Power Engineering Guide Transmission and Distribution 4th Edition �Power Engineering Guide Transmission and Distribution Your local representative: Sales locations worldwide (EV): http://www.ev.siemens.de/en/pages/salesloc.htm Distributed by: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Power Transmission and Distribution G roup International Business Development, Dept. EV IBD P.O. Box 3220 D-91050 Erla ngen Phone: ++ 49 - 9131-73 45 40 Fax: ++ 49-9131-73 45 42 Power Transmission an d Distribution group online: http://www.ev.siemens.de Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Foreword This Power Engineering Guide is devised as an aid to electrical engineers who ar e engaged in the planning and specifying of electrical power generation, transmi ssion, distribution, control, and utilization systems. Care has been taken to in clude the most important application, performance, physical and shipping data of the equipment listed in the guide which is needed to perform preliminary layout and engineering tasks for industrial and utility-type installations. The equipm ent listed in this guide is designed, rated, manufactured and tested in accordan ce with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) recommendations. How ever, a number of standardized equipment items in this guide are designed to tak e other national standards into account besides the above codes, and can be rate d and tested to ANSI/ NEMA, BS, CSA, etc. On top of that, we manufacture a compr ehensive range of transmission and distribution equipment specifically to ANSI/N EMA codes and regulations. Two thirds of our product range is less than five yea rs old. For our customers this means energy efficiency, environmental compatibil ity, reliability and reduced life cycle cost. For details, please see the indivi dual product listings or inquire. Whenever you need additional information to se lect suitable products from this guide, or when questions about their applicatio n arise, simply call your local Siemens office. Sales locations worldwide: http: //www.ev.siemens.de/en/pages/ salesloc.htm Siemens AG is one of the world's leading international electrical and electronics companies. With 416 000 employees in more than 190 countries worldwide, the comp any is divided into various Groups. One of them is Power Transmission and Distri bution. The Power Transmission and Distribution Group of Siemens with 24 700 emp loyees around the world plans, develops, designs, manufactures and markets produ cts, systems and complete turn-key electrical infrastructure installations. The group owns a growing number of engineering and manufacturing facilities in more than 100 countries throughout the world. All plants are, or are in the process o f being certified to ISO 9000/9001 practices. This is of significant benefit for our customers. Our local manufacturing capability makes us strong in global sou rcing, since we manufacture products to IEC as well as ANSI/NEMA standards in pl ants at various locations around the world. Siemens Power Transmission and Distr ibution Group (EV) is capable of providing everything you would expect from an e lectrical engineering company with a global reach. The Power Transmission and Di stribution Group is prepared and competent, to perform all tasks and activities involving transmission and distribution of electrical energy. Siemens Power Transmission and Distribution Group offers intelligent solutions f or the transmission and distribution of power from generating plants to customer s. The Group is a product supplier, systems integrator and service provider, and specializes in the following systems and services: s High-voltage systems s Med ium-voltage systems s Metering s Secondary systems s Power systems control and e nergy management s Power transformers s Distribution transformers s System plann ing s Decentralized power supply systems. Siemens' service includes the setting up of complete turnkey installations, offers advice, planning, operation and train ing and provides expertise and commitment as the complexity of this task require s. Backed by the experience of worldwide projects, Siemens can always offer its customers the optimum cost-effective concept individually tailored to their need s. We are there ± wherever and whenever you need us ± to help you build plants bette r, cheaper and faster. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Schloß Vice President Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Power Transmission and Distribution Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Quality and Environmental Policy Quality and Environmental ± Our first priority Transmission and distribution equip ment from Siemens means worldwide activities in engineering, design, development , manufacturing and service. The Power Transmission and Distribution Group of Si emens AG, with all of its divisions and relevant locations, has been awarded and maintains certification to DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN ISO 14001. Certified qual ity Siemens Quality Management and Environmental Management System gives our cus tomers confidence in the quality of Siemens products and services. Certified to be in compliance with DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN ISO 1400, it is the registered proof of our reliabilty. Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Contents General Introduction Energy Needs Intelligent Solutions Power Transmission Systems 1 High Voltage 2 Medium Voltage 3 Low Voltage 4 Transformers 5 Protection and Substation Control 6 Power Systems Control and Energy Management 7 Metering 8 Services 9 System Planning 10 Conversion Factors and Tables Contacts and Internet Addresses Conditions of Sale s and Delivery Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �General Introduction Energy management systems are also important, to ensure safe and reliable operat ion of the transmission network. Distribution In order to feed local medium-volt age distribution systems of urban, industrial or rural distribution areas, HV/MV main substations are connected to the subtransmission systems. Main substations have to be located next to the MV load center for reasons of economy. Thus, the subtransmission systems of voltage levels up to 145 kV have to penetrate even f urther into the populated load centers. The far-reaching power distribution syst em in the load center areas is tailored exclusively to the needs of users with l arge numbers of appliances, lamps, motor drives, heating, chemical processes, et c. Most of these are connected to the low-voltage level. The structure of the lo w-voltage distribution system is determined by load and reliability requirements of the consumers, as well as by nature and dimensions of the area to be served. Different consumer characteristics in public, industrial and commercial supply will need different LV network configurations and adequate switchgear and transf ormer layout. Especially for industrial supply systems with their high number of motors and high costs for supply interruptions, LV switchgear design is of grea t importance for flexible and reliable operation. Independent from individual su pply characteristics in order to avoid uneconomical high losses, however, the su bstations with the MV/LV transformers should be located as close as possible to the LV load centers. The compact load center substations should be installed rig ht in the industrial production area near to the LV consumers. The superposed me dium-voltage system has to be configured to the needs of these substations and t he available sources (main substation, generation) and leads again to different solutions for urban or rural public supply, industry and large building centers. In addition distribution management systems can be tailored to the needs, from small to large systems and for specific requirements. Main substation with transformers up to 63 MVA HV switchgear MV switchgear Local medium-voltage distribution system Ring type Public supply Feeder cable Connection of large consumer Spot system Industrial supply and large buildings Medium voltage substations MV/LV substation looped in MV cable by load-break switchgear in different combin ations for individual substation design, transformers up to 1000 kVA LV fuses Ci rcuitbreaker Loadbreak switch Consumer-connection substation looped in or connec ted to feeder cable with circuitbreaker and load-break switches for connection o f spot system in different layout MV/LV transformer level Low-voltage supply system Public supply with pillars and house connections internal installation Large bui ldings with distributed transformers vertical LV risers and internal installatio n per floor Industrial supply with distributed transformers with subdistribution board and motor control center Consumers Fig. 2: Distribution: Principle configuration of distribution systems Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition ��General Introduction Despite the individual layout of networks, common philosophy should be an utmost simple and clear network design to obtain s flexible system operation s clear p rotection coordination s short fault clearing time and s efficient system automa tion. The wide range of power requirements for individual consumers from a few k W to some MW, together with the high number of similar network elements, are the main characteristics of the distribution system and the reason for the comparat ively high specific costs. Therefore, utmost standardization of equipment and us e of maintenance-free components are of decisive importance for economical syste m layout. Siemens components and systems cater to these requirements based on wo rldwide experience in transmission and distribution networks. Protection, operat ion, control and metering Safe, reliable and economical energy supply is also a matter of fast, efficient and reliable system protection, data transmission and processing for system operation. The components required for protection and oper ation benefit from the rapid development of information and communication techno logy. Modern digital relays provide extensive possibilities for selective relay setting and protection coordination for fast fault clearing and minimized interr uption times. Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) or Substation Automation Systems (SAS ) provide the data for the centralized monitoring and control of the power plant s and substations by the energy management system. Siemens energy management sys tems ensure a high supply quality, minimize generation and transmission costs an d optimally manage the energy transactions. Modularity and open architecture off er the flexibility needed to cope with changed or new requirements originating e .g. from deregulation or changes in the supply area size. The broad range of app lications includes generation control and scheduling, management of transmission and distribution networks, as well as energy trading. Metering devices and syst ems are important tools for efficiency and economy to survive in the deregulated market. For example, Demand Side Management (DSM) allows an electricity supply utility from a control center to remotely control certain consumers on the suppl y network for load control purposes. Energy meters are used for measuring the co nsumption of electricity, gas, heat and water for purposes of billing in the fie lds of households, commerce, industry and grid metering. Power system substation Power system switchgear Bay protection ± Overcurrent ± Distance ± Differential etc. Ot her bays Bay coordination level Bay switching interlocking Control Other bays Substation coordination level BB and BF (busbar and breaker failure) protection Switchgear interlocking Substation control Data processing Automation Metering Data and signal input/output Other substations Power network telecommunication systems Other substations Power line carrier communication Fiber-optic communication System coordination level SCADA functions Distribution management functions Grafical information systems N etwork analysis Power and scheduling applications Training simulator �Control room equipment Fig. 3: System Automation: Principle configuration of protection, control and co mmunication systems Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �General Introduction Overall solutions ± System planning Of crucial importance for the quality of power transmission and distribution is the integration of diverse components to form overall solutions. Especially in countries where the increase in power consumpti on is well above the average besides the installation of generating capacity, co nstruction and extension of transmission and distribution systems must be develo ped simultaneously and together with equipment for protection, supervision, cont rol and metering. Also, for the existing systems, changing load structures, chan ging requirements due to energy market deregulation and liberalization and/ or e nvironmental regulations, together with the need for replacement of aged equipme nt will require new installations. Integral power network solutions are far more than just a combination of products and components. Peculiarities in urban deve lopment, protection of the countryside and of the environment, and the suitabili ty for expansion and harmonious integration in existing networks are just a few of the factors which future-oriented power system planning must take into accoun t. Outlook The electrical energy supply (generation, transmission and distributi on) is like a pyramid based on the number of components and their widespread use . This pyramid rests on a foundation formed by local expansion of the distributi on networks and power demand in the overall system, which is determined solely b y the consumers and their use of light, power and heat. These basic applications arise in many variations and different intensities throughout the entire privat e, commercial and industrial sector (Fig. 4). Reliability, safety and quality (i .e. voltage and frequency stability) of the energy supply are therefore absolute essentials and must be assured by the distribution networks and transmission sy stems. Generation Transmission Distribution Consumers Applications Light Power Heat Monitoring, Control, Automation Fig. 4: Industrial applications Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Energy Needs Intelligent Solutions The changing state of the world's energy markets and the need to conserve resource s is promoting more intelligent solutions to the distribution of man's silent serv ant, electricity. Change is generally wrought by necessity, often driven by a va riety of factors, not least social, political, economic, environmental and techn ological considerations. Currently the world's energy supply industries ± principall y gas and electricity ± are in the process of undergoing radical and crucial chang e that is driven by a mixture of all these considerations. The collective name g iven to the factors affecting the electricity supply industry worldwide is dereg ulation. This is the changing operating scenario the electricity supply industry as a whole faces as it moves inexorably into the 21st century. How can it rise to the challenge of liberalized markets and the opportunities presented by dereg ulation? One of the answers is the better use of information technology and ªintel ligentº control to affect the necessary changes born of deregulation. However, to achieve this utilities need to be very sure of the technical and commercial comp etence of their systems suppliers. Failure could prove to be very costly not jus t in financial terms, but also for a utility's reputation with its consumers in wh at is becoming increasingly a buyer's market. Forming and maintaining close partne rships with long-established systems suppliers such as Siemens is the best way o f ensuring success with deregulation into the millennium. Siemens can look back on over 100 years of working in close co-operation with power utilities througho ut the world. This accumulated experience allows the company's Power Transmission and Distribution Group to address not just technical issues, but also better app reciate many of the operational and commercial aspects of electricity distributi on. Experience gained over the past decade with the many-and-varied aspects of d eregulation puts the Group in an almost unique position to advise utilities as t o the best solutions for taking full advantage of the opportunities offered by d eregulation. Innovation the issue of change Although today's technology obviously plays a very important role in the company's current business, innovation has alwa ys been at the vanguard of its activities; indeed it is the common thread that h as run through the company since its inception 150 years ago. In future power di stribution technology, computer software, power electronics and superconductivit y will play increasingly prominent roles in innovative solutions. Scope for new technolFig. 5: Superconducting current limiter: lightning fast response ogies is to be found in decentralized energy supply concepts and in meeting the needs of urban conurbations. Siemens is no longer just a manufacturer of systems and equipment, it is now much more. Overall concepts are becoming ever more imp ortant. All change! Power distribution technology has not changed significantly over the past forty years¼ indeed, the ªrules of the gameº have remained the same for a much longer period of time. A new challenge Recently decentralized power suppl y systems have cornered a growing share of the market for a number of reasons. I n developing and industrializing countries, it has become clear that the energy policies and systems solutions adopted by nations with well-established energy i nfrastructures are not always appropriate. Frequently it is more prudent to star t with small decentralized power networks and to expand later in a progressive w ay as demand and economics permit. Much benefit can also be gained if generation makes use of natural or indigenous resources such as the sun, water, wind or bi omass. Countries that struggle with population growth and migration to the towns and cities clearly need to pay close attention to protecting their balance of p ayments. In such cases, the expansion of power supplies into the countryside is a crucial factor in the economic and social development of a particular count ry. In the industrialized countries the concept of the ªdecentralized power supplyº is also gaining ground, largely because of environmental concern. This has had i ts consequences for the generation of electricity: wind power is experiencing a renaissance, more development work is being carried out into photovoltaic device �s and combined heat and power cogeneration plants are growing in popularity in m any areas for both ecological and economic reasons. These developments are resul ting in some entirely new energy network structures. Additional tasks... The sco pe and purpose of tomorrow's distribution systems will no longer be to simply ªsuppl y electricityº. In future they will be required to ªharvestº power and redistribute it more economically and take into account, among other considerations, environmen tal needs. In the past it was no easy task to supply precisely the right amount of electricity according to demand because, as is well-known, electricity cannot be readily stored and the loads were continually changing. Demand scheduling wa s very much based on statistical forecasting ± not an exact science and one that c annot by its very nature take into account realtime variations. Demand schedulin g problems can become particularly acute when power stations of limited generati ng capacity are on line. Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Energy Needs Intelligent Solutions Nowadays these and similar problems are not insoluble because of decentralized p ower supplies and the use of ªintelligentº control. The Power Transmission and Distr ibution Group has developed concepts for the economic resolution of peak energy demand. One is to use energy stores. Batteries are an obvious choice, for these can be equipped with power electronics to enhance energy quality as well as stor ing electricity. Intelligent energy management¼ One of the options for matching th e amount of electricity available to the amount being demanded is, even today, t he rarely used technique of load control. Energy saving can mean much more than just consuming as few kilowatt-hours as possible. It can also mean achieving the flexibility of demand that can make a valuable contribution to a country's econom y. Naturally, in places such as hospitals, textile factories and electronic chip fabrication plants it is extremely important for the power supply not to fail ± n ot even for a second. In other areas of electricity consumption, however, there is much more room for manoeuvre. Controlled interruptions of a few minutes, and even a few hours, can often be tolerated without causing very much difficulty to those involved. There are other applications where the time constant or resilie nce is high, e.g. cold stores and air-conditioning plants, where energy can be s tored for periods of up to several hours. Through the application of ªintelligentº c ontrol and with suitable financial encouragement (usually in the form of flexibl e tariff rates) there is no doubt that very much more could be made of load cont rol. Improving energy quality¼ Power electronics systems, for example SIPCON, can help improve energy quality ± an increasingly important factor in deregulated ener gy markets. Energy has now become a product. It has its price and a defined qual ity. Consumers want a definite quality of energy, but they also produce reaction effects on the system that are detrimental to quality (e.g. harmonics or reacti ve power). Energy quality first has to be measured and documented, for example w ith the SIMEAS® family of quality recorders. These measurements are important for price setting, and can serve as the basis for remedial action, such as with acti ve or passive filters. Power electronics development has opened up many new poss ibilities here, although considerable progress may still be made in this area ± a breakthrough in silicon carbide technology, for example. Fig. 6: Silicon carbide Fig. 7: GIL Alternatives¼ It should be appreciated, however, that decentralized power supplies are not a panacea. For those places where energy density requirements are high, large power stations are still the answer, and especially when they can supply district heating. Theoretically, it should still be possible to employ conventio nal technology to transport very large amounts of electricity to the megacities of the 21st Century. Even if the use of overhead power lines was not an option, due to say there being insufficient space or resistance from people living nearby, it would be possible to use gas-insulated lines (GIL), an economical alternative investigated by Siemens. The development aim of reducing costs has meanwhile been attained here, and costeffective applic ations involving distances of serveral kilometres are therefore possible. The sy stem costs for the gas-insulated transmission lines (GIL) developed by Siemens e xceed those of overhead lines only by about a factor of 10. Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Energy Needs Intelligent Solutions Energy management via satellite Long-distance DC transmission Wind energy Solar energy Converter station Power plants Pumping station Biomass power plant Irrigation system Switching station Energy store GIL Distribution station Fuel cells Cooling station (liquid nitrogen) Fig. 8: The mega-cities of the 21st century and the open countryside will need d ifferent solutions ± very high values of connection density in the former and dece ntralised configurations in the latter This has been achieved by laying the tubular conductor using methods similar to those employed with pipelines. Savings were also made by simplifying and standar dizing the individual components and by using a gas mixture consisting of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and nitrogen (N2). The advantages of this new technology are low resistive and capacitive losses. The electric field outside of the enclosur e is zero, and the magnetic field is negligibly small. No cooling and no phase a ngle compensation are required. GILs are not a fire hazard and are simple to rep air. Energy trade The new ªrules of the gameº that are being introduced in power sup ply business everywhere are demanding more capability from utility IT systems, e specially in areas such as energy trading. Siemens has been in the fortunate pos ition of being able to accumulate early practical experience in this field in ma rkets where deregulation is being introduced very quickly ± such as the United Kin gdom, Scandinavia and the USA ± and so is now able to offer sophisticated systems and expertise with which utilities can get to grips with the demands of the new commercial environment. In the past it was always security of supply that took t he highest priority for a utility. Now, however, although it remains an importan t subject, more and more shareholders are demanding a more reasonable return on their investment. Deregulation gen erally means privatization; profit orientation is therefore clearly going to tak e over from concern with cost. In addition this means that competition will inev itably produce some concessions in the price of electricity, which will increase the pressure on energy suppliers. Many power supply companies are striving to i ntroduce additional energy services, thereby making the pure price of energy not the only yardstick their customers apply when deciding how to make their purcha ses. nies and independent operating utilities will no longer confine their activities to just energy production; they will be expected to become increasingly involve d in energy distribution too. Potential for the future The ongoing development o f high-temperature superconductors will doubtless enable much to be achieved. Ma jor operational innovations will, nonetheless, come from the more pervasive use of communications and data systems ± two areas of technology where innovations can be seen every 18 months. Consequently, it will be from these areas that the ena bling impetus for significant advances in power engineering will come. Siemens ± the energy systems house Siemens is offering solutions to the problems t hat are governed by the new ªrules of the gameº. The company possesses considerable �expertise, mainly because it is a global player, but also because it covers the total spectrum of products necessary for the efficient transmission and distribu tion of electricity. As with other Groups within the company, Power Transmission and Distribution no longer regards itself as simply a purveyor of hardware. In future Siemens will be more of a provider of services and total solutions. This will mean embracing many new disciplines and skills, not least financial control and complete project management. One of the reasons is that in future ªBOTº (Build, Operate & Transfer) compaSiemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �High Voltage Contents Page Introduction ...................................... 2/2 Air-Insulated Outdoor Su bstations ....................... 2/4 Circuit-Breakers General ................. ............................ 2/10 Circuit-Breakers 72 kV up to 245 kV .......... ................ 2/12 Circuit-Breakers 245 kV up to 800 kV ..................... ... 2/14 Live-Tank Circuit-Breakers .......... 2/16 Dead-Tank Circuit-Breakers . ....... 2/20 Surge Arresters .............................. 2/24 Gas-Insulated S witchgear for Substations Introduction ..................................... 2/2 8 Main Product Range ..................... 2/29 Special Arrangements ........... ....... 2/33 Specification Guide ....................... 2/34 Scope of Supply .. ........................... 2/37 Gas-insulated Transmission Lines (GIL) ........ ...... 2/38 Overhead Power Lines ................. 2/40 High-Voltage Direct Curr ent Transmission .................... 2/49 Power Compensation in Transmission Sy stems .................. 2/52 2 �High-Voltage Switchgear for Substations Introduction 1 High-voltage substations form an important link in the power transmission chain between generation source and consumer. Two basic designs are possible: Air-insu lated outdoor switchgear of open design (AIS) AIS are favorably priced high-volt age substations for rated voltages up to 800 kV which are popular wherever space restrictions and environmental circumstances do not have to be considered. The individual electrical and mechanical components of an AIS installation are assem bled on site. Air-insulated outdoor substations of open design are not completel y safe to touch and are directly exposed to the effects of weather and the envir onment (Fig. 1). Gas-insulated indoor or outdoor switchgear (GIS) GIS compact di mensions and design make it possible to install substations up to 550 kV right i n the middle of load centers of urban or industrial areas. Each circuitbreaker b ay is factory assembled and includes the full complement of isolator switches, g rounding switches (regular or make-proof), instrument transformers, control and protection equipment, interlocking and monitoring facilities commonly used for t his type of installation. The earthed metal enclosures of GIS assure not only in sensitivity to contamination but also safety from electric shock (Fig. 2). Gas-i nsulated transmission lines (GIL) A special application of gas-insulated equipme nt are gas-insulated transmission lines (GIL). They are used where high-voltage overhead lines are not suitable for any reason. GIL have a high power transmissi on capability, even when laid underground, low resistive and capacitive losses a nd low electromagnetic fields. 2 3 4 Fig. 1: Outdoor switchgear 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fig. 2: GIS substations in metropolitan areas 2/2 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �High-Voltage Switchgear for Substations Turnkey Installations High-voltage switchgear is normally combined with transfor mers and other equipment to complete transformer substations in order to s Stepup from generator voltage level to high-voltage system (MV/HV) s Transform volta ge levels within the high-voltage grid system(HV/HV) s Step-down to medium-volta ge level of distribution system (HV/MV) The High Voltage Division plans and cons tructs individual high-voltage switchgear installations or complete transformer substations, comprising high-voltage switchgear, medium-voltage switchgear, majo r components such as transformers, and all ancillary equipment such as auxiliari es, control systems, protective equipment, etc., on a turnkey basis or even as g eneral contractor. The spectrum of installations supplied ranges from basic subs tations with single busbar to regional transformer substations with multiple bus bars or 1 1/2 circuit-breaker arrangement for rated voltages up to 800 kV, rated currents up to 8000 A and short-circuit currents up to 100 kA, all over the wor ld. The services offered range from system planning to commissioning and after-s ales service, including training of customer personnel. The process of handling such an installation starts with preparation of a quotation, and proceeds throug h clarification of the order, design, manufacture, supply and cost-accounting un til the project is finally billed. Processing such an order hinges on methodical data processing that in turn contributes to systematic project handling. All th ese high-voltage installations have in common their high-standard of engineering , which covers power systems, steel structures, civil engineering, fire precauti ons, environmental protection and control systems (Fig. 3). Every aspect of tech nology and each work stage is handled by experienced engineers. With the aid of high-performance computer programs, e.g. the finite element method (FEM), instal lations can be reliably designed even for extreme stresses, such as those encoun tered in earthquake zones. All planning documentation is produced on modern CAD systems; data exchange with other CAD systems is possible via standardized inter faces. By virtue of their active involvement in national and international assoc iations and standardization bodies, our engineers are 1 Major components, e.g. transformer Substation Control Control and monitoring, me asurement, protection, etc. Structural Steelwork Gantries and substructures Civi l Engineering Buildings, roads, foundations Env Fire protection iron pro menta tec tion l 2 3 Design AC/DC es ri auxililia ab les Contro l and signal c ables we rge s Su erter div g in th a r te m E s sy Ancillary equipment 4 Li gh �tn ion lat n ti Ve frequ. Carrier- ent equipm rc in g Po 5 Fig. 3: Engineering of high-voltage switchgear 6 Know how, experience and worldwide presence A worldwide network of liaison and s ales offices, along with the specialist departments in Germany, support and advi se our customers in all matters of switchgear technology. Siemens has for many y ears been a leading supplier of high-voltage equipment, regardless of whether AI S, GIS or GIL has been concerned. For example, outdoor substations of longitudin al in-line design are still known in many countries under the Siemens registered tradename ªKiellinieº. Back in 1968, Siemens supplied the world's first GIS substatio n using SF6 as insulating and quenching medium. Gas-insulated transmission lines have featured in the range of products since 1976. always fully informed of the state of the art, even before a new standard or spe cification is published. Quality/Environmental Management Our own high-performan ce, internationally accredited test laboratories and a certified QM system testi fy to the quality of our products and services. Milestones: s 1983: Introduction of a quality system on the basis of Canadian standard CSA Z 299 Level 1 s 1989: Certification of the SWH quality system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001 by t he German Association for Certification of Quality Systems (DQS) s 1992: Repetit ion audit and extension of the quality system to the complete EV H Division s 19 92: Accreditation of the test laboratories in accordance with DIN EN 45001 by th e German Accreditation Body for Technology (DATech) s 1994: Certification of the environmentalsystems in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001 by the DQS s 1995: Mut ual QEM Certificate 7 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/3 �Design of Air-Insulated Outdoor Substations Standards 1 Air-insulated outdoor substations of open design must not be touched. Therefore, air-insulated switchgear (AIS) is always set up in the form of a fenced-in elec trical operating area, to which only authorized persons have access. Relevant IE C 60060 specifications apply to outdoor switchgear equipment. Insulation coordin ation, including minimum phaseto-phase and phase-to-ground clearances, is effect ed in accordance with IEC 60071. Outdoor switchgear is directly exposed to the e ffects of the environment such as the weather. Therefore it has to be designed b ased on not only electrical but also environmental specifications. Currently the re is no international standard covering the setup of air-insulated outdoor subs tations of open design. Siemens designs AIS in accordance with DIN/VDE standards , in line with national standards or customer specifications. The German standar d DIN VDE 0101 (erection of power installations with rated voltages above 1 kV) demonstrates typically the protective measures and stresses that have to be take n into consideration for airinsulated switchgear. Protective measures 2 3 Stresses s Electrical stresses, e.g. rated current, short-circuit current, adequ ate creepage distances and clearances s Mechanical stresses (normal stressing), e.g. weight, static and dynamic loads, ice, wind s Mechanical stresses (exceptio nal stresses), e.g. weight and constant loads in simultaneous combination with m aximum switching forces or shortcircuit forces, etc. s Special stresses, e.g. ca used by installation altitudes of more than 1000 m above sea level, or earthquak es Variables affecting switchgear installation Switchgear design is significantly influenced by: s Minimum clearances (dependin g on rated voltages) between various active parts and between active parts and e arth s Arrangement of conductors s Rated and short-circuit currents s Clarity fo r operating staff s Availability during maintenance work, redundancy s Availabil ity of land and topography s Type and arrangement of the busbar disconnectors Th e design of a substation determines its accessibility, availability and clarity. The design must therefore be coordinated in close cooperation with the customer . The following basic principles apply: Accessibility and availability increase with the number of busbars. At the same time, however, clarity decreases. Instal lations involving single busbars require minimum investment, but they offer only limited flexibility for operation management and maintenance. Designs involving 1 1/2 and 2 circuit-breaker arrangements assure a high redundancy, but they als o entail the highest costs. Systems with auxiliary or bypass busbars have proved to be economical. The circuit-breaker of the coupling feeder for the auxiliary bus allows uninterrupted replacement of each feeder circuit-breaker. For busbars and feeder lines, mostly wire conductors and aluminum are used. Multiple conduc tors are required where currents are high. Owing to the additional shortcircuit forces between the subconductors (pinch effect), however, multiple conductors ca use higher mechanical stressing at the tension points. When wire conductors, par ticularly multiple conductors, are used higher short-circuit currents cause a ri se not only in the aforementioned pinch effect but in further force maxima in th e event of swinging and dropping of the conductor bundle (cable pull). This in t urn results in higher mechanical stresses on the switchgear components. These ef fects can be calculated in an FEM (Finite Element Method) simulation (Fig. 4). 4 5 �6 7 8 9 10 Protective measures against direct contact, i. e. protection in the form of cove ring, obstruction or clearance and appropriately positioned protective devices a nd minimum heights. Protective measures against indirect touching by means of re levant grounding measures in accordance with DIN VDE 0141. Protective measures d uring work on equipment, i.e. during installation must be planned such that the specifications of DIN EN 50110 (VDE 0105) (e.g. 5 safety rules) are complied wit h s Protective measures during operation, e.g. use of switchgear interlock equip ment s Protective measures against voltage surges and lightning strike s Protect ive measures against fire, water and, if applicable, noise insulation. 2/4 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Design of Air-Insulated Outdoor Substations When rated and short-circuit currents are high, aluminum tubes are increasingly used to replace wire conductors for busbars and feeder lines. They can handle ra ted currents up to 8000 A and short-circuit currents up to 80 kA without difficu lty. Not only the availability of land, but also the lie of the land, the access ibility and location of incoming and outgoing overhead lines together with the n umber of transformers and voltage levels considerably influence the switchgear d esign as well. A one or two-line arrangement, and possibly a U arrangement, may be the proper solution. Each outdoor switchgear installation, especially for ste p-up substations in connection with power stations and large transformer substat ions in the extra-highvoltage transmission system, is therefore unique, dependin g on the local conditions. HV/MV transformer substations of the distribution sys tem, with repeatedly used equipment and a scheme of one incoming and one outgoin g line as well as two transformers together with medium-voltage switchgear and a uxiliary equipment, are more subject to a standardized design from the individua l power supply companies. Preferred designs The multitude of conceivable designs include certain preferred versions, which a re dependent on the type and arrangement of the busbar disconnectors: H arrangem ent The H arrangement (Fig. 5) is preferrably used in applications for feeding i ndustrial consumers. Two overhead lines are connected with two transformers and interlinked by a single-bus coupler. Thus each feeder of the switchgear can be m aintained without disturbance of the other feeders. This arrangement assures a h igh availability. Special layouts for single busbars up to 145 kV with withdrawa ble circuit-breaker and modular switchbay arrangement Further to the H arrangeme nt that is built in many variants, there are also designs with withdrawable circ uit-breakers and modular switchbays for this voltage range. For detailed informa tion see the following pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Vertical displacement in m ±0.6 ±0.8 ±1.0 ±1.2 ±1.4 ± T1 ±1.6 ± Q1 M ±1.8 ±2.0 ±2.2 ±1.4 Hori lacement in m ±1.0 ±0.6 ±0.2 0 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4 ± Q0 ± F1 = T1 Fig. 5: Module plan view M M ± Q8 ± Q8 7 ± Q0 M ± Q0 ± Q1 ± T5 ± T1 ± Q1 ± T5 ± T1 ± T1 M M 8 �± Q10 ± Q11 ± Q1 ± Q0 9 ± F1 = T1 10 Fig. 4: FEM calculation of deflection of wire conductors in the event of short c ircuit Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/5 �Design of Air-Insulated Outdoor Substations Withdrawable circuit-breaker 1 2 General For 123/145 kV substations with single busbar system a suitable alternat ive is the withdrawable circuit-breaker. In this kind of switchgear busbar- and outgoing disconnector become inapplicable (switchgear 6300 17001700 without disconnectors). The isolating distance is reached with the moving of the circuit-breaker along the rails, similar to the well-known withdrawable-unit de sign technique of medium-voltage switchgear. In disconnected position busbar, ci rcuit-breaker and outgoing circuit are separated from each other by a good visib le isolating dis2500 2500 3 7600 2247 =T1 -F1 2530 7000 -Q11 -T1/ 1050 -Q12 -Q9 -T5 -Q0 -Q0 -T1 3100 625 700 0 625 3100 2500 4500 14450 21450 -Q11-Q12 4 2530 7000 3000 6400 5 6 7 Fig. 6a: H arrangement with withdrawable circuit-breaker, plan view and sections 8 9 tance. An electromechanical motive unit ensures the uninterrupted constant movin g motion to both end positions. The circuitbreaker can only be operated if one o f the end positions has been reached. Movement with switched-on circuit-breaker is impossible. Incorrect movement, which would be equivalent to operating a disc onnector under load, is interlocked. In the event of possible malfunction of the position switch, or of interruptions to travel between disconnected position an d operating position, the operation of the circuitbreaker is stopped. The space required for the switchgear is reduced considerably. Due to the arrangement of t he instrument transformers on the common steel frame a reduction in the required space up to about 45% in comparison to the conventional switchgear section is a chieved. Description A common steel frame forms the base for all components nece ssary for reliable operation. The withdrawable circuit-breaker contains: s Circu it-breaker type 3AP1F s Electromechanical motive unit s Measuring transformer fo r protection and measuring purposes s Local control cubicle All systems are prea ssembled as far as possible. Therefore the withdrawable CB can be installed quit e easily and efficiently on site. The advantages at a glance s Complete system a nd therefore lower costs for coordination and adaptation. s A reduction in requi red space by about 45% compared with conventional switchbays s Clear wiring and �cabling arrangement s Clear circuit state s Use as an indoor switchbay is also p ossible. Technical data 10 Nominal voltage [kV] Nominal current [A] Nominal short time current [kA] 123 kV (145 kV) 1250 A (2000 A) 31.5 kA, 1s, (40 kA, 3s) 230/400 V AC 220 V DC Auxiliary supply/ motive unit [V] Control voltage Fig. 6b: H arrangement with withdrawable circuit-breaker, ISO view Fig. 7: Techn ical data [V] 2/6 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Design of Air-Insulated Outdoor Substations Modular switchbay General As an alternative to conventional substations an air-insulated modular s witchbay can often be used for common layouts. In this case the functions of sev eral HV devices are combined with each other. This makes it possible to offer a standardized module. Appropriate conventional air-insulated switchbays consist o f separately mounted HV devices (for example circuit-breaker, disconnector, eart hing switches, transformers), which are connected to each other by conductors/tu bes. Every device needs its own foundations, steel structures, earthing connecti ons, primary and secondary terminals (secondary cable routes etc.). 3000 Description A common steel frame forms the base for all components necessary for a reliable operation. The modul contains: s Circuit-breaker type 3AP1F s Motoroperated disconnecting device s Current transformer for protection and measuring purposes s Local control cubicle All systems are preassembled as far as possibl e. Therefore the module can be installed quite easily and efficiently on site. The advantages at a glance s Complete system and therefore lower costs for coord ination and adaptation. s Thanks to the integrated control cubicle, upgrading of the control room is scarecely necessary. s A modular switchbay can be inserted very quickly in case of total breakdown or for temporary use during reconstructi on. s A reduction in required space by about 50% compared with conventional swit chbays is achieved by virtue of the compact and tested design of the module (Fig . 8). s The application as an indoor switchbay is possible. 1 2 3 4 Technical data 2000 2000 Nominal voltage Nominal current 8000 123 kV (145 kV) 1250 A (2000 A) 31.5 kA, 1s, (40 kA, 3s) 230/400 V AC 220 V DC 5 Nominal short current Auxiliary supply -Q8 -Q0-Q1 -T1 -Q10/-Q11 -T1 -Q1 -Q0 -F1 -T5 3000 4500 7500 4500 3000 11500 4000 =T1 Control voltage Fig. 9: Technical data 6 7 8000 9500 8 �19000 3000 A A 9 9500 8000 10 7500 19000 Fig. 8: Plan view and side view of H arrangement with modular switchbays 11500 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/7 �Design of Air-Insulated Outdoor Substations 1 In-line longitudinal layout, with rotary disconnectors, preferable up to 170 kV The busbar disconnectors are lined up one behind the other and parallel to the l ongitudinal axis of the busbar. It is preferable to have either wire-type or tub ular busbars located at the top of the feeder conductors. Where tubular busbars are used, gantries are required for the outgoing overhead lines only. The system design requires only two conductor levels and is therefore clear. If, in the ca se of duplicate busbars, the second busbar is arranged in U form relative to the first busbar, it is possible to arrange feeders going out on both sides of the busbar without a third conductor level (Fig. 10). Section A-A R1 S1 T1 T2 S2 R2 Dimensions in mm 2500 8000 2 20500 8400 48300 19400 Top view 6500 End bay 4500 Normal 9000 bay A A 9000 3 4 Central tower layout with rotary disconnectors, normally only for 245 kV The bus bar disconnectors are arranged side by side and parallel to the longitudinal axi s of the feeder. Wire-type busbars located at the top are commonly used; tubular busbars are also conceivable. This arrangement enables the conductors to be eas liy jumpered over the circuit-breakers and the bay width to be made smaller than that of in-line designs. With three conductor levels the system is relatively c lear, but the cost of the gantries is high (Fig. 11). Fig. 10: Substation with rotary disconnector, in-line design 5 Dimensions in mm 3000 12500 9000 7000 18000 17000 17000 6 7 16000 8 Fig.11: Central tower design Diagonal layout with pantograph disconnectors, preferable up to 245 kV Section Bus system 13300 10000 8000 28000 48000 9 �10 The pantograph disconnectors are placed diagonally to the axis of the busbars an d feeder. This results in a very clear, spacesaving arrangement. Wire and tubula r conductors are customary. The busbars can be located above or below the feeder conductors (Fig. 12). Dimensions in mm Bypass bus 10000 10400 Top view 5000 18000 4000 4000 5000 Fig. 12: Busbar area with pantograph disconnector of diagonal design, rated volt age 420 kV 2/8 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Design of Air-Insulated Outdoor Substations 1 1/2 circuit-breaker layout, preferable up to 245 kV The 1 1/2 circuit-breaker arrangement assures high supply reliability; however, expenditure for equipment is high as well. The busbar disconnectors are of the pantograph, rotary and vert ical-break type. Vertical-break disconnectors are preferred for the feeders. The busbars located at the top can be of wire or tubular type. Of advantage are the equipment connections, which are very short and enable (even in the case of mul tiple conductors) high short-circuit currents to be mastered. Two arrangements a re customary: s External busbar, feeders in line with three conductor levels s I nternal busbar, feeders in H arrangement with two conductor levels (Fig. 13). Planning principles 1 For air-insulated outdoor substations of open design, the following planning pri nciples must be taken into account: s High reliability ± Reliable mastering of nor mal and exceptional stresses ± Protection against surges and lightning strikes ± Pro tection against surges directly on the equipment concerned (e.g. transformer, HV cable) s Good clarity and accessibility 2 3 Dimensions in mm 4000 ± Clear conductor routing with few conductor levels ± Free accessibility to all area s (no equipment located at inaccessible depth) ± Adequate protective clearances fo r installation, maintenance and transportation work ± Adequately dimensioned trans port routes s Positive incorporation into surroundings 4 5 17500 8500 48000 29000 ± As few overhead conductors as possible ± Tubular instead of wire-type busbars ± Unob trusive steel structures ± Minimal noise and disturbance level s EMC grounding system 6 18000 for modern control and protection s Fire precautions and environmental 7 Fig.13 : 1 1/2 Circuit-breaker design protection ± Adherence to fire protection specifications and use of flame-retardan �t and nonflammable materials ± Use of environmentally compatible technology and pr oducts For further information please contact: Fax: ++ 49 - 9131- 73 18 58 e-mai l:
[email protected] 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/9 �Circuit-Breakers for 72 kV up to 800 kV General 1 Circuit-breaker for air-insulated switchgear Circuit-breakers are the main module of both AIS and GIS switchgear. They have t o meet high requirements in terms of: s Reliable opening and closing s Consisten t quenching performance with rated and short-circuit currents even after many sw itching operations s High-performance, reliable maintenancefree operating mechan isms. Technology reflecting the latest state of the art and years of operating e xperience are put to use in constant further development and optimization of Sie mens circuitbreakers. This makes Siemens circuitbreakers able to meet all the de mands placed on high-voltage switchgear. The comprehensive quality system, ISO 9 001 certified, covers development, manufacture, sales, installation and aftersal es service. Test laboratories are accredited to EN 45001 and PEHLA/STL. 2 3 4 5 Main construction elements 6 Each circuit-breaker bay for gas-insulated switchgear includes the full compleme nt of isolator switches, grounding switches (regular or proven), instrument tran sformers, control and protection equipment, interlocking and monitoring faciliti es commonly used for this type of installation (See chapter GIS, page 2/30 and f ollowing). Circuit-breakers for air-insulated switchgear are individual componen ts and are assembled together with all individual electrical and mechanical comp onents of an AIS installation on site. All Siemens circuit-breaker types, whethe r air or gas-insulated, are made up of the same range of components, i.e.: s Int errupter unit s Operating mechanism s Sealing system s Operating rod s Control e lements. Control elements Operating mechanism Interrupter unit 7 8 9 10 Circuit-breaker in SF6-insulated switchgear Fig. 14: Circuit-breaker parts 2/10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Circuit-Breakers for 72 kV up to 800 kV Interrupter unit ± two arc-quenching principles The Siemens product range includes highvoltage circuit-breakers with self-compre ssion interrupter chambers and twin-nozzle interrupter chambers ± for optimum swit ching performance under every operating condition for every voltage level. Selfcompression breakers 3AP high-voltage circuit-breakers for the lower voltage ran ge ensure optimum use of the thermal energy of the arc in the contact tube. This is achieved by the selfcompression switching unit. Siemens patented this arc-qu enching principle in 1973. Since then, we have continued to develop the technolo gy of the selfcompression interrupter chamber. One of the technical innovations is that the arc energy is being increasingly used to quench the arc. In short-ci rcuit breaking operations the actuating energy required is reduced to that neede d for mechanical contact movement. That means the operating energy is truly mini mized. The result is that the selfcompression interrupter chamber allows the use of a compact stored-energy spring mechanism with unrestrictedly high dependabil ity. Twin-nozzle breakers On the 3AQ and 3AT switching devices, a contact system with graphite twin-nozzles ensures consistent arc-quenching behavior and consta nt electric strength, irrespective of pre-stressing, i.e. the number of breaks a nd the switched current. The graphite twin-nozzles are resistant to burning and thus have a very long service life. As a consequence, the interrupter unit of th e twin-nozzle breaker is particularly powerful. Moreover, this type of interrupt er chamber offers other essential advantages. Generally, twin-nozzle interrupter chambers operate with low overpressures during arcquenching. Minimal actuating energy is adequate in this operating system as well. The resulting arc plasma ha s a comparatively low conductivity, and the switching capacity is additionally f avourably influenced as a result. The twin-nozzle system has also proven itself in special applications. Its speci fic properties support switching without restriking of small inductive and capac itive currents. By virtue of its high arc resistance, the twin-nozzle system is particularly suitable for breaking certain types of short circuit (e.g. short ci rcuits close to generator terminals) on account of its high arc resistance. Specific use of the electrohydraulic mechanism The actuating energy required for the 3AQ and 3AT high-voltage circuit-breakers at higher voltage levels is provi ded by proven electrohydraulic mechanisms. The interrupter chambers of these swi tching devices are based on the graphite twin-nozzle system. Advantages of the e lectrohydraulic mechanism at a glance: s Electrohydraulic mechanisms provide the 1 2 Operating mechanism ± two principles for all specific requirements The operating mechanism is a central module of the high-voltage circuit-breakers . Two different mechanism types are available for Siemens circuit-breakers: s St ored-energy spring actuated mechanism, s Electrohydraulic mechanism, depending o n the area of application and voltage level, thus every time ensuring the best s ystem of actuation. The advantages are trouble-free, economical and reliable cir cuit-breaker operation for all specific requirements. Specific use of the stored -energy spring mechanism The actuation concept of the 3AP high-voltage circuit-b reaker is based on the storedenergy spring principle. The use of such an operati ng mechanism in the lower voltage range became appropriate as a result of develo pment of a self-compression interrupter chamber that requires only minimal actua tion energy. Advantages of the stored-energy spring mechanism at a glance: s The stored-energy spring mechanism of3 �high actuating energy that makes it possible to have reliable control even over very high switching capacities and to be in full command of very high loads in t he shortest switching time. s The switch positions are held safely even in the e vent of an auxiliary power failure. s A number of autoreclosing operations are p ossible without the need for recharging. s Energy reserves can be reliably contr olled at any time. s Electrohydraulic mechanisms are maintenance-free, economica l and have a long service life. s They satisfy the most stringent requirements r egarding environmental safety. This has been proven by electrohydraulic mechanis ms in Siemens high-voltage circuit-breakers over many years of service. 4 5 6 7 8 fers the highest degree of operational safety. It is of simple and sturdy design ± with few moving parts. Due to the self-compression principle of the interrupter chamber, only low actuating forces are required. s Stored-energy spring mechani sms are readily available and have a long service life: Minimal stressing of the latch mechanisms and rolling-contact bearings in the operating mechanism ensure reliable and wear-free transmission of forces. s Stored-energy spring mechanism s are maintenance-free: the spring charging gear is fitted with wear-free spur g ears, enabling load-free decoupling. 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/11 �Circuit-Breakers for 72 kV up to 245 kV 1 Siemens circuit-breakers for the lower voltage levels 72 kV up to 245 kV, whethe r for air-insulated or gas-insulated switchgear, are equipped with self-compress ion switching units and spring-stored energy operating mechanisms. Breaking operating currents During the opening process, the main contact (4) ope ns first and the current commutates on the still closed arcing contact. If this contact is subsequently opened, an arc is drawn between the contacts (5). At the same time, the contact cylinder (6) moves into the base (7) and compresses the quenching gas there. The gas then flows in the reverse direction through the con tact cylinder (6) towards the arcing contact (5) and quenches the arc there. Bre aking fault currents In the event of high short-circuit currents, the quenching gas on the arcing contact is heated substantially by the energy of the arc. This leads to a rise in pressure in the contact cylinder. In this case the energy fo r creation of the required quenching pressure does not have to be produced by th e operating mechanism. Subsequently, the fixed arcing contact releases the outfl ow through the nozzle (3). The gas flows out of the contact cylinder back into t he nozzle and quenches the arc. Major features: s s s s Self-compression interrupter chamber Use of the thermal energy of the arc Minimi zed energy consumption High reliability for a long time 2 The interrupter unit Self-compression system 3 The current path The current path is formed by the terminal plates (1) and (8), the contact support (2), the base (7) and the moving contact cylinder (6). In cl osed state the operating current flows through the main contact (4). An arcing c ontact (5) acts parallel to this. 4 5 Closed position 6 1 2 3 4 5 Opening Main contact open Opening Arcing contact open Open position 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 �6 Terminal plate Contact support Nozzle Main contact Arc contact Contact cylinder 7 Base 8 Terminal plate 9 7 10 8 Fig. 15: The interrupter unit 2/12 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Circuit-Breakers for 72 kV up to 245 kV The operating mechanism Spring-stored energy type Siemens circuit-breakers for voltages up to 245 kV are equipped with spring-stored energy operating mechanisms. These drives are based on the same principle that has been proving its worth in Siemens low and medium -voltage circuit-breakers for decades. The design is simple and robust with few moving parts and a vibration-isolated latch system of highest reliability. All c omponents of the operating mechanism, the control and monitoring equipment and a ll terminal blocks are arranged compact and yet clear in one cabinet. Depending on the design of the operating mechanism, the energy required for switching is p rovided by individual compression springs (i.e. one per pole) or by springs that function jointly on a triple-pole basis. The principle of the operating mechani sm with charging gear and latching is identical on all types. The differences be tween mechanism types are in the number, size and arrangement of the opening and closing springs. Major features at a glance s Uncomplicated, robust construction 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 3 9 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Corner gears Coupling linkage Operating rod Closing release Cam plate Charging s haft Closing spring connecting rod Closing spring Hand-wound mechanism Charging mechanism Roller level Closing damper Operating shaft Opening damper Opening rel ease Opening spring connecting rod Mechanism housing Opening spring 1 2 3 4 5 6 with few moving parts s Maintenance-free s Vibration-isolated latches s Load-free uncoupling of chargi ng 7 mechanism s Ease of access s 10,000 operating cycles 8 18 �8 Fig. 16 9 10 Fig. 17: Combined operating mechanism and monitoring cabinet Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/13 �Circuit-Breakers for 245 kV up to 800 kV 1 Siemens circuit-breakers for the higher voltage levels 245 kV up to 800 kV, whet her for air-insulated or gas-insulated switchgear, are equipped with twin-nozzle interrupter chambers and electrohydraulic operating mechanisms. Arc-quenching assembly The fixed tubes (2) are connected by the contact tube (3) when the breaker is closed. The contact tube (3) is rigidly coupled to the blas t cylinder (4), the two together with a fixed annular piston (5) in between form ing the moving part of the break chamber. The moving part is driven by an operat ing rod (8) to the effect that the SF6 pressure between the piston (5) and the b last cylinder (4) increases. When the contacts separate, the moving contact tube (3), which acts as a shutoff valve, releases the SF6. An arc is drawn between o ne nozzle (6) and the contact tube (3). It is driven in a matter of milliseconds between the nozzles (6) by the gas jet and its own electrodynamic forces and is safely extinguished. The blast cylinder (4) encloses the arcquenching arrangeme nt like a pressure chamber. The compressed SF6 flows radially into the break by the shortest route and is discharged axially through the nozzles (6). After arc extinction, the contact tube (3) moves into the open position. In the final posi tion, handling of test voltages in accordance with IEC 60000 and ANSI is fully a ssured, even after a number of short-circuit switching operations. Major features s Erosion-resistant graphite nozzles s Consistently high dielectric strength s C onsistent quenching capability across the entire performance range s High number of short-circuit breaking 2 The interrupter unit 3 Twin-nozzle system Current path assembly The conducting path is made up of the t erminal plates (1 and 7), the fixed tubes (2) and the spring-loaded contact fing ers arranged in a ring in the moving contact tube (3). operations s High levels of availability s Long maintenance intervals. 4 5 6 7 Breaker in closed position 1 Precompression Gas flow during arc quenching Breaker in open position 8 2 3 6 4 5 1 Upper terminal plate �2 Fixed tubes 3 Moving contact tube Arc 9 4 Blast cylinder 5 Blast piston 6 Arc-quenching nozzles 10 2 8 7 Lower terminal plate 8 Operating rod 7 Fig. 18: The interrupter unit 2/14 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Circuit-Breakers for 245 kV up to 800 kV The operating mechanism Electrohydraulic type All hydraulically operated Siemens circuitbreakers have a uniform operating mechanism concept. Identical operating mechanisms (modules) ar e used for single or triple-pole switching of outdoor circuitbreakers. The elect rohydraulic operating mechanisms have proved their worth all over the world. The power reserves are ample, the switching speed is high and the storage capacity substantial. The working capacity is indicated by the permanent self-monitoring system. The force required to move the piston and piston rod is provided by diff erential oil pressure inside a sealed system. A hydraulic storage cylinder fille d with compressed nitrogen provides the necessary energy. Electromagnetic valves control the oil flow between the high and low-pressure side in the form of a cl osed circuit. Main features: s Plenty of operating energy s Long switching sequences s Reliable check of ener gy reserves s s Tripping: The hydraulic valve is changed over electromagnetically, thus relieving the larg er piston surface of pressure and causing the piston to move onto the OFF positi on. The breaker is ready for instant operation because the smaller piston surfac e is under constant pressure. Two electrically separate tripping circuits are av ailable for changing the valve over for tripping. 1 2 3 4 5 6 s s s s at any time Switching positions are reliably maintained, even when the auxiliary supply fails Excessive strong foundations Low-noise switching No oil leakage an d consequently environmentally compatible Maintenance-free. Fig. 19: Operating unit of the Q range AIS circuit breakers Fig. 20: Operating cylinder with valve block and magnetic releases 7 Description of function s Closing: Monitoring unit and hydraulic pump with motor P P P �P Oil tank Hydraulic storage cylinder N2 M 8 The hydraulic valve is opened by electromagnetic means. Pressure from the hydrau lic storage cylinder is thereby applied to the piston with two different surface areas. The breaker is closed via couplers and operating rods moved by the force which acts on the larger surface of the piston. The operating mechanism is desi gned to ensure that, in the event of a pressure loss, the breaker remains in the particular position. M 9 Operating cylinder Operating piston Main valve Auxiliary switch Pilot control Re leases Fig. 21: Schematic diagram of a Q-range operating mechanism 10 On Off Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/15 �Live-Tank Circuit-Breakers for 72 kV up to 800 kV 1 Circuit-breakers for air-insulated switchgear Standard live-tank breakers The construction All live-tank circuit-breakers are of the same general design, as shown in the illustrations. They consist of the following main components: 1) Interrupter unit 2) Closing resistor (if applicable) 3) Operating mechanism 4) Insulator column (AIS) 5) Operating rod 6) Breaker base 7) Control unit The unco mplicated design of the breakers and the use of many similar components, such as interrupter units, operating rods and control cabinets, ensure high reliability because the experience of many breakers in service has been applied in improvem ent of the design. The twin nozzle interrupter unit for example has proven its r eliability in more than 60,000 units all over the world. The control unit includ es all necessary devices for circuit-breaker control and monitoring, such as: s Pressure/SF6 density monitors s Gauges for SF6 and hydraulic pressure (if applic able) s Relays for alarms and lockout s Antipumping devices s Operation counters (upon request) s Local breaker control (upon request) s Anticondensation heater s. Transport, installation and commissioning are performed with expertise and ef ficiency. The tested circuit-breaker is shipped in the form of a small number of compact units. If desired, Siemens can provide appropriately qualified personne l for installation and commissioning. 2 3 4 Fig. 22: 145 kV circuit-breaker 3AP1FG with triple-pole spring stored-energy ope rating mechanism Fig. 23: 800 kV circuit-breaker 3AT5 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fig. 24: 245 kV circuit-breaker 3AQ2 2/16 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Live-Tank Circuit-Breakers for 72 kV up to 800 kV 1 1 2 7 3 5 6 1 2 8 2 5 1 2 3 4 Interrupter unit Closing resistor Valve unit Electrohydraulic operating mechanis m 5 Insulator columns 6 Breaker base 7 Control unit 3 9 13 12 10 11 4 4 3 4 7 6 Fig. 25: Type 3AT4/5 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Interrupter unit Arc-quenching nozzles Moving contact Filter Blast piston Blast cylinder Bell-crank mechanism Insulator column Operating rod Hydraulic operating mechanism ON/OFF indicator Oil tank Control unit 6 7 1 8 Fig. 27: Type 3AQ2 2 9 3 5 4 1 2 3 4 Interrupter unit 10 Post insulator Circuit-breaker base Operating mechanism and control cubicle 5 Pillar Fig. 26: Type 3AP1FG Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/17 �Live-Tank Circuit-Breakers for 72 kV up to 800 kV 1 Technical data 2 3 4 Type Rated voltage Number of interrupter units per pole Rated power-frequency wi thstand voltage 1 min. Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 1.2 / 50 µs Rated switching impulse withstand voltage Rated current up to Rated short-time curren t (3 s) up to Rated peak withstand current up to Rated short-circuit-breaking cu rrent up to Rated short-circuit making current up to Rated duty cycle Break time Frequency Operating mechanism type Control voltage Motor voltage Design data of the basic version: Clearance Phase/earth in air across the contact gap Minimum creepage Phase/earth distance across the contact gap Dimensions Height Width Dep th Distance between pole centers Weight of circuit-breaker Inspection after Fig. 28a 3AP1/3AQ1 [kV] [kV] [kV] [kV] [A] [kA] [kA] [kA] [kA] 72.5 1 140 325 ± 4000 40 108 40 108 123 1 230 550 ± 4000 40 108 40 108 145 1 275 650 ± 4000 40 108 40 108 170 1 325 750 ± 4000 40/50 135 40/50 135 245/300 1 460 1050 ±/85 0 4000 50 135 50 135 or 3AP2/3AQ2 362 2 520 1175 950 4000 63 170 63 170 CO - 15 s - CO 3 50/60 3 50/60 420 2 610 1 425 1050 4000 63 170 63 170 5 6 7 O - 0.3 s - CO - 3 min - CO 8 [cycles] [Hz] [V, DC] [V, DC] [V, DC] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [k g] 3 3 3 50/60 3 50/60 3 50/60 50/60 50/60 Spring-stored energy mechanism/Electrohydraulic mechanism 60¼250 60¼250 120¼240, 50/60 Hz 700 1200 2248 3625 2750 3200 660 1350 1350 1250 1200 3625 3625 3300 3900 660 1700 1500 1250 1200 3625 3625 3300 3900 660 1700 1500 1500 1400 4250 4250 4030 �4200 660 1850 1600 2200 1900/2200 6150/7626 6125/7500 5220/5520 6600/7000 800 28 00/3000 3000 25 years 2750 2700 7875 9050 4150 8800 3500 3800 4700 3400 3200 103 75 10500 4800 9400 4100 4100 5000 9 10 2/18 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Live-Tank Circuit-Breakers for 72 kV up to 800 kV 1 2 3 3AT2/3AT3* 245 2 460 1050 ± 4000 80 216 80 216 300 2 460 1050 850 0 1175 950 4000 63 170 63 170 420 2 610 1425 1050 4000 550 1175 4000 63 170 63 170 or 362 4 520 1175 950 4000 CO 2 50/60 2 50/60 420 4 610 1425 1050 4000 80 200 80 4000 63 170 63 170 362 2 52 63 170 63 170 550 2 800 1 80 200 80 200 CO - 15 s 200 3AT4/3AT5* 550 4 800 1550 1175 4000 63 160 63 160 800 4 1150 2100 1425 4 5 6 4000 63 160 63 160 7 O - 0.3 s - CO - 3 min - CO 2 50/60 2 50/60 2 50/60 2 50/60 2 50/60 2 50/60 2 50/60 8 Electrohydraulic mechanism 48¼250 48¼250 or 208/120¼500/289 50/60 Hz 2200 2000 6050 60 70 4490 7340 4060 3000 5980 2200 2400 6050 8568 4490 8010 4025 3400 6430 2700 27 00 7165 9360 6000 9300 4280 3900 9090 3300 3200 9075 11390 6000 10100 4280 4300 8600 3800 3800 13750 13750 6700 13690 5135 5100 12500 25 years Fig. 28b Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition * with closing resistor 9 2700 4000 7165 12140 4990 10600 6830 4350 14400 3300 4000 9075 12140 6000 11400 6830 4750 14700 3800 4800 10190 17136 6550 16600 7505 7200 19200 5000 6400 13860 22780 8400 22200 9060 10000 23400 10 2/19 �Dead-Tank Circuit-Breakers for 72 kV up to 245 kV 1 Circuit-breakers in dead-tank design For certain substation designs, dead-tank circuit-breakers might be required ins tead of the standard live-tank breakers. For these purposes Siemens can offer th e dead-tank circuit breaker types. 2 Main features at a glance 3 Reliable opening and closing s Proven contact and arc-quenching system 4 s Consistent quenching performance with rated and short-circuit currents even after many switching operations s Sim ilar uncomplicated design for all voltages High-performance, reliable operating mechanisms s Easy-to-actuate spring operating 5 mechanisms s Hydraulic operating mechanisms with 6 on-line monitoring Economy s Perfect finish s Simplified, quick installation process Fig. 29a: SPS-2 circui t-breaker 72.5 kV 7 s Long maintenance intervals s High number of operating cycles s Long service li fe Individual service 8 s Close proximity to the customer s Order specific documentation s Solutions tai lored to specific problems s After-sales service available promptly worldwide 9 The right qualifications s Expertise in all power supply matters s 30 years of experience with SF6-insula ted circuit breakers 10 �s A quality system certified to ISO 9001, covering development, manufacture, sales, installation and after-sales service s Test laboratories accredited to EN 45001 and PEHLA/STL Fig. 29b: SPS-2 circuit-breaker 170 kV 2/20 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Dead-Tank Circuit-Breakers for 72 kV up to 245 kV Subtransmission breaker Type SPS-2 and 3AP1-DT Type SPS-2 power circuit-breakers (Fig. 29a/b) are designed as general, definite -purpose breakers for use at maximum rated voltages of 72.5 and 245 kV. The cons truction The type SPS-2 breaker consists of three identical pole units mounted o n a common support frame. The opening and closing force of the FA2/4 spring oper ating mechanism is transferred to the moving contacts of the interrupter through a system of connecting rods and a rotating seal at the side of each phase. The tanks and the porcelain bushings are charged with SF6 gas at a nominal pressure of 6.0 bar. The SF6 serves as both insulation and arc-quenching medium. A contro l cabinet mounted at one end of the breaker houses the spring operating mechanis m and breaker control components. Interrupters are located in the aluminum housi ngs of each pole unit. The interrupters use the latest Siemens puffer arcquenchi ng system. The spring operating mechanism is the same design as used with the Si emens 3AP breakers. This design has been in service for years, and has a well do cumented reliability record. Customers can specify up to four (in some cases, up to six) bushing-type current transformers (CT) per phase. These CTs, mounted ex ternally on the aluminum housings, can be removed without disturbing the bushing s. Operating mechanism The type FA2/4 mechanically and electrically trip-free sprin g mechanism is used on type SPS-2 breakers. The type FA2/4 closing and opening s prings hold a charge for storing ºopen-close-openª operations A weatherproof control cabinet has a large door, sealed with rubber gaskets, for easy access during in spection and maintenance. Condensation is prevented by units offering continuous inside/outside temperature differential and by ventilation. Included in the control cabinet are necessary auxiliary switches, cutoff switch, latch check switch, alarm switch and operation counter. The control relays and three control knife switches (one each for the control, heater and motor) are mo unted on a control panel. Terminal blocks on the side and rear of the housing ar e available for control and transformer wiring. For non US markets the control c abinet is also available similar to the 3AP cabinet (3AP1-DT). 1 2 3 Technical data 4 5 6 7 Type Rated voltage Rated power-frequency withstand voltage Rated lighting impuls e withstand voltage Rated switching impulse withstand voltage Rated nominal curr ent up to [kV] [kV] [kV] [kV] 38 80 200 ± 48.3 105 250 ± 4000 40 SPS-2/3AP1-DT 72.5 160 350 ± 4000 40 121 260 550 ± 4000 63 145 310 650 ± 4000 63 169 365 750 ± 4000 63 242 425 900/1050 8 �9 ±/850 4000 63 [A] 4000 40 Rated breaking current up to [kA] Operating mechanism type Fig. 30 10 Spring-stored-energy mechanism Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/21 �Dead-Tank Circuit-Breakers for 550 kV 1 Circuit-breaker Type 3AT2/3-DT Composite insulators The 3AT2/3-DT is available with bushings made from composit e insulators ± this has many practical advantages. The SIMOTEC® composite insulators manufactured by Siemens consist of a basic body made of epoxy resin reinforced glass fibre tubes. The external tube surface is coated with vulcanized silicon. As is the case with porcelain insulators, the external shape of the insulator ha s a multished profile. Field grading is implemented by means of a specially shap ed screening electrode in the lower part of the composite insulator. The bushing s and the metal tank of the circuit-breaker surround a common gas volume. The co mposite insulator used on the bushing of the 3AT2/3-DT is a onepiece insulating unit. Compared with conventional housings, composite insulators offer a wide ran ge of advantages in terms of economy, efficiency and safety. Interrupter unit Th e 3AT2/3-DT pole consists of two breaking units in series impressive in the shee r simplicity of their design. The proven Siemens contact system with double grap hite nozzles assures faultless operation, consistently high arc-quenching capaci ty and a long operating life, even at high switching frequencies. Thanks to cons tant further development, optimization and consistent quality assurance, Siemens arc-quencing systems meet all the requirements placed on modern high-voltage te chnology. Hydraulic drive The operating energy required for the 3AT2/3-DT interrupters is provided by the hydraulic drive, which is manufactured inhouse by Siemens. The f unctional principle of the hydraulic drive constitutes a technically clear solut ion which offers certain fundamental advantages. Hydraulic drives provide high a mounts of energy economically and reliably. In this way, even the most demanding switching requirements can be mastered in short opening times. Siemens hydrauli c drives are maintenancefree and have a particulary long operating life. They me et the strictest criteria for enviromental acceptability. In this respect, too, Siemens hydraulic drives have proven themselves throughout years of operation. For further information please contact: Fax: ++ 49 - 3 03 86 - 2 58 67 2 3 4 Technical data 5 6 7 8 Type Rated voltage [kV] [kV] [kV] [kV] [A] [kA] 3AT 2/3-DT 550 860 1800 1300 4000 50/63 Electrohydraulic mechanism 9 Rated power-frequency withstand voltage Rated lighting impulse withstand voltage �10 Rated switching impulse withstand voltage Rated nominal current up to Rated brea king current up to Operating mechanism type Fig. 31 2/22 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Dead-Tank Circuit-Breakers for 550 kV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Fig. 32: The 3AT2/3-DT circuit-breaker with SIMOTEC composite insulator bushings 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/23 �Surge Arresters Introduction 1 The main task of an arrester is to protect equipment from the effects of overvol tages. During normal operation, it should have no negative effect on the power s ystem. Moreover, the arrester must be able to withstand typical surges without i ncurring any damage. Nonlinear resistors with the following properties fulfill t hese requirements: s Low resistance during surges so that overvoltages are limit ed s High resistance during normal operation, so as to avoid negative effects on the power system and s Sufficient energy absorption capability for stable opera tion With this kind of nonlinear resistor, there is only a small flow of current when continuous operating voltage is being applied. When there are surges, howe ver, excess energy can be quickly removed from the power system by a high discha rge current. Nonlinear resistors Nonlinear resistors, comprising metal oxide (MO), have prove d especially suitable for this. The nonlinearity of MO resistors is considerably high. For this reason, MO arresters, as the arresters with MO resistors are kno wn today, do not need series gaps. Siemens has many years of experience with arr esters ± with the previous gapped SiC-arresters and the new gapless MO arresters ± i n low-voltage systems, distribution systems and transmission systems. They are u sually used for protecting transformers, generators, motors, capacitors, tractio n vehicles, cables and substations. There are special applications such as the p rotection of s Equipment in areas subject to earthquakes or heavy pollution s Su rge-sensitive motors and dry-type transformers s Generators in power stations wi th arresters which posses a high degree of short-circuit current strength s Gasinsulated high-voltage metalenclosed switchgear (GIS) s Thyristors in HVDC trans mission installations s Static compensators s Airport lighting systems s Electri c smelting furnaces in the glass and metals industries s High-voltage cable shea ths s Test laboratory apparatus. 2 3 4 MO arresters are used in medium, high and extra-high-voltage power systems. Here , the very low protection level and the high energy absorption capability provid ed during switching surges are especially important. For high voltage levels, th e simple construction of MO arresters is always an advantage. Another very impor tant advantage of MO arresters is their high degree of reliability when used in areas with a problematic climate, for example in coastal and desert areas, or re gions affected by heavy industrial air pollution. Furthermore, some special appl ications have become possible only with the introduction of MO arresters. One in stance is the protection of capacitor banks in series reactive-power compensatio n equipment which requires extremly high energy absorption capabilities. Arreste rs with polymer housings Fig. 34 shows two Siemens MO arresters with different t ypes of housing. In addition to what has been usual up to now ± the porcelain hous ing ± Siemens offers also the latest generation of high-voltage surge arresters wi th polymer housing. 5 6 7 Arrester voltage referred to continuous operating voltage Û/ÛC Rated voltage ÛR Continuous operating voltage ÛC �8 2 9 10 1 20 °C 115 °C 150 °C Fig. 34: Measurement of residual voltage on porcelain-housed (foreground) and po lymer-housed (background) arresters 0 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 10 102 103 104 Current through arrester Ia [A] Fig. 33: Current/voltage characteristics of a non-linear MO arrester 2/24 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Surge Arresters Fig. 35 shows the sectional view of such an arrester. The housing consists of a fiberglass-reinforced plastic tube with insulating sheds made of silicon rubber. The advantages of this design which has the same pressure relief device as an a rrester with porcelain housing are absolutely safe and reliable pressure relief characteristics, high mechanical strength even after pressure relief and excelle nt pollution-resistant properties. The very good mechanical features mean that S iemens arresters with polymer housing (type 3EQ/R) can serve as post insulators as well. The pollution-resistant properties are the result of the water-repellen t effect (hydrophobicity) of the silicon rubber, which even transfers its effect s to pollution. The polymer-housed high-voltage arrester design chosen by Siemens and the highqu ality materials used by Siemens provide a whole series of advantages including l ong life and suitability for outdoor use, high mechanical stability and ease of disposal. Another important design shown in Fig. 36 are the gas-insulated metalenclosed surge arresters (GIS arresters) which have been made by Siemens for mor e then 25 years. There are two reasons why, when GIS arresters are used with gas -insulated switchgear, they usually offer a higher protective safety margin than when outdoor-type arresters are used (see also IEC 60099-5, 1996-02, Section 4. 3.2.2.): Firstly, they can be installed closer to the item to be protected so th at traveling wave effects can be limited more effectively. Secondly, compared with the outdoor type, inductanc e of the installation is lower (both that of the connecting conductors and that of the arrester itself). This means that the protection offered by GIS arresters is much better than by any other method, especially in the case of surges with a very steep rate of rise or high frequency, to which gas-insulated switchgear i s exceptionally sensitive. Please find an overview of the complete range of Siem ens arresters in Figs. 37 and 38, pages 26 and 27. 1 2 3 For further information please contact: Fax: ++ 49 - 3 03 86 -2 67 21 e-mail: ar
[email protected] 4 SF6-SF6 bushing (SF6 -Oil bushing on request) 5 Flange with gas diverter nozzle Seal Access cover with pressure relief device and filter Pressure relief diaphragm Compressing spring Metal oxide resistors Spring contact Grading hood 6 7 Composite polymer housing FRP tube/silicon sheds Metal-oxide resistors Supporting rods Enclosure �8 9 10 Fig. 36: Gas-insulated metal-enclosed arrester (GIS arrester) Fig. 35: Cross-section of a polymer-housed arrester Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/25 �Low-Voltage and Medium-Voltage Arresters and Limiters (230/400 V to 52 kV) Type 1 Low-voltage arresters and limiters 3EA2 3EF1 3EF2 3EF3 3EF4 3EF5 Motors, dry-type transformers, airfield lighting systems, sheath voltage limiter s, protection of converters for drives Medium-voltage arresters 3EC3 3EE2 3EH2 3EG5 3EK5 3EK7 3EQ1-B 2 Applications Lowvoltage overhead line systems 3 DC systems (locomotives, overhead contact lines) 4 Generators, motors, melting furnaces, 6-arrester connections, power plants Distribution systems metalenclosed gas-insulated switchgear with plug-in connect ion 45 52 Distribution systems and mediumvoltage switchgear Distribution systems and mediumvoltage switchgear Distribution systems and mediumvoltage switchgear AC and DC locomotives, overhead contact lines 5 Nom. syst. [kV] voltage (max.) Highest [kV] voltage for equipment (max.) 1 10 12 3 4 30 36 30 36 60 72.5 30 36 25 30 6 Maximum rated voltage Nominal discharge current [kV] �1 15 4 45 52 45 75 45 37 (AC) 4 (DC) 10 [kA] 5 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 7 8 Maximum [kJ/kV] energy absorbing capability (at thermal stability) Maximum long duration current impulse, 2 ms Maximum shortcircuit rating Housing material [A] ± 3EF1/2 3EF3 3EF4 3EF5 0.8 9 12.5 8 10 10 1.3 3 5 �3 10 1 x 380 20 x 250 3EF4 3EF5 1500 1200 1200 1200 200 300 500 300 1200 9 [kA] 10 Line disconnection Polymer 40 40 300 16 20 20 20 40 Polymer Porcelain Porcelain Metal Porcelain Porcelain �Polymer Polymer Fig. 37: Low and medium-voltage arresters 2/26 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �High-Voltage Arresters (72.5 to 800 kV) Type 3EP1 Applications Mediumand highvoltage systems, outdoor installations 3EP4 Mediumand highvoltage systems, outdoor installations 3EP2 Highvoltage systems, outdoor installations 3EP3 Highvoltage systems, outdoor installations, HVDC, SC & SVC applications 765 3EQ1 Mediumand highvoltage systems, outdoor installations Metal-oxide surge arresters 3EQ4 3EQ3 3EP2-K 3ER3 Highvoltage systems, outdoor installations Highvoltage systems, outdoor installa tions, HVDC, SC & SVC applications 765 Highvoltage systems, metalenclosed gasins ulated switchgear 150 3EP2-K3 Highvoltage systems, metalenclosed gasinsulated switchgear 150 3EP3-K Highvoltage systems, metalenclosed gasinsulated switchgear 500 1 2 3 Nom. syst. voltage (max.) [kV] 60 150 500 275 500 Highest [kV] voltage for equip. (max.) Maximum rated voltage Nominal discharge c urrent Maximum line discharge class Maximum [kJ/kV] energy absorbing capability (at thermal stability) Maximum long duration current impulse, 2 ms Maximum short circuit rating [A] [kV] 72.5 170 550 800 �300 550 800 170 170 550 4 84 147 468 612 240 468 612 180 180 444 5 [kA] 10 10 10/20 10/20 10 10/20 20 10/20 10/20 20 2 3 5 5 3 5 5 4 4 5 6 �5 8 12.5 20 8 12.5 20 10 10 12.5 7 500 850 1500 3900 850 1500 3900 1200 1200 1500 8 [kA] 40 65 65 100 50 65 80 �± ± ± 9 Minimum [kNm]2) breaking moment Maximum [MPSL] permissible service load Housing material 1) 2.12) 4.52) 12.52) 342) 10 63) 213) 723) ± ± ± Porcelain Porcelain 2) Acc. Porcelain Porcelain 3) Polymer1) Polymer1) Polymer1) Metal Metal Metal Silicon rubber sheds to DIN 48113 Acc. to IEC TC 37 WG5 03.99; > 50% of this value are maintained after pressure r elief Fig. 38: High-voltage arresters Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/27 �Gas-Insulated Switchgear for Substations Introduction 1 Common characteristic features of switchgear installation Because of its small s ize and outstanding compatibility with the environment, SF6 insulated switchgear (GIS) is gaining constantly on other types. Siemens has been a leader in this s ector from the very start. The concept of SF6 - insulated metal-enclosed high-vo ltage switchgear has proved itself in more than 70,000 bay operating years in ov er 6,000 installations in all parts of the world. It offers the following outsta nding advantages. Minimal space requirements Protection of the environment The necessity to protect the environment often mak es it dif cult to erect outdoor switchgear of conventional design, whereas buildin gs containing compact SF6-insulated switchgear can almost always be designed so that they blend well with the surroundings. SF6-insulated metal-enclosed switchg ear is, due to the modular system, very flexible and can meet all requirements o f con guration given by network design and operating conditions. 2 3 Each circuit-breaker bay includes the full complement of disconnecting and groun ding switches (regular or make-proof), instrument transformers, control and prot ection equipment, interlocking and monitoring facilities commonly used for this type of installation (Fig. 39). Beside the conventional circuit-breaker bay, oth er arrangements can be supplied such as single-bus, ring cable with load-break s witches and circuit-breakers, single-bus arrangement with bypass-bus, coupler an d bay for triplicate bus. Combined circuitbreaker and load-break switch feeder, ring cable with load-break switches, etc. are furthermore available for the 145 kV level. 4 5 6 The availability and price of land play an important part in selecting the type of switchgear to be used. Siting problems arise in s Large towns s Industrial co nurbations s Mountainous regions with narrow valleys s Underground power station s In cases such as these, SF6-insulated switchgear is replacing conventional swi tchgear because of its very small space requirements. Full protection against co ntact with live parts 7 The all-round metal enclosure affords maximum safety for personnel under all ope rating and fault conditions. Protection against pollution 8 9 Its metal enclosure fully protects the switchgear interior against environmental effects such as salt deposits in coastal regions, industrial vapors and precipi tates, as well as sandstorms. The compact switchgear can be installed in buildin gs of uncomplicated design in order to minimize the cost of cleaning and inspect ion and to make necessary repairs independent of weather conditions. Free choice of installation site The small site area required for SF6-insulated switchgear �saves expensive grading and foundation work, e.g. in permafrost zones. Other adv antages are the short erection times and the fact that switchgear installed indo ors can be serviced regardless of the climate or the weather. 10 Fig. 39: Typical circuit arrangements of SF6-switchgear 2/28 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Gas-Insulated Switchgear for Substations Main product range of GIS for substations SF6 switchgear up to 550 kV (the total product range covers GIS from 66 up to 80 0 kV rated voltage): Fig. 40. The development of the switchgear is always based on an overall production concept, which assures the achievement of the high tech nical standards required of the HV switchgear whilst providing the maximum custo mer bene t. This objective is attained only by incorporating all processes in the quality ma nagement system, which has been introduced and certi ed according to DIN EN ISO 90 01 (EN 29001). Siemens GIS switchgear meets all the performance, quality and rel iability demands such as: Compact space-saving design means uncomplicated founda tions, a wide range of options in the utilization of space, less space taken up by the switchgear. Minimal-weight construction through the use of aluminum alloy and the exploitati on of innovations in development such as computer-aided design tools. Safe encap sulation means an outstanding level of safety based on new manufacturing methods and optimized shape of enclosures. Environmental compatibility means no restric tions on choice of location through minimal space requirement, extremely low noi se emission and effective gas sealing system (leakage < 1% per year per gas comp artment). Economical transport means simpli ed and fast transport and reduced cost s because of maximum possible size of shipping units. 1 2 3 5170 4 3470 2850 4480 Minimal operating costs means the switchgear is practically maintenance-free, e. g. contacts of circuit-breakers and disconnectors designed for extremely long en durance, motor-operated mechanisms self-lubricating for life, corrosion-free enc losure. This ensures that the rst inspection will not be necessary until after 25 years of operation. Reliability means our overall product concept which include s, but is not limited to, the use of nite elements method (FEM), threedimensional design programs, stereolithography, and electrical eld development programs assu ring the high standard of quality. Smooth and ef cient installation and commission ing transport units are fully assembled and tested at the factory and lled with S F6 gas at reduced pressure. Plug connection of all switches, all of which are mo torized, further improves the speediness of site installation and substantially reduces eld wiring errors. Routine tests All measurements are automatically docum ented and stored in the EDP information system, which enables quick access to me asured data even if years have passed. For further information please contact: F ax: ++ 49- 9131-7-34498 e-mail:
[email protected] 5 3500 �4740 500 Switchgear type Details on page Rated voltage Rated powerfrequency withstand vol tage Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage Rated switching impulse withstand voltage [kV] [kV] 8DN8 2/30 up to 145 up to 275 8DN9 2/31 up to 245 up to 460 8DQ1 2/32 up to 550 up to 740 6 7 [kV] up to 650 up to 1050 up to 1800 [kV] ± up to 850 up to 1250 8 Rated (normal) current [A] busbar Rated (normal) current [A] feeder Rated breaki ng current Rated short-time withstand current Rated peak withstand current Inspe ction Bay width [kA] [kA] [kA] [Years] [mm] up to 3150 up to 2500 up to 40 up to 40 up to 108 > 25 800 up to 3150 up to 3150 up to 50 up to 50 up to 135 > 25 1200/1500 up to 6300 up to 4000 up to 63 up to 63 up to 170 > 25 3600 9 10 All dimensions in mm Fig. 40: Main product range Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/29 ��Gas-Insulated Switchgear for Substations 1 SF6-insulated switchgear up to 145 kV, type 8DN8 Three-phase enclosures are used for type 8DN8 switchgear in order to achieve ext remely low component dimensions. The low bay weight ensures minimal floorloading and eliminates the need for complex foundations. Its compact dimensions and low weight enable it to be installed almost anywhere. This means that capital costs can be reduced by using smaller buildings, or by making use of existing ones, f or instance when medium voltage switchgear is replaced by 145 kV GIS. The bay is t based on a circuit-breaker mounted on a supporting frame (Fig. 41). A special multifunctional cross-coupling module combines the functions of the disconnector and earthing switch in a threeposition switching device. It can be used as s an active busbar with integrated disconnector and work-in-progress earthing switch (Fig. 41/Pos. 3 and 4), s outgoing feeder module with integrated disconnector a nd work-in-progress earthing switch (Fig. 41/Pos. 5), s busbar sectionalizer wit h busbar earthing. For cable termination, a cable termination module can be equi pped with either conventional sealing ends or the latest plug-in connectors (Fig . 41/Pos. 9). Flexible singlepole modules are used to connect overhead lines and transformers by using a splitting module which links the 3-phase encapsulated s witchgear to the single pole connections. Thanks to the compact design, up to th ree completely assembled and works-tested bays can be shipped as one transport u nit. Fast erection and commissioning on site ensure the highest possible quality . The feeder control and protection can be located in a bay-integrated local con trol cubicle, mounted in the front of each bay (Fig. 42). It goes without saying that we supply our gas-insulated switchgear with all types of currently availab le bay control systems ± ranging from contactor circuit controls to digital proces sor bus-capable bay control systems, for example the modern SICAM HV system base d on serial bus communication. This system offers s Online diagnosis and trend a nalysis enabling early warning, fault recognition and condition monitoring. s In dividual parameterization, ensuring the best possible incorporation of customize d control facilities. s Use of modern current and voltage sensors. This results in a longer service life and lower operating costs, in turn attaining a consider able reduction in life cycle costs. 1 Gas-tight bushing Gas-permeable bushing 7 2 8 6 2 10 3 5 4 4 5 9 3 �6 1 Interrupter unit of the circuit-breaker 2 Spring-stored energy mechanism with circuit-breaker control un it 3 Busbar I with disconnector and earthing system 4 Busbar II with disconnecto r and earthing system Fig. 41: Switchgear bay 8DN8 up to 145 kV 5 Outgoing feeder module 6 7 8 9 10 with disconnector and earthing switch Make-proof earthing switch (high-speed) Cu rrent transformer Voltage transformer Cable sealing end Integrated local control cubicle 3 1 7 5 8 6 9 4 7 8 9 10 Fig. 42: 8DN8 switchgear for rated voltage 145 kV Fig. 43 2/30 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Gas-Insulated Switchgear for Substations SF6-insulated switchgear up to 245 kV, type 8DN9 The clear bay configuration of the lightweight and compact 8DN9 switchgear is ev ident at first sight. Control and monitoring facilities are easily accessible in spite of the compact design of the switchgear. The horizontally arranged circui t-breaker forms the basis of every bay configuration. The operating mechanism is easily accessible from the operator area. The other bay modules ± of single-phase encapsulated design like the circuit-breaker module ± are located on top of the c ircuit-breaker. The three-phase encapsulated passive busbar is partitioned off f rom the active equipment. Thanks to ªsingle-functionº assemblies (assignment of just one task to each module) and the versatile modular structure, even unconvention al arrangements can be set up out of a pool of only 20 different modules. The mo dules are connected to each other by a standard interface which allows an extens ive range of bay structures. The switchgear design with standardized modules and the scope of services mean that all kinds of bay structures can be set up in a minimal area. The compact design permits the supply of double bays fully assembl ed, tested in the factory and filled with SF6 gas at reduced pressure, which ass ures smooth and efficient installation and commissioning. The following major fe eder control level functions are performed in the local control cubicle for each bay, which is integrated in the operating front of the 8DN9 switchgear: s Fully interlocked local operation and state-indication of all switching devices manag ed reliably by the Siemens digital switchgear interlock system s Practical dialo g between the digital feeder protection system and central processor of the feed er control system s Visual display of all signals required for operation and mon itoring, together with measured values for current, voltage and power s Protecti on of all auxiliary current and voltage transformer circuits s Transmission of a ll feeder information to the substation control and protection system Factory as sembly and tests are significant parts of the overall production concept mention ed above. Two bays at a time undergo mechanical and electrical testing with the aid of computer-controlled stands. Gas-tight bushing Gas-permeable bushing 7 3 10 9 12 1 14 4 6 5 2 3 4 �5 2 1 Circuit-breaker interrupter unit 2 Spring-stored energy 3 4 5 6 7 mechanism with circuit-breaker control unit Busbar disconnector I Busbar I Busba r disconnector II Busbar II Earthing switch (work-in-progress) 1 8 Earthing switch (work-in-progress) 11 8 13 6 9 Outgoing-disconnector 10 Make-proof earthing switch 11 12 13 14 (high-speed) Current transformer Voltage transformer Cable sealing end Integrate d local control cubicle 1 11 3 5 7 7 8 9 13 12 10 8 Fig. 44: Switchgear bay 8DN9 up to 245 kV 9 10 Fig. 45: 8DN9 switchgear for rated voltage 245 kV Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/31 �Gas-Insulated Switchgear for Substations 1 SF6-insulated switchgear up to 550 kV, type 8DQ1 The GIS type 8DQ1 is a modular switchgear system for high power switching statio ns with individual enclosure of all modules for the three-phase system. The base unit for the switchgear forms a horizontally arranged circuit-breaker on top of which are mounted the housings containing disconnectors, grounding switches, cu rrent transformers, etc. The busbar modules are also single-phase encapsulated a nd partitioned off from the active equipment. As a matter of course the busbar m odules of this switchgear system are passive elements, too. Additional main char acteristic features of the switchgear installation are: s Circuit-breakers with two interrupter units up to operating voltages of 550 kV and breaking currents o f 63 kA (from 63 kA to 100 kA, circuit-breakers with four interrupter units have to be considered) s Low switchgear center of gravity by means of circuit-breake r arranged horizontally in the lower portion s Utilization of the circuit-breake r transport frame as supporting device for the entire bay s The use of only a fe w modules and combinations of equipment in one enclosure reduces the length of s ealing faces and consequently lowers the risk of leakage 12 11 10 9 8 7 1 6 2 4 5 3 2 3 4 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Circuit-breaker Busbar disconnector I Busbar I Busbar disconnector II Busbar II Grounding switch Voltage transformer Make-proof grounding switch 9 Cable disconn ector 14 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 15 16 17 18 3 5 2 4 6 1 11 10 9 7 8 12 5 6 Grounding switch Current transformer Cable sealing end Local control cubicle Gas monitoring unit (as part of control unit) Circuit-breaker control unit Electroh ydraulic operating unit Oil tank Hydraulic storage cylinder �7 Fig. 46: Switchgear bay 8DQ1 up to 550 kV 8 9 10 Fig. 47: 8DQ1 switchgear for rated voltage 420 kV 2/32 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Gas-Insulated Switchgear for Substations Some examples for special arrangement Gas-insulated switchgear ± usually accommodated in buildings (as shown in a towert ype substation) ± is expedient whenever the floor area is very expensive or restri cted or whenever ambient conditions necessitate their use (Fig. 50, page 2/34). For smaller switching stations, or in cases of expansion when there is no advant age in constructing a building, a favorable solution is to install the substatio n in a container (Fig. 49). Mobile containerized switchgear ± even for high voltag e At medium-voltage levels, mobile containerized switchgear is the state of the art. But even high-voltage switching stations can be built in this way and econo mically operated in many applications. The heart is the metal-enclosed SF6-insul ated switchgear, installed either in a sheet-steel container or in a block house made of prefabricated concrete elements. In contrast to conventional stationary switchgear, there is no need for complicated constructions; mobile switching st ations have their own ºbuildingª. 1 Cable termination 2 Make-proof earthing 3 4 5 6 switch Outgoing disconnector Earthing switch Circuit breaker Earthing switch 7 Current transformer 8 Outgoing disconnector 9 Make-proof earthing switch 10 Voltage transformer 11 Outdoor term ination 1 2 3 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 10 11 5 Fig. 48: Containerized 8DN9 switchgear with stub feed in this example Fig. 49: 8DN9 switchgear bay in a container Mobile containerized switching stations can be of single or multi-bay design usi ng a large number of different circuits and arrangements. All the usual connecti on components can be employed, such as outdoor bushings, cable adapter boxes and SF6 tubular connections. If necessary, all the equipment for control and protec tion and for the local supply can be accommodated in the container. This allows extensively independent operation of the installation on site. Containerized switchge ar is preassembled in the factory and ready for operation. On site, it is merely necessary to set up the containers, fit the exterior system parts and make the external connections. Shifting the switchgear assembly work to the factory enhan ces the quality and operational reliability. Mobile containerized switchgear req uires little space and usually fits in well with the environment. Rapid availabi lity and short commissioning times are additional, significant advantages for th e operators. Considerable cost reductions are achieved in the planning, construc tion work and assembly. Building authority approvals are either not required or only in a simple form. The installation can be operated at various locations in succession, and adaptation to local circumstances is not a problem. These are th �e possible applications for containerized stations: s Intermediate solutions for the modernization of switching stations s Low-cost transitional solutions when tedious formalities are involved in the new construction of transformer substati ons, such as in the procurement of land or establishing cable routes s Quick ere ction as an emergency station in the event of malfunctions in existing switchgea r s Switching stations for movable, geothermal power plants GIS up to 245 kV in a standard container The dimensions of the 8DN9 switchgear m ade it possible to accommodate all active components of the switchgear (circuitb reaker, disconnector, grounding switch) and the local control cabinet in a stand ard container. The floor area of 20 ft x 8 ft complies with the ISO 668 standard . Although the container is higher than the standard dimension of 8 ft, this wil l not cause any problems during transportation as proven by previously supplied equipment. German Lloyd, an approval authority, has already issued a test certif icate for an even higher container construction. The standard dimensions and ISO corner fittings will facilitate handling during transport in the 20 ft frame of a container ship and on a low-loader truck. Operating staff can enter the conta iner through two access doors. Rent a GIS Containerized gas-insulated high volta ge substations for hire are now available. In this way, we can step into every b reach, instantly and in a remarkably cost-effective manner. Whether for a few we eks, months or even 2 to 3 years, a fair rent makes our Instant Power Service un beatably economical. 6 7 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/33 �Gas-Insulated Switchgear for Substations All dimensions in m 1 Air conditioning system 26.90 Speci cation guide for metal-enclosed SF6-insulated switchgear The points below are not considered to be comprehensive, but are a selection of the important ones. General 23.20 These speci cations cover the technical data app licable to metal-enclosed SF6 gasinsulated switchgear for switching and distribu tion of power in cable and/or overhead line systems and at transformers. Key tec hnical data are contained in the data sheet and the single-line diagram attached to the inquiry. A general ªSingle-line diagramº and a sketch showing the general ar rangement of the substation and the transmission line exist and shall form part of a proposal. The switchgear quoted shall be complete to form a functional, saf e and reliable system after installation, even if certain parts required to this end are not speci cally called for. Applicable standards All equipment shall be d esigned, built, tested and installed to the latest revisions of the applicable I EC 60 standards (IEC Publ. 60517 ªHigh-voltage metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages of 72.5 kV and aboveº, IEC Publ. 60129 ªAlternating current disconnectors (isolators) and grounding switchesº, IEC Publ. 60056 ªHigh-voltage alternating-curre nt circuitbreakersº), and IEC Publ. 60044 for instrument transformers. Local condi tions The equipment described herein will be installed indoors. Suitable lightwe ight, prefabricated buildings shall be quoted if available from the supplier. On ly a flat concrete floor will be provided by the buyer with possible cutouts in case of cable installation. The switchgear shall be equipped with adjustable sup ports (feet). If steel support structures are required for the switchgear, these shall be provided by the supplier. For design purposes indoor temperatures of ± 5 °C to +40 °C and outdoor temperatures of ± 25 °C to +40 °C shall be considered. For parts to be installed outdoors (overhead line connections) the applicable conditions in IEC Publication 60517 shall also be observed. 2 Relay room 3 4 Grounding resistor Gas-insulated switchgear type 8DN9 5 15.95 13.8 kV switchgear Shunt reactor 11.50 6 7 Cable duct 8 Compensator 8.90 9 40 MVA transformer Radiators �10 2.20 ±1.50 Fig. 50: Special arrangement for limited space. Sectional view of a building sho wing the compact nature of gas-insulated substations 2/34 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Gas-Insulated Switchgear for Substations Work, material and design Aluminium or aluminium alloys shall be used preferabel y for the enclosures. Maximum reliability through minimum amount of erection wor k on site is required. Subassemblies must be erected and tested in the factory t o the maximum extent. The size of the subassemblies shall be limited only by the transport conditions. The material and thickness of the enclosure shall be sele cted to withstand an internal arc and to prevent a burn-through or puncturing of the housing within the rst stage of protection, referred to a shortcircuit curre nt of 40 kA. Normally exterior surfaces of the switchgear shall not require pain ting. If done for aesthetic reasons, surfaces shall be appropriately prepared be fore painting, i.e. all enclosures are free of grease and blasted. Thereafter th e housings shall be painted with no particular thickness required but to visuall y cover the surface for decorative reasons only. The interior color shall be lig ht (white or light grey). All joints shall be machined and all castings spotface d for bolt heads, nuts and washers. Assemblies shall have reliable provisions to absorb thermal expansion and contractions created by temperature cycling. For t his purpose metal bellows-type compensators shall be installed. They must be pro vided with adjustable tensioners. All solid post insulators shall be provided wi th ribs (skirts). For supervision of the gas within the enclosures, density moni tors with electrical contacts for at least two pressure levels shall be installe d. The circuit-breakers, however, might be monitored by density gauges tted in ci rcuit-breaker control units. The manufacturer assures that the pressure loss wit hin each individual gas compartment ± and not referred to the total switchgear ins tallation only ± will be not more than 1% per year per gas compartment. Each gas- lled compartment shall be equipped with static lters of a capacity to abs orb any water vapor penetrating into the switchgear installation over a period o f at least 25 years. Long intervals between the necessary inspections shall keep the maintenance cost to a minimum. A minor inspection shall only become necessa ry after ten years and a major inspection preferably after a period exceeding 25 years of operation, unless the permissible number of operations is met at an ea rlier date. Arrangement and modules Arrangement The arrangement shall be singlephase or three-phase enclosed. The assembly shall consist of completely separate pressurized sections designed to minimize the risk of damage to personnel or ad jacent sections in the event of a failure occurring within the equipment. Ruptur e diaphragms shall be provided to prevent the enclosures from uncontrolled burst ing and suitable deflectors provide protection for the operating personnel. In o rder to achieve maximum operating reliability, no internal relief devices may be installed because adjacent compartments would be affected. Modular design, comp lete segregation, arc-proof bushings and ªplug-inº connection pieces shall allow rea dy removal of any section and replacement with minimum disturbance of the remain ing pressurized switchgear. Busbars All busbars shall be three-phase or singleph ase enclosed and be plug-connected from bay to bay. Circuit-breakers The circuit -breaker shall be of the single pressure (puffer) type with one interrupter per phase*. Heaters for the SF6 gas are not permitted. The arc chambers and contacts of the circuit-breaker shall be freely accessible. The circuit-breaker shall be designed to minimize switching overvoltages and also to be suitable for out-ofphase switching. The speci ed arc interruption performance must be consistent over the entire operating range, from line-charging currents to full short-circuit c urrents. The circuit breaker shall be designed to withstand at least 18±20 operations (depe nding on the voltage level) at full short-circuit rating without the necessity t o open the circuit-breaker for service or maintenance. The maximum tolerance for phase disagreement shall be 3 ms, i.e. until the last pole has been closed or o pened respectively after the rst. A standard station battery required for control and tripping may also be used for recharging the operating mechanism. The energ y storage system (hydraulic or spring operating system) will hold suf cient energy for all standard IEC closeopen duty cycles. The control system shall provide al �arm signals and internal interlocks, but inhibit tripping or closing of the circ uit-breaker when there is insuf cient energy capacity in the energy storage system , or the SF6 density within the circuit-breaker has dropped below a minimum perm issible level. Disconnectors All isolating switches shall be of the singlebreak type. DC motor operation (110, 125, 220 or 250 V), completely suitable for remot e operation, and a manual emergency drive mechanism is required. Each motor-driv e shall be self-contained and equipped with auxiliary switches in addition to th e mechanical indicators. Life lubrication of the bearings is required. Grounding switches Work-in-progress grounding switches shall generally be provided on eit her side of the circuit-breaker. Additional grounding switches may be used for t he grounding of bus sections or other groups of the assembly. DC motor operation (110, 125, 220 or 250 V), completely suitable for remote operation, and a manua l emergency drive mechanism is required. Each motor drive shall be self-containe d and equipped with auxiliary position switches in addition to the mechanical in dicators. Life lubrication of the bearings is required. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * two interrupters for voltages exceeding 245 kV Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/35 �Gas-Insulated Switchgear for Substations 1 2 3 Make-proof high-speed grounding switches shall generally be installed at cable a nd overhead-line terminals. DC motor operation (110, 125, 220 or 250 V), complet ely suitable for remote operation, and a manual emergency drive mechanism is req uired. Each motor drive shall be self-contained and equipped with auxiliary posi tion switches in addition to the mechanical indicators. Life lubrication of the bearings is required. These switches shall be equipped with a rapid closing mech anism to provide faultmaking capability. Instrument transformers Current transfo rmers (CTs) shall be of the dry-type design not using epoxy resin as insulation material. Cores shall be provided with the accuracies and burdens as shown on th e SLD. Voltage transformers shall be of the inductive type, with ratings up to 2 00 VA. They shall be foil-gas-insulated. Cable terminations Single or three-phas e, SF6 gas-insulated, metal-enclosed cable-end housings shall be provided. The s tress cone and suitable sealings to prevent oil or gas from leaking into the SF6 switchgear are part of the cable manufacturer's supply. A mating connection piece , which has to be tted to the cable end, shall be made available by the switchgea r supplier. The cable end housing shall be suitable for oil-type, gas-pressure-t ype and plasticinsulated (PE, PVC, etc.) cables as speci ed on the SLD, or the dat a sheets. Facilities to safely isolate a feeder cable and to connect a high-volt age test cable to the switchgear or the cable shall be provided. 4 5 Fig. 52: Cable termination module ± Cable termination modules conforming to IEC ar e available for connecting the switchgear to high-voltage cables. The standardiz ed construction of these modules allows connection of various cross-sections and insulation types. Parallel cable connections for higher rated currents are also possible using the same module. Fig. 54: Transformer/reactor termination module ± These termination modules form t he direct connection between the GIS and oil-insulated transformers or reactance coils. They can be matched economically to various transformer dimensions by wa y of standardized modules. 6 Overhead line terminations Terminations for the connection of overhead lines sha ll be supplied complete with SF6-to-air bushings, but without line clamps. 7 8 9 Fig. 55: Transformer termination modules Control 10 �Fig. 51: Three phase cable termination module. Example for plug-in type cables. Fig. 53: Outdoor termination module ± High-voltage bushings are used for transitio n from SF6-to-air as insulating medium. The bushings can be matched to the parti cular requirements with regard to arcing and creepage distances. The connection with the switchgear is made by means of variabledesign angular-type modules. An electromechanical or solid-state interlocking control board shall be supplied as a standard for each switchgear bay. This failsafe interlock system will posi tively prevent maloperations. Mimic diagrams and position indicators shall give clear demonstration of the operation to the operating personnel. Provisions for remote control shall be supplied. 2/36 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Gas-Insulated Switchgear for Substations Tests required Partial discharge tests All solid insulators tted into the switchg ear shall be subjected to a routine partial discharge test prior to being instal led. No measurable partial discharge is allowed at 1.1 line-to-line voltage (app rox. twice the phase-to-ground voltage). This test ensures maximum safety agains t insulator failure, good long-term performance and thus a very high degree of r eliability. Pressure tests Each cast aluminium enclosure of the switchgear shall be pressure-tested to at least double the service pressure. Leakage tests Leaka ge tests performed on the subassemblies shall ensure that the flanges and cover faces are clean, and that the guaranteed leakage rate will not be exceeded. Power frequency tests Each assembly shall be subjected to power-frequency withst and tests to verify the correct installation of the conductors and also the fact that the insulator surfaces are clean and the switchgear as a whole is not poll uted inside. Additional technical data The supplier shall point out all dimensio ns, weights and other applicable data of the switchgear that may affect the loca l conditions and handling of the equipment. Drawings showing the assembly of the switchgear shall be part of the quotation. Instructions Detailed instruction ma nuals about installation, operation and maintenance of the equipment shall be su pplied by the contractor in case of an order. Scope of supply For all types of GIS Siemens supplies the following items and observes these int erface points: s Switchgear bay with circuit-breaker interrupters, disconnectors and grounding switches, instrument transformers, and busbar housings as specifi ed. For the different feeder types, the following limits apply: ± Overhead line fe eder: the connecting stud at the SF6-to-air bushing without the line clamp. ± Cabl e feeder: according to IEC 60859 the termination housing, conductor coupling, an d connecting plate are part of the GIS delivery, while the cable stress cone wit h matching flange is part of the cable supply (see Fig. 52 on page 2/36). ± Transf ormer feeder: connecting flange at switchgear bay and connecting bus ducts to tr ansformer including any expansion joint are delivered by Siemens. The SF6to-oil bushings plus terminal enclosures are part of the transformer delivery, unless a greed otherwise (see Fig. 54 on page 2/36)*. s Each feeder bay is equipped with grounding pads. The local grounding network and the connections to the switchgea r are in the delivery scope of the installation contractor. s Initial SF6-gas fi lling for the entire switchgear as supplied by Siemens is included. All gas inte rconnections from the switchgear bay to the integral gas service and monitoring panel are supplied by Siemens as well. s Hydraulic oil for all circuit-breaker o perating mechanisms is supplied with the equipment. s Terminals and circuit prot ection for auxiliary drive and control power are provided with the equipment. Fe eder circuits and cables, and installation material for them are part of the ins tallation contractor's supply. s Local control, monitoring, and interlocking panel s are supplied for each circuitbreaker bay to form completely operational system s. Terminals for remote monitoring and control are provided. s Mechanical suppor t structures above ground are supplied by Siemens; embedded steel and foundation work is part of the installation contractor's scope. * Note: this interface point should always be closely coordinated between switch gear manufacturer and transformer supplier. 1 2 3 4 5 �6 7 8 9 10 Fig. 56: The modular system of the 8DQ1 switchgear enables all conceivable custo mer requirements to be met with just a small number of components Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/37 �Gas-Insulated Transmission Lines (GIL) Introduction 1 For high-power transmission systems where overhead lines are not suitable, alter natives are gas-insulated transmission lines (GIL). The GIL exhibits the followi ng differences in comparison with cables: s High power ratings (transmission cap acity up to 3000 MVA per System) s High overload capability s Suitable for long distances (100 km and more without compensation of reactive power) s High shortcircuit withstand capability (including internal arc faults) s Possibility of di rect connection to gasinsulated switchgear (GIS) and gas-insulated arresters wit hout cable entrance fitting s Multiple earthing points possible s Non-flammable, no fire risk in case of failures The innovations in the latest Siemens GIL deve lopment are the considerable reduction of costs and the introduction of buried l aying technique for GIL for long-distance power transmission. SF6 has been repla ced by a gas mixture of SF6 and N2 as insulating medium. Siemens experience Back in the 1960s with the introduction of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) as an insulati ng and switching gas, the basis was found for the development of gas-insulated s witchgear (GIS). On the basis of GIS experience, Siemens developed SF6 gas-insul ated lines to transmit electrical energy too. In the early 1970s initial project s were planned and implemented. Such gas-insulated lines were usually used withi n substations as busbars or bus ducts to connect gas-insulated switchgear with o verhead lines, the aim being to reduce clearances in comparison to air-insulated overhead lines. Implemented projects include GIL laying in tunnels, in sloping galleries, in vertical shafts and in open air installation. Flanging as well as welding has been applied as jointing technique. 2 The gas-insulated transmission line technique is a highly reliable system in ter ms of mechanical and electrical failures. Once a system is commissioned and in s ervice, it runs reliably without any dielectrical or mechanical failures as expe rience over the course of 20 years shows. For example, one particular Siemens GI L will not undergo its scheduled inspection after 20 years of service, as there has been no indication of any weak point. Fig. 57 shows the arrangement of six p hases in a tunnel. Basic design In order to meet mechanical stability criteria, gas-insulated lines need minimum cross-sections of enclosure and conductor. With these minimum cross-sections, high power transmission ratings are given. Due to the gas as insulating medium, low capacitive loads are given so that compensati on of reactive power is not needed, even for long distances of 100 km and more. Fig. 57: GIL arrangement in the tunnel of the Wehr pumped storage station (4000 m length, in service since 1975) 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fig. 58: Long-term test set-up at the IPH, Berlin 9 Reduction of SF6 content Several tests have been carried out in Siemens faciliti es as well as in other test laboratories world-wide since many years. Results of �these investigations show that the bulk of the insulating gas for industrial pr ojects involving a considerable amount of gas should be nitrogen, a nontoxic nat ural gas. However, another insulating gas should be added to nitrogen in order t o improve the insulating capability and to minimize size and pressure. A N2/SF6 gas mixture with high nitrogen content (and sulphur hexafluoride portion as low as possible) was finally chosen as insulating medium. 10 The characteristics of N2/SF6 gas mixtures show that with an SF6 content of only 15±25% and a slightly higher pressure, the insulating capability of pure SF6 can be attained. Besides, the arcing behavior is improved through this mixture. Test s have proven that there would be no external damage or fire caused by an intern al failure. The technical data of the GIL are shown in Fig. 59. 2/38 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Gas-Insulated Transmission Lines (GIL) Technical data 1 Rated voltage Rated current lr Transmission capacity Capacitance Typical length Gas mixture SF6/N2 ranging from Laying up to 550 kV 2000 ± 4600 A 1500 ± 3000 MVA 2 » 60 nF/km 1±100 km 10%/90% up to 35%/65% directly buried in tunnels/ sloping galler ies/ vertical shafts open air installation Fig. 60: GIL laying technique clean assembly and productivity is enhanced by a high level of automation of the overall process. Anti-corrosion protection Directly buried gas-insulated transm ission lines will be safeguarded by a passive and active corrosion protection sy stem. The passive corrosion protection system comprises a PE or PP coating and a ssures at least 40 years of protection. The active corrosion protection system p rovides protection potential in relation to the aluminum sheath. An important re quirement taken into account is the situation of an earth fault with a high curr ent of up to 63 kA to earth. Testing The GIL is already tested according to the report IEC 61640 (1998) ªRigid highvoltage, gas-insulated transmission lines for v oltages of 72.5 kV and above.º Long-term performances Besides nearly 25 years of f ield experience with GIL installations world wide, the longterm performance of t he GIL for long-distance installations has been proven by the independent test l aboratory IPH, Berlin, Germany and the Berlin power utility BEWAG according to l ong-term test proceFig. 59: GIL technical data Jointing technique In order to improve the gas-tightness and to facilitate layin g, flanges have been avoided as jointing technique. Instead, welding has been ch osen to join the various GIL construction units. The welding process is highly a utomated, with the use of an orbital welding machine to ensure high quality of t he joints. This orbital welding machine contributes to high productivity in the welding process and therefore speeds up laying. The reliability of the welding p rocess is controlled by an integrated computerized quality assurance system. Lay ing The most recently developed Siemens GILs are scheduled for directly buried l aying. The laying technique must be as compatible as possible with the landscape and must take account of the sequence of seasons. The laying techniques for pip elines have been improved over many years and they are applicable for GIL as a ºpi peline for electrical currentªtoo. However, the GIL needs slightly different treat ment where the pipeline technique has to be adapted.The laying process is illust rated in Fig. 60. The assembly area needs to be protected against dust, particle s, humidity and other environmental factors that might disturb the dielectric sy stem. Clean assembly therefore plays an important role in setting up cross-count ry GILs under normal environmental conditions. The combination of dures for power cables. The test procedure consisted of load cycles with doubled voltage and increased current as well as frequently repeated high-voltage tests . The assembly and repair procedures under realistic site conditions were examin ed too. The Siemens GIL is the first one in the world that has passed these test s, without any objection. Fig. 58 shows the test setup arranged in a tunnel of 3 m diameter, corresponding to the tunnel used in Berlin for installing a 420 kV transmission link through the city. References Siemens has gathered experience w ith gas-insulated transmission lines at rated voltages of up to 550 kV and with system lengths totalling more than 30 km. The first GIL stretch built by Siemens was the connection of the turbine generator/ pumping motor of a pumped storage station with the switchyard. The 420 kV GIL is laid in a tunnel through a mounta �in and has a length of 4000 m (Fig. 57). This connection was commissioned in 197 5 at the Wehr pumped storage station in the Black Forest in Southern Germany. Fo r further information please contact: Fax: ++ 49-9131-7-3 44 98 e-mail: evhgis@e rls04.siemens.de D 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fig. 61: Siemens lab prototype for dielectric tests Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/39 �Overhead Power Lines Introduction 1 Since the very beginning of electric power, overhead lines have constituted the most important component for transmission and distribution. Their portion of ove rall length of electric circuits depends on the voltage level as well as on loca l conditions and practice. In densely populated areas like Central Europe, under ground cables prevail in the distribution sector and overhead power lines in the high-voltage sector. In other parts of the world, for example in North America, overhead lines are often used also for distribution purposes within cities. Sie mens has planned, designed and erected overhead power lines on all important vol tage levels in many parts of the world. 2000 MW 1000 Power per circuit 2 3 500 750 kV 4 200 Selection of line voltage 5 For distribution and transmission of electric power standardized voltages accord ing to IEC 60038 are used worldwide. For three-phase AC applications, three volt age levels are distinguished: s The low-voltage level up to 1 kV s The medium-vo ltage level between 1 kV and 36 kV and s The high-voltage level up to 800 kV. Fo r DC transmission the voltages vary from the mentioned data. Low-voltage lines s erve households and small business consumers. Lines on the medium-voltage level supply small settlements, individual industrial plants and larger consumers, the electric power being typically less than 10 MVA per circuit. The high-voltage c ircuits up to 145 kV serve for subtransmission of the electric power regionally and feed the mediumvoltage network. This high-voltage level network is often ado pted to support the medium-voltage level even if the electric power is below 10 MVA. Moreover, some of these high-voltage lines also transmit the electric power from medium-sized generating stations, such as hydro plants on small and medium rivers, and supply largescale consumers, such as sizable industrial plants or s teel mills. They constitute the connection between the interconnected high-volta ge grid and the local distribution networks. The bandwidth of electrical power t ransported corresponds to the broad range of utilization, but, rarely exceeds 10 0 MVA per circuit, while the surge impedance load is 35 MVA (approximately). 380 kV 100 6 220 kV 50 �7 20 110 kV Transmission distance 10 10 20 50 100 200 km Fig. 62: Selection of rated voltage for power transmission 8 500 9 10 245 kV lines were used in Central Europe for interconnection of utility networks before the changeover to the 420 kV level for this purpose. Long-distance trans mission, for example between the hydro power plants in the Alps and the consumer s, was performed out by 245 kV lines. Nowadays, the importance of 245 kV lines i s decreasing due to the application of 420 kV. The 420 kV level represents the highest voltage used for AC transmission in Cent ral Europe with the task of interconnecting the utility networks and of transmit ting the energy over long distances. Some 420 kV lines connect the national grid s of the individual European countries enabling Europewide interconnected networ k operation. Large power plants, such as nuclear stations, feed directly into th e 420 kV network. The thermal capacity of the 420 kV circuits may reach 2000 MVA with a surge impedance load of approximately 600 MVA and a transmission capacit y up to 1200 MVA. 2/40 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Overhead Power Lines Rated voltage [kV] Highest system voltage [kV] Nominal cross-section Conductor d iameter 20 24 Selection of conductors and ground wires 110 123 1 220 245 380 420 750 800 [mm2] [mm] 50 120 150 300 bundle bundle bundle bundle 435 2x240 4x240 2x560 4x560 28.8 2x21.9 4x21.9 2x32. 2 4x32.2 9.6 15.5 17.1 24.5 Ampacity (at 80 °C conductor temperature) [A] Thermal capacity [MVA] 210 7 410 14 470 740 90 140 900 340 1290 490 2580 1700 2080 1370 4160 5400 0.013 0.28 Resistance at 20 °C [Ω/km] 0.59 0.24 0.19 0.10 0.067 0.059 Reactance at 50 Hz [Ω/km] 0 .39 0.34 0.41 0.38 Effective capacitance Capacitance to ground Charging power 0.4 0.32 0.030 0.026 0.26 0.27 [nF/km] �9.7 11.2 9.3 10 9.5 11.5 14.4 13.8 13.1 [nF/km] [kVA/km] 3.4 1.2 3.6 1.4 4.0 4.2 35 38 4.8 145 0.58 365 6.3 175 0.76 300 6.5 650 1.35 240 6.4 625 1.32 250 6.1 2320 2.48 260 Ground-fault current [A/km] 0.04 0.04 0.25 0.25 Surge impedance Surge impedance load [Ω] 360 310 375 350 [MVA] ± ± 32 35 135 160 600 577 2170 Fig. 63: Electric characteristics of AC overhead power lines (Data refer to one circuit of a double-circuit line) �Overhead power lines with voltages higher than 420 kV are needed to economically transmit bulk electric power over long distances, a task typically arising when utilizing hydro energy potentials far away from consumer centers. Fig. 62 depic ts schematically the range of application for the individual voltage levels depe nding on the distance of transmission and the power rating. The voltage level has to be selected based on the duty of the line within the ne twork or on results of network planning. Siemens has carried out such studies fo r utilities all over the world. Conductors represent the most important components of an overhead power line sin ce they have to ensure economical and reliable transmission and contribute consi derably to the total line costs. For many years aluminum and its alloys have bee n the prevailing conducting materials for power lines due to the favorable price , the low weight and the necessity of certain minimum cross-sections. The conduc tors are prone to corrosion. Aluminum, in principle, is a very corrosive metal. However, a dense oxide layer is formed which stops further corrosive attacks. Th erefore, aluminum conductors are well-suited also for corrosive areas, for examp le a maritime climate. For aluminum conductors there are a number of different d esigns in use. All-aluminum conductors (AAC) have the highest conductivity for a given cross-section, however possess only a low mechanical strength, which limi ts their application to short spans and low tensile forces. To increase the mech anical strength, wires made of aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloys are adopted, th e strength of which is twice that of pure aluminum. All-aluminum and aluminum al loy conductors have shown susceptibility against eolian vibrations. Compound con ductors with a steel core, so-called aluminum cables, steel reinforced (ACSR), a void this disadvantage. The ratio between aluminum and steel ranges from 4.3:1 t o 11:1. Experience has demonstrated that ACSR has a long life, too. Conductors a re selected according to electrical, thermal, mechanical and economic aspects. T he electric resistance as a result of the conducting material and its crosssecti on is the most important feature affecting the voltage drop and the energy losse s along the line and, therefore, the transmission costs. The cross-section has t o be selected such that the permissible temperatures will not be exceeded during normal operation as well as under short circuit. With increasing cross-section the line costs increase, while the costs for losses decrease. Depending on the d uty of a line and its power, a cross-section can be determined which results in lowest transmission costs. This cross-section should be aimed for. The heat bala nce of ohmic losses and solar radiation against convection and radiation determi nes the conductor temperature. A current density of 0.5 to 1.0 A /mm2 has proven to be an economical solution. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 �Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/41 �Overhead Power Lines 1 2 3 4 5 High voltage results in correspondingly high-voltage gradients at the conductors and in corona-related effects such as visible discharges, radio interference, a udible noise and energy losses. When selecting the conductors, the voltage gradi ent has to be limited to values between 15 and 17 kV/cm. This aspect is importan t for lines with voltages of 245 kV and above. Therefore, bundle conductors are adopted for extra-high-voltage lines. Fig. 63 shows typical conductor configurat ions. From the mechanical point of view the conductors have to be designed for e veryday conditions and for maximum loads exerted on the conductor by wind and ic e. As a rough figure, an everyday stress of approximately 20% of the conductor u ltimate tensile stress can be adopted, resulting in a limited risk of conductor damage. Ground wires can protect a line against direct lightning strokes and imp rove the system behavior in case of short circuits; therefore, lines with single -phase voltages of 110 kV and above are usually equipped with ground wires. Grou nd wires made of ACSR with a sufficiently high aluminum cross-section satisfy bo th requirements. Selection of insulators Overhead line insulators are subject to electrical and mechanical stress since t hey have to insulate the conductors from potential to ground and must provide ph ysical supports. Insulators must be capable of withstanding these stresses under all conditions encountered in a specific line. The electrical stresses result f rom s The power frequency voltage s Temporary overvoltages at power frequency an d s Switching and lightning overvoltages. Various insulator designs are in use, depending on the requirements and the experience with certain insulator types. C ap and pin-type insulators (Fig. 64) are made of porcelain or glass. The individ ual units are connected by fittings of malleable cast iron. The insulating bodie s are not puncture-proof which is the reason for relatively numerous insulator f ailures. In Central Europe long-rod insulators (Fig. 65) are most frequently ado pted. These insulators are puncture-proof. Failures under operation are extremel y rare. Long-rod insulators show a superior behavior especially under pollution. The tensile loading of the porcelain body forms a disadvantage, which requires relatively large cross-sections. Composite insulators are made of a core with fi berglass-reinforced resin and sheds of differing plastic materials. They offer l ight weight and high tensile strength and will gain increasing importance for hi gh-voltage lines. Insulator sets must provide a creepage path long enough for th e expected pollution level, which is classified according to IEC 60815 from ligh t with 16 mm/kV up to very heavy with 31 mm/kV. To cope with switching and light ning overvoltages, the insulator sets have to be designed with respect to insula tion coordination according to IEC 60071-1. These design aspects determine the g ap between the grounded fittings and the live parts. Suspension insulator sets c arry the conductor weight and are arranged more or less vertically. There are Ishaped (Fig. 66a) and V-shaped sets in use. Single, double or triple sets cope w ith the mechanical loadings and the design requirements. Tension insulator sets (Fig. 66b, c) terminate the conductors and are arranged in the direction of the conductors. They are loaded by the conductor tensile force and have to be rated accordingly. Fig. 64: Cap and pin-type insulator �6 7 8 9 10 Fig. 65: Long-rod insulator with clevis and tongue connection 2/42 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Overhead Power Lines Cross arm 1 2 3 4 5 6 Conductor Fig. 66a: I-shaped suspension insulator set for 245 kV 7 Cross arm 8 Fig. 66b: Double tension insulator set for 245 kV (elevation) 9 Conductor Cross arm 10 Fig. 66c: Double tension insulator set for 245 kV (plan) Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/43 �Overhead Power Lines Selection and design of supports 1 Together with the line voltage, number of circuits and type of conductors the co nfiguration of the circuits determines the design of overhead power lines. Addit ionally, lightning protection by ground wires, the terrain and the available spa ce at the tower sites have to be considered. In densely populated areas like Cen tral Europe, the width of right-of-way and the space for the tower sites are lim ited. In the case of extra-high voltages the conductor configuration affects the electrical characteristics and the transmission capacity of the line. Very ofte n there are contradicting requirements, such as a tower height as low as possibl e and a narrow right-of-way, which can only be met partly by compromises. The mu tual clearance of the conductors depends on the voltage and the conductor sag. I n ice-prone areas conductors should not be arranged vertically in order to avoid conductor clashing after ice shedding. For low- and medium-voltage lines horizo ntal conductor configurations prevail which feature line post insulators as well as suspension insulators. Preferably poles made of wood, concrete or steel are used. Fig. 67 shows some typical line configurations. Ground wires are omitted a t this voltage level. For high and extra-high-voltage power lines a large variet y of configurations are available which depend on the number of circuits and on local conditions. Due to the very limited right-of-way, more or less all high-vo ltage lines in Central Europe comprise at least two circuits. Fig. 68 shows a se ries of typical tower configurations. Arrangement e) is called the ºDanubeª configur ation and is most often adopted. It represents a fair compromise with respect to width of right-of-way, tower height and line costs. For lines comprising more t han two circuits there are many possibilities for configuring the supports. In t he case of circuits with differing voltages those circuits with the lower voltag e should be arranged in the lowermost position (Fig. 68g). The arrangement of in sulators depends on the task of a support within the line. Suspension towers sup port the conductors in straight-line sections and at small bends. This tower typ e results in the lowest costs; special attention should therefore be paid to usi ng this tower type as often as possible. a b c d 2 3 4 Fig. 67: Configurations of medium-voltage supports 5 a b c d 6 �7 e f g h 8 9 10 Fig. 68: Tower configurations for high-voltage lines 2/44 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Overhead Power Lines Angle towers have to carry the conductor tensile forces at angle points of the l ine. The tension insulator sets permanently exert high forces on the supports. V arious loading conditions have to be met when designing angle towers. The climat ic conditions are a determining factor as well. Finally, dead-end towers are use d at the ends of a transmission line. They carry the total conductor tensile for ces of the connection to the substations. Depending on the size of the supports and the acting forces, differing designs and materials are adopted. Poles made o f wood, concrete or steel are very often used for low and medium-voltage lines. Towers with lattice steel design, however, prevail at voltage levels of 110 kV a nd above (Fig. 69). When designing the support a number of conditions have to be considered. High wind and ice loads cause the maximum forces to act on suspensi on towers. In ice-prone areas unbalanced conductor tensile forces can result in torsional loading. Additionally, special loading conditions are adopted for the purpose of failure containment, i.e. to limit the extent of damage. Finally, pro visions have to be made for construction and maintenance conditions. Siemens ado pts modern computer programs for tower design in order to optimize the structure s, select components and joints and determine foundation loadings. The stability of the support poles and towers needs also accordingly designed foundations. Th e type of towers and poles, the loads, the soil conditions as well as the access ibility to the line route and the availability of machinery determine the select ion and design of foundation. Concrete blocks or concrete piers are in use for p oles which exert bending moments on the foundation. For towers with four legs a foundation is provided for each individual leg (Fig. 70). Pad-andchimney and con crete block foundations require good bearing soil conditions without ground wate r. Driven or augured piles and piers are adopted for low bearing soil, for sites with bearing soil in a greater depth and for high ground water level. In this c ase the soil conditions must permit pile driving. Concrete slabs can be used for good bearing soil, when subsoil and ground water level prohibit pad and chimney foundations as well as piles. Siemens can design all types of foundation and ha s the necessary equipment, such as pile drivers, grouting devices, soil and rock drills, at its command to build all types of power line foundations. 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 69: Lattice steel towers of a high-voltage line 6 Pad-and-chimney foundation Auger-bored foundation 7 8 Rock anchor foundation Pile foundation 9 10 �Fig. 70: Foundations for four-legged towers Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/45 �Overhead Power Lines 1 302.50 6.07 5.74 0.47 292.00 f40=6.15 fE =6.60 300.70 292.00 10.00 282.00 f40=2.11 279.00 2 T+0 DH 13.00 16.20 2 16.00 3 1 WA+0 DA 4 5 6 7 8 255.00 232.50 9 175.00 o. D. 286.50 281.50 0.0 276.50 273.50 273.00 0.1 280.00 280.50 0.2 283.00 275.50 270.50 270.00 265.00 284.50 275.00 270.50 272.50 267.50 264.00 0.3 0.4 10 0.0 36.0 66.0 106.0 132.0 166.0 194.0 264.0 302.0 331.0 360.0 405.0 251.0 291.0 316.0 346.0 386.0 426.0 M20 190.00g Left conductor 251.47 m 171°0´ 60.0m 50g 6.0 6.0 190.00g 60.0m �251.0 20 kV line M21 4.0 4.0 Fig. 71: Line profile established by computer 2/46 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Overhead Power Lines 1 f40=17.46 fE =16.52 3 T+8 DH 284.20 17.30 16.75 16.38 15.86 Arable land Meadow F allow land Stream Road Forest 2 7.55 11.38 8.44 12.29 263.00 Ground wire: ACSR 265/35 * 80.00 N/mm2 Conductor: ACSR 265/35 * 80.00 N/mm2 Equi valent sag: 11.21 m at 40 °C Equivalent span: 340.44 m Bushes, height up to 5 m 24 .20 f40=5.56 fE =5.87 3 4 5 4 WA+0 DA 223.00 6 7 1.45 16.00 8 270.00 292.50 263.00 266.50 0.5 462.0 534.0 506.0 544.0 265.50 264.00 261.50 258 .50 0.6 586.0 626.0 260.00 260.00 260.00 0.7 666.0 688.0 676.0 776.0 744.0 236.0 0 247.50 223.00 229.00 215.50 0.8 826.0 804.0 848.0 209.00 207.00 0.9 904.0 910. 0 9 10 Road to XXX 425.0 13.9g 4.0 4.0 234.0 Left conductor 235.45 m 169.00g 152°6´ 5.8 5.8 169.00g Road crossing at km 10.543 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/47 �Overhead Power Lines 1 Route selection and tower spotting Route selection and planning represent increasingly difficult tasks since the ri ghtof-way for transmission lines is limited and many aspects and interests have to be considered. Route selection and approval depend on the statutory condition s and procedures and always involve iterative studies carried out in the office and surveys in the terrain which consider and evaluate a great variety of altern atives. After definition of the route the longitudinal profile has to be surveye d, identifying all crossings over roads, rivers, railways, buildings and other o verhead power lines. The results are evaluated with computer programs to calcula te and plot the line profile. The towers are spotted by means of computer progra ms as well, which take into account the conductor sags under different condition s, the ground clearances, objects crossed by the line, technical data of the ava ilable tower range, tower and foundation costs and costs for compensation of lan downers. The result is an economical design of a line, which accounts for all th e technical and environmental conditions. Line planning forms the basis for mate rial acquisition and line erection. Fig. 71 shows a line profile established by computer. Siemens' activities and experience Siemens has been active in the overhead power line field for more than 100 years . The activities comprise design and construction of rural electrification schem es, low and medium-voltage distribution lines, high-voltage lines and extra-high -voltage installations. To give an indication of what has been carried out by Si emens, approximately 20,000 km of high-voltage lines up to 245 kV and 10,000 km of extra-high-voltage lines above 245 kV have been set up so far. Overhead power lines have been erected by Siemens in Germany and Central Europe as well as in the Middle East, Africa, the Far East and South America. The 420 kV transmission lines across the Elbe river in Germany comprising four circuits and requiring 2 35 m tall towers as well as the 420 kV line across the Bosphorus in Turkey with a span of approximately 1800 m (Fig. 72) are worthy of special mention. For furt her information please contact: Fax: ++ 49 - 9131- 33 5 44 e-mail: heinz-juergen .theymann@erls04. siemens.de 2 3 4 5 6 7 BT1 BS1 BS BT suspension tower tension tower BS2 BT2 8 37.5 124 124 9 27.5 10 112 119 70 125 162.5 Dimensions in m 674 1757 668 �Europe Fig. 72: 420 kV line across the Bosphorus, longitudinal profile Bosphorus Asia 2/48 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �High-Voltage Direct Current Transmission HVDC When technical and/or economical feasibility of conventional high voltage AC tra nsmission technology reach their limits, high voltage DC can offer the solution, namely s For economical transmission of bulk power over long distances s For in terconnection of asynchronous power grids s For power transmission across the se a, when a cable length is long s For interconnection of synchronous but weak pow er grids, adding to their stability s For additional exchange of active power wi th other grids without having to increase the short-circuit power of the system s For increasing the transmission capacity of existing rights-of-way by changing from AC to DC transmission system Siemens offers HVDC systems as s Back-to-Back (B/B) stations to interconnect asynchronous networks, without any DC transmissi on line in between s Power transmission via Dc submarine cables s Power transmis sion via long-distance DC overhead lines Back-to-Back (B/B): To connect asynchro nous high voltage power systems or systems with different frequencies. To stabil ize weak AC links or to supply even more active power, where the AC system reach es the limit of short-circuit capability. 1 2 3 4 Fig. 76: Earthquake-proof, fire-retardant thyristor valves in Sylmar East, Los A ngeles systems for all functions. Redundant design for fault-tolerant systems. Fig. 75: Long-distance transmission 5 Special features Valve technology s Simple, easy-to-maintain mechanical design s Use of fire-retardant, self-extinguishing material s Minimized number of electr ical connections s Minimized number of components s Avoidance of potential sourc es of failure s ºParallelª cooling for the valve levels s Oxygen-saturated cooling w ater. After more than 20 years of operation, thyristor valves based on this tech nology have demonstrated their excellent reliability. s The recent introduction of direct lighttriggered thyristors with integrated overvoltage protection furth er simplifies the valve and reduces maintenance requirements. Control system In our HVDC control system, high-performance components with proven records in many other standard fields of application have been integrated, thus adding to the o verall reliability of the system. Use of ºstate-of-the-artª microprocessor Filter technology Single, double and triple-tuned as well as high-pass passive f ilters, or any combination thereof, can be installed. Active filters, mainly for the DC circuit, are available. Wherever possible, identical filters are selecte d so that the performance does not significantly change when one filter has to b e switched off. Turnkey service Our experienced staff are prepared to design, in stall and commission the whole HVDC system on a turnkey basis. Project financing We are in a position to assist our customers in finding proper project financin g, too. General services s Extended support to customers from the very beginning of HVDC system planning including ± Feasibility studies ± Drafting the specificatio n ± Project execution ± System operation and ± Long-term maintenance ± Consultancy on up grading/replacement of components/redesign of older schemes, e.g. retrofit of me rcury-arc valves or relay-based controls 6 �7 8 Fig. 73: Back-to-back link between asynchronous grids Cable transmission (CT): To transmit power across the sea with cables to supply islands/offshore platforms from the mainland and vice-versa. 9 10 Fig. 74: Submarine cable transmission Long-distance transmission (LD): For transmission of bulk power over long distan ces (beyond approx. 600 km, considered as the break-even distance). Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/49 �High-Voltage Direct Current Transmission s Studies during contract execution on: 1 2 ± HVDC systems basic design ± System dynamic response ± Load flow and reactive power b alance ± Harmonic voltage distortion ± Insulation coordination ± Interference of radio and PLC ± Special studies, if any Typical ratings Some typical ratings for HVDC s chemes are given below for orientation purposes only: B/B: 100 ... 600 MW CT: 10 0 ... 800 MW LD: 300 ... 3000 MW (bipolar), whereby the lower rating is mainly d etermined by economic aspects and the higher one limited by the constraints of t he interconnected networks. Innovations In recent years, the following innovativ e technologies and equipment have for example been successfully implemented by S iemens in diverse HVDC projects worldwide: s Direct light-triggered thyristors ( already mentioned above) s Hybrid-optical DC measuring system (Fig. 77) s Active harmonic filters s Advanced eletrode line monitoring of bipolar HVDC systems s An SF6 HVDC circuit-breaker for use as Metallic Return Transfer Breaker, develop ed from a standard AC high-voltage breaker. 3 4 5 Fig. 78: HVDC outdoor valves, 533 kV (Cahora Bassa Rehabilitation, Southern Afri ca) 6 Rehabilitation and modernization of existing HVDC stations (Fig. 78) The integration of state-of-the-art microprocessor systems or thyristors allows the owner better utilization of his investment, e.g. s Higher availability s Few er outages s Lower losses s Better performance values s Less maintenance. Higher availability means more operating hours, better utilization and higher profits for the owner. The new Human-Machine Interface (HMI) system enhances the user-fr iendliness and increases the reliability considerably due to the operator guidan ce. This rules out maloperation by the operator, because an incorrect command wi ll be ignored by the HMI. 7 8 9 2 3 10 1 Fig. 77: Conventional DC measuring device (1) vs. the new hybrid-optical device (2) with composite insulator (3) shows the reduced space requirement for the new system (installed at HVDC converter station Sylmar, USA) �2/50 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �High-Voltage Direct Current Transmission For further information please contact: Fax: ++ 49 - 9131- 73 45 52 e-mail: mari
[email protected] 1 2 3 4 5 HMI GPS 6 LAN 7 SER VCS Pole 1 OLC Pole 1 OLC SC OLC Pole 2 VCS Pole 2 HMI GPS OLC CLC VBE VCS SER Human-machine Interface Global Positioning System Open-Loop Control Closed-Loop Control Valve Base Electronics Valve Cooling Systems Sequence of Event Recording TFR Transient Fault Recording LAN Local Area Network CLC VBE Pole 1 CLC VBE Pole 2 Communication link to the load dispatch center 8 9 Communication link to the remote station TFR DC Protection TFR Communication link to the remote station 10 DC Yard Fig. 79: Human-Machine Interface with structure of HVDC control system Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/51 �Power Compensation in Transmission Systems Introduction 1 In many countries increasing power consumption leads to growing and more interco nnected AC power systems. These complex systems consist of all types of electric al equipment, such as power plants, transmission lines, switchgear transformers, cables etc., and the consumers. Since power is often generated in those areas o f a country with little demand, the transmission and distribution system has to provide the link between power generation and load centers. Wherever power is to be transported, the same basic requirements apply: s Power transmission must be economical s The risk of power system failure must be low s The quality of the power supply must be high However, transmission systems do not behave in an idea l manner. The systems react dynamically to changes in active and reactive power, influencing the magnitude and profile of the power systems voltage. Fig. 80: STATCOM inverter hall 2 3 4 5 6 Examples: s A load rejection at the end of a long-disFurther information please contact: Fax: ++ 49 - 9131- 73 45 54 e-mail: Wolfgang
[email protected] 7 8 9 10 tance transmission line will cause high overvoltages at the line end. However, a high load flow across the same line will decrease the voltage at its end. s The transport of reactive power through a grid system produces additional losses an d limits the transmission of active power via overhead lines or cables. s Load-f low distribution on parallel lines is often a problem. One line could be loaded up to its limit, while another only carries half or less of the rated current. S uch operating conditions limit the actual transmittable amount of active power. s In some systems load switching and/or load rejection can lead to power swings which, if not instantaneously damped, can destabilize the complete grid system a nd then result in a ªBlack Outº. Reactive power compensation helps to avoid these an d some other problems. In order to find the best solution for a grid system prob lem, studies have to be carried out simulating the behavior of the system during normal and continuous operating conditions, and also for transient events. Stud y facilities which cover digital simulations via computer as well as analog ones in a transient network analyzer laboratory are available at Siemens. 2/52 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition ��Power Compensation in Transmission Systems Types of reactive power compensation Parallel compensation Parallel compensation is defined as any type of reactive p ower compensation employing either switched or controlled units, which are conne cted parallel to the transmission network at a power system node. In many cases switched compensation (reactors, capacitor banks or filters) can provide an econ omical solution for reactive power compensation using conventional switchgear. S tatic VAr compensator (SVC) In comparison to mechanically-switched reactive powe r compensation, controlled compensation (SVC, Fig. 81) offers the advantage that rapid dynamic control of the reactive power is possible within narrow limits, t hus maintaining reactive power balance. Fig. 82 is a general outline of the prob lemsolving applications of SVCs in high-voltage systems. STATCOM The availabilit y of high power gate-turn-off (GTO) thyristors has led to the development of a S tatic Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM), Fig. 80, page 2/52. The STATCOM is an ªel ectronic generatorº of dynamic reactive power, which is connected in shunt with th e transmission line (Fig. 83) and designed to provide smooth, continuous voltage regulation, to prevent voltage collapse, to improve transmission stability and to dampen power oscillations. The STATCOM supports subcycle speed of response (t ransition between full capacitive and full inductive rating) and superior perfor mance during system disturbances to reduce system harmonics and resonances. Part icular advantages of the equipment are the compact and modular construction that enables ease of siting and relocation, as well as flexibility in future rating upgrades (as grid requirements change) and the generation of reactive current ir respective of network voltage. Concept Operating diagram 1 Un 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 4 4 4 3 Iind Icap Transformer Thyristor-controlled reactor (TCR) Fixed connected capacitor/filter bank Thyristor-switched capacitor bank (TSC) 4 Fig. 81: Static VAr compensator (SVC) 5 Voltage control Reactive power control Overvoltage limitation at load rejection Improvement of AC system stability Damping of power oscillations Reactive power flow control Increase of transmission capability Load reduction by voltage reduc tion Subsynchronous oscillation damping Fig. 82: Duties of SVCs 6 �7 8 Concept Operating diagram UN I UN 9 US 10 Id UD Fig. 83: STATCOM Iind Icap Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/53 �Power Compensation in Transmission Systems Series compensation Synchronous Series Compensation (SSSC) The Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) is a solid-state voltage generator connected in series with the transmis sion line through an insertion transformer (Fig. 85). The generation of a boost voltage advancing or lagging behind the line current by 90° affects the voltage dr op caused at the line reactance and can be used to dampen transient oscillations and control real power flow independent of the magnitude of the line current. 1 Series compensation is defined as insertion of reactive power elements into tran smission lines. The most common application is the series capacitor. Thyristor-C ontrolled Series Compensation (TCSC) By providing continuous control of transmis sion line impendance, the Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation (TCSC, Fig. 8 4) offers several advantages over conventional fixed series capacitor installati ons. These advantages include: s Continuous control of desired compensation leve l s Direct smooth control of power flow within the network s Improved capacitor bank protection s Local mitigation of subsynchronous oscillations (SSR). This pe rmits higher levels of compensation in networks where interactions with turbinegenerator torsional vibrations or with other control or measuring systems are of concern. s Damping of electromechanical (0.5±2 Hz) power oscillations which often arise between areas in a large interconnected power network. These oscillations are due to the dynamics of interarea power transfer and often exhibit poor damp ing when the aggregate power transfer over a corridor is high relative to the tr ansmission strength. 2 3 4 Concept Operating diagram UT I Inductive I Capacitive 5 6 Id UD Fig. 85: Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) UT 7 Concept Bypass switch Operating diagram Bypass circuit breaker MOV arrester Bank disconnect switch 2 �8 Bank disconnect switch 1 [Z] Inadmissible area 9 Capacitors Damping circuit 10 Thyristor valve Thyristor controlled reactor Inductive Triggered spark gap Capacitive Valve arrester 90° Ignition angle a 180° Fig. 84: Thyristor controlled Series Compensation (TCSC). Example: Single line d iagram TCSC S. da Mesa 2/54 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power Compensation in Transmission Systems Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) The Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is the fastest and most versatile FACTS controller (Fig. 86). The UPFC constitutes a combination of the STATCOM and the SSSC. It can provide simultaneously and in dependently real time control of all basic power system parameters (transmission voltage, impedance and phase angle), determinig the transmitted real and reacti ve power flow to optimize line utilization and system capability. The UPFC can e nhance transmission stability and dampen system oscillations. Concept Vector diagram 1 UT UT Ua Ub 2 Ua GTO Converter 1 GTO Converter 2 Ub 3 Fig. 86: Unified power-flow controller (UPFC) 4 Comparison of reactive power compensation facilities The following tables show the characteristics and application areas of UPFC (Fig . 87a), parallel compensation and series compensation (Fig. 87b, page 2/56) and the influence on various parameters such as short-circuit rating, transmission p hase angle and voltage behavior at this load. 5 6 7 Compensation element Location Shortcircuit level Behavior of compensation elemen t Voltage TransmisVoltage influence sion phase after load angle rejection Applic ations 8 UPFC (Parallel and/or series compensation) 1 UPFC E UPFC Reduced U Controlled �Controlled Limited by control Real and reactive power flow control, enhancing transmission stability and dampe ning system oscillations 9 10 Fig. 87a: Components for reactive power compensation, UPFC Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 2/55 �Power Compensation in Transmission Systems 1 Compensation element Parallel compensation Location Shortcircuit level Behavior of compensation element Voltage TransmisVoltage influence sion phase af ter load angle rejection Applications 2 2 Shunt capacitor Little influence Voltage rise Little influence High Voltage stabilization at high load E U 3 3 Shunt reactor Little influence Voltage drop Little influence Low E U Reactive power compensation at low load; limitation of temporary overvoltage 4 4 Static VAr compensator (SVC) Little influence Controlled Little influence Limite d by control Reactive power and voltage control, damping of power swings to impr ove system stability Reactive power and voltage control, damping of power swings 5 5 E SVC U �STATCOM No influence Controlled Little influence Limited by control 6 E ST U 7 Series compensation 6 Series capacitor Increased Very good Much smaller (Very) low Long transmission l ines with high transmission power rating E U 8 7 Series reactor Reduced (Very) slight (Much) larger (Very) high Short lines, limi tation of SC power E U 9 8 Thyristor Controlled SeriesCompensation (TCSC) SSSC SSSC Variable TCSC Very good Much smaller (Very) low 10 9 E U Long transmission lines, power flow distribution between parallel lines and SSR damping �Reduced Controlled Controlled Limited by control E U Real power flow control, damping of transient oscillations Fig. 87b: Components of reactive power compensation, parallel compensation/serie s compensation 2/56 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Medium-Voltage Switchgear Contents Page Introduction ...................................... 3/2 Primary Distribution Sel ection Criteria and Explanations ...................................... 3/4 Sele ction Matrix ............................... 3/6 Air-Insulated Switchgear ...... ......... 3/8 SF6-Insulated Switchgear ............ 3/24 Secondary Distribution General ............................................. 3/46 Selection Matrix .... ......................... 3/48 Ring-Main Units ............................. 3/5 0 Consumer Substations .................. 3/60 Transformer Substations ......... ..... 3/66 Industrial Load Center .................. 3/68 Medium-Voltage Devices Product Range ................................ 3/72 Vacuum Circuit-Breakers and Contactors ............................... 3/74 Vacuum Interrupters ........... .......... 3/85 Disconnectors/ Grounding Switches ...................... 3/86 HR C Fuses ....................................... 3/88 Insulators and Bushings ... ........... 3/89 Current Transformers/ Voltage Transformers .................... 3/90 Surge Arresters .............................. 3/90 3 �Medium-Voltage Switchgear Introduction 1 Primary and secondary distribution stands for the two basic functions of the med iumvoltage level in the distribution system. `Power Supply Systems' (PSS) includes t he equipment of the Primary and Secondary Distribution, all interconnecting equi pment (cables, transformers, control systems, etc.) down to LV consumer distribu tions as well as all the relating planning, engineering, project/site management , installation and commissioning work involved, including turnkey projects with all necessary electrical and civil works equipment (Fig. 1). 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 `Primary distribution' means the switchgear installation in the HV/MV transformer ma in substations. The capacity of equipment must be sufficient to transport the el ectrical energy from the HV/MV transformer input (up to 63 MVA) via busbar to th e outgoing distribution lines or cable feeders. The switchgear in these main sub stations is of high importance for the safe and flexible operation of the distri bution system. It has to be very reliable during its lifetime, flexible in confi guration, and easy to operate with a minimum of maintenance. The type of switchg ear insulation (air or SF6) is determined by local conditions, e.g. space availa ble, economic considerations, building costs, environmental conditions and the r elative importance of maintenance. Design and configuration of the busbar are de termined by the requirements of the local distribution system. These are: s The number of feeders is given by the outgoing lines of the system s The busbar conf iguration depends on the system (ring, feeder lines, opposite station, etc.) s M ode of operation under normal conditions and in case of faults s Reliability req uirements of consumers, etc. Double busbars with longitudinal sectionalizing giv e the best flexibility in operation. However, for most of the operating situatio ns, single busbars are sufficient if the distribution system has adequate redund ancy (e.g. ring-type system). If there are only a few feeder lines which call fo r higher security, a mixed configuration is advisable. It is important to prepar e enough spare feeders or at least space in order to extend the switchgear in ca se of further development and the need for additional feeders. As these substati ons, especially in densely populated areas, have to be located right in the load center, the switchgear must be space-saving and easy to install. The installati on of this switchgear needs thorough planning in advance, including the system c onfiguration and future area development. Especially where existing installation s have to be upgraded, the situation of the distribution system should be analyz ed for simplification (system planning and architectural system design). `Secondary distribution' is the local area supply of the individual MV/LV substation s or consumer connecting stations. The power capacity of MV/LV substations depen ds on the requirements of the LV system. To reduce the network losses, the trans �former substations should be installed directly at the load centers with typical transformer ratings of 400 kVA to max. 1000 kVA. Due to the great number of sta tions, they must be space-saving and maintenance-free. For high availability, MV /LV substations are mostly looped in by load-break switches. The line configurat ion is mostly of the open-operated ring type or of radial strands with opposite switching station. In the event of a line fault, the disturbed section will be s witched free and the supply is continued by the second side of the line. This ca lls for reliable switchgear in the substations. Such transformer substations can be prefabricated units or single components, installed in any building or rooms existing on site, consisting of medium-voltage switchgear, transformers and low -voltage distri-bution. Because of the extremely high number of units in the net work, high standardization of equipment is necessary. The most economical soluti on for such substations should have climate-independent and maintenance-free equ ipment, so that operation of equipment does not require any maintenance during i ts lifetime. Consumers with high power requirements have mostly their own distri bution system on their building area. In this case, a consumer connection statio n with metering is necessary. Depending on the downstream consumer system, circu it breakers or loadbreak switches have to be installed. For such transformer sub stations nonextensible and extensible switchgear, for instance RMUs, has been de veloped using SF6 gas as insulation and arc-quenching medium in the case of load -break systems (RMUs), and SF6-gas insulation and vacuum (for vcb feeders) as ar c-quenching medium in the case of extensible modular switchgear, consisting of l oad-break panels with or without fuses, circuit-breaker panels and measuring pan els. 3/2 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Medium-Voltage Switchgear Main substation Subtransmission up to 145 kV 1 2 HV/MV transformers up to 63 MVA Primary distribution MV up to 36 kV 3 4 5 Secondary distribution 6 open ring 7 closed ring 8 Diagram 1: Diagram 2: Diagram 3: 9 10 Substation Customer station with circuit-breaker incoming panel and load-break switch outgo ing panels Extensible switchgear for substation with circuit-breakers e.g. Type 8DH Fig. 1: Medium voltage up to 36 kV ± Distribution system with two basic functions: Primary distribution and secondary distribution Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/3 �Primary Distribution Selection Criteria and Explanations General 1 Codes, standards and specifications Design, rating, manufacture and testing of o ur medium-voltage switchboards is governed by international and national standar ds. Most applicable IEC recommendations and VDE/DIN standards apply to our produ cts, whereby it should be noted that in Europe all national electrotechnical sta ndards have been harmonized within the framework of the current IEC recommendati ons. Our major products in this section comply specifically with the following c ode publications: s IEC 60 298 AC metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 72.5 kV s IEC 60 694 Common cl auses for highvoltage switchgear and controlgear standards s IEC 60 056 High-vol tage alternating-current circuit-breakers s IEC 60 265-1 High-voltage switches s IEC 60 470 High-voltage alternating current contactors s IEC 60 129 Alternating current disconnectors (isolators) and grounding switches s IEC 60 185 Current t ransformers s IEC 60 186 Voltage transformers s IEC 60 282 High-voltage fuses In terms of electrical rating and testing, other national codes and specifications can be met as well, e.g. ANSI C37, 20C, BS 5227, etc. In case of switchgear man ufactured outside of Germany in Siemens factories or workshops, certain local st andards can also be met; for specifics please inquire. Busbar system Switchgear installations for normal service conditions are preferably equipped with singlebusbar systems. These switchboards are clear in their arrangement, simple to ope rate, require relatively little space, and are low in inital cost and operating expenses. Double-busbar switchboards can offer advantages in the following cases : s Operation with asynchronous feeders s Feeders with different degrees of impo rtance to maintain operation during emergency conditions s Isolation of consumer s with shock loading from the normal network Single busbar with bus-tie breaker Double busbars with dual-feeder breakers 2 3 4 Double busbars with single-feeder breakers Double-busbar switchboard with single-busbar feeders 5 6 7 Fig. 2: Basic basbar configurations for medium-voltage switchgear s Balancing of feeder on two systems dur8 9 10 ing operation s Access to busbars required during operation. In double-busbar sw itchboards with dual feeder breakers it is possible to connect consumers of less importance by singlebusbar panels. This assures the high availability of a doub �le-busbar switchboard for important panels, e.g. incoming feeders, with the low costs and the low space requirement of a single-busbar switchboard for less impo rtant panels. These composite switchboards can be achieved with the types 8BK20 and 8DC11. Type of insulation The most common insulating medium has been air at atmospheric pressure, plus some solid dielectric materials. Under severe climati c conditions this requires precautions to be taken against internal contaminatio n, condensation, corrosion, or reduced dielectric strength in high altitudes. Since 1982, insulating sulfur-hexafluoride gas (SF6-gas) at slight overpressure has also been used inside totally encapsulated switchboards as insulating medium for medium voltages to totally exclude these disturbing effects. All switchgear types in this section, with the exception of the gas-insulated models 8D and NX PLUS, use air as their primary insulation medium. Ribbed vacuum-potted epoxy-re sin post insulators are used as structural supports for busbars and circuit brea kers throughout. In the gas-insulated metal-clad switchgear 8D and NX PLUS, all effects of the environment on high-voltage-carrying parts are eliminated. Thus, not only an extremely compact and safe, but also an exceptionally reliable piece of switchgear is available. The additional effort for encapsulating and sealing the high-voltage-carrying parts requires a higher price ± at least in voltage rat ings below 24 kV. For a price comparison, see the curves on the following page ( Figs. 3, 4). 3/4 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Primary Distribution Selection Criteria and Explanations Enclosure, Compartmentalization IEC Publ. 60 298 subdivides metal-enclosed switc hgear and controlgear into three types: s Metal-clad switchgear and controlgear s Compartmented switchgear and controlgear s Cubicle switchgear and controlgear. Thus ªmetal-cladº and ªcubicleº are subdivisions of metal-enclosed switchgear, further describing construction details. In metal-clad switchgear the components are arr anged in 3 separate compartments: s Busbar compartment s Circuit-breaker compart ment s Feeder-circuit compartment with earthed metal partitions between each com partment. IEC 60 298-1990-12 Annex AA specifies a ªMethod for testing the metal-en closed switchgear and controlgear under conditions of arcing due to an internal faultº. Basically, the purpose of this test is to show that persons standing in fr ont of, or adjacent to a switchboard during internal arcing are not endangered b y the effects of such arcs. All switchboards described in this section have succ essfully passed these type tests. Isolating method To perform maintenance operat ions safely, one of two basic precautions must be taken before grounding and sho rt-circuiting the feeder: s 1. Opening of an isolator switch with clear indicati on of the OPEN condition. s 2. Withdrawal of the interrupter carrier from the op erating into the isolation position. In both cases, the isolation gap must be la rger than the sparkover distance from live parts to ground to avoid sparkover of incoming overvoltages across the gap. The first method is commonly found in fix ed-mounted interrupter switchgear, whereas the second method is applied in withd rawable switchgear. Withdrawable switchgear has primarily been designed to provi de a safe environment for maintenance work on circuit interrupters and instrumen t transformers. Therefore, if interrupters and instrument transformers are avail able that do not require maintenance during their lifetime, the withdrawable fea ture becomes obsolete. With the introduction of maintenance-free vacuum circuitbreaker bottles, and instrument transformers which are not subject Single busbar ! Percentage (8BK20 = 100) 160 Double busbar ! Percentage (8BK20 = 100) 160 1 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 0 130 120 8DA10 110 NX PLUS 100 8BK20 90 NX AIR 80 8DC11 70 7.2 12 15 24 kV 36 Vol tage 0 7.2 12 15 24 kV 2 8BK20 8DB10 8DC11 36 Voltage 3 Fig. 3: Price relation Fig. 4: Price relation to dielectric stressing by high voltage, it is possible and safe to utilize tota lly enclosed, fixed-mounted and gas-insulated switchgear. Models 8DA, 8DB, 8DC a nd NX PLUS described in this section are of this design. Due to far fewer moving parts and their total shielding from the environment, they have proved to be mu ch more reliable. All air-insulated switchgear models in this section are of the withdrawable type. Switching device Depending on the switching duty in individu al switchboards and feeders, basically the following types of primary switching devices are used in the switchgear cubicles in this section: �(Note: Not all types of switching devices can be used in all types of cubicle.) able in all ratings ± see selection matrix on pages 3/72±3/73 for all power switchge ar listed in this section. Due to their maintenance-free design these breakers c an be installed inside totally enclosed and gasinsulated switchgear. To 2: Vacuu m contactors Vacuum contactors are used for frequent switching operations in mot or, transformer and capacitor bank feeders. They are typetested, extremely relia ble and compact devices and they are totally maintenance-free. Since contactors cannot interrupt fault currents, they must always be used with current-limiting fuses to protect the equipment connected. Vacuum contactors can be installed in the metal-enclosed, metalclad switchgear types 8BK20, 8BK30 and NXAIR for 7.2 kV /31.5 kA. To 3: Vacuum switches or ¼ Vacuum switches, switch disconnectors and gas -insulated three-position switch disconnectors in primary distribution switchboa rds are used mostly for small transformer feeders such as auxiliary transformers or load center substations. Because of their inability to interrupt fault curre nts they must always be used with currentlimiting fuses. Vacuum switches and swi tch disconnectors can be installed in the airinsulated switchboard types 8BK20 a nd NXAIR. Gas-insulated three-position switch disconnectors can be installed in the switchboard type 8DC11. 4 5 6 7 s 1. Vacuum circuit-breakers s 2. Vacuum contactors in conjunction 8 with HRC fuses s 3. Vacuum switches, switch disconnectors or gas-insulated three-position switch disconnectors in conjunction with HR C fuses. To 1: Vacuum circuit-breakers In the continuing efforts for safer and m ore reliable medium-voltage circuit-breakers, the vacuum interrupter is clearly the first choice of buyers of new circuit-breakers worldwide. It is maintenancef ree up to 10,000 operating cycles without any limitation in terms of time and it is recommended for all generalpurpose applications. If high numbers of switchin g operations are anticipated (especially autoreclosing in overhead line systems and switching of high-voltage motors), their use is indicated. They are avail9 10 For further information please contact: ++ 49 - 91 31-73 46 39 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/5 �Primary Distribution Selection Matrix 1 Standards Insulation Busbar system Enclosure, compartmentalization Isolating method 2 Metal-enclosed, metal-clad Draw-out section 3 Single busbar Metal-enclosed, metal-clad Draw-out section 4 Type-tested indoor switchgear to IEC 60 298 Air-insulated Metal-enclosed, metal-clad Draw-out section 5 Metal-enclosed, metal-clad cubicle-type Draw-out section 6 Metal-enclosed, metal-clad Double busbar Metal-enclosed, metal-clad cubicle-type Triple-pole metal-enclosed, metal-clad Draw-out section Draw-out section 7 Disconnector, fixed-mounted 8 Single busbar Triple-pole metal-enclosed, metal-clad Single-pole metal-enclosed, metal-clad Disconnector, fixed-mounted 9 SF6-insulated Disconnector, fixed-mounted 10 Double busbar Triple-pole metal-enclosed, metal-clad Single-pole metal-enclosed, metal-clad �Disconnector, fixed-mounted Disconnector, fixed-mounted Fig. 5: Primary Distribution Selection Matrix 3/6 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Primary Distribution Selection Matrix Switching device Switchgear type Technical data Maximum rated short-time current [kA], 1/3 s 7.2 kV 12/15 17.5/24 36 kV kV kV Page Maximum busbar rated current [A] 7.2 kV 12/15 17.5/24 36 kV kV kV 1 Maximum feeder rated current [A] 7.2 kV 12/15 17.5/24 36 kV kV kV 2 3/8 Vacuum circuit-breaker Vacuum switch 8BK20 50 50 25 ± 4000 4000 2500 ± 4000 4000 2000 ± 3 Vacuum contactor 8BK30 50 50 ± ± 4000 4000 �± ± 400 400 ± ± 3/13 Vacuumcircuit-breaker 4 8BK40 63 63 63* ± 5000 5000 5000* ± 5000 5000 5000* ± 3/16 Vacuum circuit-breaker Vacuum switch Switch disconnector Vacuum contactor Vacuum circuit-breaker Vacuum switch NXAIR 31.5 31.5 25 ± 2500 2500 2500 ± 2500 2500 2500 ± 3/20 5 8BK20 50 50 25 �± 4000 4000 2500 ± 4000 4000 2000 ± 3/8 6 Vacuum circuit-breaker Vacuum switch Switch disconnector Vacuum circuit-breaker NXAIR 31.5 31.5 25 ± 2500 2500 2500 ± 2500 2500 2500 ± 3/20 7 NX PLUS 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 3/38 8 Vacuum circuit-breaker Switch disconnector 8DC11 25 25 �25 ± 1250 1250 1250 ± 1250 1250 1250 ± 3/24 Vacuum circuit-breaker 9 8DA10 40 40 40 40 3150 3150 3150 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 3/30 Vacuum circuit-breaker Switch disconnector 8DC11 25 25 25 ± 1250 1250 1250 ± 1250 1250 1250 ± 3/24 10 Vacuumcircuit-breaker 8DB10 �40 40 40 40 3150 3150 3150 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 3/30 * up to 17.5 kV Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/7 �Air-Insulated Switchgear Type 8BK20 1 Metal-clad switchgear 8BK20, air-insulated s From 7.2 to 24 kV s Single and double-busbar 2 3 s s s s s s s (back-to-back or face-to-face) Air-insulated Type-tested Metal-enclosed Metal-cl ad Withdrawable vacuum breaker Vacuum switch optional For indoor installation Specific features 4 s General-purpose switchgear s Circuit-breaker mounted on horizontal slide behind front door s Cable connections from front or rear 5 Safety for operating and maintenance personnel s All switching operations behind closed doors s Positive and robust mechanical 6 interlocks s Arc-fault-tested metal enclosure s Complete protection against contact Fig. 6: Metal-clad switchgear type 8BK20 (inter-cubicle partition removed) 7 with live parts s Line test with breaker inserted (option) s Maintenance-free va cuum breaker Tolerance to environment s Metal enclosure with optional gaskets s Complete corrosion protection and Stationary part The cubicle is built as a self-supporting structure, bolted toge ther from rolled galvanized steel sheets and profile sections. Each cubicle is d ivided into three sealed and isolated compartments by partitions, i.e. the busba r, cable connection and circuitbreaker compartment. The fixed contacts of the pr imary disconnectors are located within bushings, effectively maintaining the com partmentalization in all operating states of the switchgear. The bushings are co vered by automatic steel safety shutters upon removal of the circuit-breaker car riage from the ºConnectedª position. Each compartment in every model has its own pre ssure-relief device. To reduce internal arcing times and thus consequential dama ge, pressure switches can be installed that trip the incoming feeder circuitbrea ker(s) in less than 100 msec. This is an economical alternative to busbar differ ential protection. Breaker carriage The carriage normally supports a vacuum circuit-breaker with th e associated operating mechanism and auxiliary devices. Fused vacuum switches ar �e optional. By manually moving the carriage with the spindle drive it can be bro ught into a distinct ºConnectedª and ºDisconnected/ Testª position. To this effect, the arc and pressure-proof front door remains closed. To remove the switching elemen t completely from its compartment, a central service truck is used. Inspection c an easily and safely be carried out with the circuitbreaker in the ºDisconnected/T estª position. All electrical and mechanical parts are easily accessible in this p osition. Mechanical spring-charge and contactposition indicators are visible thr ough the closed door. Local mechanical ON/OFF pushbuttons are actived through th e door as well. For complete remote control, the circuitbreaker carriage can be equipped for motor operation. 8 tropicalization of all parts. s Vacuum-potted ribbed epoxy insulators with high tracking resistance 9 General description 8BK20 switchboards consist of metal-clad cubicles of air-ins ulated switchgear with withdrawable vacuum circuit-breakers. Fused vacuum switch es can be used optionally. The breaker carriage is fully interlocked with the in terrupter and the stationary cubicle. It is manually moved in a horizontal direc tion from the ºConnectedª position behind the closed front door and without the use of auxiliary equipment. A fully isolated low-voltage compartment is integrated. All commonly used feeder circuits and auxiliary devices are available. The switc hgear cubicles and interrupters are factory-assembled and type-tested as per the applicable standards. 10 3/8 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Air-Insulated Switchgear Type 8BK20 Cable and bar connections Cables and bars are connected from below; entrance fro m above requires an auxiliary structure behind the cubicle. Single-phase or thre e-phase solid-dielectric cables can be connected from the front or the rear of t he cubicle (specify); stress cones are installed conveniently inside the cubicle . Make-proof grounding switches with manual operation can be installed below the CTs, engaging contacts behind the cable lugs. Operation of the fully interlocke d grounding switch is possible only with the breaker carriage in the ºDisconnected / Testª position. Interlocking system A series of sturdy mechanical interlocks for ces the operator into the only safe operating sequence of the switchgear, preven ting positively the following: s Moving the carriage with the breaker closed. s Switching the breaker in any but the locked ºConnectedª or ºDisconnected/ Testª position s Engaging the grounding switch with the carriage in the ºConnectedª position, and moving the carriage into this position with the grounding switch engaged. Degree s of protection Standard degree of protection IP 3XD according to IEC 60529. Opt ionally, the cubicles can be protected against harmful internal deposits of dust and against dripping water (IP 51), available only for cubicles without ventila tion slots. 