HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Contents Contents 1 Overview of the Hardware.......................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Introduction to the Hardware ........................................................................................................................1-2 1.2 Hardware Description ...................................................................................................................................1-2 2 Cabinet .........................................................................................................................................2-1 2.1 Introduction to the Cabinet............................................................................................................................2-2 2.2 Cabinet Configuration ...................................................................................................................................2-2 2.3 Subrack..........................................................................................................................................................2-4 2.3.1 DAFU Subrack.....................................................................................................................................2-4 2.3.2 DTRU Subrack.....................................................................................................................................2-4 2.3.3 Fan Subrack .........................................................................................................................................2-4 2.3.4 Signal Lightning Protection Subrack ...................................................................................................2-5 2.3.5 Power Subrack .....................................................................................................................................2-5 2.3.6 AC Power Distribution Subrack...........................................................................................................2-5 2.3.7 Battery Cabin .......................................................................................................................................2-5 2.3.8 Transmission Equipment Subrack........................................................................................................2-5 2.3.9 Common Subrack.................................................................................................................................2-6 2.3.10 DC Power Distribution Subrack.........................................................................................................2-6 2.4 Introduction to the Cabling Holes at the Bottom of the Cabinet ...................................................................2-6 2.5 Cabinet Wiring ..............................................................................................................................................2-8 2.5.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................................2-8 2.5.2 Wiring on the Front of the Cabinet ......................................................................................................2-8 2.5.3 Wiring at the Rear of the Cabinet.......................................................................................................2-13 2.6 Technical Specifications..............................................................................................................................2-15 2.6.1 Dimensions ........................................................................................................................................2-15 2.6.2 Weight ................................................................................................................................................2-15 2.6.3 Power Supply.....................................................................................................................................2-15 2.6.4 Power Consumption...........................................................................................................................2-17 3 Assemblies...................................................................................................................................3-1 3.1 Heat Exchanger .............................................................................................................................................3-2 3.2 Battery...........................................................................................................................................................3-3 3.3 Waterproof Module .......................................................................................................................................3-4 Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary i Contents HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 3.4 NPMI.............................................................................................................................................................3-4 4 Boards ...........................................................................................................................................4-1 4.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................4-2 4.2 DTMU...........................................................................................................................................................4-3 4.2.1 Functions..............................................................................................................................................4-3 4.2.2 Panel.....................................................................................................................................................4-4 4.2.3 Indicators .............................................................................................................................................4-5 4.2.4 Ports .....................................................................................................................................................4-8 4.2.5 DIP Switches........................................................................................................................................4-8 4.3 DATU ..........................................................................................................................................................4-10 4.3.1 Functions............................................................................................................................................4-10 4.3.2 Panel...................................................................................................................................................4-11 4.3.3 Indicators ...........................................................................................................................................4-12 4.3.4 Ports ...................................................................................................................................................4-12 4.3.5 DIP Switches......................................................................................................................................4-13 4.4 DCSU ..........................................................................................................................................................4-14 4.4.1 Functions............................................................................................................................................4-14 4.4.2 Panel...................................................................................................................................................4-15 4.4.3 Ports ...................................................................................................................................................4-15 4.4.4 DIP Switches......................................................................................................................................4-15 4.5 DCCU..........................................................................................................................................................4-18 4.5.1 Functions............................................................................................................................................4-18 4.5.2 Panel...................................................................................................................................................4-19 4.5.3 Ports ...................................................................................................................................................4-19 4.6 DSCB ..........................................................................................................................................................4-20 4.6.1 Functions............................................................................................................................................4-20 4.6.2 Ports ...................................................................................................................................................4-20 4.7 DELU ..........................................................................................................................................................4-21 4.7.1 Functions............................................................................................................................................4-21 4.7.2 Panel...................................................................................................................................................4-21 4.7.3 Port.....................................................................................................................................................4-22 4.8 DGLU..........................................................................................................................................................4-22 4.8.1 Functions............................................................................................................................................4-22 4.8.2 Panel...................................................................................................................................................4-22 4.8.3 Port.....................................................................................................................................................4-23 4.9 DMLU.........................................................................................................................................................4-23 4.9.1 Functions............................................................................................................................................4-23 4.9.2 Panel...................................................................................................................................................4-23 4.9.3 Ports ...................................................................................................................................................4-23 4.10 DTRU........................................................................................................................................................4-24 4.10.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................4-24 ii Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Contents 4.10.2 Panel.................................................................................................................................................4-25 4.10.3 Indicators .........................................................................................................................................4-26 4.10.4 Ports .................................................................................................................................................4-27 4.11 DDPU........................................................................................................................................................4-28 4.11.1 Function ...........................................................................................................................................4-28 4.11.2 Panel.................................................................................................................................................4-29 4.11.3 Indicators..........................................................................................................................................4-30 4.11.4 Ports .................................................................................................................................................4-31 4.12 DCOM.......................................................................................................................................................4-31 4.12.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................4-31 4.12.2 Panel.................................................................................................................................................4-32 4.12.3 Ports .................................................................................................................................................4-32 4.13 DFCU ........................................................................................................................................................4-33 4.13.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................4-33 4.13.2 Panel.................................................................................................................................................4-34 4.13.3 Indicators .........................................................................................................................................4-35 4.13.4 Ports .................................................................................................................................................4-35 4.14 FAN Box ...................................................................................................................................................4-36 4.14.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................4-36 4.14.2 Panel.................................................................................................................................................4-37 4.14.3 Indicators .........................................................................................................................................4-37 4.14.4 Ports .................................................................................................................................................4-38 4.15 DPMU .......................................................................................................................................................4-38 4.15.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................4-38 4.15.2 Panel.................................................................................................................................................4-39 4.15.3 Indicators .........................................................................................................................................4-39 4.15.4 Ports .................................................................................................................................................4-40 4.15.5 DIP Switch .......................................................................................................................................4-41 4.16 PSU ...........................................................................................................................................................4-41 4.16.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................4-41 4.16.2 Panel.................................................................................................................................................4-42 4.16.3 Indicators .........................................................................................................................................4-42 5 Cables ...........................................................................................................................................5-1 5.1 List of the BTS3012AE Cables .....................................................................................................................5-2 5.2 AC Power Cable............................................................................................................................................5-9 5.2.1 Functions..............................................................................................................................................5-9 5.2.2 Structure...............................................................................................................................................5-9 5.2.3 Pin Description...................................................................................................................................5-10 5.2.4 Installation Positions..........................................................................................................................5-10 5.3 PGND Cables ..............................................................................................................................................5-11 5.3.1 Functions............................................................................................................................................5-11 Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary iii Contents HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.3.2 Structure.............................................................................................................................................5-11 5.3.3 Pin Description...................................................................................................................................5-11 5.3.4 Installation Positions..........................................................................................................................5-11 5.4 Power Cables Between the DC Power Distribution Box and the DTRU Subrack ......................................5-12 5.4.1 Functions............................................................................................................................................5-12 5.4.2 Structure.............................................................................................................................................5-12 5.4.3 Pin Description...................................................................................................................................5-12 5.4.4 Installation Positions..........................................................................................................................5-13 5.5 Power Cables Between the DC Power Distribution Box and the DAFU Subrack ......................................5-13 5.5.1 Functions............................................................................................................................................5-13 5.5.2 Structure.............................................................................................................................................5-14 5.5.3 Pin Description...................................................................................................................................5-14 5.5.4 Installation Positions..........................................................................................................................5-15 5.6 Power Cable Between the DC Power Distribution Box and the Common Subrack....................................5-15 5.6.1 Functions............................................................................................................................................5-15 5.6.2 Structure.............................................................................................................................................5-15 5.6.3 Pin Description...................................................................................................................................5-16 5.6.4 Installation Positions..........................................................................................................................5-16 5.7 Power Cable Between the DC Power Distribution Box and the FAN Subrack...........................................5-16 5.7.1 Functions............................................................................................................................................5-16 5.7.2 Structure.............................................................................................................................................5-17 5.7.3 Pin Description...................................................................................................................................5-17 5.7.4 Installation Positions..........................................................................................................................5-17 5.8 Power Cable Between the DC Power Distribution Box and the Heat Exchanger .......................................5-18 5.8.1 Functions............................................................................................................................................5-18 5.8.2 Structure.............................................................................................................................................5-18 5.8.3 Pin Description...................................................................................................................................5-18 5.8.4 Installation Positions..........................................................................................................................5-19 5.9 75-ohm E1 Cable.........................................................................................................................................5-19 5.9.1 Functions............................................................................................................................................5-19 5.9.2 Structure.............................................................................................................................................5-19 5.9.3 Pin Description...................................................................................................................................5-20 5.9.4 Installation Positions..........................................................................................................................5-21 5.10 120-ohm E1 Cable.....................................................................................................................................5-21 5.10.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-21 5.10.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-21 5.10.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-22 5.10.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-23 5.11 Optical Fibers ............................................................................................................................................5-23 5.11.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-23 5.11.2 Structure ...........................................................................................................................................5-24 5.11.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-24 iv Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Contents 5.11.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-24 5.12 RF Rx/Tx Signal Cable .............................................................................................................................5-24 5.12.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-24 5.12.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-25 5.12.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-25 5.12.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-25 5.13 Power Detection Cables ............................................................................................................................5-26 5.13.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-26 5.13.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-26 5.13.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-26 5.13.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-26 5.14 Four-in-One Short-Circuiting Cables ........................................................................................................5-27 5.14.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-27 5.14.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-27 5.14.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-27 5.14.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-27 5.15 Diversity Receive Short-Circuiting Cables ...............................................................................................5-27 5.15.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-27 5.15.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-28 5.15.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-28 5.15.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-28 5.16 Cable for the Combiner on the DTRU ......................................................................................................5-28 5.16.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-28 5.16.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-29 5.16.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-29 5.16.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-29 5.17 RF Jumper .................................................................................................................................................5-29 5.17.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-29 5.17.