Archetech - Issue 11 2013

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ARCHETECH Turning Dreams into Reality Issue 11 PAGE1.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:36 PAGE2.indd 1 04/07/2013 17:37 Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in Archetech Magazine, however, the publishers accept no responsibility for the claims or opinions made by contributors, manufacturers or advertisers. No part of the publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic (including printing), recording or stored in any information retrieval system without the express prior written consent of the publisher. Featu res Cate gorie s Indu stry N ews 1 0 - 11 Spot light 12 - 1 3 Exhib ition 14 Aqua riums 15 Arch itect ural M emb rane 19 Art 2 0 - 21 Awni ngs & Can opie s 23 Bath room s & K itche ns 24 - 29 Doo rs, W indo ws & Fittin gs 30 - 37 Drain age & Plu mbin g 38 - 44 Grou ting & Finis hing 45 Fixing s & F asten ers 4 6 - 47 Floor s & F loorin g 48 - 51 Heat ing & Ven tilatio n 52 - 56 Insula ted P anel s 57 Inte riors & Inter ior D esign 58 - 61 Lan dsca ping & Ex terna l Wor ks 68 - 69 Liftin g Sol ution s 72 Light ing & Elec trica l 73 - 74 2IÀFH �(QYLUR QPHQ W�75 - 7 7 Re crea tion & Leisu re 78 �5RRÀQ J� �& ODGGLQ J�79 - 81 Safe ty & Secu rity 8 6 Scr eens 87 Signs & Di splay s 88 - 89 Timb er 90 - 91 Gara ge Te k - 2 Is you r gar age looki ng tir ed a d un tidy? We c an trans form your gara ge in 3 or 4 da ys. TG St udios - 4 TG St udio s tran sform St Pa ncra s Pen thou se Apar tmen t Sove reign - 9 Outs tand ing o utdo or en viron men ts Klab Archi tectu re - 1 6 Klab Arch itect ure d esign 600m 2 phar mac y build ing. AR D esign Stud io - 2 2 It is n ot ev ery d ay th at a body is fou nd b uried on your build ing s ite, b ut on a su mme r’s m ornin g in 2012 this i s exa ctly w hat h appe ned. AR D esign Stud io - 2 6 Man or Ho use S table s - th e rad ical t ransf orma tion of an old s table bloc k into a stu nning 3 be droo m hous e. Cox Arch itectu re - 4 0 South Mor ang Rail E xtens ion - South Mor ang, Victo ria, A ustra lia HBA Lond on - 62 HBA Lond on d esign s a m ajest ic ho mag e to quee n eliz abet h ii a t the inter cont inent al Lo ndon Park Lane Limp ert Pe ers A rchite cts - 70 Occ upyin g a n arrow burg age plot, the existi ng build ing is a 17 th ce ntury dou ble-f ronte d tw o and a ha lf sto rey G rade II List ed te rrace d ho use in the Eton Con serva tion A rea Klab Arch itects - 82 Hous e in P alaio Psyc hiko Liz La ke A ssoci ates - 22 With over 25 y ears expe rienc es, c onta ct us and ÀQG�RX W�ZKDW �ZH�FD Q�GR�I RU�\RX Archetech Media Ltd Tel: 01843 228399 [email protected] ARCH ETEC H Mag azine Issue 11 PAGE3.indd 1 05/07/2013 07:54 TG Studio Transform St Pancras Penthouse Apartment PAGE4.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:40 TG-Studio has transferred this 3 bed room penthouse located in the grade 1 listed St Pancras chambers. The apartment is one of three penthouses in the 52 unit development by the Manhattan loft corporation. It covers the top three fl oors of the west tower of this famous London landmark. PAGE5.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:40 PAGE6.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:40 The client Arran Patel hired TG Studio to transform the unit from the standard developer spec into a personal and luxurious home. As the property is of highest public interest and the interiors listed by English Heritage as very significant, the floor plan had to be broadly maintained but all staircases, balustrading and partitioning, where possible, were replaced. The Studio and Arran worked closely together removing all bathrooms, floor finishes, built in wardrobes and the kitchen. The master bedroom, which is located on the top floor, is now reached through a new staircase that turns around an oak clad storage room reached off the main entrance hall. TG-Studio enlarged the floor area on this level and separated the space into a walk in wardrobe, finished in oak and sheep leather and presonalised to Arran’s needs. The master bedroom space is open plan but can be closed to the triple height living room by an electrical operated curtain. Arran let The Studio select and furnish the entire penthouse and a meridian bed in blue velvet was chosen in this bedroom flanked by vividly coloured lacquered bedside tables from Lema. The master ensuite has been enlarged too and now features a Portuguese travertine stone which has a cave like quality. The bathroom features an extra-large walk in shower with a flush TV and bespoke double sink unit finished in the stone, mirror and the textile oak present throughout the Penthouse, which enhances the earthy and organic feel of this sanctuary. The middle and lower floor (floor 4 and 5 of the building) are occupied by two levels of entertaining. A new staircase has been designed connecting both levels, featuring oak veneer, plan glass and wooden strangers painted in off white. PAGE7.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:41 The staircase consists of a bridge that connects to a library which is cantilevering the main part of the staircase. The library unit is the feature of the staircase and also forms the balustrade to one side. It offers storage for books, statues and other artefacts Arran collects. The upper floor measures approximately 800 sqft and accommodates a very comfortable seating area and a zone for the pool table, a collector’s item owned by the client. The living room features furniture from Poltrona frau, knoll and Lema. The lower open floor plan is laid out as a relaxed kitchen zone, dining area and tv watching area. The TV area is located opposite the kitchen and balances in its elevation the open plan kitchen. The joinery accommodates the AV equipment and a visible library and is kept very white with arrabascato stone as a vertical feature behind the TV. The dining table is from Poliform as are the chairs, the sofa is from zanotti, the rug from the rug company. From there the penthouse gives access to two bedrooms with a dressing area and en suite each a secondary entrance to the apartment and a guest WC and storage. The two en suite bathrooms are located in two gothic towers of the building which gives them great views of the surrounding area and a triple ceiling height. They have been finished in Arrabascato marble and each feature a low hanging chandelier to play with the unusual ceiling height. The flooring throughout the penthouse is by Schotten and Hansen, the kitchen by Gemini design and features gaggenau appliances with arrabescato backslash and Pietra Serena worktop. Two stones that are characteristic through their veining and are considered as character stones explains Thomas, director of TG- Studio. Thomas and Arran have enjoyed this project so much that they are now looking to work together creating luxurious places. They are currently looking in London and New York for their next project under a joint banner. PAGE8.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:41 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e * ** ] PAGE9.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:41 500 homes due for two London sites !e regeneration of Elephant & Castle in London is to see more than 500 new homes in the area. !ese will come partly in the form of a 37-storey tower - One !e Elephant, of 284 homes - with 235 other units at Trafalgar Place which is on the site of the old Heygate Estate. !e project is the latest stage of a £1.5 billion upgrade of the Elephant & Castle area coming from Lend Lease and Southwark Council. It is due to deliver roughly 3,000 homes and other bene"ts like shops, restaurants, community facilities and public spaces over 15 years. !e forthcoming homes at the two sites have been announced as “some of the most sustainable and energy e#cient places to live in Britain” by Lend Lease project director Pascal Mittermaier. Copyright Press Association 2013 ‘New dawn’ for housebuilding sector Britain’s housebuilding recovery has been underlined by new "gures suggesting a “new dawn” for the industry. Last month saw the biggest rise in construction output for over a year, according to the Markit/CIPS construction purchasing managers’ index (PMI). !is showed a reading of 51 last month - above the 50 level which divides growth from contraction and the highest rate since May 2012. Construction movements have now grown for two successive months for the "rst time in over a year, fuelled by a jump in residential housebuilding. Residential housebuilding activity has risen for "ve successive months, but growth levels eased from the two-year high seen in May. CIPS chief executive David Noble said: “A new dawn is emerging in the construction industry.” He said the con"dence of a sustained recovery is starting to build, thanks to two months of consecutive output growth and the pace of fresh orders expansion hitting a 13-month high. He added: “Housing is the leading light sustaining last month’s performance”, $ooring months of decline during the economic downturn. Kelvin Davidson, property economist at consultancy Capital Economics, said the "gures add to other evidence of a pick-up in the wider economy. Copyright Press Association 2013 Industry bosses pen Green Deal letter !e volume of construction output across the globe will increase by over 70% to $15 trillion by 2025, a new report by Global Construction Perspectives and Oxford Economics predicts. !e study indicates the rapid growth, which will move faster than international GDP, will be down in no small part to three nations; China, India and the US. Global Construction Perspectives executive director Graham Robinson said: “World construction markets are at a tipping point already with 52% of all construction activity in emerging markets today. We expect to see this increasing to 63% by 2025, with China and India contributing most to growth in emerging markets.” China replaced America as the largest construction market in the world in 2010. It is predicted that its global share will climb from 18% to 26% by 2025 despite an anticipated slowdown. Global Construction Perspectives’ Mike Betts said China and India need to build an additional 270 million new houses by 2025, tasked with making the majority a%ordable. !e report also shows major opportunities for Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines. !ese nations have become more appealing to manufacturing based on export and make up a $350 billion construction market increasing at over 6% each year. “While China is the key market, it would be a mistake to ignore the transformations happening elsewhere in Asia, which will help boost construction in Asia Paci"c,” said Oxford Economics director of industry services Jeremy Leonard. Copyright Press Association 2013 Ideal Standard International Continues to Support the Water Label At the Forefront of Water Efficiency Ideal Standard International is committed to making a difference to reducing water wastage and acts on this through the development of innovative water saving technology. It has developed hundreds of water saving products over the last decade. The Water Label gives consumers a variety of choice and price ranges with all listed products now having a new and easy to understand label. It is similar to the energy label seen on fridges and washing machines and shows at a glance how much water a product actually uses. The scheme is managed by the Bathroom Manufacturers Association which represents over ninety of the most well-known bathroom brands in the UK. Edmond Shipway appointed to YO! Sushi roll out Multi-disciplinary construction consultancy, Edmond Shipway, has recently begun work as CDM Co-ordinator on the latest in a programme of new store roll outs and upgrades for the Japanese restaurant chain, YO! Sushi. !e most recent scheme, located in a grade II listed building in the heart of Chester, Cheshire, follows the successful launch of Edmond Shipway’s "rst project for the restaurateurs at the UK’s newest shopping centre, Trinity Leeds. It is the third of a roll out of stores across the UK which will include a new development at Heathrow’s Terminal 2. Typically, the restaurants are to be located within existing retail complexes and Edmond Shipway’s role involves ensuring that any local issues e%ecting the development area are taken into account as well as highlighting and addressing any special requirements with the project team. In addition, it is their responsibility to guarantee that the design considers potential safety issues that could impact on the sta% and public, as well as managing the lifetime cleaning and maintenance concerns. On the Terminal 2 project, the team will address speci"c security requirements throughout the design process and manage the particular risks associated with working in a highly sensitive airport location. Edmond Shipway has also created a bespoke ‘YO! Sushi Building Manual’ which is now to be used as a standard template for this type of development by the group across the UK. A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 1 0] PAGE10.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:41 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 1 1] UBIX® TEMPORARY ROOF ENSURES HOLIDAY CENTRE IS READY FOR BUSINESS Bad weather can reap havoc in the construction sector causing costly delays and safety issues but this is compounded when building on the English coastline in the middle of winter. In a bid to combat frequent high winds as well as driving rain during the re-roofing of a leisure facility on the Devon coast, workers required a temporary roof to protect the site from the elements - the UBIX® Temporary Roofing System from COMBISAFE® was up for the challenge. One of the largest holiday centres in the Southwest, the Devon Cliffs Holiday Centre in Exmouth, has undergone a multi-million pound makeover which involved the renovation of one of the main buildings during the off-season. Specialist contractor Saxton Scaffolding were required to build a massive 40 x 35 meter temporary roof to protect the cliff edge site from the elements and ensure the building remained on track for completion prior to the re-opening in the spring of 2013. NFRC MEMBER AWARDED MBE FOR SERVICES TO CHARITY NFRC is thrilled to congratulate trade member Paul Strank, Managing Director of Paul Strank Roo!ng Ltd, who was recently awarded an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list for services to charity and to the community of Wimbledon, south west London. "e MBE highlights the 40 years of sheer and utter devotion Paul has poured into his local community and his tireless dedication to raising money for a number of children’s charities. From running, rattling a tin, attempts at record-breaking or even jumping out of a plane, he’s done it and in doing so has grown strong bonds with the local community. On his recent award, Paul said, “I am just a roofer and have been doing that since 1969. I thought that honours like this were for pop stars, celebrities and war heroes. I think for a roofer to get an MBE is unusual. You get to hear about it !ve weeks before it is announced, but you have to keep it quiet. "e letter says that I have been recommended by the Prime Minister to the Queen to receive an MBE – I must have read it over and over again about 12 times!” On behalf of NFRC, its members and the industry as a whole we salute Paul Strank MBE and we look forward to seeing what charitable work Paul has planned for the future. SIG ROOFING URGES CONTRACTORS TO BE VIGILANT WHEN CHOOSING SLATE An increase in incorrectly marked, inferior slate coming into the UK market poses a worrying threat to merchants and contractors, warns SIG Roo!ng Supplies - the leading supply chain experts of roo!ng materials in the UK and the largest distributor of natural slate in Europe. Following the recent collapse of the slate market in France and the desperate bid by some Spanish quarries