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Build_HPUX_Initial_Build_Steps BCS Knowledge Article Document Title: HP-UX Initial Build Steps OS: HP-UX 11.31 Technical Category: UNIX Technology Owner: Engineering Prepared by: John Daley Document Version No.: 1.2 Preparation Date: 2/20/2014 Version No. Version Date Revised by Description 1.0 10/28/2013 John Daley Initial draft 1.2 2/20/2014 John Daley Update firmware procedures Contents Overview 3 Scope 3 Notes 3 High Level Flow: 3 Pre work 5 Build Step-By-Step 6 Add Hosts to VSM 6 Add LDAP Groups 7 Check OA and VC Version 9 System and iLO Firmware 10 Option Firmware 10 Ignite the HP_UX Operating System 11 Post-ignite Core HP-UX Build 14 Change Primary and Alternate Boot Path for SAN boot 14 Check LAN Configuration 15 Verify SAN Allocation 18 Create Users and Groups 19 Configure Kernel Parameters 21 FOR PRODUCTION ONLY: Clone the SAN boot disk 22 Verify Firmware: SysROM and iLO 23 Verify Firmware: Options 23 Verify The System Software 24 RX Servers: 24 End of Initial Build Steps. 24 Appendix A: Solutions to common errors 24 Appendix B: Navigating the MP and Obtaining the EFI Shell 25 Appendix C: Configuring QLogic HBA Boot Options from the EFI Without the ISO 25 Appendix D: Commonly Used Script Commands 27 Overview This Document details how to do the initial build of an HP-UX server. The steps in this document must be taken before any host is ready for standalone configuration, or to be built to join a cluster. In other words, DO THESE STEPS FIRST. Scope Assumptions: · OS is HP-UX v11.31 · ServiceGuard version is 11.20 · Platform is Integrity blade This document assumes the builder is familiar with HP-UX commands and utilities, and BCS Demand processes.  Notes   Base product documentation for this process:,d.b2I     Estimated Time to complete task: 2.5 ours per host. Much of that time is while the system is Igniting; other work can be done.   Downtime Needed: N/A for initial build High Level Flow: 1. Prework 1. Firmware 1. Ignite 1. Check SAN and Network 1. Patch, add LDAP groups 1. Add users 1. Verify      Pre work Overview Collect information about this instance to prepare for build. Save information in a readily accessible format. Tools: MBS, callmbs and callsub programs available on g6t0507. Steps: 1. Open the latest version of the MBS from MBS Share. If you do not have access to MBS, send an email to Mark Mangin and Kezar Cline for access. 1. Enable the content by clicking the Options button at the top of the window. 1. Select the 'Enable this content' radio button. A list of servers will display. 1. Right click in the Hostname column and select Text Filters 1. Select Equals and type in the name of the server being built. Do not include the FQDN. The server you will be building should display. 1. Note the Hostname, Pod, and Server Model of the server. 1. Click the General tab and note the Site and Cell 1. Click the System tab and note the Server or Service and blade enclosure host 1. If the server is a blade, note the enclosure information. 1. Click the LAN tab and note the Primary IP Address, Backup IP Address, IC Address, Heartbeat Address and Network Segment 1. Click the VolConfig tab and copy all information listed in this field to a notepad instance or other temporary reference. 1. If this is a cluster build, click the System tab and note the Cluster Name and Cluster Partners. 1. Look up the hostname Subnet Mask and Default Gateway using callsub on g6t0507. (callsub –h) Example: $ callsub g5u9999c Hostname: g5u9999c IP: 16.201.148.x Gateway: Subnet: Build Step-By-Step Add Hosts to VSM Note: See step 3.2.2 in the LDAP Guide for details if needed. Tools: Virtual System Manager (VSM) Overview: This step uses VSM to add hosts, or confirm they are already present. Steps: 1. Add the host as follows using VSM. The following is an example of a VSM entry. 