CI/SfB (47) Nh2 Nov 2002 Approved Construction Details for Part L2 (England and Wales) and Part J (Scotland) Building Regulations & Standards for Conservation of Fuel & Power (Non-Domestic Buildings) Insurer Approved Systems 2 Contents Building Regulations Compliance in 7 steps Parts L2 and J Project Design, Specification, Construct ion, Testing & Handover Compliance Checklist Building Regulations 2000 Part L2 Conservation of Fuel & Power (England & Wales) Building Regulations Com 2 4 Part L2: 2002 Conservation of Energy includes four major changes to traditional insulated metal roofing and cladding. a. Reduced heat loss by improved U-values and limits on thermal bridging. b. Limit on air leakage for building envelope. c. Measures to quantify the risk of condensation. d. Certificate or declaration by a suitably qualified competent person(s) that the as-built roof and walls comply with the requirements of Part L2. Architects and designers now need to take an integrated and holistic design approach to achieve regulatory compliance. 6 Building Regulations 2000 Part L2 Elemental Method Kingspan Roof & Wall Solutions 7 STEP 1 - DESIGN 8 The design will need to be based on a complete integrated system solution for roof and/or wall cladding. Kingspan can provide construction solutions and details to achieve regulatory compliance with U-values, thermal bridging, air leakage and insulation continuity to the approved standard suitable for the intended use of the building e.g. industrial, office, swimming pool, etc. Building Standards 1990 Part J 6th Amendments: Conservation of Fuel & Power (Scotland) Building Standards 1990 Part J Elemental Method Kingspan Roof & Wall Solutions 9 Building Heating Loss through Thermal Bridging Thermal Bridging & Heat Loss Calculation Example Air Leakage Risk Areas Standard Construction Details Enhanced Construction Details 10 12 14 16 50 STEP 2 - BUILDING CONTROL APPLICATIONS Architects or designers have to calculate the a-value (alpha) for the building envelope to achieve compliance of a equal to or less than 0.10 or demonstrate compliance via the alternative trade off route. In order to make the a calculation, the architects or designers as competent person(s) will most likely need the assistance of the envelope system manufacturer to provide f and Y values for the roof and wall cladding design. Any changes to specification of the cladding after the a-value is calculated will mean that the value has to be recalculated. If the a-value is too high the design and/or products will have to be amended to achieve compliance. Two sets of details have been produced to give the Building Designer flexibility within the calculation for the total building heat loss. The decision on the choice of standard or enhanced details is taken by the Building Designer and is determined from the total building heat loss methodology demonstrated on pages 10 & 11 of this guide. A mixture of both standard and enhanced details maybe required for some projects. STEP 3 - TENDER The architects or designers have to specify roof and wall cladding systems which can achieve compliance with the requirement to minimise heat loss at all junctions or thermal bridges. Detailed drawings should be provided for each part of the roof and wall system, including all junctions, penetrations, abutments, internal gutters, smoke vents, louvres, soakers, doors, windows, rooflights, curtain walling, brickwork and floor slab edge etc. Kingspan as a roof and wall system manufacturer provide a comprehensive package of details for which the f, Y and air leakage seals have been optimised for differing building uses. 3 pliance in 7 Steps STEP 4 - CONSTRUCTION The duties of competent person(s) may be carried out by the developer/main contractor from step 4 onwards. The competent person(s) will be responsible for ensuring that the approved design is built and that workmanship quality also achieves compliance. Should alternative roof and wall systems or products be substituted to that specified it is necessary that they are fully regulatory compliant. Kingspan’s construction details have been designed to be installer friendly and robust so that a high level of workmanship quality can be achieved combined with fast installation speed. STEP 7 - CONTINUITY OF INSULATION Provide a declaration that appropriate design and installation has been carried out to achieve reasonable conformity. Alternatively carry out a thermographic survey by competent person to demonstrate that the insulation is reasonably continuous over the visible envelope of the building and that excessive thermal bridging is avoided. Note: Building Control should be asked to confirm in advance who they consider is competent to complete the various declarations required before the completion certificate is issued. Failure to achieve regulatory compliance will result in project handover delays and subsequent rectification costs. KINGSPAN PARTS L2 & J SERVICE AND TOOLKIT Construction Solutions Service • Industry awareness and education programme for property investors, agents/advisers, design teams, constructors, installers and building control. construction details for designers, contractors and installers. • Project specific roof and wall system solutions and • Contractor and site installer training programme. • Specialist site service support. • Independent design - construction, air leakage testing and infra-red service available through alliance with Building Sciences Ltd. Toolkit STEP 5 - INSPECTION & TESTING Materials being installed and workmanship quality will need to be checked during construction so that the competent person(s) can provide the required certificate or declaration following air pressurisation testing and thermographic inspection survey. STEP 6 - AIR TIGHTNESS TESTING On buildings of any size, an air leakage test has to be carried out to provide a declaration from a competent person(s) that the test result demonstrates regulatory compliance. Alternatively for buildings of less than 1000m2 floor area a declaration that appropriate design and installation has been carried out to achieve conformity to specification for regulatory compliance. For further information contact our Technical Services Department on: Hotline: 01352 716101 or Email:
[email protected] All construction details are available in AutoCAD and DXF format from the Kingspan website. 4 Parts L2 and J Project Design, Specification, Construct PARTS L2 & J ELEMENTAL METHOD REQUIREMENTS U-Value Requirements (W/m2K) Part L2 (England & Wales) Roofs Walls Rooflights Max 20% Area Max 12% Area* 0.25 0.35 2.20 3.00 Part J (Scotland) 0.25 0.30 2.20 3.00 DESIGN 1 2 3 4 5 Calculation by Elemental method. Select type of roof and wall systems. Select U-Value requirements. Determine insulation continuity integrity. Determine solar gain and rooflight requirements. Determine cold bridges and heat loss risk areas. Determine airtightness standard (Part L2 only). Develop compliant designs and details for envelope joints, junctions, internal gutters, penetrations, rooflights and abutment details. Calculate f-factor value for intended building use (see Table A) and details indicated in 8 above. 4 1 PRE-TENDER SPECIFICATION Specify selected roof and wall system • Roof products - Type and reference. • Wall products - Type and reference. • U-Value requirements. • Thermal and insulation continuity requirements. • Solar gain and rooflight requirements. • Air tightness requirement (Part L2 only). 2 Specify ancillary components i.e. doors, windows, rooflights, gutters, smoke vents, louvres and soakers etc. Specify f-factor and Y-values for all junctions, penetrations, abutments, internal gutters and provide project specific design solutions, construction details and specifications. Indicate whole building’s a-value for specified envelope system. Specify lifecycle durability requirements. Agree with building control body that the design and specification complies with Part L2 or J requirements and that the person providing certificates or declarations for insulation standards/continuity, air tightness and testing is suitably qualified and competent. Incorporate compliant design(s) and specification(s) into employer’s tender package. * Rooflights may be permitted up to 12% of roof area at 3.0W/m2K however, there is significant risk of condensation. Part L2 Additional Calculation Requirements • Calculation to assess risk of surface mould growth and condensation introduced Surface Temperature f-factor. Internal humidity classes and the minimum temperature factor necessary to prevent condensation. Table A Humidity Class Building Type 1 2 3 4 Storage areas Offices & shops Dwellings with low occupancy Dwellings with high occupancy, sports halls, kitchens, canteens; buildings heated with un-flued gas heaters Special buildings, e.g. laundries breweries, swimming pools Minimum f value 0.30 0.50 0.65 0.80 6 7 8 3 9 5 0.90 10 Calculate Y-values for envelope system and details indicated in 8 above. 11 Calculate whole building’s a-value and check this is within the limits for building use (see Table B). 12 Determine lifecycle durability warranties. • • • • U-Value and insulant integrity Airtightness level External coatings Structural performance The BS EN 13788 methodology leads to the temperature factors necessary to avoid condensation shown in the table above. 5 • Calculation to establish extent of heat losses through thermal bridges at details - Y Value (psi). • Calculation to assess total heat loss through all thermal bridges a-value must not exceed limits stated in BRE Information Paper 17/01. Table B a-value must be less than or equal to: 0.16 domestic buildings 0.10 non-domestic buildings 6 Part L2 Completed Building Compliance Testing Air Leakage Testing Requirements • Maximum air leakage rate up to 30 September 2003 is 11.5m3/hr/m2 @ 50PA • Maximum air leakage rate from 1 October 2003 is 10m3/hr/m2 @ 50PA Infra-Red Thermographic Surveys • Infra-red thermographic report confirming that insulation “is reasonably continuous over the whole visible envelope”. where required. 13 Determine design parameters for heating, ventilation and HVAC system and subsequent energy usage levels and operating costs. 7 5 ion, Testing & Handover Compliance Checklist MAIN OR DESIGN - BUILD CONTRACTORS 1 Obtain from employer or employer agent(s) project specific Part L2 or J envelope compliant pre-tender package which includes: • U-values, insulation continuity integrity, cold bridges and heat loss solutions. • Airtightness standard (Part L2 only). • Solar gain and rooflight requirements. • Calculated f-factor and Y-values for all junctions, penetrations, abutments, internal gutters and approved design and construction details (Part L2 only). • Calculated whole building’s a-value (Part L2 only). • Parts L2 or J compliant solutions for doors, windows, rooflights, smoke vents, louvres, soakers, brickwork, curtain walling, floor slab and other elements. • Windows, doors and other openings maybe treated as adiabatic junctions. 2 3 Plan airtightness testing (Part L2 only). No infra-red thermographic testing is required with Kingspan roof and wall systems as insulation continuity is guaranteed within the panels. ROOFING & CLADDING CONTRACTORS 1 Obtain from employer or employer agent(s) Part L2 or J compliant design and envelope specification package including: • Roof products - Type and reference. • Wall products - Type and reference. • U-values. • Insulation/thermal continuity solutions. • Solar gain and rooflight requirements. • Airtightness requirement (Part L2 only) and sealing methods. • f-factor and Y-values for junctions, penetrations, abutments, internal gutters, smoke vents, louvres and soakers etc. • Whole building’s envelope a-value. • Specified doors, windows, rooflights, internal gutters, smoke vents, penetrations, soakers, curtain walling, brickwork and floor slab edge systems/solutions and details. 2 Any change to selected or specified system or product will alter system compliance. Assess and verify alternative systems/solutions for compliance. Agree method of compliance with suitably qualified competent person(s) appointed by main contractor. Obtain details of airtightness testing (Part L2 only), insulation continuity and infra-red thermographic surveys where appropriate. Agree lifecycle durability warranty package. Provide site installation team(s) with project specific construction assembly specifications, details and instructions/ training to achieve Parts L2 and J compliant site workmanship quality standards. Agree site supervision and workmanship quality control audit requirements. Alternatively Establish own project specific Part L2 or J compliant design and specification pre-tender package in conjunction with a suitably qualified competent person(s). PROJECT APPROVAL, TESTING & HANDOVER 1 All Buildings Suitably qualified competent person(s) to prepare written report confirming design, specification and site workmanship quality compliance with regard to U-Values, insulation continuity, limiting thermal bridges and air leakage. 2 Buildings larger than 1,000m2 floor area Airtightness test (Part L2 only) in accordance with CIBSE TM 23, the whole building envelope has a maximum air leakage rate of 10m3/hr/m2 @ 50 Pa. Note: Until 30 September 2003 reasonable provision in the event that initial airtightness test results are unsatisfactory would be the results of further tests carried out after appropriate remedial work showing:an improvement of 75% of the difference between the initial test result and the target standard of 10m3/hr/m2 @ 50 Pa; or, if less demanding a performance no worse than 11.5m3/hr/m2 @ 50 Pa. 3 A suitably qualified person(s) to issue a certificate or declaration that appropriate design details and building techniques have been used and that the work has been carried out in ways that can be expected to achieve reasonable conformity with the specifications that have been approved for the purpose of compliance with Part L2. Alternatively an infra-red thermographic survey of completed building envelope to show that the insulation is reasonably continuous over the whole building envelope by a competent person in accordance with BRE Report 176 and BS EN 13187. 