
April 5, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Documents
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Humidity (Earth) Heat (Fire) Dryness (Metal) Hotness (Fire) A Wind Coldness (Water) (Wood) Hotness (Air) Humidity (Earth) Heat (Fire) Dryness (Metal) B Wind Coldness (Water) (Wood) Six Energies as the Five Primary Elements System (A) and as the Six-Element System (B) (Humidity) Earth (Heat, Hotness) Fire Metal (Dryness) (Wind) Wood Water (Coldness) Earth Earth Fire Metal Fire Metal Interpromoting relationshi ps Interacting relationshi ps Wood Water Wood Water Creation function Earth Subjugation function Earth Fire Metal Fire Metal Wood Water Wood Water Anti-creation function Anti-subjugation function Law of the Five Elements and its functions Hotness Hotness Heat Wind Neutro Hetero Homo Heat Ne Humidity utr o m Ho o Neuto Hetero Neuto Wind Dryness Humidity Dryness Coldness Coldness The main axial interactions of Six Energies C J H o F H u m i d i t y B G D r y n e s s C o l d n e s s t n e s s H e a t K I W i E D A H n d L Designation A B C D E F G H I J K L Lung meridian Meridian Activity period 3—5 AM 5—7 AM 7—9 AM 9—11 AM 11 AM — 1 PM 1—3 PM 3—5 PM 5—7 PM 7—9 PM 9—11 PM 11 PM — 1 AM 1—3 AM Large intestine meridian Stomach meridian Spleen meridian Heart meridian Small intestine meridian Bladder meridian Kidney meridian Brain meridian Spinal cord meridian Gall bladder meridian Liver meridian Individual energy chart on the hand. The meridians' activity period in the diurnal cycle of the circulation of Six Energies 3 2 1 S 4 5 6 Correspondence of the internal chakras to nervous plexuses, endocrine glands and physiological systems of the body Designation 1 2 3 4 Chakra Wind chakra Heat chakra Hotness chakra Humidity chakra Dryness chakra Coldness chakra Solar chakra Nervous plexus Cardiac plexus Pharyngeal plexus and cervical ganglions Chorioid plexus of the third ventricle Abdominal aortic plexus and lumbar ganglions Hypogastric plexus and sacral ganglions Coccygeal plexus and unpaired ganglion of sympathetic trunk Solar plexus Endocrine gland Thymus Thyroid glad Pituitary gland Pancreas Physiological system Muscular system Cardiovascular system Nervous and endocrine systems Digestive and lymphatic systems Dermal and respiratory systems Osteal, excretory and reproductive systems Energy system 5 6 Adrenal glands Ovaries and testicles S (7, 8) Pineal body, hypothalamus and all other endocrine glands Connection of internal chakras with the nervous plexuses. Located near the nervous plexuses, the internal chakras transform energy contained in them into nervous impulses, exerting evident influence on the functional state of the organism 3 3' 2 2' 1 S 4 1' S' 4' 5 5' 6' 6 Front surface of the human body Back surface of the human body 1 — Wind chakra — (X18 Yutang) Location: on the midline of the chest, level with the third intercostal space. 2 — Heat chakra (a new point) Location: on the midline of the neck between the thyroid and cricoid cartilages. 3 — Hotness chakra — (Yintang) Location: midway between the beginning of the eyebrow, above the nose bridge. 4 — Humidity chakra — (X12 Zhongwan) Location: on the midline of the abdomen, 4 cun above the umbilicus, midway between the umbilicus and the xiphoid process of the sternum. 5 — Dryness chakra — (X5 Shimen) Location: on the midline of the abdomen, 2 cun below the umbilicus. 6 — Coldness chakra — (X2 Qugu) Location: on the middle of the superior border of the symphysis pubis. S — Solar chakra — (X16 Zhongting) Location: on the anterior midline of the chest, level with the fifth intercostal space. 1' — Wind chakra — (Y12(11) Shenzhu) Location: between the spinous processes of the 3rd and 4th thoracic vertebrae. 2' — Heat chakra (a new point) Location: between the spinous processes of the 5th and 6th cervical vertebrae. 3' — Hotness chakra — (Y18(17) Qiangjian) Location: on the midline of the head, 4 cun above the posterior hairline (1.5 cun above the point Y17 Naohu). 4' — Humidity chakra — (Y6 Jizhong) Location: between the spinous processes of the 11th and 12th thoracic vertebrae. 5' — Dryness chakra (a new point) Location: sacrococcygeal articulation. 