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PDS 3D Theory User’s Guide Document Number DPDS3-PB-200010A DPDS3-PB-200010B DPDS3-PB-200010C Version PDS 7.1 PDS 7.3 PDS 8.0 SE Date April 2002 October 2004 November 2005 Pages 1-300 Cover/Notice Cover/Notice Copyright Copyright © 1984-2005 Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Including software, file formats, and audiovisual displays; may be used pursuant to applicable software license agreement; contains confidential and proprietary information of Intergraph and/or third parties which is protected by copyright law, trade secret law, and international treaty, and may not be provided or otherwise made available without proper authorization. Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) of the Contractor Rights in Technical Data clause at DFARS 252.2277013, subparagraph (b) of the Rights in Computer Software or Computer Software Documentation clause at DFARS 252.227-7014, subparagraphs (b)(1) and (2) of the License clause at DFARS 252.227-7015, or subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of Commercial Computer Software---Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Unpublished---rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Intergraph Corporation Huntsville, Alabama 35894-0001 Warranties and Liabilities All warranties given by Intergraph Corporation about equipment or software are set forth in your purchase contract, and nothing stated in, or implied by, this document or its contents shall be considered or deemed a modification or amendment of such warranties. Intergraph believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information and the software discussed in this document are subject to change without notice and are subject to applicable technical product descriptions. Intergraph Corporation is not responsible for any error that may appear in this document. The software discussed in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of this license. No responsibility is assumed by Intergraph for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Intergraph or its affiliated companies. THE USER OF THE SOFTWARE IS EXPECTED TO MAKE THE FINAL EVALUATION AS TO THE USEFULNESS OF THE SOFTWARE IN HIS OWN ENVIRONMENT. Trademarks Intergraph, the Intergraph logo, SmartSketch, FrameWorks, SmartPlant, INtools, MARIAN, and PDS are registered trademarks of Intergraph Corporation. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. MicroStation is a registered trademark of Bentley Systems, Inc. ISOGEN is a registered trademark of Alias Limited. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. _ _______________ If You Need Assistance Intergraph Online Our web site brings you fast, convenient, up-to-the-minute information about Intergraph’s products, services, and direction. Our web address is: http://www.intergraph.com. If You Need Assistance Support For the lasest Support Services information, use a World Wide Web browser to connect to http://www.intergraph.com/ppo/services/support.asp. If you are outside of the United States, please call your local Intergraph office. The most upto-date list of international offices and distributors is available on the web at http://www.intergraph.com. Intergraph Directory The following numbers are only valid in the United States unless otherwise indicated. If you are outside the United States, please call your local Intergraph office. Intergraph General Information All countries — 1-256-730-2000 Training Registration 1-800-766-7701 (U.S. Only) 1-256-730-5400 (Outside the U.S.) Mailing Address Intergraph Process, Power & Offshore 300 Intergraph Way Madison, Alabama 35758 U.S.A. You can also reach us by electronic mail at [email protected]. 3 _ _______________ Documentation Contacts We are constantly working on updates and improvements to the documents and other educational media. If you have any suggestions on where we can improve the documentation or where you think more information is needed, let us know. You can reach us by: Mail Intergraph Process, Power & Offshore Documentation Manager 300 Intergraph Way Madison, AL 35758 4 _ _______________ Table of Contents If You Need Assistance ........................................................................................................ Intergraph Directory ............................................................................................................. Preface ................................................................................................................................................. Related Products ................................................................................................................... Document Organization ........................................................................................................ General Conventions .................................................................................................................... Keyboard Conventions ......................................................................................................... Terminology ......................................................................................................................... 1. What is the Plant Design System? ............................................................................................... 1.1 What are the 2D modules? .................................................................................................. 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.2 Process Flow Diagram (PFD) ................................................................................. Process & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) .......................................................... Instruments and Instrument Loops .......................................................................... Table of Contents 3 3 11 11 11 13 14 15 17 18 18 18 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 27 28 28 29 31 What are the 3D modules? .................................................................................................. 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7 1.2.8 1.2.9 1.2.10 1.2.11 1.2.12 Equipment Modeling (PD_EQP) ............................................................................ FrameWorks Plus (FWP) ........................................................................................ Piping Design Graphics (PD_Design) .................................................................... Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) ....................................................................... Drawing Manager (PD_Draw) ................................................................................ PDS Stress Analysis Interface (PD_Stress) ............................................................ Interference Checker/Manager (PD_Clash) ............................................................ PDS Isometric Interface (PD_ISO, PD_ISOGEN) ................................................. Report Manager (PD_Report) ................................................................................. Project Engineer HVAC (PE-HVAC) ................................................................... EE Raceway Modeling .......................................................................................... Design Review Integrator (PD_Review) ............................................................... 1.3 Project Setup ....................................................................................................................... 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 System Setup ........................................................................................................... 2D Setup .................................................................................................................. 3D Setup .................................................................................................................. About licensing ....................................................................................................... 1.4 1.5 Project Organization ............................................................................................................ Working in Three Dimensions ............................................................................................ 5 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.5.5 Working Units ......................................................................................................... Recommended Working Units - English ................................................................ Recommended Working Units - Metric .................................................................. Reasoning ................................................................................................................ 3D Coordinate Systems ........................................................................................... 1.5.6 1.5.7 Plant Coordinate System .......................................................................... 35 36 36 37 38 38 43 45 47 51 52 54 54 56 57 58 58 59 59 73 87 91 94 94 96 96 98 99 100 101 102 104 Design Volume Coordinate System ........................................................................ Examples ................................................................................................................. DVCS Oriented From Plant North ........................................................... 2. Database Overview ...................................................................................................................... 2.1 2.2 PDS and the Relational Interface System (RIS) ................................................................. PDS System Configurations ................................................................................................ 2.2.1 2.3 Client/Server Relationship ...................................................................................... PDS 3D Databases .............................................................................................................. 2.3.1 Database Information .............................................................................................. Attribute Types ......................................................................................... Code-Listed Attributes ............................................................................. 2.4 Database Definition Files .................................................................................................... 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 Project Control Database ......................................................................................... Design Database ...................................................................................................... Reference Database ................................................................................................. 3. Reference Data ............................................................................................................................. 3.1 Piping Job Specification ...................................................................................................... 3.1.1 3.1.2 Piping Materials Class Data .................................................................................... Piping Commodity Specification Data ................................................................... 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.1.6 3.1.7 3.1.8 Connect Point Data .................................................................................. Piping Specialty Specification Data ........................................................................ Instrument Component Specification Data ............................................................. Tap Properties Data ................................................................................................. Piping Commodity Size-Dependent Material Data ................................................. Piping Commodity Implied Material Data .............................................................. PJS Tables and Functions ....................................................................................... 6 _ _______________ 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4. Graphic Commodity Data and Physical Dimension Data ................................................... Material Description Data ................................................................................................... Standard Note Library ......................................................................................................... Label Description Library ................................................................................................... Piping Assembly Library .................................................................................................... How PDS Works .......................................................................................................................... 4.1 What Happens When I Place a Component? ...................................................................... 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.1.7 4.1.8 4.1.9 Spec Access ............................................................................................................. Piping Materials Class Data .................................................................................... Piping Commodity Data .......................................................................................... Table Access ........................................................................................................... Symbol Processors .................................................................................................. Sub-Symbol Processor ............................................................................................ Physical Data Definitions ........................................................................................ Parametric Shape Definitions .................................................................................. Physical Data ........................................................................................................... 4.2 Generic Tables ......................................................................................... Specific Tables ......................................................................................... Table of Contents 106 107 109 109 110 113 113 115 115 120 124 126 127 128 132 135 136 137 138 138 140 140 142 145 145 145 146 146 147 147 148 150 151 157 158 160 Placing Components On Existing Segments ....................................................................... 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 Commodity Item Name Table ................................................................................. Bend Deflection Table ............................................................................................ Branch Insertion Tables .......................................................................................... Placement Examples ............................................................................................... 5. Creating 3D Models ..................................................................................................................... 5.1 Modeling Setup Requirements ............................................................................................ 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.2 Project Setup ........................................................................................................... Reference Data Setup .............................................................................................. Seed Files ................................................................................................................ Model Files ............................................................................................................. Level Control and Graphical Symbology ............................................................... Level and Symbology Defaults ............................................................................... Graphics Environment for PDS 3D ..................................................................................... 5.2.1 5.2.2 Working with the Graphical User Interface ............................................................ Common Tools on Forms ....................................................................................... 5.2.3 Base Form ................................................................................................ 3D Seed Data ........................................................................................................... 7 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 5.3 Creating Equipment Models ............................................................................................... 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.3.6 5.4 Functions of PDS Equipment Modeling (PD_EQP) ............................................... About the Reference Database (RDB) .................................................................... Equipment Model Seed Data .................................................................................. Equipment Modeling Environment ......................................................................... Equipment Modeling Concepts ............................................................................... Activating the Orientation Tee ................................................................................ 164 164 165 165 169 171 173 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 175 176 178 187 187 188 188 189 190 191 191 192 192 192 192 193 193 193 193 195 195 197 202 204 Equipment Modeling Commands ....................................................................................... 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.4.5 5.4.6 5.4.7 Equipment Manipulation Commands ..................................................................... Component Manipulation Commands .................................................................... Nozzle Manipulation ............................................................................................... Review/Revise Commands ..................................................................................... Define Commands ................................................................................................... Miscellaneous Commands ...................................................................................... Secondary Commands ............................................................................................. 5.5 Creating Piping Models ...................................................................................................... 5.5.1 5.5.2 Piping Model Seed Data .......................................................................................... Graphic Concepts for Piping Design ....................................................................... 5.5.3 Piping Segments ....................................................................................... Active Placement Point ............................................................................ Coordinate System Indicator and Orientation Tee ................................... Orientation Tee ........................................................................................................ Piping Connect Points .............................................................................. 5.6 Piping Design Commands ................................................................................................... 5.6.1 5.6.2 5.6.3 5.6.4 5.6.5 5.6.6 5.6.7 5.6.8 5.6.9 Placement Commands ............................................................................................. Revision Commands ............................................................................................... Component Revision ............................................................................................... Segment Vertex Commands .................................................................................... Piping Revision ....................................................................................................... Model Data .............................................................................................................. Review Data ............................................................................................................ Revise Data ............................................................................................................. Analyze Data ........................................................................................................... 6. P&ID to Piping Data Transfer ...................................................................................................... 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Database Requirements ....................................................................................................... P&ID Correlation Table ...................................................................................................... P&ID Graphical Data Transfer Setup ................................................................................. P&ID Node Numbers .......................................................................................................... 8 _ _______________ 6.5 Update Segment Data from P&ID ...................................................................................... 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 6.6 6.7 6.8 7. Update by Node Number ........................................................................................ Transfer by Equipment Number and Nozzle Number ............................................ Update From Active P&I Drawing ......................................................................... P&ID Data ........................................................................................................................... Name From P&ID ............................................................................................................... P&ID Data Comparison Options ........................................................................................ Table of Contents 205 206 206 207 208 209 210 211 211 215 216 221 223 224 230 230 231 231 231 232 232 232 233 234 235 235 237 237 238 241 242 246 252 256 Detecting and Managing Interferences ........................................................................................ 7.1 7.2 Interference Checking Process Overview ........................................................................... Project Organization ............................................................................................................ 7.2.1 7.3 7.4 Understanding Design Areas and Volumes ............................................................ Setting Up a System to Support Interference Detection ..................................................... Understanding Interference Envelopes ............................................................................... 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3 Understanding Interference Checking ..................................................................... Understanding Interference Plotting ....................................................................... Understanding Interference Reporting .................................................................... 8. Creating Material Takeoffs and Other Reports ............................................................................ 8.1 8.2 Reporting Process ................................................................................................................ Maintaining Report Definition Data ................................................................................... 8.2.1 Understanding Report Files and Records ................................................................ 8.3 8.4 8.5 Format File ............................................................................................... Discrimination Data File .......................................................................... Report Record .......................................................................................... Report Output ........................................................................................... Processing Reports .............................................................................................................. Report Types ....................................................................................................................... Report Format File .............................................................................................................. 8.5.1 8.5.2 8.5.3 8.5.4 Format File Syntax .................................................................................................. Definitions ............................................................................................................... Output Fields ........................................................................................................... Sample Format Files ............................................................................................... 8.6 8.7 8.8 What Happens When I Report On a Component? .............................................................. Material Takeoff Reporting (Report Manager) ................................................................... Understanding Implied Items .............................................................................................. 9 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 8.8.1 8.8.2 8.8.3 Mating Implied Items .............................................................................................. ’*’ Spec Implied Items ............................................................................................ ’+’ Table Implied Items .......................................................................................... 256 256 257 259 262 265 269 271 271 272 272 273 273 275 275 276 276 277 279 284 288 288 290 290 291 293 8.9 Material Takeoff Options .................................................................................................... 8.10 Labels in Material Descriptions ........................................................................................ 8.10.1 9. Create Label Attribute Data ................................................................................ Extracting Isometric Drawings .................................................................................................... 9.1 Overview of Isometric Extraction ....................................................................................... 9.1.1 9.1.2 9.1.3 9.2 The Intergraph Interface to ISOGEN ...................................................................... ASCII to Binary Conversion ................................................................................... ISOGEN .................................................................................................................. Batch Software Organization .............................................................................................. 9.2.1 9.2.2 9.2.3 9.2.4 9.2.5 The Batch Job Input File ......................................................................................... Line Processing (pdsidf) ......................................................................................... The ISOGEN Interface ............................................................................................ ISOGEN .................................................................................................................. Plotting .................................................................................................................... 10. Creating Orthographic Drawings ............................................................................................... 10.1 10.2 10.3 Drawing Manager Setup ................................................................................................. Drawing Seed Data ......................................................................................................... Using Labels in Drawings ............................................................................................... 10.3.1 10.3.2 10.3.3 10.3.4 Label Types ....................................................................................................... Label Definition Data ........................................................................................ Drawing View Specific Labels ......................................................................... Displayable Attribute Label .............................................................................. Index .................................................................................................................................................... 10 _ _______________ Preface This PDS 3D Theory Users Guide is designed as an aid for students attending the PDS 3D Theory Class presented by Intergraph Corporation Education Center and is a supplement to the standard product documentation. It is structured according to the course outline and can be used as a study guide. PDS 3D Theory describes basic conceptual information about the PDS 3D modules. It also describes information which should be considered before starting a PDS project. Preface Related Products For more information on related topics, consult the following documents: Project Administrator (PD_Project) Reference Guide (DEA5027) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) Reference Guide (DEA5028) Piping Component Data Reference Guide (DEA5056) Piping Design Graphics (PD_Design, PD_Model) Reference Guide (DEA5029) PDS Equipment Modeling (PD_EQP) User’s Guide (DEA5017) Interference Checker/Manager (PD_Clash) User’s Guide (DEA5030) Drawing Manager (PD_Draw) User’s Guide (DEA5032) PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide (DEA5040) Document Organization This document contains the following chapters: Chapter 1 - Introduction Chapter 2 - Database Overview Chapter 3 - Reference Data Chapter 4 - How PDS Works Chapter 5 - Creating PDS Models Chapter 6 - P&ID to Piping Data Transfer 11 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Chapter 7 - Detecting and Managing Interferences Chapter 8 - Creating Material Takeoffs and Other Reports Chapter 9 - Extracting Isometric Drawings Chapter 10 - Creating Orthographic Drawings 12 _ _______________ General Conventions This document contains many visual cues to help you understand the meaning of certain words or phrases. The use of different fonts for different types of information allows you to scan the document for key concepts or commands. Symbols help abbreviate and identify commonly used words, phrases, or groups of related information. Preface Typefaces Italic Indicates a system response, which is an explanation of what the software is doing. For example, The text is placed in the viewing plane. Bold Indicates a command name, parameter name, or dialog box title. Command paths are shown using an arrow between command names. For example, Choose File > Open to load a new file. Sans serif Indicates a system prompt or message, which requires an action be taken by the user. For example, Select first segment of alignment Bold Typewriter Indicates what you should literally type in. For example, Key in original.dat to load the ASCII file. Normal Typewriter Indicates an actual file or directory name. For example, The ASCII report is stored in the layout.rpt file. 13 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Symbols This document uses the following symbols to represent mouse buttons and to identify special information: Command button Data button (usually the left mouse button) Reset/reject button (usually the right mouse button) Tentative button (usually the center mouse button) Note — Important supplemental information. Warning — Critical information that could cause the loss of data if not followed. Technical tip or information — provides information on what the software is doing or how it processes information. Map or path — shows you how to get to a specific command or form. More information — indicates there is additional or related information. Need a hint — used with activities and labs, provides a tip or hint for doing the exercises. Keyboard Conventions The following list outlines the abbreviations this document uses for keyboard keys and describes how to use them in combination. You can make some menu selections through the use of keyboard accelerators, which map menu selections to key combinations. ALT CTRL DEL ENTER ESC CTRL+z ESC,k Alternate key Control key Delete key Enter key Escape key To hold down the Control key and press Z. To press the Escape key, then K. 14 _ _______________ Terminology Click To use a mouse or key combination to pick an item that begins an action. For example, Click Apply to save the changes. Select To mark an item by highlighting it with key combinations or by picking it with your cursor. Selecting does not initiate an action. After selecting an item, you click the action you want to affect the item. For example, Select the file original.dat from the list box, then click Delete to remove it from the directory. In addition, you would select items to define parameters, such as selecting toggle buttons. This also applies to selecting graphic elements from the design file. For example, Select the line string to define the graphic template. Tentative-select To place a tentative point on an existing graphic element in a design file. If you are using the CLIX operating system, you tentative-select by double-clicking with a mouse or pressing on a hand-held cursor. If you are using the Windows NT operating system, you tentative-select by pressing a left-button, right-button chord. To select and execute a command by clicking the mouse or hand-held cursor button twice in rapid succession. This term implies that you are clicking the data button () as part of a menu or dialog box action. For example, Double-click on the file original.dat to load it into the new surface. Drag To press and hold the data button () while moving the mouse or hand-held cursor. To key a character string into a text box. To type in data and press ENTER to enter the data and execute the default action. In a dialog box, pressing TAB after keying in data will enter the data and move the cursor to the next field. Preface Double-click Type Key in 15 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 16 _ _______________ 1. What is the Plant Design System? Intergraph’s plant design software can be used to design any type of plant—from petrochemical plants, offshore platforms, chemical and pharmaceutical plants, consumer products (food, beverages, cosmetics, soap, paper, and so forth), to power plants, waste water treatment plants, and cogeneration facilities. Specifically, the Plant Design System (PDS) integrates many discipline-specific software modules; these modules automate the many phases of a plant design project. Instrument Data Manager is one of these modules. Designing a plant with the modular Intergraph-Zydex plant design software system comprises four phases: 1. 2. Project Setup - 2D and 3D design files, project files, databases. Preliminary Design - feasibility studies, cost estimates, general layouts and process flow diagrams. Detailed Design - process, instrumentation, piping layouts, material control. Design Review - 3D model walk-through. What is the Plant Design System? 1. PDS Overview 3. 4. 17 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 1.1 What are the 2D modules? PDS 2D is used to create schematic diagrams and to provide the associated reports and MTOs, and to define and purchase all equipment, instruments, pipe, and so forth, necessary to build the plant. All of the needed data is stored in databases. These are relational databases which you can query, add, delete, or edit information to suit your own or your client’s needs. The PDS 2D modules are briefly discussed in the following sections. 1.1.1 Process Flow Diagram (PFD) Conceptual design of a plant includes feasibility studies, cost estimates, and process simulations. Third-party process simulation packages such as ASPEN or SimSci allow engineers to perform preliminary calculations such as chemical equilibriums, reactions, heat and material balances and/or design pressures and temperatures. The data produced from these calculations are transferred to PDS where a process flow diagram (PFD) is developed. 