© 2007 imc Meßsysteme GmbH imc C-series Dezember, 2007 Version 1.0Rev 4 imc Meßsysteme GmbH, Voltastrasse 5, 13355 Berlin User's manual imc C-series 2 © 2007 imc Meßsysteme GmbH Table of Contents imc C-Series ................................................................................................................................... 8 1.1 imc Customer Suport - Hotline ................................................................................................................................... 9 1.2 Guide to Using the Manual ................................................................................................................................... 10 1.3 Guidelines ......................................................................................................................................................... 10 1.3.1 CE Certification ......................................................................................................................................................... 11 1.3.2 Guarantee of Year 2000 conformity ......................................................................................................................................................... 11 1.3.3 Quality Management ......................................................................................................................................................... 11 1.3.4 imc Gaurantee ......................................................................................................................................................... 12 1.3.5 ElektroG, RoHS, WEEE ......................................................................................................................................................... 12 1.3.6 Product improvement ................................................................................................................................... 13 1.4 Important notes ......................................................................................................................................................... 13 1.4.1 Remarks Concerning EMC ......................................................................................................................................................... 13 1.4.2 FCC-Note ......................................................................................................................................................... 13 1.4.3 Modifications ......................................................................................................................................................... 14 1.4.4 Cables ......................................................................................................................................................... 14 1.4.5 Other Provisions General Notes ................................................................................................................................... 15 2.1 After unpacking ... ................................................................................................................................... 15 2.2 Transporting the device ................................................................................................................................... 15 2.3 Guarantee ................................................................................................................................... 15 2.4 Before starting ................................................................................................................................... 16 2.5 Grounding, shielding ................................................................................................................................... 16 2.6 Power supply ......................................................................................................................................................... 17 2.6.1 Main switch ......................................................................................................................................................... 17 2.6.2 Remote control of the main switch ................................................................................................................................... 18 2.7 UPS ......................................................................................................................................................... 18 2.7.1 Concept ......................................................................................................................................................... 18 2.7.2 Buffering time constant and maximum buffer duration ......................................................................................................................................................... 19 2.7.3 Charging time ......................................................................................................................................................... 19 2.7.4 Take-over threshold ................................................................................................................................... 19 2.8 Rechargeable batteries ................................................................................................................................... 19 2.9 Fuses ................................................................................................................................... 20 2.10 Precautions for operation ................................................................................................................................... 20 2.11 Storage ................................................................................................................................... 20 2.12 Modularity ................................................................................................................................... 21 2.13 Notes on maintenance and servicing ................................................................................................................................... 21 2.14 Watchdog ................................................................................................................................... 21 2.15 Cleaning ................................................................................................................................... 21 2.16 Industrial Safety ................................................................................................................................... 22 2.17 Sampling interval 3 © 2007 imc Meßsysteme GmbH ................................................................................................................................... 22 2.18 Synchronicity Properties of the imc C-Series ................................................................................................................................... 23 3.1 General ......................................................................................................................................................... 23 3.1.1 Universal measurement device for development, testing and service ......................................................................................................................................................... 24 3.1.2 Different housings for different applications ......................................................................................................................................................... 24 3.1.3 Real-time capabilities ......................................................................................................................................................... 24 3.1.4 More than just a universal measurement amplifier ......................................................................................................................................................... 24 3.1.5 Noise and vibration analysis ......................................................................................................................................................... 24 3.1.6 Universal power measurement ......................................................................................................................................................... 25 3.1.7 Measuring with strain gauges - Structure Analysis ......................................................................................................................................................... 25 3.1.8 The C-Series in test rigs ......................................................................................................................................................... 25 3.1.9 imc operating software - imcDevices ................................................................................................................................... 25 3.2 What the C-Series has to offer ......................................................................................................................................................... 25 3.2.1 Autonomous or PC-aided ......................................................................................................................................................... 26 3.2.2 Ethernet network capability ......................................................................................................................................................... 26 3.2.3 Real-time calculation, open- and closed-loop control ......................................................................................................................................................... 26 3.2.4 No data loss from power outages ......................................................................................................................................................... 26 3.2.5 Reading measurement data from filed busses ......................................................................................................................................................... 27 3.2.6 Wireless long-term monitoring and remote maintenance via modem and Internet ......................................................................................................................................................... 28 3.2.7 Global Positioning System (GPS) ......................................................................................................................................................... 28 3.2.8 Modem connection ......................................................................................................................................................... 28 3.2.9 TRIGGER ......................................................................................................................................................... 29 3.2.10 TEDS .................................................................................................................................................. 29 imc Plug & Measure - complex measurements as child’s play .................................................................................................................................................. 29 Particular advantages and applications .................................................................................................................................................. 29 Sensor administration by database ......................................................................................................................................................... 30 3.2.11 Temperature measurement .................................................................................................................................................. 31 Thermocouples as per DIN and IEC .................................................................................................................................................. 31 PT100 (RTD) - Measurement Device Description ................................................................................................................................... 32 4.1 Hardware configuration of all devices ......................................................................................................................................................... 33 4.1.1 DIOENC .................................................................................................................................................. 33 Digital inputs and outputs ........................................................................................................................................... 33 Digital Inputs ...................................................................................................................................... 33 Input voltage ...................................................................................................................................... 34 Sampling interval and brief signal levels ........................................................................................................................................... 34 Digital outputs ...................................................................................................................................... 35 Block schematic ...................................................................................................................................... 36 Possible configurations .................................................................................................................................................. 36 Analog outputs .................................................................................................................................................. 37 Incremental encoder channels ........................................................................................................................................... 37 Measurement quantities ........................................................................................................................................... 37 Time measurement conditions ........................................................................................................................................... 38 Scaling ........................................................................................................................................... 38 Sensor types, synchronization ........................................................................................................................................... 39 Comparator conditioning ........................................................................................................................................... 40 Structure ........................................................................................................................................... 40 Channel assignment ........................................................................................................................................... 41 Incremental encoder track configuration options ........................................................................................................................................... 41 Block schematic imc C-series 4 © 2007 imc Meßsysteme GmbH ........................................................................................................................................... 42 Connection ...................................................................................................................................... 42 Connection: Open-Collector Sensor ...................................................................................................................................... 42 Connection: Sensors with RS422 differential line drivers ...................................................................................................................................... 43 Connection: Sensors with current signals ......................................................................................................................................................... 44 4.1.2 Miscellaneous .................................................................................................................................................. 44 ACC/DSUB-ICP ICP-Expansion plug for voltage channels ........................................................................................................................................... 44 ICP-Sensors ........................................................................................................................................... 44 Feed current ........................................................................................................................................... 44 ICP-Expansion plug ........................................................................................................................................... 45 Configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 47 Circuit schematic: ICP-plugs .................................................................................................................................................. 48 ACC/DSUB-ICP2-BNC, ACC/DSUB-ICP2-MICRODOT .................................................................................................................................................. 48 SEN-SUPPLY Sensor supply .................................................................................................................................................. 49 imc Display .................................................................................................................................................. 51 GPS .................................................................................................................................................. 52 LEDs and Beeper .................................................................................................................................................. 52 Modem connection .................................................................................................................................................. 52 SYNC .................................................................................................................................................. 53 Filter-Einstellungen ........................................................................................................................................... 53 Theoretischer Hintergrund ........................................................................................................................................... 53 Allgemeines Filter-Konzept ........................................................................................................................................... 53 Implementierten Filter .................................................................................................................................................. 55 DSUB-Q2 charging amplifier ................................................................................................................................... 56 4.2 CS-1016, CL-1032 ......................................................................................................................................................... 56 4.2.1 Universal measurement device ......................................................................................................................................................... 56 4.2.2 Hardware configuration ......................................................................................................................................................... 56 4.2.3 Signal conditioning and circuitry .................................................................................................................................................. 57 Voltage measurement .................................................................................................................................................. 57 Current measurement ......................................................................................................................................................... 57 4.2.4 Current-fed sensors .................................................................................................................................................. 57 External +5V supply voltage .................................................................................................................................................. 57 Connection ................................................................................................................................... 58 4.3 CS-1208, CL-1224 ......................................................................................................................................................... 58 4.3.1 All-purpose laboratory and test rig devices ......................................................................................................................................................... 58 4.3.2 Hardware configuration ......................................................................................................................................................... 58 4.3.3 Conditioning and signal connection .................................................................................................................................................. 58 Voltage measurement ........................................................................................................................................... 59 Case 1: Voltage source with ground reference ........................................................................................................................................... 59 Case 2: Voltage source without ground reference ........................................................................................................................................... 60 Case 3: Voltage source at other, fixed potential ........................................................................................................................................... 60 Voltage measurement: With taring .................................................................................................................................................. 60 Current measurement .................................................................................................................................................. 61 External voltage supply for ICP-Extension plug .................................................................................................................................................. 61 Bandwidth .................................................................................................................................................. 61 Connection ................................................................................................................................... 62 4.4 CL-2108 ......................................................................................................................................................... 