lable at ScienceDirect Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 32 (2014) 319e334 Contents lists avai Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries journal homepage: www.elsevier .com/locate/ j lp Accident modelling and analysis in process industries Ali Al-shanini a, b, Arshad Ahmad a, b, *, Faisal Khan c a Institute of Hydrogen Economy, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Malaysia b Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Malaysia c Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NL A1B 3X5, Canada a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 25 July 2014 Accepted 30 September 2014 Available online 5 October 2014 Keywords: Accident modelling Dynamic sequential accident models Dynamic risk assessment Precursor data * Corresponding author. Faculty of Chemical Engi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Malaysia. E-mail address:
[email protected] (A. Ahmad 0950-4230/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. a b s t r a c t Accident modelling is a methodology used to relate the causes and effects of events that lead to acci- dents. This modelling effectively seeks to answer two main questions: (i) Why does an accident occur, and (ii) How does it occur. This paper presents a review of accident models that have been developed for the chemical process industry with in-depth analyses of a class of models known as dynamic sequential accident models (DSAMs). DSAMs are sequential models with a systematic procedure to utilise precursor data to estimate the posterior risk profile quantitatively. DSAM also offers updates on the failure prob- abilities of accident barriers and the prediction of future end states. Following a close scrutiny of these methodologies, several limitations are noted and discussed, and based on these insights, future work is suggested to enhance and improve this category of models further. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The chemical process industry (CPI) is a highly complex system with diverse equipment, control schemes and operating pro- cedures. It is also common for plants in this industry to utilise a variety of hazardous materials as raw materials and/or products. The interactions among these components, human factors, and management and organisational (M&O) issues make CPI suscepti- ble to process deviations, which, in turn, may lead to failures if not properly managed (Khan and Abbasi, 1998c, Papazoglou et al., 1992). As illustrated by Fig. 1, when process failures occur, some may be recovered from, while others escalate into minor or major accidents and losses. To maintain the plant economy at desired levels, process plants are often equipped with a comprehensive process control system to ensure smoothness of operation and to prevent accidents. The system provides protection through varying degrees of automation, facilitated by human intervention and shielded by additional layers of protection as mitigating measures should the system fail. Nevertheless, despite all these measures, accidents still continue to happen. Examples of recent accidents in the CPI, along with some key information, are shown in Table 1. An efficient means of combating accidents is to formulate suit- able preventive measures targeting the right plant components. neering, Universiti Teknologi ). However, this is difficult to realise unless accidents can be antici- pated and are thoroughly understood, such that the failed component can be identified prior to the occurrence of an accident. Such efforts fall within the realm of accident modelling, which relates the causes and effects of events that lead to accidents. Effectively, accident modelling seeks to answer two main ques- tions: (i) why does an accident occur, and (ii) how does it occur. The development of these methodologies can be traced back to 1941, when Heinrich introduced the domino theory (Qureshi, 2007). Accident models can be classified in many ways. Qureshi (2007) has proposed a reasonably comprehensive classification by dividing the models into two broad categories, i.e., traditional and modern: the traditional approach is further categorised into sequential (SAMs) and epidemiological (EAMs), while the modern approach includes systematic (SyAMs) and formal (FAMs). This classification can be further extended by introducing a third category within the modern approach, called the dynamic sequential accident model (DSAM) (see Fig. 2). DSAM is a precursor-based technique that in- cludes two modelling schemes: (i) process hazard prevention ac- cidentmodels (Kujath et al., 2010; Rathnayaka et al., 2011a); and (ii) dynamic risk assessment (DRA) models. Some of the most common accident models based on this categorisation are shown in Fig. 2. The accuracy, capability, and limitation of accident models vary significantly, depending on their purpose and focus (Rathnayaka et al., 2011a). Brief descriptions of these AMs (except the DSAMs because they will be extensively reviewed in this article), as well as their limitations regarding their use in the CPI, are summarised in Table 2. One major problem with these models is that they are Delta:1_given name Delta:1_surname Delta:1_given name mailto:
[email protected] Fig. 1. Safety Pyramid (adopted from Phimister et al. (2003)). A. Al-shanini et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 32 (2014) 319e334320 generally case-specific, with outcomes that are mostly descriptive and qualitative. Those that have quantitative components suffer from data scarcity and uncertainty limitations. As such, they have a limited ability to provide general solutions that are capable of representing awider class of problems and representing non-linear interactions, uncertainties and data scarcity. In contrast, DSAMs have the advantage of simplicity due to their sequential structure and can represent non-linearity and interactions through the use of different model sequences within one framework. DSAMs use real-time precursor data (e.g., near- miss, mishap, incident, and accident) to estimate the likelihood of all possible end-states. Furthermore, they provide updated risk profiles that facilitate better decision-making. Such uses of pre- cursor data are particularly useful in cases involving a high likelihood of occurrence or severe losses commonly found in the CPI, as well as in the nuclear, aerospace, and aviation industries. Thus, precursor programs have been developed for compulsory safety requirements such as site-specific and company-specific near-miss programs in the CPI. Similarly, the nuclear industry has also introduced the Accident Sequence Precursor (ASP) and the Institute for Nuclear Power Operation's Significant Event Evaluation and Information Network programs (van der Schaaf et al., 1991). This paper analyses the development and application of dy- namic sequential accident models as a part of precursor-based ac- cident modelling. Section 2 extensively reviews the DSAMs and their developmental steps, and highlights recent developments within each step. Section 3 covers the application of DSAMs. This is followed by the future research needed in AMs and risk- assessment-based precursor data in section 4, and the conclu- sions of this analysis are presented in section 5. 2. Dynamic sequential accident model (DSAM) DSAM is a part of precursor-based dynamic risk analysis that uses common sequential models such as Fault Tree (FT) and Event Tree (ET) to represent accident scenarios and is often combined with other approaches to accommodate non-linear and complex interactions, as well as dynamic updating features, in one frame- work. To overcome uncertainty issues associated with failure data, an updating scheme based on precursor data was proposed as early as 1982 (Minarick and Kukielka, 1982). This study, which was carried out to estimate core damage failure probability in the nuclear industry, was echoed in many other efforts, leading to the development of methodologies that integrate the use of precursor data into reliability analysis. Some of these works include Modarres and Amico (1984); Lois (1985); Hoertner and Kafka (1986); Hoertner et al. (1985); Ballard (1985); Cooke et al. (1987); Bier and Mosleh (1990); Oliver and Yang (1990); Cooke and Goossens (1990); Bier (1993); Abramson (1994); Bier and Yi (1995); Yi and Bier (1998); Meel and Seider (2006); Meel (2007); Kalantarnia et al. (2009a); Rathnayaka et al. (2011a, 2011b); Pariyani et al. (2012a, 2012b), the most significant of which is the systematic dynamic methodology proposed by Oliver and Yang (1990). Their method uses a Bayesian approach to update the failure probabilities of safety systems in an Event Tree through the use of precursor data. In addition to overcoming uncertainty and the scarcity of reliable data, this dynamic feature also provides posterior information that supports risk-based decision-making for safer plants. As illustrated in Fig. 2, the DSAMs can be conveniently cat- egorised into two modelling schemes: process hazard prevention accident models (PHPAMs) and dynamic risk assessment (DRA) models. These will be elaborated in subsequent sections. 