BBA Complete (1)

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Term-1st Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines PAKISTAN STUDIES 1 ⇒ To familiarize students with the concepts of creation of Pakistan ⇒ To familiarize students with the history & culture of Pakistan Contents: 1. The Pakistan Ideology  Aims and objectives for Establishment of Pakistan  Definition and explanation of Pakistan Ideology  The Pakistan Ideology in the light of Allama Iqbal & Quaid-I-Azam 2. Historical Background of Pakistan Ideology  The Reformists-Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi, Shah Walliullah & others  Education Reforms-Aligarh, Anjuman Himayat-I-Islam, Sind Madrasah & Islamia College, Peshawar.  Constitutional Reforms 1909, 1919 and Act of India 1935  Political Struggle, the Khilafat Movement 3. The Pakistan Movement  Muslim National & Education of National Ideology  The Problem of Independence for India & the Muslims  Allama Iqbal’s Address at Allahabad.  The 1937 Elections & the Attitude of Congress Ministries  The Pakistan Resolution  The 1946 Elections and Transfer of Power 4. Emergence of Pakistan  Important events and Hurdles at the time of Emergence of Pakistan & Efforts of Government 5. Creating & Islamic Order in Pakistan  The objective  The Resolution of Pakistan  The Islamic Clauses in the Constitution of Pakistan: 1956, 1962 & 1973  The Preliminary Steps for Islamic Order  Goals  Complete Islamic Order Term-1st 6. Our Land-Pakistan BBA Course Outlines 2  Geographical Unity-Location; Geographical Importance’s Rural & Urban AreasNatural Resources; Agriculture; Industry; Export & Import; Manpower. 7. Pakistan & Islamic World  The relationship with the neighboring countries & Islamic countries Books Recommended • • M. D. Zafar, Pakistan Studies Lahore Aziz Book Depot, Urdu Bazar Pakistan Studies for Degree Classes, Islamabad: Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. Term-1st Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines ISLAMIC EDUCATION 3 ⇒ To educate students regarding basic concept of Islam ⇒ To educate students regarding Islamic influence in the world. 1. Holy Quran & Sunnah  Introduction  Importance & Characteristics  Sura-e-Al-Hujraat with translation  Sura-e-Al-Furqan: Verses 63-77 with translation and explanation Sunnah:  Importance of Sunnah  Twenty selected Hadith with translation (Mention in Islamiyat Compulsory for Degree classes, published by: Allama Iqbal Open University) 2. Fundamental Doctrine of Islam  Islam with reference to Holy Quran & Hadith  Tawheed (Oneness of Allah)  Prophet-hood  The Day of Judgment (Akhrat)  Salat & Namaz (Abadaat)  Saum (Fasting)  Zakat  Hajj  Jehad 3. Life of the Holy Prophet  Study of the Life of the Holy Prophet & Seerat  Life of the Holy Prophet at Makkah from birth to Hijra (Migration to Madina)  Method of Preaching & difficulties  Life of Holy Prophet at Madina  Amicable Accords (Mowakhat) Holy Quran: Term-1st BBA Course Outlines 4  Treaty of Madina (Misaq-e-Madina)  Conquest of Makkah Al-Mukarama  Hajat-ul-Widda 4. The Ethical View of Islam & Characteristics Islamic Cultural  Character Building  The Concept of Ethics  The Moral Values: Truthfulness, Tawakal, Taqwa, Fulfillment of Promises, Simplness, the steam of Parents and Guardians, Behaviorism & Broadness  Islamic Society: Kisb-e-Halal Human Dignity, Social Justice, Addl-e Shoora, 5. Influence of the Islamic Civilization  Panacea of our problems  Our future, unity, political stability Note:- While keeping the Islamic values and basic Characteristics of Islamic Society the proper guideline may be provided in such a way that should be applicable in business and trade. Books Recommended • • Islamiyat Compulsory, Islamabad, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. M.D. Zaffar, Islamic Education (Compulsory,), Lahore Aziz Book Depot, Urdu Bazar. Term-1st Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines BUSINESS ENGLISH 5 ⇒ To enable students to understand the basic rules of grammar. ⇒ To enable them to generate ideas and translate them to their speech and writing. ⇒ To familiarize students with vocabulary and structures used in day-to-day formal interaction. Contents:  Parts of Speech  Nouns and the Use of Articles  Adjectives  Verbs  Adverbs  Sentence Structure  Tenses and their Use  Types of Sentences and the use of Conjunctions  Conditionals: Three types  Punctuation  Writing Effective Sentences  The Writing Process  Writing Paragraphs  Prepositions  Vocabulary  Voice and their use  Direct and Indirect Narrations Recommended Books: • • • • Murphy, Raymond (1994), English Grammar in Use, 2nd Edition Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Thomson, A.J. and Martinet A.V. (1986) A Practical English Grammar, 4th Edition, Oxford: University Press. Bergman C.A. and Senn J.A. (1987) Heath Grammar and Composition. Introductory course, Lexington, Toronto: D.C. Heath and Company. Term-1st Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines MICRO ECONOMICS 6 ⇒ To familiarize students with the basic principles of Microeconomics. ⇒ To equip the students with appropriate tools for applying theory into practice. ⇒ To enable the students to understand the application of Microeconomics in the functional branches of Business Administration. Contents:  Nature and Scope of Economics  Demand  Utility and Demand  Supply  Equilibrium and Disequilibrium  Production  Costs to the Firm  Perfect Competition  Monopoly  Monopolistic Competition  Oligopoly  Resource Allocation  Introduction to Welfare Economics  Theory of Distribution Suggested Text Books: • • Hardwick, Philip. et al (1986). “An Introduction to Modern Economics”. 2nd edition. Longman Group Limited. Koutsoyiannis, A. (1988). “Modern Microeconomics”. 2nd edition. Macmillan Education Limited. Term-1st Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS 7 This course aims at broadening the perspectives of the students to understand the environment, structure and system in which a modern business enterprise operates. Course Contents:  Nature & Importance of business  Legal Forms of Business ownership  Partnership Company Form of Organization  Foreign Trade, Stock Exchange  Promotion & Formation of a Joint Stock Company  Share Capital Structure  Organs of Company Management  General Meetings  Winding Up of a Joint Stock Company  Cooperative Societies  Business Combinations  Marketing  Channels of Distribution  Salesmanship  Advertising  Share Capital Structure  Capitalization and Capital Structure Books Recommended: • • • Nisaruddin: “Business Organization”, Lahore (National Publishing Corporation) Barry 1 Reese & James P. O. Grady: 1991,”Business”, Boston, Houghton Miffin Co. Veron a Musselman & Eugene Hughes: “Introduction to Modern Business”, N.Y. McGraw Hill Term-1st BBA Course Outlines 8 Course Title: Course Objectives: MANAGEMENT The main objective of this course is to understand students the role of the successful managers in the 21st century and what style will help them achieve their organizational