62 4.4.1 Power measurement devices ......................................................................................................................................................... 62 4.4.2 Hardware equipment ......................................................................................................................................................... 62 4.4.3 Signal conditioning and circuitry .................................................................................................................................................. 62 High-voltage channels ........................................................................................................................................... 62 Voltage measurement .................................................................................................................................................. 63 Current probe channels of the CL-2108 ........................................................................................................................................... 63 Voltage measurement_CL-2108_CP 5 © 2007 imc Meßsysteme GmbH .................................................................................................................................................. 63 Connection ........................................................................................................................................... 63 Voltages ........................................................................................................................................... 64 Currents .................................................................................................................................................. 64 Using transducers .................................................................................................................................................. 65 Rogowski coil .................................................................................................................................................. 65 Pin configuration and cable wiring ........................................................................................................................................... 65 Notes on the measurement setup ................................................................................................................................... 66 4.5 CS-3008, CL-3024 ......................................................................................................................................................... 66 4.5.1 Compact measurement device for current feed sensores ......................................................................................................................................................... 66 4.5.2 Hardware configuration ......................................................................................................................................................... 66 4.5.3 Signal conditioning ......................................................................................................................................................... 66 4.5.4 Input coupling ......................................................................................................................................................... 67 4.5.5 Voltage measurement .................................................................................................................................................. 67 Case 1: Voltage source with ground reference .................................................................................................................................................. 67 Case 2: Voltage source without ground reference ......................................................................................................................................................... 67 4.5.6 Bandwidth ................................................................................................................................... 68 4.6 CS-4108, CL-4124 ......................................................................................................................................................... 68 4.6.1 Compact measurement device with isolated inputs ......................................................................................................................................................... 68 4.6.2 Hardware configuration ......................................................................................................................................................... 68 4.6.3 Signal conditioning and circuitry .................................................................................................................................................. 68 Voltage measurement .................................................................................................................................................. 69 Current measurement ........................................................................................................................................... 69 Input stage block schematic .................................................................................................................................................. 69 External +5V supply voltage (non-isolated) .................................................................................................................................................. 69 Temperature-channels .................................................................................................................................................. 69 Connection ................................................................................................................................... 70 4.7 CS-5008, CL-5016, CX-5032 ......................................................................................................................................................... 70 4.7.1 Bridge measurement device for multi-channel measurements ......................................................................................................................................................... 70 4.7.2 Hardware configuration ......................................................................................................................................................... 70 4.7.3 Signal conditioning and circuitry .................................................................................................................................................. 70 Voltage measurement ........................................................................................................................................... 71 Case 1: Voltage source with ground reference ........................................................................................................................................... 72 Case 2: Voltage source without ground reference ........................................................................................................................................... 73 Case 3: Voltage source at a different fixed potential ........................................................................................................................................... 73 Voltage measurement: With zero-adjusting (tare) .................................................................................................................................................. 74 Current measurement ........................................................................................................................................... 74 Case 1: Differential current measurement ........................................................................................................................................... 75 Case 2: Ground-referenced current measurement ........................................................................................................................................... 76 Case 3: 2-wire for sensors with a current signal and variable supply .................................................................................................................................................. 77 Bridge measurement ........................................................................................................................................... 78 Case 1: Full bridge ........................................................................................................................................... 79 Case 2: Half bridge ........................................................................................................................................... 79 Case 3: Quarter bridge ........................................................................................................................................... 81 Balancing and shunt calibration ......................................................................................................................................................... 81 4.7.4 Sensor supply module ......................................................................................................................................................... 81 4.7.5 Bandwidth ......................................................................................................................................................... 81 4.7.6 Connection ................................................................................................................................... 82 4.8 CS-6004, CL-6012 ......................................................................................................................................................... 82 4.8.1 High-end bridge measurement device for DC and CF modes ......................................................................................................................................................... 82 4.8.2 Hardware configration ......................................................................................................................................................... 82 4.8.3 Signal conditioning and circuitry .................................................................................................................................................. 83 Block schematic of bridge channels CS-6004, CL-6012: ........................................................................................................................................... 83 Terminal scheme of the CS-6004 and CL-6012 terminal pods: imc C-series 6 © 2007 imc Meßsysteme GmbH .................................................................................................................................................. 84 Connection scheme: Full bridge, double sense: .................................................................................................................................................. 84 Connection scheme: Full bridge, double and single line-Sense: .................................................................................................................................................. 84 Connection scheme: Half-bridge, double Sense: .................................................................................................................................................. 85 Connection scheme: Half-bridge, single line-Sense: .................................................................................................................................................. 85 Connection scheme, without Sense: .................................................................................................................................................. 86 Connection scheme, quarter bridge, with Sense: .................................................................................................................................................. 86 Connection scheme: Quarter-bridge, without Sense: ........................................................................................................................................... 87 Background info on quarter-bridge configuration: .................................................................................................................................................. 88 Overload recognition .................................................................................................................................................. 88 Connection ................................................................................................................................... 89 4.9 CS-7008, CL-7016 ......................................................................................................................................................... 89 4.9.1 Compact measurement device for any sensor and signal type ......................................................................................................................................................... 89 4.9.2 Hardware configuration ......................................................................................................................................................... 89 4.9.3 Signal conditioning and circuitry .................................................................................................................................................. 89 Voltage measurement ........................................................................................................................................... 90 Case 1: Voltage source with ground reference ........................................................................................................................................... 91 Case 2: Voltage source without ground reference ........................................................................................................................................... 92 Case 3: Voltage source at a different fixed potential ........................................................................................................................................... 92 Voltage measurement: with zero-adjusting (tare) .................................................................................................................................................. 93 Current-fed sensors .................................................................................................................................................. 93 Current measurement ........................................................................................................................................... 93 Case 1: Differential current measurement ........................................................................................................................................... 94 Case 2: Ground-referenced current measurement ........................................................................................................................................... 95 Case 3: 2-wire for sensors with a current signal and variable supply .................................................................................................................................................. 96 Bridge measurement ........................................................................................................................................... 97 Case 1: Full bridge ........................................................................................................................................... 98 Case 2: Half bridge ........................................................................................................................................... 98 Case 3: Quarter bridge ...................................................................................................................................... 99 Quarter bridge with 350Ohm option. ........................................................................................................................................... 99 Balancing and shunt calibration .................................................................................................................................................. 100 Temperature measurement ........................................................................................................................................... 100 Thermocouple measurement ...................................................................................................................................... 101 Case 1: Thermocouple mounted with ground reference ...................................................................................................................................... 102 Case 2: Thermocouple mounted without ground reference ........................................................................................................................................... 102 Pt100/ RTD measurement ...................................................................................................................................... 103 Case 1: Pt100 in 4-wire configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 103 Case 2: Pt100 in 2-wire configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 103 Case 3: Pt100 in 3-wire configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 104 Open sensor detection .................................................................................................................................................. 105 Charging amplifier .................................................................................................................................................. 105 Sensor supply module .................................................................................................................................................. 105 Bandwidth .................................................................................................................................................. 105 Connectors ........................................................................................................................................... 105 DSUB-15 plugs ................................................................................................................................... 106 4.10 CS-8008 ......................................................................................................................................................... 106 4.10.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 106 4.10.2 Hardware equipment ......................................................................................................................................................... 107 4.10.3 Signal conditioning and circuitry .................................................................................................................................................. 107 Voltage measurement’s .................................................................................................................................................. 107 1/3-octave calculation .................................................................................................................................................. 107 Measurements with ICP sensors .................................................................................................................................................. 107 Connection 7 © 2007 imc Meßsysteme GmbH Technical specifications ................................................................................................................................... 108 5.1 C-Series general technical specification ......................................................................................................................................................... 111 5.1.1 Incremental encoder channels ......................................................................................................................................................... 112 5.1.2 Digital outputs ......................................................................................................................................................... 113 5.1.3 Digital Inputs ......................................................................................................................................................... 113 5.1.4 Analog outputs (DAC-4) ......................................................................................................................................................... 114 5.1.5 DC-12/24 USV ......................................................................................................................................................... 114 5.1.6 CAN-BUS Interface ......................................................................................................................................................... 115 5.1.7 Synchronization and time base ................................................................................................................................... 116 5.2 CS-1016, CL-1032 ................................................................................................................................... 118 5.3 CS-1208, CL-1224 ................................................................................................................................... 120 5.4 CL-2108 ................................................................................................................................... 124 5.5 CS-3008, CL-3024 ................................................................................................................................... 126 5.6 CS-4108, CL-4124 ................................................................................................................................... 129 5.7 CS-5008, CL-5016, CX-5032 ................................................................................................................................... 132 5.8 CS-6004, CL-6012 ................................................................................................................................... 135 5.9 CS-7008, CL-7016 ................................................................................................................................... 139 5.10 CS-8008 ................................................................................................................................... 142 5.11 Miscellaneous ......................................................................................................................................................... 142 5.11.1 imc Graphics Display ......................................................................................................................................................... 143 5.11.2 Alphanumeric Display M/DISPLAY, M/DISPLAY - L ......................................................................................................................................................... 143 5.11.3 ACC/DSUB-ICP ICP-expansion plug ......................................................................................................................................................... 144 5.11.4 ACC/DSUB-ICP2-BNC, ACC/DSUB-ICP2-MICRODOT ......................................................................................................................................................... 145 5.11.5 ACC/DSUB-ENC4-IU connector for incremental sensors with current signals ......................................................................................................................................................... 146 5.11.6 SUPPLY Sensor supply module ......................................................................................................................................................... 147 5.11.7 DSUB-Q2 charging amplifier ................................................................................................................................... 148 5.12 Connectors ......................................................................................................................................................... 148 5.12.1 Connecting DSUB-15 ......................................................................................................................................................... 149 5.12.2 DSUB-plugs for all devices of the C-Series .................................................................................................................................................. 149 DSUB15 plugs for DI, DO, DAC and incremental encoder .................................................................................................................................................. 149 DSUB-9 plugs for CAN-Bus .................................................................................................................................................. 150 DSUB-9 plug for display .................................................................................................................................................. 150 DSUB-9 plug for modem ......................................................................................................................................................... 151 5.12.3 DSUB-9 plug for GPS-mouse ......................................................................................................................................................... 152 5.12.4 Pin configuration of the ACC/DSUB-15 sockets for amplifiers ......................................................................................................................................................... 153 5.12.5 Pin configuration of the ACC/DSUB-15 for CS-6004 and CL-6012 ......................................................................................................................................................... 154 5.12.6 Pin configuration of the remote sockets Index 155 8 imc C-series imc C-series imc C-Series user's manual 28.12.2007 Version 1.0Rev 4 1.1 imc Customer Suport - Hotline In case of problems or questions, our customer service will be happy to help: Germany: imc Meßsysteme GmbH Phone: +49 30 / 46 70 90 - 26 Fax: +49 30 / 4 63 15 76 WWW: http://www.imc-berlin.de e-mail:
[email protected] For our international partners see http://www.imc-berlin.com and click to International Distributors When requesting telephone consultation, please be prepared to state the serial numbers for your device and for your software's data carrier, and have this manual present. Thanks! 9 imc C-Series 1.2 Guide to Using the Manual Tutorials Troubleshooting Pins WHERE? To look for WHAT? Contents You should really read the following chapters! Ch. 1 C-series Guidelines and general notes Ch. 2 General notes Grounding, power supply, etc. Ch. 3 Properties of the C-series Overview of the device family, general technical description of the device Ch. 4 Device description description of the various C-series types Ch. 5 Technical Specifications Spec. sheets tables of connection terminals WHERE? To look for WHAT? Contents You should really read the imcDevices manual! Ch. 2 Getting Started Software installation, requirements, settings, update-info Ch. 3 Operation Description of the various menu commands and options Ch. 4 Field bus CAN-Bus-Interface Ch. 5 Triggers and Events Triggered/untriggered measurement, pretrigger, oscilloscope mode, multi-shot operation Ch. 6 Save Options and Directory Structure Saving to PC hard disk, saving to the device hard disk, autotrial mode, autostart mode, stand-alone mode, directory structure Sample memory requirement estimation Ch. 7 Online FAMOS Operation and application tips Ch. 8 µ-Disk, PCMCIA Drive Features of the µ-Disk & Hot-plug Ch. 9 Network Options Synchronized start (Ethernet-) net-bits Ch. 10 Synchronization with DCF77 Workings, connecting Ch. 11 Display Operation and Tutorial Ch. 12 imcMessaging Automatic generated messages by the devices Ch. 13 Miscellaneous Tips and tricks Regularly updated information and up-to-date user's manuals can be accessed on www.imc-berlin.com. 10 imc C-series imc C-series 1.3 Guidelines 1.3.1 CE Certification 11 imc C-Series 1.3.2 Guarantee of Year 2000 conformity We certify that our software products imcDevices, LOOK, FAMOS 1 , SEARCH, Filter Design, FRAME and Online-FRAME as well as our hardware product imc C-series meet the "C-EURO YEAR 2000" requirements. There should be no problems in the interpretation of dates. All data recorded after the year 1980 (the year DOS was introduced) will be correctly interpreted until the year 2079. This means in particular (i.a.): - Processing of the date will at no time lead to system interruptions. - Date-based processing operations return the same results regardless of the value for the data supplied, whether prior to 2000 A.D. or after (up until 2079 A.D.), unless otherwise defined. - The value for the date is defined either explicitly or by an unequivocal algorithm or by a derivable rule, in all interfaces and memory areas. 1 Some FAMOS sequences return the year number in two digits (see Manual "FAMOS Functions' Reference"). Your application may require testing for this circumstance. 1.3.3 Quality Management imc holds DIN-EN-ISO-9001 certification since May 1995. imc's conformity to the world-wide accepted standard DIN EN 9001:2000 is attested to by the Certificate issued July 2006 by the accredited TÜV CERT certification body of TÜV Rheinland Anlagentechnik GmbH. imc's certificate registration number is 01 100 85152. 1.3.4 imc Gaurantee imc Limited Warranty Subject to imc Meßsysteme GmbH's general terms and conditions. 12 imc C-series imc C-series 1.3.5 ElektroG, RoHS, WEEE The company imc Meßsysteme GmbH is registered under the following number: WEEE Reg.- # DE 43368136 Brand: imcDevices Category 9: Monitoring and control instruments exclusively for commercial use Valid as of 24.11.2005 Our products fall under Category 9, "Monitoring and control instruments exclusively for commercial use" and are thus at this time exempted from the RoHS guidelines 2002/95/EG. _______________________________________________________ The law (ElektroG) governing electrical and electronic equipment was announced on March 23, 2005 in the German Federal Law Gazette. This law implements two European guidelines in German jurisdiction. The guideline 2002/95/EG serves "to impose restrictions on the use of hazardous materials in electrical and electronic devices". In English-speaking countries, it is abbreviated as "RoHS" ("Restriction of Hazardous Substances"). The second guideline, 2002/96/EG "on waste electrical and electronics equipment" institutes mandatory acceptance of returned used equipment and for its recycling; it is commonly referred to as WEEE guidelines ("Waste on Electric and Electronic Equipment"). The foundation "Elektro-Altgeräte Register" in Germany is the "Manufacturers’ clearing house" in terms of the law on electric and electronic equipment ("ElektroG"). This foundation has been appointed to execute the mandatory regulations. 1.3.6 Product improvement Dear Reader! We at imc hope that you find this manual helpful and easy to use. To help us in further improving this documentation, we would appreciate hearing any comments or suggestions you may have. In particular, feel free to give us feedback regarding the following: - Terminology or concepts which are poorly explained - Concepts which should be explained in more depth - Grammar or spelling errors - Printing errors Please send your comments to the following address: imc Mess-Systeme GmbH integrated measurement & control Customer Service Department Voltastrasse 5 D - 13355 Berlin Telephone: 0049 - 30 - 46 70 90 - 26 Telefax: 0049 - 30 - 463 15 76 e-mail:
[email protected] 13 imc C-Series 1.4 Important notes 1.4.1 Remarks Concerning EMC imc C-Series satisfies the EMC requirements for unrestricted use in industrial settings. The use in living quarters may cause disturbance for other electric devices. Any additional devices connected to imc C-Series must satisfy the EMC requirements as specified by (within Europe 2 ): 1. BMPT-Vfg. No. 1046/84 or No. 243/91. or 2. EC Guidelines 89/336/EWG All products which satisfy these requirements must be appropriately marked by the manufacturer or display the CE certification marking. Products not satisfying these requirements may only be used with special approval of the regulating body in the country where operated. All signal lines connected to imc C-Series must be shielded and the shielding must be grounded. Note The EMC tests were carried out using shielded and grounded input and output cables with the exception of the power cord. Observe this condition when designing your experiment to ensure high interference immunity and low jamming. Reference See also Chapter 0. "Shielding " 2 When outside Europe, please refer the appropriate EMC standards used in the country of operation. 1.4.2 FCC-Note This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules (CFR 15.105) 3 . These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment on and off, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver. - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio or television technician for help. 3 FCC - United States Federal Communications Commission 1.4.3 Modifications The FCC requires the user to be notified that any changes or modifications made to this device that are not expressly approved by imc may void the user's authority to operate this equipment. 16 14 imc C-series imc C-series 1.4.4 Cables Connections to this device must be made with shielded cables with metallic RFI/EMI connector hoods to maintain compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations. 1.4.5 Other Provisions This equipment has been carefully designed, manufactured and individually tested. It has been shipped in a condition in complete compliance with the various safety standards and guidelines described in the CE Certification. We certify that imc C-Series in all product configuration options corresponding to this documentation conforms to the directives in the accident prevention regulations in "Electric Installations and Industrial Equipment" (VBG 4 of the Index of Accident Prevention Regulations of the Professional Guilds in Germany). This certification has the sole purpose of releasing imc from the obligation to have the electrical equipment tested prior to first use (§ 5 Sec. 1. 4 of VBG 4). This does not affect guarantee and liability regulations of the civil code. 15 General Notes General Notes This device has been conceived and designed to comply with the current safety regulations for data processing equipment (which includes business equipment). If you have any questions concerning whether or not you can use this device in its intended environment, please contact imc or your local distributor. The measurement system has been carefully designed, assembled and routinely tested in accordance with the safety regulations specified in the included certificate of conformity and has left imc in perfect operating condition. To maintain this condition and to ensure continued danger-free operation, the user should pay particular attention to the remarks and warnings made in this chapter. In this way, you protect yourself and prevent the device from being damaged. Read this manual before turning the device on for the first time! Pay attention to any additional information pages pertaining to the pin configuration etc. which may have been included with this manual. WARNING! Before touching the device sockets and the lines connected to them, make sure static electricity is drained. Damage arising from electrostatic discharge is not covered by the warrantee. 2.1 After unpacking ... Please check the device for mechanical damage and/ or loose parts after unpacking it. The supplier must be notified immediately of any transportation damage! Do not operate a damaged device! 2.2 Transporting the device When transporting the device, always use the original packaging or a appropriate packaging which protects the device against knocks and jolts. If transport damages occur, please be sure to contact the imc Customer Support. Damage arising from transporting is not covered in the manufacturer's guarantee. Possible damage due to condensation can be limited by wrapping the device in plastic sheeting. For more on this topic, see the notes under Before starting . 2.3 Guarantee Each device is subjected to a 24-hour "burn-in" before leaving imc. This procedure is capable of recognizing almost all cases of early failure. This does not, however, guarantee that a component will not fail after longer operation. Therefore, all imc devices are guaranteed to function properly for one year. The condition for this guarantee is that no alterations or modifications have been made to the device by the customer. Unauthorized intervention in the device renders the guarantee null and void. 2.4 Before starting Condensation may form on the circuit boards when the device is moved from a cold environment to a warm one. In these situations, always wait until the device warms up to room temperature and is completely dry before turning it on. The acclimatization period should take about 2 hours. We recommend a warm-up phase of at least 30 min prior to taking measurements. The device is approved for operating temperatures of up to 55°C. The devices have been designed for use in clean and dry environments. It is not to be operated in 1) exceedingly dusty and/ or wet environments, 2) in environments where danger of explosion exists nor 3) in environments containing aggressive chemical agents. Lay cables in a manner to avoid hazards (tripping) and damage. 15 16 imc C-series imc C-series 2.5 Grounding, shielding In order to comply with Part 15 of the FCC-regulations applicable to devices of Class B, the system must be grounded. Grounding is also the condition for the validity of the technical specifications stated. Use of the desktop power supply unit, included in the package, ensures proper grounding via the plug's protective earth terminal: in the supply unit's LEMO-plug, the supply voltage's (-) pole as well as the shield and plug enclosure are connected to the cable's ground. The DC-supply input on the device itself (LEMO-socket) is galvanically isolated, i.e. isolated from the housing! Also, all signal leads to the device must be shielded and the shielding grounded (electric contact between the shielding and the plug housing "CHASSIS"). To avoid compensation currents, always connect the shielding to one side (potential) only. Note When using multiple devices connected via the Sync terminal for synchronization purposes, ensure that all devices are the same voltage level. Any potential differences among devices may have to be evened out using an additional line having adequate cross section. Alternatively it is possible to isolate the devices by using the module ISOSYNC, see also chapter Synchronization in the imcDevices manual. 2.6 Power supply The device is powered by a DC-supply voltage which is supplied via a 2-pole LEMO-plug (type designation: FGG.1B.302 CLAD ). The permissible supply voltage range is 10 ... 36V (DC) at 20W max. consumption. The product package includes a corresponding desktop supply unit (24V , DC) as an AC-adapter for mains voltage (110 .. 240V 50/60Hz). Note Please note, that the operation temperature of the desktop supply is prepared for 0°C to 40°C, even if your measurement devices is designed for extended temperature range! The package also includes a cable with a ready-made LEMO-plug which can be connected to a DC-voltage source such as a car battery. When using this, note the following: - Grounding of the device must be ensured. If the power supply unit comes with a grounding line, it would be possible to ground the system "by force", by making a connection from this line to the plug enclosure (and thus to the device ground). The table-top power supply unit is made to allow this. This manner of proceeding may not be desirable because it may be desirable to avoid transient currents along this line (e.g. in vehicles). In this case the ground-connection must be made to the device directly. For this purpose a (black) banana jack ("CHASSIS") is provided. - The feed line must have low resistance, the cable must have an adequate cross-section. Any interference-suppressing filters which may be inserted into the line must not have any series inductor greater than 1mH. Otherwise an additional parallel-capacitor is needed. - Pin configuration: LEMO-Plug (inside view on soldering pins) +Supply -Supply FGG.1B.302.CLAD76 FGG.0B.302.CLAD52ZN 17 General Notes 2.6.1 Main switch The device's main switch for the CL-devices and CS-8008 is a rocker-switch which must be pressed down on the "ON"-side (upper portion) for approx. 1 sec. to achieve activation. The other CS-devices' main switch is a standard switch. The ON state is indicated by the green "POWER"-LED flashing. If the device boots correctly, three short beep-tones are emitted together with blinking of 2x 2LEDs. To switch the device off, press the rocker switch down on the OFF-side (lower portion) for approx. 1 sec. This causes the device to not be deactivated abruptly during a running measurement. Instead, any files on the internal hard drive involved are closed before the device switches off by itself. This process takes up to 10sec. Holding the "OFF"-side of the switch down is not necessary! If no measurement is currently running, it takes only approx. 1second for the device to be deactivated. 2.6.2 Remote control of the main switch PIN configuration of LEMO plug (FGG.0B.306.CLAD.52Z 6-pin) The signal " SWITCH1" serves to run the device with the switch permanently bridged: when "ON" and "SWITCH1" are connected, the device starts as soon as an external supply voltage is provided. If this supply is interrupted, the UPS keeps the device activated for the appropriate buffer duration in order to close the measurement and files, and then the device deactivates itself. Starting the device on the internal battery isn't possible in this configuration, but once it has started the device can run on the battery as a backup. This type of operation is specially designed for use in a vehicle, permanently coupled to the ignition and not requiring manual control. Any switch or relay contact used for this purpose must be able to bear a current of approx. 50mA at 10O max. The reference voltage for these signals is the primary voltage supply . Pin configuration: "REMOTE”-plug CX-, CS-8008 DSUB-15 Pin Terminal (imc DSUB terminal plug) CL LEMO Signals at the REMOTE-plug 9 1 1 OFF 2 2 2 SWITCH 10 3 11 3 4 5 3 4 5 ON SWITCH1 -BATT (internal test pin) mainframe 15, 16 mainframe CHASSIS Possible configurations Function Jumper between Switch on "normal" SWITCH and ON Switch on when connected to main supply only ¬ "jumpered main switch " SWITCH1 and ON Switch off (forced switch off after 10s) SWITCH and OFF 18 imc C-series imc C-series 2.7 UPS 2.7.1 Concept An optional module for uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is available. This unit makes it possible to continue through a short-term outage of the mains power supply. It is especially useful in mobile settings (on board vehicles) in order to handle the drop in voltage from the vehicle battery which occurs at ignition. The use of backup power from the battery is indicated by the control lamp "PWR" changing from green to yellow and the buzzer sounding. The buffering of the power supply is provided by a built-in lead/gel storage battery (accumulator), which is recharged during normal operation by the external power supply. The UPS provides backup in case of power outage and also monitors its duration. If the power outage is continuous and if it exceeds the device's buffer duration (standard: 1sec.), the device deactivates itself. This is done in the same way as in the case of manual deactivation, i.e., any running measurements and pertinent files are closed, which can cause a delay of up to approx. 10s. If the power outage isn't continuous but only temporary as in the case of a vehicle being started, the buffer duration monitoring always jumps back to the beginning. Thus, a typical application of this configuration is in vehicles, where the power supply is coupled to the ignition. A buffer is thus provided against short-term interruptions. And on the other hand, deep discharge of the buffer battery is avoided in cases where the measurement system is not deactivated when the vehicle is turned off. 2.7.2 Buffering time constant and maximum buffer duration The buffer time constant is a permanently configurable device parameter which can be selected as a order option. It sets the maximum duration of a continuous power outage after which the device turns itself off. The maximum buffer duration is the maximum (total) time, determined by the battery capacity, which the device can run on backup. This refers to cases where the self-deactivation is not triggered; e.g., in case of repeated short-term power-interruptions. The maximum buffer duration depends on the battery's current charge, on the ambient temperature and on the battery's age. The device automatically deactivates itself just in time to avoid deep discharge of the battery. 19 General Notes 2.7.3 Charging time With an external supply voltage connected and the device activated (!), about 12W of power are effectively available for the purpose of charging the internal buffer (backup) battery, up to 15W in the short term. The time needed for charging up for the desired buffer duration is thus given by: T_Charge = T_Buffer * total power / 12W Due to the inevitable self-discharge or leakage, the device should be run every few months at least for the purpose of assuring that the UPS-storage battery is fully charged and at the ready. 2.7.4 Take-over threshold The voltage threshold at which the storage battery takes over the power supply from the external source is approx. 9.75V (8.1V for CS). The take-over procedure is subjected to an hysteresis to prevent oscillating take-over. This would be caused by the external supply's impedance. This inevitable impedance lets the external supply rise again, right after take-over to internal buffering. Hysteresis in the take-over threshold will prevent oscillations due to this effect. If, during supply from of the buffering battery, the external supply voltage rises as high as 10.9V (9V for CS), the external voltage takes over again from the buffering battery. If you check these thresholds, note that when the supply voltage is overlaid with a high frequency interference or ripple-voltage, the minima are of key importance. In fact, the overlying interference could be caused by feedback from the device itself! Note The voltage specification refers to the device terminals. Please consider the voltage drop of the supply line, when determining the voltage supply. 