to make up their volumes elsewhere, rust-risk (e#ectively T2) slates are being badged and sold as T1 slate. UK roofers are buying these ‘competitive’ slates, o$en little cheaper than good, reliable T1 slate, completely unaware of the risks they are taking. While some quarries may even have “T1” certi!cation for some of their product, they will have such a history of rust that knowledgeable importers will avoid them- or sell it as T2. "e temptation for some distributors is to hope for the best and sell them “as seen” and their a$er-sales service may be no better than their slates. Green Deal Finance Alternative Offer A Scottish company is offering a funding alternative to ‘green-minded’ consumers left frustrated with delays over the Government’s Green Deal energy efficiency drive. Firstcall Home Assist has already carried out hundreds of Green Deal assessments for households around Scotland who are keen to make their properties more energy efficient. But while the Green Deal scheme has been warmly received, there has been growing dissatisfaction over the lack of access to Green Deal funding to allow projects to start. This has now prompted Edinburgh-based Firstcall Home Assist to take matters into its owns hands to create an alternative process and payment method for consumers wanting to benefit immediately from lower energy bills and warmer homes. Green Deal allows homes and businesses to pay for energy-saving improvements, such as loft or cavity wall insulation, heating, draught proofing, double glazing and renewable energy technologies, via a loan which is repaid through their energy bills. Paul Greaves, Managing Director of Firstcall Home Assist, said: “The Green Deal is a fantastic opportunity for families and businesses who want to take control of managing their heating bills and is a scheme that everyone should seriously consider. “But while there has been solid interest to take up the scheme, unfortunately we are still waiting on the funding to come through to allow the assessments to turn into actual completed projects. “We spotted this anomaly and have worked closely with Barclays to provide an alternative funding option for our customers based on the same finance package and efficiency measures they would get through the Green Deal assessment. “It means customers can introduce the same type of Green Deal energy efficiency measures now without having to wait for the Green Deal finance to come through. “This finance scheme means customers can benefit from great savings on their energy charges without having to worry to about any upfront costs. “Hopefully the Government Green Deal funding comes through sooner rather than later but until then we have the funding option and the energy efficiency products to suit any requirement.” PAGE11.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:42 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 1 2] FIBRACOLOUR® . BLACK IS BLACK Black. Neither blackish nor greyish. FIBRACOLOUR® by FINSA is a completely coloured MDF , the only one in the market which is completely black. Due to its exclusive production process, overcomes its competitors by off ering an innovative product with top technical properties and a superb black colour across the board. FIBRACOLOUR® off ers new solutions to the decoration and interior design industries, as it allows a wide variety of aesthetic eff ects and innovative fi nishes, such as lacquers, waxes or transparent varnishes. It can be coated with natural veneer or melamine. FIBRACOLOUR® enables as well a quick and easy repair of surface damage. Scratches could be easily corrected with a superfi cial sanding, putting the product back in its original state, without any visible changes in its colouration. FIBRACOLOUR® is the only really black MDF in the market. For further information: uk@fi, or (0151) 651 2400. ThermoLine Post-formed Worktops in DuPont™ Corian® are the right prescription for Metz General Hospital, France. Surface Cleaning and Preparation by the since 2001Ashrose Group We’ll fi nd and use the most appropriate method to clean your surfaces, be they Stone, Brick, Wood, Steel or Plastic. Painted or just Dirty - including fi re damage. We use: t� Low Consumption Damp (low dust) Sand Jetting. t� Low Consumption Traditional Sand Blasting. t� Dry Ice Blasting t� Pressure Washing (including Hot water / Steam) Listed Buildings a speciality [email protected] Freephone 0800 849 9113 Naomi: Exquisite Filigree Murano Glass Designed to Illuminate and Decorate The Naomi Light range from Kolarz is a truly exquisite work of art designed to illuminate and decorate. This statement piece is made from the fi nest fi ligree Murano Glass and was designed at the KOLARZ® Studio in Austria. Each leaf of the Naomi light has been made my hand and the attention to detail is extraordinary, each light a unique piece of art. The pendant light appears to be fl oating in space and is a stunning edition to a reception room or hallway. The Naomi range comes in two pendant sizes (medium and large), two fl ush ceiling fi ttings with matching wall lights. Kolarz has been designing and making lighting of the highest quality and standard for nearly 100 years. Established in 1918, KOLARZ® is an Austrian family run business that is committed to creating exceptional lighting. As a company it is passionate about the craftsmanship, materials, design and quality of its products when only the best will do. The KOLARZ® brand is known for its bold and stylish approach to innovation in both design and technology and its lights and products sell in over 50 countries. info(at) We are now looking for spray foam contractors to join our network in the UK! Unit 2 Charvey Lane Ind Est, Rathnew, Co.Wicklow, Ireland Ph: +353(0)404 66111 Mob: +353 (0)87 6590000 Email: [email protected] ThermoLine – the perfect fi t throughout a hospital ThermoLine worktops made exclusively from DuPont™ Corian® have been specifi ed extensively for the fi t out for the new public hospital in Metz, France. The ThermoLine worktops, which off er a cost-eff ective and convenient post-formed solution, were fabricated by Créa Diff usion. ThermoLine worktops were installed in three key areas of the hospital: t� Research Laboratories t� The General Hospital – including nurses’ stations, dispensary worktops, medical staff hygiene areas, staff tea rooms, pharmacy areas, dialysis wards, pneumology wards, oncology wards, ultrasound wards and decontamination units; and t� Maternity Unit For further information about ThermoLine please visit: - CD (UK) Ltd, Tel: 0113 201 2240, E: [email protected] Wakefi eld House, Thistle Way, Gildersome Spur, Wakefi eld Road, Morley, Leeds, LS27 7JZ twitter@cdukltd ThermoLine workstation in the Research laboratory of Metz Hospital, measuring 2500x650 mm, including a seamlessly integrated Corian® sink. The open end has a standard return and the other end by the wall has a returned back splash. Photo courtesy of Crea Diff usion, all rights reserved. PAGE12.indd 1 04/07/2013 17:28 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 1 3] Introducing the only product to safely raise electric cables and services above your loft insulation, and provide safe loft access. The only way to comply fully with Building Regulations Part P, K, Working at Height & CDM Regulations. Visit uson standS1061 supported by The Complete Loft System To Comply With Building Regulations Gabriels Farm, Marsh Green, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 5PP Visit our website ‡� Standard and Bespoke Oak and Softwood frames ‡� Planning drawings available to purchase ‡� National coverage ‡� Friendly staff and team ‡� Fully Guaranteed GARAGES - GARDEN ROOMS - HOMES OFFICES SWIMMING POOL ENCLOSURES - STABLES PERGOLAS - HOUSES - SHELTERS Crown Oak Buildings Ltd Gabriels Farm, Marsh Green Edenbridge, Kent TN8 5PP Tel: 01732 866910 Fax: 0870 432 0866 Email: [email protected] The perforated 15000m2 aluminium skin of RARE’s Bethnal Green Town Hall Hotel has sparked a series of smaller scale mediations through surface in diff ering projects. First conceived as a contemporary solution to the screening of private space from public space, laser-cut panels have proven to be eff ective and versatile features in a number of spaces. Never ones to ignore the details, internationally acclaimed offi ce RARE architecture, led by Nathalie Rozencwajg and Michel da Costa Goncalves, have employed more low-cost and off - the-shelf construction techniques to rescue and distinguish the design potential of the tightest Parisian apartments, London lofts and urban redevelopments. The 2m x 3m panel is perfectly sized for modern CNC milling technologies, allowing unlimited options to be produced from common materials at controlled costs. When placed in a North London home, the perforated panel has provided an open plan kitchen with the options of degrees of openness to its adjacent living room. Though simple in appearance, the fi nal product is a result of a long and fruitful process of geometric experimentation. The panel is an eff ect generated through various cut-outs and presents itself as a fi eld of circles bored through widely-available plywood that is formed in layers. As the CNC milling technique spirals through the material, concentric circles of its layers appear, adding a further illusion of depth and dimension to the almost 2D construction. [email protected] ARCHITECTURAL ARTWORKS: SMALL SCALE ARCHITECTURAL INTERVENTIONS THAT MAKE A REMARKABLE DIFFERENCE. PAGE13.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:43 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 1 4] PAGE14.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:45 At Aquarium Services we are specialists in the design, installation and maintenance of bespoke aquariums for both residential and commercial purposes. We have been in business since 1995 and during that time have installed hundreds of aquariums across the UK in such diverse locations as offices, private homes, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, care homes and schools. We currently service a large number of aquariums up and down the country but also have many clients who like to maintain their own aquariums with occasional assistance from us if required. Aquarium Services was established to provide a complete aquarium offering for its customers, delivering beautiful, bespoke aquariums at sensible prices. We can provide quality aquariums for any environment, and any request. If you would like to discuss any aspect of a potential aquarium which you may have in mind then please do not hesitate to contact us. For more information contact Jeremy Thompson on 01832 275576 visit or email [email protected] We work with architects, designers and clients and are happy to carry out site visits to discuss your project and take it forward to the design stage. We also design, build and maintain ponds and water features. PAGE15.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:46 Placebo Pharmacy PAGE16.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:47 Designer: Klab Architecture / Konstantinos Labrinopoulos Design Team: Xara Marantidou, Enrique Ramirez, Mark Chapman Client: Private Location: Vouliagmeni Av., Glyfada, Athens, Greece Built Area: 600m² Completion: 2010 Finishing materials: metal, gypsum board, inox, mdf, perspex Photographer: P. Kokkinias PAGE17.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:48 The design process for this large (600m2) supralocal pharmacy forced us to shift our viewpoint and come up with a virtual building—a placebo pharmacy. The octagonal shape of the existing structure was re-formed into a cylinder in order to create a spiral which seeks to converse with the rapid motion on Vouliagmenis Avenue, the urban artery on which the building stands. The panels of the façade are perforated using Braille, which both alludes to the system’s use on pharmaceutical packaging and boosts visibility by allowing the light to find its way into the interior. The new facade also protects the interior while acting as a lure for passers-by. Inside, the product display mirrors the circular frontage, while a ramp up to the upper level extends the dynamism of the exterior spiral into the interior space. The Pharmacy is arranged over two floors, the ground floor being the primary shop space with the upper mezzanine floor consisting of ancillary office space used as a temporary surgery for visiting health professionals. The pharmacy is arranged in plan in a radial pattern with the main cashiers desk acting as the focal point. The product displays fan out from this focal point giving the cashier the ability to view the whole pharmacy from this central area. The drug dispensary, preparation areas and toilets are also arranged off this radial pattern. This pattern gives a natural flow to the space and allows light deep into the center of the plan at all times throughout the day. A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 1 8] PAGE18.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:49 Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics, is a pioneer in the development of permanent architectural membranes, with 35+ years experience. More and more architects are capitalizing on the structural versatility of SHEERFILL® and FABRASORB® fabric membranes from Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics. Proven in the construction of the most stunning, energy effi cient sport facilities, transportation terminals and landmark buildings as well as short span structures like canopies and skylights, SHEERFILL Architectural Membranes allow almost complete freedom of design. Contact: Roland Keil Saint Gobain Performance Plastics Email: [email protected] www.sheefi Warsaw National Stadium PAGE19.indd 1 05/07/2013 07:56 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 2 0] ��������� � �� � ���� ���������� ����������� � ������������������� ������������������������� ����������!""#� ��$� ����� %����&�'��(������� ��(�)�������*�������)���� ������������(�����������������������������*������+� ������������������+����������������,����,���*����& -������*��� �� ��������. �(���� �*)�������(������� )��*�������� ������������� �������) '����������������(����� ���(�����������*����� �������������*��������/������������/����� ��������������+����*��������� ������(��+���������������� ������� ������*������0�'��*������������� ���������+��������1����������*��� ��� ������& ��(�����*���������*�����(���������������+�����(�������������)�������������&�2������������+������ �������������������������� �����(��*��*��� ���*������������������������������& 3���������� �������� �.�"4!5"�6!7"4#�����.������8���������/� ��&*�&�)� 9����������������,����������:�����,�(��������� �� ���&���������/� ��&*�&�) ,,$� ����,����������)��������������������� ��������*��(������������������������������ �����; GAGLIARDI GALLERY 35 years on the Kings Road ART FOR PROFESSIONALS 509 Kings Road, SW10 0TX Monday - Saturday: 11am - 7pm tel. 0207 352 3663 From Impressionism to Abstract Murals Framing Commissions From Surrealism to Hyper-Realism PAGE21.