material layer. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 99  The stocking container for fresh Ca(OH)2 is integrated into the first stage of the absorber by elongating the housing at the top. Ballast tanks within the ship will be used for storing the residue. The DryEGCS technology is installed directly downstream of the turbocharger at an exhaust gas temperature of approximately 240°C to 350°C. One advantage of this technology is that the desulphurization unit requires, aside from electrical energy, only Ca(OH)2 in the shape of spherical granulates. The electrical energy is required for the exhaust gas fan, the sieving drum, the absorbers conveyance and the electrical control of the DryEGCS absorber. The DryEGCS further operates as a silencer. This leads to a reduction of the pressure loss of approximately 100daPa and a reduction of the above mentioned specific energy consumption to 0.0015 kW/h. Tech. draw. 4: Dry Scrubber Circuit European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 100  SCR SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION The method of converting the harmful nitrogen oxide emissions (NOx) into harmless nitrogen gas (N2) and water (H2O), with the help of a catalytic reaction is called Selective Catalytic Reduction or SCR (see Tech. draw. 5). A gaseous reductant, typically anhydrous ammonia, aqueous ammonia or urea, is added to a stream of flue or exhaust gas and is absorbed onto a catalyst. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a reaction product when urea is used as the reductant. There are two main classes of SCR: the ammonia and the hydrocarbon SCR. The ammonia SCR is the most common SCR with the use of urea. The reaction is the conversation of urea to ammonia. The ammonia SCR needs additional tanks and dosing/monitoring units. The hydrocarbon SCR needs no additional sources, but cannot offer as much performance as the Ammonia solution. A SCR is able to remove the NOx particles up to 0.5-2 g/KW. The sound attenuation is up to 10-35 dB, which can compensate the silencer. The SCR removes 70-95% of the NOx. Selective catalytic reduction of NOx using ammonia as the reducing agent was patented in the United States by the Englehard Corporation in 1957. Development of SCR technology continued in Japan and the US in the early 1960s with research focusing on less expensive and more durable catalyst agents. The first large scale SCR was installed by the IHI Corporation in 1978. The inside concept of an SCR with ammonia solution is based on honeycomb modules, as designed in Fig. 45. They have a high activity and mechanical stability as well as long operating times. As a result there are low investment and operating costs. The modular construction allows easily removing and replacing the single components. The choice of the catalyst geometry depends on exhaust gas conditions. Fig. 45: SCR with honeycomp technology European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 101  Process: The flue gas containing NOx is admitted to the SCR. The ammonia is coming from a storage tank or a daily tank. It is led to the SCR by a dosing unit. There are also pumps and compressors needed. Overall, it is observed by controlling units. The gas mixture flows over catalysts elements, which cause the nitrogen oxide and the ammonia to react. Tech. draw. 5: SCR Catalyst Circuit European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 102  CONTAINER SHIP Pic. 11: Maersk Line Container Ship [38] A container ship is a cargo vessel (i.e. Pic. 11 and Fig. 46), colloquially known as a ‘boxboat’. It is specially designed and built to carry dry cargo packed in steel containers designed to be carried by trucks or freight trains. The system is called containerization and was invented in the 1930s in New Jersey by an American, Malcolm McLean. He later founded the Sea-Land Corporation, which launched and operated the first container ship, the SS Fairland, in 1956. Container ships have revolutionized the transport of dry cargo and carry 90% of it, with over 200 million containers being used between ports annually. There are two standard sizes of container, one 20 feet (6.1 m) long (20 ft × 8.5 ft × 8.5 ft) the other exactly twice the capacity. Although the 40-foot container is now the more common, the container capacity of a ship or port is still measured in ‘twenty-foot equivalent units’ or TEU, a 40-foot container being two TEUs. In 2002, there were over 400 container ships worldwide with a capacity of over 3000 TEUs. As the world's container trade is increasing in the region of 8% annually, and economy of scale is essential in such a competitive industry, this will doubtlessly be achieved within the foreseeable future. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 103  However, such huge ships do raise environmental issues. Port authorities are obliged to widen and deepen shipping channels, and the dredging of these inevitably leads to the destruction of marine habitats. Cloudy water and sediments also adversely affect marine life. Cargo, that is too big to carry in containers, can be handled using so-called flat racks, open top containers and platforms. They are designed in such a manner that no space is wasted. Their capacity is measured in TEU. This is the number of 20 ft containers that it can carry (see Pic. 12 and Fig. 47). Above a certain size, container ships do not carry their own loading gear. Hence loading and unloading can only be done at ports with the necessary cranes. However, smaller ships with capacities up to 2 900 TEUs are often equipped with their own cranes. Most container ships are propelled by diesel engines. They generally have a large accommodation block at the stern, directly above the engine room. The first container ships were converted tankers, built up from surplus tanker Liberty ships after World War II. Container ships are by now, all purpose-built and, as a class, they are the biggest cargo ships on the oceans, right after crude oil tankers. Pic. 12: Container Stacking [39] Capacity: In common calculation, the cargo capacity is much bigger. The difference between the official and estimated number results from the fact that Maersk calculates the cargo capacity of a container ship by using the number of containers with a weight of 14 tons that can be carried on a vessel. For the Emma Maersk, this is 11000 containers. Other companies calculate the cargo capacity of a ship according to the maximum number of containers that can be put on the ship, independent of the weight of the containers. This number is always greater than the number calculated by the Maersk company. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 104  Fig. 46: Container Ship Parts [40] Fig. 47: Comparison between container ship generations [41] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 105  EGCS Solutions The chosen container ship has an 8M32 C engine with 4000 KW and two 8M20 C auxiliary engines with 1520 KW. The exhaust gas, produced by the engine with the use of HFO, goes directly to the boiler, from where it is led to the SCR and then to the silencer. The scrubber is the last part of this arrangement where the exhaust gas is going through. When the engine is working, the exhaust gas is going out from it and is directed to the boiler. With a weight of 9100 kg, a size of 6.16 m length, 2.135 m diameter and a height of 2.335 m, the boiler is a big and heavy part of the arrangement. To take care about the stability of the container, the boiler has to be placed at the bottom of the ship. The function of the boiler is to burn the water till the boiling point to recover energy and increase the pressure and to heat up the fuel to make it liquid. Then, the boiling water goes through the Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR). The SCR has a weight of 1500 kg and dimensions of 1.275m x 1.275m x 3.200m (l x w x h). The main goal of this part is to reduce the NOx emissions. With this kind of engine, the production of NOx is about 8.55 g/KWh. To fulfill the IMO III regulations, the reduction emissions have to be fewer than 2 g/KWh. To reduce 90% NOx, 60 liters per hour of urea are needed to reach a reduction of 7.695 g/KWh. The reduction will reach 0.855 g/KWh with this method. The urea, which works as the reductant of the SCR, is stored in an extra tank. The other function of the SCR is to start reducing the noise from 10 to 35 dB. The investment cost for the SCR is around 120000-200000 € and the running costs are from 5 to 8 €/MWh. The pressure between SCR and silencer is 1 bar. The silencer is the part which reduces mainly the noise coming from the SCR. With this MAK engine of 600 RPM, the sound coming out of the engine is 120 dB and the noise reduction by using the silencer (AGSD 35) is about 42 dB with a weight of about 1800 kg. The pressure drop is 6 mbar and the dimensions are 0.9m x 0.9m x 4.7m (l x w x h). For the auxiliary engines, which are two 8M20 C, it will be necessary to use MDO fuel to fulfill the IMO III because there is no space left inside to install another scrubber. The dimensions of the SCR would be 1.59m x 1.59m x 3.50m (l x w x h) with a NOx income of 9.56 g/KW and a weight of 1500 kg. Also using a boiler and a silencer for those engines is needed. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 106  Open Loop Seawater Scrubber In this case, the scrubber is working with an open loop technology (see Draw. 1). In an open loop technology, the water comes from the sea and goes directly to the scrubber. After the scrubbing process, the water goes through the water treatment and to the sea again. The main function of a scrubber is to reduce SOx under a level of 0.1%. In this case, the engine works with a HFO fuel with 2.7% SOx. The dimensions for this scrubber are 2.0m x 2.0m x 5.6m (l x w x h). The dry weight is about 11 tons and the operation weight is about 13 tons. The decision to put the scrubber in the funnel area is based on a lack of space in the engine room. The other problem was the pipe arrangement, because the scrubber is the last part of the arrangement. It cools the exhaust gas down which causes big pressure drop between 7-14 mbar. The biggest disadvantage is the lack of stability because the scrubber is a very heavy part. The ship loses TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit) capacity so after 2016, a study to having more space in the engine area can be useful for the stability of the ship. Using an open loop technology can have some advantages. First, there is no need for extra tanks and units, so the complete technology does not take much space in general. Also, there is no need for NaOH injection monitoring unit. The running costs of the open loop technology are very low, because not many parts are needed to work. One scrubber costs around 1.6 million Euros. The open loop reduces about 95% SOx in the exhaust gas. The big disadvantage is that most of the emissions stay in the water and are not cleaned before to go back into the sea. That causes problems in harbors. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 107  Draw. 1: Container ship with Open Loop Seawater Scrubber European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 108  Closed Loop Freshwater Scrubber In this case, the scrubber is working with a closed loop technology. In a closed loop technology, designed in Draw. 2, absolutely no water comes from the sea. The freshwater comes from a buffer tank and is cooled by the seawater. The freshwater is composed of NaOH and leaves the buffer tank to go to the scrubber. After the scrubbing process, the water comes back to the buffer tank, cleaned by a filter. The black water goes to a sludge tank and the clean water goes back to the scrubbing cycle. A big storage tank fills up the buffer tank. The main function of a scrubber is to reduce SOx under a level of 0.1%. In this case, the engine works with a HFO fuel with 2.7% SOx. The dimensions for this scrubber are 2.0m x 2.0m x 5.6m (l x w x h). The dry weight is about 11 tons and the operation weight is about 13 tons. The decision to put the scrubber in the funnel area is based on a lack of space in the engine room. The other problem was the pipe arrangement, because the scrubber is the last part of the arrangement. It cools the exhaust gas down which causes big pressure drop of 9.8 mbar. Because of the lack of space in the engine room, the equipment parts have to be placed on the deck over the engine room where normally crew cabins and tanks are. The biggest disadvantage is the lack of stability because the scrubber and these parts are very heavy. The ship loses TEU capacity so after 2016, a study to having more space in the engine area can be useful for the stability of the ship. Using a closed loop technology can have some advantages. First, there is a possibility to increase the pH level to reduce more SOx. Also, there is no corrosion of the parts and less discharge water to clean. The running costs of the closed loop technology are relatively high because it uses NaOH which is 0.2€/kg and its required monitoring units. Also, the sludge tank has to be discharged at the harbor which costs a lot of money. Another disadvantage is the need of extra tanks which take a lot of space on board. One scrubber costs around 1.6 million Euros and more for the tanks. The closed loop reduces about 98% SOx in the exhaust gas. It will be absolutely no problem to fulfill all the IMO 3 criteria for 2016, but outside of the ECAs it is very expensive to run with a closed loop technology, because it is not necessary. It is considered worthless. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 109  Draw. 2: Container ship with Closed Loop Freshwater Scrubber European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 110  Hybrid System In this case, the scrubber is working as a hybrid system (see Draw. 3). A hybrid system is a mixture between open loop and closed loop. In harbors and ECAs, the system can operate with freshwater without generating any significant amount of sludge to be handed at port calls. At open sea, the system is switching to the seawater open loop. The main function of a scrubber is to reduce SOx under a level of 0.1%. In this case, the engine works with a HFO fuel with 2.7% SOx. The dimensions for this scrubber are 2.0m x 2.0m x 5.6m (l x w x h). The dry weight is about 11 tons and the operation weight is about 13 tons. The decision to put the scrubber in the funnel area is based on a lack of space in the engine room. The other problem was the pipe arrangement because the scrubber is the last part of the arrangement. It cools the exhaust gas down which causes big pressure drop of 9.8 mbar. Because of the lack of space in the engine room, the equipment parts have to be placed on the deck over the engine room where normally freshwater tank is. The biggest disadvantage is the lack of stability because the scrubber and these parts are very heavy. The ship loses TEU capacity so after 2016, a study to having more space in the engine area can be useful for the stability of the ship. Using a hybrid technology can have some advantages. First, if the ship is running at open sea, after switching to open loop, the accumulated water of the buffer tank can slowly be removed back to the sea. Also, the tank is slowly filled up again to prepare for the arrival at sensitive areas. The running costs of the hybrid technology are between open loop and closed loop running costs because the use of NaOH, which is 0.2€/kg, is only required in the ECAs. Only the sludge tank has to be discharged at the harbor. Two extra tanks are needed to run this system so the required area is between the open loop and closed loop. One scrubber costs around 1.6 million Euros and more for the tanks. The hybrid system reduces about 99% SOx in the exhaust gas. It will be absolutely no problem to fulfill all the IMO 3 criteria for 2016, and this technology has the best outcomes. Investing in a hybrid technology for a ship could be a good choice to have good results for environmental aspects and to not waste money at open sea. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 111  Draw. 3: Container ship with Hybrid System European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 112  Dry Scrubber In this case, the technology is working with a dry scrubber, illustrated in Draw. 4. In a dry scrubber, absolutely no water is in the system. The exhaust gas enters in the multistage absorber sidewise and flows horizontally through the bulk layer made of granulates which are loaded into the absorber from the top, discharged at the bottom and transported into the residue silo. The exhaust gas is fed in and discharged out of the absorber through triangle-shaped cascade channels, which are reciprocally closed at the housing wall so that the exhaust gas is forced to find its way through the granulate material layer. The stocking container for fresh Ca(OH)2 is integrated into the first stage of the absorber by elongating the housing at the top. Ballast tanks within the ship are used for storing the residue. The main function of a scrubber is to reduce SOx under a level of 0.1%. In this case, the engine works with a HFO fuel with 2.7% SOx. The dimensions for this scrubber are 5.0m x 5.0m x 7.5m (l x w x h). The dry weight is about 21 tons and the operation weight is about 72 tons. The scrubber is placed on the deck over the engine room and in front of the deckhouse because it requires too much space to be fit in the engine room. The ship loses TEU capacity and stability because of the very heavy weight of this kind of scrubber. It cools the exhaust gas down which causes big pressure drop of 12 mbar. Using a dry scrubber can have some advantages. First, the good point of this technology is that the desulphurization unit requires, aside from electrical energy, only Ca(OH)2 in the shape of spherical granulates. Also the dry scrubber further operates as a silencer. This leads to a reduction of the pressure loss of approximately 100daPa and a reduction of the above mentioned specific energy consumption to 0.0015 kW/h. The running costs of the dry scrubber technology are high because it uses Ca(OH)2 which is 1.3€/kg and its required monitoring units. Also containers with new granulates have to be loaded in every harbor and the residues have to be discharged. Another disadvantage is the need of extra storage containers which take a lot of space on board. One scrubber costs around 1.2 million Euros and more for the containers. The dry scrubber reduces up to 99% SOx in the exhaust gas. It will be absolutely no problem to fulfill all the IMO 3 criteria for 2016. The dry scrubber has compared to the wet scrubber lower investment costs and higher running costs and requires a lot of space which reduces the benefits. European Project Semester 2011 113  Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems Draw. 4: Container ship with Dry Scrubber European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 114  Container with the use of MDO fuel Marine Diesel Fuel (MDO) has a Sulphur content of only 0.1% SOx which is below IMO III 2016 regulations. No scrubber is needed with using MDO fuel. Just using a SCR, represented in Draw. 5, is necessary to run with this sort of fuel on board to reduce the NOx emissions. The advantages are that there is more space in the engine room, the stability is good because there is no big parts placed in the funnel or on the deck, and no loss of income because the container capacity stays equal. The only problem to run with MDO is that this fuel costs 678€/t, which is quite expensive compared to the use of HFO fuel which only reach 461€/t. It is not possible to run a container ship just with MDO because of the price of this one. Draw. 5: Container ship without Scrubber European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 115  Stability With the use of an Excel document calculating the stability for a container ship, by putting some information about the size and the weight of some parts, it is possible to find how many TEU can be placed on the container ship. This ship has a capacity of 390 TEU but under stability aspects, it moves to 250 TEU with GM’ of 0.6m. Using a wet scrubber technology, the stability is 246 TEU with GM’ of 0.62m and by using a dry scrubber, the stability moves to 242 TEU with GM’ of 0.62m. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 116  container without scrubber Länge pp Breite Seitenhöhe Tiefgang (CWL) cb (CWL) 93,00 16,50 7,50 5,91 0,660 m m m m - CARI SEA D oppe lbode nhöhe E rhöhte r D oppe lbode n OK Luke nde cke l H D OK Luke nde cke l BD OK H a uptde ck KB (S E . 81) BM (S E . 82) KM = KB + BM 1,10 1,10 8,98 8,98 7,50 3,19 3,65 6,84 10-04 m m m m m m m m T ie fga ng a ktue ll 5,91 cb a ktue ll (S E . 334) 0,660 cwp a ktue ll (S E . 144) 0,778 cm a ktue ll (Kimmra dius 2,1m) 0,981 D ispla ce me nt a ktue ll (S e e ) Ma sse le e re s S chiff KG MLS [ % von H ] Be ze ichnung Leeres Schiff Consuma ble s tota l Container 1. Lage im Raum Container 2. Lage im Raum Container 3. Lage im Raum m - 6166 t 1519 t 84 % Ma sse 1519 630 630 630 V CG 6,30 2,68 5,43 8,18 Containergew. pro TEU 14,0 t 2,60 m 55% 1,43 m Absta nd zwische n 2 Cont. 0,150 m vcg / h-Cont. H öhe de s Cont. Mome nt 9571 1688 3421 5153 Anz. d. Con. 45 45 45 TEU TEU TEU Container 1. Lage auf dem HD Container 2. Lage auf dem HD Container 3. Lage auf dem HD Container 4. Lage auf dem HD Container 5. Lage auf dem HD 924 686 0 0 0 9,08 11,83 14,58 17,33 20,08 8390 8115 0 0 0 66 49 0 0 TEU TEU TEU TEU TEU Ba lla st D oppe lbode n Ba lla st S e ite nta nks 789 358 0,55 4,80 434 1716 250 TEU Displ KM GM so lid GM' einschl. freier Oberflächen 6166 6,24 6,84 0,60 38489 m m m 0,60 European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 117  container with wet scrubber Länge pp Breite Seitenhöhe Tiefgang (CWL) cb (CWL) 93,00 16,50 7,50 5,91 0,660 m m m m - CARI SEA D oppe lbode nhöhe E rhöhte r D oppe lbode n OK Luke nde cke l H D OK Luke nde cke l BD OK H a uptde ck KB (S E . 81) BM (S E . 82) KM = KB + BM 1,10 1,10 8,98 8,98 7,50 3,19 3,65 6,84 10-04 m m m m m m m m T ie fga ng a ktue ll 5,91 cb a ktue ll (S E . 334) 0,660 cwp a ktue ll (S E . 144) 0,778 cm a ktue ll (Kimmra dius 2,1m) 0,981 D ispla ce me nt a ktue ll (S e e ) Ma sse le e re s S chiff KG MLS [ % von H ] Be ze ichnung Leeres Schiff Consuma ble s tota l Container 1. Lage im Raum Container 2. Lage im Raum Container 3. Lage im Raum m - 6166 t 1519 t 84 % Ma sse 1519 630 630 630 V CG 6,30 2,68 5,43 8,18 Containergew. pro TEU 14,0 t 2,60 m 55% 1,43 m Absta nd zwische n 2 Cont. 0,150 m vcg / h-Cont. H öhe de s Cont. Mome nt 9571 0 1688 3421 5153 Anz. d. Con. 45 45 45 TEU TEU TEU Container 1. Lage auf dem HD Container 2. Lage auf dem HD Container 3. Lage auf dem HD Container 4. Lage auf dem HD Container 5. Lage auf dem HD Boiler SCR silencer wet scrubber Ba lla st D oppe lbode n Ba lla st S e ite nta nks 924 630 0 0 0 9,1 1,5 1,5 13,0 820 358 9,08 11,83 14,58 17,33 20,08 4,00 4,00 4,00 36,00 0,55 4,80 8390 7453 0 0 0 36 6 6 468 451 1716 66 45 0 0 TEU TEU TEU TEU TEU 246 TEU Displ KM GM so lid GM' einschl. freier Oberflächen 6166 6,22 6,84 0,62 38360 m m m 0,62 European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 118  container with dry scrubber Länge pp Breite Seitenhöhe Tiefgang (CWL) cb (CWL) 93,00 16,50 7,50 5,91 0,660 m m m m - CARI SEA D oppe lbode nhöhe E rhöhte r D oppe lbode n OK Luke nde cke l H D OK Luke nde cke l BD OK H a uptde ck KB (S E . 81) BM (S E . 82) KM = KB + BM 1,10 1,10 8,98 8,98 7,50 3,19 3,65 6,84 10-04 m m m m m m m m T ie fga ng a ktue ll 5,91 cb a ktue ll (S E . 334) 0,660 cwp a ktue ll (S E . 144) 0,778 cm a ktue ll (Kimmra dius 2,1m) 0,981 D ispla ce me nt a ktue ll (S e e ) Ma sse le e re s S chiff KG MLS [ % von H ] Be ze ichnung Leeres Schiff Consuma ble s tota l Container 1. Lage im Raum Container 2. Lage im Raum Container 3. Lage im Raum m - 6166 t 1519 t 84 % Ma sse 1519 630 630 630 V CG 6,30 2,68 5,43 8,18 Containergew. pro TEU 14,0 t 2,60 m 55% 1,43 m vcg / h-Cont. Absta nd zwische n 2 Cont. 0,150 m Mome nt 9571 1688 3421 5153 Anz. d. Con. H öhe de s Cont. 45 45 45 TEU TEU TEU Container 1. Lage auf dem HD Container 2. Lage auf dem HD Container 3. Lage auf dem HD Container 4. Lage auf dem HD Container 5. Lage auf dem HD Boiler SCR silencer wet scrubber Ba lla st D oppe lbode n Ba lla st S e ite nta nks 840 658 0 0 0 9,1 1,5 1,5 72,0 817 358 9,08 11,83 14,58 17,33 20,08 4,00 4,00 4,00 11,50 0,55 5,00 7627 7784 0 0 0 36 6 6 828 449 1788 60 47 0 0 TEU TEU TEU TEU TEU 242 TEU Displ KM GM so lid GM' einschl. freier Oberflächen 6166 6,22 6,84 0,62 38358 m m m 0,62 European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 119  CRUISE SHIP Pic. 13: Royal Caribbean Cruise Line [42] A cruise ship or cruise liner, as shown in Pic. 13, is a passenger ship used for pleasure voyages, where the voyage itself and the ship's amenities are part of the experience, as well as the different destinations along the way. Transportation is not the prime purpose, as cruise ships operate mostly on routes that return passengers to their originating port, so the ports of call are usually in a specified region of a continent. In contrast, dedicated transport oriented ocean liners do "line voyages" and typically transport passengers from one point to another, rather than on round trips. Traditionally, an ocean liner for the transoceanic trade will be built to a higher standard than a typical cruise ship, including high freeboard and stronger plating to withstand rough seas and adverse conditions encountered in the open ocean, such as the North Atlantic. Ocean liners also usually have larger capacities for fuel, victuals, and other stores for consumption on long voyages, compared to dedicated cruise ships. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 120  Fig. 48: Comparison between two of the biggest cruise ships [43] Although, often luxurious ocean liners had characteristics that made them unsuitable for cruising, such as high fuel consumption, deep draught. That prevented them from entering shallow ports, enclosed weatherproof decks that were not appropriate for tropical weather. The cabins are designed to maximize passenger numbers rather than comfort. Only a few private verandas but a high proportion of windowless suites). The modern cruise ships, compared in Fig. 48, are sacrificing qualities of seaworthiness. The routes between ocean liners and cruise ships have blurred, particularly with respect to deployment, although the differences in construction remain. Larger cruise ships have also engaged in longer trips such as transocean voyages which may not lead back to the same port for months (longer round trips). Some former ocean liners operate as cruise ships, such as MS Marco Polo and MS Mona Lisa. The only dedicated transatlantic ocean liner in operation, is the Queen Mary 2 of the Cunard fleet, however she also has the amenities of contemporary cruise ships and sees significant service on cruises. Cruising has become a major part of the tourism industry, accounting for U.S.$29.4 billion with over 19 million passengers carried worldwide in 2011. The world's largest cruise ship is Royal Caribbean International's MS Allure of the Seas. The industry's rapid growth has seen nine or more newly built ships catering to a North American clients added every year since 2001, as well as others servicing European clients. Smaller markets, such as the Asia-Pacific region, are generally serviced by older ships. These are displaced by new ships in the high growth areas. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 121  Following is an example of cruise ship :” Pride of Hull “ (Fig. 49): Fig. 49: “Pride of Hull” Cruise Ship Parts [44] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 122  1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Becker rudder Controllable pitch propeller Sterntube Ballast Tank Aft Engine room with gearbox Seawater inlet chest Forward engine room with 1 of the 4 main engines 8. Stern ramp 9. Mooring gear 10. CO2 – Battery space 11. Harbour control room for looding officer 12. Maindeck for trailers and double stacked containers 13. Gangway 14. Outside decks 15. Lifeboat hanging in davits 16. Deck 11 17. Funnel 18. Exhaust pipes 19. Panoroma lounge 20. Officer and crew mess 21. Passanger cabins 22. Fast-resque boat 23. Driver accommodation 24. Upper trailer deck 25. Ramp to lower hold 26. Stabilizer,rectractable 27. Shops and restaurants 28. Helicopter deck 29. Entartaiment spaces and bars 30. Fan room 31. Heeling tank 32. Void 33. Ro-Ro cargo 34. Web frame 35. Car deck 36. Marine evacuation system 37. Cinema 38. Satellite dome for internet 39. Satellite dome for communication (Inmarsat) 40. Radar mast 41. Officer cabins 42. Wheelhouse 43. Car deck fan room 44. Forecastle 45. Anchor 46. Bulbous bow 47. Bow thrusters             European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 123  EGCS Solutions The chosen cruise ship has four 8M43 C engines with 7208 KW each and is working with four exhaust gas cleaning systems. The exhaust gas, produced by the engine with the use of HFO, goes directly to the boiler, from where it is led to the SCR and then to the silencer. The scrubber is the last part of this arrangement, where the exhaust gas is going through. When the engine is working, the exhaust gas is going out from it and is directed to the boiler. With a weight of 17000 kg, a size of 7.10 m length, 2.65 m diameter and a height of 2.95 m, the boiler is a big and heavy part of the arrangement. To take care about the stability of the container, the boiler has to be placed at the bottom of the ship. The function of the boiler is to burn the water till the boiling point to recover energy and increase the pressure, and to heat up the fuel to make it liquid. Then, the boiling water goes through the Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR). The SCR has a weight of 2150 kg and dimensions of 1.91m x 1.91m x 3.80m (l x w x h). The main goal of this part is to reduce the NOx emissions. With this sort of engine, the production of NOx is about 11.31 g/KWh. To fulfill the IMO III regulations, the reduction emissions have to be fewer than 2 g/KWh. To reduce 90% NOx, 108.12 liters per hour of urea are needed to reach a reduction of 10.179 g/KWh. The reduction will reach 1.131 g/KWh with this method. The urea, which works as the reductant of the SCR, is stored in an extra tank. The other function of the SCR is to start reducing the noise from 10 to 35 dB. The investment cost for the SCR is around 216000360000 € and the running costs are from 5 to 8 €/MWh. The pressure between the SCR and the silencer is 1 bar. The silencer is the part which reduces mainly the noise coming from the SCR. With this MAK engine of 500 RPM, the sound coming out of the engine is 123 dB and the noise reduction by using the silencer (AGSD 35) is about 41 dB with a weight of about 2400 kg. The pressure drop is 6 mbar and the dimensions are 1.2m x 1.2m x 5.2m (l x w x h). European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 124  Wet Scrubber Open Loop In this case, the scrubbers are working with an open loop technology, as designed in Draw. 6. In an open loop technology, the water comes from the sea and goes directly to the scrubbers. After the scrubbing process, the water goes through the water treatment and to the sea again. The main function of a scrubber is to reduce SOx under a level of 0.1%. In this case, the engines work with a HFO fuel with 2.7% SOx. The dimensions for these scrubbers are 2.9m x 2.9m x 7.2m (l x w x h). The dry weight is about 15 tons and the operation weight is about 18 tons each. The decision to put the scrubbers in the funnels area is based on a lack of space in the engine room. The other problem was the pipe arrangement because the scrubbers are the last parts of the arrangement; the pipe arrangement takes too much space inside so some passenger cabins need to be removed. The scrubbers cool the exhaust gas down which causes big pressure drop between 7-14 mbar. The biggest disadvantage is the lack of stability because the scrubbers are very heavy with a total of 72 tons in four funnels. Using an open loop technology can have some advantages. First, there is no need for extra tanks and units, so the complete technology does not take much space in general. Also there is no need for NaOH injection monitoring unit. The running costs of the open loop technology are very low because not many parts are needed to work. One scrubber costs around 2 million Euros. The open loop reduces about 95% SOx in the exhaust gas. The problem of using open loop technology on a cruise ship is that it is not allowed to pollute water or air in any case. So mix an open loop technology with a cruise ship has no sense. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 125  Draw. 6: Cruise ship with Open Loop Seawater Scrubber European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 126  Wet Scrubber Closed Loop In this case, the scrubbers are working with a closed loop technology, illustrated in Draw. 7. In a closed loop technology, absolutely no water comes from the sea. The freshwater comes from a buffer tank and is cooled by the seawater. The freshwater is composed of NaOH and leaves the buffer tank to go to the scrubber. After the scrubbing process, the water comes back to the buffer tank, cleaned by a filter. The black water goes to a sludge tank and the clean water goes back to the scrubbing cycle. A big storage tank fills up the buffer tank. The main function of a scrubber is to reduce SOx under a level of 0.1%. In this case, the engines work with a HFO fuel with 2.7% SOx. The dimensions for these scrubbers are 2.9m x 2.9m x 7.2m (l x w x h). The dry weight is about 15 tons and the operation weight is about 18 tons each. The decision to put the scrubbers in the funnels area is based on a lack of space in the engine room. The other problem was the pipe arrangement because the scrubbers are the last parts of the arrangement; the pipe arrangement takes too much space inside so some passenger cabins need to be removed. The scrubbers cool the exhaust gas down which causes big pressure drop of 9.8 mbar. It is difficult to find a good position for the equipment parts of the scrubbers because they have to be placed very high in the engine room to avoid long pipes ways. The scrubbers are placed in 47 m height, which causes strong pumps to not get a lack of pressure. The biggest disadvantage is the lack of stability because the scrubbers and these parts are very heavy. To put the auxiliary parts can reduce the place in the crew cabins. The height of the ship can be limited to avoid the stability of this one. Placing the scrubbers in the ships engine room fits stability and pressure drop problems but will need some passenger cabin space. This is followed by a loss of income and also disturbs the complacency of the passengers by limiting their mobility on board and the appearance of the ship. Using a closed loop technology can have some advantages. First, there is a possibility to increase the pH level to reduce more SOx. Also there is no corrosion of the parts and less discharge water to clean. The running costs of the closed loop technology are relatively high because it uses NaOH which is 0.2€/kg and its required monitoring units. Also the sludge tanks have to be discharged at the harbor which costs a lot of money. One scrubber costs around 2 million Euros and more for the tanks. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 127  The closed loop reduces about 98% SOx in the exhaust gas. It will be absolutely no problem to fulfill all the IMO 3 criteria for 2016. Using a closed loop technology on a cruise ship is the only solution to respect the environment because there is no need to discharge the polluted water in the sea. Draw. 7: Cruise ship with Closed Loop Freshwater Scrubber European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 128  Hybrid Scrubber In this case, the scrubbers are working with a hybrid system, represented in Draw. 8. A hybrid system is a mixture between open loop and closed loop. In harbors and ECAs, the system can operate with freshwater without generating any significant amount of sludge to be handed at port calls. At open sea, the system is switching to the seawater open loop. The main function of a scrubber is to reduce SOx under a level of 0.1%. In this case, the engines work with a HFO fuel with 2.7% SOx. The dimensions for these scrubbers are 2.9m x 2.9m x 7.2m (l x w x h). The dry weight is about 15 tons and the operation weight is about 18 tons. The decision to put the scrubbers in the funnel area is based on a lack of space in the engine room. The other problem was the pipe arrangement because the scrubbers are the last parts of the arrangement; the pipe arrangement takes too much space inside so some passenger cabins need to be removed. The scrubbers cool the exhaust gas down which causes big pressure drop of 9.8 mbar. It is difficult to find a good position for the equipment parts of the scrubbers because they have to be placed very high in the engine room to avoid long pipes ways. The biggest disadvantage is the lack of stability because the scrubber and these parts are very heavy. To put the auxiliary parts can reduce the place in the crew cabins. The height of the ship can be limited to avoid the stability of this one. Placing the scrubbers in the ships engine room fits stability and pressure drop problems but will need some passenger cabin space. This is followed by a loss of income and also disturbs the complacency of the passengers by limiting their mobility on board and the appearance of the ship. Using a hybrid technology can have some advantages. First, if the ship is running at open sea, after switching to open loop, the accumulated water of the buffer tank can slowly be removed back to the sea. Also, the tank is slowly filled up again to prepare for the arrival at sensitive areas. The running costs of the hybrid technology are between open loop and closed loop running costs because the use of NaOH, which is 0.2€/kg, is only required in the ECAs. Only the sludge tank has to be discharged at the harbor. Two extra tanks are needed to run this system so the required area is between the open loop and closed loop. One scrubber costs around 2 million Euros and more for the tanks. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 129  The hybrid system reduces about 99% SOx in the exhaust gas. It will be absolutely no problem to fulfill all the IMO 3 criteria for 2016, but the utilization of this technology cannot be used on cruise ships because there is still water pollution at open sea. Draw. 8: Cruise ship with Hybrid System European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 130  Dry Scrubber In this case, the technology is working with dry scrubbers, as seen in Draw. 9. In a dry scrubber, absolutely no water is in the system. The exhaust gas enters in the multistage absorber sidewise and flows horizontally through the bulk layer made of granulates which are loaded into the absorber from the top, discharged at the bottom and transported into the residue silo. The exhaust gas is fed in and discharged out of the absorber through triangle-shaped cascade channels, which are reciprocally closed at the housing wall so that the exhaust gas is forced to find its way through the granulate material layer. The stocking container for fresh Ca(OH)2 is integrated into the first stage of the absorber by elongating the housing at the top. Ballast tanks within the ship are used for storing the residue. The main function of a scrubber is to reduce SOx under a level of 0.1%. In this case, the engines work with a HFO fuel with 2.7% SOx. The dimensions for these scrubbers are 4.0m x 6.0m x 12.0m (l x w x h). The dry weight is about 40 tons and the operation weight is about 121 tons. It cools the exhaust gas down which causes big pressure drop of 12 mbar. For the arrangement, the scrubbers will be placed partly in the engine room to keep the gravity center as low as possible. The ship will lose car capacity because the 12m high scrubbers are higher than the engine room and the scrubbers will reach the car deck area and the crew cabins. Using a dry scrubber can have some advantages. First, the good point of this technology is that the desulphurization unit requires, aside from electrical energy, only Ca(OH)2 in the shape of spherical granulates. Also the dry scrubbers further operate as silencers. This leads to a reduction of the pressure loss of approximately 100daPa and a reduction of the above mentioned specific energy consumption to 0.0015 kW/h. The running costs of the dry scrubber technology are high because it uses Ca(OH)2 which is 1.3€/kg and its required monitoring units. Also containers with new granulates have to be loaded in every harbor and the residues have to be discharged. Having containers on a cruise ship is a very big problem because it is not possible to stock them on decks. Cruise ships are particularly paying attention on their outside good looking for the passengers and to place the containers inside, will have an important loss of area in board (crew cabins, kitchens, laundries, etc.). One scrubber costs around 1.5 million Euros and more for the containers. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 131  The dry scrubber reduces up to 99% SOx in the exhaust gas. It will be absolutely no problem to fulfill all the IMO 3 criteria for 2016. The dry scrubber has compared to the wet scrubber lower investment costs and higher running costs and requires a lot of space which reduces the benefits. Draw. 9: Cruise ship with Dry Scrubber European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 132  Cruise with the use of MDO fuel Marine Diesel Fuel (MDO) has a Sulphur content of only 0.1% SOx which is below IMO III 2016 regulations. No scrubber is needed using MDO fuel. Just using a SCR (Draw. 10) is necessary to run with this sort of fuel on board to reduce the NOx emissions. The advantages are, that there is more space in the engine room and the stability is high because there are no big parts placed in the funnel or on the deck. PAX capacity stays high because there is no loss space inside the ship. The only problem to run with MDO is that this fuel costs 678€/t which is quite expensive compared to the use of HFO fuel which only reach 461€/t. It is not possible to run a cruise ship just with MDO because of the price of this one. Draw. 10: Cruise ship without Scrubber European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 133  Stability The Color Fantasy, used as an example for the stability calculations, has three car decks for 750 cars and can carry 2750 passengers. The GM’ is 0.75m without using a scrubber technology. With a wet scrubber, the GM’ goes down to 0.65m and the ballast water is 158 tons less. By using a dry scrubber, the GM’ reach 0.69m and the ballast water is 158 tons less. The car capacity of the first two decks goes down because the scrubber is too high so some special modifications are needed to put the scrubber inside the cruise. With the utilization of the two technologies (wet scrubber and dry scrubber), the GM’ is under 0.75m which is not allowed. Changing the architecture of the ship could be a solution. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 134  Cruise without scrubber Länge pp Breite Seitenhöhe Tiefgang (CWL) 202,70 35,00 21,90 7,00 0,680 m m m m - COLOR FANTASY 10-04 T ie fga ng a ktue ll 7,00 cb a ktue ll (S E . 334) 0,680 cwp a ktue ll (S E . 144) 0,788 cm a ktue ll (Kimmra dius 2,1m) 0,992 D ispla ce me nt a ktue ll (S e e ) D e a dwe ight KG MLS [ % von H ] Be ze ichnung Deadweight m - OK H a uptde ck KB (S E . 81) BM (S E . 82) KM = KB + BM 21,90 3,74 13,80 17,54 m m m m 75000 t 5600 t 90 % Ma sse 5600 V CG 8,40 Mome nt 47040 Interieur 63250 18,60 1176450 cars deck1 deck2 deck3 total cars 750 Pessengers 750 750 750 5,50 7,50 9,50 4125 5625 7125 220 14,80 3256 Ba lla st D oppe lbode n Ba lla st S e ite nta nks Ba lla st in d. V orpie k Displ KM GM so lid GM' einschl. freier Oberflächen 1100 1800 780 75000 0,70 5,10 6,80 16,79 17,54 0,75 770 9180 5304 1258875 m m m 0,75 European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 135  Cruise with wet scrubber Länge pp Breite Seitenhöhe Tiefgang (CWL) 202,70 35,00 21,90 7,00 0,680 m m m m - COLOR FANTASY 10-04 T ie fga ng a ktue ll 7,00 cb a ktue ll (S E . 334) 0,680 cwp a ktue ll (S E . 144) 0,788 cm a ktue ll (Kimmra dius 2,1m) 0,992 D ispla ce me nt a ktue ll (S e e ) D e a dwe ight KG MLS [ % von H ] Be ze ichnung Deadweight m - OK H a uptde ck KB (S E . 81) BM (S E . 82) KM = KB + BM 21,90 3,74 13,80 17,54 m m m m 75000 t 5600 t 90 % Ma sse 5600 V CG 8,40 Mome nt 47040 Interieur 63250 18,60 1176450 cars deck1 deck2 deck3 total cars 750 Pessengers 750 750 750 6,50 9,50 12,50 4875 7125 9375 220 14,80 3256 Boiler Silencer SCR Wet Scrubber 68 8,4 9,6 72 11,50 11,50 9,60 47,00 782 97 92 3384 Ba lla st D oppe lbode n Ba lla st S e ite nta nks Ba lla st in d. V orpie k Displ KM GM so lid GM' einschl. freier Oberflächen 1100 1800 622 75000 0,70 5,10 6,40 16,89 17,54 0,65 770 9180 3981 1266407 m m m 0,65 European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 136  Cruise with dry scrubber Länge pp Breite Seitenhöhe Tiefgang (CWL) 202,70 35,00 21,90 7,00 0,680 m m m m - COLOR FANTASY 10-04 T ie fga ng a ktue ll 7,00 cb a ktue ll (S E . 334) 0,680 cwp a ktue ll (S E . 144) 0,788 cm a ktue ll (Kimmra dius 2,1m) 0,992 D ispla ce me nt a ktue ll (S e e ) D e a dwe ight KG MLS [ % von H ] Be ze ichnung Deadweight m - OK H a uptde ck KB (S E . 81) BM (S E . 82) KM = KB + BM 21,90 3,74 13,80 17,54 m m m m 75000 t 5600 t 90 % Ma sse 5600 V CG 8,40 Mome nt 47040 Interieur 63250 18,60 1176450 cars deck1 deck2 deck3 total cars 750 Pessengers 488 600 750 6,50 9,50 12,50 3172 5700 9375 220 14,80 3256 Boiler Silencer SCR dry Scrubber 68 8,4 9,6 484 11,50 11,50 9,60 7,00 782 97 92 3388 Ba lla st D oppe lbode n Ba lla st S e ite nta nks Ba lla st in d. V orpie k Displ KM GM so lid GM' einschl. freier Oberflächen 1100 1800 622 75000 0,70 5,10 6,40 16,84 17,54 0,69 770 9180 3981 1263283 m m m 0,69 European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 137  TUG BOAT A tugboat, also called tug (see Pic. 14 and Fig. 50), is a boat that maneuvers vessels by pushing or towing them in a crowded harbor or a narrow canal. As well as those that cannot move themselves alone, such as barges, disabled ships, or oil platforms. Tugboats are powerful for their size and strongly built. Some tugboats serve as icebreakers or salvage boats. Early tugboats had steam engines; today diesel engines are used. In addition to towing gear, many tugboats contain firefighting monitors or guns, allowing them to assist in firefighting duties, especially in harbors. There are two different types of tugboat: Harbor tugs: Historically tugboats were the first seagoing vessels to receive steam propulsion, freedom from the restraint of the wind, and capability of going in any direction. As such, they were employed in harbors to assist ships in docking and departure. River tugs: River tugs are also referred to as towboats or pushboats. Their hull designs would make open ocean operations dangerous. River tugs usually do not have any significant hawser or winch. Their hulls feature a flat front or bow to line up with the rectangular stern of the barge. Pic. 14: Tug boats assisting a ship [45] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 138  Tugboat propulsion: Tugboat engines typically produce 500 to 2500 kW, but larger boats (used in deep waters) can have power ratings up to 20000 kW and usually have an extreme power:tonnage-ratio (normal cargo and passenger ships have a P:T-ratio (in kW:GRT) of 0.35 to 1.20, whereas large tugs typically are 2.20 to 4.50 and small harbour-tugs 4.0 to 9.5). The engines are often the same as those used in railroad locomotives, but typically drive the propeller mechanically instead of converting the engine output to power electric motors, as is common for railroad engines. For safety, tugboats' engines often feature two of each critical part for redundancy. A tugboat's power is typically stated by its engine's horsepower and its overall bollard pull. Tugboats are highly maneuverable, and various propulsion systems have been developed to increase maneuverability and safety. The earliest tugs were fitted with paddle wheels, but these were soon replaced by propeller-driven tugs. Kort nozzles have been added to increase thrust per kW. This was followed by the nozzle-rudder, which omitted the need for a conventional rudder. The cycloidal propeller was developed prior to World War II and was occasionally used in tugs because of its maneuverability. After World War II it was also linked to safety due to the development of the Voith Water Tractor, a tugboat configuration which could not be pulled over by its tow. In the late 1950s, the Z-drive or (azimuth thruster) was developed. Although sometimes referred to as the Schottel system, many brands exist: Schottel, Z-Peller, Duckpeller, Thrustmaster, Ulstein, Wärtsilä, etc. The propulsion systems are used on tugboats designed for tasks such as ship docking and marine construction. Conventional propeller/rudder configurations are more efficient for port-toport towing. The Kort nozzle is a sturdy cylindrical structure around a special propeller having minimum clearance between the propeller blades and the inner wall of the Kort nozzle. The thrust:power ratio is enhanced because the water approaches the propeller in a linear configuration and exits the nozzle the same way. The Kort nozzle is named after its inventor, but many brands exist. The Voith Schneider propeller (VSP), also known as a cycloidal drive is a specialized marine propulsion system. It is highly maneuverable, being able to change the direction of its thrust almost instantaneously. It is widely used on tugs and ferries. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 139  From a circular plate, rotating around a vertical axis, a circular array of vertical blades (in the shape of hydrofoils) protrudes out of the bottom of the ship. Each blade can rotate itself around a vertical axis. The internal gear changes the angle of attack of the blades in sync with the rotation of the plate, so that each blade can provide thrust in any direction, very similar to the collective pitch control and cyclic in a helicopter. Fig. 50: Tug Boat Parts [46] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 140  EGCS Solutions The chosen tug boat has an 8M20 C engine with 1520 KW. The exhaust gas, produced by the engine with the use of MDO, goes directly to the boiler, from where it is led to the SCR and then to the silencer. A scrubber is no required for this kind of utilization. When the engine is working, the exhaust gas is going out from it and is directed to the boiler. With a weight of 4600 kg, a size of 4.095 m length, 1.710 m diameter and a height of 1.910 m, the boiler is a big and heavy part of the arrangement. To take care about the stability of the tug, the boiler has to be placed at the bottom of the ship. The function of the boiler is to burn the water till the boiling point to recover energy and increase the pressure. Then, the boiling water goes through the Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR). The SCR has a weight of 550 kg and dimensions of 0.96m x 0.96m x 3.00m (l x w x h). The main goal of this part is to reduce the NOx emissions. With this kind of engine, the production of NOx is about 7.101 g/KWh. To fulfill the IMO III regulations, the reduction emissions have to be fewer than 2 g/KWh. To reduce 90% NOx, 22.5 liters per hour of urea are needed to reach a reduction of 6.391 g/KWh. The reduction will reach 0.7101 g/KWh with this method. The urea, which works as the reductant of the SCR, is stored in an extra tank. The other function of the SCR is to start reducing the noise from 10 to 35 dB. The investment cost for the SCR is around 4560076000 € and the running costs are from 5 to 8 €/MWh. The pressure between the SCR and the silencer is 1 bar. The silencer is the part which reduces mainly the noise coming from the SCR. With this MAK engine of 950 RPM, the sound coming out of the engine is 130 dB and the noise reduction by using the silencer (AGSD 35) is about 43 dB with a weight of about 698 kg. The pressure drop is 6 mbar and the dimensions are 0.8m x 0.8m x 3.5m (l x w x h). European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 141  Tug boat with the use of MDO fuel Marine Diesel Fuel (MDO) has a Sulphur content of only 0.1% SOx, which is below IMO III 2016 regulations. No scrubber is needed using MDO fuel. Just using a SCR, designed in Draw. 11, is necessary to run with this sort of fuel on board to reduce the NOx emissions. The advantages are, that there is more space in the engine room, the stability is high because there are no big parts placed in the funnel or on the deck. The only problem to run with MDO is, that this fuel costs 678€/t, which is quite expensive compared to the use of HFO fuel which only reach 461€/t. After 2016, the only possibility for a tug boat is to run by using MDO fuel because the tug, with a length of 30m and a height of 15m, is a very small boat. A scrubber with 7m height and a full weight of 32 tons would force the tug to sink. Using a wet scrubber technology on a tug boat is impossible although tugs mostly run in harbors. So, the closed loop technology could be the perfect solution, but the main problem with this technology is that it takes too much space with all the tanks and units which are needed. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 142  Draw. 11: Tug Boat without Scrubber European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 143  Stability The dimensions of this tug boat are 30.37m x 9.10m x 3.65m (l x w x h). The GM’ is 1.30m and the displacement 422 tons without using a scrubber technology. With a wet scrubber, the GM’ goes down to 1.20m and the displacement become 430 tons. By using a dry scrubber, the GM’ reaches 0.71m and the displacement is 454 tons. With the utilization of the two technologies (wet scrubber and dry scrubber), the GM’ is under 1.30m and the displacement is too high (over 422 tons), which is not allowed. Using scrubber technology is not possible with the current technologies. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 144  Tug Boat without scrubber Länge pp Breite Seitenhöhe Tiefgang (CWL) cb (CWL) 28,00 9,10 3,65 2,68 0,600 m m m m - T ie fga ng a ktue ll 2,68 cb a ktue ll (S E . 334) 0,600 cwp a ktue ll (S E . 144) 0,750 cm a ktue ll (Kimmra dius 2,1m) 0,922 D ispla ce me nt a ktue ll (S e e ) de a dwe ight KG MLS [ % von H ] Be ze ichnung Deadweight E quipme nt Boiler Silencer SCR m t OK H a uptde ck KB (S E . 81) BM (S E . 82) KM = KB + BM 3,65 1,51 2,52 4,03 m m m m 422 100 t 86 % Ma sse 100 316 4,6 0,70 0,55 V CG 3,14 2,59 2,20 9,00 5,00 Mome nt 314 818 10 6 3 Displ KM GM so lid GM' einschl. freier Oberflächen 422 2,73 4,03 1,30 1152 m m m 1,30 European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 145  Tug Boat with wet scrubber Länge pp Breite Seitenhöhe Tiefgang (CWL) cb (CWL) 28,00 9,10 3,65 2,68 0,600 m m m m - T ie fga ng a ktue ll 2,68 cb a ktue ll (S E . 