2.8 Rechargeable batteries The unit comes with long-lasting lithium batteries (Type BR2032) requiring no special maintenance. Replacement of the battery can only be performed by the manufacturer in the framework of a system inspection (maintenance) (recommended for every 3-7 years depending on field of application). Devices which come with the optional USV-Function contain maintenance-free lead-gel accumulators (4x Type LC-R061R3PG, Panasonic, 6x WPO.5-4 with CL). Charging these internal backup batteries is accomplished automatically when the activated device receives a supply voltage. Due to the inevitable leakage of charge we recommend that the device be activated at least every 6 months to prevent the batteries from dying. For C-series (MP0,5-4 4V Pb accu) the manufacturer specifies 5-7 years @ T 60V, only use insulated banana plugs (4 mm). 5. If you are using a internal device drive, observe the notes in Chapter 7 of imcDevices manual. Particular care should be taken to comply with the storage device’s max. ambient temperature limitation. 6. Avoid prolonged exposure of the device to sunlight. 2.11 Storage As a rule, the measurement device can be stored at temperatures ranging from -40 to +90°C. The following limitations apply in consequence of the manufacturer’s specifications. - Lead rechargeable batteries (-20 to 40°C) - Li-Ion rechargeable batteries (-20°C to 60°C) - Display (-20-85°C) - Mechanical hard disk (drives) (-20°C to 70°C) 2.12 Modularity The devices belonging to the imc C-series are not modular systems. The modules are not to be replaced by other types. 21 General Notes 2.13 Notes on maintenance and servicing No particular maintenance is necessary. The specified maximum errors are valid for 1 year following delivery of the device under normal operating conditions (note ambient temperature!). There are a number of important device characteristics which should be subjected to precise checking at regular intervals. We recommend annual calibration. Our calibration procedure includes calibration of inputs (checking of actual values of parameters; deviations beyond tolerance levels will be reported), a complete system-checkup, newly performed balancing and subsequent calibration (the complete protocol set with measurement values is available at an extra charge). Consult our Hotline for the price for system calibration according to DIN EN ISO 9001. When returning the device in connection with complaints, please include a written, outlining description of the problem, including the name and telephone number of the sender. This will help expedite the process of problem elimination. For questions by telephone please be prepared to provide your device's serial number and have your imcDevices installation software, as well as this manual at hand, thanks! The serial number, necessary power supply, interface type and software version included can be determined from the plaque on the side of the device. 2.14 Watchdog All devices of the C-series come with the Watchdog function. When the Watchdog is activated the device restarts automatically if no interface processor activity is detected for a specifiable period of time. The Watchdog normally is not active. For further information see manual imcDevices chapter 13 miscellaneous\ troubleshooting. 2.15 Cleaning - Always unplug the power supply before cleaning the device. Only qualified service technicians are permitted to clean the housing interior. - Do not use abrasive materials or solutions which are harmful to plastics. Use a dry cloth to clean the housing. If the housing is particularly dirty, use a cloth which has been slightly moistened in a cleaning solution and then carefully wrung out. To clean the corners, slits etc. of the housing, use a small soft dry brush. - Do not allow liquids to enter the housing interior. 2.16 Industrial Safety It is confirmed that our product as delivered complies with the provisions of the industrial safety regulation "Electrical Installations and Equipment" (BGV-A3). This confirmation is for the sole purpose of absolving the company of the obligation of having the electrical equipment inspected prior to initial commissioning (§ 5 Clauses 1, 4 of BGV-A3). Civil liability and warranty are not affected by this regulation. 22 imc C-series imc C-series 2.17 Sampling interval Among the system's physical measurement channels, up to two different sampling times can be in use. See the technical specifications for the smallest possible sampling time. The aggregate sampling rate of the system is the sum of the sampling rates of all active channels and can take a maximum value of 400 kHz. The sampling rates of the virtual channels computed by Online FAMOS do not contribute to the sum sampling rate. Along with the (maximum of) two "primary" sampling rates, the system can contain additional "sampling rates" resulting from the effects of certain data-reducing Online FAMOS-functions (ReductionFactor RF). There is one constraint when selecting two different sampling rates: Two sampling rates having the ratio 2:5 are not permitted (e.g. 2ms and 5ms). Any attempt to set sampling rates which do not comply with this rule will cause an error message to be posted: "The two active sampling intervals may not be in a ratio of 2:5. Error number: 365“ 2.18 Synchronicity If certain channels are to be correlated to each other, for instance, for the purpose of computing the power, it's vitally important that there not be a phase-offset between them, in other words, that they be captured synchronously. One of the main features of the devices of the imc C-Series is that it can ensure this synchronicity, even for channels of different types and different sampling rates. The condition for this is, that the channels be configured with the same filter setting. The low-pass filters always cause a defined additional phase-offset. For a 1kHz low pass Butterworth filter, this phase-offset corresponds to a frequency-independent, constant "group delay" which is 663µs (for frequencies well below the cutoff frequency) . Note that two channels having different sampling rates and both configured with the filter setting AAF do not have the same filter frequency! 23 Properties of the imc C-Series Properties of the imc C-Series 3.1 General 3.1.1 Universal measurement device for development, testing and service The C-Series consists of smart network-capable, unventilated compact measurement devices for all-purpose measurement of physical quantities. These devices can operate either in computer-aided or autonomous mode and are lightweight, compact, and robust, and thus especially well adapted to applications in R&D or in the testing of mechanical and und electromechanical components of machines, on board vehicles, or in monitoring tasks in installations. The C-Series comes with either differential or isolated universal measurement amplifiers with analog anti-aliasing filters. The universal amplifiers offer a high degree of flexibility; they are high-precision and low in noise. They are designed for direct connection of: - voltage- and current signals - any thermocouples and resistance thermometers - strain gauge measurement bridges with current supply and adjustment control - current-fed sensors (ICPs) - they also come with a sensor power supply and TEDS capability. For measurements in difficult environments, where voltage conditions aren’t clearly defined, the C-Series with its models CS-4108 and CL-4124 offers isolated input channels. Through the use of electrically isolated channels, signal disturbance can be prevented even in the presence of ground loops. Depending on the model, the input channels can be sampled at up to 100kHz, and this at a bandwidth of up to 22.4kHz. 24 imc C-series imc C-series Specialized or all-purpose Universal lab or mobile applications Test rig applications Measurement with strain gauges Noise and vibration analysis Power measurement 3.1.2 Different housings for different applications To meet the wide spectrum of the C-Series’ application potential, there are three different housing varieties: the very compact CS frame for up to 16 input channels; the CL variant for up to 32 input channels; and the larger CX frame, which has room for 32 bridge measurement channels. 3.1.3 Real-time capabilities For real-time functionality such as mathematical calculations, limit monitoring or closed- and open-loop tasks in the μs range, the C-Series comes standard equipped with the enhancement Online FAMOS. Online FAMOS comes with powerful digital signal processors (DSPs) which carry out the functions quickly and independently of the PC. Online FAMOS enables "free" definition of one’s own real-time functions and makes the C-Series a Personal Analyzer. 3.1.4 More than just a universal measurement amplifier In addition to the analog inputs, all of the C-Series models also come with: • 8 digital inputs • 8 digital outputs • 4 analog outputs • 4 counter inputs for capture of RPMs, displacements etc. • CAN-bus Interface 3.1.5 Noise and vibration analysis The C-Series is also optimally equipped for noise and vibration analysis. The CS8008 model in particular is a device offering a large analog bandwidth and high sampling rate, as well as the possibility of directly connecting current-fed accelerometers and microphones. Along with simple time-domain signals, the CS8008 can also display 1/3-octave spectra. Using the software platform imcWAVE, the measurement device is transformed into a true workstation for specialized tasks involving noise and vibration analysis. imcWAVE’s individual optional software modules make order-tracking, spectral and sound power analyses possible at the click of a button. 3.1.6 Universal power measurement For the full range of power measurements, the model CL-2108 provides the right tools. It can carry out single-, two-and three-phase power measurements. CL-2108 offers a convincing combination of affordable price and high precision. An optional software package for network voltage analysis is also available. 25 Properties of the imc C-Series 3.1.7 Measuring with strain gauges - Structure Analysis With five model varieties specially adapted to measuring with strain gauges, the C-Series provides the right device for any structure analysis application. For performing strain gauge measurements inexpensively, the models CS5008, CL5016 and CX5032 are available. For dynamic strain gauge measurements of the highest quality, the models CS6004 and CL6012 are the devices of choice. 3.1.8 The C-Series in test rigs For test rig applications in particular, it is often desirable to integrate equipment into new or existing environments. In conjunction with imc COM and the LabView interface, C-Series is able to meet this wish. 3.1.9 imc operating software - imcDevices By means of the operating software imcDevices, all devices belonging to the C-Series are immediately ready to go with all of their respective functions. Combined operation with different devices (µ-Musycs, SPARTAN, CRONOS-PL, imcC1) is also possible. For special tasks such as system integration in test rigs, ther are comfortable interfaces for all common programming languages like Visual Basic ™, Delphi ™ or LabVIEW. 3.2 What the C-Series has to offer 3.2.1 Autonomous or PC-aided Optional color display The C-Series devices are optimally suited for PC-less operation as compact smart measurement instruments. a variety of different setups can be stored on the internal device hard drive and called from the device keyboard. If display of measured values is required, it can be provided by the external Display device. If a configuration is written to the device as an Autostart configuration, measurement begins automatically upon activating the device. 26 imc C-series imc C-series 3.2.2 Ethernet network capability Die C-Series is networkable with Ethernet (TCP/IP). Multiple C-Series devices as well as older imc measurement systems can be joined up into a measurement network. The structure of decentralized measurement networks is thus no problem at all and quickly achieved. All devices run in parallel and with complete synchronization of the measurement channels. Messages can be exchanged between the devices. Of course, communication with the PC can also take place wirelessly via WLAN. 3.2.3 Real-time calculation, open- and closed-loop control With its signal processors (DSP), and in conjunction with Online FAMOS, the C-Series is a Personal Analyzer. A Personal Analyzer offers not only general calculation functionality but also special calculation algorithms such as digital filters, class-counting, order-tracking analysis and much more, as well as electronic control unit commands and closed-loop control functions. Without the need for programming tools, the measurement system can be expanded with application-specific functionality, such as data compression, calculation operations performed on whole channels, control processes and closed-loop control functions. Complete integration of this DSP functionality is achieved by means of the operating software imcDevices. 3.2.4 No data loss from power outages The C-Series comes with an internal uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and self-activation capability. In a power outage, the measurement device automatically deactivates itself. The measurement is wrapped up properly and the data sets acquired are closed. Once the power supply has been restored, the measurement device starts up automatically and resumes the measurement. 3.2.5 Reading measurement data from filed busses The C-Series is equipped with a CAN-bus interface which enables the devices to read measured data and status information from the field bus. Measured data from the bus are processed, displayed and saved in parallel and synchronicity with conventionally measured data. The C-Series supports CAN High Speed (ISO11898) and CAN Low Speed (ISO11519). 27 Properties of the imc C-Series The measured data sent via the CAN-Bus can be imported, triggered, displayed and processed synchronously. 3.2.6 Wireless long-term monitoring and remote maintenance via modem and Internet Maintenance of system performance, localization of sporadic errors and long-term monitoring for the purpose of preemptive maintenance can all be substantially simplified by means of Internet-based remote monitoring. Unmanned monitoring of vehicles, machines or plants, as well as wireless transfer of measurement data all save lots of money and time. The C-Series can be equipped with a modem which can log itself into the Internet and set up a stable and secure GPRS online connection between the measurement device and the home PC via an Internet-based switching center (server). When a signal limit is violated, the device automatically sends a report in the form of measured data, status information or alarms via SMS, e-mail or FAX. 28 imc C-series imc C-series 3.2.7 Global Positioning System (GPS) With the help of a GPS system, it is additionally possible to evaluate the measured data with regard to local circumstances and conditions. At the nine-pin GPS socket it is possible to connect a GPS-receiver of the type GPS35LVS, which enables absolute synchronization to GPS time. If the GPS-mouse has reception, the measurement system synchronizes itself automatically. Also, if a valid DCF-77 signal is applied at the Sync-socket, the first signal which the hardware recognizes as valid is accepted. As of imcDevices Version 2.6, the time counter can be selected by software. Furthermore, from this version onward, it is possible to evaluate all GPS information which can be retrieved in the system via the process vector. By means of Online FAMOS, this information can be processed further. This requires in addition to the imcDevices version V2.6 the GPS-receiver Garmin GPS18-5Hz. The available GPS information includes: time.sec course course_variation hdop height height_geoidal latitude.degrees latitude.minutes longitude.degrees longitude.minutes pdop satellites speed.kmh state time.usec vdop The DSUB-9 socket’s pin configuration for the GPS mouse . 3.2.8 Modem connection By default, an external modem is connected via the 9-pin DSUB socket. If your system comes with a built-in modem, there is an RJ45 socket instead. Normal telephone connection plugs are smaller than standard RJ45 plugs, however they will fit without an adapter. Note Don’t mistake the modem socket for the Ethernet socket used to connect to a computer network. 3.2.9 TRIGGER imc C-Series enables you to define a digital event for each measurement channel on the basis of signal thresholds, etc., and thus provide a simple method of monitoring measured quantities. The digital events thus generated can be directly assigned to a digital output and/or can be combined in compound trigger events. In order to solve complex measurement tasks directly, up to 48 independent triggers can be set up. Any amounts of channels can be assigned to each trigger defined. 151 29 Properties of the imc C-Series 3.2.10 TEDS imc Plug & Measure - complex measurements as child’s play imc Plug & Measure is based on the TEDS technology set out in IEEE 1451.4. It fulfills the vision of quick and error-free measurement even by inexperienced use. A TEDS sensor or a conventional sensor equipped with a sensor recognition memory unit is connected to the device. The sensor recognition contains a record of the sensor’s data and the measurement device settings. The C-Series reads this info and sets itself accordingly. An incorrectly measurement channel is then recognized automatically and marked in different colors. The meaning of the colors is described in manual imcDevices chaper 2 menu Settings ¬ Configuration ¬ Sensor tab. Particular advantages and applications • Quick and error-free measurement device setting • Reduction of routine work • Recordable measurement channel parameter recommendations (sampling rate, filter settings, etc.) • Standardization of channel designations for particular sensors used • Verification of calibration data and their validity • Quick and unambiguous traceability of calibration data per ISO9000 • Monitoring of calibration intervals • Measurement device-independent sensor administration • overvoltage protection for ±50V Sensor administration by database In the administration of sensor information, the user is supported by imcSensors (sensor database for the imc Plug & Measure technology). Along with import of information from TEDS, parameters values can also be transferred from the sensor database by means of Drag & Drop. Sensor information can be transferred via the measurement device software from the sensor database to the sensor recognition and vice versa. For more advanced sensor administration, the sensor database supports barcode reading devices. imcSensors makes the use and administration of many different sensors quick, easy and economical by the use of TEDS and imc Plug & Measure. imcSensors is a software expansion for imcDevices. But Plug & Measure also functions as a stand-alone application. imc Sensors is designed to make a sensor's data quickly and comprehensively available. 30 imc C-series imc C-series It makes it possible to: • administer sensors in a central database • parameterize a measurement channel • trace the calibration history • inspect the spec sheet In conjunction with TEDS-capable measurement amplifiers of the C-Series, imcSensors supports modern TEDS sensors in accordance with IEEE 1451.4 Especially recommendable for this purpose are the models CS-7008 and CL-7016, to which a wide variety of sensors can be connected directly. 3.2.11 Temperature measurement Temperatures can be measured by CS/CL-41xx and CS/CL-70xx. Two methods are available for measuring temperature. Measurement using a PT100 requires a constant current, e.g. of 1mA to flow through the sensor. The temperature-dependent resistance causes a voltage drop which is correlated to a temperature according to a characteristic curve. In measurement using thermocouples, the temperature is determined by means of the electrochemical series of different alloys. The sensor produces a temperature-dependent potential difference from the terminal in the CAN connector pod. To find the absolute temperature, the temperature of the terminal point must be known. For the PT1000. this is measured directly in the terminal pod, and therefore a special type of connector pod is needed. The voltage coming from the sensor will be converted into the displayed temperature using the characteristic curves according temperature table IPTS-68. Note on making settings with imcDevices A temperature measurement is a voltage measurement whose measured values are converted to physical temperature values by reference to a characteristic curve. The characteristic curve is selected from the Base page of the imcDevices configuration dialog. CS/CL-70xx which enable bridge measurement, must first be set to Voltage mode (DC), in order for the temperature characteristic curves to be available on the Base page. 31 Properties of the imc C-Series Thermocouples as per DIN and IEC The following standards apply for the thermocouples, in terms of their thermoelectric voltage and tolerances: Thermocouple Symbol Max. temp. Defined up to (+) (-) DIN IEC 584-1 Iron-constantan (Fe-CuNi) J 750°C 1200°C black white Copper-constantan (Cu-CuNi) T 350°C 400°C brown white Nickel-chromium-Nickel (NiCr-Ni) K 1200°C 1370°C green white Nickel-chromium-constantan (NiCr-CuNi) E 900°C 1000°C violet white Nicrosil-Nisil (NiCrSi-NiSi) N 1200°C 1300°C rot orange Platinum-Rhodium-platinum (Pt10Rh-Pt) S 1600°C 1540°C orange white Platinum-Rhodium-platinum (Pt13Rh-Pt) R 1600°C 1760°C orange white Platinum-Rhodium-platinum (Pt30Rh-Pt6Rh) B 1700°C 1820°C n.a. n.a. DIN 43710 Iron-constantan (Fe-CuNi) L 4 600°C 900°C rot blue Copper-constantan (Cu-CuNi) U 900°C 600°C rot brown If the thermo-wires have no identifying markings, the following distinguishing characteristics can help: - Fe-CUNi: Plus-pole is magnetic - Cu-CuNi: Plus-pole is copper-colored - NiCr-Ni: Minus-pole is magnetic - PtRh-Pt: Minus-pole is softer The color-coding of compensating leads is stipulated by DIN 43713. For components conforming to IEC 584: The plus-pole is the same color as the shell; the minus-pole is white. 4 not compatible with Type J PT100 (RTD) - Measurement Aside from thermocouples, RTD (PT100) units can be directly connected in 4-wire-configuration (Kelvin connection). An additional reference current source feeds a chain of up to 4 sensors in series. With the imc-Thermoplug, the connection terminals are already wired in such a way that this reference current loop is closed "automatically". If fewer than 4 PT100 units are connected, the current-loop must be completed by a wire jumper from the "last" RTD to "I4". If you dispense with the "support terminals" (±I1 .. ± I4) provided in the imc-Thermoplug for 4-wire connection, a standard terminal plug or any DSUB-15 plug can be used. The "current loop" must then be formed between "+I1" and "-I4". 