4 Agree with building control body prior to work starting suitably qualified competent person(s) who can audit and verify design, sub-contractor’s workmanship quality and give certificates or declarations for insulation/thermal continuity and airtightness testing (Part L2 only). Select tender list from suitably qualified roofing and cladding contractor’s . Audit returned bids for Parts L2 or J compliance prior to contract award. Alternatively Establish own project specific Part L2 or J compliant design and specification pre-tender package in conjunction with a suitably qualified competent person(s). 3 4 CDM - Health and Safety File for the building including COSHH data sheets for products incorporated in building and copies of maintenance recommendations plus guarantee certificates. 5 Written report on commissioning of all HVAC plant and controls by a suitably qualified competent person(s). 6 Building log-book - the owner and/or occupier of the building to be provided with a log-book giving details of the installed building services plant and controls, their method of operation and maintenance and other details that collectively enable energy consumption to be monitored and controlled. 7 Buildings less than 1,000m2 floor area Air leakage testing is not compulsory on buildings below 1000m2 floor area provided that a suitably qualified competent person(s) issues the required certificates or declarations. 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 6 Building Regulations 2000 Part L2 Conservation of Fuel & Power (England & Wales) Part L2 Compliance Requirements Effective from 1st April 2002 Standard U-Values of Construction Elements (U-Value W/m2K) 0.25 0.35 0.25 2.20 2.00 2.20 0.70 • Flat roof (not exceeding 10˚) or roof with integral insulation • Walls, including basement walls • Floors, including ground floors and basement floors • Windows, roof windows and personnel doors (area weighted average for the whole building), glazing in metal frames 3 • Windows, roof windows and personnel doors (area weighted average for the whole building), glazing in wood or PVC frames3 • Rooflights • Vehicle and similar large doors 4,5 Notes to table: 1. Any part of a roof having a pitch greater or equal to 70° can be considered as a wall. 2. For the sloping parts of a room-in-the-roof constructed as a material alteration, a U-value of 0.30W/m2K would be reasonable. 3. Display windows, shop entrance doors and similar glazing are not required to meet the standard given in this table. 4. This standard applies only to the performance of the unit excluding any upstand. Reasonable provision would be to insulate any upstand, or otherwise isolate it from the internal environment. 5. For the purposes of Approved Document L2, a roof window may be considered as a rooflight. Standard U-Values (W/m2K) for Insulated Metal Roof & Wall Cladding Systems – Elemental Method Part L2 Boundary Wall & Valley Gutters 0.25 (For pre melt c applications 0.35) Rooflights 2.20d Roofs 0.25 External Side Walls 0.35 Overhanging Eaves or Soffits 0.35 (When soffits are part of a floor 0.25) Windows & Personnel Doors 2.00a/2.20b Floors 0.25 Vehicle - Large Doors 0.70 Notes: a. If windows have wood or PVC frames. b. If windows have metal frames. c. For pre melt gutter specifications obtain building control approval at design stage. d. Rooflights may be permitted up to 12% of roof area at 3.0W/m2K by using the ‘Whole building’ or ‘Carbon emission’ method of calculation, however, there is a significant risk of condensation. 7 Elemental Method - Kingspan Roof & Wall Solutions Approved Document L2 Compliance – Kingspan Roof and Wall Systems – CFC Free Roof Systems – U-Values Flat roof or roof with integral insulation 0.25 W/m2K Product KS1000 RW - TS KS1000 LP - CR KS500/1000 ZIP Kingzip Thickness 80mm (0.25 W/m K) 2 Air Leakage* 5m3/h/m2 5m3/h/m2 5m3/h/m2 80mm (0.25 W/m2K) 90mm (0.25 W/m K) 2 Rooflights 2.20 W/m2K 5m3/h/m2 Wall Systems – U-Values 0.35 W/m K 0.35 W/m2K 0.35 W/m2K 2 Product KS600/900/1000 - MR/EB/FL-S/WV/CX/MM KS900/1000 Optimo KS1000 RW Thickness 70mm (0.35 W/m K) 70mm (0.35 W/m2K) 60mm (0.35 W/m2K) 2 Air Leakage* 5m3/h/m2 5m3/h/m2 5m3/h/m2 Notes: *To achieve a building air leakage performance of 10m3/h/m2 @ 50 Pa, the air leakage performance of the roof/wall system has to be lower to allow for leakage at openings/junctions. Air leakage solutions are available for 2m3/h/m2, consult Kingspan Technical Services Department. 8 Building Standards 1990 Part J 6th Amendments: Conservation of Fuel & Power (Scotland) Part J Compliance Requirements Effective from 4th March 2002 Maximum U-Values of Exposed Building Elements when using the Elemental Method (Note1) Exposed Building Element Maximum U-Value (W/m2K) 0.25 0.30 0.25 2.20 2.00 0.70 • Roof (all roof slopes) • External Wall (Note 2) • Floor • Windows, personnel doors and rooflights (area weighted average for the whole building) (Note 3), glazing in metal frames (Note 4) • Windows, personnel doors and rooflights (area weighted average for the whole building) (Note 3), glazing in wood or PVC frames • Vehicle access and similar large doors (Note 5) Notes to table: 1. When an element is exposed to the outside via an unheated space, the unheated space may be disregarded or the U-value of the element calculated using BS EN ISO 13789: 1999. 2. Solid area of element only (i.e. excluding windows, doors and rooflights). 3. For method of calculation, see Appendix E. 4. Metal framed windows have slimmer frames and therefore provide a passive solar benefit, justifying a less onerous U-value standard. 5. No requirement where for operational reasons doors have to be left open when building is in use. Standard U-Values (W/m2K) for Insulated Metal Roof & Wall Cladding Systems – Elemental Method Part J Boundary Wall & Valley Gutters 0.25 (For pre melt c applications 0.35) Rooflights 2.20d Roofs 0.25 External Side Walls 0.30 Overhanging Eaves or Soffits 0.30 (When soffits are part of a floor 0.25) Windows & Personnel Doors 2.00a/2.20b Floors 0.25 Vehicle - Large Doors 0.70 Notes: a. Windows, personnel doors and rooflights (area weighted average for the whole building), glazing in wood or PVC frames. b. Windows, personnel doors and rooflights (area weighted average for the whole building), glazing in metal frames. c. For pre melt gutter specifications obtain building control approval at design stage. d. Rooflights may be permitted up to 12% of roof area at 3.0W/m2K, by using the ‘Whole building’ or ‘Carbon emission’ method of calculation, however, there is a significant risk of condensation. 9 Elemental Method - Kingspan Roof & Wall Solutions Part J Standards Compliance – Kingspan Roof and Wall Systems – CFC Free Roof Systems – U-Values 0.25 W/m K 2 Product KS1000 RW - TS KS1000 LP - CR KS500/1000 ZIP Kingzip Thickness 80mm (0.25 W/m2K) 80mm (0.25 W/m2K) 90mm (0.25 W/m2K) Rooflights 2.20 W/m2K Wall Systems – U-Values 0.30 W/m K 0.30 W/m2K 0.30 W/m2K 2 Product KS600/900/1000 - MR/EB/FL-S/WV/CX/MM KS900/1000 Optimo KS1000 RW Thickness 80mm (0.30 W/m2K) 80mm (0.30 W/m2K) 70mm (0.30 W/m2K) 10 Building Heating Loss through Thermal Bridging Introduction The Amendments to Part L2 of the Building Regulations 2000 came into force on 1st April 2002. The amendments require that thermal bridges at junctions and around openings be minimised (Items 1.9). Two means of meeting this requirement are described. The first (Item 1.10) requires the use of standard robust “details and practices independently demonstrated as being satisfactory.” This option primarily applies to domestic type constructions. The second option (Item 1.11) is to prove compliance by calculation in accordance with BRE Information Paper IP 17/01 for which MCRMA Technical Report No 14 provides specific guidance for profiled metal roofing and cladding. Means of Proving Compliance A methodology for proving that an acceptable level of heat loss through thermal bridging in buildings has been achieved is contained within MCRMA Technical Paper 14. The methodology is based upon BRE Information Paper IP 17/01 – Assessing the Effects of Thermal Bridges at Junctions and Around Openings. The basic procedure for proving compliance is best shown using a typical worked example: STEP 2 The linear meterage of thermal bridge junctions within the external envelope of the building is then measured/calculated. These junctions include window/door jambs, eaves details, corner details, cill details etc. The linear meterage of each junction is then multiplied by a calculated Y value (measurement of linear thermal transmittance) for that specific junction. This provides the total heat loss through each junction type for the building. The losses for each junction are then added together to give the total heat loss through thermal bridge junctions within the building (Total B). Detail Junction Length Y-value (m) (W/mK) Heat Loss 1.20 37.20 80.80 82.80 167.70 31.20 4.32 32.98 1.20 0.16 14.40 1.20 16.00 0.16 0.64 2.72 0.16 13.60 0.32 488.76 6m 60m 40m A Ridge 120.00 0.01 B Eaves 120.00 0.31 C Verge 80.00 1.01 D Valley Gutter 60.00 1.38 E1 Cladding Drip 195.00 0.86 E2 Ground Floor 195.00 0.16 F Corner 24.00 0.18 0.97 G1 Cladding Window or personnel door head 34.00 G2 Window Frame Head 30.00 0.04 G3 Personnel Door Head 4.00 0.04 H1 Cladding Window Sill 30.00 0.48 H2 Window Frame Sill 30.00 0.04 I1 Window & Personnel Door Jambs 20.00 0.80 I2 Window Frame Jambs 4.00 0.04 I3 Personnel Door Jambs 16.00 0.04 J1 Cladding Head to Vehicle Bay Door 4.00 0.68 J2 Vehicle Unloading Bay Door Head 4.00 0.04 K1 Cladding Jamb to Vehicle Bay Door 8.00 1.70 K2 Vehicle Unloading Bay Door Jambs 8.00 0.04 Total Heat Loss (B) = The calculation process which should be followed is as follows: STEP 3 To achieve compliance, the total heat loss for the thermal bridge junctions (Total B) should be equal to or less than 10% of the total heat loss through the plane elements of the building (Total A). i.e Heat loss through thermal bridging (Total B) = must be less than 0.1 Heat loss through the plane elements (Total A) For the example above: STEP 1 The total heat loss through each plane element in the external envelope (including the floor) of the building is calculated by multiplying the U-value of each element by the total square meterage (m2) of that element within the building. The heat loss for each element is then added together to provide the total heat loss for the plane elements of the building (Total A). Example Building Element Total Roof Area Roof Rooflights (10%) Total Wall Area Exposed Walls Windows & Personnel Doors Vehicle Unloading Bay Doors Ground Floor Area (m2) U-value (W/m2K) Heat Loss 2647.00 2382.30 0.25 595.58 264.70 2.20 582.34 1194.80 1164.80 0.35 407.68 14.00 2.00 28.00 16.00 0.70 11.20 2400.00 0.25 600.00 Total Heat Loss (A) = 2224.80 488.76 (Total B) 2224.8 (Total A) = 0.22 Therefore the example building has failed to comply through this route as the total heat loss through the thermal bridges equals 22% of the total heat loss through the plain elements. If a building fails to comply two options exist: 11 Building Heating Loss through Thermal Bridging 1. Improvements can be made to the junction details to reduce the levels of heat losses until the 10% threshold is achieved. In some instances it may not be possible or economically viable to minimise the total additional heat losses through the thermal bridges to this level. This may be particularly true with some specific building uses (e.g. Warehouses or Industrial Units) and/or junction detail configurations. 2. Follow the alternative permitted means of compliance outlined below. Alternative Means of Proving Compliance BRE Information Paper 17/01 permits compliance to be proven via a trade off calculation (paragraph 5.4). This methodology can provide a significantly easier route to compliance for many buildings. If the building in question does not contain the full allowable percentage of rooflights (20%) and windows/personnel doors (15% in industrial/storage buildings or 40% in places of assembly/offices/ shops) and these allowances have not been traded off elsewhere, then they can be used as a trade off against heat losses at thermal bridge junctions to prove overall compliance. Additional improved thermal standards of envelope plane elements can also be traded off in this manner. As the Total B is greater than 10% of Total A in the example building, then the trade off route should be followed. The means of proving compliance via this route is as follows: For the example building: Notional Building Element Total Roof Area Roof Rooflights (20%) Total Wall Area Exposed Walls Windows & Personnel Doors (15%) Vehicle Unloading Bay Doors Ground Floor Area (m2) U-value (W/m2K) Heat Loss 2647.00 2117.60 0.25 529.40 529.40 2.20 1164.68 1194.80 999.58 0.35 349.85 179.22 2.00 358.44 16.00 0.70 11.20 2400.00 0.25 600.00 Total Heat Loss (C) = 3013.57 STEP 5 The total plane element heat loss in the notional building (Total C) is then multiplied by 1.1. This allows for the 10% additional heat loss permitted at thermal bridge junctions and provides the total allowable heat losses for the notional building (Total D). For the example building: Total Allowable Notional Losses (D) = 3013.57 x 1.1 = 3314.93 STEP 6 The total heat losses for the actual building are obtained by adding the heat loss through the plane elements (Total A) and the thermal bridge junctions (Total B). If A + B (total heat losses for the actual building) is less than Total D (allowable heat losses for the notional building) then compliance is proven. For the example building: As the total heat losses for the actual building [(A+B) = 2713.36] are less than the total allowable losses for notional building [(D) = 3314.93], the building has complied with the requirements of IP 17/01 and Part L2 of the Building Regulations. Conclusion In many industrial and commercial buildings, the thermal bridging at junctions will not require any significant level of improvement over existing practice in order to prove compliance with IP17/01. This will be particularly true where the areas of rooflights and personnel doors/windows are below the maximum permitted areas within the regulations. The risk of condensation formation at thermal bridges is potentially of greater importance and must be considered. The risk of condensation formation is related to the building use and the internal surface temperatures at details. The minimum surface temperatures at details are defined as ‘f’ factors. Generic building types have minimum ‘f’ factor requirements which are laid down in IP17/01 (See Table A, page 4). Care must be taken to ensure that the degree of thermal bridging present at a detail does not lead to an unacceptable ‘f’ factor for the building use. STEP 4 A further calculation for the plane element heat losses should be undertaken for a “notional building” of identical size and form but which contains the maximum permissible areas of windows/personnel doors and rooflights. The areas of opaque roof and wall elements require to be reduced to allow for the additional rooflight and window/personnel door areas within the notional building. e.g. If the actual building has a total roof area of 1000m2 with 10% rooflights it would break down into plane elemental areas of: 900m2 of roof @ U value of 0.25 100m2 of rooflights @ U value of 2.2 Total roof area = 1000m2 With the notional building, the areas of rooflights can be the maximum permitted 20%. Therefore the revised elemental areas would be: 800m2 of roof @ U value of 0.25 200m2 of rooflights @ U value of 2.2 Total roof area = 1000m2 A similar trade off would be undertaken for windows and personnel doors within the wall areas. The total heat losses for each element are then calculated and added together to provide the total plane element losses for the notional building. (Total C). 