334) 0,600 cwp a ktue ll (S E . 144) 0,750 cm a ktue ll (Kimmra dius 2,1m) 0,922 D ispla ce me nt a ktue ll (S e e ) de a dwe ight KG MLS [ % von H ] Be ze ichnung Deadweight E quipme nt Boiler Silencer SCR wet scrubber m t OK H a uptde ck KB (S E . 81) BM (S E . 82) KM = KB + BM 3,65 1,51 2,52 4,03 m m m m 422 100 t 86 % Ma sse 100 316 4,6 0,70 0,55 8 V CG 3,14 2,59 2,20 9,00 5,00 8,00 Mome nt 314 818 10 6 3 64 Displ KM GM so lid GM' einschl. freier Oberflächen 430 2,82 4,03 1,20 1216 m m m 1,20 European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 146  Tug Boat with dry scrubber Länge pp Breite Seitenhöhe Tiefgang (CWL) cb (CWL) 28,00 9,10 3,65 2,68 0,600 m m m m - T ie fga ng a ktue ll 2,68 cb a ktue ll (S E . 334) 0,600 cwp a ktue ll (S E . 144) 0,750 cm a ktue ll (Kimmra dius 2,1m) 0,922 D ispla ce me nt a ktue ll (S e e ) de a dwe ight KG MLS [ % von H ] Be ze ichnung Deadweight E quipme nt Boiler Silencer SCR dry scrubber m t OK H a uptde ck KB (S E . 81) BM (S E . 82) KM = KB + BM 3,65 1,51 2,52 4,03 m m m m 422 100 t 86 % Ma sse 100 316 4,6 0,70 0,55 32 V CG 3,14 2,60 2,20 9,00 5,00 11,00 Mome nt 314 822 10 6 3 352 Displ KM GM so lid GM' einschl. freier Oberflächen 454 3,32 4,03 0,71 1507 m m m 0,71 European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 147  CONCLUSION The collecting of all available information about the technologies was the first milestone of the project. With this information, the decision process could be started. Technical drawings were designed to find solutions for the system processes. For every possible arrangement, regardless of working or not, there is a drawing to show the arrangement of the parts in the ships. For the stability and exhaust gas, calculations were completed so as meet the regulations of IMO III. The Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems studied in this project are the main technologies known at present. They satisfy IMO III regulations easily, including a number of worst case scenarios. The price paid in dimensions and investment is high. All the components required to run the EGCS properly are not easy to fit in all old ships. Usually there is too little or no clear empty space to install all the technologies. The best solution for a container vessel would be the use of the hybrid system because of the low running costs. Also, the use of a dry scrubber, which is placed in front of the deckhouse and is not followed by a big lack of stability, is possible. On the other hand, for the cruise ship the only solution would be the closed loop system because any pollution in the air, or into the water, is illegal and it would also disturb the passengers. The dry system, although is not polluting, is not a possible solution for the cruise ship of this study because it is higher than two car decks and there would be a significant loss of car capacity. Finally, for the tug, the only possible solution is not to place scrubber on it and drive with MDO, even though it is very expensive. But on this little ship, there is obviously not enough space and a big and heavy scrubber would cause the tug to sink. In addition, a bigger engine would be needed to maintain minimum board pull. In the end, it is possible to place the arrangements on board. For 2016, these technologies have to be considered when planning, so that the best places and enough free room for everything can be found. What is more, have a focus of the stability, not to lose more TEU or car capacity than necessary. For 2016, the technology parts which are still very big, should be modified to keep them as small as possible. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 148  Calculating the price for every system investments was quite impossible because of a lack of information from the different suppliers. In this report, no precise price investment calculations are listed. There are not exact calculations about the different prices due to a lack of information. The Caterpillar project was a great chance for the group to work on a subject which will be applied in 2016 because of future IMO III regulations. Working together, as a team, was one of the main goals of the European Project Semester (EPS). Of course, having technical results is important too; mainly for the company. Taking part in the EPS is a good step between the university and the professional field. For instance, still being a student but taking care of a real and concrete technical project from a company is a very interesting opportunity. Not alone, but with three foreign students from diverse countries using English, which is used in most of the engineering companies nowadays. This four-month-working period was a first study for Caterpillar GmbH to find the best EGCS arrangements possible for three kinds of ships: container vessels, cruise ships and tug boats. This report can be used to support Caterpillar GmbH, which will be assigned to fulfill the IMO III criteria. They may use this document for an internal use and make better contents. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 149  APPENDIX APPENDIX I: MAK Engines M 25 C Pic. 15: M 25 C [6] The M 25 C, as shown in Pic. 15 and Fig. 51, is a four stroke diesel engine, non-reversible, turbocharged and intercooled with direct fuel injection. Cylinder configuration: Bore: Stroke: Stroke/Bore-Ratio Swept volume: Output/cyl.: BMEP: Revolutions: Mean piston speed: Turbocharging: Direction of rotation: 6, 8, 9 in-line 255 mm 400 mm 1.57 20.4 l/Cyl. 317 - 333 kW 25.8 bar 720/750 rpm 9.6/10.0 m/s pulse pressure clockwise option: Fig. 51: M 25 C [6] counter-clockwise European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 150  General data and outputs The maximum continuous rating (locked output), stated by Caterpillar Motoren, refers to the following reference conditions according to IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) formain and auxiliary engines. Reference conditions according to IACS (tropical conditions): air pressure air temperature relative humidity seawater temperature 100 kPa (1 bar) 318 K (45 °C) 60 % 305 K (32 °C) Fuel consumption The fuel consumption data refers to the following reference conditions: intake temperature charge air temperature 298 K (25 °C) 318 K (45 °C) charge air coolant inlet temperature 298 K (25 °C) net heating value of the Diesel oil tolerance 42700 kJ/kg 5% Specification of the fuel consumption data without fitted-on pumps; for each pump fitted on an additional. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 151  Technical Data The following table (Tab. 18) lists the technical data of M 25 C. Tab. 18: Technical data of M 25 C [6] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 152  VM 32 C The M 32 C, as shown in Fig. 52, is a four stroke diesel engine, non-reversible, turbocharged with direct fuel injection. Cylinder configuration: Bore: Stroke: Stroke/Bore-Ratio: Swept volume: Output/cyl.: BMEP: Revolutions: Mean piston speed: Turbocharging: Direction of rotation: counter-clockwise 12, 16 V 320 mm 420 mm 1.3 33.8 l/Cyl. 480/500 kW 23.7/23.7 bar 720/750 rpm 10.1/10.5 m/s single pipe system clockwise, option: Fig. 52: V M 32 C [8] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 153  General data and outputs The maximum continuous rating (locked output), stated by Caterpillar Motoren, refers to the following reference conditions according to IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) for main and auxiliary engines. Reference conditions according to IACS (tropical conditions): air pressure air temperature relative humidity seawater temperature 100 kPa (1 bar) 318 K (45 °C) 60 % 305 K (32 °C) Fuel consumption The fuel consumption data refers to the following reference conditions: intake temperature charge air temperature charge air coolant inlet temperature net heating value of the Diesel oil tolerance 5 % 298 K (25 °C) 318 K (45 °C) 298 K (25 °C) 42,700 kJ/kg Specification of the fuel consumption data without fitted-on pumps; for each pump fitted on an additional consumption of 1 % has to be calculated. Nitrogen oxide emissions (NOx-values) NOx-limit values according to MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI: 12.1 g/kWh (n = 720 rpm) 12.0 g/kWh (n = 750 rpm) 11.6 g/kWh (n = 720 rpm) 10.2 g/kWh (n = 750 rpm) Parent engine: CP propeller, according to cycle E2: European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 154  Emergency operation with one turbocharger Maximum output without time limit will be 40 % MCR at nominal speed or at combinator operation. The exhaust pipes A and B have to be connected. Air outlet and gas inlet of the failed TC has to be closed. MDO operation only. General installation aspect Inclication angles of ships at which engine running must be possible: Heel to each side: Rolling to each side: Trim by head and stern: Pitching: 15° + 22.5° 5° + 7.5° European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 155  Technical Data The following tables (Tab. 19 and 20) represent the technical data of the VM 32 C. Tab. 19: Technical data of VM 32 C [8] Tab. 20: Technical data of VM 32 C [8] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 156  VM 43 C Engine Description Pic. 16: VM 43 C [10] The VM 43 C, as shown in Pic. 16 and Fig. 53, is a four stroke diesel engine, non-reversible, turbocharged with direct fuel injection. Cylinder configuration Bore: Stroke: Stroke/Bore-Ratio: Swept volume: Output/cyl.: BMEP: Revolutions: Mean piston speed: Turbocharging: Direction of rotation: counter-clockwise 12, 16 V 430 mm 610 mm 1.42 88.6 l/Cyl. 1000 kW 27.1/26.4 bar 500/514 rpm 10.2/10.5 m/s single log clockwise, option: Fig. 53: VM 43 C [10] General data and outputs The maximum continuous rating (locked output), stated by Caterpillar Motoren, refers to the following reference conditions according to IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) for main and auxiliary engines. European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 157  Reference conditions according to IACS (tropical conditions): air pressure : air temperature : relative humidity: seawater temperature: 100 kPa (1 bar) 318 K (45 °C) 60 % 305 K (32 °C) Fuel consumption The fuel consumption data refers to the following reference conditions: intake temperature : charge air temperature: charge air coolant inlet temperature : net heating value of the Diesel oil: tolerance: 298 K (25 °C) 318 K (45 °C) 298 K (25 °C) 42700 kJ/kg 5% Specification of the fuel consumption data without fitted pumps; for each pump fitted on an additional consumption of 1 % has to be calculated. Soot and Emissions (NOx-values) NOx-limit values according to MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI: Parent engine: CP propeller, according to cycle E2: 13.0 g/kWh (n = 500 rpm) 12.9 g/kWh (n = 514 rpm) 12.6 g/kWh (n = 500 rpm) 12.6 g/kWh (n = 514 rpm) In combination with Flex Cam Technology (FCT), the soot emission will be lower than 0.3 FSN in the operation range between 10 and 100 % load. Emergency Operation Without Turbocharger Emergency operation is permissible only with MDO, and up to approximately 15 % of the MCR. Rotor dismantled: Constant speed 500 rpm, Combinator operation 360 rpm Rotor blocked: Constant speed 500 rpm, Combinator operation 350 rpm European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 158  General Installation Aspect Inclination angles of ships at which engine running must be possible: Heel to each side: Rolling to each side: Trim by head and stern: Pitching: 15° + 22.5° 5° + 7.5° Technical Data The following tables (Tab. 21 and 22) list the technical data of the VM 43 C. Tab. 21: Technical data of VM 43 C [10] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 159  Tab. 22: Technical data of VM 43 C [10] European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 160  APPENDIX II: Load and Emissions comparison graphs Container Ship 1x8 M 32 C  Load 50% 75% 85% 100% SFOC [g/kWh] 190 181 177 178  CO2 [g/kWh] 695,97 663,003 648,351 652,014 SOx  without Scrubber [g/kWh] NOx  without SCR [g/kWh] 15,39 9,5 14,661 9,5 14,337 9,5 14,418 9,5 Tab. 23: Container Ship Main Engine Emissions for different loads OPEN LOOP SCRUBBER Minimal Reduction 95 % SOx   Load SOx  with Scrubber [g/kWh] SOx with Scrubber % 50% 0,7695 0,089 75% 0,73305 0,089 85% 0,71685 0,089 100% 0,7209 0,089 SCR 70 % NOx NOx with SCR [g/kWh] 2,85 2,85 2,85 2,85 Tab. 24: Container Ship Emissions with Open Loop Scrubber (minimal reduction) Maximal Reduction  Load 50% 75% 85% 100% SCR OPEN LOOP SCRUBBER 98 % NOx 98 % SOx  SOx  with Scrubber [g/kWh] SOx with Scrubber % NOx with SCR [g/kWh] 0,3078 0,089 0,19 0,29322 0,089 0,19 0,28674 0,089 0,19 0,28836 0,089 0,19 Tab. 25: Container Ship Emissions with Open Loop Scrubber (maximal reduction) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 161  Gra. 9: Container Ship Emissions with Open Loop Scrubber (minimal reduction) Gra. 8: Container Ship Emissions with Open Loop Scrubber (maximal reduction) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 162  CLOSED LOOP SCRUBBER 98 % SOx Minimal Reduction  Load SOx  with Scrubber [g/kWh] SOx with Scrubber % 50% 0,3078 0,0356 75% 0,29322 0,0356 85% 0,28674 0,0356 100% 0,28836 0,0356 SCR 70 % NOx NOx with SCR [g/kWh] 2,85 2,85 2,85 2,85 Tab. 26: Container Ship Emissions with Closed Loop Scrubber (minimal reduction) Maximal Reduction  Load 50% 75% 85% 100% SCR CLOSED LOOP SCRUBBER 98 % NOx 99 % SOx SOx  with Scrubber [g/kWh] SOx with Scrubber % NOx with SCR [g/kWh] 0,1539 0,089 0,19 0,14661 0,089 0,19 0,14337 0,089 0,19 0,14418 0,089 0,19 Tab. 27: Container Ship Emissions with Closed Loop Scrubber (maximal