2.1. Process hazards prevention accident model (PHPAM) This family of accident models was recently introduced by Khan and co-workers, targeting applications in the CPI. To date, two models have been proposed, i.e., an off-shore oil and gas process industry accident model, and a system hazard identifi- cation, prevention and prediction (SHIPP) methodology. The off- shore oil and gas process industry accident model developed by Kujath et al. (2010) is founded on the assumption that accidents in off-shore oil and gas facilities are initiated by hydrocarbon release, which then propagates into accidents. As a safety mea- sure, five prevention barriers are installed along the accident propagation path to prevent and/or mitigate the impact of the release, as shown in Fig. 3. Within this modelling paradigm, the worst-case scenario occurs when all barriers fail, resulting in major or catastrophic accidents. Failures of prevention barriers are modelled using FT, while the resulting consequences are modelled using ET. Precursor data of end-state events in the ET are used to update the failure probabilities of the safety barriers using Bayesian theory. The model was successfully applied to the Piper Alpha (1988) and BP Texas City refinery (2005) accidents. However, the model has some limitations, including the following: (i) it only considers operational and technical failures as causes of accidents, and other contributing factors such as human and organisational errors are not reflected (Rathnayaka et al., 2011a); and (ii) it does not consider other initiating events that could lead to accidents, such as explosions or other forms of energy releases. To overcome the weaknesses of the off-shore model, an exten- sion was introduced by Rathnayaka et al. (2011a) by incorporating the neglected factors into a new framework to model CPI accidents. This extended model is called the System Hazard Identification, Prediction and Prevention (SHIPP) methodology. Within the SHIPP framework, all accident causations related to operational and technical, human, management and organisational aspects are included and formulated into seven prevention barriers as shown in Fig. 4. Among these, three barriers, i.e., release prevention (RPB), ignition prevention (IPB) and escalation prevention (EPB) are the same as in the off-shore model. Three barriers are new, i.e., dispersion prevention (DPB), human factor prevention (HPB), and management and organisational prevention (M&OPB). The last barrier, i.e., damage control and emergency management preven- tion (DC&EMB), is a combination of the harm and loss barriers in the off-shore model with some modifications. Based on a release of material, six consequences are considered depending on the success or failure of the barriers. These conse- quences are safe, near-miss, mishap, incident, accident, and serious A. Al-shanini et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 32 (2014) 319e334 321 accident, as shown in Fig. 4. Similarly, a Bayesian update mecha- nism is implemented using accident precursor data to update the failure probabilities of all barriers. In addition, SHIPP also employs a stochastic prediction model to compute the number of abnormal events in the next time interval. These prediction and failure updating features facilitate risk-based decisions and the prioriti- sation of initiatives such as maintenance, management of changes, and safety plans to improve inherent safety. SHIPP was successfully applied to two LNG facilities, and promising results were obtained (Rathnayaka et al., 2011b; and Rathnayaka et al., 2012). Despite this potential, the SHIPP model suffers from four main limitations. First, the framework only con- siders process hazards, leaving other hazards such as external and occupational hazards unaccounted for. Second, it has dependency limitations that makes some barriers illogical for certain initiating events. For example, in case of toxic and non-flammable material release, ignition barriers will be irrelevant in the accident path. Third, the capability for predicting future events are provided by a stochastic Poisson-gamma model, which has the tendency to un- derestimate the expected events and has a relatively low sensitivity to the observed data. Fourth, the updating technique only estimates the failure probability of barriers and cannot specifically determine the posteriors of basic events in the fault tree models of the pre- vention barriers. This can be overcome using vulnerability ranking analysis. Details on future studies needed to improve DSAM are discussed in section 4. 2.2. Dynamic risk assessment (DRA) methodology DRA, which is also known as Dynamic Quantitative Risk Assessment (DQRA) methodology, is an extension of the QRA methodology to include updates of the failure probabilities of safety systems for a particular accident scenario using precursor data (Meel, 2007; Kalantarnia et al., 2009a). In a typical QRA methodology, four main steps are involved, i.e., hazard identifica- tion to identify plausible hazards, frequency evaluation to estimate the likelihood of occurrence, consequence analysis to assess the severity of the effect, and risk quantification to determine the risks associated with the hazards identified (CCPS, 2000). As shown in Fig. 5, the major difference between QRA and DRA is that the latter provides additional steps in the likelihood estimation to include dynamic probability assessment by translating accident precursor data into a likelihood function and estimating the posterior failure probability. DRA methodology follows the following six steps: (i) hazard identification, (ii) scenario generation and prior probabili- ties estimation, (iii) likelihood function formation, (iv) posterior failure probabilities estimation, (v) consequence analysis, and (vi) posterior risk calculation (Meel, 2007; Kalantarnia et al., 2009a). 2.2.1. Hazard identification Similar to QRA, the hazard identification step in a DRA involves the identification of potential hazards resulting from plausible failure scenarios and their consequences, such as injuries, fatalities, and property damages and other loses. At this stage, several hazard identification techniques can be used, as reviewed by (Glossop et al., 2000; Gould et al., 2005), including checklists, what if anal- ysis, hazard and operability (HAZOP) analysis, and hazard identi- fication and ranking (HIRA). Checklist analysis is the simplest technique, involving a list of questions related to operation, organisation, maintenance, and other aspects, which need to be verified and checked against the process facilities. However, it has a limited analysis power, as it can only analyse one item per time and cannot be used effectively for complex systems and conditions in which the resulting hazards are due to interactions between many process variables such as temperature, pressure, and flows (Khan and Abbasi, 1998c; Oyeleye and Kramer, 1988; Rogers, 2000; Bahr, 2000; Hyatt, 2003; Mannan, 2004; Ericson, 2005). “What if analysis” is the oldest hazard identification technique (CCPS, 1985; Mannan, 2004) and is based on a set of “what if” questions to be answered. It is simple to use, but significant time and expertise are required to develop questions, which are typically case-specific (Khan and Abbasi,1998d). The identification efficiency of this technique can be improved by combining it with checklist analysis (Rogers, 2000; Mannan, 2004). HAZOP is popular because it is structured and thus effective to use. This approach involves a team effort that gathers various forms of expertise to incorporate experiences and process information that are illustrated in documents such as PI&D, PFD, and operation manuals. As it is time-consuming, many studies have been carried out to include some level of automation in the procedure (McKelvey, 1988; Montague, 1990; Khan and Abbasi, 1997a, b). The HAZOP technique that originated from Imperial Chemical In- dustries (ICI) in 1974 has undergone many modifications to improve its effectiveness in implementation. Most of these modi- fications can be found in a valuable review article by Dunj�o et al. (2010). HIRA is an identification and ranking technique specifically designed for chemical processes and unit operation based onmulti- attribute hazard identification and ranking. This technique was proposed by Khan and Abbasi (1998c), in which the hazard in process units is treated as a function of the material used, unit capacity, unit operation type, operation conditions, and surround- ings. HIRA provides two output risk hazard indices: the fire and explosion damage index, and the toxic release and dispersion in- dex. This technique has been applied for hazard identification in Optimum Risk Analysis (ORA) (Khan and Abbasi, 2001). 