astro-for beginners-vol-1 nodes.pdf

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K.P. KRISHMAN'S ASTROLOGY FOR BEGINNERS ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ASTROLOGY (I to VI Vol.) I ASTROLOGY FOR BEGINNERS SEr (VOL 1 to 6) KRISHMAN & CO. BY SOTHIDAMAMANI K. SUBRAMANIAM EDITOR & PUBLISHER OF KP & ASTROLOGY S/o. PROF. LATE K.S. KRISHNAMURTHI FOUNDER OF ASTROLOGY &ATHRISHTA STELLAR SYSTEMS AUTHOR'S PREFACE TO THE BOOK Krishnamurti Padtldhati has rightly derived its name in the Divine Science of Astrology after the great inventor of the Padhdhati Late Sothida Mannan, Jyotish Prof. K.S.Krishnamurti. The Pa"dhdhati owes its outstanding to the unique discovery of the sub lord Theory and the Ruling planet method in the art of correct astrological predictions. No other known system of Astrology in this country has surpassed or equalled this Paddhati. After weathering many storms, for several decades this Padhdhati has evoked great interest amongst astrologers and come to stay and acknowledged as the most powerful, potent and effective too. . ···1 realm of astrological prediction. Suffice to say that K.P. ranks "par excellent" in the Astrological World. Sothida Mannan, Jyotish Marthand Prof . K.S. Krishnamurti had in his life time authored five readers ·on his Padhdhati covering almost all aspects· Of astrology including transit effects etc. The books were written in his own inimitable style and generally learners and practis- ing astrologers had little difficulty in learning this great subject. However, there was a yearning amongst the learners and well- wishers of this Padhdhati for more advanced information and elabora- tion of that led me to conceive the present publication viz "Astrology for Beginners". This book is mainly for beginners and learners to have an insight into Krishnamurti Padhdhati and their application in the read- ing of horoscopes of clients. The several important textual matters contained in the five readers ·have been brought in a condensed form and explained with adequate exampl es of horoscopes so as to be easily intelligible and understandable to the readers. However, it will not be out of place to mention that it is not a substitute to the five original readers authored by the great Master. If all, this is a preliminary and primary book. adumbreuing all the important basic principles .and theories of Krishnamurti Padhdhati at one place in one volume so as to enable the aspirants to learn the Padhdhati without any difficulty. The role of punarp"loo.Dosha, cusps and sub-lords, Vasthu Shastra etc. have been added and rtdequately dealt with in this book, much of which has not been found in the original readers. A chapter on Sub-sub theory is an added attraction to this book. It is hoped that this book will be of great use to beginners and other learners of this Padhdhati and will be accorded a great reception in the astrological world. No doubt it will constitute a valuable addition to ones astrological Library. A. U!HOR I ASTROLOGY FOR BEGINNERS VOLUME -I I 13. HOW DASA IS CALCULATED 76 14. NEED FOR CALCULAT)ON OF DASA 77 BALANCE, HOW THL Y:..SA BALANCED (CONTENTS) IS CALCULATED 15. GEMS 91 1. TOTAL NUMBER OF STARS ARE 27 2 16. ASTROLOGICAL SYMROLS 95 2. THE ZODIAC AND HUMAN BODY 4 17. ASTROLOGiCAL SVW:BOLS 95 3. BRANCHES OF ASTROLOGY 5 18. RAHU & KETU: THE NODES 99 4. VIMSHODDARI DASA 19 5. DICTIONARY OF ASTROLOGICAL 23 TERMS 6. THE MOTHER EARTH 33 7. TO LOCATE A PLACE ON THE EARTH 37 8. THE HEAVENS 42 9. DIFFERENT KINOS OF TIME 46 10. LOCAL MEAN TIME, CONVERSION OF 57 THE STANDARD TIME TO LOCAL 11. THE EPHEMERIS 64 12. VIMSHOTTARI DASA 74 !I Total Number of Stars are 2'1 I , 1 ! .Aswini ! 10 Maham ! 191 Mool(' 4( . " 1', ') f • t ..... J . .I ...., , " · •• , • ' 4( J Wl /. 3 r; ; t,:; / ': t; 4 : ( .. ,;'). '10.0(1 ! A rs I Taurus Venus Gemini f\.l ars I Tar•.JS ·· " j Cancer 1 I ;,; l - l " I I J I 63.20--06.40 " Scorpio Mars 66.40-70.00 70.00- 73.20 73.20- 76.40 I 76.40--so.oo I 80.00-83.20 i 83.20--s6.40 i 8G.40-90.00 1 ..... _ ·-· - ....... .. -- ! . 0"r "0- ?Q : ., , .v I 93.20 - 9G.40 I 96.40--100.00 I 1oo.oo- 1o3.2o I I 103.20-106.40 I 106.40-11 o.oo I 11o.oa-113.2o 1 11 3.20-116.40 1 116.40-120.00 Cancer Moon I Sauittarius Juriter Capri corn Saturn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Cancer Saturn Ma;s i VE>nu.-. ' l\1 ;:>: 0 Deg. -The distance of a place east or west to Greenwl1ich · The period taken by Moon to compl ete a circle, i.e., 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes -Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, wani ng Moon and atfiicted Mercury are said to be evil planets offering undesirable results 26 Masculine Planet Masculine Signs Medium Co ell Movable Signs Mundane Astrology Nativity Northffr'n Signs Nodes Occultation Opposition ASTROLOGY POR BEGII'JNEnS Uranus, Sallpn, Jupiter, Mars und Sun -Aries, Gemini \ Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius -Otherwise called Meridian (1 Otl1 cusp) or mid- heaven -Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. - A branch of tho science, whicl1 denls with eclipses •. ingresses, greut conjunctions, or comets, effects which tho affections to nations or community -The beginning of the 4th house (cusp) is called Nadir. It is also termed us lower 111eridian -The chart made for the moment of birth -Aries to Virgo are called Northern Signs, i.e., when Sun moves in these signs froni March 21st to September 23 -Rahu and Ketu are tho two nodes .of Moon. Generally the point of the Zodiac, where a planet crosses from the south to north latitude is the ascending·node and the point of the zodiac where a planet crosses from the north lntitud:'} to soulh latitude is cal led the IJ ''2 - --- 1) 9 o -----,;::-;-;- :;- ;'() o c 1 1 s o ,9 o o ------1-4-9--;· - - ·-j . ·- ----- --r- · - · --- .