reduction) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 163  Gra. 10: Container Ship Emissions with Closed Loop Scrubber (minimal reduction) Gra. 11: Container Ship Emissions with Closed Loop Scrubber (maximal reduction) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 164  HYBRID  SCRUBBER Minimal Reduction 99 % SOx  Load SOx  with Scrubber [g/kWh] SOx with Scrubber % 50% 0,1539 0,0178 75% 0,14661 0,0178 85% 0,14337 0,0178 100% 0,14418 0,0178 SCR 70 % NOx NOx with SCR [g/kWh] 2,85 2,85 2,85 2,85 Tab. 28: Container Ship Emissions with Hybrid System (minimal reduction) Maximal Reduction  Load 50% 75% 85% 100% SCR HYBRID  SCRUBBER 98 % NOx 99 % SOx SOx  with Scrubber [g/kWh] SOx with Scrubber % NOx with SCR [g/kWh] 0,1539 0,089 0,19 0,14661 0,089 0,19 0,14337 0,089 0,19 0,14418 0,089 0,19 Tab. 29: Container Ship Emissions with Hybrid System (maximal reduction) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 165  Gra. 12: Container Ship Emissions with Hybrid System (minimal reduction) Gra. 13: Container Ship Emissions with Hybrid System (maximal reduction) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 166  DRY  SCRUBBER 99 % SOx Minimal Reduction  Load SOx  with Scrubber [g/kWh] SOx with Scrubber % 50% 0,095 0,010987654 75% 0,0905 0,010987654 85% 0,0885 0,010987654 100% 0,089 0,010987654 SCR 70 % NOx NOx with SCR [g/kWh] 2,85 2,85 2,85 2,85 Tab. 30: Container Ship Emissions with Dry Scrubber (minimal reduction) Maximal Reduction  Load 50% 75% 85% 100% SCR DRY  SCRUBBER 98 % NOx 99 % SOx SOx  with Scrubber [g/kWh] SOx with Scrubber % NOx with SCR [g/kWh] 0,1539 0,089 0,19 0,14661 0,089 0,19 0,14337 0,089 0,19 0,14418 0,089 0,19 Tab. 31: Container Ship Emissions with Dry Scrubber (maximal reduction) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 167  Gra. 14: Container Ship Emissions with Dry Scrubber (minimal reduction) Gra. 15: Container Ship Emissions with Dry Scrubber (maximal reduction) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 168  Cruise Ship 1x 8  M  43 C   Load 50% 75% 85% 100% SFOC [g/kWh] 185 178 175 176 CO2[g/kWh] 660,0183333 635,0446667 624,3416667 627,9093333 SOx  without Scrubber [g/kWh] NOx  without SCR [g/kWh] 14,985 11,78 14,418 11,7825 14,175 11,785 14,256 11,7875 Tab. 32: Cruise Ship Main Engine Emissions for different loads OPEN LOOP SCRUBBER 95 % SOx  Minimal Reduction  Load SOx  with Scrubber [g/kWh] SOx with Scrubber % 50% 0,74925 0,089 75% 0,7209 0,089 85% 0,70875 0,089 100% 0,7128 0,089 SCR 70 % NOx NOx with SCR [g/kWh] 3,534 3,53475 3,5355 3,53625 Tab. 34: Cruise Ship Emissions with Open Loop Scrubber (minimal reduction) OPEN LOOP SCRUBBER SCR 98 % SOx  Maximal Reduction 98 % NOx  Load SOx  with Scrubber [g/kWh] SOx with Scrubber % NOx with SCR [g/kWh] 50% 0,2997 0,0356 0,2356 75% 0,28836 0,0356 0,23565 85% 0,2835 0,0356 0,2357 100% 0,28512 0,0356 0,23575 Tab. 33: Cruise Ship Emissions with Open Loop Scrubber (maximal reduction) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 169  Gra. 16: Cruise Ship Emissions with Open Loop Scrubber (minimal reduction) Gra. 17: Cruise Ship Emissions with Open Loop Scrubber (maximal reduction) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 170  CLOSED LOOP SCRUBBER Minimal Reduction 98 % SOx  Load SOx  with Scrubber [g/kWh] SOx with Scrubber % 50% 0,2997 0,0356 75% 0,28836 0,0356 85% 0,2835 0,0356 100% 0,28512 0,0356 SCR 70 % NOx NOx with SCR [g/kWh] 3,534 3,53475 3,5355 3,53625 Tab. 35: Cruise Ship Emissions with Closed Loop Scrubber (minimal reduction) CLOSED LOOP SCRUBBER SCR Maximal Reduction 99 % SOx 98 % NOx  Load SOx  with Scrubber [g/kWh] SOx with Scrubber % NOx with SCR [g/kWh] 50% 0,14985 0,0178 0,2356 75% 0,14418 0,0178 0,23565 85% 0,14175 0,0178 0,2357 100% 0,14256 0,0178 0,23575 Tab. 36: Cruise Ship Emissions with Closed Loop Scrubber (maximal reduction) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 171  Gra. 18: Cruise Ship Emissions with Closed Loop Scrubber (minimal reduction) Gra. 19: Cruise Ship Emissions with Closed Loop Scrubber (maximal reduction) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 172  HYBRID  SCRUBBER Minimal Reduction 99 % SOx  Load SOx  with Scrubber [g/kWh] SOx with Scrubber % 50% 0,14985 0,0178 75% 0,14418 0,0178 85% 0,14175 0,0178 100% 0,14256 0,0178 SCR 70 % NOx NOx with SCR [g/kWh] 3,534 3,53475 3,5355 3,53625 Tab. 37: Cruise Ship Emissions with Hybrid System (minimal reduction) HYBRID  SCRUBBER SCR Maximal Reduction 99 % SOx 98 % NOx  Load SOx  with Scrubber [g/kWh] SOx with Scrubber % NOx with SCR [g/kWh] 50% 0,14985 0,0178 0,2356 75% 0,14418 0,0178 0,23565 85% 0,14175 0,0178 0,2357 100% 0,14256 0,0178 0,23575 Tab. 38: Cruise Ship Emissions with Hybrid System (maximal reduction) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 173  Gra. 20: Cruise Ship Emissions with Hybrid System (minimal reduction) Gra. 21: Cruise Ship Emissions with Hybrid System (maximal reduction) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 174  DRY  SCRUBBER Minimal Reduction 99 % SOx  Load SOx  with Scrubber [g/kWh] SOx with Scrubber % 50% 0,37 0,043950617 75% 0,356 0,043950617 85% 0,35 0,043950617 100% 0,352 0,043950617 SCR 70 % NOx NOx with SCR [g/kWh] 3,534 3,53475 3,5355 3,53625 Tab. 39: Cruise Ship Emissions with Dry Scrubber (minimal reduction) DRY  SCRUBBER SCR Maximal Reduction 99 % SOx 98 % NOx  Load SOx  with Scrubber [g/kWh] SOx with Scrubber % NOx with SCR [g/kWh] 50% 0,14985 0,0178 0,2356 75% 0,14418 0,0178 0,23565 85% 0,14175 0,0178 0,2357 100% 0,14256 0,0178 0,23575 Tab. 40: Cruise Ship Emissions with Dry Scrubber (maximal reduction) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 175  Gra. 22: Cruise Ship Emissions with Dry Scrubber (minimal reduction) Gra. 23: Cruise Ship Emissions with Dry Scrubber (maximal reduction) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 176  Tug boat 1x8 M 20 C  Load 50% 75% 85% 100% SFOC [g/kWh] 191 189 189 190 CO2  [g/kWh] 699,633 692,307 692,307 695,97 SOx  without Scrubber [g/kWh] NOx  without SCR [g/kWh] 0,573 11,3 0,567 11,3 0,567 11,3 0,57 11,3 Tab. 41: Tug Boat Main Engine Emissions for different loads Minimal Reduction MDO CONTAINS 0,1% SULPHUR  Load SOx  without Scrubber [g/kWh] 50% 0,573 0,065 75% 0,567 0,065 85% 0,567 0,065 100% 0,57 0,065 SCR 70% Nox NOx with SCR [g/kWh] 3,39 3,39 3,39 3,39 Tab. 42: Tug Boat Emissions with MDO fuel (minimal reduction) Maximal Reduction MDO CONTAINS 0,1% SULPHUR  Load SOx  without Scrubber [g/kWh] 50% 0,573 0,065 75% 0,567 0,065 85% 0,567 0,065 100% 0,57 0,065 SCR 98% Nox NOx with SCR [g/kWh] 0,226 0,226 0,226 0,226 Tab. 43: Tug Boat Emissions with MDO fuel (maximal reduction) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 177  Gra. 24: Tug Boat Emissions with MDO fuel (minimal reduction) Gra. 25: Tug Boat Emissions with MDO fuel (minimal reduction) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 178  APPENDIX III: Noise Level Regulation The next data is taken from Turkish Lloyd. IMO - Resolution A.468 (XII)( Noise Levels - Code on Noise Levels on Board Ships) Noise limits of IMO Locations: dB(A) Work spaces Machinery spaces(continuously manned) 90 Machinery spaces(not continuously manned) Ear protectors should be worn when the noise level is above 85 dB(A) 110 Machinery control rooms 75 Workshops 85 Non-specified work spaces 90 Navigation spaces Navigation bridge and chartroom 65 Listening post, including navigation bridge wings and windows Reference is made to resolution A.343(IX) which also applies 70 Radio room (with radio equipment operating but not producing audio signals) 60 European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 179  Radar rooms 65 Accommodation spaces Cabins and hospitals 60 Mess rooms 65 Recreation rooms 65 Open recreation areas 75 Offices 65 Service spaces Galleys, without food processing equipment operating 75 Stores and pantries 75 Normally unoccupied spaces Spaces not specified 90 European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 180  APPENDIX IV: EGCS Emissions Reductions WORST EMISSIONS REDUCTION OPEN loop Scrubber + SCR + (Boiler + Silencer) CLOSED loop Scrubber + SCR + (Boiler + Silencer) HYBRID Scrubber + SCR + (Boiler + Silencer) DRY Scrubber + SCR + (Boiler + Silencer) SCR + (Boiler + Silencer) CRUISE 16M43 SOx NOx [%] [%] 95 70 98 99 99 70 70 70 70 CONTAINER 8M32 SOx NOx [%] [%] 95 70 98 99 99 70 70 70 70 TUG 8M20 NOx [%] 70 Tab. 44: Worst EGCS Emissions Reductions BEST EMISSIONS REDUCTION OPEN loop Scrubber + SCR + (Boiler + Silencer) CLOSED loop Scrubber + SCR + (Boiler + Silencer) HYBRID Scrubber + SCR + (Boiler + Silencer) DRY Scrubber + SCR + (Boiler + Silencer) SCR + (Boiler + Silencer) CRUISE 16M43 SOx NOx [%] [%] 98 98 99 99 99 98 98 98 98 CONTAINER 8M32 SOx NOx [%] [%] 98 98 99 99 99 98 98 98 98 TUG 8M20 NOx [%] 98 Tab. 45: Best EGCS Emissions Reductions European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 181  APPENDIX V: EGCS Components dimensions DIMENSIONS CRUISE 16M43 7.2MW [m] Ø2.7x6.8 1.9x1.9x3.8 2.7x2.9x7.3 Ø1.2x5.2 Ø2.7x6.8 1.9x1.9x3.8 2.7x2.9x7.3 Ø1.2x5.2 Ø2.7x6.8 1.9x1.9x3.8 2.7x2.9x7.3 Ø1.2x5.2 4x6x12 1.9x1.9x3.8 2.7x2.9x7.3 Ø1.2x5.2 1.9x1.9x3.8 2.7x2.9x7.3 Ø1.2x5.2 CONTAINER 8M32 4MW [m] Ø2x5.6 1.2x1.2x3.2 2.1x2.3x6.1 Ø0.9x4 Ø2x5.6 1.2x1.2x3.2 2.1x2.3x6.1 Ø0.9x4 Ø2x5.6 1.2x1.2x3.2 2.1x2.3x6.1 Ø0.9x4 4x6x7.5 1.2x1.2x3.2 2.1x2.3x6.1 Ø0.9x4 1.2x1.2x3.2 2.1x2.3x6.1 Ø0.9x4 TUG 8M20 1.5MW [m] 0.9x0.9x3 1.7x2x3.5 Ø0.6x2.9 0.9x0.9x3 1.7x2x3.5 Ø0.6x2.9 0.9x0.9x3 1.7x2x3.5 Ø0.6x2.9 0.9x0.9x3 1.7x2x3.5 Ø0.6x2.9 0.9x0.9x3 1.7x2x3.5 Ø0.6x2.9 OPEN loop Scrubber SCR Boiler Silencer CLOSED loop Scrubber SCR Boiler Silencer HYBRID Scrubber SCR Boiler Silencer DRY Scrubber SCR Boiler Silencer SCR Boiler Silencer Tab. 46: EGCS Components dimensions European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 182  Wet Scrubber Volume vs. Engine Power [m3] 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 [MW] Gra. 26: Wet Scrubber Volume vs. Engine Power Dry Scrubber Volume vs. Engine Power [m3] 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 1 10 20 [MW] Gra. 27: Dry Scrubber Volume vs. Engine Power European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 183  APPENDIX VI: Weight of Dry Scrubber Gra. 28: Full and Light Weight of Dry Scrubber (kWh vs. tons) European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 184  APPENDIX VII: Scrubber Decision Matrix CHARACTERISTIC EMISSIONS REDUCTION ON AIR (EFFECTIV.) PRICE INVEST. [M€ ] STAB. >0.6m (GM' coef) [m] ADDIT. SYSTEMS ISSUES CHEMICAL REACTION SCRUBBER WT. [t] ENERGY CONS. [KW] TECHNOLOGY PRES. DROP [mbar] DIM. [m] Container Ship Freshwater scrubber Closed loop, Addition of NaOH (CSNOx) Ultra-Low Frequency Electrolysis System (ULFELS) Ø2.9x8 _ _ SOx neutralized SO2 + H2O → H2SO3 with stream water (Sea or fresh water) (Sea or fresh water) Water is first alkalined, then CSNOx-treated and pumped to the Exhaust Gas SO2 neutralized 1. CO2 + H2O → H2CO3 2. H2CO3 → H+ + HCO3by carbonates 3. HCO3 → H+ + CO32from water 45 (1% fuel consump.) 99.9% SOx 90% NOx max 65% PM max 99% SOx 66% NOx _ 8 max T ri-NOx® Multi-Chem processes Wärtsilä _ _ _ _ _ _ Ecospec Abator T ower,E.G. Monitoring, Mixing tank, ULFELS tank 3 pump groups: supplying returning reaction Hamworthy Krystallon Seawater scrubber _ _ _ _ 116,5 (2-3% fuel consump.) 98% Sulphur _ 10 MES EcoSilencer® _ _ Hybrid: open+closed Hybrid System loop: 90mm Plastic balls Calcium Hydroxide: Ø 2-8mm Dry scrubber spheres Ø2x5.6 0.62 Exhaust gas is cleaned passing through a _ _ shallow bath of scrubbing sea water 13.4 Exhaust Gas is NaOH+SO2+1/2O2 → Na++HSO4-+H2O cooled by FW or SW and washed through balls 72 SOx reacts with calcium hydroxide producing calcium sulfate 1. Ca(OH)2 + SO2 → CaSO3 + H2O 2. Ca(OH)2 + SO2 + ½ O2 → CaSO4 + H2O 3. Ca(OH)2 + SO3 + H2O→CaSO4 + 2 H2O (2-3% fuel consump.) 95% SO2 15% NOx max >80% PM _ 7.35 - custom 14.7 design/ compact size Marine Exhaust Solutions 93 (ECA*) 99% SOX 0,23-1,34% >80% PM of engine power 64 99% SOx 1.6 9.8 3 1 1 1 1 pumps cooler filter sludge tank FW tank Aalborg Industries 4x6x7.5 0.62 1.2 12 Extra 30m3 emergency container Couple Systems DryEGCS® European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 185  COMPANY PROCESS CHARACTERISTIC Cruise Ship TECHNOLOGY EMISSIONS REDUCTION ON AIR (EFFECTIV.) PRICE INVEST. [M€ ] ADDIT. SYSTEMS ISSUES CHEMICAL REACTION SCRUBBER WT. [t] ENERGY CONS. [KW] STAB. >0.6m (GM' coef) [m] PRES. DROP [mbar] DIM. [m] Freshwater scrubber Closed loop, Addition of NaOH (CSNOx) Ultra-Low Frequency Electrolysis System (ULFELS) (8MW) Ø2.9x8 52 _ SOx neutralized SO2 + H2O → H2SO3 with stream water (Sea or fresh water) (Sea or fresh water) Water is first alkalined, then CSNOx-treated and pumped to the Exhaust Gas SO2 neutralized 1. CO2 + H2O → H2CO3 by carbonates 2. H2CO3 → H+ + HCO33. HCO3 → H+ + CO32from water Exhaust gas is cleaned passing through a _ shallow bath of scrubbing sea water Exhaust Gas is NaOH+SO2+1/2O2 → cooled by FW Na++HSO4-+H2O or SW and washed through balls SOx reacts with calcium hydroxide producing calcium sulfate 1. Ca(OH)2 + SO2 → CaSO3 + H2O 2. Ca(OH)2 + SO2 + ½ O2 → CaSO4 + H2O 3. Ca(OH)2 + SO3 + H2O → CaSO4 + 2 H2O 45 (1% fuel consump.) 99.9% SOx 90% NOx max 65% PM max 99% SOx 66% NOx _ 8 max T ri-NOx® Multi-Chem processes Abator T ower,E.G. Monitoring, Mixing tank, ULFELS tank Wärtsilä Ecospec _ _ _ _ _ _ Ø2.5x7.1 0.65 28 Seawater scrubber MES EcoSilencer® _ _ _ 98% Sulphur 116,5 (2-3% fuel consump.) (2-3% fuel 95% SO2 consump.) 