goals. Students may learn the theoretical aspects of management with the help of practical examples, which may help them, handle situations in the future. Students will also learn how to manage various resources of the organization efficiently and effectively. Students will be able to understand the concept of planning and decision-making, organizing, leading and controlling. Contents: Introduction to Management Managing and the Manager’s job  An introduction to management  The nature of management work  The new workplace  Basic managerial roles and skills  The nature of managerial work  The new workplace Traditional and Contemporary Issues and Challenges  The role of theory and history in management  The classical management perspective  The behavioral management perspective  The quantitative management perspective  Integrating perspectives for managers  Contemporary management issues and challenges The Environmental Context of Management The Environment and Culture of Organizations  The organization’s environments  The external environment  The Internal environment  The organization’s culture  Organization-environment relationships Term-1st BBA Course Outlines  The environment and organizational effectiveness The Ethical and Social Environment  Individual ethics in organizations  Emerging ethical issues in organizations  Social responsibility and organizations The Global Environment  The nature of international business  The structure of the global economy  Environmental challenges of international management  Competing in a global economy The Multicultural Environment  The nature of diversity and multiculturalism  Diversity and multiculturalism in organizations  Effects of diversity and multiculturalism in organizations 9  Managing diversity and multiculturalism in organizations Planning and Decision Making Basic Elements of Planning and Decision Making  Decision making and the planning process  Organizational goals  Organizational planning  Tactical planning  Operational planning  Managing goal-setting and planning processes Managing Strategy and Strategic Planning  The nature of strategic management  Using SWOT analysis to formulate strategy  Formulating business-level strategies  Implementing business-level strategies  Formulating corporate-level strategy  Implanting corporate-level strategy Managing Decision Making and Problem Solving Term-1st BBA Course Outlines  The nature of decision making  Rational perspective of decision making  Behavioral aspects of decision making  Group and team decision making in organizations Managing New Venture Formation and Entrepreneurship  The nature of entrepreneurship  The role of entrepreneurship in society  Strategy for entrepreneurial organizations  Structure of entrepreneurial organizations  The performance of entrepreneurial organizations The Organizing Process Basic Elements of Organizing  The elements of organizing  Designing jobs  Grouping jobs: Departmentalization  Establishing reporting relationships  Distributing authority  Coordinating activities  Differentiating between positions Managing Organization Design  The nature of organization design  Universal perspective on organization design  Situation influences on organization design  Strategy and organization design  Basic forms of organization design Managing Human Resource in Organizations  The environmental context of human resource management  Attracting human resources  Developing human resources 10  Maintaining human resources The Leading Process Managing Employee Motivation and Performance  The nature of motivation Term-1st BBA Course Outlines  Content perspective of motivation  Process perspectives on motivation  Popular motivational strategies The Controlling Process Basic Elements of Control  The nature of control  Operations control  Financial control  Structure control  Strategic control  Managing control in organizations Managing Operations, Quality and Productivity  The nature of operations management  Designing operations systems  Organizational technologies 11  Implementing operations systems through supply chain management  Managing total quality  Managing productivity Recommended Book(s): • Management 8th Edition by Ricky W. Griffin Term-2nd Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines MACRO ECONOMICS 13 ⇒ To familiarize students with the principles of macroeconomics. ⇒ To equip the students with appropriate tools for applying theory into practice. ⇒ To enable the students to understand the complex working of national economies with reference to close integration of economies under globalization. Contents:  Introduction  National Income Accounting  Classical Macroeconomic Theory  An Elementary Keynesian Macroeconomic Model  Keynesians Three Sector Macroeconomic Model  Keynesians Open Economy Macroeconomic Model  Consumption  Investment  Money and Interest  Income, Output, Money and Interest  Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply  Inflation  Macroeconomic Policy  The Nature of Economic Growth  Macroeconomic Controversies in Brief Suggested Text Books: • Abel B. Andrew & Ben S. Bernanke (1998).“Macroeconomics”. 3rd edition. Addison—Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. • Ekelund, Robert B. & Robert D. Tollison (1997). “Macroeconomics: Private Markets and Public Choice 5th edition. Addison — Wesley Publishing Company Inc. • Mankiw N. Gregory (1994). “Macroeconomics”. 2nd edition. Worth Publishers New York. • Shapiro Edward. “Macroeconomic Analysis “. Latest edition. Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. Term-2nd BBA Course Outlines 14 Course Title: Course Objectives: INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY This course covers introductory themes of the fields of Sociology and Political Science and their relationship with Social Economic and Political Developments. Contents: It touches upon factors of Socio-cultural development: socialization: gender and development and social institutions. It specifically focuses on the role of social institutions and their interrelationship in development covering the concept of individual family, community, social institutions (like religion, education etc) it underlines the concept of race/ethnicity, social class and social mobility and covers the population dynamics of social change, community participation and community development in Pakistan. Reading Books: • • • Horton, P.B. and Hunt, C.L. “Singapore: McGraw-Hill International Edition. Chaudhry, M.I., “Sociology”, Lahore: Aziz Publishers. Chaudhry, M.I., “Pakistan Society-A Sociological Perspective and Method”, Lahore: Aziz Publishers. • Dr. Anwar Alam, “Introduction to Sociology”, Department of Sociology, University of Peshawar Term-2nd Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines BUSINESS COMMUNICATION 15 The course enables the students to understand the concept, principles, forms & techniques of communication in business. It also aims at enabling them to write precisely & speak correctly after searching thoroughly and also to listen carefully. Contents: 1. The concept & Scope of communication.  