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 7: Cross-section through 8BK20 cubicle Low-voltage compartment All protective relays, monitoring and control devices of a feeder can be accommodated in a metal-enclosed LV compartment on top of the H V enclosure. Device-mounting plates, cabling troughs, and the central LV termina l strip(s) are located behind a separate lockable door. Full or partial plexigla ss windows, or mimic diagrams are available for these doors. Main enclosure The totally enclosed and sealed cubicle permits installation in most equipment rooms . With the optional dust protection, the switchgear is safeguarded against inter nal contamination, small animals and rodents, and naturally against contact with live parts. This eliminates the usual reasons for arc faults. Should arcing occ ur, nevertheless, the arc can be guided towards the end of the lineup, where dam age is repaired most easily. For the latter reason, parititions between individu al cubicles of the same bus sections are normally not used. Busbars and primary disconnectors Rectangular busbars drawn from pure copper are used exclusively. They are mounted on ribbed, cast-resin post insulators which are sized to take up the dynamic forces resulting from short circuits. Soliddiel ectric busbar insulation is available. The movable parts of the line and loadsid e primary disconnectors have flat, spring-loaded and silver-plated hemispherical pressure contacts for low contact resistance and good ventilation. The parallel connecting arms are designed to increase contact pressure during short circuits . The fixed contacts are silver-plated stubs within the circuit-breaker bushings or the busbar mountings. Instrument transformers Up to three multicore block-ty pe current transformers plus three single-phase potential transformers can be in stalled in the lower compartment, PTs optionally on withdrawable modules. The CT s carry the cable-connecting bars and lugs, and the fixed contacts of the (optio nal) grounding switch. All common burden and accuracy ratings of instrument tran sformers are available. Busbar metering PTs with their current-limiting fuses ar e installed on withdrawable carriages, identically to breaker carriages. �6 7 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/9 �Air-Insulated Switchgear Type 8BK20 Installation 1 2 3 4 The switchboards are shipped in sections of up to three cubicles on stable woode n pallets which are suitable for rolling and forklift handling. These sections a re bolted or spot-welded to channel iron sections embedded in a flat and level c oncrete floor. Front-connected types can be installed against the wall or free-s tanding; rear-connected cubicles require service aisles. Double-busbar installat ions in back-to-back configuration are installed free-standing. Cable feed-in is through corresponding cut-outs in the floor, plans for which are part of the sw itchgear supply. Three-phase (armored) cables for voltages above 12 kV require s ufficient clearance below the switchgear to split up the phases (cablefloor, etc .). Circuit-breakers are shipped mounted on their carriages inside the switchgea r cubicles. For dimensions and weights, see Fig. 9. Fig. 8: Cross-section through switchgear type 8BK20 in back-to-back double-busba r arrangement for rated voltages up to 24 kV 5 Weights and dimensions Rated voltage Panel spacing [kV] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg] 7.2 800 2050 1650 1775 1775 800 12 800 2050 1650 1775 1775 800 15 800 2050 1650 1775 1775 800 17.5 1000 2250 2025 2150 2150 1000 24 1000 2250 2025 2150 2150 100 0 6 Width Depth front conn. without channel with channel Depth rear conn. Approx. we ight incl. breaker 7 8 Fig. 9 9 10 3/10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Air-Insulated Switchgear Type 8BK20 Technical data Rated voltage Rated lightning impulse voltage Rated shorttime pow er frequency voltage Rated shortcircuit-breaking current/shorttime current (1 or 3 s available) [kA] (rms) 31.5 40* 50* 31.5 40* 50* 31.5 40* 50* 16 20 25 16 20 25 1 Rated shortcircuit making current Rated normal feeder current* Rated normal busb ar current 2 630 1250 2000 2500 3150 4000 1) [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± s s s s s ± s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s ± s s ± s s ± ± ± s ± s s s s s s ± s s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± s s ± s s ± s s ± ± ± ± ± ± [kV] 7.2 [kV] 60 [kV] 20 [kA] 80 110 125 80 110 125 80 110 125 40 50 63 40 50 63 1250 2000 2500 3150 4000 [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s ± ± ± ± ± ± s s s s s s s s s ± ± ± ± ± ± 3 12 75 28 4 15 95 36 5 17.5 95 38 6 24 �125 50 7 *1s 1) Ventilation unit with or without fan and ventilation slots in the front o f the cubicle required. Fig. 10 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/11 �Air-Insulated Switchgear Type 8BK20 1 8BK20 switchgear up to 24 kV Panel Fixed parts 2 Withdrawableparts Busbar modules Sectionalizer Bus riser panel Metering Busbar connecpanel tion panel 3 4 5 6 Fig. 11: Available circuit options 7 8 9 10 3/12 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Air-Insulated Switchgear Type 8BK30 Vacuum contactor motor starters 8BK30, air-insulated From 3.6±12 kV Single-busbar Type-tested Metal-enclosed Metal-clad Withdrawable va cuum contactors and HRC current-limiting fuses s For direct lineup with 8BK20 sw itchgear s For indoor installation s s s s s s 1 2 3 Specific features s Designed as extension to 8BK20 switchs s s s 4 gear with identical cross section Contactor mounted on horizontally moving truck ± 400 mm panel spacing Cable connection from front or rear Central or individual control power transformer Integrally-mounted electronic multifunction motor-prot ection relays available. 5 Safety of operating and maintenance personnel s All switching operations behind closed 6 doors s Positive and robust mechanical interlocks s Arc-fault-tested metal enclosure s Complete protection against contact 7 with live parts s Absolutely safe fuse replacement s Maintenance-free vacuum interrupter tubes Tolerance to environment s Metal enclosure with optional gaskets s Complete corrosion protection and trop i8 Fig. 12: Metal-clad switchgear type 8BK30 with vacuum contactor (inter-cubicle p artition removed) calization of all parts s Vacuum-potted ribbed expoy insulators with high tracki ng resistance Technical data Rated voltage BIL PFWV Maximum rating of motor [kW] 1000 2000 3000 9 Feeder rating Rated busbar current 10 �1250 [A] s s s [kV] 3.6 7.2 12 Fig. 13 [kV] 40 60 60 [kV] 10 20 28 [A] 400 400 400 2000 [A] s s s 2500 [A] s s s 3150 [A] s s s 4000 [A] s s s Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/13 �Air-Insulated Switchgear Type 8BK30 1 Full-voltage nonreversing (FVNR) Reduced-voltage nonreversing (RVNR) with starter (reactor starting) Reduced-voltage nonreversing (RVNR) with external reactor autotransformer ºKorndor ffer Methodª 2 3 4 5 Fig. 14: Available circuits 6 General description 8BK30 motor starters consist of metalenclosed, air-insulated and metal-clad cubicles. Vacuum contactors on withdrawable trucks, with or with out control power transformers, are used in conjunction with current-limiting fu ses as starter devices. The truck is fully interlocked with the structure and is manually moved from the ºConnectedª to the ºDisconnected/Testª position. A fully isolat ed low-voltage compartment is integrated. All commonly used starter circuits and auxiliary devices are available. The starter cubicles and contactors are factor y-assembled and type-tested as per applicable standards. The stationary part The cubicle is constructed basically the same as the matching switchgear cubicles 8 BK20, with the exception of the contactor truck. Contactor truck Vacuum contacto r, HRC fuses, and control power transformer with fuses (if ordered) are mounted on the withdrawable truck. Auxiliary devices and interlocking components, plus t he primary disconnects complete the assembly. Low-voltage compartment Space is p rovided for regular bimetallic or electronic motor-protection relays, plus the u sual auxiliary relays for starter control. The compartment is metal-enclosed and has its own lockable door. All customer wiring is terminated on a central termi nal strip within this compartment. Main enclosure Practically identical to the a ssociated 8BK20 switchgear. Busbars and primary disconnectors Horizontal busbars are identical to the ones in the associated 8BK20 switchgear. Primary disconnec tors are adapted to the low feeder fault currents of these starters. Silver-plat ed tulip contacts with round contact rods are used. CTs and cable connection Due to the limited let-through current of the HRC fuse, block-type CTs with lower t hermal rating can be used. Depending on the protection scheme used, CTs with one or two secondary windings are installed. All commonly used feeder cables up to 300 mm2 can be terminated and connected at the lower CT terminals. Grounding swi tches or surge-voltage limiters are installed optionally below the current trans formers. 7 8 9 10 3/14 �Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Air-Insulated Switchgear Type 8BK30 Interlocking system Contactor, truck and low-voltage plugs are integrated into t he interlocking system to assure the following safeguards: s The truck cannot be moved into the ºConnectedª position before the LV plug is inserted. s The LV plug c annot be disconnected with the truck in the ºConnectedª position. s The truck cannot be moved with the contactor in the ON position. s The contactor cannot be opera ted with the truck in any other but the locked ºConnectedª or ºDisconnected/Testª positi on. s The truck cannot be brought into the ºConnectedª position with the grounding s witch engaged. s The grounding switch cannot be engaged with the truck in the ºCon nectedª position. Degrees of protection Standard degree of protection IP 3XD accor ding to IEC 60529. Optionally, the starters can be protected against harmful int ernal deposits of dust and against dripping water in the ºOperatingª position (IP 51 ). Fig. 15: Cross-section through switchgear type 8BK30 1 2 3 4 5 6 Installation Identical to the procedures outlined for 8BK20 switchgear. Only the HRC fuses are shipped outside the enclosure, separately packed. Weights and dimensions Rated voltage Width Height Depth Approx. weight incl. con tactor Fig. 16 7 3.6 2 x 400 2050 1650 700 7.2 2 x 400 2050 1650 700 12 2 x 400 2050 1650 700 [kV] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg] 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/15 �Air-Insulated Switchgear Type 8BK40 1 Metal-clad switchgear 8BK40, air-insulated s From 7.2 to 17.5 kV s Single and double-busbar 2 3 s s s s s s (back-to-back or face-to-face) Air-insulated Type-tested Metal-enclosed Metal-cl ad Withdrawable vacuum breaker For indoor installation Specific features s General-purpose switchgear for rated 4 5 feeder/busbar current up to 5000 A and short-circuit breaking current up to 63 k A s Circuit-breaker mounted on horizontally moving truck s Cable connections fro m front Safety of operating and maintenance personnel s All switching operations behind closed 6 doors s Positive and robust mechanical Fig. 17: Metal-clad switchgear type 8BK40 with vacuum circuit-breaker 3AH (inter -cubicle partition removed) interlocks s Complete protection against contact with live parts 7 s Line test with breaker inserted (option) s Maintenance-free vacuum circuitbreaker Tolerance to environment 8 s Sealed metal enclosure with optional gaskets s Complete corrosion protection and tropicalization of all parts s Vacuum-potted ribbed epoxy-insulators 9 with high tracking resistance Generator vacuum circuit-breaker panel �s Suitable for use in steam, gas-turbine, hydro and pumped-storage power plants 10 s Suitable for use in horizontal, L-shaped or vertical generator lead routing Fig. 18: Cross-section through type 8BK40 generator panel 3/16 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Air-Insulated Switchgear Type 8BK40 General description 8BK40 switchboards consist of metal-clad cubicles of air-ins ulated switchgear with withdrawable vacuum circuit-breakers. The breaker truck i s fully interlocked with the interrupter and the stationary cubicle. It is manua lly moved in a horizontal direction from the ºConnectedª position behind the closed front door and without the use of auxiliary equipment. A fully isolated lowvolta ge compartment is integrated. All commonly used feeder circuits and auxiliary de vices are available. The switchgear cubicles and interrupters are factory-assemb led and type-tested as per applicable standards. Stationary part The cubicle is built as a self-supporting structure, bolted together from rolled galvanized ste el sheets and profile sections. Cubicles for rated voltages up to 17.5 kV are of identical construction. Each cubicle is divided into three sealed and isolated compartments by partitions, i.e. the busbar, cable connection and circuit-breake r compartment. The fixed contacts of the primary disconnectors are located withi n insulating breaker bushings, effectively maintaining the compartmentalization in all operating states of the switchgear. The bushings are covered by automatic steel safety shutters upon removal of the circuit-breaker element from the ºConne ctedª position. Each compartment in every model has its own pressure-relief device . To reduce internal arcing times and thus consequential damage, pressure-switch es can be installed that trip the incoming-feeder circuit-breaker(s) in less tha n 100 msec. This is an economic alternative to busbar differential protection. I nterrupter truck The truck normally supports a vacuum circuit-breaker with the a ssociated operating mechanism and auxiliary devices. By manually moving the truc k with the spindle drive it can be brought into a distinct ºConnectedª and ºDisconnect ed/ Testª position. To this effect, the front door remains closed. Inspection can easily and safely be carried out with the circuit-breaker in the ºDisconnected/Tes tª position. All electrical and mechanical parts are easily accessible in this pos ition. Mechanical spring-charge and contact-posi1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 19: Cross-section through panel type 8BK40 6 towards the end of the lineup, where damage is repaired most easily. For the lat ter reason, partitions between individual cubicles of the same bus sections are normally not used. Busbars and primary disconnectors Rectangular busbars drawn f rom pure copper are used exclusively. They are mounted on ribbed, cast-resin pos t insulators which are sized to take up the dynamic forces resulting from short circuits. The movable parts of the line and loadside primary disconnectors have flat, spring-loaded and silver-plated hemispherical pressure contacts for low co ntact resistance and good ventilation. The parallel connecting arms are designed to increase contact pressure during short circuits. The fixed contacts are silv er-plated stubs within the circuit-breaker bushings. Instrument transformers Up to three multicore block-type current transformers plus three single-phase poten tial transformers can be installed in the lower compartment, PTs optionally on w ithdrawable modules. tion indicators are visible through the closed door. Local mechanical ON/OFF pus hbuttons are actived through the door as well. For complete remote control, the circuitbreaker carriage can be equipped for motor operation. Low-voltage compart �ment All protective relays, monitoring and control devices of a feeder can be ac commodated in a metal-enclosed LV compartment on top of the HV enclosure. Device -mounting plates, cabling troughs, and the central LV terminal strip(s) are loca ted behind a separate lockable door. Full or partial plexiglass windows, or mimi c diagrams are available for these doors. Main enclosure The totally enclosed an d sealed cubicle permits installation in most equipment rooms. With the optional dust protection, the switchgear is safeguarded against internal contamination, small animals and rodents, and naturally against contact with live parts. This e liminates the usual reasons for arc faults. Should arcing occur, nevertheless, t he arc can be guided 7 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/17 �Air-Insulated Switchgear Type 8BK40 1 2 The CTs carry the cable-connecting bars and lugs, and the fixed contacts of the (optional) grounding switch. All common burden and accuracy ratings of instrumen t transformers are available. Busbar metering PTs with their current-limiting fu ses are installed on a withdrawable truck, identical to the breaker truck. Cable and bar connections Cables and bars are connected from below; entrance from abo ve requires an auxiliary structure behind the cubicle. Single-phase or three-pha se solid-dielectric cables can be connected from the front of the cubicle; stres s cones are installed conveniently inside the cubicle. Regular and make-proof gr ounding switches with manual operation can be installed below the CTs, engaging contacts behind the cable lugs. Operation of the fully interlocked grounding swi tch is possible only with the breaker carriage in the ºDisconnected/Testª position. Interlocking system A series of sturdy mechanical interlocks forces the operator into the only safe operating sequence of the switchgear, preventing positively the following: s Moving the truck with the breaker closed. s Switching the break er in any but the locked ºConnectedª or ºDisconnected/ Testª position. s Engaging the gr ounding switch with the truck in the ºConnectedª position, and moving the truck into this position with the grounding switch engaged. Degrees of protection Degree o f protection IP 4X: In the ºConnectedª and the ºDisconnected/Testª position of the truck , the switchgear is totally protected against contact with live parts by objects larger than 2 mm in diameter. Optionally, the cubicles can be protected against harmful internal deposits of dust and against drip water (IP 51). Installation The switchboards are shipped in sections of one cubicle on stable wooden pallets which are suitable for rolling and forklift handling. These sections are bolted or spot-welded to channel iron sections embedded in a flat and level concrete f loor. Weight and dimensions Rated voltage Width Height Depth Approx. weight incl. brea ker Fig. 20 [kV] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg] 7.2 1100 2500 2300 2800 12 1100 2500 2300 2800 15 1100 2500 2300 2800 17.5 1100 2500 2300 2800 3 4 Technical data Rated voltage Rated lightningimpulse voltage Rated short-time pow erfrequency voltage Rated shortcircuitbreaking current/ short time current kA [r ms] 50 63 50 63 50 63 50 63 5 Rated shortcircuitmaking current Rated normal feeder current �Rated normal busbar current [kV] 7.2 12 15 17.5 [kV] 60 [kV] 20 6 [kA] 125 160 125 160 125 160 125 160 1250 2500 3150 5000 [A] [A] [A] [A] 5000 [A] 75 28 7 95 36 8 95 38 Fig. 21 9 10 Front-connected types can be installed against the wall or free-standing. Double busbar installations in back-to-back configuration are installed free-standing. Cable feed-in is through corresponding cutouts in the floor; plans for which are part of the switchgear scope of supply. Threephase (armored) cables for voltage s above 12 kV require sufficient clearance below the switchgear to split up the phases (cable floor, etc.). Circuit-breakers are shipped mounted on their trucks inside the switchgear cubicles. For preliminary dimensions and weights, see Fig . 20. 3/18 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Air-Insulated Switchgear Type 8BK40 8BK40 switchgear up to 17.5 kV 1 Panel Fixed parts Withdraw- Metering Busbar modules ableparts panel Sectionalizer Bus riser panel 2 3 4 5 6 8BK40 generator vacuum CB panel 7 Variants Additional parts Optional parts 8 9 10 Fig. 22: Available circuit options for switchgear/generator panel type 8BK40 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/19 �Air-Insulated Switchgear Type NXAIR 1 Metal-clad or cubicle type switchgear NXAIR, air-insulated s From 3.6 to 24 kV s Single- and double-busbar (back to back Renewed availability s Internal fault withstand capability satisfied according to standards s Separate pressure relief for every compartment s Standard direction of pressure relief 2 3 or face-to-face) Air-insulated Metal-enclosed Metal-clad or cubicle type Modular construction of individual panels Supplied as standard with bushingtype transfo rmers for selective tripping of feeders without any additional measures. s Vacuu m circuit-breaker module type NXACT s s s s s upwards s Busbar fittings (e.g. voltage transforms s s s 4 Specific features s General-purpose switchgear s Circuit-breaker mounted on horizontal s 5 slide or truck behind front door s Cable connections from front or rear s Safety of operating and maintenance personnel s 6 s All switching operations behind closed ers, current transformers in run of busbar or make-proof earthing switches) arra nged in separate compartments above busbar compartments Pressure-resistant addit ional compartments with pressure-proof barrier to busbar compartment Pressure-re sistant floor covering Control cables inside panels arranged in metallic cable d ucts Cable testing without isolation of busbar assured by separately opening shu tters of module compartment Easy replacement of compartments by virtue of self-s upporting, modular and bolted construction Replacement of module compartments an d/or connection compartments possible without having to isolate busbar Bushing-t �ype transformers for selective disconnection of feeders doors s Switchgear modules with intgrated inters 7 s s 8 s s 9 10 s locking and control board Panels tested for internal arcs to IEC 60 298, App. AA Complete protection against contact with live parts Mechanical switch position indication on panel front for switching device, disconnector and earthing switch Earthing of feeders by means of makeproof earthing switches. Operation of all s witching, disconnecting and earthing functions from panel front ± Unambiguous assi gnment of actuating openings and control elements to mechanical switch position indications ± Mechanical switch position indications integrated in mimic diagram ± C onvenient height of actuating openings, control elements and mechanical switch p osition indications on highvoltage door, as well as low-voltage unit in door of low-voltage compartment. ± Logical interlocks prevent maloperation Option: verific ation of dead state with high-voltage door closed, by means of a voltage detecti on system according to IEC 61 243-5 Fig. 23: Metal-clad switchgear type NXAIR Standards s The switchgear cubicles and interrupters Flexibility s Wall mounting or free-standing arrangeare factory assembled and type-tested according to VDE 8. Degrees of protection Standard degree of protection 529 Optionally, the cubicles can be protected against of dust and against dripping water (IP 51), available ventilation slots. 0670 Part 6 and IEC 60 29 IP3XD according to IEC 60 harmful internal deposits only for cubicles without ment s Cable connection from front or rear s Connection of all familiar types of cabl es s Available in truck-type or withdrawable construction s Optional left or right-hand arrangement s s s s of hinges ± of high-voltage doors ± of doors of low-voltage compartments Extension o f existing switchgear at both ends without modification of panels Easy replaceme nt of bushing-type transformers from front Screw-type mating contacts on bushing �type transformers can be easily replaced from front (from module compartment). R econnection of current transformers on secondary side 3/20 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Air-Insulated Switchgear Type NXAIR NXAIR is of modular construction. The main components are: A Module compartment B Busbar compartment C Connection compartment D NXACT vacuum circuit-breaker mod ule E Low-voltage compartment Module compartment Basic features s Housings are of sendzimir-galvanized s s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 B A E 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 D 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 s s s s s sheet-steel High-voltage door and front frame with additional epoxy resin powder coating Module compartment to accomodate necessary components (vacuum circuitbr eaker module, vacuum contactor module, disconnector module, metering module and transformer feeder module) for implementing various panel versions With shutter operating mechanism High-voltage door pressure-proof in event of internal arcs i n panel Metallic cable ducts on side for laying control cables (internal and ext ernal) Option: test sockets for capactive voltage detection system Low-voltage p lug connectors for connection of switchgear modules to auxiliary voltage circuit s. C 13 14 12 13 14 Pressure relief duct Busbars Bushing-type insulator Bushing-type transformer Mak e-proof earthing switch Cable connection for 2 cables per phase Cables Cable bra ckets Withdrawable part Vacuum interrupters Combined operating and interlocking unit for circuitbreaker, disconnector and earthing switch Contact system Earthin g busbar Option: truck 1 2 3 4 Fig. 24: Cross-section through cubicle type NXAIR 5 Door of low-voltage compartment Solid-state HMI (human-machine interface) Bay controller SIPROTEC 4 type 7SJ62 f or control and protection (Fig.25) Features 1 LCD for process and equipment data , e.g. for: ± Measuring and metering values ± Binary data for status of switchpanel and device ± Protection data ± General signals ± Alarm 2 Keys for navigation in menus and for entering values 3 Seven programmable LEDs with possible application-rela ted inscriptions, for indicating any desired process and equipment data 4 Four p rogrammable function keys for frequently performed actions. 6 NXACT vacuum circuit-breaker module Features s Integrated mechanical interlocks be- �7 tween operating mechanisms s Integrated mechanical switch position indications for circuit-breaker, withdrawable part and earthing switch functions s Easy movement since only withdrawable part is moved s Permanent interlock of carriage mechanism of switchgear module in panel Low-voltage compartment s Accommodates equipment for protec8 1 2 3 4 9 s s s s tion, control, measuring and metering, e.g. bay controller SIPROTEC 4 type 7SJ62 Shock-protected from high-voltage section by barriers Low-voltage compartment c an be removed; ring and control cables are plugged in Option: low-voltage compar tment of increased height (980 mm) possible Option: partition wall between panel s. 10 Bay controller SIPROTEC 4 type 7SJ62 Fig. 25: Bay controller Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/21 �Air-Insulated Switchgear Type NXAIR 1 Technical data Rated voltage Rated short-time power-frequency voltage Rated ligh tning impulse voltage [kV] 12 15 17.5 24 2 [kV] [kV] 28 1) 75 31.5 31.5 80 2500 2500 36 95 31.5 31.5 80 2500 2500 38 95 25 25 63 2500 2500 50 125 25 25 63 2500 2500 3 Rated short-circuit breaking current max. [kA] Rated short-time withstand curren t max. [kA] 4 Rated short-circuit making current max. [kA] Rated normal current of busbar Rate d normal current of feeder Rated normal current of transformer feeder panels wit h HV HRC fuses 2) 1) 42 kV on request 2) At 7.2 kV: max. rated current 250 A at 12 kV: max rated c urrent 150 A at 15/17.5/24 kV: max. rated current 100 A max. [A] max. [A] 5 Depends on rated current of fuse used 6 7 Fig. 26 Weights and dimensions 8 Width Height Height with high LV compartment [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg] 800 2000 2350 1350 600 800 2300 2650 1550 800 2300 2650 1550 800*) / 1000 2300 2650 1550 �9 Depth Weight (approx.) *) up to 1250 A rated normal current of feeder 10 Fig. 27 3/22 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Air-Insulated Switchgear Type NXAIR Incoming and outgoing feeder panel with circuitbreaker module Outgoing feeder panel with disconnector module Metering panel with metering module Transformer feeder panel with transformer feeder module and fuses 1 2 3 4 Switch disconnector panel Sectionalizer panel of the bus sectionalizer Bus riser panel of the bus sectionalizer Spur panel with circuit-breaker module 5 6 7 Feeder panel with busbar current metering (optional)* Feeder panel with busbar earthing switch (optional)* Feeder panel with busbar connection (optional)* Feeder panel with busbar voltage metering (optional)* 8 9 10 Components shown with dashes are optional * Not for feeder panels with open-circ uit ventilation, busbar current metering up to 12 kV, 25 kA Fig. 28: Available circuit options Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/23 �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type 8DC11 1 Gas-insulated switchgear type 8DC11 s s s s s s 2 3 s s s 4 s From 3.6 up to 24 kV Triple-pole primary enclosure SF6-insulated Vacuum circuitbreakers, fixed-mounted Hermetically-sealed, welded, stainlesssteel switchgear e nclosure Three-position disconnector as busbar disconnector and feeder earthing switch Make-proof grounding with vacuum circuit breaker Width 600 mm for all ver sions up to 24 kV Plug-in, single-pole, solid-insulated busbars with outer condu ctive coating Cable termination with external cone connection system to EN 50181 Operator safety 5 s Safe-to-touch and hermetically-sealed primary enclosure s All high-voltage parts, including the cable 6 s s 7 s 8 s s sealing ends, busbars and voltage transformers are surrounded by grounded layers or metal enclosures Capacitive voltage indication for checking for ºdeadª state Ope rating mechanisms and auxiliary switches safely accessible outside the primary e nclosure (switchgear enclosure) Type-tested enclosure and interrogation interloc king provide high degree of internal arcing protection Arc-fault-tested acc. to IEC 60 298 No need to interfere with the SF6-insulation Fig. 29: Gas-insulated swichgear with vacuum circuit-breakers Operational reliability 9 s Hermetically-sealed primary enclosure s Complete switchgear interlocking with s s s s �s 10 s s s for protection against environmental effects (dirt, moisture, insects and rodent s). Degree of protection IP65 Operating mechanism components maintenance-free in indoor environment (DIN VDE 0670 Part 1000) Breaker-operating mechanisms access ible outside the enclosure (primary enclosure) Inductive voltage transformer met alenclosed for plug-in mounting outside the main circuit Toroidal-core current t ransformers located outside the primary enclosure, i.e. free of dielectric stres s mechanical interrogation interlocks Welded switchgear enclosure, permanently sea led Minimum fire contribution Installation independent of attitude for feeders w ithout HRC fuses Corrosion protection for all climates General description Due to the excellent experience with vacuum circuit breaker gas-insulated switchgear, there is a worldwide rapidly increasing demand of this kind of switchgear even in the so-called low-range field. The 8DC11 is the result of the economical combination of SF6-insulation and vacu um technology. The insulating gas SF6 is used for internal insulation only; circ uit interruption takes place in standard vacuum breaker bottles. The safety for the personnel and the environment is maximized. The 8DC11 is completely maintena nce-free. The welded gas-tight enclosure of the primary part assures an enduranc e of 30 years without any work on the gas system. 3/24 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type 8DC11 1. Modular design and compact dimensions The 8DC switchboards consist of: s The maintenance-free SF6-gas-insulated switching module is three-phase encapsulated and contains the vacuum circuitbreaker and 3 position selector switch (ON/OFF/RE ADY TO EARTH) s Parts for which single-phase encapsulation is essential are safe to touch, easily accessible and not located in the switching module, e.g. curre nt and potential transformers s The busbars are even single-phase encapsulated, i.e. they are insulated by silicone rubber with an outer grounded coating. The p luggable design assures a high degree of flexibility and makes also the installa tion of busbar CTs and PTs simple. 2. Factory-assembled well-proven tested compo nents Switchgear based on well-proven components. The 8DC switchgear design is b ased on assembling methods and components which have been used for years in our SF6insulated Ring Main Units (RMUs). For example, the stainless-steel switchgear enclosure is hermetically-sealed by welding without any gaskets. Bushings for t he busbar, cable and PT connection are welded in this enclosure, as well as the rupture disc, which is installed for pressure relief in the unlikely event of an internal fault. Siemens has had experience with this technique since 1982; 50,0 00 RMUs are running trouble-free. Cable plugs with the so-called outer-cone syst em have been on the market for many years. The gas pressure monitoring system is neither affected by temperature fluctuations nor by pressure fluctuations and s hows clearly whether the switchpanel is ºready for serviceª or not. The monitor is m agnetically coupled to an internal gas-pressure reference cell; mechanical penet ration through the housing is not required. A design safe and reliable and, of c ourse, wellproven in our RMUs. The vacuum circuit-breaker, i.e. the vacuum inter rupters and the operating mechanism, is also used in our standard switchboards. The driving force for the primary contacts of the vacuum interrupters is transfe rred via metal bellows into the SF6gas-filled enclosure. A technology that has b een successfully in operation in more than 100,000 vacuum interrupters over 20 y ears. 1 1 Low-voltage compartment 2 Busbar voltage transformer 3 Busbar current transfor mer 1 2 4 Busbar 5 SF6-filled enclosure 2 3 4 5 6 Three-position switch 7 Three-position switch operating mechanism 3 8 Circuit-breaker operating mechanism 7 6 9 Circuit-breaker (Vacuum interrupter) �4 8 9 10 11 12 10 Current transformers 11 Double cable connection with T-plugs 12 PT disconnector 13 Voltage transformers 14 Cable 15 Pressure relief duct 5 6 13 7 14 15 Fig. 30: Cross section through switchgear type 8DC11 8 2 5 3 1 ºReady for serviceª indicator 2 Pressure cell 1 3 Red indicator: Not ready 4 Gre en indicator: Ready 5 Magnetic coupling 9 10 Stainless-steel enclosure filled with SF6 gas at 0.5 bar (gauge) at 20 °C 4 Fig. 31: Principle of gas monitoring (with ºReady for serviceª indicator) Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/25 �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type 8DC11 1 3. Current and potential transformers as per user's application A step forward in switchgear design without any restriction to the existing system! New switchgear developments are sometimes overdesigned with the need for highly sophisticated secondary monitoring and protection equipment, because currentand potential-meas uring devices are used with limited rated outputs. The result: Limited applicati on in distribution systems due to interface problems with existing devices; diff icult operation and resetting of parameters. The Siemens 8DC switchgear has no r estrictions. Current and potential transformers with conventional characteristic s are available for all kinds of protection requirements. They are always fitted outside the SF6-gas-filled container in areas of singlepole accessibility, the safe-to-touch design of both makes any kind of setting and testing under all ser vice conditions easy. Current transformers can be installed in the cable connect ion compartment at the bushings and, if required additionally, at the cables (in side the cable connection compartment). Busbar CTs for measuring and protection can be placed around the silicone-rubber-insulated busbars in any panel. Potenti al transformers are of the metalclad pluggable design. Busbar PTs are designed f or repeated tests with 80% of the rated power-frequency withstand voltage, cable PTs can be isolated from the live parts by means of a disconnection device whic h is part of the SF6-gas-filled switching module. This allows high-voltage testi ng of the switchboard with AC and the cable with DC without having to remove the PTs. 4. No gas work at site and simplified installation The demand for reliable, econ omical and maintenance-free switchgear is increasing more and more in all power supply systems. Industrial companies and power supply utilities are aware of the high investment and service costs needed to keep a reliable network running. Pr eventive maintenance must be carried out by trained and costly personnel. A mode rn switchgear design should not only reduce the investment costs, but also the s ervice costs in the long run! The Siemens 8DC switchgear has been developed to f ulfill those requirements. The modular concept with the maintenance-free units d oes not call for installation specialists and expensive testing and commissionin g procedures. The switching module with the circuit-breaker and the three-positi on disconnector is sealed for life by gas-tight welding without any gaskets. All other high-voltage components are connected by means of plugs, a technology wel l-known from cable plugs with long- lasting service and proven experience. All c ables will be connected by cable plugs with external cone connection system. In the case of XLPE cables, several manufacturers even offer cable plugs with an ou ter conductive coating (also standard for the busbars). Paper-insulated mass-imp regnated cables can be connected as well by Raychem heat-shrinkable sealing ends and adapters. The pluggable busbars and PTs do not require work on the SF6 syst em at site. Installation costs are considerably reduced (all components are plug gable) because, contrary to standard GIS, even the site HV tests can be omitted. Factory-tested quality is ensured thanks to simplified installation without any final adjustments or difficult assembly work. 5. Minimu m space and maintenancefree, cost-saving factors Panel dimensions reduced, cable -connection compartment enlarged! The panel width of 600 mm and the depth of 122 5 mm are just half of the truth. More important is the maximized size of the 8DC switchgear cable-connection compartment. The access is from the switchgear fron t and the gap from the cable terminal to the switchgear floor amounts to 740 mm. There is no need for any aisle behind the switchgear lineup and a cable cellar is superfluous. A cable trench saves civil engineering costs and is fully suffic ient with compact dimensions, such as width 500 mm and depth 600 mm. Consequentl y, the costs for the plot of land and civil work are reduced. Even more, a subst ation can be located closer to the consumer which can also solve cable routing p roblems. Busbar Features �s Single-pole, plug-in version s Made of round-bar copper, silicon2 3 4 5 6 7 insulated s Busbar connection with cross pieces and end pieces, silicon-insulated s Field control with the aid of electro8 s s s s 9 conductive layers on the silicon-rubber insulation (both inside and outside) Ext ernal layers earthed with the switchgear enclosure to permit access Insensitive to dirt and condensation Shock-hazard protected in form of metal covering Switch gear can be extended or panels replaced without affecting the SF6 gas enclosures . 10 Fig. 32: Plug-in busbar (front view with removed low-voltage panel) 3/26 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type 8DC11 1 2 3 Fig. 33: Vacuum circuit-breaker (open on operating-mechanism side) 4 4 5 6 7 8 2 9 3 1 Primary part SF6-insulated, with vacuum interrupter 2 Part of switchgear enclosure 3 Operating-mechanism box (open) 4 Fixed contact element 5 Pole support 6 Vacuum interrupter 7 Movable contact element 8 Metal bellows 9 Op erating mechanism 5 6 1 Fig. 34: Vacuum circuit-breaker (sectional view) 7 Switch-disconnector panel with fuses Busbar section Metering Circuit-breaker panel Disconnector panel 8 1) 9 Basic versions Vacuum circuit-breaker panel and three-position disconnector Disc onnector panel with three-position disconnector Switch-disconnector panel with t hree-position switch disconnector and HV HCR fuses Busbar section with 2 three-p osition disconnectors and vacuum circuit-breaker in one panel Switch-disconnecto r panel with three-position switch disconnector and HV HCR fuses 10 Optional equipment indicated by means of broken lines can be installed/omitted i n part or whole. Fig. 35: Switchpanel versions 1) Current transformer: electrically, this is assigned to the switchpanel, its a ctual physical location, however, is on the adjacent panel. Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/27 �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type 8DC11 1 Technical data Weights and dimensions Width Height [mm] [mm] single-busbar [mm] double-busbar [ mm] 600 2250 1225 2370 700 1200 Rated voltage [kV] 7.2 12 15 17.5 24 2 Rated power-frequency withstand voltage Rated lightning impulse withstand voltag e [kV] 20 28 36 38 50 Depth [kV] 60 75 95 95 125 3 Weight single-busbar [kg] (approx.) double-busbar [kg] Fig. 37 �Rated short-circuit breaking current Rated short-time current, 3 s Rated short-c ircuit making current Rated busbar current max. [kA] [kA] [A] max. [A] 25 25 25 25 25 Cable connection systems 4 63 1250 1250 63 1250 1250 63 1250 1250 63 1250 1250 63 1250 1250 Features s 8DC11 switchgear for thermoplastic5 Rated feeder current s s Rated current of switchdisconnector panels with fuses max. fuse [A] 100 80 63 63 50 s 6 Fig. 36: Technical data of switchgear type 8DC11 s Climate and ambient conditions Internal arc test Tests have been carried out with 8DC11 switchgear in order to verify its behavior under conditions of internal arcing. The resistance to inter �nal arcing complies with the requirements of: s IEC 60 298 AA s DIN VDE 0670 Par t 601, 9.84 These guidelines have been applied in accordance with PEHLA Guidelin e No. 4. Protection against electric shock and the ingress of water and solid fo reign bodies The 8DC11 fixed-mounted circuit breaker offer the following degrees of protection in accordance with IEC 60 259: s IP3XD for external enclosure s I P65 for high-voltage components of switchpanels without HV HRC fuses s 7 8 9 10 The 8DC11 fixed-mounted circuit breaker is fully enclosed and entirely unaffecte d by ambient conditions. s All medium-voltage switching devices are enclosed in a stainless-steel housing, which is welded gas-tight and filled with SF6 gas s L ive parts outside the switchgear enclosure are single-pole enclosed s There are no points at which leakage currents of high-voltage potentials are able to flow off to ground s All essential components of the operating mechanism are made of noncorroding materials s Ambient temperature range: ±5 to +55°C. insulated cables with cross-sections up to 630 mm2 Standard cable termination he ight of 740 mm High connection point, simplifying assembly and cable-testing wor k Phase reversal simple, if necessary, due to symmetrical arrangement of cable s ealing ends Cover panel of cable termination compartment earthed Nonconnected fe eders: ± Isolate ± Ground ± Secure against re-energizing (e.g. with padlock) Types of cable termination Circuit-breaker and disconnector panels with cable Tplugs for bushings, with M16 terminal thread according to EN 50181 type C. Switc h disconnector panels with elbow cable plugs for bushings, with plug-in connecti on according to EN 50181 type A. 3/28 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type 8DC11 1 Low-voltage compartment 5 1 2 Operating mechanism 3 Cable connection 4 Current transformer 6 7 2 8 5 Panel link 6 Busbar 7 Gas compartment 8 Three-position sw itch 9 Voltage transformer 1 2 3 4 3 4 9 5 6 Fig. 38: Double busbar: Back-to-back arrangement (cross section) 7 Single cable Double cable Termination for surge arrester Termination for switch disconnector panel 8 9 10 Fig. 39: Types of cable termination, outer cone system Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/29 �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type 8DA/8DB10 1 Gas-insulated switchgear type 8DA/8DB10 s Single-busbar: type 8DA General description The switchgear type 8DA10 represents the successful generati on of gas-insulated medium-voltage switchgear with fixed-mounted, maintenance-fr ee vacuum circuit-breakers. The insulating gas SF6 is used for internal insulati on only; circuit interruption takes place in standard vacuum breaker bottles. 1. Encapsulation All high-voltage conductors and interrupter elements are enclosed in two identical cast-aluminum housings, which are arranged at 90° angles to each other. The aluminum alloy used is corrosion-free. The upper container carries t he copper busbars with its associated vacuum-potted epoxy insulators, and the th ree-way selector switch for the feeder with the three positions ON/ISOLATED/GROU NDING SELECTED. The other housing contains the vacuum breaker interrupter. The t wo housings are sealed against each other, and against the cable connecting area by arc-proof and gas-tight epoxy bushings with O-ring seals. Busbar enclosure a nd breaker enclosures form separate gas compartments. The hermetical sealing of all HV components prevents contamination, moisture, and foreign objects of any k ind ± the leading cause of arcing faults ± from entering the switchgear. This reduce s the requirement for maintenance and the probability of a fault due to the abov e to practically zero. All moving parts and items requiring inspection and occas ional lubrication are readily accessible. 2. Insulation medium Sulfur-hexafluori de (SF6) gas is the prime insulation medium in this switchgear. Vacuum-potted ca st-resin insulators and bushings supplement the gas and can withstand the operat ing voltage in the extremely unlikely case of a total gas loss in a compartment. The SF6 gas serves additionally as corrosion inhibiter by keeping oxygen away f rom the inner components. The guaranteed leakage rate of any gas compartment is less than 1% per year. Thus no scheduled replenishment of gas is required. Each compartment has its own gas supervision by contact-pressure gauges. 3. Three-position switch and circuitbreaker The required isolation of any feeder from the busbar, and its often desired grounding is provided by means of a stur dy, maintenance-free three-way switch arranged between the busbars and the vacuu m breaker bottles. This switch is mechanically interlocked with the circuit brea ker. The operations ºOn/Isolatedª and ºIsolated/ Grounding selectedª are carried out by means of two different rotary levers. The grounding of the feeder is completed b y closing the circuit-breaker. To facilitate replacement of a vacuum tube with t he busbars live, the switch is located entirely within the busbar compartment. T he vacuum circuit-breakers used are of the type 3AH described on pages 3/74 ff o f this section. Mounted in the gas-insulated switchgear, the operating mechanism is placed at the switchgear front and the vacuum interrupters are located insid e the gas filled enclosures. The number of operating cycles is 30,000. Since any switching arc that occurs is contained within the vacuum tube, contamination of the insulating gas is not possible. 4. Instrument transformers Toroidal-type cu rrent transformers with multiple secondary windings are arranged outside the met allic enclosure around the cable terminations. Thus there is no high potential e xposed on these CTs and secondary connections are readily accessible. All common ly used burden and accuracy ratings are available. Bus metering and measuring ar e by inductive, gas-insulated potential transformers which are plugged into full y insulated and gas-tight bushings on top of the switchgear. 5. Feeder connectio ns All commonly used solid-dielectric insulated single and three-phase cables ca n be connected conveniently to the breaker enclosures from below. Normally, full y insulated plug-in terminations are used. Also, fully insulated and gas-insulat ed busbar systems of the DURESCA/GAS LINK type can be used. The latter two termi nation methods maintain the fully insulated and safe-to-touch concept of the ent ire switchgear, rendering the terminations maintenance-free as well. In special cases, air-insulated conventional cable connection is available. �2 3 s s s s s s s Double-busbar: type 8DB From 7.2 to 40.5 kV Single and double-busbar Gas-insulat ed Type-tested Metal-clad (encapsulated) Compartmented Fixed-mounted vacuum brea ker Specific features s Practically maintenance-free compact 4 s s 5 s s switchgear for the most severe service conditions Fixed-mounted maintenance-free vacuum breakers Only two moving parts and two dynamic seals in gas enclosure of each pole Feeder grounding via circuit-breaker Only 600 mm bay width and identi cal dimensions from 7.2 to 40.5 kV 6 Safety and reliability s Safe to touch ± hermetically-sealed grounded metal enclosure. s All HV and internal mechanism parts maintenance-free for 20 years 7 s Minor gas service only after 10 years s Arc-fault-tested s Single-phase encaps ulation ± no phase-to-phase arcing s All switching operations from dead-front 8 operating panel s Live line test facility on panel front s Drive mechanism and CT secondaries 9 freely and safely accessible s Fully insulated cable and busbar connections avai lable s Positive mechanical interlocking s External parts of instrument transfor mers free of dielectric stresses. Tolerance to environment s Hermetically-sealed enclosure protects 10 all high-voltage parts from the environment s Installation independent of altitu de s Corrosion protection for all climates. �3/30 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type 8DA/8DB10 8DA10 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 Low-voltage cubicle Secondary equipment (SIPROTEC 4) Busbar Cast aluminum Discon nector Operating mechanism and interlocking device for three-position switch Thr ee-position switch CB pole with upper and lower bushings CB operating mechanism Vacuum interrupter Connection Current transformer Rack 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 Fig. 40: Schematic cross-section for switchgear type 8DA10, single-busbar 6 8DB10 7 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 Fig. 41: Schematic cross-section for switchgear type 8DB10, double-busbar Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/31 �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type 8DA/8DB10 6. Low-voltage cabinet 1 2 All feeder-related electronic protection devices, auxiliary relays, and measurin g and indicating devices are installed in metal-enclosed low-voltage cabinets on top of each breaker bay. A central terminal strip of the lineup type is also lo cated there for all LV customer wiring. PCB-type protection relays and individua l-type protection devices are normally used, depending on the number of protecti ve functions required. 7. Interlocking system The circuit-breaker is fully inter locked with the isolator/grounding switch by means of solid mechanical linkages. It is impossible to operate the isolator with the breaker closed, or to remove the switch from the GROUND SELECTED position with the breaker closed. Actual gro unding is done via the circuit-breaker itself. Busbar grounding is possible with the available make-proof grounding switch. If a bus sectionalizer or bus couple r is installed, busbar grounding can be done via the three-way switch and the co rresponding circuit-breaker of these panels. The actual isolator position is pos itively displayed by rigid mechanical indicators. Switchgear type 8DB10, doublebusbar 2250 3 4 5 600 1525 6 Fig. 42: Dimensions of switchgear type 8DA10, double-busbar 7 8 9 The double-busbar switchgear has been developed from the components of the switc hgear type 8DA10. Two three-position switches are used for the selection of the busbars. They have their own gas-filled components. The second busbar system is located phasewise behind the first busbar system. The bay width of the switchgea r remains unchanged; depth and height of each bay are increased (see dimension d rawings Fig. 43). For parallel bus couplings, only one bay is required. 850** 2350 2660 Fig. 43: Dimensions of switchgear type 8DB10, double-busbar Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 10 3/32 ��SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type 8DA/8DB10 Degrees of protection In accordance with IEC 60529: s Degree of protection IP 3X D: The operating mechanism and the lowvoltage cubicle have degree of protection IP 3XD against contact with live parts with objects larger than 1 mm in diameter . Protection against dripping water is optionally available. Space heaters insid e the operating mechanism and the LV cabinet are available for tropical climates . s Degree of protection IP 65: By the nature of the enclosure, all highvoltagecarrying parts are totally protected against contact with live parts, dust and w ater jets. Installation The switchgear bays are shipped in prefabricated assembl ies up to 5 bays wide on solid wooden pallets, suitable for rolling, skidding an d fork-lift handling. Double-busbar sections are shipped as single or double bay s. The switchgear is designed for indoor operation; outdoor prefabricated enclos ures are available. Each bay is set onto embedded steel profile sections in a fl at concrete floor, with suitable cutouts for the cables or busbars. All conventi onal cables can be connected, either with fully insulated plug-in terminations ( preferred), or with conventional air-insulated stress cones. Fully insulated bus bars are also connected directly, without any HV-carrying parts exposed. Operati ng aisles are required in front of and (in case of double-busbar systems) behind the switchgear lineup. Cable cross-sections for plug-in terminations 1) Interface type Rated voltage 7. 2/12/15 kV Cable cross-section [mm2] 2 3 4 up to 300 400 to 630 up to 1200 1 36 kV [mm2] up to 185 240 to 500 17.5/24 kV [mm2] up to 300 400 to 630 up to 1200 2 3 up to 1200 1) The plug-in terminations are of the inside cone type acc. to EN 50181: 1997 Fig. 44 4 Weights and dimensions Width Height single-busbar (8DA) double-busbar (8DB) single-busbar (8DA) doublebusbar (8DB) single-busbar (8DA) double-busbar (8DB) [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg] [kg] 600 2250 2350 1525 2660 approx. 600 approx. 1150 5 6 Depth Weight per bay 7 �Fig. 45 8 Ambient temperature and current-carrying capacity: Rated ambient temperature (pe ak) Rated 24-h mean temperature Minimum temperature At elevated ambient temperat ures, the equipment must be derated as follows (expressed in percent of current at rated ambient conditions). 40 °C 35 °C ±5 °C 30 °C 35 °C 40 °C 45 °C 50 °C Fig. 46 9 = = = = = 110% 105% 100% 90% 80% 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/33 �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type 8DA/8DB10 1 Options for circuit-breaker feeder of switchgear type 8DA10, single-busbar 2 Busbar accessories Mounted on breaker housing 3 Voltage transformer, nondisconnectable or disconnectable or Make-proof earthing switch or Mounted on current transformer housing Panel connection options per phase Mounted on panel connections 4 1 x plug-in cable termination Interface type 2 and 3 Mounted on panel connections Mounted on panel connections 5 or Totally gas or solid-insulated bar or 3 x plug-in cable termination Interface ty pe 2 or 3 x plug-in cable termination Interface type 3 5 x plug-in cable termina tion Interface type 2 2 x plug-in cable termination Interface type 2 and 3 with plug-in voltage transformer 6 or Cable or bar connection, nondisconnectable or disconnectable Sectionalizer witho ut additional space required Busbar current transformer Mounted on panel connections Mounted on panel connections Current transformer 7 or or 8 or Mounted on panel connections 9 or Totally solid-insulated bar with plug-in voltage transformer or Surge arreste r 10 or �Air-insulated cable termination Air-insulated bar Plug-in cable terminations are of the Inside Cone Type acc. to EN 50181: 1997 Fig. 47 3/34 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type 8DA/8DB10 Options for circuit-breaker feeder of switchgear type 8DB10, double-busbar BB1 BB2 1 Busbar accessories 2 Mounted on breaker housing Mounted on current transformer housing Panel connection options per phase BB1 BB 2 Voltage transformer, nondisconnectable 3 Mounted on panel connections 4 or 1 x plug-in cable termination Interface type 2 and 3 Mounted on panel connect ions Mounted on panel connections BB1 or BB2 Voltage transformer, disconnectable Totally gas or solid-insulated bar BB1 or BB2 Make-proof earthing switch or 3 x plug-in cable termination Interface type 2 or 3 x plug-in cable termination Inte rface type 3 or 5 x plug-in cable termination Interface type 2 5 6 BB1 BB2 or and BB1 BB2 Cable or bar connection, nondisconnectable Cable or bar connection, disconnectab le 7 Current transformer BB1 BB2 or BB1 and BB2 BB1 �or BB2 Busbar current transformer or 2 x plug-in cable termination Interface type 2 and 3 with plug-in voltage transf ormer 8 Mounted on panel connections or BB1 Sectionalizer BB2 without additional space required or Totally solid insulated bar with plug-in voltage transformer or Air-insulated cable termination or Air-insulated bar Surge arrester 9 10 Plug-in cable terminations are of the Inside Cone Type acc. to EN 50181: 1997 Fig. 48 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/35 �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type 8DA/8DB10 1 Technical data Rated voltage [kV] [kV] 7.2 20 12 28 15 36 40.5 85 17.5 38 24 50 36 70 2 Rated power-frequency withstand voltage Rated lightning-impulse withstand voltag e [kV] 60 75 95 95 125 170 180 (200) 40 3 Rated short-circuit breaking current and rated short-time current 3s, Rated shor t-circuit making current Rated current busbar with twin busbar max. [kA] 40 40 40 40 40 40 4 max. [kA] �110 110 110 110 110 110 110 max. max. max. [A] [A] [A] 3150 4500 2500 3150 4500 2500 3150 4500 2500 3150 4500 2500 3150 4500 2500 2500 4500 2500 2500 4500 2500 5 Rated current feeder Fig. 49 6 Further Applications Power Supply for Railway Systems Twin-Busbar System (TBS) This primary distribution switchgear is based on the wo rldwide proven SF6-insulated type 8DA / 8DB switchgear and has been supplemented by a twin busbar (Fig. 50b). The use of standard components allowed us in a rem arkably short time to create from a modular, compact type of switchgear a high-c urrent system unbeatable in terms of minimal space requirement. The modular-stru cture busbars were arranged in twin-busbar form. This twin-busbar system is supp lied via a twin circuit-breaker and respective twin disconnector. All standard p anel types required (incoming feeder, coupler, outgoing feeder) are available. 7 8 9 10 �Type 8DA10 SF6 gas-insulated switchgear (single and double-pole) (Fig. 50a). Thi s type has been upgraded for service in railway networks with a basic-impulse in sulation level (BIL) of 200 (230) kV. It is therefore the ideal switchgear for 1 x 25 kV and 2 x 25 kV (50/60 Hz) railway networks. Typical occurrences in railw ay networks prove the suitability of the switchgear for such applications: s Eff ects of lightning strikes s Switching impulse voltage s Breaking under asynchron ous conditions with a 180° phase difference s Recovery voltage after breaking unde r asynchronous conditions with a 180° phase difference. 3/36 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type 8DA/8DB10 Further applications for 8DA/8DB a) Power Supply for Railway Systems 1-pole 2-pole 1 2 3 4 5 6 b) High Power Busbar 4500 A with Twin Busbar System (TBS) 8DA (single busbar) 8D B (double busbar) 7 8 9 10 Fig. 50 a/b Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/37 �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type NX PLUS 1 Gas-insulated switchgear type NX PLUS From 7.2 up to 36 kV Single-busbar Metal enclosed/metal-clad Three-pole primary enclosure Gas-insulated Fixed-mounted circuit-breakers Three-position switch as busbar disconnector and feeder earthing switch s Make-proof earthing with vacuum circuit-breaker s s s s s s s Specific features s Used in transformer stations and subPanel construction stations s Practically maintenance-free compact 2 switchgear for the most severe service conditions s Panel width 600 mm (with bus sectionalizer panel 900 mm) for all voltages up to 36 kV General description Th e switchgear type NX PLUS combines compact design, long service life, climateres istance and freedom from maintenance 1. Reliablility Panel with integrated inside cone Features s Rated voltage up to 36 kV s Rated short-circuit breaking current up to 31.5 kA s Rated normal currents of busbars and 3 feeders up to 2500 A. 4 s Hermetically sealed primary enclosure s 5 s s 6 s s s 7 s for protection against environmental effects (dirt, moisture and small animals) Operating mechanism components maintenance-free in indoor environment (DIN VDE 0 670 Part 1000) Breaker operating mechanisms accessible outside the switchgear co ntainer (primary enclosure) Inductive voltage transformers metalenclosed for plu �g-in mounting outside the main circuit Ring-core current transformers located ou tside the primary enclosure Complete interrogative interlocking system Welded sw itchgear container, sealed for life Minimum fire load. Panel with separate inside cone Features s Rated voltage up to 36 kV s Rated short-circuit breaking current 2. Insulation medium 8 9 10 Fig. 51: SF6-insulated switchgear Type NX PLUS with SIPROTEC Due to the excellent experience with vacuum circuit-breaker gas-insulated switch gear, there is a worldwide rapidly increasing demand of this kind of switchgear even in the so-called low-range field. The insulating gas SF6 is used for intern al insulation only; circuit interruption takes place in standard vacuum breaker bottles. The safety for the personnel and the environment is maximized. The NX P LUS is completely maintenancefree. The welded gas-tight enclosure of the primary part assures a full service life without any work on the gas system. up to 31.5 kA s Rated normal currents of busbars and feeders up to 2500 A. Panel with outside cone Features s Rated voltage up to 24 kV s Rated short-circuit breaking current up to 25 kA s Rated normal currents of busbars up to 2500 A and feeders up to 1250 A. Fig. 52 3/38 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type NX PLUS 1 1 Door of low-voltage compartment 2 SIPROTEC 4 bay controller, type 7SJ63, for control and protection 3 EMERGENCY OFF pushbutton 4 Door to mechanical control board 6 7 29 8 1 9 10 2 11 3 4 5 12 29 13 14 19 20 21 22 18 15 5 Cover of connection compartment 6 Busba r cover 7 Busbar module, welded, 16 17 SF6-insulated 2 3 8 Three-pole busbar system 9 Three-position switch, SF6-insulated, with the three positions: ON ± OFF ± EARTH 10 Module coupling between busbar module and circuit-breaker module 4 11 Circuit-breaker module, welded, SF6-insulated, with integrated cable connection 12 Vacuum interrupter of circuit-breaker 13 Pressure-relief duct 14 Integrated c able connection as inside cone 5 15 Optional low-voltage compartment 1100 mm high 6 16 Standard low-voltage compartment 730 mm high 29 23 17 24 29 25 17 Ring-core current transformer 18 Manual and motor operating mechanism of three-position switch 7 19 Mechanical control board 20 Manual and motor operating mechanism of circuit-breaker 8 21 22 21 Voltage transformer connection socket as inside cone 22 Cable connection compartment 23 Module coupling between circuit-breaker and cable connection module �9 24 Cable connection module, welded, 29 11 17 26 27 28 22 SF6-insulated, with separate cable connection 25 Separate cable connection as inside cone 10 26 Voltage transformer connection socket as outside cone 27 Cable connection as outside cone 28 Connection cables 29 Rupture diaphragm Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/39 �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type NX PLUS Tolerance to environment 1 s Hermetically-sealed enclosure protects Technical data Rated voltage Rated frequency Rated short-time power-frequency vo ltage Rated lightning impulse voltage Rated short-circuit breaking current and r ated short-time withstand current, 3 s Rated short-circuit making current Rated normal current of busbar Rated normal current of feeder *) On request Fig. 53 all high-voltage parts from the environment s Installation independent of altitu de s Corrosion protection for all climates. Operator safety s Safe-to-touch and hermetically sealed s up to [kV] [Hz] [kV] [kV] max. [kA] 24 50/60 50 125 31.5 36 (40.5*) 50/60 70 (85*) 170 (185*) 31.5 2 3 s s 4 s s 5 primary enclosure All HV parts, including the cable sealing ends, busbars and vo ltage transformers, are surrounded by earthed layers or metal enclosures Capacit ive voltage detection system for verification of safe isolation from supply Oper ating mechanisms and auxiliary switches safely accessible outside the primary en closure (switchgear container) Protective system interlock to prevent operation when enclosure is open Type-tested enclosure and interrogative interlocks provid e high degree of internal arcing protection. max. [kA] max. max. [A] [A] 80 2500 2500 80 2500 2500 Weights and dimensions Width Width of sectionalizer panel (£ 2000 A) [mm] [mm] [mm ] [mm] [mm] [kg] 600 900 1200 2450 2630 1600 800 6 Width sectionalizer panel (> 2000 A) Height Height with higher LV compartment De pth 7 �Weight per panel (approx.) Fig. 54 8 9 10 3/40 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type NX PLUS Control board Bay controller Solid-state HMI (human-machine interface) SIPROTEC 4 bay controll er, type 7SJ63, PROFIBUS-capable, control and protection for stand-alone or mast er operation. Solid-state HMI with panel door closed SIPROTEC 4 bay controller, type 7SJ63 (The basic unit for this is in the low-voltage compartment) 1 2 5 1 2 3 6 3 4 4 1 LCD for process and equipment information, graphically as feeder mimic control diagram and as text Keys for navigating in menus, in feeder mimic control diagra m and for entering values Keys for controlling the process Four programmable fun ction keys for frequently performed actions Fourteen programmable LEDs with poss ible application-related inscriptions for indicating any desired process and equ ipment data 6 Two key-operated switches for ªchangeover between local and remote c ontrolª and ªchangeover between interlocked and non-interlocked positionª. 2 3 4 5 5 Fig. 55 6 1 ON/OFF position indication for threeposition switch Mechanical control board Features s Arranged behind panel door s Opening of door switches of the Mechanical control board with panel door open 2 ON/OFF operating shaft for three-position 7 SIPROTEC 4 bay controller, type 7SJ63, automatically s Three-position switch int erlocked with circuit-breaker s Cancelling of feeder earthing can be blocked mec hanically. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 switch 3 OFF/EARTHING PREPARED operating shaft for three-position switch 4 OFF/E ARTHING PREPARED position indication for three-position switch 5 Mimic diagram 6 Ready indication for busbar module (gas compartment monitoring) 7 Ready indicat ion for circuit-breaker module (gas compartment monitoring) 8 Interlocking for p reselection 9 ON/OFF position indication for circuitbreaker 10 Manual spring cha �rging for circuit-breaker 11 ON pushbutton for circuit-breaker with sealable cap 12 OFF pushbutton for circuit-breaker 13 Locking device for ºfeeder earthedº 14 ºSpri ng chargedº indication for circuitbreaker 15 Operating cycle counter for circuit-b reaker 8 9 10 Fig. 56 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/41 �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type NX PLUS Options for circuit-breaker panel 1 2 with cable connection as inside cone for: s Rated voltage up to 36 kV s Rated sh ort-circuit breaking current up to 31.5 kA s Rated normal currents of busbars an d feeders up to 2500 A. Also available as Disconnector panel. Busbar fittings Fittings before circuit-breaker module Fittings after circuit-breaker module 4) 1) 1) Panel connection fittings 3 Panel connection versions 4 Capacitive voltage detection system 1 x plug-in cable, sizes 2 or 3 Voltage transformer, plug-in type Current transformer 5 or 2) 1 x plug-in cable, size 2 or 2 x plug-in cable, sizes 2 or 3 6 or 2) Voltage transformer, plug-in type Surge arrester, plug-in type or 3 x plug -in cable, sizes 2 or 3 7 or 2) or 4 x plug-in cable, size 2 8 9 and 3) Busbar current transformer or Solidinsulated bar (e.g. Duresca bar) �10 Surge arrester, plug-in type 1) Capacitive voltage detection system according to LRM or IVDS system. 2) Not p ossible with rated normal current of feeder of 2500 A. 3) Not possible with busb ar voltage transformer. 4) Requires cable connection with container for separate inside cone. Fig. 57 3/42 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type NX PLUS Options for circuit-breaker panel with cable connection as outside cone for: s R ated voltage up to 24 kV s Rated short-circuit breaking current up to 25 kA s Ra ted normal currents of busbars up to 2500 A and feeders up to 1250 A. Also avail able as Disconnector panel. Busbar fittings 1 Fittings before circuit-breaker module Fittings after circuit-breaker module 1) 1) 2 Panel connection fittings 3 Panel connection versions Capacitive voltage detection system 1 x plug-in cable, size 2 or 1 x plug-in cable Voltage transformer, disconnectable Current transfo rmer 4 5 or 2 x plug-in cable 6 or Voltage transformer, plug-in type Surge arrester, plug-in type or 3 x plug-in cable 7 or 8 and 2) Busbar current transformer 9 Surge arrester or limiter, plug-in type 10 1) Capacitive voltage detection system according to LRM or IVDS system. 2) Not p ossible with busbar voltage transformer. Fig. 58 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/43 �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type NX PLUS Options for sectionalizer panel 1 s Rated voltage up to 36 kV s Rated short-circuit breaking current up to Sectionalizer panel 31.5 kA s Rated normal currents of busbar up to 2500 A. 2 Busbar fittings Fittings before circuitbreaker module 1) 3 4 1) Capacitive voltage detection system Current transformer 5 and Busbar current transformer 6 1) Not possible with rated normal current of busbar of 2500 A. Fig. 59 7 8 9 10 3/44 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �SF6-Insulated Switchgear Type NX PLUS Standards, specifications, guidelines Standards The NX PLUS switchgear complies with the standards and specifications listed below: s VDE 0670, Part 1000 s VDE 0670, Part 6 s VDE 0670, Part 101 et s eq. s VDE 0670, Part 2 s IEC 60 694 s IEC 60 298 s IEC 60 056 s IEC 60 129. In a ccordance with the obligatory harmonization in the European Community, the natio nal standards of the member countries conform to IEC 60 298. Type of service loc ation NX PLUS switchgear can be used as an indoor installation in accordance wit h VDE 0101: s Outside closed electrical operating areas in locations not accessi ble to the general public. Tools are required to remove switchgear enclosures. s In closed electrical operating areas. A closed electrical operating area is a r oom or area which is used solely for the operation of electrical installations. This type of area is locked at all times and accessible only to authorized train ed personnel and other skilled staff. Untrained or unskilled persons must be acc ompanied by authorized personnel. Definition ªMake-proof earthing switchesª are eart hing switches with short-circuit making capacity (VDE 0670, Part 2). Internal arc test, resistance to internal arcs Internal arc test Tests have been carried out with NX PLUS switchgear, in order to verify its behaviour under con ditions of internal arcing. The resistance to internal arcing complies with the requirements of s VDE 0670, Part 6, Appendix AA s IEC 60 298, Appendix AA. Resis tance to internal arcs The possibility of faults in the NX PLUS fixed-mounted ci rcuit-breaker switchgear is much less than in previous types, due to the singlepole enclosure of external components and the SF6 insulation of the switchgear: s All external fault-causing factors have been eliminated, such as: ± Pollution de posits ± Moisture ± Small animals and foreign bodies s Maloperations are prevented b y the clear, logical layout of the operating elements s The three-position switc h and the vacuum circuit-breaker provide short-circuitproof earthing of the feed er. Should arcing occur in spite of this, the pressure is relieved towards the r ear into a duct. In the improbable event of a fault inside the switchgear contai ner, the SF6 insulation restricts the arc energy to only about 1/3 of that for a ir. The pressure-relief facility in the rear panel of the switchgear container i s designed to operate in an overpressure range of 2 to 3.5 bar. The gases are di scharged towards the rear into a duct. The pressure-relief duct diverts the gase s upwards. Protection against electric shock, the ingress of water and solid foreign bodies The NX PLUS fixed-mounted circuit-breaker switchgear is fully enclosed and enti rely unaffected by climatic influences. s All medium-voltage switching devices a re enclosed in a stainless steel container, which is welded gas-tight and filled with SF6 gas. s Live parts outside the switchgear container are single-pole ins ulated and screened. s There are no points at which leakage currents of high-vol tage potential are able to flow off to earth. s All essential components of the operating mechanism are made of non-corroding materials. Degrees of protection T he NX PLUS fixed-mounted circuit-breaker switchgear offers the following degrees of protection in accordance with IEC 60 529: s IP3XD for external enclosure s I P65 for parts under high voltage 1 2 3 4 5 6 �7 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/45 �Secondary Distribution Switchgear and Transformer Substations General 1 The secondary distribution network with its basic design of ring-main systems wi th counter stations as well as radial-feed transformer substations is designed i n order to reduce network losses and to provide an economical solution for switc hgear and transformer substations. These are installed with an extremely high nu mber of units in the distribution network. Therefore, high standardization of eq uipment is necessary and economical. The described switchgear will show such qua lities. To reduce the network losses the transformer substations should be insta lled directly at the load centers. The transformer substations consisting of med ium-voltage switchgear, transformers and low-voltage distribution can be designe d as prefabricated units or single components installed in any building or rooms existing on site. Due to the large number of units in the networks the most eco nomical solution for such substations should have climate-independent and mainte nance-free equipment so that operation of the equipment does not need any mainte nance work during its lifetime. For such transformer substations, nonextensible and extensible switchgear, for instance ring-main units (RMUs), have been develo ped using SF6 gas as insulation and arc-quenching medium in the case of loadbrea k systems (RMUs), and SF6 gas insulation and vacuum as arc-quenching medium in t he case of extensible modular switchgear, consisting of load-break panels with o r without fuses, circuit-breaker panels and metering panels. Siemens has develop ed RMUs in accordance with these requirements. Ring-main units type 8DJ10, 8DJ20 , 8DJ40 and 8DH10 are type-tested, factory-finished, metal-enclosed, SF6-insulat ed indoor switchgear installations. They verifiably meet all the demands encount ered in network operation by virtue of the following features: Features Maximum personnel safety s High-grade steel housing and cable conStandards s The fixed-mounted ring-main units type 8DJ10, 8DJ20, 8DJ40 and 8DH10 comply with the following standards: 2 s s s s s 3 nection compartment tested for resistance to internal arcing Logical interlockin g Guided operating procedures Capacitive voltage indication integrated in unit S afe testing for dead state on the closed-off operating front Locked, grounded co vers for fuse assembly and cable connection compartments IEC Standard IEC 60 694 IEC 60 298 IEC 60 129 IEC 60 282 IEC 60 265-1 IEC 60 420 IEC 60 056 IEC 61 243-5 Fig. 60 VDE Standard VDE 0670 Part 1000 VDE 0670 Part 6 VDE 0670 Part 2 VDE 0670 Part 4 VDE 0670 Part 301 VDE 0670 Part 303 VDE 0670 Part 101±107 EVDE 0682 Part 415 EN 61 243-5(E) Safe, reliable, maintenance-free s Corrosion-resistant hermetically welded 4 s �5 s s 6 s 7 s high-grade steel housing without seals and resistant to pressure cycles Insulati ng gas retaining its insulating and quenching properties throughout the service life Single-phase encapsulation outside the housing Clear indication of readines s for operation, unaffected by temperature or altitude Complete protection of th e switch disconnector/fuse combination, even in the event of thermal overload of the HV HRC fuse (thermal protection function) Reliable, maintenance-free switch ing devices In accordance with the harmonization agreement reached by the European Union mem ber states that their national specifications conform to IEC Publication No. 60 298. Resistance to internal arcing ± IEC Publ. 60 298, Annex AA ± VDE 0670, Part 6 Excellent resistance to ambient conditions s Robust, corrosion-resistant and mainteFor further information please contact: Fax: ++ 49 - 91 31-73 46 36 8 9 nance-free operating mechanisms s Maintenance-free, all-climate, safe-totouch ca ble terminations s Creepage-proof and free from partial discharges s Maintenance -free, safe-to-touch, all-climate HV HRC fuse assembly Environmental compatibili ty s Simple, problem-free disposal of the SF6 gas s Housing material can be recycled by 10 normal methods 3/46 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Secondary Distribution Switchgear and Transformer Substations 1 Primary distribution G 2 3 4 Secondary distribution 5 6 7 8 9 RMU for transformer substations Type 8DJ Extensible switchgear for consumer substations Type 8DH or 8AA Extensible switchgear for substations with circuit-breakers Type 8DH or 8AA 10 Fig. 61: Secondary Distribution Network Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/47 �Secondary Distribution Selection Matrix 1 Switchgear 2 Codes, standards Type of installation Insulation Enclosure Switching device 3 4 Nonextensible SF6-gas-insulated Metal-enclosed fixed-mounted Load-break switch 5 6 Medium-voltage indoor switchgear, type-tested according to: IEC 60 298 DIN VDE 0 670, Part 6 Load-break switch Vacuum CB Measurement panels SF6-gas-insulated Metal-enclosed fixed-mounted 7 Extensible 8 Air-insulated Metal-enclosed Load-break switch Vacuum CB Measurement panels 9 Transformer substations Execution of the transformer substation 10 Prefabricated, factory-assembled substations, with different type of housings, m ade of concrete, galvanized sheet steel or aluminium Fig. 62 3/48 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Secondary Distribution Selection Matrix 1 Application Switchgear type Technical data Rated lightning impulse withstand vol tage at: 7.2/12 17.5/24 [kV] [kV] RMU for transformer substations, plug and conventional cable connection, Standar d Range 1 RMU for transformer substations, high cable connection, Standard Range 2 Page Rated voltage [kV] Maximum rated short-time withstand current [kA] [kA] 1s 3s 2 Rated normal current Busbar max. [A] Feeder [A] 3 630 up to 630 3/50 8DJ10 60/75 95/125 7.2±24 25 20 4 7.2±12 25 20 14.3 630 7.2±24 20 up to 630 3/53 8DJ20 60/75 95/125 5 RMU for extremely low substation housings 8DJ40 60/75 95/125 7.2±24 20 11.5 630 up to 630 3/58 �6 7.2±15 Consumer substation/ CB switchgear up to 630 A 25 20 1250 17.5±24 20 11.5 up to 630 3/60 8DH10 60/75 95/125 7 1000 630 up to 1000 3/64 up to 630 7.2±12 Consumer substation/ CB switchgear up to 630 A 20 16 11.5 9.3 8AA20 60/75 95/125 17.5±24 8 9 Package substation type (Example) Type of housing HV section Medium-voltage swit chgear type 8DJ10 8DJ20 8DJ40 up to 1000/1250 kVA 3/66 Transformer rating Page 8FB10 8FB11 8FB12 8FB15 8FB16 8FB17 630 kVA 10 8FB1 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/49 �Secondary Distribution Switchgear Type 8DJ10 1 Ring-main unit type 8DJ10, 7.2±24 kV nonextensible, SF6-insulated Standard Range 1 Typical use SF6-insulated, metal-enclosed fixed-mounted ring-main units (RMU) ty pe 8DJ10 are used for outdoor transformer substations and indoor substation room s with a variability of 25 different schemes as a standard delivery program. Mor e than 60,000 RMUs of type 8DJ10 are in worldwide operation. Specific features s Maintenance-free, all-climate s SF6 housings have no seals s Remote-controlled motor operating 2 3 4 5 s s 6 s s 7 s s 8 mechanism for all auxiliary voltages from 24 V DC to 230 V AC Easily extensible by virtue of trouble-free replacement of units with identical cable connection g eometry Standardized unit variants for operatorcompatible concepts Variable tran sformer cable connection facilities Excellent economy by virtue of ambient condi tion-resistant, maintenance-free components Versatile cable connection facilitie s, optional connection of mass-impregnated or plastic-insulated cables or plug c onnectors Cables easily tested without having to be dismantled Fig. 63: Example: Scheme 10 9 10 3/50 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Secondary Distribution Switchgear Type 8DJ10 Technical data (rated values)1) Rated voltage Rated frequency Rated current of c able feeders Rated current of transformer feeders2) Rated power-frequency withst and voltage Rated lightning-impulse withstand voltage Rated short-circuit making current of cable feeder switches Rated short-circuit making current of transfor mer switches Rated short-circuit current, 1s Ambient temperature [kV] [Hz] [A] [ A] [kV] [kV] [kA] 7.2 50/60 400/630 200 1 12 50/60 400/630 200 15 50/60 400/630 200 17.5 50/60 400/630 200 24 50/60 400/630 200 2 3 20 60 63 28 75 52 36 95 52 38 95 52 50 125 40 4 [kA] 25 25 25 25 25 5 [kA] [°C] 25 min. ± 50 max. +80 21 min. ± 50 max. +80 21 min. ± 50 max. +80 �21 min. ± 50 max. +80 16 min. ± 50 max. +80 6 1) Higher values on request 2) Depending on HV HRC fuse assembly 7 Fig. 64 8 1 2 3 4 6 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 HRC fuse boxes Hermetically-scaled welded stainless steel enclosure SF6 insulati on/quenching gas Three-position load-break switch Feeder cable with insulated co nnection alternative with T-plug system Maintenance-free stored energy mechanism 9 10 Fig. 65: Cross section of SF6-insulated ring-main unit 8DJ10 Fig. 66: ªThree-position load-break switchº ON±OFF±EARTH Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/51 �Secondary Distribution Switchgear Type 8DJ10 1 Examples out of 25 standard schemes With integrated HV HRC fuse assembly 2 3 Scheme 10 Scheme 71 Scheme 81 4 Dimensions [mm] 5 6 Width Depth Height Version with low support frame Version with high support fram e Without HV HRC fuses 800 800 1360 1760 1170 800 1360 1760 1630 800 1360 1760 Combinations 7 8 Scheme 70 Scheme 61 Scheme 64 9 10 Dimensions [mm] Width Depth Height Version with low support frame Version with h igh support frame Fig. 67: Schemes and dimensions 1450 800 1105 1505 1700 800 1360 1760 2070 800 1360 1760 3/52 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Secondary Distribution Switchgear Type 8DJ20 Ring-main unit type 8DJ20, 7.2±24 kV non extensible, SF6-insulated Standard Range 2 Typical use Same system as type 8DJ10 (page 3/50) but other geometrical dimensio ns and design, also single panel for transformer feeder. s Substations with cont rol aisles s Compact substations, substations by pavements s Tower base substati ons s 7.2 kV to 24 kV s Up to 25 kA Specific features s Minimal dimensions s Ease of operation s Proven components from the s s s s 1 2 3 4 5 s s s s 8DJ10 range Metal-enclosed All-climate Maintenance-free Capacitive voltage taps for ± incoming feeder cable ± outgoing transformer feeder Optional double cable conn ection Optional surge arrester connection Transformer cable connected via straig ht or elbow plug Motor operating mechanism for auxiliary voltages of 24 V DC ± 230 V AC 6 Fig. 68: Example: Scheme 10 (width 1060 mm) 7 8DJ20 switchgear s Overall heights 1200 mm, 1400 mm s s s s 8 or 1650 mm High cable termination For cable T-plugs Detachable lever mechanism O ption: rotary operating mechanism 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/53 �Secondary Distribution Switchgear Type 8DJ20 Technical data 1 Rated voltage Ur Rated insulation level: Rated power-frequency withstand voltage Ud Rated lightning impulse voltage Up Rated frequency fr [kV] [kV] [kV] [Hz] [A ] [A] [kA] [kA] [kA] [kA] [kA] [°C] [hpa] 7.2 20 60 50/60 400 630 200 20 25 20 50 63 25 50 63 ±40 to +70 500 500 500 500 500 12 28 75 50/60 400 630 200 20 25 20 50 63 25 50 63 15 36 95 50/60 400 630 200 21 25 20 52 63 25 52 63 17.5 38 95 50/60 400 630 200 21 25 20 52 63 25 52 63 24 50 125 50/60 400 630 200 16 21 20 40 52 25 40 52 2 3 Rated normal current Ir for ring-main feeders for transformer feeders depending on the HV HRC fuse Rated short-time withstand current Ik, 1 s 4 Rated short-time withstand current Ik, 3 s Rated peak-withstand current Ip 5 Rated short-time making current Ima for transformer feeder for ring-main feeder 6 Ambient temperature T Rated filling pressure (at 20 °C) for insulation pre and for operation prm 7 Fig. 69 8 9 10 3/54 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Secondary Distribution Switchgear Type 8DJ20 Transformer feeder A Section A-A 1 1 1 HV HRC fuse compartment 2 RMU vessel, filled with SF6 gas 3 Three position loa d-break switch ON-OFF-Earth 2 2 3 5 4 Transformer cable with elbow plugs 3 5 Spring-assisted/stored-energy mechanism 4 4 5 6 A Standard Cable termination for elbow plugs (Option:cable-T-plugs), cable bushing directed downlwards 7 Fig. 70: Panel design / Example: ring-main transformer block, scheme 10 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/55 �Secondary Distribution Switchgear Type 8DJ20 1 Transformer feeder panels with HV HRC fuses Ring-main units without HV HRC fuses Combinations with HV HRC fuses2) 2 3 4 Scheme 01 Scheme 21 Scheme 11/32/70/84 Scheme 20 Scheme 10 5 6 Ring-main feeders Cable connection with cable plugs, compatible with bushings AS G 36-400 to DIN 47 636 with thread connection M 16 x 2, connection at front Tran sformer feeders 0 0 2±5 1 2 7 1 1 0 1 1 8 9 Cable connection with cable plugs, compatible with bushings ASG 24-250 to DIN 47 �636, optionally ASG 36 400 with plug/thread connection M 16 x 2 Location of bus hings optionally at front or at bottom ± 10 Dimensions in mm Width Depth Height 510 780 1200 1400 1760 Fig. 71 710 780 1200 1400 1760 710 + 350/per additional feeder 780 1200 1400 1760 710 780 1200 1400 1760 2) 1060 780 1200 1400 1760 others on request 3/56 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Secondary Distribution Switchgear Type 8DJ20 1 2 3 4 Scheme 71 Scheme 72 Scheme 81 Scheme 82 5 3 4 2 3 6 7 1 1 2 2 8 9 10 1410 780 1200 1400 1760 1760 780 1200 1400 1760 1410 780 1200 1400 1760 1760 780 1200 1400 1760 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/57 �Secondary Distribution Switchgear Type 8DJ40 1 Ring-main unit type 8DJ40, 7.2±24 kV nonextensible, SF6-insulated Typical use SF6-insulated, metal-enclosed, fixedmounted. Ring-main units type 8D J40 are mainly used for transformer compact substations. The main advantage of t his switchgear is the extremely high cable termination for easy cable connection and cable testing work. Specific features 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8DJ40 units are type-tested, factoryfinished, metal-enclosed SF6-insulated switc hgear installations and meet the following operational specifications: s High le vel of personnel safety and reliability s High availability s High-level cable c onnection s Minimum space requirement s Uncomplicated design s Separate operatin g mechanism actuation for switch disconnector and make-proof grounding switch, s ame switching direction in line with VDEW recommendation s Ease of installation s Motor operating mechanism retrofittable s Optional stored-energy release for r ing cable feeders s Maintenance-free s All-climate Fig. 72: Nonextensible RMU, type 8DJ40 Technical data (rated values)1) Rated voltage Rated frequency Rated current of c able feeders Rated current of transformer feeders Rated power-frequency withstan d voltage Rated lightning-impulse withstand voltage Rated short-circuit making c urrent of cable feeder switches [kV] [Hz] [A] 400/630* 400/630* £ 200 50 125 12 50 24 50 [A] [kV] [kV] [kA] £ 200 28 75 50 (31.5)* 40 (31.5)* 25 9 Rated short-circuit making current of transformer switches2) Rated short-time cu rrent of cable feeder switches �[kA] 25 [kA] 20 (12.5)* 16 (12.5)* 1 0.5 min. ± 40 max. + 70 10 Rated short-circuit time Rated filling pressure at 20 °C Ambient temperature [s] [barg] [°C] 1 0.5 min. ± 40 max. + 70 1) Higher values on request 2) Depending on HV HRC fuse assembly * With snap-act ion/stored-energy operating mechanism up to 400 A/12.5 kA, 1s Fig. 73 3/58 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Secondary Distribution Switchgear Type 8DJ40 1 2 3 Scheme 10 Scheme 32 Scheme 71 4 5 Dimensions [mm] Width Depth Height Fig. 74: Schemes and dimensions 1140 760 1400/1250 909 760 1400/1250 1442 760 1400/1250 6 7 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/59 �Secondary Distribution Switchgear Type 8DH10 1 Consumer substation modular switchgear type 8DH10 extensible, SF6-insulated Typical use SF6-insulated, metal-enclosed fixed-mounted switchgear units type 8D H10 are indoor installations and are mainly used for power distribution in custo mer substations or main substations. The units are particularly well suited for installation in industrial environments, damp river valleys, exposed dusty or sa ndy areas and in built-up urban areas. They can also be installed at high altitu de or where the ambient temperature is very high. Specific features 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8DH10 fixed-mounted switchgear units are type-tested, factory-assembled, SF6-ins ulated, metal-enclosed switchgear units comprising circuit-breaker panels, disco nnector panels and metering panels. They meet the demands made on medium-voltage switchgear, such as s High degree of operator safety, reliability and availabil ity s No local SF6 work s Simple to install and extend s Operation not affected by environmental factors s Minimum space requirements s Freedom from maintenance is met substantially better by these units than by earlier designs. s Busbars f rom panel blocks are located within the SF6 gas compartment. Connections with in dividual panels and other blocks are provided by solid-insulated plug-in busbars s Single-phase cast-resin enclosed insulated fuse mounting outside the switchge ar housing ensures security against phase-to-phase faults s All live components are protected against humidity, contamination, corrosive gases and vapours, dust and small animals s All normal types of T-plugs for thermoplastic-insulated cab les up to 300 m2 cross-section can be accommodated Fig. 75: Extensible, modular switchgear type 8DH10 s The units have a grounded outer enclos s s s s s sure and are thus shockproof. This also applies to the fuse assembly and the cab le terminations. Plug-in cable sealing ends are housed in a shock-proof metalenc losed support frame Fuses and cable connections are only accessible when earthed �All bushings for electrical and mechanical connections are welded gas-tight wit hout gaskets Three-position switches are fitted for load switching, disconnectio n and grounding, with the following switch positions: closed, open and grounded. Make-proof earthing is effected by the three-position switch (shown on page 3/5 1) Each switchgear unit can be composed as required from single panels and (pref erably) panel blocks, which may comprise up to three combined single panels The 8DH10 switchgear is maintenancefree Integrated current transformer suitable for digital protection relays and protection systems for CT operation release 3/60 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Secondary Distribution Switchgear Type 8DH10 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 4 5 3 4 5 3 6 7 8 9 10 4 1 2 3 4 5 Fuse assembly Three-position switch Transformer/cable feeder connection Hermetic ally-welded gas tank Plug-in busbar up to 1250 A 1 2 3 4 5 Low-voltage compartment Circuit-breaker operating mechanism Metal bellow welded to the gas tank Pole-end kinematics Spring-assisted mechanism (400/630 A T-plug system) 8 Hermetically-welded RMU housing 9 Busbar (up to 1250 A) 10 Overpressure release system 6 Three-position switch 7 Ring-main cable termination 5 6 Fig. 76: Cross section of transformer feeder panel Fig. 77: Cross section of cir cuit-breaker feeder panel LV cabinet 1 2 7 8 3 4 9 extensible extensible 1 Plug bushing welded to the gas tank 2 Silicon adapter 3 Silicon-insulated busb ar 4 Removable insulation cover to assemble the system at site 10 Fig. 78: Combination of single panels with plug-in type, silicon-insulated busba r. No local SF6 gas work required during assembly or extension Fig. 79: Cross-section of silicon-plugged busbar section. Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/61 ��Secondary Distribution Switchgear Type 8DH10 1 Technical data (rated values)1) Rated voltage Rated frequency Rated power-freque ncy withstand voltage [kV] [Hz] [kV] [kV] [kA] 7.2 50/60 20 60 25 12 50/60 28 75 25 15 50/60 36 95 20 17.5 50/60 38 95 20 24 50/60 50 125 16 2 3 Rated lightning-impulse withstand voltage Rated short-circuit breaking current o f circuit-breakers 4 Rated short-circuit current, 1s Rated short-circuit making current [kA] [kA] [A] 25 63 630 1250 25 63 630 1250 20 50 630 1250 20 50 630 1250 16 50 630 1250 5 Busbar rated current Feeder rated current 6 ± Circuit-breaker panels [max. A] [max. A] ± Ring-main panels [max. A] ± Transformer p anels2) Rated current of bus sectionalizer panels ± without HV HRC fuses ± with HV H RC fuses2) 400/630 400/630 200 400/630 400/630 200 400/630 400/630 200 400/630 400/630 200 �400/630 400/630 200 7 [A] [A] 400/630 200 400/630 200 400/630 200 400/630 200 400/630 200 1) Higher values on request 2) Depending on HV HRC fuse assembly 8 Fig. 80 9 10 3/62 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Secondary Distribution Switchgear Type 8DH10 Individual panels 1 2 3 Ring-main panel Transformer panel Circuit-breaker panel Billing metering panel B usbar metering and grounding panel 4 Dimensions [mm] Width Depth Height 500 780 1400 500 780 2000 350 780 1400 600*/850 780 1400/2000** 500 780 1450 5 6 * Width for version with combined instrument transformer ** With low-voltage com partment Blocks 7 8 9 2 Ring-main feeders 3 Ring-main feeders 2 Transformer feeders 3 Transformer feeders 10 Dimensions [mm] Width Depth Height 700 780 1400 1050 780 1400 1000 780 1400 1500 780 1400 Fig. 81: Schemes and dimensions Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/63 �Secondary Distribution Switchgear Type 8AA20 1 Consumer substation modular switchgear type 8AA20, 7.2±24 kV extensible, air-insul ated Typical use This air-insulated modular indoor switchgear is used as a flexible s ystem with a lot of panel variations. Panels with fused and unfused load-break s witches, with trucktype vacuum circuit-breakers and metering panels can be combi ned with air-insulated busbars. The 8AA20 ring-main units are type-tested, facto ry-assembled metal-enclosed indoor switchgear installations. They meet operation al requirements by virtue of the following features: Personnel safety Fig. 82: Extensible modulares switchgear type 8AA20 2 3 4 5 s Sheet-steel enclosure tested for resistance to internal arcing s All switching operations with door Technical data (rated values)1) Rated voltage and insulation level Rated power-f requency withstand voltage Rated lightning-impulse withstand voltage [kV] [kV] 7 .2 20 60 20 50 630 630 closed 6 s Testing for dead state with door closed s Insertion of barrier with door close d 12 28 75 20 50 630 630 17.5 38 95 16 40 630 630 24 50 125 16 40 630 630 Safety, reliability/maintenance s Complete mechanical interlocking s Preventive interlocking between barrier 7 and switch disconnector s Door locking Excellent resistance to ambient condition s s High level of pollution protection by Rated short-time current 1s [kA] Rated short-circuit making current Rated busbar current1) Rated feeder current 1) Higher values on request �[kA] [A] [A] 8 virtue of sealed enclosure in all operating states s Insulators with high pollut ion-layer resistance 9 Fig. 83 Dimensions Width 12/24 kV [mm] Height [mm] 2000 2000 2000 Depth 12/24 kV [mm] 665/790 or 931/1131 931/1131 665/790 or 931/1131 10 Load-breaker panels Circuit-breaker panels Metering panels Fig. 84: Dimensions 600/750 750/750 600/750 3/64 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Secondary Distribution Switchgear Type 8AA20 Standards s The switchgear complies with the following standards: 1 1 1 IEC Standard IEC 60 694 IEC 60 298 IEC 60 129 IEC 60 282 IEC 60 265-1 IEC 60 420 IEC 60 056 IEC 61 243-5 Fig. 85 VDE Standard VDE 0670 Part 1000 VDE 0670 Part 6 VDE 0670 Part 2 VDE 0670 Part 4 VDE 0670 Part 301 VDE 0670 Part 303 VDE 0670 Part 101±107 EVDE 0682 Part 415 EN 61 243-5(E) 2 2 2 4 1 Load-break switch 2 Grounding switch 1 2 3 4 Vacuum circuit-breaker Current transformer Potential transformer Grounding switc h 3 3 4 In accordance with the harmonization agreement reached by the EC member states, their national specifications conform to IEC Publ. No. 60 298. Resistance to int ernal arcing ± IEC Publ. 60298, Annex AA ± VDE 0670, Part 6 Type of service location Air-insulated ring-main units can be used in service locations and in closed el ectrical service locations in accordance with VDE 0101. Specific features s Switch disconnector fixed-mounted s Switch disconnector with integrated Fig. 86a: Cross-section of cable feeder panel Fig. 86b: Cross-section of withdrawable type vacuum circuit-breaker panel 5 6 Individual panels Circuit-breaker panels Scheme 11/12 Scheme 13/14 7 8 Load-break panels Scheme 21/22 Scheme 23/24 Scheme 25/26 central operating mechanism s Standard program includes numerous s s s s s s circuit variants Operations enabled by protective interlocks; the insulating bar rier is included in the interlocking Extensible by virtue of panel design Cubicl �es compartmentalized (option) Minimal cubicle dimensions without extensive use o f plastics Lines up with earlier type 8AA10 Withdrawable circuit-breaker section can be moved into the service and disconnected position with the door closed 9 10 Metering and cable panels Scheme 33/34 Fig. 87: Schemes Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/65 �Secondary Distribution Transformer Substations 1 Factory-assembled packaged substations type 8FB1 (example) Factory-assembled transformer substations are available in different designs and dimensions. As an example of a typical substation program, type 8FB1 is shown h ere. Other types are available on request. The transformer substations type 8FB1 with up to 1000 kVA transformer ratings and 7.2±24 kV are prefabricated and facto ry-assembled, ready for connection of network cables on site. Special foundation not necessary. s Distribution substations for public power supply s Nonwalk-in type s Switchgear operated with open substation doors General features/Applicati ons s Power supply for LV systems, especially 2 3 4 5 in load centers for public supply s Power supply for small and medium Fig. 88: Steel-clad outdoor substation 8FB1 for rated voltages up to 24 kV and t ransformers up to 1000 kVA 6 7 industrial plants with existing HV side cable terminations s Particularly suitab le for installation at sites subject to high atmospheric humidity, hostile envir onment, and stringent demands regarding blending of the station with the surroun dings s Extra reliability ensured by SF6-insulated ring-main units type 8DJ, whi ch require no maintenance and are not affected by the climate Brief description The substation housing consists of a torsion-resistant bottom unit, with a concr ete trough for the transformer, embedded in the ground, and a hot-dip galvanized steel structure mounted on it. It is subdivided into three sections: HV section , transformer section and LV section. The lateral section of the concrete trough serves as mounting surface for the HV and LV cubicles and also closes off the c able entry compartments at the sides. These compartments are closed off at the b ottom and front by hot-dip galvanized bolted steel covers. Four threaded bushes for lifting the complete substation are located in the floor of the concrete tro ugh. The substations are arc-fault-tested in order to ensure safety for personne l during operation and for the pedestrians passing by the installed substation. HV section (as an example): 8DJ SF6-insulated ring-main unit (for details please refer to RMUs pages 2/48±2/61) Technical data: s Rated voltages and insulation levels LV section: The LV section can take various forms to suit the differing base con figurations. The connection to the transformer is made by parallel cables instea d of bare conductors. Incoming circuit: Circuit breaker, fused load disconnector , fuses or isolating links. Outgoing circuits: Tandem-type fuses, load-break swi tches, MCCB, or any other requested systems. Basic measuring and metering equipm ent to suit the individual requirements. �8 s s s s 7.2 kV 12 kV 15 kV 17.5 kV 24 kV 60 75 95 95 125 kV (BIL) Rating of cable circui ts: 400 / 630 A Rating of transformer circuits: 200 A Degree of protection for H V parts: IP 65 Ambient temperature range: ±30°C/+55°C (other on request) 9 Transformer section: Oil-cooled transformer with ratings up to max. 1000 kVA. Th e transformer is connected with the 8DJ10 ring-main unit by three single-core sc reened 35 mm2 plastic insulated cables. The connection is made by means of right -angle plugs or standard air-insulated sealing ends possible at the transformer side. 10 3/66 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Secondary Distribution Transformer Substations Substation housing type: HV section: SF6 -insulated ring-main unit (RMU) 8FB10 8FB11 8FB12 8FB15 8FB16 8FB17 1 2 H T L H T L L T H T L H T L T H High-voltage section T Transformer section H L H L Low-voltage section 3 Transformer rating Overall dimensions, weights: Length Width Height above ground Height overall Floor area Volume Weight without transformer [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm2] [mm3] [kg] 630 kVA 630 kVA 630 kVA 1000 kVA 1000 kVA 1000 kVA 4 3290 1300 1650 2100 4.28 7.06 approx. 