-___;:;;_ ___ .. --- -· ;; -- j ·- -- .: q=-=li ·:- 1 :: .L -- j: 1 --1: ;-u -- +':--; :; ]--- .;. · -· · :. ·o -----ts 3 Long-ud with benefics. If Rahu or Kethu be occupyinG the houses 6 cr 8 or 10 or 12, and if they receive aspect from any of the three lords or be conjoined with any of them, then during their dasas, the native will s.uffor. It Rahu or Ket!iu were to be In 6 or 8 or 12 and if they are conjoined with or aspccted by liJrds of 2 or 7, they affect the longevity of t11e native. It Rahu or Kethu were to be m either 6 or 8 or 12 and if they are connected with the lords of Kendra or Kona houses i.e .(l , 4, 7 or 10 ; or 1. 5, or 9) !hen the n3tive will enjoy the benr::ti cirll results during the sub period ,Jf a lord and they suffer from disease. undergo varietle:; of meet with accidents: and eithar succumb to :>uch inju.-it:s or C(,m•nit su1.:' ide or be drowned. If Rahu cr Kelhu occupy houses 1 or :l 4 or 7 or 9 1 0 and if r;laPfJtS (;Ofljoin the nodes or asprJct one can expect happiness. health, weali tl , chil dr•Jn, po'''t'r ancJ comfortable conveyance in their pe.-iods. According to Rahu is exalted in and debilitated in Scorpio.Vrischika vice versa is tha! of Kemu. Rahu owns Aquarius-Kumba. Kethu rules Scotpio, Vrisi or Uthrttadhi threatens ill -repute, injury by the person falling down or something falling on the person : bad association: misunderstanding with partner. It may lead even to divorce. There will be incessant contests and disputes with everybody : chronic ailment - rheumatism biliousness and disease due to wind .and bil e. The correspondence will be depressing . . Relatives will be in distress: Friends and well-wishers also will be in a helpless situa- lion; will remove the residence to an unfrequented, remote place and will prefer seclusion. Rahu in its own constellation. Arudhra, Swathi or Sathabisha will cause In mind : anxieties, petty quarrels; misuncferstanding with relatives, death of elders or partner in life: danger of poisoning. transfer to undesirable quarters; all varieties of scandal and ill -repute : ill-health : pain in joints : bites of ins .Jets: injury : may have to attend court as a witness at least : failure of intellect : of wealth ; if it is in the sub of a r.JenEiic one can become the head of the family, enjoy life; have promotion ; visit foreign places, etc. Rahu in Kethu's constellation ie., in Aswani, Makham or Moolam star threatens confusion, contradiction, danger from insects. frac- ture, piles, fistula, untimely meal, susceptibility to infectious dis- eases, ill -health to the members of the family, troubles through partner in life, enmity with superiors. loss of money, prestige honour, etc, loss of children, death of pet animals and cattle and mi sfortune of all kinds. But if Kethu is well posited in the horoscope, purchase of costly jewels, marriage, promotion, ownership of a ASTROLOGY FOR BEGINNERS 119 building or car, starting pf a business, birth of child, etc., are indicated. Kett1u in Sun's constellation ie .. in Karthikai, :; - · Uthrashada the following are indicated. Bodily pain, dis. .,; ,:- : ment in attempts, danger. blood poisoning, cardiac tr. obstacles In profession. disagreement with superiors, enrnuy, troubles In one's service, sickness to paternal relatives. long jour- ney, separation from family members, unfavorable Government order, loss in speculation. Kethu in Moon's constellation, i.e., in Rohini, Hastham or Saravanam star : mental depression : disputes - worry about fair sex - trouble through daughters and mother : cold, Pleurasy, Bronchitis. Pneumonia, T.B., loss of relatives and also money. But if Moon owns good houses - bhavas. one will have both social and financial success. Kethu in Mar's constellation. ie .• in Mrigasira, Ch{thra or Dhanishta : Troubl e due to rash action : injury amputation, dispute with brothers, partition, enemies. difficulty to have any progress. dif- ficulties through lands, poor yield from field, high fever, loss by theft , imprisonment, pi!es, operation, profuse bleeding, abortion. etc. If Mars is a benefic by lordship. marriage, purchase of houscr .. . maintenance of good health may be expected. Kethu in Mercury's constellation, i. e .• in Ashlesha, Jyeshta o· Revathi - no more evil - end of troubles (reunion with} ;;::!


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