1.1.2 Process & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) Equipment, instrumentation, and piping schematics are drawn from process flow data using the Process & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID) product. The P&IDs display the overall process in much greater detail than the PFD. The P&ID shows all piping, instrumentation, and controls associated with a particular process area, as well as all process vessels, pumps, motors, and so forth. The P&ID identifies the types of instrumentation and controls required by the process and assigns tag numbers to each instrument item. The P&ID reflects the overall process control through either distributive control systems (DCS), programmable logic controllers (PLC), or stand-alone controller philosophy. When doing propagation (taking graphic information from the drawing and writing it to the database), the drawing is checked for conformance to design rules and the drawing information is loaded into a relational database. 18 _ _______________ 1.1.3 Instruments and Instrument Loops After the P&ID defines the process controls, the instruments must be defined with all of the individual data values. The Instrument Data Manager (IDM) is the database that maintains an entry for each instrument in a project. What are the 2D modules? 1. PDS Overview 19 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 1.2 What are the 3D modules? PDS 3D is used to create three-dimensional plant models, create equipment models, extract isometric drawings, and perform design interference checks and equipment clashes. As with the 2D modules, all of the needed data is stored in relational databases which can be queried or edited. The PDS 3D modules are briefly discussed in the following sections. 1.2.1 Equipment Modeling (PD_EQP) Equipment Modeling (PD_EQP) allows designers to model the equipment defined in the P&ID. Stylistic representations of equipment items are produced, with or without nozzles, by entering data from equipment data sheets noting dimensions and weights. Upon completion, the equipment item is placed in the 3D model. Within PD_EQP, designers can create a physical envelope defining the space occupied by an equipment item along with space envelopes defining maintenance and access areas. This process is instrumental for interference checking later in the modeling process. 1.2.2 FrameWorks Plus (FWP) Structures must be designed to carry the loads from piping, equipment, personnel and other factors to the ground. FrameWorks Plus is used to layout structural frames, foundations, slabs and walls. Piping designers, equipment modelers and structural designers, by sharing reference files, can see the location of each other’s objects. The structural engineer referencing other models can place loads in the 3D model, and apply other analytical characteristics to use with a third-party analysis solver. After a design run, the new cross section properties can be read back into the model to automatically update all the associated symbolized 2D drawings. Other outputs can be obtained from the data model such as material lists, output to third-party steel detailing programs, interference envelopes, and graphic and nongraphic data made available to the rendering and walkthrough products such as DesignReview. 20 _ _______________ 1.2.3 Piping Design Graphics (PD_Design) PD_Design allows designers to create a 3D model of the piping and in-line instruments defined in the P&ID by routing the pipelines through space. When placing the instruments and valves, designers take into account pipeline flexibility, method of construction, and ease of access for maintenance and operations. Designers can route pipe in the 3D model as a centerline representation; moreover, a 3D shaded model can be displayed when necessary. The centerline is intelligent and contains all the information relating to a pipeline, such as the piping material class, nominal diameter, fluid code, insulation parameters, temperatures and pressures, and so forth. The alphanumeric data required for each pipeline can be entered interactively or transferred from the P&ID. This can be done during centerline routing, or it can be added/revised later. What are the 3D modules? 1. PDS Overview A pipeline can be connected to a specific nozzle or routed from a point in space. Components such as valves, instruments and branches can be placed on the pipeline as it is routed. Values for the alphanumeric data—such as line sequence number, nominal diameter, material class, temperatures and pressures—can be set during routing. Interactive design checks are performed for each component placement. These checks ensure matching or compatible diameters, pressure ratings, end preparations, and other consistency criteria. Pipe supports can be modeled giving either a detailed space envelope or a logical representation of the function of the support, such as an anchor, spring, or guide. 1.2.4 Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) Placement of the piping components is specification-driven. The reference data provides the selection criteria for the piping commodity items found in the piping job specification and piping commodity libraries delivered with the product. This data is contained in the RDB and can be used by other projects. The delivered reference data contains 140 piping materials classes, defining over 100,000 different components for pressure ratings from 125-1500 pounds. It also contains an extensive set of catalog data including 2200 engineering tables. Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) is specifically designed to define and modify the reference data for the PDS 3D modules. This reference data ensures consistency in the definition of piping specifications and commodity libraries. It is used to control and standardize the PDS 3D modules to reflect company practices and standards. 21 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 1.2.5 Drawing Manager (PD_Draw) Designers use the Drawing Manager (PD_Draw) product to create and/or revise orthographic production drawings. PD_Draw can be used with other PDS 3D products to place annotation labels identifying intelligent items and model coordinates, to plot the drawings, and to produce reports for drawings and model data. 1.2.6 PDS Stress Analysis Interface (PD_Stress) The stress analyst uses the PDS Stress Analysis Interface (PD_Stress) module to generate a neutral file from the 3D piping and equipment models for stress analysis. PD_Stress interfaces to a number of commercial packages which accept ASCII format. 1.2.7 Interference Checker/Manager (PD_Clash) Interference Checker/Manager (PD_Clash) creates envelope files for all models in the specified project, design area, or for individual models which have an envelope builder specific to each discipline in the Interference Checker/Manager. It also collects envelope data for the models that have envelope files which were previously created by one of the other PDS modules. The checker/manager processes the specified design volume and identifies all of the interference clashes. 22 _ _______________ It then produces reports which allow the designer to review interferences and review and/or revise the approval status of the interferences. The software places graphical markers for the project, produces plots of clashes, and produces an interference report file. What are the 3D modules? 1. PDS Overview 1.2.8 PDS Isometric Interface (PD_ISO, PD_ISOGEN) PDS Isometric Interface (PD_ISO, PD_ISOGEN) allows designers to extract isometric drawings from the plant model, either interactively or through a batch process. The interactive extraction can be used for testing the interface and verifying a specific pipeline. Batch generation of isometrics is used for generating production drawings on a project. With either function, a bill of materials is automatically generated and attached to the isometric drawing. An optional MTO file can be generated which can be printed or used as input to a material control system. 1.2.9 Report Manager (PD_Report) Material take-off reports (MTOs) can be generated on piping and equipment models through PD_Report. The MTO process generates reports by using the graphical data in the specified models to refer to the Design Database, Reference Database, Project Database, and Material Description Libraries for the data on which to report. This data includes implied materials, such as bolts, gaskets, and welds, that are not represented in the model but are necessary for the specified connectivity. The Report Manager also maintains the data that defines the format, content, and approval status of the reports. 23 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 1.2.10 Project Engineer HVAC (PE-HVAC) PE-HVAC allows designers to place fittings and devices while laying out duct routes. You can define the active parameters for duct characteristics such as width, depth, shape, material, construction status, and service. 1.2.11 EE Raceway Modeling Electrical Engineer Raceway Modeling (EERWAY) is specification-driven software which allows designers to extract data from the RDB and create 3D models of cable trays, conduits, wire ways, underground duct banks, and cable trenches. These models can be created using the centerline and/or 3-line component graphics. With these 3D models, you can create interference envelopes and run interference detection, produce MTOs, and extract raceway drawings. 24 _ _______________ 1.2.12 Design Review Integrator (PD_Review) The PD_Review interface provides an intelligent link to Intergraph’s DesignReview package. You can use DesignReview to walk through a PDS model—in full shaded mode—and review the design and alphanumeric data. Design Review Integrator (PD_Review) 1. PDS Overview Engineering data such as instrument numbers, equipment numbers, line numbers, and line sizes are available when walking through the model. Comments are stored in a separate tag file and can be accessed later during the review session. On subsequent walk-throughs, the original comment can be reviewed along with the responsible designer’s actions. Also with DesignReview, the model can be used to train operations and maintenance personnel before or after the plant is constructed. DesignReview is not included in the PDS package and must be purchased separately. 25 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 1.3 Project Setup Before work can begin on a project, extensive system setup needs to be completed. The following outlines the basic flow for initial system setup and project creation. This system and project setup is usually done by the system manager. Once the project has been set up, other tasks are done by the designer. 1.3.1 System Setup PDS can run either stand-alone on a workstation or configured in a server/client relationship. Due to the size and scope of PDS projects, most companies use a server/client relationship. A PDS server can act as a database server, a file server, and/or a product server. File and disk sharing systems such as NFS (Network File System) and DiskShare are used to access files on the server for processing on the client workstations. PDS uses relational databases to store informational about virtually all aspects of the project including: Project data, such as file names and locations. Reference data, such as piping commodity descriptions. Design data, such as temperature and pressure values associated with graphic elements. The PDS products attach to the relational databases through RIS. RIS supports popular Relational Database Management Systems, such as Informix, Oracle, and Ingres. 26 _ _______________ Project Setup 1. PDS Overview 1.3.2 2D Setup The PDS2D product is the base platform loaded on each workstation that will be using PDS 2D application software, such as PFD, P&ID, and IDM. PDS2D is the interface to the PDS 2D application product line. It can be either loaded with the client option to access software on a product server or installed locally. PDS2D allows you to perform project administrative functions such as establish and modify reference data files, projects, units and drawings. A 2D project uses a minimum of two database schemas: A project control database A "task" (or design) database The projcreate utility creates the schema information for the installed database. Once the database files have been created, you can access the 2D environment to create units and drawings for the project. Units are logical divisions of the schematic world of a plant. 27 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 1.3.3 3D Setup The PD Shell product is loaded on each workstation that will be using the PDS 3D products. Other PDS 3D products can be either loaded on the workstation using the client option or installed locally. A 3D project uses three database schemas: A project control database, A material/reference database, A design database. The 2D and 3D project share a common project control database. The Project Administrator is used to create the database files, seed files, and project environment files. A 3D project is divided into design areas by disciplines. Disciplines represent the various 3D modeling applications (such as Piping, Equipment, and HVAC). A design area represents a specific portion of the project for a given discipline. Each design area comprises a set of models that contains the actual design data. 1.3.4 About licensing PD_LICE is client/server based; one or more central servers can be used to maintain licensing information for all PDS products in a network. Though the licensing information can be on a single server, the licenses themselves float, that is, they can be used by any workstation in the network. Both the client machine and license server must have PD_LICE installed. Any machine can be a license server; the licensing has little impact on workstation/server performance. PDS software is purchased or leased by the license. For example, if you purchased 30 licenses, you are licensed for 30 processes to concurrently access the various PDS software applications. PD_LICE keeps a running inventory of how many licenses are in use and how many are available for use. When a PDS application module is started, the application sends a request to run the software; this request is sent to one or more PDS license servers to obtain a license to run. If not all licenses are in use, the server grants the license and the application starts. If all licenses are in use when a batch job requests a license, PD_LICE waits until a license is released (in other words, a user logs out), and processes the request to run. If all licenses are in use when an interactive user requests a license, an error message displays indicating that all PDS licenses are currently in use. You must wait until a license becomes available. For more information on this topic, consult the PDS Licensing (PD_LICE) User’s Guide (DEA5071). 28 _ _______________ 1.4 Project Organization Since a process plant such as a refinery can be extremely large, PDS uses the following organization to break the plant into smaller pieces that can be handled more easily. A PDS project is comprised of the items that constitute a plant, or the portion of the plant being modified. The project is the fundamental structure for working in PDS. Each project contains all the information required to work in a PDS task. A 3D project is divided into design areas by discipline. Disciplines represent the various categories of 3D modeling data such as Piping, Equipment, and Structural. A design area represents a specific volume or logical area of the project for a given discipline. Design areas are used to break up the project into smaller areas for interference checking and reporting. This speeds up processing when only a portion of the project has changed. Project Organization 1. PDS Overview Each design area contains a set of models that correspond to a 3D design volume. Although the illustration above shows only piping areas, each discipline is free to define its areas independently of all other disciplines. The location of a model and the details of the Design Volume Coordinate System are specified as seed data in the model definition. The model is created at full scale. A model is a MicroStation design file that contains pipelines, equipment items, cable trays, conduit, structural steel and other items placed by the individual PDS applications such as Piping Design, Equipment Modeling, Raceway, FrameWorks Plus, respectively. For example, a piping model may contain only one pipeline or it may contain several pipelines. This is up to the discretion of the project team to satisfy the needs of a specific project. Each model may be constructed with respect to a master point of reference, known as the Plant Monument (PM) or it may be constructed with respect to a local or auxiliary point of reference, known as the Design Volume Monument (DVM). The use of the DVM in PDS is analagous to the use of an Auxiliary Coordinate System (ACS) in MicroStation or a secondary coordinate system in other CAD software systems. 29 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 For most PDS projects, the PM corresponds to a survey benchmark or some well known immovable landmark at the plant site from which measurements can be made. The DVM may also correspond to a benchmark or well known point, but it usually differs from one corresponding to the BM. For instance, if it is convenient to route piping in an out-building with respect to the southwest corner of the building, then that corner of the building may be designated as the DVM so that specifying locations within the building during the design process may be more convenient. In either case, PDS always knows how to cross-convert from the two coordinate systems, so both systems may be used interchangeably for the purposes of routing or for annotation of design documents. Drawings are produced from the model. Although drawings can be created at different scales, they all reference the actual model graphics to avoid discrepancies with the model. Each model represents a unique partition of the design database. This enables you to access all the data for a single model (independently of the other project data) for the purpose of creating or modifying information. However, you can also perform interference checking and create reports based on the combined data from all the models in a project. The Project Administrator module controls the creation and modification of the PDS 3D projects. Each project consists of a project control database, design database, piping and equipment models, reference models (structural, HVAC, and raceway), a set of drawings, and a collection of reference data. The reference data may be specific to one project or shared by more than one project. 30 _ _______________ 1.5 Working in Three Dimensions Working in Three Dimensions 1. PDS Overview All PDS models exist in three dimensions. Many design manipulations can be executed in a 2D-like manner, but difficult routing situations and precise device placement require an understanding of working in a three dimensional environment. Any work done in PDS can be viewed in 3D from any angle. PDS drawings are also created in three dimensions. However, all the graphics you draw lie on a single plane. Think of this plane as a sheet of drawing paper on a drafting board. Everything you draw on this sheet of paper is contained within one plane only (has only height and width). This single drawing plane in which you place 2D graphics can be located anywhere within the 3D graphics system. When you place graphics in a plane other than this one, you create a 3D file. Therefore, a design file with graphics on only one plane is two dimensional; one with graphics on more than one plane is three dimensional. The graphic components placed in a PDS model have designated height, depth, and width, making the design file a 3D file. 31 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 All graphic elements must be placed in the design cube. The design cube is a volume of three-dimensional space you can think of as being inside the display terminal (as depicted by the dashed lines in the figure below). PDS has the tools to place graphics at any point in the design cube and to look at the design cube from any angle. Imagine that a design cube actually does exist within your terminal. If that were so, you would look into the 3D design cube from the terminal screen in the same way you would look at a box from one side. 32 _ _______________ You normally think of looking at the design cube from one side or direction at a time. However, you can also look at more than one view, such as the top, front, right, and isometric views at the same time. These views represent the cube from the corresponding sides. Working in Three Dimensions 1. PDS Overview Notice that the isometric view (also called the rotated view) shows the design cube from an apparent angle of 30°. Actually, the view is rotated 45° in two directions: the cube is displayed from the top front right. 33 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 When a three-dimensional component is drawn or placed in the design cube, you are able to see different sides of the component by looking at different sides of the design cube. The cube is built around a Cartesian (or Rectangular) coordinate system with the view from the top such that the y axis is up, the x axis is to the right, and the z axis out (toward you), as shown below. Design Cube Showing Cartesian Coordinate System 34 _ _______________ 1.5.1 Working Units The working units for a design volume define the extent of the design volume and the precision of operations. You can revise the working units to be used for any model or drawing files created in the project. For interference checking and reference models to work properly, any changes to the working units should be made for all the 3D models for the project. Working Units 1. PDS Overview Each 3D design file is composed of over 4,000,000,000 units of resolution (UORs). Working units relate UORs to a measurement unit such as feet or meters and define how these units are divided. The total units of resolution are divided into master units, sub units, and positional units (MU:SU:PU) which define the number of addressable points and thereby the precision of operations. The following outlines the standard working unit definitions for PDS. 35 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 1.5.2 Recommended Working Units - English File Models (Piping, Equipment, Structural, Raceway, HVAC, Civil, Architecture, MicroStation) Drawing MU 1 FT SU 12 IN PU 2032 Area 176138 FT 1 FT 12 IN 195072 1834 FT 1.5.3 Recommended Working Units - Metric File Models Drawing MU 1M 1M SU 1000 MM 1000 MM PU 80 7680 Area 53687 M 536 M 36 _ _______________ 1.5.4 Reasoning The recommended PDS settings for English working units results in 24,384 UORs per foot (1x12x2032). Dividing this number into the available UORs in the design file yields an area of coverage of 176,138.75 feet or 33.3 miles. Working units establish the scale of the data. The actual SU and PU values do not matter as long as the total UORs per master unit are the same. Therefore the English units can be converted to metric units to create compatible models. Dividing the total UORs per foot by the metric conversion factor provides the UORs per meter. 24384 ______ = 80000 UORs per meter .3048 This value was used to assign the metric values 1:1000:80. Therefore, the values of 1:12:2032 for English units and 1:1000:80 for metric units are compatible. The recommended English (2032) and metric (80) values allow a file created using the English system to be viewed and edited in metric mode without scaling or altering data. The positional units for drawings should be defined so that the drawing has the same resolution as the model. To maintain the same resolution, the smallest drawing view scale is used so that the PUs of the drawing file are no less than the maximum factor times the PUs used in the model. For English units, the smallest drawing view scale for the delivered drawing seed files is 1/8" = 1’ (12"). This yields a factor of 96 to be applied to the model units to determine the drawing units. Working Units 1. PDS Overview 12 _ __ = 96 1/8 2032 x 96 = 195072 For metric units, the factor is 100 (96 x 80 = 7680). 37 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 1.5.5 3D Coordinate Systems The 3D coordinate systems used in PDS are Cartesian, or rectangular, coordinate systems, which define points within the space of the design cube by measuring distances along the x, y, and z axes. Rather than use x, y, and z axes, which change according to the view alignment, PDS uses Easting, Northing, and Elevation axes. Plant Coordinate System The Plant Coordinate System (PCS) is defined in terms of a plant monument. The plant monument defines the Easting, Northing, and Elevation coordinates to be assigned to the center of the MicroStation design volume. The following form, found in Project Data Manager, is used to specify the Easting, Northing, and Elevation values of the plant monument. This must be done prior to any design file definition. 38 _ _______________ 3D Coordinate Systems 1. PDS Overview The plant monument is located at the MicroStation point designated as 0, 0, 0. The following diagram illustrates the Plant Coordinate system when accepting the default values (0, 0, 0) for the plant monument and when the recommended working units are used: 39 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 As previously mentioned, the default working units yield an area of coverage of 176,138.75’ (33.3 miles, or 53.58 Kilometers). Since the plant monument is always in the center of the design cube, you can divide 176,135.75’ by 2 to determine the extents of the Plant Coordinate System. The maximum Easting, Northing, and Westing, Southing, Up, or Down coordinate is 88,069’ - 4.5" Entering the Easting value of -5000 is the same as entering Westing 5000; Northing -20,000 is the same as Southing 20,000. Do not modify the MicroStation Global Origin for piping or equipment seed files or models. In general, this is also not necessary for other disciplines’ seed or design files. Only if it appears that there will not be enough design plane to contain all graphics (such as may be the case for large material-conveying systems spanning several miles) should you even consider a global origin change. It would always be a good idea to consult a PDS Support contact before making such a change. If only positive Easting, Northing, and Westing values are entered, and the default plant monument values were accepted, you are restricted to using only half of the available design volume. To work within the contraints of positive Easting and Northing values and still use the entire design cube, you must modify the Easting and Northing values of the plant monument. For example, let us assume that the Plant monument is defined to be Easting 88,069’ - 4.5", Northing 88,069’ - 4.5", and Elevation 0, as shown below. 40 _ _______________ 3D Coordinate Systems 1. PDS Overview With these settings, the Plant Coordinate System would be defined as follows: The orientation of the plant coordinate system changes as you look at different views of the graphic component, but it stays the same in relation to the component. 41 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 The graphic below shows a plant model with preliminary piping and equipment. The front of the plant is seen in the front view, the top of the plant in the top view, and so forth. The coordinate system stays the same in relation to the design. Looking at each view, however, gives you a different perspective of the coordinate system. 42 _ _______________ 1.5.6 Design Volume Coordinate System Design Volume Coordinate System 1. PDS Overview The Design Volume Coordinate System (DVCS) is a second coordinate system (in addition to the Plant Coordinate System) that can be defined for an individual model. A DVCS is only required if different models need to have their coordinates referenced from a different point; it is analogous to the MicroStation Auxiliary Coordinate System. The DVCS is defined in terms of a Design Volume Monument, which defines the Easting, Northing, and Elevation coordinates to be assigned to the center of the design volume of the model. You can select from two orientations (or use the Other button to select the preferred degree value) to define the plan view for the design volume, through the Project Data Manager. ↑North defines North at the top of the screen in a plan view. North→ defines North at the right of the screen in a plan view. Other allows you to define North as a keyed-in degree value. 43 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 The system uses the global coordinate system to maintain the relationship among the various reference models attached to the working model. 44 _ _______________ 1.5.7 Examples The following examples show various ways of modifying the Plant Coordinate System or Design Volume Coordinate System for various working conditions. Examples 1. PDS Overview 45 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 46 _ _______________ DVCS Oriented From Plant North With values keyed into the Design Volume Corrdinate System Definition form as shown below, the design volume monument would be located at 350, 325, 0, and it would be rotated 350 degrees (clockwise) from Plant North. DVCS Oriented From Plant North 1. PDS Overview 47 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 If a plant consisted of 3 buildings within a 33.3-mile range, with each building at a different angle than the other two, then the files might be defined as follows: Note that, in the example, a unique design volume coordinate system has been defined for each model. While placing components in Building 1, the user might prefer to enter values relative to the SW corner of the building, rather than entering the large values associated with the Plant Coordinate system. To do this, the project administrator should create a model with a Design Volume Monument located at the SW corner. In Plant Coordinate System, this coordinate would be Easting -60,000 (Westing 60,000), Northing -75,000 (Southing 75,000), and Elevation 0. In the Design Volume coordinate system, the location should be Easting 0, Northing 0, and Elevation 0. When a Design Volume Coordinate System has been defined, the user has the choice of viewing and entering coordinates using the Design Volume Coordinate System or the Plant Coordinate System. This capability becomes even more valuable when placing components in buildings such as Building 2 and Building 3, which are rotated with respect to Plant North. Review the coordinates for these buildings in the next three screen images. 48 _ _______________ Building 1 DVCS Oriented From Plant North 1. PDS Overview Notice that the design volume is NOT ROTATED with respect to the PCS. Building 2 Notice that the design volume is ROTATED 330 DEGREES with respect to the PCS. 49 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Building 3 Notice that the design volume is ROTATED 30 DEGREES with respect to the PCS. 50 _ _______________ 2. Database Overview PDS uses relational databases to store information about virtually all aspects of the project including: Project data, such as file names and locations. Reference data, such as piping commodity descriptions. Database Overview Design data, such as temperature and pressure values associated with graphic elements. 2. Database Overview PDS provides a consistent interface for the maintenance of these databases. All databases you create will be relational databases, meaning that they are based on a relational data model–a relation being a two-dimensional table made up of rows and columns. Most relational databases have a Structured Query Language (SQL) interface. The PDS products attach to the relational databases through Intergraph Corporation’s Relational Interface System (RIS). RIS is a generic relational database interface that isolates the SQL interface differences in specific vendors’ relational database management systems (RDBMSs). It provides a generic networked access to all databases generated with popular RDBMSs supported by RIS, including Informix (both Standard Engine and On-line), Oracle, and Sybase. 51 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 2.1 PDS and the Relational Interface System (RIS) PDS uses RIS to define information in an RDBMS. An RIS schema identifies a unique database/user combination in the commercial database system. Users are established for different RDBMSs in different ways; in fact, the concept of a database differs greatly from one RDBMS to another. The various interfaces provided in PDS let you maintain databases through RIS efficiently, without requiring you to know the differences between RDBMSs or the syntax of the RIS create schema statement. RIS works in conjunction with existing databases. You must have RIS implemented on your network and also have one of the Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMSs) supported by RIS, such as Informix (SE or On-line), Oracle, or Ingres. Intergraph Corporation recommends that database creation and manipulations be performed at the System Manager level. The System Manager should be familiar with the theory and practice of the Relational Interface System to be successful. See the Relational Interface System (RIS) Reference Manual for full information. The database installation program involves significant decisions regarding the size of the database to be created, the maximum number of users to be supported, the frequency of automatic backups, and other important issues. Intergraph Corporation recommends that a system manager who has reviewed the database installation programs install and configure the databases. 3D RIS Overview 52 _ _______________ Database Overview 2. Database Overview 2D RIS Overview The Intergraph product numbers for the relational database products and the corresponding RIS products are documented in the latest ’workstation newsletter’. All ISS products (nucleus software) should also be up to date and compatible. 53 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 2.2 PDS System Configurations This section describes the configuration options for PDS. PDS can be implemented on a network consisiting of file servers, database servers, and client nodes. 2.2.1 Client/Server Relationship PDS is scalable and can be run on a single node or distributed across a number of client and server nodes. Client nodes can be Intergraph Clipper workstations, or Intel workstations running Windows NT workstation software. Server nodes can be Intergraph Clipper servers or multi-processor type Intel servers running Windows NT server software. Server nodes can be classified into three categories: Database Server This is the location of the Relational Databases. All databases will be created and stored on this machine. Software Server This is the location of the PDS application products. By using a software server, you can load all of the PDS software in a central location and have individual workstations access the software through the network. 54 _ _______________ File Server PDS System Configurations This is the central location used to store the project files such as reference data libraries, seed files, model files, drawings, and reports. Depending on system requirements you can designate one server to perform all of these duties or distribute them among multiple machines. A client is a node which accesses data or performs a function on the remote resource (usually a server). In most PDS configurations, the files reside on the server and processing takes place on the client workstation. 2. Database Overview 55 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 2.3 PDS 3D Databases A 3D project uses three database schemas as outlined in the following illustration. 56 _ _______________ The 2D and 3D project share a common project control database. PDS 3D Databases 2. Database Overview The Project Administrator is used to create the database files, seed files, and project environment files. A 3D project is divided into design areas by disciplines. Disciplines represent the various 3D modeling applications (such as Piping, Equipment, and HVAC). A design area represents a specific volume of the project for a given discipline. Each design area comprises a set of models which contain the actual design data. 2.3.1 Database Information A database is a collection of formatted data which conforms to a set of predefined rules. The PDS Databases are composed of a set of tables (entities) which represent categories of data. A table is a defined set of columns (attributes) which describe an item, such as the Piping Commodity Data table. An attribute is a single type of information to be stored about an item, such as nominal diameter or end preparation. Each attribute has a column number in the database table and a name which describes the piece of information to be stored. The actual information stored in the database is referred to as the attribute value. 