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-29 5.17.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-30 5.17.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-30 5.18 Close Signal Cable Between Cabinet Groups ...........................................................................................5-31 5.18.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-31 5.18.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-31 5.18.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-31 5.18.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-33 5.19 Far Signal Cable Between Cabinet Groups ...............................................................................................5-33 5.19.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-33 5.19.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-33 5.19.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-34 5.19.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-35 5.20 Boolean Value Input Signal Cable.............................................................................................................5-35 Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary v Contents HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.20.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-35 5.20.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-35 5.20.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-36 5.20.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-37 5.21 RET Control Signal Cables .......................................................................................................................5-37 5.21.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-37 5.21.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-37 5.21.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-38 5.21.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-38 5.22 Ethernet Cable...........................................................................................................................................5-38 5.22.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-38 5.22.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-38 5.22.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-39 5.22.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-39 5.23 Signal Cables Between the DSCB and the DAFU Subrack ......................................................................5-40 5.23.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-40 5.23.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-40 5.23.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-41 5.23.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-44 5.24 TOP1 Signal Cable Between the DCCU and the DSCB ...........................................................................5-44 5.24.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-44 5.24.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-45 5.24.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-45 5.24.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-48 5.25 TOP2 Signal Cable Between the DCSU and the DSCB............................................................................5-48 5.25.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-48 5.25.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-48 5.25.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-49 5.25.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-49 5.26 Combined-Cabinet Signal Cable Between the DCSU and the DSCB.......................................................5-50 5.26.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-50 5.26.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-50 5.26.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-50 5.26.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-53 5.27 Signal Cable Between the DCSU and the DTRB......................................................................................5-53 5.27.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-53 5.27.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-53 5.27.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-54 5.27.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-56 5.28 RS485 Environment Monitoring Signal Cable..........................................................................................5-56 5.28.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-56 5.28.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-57 vi Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Contents 5.28.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-57 5.28.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-60 5.29 E1 Signal Transfer Cable...........................................................................................................................5-60 5.29.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-60 5.29.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-61 5.29.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-61 5.29.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-62 5.30 Monitoring Signal Transfer Cable Between the NPMI and the DSCB .....................................................5-63 5.30.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-63 5.30.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-63 5.30.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-64 5.30.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-64 5.31 DPMU Monitoring Cable..........................................................................................................................5-65 5.31.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-65 5.31.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-65 5.31.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-65 5.31.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-67 5.32 Alarm Cable for the Air Breaker ...............................................................................................................5-67 5.32.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-67 5.32.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-67 5.32.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-67 5.32.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-68 5.33 Alarm Cable for the AC Lightning Arrester ..............................................................................................5-68 5.33.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-68 5.33.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-68 5.33.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-68 5.33.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-69 5.34 Cable for the Temperature and Humidity Sensor ......................................................................................5-69 5.34.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-69 5.34.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-69 5.34.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-70 5.34.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-70 5.35 Cable for the Door Status Sensor ..............................................................................................................5-70 5.35.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-70 5.35.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-71 5.35.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-71 5.35.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-72 5.36 Cable for the Smoke Sensor ......................................................................................................................5-72 5.36.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-72 5.36.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-72 5.36.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-73 5.36.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-73 Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary vii Contents HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.37 Cable for the Water Sensor........................................................................................................................5-73 5.37.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-73 5.37.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-73 5.37.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-73 5.37.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-74 5.38 Cables for the Built-In Battery Cabin........................................................................................................5-74 5.38.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-74 5.38.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-74 5.38.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-75 5.38.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-75 5.39 Cables for the External Battery Cabinet....................................................................................................5-76 5.39.1 Functions..........................................................................................................................................5-76 5.39.2 Structure...........................................................................................................................................5-76 5.39.3 Pin Description.................................................................................................................................5-77 5.39.4 Installation Positions ........................................................................................................................5-77 viii Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Figures Figures Figure 1-1 BTS3012AE hardware structure.......................................................................................................1-2 Figure 2-1 BTS3012AE cabinet .........................................................................................................................2-2 Figure 2-2 BTS3012AE cabinet in full configuration ........................................................................................2-3 Figure 2-3 Cabling holes at the bottom of the BTS3012AE cabinet ..................................................................2-7 Figure 2-4 Silkscreens of the cabling holes........................................................................................................2-7 Figure 2-5 Wiring on the front of the BTS3012AE cabinet (configured with the DDPU) .................................2-9 Figure 2-6 Cable layout at the front of the BTS3012AE cabinet (configured with the DFCU) .......................2-10 Figure 2-7 NPMI wiring...................................................................................................................................2-11 Figure 2-8 Wring at the rear of the BTS3012AE cabinet .................................................................................2-13 Figure 3-1 Heat exchanger .................................................................................................................................3-2 Figure 3-2 Waterproof module (half unit) ..........................................................................................................3-4 Figure 3-3 Ports on the NPMI ............................................................................................................................3-5 Figure 4-1 DTMU panel.....................................................................................................................................4-4 Figure 4-2 DIP switches on the DTMU..............................................................................................................4-8 Figure 4-3 DATU panel....................................................................................................................................4-11 Figure 4-4 DIP switches on the DATU.............................................................................................................4-13 Figure 4-5 DCSU panel....................................................................................................................................4-15 Figure 4-6 DIP switches on the DCSU.............................................................................................................4-16 Figure 4-7 DCCU panel ...................................................................................................................................4-19 Figure 4-8 DSCB panel ....................................................................................................................................4-20 Figure 4-9 DELU panel....................................................................................................................................4-21 Figure 4-10 DGLU panel .................................................................................................................................4-22 Figure 4-11 DMLU panel .................................................................................................................................4-23 Figure 4-12 DTRU panel..................................................................................................................................4-25 Figure 4-13 DDPU panel..................................................................................................................................4-29 Figure 4-14 DCOM panel.................................................................................................................................4-32 Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary ix Figures HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Figure 4-15 DFCU panel..................................................................................................................................4-34 Figure 4-16 FAN Box panel .............................................................................................................................4-37 Figure 4-17 DPMU panel .................................................................................................................................4-39 Figure 4-18 DPMU DIP switch ........................................................................................................................4-41 Figure 4-19 PSU panel .....................................................................................................................................4-42 Figure 5-1 Structure of a power cable between the DC power distribution box and the DTRU subrack.........5-12 Figure 5-2 Structure of a cable between the DC power distribution box and the DAFU subrack....................5-14 Figure 5-3 Structure of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the common subrack..............5-15 Figure 5-4 Structure of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the FAN subrack....................5-17 Figure 5-5 Structure of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the heat exchanger .................5-18 Figure 5-6 Structure of a 75-ohm E1 cable ......................................................................................................5-20 Figure 5-7 Structure of the 120-ohm E1 cable .................................................................................................5-22 Figure 5-8 Structure of the optical fiber ...........................................................................................................5-24 Figure 5-9 Structure of an RF Rx signal cable and an RF Tx signal cable.......................................................5-25 Figure 5-10 Power detection cable ...................................................................................................................5-26 Figure 5-11 Four-in-one short-circuiting cable.................................................................................................5-27 Figure 5-12 Diversity receive short-circuiting cable ........................................................................................5-28 Figure 5-13 Structure of the cable for combiner on the DTRU ........................................................................5-29 Figure 5-14 Structure of a 1/4-inch RF jumper ................................................................................................5-30 Figure 5-15 Structure of a 1/2-inch RF jumper ................................................................................................5-30 Figure 5-16 Structure of the close signal cable between cabinet groups ..........................................................5-31 Figure 5-17 Structure of far signal cable between cabinet groups....................................................................5-33 Figure 5-18 Structure of the Boolean value input signal cable.........................................................................5-35 Figure 5-19 Structure of an RET control signal cable ......................................................................................5-38 Figure 5-20 Structure of the Ethernet cable......................................................................................................5-39 Figure 5-21 Structure of a signal cable between the DSCB and the DAFU subrack........................................5-40 Figure 5-22 Structure of the TOP1 signal cable between the DCCU and the DSCB .......................................5-45 Figure 5-23 Structure of the TOP2 signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB........................................5-48 Figure 5-24 Structure of the combined-cabinet signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB.....................5-50 Figure 5-25 Structure of the signal cable between the DCSU and the DTRB..................................................5-53 Figure 5-26 Structure of the RS485 environment monitoring signal cable ......................................................5-57 Figure 5-27 Structure of the E1 signal transfer cable .......................................................................................5-61 Figure 5-28 Structure of the monitoring signal transfer cable between the NPMI and the DSCB ...................5-63 x Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Figures Figure 5-29 Structure of the DPMU monitoring cable .....................................................................................5-65 Figure 5-30 Structure of the alarm cable for the air breaker.............................................................................5-67 Figure 5-31 Structure of the alarm cable for the AC lightning arrester ............................................................5-68 Figure 5-32 Structure of the cable for the temperature and humidity sensor....................................................5-69 Figure 5-33 Structure of the cable for the access door status ...........................................................................5-71 Figure 5-34 Structure of the cable for the smoke sensor ..................................................................................5-72 Figure 5-35 Structure of the cable for the water sensor....................................................................................5-73 Figure 5-36 Structure of the GND cable...........................................................................................................5-74 Figure 5-37 Structure of the –48 V power cable...............................................................................................5-75 Figure 5-38 Structure of the cable for the temperature sensor of the built-in batteries ....................................5-75 Figure 5-39 Structure of the cable for the external battery door status and temperature sensor.......................5-77 Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary xi Tables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Tables Table 1-1 BTS3012AE hardware........................................................................................................................1-2 Table 2-1 Cables on the front of the cabinet .....................................................................................................2-11 Table 2-2 Cables at the rear of the BTS3012AE cabinet ..................................................................................2-14 Table 2-3 Dimensions of the BTS3012AE cabinet...........................................................................................2-15 Table 2-4 Weight of the BTS3012AE cabinet...................................................................................................2-15 Table 2-5 Specifications for the BTS3012AE power supply. ...........................................................................2-15 Table 2-6 Voltage types supported by the BTS3012AE....................................................................................2-16 Table 2-7 Power consumption of the BTS3012AE...........................................................................................2-17 Table 3-1 Ports on the heat exchanger ................................................................................................................3-3 Table 3-2 Waterproof module types....................................................................................................................3-4 Table 3-3 Ports on the NPMI ..............................................................................................................................3-5 Table 4-1 BTS3012AE board category...............................................................................................................4-2 Table 4-2 DTMU indicators................................................................................................................................4-5 Table 4-3 Ports on the DTMU panel...................................................................................................................4-8 Table 4-4 S4/S5/S6/S7 DIP switches..................................................................................................................4-9 Table 4-5 DATU indicators...............................................................................................................................4-12 Table 4-6 Ports on the DATU panel..................................................................................................................4-12 Table 4-7 Settings for the DIP switches on the DATU .....................................................................................4-13 Table 4-8 Ports on the DCSU panel..................................................................................................................4-15 Table 4-9 Settings for SW1...............................................................................................................................4-16 Table 4-10 Settings for SW11...........................................................................................................................4-16 Table 4-11 Settings for SW2−SW5...................................................................................................................4-17 Table 4-12 Settings for SW6 and SW7.............................................................................................................4-17 Table 4-13 Settings for SW8.............................................................................................................................4-18 Table 4-14 Settings for SW9 and SW10 ...........................................................................................................4-18 Table 4-15 Ports on the DCCU panel ...............................................................................................................4-19 xii Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Tables Table 4-16 Ports on the DSCB panel ................................................................................................................4-20 Table 4-17 Slots in the DSCB subrack .............................................................................................................4-21 Table 4-18 Port on the DELU panel .................................................................................................................4-22 Table 4-19 Port on the DGLU panel.................................................................................................................4-23 Table 4-20 Ports on the DMLU panel...............................................................................................................4-23 Table 4-21 DTRU indicator description ...........................................................................................................4-26 Table 4-22 Ports on the DTRU panel................................................................................................................4-27 Table 4-23 DDPU indicators ............................................................................................................................4-30 Table 4-24 Ports on the DDPU panel................................................................................................................4-31 Table 4-25 Ports on the DCOM panel ..............................................................................................................4-32 Table 4-26 DFCU indicators.............................................................................................................................4-35 Table 4-27 Ports on the DFCU panel................................................................................................................4-35 Table 4-28 FAN Box indicators ........................................................................................................................4-37 Table 4-29 Ports on the FAN Box panel ...........................................................................................................4-38 Table 4-30 DPMU