2.2.2. Scenario generation After identifying all plausible hazards, the Event Tree (ET) model is constructed to formulate possible sequences associated with each abnormal initiating event passing through safety systems (barriers) and ending with final consequences. Reliability data of prior failure probabilities of safety barriers, as well as failure fre- quencies of abnormal initiating events have to be known either as specific values (number) or in the form of distribution functions. These prior data can be collected from the published literature, experts’ judgment, and/or by accessing database agencies. In the absence of such reliable data, a non-informative prior distribution function that equally weights all parameters can be used, e.g., a uniform distribution (Meel and Seider, 2006, 2008; Meel, 2007; Kalantarnia et al., 2009a). Fig. 6 shows the use of ET as a scenario generation technique. The tree propagates through all safety barriers, including control and technical equipment, human interventions, emergency pro- cedures, and/or combinations of these events until the final end states (Rausand and Høyland, 2004). Each event in the ET is con- ditional and dependent on the occurrence of previous events. The failure probabilities of the barriers and the end-state events are evaluated quantitatively by multiplying the probabilities of the sequence path starting from the initiating event to the end-state passing through the safeguards of that sequence (CCPS, 2000; Fullwood, 2000; Mannan, 2004; Rausand and Hoyland, 2004; Ericson, 2005; Hong et al., 2009; �Cepin, 2011). For ease of implementation, efforts have been spent to auto- matically generate ETs. Clementel and Galvagni (1984) proposed a systematic computer code for ET generation that analyses 1000 to 10 000 events with individual event sequences. Papazoglou (1998) has developed a mathematical basis algorithm to auto- matically construct ETs via computer aid. Aram Hakobyan et al. Table 1 Examples of some Recent Accident in CPIs. No. Date of accident Accident location Accident type Accident reason Facility type The impact Reference 1 May 18, 2001 Northern part of Taiwan fire and VCE Release of flammable chemicals Acrylic resin manufacturing plant 100 injuries and high property damage including part damage of 16 nearby plants (Kao and Hu, 2002) 2 January 19, 2004 Skikda, Algeria VCE and flash fire A leak in the hydrocarbon refrigerant system, followed by ignition source that yielded from a failure in boiler within the steam drum leading to rise pressure and drum rupture. A steam boiler, LNG plant Partly destroyed of the plant, 27 deaths and 74 injuries (Beale, 2006) 3 July 30, 2004 Ghislenghien, Belgium Fireball and VCE Release due to pipe damage by unknown reason NLG pipeline 24 deaths, over 120 injuries and property damage (Mahgerefteh and Atti, 2004) 4 March 23, 2005 BP's Texas City refinery Fireball and VEC Release due to raffinate splitter tower overfilled Gasoline isomerization unit, oil refinery 15 deaths, 180 injuries and high property about 1.5 billion $ CSB, 2007 5 December 11, 2005 Buncefield, UK VCE and huge fire Release of gasoline vapor due to overfilling of a depot tank that ignited Storage facility Burning about 58,000 tons of fuel led to huge environmental impact. (Vautard et al., 2007) 6 January 30, 2007 Little General Store in Ghent, West Virginia, USA VCE Liquid propane release Propane store tank 4 deaths, 6 injuries and destroy nearby vehicles CSB (2008a) 7 February 16, 2007 Valero's McKee Refinery near Sunray, Texas. USA Fire Liquid propane release cracked control station piping at refinery 4 injuries and property loss about 50 million US dollars CSB (2008b) 8 July 17, 2007 Valley Center, Kansas Explosion and fireball Ignitable vapor-air mixtures inside tanks Solvents facility Property loss CSB (2008c) 9 October 2, 2007 west of Denver, Colorado, USA Fire Likely static ignition Xcel Energy‘s hydroelectric plant 5 deaths and 3 injuries CSB, 2010 10 October 29, 2007 Barton Solvents Des Moines, Iowa. USA fire and series of explosions Ethyl acetate release due to operator mistake chemical distribution facility 2 injuries and property loss CSB (2008d) 11 November 1, 2007 Carmichael, Mississippi, USA Fireball and VCE Liquid propane release by the reason of weak welded Liquid propane pipeline 2 deaths, 7 injuries and property loss for comp. about 33,77,247 $ in addition to several houses were destroyed NTSB, 2009 12 December 19, 2007 Inc. (T2),Jacksonville, Florida, USA powerful explosion (eq. 1400 lb. TNT), and fire Loss of sufficient cooling to the chemical reactor leading to runaway reaction, that resulted an high and uncontrollable temperature and pressure a chemical manufacturer 4 deaths, 32 injuries and destroyed T2 Laboratories CSB (2009a) 13 February 7, 2008 Port Wentworth, Georgia, USA a series of sugar dust explosions and fire Unknown source ignited the sugar dust Sugar manufacturing facility 14 deaths, 6 injuries and high property loss in facility unites CSB (2009b) 14 August 28, 2008 Bayer CropScience facility in Institute, West Virginia, USA Fire and explosion Chemical reaction runaway inside a pressure vessel leading to explore the vessel that led fire Methomyl unit 2 deaths, 8 injuries and damage the unit CSB, 2011 15 June 29, 2009 Viareggio, Italy VCE and flash fire Derailing of a freight train loaded with 630 tons LPG in 14 tanks LPG train tanks High property loss in the street area. 31 people died and more than 30 injuries (Brambilla and Manca, 2010) 16 January 8, 2010 Nanpao Resin Co. Taiwan Fire and explosion Fluid leaking from the cumene oxidation tower Chemical manufacturer Destroyed about 4298 square meters of plant's area, partly (Chen et al., 2010) A .A l-shanini et al./ Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 32 (2014) 319 e 334 322 d am ag e of a n ei gh bo u r co m p an y Ta iw an St ee l & Ir on C o. an d p la n t sh u t d ow n fo r re p ai ri n g jo b 17 A p ri l 20 ,2 01 0 to Se p te m be r 19 ,2 01 0 B P' s M ac on d o w el l, n or th er n G u lf of M ex ic o Ex p lo si on an d oi l sp ill O ff sh or e ri g ex p lo si on d u e to re u se of h ig h -p re ss u re m et h an e ga s fr om th e w el l in to ri g in th e ex is te n ce of ig n it io n so u rc e. Th e ex p lo si on le d to si n ki n g th e p la tf or m th at ef fe ct iv el y th e p ip e co n n ec ti on to w el l le ad in g to oi l bl ow ou t O ff sh or e oi l w el l 11 d ea th s, w or ke rs ' in ju ri es ,a n d ca u se d th e la rg es t m ar in e d is as te r in U S h is to ry w it h ve ry h u ge en vi ro n m en ta l im p ac t in w h ic h ab ou t 4. 2 m ill io n ba rr el s w er e sp ill ed in to th e se a (C le ve la n d et al ., 20 10 ) 18 Se p te m be r 9, 20 10 Sa n B ru n o, C al if or n ia ,U SA Fi re an d ex p lo si on LN G re le as e d u e to p ip el in e ru p tu re LN G p ip el in e 8 d ea th s, m an y in ju ri es an d p ro p er ty lo ss in cl u d es fu lly d es tr oy ed 38 h om es an d d am ag ed 70 N TS B ,2 01 1 19 D ec em be r 19 ,2 01 0 A Pe tr ol eo s M ex ic an os , M ex ic o Ex p lo si on R el ea se of oi l d u e to p ip e p u n ct u re d to st ea l oi l O il p ip el in e A t le as t 27 d ea th s, 52 in ju ri es ,1 16 h ou se s d es tr oy ed . (A h m ed et al ., 20 12 ) 20 Se p te m be r 12 ,2 01 1 K en ya n , N ai ro bi N at u ra l ga s d is tr ib u ti on p la n t Fi re an d ex p lo si on Fu el le ak in g fr om a fu el ta n k A fu el ta n k of p ip el in e sy st em M or e th an 10 0 d ea th s an d at le as t m or e th an 10 0 in ju ri es (U N EP /O C H A ,2 01 1) 21 Ju n e 13 ,2 01 3 W ill ia m O le fi n s In c, G ei sm ar ,L ou is ia n a Fi re an d ex p lo si on St ill u n kn ow n Et h yl en e p la n t 2 d ea th s, 73 in ju ri es , an d p ro p er ty d am ag e (T u llo an d Jo h n so n , 20 13 ) 22 Ju n e 14 ,2 01 3 C F In d u st ri es , D on al d so n vi lle Ex p lo si on A te m p or ar y d is tr ib u ti on m an if ol d ru p tu re d d u ri n g of f- lo ad in g of n it ro ge n ga s N it ro ge n fe rt ili ze r p la n t 1 d ea th ,7 in ju ri es ,a n d p ro p er ty d am ag e (T u llo an d Jo h n so n , 20 13 ) A. Al-shanini et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 32 (2014) 319e334 323 (2008) introduced a software tool for the dynamic automated generation of event trees based on user-specified criteria for ET branching. In cases where data regarding barrier failure probabilities are lacking, FTA can be used to estimate values by analysing the com- binations of possible causes that lead to these failures (Kujath et al., 2010; Rathnayaka et al., 2011a; Tan et al., 2013). As in ET, to expedite implementations, a number of computer-aided tools have been developed to generate and evaluate FTs (Khan and Abbasi, 2000; Ferdous et al., 2007, 2009; Majdara and Wakabayashi, 2009). Today, commercial software is available, including CARA-FaultTree, PROFAT, Relex Reliability Software, and FaultTreeþ. 