Definition & Forms  Importance for organization and Individual  Directional Flow 2. Non-Verbal communication  Appearance  Body language  Silence, Time & Space 3. Components of Communication  Context  Sender  Message  Medium  Receiver  Feedback Barriers to Communication 4. Barriers to Communication  Conventions of Meaning  Perceptions of Reality  Values, attitudes & Opinions 5. The Principles of Communication  Completeness  Conciseness  Consideration  Concreteness  Clarity  Courtesy Term-2nd  Correctness 6. BBA Course Outlines 16 The Process of preparing Effective Business Messages  Planning steps  Organizational plans  Composing the Message 7. 8. Business Letters & Memorandums Standard Parts  Styles: Block, Full Block & semi Block Letter Writing:  Goodwill Messages & Direct Requests  Good news Messages  Bad news Messages 9. 10. Persuasive Requests  Sales Letters and other Persuasive Messages Job-related communications  Resume  Cover letter  Interviews 11. Oral Presentations Importance  Preparing  Delivering 12. 13. Listening Skills: Meetings  Calling Meetings: Agenda & Notice  Conducting Meetings  Minutes 14. Report Writing  Definition & Importance  Types  The Process of Report Writing  Parts of Business Reports Term-2nd Suggested Text Books: • BBA Course Outlines 17 Murphy, Herta A, (1998), Effective Business Communications, 7th Edition. The McGraw-Hill Companies • Rehman, Ataur Sh. (1999), Effective Business Communications and Report Writing, Revised Edition, Lahore Farrukh & Brothers Term-2nd Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines BUSINESS MATHS 18 The main objective of this course is to familiar the students without F.A/F.Sc. with knowledge of elementary mathematics that is essential to economics and to prepare them for taking further courses of quantitative nature. Contents:  Matrix algebra  Basic matrix operations  Matrix multiplication  Determinants  Expansions  Properties of determinants  Inverse of matrix  System of finding solutions  Application of matrices algebra  The real number systems  Functions  Quadratic functions polynomial functions  Exponential functions  Quadratic functions polynomial functions  Exponential functions  Logarithmic functions  Rectangular coordinate planes in 2-space  Graph of linear functions  Equation of line slope of line  Vector in 2 and higher space  Permutation  Combination and binomial theorem  Differential calculus  Limits  Rate of change  Definition of derivative Term-2nd  Graphical rule  Chain rule BBA Course Outlines 19  Derivative of exponential  Logarithmic and trigonometric functions  Partial differentiation integral calculus  Indefinite integral  Integration formulas  Techniques for finding indefinite integrals  Integration by change of variable  Further integration by parts  Definite integrals  Integration by change of graph of a function  Simple introduction to differential equations Recommended Book: • Mirza Muhammad Hassan & Muhammad Ali Mirza (1995) Business Mathematics, Karachi Farooq Kitab Ghar. • • • George B. Thomas and Ross L. Finney. Calculus and Analytic Geometry (9th Edition) Larson, Hosteller and Edwards Calculus. . (6th Edition) Term-2nd BBA Course Outlines 20 Course Title: Course Objectives: MARKETING Main objective of the course is to develop the students’ understanding of basic marketing concepts. To appreciate the importance of the separate marketing functions, the management of these functions, and how each function affects other functions within the marketing structure? The major functions are marketing management, new product development, marketing mix and consumer and business buying behavior. The course will emphasize on to change the traditional concept of marketing from selling or advertising to customer satisfaction and value providing system. The course will also emphasize on how to maximize customer satisfaction and practice marketing ethically and morally. Contents: Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationship What is marketing? Understanding the marketplace and consumer needs Designing a customer driven marketing strategy Building customer relationship Capturing value from customers The new marketing landscape Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to Build Customer Relationships  Companywide strategic planning: Defining marketing role  Planning marketing: parenting to build customer relationships  Marketing strategy and marketing mix  Managing the marketing efforts Marketing Environment  The company’s microenvironment  The company’s microenvironment  Responding to the marketing environment Managing Marketing Information  Assessing marketing information needs  Developing marketing information  Marketing research Term-2nd BBA Course Outlines  Analyzing marketing information 21 Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior  Model of consumer behavior  Characteristics affecting consumer behavior  The buyer decision process  The buyer decision process of a new product Business markets and Business Buyer Behavior  Business markets  Business buyer behavior  Institutional and government markets Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning: Building the Right Relationship with the Right Customers  Market segmentation  Target marketing  Positioning for competitive advantage Product, Services and Branding Strategy  What is a product?  Product and service decisions  Positioning fro competitive advantage New Product Development and Product Life Cycle Strategies  New product development strategy  Product life cycle strategies Pricing Products: Pricing Considerations and Approaches  What is a price?  Factors to consider when setting prices Pricing Products: pricing Strategies  New product pricing strategies  Product mix pricing strategies  Price adjustment strategies Marketing Channels and Supply Chain Management  Supply chain and value delivery network  Channel behavior and organization Retailing and Wholesaling  Retailing  Wholesaling Term-2nd BBA Course Outlines Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy  The marketing communication mix  Integrated marketing communication Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public Relations  Advertising  Sales promotion  Public relations Personal Selling, and Direct Marketing  Personal selling  Managing the sales force  The personal selling process  Direct marketing Creating Competitive Advantage  Competitor analysis  Competitive strategies Marketing in the Digital Age  Digitalization and connectivity  Marketing strategy in the digital age 22 Recommended Book(s): • Principles of Marketing 11th Edition by Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong Term-3rd Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines ACCOUNTING 23 This course is designed to introduce basic Principles and practices of accounting system. It aims at equipping the students to understand the knowledge & mechanism and design of accounting system use in sole proprietor business. Course Contents:               