4 Guideline for LI Final Report Writing

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Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance INTRODUCTION This Guideline for SPKAL Practicum Final Report Writing is prepared for the students to guide them in writing the Practicum Final Report. This book is in line and equivalent to the UMS Writing Style. This guideline explains the minimal format needed in completing the students’ final report. This guideline can be used together with the writing method based on their field of study. WRITING ETHICS Plaglarisme is ideas or quotes from others that have been published and used in someone’s writing without giving any credits to the original author. The usage of someone’s ideas or words must be declared clearly in text. Any usage of the original words from the original author must be declared by using quotation mark (“…..”) and also by mentioning the source in text. GENERAL GUIDE 1. Paper A4 Size (210 cm x 297cm) Simile paper 80gm White color 2. Font type Tahoma 11 or Arial 11 ONLY ONLY. * Note: Use only one type of font consistently in text writing. 1 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance SEQUENCE PRACTICUM FINAL REPORT SEQUENCE ORDER Title on the first sheet Declaration Acknowledgement Synopsis (English Language) Sinopsis (Malay Language) – Italic Table of Content List of Abbreviations List of Figures List of Tables Chapter (Chapter 1 to 4) References/ Bibliography Appendices (APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B...) Note : Some of the above subject listed may not be needed in your report. INDUSTRIAL TRAINING FINAL REPORT WRITING 1. Total of Words in the Final Report Not exceeding 15,000 words. Note: * Note: The total of words meant are the words in text only excluding tables, figures, and appendices. Certain reports may not need the specified amount or may need more than the specified amount; or may need based on the total of pages (please discuss with your appointed supervisor). REPORT REPORT STRUCTURE Basically each Report is divided into 3 main part which is : 1. Introduction 2. Text content 3. Additional material 2 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance 1. Introduction Each introduction must contain and must be arranged in order as the following: 1.1 The Title of Final Report – Students must enter their school name, the university’s name, the company’s name, the candidate’s name and year of undergoing practical training. 1.2 Front Page This part requires 2 pages whereby the student must enclose this statement in the second page : ”....THIS REPORT IS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF...” The writing format is as follows : Report Title Candidate’s Name School’s Name Practicum Year Font Size : The report title if exceeds 1 line must be written in centre form : Full name as in Identity Card (centre) : School where the candidate registered (centre) : Practicum Year (centre) : 18 (Capital Letter) 3 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance Example of Cover Page: LABUAN SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SABAH LABUAN INTERNATIONAL CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL TRAINING FINAL REPORT CIMB BANK PENDANG, KEDAH BRANCH MOHD ARFAH BIN ABDUL RAHMAN 2010 4 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance Example of Title Page: 1 inch AGRO BANK KOTA KINABATANGAN BRANCH, BLOCK A, LOT 1 & 2, KOTA KINABATANGAN NEW TOWNSHIP, 90200 KOTA KINABATANGAN, SABAH. THIS REPORT IS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE BACHELOR’S DEGREE OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS (HONORS) INTERNATIONAL & OFFSHORE BANKING MOHD. ARFAH BIN ABDUL RAHMAN UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SABAH 2010 1 inch 5 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance 1.3 Declaration Students need to state down the statement of ”.....I hereby declare that this report is my own work, except for extracts and summaries for which the original references are stated herein.....” Sample Declaration (EXAMPLE) DECLARATION I hereby declare that this report is my own work, except for extracts and summaries for which the original references are stated herein. (Date) (Signature) MOHD RYAN BIN FAHMI BG08123456 CONFIRMATION BY ACADEMIC SUPERVISOR I confirm that this Industrial Training Report was written by the above candidate in accordance with the regulations established by the Industrial Relations Centre of Universiti Malaysia Sabah. (Date) (Signature & STAMP) MS. RATRI WULANDARI ADI KUSUMO 6 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance 1.4 Acknowledgement Students could credit individuals or authority bodies who helped them in completing their final report and must be in 1 (ONE) page only. Dedication is not allowed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (Sample) I wish to thank Allah the Almighty for the spiritual strength, in helping me for seeing this dissertation through and for blessings great and small. This dissertation