32 imc C-series imc C-series Device Description CS-7008 CL-1032 4.1 Hardware configuration of all devices All devices belonging to the imc C-Series come with the following equipment: - 2 nodes for Field-bus inputs - 4 incremental counter inputs - 8 digital inputs - 8 digital outputs - 4 analog outputs - Display connector for CS - Integrated display for CL - GPS-input - SYNC plug 33 Device Description 4.1.1 DIOENC All devices offer 8 binary inputs, 8 binary outputs, 4 analog outputs and 4 incremental encoder inputs. Available on request is a 16 binary input version. In that case, the analog outputs are not applied. The technical specs for the digital inputs . The technical specification of the digital outputs . The technical specification of the module DAC-4 . The technical specification of the incremental encoder . Digital inputs and outputs Eight eight binary inputs and eight outputs are provided. The DSUB15 connectors’ pin configuration . Digital Inputs The DI potion possesses 8 digital inputs which can take samples at rates of up to 10kHz. Every group of four inputs has a common ground reference and are not mutually isolated. However, this input group is isolated from the second input group, the power supply and CAN-Bus, but not mutually. The technical specification of the digital inputs . The pin configuration of the corresponding DSUB 15 plug ACC/DSUB-DI4-8 . TTL DC / DC +IN1..4 HCOM 5V DI_1..4 5V -IN1/2/3/4 current limit 400µA LCOM LEVEL 24V/TTL level +IN5..8 DI_5..8 -IN5/6/7/8 register current limit 400µA register +IN1..4 HCOM 5V -IN1/2/3/4 LCOM LEVEL +IN5..8 -IN5/6/7/8 +IN1..4 HCOM 5V -IN1/2/3/4 LCOM LEVEL +IN5..8 -IN5/6/7/8 +IN1..4 HCOM 5V -IN1/2/3/4 LCOM LEVEL +IN5..8 -IN5/6/7/8 24V + - 24V TTL 24V Input voltage The input voltage range can be set for a group of 8 channels to either 5V (TTL-range) or 24V. The switching is accomplished by means of a jumper at the ACC/DSUB-DI4-8 connector: - If LEVEL and LCOM are jumpered, all 8 bits work with 5V and a threshold of 1.7..1.8V. - If LEVEL is not bridged with LCOM, 24V and a threshold of 6.95 ...7.05V are valid. Thus, an unconnected connector is set by default for 24V. This prevents 24 V from being applied to the voltage input range of 5V. 113 112 113 111 149 113 149 34 imc C-series imc C-series Sampling interval and brief signal levels The digital inputs can be recorded in the manner of an analog channel. It isn’t possible to select individual bits for acquisition; all 8 bits (digital port) are always recorded. The hardware ensures that the brief HIGH level within one sampling interval can be recognized. input signal sampling inc. memory recorded signal Digital outputs The digital outputs DO_01..08 provide galvanically isolated control signals with current driving capability whose values (states) are derived from operations performed on measurement channels using Online FAMOS. This makes it easily possible to define control functions. In addition to control via Online FAMOS, it is alternatively possible to set the digital outputs interactively via the user interface. Furthermore it is even possible to assign trigger values to digital outputs. The technical specification of the digital outputs . The pin configuration of the corresponding DSUB 15 plug ACC/DSUB-DO8 . Important notes - available levels: 5V (internal) or up to 30V with external power supply - current driving capability: HIGH: 15 - 20mA LOW: 700mA - short-circuit-proof to supply or to reference potential HCOM and LCOM - configurable as open-drain driver (e.g. as relay driver) - default-state at system power-on: HIGH (Totem-Pole mode) or high-impedance (Open-Drain mode) - The eight outputs are galvanically isolated as a group from the rest of the system and are designed as Totem-Pole drivers. The eight stages' ground references are connected and are accessible as a signal at LCOM. HCOM represents the supply voltage of the driver stage. It is generated internally with a galvanically isolated 5V-source. Alternatively, an external higher supply voltage can be connected (max. +30V), which then determines the drivers' output level. 112 149 35 Device Description The control signal OPDRN on the D-SUB plug can be used to set the driver type for the corresponding 8-bit-group: either Totem-Pole or Open-Drain : In Totem-Pole mode, the driver delivers current in the HIGH-state. In the Open-Drain configuration, conversely, it has high impedance in the HIGH-state, in LOW-state, an internally (HCOM) or externally supplied load (e.g. relay) is pulled down to LCOM (Low-Side Switch).With Open-Drain mode, the external supply driving the load, need not be connected to HCOM but only to the load. Inductive loads (relays, motors) should be equipped with a clamp diode in parallel for shorting out switch-off transients (anode to output, cathode to positive supply voltage). Power-up response: 0) deactivated high-Z (high resistance) 1) power-up high-Z (high resistance) High- und LowSide switch inactive 2) first write access With “Prepare measurement” following Reset or Power-up (setting procedure): activation of the output state with the mode set by the programming pin “OPDRN” Example: * wire jumper between programming pin “OPDRN” and LCOM (-> Totem-Pole driver type) * Initialization (first setting procedure) with 0 (LOW) ÷ resulting startup sequence: High-Z à LOW, without intermediate HIGH state!! Without further steps the default initialization state while preparing measurement is: “LOW”. If a different state is desired, the appropriate checkmark must be set in the DIO interface dialog, namely under: Settings ® Input/ Output channels ® Set values of Input/ Output channels in the experiment And not under Measure ® Input/ Output channels ® Read and write Input/ Output channels !!! Block schematic DC / DC TOTEM POLE TTL / 24V OPTO- KOPPLER Register 20mA LCOM BIT1..8 OPDRN enable HCOM max. 30V DO_1..8 5V 36 imc C-series imc C-series Possible configurations Relais BIT1...8 HCOM OPDRN LCOM max. 30V BIT1...8 HCOM LCOM Totem Pole + - 30V Open Drain OPDRN Relais Relais BIT1...8 HCOM OPDRN LCOM BIT1...8 HCOM LCOM Totem Pole Open Drain OPDRN Relais + - 30V 5V (internal) Analog outputs The analog outputs DAC_01..04 are able to drive analog control signals whose values can be given by the results of computational operations performed by Online FAMOS on combinations of measurement channels. The pin configuration of the corresponding DSUB 15 plug ACC/DSUB-DAC4 . The most important specs: - ± 10V level at max. ± 10mA and 250O driver capability - 16bit resolution - guaranteed startup in inactive state (0V) upon switch-on, without undefined transients - short-circuit protected against ground. The technical specification of the module DAC-4 . 149 113 37 Device Description Incremental encoder channels The four incremental encoder channels are for measuring time or frequency-based signals. In contrast to the analog channels as well as to the digital inputs, the channels are not sampled at a selected, fixed rate, but instead time intervals between edges (transitions) of the digital signal are measured. The counters used (set individually for each of the 4 channels) achieve time resolutions of up to 31ns (32 Mhz); which is far beyond the abilities of sampling procedures (under comparable conditions). The "sampling rate" which the user must set is actually the rate at which the system evaluates the results of the digital counter or the values of the quantities derived from the counters. The pin configuration connector of the ACC/DSUB-ENC-4 . This enables all four incremental encoders to a single connector. The technical specification of the incremental encoder . Measurement quantities The quantity to measure must be set as the input for the incremental encoder channel. The choices available: Quantities derived from event-counting: - events - linear motion (differential) - angle (differential) Quantities derived from time measurements: - time - frequency - velocity - rpm - pulse time (phase-difference) The quantities derived from event-counting, Events, Linear motion and Angle are "differential" measurements: the quantity measured is the respective change of displacement or angle within the last sampling interval. (positive or, for dual track encoders, negative also) or the newly occurred events (always positive). If, for instance, the total displacement is desired, it must be calculated by integration of the differential measurements using Online FAMOS functions. Time measurement conditions The mode Time requires the definition of edge conditions, to specify the time interval to be measured (also two-signal encoder). These conditions refer to the transitions (edges, slopes) of the digital signal: - positive edge ¬ negative edge: ( | ¬ + ) - negative edge ¬ positive edge: ( + ¬ | ) - positive edge ¬ positive edge: ( | ¬ | ) The combination - negative edge ¬ negative edge: ( + ¬ + ) is not allowed For all other measurement modes (frequency, rpm's etc.), it generally isn't recommendable to define edge conditions. For that reason, the time between two positive signal edges is evaluated, as a rule. 149 111 38 imc C-series imc C-series Scaling A maximum value must be entered under Input range (max. frequency etc, depend on mode). This Maximum determines the scaling factor of the computational processing and amounts to the range which is represented by the available numerical format of 16bits. Depending on the measurement mode (quantity to be measured), it is to be declared as an input range's unit or in terms of a corresponding max. pulse rate. A maximum value must be entered under Input range (max. frequency etc, depend on mode). This Maximum determines the scaling factor of the computational processing and amounts to the range which is represented by the available numerical format of 16bits. Depending on the measurement mode (quantity to be measured), it is to be declared as an input range's unit or in terms of a corresponding max. pulse rate. In the interest of maximizing the measurement resolution it is recommended to set this value accordingly. The Scaling is a sensor specification which states the relation between the pulse rate of the sensor and it's corresponding physical units (sensitivity). This is also the place to enter a conversion factor for the sensor along with any physical quantity desired, for instance, to translate the revolutions of a flow gauge to a corresponding volume. The table below summarizes the various measurement types' units; the bold, cursive letters denote the (fixed) primary quantity, followed by its (editable) default physical unit: Measurement quantity (Sensor-) scaling Range Maximum Linear motion Pulse / m m m / s Angle Pulse / U U U / min Velocity Pulse / m m / s m / s RPM Pulse / U U / min U / min Event Pulse / Pulse 1 Pulse Hz Frequency Hz / Hz Hz Hz Time s / s s s Pulse time 1 1 s Sensor types, synchronization Index signal denotes the synchronization signal SYNC which is globally available to all four channels in common. If its function Encoder w/o zero impulse is not activated, the following conditions apply: After the start of a measurement the counters remain inactive until the first positive slope arrives from SYNC. This arrangement is independent of the release-status of the Start-trigger condition. The index signal is armed for each measurement! If a sensor without an index track (Reset signal) is used, Encoder w/o zero impulse must be selected, otherwise the counters will remain in reset-state and will never be started because the enabling start-impulse will never occur!! Incremental encoder sensors often have an index track (index signal, zero marker pulse) which emits a synchronization-signal once per revolution. The SYNC-input is differential and set by the comparator settings. Its bandwidth is limited to 20kHz by a permanently low-pass filter. The input is located on ACC/DSUB-ENC4 Pins 6 and 13. If the input remains open, an (inactive) HIGH-state will set in. The measurement types Linear Motion, Angle, RPM and Velocity are especially well adapted for direct connection to incremental encoder-sensors. These consist of a rotating disk with fine gradation in conjunction with optical scanning and possibly also with electric signal conditioning. One differentiates between single track and dual track encoders. Dual track encoders (quadrature encoders) emit two signals offset by 90° of phase, the tracks A and B (C and D). By evaluating the phase information between the A and B-track, the direction of turning can be determined. If the corresponding encoder type is selected, this functionality is supported. The actual time or frequency information, however, is derived exclusively from the A(C) -track! 39 Device Description The measurement types Event, Frequency, and Time always are measured by one-track encoders, since in these cases no evaluation of direction or sign would make any sense. The sensor must simply be connected to the terminal for Track A (C). Since many signal encoders require a supply voltage, +5V are provided at the connector socket for this purpose (max. 300mA). The reference potential for this voltage, in other words the supply-ground connection for the sensor, is CHASSIS. Comparator conditioning The incremental encoder channels' special properties make special demands on the signal quality: The very high time-resolution of the detector or counter means that even extremely short impulses which sampling measurement procedures (as at the digital inputs) would miss are captured and evaluated. Therefore the digital signals must have clean edges in order not to result in distorted measurements. Missed pulses or bounces could otherwise lead to drop-outs in the time measurements, or enormous "peaks" in the rpm-measurements. Simple sensors such as those based on induction or photosensitive relays often emit only unconditioned analog signals which must be evaluated in terms of a threshold value condition. Furthermore long cables, ground loops or interference, can make the processing of even conditioned encoder signals (such as TTL-levels) difficult. The device, however, can counteract this using its special three-step conditioning unit. To begin with, a high-impedance differential amplifier (±10V range, 100kO) enables reliable measurement from a sensor even along a long cable, as well as effective suppression of common mode interference and ground loops. A (configurable) filter (in preparation) at the next stage offers additional suppression of interference, adapted to the measurement set-up. Finally, a comparator with configurable threshold and hysteresis acts as a digital detector. The (configurable) hysteresis is an extra tool for suppressing noise: VREF VHYST INC (digital) IN (analog) IN > VREF+VHYST/2 IN < VREF-VHYST/2 If the analog signal exceeds the threshold VREF + VHYST/2. the digital signal changes its state (| : 0 ¬ 1) and at the same time reduces the threshold which must be crossed in order to change the state back to 0 by the amount VHYST (new threshold: VREF - VHYST/2). The magnitude of the hysteresis therefore represents the maximum level of noise and interference that would not cause a spurious transition. The threshold VREF is set to 1.5V, the hysteresis VHYST is 0.5V. State transitions are therefore detected at the signal amplitudes: 1.75V ( 0 1 ) and 1.25V ( 1 0 ). In future device versions, the threshold and hysteresis will be globally adjustable for all four channels within the range: - VREF = ±10V VHYST = +100mV .. +4V Corner frequencies of the (2-pole) low-pass filter will be jointly configurable for both of a channel's tracks to the values: - Low-pass filter: 20kHz, 2kHz, 200Hz 40 imc C-series imc C-series Structure Complete conditioning with individual differential inputs is provided for 4 tracks: they can be used for forur channels with one-signal-encoders or for two channels with two-signal encoders. Block schematic GND -INA +INA +5V CHASSIS GND SENSOR SUPPLY POWER_GND Ua -Ua Filter REF HYST FREQ COUNT +/-30V 9 tracks: IN1..4 X/Y, INDEX cable sensor Dual track encoders (quadrature encoders) emit two signals offset by 90° of phase, the tracks A and B. By evaluating the phase information between the A and B-track, the direction of turning can be determined. If the corresponding encoder type is selected, this functionality is supported. The actual time or frequency information, however, is derived exclusively from the A-track! Like the other channels, the Index-channel is fully conditioned. If its function is activated, it can take effect on all four channels. At the imc terminal plug the pin is labeled ±INDEX. Channel assignment The connector used is the ACC/DSUB-ENC-4. It enables all four incremental counters to be connected at the same terminal. As a prerequisite for the input differential amplifier to find the correct working point, the sensor must be ground referenced, i.e. it must have low resistance to ground (GND, CHASSIS, PE). This is not to be confused with the sensor’s common mode voltage, which may be up to +25V/-12V (even for the –IN input!). It also does not matter that a differential measurement is configured for the high-impedance differential input. If this electrical connection to the system ground (CHASSIS) does not exist initially because the sensor is electrically isolated, then such a connection must be set up, for instance in the form of a wire jumper between the sensor’s GND and POWER_GND contacts! The 5V (max. 100mA, 300mA upon request) supply voltage which the module provides at the terminals +5V and GND can be used to power the sensors. If more voltage or supply power is needed, the sensor must be supplied externally, which means that it is absolutely necessary to ensure that this supply voltage is referenced to system ground! 41 Device Description Incremental encoder track configuration options Mode Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Single-signal mode √ √ √ √ two-signal mode Single-signal mode shows signal value 0 √ √ two-signal mode √ Single-signal mode √ √ shows signal value 0 two-signal mode √ Single-signal mode shows signal value 0 shows signal value 0 two-signal mode √ √ Block schematic 42 imc C-series imc C-series Connection The connector is the ACC/DSUB-ENC-4. This enables all four incremental encoders to a single connector. Each of the 4 incremental encoder channels has an A and a B-track (C and D) for connecting a two-signal encoder. If a one-signal encoder is used, it must be connected to the X-track and the positive Y-track must be shorted with the negative Y-track. If the index-input isn't used, the positive index channel must be shorted with the negative index-channel. The pin configuration of the DSUB15 plug . Connection: Open-Collector Sensor Simple rotary encoder sensors are often designed as an Open-Collector stage: GND -INA +INA +5V CHASSIS +/-30V cable sensor ENC-4 (SUPPLY) POWER_GND Ua SIGNAL_GND Connection: Sensors with RS422 differential line drivers Commercially available rotary encoders are often equipped with differential line drivers, for instance as per the EIA-standard RS422. These deliver a complementary (inverse) TTL-level signal for each track. The sensor's data are evaluated differentially between the complementary outputs. The threshold to select is 0V, since the differential evaluation results in a bipolar zero-symmetric signal: 3.8...5V (HIGH) or –3.8...-5V (LOW). Ground loops as pure common mode interference are suppressed to the greatest possible extent. The illustration below shows the circuiting. The reflection response and thus the signal quality can be further improved by using terminator resistors. GND -INA +INA a +5V CHASSIS +/-30V cable sensor ENC-4 (SUPPLY) POWER_GND Ua -Ua R_ ter m RS422 149 43 Device Description Connection: Sensors with current signals For a rotational encoder working with current signals, the current/ voltage terminal ACC/DSUB-ENC-4-IU can be used. It is possible to power the sensor from the ENC-4 module. The pertinent specifications are: max. supply current: 320 mA typ. encoder with 11µAss signals: Heidenhain ROD 456, current c: max. 85mA per (2-signal) encoder Note The resulting input voltage for the ENC module can not be measured at the terminal but at the pins of the DSUB plug. The pin configuration is equal to ACC/DSUB-ENC-4 . 145 149 44 imc C-series imc C-series 4.1.2 Miscellaneous ACC/DSUB-ICP ICP-Expansion plug for voltage channels ICP-Sensors The ICP-channels are specially designed for the use of current-fed sensors in 2-wire-configuration. This sensor type is fed with a constant current of typically 4mA and delivers a voltage-signal consisting of a DC-component (typ. +12V) superimposed with an AC-signal (max. ±5V). ICP-sensors are typically employed in vibration and solid-borne sound measurements and are offered by various manufacturers as solid-borne sound microphones or accelerometers under different (trademarked) product names, such as: PCB: ICP-Sensor, KISTLER: Piezotron-Sensor, Brüel&Kjaer: DeltaTron-Sensor. The commonly used name ICP (Integrated Circuit Piezoelectric) is actually a registered trademark of the American manufacturer "PCB Piecotronics". The technical specification of the module ACC/DSUB-ICP4 . Feed current The exact magnitude of the supply current is irrelevant for the measurement's precision. Values of 2mA tend to be adequate. Only in the case of very high bandwidth and amplitude signals in conjunction with very long cables, supply currents may be a concern, as considerable currents are need to dynamically charge the capacitive load of the cable. dynam. current headroom: I = 2mA cable capacity (typ. coax-cable): C = l * 100pF/m max. signal slew rate (full-power): dU/dt = 5V * 2*PI*25kHz max. cable length: l_max = 2mA / (100pF/m * 5V * 2*PI*25kHz) = 25m Up to a max. cable length of 25m, no limitations are to be expected as long as the above conditions are fulfilled. ICP-Expansion plug As a special accessory for voltage channels, an ICP expansion plug is available. This can be used to directly connect current-fed ICP-sensors also at voltage channels. 4-channel models (ACC /DSUB-ICP4) are available for the following devices: C-12xx, C-10xx, C-41xx 2- channel models (ACC /DSUB-ICP2) are available for the following devices: C-70xx, C-50xx, C-60xx This (active) expansion plug having the same dimensions as the imc DSUB-plug, comes with additional conditioning equipment built into its housing and having the following features: - individual current sources for the current-fed ICP-sensors - per source: 4.2mA (typ.), voltage swing: max. 25V - differential AC-coupling to block the signal's DC-component (approx. +12V) typical with ICP. - each channel can be switched to current-fed ICP measurement (AC-coupled) or DC-coupled voltage measurement. 