12 Thermal Bridging & Heat Loss Calculation Example Parts L2 & J To illustrate the relative effect of different components, junctions and air leakage loss the following has to be considered at design stage: • Part L2 Assess condensation and mould growth risk (surface temperature f-factor). impact of thermal bridging throughout the building envelope, calculate linear thermal transmissions - Y-value and calculation of whole building’s a-value). • Assess • Provide continuity of insulation at junctions, joints, penetrations and abutment interfaces. • Prevent missing insulation or gaps. • Minimise thermal or cold bridges. Parts L2 Whole Building a (alpha) Value - Case Study A D E B 6m 60 m H G C I G F J K m 40 Standard Details - Specification: Roof KS1000 RW 80mm - Walls KS1000 MR 70mm Actual Building - U-values Element Total Roof Area Roof Rooflights (10%) Total Wall Area Exposed Walls Windows & Personnel Doors Vehicle Unloading Bay Doors Ground Floor Total Heat Loss for Actual Building Notional Building - U-values Element Total Roof Area Roof Rooflights (20%) Total Wall Area Exposed Walls Windows & Personnel Doors (15%) Vehicle Unloading Bay Doors Ground Floor Area U-value (m2) (W/m2K) 2647.00 2117.60 0.25 529.40 2.20 1194.80 999.58 0.35 179.22 2.00 16.00 0.70 2400.00 0.25 Notional SA.U = Notional Total Heat Loss inc. 10% = A.U (W/K) 529.40 1164.68 349.85 358.44 11.20 600.00 3013.57 3314.93 Area (m2) U-value (W/m2K) A.U (W/K) Actual Building - Y Values Object Name Length (m) Y Value (W/mK) L.Y (W/K) 1.20 37.20 80.80 82.80 167.70 31.20 4.32 32.98 1.20 0.16 14.40 1.20 16.00 0.16 0.64 2.72 0.16 13.60 0.32 488.76 0.22 2647.00 2382.30 0.25 595.58 264.70 2.20 582.34 1194.80 1164.80 0.35 407.68 14.00 2.00 28.00 16.00 0.70 11.20 2400.00 0.25 600.00 Actual SA.U = 2224.80 2713.36 A Ridge 120.00 0.01 B Eaves 120.00 0.31 C Verge 80.00 1.01 1.38 D Valley Gutter 0.35 U-Value (2mm Galv. Steel) 60.00 E1 Cladding Drip 195.00 0.86 E2 Ground Floor* 195.00 0.16 F Corner 24.00 0.18 0.97 G1 Cladding Window or Personnel Door Head 34.00 G2 Window Frame Head* 30.00 0.04 G3 Personnel Door Head* 4.00 0.04 H1 Cladding Window Sill 30.00 0.48 H2 Window Frame Sill* 30.00 0.04 I1 Window & Personnel Door Jambs 20.00 0.80 I2 Window Frame Jambs* 4.00 0.04 I3 Personnel Door Jambs* 16.00 0.04 J1 Cladding Head to Vehicle Bay Door 4.00 0.68 J2 Vehicle Unloading Bay Door Head* 4.00 0.04 K1 Cladding Jamb to Vehicle Bay Door 8.00 1.70 K2 Vehicle Unloading Bay Door Jambs 8.00 0.04 * Assumed value SL.Y = Alpha Value SL..Y/Actual SA.U = Vertical panel joints for KS 1000 MR are included within U-Value for the panel Compliance with MCRMA Technical Paper No. 14 = FAILS carry out calculation against notional building Total Heat Loss Notional Building Heat Loss Actual Building Heat Loss 3314.93 2713.36 Compliance (Actual Heat Loss < Notional Building) = complies Approved Document L2 13 Thermal Bridging & Heat Loss Calculation Example A D 6m E B 60 m H G C I G F J K m 40 Enhanced Details - Specification: Roof KS1000 RW 80mm - Walls KS1000 MR 70mm Actual Building - U-values Element Total Roof Area Roof Rooflights (10%) Total Wall Area Exposed Walls Windows & Personnel Doors Vehicle Unloading Bay Doors Ground Floor Total Heat Loss for Actual Building Notional Building - U-values Element Total Roof Area Roof Rooflights (20%) Total Wall Area Exposed Walls Windows & Personnel Doors (15%) Vehicle Unloading Bay Doors Ground Floor Area U-value (m2) (W/m2K) 2647.00 2117.60 0.25 529.40 2.20 1194.80 999.58 0.35 179.22 2.00 16.00 0.70 2400.00 0.25 Notional SA.U = Notional Total Heat Loss inc. 10% = A.U (W/K) 529.40 1164.68 349.85 358.44 11.20 600.00 3016.57 3314.93 Area (m2) U-value (W/m2K) A.U (W/K) Actual Building - Y Values Object Name Length (m) Y Value (W/mK) L.Y (W/K) 0.48 12.00 0.80 49.80 117.00 31.20 0.24 21.08 1.20 0.16 3.00 1.20 1.60 0.16 0.64 2.48 0.16 5.68 0.32 249.24 0.11 2647.00 2382.30 0.25 595.58 264.70 2.20 582.34 1194.80 1164.80 0.35 407.68 14.00 2.00 28.00 16.00 0.70 11.20 2400.00 0.25 600.00 Actual SA.U = 2224.80 2474.00 A Ridge 120.00 0.004 B Eaves 120.00 0.10 C Verge 80.00 0.01 D Valley Gutter* 60.00 0.83 E1 Cladding Drip 195.00 0.60 E2 Ground Floor* 195.00 0.16 F Corner 24.00 0.01 0.62 G1 Cladding Window or Personnel Door Head 34.00 G2 Window Frame Head* 30.00 0.04 G3 Personnel Door Head* 4.00 0.04 H1 Cladding Window Sill 30.00 0.10 H2 Window Frame Sill* 30.00 0.04 I1 Window & Personnel Door Jambs 20.00 0.08 I2 Window Frame Jambs* 4.00 0.04 I3 Personnel Door Jambs* 16.00 0.04 J1 Cladding Head to Vehicle Bay Door 4.00 0.62 J2 Vehicle Unloading Bay Door Head* 4.00 0.04 K1 Cladding Jamb to Vehicle Bay Door 8.00 0.71 K2 Vehicle Unloading Bay Door Jambs 8.00 0.04 * Assumed value SL.Y = Alpha Value SL..Y/Actual SA.U = Total Heat Loss Notional Building Heat Loss Actual Building Heat Loss 3314.93 2474.00 Compliance with MCRMA Technical Paper No. 14 = FAILS carry out calculation against notional building Compliance (Actual Heat Loss < Notional Building) = complies Approved Document L2 14 Air Leakage Risk Areas Parts L2 & J To illustrate the relative effect of different components, junctions and air leakage loss the following has to be considered at design stage: • Roof and wall cladding air leakage will be required to be less than that indicated in Part L2 as the regulations refers to the whole building air leakage level. i.e. including doors, windows, dado walls and floor slab junctions. • Limit air leakage loss within the envelope fabric and at junctions, joints, penetrations and abutment interfaces to comply with regulatory requirements. • The air leakage performance of Kingspan’s roof and wall panels is 5m3/hr/m2 when installed to specification. A D 6m E B 60 m H G C I G F J K m 40 The red lines highlight the air leakage risk areas where air seals are required 15 STANDARD CONSTUCTION DETAILS 16 STANDARD KS1000 RW Roof Systems Two sets of details have been produced to give the Building Designer flexibility within the calculation for the total building heat loss. The decision on the choice of standard or enhanced details is taken by the Building Designer and is determined from the total building heat loss methodology demonstrated on pages 10 & 11 of this guide. A mixture of both standard and enhanced details maybe required for some projects. KS1000 RW Roof Systems Standard Details Panel End Lap Detail Ridge Detail Parapet Details - Boundary Wall Gutter Eaves Details - External Gutter Verge Details - Wall Cladding Valley Gutter Detail Valley Hip Detail Hip Detail End Lap Detail (Panel to GRP Rooflight) End Lap Detail (GRP Rooflight to Panel) Rooflight Intermediate Detail Rooflight Side Lap - Fastener Location Detail 17 17 18-19 20 21-22 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 KS1000 LP Roof Systems Standard Details Panel End Lap Detail Ridge Detail Parapet Details - Boundary Wall Gutter Eaves Details - External Gutter Valley Gutter Detail Valley Hip Detail Hip Detail Verge Details - Wall Cladding Barrel Vault End Lap Details Barrel Vault Side Lap Detail End Lap Detail (Panel to GRP Rooflight) End Lap Detail (GRP Rooflight to Panel) Rooflight Intermediate Detail Rooflight Side Lap - Fastener Location Detail 27 27 28-29 30 31 32 32 33-34 35 36 37 37 38 38 KS1000 RW Wall (Vertically Laid) Systems Standard Details Drip Detail External Corner Detail Window Head and Cill Detail Window Jamb Detail & Alternative Option Detail Personnel Door Detail (Door head panel site cut) Door Jamb & Door Head Detail Up and Over Door Head Detail Door Jamb Detail 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 KS1000 MR/EB/FL-S/MM/CX/WV Wall (Horizontally Laid) Systems Standard Details External Corner Detail Vertical Joint Details Window Head and Cill Detail Window Jamb Detail Personnel Door Detail - (Door head panel site cut) Door Jamb & Door Head Detail Drip Detail - Above Floor Level & Below Floor Level Up and Over Door Head Detail Door Jamb Detail 43 44 45 45 46 46 47 48 48 17 STANDARD KS1000 RW Roof Systems PANEL END LAP DETAIL Fixing screw KS1000 RW/LPCB roof panel 150mm 3 runs of 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant (Site applied) m Nominal 10m m Max. 20m 50mm Min. 10mm Purlin RIDGE DETAIL Mineral fibre insulation site applied Ridge flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated roof panel Profiled filler set back 80 to 100mm to prevent bird attack Max. 50mm Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Purlin Internal ridge flashing with 150mm overlap sealed with air seal, Vapourflex or gun-grade sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.97 Y = 0.01 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 18 STANDARD KS1000 RW Roof Systems PARAPET DETAIL - BOUNDARY WALL GUTTER Parapet flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Mineral fibre insulation site applied Butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant Parapet rail with air seal, Vapourflex tape to rail joints Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gungrade sealant Sheeting rail Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Mineral fibre insulation site applied KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated roof panel KS1000 RW/ LPCB wall panel vertically laid Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant 2mm external non-thermally broken factory made gutter with PIR insulation to 0.25 or 0.35 W/m2K U-value 35mm Min 60mm Purlin Gutter outlet Eaves beam gutter support Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data 0.25 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.48 Y = 1.63 W/mK 0.35 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.48 Y = 1.72 W/mK 0.35 sole width 300mm and depth 150mm, values for other widths available on request. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 19 STANDARD KS1000 RW Roof Systems PARAPET DETAIL - BOUNDARY WALL GUTTER Parapet flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Mineral fibre insulation site applied Butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant Parapet rail with air seal, Vapourflex tape to rail joints KS1000 MR/ LPCB wall panel horizontally laid Sheeting rail Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Mineral fibre insulation site applied KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated roof panel KS1000 RW/ LPCB wall panel vertically laid Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant 2mm external non-thermally broken factory made gutter with PIR insulation to 0.25 or 0.35 W/m2K U-value 35mm Min 60mm Purlin Gutter outlet Eaves beam gutter support Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data 0.25 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.48 Y = 1.63 W/mK 0.35 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.48 Y = 1.72 W/mK 0.35 sole width 300mm and depth 150mm, values for other widths available on request. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 20 STANDARD KS1000 RW Roof Systems EAVES DETAIL - EXTERNAL GUTTER Gutter support 0.7mm thick doubled sided plastisol coated ing centres 200mm fix centres 200mm fixing 75mm Approx 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Mineral fibre insulation site applied Double sided Plastisol “Highline” type gutter 20 35 20 mm mm mm * Eaves beam Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.92 Y = 0.27 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. * Air seal - Vapourflex sealant is to be applied over any breaks in supporting secondary steelwork to give a continuous bearing face. EAVES DETAIL - EXTERNAL GUTTER Gutter support 0.7mm thick doubled sided plastisol coated centres 200mm fixing centres 200mm fixing 75mm Approx 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Mineral fibre insulation site applied Double sided Plastisol “Highline” type gutter 20 35 20 mm mm mm * Eaves beam Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.91 Y = 0.31 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. * Air seal - Vapourflex sealant is to be applied over any breaks in supporting secondary steelwork to give a continuous bearing face. 21 STANDARD KS1000 RW Roof Systems VERGE DETAIL - WALL CLADDING (END OF ROOF SHEETING) Verge flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Mineral fibre insulation site applied 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Verge zed support with 150mm sealed overlaps Cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with air seal - Vapourflex sealant applied at joints Direction of Lay Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Purlin Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.91 Y = 1.01 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 22 STANDARD KS1000 RW Roof Systems VERGE DETAIL - WALL CLADDING (START OF ROOF SHEETING) Verge flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Mineral fibre insulation site applied 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Verge zed support with 150mm sealed overlaps Direction of Lay Cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with air seal - Vapourflex sealant applied at joints Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant KS1000 MR/ LPCB wall panel horizontally laid 4mm Ø butyl sealant Purlin Air seal - 6mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.91 Y = 1.01 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. VERGE DETAIL - WALL CLADDING (END OF ROOF SHEETING) Verge flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Mineral fibre insulation site applied Site cut panel to suit Verge zed support with 150mm sealed overlaps 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with air seal - Vapourflex sealant applied at joints Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Direction of Lay 4mm Ø butyl sealant Purlin Air seal - 6mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.91 KS1000 MR/ LPCB wall panel horizontally laid Y = 1.01 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 23 STANDARD KS1000 RW Roof Systems VALLEY GUTTER DETAIL KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated roof panel 2mm external non-thermally broken factory made galvanised sheet gutter with PIR board insulation to 0.25 or 0.35 W/m2K U-value Gutter outlet offset to miss stanchion head tie Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Stanchion head tie if necessary as steelwork design Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Purlin Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data 0.25 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.74 Y = 1.07 W/mK 0.35 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.71 Y = 1.38 W/mK 0.35 sole width 600mm and depth 150mm, values for other widths available on request. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 24 STANDARD KS1000 RW Roof Systems VALLEY HIP DETAIL Double sided Plastisol coated flashing KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated roof panel Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Edge protection lacquer applied to all panels cut on site to suit rake angle Cleader angle by steel sub-contractor 2mm external non-thermally broken factory made galvanised sheet gutter with PIR board insulation to 0.25 or 0.35 W/m2K U-value Hip rafter Purlin Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.85 Y = 0.41 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. HIP DETAIL Internal ridge flashing with 150mm overlap sealed with Vapourflex or gun-grade sealant Panels site cut to suit rake angle Hip flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Rake cut profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant Cleader angle by steel sub-contractor Max. 50mm KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated roof panel Profiled filler set back 80 to 100mm to prevent bird attack Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Mineral fibre insulation site applied Hip rafter Purlin Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.97 Y = 0.01 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 25 STANDARD KS1000 RW Roof Systems END LAP DETAIL - (PANEL TO GRP ROOFLIGHT) . end lap 150mm Min Position of 6 No. main fixings with 29mm Ø washers at end laps 9mm x 3mm sealant strip or bead either side of fixing Silicone or mastic sealant strip at bottom of lap KS1000 RW/LPCB roof panel Sealant Triple skin GRP integral rooflight system Support bearing plate (Ref: LP2) 5mm expansion gap END LAP DETAIL - (GRP ROOFLIGHT TO PANEL) . end lap 150mm Min Position of 6 No. main fixings with 29mm Ø washers at end laps 9mm x 3mm sealant strip or bead either side of fixing Silicone or mastic sealant strip at bottom of lap Triple skin GRP integral rooflight system Sealant 5mm expansion gap KS1000 RW/LPCB roof panel Support bearing plate (Ref: LP2) 26 STANDARD KS1000 RW Roof Systems ROOFLIGHT INTERMEDIATE DETAIL Galvanised steel plate at filler positions for high thread fixing High density filler Triple skin GRP integral rooflight system Position of 6 No. main fixings with 29mm Ø washers Purlin ROOFLIGHT SIDE LAP - FASTENER LOCATION DETAIL Direction of Prevailing Wind 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Position of main fixings 6 No. with 29mm Ø washers at: i) Ridge ii) Intermediate iii) End laps 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Aluminium strip in underlap Direction of Lay KS1000 RW/LPCB roof panel Triple skin GRP rooflight system Stitcher screw into aluminium 3mm Ø hole to be drilled prior to fixing/p side lap fixings at 300mm centres Note: The GRP translucent rooflight illustrated above is generic in detail. Kingspan GRP rooflight details to comply with Part L2 and Part J will be made available later. These details DO NOT represent our product. 27 STANDARD KS1000 LP Roof Systems END LAP DETAIL panel m between Min. of 300m ver cap end lap co end lap and Cover cap complete with joggle factory applied Continuous run of non-setting gun-grade sealant End lap stitching plate 18mm x 4mm ‘U’ shaped butyl sealant RIDGE DETAIL Ridge flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Cover cap Profiled filler set back 80 to 100mm to prevent bird attack Outer sheet turned up with roof slopes below 4˚ Mineral fibre insulation site applied Apex dam (Ref: LP1) 20mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Max. 50mm Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel 2 No. runs silicone sealant Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Internal ridge flashing with 150mm overlap sealed with Vapourflex or gun-grade sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.97 Purlin Y = 0.01 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 28 STANDARD KS1000 LP Roof Systems PARAPET DETAIL - BOUNDARY WALL GUTTER Parapet flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Mineral fibre insulation site applied Butyl rubber sealant Parapet rail with air seal - Vapourflex tape to rail joints Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel 75mm KS1000 MR/ LPCB wall panel horizontally laid KS1000 RW/ LPCB wall panel vertically laid Top sheet turned down on site with roof pitches below 4˚ Gun-grade seal at panel joints inline with 8mm butyl Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant 2mm external non-thermally broken factory made gutter with PIR insulation to 0.25 or 0.35 W/m2K U-value Purlin 35mm Min 60mm Sheeting rail Mineral fibre insulation site applied Direction of Lay Gutter outlet Eaves beam gutter support Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data 0.25 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.48 Y = 1.63 W/mK 0.35 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.48 Y = 1.72 W/mK 0.35 sole width 300mm and depth 150mm, values for other widths available on request. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 29 STANDARD KS1000 LP Roof Systems PARAPET DETAIL - BOUNDARY WALL GUTTER Parapet flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Mineral fibre insulation site applied Butyl rubber sealant Parapet rail with air seal - Vapourflex tape to rail joints Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel 75mm KS1000 RW/ LPCB wall panel vertically laid KS1000 RW/ LPCB wall panel vertically laid Top sheet turned down on site with roof pitches below 4˚ Gun-grade seal at panel joints inline with 8mm butyl Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant 2mm external non-thermally broken factory made gutter with PIR insulation to 0.25 or 0.35 W/m2K U-value Purlin 35mm Min 60mm Sheeting rail Mineral fibre insulation site applied Direction of Lay Gutter outlet Eaves beam gutter support Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data 0.25 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.48 Y = 1.63 W/mK 0.35 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.48 Y = 1.72 W/mK 0.35 sole width 300mm and depth 150mm, values for other widths available on request. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 30 STANDARD KS1000 LP Roof Systems EAVES DETAIL - EXTERNAL GUTTER Gutter support 0.7mm thick double sided plastisol coated Top sheet turned down on site with roof pitches below 4˚ 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Stitching screw fixings for gutter brackets g centres 200mm fixin 75mm Approx g centres 200mm fixin KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel Gun-grade seal at panel joints inline with 8mm butyl Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Mineral fibre insulation site applied Double sided plastisol Highline type gutter Eaves beam KS1000 MR/LPCB wall panel horizontally laid * 20 35 20 mm mm mm Air seal - Vapourflex sealant is to be applied over any breaks in supporting secondary steelwork to give a continuous bearing face. * Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.91 Y = 0.31 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. EAVES DETAIL - EXTERNAL GUTTER Gutter support 0.7mm thick double sided plastisol coated Top sheet turned down on site with roof pitches below 4˚ 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Stitching screw fixings for gutter brackets g centres 200mm fixin 75mm Approx g centres 200mm fixin KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel Gun-grade seal at panel joints inline with 8mm butyl Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Mineral fibre insulation site applied Double sided plastisol Highline type gutter Eaves beam * 20 35 20 mm mm mm Air seal - Vapourflex sealant is to be applied over any breaks in supporting secondary steelwork to give a continuous bearing face. * KS1000 RW/ LPCB wall panel vertically laid Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.92 Y = 0.27 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 31 STANDARD KS1000 LP Roof Systems VALLEY GUTTER DETAIL Cover cap 75mm Gun-grade seal at panel joints inline with 8mm butyl Top sheet turned down on site with roof pitches below 4˚ 2mm external non-thermally broken factory made gutter with PIR insulation to 0.25 or 0.35 W/m2K U-value Gutter outlet offset to miss stanchion head tie Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Stanchion head tie if necessary as steelwork design Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Purlin Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data 0.25 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.74 Y = 1.07 W/mK 0.35 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.71 Y = 1.38 W/mK 0.35 sole width 600mm and depth 150mm, values for other widths available on request. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 32 STANDARD KS1000 LP Roof Systems VALLEY HIP DETAIL Cover cap KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel Double sided plastisol coated flashing Gun-grade seal at panel joints inline with 8mm butyl Edge protection lacquer applied to all panels cut on site to suit rake angle Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Cleader angle by steelwork contractors 2mm external non-thermally broken factory made gutter with PIR insulation to 0.25 W/m2K U-value Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.85 Hip rafter Purlin Y = 0.41 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. HIP DETAIL Hip flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Panels site cut to suit rake angle Apex dam (Ref: LP1/A) Rake cut profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel Cover cap 20mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant 2 No. runs of silicone sealant Mineral fibre insulation site applied Outer sheet turned up on site with roof pitches below 4˚ Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Internal ridge flashing with 150mm overlap sealed with Vapourflex or gun-grade sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.97 Purlin Cleader angle by steelwork contractor Hip rafter Y = 0.01 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 33 STANDARD KS1000 LP Roof Systems VERGE DETAIL - WALL CLADDING (START OF ROOF SHEETING) Verge flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Direction of Lay Mineral fibre insulation site applied 20mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with air seal Vapourflex sealant applied at joints KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel Purlin Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Gable rafter KS1000 MR/LPCB insulated wall panel horizontally laid 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.96 Y = 0.18 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. VERGE DETAIL - WALL CLADDING (START OF ROOF SHEETING) Verge flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Direction of Lay Mineral fibre insulation site applied 20mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with air seal Vapourflex sealant applied at joints KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel Purlin Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Gable rafter KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated wall panel vertically laid Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.96 Profiled