ASME SECT. VIII DIVDIV-I CODES, STANDARDS & SPECIFICATIONS ASME Section VIII DivisionDivision-1, 2 & 3 Historical Development of ASME Section VIII DivDiv - 1, 2 & 3 ± In the early 20th century, explosion of steam boilers in U.S was frequent. Occurring rate 1/day. ± 1914: ASME Boiler and pressure vessel code is published. ± 1925: First publication of Section VIII ± Unfired Pressure Vessels. ± 1934: API+ASME jointly published unfired pressure vessel code for petroleum industry. ± 1952: These two codes are merged in to single code: ASME Unfired Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII ± 1968: ASME Section VIII DivDiv-2 is published and original code became DivDiv-1 ± 1997: ASME Sec VIII division 3 is published. ASME Section VIII DivisionDivision-1, 2 & 3 ASME Section VIII codes are most widely used worldwide. Section VIII is divided into three divisions: ± Division 1: Rules for construction of pressure vessels ± Division 2: Alternative Rules for construction of pressure vessels. ± Division 3: Alternative Rules for construction of high pressure vessels. Division 1 is used most often since it contains sufficient requirements for majority of pressure vessels. The main objective of ASME Code rules is to establish the minimum requirements that are necessary for safe construction and operation. ASME Code defines the requirements for material, design, fabrication, inspection and testing which are needed to achieve a safe design. ASME Section VIII DivisionDivision-1 Scope: ± Applicable for pressure between 15 psig and 3000 psig. ± Code requirements do not apply to non pressure parts, however welds which attach non pressure parts on pressure parts shall meet code rules. World Wide Pressure Vessel Codes Different industrial nations, institutions and organizations have developed standards and codes of the pressure vessel for ± Design ± Fabrication ± Inspection These codes and standards help the Design,Fabrication, Inspection engineer to size the vessel properly for its safe operation. Advantages of design codes: ± Proven design based on experience. ± Inbuilt factor of safety. ± Amendments of codes are being done at regular interval based on feed back data, design improvements and technological up gradation in materials and fabrication processes. ASME Section VIII DivisionDivision-1 Scope: ± Code identifies specific items for which it is not applicable. This includes: Fired process tubular heaters (e.g. furnaces). Pressure containers which are integral part of mechanical devices (e.g. pumps, turbines). Piping system and their components. ASME BOILER & PRESSURE VESSELS CODES I. POWER BOILERS II. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS III. NUCLEAR POWER PLANT COMPONENTS IV. HEATING BOILERS V. NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION VI. RECOMMANDATED RULES FOR CARE & OPERATION OF HEATING BOILERS VII. RECOMMANDATED RULE FOR CARE OF POWER BOILERS VIII. PRESSURE VESSELS ±DIVISIONDIVISION-1 ,DIVISION,DIVISION-2 & DIVISIONDIVISION-3 IX. WELDING & BRAZING QUALIFICATIONS. X. FIBERGLASSFIBERGLASS-REINFORCED PLASTIC PRESSURE VESSELS XI. RULES FOR INSERVICE INSPECTION OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT COMPONENTS XII. RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION AND CONTINUED SERVICE OF TRANSPORT TANKS. ASME Section VIII DivisionDivision-1 