indicators............................................................................................................................4-39 Table 4-31 Ports on the DPMU panel...............................................................................................................4-40 Table 4-32 PSU indicators ................................................................................................................................4-42 Table 5-1 BTS3012AE cables ............................................................................................................................5-2 Table 5-2 Specifications of the AC power cables for the BTS3012AE ............................................................5-10 Table 5-3 Installation positions of the BTS3012AE AC power cables .............................................................5-10 Table 5-4 Pins of the cables between the DC power distribution box and the DTRU subrack.........................5-12 Table 5-5 Installation positions of the cable between the DC power distribution box and DTRU subrack......5-13 Table 5-6 Pins of a cable between the DC power distribution box and the DAFU subrack .............................5-14 Table 5-7 Installation positions of the cables between the DC power distribution box and the DAFU subrack ..515 Table 5-8 Pins of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the common subrack .......................5-16 Table 5-9 Installation positions of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the common subrack.516 Table 5-10 Pins of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the FAN subrack ...........................5-17 Table 5-11 Installation positions of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the FAN subrack .5-17 Table 5-12 Pins of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the heat exchanger ........................5-18 Table 5-13 Installation positions of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the heat exchanger ..519 Table 5-14 Pins of a 75-ohm E1 cable ..............................................................................................................5-20 Table 5-15 Installation position of the 75-ohm E1 cable ..................................................................................5-21 Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary xiii Tables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Table 5-16 Pins of a 120-ohm twisted pair .......................................................................................................5-22 Table 5-17 Installation position of a 120-ohm E1 cable ...................................................................................5-23 Table 5-18 Installation position of the optical fiber..........................................................................................5-24 Table 5-19 Installation positions of the RF Rx signal cable and the RF Tx signal cable..................................5-25 Table 5-20 Installation positions of the power detection cable.........................................................................5-26 Table 5-21 Installation positions of the four-in-one short-circuiting cable.......................................................5-27 Table 5-22 Installation positions of the diversity receive short-circuiting cable ..............................................5-28 Table 5-23 Installation positions of the cable for the combiner on the DTRU .................................................5-29 Table 5-24 Installation positions of the RF jumpers .........................................................................................5-30 Table 5-25 Pins of the close signal cable between cabinet groups....................................................................5-31 Table 5-26 Installation positions of the close signal cable between cabinet groups .........................................5-33 Table 5-27 Pins of far signal cable between cabinet groups .............................................................................5-34 Table 5-28 Installation positions of far signal cable between cabinet groups...................................................5-35 Table 5-29 Pins of the Boolean value input signal cable ..................................................................................5-36 Table 5-30 Installation positions of the Boolean value input signal cable........................................................5-37 Table 5-31 Installation positions of an RET control signal cable .....................................................................5-38 Table 5-32 Pins of the Ethernet cable ...............................................................................................................5-39 Table 5-33 Installation positions of the Ethernet cables ...................................................................................5-39 Table 5-34 Pins of a signal cable between the DSCB and the DAFU subrack .................................................5-41 Table 5-35 Installation positions of the signal cables between the DSCB and the DAFU subrack ..................5-44 Table 5-36 Pins of the TOP1 signal cable between the DCCU and the DSCB.................................................5-45 Table 5-37 Installation positions of the TOP1 signal cable between the DCCU and the DSCB ......................5-48 Table 5-38 Pins of the TOP2 signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB .................................................5-49 Table 5-39 Installation positions of the TOP2 signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB.......................5-49 Table 5-40 Pins of the combined-cabinet signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB ..............................5-50 Table 5-41 Installation positions of the combined-cabinet signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB....5-53 Table 5-42 Pins of the signal cable between the DCSU and the DTRB ...........................................................5-54 Table 5-43 Installation positions of the signal cable between the DCSU and the DTRB .................................5-56 Table 5-44 Pins of W1 ......................................................................................................................................5-57 Table 5-45 Pins of W2 ......................................................................................................................................5-58 Table 5-46 Pins of W3 ......................................................................................................................................5-59 Table 5-47 Pins of W4 ......................................................................................................................................5-60 Table 5-48 Installation positions of the RS485 environment monitoring signal cable .....................................5-60 xiv Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Tables Table 5-49 Pins of the E1 signal transfer cable.................................................................................................5-61 Table 5-50 Installation positions of the E1 signal transfer cable ......................................................................5-62 Table 5-51 Pins of the monitoring signal transfer cable between the NPMI and the DSCB ............................5-64 Table 5-52 Installation positions of the monitoring signal transfer cable between the NPMI and the DSCB ..5-64 Table 5-53 Pins of the DPMU monitoring cable ..............................................................................................5-65 Table 5-54 Installation positions of the DPMU monitoring cable ....................................................................5-67 Table 5-55 Installation positions of the alarm cable for the air breaker............................................................5-68 Table 5-56 Installation positions of the alarm cable for the AC lightning arrester ...........................................5-69 Table 5-57 Pins of the cable for the temperature and humidity sensor .............................................................5-70 Table 5-58 Installation positions of the cable for the temperature and humidity sensor...................................5-70 Table 5-59 Pins of the cable for the door status sensor.....................................................................................5-71 Table 5-60 Installation positions of the cable for the door status sensor ..........................................................5-72 Table 5-61 Installation positions of the cable for the smoke sensor .................................................................5-73 Table 5-62 Installation positions of the cable for the water sensor...................................................................5-74 Table 5-63 Installation positions of the cables for the built-in battery cabin ....................................................5-75 Table 5-64 Bare wires at one end of door status and temperature sensor cable................................................5-77 Table 5-65 Installation positions of the cables for the external battery cabinet ................................................5-77 Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary xv HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 1 Overview of the Hardware 1 About This Chapter Section 1.1 Introduction to the Hardware 1.2 Hardware Description Overview of the Hardware The following table lists the sections of this chapter. Description Introduces the structure of the BTS3012AE hardware. Describes the BTS3012AE hardware. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-1 1 Overview of the Hardware HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 1.1 Introduction to the Hardware The BTS3012AE consists of the BTS3012AE cabinet, cables, auxiliary equipment, and antenna system. Figure 1-1 shows the structure of the BTS3012AE hardware. Figure 1-1 BTS3012AE hardware structure Antenna system Antenna Jumper TMA Jumper Feeder BTS3012AE cabinet Fiber E1 trunk cable Signal cable Power cable 1.2 Hardware Description Table 1-1 lists the BTS3012AE hardware. Table 1-1 BTS3012AE hardware Hardware Antenna system Description Consists of a BTS antenna system and a GPS antenna system The BTS antenna system is mandatory and the GPS antenna system is optional. Reference For the details of the structure and installation of the antenna system, refer to the BTS3012AE Base Station Installation Manual – Antenna System Installation Manual. 1-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 1 Overview of the Hardware Hardware Auxiliary equipment Description Optional Auxiliary equipment consists of the battery cabinet, power interface box, transmission interface box, DDF, GPS receiver, environment status monitor, and other monitoring equipment. Mandatory Mandatory Reference None BTS3012AE cabinet Cables Refer to Chapter 2 Cabinet Refer to Chapter 5 Cables Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-3 HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 2 Cabinet 2 About This Chapter The following table lists the sections of this chapter. Section 2.1 Introduction to the Cabinet 2.2 Cabinet Configuration 2.3 Subrack 2.4 Introduction to the Cabling Holes at the Bottom of the Cabinet 2.5 Cabinet Wiring 2.6 Technical Specifications Description Introduces the subracks. Cabinet Introduces the appearance of the cabinet. Introduces the configuration of the cabinet. Introduces the cabling holes at the bottom of the cabinet. Describes the cabinet wiring. Describes the technical specifications, including specifications related to dimensions, weight, power supply, and power consumption. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-1 2 Cabinet HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 2.1 Introduction to the Cabinet The BTS3012AE cabinet has a modular design and conforms to the IEC60297 standard. Figure 2-1 shows the BTS3012AE cabinet. Figure 2-1 BTS3012AE cabinet 2.2 Cabinet Configuration As the core of the BTS, the BTS3012AE cabinet mainly processes BTS signals. The DFCU has the same functions as the DDPU and the DCOM, so you can choose either of the following schemes for the DAFU subrack of the BTS3012AE: DDPU and DCOM DFCU 2-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 2 Cabinet Part (A) in Figure 2-2 shows the single cabinet in full configuration when the BTS3012AE is configured with the DDPU and the DCOM. Part (B) in Figure 2-2 shows the single cabinet in full configuration when the BTS3012AE is configured with the DFCU. Figure 2-2 BTS3012AE cabinet in full configuration 11 Air return 10 DC PDU DCSU DCCU DATU DTMU DTMU Air return 1 D D P U D D P U D D P U Air return DC PDU DTMU DTMU DCSU DCCU DATU Air return Wire holder 9 Transmission unit Wire holder Transmission unit D F C U D F C U D F C U BAT -48V 50AH 8 Wire holder D T R U D T R U D T R U D T R U D T R U D T R U 2 BAT -48V 50AH Wire holder D T R U D T R U D T R U D T R U D T R U D T R U Air inlet Air inlet Wire holder 7 BAT -48V 150AH FAN Air inlet DELU 1/DGLU DMLU/DGLU DELU 0 Wire holder 3 4 5 BAT -48V 150AH FAN Air inlet DELU 1/DGLU DMLU/DGLU DELU 0 PSU PSU PSU PSU PSU DPMU PSU PSU PSU PSU PSU PSU PSU PSU DPMU PSU PSU PSU Cable in/out EMI AC PDU 6 (B) Cable in/out EMI AC PDU (A) (1) DAFU subrack (5) Power subrack (9) Transmission equipment subrack (2) DTRU subrack (6) AC power distribution subrack (10) Common subrack (3) Fan subrack (7) 150 AH battery cabin (11) DC power distribution subrack (4) Signal lightning protection subrack (8) 50 AH battery cabin - Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-3 2 Cabinet HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual At present, the DFCU supports only the EGSM 900 M band. The DFCU is used only when the configuration is S4/4/4 or higher. As shown in part (A) of Figure 2-2, the DAFU subrack can be configured with DCOMs according to the actual situation. 2.3 Subrack 2.3.1 DAFU Subrack The DAFU subrack mainly performs the following functions: Transmit/receive duplex and transmission combining of radio frequency (RF) signals Receive diversity and received signal amplification Low noise amplification control You can choose the DDPU or DFCU for the DAFU subrack. The DDPU and the DFCU can be placed in each other's slots. If the DAFU subrack is configured with only the DDPUs, the number of DDPUs in full configuration is generally three. The DCOMs are used only when the cell is configured with more than four carriers. If no DCOMs are used, a maximum of six DDPUs can be configured. If the DAFU subrack is configured with only the DFCUs, the number of DFCUs in full configuration is generally three. The interfaces of the DDPUs, DFCUs, and DCOMs are on the front panel. The boards of the DAFU subrack connect with other boards or units in the cabinet through cables. For the position of the DAFU subrack, see Figure 2-2. 2.3.2 DTRU Subrack The DTRU subrack mainly performs the following functions: RF signal processing Output power coupling Downlink signal amplification The DTRU subrack supports a maximum of six DTRUs. The DTRU subrack uses the DTRU backplane (DTRB) to transmit signals. The RF cables and power cables of the DTRU are on the front panel. For the position of the DTRU subrack, see Figure 2-2. 2.3.3 Fan Subrack The fan subrack has one fan box, which contains four fans and one Fan Monitor and Control Board (FMCB). For the position of the fan subrack, see Figure 2-2. 2-4 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 2 Cabinet 2.3.4 Signal Lightning Protection Subrack The full configuration of the signal lightning protection subrack is as follows: One E1 Signal Lightning Protection Units for the DTRU BTS (DELU) One Monitor Signal Lightning Protection Unit for the DTRU BTS (DMLU) One Combined Group Signal Lightning Protection Unit for the DTRU (DGLU) is required when the distance between cabinet groups is 2–5 meters. One Cabinet Signal Connection Backboard (DSCB) For the position of the signal lightning protection subrack, see Figure 2-2. 2.3.5 Power Subrack The full configuration of the power subrack is as follows: One Power and Environment Monitoring unit for the DTRU BTS (DPMU) Seven Power Supply Units (PSUs) For the position of the power subrack, see Figure 2-2. 2.3.6 AC Power Distribution Subrack The AC power distribution subrack has one EMI filter and one AC Power Distribution Unit (PDU) that controls the AC power supply and protects the modules. The AC power distribution subrack has four 32-A air breakers, one 10-A air breaker, and one maintenance switch. For the position of the AC power distribution subrack, see Figure 2-2. 2.3.7 Battery Cabin The BTS3012AE has two battery cabins. The –48 V 150 AH battery cabin is in the lowest subrack of the left half cabinet. The –48 V 50 AH battery cabin is in the second lowest subrack of the left half cabinet. When the external AC power supply or the PSU in the power subrack fails, the built-in 200 AH battery can provide power for four hours in S4/4/4 mode when the traffic volume is normal. For the position of the BTS3012AE battery cabins, see Figure 2-2. 2.3.8 Transmission Equipment Subrack The transmission equipment subrack houses the built-in E1, SDH, and micro-wave transmission equipment or other user equipment. The reserved space provided by Huawei is of two configuration modes: 150 AH + 7 U 150 AH + 50 AH + 2 U The customer can choose one configuration mode according to the requirement. For the position of the transmission equipment subrack in the cabinet, see Figure 2-2. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-5 2 Cabinet HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 2.3.9 Common Subrack The common subrack manages the entire BTS3012AE by providing the following items: Reference clock Power supply interface Transmission interface Maintenance interface External alarm-collecting interface Control of the Remote Electrical Tilt Unit cable (RET) Feed of the Tower Mounted Amplifier (TMA) The full configuration of the common subrack is as follows: Two Transmission/Timing/Management Units for the DTRU BTS (DTMUs) Two Antenna and TMA Control Units for the DTRU BTS (DATUs) − − When a single BTS3012AE cabinet serves three or less cells, it requires only one DATU. When a single BTS3012AE cabinet serves more than three cells, it requires two DATUs and one or multiple TMAs. One Combined cabinet Signal connection Unit for the DTRU BTS (DCSU) One Cable Connection Unit for the DTRU BTS (DCCU) The common subrack uses the Common Module Backplane for DTRU BTS (DCMB) to transmit signals between the boards in the common subrack. The ports of all the boards in the common subrack are on the front panel. For the position of the common subrack, see Figure 2-2. 2.3.10 DC Power Distribution Subrack The DC power distribution subrack has one DC PDU (Power Distribution Unit) that is used to distribute DC power supply and protect the modules. The DC power distribution box has thirteen 3V3 power connectors and sixteen power switches. 2.4 Introduction to the Cabling Holes at the Bottom of the Cabinet All the external cables of the BTS3012AE are led into or led out of the cabinet through the cabling holes at the bottom of the cabinet. 2-6 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 2 Cabinet Figure 2-3 shows the cabling holes at the bottom of the BTS3012AE cabinet. Figure 2-3 Cabling holes at the bottom of the BTS3012AE cabinet 1 2 3 4 Bottom plate of the BTS3012AE 5 6 (1) GPS cabling hole (5) Grounding bar (2) AC lightning (3) Cabling hole for the RF (4) Waterproof arrester jumper module subrack (6) Cabling hole for the E1 trunk cable, environment monitoring cable, or cabinet group cable Figure 2-4 shows the silkscreens of the cabling holes. Figure 2-4 Silkscreens of the cabling holes BAT PGND PGND D1 PGND 02 SW IN RRU -48V RRU GND Microwave 01 Signal 02 BAT DOOR BAT TEM L2 AC L out L3 AC L out Signal 01 Microwave 02 S/HDSL-01 E1-3 E1-1/OUT L1 Microwave 03 S/HDSL-02 E1-4 Microwave 04 E1-2/OUT ANT11 ANT8 ANT5 ANT2 (1) Silkscreen of the (2) Silkscreen of the cabling hole for E1 trunk cable, environment waterproof module subrack monitoring cable, or cabinet group cable (3) Silkscreen of the cabling hole for the RF jumper Issue 03 (2007-03-15) N 1 ANT10 ANT7 ANT4 ANT1 ANT9 COMPRESS COMPRESS 2 ANT6 ANT3 ANT0 3 Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-7 2 Cabinet HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual The introduction to the major parts at the bottom of the BTS3012AE cabinet is as follows: The GPS cabling hole connects the GPS clock cable. The introduced GPS signal is used as the reference clock signal for the cabinet. The BTS3012AE AC lightning arrester is of two types: the lightning arrester for 220 V AC and the lightning arrester for 110 V AC dual-live. The waterproof module provides cabling holes for the PGND cable of the battery cabinet, external power cables (L1, L2, L3, and N), PGND combined cabinet 01, PGND combined cabinet 02, AC output live wire, and AC output neutral wire. The grounding bar is used to ground the power cable and protection ground cable. The cabling hole for E1 trunk cable, environment monitoring cable, or cabinet group cable is used to connect these cables. The cabling hole for the RF jumper is the cabling hole for the 1/4-inch jumper and 1/2inch jumper. These two jumpers are used to connect the feeder in the antenna system and the feeder port on the DDPU or on the DFCU. 2.5 Cabinet Wiring 2.5.1 Overview Subsequently, the BTS3012AE cabinet wiring refers to the internal wiring of the cabinet. The following topics describe the internal wiring of the cabinet. 2.5.2 Wiring on the Front of the Cabinet Figure 2-5 shows the cable layout at the front of the cabinet, which is configured with the DDPU. 2-8 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 2 Cabinet In Figure 2-5, the RF cables between the DTRU and the DDPU are configured in S4/4/4 mode. Generally, the DCOM is not configured in S4/4/4 mode. In Figure 2-5, the additional DCOM is used to describe the wiring between the DSCB and the DAFU subrack. Figure 2-5 Wiring on the front of the BTS3012AE cabinet (configured with the DDPU) DDPU S6.1 DTMUDTMU DCSUDCCUDATU DCOM S6.2 DDPU S6.3 DCOM S7.1 DDPU S7.2 DCOM S7.3 S3 P7.1 R7 R8 R1 P7.2 R9 R10 R3 P7.3 R11 R12 R5 S1 S11 S12 S2 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 R13 R14 R2 R15 R16 R4 R17 R18 R6 S5 P9 DTRU R19 R1 P10 DTRU R21 R2 DTRU R23 R3 DTRU R25 R4 DTRU R27 R5 DTRU R29 R6 P8 P16 P8 D T S12R B R20 R22 R24 R26 R28 R30 R7 R13 R8 R14 R9 R15 R10 R16 R11 R17 P5 R12 R18 P13 P4 P1 P15 FAN S11.3 P11 S11.2 S2 S22 S23 S1 S5 S4 S21 S7 S10 S9 S6 P9 P2 P3 P6 S8 S3 PSU S11.1 S13 PSU PSU PSU Cable inlet EMI Signal cable Power cable AC PDU RF cable Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-9 2 Cabinet HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Figure 2-6 shows the cable layout at the front of the cabinet, which is configured with the DFCU. Figure 2-6 Cable layout at the front of the BTS3012AE cabinet (configured with the DFCU) S6.1 DFCU DTMU DTMU DCSU DCCU DATU S6.2 DFCU R1 R7 R8 R32 R3 R9 R10 R31 S6.3 DFCU S24 S 3 R2 S1 S11 S 2 P1 P2 P3 P4 S25 S12 P5 P6 P7 DTRU S7.1 S7.2 R4 DTRU DTRU DTRU S7.3 S5 P8 P16 P8 D S12T R B P9 P10 DTRU DTRU P13 P4 P1 P15 S11.3 P11 S11.2 S1 S3 S5 S4 S2 S23 S21 S10 S9 S22 S6 P2 P3 FAN P9 S8 P5 P6 PSU S11.1 S13 PSU PSU PSU Cable inlet EMI Signal cable Power cable AC PDU RF cable As shown in Figure 2-6, the RF cable connections between the DTRU and the DFCU are based on the S4/4/4 mode. As the number of cables is great, for easy recognition, connections of only the power detection cables are provided in sector 1 and connections of only the RF Tx cables and RF Rx cables are provided in sector 2. Actually, power detection cables, RF Tx cables, and RF Rx cables must be connected in all the sectors. As shown in Figure 2-5 and Figure 2-6, S4 and S13 connect to the port on the NodeB Power Monitor unit Interface board (NPMI). 