B+v Manual - Power Slip, Hydraulic Op. PS 500 - Rev007 Valid From SN 45561-August 2008

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Blohm+Voss Pipe Handling Equipment PS 500 Technical Documentation A Company of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems Blohm + Voss Repair 1 Manual Rev 007, August 2008 GENERAL INFORMATION Warnings and Note WARNING: A “WARNING” INdIcAtes A defINIte RIsk of equIpmeNt dAmAGe oR dANGeR to peRsoNNel. Intended use of this manual This manual is intended for use by field service, engineering, installation, operation, and repair personnel. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein. Blohm + Voss Repair GmbH, will not be held liable for errors in this material, or for consequences arising from misuse of this material. Anyone using service procedures or tools, whether or not recommended by Blohm + Voss Repair GmbH, must be thoroughly satisfied that neither personal safety nor equipment safety will be jeopardized. Intellectual property All rights retained. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form (print, photocopy, microfilm or any other procedure) or be processed using an electronic system without written approval of Blohm + Voss Repair GmbH. All information contained in this manual is based upon the latest product information available at any time of printing. Dependent on ongoing technical improvements (ISO 9001) “Blohm + Voss Repair GmbH” reserves the right to change the design and specifications without announcement. The values specified in this manual represent the nominal values of a unit produced in series. Slight deviations in the case of the individual devices are possible. NOTE: In the event of problems that cannot be solved with the aid of this manual, please contact one of the addresses listed below. CE Marking The tool complies with the Machinery Directive 98/37/ EC. For machines containing any hydraulic or pneumatic powered parts, the Directive 94/9/EC “Equipment and protective systems in potentially explosive atmospheres” applies. The marking is as follows: CE Ex II 2G T5 (hydraulic tools) or CE Ex II 2G T6 (pneumatic tools). fAIluRe to obseRve ANd folloW pRopeR pRoceduRes could Result IN seRIous oR fAtAl INjuRy to peRsoNNel, sIGNIfIcANt pRopeRty loss, oR sIGNIfIcANt equIpmeNt dAmAGe. NOTE: A “note” indicates that additional information is provided about the current topics. WARNING: thIs techNIcAl documeNtAtIoN coNtAINs INstRuctIoNs oN sAfety, INstAllAtIoN, opeRAtIoN ANd blohm + voss RepAIR Gmbh tool . It must mAINteNANce foR the be studIed befoRe WoRkING WIth the tool. Manufacturer & Agents World wide Blohm + Voss Repair GmbH Oil Tool Division Hermann-Blohm-Straße 2 20457 Hamburg Germany Phone: +49(0)40/3119-1826/1162 Fax: +49(0)40/3119-8194 [email protected] www.blohmvoss-oiltools.com Gray EOT, Inc. P.O. Box 79485 Houston, Texas 77279-9485 United States of America Phone: +1-713-952 0266 Fax: +1-713-952 2807 [email protected] www.grayeot.com Premier Sea & Land Pte. Ltd. 1, Scotts Road #19-12 Shaw Centre Singapore 228208 Republic of Singapore Phone: +65-6734-7177 Fax: +65-6734-9115 [email protected] 2 WARNING THIS PRODUCT COULD BE HAZARDOUS IF IMPROPERLY USED. MISUSE OF THIS TOOL COULD CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY TO PERSONNEL. THIS MUST BE PROPERLY INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION. DO NOT REMOVE OR ALTER ANY PARTS. DO NOT WELD OR ALTER WITHOUT FACTORY AUTHORIZATION. ALL REPLACEMENT PARTS MUST BE OF BLOHM & VOSS MANUFACTURE Warning plate Warnings and Note WARNING: oNe should AvoId cReAtING IGNItIoN souRces, lIke heAt, As A Result of the use of the tool WIth otheR tools oR equIpmeNt. WARNING: If ANy sAfety elemeNts (lIke sAfety Ropes, sAfety sheets, plAtes oR WAsheRs) WeRe dIsAssembled due to mAINteNANce WoRk, do Not Re- use them. AlWAys ReplAce them WIth NeW sAfety elemeNts WARNING: the WARNING plAtes ANd lAbels must be pReseNt oN the tool. do Not Remove the WARNING: uNdeR No cIRcumstANces should the slIp Assembly be RAIsed uNdeR loAd. lAbels. If they ARe mIssING, ReplAcING Is mANdAtoRy. WARNING: All WARNING plAtes, sIGNs ANd lAbels AttAched to the equIpmeNt must be obseRved. If the slIp Assembly Is put IN plAce, the tool cAN beAR the loAd of the dRIll pIpe. befoRe RAIsING the slIp Assembly, mAke suRe thAt the elevAtoR used Is closed ANd thAt the elevAtoR beARs the loAd. WheN RAIsING It. RestRIctIoN: do Not use the tool foR ANy otheR puRpose thAN suspeNdING tubulAR WIthIN It’s specIfIcAtIoN. the slIp Assembly must be ReleAsed fRom ANy loAd WARNING: fAIluRe to coNduct RoutINe mAINteNANce could Result IN equIpmeNt dAmAGe oR INjuRy to peRsoNNel. WARNING: All WARNING plAtes, sIGNs ANd lAbels AttAched to the equIpmeNt must be obseRved. WARNING: you must NeItheR Assemble NoR dIsAssemble slIps, GuIdes, INseRts, etc. WheN the poWeR slIp Is plAced IN the RotARy tAble. WARNING: All WARNING plAtes ANd lAbels AttAched to the equIpmeNt must be obseRved. WARNING: keep dIstANce fRom the tool duRING opeRAtIoN ANd tRIAls WARNING: the tool must oNly be seRvIced by tRAINed, AuthoRIsed peRsoNNel WARNING: WeAR peRsoNAl pRotectIoN equIpmeNt WhIle WoRkING WIth the equIpmeNt. especIAlly oIl uNdeR pRessuRe cAN cAuse seveRe INjuRy. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION COMMISSIONING INSTALLATION OPERATION MAINTENANCE & INSPECTION SIZE COMPONENTS DRAWINGS TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION Warnings and Note Intended use of this manual Intellectual property Manufacturer & Agents World wide CE Marking Warnings and Note 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. DESCRIPTION General Features Options Hydraulic connections Rotary tables Main assemblies Improper / Unsafe Use Limited Warranty Identification Technical Data Hook up kit pn 756007-HUK Available optional equipment Options Main Dimension Opening dimensions 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 12 14 2. COMMISSIONING Commissioning PS 500 Scope of supply Hydraulic Characteristics Check and Lubrication Commissioning PS 500 hand slip insert bowls Checklist PS 500 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 HCS Lock/Unlock Mounting the Guide Plates Transportation of Guide Plates Switching the hydraulic system on/off Insert Carriers Carrier Lifting Tool Carrier Case Pipe Wiper System (optional) General Information Features Installation of the B+V Pipe Wiper System Installation of pipe wiper Hand slip insert bowls No. 3 (optional) Identification Assembling Handslip Insert Bowl No.3 Handling the Bowl No.3 Order of Assembling Assembling Right Half Finalized assembly Disassembling Bowl No.3 from PS 500 Hinge casing spider Identification Assembly of the hinge casing spider Handling the hinge casing spider Installation of the hinge casing spider Installation PS 500 Hydraulic Connections Function test 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 27 27 27 28 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 33 33 33 4. OPERATIONS Safety Operation Removing the PS when pipe is in the hole Removing the PS from drill pipe (in rotary) Connecting and disconnecting of the hydraulic hoses Dis-connection hoses in slips up position Handling the slip assembly during operation (Emergency) opening the door Use of handslips Using handslips 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 73 38 38 38 3. INSTALLATION Lifting and transport Hydraulic System Hydraulic connections Purging air Possible connection systems Aligning the Hydraulic Connection Installation Schematic Functional description of hydraulic system Set slips Raise slips Feedback Anti-lowering valve Adjusting Valve No. 5 Adjusting Valve No. 6 Hydraulic centering system (HCS) HCS Opening/Closing 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 5. MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION General Lubrication and Central-Grease-System Manual lubrication Grease daily Grease quality Lubrication Lubrication of the Pipe Wiper System Lubrication check list PS 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 42 4 72 73 73 74 75 75 76 76 77 77 78 78 79 80 81 82 82 83 83 84 84 85 85 86 86 87 87 88 88 89 89 90 91 91 91 91 92 92 92 92 93 93 93 94 94 95 95 96 96 Inspection check lists Check List Category I Check List Category II Check List Category III Check List Category IV Wear data criteria Critical Areas Centre Frame Critical Areas Carier Critical Areas Centre Slip Critical Areas Left Slip Critical Areas Door and Hinge Pin Critical Areas Critical Areas Right Slip Critical area drawings of lifting eyes. Wear data Guide plates 45 46 48 50 51 52 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 54 54 6. SIZE COMPONENTS Casing Drill Pipe Drill Collar without ZIP groove Drill Collar with ZIP groove 56 56 57 58 59 7. DRAWINGS AND SPARE PARTS PS 500 757000-E PS 500 for Emsco RT 757000-E Parts list 757000-N PS 500 for National RT 757000-N Parts list 757000-OW PS 500 for Oilwell RT 757000-OW Parts list 756020 PS 500 Slip assembly 756020 Parts list 756030-BC* Carrier Assembly Drill Pipe and Casing - Previous Insert 756030-BC* Parts list 756050-BC* Carrier Assembly Drill Collar Previous Insert 756050-BC* Parts list 756630-BC* Carrier Assembly Drill Pipe and Casing - First Upgraded Insert 756630-BC* Parts list 756630-BC* Carrier Assembly Drill Pipe and Casing - First Upgraded Insert Cont. 756650-BC* Carrier Assembly Drill Collar First Upgraded Insert 756650-BC* Parts list 756670-BC* Carrier Assembly for Drill Pipe and 62 62 62 63 63 64 64 65 65 66 66 67 67 68 68 69 70 70 5 DRAWINGS SIZE COMPONENTS MAINTENANCE & INSPECTION OPERATIONS INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING DESCRIPTION Inspection categories acc. to API RP 8B Frequency Periodic inspection Non-periodic inspection Inspection Inspection of Hydraulic System Dismantling Inspection 43 43 43 43 43 43 44 Casing - Second Upgraded Insert 756670-BC* Parts list 756670-BC* Carrier Assembly for Drill Pipe and Casing - Second Upgraded Insert Cont. 756690-BC* Carrier Assembly for Drill Collar Second Upgraded Insert 756690-BC* Parts list 756690-BC* Carrier Assembly for Drill Collar Second Upgraded Insert Cont. 756018 Carrier securing Assembly 756018 Parts list 756009 Door Assembly 756009 Parts list 756330 Hydraulic Centring System Assembly 756330 Parts list 756720 Locking Device for Cover 756720 Parts list 756800 Hydraulic assembly schematic 756800 Parts list 756800 Parts list (continued) 756800-1 Hydraulic connection assembly 756800-1 Parts list 756801 Valve block 756801 Parts list 756802 Distribution plate 756802 Parts list 757030 Hydraulic cover assembly 757030 Parts list 756094 Assembly for Feedbackvalve 756094 Parts list 757060 Greasing System 757060 Parts list 757006 Bolt Assembly 757006 Parts list 775810 Air Operated Greasing System 775810 Parts list Instructions grease pump 775820 Tool kit for PS 775008 Carrier Box 775820 Parts list 775008 Parts list 756070 Carrier Lifting Tool 756070 Parts list 756757 Wiper Tool 756757 Parts list 553455 Bit Breaker Adapter Plate 553200 Solid adapter 37.5“-49.5“ 553200 Parts list 553210 Hinged adapter 37.5“-49.5“ 553210 Parts list 756750 Pipe wiper assembly 756750 Parts list 756751 Pipe Wiper Left Part (optional) 756751 Parts list 71 71 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 756752 Pipe Wiper Right Part (optional) 756752 Parts list 756787 Interchange part 756787 Parts list 776750 Top Wear Guide 776750 Parts list 89207 Locking assembly 89207 Parts list 756850 Multi coupling kit for hydraulic connection (standard) 756850 Parts list 756860 Multi coupling kit for