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:50 AR Design Studio It is not every day that a body is found buried on your building site, but on a summer’s morning in 2012 this is exactly what happened while builders were laying foundations for RIBA award- winning architects AR Design Studio’s latest project. By 6pm they had found another 2. After the initial astonishment, the Police and later a team of Archaeologists were brought in who thankfully identified the remains as being of Roman origin. After a period of intense excavation, it was confirmed as a site of Archaeological importance when further evidence of Roman burials and defensive fortifications were uncovered, including the discovery of a rare Roman burial urn. Once the site was cleared of artefacts and the bodies taken to the local museum for research, work on the building could continue. These ancient findings further added to the already rich historical context of the property situated in the town of Winchester, the old Roman capital of England. The project was to convert the original servants’ quarters of the large Manor House that overlooked the surrounding grasslands. It was built by the Earl of Airlie in 1856 while he served as Camp Commandant at the nearby Peninsular Barracks military base and split into two more modestly sized dwellings in the 1950s. Since then, the servants’ quarters had fallen into a state of disrepair after the unfortunate passing of a sole elderly owner. It remained vacant for a number of years, until the long-time occupants of the Manor House sought to retire and move into the more manageable servants’ quarters and turn it into their dream home. The owner’s love of glass fuelled their brief to construct a beautifully simple sculptural glass staircase and a contemporary glass extension, situated at the rear of the property in the space created by the ‘C’ shape of the building, which would open itself up to the garden. The couple approached AR Design Studio Chartered Architects because of their experience in dealing with glass architecture and their interest in how this material can be used to create seamless relationships between inside and outside space, between the man-made and nature. PAGE22.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:51 ‡� *HUPDQ�PDGH�FDVVHWWH�DZQLQJV ‡� ,WDOLDQ�PDGH�IROGLQJ�DUP�DZQLQJV ‡� $ZQLQJV�RYHU��P�SURMHFWLRQV ‡� 3HUJROD�DZQLQJV ‡� )UHH�VWDQGLQJ�DZQLQJV ‡� +LJK�TXDOLW\�ZDWHU�UHVLVWDQW�IDEULFV�IURP�',&.621��3$5$�DQG� 5(&$6(16 ‡� 7H[W�DQG�ORJR�ZULWLQJ�RQ�IDEULFV ‡� *URXS�UHPRWH�FRQWURO��VXQ�DQG�ZLQG�VHQVRUV��ZLUHOHVV�VZLWFKHV ‡� &HUWL¿�HG�E\ [email protected] Tel: 020 8573 4752 Fax: 020 8573 8175 Mob: 079 0862 6746 Unit 11 Tudor Works %HDFRQV¿�HOG�5RDG Hayes, Middlesex UB4 0SL PAGE23.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:52 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 2 4] Demography and Architecture Innovative Solutions for Generations The highly acclaimed design of the HEWI products delivers outstanding visual appearance, together with excellent degrees of functionality. High-quality materials ensure the products remain durable and sustainable. HEWI: Proud Sponsors of The “Architect of the Year Award 2013.“ Please contact us for more information on PVS�range oG solutions: 01634 258200 | [email protected] Washbasins Handrails Range 180 Shower seats Anz_BHDA_A4_UK_ILQDO_ 29.05.13 15:07 Seite 1 QP 6/24/08 9:43 AM Page 1 %LJ�,GHDV�IRU�6PDOO� %DWKURRPV Many homes in the UK have either a small bathroom or small en-suite, or both, but this should not pose a problem as far as the design is concerned if you think BIG. A small bathroom can be turned into a fabulous space with a wet fl oor, practical storage, ambient lighting and oodles of contemporary chic on a mini scale. Ideas soon turn into reality with imaginative planning and expert installation by a knowledgeable bathroom retailer and a bespoke wet fl oor design from a specialist like On The Level. A compact bathroom featuring a bespoke wet fl oor shower area from On The Level with a useful tiled alcove, wall hung WC and designer basin with vanity unit for practical storage. Bespoke wet fl oor from On The Level tel. 0845 2576951 Bathroom design and installation by Sanctuary Bathrooms, Shepperton. tel. 01932 255465 On The Level, the UK’s leading manufacturer of concealed wet fl oor shower trays, has over 30 years experience in the wet fl oor shower sector and is the only manufacturer in the UK to produce bespoke wet fl oor trays in any shape or size to fi t all manner of spaces. The patented tray is made in Britain from Birch ply to stringent quality control standards and off ers ultimate fl exibility %HVSRNH�ZHW�Â�RRU�IURP�2Q�7KH�/HYHO� ZZZ�RQWKHOHYHO�FR�XN�WHO�������������� PAGE24.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:53 PAGE25.indd 1 05/07/2013 08:32 Manor House Stables Friday April 5th 1946, on a beautifully clear Spring afternoon crowds cheered as the 25/1 racehorse, “Lovely Cottage”, strode triumphantly past the finishing post to be crowned winner of the Grand National, the UKs largest horse race. Trained by Tommy Rayson and ridden by Captain Robert Petre at the first true Aintree Grand National race since 1940, after the Second World War, and the last to take place on a Friday, which had been the tradition since 1876. That weekend “Lovely Cottage” returned home to the small village of Headbourne Worthy, near Winchester. He received a hero’s welcome before settling in for a well-earned rest in the stables at the Manor House where he was housed. These stables, that were once beautiful and functioning have since remained unused and have fallen into a state of dilapidation. Fortunately, this Grade 2 listed stable block, steeped in poignant historical character and narrative was not forgotten. It has been transformed into an elegant and contemporary 3 bedroom family home by RIBA award winning architects AR Design Studio. Practice Director, Andy Ramus, discovered this piece of overlooked historical heritage while undertaking a large scale refurbishment at the Manor House and immediately recognised its potential. The team at AR could see past its existing rundown state. There was a clear potential to create a sophisticated, contemporary family home within the historical context of the building and the picturesque Hampshire countryside. The history and character of the Stable’s was very much a driving force in design and there is a firm belief at AR Design Studio that design constraints and restrictions can often create the most interesting solutions. The concept was to preserve the existing while making any new additions simple and pure in order to let the original character shine. This results in an innovative arrangement of spaces according to the Stable’s existing layout, in order to maintain many of the existing exposed timber interior walls. These were then cleaned, stripped back and refurbished to reveal an exquisite amount of detailing and craftsmanship. Architect Andy Ramus AR Design Studio, Winchester, UK Completion - March 2013 PAGE26.indd 1 05/07/2013 09:50 PAGE27.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:55 With the existing internal walls brought back to life, the next task was to turn the Stables into a home for the modern family and bring it into the present day. In order to respect the character of the property a clean, contemporary and neutral approach was taken to the rest of the renovation which juxtaposes perfectly with the original timber walls, allowing them to stand out as pieces of art against a beautifully simple contemporary backdrop. Many of the existing features were refurbished and re-purposed for use in the home environment; the original horse troughs were cleaned and converted for use as sink basins, the old horse ties act as towel rings in the bathrooms and original doors are preserved where possible to give a sense of real period character. The Stables benefits from 3 large double bedrooms, with 2 en suite rooms to accompany a spacious family bathroom. Being a single storey property with long continuous views, the layout was tailored and split between sleeping and living accommodation with a single constant circulation running through the entire building. The welcoming and spacious open-plan kitchen dining area is conveniently located at the heart of the home, leading into the light and roomy lounge which benefits from full height glazed doors that open out onto the sleepy village setting. The entire property is super insulated, and the heated polished concrete floor throughout provides a functional uniformity to the spaces as well as recounting the Stable’s agricultural history. New windows and roof lights fitted throughout give the whole place a warm, bright and clean feel; creating an excellent environment as a backdrop for a family home. The finished Stables is completely transformed from its existing dilapidated condition and is now a perfectly working family home, bursting with contemporary style juxtaposed against delightful period character. Before After PAGE28.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:55 Villeroy & Boch introduce a bathing experience like no other with the Squaro Edge 12 bath. Combining clear lines with stylish form, the bath offers ultimate comfort and great modern design. Creating a design statement the hero feature of the bath is its slender 12mm narrow rim. Made from Quaryl®, a unique combination of quartz and acrylic, the bath is not only easy to clean, but also non-slip and pleasantly warm to touch. For ease and access the bath measures 45cm deep, slightly shallower than standard baths. This makes it accessible for all the family and offers environmental „‡‡ϐ‹–•� „›� …‘•—‹‰� Ž‡••�™ƒ–‡”� –Šƒ� •–ƒ†ƒ”†� –—„•Ǥ�Completing the contemporary design is the combined ‘˜‡”ϐŽ‘™� ƒ†� ™ƒ–‡”� ‹Ž‡–ǡ� ™Š‹…Š� …‘‡•� ‹� …Š”‘‡�or white as standard, and is supplied with the bath, offering you the choice of both. The bath is available in six styles, with options of rectangular built-in tubs, oval designs and a freestanding version to choose from. There are two ϐ‹‹•Š‡•� –‘� …Š‘‘•‡� ˆ”‘Ǣ� …‘–‡’‘”ƒ”›��Š‹–‡� ‘”� …Š‹…�Graphite Noir and for a truly relaxing experience, the „ƒ–Š� …ƒ� „‡� ϐ‹––‡†� ™‹–Š� �‹ŽŽ‡”‘›� Ƭ� �‘…Šǯ•� ™Š‹”Ž’‘‘Ž� •›•–‡•��Š‹•’‡”�‘”��Ž–‹ƒ–‡� ‹–‡••Ǥ� For more information please visit Villeroy & Boch w w w PAGE29.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:56 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 3 0] Trusted By Developers, Architects & Specifiers Garage doors can fill up to 30% of an attractive property’s front elevation, so don’t let a poorly specified door system spoil your project. Up & Over Doors have over 33 year’s experience dealing with both corporate and retail customers. They can provide a wide range of brands at keen prices, with the technical know-how to recommend the right automation and security systems to enhance your development. For further information call Tim Stagg now on: 0117 955 4594 Up&over_130x92_Up&over_130x92 21/06/2013 09:35 Page 1 PAGE30.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:56 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 3 1] PAGE31.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:57 dŚĞ�ĞůĞŐĂŶƚ�ĐŽŵďŝŶĂƟŽŶ�ĨŽƌ�ĨƵůů�ŐůĂƐƐ�ĚŽŽƌ�ĐŽŶĮŐƵƌĂƟŽŶƐ When it comes to combining easy, convenient access with elegant modern aesthetics your choice of door system is crucial. If you want to combine both practicality and design, a full -glass automatic door configuration from Gilgen Door Systems will provide an impressive solution. Gilgen’s SLX-M sliding door drive unit offers state- of-the-art functionality and reliable operation for a wide range of demanding applications including offices, reception areas, shopping centres, libraries, hospitals and transport hubs. When combined with Gilgen’s slim-line hidden PSF sliding door profile and fully glazed door leaf’s a transparent and elegant appearance is achieved. Our state-of-the-art door sensor is built into the header profile and the innovative fixing system means no drilling is required for single glassed configurations, so installation is straightforward. Gilgen can build a bespoke solution around your needs however typical options include: t� 4JOHMF�PS�CJ�QBSUJOH�EPPST t� &NFSHFODZ�FYJU�GVODUJPO� t� 5SBOTMVDFOU�EPPS�MFBG�TFBMT t� 4BGFUZ�HMBTT t� "UUBDINFOU�UP�EPPS�MJOUFM�PS�XBMM t� 'JYFE�QPJOU�HVJEF t� 'MPPS�MPDL�BOE�nVTI�TUBJOMFTT�TUFFM�CPUUPN�� guide rail t� "OPEJTFE �11$�PS�3"-�DPMPVS�mOJTI�UP�QSPmMFT 5IF�(JMHFO�4-9�14'�TZTUFN�JT�GVMMZ�UFTUFE�UP�%*/������ BOE�DPNQMJFT�XJUI�#4���� �UIF�DPEF�PG�QSBDUJDF�XIJDI� covers the use of automatic doors for pedestrian use. Custom Solutions Gilgen Door Systems provide a comprehensive range of tailored solutions from automatic sliding doors, folding doors and swing doors to roller shutters, fire doors and security doors for practically any application OFFE��$PNCJOJOH�IJHI�RVBMJUZ�4XJTT�FOHJOFFSJOH�XJUI� elegant design and advanced control systems we ensure you get the most practical and reliable solution for your needs. Our technical support team is on hand to support you with any requirements and we offer a fast quotation service and free installation advice. Contact us today on 0800 316 6994 or visit A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 3 2] PAGE32.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:57 Sash Windows We also specialise in the manufacture of Traditional Sash Windows through our sister company Herald Joinery SLENDERPANE ™ LTD Unit 5, Thame Road Industrial Estate, Thame Road, Haddenham, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP17 8BZ Telephone: 0845 475 1185 Fax: 01844 292990 Email: [email protected] Ar c he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 3 3] SLIM GLASS UNITS At Slenderpane, we manufacture slim glass units that allow the XVH�RI�WKHUPDOO\�HI¿�FLHQW�GRXEOH�JOD]LQJ�ZKHUH�RQO\�VLQJOH�JOD]LQJ� ZRXOG�QRUPDOO\�EH�DOORZHG�E\�SODQQLQJ�DQG�FRQVHUYDWLRQ�RI¿�FHUV� 7KH�KLJK�VSHF�JODVV�XQLWV�KDYH�XOWUD�VOLP�VLJKWOLQHV�WKDW�HQDEOH� DQ�HOHJDQW�DQG�WUDGLWLRQDO�WLPEHU�JOD]LQJ�EDU�WKHUHE\�UHPRYLQJ� WKH�QHHG�WR�XVH�µVWLFN�RQ¶�EDUV�DQG�DOO�WKH�SRWHQWLDO�SUREOHPV�WKDW� FDQ�JR�ZLWK�WKHP��([WHUQDOO\��WKH�XQLWV�FDQ�HLWKHU�EH�SXWWLHG�ZLWK�D� VSHFLDO�FRPSRXQG�RU�EHDGHG�WR�PDWFK�DQ\�H[LVWLQJ�DQG�WUXO\�UHÀ�HFW� WKH�SHULRG�FKDUDFWHU�RI�WKH�EXLOGLQJ� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ���� � �275(�*/$L�UV^�VMMLY� H�:SLUKLYWHUL�\UP[�JVTWYPZPUN����TT� HJV\Z[PJ�SHTPUH[LK�NSHZZ���TT�^HYT� LKNL�Z\WLYZWHJLY���TT�ZVM[JVH[�NSHZZ� ^P[O�RY`W[VU�NHZ�Ä�SS�� ;OL�\UP[�JVTIPULZ�[OL�ILULÄ�[Z� VM�LUOHUJLK�UVPZL�YLK\J[PVU�� ZLJ\YP[`�HUK�[OLYTHS� PUZ\SH[PVU� NEW SLENDERPANE ‘ACOUSTIC’ House glazed with slim glass units Slenderpane’s slim glazing units are competitively priced and we judge our performance by the overall service provided and not just the fi nished product. Please contact us for a quotation. You can be assured of a friendly and effi cient service! Certifi ed to BS EN 1279/Part 2, Part 3, the thermal effi ciency is achieved by fi lling the unit cavity with inert gas, the u value gf which will depend on the type of gas and glass used. These values range from 1.2 W/m2K to 1.9 W/m2k. Improved energy performance is also gained by using the latest technology, industry acclaimed Edgetech Superspacers that are available in black (recommended), grey or white. In addition to improved thermal values, the spacers also help to reduce condensation and sound transference. Spacer options are 6mm (14mm unit), 4mm (12mm and 11mm units). PAGE33.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:58 The world’s highest performance buildings use Lutron® blinds Window Shading Systems Ltd deliver Lutron’s most advanced shading solutions for commercial spaces t� 'SPN�JOEJWJEVBMMZ�DPOUSPMMBCMF�SPMMFS�CMJOET�UP�BVUPNBUFE� JOUFMMJHFOU�GBDBEF�DPOUSPM t� 5IF�SJHIU�TIBEJOH�TZTUFN�XJUI�UIF�SJHIU�GBCSJD�GPS�BOZ� BQQMJDBUJPO t� Only Lutron�Põ�FST�DPNQMFUF�TZTUFNT �JOUFHSBUJOH�MJHIUT�BOE����������� TIBEFT�GPS�PQUJNBM�QFSGPSNBODF�BOE�FOFSHZ�TBWJOHT With 25 years experience Window Shading Systems Ltd off er an unrivalled level of service t� 0VUTUBOEJOH�NPUPSJTFE�CMJOE�BOE�DVSUBJO�TZTUFN�LOPXMFEHF t� $PNQMFUF�QSPKFDU�NBOBHFNFOU�QBDLBHFT t� "SDIJUFDU �%FTJHOFS �"7�$POTVMUBOU�BOE�$POUSBDUPS�TVQQPSU t� 'VMM�NBOVGBDUVSF �EFTJHO �JOTUBMM�DBQBCJMJUZ t� 4UBUF�PG�UIF�BSU�TIPXSPPN�BOE�FEVDBUJPOBM�SFTPVSDF To learn more please visit our website, call us on 0800 033 7270 or email [email protected] 6OJU���������(SFFOXBZ�#VTJOFTT�$FOUSF )BSMPX�#VTJOFTT�1BSL �)BSMPX �&TTFY�$.����2&� 1IPUPT�ª�#BSSZ�)BMLJO�1IPUPHSBQIZ� Main:�$POGFSFODF�SPPN�JO�#FO�'SBOLMJO�5FDIOPMPHZ�1BSUOFST�PG /PSUIFBTUFSO�1FOOTZMWBOJB� Inset:�#FO�'SBOLMJO�5FDIOPMPHZ�1BSUOFST�PG�/PSUIFBTUFSO�1FOOTZMWBOJB� PAGE34.