2-10 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 2 Cabinet Figure 2-7 shows the wiring of the NPMI. Figure 2-7 NPMI wiring S16 S15 S14 BAT_TEM3 JAC2 JK2 FU_ALM BAT_TEM1 JAC1 JK1 BAT_TEM2 S4 COM 1 S13 JTD1 JTD2 JTD3 TEM_HUM J1 COM 2 JTD4 COM 3 JKM1 SMOKE WATER DOOR JTD5 JTD6 JTD7 COM 4 S17 S18 S19 S20 Table 2-1 lists the cables on the front of the cabinet. Table 2-1 Cables on the front of the cabinet Cable No. R1−R6 R7−R18 R19−R30 R31 R32 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 Cable Name RF Tx signal cable RF Rx signal cable Cable for combiner on the DTRU Four-in-one short-circuiting cable Diversity receive short-circuiting cable Combined-cabinet signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB TOP1 signal cable from the DCCU to the DSCB E1 signal transfer cable Monitoring transfer cable from the NPMI to the DSCB TOP2 signal cable from the DCSU to the DSCB Signal cable between the DSCB and slots 0 through 2 in the DAFU subrack Quantity 6 12 12 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-11 2 Cabinet HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Cable No. S7 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23 S24~S25 P1–P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11–P14 P15–P18 Cable Name Signal cable between the DSCB and slots 3 through 5 in the DAFU subrack Close signal cable 1 between cabinet groups Close signal cable 2 between cabinet groups RS485 environment monitoring signal cable Signal cable between the DCSU and the DTRB DPMU monitoring cable Alarm cable for the air breaker Cable for the temperature sensor of the built-in batteries Alarm cable for the AC lightning arrester Cable for the temperature and humidity sensor Cable for the water sensor Cable for the door status sensor Cable for the smoke sensor 75-ohm/120-ohm E1 cable Far signal cable between cabinet groups Boolean value input cable Power detection cable Power cable between the DC power distribution box and DTRU 0–DTRU 6 Power cable between the DC power distribution box and the DAFU subrack Power cable between the DC power distribution box and the DCCU Power cable between the DC power distribution box and the FAN subrack Power cable between the DC power distribution box and the heat exchanger PGND cable PGND cable Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 6 2 1 1 1 4 4 2-12 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 2 Cabinet 2.5.3 Wiring at the Rear of the Cabinet Figure 2-8 shows the wiring at the rear of the cabinet. Figure 2-8 Wring at the rear of the BTS3012AE cabinet 10 RTN S14 -48V Load1 9 S17 S19 -48V Load2 8 S20 13 14 15 S14 RTN -48V Air conditioner or heat exchanger S18.1 S18.2 S15 S11 P10 12 S12 P18 P17 10,14 8 9 13 P12 4 5 6 1 23 7 RTN Load1 Load2 BA T 12.2 12.1 10987 6 543 11 21 L4L4L5L5L6L6L7L7L8L8 7 P14 4,5 3 2 1 Power cable Signal cable Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-13 2 Cabinet HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Table 2-2 lists the cables at the rear of the cabinet. Table 2-2 Cables at the rear of the BTS3012AE cabinet Cable No. S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S17 S18 S19 S20 P10 P11–P14 P15–P18 1–3 4, 5 6–8 9–11 12 13 14 15 Cable Name RS485 environment monitoring signal cable Signal cable between the DCSU and the DTRB DPMU monitoring cable Alarm cable for the air breaker Cable for the temperature sensor of the built-in batteries Cable for the temperature and humidity sensor Cable for the water sensor Cable for the door status sensor Cable for the smoke sensor Power cable between the DC power distribution box and the heat exchanger PGND cable PGND cable Live wire between the filter and the terminal at the rear of the AC power distribution box Neutral wire between the filter and the terminal at the rear of the AC power distribution box Live wire between the terminal at the rear of the AC power distribution box and the PSU Neutral wire between the terminal at the rear of the AC power distribution box and the PSU AC power cable between the AC power distribution box and the HX PSU BAT output power cable to air breaker Battery compartment positive pole Air breaker to battery compartment negative pole Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 2-14 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 2 Cabinet 2.6 Technical Specifications 2.6.1 Dimensions Table 2-3 shows the dimensions of the BTS3012AE cabinet. Table 2-3 Dimensions of the BTS3012AE cabinet Item Cabinet Cabinet plus base Width (mm) 1,000 1,000 Depth (mm) 880 880 Height (mm) 1,700 1,900 2.6.2 Weight Table 2-4 lists the weight of the BTS3012AE cabinet. Table 2-4 Weight of the BTS3012AE cabinet DAFU Subrack The DDPU is configured Configuration Type Empty cabinet (excluding the heat exchanger or internal subracks) Assembly cabinet (including the heat exchanger and internal subracks) Full configuration (no storage batteries, configured with a front door and all the boards) The DFCU is configured Empty cabinet (excluding the heat exchanger or internal subracks) Assembly cabinet (including the heat exchanger and internal subracks) Full configuration (no storage batteries, configured with a front door and all the boards) Weight (kg) 200 310 390 200 310 420 2.6.3 Power Supply Table 2-5 lists the specifications for the BTS3012AE power supply. Table 2-5 Specifications for the BTS3012AE power supply. Rated Voltage(V AC) 196–240 ! 10% (phase voltage) Rated Power 45–65 Hz Power Distribution Type 220 V AC single-phase input Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-15 2 Cabinet HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Rated Voltage(V AC) 196–240 + 10% (phase voltage) 196–240 + 10% (line voltage) Rated Power 45–65 Hz 45–65 Hz Power Distribution Type 220 V AC 3-phase power input 110 V AC dual-live input Table 2-6 lists the types of voltage supported by the BTS3012AE. Table 2-6 Voltage types supported by the BTS3012AE Rated Voltage(V AC) 220 (phase voltage) 230 (phase voltage) 240 (phase voltage) 380/220 (line voltage/phase voltage) 400/230 (line voltage/phase voltage) 415/240 (line voltage/phase voltage) 220/110 (line voltage/phase voltage) 230/115 (line voltage/phase voltage) 240/120(line voltage/phase voltage) 200/115 (line voltage/phase voltage) 208/120 (line voltage/phase voltage) 216/125 (line voltage/phase voltage) 220/127 (line voltage/phase voltage) 50 Hz or 60 Hz 110 V AC dual-live input 50 Hz or 60 Hz 220 V AC3-phase power input Rated Power 50 Hz or 60 Hz Power Distribution Type 220 V AC single-phase input 2-16 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 2 Cabinet 2.6.4 Power Consumption Table 2-7 lists the recommended and maximum power consumption of the BTS3012AE in recommended configuration mode. Table 2-7 Power consumption of the BTS3012AE Power Consumption Mean value Condition Normal temperature, 900 MHz 60 W TRX, S4/4/4 full configuration, heat exchanger out of work, AC power consumption in mean traffic volume Normal temperature, 900 MHz 60 W TRX, S4/4/4 full configuration, maximum AC power consumption (including the charging power consumption of the storage battery) when heat exchanger out of work Value 2.4 kW Maximum value 5.6 kW Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-17 HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 3 Assemblies 3 About This Chapter The following table lists the sections of this chapter. Section 3.1 Heat Exchanger 3.2 Battery 3.3 Waterproof Module 3.4 NPMI Description Assemblies Introduces the heat exchanger of the BTS3012AE cabinet. Introduces the battery of the BTS3012AE. Introduces the waterproof module of the BTS3012AE. Introduces the NPMI module. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-1 3 Assemblies HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 3.1 Heat Exchanger A heat exchanger is installed on the front door of the BTS3012AE cabinet to adjust the temperature of the cabinet. The heat exchanger has high reliability. It can generate alarms if faults occur. Figure 3-1 shows the heat exchanger of the BTS3012AE. When the BTS3012AE cabinet is configured with a heat exchanger and a sunshade, the working temperature ranges from –40°C to +45°C. Figure 3-1 Heat exchanger The silkscreens and functions of the ports on these two types of heat exchangers are the same. 3-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 3 Assemblies Table 3-1 describes the ports on these two types of heat exchangers. Table 3-1 Ports on the heat exchanger Port COM Port DC Power AC Power Type DB15 male connector Common large 3pin connector Common power connector Description Connects to the RS485 environment monitoring signal cable Connects to the DC power cable Connects to the AC power cable 3.2 Battery The battery is optional. The BTS3012AE provides a built-in battery cabin and an external battery cabinet. When the external power supply fails, the batteries in the built-in battery cabin or external battery cabinet are used to provide temporary power for the cabinet. Built-In Battery Cabin The BTS3012AE cabinet has a –48 VDC 150 AH battery cabin and a –48 VDC 50 AH battery cabin. The maximum configuration of the battery is 200 AH. In S4/4/4 configuration mode, the built-in 200 AH battery can provide power for four hours when the traffic volume is normal. External Battery Cabinet The external storage batteries can provide up to 600 AH power. Under an S4/4/4 site configuration, the external storage batteries can supply power for more than four hours when the traffic volume remains at a normal level. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-3 3 Assemblies HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 3.3 Waterproof Module The waterproof module is a blue rubber module. Figure 3-2 shows a half waterproof module. Figure 3-2 Waterproof module (half unit) 1 2 (1) Fill block (2) Core layer Table 3-2 lists the three types of waterproof module. Table 3-2 Waterproof module types Type CM 15w40 PE CM 20w40 PE CM 30w40 PE Dimensions (Height % Width % Depth) 15 mm % 40 mm % 40 mm 20 mm % 40 mm % 40 mm 30 mm % 40 mm % 40 mm 3.4 NPMI The NPMI is placed on the top of the cabinet. It is used to transmit the monitoring signals of the BTS3012AE. 3-4 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 3 Assemblies Figure 3-3 shows the ports on the NPMI. Figure 3-3 Ports on the NPMI BAT_TEM3 JAC2 JK2 FU_ALM JAC1 JK1 BAT_TEM2 BAT_TEM1 JTD1 COM 1 JTD2 JTD3 TEM_HUM COM 2 JTD4 COM 3 JKM1 SMOKE WATER DOOR JTD5 JTD6 JTD7 J1 COM 4 Table 3-3 lists the ports on the NPMI. Table 3-3 Ports on the NPMI Port BAT_TEM3 BAT_TEM2 BAT_TEM1 FU_ALM JAC2–JAC1 JK2–JK1 JTD1, JTD2, and JTD4–JTD7 JTD3 TEM_HUM JKM1 SMOKE WATER DOOR J1 Connector 4-pin common connector 2-pin common connector 2-pin common connector 2-pin common connector 2-pin common connector 2-pin common connector 4-pin common connector 4-pin common connector 4-pin common connector 2-pin common connector 2-pin common connector 4-pin common connector 2-pin common connector DB50 female connector Function Battery temperature sensor port External battery temperature sensor port Internal battery temperature sensor port Battery broken circuit alarm port Optical coupling output control port Main contact point output control port Main contact point alarm input port AC lightning arrester alarm port Temperature and humidity signal input port Lightning arrester alarm port Smoke sensor port Water sensor port Door status sensor port Transferring NPMI signals to the DPMU Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-5 3 Assemblies HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Port COM1–COM4 Connector 5-pin common connector Function Reserved CBUS communication port 3-6 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards 4 About This Chapter The following table lists the contents of this chapter. Section 4.1 Overview 4.2 DTMU~4.16 PSU Describes Boards Lists the boards and modules of the BTS3012AE. Introduces the boards and modules of the BTS3012AE in terms of front panel, port, indicator, and DIP switch. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-1 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4.1 Overview This chapter describes the following aspects of the BTS3012AE boards: Function Panel Indicator Port DIP switch Table 4-1 lists the BTS3012AE boards. Table 4-1 BTS3012AE board category Subsystem Board Full Name Configuration (Single Cabinet) Maximum Common subsystem DTMU DATU DCSU Transmission/Timing/Managem ent Unit for the DTRU BTS Antenna and TMA Control Unit for the DTRU BTS Combined cabinet Signal connection Unit for the DTRU BTS Cable Connection Unit for the DTRU BTS Cabinet Signal Connection Backboard E1 Signal Lightning Protection Unit for the DTRU BTS Combined Group Signal Lightning-Protection Unit for the DTRU Monitor Signal Lightning Protection Unit for the DTRU BTS Double-Transceiver Unit 2 2 1 Minimum 1 0 1 DCCU Signal protection subsystem DSCB DELU 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 DGLU DMLU 1 0 Doubletransceiver subsystem DTRU 6 1 4-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards Subsystem Board Full Name Configuration (Single Cabinet) Maximum Minimum 0 0 0 1 1+1 1 Front-end of the RF subsystem DCOM DDPU DFCU Combining Unit for the DTRU BTS Dual-Duplexer Unit for the DTRU BTS Filter Combiner Unit for DTRU BTS FAN Box Power Supply Unit Power and Environment Monitoring Unit for the DTRU BTS 3 6 3 1 7 1 FAN subrack Power subrack FAN Box PSU DPMU 4.2 DTMU 4.2.1 Functions The DTMU is placed in slot 0 and slot 1 of the common subrack. It is a mandatory module. There are two DTMUs in full configuration and only one DTMU in minimum configuration. The DTMU is an entity for basic transmission and control in the BTS3012AE. It works as a main controller. The DTMU performs the following functions Providing the external GPS input Providing the BITS synchronized clock input Backup between the active and standby boards Provides a 10 Mbit/s Ethernet network port for terminal maintenance Providing four E1 inputs by default Controlling, maintaining, and operating the BTS Downloading the BTS software Providing fault management, configuration management, performance management, and security management Providing and managing the centralized clock Providing the hot backup for the clock unit Providing backup for the E1 port and main control unit Supporting eight digital alarm inputs, two of them being lightning arrester failure alarm Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-3 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual inputs Supporting four extended digital control signal outputs Monitoring the external fan control panel and power module 4.2.2 Panel Figure 4-1 shows the panel of the DTMU. Figure 4-1 DTMU panel DTMU RUN ACT PLL LIU1 LIU2 LIU3 LIU4 SWT ALM RST MMI T2M FCLK T13M 4-4 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards 4.2.3 Indicators Table 4-2 lists the indicators on the DTMU panel. Table 4-2 DTMU indicators Indicator RUN Color Green Description Indicates the board operation Status Slow flash (on for 2 seconds and off for 2 seconds) Slow flash (on for 1 second and off for 1 second) Fast flash at uncertain intervals Off ACT Green Indicates whether the board is active or standby Indicates the clock status Off On Off On Fast flash (on for 0.125 seconds and off for 0.125 seconds) Fast flash (on for 0.5 seconds and off for 0.5 seconds) Lock BSC data loading Normal Meaning The OML is blocked. Power failure of the board Standby Active Abnormal clock Free-run Pull-in PLL Green Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-5 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Indicator LIU1 Color Green Description Indicates the transmission status of E1 port 1 and port 5 Status Off Meaning E1 port 1 is normal when SWT is off. E1 port 5 is normal when SWT is on. On E1 port 1 near end alarm occurs when SWT is off. E1 port 5 near end alarm occurs when SWT is on. Fast flash (on for 0.125 seconds and off for 0.125 seconds) LIU2 Green Indicates the transmission status of E1 port 2 and port 6 Off E1 port 1 remote end alarm occurs when SWT is off. E1 port 5 remote end alarm occurs when SWT is on. E1 port 2 is normal when SWT is off. E1 port 6 is normal when SWT is on. On E1 port 2 near end alarm occurs when SWT is off. E1 port 6 near end alarm occurs when SWT is on. Fast flash (on for 0.125 seconds and off for 0.125 seconds) LIU3 Green Indicates the transmission status of E1 port 3 and port 7 Off E1 port 2 remote end alarm occurs when SWT is off. E1 port 6 remote end alarm occurs when SWT is on. E1 port 3 is normal when SWT is off. E1 port 7 is normal when SWT is on. On E1 port 3 near end alarm occurs when SWT is off. E1 port 7 near end alarm occurs when SWT is on. Fast flash (on for 0.125 seconds and off for 0.125 seconds) E1 port 3 remote end alarm occurs when SWT is off. E1 port 7 remote end alarm occurs when SWT is on. 4-6 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards Indicator LIU4 Color Green Description Indicates the transmission status of E1 port 4 and port 8 Status Off Meaning E1 port 4 is normal when SWT is off. E1 port 8 is normal when SWT is on. On E1 port 4 near end alarm occurs when SWT is off. E1 port 8 near end alarm occurs when SWT is on. Fast flash (on for 0.125 seconds and off for 0.125 seconds) SWT Green Indicates the transmission status of E1 routes When the DTMU supports eight E1 routes, the SWT status is slow flash (on for 10 seconds and off for 10 seconds) When the DTMU supports four E1 routes, the SWT indicator is always off. ALM Red Alarm indicators Off On E1 port 4 remote end alarm occurs when SWT is off. E1 port 8 remote end alarm occurs when SWT is on. When the SWT off, LIU1 to LIU4 indicate the transmission status of E1 port 1 to 4. When the SWT on, LIU1 to LIU4 indicate the transmission status of E1 port 5 to 8. LIU1 to LIU4 indicate the transmission status of E1 port 1 to 4. No board alarm Board alarm If the DTMU supports eight E1 routes and only the first line is used, the description of the indicators is as follows: When SWT is off, LIU1 is off and LIU2–LIU4 is on. When SWT is on, LIU1–LIU4 is on. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-7 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4.2.4 Ports Table 4-3 lists the ports on the DTMU panel. Table 4-3 Ports on the DTMU panel Port T2M FCLK T13M MMI Type SMB (female) SMB (female) SMB (female) RJ45 Description Output reference testing clock 216.7 Hz frame clock 13 MHz primary reference clock Terminal maintenance network port 4.2.5 DIP Switches The DTMU has five DIP switches on its front panel. S4, S5, S6, and S7 are used to select whether the rings of E1s 1–8 are grounded. S3 is reserved. Figure 4-2 shows the initial settings of the DIP switches on the DTMU. Figure 4-2 DIP switches on the DTMU ON S4 S5 S6 S7 S3 OFF 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4-8 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards Table 4-4 lists the DIP switches on the DTMU. Table 4-4 S4/S5/S6/S7 DIP switches DIP Switch S5 DIP Bit 1 ON/OFF ON OFF 2 ON OFF 3 ON OFF 4 ON OFF S4 1 ON OFF 2 ON OFF 3 ON OFF 4 ON OFF S7 1 ON OFF 2 ON OFF 3 ON OFF 4 ON OFF Function E1 1, sending, ring grounded E1 1, sending, ring ungrounded E1 1, receiving, ring grounded E1 1, receiving, ring ungrounded E1 2, sending, ring grounded E1 2, sending, ring ungrounded E1 2, receiving, ring grounded E1 2, receiving, ring ungrounded E1 3, sending, ring grounded E1 3, sending, ring ungrounded E1 3, receiving, ring grounded E1 3, receiving, ring ungrounded E1 4, sending, ring grounded E1 4, sending, ring ungrounded E1 4, receiving, ring grounded E1 4, receiving, ring ungrounded E1 5, sending, ring grounded E1 5, sending, ring ungrounded E1 5, receiving, ring grounded E1 5, receiving, ring ungrounded E1 6, sending, ring grounded E1 6, sending, ring ungrounded E1 6, receiving, ring grounded E1 6, receiving, ring ungrounded Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-9 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual DIP Switch S6 DIP Bit 1 ON/OFF ON OFF Function E1 7, sending, ring grounded E1 7, sending, ring ungrounded E1 7, receiving, ring grounded E1 7, receiving, ring ungrounded E1 8, sending, ring grounded E1 8, sending, ring ungrounded E1 8, receiving, ring grounded E1 8, receiving, ring ungrounded 2 ON OFF 3 ON OFF 4 ON OFF 4.3 DATU 4.3.1 Functions The DATU is placed in slots 2 to 4 and slot 7 of the common subrack. The DATU is optional. The BTS3012AE supports a maximum of two DATUs. The DATU performs the following functions: Transmitting the remote electrical tilt unit (RET) control signals Feeding the TMA Reporting alarms related to the control of the RET antenna and monitoring the feed current 4-10 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards 4.3.2 Panel Figure 4-3 shows the DATU panel. Figure 4-3 DATU panel DATU RUN ACT ALM ANT0 ANT1 ANT2 ANT3 ANT4 ANT5 Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-11 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4.3.3 Indicators Table 4-5 lists the indicators on the DATU panel. Table 4-5 DATU indicators Indicator RUN Color Green Description Indicates the running status of the board Status Slow flash (on for 2 seconds and off for 2 seconds) Slow flash (on for 1 second and off for 1 second) Off ACT Green Indicates the running status of the services On Off Fast flash at uncertain intervals On Off Meaning There is power supply but the communication with the DTMU is abnormal. The board is running normally and the communication with the DTMU is normal. There is no power supply and the board or software is faulty. The link of AISG is normal. The link of AISG is abnormal. The link of AISG is being set up. ALM Red Alarm indicator An alarm is generated, such as an overcurrent alarm. The board is running normally. 4.3.4 Ports Table 4-6 lists the ports on the DATU panel Table 4-6 Ports on the DATU panel Port ANT0 ANT1 ANT2 ANT3 ANT4 ANT5 Type SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) Description Feeds and transmits RET control signals. Feed Feeds and transmits RET control signals. Feed Feeds and transmits RET control signals. Feed 4-12 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards 4.3.5 DIP Switches The DATU has three DIP switches on its front panel. Figure 4-4 shows the initial settings for the DIP switches on the DATU. Figure 4-4 DIP switches on the DATU 4 1 OFF ON SW2 ON OFF 1 SW1 4 OFF ON 4 1 SW3 Table 4-7 lists the settings for the DIP switches. Table 4-7 Settings for the DIP switches on the DATU DIP Switch DIP Bit ON/OFF Function SW1 1 ON OFF Enabling the single-chip microcomputer loading in the case of debugging Normal working mode Enabling the single-chip microcomputer loading in the case of debugging Normal working mode Normal working mode Enabling the single-chip microcomputer loading in the case of debugging Normal working mode Enabling the single-chip microcomputer loading in the case of debugging 2 ON OFF 3 ON OFF 4 ON OFF Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-13 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual DIP Switch DIP Bit ON/OFF Function SW2 1 ON OFF No.1 feed output: ON No.1 feed output: OFF No.2 feed output: ON No.2 feed output: OFF No.3 feed output: ON No.3 feed output: OFF No.4 feed output: ON No.4 feed output: OFF No.5 feed output: ON No.5 feed output: OFF No.6 feed output: ON No.6 feed output: OFF Reserved Reserved 2 ON OFF 3 ON OFF 4 ON OFF SW3 1 ON OFF 2 ON OFF 3 4 - 4.4 DCSU 4.4.1 Functions The DCSU is placed in slot 5 of the common subrack. There is only one DCSU and it is mandatory. The DCSU is used to transmit cabinet-group signals and combined-cabinet signals between the common subrack and the DSCB. 4-14 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards 4.4.2 Panel Figure 4-5 shows the DCSU panel. Figure 4-5 DCSU panel DCSU CC_OUT CC_IN TO_DTRB TOP2 4.4.3 Ports Table 4-8 lists the ports on the DCSU panel. Table 4-8 Ports on the DCSU panel Silkscreen Type Description CC_OUT CC_IN To_DTRB TOP2 MD64 (female) MD64 (female) MD64 (female) DB26 (female) For cable output from the combined cabinets For cable input to the combined cabinets Connecting to the DTRB through cables Connecting to the DSCB through cables 4.4.4 DIP Switches The DCSU has 14 DIP switches. SW12, SW13, and SW14 are reserved. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-15 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Figure 4-6 shows the initial settings for the DIP switches on the DCSU. Figure 4-6 DIP switches on the DCSU ON SW6 OFF 1 SW9 SW7 4 1 4 SW10 1 4 1 ON OFF 4 SW8 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ON OFF ON OFF SW5 SW14 ON ON OFF SW4 1 SW13 4 4 1 SW3 1 SW12 1 SW2 1 4 1 SW11 1 SW1 1 SW1 and SW11 are used to set the main cabinet and extension cabinet in the cabinet group, and to select the terminal match. Table 4-9 lists the settings for SW1. Table 4-9 Settings for SW1 SW1 Function All ON All OFF Main cabinet of the main cabinet group Other cases Table 4-10 lists the settings for SW11. Table 4-10 Settings for SW11 SW11 Function All ON All OFF CBUS1 terminal match CBUS1 no terminal match The descriptions of SW11 in different situations are as follows: Single cabinet: All ON Combined cabinet: All ON Two-cabinet group: All ON 4-16 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards Three-cabinet group: All OFF for the main cabinet and all ON for the other cabinets SW2 through SW5 are used to set the main cabinet and extension cabinet and to select the terminal match. Table 4-11 lists the settings for SW2−SW5. Table 4-11 Settings for SW2−SW5 SW2–SW5 Function All ON All OFF Main cabinet Extension cabinet SW6 and SW7 are used to set E1 impedance. See Table 4-12 for details. Table 4-12 Settings for SW6 and SW7 DIP Switch DIP Bit ON/OFF Function SW6 1 ON OFF E1 1: 75 ohms E1 1: 120 ohms E1 2: 75 ohms E1 2: 120 ohms E1 3: 75 ohms E1 3: 120 ohms E1 4: 75 ohms E1 4: 120 ohms E1 5: 75 ohms E1 5: 120 ohms E1 6: 75 ohms E1 6: 120 ohms E1 7: 75 ohms E1 7: 120 ohms E1 8: 75 ohms E1 8: 120 ohms 2 ON OFF 3 ON OFF 4 ON OFF SW7 1 ON OFF 2 ON OFF 3 ON OFF 4 ON OFF Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-17 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual SW8 is used to set the cabinet number. In a cabinet group, you need to set SW8 for the main cabinet. See Table 4-13 for details. You can use the default settings for the extension cabinets, that is, all the extension cabinets are set to ON. Table 4-13 Settings for SW8 DIP Bit 1 2 3 4 Function ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON ON ON Main cabinet of the main cabinet group Main cabinet of extension cabinet group 1 Main cabinet of extension cabinet group 2 SW9 and SW10 are used to set cabinet type. See Table 4-14 for details. Table 4-14 Settings for SW9 and SW10 SW9 1 2 3 4 SW10 1 2 3 4 Function OFF ON ON ON ON ON ON ON The cabinet type is BTS3012AE. 4.5 DCCU 4.5.1 Functions The DCCU is placed in slot 6 of the common subrack. There is only one DCCU and it is mandatory. The DCCU performs the following functions Converting the input and output signals of the common subrack Inputting the power of the common subrack Providing EMI filtering 4-18 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards 4.5.2 Panel Figure 4-7 shows the DCCU panel. Figure 4-7 DCCU panel DCCU TRAN To_FAN TO_TOP1 POWER 4.5.3 Ports Table 4-15 lists the ports on the DCCU panel. Table 4-15 Ports on the DCCU panel Silk-Screen Type Description TRAN To_FAN TO_TOP1 POWER MD64 (female) DB26 (female) MD64 (female) 3V3 power connector For E1 signal input Connects to the fan panel through cables Connects to the DSCB subrack through cables For power input of the common unit Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-19 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4.6 DSCB 4.6.1 Functions The DSCB is in the signal lightning protection subrack. It is used to transfer signals. 