143 45 Device Description Configuration Block schematic: Potential relationships +ICP +27V -ICP AGND +/- 5V ... +/- 250mV "DC-coupling" + - ICP- Sensor shielded cable CHASSIS +IN -IN AGND DC / DC +5V GND CRONOS Voltage channel ICP-Expansion plug s e e t e x t s e e t e x t 4 mA no isolation common sensor AGND Groundloop common mode interf erence Bridge f or ungrounded sensors 1 0 0 CHASSIS AGND Switch position ICP: - The AC-coupling is already provided by the ICP-plug, the voltage channel is DC-coupled. - The input range must be adapted to the signal's AC-component, it can be adjusted within the range between ±5V ... ±250mV - The combination of the built-in coupling capacitor (2 x 220nF corresponding to 110nF diff.) with the impedance of the ICP-plug (2MO diff.) and the input impedance constitutes a high-pass filter. When connecting the plug or sensor, be aware of the transients experienced by this high-pass filter, caused by the sensor's DC-offset (typ. +12V). It is necessary to wait until this phenomenon decays and the measured signal is offset-free! - When the ICP-expansion plug is used, a considerable offset can occur (in spite of AC-coupling), which can be traced to the (DC-) input currents in conjunction with the voltage amplifier's DC input impedance. This remainder, too, can be compensated by high-pass filtering with Online FAMOS. (Direct high-pass filtering for voltage channels is in preparation). Switch position Volt: - The voltage channel is DC-coupled, the current source de-coupled. - The voltage channel's input impedance is reduced by parallel connection with the ICP-plug's impedance. 46 imc C-series imc C-series The following table provides an overview of the modules compatible with the ICP-plugs. The voltage amplifiers' different input impedance values (with / without input divider) depend on the voltage range selected. The resulting high-pass cutoff frequencies and the time necessary for the 12V-offset to decay to 10µV are shown. Module Range diff. R_in Res. impedance tau fg Settling. (10µV) C-12xx ≥ ±20V 1MO 0. 7MO 73ms 2.2Hz 1.0s ≤ ±10V 20MO 1. 2MO 20ms 0.8 Hz 2.8s C-41xx ≥ ±5V 1 MO 0. 7MO 73ms 2.2 Hz 1.0s ≤ ±2V 10MO 1. 7MO 18ms 0.9 Hz 2.6s C-60xx ≥ ±5V 1 MO 0. 7MO 73ms 2.2 Hz 1.0s ≤ ±2V 20MO 1. 2MO 20ms 0.8 Hz 2.8s C-70xx ≥ ±20V 1 MO 0. 7MO 73ms 2.2 Hz 1.0s ≤ ±10V 20MO 1. 2MO 20ms 0.8 Hz 2.8s C-50xx alle 20MO 1. 2MO 20ms 0.8 Hz 2.8s In terms of the shielding and grounding of the connected ICP-sensors, note: - We recommend using multicore, shielded cable, where the shielding (at the plug) is connected to the plug "CHASSIS", or can be connected to the pull-relief brace in the plug. The section on ICP-channels within this chapter provides further information on ICP-sensors and hints on applications. 47 Device Description Circuit schematic: ICP-plugs -in1 +in2 -in2 +in3 +in1 + pwr -in3 +in4 -in4 - pwr Sensor 4 x 3,8 mA CHASSIS Signal ground 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Terminal numbers DSUB- 15 Pins 8 7 14 13 5 4 11 2 10 ICP ICP ICP ICP 17 18 13 14 15 16 1 +5V 1 0 0 R 1 0 0 R 1 0 0 R 1 0 0 R +ICP1 -ICP1 +ICP2 -ICP2 +ICP3 -ICP3 +ICP4 -ICP4 CHAS SIS CHAS SIS CHAS SIS CHAS SIS AGND AGND 48 imc C-series imc C-series ACC/DSUB-ICP2-BNC, ACC/DSUB-ICP2-MICRODOT This is a 2-channel pre-amp in the form of an imc clamp terminal, which enables two sensors having ICP- output to be connected via BNC interconnections. To the available coupling types for channels to which it is connected, it offers the additional entry “AC with current supply”, which makes direct connection of ICP™ -, DeltaTron ® -, or PiezoTron ® -sensors possible. The connector ensures a 4mA current supply. Once the ICP2-BNC terminal is connected, the information on the TEDS-capable sensors used must be imported. Otherwise, this error message will appear upon performing preparation: "All channels connected to the imc clamp terminal ACC/DSUB-ICP2-BNC requires input coupling AC with current feed or DC! Error number 6329" Channels at which an ICP2-BNC terminal is connected but not any TEDS-capable sensor must be set to DC, in order to be able to successfully prepare the measurement. However, if the opposite case occurs: “AC with current feed” is set but no ICP terminal is connected at the corresponding channel, the following error message provides notification of this: "The required imc clamp terminal ACC/DSUB-ICP is not connected! Error number: 6334" In this case, an appropriate terminal must be connected or the coupling type must be corrected by importing the sensor’s info (if no sensor info is found, the typical coupling types for that amplifier are displayed again). The technical specification of the ACC/DSUB-ICP plug. A C C / D S U B - I C P - B N C ACC/DSUB-ICP2-BNC SEN-SUPPLY Sensor supply Non-isolated Module for Sensor Supply with Selectable Voltage Output The module provides a sensor supply voltage which is adjustable by a selection switch. The maximum available power is 3 W. The voltages provided are short-circuit-proof. Upon request also available as an internal amplifier expansion for sensor supply. The terminal for the voltage is then at the amplifier DSUB jack. Other limitations apply (5 ranges; ±15V as optional substitute for +15V), refer to the amplifier’s spec sheet. The technical specification of the module SEN-SUPPLY . 144 146 49 Device Description imc Display The optional display screen enables interaction between the user and a running measurement process by posting read-outs of system states and allowing parameter adjustments via the membrane touch panel. If the measurement device is prepared for opening a particular configuration upon being activated, it’s possible to carry out the measurement without any PC. The display serves as a convenient status indicator and can replace or supplement imcDevices for process control purposes. It works even where no PC or display unit normally could, for example at temperatures of -20°C or +70°C. The Display can be connected or disconnected at any time without disturbing a running measurement. This makes it possible, for instance, to check the status of multiple running devices in succession. The Display’s interaction with the measurement device is handled by means of virtual Display variables or bits, which can either be evaluated for the purpose of status indication or set in order to affect the measurement process. A variety of different models of the Display are available: - Alphanumeric Displays – Hand-held terminals and built-in displays o Alphanumeric hand-held terminals have 32 scrollable lines of text with 40 characters each. Four of the lines are visible on screen. This Display type comes in these varieties: M/Display housing dimensions approx. 220mm x 105mm x 30mm Screen dimensions: 146mm x 28.5mm Weight: approx. 0.5kg M/Display-L housing dimensions approx. 350mm x 168mm x 25mm Screen dimensions: 244mm x 68mm Weight: approx. 1.3kg The technical specification of the alphanumerical display . 143 50 imc C-series imc C-series - Graphics Displays – The prerequisite is the software version imcDevices 2.5 o imc Graphics Terminal technical benchmarks: Housing dimensions: approx. 306mm x 170mm x 25mm Screen dimensions: approx. 11.5cm x 8.6cm Weight: approx. 1.0kg There are three different display modes: 320 x 240 pixels in 16 gray scale colors 320 x 240 pixels in 65536 colors The built-in Display is monochrome: 160 x 80 pixels The technical specification of the graphics display . 142 51 Device Description GPS At the nine-pin GPS socket it is possible to connect a GPS-receiver of the type Garmin GPS35LVS, GPS18LVC, GPS18LVC-5Hz etc. which enables absolute synchronization to GPS time. If the GPS-mouse has reception, the measurement system synchronizes itself automatically. Also, if a valid DCF-77 signal is applied at the Sync-socket, the first signal which the hardware recognizes as valid is accepted. order number CRPL/GPS-MOUSE-1Hz 1080065 CRPL/GPS-MOUSE-5Hz 1080174 C/GPS-MOUSE-5Hz 1400019 As of imcDevices Version 2.6, the time counter DCF77 or GPS can be selected by software. Furthermore, from this version onward, it is possible to evaluate all GPS information which can be retrieved in the system via the process vector. By means of Online FAMOS, this information can be processed further. The available GPS information includes: pv.GPS.quality GPS quality indicator 1 Invalid position or position not available 2 GPS standard mode, fix valid 3 differential GPS, fix valid … pv.GPS.satellites number of used satellites. pv.GPS.latitude pv.GPS.longitude latitude and longitude in degree. (Scaled with 1E-7) pv.GPS.height height over sea level (over geoid) in meter pv.GPS.height_geoidal height geoid minus height ellipsoid (WGS84) in meter pv.GPS.course course in ° pv.GPS.course_variation magnetic declination in ° pv.GPS.speed speed in km/h pv.GPS.hdop pv.GPS.vdoppv.GPS.pdop Dilution of precision for horizontal, vertical and position See http://www.iota-es.de/federspiel/gps_artikel.html for internal use only: pv.GPS.time.sec pv.GPS.time.usec pv.GPS.counter pv.GPS.test 52 imc C-series imc C-series slow = Mean( DIn01, 1, 10 ) latitude = CreateVChannelInt( slow, pv.GPS.latitude) longitude = CreateVChannelInt( slow, pv.GPS.longitude) quality = CreateVChannel( slow, pv.GPS.quality) satellites = CreateVChannel( slow, pv.GPS.satellites) Important note pv.GPS.latitude and pv.GPS.longitude are scaled as integer 32 with 1E-7. They must be proceeded as integer channels, otherwise precession will be lost. Pin configuration of the DSUB9 connector. LEDs and Beeper 6 Status-lamps (LEDs, on the device front panel) and a beeper are provided as additional visual and acoustic "output channels". They can be used just as standard output channels in Online FAMOS by assigning them the binary values "0" / "1" or functions taking the Boolean value range. Interactive setting and Bit-window display for these output channels is neither especially useful nor supported. It is not possible to deactivate the beeper by software. Modem connection By default, an external modem is connected via the 9-pin DSUB socket. If your system comes with a built-in modem, there is an RJ45 socket instead. Normal telephone connection plugs are smaller than standard RJ45 plugs, however they will fit without an adapter. Pin configuration of the 9 pin DSUB socket . Note Don’t mistake the modem socket for the Ethernet socket used to connect to a computer network. SYNC For a synchronized measurement use the SYNC terminal. That connector has to be connected with other imc devices or a DCF77 antenna. Note When using multiple devices connected via the Sync terminal for synchronization purposes, ensure that all devices are the same voltage level. Any potential differences among devices may have to be evened out using an additional line having adequate cross section. Alternatively it is possible to isolate the devices by using the module ISOSYNC. See also chapter Synchronization in the imcDevices manual. Technical data for synchronization. 151 150 115 53 Device Description Filter-Einstellungen Theoretischer Hintergrund Der Filter-Einstellung kommt bei einem abtastenden Mess-System besondere Bedeutung zu: Aus der Theorie digitaler Signalverarbeitung und des Abtasttheorems (Shannon, Nyquist) geht hervor, dass bei einem abtastenden System eine Bandbegrenzung des Signals vorhanden sein muss. Diese stellt sicher, dass das Signal ab der halben Abtastfrequenz (Nyquist-Frequenz) keine nennenswerten spektrale Signalanteile mehr beinhaltet. Andernfalls führt dies zu Aliasing - Fehlern, die auch durch nachträgliche Filterung nicht mehr zu beseitigen sind. SPARTAN-Ux(-CAN) stellt ein abtastendes System dar, bei dem die im Konfigurationsmenü einzustellende Abtastzeit (bzw. Frequenz) dieser Bedingung unterworfen ist. Die auswählbare Tiefpass-Filterfrequenz ist dabei bestimmend für die Bandbegrenzung des mit dieser Rate abzutastenden Eingangssignals. Die Einstellung AAF für die Filtereinstellung steht für Automatisches Antialiasing Filter. Sie nimmt eine automatische Wahl der Filterfrequenz vor, angepasst an die gewählte Abtastrate. Die zugrundeliegende Regel dabei ist: AAF-Filterfrequenz (-80dB) = Abtastfrequenz * 0,6 = Nyquistfrequenz * 1,2 AAF-Filterfrequenz (-0,1dB) = Abtastfrequenz * 0,4 = Nyquistfrequenz * 0,8 Allgemeines Filter-Konzept Die C-Serie verwendet eine zweistufige Systemarchitektur, bei dem die analogen Signale mit einer festen primären Abtastrate abgetastet werden (analog-digital Wandlung mit Sigma-Delta ADCs). Hierbei vermeidet ein festes analoges Tiefpassfilter Aliasing-Fehler. Der Betrag dieser primären Abtastrate ist nicht nach außen hin sichtbar, hängt vom Kanaltyp ab und ist in der Regel größer oder gleich der in der Einstelloberfläche wählbaren Abtastrate. Das einstellbare Filter ist als digitales Filter realisiert, welches den Vorteil eines exakten Betrags- und Phasenverlaufs hat. Dies ist insbesondere für den Gleichlauf (Matching) von miteinander verrechneten Kanälen von großer Bedeutung. Werden in der System-Konfiguration langsamere Datenraten (f_sample) eingestellt, so gewährleisten digitale Anti-Aliasing Filter (Tiefpass-Filter) die Einhaltung der Bedingungen des Abtast-Theorems. Drei Fälle können dabei unterschieden werden: Implementierten Filter Filter-Einstellung „Filter-Typ: ohne“: Nur das (analoge) auf die primäre Datenrate abgestimmte Anti-Aliasing-Filter ist wirksam, neben einer nachgeschalteten digitalen Frequenzgang-Korrektur, die für einen steileren Frequenzgang sorgt. Diese Einstellung kann sinnvoll sein, wenn maximale Bandbreitenreserven genutzt werden sollen und gleichzeitig einschränkende Annahmen über die spektrale Verteilung des Messsignals gemacht werden können, die einen Verzicht auf vollständige Filterung rechtfertigen. Filter-Einstellung „Filter-Typ: AAF“: Die (digitalen) Anti-Aliasing-Filter werden als elliptische Cauer-Filter ausgeführt. Deren „scharfe“ Kennlinie im Frequenzbereich ermöglicht es, die Eckfrequenzen erheblich näher an die Abtast- bzw. Nyquist-Frequenz heranzuführen, ohne Kompromisse zwischen Bandbreite und Aliasing-Freiheit einzugehen. Die automatische Wahl der Eckfrequenz in der Einstellung „AAF“ basiert auf folgenden Kriterien: - Im Durchlassbereich („pass band“) ist eine maximale (AC-) Verstärkungs-Unsicherheit von 0.006% = -0.005dB zulässig. Das pass band ist definiert durch die Eckfrequenz, bei der dieser Wert unterschritten wird. - Der Sperrbereich („stop band“) ist gekennzeichnet durch eine Dämpfung von mindestens –80 dB. Diese Dämpfung wird auch für 16-Bit Systeme als ausreichend angesehen, da diskrete Störfrequenzen nie 100% Amplitude erreichen können: der nutzbare Messbereich wird im wesentlichen durch das Nutzsignal ausgefüllt. Andernfalls müsste ohnehin ein größerer Bereich gewählt werden um 54 imc C-series imc C-series Übersteuerung zu vermeiden. - Der Übergangsbereich („transition band“) liegt typischerweise symmetrisch um die Nyquist-Frequenz herum. Damit ist gewährleistet, dass die ins pass band zurückgespiegelten Aliasing-Anteile aus dem stop band um ausreichende (mind.) –80dB unterdrückt sind. Rest-Anteile aus dem Frequenzbereich zwischen Nyquist-Frequenz und stop band Grenze spiegeln lediglich zurück in den Bereich außerhalb des pass band (pass band bis Nyquist) dessen Signalgehalt als nicht relevant definiert ist. - Die genannten Kriterien sind mit den verwendeten Cauer-Filter durch folgende Konfigurations-Regel erfüllt: Filter-Einstellung „Filter-Typ: AAF“: - fg_AAF (-0.1dB) = 0.4 * f_sample; - Charakteristik: Cauer Filter-Ordnung: 8-pol Filter-Einstellung „Filter-Typ: Tiefpass“: Es kann manuell eine Tiefpassfrequenz gewählt werden, die den konkreten Anforderungen der Applikation gerecht wird. Insbesondere kann eine Eckfrequenz deutlich unterhalb der Nyquist-Frequenz eingestellt werden, die in jedem Fall ein Aliasing garantiert ausschließt, natürlich unter „Opferung“ entsprechender Bandbreite-Reserven. mit fg_AAF (3dB) = f_sample / 4 Dämpfung bei Nyquist Frequenz: 1/64 = -36 dB mit fg_AAF (3dB) = f_sample / 5 Dämpfung bei Nyquist Frequenz: 1/244 = -48 dB mit fg_AAF (3dB) = f_sample / 10 Dämpfung bei Nyquist Frequenz: 1/15630 = -84 dB - Charakteristik: Butterworth, Filter-Ordnung: 8-pol In jedem Fall ist die Einstellung AAF keine Garantie für Aliasing-freies Messen: Die Anforderungen an das Filter sind im konkreten Anwendungsfall zu überprüfen und bei stark gestörten Signalen anzupassen. Da die einstellbaren Abtast- und Filterfrequenzen jeweils in 1 – 2 – 5 Schritten gestuft sind, ist stets entweder 1 / 4 oder 1 / 5 der Abtastrate als Filter einstellbar. Weitere mögliche Filtereinstellungen sind Bandpass und Hochpass jeweils 4.Ordnung. 55 Device Description DSUB-Q2 charging amplifier Charging amplifier in DSUB connector The charging amplifier accessory DSUB-Q2 serves as an adapter for a piezo-electric sensor having a charge output to the voltage measurement inputs of the CRPL device family. It contains two miniature charge amplifiers which convert charge to voltage. They can perform both quasi-static and dynamic measurements, and can be used to measure force, velocity and acceleration directly or indirectly. charging amplifier DSUB-Q2 The two-channel pre-amp takes the form of an imc plug which enables two charge sensors to be connected via BNC. It adds the options “DC charge” and “AC charge” to the list of coupling types available for the channels to which it is connected. Since only charges can be measured at the channels concerned as long as the terminal is connected, the other coupling types are not available. Once the DSUB-Q2 terminal is connected, the channels used are configured by importing the sensor information . Otherwise, this error message appears during the preparation process: "The required imc plug with charging amplifier DSUB-Q2 is not connected! Error number: 6333" Now the channels are set to charge coupling. All other couplings such as current measurement, bridge measurement etc. are now no longer available. imcDevices>amplifier tab: DSUB-Q2 settings with UNI-8 NOTE The charge amplifier itself is not TEDS-capable, so it is not possible to import sensor information from the connected charge sensors. For this reason, the button “Import sensor data from sensor and set channel” causes the function “Import connector data and set channel” to be performed in this case. However, if the opposite case occurs, namely that charge coupling is set but no charge amplifier is connected to the corresponding channel, the following error message provides notification of this: "The required imc plug charging amplifier DSUB-Q2 is not connected! Error number: 6333" The technical data for the DSUB-Q2 connector . 147 56 imc C-series imc C-series 4.2 CS-1016, CL-1032 4.2.1 Universal measurement device CS-1016 and CL-1032 are 16- and 32-channel universal measurement devices, respectively, for voltage and current measurement tasks, with sampling rates of up to 20kHz per channel. The input channels are differential and equipped with per-channel signal conditioning, including filters. The technical specs of the CS-1016, CL-1032 . CS-1016 CL-1032 4.2.2 Hardware configuration The devices come with the following analog measurement channels: - voltage - current - current-fed sensors e.g. ICP (optional) 4.2.3 Signal conditioning and circuitry The devices come with 16 (CS) or 32 (CL) differential, non-isolated input channels which can be used for measuring voltage. In addition, current measurement by means of a shunt plug and the use of an ICP-expansion plug are provided for. The module is built as a "scanner" which enables the maximum aggregate sampling rate of 320kHz to be distributed among the amount of activated channels (up to 16). The maximum sampling rate for a single channel can extend up to 20kHz. The channels each come with 5 th order ("analog", fixed-configuration) anti-aliasing filters, whose cutoff frequency is 6.8kHz. This means that for a channel sampled at 20kHz, nearly aliasing-free measurement in the sense of the Sampling Theorem is ensured. 116 57 Device Description For low channel sampling rates (esp. when many channels are active), appropriately adapted (digital) low-pass filter are implemented. This procedure then no longer stringently adheres to the condition for the Sampling Theorem, since the cutoff frequency of the "primary" analog filter (6.8kHz) is not adapted to the lower channel sampling rate; however, the properties of this affordable module are perfectly adequate for a number of applications. - Input ranges: ±250mV, ±1V, ±2.5V, ±10V - Analog bandwidth: 6.8kHz (-3dB). - Maximum aggregate sampling rate: 320kHz - Impedance: 20MO (differential) Voltage measurement - Voltage ranges: ±250mV, ±1V, ±2.5V, ±10V The input impedance is 10MO referenced to system ground or 20MO differential. The inputs are DC-coupled. The corresponding connection terminal is designated ACC/DSUB-U4 Current measurement - Current ranges: ±5mA, ±20mA, ±50mA For current measurements, a special plug with a built-in shunt (50) is needed (order #: ACC/DSUB-I4). Configuration is carried out in the voltage mode, but an appropriate scaling factor is entered which allows direct display of current values (20mA/V = 1/50O). For current measurement with the special shunt-plugs ACC/DSUB-I4, input ranging only up to max. ±5 0mA (corresponding to 2V or 2.5V voltage ranges) are permitted due to the measurement shunt's limited power dissipation in the case of static long-term loading. 4.2.4 Current-fed sensors For measurement of current-fed sensors, e.g. ICPs, the special connector ACC/DSUB-ICP2 is required. External +5V supply voltage At the DSUB-15 connector plugs, there is a 5V supply voltage available for external sensors or for the ICP-expansion plug. This source is not isolated; its reference potential is identical to the overall system's ground reference. The +5V supply outputs are electronically protected internally against short-circuiting and can each be loaded up to max. 160mA (short-circuit limiting: 200mA). The sensor's reference potential, in other words its supply-ground connection is the terminal "GND". Connection The DSUB connectors’ pin configuration of the CS-1016, CL-1032 . 152 58 imc C-series imc C-series 4.3 CS-1208, CL-1224 4.3.1 All-purpose laboratory and test rig devices CS-1208 and CL-1224 are 8- and 24-channel universal measurement device, respectively, for voltage and current measurement tasks, with sampling rates of up to 100kHz per channel. Their 50V input range and their very low noise voltage in particular destine these devices for highest-performance voltage measurement. The input channels are differential and equipped with per-channel signal conditioning, including filters. The technical specs of the CS-1208, CL-1224. 4.3.2 Hardware configuration The devices come with the following analog measurement channels: - voltage - current - current-fed sensors e.g. ICP (optional) 4.3.3 Conditioning and signal connection 8/24 differential analog inputs (ICP™-, DELTATRON ® -, PIEZOTRON ® -Sensors) 5 The measurement inputs (non-isolated, differential amplifiers) are for voltage or current measurement. The 15-pin DSUB plug ACC/DSUB-U4 enables voltage measurement on four channels. For measurement of current, the ACC/DSUB-I4, which comes with 50O shunts, must be used. In addition, the use of an ICP-expansion plug ACC/DSUB-ICP4 is possible. The module supports TEDS; the technical specification of the amplifier . 5 -ICP is a registered trade mark of PCB Piezotronics Inc. - DeltaTron is a registered trade mark of Brüel & Kjær Sound and Vibration. - PIEZOTRON, PIEZOBEAM is a registered trade mark of Kistler. Voltage measurement - Voltage: ±50V... ±5mV In the voltage ranges ±50V and ±20V, a voltage divider is in operation; the resulting input impedance is 1 MO. In the voltage ranges ±10V to ±5mV, by contrast, the input impedance is 20MO. When the device is deactivated, it drops to about 1MO. The input configuration is differential and DC-coupled. 