2280 2570 2100 1650 2100 5.40 8.91 approx. 2530 2100 2100 1650 2100 4.41 7.28 approx. 2400 3860 1550 1700 2350 5.98 10.17 approx. 3400 3120 2300 1700 2350 7.18 12.20 approx. 3800 2350 2300 1700 2350 5.4 1 9.19 approx. 3600 �5 6 Fig. 89: Technical data, dimensions and weights 7 8 9 Fig. 90: HV section: Compact substation 8FB with SF6-insulated RMU (two loop swi tches, one transformer feeder switch with HRC fuses) Fig. 91: Transformer sectio n: Cable terminations to the transformer, as a example Fig. 92: LV section: Exam ple of LV distribution board 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/67 �Industrial Load Center Substation Introduction 1 Industrial power supply systems call for a maximum level of operator safety, ope rational reliability, economic efficiency and flexibility. And they likewise nec essitate an integral concept which includes ªbeforeº and ªafterº customer service, which can cope with the specific load requirements and, above all, which is tailored to each individually occurring situation. With SITRABLOC® such a concept can be ea sily turned into reality. 2 3 For further information please contact: 4 Fax: ++ 49 - 91 31-73 15 73 General 5 Fig. 93 SITRABLOC is an acronym for SIemens TRAnsformer BLOC-type. SITRABLOC is supplied with power from a medium-voltage substation via a fuse/ switch-disconnector com bination and a radial cable. In the load center, where SITRABLOC is installed, s everal SITRABLOCs are connected together by means of cables or bars. Substation 8DC11/8DH10 6 7 Features s Due to the fuse/switch-disconnector Load-centre substation Supply company s substation 8 9 10 combination, the short-circuit current is limited, which means that the radial c able can be dimensioned according to the size of the transformer. s In the event of cable faults, only one SITRABLOC fails. s The short-circuit strength is incr eased due to connection of several stations in the load center. The effect of th is is that, in the event of a fault, large loads are selectively disconnected in a very short time. s The transmission losses are optimized since only short con nections to the loads are necessary. s SITRABLOC has, in principle, two transfor mer outputs: ± 1250 kVA during AN operation (ambient temperature up to 40 °C) ± 1750 k VA during AF operation (140% with forced cooling). These features ensure that, i f one station fails for whatever reason, supply of the loads is maintained witho ut interruption. LV busways �Fig. 94: Example of a schematic diagram 3/68 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Industrial Load Center Substation The SITRABLOC components are: s Transformer housing with roof-mounted ventilatio n for AN/AF operating mode s GEAFOL Transformer (cast-resin insulated) with make -proof earthing switch AN operating mode: 100% load up to an ambient temperature of 40 °C AF operating mode: 140% load s LV circuit-breaker as per transformer AF load s Automatic power factor correction equipment (tuned/detuned) s Control and metering panel as well as central monitoring interface s Universal connection t o the LV distribution busway system Whether in the automobile or food industry, in paintshops or bottling lines, putting SITRABLOC to work in the right place co nsiderably reduces transmission losses. The energy is transformed in the product ion area itself, as close as possible to the loads. For installation of the syst em itself, no special building or fire-protection measures are necessary. Availa ble with any level of output SITRABLOC can be supplied with any level of power o utput, the latter being controlled and protected by a fuse/switch-disconnector c ombination. A high-current busbar system into which up to four transformers can feed power ensures that even large loads can be brought onto load without any lo ss of energy. Due to the interconnection of units, it is also ensured that large loads are switched off selectively in the event of a fault. Integrated automati c power factor correction With SITRABLOC, power factor correction is integrated from the very beginning. Unavoidable energy losses ± e.g. due to magnetization in the case of motors and transformers ± are balanced out with power capacitors direc tly in the low-voltage network. The advantages are that the level of active powe r transmitted increases and energy costs are reduced (Fig. 97). LV Busway 1 Tap-Off Unit with HRC Fuses 2 Consumer Distribution incl. Control SITRABLOC Fig. 95: Location sketch 3 4 Technical data Rated voltage Transformer rating AN/AF Transformer operating mode Power factor correction Busway system Degree of protection Dimensions (min) (Lx HxD) Weight approx. Fig. 96 12 kV and 24 kV 1250 kVA/1750 kVA 100% AN up to 40 °C 140% AF up to 500 kVAr witho ut reactors up to 300 kVAr with reactors 1250 A, 1600 A, 2500 A IP 23 for transf ormer housing IP 43 for LV cubicles 3600 mm x 2560 mm x 1400 mm 6000 kg 5 6 7 Reliability of supply With the correctly designed transformer output, the n-1cri terion is no longer a problem. Even if one module fails (e.g. a medium-voltage s witching device, a cable or transformer) power continues to be supplied without the slightest interruption. None of the drives comes to a standstill and the who le manufacturing plant continues to run reliably. These examples show that, with SITRABLOC, the power is there when you need it ± and safe, reliable and economica l into the bargain. �8 9 10 Fig. 97: Capacitor Banks Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/69 �Industrial Load Center Substation N-1 operating mode 1 How to understand this mode: Normal operating mode: 4x1250 kVA N -1 operating mode: 3x1750 kVA AN operating m ode (100%) AF operating mode (£ 140%) N -1 criteria With the respective design of a factory grid on the MV side as wel l as on the LV side the so called n-1 criteria is fulfilled. In case one compone nt fails on the line side of the transformer e.g. circuit breaker or transformer or cable to transformer, no interuption of the supply on the LV side will occur . Example Fig 98: Load required 5000 kVA = 4 x 1250 kVA. In case one load centre (SITRABLOC) is disconnected from the MV network the missing load will be suppli ed via the remaining three (N-1) load centres. 2 Power distribution 3 Supply company's substation 4 Substation Circuit-breakers and switch disconnectors with HV HRC fuses t < 10 ms 5 6 SITRABLOC SITRABLOC SITRABLOC SITRABLOC M M M Production M M M 7 Operator safety Reduced costs Low system losses Fig. 98: N-1 operating mode 8 9 10 SITRABLOC is a combination of everything which present-day technology has to off er. Just one example of this are our GEAFOL® cast-resin transformers. Their output : 100% load without fans plus reserves of up to 140% with fans. And as far as pe rsons are concerned, their safety is ensured even in the direct vicinity of the installation. Another example is the SENTRON highcurrent busbar system. It can b e laid out in any arrangement, is quick to install and conducts the current wher ever you like ± with almost no losses. The most important thing, however, is the u niformity of SITRABLOC throughout, irrespective of the layout of the modules. Fig. 99: Transformer and earthing switch, LV Bloc 3/70 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Industrial Load Center Substation The technology at a glance SITRABLOC can cope with any requirements. Its feature s include s A transformer cubicle with or without fans (AN/AF operation) s GEAFO L cast-resin transformers with make-proof earthing switch ± AN operation 1250 kVA, AF operation 1750 kVA s External medium-voltage switchgear with fuse switch-dis connectors s Low-voltage circuit-breakers s Automatic reactive-power compensatio n ± up to 500 kVAr unrestricted, up to 300 kVAr restricted s The SENTRON high-curr ent busbar system ± Connection to high-current busbar systems from all directions s An ET 200 /PROFIBUS interface for central monitoring system (if required). Information distribution 1 2 S7-400 S7-300 S5-155U PROFIBUS-DP 3 4 PG/PC COROS OP 5 PROFIBUS ET 200B ET 200C Field devices 6 Communications interface SITRABLOC ET 200M GEAFOL transformer with built-on make-proof earthing switch 7 P 12/24 kV P 8 9 LV installation with circuitbreakers and automatic reactivepower compensation 10 0.4 kV LV busbar system with sliding link (e.g. SENTRON busways) Option Fig. 100 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/71 �Medium-Voltage Devices Product Range 1 Devices for medium-voltage switchgear With the equipment program for switchgear Siemens can deliver nearly every devic e which is required in the mediumvoltage range between 7.2 and 36 kV. Fig. 101 g ives an overview of the available devices and their main characteristics. All co mponents and devices conform to international and national standards, as there a re: Vacuum circuit-breakers s IEC 60 056 s IEC 60 694 s BS5311 Device Type Rated voltage [kV] Shortcircuit current [kA] 13.1 ¼ 80 25 25 Short-time current (3s) [kA] 13.1 ¼ 80 25 25 2 Indoor vacuum circuit-breaker 3AH NX ACT 7.2 ¼ 36 12 36 3 Outdoor vacuum circuit-breaker 3AF Components for 3AH VCB 3AY2 12 ¼ 36 16 ¼ 40 16 ¼ 40 4 Vacuum switches s IEC 60 265-1 Indoor vacuum switch 3CG 7.2 ¼ 24 ± �16 ¼ 20 5 in combination with Siemens fuses: s IEC 60 420 Vacuum contactors Indoor vacuum contactor 3TL 7.2 ¼ 24 ± 8 (1s) 6 s IEC 60 470 s UL 347 Vacuum interrupter VS 7.2 ¼ 40.5 12.5 ¼ 80 12.5 ¼ 80 Switch disconnectors 7 s IEC 60 129 s IEC 60 265-1 Indoor switch disconnector 3CJ 12 ¼ 24 ± 18 ¼ 26 (1s) HV HRC fuses s IEC 60 282 Indoor disconnecting and grounding switch 3D 12 ¼ 36 ± 16 ... 63 (1s) �8 Current and voltage transformers s IEC 60 185, 60 186 s BS 3938, 3941 s ANSI C57.13 HV HRC fuses 3GD 7.2 ¼ 36 31.5 ¼ 80 ± 9 For further information please contact: Fax: ++ 49 - 91 31 - 73 46 54 Fuse bases 3GH 7.2 ¼ 36 44 peak withstand current ± ± 10 Indoor post insulators, Bushings 3FA 3FH/3FM 3.6 ¼ 36 ± Indoor and outdoor current and voltage transformers Surge arresters 4M 12 ¼ 36 ± ± 3E 3.6 ¼ 42 ± ± Fig. 101: Equipment program for medium-voltage switchgear 3/72 �Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Medium-Voltage Devices Product Range Rated current mechanical [A] 800 ¼ 12,000 1250 ¼ 2500 1600 10,000 ¼ 120,000 10,000 10,000 Operating cycles with rated current with shortcircuit current Applications/remarks Page 1 10,000 ¼ 30,000 10,000 10,000 25 ¼ 100 25 ¼ 50 50 All applications, e.g. overhead lines, cables, transformers, motors, generators, capacitors, filter circuits, arc furnaces 3/74 3/78 2 All applications, e.g. overhead lines, cables, transformers, motors, generators, capacitors, filter circuits 3/80 3 1250 ¼ 2500 ± ± ± Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and retrofit 3/81 4 800 10,000 10,000 ± All applications, e.g. overhead lines, cables, transformers, m otors, capacitors; high number of operations; fuses necessary for short-circuit protection All applications, especially motors with very high number of operatin g cycles 3/82 400 ¼ 800 1x106 ... 3x106 0.25x105 ... 2x106 ± 3/84 5 �630 ¼ 4000 10,000 ¼ 30,000 10,000 ¼ 30,000 25 ¼ 100 For circuit breakers, switches and gas-insulated switchgear 3/85 6 630 1000 20 ± Small number of operations, e.g. distribution transformers 3/86 7 630 ¼ 3000 ± ± ± Protection of personnel working on equipment 3/87 6.3 ¼ 250 ± ± ± Short-circuit protection; short-circuit current limitation 3/88 8 400 ± ± ± Accommodation of HV HRC fuse links 3/88 9 ± �± ± ± Insulation of live parts from another, carrying and supporting function 3/89 10 3/90 ± ± ± ± Measuring and protection ± ± ± ± Overvoltage protection 3/90 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/73 �Medium-Voltage Devices Type 3AH 1 Indoor vacuum circuit-breakers type 3AH The 3AH vacuum circuit-breakers are three-phase medium-voltage circuit-breakers for indoor installations. The 3AH circuit-breakers are suitable for: s Rapid loa d transfer, synchronization s Automatic reclosing up to 31.5 kA s Breaking short -circuit currents with very high initial rates of rise of the recovery voltage s Switching motors and generators s Switching transformers and reactors s Switchi ng overhead lines and cables s Switching capacitors s Switching arc furnaces s S witching filter circuits 2 3 4 5 As standard circuit-breakers they are available for the entire medium-voltage ra nge. Circuit-breakers with reduced pole center distances, circuit-breakers for v ery high numbers of switching cycles and singlephase versions are part of the pr ogram. The following breaker types are available: s 3AH1 ± the maintenance-free ci rcuitbreaker which covers the range between 7.2 kV and 24 kV. It has a lifetime of 10,000 operating cycles s 3AH2 ± the circuit-breaker for 60,000 operating cycle s in the range between 7.2 kV and 24 kV s 3AH3 ± the maintenance-free circuitbreak er for high breaking capacities in the range between 7.2 kV and 36 kV. It has a lifetime of 10,000 operating cycles s 3AH4 ± the circuit-breaker for up to 120,000 operating cycles s 3AH5 ± the economical circuit-breaker in the lower range for 1 0,000 maintenancefree operating cycles Properties of 3AH circuit breakers: No relubrication Nonwearing material pairs a t the bearing points and nonaging greases make relubrication superfluous on 3AH circuit-breakers up to 10,000 operating cycles, even after long periods of stand still. High availability Continuous tests have proven that the 3AHs are maintena nce-free up to 10,000 operating cycles: accelerated temperature/ humidity change cycles between ±25 and +60 °C prove that the 3AH functions reliably without mainten ance. Assured quality Exemplary quality control with some hundred switching cycl es per circuit-breaker, certified to DIN/ISO 9001. No readjustment Narrow tolera nces in the production of the 3AH permanently prevent impermissible play: even a fter frequent switching the 3AH circuit-breaker does not need to be readjusted u p to 10,000 operating cycles. 6 Electrical data and products summary Rated voltage 7 at Rated short-circuit breaking current1) (Rated short-circuit making current) Vacuum circuit-breaker (Type) [kA] 16 (40) [kV] [kA] 13.1 (32.8) �[kA] 20 (50) 3AH1 [kA] 25 (63) 3AH1 3AH5 3AH1 3AH1 3AH5 3AH1 3AH1 3AH1 3AH2 [kA] 31.5 (80) 3AH1 3AH2 3AH1 3AH2 3AH1 3AH2 3AH1 3AH2 [kA] 40 (100) 3AH1 3AH2 3AH1 3AH2 3AH1 3AH2 3AH1 3AH2 3AH3 3AH4 [kA] 50 (125) 3AH3 3AH3 3AH3 3AH3 [kA] 63 (160) 3AH3 3AH3 3AH3 3AH3 [kA] up to 80 (225) 8 7.2 12 3AH5 3AH5 3AH5 3AH1 3AH1 3AH1 9 15 17.5 24 36 800 A 3AH1 3AH5 3AH5 3AH38*) 10 3AH3 3AH4 800 A to 2500 A 800 A to 1250 A 800 A 1250 A to to 2500 A 2500 A2) 3AH3 3AH4 2500 A 1250 A to 3150 A 1250 A to 3150 A 1250 A to 4000 A 8000 A to 12 000 A 800 A 800 A to to 1250 A 1250 A Rated normal current 1) DC component 36% (higher values on request). 2) 3150 A for rated voltage 17.5 kV. *) 3 switches in parallel Fig. 102: The complete 3AH program 3/74 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Medium-Voltage Devices Type 3AH 3AH1 24 kV, 25 kA, 1250 A 3AH2 24 kV, 25 kA, 2500 A 3AH4 24 kV, 40 kA, 2500 A 1 2 3 4 Fig. 103: Vacuum circuit-breakers type 3AH Advantages of the vacuum switching principle The most important advantages of th e principle of arc extinction in a vacuum have made the circuit-breakers a techn ically superior product and the principle on which they work the most economical extinction method available: s Constant dielectric: In a vacuum there are no de composition products and because the vacuum interrupter is hermetically sealed t here are no environmental influences on it. s Constant contact resistance: The a bsence of oxidization in a vacuum keeps the metal contact surface clean. For thi s reason, contact resistance can be guaranteed to remain low over the whole life of the equipment. s High total current: Because there is little erosion of cont acts, the rated normal current can be interrupted up to 30,000 times, the shortcircuit breaking current an average of 50 times s Low chopping current: The chop ping current in the Siemens vacuum interrupter is only 4 to 5 A due to the use o f a special contact material. s High reliability: The vacuum interrupters need n o sealings as conventional circuit-breakers. This and the small number of moving parts inside makes them extremely reliable. 5 6 7 8 Fig. 104: Front view of vacuum circuit-breaker 3AH1 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/75 �Medium-Voltage Devices Type 3AH 1 3AH1, 12 kV 20 kA, up to 1250 A 25 kA, up to 1250 A 210 604 522 210 105 520 190 2 3 437 473 60 4 Dimensions in mm 5 3AH1, 3AH2, 12 kV 25 kA, 2500 A, 31.5 kA, 2500 A, 40 kA, 3150 A 604 549 210 210 105 550 190 6 437 587 7 109 Dimensions in mm 565 8 3AH1, 24 kV 708 662 275 275 105 565 190 9 16 kA, up to 1250 A, 20 kA, up to 1250 A, 25 kA, up to 1250 A 10 437 535 60 Dimensions in mm Fig. 105a: Dimensions of typical vacuum circuit-breakers type 3AH (Examples) 3/76 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition ��Medium-Voltage Devices Type 3AH 3AH1, 3AH2, 24 kV 20kA, 2500 A 25 kA, 2500 A 275 708 670 275 105 595 190 1 2 437 648 3 109 Dimensions in mm 610 4 483 3AH3, 12 kV 63 kA, 4000 A 750 275 275 211 5 6 564 733 7 Dimensions in mm 776 8 3AH3, 3AH4, 36 kV 31.5 kA, 2500 A, 40 kA, 2500 A 820 350 350 211 526 9 564 734 1000 10 Dimensions in mm 853 612 Fig. 105b: Dimensions of typical vacuum circuit-breakers type 3AH (Examples) Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/77 �Medium-Voltage Devices Type NXACT 1 Indoor vacuum circuit-breaker module type NXACT General 2 NXACT combines the advantages of vacuum circuit-breakers with additional integra ted functions. More functions 3 Disconnector, earthing switch, operator panel and interlock are integrated in a single breaker module. The module is supplied pretested and ready for installati on. Ease of integration ¼ 4 5 6 For the system builder, this means minimum project planning, ease of installatio n even with subsequent retrofitting, no more testing, simplified logistics ± these features mean that NXACT is unbeatable, even with the overall cost of the subst ation. Its compact design minimizes installation and commissioning time. In oper ation, NXACT is notable for the clear layout of its control panel, which is alwa ys accessible at the front of the switchgear. Applications Fig. 106: NXACT vacuum circuit-breaker module, 12 kV Technical data Rated voltage Rated power-frequency withstand voltage Rated light ning impulse withstand voltage Rated frequency Rated short-circuit breaking curr ent (max.) Rated short-circuit making current (max.) Rated short-time withstand current 3 sec. (max.) Rated normal current Fig. 107 7 s Universal circuit-breaker module for all common medium-voltage switchgear s As three-pole medium-voltage circuit[kV] [kV] [kV] [Hz] [kA] [kA] [kA] [A] 12 28 75 50/60 25 63 25 1250/2500 8 breakers for all switching duties in indoor installations s For switching all re sistive, inductive and capacitive currents. Typical uses 9 10 s s s s s s s �Overhead transmission lines Cables Transformers Capacitors Filter circuits* Moto rs Reactor coils * Filter circuits cause an increase in voltage at the series-connected switching device. 3/78 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Medium-Voltage Devices Type NXACT Features s Integrated, mechanical interlocks between operating mechanisms. s Integrated, mechanical switch position 1 s s s s s indications for circuit-breaker, withdrawable part and earthing switch function (optional). Easy to withdraw, since only withdrawable part is moved. Fixed inter locking of circuit-breaker module with a switchpanel is possible. Manual or moto r operating mechanism (optional for the operating mechanisms). Enforced connecti on of low-voltage plug with the switchpanel, as soon as the module is installed in a panel. Maintenance-free operating mechanisms within scope of switching cycl es. 2 3 4 5 Fig. 108 6 NXACT vacuum circuit-breaker module 7 Front view 517 Side view 200 188 8 275 730 140* 767 9 375 100 10 586 646 156 584 Operating mechanism for earthing switch Dimensions in mm Fig. 109 * Travel Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/79 ��Medium-Voltage Devices Type 3AF 1 Outdoor vacuum circuitbreakers type 3AF The Siemens outdoor vacuum circuitbreakers are structure-mounted, easy-toinstall vacuum circuit-breakers for use in systems up to 36 kV. The pole construction i s a porcelain-clad construction similar to conventional outdoor high-voltage swi tchgear. The triple-pole circuit-breaker is fitted with reliable and well proven vacuum interrupters. Adequate phase spacing and height have been provided to me et standards and safety requirements. It is suitable for direct connection to ov erhead lines. The type design incorporates a minimum of moving parts and a simpl icity of assembly assuring a long mechanical and electrical life. All the fundam ental advantages of using vacuum interrupters like low operating energy, lightwe ight construction, virtually shock-free performance leading to ease of erection and reduction in foundation requirements, etc. have been retained. The Siemens o utdoor vacuum circuitbreakers are designed and tested to meet the requirements o f IEC 60 056/IS 13118. Advantages at a glance s s s s s Technical data Vacuum circuit-breaker type Rated voltage Rated frequency Rated l ightningimpulse withstand voltage Rated power-frequency withstand voltage (dry a nd wet) Rated short-circuit breaking current Rated short-circuit making current Rated current [kV] [Hz] [kV] [kV] [kA] [kA] [A] Type 3AF 36 50/60 170 70 25 2 3 4 63 5 1600 Fig. 111: Ratings for outdoor vacuum circuit-breakers 6 High reliability Negligible maintenance Suitable for rapid autoreclosing duty Lo ng electrical and mechanical life Completely environmentally compatible Front view 1830 190 725 350 725 350 Side view 285 285 7 8 3045 9 2410 1810 �10 1730 1930 Dimensions in mm Fig. 110: Outdoor vacuum circuit-breaker type 3AF for 36 kV Fig. 112: Dimensions of outdoor circuit-breaker type 3AF for 36 kV 450 650 3/80 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Medium-Voltage Devices Components, Type 3AY2 Components for vacuum circuitbreaker type 3AH Vacuum circuit-breakers are available in fixed-mounted as well as withdrawable f orm. When they are installed in substations, isolating contacts, as well as fixe d mating contacts and bushings are necessary. With the appropriate components, t he 3AH vacuum circuit-breakers can be upgraded to the status of switchgear modul e. Components The following components can be ordered: s Isolating contacts s Cu p-type bushings with fixed mating contacts s Truck with/or without interlocks s Switchgear module (Dimensions as per Figs. 115 and 116) Fig. 114: Switchgear module 12 kV, 25 kA, 1250 A 1 2 3 4 Front view Side view 800 227 1019 5 Technical data and product range Components for 12 kV Up to 2500 A /to 40 kA /1 sec. For 800 mm switchgear panel width: With 3AH1 ± 7.2/ 12 kV breaker 210 mm pole centre distance With 3AH5 ± 12 kV breaker 210 mm pole ce ntre distance 945 6 7 Dimensions in mm Fig. 115: 12 kV switchgear module Components for 24 kV To 2500 A /to 25 kA /1 sec. For 1000 mm switchgear panel width: With 3AH1 ± 24 kV breaker 275 mm pole centre distance With 3AH5 ± 24 kV breaker 275 mm pole centre d istance 8 Front view 1000 Side view 295 1224 On request: components for 15 kV To 2500 A /to 40 kA /1 sec. For 800 mm switchgear panel width: With 3AH1 ± 15 kV b reaker 210 mm pole centre distance With 3AH5 ± 17.5 kV breaker 210 mm pole centre distance 9 �10 1030 Components for 36 kV To 1250 A /to 16 kA /1 sec. For 1200 mm switchgear panel width: With 3AH5 ± 36 kV breaker 350 mm pole centre distance Fig. 113 Dimensions in mm Fig. 116: 24 kV switchgear module Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/81 �Medium-Voltage Devices Type 3CG 1 Indoor vacuum switches type 3CG The 3CG vacuum switches are multipurpose switches conforming to IEC 60 265-1 and DIN VDE 0670 Part 301. With these, all loads can be switched without any restri ction and with a high degree of reliability. The electrical and mechanical data are greater than for conventional switches. Moreover, the 3CG are maintenance fr ee. The vacuum switch is therefore extremely economical. Vacuum switches are sui table for the following switching duties: s Overhead lines s Cables s Transforme rs s Motors s Capacitors s Switching under ground-fault conditions 3CG switches can be combined with HV HRC fuses up to 250 A. When installed in Siemens switchg ear they comply with the specifications of IEC 60 420 and VDE 0670, Part 303. Ma ximum ratings of fuses on request. Technical data Rated voltage U Rated lightning-impulse withstand voltage Ul, Rat ed short-circuit making current I ma Rated short-time current I m (3s) Rated nor mal current I n Rated ring-main breaking current I c 1 Rated transformer breakin g current Rated capacitor breaking current Rated cable-charging breaking current I c Rated breaking current for stalled motors I d [kV] [kV] [kA] [kA] [A] [A] [ A] [A] [A] [A] 7.2 60 50 20 800 800 10 800 63 2500 5000 12 75 50 20 800 800 10 800 63 1600 3000 15 95 50 20 800 800 10 800 63 1250 2000 24 125 40 16 800 800 10 800 63 ± 2000 2 3 4 5 6 Transfer current according to IEC 60 420, [A] Inductive switching capacity (cosϕ £ 0 .15) Switching capacity under ground fault conditions: ± Rated ground fault breaki ng current I e [A] ± Rated cable-charging breaking [A] current ± Rated cable chargin g breaking [A] current with superimposed load current Number of switching cycles with I n Fig. 117: Ratings for vacuum switches type 3CG 7 630 63 63+800 630 63 63+800 630 63 63+800 630 63 63+800 8 10,000 10,000 10,000 �10,000 9 10 Fig. 118: Vacuum switch type 3CG for 12 kV, 800 A 3/82 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Medium-Voltage Devices Type 3CG 3CG, 7.2 and 12 kV 210 1 530 210 492 2 3 264 435 482 4 568 592 Dimensions in mm 43 170 5 6 3 CG, 24 kV 630 537 275 275 7 8 379 435 597 9 10 684 Dimensions in mm Fig. 119: Dimensions of vacuum switch type 3CG (Examples) 43 170 708 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/83 �Medium-Voltage Devices Type 3TL 1 Vacuum contactors Type 3TL The three-pole vacuum contactors type 3TL are for medium-voltage systems between 7.2 kV and 24 kV and incorporate a solenoid-operated mechanism for high switchi ng frequency and unlimited closing duration.They are suitable for the operationa l switching of AC devices in indoor systems and can perform, for example, the fo llowing switching duties: s Switching of three-phase motors in AC-3 and AC-4 ope ration s Switching of transformers s Switching of capacitors s Switching of ohmi c loads (e.g. arc furnaces) 3TL vacuum contactors have the following features: s Small dimensions s Long electrical life (up to 106 operating cycles) s Maintena nce-free s Vertical or horizontal mounting The vacuum contactors comply with the standards for high-voltage AC contactors between 1 kV and 12 kV according to IE C Publication 60 470-1970 and DIN VDE 0660 Part 103. 3TL 6 and 3TL 8 contactors also comply with UL Standard 347. The vacuum contactors are available in differe nt designs: s Type 3TL 6 with compact dimensions s Type 3TL 71 and 3TL 81 with s lender design 280 mm 220 mm 375 mm 325 mm 2 3 340 mm Fig. 120: Vacuum contactor type 3TL6 for fixed mounting 390 mm Fig. 121: Vacuum contactor type 3TL8 for fixed mounting 4 Technical data of the 3TL 6/7/8 vacuum contactor Vacuum contactor type [kV] Rate d normal voltage [Hz] Rated frequency [A] Rated normal current Switching capacit y according to utilization category AC-4 (cos ϕ = 0.35) [A] Rated making current [ A] Rated breaking current Mechanical life of contactor Switching cycles Mechanic al life of vacuum interrupter Switching cycles Electrical life of vacuum interru pter (Rated normal current) Switching cycles Fig. 122: Ratings for vacuum contactors type 3TL 3TL 61 7.2 50/60 450 3TL 65 12 50/60 450 3TL 71 24 50/60 800 3TL 81 7.2 50/60 400 5 �6 4500 3600 3 x 106 2 x 106 4500 3600 1 x 106 1 x 106 4500 3600 1 x 106 1 x 106 4000 3200 1 x 106 0.25 x 106 7 8 1 x 106 0.5 x 106 1 x 106 0.25 x 106 9 10 3/84 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Medium-Voltage Devices Type VS Vacuum interrupters Vacuum interrupters for the medium-voltage range are available from Siemens for all applications on the international market from 1 kV up to 40.5 kV. Applicatio ns s s s s s s s 1 2 Vacuum circuit-breakers Vacuum switches Vacuum contactors Transformer tap change rs Circuit breakers for railway applications Autoreclosers Special applications, e.g. in nuclear fusion 3 4 Compact designs Siemens vacuum interrupters provide very high switching capacity in very compact dimensions: for example vacuum interrupters for 15 kV/40 kA wit h housing dimensions of 125 mm diameter by 161 mm length, or for 12 kV/13.1 kA w ith 68 mm diameter by 115 mm length. Consistant quality assurance Complete quali ty assurance (TQM and DIN/ISO 9001), rigorous material checking of every deliver y and 100% tests of the interrupters for vacuum sealing assure reliable operatio n and the long life of Siemens vacuum interrupters. Environmental protection In the manufacture of our vacuum interrupters we only use environmentally compatibl e materials, such as copper, ceramics and high-grade steel. The manufacturing pr ocesses do not damage the environment. For example, no CFCs are used in producti on (fulfilling the Montreal agreement); the components are cleaned in a ultrason ic plant. During operation vacuum interrupters do not affect the environment and are themselves not affected by the environment. Know-how for special applicatio ns If necessary, Siemens is prepared to supplement the wide standard program by way of tailored, customized concepts. Fig. 123: Vacuum interrupters from 1 kV up to 40.5 kV 5 6 Product range (extract) Interrupters for vacuum circuit-breakers Rated voltage R ated normal current Rated short-circuit breaking current Interrupters for vacuum contactors Rated voltage Rated normal current Fig. 124a: Range of ratings for vacuum interrupters for CBs 7 [kV] [A] [kA] 7.2 630 12.5 to 40.5 to 4000 to 80 8 [kV] [A] 1 400 to 24 to 800 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/85 ��Medium-Voltage Devices Type 3CJ1 1 Switch disconnectors type 3CJ1 Indoor switch disconnectors type 3CJ1 are multipurpose types and meet all the re levant standards both as the basic version and in combination with (make-proof) grounding switches. The 3CJ1 indoor switch-disconnectors have the following feat ures: s A modular system with all important modules such as fuses, (make-proof) grounding switches, motor operating mechanism, shunt releases and auxiliary swit ches s Good dielectric properties even under difficult climatic conditions becau se of the exclusive use of standard post insulators for insulation against groun d s No insulating partitions even with small phase spacings s Simple maintenance and inspection 2 3 4 5 Fig. 125: Switch disconnector type 3CJ1 6 Technical data Rated voltage [kV] [kA] 12 20 15 26 24 18 7 Rated short-time withstand current Rated short-circuit making current [kA] 50 65 45 8 Rated normal current [A] 630 630 630 Fig. 126: Ratings for switch disconnectors type 3CJ1 9 10 3/86 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Medium-Voltage Devices Type 3D Disconnecting and grounding switches type 3D Disconnecting and grounding switches type 3D are suitable for indoor installatio ns from 12 kV up to 36 kV. Disconnectors are mainly used to protect personnel wo rking on equipment and must therefore be very reliable and safe. This is assured even under difficult climatic conditions. Disconnecting and grounding switches type 3D are supplied with a manual or motor drive operating mechanism. 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 127: Disconnecting switch type 3DC Technical data Rated voltage Rated short-time withstand current (1s) Rated short -circuit making current Rated normal current Fig. 128: Ratings for disconnectors type 3DC 6 [kV] [kA] 12 20 to 63 24 20 to 31.5 36 20 to 31.5 7 [kA] 50 to 160 50 to 80 50 to 80 8 [A] 630 to 2500 630 to 2500 630 to 2500 9 Technical data Rated voltage Rated short-time withstand current (1s) Rated peak withstand current [kV] 12 20 to 63 24 20 to 31.5 36 20 to 31.5 10 [kA] [kA] 50 to 160 50 to 80 50 to 80 Fig. 129: Ratings for grounding switches type 3DE Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/87 �Medium-Voltage Devices Type 3GD/3GH 1 HV HRC fuses type 3GD HV HRC (high-voltage high-rupturing-capacity) fuses are used for short-circuit p rotection in high-voltage switchgear. They protect switchgear and components, su ch as transformers, motors, capacitors, voltage transformers and cable feeders, from the dynamic and thermal effects of high shortcircuit currents by breaking t hem as they occur. The HV HRC fuse links can only be used to a limited degree as overload protection because they only operate with certainty when their minimum breaking current has already been exceeded. Up to this current the integrated t hermal striker prevents a thermal overload on the fuse when used in circuit brea ker/fuse combinations. Siemens HV HRC fuse links have the following features: s Use in indoor and outdoor installations s Nonaging because the fuse element is m ade of pure silver s Thermal tripping s Absolutely watertight s Low power loss W ith our 30 years of experience in the manufacture of HV HRC fuse links and with production and quality assurance that complies with DIN/ISO 9001, Siemens HV HRC fuse links meet the toughest demands for safety and reliability. 2 3 Fig. 130: HV HRC fuse type 3GD Technical data Rated voltage Rated short-circuit breaking current Rated normal c urrent [kV] [kA] 4 7.2 63 to 80 12 40 to 63 24 31.5 to 40 36 31.5 5 [A] 6.3 to 250 6.3 to 160 6.3 to 100 6.3 to 40 Fig. 131: Ratings for HV HRC fuse links type 3GD 6 7 Fuse-bases type 3GH 8 3GH fuse bases are used to accomodate HV HRC fuse links in switchgear. These fus �e bases are suitable for: s Indoor installations s High air humidity s Occasiona l condensation 3GH HV HRC fuse bases are available as single-phase and three-pha se versions. On request, a switching state indicator with an auxiliary switch ca n be installed. 9 Fig. 132: Fuse bases type 3GH with HV HRC fuse links 10 Technical data Rated voltage Peak withstand current Rated current [kV] [kA] 3.6/7.2 44 12 44 24 44 36 44 [A] 400 400 400 400 Fig. 133: Ratings for fuse bases type 3GH 3/88 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Medium-Voltage Devices Insulators and Bushings Insulators: Post insulators type 3FA and bushings type 3FH/3FM Insulators (post insulators and bushings) are used to insulate live parts from o ne another and also fulfill mechanical carrying and supporting functions. The ma terials for insulators are various cast resins and porcelains. The use of these materials, which have proved themselves over many years of exposure to the rough est operating and ambient conditions, and the high quality standard to DIN/ISO 9 001 assure the high degree of reliability of the insulators. Special ribbed form s ensure high electrical strength even when materials are deposited on the surfa ce and occasional condensation is formed. Post insulators and bushings are manuf actured in various designs for indoor and outdoor use depending on the applicati on. Innovative solutions, such as the 3FA4 divider post insulator with an integr ated expulsion-type arrester, provide optimum utility for the customer. Special designs are possible if requested by the customer. 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 135: Post insulators type 3FA1/2 Technical data Rated voltage Lightning-impulse withstand voltage Rated power-fre quency withstand voltage Minimum failing load [kV] [kV] [kV] [kN] 3.6 60 to 65 27 to 40 3.75 to 16 12 24 100 to 145 55 to 75 3.75 to 25 36 145 to 190 75 to 105 3.75 to 16 6 65 to 90 35 to 50 3.75 to 25 7 8 Fig. 136: Ratings for post insulators type 3FA1/2 L 9 U1 C1 M U U2 L Conductor U Operating voltage U1 Partial voltage across C1 U2 Partial voltage across C2 and indicator 10 V �C2 A C1 Coupling capacitance C2 Undercapacitance V Arrester A Indicator M Measuring s ocket Fig. 134: Draw-lead bushing type 3FH5/6 Fig. 137: The principle of capacitive voltage indication with the 3FA4 divider p ost insulator Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 3/89 �Medium-Voltage Devices Type 4M and Type 3E 1 Current and voltage transformers type 4M Measuring transformers are electrical devices that transform primary electrical quantities (currents and voltages) to proportional and in-phase quantities which are safe for connected equipment and operating personnel. The indoor post insul ator current and voltage transformers of the block type have DIN-conformant dime nsions and are used in air-insulated switchgear. A maximum of operational safety is assured even under difficult climatic conditions by the use of cycloalyphati c resin systems and proven cast-resin technology. Special customized versions (e .g. up to 3 cores for current transformers, switchable windings, capacitance lay er for voltage indication) can be supplied on request. The program also includes cast-resin insulated-bushing current transformers and outdoor current and volta ge transformers. 2 3 Fig. 138: Block current transformer type 4MA Fig. 139: Outdoor voltage transformer type 4MS4 4 Technical data Current transformers Rated voltage Primary rated current [kV] [A] 12 10 to 2500 80 24 10 to 2500 80 36 10 to 2500 80 5 to 10 5 to 13 8 to 17 Voltage transformers 12 24 36 5 6 Max. thermal rated [kA] short time current Sec. thermal limit current [A] 7 Surge arresters type 3E 8 Surge arresters have the function of protecting the insulation of installations or components from impermissible strain due to voltage surges. The product range includes: s Surge arresters for the protection of high-voltage motors and dry-t ype transformers. Range 3EF for cable networks up to 15 kV. s Plug-in surge arre sters for the protection of distribution networks. Range 3EH2 for networks up to 42 kV. s Special arresters for the protection of rotary machines and furnaces. Range 3EE2 for networks up to 42 kV. Fig. 140: Ratings for current and voltage transformers 9 10 Fig. 141: Surge arrester type 3EE2 Technical data and product range 3EF For networks of Rated discharge surge curre nt Short-circuit current strength Fig. 142 �3EH2 4.7 to 42 10 16 3EE2 4.5 to 42 10 50 to 300 [kV] [kA] [kA] 3.6 to 15 1 1 to 40 3/90 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Low-Voltage Switchboards SIVACON Contents Page Introduction .................................... 4/2 Advantages ............... ..................... 4/2 Technical data ............................... 4/3 Cub icle design ............................... 4/4 Busbar system .................. ............. 4/5 Installation designs ...................... 4/6 Circuit-breake r design ................. 4/6 Withdrawable-unit design .......... 4/7 In-line p lug-in design ................. 4/13 In-line-type plug-in design 3NJ6 .......... ....................... 4/14 Fixed-mounted design ................ 4/15 Communic ation with PROFIBUS®-DP ........................... 4/16 Frame and enclosure ..... ............ 4/17 Forms of internal separation .... 4/18 Installation details .. .................... 4/19 4 �Low-Voltage Switchboards Introduction 1 Low-voltage switchboards form the link between equipment for generation, transmi ssion (cables, overhead lines) and transformation of electrical energy on the on e hand, and the loads, such as motors, solenoid valves, actuators and devices fo r heating, lighting and air conditioning on the other. As the majority of applic ations are supplied with low voltage, the low-voltage switchboard is of special significance in both public supply systems and industrial plants. 2 Reliable power supplies are conditional on good availability, flexibility for pr ocessrelated modifications and high operating safety on the part of the switchbo ard. Power distribution in a system usually comes via a main switchboard (power control center or main distribution board) and a number of subdistribution board s or motor control centers (Fig. 1). General The SIVACON low-voltage switchboard is an economical, practical and typetested switchgear and controlgear assembly (Fig. 3), used for example in power e ngineering, in the chemical, oil and capital goods industries and in public and private building systems. It is notable for its good availability and high degre e of personnel and system safety. It can be used on all power levels up to 6300 A: s As main switchboard (power control center or main distribution board) s As motor control centre s As subdistribution board. With the many combinations that the SIVACON modular design allows, a wide range of demands can be met both in f ixed-mounted plug-in and in withdrawableunit design. All modules used are type-t ested (TTA), i.e they comply with the following standards: s IEC 60439-1 s DIN E N 60439-1 s VDE 0660 Part 500 also s DIN VDE 0106 Part 100 s VDE 0660 Part 500, supplement 2, IEC 61641 (arcing faults) Certification DIN EN ISO 9001 3 4 up to 4 MVA up to 690 V Cable or busbar system 5 up to 6300 A 3-50 Hz Incoming circuit-breaker LT Main switchboard Circuit-breakers as feeders to the subdistribution boards 6 up to 5000 A Connecting cables 7 ET ST FT Advantages of a SIVACON switchboard s Type-tested standard modules s Space-saving base areas from 8 �up to 630 A up to 100 A up to 630 A 400 x 400 mm s Solid wall design for safe cubicle9 up to 630 A up to 100 A M M M M M M M Subdistribution board e. g. services (Lighting, heating, air conditioning, etc.) to-cubicle separation s High packing density with up to 40 feeders per cubicle s Standard operator interface for all withdrawable units s Test and disconnected position M 10 with door closed Motor control center 1 in withdrawable-unit design for production/ manufacturing Motor control center 2 in withdrawable-unit design for production/ manufacturing up to 100 A Control s Visible isolating gaps and points of contact s Alternative busbar positioning at top or rear s Cable/bar connection from above LT ET FT ST = Circuit-breaker design = Withdrawable-unit design = Fixed-mounted design = Plu g-in design or below Fig. 1: Typical low-voltage network in an industrial plant 4/2 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition ��Low-Voltage Switchboards Technical data at a glance 1 Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Rated operational voltage (Ue) up to 1000 V 690 V 2 Busbar currents (3- and 4-pole): Horizontal main busbars Rated current Rated impulse withstand current (Ipk) Rate d short-time withstand current (Icw) Vertical busbars for circuit-breakers desig n See horizontal main busbars for fixed-mounted design / plug-in design Rated cu rrent Rated impulse withstand current (Ipk) Rated short-time withstand current ( Icw) for withdrawable-unit design Rated current Rated impulse withstand current (Ipk) Rated short-time withstand current (Icw) Device rated Circuit-breakers Cab le feeders Motor feeders Power loss per cubicle with combination of various cubi cles (Pv) Degree of protection to IEC 60529, EN 60529 * Rated conditional shortcircuit current Icc up to 100 kA ** Mean value at simultaneity factor of all fee ders of 0.6 Fig. 2 up to up to up to 6300 A 250 kA 100 kA 3 4 up to 2000 A up to 110 kA up to 50 kA* up to 1000 A up to 143 kA up to 65 kA* up to up to up to 6300 A 1600 A 630 A 5 6 7 approx. 600 W** IP 20 up to IP 54 8 1 1 Circuit-breaker-design cubicle with withdrawable circuit-breaker 3WN, 1600 A 2 3 4 9 2 Withdrawable-unit-design cubicle with miniature and normal withdrawable units up to 250 kW 10 3 Plug-in design cubicle with in-line modules and plug-in fuse strips 3NJ6 4 Fixed-mounted-design cubicle �with modular function units Fig. 3: SIVACON low-voltage switchboard Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 4/3 �Low-Voltage Switchboards Cubicle design 1 The cubicle is structured in modular grid based on one modular spacing (1 M) cor responding to 175 mm. The effective device installation space with a height of 1 750 mm therefore represents a height of 10 M. The top and bottom space each has a height of 225 mm (Fig. 5). A cubicle is subdivided into four function compartm ents: s Busbar compartment s Device compartment s Cable connection compartment s Cross-wiring compartment In 400 mm deep cubicles, the busbar compartment is at the top; in 600 mm deep cubicles it is at the rear. In double-front systems (100 0 mm depth) and in a power control center (1200 mm depth), the busbar compartmen t is located centrally. The switching device compartment accommodates switchgear and auxiliary equipment. The cable connection compartment is located on the rig ht-hand side of the cubicle. With circuit-breaker design, however, it is below t he switching device compartment (Fig. 4). The cross-wiring compartment is locate d at the top front and is provided for leading control and loop lines from cubic le to cubicle. 400 600 2 3 4 5 6 600 400 400 400 400 7 8 9 10 Busbar compartment Device compartment Dimensions in mm Cable connection compartm ent Cross-wiring compartment Fig. 4: Cubicle design 4/4 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Low-Voltage Switchboards Busbar system Together with the PEN or PE busbars, and if applicable the N busbars, the phase conductor busbars L1, L2 and L3 form the busbar system of a switchboard. One or more distribution buses and/or incoming and outgoing feeders can be connected to a horizontal main busbar. Depending on requirements, this main busbar passes th rough several cubicles and can be linked with another main busbar via a coupling . A vertical distribution busbar is connected with the main busbar and supplies outgoing feeders within a cubicle. In a 400 mm deep cubicle (Fig. 5a) the phase conductors of the main busbar are always at the top; the PEN or PE and N conduct ors are always at the bottom. The maximum rated current at 35 °C is 1965 A (non-ve ntilated), and 2250 A (ventilated); the maximum short-circuit strength is Ipk = 110 kA or Icw = 50 kA, respectively. In single-front systems with 600 mm cubicle depth (Fig. 5b), the main busbars are behind the switching device compartment. In double-front systems of 1000 mm depth (Fig. 5c), they are between the two swi tching device compartments (central). The phase conductors can be arranged at th e top or bottom; PEN, PE and N conductors are always at the bottom. The maximum rated current is at 35 °C 3250 A (non-ventilated) or 3500 A (ventilated); Ipk = 25 0 kA or Icw = 100 kA, respectively. In 1200 mm deep systems (power control cente r) (Fig. 5d) the conductors are arranged as for double-front systems, but in dup licate; the phase conductors are always at the top. The maximum rated current at 35 °C is 4850 A (non-ventilated) or 6300 A (ventilated); Ipk = 220 kA, Icw = 100 kA. 1 Top space Switching device compartment 2 225 225 3 2200 10 x 175 10 x 175 4 225 400 200 400 225 5 Bottom space a) b) 6 7 225 225 8 2200 10 x 175 2200 10 x 175 9 225 400 200 400 400 400 400 225 10 �c) d) Dimensions in mm Fig. 5: Modular grid and location of main busbars Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 4/5 �Low-Voltage Switchboards Installation designs 1 The following designs are available for the duties specified: s Circuit-breaker design s Withdrawable-unit design s Plug-in design s Fixed-mounted design 2 3 Circuit-breaker design Distribution boards for substantial energy requirements are generally followed b y a number of subdistribution boards and loads. Particular demands are therefore made in terms of long-term reliability and safety. That is to say, ºsupplyª, ºcouplin gª and ºfeederª functions must be reliably available over long periods of time. Mainte nance and testing must not involve long standstill times. The circuit-breaker de sign components meet these requirements. The circuit-breaker cubicles have separ ate function spaces for a switching device compartment, auxiliary equipment comp artment and cable/busbar connection compartment (Fig. 7). The auxiliary equipmen t compartment is above the switching device compartment. The cable or busbar con nection compartment is located below. With supply from above, the arrangement is a like a mirror image. The cubicle width is determined by the breaker rated cur rent. Breaker rated current [A] IN to 1600 IN to 2500 IN to 3200 IN to 6300 Fig. 6 4 5 6 7 Cubicle width [mm] 400/500 600 800 1000 Fig. 7: Circuit-breaker cubicle with withdrawable circuit-breaker 3WN, 1600 A ra ted current 8 9 Circuit-breaker design 3WN 10 The 3WN circuit-breakers in withdrawableunit or fixed-mounted design are used fo r incoming supply, outgoing feeders and couplings (longitudinal and transverse). The operational current can be shown on an LCD display in the control panel; th ere is consequently no need for an ammeter or current transformer. The high short-time current-carrying capacity for time-graded short-circuit prot ection (up to 500 ms) assures reliable operation of sections of the switchboard not affected by a short circuit. With the aid of short-time grading control for very brief delay times (50 ms), the stresses and damage suffered by a switchboar d in the event of a short-circuit can be substantially minimized, regardless of the preset delay time of the switching device concerned. The withdrawable circui t-breaker has three positions between which it can be moved with the aid of a cr �ank or spindle mechanism. In the connected position the main and auxiliary conta cts are closed. In the test position the auxiliary contacts are closed. In the disconnected posi tion both main and auxiliary contacts are open. Mechanical interlocks ensure tha t, in the process of moving from one position to another, the circuit-breaker al ways reaches the OPEN state or that closing is not possible when the breaker is between two positions. The circuit-breaker is always moved with the door closed. The actual position in which it is can be telecommunicated via a signaling swit ch. A kit, switch or withdrawable unit can be used for grounding and short-circu iting. 4/6 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Low-Voltage Switchboards Withdrawable-unit design A major feature of withdrawable-unit design is removability and ease of replacem ent of equipment combinations under operating conditions, i.e. a switchboard can be adapted to process-related modifications without having to be shut down. Wit hdrawable-unit design is used therefore mainly for switching and control of moto rs (Fig. 8). Withdrawable units The equipment of the main circuit of an outgoing feeder and the relevant auxiliary equipment are integrated as a function unit i n a withdrawable unit, which can be easily accommodated in a cubicle. In basic s tate, all equipment and movable parts are within the withdrawable unit contours and thereby protected from damage. The facility for equipping the withdrawable u nits from the rear allows plenty of space for auxiliary devices. Measuring instr uments, indicator lights, pushbuttons, etc. are located on a hinged instrument p anel, such that settings (e.g. on the overload relay) can be easily performed du ring operation. A distinction is made between miniature (sizes 1/4 and 1/2) and normal withdrawa ble units (sizes 1, 2, 3 and 4) (Fig. 9). The normal withdrawable unit of size 1 has a height of one modular spacing (175 mm) and can, with the use of a miniatu re withdrawable unit adapter, be replaced by 4 withdrawable units of size 1/4 or 2 units of size 1/2. The withdrawable units of sizes 2, 3 and 4 have a height o f 2, 3 and 4 modular spacings, respectively. The maximum complement of a cubicle is, for example, 10 full-size withdrawable units of size 1 or 40 miniature with drawable units of size 1/4 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fig. 8: High packing density with up to 40 feeders per cubicle Fig. 9: SIVACON withdrawable units size 1, size 1/4 and 1/2 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 4/7 �Low-Voltage Switchboards Moving isolating contact system 1 L3 L2 L1 N Connected position 2 3 L3 L2 L1 N 4 Disconnected position 5 6 L3 L2 L1 N For main and auxiliary circuits the withdrawable units are equipped with a movin g isolating contact system. It has contacts on both the incoming and outgoing si de; they can be moved by handcrank such that they come laterally out of the with drawable unit and engage with the fixed contacts in the cubicle. On miniature wi thdrawable units the isolating contact system moves upwards into the miniature w ithdrawable unit adapter. A distinction is made between connected, disconnected and test position (Fig. 10). In the connected position both main and auxiliary c ontacts are closed; in the disconnected position they are open. The test positio n allows testing of the withdrawable unit for proper function in no-load (cold) state, in which the main contacts are open, but the auxiliary contacts are close d for the incoming control voltage. In all three positions the doors are closed and the withdrawable unit mechanically connected with the switchboard. This assu res optimal safety for personnel and the degree of protection is upheld. Movemen t from the connected into the test position and vice-versa always passes through the disconnected position; this assures that all contactors drop out. Operating error protection 7 Test position Integrated maloperation protection in each withdrawable unit reliably prevents m oving of the isolating contacts with the main circuit-breaker ºCLOSEDª (handcrank ca nnot be attached) (Fig. 11). 8 Fig. 10: Withdrawable-unit principle 9 10 Fig. 11: Operating error protection prevents travel of the isolating contacts wh en the master switch is ªONº 4/8 �Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Low-Voltage Switchboards Indicating and signaling AZNV Test 21 - S21 - X19 21 AZNV/Test - X19 - Q1 - S21 22 22 - Q1 - S20 - X19 - S21 COM 21 22 AZNV The current position of a withdrawable unit is clearly indicated on the instrume nt panel. Such signals as ºfeeder not availableª (AZNV), ºtestª and ºAZNV and testª can be g iven by additional alarm switches. The alarm switch in the compartment (S21) is a limit switch of NC design; that in the withdrawable unit (S20) is of NO design . Both are actuated by the main isolating contacts of the withdrawable unit (Fig . 12). 1 2 3 WU Compt. WU Compt. WU Test Compt. 4 X19 = Auxiliary isolating contact S20 = Alarm switch in withdrawable unit* S21 = Alarm switch in compartment* WU = Withdrawable unit Compt. = Compartment *actua ted by main isolating contact 5 6 Main isolating contact Aux. isolating contact 7 In withdrawable unit - S 20 1 NO In compartment - S 21 1 NC �8 Connected 9 * Disconnected 10 Test *No signal, as auxiliary isolating contact open Fig. 12: Circuitry and position of main and auxiliary contacts Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 4/9 �Low-Voltage Switchboards Vertical distribution bus (plug-on bus) 1 2 The vertical plug-on bus with the phase conductors L1, L2 and L3 is located on t he left-hand side of the cubicle and features safe-to-touch tap openings (Fig. 1 3). The vertical PE, PEN and N busbars are on the right-hand side of the cubicle in a separate, 400 mm wide cable connection compartment, equipped with variable cable brackets. 3 4 5 Rated currents ± fused and withdrawable unit sizes of cable feeders Fig. 13: Arcing fault-protected plug-on bar system embedded in the left of the c ubicle Device 6 Type Rated current Withdrawable unit size [A] 35 63 125 160 250 400 630 1/4 / 1/2 1 1 2 2 2 3 7 8 Rated currents ± non-fused and withdrawable unit sizes of cable feeders D306 3KL50 3KL52 3KL53 3KL55 3KL57 3KL61 Device 9 Rated current Withdrawable unit size Type [A] 12 25 50 160 160 250 400 630 1/4 / 1/2 1/4 / 1/2 / 1 1/2 / 1 1 1 2 2 4 10 I 3RV101 3RV102 3RV103 3RV104 3VF3 3VF4 3VF5 3VF6 �Fig. 14 4/10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Low-Voltage Switchboards Power ratings ± fused and withdrawable unit sizes of motor feeders 1 FVR Star-delta starters FVNR 2 3 4 5 Full-voltage non-reversing (FVNR) motor starters Normal-duty start [kW] 400 V 11 18.5 22 75 160 250 ± ± Fig. 15 Full-voltage non-reversing (FVNR) motor starters Heavy-duty start [kW] 400 V 7.5 15 22 45 90 160 ± ± Full-voltage reversing (FVR) motor starters Reversing circuit [kW] 400 V 5.5 18.5 22 45 110 250 ± ± Star-delta starters [kW] Withdrawable unit size 6 400 V ± ± 30 55 132 ± 250 355 500 V 11 22 22 90 200 355 690 V 11 22 37 90 160 500 500 V 7.5 15 30 55 132 200 690 V 11 22 37 90 132 375 500 V 5.5 22 22 55 132 315 690 V 5.5 22 22 55 160 375 500 V ± ± 37 75 160 ± 315 355 690 V ± ± 55 90 160 ± 400 500 1/4 1/2 1 2 3 4 3+3 4+4 7 �8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 4/11 �Low-Voltage Switchboards 1 Power ratings ± non-fused with overload relay and withdrawable unit sizes of motor feeders FVNR FVR Star-delta starters 2 3 I I I 4 5 Coordination type 1 6 Full-voltage non-reversing (FVNR) motor starters Normal-duty start [kW] 400 V 50 0 V 11 18.5 30 90 200 250 Full-voltage non-reversing (FVNR) motor starters Heavy-duty start [kW] 400 V 4 11 11 37 132 160 Full-voltage reversing (FVR) motor starters Reversing circuit [kW] 400 V 5.5 11 22 75 160 250 Star-delta starters [kW] Withdrawable unit size 690 V ± ± ± ± ± ± 500 V 3 15 15 45 160 200 690 V ± ± ± ± ± ± 500 V 5.5 11 30 90 200 315 690 V ± ± ± ± ± ± 400 V �± ± 22 55 110 200 500 V ± ± 30 75 132 250 690 V ± ± ± ± ± ± 1/4 1/2 1 2 3 4 7 8 11 18.5 22 75 160 250 Coordination type 2 9 Full-voltage non-reversing (FVNR) motor starters Normal-duty start [kW] 400 V 7.5 18.5 22 75 160 250 Fig. 16 Full-voltage non-reversing (FVNR) motor starters Heavy-duty start [kW] 400 V 4 11 11 37 132 160 Full-voltage reversing (FVR) motor starters Reversing circuit [kW] 400 V 0.55 7.5 22 55 160 250 Star-delta starters [kW] Withdrawable unit size 10 500 V 7.5 18.5 30 90 200 315 690 V ± ± ± ± ± 500 V 0.37 11 15 45 160 200 690 V ± ± ± ± ± ± 500 V 0.75 7.5 30 75 200 315 690 V ± ± ± ± ± ± 400 V ± ± 22 55 110 160 500 V ± ± 30 75 132 100 690 V ± ± ± ± ± ± 1/4 1/2 1 2 3 4 �4/12 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Low-Voltage Switchboards In-line plug-in design The in-line plug-in design represents a lowpriced alternative to both the classi c fixedmounted and the convenient withdrawable unit design. By virtue of the sup ply-side plug-in contact, the modules provide the facility for quick interchange ability without the switchboard having to be isolated. This design is therefore used wherever changing requirements are imposed on operation, if for example mot or ratings have to be changed or new loads connected. In-line plug-in modules, a cost-effective, compact design for: s Load outgoing feeders up to 45 kW s 3RV o utgoing circuit-breaker units up to 100 A The modules are fitted with the new SI RIUSTM 3R switching devices. The compact overall width of the SIRIUS 3R devices, as well as the facility for lining them up with connecting modules, are particu lary noticeable in the extremely narrow construction of the in-line modules. A l ateral guide rail in the cubicle facilitates handling when replacing a module an d at the same time ensures positive contact with the plug-in bus system. Rated currents ± non fused and modulheight of cable feeders 1 Device Rated current [A] 12 25 50 100 Modulheight [mm] 50 50 100 100 Type 3RV101 3RV102 3RV103 3RV104 2 I 3 Fig. 18 Power ratings ± non-fused with overload relay and module height of motor feeders 4 FVNR FVR 5 I I 6 7 Coordination type 1 Full-voltage non-reversing (FVNR) motor starters Normal-duty start [kW] 400 V 11 45 ± Coordination type 2 �Full-voltage reversing (FVR) motor starters Reversing circuit [kW] 400 V ± 11 45 Modulheight [mm] 8 50 100 200 9 10 Full-voltage reversing (FVR) motor starters Reversing circuit [kW] 400 V ± 7.5 45 Full-voltage non-reversing (FVNR) motor starters Normal-duty start [kW] 400 V 7.5 45 ± Fig. 17: In-line plug-in design combined with plug-in fuse strips 3NJ6 Fig. 19 Modulheight [mm] 50 100 200 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 4/13 �Low-Voltage Switchboards In-line-type plug-in design 3NJ6 1 In-line-type switching devices allow spacesaving installation of cable feeders i n a cubicle and are particularly notable for their compact design (Fig. 20). The in-line-type switching devices feature plug-in contacts on the incoming side. T hey are alternatively available for cable feeders up to 630 A as: s Fuse module s Fuse-switch disconnectors (single-break) s Fuse-switch disconnectors (double-b reak) with or without solid-state fuse monitoring s Switch disconnectors 2 3 4 5 6 The single- or double-break in-line-type switching devices allow fuse changing i n dead state. The main switch is actuated by pulling a vertical handle to the si de. The modular design allows quick reequipping and easy replacement of in-linetype switching devices under operating conditions. The in-line-type switching de vices have a height of 50 mm, 100 mm or 200 mm. A cubicle can consequently be eq uipped with up to 35 in-line-type switching devices. Vertical distribution bus ( plug-on bus) The vertical plug-on bus with the phase conductors L1, L2 and L3 is located at the back in the cubicle and can be additionally fitted with a shockhazard protection. The vertical PE, PEN and N busbars are on the right-hand side of the cubicle in a separate, 400 mm wide cable connection compartment, equippe d with variable cable brackets. 7 8 Fig. 20: Cubicle with in-line-type switching devices 9 Fuse-switch disconnector (single break) Device Rated current In-linetype size 10 Type 3NJ6110 3NJ6120 3NJ6140 3NJ6160 Fig. 21: Rated currents and installation data of in-line-type switching devices [A] 160 250 400 630 Height [mm] 50 100 200 200 �4/14 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Low-Voltage Switchboards Fixed-mounted design In certain applications, e.g. in building installation systems, either there is no need to replace components under operating conditions or short standstill tim es do not result in exceptional costs. In such cases the fixed-mounted design (F ig. 22) offers excellent economy, high reliability and flexibility by virtue of: s Any combination of modular function units s Easy replacement of function unit s after deenergizing the switchboard s Brief modification or standstill times by virtue of lateral vertical cubicle busbars s Add-on components for subdivision and even compartmentalization in accordance with requirements. Modular function units The modular function units enable versatile and efficient installation, ab ove all whenever operationally required changes or adaptations to new load data are necessary (Fig. 23). The subracks can be equipped as required with switching devices or combinations thereof; the function units can be combined as required within one cubicle. When the function modules are fitted in the cubicle they ar e first attached in the openings provided and then bolted to the cubicle. This s ecuring system enables uncomplicated ºone-man assemblyª. Vertical distribution bus ( cubicle busbar) The vertical cubicle busbar with the phase conductors L1, L2 and L3 is fastened to the left-hand side wall of the cubicle and offers many connec tion facilities (without the need for drilling or perforation) for cables and ba rs. It can be subdivided at the top or bottom once per cubicle (for group circui ts or couplings). The connections are easily accessible and therefore equally ea sy to check. A transparent shock-hazard protection allows visual inspection and assures a very high degree of personnel safety. The vertical PE, PEN and N busba rs are on the right-hand side of the cubicle in a separate, up to 400 mm wide ca ble connection compartment, equipped with variable cable brackets. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fig. 22: Variable fixed-mounted design 9 10 Fig. 23: Fused modular function unit with direct protection, 45 kW Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 4/15 �Low-Voltage Switchboards 1 Communication with PROFIBUS® -DP With SIMOCODE®-DP for motor and cable feeders and the interface DP/3WN for circuit -breakers type 3WN, SIVACON offers an economical possibility of exchanging data with automation systems. The widespread standardized, cross-manufacturer-PROFIBU S®-DP serves as the bus system, offering links to a very diverse range of programm able controllers. s Easy installation planning s Saving in wiring Communicationcapable circuit-breaker 3WN (Fig. 25) s Remote-control for opening and closing s Remote diagnostics for preventive mai n2 3 4 tenance 5 s Signalling of operating states s Transmission of current values e.g. for Fig. 24 Fig. 25: 3WN circuit-breaker power management Communication-capable motor protection and control device SIMOC ODE-DP (Fig. 26) s s s s 6 7 Integrated full motor protection Extensive control functions Convenient diagnost ics possibilities Autonomous operation of each feeder via an operator control bl ock AS-interface (Fig. 27) s Status messages via AS-I modules 8 (On/Off/Control) Fig. 26: SIMOCODE-DP in size 1/4 withdrawable unit Fig. 27: AS-interface modules 41 9 10 4/16 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition ��Low-Voltage Switchboards Frame and enclosure The galvanized SIVACON cubicle frames are of solid wall design and ensure reliab le cubicle-to-cubicle separation. The enclosure is made of powder-coated steel s heets (Fig. 28 and 29). A cubicle front features one or more doors, depending on requirements and cubicle type. These doors are of 2 mm thick, powder-coated she et steel and are hinged on the right or left (attached to the frame). Spring-loa ded door locks prevent the doors from flying open unintentionally, and also ensu re safe pressure equalization in the event of an arcing fault. Degree of protect ion (against foreign bodies/water, and personnel safety) A distinction is made b etween ventilated and non-ventilated cubicles. Ventilated cubicles are provided with slits in the base space door and in the top plate and attain degree of prot ection in relation to the operating area of IP 20/21 or IP 40/41, respectively. Non-ventilated cubicles attain degree of protection IP 54. In relation to the ca ble compartment, degree of protection IP 00 or IP 40, is generally attained. Top busbar system 1 2 3 4 5 Rear busbar system 6 Fig. 28: Rear and top busbar system Fig. 29: Device compartment can be separated from interconnected busbar Cubicle dimensions and average weights 7 Depth [mm] Rated current [A] up to 1600 up to 2000 up to 1600 up to 1600 up to 2500 up to 3200 up to 4000 up to 6300 Height [mm] Circuit-breaker design 2200 Width [mm] Approx. weight [kg] 8 500 600 500 600 600 800 1000 1000 400 600 285 390 325 335 440 540 700 1200 9 1200 Withdrawable-unit design/plug-in design 2200 1000 400 600 1000 420 480 690 10 Fixed-mounted design �2200 1000 400 600 1000 320 380 550 Fig. 30: Cubicle dimensions and average weights Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 4/17 �Low-Voltage Switchboards Form of internal separation 1 In accordance with IEC 60439-1, (Fig. 32) Depending on requirements, the functio n compartments can be subdivided as per the following table: Form 1 1 2 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 Functional unit Terminal for external conductors Main busbar Busbar Incoming cir cuit Outgoing circuit 2 Form 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 1 2 3 4 3 Circuitbreaker design Withdrawableunit design Plug-in design ± 3 NJ6 ± In-line Fixed mounted design ± Modular ± Compensation Fig. 31 Form 2a 1 2 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 Form 2b 1 2 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 5 6 Form 3a 1 2 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 Form 3b 1 2 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 7 8 9 Form 4a 1 2 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 2 Form 4b 1 2 4 4 2 10 Fig. 32: Forms of internal separation to IEC 60439-1 4/18 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition ��Low-Voltage Switchboards Installation details Transport units For transport purposes, individual cubicles of a switchboard are combined to form a transport unit, up to a maximum length of 2400 mm. The trans port base is 200 mm longer than the transport unit and is 190 mm high. The trans port base depth is: Floor penetrations The cubicles feature floor penetrations for leading in cables for connection, or for an incoming supply from below (Fig. 35). 1 Cubicle depth 400 mm 25 Diameter 14.1 2 323 215 400 3 Cubicle depth [mm] 400 600 1000 1200 38.5 Cubicle width - 100 75 Transport base depth [mm] Fig. 33 900 1050 1460 1660 Cubicle width 4 Cubicle depth 600 mm If the busbar is at the top, the main busbars between two transport units are co nnected via lugs which are bolted to the busbar system. If the busbar is at the rear, the individual bars can be bolted together via connection elements, as the conductors of the right-hand transport unit are offset to the left and protrude beyond the cubicle edge. Mounting Cubicle depths 400 mm and 600 mm: s Wall- or s Floor-mounting Cubicle depths 1000 mm and 1200 mm: s Floor-mounting The follow ing minimum clearances between the switchboard and any obstacles must be observe d: 25 Diameter 14.1 �5 523 323 250 600 75 Cubicle width - 100 Cubicle width 6 38.5 7 Cubicle depth 1000 mm, 1200 mm 25 Diameter 14.1 75 250 8 Clearances 9 100 mm 75 mm 100 mm Cubicle depth - 77 1000 or 1200 250 Switchboard 10 38.5 Fig. 34 75 Cubicle width - 100 Cubicle width There must be a minimum clearance of 400 mm between the top and sides of the cub icle and any obstacles. Free space for cables and bar penetrations Fig. 35: Floor penetrations Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 4/19 �Low-Voltage Switchboards Operating and maintenance gangways 1 2 20001) 3 All doors of a SIVACON switchboard can be fitted such that they close in the dir ection of an escape route or emergency exit. If they are fitted differently, car e must be taken that when doors are open, there is a minimum gangway of 500 mm ( Fig. 36). In general, the door width must be taken into account, i.e. a door mus t open through at least 90°. (In circuit-breaker and fixedmounted designs the maxi mum door width is 1000 mm.) If a lifting truck is used to install a circuitbreak er, the gangway widths must suit the dimensions of the lifting truck. 4 1) 600 700 700 700 600 700 Dimensions of lifting truck [mm] Minimum gangway height under covers or enclosures Height Width Depth 2000 680 920 5 Minimum gangway width [mm] 6 Approx. Fig. 37 1500 7 Min. gangway width Escape route 600 or 700 mm Free min. width 500 mm1) 8 2) 9 10 1) Where switchboard fronts face each other, narrowing of the gangway as a result of open doors (i.e. doors that do not close in the direction of the escape route) is re ckoned with only on one side 2) Note door widths, i.e. it must be possible to op en the door through at least 90° Dimensions in mm For further information please contact: Fax: ++ 49 - 3 41- 4 47 04 00 www.ad.sie �mens.de Fig. 36: Reduced gangways in area of open doors 4/20 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Transformers Contents Page Introduction ....................................... 5/2 Product Range ......... ......................... 5/3 Electrical Design .............................. 5 /4 Transformer Loss Evaluation ......... 5/6 Mechanical Design ................. ........ 5/8 Connection Systems ....................... 5/9 Accessories and Prot ective Devices ........................ 5/11 Technical Data Distribution Transfo rmers ............ 5/13 Technical Data Power Transformers ...................... 5/18 On-load Tap Changers .................. 5/26 Cast-resin Dry-type Transform ers, GEAFOL .................. 5/27 Technical Data GEAFOL Cast-resin Dry-type Tr ansformers .................. 5/31 Special Transformers .................... 5/3 5 5 �Introduction 1 2 3 4 5 6 Transformers are one of the primary components for the transmission and distribu tion of electrical energy. Their design results mainly from the range of applica tion, the construction, the rated power and the voltage level. The scope of tran sformer types starts with generator transformers and ends with distribution tran sformers. Transformers which are directly connected to the generator of the powe r station are called generator transformers. Their power range goes up to far ab ove 1000 MVA. Their voltage range extends to approx. 1500 kV. The connection bet ween the different highvoltage system levels is made via network transformers (n etwork interconnecting transformers). Their power range exceeds 1000 MVA. The vo ltage range exceeds 1500 kV. Distribution transformers are within the range from 50 to 2500 kVA and max. 36 kV. In the last step, they distribute the electrical energy to the consumers by feeding from the high-voltage into the low-voltage d istribution network. These are designed either as liquid-filled or as dry-type t ransformers. Transformers with a rated power up to 2.5 MVA and a voltage up to 3 6 kV are referred to as distribution transformers; all transformers of higher ra tings are classified as power transformers. In addition, there are various specialpurpose transformers such as converter tra nsformers, which can be both in the range of power transformers and in the range of distribution transformers as far as rated power and rated voltage are concer ned. As special elements for network stabilization, arc-suppression coils and co mpensating reactors are available. Arc-suppression coils compensate the capaciti ve current flowing through a ground fault and thus guarantee uninterrupted energ y supply. Compensating reactors compensate the capacitive power of the cable net works and reduce overvoltages in case of load rejection; the economic efficiency and stablility of the power transmission are improved. The general overview of our manufacturing/delivery program is shown in the table ºProduct Rangeª. Standards and specifications, general The transformers comply with the relevant VDE specifications, i.e. DIN VDE 0532 ºTransformers and reactorsª and the ºTechnical c onditions of supply for threephase transformersª issued by VDEW and ZVEI. Therefor e they also satisfy the requirements of IEC Publication 76, Parts 1 to 5 togethe r with the standards and specifications (HD and EN) of the European Union (EU). Enquiries should be directed to the manufacturer where other standards and speci fications are concerned. Only the US (ANSI/NEMA) and Canadian (CSA) standards di ffer from IEC by any substantial degree. A design according to these standards i s also possible. Important additional standards s DIN 42 500, HD 428: oil-immersed Rated power [MVA] Max. operating voltage [kV] Figs. on page s s s �0.05±2.5 £ 36 Oil distribution transformers 2.5±3000 36±1500 Power transformers 0.10±20 GE AFOLcast-resin transformers Fig. 1: Transformer types 5/13± 5/17 5/18± 5/25 5/27± 5/34 s s s s s 7 £ 36 three-phase distribution transformers 50±2500 kVA DIN 42 504: oil-immersed three-p hase transformers 2±10 MVA DIN 42 508: oil-immersed three-phase transformers 12.5±80 MVA DIN 42 523, HD 538: three-phase dry-type transformers 100±2500 kVA DIN 45 635 T30: noise level IEC 289: reactance coils and neutral grounding transformers IE C 551: measurement of noise level IEC 726: dry-type transformers RAL: coating/va rnish 8 9 10 5/2 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Product Range Oil-immersed distribution transformers, TUMETIC, TUNORMA 50 to 2 500 kVA, highest voltage for equipment up to 36 kV, with copper or alumi num windings, hermetically sealed (TUMETIC®) or with conservator (TUNORMA®) of three - or single-phase design 1 2 Generator and power transformers Above 2.5 MVA up to more than 1000 MVA, above 30 kV up to 1500 kV (system and sy stem interconnecting transformers, with separate windings or auto-connected), wi th on-load tap changers or off-circuit tap changers, of three- or single-phase d esign 3 Cast-resin distribution and power transformers GEAFOL 100 kVA to more than 20 MVA, highest voltage for equipment up to 36 kV, of three - or single-phase design GEAFOL®-SL substations 4 5 Special transformers for industry, traction and HVDC transmission systems Furnace and converter transformers Traction transformers mounted on rolling stoc k and appropriate on-load tap-changers Substation transformers for traction syst ems Transformers for train heating and point heating Transformers for HVDC trans mission systems Transformers for audio frequencies in power supply systems Three -phase neutral electromagnetic couplers and grounding transformers Ignition tran sformers 6 7 Reactors Liquid-immersed shunt and current-limiting reactors up to the highest rated powe rs Reactors for HVDC transmission systems 8 Accessories Buchholz relays, oil testing equipment, oil flow indicators and other monitoring devices Fan control cabinets, control cabinets for parallel operation and autom atic voltage control Sensors (PTC, Pt 100) 9 10 Service Advisory services for transformer specifications Organization, coordination and supervision of transportation Supervision of assembly and commissioning Service/ inspection troubleshooting services Training of customer personnel Investigation and assessment of oil problems Fig. 2 �Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 5/3 �Electrical Design Power ratings and type of cooling 1 2 3 All power ratings in this guide are the product of rated voltage (times phase-fa ctor for three-phase transformers) and rated current of the line side winding (a t center tap, if several taps are provided), expressed in kVA or MVA, as defined in IEC 76-1. If only one power rating and no cooling method are shown, natural oil-air cooling (ONAN or OA) is implied for oil-immersed transformers. If two ra tings are shown, forced-air cooling (ONAF or FA) in one or two steps is applicab le. For cast resin transformers, natural air cooling (AN) is standard. Forced ai r cooling (AF) is also applicable. Temperature rise In accordance with IEC-76 th e standard temperature rise for oil-immersed power and distribution transformers is: s 65 K average winding temperature (measured by the resistance method) s 60 K top oil temperature (measured by thermometer) The standard temperature rise f or Siemens cast-resin transformers is s 100 K (insulation class F) at HV and LV winding. Whereby the standard ambient temperatures are defined as follows: s 40 °C maximum temperature, s 30 °C average on any one day, s 20 °C average in any one yea r, s ±25 °C lowest temperature outdoors, s ±5 °C lowest temperature indoors. Higher ambi ent temperatures require a corresponding reduction in temperature rise, and thus affect price or rated power as follows: s 1.5% surcharge for each 1 K above sta ndard temperature conditions, or s 1.0% reduction of rated power for each 1 K ab ove standard temperature conditions. These adjustment factors are applicable up to 15 K above standard temperature conditions. Altitude of installation The tran sformers are suitable for operation at altitudes up to 1000 meters above sea lev el. Site altitudes above 1000 m necessitate the use of special designs and an in crease/or a reduction of the transformer ratings as follows (approximate values) : Dy1 I iii III ii i 1 Yd1 I 1 i ii II II III iii Dy5 I ii III i 5 Yd5 iii II III ii I iii i 5 II 4 �Dy11 11 i I Yd11 11 i II I 5 ii III iii III ii iii II 6 Fig. 3: Most commonly used vector groups s 2% increase for every 500 m altitude (or 7 part there of) in excess of 1000 m, or s 2% reduction of rated power for each 50 0 m altitude (or part there of) in excess of 1000 m. Transformer losses and effi ciencies Losses and efficiencies stated in this guide are average values for gui dance only. They are applicable if no loss evaluation figure is stated in the in quiry (see following chapter) and they are subject to the tolerances stated in I EC 76-1, namely +10% of the total losses, or +15% of each component loss, provid ed that the tolerance for the total losses is not exceeded. If optimized and/or guaranteed losses without tolerances are required, this must be stated in the in quiry. Connections and vector groups Distribution transformers The transformers listed in this guide are all three-phase transformers with one set of windings c onnected in star (wye) and the other one in delta, whereby the neutral of the st ar-connected winding is fully rated and brought to the outside. 8 The primary winding (HV) is normally connected in delta, the secondary winding ( LV) in wye. The electrical offset of the windings in respect to each other is ei ther 30, 150 or 330 degrees standard (Dy1, Dy5, Dy11). Other vector groups as we ll as single-phase transformers and autotransformers on request (Fig. 3). Power transformers Generator transformers and large power transformers are usually con nected in Yd. For HV windings higher than 110 kV, the neutral has a reduced insu lation level. For star/star-connected transformers and autotransformers normally a tertiary winding in delta, whose rating is a third of that of the transformer , has to be added. This stabilizes the phase-to phase voltages in the case of an unbalanced load and prevents the displacement of the neutral point. Single-phas e transformers and autotransformers are used when the transportation possibiliti es are limited. They will be connected at site to three-phase transformer banks. 9 10 5/4 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition ��Electrical Design Insulation level Power-frequency withstand voltages and lightning-impulse withst and voltages are in accordance with IEC 76-3, Para. 5, Table II, as follows: Highest voltage for equipment Um (r. m. s.) Rated shortduration powerfrequency withstand voltage (r. m. s.) [kV] 3 10 20 28 38 50 70 95 140 185 230 Rated lightningimpulse withstand voltage (peak) [kV] £ 1.1 3.6 7.2 12.0 17.5 24.0 36.0 52.0 72.5 123.0 List 1 [kV] ± 20 40 60 75 95 145 250 325 450 550 650 750 850 950 List 2 [kV] ± Conversion to 60 Hz ± possibilities All ratings in the selection tables of this gu ide are based on 50 Hz operation. For 60 Hz operation, the following options app ly: s 1. Rated power and impedance voltage are increased by 10%, all other param eters remain identical. s 2. Rated power increases by 20%, but no-load losses in crease by 30% and noise level increases by 3 dB, all other parameters remain ide ntical (this layout is not possible for cast-resin transformers). s 3. All techn ical data remain identical, price is reduced by 5%. s 4. Temperature rise is red uced by 10 K, load losses are reduced by 15%, all other parameters remain identi cal. Overloading Transformer cell (indoor installation) The transformer cell must have the necess ary electrical clearances when an open air connection is used. The ventilation s ystem must be large enough to fulfill the recommendations for the maximum temper atures according to IEC. For larger power transformers either an oil/water cooli ng system has to be used or the oil/air cooler (radiator bank) has to be install ed outside the transformer cell. In these cases a ventilation system has to be i nstalled also to remove the heat caused by the convection of the transformer tan k. 1 2 3 4 40 60 75 95 Overloading of Siemens transformers is guided by the relevant IEC-354 ºLoading gui de for oil-immersed transformersª and the (similar) ANSI C57.92 ºGuide for loading m ineral-oil-immersed power transformersª. Overloading of GEAFOL cast-resin transfor mers on request. Routine and special tests 5 6 125 170 �145.0 275 325 170.0 360 245.0 395 All transformers are subjected to the following routine tests in the factory: s Measurement of winding resistance s Measurement of voltage ratio and check of po larity or vector group s Measurement of impedance voltage s Measurement of load loss s Measurement of no-load loss and no-load current s Induced overvoltage wit hstand test s Seperate-source voltage withstand test s Partial discharge test (o nly GEAFOL cast-resin transformers). The following special tests are optional an d must be specified in the inquiry: s Lightning-impulse voltage test (LI test), full-wave and chopped-wave (specify) s Partial discharge test s Heat-run test at natural or forced cooling (specify) s Noise level test s Short-circuit test. Te st certificates are issued for all the above tests on request. 7 8 9 10 Higher test voltage withstand requirements must be stated in the inquiry and may result in a higher price. Fig. 4: Insulation level Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 5/5 �Transformer Loss Evaluation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The sharply increased cost of electrical energy has made it almost mandatory for buyers of electrical machinery to carefully evaluate the inherent losses of the se items. In case of distribution and power transformers, which operate continuo usly and most frequently in loaded condition, this is especially important. As a n example, the added cost of loss-optimized transformers can in most cases be re covered via savings in energy use in less than three years. Low-loss transformer s use more and better materials for their construction and thus initially cost m ore. By stipulating loss evaluation figures in the transformer inquiry, the manu facturer receives the necessary incentive to provide a loss-optimized transforme r rather than the lowcost model. Detailed loss evaluation methods for transforme rs have been developed and are described accurately in the literature, taking th e project-specific evaluation factors of a given customer into account. The foll owing simplified method for a quick evaluation of different quoted transformer l osses is given, making the following assumptions: s The transformers are operate d continuously s The transformers operate at partial load, but this partial load is constant s Additional cost and inflation factors are not considered s Demand charges are based on 100% load. The total cost of owning and operating a transf ormer for one year is thus defined as follows: s A. Capital cost Cc taking into account the purchase price Cp, the interest rate p, and the depreciation period n s B. Cost of no-load loss CP0, based on the no-load loss P0, and energy cost C e s C. Cost of load loss Cpk, based on the copper loss Pk, the equivalent annual load factor a, and energy cost Ce s D. Demand charges Cd, based on the amount s et by the utility, and the total kW of connected load. These individual costs ar e calculated as follows: A. Capital cost Cc = Cp r= Cp · r 100 amount year = purchase price p · qn = depreciation factor qn ± 1 p q= + 1 = interest factor 100 p n �= interest rate in % p.a. = depreciation period in years B. Cost of no-load loss CP0 = Ce · 8760 h/year · P0 Ce P0 = energy charges = no-load loss [kW] amount year amount kWh C. Cost of load loss CPk = Ce · 8760 h/year · a2 · Pk a = constant operation load rated load amount year Pk = copper loss [kW] D. Cost resulting from demands charges CD = Cd (P0 + Pk) Cd amount year amount kW · year = demand charges Fig. 5 5/6 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Transformer Loss Evaluation To demonstrate the usefulness of such calculations, the following arbitrary exam ples are shown, using factors that can be considered typical in Germany, and neg lecting the effects of inflation on the rate assumed: 1 2 Example: 1600 kVA distribution transformer Depreciation period Interest rate Energy charge Demand charge Equivalent annual load factor n = 20 years Depreciation factor p = 12% p. a. r = 13.39 Ce = 0.25 DM/kWh Cd = 3 50 a = 0.8 DM kW · yr 3 4 A. Low-cost transformer B. Loss-optimized transformer P0 = 2.6 kW Pk = 20 kW Cp = DM 25 000 no-load loss load loss purchase price P0 = 1.7 kW Pk = 17 kW Cp = DM 28 000 no-load loss load loss purchase price 5 Cc = 25000 · 13.39 100 = DM 3348/year Cc = 28000 · 13.39 100 = DM 3 749/year 6 CP0 = 0.25 · 8760 · 2.6 = DM 5694/year CPk = 0.25 · 8760 · 0.64 · 20 = DM 28 032/year CD = 350 · (2.6 + 20) = DM 7910/year CP0 = 0.25 · 8760 · 1.7 = DM 3 723/year CPk = 0.25 · 8760 · 0.64 · 17 = DM 23 827/year CD = 350 · (1.7 + 17) = DM 6 545/year 7 8 9 Total cost of owning and operating this transformer is thus: DM 44 984.±/year Tota l cost of owning and operating this transformer is thus: DM 37 844.±/year 10 The energy saving of the optimized distribution transformer of DM 7140 per year �pays for the increased purchase price in less than one year. Fig. 6 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 5/7 �Mechanical Design 1 General mechanical design for oil-immersed transformers: s Iron core made of grain-oriented 2 s 3 s s 4 s s s 5 electrical sheet steel insulated on both sides, core-type. Windings consisting o f copper section wire or copper strip. The insulation has a high disruptive stre ngth and is temperature-resistant, thus guaranteeing a long service life. Design ed to withstand short circuit for at least 2 seconds (IEC). Oil-filled tank desi gned as tank with strong corrugated walls or as radiator tank. Transformer base with plain or flanged wheels (skid base available). Cooling/insulation liquid: M ineral oil according to VDE 0370/IEC 296. Silicone oil or synthetic liquids are available. Standard coating for indoor installation. Coatings for outdoor instal lation and for special applications (e.g. aggressive atmosphere) are available. Distribution transformers with conservator, TUNORMA® This is the standard distribu tion transformer design in all ratings. The oil level in the tank and the top-mo unted bushings is kept constant by a conservator vessel or expansion tank mounte d at the highest point of the transformer. Oil-level changes due to thermal cycl ing affect the conservator only. The ambient air is prevented from direct contac t with the insulating oil through oiltraps and dehydrating breathers. Tanks from 50 to approximately 4000 kVA are preferably of the corrugated steel design, whe reby the sidewalls are formed on automatic machines into integral cooling pocket s. Suitable spot welds and braces render the required mechanical stability. Tank bottom and cover are fabricated from rolled and welded steel plate. Conventiona l radiators are available. Power transformers Power transformers of all ratings are equipped with conservators. Both the open and closed system are available. W ith the closed system ºTUPROTECT®ª the oil does not come into contact with the surroun ding air. The oil expansion is compensated with an air bag. (This design is also available for greater distribution transformers on request). The sealing bag co nsists of strong nylon braid with a special double lining of ozone and oil-resis tant nitrile rubber. The interior of this bag is in contact with the ambient air through a dehydrating breather; the outside of this bag is in direct contact wi th the oil. All tanks, radiators and conservators (incl. conservator with airbag ) are designed for vacuum filling of the oil. For transformers with on-load tap changers a seperate smaller conservator is necessary for the diverter switch com partment. This seperate conservator (without air bag) is normally an integrated part of the main conservator with its own magnetic oil level indicator. Power tr ansformers up to 10 MVA are fitted with weld-on radiators and are shipped extens ively assembled; shipping conditions permitting. Ratings above 10 MVA require de tachable radiators with individual butterfly valves, and partial dismantling of components for shipment. All the usual fittings and accessories for oil treatmen �t, shipping and installation of these transformers are provided as standard. For monitoring and protective devices, see the listing on page 5/11. Fig. 7: Cross section of a TUMETIC three-phase distribution transformer 6 Tank design and oil preservation system Sealed-tank distribution transformers, TUMETIC® In ratings up to 2500 kVA and 170 kV LI this is the standard sealed-tank distribution transformer without conserva tor and gas cushion. The TUMETIC transformer is always completely filled with oi l; oil expansion is taken up by the flexible corrugated steel tank (variable vol ume tank design), whereby the maximum operating pressure remains at only a fract ion of the usual. These transformers are always shipped completely filled with o il and sealed for their lifetime. Bushings can be exchanged from the outside wit hout draining the oil below the top of the active part. The hermetically sealed system prevents oxygen, nitrogen, or humidity from contact with the insulating o il. This improves the aging properties of the oil to the extent that no maintena nce is required on these transformers for their lifetime. Generally the TUMETIC transformer is lower than the TUNORMA transformer. This design has been in succe ssful service since 1973. A special TUMETIC-Protection device has been developed for this transformer. 