ALEXIS G. SANTOS NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Liciada Bustos, Bulacan Action Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) SY 2016-2017 Objectives Programs/Projects Strategies/Activities A. Students Development. 1. Increase achievement Raise achievement Administer the following test: rate. level in TLE a. Pre-test b.Unit Test c. Post-test 2. Reorganize ICT Club. ICT Club Induction Organizing different skills of Officers competition 3. Organize Nutrition month Nutrition Month Organizing different skills celebration. Celebration competition regarding ICT (CHS, Adobe Photoshop) 4.Identifying potential Technolympics Contest Conducting early training students for Technolympics (CHS/Adobe Photoshop) 5. To strengthen the students' Teaching NCII core Preparing the students competencies and skills in competencies for NCII level Computer Hardware Servicing B. Staff Development 1. Help TLE teachers to enhance INSET Participate in INSET their teaching skills using technology. C. PhysicalFacilities 1. Help improve the Improvement of the Cooperate in the maintenance TLE-Computer Room TLE-Computer Room Improvement of TLE-Computer room Prepared by: DIANA LYN O. CERVANTES Teacher I ALEXIS G. SANTOS NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Liciada Bustos, Bulacan Action Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) SY 2016-2017 Strategies/Activities Time Frame Personal Involved Expected Outcomes Administer the following test: June 2016 Principal Increased Achievement March 2017 Teachers rate Students Organizing different skills June 2016 Teachers Reorganized and Students revitalized ICT club Organizing different skills July 2016 Teachers Improved and Discovered competition regarding ICT Students skills of students (CHS, Adobe Photoshop) in preparation for the upcoming Technolympics 2016 Conducting early training June - August Teachers Discovered potential (CHS/Adobe Photoshop) Students Technolympics participants June 2016- Teachers Produced NCII holder Mar-16 Students students. October 2016 Principal Improved teachers Teachers competencies Cooperate in the maintenance June 2016- Teachers Improved TLE-Computer room Improvement of TLE-Computer March 2017 Students Checked by: NILO A. ABOLENCIA Principal 1 Expected Outcomes Increased Achievement Reorganized and revitalized ICT club Improved and Discovered skills of students in preparation for the upcoming Technolympics Discovered potential Technolympics participants Produced NCII holder Improved teachers competencies Improved TLE-Computer room Sheet1