Accounting Nature & purpose of Accounting The accounting equation Journal Ledger Trial Balance Measuring business Income Financial Statements Adjusting and closing entries Work sheet Accounting for purchases and sales Manual Accounting system Controlling accounts and subsidiary ledgers The control of cash transaction and preparation of bank reconciliation Statement Meigs, Walter B., Accounting, the Basis for Business Decisions, New York, McGraw-Hill. Heronanson, Roger H., Accounting Principles, Special Edition, Texas, Business Publication. Larson, Kermit D., Fundamental Accounting Principles, Homewood IL, Irwin. Fees, Philip E and Niswonger, C. Rollin, Accounting Principles, Chicago, South-Western Publishing co. Recommended Books: • • • • Term-3rd Course Title: BBA Course Outlines MARKETING MANAGEMENT 24 Course Objectives: To introduce the students of multi-disciplinary academic backgrounds, with the introductory concepts of marketing in to prepare them for taking relatively advance courses In the future. Course Contents:  An Overview of Marketing  Defining & Delivering Customer Value & Satisfaction (Philip Kotler)  Consumer Markets & Buying Behaviour  Market Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning  Product Planning & Development  Brands, Packaging & other Product Features  Price Determination  Channels of Distribution  Integrated Marketing Communication Recommended Books: Text Book: • Stanton J. Williams, 2001, Marketing Management, New York, McGrawHill Inc. Supplemental Readings: • Hall • Kotler Philip, Armstrong Gary, 1997, Principles of Marketing, Kotler Philip, 2000, Marketing Management, New Jersey, Prentice New Jersey, Prentice Hall Term-3rd Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 25 The Management of human resource has changed significantly during the past decades. New approaches are applied to handle the diversified human resource in modem organization. Organizations are made up of “man (human)” and “material” that need a knowledge and skill to put them in the best possible formation for higher productivity and employee’s satisfaction. This course is designed to focus more on the management of human (employees) side of the organization in term of their recruitment, maintenance, and development for higher productivity and satisfaction. Topics are chosen to introduce the students to general management whose job inevitably will involve responsibility for managing people along with organizational assets Contents:  Basic concepts of Human Resource Management  New issues and Challenges in Human Resource Management  Human Resource Functions  Human Resource Management in Transition  Job Analysis and Human Resource Planning  Recruiting and selection  Staffing  Training and development  Performance appraisal  Career Management  Compensation: Direct and Indirect  Motivational strategies  Managerial Ethics  Safety and Health programs  Collective Bargaining and Unions  International dimensions of Human Resource Management Recommended Books: • • Wayene F. Cascio, Managing Human Resources, fourth International Edition, 1996 William B. Werther & Keith Davis, Human Resource & Personnel, McGraw Hill Boston. 1997 Bernardin & Russell, Human Resource Management 2nd edition, McGraw Hill Fred Luthans, 1996. Organizational Behavior, 8th edition, McGraw Hill. • • Term-3rd • BBA Course Outlines 26 Decenzo- P.Robins,1999, New York. Personnel Mgt. Term-3rd Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines MONEY & BANKING 27 This course is designed to give an overview of the monetary, banking and financial structure of the economy so as to highlight its role and importance in the establishment and operation of the modern business. Course Contents:       Money and exchange value of money Commercial banking Central banking Monetary policy and credit control Sources of finance Financial instruments and financial intermediaries Recommended Books: • Roger LeRoy Miller and Pulsinelli, Robert W., Modern Money and Banking, New York McGraw-Hill. • Meenai, S.A., Money and Banking in Pakistan, Karachi, Oxford University Press. • Diulio, Eugene A., Theory and Problems of Money and Banking, (Schaum’s Outline Series), International Edition, Singapore, McGraw—Hill. Term-3rd Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines INTRODUCTION TO (IT) 28 ⇒ To familiarize students with the basics concepts of Computer, Software, Hardware Input/Output Devices. ⇒ To introduce the social impacts of computers. Course Contents:  Information Technology, Introduction to Computer, Component of Computer, Hardware, Software, Input hardware, Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Touch pad, Touch panel etc.  History of Computing as well as Computer, their Function and Application.  Output hardware detail and their function, Monitor and LCD its function, Printer, Plotter etc.  Software and its type: System software & Application software and their types.  The uses of Computer in Office, Industry and Education as well as the impact of computer in every daily life.  Introduction to Microsoft Windows XP, their Feature and system requirement for installation.  Step by step Explanation of Windows XP Installation process.  Installation of different hardware drivers (Installation of Printer, Modem, LAN card etc)  Installation of different application software packages  Explanation of different commands of Windows, Windows Explorer, Desktop, Cut, Copy, Paste etc.  Explanation of Control Panel option in detail i.e. Add/Remove Hardware, Software, Internet, User Account etc.  Introduction to Microsoft Word. Explanation of Menu bar (i.e. File, Edit, View, Insert, Format etc.) and Tool bar different options.  Introduction of Database, Introduction to Microsoft Access. Explanation of Menu bar and Tool bar different options.  Introduction to Internet, Making an Internet connection on your computer system, WEB, URL, Address etc.  Do Recommended Books: Term-3rd • • BBA Course Outlines 29 Introduction to Computers by Peter Norton Introduction to Computer Concepts by Aisha Sultana Term-4th Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines BUSINESS LAW 31 ⇒ To develop an insight about the business laws & regulations as practiced in Pakistan. ⇒ To educate the course participants about the business culture & corporate culture in Pakistan. ⇒ To give the students an exposure of the principles of Contract act, & the interpretation of contracts. ⇒ To study the principles underlying the sales of goods. ⇒ To teach the students about the principles of the companies Ord. 1984 ⇒ To study the Principles of Negotiable instruments. Contents:  The importance of business sector in any economy with special reference to Pakistan.  The business sector in the wake of internationally developing market economy.   Business Laws & Regulations as practiced in Pakistan. The Contract act The importance of contracts, its ingredients, interpretation, enforceability, novation, substitution.  Sales of Goods Act The principles underlying the sales of goods, the concept of agency, the rights & duties of the principal & agent.  