2.2.3. Likelihood function formation In this step, a likelihood function is selected based on the characteristics of the accident precursor data obtained from the plant (i.e., accidents, incidents, mishaps, and near-misses). These functions may take the form of relative, conditional, marginal, profile, or partial likelihood and are selected to suit both the data and the type of probability distribution involved, e.g., discrete, continuous, or discrete-continuous. Typically, a conjugate pair with a prior discrete distribution function is used (Oliver and Yang,1990; Bier and Yi, 1995; Johnson and Rasmuson, 1996; Meel and Seider, 2006, 2008; Meel et al., 2007; Kalantarnia et al., 2009a; Kalantarnia et al. 2010; Pariyani et al., 2012a). For example, because the Beta and binomial distribution functions are a conju- gate pair, the binomial distribution is therefore used as a likelihood function for the prior of the Beta distribution. Similarly, the Poisson distribution function is used as a likelihood function for the prior Gamma distribution. As an illustration, a binomial likelihood distribution is repre- sented mathematically in Eq. (1) below. f ðdatayxÞ ¼ �n s � xsð1� xÞf (1) Here, f(datayx) is the binomial distribution function, the symbols (s) and (f) demonstrate the number of successes and failures, respectively, and (n) is the total number of successes and failures. Discrete precursor data regarding an end-state event in an ET are provided at each time interval. From these data, a likelihood function has to be extracted as the number of successes and failures for each safety barrier at each time interval. For each safety barrier (x) in ET, there are two branches. The upper branch represents the probability of success, while the lower branch denotes the proba- bility of failure of the safety barrier. The number of successes (s) in Eq. (1) is the summation of end-state events that branched from the success branch. Similarly, the number of failures (f) is the sum- mation of end-state events that branched from the fail branch of the safety barrier at a particular time interval. sx ¼ X mðxÞsb ; fx ¼ X mðxÞfb (2) Here, (sb), and (fb) denote the success branch and fail branch of a particular safety barrier, respectively, and m(x) is the number of occurrences of end-state events that are branched from the success or fail branches of safety barrier (x) at each time interval. For the ET in Fig. 6, there are four end-state events (C1 to C4), with number of occurrences of m ¼ m1, m2, m3, m4 for each time interval. Therefore, the likelihood function for safety barrier (A) in the ET will be: sA ¼ X mðAÞsb ¼ m1 þm2 fA ¼ X mðAÞfb ¼ m3 þm4 (3) Fig. 2. Accident model classification. A. Al-shanini et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 32 (2014) 319e334324 2.2.4. Posterior probability estimation Using the prior failure probabilities and the likelihood function, the posterior probability can be determined using Bayesian theory as given by the following equation: f ðxydataÞ ¼ f ðxÞ f ðdatayxÞP f ðxÞ f ðdatayxÞaf ðxÞ f � datayx � (4) Here, f(xydata) is the posterior failure probability, f(x) is the prior failure probability, f(datayx) is the likelihood function, and P f(x) f(datayx) is the normalisation factor. When the prior probability is a constant value, Eq. (4) can be easily applied for posterior esti- mation (e.g., see Kalantarnia et al., 2009a; Rathnayaka et al., 2011b). However, in many cases, the prior probabilities are introduced as distribution functions, and in cases such as these, the means or medians of the distributions are considered (e.g., see Oliver and Yang, 1990; Bier and Yi, 1995; Johnson and Rasmuson, 1996; Meel and Seider, 2006; Kalantarnia et al., 2010). As an illustration, consider a beta prior probability distribution for a random variable, which is defined as: f ðxÞaxa�1ð1� xÞb�1 (5) with prior mean ¼ a/(aþb) and variance ¼ ab/[(aþb)2(aþbþ1)], where a and b are the shaping parameters of the beta distribution. Because the posterior probability distribution is the product of the multiplication of the prior and likelihood functions, the beta pos- terior probability distribution may be represented as: f ðxydataÞaxa�1ð1� xÞb�1 xsð1� xÞf (6) This can be further simplified to the following: f ðxydataÞaxaþs�1ð1� xÞbþf�1 (7) with the posterior mean of (aþf)/(aþf þ b þ s) representing the posterior failure probability of ET safety systems corresponding to their s and f values. As mentioned by Yi and Bier (1998), this updating methodology for prior probabilities was first introduced in Oliver and Yang (1990). In their work, independent successive system failures were assumed. This means that the failure proba- bilities of the sub-systems are not affected by the performance of previous systems and sub-systems. For instance, the failure prob- abilities of sub-systems xB1 and xB2 in ET shown in Fig. 6 are assumed to be equal. For this reason, the estimation of systems failure probabilities using this approach is not accurate and raises a need for further dependency studies to improve the results of the updating mechanism. However, the assumption of system inde- pendence simplifies the calculation procedure. This strategy has been followed by many studies to overcome the dependency lim- itation. Despite this limitation, the Oliver and Yang (1990) approach has been applied to a number of case studies including a storage tank containing hazardous chemicals (Kalantarnia et al., 2009a), an off-shore process facility (Kalantarnia et al., 2009b), and a Texas City refinery (Kalantarnia et al., 2010), and in all cases good findings were obtained. Furthermore, the approach has also been applied as part of a methodology to estimate rare event frequency (Yang et al., 2013). 2.2.5. Dependency studies of event tree safety systems and sub- systems Johnson and Rasmuson (1996) introduced a dependency study for ET safety sub-systems by assuming that the sub-systems are perfectly independent. This means that xB1 and xB2 (in ET Fig. 6) are independent and that determining the failure probability of system B given the success of system A does not provide any information about its failure probability under different conditions. Neverthe- less, their approach includes interactions between subsystems when sufficient data on the failure probabilities of these systems under different conditions are available. In this case, the probability of a safety system can be affected conditionally by the previous system. A reasonable estimation of sub-system safety probabilities can be obtained by this approach when sufficient data are available under different conditional circumstances. Contrary to the previous strategies, Bier and Yi (1995) intro- duced an approach that includes intersystem dependency by assuming that the sub-systems xB1 and xB2 have an extended nat- ural conjugate prior Probability Density Function (PDF). In the PDF, coupling functions with binomial expansion correlation factors g(xB1, xB2) partially weigh the joint probability distribution f(xB1, xB2) Table 2 Accident Models and their limitations in CPI. The accident model Brief description AMs limitations in CPI SAMs Domino theory All SAMs regard accidents as outcomes of a chain of discrete events that are taken place in a temporal order. Domino theory describes accident sequence as a chain of five discrete events or factors (social environment, fault of person, unsafe acts or conditions, accident, injury) that if the first factor falls, the four other factors will fall in a domino fashion (Heinrich et al., 1980). � Human failure was the only one considered factor whereas others failures such as process, management and organizational were not. � It is a linear model that regards accident causal as a result of single cause rather than multi-causes or nonlinear as in real life. FTA It is a deductive and graphical technique that used as standard technique to quantify failure probability of human and technical systems. It has the capability to represent multi-linear failure causes. � Cannot represent accident in complex systems with nonlinear interactions (Qureshi, 2007). ETA It is an inductive, logic and graphical technique that is used as standard technique for consequence analysis. � Cannot represent multi-linear causes of accident or nonlinear casualty. FMEA It is a step-by-step analysis approach for identifying potential failures and then preventing them. In FMEA, failures of individual components or sub-systems are the initiating events. It is one of standard methods for components failures in case of few and well known modes of failures (McDermott et al., 2008). � Cannot represent multi-causes accident or nonlinear casualty. � independent relationships between failures and consequences are considered CCA It is a combination of fault tree and event tree in which fault tree describes