7 8 Fig. 8: 630 kVA, three-phase, TUNORMA 20 kV ¡ 2.5 %/0.4 kV distribution transforme r 9 10 Fig. 9: Practically maintenancefree: transformer with the TUPROTECT air-sealing system built into the conservator 5/8 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Connection Systems Distribution transformers All Siemens transformers have top-mounted HV and LV bushings according to DIN in their standard version. Besides the open bushing arrangement for direct connect ion of bare or insulated wires, three basic insulated termination systems are av ailable: Fully enclosed terminal box for cables (Fig. 11) Available for either H V or LV side, or for both. Horizontally split design in degree of protection IP 44 or IP 54. (Totally enclosed and fully protected against contact with live par ts, plus protection against drip, splash, or spray water.) Cable installation th rough split cable glands and removable plates facing diagonally downwards. Optio nal conduit hubs. Suitable for single-core or three-phase cables with solid diel ectric insulation, with or without stress cones. Multiple cables per phase are t erminated on auxiliary bus structures attached to the bushings. Removal of trans former by simply bending back the cables. Insulated plug connectors (Fig. 12) Fo r substation installations, suitable HV can be attached via insulated elbow conn ectors in LI ratings up to 170 kV. Flange connection (Fig. 13) Air-insulated bus ducts, insulated busbars, or throat-connected switchgear cubicles are connected via standardized flanges on steel terminal enclosures. These can accommodate ei ther HV, LV, or both bushings. Fiberglass-reinforced epoxy partitions are availa ble between HV and LV bushings if flange/flange arrangements are chosen. The fol lowing combinations of connection systems are possible besides open bushing arra ngements: 1 2 3 4 Fig. 11: Fully enclosed cable connection box 5 6 7 8 Fig. 12: Grounded metal-elbow plug connectors 9 HV Cable box Cable box Flange Flange Elbow connector Elbow connector LV Cable box Flange/throat Cable box Flange/throat Cable box Flange/throat Fig 13: Flange connection for switchgear and bus ducts 10 Fig. 10: Combination of connection systems Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 5/9 �Connection Systems Power transformers 1 The most frequently used type of connection for transformers is the outdoor bush ing. Depending on voltage, current, system conditions and transport requirements , the transformers will be supplied with bushings arranged vertically, horizonta lly or inclined. Up to about 110 kV it is usual to use oil-filled bushings accor ding to DIN; condenser bushings are normally used for higher voltages. Limited s pace or other design considerations often make it necessary to connect cables di rectly to the transformer. For voltages up to 30 kV air-filled cable boxes are u sed. For higher voltages the boxes are oil-filled. They may be attached to the t ank cover or to its walls (Fig. 14). The space-saving design of SF6-insulated sw itchgear is one of its major advantages. The substation transformer is connected directly to the SF6 switchgear. This eliminates the need for an intermediate li nk (cable, overhead line) between transformer and system (Fig. 15). 2 3 4 5 6 Fig. 14: Transformers with oil-filled HV cable boxes 7 8 9 10 Fig. 15: Direct SF6-connection of the transformer to the switchgear 5/10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Accessories and Protective Devices Accessories not listed completely. Deviations are possible. Double-float Buchholz relay (Fig. 16) For sudden pressure rise and gas detection in oil-immersed transformer tanks with conservator. Installed in the connecting pipe between tank and conservator and responding to internal arcing faults and slow decomposition of insulating materials. Additionally, backup function of oil alarm. The relay is actuated either by pressure waves or gas accumulation, or b y loss of oil below the relay level. Seperate contacts are installed for alarm a nd tripping. In case of a gas accumulation alarm, gas samples can be drawn direc tly at the relay with a small chemical testing kit. Discoloring of two liquids i ndicates either arcing byproducts or insulation decomposition products in the oi l. No change in color indicates an air bubble. Dial-type contact thermometer (Fi g. 17) Indicates actual top-oil temperature via capillary tube. Sensor mounted i n well in tank cover. Up to four separately adjustable alarm contacts and one ma ximum pointer are available. Installed to be readable from the ground. With the addition of a CT-fed thermal replica circuit, the simulated hot-spot winding tem perature of one or more phases can be indicated on identical thermometers. These instruments can also be used to control forced cooling equipment. 1 2 3 Fig. 16: Double-float Buchholz relay 4 5 6 7 Fig. 17: Dial-type contact thermometer 8 Magnetic oil-level indicator (Fig. 18) The float position inside of the conserva tor is transmitted magnetically through the tank wall to the indicator to preser ve the tank sealing standard device without contacts; devices supplied with limi t (position) switches for high- and low-level alarm are available. Readable from the ground. 9 10 Fig. 18: Magnetic oil-level indicator Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 5/11 �Accessories and Protective Devices 1 Protective device (Fig. 19) for hermetically sealed transformers (TUMETIC) For u se on hermetically sealed TUMETIC distribution transformers. Gives alarm upon lo ss of oil and gas accumulation. Mounted directly at the (permanently sealed) fil ler pipe of these transformers. Pressure relief device (Fig. 20) Relieves abnorm ally high internal pressure shock waves. Easily visible operation pointer and al arm contact. Reseals positively after operation and continues to function withou t operator action. Dehydrating breather (Fig. 21, 22) 2 3 4 5 Fig. 19: Protective device for hermetically sealed transformers (TUMETIC) Fig. 2 0: Pressure relief device with alarm contact and automatic resetting A dehydrating breather removes most of the moisture from the air which is drawn into the conservator as the transformer cools down. The absence of moisture in t he air largely eliminates any reduction in the breakdown strength of the insulat ion and prevents any buildup of condensation in the conservator. Therefore, the dehydrating breather contributes to safe and reliable operation of the transform er. Bushing current transformer Up to three ring-type current transformers per p hase can be installed in power transformers on the upper and lower voltage side. These multiratio CTs are supplied in all common accuracy and burden ratings for metering and protection. Their secondary terminals are brought out to shortcirc uiting-type terminal blocks in watertight terminal boxes. Additional accessories Besides the standard accessories and protective devices there are additional it ems available, especially for large power transformers. They will be offered and installed on request. Examples are: s Fiber-optic temperature measurements s Pe rmanent gas-in-oil analysis s Permanent water-content measurement s Sudden press ure rise relay, etc. 6 7 8 9 10 Fig. 21: Dehydrating breather A DIN 42 567 up to 5 MVA Fig. 22: Dehydrating breather L DIN 42 562 over 5 MVA 5/12 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Technical Data Distribution Transformers TUNORMA and TUMETIC Oil-immersed TUMETIC and TUNORMA three-phase distribution transformers s s s s s s 12 11 10 3 8 2N 2U 2V 2W 1 B1 s s s s s Standard: DIN 42500 Rated power: 50±2500 kVA Rated frequency: 50 Hz HV rating: up to 36 kV Taps on ¡ 2.5 % or ¡ 2 x 2.5 % HV side: LV rating: 400±720 V (special designs for up to 12 kV can be built) Connection: HV winding: delta LV winding: star (u p to 100 kVA: zigzag) Impedance 4 % (only up to HV voltage at rated rating 24 kV and current: £ 630 kVA) or 6 % (with rated power ³ 630 kVA or with HV rating > 24 k V) Cooling: ONAN Protection class: IP00 Final coating: RAL 7033 (other colours a re available) H1 7 9 2 E 2 3 6 7 8 Oil drain plug Thermometer pocket Adjustment for off-load t ap changer Rating plate (relocatable) Grounding terminals 8 E 9 10 11 12 1U 2U 1W 2 6 A1 Towing eye, 30 mm dia. Lashing lug Filler pipe Mounting facility for protec tive device 3 Fig. 24: TUMETIC distribution transformer (sealed tank) 4 5 4 1 10 H1 7 3 8 2N 2U 2V 2W 1U 2U 1W 5 B1 6 9 6 A1 Adjustment for off-load tap changer Rating plate (relocatable) Grounding terminals Towing eye, 30 mm dia. Lashing lug Um [kV] 1.1 12 24 36 LI [kV] ± 75 125 170 �AC [kV] 3 28 50 70 1 2 3 4 5 2 E 8 E 6 7 8 9 10 Oil level indicator Oil drain plug Thermometer pocket Buchholz relay (optional e xtra) Dehydrating breather (optional extra) 7 LI Lightning-impulse test voltage AC Power-frequency test voltage Fig. 23: Insulation level (IP00) Notes: Tank with strong corrugated walls shown in illustration is the preferred design. With HV ratings up to 24 kV and rated power up to 250 kVA (and with HV r atings > 24-36 kV and rated power up to 800 kVA), the conservator is fitted on t he long side just above the LV bushings. 8 Fig. 25: TUNORMA distribution transformer (with conservator) Losses The standard HD 428.1.S1 (= DIN 42500 Part 1) applies to three-phase oilimmersed distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 50 kVA to 2500 kVA, Um to 24 kV. For load losses (Pk), three different listings (A, B and C) were specified. Ther e were also three listings (A', B' and C') for no-load losses (P0) and corresponding s ound levels. Due to the different requirements, pairs of values were proposed wh ich, in the national standard, permit one or several combinations of losses. DIN 42500 specifies the combinations A-C', C-C' and B-A' as being most suitable. The combinations B-A' (normal losses) and A-C' (reduced losses) are approximately in line with previous standards. In addition there is the C-C' combination. Transfor mers of this kind with additionally reduced losses are especially economical wit h energy (maximum efficiency > 99%). The higher costs of these transformers are counteracted by the energy savings which they make. Standard HD 428.3.S1 (= DIN 42500-3) specifies the losses for oil distribution transformers up to Um = 36 kV . For load losses the listings D and E, for no-load losses the listings D' and E' we re specified. In order to find the most efficient transformer, please see part ºTr ansformer loss evaluationª. 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 5/13 �Technical Data Distribution Transformers TUNORMA and TUMETIC 1 Rated power TUNORMA TUNORMA TUNORMA TUNORMA TUNORMA TUMETIC TUMETIC TUMETIC TUMETIC 2 Sn [kVA] Um [kV] 12 U2 [%] 4 4 4 4JB¼ 4HB¼ ..4744-3LB ..4744-3RB ..4744-3TB ..4767-3LB ..4767-3RB ..4767-3TB ..4780-3 CB ..5044-3LB ..5044-3RB ..5044-3TB ..5067-3LB ..5067-3RB ..5067-3TB ..5080-3CB ..5244 -3LA ..5244-3RA ..5244-3TA ..5267-3LA ..5267-3RA ..5267-3TA ..5280-3CA .. 5344-3LA ..5344-3RA ..5344-3TA ..5367-3LA ..5367-3RA ..5367-3TA ..5380-3CA B-A A-C C-C B-A A-C C-C E-D´ B-A A-C C-C B-A A-C C-C E-D´ B-A A-C C-C B-A A-C C-C E-D´ B-A A-C C-C B-A A-C C-C E-D´ P0 [W] 190 125 125 190 125 125 230 320 210 210 320 210 210 380 460 300 300 460 300 300 520 550 360 360 550 360 360 600 Pk 75* [W] 1350 1100 875 1350 1100 875 1450 2150 1750 1475 2150 1750 1475 2350 3100 2350 20 00 3100 2350 2000 3350 3600 2760 2350 3600 2760 2350 3800 LPA [dB] 42 34 34 42 34 33 x 45 35 35 45 35 35 x 47 37 38 47 37 37 x 48 38 38 48 38 38 x LWA [dB] 55 47 47 55 47 47 52 59 49 49 59 49 49 56 62 52 52 62 52 52 59 63 53 53 63 53 53 61 TUMETIC Max. Imperated dance volt. voltage HV side �Type Combi- No-load Load nation of losses losses losses acc. CENELEC Sound press. level 1m tolerance + 3 dB Sound power level Total weight Dimensions Length A1 Width B1 Height H1 Dist. between wheel centers [kg] 340 350 400 430 420 440 370 380 430 460 480 510 500 x [mm] 860 [mm] [mm] E [mm] 50 980 660 660 1210 1085 520 660 1210 1085 520 660 1220 1095 520 660 1315 1235 520 660 1300 1220 520 660 1385 1265 520 x 1530 x 520 3 24 825 1045 660 835 760 860 985 660 860 660 860 660 4 4 4 4 36 880 1100 685 1000 x 710 6 4 4 4 5 100 12 500 500 570 570 600 620 520 530 600 610 640 680 660 x 1090 1020 660 980 1030 980 660 930 660 660 1275 1110 520 660 1315 1145 520 660 1320 1150 520 660 1360 1245 520 660 1400 1280 520 660 1425 1305 520 x 1600 x 520 24 �4 4 4 1020 1140 685 1030 1030 690 960 1060 695 1050 x 780 6 36 6 4 4 4 7 160 12 620 610 700 690 760 780 660 640 730 730 800 820 900 x 1140 1140 710 1130 1010 660 985 1085 660 1150 1150 695 1030 930 695 710 1350 1185 520 660 1390 1220 520 660 1380 1215 520 660 1440 1320 520 660 1540 1420 520 660 1475 1355 520 x 1700 x 520 8 24 4 4 4 1120 1120 710 1120 x 800 9 (200) 36 12 6 4 4 720 710 840 830 900 920 800 780 890 910 950 980 1000 x 1190 1190 680 1070 1120 660 1130 1130 660 1290 1290 820 1110 1230 755 1080 1180 705 1250 x 800 680 1450 1285 520 660 1470 1300 520 680 1450 1285 520 800 1595 1425 520 680 1630 1460 520 690 1595 1430 520 x 1700 x 520 10 4 24 4 4 4 36 6 Dimensions and weights are approximate values. Rated power figures in parenthese s are not standardized. * In case of short-circuits at 75 °C x: on request Fig. 26: Selection table: oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 to 2500 kVA 5/14 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition ��Technical Data Distribution Transformers TUNORMA and TUMETIC Rated power TUNORMA TUNORMA TUNORMA TUNORMA TUMETIC TUMETIC TUMETIC TUMETIC TUNORMA TUMETIC Max. Imperated dance volt. voltage HV side Type Combi- No-load Load nation of losses losses losses acc. CENELEC Sound press. level 1m tolerance + 3 dB Sound power level Total weight Dimensions Length A1 Width B1 Height H1 Dist. between wheel centers 1 Sn [kVA] Um [kV] 12 U2 [%] 4 4 4 4JB¼ 4HB¼ ..5444-3LA B-A ..5444-3RA A-C ..5444-3TA C-C ..5467-3LA B-A ..5467-3RA A-C ..5467-3TA C-C ..5480-3CA E-E´ ..5544-3LA B-A ..5544-3RA A-C ..5544-3TA C -C ..5567-3LA B-A ..5567-3RA A-C ..5567-3TA C-C ..5580-3CA E-E´ ..5644-3LA B-A ..5644-3RA A-C ..5644-3TA C-C ..5667-3LA B-A ..5667-3RA A-C ..5667-3TA C-C ..5580-3CA E-E´ ..5744-3LA B-A ..5744-3RA A-C ..5744-3TA C-C ..5767-3LA B-A ..5767-3RA A-C ..5767-3TA C-C ..5780-3CA E-E´ P0 [W] 650 425 425 650 425 425 650 780 510 510 780 510 510 760 930 610 610 930 610 610 �930 1100 720 720 1100 720 720 1050 Pk 75* [W] 4200 3250 2750 4200 3250 2750 4250 5000 3850 3250 5000 3850 3250 5400 6000 4600 3850 6000 4600 3850 6200 7100 5450 4550 7100 5450 4550 7800 LPA [dB] 50 40 40 49 39 40 x 50 40 40 50 40 40 x 52 42 42 52 42 42 x 53 42 43 53 42 43 x LWA [dB] 65 55 55 65 55 55 62 66 56 56 66 56 56 64 68 58 58 68 58 58 65 69 59 59 69 59 59 66 [kg] [mm] [mm] [mm] E [mm] 2 250 830 820 1300 1300 940 920 1260 1260 1050 1070 1220 1220 920 900 1340 1340 1010 1 010 1140 1190 1120 1140 1220 1340 1100 x 1350 x 810 810 1450 1285 520 670 820 1480 1415 520 690 700 1530 1310 520 800 760 1620 1 450 520 760 680 1675 1510 520 715 710 1640 1475 520 800 x 1680 x 520 3 24 4 4 4 4 36 6 4 4 4 (315) 12 980 960 1440 1330 1120 1100 1400 1250 1240 1260 1380 1260 1050 1030 1450 1350 11 70 1150 1410 1270 1250 1280 1395 1290 1220 x 1420 x 820 820 1655 1385 670 820 820 1690 1415 670 820 820 1665 1390 670 840 840 1655 1 510 670 820 820 1755 1610 670 820 820 1675 1540 670 960 x 1700 x 670 5 24 4 4 4 �6 36 6 4 4 4 400 12 1180 1160 1470 1390 1320 1310 1400 1360 1470 1470 1410 1390 1240 1220 1570 1570 1370 1350 1475 1400 1490 1520 1440 1400 1480 x 1470 x 930 930 1700 1425 670 820 820 1700 1430 670 820 820 1695 1420 670 940 940 1655 1 510 670 820 820 1760 1615 670 820 820 1765 1540 670 990 x 1830 x 670 7 24 4 4 4 8 36 6 4 4 4 9 (500) 12 1410 1380 1500 1430 1650 1620 1560 1550 1700 1710 1500 1470 1460 1440 1470 1530 1650 1620 1495 1420 1860 1910 1535 1500 1680 x 1510 840 840 1710 1440 670 890 890 1745 1470 670 820 820 1745 1470 670 835 850 1755 1 610 670 835 820 1815 1665 670 820 820 1860 1645 670 x 1900 x 670 24 4 4 4 10 36 6 x 1030 Dimensions and weights are approximate values. Rated power figures in parenthese s are not standardized. * In case of short-circuits at 75 °C x: on request Fig. 27: Selection table: oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 to 2500 kVA �Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 5/15 �Technical Data Distribution Transformers TUNORMA and TUMETIC 1 Rated power TUNORMA TUNORMA TUNORMA TUNORMA TUNORMA TUMETIC TUMETIC TUMETIC TUMETIC 2 Sn [kVA] Um [kV] 12 U2 [%] 4 4 4 6 4JB¼ 4HB¼ ..5844-3LA B-A ..5844-3RA A-C ..5844-3TA C-C ..5844-3PA B-A ..5844-3SA A-C ..5844-3UA C-C ..5867-3LA B-A ..5867-3RA A-C ..5867-3TA C-C ..5867-3PA B-A ..5867-3SA A-C ..5867-3UA C-C ..5880-3CA E-E´ ..5944-3PA B-A ..5944-3SA A -C ..5944-3UA C-C ..5967-3PA B-A ..5967-3SA A-C ..5967-3UA C-C ..5980-3CA E -E´ ..6044-3PA B-A ..6044-3SA A-C ..6044-3UA C-C ..6067-3PA B-A ..6067-3SA A-C ..6067-3UA C-C ..6080 -3CA E-E´ P0 [W] 1300 860 860 1200 800 800 1300 860 860 1200 800 800 1300 1450 950 950 1450 950 9 50 1520 1700 1100 1100 1700 1100 1100 1700 TUMETIC Max. Imperated dance volt. voltage HV side Type Combi- No-load Load nation of losses losses losses acc. CENELEC Sound Sound press. power level level 1m tolerance + 3 dB Total weight Dimensions Length A1 Width B1 Height H1 �Dist. between wheel centers Pk 75* [W] 8400 6500 5400 8700 6750 5600 8400 6500 5400 8700 6750 5600 8800 10700 8500 7400 10700 8500 7400 11000 13000 10500 9500 13000 10500 9500 13000 LPA [dB] 53 43 43 53 43 43 53 43 43 53 43 43 x 55 45 44 55 45 44 x 55 45 45 55 45 45 x LWA [dB] 70 60 60 70 60 60 70 60 60 70 60 60 67 72 62 62 72 62 62 68 73 63 63 73 63 63 68 [kg] [mm] [mm] [mm] E [mm] 630 1660 1950 2100 1950 1660 1680 1480 1850 1810 1495 1420 2000 1990 1535 1380 1750 1760 1720 1560 1920 1665 1600 2160 2130 1670 1560 1690 1650 1665 1640 1940 1920 1685 1680 2130 1600 1490 1730 1720 1780 1580 1970 1960 1645 1640 2240 2210 1740 1670 x 1740 880 880 1755 1585 670 835 820 1785 1510 670 820 820 1860 1520 670 890 890 1920 1 685 670 870 870 1740 1400 670 830 830 1840 1500 670 860 860 1810 1595 670 870 87 0 1910 1695 670 820 820 1940 1725 670 880 880 1760 1610 670 830 830 1810 1595 67 0 880 880 1840 1625 670 x 1940 x 670 3 4 24 6 6 4 4 4 6 6 5 6 36 6 6 6 6 6 24 6 6 6 36 6 6 6 6 x 1080 (800) 12 1990 1960 1780 1540 1000 1000 1905 1660 670 2210 2290 1720 1830 2520 2490 1760 1 710 900 960 1935 1630 670 920 920 1975 1730 670 7 2000 1950 1720 1710 1000 1000 1885 1670 670 2390 2340 1760 1710 2590 2550 1770 1 �700 2400 x 1800 960 960 1945 1730 670 930 930 1985 1780 670 x 2030 x 670 8 x 1100 9 1000 12 2450 2640 1790 1630 1000 1000 2095 2070 820 2660 2610 1830 1830 1040 1040 2025 1 770 820 2800 2750 1830 1830 1040 1040 2105 1840 820 2530 2720 1830 1670 1090 101 0 2095 2120 820 2750 2690 1790 1740 1050 1050 2055 1840 820 2830 2810 1725 1770 2850 x 2120 990 990 2065 1850 820 x 2220 x 820 10 24 6 6 6 36 6 x 1160 Dimensions and weights are approximate values. Rated power figures in parenthese s are not standardized. * In case of short-circuits at 75 °C x: on request Fig. 28: Selection table: oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 to 2500 kVA 5/16 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Technical Data Distribution Transformers TUNORMA and TUMETIC Rated power TUNORMA TUNORMA TUNORMA TUNORMA TUMETIC TUMETIC TUMETIC TUMETIC TUNORMA TUMETIC Max. Imperated dance volt. voltage HV side Type Combi- No-load Load nation of losses losses losses acc. CENELEC Sound Sound press. power level level 1m tolerance + 3 dB Total weight Dimensions Length A1 Width B1 Height H1 Dist. between wheel centers 1 Sn [kVA] Um [kV] 12 U2 [%] 6 6 6 4JB¼ 4HB¼ ..6144-3PA B-A ..6144-3SA A-C ..6144-3UA C-C ..6167-3PA B-A ..6167-3SA A-C ..6167-3UA C-C ..6180-3CA E-E´ ..6244-3PA B-A ..6244-3SA A-C ..6244-3UA C -C ..6267-3PA B-A ..6267-3SA A-C ..6267-3UA C-C ..6280-3CA E-E´ ..6344-3PA B-A ..6344-3SA A-C ..6344-3UA C-C ..6367-3PA B-A ..6367-3SA A-C ..6367-3UA C-C ..6380-3CA E-E´ ..6444-3PA B-A ..6444-3SA A-C ..6444-3UA C-C ..6467-3PA B-A ..6467-3SA A-C ..6467-3UA C-C ..6480-3CA E-E´ P0 [W] 2100 1300 1300 2100 1300 1300 2150 2600 1700 1700 2600 1700 1700 2600 2900 2050 2050 2900 2050 2050 3200 3500 2500 2500 3500 2500 2500 3800 �Pk 75* [W] 16000 13200 11400 16000 13200 11400 16400 20000 17000 14000 20000 17000 14000 19 200 25300 21200 17500 25300 21200 17500 22000 29000 26500 22000 29000 26500 2200 0 29400 LPA [dB] 56 46 46 56 46 46 x 57 47 47 57 47 47 x 58 49 49 58 49 49 x 61 51 51 61 51 51 x LWA [dB] 74 64 64 74 64 64 70 76 66 66 76 66 66 71 78 68 68 78 68 68 75 81 71 71 81 71 71 76 [kg] [mm] [mm] [mm] E [mm] 2 (1250) 2900 3080 1930 1850 1260 1100 2110 2070 820 3100 3040 1810 1780 990 990 2145 188 0 820 3 3340 3040 1755 1720 1015 1000 2235 1970 820 2950 3200 2020 1780 1260 1100 2110 2 220 820 3190 3120 1840 1810 1060 1060 2115 1900 820 3390 3330 1810 1780 1015 336 0 x 2150 x 1250 990 2245 2030 820 x 2350 x 820 24 6 6 6 4 36 6 6 6 6 1600 12 3450 3590 1970 1870 1220 1140 2315 2095 820 3640 3590 2030 1760 1080 1090 2315 2 010 820 3930 3880 2020 1900 1110 1100 2395 2070 820 3470 3690 2070 1830 1280 112 0 2335 2320 820 3670 3850 2030 2000 1230 1070 2265 2120 820 4010 3950 2000 1850 1030 1030 2305 2010 820 3930 x 2170 x 1340 x 2480 x 820 5 24 6 6 6 �6 36 6 6 6 6 (2000) 12 4390 2250 1330 1980 7 24 6 6 6 8 36 6 6 6 6 9 2500 12 5200 2450 1330 2080 24 6 6 6 10 36 6 Dimensions and weights are approximate values. Rated power figures in parenthese s are not standardized. * In case of short-circuits at 75 °C x: on request Fig. 29: Selection table: oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 to 2500 kVA Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 5/17 5090 1070 2785 1330 2115 5790 2675 1330 2030 5660 1070 2605 1345 2190 5260 2305 1330 2190 5220 1070 2685 1330 2195 5900 2550 1070 5150 5110 2195 1950 1345 1330 2535 1330 2565 2240 1070 5420 5220 2115 2030 1335 2030 1335 1335 2585 2580 1070 5640 5470 2160 x 2320 x 1390 x 2790 x 1070 4450 1070 2655 1330 2100 4730 2660 1330 1890 4710 1070 2475 1330 2020 4290 2180 1330 1730 4490 1070 2555 1330 2190 5100 2540 1070 4270 4430 2080 1840 1330 1330 2455 1330 2495 2170 1070 4480 4500 2020 1860 1330 2030 1330 1330 2425 2280 1070 4910 4840 2110 x 2260 x 1380 x 2560 x 1070 �Power Transformers ± General 1 Oil-immersed three-phase power transformers with offand on-load tap changers Cooling methods Rated power [MVA] HV range [kV] 25 to 123 25 to 123 up to 36 up to 36 72.5 to 145 Type of tap changer Figure/ page 2 3 4 5 6 Transformers up to 10 MVA are designed for ONAN cooling. By adding fans to these transformers, the rating can be increased by 25%. However, in general it is mor e economical to select higher ONAN ratings rather than to add fans. Transformers larger than 10 MVA are designed with ONAN/ONAF cooling. Explanation of cooling methods: s ONAN: Oil-natural, air-natural cooling s ONAF: Oil-natural, air-force d cooling (in one or two steps) The arrangement with the attached radiators, as shown in the illustrations, is the preferred design. However, other arrangements of the cooling equipment are also possible. Depending on transportation possibi lities the bushings, radiators and expansion tank have be removed. If necessary, the oil has to be drained and shipped separately. 3.15 to 10 3.15 to 10 10/16 to 20/31.5 10/16 to 20/31.5 10/16 to 63/100 off-load on-load off-load on-load on-load Fig. 31, page 5/19 Fig. 33, page 5/20 Fig. 35, page 5/21 Fig. 38, page 5/22 Fig. 41, page 5/23 Note: Off-load tap changers are designed to be operated de-energized only. Fig. 30: Types of power transformers 7 8 9 10 5/18 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition ��Power Transformers ± Selection Tables Technical Data, Dimensions and Weights Oil-immersed three-phase power transformers with off-load tap changer 3 150±10 000 kVA, HV rating: up to 123 kV s Taps on 1 2 HV side: ¡ 2 x 2.5 % s Rated frequency: 50 Hz s Impedance 6-10 % voltage: s Connec tion: HV winding: stardelta connection alternatively available up to 24 kV LV wi nding: star or delta Fig. 31 H 3 E E W L 4 Rated power [kVA] ONAN 3150 4000 HV rating [kV] 6.1±36 7.8±36 50±72.5 LV rating [kV] 3±24 3±24 3±24 4±24 4±24 5±36 5±24 5±24 5±36 5±24 5±24 5±36 6±24 6±24 5±36 No-load loss [kW] 4.6 5.5 6.8 6.5 8.0 9.8 7.7 9.3 11.0 9.4 11.0 12.5 11.0 12.5 14.0 Load loss Total at 75 °C weight [kW] 28 33 35 38 41 46 45 48 53 54 56 62 63 65 72 Oil weight [kg] 1600 1900 3100 2300 3300 6300 2500 3700 6600 3300 4200 7300 3900 4700 8600 Dimensions L/W/H [mm] 2800/1850/2870 3200/2170/2940 3100/2300/3630 2550/2510/3020 3150/2490/3730 4560/ 2200/4540 2550/2840/3200 3200/2690/3080 4780/2600/4540 2580/2770/3530 3250/2850/ 4000 4880/2630/4590 2670/2900/3720 4060/2750/4170 4970/2900/4810 E [mm] 1070 1070 1070 1070 1070 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 5 [kg] 7200 8400 10800 9800 12200 17500 11700 13600 18900 14000 15900 21500 16600 18200 25000 6 7 5000 9.5±36 50±72.5 90±123 �8 6300 12.2±36 50±72.5 90±123 9 8000 12.2±36 50±72.5 90±123 10 10000 15.2±36 50±72.5 90±123 Fig. 32 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 5/19 �Power Transformers ± Selection Tables Technical Data, Dimensions and Weights 1 Oil-immersed three-phase power transformers with on-load tap changer 3 150±10 000 kVA, HV rating: up to 123 kV H ¡ 16 % in ¡ 8 steps HV side: of 2 % s Rated frequency: 50 Hz s Impedance 6±10 % volt age: s Connection: HV winding: star LV winding: star or delta s Taps on Fig. 33 2 3 E E W L 4 Rated power HV rating [kV] 10.9±36 9.2±36 50±72.5 LV rating [kV] 3±24 3±24 4±24 4±24 5±24 5±36 5±24 5±24 5±36 5±24 5±24 5±36 6±24 6±24 5±36 5 [kVA] ONAN 3150 No-load loss kW 4.8 5.8 7.1 6.8 8.4 9.8 8.1 9.8 11.5 9.9 11.5 13.1 11.5 13.1 14.7 Load loss at 75 °C [kW] 29 35 37 40 43 49 47 50 56 57 59 65 66 68 76 Total weight [kg] 9100 10300 13700 12300 15200 21800 14000 17000 23000 17000 19700 25500 20000 225 00 29500 Oil weight [kg] 2300 2600 4100 3100 4500 8000 3600 5000 8500 4500 6000 9000 5200 6500 10250 Dimensions L/W/H [mm] 3400/2300/2900 3500/2700/3000 4150/2350/3600 3600/2400/3200 4200/2700/3700 5300/ 2700/4650 3700/2700/3300 4300/2900/3850 5600/2900/4650 3850/2500/3500 4600/2800/ 4050 5650/2950/4650 4400/2600/3650 5200/2850/4100 5750/2950/4700 E [mm] 1070 1070 1070 1070 1070 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 6 4000 5000 11.5±36 50±72.5 90±123 7 �8 6300 14.4±36 50±72.5 90±123 9 8000 18.3±36 50±72.5 90±123 10 10000 22.9±36 50±72.5 90±123 Fig. 34 5/20 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power Transformers ± Selection Tables Technical Data, Dimensions and Weights Oil-immersed three-phase power transformers with off-load tap changer 10/16 to 2 0/31.5 MVA HV rating: up to 36 kV Hs s Rated frequency: 50 Hz, tapping range s Connection of 1 H 2 ¡ 2 x 2.5 % star HV winding: s Connection of star or delta LV winding: s Cooling method: ONAN/ONAF s LV range: 6 kV to 36 kV Fig. 35 E E W Ws L Ls 3 4 No-load loss [kW] 12 14 16 19 Rated power at ONAF ONAN [MVA] 10 12.5 16 20 Fig. 36 Load loss at ONAN ONAF [kW] 31 37 45 52 Impedance voltage of ONAN ONAF 5 [MVA] 16 20 25 31.5 [kW] 80 95 110 130 [%] 6.3 6.3 6.4 6.4 [%] 10 10 10 10 6 7 Rated power at ONAN ONAF [MVA] �10 12.5 16 20 Fig. 37 Dimensions L x W x [mm] H Total weight [kg] 22 25 30 35 Oil weight [kg] 4200 4500 5000 5700 Shipping dimensions Ls x Ws [mm] x Hs Shipping weight incl. oil [kg] 22000 23000 27000 31500 8 [MVA] 16 20 25 31.5 3700 2350 3900 3800 2350 4000 3900 2400 4100 4200 2450 4600 3600 1550 2650 3700 1600 2800 3800 1600 2800 3900 1650 3000 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 5/21 �Power Transformers ± Selection Tables Technical Data, Dimensions and Weights 1 Oil-immersed three-phase power transformer with on-load tap changer 10/16 to 20/ 31.5 MVA, HV rating: up to 36 kV s Rated frequency: 50 Hz, tapping range s Connection of 2 ¡ 16 % in ¡ 9 steps star H Hs 3 HV winding: s Connection of star or delta LV winding: s Cooling method: ONAN/ONAF s LV range: 6 kV to 36 kV Fig. 38 Ls L Ws W 4 Rated power at ONAN ONAF No-load loss [kW] 12 14 16 19 Load loss at ONAN ONAF [kW] 31 37 45 52 Impedance voltage of ONAN ONAF [%] 6.3 6.3 6.4 6.4 5 [MVA] 10 [MVA] 16 20 25 31.5 [kW] 80 95 111 130 [%] 10 10 10 10 6 12.5 16 20 7 Fig. 39 8 �Rated power at ONAN ONAF [MVA] 10 12.5 16 Dimensions L x W x [mm] H Total weight [kg] Oil weight [kg] 6200 6700 7000 9000 Shipping dimensions Ls x Ws [mm] x Hs Shipping weight incl. oil [kg] 24000 27000 31000 37000 [MVA] 16 20 25 31.5 9 4800 2450 3900 27000 4900 2500 4000 30000 5050 2500 4100 34000 5300 2550 4600 41 000 4400 1550 2600 4500 1600 2650 4650 1650 2650 5000 1700 3000 10 20 Fig. 40 5/22 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power Transformers ± Selection Tables Technical Data, Dimensions and Weights Oil-immersed three-phase power transformers with on-load tap changer 10/16 to 63 /100 MVA, HV rating: from 72.5 to 145 kV s Rated frequency: 50 Hz, tapping range s Connection of Rated power at ONAN ONAF [MVA] [MVA] 10 16 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 No-load loss [kW] 13 15 17 20 24 28 35 41 49 Load loss at ONAN [kW] 42 45 51 56 63 71 86 91 113 ONAF [kW] 108 115 125 140 160 180 214 232 285 Impedance voltage of ONAN ONAF [%] 9.6 9.4 9.6 9.6 9.5 9.5 9.8 10.0 10.5 1 [%] 15.4 15.0 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.7 2 ¡ 16 % in ¡ 9 steps star 12.5 16 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 Fig. 41 HV winding: s Connection star or delta of LV winding: s Cooling method: ONAN/ONA F 3 4 5 Rated power at Dimensions ONAN ONAF L x W x [MVA] 10 12.5 16 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 Fig. 42 H Total weight [kg] 39000 43000 48000 54000 61000 70000 82000 97000 118000 Oil weight [kg] 12000 12500 13500 14000 14500 17000 18000 20500 25500 Shipping dimensions Ls x Ws x Hs [mm] 5200 1900 5300 1950 5400 2000 5500 2000 5700 2100 5850 2150 6100 2200 6250 2300 6800 2450 3000 3100 3000 3100 3150 3350 3450 3700 4000 Shipping weight incl. oil [kg] 35000 39000 43000 49000 56000 65000 75000 90000 109000 �6 [MVA] 16 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 [mm] 6600 2650 4700 6700 2700 4800 6750 2750 5300 6800 2800 5400 6900 2900 5400 7050 2950 5500 7100 3000 5700 7400 3100 5800 7800 3250 6100 7 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 5/23 �Power Transformers above 100 MVA 1 2 3 The power rating range above 100 MVA comprises mainly generator transformers and system-interconnecting transformers with off-load and/or on-load tap changers. Depending on the on-site requirements, they can be designed as transformers with separate windings or as autotransformers, threeor single-phase, for power ratin gs up to over 1000 MVA and voltages up to 1500 kV. We manufacture these units ac cording to IEC 76, VDE 0532 or other national specifications. Offers for transfo rmers larger than 100 MVA only on request. 4 5 6 Fig. 43: Coal-fired power station in Germany with two 850-MVA generator transfor mers: Low-noise design, extended setting range and continuous overload capacity up to 1100 MVA 7 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 12 Five-limb core LV winding HV winding Tapped w inding Tap leads LV bushings HV bushings Clamping frame On-load tap changer Moto r drive Schnabel-car-tank Conservator Water-cooling system 9 1 8 6 9 8 10 13 11 10 3 2 Fig. 44: View into an 850/1100-MVA generator transformer 5 4 5/24 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power Transformers Monitoring System Siemens Monitoring System: Efficient Condition Recording and Diagnosis for Power Transformers Complete acquisition and evaluation of up to 45 measured variables, automatic tr end analysis, diagnosis and early warning ± the new Siemens Monitoring System make s use of all possible ways of monitoring power transformers: Round the clock, wi th precision sensors for voltage, temperature or quality of insulation, and with powerful software for measured data processing, display or documentation ± with o n-line communication over any distance. Maintenance and utilization of power tra nsformers are made more efficient all-round. Because the comprehensive informati on provided on the condition of the equipment and auxiliaries ensures that maint enance is carried out just where it s needed, costly routine inspections are a t hing of the past. And because the maintenance is always preventive, faults are r eliably ruled out. All these advantages enhance availability ± and thus ensure a l ong service life of your power transformers. This applies equally to new and old transformers. Equipping new transformers with the Siemens Monitoring System ens ures that right from the start the user is in possession of all essential data±for quick, comprehensive analysis. And retrofitting on transformers already in serv ice for considerable periods pays off as well. Particularly in the case of old t ransformers, constant monitoring significantly reduces the growing risk of failu re. Offers for transformers larger 100 MVA only on request. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Fig. 45: An integrated solution ± the complete Monitoring System housed in a cubic le of the transformer itself 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 5/25 �On-load Tap Changers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The on-load tap changers installed in Siemens power transformers are manufacture d by Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen (MR). MR is a supplier of technically advanced o n-load tap changers for oil-immersed power transformers covering an application range from 100 A to 4,500 A and up to 420 kV. About 90,000 MR high-speed resisto r-type tap changers are succesfully in service worldwide. The great variety of t ap changer models is based on a modular system which is capable of meeting the i ndividual customer's specifications for the respective operating conditions of the transformer. Depending on the required application range selector, switches or diverter switches with tap selectors can be used, both available for neutral, de lta or single-pole connection. Up to 107 operating positions can be achieved by the use of a multiple course tap selector. In addition to the well-known on-load tapchanger for installation in oil-immersed transformers, MR offers also a stan dardized gas-insulated tap changer for indoor installation which will be mounted on drytype transformers up to approx. 30 MVA and 36 kV, or SF6-type transformer s up to 40 MVA and 123 kV. The main characteristics of MR products are: s Compac t design s Optimum adaption and economic solutions offered by the great number o f variants s High reliability s Long life s Reduced maintenance s Service friend liness The tap changers are mechanically driven ± via the drive shafts and the bev el gear ± by a motor drive attached to the transformer tank. It is controlled acco rding to the step-by-step principle. Electrical and mechanical safety devices pr event overrunning of the end positions. Further safety measures, such as the aut omatic restart function, a safety circuit to prevent false phase sequence and ru nning through positions, ensure the reliable operation of motor drives. For operation under extremely onerous conditions an oil filter unit is available for filtering or filtering and drying of the switching oil. Voltage monitoring is effected by microprocessor-controlled operation control systems or voltage re gulators which include a great variety of data input and output facilities. In c ombination with a parallel control unit, several transformers connected in paral lel can be automatically controlled and monitored. Furthermore, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen offers a worldwide technical service to maintain their high quality s tandard. Inspections at regular intervals with only small maintenance requiremen ts guarantee the reliable operation expected with MR products. Type VT Fig. 46: MR motor drive ED 100 S Fig. 47: Gas-insulated on-load tap changer Type V �Type H Type M Type G Fig. 48: Selection of on-load tap changers from the MR product range 5/26 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Cast-resin Dry-type Transformers, GEAFOL Standards and regulations GEAFOL cast-resin dry-type transformers comply with IE C recommendation No. 726, CENELEC HD 464, HD 538 and DIN 42 523. Advantages and applications GEAFOL distribution and power transformers in ratings from 100 to m ore than 20 000 kVA and LI values up to 170 kV are full substitutes for oil-imme rsed transformers with comparable electrical and mechanical data. GEAFOL transfo rmers are designed for indoor installation close to their point of use at the ce nter of the major consumers. ® They only make use of flame-retardent inorganic insulating materials which free these transformers from all restrictions that apply to oil-filled electrical equ ipment, such as oil-collecting pits, fire walls, fireextinguishing equipment, et c. GEAFOL transformers are installed wherever oil-filled units cannot be used: i nside buildings, in tunnels, on ships, cranes and offshore platforms, in groundwater catchment areas, in food processing plants, etc. Often they are combined w ith their primary and secondary switchgear and distribution boards into compact substations that are installed directly at their point of use. As thyristor-conv erter transformers for variable speed drives they can be installed together with the converters at the drive location. This reduces civil works, cable costs, transmission losses, and instal lation costs. GEAFOL transformers are fully LI-rated. They have similar noise le vels to comparable oil-filled transformers. Taking the above indirect cost reduc tions into account, they are also frequently cost-competitive. By virtue of thei r design, GEAFOL transformers are completely maintenance-free for their lifetime . GEAFOL transformers have been in successful service since 1965. A lot of licen ses have been granted to major manufactures throughout the world since. 1 2 3 4 LV terminals Normal arrangement: Top, rear Special version: Bottom, available on request at e xtra charge Three-leg core Made of grain-oriented, low-loss electrolaminations insulated on both sides 5 HV terminals Variable arrangements, for optimal station design. HV tapping links on lowvoltag e side for adjustment to system conditions, reconnectable in de-energized state Resilient spacers To insulate core and windings from mechanical vibrations, resulting in low noise emissions 6 HV winding Consisting of vacuumpotted single foil-type aluminum coils. See enlarged detail in Fig. 50 �Cross-flow fans Permitting a 50% increase in the rated power 7 LV winding Temperature monitoring By PTC thermistor detectors in the LV winding Made of aluminum strip. Turns firm ly glued together by means of insulating sheet wrapper material 8 Paint finish on steel parts Multiple coating, RAL 5009. On request: Two-component varnish or hot-dip galvani zing (for particularly aggressive environments) Insulation: Mixture of epoxy resin and quartz powder Makes the transformer maintenance-free, moisture-proof, tropicalized, flame-resi stant and selfextinguishing 9 Ambient class E2 Climatic category C2 (If the transformer is installed outdoors, degree of protec tion IP 23 must be assured) 10 Clamping frame and truck Rollers can be swung around for lengthways or sideways travel * on-load tap changers on request. Fire class F1 Fig. 49: GEAFOL cast-resin dry-type transformer Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 5/27 �Cast-resin Dry-type Transformers, GEAFOL HV winding 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The high-voltage windings are wound from aluminum foil, interleaved with highgra de polypropylene insulating foil. The assembled and connected individual coils a re placed in a heated mold, and are potted in a vaccum furnace with a mixture of pure silica (quartz sand) and specially blended epoxy resins. The only connecti ons to the outside are copper bushings, which are internally bonded to the alumi num winding connections. The external star or delta connections are made of insu lated copper connectors to guarantee an optimal installation design. The resulti ng high-voltage windings are fire-resistant, moistureproof, corrosionproof, and show excellent aging properties under all indoor operating conditions. (For outd oor use, specially designed sheetmetal enclosures are available.) The foil windi ngs combine a simple winding technique with a high degree of electrical safety. The insulation is subjected to less electrical stress than in other types of win dings. In a conventional round-wire winding, the interturn voltage can add up to twice the interlayer voltage, while in a foil winding it never exeeds the volta ge per turn because a layer consists of only one winding turn. Result: a high AC voltage and impulse-voltage withstand capacity. Why aluminum? The thermal expan sion coefficients of aluminum and cast resin are so similar that thermal stresse s resulting from load changes are kept to a minimum (see Fig. 50). LV winding Th e standard low-voltage winding with its considerably reduced dielectric stresses is wound from single aluminum sheets with interleaved cast-resin impregnated fi berglass fabric. The assembled coils are then oven-cured to form uniformly bonde d solid cylinders that are impervious to moisture. Through the single-sheet wind ing design, excellent dynamic stability under short-circuit conditions is achiev ed. Connections are submerged-arc-welded to the aluminum sheets and are extended either as aluminum or copper busbars to the secondary terminals. 8 8 Round-wire winding U 7 6 5 4 6 4 3 3 7 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 8 2 2 �1 9 Strip winding U 2 4 6 8 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 3 5 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fig. 50: High-voltage encapsulated winding design of GEAFOL cast-resin transform er and voltage stress of a conventional round-wire winding (above) and the foil winding (below) 5/28 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Cast-resin Dry-type Transformers, GEAFOL Fire safety GEAFOL transformers use only flameretardent and self-extinguishing m aterials in their construction. No additional substances, such as aluminum oxide trihydrate, which could negatively influence the mechanical stability of the ca st-resin molding material, are used. Internal arcing from electrical faults and externally applied flames do not cause the transformers to burst or burn. After the source of ignition is removed, the transformer is self-extinguishing. This d esign has been approved by fire officials in many countries for installation in populated buildings and other structures. The environmental safety of the combus tion residues has been proven in many tests. Categorization of cast-resin transf ormers Dry-type transformers have to be categorized under the sections listed be low: s Environmental category s Climatic category s Fire category These categori es have to be shown on the rating plate of each dry-type transformer. The properties laid down in the standards for ratings within the approximate cat egory relating to environment (humidity), climate and fire behavior have to be d emonstrated by means of tests. These tests are described for the environmental c ategory (code number E0, E1 and E2) and for the climatic category (code number C 1, C2) in DIN VDE 0532 Part 6 (corresponding to HD 464). According to this stand ard, they are to be carried out on complete transformers. The tests of fire beha vior (fire category code numbers F0 and F1) are limited to tests on a duplicatio n of a complete transformer. It consists of a core leg, a low-voltage winding an d a high-voltage winding. The specifications for fire category F2 are determined by agreement between the manufacturer and the customer. Siemens have carried ou t a lot of tests. The results for our GEAFOL transformers are something to be pr oud of: s Environmental category E2 s Climatic category C2 s Fire category F1 Th is good behavior is solely due to the GEAFOL cast-resin mix which has been used successfully for decades. Insulation class and temperature rise The high-voltage winding and the lowvoltag e winding utilize class F insulating materials with a mean temperature rise of 1 00 K (standard design). Overload capability GEAFOL transformers can be overloade d permanently up to 50% (with a corresponding increase in impedance voltage) if additional radial cooling fans are installed. (Dimensions increase by approximat ely 200 mm in length and width.) Short-time overloads are uncritical as long as the maximum winding temperatures are not exceeded for extended periods of time. Temperature monitoring Each GEAFOL transformer is fitted with three temperature sensors installed in the LV winding, and a solid-state tripping device with rela y output. The PTC thermistors used for sensing are selected for the applicable m aximum hot-spot winding temperature. Additional sets of sensors with lower tempe rature points can be installed for them and for fan control purposes. Additional dial-type thermometers and Pt100 are available, too. For operating voltages of the LV winding of 3.6 kV and higher, special temperature measuring equipment can be provided. Auxiliary wiring is run in protective conduit and terminated in a central LV terminal box (optional). Each wire and terminal is identified, and a wiring diagram is permanently attached to the inside cover of this terminal box. Installation and enclosures Indoor installation in electrical operating rooms o r in various sheet-metal enclosures is the preferred method of installation. The transformers need only be protected against access to the terminals or the wind ing surfaces, against direct sunlight, and against water. Sufficient ventilation must be provided by the installation location or the enclosure. Otherwise force d-air cooling must be specified or provided by others. 1 2 3 �4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fig. 51: Flammability test of cast-resin transformer Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 5/29 �Cast-resin Dry-type Transformers, GEAFOL 1 2 3 Instead of the standard open terminals, insulated plug-type elbow connectors can be supplied for the high-voltage side with LI ratings up to 170 kV. Primary cab les are usually fed to the transformer from trenches below, but can also be conn ected from above. Secondary connections can be made by multiple insulated cables , or by busbars, from either below or above. Secondary terminals are either alum inum or copper busbar stubs, drilled to specification. A variety of indoor and o utdoor enclosures in different protection classes are available for the transfor mers alone, or for indoor compact substations in conjunction with high- and lowvoltage switchgear cubicles. Recycling of GEAFOL transformers Of all the GEAFOL transformers manufactured since 1965, even the oldest units are not about to rea ch the end of their service life expectancy. In spite of this, a lot of experien ces have been made over the years with the recycling of coils that have become u nusable due to faulty manufacture or damage. These experiences show that all the metallic components, i.e. approx. 90% of all materials, can be fully recovered economically. The recycling method used by Siemens does not pollute the environm ent. In view of the value of the secondary raw materials, the procedure can be e conomical even considering the currently small amounts. 4 5 6 7 Fig. 52: GEAFOL transformer with plug-type cable connections 8 9 10 Fig. 53: Radial cooling fans on GEAFOL transformer for AF cooling Fig. 54: GEAFOL transformer in protective housing to IP 20/40 5/30 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �GEAFOL Cast-resin Selection Tables, Technical Data, Dimensions and Weights s s s s s s s s s s s Standard: DIN 42523 Rated power: 100±20000 kVA* Rated frequency: 50 Hz HV rating: up to 36 kV LV rating: up to 780 V; special designs for up to 12 kV are possible Tappings on ¡ 2.5 % or ¡ 2 x 2.5 % HV side: Connection: HV winding: delta LV windin g: star Impedance 4±8 % voltage at rated current: Insulation class: HV/LV = F/F Te mperature HV/LV = 100/100 K rise: Color of metal RAL 5009 (other parts: colors a re available) Um [kV] 1.1 12 24 36 LJ [kV] ± 75 95** 145** AC [kV] 3 28 50 70 * power rating > 2.5 MVA upon request ** other levels upon request 1 2 Fig. 55: Insulation level 2U 2V 2W 2N 3 H1 4 E A1 Fig. 56: GEAFOL cast-resin transformer E B1 5 Distance between wheel centers Rated power Rated Impevoltage dance voltage Type No-load Load losses losses Sn [kVA] �Um [kV] 12 U2 [%] 4 4 6 6 4GB¼ .5044-3CA .5044-3GA .5044-3DA .5044-3HA .5064-3CA .5064-3GA .5064-3DA .5064-3HA .5244-3CA .5244-3GA .5244-3DA .5244-3HA .5264-3CA .5264-3GA .5264-3DA .5264-3HA P0 [W] 440 320 360 300 600 400 420 330 610 440 500 400 800 580 600 480 Pk 75* [W] 1600 1600 2000 2000 1500 1500 1800 1800 2300 2300 2300 2300 2200 2200 2500 2500 Sound Load losses press. level 1m tolerance + 3 dB Pk 120** LPA [W] [dB] 1900 19 00 2300 2300 1750 1750 2050 2050 2600 2600 2700 2700 2500 2500 2900 2900 45 37 4 5 37 45 37 45 37 47 39 47 39 47 39 47 39 Sound power level Total weight Dimensions Length Width Height 6 LWA [dB] 59 51 59 51 59 51 59 51 62 54 62 54 62 54 62 54 GGES [kg] 630 760 590 660 750 830 660 770 770 920 750 850 910 940 820 900 A1 [mm] 1210 1230 1190 1230 1310 1300 1250 1300 1220 1290 1270 1300 1330 1310 13 10 1350 B1 [mm] 705 710 705 710 755 755 750 755 710 720 720 725 725 720 725 765 H1 [mm] 835 890 860 855 935 940 915 930 1040 1050 990 985 1090 1095 1075 1060 E [mm] 7 without wheels without wheels without wheels without wheels without wheels witho ut wheels without wheels without wheels 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 100 8 24 4 4 6 6 9 160 12 �4 4 6 6 10 24 4 4 6 6 Dimensions and weights are approximate values and valid for 400 V on the seconda ry side, vector-group can be Dyn 5 or Dyn 11. * In case of short-circuits at 75 °C ** In case of short-circuits at 120 °C Rated power figures in parentheses are not standardized. Fig. 57: GEAFOL cast-resin transformers 50 to 2500 kVA Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 5/31 �GEAFOL Cast-resin Selection Tables, Technical Data, Dimensions and Weights 1 Rated power Rated Impevoltage dance voltage Type No-load Load losses losses 2 Sn [kVA] Um [kV] 12 U2 [%] 4 4 6 6 4GB¼ .5444-3CA .5444-3GA .5444-3DA .5444-3HA .5464-3CA .5464-3GA .5464-3DA .5464-3 HA .5475-3DA .5544-3CA .5544-3GA .5544-3DA .5544-3HA .5564-3CA .5564-3GA .5564-3 DA .5564-3HA .5575-3DA .5644-3CA .5644-3GA .5644-3DA .5644-3HA .5664-3CA .5664-3 GA .5664-3DA .5664-3HA .5675-3DA .5744-3CA .5744-3GA .5744-3DA .5744-3HA .5764-3 CA .5764-3GA .5764-3DA .5764-3HA .5775-3DA P0 [W] 820 600 700 570 1050 800 880 650 1300 980 720 850 680 1250 930 1000 780 1450 115 0 880 1000 820 1450 1100 1200 940 1700 1350 1000 1200 980 1700 1270 1400 1100 19 00 Pk 75* [W] 3000 3000 2900 2900 2900 2900 3100 3100 3800 3300 3300 3400 3400 3400 3400 3600 3600 4500 4300 4300 4300 4300 3900 3900 4100 4100 5100 4900 4900 5600 5600 4800 4800 5000 5000 6000 Sound Load losses press. level 1m tolerance + 3 dB Pk 120** LPA [W] [dB] 3500 34 00 3300 3300 3300 3300 3600 3600 4370 3800 3800 3900 3900 3900 3900 4100 4100 51 70 50 42 50 42 50 41 50 41 50 52 43 51 43 51 43 51 43 51 Sound power level Total weight Dimensions Length Width Height Distance between wheel centers LWA [dB] 65 57 65 57 65 57 65 57 65 67 59 67 59 67 59 67 59 67 68 60 68 60 68 60 68 60 68 69 61 69 61 69 61 69 61 69 GGES [kg] 1040 1170 990 1120 1190 1230 990 1180 1700 1160 1320 1150 1290 1250 14 00 1190 1300 1900 1310 1430 1250 1350 1410 1570 1350 1460 2100 1520 1740 1470 16 20 1620 1830 1580 1720 2600 A1 [mm] 1330 1330 1350 1390 1390 1400 1360 1430 1900 1370 1380 1380 1410 1410 14 40 1410 1460 1950 1380 1380 1410 1430 1440 1460 1480 1480 2000 1410 1450 1460 14 90 1500 1540 1540 1560 2050 �B1 [mm] 730 730 740 745 735 735 735 745 900 820 820 830 830 820 825 825 830 920 820 820 825 830 825 830 835 835 920 830 835 845 845 835 840 850 850 940 H1 [mm] 1110 1135 1065 1090 1120 1150 1140 1160 1350 1125 1195 1140 1165 1195 12 05 1185 1195 1400 1265 1290 1195 1195 1280 1280 1275 1280 1440 1320 1345 1275 12 90 1330 1350 1305 1320 1500 E [mm] 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 6 70 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 250 3 24 4 4 6 6 4 36 6 4 4 6 6 (315) 12 5 24 4 4 6 6 6 36 6 4 4 6 6 7 400 12 4900 52 4900 44 4900 52 4900 44 4500 52 4500 44 4700 52 4700 44 5860 52 5600 53 5600 45 6400 53 6400 45 5500 53 5500 44 5700 53 5700 45 6900 53 8 24 4 4 6 6 9 (500) 36 12 6 4 4 6 10 �24 6 4 4 6 6 36 6 Dimensions and weights are approximate values and valid for 400 V on the seconda ry side, vector-group can be Dyn 5 or Dyn 11. * In case of short-circuits at 75 °C ** In case of short-circuits at 120 °C Rated power figures in parentheses are not standardized. Fig. 58: GEAFOL cast-resin transformers 50 to 2500 kVA 5/32 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �GEAFOL Cast-resin Selection Tables, Technical Data, Dimensions and Weights Rated power Rated Impevoltage dance voltage Type No-load Load losses losses Sn [kVA] Um [kV] 12 U2 [%] 4 4 6 6 4GB¼ .5844-3CA .5844-3GA .5844-3DA .5844-3HA .5864-3CA .5864-3GA .5864-3DA .5864-3HA .5875-3DA .5944-3CA .5944-3GA .5944-3DA .5944-3HA .5964-3CA .5964-3GA .5964-3DA .5964-3HA .5975-3DA .6044-3CA .6044-3GA .6044-3DA .6044-3HA .6064-3CA ..6064-3GA .6064-3DA .6064-3HA .6075-3DA .6144-3DA .6144-3HA .6164-3DA .6164-3HA .6175-3DA P0 [W] 1500 1150 1370 1150 1950 1500 1650 1250 2200 1850 1450 1700 1350 2100 1600 1900 1450 2600 2200 1650 2000 1500 2400 1850 2300 1750 3000 2400 1850 2700 2100 3500 Pk 75* [W] 6400 6400 6400 6400 6000 6000 6400 6400 7000 7800 7800 7600 7600 7500 7500 7900 7900 8200 Sound Load losses press. level 1m tolerance + 3 dB Pk 120** LPA [W] [dB] 7300 73 00 7400 7400 6900 6900 7300 7300 8000 9000 9000 8700 8700 8600 8600 9100 9100 94 00 54 45 54 45 53 45 53 45 53 55 47 55 47 55 47 55 47 55 55 47 56 47 55 47 55 47 55 57 49 57 49 57 Sound power level Total weight Dimensions Length Width Height Distance between wheel centers 1 LWA [dB] 70 62 70 62 70 62 70 62 70 72 64 72 64 72 64 71 64 72 73 65 73 65 73 65 73 65 73 75 67 75 67 75 GGES [kg] 1830 2070 1770 1990 1860 2100 1810 2050 2900 2080 2430 2060 2330 2150 2550 2110 2390 3300 2480 2850 2420 2750 2570 3060 2510 2910 3900 2900 3370 3020 3490 4500 A1 [mm] 1510 1470 1550 1590 1550 1600 1580 1620 2070 1570 1590 1560 1600 1610 16 50 1610 1630 2140 1590 1620 1620 1660 1660 1680 1680 1730 2200 1780 1790 1820 18 50 2300 B1 [mm] 840 835 860 865 845 850 855 860 940 850 855 865 870 845 855 860 865 950 �990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 1050 990 990 990 990 1060 H1 [mm] 1345 1505 1295 1310 1380 1400 1345 1370 1650 1560 1640 1490 1530 1580 16 20 1590 1595 1850 1775 1795 1560 1560 1730 1815 1620 1645 1900 1605 1705 1635 16 75 2000 E [mm] 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 8 20 820 820 820 820 820 820 820 820 820 820 820 820 520 2 630 3 24 4 4 6 6 4 36 6 4 4 6 6 (800) 12 5 24 4 4 6 6 6 36 6 4 4 6 6 1000 12 8900 10200 8900 10200 8500 8500 9700 9700 7 24 4 4 6 6 8700 10000 8700 10000 9200 10500 9600 11000 9500 10900 9600 11000 10500 12000 10 000 11500 10500 12000 11000 12600 8 36 �6 6 6 6 6 6 9 (1250) 12 24 36 10 Dimensions and weights are approximate values and valid for 400 V on the seconda ry side, vector-group can be Dyn 5 or Dyn 11. * In case of short-circuits at 75 °C ** In case of short-circuits at 120 °C Rated power figures in parentheses are not standardized. Fig. 59: GEAFOL cast-resin transformers 50 to 2500 kVA Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 5/33 �GEAFOL Cast-resin Selection Tables, Technical Data, Dimensions and Weights 1 Rated power ImpeRated voltage dance voltage Type No-load Load losses losses Sound Load losses press. level 1m tolerance + 3 dB Sound power level Total weight Dimensions Length Width Height Distance between wheel centers 2 Sn [kVA] Um [kV] 12 24 36 U2 [%] 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4GB¼ .6244-3DA .6244-3HA .6264-3DA .6264-3HA .6275-3DA .6344-3DA .6344-3HA .6364-3DA .6364-3HA .6375-3DA .6444-3DA .6444-3HA .6464-3DA .6464-3HA .6475-3DA P0 [W] 2800 2100 3100 2400 4300 3600 2650 4000 3000 5100 4300 3000 5000 3600 6400 Pk 75* Pk 120** LPA [W] [W] [dB] 11000 12500 11400 13000 11800 13500 12300 14000 12700 14600 14000 16000 14500 16 500 14500 16500 14900 17000 15400 17700 17600 20000 18400 21000 17600 20000 1800 0 20500 18700 21500 58 50 58 49 58 59 51 59 51 59 62 51 61 51 61 LWA [dB] 76 68 76 68 76 78 70 78 70 78 81 71 81 71 81 GGES [kg] A1 [mm] B1 [mm] H1 [mm] E [mm] 1600 3550 4170 3640 4080 5600 4380 5140 4410 4920 6300 5130 6230 5280 6220 7900 �1840 1880 1880 1900 2500 1950 1990 2020 2040 2500 2110 2170 2170 2220 2700 995 1005 995 1005 1100 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 2025 2065 2035 2035 2400 2150 2205 2160 2180 2400 2150 2205 2160 2180 2400 1070 1070 1070 1070 1070 1070 1070 1070 1070 1070 1070 1070 1070 1070 1070 3 (2000) 12 24 36 4 5 2500 12 24 6 36 Dimensions and weights are approximate values and valid for 400 V on the seconda ry side, vector-group can be Dyn 5 or Dyn 11. * In case of short-circuits at 75 °C ** In case of short-circuits at 120 °C Rated power >2500 kVA to 20 MVA on request . Rated power figures in parentheses are not standardized. 7 Fig. 60: GEAFOL cast-resin transformers 50 to 2500 kVA 8 9 10 5/34 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Special Transformers GEAFOL cast-resin transformers with oil-free tap-changers The voltage-regulating cast-resin transformers connected on the load side of the medium-voltage power supply system feed the plant-side distribution transformer s. The tap-changer-controlled transformers used in these medium-voltage systems need to have appropriately high ratings. Siemens offers suitable transformers in its GEAFOL design which has proved successful over many years and is available in ratings of up to 20 MVA. With forced cooling it is even possible to increase the power ratings still further by 40%. The range of rated voltage extends to 36 kV and the maximum impulse voltage is 200 kV. The main applications of this typ e of transformer are in modern industrial plants, hospitals, office and appartme nt blocks and shopping centers. Linking single-pole tap-changer modules together in threes by means of insulatin g shafts produces a triple-pole tap-changer in either star or delta connection f or regulating the output voltage of GEAFOL transformers. In its nine operating p ositions, this type of tap-changer has a rated through-current of 500 A and a ra ted voltage of 900 V per step. This allows voltage fluctuations of up to 8100 V to be kept under control. However, the maximum control range utilizes only 20% o f the rated voltage. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fig. 61: 16/22-MVA GEAFOL cast-resin transformer with oil-free on-load tap chang er Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 5/35 �Special Transformers 1 Transformers for thyristor converters These are special oil-immersed or castresin power transformers that are designed for the special demands of thyristor converter or diode rectifier operation. Th e effects of such conversion equipment on transformers and additional constructi on requirements are as follows: s Increased load by harmonic currents s Balancin g of phase currents in multiple winding systems (e.g. 12-pulse systems) s Overlo ad factor up to 2.5 s Types for 12-pulse systems, if required. Siemens supplies oil-filled converter transformers of all ratings and configurations known today, and dry-type cast-resin converter transformers up to more than 20 MVA and 200 k V LI. To define and quote for such transformers, it is necessary to know conside rable details on the converter to be supplied and on the line feeding it. These transformers are almost exclusively inquired together with the respective drive or rectifier system and are always custom-engineered for the given application. 2 3 4 5 6 Neutral grounding transformers 7 When a neutral grounding reactor or ground-fault neutralizer is required in a th ree-phase system and no suitable neutral is available, a neutral must be provide d by using a neutral grounding transformer. Neutral grounding transformers are a vailable for continuous operation or short-time operation. The zero impedance is normally low. The standard vector groups are zigzag or wye/delta. Some other ve ctor groups are also possible. Neutral grounding transformers can be built by Si emens in all common power ratings. Normally, the neutral grounding transformers are built in oil-immersed design, however, they can also be built in cast-resin design. Fig. 62: Dry-type converter transformer GEAFOL 8 9 10 For further information please contact: Distribution transformers: Fax: ++49-702 1-508548 Power transformers: Fax: ++49-911-4342147 5/36 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Protection and Substation Control Contents Local and Remote Control Introduction ................................. 6/71 SIN AUT LSA Overview ...................................... 6/74 SINAUT LSA Substati on automation distributed structure .................. 6/78 SINAUT LSA Substatio n automation centralized structure (Enhanced RTU) .......................... 6/9 1 SINAUT LSA Compact remote terminal units .............................. 6/93 S ICAM Overview ........................ 6/96 SICAM RTU Remote terminal units (RTU s) ................................. 6/97 SICAM SAS Substation automation ...... ...... 6/108 SICAM PCC Substation automation ............ 6/118 Page Contents Page Device dimensions .................. 6/125 Power Quality Introduction .......... ..................... 6/131 Measuring and recording ...... 6/132 Compensation sy stems Introduction ............................... 6/146 Passive compensation sy stems ...................................... 6/147 Active compensation systems . ..................................... 6/154 General overview ........................ 6/2 Application hints ................ ......... 6/4 Power System Protection Introduction ............................. ...... 6/8 Relay selection guide ................ 6/22 Relay portraits ......... ................... 6/25 Typical protection schemes ..... 6/42 Protection coordi nation ............ 6/62 6 �Protection and Substation Control General Overview General overview 1 Three trends have emerged in the sphere of substation secondary equipment: intel ligent electronic devices (IEDs), open communication and operation with a PC. Nu merical relays and cumputerized substation control are now state-of-the-art. The multitude of conventional, individual devices prevalent in the past as well as comprehensive parallel wiring are being replaced by a small number of multifunct ional devices with serial connections. One design for all applications In this r espect, Siemens offers a uniform, universal technology for the entire functional scope of secondary equipment, both in the construction and connection of the de vices and in their operation and communication. This results in uniformity of de sign, coordinated interfaces and the same operating concept being established th roughout, whether in power system and generator protection, in measurement and r ecording systems, in substation control and protection or in telecontrol. All de vices are highly compact and immune to interference, and are therefore also suit able for direct installation in switchgear cells. Furthermore, all devices and s ystems are largely self-monitoring, which means that previously costly maintenan ce can be reduced considerably. ªComplete technology from one partnerª The Protectio n and Substation Control Systems Division of the Siemens Power Transmission and Distribution Group supplies devices and systems for: s Power System Protection s Substation Control s Remote Control (RTUs) s Measurement and Recording s Monito ring and Conditioning of Power Quality This covers all of the measurement, contr ol, automation and protection functions for substations*. Furthermore, our activ ities cover: s Consulting s Planning s Design s Commissioning and Service This u niform technology ºall from one sourceª saves the user time and money in the plannin g, assembly and operation of his substations. *An exception is revenue metering. Meters are separate products of our Metering Division. System control centers IEC 60870-5-101 SICAM WinCC Monitoring and control PROFIB US Wire RS485 GPS SICAM plusTools Automation Engineering, Parameterizing 2 IEC 60 870-5-103 SIPROTEC-IEDs: ± Relays O.F. ± Bay control units ± Transducers ± etc. 3 4 Fig. 1: The digital substation control system SICAM implements all of the contro l, measurement and automation functions of a substation. Protection relays are c onnected serially 5 6 7 8 Fig. 2a: Protection and control in HV GIS switchgear �Fig. 2b: Protection and control in bay dedicated kiosks of an EHV switchyard Rationalization of operation Savings in terms of space and costs Simplified plan ning and operational reliability Efficient parameterization and operation High l evels of reliability and availability 9 by means of SCADA-like operation control and high-performance, uniformly operabl e PC tools by means of integration of many functions into one unit and compact e quipment design by means of uniform design, coordinated interfaces and universal ly identical EMC by means of PC tools with uniform operator interface by means o f type-tested system technology, complete self-monitoring and the use of proven technology ± 20 years of practical experience with digital protection, more than 1 50,000 devices in operation (1999) ± 15 years of practical experience with substat ion automation (SINAUT LSA and SICAM), over 1500 substations in operation (1999) 10 Fig. 3: For the user, ªcomplete technology from one sourceº has many advantages 6/2 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Protection and Substation Control General Overview Protection and substation automation 1 Substation automation SICAM/SINAUT LSA Protection SIPROTEC Power quality SIMEAS/SIPCON 2 SINAUT LSA Substation automation systems, centralized and decentralized SICAM SAS Substation automation systems, LAN-based (Profibus) Feeder protection overcurrent/overload relays SIMEAS R Fault recorders (Oscillostores) 7SJ5 and 7SJ6 3 Line protection distance relays Remote terminal units SIMEAS Q, M, N Power quality recorders SICAM PCC Energy automation based on PC and LAN (Profibus) 7SA5 4 SICAM RTU Enhanced RTU 6MD2010 Line protection pilot protection relays SIMEAS T Measuring transducers 7SD5 5 Transformer protection SIPCON Power conditioners SINAUT LSA Compact unit �7UT5 6 6MB552 Minicompact unit Generator/motor protection 6MB553 7UM5 7 Busbar protection 7SS5 and 7VH8 Fig. 4: Siemens Protection and Substation Control comprises these systems and pr oduct ranges 8 Thus the on-line measurements and fault data registered in the protective relays can be used for local and remote control or can be transmitted via telephone mo dem connections to the workplace of the service engineer. Siemens supplies indiv idual devices as well as complete protection systems in factory finished cubicle s. For complex applications, for example, in the field of extrahigh-voltage tran smission, type and design test facilities are available together with an extensi ve and comprehensive network model using the most modern simulation and evaluati on techniques. System Protection Siemens offers a complete spectrum of multifunctional, numeric al relays for all applications in the field of network and machine protection. U niform design and electromagnetic-interference-free construction in metal housin gs with conventional connection terminals in accordance with public utility requ irements assure simple system design and usage just as with conventional relays. Numerical measurement techniques ensure precise operation and necessitate less maintenance thanks to their continuous self-monitoring capability. The integration of additional protection and other functions, such as real-time operational measurements, event and fault recording, all in one unit economizes on space, design and wiring costs. Setting and programming of the devices can be performed through the integral, plaintext, menu-guided operator display or by u sing the comfortable PC program DIGSI for Windows*. Open serial interfaces, IEC 870-5-103-compliant, allow free communication with higher level control systems, including those from other manufacturers. Connection to a Profibus substation L AN is optionally possible. 9 10 * Windows is a registered product of Microsoft Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/3 �Protection and Substation Control General Overview Substation control Switchgear interlocking The digital interlocking system 8TK is used for importan t substations in particular with multiple busbar arrangements. It prevents false switching and provides an additional local bay control function which allows fa ilsafe switching, even when the substation control system is not available. Ther efore the safety of operating personnel and equipment is considerabely enhanced. The 8TK system can be used as a standalone interlocked control, or as back-up s ystem together with the digital 6MB substation control. Power Quality (Measureme nt, recording and power compensation) The SIMEAS product range offers equipment for the superversion of power supply quality (harmonic content, distortion facto r, peak loads, power factor, etc.), fault recorders (Oscillostore), data logging printers and measurement transducers. Stored data can be transmitted manually o r automatically to PC evaluation systems where it can be analyzed by intelligent programs. Expert systems are also applied here. This leads to rapid fault analy sis and valuable indicators for the improvement of network reliability. For loca l bulk data storage and transmission, the central processor DAKON can be install ed at substation level. Data transmission circuits for analog telephone or digit al ISDN networks are incorporated as standard. Connection to local or wide-area networks (LAN, WAN) is equally possible. We also have the SIMEAS T series of com pact and powerful measurement transducers with analog and digital outputs. The S IPCON Power Conditioner solves numerous system problems. It compensates (for exa mple) unbalanced loads or system voltage dips and suppresses system harmonics. I t performs these functions so that sensitive loads are assured of suitable volta ge quality at all times. In addition, the system ist also capable of eliminating the perturbation produced by irregular loads. The use of SIPCON can enable ener gy suppliers worldwide to provide the end consumer with distinctive quality of s upply. Advantages for the user The concept of ºComplete technology from one partnerª offers the user many advantages: s High-level security for his systems and operational rationalization possibilities ± powerful system solutions with the most modern te chnology ± compliance with international standards s Integration in the overall sy stem SIPROTEC-SICAM-SIMATIC s Space and cost savings ± integration of many functio ns into one unit and compact equipment packaging s Simple planning and secure op eration ± unified design, matched interfaces and EMI security throughout s Rationa lized programming and handling ± menu-guided PC Tools and unified keypads and disp lays s Fast, flexible mounting, reduced wiring s Simple, fast commissioning s Ef fective spare part stocking, high flexibility s High-level operational security and availability ± continuous self-monitoring and proven technology: ± 20 years digi tal relay experience (more than 150,000 units in operation) ± 10 years of SINAUT L SA and SICAM substation control (more than 1500 systems in operation) s Rapid pr oblem solving ± comprehensive advice and fast response from local sales and worksh op facilities worldwide. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The digital substation control systems SICAM and SINAUT LSA provide all control, �measurement and automation functions (e.g. transformer tap changing) required b y a switching station. They operate with distributed intelligence. Communication between feeder-located devices and central unit is made via interferencefree fi ber optic connections. Devices are extremely compact and can be built directly i nto medium and high-voltage switchgear. To input data, set and program the syste m, the unique PC programs SICAM PlusTools and LSA-TOOLS are available. Parameter s and values are input at the central unit and downloaded to the field devices, thus ensuring error-free and consistent data transfer. The operator interface is menu-guided, with SCADA comparable functions, that is, with a level of convenie nce which was previously only available in a network control center. Optional te lecontrol functions can be added to allow coupling of the system to one or more network control centers. In contrast to conventional controls, digital technolog y saves enormously on space and wiring. SICAM and LSA systems are subjected to f ull factory tests and are delivered in fully functional condition. Remote contro l Siemens remote control equipment 6MB55* and 6MD2010 fulfills all the classic f unctions of remote measurement and control. Furthermore, because of the powerful microprocessors with 32-bit technology, they provide comprehensive data preproc essing, automation functions and bulk storage of operational and fault informati on. In the classic case, connections to the switchgear are made through coupling relays and transducers. This method allows an economically favorable solution w hen modernizing or renewing the secondary systems in older installations. Altern atively, especially for new installations, direct connection is also possible. D igital protection devices can be connected by serial links through fiber-optic c onductors. In addition, the functions ºoperating and monitoringª can be provided by the connection of a PC, thus raising the telecontrol unit to the level of a cent ral station control system. Using the facility of nodal functions, it is also po ssible to build regional control points so that several substations can be contr olled from one location. 7 8 Application hints All named devices and systems for protection, metering and control are designed to be used in the harsh environment of electrical substations, power plants and the various industrial application areas. When the devices were developed, speci al emphasis was placed on EMI. The devices are in accordance with IEC 60 255 sta ndards. Detailed information is contained in the device manuals. Reliable operat ion of the devices is not affected by the usual interference from the switchgear , even when the device is mounted directly in a low-voltage compartment of a med ium-voltage cubicle. 9 10 6/4 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Protection and Substation Control Application Hints It must, however, be ensured that the coils of auxiliary relays located on the s ame panel, or in the same cubicle, are fitted with suitable spike quenching elem ents (e.g. free-wheeling diodes). When used in conjunction with switchgear for 1 00 kV or above, all external connection cables should be fitted with a screen gr ounded at both ends and capable of carrying currents. That means that the cross section of the screen should be at least 4 mm2 for a single cable and 2.5 mm2 fo r multiple cables in one cable duct. All equipment proposed in this guide is bui lt-up either in closed housings (type 7XP20) or cubicles with protection degree IP 51 according to IEC 60 529: s Protected against access to dangerous parts wit h a wire s Sealed against dust s Protected against dripping water Climatic condi tions: s Permissible temperature during Electromagnetic compatibility EC Conformity declaration (CE mark): All Siemens p rotection and control products recommended in this guide comply with the EMC Dir ective 99/336/EEC of the Council of the European Community and further relevant IEC 255 standards on electromagnetic compatibility. All products carry the CE ma rk. EMC tests; immunity (type tests) s Standards: 1 2 3 s s service ±5 °C to +55 °C permissible temperature during storage ±25 °C to +55 °C permissible temperature during transport ±25 °C to +70 °C Storage and transport with standard work s packaging s Permissible humidity Mean value per year £ 75% relative humidity; on 30 days per year 95% relative humidity; Condensation not permissible We recomme nd that units be installed such that they are not subjected to direct sunlight, nor to large temperature fluctuations which may give rise to condensation. Mecha nical stress Vibration and shock during operation s Standards: s Fig. 5: Installation of the numerical protection in the door of the low-voltage section of medium-voltage cell s Vibration and shock during transport s Standards: IEC 60255-21and IEC 60068-2 s Vibration s IEC 60 255-21 and IEC 60068-2 s Vibration ± sinusoidal IEC 60 255-21-1, class 1 ± 10 Hz to 60 Hz: ¡ 0.035 mm amplitude; IEC 600 68-2-6 ± 60 Hz to 150 Hz: 0.5 g accelera tion sweep rate 10 octaves/min 20 cycles in 3 orthogonal axes ± sinusoidal IEC 60255-21-1, class 2 ± 5 Hz to 8 Hz: ¡ 7.5 mm amplitude; IEC 60068-2-6 �± 8 Hz to 150 Hz: 2 g acceleration sweep rate 1 octave/min 20 cycles in 3 orthogo nal axes s Shock IEC 60255 -21-2, class 1 IEC 60068 -2-27 Insulation tests s Standards: s s IEC 60255-5 ± High-voltage test (routine test) 2 kV (rms), 50 Hz ± Impulse voltage t est (type test) all circuits, class III 5 kV (peak); 1.2/50 µs; 0.5 J; 3 positive and 3 negative shots at intervals of 5 s s IEC 60255-22 (product standard) EN 50082-2 (generic standard) High frequency IEC 60255-22-1 class III ± 2.5 kV (peak); 1 MHz; t = 15 µs; 400 shots/s; duration 2 s Ele ctrostatic discharge IEC 60255-22-2 class III and EN 61 000-4-2 class III ± 4 kV c ontact discharge; 8 kV air discharge; both polarities; 150 pF; Ri = 330 Ohm Radi o-frequency electromagnetic field, nonmodulated; IEC 60255-22-3 (report) class I II ± 10 V/m; 27 MHz to 500 MHz Radio-frequency electromagnetic field, amplitude-mo dulated; ENV 50140, class III ± 10 V/m; 80 MHz to 1000 MHz, 80%; 1 kHz; AM Radio-f requency electromagnetic field, pulse-modulated; ENV 50140/ENV 50 204, class III ± 10 V/m; 900 MHz; repetition frequency 200 Hz; duty cycle 50% Fast transients IE C 60255-22-4 and EN 61000-4-4, class III ± 2 kV; 5/50 ns; 5 kHz; burst length 15 m s; repetition rate 300 ms; both polarities; Ri = 50 Ohm; duration 1 min Conducte d disturbances induced by radio-frequency fields HF, amplitude-modulated ENV 501 41, class III ± 10 V; 150 kHz to 80 MHz; 80%; 1kHz; AM Power-frequency magnetic fi eld EN 61000-4-8, class IV ± 30 A/m continuous; 300 A/m for 3 s; 50 Hz 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/5 �Protection and Substation Control Application Hints EMC tests; emission (type tests) Cores for revenue metering In this case, class 0.2 M is normally required. Prote ction cores: The size of the protection core depends mainly on the maximum short -circuit current and the total burden (internal c.t. burden, plus burden of conn ecting leads, plus relay burden). Further, an overdimensioning factor has to be considered to cover the influence of the d.c. component in the short-circuit cur rent. In general, an accuracy of 1% (class 5 P) is specified. The accuracy limit ing factor KALF should normally be designed so that at least the maximum short-c ircuit current can be transmitted without saturation (d.c. component not conside red). This results, as a rule, in rated accuracy limiting factors of 10 or 20 de pendent on the rated burden of the c.t. in relation to the connected burden. A t ypical specification for protection cores for distribution feeders is 5P10, 15 V A or 5P20, 10 VA. The requirements for protective current transformers for trans ient performance are specified in IEC 60044-6. The recommended calculation proce dure for saturation-free design, however, leads to very high c.t. dimensions. In many practical cases, the c.t.s cannot be designed to avoid saturation under al l circumstances because of cost and space reasons, particularly with metal-enclo sed switchgear. The Siemens relays are therefore designed to tolerate c.t. satur ation to a large extent. The numerical relays proposed in this guide are particu larly stable in this case due to their integral saturation detection function. 1 s Standard: EN 50081-2 (generic standard) s Interference field strength CISPR 11, 2 EN 55011, class A ± 30 MHz to 1000 MHz s Conducted interference voltage, aux. volt age CISPR 22, EN 55022, class B ± 150 kHz to 30 MHz Instrument transformers Instru ment transformers must comply with the applicable IEC recommendations IEC 60044, formerly IEC 60185 (c.t.) and 186 (p.t.), ANSI/IEEE C57.13 or other comparable standards. Potential transformers Potential transformers (p.t.) in single- or do uble-pole design for all primary voltages have single or dual secondary windings of 100, 110 or 120 V/ 3, with output ratings between 10 and 300 VA, and accurac ies of 0.2, 0.5 or 1% to suit the particular application. Primary BIL values are selected to match those of the associated switchgear. Current transformers Curr ent transformers (c.t.) are usually of the single-ratio type with wound or barty pe primaries of adequate thermal rating. Single, dual or triple secondary windin gs of 1 or 5 A are standard. 1 A rating however should be preferred, particularl y in HV and EHV stations, to reduce the burden of the connecting leads. Output p ower (rated burden in VA), accuracy and saturation characteristics (accuracy lim iting factor) of the cores and secondary windings must meet the particular appli cation. The c.t. classification code of IEC is used in the following: Measuring cores The required c.t. accuracy-limiting factor KALF can be determined by calculation , as shown in Fig. 6. The overdimensioning factor KOF depends on the type of rel ay and the primary d.c. time constant. For the normal case, with short-circuit t ime constants lower than 100 ms, the necessary value for K*ALF can be taken from the table in Fig. 9. The recommended values are based on extensive type tests. C.t. design according to BS 3938 In this case the c.t. is defined by the kneepoi nt voltage UKN and the internal secondary resistance Ri. The design values accor ding to IEC 60 185 can be approximately transferred into the BS standard definit ion by the following formula: �3 4 UKN = (RNC + Ri) · I2N · KALF 1.3 5 6 I2N = Nominal secondary current Example: IEC 185 : 600/1, 15 VA, 5P10, Ri = 4 Oh m (15 + 4) · 1 · 10 BS : UKN = = 146 V 1.3 Ri = 4 Ohm Fig. 7: BS c.t. definition C.t. design according to ANSI/IEEE C 57.13 Class C of this standard defines the c.t. by its secondary terminal voltage at 20 times nominal current, for which th e ratio error shall not exceed 10%. Standard classes are C100, C200, C400 and C8 00 for 5 A nominal secondary current. This terminal voltage can be approximately calculated from the IEC data as follows: 7 8 9 RBC + Ri KALF > RBN + Ri K*ALF Vs.t. max = 20 x 5 A x RBN · with: KALF 20 10 They are normally specified with 0.5% or 1.0% accuracy (class 0.5 M or 1.0 M), a nd an accuracy limiting factor of 5 or 10. The required output power (rated burd en) must be higher than the actually connected burden. Typical values are 5, 10, 15 VA. Higher values are normally not necessary when only electronic meters and recorders are connected. A typical specification could be: 0.5 M 10, 15 VA. KALF : Rated c.t. accuracy limiting factor K*ALF : Effective c.t. accuracy limit ing factor RBN : Rated burden resistance RBC : Connected burden Ri : Internal c. t. burden (resistance of the c.t. secondary winding) with: K*ALF > KOF Iscc.max. IN RBN = PBN and INsec = 5 A , we get INsec2 Vs.t. max = PBN · KALF 5 Iscc.max. = Maximum short-circuit current IN = Rated primary c.t. current KOF = Overdimensioning factor Fig. 6: C.t. dimensioning formulae �Example: IEC 185 : 600/5, 25 VA, 5P20, 25 · 20 = ANSI C57.13: Vs.t. max = 5 = 100, i.e. class C100 Fig. 8: ANSI c.t. definition 6/6 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Protection and Substation Control Application Hints Relay type o/c protection 7SJ511, 512, 551, 7SJ60, 61, 62, 63 Transformer differential prot ection 7UT51 Line differential (fiber-optic) protection 7SD511/512 Line differen tial (pilot wire) protection 7SD502/503/600 Numerical busbar protection (low imp edance type) 7SS5 Minimum K*ALF Example: Stability-verification of the numerical busbar protection 7SS50 Given c ase: , at least 20 1 = IHigh set point IN 2 > 50 for each side ± = Iscc. max. (external fault) IN Iscc. max. (external fault) IN [K*ALF . IN](line-end 1) and 1 < 1 2 50 = 25 6 RBN = 15 VA = 15 Ohm; 1 A2 1.5 VA = 1.5 Ohm 1 A2 7 and = 10 Iscc. max. (line-end fault) IN RRelay = Fig. 9: Required effective accuracy limiting factor K*ALF 8 Burden of the connection leads The resistance of the current loop from the c.t. to the relay has to be considered: Relay burden The c.t. burdens of the numerical relays of Siemens are below 0.1 V A and can therefore be neglected for a practical estimation. Exceptions are the busbar protection 7SS50 (1.5 VA) and the pilot wire relays 7SD502, 7SD600 (4 VA) and 7SD503 (3 VA + 9 VA per 100 Ohm pilot wire resistance). Intermediate c.t.s are normally no longer applicable as the ratio adaption for busbar and transform er protection is numerically performed in the relay. Analog static relays in ger eral also have burdens below about 1 VA. Mechanical relays, however, have a much higher burden, up to the order of 10 VA. This has to be considered when older r elays are connected to the same c.t. circuit. In any case, the relevant relay ma nuals should always be consulted for the actual burden values. Rl = 2 0.0179 50 = 0.3 Ohm 6 RBC Rl = 2 r l Ohm A = Rl + RRelay = = 0.3 + 1.5 = 1.8 Ohm 9 l = single conductor length from the c.t. to the relay in m. KALF �> 1.8 + 4 15 + 4 25 = 7.6 10 Result: Specific resistance: Ohm mm2 r = 0.0179 (copper wires) m A = conductor cross secti on in mm2 Fig. 10 The rated KALF-factor (10) is higher than the calculated value (7.6). Therefore, the stability criterium is fulfilled. Fig. 11 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/7 �Power System Protection Introduction Introduction 1 Siemens is one of the world's leading suppliers of protective equipment for power systems. Thousands of our relays ensure first-class performance in transmission and distribution networks on all voltage levels, all over the world, in countrie s of tropical heat or arctic frost. For many years, Siemens has also significant ly influenced the development of protection technology. s In 1976, the first min icomputer (process computer)-based protection system was commissioned: A total o f 10 systems for 110/20 kV substations were supplied and are still operating sat isfactorily today. s Since 1985, we have been the first to manufacture a range o f fully numerical relays with standardized communication interfaces. Today, Siem ens offers a complete program of protective relays for all applications includin g numerical busbar protection. To date (1999), more than 150,000 numerical prote ction relays from Siemens are providing successful service, as standalone device s in traditional systems or as components of coordinated protection and substati on control. Meanwhile, the innovative SIPROTEC 4 series has been launched, incor porating the many years of operational experience with thousands of relays, toge ther with users' requirements (power authority recommendations). SIPROTEC 3 SIPROTEC 4 2 3 4 Fig. 12: Numerical relay ranges of Siemens 5 State of the art Mechanical and solid-state (static) relays have been almost com pletely phased out of our production because numerical relays are now preferred by the users due to their decisive advantages: s Compact design and lower cost d ue to integration of many functions into one relay s High availability even with less maintenance due to integral self-monitoring s No drift (aging) of measurin g characteristics due to fully numerical processing s High measuring accuracy du e to digital filtering and optimized measuring algorithms s Many integrated addon functions, for example, for load-monitoring and event/fault recording s Local operation keypad and display designed to modern ergonomic criteria s Easy and s ecure read-out of information via serial interfaces with a PC, locally or remote ly s Possibility to communicate with higherlevel control systems using standardi zed protocols (open communication) 6 7 8 9 10 6/8 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition ��Power System Protection Introduction 52 1 21 67N FL 79 25 SM ER FR BM 2 85 Serial link to station ± or personal computer to remote line end kA, kV, Hz, MW, M VAr, Load monitor MVA, Fault report Fault record Relay monitor Breaker monitor S upervisory control 3 21 67N FL 79 25 85 SM ER FR BM Distance protection Directional ground-fault protection Distance-to-fault locato r Autoreclosure Synchro-check Carrier interface (teleprotection) Self-monitoring Event recording Fault recording Breaker monitor 01.10.93 4 5 6 Fig. 13: Numerical relays, increased information availability Modern protection management All the functions, for example, of a line protectio n scheme can be incorporated in one unit: s Distance protection with associated add-on and monitoring functions s Universal teleprotection interface s Autoreclo se and synchronism check Protection-related information can be called up on-line or off-line, such as: s Distance to fault s Fault currents and voltages s Relay operation data (fault detector pickup, operating times etc.) s Set values s Lin e load data (kV, A, MW, kVAr) To fulfill vital protection redundancy requirement s, only those functions which are interdependent and directly associated with ea ch other are integrated in the same unit. For back-up protection, one or more ad ditional units have to be provided. �All relays can stand fully alone. Thus, the traditional protection concept of se parate main and alternate protection as well as the external connection to the s witchyard remain unchanged. ºOne feeder, one relayª concept Analog protection scheme s have been engineered and assembled from individual relays. Interwiring between these relays and scheme testing has been carried out manually in the workshop. Data sharing now allows for the integration of several protection and protection related tasks into one single numerical relay. Only a few external devices may be required for completion of the total scheme. This has significantly lowered t he costs of engineering, assembly, panel wiring, testing and commissioning. Sche me failure probability has also been lowered. Engineering has moved from schemat ic diagrams towards a parameter definition procedure. The documentation is provi ded by the relay itself. Free allocation of LED operation indicators and output contacts provides more application design flexibility. Measuring included For many applications, the protective-current transformer acc uracy is sufficient for operational measuring. The additional measuring c.t. was more for protection of measuring instruments under system fault conditions. Due to the low thermal withstand ability of the measuring instruments, they could n ot be connected to the protection c.t.. Consequently, additional measuring c.t.s and measuring instruments are now only necessary where high accuracy is require d, e.g. for revenue metering. 7 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/9 �Power System Protection Introduction On-line remote data exchange 1 2 3 A powerful serial data link provides for interrogation of digitized measured val ues and other information stored in the protection units, for printout and furth er processing at the substation or system control level. In the opposite directi on, settings may be altered or test routines initiated from a remote control cen ter. For greater distances, especially in outdoor switchyards, fiber-optic cable s are preferably used. This technique has the advantage that it is totally unaff ected by electromagnetic interference. Off-line dialog with numerical relays Personal computer DIGSI Recording Assigning Protection Laptop DIGSI Recording and confirmation 4 5 6 A simple built-in operator panel which requires no special software knowledge or codeword tables is used for parameter input and readout. This allows operator d ialog with the protection relay. Answers appear largely in plaintext on the disp lay of the operator panel. Dialog is divided into three main phases: s Input, al ternation and readout of settings s Testing the functions of the protection devi ce and s Readout of relay operation data for the three last system faults and th e autoreclose counter. Modern system protection management A more versatile note book PC may be used for upgraded protection management. The MS Windows-compatibl e relay operation program DIGSI is available for entering and readout of setpoin ts and archiving of protection data. The relays may be set in 2 steps. First, al l relay settings are prepared in the office with the aid of a local PC and store d on a floppy or the hard disk. At site, the settings can then be downloaded fro m a PC into the relay. The relay confirms the settings and thus provides an unqu estionable record. Vice versa, after a system fault, the relay memory can be upl oaded to a PC, and comprehensive fault analysis can then take place in the engin eer's office. Alternatively, the total relay dialog can be guided from any remote location through a modem-telephone connection (Fig. 15). Fig. 14: PC-aided setting procedure System level to remote control �Substation level Modem (option) Coordinated protection & control 7 ERTU Data concentrator RTU 8 Bay level 52 Relay Control 9 10 Fig. 15: Communication options 6/10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Introduction Relay data management Analog-distribution-type relays have some 20±30 setpoints. I f we consider a power system with about 500 relays, then the number adds up to 1 0,000 settings. This requires considerable expenditure in setting the relays and filing retrieval setpoints. A personal computer-aided man-machine dialog and ar chiving program, e.g. DIGSI, assists the relay engineer in data filing and retri eval. The program files all settings systematically in substation-feeder-relay o rder. Corrective rather than preventive maintenance Numerical relays monitor the ir own hardware and software. Exhaustive self-monitoring and failure diagnostic routines are not restricted to the protective relay itself, but are methodically carried through from current transformer circuits to tripping relay coils. Equi pment failures and faults in the c.t. circuits are immediately reported and the protective relay blocked. Thus, the service personnel are now able to correct th e failure upon occurrence, resulting in a significantly upgraded availability of the protection system. Adaptive relaying Numerical relays now offer secure, con venient and comprehensive matching to changing conditions. Matching may be initi ated either by the relay's own intelligence or from the outside world via contacts or serial telegrams. Modern numerical relays contain a number of parameter sets that can be pretested during commissioning of the scheme (Fig. 17). One set is normally operative. Transfer to the other sets can be controlled via binary inpu ts or serial data link. There are a number of applications for which multiple se tting groups can upgrade the scheme performance, e.g. a) for use as a voltage-de pendent control of o/c relay pickup values to overcome alternator fault current decrement to below normal load current when the AVR is not in automatic operatio n. b) for maintaining short operation times with lower fault currents, e.g. auto matic change of settings if one supply transformer is taken out of service. c) f or ªswitch-onto-faultº protection to provide shorter time settings when energizing a circuit after maintenance. The normal settings can be restored automatically af ter a time delay. Setpoints Relay operations 300 faults p. a. approx. 6,000 km OHL (fault rate: 5 p. a. and 100 km) 1 200 setpoints 1 sub 10 000 setpoints 1 system approx. 500 relays 1200 flags p. a. system 2 3 4 flags 20 setpoints 1 bay 4 bay OH-Line Fig. 16: System-wide setting and relay operation library 5 6 1000 1000 1000 1000 1100 1200 1500 2800 3900 Parameter 1100 Line data Parameter �D 1100 Line 1200 data O/C Phase settings Parameter C 1100 Line 1200 data O/C Phase settings settings Parameter 1500 O/C Earth Line 12 00 data O/C Phase settings settings 1500 O/C 2800 EarthFault Recording O/C Phase settings settings 1500 O/C 2800 EarthFault Recording Fall 3900 Breaker O/C Grou nd settings 2800 Fault Recording Fall 3900 Breaker Fault 3900 recording Fall Bre aker Breaker fail B 7 A 8 9 10 Fig. 17: Alternate parameter groups d) for autoreclose programs, i.e. instantaneous operation for first trip and del ayed operation after unsuccessful reclosure. e) for cold load pick-up problems w here high starting currents may cause relay operation. f) for ºring openª or ºring clo sedª operation. Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/11 �Power System Protection Relay Design and Operation Mode of operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Numerical protection relays operate on the basis of numerical measuring principl es. The analog measured values of current and voltage are decoupled galvanically from the plant secondary circuits via input transducers (Fig. 18). After analog filtering, the sampling and the analog-to-digital conversion take place. The sa mpling rate is, depending on the different protection principles, between 12 and 20 samples per period. With certain devices (e.g. generator protection) a conti nuous adjustment of the sampling rate takes place depending on the actual system frequency. The protection principle is based on a cyclic calculation algorithm, utilizing the sampled current and voltage analog measured values. The fault det ections determined by this process must be established in several sequential cal culations before protection reactions can follow. A trip command is transferred to the command relay by the processor, utilizing a dual channel control. The num erical protection concept offers a variety of advantages, especially with regard to higher security, reliability and user friendliness, such as: s High measurem ent accuracy: The high ultilization of adaptive algorithms produce accurate resu lts even during problematic conditions s Good long-term stability: Due to the di gital mode of operation, drift phenomena at components due to ageing do not lead to changes in accuracy of measurement or time delays s Security against over an d underfunction With this concept, the danger of an undetected error in the devi ce causing protection failure in the event of a network fault is clearly reduced when compared to conventional protection technology. Cyclical and preventive ma intenance services have therefore become largely obsolete. The integrated self-m onitoring system (Fig. 19) encompasses the following areas: ± Analog inputs ± Microp rocessor system ± Command relays. PC interface LSA interface Meas. inputs Input filter V.24 FO Serial Interfaces Input/ output ports Binary inputs �Current inputs (100 x /N, 1 s) Amplifier Alarm relay Command relay Voltage inputs (140 V continuous) A/D converter 0001 0101 0011 Processor system Memory: RAM EEPROM EPROM Input/ output units LED displays 100 V/1 A, 5 A analog 10 V analog digital Input/output contacts Fig. 18: Block diagram of numerical protection Plausibility check of input quantities e.g. iL1 + iL2 + iL3 = iE uL1 + uL2 + uL3 = uE A D Check of analog-to-digital conversion by comparison with converted reference qua ntities Microprocessor system Hardware and software monitoring of the microprocessor system incl. memory, e.g. by watchdog and cyclic memory checks Relay Monitoring of the tripping relays operated via dual channels Tripping check or t est reclosure by local or remote operation (not automatic) Fig. 19: Self-monitoring system 6/12 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Relay Design and Operation Implemented Functions SIOPROTEC relays are available with a variety of protectiv e functions. See relay charts (page 6/20 and following). The high processing pow er of modern numerical devices allow further integration of non-protective add-o n functions. The question as to whether separate or combined relays should be us ed for protection and control cannot be uniformly answered. In transmission type substations, separation into independent hardware units is still preferred, whe reas on the distribution level a trend towards higher function integration can b e observed. Here, combined feeder relays for protection, monitoring and control are on the march (Fig. 20). Most of the relays of this guide are standalone prot ection relays. The exception in the SIPROTEC 3 series is the distribution feeder relay 7SJ531 that also integrates control functions. Per feeder, only one relay package ist needed in this case leading to a considerable reduction in space un d wiring. With the new SIPROTEC 4 series (types 7SJ61, 62 and 63), Siemens suppo rts both stand-alone and combined solutions on the basis of a single hardware an d software platform. The user can decide within wide limits on the configuration of the control and protection functions in the feeder, without compromising the reliability of the protection functions (Fig. 21). 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 20: Switchgear with numerical relay (7SJ62) and traditional control Switchg ear with combined protection and control relay (7SJ63) The following solutions are available within one relay family: s Separate contro l and protection relays s Protection relays including remote control of the feed er breaker via the serial communication link s Combined feeder relays for protection, monitoring and control Mixed use of the different relay types is readily possibl e on account of the uniform operation and communication procedures. 6 7 7SJ62/63 Busbar 52 7SJ61/ 62/63 PLC logic Fault locator Lockout Vf (option) Local/Remote control Commands/Feedback indications Motor control (only 7SJ63) HM I Trip circuit supervision Directional (option) 8 810/U �59 74TC Communications module RS23/485 fiber optic IEC 60 870-5-103 PROFIBUS FMS 86 & Fault recording 21FL 27 Rotating field monitoring 47 Metering values I2 limit values Metered power values pulses V, Watts, Vars f.p.f . Calculated 9 10 67 67N 66/86 Start inhibit Directional groundfault detection (option) 50 51 50N 51N 46 49 Inrush restrain Motor protection (option) Starting time 50BF Breaker failure protection 37 14 48 Locked rotor Auto reclosing 79M 60N 51N 67 64 Fig. 21: SIPROTEC 4 relays 7SJ61/62/63, implemented function Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �6/13 �Power System Protection Relay Design and Operation 1 Integration of relays in the substation automation Basically, Siemens numerical relays are all equipped with an interface to IEC 60870-5-103 for open communicat ion with substation control systems either from Siemens (SINAUT LSA or SICAM, se e page 6/71 ff) or of any other supplier. The relays of the newer SIPROTEC 4 ser ies, however, are even more flexible and equipped with communication options. SI PROTEC 4 relays may also be connected to the SINAUT LSA system or to a system of another supplier via IEC 60870-5-103. But, SICAM 4 relays were originally desig ned as components of the new SICAM substation automation system, and their commo n use offers the most technical and cost benefits. SIPROTEC 4 protection and SIC AM station control, which is based on SIMATIC, are of uniform design, and commun ication is based on the Profibus standard. SIPROTEC 4 relays can in this case be connected to the Profibus substation LAN of the SICAM system via one serial int erface. Through a second serial interface, e.g. IEC 60 870-5-103, the relay can separately communicate with a remote PC via a modem-telephone line (Fig. 22). Lo cal relay operation Telephone connection DIGSI 4 DIGSI 4 SICAM SAS 2 PROFIBUS FMS Modem IEC 60870-5-103 DIGSI 4 3 IEC 60870-5-103 4 Fig. 22: SIPROTEC 4 relays, communication options 5 1 2 3 1 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 Freely programmable function keys 7 8 9 10 All operator actions can be executed and information displayed on an integrated user interface. Many advantages are already to be found on the clear and user-fr iendly front panel: s Positioning and grouping of the keys supports the natural �operating process (ergonomic design) s Large non-reflective back-lit display s P rogrammable (freely assignable) LEDs for important messages s Arrows arrangement of the keys for easy navigation in the function tree s Operator-friendly input of the setting values via the numeric keys or with a PC by using the operating p rogram DIGSI 4 s Command input protected by key lock (6MD63/7SJ63 only) or passw ord s Four programmable keys for frequently used functions >at the press of a bu tton< 4 6 7 1 Large illuminated display 2 Cursor keys 3 LED with reset key 4 Control (7SJ61/62 uses function keys) 5 Key switches 7 Numerical keypad Fig. 23: Front view of the protection relay 7SJ62 Fig. 24: Front view of the combined protection, monitoring and control relay 7SJ 63 6/14 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Relay Design and Operation DIGSI 4 the PC program for operating SIPROTEC 4 relays For the user, DIGSI is sy nonymous with convenient, user-friendly parameterizing and operation of digital protection relays. DIGSI 4 is a logical innovation for operation of protection a nd bay control units of the SIPROTEC 4 family. The PC operating program DIGSI 4 is the human-machine interface between the user and the SIPROTEC 4 units. It fea tures modern, intuitive operating procedures. With DIGSI 4, the SIPROTEC 4 units ca be configured and queried. s The interface provides you only with what is re ally necessary, irrespective of which unit you are currently configuring. s Cont extual menus for every situation provide you with made-to-measure functionality ± searching through menu hierarchies is a thing of the past. s Explorer ± operation on the MS Windows 95® Standard ± shows the options in logically structured form. s E ven with marshalling, you have the overall picture ± a matrix shows you at a glanc e, for example, which LEDs are linked to which protection control function(s). I t just takes a click with the mouse to establish these links by a fingertip. s T hus, you can also use the PC to link up with the relay via star coupler or chann el switch, as well via the PROFIBUS® of a substation control system. The integrate d administrating system ensures clear addressing of the feeders and relays of a substation. s Access authorization by means of passwords protects the individual functions, such as for example parameterizing, commissioning and control, from unauthorized access. s When configuring the operator environment and interfaces, we have attached importance to continuity with the SICAM automation system. Thi s means that you can readily use DIGSI on the station control level in conjuncti on with SICAM. Thus, the way is open to the SIMATIC automation world. 1 2 3 Fig. 25: Substation manager for managing of substation and device data 4 5 6 7 8 Fig. 26: Function range 9 10 Fig. 27: Range of operational measured values Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/15 �Power System Protection Relay Design and Operation DIGSI 4 matrix 1 2 The DIGSI 4 matrix allows the user to see the overall view of the relay configur ation at a glance. For example, you can display all the LEDs that are linked to binary inputs or show external signals that are connected to the relay. And with one click of the button, connections can be switched (Fig. 28). Display editor 3 4 A display editor is available to design the display on SIPROTEC 4 units. The pre defined symbol sets can be expanded to suit the user. The drawing of a one-line diagram is extremely simple. Load monitoring values (analog values) can be place d where required (Fig. 29). Commissioning Special attention has been paid to com missioning. All binary inputs and outputs can be read and set directly. This can simplify the wire checking process significantly for the user. CFC: Planning in stead of programming logic With the help of the graphical CFC (Continuous Functi on Chart)Tool, you can configure interlocks and switching sequences simply by dr awing the logic sequences; no special knowledge of software is required. Logical elements such as AND, OR and time elements are available (Fig. 30) . Hardware a nd software platform Fig. 28: DIGSI 4 allocation matrix 5 6 7 8 s Pentium 133 MHz or above, with at least 32 Mbytes RAM s DIGSI requires about 200 Mbytes hardFig. 29: Display Editor disk space s Additional hard-disk space per installed 9 protection device 2 Mbytes s One free serial interface to the protection device (COM 1 to COM 4) s One CD ROM drive (required for installation) 10 �s WINDOWS 95/98 or NT 4 Fig. 30: CFC logic with module library 6/16 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Relay Design and Operation Operation of SIPROTEC 3 Relays Most of the Siemens numerical relays belong to th e series SIPROTEC 3. (Only the distribution protection relays 7SJ61/62, the comb ined protection and control relay 7SJ63 and the line protection 7SA522 are prese ntly available in the version SIPROTEC 4). Both relay series are widely compatib le and can be used together in protection and control systems. SIPROTEC 3 relays however are not applicable with PROFIBUS but only with the IEC 60870-5-103 comm unication standard. The operation of SIPROTEC 3 and 4 relays is very similar. So me novel features of the PC operating program DIGSI 4 like the CFC function and the graphical setting matrix are however not contained in DIGSI 3. Operation of SIPROTEC 3 relays via integral key pad and LCD display: Each parameter can be ac cessed and altered via the integrated operator panel or a PC connected to the fr ont side serial communication interface. The setting values can be accessed dire ctly via 4-digit addresses or by paging through the menu. The display appears on an alphanumeric LCD display with 2 lines with 16 characters per line. Also the rear side IEC 60870-5-103 compatible serial interface can be used for the relay dialog with a PC, when not occupied for the connection to a substation automatio n system. This rear side interface is in particular used for remote relay commun ication with a PC (see page 6/19). Most relays allow for the storage of several setting groups (in general 4) which can be activated via binary relay input, ser ial interface or operator panel. Binary inputs, alarm contact outputs, indicatin g LEDs and command output relays can be freely assigned to the internal relay fu nctions. Fig. 31: Operation of the protection relays using PC and DIGSI 3 software progra m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fig. 32: Parameterization using DIGSI 3 8 s PC 386 SX or above, with at least DIGSI 3 the PC program for operating SIPROTEC 3 relays For setting of SIPROTEC 3 relays, the DIGSI 3 version is applicable. (Figs. 31 and 32). It is a WINDOWS-b ased program that allows comfortable user-guided relay setting, load monitoring and readout of stored fault reports, including oscillographic fault records. It is also a valuable tool for commissioning as it allows an online overview displa y of all measuring values. DIGSI comes with the program DIGRA for graphic displa y and evaluation of oscillographic fault records (see next page). For remote rel ay communication, the program WINDIMOD is offered (option). The DIGSI 3 program requires the following hardware and software platform: 4 Mbytes Ram s 10 Mbytes hard-disc space for DIGSI 3 s 2 to 3 Mbytes additional hard-disc spa ce �9 per installed protection device s One free serial interface to the protection device (COM 1 to COM 4) s One floppy disc drive 3.5", high density with 1.44 Mbytes or CD ROM drive for program installation s WINDOWS version 3.1 or higher These requirements relate to the case when DIGSI 3 is used as stand-al one version. When used together with DIGSI 4, the requirements for DIGSI 4 apply . In this case DIGSI 3 and DIGSI 4 run under the common DIGSI 4 substation manag er. 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/17 �Power System Protection Relay Design and Operation Fault analysis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The evaluation of faults is simplified by numerical protection technology. In th e event of a fault in the network, all events as well as the analog traces of th e measured voltages and currents are recorded. The following types of memory are available: s 1 operational event memory Alarms that are not directly assigned t o a fault in the network (e.g. monitoring alarms, alternation of a set value, bl ocking of the automatic reclose function). s 5 fault-event histories Alarms that occurred during the last 3 faults on the network (e.g. type of fault detection, trip commands, fault location, autoreclose commands). A reclose cycle with one or more reclosures is treated as one fault history. Each new fault in the networ k overrides the oldest fault history. s A memory for the fault recordings for vo ltage and current. Up to 8 fault recordings are stored. The fault recording memo ry is organized as a ring buffer, i.e. a new fault entry overrides the oldest fa ult record. s 1 earth-fault event memory (optional for isolated or resonant grou nded networks) Event record of the sensitive earth fault detector (e.g. faulted phase, real component of residual current). The time tag attached to the fault-r ecord events is a relative time from fault detection with a resolution of 1 ms. In the case of devices with integrated battery back-up clock, the operational ev ents as well as the fault detection are assigned the internal clock time and dat e stamp. The memory for operational events and fault record events is protected against failure of auxiliary supply with battery back-up supply. The integrated operator interface or a PC supported by the programming tool DIGSI is used to re trieve fault reports as well as for the input of settings and marshalling. Fig. 33: Display and evaluation of a fault record using DIGSI Evaluation of the fault recording Readout of the fault record from the protectio n device by DIGSI is done by faultproof scanning procedures in accordance with t he standard recommendation for transmission of fault records. A fault record can also be read out repeatedly. In addition to analog values, such as voltage and current, binary tracks can also be transferred and presented. DIGSI is supplied together with the DIGRA (Digsi Graphic) program, which provides the customer wit h full graphical operating and evaluation functionality like that of the digital fault recorders (Oscillostores) from Siemens (see Fig. 33). Real-time presentat ion of analog disturbance records, overlaying and zooming of curves and visualiz ation of binary tracks (e.g. trip command, reclose command, etc.) are also part of the extensive graphical functionality, as are setting of measurement cursors, spectrum analysis and fault resistance derivation. �Data security, data interfaces DIGSI is a closed system as far as protection par ameter security is concerned. The security of the stored data of the operating P C is ensured by checksums. This means that it is only possible to change data wi th DIGSI, which subsequently calculates a checksum for the changed data and stor es it with the data. Changes in the data and thus in safety-related protection d ata are reliably detected. DIGSI is, however, also an open system. The data expo rt function supports export of parameterization and marshalling data in standard ASCII format. This permits simple access to these data by other programs, such as test programs, without endangering the security of data within the DIGSI prog ram system. With the import and export of fault records in IEEE standard format COMTRADE (ANSI), a high-performance data interface is produced which supports im port and export of fault records into the DIGSI partner program DIGRA. This enab les the export of fault records from Siemens protection units to customer-specif ic programs via the COMTRADE format. 10 6/18 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Relay Design and Operation Remote relay interrogation The numerical relay range of Siemens can also be oper ated from a remotely located PC via modem-telephone connection. Up to 254 relays can be addressed via one modem connection if the star coupler 7XV53 is used as a communication node (Fig. 34). The relays are connected to the star coupler via optical fiber links. Every protection device which belongs to a DIGSI substatio n structure has a unique address. The attached relays are always listening, but only the addressed one answers the operator command which comes from the central PC. If the relay located in a station is to be operated from a remote office, t hen a device file is opened in DIGSI and protection dialog is chosen via modem. After password input, DIGSI establishes a connection to the protection device af ter receiving a call-back from the system. In this way secure and timesaving rem ote setting and readout of data are possible. Diagnostics and control of test ro utines are also possible without the need to visit the substation. Housing and t erminal system The protection devices and the corresponding supplementary device s are available mainly in 7XP20 housings (Figs. 35 to 42). The dimension drawing s are to be found on 6/36 and the following pages. Installing of the modules in a cubicle without the housing is not permissible. The width of the housing confo rms to the 19" system with the divisions 1/6, 1/3, 1/2 or 1/1 of a 19" rack. The termination module is located at the rear of devices for panel flush mounting o r cubicle mounting. For electrical connection, screwed terminals of the SIPROTEC 3 relay series and also parallel crimp contacts are provided. For field wiring, the use of the screwed terminals is recommended; snap-in connection requires sp ecial tools. To withdraw crimp contact terminations of the SIPROTEC 3 relay seri es the following tool is recommended: Extraction tool No. 135900 (from Weidmüller, Paderbornstrasse 157, D-32760 Detmold). Office Analog ISDN DIGSI PC, remotely located Modem 1 2 Substation Star coupler DIGSI PC,centrally located in the substation (option) 3 Modem, optionally with call-back function 7XV53 4 Signal converter opt. RS485 RS485 Bus 5 6 7SJ60 7RW60 7SD60 7**5 7**6 Fig. 34: Remote relay communication 7 For mounting of devices into cubicles, the 8MC cubicle system is recommended. It is described in Siemens Catalog NV21. The standard cubicle has the following di mensions: 2200 mm x 900 mm x 600 mm (HxWxD). These cubicles are provided with a 44 U high mounting rack (standard height unit U = 44.45 mm). It can swivel as mu ch as 180° in a swing frame. The rack provides for a mounting width of 19", allowi �ng, for example, 2 devices with a width of 1/2 x 19" to be mounted. The devices in the 7XP20 housing are secured to rails by screws. Module racks are not requir ed (see Fig. 65b on page 6/33). The heavy-duty current plug connectors provide automatic shorting of the c.t. ci rcuits whenever the modules are withdrawn. This does not release from the care t o be taken when c.t. secondary circuits are concerned. In the housing version fo r surface mounting, the terminations are wired up on terminal strips on the top and bottom of the device. For this purpose two-tier terminal blocks are used to attain the required number of terminals (Fig. 36 right). According to IEC 60529 the degree of protection is indicated by the identifying IP, followed by a numbe r for the degree of protection. The first digit indicates the protection against accidental contact and ingress of solid foreign bodies, the second digit indica tes the protection against water. 7XP20 housings are protected against access to dangerous parts by wire, dust and dripping water (IP 51). 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/19 �Power System Protection Relay Design and Operation SIPROTEC 3 Relay Series 1 SIPROTEC 3 relays come in 1/6 to 1/1 of 19" wide cases with a standard height of 243 mm. Their size is compatible with SIPROTEC 4 relays. Therefore, exchange is always possible. Versions for flush and surface mounting are available. 2 3 Terminations: Flush-mounted version: Each termination may be made via screw term inal or crimp contact. The termination modules used each contain: 4 termination points for measured voltages, binary inputs or relay outputs (max. 1.5 mm2) or 1/1 of 19" width 4 5 2 termination points for measured currents (screw termination max. 4 mm2, crimp contact max. 2.5 mm2) 2 FSMA plugs for the fiber optic termination of the serial communication link 6 Surface mounted version: Screw terminals (max. wire cross section 7 mm2) for all wired terminations at th e top and bottom of the housing 2 FMS plugs for fiber optic termination of the s erial communication link at the bottom of the housing Fig. 35c 1/3 1/2 of 19" width 7 Fig. 35a/b: Numerical protection relays of the SIPROTEC 3 series in 7XP20 standa rd housing 8 9 10 Fig. 36: SIPROTEC 3 relays left: Connection method for panel flush mounting incl uding fiber-optic interfaces; Fig. 36 Right: Connection method for panel surface mounting 6/20 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Relay Design and Operation SIPROTEC 4 Relay Series SIPROTEC 4 relays come in 1/6 to 1/1 of 19" wide cases with a standard height of 243 mm. Their size is compatible with SIPROTEC 3 relays. Therefore, compatible exchange is always possible. All wires (cables) are connected at the rear side o f the relay via ring tongue terminals. A special relay version with loose cablec onnected operator panel (Fig. 42) is also available. It allows for example insta llation of the relay itself in the low-voltage compartment and of the operator p anel separately in the door of the switchgear. In this version voltage terminals are of the plug-in type. Current terminals are again screw-type. 1 2 3 Fig. 38: 1/6 of 19" Fig. 39: 1/3 of 19" 4 Terminations: Standard relay version with screw terminals: Current terminals: Connection Wmax = 12mm ring cable lugs d1 = 5mm d1 W 5 6 Wire size Direct connection Wire size 2.7 ± 4 mm2 (AWG 13±11) Solid conductor, flexible lead, connector sleeve 2.7 ± 4 mm2 ( AWG 13±11) 7 Fig. 40: 1/2 of 19" Fig. 41: SIPROTEC 4 relay case versions Voltage terminals: Connection Wmax = 10mm ring cable lugs d1 = 4 mm Wire size 1.0 ± 2.6 mm2 (AWG 17±13) Direct Solid conductor, flexible connection lead, connector sleeve Wire size 0. 5 ± 2.5 mm2 (AWG 20±13) 8 9 Special relay version (Fig. 42) with plug-in terminals: Current terminals: Screw type as above 10 Voltage terminals: 2-pin or 3-pin connectors Wire size Fig. 37 0.5 ± 1.0mm2 0.75 ± 1.5mm2 1.0 ± 2.5mm2 Fig. 42: SIPROTEC 4 combined protection, control and monitoring relay 7SJ63 with separate operator panel Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �6/21 �Power System Protection Relay Selection Guide 1 Relay Selection Guide Pilot wire differential Overcurrent 7VH80 7UT512 7UT513 7SS50/52 7VH83 7SA511 7SA513 7SA522 7SD600 7SD502 7SD503 7SD511 7SD512 Protection functions 4 ANSI Description No.* 14 21 Zero speed and underspeed dev. ± ± Distance protection, phase Distance protection, g round Overfluxing Synchronism check Undervoltage ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± s s s s s s ± ± ± 5 21N 24 25 7SJ511 7SJ512 7SJ531 7SJ60 7SJ61 7SJ62 7SJ63 7SJ551 Type s s s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 6 27 ± s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± s s ± ± ± ± ± ± s s s ± ± ± s ± s ± ± s 27/59/ U/f protection 81 32 Directional power Forward power Reverse power Undercurrent or underpower Field f ailure Load unbalance, negative phase sequence overcurrent Phase sequence voltag e Incomplete sequence, locked rotor, failure to accelerate Thermal overload Roto r thermal protection Stator thermal protection Instantaneous overcurrent Instant aneous ground fault overcurrent Ground overcurrent relay �± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 7 32F 32R 37 ± s ± s s s ± ± ± ± ± ± 8 40 46 47 ± s s s s s ± ± ± s s s s s ± ± ± ± s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 9 48 49 49R ± s s s s s ± s s s s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± s s s s s s s ± ± ± s s s s s ± s s s s s ± s s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 10 49S 50 50N 51G s s s s s s s s s s s s s s ± ± s s s s s ± s s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± s ± ± * ANSI/IEEE C 37.2: IEEE Standard Electrical Power System Device Function Number s Fig. 43a 6/22 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 7UM511 7UM512 7UM515 7UM516 ± s ± ± ± ± ± s s ± s s s ± s ± s ± ± s ± ± ± s s ± s ± ± ± ± s ± ± ± s ± s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 3 Differential 2 �Distance Generator protection Fiber-optic current comparison Motor protection �Power System Protection Relay Selection Guide 1 Pilot wire differential Generator protection Fiber-optic current comparison Moto r protection Overcurrent Differential 2 Distance Protection functions ANSI Description No.* 51GN Stator ground-fault overcurrent 51 51N 59 59N 64R 67 67N 67G Overcurrent with time delay Ground-fault overcurrent with time delay Overvoltage Residual voltage ground-fault protection Rotor ground fault Directional overcur rent Directional ground-fault overcurrent Stator ground-fault, directional overc urrent 7UM511 7UM512 7UM515 7UM516 7SA511 7SA513 7SA522 7SD600 7SD502 7SD503 7SD511 7SD512 7SJ511 7SJ512 7SJ55 7SJ531 7SJ60 7SJ61 7SJ62 7SJ63 7SJ551 Type 7VH80 7UT512 7UT513 7SS50/52 7VH83 3 4 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± s s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± s ± ± ± ± s s s s ± ± ± s ± ± ± s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± s ± ± s s s s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± s s s ± ± ± s s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 5 ± s ± s ± ± s s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± s s ± s s ± ± ± ± ± ± 6 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± s s s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± s ± s s s ± ± ± ± 7 ± s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± s ± ± s s s ± ± s s s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± �68/78 Out-of-step protection 79 81 85 86 87G 87T 87B 87M 87L 87N 92 Autoreclose Frequency relay Carrier interface Lockout relay, start inhibit ± s s s s s s s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± s s ± ± ± 8 s s s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± s s s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± s ± s s s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± Differential protection, generator ± Differential protection, transf. Differential protection, bus-bar Differential protection, motor Differential protection, lin e Restricted earth-fault protection ± ± ± ± ± ± s s ± ± s s ± ± ± 9 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± s s ± s s ± s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 10 ± ± s s s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± s s ± ± ± ± ± ± s ± s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± Voltage and power directional rel. ± 50BF Breaker failure ± s s ± ± s s ± s ± s s s ± s ± * ANSI/IEEE C 37.2: IEEE Standard Electrical Power System Device Function Number s Fig. 43b Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/23 �Power System Protection Relay Selection Guide 1 Relay Selection Guide Autoreclose + Synchronism check 2 7SV512 7VK512 Protection functions 4 ANSI Description No.* 24 25 Overfluxing Synchronism check Synchronizing ± s ± ± ± ± ± s ± ± ± s ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± s ± 5 27 Undervoltage 6 27/59/ U/f protection 81 50BF 59 79 Breaker failure Overvoltage Autoreclose Frequency relay 7 81 8 9 10 * ANSI/IEEE C 37.2: IEEE Standard Electrical Power System Device Function Number s Fig. 43c 6/24 7SV600 7VE51 Type 7RW600 3 Synchronizing �Breaker failure Voltage, Frequency Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Relay Portraits Relay portraits Siemens manufactures a complete series of numerical relays for all kinds of prot ection application. The series is briefly portrayed on the following pages. 7SJ6 00 Universal overcurrent and overload protection s Phase-segregated measurement and 1 2 3 indication (Input 3 ph, IE calculated) s All instantaneous, i.d.m.t. and d.t. s s s s s characteristics can be set individually for etting groups Integral autoreclose function d load and locked rotor protection Suitable nterlocking With load monitoring, event and phase and ground faults Selectable s (option) Thermal overload, unbalance for busbar protection with reverse i fault memory 4 * only with 7SJ512 50 51 50N 51N 49 46 48 79 50 51 50N 51N BF 67 * 67N 79 * * 5 7SJ602* Universal overcurrent and overload protection Functions as 7SJ600, howev er additionally: s Fourth current input transformer for connection to an indepen dent ground current source (e.g. core-balance CT) s Optical data interface as al ternative to the wired RS485 version (located at the relay bottom) s Serial PC i nterface at the relay front Fig. 44: 7SJ600/7SJ602 Fig. 45: 7SJ511/512 6 7SJ511 Universal overcurrent protection s Phase-segregated measurement and 7 indication (3 ph and E) s I.d.m.t and d.t. characteristics can be set individually for phase and ground faults s Suitable for busbar protection with reverse interlocking s With integral breaker failure 8 protection s With load monitoring, event and fault �memory s Inrush stabilization 9 7SJ512 Digital overcurrent-time protection with additional functions Same featur es as 7SJ511, plus: s Autoreclose s Sensitive directional ground-fault protectio n for isolated, resonant or high-resistance grounded networks s Directional modu le when used as directional overcurrent relay (optional) s Selectable setting gr oups s Inrush stabilization 10 *) Commencement of delivery planned for end of 1999 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/25 �Power System Protection Relay Portraits 7SJ61 1 Universal overcurrent and overload protection with control functions s Phase-segregated measurement and indication (input 3 ph and E) 2 s All instantaneous, i.d.m.t. and d.t. char3 s s s s s 4 s s s acteristics can be set individually for phase and ground faults Selectable setti ng groups Inrush stabilization Integral autoreclose function (option) Thermal ov erload, unbalanced load and locked rotor protection Suitable for busbar protecti on with reserve interlocking With load monitoring, event and fault memory With i ntegral breaker failure protection With trip circuit supervision 7SJ61 56 51 50N 51N 50BF 79 74TC 86 27 37 46 59 47 Fig. 47: 7SJ551 49R 50 50G 51N 59 86 48 49 51 51G Control functions: 5 s s s s Measured-value acquisition (current) Limit values of current Control of 1 C.B. S witchgear interlocking isolator/C.B. 7SJ62 additionally: 67 FL 76N 46 27 49 81o/u 6 7SJ62 Digital overcurrent and overload protection with additional functions Feat ures as 7SJ61, plus: Fig. 46: 7SJ61/7SJ62 7 s Sensitive directional ground-fault protec8 �s s s s s tion for isolated, resonant or highresistance grounded networks Directional over current protection Selectable setting groups Over and undervoltage protection Ov er and underfrequency protection Distance to fault locator (option) 7SJ551 Universal motor protection and overcurrent relay s Thermal overload pretection Control functions: 9 s s s s Measured-value acquisition (voltage) P, Q, cos ϕ and meter-reading calculation Mea sured-value recording Limit values of I, V, P, Q, f, cos ϕ 10 ± separate thermal replica for stator and rotor based on true RMS current measurem ent ± up to 2 heating time constants for the stator thermal replica ± separate cooli ng time constants for stator and rotor thermal replica ± ambient temperature biasi ng of thermal replica s Connection of up to 8 RTD sensors ground elements s Real -Time Clock: last 3 events are stored with real-time stamps of alarm and trip da ta 6/26 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Relay Portraits Combined feeder protection and control relay 7SJ63 Line protection s s s s s s s s s s s 1 Nondirectional time overcurrent Directional time overcurrent IEC/ANSI and user d efinable TOC curves Overload protection Sensitive directional ground fault Negat ive sequence overcurrent Under/Overvoltage Under/Overfrequency Breaker failure A utoreclosure Fault locator 2 50 50BF 49LR 59 48 74TC 50N 51 81u/o 27 66/86 86 46 51N 67 14 21FL 79 49 3 67N 37 Motor protection s s s s Thermal overload Locked rotor Start inhibit Undercurrent 4 33 Control functions s s s s s s s s s s s s s Control up to 5 C.B. Switchgear interlocking isolator/C.B. Key-operated switchin g authority Feeder control diagram Status indication of feeder devices at graphi c display Measured-value acquisition Signal and command indications P, Q, cos ϕ an d meter-reading calculation Measured-value recording Event logging Switching sta tistics Switchgear interlocking 2 measuring transducer inputs 5 Fig. 49: 7SJ63 Combined feeder protection and control relay 7SJ531 Line protection s s s s s s s s s s 6 I/O Capability 7SJ631 Binary inputs Contact outputs Motor control outputs Control of switching devices Cases Fig. 48 7SJ632/3 7SJ635/6 24/20 11+Life 4(2) 37/33 14+Life 8(4) Nondirectional time overcurrent Directional time overcurrent IEC/ANSI and user-d efinable TOC curves Overload protection Sensitive directional ground fault Negat ive sequence overcurrent Under/Overvoltage Breaker failure Autoreclosure Fault l ocator 7 8 �Motor protection s s s s 11 8+Life 0 Thermal overload Locked rotor Start inhibit Undercurrent 9 50 51 64 50N 51N BF 79 67N 46 49 49LR 37 59 Control functions Measured-value acquisition Signal and command indications P, Q , cos ϕ and meter-reading calculation Measured-value recording Event logging Switc hing statistics Feeder control diagram with load indication s Switchgear interlo cking s s s s s s s 10 27 5 3 5 5 1/2 of 19" 1/1 of 19" 1/1 of 19" Fig. 50: 7SJ531 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/27 �Power System Protection Relay Portraits 7SA511 1 Line protection with distance-to-fault locator Universal distance relay for all networks, with many additional functions, including s Universal carrier interfac e (PUTT, POTT, Blocking, Unblocking) s Power swing blocking or tripping s Select able setting groups s Sensitive directional ground-fault determining for isolate d and compensated networks s High-resistance ground-fault protection for grounde d networks s Single and three-pole autoreclose s Synchrocheck s Thermal overload protection for cables s Free marshalling of optocoupler inputs and relay output s s Line load monitoring, event and fault recording s Selectable setting groups 7SA510 Line protection with distance-to-fault locator 2 3 4 21 21N 25 85 67N 51N 68 78 49 79 47 21 21N 67N 85 78 49 5 Fig. 51: 7SA511 Fig. 52: 7SA510 6 7 8 9 (Reduced version of 7SA511) Universal distance protection, suitable for all netw orks, with additional functions, including s Universal carrier interface (PUTT, POTT, Blocking, Unblocking) s Power swing blocking and/or tripping s Selectable setting groups s Sensitive directional ground-fault determining for isolated and compensated networks s High-resistance ground-fault protection for grounded net works s Thermal overload protection for cables s Free marshalling of optocoupler inputs and relay outputs s Line load monitoring, event and fault recording s Th ree-pole autoreclose �10 6/28 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Relay Portraits 7SA522 Full scheme distance protection with add-on functions s Quadrilateral or MHO characteristic s Sub-cycle operating time s Universal tel eprotection interface (PUTT, 1 POTT, Blocking, Unblocking) s Weak infeed protection s Power swing blocking/tripping s High-resistance groun d-fault protection 2 s s s s s s s s s s (time delayed or as directional comparison scheme) Overvoltage protection Switch -onto-fault protection Stub bus O/C protection Single and three-pole multi-shot autoreclosure*) Synchro-check*) Breaker failure protection*) Trip circuit superv ision Fault locator w./w.o. parallel line compensation Oscillographic fault reco rding Voltage phase sequence 3 21 68 79 * 21N 79 25 FL 85 50BF 50N 51N 85N 67N 59 4 5 Fig. 53: 7SA522 7SA513 Transmission line protection with distance-to-fault locator s Full scheme distance protection, with 6 s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s operating times less than one cycle (20 ms at 50 Hz), with a package of extra fu nctions which cover all the demands of extra-high-voltage applications Suitable for series-compensated lines Universal carrier interface (permissive and blockin g procedures programmable) Power swing blocking or tripping Parallel line compen sation Load compensation that ensures high accuracy even for high-resistance fau lts and double-end infeed High-resistance ground fault protection Backup groundfault protection Overvoltage protection Single and three-pole autoreclose Synchr ocheck option Breaker failure protection Free marshalling of a comprehensive ran ge of optocoupler inputs and relay outputs Selectable setting groups Line load m �onitoring, event and fault recording High-performance measurement using digital signal processors Flash EPROM memories 7 8 21 21N 25 59 50N 51N 85 67N 85N 50 BF 68 9 79 78 FL 10 Fig. 54: 7SA513 *) available with Version 4.1 (Commencement of delivery planned for Oct. 1999) Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/29 �Power System Protection Relay Portraits 7SD511 1 Current-comparison protection for overhead lines and cables s With phase-segregated measurement s For serial data transmission 2 3 s 4 s s 5 s (19.2 kbits/sec) ± with integrated optical transmitter/ receiver for direct fiberoptic link up to approx. 15 km distance ± or with the additional digital signal tr ansmission device 7VR5012 up to 150 km fiber-optic length ± or through a 64 kbit/s channel of available multipurpose PCM devices, via fiber-optic or microwave lin k Integral overload and breaker failure protection Emergency operation as overcu rrent backup protection on failure of data link Automatic measurement and correc tion of signal transmission time, i.e. channelswapping is permissible Line load monitoring, event and fault recording 87L 49 51 BF 50 87L 49 51 BF 50 79 7SD512 6 Current-comparison protection for overhead lines and cables with functions as 7S D511, but additionally with autoreclose function for single and three-pole fast and delayed autoreclosure. Fig. 55: 7SD511 Fig. 56: 7SD512 7 7SD502 s Pilot-wire differential protection for lines and cables (2 pilot wires) �8 s Up to about 25 km telephone-type pilot wire length s With integrated overcurrent back-up and overload protection s Also applicable to 3-terminal lines (2 devices at each end) 9 7SD503 s Pilot-wire differential protection for lines and cables (3 pilot wires) 10 s Up to about 15 km pilot wire length s With integrated overcurrent back-up and overload protection s Also applicable to 3-terminal lines 87L 49 50 51 (2 devices at each end) Fig. 57: 7SD502/503 6/30 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Relay Portraits 7SD600 Pilot wire differential protection for lines and cables (2 pilot wires) s Up to about 10 km telephone-type pilot 1 wire length s Connection to an external current summation transformer s Pilot wire supervision (option) s Remote trip command s External current summa tion transformer 2 4AM4930 to be ordered separately 3 4 5 87 L Fig. 58: 7SD600 6 7UT512 Differential protection for machines and power transformers with addition al functions, such as: s Numerical matching to transformer ratio and connection group (no matching transformers necessary) s Thermal overload protection s Backu p overcurrent protection s Measured-value indication for commissioning (no separ ate instruments necessary) s Load monitor, event and fault recording 7UT513 Diff erential protection for three-winding transformers with the same functions as 7U T512, plus: s Sensitive restricted ground-fault protection s Sensitive d.t. or i .d.m.t. ground-faulto/c-protection * 87 * REF 7 8 9 10 87T 49 50/51 87T 49 50G 50/51 * 87REF or 50G Fig. 59: 7UT512 Fig. 60: 7UT513 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/31 �Power System Protection Relay Portraits 1 2 Central unit Optic fibers 1 2 3 48 3 Bay units 4 87 BB Fig. 61: 7SS50 BF Fig. 62: 7SS52 5 7SS50 Numerical busbar and breaker failure protection 6 s With absolutely secure 2-out-of-2 meas7 s s s s s 8 s s s 9 urement and additional check zone, each processed on separate microprocessor har dware Mixed current measurement With fast operating time (< 15 ms) Extreme stabi lity against c.t. saturation Completely self-monitoring, including c.t. circuits , isolator positions and run time With integrated circuit-breaker failure protec tion With commissioning-friendly aids (indication of all feeder, operating and s tabilizing currents) With event and fault recording Designed for single and mult iple busbars, up to 8 busbar sections and 32 bays Fig. 63: 7VH83 87 Fig. 64: 7VH80 87 s Inrush stabilized through filtering s Fast operation: 15 ms (l > 5 x setting) s Optionally, external voltage limiters 7SS52 Distributed numerical busbar and breaker failure protection s With absolutely secure 2-out-of-2 meass With commissioning-friendly aids (indica- �(varistor) 7VH83 High impedance differential relay s s s s s s s 10 s s s s s urement and additional check zone, each processed on separate microprocessor har dware Phase-segregated measurement With fast operating time (< 15 ms) Extreme st ability against c.t. saturation Completely self-monitoring, including c.t. circu its, isolator positions and run time With integrated 2-stage circuit-breaker fai lure protection tion of all feeder, operating and stabilizing currents) s With event and fault r ecording s Designed for single and multiple busbars, up to 12 busbar sections an d 48 bays 7VH80 High impedance differential relay s Single-phase type s Robust solid-state design Three-phase type Robust solid-state design Integral buswire supervision Integral c.t. shorting relay Inrush stabilized through filtering Fast operation: 21 ms ( l > 5 x setting) Optionally, external voltage limiters (varistors) 6/32 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Relay Portraits 7UM511/12/15/16 Multifunctional devices for machine protection s With 10 protection functions on average, 1 with flexible combination to form complete protection systems, from the smallest to the largest motor generator units (see Fig. 66) s With improved measurement methods based on Fourier filters and the evaluation of symmetrical components (f ully numeric, frequency compensated) s With load monitoring, event and fault rec ording See also separate reference list for machine protection. Order No. E50001 -U321-A39-X-7600 7VE51 Paralleling device for synchronization of generators and networks s Absolutely secure against spurious switching due to duplicate measure ment with different procedures s With numerical measurand filtering that ensures exact synchronization even in networks suffering transients s With synchrocheck option s Available in two versions: 7VE511 without, 7VE512 with voltage and fre quency balancing 2 7SJ511 3 7UT513 7VE51 4 7UM512 5 7UM511 G 6 7UT51 2 7 Fig. 65b: Numerical protection of a generating unit (example). Cubicle design. 7SJ511 7UT513 7VE51 51 87T 25 Synchronizing 46 32 40 49 8 7UM512 59N 64R 7UM511 81u 7UT51 2 87G 59 9 10 Fig. 65a: Numerical protection of a generating unit (example). Single-line diagr am. Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �6/33 �Power System Protection Relay Portraits 1 Numerical generator protection Protection functions Fig. 66 7UM512 7UM515 s s s s s s s3) s3) s Relay ANSI No.* Function Overcurrent 2 51 I>, t(+U, t I>>, t s s2) s s 3 51, 37 49 46 Overcurrent/Undercurrent Thermal overload Load unbalance I >, t (I2lln)2 t ∆lG> ∆lT> ∆lg> 4 87 Differential protection 59 Overvoltage U>, t U>>, t U>, t t = f(U f< (±P)>, t (+P)>, t J>, t J1 + Ue>, t RE sensitive stage, suitable for rot or or stator earth fault protection 3) altogether 4 frequency stages, to be used as either f> or f< 4) altogether 4 frequency stages, to be used as either f> or f< 5) tank protection 6) evaluation of displacement voltage 7) 1 stage 24 21 78 87N Overexcitation protection Impedance protection Out-of-step protection Restricted ground fault prot. Trip control inputs Trip circuit monitoring U/f >, t (U/f)2 Z, n ∆lE t, trip 4 2 4 2 t 4 2 4 2 * ANSI/IEEE C 37.2: IEEE Standard Electrical Power System Device Function Number s �6/34 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 7UM516 7UM511 �Power System Protection Relay Portraits 7VK512 Autoreclose and check-synchronism relay Highly flexible autoreclose relay with or without check-synchronism function. Available functions include: s Sing le or/and three-pole auto-reclosure s Up to 10 autoreclose shots s Independently settable dead times and reclaim time s Sequential fault recognition s Check-syn chronism or dead line/dead bus charging s Selectable setting groups s Event and fault recording (voltage inputs) 7SV512 Breaker failure protection relay s Variable and failsafe breaker failure pro7RW600 Voltage and Frequency Relay s Intelligent protection and monitoring 1 device s Two separate voltage measuring inputs s Applicable as two independent singles s s s s s s s s s s s s s tection (2-out-of-4 current check, 2-channel logic and trip circuits) Phase sele ctive for single and three-pole autoreclosure Reset time < 10 ms (sinusoidal cur rent) < 20 ms worst case ªNo currentª condition control using the breaker auxiliary contacts Integral end fault protection Selectable setting groups Event and fault recording phase units or one multiphase unit (positive sequence voltage) High-set and lowset voltage supervision U>>, U>, U< 4-step frequency supervision f>< 4-step rate of change of frequency supervision df/dt> All voltage, frequency and df/dt step s with separate definite time delay setting Overfluxing (overexcitation) protect ion U/f (t) as thermal model, U/f >> (DT delay) Voltage and frequency indication Fault recording (momentary or RMS values) RS485 serial interface for connection of a PC or coordination with control systems 2 3 4 59 27 59N 81 5 24 Fig. 67: 7RW600 6 �7SV600 Breaker failure protection relay s Phase selective for single and three-pole 7 autoreclosure s Reset time < 10 ms (Sinusoidal current) s s s s < 20 ms worst case ªNo currentª condition control using the breaker auxiliary contac ts Selectable setting groups Event and fault recording Lockout of trip command 8 9 10 50 BF Fig. 68: 7SV600 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/35 �Power System Protection Relay Dimensions 1 Case 7XP20 for relays 7SJ600, 7RW600, 7SD600, 7SV600 Back view 70 Side view 7.3 Panel cutout 71+2 56.5¡0.3 2 244 266 245+1 ø5 or M4 255¡0.3 3 ø6 75 37 172 29.5 4 Fig. 69 Case 7XP2030-2 for relays 7SD511, 7SJ511/12, 7SJ531, 7UT512, 7VE51, 7SV512, 7SK5 12 5 Front view 145 30 Side view 172 29.5 7.3 13.2 Panel cutout 131.5 105 5.4 6 10 Optical fibre interface 244 266 1.5 245 ø5 or M4 255.8 7 150 Fig. 70 ø6 231.5 146 8 Case 7XP2040-2 for relays 7SA511, 7UT513, 7SD512, 7UM5**, 7VE512, 7SD502/503 Front view 9 220 Side view Optical fiber interface 30 172 Panel cutout 29.5 7.3 13.6 206.5 180 �5.4 10 266 245 10 1,5 ø5 or M4 ø6 255.8 225 Fig. 71 231.5 221 All dimensions in mm. 6/36 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Relay Dimensions Case 7XP2020-2 for relay 7VH83 Front view 75 Side view 172 30 Back view 70 7.3 13.2 Panel cutout 56.3 30 5.4 1 29.5 ø5 244 266 or M4 245 255.8 2 ø6 71 Fig. 72 3 4 Case 7XP2010-2 for relay 7VH80, 7TR93 Front view 75 30 Side view 172 29.5 Back view 70 7.3 20.5 Panel cutout 56.3 30 5 .4 5 111.0 133 112 ø5 or M4 ø6 71 122.5 6 Fig. 73 7 Case for relay 7SJ551 Front view 105 Side view 30 172 29.5 Back view 100 86.4 8 9 244 266 255.9 10 115 All dimensions in mm. �Fig. 74 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/37 �Power System Protection Relay Dimensions 1 Case 7XP2060-2 for relay 7SA513 Front view 450 445 Side view 30 172 29.5 7.3 13.2 Panel cutout 431.5 405 5.4 2 ø 5 or M4 3 266 10 266 1.5 245 255.8 ø6 Optical fiber interface 446 4 Fig. 75 5 Case for 7SJ61, 62 Side view 29.5 1.16 172/6.77 34 1.33 Mounting plate Rear view 1 150/5.90 145/5.70 146/5.74 Panel cutout ø5 or M4/ 0.2 diameter 255.8/10.07 245/9.64 6 266/10.47 2 0.07 244/9.61 7 FO SUB-D Connector ø6/0.24 diameter 8 RS232-port 105/4.13 131.5/5.17 �Fig. 76a Case for 7SJ631/632/633 Rear view 1 9 225/8.85 220/8.66 Panel cutout 221/8.70 Side view 29.5 1.16 172/6.77 Mounting plate ø5 or M4/ 0.2 diameter 10 266/10.47 2 0.07 FO SUB-D Connector 255.8/10.07 245/9.65 ø6/0.24 diameter 244/9.61 RS232-port 180/7.08 206.5/8.12 Fig. 76b All dimensions in mm. 6/38 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Relay Dimensions Case for 7SJ631/632/633 Special version with detached operator panel Side view Rear view 225/8.85 220/8.66 202.5/7.97 29 30 1.14 1.18 Detached operator panel 1 Side view 29.5 27.1 1.16 1.06 Mounting plate 2 3 266/10.47 266/10.47 312/12.28 244/9.61 FO 2 0.07 4 RS232port Mounting plate Connection cable 68 poles to basic unit length 2.5 m/8 ft., 2.4 in 5 Fig. 77: 7SJ63, 1/2 surface mounting case (only with detached panel, see Fig. 42 , page 6/21) 6 Rear view 450/17.71 Case for 7SJ635/636: Special version with detached operator panel Side view 202.5/7.97 29 30 1.14 1.18 7 445/17.51 8 266/10.47 312/12.28 244/9.61 FO SUB-D Connector 9 10 Mounting plate �Fig. 78: 7SJ63, 1/1 surface mounting case (only with detached panel, see Fig. 42 , page 6/21) All dimensions in mm. Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/39 �Power System Protection Relay Dimensions 1 7XR9672 Core-balance current transformer (zero sequence c.t.) M6 14 K 2 120 L 55 k l 14.5 x 6.5 K 120 96 104 3 102 4 Fig. 79 200 2 5 7XR9600 Core-balance current transformer (zero sequence c.t.) 94 6 12 80 Diam. 149 7 81 Diam. 6.4 143 54 8 Fig. 80 170 9 10 6/40 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Relay Dimensions 4AM4930 Current summation transformer for relay 7SD600 121 110 92 G H I K L M Y 1 2 90 62 3 75 4 64 64 A B C D E F Z 5 63.5 100 63.5 110 6 G H I K L M Y 7 Fig. 81 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/41 �Power System Protection Typical Protection Schemes 1 Application group Circuit number Circuit equipment protected Page 2 Cables and overhead lines 1 2 3 4 5 Radial feeder circuit Ring main circuit Distribution feeder with reclosers Paral lel feeder circuit Cable or short overhead line with infeed from both ends Overh ead lines or longer cables with infeed from both ends Subtransmission line Trans mission line with reactor Transmission line or cable (with wide band communicati on) Transmission line, breaker-and-a-half terminal Small transformer infeed Larg e or important transformer infeed Dual infeed with single transformer Parallel i ncoming transformer feeder Parallel incoming transformer feeder with bus tie Thr ee-winding transformer Autotransformer Large autotransformer bank Small and medi um-sized motors Large HV motors Smallest generator < 500 kW Small generator, aro und 1 MW Large generator > 1 MW Large generator >1 MW feeding into a network wit h isolated neutral Generator-transformer unit Busbar protection by o/c relays wi th reverse interlocking High-impedance differential busbar protection Low-impeda nce differential busbar protection 6/43 6/43 6/44 6/44 6/45 6/45 6/46 6/48 6/49 6/49 6/51 6/51 6/52 6/52 6/53 6/53 6/54 6/54 6/55 6/55 6/56 6/56 6/57 6/57 6/59 6/60 6/61 6/61 3 6 7 4 8 9 10 5 Transformers 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 6 7 Motors 18 19 20 8 Generators 21 22 23 �9 24 25 Busbars 26 27 28 Fig. 82 10 6/42 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Typical Protection Schemes 1. Radial feeder circuit Notes: 1) Autoreclosure 79 only with O.H. lines. 2) Neg ative sequence o/c protection 46 as sensitive backup protection against unsymmet rical faults. General hints: ± The relay at the far end (D) gets the shortest oper ating time. Relays further upstream have to be time-graded against the next down stream relay in steps of about 0.3 seconds. ± Inverse-time curves can be selected according to the following criteria: ± Definite time: source impedance large compa red to the line impedance, i.e. small current variation between near and far end faults ± Inverse time: Longer lines, where the fault current is much less at the end of the line than at the local end. ± Very or extremely inverse time: Lines whe re the line impedance is large compared to the source impedance (high difference for close-in and remote faults) or lines, where coordination with fuses or recl osers is necessary. Steeper characteristics provide also higher stability on ser vice restoration (cold load pick-up and transformer in rush currents) 2. Ring ma in circuit General hints: ± Operating time of overcurrent relays to be coordinated with downstream fuses of load transformers. (Preferably very inverse time chara cteristic with about 0.2 s grading-time delay ± Thermal overload protection for th e cables (option) ± Negative sequence o/c protection 46 as sensitive protection ag ainst unsymmetrical faults (option) 52 Infeed Transformer protection, see Fig. 94 A B Further feeders I>, t IE>, t I2>, t 51 51N 46 2) C I>, t IE>, t I2>, t 51 51N 46 ARC 79 1) 1 2 7SJ60 3 7SJ60 4 Load D I>, t IE>, t I2>, t 51 51N 46 7SJ60 5 Load Fig. 83 Load 6 Infeed Transformer protection, see Fig. 97 52 52 7 7SJ60 I>, t IE>, t I2>, t 51 51N 46 J> 49 52 7SJ60 I>, t IE>, t I2>, t 51 51N 46 J> 49 8 9 10 �Fig. 84 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/43 �Power System Protection Typical Protection Schemes 1 Infeed 3. Distribution feeder with reclosers General hints: ± The feeder relay operating characteristics, delay times and autoreclosure cycles must be carefully coordina ted with downstream reclosers, sectionalizers and fuses. The instantaneous zone 50/50N is normally set to reach out to the first main feeder sectionalizing poin t. It has to ensure fast clearing of close-in faults and prevent blowing of fuse s in this area (ªfuse savingº). Fast autoreclosure is initiated in this case. Furthe r time delayed tripping and reclosure steps (normally 2 or 3) have to be graded against the recloser. ± The o/c relay should automatically switch over to less sen sitive characteristics after longer breaker interruption times to enable overrid ing of subsequent cold load pick-up and transformer inrush currents. 2 52 I>>, I>, t 50/ 51 IE>>, I2>, t IE>, t 50N/ 51N 46 79 Autoreclose 52 7SJ60 3 Further feeders Recloser 4 Sectionalizers 5 Fuses 6 Fig. 85 4. Parallel feeder circuit 7 52 Infeed 52 I>, t IE>, t 51 51N J> 49 I2>, t 46 52 General hints: ± This circuit is preferably used for the interruption-free supply of important consumers without significant backfeed. ± The directional o/c protect ion 67/67N trips instantaneously for faults on the protected line. This allows t he saving of one time-grading interval for the o/crelays at the infeed. ± The o/c relay functions 51/51N have each to be time-graded against the relays located up stream. 8 7SJ60 O H line or cable 2 Protection same as line or cable 1 O H line or cable 1 �9 52 67 67N 51 51N 7SJ62 10 52 52 52 52 Load Load Fig. 86 6/44 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Typical Protection Schemes 5. Cables or short overhead lines with infeed from both ends Notes: 1) Autoreclo sure only with overhead lines 2) Overload protection only with cables 3) Differe ntial protection options: ± Type 7SD511/12 with direct fiber-optic connection up t o about 20 km or via a 64 kbit/s channel of a general purpose PCM connection (op tical fiber, microwave) ± Type 7SD600 with 2-wire pilot cables up to about 10 km ± T ype 7SD502 with 2-wire pilot cables up to about 20 km ± Type 7SD503 with 3-wire pi lot cables up to about 10 km. 4) Functions 49 and 79 only with relays 7SD5**. 7S D600 is a cost-effective solution where only the function 87L is required (exter nal current summation transformer 4AM4930 to be ordered separately) Infeed 52 52 52 1 1) 2) 7SJ60 51N/ 51N 79 87L 3) 87L 79 52 52 2 7SD600 or 7SD5** 4) Same protection for parallel line, if applicable 4) 52 49 Line or cable 7SJ60 51N/ 51N 52 49 2) 1) 7SD600 or 7SD5** 3 4 52 52 Load Fig. 87 52 Backfeed 52 5 6. Overhead lines or longer cables with infeed from both ends Notes: 1) Teleprot ection logic 85 for transfer trip or blocking schemes. Signal transmission via p ilot wire, power-line carrier, microwave or optical fiber (to be provided separa tely). The teleprotection supplement is only necessary if fast fault clearance o n 100% line length is required, i.e. second zone tripping (about 0.3 s delay) ca nnot be accepted for far end faults. 2) Directional ground-fault protection 67N with inverse-time delay against highresistance faults 3) Single or multishot aut �oreclosure 79 only with overhead lines 4) Reduced version 7SA510 may be used whe re no, or only 3-pole autoreclosure is required. 52 Infeed 6 52 52 21/ 21N 85 Line or cable 1) 85 21/ 21N 52 52 52 52 52 52 79 67N 3) 2) 67N 79 2) 3) 52 7 7SA511 4) Same protection for parallel line, if applicable 8 9 7SA511 4) 52 10 Load Fig. 88 Backfeed Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/45 �Power System Protection Typical Protection Schemes 7. Subtransmission line 1 Note: 1) Connection to open delta winding if available. Relays 7SA511 and 7SJ512 can, however, also be set to calculate the zero-sequence voltage internally. 2 General hints: ± Distance teleprotection is proposed as main, and time graded dire ctional O/C as backup protection. ± The 67N function of 7SA511 provides additional high-resistance ground fault protection. It can be used in a directional compar ison scheme in parallel with the 21/21N-function, but only in POTT mode. If the distance protection scheme operates in PUTT mode, 67N is only available as timedelayed function. ± Recommended schemes: PUTT on medium and long lines with phase shift carrier or other secure communication channel. POTT on short lines. BLOCKI NG with On/Off carrier (all line lengths). 3 25 79 21 21N 67N 67 67N 51 51N BF 1) 4 68 78 5 85 7SJ62 S CH R Signal transmission equipment To remote line end 6 7SA511 Fig. 89 7 8 9 10 6/46 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Typical Protection Schemes Application criteria for frequently used teleprotection schemes Permissive underreaching transferred tripping (PUTT) Preferred application Signa l transmission: Permissive overreaching transferred tripping (POTT) Blocking Unblocking 1 Secure and dependable channel: s Frequency shift power line carrier (phase-topha se HF coupling to the protected line, better HF coupling to a parallel running l ine to avoid sending through the fault) s Microwave, in particular digital (PCM) s Fiber optic cables s Dependable channel (only with external faults) s Amplitude modulated ON/OFF power line carrier (same frequency can be used at all terminals) All kinds of line (Preferred US pr actice) Applicable only with s Frequency shift power line carrier 2 3 EHV lines Line configuration: Normally used with medium and long lines (7SA511/513 relays allow use also with short lines due to their independent X and R setting of all distance zones). s Short lines in particular when high fault resistance coverage is required s Multi-terminal and tapped lines with intermediate infeed effects s No distance zone 4 5 overreaching problems, when applied with CCVTs on short lines s Applicable to ex treme short lines below the minimum zone setting limit s No problems with the im pact of parallel line coupling. Advantages: s Simple method s Tripping of underreaching zone does not depend on the channel (release signal from the remote line e nd not necessary). s No distance zone or time coordination between line ends nec essary, i.e. this mode can easily be used with different relay types. 6 �same as for POTT same as for POTT 7 Drawbacks: s Parallel, teed and s Distance zone and tapped lines may cause underreach problems. Careful consideration of zerosequenc e coupling and intermediate infeed effects is necessary. s Not applicable with w eak infeed terminals. time coordination with remote line end relays necessary s Tripping depends on re ceipt of remote end signal (additional independent underreaching zone of 7SA511/ 513 relays avoids this problem). s Weak infeed supplement necessary same as for POTT Except that a weak infeed supplement is not necessary No contin uous online supervision of the channel possible! Same as for POTT, however, loss of remote end signal does not completely block t he protection scheme. Tripping is in this case released with a short time delay of about 20 ms (unblocking logic). 8 9 10 Fig. 90 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/47 �Power System Protection Typical Protection Schemes 8. Transmission line with reactor 1 Note: 1) 51G only applicable with grounded reactor neutral. 2) If phase CTs at t he low-voltage reactor side are not available, the high-voltage phase CTs and th e CT in the neutral can be connected to a restricted ground fault protection usi ng one 7VH80 high-impedance relay. General hints: ± Distance relays are proposed a s main 1 and main 2 protection. Duplicated 7SA513 is recommended for long (>100 km) and heavily loaded lines or series-compensated lines and in all cases where extreme short operating times are required due to system stability problems. 7SA 513 as main 1 and 7SA511 as main 2 can be used in the normal case. 2 3 4 5 ± Operating time of the 7SA513 relay is in the range of 15 to 25 ms dependent on t he particular fault condition, while the operating time of the 7SA511 is 25 to 3 5 ms respectively. These tripping times are valid for faults in the underreachin g distance zone (80 to 85% of the line length). Remote end faults must be cleare d by the superimposed teleprotection scheme. Its overall operating time depends on the signal transmission time of the channel (typically 15 to 20 ms for freque ncy shift audio-tone PLC or Microwave channels, and lower than 10 ms for ON/OFF PLC or digital PCM signalling via optical fibres). Teleprotection schemes based on 7SA513 and 7SA511 have therefore operating times in the order of 40 ms and 50 ms each. With state-of-the-art twocycle circuit breakers, fault clearing times well below 100 ms (4 to 5 cycles) can normally be achived. ± Dissimilar carrier sc hemes are recommended for main 1 and main 2 protection, for example PUTT, and PO TT or Blocking/Unblocking ± Both 7SA513 and 7SA511 can practise selective single-pole and/or three-pole trip ping and autoreclosure. The ground current directional comparison protection 67N of the 7SA513 relay uses phase selectors based on symmetrical components. Thus, single pole autoreclosure can also be practised with high-resistance faults. Th e 67N function of the 7SA511 relay should be used as time delayed directional O/ C backup in this case. ± The 67N functions are provided as highimpendance fault pr otection. 67N of the 7SA513 relay is normally used with an additional channel as separate carrier scheme. Use of a common channel with distance protection is on ly possible in the POTT mode. The 67N function in the 7SA511 is blocked when fun ction 21/ 21N picks up. It can therefore only be used in parallel with the dista nce directional comparison scheme POTT using one common channel. Alternatively, it can be used as time-delayed backup protection. 6 CC 52L TC1 TC2 CVT 52R 50 50N 7SJ600 51 51N BF 7 8 25 59 21 21N 67N 25 21 21N 67N �Reactor 87R 7VH83 2) 9 79 68 79 79 68 79 51G 7SJ600 BF 85 7SA522 or 7SA511 BF BF, 59 Trip 52L S Direct Trip R Channel S Channel 2 R S Channel 3 R To remote line end 10 85 7SA513 Fig. 91 6/48 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Typical Protection Schemes 9. Transmission line or cable (with wide band communication) Note: 1) Overvoltag e protection only with 7SA513 General hints: ± Digital PCM coded communication (wi th n x 64 kBit/s channels) between line ends is now getting more and more freque ntly available, either directly by optical or microwave point-to-point links, or via a general purpose digital communication network. In both cases, the unit-ty pe current comparison protection 7SD511/12 can be applied. It provides absolute phase andzone selectivity by phase-segregated measurement, and is not affected b y power swing or parallel line zero-sequence coupling effects. It is further a c urrent-only protection that does not need VT connection. For this reason, the ad verse effects of CVT transients are not applicable. This makes it in particular suitable for double and multicircuit lines where complex fault situations can oc cur. Pilot wire protection can only be applied to short lines or cables due to t he inherent limitation of the applied measuring principle. The 7SD511/12 can be applied to lines up to about 20 km in direct relay-to-relay connection via dedic ated optical fiber cores (see also application 5), and also to much longer dista nces up to about 100 km by using separate PCM devices for optical fiber or micro wave transmission. The 7SD511/512 then uses only a small part (64 kBit/s) of the total transmission capacity being in the order of Mbits/s. ± The unit protection 7SD511 can be combined with the distance relay 7SA513 or 7SA511 to form a redund ant protection system with dissimilar measuring principles complementing each ot her. This provides the highest degree of availability. Also, separate signal tra nsmission ways should be used for main 1 and main 2 protection, e.g. optical fib er or micro-wave, and power line carrier (PLC). 1. The criteria for selection of 7SA513 or 7SA511 are the same as discussed in application 8. The current compar ison protection has a typical operating time of 25 ms for faults on 100% line le ngth including signalling time. CC 52L TC1 TC2 1 2 1) 79 97L 25 59 21 21N 3 BF 79 67N 68 79 85 BF 7SA522 or 7SA511 S Channel 1 R 4 7SD512 optial fiber FO Wire X.21 S R PCM �To remote line end 5 Direct connection with dedicated fibers up to about 20 km Fig. 92 6 10. Transmission line, breaker-and-a-half terminal Notes: 1) When the line is sw itched off and the line isolator is open, high through-faultcurrents in the diam eter may cause maloperation of the distance relay due to unequal CT errors (satu ration). Normal practice is therefore to block the distance protection (21/21N) and the directional ground fault protection (67N) under this condition via an au xiliary contact of the line isolator. Instead, a standby overcurrent function (5 0/50N, 51/51N) is released to protect the remaining stub between the breakers (ªst ubªprotection). 2) Overvoltage protection only with 7SA513 General hints: ± The prot ection functions of one diameter of a breaker-and-a-half arrangement are shown. ± The currents of two CTs have each to be summed up to get the relevant line curre nt as input for main 1 and 2 line protection. 7 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/49 �Power System Protection Typical Protection Schemes 1 2 3 ± The location of the CTs on both sides of the circuit-breakers is typical for sub stations with dead-tank breakers. Live-tank breakers may have CTs only on one si de to reduce cost. A Fault between circuit breakers and CT (end fault) may then still be fed from one side even when the breaker has opened. Consequently, final fault clearing by cascaded tripping has to be accepted in this case. The 7SV512 relay provides the necessary end fault protection function and trips the breake rs of the remaining infeeding circuits. ± For the selection of the main 1 and main 2 line protection schemes, the comments of application examples 8 and 9 apply. ± Autoreclosure (79) and synchrocheck func tion (25) are each assigned directly to the circuit breakers and controlled by m ain 1 and 2 line protection in parallel. In case of a line fault, both adjacent breakers have to be tripped by the line protection. The sequence of automatic re closure of both breakers or, alternatively, the automatic reclosure of only one breaker and the manual closure of the other breaker, may be made selectable by a control switch. ± A coordinated scheme of control circuits is necessary to en sure selective tripping, interlocking and reclosing of the two breakers of one l ine (or transformer feeder). ± The voltages for synchrochecking have to be selecte d according to the breaker and isolator positions by a voltage replica circuit. 4 87 7SS5. or BB1 7VH83 BB1 5 UBB1 7VK512 79 52 BF 7SV512 or 7SV600 21 21N 85 67N 1) 1) 2) 50 51 59 50N 51N 7SA522 or 7SA511 6 UBB1 UL1 or UL2 or UBB2 25 UL1 Line 1 �7 7VK512 79 52 87L 7SD511/12 8 UL1 or UBB1 UL2 or UBB2 25 BF 7SV512 or 7SV600 Line 2 9 UL2 or UL1 or UBB1 UBB2 UBB2 7VK512 79 52 25 BF UL2 Main 1 Main 2 10 Protection of Line 2 (or transformer, if applicable) 7SV512 or 7SV600 87 7SS5. or BB2 7VH83 BB2 Fig. 93 6/50 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Typical Protection Schemes 11. Small transformer infeed General hints: ± Ground-faults on the secondary side are detected by current relay 51G which, however, has to be time-graded against downstream feeder protection relays. The restricted ground-fault relay 87N can o ptionally be provided to achieve fast clearance of ground faults in the transfor mer secondary winding. Relay 7VH80 is of the high-impedance type and requires cl ass X CTs with equal transformation ratio. ± Primary breaker and relay may be repl aced by fuses. HV infeed 52 1 I>> 50 I>, t 51 IE> 50N J> I2>, t 49 46 7SJ60 63 RN Optional resistor or reactor 2 I>> 87N 51G 52 3 7SJ60 7VH80 IE> Distribution bus 4 52 o/crelay Load Fig. 94 Fuse Load 5 12. Large or important transformer infeed Notes: 1) Three winding transformer re lay type 7UT513 may be replaced by twowinding type 7UT512 plus high-impedance-ty pe restricted ground-fault relay 7VH80. However, class X CT cores would addition ally be necessary in this case. (See small transformer protection) 2) 51G may ad ditionally be provided, in particular for the protection of the neutral resistan �ce, if provided. 3) Relays 7UT512/513 provide numerical ratio and vector group a daption. Matching transformers as used with traditional relays are therefore no longer applicable. HV infeed 52 High voltage, e.g. 115 kV I>> 50 I>, t IE> 51N J> I2>, t 6 51 49 46 7SJ60 or 7SJ61 7 2) 51G 7SJ60 63 1) 87N I>, t IE>, t 51N 87T 8 7UT513 9 51 52 7SJ60 Load bus, e.g. 13.8 kV 10 52 52 Load Fig. 95 Load Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/51 �Power System Protection Typical Protection Schemes 13. Dual-infeed with single transformer 1 Protection line 1 same as line 2 52 Protection line 2 21/21N or 87L + 51 + optionally 67/67N 52 Notes: 1) Line CTs are to be connected to separate stabilizing inputs of the dif ferential relay 87T in order to assure stability in case of line through-fault c urrents. 2) Relay 7UT513 provides numerical ratio and vector group adaption. Mat ching transformers, as used with traditional relays, are therefore no longer app licable. 2 7SJ60 or 7SJ61 I>> I>, t IE>, t 50 51 46 51N 49 J> 3 63 I2> 87N 87T 7UT513 4 I>> 7S¢60 IE> 51G 7S¢60 51 51N 5 52 52 52 Load Fig. 96 52 �Load bus 6 7 HV infeed 1 52 I>> 50 7SJ60 or 7SJ61 I>, t 51 IE>, t J> 51N 49 I2>, t 46 HV infeed 2 52 14. Parallel incoming transformer feeders Note: 1) The directional functions 67 and 67N do not apply for cases where the transformers are equipped with transfor mer differential relays 87T. 8 Protection 63 same as infeed 1 I> 67 IE> 67N 7SJ62 9 51G IE>, t I>, t IE>, t 51 51N 7SJ60 10 52 1) 52 Load bus 52 Load 52 Load 52 Load Fig. 97 6/52 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Typical Protection Schemes 15. Parallel incoming transformer feeders with bus tie Note: 1) Overcurrent rela ys 51, 51N each connected as a partial differential scheme. This provides simple and fast busbar protection and saves one time-grading step. Infeed 1 I>> 50 I>, t 51 7SJ60 IE>, t J> 51N 49 I2>, t 46 Infeed 2 1 63 63 Protection same as infeed 1 2 7SJ60 51G I>, t IE>, t 51 51N 7SJ60 IE>, t I>, t 51N 51 3 7SJ60 16. Three-winding transformer Notes: 1) The zero-sequence current must be blocke d from entering the differential relay by a delta winding in the CT connection o n the transformer sides with grounded winding neutral. This is to avoid false op eration with external ground faults (numerical relays provide this function by c alculation). About 30% sensitivity, however, is then lost in case of internal fa ults. Optionally, the zero-sequence current can be regained by introducing the w inding neutral current in the differential relay (87T). Relay type 7UT513 provid es two current inputs for this purpose. By using this feature, the ground fault sensitivity can be upgraded again to its original value. 2) Restricted ground fa ult protection (87T) is optional. It provides back-up protection for ground faul ts and increased ground fault sensitivity (about 10%IN, compared to about 20 to 30%IN of the transformer differential relay). Separate class X CT-cores with equ al transmission ratio are additionally required for this protection. General hin t: ± In this example, the transformer feeds two different distribution networks wi th cogeneration. Restraining differential relay inputs are therefore provided at each transformer side. If both distribution networks only consume load and no t hrough-feed is possible from one MV network to the other, parallel connection of the CTs of the two MV transformer windings is admissible allowing the use of a two-winding differential relay (7UT512). 52 Load 4 52 52 52 Load 52 5 Fig. 98 6 �HV Infeed 52 I>> 50 I>, t 51 J> 49 I2>, t 46 7SJ60 or 7SJ61 7 51G 7SJ60 63 51G 7SJ60 1) 87T 7UT513 8 87N 7VH80 87N 7VH80 9 IE>, t 51N I>,t 51 IE>, t 51N I>,t 51 7SJ60 M.V. 52 52 52 52 7SJ60 M.V. 10 Load Backfeed Load Backfeed Fig. 99 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/53 �Power System Protection Typical Protection Schemes 17. Autotransformer 1 51N 7SJ60 or 7SJ61 50 BF 46 50 51 1) 52 2) 87N 7VH80 Notes: 1) 87N high-impedance protection requires special class X current transfo rmer cores with equal transmission ratio. 2) The 7SJ60 relay can alternatively b e connected in series with the 7UT513 relay to save this CT core. General hint: 63 ± Two different protection schemes are provided: 87T is chosen as low-impedance threewinding version (7UT513). 87N is a single-phase high-impedance relay (7VH8 0) connected as restricted ground fault protection. (In this example, it is assu med that the phaseends of the transformer winding are not accessible on the neut ral side, i.e. there exists a CT only in the neutral grounding connection.) 2 7UT513 87T 49 3 52 1) 51 50 51 46 59N 50 BF 1) 50 BF 51N 52 4 7RW60 7SJ60 5 7SJ60 Fig. 100 6 18. Large autotransformer bank 21 21N 7SV600 68 78 7SA513 7SV600 50 BF General hints: ± The transformer bank is connected in a 11/2 breaker arrangement. Duplicated differential protection is proposed: Main 1: Low-impedance differenti al protection 87TL (7UT513) connected to the transformer bushing CTs. Main 2: Hi gh-impedance overall differential protection 87TH (7VH83). Separate class X core s and equal CT ratios are required for this type of protection. ± Back-up protecti on is provided by distance relays (7SA513 and 7SA511), each ªlookingª with an instan taneous first zone about 80% into the transformer and with a time-delayed zone b eyond the transformer. ± The tertiary winding is assumed to feed a small station s upply network with isolated neutral. �7 EHV 50 BF 52 52 8 7VH83 TH 87 HV 50 BF 7SV600 52 9 7UT513 87 TL 49 63 7SA511 21 21N 52 68 78 51 50 BF 52 51G 50 BF 7SV600 10 59N 7RW60 7SJ60 7SJ60 Fig. 101 6/54 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Typical Protection Schemes 19. Small and medium-sized motors < about 1 MW a) With effective or low-resistan ce grounded infeed (IE ³ IN Motor) General hint: ± Applicable to low-voltage motors and high-voltage motors with low-resistance grounded infeed (IE ³ IN Motor). Fig. 102a 52 I>> 50 I E> 51N J> 49 Locked rotor 49 CR I 2> 46 1 7SJ60 M 2 b) With high-resistance grounded infeed (IE £ IN Motor) Notes: 1) Window-type zero sequence CT. 2) Sensitive directional ground-fault protection 67N only applicab le with infeed from isolated or Peterson-coil-grounded network. (For dimensionin g of the sensitive directional ground fault protection, see also application cir cuit No. 24) 3) If 67G ist not applicable, relay 7SJ602 can be applied. 3 52 I>> 50 I E> 51G J> 49 2) 67G Locked rotor 49 CR I 2> 46 I< 37 7SJ62 or 7SJ551 3) 4 7XR96 1) 60/1A 5 M Fig. 102b 6 20. Large HV motors > about 1 MW Notes: 1) Window-type zero sequence CT. 2) Sens itive directional ground-fault protection 67N only applicable with infeed from i solated or Peterson-coil-grounded network. 3) This function is only needed for m otors where the runup time is longer than the safe stall time tE. According to I EC 79-7, the tE-time is the time needed to heat up AC windings, when carrying th e starting current IA, from the temperature reached in rated service and at maxi mum ambient temperature to the limiting temperature. A separate speed switch is used to supervise actual starting of the motor. The motor breaker is tripped if the motor does not reach speed in the preset time. The speed switch is part of t he motor delivery itself. 4) Pt100, Ni100, Ni120 5) 49T only available with rela y type 7SJ5 6) High impedance relay 7VH83 may be used instead of 7UT12 if separa �te class x CTs. are provided at the terminal and star-point side of the motor wi nding. 7SJ62 or 7SJ551 52 I>> 50 IE> 51G J> 49 2) 67G Locked rotor 49 CR I2> 46 7 U< 27 Optional 8 7XR96 1) 60/1A I< 37 Startup super49T visior 3) 5) 3) Speed switch RTD s 4) optional 9 87M 6) 7UT512 M 10 Fig. 103 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/55 �Power System Protection Typical Protection Schemes 21. Smallest generators < 500 kW 1 LV G 2 I>, IE>, t 51 51N I2> 46 J> 49 7SJ60 3 Fig. 104a: With solidly grounded neutral Note: MV 4 Generator 2 G1 1) I>, IE>, t 51 51N I2> 46 J> 49 7SJ60 1) If a window-type zero-sequence CT is provided for sensitive ground fault prot ection, relay 7SJ602 with separate ground current input can be used (similar to Fig. 102b of application example 19b). 5 RN = VN Ö3 · (0.5 to 1) · Irated 6 Fig. 104b: With resistance grounded neutral 22. Small generator, typically 1 MW 7 52 1) Note: 1) Two CTs in V connection also sufficient. 8 �Field 9 G 64R I>, t 51 P 32 I2 > 46 L.O.F 40 7UM511 10 IE>, t 51G Fig. 105 6/56 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Typical Protection Schemes 23. Smallest generators > 1 MW Notes: 1) Functions 81 und 59 only required where prime mover can assume excess speed and voltage regulator may permit rise of ou tput voltage above upper limit. 2) Differential relaying options: ± 7UT512: Low-im pedance differential protection 87 ± 7UT513: Low-impedance differential 87 with in tegral restricted groundfault protection 87G ± 7VH83: High-impedance differential protection 87 (requires class X CTs) 3) 7SJ60 used as voltage-controlled o/c pro tection. Function 27 of 7UM511 is used to switch over to a second, more sensitiv e setting group. MV 52 3) 2) 87 I IG 1 51 O/C v.c. 7SJ60 2 27 1) 81 U< f> U> J> 87G 3 G Field 64R I>, t RE Field< P 32 I2> 1) 59 L.O.F. 40 4 51 46 49 IE>, t 7UM511 51G 5 �6 Fig. 106 24. Large generator > 1 MW feeding into a network with isolated neutral General hints: ± The setting range of the directional ground fault protection 67G in the 7 UM511 relay is 2 ± 100 mA. Dependent on the current transformer accuracy, a certai n minimum setting is required to avoid false operation on load or transient rush currents: Relay ground current input connected to: Core-balance c.t. 60/1 A: 1 single CT 2 parallel CTs 3 parallel CTs 4 parallel C Ts Three-phase-CTs in residual (Holmgreen) connection Three-phase-CTs in residua l (Holmgreen) connection with special factory calibration to minimum residual fa lse current (£ 2 mA) Fig. 107 Minimum relay setting: Comments: 7 2 mA 5 mA 8 mA 12 mA 1A CT: ca. 50 mA 5A CT: ca. 200 mA In general not suitable for sensitive earth fault protection 1A CTs are not recommented in this case 8 9 2 ± 3½ of secondary rated CT current In SEC: 10 ± 15 mA with 5A CTs 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/57 �Power System Protection Typical Protection Schemes 1 2 3 4 5 ± In practice, efforts are generally made to protect about 90% of the machine wind ing, measured from the machine terminals. The full ground current for a terminal fault must then be ten times the setting value which corresponds to the fault c urrent of a fault at 10% distance from the machine neutral. For the most sensiti ve setting of 2 mA, we need therefore 20 mA secondary ground current, correspond ing to (60/1) x 20 mA = 1.2 A primary. This current may be delivered by the netw ork ground capacitances if enough cables are contained. In this case, the direct ional ground fault protection (67G) has to be set to reactive power measurement (U x I x sin w). If sufficient capacitive ground current is not available, a gro unding transformer with resistive zero-sequence load can be installed as ground current source at the station busbar. The 67G function has in this case to be se t to active (wattmetric) power measurement (U x I x cosw). The smallest standard grounding transformer TGAG 3541 has a 20 s short time rating of PG = 27 kVA. In a 5kV network, it would deliver: Small grid with isolated neutral 52 7XR96 60/1A 1) 3) Grounding transformer UN 1 00 500 V 3 3 3 52 RB 87 59 G 62 7UT512 Field REF< 64 F IE 67 G U< 27 U> 59 f 81 G Uo > 59 G 4) I>,t 51 I2> 46 7UM512 P 32 �L.O.F 40 6 2) IG 20s A 3 x PG A 3 x 27,000VA = ±±±±±±- = ±±±±±±±±±±±± = 9.4 A UN 5000V Single-phase VT 7 8 9 10 corresponding to a relay input current of 9.4 A x 1/60 = 156 mA. This would prov ide a 90% protection range with a setting of about 15 mA, allowing the use of 4 parallel connected core balance CTs. The resistance at the 500V open-delta windi ng of the grounding transformer would then have to be designed for RG = USEC2 / PG = 500 V2 / 27,000 VA = 9.26 Ohm (27 KW, 20 s). For a 5 MVA machine and 600/5 A CTs with special calibration for minimum residual false current, we would get a secondary current of IG SEC = 9.4 A /(600/5) = 78 mA. With a relay setting of 12 mA, the protection range would in this case be 12 100 (1- ±±) = 85%. 78 Fig. 108 Notes: 1) The standard core-balance CT 7XR96 has a transformation ratio of 60/1 A. 2) Instead of an open delta winding at the terminal VT, a single-phase VT at the machine neutral could be used as zerosequence polarizing voltage. 3) The gro unding transformer is designed for a short-time rating of 20 seconds. To prevent overloading, the load resistor is automatically switched off by a time-delayed zero-sequence voltage relay (59G + 62) and a contactor (52). 4) During the start up time of the generator with open breaker, the grounding source is not availabl e. To ensure ground fault protection during this time interval, an auxilliary co ntact of the breaker can be used to change over the directional ground fault rel ay function (67G) to a zero-sequence voltage detection function (59G) via a cont act converter input. 6/58 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Typical Protection Schemes 25. Generator-transformer unit Notes: 1) 100% stator ground-fault protection bas ed on 20 Hz voltage injection 2) Sensitive field ground-fault protection based o n 1 Hz voltage injection 3) Only used functions shown, further integrated functi ons available in each relay type (see ºRelay Selection Guideª, Fig. 43). 1 52 Unit trans. 87 TU 63 Transf. fault press 71 Oil low 2 51 TN 87U 3 Transf. neut. OC Unit aux. backup 51 Oil low Transf. fault press 63 71 Unit diff. 4 5 Overvolt. 59 81N 78 Loss of sync. 40 Stator O.L. 49S E Loss of field 32 87G Reve rse power Overfreq. 24 Volt/Hz A 51 TN Trans. neut. OC 87T Trans. diff. Unit aux . 6 7 G 2) 64 R2 Field grd. 64R Field grd. Gen. diff. Relay type Functions 3) Number of relays required 59 81N 49 64R 1 8 7UM511 46 Neg. seq. 21 Sys. backup 40 59 GN 24 46 9 7UM516 7UM515 7UT512 7UT513 7SJ60 �32 51 GN 87T 1) 21 64 R2 2) 78 1 51 1) GN 59 GN Gen. neut. OV 1 87 TU 2 optionally 3 1 10 87G and optionally 87U 51N 51 3 Fig. 109 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/59 �Power System Protection Typical Protection Schemes 1 26. Busbar protection by O/C relays with reverse interlocking Infeed General hint: Applicable to distribution busbars without substantial (< 0.25 x I N) backfeed from the outgoing feeders 2 Reverse interlocking 3 I>, t0 50 50N I>, t 51 51N 7SJ60 4 52 t0 = 50 ms 5 52 I> I>, t 51 51N 52 I> 50 50N I>, t 51 51N 52 I> 50 50N I>, t 51 51N 6 50 50N 7SJ60 7SJ60 7SJ60 7 8 Fig. 110 9 10 6/60 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Typical Protection Schemes 27. High impedance busbar protection General hints: ± Normally used with single bu sbar and 1 1/2 breaker schemes ± Requires separate class X current transformer cor es. All CTs must have the same transformation ratio Note: 1) A varistor is norma lly applied accross the relay input terminals to limit the voltage to a value sa fety below the insulation voltage of the secondary circuits (see page 6/70). 1 Transformer protection 51 51N 7VH83 87 BB 1) 86 87 S.V. 2 3 Alarm 52 52 52 4 Feeder protection Feeder protection Load Feeder protection G Fig. 111 G 5 6 28. Low-impedance busbar protection General hints: ± Preferably used for multiple busbarschemes where an isolator replica is necessary ± The numerical busbar protec tion 7SS5 provides additional breaker failure protection ± CT transformation ratio s can be different, e.g. 600/1 A in the feeders and 2000/1 at the bus tie ± The pr otection system and the isolator replica are continuously self-monitored by the 7SS5 ± Feeder protection can be connected to the same CT core. Infeed Transformer protection 50 50N 52 7 8 9 52 Bus tie protection 52 Feeder protection Load 52 Feeder protection Back-feed I solator replica 7SS5 87 BB 86 BF 10 Fig. 112 �Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/61 �Power System Protection Protection Coordination Protection coordination 1 Relay operating characteristics and their setting must be carefully coordinated in order to achieve selectivity. The aim is basically to switch off only the fau lted component and to leave the rest of the power system in service in order to minimize supply interruptions and to assure stability. Sensivity Peak value of inrush current ^ IRush ^ IN 12.0 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2 3 Protection should be as sensitive as possible to detect faults at the lowest pos sible current level. At the same time, however, it should remain stable under al l permissible load, overload and through-fault conditions. Phase-fault relays Th e pick-up values of phase o/c relays are normally set 30% above the maximum load current, provided that sufficient shortcircuit current is available. This pract ice is recommmended in particular for mechanical relays with reset ratios of 0.8 to 0.85. Numerical relays have high reset ratios near 0.95 and allow therefore about 10% lower setting. Feeders with high transformer and/or motor load require special consideration. Transformer feeders 4 2.0 1.0 2 10 100 400 5 Rated transformer power [MVA] Time constant of inrush current Nominal power [MVA] Time constant [s] 0.5 . . . 1.0 0.16 . . . 0.2 1.0 . . . 10 0.2 . . . 1.2 >10 1.2 . . . 720 6 7 8 9 The energizing of transformers causes inrush currents that may last for seconds, depending on their size (Fig. 113). Selection of the pickup current and assigne d time delay have to be coordinated so that the rush current decreases below the relay o/c reset value before the set operating time has elapsed. The rush curre nt typically contains only about 50% fundamental frequency component. Numerical relays that filter out harmonics and the DC component of the rush current can th erefore be set more sensitive. The inrush current peak values of Fig. 113 will b e nearly reduced to one half in this case. Ground-fault relays Residual-current relays enable a much more sensitive setting, as load currents do not have to be considered (except 4-wire circuits with single-phase load). In solidly and low-r esistance grounded systems a setting of 10 to 20% rated load current is generall y applied. �Fig. 113: Transformer inrush currents, typical data 10 High-resistance grounding requires much more sensitive setting in the order of s ome amperes primary. The ground-fault current of motors and generators, for exam ple, should be limited to values below 10 A in order to avoid iron burning. Resi dual-current relays in the star point connection of CTs can in this case not be used, in particular with rated CT primary currents higher than 200 A. The pickup value of the zero-sequence relay would in this case be in the order of the erro r currents of the CTs. A special zero-sequence CT is therefore used in this case as ground current sensor. The window-type current transformer 7XR96 is designed for a ratio of 60/1 A. The detection of 6 A primary would then require a relay pickup setting of 0.1 A secondary. An even more sensitive setting is applied in isolated or Peterson-coil-grounded networks where very low ground currents occur with single-phase-to-ground faults . Settings of 20 mA and less may then be required depending on the minimum groun d-fault current. Sensitive directional ground-fault relays (integrated in the re lays 7SJ512, 7SJ55 and 7SA511) allow settings as low as 5 mA. 6/62 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Protection Coordination Differential relays (87) Transformer differential relays are normally set to pic kup values between 20 and 30% rated current. The higher value has to be chosen w hen the transformer is fitted with a tap changer. Restricted ground-fault relays and highresistance motor/generator differential relays are, as a rule, set to a bout 10% rated current. Instantaneous o/c protection (50) This is typically appl ied on the final supply load or on any protective device with sufficient circuit impedance between itself and the next downstream protective device. The setting at transformers, for example, must be chosen about 20 to 30% higher than the ma ximum through-fault current. Motor feeders The energizing of motors causes a sta rting current of initially 5 to 6 times rated current (locked rotor current). A typical time-current curve for an induction motor is shown in Fig. 114. In the f irst 100 ms, a fast decaying assymetrical inrush current appears additionally. W ith conventional relays it was current practice to set the instantaneous o/c ste p for short-circuit protection 20 to 30% above the locked-rotor current with a s horttime delay of 50 to 100 ms to override the asymmetrical inrush period. Numer ical relays are able to filter out the asymmetrical current component very fast so that the setting of an additional time delay is no longer applicable. The ove rload protection characteristic should follow the thermal motor characteristic a s closely as possible. The adaption is to be made by setting of the pickup value and the thermal time constant, using the data supplied by the motor manufacture r. Further, the locked-rotor protection timer has to be set according to the cha racteristic motor value. Time grading of o/c relays (51) The selectivity of over current protection is based on time grading of the relay operating characteristi cs. The relay closer to the infeed (upstream relay) is time-delayed against the relay further away from the infeed (downstream relay). This is shown in Fig. 116 by the example of definite time o/c relays. The overshoot times takes into acco unt the fact that the measuring relay continues to operate due to its inertia, e ven when the fault current is interrupted. This may Time in seconds 10000 1000 100 10 1 .1 .01 .001 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Current i n multplies of full-load amps Motor starting current Locked rotor current Overlo ad protection characteristic Fig. 114: Typical motor current-time characteristics 1 2 3 4 High set instantaneous o/c step Motor thermal limit curve Permissible locked rot or time 5 6 Time 51 7 51 51 8 Main 0.2±0.4 seconds Feeder Current Maximum feeder fault level Fig. 115: Coordination of inverse-time relays �9 be high for mechanical relays (about 0.1 s) and negligible for numerical relays (20 ms). Inverse-time relays (51) For the time grading of inverse-time relays, t he same rules apply in principle as for the definite time relays. The time gradi ng is first calculated for the maximum fault level and then checked for lower cu rrent levels (Fig. 115). If the same characteristic is used for all relays, or when the upstream relay ha s a steeper characteristic (e.g. very much over normal inverse), then selectivit y is automatically fulfilled at lower currents. 