15% NOx max >80% PM 10 _ 3 pump groups: Hamworthy supplying Krystallon returning reaction Marine Exhaust Solutions 7.35 - custom design/ 14.7 compact size _ Hybrid: open+closed loop: 90mm Hybrid System Plastic balls Ø2.7x6.8 0.65 72 93 (ECA*) 99% SOX 0,23-1,34% >80% PM of engine power 2 9.8 3 1 1 1 1 pumps cooler filter sludge tank FW tank Aalborg Industries Calcium Hydroxide: Ø 2-8mm Dry scrubber spheres 4x6x12 0.69 482 64 99% SOx 1.5 12 Extra 30m3 emergency container Couple Systems DryEGCS® European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 186  COMPANY PROCESS TECHNOLOGY CHARACTERIS ENERGY CONS. [KW] EMISSIONS REDUCTION ON AIR (EFFECTIV.) PRICE INVEST. [M€ ] SCRUBBER WT. [t] CHEMICAL REACTION STAB. >0.6m (GM' coef) [m] PRES. DROP [mbar] ADDIT. SYSTEMS ISSUES 3 pump groups: supplying returning reaction DIM. [m] Tug Boat Closed loop, Addition of Freshwater NaOH scrubber _ _ _ SOx neutralized SO2 + H2O → H2SO3 with stream water (Sea or fresh water) 45 99.9% SOx (1% fuel 90% NOx max consump.) 65% PM max 8 max _ T ri-NOx® Wärtsilä MultiChem processes (CSNOx) Ultra-Low Frequency Electrolysis System (ULFELS) _ _ _ Water is first (Sea or fresh water) alkalined, then CSNOx-treated and pumped to the Exhaust Gas 99% SOx 66% NOx _ _ _ Abator Ecospec T ower,E.G. Monitoring Mixing tank, ULFELS tank Ham worthy Krystallon Seawater scrubber _ _ _ _ SO2 neutralized 1. CO2 + H2O → 116,5 98% Sulphur by carbonates H2CO3 (2-3% fuel from water 2. H2CO3 → H+ + consump.) HCO33. HCO3 → H+ + CO32Exhaust gas is cleaned passing through a _ shallow bath of scrubbing sea water Exhaust Gas is NaOH+SO2+1/2O2 → cooled by FW Na++HSO4-+H2O or SW and washed through balls (2-3% fuel 95% SO2 consump.) 15% NOx max >80% PM 10 _ MES EcoSilencer® _ _ 0.62 8 _ _ 7.35 - custom 14.7 design/ compact size Marine Exhaust Solutions Hybrid: open+closed loop: 90mm Hybrid System Plastic balls Ø3.5 x5 93 (ECA*) 99% SOX 0,23>80% PM 1,34% of engine power 9.8 _ 3 pumps Aalborg 1 cooler Industries 1 filter 1 sludge tank 1 FW tank Extra Couple Systems 30m3 DryEGCS® emergency container Calcium Hydroxide: Ø 2-8mm Dry scrubber spheres 4x3x7 0.71 32 SOx reacts with calcium hydroxide producing calcium sulfate 1. Ca(OH)2 + SO2 → 64 CaSO3 + H2O 2. Ca(OH)2 + SO2 + ½ O2 → CaSO4 + H2O 3. Ca(OH)2 + SO3 + H2O→ CaSO4 + 2 H2O 99% SOx 12 _ European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 187  COMPANY PROCESS APPENDIX VIII: Drawings European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 188  Container Ship with Open Loop Seawater Scrubber European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 189  Container Ship with Closed Loop Freshwater Scrubber European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 190  Container Ship with Hybrid System European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 191  Container Ship with Dry Scrubber European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 192  Container Ship without Scrubber European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 193  Cruise Ship with Open Loop Seawater Scrubber European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 194  Cruise Ship with Closed Loop Freshwater Scrubber European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 195  Cruise Ship with Hybrid System European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 196  Cruise Ship with Dry Scrubber European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 197  Cruise Ship without Scrubber European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 198  Tug Boat European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 199  APPENDIX IX: Technical Drawings European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 200  Open Loop Seawater Scrubber European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 201  Closed Loop Freshwater Scrubber European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 202  Hybrid System European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 203  Dry Scrubber European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 204  SCR European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 205  Reference List [1] March 24th 2011 [2] March 25th 2011 [3] Jan Dreves Aftertreatment Overview (pdf) Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG, P. O. Box, D-24157 Kiel March 15th 2011 [4] March 25th 2011 [5] Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG, P. O. Box, D-24157 Kiel PROJECT GUIDE M 20 C March 23rd 2011 [6] Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG, P. O. Box, D-24157 Kiel PROJECT GUIDE M 25 C March 23rd 2011 [7] Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG, P. O. Box, D-24157 Kiel PROJECT GUIDE M 32 C March 23rd 2011 [8] Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG, P. O. Box, D-24157 Kiel PROJECT GUIDE VM 32 C March 23rd 2011 [9] Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG, P. O. Box, D-24157 Kiel PROJECT GUIDE M 43 C March 24th 2011 European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 206  [10] Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG, P. O. Box, D-24157 Kiel PROJECT GUIDE VM 43 C March 24th 2011 [11] March 24th 2011 [12] March 24th 2011 [13] March 24th 2011 [14] mid=435 March 24th 2011 [15] Arnauld Filancia, Director, Marketing & Communications Reducing Emissions from Shipping Wärtsilä’s Solutions Wärtsilä Corporation March 26th 2011 [16] Ecospec Global Technology Pte Ltd CSNOx eBrochure March 26th 2011 [17] March 22nd 2011 [18] March 22nd 2011 [19] Hamworthy Krystallon Hamworthy Krystallon Scrubber Concept (PDF) March 16th 2011 European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 207  [20] March 17th 2011 [21] Hamworthy Krystallon Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems brochure (PDF) March 16th 2011 [22] Marine Exhaust Solutions MES EcoSilencer (PDF) March 21st 2011 [23] Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Peter Kleine-Möllhoff Study on the Exhaust Gas Cleaning System of a Ship Combustion Engine utilising the DryEGCS Process for the Removal of Sulphur Oxides Steinbeis GmbH & Co. KG. March 20th 2011 [24] April 4th 2011 [25] April 4th 2011 [26] April 4th 2011 [27] April 4th 2011 [28] April 4th 2011 [29] April 4th 2011 European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 208  [30] H+H Industrie H+H Industrie- und Umwelttechnik (pdf) Reedereisprechtag Flensburg April 4th 2011 [31] April 4th 2011 [32] zsysteme_1/ds_cvdenoxtronic22_de_2010.pdf April 4th 2011 [33] 0gas%20fired%20Steam%20Boiler/Steam_Boiler.jpg March 30th 2011 [34] rsion.png March 30th 2011 [35] March 30th 2011 [36] March 31st 2011 [37] March 7th 2011 [38] April 27th 2011 [39] April 30th 2011 European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 209  [40] April 30th 2011 [41]…………. ary/systems/ship/images/teu-trend-5.jpg April 30th 2011 [42] May 2nd 2011 [43]…………. w=416&h=299 May 2nd 2011 [44] Van DOKKUM Ship Knowledge 2003 [45] May 3rd 2011 [46] May 3rd 2011 European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 210  List of figures Fig. 1: ECA-Zones [1] ........................................................................................................................11  Fig. 2: MARPOL Annex VI NOx Emission Limits [3] .....................................................................12  Fig. 3: MARPOL Annex VI Fuel Sulphur Limits [4] ........................................................................13  Fig. 4: M 20 C [5]...............................................................................................................................15  Fig. 5: M 32 C [7]...............................................................................................................................19  Fig. 6: M 43 C [9]..............................................................................................................................23  Fig. 7: Stages 1 and 2 fitted in the ship [16] ......................................................................................38  Fig. 8: Stages 1 and 2 of CSNOx Ecospec Scrubber Technology [16] ..............................................39  Fig. 9: Hamworthy Krystallon Scrubber 3D view [19] ......................................................................42  Fig. 10: Hamworthy Krystallon scrubbing circuit [21] ......................................................................43  Fig. 11: Marine Exhaust Solutions scrubbing technology circuit [22] ..............................................47  Fig. 12: Closed Loop Freshwater scrubber system [15]....................................................................49  Fig. 13: Freshwater Makeup [15] .......................................................................................................49  Fig. 14: Seawater Cooling [15] ..........................................................................................................50  Fig. 15: Sodium Hydroxide NaOH Unit [15] .....................................................................................50  Fig. 16: Water treatment [15] .............................................................................................................51  Fig. 17: Scrubber process from Aalborg Industries [17] ....................................................................57  Fig. 18 Open Loop Scrubber process from Aalborg Industries [17] ..................................................58  Fig. 19: Freshwater scrubbing process [17] .......................................................................................59  European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 211  Fig. 20: Hybrid system in sensitive areas [17] ...................................................................................59  Fig. 21: Removing accumulation Hybrid System [17] .....................................................................60  Fig. 22: Refilling tank Hybrid System [17]........................................................................................60  Fig. 23: Aalborg Industries scrubbing circuit [18] .............................................................................61  Fig. 24: Operating principle of the DryEGCS absorber [23] .............................................................64  Fig. 25: Flow chart of the desulphurization plant (Hellmich) [23] ....................................................65  Fig. 26: Three-dimensional view of the DryEGCS absorber in a one-stage design [23] ...................66  Fig. 27: Calcium hydroxide granulates [23].......................................................................................67  Fig. 28: Main chemical reaction [24] .................................................................................................70  Fig. 29: Normal catalytic flow chart [25] ...........................................................................................71  Fig. 30: Operating window [26] .........................................................................................................72  Fig. 31: Johnson Mattey catalyst [26] ................................................................................................73  Fig. 32: Chemical reaction of Hug Engineering [28] .........................................................................74  Fig. 33: H+H SCR chemical reaction [30] .........................................................................................78  Fig. 34: DEC catalyst [31]..................................................................................................................81  Fig. 35: Miratech chemical reaction [25] ...........................................................................................82  Fig. 36: Miratech flow chart [25] .......................................................................................................83  Fig. 37: Bosch Emissions flow chart [32] ..........................................................................................84  Fig. 38: Standard boiler [33] ..............................................................................................................87  Fig. 39: Fire-tube boiler [34] ..............................................................................................................87  Fig. 40: Water-tube boiler [35] ..........................................................................................................87  Fig. 42: Absorption principle silencer section [37] ............................................................................89  European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 212  Fig. 41: Exhaust Gas Silencer [36].....................................................................................................89  Fig. 43: Reflection principle silencer section [37] .............................................................................90  Fig. 44: Example of a funnel [18] ......................................................................................................91  Fig. 45: SCR with honeycomp technology ......................................................................................101  Fig. 46: Container Ship Parts [40] ....................................................................................................105  Fig. 47: Comparison between container ship generations [41] ........................................................105  Fig. 48: Comparison between two of the biggest cruise ships [43] .................................................121  Fig. 49: “Pride of Hull” Cruise Ship Parts [44]................................................................................122  Fig. 50: Tug Boat Parts [46] .............................................................................................................140  Fig. 51: M 25 C [6]...........................................................................................................................150  Fig. 52: V M 32 C [8] .......................................................................................................................153  Fig. 53: VM 43 C [10] .....................................................................................................................157  