cause analysis and event tree describes consequence analysis. Consequently, CCA can illustrate time delay in the analysis. Due to that, CCA is most frequently applied to systems that their state changes with time (Turney et al., 1996). � It is easily to become bulky (compare with FT and ET) that make it very complicated to follow in such huge interactions as in accident modeling. EAMs Swiss cheese model of defense (Reason's model) The events, in this model, are propagation in same analogous as disease spreading. Accidents in EAMs are resulting from a combination of manifest and some latent factors that are taken place together in space and time. In Swiss cheese model; procedure, human and material protection barriers were introduced, and how they fail, as well how organizational factor affects these barriers was asserted. In this model, the accident cause - which can be either immediate or proximal cause - is regarded as people fault either who is involved in the process or interacting with the processes technology (Reason, 1990). � It is linear causation model. � The causality that links the organizational conditions and accident consequence is complex. � Qualitative model with no mathematical representation. SyAMs Rasmussen's model It is based on control theoretic concepts. This AM has organizational, management, and operational frameworks that signify as the preconditions of accidents (Rasmussen, 1997). � They are qualitative explanation of accident causations with no quantification manner or mathematical accident prediction model. � Their outcome is not that quite precision compare with other AMs such as WBA model (Ladkin, 2005). AcciMap Rasmussen's model It is a modification of Rasmussen's model. This model focuses on control of the hazardous process of the socio-technical system (Rasmussen, 1997; Svedung and Rasmussen, 2000). STAMP In STAMP, the accident causations are built on the system theory that can represent accidents in non-linear complex systems. Accident is defined here as control system malfunction or safety related constraints due to inadequate considerations of external disturbances or system components interaction (Leveson, 2004). � It is a good qualitative analysis for accident. However, development is needed for this model in order to develop its control model and classified the control defectives (Qureshi, 2007). � The lack to the quantification procedure and prediction model. CREAM It is an abbreviation of Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method (CREAM). In this model, human performance cognitive characteristics are modeled to assess the human error consequences on the safety aspect of systems. Two major developments on CREAM have been introduced DREAM and BREAM models (Hollnagel, 1998). � CREAM and its new modification models are most suitable for accident in non-complex socio-technical systems since they focus on modelling human error consequences. � No quantification procedure and accident prediction model. FRAM It is abbreviation of Functional Resonance Accident Model. It is a qualitative accident model that assumes stable internal, external and performance variabilities in studied systems. � It is assumption of stable internal, external, and performance variabilities cannot represent that real complex technical system where variabilities are not stable (Hollnagel, 2004). � It has only qualitative outcomes with no qualitative procedure. FSyAMs Probabilistic Models of Causality In these models probabilistic causation approaches are used to model the interactions between causes and effects instead of deterministic. From the probabilistic approaches used are Bayesian logic and Bayesian network (Johnson and Holloway, 2003). � These models are not complete AMs that consider all causal interactions and this because of the complexity of such approaches as a result of the lack in the reliability data as well as the lack of knowledge about the distribution function of failures in huge system as in a complete accident modeling. WBA What-Because Analysis is based on formal semantics and logic. In WBA, each component in the system is highly affected by the overall system environment (Ladkin, 1999). � Its major application is in transportation accidents, especially on aircraft accidents. However, it focus more about the environment effects to the studied system that limits its use to CPI due to the fact that all component interactions and effects have to be considered and studied fluently. A. Al-shanini et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 32 (2014) 319e334 325 Fig. 3. Off-shore oil and gas prevention accident model (Kujath et al., 2010). A. Al-shanini et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 32 (2014) 319e334326 of each sub-system. The prior joint probability density is repre- sented as follows: f ðxB1; xB2ÞagðxB1; xB2Þ xaB1�1ð1� xÞbB1�1 xaB2�1ð1� xÞbB2�1 (8) Here, g(xB1,xB2) is the coupling function, and (aB1, bB1) and (aB2, bB2) are distributions shaping the parameters of sub-systems xB1 and xB2, respectively. Therefore, the posterior joint PDF becomes: f ðxB1; xB2ydataÞaf ðxB1; xB2Þ f ðdatayxB1; xB2Þ 0f ðxB1; xB2ydataÞaf ðxB1; xB2Þ xsB1ð1� xÞfB1 xsB2ð1� xÞfB2 (9) where f(datayxB1,xB2) is the likelihood function of the joint PDF, with successes and failures obtained from sj, k ¼ P m(j, k)sb a fj, k ¼ P m(j, k)fb, and k represents the number of safety sub-systems (k ¼ 2, 3, 4 … N). In addition to intersystem dependency analysis, this approach also minimises the calculation time and the computational difficulty through the use of Bayesian updating because the distribution pair is closed under consecutive binomial sampling. However, using coupling functions in this manner limits the practical capability of this technique given that (i) the desired values at a given time can only be achieved by trial and error; (ii) the modelling correlation method is not useful for large numbers of probabilities (Yi and Bier, 1998). The authors recommended ex- tensions of their work to develop alternative coupling functions that could simplify the estimation without having to use trial and error mechanisms, and suggested the use of copula functions to extend natural conjugate distributions. Furthermore, as a contin- uation of their previous work, Yi and Bier (1998) applied bivariate Archimedean (Frank, Gumbel, and Cook and Johnson) copulas and Fig. 4. SHIPP Accident model ( MacKenzie's multivariate copula successfully to analyse the de- pendency of the failure probabilities of two and three sub-systems, (xA,1, x A,2) and (xA,1, xA,2, xA,3), respectively. Later, Meel and Seider (2006) applied the Cuadras and Auges copula to study the interdependence of safety system failure probabilities for CSTR precursor data. In this study, they also developed prediction models to determine the expected number of occurrences of abnormal events in the next time interval as a posterior PDF of the Gamma-Poisson distribution pair. As an extension to their group efforts, Pariyani et al., (2012a,b) introduced a new methodology based on DRA to dynamically assess the risk based on alarm databases to improve process safety and product quality. In this case, the multivariate normal and Cuadras-Aug�e copula functions were used to represent the interdependence be- tween the safety sub-system barriers for a fluidised catalytic cracker based on plant data. In recent years, Bayesian Networks (BNs) have been extensively used in studies involving dependability, safety and risk assessment, and maintenance. This is due to their ability to model probabilistic data by taking into consideration dependency analyses between events (Weber et al., 2012). This technique can also predict the probability of accidents and estimate posteriors of events depending on the BN configuration (Przytula and Thompson, 2000). Consequently, many studies have been carried out to convert conventional reliability analysis techniques such as FTA, ETA and reliability block diagrams (RBDs) into their equivalent BNs through the use of conditional probability tables (CPTs) (Torres- Toledano and Sucar, 1998; Bobbio et al., 2001; Bearfield and Marsh, 2005) to overcome the dependency associated with these conventional techniques. BN has also been applied to successfully Rathnayaka et al., 2011a). Fig. 5. Steps in the QRA and DRA methodologies. A. Al-shanini et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 32 (2014) 319e334 327 represent the dynamic event tree (DET) with good accuracy, as can be found in the work of Zhou et al. (2011), in which their proposed Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN) was applied to a self-destruction subsystem of a missile; the authors found that this technique has the ability to model failures with dependency analysis. Khakzad et al. (2013) applied BN to estimate the posterior failure probabil- ities of the safety systems of ET in a bow-tie model. In this case the ET