Structure of Sec VIII DivDiv-1: It is divided into three subsections: ± Subsection A: A: It consists part UG, general requirements for Method of construction . that apply to all pressure vessel parts, ± Subsection B: B: It covers requirements that apply to various fabrication methods. Subsection B consists of ± Part UW for welded construction Part UF for forged construction Part UB for brazed construction - Subsection C C: : It covers requirements for several classes of material. Structure of ASME Section VIII DivDiv-1 ASME SEC ±VIII DIV DIV- 1 Consists of: ± Introduction -U ± Subsection A -General Requirements (Part UG) ± Subsection B -Specific Requirements - Methods (Parts UW, UF, UB) ± Subsection C -Specific Requirements - Materials (Parts UCS, UNF, UHA, UCI, UCL, UCD, UHT, ULW, ULT, UHX) ± Mandatory Appendices -Appendix 1 to 40 ± Non Mandatory Appendices -Appendix A, C, « LL, MM (25 nos.) Subsection A -General Requirements Part UG : General Requirements for all Methods of Construction and all Materials ± Materials UG-4 to UGUGUG-15 ± Design UG-16 to UGUGUG-35 ± Openings and Reinforcement UGUG -36 to UG UG-46 ± Braced and stayed surfaces UGUG -47 to UG UG-50 ± Ligaments UG-53 to UGUGUG-55 ± Fabrication UG-75 to UGUGUG-85 ± Inspection and Tests UG-90 to UGUGUG-103 ± Markings and Reports UGUG-115 to UGUG-120 ± Pressure Relief Devices UGUG-125 to UG UG-137 Subsection B -Requirements pertaining to methods of Fabrication of Pressure Vessels Part UW : Requirements for Pressure vessels fabricated by Welding ± ± ± ± ± ± ± General UW-1 to UWUWUW-3 Materials UW-5 UWDesign UW-8 to UWUWUW-21 Fabrication UW-26 to UWUWUW-42 Inspection and Tests UW-46 to UWUWUW-53 Markings and Reports UWUW-60 Pressure Relief Devices UWUW-65 Part UF : Requirements for Pressure vessel fabricated by Forging Part UB : Requirements for Pressure vessel fabricated by Brazing Subsection C -Requirements pertaining to Classes of Materials Part UCS ± Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Part UNF ± Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Non Ferrous Materials Part UHA ± Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of High Alloy Steel Part UCI ± Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Cast Iron Part UCL ± Requirements for Welded Pressure Vessels Constructed of Material non corrosion resistant, Integral Cladding, Weld Metal Overlay, Cladding or with Applied Linings Part UCD ± Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Cast Ductile Iron Subsection C -Requirements pertaining to Classes of Materials(Continued) Part UHT ± Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Ferritic Steels with Tensile Properties enhanced by Heat Treatment Part ULW ± Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Layered Construction Part ULT ± Alternative Rules for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Material having higher allowable stresses at lower temperatures Part UHX ± Rules for Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers ASME SEC VIII DIV 1 COVERS THE DESIGN OF PRESSURE COMPONENTS AS LISTED BELOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. UG-27 ----- THK OF SHELLS UNDER INTERNAL PRESSURE UGUGUG -28 ----- THK OF SHELLS UNDER EXTERNAL PRESSURE UGUG -29 ---------STIFFENING STIFFENING RINGS OF CYLINDRICAL SHELLS UNDER EXTERNAL PRESSURE UGUG -32 & 33 ---- FORMED HEAD , COVERS ELLIPSOIDAL, TORISHERICAL, HEMISHERICAL, CONICAL & TORICONICAL HEADS. UGUG -34 ---- UNSTAYED FLAT HEADS & COVERS UGUG -36 & 37 ---- OPENING IN PRESSURE VESSELS & REINFORCEMENTS UGUG -41 ---- STRENGTH OF REINFORCEMENTS UG -47 ----- BRACED & STAYED SURFACE UG ± 53 ± LIGAMENT UW -12 & 15 ± W ELD EFFICIENCY & W ELDED CONNECTION DESIGN UCS -56 ± REQUIRMENT OF PW HT UG -99 & 100 ± HYDROTEST & PNUMATIC TEST REQUIREMENT PRESSURE VESSEL ASME SEC VIII DIV 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UGUG -27 ----- THK OF SHELLS UNDER INTERNAL PRESSURE UGUG -28 ----- THK OF SHELLS UNDER EXTERNAL PRESSURE UGUG -29 ---------STIFFENING STIFFENING RINGS OF CYLINDRICAL SHELLS UNDER EXTERNAL PRESSURE UGUG -32 & 33 ---- FORMED HEAD , COVERS ELLIPSOIDAL, TORISHERICAL, HEMISHERICAL, CONICAL & TORICONICAL HEADS. UGUG -34 ---- UNSTAYED FLAT HEADS & COVERS UGUG -36 & 37 ---- OPENING IN PRESSURE VESSELS & REINFORCEMENTS UGUG -41 ---- STRENGTH OF REINFORCEMENTS UG -47 ----- BRACED & STAYED SURFACE UG ± 53 ± LIGAMENT UW-12 & 15 ± WELD EFFICIENCY & WELDED UWCONNECTION DESIGN UCS -56 ± REQUIRMENT OF PWHT UG -99 & 100 ± HYDROTEST & PNUMATIC TEST REQUIREMENT STRUCTURE OF ASME SEC VIII DIV -1 CODE ASME Section VIII DivisionDivision-1 Division 1 also consists mandatory and non mandatory appendices: ± Mandatory Appendices: Appendices: It addresses the subjects that are not covered elsewhere in the code. Requirements of this appendices are mandatory. ± Nonmandatory Appendices: Appendices: It provides information and suggested good practices. Requirements of these appendices are not mandatory unless specified in purchase order. ASME Section VIII DivisionDivision-2 ± Scope of division 2 is identical to that of division 1, however there is no limitation on higher pressure. ± Allowable stress values are higher for division 2 that division 1, hence division 2 vessels are thinner ± Vessels constructed with division 2 are economical over division 1 when saving in material cost is higher than the additional cost required to meet stringent requirements of division 2. ± Economical for higher pressure applications and for more expensive alloy materials. ASME Section VIII Division 1 and 2 1. Pressure limit 2. Design Factor Up to 3000 psig --> 3.5 Membrane Stress 3. Stress Analysis --> Max. Principal Stress 4. Stress Theory Theory --> 5. Joint Efficiency 0.75 to 1.0 6. .Engineer. Certification 7. Hydrostatic Test Pressure Not Required 1.3 * MAW P No limitation on pressure, however Div-3 is applicable above 10000 psig -->> 3 Membrane Stress + Bending Stress, Fatigue Maximum Shear Stress Theory -->> No Joint Efficiency Factor U.D.S. &Design Report Certification Required 1.25 * Design Pressure 15 % Less than Div. 1 8. Material W eight Higher Than Div. 2 ASME Section VIII DivisionDivision-3 ± Applied to vessels operating at internal or external design pressure is generally above 10000 psig. ± Design rules: Maximum shear stress Elastic plastic analysis Fracture mechanics evaluation ± Material and NDE requirements more stringent than division 1 and 2 PARTS OF THE PRESSURE VESSELS 1. HEADS/END CLOSURES 2. SHELL 3. NOZZLES 4. SUPPORTS 5. NOZZLE REINFORCEMENT PADS 6. INTERNALS & EXTERNAL ATTACHMENTS Design considerations FOLLOWING LOADINGS TO BE CONSIDERED IN DESIGNING THE VESSELS AS PER ASME SEC. VIII DIV. I ( CLAUSE UGUG-22) 1. INTERNAL DESIGN PRESSURE AT DESIGN TEMPRATURE. 