hydraulic connection above the iron roughneck rails 756860 Parts list 775325 Multi coupling assembly 775325 Parts list 553600 Hinge casing spider 553600 Parts list 757000-RSP-Spare parts for PS 500 (2 years operational) 757000-RSP Spare parts list for PS 500 (2 years operational) 756850-RSP Spare parts list for Multi coupling kit (2 years operational) 757000-RSP-H Spare parts list for hydraulics (2 years operational) 756750 RSP-Spare parts list for B+V Wiper System (2 years operation) 97 97 98 98 99 99 100 100 101 101 102 102 103 103 104 104 105 105 106 106 106 DESCRIPTION COMMISSIONING INSTALLATION OPERATION MAINTENANCE & INSPECTION SIZE COMPONENTS DRAWINGS 6 DESCRIPTION 7 DESCRIPTION 1. DESCRIPTION General The Blohm+Voss Powerslip PS500 is designed to be installed into 37.5” rotary tables almost to flush level with the rig floor. It lowers the casing connection for easier operation and eliminates the need for work platforms. The PS500 is rated for 500 short tons. The PS500 is used for suspending tubular like casing, drill pipe, tubing and drill collars. DESCRIPTION Features • • • • • • • • Hydraulic operated flush mounted Power Slip Rapid changing of pipe sizes by means of Insert Carrier and Slip Assemblies. Material and manufacturing standard in acc. to API 7K Central Slip Grease System Hydraulic system is completely integrated and covered into the PS500 body. Protector and centraliser can be used when Slip Assembly (without Insert Carrier) has been lifted. A hydraulic feedback signal is available, which shows that the Slip Assembly has been set. Hydraulic operated Centring Device ( can be switched off if not needed) PS500 installed in the rotary table. Options Hydraulic connections Optional two different main hydraulic connection are possible: • Below the power slip in the rotary table • On top of the power slip above the drill floor with hydraulic hoses or multi-couplings. 5 6 Rotary tables The tool is available for the following Rotary Tables: Configuration National Emsco Oilwell Part number 757000-N 757000-E 757000-OW Other configurations on request. Main assemblies The power slips consist of the following main assemblies: 1. Body 2. Door 3. Slip Assembly 4. Insert Carrier 5. Hydraulic Centring Device 6. Hydraulic Assembly 1 8 4 3 2 Improper / Unsafe Use DESCRIPTION 9 The PS500 must only be used for the designated purpose. When using the PS500, the load of 500 sh tons must never be exceeded. Limited Warranty The warranty provided will be void if the Powerslip is either: a) repaired or serviced by a service facility which was not authorised by Blohm+Voss Repair GmbH b) replacement parts not manufactured by Blohm+Voss Repair GmbH are used c) modifications were made to the Powerslip which were not approved by Blohm+Voss Repair GmbH S W L 500 SH Tons Serial No. API License No. P/N: 757000-N PS 500 S/N: 12010 7K 0039 2.3/8" - 14" Size Safe working load Part No. Identification The identification area clearly identifies the Powerslip area (manufacturer, type, material, part number, serial number, date of manufacture). It is important to keep this information ready for the purpose of servicing and repair work. B+V 09/03 Date of manufacture Manufacturer Technical Data Rotary table: Maximum allowable working load Pipe size range (i.e. Drill pipe, casing, tubing and drill collar) Weight Power Slip w/o Carrier and Slips (incl. hydraulic centring system) Weight Slips for Power Slip Working pressure Maximum allowed pressure Hydraulic Flow rate Hydraulic lines for operation Hydraulic line for feedback Grease line Minimum required clearness of hydraulic fluid Temperature working range ambient Max temp hydraulic fluid 37.5” 500 sh tons 2.3/8” to 14” 4,300 Lb / 1,950 kg 660 Lb / 300 kg Min 150 bar (2,175 Psi), max 210 bar (3,040 Psi) 300 bar (4,350 Psi) Min 5 Gpm (18.9 l/m), max 10 Gpm (37.9 l/m) A+B C G NAS 9 - 20° C to + 40° C - 4° F to 104° F + 60° C + 140° F DESCRIPTION Hook up kit pn 756007-HUK Grease pump Lift beam traverse 4 hydraulic Hoses 3 point Sling for slip ass’y 1 point Sling for slip ass’y Toolkit Cover for HCD Carrier lifting tool Service Box for Hook Up Kit Set of tools Bit breaker plate for 37.5 MB Wire Rotator Tong Available for PS500 775810 775002-2 757008 755661 755662 775820 755670 756070 775008 675162 553455 675163 Available optional equipment Wiper Hinge adapter 375-495 National Solid adapter 375-495 National Hinged casing spider 200 Stons 11.3/4“- 13.3/8“ * Reducing bushing 9.5/8“ - 10. 3/4“ * Reducing bushing 2.3/8“ - 8.5/8“ Hand slip insert bowl #3 * Electrical control unit * Pneumatic control unit * Manual control unit * Grease counter unit Ex II 2G, supply 230VAC* Grease counter unit Ex II 2G, supply 24VDC* Top wear guide Multi coupling kit for hydraulic connection Available for PS500 756750 553210 553200 553600 553610 553611 On request 757106 755107 755108 755105-7 755105-8 776750 756850 or 756860 * User’s manual available seperately (not included in this manual) 10 Options DESCRIPTION Bit breaker plate - on request Top wear guide Service (carrier) box pn 775008 Hinge adapter 375-495 National PN 553210 Solid adapter 375-495 National PN 553200 Multi coupling kit Standard Hinge casing spider PN 553600 11 460 163 1451 1112 7 2 1 1 966 12 1600 Main Dimension A Drillfloor A ø948 PS500 for National PS 500 for National A-A Oilwell adapter PS500 for Oilwell PS 500 for Oilwell PS500 for Emsco PS 500 for Emsco A-A 3 1 ø1150 ø1014 ø1014 ø948 ø1014 ø1118 14 0 1273 966 Dimensions in mm. National Adapter National adapter DESCRIPTION ° 282 Drillfloor 168 Hose Connection (across rig floor) BCGA Drillfloor Hose Connection (across rig floor) BCGA 984 1273 1024 ø1150 1273 PS500 for National with Multi-Coupling PS the for National above 500iron-roughneck with Multi-Coupling PS500 for National with