was first converted to its equivalent BN and then integrated with precursor data. 2.2.6. Consequence analysis Accidents in CPI can be divided into three broad categories: explosion, fire, and toxic release. Each category contains sub- categories of different classes of fires, explosions, and toxic Fig. 6. Event tree. releases (Abbasi et al., 2010). According to Lees (1996) and Mannan and Lees (2005), fire has the highest frequency of occurrence in CPI, accounting for 67.7% of the total accidents, followed by explosions with 30.2%, and then toxic release with 2.1%. Explosion is defined as a sudden and violent release of energy (Lees, 1996) or a release of energy that causes a blast (CCPS, 1999) and can be classified in many ways (Lees, 1996; CCPS, 1999; Abbasi et al., 2010). However, for practical purposes, it is more convenient to refer to the type of the explosion itself; among these, vapour cloud explosion (VCE) and boiling liquid expansion vapour explo- sion (BLEVE) are most important. VCEs are the most frequently occurring explosions in the CPI, and as reported by Lenoir and Davenport (1993), out of every ten large property losses, seven are due to VCEs. Consequently, VCEs received most of the attention until Kletz (1977) noted that BLEVEs can cause losses as great as those resulting from VCEs. Abbasi and Abbasi (2007) listed some of the BLEVE cases in the period 1926e2004 that led to significant damages. Fires are triggered when a release of flammable material due to leakage or spillage is ignited. Fires are typically classified into four types, pool fire, jet fire, fireball and flash fire, depending on the release scenario (Pula et al., 2006). Pool fires beginwith a release of flammable liquid due to leakages or ruptures in pipes or tanks, forming a pool on a surface, which then vaporises and is ignited. Jet fires are a result of immediate ignition of continuous high pressure release. This form of fire is considered the most dangerous due to the high probability of impingement on objects within reach, leading to possible domino effects. Fireballs are often caused by failure of a pressure vessel containing flammable materials. This may begin with an adjacent pool fire or jet fire that causes a rapid rise in the vessel's pressure. This results in a high amount of ther- mal radiation, blast hazards and flying shrapnel. Flash fires are A. Al-shanini et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 32 (2014) 319e334328 transient fires associated with vapour clouds formed in the vicinity of gas or volatile liquid releases. Delayed ignition in this scenario typically results in VCE (CCPS, 1999; Mannan, 2004; Pula et al., 2005, 2006; Vinnem, 2007). Many studies have been carried out to predict the consequences of fires and explosion, and the overall impact can be assessed by using these theoretical and/or empirical models. The following sub- topics provide brief reviews of the techniques that are available to estimate the magnitude and dynamics of materials and energy release and dispersion, as well as their impacts. Source models. Source models are used to quantitatively estimate the release of a material by computing its discharge rate and state (solid, liquid, vapour, or combination), the release dura- tion, the extent of flash and evaporation from a liquid pool, and the dispersion of the released material (CCPS, 1999; Crowl and Louvar, 2001). Release models help in determining ignition probabilities and the size of vapour clouds, as well as in predicting the initial sizes of fires and explosions (Pula et al., 2006). Dispersion models are used to predict the dispersion behaviour of the released gas and vapour dynamically with respect to time. Several source models have been developed based on material, momentum and energy conservation equations, the size and shape of holes (e.g., hole model and pipe model), and the state of release. The most popular discharge models used are liquid flow through a hole, liquid flow through a hole in a tank, liquid flow through pipes, vapour flow through holes, gas flow through pipes, flashing liquids, liquid pool evaporation or boiling, and some other release models specific to certain materials. Extensive descriptions and mathe- matical representations of thesemodels can be found in CCPS (1999) and Crowl and Louvar (2001). These hole and pipe dischargemodels have been shown to be very capable. The hole model is efficient in predicting release from small holes, while the pipe model provides more accurate predictions for a completely broken pipe; accurate predictions of gas release have been shown byMontiel et al. (1998), Yuhu et al. (2003) and Luo et al. (2006). However, hole and pipe models have limitations in prediction accuracy, as they are built basedon steady-state releases. Transient conditions such as changes in the flow rate of the released gas due to partial closure of the hole with time or as a result of manipulations due to control actions are not considered. Montiel et al. (1998) developed an unsteady-state sonic and subsonic release flow model as a combination of hole and pipe models that can predict gas release at high and low pres- sure for small and large holes. Yuhu et al. (2003) proposed a release model to predict the releaseflowrate for hole sizes between those of the hole and pipe models; the model was validated with accurate findings compared with those of the hole and pipe models. Furthermore, they found that the mass of the released gas during sonic flow is more than 90% of the total mass of released gas when the initial pressure inside the pipe is higher than 1.5 MPa. In addi- tion, they also found that the total average release rate can be rep- resented as approximately 30% of the initial release rate. The dispersion of gas/vapour is affected by many factors including atmospheric stability, wind speed and direction, local terrain effects, height of the release above the ground, release ge- ometry, momentum of the material released, and buoyancy of the material released. Depending on the characteristics of the material released, dispersion models for plume and puff releases are clas- sified into two classes: neutrally buoyant models (e.g., the Pas- quilleGifford model (Gaussian model)), and dense gas dispersion models (e.g., the Britter andMcQuaidmodel (CCPS,1999; Crowl and Louvar, 2001)). Based on the models’ mathematical formulae, Dandrieux et al. (2006) categorised dispersion models into three types with decreasing order of complexity: three-dimensional (3- D), slab, and Gaussian. The 3-D model, which is also called the computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model, is founded on mass, momentum and energy conservation equations. It provides more precise outcomes, espe- cially in cloud dispersion modelling where complex geometry with obstacles is considered for heavy, neutral, or light gas dispersion. Slab models are usually more effective than other models for heavy gas dispersion. Gaussian models are specific to passive clouds in which the dispersed molecules are assumed to be distributed with standard deviations depending on atmospheric conditions, and the distance from the release source is assumed to be within 0.1e10 km. Extensive descriptions and reviews regarding disper- sion models and their applications can be found in Holmes and Morawska (2006). Won So et al. (2010) used a combination of the Gaussian dispersion model, optical sensors, and a neural network to estimate the release rate, and the technique showed a high capability for estimating release behaviour as a real-time moni- toring technique with high accuracy and efficiency. Several software tools have been developed especially for CPIs to predict consequences using source models; these include PHAST, which was developed by Det Norske Veritas to estimate the con- sequences of dispersion, fire, and explosion accidents (Pitblado et al., 2005); the MAXCRED package, developed by Khan and Abbasi (1998a); SAFETI, which was developed by Technica for risk assessments of chemical process industry facilities (Pitblado and Nalpanis, 1989); WHAZAN, which was also developed by Technica to compute the consequences of incidents involving toxic and flammable chemicals (Pitblado and Nalpanis, 1989); ALOHA, developed to predict the movement and dispersion of gases based on the toxicological/physical characteristics of the released chem- ical, atmospheric conditions, and specific circumstances of the release (EPA, 1999); the HAZDIG software package, for the acci- dental release of toxic chemicals (Khan and Abbasi, 1999); ATLANTIDE, for accidents in processing plants (Ditali et al., 2000); the OSIRIS software package, for consequence analysis of the transportation of toxic and flammable goods (Tixier et al., 2002); the SMAH software package, developed by Mustapha and El- Harbawi (2005); SCIA, a GPS-based program for chemical indus- trial accidents caused by toxic and