filler sealed top & bottom with gun grade sealant Y = 0.18 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 34 STANDARD KS1000 LP Roof Systems VERGE DETAIL - WALL CLADDING (END OF ROOF SHEETING) Verge flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Mineral fibre insulation site applied Direction of Lay 20mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with air seal Vapourflex sealant applied at joints KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel Purlin Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Gable rafter KS1000 MR/LPCB insulated wall panel horizontally laid 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.96 Y = 0.18 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. VERGE DETAIL - WALL CLADDING (END OF ROOF SHEETING) Verge flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Mineral fibre insulation site applied Direction of Lay 20mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with air seal Vapourflex sealant applied at joints KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel Purlin Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Gable rafter KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated wall panel vertically laid Profiled filler sealed top & bottom with gun grade sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.96 Y = 0.18 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 35 STANDARD KS1000 LP Roof Systems BARREL VAULT END LAP DETAIL 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant GRP barrel vault rooflight system fixed at 225mm centres with 30mm Ø sealed washers Apex dam (Ref: LP1) 20mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Cover cap lap 75mm end Single skin GRP barrel vault rooflight system Double skin GRP rooflight system 5mm expansion gap Position of 4 no. main fixings with 29mm Ø washers at end lap Main panel fixing at side profile joint 2 No. runs silicone sealant KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel Support bearing plate (Ref: LP2) BARREL VAULT END LAP DETAIL GRP barrel vault rooflight system fixed at 225mm centres with 30mm Ø sealed washers Single skin GRP barrel vault rooflight system In-situ GRP weather seal GRP site applied water deflector Cover cap over GRP weather seal lap 75mm end 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant External closure flashing Main panel fixing at side profile joint Double skin GRP rooflight system Support bearing plate (Ref: LP2) 5mm expansion gap Position of 4 no. main fixings with 29mm Ø washers at end lap 36 STANDARD KS1000 LP Roof Systems BARREL VAULT SIDE LAP DETAIL Single skin GRP barrel vault rooflight Self tap screw with 30mm Ø washers at 255mm centres, stitched to galv. support angle. 20mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Continuous 1.6mm thick galv. steel zed support for rooflight fixings stitched to panel at 200mm centres 2 runs of 20mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant between top & bottom galv. support Double skin GRP rooflight system Continuous 1.6mm thick galv steel angle for rooflight fixings bulb type rivets at 300mm centres 1000mm KS1000 LP/LPCB roof panel Main fixing at purlin locations 37 STANDARD KS1000 LP Roof Systems END LAP DETAIL (PANEL TO GRP ROOFLIGHT) lap 75mm end 5mm expansion gap 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Triple skin GRP integral rooflight system Cover cap KS1000 LP/LPCB roof panel High density filler Support bearing plate (Ref: LP2) Main panel fixings at side profile joint Position of 4 No. main fixings with 29mm Ø washers at end laps END LAP DETAIL (GRP ROOFLIGHT TO PANEL) 75mm end lap 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Cover cap KS1000 LP/LPCB roof panel Triple skin GRP integral rooflight system Main panel fixings at side profile joint Support bearing plate (Ref: LP2) Position of 4 No. main fixings with 29mm Ø washers at end laps 5mm expansion gap 38 STANDARD KS1000 LP Roof Systems ROOFLIGHT INTERMEDIATE DETAIL Triple skin GRP rooflight system Position of 4 No. main fixings with 29mm Ø washers High density filler ROOFLIGHT SIDE LAP - FASTENER LOCATION DETAIL Cover caps 1000mm KS1000 LP/LPCB roof panel Cover cap snaps on without external fixings Note: Position cap on rooflight side first Triple skin GRP rooflight system 39 STANDARD KS1000 RW Wall Systems Vertically laid DRIP DETAIL KS1000 RW/LPCB vertically laid Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - continuous bead of gun-grade sealant required at angle edge Internal closure flashing Mineral fibre insulation site applied Alfas C foam seal Galvanised ledger angle Drip flashing Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.52 Y = 0.60 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the brickwork, blocks or concrete must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. EXTERNAL CORNER DETAIL Corner column Sheeting rail KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated wall panel vertically laid Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Internal cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with air seal Vapourflex sealant applied at joints Zed support lapped 100mm at joints Site cut vertical sheeting Mineral fibre insulation site applied External corner flashing with 100mm sealed overlaps 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated wall panel vertically laid Direction of Lay Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.95 Y = 0.02 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 40 STANDARD KS1000 RW Wall Systems Vertically laid WINDOW HEAD AND CILL DETAIL Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.44 Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Optional internal head flashing Mineral fibre insulation site applied Window support rail Y = 1.01 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the window system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. Head flashing 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant External soffit flashing with no connection to internal Polyethylene backing rod with silicone sealant by window installer Window unit by others Window depth to suit panel module Mineral fibre insulation site applied Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Internal cill flashing Window cill flashing with 3° slope to facilitate drainage (no connection to internal) Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.52 Y = 0.83 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the window system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. WINDOW JAMB DETAIL OPTION 1 Window width WINDOW JAMB DETAIL OPTION 2 Mineral fibre insulation site applied Jamb steelwork Window unit by others Polyethylene backing rod with silicone sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant External jamb flashing with no connection to internal Site cut panel Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant fmin = 0.59 Y = 0.53 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the window system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 41 STANDARD KS1000 RW Wall Systems Vertically laid PERSONNEL DOOR DETAIL (DOOR HEAD PANEL SITE CUT) B +2100mm B A A Door frame by others Pressed metal base channel or RSA by others Expanding type anchor fixing by others F.F.L. 0.00mm 900mm DOOR JAMB DETAIL A-A Galvanised door post by steel sub-contractor with Vapourflex sealant applied to joints Polyethylene backing rod with silicone sealant by door installer DOOR HEAD DETAIL B-B Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Internal head flashing (optional) Mineral fibre insulation site applied Galvanised door head Mineral fibre insulation site applied Door & frame by others fixed to steel support frame External soffit flashing with no connection to internal 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant External jamb flashing with no connection to internal 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Note: For opening outward door ensure drip flashing is clear top of door Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.59 Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.44 Door head flashing Site cut panel Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Y = 0.53 W/mK Y = 1.01 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the door system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. The appropriate Y value for the door system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 42 STANDARD KS1000 RW Wall Systems Vertically laid UP AND OVER DOOR HEAD DETAIL See door manufacturers details for height required Drum Optional internal closure flashing Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Mineral fibre insulation site applied 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant e lop le s riab Va Head flashing External soffit flashing Roller guide supported from main structure Clear door height RSC door post Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.30 Y = 0.66 W/mK DOOR JAMB DETAIL Door guide by others Door by others The appropriate Y value for the door system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. Air seal RSC door post Mineral fibre insulation site applied Sheeting rail Internal cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with Vapourflex seal applied to joints Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Site cut panel Door jamb flashing 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Note: Roller shutter doors to be well insulated and have sealed joints, head, jamb and at floor. Clear door width 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.37 Y = 1.33 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the door system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 43 STANDARD KS1000 MR/EB/FL-S/MM/CX/WV Wall Systems Horizontally laid EXTERNAL CORNER DETAIL KS1000 MR/LPCB horizontally Laid Air seal - 4mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Corner column Air seal - 4mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Air seal - gun-grade sealant to male joint Internal cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with air seal - Vapourflex sealant applied at joints Vertical sheeting rail AWP joint filler and silicone sealant Mineral fibre insulation site applied External corner flashing with 100mm overlaps 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant KS1000 MR/LPCB horizontally laid Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.91 Y = 0.18 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 44 STANDARD KS1000 MR/EB/FL-S/MM/CX/WV Wall Systems Horizontally laid VERTICAL JOINT DETAILS VERTICAL JOINT OPTION A Air seal - EPDM bubble gasket 95x10mm. Kingspan (Ref: VJ2) AWP joint filler and gun-grade sealant Min. Steel bearing face 130mm Mineral fibre insulation site applied Air seal - gun-grade sealant to male joint “Snap on” cover flashing 35mm 40mm 35mm OPTION A RECESSED 30mm KS1000 MR/LPCB insulated wall panel horizontally laid “Snap on” receiver flashing (30mm deep) 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant site applied 15 15 35mm 30mm 35mm 15mm recess to“Snap on” cover flashing Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.97 Y = 0.03 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. For joint spacings of 1000mm or more, the above Y value is included within the U value of the insulated panel. VERTICAL JOINT OPTION B Air seal - EPDM bubble gasket 95x10mm. Kingspan (Ref: VJ2) AWP joint filler and gun-grade sealant Min. Steel bearing face 130mm Mineral fibre insulation site applied 35mm 35mm 35mm Air seal - gun-grade sealant to male joint 30mm KS1000 MR/LPCB insulated wall panel horizontally laid 35mm “Snap on” receiver flashing (30mm deep) 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant site applied 30mm 35mm Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.97 Y = 0.03 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. For joint spacings of 1000mm or more, the above Y value is included within the U value of the insulated panel. VERTICAL JOINT OPTION F Air seal - EPDM bubble gasket 95x10mm. Kingspan (Ref: VJ2) AWP joint filler and gun-grade sealant Min. Steel bearing face 130mm Mineral fibre insulation site applied 35mm 35mm 35mm Air seal - gun-grade sealant to male joint 25mm KS1000 MR/LPCB insulated wall panel horizontally laid 9mm x 4mm PVC sealant (site applied) TH25 extruded aluminium top hat section (25mm deep) Optional push in MG02 or snap in MXS02 28mm 19mm 28mm Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.96 Y = 0.03 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. For joint spacings of 1000mm or more, the above Y value is included within the U value of the insulated panel. 