Multi-Coupling above the iron roughneck rails PS 500 for National with Multi-Coupling DESCRIPTION 13 Opening dimensions DESCRIPTION Ma x. Di am e te r opening dimension Pipe Size Casing 7“ 7 5/8“ 8.5/8“ 9 5/8“ 13 3/8“ Drill pipe 3 ½“ 4 ½“ 5“ 5 ½“ 5 7/8“ 6.5/8“ Drill collar 6 ¾“ 8“ 9 ½“ Opening dimension 288 mm / 11,3 inch 297 mm / 11,7 inch 314 mm / 12,4 inch 323,5 mm / 12,7 inch 372 mm / 14,6 inch 242 mm / 9,5 inch 257 mm / 10,1 inch 262 mm / 10,3 inch 270 mm / 10,6 inch 281 mm / 11,1 inch 288 mm / 11,3 inch 283.5 mm / 11,2 inch 296 mm / 11,6 inch 323.5 mm / 12,7 inch Max. diameter 322 mm / 12,7 inch 333 mm / 13,1 inch 357 mm / 14 inch 357 mm / 14 inch 423 mm / 16,6 inch 245,5 mm / 9,6 inch 264,5 mm / 10.4 inch 277 mm / 10,9 inch 282,5 mm / 11,1 inch 297,5 mm / 11,7 inch 314 mm / 12,4 inch 301 mm / 11,8 inch 318,5 mm / 12,5 inch 357 mm / 14 inch 14 COMMISSIONING 15 COMMISIONING 2. COMMISSIONING Commissioning PS 500 Blohm + Voss strongly recommends to accomplish the Power Slip commissioning with the Blohm + Voss Commissioning Service. Read manual before first use ! OK o Operating personnel is aware of all danger that depends on handling the B+V tool (see manual first) ! Prior to use of the Blohm+Voss Power Slip following checks must be carried out : Scope of supply COMMISIONING OK o o o o o o Cross check of all delivered parts Hydraulic Characteristics OK OK OK Operating pressure Volumetric flow Minimum required hydraulic oil clearness 130...210 bar (1885...3040 PSI) 37,85 l/min (10 GPM) NAS 9 Check and Lubrication OK OK Check for correct seating of Door Hinge Pins Apply grease to all greasing Points (see manual ) until grease is visibly coming out of the bores Commissioning PS 500 hand slip insert bowls OK o Operating personnel is aware of all dangers that depends on handling the B+V Hand Slip Insert Bowls (see manual). Prior to installation and use of the Blohm+Voss Hand Slip Insert Bowl, the following checks must be carried out : Checklist OK o o o o o o o Cross check of all delivered parts PS 500 OK OK OK OK OK OK Check hydraulic Centering System is opened Check Guide Plates are removed from Hydraulic Centering System Check Slip is in raised Position Check Insert Carriers are removed from Powerslip Check Carrier Securing Assemblies on Slip (3x) are greased and functioning Check Hydraulic Centering System is turned off 16 INSTALLATION 17 INSTALLATION 3. INSTALLATION Lifting and transport Lift the PS with Lifting Eyes and Traverse (see Hook Up Kit) There are additional Sling Gears available. ( See Hook Up Kit PN 756007-HUK.) Hydraulic System WARNING: befoRe stARt of WoRk WeAR youR peRsoNAl pRotectIoN equIpmeNt. especIAlly leAk oIl uNdeR pRessuRe cAN cAuse seveRe peRsoNAl INjuRy to the eyes. INSTALLATION Hydraulic connections Purging air The air in the hydraulic system of a new Power Slip is shop-purged. Be aware that the hydraulic connection hoses (slips up, slips down and feed back signal) should be purged before connecting it to the power slip. Lifting sling Possible connection systems One can connect the tool with the standard hydraulic connectors or using the optional Multicoupling kit, which simplifies the connection. A = Pressure/return B = Pressure/return C = Feedback G = Grease Standard connections G C B Multi coupling connectors A 18 Wrong position Correct position Aligning the Hydraulic Connection The position of the hydraulic connection must be selected in such a way that no damage can occur to the connecting hoses/tubes due to external influence. Power slip Iron roughneck rail system Power slip Installation Schematic The block diagram represents the connection of the PS, including lubricator control (grease interval counter optional available). Various Control Units (electrically, pneumaticcally and manually controlled) are available. S4: 24VDC, 1,5mm² (Cable Glanddiameter 9,0mm) S5: 24VDC, 1,5mm² (Cable Glanddiameter 9,0mm) S6: max.250V, 1,5mm² (Cable Glanddiameter 9,0mm) S3: max.250V, 1,5mm² (Cable Glanddiameter 9,0mm) S7: 24VDC, 1,5mm² (Cable Glanddiameter 9,0mm) Air Air Hydr. Hydr. Pressure supply supply supply supply Hyraulic 160-210 bar Air 4-10 bar Grease 400 bar Control UnitUnit Control for for Air power slip Power Slip (optional) (OPTIONAL) 3/8" 3/8" M F Control circuitsupply Control circuit supply Signal SLIP Slip Slip SIGNAL Slip DOWN UP DOWN UP DOWN UP UP DOWN S3 S6 S4 S5 Power circuit supply Power circuit supply 24V DC Power supply 24V DC Powersupply Coupling Coupling 1/4" for pipe OD 8 mm Coupling 3/8" for pipe OD 12 mm F M T P Air In C F Control UnitUnitAir Control for operated grease for Air Operated system (optional) Grease System Input INPUT (OPTIONAL) Grease pump GREASE (Air) PUMPUp Kit Hook (Air) (HOOK UP KIT) Hose assembly (hoses icluded in Hook Up Kit) other length or needed piping to be specified. Hose nipple Hose nipple DN 13 DN13 B M A F Air S7 Out Hose nipple DN 13 PS 500 M F M F 1/4" 3/8" 3/8" Hose nipple DN13 Output OUTPUT M M 1/4" 3/8" 3/8" 1/4" F M F M G A B C 25ft 25ft 25ft M F M Hoses included in Grease Pump Assembly (other length to be specified) 16,4ft 25ft DN13 F 1/4" F Legend A:Slip down B:Slip up C:Slip Feedback signal G:Grease connection P:Pressure T:Return S4:Slip up S5:Slip down S6:Signal Slips are up S3:Signal Slips are down S7:Signal for control unit grease system Hydraulic Air Grease Electric NOTE: • B + V does not supply electrical cable outside of the control unit and does not supply installation of electrical cable. • Power supply of signal S3 / S6 through cable S3 / S6 (max voltage of pressure switches inside is 250V each, with switching capacity max. max.250V~1A/250V=0.25A) • If Power Slip,Control unit or Grease pump is delivered without hose assy, then B+V supplies complete couplings (both male and female) without side thread for