flammable materials (El Harbawi et al., 2008; El-Harbawi et al., 2010); and finally, a new version of the PHAST unified dispersion model (UDM), which was developed more recently by (Witlox and Harper, 2013) formore accurate time- dependent effects. Consequence impact models. Consequence Impact Models (CIMs) are used to estimate the effect of toxic materials, fires, and explosions on people, the environment, and property. This type of consequence assessment includes many models such as dos- eeresponse models, probit models, and financial consequence severity matrices. The doseeresponse model seeks to estimate the effects of toxic exposure to people by studying the relation between the toxin dose and the associated response. Several methods are used to represent dose. One way is to quantify the dose per unit of body weight by testing different doses on organisms, typically animals or insect. Another method is to quantify the dose per skin surface area. For inhaled vapours, dose is represented as a specified vapour con- centration administered over a period of time. The resulting data are used at the conclusion of the risk assessment process, in which the doseeresponse relationships estimated as previously mentioned are extrapolated to determine safe exposure levels to toxic agents for humans (USEPA, 1999; CCPS, 1999). There are twomain types of doseeresponse model applications. The first application is used for non-threshold effects to evaluate the impact of carcinogens, such as by benchmark dosing. In this case, according to the USEPA, a linear non-threshold model is the A. Al-shanini et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 32 (2014) 319e334 329 default model to use for carcinogen risk impact analysis (USEPA, 2005). The second type of application is to evaluate the threshold of toxic effects for non-carcinogenic impact, such as the No Observed Adverse Effects Level (NOAEL) (van Leeuwen et al., 2007). NOAEL is used to identify the highest dose at which no statistically significant responses were observed in the available toxicity studies. NOAEL is not suitable for cases in which there is no dose- threshold, e.g., for carcinogens. Other disadvantages of NOAEL have also been published (Clewell III and Andersen, 1986; Vermeire et al., 1999). In contrast, the benchmark dose, whichwas introduced by Crump (1984), is the lower confidence limit of a dose level estimated using a parametric model yielding an acceptable level of excess risk. Probit functions are mathematical models used to assess the dose-effect relationship for human responses to thermal radiation, toxic substances and overpressure by estimating a Damage Proba- bility Model. Depending on the estimated probit value or per- centage, the damage degree (class) is determined. Many probit models have been developed in the literature based on scarce data or oversimplified assumptions; e.g., see (Eisenberg et al., 1975; Bagster and Pitblado, 1991; Khan and Abbasi, 1998b; Atkins, 1998; Cozzani and Salzano, 2004). (Mingguang and Juncheng, 2008) developed a reliable probit model for the impact assessment of process vessel overpressure by gathering damage data in chemical processes. Then, by avoiding oversimplified assumptions, the probit percentage obtained from the model is qualitatively converted to damage classes. The traditional Risk matrix is regarded as one of the impact models that qualitatively rank accident severity into classes (CCPS, 1999). As mentioned by Jang et al. (2011), the financial risk matrix was developed to convert losses to cost for mortality and injury, environmental impacts, plant capital losses, and production and business interruption losses by Brid and Germain in their 1969 book entitled “Loss control management: Practical loss control leadership”. Over time, loss prevention professionals have devel- oped a consequence severity matrix with five different severity classes for major oil and gas accidents, in which human, environ- mental, and confidence or reputation losses are converted to equivalent dollar values for the five severity classes (Kalantarnia et al., 2010). Jang et al. (2011) proposed a new approach for risk assessment matrices based on the financial risk matrix using chemical accident records. The methodology consists of 5 steps, including hazard identification, modifying accident probability, applying Value at Risk (VaR), and mapping the estimated accident probability with VaR and the financial risk matrix. Summers et al. (2012) (Summers et al., 2012) introduced a qualitative conse- quence severity matrix caused by injuries and human life losses and environmental losses; the matrix has five classes of severity levels associated with their equivalent dollar losses. (Sordini et al., 2013) developed an impact model to assess the cost of risks Table 3 Some application of DSAMs. Field Number of article Financial and economic 5 Nuclear industries 3 Chemical process industry (CPI) 18 associated with major accident hazards per barrel of oil for offshore and onshore oil facilities. Severities with significant potential for multiple fatalities and/or serious personal injuries, extensive asset damage, extensive environmental impact, and international impact on reputation were all considered in terms of cost. 2.2.7. Posterior risk calculation A posterior risk is a combination of the posterior failure proba- bility and its severity impact and may be evaluated in semi- quantitative manner, e.g., by using fuzzy logic (Markowski and Mannan, 2008; Markowski and Mannan, 2009), or it may be quan- titatively calculated bymultiplying the posterior probability of each end-state event of the ET with its severity impact in terms of equivalent dollar loss, which is estimated using the consequence impact model (section (Kalantarnia et al., 2010; Marhavilas et al., 2011). This produces an updated risk profile that is then comparedwith selected risk acceptance criteria to ascertain the risk tolerability. For cases where the risk level is close to or exceeds the tolerability limit, management intervention is required to improve the inherent safetyaspects or to addadditionalmitigatingmeasures. 3. Application of DSAMs DSAMs that were initially introduced for use in the financial in- dustry have been extended to be used in nuclear and CPI applica- tions. These experiences have produced results that proved the adeptness of DSAMs in utilising precursor data to update risk pro- files and have spurred interest to further improve the methodolo- gies to enhance theupdatingprocedures andproducemoreaccurate estimations. In DSAM implementations, the intervals used between updates depend on the availability of precursor data, which vary from one field to another. As listed in Table 3, more applications are found in the CPIs, and most of these were in recent years. 4. Future development direction DSAMs have been proven useful in providing the necessary in- sights for better planning, as well as in responding to process safety needs. However, the current DSAMs need to be further refined to overcome some of their existing weaknesses and to improve their efficiency. In this section, some of the future research themes to complement some of the weaknesses and limitations of the methods are presented. The list is non-exhaustive, however, and it is certainly biased towards the interest of the authors. 4.1. Development of a comprehensive framework for the CPI accident model To provide a more comprehensive solution for the CPIs, new or improved frameworks of accident models are needed. Important References (Oliver and Yang, 1990; Bier and Yi, 1995; Yi and Bier, 1998; Jun et al., 1999; Palomo et al., 2007) (Johnson and Rasmuson, 1996; Kalantarnia, 2010; Kaplan, 1992; Solanki and Gupta, 2010) (Goossens and Cooke, 1997; Kirchsteiger, 1997; Khakzad et al., 2013; Kalantarnia et al., 2009a; Kalantarnia et al., 2010; Khakzad et al., 2012; Kujath et al., 2010; Meel and Seider, 2006; Meel et al., 2007; Pariyani et al., 2012a; Pariyani et al., 2012b; Kalantarnia et al., 2009b; Rathnayaka et al., 2011a; Rathnayaka et al., 2011b; Rathnayaka et al., 2012; Tan et al., 2013; Yang et al., 2013; Al-shanini et al., 2014) A. Al-shanini et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 32 (2014) 319e334330 sources of failures such as intentional security and natural hazards should be incorporated because their impacts on safety can be significant, depending on the geographic location of the plant. In fact, natural hazards, such as lightning, storms, floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions are the reasons for approximately 3% of industrial accidents (Campedel et al., 2008). Furthermore, this class of accidents, which is known as Na-Tech accidents, is increasing in frequency (Lindell and Perry, 1997; Showalter and Myers, 1994; McCarthy et al., 2001; Kao and Hu, 2002). Such accidents are also more severe compared to technical and operational accidents