57 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Attribute Types The following conventions are used to designate the field type for database attributes. character(n) integer short double standard note nnnn alphanumeric field n characters in length double word integer short integer real (floating point) value Standard Note Type for code-listed attribute Code-Listed Attributes A code-listed attribute is an attribute whose value must be defined using one of the selections from a particular code list in the Standard Note Library. In the database definition files, attributes which are code-listed are identified by a standard note number at the end of the line following the field type description. For example, the line 6. fluid_code , character(6) , standard note 125 indicates that fluid_code is defined in terms of code list numbers belonging to Standard Note 125, Fluid Code/Connector Type. A possible entry for this attribute would be 197 for chlorine gas (GCL). CL125, Fluid Code/Connector Type (999) 1 = [Blank] 11 14 17 20 : : 191 194 197 198 200 203 206 209 = = = = = = = = G GCD GCL GCN GF GG GH GHS [Gas] [Carbon dioxide gas] [Chlorine gas] [Chlorination gas] [Fuel gas] [Flue gas] [Hydrogen gas] [Hydrogen sulphide gas] = = = = A AC AE AI [Air] [Combustion air] [Aeration air] [Instrument air] 58 _ _______________ 2.4 Database Definition Files Database Definition Files This section lists the delivered database definition (ddl) files for Workstation PDS. These files are delivered with the PD_Shell product in the directory win32app\ingr\pdshell\ddl. When you create a project, the system copies these files to the project directory and uses them to create the database tables and columns. 2.4.1 Project Control Database 2. Database Overview # Project Control Database # Default Relational Database Definition # The user must not revise this database definition other than to change # column names. ################################################### # Project Description Data table number = 101 , number of columns = 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 , , , , , , system_unique_no project_no project_name job_no company_name plant_name , , , , , , integer character(15) character(40) character(40) character(40) character(40) ################################################### # Reference Database Management Data table number = 102, number of columns = 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 , , , , , , , , , type_of_rdb_data approval_status rdb_file_spec path_name network_address lock_owner lock_status lock_date revision_date , , , , , , , , , short short character(14) character(36) character(26) character(10) short integer integer ################################################### # Project Control Data table number = 103 , number of columns = 39 59 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, product_version_no report_path report_node report_format_path report_format_node report_filter_path report_filter_node piping_eden_path piping_eden_node eden_table_path eden_table_node piping_spec_path piping_spec_node assembly_path assembly_node model_builder_path model_builder_node design_review_path design_review_node std_note_lib_path std_note_lib_node eqp_eden_path eqp_eden_node tdf_table_path tdf_table_node clash_report_path clash_report_node clash_plot_path clash_plot_node mdl_status_low_dr mdl_status_high_dr mdl_status_low_ic mdl_status_high_ic area_owner_opt_ic eqp_insul_opt_ic eqp_con_tol_opt_ic clash_rpt_index_no report_search_path report_search_node , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , short character(36) character(26) character(36) character(26) character(36) character(26) character(36) character(26) character(36) character(26) character(36) character(26) character(36) character(26) character(36) character(26) character(36) character(26) character(36) character(26) character(36) character(26) character(36) character(26) character(36) character(26) character(36) character(26) short short short short short short short integer character(36) character(26) , , , , standard standard standard standard note note note note 1605 1605 1605 1605 ################################################### # Project Archival Management Data table number = 104, number of columns = 10 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, archival_index_no archival_number archival_descript archival_file_spec path_name network_address month_map day_of_week_map day_map time_of_day , , , , , , , , , , integer character(24) character(40) character(14) character(36) character(26) integer integer integer integer ################################################### # Model Management Data 60 _ _______________ # Engineering Discipline Data table number = 111 , number of columns = 5 1 2 3 4 5 , , , , , discipline_indx_no discipline_name intra_disc_ifc_flg discipline_mtrx_a, discipline_mtrx_b, , short , character(20) , short integer integer Database Definition Files # Design Area Data table number = 112 , number of columns = 15 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, discipline_indx_no area_index_no area_name area_description volume_low_x volume_low_y volume_low_z volume_high_x volume_high_y volume_high_z interference_mode area_lock_owner area_lock_status area_lock_date clash_rpt_index_no , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , short short character(10) character(40) integer integer integer integer integer integer short character(10) short integer integer 2. Database Overview # Model Data table number = 113 , number of columns = 17 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, model_index_no discipline_indx_no area_index_no partition_no model_no model_description model_file_spec path_name network_address lock_owner lock_status lock_date verification_date revision_date responsible_disc model_type model_status , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer short short short character(10) character(40) character(14) character(36) character(26) character(10) short integer integer integer short short short , index 1 , standard note 1605 # Piping Model Data table number = 114 , number of columns = 6 1 , partition_no , short 2 , max_segment_number , integer 3 , max_piping_number , integer 61 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 4 , max_pipe_number , integer 5 , max_instr_number , integer 6 , max_support_number , integer # Model Setup Data table number = 115 , number of columns = 5 1 2 3 4 5 , , , , , discipline_indx_no default_path_name default_node ref_mdl_symbology symbology_display , , , , , short character(36) character(26) short short ################################################### # Structural Management Data # Structural Sub-Project Control Data table number = 116, number of columns = 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 , , , , , , sub_project_ndx_no sub_project_no sub_project_name sub_project_path sub_project_node sub_project_mount , , , , , , short character(15) character(40) character(36) character(26) character(50) # Structural Design Area Per Sub-Project Data table number = 117, number of columns = 2 1 , area_index_no , short 2 , sub_project_ndx_no , short ################################################### # Inspection Iso Data table number = 118, number of columns = 3 1 , inspection_iso_id , character(24) 2 , inspection_status , short 3 , max_inspection_key , short ################################################### ################################################### # Drawing Management Data # Drawing Data 62 _ _______________ table number = 121, number of columns = 24 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, dwg_index_no drawing_no drawing_title default_scale approval_initials approval_date approval_status completion_status drawing_size drawing_type last_revision_no drawing_file_spec path_name network_address lock_owner lock_status lock_date revision_date last_rev_index_no release_revision release_date checking_status standard_note_no_a standard_note_no_b , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(24) character(40) character(16) character(4) integer short short short short character(2) character(14) character(36) character(26) character(10) short integer integer short character(2) integer short short short , index 1 , index 2 , standard note 35 , standard note 1202 , standard note 2000 Database Definition Files , index 3 2. Database Overview , standard note 1610 , standard note 499 , standard note 499 # Drawing View Data table number = 122, number of columns = 16 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, dwg_view_index_no dwg_view_no dwg_view_name dwg_view_scale dwg_index_no saved_view_name viewing_direction composition_status dwg_view_x_low dwg_view_y_low dwg_view_z_low dwg_view_x_high dwg_view_y_high dwg_view_z_high vhl_category_index drawing_view_type , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(6) character(40) character(16) integer character(6) short short double double double double double double short short , index 1 , index 2 , standard note 1620 , standard note 1630 # Drawing View Reference Model Data table number = 123, number of columns = 2 1 , dwg_view_index_no 2 , model_index_no , integer , integer # Composite Drawing View Data table number = 124, number of columns = 15 63 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, comp_dwg_index_no comp_dwg_view_no comp_dwg_view_name comp_dwg_v_scale dwg_index_no dwg_view_index_a dwg_view_index_b dwg_view_index_c dwg_view_index_d dwg_view_index_e dwg_view_index_f dwg_view_index_g dwg_view_index_h dwg_view_index_i dwg_view_index_j , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(6) character(40) character(16) integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer , index 1 # Drawing Revision Data table number = 125, number of columns = 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 , , , , , , , dwg_index_no revision_index_no revision_no revision_date revision_by checked_by rev_description , , , , , , , integer short character(2) integer character(4) character(4) character(40) # Drawing Setup Data table number = 126, number of columns = 16 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, drawing_type drawing_size drawing_scale default_path_name default_node discipline_mask alternate_seed_opt cell_file_spec cell_path_name cell_net_address plot_catgy_mask_a plot_catgy_mask_b label_mask_a label_mask_b label_mask_c label_mask_d , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , short short character(16) character(36) character(26) short short character(14) character(36) character(26) integer integer integer integer integer integer , standard note 2000 , standard note 1202 # Reference Model Display Category Setup Data table number = 127, number of columns = 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 , , , , , , , drawing_type discipline_indx_no category_mask_a category_mask_b category_mask_c category_mask_d vhl_category_msk_a , , , , , , , short short integer integer integer integer integer , standard note 2000 64 _ _______________ 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, vhl_category_msk_b vhl_category_msk_c vhl_category_msk_d vhl_ref_symbology vhl_symbology , , , , , integer integer integer short short # Plotting Default Data table number = 128, number of columns = 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 , , , , , , iplot_index_no iplot_number iplot_description iplot_file_spec path_name network_address , , , , , , integer character(24) character(40) character(14) character(36) character(26) Database Definition Files 2. Database Overview ################################################### # Interference Management Data # Clash Management Data table number = 131, number of columns = 15 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, system_unique_no discipline_indx_no area_index_no unique_sequence_no completion_date control_user_no env_creation_date clash_check_option volume_filter_opt volume_low_x volume_low_y volume_low_z volume_high_x volume_high_y volume_high_z , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer short short integer integer short integer short short integer integer integer integer integer integer , index 1 , standard note 1208 , standard note 1209 # Clash Data Per Project table number = 132, number of columns = 16 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, unique_clash_id if_approval_status comp_a_unique_id comp_b_unique_id model_index_no_a model_index_no_b discipline_index_a discipline_index_b recent_clash_type recent_plot_date recent_review_date recent_sequence_no , , , , , , , , , , , , integer short integer integer integer integer short short short integer integer integer , index 1 , standard note 1203 , standard note 1204 , index 2 65 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 13, 14, 15, 16, area_index_no action_discipline recent_seq_no_b area_index_no_b , , , , short short integer short # Clash Data Per Job table number = 133, number of columns = 16 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, system_unique_no unique_clash_id unique_sequence_no clash_type comp_a_range_x_lo comp_a_range_y_lo comp_a_range_z_lo comp_a_range_x_hi comp_a_range_y_hi comp_a_range_z_hi comp_b_range_x_lo comp_b_range_y_lo comp_b_range_z_lo comp_b_range_x_hi comp_b_range_y_hi comp_b_range_z_hi , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer integer integer short integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer , index 1 , index 2 , standard note 1204 # Component Clash Data Per Project table number = 134, number of columns = 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 , , , , , , , unique_comp_id comp_table_number comp_row_number model_index_no primary_descript secondary_descript comp_model_status , , , , , , , integer short integer integer character(20) character(40) short , index 1 # Clash Review History Information table number = 135, number of columns = 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , , , , , , , , system_unique_no unique_clash_id review_date review_user_no responsib_user_no action review_comment approval_method , , , , , , , , integer integer integer short short short character(100) short , index 1 , index 2 , standard note 1205 , standard note 1207 # Clash Plot History Information table number = 136, number of columns = 4 1 , system_unique_no 2 , unique_clash_id 3 , plot_date , integer , integer , integer , index 1 66 _ _______________ 4 , plot_user_no , short ################################################### # Report Management Data Database Definition Files # Report Data table number = 141, number of columns = 20 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, report_index_no report_no report_title approval_initials approval_date approval_status last_revision_no report_file_spec path_name network_address lock_owner lock_status lock_date revision_date format_index_no filter_index_no last_rev_index_no report_source report_type search_index_no , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(24) character(40) character(4) integer short character(2) character(14) character(36) character(26) character(10) short integer integer integer integer short short short integer , index 1 , index 2 2. Database Overview , standard note 35 , standard note 1310 , standard note 1312 # Report Format Data table number = 142, number of columns = 11 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, format_index_no format_number format_description format_file_spec path_name network_address lock_owner lock_status lock_date revision_date rpt_format_source , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(24) character(40) character(14) character(36) character(26) character(10) short integer integer short , index 1 , standard note 1310 # Report Descrimination Data table number = 143, number of columns = 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 , , , , , , , filter_index_no filter_number filter_description filter_file_spec path_name network_address lock_owner , , , , , , , integer character(24) character(40) character(14) character(36) character(26) character(10) , index 1 67 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 8 , 9 , 10, 11, lock_status lock_date revision_date rpt_filter_source , , , , short integer integer short , standard note 1310 # Report Revision Data table number = 144, number of columns = 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 , , , , , , , report_index_no revision_index_no revision_no revision_date revision_by checked_by rev_description , , , , , , , integer short character(2) integer character(4) character(4) character(40) # Report Search Criteria Data table number = 145, number of columns = 11 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, search_index_no search_number search_description search_file_spec path_name network_address lock_owner lock_status lock_date revision_date rpt_search_source , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(24) character(40) character(14) character(36) character(26) character(10) short integer integer short , index 1 , standard note 1310 ################################################### # DesignReview Management Data table number = 151, number of columns = 25 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, review_index_no review_no review_title review_type control_file_spec control_path_name control_node control_lock_owner control_lock_stat control_lock_date tag_file_spec tag_path_name tag_node tag_lock_owner tag_lock_status tag_lock_date session_rev_date , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(24) character(40) short character(14) character(36) character(26) character(10) short integer character(14) character(36) character(26) character(10) short integer integer , index 1 , standard note 1410 68 _ _______________ 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, label_rev_date label_file_spec label_path_name label_net_address month_map day_of_week_map day_map time_of_day , , , , , , , , integer character(14) character(36) character(26) integer integer integer integer Database Definition Files ################################################### # Package/Release Management Data 2. Database Overview # Package Data table number = 161, number of columns = 5 1 2 3 4 5 , , , , , package_index_no package_no package_title release_revision release_date , , , , , integer character(24) character(40) character(2) integer , index 1 # Document Data table number = 162, number of columns = 4 1 2 3 4 , , , , document_index_no package_index_no document_source document_type , , , , integer integer short short , standard note 1710 , standard note 1720 ################################################### # Isometric Drawing Management Data # Isometric Files Data table number = 180, number of columns = 11 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, isofile_indx_no isodflt_indx_no isofile_type isofile_spec path_name network_address iso_description lock_owner lock_status lock_date revision_date , , , , , , , , , , , integer integer short character(14) character(36) character(26) character(40) character(10) short integer integer # Project Options Data table number = 181, number of columns = 12 69 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, isoproj_indx_no isoproj_task_opt isoproj_name_opt isoproj_dwg_opt isodflt_indx_no reserved_1 reserved_2 reserved_3 batch_options isoproj_name_label isoproj_dwg_label sub_directory_opt , , , , , , , , , , , , integer short short short integer character(26) character(36) character(20) character(20) short short short , index 1 # Defaults Set Data table number = 182, number of columns = 4 1 2 3 4 , , , , isodflt_indx_no isodflt_tag isodflt_descr isodflt_rev_date , , , , integer character(12) character(40) integer , index 1 # Isometric Design Area Definition Data table number = 183, number of columns = 22 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, iso_area_indx_no area_indx_no1 area_indx_no2 area_indx_no3 area_indx_no4 area_indx_no5 area_indx_no6 selection_mode iso_area_name iso_area_desc user_data_indx_no isodflt_indx_no cont_indx_no1 cont_indx_no2 cont_indx_no3 cont_indx_no4 cont_indx_no5 cont_indx_no6 cont_indx_no7 cont_indx_no8 cont_indx_no9 cont_indx_no10 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer short , index 1 short short short short short short character(10) character(40) integer integer short short short short short short short short short short # Isometric User Data table number = 184, number of columns = 12 1 2 3 4 5 , , , , , user_data_indx_no type_of_user_data user_data_1 user_data_2 user_data_3 , , , , , integer short character(40) character(40) character(40) 70 _ _______________ 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, user_data_4 user_data_5 user_data_6 user_data_7 user_data_8 user_data_9 user_data_10 , , , , , , , character(40) character(40) character(40) character(40) character(40) character(40) character(40) Database Definition Files # Isometric Drawing Extraction Data table number = 185 , number of columns = 19 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, drawing_indx_no , iso_area_indx_no , lineid_1 , lineid_2 , lineid_3 , number_of_sections , drawing_number , batch_ref_no , iso_dgn_name , model_status_code , model_revised_date , lst_extraction_date, tot_no_extractions , no_sheets_extract , last_mto_date , mto_to_mtl_control , no_of_revisions , user_data_indx_no , iso_type , integer integer , index 1 character(16) , index 2 character(16) character(16) short character(20) character(12) character(10) character(2) integer integer short short integer integer short integer short , index 3 2. Database Overview # Isometric Drawing Revision Information table number = 186 , number of columns = 12 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, draw_rev_indx_no draw_sht_indx_no type_of_revision revision_number generated_by checked_by approved_by extraction_date extraction_no sheets_extracted rev_description isodflt_indx_no , , , , , , , , , , , , integer integer , index 1 short , index 2 short , index 3 character(3) character(3) character(3) integer short short character(40) integer # Isometric Last Used Occurrence Data table number = 187 , number of columns = 2 1 , table_no 2 , last_used , integer , integer # Isometric Sheet Extraction Data 71 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 table number = 188 , number of columns = 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 , , , , , , , sheet_indx_no drawing_indx_no sheet_no last_extract_date tot_no_extractions last_mto_date no_of_revisions , , , , , , , integer integer integer integer integer integer integer , index 1 , index 2 # Isometric Drawing Re-Extraction Data table number = 189 , number of columns = 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , , , , , , , , drawing_indx_no section_no start_traversal_x start_traversal_y start_traversal_z start_entity start_comp_occ start_seg_occ , , , , , , , , integer short integer integer integer short integer integer , index 1 , index 2 72 _ _______________ 2.4.2 Design Database # Piping Design Database # Default Relational Database Definition # # # # The user must not revise this database definition other than to change column names. Adding user-defined columns and changing lengths of character data, where valid, must be performed in the Project Administrator when the project is created. Design Database # Piping Segment Data table number = 12 , number of columns = 76 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , system_unique_no line_number_label line_id unit_number unit_code module_no package_system_no train_number fluid_code line_sequence_no nominal_piping_dia piping_mater_class gasket_separation insulation_purpose insulation_thick insulation_density heat_tracing_reqmt heat_tracing_media heat_tracing_temp construction_stat hold_status approval_status schedule_override nor_oper_pres nor_oper_temp alt_oper_pres alt_oper_temp nor_dgn_pres nor_dgn_temp alt_dgn_pres alt_dgn_temp steam_outlet_temp mater_of_construct safety_class design_standard design_area_number design_resp construction_resp supply_resp coating_reqmts cleaning_reqmts fluid_category nor_op_pres_units , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(40) character(24) character(12) character(3) character(16) character(12) character(2) short character(16) short character(16) character(8) short double double short short double short short short character(8) double double double double double double double double double character(6) short short character(10) short short short short short character(4) short , index 1 2. Database Overview , standard note 125 , standard note 220 , standard note 1074 (units) , standard note 200 , standard note 210 , , , , standard standard standard standard note note note note 130 50 35 332 , standard note 340 , standard note 570 , , , , , standard standard standard standard standard note note note note note 160 160 160 190 230 , standard note 1064 73 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , nor_op_temp_units alt_op_pres_units alt_op_temp_units nor_dgn_pres_units nor_dgn_temp_units alt_dgn_pres_units alt_dgn_temp_units steam_temp_units stress_system_no stress_reqmts hyd_system_no hyd_reqmts specific_gravity_a specific_gravity_b specific_gravity_c viscosity density spec_heat_ratio sonic_velocity surface_roughness test_system_no test_fluid test_pressure PID_id_part_a PID_id_part_b end_1_nozzle_id end_2_nozzle_id alpha_descript_id standard_note_no pid_index_no color_code inspection_iso_id index_to_pi_dwg , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , short short short short short short short short character(12) short character(12) short double double double double double double double double character(6) short double character(4) character(4) integer integer character(12) short integer character(8) character(24) integer , , , , , , , , standard standard standard standard standard standard standard standard note note note note note note note note 1056 1064 1056 1064 1056 1064 1056 1056 , standard note 360 , standard note 360 , standard note 125 , standard note 499 # Piping Component Data table number = 34 , number of columns = 126 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , system_unique_no piping_comp_no commodity_name model_code option_code maximum_temp sched_thick_basis commodity_code MTO_requirements fabrication_cat source_of_data PDS_sort_code physical_data_id geometric_standard weight_code table_suffix_green table_suffix_red materials_grade bend_radius bend_angle face_to_face_dim dimension_a dimension_b , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(20) character(6) character(6) short double character(8) character(16) short short short character(6) character(8) short short short short short double double double double double , index 1 , standard note 400 , standard note 332 , standard note 365 , standard note 180 , standard note 420 , , , , , standard standard standard standard standard note note note note note 575 578 576 577 145 74 _ _______________ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , dimension_c surface_area empty_weight water_weight operator_weight operator_sym_name chain_operator_no opening_action construction_stat hold_status heat_tracing_reqmt heat_tracing_media heat_tracing_temp iso_dwg_index_no isometric_sheet_no piece_mark_no color_code stress_node_no stress_intens_fact head_loss_factor piping_assembly component_group_no remarks standard_note_no_a standard_note_no_b cp_1_nom_pipe_diam cp_1_outside_diam cp_1_end_prep cp_1_sch_thk cp_1_rating cp_1_face_to_ctr cp_1_weld_no cp_1_weld_type cp_1_gasket_gap cp_1_gasket_option cp_1_stress_node cp_1_stress_factor cp_1_head_loss cp_2_nom_pipe_diam cp_2_outside_diam cp_2_end_prep cp_2_sch_thk cp_2_rating cp_2_face_to_ctr cp_2_weld_no cp_2_weld_type cp_2_gasket_gap cp_2_gasket_option cp_2_stress_node cp_2_stress_factor cp_2_head_loss cp_3_nom_pipe_diam cp_3_outside_diam cp_3_end_prep cp_3_sch_thk cp_3_rating cp_3_face_to_ctr cp_3_weld_no cp_3_weld_type , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , double double double double double character(6) short short short short short short double integer character(2) character(10) character(8) short double double character(12) short character(50) short short short double short character(8) character(8) double character(8) short double short short double double short double short character(8) character(8) double character(8) short double short short double double short double short character(8) character(8) double character(8) short , standard note 1010 (units) , standard note 1028 (units) , standard note 1028 (units) , , , , , standard standard standard standard standard note note note note note 390 130 50 200 210 Design Database 2. Database Overview , standard note 499 , standard note 499 , standard note 330 , standard note 332 , standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) , standard note 400 , standard note 330 , standard note 332 , standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) , standard note 400 , standard note 330 , standard note 332 , standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) 75 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 83 84 85 86 87 , , , , , cp_3_gasket_gap cp_3_gasket_option cp_3_stress_node cp_3_stress_factor cp_3_head_loss cp_4_nom_pipe_diam cp_4_outside_diam cp_4_end_prep cp_4_sch_thk cp_4_rating cp_4_face_to_ctr cp_4_weld_no cp_4_weld_type cp_4_gasket_gap cp_4_gasket_option cp_4_stress_node cp_4_stress_factor cp_4_head_loss cp_5_nom_pipe_diam cp_5_outside_diam cp_5_end_prep cp_5_sch_thk cp_5_rating cp_5_face_to_ctr cp_5_weld_no cp_5_weld_type cp_5_gasket_gap cp_5_gasket_option cp_5_stress_node cp_5_stress_factor cp_5_head_loss unique_name vlv_operator_dim_a vlv_operator_dim_b vlv_operator_dim_c vlv_operator_dim_d last_placed_date generic_comp_no inspection_key cp_1_inspect_key cp_2_inspect_key cp_3_inspect_key cp_4_inspect_key cp_5_inspect_key , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , double short short double double short double short character(8) character(8) double character(8) short double short short double double short double short character(8) character(8) double character(8) short double short short double double character(12) double double double double integer character(20) short short short short short short , standard note 400 88 , 89 , 90 , 91 , 92 , 93 , 94 , 95 , 96 , 97 , 98 , 99 , 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, , standard note 330 , standard note 332 , standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) , standard note 400 , standard note 330 , standard note 332 , standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) , standard note 400 # Piping/Tubing Data table number = 50 , number of columns = 61 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , , , , , , , , system_unique_no piping_comp_no commodity_name model_code option_code maximum_temp nominal_piping_dia outside_diameter , , , , , , , , integer character(20) character(6) character(6) short double short double , index 1 , standard note 400 76 _ _______________ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , schedule_thickness sched_thick_basis rating commodity_code MTO_requirements fabrication_cat source_of_data PDS_sort_code geometric_standard weight_code table_suffix_green table_suffix_red materials_grade pipe_length surface_area empty_weight water_weight cold_spring_length construction_stat hold_status heat_tracing_reqmt heat_tracing_media heat_tracing_temp iso_dwg_index_no isometric_sheet_no piece_mark_no color_code piping_assembly component_group_no remarks standard_note_no_a standard_note_no_b end_1_end_prep end_1_weld_no end_1_weld_type end_1_gasket_gap end_1_gasket_opt end_1_stress_node end_1_stres_int end_1_head_loss end_2_end_prep end_2_weld_no end_2_weld_type end_2_gasket_gap end_2_gasket_opt end_2_stress_node end_2_stres_int end_2_head_loss unique_name last_placed_date inspection_key end_1_inspect_key end_2_inspect_key , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , character(8) character(8) character(8) character(16) short short short character(6) short short short short short double double double double double short short short short double integer character(2) character(10) character(8) character(12) short character(50) short short short character(8) short double short short double double short character(8) short double short short double double character(12) integer short short short , standard note 332 , standard note 332 , standard note 365 , standard note 180 , standard note 425 , , , , , standard standard standard standard standard note note note note note 575 578 576 577 145 Design Database , standard note 1010 (units) , standard note 1028 (units) , standard note 1028 (units) , , , , standard standard standard standard note note note note 130 50 200 210 2. Database Overview , standard note 499 , standard note 499 , standard note 330 , standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) , standard note 400 , standard note 330 , standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) , standard note 400 # Instrument Component Data table number = 67 , number of columns = 133 1 , system_unique_no , integer , index 1 77 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , instrument_comp_no model_code option_code sched_thick_basis MTO_requirements fabrication_cat source_of_data PDS_sort_code physical_data_id geometric_standard weight_code table_suffix_green table_suffix_red materials_grade face_to_face_dim dimension_a dimension_b dimension_c surface_area empty_weight water_weight operator_weight operator_type operator_sym_name chain_operator_no chain_length opening_action construction_stat hold_status design_resp construction_resp heat_tracing_reqmt heat_tracing_media heat_tracing_temp insulation_purpose insulation_thick insulation_density cleaning_reqmts safety_class module_no package_system_no iso_dwg_index_no isometric_sheet_no piece_mark_no color_code stress_node_no stress_intens_fact head_loss_factor piping_assembly component_group_no remarks standard_note_no_a standard_note_no_b cp_1_nom_pipe_diam cp_1_outside_diam cp_1_end_prep cp_1_sch_thk cp_1_rating cp_1_face_to_ctr cp_1_weld_no cp_1_weld_type , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , character(20) character(6) short character(8) short short short character(6) character(8) short short short short short double double double double double double double double double character(6) short double short short short short short short short double short double double short short character(16) character(12) integer character(2) character(10) character(8) short double double character(12) short character(50) short short short double short character(8) character(8) double character(8) short , , , , , standard standard standard standard standard note note note note note 400 332 365 180 430 , , , , , standard standard standard standard standard note note note note note 575 578 576 577 145 , , , , standard standard standard standard note note note note 1010 1028 1028 1028 (units) (units) (units) (units) , , , , , , , standard standard standard standard standard standard standard note note note note note note note 390 130 50 160 160 200 210 , standard note 220 , standard note 1074 (units) , standard note 230 , standard note 340 , standard note 499 , standard note 499 , standard note 330 , standard note 332 , standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) 78 _ _______________ 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , cp_1_gasket_gap cp_1_gasket_option cp_1_stress_node cp_1_stress_factor cp_1_head_loss cp_2_nom_pipe_diam cp_2_outside_diam cp_2_end_prep cp_2_sch_thk cp_2_rating cp_2_face_to_ctr cp_2_weld_no cp_2_weld_type cp_2_gasket_gap cp_2_gasket_option cp_2_stress_node cp_2_stress_factor cp_2_head_loss cp_3_nom_pipe_diam cp_3_outside_diam cp_3_end_prep cp_3_sch_thk cp_3_rating cp_3_face_to_ctr cp_3_weld_no cp_3_weld_type cp_3_gasket_gap cp_3_gasket_option cp_3_stress_node cp_3_stress_factor cp_3_head_loss cp_4_nom_pipe_diam cp_4_outside_diam cp_4_end_prep cp_4_sch_thk cp_4_rating cp_4_face_to_ctr cp_4_weld_no cp_4_weld_type cp_4_gasket_gap cp_4_gasket_option cp_4_stress_node cp_4_stress_factor cp_4_head_loss cp_5_nom_pipe_diam cp_5_outside_diam cp_5_end_prep cp_5_sch_thk cp_5_rating cp_5_face_to_ctr cp_5_weld_no cp_5_weld_type cp_5_gasket_gap cp_5_gasket_option cp_5_stress_node cp_5_stress_factor cp_5_head_loss , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , double short short double double short double short character(8) character(8) double character(8) short double short short double double short double short character(8) character(8) double character(8) short double short short double double short double short character(8) character(8) double character(8) short double short short double double short double short character(8) character(8) double character(8) short double short short double double , standard note 400 , standard note 330 , standard note 332 Design Database , standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) , standard note 400 2. Database Overview , standard note 330 , standard note 332 , standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) , standard note 400 94 , 95 , 96 , 97 , 98 , 99 , 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, , standard note 330 , standard note 332 , standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) , standard note 400 , standard note 330 , standard note 332 , standard note 1100 / 400 (bolt option) , standard note 400 79 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, unique_name bend_angle vlv_operator_dim_a vlv_operator_dim_b vlv_operator_dim_c vlv_operator_dim_d last_placed_date generic_comp_no inspection_key cp_1_inspect_key cp_2_inspect_key cp_3_inspect_key cp_4_inspect_key cp_5_inspect_key , , , , , , , , , , , , , , character(12) double double double double double integer character(20) short short short short short short # Pipe Support Data table number = 80 , number of columns = 