would not have been possible without the guidance, support and encouragement of many people. First, my utmost appreciation and deepest gratitude to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ricardo Baba and Mr. Hanudin Amin of Labuan International Campus who provided the academic supervisions for this dissertation. Their timely feedback, constructive criticism, directions and patience made the process an academically stimulating and rewarding exercise. I would like to further extend my thanks for their mentorship and friendship, and pushing me so that I could achieve my schedules. Without this combined supervisory help and assistance, my dissertation would not have completed. Second, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my lecturers, Dr. Rosita Chong Abdullah, Prof. Dr. Syed Azizi Wafa Syed Khalid Wafa, Dr. Magdalene Ang, Dr. Andrew Whyte, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norhayati Mansor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fumitaka Furuoka, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wong Hock Tsen and all lecturers during the course of my MBA studies that have enriched my knowledge during the past two years. Third, I thank all respondents who participated in my research. Without whose help and cooperation this study would not have been possible. I am indebted to my fellow classmates Chua Chee Kiat, Ratnasari Moonajawa, Rumaizi Mohd Tejeri, Darren Yeo; and also my friends Andi Ikram, Rasman, Khairul Ridza and Asruzaini who have supported and helped me throughout this research. Finally, my deepest thanks to my family especially my parents Mohd. Nasir Lasetti and Nursiah Baco, my brothers Abd. Rahman and Sa’ade, my sister Sarintang, my sister-in-law Salmin @ Mira Mohd. Zainal, my nephews and nieces Misriaanti, Mohd. Rahsid, Mohd. Hazman, Fatmawati and Mohd. Arfah for their enormous prayers, understanding, unstinting support, sacrifices, patience and love. Source: Shamsulbahri Mohd Nasir. 2009. The Global Financial Crisis and Its Implications on Labuan IBFC: Perceptions of the Offshore Companies. MBA Dissertation [Unpublished]. 7 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance 1.5 Synopsis In writing the final report, it must be written in two languages, i.e Malay Language and English Language. written If the final report is written in Malay Language, it must begin with a synopsis in Malay Language and followed by a synopsis in English Language (Italic). Vice versa. If the final report is written in English Language, it must begin with a synopsis in English Language and followed by a synopsis in Malay Language (Italic). The synopsis writing must include the report’s main issue, the report’s analysis/ approach, and outcomes of the report. The Synopsis Format is as follow: Font Size : 11 Spacing : Single Spacing Total of Words : Written in one paragraph and in one page only and not exceeding 500 words. 8 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance Example of Synopsis (for report that is written in English): SYNOPSIS This practicum report consists of two main aspects. The first aspect is about the study of organizations where the trainer undergoing his industrial training. The second aspect is about the study of the tasks or the jobs that have been done by the trainer during his industrial training. In the organization, the study focused on the introduction of Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak, Sibu Branch's background. This includes the location and the history of establishment of the organization. This also includes the objectives and the philosophy of the organization as well as the organization's mission and vision. However, the organization's function and activities are categorized into three parts that include different functions and activities. The organization structure is also shown to show the administrative system in the organization. Other than that, the analysis of the organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are also studied here according to the observation in time where the trainer is undergoing his training in the organization. To overcome the weaknesses and to use the available opportunities, suggestion to fix and increase the service quality is also mentioned here. As for the job and work study, every tasks and jobs that have been done in the training is also mentioned here. The training is focused more on the activities of zakat distribution to the rightful recipients. The workflow is also presented here from the beginning until the end of the training. Other jobs that are related to the organization are also mentioned here. The last part in this report is the conclusion where the trainer concludes all that has been done in the organization. Source: Khairul Ridza Bin Wahed. 2010. Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak, Sibu Branch, Sarawak. Practicum Final Report.[Unpublished]. 