4.6.2 Ports Figure 4-8 shows the DSCB panel. Figure 4-8 DSCB panel TO SLAVE-MASTER (FROM DCSU) TO SLAVE CABINET TOP (FROM DCCU) TO SLAVE GROUP1 TO SLAVE GROUP2 TO DCSU TOP TO DAFU 0-2 TO DCCU E1 TO 3G E1 TO NPMI DELU 1/DGLU DMLU/DGLU DELU 0 Table 4-16 lists the ports on the DSCB panel. Table 4-16 Ports on the DSCB panel Port Silkscreen Type Description TO SLAVE–MASTER (FROM DCSU) TOP (FROM DCCU) TO DCCU E1 TO NPMI TO DCSU TOP TO 3G E1 TO DAFU 0-2 TO DAFU 3-5 TO SLAVE CABINET TO SLAVE GROUP1 TO SLAVE GROUP2 MD68 female MD68 female MD36 female MD36 female MD36 female MD36 female MD68 female MD68 female MD36 female MD36 female MD36 female Cable connector to the DCSU Cable connector to the DCCU E1 cable connector from the DCCU 486 environment monitoring cable connector to the NPMI Cable connector to the DCSU 3G E1 cable connector, unused now Cable connector to DDPU 0–DDPU 2 Cable connector to DDPU3–DDPU 5 Connector for the signal cable between combined cabinets Close connector for signal cable between cabinet groups Close connector for signal cable between cabinet groups 4-20 Huawei Technologies Proprietary TO DAFU 3-5 Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards Table 4-17 describes the slots in the DSCB subrack. Table 4-17 Slots in the DSCB subrack Slot Corresponding Board Description Slot 0 Slot 1 DELU DGLU Slot 0 is configured with only the DELU. Slot 1 of the extension cabinet group is configured with the DGLU when the distance between the cabinet groups is 2–5 meters. In the conditions except that described above, slot 1 is configured with the DMLU. Slot 2 of the main cabinet group is configured with the DGLU when the distance between the cabinet groups is 2–5 meters. In the conditions except that described above, slot 2 is configured with the DELU. DMLU Slot 2 DGLU DELU 4.7 DELU 4.7.1 Functions The DELU is in the signal lightning protection subrack. It is configured in slot 0 and slot 2 of the DSCB (from top to bottom). The BTS3012AE requires a minimum of two DELUs. One DELU can protect four channels of E1 signals from lightning strikes. 4.7.2 Panel Figure 4-9 shows the DELU panel. Figure 4-9 DELU panel DELU TR Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-21 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4.7.3 Port Table 4-18 lists the port on the DELU panel. Table 4-18 Port on the DELU panel Port Silkscreen Type Description TR DB25 female Transmits E1 lightning protection signals 4.8 DGLU 4.8.1 Functions The DGLU is in the signal lightning protection subrack. It is used to provide lightning protection for the signals of BTS3012AE cabinet groups when the distance between cabinet groups is 2–5 meters. The DGLU is optional. When the distance between cabinet groups is 2–5 meters, the DGLU is required. The BTS3012AE supports a maximum of one DGLU. The configuration principles are as follows: The DGLU in the main cabinet group is configured in slot 2 on the DSCB. The DGLU in the extension cabinet group is configured in slot 1 on the DSCB. 4.8.2 Panel Figure 4-10 shows the DGLU panel. Figure 4-10 DGLU panel DGLU CKB 4-22 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards 4.8.3 Port Table 4-19 lists the port on the DGLU panel. Table 4-19 Port on the DGLU panel Port Silkscreen Type Description CKB DB25 female Connects the clock cables of the two cabinets in a cabinet group 4.9 DMLU 4.9.1 Functions The DMLU is in the signal lightning protection subrack. It is configured in slot 1 of the DSCB. The BTS3012AE supports a maximum of one DMLU. The DMLU can protect 8 external Boolean value inputs from lightning. It also provides a 2-port 485-serial bus port. 4.9.2 Panel Figure 4-11 shows the DMLU panel. Figure 4-11 DMLU panel DMLU SW IN/OUT EAC 4.9.3 Ports Table 4-20 lists the ports on the DMLU. Table 4-20 Ports on the DMLU panel Port Silkscreen Type Description SW IN/OUT DB44 female 8-route Boolean value inputs 2-route relay signal inputs 2-port 485-serial bus port Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-23 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Port Silkscreen Type Description EAC DB9 female Connects the external environment alarm box and transmits signals. 4.10 DTRU 4.10.1 Functions The DTRU is placed in the DTRU subrack. There are a maximum of six DTRU boards. The DTRU performs the following functions: RF subsystem transmit part − − − Converting the baseband signals on the two TRXs to the RF signals Supporting up-frequency conversion of the signals and RF frequency hopping Filtering, amplifying, and outputting the combined signals Dividing and modulating the RF signals on the two TRXs Supporting transmit receive and RF frequency hopping Processing signals Supporting coding and decoding, interleaving and de-interleaving, modulation and demodulation Supporting voice fax services Supporting data services in Phase II, GPRS services, and EDGE services Supporting RF loop test and changeover of the faulty phase-lock loop Supporting transmit diversity and 4-way receive diversity Amplifying the output power RF subsystem receive part − − Baseband processing part − − − − − − − 4-24 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards 4.10.2 Panel Figure 4-12 shows the DTRU panel. Figure 4-12 DTRU panel DTRU TX1 IN1 TCOM IN2 TX2 RST RUN ACT ALM RF_IND RXM1 RXD1 RXM2 RXD2 PWR Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-25 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4.10.3 Indicators Table 4-21 lists the indicators on the DTRU panel. Table 4-21 DTRU indicator description Indicator Color Description Status Meaning RUN Green Running status and power-on indicator of the DTRU On Off Slow flash (on for 2 seconds and off for 2 seconds) Slow flash (on for 1 second and off for 1 second) Fast flash (on for 0.2 seconds and off for 0.2 seconds) There is power supply but the board is faulty. There is no power supply and the board is faulty. The board is starting. The board is running. The DTMU is sending configuration parameters to the DTRU. The board is running (the DTMU sends configuration parameters to the DTRU and the cell is starting). All the channels on the two TRXs can work normally. ACT Green TRX running status indicator On Off The communication between the DTRU and the DTMU is not set up. Only parts of the logic channels are working normally (including after TRX mutual aid). A critical alarm is generated. Slow flash (on for 1 second and off for 1 second) ALM Red Alarm indicator On (including high-frequency flash) Off The board is normal. 4-26 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards Indicator Color Description Status Meaning RF_IND Red RF interface indicator On Off Slow flash Slow flash (on for 1 second and off for 1 second) Voltage standing wave radio (VSWR) alarm Normal Radio link alarm 4.10.4 Ports Table 4-22 lists the ports on the DTRU panel. Table 4-22 Ports on the DTRU panel Port Type Description TX1 N (female) When the signals are not combined, they are sent to the RF front end through TX1. When the signals are combined, they are output to IN1 through TX1. IN1 TCOM IN2 TX2 SMA (female) N (female) SMA (female) N (female) When the signals are combined, IN1 connects to TX1. Combines and then outputs the signals from IN1 and IN2 Outputs PBT combined signals When the signals are combined, IN2 connects to TX2. When the signals are not combined, they are sent to the RF front end through TX2. When the signals are combined, they are output to IN2 through TX2. RXM1 RXD1 RXM2 RXD2 PWR SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) 3V3 power connector Main receive port of TRX 1 or Diversity 1 receive port of TRX 1 Main receive port of TRX 1 or Diversity 2 receive port of TRX 1 Main receive port of TRX 2 or Diversity 3 receive port of TRX 1 Diversity receive port of TRX 2 or Diversity 4 receive port of TRX 1 Power supply Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-27 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4.11 DDPU 4.11.1 Function The DDPU, together with the DCOM, is placed in the slots of the DAFU subrack. The DDPU is optional. The BTS3012AE can be configured with the DDPU or the DFCU. When the BTS3012AE is configured with only the DDPUs, the number of DDPUs in full configuration is generally three. If no DCOMs are configured, a maximum of six DDPUs can be configured. When the BTS3012AE is configured with only the DFCUs, the number of DFCUs in full configuration is generally three. The DDPU performs the following functions: Sending multiples routes of RF signals from the transceiver in the DTRU to the antenna through the duplexer Sending signals from the antenna after amplifying and quartering them to the transceivers in the DTRU Detecting VSWR alarms in the antenna system Receiving the gain control of the low noise amplifier 4-28 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards 4.11.2 Panel Figure 4-13 shows the DDPU panel. Figure 4-13 DDPU panel ANTB ANTA DDPU RUN ALM VSWRA VSWRB COM POWER RXA1 RXA2 RXA3 RXA4 RXB1 RXB2 RXB3 RXB4 TXB TXA Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-29 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4.11.3 Indicators Table 4-23 lists the indicators on the DDPU panel. Table 4-23 DDPU indicators Indicator Color Description Status Meaning RUN Green Running status and power indicator of the DDPU On Off Slow flash (on for 1 second and off for 1 second) Fast flash (on for 0.2 seconds and off for 0.2 seconds) There is power supply but the board is faulty. There is no power supply or the board is faulty. The board is running normally. The DTMU is sending configuration parameters to the DDPU or the DDPU is loading software programs. There are alarms (including VSWR alarms) and the board is faulty. No fault The board is starting or loading the latest application programs ALM Red Alarm indicator On (including high-frequency flash) Off Slow flash (on for 1 second and off for 1 second) VSWRA Red VSWR alarm indicator on Channel A Slow flash (on for 1 second and off for 1 second) On Off A VSWR alarm is generated in Channel A A VSWR critical alarm is generated on Channel A No VSWR alarm is generated on Channel A A VSWR alarm is generated on Channel B VSWRB Red VSWR alarm indicator on Channel B Slow flash (on for 1 second and off for 1 second) On Off A VSWR critical alarm is generated on Channel B No VSWR alarm is generated on Channel B 4-30 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards 4.11.4 Ports Table 4-24 lists the ports on the DDPU panel. Table 4-24 Ports on the DDPU panel Port Type Description COM POWER TXA TXB RXA1 RXA2 RXA3 RXA4 RXB1 RXB2 RXB3 RXB4 ANTA ANTB DB26 (female) 3V3 power connector N (female) N (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) DIN (female) DIN (female) Sends control signals, communication signals, clock signals, and subrack number signals from the DSCB to the DDPU Power supply input Input of the TX signals sent from the DTRU Input of the DCOM combining signals Input of the TX signals sent from the DTRU Input of the DCOM combining signals Main 1 output port Main 2 output port Main 3 output port Main 4 output port Diversity 1 output port Diversity 2 output port Diversity 3 output port Diversity 4 output port Connects to the indoor 1/4-inch jumper or the Bias Tee Connects to the indoor 1/4-inch jumper or the Bias Tee 4.12 DCOM 4.12.1 Functions The DCOM is placed in the DAFU subrack with the DDPU. The DCOM is optional and there are a maximum of three DCOMs. The DTRU combines two carriers into one channel. The DCOM is required when the DTRUs are insufficient. The DCOM is used to combine two channels of DTRU transmit signals and send the combined signals to the DDPU. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-31 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4.12.2 Panel Figure 4-14 shows the DCOM panel. Figure 4-14 DCOM panel DCOM ONSHELL TX-COM TX1 TX2 4.12.3 Ports Table 4-25 lists the ports on the DCOM panel. Table 4-25 Ports on the DCOM panel Port Type Description ONSHELL TX-COM TX1 TX2 DB26 (female) N (female) N (female) N (female) Outputs the in-position signal of the DCOM to the DSCB Outputs combined signals from the DCOM to the DDPU Inputs TX signals from the DTRU to the DCOM Inputs TX signals from the DTRU to the DCOM 4-32 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards 4.13 DFCU 4.13.1 Functions The DFCU is placed in the slots of the DAFU subrack. The DFCU is optional. The BTS3012AE can be configured with the DDPU or the DFCU. When only DFCUs are configured, the number of DFCUs in full configuration is three. When only DDPUs are configured, the number of DDPUs in full configuration is three. If no DCOMs are configured, a maximum of six DDPUs can be configured. The DFCU performs the following functions: Sends the multiple channels of RF Tx signals from the DTRU transmitter to the antenna through the duplexer after combination. Sends the received signals from the antenna to the duplexer and to the low noise amplifier and divides the signals into several routes and then sends them to the receivers of the DTRUs. Combines the four routes of signals into one route, auto detects the frequencies of the input signals and performs automatic tuning. Detects the VSWR alarms of the antenna system and provides the function of the VSWR alarms whose thresholds are adjustable. Controls the gains of the low noise amplifier. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-33 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4.13.2 Panel Figure 4-15 shows the DFCU panel. Figure 4-15 DFCU panel DFCU TX1 TUNING VSWR LNA POWER PF in1 PF out1 PF out2 PF in2 PR out1 PR out2 RX6 RX5 RX4 COM1 HL-IN RXD-OUT HL-OUT RX1 RX2 RX3 DBUS COM TX3 PR in1 COM2 DC-IN-48V PR in2 TX4 TX-DUP 4-34 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards 4.13.3 Indicators Table 4-26 lists the indicators on the DFCU panel. Table 4-26 DFCU indicators Indicator Color Description Status Meaning POWER Green Power indicator of the DFCU VSWR alarm indicator of TX/RX_ANT On Off On Slow flash (1 s on, 1 s off) Off With power input Without power input VSWR2 alarm at TX/RXANT VSWR1 alarm of TX/RX_ANT No alarm of TX/RX_ANT LNA_ alarm No LNA alarm Tuning fail alarm Tuning No alarm VSWR Red LNA Red LNA alarm indicator Tuning fail alarm indicator On Off On Slow flash (1 s on, 1 s off) Off TUNING Red 4.13.4 Ports Table 4-27 lists the ports on the DFCU panel. Table 4-27 Ports on the DFCU panel Interface Type Description TX/RX-ANT RXD-ANT DBUS DC-IN -48V COM TX-DUP COM1 (Optional) COM2 (Optional) TX1 7/16 DIN (female) 7/16 DIN (female) DB26 (female) 3V3 N (female) N (female) N (female) N (female) N (female) Antenna port for reception and transmission Diversity receive antenna port DBUS signal input and output port DC power input port Combining output port Duplexer input port Extended combining port 1 Extended combining port 2 DTRU signal input port 1 Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-35 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Interface Type Description TX2 TX3 TX4 RX1 RX2 RX3 RX4 RX5 RX6 HL-OUT HL-IN RXD-OUT PR out1 (Optional) PR out2 (Optional) PF out1 (Optional) PF out2 (Optional) PR in1 (Optional) PR in2 (Optional) PF in1 (Optional) PF in2 (Optional) N (female) N (female) N (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) SMA (female) DTRU signal input port 2 DTRU signal input port 3 DTRU signal input port 4 Output port of main 1 Output port of main 2 Output port of main 3 Output port of main 4 Output port of main 5 Output port of main 6 High level output port High level input port Diversity receive output port Reverse power sampling output port 1 Reverse power sampling output port 2 Forward power sampling output port 1 Forward power sampling output port 2 Reverse power sampling input port 1 Reverse power sampling input port 2 Forward power sampling input port 1 Forward power sampling input port 2 The character "Optional" in Table 4-27 means that the site engineer can perform connections according to the actual requirements. 4.14 FAN Box 4.14.1 Functions The FAN Box forms a loop with the air inlet box to provide forced ventilation and dissipation for the common subrack, the DTRU subrack, and the DAFU subrack. The FAN Box is mandatory. It has four independent axial flow fans. The fans' speed and running status are controlled by the Fan Controlling and Monitoring Board. The FAN Box performs the following functions: 4-36 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards Monitoring the temperature of the air inlet and interior of the FAN Box Adjusting the fan speed Communicating with the DTMU Controlling the temperature Reporting alarms 4.14.2 Panel Figure 4-16 shows the FAN Box panel. Figure 4-16 FAN Box panel STATE FAN PWR COM 4.14.3 Indicators The indicators on the FAN Box panel indicate the running status of the fan. Table 4-28 lists the indicators. Table 4-28 FAN Box indicators Indicator Color Status Meaning STATE Green Fast flash (on for 0.125 seconds and off for 0.125 seconds) Fast flash (on for 0.125 seconds and off for 0.125 seconds) Slow flash (on for 1 second and off for 1 second) On Off The communication between the NFCB and the DTMU is abnormal. There is no alarm. Red An alarm is generated. Green The board is running normally. Orange (red and green) Green or red or orange The board software is being upgraded. There is no power supply and the board is faulty. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-37 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4.14.4 Ports The FAN Box panel has two ports on it. Table 4-29 lists the ports on the FAN Box panel. Table 4-29 Ports on the FAN Box panel Port Type Description COM DB26 (female) Communicates with the DTMU Checks the onsite information of the 12 RF modules Connects the temperature sensor at the air inlet PWR 3V3 power connector Power input port of the fan Directly introduces the power from the busbar to the FAN subrack. 4.15 DPMU 4.15.1 Functions The DPMU is in the power subrack of the cabinet. The BTS3012AE requires only one DPMU. The DPMU performs the following functions: Power system management and battery charge and discharge management Water, smoke, door status, standby Boolean value, temperature and humidity, battery temperature, and standby analog reporting Power distribution check and power distribution alarm reporting Boolean value alarm reporting 4-38 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards 4.15.2 Panel Figure 4-17 shows the DPMU panel. The DPMU panel has two indicators, one RJ45 serial socket, one DB50 signal transfer cable connector, two battery switches (ON, OFF), and two power test points (–48 V, 0 V). Figure 4-17 DPMU panel RUN ALM -48V 0V BAT ON OFF RS232/RS422 COM 4.15.3 Indicators Table 4-30 lists the indicators on the DPMU panel. Table 4-30 DPMU indicators Indicator Color Status Meaning RUN Green Slow flash (on for 1 second and off for 1 second) Fast flash (on for 0.125 seconds and off for 0.125 seconds) Steady on/steady off The board is running normally. No hardware fault, but errors occur during the communication with the DTMU. The communication with DTMU fails if this situation lasts for two seconds. The board is dysfunctional or the indicator is out of control. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-39 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Indicator Color Status Meaning ALM Red Steady on No AC mains alarm, AC mains overvoltage or undervoltage alarm, busbar overvoltage or undervoltage alarm, overcurrent, battery power-off alarm, batteries broken circuit alarm, ambient temperature alarm, ambient humidity alarm, water alarm, smoke sensor alarm, power module alarm, or load power-off No alarm Steady off 4.15.4 Ports Table 4-31 lists the ports on the DPMU panel. Table 4-31 Ports on the DPMU panel Port Type Description RS232/RS422 COM BAT ON\OFF RJ45 MD50 female - One independent serial port. It communicates with the main serial port of the DTMU MD50 signal transfer cable connector Battery manual switch 4-40 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 4 Boards 4.15.5 DIP Switch The DIP switch of the DPMU is at the rear of the DPMU. Figure 4-18 shows the DPMU DIP switch. Figure 4-18 DPMU DIP switch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ON 1 (1) DPMU back The DPMU DIP switch has eight bits. The description of these bits is as follows: The four lower bits (1, 2, 3, and 4) are the node address of the DPMU. They use the binary system. According to the factory settings of the DPMU DIP switch, bits 1 and 2 are set to ON and bits 3 and 4 are set to OFF. The four upper bits (5, 6, 7, and 8) are not defined and used yet. 4.16 PSU 4.16.1 Functions The PSU is in the power subrack of the cabinet. The minimum configuration and maximum configuration of the PSU are 1+1 and 7 respectively. The PSU performs the following functions: Transforming 220 V AC into –48 VDC Monitoring module fault alarms (overvoltage output, no output, and FAN fault), module protection alarms (overtemperature protection, and overvoltage and undervoltage protection), and AC power failure alarm Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ON 4-41 4 Boards HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Monitoring battery recharge and discharge, and controlling the voltage and current of the battery 4.16.2 Panel Figure 4-19 shows the PSU panel. Figure 4-19 PSU panel 4.16.3 Indicators Table 4-32 lists the indicators on the PSU panel. Table 4-32 PSU indicators Indicator Color Status Meaning Power input indicator (top) Green Steady on Normal Steady off There is no AC power input or the input fuse is damaged. Protection indicator (middle) Fault indicator (bottom) Yellow Steady off Steady on Normal The module is being protected from input overvoltage, undervoltage, or overtemperature. Normal An unrecoverable fault, such as an output overvoltage, no output, or FAN fault, has occurred. Red Steady off Steady on 4-42 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5 About This Chapter The following table lists the sections of this chapter. Section Description Cables 5.1 List of the BTS3012AE Cables Sections from 5.2 AC Power Cable to 5.39 Cables for the External Battery Cabinet Lists the BTS3012AE cables. Introduce the functions, structure, pins, and installation positions of BTS3012AE cables. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-1 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.1 List of the BTS3012AE Cables Table 5-1 lists the BTS3012AE cables. Table 5-1 BTS3012AE cables Item Sub-Item Position Remarks AC power cable External input power cable (220 V AC 3phase 4-core input) One end is from the onsite power cable. The wires L1, L2, L3, and N of the other end connect to the wire posts L1, L2, L3, and N on the AC lightning arrester respectively. One end is from the onsite power cable. The wires L and N of the other end connect to the wire posts L (L1, L2, or L3) and N on the AC lightning arrester respectively. A short-circuit copper bar is required. One end is from the onsite power cable. The wires L1, L2, and N of the other end connect to the wire posts L1, L2, and N on the AC lightning arrester respectively. One end connects to the corresponding terminal on the internal grounding bar of the BTS3012AE cabinet. The other end connects to the corresponding terminal on the external copper bar. Refer to section 5.2 "AC Power Cable." External input power cable (220 V AC single-phase 2-core input) External input power cable 110 V AC duallive input) PGND cable PGND cable for the BTS3012AE Refer to section 5.3 "PGND Cable." Transmission interface box One end connects to the corresponding terminal on the grounding bar of the transmission interface box. The other end connects to the corresponding terminal on the external copper bar. Power interface box One end connects to the corresponding terminal on the grounding bar of the power interface box. The other end connects to the corresponding terminal on the external copper bar. Front door PGND cable Back door PGND cable One end connects to the cabinet. The other end connects to the front door of the cabinet. One end connects to the cabinet. The other end connects to the back door of the cabinet. 5-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables Item Sub-Item Position Remarks DC power cable Power cable between the DC power distribution box and the DTRU subrack One end connects to ports 1–6 on the DC power distribution box. The other end connects to the PWR ports on DTRUs 0–5. There are six independent power cables between the DC power distribution box and the DTRU subrack. Refer to section 5.4 "Power Cables Between the DC Power Distribution Box and the DTRU Subrack." Power cable between the DC power distribution box and the DAFU subrack One end connects to port 7 or 8 on the DC power distribution box. The other end connects to the PWR ports on the DDPUs or the DC-IN-48V ports on the DFCUs in the DAFU subrack. There are two independent power cables between the DC power distribution box and the DAFU. Refer to section 5.5 "Power Cables Between the DC Power Distribution Box and the DAFU Subrack." Refer to section 5.6 "Power Cable Between the DC Power Distribution Box and the Common Subrack." Refer to section 5.7 "Power Cable Between the DC Power Distribution Box and the FAN Subrack." Refer to section 5.8 "Power Cable Between the DC Power Distribution Box and the Heat Exchanger." Power cable between the DC power distribution box and the common subrack Power cable between the DC power distribution box and the FAN subrack Power cable between the DC power distribution box and the heat exchanger One end connects to port 10 on the DC power distribution box. The other end connects to the POWER port on the DCCU. One end connects to port 11 on the DC power distribution box. The other end connects to the PWR port on the FAN Box panel. One end connects to port 12 on the DC power distribution box. The other end connects to the DC Power port on the heat exchanger on the front door. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-3 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Item Sub-Item Position Remarks Trunk cable 75-ohm E1 cable One end connects to the TR port on the DELU. The other end connects to the transmission device such as transmission interface box. Refer to section 5.9 "75ohm E1 Cable." 120-ohm E1 cable One end connects to the TR port on the DELU. The other end connects to the transmission device such as transmission interface box. Refer to section 5.10 "120-ohm E1 Cable." Optical fiber One end connects to the optical transmission device such as Metro100. The other end connects to the transmission interface box such as Optical Distribution Frame (ODF). Refer to section 5.11 "Optical Fibers." Signal cable RF Rx/Tx signal cables between the DTRU and the DDPU or DFCU Consists of the RF Tx signal cable and the RF Rx signal cable. The RF Tx signal cable connects to the TX port on the DTRU and the corresponding TX port on the DDPU or DFCU. The RF Rx signal cable connects to the RX port on the DTRU and the corresponding RX port on the DDPU or DFCU. Refer to section 5.12 "RF Rx/Tx Signal Cable." Power detection cable One end connects to the PF out/PR out port on the DFCU panel. The other end connects to the PF in/PR in port on the DFCU panel. Refer to section 5.13 "Power Detection Cables." Refer to section 5.14 "Four-in-One ShortCircuiting Cables." Refer to section 5.15 "Diversity Receive Short-Circuiting Cables." Refer to section 5.16 "Cable for the Combiner on the DTRU." Refer to section 5.17 "RF Jumper." Four-in-one shortcircuiting cable One end connects to the COM port on the DFCU panel. The other end connects to the TX-DUP port on the DFCU panel. Diversity receive shortcircuiting cable One end connects to the RXD-OUT port on the DFCU panel. The other end connects to the HL-IN port on the DFCU panel. Cable for combiner on the DTRU One end connects to the TX1 or TX2 port on the DTRU. The other end connects to the IN1 or IN2 port on the DTRU. 1/4-inch RF jumper One end connects to the ANTA or ANTB port on the top of the DDPU or DFCU. The other end connects to the 1/2-inch RF jumper. 5-4 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables Item Sub-Item Position Remarks 1/2-inch RF jumper Close signal cable between cabinet groups The end connects to the 1/4-inch RF jumper. The other end connects to the feeder. One end connects to the TO SLAVE GROUP1 or TO SLAVE GROUP2 port on the DSCB in one cabinet group. The other end connects to the TO SLAVE GROUP1 or TO SLAVE GROUP2 port on the DSCB in another cabinet group. Refer to section 5.18 "Close Signal Cable Between Cabinet Groups." Far signal cable between cabinet groups One end connects to the CKB port on the DGLU in the main cabinet group. The other end connects to the CKB port on the DGLU in the extension cabinet group. Refer to section 5.19 "Far Signal Cable Between Cabinet Groups." Refer to section 5.20 "Boolean Value Input Signal Cable." Refer to section 5.21 "RET Control Signal Cables." Refer to section 5.22 "Ethernet Cable." Boolean value input cable RET control signal cable Ethernet cable One end connects to the external device. The other end connects to the SW IN/OUT port on the DMLU. One end connects to the port on the DATU. The other end connects to the Bias-Tee port. Straight-through cable: One end connects to the MMI port and the other end connects to the HUB port, or one end connects to the Ethernet port on your PC where the site maintenance terminal system is installed and the other end connects to the HUB port. Crossover cable: One end connects to the MMI port on the DTMU panel and the other end connects to the Ethernet port on your PC where the site maintenance terminal system is installed. Signal cable between the DSCB and the DAFU subrack One end connects to the TO DAFU 0-2 or TO DAFU 3-5 on the DSCB. The other end connects to the COM/DBUS/ONSHELL ports on the DDPU/DFCU/DCOM panels in DAFU subrack. There are two same signal cables from the DSCB to the DAFU subrack. Each of these two cables connects to three DAFU subracks. Refer to section 5.23 "Signal Cables Between the DSCB and the DAFU Subrack." TOP1 signal cable between the DCCU and the DSCB One end connects to the TOP (FROM DCCU) port on the DSCB. The other end connects to the TO_TOP1 port on the DCCU. Refer to section 5.24 "TOP1 Signal Cable Between the DCCU and the DSCB." Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-5 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Item Sub-Item Position Remarks TOP2 signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB Combined-cabinet signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB Signal cable between the DCSU and the DTRB RS485 environment monitoring signal cable One end connects to the TOP2 port on the DCSU. The other end connects to the TO DCSU TOP port on the DSCB. One end connects to the TO SLAVE– MASTER (FROM DCSU) port on the DSCB. The other end connects to the CC_IN or CC_OUT port on the DCSU. One end connects to the TO_DTRB port on the DCSU. The other end connects to the port on the DTRB. One end connects to the To_FAN port on the DCCU. The other end connects to the RJ45 port on the DPMU panel, the COM Port on the heat exchanger on the front door, the COM port on the FAN Box, and the sensor on the left of the air inlet. Refer to section 5.25 "TOP2 Signal Cable Between the DCSU and the DSCB." Refer to section 5.26 "Combined-Cabinet Signal Cable Between the DCSU and the DSCB." Refer to section "5.27 Signal Cable Between the DCSU and the DTRB." Refer to section 5.28 "RS485 Environment Monitoring Signal Cable." E1 signal transfer cable One end connects to the TO DCCU E1 port on the DSCB. The other end connects to the TRAN port on the DCCU. Refer to section 5.29 "E1 Signal Transfer Cable." Refer to section 5.30 "Monitoring Signal Transfer Cable Between the NPMI and the DSCB." Internal signal transfer cable Monitoring signal transfer cable between the NPMI and the DSCB The two common 2-pin connectors of one end connect to ports JK1 and JK2 on the NPMI and the six common 4-pin connectors of this end connect to ports JTD1, JTD2, JTD4, JTD5, JTD6, and JTD7 on the NPMI. The other end connects to the TO NPMI port on the DSCB. DPMU monitoring cable One end connects to the COM port on the DPMU module. The other end connects to the J1 port on the NPMI. Refer to section 5.31 "DPMU Monitoring Cable." Refer to section 5.32 "Alarm Cable for the Air Breaker." Monitorin g cable Alarm cable for the air breaker One end connects to the air breaker terminal. The other end connects to the FU_ALM port of the NPMI on the top of the cabinet. 5-6 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables Item Sub-Item Position Remarks Alarm cable Alarm cable for the AC lightning arrester One end connects to the AC lightning arrester. The other end connects to the JTD3 port of the NPMI on the top of the cabinet. Refer to section 5.33 "Alarm Cable for the AC Lightning Arrester." Refer to section 5.34 "Cable for the Temperature and Humidity Sensor." Refer to section 5.35 "Cable for the Door Status Sensor." Refer to section 5.36 "Cable for the Smoke Sensor." Refer to section 5.37 "Cable for the Water Sensor." Refer to section 5.38 "Cables for the Built-In Battery Cabin." Cable for the temperature and humidity sensor Sensor cable Cable for the door status sensor Cable for the smoke sensor Cable for the water sensor One end connects to the temperature and humidity sensor. The other end connects to the TEM_HUM port of the NPMI on the top of the cabinet. One end connects to the door status sensor. The other end connects to the DOOR port of the NPMI on the top of the cabinet. One end connects to the water sensor. The other end connects to the SMOKE port of the NPMI on the top of the cabinet. One end connects to the water sensor. The other end connects to the WATER port of the NPMI on the top of the cabinet. One end connects to the positive lead of the wiring copper bar on the left part in the 50 AH battery cabin. The other end connects to the RTN at the rear of the power subrack. GND cable Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-7 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Item Sub-Item Position Remarks –48 V cable One end connects to the negative lead of the wiring copper bar on the left part in the 50 AH battery cabin. The other end connects to the RTN at the rear of the power subrack. Refer to section 5.38 "Cables for the Built-In Battery Cabin." Refer to section 5.39 "Cables for the External Battery Cabinet." Cable between the wiring copper bar and the storage batteries Cables for the builtin battery cabin (optional) One end connects to the wiring copper bar on the left part in the 50 AH battery cabin. The other end connects to the positive or negative lead of the storage batteries. The red connector connects to the positive lead of one storage battery. The black connector connects to the negative lead of the other storage battery. The OT terminal connects to the positive terminal on the left storage battery in the front row at the upper layer within the 150AH storage battery cabin. The common 2-pin connector connects to port BAT_TEM1 on the NPMI. One end connects to the positive lead of the wiring copper bar for the external battery cabinet. The other end connects to the RTN at the rear of the power subrack. Inter-battery cable Cable for the temperature sensor of the built-in batteries GND cable 5-8 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables Item Sub-Item Position Remarks –48 V cable One end connects to the negative lead of the wiring copper bar for the external battery cabinet. The other end connects to the RTN at the rear of the power subrack. The red connector connects to the positive lead of one storage battery. The black connector connects to the negative lead of the other storage battery. One end connects to the grounding bar terminal in the external battery cabinet. The other end connects to the grounding bar of the BTS3012AE cabinet. Refer to section 5.39 "Cables for the External Battery Cabinet." Inter-battery cable Cables for the external battery cabinet (optional) Equipotential cable Door status and temperature sensor cable Door status and temperature sensor cable The four bare wires at one end connect to the wiring terminal of the external battery cabinet. The 2-pin connector at the other end connects to port BAT_TEM2 on the NPMI. The two bare wires at the other end connect to the cable for the door status sensor on the BTS3012AE cabinet. 5.2 AC Power Cable 5.2.1 Functions The AC power cable in the BTS3012AE is used to transmit 220 V AC or 110 V AC power from the power interface box to the external power connecting terminal of the power lightning arrestor in the cabinet. The BTS3012AE supports three power input modes: 220 V AC 3-phase 4-core input 220 V AC single-phase 2-core input 110 V AC dual-live input 5.2.2 Structure The AC power cables for the BTS3012AE are purchased at the local place. The colors of the cables must comply with the local rules and regulations. If the local rules and regulations have no special requirements for cable colors, use the cables delivered with the BTS. The default color of the delivered L wire is red and that of the N wire is black. The OT terminals of AC power cables are made on site. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-9 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Table 5-2 lists the specifications of the AC power cables for the BTS3012AE in different input modes. Table 5-2 Specifications of the AC power cables for the BTS3012AE Power Input Mode Core Wire Quantity Sectional Area Color 220 V AC 3-phase 4core input 220 V AC singlephase 2-core input 110 V AC dual-live input L N L N L N 3 1 1 1 2 1 10 mm2 10 mm2 16 mm2 16 mm2 16 mm2 16 mm2 Red Black Red Black Red Black 5.2.3 Pin Description None. 5.2.4 Installation Positions The three types of AC power cables are routed into a BTS3012AE cabinet through the waterproof module at the cabinet bottom. They are then connected to the wire post on the AC power lightning arrestor. Table 5-3 lists the installation positions of the BTS3012AE AC power cables. Table 5-3 Installation positions of the BTS3012AE AC power cables Power Input Mode Core Wire Description 220 V AC 3-phase 4core input L1 L2 L3 N Connects to wire post L1 marked on the AC lightning arrester Connects to wire post L2 marked on the AC lightning arrester Connects to wire post L3 marked on the AC lightning arrester Connects to wire post N marked on the AC lightning arrester Connects to any one of wire posts L1, L2, and L3 marked on the AC lightning arrester. This connection requires a short-circuit copper busbar. Connects to wire post N marked on the AC lightning arrester 220 V AC singlephase 2-core input L N 5-10 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables Power Input Mode Core Wire Description 110 V AC dual-live input L1 L2 N Connects to wire post L1 marked on the AC lightning arrester Connects to wire post L2 marked on the AC lightning arrester Connects to wire post N marked on the AC lightning arrester 5.3 PGND Cables 5.3.1 Functions The protection grounding (GPND) cables of the BTS3012AE are used to keep cabinets well grounded. The PGND cable of the external power supply is used to keep a specific cabinet well grounded. The PGND cable of the transmission interface box is used to keep this box well grounded. The PGND cable of the power interface box is used to keep this box well grounded. 5.3.2 Structure The PGND cable of the BTS3012AE is a green and yellow cable with a sectional area of 25 mm2. If a customer prefers to make a PGND cable, Huawei recommends that the cable comply with the following specifications: Color: green and yellow Material: with a plastic insulation copper core Sectional area: not less than 25 mm2 The yellow and green PGND cables of the transmission interface box and power interface box have a cross-sectional area of 16 mm2. Choose yellow and green plastic insulation copper core cables with a cross-sectional area of at least 16 mm2 if you prepare the PGND cables by yourself. 5.3.3 Pin Description None. 5.3.4 Installation Positions One end of the PGND cables connects to the external protection grounding busbar of a BTS3012AE cabinet. The connections of the other end vary as follows: The other end connects to the grounding busbar inside the cabinet. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-11 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual The other end of the PGND cable for the transmission interface box connects to any idle cabling trough on the grounding busbar in this interface box. The other end of the PGND cable for the power interface box connects to the grounding terminal in this interface box. 5.4 Power Cables Between the DC Power Distribution Box and the DTRU Subrack 5.4.1 Functions This power cable is used to introduce the power from the DC power distribution box into the DTRU subrack. It is also used to supply power to the six DTRUs in this subrack. 5.4.2 Structure Six independent power cables are connected between the DC power distribution box and the DTRU subrack. The six cables have the save structure. Figure 5-1 shows the structure of such a power cable. Figure 5-1 Structure of a power cable between the DC power distribution box and the DTRU subrack View A 1 A1 A2 A3 A W1 W2 X1 X2 2 View B B A1 A2 A3 (1) 3V3 power connector (2) 3V3 power connector 5.4.3 Pin Description Table 5-4 lists the pins of the cables between the DC power distribution box and the DTRU subrack. Table 5-4 Pins of the cables between the DC power distribution box and the DTRU subrack Cable End X1 End X2 Color W1 W2 X1.A1 X1.A3 X2.A1 X2.A3 Black Blue 5-12 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.4.4 Installation Positions Table 5-5 lists the installation positions of the cable between the DC power distribution box and DTRU subrack. Table 5-5 Installation positions of the cable between the DC power distribution box and DTRU subrack Cable Name One End (3V3 Power Connector) The Other End (3V3 Power Connector) Cable between the DC power distribution box and DTRU 0 Cable between the DC power distribution box and DTRU 1 Cable between the DC power distribution box and DTRU 2 Cable between the DC power distribution box and DTRU 3 Cable between the DC power distribution box and DTRU 4 Cable between the DC power distribution box and DTRU 5 Connects to 3V3 power connector 1 (numbered from the top to the bottom) on the DC power distribution box Connects to 3V3 power connector 2 on the DC power distribution box Connects to 3V3 power connector 3 on the DC power distribution box Connects to 3V3 power connector 4 on the DC power distribution box Connects to 3V3 power connector 5 on the DC power distribution box Connects to 3V3 power connector 6 on the DC power distribution box Connects to port PWR on the front panel of the DTRU in slot 0 of the DTRU subrack Connects to port PWR on the front panel of the DTRU in slot 1 of the DTRU subrack Connects to port PWR on the front panel of the DTRU in slot 2 of the DTRU subrack Connects to port PWR on the front panel of the DTRU in slot 3 of the DTRU subrack Connects to port PWR on the front panel of the DTRU in slot 4 of the DTRU subrack Connects to port PWR on the front panel of the DTRU in slot 5 of the DTRU subrack 5.5 Power Cables Between the DC Power Distribution Box and the DAFU Subrack 5.5.1 Functions The cables between the DC power distribution box and the DAFU subrack are used to introduce power from the DC power distribution box into the DAFU subrack. They are also used to supply power to the DDPUs or DFCUs in this subrack. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-13 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.5.2 Structure Two cables are connected between the DC power distribution box and the DAFU subrack. Each cable has one connector at one end and three connectors at the other end. The oneconnector end connects to the DC power distribution box and the 3-connector end to the DAFU subrack and supplies power to the three DDPUs or DFCUs. The two cables have the same structure, as shown in Figure 5-2. Figure 5-2 Structure of a cable between the DC power distribution box and the DAFU subrack 1 W1 W2 X1 View A A1 A2 A3 A X2 W3 W4 W5 W6 X3 X4 2 View B B A1 A2 A3 (1) 3V3 power connector (2) 3V3 power connector 5.5.3 Pin Description Table 5-6 shows the pins of a cable between the DC power distribution box and the DAFU subrack. Table 5-6 Pins of a cable between the DC power distribution box and the DAFU subrack Core Wire Pin of One End Pin of the Other End Core Color W1 W3 W5 W2 W4 W6 X1.A1 X2.A1 X3.A1 X1.A3 X2.A3 X3.A3 X4.A1 Black Black Black X4.A3 Black Black Black 5-14 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.5.4 Installation Positions Table 5-7 lists the installation positions of the cables between the DC power distribution box and the DAFU subrack. Table 5-7 Installation positions of the cables between the DC power distribution box and the DAFU subrack Cable Name One End (3V3 Power Connector) The Other End (3V3 Power Connector) Cable between the DC power distribution box and DAFU0, DAFU2, and DAFU4 Cable between the DC power distribution box and DAFU1, DAFU3, and DAFU5 Connects to 3V3 power connector 7 on the DC power distribution box Connects to the PWR port on the DDPU panel or the DC-IN-48V port on the DFCU panel in the DAFU subrack Connects to 3V3 power connector 8 on the DC power distribution box 5.6 Power Cable Between the DC Power Distribution Box and the Common Subrack 5.6.1 Functions This cable is used to introduce the power from the DC power distribution box into the common subrack. 5.6.2 Structure Only one power cable is connected between the DC power distribution box and the common subrack. Figure 5-3 shows the structure of the cable. Figure 5-3 Structure of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the common subrack View A 1 A1 A2 A3 A W1 W2 X1 X2 2 View B B A1 A2 A3 (1) 3V3 power connector (2) 3V3 power connector Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-15 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.6.3 Pin Description Table 5-8 lists the pins of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the common subrack. Table 5-8 Pins of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the common subrack Core Wire X1 End X2 End Color W1 W2 X1.A1 X1.A3 X2.A1 X2.A3 Black Blue 5.6.4 Installation Positions Table 5-9 lists the installation positions of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the common subrack. Table 5-9 Installation positions of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the common subrack Cable Name One End (3V3 Power Connector) The Other End (3V3 Power Connector) Cable between the DC power distribution box and the common subrack Connects to DC 3V3 power connector 10 on the DC power distribution box Connects to port POWER on the front panel of the DCCU 5.7 Power Cable Between the DC Power Distribution Box and the FAN Subrack 5.7.1 Functions This cable is used to introduce power from the DC power distribution box to the FAN subrack. 5-16 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.7.2 Structure Figure 5-4 shows the structure of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the FAN subrack. Figure 5-4 Structure of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the FAN subrack View A 1 A1 A2 A3 A W1 W2 X1 X2 2 View B B A1 A2 A3 (1) 3V3 power connector (2) 3V3 power connector 5.7.3 Pin Description Table 5-10 lists the pins of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the FAN subrack. Table 5-10 Pins of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the FAN subrack Core Wire X1 End X2 End Color W1 W2 X1.A1 X1.A3 X2.A1 X2.A3 Black Blue 5.7.4 Installation Positions Table 5-11 lists the installation positions of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the FAN subrack. Table 5-11 Installation positions of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the FAN subrack Cable Name One End (3V3 Power Connector) The Other End (3V3 Power Connector) Cable between the DC power distribution box and the FAN subrack Connects to DC 3V3 power connector 11 on the DC power distribution box Connects to port PWR on the front panel of the FAN Box Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-17 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.8 Power Cable Between the DC Power Distribution Box and the Heat Exchanger 5.8.1 Functions This power cable is used to transmit power from the DC power distribution box to the heat exchanger. 5.8.2 Structure Figure 5-5 shows the structure of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the heat exchanger. Figure 5-5 Structure of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the heat exchanger 1 W1 A W2 X1 X2 2 View A A1 A2 A3 (1) Common big 3-pin connector (2) 3V3 power connector 5.8.3 Pin Description Table 5-12 lists the pins of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the heat exchanger. Table 5-12 Pins of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the heat exchanger Core Wire X1 End X2 End Color W1 W2 X1.1 X1.3 X2.A1 X2.A3 Brown Blue 5-18 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.8.4 Installation Positions Table 5-13 lists the installation positions of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the heat exchanger. Table 5-13 Installation positions of the cable between the DC power distribution box and the heat exchanger Cable Name One End(Common Big 3pin Connector) The Other End (3V3 Power Connector) Cable between the DC power distribution box and the heat exchanger Connects to port DC Power on the heat exchanger on the front door of the cabinet Connects to 3V3 power connector 12 on the DC power distribution box 5.9 75-ohm E1 Cable 5.9.1 Functions The 75-ohm E1 cable is a type of trunk cable that is used to transmit E1 signals. 5.9.2 Structure The BTS3012AE 75-ohm E1 cable is a coaxial cable. It has eight coaxial wires, two of which make one E1 line; therefore, each 75-ohm E1 cable has four E1 lines. One end of the 75-ohm E1 cable is a DB25 male connector, and the other is a bare wire. The connectors are made on site. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-19 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Figure 5-6 shows the structure of a 75-ohm E1 cable. Figure 5-6 Structure of a 75-ohm E1 cable 2 W1 W2 1 W3 W4 A Pos.1 X0 W5 W6 W7 A W8 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 B 4 B 3 Pos.25 (1) DB25 male connector (X0) (3) Coaxial core (tip) (2) 75-ohm E1 coaxial wire (X1–X8) (4) Outer conductor (ring, that is, shielding layer) 5.9.3 Pin Description Table 5-14 lists the pins of a 75-ohm E1 cable. Table 5-14 Pins of a 75-ohm E1 cable Core Wire Pin of the Coaxial Wire or Outer Conductor Pin of the DB25 Male Connector Coaxial Wire Label W1 X1.tip X1.ring X0.24 X0.25 X0.13 X0.12 X0.11 X0.10 X0.9 X0.8 X0.7 X0.6 CHAN 0 TX W2 X2.tip X2.ring CHAN 0 RX W3 X3.tip X3.ring CHAN 1 TX W4 X4.tip X4.ring CHAN 1 RX W5 X5.tip X5.ring CHAN 2 TX 5-20 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables Core Wire Pin of the Coaxial Wire or Outer Conductor Pin of the DB25 Male Connector Coaxial Wire Label W6 X6.tip X6.ring X0.5 X0.4 X0.3 X0.2 X0.14 X0.15 CHAN 2 RX W7 X7.tip X7.ring CHAN 3 TX W8 X8.tip X8.ring CHAN 3 RX Note: In this table, the "ring" and "tip" each represent a core in a twisted pair. 5.9.4 Installation Positions Table 5-15 describes the installation position of the 75-ohm E1 cable. Table 5-15 Installation position of the 75-ohm E1 cable Cable Name One End (DB25 Male Connector) The Other End (Bare Wire) 75-ohm E1 cable Connects to port TR on the DELU Connects to the transmit device (for example, the transmission interface box) 5.10 120-ohm E1 Cable 5.10.1 Functions The 120-ohm E1 cable is a trunk cable used to transmit E1 signals. 