38 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , system_unique_no pipe_support_no model_code_phy model_code_log iso_support_type_a iso_support_type_b iso_support_type_c iso_support_type_d details_for_shop details_for_field fabrication_orient commodity_code MTO_requirements fabrication_cat weight construction_stat hold_status standard_note_no iso_dwg_index_no isometric_sheet_no piece_mark_no color_code isometric_dim_a isometric_dim_b isometric_dim_c isometric_dim_d isometric_dim_e trans_rigidity_x trans_rigidity_y trans_rigidity_z rot_rigidity_x rot_rigidity_y rot_rigidity_z spring_gap_length sping_gap_direct number_of_springs last_placed_date inspection_key , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(20) character(6) character(6) short short short short character(50) character(50) character(20) character(16) short short double short short short integer character(2) character(10) character(8) double double double double double double double double double double double double short short integer short , index 1 , , , , standard standard standard standard note note note note 380 380 380 380 , , , , , , standard standard standard standard standard standard note note note note note note 365 180 1028 (units) 130 50 499 # equip_group table number = 21, number of columns = 13 80 _ _______________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 , , , , , , , , , , , , , equip_indx_no equip_no equip_descr_1 equip_descr_2 tutorial_no equip_class dry_weight oper_weight_1 oper_weight_2 insulation_thk construction_stat equipment_division approval_status , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(30) character(40) character(40) character(6) character(2) double double double double short , standard note 130 short , standard note 69 short , standard note 35 Design Database # equip_nozzle 2. Database Overview table number = 22, number of columns = 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , nozzle_indx_no , integer nozzle_no , character(10) equip_indx_no , integer nominal_piping_dia , short rating , character(8) preparation , short , standard note 330 piping_mater_class , character(16) unit_no , character(12) fluid_code , short , standard note 125 unit_code , character(2) line_sequence_no , character(6) heat_tracing_reqmt , short , standard note 200 heat_tracing_media , short , standard note 210 insulation_purpose , short , standard note 220 insulation_thk , double table_suffix , short , standard note 576 service , character(20) schedule_thickness , character(8) nor_therm_growth_X , double nor_therm_growth_Y , double nor_therm_growth_Z , double alt_therm_growth_X , double alt_therm_growth_Y , double alt_therm_growth_Z , double construction_stat , short , standard note 130 # equip_nozzle_extended table number = 23, number of columns = 68 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , nozzle_indx_no equip_indx_no parm_indx_no parm_noz_no face_of_flange_x face_of_flange_y face_of_flange_z face_flange_pri_1 face_flange_pri_2 face_flange_pri_3 face_flange_sec_1 face_flange_sec_2 face_flange_sec_3 face_flange_nor_1 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer integer integer short double double double double double double double double double double 81 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , face_flange_nor_2 face_flange_nor_3 nozzle_type nozzle_length_1 nozzle_length_2 nozzle_radius reference_item ref_loc_x ref_loc_y ref_loc_z ref_loc_pri_1 ref_loc_pri_2 ref_loc_pri_3 ref_loc_sec_1 ref_loc_sec_2 ref_loc_sec_3 ref_loc_nor_1 ref_loc_nor_2 ref_loc_nor_3 orientation_1 orientation_2 orientation_3 orientation_4 dimension_1 dimension_2 dimension_3 dimension_4 dimension_5 dimension_6 c_face_of_flange_x c_face_of_flange_y c_face_of_flange_z c_face_flange_pri c_face_flange_sec c_face_flange_nor c_nozzle_length_1 c_nozzle_length_2 c_nozzle_radius c_ref_loc_x c_ref_loc_y c_ref_loc_z c_ref_loc_pri c_ref_loc_sec c_ref_loc_nor c_orientation_1 c_orientation_2 c_orientation_3 c_orientation_4 c_dimension_1 c_dimension_2 c_dimension_3 c_dimension_4 c_dimension_5 c_dimension_6 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , double double short double double double character(11) double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double character(41) character(41) character(41) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(41) character(41) character(41) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(11) character(11) character(11) character(11) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) #equip_datum_point table number = 24, number of columns = 22 1 2 3 , equip_indx_no , parm_indx_no , point_type , integer , integer , short 82 _ _______________ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , point_indx_no loc_x loc_y loc_z loc_pri_1 loc_pri_2 loc_pri_3 loc_sec_1 loc_sec_2 loc_sec_3 loc_nor_1 loc_nor_2 loc_nor_3 c_loc_x c_loc_y c_loc_z c_loc_pri c_loc_sec c_loc_nor , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , short double double double double double double double double double double double double character(41) character(41) character(41) character(31) character(31) character(31) Design Database 2. Database Overview # equip_primitive table number = 25, number of columns = 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , equip_indx_no prim_name place_pnt_no place_by_x place_by_y place_by_z place_by_pri_1 place_by_pri_2 place_by_pri_3 place_by_sec_1 place_by_sec_2 place_by_sec_3 place_by_nor_1 place_by_nor_2 place_by_nor_3 category_type dimension_a dimension_b dimension_c dimension_d dimension_e c_place_by_x c_place_by_y c_place_by_z c_place_by_pri c_place_by_sec c_place_by_nor c_dimension_a c_dimension_b c_dimension_c c_dimension_d c_dimension_e , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(20) short double double double double double double double double double double double double short double double double double double character(41) character(41) character(41) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) # equip_primitive_usr_proj_shape table number = 26, number of columns = 99 1 , equip_indx_no , integer 83 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , prim_name place_point_no place_by_pri_1 place_by_pri_2 place_by_pri_3 place_by_sec_1 place_by_sec_2 place_by_sec_3 place_by_nor_1 place_by_nor_2 place_by_nor_3 category_type number_vertices projection vertex_1_x vertex_1_y vertex_2_x vertex_2_y vertex_3_x vertex_3_y vertex_4_x vertex_4_y vertex_5_x vertex_5_y vertex_6_x vertex_6_y vertex_7_x vertex_7_y vertex_8_x vertex_8_y vertex_9_x vertex_9_y vertex_10_x vertex_10_y vertex_11_x vertex_11_y vertex_12_x vertex_12_y vertex_13_x vertex_13_y vertex_14_x vertex_14_y vertex_15_x vertex_15_y vertex_16_x vertex_16_y vertex_17_x vertex_17_y vertex_18_x vertex_18_y vertex_19_x vertex_19_y vertex_20_x vertex_20_y c_place_by_pri c_place_by_sec c_place_by_nor c_projection c_vertex_1_x c_vertex_1_y c_vertex_2_x c_vertex_2_y , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , character(20) short double double double double double double double double double short short double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) 84 _ _______________ 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , c_vertex_3_x c_vertex_3_y c_vertex_4_x c_vertex_4_y c_vertex_5_x c_vertex_5_y c_vertex_6_x c_vertex_6_y c_vertex_7_x c_vertex_7_y c_vertex_8_x c_vertex_8_y c_vertex_9_x c_vertex_9_y c_vertex_10_x c_vertex_10_y c_vertex_11_x c_vertex_11_y c_vertex_12_x c_vertex_12_y c_vertex_13_x c_vertex_13_y c_vertex_14_x c_vertex_14_y c_vertex_15_x c_vertex_15_y c_vertex_16_x c_vertex_16_y c_vertex_17_x c_vertex_17_y c_vertex_18_x c_vertex_18_y c_vertex_19_x c_vertex_19_y c_vertex_20_x c_vertex_20_y , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) character(31) Design Database 2. Database Overview # equip_parametric table number = 27, number of columns = 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , equip_indx_no parm_indx_no symbol_name place_pnt_no place_by_x place_by_y place_by_z place_by_pri_1 place_by_pri_2 place_by_pri_3 place_by_sec_1 place_by_sec_2 place_by_sec_3 place_by_nor_1 place_by_nor_2 place_by_nor_3 c_place_by_x c_place_by_y c_place_by_z c_place_by_pri c_place_by_sec , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer integer character(10) short double double double double double double double double double double double double character(41) character(41) character(41) character(31) character(31) 85 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 22 , c_place_by_nor , character(31) # equip_parametric_extended table number = 28, number of columns = 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 , , , , , , , , , , , , parm_indx_no form_indx_no form_name form_fld data_type dimension_no nozzle_fld fld_attribute fld_default fld_name value_real value_char , , , , , , , , , , , , integer short character(10) short short short short short character(21) character(13) double character(41) 86 _ _______________ 2.4.3 Reference Database # Specification/Material Reference Database # Default Relational Database Definition # The user must not revise this database definition other than to change # column names. Reference Database # Piping Materials Class Data table number = 201, number of columns = 23 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, system_unique_no piping_mater_class revision_no version_no revision_date fluid_code mater_of_construct corrosion_allow mat_description service_lim_table diameter_table thickness_table materials_table thickness_equation branch_table tap_data_table vent_drain_macro gasket_separation standard_note_no_a standard_note_no_b revision_mngt_date bend_deflect_table pipe_length_table , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(16) character(2) character(2) character(10) character(6) character(6) double short character(6) character(6) character(6) character(6) character(6) character(6) character(6) character(6) character(8) short short integer character(6) character(6) 2. Database Overview , standard note 125 , standard note 148 , standard note 499 , standard note 499 # Piping Commodity Specification Data table number = 202, number of columns = 28 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, system_unique_no piping_mater_class commodity_name option_code maximum_temp gcp_from_nom_diam gcp_to_nom_diam gcp_end_prep gcp_rating gcp_sch_thk gcp_table_suffix rcp_from_nom_diam rcp_to_nom_diam rcp_end_prep rcp_rating rcp_sch_thk , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(16) character(6) short double short short short character(8) character(8) short short short short character(8) character(8) , index 1 , standard note 400 , standard note 330 , standard note 576 , standard note 330 87 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, rcp_table_suffix commodity_code model_code PDS_sort_code modifier geometric_standard weight_code fabrication_cat materials_grade standard_note_no_a standard_note_no_b input_form_type , , , , , , , , , , , , short , standard note 577 character(16) character(6) character(6) double short , standard note 575 short , standard note 578 short , standard note 180 short , standard note 145 short , standard note 499 short , standard note 499 short , standard note 990 # Piping Specialty Specification Data table number = 203, number of columns = 26 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, system_unique_no piping_comp_no model_code option_code gcp_from_nom_diam gcp_to_nom_diam gcp_end_prep gcp_rating gcp_sch_thk gcp_table_suffix rcp_from_nom_diam rcp_to_nom_diam rcp_end_prep rcp_rating rcp_sch_thk rcp_table_suffix physical_data_id PDS_sort_code modifier geometric_standard weight_code fabrication_cat materials_grade standard_note_no_a standard_note_no_b input_form_type , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(20) character(6) short short short short character(8) character(8) short short short short character(8) character(8) short character(8) character(6) double short short short short short short short , standard note 400 , standard note 330 , standard note 576 , standard note 330 , standard note 577 , , , , , , , standard standard standard standard standard standard standard note note note note note note note 575 578 180 145 499 499 990 # Instrument Component Specification Data table number = 204, number of columns = 26 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, system_unique_no instrument_comp_no model_code option_code gcp_from_nom_diam gcp_to_nom_diam gcp_end_prep gcp_rating gcp_sch_thk gcp_table_suffix rcp_from_nom_diam rcp_to_nom_diam , , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(20) character(6) short short short short character(8) character(8) short short short , standard note 400 , standard note 330 , standard note 576 88 _ _______________ 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, rcp_end_prep rcp_rating rcp_sch_thk rcp_table_suffix physical_data_id PDS_sort_code modifier geometric_standard weight_code fabrication_cat materials_grade standard_note_no_a standard_note_no_b input_form_type , , , , , , , , , , , , , , short character(8) character(8) short character(8) character(6) double short short short short short short short , standard note 330 , standard note 577 , , , , , , , standard standard standard standard standard standard standard note note note note note note note 575 578 180 145 499 499 990 Reference Database 2. Database Overview # Tap Properties Data table number = 205, number of columns = 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , , , , , , , , system_unique_no tap_table_name nominal_piping_dia option_code end_preparation rating sched_thick tap_material_code , , , , , , , , integer character(6) short short short character(8) character(8) character(10) , standard note 400 , standard note 330 # Piping Commodity Size-Dependent Material Data table number = 211, number of columns = 10 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, system_unique_no sys_commodity_code gcp_nom_diam rcp_nom_diam gcp_sch_thk rcp_sch_thk commodity_code weld_weight unit_price manhours , , , , , , , , , , integer character(16) short short character(8) character(8) character(16) double double double , index 1 # Piping Commodity Implied Material Data table number = 212, number of columns = 10 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, system_unique_no sys_commodity_code gcp_from_nom_diam gcp_to_nom_diam rcp_from_nom_diam rcp_to_nom_diam commodity_code quantity fabrication_cat standard_note_no , , , , , , , , , , integer character(16) short short short short character(16) double short short , index 1 89 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 # Reference Database Revision Management Data table number = 221, number of columns = 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , , , , , , , , specialty_rev_date instr_rev_date tap_data_rev_date size_data_rev_date implied_rev_date cmp_insul_rev_date flg_insul_rev_data con_tol_excl_data , , , , , , , , integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer # Component Insulation Exclusion Data table number = 231, number of columns = 13 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, system_unique_no commodity_name model_code gcp_npd_from gcp_npd_to rcp_npd_from rcp_npd_to heat_tracing_from heat_tracing_to insul_purpose_from insul_purpose_to nor_oper_temp_from nor_oper_temp_to , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(6) character(6) short short short short short short short short double double , , , , standard standard standard standard note note note note 200 200 220 220 # Flange Insulation Exclusion Data table number = 232, number of columns = 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 , , , , , , , , , system_unique_no bolted_npd_from bolted_npd_to heat_tracing_from heat_tracing_to insul_purpose_from insul_purpose_to nor_oper_temp_from nor_oper_temp_to , , , , , , , , , integer short short short short short short double double , , , , standard standard standard standard note note note note 200 200 220 220 # Piping Construction Tolerance Exclusion Data table number = 233, number of columns = 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 , , , , , , , system_unique_no commodity_name model_code gcp_npd_from gcp_npd_to rcp_npd_from rcp_npd_to , , , , , , , integer character(6) character(6) short short short short 90 _ _______________ 3. Reference Data The Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) enables you to define and modify the reference data for the PDS 3D modules. This reference data is used to ensure consistency in the definition of piping specifications and commodity libraries. It enables you to control and standardize the PDS 3D tasks. You can also modify the reference data to reflect company practices and standards. The Reference Data for PDS 3D is composed of the following basic components: Piping Job Specification Graphic Commodity Data and Physical Dimension Data Material Description Data Standard Notes / Code Lists Label Descriptions Reference Data 3. Reference Data Piping Assembly Definitions The following illustrates the basic components of the Reference Data for PDS 3D. 91 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 The Reference Data Manager supports both approved and unapproved reference data for a project. The Project Control Database contains complete file management data for both an approved and unapproved version of each type of reference data such as the Piping Job Specification or the Graphic Commodity Library. This allows revisions to take place in unapproved files while other activities such as the Piping Designer read the approved files. Once the information in the unapproved files has been verified, it can be posted to the approved reference data files. Delivered Reference Data The following reference data is delivered in the reference database products for the corresponding practices (such as RDUSRDB for U.S. practice data or RDDINRDB for DIN practice data). Library File Description Physical Dimension Table Library Piping Job Specification Table Library Short Material Description Library Long Material Description Library Specialty Material Description Library Object us_pcdim.l us_pjstb.l us_shbom.l us_lgbom.l us_spbom.l Text us_pcdim.l.t us_pjstb.l.t - For the DIN RDB substitute din_ for us_ in the listed library file names. The following reference data, which is not unique to any specific practice, is delivered in the PD_Shell product in the win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib directory. Library File Description Graphic Commodity Library Piping Assembly Library Label Description Library Standard Note Library Object pip_gcom.l assembly.l labels.l std_note.l Text pip_gcom.l.t assembly.l.t std_note.l.t The following reference data for Equipment Modeling is delivered in the PD_EQP product in the win32app\ingr\pdeqp\dat directory. Library File Description Graphic Commodity Library Object zi_eqpms.lib Text - 92 _ _______________ Tutorial Definition Library Cell Library zi_tutlib.lib equip.cel You should never point to the delivered files for your reference data since this could cause potential problems when you receive a new version of the software. Instead, you should copy the reference data files to a separate location. The script mkpdsdir.sh will copy the reference data to the appropriate directories after creating the project directory files. For each of the reference data libraries, you can copy the delivered libraries or create a new (empty) library to which you can load customized data. Reference Data 3. Reference Data 93 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 3.1 Piping Job Specification The Piping Job Specification (PJS) provides selection criteria for piping commodity items, piping specialty items, and instruments. The information for the Piping Job Specification is contained in the following files: Specification/Material Reference Database - database containing the definitions for piping materials classes, commodity items, specialty items, and tap properties tables. Spec Table Library - library containing the specification tables referenced in the PJS. The information in the Specification/Material Reference database and Spec Table Library tables is also delivered in the form of neutral files which you can extract and modify. You can use the Piping Job Specification Manager to create or revise the PJS. The Spec Manager enables you to define or revise the PJS data, and process neutral ASCII files to define data in the PJS. 3.1.1 Piping Materials Class Data A piping materials class defines a classification of components based on design data and service limits. Much of the design data is stored in tables so that common information can be accessed by more than one piping materials class. The Piping Materials Class Data table contains 23 attributes. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, system_unique_no piping_mater_class revision_no version_no revision_date fluid_code mater_of_construct corrosion_allow mat_description service_lim_table diameter_table thickness_table materials_table thickness_equation branch_table tap_data_table vent_drain_macro gasket_separation standard_note_no_a standard_note_no_b revision_mngt_date bend_deflect_table pipe_length_table , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(16) character(2) character(2) character(10) character(6) character(6) double short character(6) character(6) character(6) character(6) character(6) character(6) character(6) character(6) character(8) short short integer character(6) character(6) , standard note 125 , standard note 148 , standard note 499 , standard note 499 A sample neutral file for US practice is delivered in the file win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\spec_data\classes.pmc. The following is a partial listing for this neutral file. Entries in this table should be sorted alphanumerically by Piping Materials 94 _ _______________ Class. Piping Job Specification 3. Reference Data 95 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 3.1.2 Piping Commodity Specification Data The Piping Commodity Specification Data defines all the components, pipes, bolts, and gaskets associated with a particular Piping Materials Class. It defines the standard components found in a manufacturers catalog (commonly referred to as off-the-shelf components). Because the Piping Commodity Specification Data is linked to the Piping Materials Class, a separate set of commodity items must be defined for each Piping Materials Class database table. Connect Point Data Information for connect point data is defined in terms of two types of connect points known as green and red connect points. The following conventions are used to coordinate the two sets of data: If data is only shown under the green connect point, it applies to all ends of the component. If a component has ends with different nominal diameters (regardless of other end properties) the larger nominal diameter is designated as the green connect point. If a component has ends with the same nominal diameter but other end properties which differ, the following rules apply: — If the ends have different termination types (regardless of the values for schedule/thickness) the end(s) whose end preparations have the lowest codelist number are designated as the green connect point. — If the termination types are the same but the values for rating, schedule, or thickness differ, the stronger end(s) is designated as the green connect point. The Piping Commodity Specification Data table contains 28 attributes: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, system_unique_no piping_mater_class commodity_name option_code maximum_temp gcp_from_nom_diam gcp_to_nom_diam gcp_end_prep gcp_rating gcp_sch_thk gcp_table_suffix , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(16) character(6) short double short short short character(8) character(8) short , index 1 , standard note 400 , standard note 330 , standard note 576 96 _ _______________ 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, rcp_from_nom_diam rcp_to_nom_diam rcp_end_prep rcp_rating rcp_sch_thk rcp_table_suffix commodity_code model_code PDS_sort_code modifier geometric_standard weight_code fabrication_cat materials_grade standard_note_no_a standard_note_no_b input_form_type , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , short short short character(8) character(8) short character(16) character(6) character(6) double short short short short short short short , standard note 330 , standard note 577 Piping Commodity Specification Data , , , , , , , standard standard standard standard standard standard standard note note note note note note note 575 578 180 145 499 499 990 The following is a sample neutral file for the Piping Commodity Specification Data. Entries in this table should be sorted alphanumerically by commodity_name. 3. Reference Data A set of neutral files for US practice are delivered in the files win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\spec_data\*.pcd (one for each piping materials class specified in the classes.pmc file). A set of sample files depicting various options are delivered in the win32app\ingr\pddata\sample\data directory. bend_tbl.pcd equiv_npd.pcd fluid_code.pcd fpipe.pcd gasket.pcd gskt_tbl.pcd metric_npd.pcd piplen_tbl.pcd thickness.pcd 97 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 3.1.3 Piping Specialty Specification Data This database table contains data for a specific specialty item. It is used to define those specialty items which are used frequently by a particular company or installation. The specialty items are defined for the entire project, they are not partitioned by Piping Materials Class. You can also place specialty items interactively in the model by defining the necessary parameters at the time of placement. No entries in the Material Reference Database are required for these interactive definitions. The Piping Specialty Specification Data table contains 25 attributes. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, system_unique_no piping_comp_no model_code option_code gcp_from_nom_diam gcp_to_nom_diam gcp_end_prep gcp_rating gcp_sch_thk gcp_table_suffix rcp_from_nom_diam rcp_to_nom_diam rcp_end_prep rcp_rating rcp_sch_thk rcp_table_suffix physical_data_id PDS_sort_code modifier geometric_standard weight_code fabrication_cat materials_grade standard_note_no_a standard_note_no_b , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(20) character(6) short short short short character(8) character(8) short short short short character(8) character(8) short character(8) character(6) double short short short short short short , standard note 400 , standard note 330 , standard note 576 , standard note 330 , standard note 577 , , , , , , standard standard standard standard standard standard note note note note note note 575 578 180 145 499 499 A sample neutral file is delivered in the file win32app\ingr\pddata\sample\data\specialty.data. 98 _ _______________ 3.1.4 Instrument Component Specification Data This table contains the data for a specific instrument item. It is used to define the instruments which are used frequently by a particular company or installation. The instruments are defined for the entire project, they are not partitioned by PMC. You can also place instruments interactively in the model by defining the necessary parameters at the time of placement. No entries in the Material Reference Database are required for these interactive definitions. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, system_unique_no instrument_comp_no model_code option_code gcp_from_nom_diam gcp_to_nom_diam gcp_end_prep gcp_rating gcp_sch_thk gcp_table_suffix rcp_from_nom_diam rcp_to_nom_diam rcp_end_prep rcp_rating rcp_sch_thk rcp_table_suffix physical_data_id PDS_sort_code modifier geometric_standard weight_code fabrication_cat materials_grade standard_note_no_a standard_note_no_b , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(20) character(6) short short short short character(8) character(8) short short short short character(8) character(8) short character(8) character(6) double short short short short short short Piping Commodity Specification Data , standard note 400 , standard note 330 , standard note 576 , standard note 330 3. Reference Data , standard note 577 , , , , , , standard standard standard standard standard standard note note note note note note 575 578 180 145 499 499 A sample neutral file is delivered in the file win32app\ingr\pddata\sample\data\instrment.data. 99 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 3.1.5 Tap Properties Data This table contains the tap properties data that is a function of the tap properties table name and the nominal piping diameter. These tables define the piping taps which can be added to any of the components included in a piping materials class. The system uses the information in these tables and the nominal diameter to provide values for rating, end preparation, schedule/thickness, and tap code. Tap tables do not allow a NPD range; there must be an individual entry for each tap diameter. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , , , , , , , , system_unique_no tap_table_name nominal_piping_dia option_code end_preparation rating sched_thick tap_material_code , , , , , , , , integer character(6) short short short character(8) character(8) character(10) , standard note 400 , standard note 330 A sample neutral file for US practice is delivered in the file win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\spec_data\taps.data. 100 _ _______________ Double_Spacing Order= 2 3 5 4 6 7 ! By=GJH Ckd By=RJW Rev=2 Date=12-May-1988 Table= C001 ! Description= SWE CL3000 default taps ! Diam Opt Rating Prp Sc/Th Tap Code 0.375 691 591 NREQD E$37591XXX > 0.5 1 CL3000 421 NREQD E$50421064 0.5 691 591 NREQD E$50591XXX > 0.75 1 CL3000 421 NREQD E$75421064 0.75 691 591 NREQD E$75591XXX > 1 1 CL3000 421 NREQD E001421064 1 691 591 NREQD E001591XXX > 1.25 1 CL3000 421 NREQD E1$2421064 1.25 691 591 NREQD E1$2591XXX > 1.5 1 CL3000 421 NREQD E1$5421064 1.5 691 591 NREQD E1$5591XXX > 2 1 CL3000 421 NREQD E002421064 2 691 591 NREQD E002591XXX 2.5 691 591 NREQD E2$5591XXX > 3 1 CL3000 421 NREQD E003421064 3 691 591 NREQD E003591XXX 3.5 691 591 NREQD E3$5591XXX > 4 1 CL3000 421 NREQD E004421064 4 691 591 NREQD E004591XXX 5 691 591 NREQD E005591XXX 6 691 591 NREQD E006591XXX 8 691 591 NREQD E008591XXX 10 691 591 NREQD E010591XXX 12 691 591 NREQD E012591XXX 14 691 591 NREQD E014591XXX 16 691 591 NREQD E016591XXX 18 691 591 NREQD E018591XXX 20 691 591 NREQD E020591XXX 24 691 591 NREQD E024591XXX 26 691 591 NREQD E026591XXX 28 691 591 NREQD E028591XXX 30 691 591 NREQD E030591XXX 32 691 591 NREQD E032591XXX 34 691 591 NREQD E034591XXX 36 691 591 NREQD E036591XXX 42 691 591 NREQD E042591XXX 48 691 591 NREQD E048591XXX Piping Commodity Specification Data 3. Reference Data 3.1.6 Piping Commodity Size-Dependent Material Data The Size-Dependent Data table contains the data for a specific commodity item that is dependent on the commodity code, nominal piping diameter, and schedule/thickness. This table is used for miscellaneous batch reporting, such as construction cost reports and requisition orders, and interfaces to material control, stress analysis, and isometric drawing extraction. 101 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 There are multiple occurrences for a specific commodity code and a specific pair of green and red nominal piping diameters in the Piping Commodity Size-Dependent Material Data table because schedule/thickness is not included in the commodity code. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, system_unique_no sys_commodity_code gcp_nom_diam rcp_nom_diam gcp_sch_thk rcp_sch_thk commodity_code weld_weight unit_price manhours , , , , , , , , , , integer character(16) short short character(8) character(8) character(16) double double double , index 1 A sample neutral file is delivered in the file win32app\ingr\pddata\sample\data\pcd_size.data. 3.1.7 Piping Commodity Implied Material Data The Implied Material Data table contains the implied material data for a specific commodity item that is dependent on both the piping commodity code and nominal piping diameter range. This data is used strictly for generating implied material for MTO reporting and material control. It is not used for welds, bolts, nuts, or gaskets, but is reserved for other types of implied material, such as caps or stubs, for a specific commodity item. It is also used for reporting the implied components of a commodity item (for example, cap screws). A unique commodity code must be defined for each commodity definition. For example, if a commodity code is defined for gate valves from 2" to 14", but you want a different description for a 12" gate valve, you must assign a new commodity code to the 12" valve. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, system_unique_no sys_commodity_code gcp_from_nom_diam gcp_to_nom_diam rcp_from_nom_diam rcp_to_nom_diam commodity_code quantity fabrication_cat standard_note_no , , , , , , , , , , integer character(16) short short short short character(16) double short short , index 1 A sample neutral file for US practice is delivered in the file win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\spec_data\implied.data. 102 _ _______________ Piping Commodity Specification Data 3. Reference Data 103 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 3.1.8 PJS Tables and Functions The following tables, equations, and calculations are considered part of the Piping Job Specification even though they are not stored in the Reference Database. The table/equation names are defined in the Piping Materials Class Data. The actual tables and equations are stored in the Piping Job Specification Table Library. Temperature and Pressure Service Limits table This table includes the sets of temperatures and pressures that define the boundaries of acceptability for a piping materials class. Nominal Piping Diameter table The NPD tables lists the diameters for piping and tubing which are valid within any piping materials class which references this table. Thickness Data table Thickness data is determined as a function of the table name and nominal piping diameter. These tables include the minimum, retirement, thread, and preferred thicknesses required in the calculation of piping wall thickness. The tables provide the actual thickness; not a schedule. Therefore, there must be an individual entry for each diameter. You cannot use an NPD range. Materials Data table This table consists of the materials data that is a function of the table name, material grade, wall thickness range, and temperature. These tables include the properties which are required for the calculation of piping wall thickness. Piping Wall Thickness equation and Branch Reinforcement calculation These tables define formulas for the calculation of piping wall thickness and branch reinforcement to resist positive pressure. The actual equations and their logic are hardcoded in the software. Branch Insertion table A branch insertion table defines the selection criteria for tee and lateral branches. Branch tables define the reinforcement to be used at tee and lateral branches as a function of the acute angle of intersection and the nominal diameters for the intersecting lines. The types of branch connections include reinforcing weld, coupling, threadolet, reducing tee, nipolet, reinforcing pad, sockolet, tee, weldolet, and so forth. 104 _ _______________ Gasket Separation table These tables define the gasket gap to be used for a given nominal diameter and maximum temperature. For each bolted end, the system uses the applicable table, the NPD of the end, and the maximum temperature for the gasket to be used to determine the gap thickness to be used at the end. Lines in this table are sorted by NPD first and maximum temperature second. PJS Tables and Functions 3. Reference Data 105 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 3.2 Graphic Commodity Data and Physical Dimension Data The graphic commodity data is used to define commodity items, specialty items, instruments, and pipe supports. The Graphic Commodity Library contains the parametric symbol definitions required to place piping and instrument components in a 3D model. When you place a component the system uses the Piping Job Specification to select the appropriate component from the parametric symbol definition library which then accesses the component dimensional data. The graphic commodity data is contained in the following object libraries: Graphic Commodity Library - contains the parametric definitions for the commodity items. Entries in this library use the EDEN programming language. Physical Dimension Libraries - contains dimension data for the commodity items. (A different Physical Dimension Library is required for each type of practice such as, U.S., DIN, or British Standard) The parametric descriptions and dimension tables are also delivered in the form of text libraries which you can extract and modify using the Graphic Data Library Manager and Physical Data Library Manager. Refer to Chapter 4, How PDS Works, for examples of parametric definitions and dimension tables. 