45 STANDARD KS1000 MR/EB/FL-S/MM/CX/WV Wall Systems Horizontally laid WINDOW HEAD AND CILL DETAIL Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.49 Air seal - 6mm bead of gun-grade sealant Optional internal head flashing Mineral fibre insulation site applied Window support rail Head flashing 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Y = 0.97 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the window system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. Panel bearer at 1500mm centres Polyethylene backing rod with silicone sealant by window installer Window unit by others Window depth to suit panel module Mineral fibre insulation site applied Air seal - 6mm bead of gun-grade sealant External soffit flashing with no connection to internal Window cill flashing with 3° slope to facilitate drainage (no connection to internal) Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.67 Y = 0.48 W/mK Internal cill flashing The appropriate Y value for the window system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant WINDOW JAMB DETAIL Window opening Jamb steelwork Mineral fibre insulation site applied Polyethylene backing rod with silicone sealant by window installer Window unit by others External jamb flashing with no connection to internal Air seal - 6mm bead of gun-grade sealant Site cut panel Air seal - Gun-grade sealant to male joint AWP joint filler and gun-grade sealant 4mm Ø Butyl rubber sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.62 Y = 0.67 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the window system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 46 STANDARD KS1000 MR/EB/FL-S/MM/CX/WV Wall Systems Horizontally laid PERSONNEL DOOR DETAIL (DOOR HEAD PANEL SITE CUT) DOOR JAMB DETAIL A-A Galvanised door post by steel sub-contractor with Vapourflex sealant applied to joints B +2100mm Mineral fibre insulation site applied B A A Polyethylene backing rod with silicone sealant by door installer Door frame by others External jamb flashing with no connection to internal Air seal - 6mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant AWP joint filler and gun-grade sealant 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Pressed metal base channel or RSA by others Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.60 Y = 0.80 W/mK Expanding type anchor fixing F.F.L. 0.00mm The appropriate Y value for the door system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 900mm DOOR HEAD DETAIL B-B Air seal - 6mm bead of gun-grade sealant Optional internal head flashing Mineral fibre insulation site applied Galvanised door head Door & frame by others fixed to steel support frame External soffit flashing with no connection to internal Note: For opening outward door ensure door head flashing is sufficiently high enough to clear top of door 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Door head flashing Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.44 Y = 0.91 W/mk The appropriate Y value for the door system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 47 STANDARD KS1000 MR/EB/FL-S/MM/CX/WV Wall Systems Horizontally laid DRIP DETAIL - ABOVE FLOOR LEVEL Column face Vertical rail KS1000 MR/LPCB insulated wall panel horizontally laid Optional internal closure flashing to mask insulation from view Galvanised drip support angle Mineral fibre insulation site applied Air seal - 6mm bead of gun-grade sealant Panel bearer at ends of panel & max. 1500mm centres between Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.50 Drip flashing Air seal - continuous bead of gun-grade sealant Y = 0.86 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the brickwork, blockwork or concrete must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. DRIP DETAIL - BELOW FLOOR LEVEL Column face Vertical rail KS1000 MR/LPCB insulated wall panel horizontally laid Optional internal closure flashing to mask insulation from view Air seal - 6mm bead of gun-grade sealant Galvanised drip support angle Air seal - continuous bead of gun-grade sealant Both support angles fixed together prior to placing Mineral fibre insulation site applied Galvanised drip support angle Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.58 Y = 1.12 W/mK Panel bearer at ends of panel & max. 1500mm centres between Drip flashing The appropriate Y value for the brickwork, blockwork or concrete must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. Alfas C foam seal 48 STANDARD KS1000 MR/EB/FL-S/MM/CX/WV Wall Systems Horizontally laid UP AND OVER DOOR HEAD DETAIL See door manufacturers details for height required Drum Optional internal closure flashing Air seal - 6mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Mineral fibre insulation site applied 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant pe slo ble aria V Head flashing External soffit flashing Roller guide supported from main structure Clear door height RSC door post Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.30 Y = 0.68 W/mK DOOR JAMB DETAIL Door guide by others Door by others The appropriate Y value for the door system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. Air seal RSC door post Mineral fibre insulation site applied Sheeting rail Internal cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with Vapourflex seal applied to joints Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Site cut panel 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Note: Roller shutter doors to be well insulated and have sealed joints, head, jamb and at floor. Door jamb flashing Clear door width AWP joint filler and gun-grade sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.37 Y = 1.70 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the door system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 49 ENHANCED CONSTUCTION DETAILS 50 ENHANCED Construction Details Contents This paragraph of text should explain that the remaining pages contain enhanced details. KS1000 RW Roof Systems Enhanced Details Ridge Detail Eaves Detail - External Gutter Parapet Detail - Boundary Wall Gutter Verge Detail - Wall Cladding (End of roof sheeting) Valley Gutter Detail Valley Hip Gutter Detail Hip Detail 51 51 52 53 53 54 54 KS1000 LP Roof Systems Enhanced Details Ridge Detail Parapet Details - Boundary Wall Gutter Eaves Details - External Gutter Valley Gutter Detail Verge Details - Wall Cladding Valley Hip Detail Hip Detail 55 56-57 58 59 60-61 62 62 KS1000 RW Wall (Vertically Laid) Systems Enhanced Details Drip Detail External Corner Detail Window Head and Cill Detail Window Jamb Detail & Alternative Option Detail Personnel Door Detail (Door head panel site cut) Door Jamb & Door Head Detail Up and Over Door Head Detail Door Jamb Detail 63 63 64 64 65 65 66 66 KS1000 MR/EB/FL-S/MM/CX/WV Wall (Horizontally Laid) Systems Enhanced Details Parapet Detail - Boundary Wall Gutter Eaves Details - External Gutter Verge Details - Wall Cladding External Corner Detail Pre-formed External Corner Detail Vertical Joint Details Window Head and Cill Detail Window Jamb Detail Personnel Door Detail - (Door head panel site cut) Door Jamb & Door Head Detail Drip Detail - Above Floor Level & Below Floor Level Up and Over Door Head Detail Door Jamb Detail 67 68 69 70 70 71 72 72 73 73 74 75 75 51 ENHANCED KS1000 RW Roof Systems RIDGE DETAIL Ridge flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant Site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated roof panel Profiled filler set back 80 to 100mm to prevent bird attack Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Purlin Internal ridge flashing with 150mm overlap sealed with air seal, Vapourflex or gun-grade sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.97 Y = 0.004 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. EAVES DETAIL - EXTERNAL GUTTER Gutter support 0.7mm thick doubled sided plastisol coated ntres 0mm fixing ce 20 centres 200mm fixing 75mm Approx 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation Double sided Plastisol “Highline” type gutter 20 35 20 mm mm mm * Eaves beam Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.92 Y = 0.27 W/mK * Air seal - Vapourflex sealant is to be applied over any breaks in supporting secondary steelwork to give a continuous bearing face. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 52 ENHANCED KS1000 RW Roof Systems PARAPET DETAIL - BOUNDARY WALL GUTTER Parapet flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Site applied PIR board insulation Site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant Parapet rail with air seal, Vapourflex tape to rail joints Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gungrade sealant Sheeting rail Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated roof panel KS1000 RW/ LPCB wall panel vertically laid Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Factory made thermally broken membrane lined gutter with PIR board insulation to 0.25 or 0.35 W/m2K U-value 35mm Min 60mm Purlin Gutter outlet Eaves beam gutter support Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data 0.25 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.90 Y = 0.13 W/mK 0.35 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.90 Y = 0.21 W/mK 0.35 sole width 300mm and depth 150mm, values for other widths available on request. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 53 ENHANCED KS1000 RW Roof Systems VERGE DETAIL - WALL CLADDING (END OF ROOF SHEETING) Verge flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps PIR board insulation with site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation to fill any gaps if required to maintain continuity of insulation 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Verge zed support with 150mm sealed overlaps Cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with air seal - Vapourflex sealant applied at joints Direction of Lay Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Purlin Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.96 Y = 0.01 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. VALLEY GUTTER DETAIL KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated roof panel Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Stanchion head tie if necessary as steelwork design Factory made thermally broken membrane lined gutter with PIR board insulation to 0.25 or 0.35 W/m2K U-value Gutter outlet offset to miss stanchion head tie Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Purlin Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data 0.25 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.94 Y = 0.27 W/mK 0.35 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.93 Y = 0.43 W/mK 0.35 sole width 600mm and depth 150mm, values for other widths available on request. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 54 ENHANCED KS1000 RW Roof Systems VALLEY HIP DETAIL Double sided Plastisol coated flashing KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated roof panel Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Edge protection lacquer applied to all panels cut on site to suit rake angle Cleader angle by steel sub-contractor Factory made thermally broken membrane lined gutter with PIR board insulation to 0.25 or 0.35 W/m2K U-value Hip rafter Purlin Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.94 Y = 0.29 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. HIP DETAIL Panels site cut to suit rake angle Internal ridge flashing with 150mm overlap sealed with Vapourflex or gun-grade sealant Hip flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Rake cut profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant Cleader angle by steel sub-contractor Site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated roof panel Profiled filler set back 80 to 100mm to prevent bird attack Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Hip rafter Purlin Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.97 Y = 0.004 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 55 ENHANCED KS1000 LP Roof Systems RIDGE DETAIL Ridge flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Cover cap Profiled filler set back 80 to 100mm to prevent bird attack Outer sheet turned up with roof slopes below 4˚ Site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation Apex dam (Ref: LP1) 20mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel 2 No. runs silicone sealant Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Internal ridge flashing with 150mm overlap sealed with Vapourflex or gun-grade sealant Purlin Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.97 Y = 0.004 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 56 ENHANCED KS1000 LP Roof Systems PARAPET DETAIL - BOUNDARY WALL GUTTER Parapet flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Site applied PIR board insulation Site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant Sheeting rail Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gungrade sealant Parapet rail with air seal Vapourflex tape to rail joints Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation 75mm KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel Top sheet turned down on site with roof pitches below 4˚ Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Factory made thermally broken membrane lined gutter with PIR board insulation to 0.25 or 0.35 W/m2K U-value Purlin KS1000 RW/ LPCB wall panel vertically laid 60mm 35mm Min Gutter outlet Eaves beam gutter support Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data 0.25 W/m2K gutter 0.35 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.90 fmin = 0.90 Y = 0.13 Y = 0.21 0.35 sole width 300mm and depth 150mm, values for other widths available on request. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 57 ENHANCED KS1000 LP Roof Systems PARAPET DETAIL - BOUNDARY WALL GUTTER Parapet flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Site applied PIR board insulation Site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation Parapet rail with air seal - Vapourflex tape to rail joints Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Sheeting rail 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation KS1000 MR/ LPCB wall panel horizontally laid KS1000 RW/ LPCB wall panel vertically laid 75mm KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel 60mm Top sheet turned down on site with roof pitches below 4˚ Gun-grade seal at panel joints inline with 8mm butyl Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Factory made thermally broken membrane lined gutter with PIR board insulation to 0.25 or 0.35 W/m2K U-value Purlin Direction of Lay 35mm Min Gutter outlet Eaves beam gutter support Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data 0.25 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.90 Y = 0.13 W/mK 0.35 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.90 Y = 0.21 W/mK 0.35 sole width 300mm and depth 150mm, values for other widths available on request. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 58 ENHANCED KS1000 LP Roof Systems EAVES DETAIL - EXTERNAL GUTTER Gutter support 0.7mm thick double sided plastisol coated Top sheet turned down on site with roof pitches below 4˚ 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant g centres 200mm fixin Stitching screw fixings for gutter brackets g centres 200mm fixin 75mm KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel Gun-grade seal at panel joints inline with 8mm butyl Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation Double sided plastisol Highline type gutter Eaves beam * 20 35 20 mm mm mm Air seal - Vapourflex sealant is to be applied over any breaks in supporting secondary steelwork to give a continuous bearing face. * KS1000 RW/LPCB wall panel vertically laid Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.92 Y = 0.27 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. EAVES DETAIL - EXTERNAL GUTTER Gutter support 0.7mm thick double sided plastisol coated Top sheet turned down on site with roof pitches below 4˚ 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Stitching screw fixings for gutter brackets g centres 200mm fixin 75mm Approx g centres 200mm fixin KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel Gun-grade seal at panel joints inline with 8mm butyl Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation Double sided plastisol Highline type gutter Eaves beam KS1000 MR/LPCB wall panel horizontally laid * 20 35 20 mm mm mm Air seal - Vapourflex sealant is to be applied over any breaks in supporting secondary steelwork to give a continuous bearing face. * Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.95 Y = 0.13 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 59 ENHANCED KS1000 LP Roof Systems VALLEY GUTTER DETAIL Cover cap 75mm Gun-grade seal at panel joints inline with 8mm butyl Top sheet turned down on site with roof pitches below 4˚ Factory made thermally broken membrane lined gutter with PIR board insulation to 0.25 or 0.35 W/m2K U-value Gutter outlet offset to miss stanchion head tie Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Stanchion head tie if necessary as steelwork design Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Purlin Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data 0.25 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.96 Y = 0.13 W/mK 0.35 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.96 Y = 0.25 W/mK 0.35 sole width 600mm and depth 150mm, values for other widths available on request. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 60 ENHANCED KS1000 LP Roof Systems VERGE DETAIL - WALL CLADDING (START OF ROOF SHEETING) Verge flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps PIR board insulation with site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation to fill any gaps if required to maintain continuity of insulation 20mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with air seal Vapourflex sealant applied at joints KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel Direction of Lay Purlin Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Gable rafter KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated wall panel horizontally laid Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.96 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Y = 0.01 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. VERGE DETAIL - WALL CLADDING (START OF ROOF SHEETING) Verge flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps PIR board insulation with site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation to fill any gaps if required to maintain continuity of insulation 20mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with air seal Vapourflex sealant applied at joints KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel Direction of Lay Purlin Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Gable rafter KS1000 MR/LPCB insulated wall panel horizontally laid Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.96 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Y = 0.01 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 61 ENHANCED KS1000 LP Roof Systems VERGE DETAIL - WALL CLADDING (END OF ROOF SHEETING) Verge flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps PIR board insulation with site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation to fill any gaps if required to maintain continuity of insulation 20mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with air seal Vapourflex sealant applied at joints KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel Direction of Lay Purlin Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Gable rafter KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated wall panel vertically laid Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.96 Y = 0.01 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. VERGE DETAIL - WALL CLADDING (END OF ROOF SHEETING) Verge flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps PIR board insulation with site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation to fill any gaps if required to maintain continuity of insulation 20mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with air seal Vapourflex sealant applied at joints KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel Direction of Lay Purlin Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Gable rafter KS1000 MR/LPCB insulated wall panel horizontally laid 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.96 Y = 0.01 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 62 ENHANCED KS1000 LP Roof Systems VALLEY HIP DETAIL Cover cap KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel Double sided plastisol coated flashing Gun-grade seal at panel joints inline with 8mm butyl Edge protection lacquer applied to all panels cut on site to suit rake angle Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Cleader angle by steelwork contractors Factory made thermally broken membrane lined gutter with PIR board insulation to 0.25 or 0.35 W/m2K U-value Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.94 Hip rafter Purlin Y = 0.29 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. HIP DETAIL Hip flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps Panels site cut to suit rake angle Apex dam (Ref: LP1/A) Rake cut profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant KS1000 LP/LPCB insulated roof panel Cover cap 20mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant 2 No. runs of silicone sealant Site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation Outer sheet turned up on site with roof pitches below 4˚ Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Internal ridge flashing with 150mm overlap sealed with Vapourflex or gun-grade sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.97 Purlin Cleader angle by steelwork contractor Hip rafter Y = 0.004 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 63 ENHANCED KS1000 RW Wall Systems Vertically laid DRIP DETAIL Stanchion Optional internal closure flashing to mask insulation from view Sheeting rail Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant PIR board insulation with Alfasbond (FR) canister applied insulation to fill any gaps if required to maintain continuity of insulation 100mm min. 35mm lap over wall min fmin = 0.64 Panels specified with flush ends will have a minimum cut back of 10mm Drip flashing Air seal - continuous bead of gun-grade sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data Y = 0.54 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the brickwork, blocks or concrete must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. EXTERNAL CORNER DETAIL Corner column Sheeting rail KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated wall panel vertically laid Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Internal cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with air seal Vapourflex sealant applied at joints Zed support lapped 100mm at joints Site cut vertical sheeting PIR board insulation with site applied air seal Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation to fill any gaps if required to maintain continuity of insulation External corner flashing with 100mm sealed overlaps On site remove overlap leg from panel 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated wall panel vertically laid Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.95 Direction of Lay Y = 0.01 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 64 ENHANCED KS1000 RW Wall Systems Vertically laid WINDOW HEAD AND CILL DETAIL Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.50 Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant PIR board insulation Optional internal head flashing Window support rail Internal head flashing (optional) with no connection to external soffit flashing Y = 0.61 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the window system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. Head flashing 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant 25mm thick PIR board insulation Window depth to suit panel module Ferrules used to fix windows Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant External soffit flashing with no connection to internal flashing Polyethylene backing rod with silicone sealant by window installer Window unit by others Site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation Window cill flashing with 3° slope to facilitate drainage (no connection to internal flashing) Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.95 Y = 0.07 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the window system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. WINDOW JAMB DETAIL OPTION 1 Window width Internal jamb flashing with no connection to external flashing 25mm thick PIR board insulation Jamb steelwork Window unit by others WINDOW JAMB DETAIL OPTION 2 Polyethylene backing rod with silicone sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant External jamb flashing with no connection to internal flashing Site cut panel Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant fmin = 0.96 Y = 0.08 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the window system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 65 ENHANCED KS1000 RW Wall Systems Vertically laid PERSONNEL DOOR DETAIL (DOOR HEAD PANEL SITE CUT) B +2100mm B A A Door frame by others Pressed metal base channel or RSA by others Expanding type anchor fixing by others F.F.L. 0.00mm 900mm DOOR JAMB DETAIL A-A Galvanised door post by steel sub-contractor with Vapourflex sealant applied to joints DOOR HEAD DETAIL B-B Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Internal jamb flashing with no connection to external flashing PIR board insulation Optional internal head flashing Galvanised door head 25mm thick PIR board insulation Internal head flashing (optional) with no connection to external soffit flashing 25mm thick PIR board insulation Ferrules used to fix doors Polyethylene backing rod with silicone sealant Door & frame by others fixed to steel support frame External soffit flashing with no connection to internal flashing 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Door head flashing Note: For opening outward door ensure drip flashing is clear top of door Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.50 Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant External jamb flashing with no connection to internal flashing Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.96 Y = 0.08 W/mK Y = 0.61 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the door system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. The appropriate Y value for the door system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 66 ENHANCED KS1000 RW Wall Systems Vertically laid UP AND OVER DOOR HEAD DETAIL See door manufacturers details for height required Drum Optional closure flashing Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant PIR board insulation Head flashing pe slo ble aria V Roller guide supported from main structure Clear door height 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant 70mm thick PIR board insulation 60mm return to soffit flashing External soffit flashing RSC door post Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.51 Y = 0.62 W/mK DOOR JAMB DETAIL Door guide by others Door by others The appropriate Y value for the door system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. Air seal RSC door post Sheeting rail 70mm thick PIR board insulation with site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation filling gaps Internal cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with Vapourflex seal applied to joints Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Site cut panel Door jamb flashing 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Note: Roller shutter doors to be well insulated and have sealed joints, head, jamb and at floor. Clear door width 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.76 Y = 0.81 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the door system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 67 ENHANCED KS1000 MR/EB/FL-S/MM/CX/WV Wall Systems Horizontally laid PARAPET DETAIL - BOUNDARY WALL GUTTER Parapet fixing with 150mm sealed butt straps 80mm PIR approved insulation board Site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation Parapet rail air seal Vapourflex tape to rail joints Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Profiled filler sealed top and bottom with gun-grade sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant KS1000 MR/LPCB insulated wall panel horizontally laid KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated roof panel vertically laid Factory made membrane lined gutter with PIR board insulation 0.25 or 0.35 W/m2K U value 35mm Min Air seal - 6mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation as panel is placed KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated roof panel 60mm Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Purlin Direction of Lay Gutter outlet Eaves beam gutter support with expandable seal Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data 0.25 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.90 Y = 0.13 W/mK 0.35 W/m2K gutter fmin = 0.90 Y = 0.21 W/mK 0.35 sole width 300mm and depth 150mm, values for other widths available on request. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 68 ENHANCED KS1000 MR/EB/FL-S/MM/CX/WV Wall Systems Horizontally laid EAVES DETAIL - EXTERNAL GUTTER Gutter support 0.7mm thick double sided plastisol coated res m fixing cent res 200m m fixing cent 200m 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant 75mm Approx KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated roof panel Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Double sided Plastisol “High line” type gutter 20 35 20 mm mm mm * Site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation Eaves beam KS1000 MR/LPCB insulated wall panel horizontally laid Air seal - 6mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data Direction of Lay fmin = 0.95 Y = 0.13 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. * Air seal - Vapourflex sealant is to be applied over any breaks in supporting secondary steelwork to give a continuous bearing face. 69 ENHANCED KS1000 MR/EB/FL-S/MM/CX/WV Wall Systems Horizontally laid VERGE DETAIL - WALL CLADDING (START OF ROOF SHEETING) Verge flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps PIR board insulation with fire rated Alfasbond (FR) canister insulation to fill any gaps if required to maintain continuity of insulation Verge zed support lapped 150mm at joints Cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with air seal Vapourflex sealant applied to joints KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated roof panel Direction of Lay 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant KS1000 MR/LPCB insulated wall panel horizontally laid Air seal - 8mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Purlin Gable rafter Direction of Lay Vertical sheeting rail Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.96 Y = 0.01 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. VERGE DETAIL - WALL CLADDING (END OF ROOF SHEETING) Verge flashing with 150mm sealed butt straps PIR board insulation with fire rated Alfasbond (FR) canister insulation to fill any gaps if required to maintain continuity of insulation Verge zed support lapped 150mm at joints Cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with Vapourflex sealant applied to joints Site cut KS1000 RW/LPCB insulated roof panel to suit Direction of Lay 9mm x 3mm butyl rubber sealant 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Air seal - 8mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Air seal - 6mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Purlin Gable rafter Vertical sheeting rail Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.96 KS1000 MR/LPCB insulated wall panel horizontally laid Direction of Lay Y = 0.01 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 70 ENHANCED KS1000 MR/EB/FL-S/MM/CX/WV Wall Systems Horizontally laid EXTERNAL CORNER DETAIL KS1000 MR/LPCB horizontally Laid Air seal - 4mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Corner column Air seal - 4mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant Air seal - gun-grade sealant to male joint Internal cleader angle by steel sub-contractor with air seal - Vapourflex sealant applied at joints Vertical sheeting rail AWP joint filler and silicone sealant PIR board insulation with Alfasbond FR canister applied insulation to fill any gaps if required to maintain continuity of insulation External corner flashing with 100mm overlaps 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant KS1000 MR/LPCB horizontally laid Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.96 Y = 0.01 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. EXTERNAL PRE-FORMED CORNER DETAIL For vertical joint details see page 71 KS1000 MR/LPCB horizontally laid pre-formed insulated corner panel Pre-formed panel maximum unsupported length 1000mm. For longer panels additional steelwork is required. Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.96 Y = 0.01 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 71 ENHANCED KS1000 MR/EB/FL-S/MM/CX/WV Wall Systems Horizontally laid VERTICAL JOINT DETAILS VERTICAL JOINT OPTION A Air seal - EPDM bubble gasket 95x10mm. Kingspan (Ref: VJ2) AWP joint filler and gun-grade sealant Min. Steel bearing face 130mm PIR board insulation with fire rated Alfasbond (FR) canister insulation to fill any gaps if required to maintain continuity of insulation Air seal - gun-grade sealant to male joint “Snap on” cover flashing 35mm 40mm 35mm OPTION A RECESSED 30mm KS1000 MR/LPCB insulated wall panel horizontally laid “Snap on” receiver flashing (30mm deep) 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant site applied 15 15 35mm 30mm 35mm 15mm recess to“Snap on” cover flashing Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.96 Y = 0.01 W/mK The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. For joint spacings of 1000mm or more, the above Y value is included within the U value of the insulated panel. VERTICAL JOINT OPTION B Air seal - EPDM bubble gasket 95x10mm. Kingspan (Ref: VJ2) AWP joint filler and gun-grade sealant Min. Steel bearing face 130mm PIR board insulation with fire rated Alfasbond (FR) canister insulation to fill any gaps if required to maintain continuity of insulation 35mm 35mm 35mm Air seal - gun-grade sealant to male joint 30mm KS1000 MR/LPCB insulated wall panel horizontally laid 35mm “Snap on” receiver flashing (30mm deep) 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant site applied 30mm 35mm Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.96 Y = 0.01 The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. For joint spacings of 1000mm or more, the above Y value is included within the U value of the insulated panel. OPTION F Air seal - EPDM bubble gasket 95x10mm. Kingspan (Ref: VJ2) AWP joint filler and gun-grade sealant Min. Steel bearing face 130mm PIR board insulation with fire rated Alfasbond (FR) canister insulation to fill any gaps if required to maintain continuity of insulation 35mm 35mm 35mm Air seal - gun-grade sealant to male joint 25mm KS1000 MR/LPCB insulated wall panel horizontally laid 9mm x 4mm PVC sealant (site applied) TH25 extruded aluminium top hat section (25mm deep) Optional push in MG02 or snap in MXS02 28mm 19mm 28mm Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.96 Y = 0.01 The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. For joint spacings of 1000mm or more, the above Y value is included within the U value of the insulated panel. 72 ENHANCED KS1000 MR/EB/FL-S/MM/CX/WV Wall Systems Horizontally laid WINDOW HEAD AND CILL DETAIL Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.34 Air seal - 6mm bead of gun-grade sealant PIR board insulation Optional internal head flashing Window support rail Internal head flashing (optional) with no connection to external soffit flashing Y = 0.83 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the window system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. Panel bearer at 1500mm centres Head flashing 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant 25mm thick PIR board insulation External soffit flashing with no connection to internal flashing Polyethylene backing rod with silicone sealant by window installer Window depth to suit panel module Window unit by others Site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation Window cill flashing with 3° slope to facilitate drainage (no connection to internal flashing) Ferrules used to fix window Air seal - 6mm bead of gun-grade sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.93 Y = 0.10 W/mK 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant The appropriate Y value for the window system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. WINDOW JAMB DETAIL Window opening Jamb steelwork Internal jamb flashing with no connection to external flashing Site applied 25mm thick PIR board insulation with Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation filling gaps to maintain insulation prior to placing board Polyethylene backing rod with silicone sealant by window installer Window unit by others External jamb flashing with no connection to internal flashing Air seal - 6mm bead of gun-grade sealant Site cut panel Air seal - Gun-grade sealant to male joint AWP joint filler and gun-grade sealant 4mm Ø Butyl rubber sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.96 Y = 0.08 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the window system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 73 ENHANCED KS1000 MR/EB/FL-S/MM/CX/WV Wall Systems Horizontally laid PERSONNEL DOOR DETAIL (DOOR HEAD PANEL SITE CUT) DOOR JAMB DETAIL A-A Galvanised door post by steel sub-contractor with Vapourflex sealant applied to joints Internal jamb flashing with no connection to external flashing B +2100mm Ferrules used to fix doors 25mm thick PIR board insulation with site applied Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation filling gaps to maintain insulation prior to placing board B A A Polyethylene backing rod with silicone sealant by door installer External jamb flashing with no connection to internal flashing Air seal - 6mm Ø bead of gun-grade sealant AWP joint filler and gun-grade sealant Door frame by others 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Pressed metal base channel or RSA by others Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.96 Y = 0.08 W/mK Expanding type anchor fixing F.F.L. 0.00mm The appropriate Y value for the door system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 900mm DOOR HEAD DETAIL B-B Optional internal head flashing Air seal - 6mm bead of gun-grade sealant PIR board insulation Galvanised door head 25mm thick PIR board insulation Optional internal head flashing with no connection to external soffit flashing Door & frame by others fixed to steel support frame External soffit flashing with no connection to internal flashing Note: For opening outward door ensure door head flashing is sufficiently high enough to clear top of door 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Door head flashing Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.51 Y = 0.62 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the door system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 74 ENHANCED KS1000 MR/EB/FL-S/MM/CX/WV Wall Systems Horizontally laid DRIP DETAIL - ABOVE FLOOR LEVEL Column face Vertical rail KS1000 MR/LPCB insulated wall panel horizontally laid Optional internal closure flashing to mask insulation from view Galvanised drip support angle 80mm thick PIR board insulation with Alfasbond FR canister applied insulation used to fill gap, if required Air seal - 6mm bead of gun-grade sealant Panel bearer at ends of panel & max. 1500mm centres between Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.33 Drip flashing Air seal - continuous bead of gun-grade sealant Y = 0.60 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the brickwork, blockwork or concrete must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. DRIP DETAIL - BELOW FLOOR LEVEL Column face Vertical rail KS1000 MR/LPCB insulated wall panel horizontally laid Optional internal closure flashing to mask insulation from view Air seal - 6mm bead of gun-grade sealant Galvanised drip support angle 80mm thick PIR board insulation with Alfasbond FR canister applied insulation used to fill gap, if required Air seal - continuous bead of gun-grade sealant Both support angles fixed together prior to placing Galvanised drip support angle Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.60 Y = 0.35 W/mK Panel bearer at ends of panel & max. 1500mm centres between Drip flashing The appropriate Y value for the brickwork, blockwork or concrete must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. 75 ENHANCED KS1000 MR/EB/FL-S/MM/CX/WV Wall Systems Horizontally laid UP AND OVER DOOR HEAD DETAIL Drum See door manufacturers details for height required Air seal - 6mm bead of gun-grade sealant Internal door head flashing - optional pe slo ble aria V PIR board insulation Head flashing Roller guide supported from main structure 60mm return to soffit flashing. Clear door height 4mm Ø butyl sealant 70mm thick PIR board insulation Door guide with air seal External soffit flashing RSC door post Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.51 Y = 0.63 W/mK The appropriate Y value for the door system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. DOOR JAMB DETAIL Door guide with air seals Site cut panel Air seal - 6mm bead of gungrade sealant 70mm thick PIR board insulation with Alfasbond fire rated (FR) canister insulation filling gaps to maintain insulation prior to placing board RSC door posts by steel subcontractor with Vapourflex sealant applied at joints Door jamb flashing Air seal - 6mm bead of gun-grade sealant Bridging seal to male joint 4mm Ø butyl rubber sealant Building Regulations Part L2 Thermal Data fmin = 0.74 Clear door width AWP joint filler and gungrade sealant Y = 0.71 W/mK Note: Roller shutter doors to be well insulated and have sealed joints, head, jamb and at floor. The appropriate Y value for the door system must be added to the above Y value to obtain the total heat loss through this junction detail. The above values are only applicable to the components on this detail. Changes to the components will have an effect on the given values. Kingspan Insulated Roof & Wall Systems Roof Systems KS1000 RW Trapezoidal KS1000 TS Tile Support KS1000 Kingzip KS1000 LP Low Pitched KS1000 CR Curved Available Q1 2003 Wall Systems KS600, 900 & 1000 Optimo KS600, 900 & 1000 MR Micro-Rib KS600, 900 & 1000 EB Euro-Box KS600, 900 & 1000 FL-S Flat (Stucco) KS600, 900 & 1000 MM Mini-Micro KS600, 900 & 1000 CX Convex KS600, 900 & 1000 WV Wave KS1000 RW Trapezoidal Insulated Temperature Control Systems KS1200 CS Telephone: +44 (0) 1352 716110, Fax: +44 (0) 1352 716161, Email:
[email protected]