1. Verify that the CI is now in Directory Works. If it is, then control can now add LDAP Groups. Add LDAP Groups Overview: This step uses Directory Works to add LDAP groups to the server LDAP group record Note: LDAP groups information is available from callmbs –l {hostname} on g6t0507 Steps: 1. Log into Directory Works with your SEA and NT password 1. Choose Groups from the search drop-down, to the right of the banner: 1. Enter the FQDN or name of the server being built in the search field and then clicks on the "Find" button 1. In the next window, click on the first link listed for your server 1. In the following window after, click on the Edit link listed next to 'Members', not 'Owners'. 1. Next, change the drop down menu to 'Groups' and enter in the LDAP group into the blank textbox next to the 'Find' button. 1. Click 'Find. 1. In the search results textbox, your LDAP group will appear. Make sure the LDAP group is highlighted and select 'Add'. 1. The LDAP group will then move over to the 'Members' textbox. 1. Repeat these steps for all LDAP groups that need to be added 1. When you have finished, click 'Save'. Check OA and VC Version Note: If you are not building on Integrity Blades, skip to server ignite. FW update is not required for RX servers Overview: This step checks that the enclosure which holds the server is at a firmware revision that supports the blade. 1) Determine server enclosure: Method1: Using callsub utility (callsub –enc {hostname}) on g6t0507 Example: [adeyemi@g6t0507 ~]$ callsub -enc g9u1018c Hostname: g9u1018c IP: Enclosure: g9bu0118 Slot: 05-06 OA IP: OB IP: Method2: Using MBS 1. Click the System tab and note the enclosure name in the "blade enclosure host" field 2. Determine OA version NOTE: FW version needs to be at 3.60 or higher. If FW version is lower than 3.60 DO NOT proceed. Please contact the deep level support team ([email protected]). Method1: Using script ( {hostname}) on g6t0507 Example: [adeyemi@g6t0507 ~]$ g1u2419c 3.60 Method2: From the OA Steps: 1. Connect to the server's enclosure/OA from the previous step. (i.e. in the browser. (Ask a member of Demand team for login credentials) 1. Click on firmware update under the Active Onboard Administrator tab to view OA firmware version. Verify that Firmware version is 3.60 or higher. System and iLO Firmware Cluster: N/A Notes: There are two ways to do each type of update. Notes: Both iLO and System ROM update will reset the iLO, you most log in again. Notes: The system ROM actually gets updated only when the system is shut down. It takes about 10 minutes. Notes: Make sure you have reviewed the Integrity Firmware Guide Overview: The system and iLO firmware on your Integrity Blade should have been updated when the enclosure was set up. Use the Integrity Firmware Guide to determine if your System ROM firmware is up to date or not. If not, follow the instructions to update the System ROM and iLO firmware from the iLO/MP command line. There is also an "Firmware Update" option on the iLO GUI. This can be used to update both System and iLO firmware. See the "Notes" at the beginning of this session. Option Firmware Cluster: N/A Notes: There are two ways to do each type of update. Notes: To Determine if option firmware is truly updated, you much check once the operating system is installed from the Golden Image using the opfwvers.ksh script. Notes: Make sure you have reviewed the Integrity Firmware Guide Overview: Options firmware update will update the firmware and EFI code for your "LAN On Motherboard" or LOM, your Smart Array SAS disk controller, and your Mezzanine cards. Options firmware can be updated from the EFI prompt at the system console before the installation, or after installation using the Smart Component online updates. For i2 blades, the QLogic Mezzanine card must be configured for boot from SAN. This is done at the EFI prompt. For details on how to accomplish the above, see the Firmware Guide. Ignite the HP_UX Operating System Overview: This step installs HP-UX v11.31 on your server. The installation takes place over the network. Note: Make sure your server is in VSM before proceeding with ignite. Note: Available Ignite servers: Austin(G1) Houston(G4) Houston West (G9) Atlanta (G5) Note: See Appendix C for information on getting to the EFI prompt. Steps: 1. For each host, run ‘callsub –db hostname’ to obtain the appropriate Ignite command. Save the output lines. Example: [daleyj@g6t0507 ~]$ callsub -db g1u2438c dbprofile -dn igniteboot -sip -cip -gip -m -b /opt/ignite/boot/nbp.efi 1. As the system boots, obtain the EFI prompt. 