106 _ _______________ 3.3 Material Description Data The Material Description Data is accessed for Material Take-off (MTO) reporting from the Design Database Other miscellaneous reporting Interfaces to material control systems Stress analysis Isometric drawing extraction. The Material Description Data consists of the commodity item data which is not stored in the Design Database, which is not required for the creation of graphic symbologies, and which is not part of the geometric data. This data is contained in the following files: Material Data in the Specification/Material Database - database tables containing definitions for commodity items, criteria for implied material, and weld data. Material Description Data 3. Reference Data Short Material Description Library - contains the short material descriptions for commodity items and taps. Long Material Description Library - contains the long material descriptions for commodity items. Specialty Material Description Library - contains the material descriptions for specialty items. The material descriptions are also delivered in the form of neutral files which you can modify and post to the libraries. The following shows a portion of a neutral file for the short material description library. ! ! ! DEFINE SHORT DESCRIPTIONS Date/Time: Wed Jul 7 14:38:03 1993 Processed Library /usr/ip32/rdusrdb/us_shbom.l !Cmdty Code ====================================Description======================================== CHAIN_1003 ’Chainwheel operator each with [422] of total chain length for [426] NPD valve with commodity code [400]’ CHAIN_1005 ’Chainwheel operator each with [422] of total chain length for [426] NPD valve with commodity code [400]’ DAABAXAABE ’Monitor, CL150 FFFE, ˆstation type, 4" CL150 in-let by 2.5" NHT stainless steel outlet w/stainless steel stem lock knobs with 0.75" coupling in base, w/shapertip nozzle, Stang BB0309-21’ DBAAAXBAAB ’Fire hydrant, CL125 FFFE, ˆ5" size, counterclockwise open, 4.5" steamer nozzle, two 2.5" hose nozzles equipped w/caps and chains, [428], American Darling B-50-B’ DCBGDXEADA ’Hose rack, 300#, FTE, ˆw/valve, wall mount, rt hand w/100 ft hose & fog nozzle, Powhatan 30-333’ DDAXCJDAAA ’Spray sprinkler, MTE, filled cone w/rupture disc, 304, Grinnell, Mulsifyre Projector S-1’ FAAAAAWAAA ’Flange, CL150, FFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ FAAAAAWWAA ’Flange, CL150, FFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, cement lined, [409]|bore to match|’ FAAABADIIF ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F316, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-80S bore’ FAAADBDFFC ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F11, ANSI-B16.5, WN, 125 Ra finish, S-XXS bore’ GEAAAZZADF ’Paddle spacer, CL150, FFTBE, ˆASTM-A516-70, Aitken Z1, [429]’ PAAAAACIIA ’Pipe, S-104, BE, ˆ’ PAAAAAJAAA ’Pipe, S-60, BE, ˆASTM-A53-B Type S’ PAAAAAWWXM ’Pipe, [401], BE, ˆASTM-A53-B Type S, cement lined, treated & wrapped’ PAAAABBAAE ’Pipe, S-STD, BE, ˆASTM-A106-B’ PADAABDGFD ’Pipe, S-XXS, PE, ˆASME-SA335-P11’ 107 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 PAFAAAWAAA POAAAADIIA PRPAXZZAAA PUBZZAWVAA QAEZZAKTAB SAAQZZZAAA SCAQZZZAAA SHAQZZZABB SLAQZZZAAA SLAQZZZABB SLCQZZZAAA SLCQZZZABB STAQZZZAAA STBQZZZAAA STLQZZZAAA STMQZZZABB TPAZVZZAAA UAAEGZZVBB URAEKZZVBB VAAAUXJAAA VAAAUXJAGR VAABAHCCAA VBABALCFAA VBABALCFRE VCAAUXJCAA VDABAUIBAA VEADAZEBAA VEADAZECGR VFLAUQRJGR VYFSAHEEAA WAAAAAWAAA WADAAAWABL WBAFBAWIKB WCAAAAWAAA WOAAAAWIFB WOBSABQAFA WOCTABQAFB WODAAAWAFA WOIAAAWAFA WOUSABQAFA WRAAAAWAAA WRBAAAWAAA WTAAAAWFAL WTBAAAWAAA WZBZZZZAZA XAAAAZZICC XDAABZZQSG YAJBPFCFFW YBJIPFKFFW YZZZHZZFFB YZZZMZZAAA ’Pipe bend, [403], BE, ˆ6 NPD rad, ASTM-A53-B Type S’ ’Nipple, BE, S-80S, 3" long, ˆASTM-A312-TP304 smls’ ’Reinforcing pad, [425], ASTM-A53-Bˆ’ ’Pipe, [401], SPE/BLE, ˆpush-on jt, 10 ft lay lngth, ASTM-A74 w/rubber gskt’ ’Reducing coupling, S-80, SE, ˆASTM-D2467’ ’Coupling, CL3000, SWE, ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.11’ ’Cap, CL3000, SWE, ˆASTM-A105’ ’Union, CL3000, SWE, ˆASTM-A350-LF2, MSS-SP-83’ ’90 deg elbow, CL3000, SWE, ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.11’ ’90 deg elbow, CL3000, SWE, ˆASTM-A350-LF2, ANSI-B16.11’ ’45 deg elbow, CL3000, SWE, ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.11’ ’45 deg elbow, CL3000, SWE, ˆASTM-A350-LF2, ANSI-B16.11’ ’Tee, CL3000, SWE, ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.11’ ’Reducing branch tee, CL3000, SWE, ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.11’ ’Lateral, CL3000, SWE, ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.11’ ’Reducing branch lateral, CL3000, SWE, ˆASTM-A350-LF2, ANSI-B16.11’ ’Plug, MTE, ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.11’ ’1/4 bend, CL250, PE/MJBE, ˆAWWA-C110, dbl thk cement lined w/gskt, glnd & blt’ ’Concentric reducer, CL250, PLE/MJBSE, ˆAWWA-C110, dbl thk cement lined w/gskt, glnd & blt’ ’Gate valve, CL150, FFFE, ˆBB, OS&Y, ASTM-A395, brnz trim, Stockham D-623’ ’Gate valve, CL150, FFFE, ˆBB, OS&Y, ASTM-A395, brnz trim, GO w/side handwheel, Stockham D-623’ ’Gate valve, CL150, RFFE, ˆBB, OS&Y, ASTM-A216-WCB, trim 8, Crane 47’ ’Globe valve, CL150, RFFE, ˆBB, OS&Y, ASTM-A216-WCB, trim 12, Crane 143’ ’Globe valve, CL150, RFFE, ˆBB, OS&Y, ASTM-A216-WCB, NACE, trim 12, Crane 143’ ’Check valve, CL150, FFFE, ˆBC, swing, ASTM-A395, brnz trim, Stockham D-931’ ’Ball valve, CL150, RFFE, ˆred. port, end entry, firesafe, ASTM-A216-WCB, plated CS ball, CS trim, Jamesbury 5150’ ’Plug valve, CL150, RFFE, ˆlubricated, ASTM-A216-WCB, 125 Ra finish, Rockwell 1945’ ’Plug valve, CL150, RFFE, ˆlubricated, ASTM-A216-WCB, 125 Ra finish, GO w/side handwheel, Rockwell 4149’ ’Butterfly valve, CL125, FFFE, ˆASTM-A395, trim 316, EPT seat, GO w/side handwheel, Centerline Series 504’ ’Y globe valve, CL1500, SWE, ˆWB, OS&Y, ASTM-A105, trim 8, Rockwell/Edward 36124’ ’90 deg LR elbow, [403], BE, ˆASTM-A234-WPB, ANSI-B16.9’ ’45 deg LR elbow, [403], BE, ˆASTM-A420-WPL6, ANSI-B16.9’ ’Stub end, RFLFE/BE, ˆASTM-A403-WP304, ANSI-B16.9, [409]|bore to match|’ ’Cap, [403], BE, ˆASTM-A234-WPB, ANSI-B16.9’ ’Weldolet, [412], BE, ˆ|weldolet, |ASTM-A182-F304L’ ’Sockolet, CL3000, BE/SWE, ˆ|sockolet, |ASTM-A105’ ’Thredolet, CL3000, BE/FTE, ˆ|thredolet, |ASTM-A350-LF2’ ’Elbolet, [412], BE, ˆ|elbolet, |ASTM-A105’ ’Latrolet, [412], BE, ˆ|latrolet, |ASTM-A105’ ’Flatolet, CL3000, BE/SWE, ˆ|flatolet, |ASTM-A105’ ’Concentric reducer, [414], BE, ˆASTM-A234-WPB, ANSI-B16.9’ ’Eccentric reducer, [414], BE, ˆASTM-A234-WPB, ANSI-B16.9’ ’Tee, [403], BE, ˆASTM-A234-WP9, ANSI-B16.9’ ’Reducing branch tee, [416], BE, ˆASTM-A234-WPB, ANSI-B16.9’ ’Reinforcing weld, [423], carbon steelˆ’ ’Gasket, CL150, ˆG52, 0.0625" thk comp sheet, org fiber/nitrile binder, full face, ANSI-B16.21’ ’Gasket, CL150, ˆG653, 0.125" thk, 304 spiral wnd, graph filled, CS center ring, API-601’ ’Cap screws, ASTM-A193-B7,$0.625" diam x 1.5" lg’ ’Cap screws, ASTM-A193-B7,$1" diam x 3.5" lg’ ’B44, ASTM-A193-B8C Cl.1 studs w/ASTM-A194-8C hvy hex nuts’ ’B71, ASTM-A307-B machine bolts w/ASTM-A563-A hvy hex nuts’ The Material Description Library Manager enables you to create, revise, and delete data in the Material Description Libraries. You can use the Piping Job Specification Manager to load the material data tables in the Specification/Material Database. Refer to Creating Material Takeoffs and Other Reports, page 231 for more information on material descriptions. 108 _ _______________ 3.4 Standard Note Library Standard Note Library The text for code-listed attributes and standard notes is stored in the Standard Note Library. All attributes identified as code-listed are actually stored as integer values. The code list text associated with the integer is stored in the Standard Note Library. Information in the Standard Note Library is identified by note number and note type. Output from the library consists of free-format text which forms the standard note. 3.5 Label Description Library The Label Description Library contains the definitions for the following label types used in PDS 3D: Drawing view specific labels Drawing view identification labels Drawing block labels 3. Reference Data Alphanumeric labels Displayable attribute messages Material description attribute messages Isometric drawing labels. These labels are intelligent graphics with links to the material database. The Label Description Library Manager enables you to define the graphic parameters for a label (such as level, line weight, and color code) and to define the format of the label (what information comprises the label.) 109 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 3.6 Piping Assembly Library The Piping Assembly Library (PAL) contains the piping assembly definitions which define the parameters necessary to place a piping assembly (group of components) automatically in the model. A Piping Assembly object library and text library which contain the definitions for basic assemblies are included in the product delivery. The following shows a sample PAL file for a drain: # Drain assembly PAL ’DRAIN’ ! ! This assembly will place a drain. The user needs to place a 1" ! sockolet at the point the drain is desired. ! PLACE FITTING, 6Q3C88 , BY CP1 ! ! The data from the component spec is read into the keywords. ! TERM_TYPE_1 TO 5 gets the numeric value for end preparation (eg. 21) ! PR_RATING_1 TO 5 gets the pressure rating ! GEN_TYPE_1 TO 5 gets the textual value for end preparation (eg. MALE) ! LOAD_SPEC_DATA = ’6Q1C76’ ! ! This ’IF’ statement determines if an optional flange is needed before ! the gate valve is placed. ! IF ( GEN_TYPE_1 .EQ. BOLTED ) THEN OPTION_RATING = PR_RATING_1 OPTION_END_PREP = TERM_TYPE_1 PLACE OPTIONAL , 6Q2C01 , BY CP2 ENDIF ! ! Places a gate valve. Notice in the spec that this type of gate valve ! is different than a 6Q2C01. ! PLACE VALVE, 6Q1C76 , BY CP1 IF ( GEN_TYPE_2 .EQ. BOLTED ) THEN OPTION_RATING = PR_RATING_2 OPTION_END_PREP = TERM_TYPE_2 PLACE OPTIONAL , 6Q2C01 , BY CP1 ENDIF ! ! This command allows the user to pick which component to place. If the ! option command is not used the s/w will choose option 1. In this instance, ! without the OPTION_CODE command will cause an error because there are no ! option 1 attributes available for 6Q2C16. Another possiblilty would be to ! use OPTION_CODE = PROMPT. The user will be prompted for which component is ! desired. ! OPTION_CODE = 163 PLACE FITTING, 6Q2C16 , BY CP1 END 110 _ _______________ The resulting graphics created by the PAL file look like this: Standard Note Library Graphics Placed by Drain Assembly 3. Reference Data 111 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 112 _ _______________ 4. How PDS Works This sections provides an overview of how the various parts of PDS are used to place components in a model. It also outlines how the information in the model and the accompanying engineering data in the Databases is used for material control. How PDS Works All of the examples used in this chapter use the delivered reference data. This chapter is intended to illustrate how PDS uses the reference data rather than point out various customizable features. Detailed customization information is provided in the Spec Writing for PDS 3D Course Guide and in the Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) Reference Guide. 4.1 What Happens When I Place a Component? This is a good starting point for a discussion of the various parts that make up PDS and how these parts work together. The figure on the following page illustrates what happens when you place a Gate Valve in a piping model. PDS makes extensive use of reference data to control the design process. Because PDS uses reference data to control placement operations, it is said to be specification-driven. When you select a component for placement in the model, the system uses the active parameters (such as piping materials class and nominal diameter) to search for the selected item name in the Specification Material Reference Database. If the selected item is found in the RDB, the system reads the specification data for the parameters required to place the component. Included in this information is the model code (or specialty item number) for the selected component and the names of the spec tables defined for the Piping Materials Class. uses the model code (or specialty item number), derived from the RDB, to access the Graphic Commodity Library. The definitions in the Graphic Commodity Library determine the physical tables required to place the component and call the tables in the Physical Dimension Library. places the symbol graphics in the model design file and writes the nongraphic information for the component in the database. 4. Component Placement 113 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 114 _ _______________ The Piping Designer provides a graphics environment for the creation and modification of piping and instrumentation. The graphics environment will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 5. The Place Component command activates a form used to control the placement operation. How PDS Works 4.1.1 Spec Access The system uses the active parameters to access information in the Specification/Material Reference Database. The active segment parameters define the data that will be used to place the component. 4. Component Placement 4.1.2 Piping Materials Class Data The Piping Materials Class setting defines a number of basic parameters. In this example the Piping Materials Class is set to 1C0031. 115 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Piping Materials Class Code The delivered reference data uses a 6 character code for the PMC based on the following convention. F A XXXX - Pressure Rating - Material Group - Sequence Number from Code List Set 148 Following this convention, 1C0031 is interpreted as 1 C 0031 - CL150 - Carbon Steels - CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 8 Therefore, PMC 1C0031 equals 150# Carbon Steel, Standard Raised Face, with trim 8. Refer to the listing of Code List Set 148 in the PDS Piping Component Data Reference Guide for information on all the codes. An alternate naming scheme is also described under Code List Set 148. This alternate scheme uses the convention: A B C D E F - Materials Group - Materials Type - Detail Features - Corrosion Allowance - Service - Pressure Rating Following this convention, CAC5C1 is interpreted as C A C 5 C 1 - Carbon Steels - CS - Std RF. std trim - 0.063" - Process. hot (-20 to 800° F) - CL150 You can use either of these conventions or use any standard character code up to 16 characters. Temperature Pressure Table This attribute identifies the table used to determine maximum pressure as a function of temperature. This table includes the pressure and temperature sets that form the boundary for which the commodity items included in this piping materials class are suitable. 116 _ _______________ Table_Data_Definition ’L1001’ ! Description= B16.5 CL150-1.1, -20 to 800 ! By=DCG Ckd By=DG Rev=0 No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 1 Input_Interpolation 1, Next_One Units= DF, PSIG ! Temperature Pressure -20 285 100 285 200 260 300 230 400 200 500 170 600 140 650 125 700 110 750 95 800 80 END Date=13-Feb-1987 How PDS Works Diameter Table This attribute identifies the table used to determine the nominal piping diameter (NPD) values for piping and tubing which are valid for this piping materials class. The following table will allow the placement of 1/2" to 36" piping: 4. Component Placement Table_Data_Definition ’D036’ ! Description= From 0.5 to 36 ! By=NP Ckd By=DG Rev=0 No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 0 Units= NPD_IN ! Diam 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Date=22-Jan-1987 117 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 26 28 30 32 34 36 END Thickness Table This attribute defines a table to be used for optional wall thickness and branch reinforcement calculations. When the table is used, thickness data is determined as a function of nominal piping diameter. The thickness table includes the minimum, retirement, thread, and preferred thicknesses required in the calculation of piping wall thickness. It provides the actual thickness; not a schedule. Therefore, there must be an individual entry for each diameter. Table_Data_Definition ’TA501’ ! Description= A,0.063CA,0.0071D=26 ! By=DCG Ckd By=DG Rev=0 Date=31-Jan-1987 No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 8 Units= NPD_IN, IN, IN, IN, SC_TH_IN, SC_TH_IN, SC_TH_IN, SC_TH_IN, SC_TH_IN ! Diam Min Thick Ret Thick Thread Thick Preferred Schedules/Thicknesses 0.5 .147 .06 S-160 0.75 .154 .06 S-XS 1 .179 .06 S-XS 1.5 .2 .06 S-XS 2 .154 .06 S-STD 3 .216 .06 S-STD 4 .237 .07 S-STD 6 .28 .1 S-STD 8 .250 .1 S-STD 10 .250 .1 S-STD 12 .250 .1 S-STD - Materials Table This parameter defines a materials data table used to determine the material properties for optional wall thickness calculations. The units of measure used in this table must be consistent with those used in the corresponding Temperature-Pressure Table. Table_Data_Definition ’ML01’ ! Description= Materials per ANSI-B31.3b-1988 ! By=EPZ Ckd By=RSM Rev=3 Date=03-Oct-1989 No_Inputs 2 No_Outputs 6 Input_Interpolation 2, Next_One Units= INT, DF, IN, IN, DEC, PSI, DEC, IN 118 _ _______________ ! ! Mat Gr 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 Temp -20 100 200 300 400 500 600 650 700 750 800 -20 100 200 300 400 500 600 650 700 750 800 -20 100 200 300 400 500 600 650 700 750 800 Thick Range Y .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 S 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 18900 17300 17000 16500 13000 10800 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 18900 17300 17000 16500 13000 10800 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 18900 17300 17000 16500 13000 10800 Mill Tolrnce % Value 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 - How PDS Works Thickness Equations Thickness equations define formulas for the optional calculation of piping wall thickness and branch reinforcement to resist positive pressure. The actual equations and their logic are hardcoded in the software. 4. Component Placement EL01 Source - ANSI-B31.3c.1986 [Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping] Thickness logic from paragraph 304.1, equation 3a Reinforcement logic from paragraph 304.3.3 & Code - Appendix H PD t = _________ 2(SE+PY) 119 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 where P D S E Y A Design pressure Pipe outside diameter Allowable stress read from the Materials table Joint quality factor determined from the wall thickness attribute Cxxx where xxx is 100 times E Coefficient Y read from the Materials table Additional Thickness (in inches or mm) Gasket Gap / Table This attribute defines either a single gasket gap value or a table used to determine the gasket gap based on nominal diameter and maximum temperature. If a table is specified, the system uses the NPD of each bolted end and the maximum temperature for the gasket at that end to determine the gap thickness. In this example, the actual gap value (.125) is used rather than a table name. 4.1.3 Piping Commodity Data The following shows the delivered commodity item data as defined in 1c0031.pcd. The active segment parameters define the data that will be used to place the component. Continuing with our example, we will use the information for a 6 inch gate valve. 120 _ _______________ Item Name and Model Code When you select the Gate option from the Place Component form, the system sets the Item Name to 6Q1C01. This is the item name for a gate valve in the delivered reference data. The corresponding Model Code for this Item Name is GAT. How PDS Works The item name is also called the AABBCC code because it is composed of a number of parameters. For example, the code 6Q1C01 breaks down as follows AA BB CC 6Q 1C 01 Piping In-Line Component Valves Gate Valve Option Code The option code is a code-listed value that tells the system to retrieve the primary commodity item, a secondary commodity item, or another special option from the Piping Commodity Data. This parameter allows you to select from predefined options at placement. If no option is specified, the system defaults to option 1 (primary commodity item). Option 2 is reserved as the secondary commodity item. The other options are determined by values for Code List Set 400. Green and Red Connect Point Data Since a standard gate valve has the same properties at both ends (connect points) only green connect point data is required. ! AABBCC ! Code Opt 6Q1C01 1 - - - - - - Green CP - - - - - From To Prp Rating Sc/Th TS 3 12 21 CL150 NREQD 5 4. Component Placement The From To values define the range of NPD values supported by this definition in this example 3" to 12". The End Preparation (Prp) is a code-listed attribute that identifies the end preparation for the connect point. The system determines the termination type based on the range of values 2 - 199 bolted terminations 300 - 399 male terminations 400 - 599 female terminations Using the values defined in Code List Set 330, the setting 21 indicates RFFE (Raised-Face Flanged End). 121 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 The Rating identifies the pressure rating for the connect point. The setting CL150 refers to ANSI pressure rating CL150. The system interprets the first set of sequential numeric characters as the pressure rating value (150 in this example). The Schedule Thickness (Sc/Th) exists as alphanumeric data. The value NREQD is used in cases where all of the following conditions apply: The thickness value is not required in purchasing the component. Empty weights are not significantly affected by actual thickness values. Either stress analysis is not applicable or, if applicable, the component is to be considered infinitely rigid in stress analysis calculations. The Table Suffix (TS) is a code-listed attribute (CL576) used to further reference the source of the generic dimensional data, such as flange data or piping outside diameter data. For AMS standards, it represents the table suffix for the green connect point. The value 5 is the default for US practice. It represents the basis on which most US-practice generic piping tables for dimensional parameters is defined. End Termination Type Basis for Table Values Raised-face flanged..........ANSI-B16.1, B16.5, API-605 or MSS-SP-42, in this order of precedence Commodity Code The commodity code is a user-assigned code that together with the NPD and schedule/thickness uniquely defines the component. It defines the customer’s commodity code (or part number). This attribute is the index into the Material Description Library. Using the delivered reference data, the commodity code VAABAHCCAA represents V - Valve A - Gate Valve A - CL150 B - Raised Face Flanged Ends A - Carbon Steel H - Trim 8 CC - Crane 47 AA - Blank For valves, the commodity code also defines the name of the dry weight table (required for stress analysis). Refer to Appendix E in the PDS Piping Component Data Reference Guide for a listing of the delivered commodity codes. 122 _ _______________ Geometric Industry Standard This code-listed attribute (CL575) identifies the source of the data (which is usually an industry standard, such as ANSI, ISO, or DIN, or a company standard) from which the specific geometry of the commodity item can be deduced. This parameter represents the vendor or industry standard, and the material if either affects the dimensions of the commodity item. Code list numbers 2-6999 are reserved for geometry standards that apply to US piping practices. The value 40 indicates 40 = ANSI-B16.10 [Dimensions of Ferrous Valves ||] How PDS Works Modifier This attribute has various uses depending on the type of commodity item. For a valve, it represents the code list number from CL550 (operator/actuator type) which defines the symbol description and the source of the physical data. If this value is a negative number (such as -3) the operator is not displayed when placing the component. Reviewing CL550, the value 3 indicates a handwheel operator. Materials Grade This code-listed attribute (CL145) identifies the material code, specification, grade-temper, and joint efficiency for the component. This data is used in wall thickness calculations. It can also be used to access physical data in the Graphic Commodity Library. Reviewing CL145, the value 252 indicates A216-WCB. 4. Component Placement Weight code This code-listed attribute (CL578) defines the weight code for the component. It determines the table to be used in finding the dry weight of the component. It is required for those cases where material causes the dry weight data but not the dimensional data to differ for a specific geometric industry standard. Reviewing CL578, the value 52 indicates 52 = 490 pcf [Carbon steel, low Cr alloy steel, stainless steel] 123 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Fabrication Category This code-listed attribute (CL180) identifies the shop/field fabrication and purchase status of a component. It defines how the component was supplied and how the component was fabricated. The value 7 indicates Contractor supplied, field fabricated (CSFF). 4.1.4 Table Access If all the required information is found in the Specification/Material Reference Database, the system performs table access to determine the geometry and dimensions of the component. Using the Review Component Placement option of the Diagnostics command, you can review the table access operations used to place the component. The Place Component Error Data form displays the physical data libraries and Eden modules that were accessed to place the component. The initial display lists the Eden modules that were accessed. Indented lines indicate a module which was called from another module. The system places an asterisk (*) beside the module name where Eden stopped executing. The system uses the model code (or specialty item number) to access the graphic commodity library. The definitions in the graphic commodity library determine the physical tables required to place the component and call the tables in the physical commodity library. The Graphic Commodity Library (GCL) provides data for commodity items, engineered items, and instruments. It is basically a catalog of component data which is accessed to 124 _ _______________ assign connect point data from the Specification Material Reference Database define the parametric shape for the model graphics. PDS Piping uses the Eden Parametric Language to define and place components, specialty items, operators, and envelopes. Eden is a high- level programming language which uses information from the Material Reference Database and model to access parametric and dimensional data. Eden is composed of three major types of modules Symbol Processors Physical Data Subroutines Parametric Shape Definitions These modules are designed to carry out two functions: data definition and graphic presentation. The modular approach provides for efficient storage of information in these libraries by enabling common information to be shared by different symbols. How PDS Works determine physical data based on user specifications (such as NPD and end preparation) 4. Component Placement 125 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Eden Module Relationships 4.1.5 Symbol Processors A symbol processor is the controlling function or logic used to produce the graphics for a commodity item, piping specialty, instrument, pipe support, or interference envelope. During component placement, the symbol processor accesses the active component design parameters assigns connect points Calls the required physical data modules 126 _ _______________ determines and calls the required parametric shape modules. The system retrieves the active component parameters which are dependent upon a connect point from the RDB in terms of green, red, or tap connect point properties. The symbol definition assigns the data corresponding to these connect point types (green, red, or tap) to the physical connect point numbers (CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4 or CP5). The first line of the Eden module defines the type of module and the module name. The following statement is used in the Eden modules to indicate a symbol processor module. Symbol_Processor ’module name’ How PDS Works The module name is determined by the type of component being placed (commodity item or specialty item). For a commodity item, the system searches for the Model Code of the commodity item as the module name. If the Model Code is blank in the Piping Commodity Specification Data, the system searches for the Item Name as the module name. The following lists the symbol processor GAT which is used to control the placement of a gate valve. ! REGULAR PATTERN, BOLTED OR MALE ENDS GATE VALVE Symbol_Processor ’GAT’ Call Assign_Connect_Point ( GREEN, CP1 ) Call Assign_Connect_Point ( RED, CP2 ) physical_data_source = ’V1’ // Standard_Type Call Get_Physical_Data ( physical_data_source ) parametric_shape = ’V1’ Call Draw_Parametric_Shape ( parametric_shape ) Valve_Operator = DABS ( Valve_Operator ) If ( Valve_Operator .NE. 0 ) Then If ( Valve_Operator .LT. 1000 ) Then Subcomponent = ’OP’ // Valve_Operator Else Subcomponent = ’A’ // Valve_Operator EndIf Operator_Orient = FALSE EndIf Stop End 4. Component Placement Listing for Symbol Processor GAT 4.1.6 Sub-Symbol Processor A subcomponent call in a symbol processor module indicates a sub-symbol processor. Subcomponents are additions to symbols such as an operator on a valve. The first line of a sub-symbol processor module indicates the module type and the module name. 127 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Sub_Symbol_Processor ’module name’ The sub-symbol processor name for operators is a concatenation of the characters OP_ and the modifier value from the Piping Commodity Specification Data in the RDB. The value is expressed as a code list number from CL550 (operator/actuator type). If the value is a positive number (such as 3) the operator is placed with the valve. If the value is a negative number (such as -3) the operator is not placed with the valve. (This is useful in segregating large diameter valves which almost always have a valve operator from small diameter valves which frequently do not have an operator.) The symbol processor for the gate valve calls a sub-symbol processor (Subcomponent = ’OP’ // Valve_Operator) which places an operator on the valve. The following depicts the sub-symbol processor OP_3 which is used to control the placement of a hand wheel operator on the valve. ! HANDWHEEL OPERATOR Sub_Symbol_Processor ’OP_3’ If ( Operator_Orient .EQ. TRUE ) Then prompt = 1.0 Call Prompt_to_Orient_Operator ( prompt ) EndIf physical_data_source = ’OPERATOR_3’ Call Get_Physical_Data ( physical_data_source ) parametric_shape = ’OP3’ Call Draw_Parametric_Shape ( parametric_shape ) Stop End Listing for Sub-Symbol Processor OP_3 4.1.7 Physical Data Definitions The system uses the physical data definitions to determine the dimension data, weight data, and surface area data using the active design parameters. Physical data modules are identified by the statement Physical_Data_Definition as the first line in the Eden module. The module name for a physical data module consists of a symbol type (such as V1, V2, and so forth for valves) and a generic type of geometric industry standard (such as AMS or DIN). You can define multiple physical data modules for the same symbol depending on the type of standard being referenced (for example, V1_AMS for American standards and V1_DIN for European standards). You can manage ten different sets of logic for table naming conventions for the following industry practices. The corresponding table suffix ranges and the suffix for the Piping Eden physical data modules are indicated below. ’module name’ 128 _ _______________ Practice U.S. Practice European - DIN European - British Standard European - Practice A European - Practice B International - JIS International - Australian International - Practice A International - Practice B Company Practice Range 1-99 100-199 200-299 300-399 400-499 500-599 600-699 700-799 800-899 900-999 How PDS Works Suffix AMS DIN BRITISH_STD EURO_A EURO_B JIS AUS INT_A INT_B COMPANY The geometric industry standard for a component is defined in the Piping Commodity Data table of the Material Reference Database. Each component must be assigned a geometric industry standard if it is to use physical data tables. For most of the delivered symbols, the physical data modules are classified into two categories: specific and generic. The specific physical data module is called by the symbol processor. This module then calls a generic physical data module. Specific Physical Data Modules The physical data module V1_AMS determines the specific dimensions (face-to-center and face-to-face) and other physical properties for a gate valve. This is the module called by the symbol processor GAT Physical_Data_Definition ’V1_AMS’ physical_data_source = ’VALVE_2_AMS’ Call Get_Physical_Data ( physical_data_source ) Call Read_Table ( Table_Name_A, input, output ) Surface_Area = Output_1 Wet_Weight = Output_2 F_to_C_Dim_1 = Output_3 If ( Term_Type_1 .EQ. Term_Type_2 ) Then F_to_C_Dim_2 = F_to_C_Dim_1 Else F_to_C_Dim_2 = Output_4 EndIf F_to_F_Dim = F_to_C_Dim_1 + F_to_C_Dim_2 If ( Valve_Operator .LE. 24.0 ) Then Call Read_Table ( Table_Name_W, input, output ) Dry_Weight = Output_1 EndIf Return End 4. Component Placement Listing for Physical Data Module V1_AMS 129 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Generic Physical Data Modules The generic modules contain information which is common to more than one symbol such as flange thickness, gasket separation, and outside diameter. The physical data module V1_AMS calls another physical data module VALVE_2_AMS which contains the generic dimension data for all valves with two connect points. Physical_Data_Definition ’VALVE_2_AMS’ Input_1 = Nom_Pipe_D_1 If ( Gen_Type_1 .EQ. BOLTED ) Then table_name = ’BLT’ // Term_Type_1 // Pr_Rating_1 // Gen_Flag_Green Call Read_Table ( table_name, input, output ) Facing_OD_1 = Output_1 Thickness_1 = Output_2 Seat_Depth_1 = Output_3 Thickness_1 = Thickness_1 - Seat_Depth_1 CP_Offset_1 = Gasket_Sep_1 If ( Symbology .EQ. MODEL ) Then Thickness_1 = 0.0 Depth_1 = 0.0 Pipe_OD_1 = 0.0 Body_OD_1 = Facing_OD_1 Else table_name = ’MAL_300_5’ Depth_1 = Thickness_1 Input_1 = Nom_Pipe_D_1 Call Read_Table ( table_name, input, output ) Pipe_OD_1 = Output_2 Body_OD_1 = Pipe_OD_1 EndIf Else If ( Gen_Type_1 .EQ. MALE ) Then table_name = ’MAL’ // Term_Type_1 // Gen_Flag_Green Call Read_Table ( table_name, input, output ) Facing_OD_1 = Output_2 Thickness_1 = 0.0 Depth_1 = 0.0 Seat_Depth_1 = 0.0 CP_Offset_1 = 0.0 Pipe_OD_1 = Facing_OD_1 Body_OD_1 = Facing_OD_1 Else table_name = ’FEM’ // Term_Type_1 // Pr_Rating_1 // Gen_Flag_Green Call Read_Table ( table_name, input, output ) Facing_OD_1 = Output_1 Depth_1 = Output_2 Seat_Depth_1 = 0.0 Thickness_1 = 0.0 If ( symbology .EQ. MODEL ) Then Depth_1 = 0.0 CP_Offset_1 = 0.0 Pipe_OD_1 = 0.0 Body_OD_1 = Facing_OD_1 Else CP_Offset_1 = -Depth_1 table_name = ’MAL_300_5’ Call Read_Table ( table_name, input, output ) Pipe_OD_1 = Output_2 Body_OD_1 = Pipe_OD_1 130 _ _______________ Then How PDS Works EndIf EndIf EndIf If ( Term_Type_2 .EQ. Term_Type_1 .AND. Nom_Pipe_D_1 .EQ. Nom_Pipe_D_2 ) Facing_OD_2 = Facing_OD_1 Pipe_OD_2 = Pipe_OD_1 Body_OD_2 = Body_OD_1 Thickness_2 = Thickness_1 Depth_2 = Depth_1 Seat_depth_2 = Seat_Depth_1 CP_Offset_2 = CP_Offset_1 Else Input_1 = Nom_Pipe_D_2 If ( Gen_Type_2 .EQ. BOLTED ) Then table_name = ’BLT’ // Term_Type_2 // Pr_Rating_2 // Gen_Flag_Red Call Read_Table ( table_name, input, output ) Facing_OD_2 = Output_1 Thickness_2 = Output_2 Seat_Depth_2 = Output_3 Thickness_2 = Thickness_2 - Seat_Depth_2 CP_Offset_2 = Gasket_Sep_2 If ( Symbology .EQ. MODEL ) Then Thickness_2 = 0.0 Depth_2 = 0.0 Pipe_OD_2 = 0.0 Body_OD_2 = Facing_OD_2 Else Depth_2 = Thickness_2 table_name = ’MAL_300_5’ Input_1 = Nom_Pipe_D_2 Call Read_Table ( table_name, input, output ) Pipe_OD_2 = Output_2 Body_OD_2 = Pipe_OD_2 EndIf Else If ( Gen_Type_2 .EQ. MALE ) Then table_name = ’MAL’ // Term_Type_2 // Call Read_Table ( table_name, input, Facing_OD_2 = Output_2 Thickness_2 = 0.0 Depth_2 = 0.0 Seat_Depth_2 = 0.0 CP_Offset_2 = 0.0 Pipe_OD_2 = Facing_OD_2 Body_OD_2 = Facing_OD_2 Else table_name = ’FEM’ // Term_Type_2 // Call Read_Table ( table_name, input, Facing_OD_2 = Output_1 Depth_2 = Output_2 Seat_Depth_2 = 0.0 Thickness_2 = 0.0 If ( Symbology .EQ. MODEL ) Then Depth_2 = 0.0 CP_Offset_2 = 0.0 Pipe_OD_2 = 0.0 Body_OD_2 = Facing_OD_2 Else CP_Offset_2 = -Depth_2 table_name = ’MAL_300_5’ Gen_Flag_Red output ) Pr_Rating_2 // Gen_Flag_Red output ) 4. Component Placement 131 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Input_1 = Nom_Pipe_D_2 Call Read_Table ( table_name, input, output ) Pipe_OD_2 = Output_2 Body_OD_2 = Pipe_OD_2 EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Table_Name_A = Item_Name // Geo_Ind_Std // Term_Type_1 Table_Name_W = Commodity_Code Input_1 = Nom_Pipe_D_1 Input_2 = Nom_Pipe_D_2 If ( Term_Type_1 .EQ. Term_Type_2 .AND. Nom_Pipe_D_1 .EQ. Nom_Pipe_D_2 ) Then Table_Name_A = Table_Name_A // Pr_Rating_1 // ’A’ Else If ( Gen_Type_1 .EQ. Gen_Type_2 ) Then ! Male X Male or Bolted X Bolted ! or Female X Female Table_Name_A = Table_Name_A // Pr_Rating_1 // Term_Type_2 // Pr_Rating_2 // ’A’ Else If ( Gen_Type_1 .EQ. MALE ) Then ! Male X Bolted and Male X Female Table_Name_A = Table_Name_A // Term_Type_2 // Pr_Rating_2 // ’A’ Else If ( Gen_Type_2 .EQ. MALE ) Then Bolted X Male and Female X Male Table_Name_A = Table_Name_A // Pr_Rating_1 // Term_Type_2 // Else Bolted X Female and Female X ! ! Bolted Table_Name_A = Table_Name_A // Pr_Rating_1 // Term_Type_2 // Pr_Rating_2 // ’A’ EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Return End Listing for Physical Data Module VALVE_2_AMS 4.1.8 Parametric Shape Definitions The parametric shape definition describes the graphics symbol (such as bend, flange, or valve body) which is placed for the component in the model. Parametric shape definitions are used to place symbol graphics in the model or define interference envelopes. This involves the following major functions defining connect point geometry 132 _ _______________ placing connect points moving the active location a specified distance drawing a specific graphic shape placing a center of gravity location. Parametric shape definitions are divided into three basic types: model parametric shapes, detailed parametric shapes, and interference envelopes. The first line of the Eden module indicates the module type and the module name. How PDS Works Model Parametric Shape Definitions Model parametric shapes define the symbol graphics to be placed in the model. For example, the parametric shape module for a valve consist of a cylinder, two cones, and a cylinder (flange, valve body, flange). The first line for these modules is of the form Model_Parametric_Shape_Definition ’module name’ The module name for a parametric shape module consists of a symbol type (such as V1, V2, and so forth, for valves). The parametric shape module V1 determines the model graphics for a valve. This is the module called by the symbol processor GAT. The parametric shape module OP3 determines the model graphics for a hand wheel operator. This is the module called by the sub-symbol processor OP_3. Model_Parametric_Shape_Definition ’V1’ Call Define_Connect_Point_Geometry ( LINEAR ) Call Place_Connect_Point ( CP1 ) Call Move_By_Distance ( CP_Offset_1 ) Call Draw_Cylinder_With_Capped_Ends ( Depth_1, Facing_OD_1 ) length = F_to_C_Dim_1 - Thickness_1 diameter = 0.0 Call Draw_Cone ( length, Body_OD_1, diameter ) Call Place_Connect_Point ( CP0 ) Call Place_COG_Location ( DRY_COG ) Call Place_COG_Location ( WET_COG ) length = F_to_C_Dim_2 - Thickness_2 Call Draw_Cone ( length, diameter, Body_OD_2 ) Call Draw_Cylinder_With_Capped_Ends ( Depth_2, Facing_OD_2 ) Call Move_By_Distance ( CP_offset_2 ) Call Place_Connect_Point ( CP2 ) Return End 4. Component Placement Listing for Parametric Shape Module V1 133 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Model_Parametric_Shape_Definition ’OP3’ Call Define_Connect_Point_Geometry ( OPERATOR ) Call Convert_NPD_to_Subunits ( Nom_Pipe_D_1, dia ) dist = dia + Min_Cyl_Dia * 0.5 angle = 90.0 radius = ( Dimension_2 - Min_Cyl_Dia ) * 0.5 Call Draw_Cylinder_With_Capped_Ends ( Dimension_1, Min_Cyl_Dia ) Call Move_by_Distance ( -dist ) Call Rotate_Orientation ( angle, Secondary ) Call Rotate_Orientation ( angle, Normal ) Call Move_Along_Axis ( -radius, Secondary ) Call Draw_Torus ( radius, angle, Min_Cyl_Dia ) Call Draw_Torus ( radius, angle, Min_Cyl_Dia ) Call Draw_Torus ( radius, angle, Min_Cyl_Dia ) Call Draw_Torus ( radius, angle, Min_Cyl_Dia ) Return End Listing for Parametric Shape Module OP3 134 _ _______________ 4.1.9 Physical Data Selecting the Component Data option of the Place Component Error Data form displays the physical data used to place the component. Physical Data To place a 6" gate valve, the system references the following tables. 