connection, see table for different thread sizes. Connection Threadsizes A, B, P and T NPT3/8”Male C NPT1/4”Male 19 INSTALLATION Electric connection Functional description of hydraulic system See hydraulic schematic below. Set slips To set the slips the hydraulic connection A is pressurised. First the Centring system closes and centers the pipe. Then the slip assembly will be set and can take the load of the pipe. When the slips are fully set a plunger is actuated. The plunger release an hydraulic signal C to the driller as an indication that the slips are set. Raise slips To raise the slips the hydraulic connection B is pressurised. The Slip Assembly raises and releases the pipe. Feedback The feedback signal shall only occur when both line A and B are pressurised. INSTALLATION Down down Closed closed Closed closed HCS HCS Valve no.5 Valve no.5 Down down Slip l i p S Valve no.6 Valve no.6 Slip l i p S Feedbacka c k down F e e d b slip Slip down A C B G Type of connections Connection A and B: Coupling complete G 3/8"with NPT 3/8”Male Power requirements Working pressure: 2175 -3040 Psi (150-210 bar) Max. pressure: 4350 Psi (300 bar) Flow rate: Min 10 Gpm (37,85 lpm) A: Center Hydraulic Guide System (if activated) and set teh slips B: Raise the slips C: Feedback signal of slips (UP/DOWN) Connection C and G: Coupling complete G 1/4"with NPT 1/4”Male Connection with multi coupling kit: Connection A and B: with G3/8"male Connection C and G: with G1/4"male 20 Anti-lowering valve The load Lowering Valve no.5 prevents the slips from closing in case of a pressure loss. Adjusting Valve No. 5 The valve can be adjusted by releasing the lock nut and secondly, by rotating the adjusting screw counterclockwise. If valve adjustment is needed, start carefully with 1/4 rotation and test the valve function first. Afterwards make sure adjustment screw and lock nut are pulled tight. INSTALLATION Sequence Valve no.6 regulates the Hydraulic Pipe Centering force. Factorymade it is adjusted to 130 bar. Adjusting Valve No. 6 Screw No.5 Screw No.6 If different Centering force is needed, remove the cap nut and release the lock nut. For higher force rotate the adjustment screw clockwise carefully. For lower force rotate counterclockwise. Make sure the adjusted Centering pressure is at least 10 to 20 bar higher than the working pressure. Otherwise a sequence male function will occur. Pull tight the lock nut and cap nut after adjustment. 21 Hydraulic centering system (HCS) The PS 500 is equipped with a Hydraulic Centring System (HCS) with replacable guide plates. The HCS centres the pipe prior to setting the slip assembly. The centring opens automatically after setting the slips. WARNING: use the coRRect GuIde plAtes foR the ApplIcAble pIpe dIAmeteR. The table in the overview of slips, inserts and carriers shows which guide plates should be used for which pipe size. The Hydraulic centring device is provided with replaceable guide plates so that different pipe diameters can be guided. It is important that the appropriate guide plates for the pipe diameters are used The diameter is stamped on the guide plates (use guide plates of the same size and observe the marking). Holes for B+V bit braker plate. Guide plate for different pipe sizes INSTALLATION HCS Opening/Closing WARNING: NeveR opeN oR close the coveR Assembly by hANd oR feet. use AlWAys A tuGGeR. otheRWIse theRe Is RIsk of INjuRy oR dAmAGING the ps 500. HCS Lock/Unlock When the cover is fully opened it is locked automatically. Before closing the cover release the lock by foot. • • • • First press the lock inwards. Then lift the tool to unlock the cover assembly. Close the cover by use of a crane First unlock and then close. Fig. 01: Unlock tool Fig. 02: Cover Assembly locked 22 Mounting the Guide Plates The Hydraulic Centring System must be opened for inserting / changing the Guide Plates. Fix the guide plate and insert them into the hydraulic centring system from the top and screw on using all screws. Transportation of Guide Plates Always grease the contact surfaces when changing the Guide Plates. (The Hexagonal Bore Wrench p/n 775813 is Part of the Toolkit p/n 775820) Transportation of Guide Plates INSTALLATION Use the attached lifting eyebolts as shown above to handle the Guide Plates (Lifting Eye bolts part of the Toolkit) Switching the hydraulic system on/off If the Hydraulic Centring System (HCS) is not needed it can be switched off by using the socket wrench (p/n 775812). The indicator pin in the square shows the actual position (HCS ON / OFF) Hole for socket wrench Turn left: Turn right: ON OFF 23 Insert Carriers Manufacturer Date of manufacture The PS 500 can be adjusted to different pipe diameters quickly with the aid of the insert carrier. Before using the Insert carrier, all contact surfaces of the slip assembly must be cleaned thoroughly. It is allowed to lubricate the insert dove tail slots with light oil. Identification Carrier B+V 775650-198 DC 9" 09/03 S/N: 12010 SWL 150 sht 250kg Safe working load Size Serial No. Part No. INSTALLATION Carrier Lifting Tool The Carriers Lifting Tools P/N: 756070 are contained in the Hook Up Kit P/N: 756007-HUK Carrier Case Carrier and tools can be stored in the Carrier (service) box. Unscrew Screw Carrier lifting tool 24 tool Pipe Wiper System (optional) B+V PS - 500 General Information The B+V Pipe Wiper System is designed for a standard 19“ dual (split type) pipe wiper. It is optionally available. WARNING: otheR pIpe WIpeR sIzes ARe Not peRmItted. Features The B+V Pipe Wiper System can stay mounted to the PS for all drilling operations. The usage of umbilical lines is not affected. The 19” dual (split type) pipe wiper can be changed easily. For changing the pipe Wiper, the PS stays in the rotary table. WARNING: do Not use ANy otheR tool foR hANdlING the pIpe WIpeR thAN the b+v pIpe WIpeR hANdlING tool, to eNsuRe coRRect fuNctIoN of the lockING devIces. When using the B+V Pipe Wiper System, the 19” dual (split type) pipe wiper opening diameter must be close to the pipe size used. B+V Pipe Wiper System Installation of the B+V Pipe Wiper System 1. Pick up the PS and lower it directly above the Pipe Wiper system 2. First mount the left part of Pipe Wiper System to the PS 3. Then mount the right part of Pipe Wiper System to the PS 4. Tighten all screws 5. Close the Latch 6. Tighten the nut of the Latch. 