5.10.2 Structure The 120-ohm E1 cable of the BTS3012AE consists of four pairs of 120-ohm twisted pairs. Each pair makes one line; therefore, each 120-ohm E1 cable has four E1 lines. One end of the 120-ohm E1 cable is a DB25 male connector, and the other consists of bare wires. The connectors are made on site. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-21 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Figure 5-7 shows the structure of the 120-ohm E1 cable. Figure 5-7 Structure of the 120-ohm E1 cable (1) DB25 male connector (X0) (3) Twisted pair label (2) 120-ohm E1 twisted pair (X1–X8) 5.10.3 Pin Description Table 5-16 describes the pins of the 120-ohm twisted pair. Table 5-16 Pins of a 120-ohm twisted pair Core Wire Pin of the Core Twisted Pair or Outer Conductor Pin of the DB25 Male Connector Twisted Pair Label W1 X1.tip X1.ring X0.24 X0.25 X0.13 X0.12 X0.11 X0.10 X0.9 X0.8 X0.7 X0.6 X0.5 X0.4 CHAN 0 TX W2 X2.tip X2.ring CHAN 0 RX W3 X3.tip X3.ring CHAN 1 TX W4 X4.tip X4.ring CHAN 1 RX W5 X5.tip X5.ring CHAN 2 TX W6 X6.tip X6.ring CHAN 2 RX 5-22 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables Core Wire Pin of the Core Twisted Pair or Outer Conductor Pin of the DB25 Male Connector Twisted Pair Label W7 X7.tip X7.ring X0.3 X0.2 X0.14 X0.15 CHAN 3 TX W8 X8.tip X8.ring CHAN 3 RX In this table, the "ring" and "tip" each represent a core in a twisted pair. 5.10.4 Installation Positions Table 5-17 describes the installation position of a 120-ohm E1 cable. Table 5-17 Installation position of a 120-ohm E1 cable Cable Name One End (DB25 Male Connector) The Other End (Bare Wire) 120-ohm E1 cable Connects to port TR on the DELU Connects to the transmit device (for example, the transmission interface box) 5.11 Optical Fibers 5.11.1 Functions The optical fibers in the BTS3012AE transmit optical signals between the cabinet and other devices. The trunk optical fibers of the BTS3012AE use the multi-mode for short-distance transmission. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-23 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.11.2 Structure Both ends of an optical fiber are LC connectors. Figure 5-8 shows the structure of the optical fiber. Figure 5-8 Structure of the optical fiber 1 2 3 (1) Heat-shrink tube (2) Tail wire (3) LC connector LC connectors must be capped when they are unused. 5.11.3 Pin Description None. 5.11.4 Installation Positions Table 5-18 describes the installation position of the optical fiber. Table 5-18 Installation position of the optical fiber Type One End The Other End (LC Connector) Optical fiber Connects to the optical transmission equipment Connects to the transmission interface box such as the ODF 5.12 RF Rx/Tx Signal Cable 5.12.1 Functions The RF signal cables are of two types: RF Rx signal cable connected between port Rx on the DDPU and that on the DTRU, and 5-24 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables used to transmit UL signals RF Tx signal cable connected between port Tx on the DDPU and that on the DTRU, and used to transmit DL signals 5.12.2 Structure Figure 5-9 shows the structure of an RF Rx signal cable and an RF Tx signal cable. Figure 5-9 Structure of an RF Rx signal cable and an RF Tx signal cable 1 RF Rx cable 1 2 RF Tx cable 2 (1) SMA elbow male connector (2) N elbow male connector 5.12.3 Pin Description None. 5.12.4 Installation Positions Table 5-19 lists the installation positions of the RF Rx signal cable and the RF Tx signal cable. Table 5-19 Installation positions of the RF Rx signal cable and the RF Tx signal cable Cable Type One End The Other End RF Tx signal cable RF Rx signal cable Connects to Tx port on the DTRU Connects to Rx port on the DTRU Connects to the corresponding Tx port on the DDPU Connects to the corresponding Rx port on the DDPU When the carriers of a cell derive from several cabinets, connecting inter-cabinet RF Rx cables is required. Each inter-cabinet RF Rx cable consists of two RF Rx cables through the interconnection of SMA coaxial connectors. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-25 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.13 Power Detection Cables 5.13.1 Functions The power detection cables perform the detection of the DFCU power. The cables are of two types: forward power detection cables and reverse power detection cables. The two types of cables have the same appearance. The connection of power detection cables is required only when the BTS3012 cabinet is configured with the DFCU. 5.13.2 Structure Figure 5-10 shows the power detection cable. Figure 5-10 Power detection cable 1 1 RF Rx Cable (1) SMA elbow male connector 5.13.3 Pin Description None. 5.13.4 Installation Positions Table 5-20 lists the installation positions of the power detection cable. Table 5-20 Installation positions of the power detection cable Cable Type One End The Other End Forward power detection cable Reverse power detection cable Connects to the PF in port on the DFCU panel Connects to the PR in port on the DFCU panel Connects to the PF out port on the DFCU panel Connects to the PR out port on the DFCU panel 5-26 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.14 Four-in-One Short-Circuiting Cables 5.14.1 Functions When the BTS3012AE cabinet is configured with the DFCU, the four-in-one short-circuiting cables are used to combine and output the 4-way transmit signals. 5.14.2 Structure Figure 5-11 shows the four-in-one short-circuiting cable. Figure 5-11 Four-in-one short-circuiting cable 1 1 RF Tx Cable (1) N elbow male connector 5.14.3 Pin Description None. 5.14.4 Installation Positions Table 5-21 lists the installation positions of the four-in-one short-circuiting cable. Table 5-21 Installation positions of the four-in-one short-circuiting cable Cable Type One End The Other End Four-in-one shortcircuiting cable Connects to the COM port on the DFCU panel Connects to the TX-DUP port on the DFCU panel 5.15 Diversity Receive Short-Circuiting Cables 5.15.1 Functions When the BTS3012AE cabinet is configured with the DFCU, the diversity receive shortcircuiting cables are used to transfer the diversity receive signals from the antenna system. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-27 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.15.2 Structure Figure 5-12 shows the diversity receive short-circuiting cable. Figure 5-12 Diversity receive short-circuiting cable 1 1 RF Rx Cable (1) SMA elbow male connector 5.15.3 Pin Description None. 5.15.4 Installation Positions Table 5-22 lists the installation positions of the diversity receive short-circuiting cable. Table 5-22 Installation positions of the diversity receive short-circuiting cable Cable Type One End The Other End Diversity receive short-circuiting cable Connects to the RXD-OUT port on the DFCU panel Connects to the HL-IN port on the DFCU panel 5.16 Cable for the Combiner on the DTRU 5.16.1 Functions The cable for the combiner on the DTRU connects the TX port to the IN port on the DTRU in case of signal combination. This cable helps to achieve combined output of transmit signals. 5-28 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.16.2 Structure Figure 5-13 shows the structure of the cable for the combiner on the DTRU. Figure 5-13 Structure of the cable for combiner on the DTRU W 3 1 2 (1) N male connector (2) SMA male connector (3) Label 5.16.3 Pin Description None. 5.16.4 Installation Positions Table 5-23 lists the installation positions of the cable for the combiner on the DTRU. Table 5-23 Installation positions of the cable for the combiner on the DTRU Cable Name One End The Other End Cable for the combiner on the DTRU Connects to port TX1 on the DTRU Connects to port TX2 on the DTRU Connects to port IN1 on the DTRU Connects to port IN2 on the DTRU 5.17 RF Jumper 5.17.1 Functions RF jumpers are used to transmit signals between the DDPUs and the antenna system. The BTS3012AE has two types of RF jumpers: 1/4-inch RF jumper 1/2-inch RF jumper 5.17.2 Structure The sectional area of the 1/4-inch jumper is smaller than that of the 1/2-inch jumper. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-29 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual One end of the 1/4-inch jumper is a DIN male connector and the other end is a DIN female connector. Both ends of the 1/2-inch jumper are DIN male connectors. The DIN connectors of the 1/2-inch RF jumper are made on site. To connect a wire with a DIN connector, see the instructions in the package of the DIN connector. Figure 5-14 shows the structure of a 1/4-inch RF jumper and Figure 5-15 shows that of a 1/2inch RF jumper. Figure 5-14 Structure of a 1/4-inch RF jumper 1 2 (1) DIN male connector (2) DIN female connector Figure 5-15 Structure of a 1/2-inch RF jumper 1 2 (1) DIN male connector (2) DIN male connector 5.17.3 Pin Description None. 5.17.4 Installation Positions Table 5-24 lists the installation positions of the RF jumpers. Table 5-24 Installation positions of the RF jumpers Cable Name One End (DIN Male Connector) The Other End 1/4-inch RF jumper 1/2-inch RF jumper Connects to port ANTA or ANTB on the top of the DDPU or DFCU Connects to the DIN female connector of the 1/4-inch jumper at the cabling hole for RF jumpers The DIN female connector connects to one end of the 1/2-inch jumper at the cabling hole for RF jumpers. Connects to the feeder of the antenna system 5-30 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.18 Close Signal Cable Between Cabinet Groups 5.18.1 Functions The close signal cable between cabinet groups is used to transmit signals between cabinet groups when the distance between the cabinet groups is less than two meters. 5.18.2 Structure Figure 5-16 shows the structure of the close signal cable between cabinet groups. Figure 5-16 Structure of the close signal cable between cabinet groups 1 Pos.1 2 W Pos.36 X1 (2) MD36 male connector X2 (1) MD36 male connector 5.18.3 Pin Description Table 5-25 lists the pins of the close signal cable between cabinet groups. Table 5-25 Pins of the close signal cable between cabinet groups Pin of the X1 End (MD36 Connector) Pin of the X2 (MD36 Connector) Core Type X1.1 X1.19 X1.20 X1.21 X1.22 X1.23 X1.24 X1.25 X1.26 X1.27 X2.1 X2.19 X2.2 X2.3 X2.4 X2.5 X2.6 X2.7 X2.8 X2.9 Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-31 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Pin of the X1 End (MD36 Connector) Pin of the X2 (MD36 Connector) Core Type X1.29 X1.30 X1.31 X1.32 X1.33 X1.34 X1.35 X1.36 X1.2 X1.3 X1.4 X1.5 X1.6 X1.7 X1.8 X1.9 X1.11 X1.12 X1.13 X1.14 X1.15 X1.16 X1.17 X1.18 Shell X2.11 X2.12 X2.13 X2.14 X2.15 X2.16 X2.17 X2.18 X2.20 X2.21 X2.22 X2.23 X2.24 X2.25 X2.26 X2.27 X2.29 X2.30 X2.31 X2.32 X2.33 X2.34 X2.35 X2.36 Shell Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Braid 5-32 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.18.4 Installation Positions Table 5-26 lists the installation positions of the close signal cable between cabinet groups. Table 5-26 Installation positions of the close signal cable between cabinet groups Cable Name MD36 Male Connector MD36 Male Connector Close signal cable between cabinet groups Connects to port TO SLAVE GROUP1 or TO SLAVE GROUP2 on the DSCB of the cabinet in one cabinet group Connects to port TO SLAVE GROUP1 or TO SLAVE GROUP2 on the DSCB of the cabinet in the other cabinet group 5.19 Far Signal Cable Between Cabinet Groups 5.19.1 Functions The far signal cable between cabinet groups is used to transmit clock signals between cabinet groups when the distance between the cabinet groups is 2–5 meters. 5.19.2 Structure Figure 5-17 shows the structure of the far signal cable between cabinet groups. Figure 5-17 Structure of far signal cable between cabinet groups Pos.1 1 2 A W Pos.25 X1 X2 (1) DB25 male connector (2) DB25 male connector Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-33 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.19.3 Pin Description Table 5-27 lists the pins of far signal cable between cabinet groups. Table 5-27 Pins of far signal cable between cabinet groups Pin of the X1 End (DB25 Connector) Pin of the X2 (DB25 Connector) Core Type X1.1 X1.16 X1.2 X1.3 X1.4 X1.5 X1.6 X1.7 X1.8 X1.9 X1.10 X1.11 X1.12 X1.13 X1.14 X1.15 X1.24 X1.25 Shell X2.1 X2.16 X2.2 X2.3 X2.4 X2.5 X2.6 X2.7 X2.8 X2.9 X2.10 X2.11 X2.12 X2.13 X2.14 X2.15 X2.24 X2.25 Shell Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Shield 5-34 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.19.4 Installation Positions Table 5-28 lists the installation positions of far signal cable between cabinet groups. Table 5-28 Installation positions of far signal cable between cabinet groups Cable Name DB25 Male Connector DB25 Male Connector Far signal cable between cabinet groups Connects to the CKB port on the DGLU in the main cabinet group Connects to the CKB port on the DGLU in the extension cabinet group 5.20 Boolean Value Input Signal Cable 5.20.1 Functions This type of cable is used to transmit control signals from the BTS3012AE to the other devices, so that the BTS can control the devices. 5.20.2 Structure The Boolean value input signal cable can output six Boolean value signal inputs. One end of the cable is a DB44 male connector, and the other end is a bare wire. Figure 5-18 shows the structure of the cable. Figure 5-18 Structure of the Boolean value input signal cable 1 2 View A POS.1 X1 W A POS.44 (1) DB44 male connector (2) Bare wire Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-35 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.20.3 Pin Description Table 5-29 lists the pins of the Boolean value input signal cable. Table 5-29 Pins of the Boolean value input signal cable Pin Core Type Core Color X1.1 X1.17 X1.2 X1.18 X1.3 X1.19 X1.4 X1.20 X1.5 X1.21 X1.6 X1.22 X1.7 X1.23 X1.8 X1.38 X1.9 X1.24 X1.10 X1.25 X1.11 X1.26 X1.12 X1.27 X1.13 X1.28 Twisted pair Blue White Twisted pair Orange White Twisted pair Green White Twisted pair Brown White Twisted pair Grey White Twisted pair Blue Red Twisted pair Orange Red Twisted pair Green Red Twisted pair Brown Red Twisted pair Grey Red Twisted pair Blue Black Twisted pair Orange Black Twisted pair Green Black 5-36 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables Pin Core Type Core Color X1.14 X1.29 X1.34 X1.35 X1.36 X1.37 Shell Twisted pair Brown Black Twisted pair Grey Black Twisted pair Blue Yellow Shield - 5.20.4 Installation Positions Table 5-30 lists the installation positions of the Boolean value input signal cable. Table 5-30 Installation positions of the Boolean value input signal cable Cable Name One End (DB44 Male Connector) The Other End (Bare Wire) Boolean value input signal cable Connects to port SW IN/OUT on the DMLU Connects to the specific control device 5.21 RET Control Signal Cables 5.21.1 Functions The RET control signal cable is used to transmit feed and RET control signals. 5.21.2 Structure The BTS3012AE has six independent RF coaxial cables. These cables are of the same structure. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-37 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual One end of an RET control signal cable is an SMA male connector and the other end is an SMA elbow male connector, as shown in Figure 5-19. Figure 5-19 Structure of an RET control signal cable 1 W X1 X2 2 (1) SMA male connector (2) SMA elbow male connector 5.21.3 Pin Description None. 5.21.4 Installation Positions The installation positions of the six coaxial cables are the same. Table 5-31 lists the installation positions of one coaxial cable. Table 5-31 Installation positions of an RET control signal cable Type SMA Male Connector SMA Elbow Male Connector RET control signal cable Connects to the SMA port on the Bias Tee Connects to an ANT port on the DATU 5.22 Ethernet Cable 5.22.1 Functions The Ethernet cables are of two types: The straight-through cable connects the BTS3012AE or the PC where the site maintenance terminal system is installed to the network. The crossover cable connects the BTS3012AE to your PC where the site maintenance terminal system is installed. 5.22.2 Structure The crossover cable and the straight-through cable have RJ45 connectors at both ends. They differ in connector wiring. 5-38 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables Figure 5-20 shows the structure of the Ethernet cable. Figure 5-20 Structure of the Ethernet cable 8 1 X1 X2 W 8 1 5.22.3 Pin Description Table 5-32 describes the pins of the Ethernet cable. Table 5-32 Pins of the Ethernet cable Pin of the X1 End Core Color Core Type Pin of the X2 End in the Straight-Through Cable Pin of the X2 End in the Crossover Cable X1.2 X1.1 X1.6 X1.3 X1.4 X1.5 X1.8 X1.7 Orange White and orange Green White and green Blue Blue and White Brown White and Brown Twisted pair X2.2 X2.1 X2.6 X2.3 X2.2 X2.1 X2.4 X2.5 X2.8 X2.7 Twisted pair X2.6 X2.3 Twisted pair X2.4 X2.5 Twisted pair X2.8 X2.7 5.22.4 Installation Positions Table 5-33 describes the installation positions of the two types of Ethernet cables. Table 5-33 Installation positions of the Ethernet cables Type One End The Other End Straight-through cable Connects to the MMI port on the DTMU or the Ethernet port of your PC where the site maintenance terminal system is installed Connects to the HUB or the LAN switch port Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-39 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Type One End The Other End Crossover cable Connects to the MMI port on the DTMU Connects to the Ethernet port of your PC where the site maintenance terminal system is installed 5.23 Signal Cables Between the DSCB and the DAFU Subrack 5.23.1 Functions The signal cables between the DSCB and the DAFU subrack are used to transmit signals from the DSCB to the DDPUs and DCOMs in the DAFU subrack. 5.23.2 Structure Two signal cables are connected between the DSCB and the DAFU. One cable is between the DSCB and the DDPUs and DCOMs in the slots of DAFU0–DAFU2. The other cable is between the DSCB and the DDPUs and DCOMs in the slots of DAFU3–DAFU5. The two cables have the same structure, as shown in Figure 5-21. Figure 5-21 Structure of a signal cable between the DSCB and the DAFU subrack B 1 W1 2 A W2 W3 X1 View A Pos.68 View B Pos.26 X4 X2 2 X3 2 Pos.1 Pos.1 (1) MD68 male connector (2) DB26 male connector 5-40 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.23.3 Pin Description The pins of the two cables between the DSCB and the DAFU subrack are the same. Table 534 lists the pins of a signal cable between the DSCB and the DAFU subrack. Table 5-34 Pins of a signal cable between the DSCB and the DAFU subrack Core Wire Pin of the X1 End (MD68 Connector) Pin of the X2 End (DB26 Connector) Core Type W1 X1.1 X1.2 X1.3 X1.4 X1.35 X1.36 X1.37 X1.38 X1.5 X1.6 X1.7 X1.8 X1.39 X1.40 X1.41 X1.42 X2.7 X2.8 X2.11 X2.10 X2.20 X2.19 X2.13 X2.12 X2.16 X2.9 X2.17 X2.18 X2.15 X2.24 X2.26 X2.25 Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-41 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Core Wire Pin of the X1 End (MD68 Connector) Pin of the X2 End (DB26 Connector) Core Type W2 X1.13 X1.14 X1.15 X1.16 X1.47 X1.48 X1.49 X1.50 X1.17 X1.18 X1.19 X1.20 X1.51 X1.52 X1.53 X1.54 X3.7 X3.8 X3.11 X3.10 X3.20 X3.19 X3.13 X3.12 X3.9 X3.16 X3.17 X3.18 X3.15 X3.24 X3.26 X3.25 Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair 5-42 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables Core Wire Pin of the X1 End (MD68 Connector) Pin of the X2 End (DB26 Connector) Core Type W3 X1.25 X1.26 X1.27 X1.28 X1.59 X1.60 X1.61 X1.62 X1.29 X1.30 X1.31 X1.32 X1.63 X1.64 X1.65 X1.66 X4.7 X4.8 X4.11 X4.10 X4.20 X4.19 X4.13 X4.12 X4.9 X4.17 X4.16 X4.18 X4.15 X4.24 X4.26 X4.25 Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-43 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.23.4 Installation Positions Table 5-35 lists the installation positions of the signal cables between the DSCB and the DAFU subrack. Table 5-35 Installation positions of the signal cables between the DSCB and the DAFU subrack Cable Name One End (MD68 Male Connector) The Other End (Three DB26 Male Connectors) Signal cable between the DSCB and DAFU0–DAFU2 in the DAFU subrack Connects to port TO DAFU 0-2 on the DSCB Connects to the COM/DBUS/ONSHELL port on the DDPU/DFCU/DCOM panel in subrack DAFU0 Connects to the COM/DBUS/ONSHELL port on the DDPU/DFCU/DCOM panel in subrack DAFU1 Connects to the COM/DBUS/ONSHELL port on the DDPU/DFCU/DCOM panel in subrack DAFU2 Signal cable between the DSCB and DAFU3–DAFU5 in the DAFU subrack Connects to port TO DAFU 3-5 on the DSCB Connects to the COM/DBUS/ONSHELL port on the DDPU/DFCU/DCOM panel in subrack DAFU3 Connects to the COM/DFCU/ONSHELL port on the DDPU/DFCU/DCOM panel in subrack DAFU4 Connects to the COM/DBUS/ONSHELL port on the DDPU/DFCU/DCOM panel in subrack DAFU5 5.24 TOP1 Signal Cable Between the DCCU and the DSCB 5.24.1 Functions The TOP1 signal cable between the DCCU and the DSCB is used to transmit signals between the common subrack and the DSCB. 5-44 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.24.2 Structure Figure 5-22 shows the structure of the TOP1 signal cable between the DCCU and the DSCB. Figure 5-22 Structure of the TOP1 signal cable between the DCCU and the DSCB View B Pos.64 2 View A Pos.1 1 Pos.1 Delander B A W X2 Pos.68 X1 (1) MD68 male connector (2) MD64 male connector 5.24.3 Pin Description Table 5-36 lists the pins of the TOP1 signal cable between the DCCU and the DSCB. Table 5-36 Pins of the TOP1 signal cable between the DCCU and the DSCB Core Wire Pin of the X1 End (MD68 Connector) Pin of the X2 End (MD64 Connector) Core Type W X1.5 X1.6 X1.7 X1.8 X1.9 X1.10 X1.11 X1.12 X1.13 X1.14 X1.15 X1.16 X2.35 X2.36 X2.37 X2.38 X2.11 X2.12 X2.15 X2.16 X2.3 X2.4 X2. 7 X2.8 Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-45 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Core Wire Pin of the X1 End (MD68 Connector) Pin of the X2 End (MD64 Connector) Core Type X1.17 X1.18 X1.19 X1.20 X1.21 X1.22 X1.23 X1.24 X1.25 X1.26 X1.27 X1.28 X1.29 X1.30 X1.31 X1.32 X1.33 X1.66 X1.38 X1.39 X1.40 X1.41 X1.42 X1.43 X1.44 X1.45 X1.46 X1.47 X1.48 X1.49 X2.13 X2.14 X2.30 X2.29 X2.5 X2.6 X2.9 X2.10 X2.23 X2.24 X2.27 X2.28 X2.19 X2.20 X2.21 X2.22 X2.56 X2.55 X2.58 X2.57 X2.60 X2.59 X2.54 X2.53 X2.49 X2.50 X2.44 X2.43 X2.64 X2.63 Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair 5-46 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables Core Wire Pin of the X1 End (MD68 Connector) Pin of the X2 End (MD64 Connector) Core Type X1.50 X1.51 X1.52 X1.53 X1.54 X1.55 X1.56 X1.57 X1.58 X1.59 X1.60 X1.61 X1.62 X1.63 X1.64 X1.65 X1.2 X1.3 X1.4 X1.36 X1.37 W.Shield X1.1 X1.34 X1.35 X1.68 X1.Shell - X2.52 X2.51 X2.33 X2.34 X2.32 X2.31 X2.48 X2.47 X2.17 X2.18 X2.1 X2.2 X2.46 X2.45 X2.62 X2.61 X2.25 X2.40 X2.39 X2.26 X2.41 X2.42 X2.Shell Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Shielded Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-47 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.24.4 Installation Positions Table 5-37 lists the installation positions of the TOP1 signal cable between the DCCU and the DSCB. Table 5-37 Installation positions of the TOP1 signal cable between the DCCU and the DSCB Cable Name One End (MD68 Male Connector) The Other End (MD64 Male Connector) TOP1 signal cable Between the DCCU and the DSCB Connects to port TOP (FROM DCCU) on the DSCB Connects to port TO_TOP1 on the DCCU 5.25 TOP2 Signal Cable Between the DCSU and the DSCB 5.25.1 Functions The TOP2 signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB is used to transmit signals between the DCSU and the DSCB. 5.25.2 Structure Figure 5-23 shows the structure of the TOP2 signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB. Figure 5-23 Structure of the TOP2 signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB View A Pos.1 A X1 1 W View B 2 Pos.1 B Pos.26 X3 Pos.36 (1) DB26 male connector (2) MD36 male connector 5-48 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.25.3 Pin Description Table 5-38 lists the pins of the TOP2 signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB. Table 5-38 Pins of the TOP2 signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB Wire Pin of the X1 End (DB26 Connector) Pin of the X2 End (MD36 Connector) Core Type W X1.16 X1.12 X1.11 X1.10 X1.8 X1.9 X1.3 X1.1 X1.17 X1.15 X1.14 X1.13 X1.2 X1.4 X1.7 X1.Shell X2.6 X2.7 X2.8 X2.9 X2.10 X2.28 X2.11 X2.12 X2.24 X2.25 X2.26 X2.27 X2.29 X2.14 X2.21 X2.Shell Shield Twisted pair 5.25.4 Installation Positions Table 5-39 lists the installation positions of the TOP2 signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB. Table 5-39 Installation positions of the TOP2 signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB Cable Name One End (DB26 Male Connector) The Other End (MD36 Male Connector) TOP2 signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB Connects to port TOP2 on the DCSU Connects to port TO DCSU TOP on the DSCB Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-49 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.26 Combined-Cabinet Signal Cable Between the DCSU and the DSCB 5.26.1 Functions The combined-cabinet signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB connects the common subrack with the signal lightning-protection subrack. It is used to transfer the combinedcabinet clock signals, control signals, data signals, and Boolean value alarm signals between the common subrack and the signal lightning-protection subrack. 