4. Component Placement 135 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Generic Tables The spec access for a six-inch gate valve defines the end preparation at both connect points as Raised Face Flanged End (code list value 21) which is a bolted connection. As shown in the listing for VALVE_2_AMS, the table name for a bolted connection on a two-connect point valve is table_name= Gen_Flag_Green ’BLT’ // Term_Type_1 // Pr_Rating_1 // Using the values from the Piping Job Specification (PMC=1C0031, Item Name=6Q1C01), the actual table name will be BLT_20_150_5 This table returns the outside diameter, flange thickness, and the seating depth for each end of the valve. Note that the termination type (20) is used rather than the actual end preparation value (21). You can use the Display Table option to display the contents of a table. 136 _ _______________ Specific Tables The specific tables are used to define the main body of the valve. Since the termination type is the same at both ends of the valve (bolted), no red connect point data is required. The required tables are found by referring to the Bolted(G) termination type. MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_A (P15A) MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_B (P15B) - This table is only required if more than eight outputs are necessary to define a commodity item. Commodity Code (P59) Using this information, the dimension tables for a 6" gate valve are: GAT_40_20_150_A This table returns the face-to-center dimension for the valve. Table P15B is not required for a gate valve. VAABAHCCAA This table returns the empty weight of the valve, including the weight of the operator. If the end preparations were different at each end of the valve (such as female threaded by socket welded) then a different set of tables would be required. An additional table look-up is required to access the dimensional data for the valve operator. The following table is required to define the valve operator. MC_Type(G)_Rat(G)_Op_A (P31A) Specific Tables 4. Component Placement Using this table name format, the dimension table for a hand wheel operator on a 6" gate valve is: GAT_BLT_150_3_A This table returns the stem length and the wheel diameter for the handwheel operator. 137 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 4.2 Placing Components On Existing Segments Piping segments are used to define the basic geometry of a pipeline and to carry common attributes such as material class and NPD. All components placed in a piping model have an underlying segment. Segment data is stored in table 12 of the Design Database. Data specific to a component is stored in table 34 of the Design Database. When you place components on an existing piping segment (with Place Component or Automated Placement), the system determines what type of component should be placed based on the configuration and attributes of the segment(s) at the active placement point. The Spec Table Library contains a set of tables which are used to determine the type of component to place and basic information about the components. Refer to the Reference Data Manager Reference Guide for more information on these tables. 4.2.1 Commodity Item Name Table The Piping Designer reads the Commodity Item Name table when placing a component at the vertex of an existing piping segment. This table lists the Item Names of the components to be used at different segment configurations (such as reduction, branching, or direction changes). It enables you to relate the component types hard-coded in the software with the applicable commodity item codes (item names). As the system processes the segment for component placement, it uses the derived item name from the table to reference the Piping Commodity Specification Data table of the Material/Reference Database. 138 _ _______________ When placing change of direction components, this table is used in conjunction with the Bend Deflection Table. Placing Components On Existing Segments 4. Component Placement 139 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 4.2.2 Bend Deflection Table The bend deflection table is used when placing components at the vertex of an existing piping segment. The system uses the bend angle at the segment vertex to determine the type of component to be placed. This table defines which full size and reducing size component types will be placed for a specified angle range. The angle is defined as the smallest angle that the continuation of one pipe run makes with the other run. The component types are defined in the commodity item name table. 4.2.3 Branch Insertion Tables Each Piping Materials Class references a set of branch tables: one for 90-degree branches, one for 45degree branches, and one for 45-to90 degree branches. Branch tables define the reinforcement to be used at tee and lateral branches as a function of the acute angle of intersection and the nominal diameters (first and second size) for the intersecting lines. The system accesses the branch table when placing a component at an intersection when no branch component exists at that location. The system uses the information in the table and the first and second size to provide the item name of the component to be used at the intersection. Typically, the codes are from one of the following types: Reinforcing elements, such as reinforcing welds and pads. 140 _ _______________ Weld-on components reinforcing the intersection such as saddles and weldolets. Weld-in components actually making the intersection such as laterals and tees. Bend Deflection Table During branch component placement, the comparison test of header segment data will include nominal piping diameter, override schedule/thickness and construction status. 4. Component Placement 141 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 4.2.4 Placement Examples This section outlines the placement data for a bend, reducer, and tee placed on an existing segment. 90 Degree Bend 142 _ _______________ Reducer (6‘‘x4’’) Placement Examples Branch (4‘‘x4’’) 4. Component Placement 143 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 144 _ _______________ 5. Creating 3D Models Creating 3D Models This chapter describes the basics of 3D modeling using the Equipment Modeling and Piping Designer Tasks. 5.1 5.1.1 Modeling Setup Requirements The following operations must be completed before any modeling activities can take place. Project Setup A project and all of its accompanying files must be defined with the Project Administrator before you can use the Piping Designer or Equipment Modeling. Refer to the Project Administrator Reference Guide for information on Loading PDS 3D products. Editing the control script to identify the location of the project data. Setting up a project and creating the associated database schemas. Accessing the PDS 3D products remotely using NFS or Disk Sharing. 5. Creating 3D Models 145 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 5.1.2 Reference Data Setup Refer to the Reference Data Manager Reference Guide for information on defining the reference data for a project. This data must be defined before you can work in a model. Also refer to the Project Data Manager in the Project Administrator Reference Guide for information on selecting whether to use the approved or unapproved version of the reference data for a model file. 5.1.3 Seed Files When you create a project, the system copies a set of seed files from the PD_Shell directory to the project directroy: drwsdz.dgn, eqpsdz.dgn, and mdlsdz.dgn. You can use the Project Data Manager to modify the setting in these seed files. This data is often referred to as Type 63 data because it is stored in the Type 63 elements of the design files. This seed data is discussed throughout the remainder of this chapter. Before creating models, you should define the seed data to reflect your company practices so that all models will be created with the same settings. See chapter 6 of the Project Administrator (PD_Project) Reference Guide for detailed information on the Project Data Manager. 146 _ _______________ 5.1.4 Model Files The Project Environment Manager is used to create, revise, or delete model files. Refer to the Project Administrator Reference Guide for information on creating a piping model and database files. Creating 3D Models You can attach reference models defined in the other PDS 3D disciplines while working in a piping model. Refer to the following documents for information on creating and manipulating models for the PDS 3D disciplines. PDS Piping Design Graphics Reference Guide PDS Equipment Modeling Reference Guide FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide PE HVAC Modeling Reference Guide EE Raceway Modeling Reference Guide 5.1.5 Level Control and Graphical Symbology The use of reference files provides for 63 display levels in the active design file plus 63 levels for each referenced discipline. The following example illustrates the levels for a piping model with attached reference models: 5. Creating 3D Models In this example, there are 63 active levels and 252 referenced levels which you can control (the two equipment models use the same levels and symbology). If a certain type of duct in the HVAC model resides on Level 30 in that model, and all unapproved Instruments are to be placed on Level 30 in the piping model, these are treated as two completely different levels. 147 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 That is, you can turn off the display for the duct types on Level 30 in the HVAC model (via the Reference Model controls) without effecting the display of unapproved instruments in the active piping model. All PDS users are encouraged to develop a logical, organized level control standard to manage interdiscipline design files. The delivered seed file parameters for each application provide a logical, organized, and coordinated level designation and control scheme. You can customize the delivered parameters, but it is highly recommended that careful thought be given to the custom setup. Once you develop a convention, whether it be the standard deliverable settings or an in-house standard, do not change the level or symbology settings after model graphics have been created. There is no easy way to propagate these changes to the existing graphics in all the design files. The existing graphics will reflect the old settings and any new graphics will reflect the modified settings. Since some applications rely on level assignments to perform basic functions (such as placement of approved or unapproved items) which are transparent to the user, there is a very real chance of destroying the integrity of the project if a symbology change is initiated after the project is under way. For this reason, Intergraph recommends that you do not change the basic structure of the symbology without careful thought. Attributes such as line weights, colors, and line types are open to customization, but they should be established prior to project creation and should not change throughout the life of the active design. Level assignments are also customizable; however, they should be established before any components are placed in the model files. 5.1.6 Level and Symbology Defaults The following outlines the delivered symbology schemes and describes how you can access them for review and/or customization. PDS 3D (Equipment, Piping, and Drawing) Graphic symbology and level assignments are stored as Type 63 data in the project or model seed files. Changes in project seed data will be reflected in all subsequent models or drawings, while changes in a model or drawing file’s seed data will apply only to that design file. The delivered settings are shown in Chapter 6 of the Project Administrator (PD_Project) Reference Guide. The seed data is accessed through the Project Data Manager function of the Project Administrator. You can create a report of all Type 63 data at any time. Settings are changed through a forms interface in the Project Data Manager session. Structural (FrameWorks Plus) The graphic symbology and level assignments are stored in an ASCII file in the delivery directory of the FrameWorks Plus product, and are copied into the project directory during project creation. There are both predefined and user-definable categories (such as New and Existing). 148 _ _______________ The default data can be changed using a text editor such as Notepad. The saved changes are then adapted into the model. The file used for FrameWorks Plus models is framewks.txt Electrical (EE Raceway) Creating 3D Models The graphic symbology is delivered with all categories set to Level 1. This is the only application within Process & Power which leaves symbology definition totally up to the user, and it is required prior to accessing a design file. The default data is defined through a forms interface during project setup. The procedure is outlined in the EE Raceway Modeling Reference Guide. PE-HVAC Graphic symbology and level control is defined in an ASCII file named hvacSym.defe in the project directory. The default data can be changed by editing the hvacSym.defe and hvacSym.defm files in the project directory. 5. Creating 3D Models 149 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 5.2 Graphics Environment for PDS 3D The PDS 3D products provide an interactive graphics environment (based on MicroStation) for the creation and manipulation of design elments. Like the other modules of PDS these graphics environments are accessed through PD_Shell. The following outlines the basic steps to access the graphic environment for most PDS 3D products: 1. 2. 3. Select the project from the PD Shell form and select the product you wish to use. Select the 3D design area for the model to be entered. Select the model to be entered. The system verifies that you have write access to the selected model. If so, it activates the graphical user interface for the selected model file. 150 _ _______________ 5.2.1 Working with the Graphical User Interface The main method of communication between you and the software application is through the graphical interface. This interface is organized into functional parts; menus, palettes, dialog boxes, view windows, and command menus. Working with the Graphical User Interface Menus Menus are your main source of interaction with the software application. It is from menus that you access all other pieces of the application’s interface. 5. Creating 3D Models 151 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Palettes Palettes are icon-based menus that provide access to dialog boxes or commands. These palettes are organized into functional parts of the software, with each part represented by an icon on the main palette. An icon is a graphical depiction of a command name that appears on a menu. Dialog Boxes Dialog boxes are another type of menu available and represent the most detailed method of interaction between you and the software. 152 _ _______________ Dialog boxes contain fields or boxes, menu bars, and buttons that help you to easily communicate what you want to the software. Working with the Graphical User Interface View Windows Windows provide ways for you to change the way you look at your design. The number and name of each view appears in the title bar. Window Manipulation Buttons - provide ways to manipulate windows. Control Menu Box - displays a list of window actions. Double-clicking on this button deletes the window. To choose an action from the menu, drag the data button to move the cursor through the list, releasing when the correct item is selected. — Restore - restores a minimized or maximized window to the previous size and location. — Move - moves a window around the workspace. — Size - changes the height and width of the window in the direction indicated by the pointer. — Minimize - collapses a window down to its smallest size. Clicking on this icon once the window has been collapsed will restore it to its original size. — Maximize - enlarges a window to its maximum size. If you choose this menu entry on a window that is already at its maximum size, the window is restored to its previous size and location. — Lower - moves a window to the bottom of the window hierarchy. 5. Creating 3D Models 153 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 — Close - deletes a window. Minimize - collapses a window. Maximize - enlarges a window to its maximum size. If you choose the maximize button on a window that is already at its maximum size, the window is restored to its previous size and location. Move Arrows - drag the data button on the title bar to move the window to a new location on the screen. Vertical Arrows - appear when the cursor is over the top or bottom of the frame. Drag the data button to change the height of the window as you move the cursor. Horizontal Arrows - appear when the cursor is over the left or right side of the frame. Drag the data button to change the width of the window as you move the cursor. Diagonal Arrows - appear when the cursor is over the frame corners. Click and drag the data button to change both the height and width of the window without changing the position of the opposite corner. MicroStation Command Window The MicroStation Command Window contains the following fields that display system messages and your responses through keyboard input. Control Menu Box - displays a list of window actions. Only the Lower and Sink actions are available for the command window. To choose an action, drag the data button through the list, releasing when the correct item is selected. Sink Box - moves the command window below views and other windows of its own type. Menu Bar - displays MicroStation pull-down menus. To choose an item from a list, drag the data button through the list, releasing when the correct item is selected. Status Field - displays status messages concerning the system, such as locks and selected element information. Command Field - displays the name of the current active command. 154 _ _______________ Key-In Field - accepts alphanumeric values and key-in commands. Message Field - displays system messages and prompts. Prompt Field - displays a system prompt that directs you through a command. Error Field - displays system error messages. Working with the Graphical User Interface Forms Many PDS 3D commands activate forms. Forms are used for a variety of purposes within the PDS environment. Most forms are activated when a command is selected and stay displayed as long as that command is active. When the command terminates, the form is erased. The Create Drawing form from the Drawing Manager (PD_Draw) product is shown below. Most forms contain the same basic features: buttons, fields, text, and other gadgets. In general, anything you find on a form is called a gadget. 5. Creating 3D Models Selecting Options You move through the forms by selecting function buttons or other gadgets from the form. Select means to place the screen cursor (which appears as an arrow) on top of a screen gadget and press . 155 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 For most of the forms with scrolling lists, you can double-click on a row to select and accept the data in that row. This performs the same action as selecting a row (which highlights) and then selecting Confirm (√). You will use the select action to select functions, access other forms, activate data fields, toggle buttons, select from lists, scroll through data displayed on the screen, and so on. The following summarizes other basic actions you will use in the environments: Return — When keying in any data in a key-in field, press the key for the data to be entered into the system. You can also press to move through a set of key-in fields. Delete — If you make a mistake while keying in text, press the key to erase character(s) to the left of the cursor. Windows Editing — You can use standard Windows editing commands to edit key-in fields. 156 _ _______________ 5.2.2 Common Tools on Forms There are many gadgets in the environments that are common to most or all of the forms. These tools and their functionality are described below. The Help command activates on-line Help for the active form. Help remains active until you delete the Help window. The Cancel command is used to exit the active software, and return to the system prompt. The Confirm (√) is used to accept a selection or operation. Depending on the active form or option, the active form will remain active so that you can repeat a similar operation or control returns to the preceding form. The Reset command with the curved arrow abandons the current form, returning to the immediately preceding form in the hierarchy. Scrolling List Working with the Graphical User Interface Some screen menus have a scrolling list of projects or applications. You need to scroll a list only if more options are available than can be displayed in the window. To scroll a list, select the arrow buttons on the side of the list. The list scrolls up or down depending on which arrow you choose. To scroll one line at a time, select the smaller arrows. To scroll one window at a time, select the larger arrows. You can also drag the slider up or down the bar by selecting it with the button, keeping the button depressed, and moving the mouse up or down. The items scroll through the window as you move the button. The size and position of the slider on the scroll bar is an indication of the number of lines and the relative position within the list. All commands which display a list of design areas or models will order the list alphanumerically by the design area number or model number in ascending order. Key-in Fields Screens that accept keyboard input have key-in fields. These fields are box-shaped and dark gray. You can select a key-in field and key in a new value. A bar cursor appears in the active key-in field. Key in your input and press . To change a field, reselect the field and key in the desired information. Key-in fields have a maximum number of characters depending on the item being defined. 5. Creating 3D Models Key-in fields that appear on forms built with Form Builder accept EMACS editing commands. If you select a key-in field for a code-listed attribute, the system activates a form which list the code list values for the selected field. Microstation requires lowercase characters for the file specification and path name of all design files. Therefore, the system will automatically convert any input for the file specification and path name of a design file (such as a model or drawing) to lowercase before loading into the Project Control Database. 157 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Display-list Boxes A display-list box is located at the end of some key-in fields and lets you select data from a list instead of keying in information. For example, there is a display list associated with the Authorization key-in field shown. At the end of the field, there is a small box with horizontal dashes. When you select this display list box with the screen cursor, an associated list of valid input values displays. Select the desired item from the list to input its value into the field. Shift Left and Shift Right buttons At the bottom of some key-in and display fields, there are two buttons marked with arrows. These buttons are called shift left and shift right buttons. Often, you can key in more characters than a field display shows. Shift Left moves the text display to the front of field; Shift Right moves the text display to the end of the field. Toggle A toggle field on a screen menu is used to select one of two possible choices, one of which is always displayed. Place a data point on the toggle field to toggle between the two choices. Roll-Through List A roll-through list shows one choice at a time of a list that can be several items long. Place a data point on the roll-through list to scroll through the available options. The option displayed is active. Standard Window Icons If you press along the edge of a form or any area not occupied by a button, key-in field, or other gadget, the box of icons shown at right displays. You can manipulate form windows just like any other workstation window. The following list defines in order the available window icons. Collapse/Restore Repaint Pop-to-bottom Modify/Resize Pop-to-top Restore Size Base Form When you enter the graphics environment, the system displays the base form. This form indicates the product creation date, software version number, active project number, and the active model number. 158 _ _______________ Working with the Graphical User Interface You can also use this form to define the location on the screen to display all of the Piping Design forms. To revise the location of the form display, Cancel any other forms. The base form should be the only form displayed. Move the form to the desired location. Select the File Design command to save the active form location. All subsequent forms will display in the saved location. 5. Creating 3D Models 159 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 5.2.3 3D Seed Data You can use the Project Data Manager to modify seed information for the project seed files or for a specified model. These options affect all of the project seed files and the project marker file. Select the option for the type of 3D data to be revised. The following report shows the delivered seetings for the 3D data. Plant Coordinate System Definition Plant Coordinate System Description : Plant Coordinate System Monument : Easting : E 0’ 0" Plant Northing : N 0’ 0" Plant Elevation : El 0’ 0" Plant Plant Coordinate System Design Volume Coordinate System Definition Design Volume Coordinate System Description : Design Volume Coordinate System Design Volume Coordinate System Monument : Monument in Design Volume Coordinate System : Easting : E 0’ 0" Plant Northing : N 0’ 0" Plant Elevation : El 0’ 0" Plant Design Volume Monument in Plant Coordinate System : Easting : E 0’ 0" Plant Northing : N 0’ 0" Plant Elevation : El 0’ 0" Plant 160 _ _______________ Orientation of Design Volume Coordinate: East Coordinate System Label : Design Volume : Site Plant : Plant World : World Coordinate System Readout : Design Volume : Plant : Plant World : World Coordinate Axis Label : East : East West : West North : North South : South Elevation : Elev Coordinate Axis Readout : East : E West : W North : N South : S Elevation : El Dimensioning : English Coordinate Label Prefix/Suffix Match Line : Match Line Center Line : CL Top Of Steel : TOS Top of Concrete : TOC Battery Limit : Battery Limit Bottom of Pipe : BOP Invert Elevation : Invert Platform Elevation : Face of Flange : F/F User Define 1 : User Define 2 : User Define 3 : User Define 4 : User Define 5 : User Define 6 : User Define 7 : User Define 8 : User Define 9 : User Define 10 : User Define 11 : User Define 12 : User Define 13 : User Define 14 : User Define 15 : User Define 16 : User Define 17 : User Define 18 : 3D Seed Data Orientation of Design Volume Coordinate System as clockwise Angular Offset of Design Volume North from Plant North : 0.000000 Coordinate Label/Readout Descriptions 5. Creating 3D Models 161 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 User Define 19 : User Define 20 : Coordinate Label/Readout Format Coordinate Label Formats : 10’ East Plant 10’ Plant East East 10’ Plant (Active) East Plant 10’ Plant 10’ East Plant East 10’ Label Description On Coordinate Readout : 10’ E Plant 10’ Plant E E 10’ Plant (Active) E Plant 10’ Plant 10’ E Plant E 10’ Readout Description On Coordinate Label/Readout Units Label Units : Master Units and Subunits Readout Units : Master Units and Subunits Subunits Only Metric System of Units Label : Label Descritions : Master Units Short Description : ’ Subunits Short Description : " Master Units and Subunits Separator : Subunits and Fraction of Subunits Separator : Readout Descriptions : Master Units Short Description : ’ Subunits Short Description : " Master Units and Subunits Separator : Subunits and Fraction of Subunits Separator : Secondary Units Descriptions : Master Units Short Description : M Subunits Short Description : MM Master Units and Subunits Separator : Subunits and Fraction of Subunits Separator : Coordinate Label/Readout Precision Label Precision : Decimal to nearest 1/32 Label Alphanumeric Fraction Readout Precision : Decimal to nearest 1/32 162 _ _______________ Secondary Precision : Decimal to nearest integer Coordinate Label Symbology Weight : Coordinate Labels : 1 Witness Line and Terminator : Color : Coordinate Labels : Orange Witness Line and Terminator : Text Font : Coordinate Labels : 23 Witness Line and Terminator : Symbol for Line Terminator : Plot Gap Size : Line Spacing : 0 Angular Label/Readout Angular Label Decimal Degrees Accuracy : Angular Readout Decimal Degrees Accuracy : Angular Input is Clockwise from North Slope Readout Accuracy : Number of Inches per Foot 1 Decimal Place 1 Decimal Place 0.250000 42 1 3D Seed Data Orange 125 5. Creating 3D Models 163 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 5.3 Creating Equipment Models The PDS Equipment Modeling (PD_EQP) product models equipment and equipment items for later connection to PDS piping components created through the Piping Designer software. The Equipment Modeling product defines equipment volumes and positions nozzles on the equipment. 5.3.1 Functions of PDS Equipment Modeling (PD_EQP) With PDS Equipment Modeling (PD_EQP), you can perform the following tasks: Place basic three-dimensional building blocks such as cylinders, cones and boxes called primitives. Place three-dimensional equipment and components called parametrics, which are predefined and delivered in a library with the product. Create complex parametrics using the EDEN language and add them to the Reference Database for future placement. Refer to the PDS Eden Interface Reference Guide for details. Primitive Parametric 164 _ _______________ 5.3.2 About the Reference Database (RDB) The following libraries comprise the RDB and are used to define the equipment and make it compatible with exisiting piping specs: Graphic Commodity Library Tutorial Definition Library Piping Physical Data Library Piping Design Standard Note Library Piping Specification Tables Library. Creating Equipment Models 5.3.3 Equipment Model Seed Data The Project Data Manager is used to revise the seed data for a specified Equipment model or create a report of the RDB data. You can revise both 3D data and model data. The Revise Equipment Data option is used to revise the model data for the selected equipment model file. The system activates the following form which provides access to the modification options. 5. Creating 3D Models Select the option for the type of model data to be revised. The following report shows the delivered settings for the Equipment Model Data. 165 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Project Data Manager Equipment Graphic Symbology Primitives/Parametrics Category Physical Eqp Category Eqp Category Eqp Category Eqp Category Eqp Category Eqp Category Eqp Category Eqp Category Eqp Category Eqp Category Eqp Category Eqp Category Eqp Category Eqp Category Eqp Category Eqp Category Eqp Category Eqp Category Eqp Category Level 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nozzles Category Nozzle Category Small Nozzle Category Medium Nozzle Category Large Envelopes Category Maintanence Envelope (Hard) Maintanence Envelope (Soft) Access Envelope (Hard) Access Envelope (Soft) Safety Envelope (Hard) Safety Envelope (Soft) Construction Envelope (Hard) Construction Envelope (Soft) Level 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Color 8 8 10 10 11 11 12 12 Weight 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Symbology Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Level 12 12 12 Color 9 9 9 Weight 3 3 3 Symbology Solid Solid Solid Color 9 White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Weight 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Symbology Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Equipment Graphic Symbology Steel Category Ladders Platforms Handrails Miscellaneous Light Steel Level 20 21 22 23 (continued) Color White White White White Weight 1 1 1 1 Symbology Solid Solid Solid Solid 166 _ _______________ Dumb Graphics Category Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Category Category Category Category Category Category Category Category Category Category Category Category Category Category Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Miscellaneous Category Place Point Datum Point Hole Elements 2-D Shadows Level 48 50 15 12 Color 15 13 White 9 Weight 8 10 0 3 Symbology Solid Solid Solid Solid Level 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Color White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Weight 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Symbology Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Creating Equipment Models Semi Intelligent Graphics Category Semi-Intelligent Semi-Ingelligent Semi-Intelligent Semi-Intelligent Semi-Intelligent Category Category Category Category Category 1 2 3 4 5 Level 51 52 53 54 55 Color White White White White White Weight 0 0 0 0 0 Symbology Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Project Data Manager Nozzle Default Placement Options Nominal Piping Diameter System of Units : English Small is = Table Name Define Table Suffix by End Type : : : 2IN 14IN 5. Creating 3D Models D036 : Bolted - 5 Female - 5 Male - 5 Project Data Manager Equipment Reference Database Management 167 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Graphic Commodity Library Approved : wegl Tutorial Definition Library Approved : wegl Equipment Physical Data Library Approved : Piping Physical Data Library Approved : wegl Piping Design Standard Note Library Approved : wegl Piping Job Specification Table Library Approved : wegl Cell library Approved : /usr/ip32/pdeqp/dat/ zi_eqpms.lib /usr/ip32/pdeqp/dat/ zi_tutlib.lib /usr/ip32/rdusrdb/ us_pcdim.l /usr/ip32/pdshell/lib/ std_note.l /usr/ip32/rdusrdb/ us_pjstb.l wegl /usr/ip32/pdeqp/dat/ equip.cel Forms Directory Location Approved : wegl /usr/ip32/pdeqp/ Project Data Manager Interference Envelope Emulation Data Distance Between Two Planes for Clash Checking Number of Emulated Cylinders Per 90 Degree Torus Length of Emulated Cylinders for Cone Length of Emulated Cylinders for Semi-Ellipsoid : : : : 1" 4 1" 1" 168 _ _______________ 5.3.4 Equipment Modeling Environment The Equipment Modeling Interface is accessed through PD_Shell. This interface allows you to enter the Equipment Modeling graphics environment, create or modify Eden and Tutorial Definition files, print reports and define or edit filenames and locations for libraries. Equipment Modeling Environment Operating Sequence 1. At the Plant Design System form, select the Equipment Modeling option. The system displays the Equipment Modeling Options form. 2. Select the Equipment Modeling option to enter the graphics environment. The system displays the Equipment Modeling form listing the available design area numbers and their corresponding descriptions. 