1. At the EFI prompt, enter the dbprofile line for the server obtained from step 1 above. Shell> dbprofile -dn igniteboot -sip -cip -gip -m -b /opt/ignite/boot/nbp.efi 1. Again at the shell prompt, enter the lanboot command to start the Ignite configuration. Shell> lanboot select -dn igniteboot 1. At the prompt, choose the first network adapter, named either LAN 01 or LAN 001. If the first network adapter is unavailable, try the others. if none work, enter a BTIL. 1. Choose 11.31 for the Operating System (if MBS specifies HP-UX v3 for the OS image) 1. Choose keyboard option (26  USB_PS2_DIN_US_English) 1. Choose Install HP-UX 1. Choose Advanced Installation 1. Choose LAN 0 1. You’ll be prompted to wait for a network address, or enter CTRL/C. Enter CTRL/C. The Network Configuration screen will appear. 1. Enter the server name, server primary IP, gateway, and subnet. Double-check the subnet and the Ignite server address. 1. These responses are not temporary, so leave that selection as No. 1. Wait for the TUI Ignite interface to appear. It will look like this: 1. Tab to the item in brackets named Root Disk. Hit enter to open the sub menu. 14. For ITG and DEV Tab to the View box, and choose SAS. Choose a local disk for installation. 14. For PRO choose a 64GB SAN disc (fibre channel).  14. If the servers are PRO and you don’t see any SAN disks at this point, enter a BTIL. 14. If the servers are PRO, it may be appropriate to Ignite to a local disk, and configure boot from SAN later, after SAN is available. Check with your team. 1. Once the install disk is selected, tab to OK, and hit enter to return to the main screen. 1. At the main screen, tab to System, and hit enter. The System screen will appear: 1. Ensure the subnet is ok (usually it isn't) 1. Tab to Go! Hit enter to start the installation. 1. If a warning about swap space appears, dismiss it and hit enter again while on Go! 1. Your install will take at minimum two hours to complete. The Ignite process takes about 2 hours Please proceed with the following steps after ignite is completed! Post-ignite Core HP-UX Build Change Primary and Alternate Boot Path for SAN boot Note: If this is a DEV or ITG build, skip this section and proceed to LAN Configuration Overview: This step sets the primary and alternate boot paths for the OS on the SAN boot disk. It does not create a mirror boot disk. Steps: Log in to your newly installed OS on the server. Create a dsq report (which shows what disks are available and used) dsqx.p -i > ~/dsq.out Determine which disk contains vg00 by using more, vi or grep: grep vg00 ~/dsq.out Get the current boot config setboot -v Examine the primary and secondary path or hardware rope to your boot disk. If the primary contains 0/0/8/1/ then the alternate should contain a difference similar to 1/0/8/1/ and vice versa. Using the setboot command, set the high availability path to be the opposite of the primary path. Using the example above, the command would be setboot –h 1/0/8/1/ Next set the alternate boot path to be the same as the high availability, i.e. use the opposite of the primary again. setboot –h 1/0/8/1/ Verify the new paths with the setboot –v command. $ setboot –v Primary bootpath : 0/0/8/1/0.0x50060e800548a300.0x4000000000000000 (/dev/rdisk/disk30) HA Alternate bootpath : 1/0/8/1/0.0x50060e800548a310.0x4000000000000000 (/dev/rdisk/disk30) Alternate bootpath : 1/0/8/1/0.0x50060e800548a310.0x4000000000000000 (/dev/rdisk/disk30) Check LAN Configuration Overview: This step accomplishes configures the additional network connections needed for the cluster nodes, such as heartbeat and backup. Note: callsub on g6t0507 can be used to get the information needed for the network configuration. The primary network should already be configured. See below. Note: The ITIO backplane information for rack-mounted