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:59 PAGE35.indd 1 05/07/2013 08:30 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 3 6] 19 R &R N ew s January / M arch 2013 Doors, Windows & Fittings Offering The Supply And Or Installation Of Specialist Concertina Style & Sliding Doors 1st Folding Sliding Doors LTD is a national company, based in London offering the supply and or installation of specialist concertina style and sliding doors. Our staff are proud to offer a personal service, handling the project from concept to completion. We can arrange a free site survey to offer advice on designs and will follow that up with a quotation with no obligation for you. Folding sliding doors provide a wider opening and are available in an enormous choice of colours and finishes, and security - because the locking system and hinges are state-of-the-art, safe, reliable, and long lasting. For further information Tel: 0208 997 2448, Fax: 0208 997 0611, Email: [email protected] Or visit: 1st Folding Sliding Doors Ltd. Enq. 142 The GlasSpace System A division of Eagle S.G & W Ltd; GlasSpace specialise in structural glazing and sealant application to create extensions and conservatories made entirely from glass. GlasSpace’s system has been designed by award winning architects, structural glass engineers and leading independent test engineers to ensure their products are not only inspirational, but also highly durable and secure. Constructed from toughened glass units which are strong enough to walk on, a GlasSpace is safe and easy to maintain. With the use of low e-thermal coating, argon-filled panels, warm edge seals and the latest solar control coatings and films, their structures are guaranteed to exceed the rigorous heat efficiency regulations. For further information: Tel: 0845 230 9569 Web: Address: GlasSpace, EagleS.G&W Ltd, Unit 7, Imperial Park, Rawreth Lane, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 9RS. Eagle S.G & W Ltd Enq. 143 Enq. 141 Every item from a one off to a whole house full is custom made to order. Using the latest CNC equipment we produce traditional joinery quickly and competitively. ! Windows & Doors ! Staircases & Conservatories ! Screens & Porches ! Gates and Furniture ! Supply only or Supply and Install ! Trade and Public Welcome ! Fast turn around Fully factory finished in our own spray shop. Whatever your requirements we can help. Advice is free! 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Bi-metallic corrosion and leakage of acid from timber frames are no longer a problem, as the Tricoat finish protects the entire fitting. In an increasingly chemical-laden environment, MACO Tricoat has such high corrosion resistance that it is the first choice for housing in densely populated areas. The coating not only prevents rusting and corrosion, but the fine particles that make up the outer layer are scratch- resistant and have the added advantage of repelling dirt and water. Damaging elements literally run off the surface, reducing the need for cleaning and prolonging the effective lifespan of the product. Wherever the best finish is required, the 15-year MACO Protect guarantee ensures lasting results. For more product information or to talk to our Specification Manager, Tony Bymolen, Email us [email protected]. MACO Tricoat surface technology ��B551B-DQB0DU������1HZ�551�3DJH�/D\RXW�����������������3DJH��� Gold Standard Energy Saving Window Film Series from LLumarGold Standard Energy Saving Window Film Series from LLumarGold Standard Energy Saving Window Film Series from LLumar Start reducing your energy costs now – LLumar EnerLogic Energy Saving Window Film keeps heat out during summer and locks heat in during winter – providing twice the insulation SHUIRUPDQFH�RI�WUDGLWLRQDO�ORZ�(�ZLQGRZ�ÀOPV��7KLV�FDQ�VDYH�D�VLJQLÀFDQW�DPRXQW�RI�HQHUJ\�DQG� KHOSV�WR�SURWHFW�WKH�HQYLURQPHQW��:LWK�(QHU/RJLF�\RX�KHOS�VDYH�FRVWV�DQG�RXU�SODQHW� Save energySave energy Change Save energySave energy ChangeChange the vision All year round. Authorised Fitment Centre www.l for the Installation of Window Film. The first choice Door Canopies With Inbuilt Lights Dusar has added to their range of canopies two models with inbuilt lights. One is arched and the other is pitched. Each canopy has 96 LED lights inbuilt in the supporting brackets. Power consumption is only 7 Watts yet these LEDs give 300 lm of light. All Dusar canopies are made from materials that do not corrode, rot, fade or discolour with age and are strong and tested to withstand static snow loads of 75 kg/sqm. For more information please contact Interland Trading Ltd on 01223 265598 or [email protected]. Buy online at PAGE36.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:59 PAGE37.indd 1 04/07/2013 13:59 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 3 8] : Rainline from Lindab Rainwater drainage solutions in steel “Rainline” is a zinc coated steel rain water drainage system that due to its high performance capabilities and eco-friendly properties is rapidly becoming the system of choice for many Architects, Specifi ers, Local Authorities, Housing Associations and House Builders. Rainline is the only system on the market that off ers: a meaningful 15 year guarantee on the colour coated products, stylish design, low maintenance, ten colours plus plain galvanised, natural copper and Aluzinc fi nishes. The system has minimal thermal movement, unique ‘click and fi t’ installation and excellent whole life costings. Lindab’s renowned care for the environment and cutting edge manufacturing techniques ensures Rainline is fully recyclable and provides a truly sustainable and cost eff ective alternative to PVC, aluminium or cast iron rain drainage systems. Available in a range of sizes and formats, Rainline gutters and downpipes are supported by an extensive range of components, technical advice and customer support. [email protected] PAGE38.indd 1 04/07/2013 14:01 Royalty RangeRoyalty RangeRoyalty RangeRoyalty RangeRoyalty RangeRoyalty Range Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium GutteringGutteringGuttering RAINWATER SYSTEMS Excellence in service The new ROYALTY range from Stormguard Rainwater Systems gives Architects and Designers innovative and exciting options on guttering. With our ROYALTY range you can transform guttering into an attractive main feature - enhancing the appearance of any property and increasing its value. The aesthetic beauty of the king and queen brackets complete with Tudor Rose Emblem, together with our new ClipFit Aluminium guttering has the following benefits: s�#ONCEALED�GUTTER�JOINTS� s�!�REALLY�STRONG��ANTI�WIND LIFT� support system. s�&ULLY�RECYCLABLE� �A�@GREEN�� product. s�0OWDER�COATING�GUARANTEE� s�#HOOSE�FROM�OVER�����2!,� colours. RAINWATER SYSTEMS Excellence in service The new ROYALTY range from Stormguard Rainwater Systems gives Architects and Designers innovative and exciting options on guttering. With our ROYALTY range you can transform guttering into an attractive main feature - enhancing the appearance of any property and increasing its value. The aesthetic beauty of the king and queen brackets complete with Tudor Rose Emblem, together with our new ClipFit Aluminium guttering has the following benefits: s�#ONCEALED�GUTTER�JOINTS� s�!�REALLY�STRONG��ANTI�WIND LIFT� support system. s�&ULLY�RECYCLABLE� �A�@GREEN�� product. s�0OWDER�COATING�GUARANTEE� s�#HOOSE�FROM�OVER�����2!,� colours. For more information, phone us on 01625 665096 Fascias & Soffits Cladding Anti-climb 0IPES Easy fit Box Gutters Bespoke Gutters & Flashing Bespoke & standard Wall Capping Clip fit Gutters PAGE39.indd 1 04/07/2013 14:02 SOUTH MORANG RAIL EXTENSION Thomastown Epping South Morang The South Morang Rail Extension is an extension to an existing metropolitan rail corridor that links a rapidly expanding growth corridor to the broader city fabric. The project included construction of three new rail stations, urban plaza’s and associated pedestrian, bus and vehicular access. A core design objective was to use each station as an expressive catalyst to establish a clear and unique urban identity and create a benchmark of quality for subsequent development. The stations have been considered primarily as high quality public spaces that use the vitality of public transport and interchange to provide a venue for social exchange. Each station is a carefully designed local movement system that provides legibility, linkage and activation to existing urban form. (DFK�RI�WKH�VWDWLRQV�DUH�FOHDUO\�LGHQWLİDEOH� as three parts of a greater urban vision to link current and future activities of local communities. The station’s canopies are a sculptural form of civic scale that folds and unfolds in response to each site and its functional context and provides orientation from plaza to rail corridor with its angled geometrical form. The canopy is a unifying element of the stations that integrates the station buildings, platforms and ground plane. CATEGORY : TRANSPORT SOUTH MORANG, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA 01 SOUTH MORANG RAIL EXTENSION Thomastown Epping South Morang The South Morang Rail Extension is an extension to an existing metropolitan rail corridor that links a rapidly expanding growth corridor to the broader city fabric. The project included construction of three new rail stations, urban plaza’s and associated pedestrian, bus and vehicular access. A core design objective was to use each station as an expressive catalyst to establish a clear and unique urban identity and create a benchmark of quality for subsequent development. The stations have been considered primarily as high quality public spaces that use the vitality of public transport and interchange to provide a venue for social exchange. Each station is a carefully designed local movement system that provides legibility, linkage and activation to existing urban form. (DFK�RI�WKH�VWDWLRQV�DUH�FOHDUO\�LGHQWLİDEOH� as three parts of a greater urban vision to link current and future activities of local communities. The station’s canopies are a sculptural form of civic scale that folds and unfolds in response to each site and its functional context and provides orientation from plaza to rail corridor with its angled geometrical form. The canopy is a unifying element of the stations that integrates the station buildings, platforms and ground plane. CATEGORY : TRANSPORT SOUTH MORANG, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA 01 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 4 0] PAGE40.indd 1 04/07/2013 14:10 SOUTH MORANG RAIL EXTENSION Thomastown Epping South Morang The South Morang Rail Extension is an extension to an existing metropolitan rail corridor that links a rapidly expanding growth corridor to the broader city fabric. The project included construction of three new rail stations, urban plaza’s and associated pedestrian, bus and vehicular access. A core design objective was to use each station as an expressive catalyst to establish a clear and unique urban identity and create a benchmark of quality for subsequent development. The stations have been considered primarily as high quality public spaces that use the vitality of public transport and interchange to provide a venue for social exchange. Each station is a carefully designed local movement system that provides legibility, linkage and activation to existing urban form. (DFK�RI�WKH�VWDWLRQV�DUH�FOHDUO\�LGHQWLİDEOH� as three parts of a greater urban vision to link current and future activities of local communities. The station’s canopies are a sculptural form of civic scale that folds and unfolds in response to each site and its functional context and provides orientation from plaza to rail corridor with its angled geometrical form. The canopy is a unifying element of the stations that integrates the station buildings, platforms and ground plane. CATEGORY : TRANSPORT SOUTH MORANG, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA 01 PAGE41.indd 1 04/07/2013 14:07 ���� ��� �������� ����������� ���� ������������� ����� ��������� ����� ������������� ����� �������� ������� ������������� ����� ������ ��� ���������� ������������� ��������� ����� �� �� �� �� ������� � � ��������� ��� ����� �������� �������� ���� ��������� �������� ������� � � � ���� ���� ��� PAGE42.indd 1 04/07/2013 14:07 ���� ��� �������� ����������� ���� ������������� ����� ��������� ����� ������������� ����� �������� ������� ������������� ����� ������ ��� ���������� ������������� ��������� ����� �� �� �� �� ������� � � ��������� ��� ����� �������� �������� ���� ��������� �������� ������� � � � ���� ���� ��� PAGE43.indd 1 04/07/2013 14:08 ALUDUCT�ŚĂƐ�ďĞĞŶ�ƐƉĞĐŝĮ�ĐĂůůLJ�ĚĞƐŝŐŶĞĚ�ĨŽƌ�ĐĂƌƌLJŝŶŐ�ǁĂƚĞƌ�ƐƵƉƉůLJ�ĂŶĚ�ĐĞŶƚƌĂů� ŚĞĂƟ�ŶŐ�ƉŝƉĞǁŽƌŬ�ŝŶ�Ň�ŽĂƟ�ŶŐ�ĂŶĚ�ĐĞŵĞŶƚ�ƐĐƌĞĞĚ�Ň�ŽŽƌƐ͘ DĂŶƵĨĂĐƚƵƌĞĚ�ŝŶ�ĂůƵŵŝŶŝƵŵ͕�Ϯŵŵ�ƚŚŝĐŬ͕��>h�h�d�ŝƐ�ŝŵŵĞŶƐĞůLJ�ƐƚƌŽŶŐ�ĂŶĚ� ĞĂƐLJ�ƚŽ�ǁŽƌŬ�ǁŝƚŚ͘��ŽŵƉůŝĞƐ�ĨƵůůLJ�ǁŝƚŚ�tĂƚĞƌ��ƵƚŚŽƌŝƚLJ��LJůĂǁ�ϱϴ͕�ƉƌŽǀŝĚŝŶŐ� ĞĂƐLJ�ĂĐĐĞƐƐ�ƚŽ�ƉŝƉĞǁŽƌŬ�Ăƚ�Ăůů�Ɵ�ŵĞƐ͕�ĨŽƌ�ƚĞƐƟ�ŶŐ�ĂŶĚ�ŝŶƐƉĞĐƟ�ŽŶ͘ 8[mXekX^\j���Gfjj`Y`c`k`\j�f]�8CL;L:K% ͻ� �ůůŽǁƐ�ƐŚŽƌƚĞƐƚ�ƌŽƵƚĞ�ƉŽƐƐŝďůĞ�ƚŽ�ďĞ�ƚĂŬĞŶ�ǁŝƚŚŽƵƚ�ǁĞĂŬĞŶŝŶŐ�ƚŚĞ�Ň�ŽŽƌ͘ ͻ� hŶŝƋƵĞ�ŝŶƚĞƌŶĂů�ůŝƉ�ĂůůŽǁƐ�ŽƌŝŐŝŶĂů�Ň�ŽŽƌ�Žƌ�ŝŶƐƵůĂƟ�ŶŐ�ďŽĂƌĚ�ƚŽ�ďĞ�ƌĞƉůĂĐĞĚ� ĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐ�ŝŶƐƚĂůůĂƟ�ŽŶ͘ ͻ� ALUDUCT�ĐĂŶ�ďĞ�Į�Ʃ�ĞĚ�ĂŌ�Ğƌ�ƚŚĞ�Ň�ŽĂƟ�ŶŐ�Ň�ŽŽƌ�ĂŶĚ�ƌĂĚŝĂƚŽƌƐ�ĂƌĞ�ŝŶ�ƉůĂĐĞ ͻ� ^ƵŝƚĂďůĞ�ĨŽƌ�Ăůů�Ň�ŽĂƟ�ŶŐ�Ň�ŽŽƌƐ ͻ� ^ƵŝƚĂďůĞ�ĨŽƌ�ĐĞŵĞŶƚ�ƐĐƌĞĞĚ�Ň�ŽŽƌƐ ͻ� �ĂƐŝůLJ�ĂŶĐŚŽƌĞĚ�ƚŽ�ƉƌĞǀĞŶƚ�ƚŚĞ�ĚƵĐƚ�ĨƌŽŵ�ůŝŌ�ŝŶŐ�ŝŶ�ƐĐƌĞĞĚ�Ň�ŽŽƌƐ ͻ� ALUDUCT�ĐĂŶ�ďĞ�ƵƐĞĚ�ĂƐ�Ă�ƐƚƌĂŝŐŚƚ�ĞĚŐĞ�ĨŽƌ�ĐƵƫ��ŶŐ�ŽƵƚ�ƉƵƌƉŽƐĞƐ K_\�Y\e\]`kj�f]�lj`e^�8cl[lZk ͻ� �ŽŵƉůŝĞƐ�ǁŝƚŚ�ƚŚĞ�ƉůĂŶŶĞĚ�ƐƚĂƚƵƚŽƌLJ�ďƵŝůĚŝŶŐ�ĐŽŶƚƌŽů�ƌĞŐƵůĂƟ�ŽŶƐͬǁĂƚĞƌ� ďLJĞ�ůĂǁƐ͘ ͻ� /ŵƉƌŽǀĞƐ�Ğĸ��ĐŝĞŶĐLJ�ĂŶĚ�Ň�ĞdžŝďŝůŝƚLJ�ŽŶ�ƉůƵŵďŝŶŐ�ŝŶƐƚĂůůĂƟ�ŽŶƐ͘ ͻ� /Ɛ�ƐŝŵƉůLJ�ŝŶƐƚĂůůĞĚ�ĂŶĚ�ĞĂƐŝůLJ�ĐƵƚ�ƚŽ�ƐŝnjĞ�ǁŝƚŚ�ǀĞƌLJ�ůŽǁ�ǁĂƐƚĂŐĞ͘ ͻ� ��ƌĂŶŐĞ�ŽĨ�ĐŽŶŶĞĐƟ�ŽŶ�ƉŝĞĐĞƐ�ĂƌĞ�ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ�ƚŽ�ĂŝĚ�ŝŶƐƚĂůůĂƟ�ŽŶ͘ ͻ� �ĂŶ�ďĞ�ƐƵƌĨĂĐĞ�ƚƌĞĂƚĞĚ�ĨŽƌ�ĂŶLJ�ƐƉĞĐŝĂů�ŝŶƐƚĂůůĂƟ�ŽŶƐ͘ K_\�Lck`dXk\�=cffi�;lZk`e^ =clj_�=cffi�;lZk`e^�]fi�G`g\j���:XYc\j Readily Accessible | Easy To Fit | Time Saving | Fit All Pipework At Once Aluduct K_\�Lck`dXk\�;iX`eX^\�Jpjk\d =fi�cfn�c\m\c�k_i\j_fc[j Aludrain �Ž�ŶŽƚ�ďƵƌLJ�ƉŝƉĞƐ�ƵŶĚĞƌ�Ň�ŽĂƟ�ŶŐ�Ň�ŽŽƌƐ͘� >ĞĂŬŝŶŐ�ƉŝƉĞƐ�ĐĂŶ�ŐŽ�ƵŶĚĞƚĞĐƚĞĚ�ĨŽƌ�Ă�ŶƵŵďĞƌ�ŽĨ�LJĞĂƌƐ�ůĞĂĚŝŶŐ�ƚŽ�ǀĞƌLJ�ĞdžƉĞŶƐŝǀĞ�ĐŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟ�ŽŶ�ƌĞƉĂŝƌƐ͘ ;iX`eX^\�Jpjk\d�]fi�Cfn$c\m\c�K_i\j_fc[j �>h�Z�/E�ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞƐ�ĞdžĐĞůůĞŶƚ�ĚƌĂŝŶĂŐĞ�ĂŶĚ�ĞĂƐLJ�ĂĐĐĞƐƐŝďŝůŝƚLJ�ĨŽƌ�ǁŚĞĞůĐŚĂŝƌƐ͘��ŶƟ�ͲƐůŝƉ� ƐƵƌĨĂĐĞ�ĨŽƌ�ĂĚĚĞĚ�ƐĂĨĞƚLJ͘��ŽŵƉůŝĞƐ�ǁŝƚŚ�ďƵŝůĚŝŶŐ�ƌĞŐƵůĂƟ�ŽŶƐ�ĨŽƌ�Ă�ĚƌĂŝŶĞĚ͕�ǀĞŶƚĞĚ�ĂƌĞĂ� ŝŶ�ĨƌŽŶƚ�ŽĨ�ůŽǁ�ůĞǀĞů�ƚŚƌĞƐŚŽůĚƐ͘�^ƵŝƚĂďůĞ�ĨŽƌ�Ăůů�ĐŽŵŵĞƌĐŝĂů�ĂŶĚ�ŝŶĚƵƐƚƌŝĂů�ƵƐĞ͘ 8[mXekX^\j�Xe[�gfjj`Yc\�lj\j�f]�8CL;I8@E ͻ� �ĂƐLJ͕ �ĐŽƐƚ�Ğī�ĞĐƟ�ǀĞ�ŝŶƐƚĂůůĂƟ�ŽŶ ͻ� �ůůŽǁƐ�ĞdžĐĞůůĞŶƚ�ĚƌĂŝŶĂŐĞ ͻ� �ĂƐLJ�ĂĐĐĞƐƐ�ĨŽƌ�ǁŚĞĞůĐŚĂŝƌ�ƵƐĞƌƐ ͻ� &ůĞdžŝďůĞ�ƚŽ�Į�ƚ�ĂŶLJ�ƐŝnjĞ�ƚŚƌĞƐŚŽůĚ͕�ŽůĚ�Žƌ�ŶĞǁ ͻ� ,ŝŐŚ�ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ�ĂůƵŵŝŶŝƵŵ�ĞdžƚƌƵƐŝŽŶ ͻ� ^ƚLJůŝƐŚ�ĂŶŽĚŝƐĞĚ�ĂůƵŵŝŶŝƵŵ�ĚĞƐŝŐŶ ͻ� &ŝƚƐ�ƚŽ�ĂŶLJ�ĞdžƚĞƌŝŽƌ�ƐƵƌĨĂĐĞ ͻ� �ŶƟ�ͲƐůŝƉ�ƐƵƌĨĂĐĞ ͻ� �ĂŶ�ďĞ�ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞĚ�ŝŶ�ϯŵ�ůĞŶŐƚŚƐ�Žƌ�ĐƵƚ�ƚŽ�ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐ͛�ƐƉĞĐŝĮ�Đ�ƌĞƋƵŝƌĞŵĞŶƚƐ ͻ� �ǀĂŝůĂďůĞ�ŝŶ�Ϯ�ǁŝĚƚŚƐ�;ϭϯϬŵŵ�ΘϭϴϱŵŵͿ ͻ� ZŝŐŚƚ�ĂŶŐůĞƐ�ĂŶĚ�ϰϬŵŵ�ƉŽůLJƉŝƉĞ�ĚƌĂŝŶ�ũƵŶĐƟ�ŽŶƐ�ĂŶĚ�ƐƚŽƉͲĞŶĚƐ�ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ 8cl[lZk�$�Xccfnj�`ejkXek�Xe[�\Xjp�XZZ\jj`Y`c`kp� kf�g`g\nfib www.mayfi info@mayfi 01507 578630 PAGE44.indd 1 04/07/2013 14:08 For further details of the above products or any of the Norcros range call the technical helpline on 0870 609 2851 e-mail [email protected] or visit To ensure a successful tiled Ä�UPZO� P[� PZ� LZZLU[PHS� [OH[�backgrounds are able to support the additional weight as well as being suitable for the conditions to which they will be exposed. To assist the architect/ designer Norcros Adhesives have developed a range of preparation products which allow tiles to be Ä�_LK�[V�Z\IZ[YH[LZ�^OPJO�TH`�UV[� previously have been suitable. Norcros Permalayer anti- fracture membrane is designed [V� WYV[LJ[� [OL� [PSLK� Ä�UPZO� MYVT� potentially damaging background movement stresses such as those experienced on timber Å�VVYZ�� YHPZLK� HJJLZZ� WHULS� Å�VVYZ� HUK� JYHJRLK� ZJYLLKZ�� ;OL� WYVK\J[� PZ� LHZ`� [V� PUZ[HSS�� OHZ� H� Ä�UPZOLK� [OPJRULZZ� VM� VUS`� �TT� and has been independently tested by Ceram Research where it was shown to exceed the YLX\PYLTLU[Z�VM�):�� ��!