5. Creating 3D Models 169 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 3. Select Design Area Select the 3D design area to modify and click Confirm. The system lists the equipment models for the selected design area and their corresponding descriptions. 4. Select Model Select the Model Number to modify and click Confirm. The system enters the graphics design file. 170 _ _______________ 5.3.5 Equipment Modeling Concepts You can orient equipment items in a 3D design file using the refresh (orientation) tee and the coordinate axis system. The refresh tee provides you with both the active point location and the active orientation. The active point displays where the graphics will be placed while the active orientation displays the graphic’s orientation. The term refresh denotes graphics which are temporarily drawn on the screen and can be moved dynamically. The refresh tee appears at the active place point when selecting placement commands. It consists of two lines. The primary axis originates at the active place point and is aligned with the equipment item center line. The secondary axis is aligned perpendicular to the primary axis with its origin at the bisecting point with the primary axis. This axis is used to define the auxiliary orientation. Equipment Modeling Concepts When placing an equipment item with the refresh tee, you can adjust the orientation by one of the following methods: Selecting the reset button () to adjust the orientation 90 ° around the active axis. Keying in a specific angle. Using the Refresh Manipulation commands via the coordinate axis system. The coordinate axis system display consists of a refresh line originating at the active place point and pointing in one of six coordinate directions: North, East, Up, South, West and Down. 5. Creating 3D Models 171 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 If the coordinate axis system display is turned on, the refresh tee appears at the active place point when you select a secondary command such as Absolute PDS XYZ or Delta PDS XYZ. You can confirm the direction of the active axis by viewing the status field. The system displays the directional information using a few simple symbols. **P-IN SP S ** -IN or -OUT - primary axis - secondary axis - indicating the active axis - indicating the direction the active axis is pointing depending on the active view. In a specified view (other than Iso), IN points away from you when looking at a model. OUT points toward you when looking at a model. For example when looking at a north view, IN points north (away from you) and OUT points south (toward you). In the example above, the primary axis is the active axis and points IN toward the displayed view. The secondary axis is only visible in the displayed view. Since the primary axis is active, it can be rotated by a Refresh Manipulation command. The refresh tee cannot be displayed on a screen if it is located outside of the screen view. Also, a 3D representation of the orientation axes with their center located on the placement point appears in place of the orientation tee previous to its displacement. This axis is called the Coordinate Axis or the Coordinate System Indicator (CSI). 172 _ _______________ Equipment Modeling Concepts 5.3.6 Activating the Orientation Tee When activating the orientation tee, the system displays the coordinate axis in its place previous to its displacement. The orientation tee can be manipulated only in the following instances: It can be manipulated when the active point is defined using the ACTIVE POINT command. After selecting this command, you can use any of the pocket menu options to manipulate the tee. Angles of rotation cannot be entered with this command. When placing equipment and components using a form or a parametric tutorial for equipment or component generation and manipulation. Angles of rotation can be keyed in, where positive angles are measured in the counterclockwise direction looking from the direction where the non-rotating axis is pointing. To change the axis to be rotated, select the CHANGE AXIS option. When an equipment or component manipulation command (Move, Copy, Rotate, Mirror, etc.) is active. Angles of rotation for primary or secondary axis cannot be entered in this mode. 5. Creating 3D Models 173 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 5.4 5.4.1 Equipment Modeling Commands This section lists the Equipment Modeling commands that are available. Equipment Manipulation Commands These commands allow you to create, copy, move, delete, rotate and mirror entire pieces of equipment defined either individually or by a fence. You can create equipment using user defined primitives or parametrics. 5.4.2 Component Manipulation Commands These commands allow you to add components or equipment items to existing pieces of equipment and also copy, move, delete, rotate, mirror, and modify equipment items. 5.4.3 Nozzle Manipulation This command allows you to place nozzles in reference to a datum point or another nozzle. The new nozzle will be added to the same equipment tag owning the referenced datum point or nozzle. 5.4.4 Review/Revise Commands These commands allow you to view or revise data associated with the current project or drawing. This data includes project file data and equipment attributes. 5.4.5 Define Commands These commands allow you to define the active placement point, the view orientation, and display categories. 5.4.6 Miscellaneous Commands These commands perform a variety of manipulations including envelope file generation, datum point manipulation, dimension checking, viewing specific equipment groups, attaching graphics, controlling display categories, reviewing error messages, attaching reference models, and defining saved views. 174 _ _______________ 5.4.7 Secondary Commands These commands provide support for the primary commands. A Secondary Command will not function unless a primary command is active. These commands are used to orient the screen views, defines precision input, adjust the orientation of the refresh tee, or define the coordinate system. Equipment Modeling Commands 5. Creating 3D Models 175 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 5.5 Creating Piping Models The Piping Designer (PD_Design) is one module of PDS 3D products. It is specifically intended for the creation and revision of 3D models in the design of the piping and in-line instrumentation within the plant. The resulting piping models can be used for checking interferences, extracting drawings, and generating bills of material. The following illustration shows a typical piping model with reference models attached. The piping model contains fully dimensioned graphics for piping, piping components, instruments, piping specialties, and pipe supports. You can access coordinate points from the reference models and review database attributes. Piping Model With Attached Reference Models 176 _ _______________ Each component in a piping model is linked to a database record which contains non-graphic information about the component. When a component or segment is placed in the model, the system creates a row in the appropriate database table(s). A row represents one instance or record in the database. Creating Piping Models Database Attributes Associated with Graphics 5. Creating 3D Models 177 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 5.5.1 Piping Model Seed Data The Revise Model Data option is used to revise the Model data in the project seed file or a specific piping model. The system activates the following form which enables you to access the modification options. Select the option for the type of model data to be revised. The following report shows the delivered settings for the Piping Model Data. Project Data Manager Component Placement Bend Deflection Table : Commodity Name Table : BEND_DEFLECTION COMMODITY_ITEM_NAME PIPE_LENGTH PIPE_RUN_LENGTH Pipe Length Threshold Table : Segment Pipe Run Length Threshold Table : Weld Type Table : WELD_TYPE_TABLE Flange Data Module : Reinforcing Weld Data Module : Reinforcing Pad Data Module : Pipe Commodity Name : Tube Commodity Name : PIPING TUBE Field Weld Symbol Name : 178 _ _______________ Isometric Drawing Symbol Name : Angular Tolerance (Automated Component) : Vicinity Tolerance : 4.000000 0.500000 Project Data Manager Piping Data Control P&ID Component Name : Fluid Code Update : Off Weight Table : On Header Commodity Name Piping Model Seed Data Branch Component Association for Isometric Drawings : Copy Option : Append Prefix Expanded Geometric Industry Standard : Schedule Thickness Override Option : Larger of Override and Spec English System of Units for Nominal Piping Diameter : Field Name for Nominal Piping Diameter : IN Project Data Manager Physical Units Options Insulation Density : Surface Area : Dry/Wet Weights : ftˆ2 lb : degF lb/ftˆ3 Maximum Temperature (Spec) Project Data Manager Nozzle Data Transfer List There are currently NO nozzle attributes selected for transfer Project Data Manager Graphic Symbology Weights : Piping Commodity : Piping Specialty : Instrument : 2 Piping/Tubing : 2 Pipe Support : 2 Model Symbology : Color : 2 2 5. Creating 3D Models Simple Model Category Project Data Manager Graphic Symbology - Model Category 179 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Nominal Piping Diameter : Small is = 14IN Piping Segment Not Approved Piping Segment Not Approved Piping Segment Not Approved Piping Segment Approved Piping Segment Approved Piping Segment Approved Piping/Tubing Not Approved Piping/Tubing Not Approved Piping/Tubing Not Approved Piping/Tubing Approved Piping/Tubing Approved Piping/Tubing Approved Piping Commodity Not Approved Piping Commodity Not Approved Piping Commodity Not Approved Piping Commodity Approved Piping Commodity Approved Piping Commodity Approved Piping Specialty Not Approved Piping Specialty Not Approved Piping Specialty Not Approved Piping Specialty Approved Piping Specialty Approved Piping Specialty Approved Instrument Not Approved Instrument Not Approved Instrument Not Approved Instrument Approved Instrument Approved Instrument Approved Pipe Support - Logical Not Approved Pipe Support - Physical Not Approved Pipe Support - Logical Approved Pipe Support - Physical Approved Miscellaneous Graphics Diagnostic Markers Automated Component/Pipe Placement Markers Model Reconstruction Markers Small Medium Large Small Medium Large Small Medium Large Small Medium Large Small Medium Large Small Medium Large Small Medium Large Small Medium Large Small Medium Large Small Medium Large N/A N/A N/A N/A Level 1 11 21 31 41 51 3 13 23 33 43 53 2 12 22 32 42 52 4 14 24 34 44 54 5 15 25 35 45 55 7 10 37 40 58 59 62 63 Color Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Violet White Violet White Red Red Red Red Project Data Manager Symbology for Markers Weights : Diagnostic Markers : 2 Design Check Markers : 2 Automated Placement Markers : 2 Model Reconstruction Markers : 2 Field Weld and Isometric Drawing Symbol : Symbol Font Number : Text Height : Text Width : 6" 6" 125 2 Field Weld Symbol Name : Isometric Drawing Symbol Name : Project Data Manager Material Takeoff Options 180 _ _______________ Commodity Code : Size Independent Almost Precise Piping Job Spec English English Preferred Bolt Length Table Off Length Calculation : Bolt Commodity Code : Bolt Diameter Units : Bolt Length Units : Piping Model Seed Data Bolt Roundoff Option : Alternate Gasket Search : Field Fit Length : Off Gasket Commodity Name : 6Q3C95 Bolt Commodity Name : 6Q3C97 Nut Commodity Name : 6Q3C98 Bolt Data Module : BOLT_DATA Flange Data Module : FLANGE_DATA_MTO Bolt Length Table : BOLT_LENGTH Project Data Manager Design Review Label Option Selected Labels : There are NO Design Review Labels Selected Project Data Manager Default Segment Parameters unit_number fluid_code unit_code line_sequence_no nominal_piping_dia piping_mater_class insulation_purpose insulation_thick nor_oper_pres nor_op_pres_units nor_oper_temp nor_op_temp_units nor_dgn_pres nor_dgn_pres_units nor_dgn_temp nor_dgn_temp_units insulation_density heat_tracing_reqmt heat_tracing_media heat_tracing_temp design_resp supply_resp construction_resp construction_stat hold_status design_area_number alt_oper_pres alt_op_pres_units alt_oper_temp alt_op_temp_units alt_dgn_pres alt_dgn_pres_units alt_dgn_temp alt_dgn_temp_units Standard Note Number is Undefined 100-3/4IN Standard Note 0’ 0" 0.000 Standard Note 0.000 Standard Note 0.000 Standard Note 0.000 Standard Note 0 lb/ftˆ3 Standard Note Standard Note 0 degF Standard Note Standard Note Standard Note Standard Note Standard Note 0.000 Standard 0.000 Standard 0.000 Standard 0.000 Standard Number is Undefined Number is Undefined Number is Undefined Number is Undefined Number is Undefined Number is Undefined Number is Undefined Number Number Number Number Number is is is is is Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined 5. Creating 3D Models Note Number is Undefined Note Number is Undefined Note Number is Undefined Note Number is Undefined 181 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 steam_outlet_temp steam_temp_units train_number mater_of_construct safety_class design_standard fluid_category coating_reqmts cleaning_reqmts package_system_no 0.000 Standard Note Number is Undefined Standard Note Number is Undefined Standard Note Number is Undefined Standard Note Number is Undefined Standard Note Number is Undefined Project Data Manager Default Segment Parameters (continued) module_no specific_gravity_a specific_gravity_b specific_gravity_c viscosity density spec_heat_ratio sonic_velocity surface_roughness test_system_no test_fluid test_pressure schedule_override 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Standard Note Number is Undefined 0.000 Project Data Manager Design Consistency Checks Data : Flow Direction : Hard Check Flow Centerline : Hard Check Outside Diameter : No Check Schedule/Thickness : No Check Piping Materials Class : Soft Check Materials of Construction Class : Soft Check Insulation Thickness : Soft Check Insulation Purpose : Soft Check Tolerances : Flow Centerline Alighment : 0.500000 Insulation Thickness : 1/4" Project Data Manager End Prep Compatibilities Bolted End Preps FFFE FFFE FFFEWG RFFE RFFEWG FFLFE RFLFE FFTBE FFTBEWG RFTBE RFTBEWG FFTBCSE FFTBCSEWG FFFTBE FFFTBEWG FFFEWG FFFE FFFEWG RFFE RFFEWG FFLFE RFLFE FFTBE FFTBEWG RFTBE RFTBEWG FFTBCSE FFTBCSEWG FFFTBE FFFTBEWG RFFE FFFE FFFEWG RFFE RFFEWG FFLFE RFLFE FFTBE FFTBEWG RFTBE RFTBEWG RFTBCSE RFTBCSEWG RFFEWG FFFE FFFEWG RFFE RFFEWG FFLFE RFLFE FFTBE FFTBEWG RFTBE RFTBEWG RFTBCSE RFTBCSEWG RJFE RJFE RJLFE RJTBE MRJTBEWG RJTBCSE 182 _ _______________ STFE SGFE SGLFE LGFE LGLFE SFFE SFLFE LFFE LFLFE STFE STLFE LTFE LTLFE SMFE SMLFE LMFE LMLFE LTFE SMFE Piping Model Seed Data LMFE SGFE LGFE SFFE LFFE FFLFE FFFE FFFEWG RFFE RFFEWG FFLFE RFLFE FFTBE FFTBEWG RFTBE RFTBEWG RFLFE FFFE FFFEWG RFFE RFFEWG FFLFE RFLFE FFTBE FFTBEWG RFTBE RFTBEWG RJLFE RJFE RJLFE RJTBE MRJTBEWG STLFE SGFE SGLFE LTLFE LGFE LGLFE SMLFE SFFE SFLFE LMLFE LFFE LFLFE SGLFE STFE STLFE Project Data Manager End Prep Compatibilities Bolted End Preps LGLFE LTFE LTLFE FFTBCSEWG SFLFE SMFE SMLFE LFLFE LMFE LMLFE FFTBE FFFE FFFEWG RFFE RFFEWG FFLFE RFLFE FFTBE FFTBEWG RFTBE RFTBEWG FFTBCSE FFTBEWG FFFE FFFEWG RFFE RFFEWG FFLFE RFLFE FFTBE FFTBEWG RFTBE RFTBEWG FFTBCSEWG 5. Creating 3D Models 183 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 RFTBE FFFE FFFEWG RFFE RFFEWG FFLFE RFLFE FFTBE FFTBEWG RFTBE RFTBEWG RFTBCSE RFTBEWG FFFE FFFEWG RFFE RFFEWG FFLFE RFLFE FFTBE FFTBEWG RFTBE RFTBEWG RFTBCSEWG RJTBE RJFE RJLFE RJTBE MRJTBEWG RJTBCSE MRJTBEWG RJFE RJLFE RJTBE FFTBCSE FFFE FFFEWG FFTBE FFTBCSEWG FFFE FFFEWG LGLFE FFTBEWG RFTBCSE RFFE RFFEWG RFTBE RFTBCSEWG RFFE RFFEWG RFTBEWG RJTBCSE RJFE RJTBE FFFTBE FFFE FFFEWG FFFTBE FFFTBEWG FFFE FFFEWG FFFTBEWG MJE MJE Project Data Manager End Prep Compatibilities Male End Preps BE BE TBE PE SE SWE HCE BE TBE PE SWE HCE MFE FTE FGE FQCE FFRE FHE BLE TBE MFE MTE MGE MQCE MFRE MHE SPE 184 _ _______________ PE BE TBE PE SE SWE FTE HCE 3"FFPE HCE Project Data Manager End Prep Compatibilities Female End Preps SE BE PE BE TBE PE MTE PE MGE MQCE MFRE MHE SPE BE TBE PE 3"FFPE Project Data Manager Reference Database Management Material/Specification Reference Database Approved : Piping Job Specification Table Library Approved : wegl Short Material Description Library Approved : wegl Long Material Description Library Approved : wegl Specialty Material Description Library Approved : wegl Standard Note Library Approved : wegl Label Description Library Approved : wegl Piping Assembly Library Approved : wegl Piping Model Seed Data SWE FTE FGE FQCE FFRE FHE BLE HCE ra_tcproj /usr/ip32/rdusrdb/ us_pjstb.l /usr/ip32/rdusrdb/ us_shbom.l /usr/ip32/rdusrdb/ us_lgbom.l 5. Creating 3D Models /usr/ip32/rdusrdb/ us_spbom.l /usr/ip32/pdshell/lib/ std_note.l /usr/ip32/pdshell/lib/ labels.l /usr/ip32/pdshell/lib/ assembly.l 185 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Graphic Commodity Library Approved : wegl Physical Data Library - U.S. Practice Approved : wegl Physical Data Library - DIN Approved : Physical Data Library - British Standard Approved : Physical Data Library - European A Approved : Physical Data Library - European B Approved : Physical Data Library - JIS Approved : Physical Data Library - Australian Approved : Physical Data Library - International A Approved : Physical Data Library - International B Approved : /usr/ip32/pdshell/lib/ pip_gcom.l /usr/ip32/rdusrdb/ us_pcdim.l 186 _ _______________ 5.5.2 Graphic Concepts for Piping Design The screen working area is used to display and manipulate graphic information. This information is managed by MicroStation; refer to the MicroStation documentation for details. Refresh graphics are graphics which are temporarily drawn on the screen. Piping Designer uses refresh graphics to display placement aids such as the orientation tee and coordinate system indicator. Graphics are frequently highlighted to provide visual feedback pertaining to the active input. Highlighting is normally followed by an Accept/Reject step allowing you to accept the highlighted graphics as the desired input or to reject the highlighted graphics and select another graphic. This following concepts and terms are common to the Piping Designer operations. Graphic Concepts for Piping Design Piping Segments The centerline routing within a model is represented by geographically connected piping segments. A piping segment defines the geometry of the pipeline and contains the nongraphical data associated with that pipeline. A single piping segment can define changes of direction, but an additional segment is created at a branch point or an attribute break, such as a size change or a spec break. The following illustrates the terminology associated with a piping segment. 5. Creating 3D Models A pipeline consists of a set of graphically connected piping segments including all the branches. 187 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Active Placement Point The term active placement point refers to the coordinate location used by the Place Component command. It defines the point at which piping and instrumentation are placed. You can use Connect to Design to place a piping or instrument component at an existing, intelligent location in the model, such as a piping or instrumentation connect point, a nozzle, or a piping segment. The system uses the orientation tee to indicate the location of the Active Placement Point. Coordinate System Indicator and Orientation Tee Coordinate System Indicator The coordinate system indicator is a temporary display symbol which represents the six orthogonal directions (North, South, East, West, Up, and Down) of the coordinate system. Piping Designer uses the coordinate system indicator to indicate the active coordinate location when defining or manipulating a piping segment identifying a point on a piping segment identifying a component center or connect point 188 _ _______________ sketching a pipeline. Graphic Concepts for Piping Design 5.5.3 Orientation Tee The orientation tee is a temporary display symbol which enables you to orient a component before placement. The orientation tee is composed of two lines: a primary axis representing the flow centerline a secondary axis used to orient components which are not symmetrical about the flow centerline (for example, a valve with an operator). When the Place Component command is active, the system displays the orientation tee at the Active Placement Point and displays related information in the screen message fields. P **S-OUT The stars (**) indicate the active axis of rotation (the secondary in the above message). When either axis is rotated such that its orientation is not in the plane of the view, the suffix IN or OUT is displayed next to P (primary) or S (secondary) indicating whether that axis is pointing in or out of that view. For example, when the secondary axis is perpendicular to the screen and oriented toward the designer, the message P S-OUT is displayed. When placing a component with the orientation tee, you can adjust the orientation by pressing or selecting one of the Orientation Control commands. 5. Creating 3D Models 189 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Piping Connect Points Each component has a center and at least one connect point or pressurized end. A connect point is usually an end of a piping component to which another component or pipe (with compatible properties) is connected. The connect point stores the description of the component at that end. It indicates the flow centerline orientation, and properties such as diameter, end preparation (flanged, welded,...), and rating. The following rules (in order of priority) are used to determine the assignment of connect point numbers: 1. 2. Connect Point 1 is always at the larger end (NPD). If the ends have the same NPD, but different end preparations, then Connect Point 1 is assigned an end preparation in the following precedence: Bolted, Male, Female. Refer to the PDS Piping Component Data Reference Guide for a detailed explanation of connect point assignments. 190 _ _______________ 5.6 5.6.1 Piping Design Commands Piping Design Commands The following Piping Design commands are available..pE Placement Commands Placement commands enable you to place pipe, piping components, pipe supports, and instrument components. You can also place assemblies (predefined sets of components). These commands can be used at any time in the design process. In the process of creating a piping model you will use a combination of these commands depending on the desired result. A typical approach is to use Sketch to route the layout of a pipeline and define the attribute data for the pipeline. The attribute data can be defined manually, copied from another segment, or updated from information in the P&ID database. Place Component to place components such as valves, instruments, or commodity overrides along the segment pipeline. Automated Placement to populate the pipeline with fittings and pipe. The Copy Piping, Copy and Mirror Piping, and Copy and Rotate Piping commands automatically change the approval status of piping segments and piping components to not approved during the copy operation. You cannot make any of the following changes to approved piping. Create a new piping segment in the Sketch command by connecting to previously placed, approved piping. Place new piping components, instrument components, piping, or tubing in the Place Component command by connecting to previously placed, approved piping. Place new pipe supports in the Place Pipe Support command by connecting to previously placed, approved piping. Place new pipe supports in the Place Logical Support command by connecting to previously placed, approved piping. 5. Creating 3D Models 191 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 5.6.2 Revision Commands The Revision commands enable you to move, delete, and rotate existing piping. You can revise individual components, piping segments, or all the elments on a pipeline or defined by a group operation. These commands can be used at any time in the design process to move, modify, or delete a component, a piping segment, or a group of elments such as a pipeline. Any rotation, addition, reconstruction, or deletion of PDS piping components and segments must be done through these commands and not through MicroStation manipulations due to the interdependence of graphic and database information. 5.6.3 Component Revision These commands revise/append different positional and/or database information on PDS piping components. Any rotation, addition, or reconstruction of PDS piping components must be done through these commands and not through MicroStation manipulations due to the interdependence of graphic and database information. You cannot use MicroStation commands to change piping as they will not update the user data associated with the piping segment or component. 5.6.4 Segment Vertex Commands These commands enable you to revise piping segments in the active model. You can add, move, or delete an imbedded vertex for an existing piping segment. These command cannot be used if the segment has been populated with pipes or components. 5.6.5 Piping Revision These commands enable you to move, delete, rotate, and reconstruct existing piping. You can revise a pipeline or those elements defined by an active group. The commands perform both graphical and database revisions. 192 _ _______________ 5.6.6 Model Data Piping Design Commands These commands enable you to review or revise the model data stored in the Design Database and Project Control Database. Each component in a piping model is linked to a database record which contains non-graphic information about the component. When a component or segment is placed in the model, the system creates a row in the appropriate database table. These commands can be used at any time in the design process to review or revise the model data stored in the Design Database. 5.6.7 Review Data These commands enable you to review information in the Design Database or review existing report files. You can only view the information you cannot make any changes. You can reveiw data for elements in the active model and attached reference models. 5.6.8 Revise Data These commands enable you to revise information in the Design Database and define additional information for components. You can only revise information for items in the active model. 5.6.9 Analyze Data These commands enable you to review information related to the model analysis operations. You can also check for interferences within the active model file. Many of these command are dependent on data from the Design Data Management commands. Refer to the Chapter on Interference Detection for more information on detecting and reviewing interference clashes. 5. Creating 3D Models 193 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 194 _ _______________ 6. P&ID to Piping Data Transfer PDS provides cababilities for distributing data from one part of the design process to another. One aspect of this integration is the transfer and comparison of data between the P&ID task and the Piping task. This section describes the conventions that apply to the loading, updating, and comparison of data between the P&ID Database and the piping model. P&ID to Piping Data Transfer Features Update segment data. You can transfer segment data from the P&ID to update the active segment data, to define line attributes while sketching, or to revise a segment attribute or set of attributes. Review component names. You can select a component on the P&ID to define the commodity item to be placed. Compare data. You can compare data in the model against data in the P&ID to verify that all the information is in agreement. Graphical interface. The easiest way to transfer or review data is to use the graphical data transfer options. This allows you to display the P&ID drawing in a view while working in the model and select items directly from the drawing graphics. PDS also supports transfer by line ID or by identifying an equipment nozzle as the start of a pipeline. 6.1 Database Requirements For the P&ID Database to be linked to the Piping Design Database, the two applications must share the same Project Control Database schema. This can be achieved by using the same project number when creating the schematic project and the 3D project. Although the Project Control Database schema must be shared, the P&ID Database schema and the Piping Design Database schema are otherwise independent. Unit Number The unit number attribute is used to locate the relevant P&ID data within the P&ID Task and Master Database. The unti number should be set in the active segment data to match the Unit Number setting within the P&ID database. 6. P&ID Data Transfer 195 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Propogated Drawings Only those P&ID drawings which have been successfully propogated can be referenced for P&ID to Piping data transfer. 196 _ _______________ 6.2 P&ID Correlation Table P&ID Correlation Table The P&ID Correlation Table is an ASCII file used to correlate a particular column or columns in the P&ID segment table of the P&ID Database with a corresponding column in the piping segment table of the Piping Design Database. The P&ID Correlation Table defines which database columns are to be transferred and compared. Any columns not specified in the Correlation Table will not be transferred. The P&ID column numbers required in the Correlation table are from the relational database and are not the P&ID attribute numbers. During the interactive loading of segment data, you can specify that either a complete or partial set of data be considered. The Correlation Table specifies which columns are to be loaded, updated, or compared for both complete and partial data transfer. The Correlation Table is expected to exist in the project directory for the applicable project, (the directory that includes the seed model, seed drawings, etc.) A default Correlation Table is delivered in the PD_Shell product and is automatically copied to the project directory when a new project is created. You can edit the Correlation Table, if required, to add columns to or delete columns from both the complete and partial data transfer processes. An asterisk (*) signifies that data transfer and comparison is applicable for that particular column. You can also add user-defined columns of piping segment data to the Correlation Table. The default Correlation Table is defined as follows: # Segment Data Model P&ID Complete Partial #If you desire to default the ’non-partial’ attributes during a partial transfer of #data, in the partial column place a ’-’, skip at least one space, and define the #default value. The default value will be used whenever an interactive transfer #occurs, or if the toggle is set for the batch update. The complete, #partial and default values are supported ONLY in this section of the file. #example: attribute_one 99 100 * - default_value unit_number 4 13 unit_code 5 2 * * module_no 6 79 * package_system_no 7 81 * train_number 8 23 * * fluid_code 9 22 * * line_sequence_no 10 24 * * nominal_piping_dia 11 15 * npd_units -1 16 piping_mater_class 12 25 * * insulation_purpose 14 26 * * insulation_thick 15 28 * insulation_thick_units -1 29 insulation_density 16 30 * * insulation_density_units -1 31 heat_tracing_reqmt 17 73 * * heat_tracing_media 18 74 * * heat_tracing_temp 19 75 * * heat_tracing_temp_units -1 76 construction_stat 20 60 * * 6. P&ID Data Transfer 197 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 hold_status schedule_override nor_oper_pres nor_oper_temp alt_oper_pres alt_oper_temp nor_dgn_pres nor_dgn_temp alt_dgn_pres alt_dgn_temp steam_outlet_temp mater_of_construct safety_class design_resp construction_resp supply_resp coating_reqmts cleaning_reqmts fluid_category nor_op_pres_units nor_op_temp_units alt_op_pres_units alt_op_temp_units nor_dgn_pres_units nor_dgn_temp_units alt_dgn_pres_units alt_dgn_temp_units steam_temp_units test_system_no test_fluid test_pressure 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 64 65 66 48 50 52 54 84 40 42 66 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 83 * * * * * * * * * 86 61 59 69 78 71 72 77 * * * 44 46 * * * * 87 55 56 57 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ### Data extracted from the Piping Segment Table ( piping_seg, 112 ) of the P&ID Design Database: # upstrm_node_no pid_node_number_a # dwnstrm_node_no pid_node_number_b flow_direction # line_no_label line_number_label # dwg_occ_no drawing_segment_index_no line_id # piping_thk_flag piping_thickness_flag - 10 - 11 14 - 21 - 3 12 - 68 ### Data extracted from the Equipment Table ( eq_group, 106 ) of the P&ID Design Database: equipment_number 7 ### Data extracted from the Equipment Nozzle Table ( eq_nozz, 108 ) of the P&ID Design Database: nozzle_number # pid_seg_occ_no 5 198 _ _______________ nozzle_segment_index # eq_grp_occ_no equipment_nozzle_index # node_no equip_nozzle_node_no 4 2 13 P&ID Correlation Table ### Data extracted from the Piping Component Table ( piping_comp, 120 ) of the P&ID Design Database: #piping_comp_table is the delimiter to signal the information below belongs to # P&ID’s piping_comp table and Piping’s pdtable_34_. # piping_comp_table signals that the following attributes belong to pdtable_34. piping_comp_table piping_comp_number aabbcc_code commodity_code_flag cmdty_code 2 3 8 6 9 28 29 # opt attribute in P&ID is placed into the option_code attribute in Piping commodity_option_code 5 27 # pid_seg_occ_no comp_segment_index_no # dwg_occ_no comp_drawing_index_no # generic_tag_no specialty_generic_tag_no - 3 - 2 - 44 #any attributes you desire to transfer (beyond those defined above) are listed # here. You determine which are transferred between P&ID piping_comp table # and piping pdtable_34. NOTE: Complete, partial and default do NOT # apply to these attributes. #attribute name (any thing) piping attr no p&id attr no const_status 32 23 heat_tracing_media 35 34 heat_tracing_reqmts 34 33 hold_status 33 41 ht_tracing_media_temp 36 35 opening_action 31 17 remarks 46 20 ### Data extracted from the Instrument Component Table ( instr_comp, 131 )of the P&ID Design Databas #instr_comp_table is the delimiter to signal the information below belongs to # P&ID’s instr_comp table and Piping’s pdtable_67_. # instr_comp_table signals that the following attributes belong to pdtable_67. instr_comp_table instrument_tag_number # pid_seg_occ_no instr_segment_index_no # aabbcc_code instr_aabbcc_code 5 - 4 - 10 6. P&ID Data Transfer 199 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 # dwg_occ_no instr_drawing_index_no #generic_tag_no instr_generic_tag_no 3 80 #any attributes you desire to transfer (beyond those defined above) are listed # here. You determine which are transferred between P&ID instr_comp table # and piping pdtable_67. NOTE: Complete, partial and default do NOT # apply to these attributes. #attribute name (any thing) piping attr no p&id attr no cleaning_reqmts 39 60 const_resp 32 35 const_status 29 24 dgn_resp 31 25 fail_action_1 28 56 heat_tracing_media 34 28 heat_tracing_reqmts 33 27 hold_status 30 40 ht_tracing_media_temp 35 29 insulation_purpose 36 31 insulation_thick 37 33 module_no 41 36 package_system_no 42 38 remark_2 52 22 safety_classification 40 20 ### Data extracted from the Drawing Table ( dwg, 102 ) of the P&ID Project Database: drawing_number #unit_occ_no unit_index_number drawing_title network_address path_name file_specification propagation_status approval_initials approval_date revision_id for_comments_date for_design_date for_construct_date task_name 3 - 2 16 7 8 5 10 21 22 27 29 30 31 4 ### Data extracted from the Unit Table ( unit, 101 ) of the P&ID Project Database: unit_number 4 unit_code 3 unit_name 5 200 _ _______________ # net_type_occ_no piping_segment_index_no 4 P&ID Correlation Table ### Data extracted from the Task RDB Table ( task_rdb, 98 ) of the P&ID Project Database: pid_task_name 2 pid_task_rdb_node 3 pid_task_rdb_path 4 ### Data extracted from the PID Segment Table ( pid_seg, 110 ) of the P&ID Design Database: ### Data extracted from the PID Drawing Revision Data Table ( dwg_rev_data, ### 103 ) of the P&ID Design Database includes the following: dwg_occ_no 2 ### Data extracted from the Piping Connector Table (piping_connector, 124) of ### the P&ID Design Database includes the following: connector_no 4 #dwg_occ_no of the piping connector table connect_dwg_occ_no 2 #pid_seg_occ_no of the piping connector table connect_pid_seg_occ_no 3 #matching_criteria is the criteria to be used for matching the P&ID and Piping #segments together. Nodea (piping attribute 67) and Nodeb (piping attribute 68) #are the default criteria. The matching criteria is defined by listing the #piping attribute numbers separated by a space on the line below. matching_criteria 67 68 #search_mode is the method for searching for the matching criteria. The default #is ’FIRST’ – stop on the first match found. The other option is ’END’ which #means to search the entire database looking for a match. If more than one match #is found, the software evaluates all of the matches for an exact match of the #transfer data. search_mode FIRST #exclusion_criteria has been a part of the submission process in the past. We #have added the capability to default this value. Values are ’YES’ for do not #check the transfer disabled segments and ’NO’ to check the transfer disabled #segments. This option can still be modified at submission. exclusion_criteria YES 6. P&ID Data Transfer 201 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 6.3 P&ID Graphical Data Transfer Setup You can select and view an active P&ID while working in a piping model. This enables the graphical transfer of piping segment data by snapping to graphics in the active P&ID. You can also specify a component name for placement by selecting a component in the P&ID. You can use the following options to select the active P&ID to be displayed. Only one P&ID can be active for the purposes of data transfer. You can select a drawing from a list of P&IDs extracted from the Project Control Database. This list of drawings is limited to those P&IDs which have been propagated for the active unit number in the piping model. The applicable drawings are listed in alphanumeric order by drawing number. Since the P&ID Database is unit dependent and the Piping Design Database is design area dependent, one Piping design area may include data from different P&ID units. Therefore, you must specify the correct unit number in the active segment data prior to requesting a list of P&I drawings from the P&ID Database. Select P&I Drawing by Line ID - You can specify a line ID by identifying piping in the piping model or by accepting the active line id. The system determines the P&ID (or list of drawings) from the line id. It searches the Segment Table of the P&ID Database using the system unique number for the drawing and the line ID for the segment. Select P&I Drawing by Nozzle - You can specify an equipment number and nozzle number by locating a component connected to a nozzle, by keying in an equipment number and nozzle number, or by snapping to a nozzle in an equipment model. The system determines the P&ID from the equipment number and nozzle number and data in the P&ID Database. 