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/63 �Power System Protection Protection Coordination 1 52 M 51 M Operating time 2 52 F 52 F 51 F 51 F 3 0.2±0.4 Time grading 4 Fault Fault inception detection Interruption of fault current t52F Circuit-break er Interruption time Overshoot* tOS Margin tM t51M 5 I> t51F Set time delay 6 I> 7 * also called overtravel or coasting time t51M ± t51F = t52F + tOS + tM 8 Example 1 Time grading tTG 9 Mechanical relays: tOS = 0.15 s Oil circuit-breaker t52F = 0.10 s Safety margin for measuring errors, etc.: tM = 0.15 tTG = 0.10 + 0.15 + 0.15 = 0.40 s 10 Example 2 Numerical relays: tOS = 0.02 s Vacuum breaker: Safety margin: t52F = 0.08 s tM = 0.10 s tTG = 0.08 + 0.02 + 0.10 = 0.20 s Fig. 116: Time grading of overcurrent-time relays 6/64 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition ��Power System Protection Protection Coordination Calculation example The feeder configuration of Fig. 117 and the assigned load a nd short-circuit currents are given. Numerical o/c relays 7SJ60 with normal inve rse-time characteristic are applied. The relay operating times dependent on curr ent can be taken from the diagram or derived from the formula given in Fig. 118. The IP /IN settings shown in Fig. 117 have been chosen to get pickup values saf ely above maximum load current. This current setting shall be lowest for the rel ay farthest downstream. The relays further upstream shall each have equal or hig her current setting. The time multiplier settings can now be calculated as follo ws: Station C: s For coordination with the fuses, we Example: Time grading of inverse-time relays for a radial feeder Load 1 Fuse: D 160 A L.V. 75. Load F1 Load A 13.8 kV F4 B F3 C F2 13.8 kV/ 0.4 kV 1.0 MVA 5.0% 2 Iscc. max. Iprim 51 7SJ60 51 7SJ60 51 7SJ60 Station Max. Load [A] 300 170 50 ± Iscc. max.* [A] 4500 2690 1395 523 CT ratio Ip/IN ** 1.0 1.1 0.7 ± Iprim*** [A] 400 220 70 ± I /Ip = �11.25 12.23 19.93 ± 3 A B C D 400/5 200/5 100/5 ± 4 consider the fault in location F1. The short-circuit current related to 13.8 kV is 523 A. This results in 7.47 for I/IP at the o/c relay in location C. s With t his value and TP = 0.05 we derive from Fig. 118 an operating time of tA = 0.17 s This setting was selected for the o/c relay to get a safe grading time over the fuse on the transformer low-voltage side. The setting values for the relay at s tation C are therefore: s Current tap: IP /IN = 0.7 s Time multipler: TP = 0.05 Station B: The relay in B has a back-up function for the relay in C. The maximum through-fault current of 1.395 A becomes effective for a fault in location F2. For the relay in C, we obtain an operating time of 0.11 s (I/IP = 19.9). We assu me that no special requirements for short operating times exist and can therefor e choose an average time grading interval of 0.3 s. The operating time of the re lay in B can then be calculated: s tB = 0.11 + 0.3 = 0.41 s s Value of IP /IN = 1395 A = 6.34 220 A see Fig. 117. s With the operating time 0.41 s and IP /IN = 6.34, we can now derive TP = 0.11 from Fig. 118. *) Iscc.max. = Maximum short-circuit current ** Ip/IN = Relay current multiplier setting *** Iprim = Primary setting current corresponding to Ip/IN Fig. 117 5 t [s] 100 50 40 30 20 10 3.2 5 4 3 2 1 0.50 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.05 2 4 6 8 10 1.6 Tp [s] The setting values for the relay at station B are herewith s Current tap: IP /IN = 1.1 s Time multiplier TP = 0.11 Given these settings, we can also check the o perating time of the relay in B for a close-in fault in F3: The short-circuit cu rrent increases in this case to 2690 A (see Fig. 117). The corresponding I/IP va lue is 12.23. s With this value and the set value of TP = 0.11 we obtain again f rom Fig. 118 an operating time of 0.3 s. Station A: s We add the time grading interval of 6 7 8 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.3 s and find the desired operating time tA = 0.3 + 0.3 = 0.6 s. Following the same procedure as for the relay in station B we obtain the following values for the relay in station A: s Current tap: IP /IN = 1.0 s Time multiplier: TP = 0.17 s For the close-in fault at location F4 we obtain an operating time of 0.48 s. 9 10 Normal inverse 0.14 . Tp [s] t= (I/Ip)0.02 ± 1 �20 I/Ip [A] Fig. 118: Normal inverse time-characteristic of relay 7SJ60 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/65 �Power System Protection Protection Coordination I ± 0.4 kVmax = 16.000 kA Iscc = 1395 A Iscc = 2690 A Imax = 4500 A 1 t [min] IN A 400/5 A Setting range Setting 2 t [s] 100 1 5 52 2 10 5 2 200/5 A Ip = 0.10 ± 4.00 xIn I>> I>, t 7SJ600 Tp = 0.05 ± 3.2 s I>>= 0.1 ± 25. xIn Ip = 1.0 xIn Tp = 0.17 s I>> = ¥ 3 Bus-B Ip = 0.10 ± 4.00 xIn I>> I>, t 7SJ600 Tp = 0.05 ± 3.2 s I>> = 0.1 ± 25. xIn Ip = 1.1 xIn Tp = 0.11 s I>> = ¥ 4 1 5 2 52 IA>,t IB>,t IC>,t 100/5 A Bus-C Ip = 0.10 ± 4.00 xIn I>> I>, t 7SJ600 Tp = 0.05 ± 3.2 s I>> = 0.1 ± 25. xIn 52 I p = 0.7 xIn Tp = 0.05 s I>> = ¥ 5 .1 5 2 6 .01 5 2 .001 fuse TR 13.8/0.4 KV 1.0 MVA 5.0% VDE 160 HRC fuse 160 A 7 10 I [A] 2 5 100 2 �5 1000 2 1000 2 5 10 4 2 5 10 4 13.80 kV 0.40 kV 5 10 5 2 fuse 8 Fig. 119: O/c time grading diagram The normal way Note: To simplify calculations, only inverse-time characteristics have been used for this example. About 0.1 s shorter operating times could have been reached f or high-current faults by additionally applying the instantaneous zones I>> of t he 7SJ60 relays. 9 10 To prove the selectivity over the whole range of possible short-circuit currents , it is normal practice to draw the set operating curves in a common diagram wit h double log scales. These diagrams can be manually calculated and drawn point b y point or constructed by using templates. Today computer programs are also avai lable for this purpose. Fig. 119 shows the relay coordination diagram for the ex ample selected, as calculated by the Siemens program CUSS (computer-aided protec tive grading). 6/66 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Protection Coordination Coordination of o/c relays with fuses and low-voltage trip devices The procedure is similar to the above described grading of o/c relays. Usually a time interva l between 0.1 and 0.2 seconds is sufficient for a safe time coordination. Very a nd extremely inverse characteristics are often more suitable than normal inverse curves in this case. Fig. 120 shows typical examples. Simple consumer-utility i nterrupts use a power fuse on the primary side of the supply transformers (Fig. 120a). In this case, the operating characteristic of the o/c relay at the infeed has to be coordinated with the fuse curve. Very inverse characteristics may be used with expulsion-type fuses (fuse cutouts) while extremly inverse versions ad apt better to current limiting fuses. In any case, the final decision should be made by plotting the curves in the log-log coordination diagram. Electronic trip devices of LV breakers have long-delay, short-delay and instantaneous zones. Nu merical o/c relays with one inverse time and two definite-time zones can be clos ely adapted (Fig. 120b). Time Inverse relay MV 51 1 Other consumers Fuse 2 n a Fuse a) Maximum fault available at HV bus Current 0.2 seconds LV bus 3 4 Time MV bus o/c relay I1>, t1 50 51 5 6 I2>, t2 a 0.2 seconds I>> b) Maximum fault level at MV bus Current Secondary breaker n LV bus 7 8 Fig. 120: Coordination of an o/c relay with an MV fuse and a low-voltage breaker trip device 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/67 �Power System Protection Protection Coordination Grading of zone times 1 Operating time t3 Z3A Z2A Z1A ZLA-B Z1B ZLB-C Load Z2B Z1C ZLC-D Load 2 t2 t1 ~ A B C D 3 Load The first zone normally operates undelayed. For the grading of the time interval s of the second and third zones, the same rules as for o/c relays apply (see Fig . 116). For the quadrilateral characteristics (relays 7SA511 and 7SA513) only th e reactance values (X values) have to be considered for the reach setting. The s etting of the R values should cover the line resistance and possible arc or faul t resistances. The arc resistance can be roughly estimated as follows: Z1A = 0.85 · ZLA-B Z2A = 0.85 · (ZLA-B+Z1B) Z3A = 0.85 · (ZLA-B+Z2B) RArc = IArc x 2kV/m Iscc Min 4 Fig. 121: Grading of distance zones IArc = Iscc Min = arc length in m minimum short-circuit current X 5 X3A X2A D C B Fig. 123 s Typical settings of the ratio R/X are: �6 X1A ± Short lines and cables (£ 10 km): R/X = 2 to 10 ± Medium line lengths < 25 km: R/X = 2 ± Longer lines 25 to 50 km: R/X = 1 Shortest feeder protectable by distance rel ays 7 The shortest feeder that can be protected by underreach distance zones without t he need for signaling links depends on the shortest settable relay reactance. A R1A R2A R3A R 8 XPrimary Minimum = = XRelay Min x VTratio CTratio [Ohm] 9 Fig. 122: Operating characteristic of Siemens distance relays 7SA511 and 7SA513 Coordination of distance relays The reach setting of distance times must take in to account the limited relay accuracy including transient overreach (5% accordin g to IEC 60255-6), the CT error (1% for class 5P and 3% for class 10P) and a sec urity margin of about 5%. Further, the line parameters are normally only calcula ted, not measured. This is a further source of errors. A setting of 80±85% is ther efore common practice; 80% is used for mechanical relays while 85% can be used f or the more accurate numerical relays. 10 Where measured line or cable impedances are available, the reach setting may als o be extended to 90%. The second and third zones have to keep a safety margin of about 15 to 20% to the corresponding zones of the following lines. The shortest following line has always to be considered (Fig. 121). As a general rule, the s econd zone should at least reach 20% over the next station to ensure back-up for busbar faults, and the third zone should cover the largest following line as ba ck-up for the line protection. Imin = XPrim.Min [Ohm] X'Line [Ohm/km] [km] Fig. 124 The shortest setting of the numerical Siemens relays is 0.05 ohms for 1 A relays , corresponding to 0.01 ohms for 5 A relays. This allows distance protection of distribution cables down to the range of some 500 meters. �6/68 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power System Protection Protection Coordination Breaker failure protection setting Most digital relays of this guide provide the BF protection as an integral function. The initiation of the BF protection by t he internal protection functions then takes place via software logic. However, t he BF protection function may also be initiated from outside via binary inputs b y an alternate protection. In this case the operating time of intermediate relay s (BFI time) may have to be considered. Finally, the tripping of the infeeding b reakers needs auxiliary relays which add a small time delay (BFT) to the overall fault clearing time. This is in particular the case with 1-and1/2-breaker or ri ng bus arrangements where a separate breaker failure relay (7SV600 or 7SV512) is used per breaker (see application example 10). The deciding criterion of BF pro tection time coordination is the reset time of the current detector (50BF) which must not be exceeded under any condition of current interruption. The reset tim es specified in the Siemens digital relay manuals are valid for the worst-case c ondition: interruption of a fully offset short-circuit current and low current p ick-up setting (0.1 to 0.2 times rated CT current). The reset time is 1 cycle fo r EHV relays (7SA513, 7SV512) and 1.5 to 2 cycles for distribution type relays ( 7SJ***). Fig. 126 shows the time chart for a typical breaker failure protection scheme. The stated times in parentheses apply for transmission system protection and the times in square brackets for distribution system protection. 62 BF 1 50 BF Breaker failure protection, logic circuit P1 : primary protection P2 : alt ernate protection P2 P1 O R 2 A N D 3 Fig. 125 4 Fault incidence Normal interrupting time Current detector (50 BF) reset time (1~ ) [2~] (5~) [8~] BF timer (F) (62BF) Total breaker failure interrupting time (9~ ) [15~] Fig. 126 Protect. time (1~) [2~] Breaker inter. time (2~) [4~] Margin (2,5~) [2,5~] BFI = breaker failure initiation time (intermediate relays, if any) BFT = breake r failure tripping time (auxilary relays, if any) 5 6 0,5~ BFI 0,5~ BFT (2~) [4~] Adjacent breaker int. time �7 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/69 �Power System Protection Protection Coordination 1 High-impedance differential protection: Verification of design The following design data must be established: Differential relay The differential relay must be a highimpedance relay designed as sensitive current relay (7VH80/83: 20 mA) with series resistor. If the serie s resistor is integrated in the relay, the setting values may be directly calibr ated in volts, as with the relays 7VH80/83 (6 to 60 V or 24 to 240 V). Sensitivi ty For the relay to operate in case of an internal fault, the primary current mu st reach a minimum value to supply the set relay pickup current (IR-set), the va ristor leakage current (Ivar) and the magnetizing currents of all parallel-conne cted CTs (n·ImR). Low relay voltage setting and CTs with low magnetizing demand th erefore increase the protection sensitivity. Stability with external faults This check is made by assuming an external fault with maximum through-fault current and full saturation of the CT in the faulted feeder. The saturated CT ist then only effective with its secondary winding resi stance RCT, and the appearing relay voltage VR corresponds to the voltage drop o f the infeeding currents (through-fault current) at RCT and RL. The current at t he relay must under this condition safely stay below the relay pickup value. In practice, the wiring resistances RL may not be equal. In this case, the worst co ndition with the highest relay voltage (corresponding to the highest relay curre nt) must be sought by considering all possible external feeder faults. Setting T he setting is always a trade-off between sensitivity and stability. A higher vol tage setting leads to enhanced through-fault stability, but, also to higher CT m agnetizing and varistor leakage currents resulting consequently in a higher prim ary pickup current. A higher voltage setting also requires a higher knee-point v oltage of the CTs and therefore greater size of the CTs. A sensitivity of 10 to 20% IN is normal for motor and transformer differential protection, or for restr icted ground-fault protection. With busbar protection a pickup value ³ 50 % IN is normally applied. An increased pickup value can be achieved by connecting a resi stor in parallel to the relay. Varistor Voltage limitation by a varistor is need ed if peak voltages near or above the insulation voltage (2 kV) are to be expect ed. A limitation to 1500 V rms is then recommended. This can be checked for the maximum internal fault current by applying the formula shown for VR-max. A restr icted ground-fault protection may normally not require a varistor, but, a busbar protection in general does. The electrical varistor characteristic can be expre ssed as V=K·IB. K and B are the varistor constants. 2 CT data The CTs must all have the same ratio and should be of low leakage flux d esign according to Class TPS of IEC 44-6 (Class X of BS 3938). The excitation ch aracteristic and the secondary winding resistance are to be provided by the manu facturer. The knee-point voltage of the CT is required to be designed at least f or two times the relay pick-up voltage to assure dependable operation with inter nal faults. 3 4 1 2 3 n Voltage limitation by a varistor is required if: RCT RL VRmax = 2 2VKN (VF ±VKN) > 2kV with VF = Fig. 129 �5 RCT RL RCT RL RCT RL IFmax Through (RCT + 2·RL + RR) N 6 Varistor RR 87B Calculation example: Given: n = 8 feeders N = 600/1 A VKN = 500 V RCT = 4 Ohm ImR = 30 mA (at relay s etpoint) RL = 3 Ohm (max.) IRset = 20 mA RR = 10 kOhm IVar = 50 mA (at relay set point) 7 Fig. 127 Sensitivity: 8 IFmin = N·(IRset + Ivar + n·ImR) Stability: IFThrough max < N· RR ·I RL + RCT Rset CT ratio Set relay pickup current Varistor sp ill current CT magnetizing current at relay pickup voltage 9 N IRset IVar ImR V VKN = = = = Sensitivity: IFmin = N·(IRset + Ivar + n·ImR) IFmin = 600 ·(0.02 + 0.05 + 8·0.03) 1 IFmin = 186 A (31 % IN) 10 VR ImR Fig. 128 VKN =CT knee point voltage VR =RR·IRset VKN ³ 2·VR Im Stability: RR ·I RL + RCT Rset IFmax Through < 600 · 10,000 ·0.02 1 3+4 IFmaxThrough < N· IFmax Thr ough < 17 kA (28·IN) Fig. 130 Relay setting V rms £125 125±240 Fig. 131 �K B Varistor type 600A/S1/S256 600A/S1/S1088 450 900 0.25 0.25 6/70 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control Introduction State-of-the-art Modern protection and substation control uses microprocessor te chnology and serial communication to upgrade substation operation, to enhance re liability and to reduce overall life cycle cost. The traditional conglomeration of often totally different devices such as relays, meters, switchboards and RTUs is replaced by a few multifunctional, intelligent devices of uniform design. An d, instead of extensive parallel wiring (centralized solution, Fig. 132), only a few serial links are used (decentralized solution, Fig. 133). Control of the su bstation takes place with menu-guided procedures at a central VDU workplace. Traditional protection and substation control 1 To network control center 2 3 Alarm annunciation and local control Remote terminal unit 4 5 Marshalling rack Approx. 20 to 40 cores per bay 6 7 8 F F 9 Control Mimic display Pushbuttons Position indicators Interposing relays Local/remote sw itch Monitoring Indication lamps Measuring instruments Transducers Terminal blocks Miniature cir cuit breakers Protection e.g. Overcurrent relays Ground-fault relays Reclosing relays Auxiliary relays 10 Fig. 132: Central structure of traditional protection and control Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/71 �Local and Remote Control Introduction 1 Coordinated protection and substation control system 2 Control center 3 Compact central control unit including RTU functions * PC 4 5 Printer 6 Profibus Substation LAN 7 ** 8 9 Control I/O unit Protection relay Combined protection and control relay Low-volt age compartment of the medium-voltage switchgear 10 Shown with open door * The compact central control unit can be located in a separate cubicle or direc tly in the low-voltage compartment of the switchgear Fig. 133: Decentralized structure of modern protection and control 6/72 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control Introduction Substation control and protection system For numerical substation control and pr otection system applications, two different systems are available: s SINAUT LSA s SICAM By virtue of their different functions and specific advantages, the two systems cover different applications. This means that it is possible to configur e an optimum system for every application. SINAUT LSA is typically used primaril y for medium-voltage and high-voltage applications in power supply utilities. Th e principal use for SICAM products is currently in medium-voltage applications f or power suppliers and industry. Other features in which they differ are summari zed in Fig. 134. SINAUT LSA substation control system Since 1986, SINAUT LSA sys tems have proved themselves in practice in over 1500 substations. The SINAUT LSA substation automation system was the first digital system to have integrated al l the following functions in a single equipment family: s Telecontrol s Local Co ntrol s Monitoring s Automation and s Protection SINAUT LSA has significantly ex tended the scope of performance and functionality of conventional secondary equi pment. It is design and operation-friendly to a very considerable extent. SINAUT LSA is a system matched to requirements ± from the hardware to the PC tools ± and i s tailored in optimum form to the function of numerical substation control and p rotection systems. Fig. 134 shows the principal application aspects of the SINAU T LSA substation control and protection system in comparison with the SICAM syst ems. SICAM Substation Automation System Units of the SICAM family have been in s ervice since 1996. The SICAM system is based on SIMATIC*) and PC standard module s. SICAM possesses an open communication system with standardized interfaces. Th us, SICAM is a flexible system capable of uncomplicated further development. *)Siemens PLCs and Industrial Automation Systems. For detailed information see: Catalog ST 70, Siemens Components for Totally Integrated Automation. The SICAM family offers of the following options: s SICAM SAS, the substation au tomation system with the following features: ± Principal function: substation auto mation ± Decentralized and centralized process connection ± Local control and monito ring with archive function ± Communication with the System Control Center s SICAM RTU, the telecontrol system with central process connection and the following fe atures: ± Principal function: information communication ± Central process connection ± PLC functions ± Communication with Control Center s SIC AM PCC, the PC-based Substation Control System with the following features: ± Prin cipal function: local substation supervision and control ± Decentralized process c onnection ± LAN/WAN communication with IEC 60870-6 TASE.2 ± Flexible communication ± L inkage to Office® products. 1 2 3 Principal application aspects of SINAUT LSA and SICAM SINAUT LSA Central and dec entral connection Telecontrol data concentrator (connection of telecontrol remot e stations) Telecontrol communication via WAN with TCP/IP Telecontrol communicat ion using standard protocols IEC 870-5-101, DNP3.0, SINAUT 8FW Supplementing of project-specific telecontrol protocols Supply of existing telecontrol protocols IED link using IEC 870-5-103 IED link using DNP3.0 Expansion of existing SINAUT LSA substations Expansion of existing SICAM substations Incorporation in SIMATIC automation solutions Linkage of PROFIBUS DP-IEDs Addition of project-specific I ED protocols Uncomplicated, low-cost design (1) 4 SICAM �5 SAS RTU PCC ++ +++ 6 + +++ +++ + +++ +++ 7 + +++ +++ ++ + +++ +++ +++ ++(1) +++ + +++ +++ + + ++ ++(1) ++ + +++ + 8 ++ +++ 9 +++ +++ ++ + +++ +++ + 10 ++ +++ +++ Linkage as telecontrol remote station IED ± Intelligent Electronic Device +++ Ideally suitable ++ Very suitable + Suitable Fig. 134: Table shows the principal application aspects of the SICAM and SINAUT LSA system families. Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/73 �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Overview Technical proceedings 1 2 3 4 The first coordinated protection and substation control system SINAUT LSA was co mmissioned in 1986 and continuously further developed over subsequent years. It now features the following main characteristics: s Coordinated system structure s Optical communication network (star configuration) s High processing power (32 -bit µP technology) s Standardized serial interfaces and communication protocols s Uniform design of all components s Complete range of protection and control fun ctions s Comprehensive user-software support packages. Currently (1999) over 150 0 systems are in successful operation on all voltage levels up to 400 kV. System structure and scope of functions The SINAUT LSA system performs supervisory loc al control, switchgear interlocking, bay and station protection, synchronizing, transformer tap-changer control, switching sequence programs, event and fault re cording, telecontrol, etc. It consists of the independent subsystems (Fig. 135): s Supervisory control 6MB5** s Protection 7S*** Normally, switchgear interlocki ng is integrated as a software program in the supervisory control system. Local bay control is implemented in the bay-dedicated I/O control units 6MB524. For co mplex substations with multiple busbars, however, the interlocking function can also be provided as an independent backup system (System 8TK). Communication and data exchange between components is performed via serial data links. Optical-fi ber connections are preferred to ensure EMI compatibility. The communication str ucture of the control system is designed as a hierarchical star configuration. I t operates in the polling procedure with a fixed assignment of the master functi on to the central unit. The data transmission mode is asynchronous, half-duplex, protected with a hamming distance d = 4, and complies with the IEC Standard 60 870-5. Each subsystem can operate fully in standalone mode even in the event of loss of communication. System Control Center Engineering Analysis Operator's desk VDU Station level Event Logger LSA PROCESS Modem Modem Time signal ºMaster Unitª (i. e. 6MB55) 1¼ ¼n Bay level Bay Control Unit 6 MB 524 including interlocking Bay Protection 7S 5 �Switchyard Serial Fig. 135: Distributed structure of coordinated protection and control system SIN AUT LSA 6 Parallel 7 8 9 10 Data sharing between protection and control via the so-called informative interf ace according to IEC 60 870-5-103 is restricted to noncritical measuring or even t recording functions. The protection units, for example, deliver r.m.s. values of currents, voltages, power, instantaneous values for oscillographic fault reco rding and time-tagged operating events for fault reporting. Besides the high dat a transmission security, the system also provides self-monitoring of individual components. The distributed structure also makes the SINAUT LSA system attractiv e for refurbishment programs or extensions, where conventional secondary equipme nt has to be integrated. It is general practice to provide protection of HV and EHV substations as separate, self-contained relays that can communicate with the control system, but function otherwise completely independently. At lower volta ge levels, however, higher integrated solutions are accepted for cost reasons. F or distribution-type substations combined protection and control feeder units (e .g. 7SJ63) are available which integrate all necessary functions of one feeder, including: local feeder control, overcurrent and overload protection, breaker-failure protection and metering. Supervisory control The substation is monitored and con trolled from the operator`s desk (Fig. 136). The VDU shows overview diagrams and c omplete details of the switchgear including measurands on a color display. All e vent and alarm annunciations are selectable in the form of lists. The control pr ocedure is menu-guided and uses mouse and keyboard. The operation is therefore e xtremely userfriendly. Automatic functions Apart from the switchgear interlockin g provided, a series of automatic functions ensure effective and secure system o peration. Automatic switching sequences, such as changing of busbars, can be use r-programmed and started locally or remotely. Furthermore, the synchronizing fun ction has been integrated into the system software and is available as an option . 6/74 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Overview The synchronizing function runs on the relevant 6MB524 bay control units. The pe rformance of these functions corresponds to modern digital stand-alone units. Th e advantages of the integrated solution, however, are: s External auxiliary rela y circuits for the selection of measurands are no longer applicable. s Adaptive parameter setting becomes possible from local or remote control levels. High pro cessing power The processing power of the central control unit has been enormous ly increased by the introduction of the 32-bit µP technology. This permits, on the one hand, a more compact design and provides, on the other hand, sufficient pro cessing reserve for the future introduction of additional functions. Static memo ries A decisive step in the direction of user friendliness has been made with th e implementation of large nonvolatile Flash EPROM memories. The system parameter s can be loaded via a serial port at the front panel of the central unit. Bay le vel parameters are automatically downloaded. Analog value processing The further processing of raw measured data, such as the calculation of maximum, minimum or effective values, with assigned real time, is contained as standard function. A Flash EPROM mass storage can optionally be provided to record measured values, fault events or fault oscillograms.The stored information can be read out locall y or remotely by a telephone modem connection. Further data evaluation (harmonic analysis, etc.) is then possible by means of a special PC program (LSA PROCESS) . Compact design A real reduction in space and cost has been achieved by the cre ation of compact I/O and central units. The processing hardware is enclosed in m etallic cases with EMI-proof terminals and optical serial interfaces. All units are type tested according to the latest IEC standards. In this way, the complete control and protection equipment can be directly integrated into the MV or HV s witchgear (Fig. 137, 138). Fig. 137: Switchgear-integrated control and protection Fig. 138: View of a low-v oltage compartment 1 2 3 4 Fig. 136: Digital substation control, operator desk. Control of a 400 kV substat ion (double control unit) 5 6 7 8 9 Switchgear interlocking and local control With the introduction of the bay contr ol unit 6MB524, the switchgear interlocking and the local control function have been integrated completely into the SINAUT LSA station control system. That mean s that there is no technical need for an additional switchgear interlocking like the 8TK system, because the SINAUT LSA system has the same reliability accordin g to the testing of interlocking conditions. However, the 8TK system is still av ailable for the case that an interlocking system with seperate hardware and soft ware is required. The interlocking function ensures fail-safe switching and personal safety down t �o the lowest control level, i.e. directly at the switchpanel, even when supervis ory control is not available. The bay control unit 6MB524 uses codewords to prot ect the switchgear from unauthorized operation. With these codewords, the author ization for local switching and unlocked local switching can be reached. The bay -to-bay interlocking conditions are checked in the SINAUT LSA central unit. Each 6MB524 bay control unit has an optical fiber link to this central unit. 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/75 �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Overview Numerical protection 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A complete range of fully digital (numerical) relays is available (see chapter P ower System Protection 6/8 and following pages). They all have a uniform design compatible with the control units (Fig. 139). This applies to the hardware as we ll as to the software structure and the operating procedures. Metallic standard cases, IEC 60255tested, with EMI-secure terminals, ensure an uncomplicated appli cation comparable to mechanical relays. The LCD display and setting keypad are i ntegrated. Additionally a RS232 port is provided on the front panel for the conn ection of a PC as an HMI. The rear terminal block contains an opticalfiber inter face for the data communication with the SINAUT LSA control system. The relays a re normally linked directly to the relevant I/O control unit at the bay level. C onnection to the central control system unit is, however, also possible. The num erical relays are multifunctional and contain, for example, all the necessary pr otection functions for a line feeder or transformer. At higher voltage levels, a dditional, main or back-up relays are applied. The new relay generation has exte nded memory capacity for fault recording (5 seconds, 1 ms resolution) and nonvol atile memory for important fault information. The serial link between protection and control uses standard protocols in accordance with IEC 60870-5-103. In this way, supplier compatibility and interchangeability of protection devices is ach ieved. System control center Modem VF Remote control VF Modem Modem Management terminal Telephone network Substation level ERTU Marshalling rack Printer Operator terminal Bay level Interposing relays, transducers Existing switchyard �Extended switchyard Fig. 140: Enhanced remote terminal unit 6MB55, application options 8 Enhanced remote terminal units For substations with existing remote terminal uni ts, an enhancement towards the decentralized SINAUT LSA performance level is fea sible. The telecontrol system 6MB55 replaces outdated remote terminal units (Fig . 140). Conventional RTUs are connected to the switchgear via interposing relays and measuring transducers with a marshalling rack as a common interface. The ce ntralized version SINAUT LSA can be directly connected to this interface. The to tally parallel wiring can be left in its original state. In this manner, it is p ossible to enhance the RTU function and to include substation monitoring and con trol with the same performance level as the decentralized SINAUT LSA system. Upg rading of existing substations can thus be achieved with a minimum of cost and e ffort. Communication with control centres The SINAUT LSA system uses protocols that com ply with IEC Standard 60 870-5. In many cases an adaption to existing proprietar y protocols is necessary, when the system control center has been supplied by an other manufacturer. For this purpose, an extensive protocol library has been dev eloped (approx. 100 protocol variants). Further protocols can be provided on dem and. 9 10 Fig. 139: Numerical protection, standard design 6/76 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Overview Engineering system LSATOOLS In parallel with the upgrading of the central unit h ardware, a novel parameterizing and documentation system LSATOOLS has been devel oped. It uses modern graphical presentation management methods, including pull-d own menus and multiwindowing. LSATOOLS enables the complete configuration, param eterization and documentation of the system to be carried out on a PC workstatio n. It ensures that a consistent database for the project is maintained from desi gn to commissioning (Fig. 141). The system parameters, generated by LSATOOLS, ca n be serially loaded into the Flash EPROM memory of the central control unit and will then be automatically downloaded to the bay level devices (Fig. 142). Care has been taken to ensure that changes and expansions are possible without requi ring a complete retest of the system. Because of the object-oriented structure o f LSATOOLS, it is easily possible for the system engineer to add new bays with a ll necessary information. 1 Parameterizing Engineering system Documentation 2 3 Parameter data Documentation Fig. 141: Engineering system LSATOOLS 4 LSATOOLS parameterization station Documentation Network control center 5 Master unit 6 Loading of parameters 7 Downloading of parameters during startup PC inputs 8 9 Input/output units 10 Fig. 142: PC-aided parameterization of SINAUT LSA with LSATOOLS and downloading of parameters Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �6/77 �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Distributed Structure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 In the SINAUT LSA substation control system the functions can be distributed bet ween station and bay control levels. The input/output devices have the following tasks on the bay control level: s Signal acquisition s Acquisition of measured values and metering data s Monitoring the execution of control commands, e.g. fo r ± Control of switchgear ± Transformer tap changing ± Setting of Peterson coils Data processing, such as ± Limit monitoring of measured values, including initiation of responses to limit violations ± Calculation of derived operational measured value s (e.g. P, Q, cos ϕ ) and/or operational parameters (for example r.m.s. values, sl ave pointer) from the logged instantaneous values for current and voltage ± Decidi ng how much information to transmit to the control master unit in each polling c ycle ± Generation of group signals and deriving of signals internally, e.g. from s elf-monitoring s Switchgear-related automation tasks ± Switching sequences in resp onse to switching commands or to process events ± Synchronization s Local control and operation (only bay control unit 6MB524): ± Display of actual bay status (sing le line diagram) ± Local control of circuit-breaker and disconnectors ± Display of m easurement values and event recording s Transmission of data from numerical prot ection relays to the control master unit s Local display of status and measured values. Input/output devices Higher-level control system Telecontrol channel Station control center Central evaluation station (PC) Telephone channel Normal time Central control unit 6MB51 Station level 1 n Busbar and breaker failure protection 7SS5 Bay level Bay control unit 6MB524 Protection relays 7S/7U Substation Serial interface Parallel interface �Fig. 143: SINAUT LSA protection and substation control system system 10 A complete range of devices is available to meet the particular demands concerni ng process signal capacity and functionality (see Fig. 149). All units are built up in modern 7XP20 housings and can be directly installed in the low-voltage co mpartments of the switchgear or in separate cubicles. The smallest device 6MB525 is designed as a low-cost version and contains only control functions. It is pr ovided with an RS485-wired serial interface and is normally used for simple dist ribution-type substations together with overcurrent/overload relays 7SJ60 and digital measuring t ransducers 7KG60. (see application example, Fig. 165). All further bay control d evices contain an optic serial interface for connection to the central control u nit, and an RS232 serial interface on the front side for connection of an operat ing PC. Further, integral displays for measuring values and LEDs for status indi cation are provided. Minicompact device 6MB525 It contains signal inputs and com mand outputs for substation control. Analog measuring inputs, where needed, have to be provided by additional measuring transducers, type 7KG60. Alternatively, the measuring functions of the numerical protection relays can be used. These can also provide local indication of measuring values. The local bay control is intended to be p erformed by the existing, switchgear-integrated mechanical control. Compact devi ces 6MB522/523 They provide a higher number of signal inputs and outputs, and co ntain additional measuring functions. One measuring value or other preprocessed information can be displayed on the 2-row, 16-character alphanumeric display. If local control is required, the bay control unit 6MB524 is the right choice. 6/78 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Distributed Structure Bay control unit 6MB524 This bay control device can be delivered in five version s, depending on the peripheral requirements. It provides all control and measuri ng functions needed for switchgear bays up to the EHV level. Switching status, m easuring values and alarms are indicated on a large graphic display. Measuring i nstruments can therefore be widely dispensed with. Bay control is, in this case, performed by the integrated keypad. The synchronizing function is included in t he software. Combined protection and control device 7SJ531 This fully integrated device provides all protection, control and measuring functions for simple line /cable, motor or transformer feeders. Protection includes overcurrent, overload and ground-fault protection, as well as breaker-failure protection, autoreclosur e and motor supervision functions (see page 6/27). Only one unit is needed per f eeder. Space, assembly and wiring costs can therefore be considerably reduced. M easured value display and local bay control is performed in the same way as with the bay control unit 6MB524 with a large display and a keypad. Combined protect ion and control devices 7SJ61, 7SJ62, 7SJ63 and bay control unit 6MD63 (SIPROTEC 4 series) These new SIPROTEC 4 devices have been available since December 1998. With a large graphical display and ergonomically designed keypad, they offer ne w possibilities for bay control and protection. Via the IEC 60870-5-103 interfac e, connection to the substation control system SINAUT LSA is handled. The protec tion devices include overcurrent, over/undervoltage and motor protection functio ns (see page 6/27). The smaller 7SJ61 and 7SJ62 devices are delivered with an al phanumerical display with 4 lines of text for displaying of measurement values, alarms, metering values and status of switching devices. The 7SJ63 and 6MD63 uni ts include a large illuminated graphic display for a clearly visible single-line diagram of the switchgear, alarm lists, measured and metered values as well as status messages. With the integrated key switches, the user authorization is reg ulated. For complete description of the new SIPROTEC 4 devices, refer to the pro tection chapter (page 6/8). 1 2 3 Fig. 144: Minicompact I/O device 6MB525 Fig. 145: Compact I/O device 6MD62 Fig. 146: Combined protection and control device 7SJ63 4 5 6 7 Fig. 147: Compact I/O unit with local (bay) control 6MB5240-0 Fig. 148: Combined protection and control device 7SJ531 8 9 10 �Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/79 �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Distributed Structure 1 Design Type Commands Double Single Signal inputs Double Single Analog inputs Direct connection to transformer ± 1xI 2 x U, 1 x I 3 x U, 3 x I 4 x U, 2 x I 2 x U, 1 x I 3 x U, 3 x I 3 x U, 3 x I 9 x U, 6 x I 6 x U, 3 x I 3 x U, 3 x I Components Connection to measure transducer ± ± 2 ± 2 1 2 2 5 2 Double commands and alarms configurable also as ºsingleª For simple sw itchgear cubicles with one switching device with P, Q calculation High-end bay c ontrol for HV and EHV Double commands and alarms also usable as ºsingleª Minicompact1) 6MB525 6MB523 6MB522-0 6MB522-1 6MB522-2 6MB5240-0 -1 -2 -3 -4 7SJ531 2 1 3 6 6 4 6 8 20 12 1 ± ± 1 2 2 1 1 2 5 3 ± 6 3 3 6 6 8 12 16 40 24 ± ± 5 5 10 10 ± ± ± ± ± ± 2 Compact1) 3 Compact with local (bay) control and large display 4 Combined control and protection device with local (bay) control Compact with loc al bay control (SIPROTEC 4 design with large graphic display) 2) Double commands and alarms also usable as ºsingleª 5 6MD631 6MD632 6MD633 6MD634 6MD635 4 5 + 43) 5 + 43) 3 + 43) 7 + 83) 7 + 83) 4 + 83) ± ± ± ± 4 5 + 43) 5 + 43) 7 + 83) 7 + 83) ± 1 1 ± ± ± 1 4 6 8 7 ± 1 1 ± ± 1) 5 12 10 10 18 16 16 ± ± ± ± 5 12 10 18 16 1 ± ± ± 1 1 1 3 11 7 11 1 ± ± 1 1 4 x I, 3 x U 4 x I, 3 x U 4 x I, 3 x U �± ± 2 ± ± 2 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 2 ± 2 6 ± 4 x I, 3 x U 4 x I, 3 x U Bay control units in new design, optimized for mediumvoltage switchgear with 11/ 2-pole control (max. 7 switching devices). 2-pole control also possible (max. 4 switching devices). Double commands and alarms also usable as ºsingleª 7 6MD636 6MD637 ± 4xI 4xI 4 x I, 3 x U 4 x I, 3 x U 4 x I, 3 x U 4 x I, 3 x U 4 x I, 3 x U 4 x I, 3 x U 4 x I, 3 x U 8 9 Combined control and protection device with local bay control (SIPROTEC 4 design with large graphic display) 2) 7SJ610 7SJ612 7SJ621 7SJ622 7SJ631 7SJ632 7SJ633 7SJ635 Combined control and protection devices. 7SJ61 and 7SJ62 with 4 line text displa y, 7SJ63 with graphic display. Optimized for 11/2-pole control (max. 7 switching devices). 2-pole switching is also possible (max. 4 switching devices). Double commands and alarms also usable as ºsingleª 10 7SJ636 Local (bay) control has to be provided separately if desired. In distributiontyp e substations, mechanical local control of the switchgear may be sufficient. 2) Control of switching devices: 11/ -pole; 2-pole control possible 2 3) Second fig ure is number of heavy duty relays Fig. 149: Standardized input/output devices with serial interfaces 6/80 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Distributed Structure The 6MB51 control master unit This unit lies at the heart of the 6MB substation control system and, with its 32-bit 80486 processor, satisfies the most demandin g requirements. It is a compact unit inside the standard housing used in Siemens substation secondary equipment. The 6MB51 control master unit manages the input /output devices, controls the interaction between the control centers in the sub station and the higher control levels, processes information for the entire stat ion and archives data in accordance with the parameterized requirements of the u ser. Specifically, the control master unit coordinates communication s to the hi gher network control levels s to the substation control center s to an analysis center located either in the station or connected remotely via a telephone line using a modem s to the input/output devices and/or the numerical protection unit s (bay control units) s to lower-level stations. This is for the purpose of cont rolling and monitoring activities at the substation and network control levels a s well as providing data for use by engineers. Other tasks of the control master unit are s Event logging with a time resolution of 1 or 10 ms s Archiving of ev ents, variations in measured values and fault records on massstorage units s Tim e synchronization using radio clock (GPS, DCF77 or Rugby) or using a signal from a higher-level control station s Automation tasks affecting more than one bay: ± Parallel control of transformers ± Synchronizing (measured value selection) ± Switch ing sequences ± Busbar voltage simulation ± Switchgear interlocking s Parameter mana gement to meet the relevant requirements specification s Self-monitoring and sys tem monitoring. System monitoring primarily involves evaluating the self-monitoring results of t he devices and serial interfaces which are coordinated by the control master uni t. In particular, in important EHV substations, some users require redundancy of the control master unit. In these cases, two control master units are connected to each other via a serial interface. System monitoring then consists of mutual error recognition and, if necessary, automatic transfer of control of the proce ss to the redundant control master unit. The SINAUT LSA station control center T he standard equipment of the station control center includes s The PC with color monitor and LSAVIEW software package for displaying ± Station overview ± Detailed p ictures ± Event and alarm lists ± Alarm information s A printer for the output repor ts The operator can access the required information or initiate the desired oper ation quickly and safely with just a few keystrokes. 1 2 3 Fig. 150: Compact control master unit 6MB513 for a maximum of 32 serial interfac es to bay control units. Extended version 6MB514 for 64 serial interfaces to bay control units (double width) additionally available 4 5 6 7 8 9 �10 Fig. 151: SINAUT LSA PC station control center with function keyboard Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/81 �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Local Control Functions Local control functions 1 Tasks of local control The Siemens SINAUT LSA station control system performs at first all tasks for conventional local control: s Local control of and checkbac k indications from the switching devices s Acquisition, display and registration of analog values s Acquisition, display and registration of alarms and fault in dications in real time s Measurement data acquisition and processing s Fault rec ording s Transformer open-loop and closed-loop control s Synchronizing/paralleli ng Unlike the previous conventional technology with completely centralized proce ssing of these tasks and complicated parallel wiring and marshalling of process data, the new microprocessor-controlled technology benefits from the distributio n of tasks to the central control master unit and the distributed input/output u nits, and from the serial data exchange in telegrams between these units. Tasks of the input/output unit Control master unit The process data acquired in the input/output unit are scann ed cyclically by the control master unit. The control master unit performs furth er information processing of all data called from the feeders for station tasks ºl ocal control and telecontrolª with the associated event logging and fault recordin g and therefore replaces the complicated conventional marshalling distributor ra cks. Marshalling is implemented under microprocessor control in the control mast er unit. Serial protection interface All protection indications and fault record ing data acquired for fault analysis in protection relays are called by the cont rol master unit via the serial interface. These include instantaneous values for fault current and voltage of all phases and ground, sampled with a resolution o f 1 ms, as well as distance-to-fault location. Serial data exchange The serial d ata exchange between the bay components and the control master unit has importan t economic advantages. This is especially true when one considers the preparatio n and forwarding of the information via serial data link to the control center c ommunication module which is a component of the control master unit. This module is a single, system-compatible microprocessor module on which both the telecont rol tasks and telegram adaptation to telegram structures of existing remote tran smission systems are implemented. This makes the station control independent of the telecontrol technology and the associated telegram structure used in the net work control center at a higher level of the hierarchy. Station control center T he peripheral devices for operating and visualization (station control center) a re also connected to the control master unit. The following devices are part of the station control center: s A color VDU with a function keyboard or mouse for display, control, event and alarm indication, s A printer for on-line logging (e vent list), s Mass storage. Switchyard overview diagram A switchyard single-line diagram can be configured t o show an overview of the substation. This diagram is used to give the operator a quick overview of the entire switchyard status and shows, for example, which f eeders are connected or disconnected. Current and other analog values can also b e displayed. Information about raised or cleared operational and alarm indicatio ns is also displayed along the top edge of the screen. It is not possible to per form control actions from the switchyard overview. If the operator wants to swit ch a device, he has to select a detailed diagram, say º110 kV detailed diagramª. If the appropriate function key is pressed, the 110 kV detailed diagram (Fig. 153) appears. This display shows the switching state of all switching devices of the feeders. Function field control In the menu of the function fields, it is possib le, for example, to select between control switching devices and tap changing. T he control diagram shows details of station components and allows control and de fining of display properties or functions (e.g. change in color/flashing). Furth ermore, the popup diagram window can be opened from here, where switching operat ions with control elements are performed. The configured switching operation wor ks as follows: s Selecting the switch: A click with the left mouse button on the switch symbol opens the popup window for command output s Output of the command �. On clicking the operate button in the popup window the command is output The c olor of the switch symbol depends on the state. If the command is found to be sa fe after a check has been made for violations of interlock conditions, the switc hing device in question is operated. In the case where a mouse is available, the appropriate device is selected by the usual mouse operation. Once the switching command has been executed and a checkback signal has been received, the blinkin g symbol changes to the new actual state on the VDU. In this way, switching oper ations can be performed very simply and absolutely without error. If commands vi olate the interlock conditions or if the switch position is not adopted by a swi tching device, for example, because of a drive fault, the relevant fault indicat ions or notes are displayed on the screen. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The input/output unit performs the following bay-related tasks: s Fast distribut ed acquisition of process data such as indications, analog values and switching device positions and their preprocessing and buffering s Command output and moni toring s Assignment of the time for each event (time tag) s Isolation from the s witchyard via heavyduty relay contacts s Run-time monitoring s Limit value super vision s Paralleling/synchronizing s Local control and monitoring Analog values can be input to the bay control unit both via analog value transducers and by di rect connection to CTs and VTs. The required r.m.s. values for current and volta ge are digitized and calculated as well as active and reactive power. The advant age is that separate measuring cores and analog value transducers for operationa l measurement are eliminated. 6/82 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Local Control Functions Event list All events are logged in chronological order. The event list can be d isplayed on the VDU whenever called or printed out on a printer or stored on a m ass-storage medium. Fig. 153 shows a section of this event list as it appears on the VDU. The event list can also be incorporated in the detailed displays. The bay-related events can therefore also be shown in the detailed displays. Example event list (Fig. 154) The date can be seen in the left-hand area and the events are shown in order of priority. Switching commands and fault indications are di splayed with a precision of up to 1 ms and events with high priority and protect ion indications after a fault-detection are shown with millisecond resolution. A command that is accepted by the control system is also displayed. This can be s een by the index º+ª of the command (OP), otherwise ºOP±ª would appear. If the switchgear device itself does not execute the command, ºFB±ª (checkback negative) indicates this. ºFB+ª results after successful command execution. The texts chosen are suggestions and can be parameterized differently. The event list shows that a protection fau lt-detection (general start GS) has occurred with all the associated details. Th e real time is shown in the left-hand column and the relative time with millisec ond precision in the right-hand column, permitting clear and fast fault analysis . The fault location, 17 km in this case, is also displayed. The lower section o f the event list shows examples of raised (RAI) and cleared (CLE) alarm indicati ons, such as ºvoltage transformer miniature-circuit-breaker trippedª. This fault has been remedied as can be seen from the corresponding cleared indication. The let ter S in the top line, called the indication bar, indicates that a fault indicat ion has been received that is stored in a separate ºwarning listª. Example alarm lis t (Fig. 155) When the alarm list is selected, it is displayed on the VDU. In thi s danger alarm concept a distinction is made between cleared and raised and betw een acknowledged and unacknowledged indications. Raised indications are shown in red, cleared indications are green (similar to the fast/slow blinking lamp prin ciple). The letter Q is placed in front of an indication that has not yet been a cknowledged. Indications that are raised and cleared and acknowledged are displa yed in white in the list. 1 2 3 Fig. 152a: Compact I/O unit with local (bay) control, extended version 6MB5240-3 4 This system with representation in the alarm list therefore supersedes danger al arm equipment with two-frequency blinking lamps traditionally used with conventi onal equipment. As stated above, all events can also be continuously logged in c hronological order on the associated printer, too. The appearance of this event list is identical to that on the VDU. The alarm list can also be incorporated in the detailed displays. The bayrelated alarms can therefore also be shown in the detailed displays. Mass storage It is also possible to store historic fault dat a, i.e. fault recording data and events on mass-storage medium. It can accept da ta from the control master units and stores it on Flash EPROMs. This static memo ry is completely maintenancefree when compared to floppy or hard disc systems. 8 Mbyte of recorded data can be stored. The locally or remotely readable memory pe rmits evaluation of the data using a PC. This personal computer can be set up se parately from the control equipment, e.g. in an office. Communication then takes place via a telephone-modem connection. In addition to fault recording data, op erational data, such as load-monitoring values (current, voltage, power, etc.) a nd events can be stored. Local bay control (Fig.152a, Fig. 152b) With the 6MB524 bay control units, local control and monitoring directly in the bay is possible �. The large graphic display can show customer-specific single-line diagrams. A c onvenient menu-guided operation leads the user to the display of measurands, metering values, alarm lists a nd status messages. The keypad design with 6 colors supports the operator for qu ick and secure operation. User authorization is handled via password, for exampl e unlocked switching. The new SIPROTEC4 devices also allow local bay control. At the 7SJ63 and 6MD63 devices, a large graphic display and an ergonomic keypad as sist the operator in control of the switching devices and read out messages, mea surements and metering values. In the 7SJ61 and 7SJ62 protection units, the user interface consists of a 4-line text display. These smaller units also make it p ossible to control the feeder circuitbreaker. All SIPROTEC4 devices are paramete rized with the operating program DIGSI4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fig. 152b: 6MD63 bay control unit Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/83 �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Local Control Functions 1 2 3 4 Fig. 153: SINAUT LSA substation control, example: overview picture Fig. 154: SIN AUT LSA substation control, example: event list 5 6 7 8 Fig. 155: SINAUT LSA substation control, example: alarm list Fig. 156: 6MB subst ation control system, example: fault recording 9 Example fault recording (Fig. 156) After a fault, the millisecond-precision valu es for the phase currents and voltages and the ground current and ground voltage are buffered in the feeder protection. These values are called from the numeric al feeder protection by the control master unit and can be output as curves with the program LSAPROCESS (Fig. 156). The time marking 0 indicates the time of fau lt detection, i.e. the relay general start (GS). Approx. 5 ms before the general start, a three-phase fault to ground occurred, which can be seen by the rise in phase currents and the ground current. 12 ms after the general start, the circu it breaker was tripped (OFF) and after further 80 ms, the fault was cleared. Aft er approx. 120 ms the protection reset. Voltage recovery after disconnection was recorded up to 600 ms after the general start. This format permits quick and cl ear analysis of a fault. The correct operation of the protection and the circuit breaker can be seen in the fault recording (Fig. 156). The high-voltage feeder protection presently includes a time range of at least 5 seconds for the fault r ecording. The important point is that this fault recording is possible in all fe eders that are equipped with the microprocessor-controlled protection having a s erial interface according to IEC 60870-5-103. 10 6/84 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Application Examples Application examples The flexible use of the components of the Coordinated Protection and Substation Control System SINAUT LSA is demonstrated in the following for some typical appl ication examples. Application in high-voltage substations with relay kiosks Fig. 157 shows the arrangement of the local components. Each two bays (line or trans former) are assigned to one kiosk. Each bay has at least one input/output unit f or control (bay control unit) and one protection unit. In extra-high voltage, th e protection is normally doubled (main and backup protection). Local control is performed at the bay units (6MB524) using the integrated graphic display and key pad. Switchgear interlocking is included in the bay control units and in the cen tral control unit. The protection relays are serially connected to the bay contr ol unit by optical-fiber links. 1 Bay 1 2 n Bus coupler 2 3 4 FPR BCU FPR BCU Relay kiosks FPR BCU FPR BCU 5 To the network control center Control building 6 CCU with CCC and MS Modem To the operations and maintenance office Parallel Serial VDU 7 8 Key: CCU Central control unit CCC Control center coupling MS Mass storage VDU FP R BCU Visual display unit Feeder protection relays Bay control unit 9 Fig. 157: Application example of outdoor HV or EHV substations with relay kiosks 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �6/85 �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Application Examples 1 2 In extremely important substations, mainly extra-high voltage, there exists a do ubling philosophy. In these substations, the feeder protection, the DC supply, t he operating coils and the telecontrol interface are doubled. In such cases, the station control system with its serial connections, and the master unit with th e control center coupling can also be doubled. Both master units are brought upto-date in signal direction. The operation management can be switched over betwe en the two master units (Fig. 158). Network control center Printer Control/ annunciation Printer Control/ annunciati on 3 4 Control system master unit 1 with mass storage 1 Local control level Bay control level Control center coupling Switchover and monitoring* Control center coupling Control system master unit 2 with mass storage 2 5 ············ ············ 6 ·········· Protection relay Bay Control unit ············ Bay Control unit Protection relay 7 8 Feeder 1 Switchgear Feeder n 9 *only principle shown �Parallel Serial Fig. 158: System concept with double central control 10 6/86 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Application Examples Application in indoor high-voltage substations The following example (Fig. 159) shows an indoor high-voltage substation. All decentralized control system compon ents, such as bay control unit and feeder protection are also grouped per bay an d installed close to the switchgear. They are connected to the central control u nit in the same way as described in the outdoor version via fiber-optic cables. Application in medium-voltage substations The same basic arrangement is also app licable to medium-voltage (distribution-type) substations (Fig. 160 and 161). Th e feeder protection and the compact input/output units are, however, preferably installed in the low-voltage compartment of the feeders (Fig. 160) to save costs . There is now a trend to apply combined control and protection units. The relay 7SJ63, for example, provides protection and measurement, and has integrated gra phic display and keypad for bay control. Thus, only one device is needed per cab le, motor or O H line feeder. Control room Switchgear room Switchgear bay 1 bay 2 ¼ Bus coupler 1 VDU To the office Modem 2 BCU FPR BCU To the network control center BCU FPR BCU Control and protection cubicles BCU FPR BCU CCU 3 4 Parallel Serial Key: CCU Central control unit with control center coupling and mass storage FPR BCU 5 Feeder protection relays Bay control unit VDU Monitor Fig. 159: Typical example of indoor substations with switchgear interlocking sys tem 6 Protection and substation control SINAUT LSA with input/output units and numeric al protection installed in low-voltage compartments of the switchgear �7 VDU with keyboard Printer Network control center Operation place 8 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 Feeder protection unit (e.g. 7UT51 transformer protection) Feeder I/O contol uni t (e.g. 6MB524) Combined control and protection feeder unit 7SJ53 Miniature I/O unit 6MB525 Feeder protection (e.g. 7SD5 line differential protection) 9 Central control unit with opticalfiber link 4 5 10 Fig. 160: Protection and substation control system SINAUT LSA for a distribution -type substation Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/87 �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Application Examples 1 2 3 4 Fig. 162 shows an example for the most simple wiring of the feeder units. The vo ltages between the bay control unit and the protection can be paralleled at the bay control unit because the plug-in modules have a double connection facility. The current is connected in series between the devices. The current input at the bay control unit is dimensioned for 100xIN, 1 s (protection dimensioning). The plug-in modules have a short-circuiting facility to avoid opening of CT circuits . The accuracy of the operational measurements depends on the protection charact eristics. Normally, it is approx. 2% of IN. If more exact values are required, a separate measuring core must be provided. The serial interface of the protectio n is connected to the bay control unit. The protection data is transferred to th e control central unit via the connection between the bay control unit and the c entral unit. Thus, only one serial connection to the central unit is required pe r feeder. Control room Switchgear room Bus coupler VDU To the office Switchgear Modem BCUFPR BCU FPR CCU BCUFPR Parallel Serial To the network control center 5 Key: CCU Central control unit with mass storage and control center coupling VDU Monitor FPR Feeder protection relay BCU Bay Control Unit For o/c feeder or motor protection also available as one combined unit (e.g. 7SJ 63) 6 Fig. 161: Application example of medium-voltage switchgear �7 Plug-in module Switching status Bay Control Unit 1) 6MB52 Numerical 1) Protection 8 CB ON/OFF 2) close or open 2) close or trip 2) 9 Protection core I Short-circuiting facility 10 U 1) 2) For o/c feeder protection or motor protection also available as combined control and protection unit 7SJ63 Only one circuit shown Serial data connection Fig. 162: Principle wiring diagram of the medium-voltage feeder components 6/88 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Application Examples System configuration The system arrangement depends on the type of substation, t he number of feeders and the required control and protection functions. The basi c equipment can be chosen according to the following criteria: Central control m aster unit has to be chosen according to the number of bay control units to be s erially connected: s 6MB513 for a maximum of 32 serial interfaces s 6MB514 for a maximum of 64 serial interfaces At the most 9 more serial interfaces are availa ble for connection of data channels to load dispatch centers, local substation c ontrol PCs, printers, etc. Substation control center It normally consists of a P C with keyboard and a mouse, color monitor, LSAVIEW software and a printer for t he output of reports. For exact time synchronization of 1 millisecond accuracy, a GPS or DCF77 receiver with antenna may be used. Bay control units Normally, a separate bay control unit is assigned to every substation bay. The type has to b e selected according to the following requirements: s Number of command outputs: that means the sum of circuit breakers, isolators and other equipment to be cen trally or remotely controlled. The stated double commands are normally provided for double-pole (º+ª and º±ª) control of trip or closing coils. Each double-pole command c an be separated into two single-pole commands where stated (Fig. 149, page 6/80) . s Number of digital signal inputs: as the sum of alarms, breaker and isolator positions, tap changer positions, binary coded meter values, etc, to be acquired , processed or monitored. Position monitoring requires double signal inputs whil e single inputs are sufficient for normal alarms. s Number of analog inputs: dep ends on the number of voltages, currents and other analog values (e.g. temperatu res) to be monitored. Currents (rated 1 A or 5 A ) or voltages (normally rated 1 00 to 110 V) can be directly connected to the bay control units. No transducers are required. Numerical protection relays also acquire and process currents and voltages. They can also be used for load monitoring and indication (accuracy about 2% of r ated value). In this way, the number of analog inputs of the bay control units c an be reduced. This is often practised in distribution-type substations. The dev ice selection is discussed in the following example. Example: Substation control configuration Fig. 163 shows the arrangement of a typical distribution-type sub station with two incoming transformers, 10 outgoing feeders and a bus tie. The r equired inputs and outputs at bay level are listed in Fig. 164 for the incoming transformer feeders and in Fig. 165 for the outgoing line feeders, the bus tie a nd the VT bay. Each bay control unit is connected to the central control unit vi a fiber-optic cables (graded index fibers). The o/c relays 7SJ60, the minicompac t I/O units 6MB5250 and the measuring transducers 7KG60 each have RS 485 communi cation interfaces and are connected to a bus of a twisted pair of wires. An RS48 5 converter to fiber-optic is therefore additionally provided to adapt the seria l wire link to the fiber-optic inputs of the central unit. Recommendations for t he selection of the protection relays are given in the section System Protection (6/8 and following pages). The selection of the combined control/protection uni ts 7SJ531 or 7SJ63 is recommended when local control at bay level is to be provi ded by the bay control unit. The low-cost solution 7SJ60 + 6MB5250 should be sel ected where switchgear integrated mechanical local control is acceptable. Incoming transformer bays OF OF OF To the central control unit 1 2 6MB5240-2 HV 7SJ61 �7UT512 3 M M 50/ 51 87T RTD s 63 4 I V 5 M M Data acqusition 1 x DSI 1 x DSI 1 x DSI 1 x DSI 8 x DSI 1 x SSI 1 x SSI 3 x V, 3 x J, 8 xJ Control 2 x DCO 2 x DCO 2 x DCO 2 x DCO 2 x SCO 1 x SCO SSI DSI DCO SCO Isolator HV side Circuit-breaker HV side Isolator MV side Circuit-breaker MV sid e Tap changer, higher, lower Emergency trip Single signal input Double signal in put Double command Single command Isolator HV side Circuit-breaker HV side Isola tor MV side Circuit-breaker MV side Transformer tap-changer positions Alarm Buch holz 1 Alarm Buchholz 2 Measuring values MV 6 7 8 Typical distribution-type substation 9 115 kV 13.8 kV 115 kV 13.8 kV 10 5 feeders 5 feeders Fig. 164: Typical I/O signal requirements for a transformer bay Fig. 163: Typical distribution-type substation Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/89 �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Application Examples 1 To load dispatch center Central control unit To transformer feeders 2 OF OF 6MB513 GPS VDU Printer (option) Mass storage 3 4 RS485/O F OF RS485 5 6 7KG60 6MB 7SJ60 5250 6MB 7SJ60 5250 6MB 7SJ60 5250 7SJ531 or 7SJ63 7SJ531 or 7SJ63 7 M 51 51 M 51 M 51 M 51 8 9 Voltage transformer-bay Per feeder 1 x DSI 1 x DSI �Isolator Grounding switch Circuit-breaker 5 alarms Bus tie Per feeder 1 x DSI 1 x DSI Isolator Grounding switch Circuit-breaker 5 alarms 10 1 x 7KG60 Control 1 x DSI 5 x SSI 1 x DSI 9 x SSI Circuit-breaker 9 alarms 1 x DSI 5 x SSI Load currents are taken from the protection relays Measuring values (3 x V, 3 x I) from protection 2 x DCO Circuit-breaker 2 x DCO Circuit-breaker 2 x DCO Circuit-breaker Fig. 165: Typical I/O signal requirements for feeders of a distribution-type sub station 6/90 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Centralized (RTU) Structure Enhanced remote terminal units 6MB551 The 6MB55 telecontrol system is based on the same hardware and software modules as the 6MB51 substation control system. The functions of the inupt/output device s have been taken away from the bays and relocated to the central unit at statio n control level. The result is the 6MB551 enhanced remote terminal unit (ERTU). Special plug-in modules for control and acquisition of process signals are used instead of the bay dedicated input/output devices: s Digital input (32 DI) s Ana log input (32 AI grouped, 16 AI isolated) s Command output (32 CO) and s Command enabling These modules communicate with the central modules in the same frame v ia the internal standard LSA bus. The bus can be extended to further frames by p arallel interfaces. The 6MB551 station control unit therefore has the basic stru cture of a remote terminal unit but offers all the functions of the 6MB51 substa tion control system such as: Communication s to the higher network control levels s to an analysis center located either in System control center Station control center (option) Central evaluation station (PC) 1 Remote control channel Radio time (option) Enhanced terminal unit 6MB551 Telephone channel 2 3 1 ¼ ¼ n Marshalling rack Transducers and interposing relays (option) Station protect ion 7SS5 4 (option) 5 Protection relay 7S/7U Bay Control Unit 6MB52* Substation Serial interface Extension to substation Parallel interface 6 the station or connected remotely via a telephone line using a modem s to the ba y control unit and/or the numerical protection units (bay control units) s to lo wer-level stations (node function). This is for the purpose of controlling and m onitoring activities at the substation and network control levels as well as pro viding data for system planning and analysis. Fig. 166: Protection and substation control system LSA 678 for a distribution-ty pe substation 7 8 �9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/91 �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Centralized (RTU) Structure 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 167: 6MB551 enhanced remote terminal unit, installed in an 8MC standard cub icle with baseframe and expansion frame 6 7 8 Other tasks of the enhanced RTU are s Event logging with a time resolution of 1 or 10 ms s Archiving of events, variations in measured values and fault records on mass storage units s Time synchronization using radio clock (GPS, DCF77 or Ru gby) or using a signal from a higher-level control station s Automation tasks af fecting more than one bay: ± Parallel control of transformers ± Synchronizing (measu red value selection) ± Switching sequences ± Busbar voltage simulation ± Switchgear in terlocking s Parameter management to meet the relevant requirements specificatio n s Self-monitoring and system monitoring. s Up to 96 serial fiber-optic interfa ces to distributed bay control units s Up to 5 expansion frames. Configuration i ncluding signal I/O modules can be parameterized as desired. Up to 121 signal I/ O modules can be used (21 per frame minus one in the baseframe for each expansio n frame, i.e. totally 6 x 21 ± 5 = 121). The 6MB551 station control unit can there fore be expanded from having simple telecontrol data processing functions to ass uming the complex functionality of a substation control system. The same applies to the process signal capacity. In one unit, more than 4 000 data points can be addressed and, by means of serial interfacing of subsystems, this figure can be increased even further. The 6MB551 station control unit simplifies the incorpor ation of extensions to the substation by using the decentralized 6MB52* bay cont rol units for the additional substation bays. These distributed input/output devices can then be connected via serial interfac e to the telecontrol equipment. Additional parameterization takes care of their actual integration in the operational hierarchy. The 6MB551 RTU system is also a vailable as standard cubicle version SINAUT LSA COMPACT 6MB5540. The modules and the bus system have been kept; the rack design and the connection technology, h owever, have been cost-optimized (fixed rack only and plug connectors). This ver sion is limited to a baseframe plus one extension frame with altogether 33 I/O m odules, and a maximum of 5 serial interfaces for telecontrol connection without communication to bay control units or numerical protection units. 9 10 6/92 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Remote Terminal Units Remote terminal units (RTUs) The following range of intelligent RTUs are designed for high-performance data a cquisition, data processing and remote control of substations. The compact versi ons 6MB552/553 of SINAUT LSA are intended for use in smaller substations. 1 2 3 Fig. 170: 6MB5530-0 minicompact RTU for small process signal capacity 4 5 6 Fig. 168: 6MB552 compact RTU for medium process signal capacity Fig. 169: SINAUT LSA COMPACT 6MB5540 remote terminal unit installed in a cubicle Fig. 171: 6MB5530-1 remote terminal unit (RTC) with cable-shield communication 7 Design Type Single Alarm commands inputs Analog Serial ports inputs to control centers ± 8 ± ± ± 1 Serial ports to bay units 8 Minicompact RTU* Remote terminal unit with cable shield communication (RTC) Comp act RTU 6MB5530-0A 6MB5530-0B 6MB5530-0C 6MB5530-1A 6MB5530-1C 8 8 8 8 8 8 24 32 8 32 ± 1 additional gateway ± 9 6MB552-0A 6MB552-0B 6MB552-0C 6MB552-0D 321)/8 321)/8 321)/8 8 72 40 104 136 32 162) ± ± 1 Option 2 �7 10 * Further 3 minicompact RTUs can be serially connected in cascade for extension (maximum distance 100 m) 1) With switching-current check 2) Potential-free Fig. 172: Remote terminal units, process signal volumes Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/93 �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Remote Terminal Units 1 Control center 1¼ Control center ¼n 2 Modem Modem Telecontrol channel 3 Substation level Modem 4 RTU M Point to point con. 1) Line connection 1) 1) 1) M Optical fiber M M M Marshalling rack 2) 2) Protection relays and I/O units Extended switchgear 1) Telecontrol channel 2) Only with compact RTU 6MB552 M M RTU ¼¼ M RTU 5 RTU RTU Bay level M 2) 6 RTU M M RTU Interposing relays, transducers Loop configuration Existing switchgear M = Modem 7 Fig. 173: RTU interfaces RTU interfaces �8 9 10 The described RTUs are connected to the switchgear via interposing relays and me asuring transducers (¡ 2.5 to ¡ 20 mA DC) (Fig. 173). Serial connection of numerical protection relays and control I/O units is possible with the compact RTU type 6 MB552. The communication protocols for the serial connection to system control c enters can be IEC standard 870-5-101 or the Siemens proprietary protocols 8FW. F or the communication with protection relays, the IEC standard 870-5-103 is imple mented. Besides these standard protocols, more than 100 legacy protocols includi ng derivatives are implemented for remote control links up to system control cen ters and down to remote substations (see table overleaf). Fig. 174: VF coupler with ferrite core 35 mm 6/94 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SINAUT LSA ± Remote Terminal Units List of implemented legacy protocols: s ADLP 180 s ANSI X3.28 s CETT 20 s CETT 5 0 s DNP3.0 s DUST 3964R (SINAUT 8-FW-data structure) s EFD 300 s EFD 400 s F4F s FW 535 s FW 537 s Geadat 90 s Geadat 81GT s GI74 s Granit s Harris 5000 s IDS s IEC 60870-5-101 s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s IEC 870-5-BAG IEC 870-5-VEAG Indactic 21 Indactic 23 Indactic 33 Indactic ZM20 L MU Modbus Netcon 8830 RP570 SAT 1703 SEAB 1F SINAUT 8-FW SINAUT HSL SINAUT ST1 T elegyr 709E Telegyr 809 Tracec 130 Ursatron 8000 Wisp+ Cable-shield communication The minicompact RTU can be delivered in a special ver sion for communication via cable shield (Type 6MB5530-1). It does not need a sep arate signaling link. The coded voice frequency (9.4 and 9.9 kHz) is coupled to the cable shield with a special ferrite core (35 mm or 100 mm window diameter) a s shown in Fig. 174. The special modem for cable-shield communication is integra ted in the RTU. Fig. 175 shows as an example the structure of a remote control n etwork for monitoring and control of a local supply network. 1 2 3 4 5 Higher telecontrol level Power cable (typically 5 km) ¼ Modem (optional) Branch 1 VF couplers Signal loop VF couplers VF couplers VF couplers Modem Channel 1 Chan nel 2 6 Modem Channel 1 Channel 2 Mini RTU 6MB5530-1 (RTC) Mini RTU 6MB5530-1 (RTC) 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Multiplexer (optional) 8 Distribution station ¼ Branch 2 ¼ 1st station of branch 1 Distribution station 16th station of branch 1 8 Modem Channel 1 Channel 2 Power cable (typically 5 km) ¼ VF couplers Signal loop VF couplers VF couplers Mod em Channel 1 Channel 2 �Communication control unit 6MB5530-1 (CCU) 9 Modem Channel 1 Channel 2 VF couplers Mini RTU 6MB5530-1 (RTC) Mini RTU 6MB5530-1 (RTC) 10 Substation 1st station of branch 8 Fig. 175: Remote control network based on remote terminal units with cable-shiel d communication Substation 16th station of branch 8 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/95 �Local and Remote Control SICAM ± Overview 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SICAM is an equipment family consisting of products for digital power automation . The system is continuous, from the system control center, through the informat ion technology, to the bay protection and control units. The SICAM System is bas ed on SIMATIC*) and PC standard modules. SICAM is thus an open system with stand ardized interfaces, readily lending itself to further development. The SICAM fam ily consists of the following individual systems (see Fig. 176): s SICAM RTU, th e telecontrol system with the following features ± Principal function: information transfer ± Central process connection ± PLC functions ± Communication with control ce nter s SICAM SAS, the decentralized automation system ± Principal function: substa tion automation ± Decentralized and centralized process connection ± Local operation and monitoring with archiving functions ± Communication with the control center s SICAM PCC, the PC-based Station Control System with the following features ± Prin cipal function: Substation supervision and control ± Decentralized process connect ion ± LAN/WAN communication with IEC 60870-6 TASE.2 ± Flexible communication ± Linkage to Office® products SICAM RTU IEC 60 870-5-101 SINAUT 8-FW PROFIBUS Industrial Ethernet PROFIBUS Marshalling rack Interposing relays, transducers ... SIMEAS Q or T Transducers Switchgear ... IEDs (Relays, etc.) SICAM SAS System Control center SICAM WinCC IEC 60 870-5-101 PROFIBUS IEC 60870-5-103 IEC 60 870-5-103 SIPROTEC 4 Protection and control devices Process control unit Other IEDs SIPROTEC 3 Protection relays SICAM PCC Other networks WAN e.g. ICCP Corporate information system System Control center 9 �10 PROFIBUS IEC 60870-5-103 SIPROTEC 4 Protection and control devices *) Siemens PLCs and Industrial Automation Systems (see Catalog ST70) Other IEDs Protection relays Fig. 176: The SICAM family 6/96 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SICAM RTU ± Design SICAM: Open system structure 1 SICAM 2 Database Data recording Software Communication Communication SICAM WinCC SCADA 3 DIGSI CPU 4 Central I/O SICAM plusTOOLS 5 Bay control devices SIPROTEC Protective devices 6 Fig.177: SICAM system structure 7 System control center SICAM RTU 6MD201 Enhanced Remote Terminal Unit Overview The SICAM RTU Remote Terminal Unit is based on the SIMATIC S7-400, a po werful PLC version of the Siemens product range for industrial automation. The S IMATIC S7400 has been supplemented by the addition of modules and functions so a s to provide a flexible, efficient remote terminal unit. Based on worldwide used SIMATIC S7-400, it is possible to add project-specific automation functions to the existing telecontrol functions. The SIMATIC S7-400 System has been expanded to include the following properties: s All-round isolation of all connections wi th 2.5 kV electric strength s Heavy duty output contacts (10 A, 150 VDC, 240 AC) on external relay module (type LR with up to 16 command relays) s CT and VT graded measuring value acquisition via serially connected numerical transducers SIMEAS Q or T (see page 6 /132) s Acquisition of short-time event signals with 1 ms resolution and real-ti me stamping s Preprocessing of information acquired (e.g. double indications, me tered values) s Fail-safe process control (e.g., 1-out-of-n check, switching cur rent check) s Secure long-distance data transmission using the IEC 60870-5-101 o r SINAUT 8-FW protocol s Remote diagnostic capability The open and uniform syste m structure is illustrated in Fig. 177, showing the essential modules. A variety of SICAM equipment family products are available depending on the different req uirements and applications. The individual system modules are described in detai �l in the sections below. 8 Communication SICAM RTU 9 10 Central process connection Fig. 178: SICAM RTU remote terminal unit Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/97 �Local and Remote Control SICAM RTU ± Design System architecture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The SICAM RTU is a modular system. It is suitable for substation sizes from appr oximately 300 up to 2048 data points. The SICAM RTU consists of the: s SICAM S7400 basic rack with its extension facilities and s Any S7-400 CPU (412 to 477, w ith/without PROFIBUS connection). As standard CPU, the CPU 412 or CPU 413 is use d. To supplement the SIMATIC S7-400 modules, telecontrol-specific modules have b een developed in order to fulfill the required properties and functions, such as for example electric insulation strength and time resolution. These are the fol lowing modules: s Power supply ± Voltage range from 19 V±72 V DC ± 88 V±288 V AC/DC s Pr ocess input and output modules ± Digital input DI (32 inputs) for status indicatio ns, counting pulses, bit patterns and transformer tap settings · voltage ranges: 2 4±60 V DC 110±125 V DC ± Analog input AI (32 analog inputs grouped, 16 AIR (analog inp uts isolated) for currents (0.5 mA±24 mA) and voltages (0.5 V±10 V) ± Command output ( 32 CO) for commands and digital setpoints · voltage range: 24 ±125 V DC ± Command rele ase (8 DI, 8 DO) for local inputs and outputs and monitoring of command output c ircuits · voltage ranges: 24±60 V DC 110±125 V DC s Communication module ± Telecontrol p rocessor TP1 for communication with the system control center with protocols IEC 60870-5-101 and SINAUT 8-FW and as time signal receivers for DCF77 or GPS recep tion. The Power Supply and the I/O modules can also be used in SICAM SAS. Fig. 179: SICAM mounting rack 10 6/98 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SICAM RTU ± Design Construction The SICAM RTU is based on the SIMATIC S7-400. The construction of t he SICAM RTU is therefore, as is the case with SIMATIC, highly compact, straight forward and simple to operate: s All connections are accessible from the front. Therefore, no swivel frame is necessary. s The modules are enclosed and therefor e extremely rugged. s Plugging and unplugging of modules is possible while in op eration; therefore maintenance work can be carried out in a minimum of time (red uced MTTR). s Direct process connection is effected by means of self-coding fron t plug connectors of screw-in or crimp design. s During configuration, no module slot rules have to be observed; the SICAM RTU permits free module fitting. s No forms of setting are necessary on the modules; replacement can be carried out i n a minimum of time. Dependent on configuration level and customer requirements, there are two housing variants: s a floor-mounting cabinet and s a wall-mountin g cabinet. Both housing variants are optimized for the SICAM RTU; they are of fl exible modular construction. Thus, for example, provision is made for installati on of accessories to provide a cost-effective rack system. 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 180a: SICAM RTU wall-mounting cabinet 6 7 8 9 10 Fig. 180b: SICAM RTU floor-mounting cabinet Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/99 �Local and Remote Control SICAM RTU ± Design SICAM Modules 1 2 3 4 5 SICAM RTU modules have been developed to be SIMATIC-compatible and can therefore be used in a standard SIMATIC S7-400, for example for the following application s: s Acquisition of status indications with a resolution of 1 ms and an accuracy of ¡ 2 ms s Time synchronization of the SIMATIC CPU to within an accuracy of ¡ 2 ms s An analog input module with 32 channels with current or voltage inputs s Use of modules with 2.5 kV electric insulation strength in order to save interposing relays The modules are used for example in hydropower plants for acquisition of fault events via digital input with a resolution of 1 ms and relaying them to a power station system, for example via an Industrial Ethernet. The other applica tion is the use of the communication module TP1 in a SIMATIC NET IEC 60870-5-101 gateway. Fig. 182 shows an example of a PROFIBUS gateway. 6 7 Fig. 181: SICAM module SICAM RTU 8 IEC 60870-5-101 SINAUT 8-FW PROFIBUS Industrial Ethernet Gateway Profibus 9 10 IEDs Switchgear Fig. 182: Gateway: PROFIBUS ± IEC 60870-5-101 6/100 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SICAM RTU ± Functions SICAM RTU functions SICAM RTU possesses telecontrol functions, such as: s Alarm acquisition and processing, including: ± Single point information ± Double point inf ormation ± Bit patterns ± Transformer taps ± Metering pulses s Measured value acquisit ion and processing, including: ± parameterizable current inputs in ranges from 0.5 mA±24 mA ± parameterizable voltage inputs in ranges from 0.5 V ± 10 V s Fail-safe com mand output, including: ± Single commands ± Double commands ± Bit pattern outputs ± Tran sformer tap change control ± Pulse commands ± Continuous commands s Telecontrol comm unication with a maximum of two system control centers with different telecontro l messages, with the standardized IEC 60870-5-101 and/or with the worldwide prov en SINAUT 8-FW protocol. In addition to the standard RTU functions, the SICAM RT U provides additional functions, such as: s Efficient operation mode control wit h 15 priorities and various send lists, such as: ± Spontaneous lists with/without time ± Scan lists for measured values, metered values or status indications ± Cyclic lists ± Time-controlled lists With the aid of this mode control system, it is pos sible to optimize the data flow between remote terminal unit and system control center. 1 2 3 1. Select a module from the Hardware Catalog and 2. Drag it to the desired modul e location ± automatic plausibility checking and addressing 4 Fig. 183: plusTOOLS for SICAM RTU, hardware configuration s Time synchronization via DCF or GPS re5 Engineering The SICAM RTU is designed such that all telecontrol functions are pa rameterizable. Comprehensive Help texts assist the operator during configuration . The following configuration steps are carried out with the aid of the intuitiv e-operation program plusTOOLS for SICAM RTU: s Creation of hardware configuratio n, SIMATIC modules and SICAM modules s Setting of module parameters on the SIMAT IC modules and SICAM modules s Assignment of process data to the message address es s Assignment of message addresses to the message lists in the mode control sy stem, stipulation of send priorities. s Checking of all parameters for plausibil ity. s Loading of parameters into a non-volatile flash EPROM of the CPU. Fig. 18 3 shows as an example the mask for hardware configuration. s s s s s s ceiver on the TP1 module. The SIMATIC CPU is synchronized to within an accuracy of 1 ms. Serial interface to a maximum of two control centers. In addition to se lection of the telecontrol protocols IEC 60870-5-101 and SINAUT 8-FW, the scope of status indications, measured values and commands per control center per inter face can be configured, with separate telecontrol protocols, different process d ata, different message addresses and different modes. Can be extended up to 4096 information points Comprehensive remote diagnostic facilities locally or in rem ote form with the aid of the SIMATIC TeleService. Output of analog setpoints via �the S7-400 AO module (1500 kV insulated) SICAM RTU is maintenance-free and requ ires no fan cooling The variety of available module types with wide-range inputs is kept to a minimum; the value ranges are parameterizble. 6 7 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/101 �Local and Remote Control SICAM RTU ± Functions Automation functions 1 2 3 4 5 The SICAM RTU is based on the SIMATIC S7-400. Therefore, all modules of the SIMA TIC S7-400 System can be used in a SICAM RTU: For example, a CPU 413-DP with PRO FIBUS connection or the communication processor CP 441, e.g. for connection of a Modbus device. If additional functions are to be introduced project-specificall y by S7 PLC means, these can be integrated with the aid of the internal API Inte rface (Application Program Interface). Thus, for example, the data received via the CP 441 can be processed internally and sent via the TP1 to the system contro l center. The following functions can for example be implemented: s Initiate fun ctions by commands from the system control center s Derive commands as a functio n of measured value changes (e.g. load shedding when a frequency drop has been m easured) s Connection of an operator panel to the serial system interface (Fig. 184a/b) s Connection of decentralized peripherals via the PROFIBUS DP Fig. 184a: Operator Panel 6 7 8 9 10 Fig. 184b: Operator Panel mounted in a cubicle door 6/102 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SICAM MRTU/microRTU SICAM MRTU 6MD202/6MD203 Small Remote Terminal Unit Overview Supplementary to the SICAM RTU, the following small remote terminal uni ts are available for low-level upgrades: s SICAM microRTU 6MD203 up to 50 proces s inputs/outputs s SICAM miniRTU 6MD202 up to 300 process inputs/outputs The two remote terminal units are based on the SIMATIC S7-200. Supplementary to the SIM ATIC modules, a ªSICAM TCMº communication module has been developed for the SICAM mi niRTU. The TCM module is installed in a S7-214 housing. The SICAM micro and mini RTUs provide small remote terminal units which handle the process data and commu nicate by means of an assured IEC 60870-5-101 telecontrol protocol with the syst em control center. The SICAM miniRTU makes it possible to supplement project-spe cific functions. Both units possess the following advantages of the SIMATIC S7-2 00 System in terms of construction: s Compact design s Quick mounting by snappin g onto a hat rail s Low power consumption s Extensive range of expansion modules ± Digital inputs ± Relay outputs ± Electronic outputs ± Analog inputs ± Analog outputs s Connection of expansion modules by means of plug-in system s Connection of proce ss signals by means of screw terminals s Automatic recognition of upgrade level 1 2 3 Fig. 185: SICAM microRTU 4 SICAM microRTU 6MD203 For the SICAM microRTU, it is possible to use an S7-214 or an S8-216 CPU. The PP I interface is used for loading the programs and the parameters and also for com munication with the system control center. The standardized transmission protoco l IEC 60870-5-101 has been implemented. Unbalanced mode has been chosen as traff ic mode because small remote terminal units are generally operated in partyline (that is to say polling) mode. The SICAM microRTU performs the following functio ns: s Acquisition and processing of a maximum of 24 single point items of inform ation s Acquisition and processing of metering pulses (maximum 20 Hz) for a maxi mum of 4 metered values s Acquisition of a maximum of 12 measured values s Comma nd output as pulse or persistent command for a maximum of 14 digital outputs s T ransmission of data (priority-controlled) spontaneously or on demand in half dup lex mode s Transmission rate: 300 ± 9600 bit/sec Parameterizing takes place with S TEP7 MicroWIN. All parameters are preset; they only have to be adapted slightly. The parameters are loaded locally from the PC. For transmission, there is a gra dable V.23 hat-rail-mounted modem with an RS-485 interface. The transmission rat e is 1200 bit/sec. 5 6 7 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �6/103 �Local and Remote Control SICAM miniRTU SICAM miniRTU 6MD2020 1 Overview The SICAM miniRTU differs from a SICAM microRTU in the following respec ts: s Volume of data: 300 instead of 50 information points s Clock control: mess ages with time stamp are possible s An integrated V.21 modem is available s Proj ect-specific additions can be introduced via the API interface The SICAM miniRTU is a small, efficient modular remote terminal unit with a wide range of functio ns. The SICAM miniRTU can be upgraded from a configuration level of 14 digital i nputs up to a medium-sized terminal with a maximum of 300 process points. For th e SICAM miniRTU, it is possible to use the S7-200 CPUs 27-214 or S7-216. In addi tion, the TCM (telecontrol module) communication module is required. The TCM inc orporates an RS-232 interface for communication with the system control center; this implements the entire message interchange. The standard transmission protoc ol is implemented: IEC 60870-5101, unbalanced mode. IEC 60870-5-101 balanced mod e and SINAUT 8-FW point-topoint traffic are in preparation. Fig. 186 illustrates a minimum configuration level of a SICAM miniRTU with an S7-214 CPU. Fig. 187 s hows in diagrammatic form a maximum configuration level with 3 S7-200 CPUs. 2 3 4 Fig. 186: SICAM miniRTU with TCM and S7-214 CPU Functions The SICAM miniRTU performs the following functions or incorporates the following features: s Acquisition and processing of single point and double poi nt information. Transmission with or without time in message. s Acquisition and processing of metering pulses (maximum 20 Hz). Re-storing by means of internal t imer or by means of message from the system control center. Transmission with or without time in message. s Acquisition and processing of measured 5 s 6 s s s 7 values, threshold processing, threshold matchable by means of message. Transmiss ion with or without time in message. Command output as pulse commands with 1-out -of-n monitoring and command release. Persistent command output is possible. Ana log setpoint output. Bit-by-bit assignment of process information to processing functions Clock control with synchronization by message from system control cent er 2-wire, partyline traffic, transmission on demand 8 IEC 60870-5-101 unbalanced mode 9 �10 Fig. 187: SICAM miniRTU with TCM and three S7-214 CPUs 6/104 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SICAM miniRTU Communication Communication with the system control center is carried out by the SICAM miniRTU with the TCM communicaton module. A gradable V.21 modem is alread y integrated in the TCM, so that the SICAM miniRTU can be used directly. Other c ommunication characteristics are: s Transmission speed of 300 ± 9600 bit/ sec. adj ustable s Mode control with 15 priorities which can be freely assigned s Differe nt send lists for: ± Spontaneous mode ± Polling mode ± Cyclic mode Linkage of small re mote transmission units generally takes place by means of transmission on demand . The lines with the remote transmission units are compressed with the aid of a data concentrator and are relayed to the system control center. Fig. 188 shows a n example of configuration. Rail-mounted modems with RS-232 interface are availa ble for transmission with an external modem: s Gradable V.23 modem with 1200 bit /sec transmission speed s Dedicated line modem ± V.32 modem ± with a transmission sp eed of 9600 bit/ sec. To control center Point-to-point traffic 1 2 SINAUT LSA data concentrator 3 4 2-wire, polling mode 5 Fig. 188: SICAM miniRTU, typical configuration 6 Project-specific expansion options In the SICAM miniRTU, an API interface (Appli cation Program Interface) is available. Project-specific programs can thus be up graded. Access by the API interface to communication is supported by the system. That is to say, the information from the control center can be processed in the user program; information derived in the user program can be remotely controlle d. Examples of this are: s Formation of group alarms, s Transmitting internally formed measured values or metered values to the control center, s Initiating fun ctions by means of commands from the control center, s Influencing of alarm proc essing, for example filtering, relaying via API, s Activating PROFIBUS link on a n S7-215. 