118 118 59 Device Description Case 1: Voltage source with ground reference The voltage source itself already is referenced to the device's ground. The voltage source is at the same potential as the device ground. +in -in GND + - U e Example: The unit is grounded. Thus, the input GND is at ground potential. If the voltage source itself is also grounded, it is referenced to the device ground. It isn't any problem if, as it may be, the ground potential at the voltage source deviates from the ground potential of the device itself by a few degrees. The maximum permitted common mode voltage must not be exceeded. Important: In this case, the negative signal input -IN may not be connected to the ground contact GND in the device. Otherwise, a ground loop would result, through which interference could be coupled in. In this case, a true differential (but not isolated!) measurement is performed. Case 2: Voltage source without ground reference The voltage source itself has no reference to unit’s ground, but instead, its potential floats freely vis-à-vis the device ground. If a ground reference cannot be established, it's also possible to connect the negative signal input –IN to the ground contact GND. +in -in GND + - U e Example: A voltage source which isn't grounded (e.g. a battery) and whose contacts have no connection to ground potential is measured. The device is grounded. Important: When –IN and GND are connected, be sure that the signal source's potential can actually be drawn to the device ground's potential without an appreciable current flowing. If the source can't be brought to that potential level (because it turns out to be at fixed potential after all), there is a risk of permanent damage to the amplifier. If IN and GND are connected, a single end measurement is performed. This isn't a problem unless a ground reference already existed. 60 imc C-series imc C-series Case 3: Voltage source at other, fixed potential In the input ranges ≤20V, the common mode voltage U cm must lie within the range ±10V. It is reduced by one-half of the input voltage. +in -in GND + - U e + - Ucm Voltage measurement: With taring With voltage measurement, it's possible to tare a zero offset to restore correct zero. For this purpose, select the menu item Settings _Amplifiers (balance etc.)…, and on the screen's index card Common, under Balancing, select the option Tare for the desired channel. The input range correspondingly is reduced by the amount of the zero adjustment. If the initial offset is so large that it's not possible to adjust it by means of the device, a larger input range must be set. Current measurement Current: e.g. ±50mA ... ±1mA For current measurement, the DSUB connector ACC/DSUB-I4 must be used. This plug is not included in the standard package. It contains a 50O shunt. In addition, voltage can be measured via an externally connected shunt. The appropriate scaling must be set in the user interface. The value 50O is only a suggestion. The resistance should be sufficiently precise. Make not of the shunt's power consumption. +in -in GND R cable R cable + - 50O In this configuration, too, the maximum common mode voltage must lie within the range ±10V. This can generally only be assured if the current source is also already referenced to ground. If the current source has no ground reference, there is a danger of the unit suffering unacceptably high overvoltage. It may be necessary to create a ground reference, for instance, by grounding the current source. 61 Device Description External voltage supply for ICP-Extension plug A permanent 5V supply voltage for external sensors for the ICP expansion plug is always available at the terminal sockets. This voltage source is referenced to the unit’s chassis. Bandwidth The channels' max. sampling rate is 100kSamples/s (10µs sampling interval). The analog bandwidth (without digital low-pass filtering) is 1 4kHz (-3dB). The technical specification of the CS-1208, CL-1224 . Connection The DSUB connectors’ pin configuration of the CS-1208, CL-1224 . 118 152 62 imc C-series imc C-series 4.4 CL-2108 4.4.1 Power measurement devices CL-2108 is a measurement device for measurement of network power quality. The amplifier enables direct measurement of voltages of up to ±600V and offers connection terminals for current probes. With the optional software enhancement imcPOLARES, it can serve network quality analyzer according to EN 50160 (power measurement devices and event analyzer) for standards-compliant evaluation of the quality of electrical supply networks. 4.4.2 Hardware equipment The following measurement channels are available: - voltages of up to ±600V with a protection class of up to CAT II - current probes/ low voltages - direct support for the use of Rogowski coils 4.4.3 Signal conditioning and circuitry 4 differential analog inputs The high voltage amplifier consists of one two-channel master module and one two-channel attachment module which is configured for measurement of either voltage or current probe signals. Thus, a single amplifier can acquire either four voltage signals or two voltage and current probe channels each. The technical specifications of the CL-2108 . High-voltage channels The high-voltage channels are each equipped with an isolated amplifier. They enable direct measurement of voltages of up to ±600V (peak values), in accordance with the protection class CAT II. The utilization is determined for each target system, and may not reach the maximum in some cases – refer to the technical data. The measurement signal is connected directly to the device via a safety banana jack. The analog bandwidth (without low-pass filtering) is 6.5kHz. Voltage measurement - Voltage: ±1000V ... ±2.5V in 9 different ranges The inputs are DC-coupled and have a permanent input impedance of 2MO. The differential response is achieved by means of the isolated configuration. 120 63 Device Description Current probe channels of the CL-2108 Current probe channels are non-isolated voltage channels, which are configured for direct connection of isolated current probes. Voltage measurement_CL-2108_CP - Voltage: ±10V ... ±300mV in 4 different ranges The non-isolated differential inputs are DC-coupled and have a permanent input impedance of 2MO. Besides measurement with current probes, any other voltage signals can also be connected. Connection Voltages For voltage measurements of up to 1000V (peak), safety banana jacks are provided. The maximum permitted voltage to ground depends on the measurement site. See Chapter T to learn the measurement category. Only use connectors which are protected on all sides against touch. All the inputs are individually isolated. The voltage channels are each equipped with isolated amplifiers. They enable direct measurement of voltages up to ± 1000 V (this values decreases the higher the measurement category is see the technical data). The measurement signal is connected directly to the device via a safety banana jack. The analog bandwidth (without low-pass filtering) enables correct measurement of up to the 50 th harmonic. The inputs are DC-coupled and have a permanent input impedance in the MO range. The differential response is achieved by means of the isolated configuration. Note To the extent possible, use symmetric connection cables having separate leads for both the measurement and reference voltages of each line. Connect the leads for the reference voltage, if necessary, only at the measurement object. 64 imc C-series imc C-series Currents Current measurement is achieved contact-freeCC by means of current probes. To connect these transducers, three-pin Phoenix sockets are provided. Only current probes fitted by imc with special terminals can be connected. Connection resembles the illustrations below. Current probe MN71 Current transducer AmpFLEX A100 The current probes recommended by imc cover the range for low currents (< 10A) and for medium to high currents (5...10kA). With probes having multiple input ranges, the input range set on the probe must also be correctly set by hand in the user’s interface.Both the amplitude- and phase response of the current probes provided by imc are measured prior to delivery and recorded in a TEDS. The amplifier is able to read this information and to correct the signal accordingly. Notes If the current input range set in the user’s interface doesn’t match the probe’s, the current signal is scaled incorrectly. However, the device’s electronics are not in danger of damage. Use only current probes provided by imc, or have your own current probes modified by our customer service. Only then can error-free functioning be assured. imc will not accept responsibility for disturbances or damage sustained by the device if unauthorized probes are used. Whenever you connect a new current probe, read its TEDS information. This is the only way to ensure that phase-independent quantities (e.g. power) are determined correctly. The TEDS data are recorded along with the experiment and therefore need not be imported each time the same equipment is activated. Using transducers Compensation of systematic transducer conversion errors isn’t possible, since these errors aren’t known. If the transducer’s conversion uncertainty is specified, it often only pertains to the technical frequencies, so that the error estimation for higher harmonics is difficult. Note The transducers’ amplitudes and angle errors influence the measurement results, which especially affects the measurement of power. 65 Device Description Rogowski coil Transducers which work according to the principle of the Rogowski coil return a signal’s derivative. The amplifier is configured for this measurement type and returns an integrated signal in this case. Pin configuration and cable wiring Cable connection plug (without pod) – Current probe channels Plug socket in CL-2108 Signal Definition + IN TEDS - IN +IN Signal input -IN Signal input / Reference potential L or (PE)N TEDS Transducer Electronic Data Sheet Enables recognition of the current probe connected Notes on the measurement setup Measurement lines must be kept away from unshielded conductors, sharp edges, electromagnetic fields and other adverse environmental factors. - Measurement line for the voltage: The measurement line’s connection to the measurement object must be designed for the maximum occurring voltage. Before conducting the measurement, check the line leading to it in order to prevent the occurrence of dangerous touch voltages and short circuits. The use of flexible terminals makes special care necessary. It must be checked whether the mechanical connection is secure and what would happen if it is accidentally disconnected. For increased reliability, the lines should be secured at the measurement location. The fuse’s breaking capacity must correspond to the expected error current at the measurement location. - Measurement line for the current: The current probes must be connected in a mechanically secure manner. The aim should be to orient it orthogonally to the current rail or lead. This applies especially to current measurement coils operating according to the Rogowski principle. - Measurement device: The device must be placed in such a way that no terminals can be accidentally disconnected. 66 imc C-series imc C-series 4.5 CS-3008, CL-3024 4.5.1 Compact measurement device for current feed sensores CS-3008 and CL-3024 are 8- and 24-channel compact measurement devices, respectively, with sampling rates of up to 100kHz per channel. The BNC inputs provide supply for current feed sensors.(ICP™-, DELTATRON ® -, PIEZOTRON ® -Sensors). The technical specs of the CS-3008, CL-3024 . 4.5.2 Hardware configuration The devices come with the following analog measurement channels: - voltage DC - voltage AC - sensors with current feed supply, e.g. ICP 4.5.3 Signal conditioning This model includes an internal ICP expansion, so that no external ICP-plug is necessary (ICP™-, DELTATRON ® -, PIEZOTRON ® -Sensors). The interconnections ( not isolated, differential) are of the type BNC. This means there is no possibility to measure current via the special DSUB terminal. The ICPU-8 supports TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) as per IEEE 1451.4 Class I Mixed Mode Interface. According to this protocol, both TEDS data and analog signals are sent and received along the same line. The technical specification for ICPU-8 . 4.5.4 Input coupling Mode: AC BNC IN1..8 R _ i n range: 10V: 330k R _ i n 0.37 Hz / 1.0 Hz Mode: DC BNC IN1..8 R _ i n range: 10V: 500k R _ i n Mode: AC single-end BNC IN1..8 5 0 R range: 10V: 330k R _ i n 0.37 Hz / 1.0 Hz Mode: DC single-end BNC IN1..8 5 0 R R _ i n range: 10V: 500k Note In the settings mode Sensor with current feed, an open-circuit current-fed voltage of about 30V is present at the BNC sockets, which can cause damage to other (non-current-fed) sensor types. For that reason, this mode should only be set for appropriate sensors. It is assured that no current feed is active when the device is started. This state remains in effect until the measurement is first prepared, no matter what is set in the user's interface. 124 29 124 67 Device Description 4.5.5 Voltage measurement - Voltage: ±50V... ±5mV In the voltage ranges ±50V and ±20V, a voltage divider is in operation; the resulting input impedance is 1 MO in DC mode and 0.67MO in AC mode. In the voltage ranges ≤±10V, by contrast, the input impedance is 20MO in DC and 1.82MO in AC mode. When the device is deactivated, it drops to about 1MO. With the AC coupled ICP-measurement the DC voltage is suppressed by a high pass filter of 0.37Hz for all ranges ≤ ±10V. For the ranges ≥ ±20V the low pass cut-off frequency is 1Hz. The input configuration is differential. Case 1: Voltage source with ground reference The voltage source itself already is referenced to the device's ground. The voltage source is at the same potential as the device ground. +in -in GND + - U e Example: The measurement system is grounded. Thus, the input GND is at ground potential. If the voltage source itself is also grounded, it is referenced to the device ground. It isn't any problem if, as it may be, the ground potential at the voltage source deviates from the ground potential of the device itself by a few degrees. The maximum permitted common mode voltage must not be exceeded. Important: In this case, the negative signal input -IN may not be connected to the ground contact GND in the device. Otherwise, a ground loop would result, through which interference could be coupled in. In this case, a true differential (but not isolated!) measurement is performed. Case 2: Voltage source without ground reference The voltage source itself has no reference to the device's ground, but instead, its potential floats freely compared to the device ground. If a ground reference cannot be established, it's also possible to connect the negative signal input –IN to the ground contact GND. +in -in GND + - U e Example: A voltage source which isn't grounded (e.g. a battery) and whose contacts have no connection to ground potential is measured. The measurement system is grounded. Important: When –IN and GND are connected, be sure that the signal source's potential can actually be drawn to the device ground's potential without an appreciable current flowing. If the source can't be brought to that potential level (because it turns out to be at fixed potential after all), there is a risk of permanent damage to the amplifier. If IN and GND are connected, a single end measurement is performed. This isn't a problem unless a ground reference already existed. 4.5.6 Bandwidth The channels' max. sampling rate is 100kSamples/s (10µs sampling interval). The analog bandwidth (without digital low-pass filtering) is 14kHz (-3dB). In AC mode the lower cut off frequency is 0.37Hz for all ranges ≤ ±10V, else 1Hz. 68 imc C-series imc C-series 4.6 CS-4108, CL-4124 4.6.1 Compact measurement device with isolated inputs CS-4108 and CL-4124 are 8- and 24-channel universal measurement devices, respectively, with sampling rates of up to 50kHz per channel. They are specially designed for measurement tasks in environments with unclear voltage fields such as test rigs or large-scale machinery. The input channels are electrically isolated, differential and equipped with per-channel signal conditioning including filters. The technical specs of the CS-4108, CL-4124 . 4.6.2 Hardware configuration The devices come with the following analog measurement channels: - voltage - current - current-fed sensors e.g. ICP (optional) - thermocouples - PT100 4.6.3 Signal conditioning and circuitry Each of the isolated voltage channels has its own isolated amplifier, operated in the voltage mode. Along with voltage measurement, current measurement via a shunt plug and temperature measurement are all provided for. It is also possible to use the ICP extension plug with the ISO2-8, but than the isolation properties are not effective anymore. The analog bandwidth (without low-pass filtering) of the isolated voltage channels is 8kHz. General remarks on isolated channels When using an isolated channel (with or without supply), one should make sure the common mode potential is "defined", one way or another: Using an isolated channel on an isolated signal source usually does not make sense. The very high common mode input impedance of this isolated configuration (> 1GO) will easily pick up enormous common mode noise as well as possibly letting the common mode potential drift to high DC-level. These high levels of common-mode noise will not be completely rejected by the amplifier's common-mode (isolation-mode) rejection. So, as a general rule: isolated amps should be used in environments where the common-mode level is high but "well defined" in terms of a low (DC-) impedance towards (non-isolated) system ground (CHASSIS). In other words: isolated amps are used in environments where the common mode levels and noise are already inherent in the process and not just accidental results of the equipment's isolation. If, in turn, the signal source itself is isolated, it can be forced to a common-mode potential, which is the potential of the measurement equipment. This is the case with a microphone: the non-isolated power supply will force the common mode potential of the microphone and amp-input to system ground instead of leaving it floating, which would make it susceptible to all kinds of noise and disturbance. The technical specification of the analog inputs of the CS-4108, CL-4124 . Voltage measurement - Voltage: ±60V ... ±50mV in 11 different ranges An internal pre-divider is in effect in the voltage ranges ±50V to ±5V. In this case, the differential input impedance is 1MO, in all other ranges 10MO. If the device is de-activated, the impedance is always 1MO. The inputs are DC-coupled. The differential response is achieved by means of the isolated circuiting. 126 44 126 69 Device Description Current measurement - Current: ±40mA , ±20mA, ±10mA.,. ±1mA in 6 ranges A special plug (order-code: ACC/DSUB-I4) with a built-in shunt (50 ) is needed for current measurement. Configuration is performed in voltage mode, whereby an appropriate scaling factor is entered in order for amperage values to be displayed (20mA/V = 1/50O). For current measurement with the special shunt-plugs ACC/DSUB-I4, inputs ranging only up to max. ± 50mA (corresponding to 2V or 2.5V voltage ranges) are permitted due to the measurement shunt's limited power dissipation in the case of static long-term loading. Input stage block schematic 1 M Ω 2 0 k Ω +IN -IN Isolation current measurement rom- voltage measuremen t +IN -IN 5 0 Ω ACC/DSUB_I4 isolated voltage channel - 10 kHz 1 0 M Ω External +5V supply voltage (non-isolated) The isolated voltage channels are also provided with a 5V supply voltage at the DSUB-15 connector plugs, for external sensors or ICP-extension plug. This source is not isolated; its reference potential is identical to the non-isolated reference ground of the overall system. These +5V supply outputs are each electronically protected inside from short-circuiting, against up to 160 mA (limit of short circuit protection: 280mA). The reference potential, in other words the supply's ground connection for the sensor, is the terminal GND. Temperature-channels The analog channels are designed for direct connection of thermocouples and PT100-sensors (RTD, platinum-resistance thermometers). Any combination of both sensor types can be used; all common thermocouple types are supported along with their particular characteristic curves. Connection The DSUB connectors’ pin configuration of the CS-4108, CL-4124 . 152 70 imc C-series imc C-series 4.7 CS-5008, CL-5016, CX-5032 4.7.1 Bridge measurement device for multi-channel measurements CL-5016 The devices CS-5008, CL-5016 and CX-5032 are especially well suited for affordable multi-channel measurement of strain gauges. Outfitted according to only slightly less powerful specs than the amplifiers for CS-6004 and CL-6012, and not equipped for CF-mode, the measurement amplifier offers the highest density of channels in the smallest space. Ideal for multi-channel dynamic and quasi-static strain gauge applications. The technical specs of the CS-5008, CL-5016, CX-5032 . 4.7.2 Hardware configuration The devices have the following kinds of analog measurement channels: - bridge-sensor - bridge: strain gauge - differential voltage - voltage measurements with adjustable supply - current feed sensors - current measurement 4.7.3 Signal conditioning and circuitry The eight measurement inputs whose terminals are the four DSUB plugs (ACC/DSUB-UN2) are for voltage, current, bridge PT-100 and thermocouple measurements. They are non-isolated differential amplifiers. They share a common voltage supply for sensors and measurement bridges. The amplifier supports TEDS ; the technical specification of the CS-5008, CL-5016, CX-5032 . Voltage measurement - Voltage: ±1000V ... ±2.5V in 9 different ranges The inputs are DC-coupled and have a permanent input impedance of 2MO. The differential response is achieved by means of the isolated configuration. 129 29 129 71 Device Description Case 1: Voltage source with ground reference The voltage source itself already has a connection to the device’s ground. The potential difference between the voltage source and the device ground must be fixed. +in -in +V Supply GND sense I; 1 / 4 Bridge + - C A B F G D U e Example: The device is grounded. Thus, the input D is also at ground potential. If the voltage source itself is also grounded, it's referenced to the device ground. It doesn't matter if the ground potential at the voltage source is slightly different from that of the device itself. But the maximum allowed common mode voltage must not be exceeded. Important: In this case, the negative signal input B may not be connected with the device ground D. Connecting them would cause a ground loop through which interference could be coupled in. In this case, a genuine differential (but not isolated!) measurement is carried out. 72 imc C-series imc C-series Case 2: Voltage source without ground reference The voltage source itself is not referenced to the device ground but is instead isolated from it. In this case, a ground reference must be established. One way to do this is to ground the voltage source itself. Then it is possible to proceed as for "Voltage source with ground reference". Here, too, the measurement is differential. It is also possible to make a connection between the negative signal input and the device ground, in other words to connect B and D. +in -in +V Supply GND sense I; 1 / 4 Bridge + - C A B F G D Example: An ungrounded voltage source is measured, for instance a battery whose contacts have no connection to ground. The device module is grounded. Important: If B and D are connected, care must be taken that the potential difference between the signal source and the device doesn't cause a significant compensation current. If the source's potential can't be adjusted (because it has a fixed, overlooked reference), there is a danger of damaging or destroying the amplifier. If B and D are connected, then in practice a single-ended measurement is performed. This is no problem if there was no ground reference beforehand. 