�� ��� Loadings for Buildings Part 1. The product also allows ceramic tiles [V� IL� Ä�_LK� VU[V� ºNYLLU»� ZJYLLKZ� and concretes after only 48 hours of being laid. When used with the 5VYJYVZ�>H[LYWYVVÄ�UN�(KTP_[\YL� the Permalayer system provides a waterproof membrane ideal for use in wet rooms and saunas. Newly launched Pro Board is a high performance waterproof construction/tilebacker board manufactured from high density polystyrene with a specially formulated reinforced cement- based coating which enhances [OL�Ä�YL�YLZPZ[HU[�WYVWLY[PLZ�VM�[OL� board. This creates a tile ready Z\YMHJL��HUK�HSZV�NP]LZ�[OL�IVHYK� excellent impact resistance. Pro board is suitable for both internal HUK�L_[LYUHS�^HSSZ�HUK�Å�VVYZ��HUK� P[Z�[OLYTHS�LMÄ�JPLUJ`�LUZ\YLZ�OLH[� PZ�UV[�SVZ[�[V�[OL�Z\IZ[YH[L�ILSV �^� particularly when used with undertile heating. The board is available in a range of thicknesses and with an option of pre- made falls they are also ideal for balconies and roof terraces. Pre- formed shower trays and other wetroom structures complete the range. In accordance with BS 5385- �!������ PU� VYKLY� [V� YLJLP]L� H� [PSLK� Ä�UPZO� [OL� IHZL� ZOV\SK� OH]L� a surface regularity of SR1. This is equivalent to a maximum permissible departure of 3mm MYVT� [OL� \UKLYZPKL� VM� H� �T� straightedge resting in contact ^P[O� [OL� Å�VVY�� 5VYJYVZ� Button-fix the secret fixing for panels and more! From washrooms and interior fit-outs to exhibition stands and furniture, this innovative, secret fixing is a must have for fitters, designers and architects alike! What is Button-fix and how does it work? The concept is simple: the Button is attached to one surface and the Fix to the other. When the two parts are brought together they fit with a satisfying click. Button-fix is designed to be incredibly strong and has been tested and certified by the independent test house, Sandberg. Easy to fix the in the first place, it also allows the panels to be removable and reconfigurable at a later date. There are two types of Fix depending on your specific application. The Type 1 Fix can be either surface-mounted or rebated and engages with a vertical or sideways sliding action. This version is ideal for applications where load bearing is paramount. The Type 2 Fix connects panels at 90˚ with a simple push/pull assembly and is ideal for applications where the emphasis is on ease of fit rather than strength. The range also includes marker tools and other accessories to make fitting the Button-fix more accurate, easy and safe. Button-fix also have their own in-house technical team and associated workshop for offering advice and continued testing and development. To better understand which type is best for your application, please visit You will also find a number of blogs with accompanying photography for real projects where Button-fix has been used. As you can see the applications are varied in industry and purpose, with customers finding new uses for Button-fix all the time. For example, Button-fix has been used to make the fit-out of a fast food restaurant really fast. It has also been used to hold acoustic wall panels in a recording studio. One manufacturer is integrating the fixing into several of their washroom systems, used in demanding environments such as airports and schools. Another uses Button-fix’s ease of assembly to make their prestigious office furniture quicker to install on site. The popularity of Button-fix has been such that it is now being specified by architects and designers and requested by the fitters carrying out the installations. This means there is now a mutually accepted synergy between those specifying the fixing product and those using it, resulting in time- and cost- savings as well as a happier project team. Button-fix now have a number of distributors in the UK, Canada and the USA with more to be announced over the next few months. If you haven’t seen Button-fix for yourself then request a FREE sample pack today by visiting A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 4 6] PAGE46.indd 1 04/07/2013 14:10 PAGE47.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:28 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 4 8] Call 0844 915 1000 [email protected] Striking Modern Refreshing Equinox Stripe a stylish new carpet from danfloor. Bring a luxurious look and feel to your interior scheme. Renaissance Fair Seas Oceanic Calypso Arcadia Horizon Legacy Galileo Aurora Through extensive research, sourcing and testing, we have introduced a bamboo fl ooring system that meets the EN14904 standard specifi c for sports fl oor and dance use. Bamboo is an attractive alternative to wood fl ooring but has the added benefi ts of being eco-friendly, sustainable and durable in addition to being resistant to insects and moisture. Bamboo has received hardness (strength) ratings higher than many hardwoods. This means it “bounces back” after most impacts and doesn’t dent. This resilience is also better for the feet and back of users since the fl oor will tend to “give” slightly. www.britishfl enquiries@britishfl Global carpet innovator Milliken is launching its new Light Trails collection. Inspired by the photographic light eff ects caused by the speed and movement of traffi c against a night sky, Light Trails brings a vibrant new colour direction to Milliken’s portfolio. Light Trails features vivid punctuated lines of bright and even neon colour cutting across the darkness of a night black or dusk grey background to create a collection of powerful contrasts and fascinating illusions. As luminous highlights contrast with the subtly textured background the overall design eff ect is powerful and complex. Colours include Zest lime, Neon orange, Rosso red, Glamour pink, Titanium white and Turbo yellow. The collection off ers the perfect solution for designers seeking to create impact by bringing small quantities of bright accent colour into a corporate environment. Light Trails is supplied in 457mm tile format and is produced using high- performance ECONYL® yarn with 100% regenerated nylon. The collection also includes Comfort Plus® cushion backing with 90% recycled content. For further press information, please contact: Lucy Brice / Alison Owen, Barrett Dixon Bell, Craig Court, 25 Hale Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 2EY, UK Tel: +44 (0)161 925 4700 | Fax: +44 (0)161 925 4701 E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] MILLIKEN INSPIRES YOUR NEXT LIGHTBULB MOMENT PAGE48.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:29 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 4 9] PAGE49.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:29 1-3 September 2013 HARROGATEDESIGN RETAIL CONTRACT FLOORING SHOW ! An unrivalled range of exhibitors from across the flooring industry ! The all new Trends Hub – meet friends and colleagues in inspirational surroundings showcasing key flooring design trends for 2014 All free of charge, including the exhibitIon, conference, seminars, receptions, wi-fi and parking Join us for the Commercial Flooring Conference Also featuring: The Commercial Flooring Conference (2 – 3 September) features: # Case studies and technical presentations covering: entertainment, healthcare, retail, education, sport, hotel, office # Dedicated sessions on BIM (Building Information Modelling), Sustainability, Innovation & Design # Fully accredited CPD sessions alongside conference A MUST ATTEND! BE THERE! A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 5 0] PAGE50.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:29 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 5 1] '97831�()7-+2)(�)286%2')�1%88-2+ 'EPP�YW�SR�������������� SV�ZMWMX�W]RGVSW�GS�YO 8,)�)286%2')�1%88-2+�) A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 5 2] Waterloo helps deliver 80% energy savings at Scottish retail centre As part of a major refurbishment programme for one of Aberdeen’s major shopping destinations, Waterloo Air Products plc has supplied a wide range of air diff users including customised designs for the eating areas and helped contribute towards an overall 80% reduction in energy. Air terminal devices have been used throughout the Bon Accord shopping centre where there was a need to design an effi cient air distribution system to help reduce emissions and carbon footprints. The centre, whose landlord is Scottish Retail Property Limited Partnership, is a joint venture between Land Securities and British Land with over 200 stores. A £6million make-over has now been completed and was carried out in two phases, which included new entrances and a stunning new interior providing shoppers with a fresh design, an atrium with sleek LED lighting, ceiling and fl ooring, renovated toilets and a range of stylish furniture, which achieves a modern contemporary look. See Waterloo Air Products full range at: or email [email protected] Pivot Stove & Heating, founded in 1876 and a long established brand in Australia and New Zealand, is opening for business in the UK and unveiling its fi rst showroom and national distribution hub in Macclesfi eld, Cheshire. Supplying integrated home heating and cooking solutions, Pivot will be showcasing the best sustainable, renewable fuels heating resources from around the world. Pivot’s huge product range will include freestanding and inset stoves, both wood burning and multi-fuel, plus a range of effi cient boiler stoves and range cookers. Brands being stocked include Esse, Jetmaster and Pyroclassic, the cleanest, most effi cient wood fi re in New Zealand for 30 years. Other products include thermal stores from McDonald Engineering and stoves from Westfi re and Mendip. Just in time for summer, Pivot is also stocking a range of outdoor pizza ovens. In addition to pizzas, these wood fuelled ovens are ideal for baking bread, slow cooking casseroles and roasting fi sh, meat and vegetables. Pivot will be supplying both trade and retail customers throughout the UK with its wide range of heating products, which will include a variety of fl ue systems. Barbara Duncalf, Showroom Manager, who is HETAS trained, said: “A large number of people are interested in embracing a greener way of living and keen to enhance their homes with the latest models of effi cient heating solutions. Whether our customers are looking for a simple freestanding log burner, a cooking range or an entire domestic heating and hot water solution, we will have the perfect product for them.” Pivot Stove & Heating is based on Calamine Street, Macclesfi eld, SK11 7HU. Contact Pivot by calling 03333 231270 or email [email protected] or go to for more information. PIVOT STOVE & HEATING OPENING FOR BUSINESS IN THE UK Specialist titanium tubes manufacturer and supplier, Titanium Products has added the Backersafe range of energy saving Titanium sheathed immersion heaters to its product range. Titanium Products has selected the Backer Electric Company range of Backersafe titanium sheathed heaters. Manufactured to the latest issue of BSEN 60335-2-73, Backersafe ensures the immersion heater is isolated from the mains supply should the primary thermostat fail with the contacts closed. This meets the specifi cation requirements aimed at eliminating the risk of boiling water. With technology approved by BEAB, Backersafe heaters feature a standard low cost ther- mostat with an additional reset button thermostat in series with the rod thermostat. Available online through the Titanium Products website – Or Tel: 0121 705 1483 Email: [email protected] Energy saving Titanium Water Heaters From Stock PAGE52.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:30 SCAN FOR BROCHURE FOR ALL TYPES OF DESIGNER & ECO-ALUMINIUM RADIATORS Tel: 0116 260 9257 DISTRIBUTOR TO THE MERCHANTS PAGE53.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:30 SCHIEDEL ABSOLUT Modern heating technologies place enormous demands VU�H�JOPTUL`�Z`Z[LT��6U�[OL�VUL�OHUK��SV^�Å\L�NHZ� [LTWLYH[\YLZ�MYVT�LULYN`�LMÄJPLU[�HWWSPHUJLZ�PUJS\KPUN� Gasoil and Pellets lead to condensate forming within the chimney. On the other hand, Chimneys used on solid fuel applications must also be capable of withstanding a JOPTUL`�ÄYL�� Schiedel Absolut represents a comprehensive solution to the 4 main challenges raised by modern heating technology JVTIPULK�^P[O�[OL�SH[LZ[�LULYN`�LMÄJPLU[�I\PSKPUN� techniques. CHALLENGE 1 - Condensation forming on the chimney block. If external temperatures are very cold, then moisture from the surrounding air can turn to condensation on the surface of the block, leading to damp spots, mould and a possible risk to health ensues. The Absolut system employs a core of foam concrete as insulation in the blocks that form the shaft, ensuring that block surface temperatures remain above the critical dew point. CHALLENGE 2 - Heat transmission to the outside of the building via the chimney block. The top and bottom of the chimney are the two most sensitive areas, when it comes to heat transmission between the warm interior of the house and the cold L_[LYPVY��;OL�(IZVS\[�Z`Z[LT�OHZ�ZWLJPÄJHSS`�KLZPNULK� thermal insulation blocks to prevent this heat transmission. CHALLENGE 3 - The supply of air to the appliance in an air tight house. ;OL�TVKLYU�OV\ZL�PZ�LMÄJPLU[S`�ZLHSLK�HNHPUZ[�KYHM[Z��^OPJO� means that combustion air has to be brought directly to the appliance. The Absolut system has an integrated air shaft which supplies the appliance with the right amount of air it needs for combustion, drawn directly from above the roof, minimising problems due to prevailing winds. CHALLENGE 4 – How to cope with the extremes of temperature – resistance to JVUKLUZH[L�L]LU�HM[LY�H�JOPTUL`�ÄYL����������������������������� ;OL�(IZVS\[�WYVÄSLK�SPULY�OHZ�ILLU�[LZ[LK�HUK�HWWYV]LK� ^P[O�H�.>��KLZPNUH[PVU�TLHUPUN�[OH[�P[�PZ�ZVV[�ÄYL�YLZPZ[HU[�� JVUKLUZH[L�YLZPZ[HU[�L]LU�HM[LY�H�JOPTUL`�ÄYL�HUK�PZ� corrosion resistant on gas, oil and solid fuel applications. For further details on SCHIEDEL ABSOLUT and all other complimentary products and services please visit: - or contact David Wright at Schiedel on 0191 416 1150. The UK’s largest manufacturer of Chimney Systems, Schiedel Chimney Systems Ltd., has just launched the ABSOLUT Chimney System with an Integrated Insulated Combustion Air Shaft. 1. Outer Foil Sealing Kit���IRU�ZHDWKHU�SURRÀQJ 2. Innter Foil Sealing Kit - air tight membrane 3. Thermal Block ��HOLPLQDWHV�WKHUPDO�EULGJLQJ 4. Insulated Shaft���IRU�FRPEXVWLRQ�DLU ��� 3URÀOHG�&HUDPLFV�/LQHU���IRU�*:��UDWLQJ 6. Inspection/Soot Door A rc he te c h� ��, VVX H� �� �>3 DJ H� �� @ PAGE54.