Companies Ord. 1984 The meaning scope & subject matter, formation of company, election of directors, memorandum & Articles of association of company, special resolution, working of a company, winding up of a company.  Negotiable instruments Act A brief analysis of the negotiable instruments types of instruments, honouring & dishonoring of negotiable instruments. Text Books: • • • • The Corporate Culture in Pakistan The Companies Ord. 1984. The Sales of Goods Act. Negotiable Instruments ACT. Term-4th • • • BBA Course Outlines 32 The Contract Act _____________________________Farani The Principles of Contract Act ______________ Shaukat Mehmood. CLD (Corporate Law Digest) Annual Journals/Magazine Term-4th Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines BUSINESS STATISTICS 33 The course is intended for students, in all areas of business and management. Statistical method, and techniques for research and effective decision-making are discuned. Course contents: Introduction to statistics descriptive and inferential statistics population and sample data collection methods data organizing measures of central tendency and dispersion various approaches to probability sample space exp eriment event complement rule, normal probability distribution, sampling techniques, sampling distribution, central limit theorem, point and interval estimation, sample size, chi-square test, simple regression and correlation, index numbers. Recommended book: • Anderson, D. R.Sweeney, D.J.and W.Williams, T.A. (1991) “Introduction to Statistics; Concepts and Applications” West Publishing Company, New York. • Levin. R.I, “Statistics for Management”, Englewood cliffs, prentice-Hall, New York, 1993. • GM Clarke and Arnold (1992), “A Basic course in statistics”. Term-4th Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines BUSINESS FINANCE 34 This course is designed to give an orientation to the students about the concepts, importance and role of finance in business operations. Contents:  Introduction To Finance, Scope, Relationship To Other Fields  Management of Working Capital  Cash & Marketable Securities Management  Account Receivables Management  Inventory Management  Management of Current Liabilities  Fund Analysis, Cash Flow Analysis  Financial Planning Suggested Books: • Van Horn, J. C., and Wachowich, Jr., J .M. (1998), Fundamentals of Financial • Management, N, .J., Prentice Hill International, Inc. (Preferably latest addition), if available) Term-4th Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines OFFICE MANAGEMENT TOOLS-I 35 ⇒ To familiarize students with the basics concepts of Word processing and spread Sheets. Course Contents: MS-Word: Introduction to interface, Basic concepts & features: Creating, Saving, Editing & Printing Documents, Text Formatting: Working with Fonts, Paragraphs, Bullets & Numbering, Columns, Spelling Checking, Inserting Page Nos., Date, Time, Comments, Break, Picture, Text Box, Hyperlink, Working With Tables: Draw, Insert, Delete, Changing Text to Tables and Vice Versa, Merging, Splitting Cells, Foot Note, End Note, Bookmarks, Text Box, Changing the Direction of Texts, Formula, Auto Text, Toolbar and its Types, Headers and Footers, etc. MS-Excel: Introduction to Interface, Basic Concepts & Features: Creating, Saving, Editing & Printing Sheets, Lists: Auto List, Custom List, Formatting: row, Column, Sheet, Cells, Conditional Formatting, Inserting: Cells, Row, Columns, Comments, Functions, Picture, Hyperlinks, Chart, Data Manipulation: Goal Seek, Scenarios, Auditing, Macro, Sharing, Sorting, Filtering, Form, Subtotals, Validation, Table. Power Point: Creating presentation slides, Slides Transitions, Applying visual and sound Effects on Presentation Slides, inserting New Slide, Applying different Design Templates on slides, Running Slide Show, Implementing time Intervals. Using Mouse events in slides Recommended Books • • • Stephen L. Nelson, l999 Office 2000 The Complete Reference, Osborne/McGraw-Hill, Berkeley, California 94170 USA. Gini Courter, 1999, Annette Marquis, Microsoft Office 2000, BPB Publications, New Dehli, India. Ed Bott, 2000, Woody Leonhard, Using Microsoft Office 2000, QUE Series Special Edition, Prentice Hall, India. Term-4th Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY AND BEHAVIOR (OTB) 36 This course is designed to introduce the students to basic mechanics and dynamics of organizations which mainly emphasize the relationship between organizations and people in term of their perception, motivation, back ground differences and the ways they behave in organization. This course, in a way, is a multidisciplinary approach in which topics like culture and modern management issues are discussed. Course Contents:  Introduction to the nature and study of organization  Contemporary issues of modern organizations in the fast changing world.  Employees Perceptions and its impacts on organizational efficiency.  Group discussions on related case studies  Personality and attitude  Motivation in organization  Group dynamics  Leadership  Group discussions on related case studies  Decision Making  Stress  Interpersonal and intra—organizational conflicts  Communication  Group discussions on related case studies  Organizational Change and Development  Work force diversity and Modern organizations Recommended Books: • • • • Jit S. Chandan (2001) Organizational Behaviour, Vikan Publishing House New Delhi. Stephen P. Robbins (1998) Organizational Behaviour, New Jersay, Prentice- Hall. Fred Lothan (1998) Organizational Behaviour, (10th Edition) New York, McGraw-Hill. Marshall Sashkin, (1984) Organizational, Restor Publishing Company Virginia. Term-5th Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines LOGIC & CRITICAL THINKING 37 ⇒ To familiarize students with basic concepts of logic. Contents: Introduction: What is logic? Argument, Premises and Conclusions, Deduction and Induction, Truth and Validity. The Uses of Language:  Three basic functions of language.  Discourse serving Multiple Functions.  Kinds of Agreement and Disagreement  Emotively Neutral Language. Fallacies:  Fallacies of Relevance.  Fallacies of Ambiguity.  Avoiding Fallacies. Deduction:  Disputes, Verbal disputes and Definitions.  Kinds of definitions and Revolution of disputes. Categorical Syllogism:  Categorical Propositions and classes.  Quality Quantity and Distribution.  Symbolism and Diagram for Categorical Syllogism.  Standard-Form Categorical Syllogism.  Venn-Diagram technique for Testing Syllogism.  Rules and Fallacies. Symbolic Logic:  The values of Special symbols.  The symbols for Conjunction, Disjunction and Negation.  Conditional Statements and material implication.  Truth tables  Statement form Material Equivalence, and Logical Equivalence  The Three “Laws of Thought”. (Method of deduction). Term-5th  Rules of inference.  Rules of replacement  Formal proof of validity. Induction: BBA Course Outlines 38 Analogy and Probable Inference:  Argument by Analogy.  