List of tables Tab. 1: NOx limits [2] ........................................................................................................................11  Tab. 2: MARPOL Annex VI Fuel Sulphur Limits .............................................................................13  Tab. 3: Mak Propulsion Engines [5] ..................................................................................................15  Tab. 4: Technical data of M 20 C [5] .................................................................................................17  Tab. 5: Technical data of M 20 C [5] .................................................................................................18  Tab. 6: Technical data of M 32 C [7] .................................................................................................22  Tab. 7: Technical data of M 43 C- Without Turbocharger [9] ...........................................................25  European Project Semester 2011 213  Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems Tab. 8: Technical data of M 43 C (900 kW) [9] ................................................................................26  Tab. 9: Technical data of M 43 C (1000 kW) [9] ..............................................................................27  Tab. 10: Range of physico-chemical properties for heavy fuel oils [13] ...........................................32  Tab. 11: Range of physico-chemical properties for marine diesel oils [14] ......................................34  Tab. 13: Wash water quality [16] .......................................................................................................40  Tab. 12: Removal efficiencies [16] ....................................................................................................40  Tab. 14: FW and SW energy consumption (%) [17]..........................................................................61  Tab. 15: Strength-Weakness [23] .......................................................................................................69  Tab. 16: DEC costs [31] .....................................................................................................................81  Tab. 17: Bosch SCR technical description .........................................................................................86  Tab. 18: Technical data of M 25 C [6] .............................................................................................152  Tab. 19: Technical data of VM 32 C [8] .........................................................................................156  Tab. 20: Technical data of VM 32 C [8] ..........................................................................................156  Tab. 21: Technical data of VM 43 C [10] ........................................................................................159  Tab. 22: Technical data of VM 43 C [10] ........................................................................................160  Tab. 23: Container Ship Main Engine Emissions for different loads ..............................................161  Tab. 24: Container Ship Emissions with Open Loop Scrubber (minimal reduction) ......................161  Tab. 25: Container Ship Emissions with Open Loop Scrubber (maximal reduction)......................161  Tab. 26: Container Ship Emissions with Closed Loop Scrubber (minimal reduction) ....................163  Tab. 27: Container Ship Emissions with Closed Loop Scrubber (maximal reduction) ...................163  Tab. 28: Container Ship Emissions with Hybrid System (minimal reduction) ................................165  Tab. 29: Container Ship Emissions with Hybrid System (maximal reduction) ...............................165  European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 214  Tab. 30: Container Ship Emissions with Dry Scrubber (minimal reduction) ..................................167  Tab. 31: Container Ship Emissions with Dry Scrubber (maximal reduction) .................................167  Tab. 32: Cruise Ship Main Engine Emissions for different loads ....................................................169  Tab. 33: Cruise Ship Emissions with Open Loop Scrubber (maximal reduction) ...........................169  Tab. 34: Cruise Ship Emissions with Open Loop Scrubber (minimal reduction)............................169  Tab. 35: Cruise Ship Emissions with Closed Loop Scrubber (minimal reduction) .........................171  Tab. 36: Cruise Ship Emissions with Closed Loop Scrubber (maximal reduction) ........................171  Tab. 37: Cruise Ship Emissions with Hybrid System (minimal reduction) .....................................173  Tab. 38: Cruise Ship Emissions with Hybrid System (maximal reduction) ....................................173  Tab. 39: Cruise Ship Emissions with Dry Scrubber (minimal reduction) .......................................175  Tab. 40: Cruise Ship Emissions with Dry Scrubber (maximal reduction) .......................................175  Tab. 41: Tug Boat Main Engine Emissions for different loads .......................................................177  Tab. 42: Tug Boat Emissions with MDO fuel (minimal reduction) ................................................177  Tab. 43: Tug Boat Emissions with MDO fuel (maximal reduction) ................................................177  Tab. 44: Worst EGCS Emissions Reductions ..................................................................................181  Tab. 45: Best EGCS Emissions Reductions .....................................................................................181  Tab. 46: EGCS Components dimensions .........................................................................................182  List of pictures Pic. 1: M 20 C [5] ...............................................................................................................................15  Pic. 2: M 32 C [7] ...............................................................................................................................19  European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 215  Pic. 3: M 43 C [9] ...............................................................................................................................23  Pic. 4: An oil tanker taking on bunker fuel [11].................................................................................28  Pic. 5: Heavy Fuel Oil drops [12] ......................................................................................................30  Pic. 6: Bubble plate [20] .....................................................................................................................42  Pic. 7: Catalyst of Hug Engineering [29] ...........................................................................................76  Pic. 8: Honeycomb modul [30] ..........................................................................................................78  Pic. 9: H+H SCR catalyst [30] ...........................................................................................................79  Pic. 10: 1.Hauling Modul. - 2. Charging Modul. - 3. Dosing Control Unit. [32] ..............................85  Pic. 11: Maersk Line Container Ship [38]........................................................................................103  Pic. 12: Container Stacking [39] ......................................................................................................104  Pic. 13: Royal Caribbean Cruise Line [42] ......................................................................................120  Pic. 14: Tug boats assisting a ship [45] ............................................................................................138  Pic. 15: M 25 C [6] ...........................................................................................................................150  Pic. 16: VM 43 C [10] ......................................................................................................................157  List of graphs Gra. 1: Percentage of total sulphurious acid vs. pH [15] ...................................................................51  Gra. 2: Sulphur reduction vs. pH [15] ................................................................................................52  Gra. 3: Efficiency and pH vs. Time in Scrubber [15] ........................................................................53  Gra. 4: Relative abundance of carbonic acid, bicarbonate ion and carbonate ion in seawater [15]...54  European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 216  Gra. 5: Sulphur and CO2 scrubber technologies comparison [15] ....................................................55  Gra. 6: Catalyst Performance with Hydrocarbons [27] ......................................................................73  Gra. 7: Temperature at different Sulphur contents [30] .....................................................................79  Gra. 8: Container Ship Emissions with Open Loop Scrubber (maximal reduction) ........................162  Gra. 9: Container Ship Emissions with Open Loop Scrubber (minimal reduction) ........................162  Gra. 10: Container Ship Emissions with Closed Loop Scrubber (minimal reduction) ....................164  Gra. 11: Container Ship Emissions with Closed Loop Scrubber (maximal reduction) ...................164  Gra. 12: Container Ship Emissions with Hybrid System (minimal reduction) ................................166  Gra. 13: Container Ship Emissions with Hybrid System (maximal reduction) ...............................166  Gra. 14: Container Ship Emissions with Dry Scrubber (minimal reduction) ..................................168  Gra. 15: Container Ship Emissions with Dry Scrubber (maximal reduction) ..................................168  Gra. 16: Cruise Ship Emissions with Open Loop Scrubber (minimal reduction) ............................170  Gra. 17: Cruise Ship Emissions with Open Loop Scrubber (maximal reduction) ...........................170  Gra. 18: Cruise Ship Emissions with Closed Loop Scrubber (minimal reduction) .........................172  Gra. 19: Cruise Ship Emissions with Closed Loop Scrubber (maximal reduction) .........................172  Gra. 20: Cruise Ship Emissions with Hybrid System (minimal reduction) .....................................174  Gra. 21: Cruise Ship Emissions with Hybrid System (maximal reduction).....................................174  Gra. 22: Cruise Ship Emissions with Dry Scrubber (minimal reduction) ........................................176  Gra. 23: Cruise Ship Emissions with Dry Scrubber (maximal reduction) .......................................176  Gra. 24: Tug Boat Emissions with MDO fuel (minimal reduction).................................................178  Gra. 25: Tug Boat Emissions with MDO fuel (minimal reduction).................................................178  Gra. 26: Wet Scrubber Volume vs. Engine Power ...........................................................................183  European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 217  Gra. 27: Dry Scrubber Volume vs. Engine Power ...........................................................................183  Gra. 28: Full and Light Weight of Dry Scrubber (kWh vs. tons) ....................................................184  List of drawings Draw. 1: Container ship with Open Loop Seawater Scrubber .........................................................108  Draw. 2: Container ship with Closed Loop Freshwater Scrubber....................................................110  Draw. 3: Container ship with Hybrid System ..................................................................................112  Draw. 4: Container ship with Dry Scrubber ..................................................................................... 114  Draw. 5: Container ship without Scrubber .......................................................................................115  Draw. 6: Cruise ship with Open Loop Seawater Scrubber ..............................................................126  Draw. 7: Cruise ship with Closed Loop Freshwater Scrubber .........................................................128  Draw. 8: Cruise ship with Hybrid System........................................................................................130  Draw. 9: Cruise ship with Dry Scrubber ..........................................................................................132  Draw. 10: Cruise ship without Scrubber ..........................................................................................133  Draw. 11: Tug Boat without Scrubber .............................................................................................143  List of technical drawings Tech. draw. 1: Open Loop Seawater Circuit ......................................................................................94  Tech. draw. 2: Closed Loop Freshwater Circuit ................................................................................96  Tech. draw. 3: Hybrid System Circuit................................................................................................97  Tech. draw. 4: Dry Scrubber Circuit ................................................................................................100  Tech. draw. 5: SCR Catalyst Circuit ................................................................................................102  European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 218  European Project Semester 2011 Study of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems 219 


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