7. Finally secure all screws with securing wire 1 2 4 6 5 3 25 INSTALLATION Installation of pipe wiper Installation of 19” Dual Type Pipe Wiper into B+V Pipe Wiper System. Preparing Steps: • Open the Hydraulic Centering System (HCS) • Bring the slip in upper position • Remove all three Insert Carrier from the PS 500. (only 14" and 13.3/8" (Carrier can stay mounted) • Check with the handling tool that both tongues are in open position • Insert the 19” dual type Pipe Wiper • Put the handling tool in place at the bottom of the PS • The handling tool is centering itself through a self centering device • Press down the handling tool carefully. • The locking pin (2) now is unlocked • The tongue now can be turned to the inside about 19° • The second bolt (3) now locks the tongue as soon as the handling tool is lifted slightly. • Make sure the tongue is locked and cannot be moved with the handling tool Pipe Wiper is locked in the Pipe Wiper system Tighten screws Lock wired screws INSTALLATION 2 Pipe wiper fitted into PS 3 open position locked position 19 26 Hand slip insert bowls No. 3 (optional) Bowls No.3 is designed to use hand slips in combination with the B+V PS750 and PS-500. When using the Bowl No.3, the load of 350 tons must never be exceeded. The Bowl No.3 is designed for Rotary Slips according to API 7K, 9.4.1 ("Rotary slips shall have a taper of 4" per ft on the diameter..."). Bowl No.3 Pipe Range: 2.2/8" - 8.5/8" Safe Working Load: 350 t Bowls No.3 set on top of the B+V PS 500 Identification The identification plate clearly identifies the Bowl No.3 (manufacturer, type, material, part number, serial number, date of manufacture). It is important to keep this information ready for the purpose of servicing and repair work. 27 INSTALLATION Assembling Handslip Insert Bowl No.3 Before assembling Bowl No.3 to the PS 500, the following steps are to be carried out: 1. Open the Hydraulic Centering System 2. Raise slips to upper position 3. Remove all guide plates 4. Remove insert carrier 5. Close Hydraulic Centering System 6. Turn off Hydraulic Centering System 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. INSTALLATION Grease the 4 connection blocks thoroughly every time before and after usage. Connection blocks 28 Handling the Bowl No.3 The bowl No. 3 consist of two half that are connected by connection blocks. • • Handle only one half of the Bowl at the same time. Always use both lifting eyes to handle one half of the Bowl 29 INSTALLATION Order of Assembling Mount the left half of Bowl first Then assemble the right half of Bowl Assembling Right Half Position the right half of Bowl just above the left half . INSTALLATION 30 Lower the right half carefully by crane. Finalized assembly Now the PS 500 is assembled with the Bowl No.3 and Hand Slips can be used. Disassembling Bowl No.3 from PS 500 Disassembling Bowl No.3: Carry out the same steps described above in reverse order. Hinge casing spider Hinge Casing Spider The hinge casing spider (PN 553600) can be used on top of the power slip when using hand slips. The maximum allowable working load is 200 STons. For casing size 11.3/4“- 13. 3/8“, use the hinge casing spider. For smaller sizes use the hinge casing spider in combination with the following reducing bushings: Casing 9.5/8“- 10.3/4“ use PN 553610. Casing 2.3/8“- 8.5/8“ use PN 553611. Power Slip Identification The identification plate clearly identifies the hinge casing spider (manufacturer, type, material, part number, serial number, date of manufacture). It is important to keep this information ready for the purpose of servicing and repair work. INSTALLATION 3. 4. 5. 1. Assembly of the hinge casing spider Before assmbly of the hinge casing spider to the PS 500, the following steps need to be carried out: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2. Open the Hydraulic CenteringSystem Raise Slips to upper position Remove All Guide Plates Remove Insert Carrier Close Hydraulic Centering System Turn Off Hydraulic Centering System 31 Handling the hinge casing spider Always use a four lifting eyes or both handles. Bowl fitting handle Lifting eye Installation of the hinge casing spider INSTALLATION The hinge casing spider is being mounted on top of the centereing device of the power slip. It must be lined up with the center of the power slip. 32 Installation PS 500 Basically the PS 500 has to be installed as shown in the manual Before installation into rotary table make sure, that the proper RT-Adapter is installed to the PS 500. OK OK OK OK OK OK o o o o o o o o o o Make sure the required Insert Carrier is installed before first use Make sure the required Guide Plates are installed before first use The Guide Plates are fixed with the screws Hydraulic Centring Device is turned on if necessary Cover is closed Door is closed OK OK OK OK PS 500 is installed into Rotary Table Control Unit connected to Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU) PS 500 connected to Control Box All Hydraulic Lines are connected Function test There are two possibilities to carry out the function test: 1. PS 500 standing on the floor WARNING: do Not cARRy out the fuNctIoN test WIth the dooR opeN 2. PS 500 installed into