2. EXTERNAL DESIGN PRESSURE AT DESIGN TEMPRATURE. 3. W EIGHT OF THE VESSEL AT OPERATING AND TEST CONDITION. 4. LOAD DUE TO ATTACHED EQUIPMENTS. 5. W ELD JOINT EFFICIENCY. 6. EXTERNAL / INTERNAL ATTACHMENT 7. SEISMIC LOADING. 8. W IND LOADING. 9. FATIGUE LOADING DUE TO THERMAL AND PRESSURE VARIATIONS. 10. CORROSION ALLOW ANCES. WHAT IS PRESSURE VESSEL ? PRESSURE VESSEL IS CONTAINER FOR THE CONTAINMENT OF PRESSURE, EITHER INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL. THIS PRESSURE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM AN EXTERNAL SOURCE, OR BY THE APPLICATION OF HEAT FROM A DIRECT OR INDIRECT SOURCE, OR ANY COMBINATION THEREOF. TYPE OF VESSELS DEPENDING UPON THE ORIENTATION: 1. HORIZONTAL VESSEL 2. VERTICAL VESSEL TYPE OF VESSEL DEPENDING UPON THE FUNCTIONS : 1. STORAGE VESSEL 2. COLUMNS / ADSORBERS 3. SHELL & TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER SHELL SHELL IS THE MAIN PART OF THE VESSEL. TYPES OF THE SHELL 1. CYLINDRICAL SHELL 2. SPHERICAL SHELL DESIGN OF CYLINDRICAL SHELL UNDER INTERNAL PRESSURE AS PER ASME SECSEC-VIII DIVDIV -1, CL. UG UG-27. FOR EXTERNAL DESIGN PRESSURE, SHELL TO BE DESIGN AS PER ASME SECSEC-VIII DIVDIV1 CL. UGUG-28 VESSEL CONSTRUCTION Long. Seam Circ. Seam D¶end Shell Nozzle Typical Vessel BOT SPOOL D-End CIRC. SEAM LONG SEAM D/E SEAM MANWAY NOZZLE D-End SHELL NOZZLE HEADS / ENDCLOSURES HEAD IS THE PART W HICH CLOSES THE END OPENING OF THE CYL. SHELL TYPES OF THE HEADS : 1. HEMISPHERICAL HEAD 2. ELLIPTICAL HEAD 3. TORISPHERICAL HEAD 4. CONICAL HEAD 5. TORICONICAL HEAD 6. BOLTED BLIND FLANGE DESIGN OF ELLIPTICAL HEAD UNDER INTERNAL PRESSURE AS PER ASME SECSEC-VIII DIVDIV-1, CL. UGUG-32. FOR EXTERNAL DESIGN PRESSURE, HEAD TO BE DESIGN AS PER ASME SECSEC-VIII DIVDIV-1 CL. UGUG-33 Formed Heads (Continued«) SINGLE PIECE DISHEND CROWN & PETAL D¶END Petals Crown Crow n Plate Petal Plate TORISPHERICAL DISHEND Seamless(one-piece head) HEMISPHERICAL DISHEND Spherical seamless head(ID 3.4mt., 92mmThk.,steel SA387 Gr 11) FLAT HEADS Flat Head (OD 4.1mt,Knuckle radius 100mm) BOLTED BLIND FLANGE Detail of Manhole NOZZLES / CONNECTIONS NOZZLES ARE THE OPENINGS PROVIDED IN THE SHELL/ HEAD FOR CONNECTING THE EXTERNAL PIPING W ITH VESSEL. NOZZLES CONSISTS OF NOZZLE NECK, FLANGE & RF PAD TYPES OF THE NOZZLES / CONNECTIONS : 1. PIPE NECK W ITH FLANGE CONNECTION 2. FORGED NECK W ITH FLANGE CONNECTION NOZZLE NECK TO BE DESIGNED AS PER ASME SEC VIII DIV I CL. UGUG-45 RF PAD FOR THE NOZZLE TO BE DESIGNED AS PER ASME SEC VIII DIV I CL. UGUG-36 NON STD. FLANGE TO BE DESIGNED AS PER ASME SEC VIII DIV I, APPXAPPX -2 & STD FLANGE TO BE SELECTED AS PER UGUG-44/ASME B16.5 Nozzle Details SUPPORTS FOR VESSEL SUPPORTS ARE REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE VESSEL ON THE FOUNDATION. TYPE OF SUPPORTS 1. LEG TYPE SUPPORT 2. SKIRT TYPE SUPPORT (CYLINDRICAL/CONICAL) 3 BRACKET TYPE SUPPORT 4. SADDLE SUPPORT ± SKIRT DETAIL Detail of Skirt MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION FOR VESSEL ASME LISTS THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF THE MATERIAL FOR PLATES, FORGINGS, PIPES, TUBES, FLANGES & FITTING. --- ASME SEC II PART A,B,C & D REFER TABLE UCSUCS-23 FOR CARBON AND LOW ALLOW STEEL REFER TABLE UHAUHA-23 FOR HIGH ALLOY STEEL. FABRICATION