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:31 Prihoda Fabric Ducting with 100% Recycled material (r-PET). At Prihoda we have been making and shipping Fabric Ducting systems worldwide since 1994. We have been the fi rst to innovate so many new products, from adjustable fabric bends, to textile air distribution nozzles and a host of new materials and methods for delivering air. We are pleased to be the fi rst to announce in the UK that from July 2013 our products will now be available from material made using 100% recycled polyester yarn. We have sourced our recycled material from Unifi an American company that makes the Repreve® 100% recycled polyester material. All of our recycled Fabric Ducts will be made using material recycled from Plastic Bottles (r-PET). In fact we’ve worked out that for every m2 of Prihoda Recycled Fabric Ducting you buy you’ll be saving 14 x 500ml plastic bottles from landfi ll. For example this means a 10m long Ø630mm duct will ultimately save a massive 277 plastic bottles from landfi ll. Each quotation we produce will specify the bottles saved and each duct we make will come complete with labelling specifying it’s genuine 100% recycled content. Prihoda Recycled Fabric Ducting is manufactured and delivered with the following benefi ts... t� 100% Recycled POST CONSUMER content t� Flame Retardant Material t� Anti-Bacterial Treatment (10 Year Effi cacy) t� Cleanroom Quality (Non Fibre Shedding (ISO4) Standard) t� Anti-Static using in wrought Carbon Fibres t� Non Shrink (subject to correct maintenance procedures) t� Non Hygroscopic t� 10 Years Warranty t� Prihoda Recycled available in 4 standard colours (no extra cost) � t�8IJUF � t�-JHIU�(SFZ � t�%BSL�(SFZ � t�%BSL�#MVF t� Prihoda Premium PMI material available in 9 standard colours all from stock at no extra cost. Used extensively in Sport Halls, Theatres, Offi ces, Food Production, -BSHF� 3FUBJM� "SFBT � 4XJNNJOH� 1PPMT � 4DIPPMT� BOE� B�XIPMF� IPTU� PG� other applications Prihoda Recycled Fabric Ducting off ers a real ecological benefi t – made with recycled origins it need never be thrown away again. For more information please visit us at you may also want to know a little more about Repreve® and they can be found at Twycross Zoo Queen Mary University PAGE55.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:31 Established for over twenty years, at Radiating Style we have a reputation for producing unique radiators and towel rails in traditional and contemporary designs. Our product spectrum is vast, ranging from the conventional and traditional styles through to our designer radiators which are modern masterpieces! We are always thinking ahead in terms of both design and functionality which is refl ected in our product off ering. We are proud to say that the majority of our designs are exclusive to us and our product portfolio off ers maximum variety, both in size and colour including a selection of distinctive metalic shades. Originality is paramount. We ensure that our designs are full of imagination and always practical, providing high thermal effi ciency whilst allowing plenty of scope for customisation. We off er outstanding quality and expert advice and a comprehensive aftercare service. 7YVÄ�SL�9HUNL ;YHKP[PVUHS�9HUNL +LJVYH[P]L�9HUNL 7YVÄ�SL�9HUNL7YVÄ�SL�9HUNL7YVÄ�SL�9HUNL ;YHKP[PVUHS�9HUNL;YHKP[PVUHS�9HUNL;YHKP[PVUHS�9HUNL Radiating Style Ltd. Call us now on 020 8577 9111 [email protected] ^^ �^YHKPH[PUNZ[`SL�JVT +LJVYH[P]L�9HUNL+LJVYH[P]L�9HUNL+LJVYH[P]L�9HUNL =HS]L�9HUNL=HS]L�9HUNL=HS]L�9HUNL=HS]L�9HUNL=HS]L�9HUNL Trade Prices Available (S\TPUP\T�9HUNL ,SLJ[YPJ�9HUNL ALZ BV 7YVÄ�SL�/ 7YVÄ�SL�7 7YVÄ�SL�= RS�6YUH[L RS�*HZ[�0YVU RS�Victorian (�*SHZZPJ *SV[OLZ�/VYZL ;V[LT Raising )SV^ )YPKNL )HI`SH PAGE57.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:42 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 5 8] PERSONAL : Phototex can be used to create a unique and personalised space, almost anywhere. Design duration is completely flexible—spaces may be transformed for just a single day or up to years at a time. t +44 (0) 1252 624 411 PAGE58.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:44 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e * ** ] Mother of Pearl, Capiz Shell and Semi-Precious Stones. Exquisite Interior Design, Naturally. [email protected] tel: +44 (0)20 8952 1345 shellshock_advert_bands_v2.indd 1 12/6/13 12:16:54PAGE59.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:44 Ideally located in the heart of the interior design community at Chelsea Harbour, London, loop3 designs and fi ts out high- specifi cation retail spaces, commercial environments and residential interiors. Beautiful, sophisticated interiors are our passion. Working closely with architects and designers, our mission is to take care of every aspect of complex design and fi t-out projects, from the fi rst surveys, analysis and planning through to ongoing maintenance upon completion. We deliver high quality interior trade and construction work to busy companies and individuals, primarily in London and the South East. Yet, we are more than just contractors: we are an integral part of the design and management of an interior project. Indeed, we often manage the entire project, bringing together the jigsaw of professions needed for its successful completion through our core workforce, regular specialist sub- contractors, and strong relationships with architects, designers, planners, engineers, IT consultants and artisans. With a core team of 20 staff , our skills span brief scoping and defi nition, survey, design, technical and building regulations compliance, project management and full fi t out. We are industry-qualifi ed and expert in the latest legislation and technology. Retail Specialists in high-end retail environments, we excel at “putting on a show”, allowing prestigious brands to stand out from the competition: our retail portfolio includes the showrooms of Mulberry Home, GP&J Baker, Cole&Son, Lapicida, and Porta Romana. Commercial / Offi ce We are regularly engaged to create commercial environments that make staff want to come to work every day, maximise productivity and profi t, and bring brand values to life. With projects ranging from spruce-ups to complete refurbishments, budgets run from £20,000 to £1,000,000. Residential loop3 undertakes work in the homes of successful, affl uent individuals across the UK and Europe, with budgets from £150,000 to £2,000,000. Our recent residential contracts include the refurbishment of a private residence along the banks of the Thames and the revamping of a £7,500,000 apartment in Kensington. If you have a retail, commercial or residential project and need assistance, then we’d love to hear from you. loop3 Interiors Ltd, 103 Design Centre East, Chelsea Harbour, London SW10 0XF +44 (0) 20 7376 5300 [email protected] loop3 Interiors Design Centre Chelsea Harbour’s Premier Contractor A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 6 0] PAGE60.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:44 PAGE61.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:51 Fit for a Queen: HBA London Designs a Majestic Homage to Queen Elizabeth II at the InterContinental London Park Lane PAGE62.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:51 he Gallery, the studio within HBA London that is dedicated to high- concept bespoke interior design, has transformed the Royal Suite at the InterContinental London Park Lane to have a timeless and elegant style inspired by Queen Elizabeth II. Given the suite’s debut in 2012, Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee year, the designers were captivated by WKH�ORFDWLRQ¶V�QREOH�SHGLJUHH��)RU�WKH�¿UVW�GHFDGH�RI�KHU�FKLOGKRRG��7KH� Queen lived in a building once located on this site, after which the Royal Family moved to Buckingham Palace when her father King George VI succeeded to the throne. 7KH�*DOOHU\�KDV�FUHDWHG�D�VXLWH�PRGHOOHG�LQ�SDUW�DIWHU�+HU�0DMHVW\¶V�DFFODLPHG�IDVKLRQ�VHQVH���DV�VHHQ� HVSHFLDOO\�LQ�&HFLO�%HDWRQ¶V�SKRWRJUDSKV�RI�KHU�DV�D�\RXQJ�ZRPDQ��7KH�QHZ�GHVLJQ�DOVR�KRQRXUV�7KH� 4XHHQ�DV�ERWK�D�WHQGHU�IDPLO\�SHUVRQ�DQG�DQ�DUFKHW\SLFDO�¿JXUHKHDG�UHVSHFWHG�DURXQG�WKH�ZRUOG�� Her ability to balance compassion with strength and power has been expressed in the décor through WKH�MX[WDSRVLWLRQ�RI�RSSRVLWHV���WKH�VRIW�ZLWK�WKH�KDUG��WKH�ÀRZLQJ�ZLWK�WKH�VWUXFWXUHG��DQG�WKH�IHPLQLQH� with the masculine. In the living room, for example, silk-effect wallcovering is bordered by round brass QDLOKHDGV��DQG�D�FKDQGHOLHU�LQ�D�VLQXRXV�ÀRUDO�VKDSH�LV�IRUPHG�IURP�ULJLG�JODVV�URGV��� 9,3V�IURP�DURXQG�WKH�JOREH�ZLOO�EH�UHVLGLQJ�LQ�WKH�����VTP�5R\DO�6XLWH�DQG�7KH�*DOOHU\¶V�LQWHQWLRQ� has been to create a temporary home which will be comfortable for them all. So while the designer’s LQVSLUDWLRQ�KDV�EHHQ�VSHFL¿F��WKH�VXLWH¶V�UHIHUHQFHV�WR�UR\DOW\�DUH�VXEWOH�DQG�DUH�ZRYHQ�LQWR�D�FODVVLF� GHVLJQ�WKDW�HQFDSVXODWH�WKH�VW\OHV�RI�WKH�GHFDGHV�IURP�7KH�4XHHQ¶V�ELUWK�LQ������WR�WKH�SUHVHQW� moment. T HBA London PAGE63.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:51 The result blends Art Deco touches with a contemporary interpretation of the opulent ¿�QLVKHV�IRXQG�LQ�UR\DO�SDODFHV��5HÀ�HFWLYH� VXUIDFHV�FUHDWLYHO\�ZRYHQ�LQWR�WKH�LQWHULRUV� increase its sense of spaciousness and OXPLQRVLW\��,Q�WKH�OLYLQJ�URRP��DQWLTXHG�PLUURUV� ERUGHU�WKH�FRYHG�FHLOLQJ�WR�FUHDWH�DQ�LOOXVLRQ� RI�KHLJKW��WKH�FRIIHH�DQG�VLGH�WDEOHV�KDYH� JOD]HG�¿�QLVKHV��DQG�D�WXIWHG�OHDWKHU�EHQFK�LV� VXSSRUWHG�E\�D�PLUURUHG�EDVH�� )ORZLQJ�GLUHFWO\�IURP�KHUH�LV�WKH�GLQLQJ�DUHD�� ZKLFK�LV�KLJKOLJKWHG�E\�D�JODPRURXV�LQEXLOW� cocktail cabinet whose mirrored back panels UHÀ�HFW�WKH�FRORXUIXO�OLTXHXUV�RQ�LWV�EDFNOLW�RQ\[� VKHOYHV��,Q�DGGLWLRQ��D�EHDXWLIXO�FRFNWDLO�WUROOH\� KDV�EHHQ�FUHDWHG�H[SUHVVO\�IRU�WKH�VXLWH��DQG� D�IXOO�KHLJKW�IUDPH�LQ�JUH\�ODFTXHUHG�%ROLYDU� YHQHHU�KROGV�D�WHOHYLVLRQ�WKDW�FDQ�YLHZHG�IURP� HLWKHU�WKH�OLYLQJ�RU�GLQLQJ�VSDFHV�ZLWKLQ�WKH� RSHQ�SODQ�� PAGE64.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:52 The suite’s subtle palette of warm platinum and pearly cream creates feelings of calm and comfort; this is highlighted by accents in soft shades of yellow, The Queen’s signature colour. From polished and satin brass trims to cushions with golden embroidery, her favourite hue brightens the ambiance with lightness and sophistication. The classic loop-shaped clasp found on Her Majesty’s iconic little black handbag also provided inspiration for the designers. This motif has been incorporated into the rooms’ ironmongery, with bespoke drawer pulls and door handles forged into this shape as well as the brass nailhead pattern on the doors. Exquisite details such as these are what create the Royal Suite’s abundant sense of luxury. The library has been imagined to be a place where The Queen diligently pursued her duties. HBA London PAGE65.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:53 Honouring both her respect for the past and her commitment to keeping the royal institution relevant today, the interiors blend the classic with the contemporary. A traditional writing desk inlaid with narrow brass strips around its oval frame feels graceful and, with its QDXWLFDO�ÀDLU��VXEWO\�UHIHUHQFHV�%ULWLVK�QDYDO�SURZHVV�� In contrast, a stylised interpretation of a white leather wingback desk chair smartens the library with its modern shape. A sweeping view of London through the �WK�ÀRRU�ZLQGRZ�FRPSOHWHV�WKH�VRYHUHLJQ�H[SHULHQFH� ,Q�WKH�EHGURRP��ÀRRU�WR�FHLOLQJ�DQWLTXHG�PLUURUV�DGRUQ� WKH�ZDOO�EHKLQG�WKH�EHG��UHÀHFWLQJ�WKH�OXVWURXV�¿QLVKHV� of the space. Overhead, soft silver satin is gathered to IRUP�D�GUDSHG�EHG�FDQRS\��7KH�ÀRUDO�SDWWHUQ�RI�LWV�WRQH� RQ�WRQH�OLQLQJ�ZDV�LQVSLUHG�E\�WKH�ÀRZHU�DUUDQJHPHQWV� IURP�&HFLO�%HDWRQ¶V�RZQ�JDUGHQ�ZKLFK�KH�XVHG�DV� backdrops in his portraits of the princess to emphasise WKH�VRIWQHVV�RI�KHU�IDFLDO�H[SUHVVLRQV� Sitting in the window nook overlooking Park Lane is a chaise longue upholstered in taupe velvet. Above this, a pleated satin valance frames the window and echoes the curves of the bed canopy. The plush wool carpet used here and in most of the other spaces has a geometric pattern in grey hues. In the renovated bathrooms, creamy white marble vanity counters and cladding are brightened by yellow accents and mirrored surfaces to create sparkle and an immediate sense of VSDFLRXVQHVV��,PDJHV�RI�IUROLFNLQJ�FRUJLV��7KH�4XHHQ¶V� favourite breed of dogs, add joie de vivre. Four interconnecting guestrooms also have been redesigned in a complementary style and can be joined WR�FUHDWH�DQ�LQFUHGLEOH�¿YH�EHGURRP��¿YH�EDWKURRP� space totalling 197 m². The designers have commissioned a special collection RI�DUWZRUN�IRU�WKH�5R\DO�6XLWH��IUDPHG�DQWLTXH�SRVWFDUGV� VLW�DORQJVLGH�YLQWDJH�LOOXVWUDWLRQV�RI�7KH�4XHHQ¶V�¿QHO\� detailed hats. Sketched by Aage Thaarup, a Danish milliner who opened a fashion house in London in the 1930s, these are his studies for the hats designed to complement the Hardy Amies dresses she wore during her Canadian Tour in 1959. The suite is also adorned with a signed contemporary giclée print by Ann Carrington that depicts stylised regal themes and, in the living room, an image of a majestic stallion photographed by the renowned artist, Tim Flach. Through the artwork, The Gallery conveys the spirit of Queen Elizabeth II, completing its tribute to Her Majesty. HBA London PAGE66.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:54 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 6 7] Contact us for a free copy of our brochure EXCLUSIVE CLAY PAVER RANGE A leading supplier of high quality ethically sourced natural stone landscaping products inspired by nature Choose from our extensive ranges of flagstones and block paving, including our new and exclusive Vande Moortel & Fired Earth ranges... for when design matters! Receive dedicated support from your local Sales Manager with samples, on site visits, links to your nearest stockists and much more. Winners of a BALI Affiliate Award for Exceptional Service. inspired products professional support excel lent service [email protected] 0845 072 1150 PAGE67.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:54 email [email protected] email [email protected] Tel. 01429 890808 or mobile 07976 514123 8a Park View West Ind. Est. HARTLEPOOL TS25 1PE Solid Oak Hardwood Furniture Limited Beautiful British Handmade Hardwood Furniture brought to you by SOLID OAK HARDWOOD FURNITURE Ltd incorporating TEAK GARDEN FURNITURE and MEMORIAL BENCHES based in the North East of England. Originally established in 1923, A family business then, and today proudly, still is. Our exceptionally gifted, time served craftsmen create stunning pieces of Handmade standard and Bespoke Furniture for you and your family to enjoy for years to come. Massive Bespoke Benches, Tables of all designs, Armchairs, Picnic Tables, Solid Oak Wood Doors and frames, Windows, Gates, and more. If its made of wood we can manufacture it. The materials used in out products are probably the most substantial on the market today. To create perfection you have to always be selective and responsible, appreciate and understand your customers wishes. We always do!! We also manufacture a wide range of MEMORIAL BENCHES, a wonderful way to commemorate the life of a loved one. A timeless piece of furniture with the choice of Engraved Plaque rebated into the top rail, or a personal message engraved into the rail itself. Words and phrases mean so much to so many and the ability to sit, refl ect and remember it almost priceless. Our case and attention to detail ensures you always receive exactly what you request. Our Memorial Benches, from a portable lightweight garden seat to a really heavy Park seat are all manufactured in the same way, fi nest timbers, traditional joinery techniques, all joints are screwedm glued and dowelled in a manner that simply put - just oozes perfection. Handmade BESPOKE items are manufactured to order. We can manufacture to your plans and designs or we can discuss your ideas and then turn your dreams into reality. Our sound business and manufacturing principles mean we deliver our promises, ensure 100% satisfaction giving you complete confi dence and a product you are as proud to own as we are to manufacture. Delivery is always by our own transport, this ensures your furniture arrives exactly as it left our works - perfect. All items are fully assembled and delivered ready to use. We very carefully select the fi nest Hardwoods, using in the main FSC Oka, FSC British Sweet Chestnut, Iroko and of course the very best FEQ Teak (which incidentally is the best timber for outdoor furniture) Our products are all environmentally friendly, no harmful chemicals, and when eventually work out they can be returned back into the soil from where they once sprang. PAGE68.