the rotary table OK OK OK OK OK o o o o o Hydraulic Centring Device centers the pipe prior to setting the slip Slip down Feedback signal: Slips are Set The Hydraulic Centring Device opens automatically after setting the slips Slip up 33 INSTALLATION Hydraulic Connections Installation Hand Slip Bowls OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Installation and Removal Tool is ready for use Check if the three segments of the bowl are installed and visibly locked Check the slips are set Check the cover is closed Check if the retaining ring is set on top of Powerslip Check if hinge pins are inserted in retaining ring Check if Retaining Ring is tightened with Safety Clamp Screw Check if Hydraulic Power supply to powerslip is turned off (Control Unit) Installation Hinge casing spider OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK INSTALLATION Installation and Removal Tool is ready for use Check if the hinge pin is installed correctly Check the correct reducing bushing is installed Check the carriers and guide plates have been removed Check if the hydraulic centering system is turned ON Check if the slips are in the upper position Check if Retaining Ring is tightened with Safety Clamp Screw Check if Hydraulic Power supply to powerslip is turned off (Control Unit) 34 OPERATIONS 35 OPERATIONS 4. OPERATIONS WARNING: do Not touch the ps. WARNING: NeveR RAIse the slIps WheN the pIpe loAd Is stIll suspeNded by the slIps. Safety 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Make sure that ALL hydraulic lines are isolated before any work is carried out in the PS. It is recommended to have the PS operated by the driller. For smooth operation, it is recommended to slightly lower the pipe with the elevator while setting the PS slips. For smooth operation, it is recommended to slightly raise the pipe with the elevator while releasing the PS slips. The rotary locks in the outside of the PS may only be needed on semisubmersible rigs or while floating in pipe when there is a chance the PS could come out of the rotary table. Operation 1. Check slips/carriers are set on correct section of the pipe. Set the PS before releasing the elevator. The PS is set when the slips down feedback signal comes on. When the rotary table and the PS have to be rotated, always uncouple the quick disconnects on the PS prior to rotation. Place the PS in the rotary table using all 4 lifting eyes and the lifting bracket. Connect all hydraulic equipment and check correct functioning of the tool. With the pipe string being suspended by the PS slips, make up or break the upper stand or joint, and handle it. Pick up the weight of the pipe string with the elevator, before raising the PS slips. Set the slips of the PS and then release the elevator. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. OPERATIONS Removing the PS when pipe is in the hole WARNING: lIft the ps out of the RotARy tAble oNly WIth the 4 WAy lIftING slING WIth the lIftING bRAcket. Removing the PS from drill pipe (in rotary) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Take the load from the slips Raise the slips Depressurize the PS hook up hoses Depending on the pipe size, if needed. remove the insert carrier Remove the removable hinge pin from the PS door Lift the PS from the rotary table by using the four way lifting bracket Open the PS door Move the PS away from the pipe / well center Connecting and disconnecting of the hydraulic hoses WARNING: be cAReful WheN dIscoNNectING hydRAulIc hoses. mAke suRe pRessuRe Is of the hoses ANd the WeIGht of the stRING cANNot GeNeRAte pRessuRe Dis-connection hoses in slips up position 1. Set PS in neutral position 2. Disconnect Quick Disconnects. 36 Handling the slip assembly during operation WARNING: the slIp Assembly should NeveR be RAIsed uNdeR loAd. WARNING: If the slIp Assembly Is set the ps cAN beAR the loAd of the pIpe. WARNING: befoRe RAIsING the slIp Assembly, mAke suRe thAt the elevAtoR Is closed ANd suspeNds the WeIGht of the pIpe. Cover plate WARNING: NeveR opeRAte the slIp Assembly WIth the dooR opeN. WARNING: NeveR set the slIps As loNG As the elevAtoR /top dRIve Is stIll lIftING oR loWeRING the pIpe. WARNING: WheN usING the hydRAulIc ceNtRING system theRe Is A dANGeR of peRsoNs GettING jAmmed betWeeN the GuIde plAtes ANd the pIpe. WARNING: WheN closING the ceNtRING system, theRe Is A RIsk of peRsoNs GettING jAmmed betWeeN the ps ANd the ceNtRING system. WARNING: WIth the poWeR slIp INstAlled IN the RotARy theRe Is the RIsk of smAll pARts fAllING INto the poWeR slIp oR boRe hole. WARNING: theRe Is A RIsk of INjuRy (dANGeR of tRIppING) WheN the ps top coveRs ARe opeN. use AlWAys the coveR plAte (p/N 755670) must be used foR coveRING the poWeR slIp opeNING. 37 OPERATIONS (Emergency) opening the door • • • Move Slip to upper position Remove all three Insert Carrier Open the Hydraulic Centering System (HCD). 1. Unlock the Securing Block • Loosen both screws (1) completely. • They cannot be lost due to securing rings (2). • Never disassemble the securing rings. • The securing block (3) is secured by a steel rope (4) 2. Removing Hinge Pin • The door hinge pin (5) must be lifted (use a crane) completely out of the Powerslip. • Use the lifting eye (6). 