REQUIREMENTS 1. WELD JOINT CATEGORIES AS PER UW-3 2. WELD JOINT EFFICIENCY AS PER UW-12 3. WELDING OF NOZZLES WITH SHELL AS PER UW-16 4. WELDING/WELDER QUALIFICATION AS PER ASME SEC IX 5. PWHT REQUIREMENT AS PER ASME SEC VIII DIV .1 , CL. UGUG-56 6. IMPACT TEST REQUIREMENT AS PER UCSUCS-65/66 ASME Section VIII DivisionDivision-1: Fabrication It covers the fabrication requirements as listed below ± ± ± ± Weld joint categories as per UWUW-3 Weld joint efficiency as per UW ±12 Welding of nozzles with shell as per UW ±16 Welding/welder qualification as per ASME Sec IX ± PWHT requirement as per UGUG-56 ± Impact test requirement as per UCSUCS-65 & UG 84 ASME Section VIII DivisionDivision-1: Fabrication Weld Joint Categories UWUW-3 NDT TESTING ALL BUTT JOINTS TO BE RT/UT/MPT/DP TESTED AS PER ASME CODE REQUIREMENT ALL CORNER JOINTS e.g. NOZZLE TO SHELL JOINT SHALL BE MPT/DP TESTED. ALL FILLET WELDS SHALL BE DP TESTED. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR NDT REQUIREMENT FOR WELD JOINT Appendix 4 Rounded Indications Charts Acceptance Standard for Radiographically Determined Rounded Indication in Welds Appendix 6 Methods for Magnetic Particle Examination (MT) Appendix 8 Methods for Liquid Penetrate Examination (PT) Appendix 12 Ultrasonic Examination of Welds (UT) EQUIPMENT TEST : - HYDROTEST --> --> 1.3 x DESIGN PRESSURE (UG(UG-99) ± PNEUMATIC TEST ---> 1.1 x DESIGN PRESSURE (UG-100) OFFICIAL STAMP FOR CODED VESSELS ± µU¶ STAMPS --- ASME SEC. VIII DIV.1 PREHEATING REQUIREMENT PREHEATING REDUCES THE SUSCEPTIBILTY OF THE WELDMENT TO COLD CTACKING /HYDROGEN CRACKING PREHEATING REQUIREMENTS DEPENDING ON THE CARBON EQUIVALENT (CE) CE % SUGGESTED TEMP UP TO 0.45 % OPTIONAL 0.45 % TO 0.60 % 200-400 F 200ABOVE 0.60 % 400 ± 700 F EFFECT OF PREHEATING : 1. ELIMINATES THE DANGER OF CRACK FORMATION 2. MINIMIZES HARD ZONE ADJACENT TO WLED 3. MINIMIZES THE SHRINKAGE STRESS 4. MINIMIZES THE DESTORTION POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT OBJETCIVE: 1.TO REDUCE THE RESIDUAL STRESSES AT WELD & HAZ 2.TO MODIFY THE MICROMICRO-STRUCTURE (HAZ) EFFECT: 1. SUSCETIBLITIES TO BRITTLE FAILURE DECREASES. 2. RESISTANCE TO STRESS CORROSION CRACKING INCREASES. 3. DIMENSIONAL STABILITIES INCREASES. PWHT PARAMETER 1. HEATING RATE 2. SOAKING TEMPERATURE 3. COOLING RATE Part UCS (Continued«) UCSUCS -56 ± PWHT CODE EXTRACT FOR HEAT TREATMENT P. NO. HOLDING TEMP. NOM. THICKNE SS UPTO 2´ SOAKING PERIOD 1 ( CARBON STEEL) & 3 (LOW ALLOY STEEL) 1100 DEG. F(593¶ C) 1 HR. PER INCH. , HOW EVER 15 MINUTES MINIMUM 2 HOURS , PLUS 15 MIN. FOR EACH ADDITIONAL INCH ABOVE 2´ 2 HOURS , PLUS 15 MIN. FOR EACH ADDITIONAL INCH ABOVE 2´ OVER 2´ TO 5´ OVER 5 ´ * POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT IS MANDATORY ON P-NO.3 GR. NO. 3 MATERIAL IN ALL THICKNESSES. Code Requirements for PWHT Material Normal Holding Temperatur e °C 595 Minimum holding time at normal temperature for nominal thickness Up to 2¶¶ Over 2¶¶ to 5¶¶ Over 5¶¶ P - No.1, P - No.3 [e.g.SA516GR60/7 0] P - No.4 [e.g.SA387GR11] P - No.5A P - No.5B P - No.5C [Group no.1 ] [e.g.SA387GR22/ SA540Ty.D Cl.4a] P - No.5B Group no.2 [e.g.SA387GR91] 1hr / in. 15 min minimum 1hr / in. 15 min minimum 1hr / in. 15 min minimum 2 hr plus 15 min for each additional inch over 2¶¶ 1 hr / inch 2 hr plus 15 min for each additional inch over 2¶¶ 5 hr plus 15 min