9 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance Example of Synopsis in Malay Language (for report that is written in English): SINOPSIS TABUNG BAITULMAL SARAWAK, CAWANGAN SIBU Laporan praktikum ini merangkumi dua aspek utama yang disentuh di sini iaitu pertama mengenai kajian tentang organisasi tempat latihan dijalani. Seterusnya ialah kajian tentang tugasan atau kerja yang dilakukan sepanjang tempoh latihan di sini. Dari segi kajian tentang organisasi, Kajian adalah ditumpukan kepada pengenalan setiap latar belakang Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak Cawangan Sibu, termasuklah lokasi serta sejarah penubuhan Pejabat ini. Tidak ketinggalan juga objektif dan falsafah organisasi dengan misi dan visi organisasi. Namun demikian, fungsi dan aktiviti organisasi lebih ditekankan kepada tiga unit/ bahagian yang merangkumi fungsi serta aktiviti yang berbeza. Bersama-sama ini disertakan dengan carta organisasi yang menunjukkan sistem pentadbiran di dalam organisasi ini. Selain daripada itu, penilaian tentang kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman organisasi juga dikaji di sini mengikut pemerhatian selama menjalani latihan praktikum di organisasi ini. Bagi mengimbangi kelemahan dan menggunakan peluang yang wujud di organisasi ini, cadangan untuk memperbaiki dan mempertingkatkan mutu perkhidmatan organisasi juga dinyatakan. Manakala dari sudut kajian bidang tugasan dan kerja pula, segala tugas yang dilaksanakan sepanjang tempoh latihan juga dinyatakan di sini. Tumpuan latihan lebih banyak diberikan kepada aktiviti pengagihan zakat kepada asnaf-asnaf yang telah ditetapkan. Di sini juga ditunjukkan proses aliran kerja tugas utama yang dilakukan dari awal hingga akhir. Tidak ketinggalan juga tugasan lain yang berkaitan dengan urusan operasi organisasi akan dihuraikan di sini. Bahagian akhir laporan ialah kesimpulan dan penutup di mana kesimpulan mengenai organisasi Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak Cawangan Sibu serta penutup yang menyatakan kesimpulan tentang bidang tugasan atau kerja yang dilakukan di organisasi ini. Source: Khairul Ridza Bin Wahed. 2010. Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak, Sibu Branch, Sarawak. Practicum Final Report [Unpublished]. 10 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance 1.6 Table of Content Titles, chapters and main subtopic must be listed and arranged by sequence order. Example: Please Refer to Attachment A 1.7 List of Figures This part lists all figures, photos following its sequence in the report text, with page numbers. Figures are meant with graphs, photos, sketches, comic strips, drawings or illustrations. The sequence of list of figures shall follow the sequence order in text. Title structure and sources for figures is as follows: Title Source :On the top left hand side :At the bottom part right hand side Figure gure: Example of Figure: Figure 1.2 : Rizab Sungai tidak Mengikut Liku-liku Sungai. Source: Jabatan Pemetaan Sabah. 11 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance 1.8 List of Tables This part is the list of simplified information. This part lists the tables according to its sequence and order in the final report text. Title Structure and Sources for Table is as follows: Title Source Example of Table: :On the top left hand side :At the bottom part left hand side Table 1.1: Reading ability rate, 1991 and 1996 according to sex and location Source: Public Census Year 2000 1.9 List of Abbreviations (If any) This list is placed before the list of figures and tables. It must be listed according to alphabetical order. o Example: ASEAN Free Trade Area AFTA BNM USIA WTO WTO Bank Negara Malaysia United Sabah Islamic Association World Trade Organisation 12 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance 2. Text Content of Industrial Training Final Report Text content of Industrial Training final report does not have a fixed format. The arrangement is up to the supervisor and the student. Basically, a final report should have the following: Text Typing Text font size : 11 Text font size for Compulsory Topic (Capital Letter) : 12 (Bold) Subtopic font size (Small Letter) : 11 (Bold) Foot Note font size (if used) : 10 Spacing : Double Spacing /Single spacing for foot note Paragraph : The first paragraph begins at the very left side. The next paragraph begins after 12 spaces or 1 Tab. Page Numbering : Consistent with 1 format Margin : 1½ inch/ 38mm from left, 1 inch/ 25mm top, right and bottom side. Language : Malay Language or English Language. (Foreign language must be in italic form) Font color : Black Printing : Dot matrix printing is not allowed 13 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance Example: 1 inch from the top CHAPTER 2 1.5 inch from the left. OPERATIONS, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 2.1. Introduction 1 inch from the right Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) was established on 24th November 1994…….. New paragraph begins with 12 spaces or 1 tab Session 1996/97 is said as the second session of UMS existence. Many changes……. Page number 1 inch from