Appraising Analogical Argument. Casual Connections:  The meaning of “Cause”.  Mill’s Methods of Experimental Inquiry A Brief Introduction of Science and Hypothesis:  The values of science.  Explanations: Scientific and Unscientific.  Evaluating Scientific Explanation. Required Reading: • • • Copi, Irving M., Introduction to Logic, New York Macmillan Hurley, P.G., Introduction to Logic, California, Worth Publishing Co. Lemmon, E.J., Beginning Logic, India — Polis Hachett Publishing Co. • Kearns, John T. The Principles of Deductive Logic, Albary State University of New York Press • Jeffery, Riched, Formal Logic: Its Scope and Limits, N.Y. McGraw-Hills. Term-5th Course Title: Objectives: BBA Course Outlines MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS 39 ⇒ To familiarize students with the principles of economic theory. ⇒ To equip the students with appropriate tools of analysis of decision science ⇒ To enable the students to understand and solve decision making problems faced by management Contents: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Introduction to Managerial Economics Economic Optimization Demand Analysis Demand Estimation Demand Forecasting Production Theory and Estimation Cost Theory and Estimation Linear Programming Market Structure Pricing Practices  Cost-Plus Pricing  Incremental Analysis in Pricing  Price Discrimination  Profit Maximization under Price Discrimination  Multiple-Product Pricing  Case Studies xi. Decision Making under Uncertainty  Risk in Economic Analysis  Utility Theory and Risk Aversion  Adjusting the Valuation Model for Risk  Further Techniques for Decision Making under Uncertainty  Case Studies xii. Capital Budgeting  The Capital Budgeting Process Term-5th BBA Course Outlines  Net present Value Analysis  Other Issues in Project Evaluation  Steps in the Capital Budgeting Process  Case Studies 40 Term-5th Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 41 The object of this course is to enlarge the existing accounting knowledge of the students and improve it to include the Accounting system as followed in the case of partnership and company type of business. Course Contents:  Accounting for Partnership  Valuation and Treatment of Goodwill  Admission of a New Partner  Revaluations of Assets and Liabilities  Retirement of a Partner and Dissolution of Partnership  Accounting for Companies  Formation, Share Capital and its Kinds  Issue of Shares and Debentures  Purchase of Business  Profit and Loss Prior to Incorporation  Preparation of Final Accounts According to the Company’s Ordinance 1984  International Accounting Standards  Depreciation Methods Recommended Books: • Ghani, M.A., Principles of Accounting, theory technique and Applications, Lahore, Chaudhry Book Depot. • Meigs, Robert F. and Meigs, Walter B., Financial Accounting, New York, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. • Larson, Kermit D. and & Pyle, William W., Financial Accounting, Homewood, Illinois, Irwin. • Khan, Nisar-ud-din Advanced Accounting Lahore, Aziz Publisher. Term-5th Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines S & ME’s Management 42 This is a course about starting and growing a high potential business. Though we traditionally think that “small is beautiful”, the course focuses on businesses that are not intended to be small throughout their duration Rather we hope that with hard work and good luck, your “small” business can be expected to develop into a large and complex enterprise. A key vehicle for this effort is the business plane. The business plan helps you qualify the opportunity, and attract support from others. It helps engage and energize the founding team, investors, strategic partners, and vendors for your proposed business. An effective plan is a guide to managing the increasingly complex set of dynamics of a start-up, by providing the mileposts, and by indicating the resources that will be required to achieve them. Finally, it can provide a continuously updated set of guidelines against which you can evaluate actual performance. Course Contents: Entrepreneurs:  A Powerful Economic Force Strategic Management:  Gaining a Competitive Edge  Choosing a Form of Ownership  Franchising and the Entrepreneur  Buying an Existing Business  Crafting a Winning Plan  Creating a Guerrilla Marketing Plan  Creating a Solid Financial Plan  Managing Cash Flow  Pricing and Credit Strategies  Creative Use of Advertising and Promotion  Global Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs  E-Commerce and Entrepreneurship  Sources of Equity Financing Sources of Debt Financing:  Location  Layout  And Physical Facilities Term-5th  Purchasing BBA Course Outlines 43  Quality Management and Vendor Analysis  Managing Inventory  Staffing and Leading a Growing Company  Management Succession and Risk Management  Ethics  Social Responsibility  And the Entrepreneur The Legal Environment:  Business Law and Government Regulation Recommended Books:  Effective Small Business Management: An Entrepreneurial Approach, 7/e, Norman Scarborough, Thomas Zimmerer Term-5th Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS 44 ⇒ To Familiarize students with basic research process ⇒ To familiarize students with application of research in business at each step ⇒ To train students so that they can conduct a small research themselves ⇒ To familiarize students with internship process and to train them to write internship report Course Contents: Introduction to Research What is Research, Type, need and usefulness of Business Research? Need of Research for Managers Hallmarks of Scientific Research Research Process  Broad Problem Area  Preliminary data collocation  Problem Definition  Theoretical Framework  Hypotheses Development Elements of Research design and type of Research design. Qualitative Research, Quantitative Research. Case study Research, action Research, survey Research. Measurement of variables Data collection Methods  Observation  Interviews  Overbomarse  Data Analysis and interpretation  Research Report Writing  Internship Process and Internship Report Writing Course Text Books: • • Sekran, Uma (1999) Research Methods for Business. A skill building approach, third edition. New York: John Wiley E. Sons, Inc. Ziauddin (2003) Management Internship Manual. Peshawar: Institute of Management Studies, University of Peshawar. Term-6th Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines ENTREPRENEURSHIP 45 Entrepreneurship is an important component in the process of economic development. The purpose of this course is to analyse the theories of entrepreneurship and to go for case studies of successful entrepreneurs. Course Contents:  Introduction: The concept of entrepreneurship, The economist view of entrepreneurship, The sociologist view, Behavioral approach, Entrepreneurship and Management The Practice of Entrepreneurship: The process of entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Management, The entrepreneurial business, Entrepreneurship in service institutions, The new venture Entrepreneurship and Innovation: The Innovation concepts, Importance of innovation for entrepreneurship, Sources of Innovative opportunities, The innovation process, Risks involved in Innovation Developing Entrepreneur: Entrepreneurial profile, Trait approach to understanding entrepreneurship, Factors influencing entrepreneurship, The environment, Socio cultural factors, Support systems Entrepreneurship organization: Team work, Networking organization, Motivation and Compensation, Value system Entrepreneurship and SMES: Defining SMEs, Scope of SMEs, Entrepreneurial, managers of SME, Financial and marketing problems of SMEs Entrepreneurial Marketing: Framework for developing entrepreneurial marketing, Devising entrepreneurial marketing plan, Entrepreneurial marketing strategies, Product quality and design Entrepreneurship and Economic Development: Role of entrepreneur in the economic development generation of services, Employment creation and training, Ideas, Knowledge and skill development, The Japanese experience Paul Burns and Jim Dew Hurst: Small Business and Entrepreneurship P.N. Singh: Entrepreneurship for Economic Growth Peter F. Drucker: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Peter F. Drucker John B. Miner: Entrepreneurial Success        Recommended Books: • • • • Term-6th Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines COST ACCOUNTING 46 The Course is designed to impart knowledge about record maintain specially in manufacturing field and provide cost data to the Management for prompt decision making. Course Contents:  The nature of cost accounting  Scope and importance of cost accounting  Preparation of income statement and balance sheet  The concept of cost  Classification of cost  The cost accounting system  Cost accounting cycle  The factory ledger and general Ledger  Job orders costing and process costing including the preparation cost of production report and the treatment of beginning inventory  By-products and Joint Products  Methods of allocation of joint cost Recommended Books: • Matz, Adolph and Usry, Milton F., Cost Accounting, Planning and Control, Chicago, South-Western Publishing Co. • Jain, S.P. and Narang, K.L., Practical Problems in Cost Accounting, New Delhi, Kalyani Publishers. • Horngren, Charless T., Cost Accounting, A Managerial Emphasis, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, Private Limited Term-6th Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 47 To develop, the understanding of Consumer Behavior Process and to introduce the significance of various factors influencing it. Course Contents:  The Significance and Diversity of the Subject of Consumer Behavior  The Consumer Movement  The Consumer Behavior Process  The Consumer as an Individual  Consumer Needs & Motivation  The Dynamic Nature of Motivation  Personality & Consumer Behavior  Consumer Innovativeness & Related Personality Traits  Consumer Susceptibility to Interpersonal Influence  Consumer Ethnocentrism  Response to Foreign-Made Products  Consumer Perception: Consumer imagery of the 4Ps and Perceptive Risks  Consumer Attitude Formation & Change: Consumers in their social & cultural settings  Groups Dynamics & Consumer Reference Groups  Social class & Consumer Behavior  The Influence of Culture on Consumer Behavior  Opinion Leadership & its dynamics  Four views of Consumer Decision Making: Economic  Passive  Cognitive and Emotional Recommended Books: • Schiffman G. Leon, 1 997, Consumer Behaviour, New York, PrenticeHall, Inc. • Mowen John, 1987, Consumer Behaviour, New York, Macmillan Publishing Company. Term-6th Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines OFFICE MANAGEMENT TOOLS-II 48 ⇒ To familiarize students with the basics concepts of Data Storage, Processing and data Management methodologies. Course Contents: Introduction to databases:                Fields records and Tables Concept of Keys Access Objects Use of different wizards for creation of Table Objects Data types and properties Creation of Relationship Introduction to Query Objects Creation of query through wizards SQL format of Query Introduction to Report Object Designing reports through Wizard Introduction to Macros Use of Macros in forms Introduction to form Object Designing firm through wizards Recommended Books: • Stephen L. Nelson, 1999, Office 2000 The Complete Reference, Osborne/McGraw-Hill Berkeley, California 94170 USA. • Gini Courter, 1999, Annette Marquis, Microsoft Office 2000, BPB Publications, New Dehli, India. • Ed Bott, 2000, Woody Leonhard, Using Microsoft Office 2000, QUE Series Special Edition, Prentice Hall, India. Term-6th Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines OPERATION & PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT 49 The main objectives of the course are to introduce the field of production/operations management. Topics to be covered represent a bland of concepts from industrial engineering, Cost Accounting, General Management, Quantitative Methods and Statistics. This will include some operations as well as strategic issues such as: Applied forecasting, Aggregate planning, Scheduling, Shop floor control, Total quality management, Inventory management and Facility layout and project management Course Contents:  Introduction  Importance of operation management  Design of and effective operational system including a through understanding of various operational strategies and their implicative impact on the over all production and operation of a company  Operations management and corporate profitability  Characteristics of a manufacturing system  Difference between manufacturing and service operations  Various forecasting techniques including simulations and aggregate product planning for attaining TQM  Japanese style of manufacturing utilizing techniques and trends for attaining quality assurance with the use of techniques such as “kanban”  Capacity planning  Process design  Facility layout and location  Implementation of an effective operational strategy with a perspective emphasizing on the operational system of the future in the global market Text Books: • James D. Dilworth: Production and Operations Management, McGraw Hill • Elwoood S. Buffa and Rakesh K. Sarin: Modern Production/Operations Management, John Wiley Term-7th Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 51 The objective of this course is to develop among students an understanding of the pervasive nature of finance in the overall management and policy formulation of an organization. Course Contents: Nature and scope of Financial Management, Time value, of Money, Cost of capital, Determining incremental cash flows, Capital budgeting Techniques, Managerial options in Capital Budgeting, Valuation of a firms shares in an effectual Market frame work based on portfolio analysis and CAPM, Capital structure planning, Dividend policy, Working capital Management, Short term, Intermediate term & Long term Financing. Recommended Books: • Schall, Lawrence D. and Haley, Chales W., Introduction to Financial Management, New York, McGraw Hill. • Van