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:54 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 6 9] POROUS PAVERS SUDS SOURCE CONTROL Fiberweb Geosynthetics Ltd Tel: +44 (0) 1621 874200 ™ indicates a trade mark of Fiberweb plc or a Fiberweb Group company, many of which are registered in a number of countries around the world. BUSINESSA BODPAVE™85 Grass & Gravel porous pavers Grass or Gravel surfaces Parking areas Emergency/HGV access routes Walkways & disabled routes Applications Up to 400t/m2 bearing (Gravel filled) Colours: Black, Green & Natural 100% recycled (Black & Green only) SuDS source control compliant Benefits Archetects Mag_130x190_BP85-Mk1.indd 1 23/05/2013 14:53 Solid Oak Hardwood Furniture Limited Stunning Handmade Garden Furniture brought to you by Solid Oak Hardwood Furniture. Based here in the UK Our time served exceptionally gifted craftsmen create stunning pieces of Luxury Handmade Furniture for you and your family to enjoy for years to come. t� Massive Bespoke Benches, t� Tables of all designs, t� Armchairs, t� Picnic Tables, t� Solid Oak Wood Doors and frames, If its made of wood we can manufacture it! [email protected] [email protected] Tel. 01429 890808 PAGE69.indd 1 05/07/2013 08:55 The Client Our client originally purchased the property for its location on Eton High Street. It was an intuitive purchase, with no preconceived idea of how the existing or potential accommodation might be arranged or treated. Her executive lifestyle was characterized by travel, long hours and hotel living. Respite came from regular visits to her family home on the south coast. When asked how she might wish to live in the house, she volunteered that she actually had no idea. The story of the building is as much an investigation into aspirations and lifestyle as of formal architectural development. The Site Occupying a narrow burgage plot, the existing building is a 17th century double-fronted two and a half storey Grade II Listed terraced house in the Eton Conservation Area. With a frontage onto Eton High Street it is also located in a Á�RRG�SODLQ��ZLWK�D�SURWHFWHG�WUHH�WR�WKH�UHDU�� $�VHULHV�RI �JURXQG�Á�RRU�DGGLWLRQV�KDG��IURP� c19 expanded the building virtually to the rear access road, which also serves a 1960s four-storey EORFN�RI �Á�DWV��2ULJLQDOO\�D�GZHOOLQJ��E\�WKH�WLPH� of the 1901 census it had become the Three Lilies Coffee Tavern. Subsequently, it formed part of a girls’ boarding school and, in 1923, the Eton Antique Book Shop, before reverting to residential use in the late c20. By the time of purchase, the property was in an extremely poor state of repair. The Brief The basic brief was to refurbish the principal building with minor extensions and to explore how the clearance of the rear additions could open up new opportunities. The site was effectively a long, deep building, with a busy high street to the front, and, to the rear, no light, limited garden space and privacy issues, SDUWLFXODUO\�WKH�EORFN�RI �Á�DWV�GLUHFWO\�RYHUORRNLQJ� the site. 87 High Street Eton PAGE70.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:55 The Design With no real external aspect, a double-courtyard scheme was developed. The smaller courtyard is enclosed by the listed buildings and the new Lounge and it provides light and aspect to the rear of the principal building. The larger courtyard is the main private outdoor amenity space. Thanks to the coach house, it is not RYHUORRNHG�E\�WKH�EORFN�RI �Á�DWV�DQG�IRUPV� the principal aspect for the main living spaces. With privacy achieved, a transparent treatment of spaces was possible, which allowed long views and physical links through the house and courtyards. Light and transparency is emphasised by the minimal lines of the sliding doors and the frameless triple glazing. Forming the largest room in the house, the new Lounge introduces the theme of the ¶Á�RDWLQJ·�URRI �ZLWK�WKH�UDLVHG�Á�DW�URRI �UHVWLQJ� on a horizontal strip of frameless triple glazing, combining light with privacy. The lounge opens onto to the large courtyard and connects to the annex via a frameless glass semi-external link. The fully glazed double-height Garden Room of the Annex acts both as conservatory and lobby to a mezzanine suite, located over the double JDUDJH��6LPLODUO\�FKDUDFWHUL]HG�E\�LWV�Á�RDWLQJ�URRI�� privacy and exposure is controlled by a mixture of manual and automatic blinds, including an external brise-soleil. Smaller, openable windows afford random views. Getting Planning Approval As the project design was developed, it was expected that a planning consent for the very rear of the site would be sensitive. In order that the client could occupy at least part of the property, planning approval for the refurbishment to the principal building and for the new attached Lounge was obtained, but a parallel application for the coach house, designed as an Annex to the rear of the property, was refused on WKH�JURXQGV�WKDW�LW�ZDV�¶WRR�PRGHUQ·��$�PRUH� traditional scheme was then submitted and this gained approval, thus allowing a two-storey unit to the rear of the plot. The modern proposals were then re-visited with the planners and, after lengthy negotiations, approval was granted for the current building. Key to this was the need to comfortably set the new building in the conservation area. This was achieved through WKH�XVH�RI �&RUWHQ�FODGGLQJ�WR�WKH�XSSHU�Á�RRU�� a modern sustainable and maintenance-free material, with its rust hues blending in with the surrounding tiled roofscape. Blair: Limpert Peers Architects Project: 87 High Street: Eton PAGE71.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:56 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 7 2] PAGE72.indd 1 05/07/2013 09:29 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 7 3] 01226 76661801226 766618 exceptional ironwork handforged in Yorkshire by skilled craftsmen i r o n w o r k Nigel Tyas [email protected] r Listed Heritage 2.indd 1 19/06/2013 15:23 ABSOLUTE ACTION DESIGNERS OF FINE FIBRE OPTIC LIGHTING ǁǁǁ͘ĂďƐŽůƵƚĞͲĂĐƟŽŶ͘ĐŽŵ���� dĞů͗�ϬϭϲϮϮ�ϯϱϭϬϬϬ��ͮ��ĞŶƋƵŝƌŝĞƐΛĂďƐŽůƵƚĞͲĂĐƟŽŶ͘ĐŽŵ MODERN LIGHTING SOLUTIONS Lighting Catalogue with style shots available on request. 0208 123 7914 PAGE73.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:56 Hochiki Europe’s FIREscape emergency lighting system is an EN50172 compliant, intelligent, low voltage system which utilises light emitting diode (LED) technology. It provides a XQLTXH��KLJKO\�FRVW�HIIHFWLYH�DQG�HQHUJ\�HI¿�FLHQW�VROXWLRQ�ZKLFK� is ideal for anyone looking to reduce expenditure within their buildings. Manufactured in the UK, Hochiki’s FIREscape system comprises an addressable emergency lighting control panel with battery back-up, and features addressable, self-contained LED luminaires and signage connected via low voltage (40V) cabling – i.e. no 230V cabling is required. The luminaires are also equipped with battery back-up, making sure they will IXQFWLRQ� LQ� HYHU\� VLWXDWLRQ�� ZKLOH� WKH� XQLWV� ¿�W� GLUHFWO\� RQWR� D� standard Hochiki sensor base making installation simple. The LED technology that the system uses is both cost-effective DQG�HQYLURQPHQWDOO\�IULHQGO\�±�LQ�IDFW��LW�SURGXFHV�OHVV�WKDQ�¿�YH� SHU�FHQW�RI� WKH�FDUERQ�HPLVVLRQV�RI�À�XRUHVFHQW� OLJKWLQJ��7KLV� makes it a green alternative to other systems that are currently available and allows operating costs to be kept to a minimum ZLWKRXW�FRPSURPLVLQJ�HI¿�FLHQF\� One of the major costs associated with emergency lighting systems is maintenance. EN50172 states that such systems should be tested at least once a month and the cost of hiring a professional installation engineer to do this can soon mount up. Hochiki has designed the system to be very low maintenance and its long life LED technology means that it requires less WKDQ�¿�YH�SHU�FHQW�RI�WKH�ODPS�FKDQJHV�QHHGHG�ZLWK�WUDGLWLRQDO� lighting. If a luminaire does need replacing, in house personnel can carry out the operation as the system operates via low voltage (40V) cabling. So how much can be saved? Hochiki carried out a comparison of its own emergency lighting system compared to a traditional PDQXDO�WHVW�V\VWHP�DQG�LGHQWL¿�HG�DOO�WKH�FRVWV�DVVRFLDWHG�ZLWK� each on a 1,000 luminaire system used over a 10 year period. It factored in maintenance labour, battery replacement, testing labour, recycling costs, energy use and initial capital outlay and found that over this period of time the Hochiki FIREscape system could save users a massive £184,885, with a CO2e reduction of over 29.5 tonnes. 8QLTXH�� HQHUJ\� HI¿�FLHQW� DQG� FRVW�HIIHFWLYH� ±� +RFKLNL¶V� FIREscape Emergency Lighting system is the state-of-the-art HYDFXDWLRQ� VROXWLRQ� WKDW� IXO¿�OV� DOO� WKH� VDIHW\� UHTXLUHPHQWV� RI� modern buildings. For further information please contact Hochiki Europe on 01634 266566, email: [email protected] RU�YLVLW�ZZZ�KRFKLNLHXURSH�FRP�¿�UHVFDSH A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 7 4] HOCHIKI Europe’s Emergency Lighting Enhances Safety Whilst Saving Money PAGE74.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:56 2 4 1 6 3 5 7 7 8 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Seat height Backrest tilt Seat tilt Seat depth Tension adjustment Operating instructions Armrest width Armrest height Backrest height Lumbar adjustment (back of chair) 4HE�IMPULSE�COLLECTION a new family of ergonomic chairs in full fabric or mesh NOW AVAILABLE FROM JOWETT & SOWRY 30 North Street, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, LS22 6NN T 01937 587615 E [email protected] W Förderung durch design Advancement through design PAGE75.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:56 The solution that puts a smile on your face Spacefulness offers a new perspective œ˜�Ì…i�Ã…>«i�>˜`�vÕ˜V̈œ˜Ã�ˆ˜�œvwVið Spacefulness represents a multifunctional and space-saving storage unit where all MKPFU� QH� QHƂEG� UVQTCIG� UWEJ� CU� NQEMGTU�� EQCVU��QHƂEG�UWRRNKGU��DQQMU�CPF�ƂNGU�CTG� easily integrated. By adding additional functions such as a coffee corner and a VQWEJ�FQYP�YQTMUVCVKQP�� KV�YKNN� DGEQOG� VJG� EGPVTG� RQKPV� QH� CP� QHƂEG� CPF� CP� important place where people meet. Spacefulness not only helps with KORTQXKPI� RTQFWEVKXKV[�� DWV� [QW� UCXG� space as well. With only one access CKUNG� TGSWKTGF�� [QW� ECP� ICKP� ����OQTG� space compared to conventional storage solutions. The system operates at the VQWEJ�QH�C�DWVVQP�CPF�VJGTG�KU�VJG�QRVKQP� of enhanced security. 5RCEGHWNPGUU�KU�CXCKNCDNG�KP�C�YKFG�EJQKEG� QH�4#.�EQNQWTU�QT�OCVGTKCNU��UWEJ�CU�YQQF� and glass to suit your overall design theme and aesthetic. 4GCF�OQTG�CDQWV�5RCEGHWNPGUU�QP Spacefulness "«i˜�ÞœÕÀ�“ˆ˜`]�vÀii�ÞœÕÀ�œvwVi PAGE76.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:57 PAGE77.indd 1 05/07/2013 09:06 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 7 8] 7HO�����������������)D[�����������������(��LQIR#IRUJHOHLVXUH�FR�XN���ZZZ�IRUJHOHLVXUH�FR�XN� x� +LJK�TXDOLW\�KHDW�UHWHQWLRQ�SRRO�FRYHUV�� x� 6LQJOH�FRYHUV�DYDLODEOH�XS�WR����PHWUHV�LQ�ZLGWK�� x� 'HVLJQ� �PDQXIDFWXUH�RI�DXWRPDWLF� �PDQXDO�VWRUDJH�V\VWHPV�� x� 6\VWHP� W\SHV� LQFOXGH�0RWRULVHG��0DQXDO�� )L[HG��)ORRU�:DOO�DQG� &HLOLQJ�PRXQWHG�� x� 1DWLRQZLGH�VHUYLFH� �UHSDLU�� x� 7HFKQLFDO�DGYLFH�DQG�VLWH�VXUYH\V�� x� %HVSRNH�VWDLQOHVV�VWHHO�JXOOH\V�DQG�GUDLQ�FRYHUV�QRZ�DYDLODEOH�� 7+(�/($',1*�322/�&29(5�0$18)$&785(5� &200(5&,$/� �'20(67,&�+($7�5(7(17,21�322/�&29(56� ĩ6LJQLILFDQWO\�5HGXFLQJ�3RRO�(QHUJ\�5XQQLQJ�&RVWVĪ� PAGE78.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:58 T +44 (0)28 9081 5303 [email protected] Spanwall’s ingenious Titanic Belfast facade panels won the overall Jury Prize at the European Aluminium Awards for Industrial Design and Engineering. Using Novelis’ J57S aluminium, Spanwall were awarded this accolade out of 55 entries from twelve countries. Manufacturers of specialist panels and facades Titanic Belfast at night Approved fabricator in Ireland of TITANIC PANELS! Spanwall’s custom RF50 rainscreen panels archetech-spanwall-210x297.indd 1 07/06/2013 15:53PAGE79.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:58 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 8 0] Mustang® -! e ‘Must have’ Gutter System! &DOO�WRGD\�RQ�RXU�VDOHV�OLQH��������������RU�HPDLO�XV�DW�VDOHV#DUS�OWG�FRP ZZZ�DUS�OWG�FRP���ZZZ�PXVWDQJ�JXWWHUV�FRP MARLEY ETERNIT EQUITONE COURTS NEW SPORTS HALL EQUITONE [natura] architectural fibre cement facade material from Marley Eternit has been used to clad the sports hall of the £28 million, BREEAM ‘Very Good’ Sir Robert Woodard Academy in West Sussex. EQUITONE [natura] provided the hall with a decorative, tactile, smooth surface that allows the natural variegation of the fibre cement finish to be seen through the semi-translucent coating, providing an aesthetically pleasing and practical finish. The vision for Sir Robert Woodard Academy was to create six small schools within a school, known as ‘Chapters,’ to accommodate 1,200 pupils. The chapters are housed in six projecting two-storey mono-pitch wings with a central mini-barbican area which uses complex geometrical shaping to create a dramatic entrance to the academy. The wedge shaped atrium was designed to ‘shine out’ to act as a beacon for the Academy’s values. EQUITONE HELPS CREATE FACADE INSPIRED BY WAR OF THE WORLDS Pupils and staff have moved into the Marley Eternit fibre cement EQUITONE clad £32m BREEAM ‘Very Good’ Shoreham Academy in West Sussex. Architecture PLB specified a combination of Marley Eternit’s EQUITONE architectural fibre cement facade materials including [natura], [pictura] and [textura] to provide the building with a striking aesthetic inspired by H G Wells’ The War of the Worlds. EQUITONE brings together the Marley Eternit ranges [natura], [tectiva], [pictura] and [textura] to give these architectural materials an identity that is recognised as the material of choice to achieve appealing and inspiring buildings. Fibre cement EQUITONE [pictura] has a beautiful, hard, smooth, matt surface with an additional surface treatment that offers good protection against many types of staining, including graffiti produced by common aerosol, providing a long term low maintenance solution for Shoreham Academy. For more information on EQUITONE from Marley Eternit, telephone: 01283 722588, or email: [email protected] Alternatively, visit the website at Xtralite’s new ‘Walk-On’ rooflight leads the way in rooflight innovation Xtralite Rooflights, the UK’s largest rooflight manufacturer, has boosted its product range with the introduction of its revolutionary ‘Walk-On’ rooflight. Xtralite’s ‘Walk-On’ rooflight allows for foot traffic on areas such as terraces and roof gardens - or ground floor areas over basement rooms - whilst enabling natural daylight to reach the rooms beneath. The state-of-the-art rooflight has been designed in such a way that adjacent decking or slabbing can be set level and aligned with the top face of the rooflight unit, creating smooth flat leisure areas. As with all Xtralite products, the ‘Walk-On’ Rooflight is custom designed, detailed and manufactured for each individual application. The units, which are set to minimal fall to prevent water ponding, are available in rectangular, square or round glazing and in a range of colours and bespoke specifications to enhance design possibilities. To speak to Xtralite’s sales team about the ‘Walk-On’ rooflight please visit or call 01670 354157. PAGE80.