the bottom 36 14 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance 2.1 Chapter 1 : Organisation’s/ Company’s Background Company’s/ organisation’s background consists of introduction : Company’s/ organisation’s name, company’s location ; History, Objective and Philosophy, Organisation chart and structure, Field of industry, staffs/ human resource and other related topics. Lastly, the student need to summarize the chapter with the organization of their report form Chapter 1 to Chapter 5. Chapter 2 : Operations, Products & Services A part that consists of detailed elaboration on the functions of each departments, activities/ operations/ workflow, goal achievement strategies, etc. Lastly, the student needs to summarize the chapter’s discussion with regards to operations, products and services offered by the company/ organisations that they are attached in. Chapter 3 : Company’s Management Strategies The part describes in detail about the vision, mission and goal of the company, identifiable opportunities, company’s strengths and weaknesses, threats to the company, suggestion to improve the company’s performance and other analysists if needed. Lastly, the students need to summarize the chapter’s discussion with regards to the company’s management strategies that they are attached in. Chapter 4 : Training Program Analysis This part requires the student to analyse their industrial training program as a whole. The analysis and evaluation contains the tasks and duties given, the suitability of the training program given by the company/ organisation towards their field of study as well as problems faced throughout the industrial training program, starting from the attachment process until the submission of their practicum final report. Lastly, the student needs to summarize the chapter’s discussion with regards to the analysis of their training program. Chapter 5: Conclusion This part discusses the overall conclusion over the student’s practicum final report. Students might contribute their new ideas that are suitable for improvement in the future, their hopes, their suggestions, etc. Summary Every chapter that has introduction must have a summary that covers everything that has been discussed earlier in the chapter. 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 15 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance 3. Additional Materials The additional materials comprise of: 3.1 Text Referencing in Practicum Final Report This referencing is to acknowledge the authors’ articles that being referred as well as to assist the next readers and writers to know the sources and materials that have been used in any writing. Referencing system to be used in text referencing for practicum final report is: 3.1.1 - Author-Date System This system consists of at least two basic things, i.e the author and publication year. If a writer refers to a particular page, that page must be stated just after a colon (:) which is placed after the publication year. For Western authors or those with surname, then only surname is used. References must be placed in bracket. Example: If the author’s name is in the middle or at the end of the sentence, it should be written as: (Williams, 1965) - a. b. If the author’s name is at the beginning of the sentence, it should be written as: Williams (1965) c. If more than two authors, the name of the first author must be written followed by the word et al. (For instance, the name of authors in a title, Adams, E.J., Stephenson, S.L.Latham, M.C. & Kinoti S.N.) must be written in text as: Adams et al. 1994. 16 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance d. If referring to an author with 2 or more publications in a year, then it should be written as: (Cheah, 1998a) (Cheah, 1998b) e. For Malay author, it can be written by using the first name only. (Ahmat, 1992) f. For articles with no year of publication stated. (Ong t.th.) *Note: *Note t.th. is abbreviation for the referred date and page which is 7. g. For referencing made by more than one source at one place, all sources of reference shall be written and separated by punctuation mark (;). (Ahmat, 1992; ; Mohd Sarim, 1997) If referencing is made from the same author but more than one source, the referencing is then separated by a comma (,). (Cheah, 1998a, 1998b) h. For referencing without author, it is written as follow: (Rural and urban planning act 1976 (Act 171), 2001:3; Seventh-day adventist encyclopedia 1966: 45) 3.2 Attachments Attachments contain weekly reports, raw materials, letters, photo, related reports, statistics, map, computer program, etc. Each attachment must have title. The word “ATTACHMENT” is placed at the top right align (right alignment) 17 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance Format: Font Font Size Spacing Arrangement : : : : Tahoma/Arial 11 Single Spacing Arranged following the page number sequence in final report Example: ATTACHMENT A WEEKLY REPORT THEME OF THE WEEK (DEPT./ UNIT/ CENTRE) EXPECTED OUTCOME : _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ : 1)___________________________________________ 2)___________________________________________ 3)___________________________________________ DAY MONDAY 16/05/2011 TUESDAY 17/05/2011 WEDNESDAY 18/05/2011 THURSDAY 19/05/2011 FRIDAY 20/05/2011 SATURDAY 21/05/2011 SUNDAY 22/05/2011 ACTIVITIES REMARK BY SUPERVISOR 18 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance FORMAT OF BIBLIOGRAPHY References include all sources used as reference in report writing. No references needed at the end of each chapter. All referred and used materials in a write up, regardless it is used in author-date or foot note or end note system, should be included in this part. Each bibliography is written as follow: Authors’ Name (state whether editor, compiler or arranger-if related). Year of publication. Publication title. Edition (if any). Number of issue (if any). Place of publication. Publisher’s Name. Page number (for articles in journal or chapter in book). Each references used must be arranged in alphabetical order While referencing for order. websites / e-mail cannot be more than 5% of the total referenes used. The format of writing bibliography are as follow: Font Size Font Type Spacing Space between References : 11 : Tahoma/Arial : Single Spacing : Double Spacing Bibliography writing example: 1.1 Unpublished Government Record Example: 1. 2. C.O. 874/466-Immigration. Colonial Office 874/1104 – War With Japan. 1.2 Unpublished Formal Document Example: 1. Memorandum Persefahaman Antara Kerajaan Negeri Sabah dan The Summer Institute of Linguistics. 2. Kerajaan Negeri Sabah. Sabah Second Agriculture Policy: 1999-2010, Kota Kinabalu: Sabah Government Printers. 19 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance 1.3 Government Reports Example: 1. PERANGKAAN PERDAGANGAN LUAR SABAH. 1986. Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia. 3-21. Rosenberry, R. (ed.). 2002. World shrimp farming 2002. Annual Report Number 15. San Diego, USA: Shrimp News International. 3. 4. World Health Report 1998. World Health Organization (WHO). 1998. 1.4 Archive File Example: 1. North Borneo Central Archive. No. 66 – Educational Policy of StateGeneral. North Borneo Central Archive, No. 725- Borneo Fishing Company at Si Amil Island- General. 2. 1.5 Department files Example: 1. 2. Fail Pejabat Daerah Beaufort PDB. 7/273/11 – Waran Peruntukan 1986. A Report on Socio-Economic Survey of Fisherman at Kuala Penyu District, 1986. KO-NELAYAN. 1.6 Newspaper Example: 1. 2. Berita Harian. 1987. Kebangkitan Masyarakat Melayu. Parrish, M. 1992. L. A. firm helps utility with innovative plan. Los Angeles Times, 4 August 1992. 2 pp. 20 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance 1.7 Thesis Example: 1. Zulkornain bin Yusof. 1996. Kedudukan Saudara Kita di Sabah, Satu Kajian Permulaan. Kertas Projek Institut Teknologi MARA Cawangan Sabah. (unpublished). Cheong, C. H. P. 1999. Perbandingan morfologi Dolichoderus (Kumpulan thoracius) (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE) dari Sabah dan Semenanjung Malaysia serta potensi Dolichoderus sp. (Kumpulan thoracius) Sabah sebagai agen kawalan biologi serangga perosak. Tesis Sarjana. Universiti Malaysia Sabah. 2. 1.8 Working Paper Example: 1. Ismail Abas.1989. Tarian-tarian Ritual Sabah, Fungsinya dan Masa Depannya. Kertas Kerja Dialog Borneo II. Kota Kinabalu. 12-16 September. Anjuran Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Cawangan Sabah. Badan Bahasa Sabah Dengan Kerjasama GAPENA dan Kerajaan Negeri Sabah. Primavera, J. H. 1994. Shrimp farming in the Asia Pasific: Environmental and trade issues and regional cooperation. Paper 2. presented at the Nautilus Institute Workshop on Trade and Environment in Asia-Pacific.: Prospects for regional cooperation. East-West Centre Honolulu, Philipines, 23-25 September. 3. Anton, A. 2003. Bioindicators in River Quality Maganegemt. Bengkel Enviro-course 2002- Kualiti Air. Kota Kinabalu: Universiti Malaysia Sabah. 1.9 Books Example: 1. Ahmat Adam. 1992. Sejarah dan Bibliografi Akhbar dan Majalah Melayu Abad Kesembilan Belas. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Zimmerman, H. J. 1996. Fuzzy set theory and its application. 2nd ed. New Delhi: Allied Publishers Ltd and Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2. 21 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance 3. Dhont, J., Lavens, P. & Sorgeloos, P. 1993. Preparation and use of Artemia as food for shrimp and prawn larvae. In McVey, J. P. (ed.). CRC Handbook of Mariculture Crustacean Aquaculture 2nd edition, volume 1, pp. 289-313. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 1.10 Encyclopedia Contoh: 1. Coolier’s Encyclopedia. vol. 16. 1985. London: Macmillan Educational Company. 2. Bignell, D. E. & Eggleton, P. 1998. Termites. In Calow, P. (ed.) Encyclopedia of ecology and environmental management. Blackwell scientific, pp 744-746. Oxford. 3. Treece, S.D. 2000. Shrimp Culture. In Stickney, R.R. (ed). Encyclopedia of Aquaculture, pp. 798-868. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 1.11 Dictionary Example: Abd. Bin Nuh dan Oemar Bakry. 1996. Kamus Melayu-Arab-Inggeris. Kuala Lumpur: Victory Agencies. 1.12 Article Example: 1. Appell, G.N.1972. “Murut Depopulation and The Sipitang Lun Dayeh.” JMBRAS,45 (2). 2. Shiau, S.Y. & Liu, J.S. 1994. Quantifying the vitamin K requirement of juvenile marine shrimp, Penaeus monodon, with menadione. Journal of Nutrition 124:227-282. 1.13 Film Example: Filem Cereka. 1972. Kabus Malam. Jakarta: Puncak Keris. 1.14 Map Example: Jabatan Pertanian Sabah. 1996. Peta Taburan Asosiasi Tanah. 22 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance 1.15 Website/E-mail Example: 1. “Salvation Army International Headquaters” in. http//www.salvation.org.hk/www/what is salvation army/home.htm. 26 September 2004. 2. Potter, L., Brookfield, H. & Byron, Y. 2002. The eastern Sundaland region of south-east Asia, www.unu.edu/unupress/unupbooks/uu14re/uu14re14.htm. *Note: *Note - The particulars for electronic referencing sources must be stated all, including the date of the sources being printed. - Electronic references taken from personal websites are not encouraged except those publicly recognized as expert or authority body or any official sources. 1.16 Interviewed Respondents Example: Razak Janau. 74 years old. Jalan Bukit, Kampung Padas, Papar. Head of Village Kampung Padas. “Sosio-ekonomi Penduduk Tempatan Pada Zaman Penjajah.” 26 September 2003. REFERENCING FORMAT Reference is material referred in text only The reference materials should be only. arranged in alphabetical order. Personal interviews, anonymous and internet references are not encouraged except for official sources and recognised E-Journals. Provide all complete informations that contains the followings : Author’s Name(.) Year of Publication(.) Book Title – Italic (.) Editors, Translators – if any(.) Name of Series Book and Issue or Issue in Series – if any(.) Edition – if any(.) Number of Issue – if any (a.) Place of Publication (not country)(:) Publisher’s Name(.) Format of writing up references are as follow: Font Size Font Type Spacing Spacing between references : 11 : Tahoma/Arial : Single Spacing : Double Spacing 23 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance Examples of writing up references: a. Single Author Example: 1. Ford, H. 1997. The International Jew. Johannesburg: Global Publisher. 2. Magurran, A. E. 1988. Ecological diversity and its measurement. London: Croom Helm. b. Multiple Author Example: 1. Ahmad Fawzi Basri, Mohd. Idris Salleh & Shafee Saad. 1991. Bumi Kita Dipijak Milik Orang. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 2. Maryati, M., Azizah, H. & Arbain, K. 1996. Terrestrial ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidea) of Poring, Kinabalu Park, Sabah. In Edwards, D. S., Booth, W. E. & Choy, S. C. Tropical rainforest research-current issues. Monographiae biologicae (eds), pp. 117123. Kluwer Academic Publishers, London. c. Edition Example: 1. Gilchrist, J. D. 1989. Extractive Metallurgy. (3rd edition). Oxford: Pergamon Press. 2. Barnes, R.S.K. 1984. Estuarine Biology (2nd edition). London: Edward Arnold. d. Work with title only (without author) Example: Act. 2001. Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa 1976 (Akta 171). Kuala Lumpur: International Law Book Service. e. Arranged Work Example: Hamzah Hamdani (ed.). 1980. Esei Sastera Dalam Pengajaran, Penyelidikan dan Pentadbiran Universiti. Kumpulan Kertas Kerja 2. Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 24 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance f. Edited Article Example: Rose, R. (ed).1974. Electoral Behavior: A Comparative Handbook. New York: Free Press. g. Karya Selenggaraan Example: Badriyah Haji Salleh & Tan Liok Ee (ed). 1996. Alam Pensejarahan Dari Pelbagai Perspektif. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. h. Translated Article Example: Wheare, K. C. 1980. Kerajaan Persekutuan. Terj.. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. i. Article with Multiple Issues Example: Ensiklopedia Pembangunan Sabah. 1981. Issue. 6. Kota Kinabalu: Usaha Baru. j. Kertas Kadangkala Example: Sharifah Rofidah Habib Hassan. 2003. Perayaan Di Sabah. Kertas Kadangkala Bil. 2. Kota Kinabalu: Universiti Malaysia Sabah. k. Monograph Example: 1. Zainah Ahmad. 2003. Politik Sabah Sebelum Penjajahan Jepun. Monograf 3. Kota Kinabalu: Universiti Malaysia Sabah. 2. Mohammad Raduan Mohd. Ariff. 1993. Teknologi Pengangkapan Ikan di Sabah. Khazanah. Siri Dokumentasi Akademi Pengajian Melayu, Bil. 3, Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya. l. Articles in Journal Example: Mahani Musa. 1999. Malay Secret Societies in Penang: 1830s-1920s. Journal of The Malaysian Branch of The Royal Asiatic Society. 65(2):151-182. 65 *Note Bold font is binding number and the number in bracket is the Note: Note number of issue followed by the page number and the page number just after the double dot. 25 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance m. News/Article in Newspaper Example: New Straits Times. 