due to the high possibility of simultaneous multiple and cascading ac- cidents that may take place (Steinberg and Cruz, 2004; Campedel et al., 2008). Worse still, these events also hamper emergency re- sponses, as well as rescue and evacuation efforts. Depending on the population density and the concentration of industrial facilities and other infrastructure, the level of severity varies. The higher the population density and the more crowded the area, the more se- vere is the expected consequence. Similarly, intentional security hazards also contributed signifi- cantly to industrial accidents (Bennett, 2003; Schierow, 2005). Acts of terrorism/sabotage for any reason may put the CPI in great danger due to their potential impacts. For example, studies carried out by the U.S. Public Interest Research Group (USPIRG) and the National Environment Law Centre have found that more than 41 million Americans live within the range of the release cloud of chemical facilities in the USA (Laplante, 1998). This means that a large segment of the population is vulnerable to toxic release or vapour cloud explosions, both of which belong to the more severe group of hazards. The likelihood of such events is also of varying degree, with some countries more vulnerable than others. In any case because the impact can be devastating, security hazards should also be considered in CPI accident modelling. 4.2. Dependency analysis As previously mentioned, the consequence model of SHIPP suffers from one major weakness, i.e., a dependence limitation in which toxic and energy releases act as accident initiating events that affect the estimation of updated barrier failure probabilities. To overcome this limitation, two approaches can be taken: (i) develop the consequence model using ET models that consider all possible initiating events and find a suitable algorithm for the updating process, or (ii) convert the ET of consequence analysis to its equivalent BN. Next, the barrier failure probability and the end- state events probability are dynamically estimated through a like- lihood function of the precursor data. Carrying out this analysis is important because more reliable outcomes of the prevention bar- riers’ dynamic performance can be provided, which allow the prevention plans to be decided more precisely. 4.3. Dynamic risk management Risk management (RM) is a process that supports decision- making, and it starts by identifying the potential hazards to deter- mine suitable arrangements and measures that prevent accidents and promote emergency response in case of accident occurrence (Aven and Vinnem, 2007). RM is carried out during the design stage to reduce the risk by reducing the equipment failure probabilities and/or the impact of consequences of the acceptance criteria. The adequacy of protection is further ascertained through process haz- ard analysis techniques including HAZOP, What-if analysis, FMEA, and LOPA. Upon implementing all thesemeasures, as well as others, the plant in question may be said to have been properly designed and installed, and the present safety risks arewithin the acceptance criteria as prescribed by the design objectives. Nevertheless, this level of risks is not constant. As the plant operates over time, the level of risks increases due to wear and tear and degradation of plant components. It is therefore important to be able to determine the level of risks periodically so that necessary measuresmay be taken to ensure that the risk level stays within the intended limit. This requires dynamic risk management by applying suitable updating techniques (Chapman, 1997; Xie et al., 2006). Among these techniques, risk analysis and ranking is the tool commonly used in risk management (Slavic et al., 1979). Another commonly used technique is risk-based maintenance and in- spection, which focuses on minimising risks through prioritising the maintenance and inspection duties to the equipment that is more vulnerable to failure instead of using a scheduling proce- dure. Due to their importance, a number of risk-based mainte- nance and inspection methodologies have been developed and can be categorised based on their outputs into qualitative (e.g., Hayens et al., 2001), semi-qualitative (e.g., Goyet et al., 2002; Khan et al., 2004), and quantitative (e.g., Khan and Haddara, 2003; Kallen and Van Noortwijk, 2003) types. Quantitative methodologies are more accurate compared to the qualitative or semi-quantitative ones (Khan et al., 2004). To provide a more comprehensive assessment, Khan and Haddara (2003) introduced a quantitative risk-based maintenance methodology founded on risk analysis of system failure and its consequences. The meth- odology involves three modules, i.e., risk estimation, risk evalu- ation and maintenance planning, into one framework. The output is the rank of maintenance activities based on their vulnerability to failure and associated risks, and this approach has been suc- cessfully applied to ethylene oxide production facilities and po- wer plants (Khan and Haddara, 2004; Krishnasamy et al., 2005). Scrutinising the methodology, however, revealed the fact that it still lacks the capability for dynamic updating of risks (Mili et al., 2009). Due to the potential of this work, the methodology proposed by Khan and Haddara (2003) should be further improved. One aspect for improvement is to provide dynamic updating of basic event failure probabilities in the FT model. One way of doing this is to convert the FT model into its equivalent BN, in which a hierarchy Bayesian approach (HBA) will be used for root nodes (basic events) to evaluate their posterior failure probabilities by using their pre- cursor data. 4.4. Accident prediction and prevention study The accident prediction model used in SHIPP is a Poisson model with a non-informative Gama prior distribution. This model showed poor prediction and tends to underestimate the outputs (Rathnayaka et al., 2012). Furthermore, it becomes less sensitive when the data are too excited or noisy. To maximise the potentials of the SHIPP model, there is a need to improve this prediction capability by introducing alternative approaches or fine-tunings to the existing technique. According to Zheng and Liu (2009), quan- titative forecasting models are classified into two main groups, which are the time-series (e.g., Markov chain method, grey model, and neural network), and causality forecasting methods (e.g., sce- nario analysis, regression method and Bayesian networks). Each method has its own limitations, depending on the data availability, data type (continuous or discrete), and the model's constraints that must be matched. However, the best prediction can be achieved, as (Liang et al., 2001; Hsu and Chen, 2003; Hsu, 2003; Hsu and Wang, 2007; Zheng and Liu, 2009) found, through the combination of different models in one scheme. In future work, a combined pre- diction model will be developed that takes into account the data scarcity of CPI accidents. A. Al-shanini et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 32 (2014) 319e334 331 5. Conclusions This paper provides descriptions and analyses of accident models commonly used in the field of CPI. The models were clas- sified based on Qureshi (2007) and extended to include a precursor-based category approach, known as DSAM. The capabil- ities of DSAMs and their implementation steps have been exten- sively discussed. Based on these analyses, it can be concluded that. � These models have the capability to model CPI accidents caused by process hazards and human and organisational factors effectively with systematic procedures and quantitative outputs. � These models can utilise precursor data (near-misses, mishaps, incidents, and accidents) to overcome the uncertainty associ- ated with reliability data and to quantitatively estimate the dynamic risk profile that supports dynamic decision making. Among DSAMs, the SHIPP model is the most promising for application in CPI as it takes into account the interactions between all process hazards, human faults, and management and organ- isational deficiencies. 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Accident modelling and analysis in process industries 1 Introduction 2 Dynamic sequential accident model (DSAM) 2.1 Process hazards prevention accident model (PHPAM) 2.2 Dynamic risk assessment (DRA) methodology 2.2.1 Hazard identification 2.2.2 Scenario generation 2.2.3 Likelihood function formation 2.2.4 Posterior probability estimation 2.2.5 Dependency studies of event tree safety systems and sub-systems 2.2.6 Consequence analysis Source models Consequence impact models 2.2.7 Posterior risk calculation 3 Application of DSAMs 4 Future development direction 4.1 Development of a comprehensive framework for the CPI accident model 4.2 Dependency analysis 4.3 Dynamic risk management 4.4 Accident prediction and prevention study 5 Conclusions Acknowledgement References