73 Device Description Case 3: Voltage source at a different fixed potential Suppose a voltage source is to be measured which is at a potential of 120V to ground. The device itself is grounded. Since the common mode voltage is greater than permitted, measurement is not possible. Also, the input voltage difference to the amplifier ground would be above the upper limit allowed. For such a task, the device cannot be used! +in -in +V Supply GND sense I; 1 / 4 Bridge + - C A B F G D U e + - Ucm Voltage measurement: With zero-adjusting (tare) In voltage measurement, it is possible for the sensor to have an initial offset from zero. For such cases, use the operating software to select the measurement mode "Voltage enable offset calibration" for the desired channel. The measurement range will be reduced by the offset correction If the initial offset is too large for compensation by the device, a larger input range must be set. 74 imc C-series imc C-series Current measurement Case 1: Differential current measurement - Current: e.g. ±50mA ... ±1mA +in +V Supply GND R cable R cable sense +I; 1 / 4 Bridge + - 50O C A B F G D -in For current measurement could be used the DSUB plug ACC/DSUB-I2. That connector comes with a 50O shunt and is not included with the standard package. It is also possible to measure a voltage via an externally connected shunt. Appropriate scaling must be set in the user interface. The value 50O is just a suggestion. The resistor needs an adequate level of precision. Pay attention to the shunt's power consumption. The maximum common mode voltage must be in the range ±10V for this circuit, too. This can generally only be ensured if the current source itself already is referenced to ground. If the current source is ungrounded a danger exists of exceeding the maximum allowed overvoltage for the amplifier. The current source may need to be referenced to the ground, for example by being grounded. The sensor can also be supplied with a software-specified voltage via Pins C and D. 75 Device Description Case 2: Ground-referenced current measurement - Current: ±50mA ... ±2mA +in -in +V Supply GND R cable R cable -sense +I; 1 / 4 Bridge + - 120O C A B F G D In this circuit, the current to be measured flows through the 120O shunt inside the module. Note that here, the terminal D is simultaneously the device’s ground. Thus, the measurement carried out is single-end or ground referenced. The potential of the current source itself may be brought into line with that of the device's ground. In that case, be sure that the unit itself is grounded. In the settings interface, set the measurement mode to Current. Note that the jumper between A and G should be connected right to PIN G inside the connecter. 76 imc C-series imc C-series Case 3: 2-wire for sensors with a current signal and variable supply E.g. for pressure transducers 4.. 20mA. +in -in +V Supply I; 1 / 4 Bridge GND R cable R cable sense C A B F G D Sensor 4..20mA 120 O Transducers which translate the physical measurement quantity into their own current consumption and which allow variable supply voltages can be configured in a two-wire circuit. In this case, the device has its own power supply and measures the current signal. In the settings dialog on the index card Universal amplifiers/ General, a supply voltage is set for the sensors, usually 24V. The channels must be configured for Current measurement. The sensor is supplied with power via Terminals C and G. The signal is measured by the unit between A and D. For this reason, a wire jumper must be positioned between Pins A and G inside the connector pod. Note There is a voltage drop across the resistances of the leadwires and the internal measuring resistance of 12 0W which is proportional to the amperage. This lost voltage is no longer available for the supply of the transducer (2.4V = 120W * 20mA). For this reason, you must ensure that the resulting supply voltage is sufficient. It may be necessary to select a leadwire with a large enough cross-section. 77 Device Description Bridge measurement Measurement of measurement bridges such as strain gauges. The measurement channels have an adjustable DC voltage source which supplies the measurement bridges. The supply voltage for all eight inputs is set in common. The bridge supply is asymmetric, e.g., for a bridge voltage setting of V B = 5V, Pin C is at +VB = 5V and Pin D at -VB = 0V. The terminal–VB is simultaneously the device's ground reference. Depending on the supply set, the following input ranges are available: Bridge measurement [V] Input ranges [mV/V] 10 ±1000... ± 0.5 5 ±1000... ± 0.5 Fundamentally, the following holds: For equal physical modulation of the sensor, the higher the selected bridge supply is, the higher are the absolute voltage signals the sensor emits and thus the measurement's signal-to-noise ratio and drift quality. The limits for this are set by the maximum available current from the source and by the dissipation in the sensor (temperature drift!) and in the device (power consumption!) - For typical measurements with strain gauges, the ranges 5mV/V ... 1mV/V are particularly relevant. - There is a maximum voltage which the Potentiometer sensors are able to return, in other words max. 1V/V; a typical range is then 1000mV/V. Bridge measurement is set by selecting as measurement mode either Bridge: Sensor or Bridge: Strain gauge in the operating software. The bridge circuit itself is then specified under the tab Bridge circuit, where quarter bridge, half bridge and full bridge are the available choices. 78 imc C-series imc C-series Case 1: Full bridge A full bridge has four resistors, which can be four correspondingly configured strain gauges or one complete sensor which is a full sensor internally. The full bridge has five terminals to connect. Two leads (C and D) serve supply purposes, two other leads (A and B) capture the differential voltage. The fifth lead (F) is the Sense lead for the lower supply terminal, which is used to determine the single-sided voltage drop along the supply line. Assuming that the other supply cable (C) has the same impedance and thus produces the same voltage drop, no 6 th lead is needed. The Sense lead makes it possible to infer the measurement bridge's true supply voltage, in order to obtain a very exact measurement value in mV/V. +in -in +VB I; 1 / 4 Bridge -VB R cable R cable sense VB C A B F G D Please note that the maximum allowed voltage drop along a cable may not exceed approx. 0.5V. This determines the maximum possible cable length. If the cable is so short and its cross section so large that the voltage drop along the supply lead is negligible, the bridge can be connected at four terminals by omitting the Sense line. In that case, however, F and D must be jumpered. Pin F must never be unconnected! 79 Device Description Case 2: Half bridge A half bridge may consist of two strain gauges in a circuit or a sensor internally configured as a half bridge, or a potentiometer sensor. The half bridge has 4 terminals to connect. For information on the effect and use of the Sense lead F, see the description of the full bridge . I; 1 / 4 Bridge +in -in +VB -VB R cable R cable sense int.half bridge VB C A B F G D The unit internally completes the full bridge itself, so that the differential amplifier is working with a genuine full bridge. Case 3: Quarter bridge A quarter bridge can consist of a single strain gauge resistor, whose nominal value can be 120O. For quarter bridge measurement, only 5V can be set as the bridge supply. +in -in +VB -VB 120 R cable R cable quarter bridge sense I; 1 / 4 Bridge O VB C A B F G D int.half bridge The quarter bridge has 3 terminals to connect. Refer to the description of the full bridge for comments on the Sense lead. However, with the quarter bridge, the Sense lead is connected to +IN and Sense jointly. If the sensor supply is equipped with the option “±15V”, a quarter bridge measurement is not possible. The pin I_1/4B for the quarter bridge completion is used for–15V instead. 78 80 imc C-series imc C-series General notes The SENSE lead serves to compensate voltage drops due to cable resistance, which would otherwise produce noticeable measurement errors. If there are no Sense lines, then SENSE (F) must be connected in the terminal plug according to the sketches above. Bridge measurements are relative measurements (ratiometric procedure) in which the fraction of the bridge supply fed in which the bridge puts out is analyzed (typically in the 0.1% range, corresponding to 1 mV/V). Calibration of the system in this case pertains to this ratio, the bridge input range, and takes into account the momentary magnitude of the supply. This means that the bridge supply's actual magnitude is not relevant and need not necessarily lie within the measurement's specified overall accuracy. The bandwidth for DC bridge measurement (without low-pass filtering) is also 5kHz (-3dB). Any initial unbalance of the measurement bridge, for instance due to mechanical pre-stressing of the strain gauge in its rest state, must be zero-balanced (tare). Such an unbalance can be many times the input range (bridge balancing). If the initial unbalance is too large to be compensated by the device, a larger input range must be set. Input range [mV/V] Bridge balancing (VB = 5V) [mV/V] Bridge balancing (VB = 10V) [mV/V] ±1000 500 150 ±500 100 250 ±200 100 50 ±100 15 50 ±50 15 7 ±20 3 7 ±10 10 15 ±5 10 5 ±2 3 5 ±1 4 5 81 Device Description Balancing and shunt calibration The amplifier offers a variety of possibilities to trigger bridge balancing (tare): - Balancing / shunt calibration upon activation (cold start) of the unit. If this option is selected, all the bridge channels are balanced as soon as the device is turned on. - Balancing / shunt calibration via the on the Amplifier balance tab. - In shunt calibration, the bridge is unbalanced by means of a 59.8kO or 174.66kO shunt. The results are: Bridge resistance 120O 350O Unbalance 59.8kO 174.7kO 0.5008mV/V 0.171mV/V 1.458mV/V 0.5005mV/V The procedures for balancing bridge channels also apply analogously to the voltage measurement mode with zero-balancing. Note We recommend setting channels which are not connected for voltage measurement at the highest input range. Otherwise, if unconnected channels are in quarter- or half-bridge mode, interference may occur in a shunt calibration! 4.7.4 Sensor supply module The CS-5008, CL-5016 and CX-5032 is enhanced with a sensor supply unit, which provides an adjustable supply voltage for active sensors. The supply outputs are electronically protected internally against short circuiting to ground. The reference potential, in other words the sensor's supply ground contact, is the terminal GND. The supply voltage can only be set for all measurement inputs in common. The voltage selected is also the supply for the measurement bridges. If a value other than 5V or 10V is set, bridge measurement is no longer possible! 4.7.5 Bandwidth The channels' maximum sampling rate is 10µs (100kHz). The analog bandwidth (without digital low-pass filtering) is 5KHz (-3dB). 4.7.6 Connection The DSUB connectors’ pin configuration of the CS-5008, CL-5012, CX-5032. 152 82 imc C-series imc C-series 4.8 CS-6004, CL-6012 4.8.1 High-end bridge measurement device for DC and CF modes The CS-6004 and CL-6012 units come with a high-end bridge amplifier for direct connection of strain gauges. The amplifier can run in either DC- or CF-mode and allows double sensor leads and symmetrical bridge supply. With these properties and with the especially quiet 24-bit measurement amplifier, this module is ideal for measuring mechanical strains. The technical specs of the CS-6004, CL-6012 . CS-6004 4.8.2 Hardware configration The devices have the following kinds of analog measurement channels: - bridge: sensor - bridge: strain gauge - differential voltage input 4.8.3 Signal conditioning and circuitry The device's bridge works with your choice of a DC-voltage or a carrier frequency of 5kHz. For a bandwidth of 8.6kHz (DC mode) the available sampling rate per channel is up to 20kHz. With carrier frequency, the bandwidth is limited to 3kHz (-1dB). Voltage or bridge mode is global for all four channels. The technical specification of the CS-6004, CL-6012 . 132 132 83 Device Description Block schematic of bridge channels CS-6004, CL-6012: +IN +VB -IN -VB +/- 50V ... +/- 5mV DC TF 5 kHz +Vb/2 Rb = 120R ...1k 0V, 1V, 2.5V, 5V global: k1..k4 AGND 10M 10M dR/R R R R R R_HB R_HB R_KAL 25k / 50k / 200k R_1/4 120 / 350 +Vb/2 Uk CHASSIS Rk Uk Rk -Vb/2 Teiler -SENSE BR4 Rk g=10 AGND single-end R_KAL 25k / 50k / 200k 4-Leiter +SENSE 1/4 Brücke DC 3-Leiter-Sense 3-Leiter 4-Leiter 3-Leiter +/- 2V ... +/- 5mV Terminal scheme of the CS-6004 and CL-6012 terminal pods: The amplifier supports configurations with single-line sense, for compensation of symmetric cables: Just leave the unused sense line unconnected (+ or –SENSE): Internal pulldown-resistors provide defined zero levels to detect the SENSE configuration automatically. It will be shown at the balance dialog of imcDevices and allows probe-breakage recognition. 84 imc C-series imc C-series Connection scheme: Full bridge, double sense: +VB -IN +IN -VB -SENSE +SENSE R_cable R_cable R _ B R _ B R _ B R _ B +VB/2 -VB/2 R _ c a l R_cable - 6-wire connection - Both SENSE-lines, ±SENSE, used ("4L-Sense"). Compensation of the influence even of asymmetric cable resistances. - Calibration resistor for shunt calibration; for long cables in CF mode, reduced precision due to phase errors Connection scheme: Full bridge, double and single line-Sense: - Analogous to the corresponding half-bridge configuration Connection scheme: Half-bridge, double Sense: +VB -IN +IN -VB -SENSE +SENSE R_cable R_cable R _ B R _ B +VB/2 -VB/2 R _ c a l R _ H B R _ H B R_cable - 5-wire connection - Both SENSE-lines, ±SENSE, used (double Sense): Compensation of the influence even of asymmetric cable resistances. - Calibration resistor for shunt calibration: shunt calibration of external half-bridge arm; for long cables in CF mode, reduced precision due to phase errors - Internal half-bridge completion excitation is controlled by an internal, buffered SENSE line; therefore asymmetric cable is permitted without the resulting offset-drift! 85 Device Description Connection scheme: Half-bridge, single line-Sense: +VB -IN +IN -VB -SENSE +SENSE R_cable R_cable R _ B R _ B +VB/2 -VB/2 R _ c a l R _ H B R _ H B R_cable - 4-wire connection - Only one SENSE-line is used (single line-Sense): Compensation of the influence of symmetric cable resistances. +SENSE or –SENSE can be used, recognized automatically, unused SENSE left open. - Calibration resistor for shunt calibration of external half-bridge arm; for long cables in CF mode, reduced precision due to phase errors. - Internal half-bridge completion fed by ±VB, therefore symmetric cable required, otherwise not only incorrect gain correction but also corresponding offset drift! Connection scheme, without Sense: +VB -IN +IN -VB -SENSE +SENSE R_cable R_cable R _ B R _ B +VB/2 -VB/2 R _ c a l R _ H B R _ H B R_cable - 3-wire connection - No SENSE-line used, SENSE terminals to be left open of jumpered to ±VB at the plug, in order to compensate the plug's contact resistance. - Calibration resistor for shunt calibration on external half-bridge arm; for long cables in CF mode, reduced precision due to phase errors. - Optional cable resistance calibration ("offline"): Cable resistance determined by means of shunt calibration and automatic calculation. Symmetric cabling required (also to +IN!). No acquisition of cable resistance drift, since it can only be performed offline before measurement. - Internal half-bridge completion fed by ±VB, therefore symmetric cabling required, otherwise not only incorrect gain correction but also corresponding offset drift! 86 imc C-series imc C-series Connection scheme, quarter bridge, with Sense: +VB -IN +IN -VB -SENSE +SENSE R_cable +VB/2 -VB/2 R _ H B R _ H B R_cable R_cable R _ B R _ c a l R _ 1 / 4 - 4-wire connection - +SENSE is used compensation of gain error caused by symmetric cable resistance (at ±VB). - Calibration resistor for shunt calibration: Shunt calibration at internal quarter-bridge completion. Shunt calibration can also be used with long cables in the CF mode! - Symmetric cables required, otherwise corresponding offset drift! Connection scheme: Quarter-bridge, without Sense: +VB -IN +IN -VB -SENSE +SENSE R_cable +VB/2 -VB/2 R _ H B R _ H B R_cable R_cable R _ B R _ c a l R _ 1 / 4 - 3-wire connection - No SENSE-line is used, leave SENSE terminals open. +SENSE may also NOT be connected. Compensation of the plug contact resistance at VB is thus not possible (in contrast to the case of half-bridge 2-wire configuration). - Symmetric cabling required, otherwise corresponding offset drift! - Calibration resistance for shunt calibration: Shunt calibration at internal quarter-bridge completion. Shunt calibration can also be used with long cables in the CF mode! - For DC: Compensation of gain error due to cable resistance at VB by means of measurement and automatic compensation of the voltage drop along the cable between –VB and +IN Online-compensation, capture also of cable drift (which must be symmetric!) 87 Device Description - For CF: Optional cable resistance compensation ("offline"): Determination of and automatic accounting for cable resistance. Symmetric cable also required at +IN (!) No acquisition of cable resistance drift, since it can only be performed offline before measurement. Offline compensation measurement by means of shunt calibration at external quarter-bridge arm performed in DC mode and only covers resistance effects of cable! Background info on quarter-bridge configuration: In quarter-bridge configuration the external ¼-bridge branch is connected via three cables, where the two current-bearing leads "+VB" and "-VB" must be symmetric (same resistance, thus identical length and cross-section). Under these circumstances, their influence (in terms of the offset, not the gain) is compensated, so that no offset versus the (constant) internal half-bridge's potential arises. If this symmetry condition is not met (e.g. if only two cables are used and the terminals "–VB" and "+IN" are directly jumpered at the terminal, the following offset drift would result due to the temperature-dependent cable resistance in series with the bridge impedance: Assuming a (one-way) cable length of 1 m, we get: Cu-cable: 0.14mm², 130mO/m, cable length l=1m Cable Rk = 130mO Temperature coefficient Cu: 4000ppm / K Drift Rk: 0.52mO / K Equivalent bridge drift (120O bridge) ¼ 0.52mO / (K *120O) = 1.1µV/V / K Example: Temperature change dT = 20K 22µV/V (dT =20K) Cable resistance values which aren't ideally symmetric would have a proportionally equal effect: e.g., 500m of cable with 0.2% resistance difference would cause the same offset drift of 1.1µV/V / K. Along with the offset, a gain uncertainty given by the ratio between the cable resistance and the bridge impedance must also be taken into account. For 120O bridges, it remains under 0.1% for cable lengths of approx. 1m: (Cu-cable, 0.14mm², 130mΩ/m cable Rk/Rb = 1/1000 for l=0.9m) There are three different procedures for cable compensation: - Connection of an additional 4 th line: "+SENSE": * automatic calculated compensation on the condition of cable symmetry * online compensation procedure which also takes temperature drift into account * can be used with CF and DC-mode - Evaluation of the voltage drop along the cable to "-VB" by means of measuring the voltage difference between the terminals "-VB" and "+IN": * automatic computed compensation on the condition of cable symmetry * online-compensation procedure which also accounts for temperature drift * only can be used for DC - Offline cable resistance compensation by means of shunt calibration (on external quarter bridge): - automatic computed compensation on the condition of cable symmetry, including for the line "+IN"! This condition is generally not set for the 3-line Sense configuration!! - Assumption of nominal values for bridge impedance, shunt and gain: any deviation by the actual value in shunt calibration is interpreted as the influence of the cable resistance. - The underlying model results in a different correction than "classical" shunt calibration! - Offline compensation procedure which doesn't account for temperature drift - Used only with DC, since compensation is done only once, offline, if CF-mode is set, this procedure is performed in DC mode. 88 imc C-series imc C-series Overload recognition Overload is indicated as double the value of the input range limit value. If the negative input range is exceeded, then in DC-mode, the doubled negative input range is indicated. In CF-mode, the doubled positive input range is always shown. Connection The DSUB connectors’ pin configuration of the CS-6004, CL-6012 . 153 89 Device Description 4.9 CS-7008, CL-7016 4.9.1 Compact measurement device for any sensor and signal type CS-7008 and CL-7016 are 8- and 16-channel universal measurement devices, respectively, with sampling rates of up to 100kHz per channel. They are especially well suited to frequently changing measurement tasks. Practically every sensor- or signal type can be connected directly to any of the measurement amplifier’s all-purpose channels. The input channels are differential and equipped with per-channel signal conditioning including filters. The technical specs of the CS-7008, CL-7016 . 4.9.2 Hardware configuration The devices have the following kinds of analog, non-isolated channels: - voltage measurements - voltage measurements with adjustable supply - current - current feed sensors - charging amplifier - thermocouples - RTD (PT100) (2- and 4-wire-configuration) - bridge - sensor - bridge - strain gauge 4.9.3 Signal conditioning and circuitry The eight measurement inputs whose terminals are the four DSUB plugs (ACC/DSUB-UN2) IN1 through IN8 are for voltage, current, bridge PT-100 and thermocouple measurements. In addition the use of an ICP-expansion plug are provided for. They are non-isolated differential amplifiers. They share a common voltage supply for sensors and measurement bridges. The analog channels support TEDS ; the technical specification of the CS-7008, CL-7016 . Voltage measurement - Voltage: ±50V... ±5mV - DSUB-plug: ACC/DSUB-UNI2 Within the voltage ranges ±50V and ±20V, a voltage divider is in effect; the resulting input impedance is 1 MO. By contrast, in the voltage ranges ±10V and ±5mV, the input impedance is 20MO. For the deactivated device, the value is approx. 1MO. In the input ranges