Integrity servers is available here. Note: The ITIO backplane information for Integrity blade servers is available here. Steps: Log into g6t0507 as your mortal user and get the network configuration information for your host from callsub. callsub –net g1u2443c If i4 then the Lans will be wrong BL860 i4 S2S: Lan2 HB Lan6 CI Lan20 BKP BL860 i4 Local: Lan6 CI Lan20 BKP BL870 i4 Local: Lan2 CI Lan6 HB Lan20 BKP BL890 i4 S2S: lan76 BKP lan52 HB lan26 CI Save the output, which is already formatted for inclusion in /etc/rc.config.d/netconf. Check this configuration information against nslookup for the names for each interface present, in this case {hostname} {hostname}-b {hostname}-ci Run the lancheckDCC.ksh script to see what devices are connected. Make sure the LAN devices which are connected agree with the devices configured in the callsub output by the keyword INTERFACE_NAME[]. The lancheckDCC.ksh output will look like this: $ /opt/wwtools/bin/lancheckDCC.ksh OK ...... subnet mask matches gateway setup UNK lan0 0x00215A79BF68 Speed = 1000 Full-Duplex. Autonegotiation = On. UNK lan3 0x00215A79BF6B Speed = 1000 Full-Duplex. Autonegotiation = On. UNK lan6 0x00215A79BDA8 Speed = 1000 Full-Duplex. Autonegotiation = On. UNK lan7 0x00215A79BDA9 Speed = 1000 Full-Duplex. Autonegotiation = On. UNK lan9 0x00215A79BDAB Speed = 1000 Full-Duplex. Autonegotiation = On. LINK : lan0: lan3: lan6: lan7: lan9 lan0 same subnet lan6 lan3 same subnet lan9 Note: If any device has a speed less than 1000, create a BTIL to the UNIX-VC team. If the callsub output and the active LAN devices do not agree, consult the system backplane diagrams linked above, and the Network Cheatsheet Edit the /etc/rc.config.d/netconf file. The primary address on lan0 will already be configured. Doublecheck the information against the callsub output. Also add the #PRI header above where the primary interface is configured. Add the other network configuration lines right after the primary’s lines. The end result should look like this: Note: the netconf file will vary based on cluster and server type. Example: cat /etc/rc.config.d/netconf #PRI INTERFACE_NAME[0]="lan0" IP_ADDRESS[0]= SUBNET_MASK[0]= BROADCAST_ADDRESS[0]="" INTERFACE_STATE[0]="" DHCP_ENABLE[0]="0" INTERFACE_MODULES[0]="" #BKP #INTERFACE_NAME[1]="lan11" #IP_ADDRESS[1]= #SUBNET_MASK[1]= #BROADCAST_ADDRESS[1]="" #INTERFACE_STATE[1]="" #DHCP_ENABLE[1]="0" #INTERFACE_MODULES[1]="" #CI INTERFACE_NAME[2]="lan1" IP_ADDRESS[2]= SUBNET_MASK[2]= BROADCAST_ADDRESS[2]="" INTERFACE_STATE[2]="" DHCP_ENABLE[2]="0" INTERFACE_MODULES[2]="" Leave the #BKP or Backup network information commented for now. You will uncomment it after creating the ServiceGuard Cluster. Note that the index number agrees for each parameter applied to a particular interface. Not that DHCP_ENABLE is set to 0. Once the configuration is correct per MBS, nslookup and the callsub –net output, restart the network. /sbin/init.d/net stop; /sbin/init.d/net start Verify SAN Allocation Overview: In this step you determine that your SAN allocation is correct. Note: If a disk shows in use in any entry, ignore other entries which show it UNUSED. Steps: 1. Gather SAN information from the server OS. /opt/wwtools/bin/dsqx.p -i | tee dsq.out 1. Open the volume information from the server from MBS, or your saved information from a previous step, or retrieve it with this command: curl -silent$(hostname) 1. Compare the two outputs. Ensure the following are correct. All LUNs are present LUN sizes 64GB devices exist for vg00 and for the disk you will use as its mirror later 1. If no LUNs are seen, check that the first two HBA ports are online. If they are not online, create a BTIL to UNIX-VC to have the blade profile checked. If not a blade, create a BTIL to the HTS team. $ pbrun /opt/wwtools/bin/wwn_find.ksh /dev/fcd0 0x5001438002014286 0/0/0/5/0/0/0 ONLINE /dev/fcd1 0x5001438002014288 0/0/0/5/0/0/1 ONLINE 1. If only some LUNs are present, or the sizes are wrong, create a BTIL to SAN. Add Users BETA: use make_users.ksh script to add users to VSM (log is in /var/tmp/make_users.log): wget --quiet -O ~/make_users.ksh;ksh ~/make_users.ksh 1. Gather list of users to add to server(s) a. Use the users tab in your spreadsheet or the myusers file in your home directory. cat ~/myusers file on your server (this file is created in gather sap info step.. example below) Configure Kernel Parameters Note: Note under Special Build Instructions in the System tab of MBS if there are more kernel parameters to change than what is documented here. Overview: This step changes kernel parameters based on the model server. Steps: Use the following information to determine what command to run on your server, based on the server model. BL860 i2 kctune -K semmni="8212";kctune -K semmnu="8208"   BL870 i2 or BL860c i4 kctune -K semmni="10240";kctune -K semmnu="10236"   BL890 i2 or BL870c i4 kctune -K semmni="12800";kctune -K semmnu="12796" FOR PRODUCTION ONLY: Clone the SAN boot disk Overview: This step uses the drd clone command to make an inactive clone of the boot disk. Cluster: All nodes Note: Check that all references to the disk to be the clone disk show it unused. Make sure it is a 64GB LUN. Steps: 1. Check whether drd clone has been performed $ drd status 1. If the clone has not been done, use dsqx.p -i to find an unused 64GB LUN. For example, /dev/disk/disk99 might be marked UNUSED or all lines in the output for disk99. 1. Use the familiar name of the new clone disk to create the clone. $ drd clone -t /dev/disk/disk99 1. Check the boot paths again. They should still point to the original boot disk not the clone. $ setboot -v Primary bootpath : 0/0/8/1/0.0x50060e800548a300.0x4000000000000000 (/dev/rdisk/disk30) HA Alternate bootpath : 1/0/8/1/0.0x50060e800548a310.0x4000000000000000 (/dev/rdisk/disk30) Alternate bootpath : 1/0/8/1/0.0x50060e800548a310.0x4000000000000000 (/dev/rdisk/disk30) Verify Firmware: SysROM and iLO Overview: Using iLO or OA to verify firmware Method 1: Note: BMC means iLO Steps: 0. Use the machinfo command: Example for i4: $ machinfo | grep -i firmware Firmware info: Firmware revision: 02.61 BMC firmware revision: 1.62 Method 2: Steps: 0. Find the enclosure and slot with callsub: $ callsub -enc g6u1017c 0. Issue a command through ssh to collect the information. Example of server in Bay 1 of enclosure g6bu0051 : $ ssh @g6bu0051oa "show server info 1" | grep -e ROM -e Firmware Be prepared to enter the OA administrative password. Verify Firmware: Options Overview: Verify Option firmware from the OS Note: LOM, CNA and SAS commands work for i2 and i4 blades. Note: You can use this script to check firmware versions on both i2 and i4: opfwvers.ksh Note: Review the Firmware Guide Steps: 0. LOM and CNA: for x in `nwmgr | awk '/i.+xgbe/ {print $1}'`; do echo $x" " ; nwmgr -q vpd -c $x | grep -e Product -e ROM -e EFI ; done 0. SAS: ioscan -m lun -C ctl |awk '/P410i/{print $2}' | xargs -i scsimgr -v get_info -C ctl -I {} | grep Product 0. (i2 Blades Only, as root) QL: for x in /dev/fcd* ; do echo $x" "; fcmsutil $x vpd | egrep "(EFI|ROM F.+) version" ; done Verify The System Software Overview: This step verifies the OS installation Steps: Make sure the latest wwtools are installed swlist | grep -i wwtools Make sure no software is left in configure state /usr/sbin/swlist -l fileset -a state | grep -v \# | grep -v config Check that LDAP Authorizations are working /opt/WWLDAP/bin/ more /etc/opt/ldapux/pam_authz.policy RX Servers: Overview: the steps below will confirm that all the drives are installed and upload WWN’s to MBS Steps: 1. Logs in to the Server that has been ignited 2. Execute the chkslotload.ksh script. Checks the output If everything is listed as "GOOD" then the backplane is setup correctly: : see this example If there are errors, refer to the Backplane Diagrams 3. Execute the wwn4san.ksh script and upload wwns to MBS End of Initial Build Steps. Consult [link] to find further documentation for completing your assigned build type. Appendix A: Solutions to common errors · Restoring boot configuration in EFI with bcfg · CI or other networks not pinging each other (needs added route) · Trouble with dg and build scripts