5.26.2 Structure Figure 5-24 shows the structure of the combined-cabinet signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB. Figure 5-24 Structure of the combined-cabinet signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB View B Pos.64 2 View A Pos.1 1 Pos.1 Delander B A W X2 Pos.68 X1 (1) MD68 male connector (2) MD64 male connector 5.26.3 Pin Description Table 5-40 lists the pins of the combined-cabinet signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB. Table 5-40 Pins of the combined-cabinet signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB Wire Pin of the X1 End (MD68 Connector) Pin of the X2 End (MD64 Connector) Core Type W X1.13 X1.14 X1.15 X1.16 X2.32 X2.31 X2.30 X2.29 Twisted pair Twisted pair 5-50 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables Wire Pin of the X1 End (MD68 Connector) Pin of the X2 End (MD64 Connector) Core Type X1.17 X1.18 X1.19 X1.20 X1.21 X1.22 X1.23 X1.24 X1.25 X1.26 X1.27 X1.28 X1.29 X1.30 X1.31 X1.32 X1.33 X1.34 X1.45 X1.46 X1.47 X1.48 X1.49 X1.50 X1.51 X1.52 X1.53 X1.54 X1.55 X1.56 X2.16 X2.15 X2.14 X2.13 X2.40 X2.39 X2. 36 X2.35 X2.34 X2.33 X2.58 X2.57 X2.56 X2.55 X2.4 X2.3 X2.2 X2.1 X2.52 X2.51 X2.50 X2.49 X2.64 X2.63 X2.62 X2.61 X2.48 X2.47 X2.46 X2.45 Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-51 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Wire Pin of the X1 End (MD68 Connector) Pin of the X2 End (MD64 Connector) Core Type X1.57 X1.58 X1.59 X1.60 X1.61 X1.62 X1.63 X1.64 X1.65 X1.66 X1.67 X1.68 X1.6 X1.7 X1.8 X1.9 X1.5 X1.10 X1.39 X1.40 X1.41 X1.44 X1.Shell X2.26 X2.25 X2.24 X2.23 X2.20 X2.19 X2.18 X2.17 X2.10 X2.9 X2.8 X2.7 X2.5 X2.6 X2.11 X2.12 X2.21 X2.22 X2.27 X2.28 X2.59 X2.60 X2.Shell Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Shielded 5-52 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.26.4 Installation Positions Table 5-41 lists the installation positions of the combined-cabinet signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB. Table 5-41 Installation positions of the combined-cabinet signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB Cable Name One End (MD68 Male Connector) The Other End (MD64 Male Connector) Cabinet group signal cable between the DCSU and the DSCB Connects to port TO SLAVE–MASTER (FROM DCSU) on the DSCB Connects to port CC_IN or CC_OUT on the DCSU 5.27 Signal Cable Between the DCSU and the DTRB 5.27.1 Functions The signal cable between the DCSU and DTRB is used to transmit signals between the DTRU subrack and the DCSU. 5.27.2 Structure Figure 5-25 shows the structure of the signal cable between the DCSU and the DTRB. Figure 5-25 Structure of the signal cable between the DCSU and the DTRB View A Pos.1 1 Pos.68 Pos.64 A Delander View B 2 Pos.1 B W X1 X2 (1) MD64 male connector (2) MD68 male connector Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-53 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.27.3 Pin Description Table 5-42 lists the pins of the signal cable between the DCSU and the DTRB. Table 5-42 Pins of the signal cable between the DCSU and the DTRB Wire Pin of the X1 End (MD64 Connector) Pin of the X2 End (MD68 Connector) Core Type W X1.1 X1.2 X1.3 X1.4 X1.5 X1.6 X1.7 X1.8 X1.9 X1.10 X1.11 X1.12 X1.13 X1.14 X1.15 X1.16 X1.17 X1.18 X1.19 X1.20 X1.21 X1.22 X1.23 X1.24 X1.25 X1.26 X1.27 X2.1 X2.2 X2.35 X2.36 X2.3 X2.46 X2.4 X2.5 X2.38 X2.39 X2.6 X2.40 X2.7 X2.8 X2.41 X2.42 X2.10 X2.11 X2.44 X2.45 X2.21 X2.26 X2.13 X2.14 X2.47 X2.48 X2.55 Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair 5-54 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables Wire Pin of the X1 End (MD64 Connector) Pin of the X2 End (MD68 Connector) Core Type X1.28 X1.29 X1.30 X1.31 X1.32 X1.33 X1.34 X1.35 X1.36 X1.37 X1.38 X1.39 X1.40 X1.41 X1.42 X1.43 X1.44 X1.45 X1.46 X1.47 X1.48 X1.49 X1.50 X1.51 X1.52 X1.55 X1.56 X1.57 X1.58 X1.59 X2.60 X2.16 X2.17 X2.50 X2.51 X2.19 X2.20 X2.53 X2.54 X2.18 X2.52 X2.22 X2.23 X2.25 X2.59 X2.37 X2.49 X2.27 X2.28 X2.61 X2.62 X2.30 X2.31 X2.64 X2.65 X2.58 X2.56 X2.24 X2.57 X2.32 Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-55 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Wire Pin of the X1 End (MD64 Connector) Pin of the X2 End (MD68 Connector) Core Type X1.60 X1.61 X1.62 X1.63 X1.64 X1.53 Shell X2.66 X2.33 X2.34 X2.67 X2.68 X2.63 Shell Braid Twisted pair Twisted pair 5.27.4 Installation Positions Table 5-43 lists the installation positions of the signal cable between the DCSU and the DTRB. Table 5-43 Installation positions of the signal cable between the DCSU and the DTRB Cable Name One End (MD64 Male Connector) The Other End (MD68 Male Connector) Signal cable between the DCSU and the DTRB Connects to port TO_DTRB on the DCSU Connects to port MD68 on the DTRB 5.28 RS485 Environment Monitoring Signal Cable 5.28.1 Functions The RS485 environment monitoring signal cable is used to transmit the RS485 environment monitoring signals from the DPMU, FAN subrack, DELU, DMLU, and heat exchanger to the DCCU. The signals are finally sent to the DTMU for further processing. 5-56 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.28.2 Structure Figure 5-26 shows the structure of the RS485 environment monitoring signal cable. Figure 5-26 Structure of the RS485 environment monitoring signal cable 2 W1 X2 View A Pos.1 A X1 5 E X5 W3 W4 X4 Pos.26 D 1 W2 View B B 1 8 View C 3 Pos.1 C Pos.26 View E 1 2 3 4 5 X3 4 Pos.15 View D Pos.1 (1) DB26 male connector (4) DB26 male connector (2) RJ45 connector (5) Common 5-pin connector (3) DB15 female connector 5.28.3 Pin Description Table 5-44 lists the pins of W1 in the RS485 environment monitoring signal cable. Table 5-44 Pins of W1 Core Wire Pin of the X1 End (DB26 Connector) Pin of the X2 End (RJ45 Connector) Core Type W1 X1.19 X1.11 X1.1 X1.10 X1.Shell X2.1 X2.2 X2.4 X2.5 X2.Shell Twisted pair Twisted pair Shield Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-57 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Table 5-45 lists the pins of W2 in the RS485 environment monitoring signal cable. Table 5-45 Pins of W2 Core Wire Pin of the X1 End (DB26 Connector) Pin of the X3 End (DB15 Connector) Core Type W2 X1.19 X1.11 X1.1 X1.10 X1.Shell X3.1 X3.2 X3.4 X3.5 X3.Shell Twisted pair Twisted pair Shield 5-58 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables Table 5-46 lists the pins of W3 in the RS485 environment monitoring signal cable. Table 5-46 Pins of W3 Core Wire Pin of the X1 End (DB26 Connector) Pin of the X4 End (DB26 Connector) Core Type W3 X1.1 X1.10 X1.2 X1.3 X1.4 X1.5 X1.6 X1.7 X1.11 X1.19 X1.13 X1.14 X1.12 X1.16 X1.17 X1.12 X1.20 X1.21 X1.22 X1.23 X1.24 X1.25 X1.Shell X4.1 X4.10 X4.2 X4.3 X4.4 X4.5 X4.6 X4.7 X4.11 X4.19 X4.13 X4.14 X4.12 X4.16 X4.17 X4.12 X4.20 X4.21 X4.22 X4.23 X4.24 X4.25 X4.Shell Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Shield Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-59 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Table 5-47 lists the pins of W4 in the RS485 environment monitoring signal cable. Table 5-47 Pins of W4 Core Wire Pin of the X4 End (DB26 Connector) Pin of the X5 End (Common 5-Pin Connector) Core Type W4 X4.8 X4.9 X4.18 X4.Shell X5.1 X5.2 X5.3 Twisted pair Shield 5.28.4 Installation Positions Table 5-48 lists the installation positions of the RS485 environment monitoring signal cable. Table 5-48 Installation positions of the RS485 environment monitoring signal cable Cable Name One End (DB26 Male Connector) The Other End RS485 environment monitoring signal cable Connects to port To_FAN on the DCCU The RJ45 connector connects to port RS232/RS422 on the DPMU. The DB15 female connector connects to port COM Port on the heat exchanger on the front door. The DB26 male connector connects to port COM on the FAN Box. The common 5-pin connector connects to the sensor on the left of the air inlet. 5.29 E1 Signal Transfer Cable 5.29.1 Functions The E1 signal transfer cable is used to transfer four routes of signals from the DSCB to the DCCU. 5-60 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.29.2 Structure Figure 5-27 shows the structure of the E1 signal transfer cable. Figure 5-27 Structure of the E1 signal transfer cable View B Pos.64 1 View A Pos.1 W X2 Pos.1 Delander 2 B A Pos.36 X1 (1) MD36 male connector (2) MD64 male connector 5.29.3 Pin Description Table 5-49 lists the pins of the E1 signal transfer cable. Table 5-49 Pins of the E1 signal transfer cable Core Wire Pin of the X1 End (MD36 Connector) Pin of X2 End (MD64 Connector) Core Type W X1.6 X1.7 X1.24 X1.25 X1.8 X1.9 X1.26 X1.27 X1.2 X1.3 X1.20 X1.21 X2.11 X2.9 X2.27 X2.25 X2.15 X2.13 X2.31 X2.29 X2.43 X2.41 X2.59 X2.57 Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-61 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Core Wire Pin of the X1 End (MD36 Connector) Pin of X2 End (MD64 Connector) Core Type X1.4 X1.5 X1.22 X1.23 X1.14 X1.15 X1.32 X1.33 X1.16 X1.17 X1.34 X1.35 X1.10 X1.11 X1.28 X1.29 X1.12 X1.13 X1.30 X1.31 Shell X2.47 X2.45 X2. 63 X2. 61 X2.3 X2.1 X2.19 X2.17 X2.7 X2.5 X2.23 X2.21 X2.32 X2.33 X2.51 X2.49 X2.39 X2.37 X2.55 X2.53 Shell Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Shield 5.29.4 Installation Positions Table 5-50 lists the installation positions of the E1 signal transfer cable. Table 5-50 Installation positions of the E1 signal transfer cable Cable Name One End (MD36 Male Connector) The Other End (MD64 Male Connector) E1 signal transfer cable Connects to port TO DCCU E1 on the DSCB Connects to port TRAN on the DCCU 5-62 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.30 Monitoring Signal Transfer Cable Between the NPMI and the DSCB 5.30.1 Functions The monitoring signal transfer cable between the NPMI and the DSCB is used to transmit signals between the NPMI and the DSCB. 5.30.2 Structure Figure 5-28 shows the structure of the monitoring signal transfer cable between the NPMI and the DSCB. Figure 5-28 Structure of the monitoring signal transfer cable between the NPMI and the DSCB 1 View A 1 2 View B 1 2 3 4 B X3 Lable4 2 X4 Lable5 X9 X5 Lable6 X6 Lable7 X7 Lable8 X8 Pos.36 W A X1 Lable2 X2 Lable3 3 View C Pos.1 C Lable1 (1) Common 2-pin connector (2) Common 4-pin connector (3) MD36 connector Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-63 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.30.3 Pin Description Table 5-51 lists the pins of the monitoring signal transfer cable between the NPMI and the DSCB. Table 5-51 Pins of the monitoring signal transfer cable between the NPMI and the DSCB Core Wire Pin of One End Pin of the Other End Color Core Type W X1.1 X1.2 X2.1 X2.2 X3.4 X3.3 X4.3 X4.4 X5.3 X6.3 X7.3 X8.3 X9.6 X9.7 X9.8 X9.9 X9.22 X9.24 X9.25 X9.31 X9.26 X9.27 X9.28 X9.29 Blue White Orange White Green White Brown White Grey Brown Blue Red Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair 5.30.4 Installation Positions Table 5-52 lists the installation positions of the monitoring signal transfer cable between the NPMI and the DSCB. Table 5-52 Installation positions of the monitoring signal transfer cable between the NPMI and the DSCB Cable Name One End The Other End (MD36 Male Connector) Monitoring signal transfer cable between the NPMI and the DSCB The two common 2-pin connectors connect to ports JK1 and JK2 on the NPMI. The six common 4-pin connectors connect to ports JTD1, JTD2, and JTD4–JTD7 on the NPMI. Connects to port TO NPMI on the DSCB 5-64 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.31 DPMU Monitoring Cable 5.31.1 Functions The DPMU monitoring cable of the BTS3012AE is used to transmit sensor signals from the NPMI to the DPMU. 5.31.2 Structure Figure 5-29 shows the structure of the DPMU monitoring cable. Figure 5-29 Structure of the DPMU monitoring cable View A Pos.50 Pos.1 A 2 W X1 X2 Pos.1 B 1 View B Pos.50 (1) MD50 male connector (2) MD50 male connector 5.31.3 Pin Description Table 5-53 lists the pins of the DPMU monitoring cable. Table 5-53 Pins of the DPMU monitoring cable Pin of the X1 End (MD50 Connector) Pin of the X2 End (MD50 Connector ) Core Color Core Type X1.1 X1.2 X1.3 X1.4 X1.5 X1.8 X1.9 X1.10 X2.1 X2.2 X2.3 X2.4 X2.5 X2.8 X2.9 X2.10 White Blue White Orange White Green White Brown Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-65 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Pin of the X1 End (MD50 Connector) Pin of the X2 End (MD50 Connector ) Core Color Core Type X1.11 X1.12 X1.13 X1.14 X1.16 X1.17 X1.18 X1.19 X1.20 X1.21 X1.22 X1.23 X1.24 X1.25 X1.27 X1.28 X1.29 X1.30 X1.31 X1.32 X1.33 X1.34 X1.43 X1.44 X2.11 X2.12 X2.13 X2.14 X2.16 X2.17 X2.18 X2.19 X2.20 X2.21 X2.22 X2.23 X2.24 X2.25 X2.27 X2.28 X2.29 X2.30 X2.31 X2.32 X2.33 X2.34 X2.43 X2.44 White Grey Red Blue Red Orange Red Green Red Brown Red Grey Black Blue Black Orange Black Green Black Brown Black Grey Yellow Blue Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair Twisted pair 5-66 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.31.4 Installation Positions Table 5-54 lists the installation positions of the DPMU monitoring cable. Table 5-54 Installation positions of the DPMU monitoring cable Cable Name One End (MD50 Male Connector) The Other End (MD50 Male Connector) DPMU monitoring cable Connects to port COM on the DPMU Connects to port J1 on the NPMI 5.32 Alarm Cable for the Air Breaker 5.32.1 Functions The alarm cable for the air breaker connects the storage battery to the NPMI. This alarm cable helps the NPMI monitor the voltage of the storage battery in real time. If the NPMI detects overvoltage, it reports an overvoltage alarm. 5.32.2 Structure Figure 5-30 shows the structure of the alarm cable for the air breaker. Figure 5-30 Structure of the alarm cable for the air breaker 3 1 A 2 1 2 A (1) Common 2-pin connector (2) Common female connector (3) OT terminal 5.32.3 Pin Description None. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-67 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.32.4 Installation Positions Table 5-55 lists the installation positions of the alarm cable for the air breaker. Table 5-55 Installation positions of the alarm cable for the air breaker Cable Name One End (Common Female Connector) The Other End (OT Terminal) Alarm cable for the air breaker Connects to port FU_ALM on the NPMI Connects to the air breaker terminal 5.33 Alarm Cable for the AC Lightning Arrester 5.33.1 Functions The alarm cable for the AC lightning arrester connects the AC lightning arrester to the NPMI. It helps the NPMI monitor the AC lightning arrester in real time. 5.33.2 Structure Figure 5-31 shows the structure of the alarm cable for the AC lightning arrester. Figure 5-31 Structure of the alarm cable for the AC lightning arrester 2 1 W1 A W2 X1 1 2 3 4 X3 X2 View A (1) Common 4-pin connector (2) Common connector 5.33.3 Pin Description None. 5-68 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.33.4 Installation Positions Table 5-56 lists the installation positions of the alarm cable for the AC lightning arrester. Table 5-56 Installation positions of the alarm cable for the AC lightning arrester Cable Name One End (Common 4-Pin Connector) The Other End (Common Connector) Alarm cable for the AC lightning arrestor Connects to port JTD3 on the NPMI through the front of the cabinet Connects to AC power lightning arrestor 5.34 Cable for the Temperature and Humidity Sensor 5.34.1 Functions The cable for the temperature and humidity sensor connects the temperature and humidity sensor to the NPMI. It helps the NPMI monitor the temperature and humidity in the storage battery cabin in a real-time manner. 5.34.2 Structure Figure 5-32 shows the structure of the cable for the temperature and humidity sensor. Figure 5-32 Structure of the cable for the temperature and humidity sensor 2 1 W1 A X4 X1 1 2 3 4 W4 X5 View A X2 X3 (1) Common 4-pin connector (2) Common connector Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-69 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.34.3 Pin Description Table 5-57 lists the pins the cable for the temperature and humidity sensor. Table 5-57 Pins of the cable for the temperature and humidity sensor Pin of the X1 End (Common 4-Pin Connector) Pin of the X2, X3, X4, and X5 Ends (Common Connector) X1.1 X1.2 X1.3 X1.4 X2 X3 X4 X5 5.34.4 Installation Positions Table 5-58 lists the installation positions of the cable for the temperature and humidity sensor. Table 5-58 Installation positions of the cable for the temperature and humidity sensor Cable Name One End (4-Pin Connector) The Other End (Common Connector) Cable for the temperature and humidity sensor Connects to port TEM_HUM on the NPMI through the back of the cabinet Connects to the temperature and humidity sensor 5.35 Cable for the Door Status Sensor 5.35.1 Functions The cable for the door status sensor connects the door status sensor to the NPMI. It helps the NPMI monitor the door status in real time. 5-70 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.35.2 Structure Figure 5-33 shows the structure of the cable for the door status sensor. Figure 5-33 Structure of the cable for the access door status 1 X1 4 W1 2 A X2 W2 3 X4 X5 W3 W4 X6 W5 X3 View A 1 2 (1) 250-type parallel connector (2) 2-pin connector (3) 4-pin connector (4) Heat-shrink tube 5.35.3 Pin Description Table 5-59 lists the pins of the cable for the door status sensor. Table 5-59 Pins of the cable for the door status sensor Pin of the X1 and X2 Ends Pin of the X3 End X1 X2 X3.1 X3.2 Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-71 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.35.4 Installation Positions Table 5-60 lists the installation positions of the cable for the door status sensor. Table 5-60 Installation positions of the cable for the door status sensor Cable Name One End (Common 2-Pin Connector) The Other End Cable for the door status sensor Connects to port DOOR on the NPMI through the back of the cabinet Parallel connectors X1 and X2 connect to the tact switch on the front door of the cabinet. Parallel connectors X4 and X5 connect to the tact switch on the back door of the cabinet. Connector X6 is reserved for transmitting door status signals of combined cabinets. Note: Remove W5 in case of combined cabinets, and then connect the cable for the door status sensor on the other cabinet door to the W5 port. 5.36 Cable for the Smoke Sensor 5.36.1 Functions The cable for the smoke sensor connects the smoke sensor to the NPMI. It helps the NPMI monitor the smoke in the ambient environment in real time. 5.36.2 Structure Figure 5-34 shows the structure of the cable for the smoke sensor. Figure 5-34 Structure of the cable for the smoke sensor 2 1 W1 A W2 X1 View A 1 2 X3 X2 (1) Common 2-pin connector (2) Common connector 5-72 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables 5.36.3 Pin Description None. 5.36.4 Installation Positions Table 5-61 lists the installation positions of the cable for the smoke sensor. Table 5-61 Installation positions of the cable for the smoke sensor Cable Name One End (Common 2-Pin Connector) The Other End (Common Connector) Cable for the smoke sensor Connects to port SMOKE on the NPMI through the back of the cabinet Connects to the smoke sensor 5.37 Cable for the Water Sensor 5.37.1 Functions The cable for the water sensor connects the water sensor to the NPMI. It helps the NPMI monitor the water in the ambient environment in real time. 5.37.2 Structure Figure 5-35 shows the structure of the cable for the water sensor. Figure 5-35 Structure of the cable for the water sensor 2 1 A View A 1 2 3 4 (1) Common 4-pin connector (2) Common female connector 5.37.3 Pin Description None. Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-73 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5.37.4 Installation Positions Table 5-62 lists the installation positions of the cable for the water sensor. Table 5-62 Installation positions of the cable for the water sensor Cable Name One End (Common 4-Pin Connector) The Other End (Common Female Connector) Cable for the water sensor Connects to port WATER on the NPMI through the back of the cabinet Connects to the water sensor 5.38 Cables for the Built-In Battery Cabin 5.38.1 Functions The cables for the built-in battery cabin consist of the following types: GND cable and –48 V power cable: provide power supply for the BTS3012AE cabinet. Cable between the wiring copper bar and the storage batteries Inter-battery cable: connects each battery in series. This forms a power supply system. Built-in battery temperature sensor cable: connects the built-in battery cabin with the NPMI. This enables the NPMI to monitor the temperature in the battery cabin. 5.38.2 Structure The structures of the cables for the built-in battery cabin are as follows: The GND cable is a red one with the sectional area of 25 mm2, as shown in Figure 5-36. The –48 V power cable is a black one with the sectional area of 25 mm2, as shown in Figure 5-37. The cable between the wiring copper bar and the storage batteries is black with the sectional area of 16 mm2. The inter-battery cable is black with the sectional area of 16 mm2. The cable for the temperature sensor of the built-in batteries is shown in Figure 5-38. Figure 5-36 Structure of the GND cable 1 2 W 3 (1) Bare pressure terminal (2) Heat-shrink tube (3) Bare pressure terminal 5-74 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables Figure 5-37 Structure of the –48 V power cable 1 2 W 3 (1) Bare pressure terminal (2) Heat-shrink tube (3) Bare pressure terminal Figure 5-38 Structure of the cable for the temperature sensor of the built-in batteries 1 2 (1) OT terminal (2) Common 2-pin connector 5.38.3 Pin Description None. 5.38.4 Installation Positions Table 5-63 lists the installation positions of the cables for the built-in battery cabin. Table 5-63 Installation positions of the cables for the built-in battery cabin Cable Name One End The Other End GND cable Connects to the positive lead of the wiring copper bar on the left part in the 50 AH battery cabin Connects to the negative lead of the wiring copper bar on the left part in the 50 AH battery cabin Connects to the wiring copper bar on the left part in the 50 AH battery cabin The red connector connects to the positive lead of one storage battery. connects to the RTN at the rear of the power subrack Connects to the RTN at the rear of the power subrack Connects to the positive or negative lead of the storage batteries The black connector connects to the negative lead of the other storage battery. –48 V cable Cable between the wiring copper bar and the storage batteries Inter-battery cable Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-75 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Cable Name One End The Other End Cable for the temperature sensor of the built-in batteries The OT terminal connects to the positive terminal on the left storage battery in the front row at the upper layer within the 150-AH storage battery cabin. The common 2-pin connector connects to port BAT_TEM1 on the NPMI. 5.39 Cables for the External Battery Cabinet 5.39.1 Functions The cables for the external battery cabinet consist of the following types: GND cable and –48 V cable: provides power supply for the BTS3012AE cabinet. Inter-battery cable: connects to the batteries in series. The batteries together form a backup power supply system. Equipotential cable: provides protection grounding for the battery cabinet. Cable for the external battery door status and temperature sensor: connects to the external battery cabinet and the NPMI. This enables the NPMI to monitor the door status of and the temperature in the external battery cabinet. 5.39.2 Structure The structures of the cables for the external battery cabinet are described as follows: The GND cable is a red one with the sectional area of 35 mm2, as shown in Figure 5-36. The –48 V power cable is a black one with the sectional area of 35 mm2, as shown in Figure 5-37. The inter-battery cable connects batteries in series. The equipotential cable, that is, the PGND cable, is a green and yellow one with the sectional area of 25 mm2. Figure 5-39 shows the structure of the cable for the external battery door status and temperature sensor. − − One end has a 2-pin connector and two bare wires. The other end has four bare wires and the other end. For the colors of the four core wires, see Table 5-64. 5-76 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15) HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual 5 Cables Figure 5-39 Structure of the cable for the external battery door status and temperature sensor 1 3 2 (1) Two bare wires (white and green) (3) Four bare wires (white, green, red, and black) (2) Common 2-pin connector Table 5-64 Bare wires at one end of door status and temperature sensor cable Wire Color Function Structure White Green Red Black Door status monitoring See Figure 5-39. Temperature monitoring 5.39.3 Pin Description None. 5.39.4 Installation Positions Table 5-65 lists the installation positions of the cables for the external battery cabinet. Table 5-65 Installation positions of the cables for the external battery cabinet Cable Name One End The Other End GND cable Connects to the positive lead of the wiring copper bar for the external battery cabinet Connects to the negative lead of the wiring copper bar for the external battery cabinet The red connector connects to the positive lead of one storage battery. Connects to the grounding bar terminal in the external battery cabinet Connects to the RTN at the rear of the power subrack Connects to the RTN at the rear of the power subrack The black connector connects to the negative lead of the other storage battery. Connects to the grounding bar of the BTS3012AE cabinet –48 V cable Inter-battery cable Equipotential cable Issue 03 (2007-03-15) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-77 5 Cables HUAWEI BTS3012AE Base Station Hardware Description Manual Cable Name One End The Other End Door status and temperature sensor cable The four bare wires connect to the wiring terminal of the external battery cabinet. The 2-pin connector connects to port BAT_TEM2 on the NPMI. The two bare wires connect to the cable for the door status sensor on the BTS3012AE cabinet. 5-78 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 03(2007-03-15)