3. Open the Door • Opening of the door now is possible 4. Close the Door • Do the same operating steps backwards. OPERATIONS 4 3 1 2 5 6 Securing block Use of handslips Hand slips can be used to prevent the pipe from slipping through the PS, e.g. at the start or finish of a trip. The PS act as a conventional master bushing with insert bowl. WARNING: WheN RuNNING devIAted pIpe, eNsuRe the hANdslIps ARe INstAlled pRopeRly befoRe suspeNdING the loAd. pRecAustIoNs. tAke sAfety Using handslips • • • • Install the hand slip bowls Check the PS-slips for proper setting Check the slips & bowls They have to match. Ensure the pressure remains on the PS. Close the power supply to the PS by a ball valve to prevent inadvertent opening of the PS. Start running as usual with master bushing, bowl and hand slips. • 38 MAINTENANCE & INSPECTION 39 MAINTENANCE & INSPECTION 5. MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION General If cracks, excessive wear etc. is recognised, contact Blohm + Voss Repair GmbH or an authorised service company. Weldings of the castings should be done only by Blohm + Voss Repair GmbH or an authorised service company in according to Blohm + Voss welding procedure. Lubrication and Central-GreaseSystem The PS 500 includes a central grease system. The slip assembly and the Feedback valve are supplied by this and via a nozzle system with grease. Do not apply grease to the following areas: • Back side of inserts • Inside of slips ( contact area of the insert carrier) • The Powerslip should be greased for a minimum of 15 seconds after max. 30 actuations. Manual lubrication (1) Lubricate the frame on both sides as follows: • Each time before installing the PS into the Rotary Table (1 and 2) Lubricate the door hinge pins on both sides • Each time before installing the PS into the Rotary Table (3) Lubricate the hinge pin for the Centring System and the locking device for the Centring System on both sides • Each time before using the PS (4) Lubricate the Carrier securing bolts (3 plc) • Each time before using the PS (5) Lubricate the Cylinder Pin (2 plc) • Each time before using the PS Lubricate the locking device • Each time before using the PS Greasing Points 3 3 MAINTENANCE & INSPECTION 4 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 40 Grease daily All greasing points, which are labelled “Grease Daily“, must be greased at least once a day. It can be necessary to carry this out more often depending on use. Grease quality In order to achieve efficient greasing even at different environmental temperatures, we recommend the following grease types should be used (obtainable from Blohm + Voss Repair GmbH): Low-Viscosity grease Type AVIATICON Grease XRF NLGI 0 Alternatively; use EP gear lubricating grease for greasing ”non-oil tight gear trains” NESSOS SF0 NLGI 0 DIN 51 826 GPOF-25 DIN 51 502 GPOF-25 For higher ambient temperature up to 30° Celsius / 86° Fahrenheit we recommend to use NLGI 2 1 3 Lubrication Lubrication of the Pipe Wiper System The pipe wiper system needs to be lubricated daily (when in use). Greasing points (2 plc): 1) Area above tongue 2) Area below tongue 3) Hinge pin Pipe Wiper Assembly 2 41 MAINTENANCE & INSPECTION Lubrication check list PS Greasing Points: Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pos. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Greased Location o o o o o o Door Greased o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Location 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 12 13 14 Frame 10 15 17 Pos. 15 16 17 18 Pos. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Greased Location Hinge Pin for Cover 19 20 21 22 Greased Location 16 26 28 29 18 27 Locking device for Cover MAINTENANCE & INSPECTION Carrier Securing Assembly Left and right hand cylinder bolts 23 24 25 42 Inspection categories acc. to API RP 8B Category I This category involves observing the equipment during operation for indications of inadequate performance. When in use, equipment shall be visually inspected on a daily basis for cracks, loose fits or connections, elongation of part, and other signs of wear, corrosion or overloading. Any parts found to show cracks, excessive wear, etc., shall be removed from service for further examination. The equipment shall be visually inspected by a person knowledgeable in that equipment and its function. Category II This is Category I inspection plus further inspection for corrosion, deformation, loose or missing components, deterioration, proper lubrication, visible external cracks, and adjustment. Category II may involve some disassembly to access specific components and to identify wear that exceeds the allowable tolerances. Category III This is Category II inspection plus further inspection, which should include NDT of critical areas and may involve some disassembly to access specific components and to identify wear that exceeds the allowable tolerances. Prior to inspection, all foreign material such as dirt, paint, grease, oil, scale, etc. shall be removed from the concerned parts by a suitable method (e.g. paint-stripping, steam-cleaning, grit-blasting) Category IV This is Category III inspection plus further inspection for which the equipment is disassembled to the extent necessary to conduct NDT of all primary-load-carrying components. Equipment shall be: • disassembled in a suitableequipped facility to the extent necessary to permit full inspection of all primary-loadcarrying components and other components that are critical to the equipment. • inspected for excessive wear, cracks, flaws and deformation. Procedure • Corrections shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. • Prior to inspection, all foreign material such as dirt, paint, grease, oil, scale, etc. shall be removed from the concerned parts by a suitable method (e.g. paintstripping, steam-cleaning, gritblasting) • • • • • • • environment load cycles regulatory requirements operating time testing repairs re manufacture Non-periodic inspection A complete, on-job, shut-down inspection equivalent to the periodical Category III or Category IV should be made before (if anticipated) and after critical jobs (e.g., running heavy casing / drill strings, jarring, pulling on stuck pipes and/or operating at extreme low temperatures)


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