2001. Sabah to Tap Potential in Health Tourism. New Straits Times. 3 October: 9. *Note Author’s Name (.) Year(.) Title of News/ Article (.) Newspaper’s Note: Note Name (,) Day/Month (:) Page(.) n. Chapter in Book Example: 1. Zaki Tahir. 2003. Pendatang Asing Di Sabah. Dalam Sharifah Habib Hasan dan Zainah Ahmad (ed.). Kesan Politik. Kota Kinabalu: Universiti Malaysia Sabah., hlm. 18-38. 2. Mustafa, S. & Ridzwan, A. R. 1998. Nucleic acid profiles in mackerel, Rastrelliger Kanagurta, From west coast of Sabah. In Mohamed, M., Bernard, H. (eds.). Tropical Ecosystem Research in Sabah, pp. 56-52. Kota Kinabalu:ums. Sabihah Osman. 2000. Tawau: Pusat Kegiatan Ekonomi Orang Jepun. Abdul Halim (ed.). Sabah dalam Perluasan Pasaran. Bangi: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia., hlm. 31.42. 3. o. Article in Post Conference Example: 1. Ismail Haji Ibrahim. 2000. Senario Seni Lukis Sabah: Stail dan Tema. Borneo 2000: Proceedings of the Sixth Biennial Borneo Research Conference. UMS. 557-586. 2. Homathevi, R., Maryati, M., Eggleton, P., Jones, D. T. & Davies, R. G. 2000. Termites (Insecta: Isoptera) Fauna of Danum Valley Conservation Area, Sabah, East Malaysia. Borneo 2000: environment, conservation and land. Proceedings of sixth biennial Borneo research conference. July 10-14, 2000. Kuching Sarawak. p. Article in Magazine: Example: Aliran. 2000. Sarawak native blockade pulp mill project. Aliran 20 (10:33)Ulasan Buku Badriyah Haji Salleh. 2001. Ulasan buku J. H. Drabble. 2000. An Economic History of Malaysia, c. 1800-1990: The Transition to Modern Economic Growth. Hampshire: Macmillan Press. Journal of The Malaysian Branch of The Royal Asiatic Society 124 124(1):111-114. 26 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance q. Paper work, Report and minutes of meeting Example: Minit Mesyuarat Seminar Pascasiswazah. 2002. Minit Mesyuarat Seminar Pascasiswazah. Pusat Pengajian Pascasiswazah Universiti Malaysia Sabah Kali Pertama. Kota Kinabalu. Sabah. 5 Jun. r. Thesis/Dissertation Example; 1. Mat Zin bin Mat Kib. 2000. Perkembangan Mazhab-mazhab Agama Kristian di Sabah. Sekolah Sains Sosial. Kota Kinabalu: Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Yap Beng Liang. 1977. Orang Bajau Pulau Omadal, Sabah: Satu Kajian Tentang Sistem Budaya. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya. 2. s. Film and musical products i. Film Example: Ramlee, P. 1962. Laksamana Do Re Mi. Filem cereka. Singapura: Shaw Brother. ii. Video Example: Muzium Sabah. 1968. Menangkap Ketam Batu di Mengkabong, Tuaran, Sabah. Filem Dokumentari. Jabatan Muzium Sabah. iii. Slides Example: Pugh-Kitingan, J. 1976. Jenis-jenis Tarian Masyarakat Peribumi Sabah. Slaid. Sekolah Sains Sosial. Universiti Malaysia Sabah. iv. Musical products Example: Johari Salleh. 1986. Lambaian Kasih dalam Citra Malaysia. Chorus dan Orkestra. Kassim Masdor (konduktor). Laserlight Series 12036. Santiago: Delta Music Incorporated. v. CD-Rom Example: MacRae, S. 1995. Introduction to Research Design and Statistic. CD Leicester: British Pshychological Society. 27 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance vi. Interview Example: Stephens, B. 1998. Kegiatan Mubaligh Kristian di Sabah. Temu bual. 25 Mei. vii. Electronic References Example: 1. “Keputusan Mahkamah Internasional atas Permohonan Intervensi Pemerintah Filipina dalam Kasus Pulau Sipadan dan Ligitan” (atas talian) http://www.dfadeplu.go.id/policy/releases/2002/pr-56251001.htm. Dicetak 13 September 2002. 2. Potter, L., Brookfield, H. & Byron, Y. 2002. The Eastern Sundaland region of south-east Asia, www.unu.edu/unupress/unupbooks/uu14re/uu14re14.htm. *Note - The particulars for electronic references should be fully recorded, Note: Note including the date of the sources being printed. - Electronic references taken from private websites are not encouraged except from publicly known as expert or authority body or any official sources. 28 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance COVER PAGE AND BINDING FORMAT 1.1 Final Report Front Cover The front cover for the final report must have the followings in sequence; School Name : Tahoma/Arial 18 University Name : Tahoma/Arial 18 Report Title : Tahoma/Arial 18 Candidate Name : Tahoma/Arial 18 Practicum Year : Tahoma/Arial 18 Cover Page Color : Shiny Dark Black Font Color : Gold Logo : Not allowed Type of Cover : Hard cover 1.2 Backbone Part of the Report a. The final report backbone with thickness less than 25mm must have the followings in sequence; Student Name (vertical) Program Code (vertical) Practicum Year (vertical) : Tahoma/Arial 16 : Tahoma/Arial 16 : Tahoma/Arial 16 b. The final report backbone with thickness exceeding 25mm must have the followings in sequence; Student Name (vertical) Program Code (vertical) Practicum Year (horizontal) : Tahoma/Arial 16 : Tahoma/Arial 16 : Tahoma/Arial 16 29 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance 1.3 Binding Final Report is to be bind with hard cover binding both front and back pages. a. Example of report with thickness less than 25mm. 30 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance b. Example of report with thickness exceeding 25mm. 31 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance SUBMISSION OF PRACTICUM FINAL REPORT Students’ Industrial Training final report must reach their academic supervisors latest by the specified date stated in practicum calendar. REFERENCES Ahmad Fuad Muhammad & Balakrishnan Parasuraman. 