Horne, James C., Financial Management and Policy, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice Hall. • Viscione, Jerry A, and Roherts Gordon S., Contemporary Financial Management, New York, Maxwell Macmillan. Term-7th Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines BUSINESS ETHICS 52 To educate students regarding basic concepts of ethics and values, particularly in business. Course Contents: Nature of Business Ethics and its importance in organization, Ethical Dilemmas in Management and Organizations, Ethics Development System (OEDS), Ethical Decision- making in managers, developing codes of ethics and conduct, ethical and value-based leadership, values, ethical theories, work ethics, corporate Social responsibility, value-based Governance in organizations, protection of stake holders including environment employees guarding against harassment. Recommended Text: • Business Ethics and Managerial Values by S.K Bhatia, Deep & Deep Publications, Dehli, 2002. • • The Essence of Business Ethics, by Peter Prattey, Prentice Hall or India Business Ethics: The State of the Art, by R. Edward Freeman, Oxford University Press Term-7th Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines SYSTEM ANALYSIS & DESIGN 53 To familiarize students about System development Life Cycle, Multifaceted role of System Analysts, Importance of System Planning and Investigation, Tools of Structured Analysis, Cost Benefit Analysis, Feasibility, Report and System Implementation and Maintenance. Course Contents: Introduction to System Analysis & Design: System & its components, Types of system, System Characteristics, System Development life Cycle, Role of System Analysts, Analysis Phases: Study of current System, Information gathering, Structured Analysis Techniques, Documentation Study, Feasibility study, System Design, Design Phase: Logical & physical Design, Input/Output Design, Code Design, Database Design, Form Design, File Organization, Implementation Phase, System Testing, Quality Assurance, and Conversion, H/W & S/W Selection, Post Implementation & Maintenance. Recommended Books: • Raymond Mcleod, Jr., 1999, Management Information System, Prentice Hall, N.J USA • Elias M.Awad, 1999, System Analysis and Design, Galgotia Publications, New Dehli. • Charles Parker and Thomas, 1993, Management Information System Strategy and Action, McGraw-Hill Publications, New Debli. Term-8th Course Title: Course Objective: BBA Course Outlines MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM 55 This course is a fundamental course for the students of business administration for BBA and MBA degree. The course is designed to give concept of Information Systems and their importance for business success. Different Information Technology applications in business to manage better and how it will provide support to decision makers for strategic business decisions will be discussed. Different applications like Hospital Information System, Corporate Information Systems, City Information Systems, Crime Information and control Systems, Transaction process System etc. will be discussed and students will have to submit a project and present it at the end of course. Course Contents:                       Introduction History of Information Systems and its Importance Application Software Basic Components etc. Using Information Technology for Electronic Commerce Current Focus on Information Use Problems in Implementing Global Information Systems GIS Implementation Strategies Ethical Implications of Information Technology Moral Ethics and the Law Ethics and Information Services Codes of Ethics System Theory and Methodologies System Model of the Firm Use of System in Firm The Systems Approach Problem Solving Preparation Definition And Solution Efforts System Life Cycle Methodologies Term-8th          • • • • Planning Analysis BBA Course Outlines 56 Designing and Implementation Phase Computer as Problem Solving Tool The Role of Hardware and Software in Problem Solving Multimedia and its Importance in Problem Solving The Database and Database Management System Data Communication Networks and Computer Based Information Systems Recommended Books: Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon: Management Information SystemsManaging the Digital Firm James O’Brien: Management Information Systems Larry Long & Nancy Long: Introduction to Computer Information System Raymond Mcleod, Jr. Published: Management Information Systems, Prentice Hall Term-8th Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES FOR MANAGEMENT 57 This course aims at equipping the students with the quantitative tools and techniques in management. Most of these tools have a wide range of application including banking and finance. The focus of the course is managerial decision making by applying scientific methods in general and mathematical models in particular Major topics that would be covered in this course include linear programming, inventory problems, queuing problems, game theory, decision theory and simulation. Reading List: • • • • Lievano, Anderso, Quantitative Management.: An Introduction Boston, Kent Publishing Company. Lucey, T, Quantitative Techniques, London, ELBS with Dp Publication Shahab-ud-Din Syed, Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Robin, Levin, Quantitative Approaches to Management, New York, McGraw Hill. Cole, William P. Quantitative Methods for Decision Making, New York, McGraw. Term-8th Course Title: Course Objectives: BBA Course Outlines FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS 58 Financial Institutions Management is an essential course for students who will be engaging in or seeking a career in the Australian banking and financial service industry. On successful completion of this course the student should have developed an analytical framework, basic skills and knowledge needed for the operation of financial institutions. An understanding of the application of modern banking and finance theory to managing performance and risks of banking and other financial institutions effectively, as well as maximizing shareholders’ wealth, is a central part of banking operations management in developing a strategic approach, and making optimal and informed financial decisions. Hence, this is essential to any study of banking, finance and risk management. Course Contents:  Introduction to Financial service industry: Other financial institutions financial Statements of Banks  Analyzing Bank Performance  Analyzing Bank Performance (cont)  Off-balance sheet activities  Interest Rate Risk Management  Interest Rate Risk Management (cont)  Using Derivatives to Manage Interest Rate Risk  Liabilities and Liquidity Management  Liabilities and Liquidity Management (cont)  Capital Management Recommended Books: • Chapter references from Lange et al. (2007) Financial Institutions Management, 2ed., Sydney: McGraw Hill • Nathan students only. Due to the public holiday, mid-semester exam for Gold Coast students will take


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