for each additional inch over 5¶¶ 5 hr plus 15 min for each additional inch over 5¶¶ 650 675 1 hr / inch 705 1hr / in. 15 min minimum 1 hr / inch 5 hr plus 15 min for each additional inch over 5¶¶ REQUIREMENT OF PRODUCTION CONTROL TESTINGTESTING - PTC REQUIREMENT PTC SIMULATES THE ACTUAL W ELD JOINT W ITH THE BASE MATERIAL & W ELDING CONSUMABLES FROM THE SAME HEAT & MELT AS THOSE USED IN ACTUL JOINT. THE PTC UNDERGOES IDENTIAL FABRICATION SEQUENCE, DONE BY THE SAME W ELDERS, SAME W ELDING PARAMETERS W ITH SAME CONSTAINTS SIMULATED AS THAT OF JOB. TYPES OF PRODUCTION TEST COUPONS 1. THE SMULATED W ELD COUPON ± STC 2. THE FINAL TEST COUPON ± FTC STC ± THIS IS BASICALLY THE TEST COUPON OF THE W ELD JOINT, W HICH IS SUBJECTED TO THE SIMULATED HEAT TREATMENT CYCLE, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT OF ALL POSSIBLE EVANTUALITIES LIKE REPAIRE, ADDITIONAL HEAT TREATMENT ETC. FTC ± THIS IS BASICALLY THE TEST COUPON OF THE W ELDMENT, W HICH IS SUBJECTED TO THE ACTUAL HAET TREATMENT SEEN IN THE JOB. THIS COUPON IS MADE SIMULTANEOUSLY W ITH THE JOB. HYDRO & PNUMATIC TESTING OF PRESSURE VESSEL HYDROTESTING IS TO DONE AS PER ASME SEC VIII DIVDIV-1-CL UG UG-99 HYDROTEST PRESSURE = 1.3 X (P design) x (allow stress at test temp/ allow stress at design temp) HYDROTEST STRESS SHOULD NOT EXCCED 90 % OF THE YIELD STRESS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PNUMTAIC TESTING IS TO BE DONE AS PER ASME SEC VIII DIV 1 ±CL UG100 PNUMATIC TEST PRESSURE = 1.1 X DESIGN PRESSURE THE METAL TEMPERATURE DURING PNUMATIC TESTING SHALL BE MAINTAINED ATLEAT 17 DRG C ABOVE THE MDMT TO MINIMISE THE RISK OF BRITTLE FRACTURE. HYDROTEST WATER FILLING, PRESSURISING & INSPECTION Outlet Pressure Gauge arangement Heat Exchanger Tube Sheet Tubes Outlet Hose Inlet hose Venting Bucket Hydrotest Pump 5° Job to be kept approx. 5° tapered towards one of the tubesheet. Inlet Pressure Gauge arrangement Wooden Saddles HYDROTEST WATER FILLING, PRESSURISING & INSPECTION Outlet Pressure Gauge arangement Tube Sheet Heat Exchanger Inlet Header Tubes Outlet Hose Inlet hose Outlet Header Venting Bucket One of the bottom nozzles have to be kept open at the time of hydrotesting. Hydrotest Pump Wooden Saddles Inlet Pressure Gauge arrangement Sketch for Hydro test Arrangement for Outlet Pressure Gauge Towards Venting pipe Valves Pressure Gauge Square Bar Coupling Arrangement for Inlet Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge Valves Coupling From Hydrotest Pump Square Bar Towards Drain ASME BOILER & PRESSURE VESSEL CERTIFICATES OF AUTHORIZATION & CODE SYMBOL STAMPS SYMBOL/STAMP CODE BOOKS REQUIRED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. ³A´ ( ASSEBLY BOILER) --- B 31.1 &SEC &SEC- 1 & SEC II ±C 2. ³U´(PRESSURE VESSEL) ---- ASME SEC VIII DIV -1 3. ³U2´(PRESSURE VESSEL) ---- ASME SEC VIII DIV DIV-2 4. ³U3´ (HIGH PV) ----- ASME SEC VIII DIV DIV-3 4. ³S´ (POW ER BOILER) ------ B31.1 & SEC SEC-1 5. ³UV´ (PV SAFETY VALVE)---VALVE)----ASME ASME SEC VIIII DIV -1 /2 6. ³V´ (BOILER SAFETY VALVE) ----- SEC -1 7. ³qp´ (PRESSURE PIPING) ------ B31.1 & SEC -1 PRESSURE VESSEL CODE ASME SECTION VIII DIVISION 1 Introduction to ASME Codes (Section I to Section XII) A Brief Discussion on ASME Section VIII Divisions 1 and 2 and Division 3 Section VIII Div.1 ³Unfired´ Pressure Vessel Rules Published Pressure Limits