7 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/105 �Local and Remote Control SICAM miniRTU Engineering 1 2 3 4 Parameterizing is effected with the plusTOOLS program for miniRTU. The program c an be run on Windows 95, 98 or NT 4. Parameterizing takes place operator-guided by means of menus. Extensive help texts facilitate operation. Figs. 190 and 191 illustrate as examples the mask for hardware configuration and the mask for assi gnment of message addresses. The parameters are checked for plausibility prior t o loading. They are loaded in nonvolatile form from the PC into the flash EPROM of the TCM. All parameters of a SICAM miniRTU can be read locally with the PC. F or this purpose, the parameter set of the station to be read out does not have t o be present on the PC. Modification and reloading is possible. Design RTU Type Single point information 1) Analog Single commands 1) inputs Analog outputs Serial ports to CC SICAM RTU SICAM miniRTU SICAM microRTU 6MD201 6MD202 6MD203 1) typical up to 2048 maximum: 4096 192 2) 24 192 2) 16 36 2) 12 12 2) 4 2 1 1 2) Processing of double point information and double commands is also possible. The table is intended solely to represent the number of connection points. Maximum values; note combination options! Fig. 189: Remote terminal units, process signal volumes 5 6 7 8 Fig. 190: plusTOOLS, generation of hardware configuration Fig. 191: plusTOOLS, p arameterizing of communication �9 10 6/106 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SICAM SAS ± Overview SICAM SAS Overview 1 In order to assure security of supply, the substation automation system must be capable in normal operation of real-time acquisition and evaluation of a large v olume of individual items of information. In the event of a fault, additional in formation is required to assist rapid fault diagnosis. Graphic display functions , logs and curve evaluations are aids suitable for this purpose. The SICAM SAS s ubstation control and protection system provides a system solution for efficient implementation of these functions. SICAM SAS is designed as an open-type system which, based on international standards, provides simple interfaces for integra tion of additional bay control units or new transmission protocols, as well as i nterfaces for implementation of project-specific automation functions. Field of application SICAM SAS is used in power transmission and distribution for automat ion of mediumvoltage and high-voltage substations. It is used wherever: s Distri buted processes are to be monitored and controlled. s Functions previously avail able on a higher control level are being decentralized and implemented locally. s High standards of electric insulation strength and electromagnetic compatibili ty are demanded. s A real-time capability system is required. s Reliability is v ery important. s Communication with other control systems must be possible. 2 3 4 5 6 Fig.192: SICAM SAS components: SICAM SC Substation Controller, SIPROTEC 4 relays and 6MB525 bay control units 7 Functions SAS assumes the following functions in a substation: s Monitoring s Da ta exchange with and operation of serially connected protection devices and othe r IEDs s Local and remote control with interlock s Teleindication s Automation s Local processing and display s Archiving and logging 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/107 �Local and Remote Control SICAM SAS ± Structure System architecture 1 2 3 4 The typical configuration of a SICAM SAS consists of: s SICAM SC Substation Cont roller s Connection to higher-level system control centers s Connection to bay l evel s Bay control units, protection relays or combined control and protection b ay units. s Configuration PC with SICAM plusTOOLS s Operation and monitoring wit h SICAM WinCC The modular construction of the system permits a wide range of com bination options within the scope of the system limits. In the SICAM SC substati on controller, the SICAM I/O modules can be used for alternative central connect ion of process inputs and outputs (see description of the SICAM RTU). System control center(s) or telecontrol node(s) GPS SICAM plusTOOLS Configuratio n IEC 60 870-5-101 SINAUT 8-FW SICAM SC Substation Controller SIMATIC NET PROFIBUS FMS IEC 60870-5-103 wire RS485 O.F. O.F. 5 SICAM WinCC Operator control, monitoring, and archiving SIPROTEC 4 protection and control devices 6MB525 bay control units and 7**6 relays SIPROTEC 3 protection relays Fig. 193: Typical configuration of a SICAM SAS 6 7 8 9 10 6/108 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SICAM SAS ± SC Substation Controller SICAM SC Substation Controller The SICAM SC is an open-type, modular construction telecontrol and substation co ntroller. The specific functions of a telecontrol system are combined with those of a programmable automation system (PLC). Standard functions of the automation system and control and protection-specific applications, such as real-time proc essing, fail-safe command output or telecontrol functions, combine to form a rug ged, future-oriented hardware system. The basis of the SICAM SC is formed by the SIMATIC M7- 400 family of systems. In order to meet the increased requirements of telecontrol and substation control technology for electric insulation strengt h, you now have at your disposal a wide range of modules and devices to suppleme nt the SIMATIC standard modules. The communication processors of the system supp ort the IEC 60870-5-101, SINAUT 8FW, IEC 60870-5-103, PROFIBUS FMS, PROFIBUS DP and Industrial Ethernet communication protocols. Hardware The hardware of the SICAM Substation Controller is based on the standar d modules of the SIMATIC S7/M7- 400 automation system and on additional modules which have been developed for the special requirements of control and protection . The following modules form the basic complement of the SICAM SC: s Power Suppl y s SIMATIC M7- 400 CPU (Pentium processor) s MCP (Modular Communication Process or) The MCP module is the function module which supports the communication funct ions, such as telecontrol connection to higher-level system control centers, e.g . with the IEC 60870-5-101 protocol, and serial connection of bay control units by means of the IEC 60870-5-103 protocol. In addition, it is in SICAM SAS the ti me master, to which can be connected time signal receivers for DCF77 or GPS. Add itionally available for the MCP are the XC2 (eXtension Copper 2 interfaces) and XF6 (eXtension Fiber optic 6 interfaces) extension modules for additional commun ication interfaces to higher-level system control centers and bay control units (IEC 60870-5-103). In addition, the following modules can be used for supplement ary functions in the SICAM SC: s For central process connection: SICAM I/O modul es (see description of the SICAM RTU) and SIMATIC 400 Standard I/O modules (see Siemens Catalog ST 70) s For connection of bay control units via Profibus DP and FMS: SIMATIC 400 communication processor modules s For connection to SICAM WinC C: SIMATIC 400 modules for Profibus FMS and Industrial Ethernet Construction Like the SICAM RTU, the SICAM SC is based on the SIMATIC 400. Conse quently, the statements on construction of the SICAM RTU are also applicable to the SICAM SC. Software The bases of the run-time system (SICAM RTC for SAS) in t he SICAM SC are to be found both on the M7-CPU and on the MCP module real-time o perating systems for event-controlled program execution. Among other things, thi s assures an essential requirement for control applications: State change of inf ormation may not be lost or remain unnoticed in critical situations (¡ alarm surge ). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 �9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/109 �Local and Remote Control SICAM SAS ± SC Substation Controller System security Measured value capturing s Live zero monitoring (4 ±20 mA) System capacity The maximum configuration of the SICAM SC substation controller consists of: s 1 baseframe with 7 to 11 free module locations, dependent on choi ce of MCP communication link and s Maximum of 6 expansion racks, each with 14 fr ee module locations Thus, you have available a maximum of 95 free module locatio ns which you can equip for example with 95 I/O modules or a further 4 MCP(4) com munication assemblies and 75 I/O modules. For connection of bay control units vi a PROFIBUS FMS, up to 4 CP443-5 base communication processors can be plugged int o the baseframe. Each CP443-5 requires one module location. For connection of PR OFIBUS DP devices, an interface module is used which is plugged into a module sh aft of the CPU module. Connection to Industrial Ethernet can be implemented via the CP443-1 communication processor and will then require one module location. A lternatively, you can also however use the CP1401 interface module which is plug ged into a module shaft of the CPU module. Under these conditions, it is possibl e to implement up to a maximum of 3040 items of information to a SICAM SC via ce ntralized process connection. With the use of bay control units ± linked to the SI CAM SC via MCP communication assemblies or PROFIBUS ± it is possible for up to 10, 000 items of information to be managed, for decentralized process connection. In terfaces 1 2 SICAM SAS fulfills to a very considerable extent the reliability and security re quirements imposed on a substation control and protection system. In the case of all electronic devices incorporated in the SAS SICAM System, special attention has been paid to electromagnetic compatibility. Interruption of power supply The SICAM SAS System is designed to be maintenance-free, that is to say no backup b atteries are required for restart after mains failure. Safety functions Hardware self-test: On startup and cyclically in the background. General check: At start of the transfer time system and creep mode in background. Communication Command output Safe command output, i.e. s Destination monitoring (1-out-of-n) s Switching current check s Interference voltage monitoring s Determination of th e coil resistance The SICAM SC system provides the following five operating mode s, thus allowing the user to take into account different safety requirements for process output: s 1-pole command output 1 s 1 /2-pole command output s 2-pole c ommand output 1 s 1 /2-pole command output with separate command release through CR module s 2-pole command output with separate command release through CR modu le By combining the CO module with the CR module, a single error (in case of 11/ 2pole command output) in the command output circuit results in the command not b eing executed. Through the test and monitoring measures provided by the CR modul e, which make it possible to distribute the command output circuit to two indepe ndent modules, high requirements are met. 3 4 5 6 �7 Errors in data transmission due to electromagnetic effects, earth potential diff erences, ageing of components and other sources of interference and noise on the transmission channels are reliably detected. The safety measures of the protoco ls provide protection from: s Bit and message errors s Information loss s Unwant ed information s Separation or interference of assembled items of information Pr iority-controlled message initialization Messages initiated by events are initia lized quickly (priority-controlled). 8 Failure indication The failure status is derived in case of: s Contact chatter s Signalling-circuit voltage failure s Module out of order A telecontrol malfunct ion group alarm can be parameterized from individual pieces of information, for example: s MCB trip s Voice-frequency telegraphy error s Channel error s No sign alling-circuit voltage s Module out of order s Buffer overflow 9 10 The variability and expansion capability of a substation control and protection system depends primarily on its outward interfaces. SICAM SAS supports internati onal standards, such as PROFIBUS, the IEC 60870 5-101 telecontrol protocol or th e IEC 60870-5-103 relay communication protocol and thus assures optimum flexibil ity of substation planning. The SICAM communication modules of the SICAM SC are equipped with serial interfaces (parameterizable as RS232 or as RS422/485) and w ith optical fiber links. They are combined, according to application, to form MC P communication assemblies which consist of the MCP communication processor and XC2 and/or XF expansion modules. 6/110 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SICAM SAS ± SC Substation Controller Telecontrol interfaces Via the serial interfaces of the MCP communication proces sor and the XC2 expansion modules, one can connect the SICAM SC to a maximum of three higher-level system control centers. The telecontrol interfaces are operat ed with the IEC 60870-5-101 or SINAUT 8FW transmission protocols and are paramet erizable as RS232, RS422/RS485 or optical fiber interfaces. Bay control unit int erfaces For connection of decentralized items of information via bay control int erfaces, various options are available: s A maximum of 4 CP 443-5 base modules f or connection of bay control units with PROFIBUS FMS interface. One can connect a maximum of 48 devices (SIPROTEC 4, 6MB525) per module; the total number in the design may not however exceed 96 devices. s One IF964-DP interface module for c onnection of a maximum of 20 SU200 bay control units and/or SIMEAS measuring tra nsducers via PROFIBUS DP. For all other bay control units with PROFIBUS DP inter face, the upper limit of 127 devices will apply. s A maximum of 4 MCP(4) communi cation assemblies, each consisting of one MCP communication processor and 4 XF6 expansion modules with optical fiber interfaces for a maximum of 96 bay control units (IEC 60870-5-103). s A maximum of 1 MCP (1) communication assembly (consis ting of 1 MCP communication processor and 1 XC2 expansion module) and 1 MCP comm unication assembly (consisting of 1 MCP communication processor) for a maximum o f 186 bay control units via a maximum of 6 RS485 lines (IEC 60870-5-103). Combin ations of the above examples are possible, but the quantity of 10,000 informatio n points should not be exceeded. MPI interface On the CPU module is located 1 MP I interface (token ring multipoint-capability bus structure) for design, paramet erizing, diagnostics. Time signal reception The MCP communication processor poss esses an interface for receipt of an external time signal. Time synchronization is effected by means of DCF77 or GPS. Substation bus ± Industrial Ethernet ± PPROFIBUS FMS Connection to SICAM WinCC Telecommunication ± IEC 60 870-5-103 SINAUT 8FW 1 Module MCP (XC2, XF6) Module CP443-1 or -5 2 3 Field bus ± PROFIBUS FMS Connection to SIPROTEC 4 IED-communication ± IEC 60 870-5-103 protection relays and bay units Module CP443-5 ± PROFIBUS DP DP-ªdevicesª Module IF964 Fig. 194: SICAM SC communication interfaces Module MCP (XC2, XF6) 5 �6 Design tools Design of the SICAM SC is carried out with SICAM plusTOOLS which is based on the SIMATIC basic modules: STEP7, SIMATIC CFC and Borland C/C++. Proce ss visualization For visualization and control of the process, SICAM WinCC is us ed; this is based on SIMATIC WinCC. Expandability SICAM has been designed for a new generation of devices and function modules for the automation of substations in power supply. SICAM integrates complementary and compatible product lines an d is the logical continuation of proven, available modules. By virtue of its ope n system concept, SICAM SAS is adaptable to the growing demands of the future. S ystem expansion and further development are readily possible. Bay control units In the design and parameterizing of subdevice connections, SICAM plusTOOLS acces ses databases which describe the interface complement of the devices. Creation o f a new protection unit type with IEC 60870-5-103 transmission protocol is made possible by the parameterizer in SICAM plusTOOLS. Protocols Telecontrol and fiel d bus protocols will in future be incorporated in modular fashion by means of an expansion interface. SIMATIC modules Within SICAM SAS, it is possible to use th e SIMATIC Standard I/O modules (see Siemens Catalog ST70, Siemens Components for Totally Integrated Automation.) 7 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/111 �Local and Remote Control SICAM SAS ± Bay Control Units Bay control units 6MB525 Mini Bay Unit (see description of SINAUT LSA) This low-end unit with its limited range of information is preferably used in singlebusbar substations. It can be connected via RS485 with IEC 60870-5-103 or via PROFIBUS FMS to the SICAM SC. 7SJ531 Combined Bay Control and Protection Unit (see description of SINAUT LSA and Power System Protection) The 7SJ531 possesses, in addition to protection functions, the facility for controlling a switching device (also remotely). It can be integrated in the SICAM SAS with IEC 60870-5-103 via optical fiber link. 1 2 3 Serial connection of distributed bay control units allows access to extensive de tailed information about your switchgear in the substation control and protectio n system. For this purpose, SICAM SAS offers bay control units with differing sc ope of information and function. The range extends, according to requirements, f rom pure bay control units and protection relays on the one hand, to combined de vices on the other hand which provide the bay protection and control functions i n a single unit. SICAM SAS supports bay control units with IEC 60870-5-103, PROF IBUS FMS and PROFIBUS DP interface. 4 Design Type Commands Double Single Signal inputs Double Single Analog inputs Dir ect connection to transformer 4 x I, 3 x U 4 x I, 3 x U 4 x I, 3 x U ± 4 x I, 3 x U 4 x I, 3 x U ± 4xI 4xI 4 x I, 3 x U 4 x I, 3 x U 4 x I, 3 x U 4 x I, 3 x U 4 x I, 3 x U 4 x I, 3 x U 4 x I, 3 x U 1) 2) Components Connection to measure transducer ± ± 2 ± ± 2 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 2 ± 2 Double commands and alarms also usable as ºsingleª Combined c ection devices. 7SJ61 and 7SJ62 with 4 line text display, 7SJ63 with graphic dis play. Optimized for 11/2 pole control (max.7 switching devices). 2-pole control is also possible (with max. 4 switching devices). Bay control units in new desig n, optimized for medium voltage switchgear with 11/2-pole control (max. 7 switch ing devices). 2-pole control is also possible (with max. 4 switching devices). D ouble commands and alarms also usable as ºsingleª 5 Compact bay control unit (SIPROTEC 4 design with large graphic display) 1) 6MD631 6MD632 6MD633 6MD634 6MD635 4 5 + 4 2) 5 + 4 2) 3 + 4 2) 7 + 8 2) 7+8 2) ± 1 1 ± ± ± 1 4 6 8 7 ± 1 1 ± ± 5 12 10 10 18 16 16 ± ± ± ± 5 12 10 18 16 1 ± ± ± 1 1 1 3 11 7 11 1 ± ± 1 1 6 7 Combined control and protection device with local bay control 1) �6MD636 6MD637 7SJ610 7SJ612 7SJ621 7SJ622 7SJ631 7SJ632 7SJ633 7SJ635 7SJ636 4 + 8 2) ± ± ± ± 4 5 + 4 2) 5 + 4 2) 7+8 2) 8 9 7 + 8 2) 10 Fig. 195: Survey of bay units 11/2-pole control; 2-pole control possible Second figure is number of heavy duty relays 6/112 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SICAM SAS ± Bay Control Units SIPROTEC 4 (see description of Power System Protection) The 7SJ63 and the 6MD63 are designed for larger volumes of information and thus are also suitable for us e in duplicate-busbar substations. SIPROTEC 4 units are preferably connected to the SICAM SAS via PROFIBUS FMS. Connection via IEC 60870-5-103 with reduced func tionality (compared to the use of PROFIBUS FM) is also possible. The SIPROTEC 4 7SJ61 and 7SJ62 relays can also be used via Profibus FMS and IEC 60870-5-103 in SICAM SAS. These two units support control of the feeder circuit-breaker. Protec tive relays (V3 type) By means of IEC 60870-5-103, all SIPROTEC 3 protective rel ays (see Power System Protection, page 6/8), and also protection relays of other manufacturers supporting IEC 60870-5-103 can be connected to the SICAM SC subst ation controller. Other bay control units In addition, the following can be conn ected to the SICAM SC: s SIMEAS T transducer via IEC 60870-5-103 s SIMEAS Q Powe r Quality via PROFIBUS DP s Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen transformer tap voltage c ontrollers (for example VC100, MK30E) via IEC 60870-5-103 s Eberle transformer t ap voltage controller (RegD) via IEC 60870-5-103 s SU200 bay control unit for hi gh-voltage use via PROFIBUS DP s Decentralized peripherals via PROFIBUS DP (for example ET200) 1 System control center or telecontrol node GPS SIMATIC plusTOOLS Configuration IE C 80 870-5-101 SINAUT 8-FW 2 SICAM SC Substation Controller 3 MPI PROFIBUS FMS Fiber optic cables Fiber optic cables SICAM WinCC Operator cont rol and monitoring, archiving OLM (Optical Link Module) 4 5 6 SIPROTEC 4 devices via PROFIBUS FMS Fig.196: SICAM SAS, connection of SIPROTEC 4 bay control units via PROFIBUS FMS and optical fiber 7 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/113 �Local and Remote Control SICAM SAS ± Human-Machine Interface SICAM WinCC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 In the SICAM SAS substation automation system, SICAM WinCC is the human-machine interface HMI between the user and the computer-assisted monitoring and control system. For efficient system management, numerous single information items must be displayed quickly and clearly. The state of the substation must be displayed and logged correctly at all times. Important indications, along with measured an d metered values of past time periods must be archived in such a way that they a re available for specific evaluation in the form of curves or tables at any time . The SICAM WinCC human-machine interface meets these requirements for efficient system management and also provides the user with numerous options for individu al design of the system user interface and numerous open interfaces for implemen ting operation-specific functions. The windowing technique of SICAM WinCC makes it easier to work with. In designing the graphic displays, the user has every de gree of freedom and also has the support of a pool of predefined substation auto mation symbols such as switchgear, transformers or bay devices. SICAM WinCC cons ists of the WinCC process visualization system and SICAM software components. s WinCC WinCC offers standard function modules for graphical display, for messagin g, archiving and reporting. Its powerful process interface, fast display refresh and reliable data archiving function assure high availability. S7-PMC serves as a basis for a chronological messaging and archiving of data. s SICAM components They consist of: ± SICAM symbol library, ± SICAM message management expansion, ± SICA M wizards, ± SICAM processing functions and ± SICAM Valpro, (Measured/ Metered Value Processing Unit) SICAM symbol library The SICAM symbol library contains switchg ear, bay devices, transformers and other object templates for bay representation s which are typical for substation control and protection systems. One can use them for designing detail images. The symbols ar e selected from the library and placed in a detail image using the Drag & Drop f unction. The symbols are dynamized. Thus, for example, there are several differe nt views of a circuit-breaker which visualize the ON, OFF or fault position swit ching states. Fig. 197: Overview diagram in Graphics Designer Fig. 198: Selecting a circuit-breaker from the symbol library 6/114 �Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SICAM SAS ± Human-Machine Interface SICAM message management expansion The SICAM message management expansion ensure s a chronological messaging and archiving of data. On the basis of S7-PMC, the S ICAM Format DLL evaluates the data and assigns the corresponding messages to the m. Based on this, a millisecond resolution of all events is given and for every event not only the state of indication itself is available, but also additional information without the need for additional parameterizing effort. For message a ssignment, the format DLL recurs to the WinCC text libary. You can adapt the tex ts contained in the text library to meet your project-specific requirements. SIC AM wizards The SICAM wizards assist the user in creating a new WinCC project. Th e following tasks are carried out with help of the wizards: s Creating SICAM str ucture types: The Create SICAM tag structure types wizard helps the user to gene rate the structure types for structured tags which are necessary in a SICAM syst em. Structure types are needed for importing tags from SICAM plusTOOLS. s Taking over tags from SICAM plusTOOLS: The Import SICAM tags wizard helps to import ta gs from SICAM plusTOOLS into SICAM WinCC. This function allows the user to visua lize information, i.e. to represent it in process diagrams, configured and param eterized with SICAM plusTOOLS. s Creating the SICAM message management: The SICA M message management wizard helps the user to generate a message management syst em under WinCC which meets the specific requirements of a substation automation system. In addition to a message archive, the SICAM message management includes the following templates: event list, alarm list and protection message list. Eac h of these lists always contains message blocks, message window templates, messa ge line formats, message classes, message sequence reports, layouts and texts. 1 2 3 Fig.199: SICAM WinCC event list 4 s Taking over messages from SICAM plusTOOLS: The Import SICAM messages wizard helps the user to import messages fr om SICAM plusTOOLS into WinCC. This function allows the user to report informati on in the message management system which was configured and parameterized with SICAM plusTOOLS. This function allows the user to visualize information from SIC AM plusTOOLS under WinCC, i.e. to use it in process diagrams. s Creating the SIC AM archiving system: The Create SICAM archives wizard helps generation of an arc hiving system under WinCC. The SICAM WinCC archiving system consists of: ± a seque nce archive for measured values and ± a sequence archive for metered values. One c an import metered values und measured values from SICAM plusTOOLS into this arch iving system. s Integrating the SICAM symbol library: The Import SICAM libary wi zard helps the user to load the SICAM symbol library into the current project. O ne can use the symbol library for designing individual detail images. 5 6 7 8 9 �10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/115 �Local and Remote Control SICAM SAS ± Engineering Tools SICAM Valpro 1 2 3 Curve and tabular display of archived measured values and metered values is carr ied out by means of the SICAM Valpro program. Valpro provides the facility for u sing archived values for various evaluation purposes, without altering them in t he archive. The user decides at the time of evaluation (in a dialog) which value s should be displayed in which raster. In addition to the variables to be displa yed, he specifies the time range, the color and if necessary the mathematical fu nction to be carried out. One can have totals, averages, maximums, minimums or t he power factor formed and displayed. The calculation interval can be individual ly specified. Stored presets can be altered at any time. Engineering System SICA M plus TOOLS With SICAM plusTOOLS, a versatile and powerful system solution is a vailable, which supports the user efficiently in configuring and parameterizing the SICAM SAS (SICAM Substation Automation System). SICAM plusTOOLS is based on Windows 95 and Windows NT. Thus the user moves within a familiar system environm ent and can recur to the well-known, convenient functionality of the Windows tec hnique. SICAM plusTOOLS allows a flexible procedure when configuring and paramet erizing a station, while providing consequent user guidance at the same time. Pl ausibility checks allow only operations and combinations which are permissible i n the respective context. s Permissible input variables are displayed in drop-do wn lists or scroll boxes. s The Drag & Drop function makes it easy to group, sep arate or move data. s Context-sensitive help texts explain the text boxes and th e permissible input variables. s Copy functions on different levels optimize the configuration procedure. s Help texts which are organized according to topics e xplain the configuration. The SICAM plusTOOLS Software Package The SICAM plusTOO LS configuration system is divided into individual, function-specific applicatio ns. Fig. 200: Example of curve evaluation using Valpro 4 5 6 7 8 9 Fig. 201: Hardware Configuration of a demo station SIMATIC Manager The SIMATIC Manager is the platform of SICAM plusTOOLS. With the help of the SIMATIC Manager, the user defines and manages the project and calls the individual applications. The project structure is created automatically in the course of the configuration procedure. The data areas are organized in separ ate containers. In the navigation window of the SIMATIC Manager, the project str ucture is represented similar to a Windows 95 directory tree. Each container cor responds to a folder on the respective hierarchical level. Hardware Configuration The Hardware (HW) Configuration application serves for co �nfiguring the modules and their parameters. The configuration is represented as a table on the screen. The user chooses the components from a Hardware Catalog a nd places them into the hardware configuration window using Drag & Drop or doubl e-clicks. The tabs for parameterizing the modules are already filled with the de fault values, which can be modified by the user. 10 6/116 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SICAM SAS ± Engineering Tools COM IED The COM IED application (Communication to Intelligent Electronic Devices ) serves for configuring the connection of bay devices in control and monitoring direction. The bay devices are imported into COM IED with their maximum informa tion volume from an IED Catalog using Drag & Drop. The information volume can be reduced later. If SIPROTEC 4 bay units with Profibus FMS communication are used , then the information parameterized with DIGSI 4 will be taken over automatical ly. COM TC The COM TC application manages all parameters which are related to th e information exchange with higher-level control centers. The telegrams are conf igured separately for control and monitoring direction. For the transmission of the telegrams in monitoring direction, these are assigned to priority-specific a nd type-specific lists. The list types are provided in a Telecontrol List Catalo g and are copied into COM TC using Drag & Drop. CFC In the SICAM SAS System, aut omation functions, such as: s Bay-related and cross-bay interlocks s Switching s equences (busbar changes, etc.) s Status indication and command derivatives (gro up indications, load shedding, etc.) s Measured value and metered value processi ng (limit value processing, comparative functions, etc.) are projected graphical ly with the CFC (Continuous Function Chart). The scope of supply of SICAM plusTO OLS includes a comprehensive library of SICAM SAS components. The designer makes his selection from this library, positions the selected component by Drag and D rop on his worksheet and interconnects the components required for its function to one another and to the process signals. 1 2 3 4 Fig. 202: MCP Parameterizing 5 6 7 8 Fig. 203: COM IED and bay units catalog 9 10 Fig. 204: CFC with Component Library Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/117 �Local and Remote Control SICAM PCC ± System Design Introduction 1 Changing requirements The ongoing deregulation of the power supply industry has been creating a competitive environment with new challenges for the utilities: s The liberalized production, transmission and distribution of electrical power c all for more flexible operation of the power system resulting in more complex co ntrol, metering and accounting procedures. s The deregulated system structure re quires the extension of load and quality of supply monitoring, as well as event and disturbance recording, to control the business processes and to care for lia bility cases. s Operation data that has traditionally been used only within a gi ven utility must now be shared by a number of players in various locations, such as utilities, independent power producers, system operators and metering or bil ling companies. More effective data acquisition, archiving and communication is therefore needed. s Competition requires that costs have to be reduced wherever possible. The optimization of processes has consequently been given high priorit y. System automation and in particular distribution automation including automat ic meter reading and customer load control can therefore be observed as the futu re trend. The SICAM PCC meets these requirements by integrating modern PC-techno logy and open communication. ICCP (ISO/IEC 870-6 TASE.2) Link To Control Center (Optional) SICAM PCC 2 Router Substation LAN 3 4 LAN-Enabled IEDs Fig. 205: Sample Substation with SICAM PCC (Legacy) IEDs 5 Legacy Protocol (e.g., DNP, IEC 870-5) Link To Control Center 6 ICCP (ISO/IEC 870-6 TASE.2) Link To Control Center(Optional) (Legacy) IEDs SICAM Substation Controller Router SICAM PCC 7 8 Substation LAN ªAº Substation LAN ªBº 9 (LAN-Enabled IEDs) Fig. 206: Sample Substation with SICAM PCC and SICAM SC 10 �Some Typical Configurations PC-Based Substation Automation Fig. 203 illustrates a typical configuration employing the SICAM PCC. The components of such a config uration include: s SICAM PCC. s Substation LAN. s One or more LAN Enabled Intell igent Electronic Devices (IEDs). s One or more legacy IEDs, connected to the PCC in a star configuration. s One or more RTUs. s ICCP communications to a Control Center (optional). s Siemens' SICAM WinCC Human Machine Interface (HMI) (optional component of SICAM PCC). 6/118 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SICAM PCC ± System Design A PLC can be added This, of course, is not the only way in which the SICAM PCC m ay be used in a substation configuration. Fig. 206 illustrates a slightly more c omplex substation configuration which includes both the SICAM PCC and the SICAM Substation Controller (SC)1). The SICAM Substation Controller is an advanced Pro grammable Logic Controller (PLC) (see 6/109 and following pages). Open-ness A pr oduct is not ºopenª just because its manufacturer decides to publish the specificati ons of a proprietary communications protocol. A product is really open if it sup ports standard and de facto industry standard communications. There was a time, not so very long ago, when vendors of substation and control center equipment of fered only proprietary solutions. The designer and maintainer of substations was forced to choose among a number of options, many ± in fact almost all-of which wo uld force the designer to use a proprietary communications protocol. After the c hoice, either the future options became very limited or one was forced to deal w ith the problem of installing protocol gateways. With SICAM, those days are over . SICAM, and specifically the SICAM PCC, are designed with ºopen-nessª as a primary design consideration. Siemens' goal in designing this product line is to provide t he tools and features which enable the user to design and upgrade the substation s the way he wants. The sample configuration diagrams shown are not meant to ill ustrate all the possible configurations using the PCC and other components of th e SICAM product line. Rather, they show that the components of the SICAM product line are designed so that users may take a ºbuilding blockº approach to designing o r upgrading their substations. DSI ªDSIº API Application ODBC User Interface For Con figuration ODBC DSI Central Server ODBC Configuration Data Configuration Data St atus Data 1 Real-Time Data 2 3 Status Data RDBMS Configuration Data 4 Fig. 207: DSI with RDBMS 5 The architecture uses the data distribution subsystem to augment the RDBMS to me et those data distribution performance requirements which the RDBMS cannot addre ss. The presence of both the data distribution subsystem and the RDBMS is largel y transparent to the average user. However, for designers and programmers who wi sh to interface to the PCC infrastructure, Siemens publishes full details of the Applications Programming Interface (API) provided by the data distribution syst em, including all details of the RDBMS data model used by SICAM PCC. DSI (Distri buted System Infrastructure) is a simple data distribution switch which operates in conjunction with a standard RDBMS. While DSI does have some characteristics of a database, it lacks certain others, so it is not referred to as a database. DSI allows distributed applications to share data in a consistent, efficient (i. e. high-performance) manner. There are three basic components which make up DSI: s A central application called the DSI central server. s A collection of interf ace functions which make up the DSI API. s A data model which describes the RDBM S tables used to store the configuration and status information used by DSI and �applications which interface to DSI. PCC At A Glance Platform The SICAM PCC executes on Intel-based hardware running the Microsoft Windows NT operating system (Version 4.0 and above). Siemens chose this platform because it offers an effective combination of low hardware and so ftware cost, ease of use, scalability, flexibility, and easy access to support. Distributed Architecture & Database The SICAM PCC uses a high-performance data d istribution subsystem for distribution of real-time data among system components . The data distribution subsystem permits distribution of applications across mu ltiple computers to address performance, physical connectivity and redundancy re quirements. This means that if a configuration contains more devices than can ph ysically be connected to a single computer, one can distribute the system across multiple computers. Or, if the applications require more processing power than can be provided by a single computer, one can solve the problem by adding additi onal computers to the system and distributing the processing load. In designing the PCC, the data distribution subsystem was combined with a standard third-part y RDBMS. The PCC architecture uses the RDBMS to do what an RDBMS does best ± organ ize and store data. 6 7 8 9 10 1) In PCC version 2.0, WinCC is required for configurations in which there is co mmunication between PCC and the SICAM Substation Controller. Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/119 �Local and Remote Control SICAM PCC ± System Design Interfacing to Other Systems 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The PCC is designed to be an effective integration platform by including support for both modern and legacy communications protocols. The SICAM PCC does several things to simplify the task of interfacing to other systems: s The interface to PCC's data distribution subsystem is fully externalized and documented. All inter faces are available for use by customers or third parties in developing software (including gateways) to interface to the PCC. Siemens provides a Software Devel opment Kit which can automatically generate the basis for a working application, as well as the user interface windows to configure it. PCC's DB Gateway feature a llows you to use familiar RDBMS tools and techniques to exchange data with the P CC. DB Gateway provides a bidirectional mechanism which may be used to insert da ta into the real-time data distribution system via the RDBMS. That is, one can w rite an object into the RDBMS using, for example, SQL statements. DB Gateway wil l retrieve that object from the RDBMS and enter it into the real-time data distr ibution stream for distribution to other components of the system. Similarly, on e can configure DB Gateway to accept data objects from the real-time data distri bution stream and write them into the RDBMS. The user can then read them using R DBMS tools and techniques. All of this can be done with almost no knowledge of t he internals of the PCC architecture ± all one needs to know is which RDBMS table to read and/or which to write. Fig. 208 illustrates the position of Device Maste r in the architecture. In this picture, it is easy to visualize a protocol modul e which is isolated from other system components while at the same time has full access to all system services required. s Version 2.0 of PCC makes available a set of ActiveX controls which can be embedded into an ActiveX container applicat ion. This feature is included as a ªproof of conceptª feature to explore the scope o f the ability to embed a realtime value from PCC's data distribution subsystem int o a ªwebº document. ODBC Configuration Data DSI API Real-Time Data Device Master Device Master API Protocol Module RDBMS �DSI Central Server Fig. 208: Device Master ºEnterpriseº Protocols Siemens is the acknowledged leader in delivering ICCP solutio ns. The PCC's fullfeatured ICCP implementation allows communication with any syste m which supports this popular protocol. PCC's ICCP currently supports Conformance Blocks 1, 2, 5, and 8. Whenever a power system disturbance occurs or even during normal operations, it is very useful to be able to collect a log of changes in one or more data objects. Many modern field devices (e.g. relays, meters, etc.) allow collection of this type of data within the device itself. However, many ot hers do not. PCC's Sequence of Events Logger option allows collection and storage to the RDBMS of any data objects processed by PCC's data distribution subsystem. D ata may be collected either periodically or ºon eventª. Since data are stored into t he RDBMS, they may be retrieved for analysis using standard RDBMS tools and tech niques. ºLegacyª Protocols Perhaps the largest problem the user will tackle in attempting to upgrade and automate existing substations arises from the large number of commu nications protocols used by existing equipment in those substations. Many of the se devices simply will not talk to each other. Many of them will not talk to the control center. Even if a completely new substation is built, one may face this problem because the choice of devices may be limited by the suite of protocols which are supported by the existing SCADA or EMS system. A primary design consid eration in the PCC is the ability to support legacy1) protocols. The ability to support these protocols has been enhanced by a PCC feature called Device Master. It allows Siemens (and third parties) to develop protocol modules in much less time than would be required for a traditional system. This means that more proto cols can be made available more quickly and at reduced cost. 1} ºLegacyª, when used to refer to communications protocols, is an euphemism for ºold and proprietaryº. 6/120 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SICAM PCC ± System Design Data Conditioning The SICAM PCC includes the feature Data Normalization (or simp ly Normalization) which provides a simplified method by which normalize procedur es may be associated with data objects. These normalize procedures perform trans formations on data objects as they enter and leave PCC's data distribution subsyst em. The types of transformation which may be performed include (but are not limi ted to): jitter suppression, deadband calculations, linear transformation, and c urve-based transformation. In addition, custom procedures can be developed and a dded to the system to perform any type of calculation and data transformation. U p to 16 normalization procedures may be concatenated and applied to a single dat a object. PCC's user interface provides a simple, intuitive way to create custom n ormalization procedures and associate normalization procedures with individual d ata objects or groups of data objects. Human-Machine Interface. Frequently, it is desirable for personnel working in a substation to have access to HMI displays. If an HMI is available in the substat ion, costs can be reduced by eliminating or reducing the size of local control p anels and the wiring associated with them. Additionally, well-designed HMI displ ays can reduce the risk of error by presenting data and controls in a logical sc hematic representation ± interlocks can be included to prevent certain operations or to ºremindº personnel to follow certain procedures. If an HMI is used in a substa tion automation and integration system like the PCC, it is important to ensure t hat the HMI integrates well into the system. The HMI must be integrated in such a way that it does not become a performance ºbottleneckº. The HMI must not be the ºcen terº of the substation automation architecture. No HMI offers a sufficient level o f data distribution performance to allow it to be used as the ªcenterº of the archit ecture. Another strong consideration in integrating an HMI is to ensure that who ever has the job of configuring the system is not required to enter data a numbe r of times. Nor should the HMI require the user to become a computer programmer. The PCC's optional HMI Gateway provides a pathway through which data are exchange d between PCC's data distribution subsystem and the HMI. Point and click methods a re used to select data objects which are to be exchanged with the HMI. If one ad ds, for example, a new meter to the substation and one wants to place some data from that meter on an HMI one-line display, only a few mouse clicks are required to perform the task. Typing the name of a data object is at no time required. D efinition of data objects may be performed either via PCC's user interface or from within the HMI. The recommended HMI is the WinCC product from Siemens. While Wi nCC is a superior product, it is recognized that some customers have ºstandardizedº on another product. The Siemens HMI Gateway however is designed to simplify cust omization to meet these requirements. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 �10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/121 �Local and Remote Control SICAM PCC ± User Interface 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 209: PCC Main Configuration Window 6 7 User Interface 8 The user interface used to configure and operate the PCC is very much influenced by de facto industry standards. Specifically, the user interface has a ºlook and feelº established by Microsoft's Windows 95. The great popularity of Windows 95 made this an easy decision. The choice of a Windows 95 ºlook and feelº means that the us er interface is familiar to anyone who has used Windows 95 software. The PCC dev elopment team has worked with Siemens human factors engineers to make the user i nterface as intuitive as possible. The PCC's user interface is divided into two pa rts: s User Interface for Configuration, also called the PCC Configuration Manag er. s User Interface for Operation, also called the PCC Operations Manager. Fig. 210: PCC Configuration Window ± Distributed System User Interface for Configuration The PCC user interface is started just like any other Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 program: 1. Click on the Start button of the taskbar. 2. Select Programs from the menu which appears. 3. Select the SICAM PC C folder from the menu which then appears. 4. Double-click on SICAM PCC. Now a w indow appears like shown in Fig. 209. It looks like the Windows Explorer of Wind ows 95 and Windows NT 4.0. On the left is a navigation window. At the top is a m enu bar and a tool bar. The navigation window can be undocked and then resized o r moved around on your screen. The navigation window has four elements: s A Systems folder: By opening this fold9 10 er, one sees an icon for each computer in the PCC configuration. s An Interfaces folder: By opening this folder, one sees the interfaces which are configured on the PCC. s A Normalization folder: By opening this folder, one is able to creat e custom normalize procedures. s A Tools icon: By opening this, one sees a numbe r of tools which may be used in configuration mode. Fig. 210 illustrates the PCC main window (configuration mode) with several folders open. In this case, the s ystem is a distributed configuration with two computers. 6/122 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control SICAM PCC ± User Interface When the user wishes to work with an interface or device, it is done by double-c licking on the device he wishes to work with. For example, Fig. 211 shows the PC C user interface after double-clicking on Meter1 (a relay which speaks the DNP 3 .0 protocol). As one can see in this illustration, a new window has appeared on the righthand side of the PCC main window. In this case, the new window contains a tabbed display which may be used to select and rename data objects from Meter 1. If a mistake is made¼ The user can change interface and device parameters by do uble-clicking on the appropriate folders and / or icons. For example, by a doubl e-click on the icon for a device, windows appear which are almost identical to t hose used to initially configure the device. By working with these windows, one can make any necessary changes to the PCC configuration. Fig. 211: Working with an Existing Device 1 2 3 4 User Interface for Operation The user interface for operation is very much like what has already been shown. One can switch between two modes by clicking on too lbar buttons: 5 6 selects configuration mode. selects operational mode. 7 The user interface in operational mode looks like the illustration in Fig. 212. Navigation in operational mode is just like configuration mode. The items displa yed on the navigation tree are very similar. s Operations Manager: By double-cli cking on this, the Operations Manager is opened which allows the user to view an d control the status of the software and devices which make up the PCC system. s Event Log: This is a tool which opens the Windows NT event log viewer. It is us ed to examine messages which PCC software places in the event log. s SCADA Value Viewer: This is a tool which allows the user to examine data which is being dis tributed by PCC's data distribution subsystem. Using this tool, one can verify tha t changes which occur in a device are being correctly communicated throughout th e system. 8 9 Fig. 212: User Interface (Operation Mode) s Generic Value Viewer: This is a tool which allows the user to view details of complex data types used within PCC. Lik e the SCADA Value Viewer, it can also be used to view data being distributed by PCC's data distribution subsystem. It can also be used to introduce manual changes in data for debugging, testing, and checkout. The PCC's Operations Manager displays are built automatically during system config uration. The configuration mode to add a new interface or device will appear on the Operations Manager display the next time the Operations Manager is started. �For those who want to customize their display, the PCC user interface provides a n interactive tool for customizing colors and text on status indicators. 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/123 �Local and Remote Control SICAM PCC ± Application Example Application example for Sicam PCC 1 2 3 The example shows the application of SICAM PCC to a large industrial power suppl y system with distributed substations. (Fig. 213) Remote substation 1 has been b uilt completely new. In the existing substation 2 only the secondary equipment h as been refurbished. Control of both substations takes place at the operator wor kstation in substation 2. The operator workstation in substation 2 is only used in special cases for local control (maintenance, emergency control). Substation 1: Consists of two half-bars, each with 2 incoming cable bays and 8 outgoing fee der bays. The incoming feeder bays are all equipped with a bay control unit 6MD6 3 for command output, data acquisition and local bay control. In addition, cable differential protection 7SD600 and overcurrent protection relays 7SJ600 are als o provided. The outgoing feeders each have a combined protection and control rel ay 7SJ63, providing overcurrent protection and bayrelated measuring, data acquis ition and control functions. The SICAM PCC station serves in this substation pre dominantly as data concentrator and communication node for the distributed bay u nits. The connection of the bay units is established by a copper-based multi-dro p link (RS 485 bus) according to the IEC 870-5-103 standard. Substation 2: Distributed SICAM PCC Substation control system FO-ETHERNET ICCP SICAM PCC Win CC SICAM PCC 2 incoming feeders CU/RS 485 (IEC 970-5-103) CU/RS 485 4 ¼ ¼ 8 outgoing feeders 2 incoming feeders 5 6 CU/RS 485 ¼ 8 outgoing feeders Substation 2 Substation 1 7 8 9 �10 Combined protection and control relays 7SJ63 are used in this substation in all feeder bays. Connection to the substation control system SICAM PCC is again esta blished with the wired RS485-bus as in substation 1. The SICAM PCC, located in t he control room of this substation, is designed as a full server and uses WinCC as operating and monitoring tool. The data concentrator SICAM PCC of substation 1 is connected to this common SICAM PCC control station in substation 2 via an o ptical fiber network using the network-capable protocol IEC 60870-6 TASE.2. Fig. 213: System Configuration This configuration provides numerous facilities for expansion. Thus, for example , it is possible to expand bays in each of the remote stations and to link the d evices on the bay level necessary for protection and control via Profibus or IEC 60 870-5-103 to the existing PCC. Additional devices can also be connected to t he control room PCC. For expansion of a complete remote station, it is possible for example to use a further Device Interface Processor as SICAM PCC, to which i n turn devices on the bay level are connected. For expansion of the operating an d monitoring function, it is possible, instead of the Single-User WinCC System, to use for example a WinCC Client Server System with several operator terminals. This system offers redundancy as an option. 6/124 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control Device Dimensions 6MB5515 Front view 37.4 1 482.6 84 E = 426.72 7 57.15 Side view 251 182 Rear view 30 2 6 U = 266.7 AE AR DE DE BA BA BF SV ¼ 57.15 133.35 FP/LPII RK RK SC 3 11 465.1 All dimensions in mm. Fig. 214: Enhanced RTU 6MB551 4 5 6MB5540 Front view 482.6 37.4 Side view 456.1 84 TE = 426.72 217 182 Rear view 6 3 U m = 266.87 7 57.15 FPI RK AE AR BA BA �SV ¼ ¼ 57.15 133.35 7 Subrack 8 11 9 471.2 10 Connection board 45 90 One screw terminal block at top, one at bottom, per transducer module (two of ea ch per module BF) All dimensions in mm. Fig. 215: SINAULT LSA COMPACT 6MB5540, basic frame Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/125 �Local and Remote Control Device Dimensions 1 6MB5130 Side view Rear view 172 37 39 7.3 13.2 225 220 13.2 7.3 Panel cutout 206.5 180 5 .4 2 29.5 3 266 244 245 ø 5 or M4 255.8 4 ø6 5 277.5 All dimensions in mm. Fig. 216: Compact central control unit 6MB513 221 6 6MB5140 Rear view Panel cutout 7 Side view 29.5 172 37 39 7.3 13.2 450 445 7.3 13.2 431.5 405 5.4 8 ø5 266 245 255.8 9 ø6 �10 277.5 446 All dimensions in mm. Fig. 217: Compact central control unit 6MB514 6/126 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control Device Dimensions 6MB522 FSMA optical-fiber connector Side view 30 29.5 Rear view 220 7.3 Panel cutout 206.5 180 5.4 1 4 ø 5 or M4 244 266 245 255.8 2 ø6 231.5 277 3 All dimensions in mm. Fig. 218: Compact input/output device 6MB522 225 221 4 Side view 30 29.5 7.3 Panel cutout 131.5 105 6MB523 Front view 145 5 ø6 ø5 244 245 255.8 6 7 All dimensions in mm. 160 231.5 146 5.4 Fig. 219: Compact input/output device 6MB523 8 6MB524-0, 1, 2 Side view 29.5 172 30 9 Rear view 225 220 8 7 6 5 266 244 FE D C 4 3 2 1 BA 7.3 13.2 Panel cutout 206.5¡0.3 180¡0.5 5.4 9 ø 5 or M4 245+1 255.8¡0.3 �10 ø6 221+2 All dimensions in mm. Fig. 220: Compact I/0 unit with local (bay) control 6MB524-0,1,2 Terminal blocks Terminal blocks Optical-fiber sockets Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/127 �Local and Remote Control Device Dimensions 1 6MB5240-3, -4 Side view Rear view 172 30 9 450 445 8 7 6 5 ML K J H G F E 4 3 2 1 D C BA 7.3 13.2 Panel cutout 431¡0.3 405¡0.5 2 29.5 5.4 3 266 244 245+1 255.8¡0.3 ø5 ø6 4 Terminal block All dimensions in mm. Terminal block Optical-fiber sockets 446+2 5 Fig. 221: Compact I/0 unit with local (bay) control, extended version 6MB5240-3 6MB525 6 Side view 29.5 172 37 Rear view 75 70 7.3 Panel cutout 71+2 56.5¡0.3 7 ø5 or M4 8 266 244 245+1 255.8¡0.3 Terminal block �ø6 9 All dimensions in mm. Fig. 222: Minicompact I/0 device 6MB525 10 6/128 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Local and Remote Control Device Dimensions Case for 6MD631/632/633/634/637 Side view Rear view Panel cutout 1 29.5 1.16 172/6.77 34 1.33 225/8.85 220/8.66 221/8.70 2 ø 5 or M4/ 0.2 diameter 266/10.47 2 0.07 244/9.61 FO SUB-D Connector 245/ 9.64 255.8/ 10.07 3 ø 6/0.24 diameter 4 RS232port Mounting plate 180/7.08 206.5/8.12 Fig. 223: 6MD63 in 1/2 flush-mounting case for surface mounting with detachable operator panel 5 Case for 6MD63 6 Side view 29.5 27.1 1.16 1.06 Mounting plate Rear view 450/17.71 445/17.51 Side view 29 30 202.5/7.97 1.14 1.18 Rear view 225/8.85 220/8.66 7 8 266/ 10.47 2 0.07 246.2/ 9.69 266/ 10.47 312/12.28 244/9.61 FO 9 RS232port Connection cable 68 poles to basic unit length 2.5 m/ 8 ft., 2.4 in 1M case Mounting plate SUB-D Connector 1/2 Detached operator panel 1) applicable to 6MD631/632/633/634/637 1) applicable to 6MD635/636 case1) 10 Fig. 224: 6MD63 in 1/2 and 1/1 surface mounting case (only with detached operato r panel, see Fig. 42, page 6/21) �Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/129 �Local and Remote Control Device Dimensions 1 6MB552 2 29.5 Side view 172 8 39 Rear view 220 Panel cutout 206.5 ¡0.3 180 ¡0.5 7.3 13.2 5.4 3 Bus cover 266 244 BNC socket for antenna 1) 2) ø 5 or M4 245+1 255.8 ¡0.3 4 Optical-fiber socket FSMA for connection of bay units ø6 225 221+2 5 All dimensions in mm. 6 Fig. 225: Compact RTU 6MB552 in 7XP20 housing 7 6MB5530-0 and -1 Front view Side view 1.5 200 20 35 Rear view 20 18 Wall mount 8 300 A 20 20 10 8 8.2 9 400 �10 45 15 225 Cable bushing 25 A Section A-A All dimensions in mm. Fig. 226: Minicompact RTU 6MB5530 6/130 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power Quality Measuring, Recording, Compensation Introduction For more than 100 years, electrical energy has been a product, measured, for exa mple, in kilowatt-hours, and its value was determined by the amount of energy su pplied. In addition, the time of day could be considered in the price calculatio n (cheap night current, expensive peak time tariffs) and agreements could be mad e on the maximum and minimum power consumption within defined periods. The lates t development shows an increased tendency to include the aspect of voltage quali ty into the purchase orders and cost calculations. Previously, the term ªqualityº wa s associated mainly with the reliable availability of energy and the prevention of major deviations from the rated voltage. Over the last few years, however, th e term of voltage quality has gained a completely new significance. On the one h and, devices have become more and more sensitive and depend on the adherence to certain limit values in voltage, frequency and waveshape; on the other hand, the se quantities are increasingly affected by extreme load variations (e.g. in stee lworks) and non-linear consumers (electronic devices, fluorescent lamps). Power Quality standards The specific characteristics of supply voltage have been defin ed in standards which are used to determine the level of quality with reference to s frequency s voltage level s waveshape s symmetry of the three phase voltage s. These characteristics are permanently influenced by accidental changes result ing from load variations, disturbances from other machines and by the occurrence of insulation faults. In contrast to usual commodity trade, the quality of volt age depends not only on the individual supplier but, to an even larger degree, o n the customers. The IEC series 1000 and the standards IEEE 519 and EN 50160 describe the compati bility level required by equipment connected to the network, as well as the limi ts of emissions from these devices. This requires the use of suitable measuring instruments in order to verify compliance with the limits defined for the indivi dual characteristics as laid down in the relevant standards. If these limit valu es are exceeded, the polluter may be requested to provide for corrective action. Competitive advantage though power quality In addition to the requirements stat ed in standards, the liberalization of the energy markets forces the utilities t o make themselves stand out against their competitors, to offer energy at lower prices and to take cost-saving measures. These demands result in the following c onsequences for the supplier: s The energy tariffs will have to reflect the qual ity supplied. s Customers polluting the network with negative effects on power q uality will have to expect higher power rates ± ªpolluter-must-payº principle. s Cost saving through network planning and distribution is different from today's practic e in network systems, which is oriented towards the customers with the highest p ower requirements. The significant aspect for the customer is that non-satisfyin g quality and availability of power supply may cause production losses resulting in high costs or leading to poor product quality. Examples are in particular s Semiconductor industry s Paper industry s Automotive industry (welding processes ) s Industries with high energy requirements Siemens offers a wide range of prod ucts including different types of recording equipment, as well as systems for ac tive quality improvement. 1 2 3 4 5 6 �7 8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/131 �Power Quality Measuring and Recording 1 The SIMEAS T Measuring Transducer SIMEAS T is a new generation of measuring transducers for quantities present in electrical power supply systems. The compact housings are mounted to a standard rail with the help of a snap-on mechanism. Depending on the specific application , the devices are available with or without auxiliary power supply or can be pro vided with a multi-purpose measuring transducer which can be configured accordin g to individual requirements. Applications s Electrical isolation and conditioning Block diagram Serial interface UH RS 232 RS 485 Digital output 2 IL1 Analog output 1 IL2 IL3 Analog output 2 UL1 UL2 UL3 N Analog output 3 3 4 of electrical measurands for further processing. s Industrial plants, power plan ts and substations. s Easy-to-instal, space-saving device. AC 5 Fig. 227: Measuring transducer 7KG60, block diagram Front view 6 75 7 Fig. 228: Measuring transducer 7KG60 90 Side view Connection terminals 8 9 10 90 105 All dimensions in mm Fig. 229: Measuring transducer 7KG60, dimensions 6/132 �Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power Quality Measuring and Recording Functions Conversion of the measured values into analog or digital values suitab le for systems in the fields of automatic control, energy optimization and opera tional control. Special features s Minimum dimensions, s Short delivery time, standard types Outputs s 3 isolated outputs for ¡ 20 mA or ¡ 10 V Serial interface Standard-type RS 232 C (V.28) interface for connection to a per sonal computer for configuration, calibration and transfer of the measured value s; an RS 485-type serial interface is available with an additional bus function according to IEC 60 870-5-103. Auxiliary power Two versions: 24 to 60 V DC and 1 10 to 250 V DC, as well as 100 to 230 V AC. Characteristic line with breakpoint The start and end periods of the analog outputs can be extended according to req uirements. This enables enlarging of the display of the operating range of volta ges, while the less interesting overcurrent range can be compressed. Configurati on and adjustment With the help of a personal computer connected to the serial i nterface, the type of network, the measurands and the output signals can be conf igured to suit the individual situation. The SIMEAS PAR software program enables easy adjustment of the devices to different requirements. Since only one type n eeds to be kept on stock, the user can benefit from the advantages of reduced st orage costs and easier project planning and ordering procedures. The software al so supports and facilitates the adjustment of the transducers. Data output with SIMEAS T PAR SIMEAS T PAR can also be used to continuously collect the data of 1 2 measurands from the transducer and to display them both graphically and numeri cally on the screen. These data can then be saved or printed. Bus operation with IEC protocol The transducer is suitable for the acquisition of up to 43 measura nds and for the monitoring of up to 39 measurands. With three analog outputs and one contact output only part of these data can be transferred. With the help of the RS 485 serial interface which uses the IEC 60 870-5-103 protocol, however, any number of measured data can be transmitted to a central unit (e.g. LSA or PC ). As this protocol restricts the number of data units to 9 or 16 measuring poin ts, the function parameters for file transfer can be assigned in such a way as t o bypass this restriction and to load any desired number of data. and smaller values, s 1 contact, definable for error or limit indication or as e nergy pulse, s 1 serial interface type RS 232C (V.28) or, as an option, type RS 485 for connection to a personal computer for configuration and data transmissio n. Types of connection s Single-phase, s Three-wire three-phase current with s s s s 1 2 delivered ex-warehouse, Complies with all relevant standards, High-capacity outp ut signals, Electrical isolation at high test voltage, Suitable to extend the be ginning and end of the measuring range, s Design variants for true r.m.s measure ment. Additional features of the multi-purpose measuring transducers: s Acquisit ion of up to 16 measurands, s Connection to any type of single-phase or three-ph ase systems, 16 2/3, 50, 60 Hz, s 3 electrically isolated outputs, ¡ 10 V and ¡ 20 m A, s 1 binary output, s Type of network, measurand, measuring range, etc. can be freely programmed, s V.28 or RS 485 serial interface for configuration and outp ut of the measured values. s s s s constant/balanced load, Three-wire three-phase current with any load, Four-wire three-phase current with constant/balanced load, Four-wire three-phase current w �ith any load, Connected either directly or via external transformer. 3 4 Measured and calculated quantities s R.m.s. values of the line-to-line and star s s s s s s s 5 Measurands s AC voltage, s AC current, s Extension of the measuring range is possible. Additional features of the multi-purpose measuring transducer: s AC vo ltage and current, s Active, reactive and apparent power, power factor, phase an gle, s System frequency, s Energy pulses, s Limit-value monitoring. Special feat ures of the parameterizable multi-purpose measuring transducer Input quantities s 3 voltage inputs for 0 ±346 V, up to 600 V s s s voltages, R.m.s. value of the zero sequence voltage, R.m.s. value of the line-to -line currents, R.m.s. value of the zero sequence current, Active and reactive p ower of the single phases and the sum thereof, Power factors of the single phase s and the sum thereof, Total apparent power, Active energy, incoming supply at t he single phases and the sum thereof (pulses), Active energy, exported supply at the single phases and the sum thereof (pulses), Reactive energy, inductive, at the single phases and the sum thereof (pulses), Reactive energy, capacitive, at the single phases and the sum thereof (pulses), Line frequency. 6 7 8 9 Alarm contact s Violation of the min./max. limits for line-to-line voltage in the three-phase system, s 3 current inputs for 0±10 A. voltage, current, active power, reactive power, frequency, s Violation of the mi n. limit for power factor, s Functional error. 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/133 �Power Quality Measuring and Recording 1 SIMEAS T PAR parameterization software Description By means of the SIMEAS T PAR software, SIMEAS T transducers with an RS232 or an RS485 interface can be parame terized or calibrated swiftly and easily. Measured quantities can be displayed o n the PC online via a graphical meter or can be recorded and stored over a perio d of up to one week. SIMEAS T PAR was designed for installation on a commerciall y available PC or laptop with the MS-DOS operating system. It is operated via th e MS-Windows V3.1 or Windows 95 graphical user interface by PC mouse and keyboar d. Operating instructions can be created by printing the ºHelpª file. Communication with the transducer is achieved by means of a cable (optionally available) conne cted via the interface that is available on every PC or laptop. For units featur ing an RS232 interface, use the connecting cable 7KG6051-8BA or, for units featu ring an RS485 interface, use the converter 7KG6051-8EB/EC. Three mutually indepe ndent program sections can be called up. Parameterization Parameterization serve s to set the transducer to the required measured quantities, measuring ranges an d output signals etc. Users are able to parameterize the transducer themselves i n only a few steps. Entry of the data in the windows provided is clear and simpl e, supported with ºHelpª windows. Parameterization is also possible without the tran sducer. After storage of the data under a separate name, the transducers can be adjusted with the ºSend fileª command. They can also be reparameterized online durin g operation. 2 3 Fig. 230: Parameterization of the basic parameters Fig. 231: Parameterization of the binary output 4 5 Fig. 232: Parameterization of an analog output Fig. 233: Calibrating an analog output 6 Features s Extremely simple and straightforward s Calibration As the transducer features neither setting potentiometers nor other hardware controls, it is calibrated easily by means of the SIMEAS T PARA softwar e, by selection of the ºCalibrateª function. Generally, all the transducers are alre ady calibrated and factory-set when delivered. Recalibration of the transducers is normally only necessary after repairs or in the event of readjustment. It goe s without saying that the windows and graphical characteristics displayed in the ºCalibrateª program can be operated with ease. Here also, the test setup and explan ations of how to operate the programm are provided in ºHelpª windows. Features s Sealed for life design s Calibration without tools or special 7 s s �8 s 9 s s 10 s operation Storage of parameterization data under a user-defined name even withou t the transducer Parameters are sent to transducers even after installation on t he site When ºReceiveª is selected, the transducer`s parameters are read into the ºParam eterization windowª, can be modified and can be sent back by selecting ºSendª Entered data is subjected to an extensive plausibility check and a message and ºHelpª are di splayed in the event of invalid inputs A parameterization list with the specific connection diagram of the transducer can be printed A self-adhesive data plate can be printed and affixed to the transducer, including a possibility of enterin g three lines of text containing the name and location etc. When units featuring an RS485 interface are chosen, an additional window is available for entry of t he bus parameters devices s No test field environment is needed Current inputs, voltage inputs and the individual analog outputs can be calibrat ed independently of one another. 6/134 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power Quality Measuring and Recording Reading out data With graphical instruments, all measured quantities calculated in the transducer and power quantities can be displayed online on a PC or laptop , and either in analog form or digitally. To improve the resolution of the graph ics, users can freely choose the number of instruments on the screen and can fre ely assign the measured quantity and measuring range. These are selected and ass igned independently of the unit's analog outputs. Displayed measured values can be stored, printed or recorded for the EVAL evaluation software. Features s Online measurements in the system 1 2 Fig. 234: Measured value display with 3 measured quantities Fig. 235: Measured value display with 6 measured quantities 3 4 with high accuracy s The meters for the 3 analog outputs s s s s s with the appropiate measuring range appear automatically when the program part i s called up Easy addition or modification of meters with measured quantity and m easuring range Selection of measured quantities independently of the analog outp uts Storage of the layout under a file name Printing of the instantaneous values of the displayed measured quantities Recording and storage of measured values f or the EVAL evaluation software 5 6 7 SIMEAS EVAL evaluation software Fig. 236: SIMEAS EVAL, overview recorded values Description With a PC or a notebook with the SIMEAS T PAR software installed on it, up to 25 measured quantities can be displayed and recorded online with the S IMEAS T digital transducer. A maximum of one week can be recorded. Every second, one complete set of measured values is recorded with time information. The comp lete recording can then be saved under a chosen name. Using the SIMEAS EVAL eval uation software, the stored values can then be edited, evaluated and printed in the form of a graphic or a table (Figs. 236 to 238). 8 9 10 �Fig. 237: After setting cursors in the overview, the affiliated measurements and times are displayed in the table Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/135 �Power Quality Measuring and Recording 1 2 SIMEAS EVAL is a typical Windows program, i.e. it is completely Windows-oriented and all functions can be operated with the mouse or keyboard. SIMEAS EVAL is in stalled together with SIMEAS T PAR and is started by double clicking on the EVAL icon. A window containing the series of measurements recorded by SIMEAS T PAR i s displayed for selection. Features 3 s s s s 4 s s s 5 s s 6 s s s 7 s Automatic diagram marking Graphic or tabular representation Sampling frequency: 1 s A measured value from the table can be dragged to the graphic by simply righ t-clicking it Add your own text to graphics Select measured quantities and the m easuring range Easy zooming with automatic adaption of the diagram captions on t he X and Y axes Up to 8 cursors can be set or moved anywhere Tabular online disp lay of the chosen cursor positions with values and times Characteristics can be placed over one another for improved analysis The sequence of displayed measured quantities can be selected and modified The complete recording or edited graphi c can be printed, including a possibility of selecting the number of curves on e ach sheet The table can be printed with measured values and times pertaining to the cursor positions. Fig. 238: When a cursor is moved by the mouse, the measured values and times in the table are adapted automatically 8 Information for SIMEAS T Project Planning The transducer is suitable for low-vol tage applications, 400 V three-phase and 230 V single-phase voltages, (max. meas uring 600 L-L) and currents of 1, 5, 10 A (max. measurement 12 Ar.m.s), either d irectly or via current transformers, as well as for connection to voltage transf ormers of 9 10 1000Ö 3, 110Ö 3, 200Ö 3. The devices can be pre-configured at the factory according to customer requirements or configuration can be performed by the customer himself . The latter possibility facilitates and considerably reduces the customer's expen se for storage and spare parts service. All usual variants of connection (two, t �hree or fourwire systems, constant/balanced or any/ unbalanced load 16 2/3, 50, 60 Hz) can be configured according to individual requirements. Please note that two different types are available which differ in their types of interface: V.28 (RS 232C) and RS 458. The standard interface (V.28) is used for configuration. It enables loading of the measured values to a personal computer, whereby only o ne transducer can be connected to a computer. Both versions are operated with th e SIMEAS PAR software. The RS 485 enables connection to a bus, i.e. up to 31 tra nsducers can be connected to a central device (e.g. PC) simultaneously. Data tra nsmission is based on IEC 60 870-5-103 protocol. The type of power supply is to be specified when ordering, either 24..60 V DC or 100..230 V AC/DC. Please note that analog output 1 and the serial interface use the same potential and can be operated simultaneously only under certain conditions. Ð Ð Ð 6/136 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power Quality Measuring and Recording SIMEAS P Front view SIMEAS P Power Meter SIMEAS P The SIMEAS P power meter is suitable for panel mounting. The digital multi-funct ion display can replace any measuring devices usually required for a three-phase feeder. Furthermore, it offers a variety of additional functions. The optional equipment with a PROFIBUS enables centralized access to the measured values. App lication All systems used for the generation and distribution of electrical powe r. The device can be easily installed for stationary use. 1 96 (3.78") 2 3 96 (3.78") Functions Measuring instrument for all relevant measurands of a feeder. Combinat ion of several measuring instruments in one unit. Special features Dimensions fo r panel mounting according to DIN (front frame 96 x 96 mm). Integrated PROFIBUS as optional equipment. Data output is effected via the Profibus. Measuring input s s 3 voltage inputs up to 347 V (L-E), 600 V Side view 4 5 86 (3.39") 162.2 (6.39") Fig. 239: Power Meter SIMEAS P, views and dimensions (L-L), s 3 current inputs for 5 A rated current, measuring range up to 10 A with an overload of 25%. Communication s LCD display with background illumina6 7 tion, s Simultaneous display of four measuring values, s Parameter assignment by using the keys on the front panel, s 1 serial interface type RS 485 for connection to the Profi bus (option). �8 9 10 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/137 �Power Quality Measuring and Recording Auxiliary power 1 Two versions: 24 to 60 V DC and 85 to 240 V AC/DC. Measured and calculated quant ities s R.m.s. values of the line-to-ground or SIMEAS P 2 line-to-line voltages and the mean value, s R.m.s. values of the line-to-line currents s s s SHORTING BLOCK or TEST BLOCK 3 s 4 s s s 5 and the mean value, Line frequency, Power factor (incl. sign), Active, reactive and apparent power, separately for each phase and as a whole, imported supply, T otal harmonic distortion (THD) for voltage and currents, separately for each pha se, up to the 15th harmonic order, Unbalanced voltage and current, Active and re active power (import, export), total sum, difference, Apparent power, total sum, Minimum and maximum values of most quantities. Barrier-type terminals (ring or spade connectors) Thumbscrew PROFIBUS DE PWR Chassis ground AWG 14 (2.5 mm) V V V V N± L+ G Basic Function Display of the measured quantities and transfer to the Profibus. Captured-wire terminals 6 Information for Project Planning The SIMEAS P can be delivered in different desi gns varying with regard to the measuring voltage, auxiliary voltage, line freque �ncy and type of terminals. It is always designed for four-wire connection at any load. The measuring voltages are: s 120 V, 277 V, 347 V L-N for screw clamps, u p to max. 277 V for selfclamping contacts. s The basic rated current value is 5 A; fully controlled it is 10 A. Two variants are to be considered for the auxili ary voltage: standard version and 85±240 V AC/DC and, as an option 20±60 V DC. The s tandard version of the device can be used only for the display of the different measurands. Communication with a centralized system is possible only in connecti on with the Profibus which can be ordered as optional equipment. Fuses 2 Amp 7 Power supply connections, phase voltage and current connections, and fuse, CT an d PT details depend on the configuration of the power system. Phase voltage and power supply connections: AWG 12 to AWG 14 (2.5 mm to 4.0 mm) 8 Fig. 240: Power Meter SIMEAS P, back panel diagram 9 10 6/138 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power Quality Measuring and Recording The SIMEAS Q Quality Recorder SIMEAS Q is a measuring and recording device which enables monitoring of all cha racteristics related to the voltage quality in three-phase systems according to the specifications defined in the standards EN 50160 and IEC 61000. It is mounte d on a standard rail with the help of a snap-on mechanism. Application Medium an d low-voltage systems. The device requires only little space and can be easily i nstalled for stationary use. Functions Instrument for network quality measuremen t. All relevant measurands and operands are continuously recorded at freely defi nable intervals or, if a limit value is violated, the values are averaged. This enables the registration of all characteristics of voltage quality according to the relevant standards. The measured values can be automatically transferred to a central computer system at freely definable intervals via a standardized PROFI BUS DP interface and at a transmission rate of up to 1.5 Mbit/s. Special feature s s Cost-effective solution. s Comprehensive measuring functions Front view 1 PROFIBUS-DP 20 21 22 23 24 25 RUN BF DIA SIMEAS Q 7KG-8000-8AB/BB 75 8 9 10 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fig. 241: The SIMEAS Q quality recorder 90 Side view Terminal block 3 Communication s 2 optorelays as signaling output, available either for ± device in operation, ± energy pulse, ± signaling the direction of ene rgy flow (import, export), ± value below min. limit for cos ϕ, ± pulse indicating a vo ltage dip, s 3 LEDs indicating the operating status and PROFIBUS activity, s 1 R S 485 serial interface for connection to the PROFIBUS. Auxiliary power Two versi ons: 24 to 60 V DC and 110 to 250 V DC, as well as 100 to 230 V AC. Measured and calculated quantities s R.m.s. values of the line-to-ground or s s s �4 5 90 105 Connection terminals 20 21 22 23 24 25 6 which can also be used in the field of automatic control engineering. s Minimum dimensions. s Integrated PROFIBUS DP. s The integrated clock can be synchronized via the PROFIBUS. Configuration and data output via PROFIBUS DP. Measuring inpu ts 3 voltage inputs, 0 ± 280 V, 3 current inputs, 0 ± 6 A. s s s s line-to-line voltages, R.m.s. values of the line-to-line currents, Line frequenc y (from the first voltage input), Active, reactive and apparent power, separatel y for each phase and as a whole, Harmonics for voltages and currents up to the 4 0th order, Total harmonic distortion (THD), voltages and currents of each phase, Unbalanced voltage and current in the three-phase system, Flicker irritability factor. 7 PROFIBUS-DP Aux. Volt. SIMEAS Q 7KG-8000-8AB/BB Input: Current AC 1 2 3 4 5 6 Input: Volt. AC 7 8 9 10 IL1 IL1 IL2 IL2 IL3 IL3 ULN UL1 UL2 UL3 8 All dimensions in mm Fig. 242: The SIMEAS Q quality recorder, dimension drawings 9 Averaging intervals s Voltages and currents from 10 ms to 10 60 min., s Other quantities from 1s to 60 min. Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/139 �Power Quality Measuring and Recording Operating modes 1 s Continuous measurement with definable Single phase ± alternating current Connection terminals SIMEAS Q 3 4 5 6 7 l L averaging intervals, s Event-controlled measurement with definable averaging int ervals. Storage capacity 1 k L1 N K 2 8 9 10 2 3 Up to 20,000 measured and calculated values. Parameters for the measuring points can be freely defined. The PROFIBUS DP enables quick loading of the measured va lues, so that the apparently small storage capacity is absolutely sufficient. As suming a usual parameter setting with regard to the measuring points and averagi ng intervals for quality monitoring, the storage capacity will last for seven da ys in case of a PROFIBUS failure. Basic Functions In the course of continuous me asurement, the selected measuring data are stored in the memory or transferred d irectly via the PROFIBUS. The averaging interval can be selected separately for the different measurands. In the event-controlled mode of operation, the data wi ll be stored only if a limit value has been violated within an averaging interva l. Apart from the mean values, the maximum and minimum values within an averagin g interval can be stored, with the exception of flicker irritability factors and the values from energy measurement. Parameter assignment and adjustment of the device are performed via the Profibus interface. Information for SIMEAS Q Projec t Planning Up to 400 V (L-L), the device is connected directly, or, if higher vo ltages are applied, via a external transformer. The rated current values are 1 a nd 5 A (max. 6 A can be measured) without switchover. Communication with the dev ice is effected via PROFIBUS DP or, as an option, via modem (telephone network). Auxiliary voltage is available in two variants: 24 to 60 V DC and 110 to 250 V DC or 100 to 230 V AC. 4-wire ± 3-phase with any load (low voltage network) Connection terminals SIMEAS Q 3 4 5 6 7 k L K L K L l k l 1 k L1 L2 L3 N K l 2 8 9 �10 4 5 6 3-wires ± 3-phase with any load Connection terminals SIMEAS Q 3 4 5 6 7 k l 1 k l 2 8 u U v V 9 u U 10 v V 7 8 L1 L2 L3 K L K L 4-wire ± 3-phase with any load (high voltage network) Connection terminals SIMEAS Q 3 4 5 6 7 u k l k l k l 9 1 2 8 u 9 10 u 10 X L1 L2 L3 N U K L K L K L X U X U Fig. 243: SIMEAS Q connection terminals 6/140 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition ��Power Quality Measuring and Recording The SIMEAS N Quality Recorder SIMEAS N is a measuring and recording device which is used to monitor all charac teristics referring to the voltage quality in three-phase systems in compliance with the requirements stated in the EN 50160 and IEC 1000 Standards. Application Medium and low-voltage systems, laboratories, test bays. Portable device for mo bile use. Functions Device for network quality measurement. The measurands and o perands are continuously recorded over definable intervals; in case of limit vio lations, the values will be averaged. This enables the recording of all characte ristics relevant to voltage quality. In addition, this multi-purpose device can be used for general measurement tasks in the field of AC power engineering. Spec ial features Comprehensive measuring functions. A lockable cover protects the te rminals against accidental contact. The operator access can be password-protecte d. Clamp-on probes with an error correction function facilitate connection. A ba ck-up battery stores the measured data in case of voltage failure. The integrate d battery-backed real-time clock will be usable until the year 2097. Output of t he measured values via integrated thermal printer, floppy disk or serial interfa ce. Measuring inputs s 4 voltage inputs, 0±460 V, s 3 of these inputs with additional transient Communication 1 input for trigger signal, 1 contact as alarm output, 1 integrate d thermal printer, 1 3.5" floppy disk drive, 1.44 MB for parameters and data sto rage, s 1 serial interface type RS 232C (V.24) for connection to a personal comp uter for configuration and data transmission. s s s s Function Continuous measurement without storage roughly corresponds to the funct ion of a multimeter. The selected values to be measured are continuously display ed and the whole screen content including the graphic illustrations can be print ed on the integrated thermal printer by key command. This operating mode is used to check correct connection of the device and is suitable for general measureme nt tasks. Monitoring of the network quality is effected by continuously calculat ing and storing the mean values of the measured quantities. In the storage mode, the averaging interval can be configured individually from one period of the sy stem voltage up to several months. Two types of storage modes can be selected, e ither linear mode (stops when the memory is full) or overwrite mode (the oldest data will be overwritten by the new information). With the help of the OSCOP Q p rogram, the measuring data can be transmitted to a personal computer for detaile d analysis. Information for Project Planning The basic version of the device is fully capable of simultaneous acquisition of up to 55 measurands. The voltage ra nge of 400 V +15% is suitable for connection to 400 V three-phase systems. Clamp -on probes (10, 100 and 1000 A) for current measurement are available. The conne ction of a transducer is possible, if a resistor provides a voltage drop of 1 V nominal value. The device can also be delivered for highspeed processing which e nables simultaneous acquisition of up to 186 different measurands. Optional func tions which can be added at a later date by software installation: s Power measu rement of individual harmonics and their direction in order to identify the caus e. s Extension of the device functions for use as an additional three-channel di gital oscilloscope. s Flicker measurement according to IEC 60 868. 1 2 Measured and calculated quantities s R.m.s. values of voltages, AC, AC+DC, DC, s Peak voltage values during transient �3 measurement, s R.m.s values of currents, AC, AC+DC, s s s s s s s s DC (depending on transducer or clampon probes), Voltage dips and voltage cutoffs , Overvoltages, System frequency, Active, reactive and apparent power, 1- to 3 p hases, Phase angle, Harmonics of voltages and currents up to the 50th order, Tot al harmonic distortion (THD), voltages and currents, unweighted or weighted indu ctively or capacitively, Unbalanced voltage and current in the three-phase syste m. 4 5 6 Connection types s Single phase, s Four-wire three-phase current. 7 Measurands and operands, available as an option s Direction of harmonics, s Flicker measurement, s Digital storage oscilloscope. 8 acquisition ¡ 2650 Vpeak at a sampling rate of 2 MHz, s 4 voltage/current inputs, voltage 0±460 V/clamp-on probe or transducer. Operating modes s Continuous measurement with display at one-second intervals, s Continuous measurement with data stor9 age, s Event-controlled measurement with data storage. Storage capacity Up to 500,000 measured and calculated values; various options for defining the measuring points. 10 Fig. 244: SIMEAS N Quality Recorder Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition 6/141 �Power Quality Measuring and Recording Recording Equipment 1 The SIMEAS R Fault and Digital Recorder Application s Stand-alone stationary recorder for extra2 high, high and medium-voltage systems. s Component of secondary equipment of power stations and substations or industrial plants. Functions 3 4 Fault recorder, digital recorder, frequency/ power fault recorder, power quality recorder, event recorder. All functions can be performed simultaneously and are combined in one unit with no need for additional devices to carry out the diffe rent tasks. Special features s The modular design enables the realizaFig. 245: SIMEAS R Systems are used in power plants ¼ Fig. 247: Fault record 5 6 tion of different variants starting from systems with 8 analog and 16 binary inp uts up to the acquisition of data from any number of analog and binary channels. s Clock with time synchronization using GPS or DCF77. s Data output via postscr ipt printer, remote data transmission with a modem via the telephone line, conne ction to LAN and WAN. Fig. 246: ¼ and to monitor transmission lines 7 Fault Recording (DFR) This function is used for the continuous monitoring of the AC voltages and currents, binary signals and direct voltages or currents with a high time resolution. If a fault event, e.g. a short-circuit, occurs, the speci fic fault will be registered including its history. The recorded data are then a rchived and can either be printed directly in the form of graphics or be transfe rred to a diagnosis system which can, for example, be used to identify the fault location. 8 Fault detection is effected with the help of trigger functions. With analog quan tities this refers to s exceeding the limit values for voltage, current and unba lanced load (positive and negative phase sequence system). s falling below the l imit values for voltage, current and unbalanced load (positive and negative phas e sequence system). s limit values for sudden changes in up or downward directio n. Monitoring of the binary signals includes s signal status (high, low) s statu s changes 9 �10 6/142 Siemens Power Engineering Guide · Transmission and Distribution · 4th Edition �Power Quality Measuring and Recording Logical triggers Logical triggers can be defined by combining any types of trigg er event (analog or binary). They are used to avoid undesired recording by incre asing the selectivity of the trigger function. The device can distinguish betwee n different causes of a fault, e.g. between a voltage dip caused by a short-circ uit (low voltage, high current) which needs to be recorded, and the disconnectio n of a feeder (voltage low, current low) which does not need to be recorded. Seq uential control An intelligent logic operation is used to make sure that each re cord refers to the actual duration of the fault event. This is to prevent contin uous violation of a limit value (e.g. undervoltage) from causing permanent recor ding and blocking of the device. Analog measurands 16-bit resolution for voltage s and DC quantities and 2 x 16-bit resolution for AC voltages. The sampling freq uency is 256 times the period length, i.e. 12.8 kHz at 50 Hz and 15.36 kHz at 60 Hz for each channel. A new current transformer concept enables a measuring rang e between 0.5 mA and 400 A r.m.s. with tolerances of