2001. Panduan Latihan Praktikum. 2nd edition. School of Social Sciences. Allison, B. 1997. Preparing Dissertations and Thesis. London: Kogan Page Limited. Arif @ Kamisan Pusiran. 2007. Guidebook. Practical Training & Practical Report Writing. School of Business and Economics Cavina, Kristan. 1995. Critical Thinking and Writing: A Developing Writesr’s guide with readings. Belmont : Wadsworth Publishing Company. Creswell, John W. 1994. Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. London: SAGE Publications. Gaya Dewan. 1995. Gaya Dewan (edisi ketiga). Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Gaya UKM. 1998. Panduan Menulis Tesis Gaya UKM (edisi keenam). Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Gaya UMS. 2006. Gaya Penulisan UMS. Kota Kinabalu: Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Khairul Ridza Wahed. 2010. Laporan Akhir Praktikum. Labuan School of International Business and Finance. Labuan: Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Samsulbahri Mohd Nasir. 2010. Panduan Penulisan Laporan Akhir Praktikum SPKAL. Labuan School of International Business and Finance. Yasmin B.H. Ooi. 2009. Senarai semak latihan industri. School of Food Science and Nutrition. 32 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance ATTACHMENT A Sample of Table of Content: TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS SYNOPSIS SINOPSIS TABLE OF CONTENT LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES CHAPTER 1: COMPANY’S BACKGROUND 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1.2 COMPANY PROFILES 1.3 HISTORY OF TABUNG BAITULMAL SARAWAK 1.3.1 HISTORY OF TABUNG BAITULMAL SARAWAK SIBU BRANCH 1.4 OBJECTIVES OF TABUNG BAITULMAL SARAWAK 1.4.1 CORPORATE OBJECTIVES 1.4.2 COMMITMENT OF TABUNG BAITULMAL SARAWAK 1.5 COMPANY LOCATION 1.6 BOARD MEMBERS OF BAITULMAL AND WAQAF 1.7 LOGO OF TABUNG BAITULMAL SARAWAK 1.8 ORGANIZATION OF REPORT PAGE i ii iii iv vi vii 1 1 2 4 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 13 14 14 15 29 30 30 31 31 34 39 40 CHAPTER 2: OPERATION, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 2.1 INTRODUCTION 2.2 COMPANY’S GENERAL ROLES 2.2.1 FUNCTIONS OF DEPARTMENTS 2.3 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 2.3.1 ZAKAT 2.3.2 TABUNG BAITULMAL SARAWAK CHARITY PROGRAM 2.4 CONCLUSION CHAPTER 3: COMPANY’S MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 3.1 INTRODUCTION 3.2 MISSION AND GOALS 3.3 VISION 3.4 MISSION OF TABUNG BAITULMAL SARAWAK 3.5 INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL FACTORS EVALUATION 3.6 SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT 3.7 CONCLUSION 33 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance CHAPTER 4: INDUSTRIAL TRAINING ANALYSIS 4.1 INTRODUCTION 4.2 SCOPE OF COMPLETED TASKS AND DUTIES 4.3 THE SUITABILITY OF TRAINING AND FIELD OF STUDY 4.4 STRENGHTS/ WEAKNESSES OF TASKS AND DUTIES GIVEN 4.5 MASALAH YANG DIHADAPI 4.6 KESIMPULAN CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY/ REFERENCES ATTACHMENT A: WEEKLY REPORT ATTACHMENT B: TABUNG BAITULMAL SARAWAK CHARITY PROGRAM ATTACHMENT C: WEBSITE OF TABUNG BAITULMAL SARAWAK 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 50 A1 B1 C1 34 Copyright Reserved ® Guideline for Industrial Training Final Report Writing Labuan School of International Business & Finance Maklumat Tambahan: Para pelajar sekalian, ini adalah sebahagian daripada usaha kecil saya untuk membantu anda menyiapkan laporan akhir anda nanti, dan juga untuk memudahkan dan meringankan beban anda nanti. Sebagai panduan, anda boleh membuat/ menempah kulit laporan anda dengan harga murah di kawasankawasan berikut: Untuk pelajar Sabah dan sekitarnya: Collection centre: Lot 29-0, Ground Floor, Block D, Riverside Plaza, Jln. Bangkabangka, Kingfisher, Kuala Inanam, 88450 Kota Kinabalu. Contact person: Mr. Teh Guan Khai, (016-8809616), [email protected] Untuk pelajar Semenanjung Malaysia: Boleh pergi ke Koperasi Universiti Putra Malaysia. Kedua-dua tempat ini adalah tempat yang paling murah berdasarkan tinjauan yang saya buat selama ini. Perlu diingat, kedai memerlukan masa sekurangkurangnya 4-5 hari bekerja untuk menyiapkan kulit laporan anda. Jadi, saya nasihatkan anda supaya menyiapkan laporan anda lebih awal agar anda tidak kelam kabut untuk menghantar tepat pada waktunya. Selamat berjaya kepada anda semua... Ikhlas daripada, En. Shamsulbahri Mohd Nasir Penyelaras Praktikum SPKAL 35 Copyright Reserved ®


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