6' — Coldness chakra — (Y2 Yaoshu) Location: in the centre of the sacrococcygeal articulation. S' — Solar chakra — (Y9(8) Zhiyang) Location: between the spinous processes of the 7th and 8th thoracic vertebrae. Projection of the centre of the internal chakras onto the surface of the body S S 4 1 1 4 2 5 3 3 2 5 6 6 S — Solar byol-chakra Location: in the middle of the wrist joint line 1 — Wind byol-chakra Location: in the middle of the 1st metacarpal bone 2 — Heat byol-chakra Location: in the middle of the thumb's proximal phalanx 3 — Hotness byol-chakra Location: on the thumb's distal phalanx, 1/3 of the distance from the nail root to the joint 4 — Humidity byol-chakra Location: below the Solar byol-chakra by 1/4 of the distance from the Solar chakra projection to the Coldness byol-chakra 5 — Dryness byol-chakra Location: up by 1/3 of the distance from the Coldness byol-chakra to the Solar byol-chakra projection 6 — Coldness byol-chakra Location: between the bases of the proximal phalanges of the 3rd and 4th fingers Topography of internal byol-chakras on the Yang-surface of the hands. In order to locate byol-chakras partition of the hand into proportional segments is used S S 1 4 4 1 2 5 3 6 6 5 2 3 S — Solar byol-chakra Location: in the region of the skin triangle in the middle of the wrist joint 1 — Wind byol-chakra Location: in the projection of the thoracic cavity. The distance from the skin fold at the base of the thumb to the Solar chakra projection (lower diaphragm line) is divided into two equal segments, here being its centre 2 — Heat byol-chakra Location: its centre is in the middle of the thumb's proximal phalanx 3 — Hotness byol-chakra Location: its centre is between the upper and middle thirds of the thumb's distal phalanx along the midline 4 — Humidity byol-chakra Location: down by 1/4 of the distance from the Solar byol-chakra to the Coldness byol-chakra 5 — Dryness byol-chakra Location: its centre is upward by 1/3 of the distance from the Coldness byol-chakra to the Solar byol-chakra 6 — Coldness byol-chakra Location: in the region of the skin fold between the 3rd and 4th fingers Topography of internal byol-chakras on the Yin-surface of the hands. In order to locate byol-chakras the hand is divided into proportional segments Hyperthermia, hyperfunctioning, inflammation, hyperemia, hypertrophies, hyperplasias, furunculosis, photodermatitis, alcoholism Sweating, hot flushes, high pressure (arterial, intracranial, intraocular, etc.), discomfort, burning, eructation, meteorism, a sensation of bursting, bright and glossy skin, obesity, excessive menstruation, thirst Hotness Heat Humidity Dull and nagging pain, obesity, clammy sweat, sponginess, edemas, congestion, a sensation of heaviness in the body, enlarged internal organs, splanchnoptosis, prolapses, hernias, cysts, soft tumors (li pomas, poli pi, papillomas, warts), severe itching, rhinorrhea, diarrhea, sialorrhea, lacrimation, poliuria, exsudates, transudates, suppuration, jaundice Symptom instability, vertigo, dyskinesias, tics, hyperkinesias, hiccup, vomiting, arrhythmias, false urge to defecate and urinate, joint hypermobility, slight itching Wind Dryness Coldness Unbearable pain, chill, shivering, rapid fatigability, cyanosis, cachexy, loss of consciousness, missing functions (blindness, deafness, loss of memory), stone formation, traumas, cramps, contractures, destructive processes (necrosis, atrophy, aplasia), hard and malignant tumors Acute pain, paleness, coarse dry skin, fissures, poliosis, fragile nails and hair, short breath, ulcers, loss of weight, hypofunction, hypotrophies, hypoplasias, tissue induration, hard tumors (fibromas, condylomas) Symptoms and syndromes of Six Energies Manifestations of Six Energies in the body's structures, systems, and organs Wind Heat Left arm, forearm, elbow joints Circulatory system, hemic system system Heart, vessels, small intestine, stomach, Thyroid gland Tongue Face Eyes Face Hypophysis Pancreas Mouth Li ps liver duodenum, stomach spinal cord, spleen, Cerebrum, Pancreas, Lungs, liver system system endocrine lymphatic immune system, system, system, Nervous Digestive Integument knee joints Osseous system, urogenital system Kidneys, large intestine, urinary bladder, rectum, genitals Adrenal glands Sexual glands Nose Ears Body hair coat Head hair wrist joints hi p joints shins, feet, ankle joints Head, hands, Trunk, thighs, Right arm, Right leg, Hotness Humidity Dryness Coldness Body' Left leg, structures shoulders, shoulder joint Functional Muscular systems system, joints, respiratory system Internal Liver, organs urinary bladder, lungs, esophagus, salivary glands spleen Endocrine Thymus gland glands «Windows» Eyes of energy Nails Eyesight (Hotness) Hearing (Heat) Smell (Wind) Taste (Humidity) Touch (Dryness) Sensation of gravitation (Coldness) Eyesight Hotness Hearing Heat Humidity Taste Wind Dryness Smell Coldness Touch Tendinous-muscular sensation (sensation of gravitation) Classification of the organs of senses according to the Six Energy theory G K C F J B Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu Hs/Ht Hs/Ht Hs/Ht Hs/Ht Hs/Ht Hs/Ht W W W C D W C D W C D C D C D D D C W Ht Hs Hu W C G K C F J B Y Topografy of Six Energies points of AH-byol-meridians C D D D C Hu Hs/Ht W Hs/Ht A I E D L H C C D Hu D C C Hu Hu Hs/Ht D W W W W W Ht Hs Hu D C Hu Ht/Hs Hu Ht/Hs Ht/Hs W A I E D L H X Topografy of Six Energies points of UM-byol-meridians


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