Appendix B: Navigating the MP and Obtaining the EFI Shell · Log on to the MP console for the Server to ignite, as the administrator. · Execute: "MA" (-or CTRL+B) to go to the Main Menu · Execute: "CM" to enter the command mode · Execute: "RS" (Reset the Server) to reboot the server Note:In some cases, a question will be prompted as follows: Execution of this command irrecoverably halts all system processing and I/O activity and restarts the computer system. Type Y to confirm your intention to restart the system: (Y/N) In this case, select Y for 'yes'. · Execute: "MA" to go back to the main menu · Execute: "CO" to enter the console and wait for the EFI menu. It may take a few seconds to see it going · Watch the output of the reboot process for the EFi boot menu, then: · Hit the Down Arrow key to stop the boot process and navigate down to the EFI Shell option Note:On some servers, the EFI shell can be selected from a boot menu that is blue with white writing. On others the EFI will have a black background but the reboot will still need to be interrupted to access the EFI shell. Whichever one displays, make sure to stop the reboot process before the countdown ends, otherwise the server will reboot and you will have to reboot again to catch the EFI shell. · Select the "EFi Shell" option   Appendix C: Configuring QLogic HBA Boot Options from the EFI Without the ISO Overview: Configure boot options without the firmware ISO. Note: Not all device ports are configurable. Configuring the first configures the rest. Steps: 0. Use the "drivers" command to find the FC controllers Example: fs0:\> drivers … 23 00000108 B X X 1 2 HP 4 Gb Fibre Channel Driver PciROM:04:00:01:002 24 00000108 D X X 1 - HP 4 Gb Fibre Channel Driver PciROM:04:00:00:002 28 00000108 D X X 1 - HP 4 Gb Fibre Channel Driver PciROM:06:00:01:002 29 00000108 D X X 1 - HP 4 Gb Fibre Channel Driver PciROM:06:00:00:00 0. Use the numbers in the first column to find the Drv and Ctrl numbers of the fibre channel devices in the output of the "drvcfg" command": fs0:\> drvcfg Drv[23] Ctrl[27] Lang[eng] Drv[24] Ctrl[26] Lang[eng] Drv[28] Ctrl[2C] Lang[eng] Drv[29] Ctrl[2B] Lang[eng] Drv[2E] Ctrl[46] Lang[eng] Drv[59] Ctrl[1D] Lang[eng] 0. Use drvcfg {Drc} {Ctrl} -s to start the configuration menu. Do this for each FC controller (in the example above, "23 27" through "29 2B") Example: fs0:\> drvcfg 23 27 -s Fibre Channel Driver Configuration Utility NOTE: Do not redirect console output to a file. Main Menu NVRAM Parameters 1. Edit Adapter Settings 2. Edit Advanced Settings 3. Edit Database 4. Edit Boot Settings Information 5. Show Database 6. Show Translation 7. Show NVRAM Buffer 8. Info 9. Help Operation 10. Abandon 11. Write 12. Quit Enter a Selection: 4 Edit Boot Settings 0. Previous Menu 1. Help 2. Enable Alternate Boot Device [n] 3. Enable Selective Login [n] 4. Enable Selective Lun Logins [n] 5. OS Mode [Windows/Linux/Other] 6. EFI Variable EFIFCScanLevel [?] 7. Enable World Login [n] 0. Set these boot settings as usual and save. Change options 2-4 to yes. If the OS mode is not already set to HP-UX/OpenVMS , select option 5 and change it to that. Change option 6 to yes and set the EFIFCScanLevel to 0. Change option 7 to yes. Once this is complete, the menu should look like the following: Edit Boot Settings 0. Previous Menu 1. Help 2. Enable Alternate Boot Device [y] 3. Enable Selective Login [y] 4. Enable Selective Lun Logins [y] 5. OS Mode [HP-UX/OpenVMS] 6. EFI Variable EFIFCScanLevel [0] 7. Enable World Login [y] Now select option 0 to go into the previous menu, select option 11 to write the changes, and then option 12 to quit. Repeat for the other FC controllers. Appendix D: Commonly Used Script Commands To copy MBS information to your home directory, and the scripts to build disk groups, volumes and file systems: wget –quiet -O ~/; chmod +x; sh Date Updated: 3/11/2015 Don’t forget to publish a major version of your document after saving so it can be approved and made visible to the rest of the team. Link to documents in draft


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