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:58 PAGE81.indd 1 04/07/2013 15:59 House in Palaio Psychiko Place: Palaio Psychiko, Athens Area: 350m2 $UFKLWHFW��./DE�$UFKLWHFWXUH���ȀȦȞıIJĮȞIJȓȞȠȢ�ȁĮȝʌȡȚȞȩʌȠȣȜȠȢ� Konstantinos Labrinopoulos Design team: Konstantinos Labrinopoulos, Nikos Venianakis, Enrique Ramirez, Elena Skorda, Veronika Vasileiou Completed: 2011-2012 PAGE82.indd 1 04/07/2013 16:00 This was a house built until the completion of the brick layering. It was from that point that we had to redesign the house. What can an architect do when the most important GHFLVLRQV�KDYH�DOUHDG\�EHHQ�WDNHQ"�3RVLWLRQLQJ��ÀRRU�KHLJKWV��VKDSH��YHUWLFDO�PRYHPHQWV� and more were already decided. PAGE83.indd 1 04/07/2013 16:01 For KLab the challenge was to transform the house by implementing new elements, materials and qualities, that were missing. Some of the openings were changed. A new balcony was added to the maze of the building. A new cantilevered space was added forming new ZLQGRZV�IRU�FRUULGRUV�LQ�HDFK�ÀRRU�DQG�D�OLJKW�VWUXFWXUH�H[WHQVLRQ�ZDV� added to the kitchen. All new architectural gestures were clad with wood. The same material was used for the deck near the pool, the pergolas, and the fence. A new sensibility and unity was implemented to the building that completely WUDQVIRUPHG�LW��7KH�JDUGHQ�EHFDPH�DQ�H[WHQVLRQ�RI�WKH�JURXQG�ÀRRU¶V� OLYLQJ�VSDFH�DQG�VPDOO�H[WHULRU�DQG� LQWHULRU�GHWDLOV�SURYRNH�D�GLIIHUHQW� DSSURDFK� LQ� WKH� KRXVH¶V� GHVLJQ� WKDW� PDQDJHG� WR� WUDQVIRUP� LW� ZKLOH� staying on budget. 7KH�KRXVH�H[LVWV� LQ� ��GLIIHUHQW� ÀRRU� OHYHOV��7KH� ORZHU�JURXQG�ÀRRU� LV� for the playroom, a small kitchen, a guest bedroom/bathroom, and the ODXQGU\�URRP��7KH�OLYLQJ�URRP��GLQLQJ�DQG�NLWFKHQ�DUH�LQ�WKH�JURXQG�ÀRRU�� 7KH�NLGV¶�EHGURRPV�DQG�EDWKURRPV�DUH�LQ�WKH�¿UVW�ÀRRU��2Q�WKH�VHFRQG� ÀRRU�LV�WKH�PDVWHU�EHGURRP�EDWKURRP�DQG�ZDON�LQ�FORVHW��2Q�WKH�WKLUG� ÀRRU�WKHUH�LV�D�VPDOO�RI¿FH�VSDFH�DQG�WKH�URRI�JDUGHQ�� PAGE84.indd 1 04/07/2013 17:15 PAGE85.indd 1 04/07/2013 17:16 Cooper Security A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 8 6] Cooper Security Ltd is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of security equipment for all types of commercial and domestic premises, approved by the BSI and a member of the British Security Industry Association we are the name behind two of the most established and respected ranges in the European security industry Menvier and Scantronic. Founded in 1975, the Menvier brands reputation for excellence in technology has been fully justifi ed as the core range of panels fully meet market requirements and with common programming across all panels, the need for product training is kept to a minimum. Scantronic panels owe their competitive edge to over 20 years’ experience in this fast paced industry. The customer is at the heart of all we do, with our Specifi cation Advisory team off ering a comprehensive support package. This ensures system users get the right solution every time through dedicated and experienced consultation at each stage of the specifi cation process. We provide free no obligation quotations and specifi cations, design schemes and product familiarisation training. Our fi eld based team is available to attend site, support surveying and provide training on our products. New customer Neil Harris, Contracts Manager, said “Working with Cooper Security has been an invaluable success, their products and service is second to none. Their dedicated Specifi cation Advisory team has been instrumental regarding the installation of security systems for our clients. A recent requirement for a wireless PA system presented some unique challenges due to the building structure. The layout and construction of the building was made from reinforced concrete and steel sheeting, not preferable for a wireless PA system. The consultant carried out a thorough radio site survey with our engineers, and from that we were able to install the system with confi dence and in a timely manner. In addition to working on joint projects, the recent CPD presentation also proved to be very informative and time well spent.” Continual Professional Development (CPD) - How Intruder Alarms Work - CIBSE and RIBA Approved Seminars The Intruder Alarms Seminar provides an understanding of what an alarm is including basic hardwired systems, radio and hybrid. Incorporating alarm industry regulations with an overview of the PD6662 Police Directive and application of alarm systems outlining solutions for diff erent markets and considerations for specifi cation projects. To fi nd out more regarding our CPD off ering and forthcoming dates, please visit our website t: 01594 545400 f: 01594 545 455 e: [email protected] w: PAGE86.indd 1 04/07/2013 17:18 Profi t from Screens by Screen Plus Aluminium Modular screen used in a contemporary designed open offi ce. Screen Plus has developed a huge range of exciting screens over the past 28 years for a client list that include world renowned names such as British Airways, Marks and Spencer, John Lewis, BAA, Lloyds, BNP Paribas, Caledonian Hotel group. Many of the designs were developed in response to clients specifi c requirements and included timbers, glass, stainless steel, brass, laminates, fabrics and upholstery. In its UK manufacturing facility for quality and environmental controls. In the Offi ce, retail, hotel, sport and leisure markets, Screen Plus screens can be used front-of-house to provide a personalised introduction and branding. Likewise, they can be used as directional fl ow furniture (guiding clients to particular areas) or to defi ne a certain area. In restaurants, the screens can be used to add a cosier feel by removing the ‘dining room’ appearance. In fact, by replacing the feel of a large empty room with a more individual environment, caterers can improve their profi ts because customers tend to stay longer and spend more, especially if alone. On a similar point, screens can be used to defi ne work stations, conference facilities or hide services within the offi ce or reception environment to name but a few. As the name implies, Screen Plus’ screens are designed to off er Architects, Interior designers and Managers with a screening solution that is elegant in its simplicity. Full details available at: For that all important personalised look, Screen Plus’ UK manufacturing and fi nishing technology allows the addition of logo’s and images on any surface. Combined with timber, glass, aluminium, stainless steel, laminates, fabric and wallpapers. Screen Plus products can off er bespoke features, critical for branding exercises. Screen Plus’ Sales Manager, Carolyn Keeley, said: “Screens bring a room together. Along with combining elements, such as wall paper and curtains, screens provide the ambience that makes a room feel and look like a professional has designed the concept: all this without the added expense of changing the whole décor. Screens also off er the ‘feel good factor’ especially when natural timber products are used which soften the overall feel.” Off ering a personal service from start to fi nish, a dedicated Screen Plus Sales Executive, manages each project from concept to delivered goods. Screen Plus off ers an in- house design service to help customers plan their screen layouts. Screen Plus Ltd Tel: 01892 668833 Fax: 01892 662833 [email protected] Timber Slatted screen, used to create a professional offi ce interview area for a national company. Glass wall mounted and fl oor fi xed screen, used to restrict movement within a waiting area. Glass is available in all shapes and sizes. PAGE87.indd 1 04/07/2013 17:18 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 8 8] PAGE88.indd 1 05/07/2013 09:41 A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 8 9] Noticeboards Slimline Whiteboards Showcases The range features the stylish Shield® pro!le design and same coordinated colourways. All manufactured in the UK to the highest speci!cations, with competitive prices and fast lead times. View full Shield® range online @ For more information and to discuss your requirements... phone 01539 730 103 e-mail [email protected] Quote ref: ARC Metroplan Limited is a UK based manufacturer of many other display, presentation, audio visual and furniture products Lake District Business Park, Mintbridge Road, Kendal Cumbria LA9 6NH Created by Specify Shield® for a coordinated solution The Shield® range : Loop Nylon Noticeboards Resist-a-Flame® Noticeboards Drywipe Whiteboards Slimline Locking Showcases Resist-a-Flame® Slimline Locking Poster Cases Showline - with lift off covers Resist-a-Flame® Showline Showline Multi-bank Interior Showcases Resist-a-Flame® Showcases Exterior Showcases Post Mounted Showcases Freestanding Displays Glazed Display Cases Kalkwarf Architects Redesigns & Redefines Victoria Kalkwarf Architects unveils a series of fl agship projects in Victoria which have transformed the commercial property market in the area. Mark Fisher of agents Tuckerman said ‘The accommodation created by Kalkwarf Architects was of such a high standard, that it competed with, and beat, similar buildings in Mayfair. The rental level achieved was the highest for Victoria at that time. Tenants relocated out of the West End core to benefi t from the highest quality space at lower overall costs. “ Led by Leon Kalkwarf and specialsing in luxury, high end residential & commercial development, Kalkwarf Architects boasts unparalleled knowledge of Victoria and is leading the charge to make the area a “destination venue” and not simply “somewhere to pass through.” The area around Victoria station was designated an ‘Opportunity Area’ in the Mayor’s London Plan and City of Westminster’s Local Development Framework Adopted Core Strategy of January 2011. Leon Kalkwarf explains; “At 46- 48 Grosvenor Gardens, we’ve transformed an otherwise unloved, almost derelict, Grade II listed building. The site now boasts a 23,000sq.ft, state of the art, offi ce complex together with 3 luxury, residential apartments . Our client, Medici Asset Management recognised the opportunity and it’s been a priviledge to work with them on this splendid development.” Justin Bottaro of Medici Asset Management “I have known Leon for roughly ten years now and as a developer I have to say the most valuable element of our relationship has to be his ability to interpret and bring to life my idea’s and objectives for a development rather than being overbearing with his ideas instead. There is always a place for professional advice and support however the ability to truly hear what your client is saying and trying to achieve is often a gift in creative circles.” For more information visit PAGE89.indd 1 04/07/2013 17:19 Timber Expo is ramping up for an expanded show at the Birmingham NEC this September. It will be two days brimming with the latest products, innovations and developments across the timber sector – not just from the UK but from an increasingly diverse international market. With only three months to go before the doors open, here are the Top Ten essential highlights not to miss. Exhibition Floor & International Content A huge range of companies from all four corners of the timber industry will be unveiling their latest products and services plus giving advice on how best to use the construction industry’s leading mainstream low carbon building material. Overseas exhibitors include organisations from Austria, Bolivia, Finland, Germany, Ghana, Italy, Latvia, Malaysia, Poland, Russia, Spain and Sweden. Timber Talks A key element to the show and a central part of the Expo experience. The philosophy behind the free seminar sessions is to provide a valuable learning experience based around case studies delivered by industry experts. The Timber Talks programme has been developed by TRADA with themes and specific topics based on fresh market research and feedback from the 2012 event. The seminars will take place in two bespoke theatres designed, developed and delivered especially for Timber Expo. Timber Buyers Forum Sponsored by Vandecasteele, these 30 minute appointments are acknowledged as one of the successful and dynamic parts of the show giving attendees a perfect way to build business relationships in a formal but relaxed environment. The Forum’s primary aim is for exhibitors to access relevant buyers and match suppliers wants with the Buyer’s preferences. Careers in Timber Area While there continues to be a drive for higher skills levels everywhere in the timber and construction sectors, these skills are constantly changing. Hosted by ARV Solutions, pop in to see what your options are either for moving job, changing career path or securing the best calibre new employee. Wood Awards Shortlist 2013 The Wood Awards is the UK’s premier award in the timber sector and will once again recognise outstanding design, craftsmanship and installations in wood that have taken place over the last 12 months. The 2013 shortlist will be unveiled and on show throughout Timber Expo and you will be able to hear more about the projects in the Timber Talks programme. Media Centre Sponsored by SCA Timber Supply UK, the Media Centre will be a central port of call to pick up press info, tweet your latest scoop, conduct interviews and soak up news from across the show. “The 2013 show is shaping up to be tremendous in every way,” said Timber Expo Event Director, Loretta Sales “The show is nearly 80% sold out with an expected 170 companies exhibiting this year. The move to the NEC has grabbed everybody’s attention and will make exhibiting and visiting very easy indeed. The content we have lined up is superb. TRADA have really pulled the stops out with the Timber Talks seminar programme and there will be something to appeal to everyone. The big boost for 2013 has been the level of overseas interest. Alongside an expanding European scene we are now hosting trade pavilions too. You won’t find this much timber technology anywhere else.” Timber Expo will take place at the NEC, Birmingham, 24-25 September 2013 For more information visit: or email: [email protected] The Best In Sustainable Construction And Innovation A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 9 0] PAGE90.indd 1 04/07/2013 17:19 Temere Ventus Novum Linea BCL Alpha Panels ‘Class A’ acoustic timber systems BCL Alpha panels provide some of the highest acoustic performance VU�[OL�THYRL[�[VKH �`�;OL�VWLU�JVUÄ�N\YHISL�Z`Z[LT�HSSV^Z�HYJOP[LJ[Z� to tailor its design to their needs and create beautiful panel designs, choosing from over 2500+ species and colour combinations. With YLJ`JSLK�PUZ\SH[PVU�HUK�H�SV^�JHYIVU�MVV[WYPU[��[OL�Z`Z[LT�JHU�IL� designed to the highest environmental ratings. Whatsmore, BCL systems are cheaper the higher the acoustic class, meaning high performance acoustics have never come at better value… Design Choose from: ‹� 50+ solid timber species ‹� 40+ fabric colours (100% recycled polyester) ‹� *SHZZ�����Ä�YL�WYV[LJ[PVU� ‹� Pigmented coatings / stains )*3� [PTILY� WHULS� Z`Z[LTZ� WYV]PKL� H� \UPX\L� KLZPNU� Å�L_PIPSP[ �`� giving architects the scope to be combine multiple combinations VM�JVSV\YZ�HUK�ZWLJPLZ�^P[OPU�H�Z`Z[LT�[V�PUZWPYL�[Y\S`�\UPX\L�^HSSZ� HUK�JLPSPUNZ�[OH[�HYL�[HPSVYLK�[V�^VYR�PU�OHYTVU`�^P[O�`V\Y�I\PSKPUN�� Performance ‹� *SHZZ�(���т^�$��������):�,5�0:6������!� ��� ‹� *SHZZ�����::-������������):������ ‹� :LJYL[�Ä�_PUNZ� Environment )*3�Z`Z[LTZ�HYL�THKL�\ZPUN�ZVSPK�SPULHY�ZSH[Z�VM�[PTILY��UV[�4+-� VY� OPNO� WYLZZ\YL� SHTPUH[LZ�� ^OPJO� JHYY`� JVTWHYH[P]LS`� SHYNLY� carbon footprints. BCL also offer a range of environmentally friendly PUZ\SH[PVU�VW[PVUZ�Z\JO�HZ�ZOLLWZ�^VVS�HUK�OLTW��THRPUN�H�)*3� panel one of the ‘greenest’ acoustic systems available. ;V[HS�YLJ`JSLK�JVU[LU[�$����� ;V[HS�UH[\YHS�[PTILY�JVU[LU[�$����� 5VU�YLJ`JSLK�THU�THKL�JVU[LU[�$����� (based on a Class B system using hemp insulation) ;V�Ä�UK�V\[�TVYL�VU�)*3�[PTILY�WHULS�Z`Z[LTZ�WSLHZL�]PZP[!� ^^ �^IJS[PTILYWYVQLJ[Z�JV�\R�VY�JHSS����� ���������� Ventus panel with 50mm mineral fi bre insulation (density: 48Kg / m3) A rc he te c h - Is su e 1 1 [P a g e 9 1] PAGE91.indd 1 04/07/2013 17:20 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Landscape Design Ӎ Urban Design Ӎ Residential Landscape Design Ӎ Landscape Planning Ӎ Heritage Landscapes Expert Witness Ӎ Public Consultation Ӎ Ecological Consultancy Ӎ Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Graphic and 3D Design Ӎ Landscape Management Ӎ Training and Communication Ӎ Arboricultural advice Ӎ Nature Conservation With over 25 years experience, contact us�DQG�ÀQG�RXW�ZKDW�ZH�FDQ�GR�IRU�\RX� T: 01279 647 044 �6WDQVWHG�2IÀFH� 01275 390 425 �%ULVWRO�2IÀFH� E:�RIÀFH#OL]ODNH�FRP PAGE92.indd 1 04/07/2013 17:20


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