202 _ _______________ P&ID Graphical Data Transfer Setup You can use the Review P&I Drawing Details option to display information about a selected P&I Drawing in the active unit. Once you select a drawing by any of the described methods, the P&I drawing and the corresponding drawing border are attached as reference files. A selected screen view is used to display the P&ID. The system stores this view number in the Type 63 data for the piping model. 6. P&ID Data Transfer 203 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 6.4 P&ID Node Numbers When piping segment data is transferred from the P&ID Database to the piping model, the P&ID node numbers derived from that database are reflected in the model as a form of associativity between the P&ID and the piping model. The following rules dictate how P&ID node numbers are assigned during the creation of piping segments in the model. Transferring piping segment data from the P&ID Database by any means results in the P&ID node numbers being stored with the piping segment that is to be created by either the Place Component or Sketch command. If you continue creating new piping segments in the model, either by explicitly placing a piping segment or by placing a component that results in the placement of a piping segment, the new piping segments continue to include the P&ID node numbers from the initial piping segment. If, at any time, you update the piping segment data manually with the Active Segment Data option, the P&ID node numbers for the subsequent piping segment is assigned as undefined (blank). Using the First Size or Second Size option to place a reducing component will not result in the P&ID node numbers being assigned as undefined unless you also use the Active Segment Data option. If you place a component after specifying the active placement point with the Connect to Design option, the P&ID node numbers for the subsequent piping segment is derived from those of the connected piping. The P&ID node numbers are assigned as undefined when you connect to a nozzle, unless the active segment data is then updated from the P&ID Database. If you place a component after specifying the active placement point with the Point in Space option, the P&ID node numbers for the subsequent piping segment is assigned as undefined (blank). If, in the Sketch command, you place a piping segment after specifying the active placement point with the Construct Point option, the P&ID node numbers for the subsequent piping segment are assigned as undefined (blank). 204 _ _______________ 6.5 Update Segment Data from P&ID You can update the active segment data by node number, by equipment/nozzle ID, or by snapping to graphics in the active P&ID. Update Segment Data from P&ID You can specify that the piping segment data transfer be complete or partial on the basis of the Correlation Table. The default mode is complete, and once the piping segment has been created in the model the active mode is restored to complete. In other words, the next operation will revert to complete data transfer, unless you explicitly select partial data transfer. A warning message is displayed if any one of the following conditions occurs in the process of loading the active data from the P&ID Database. The piping materials class from the P&ID Database is undefined in the Reference Database The nominal piping diameter from the P&ID Database is invalid for the piping materials class from the P&ID Database on the basis of the NPD Table in the Piping Specification Table Library The active nominal piping diameter is invalid for the piping materials class from the P&ID Database on the basis of the NPD Table in the Piping Specification Table Library in partial data transfer, where nominal piping diameter is not loaded The fluid code from the P&ID Database is invalid for the piping materials class from the P&ID Database on the basis of the Fluid Code Table in the Piping Specification Table Library for a piping materials class where a Fluid Code Table is applicable 6. P&ID Data Transfer 205 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 6.5.1 Update by Node Number You can update the active segment data by specifying two P&ID node numbers. This option is provided in both the Place Component and Sketch commands. You can accept both or either of the two active (previously specified) P&ID node numbers. The P&ID Database is referenced using the P&ID project number. A single table is read from this database using unit number, P&ID node number ’A’, and P&ID node number ’B’. Since the P&ID Database is unit dependent and the Piping Design Database is design area dependent, one Piping design area may include data from different P&ID units, each unit being designated by a unique unit number. The order of the P&ID node numbers, as specified by the user, determines the assignment of flow direction in the piping model. By convention, P&ID node number ’A’ is at the Active Placement Point. As a part of the data transfer process, the P&ID node numbers are stored in the piping model for subsequent use and to retain the associativity between the segment in the P&ID Database and the segment(s) in the piping model. Likewise, the unique index into the P&ID segment table is stored in the piping model in order to enable the later comparison and update of P&ID node numbers from the P&ID Database into the piping model. It is possible that the P&ID node numbers may be changed by the P&ID propagation process for a specific segment in the P&ID Database as a result of changes to the P&ID. 6.5.2 Transfer by Equipment Number and Nozzle Number You can update the active segment data by specifying an equipment number and nozzle number. If you are actively connected to a nozzle in the model, this option automatically searches the P&ID Database using the ’active’ equipment number and nozzle number. Otherwise, you must either snap to the appropriate nozzle or key in the equipment number and nozzle number for the appropriate nozzle. This option is provided in both the Place Component and Sketch commands. The system accesses the P&ID Database using the P&ID project number. A single table is read from this database using the unit number, the equipment number, and the nozzle number. The assignment of flow direction in the piping model is determined by the flow direction at the nozzle end of the segment in the P&ID. As a part of the data transfer process, the P&ID node numbers determined from reading the segment table in the P&ID Database are stored in the piping model for subsequent use and to retain the associativity between the segment in the P&ID Database and the segment(s) in the piping model. Likewise, the unique index into the P&ID segment table is stored in the piping model in order to enable the later comparison and update of P&ID node numbers from the P&ID Database into the piping model. It is possible that the P&ID node numbers may be changed by the P&ID propagation process for a specific segment in the P&ID Database as a result of changes to the P&ID. 206 _ _______________ 6.5.3 Update From Active P&I Drawing You can update the active segment data by snapping to graphics in the active P&ID. The system reads a single table from the P&ID Database using the unit number and the attribute linkage from the segment in the P&ID. If you identify a component in the P&ID that is associated with more than one segment, such as a reducer, the active segment data is derived from the segment associated with the connect point nearest the identification point. Update by Node Number The order of the P&ID node numbers determines the assignment of flow direction in the piping model. By convention, P&ID node number A is at the Active Placement Point. As a part of the data transfer process, the P&ID node numbers are stored in the piping model for subsequent use and to retain the associativity between the segment in the P&ID Database and the segment(s) in the piping model. The unique index into the P&ID Segment Table is also stored in the piping model to enable the comparison and update of P&ID node numbers from the P&ID Database into the piping model. The P&ID node numbers may be changed by the P&ID propagation process for a specific segment in the P&ID Database as a result of changes to the P&I drawing. 6. P&ID Data Transfer 207 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 6.6 P&ID Data Revise Attributes You can update the data for a previously placed piping segment using the Revise Attributes command, by specifying two P&ID node numbers. The order of the input of the two P&ID node numbers is used to control the assignment of flow direction in the piping model. P&ID node number ’A’ is associated with ’end 1’ of the segment, while P&ID node number ’B’ will be associated with ’end 2’. As with the previously described option, the piping segment data will be updated based upon the Correlation Table. Likewise, the user has the option to specify that the piping segment data transfer is to be complete or partial on the basis of the Correlation Table. You can also update the data for a previously placed piping segment by snapping to graphics in the active P&ID. Attribute Break You can load the piping segment data for an attribute break, using the Attribute Break command, by specifying two P&ID node numbers. The order of the input of the two P&ID node numbers is used to control the assignment of flow direction in the piping model. P&ID node number A is associated with the end of the piping segment being placed at the attribute break’s location, while P&ID node number B is associated with other end of the piping segment being placed. Under user control, the revised piping segment will retain the existing piping segment data, including the P&ID node numbers. The new piping segment is created from the original piping segment with data being transferred from the P&ID Database using those P&ID node numbers specified by the user. This piping segment is created with the ’new’ P&ID node numbers. As with the previously described option, the piping segment data is updated based upon the Correlation Table. Likewise, the user has the option to specify that the piping segment data transfer is to be complete or partial on the basis of the Correlation Table. You can also load the piping segment data for an attribute break by snapping to graphics in the active P&ID. 208 _ _______________ 6.7 Name From P&ID You can use the Name From P&ID option on the Place Component form to select the piping or instrument component to be placed by identifying a component in the P&ID. It retrieves the piping commodity name for a piping commodity, the piping component number for a piping specialty, or the instrument component number for an instrument for use in reading from the Reference Database. No other component data is read from the P&ID database. Name From P&ID 6. P&ID Data Transfer 209 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 6.8 P&ID Data Comparison Options The P&ID Data Comparison Options command is provided as part of the Diagnostics command for the purpose of specifying the data comparison option for piping segments in the model. You have two options with this command. the ability to mark a piping segment to have segment data comparisons inhibited (or enabled) in the P&ID Data Comparison Report. This option is intended to assist the user by not reporting extraneous piping segments which do not exist in the P&ID Database and have not been assigned P&ID node numbers in the piping model, i.e. segment data has not been transferred from the P&ID database. Note that the default mode for all piping segments created in the model is to have P&ID data comparisons enabled. Thus it is not necessary for the user to take any action to enable P&ID data comparisons, unless the user had previously and inadvertently designated that P&ID data comparisons be inhibited for a particular piping segment. a rules-based command for the purpose of automatically marking piping segments corresponding to vents, drains, and off-line instrument connections for being optionally ignored in P&ID data comparisons. The option is intended to assist the user by not reporting extraneous piping segments which may not exist in the P&ID Database and usually are not assigned P&ID node numbers in the piping model. These piping segments representing vents, drains, and off-line instrument connections is marked in the user data of the piping segment. Such designations will only have an impact, if the user chooses to have these piping segments excluded from the P&ID Data Comparison Report. The limit for the maximum number of vent/drain valves and instrument connections that can be processed in one piping model is 200 for each (expanded from 100). 210 _ _______________ 7. Detecting and Managing Interferences This chapter provides information required to understand the terminology and philosophy involved with interference detection. Interference Checker/Manager (PD_Clash) processes a specified design volume for interference clashes. You can check for, review, and revise interferences at any stage of the design process. The first section in this chapter is an overview of the interference management process; it briefly covers the following topics: Software setup Interference envelope generation Clash detection Clash management and tracking The second section is a review of project organization and the different units into which a plant/project can be broken for ease of manupulation. The third section describes how to set up a system to support interference detection. The fourth and final section is a general description of interference envelopes, the various types of interferences (clashes) and what happens during interference detection and management. Detecting and Managing Interferences 7. Interferences 7.1 Interference Checking Process Overview The following outlines the basic steps associated with interference detection and management. Setup (outside the Interference Manager module) 1. Define data with the Project Environment Manager. Volume/Area definitions determine the extent of the project to process. The extent may be physical by defining pre-defined volumes or logical by grouping models in a design area. 211 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 To disable interference checking between certain disciplines, use the Intra Discipline Interference Check toggle when defining the Discipline data. 2. Define interference data with the Project Data Manager. The construction tolerance, the necessary space allocated beyond that which is necessary for the component and its insulation, for each discipline is defined with the Construction Tolerance form. The action discipline is used to assign responsibility for a clash to a certain discipline. The action discipline is defined using the Select Action Discipline option on the Interference Check Data form. The defined action discipline appears on plots and in the Action Discipline: field on the Interference Manager form in the Interference Checker/Manager module. Interference Envelopes: 3. The system accesses the model files to generate envelope files. The envelope files have a .env file extension. It is the envelope file and not the design file that is compared during interference detection. The graphical volume for each component is defined by an interference envelope parametric shape definition. This is an Eden module similar to the parametric shape module used to place the component in graphics. Before performing interference detection on newly created or modified interference envelope parametric shape definitions, use the Envelope Diagnostics option to generate a MicroStation-type graphic from the interference envelope. The graphics file is named after the envelope with a .til file extension. 5. Verify the consistency between the dates of envelope files and current design files using the Envelope Verification option. The results of the verification indicate which envelopes need to be updated. 4. Clash Detection: 6. Run the Interference Checker option to compare the envelope files for clashes within the specified area or volume. A volume filter can be set for single runs of interference detection. Only the clashes found within the specified volume are available for review after an interference detection run using this option. For pre-defined volume design areas, the system checks all models within the predefined volume. This includes the portion of any model envelope file that encroaches within that volume regardless of its discipline. 7. 8. 212 _ _______________ — OR — For regular design areas, the system defines the volume as that which encompasses all model envelope files within the selected design area. This includes the portion of any model envelope file that encroaches within that volume regardless of its discipline or design area assignment. 9. For the specified area/volume, the system processes all of the portions of model envelopes or pairs of envelopes, for example: Model A vs Model B Model A vs Model C Model A vs Model D Model B vs Model C Model B vs Model D Model C vs Model D 10. When a clash is detected, it is written to the database, and the graphics representing the clashing elements are written to the appropriate marker file. If you checked the entire project, the clashes are written to the project marker file. If you checked a design area, the marker file is named after the design area with the extension which represents the discipline: Piping = 1 Equipment = 2 11. Structural = 3 HVAC = 4 Raceways = 5 Architecture = 6 Detecting and Managing Interferences 7. Interferences The Interference Report is created during the interference detection process and is named after the project or design area, depending on the option selected for interference detection, with a .int file extension. It contains only the unapproved clashes for that run. Tracking and Managing: 12. Edit and review existing clashes, manipulate views, and approve exisiting clashes with the Interference Manager option. This option displays and highlights clashes within a graphics environment, which can then be reviewed, edited or approved. For unsuspected clashes, review envelopes in question using the Envelope Diagnostics command. This command generates a report with a .evd file extension. For example, this report contains instances such as when two or more groups of sub-components are contained within one component but are not geometrically connected, in other words do not have overlapping ranges. Clashes can be plotted any time after interference detection using the Interfence Plot Manager option. Aside from the Interferences Report, which is automatically generated during interference detection with the Interference Checker option, reporting on the Project Control Data is done using the Interference Report Manager. Discrimination data and format files are used to generate specific types of reports. This sort of report might 13. 14. 15. 213 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 include a list of clashes involving the structural discipline, the approval status of those clashes, and the action discipline assigned to these clashes. 214 _ _______________ 7.2 Project Organization Project Organization 7. Interferences As discussed in Chapter 1, PDS uses the following organization to break the plant into smaller units that can be handled more easily. A project is a convenient grouping of all of the items that constitute a plant. The project is the fundamental structure for working in PDS. The project constitutes the entire volume of the project. A design area represents a specified volume or logical area of the project for a specific discipline. Design areas can be used to break up the project into smaller areas for interference checking or reporting. This speeds up processing when only a portion of the project has changed. The models or model components that are not within the area/volume will not be checked. A design area pre-defined volume represents a pre-defined volume of the project for a specific discipline. The volume is defined by using the Project Environment Manager. Make sure that the pre-defined volume encompasses all the models that you want to be checked. The models or model components that are not within the volume will not be checked. The Predefined volume is used to encompass models and model components that might not have been grouped together otherwise, or to define a design area that is smaller than usual. A model is a 3D Microstation file that has a defined discipline and is located within the volume of the project. A model represents a subdivision of the project based on work responsibility, completion of schedules, and computer response time. A volume filter can be used to decrease the volume of a project, area, or pre-defined volume to further decrease the processing time when only a sub-part requires checking or reporting. 215 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 7.2.1 Understanding Design Areas and Volumes This section describes design areas and volumes and how they pertain to interference checking. Running the Interference Checker for an entire project takes considerably longer than running it for a design area. If the project workload is being shared, one of the design area options would be the most efficient. The design area options are less time consuming and create individual sets of reports rather than one set of reports for the entire project. Adhere to using either the Project option or one of the Design Area options for the life of the project for the most consistent results. Project This option on the Interference Checker form performs clash checking for all of the envelope files defined for the project and creates interference, difference, and batch queue error reports. To specify a smaller volume for a single clash check, set the Volume Filter toggle to On. The dotted rectangle signifies the volume that is processed using the Project option. Piping Design Area and Design Area These options display a list of design areas for the specified discipline that are available for clash checking. After a design area has been selected, the system defines a volume that encompasses all models within the selected design area. It then performs an interference check on all models and parts of models, including models from all other disciplines, that are in the defined volume. To specify a smaller volume for a single interference check, set the Volume Filter toggle to On after selecting a design area. 216 _ _______________ The dotted rectangle signifies the volume that is processed using the Design Area option. The name of the selected design area is DesA1. Understanding Design Areas and Volumes 7. Interferences Design Area and Piping Design Area Predefined Volume These options display a list of design areas with pre-defined volumes available for clash checking. After a design area has been selected, the system uses the pre-defined volume (as specified through the Project Environment Manager). It then performs an interference check on all models and parts of models, including models from all other disciplines, that are in the pre-defined volume. The Interference Checker does not include models or parts of models that are in the selected design area that do not fall within the pre-defined volume. The dotted rectangle signifies the volume that is processed using the Design Area Predefined Volume option. The name of the selected design area is DesAPreV1. 217 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 If you use Pre-defined Volumes as your method of checking, it is recommended that you run a project wide check at the end of the project to ensure that nothing was missed. However, you should not switch between Pre-defined Volume and Project on a consistent basis. Volume Filter This option creates a Volume Filter for one run of the Interference Checker. When set to Volume Filter On, you can define the low and high Easting, Northing, and Elevation coordinates for one run of the Interference Checker in the following fields. When set to Volume Filter Off the system will use the default or pre-defined volume. A volume filter can be used to decrease the volume of a project, area, or pre-defined volume to further decrease the processing time when only a sub-part requires checking or reporting. The dotted rectangle signifies the volume that is processed when the Volume Filter has been activated and the volume to be checked has been specified. 218 _ _______________ Understanding Design Areas and Volumes 7. Interferences Single/Dual Ownership of Clashes PD_Clash can be set up to allow single or dual ownership of clashes. This is very useful when more than one design area needs to own, review, or approve a clash. PD_Clash provides the capability for dual ownership–ownership available to each design area that CONTAINS a component involved in a clash (when interference detection is run on that area) or single ownership–ownership assigned to the first design area to find the clash. Dual ownership does not mean that ownership is automatically given to both design areas when a clash is found. It means that ownership is available to both design areas when interference detection is run on each. Since clashes are stored in the database, reports can still be run on both design areas involved in a clash, even if interference detection has not been run on both design areas. However, clashes are only written to the applicable design area’s marker file during the interference detection process for each design area. Therefore, clashes can only be reviewed and approved in design areas on which interference detection has been run. This option does not define ownership assignments once clashes have been found. It acts a filter in the interference-detection process. By default clash checking is done in Single (1) Design Area Ownership mode. In this mode, each clash belongs to the design area in which it was first found. When clash checking is done in this mode, clashes involving models that do not belong to the design area being checked are still assigned to that design area. 219 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 For instance, if design area C were checked for interferences in the Single (1) Design Area Ownership mode, the system would compare all models that fall within the specified volume including: - all models against themselves - all design area A models against design area B models - all design area C models against design area A models - all design area C models against design area B models. All of the clashes would belong to design area C. In the Dual (2) Design Area Ownership mode, ownership is not based on the first design area to find the clashes but on the design areas which own the components involved in a clash. Interference checking is performed between models belonging to the design area being checked and all other models that fall within the volume of that design area. Clashes that do not involve at least one component from the design area being checked would not be found. For instance, if design area C were checked for interferences in the Dual (2) Design Area Ownership mode, the system would compare models in design area C with models falling within the specified volume including: - all design area C models against themselves - all design area C models against design area A models - all design area C models against design area B models. The clashes found involving, for instance, design area C models against design area A models would be owned by design area C. Clashes could be reviewed and approved in design area C and reports could be run on either design area C or design area A. You could not review or approve clashes in design area A until you had run interference detection on it. Clashes that do not involve at least one component from design area C models would not be found. 220 _ _______________ 7.3 Setting Up a System to Support Interference Detection The following project setup considerations are necessary to support interference checking. 1. Load software All PDS servers and workstations must be loaded with the same release of PDS and nucleus software. The PDS software between servers and workstations must be compatible to run correctly. It is highly recommended that you read the Release Notes of the PD_CLASH README file when new releases are issued so that you will be informed of any changes made to the product. The CAD Support person would most likely do this. 2. Set up plot queues. The Interference Manager provides one default and four optional plot queues for different types of plotters. The selection of the plot queue applies to all graphic interference clash plots in a batch process. Multiple queues provide the flexibility in situations that arise which require different plotters for different paper types. This step would be completed by the CAD Support/System or Project Manager. 3. Define discipline responsibilities. — The interference software uses area and model data to locate the models within a specific design area for processing. This is done when the areas and model files are created. The location of the area marker file and model design file are stored by the system using data provided via the Project Environment Manager. — Marker files are used by the software to place graphic markers for clashes that are detected during interference checking. 4. Decide on Project or Area processing. Interference checking can be done for the entire project or it can be divided into small portions called design areas. The processing time for an entire project is much greater than for a design area. Also, it is often the case that only a certain design area or set of design areas need to be checked. Once you decide which method to use, either the Project option or the design area options, remain consistent. The more consistent you are with your option selection, the more consistent the results will be. For example, you might select a design area option and receive the results for one design area. You might correct a few of the interferences and then run interference checking with the Project option. Remember, the interference checker will only report new clashes, therefore, old clashes would not be reported again although they may still exist in the design area that was first checked. This step would be done by the Interference Manager. Setting Up a System to Support Interference Detection 7. Interferences 221 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 5. Define model graphics. A set of model files for the project must be defined before you can use the Interference Checker/Manager. 222 _ _______________ 7.4 Understanding Interference Envelopes Envelope Builder Understanding Interference Envelopes 7. Interferences Piping, equipment, structural, raceway, and HVAC envelope files are created through the PDS Interference Manager module. All Architectural files will have their interference envelope files created within the Architecture product. The envelope builder command performs the following tests to detect the situation where the graphics for a model, that is not associated with the selected design area, encroaches into the volume represented by that design area: If the envelope file which corresponds to the model is Up-To-Date with respect to the model, the envelope builder will not re-create the envelope file. If the envelope file which corresponds to the model is Not-Up-To-Date with respect to the model, but it has interference envelopes in the volume of the selected design area, then the envelope file for the model is re-created. If the envelope file which corresponds to the model is Not-Up-To-Date with respect to the model and it does not have any interference envelopes which fall within the volume of the selected design area, then the envelope builder determines if the model has any components which falls in the volume of the selected design area. If so, the envelope file for that model is re-created. Log files are batch queue error reports for the envelope builder data server that contain information regarding any errors. These files have the extension .ebl and are created in the \temp directory on the server or workstation from which the process was submitted. You should review this file. Envelope Verification The Envelope Verification command sorts the models being verified into one of the following categories: Up-To-Date: those interference envelopes that are consistent with respect to the model. Not Up-To-Date: those interference envelopes that are inconsistent with respect to the model and may require being re-created. This is because either the model has been revised since the interference envelopes were created, or the interference envelope file is non-existent. Not Mounted: an error occurred while mounting the file system where the model resides. 223 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Any discrepancies found during this verification process indicate problems in the applicable Envelope Builder and will be reported in a file in the \temp directory named after the project or design area with a .evd file extension. Envelope Diagnostics The Envelope Diagnostics command creates MicroStation graphics from the interference envelopes for the model, in a file named .til. This file, placed in the same directory as the model, is used to view the interference envelopes interactively through MicroStation to verify if the envelopes are correct. 7.4.1 Understanding Interference Checking Once an interference philosophy has been determined, select the option to run the batch Interference Checker. Use your choice of either the Project option or any of the design area options consistently throughout the interference checking process. The Project option is the largest area of the project and encompasses every model file. The Design Area options process a smaller division of a project with a limited number of model files. The Pre-Defined Volume option allows you to control the volume checked by specifying specific volume coordinates. If not used, the system determines the volume based on the volume of the envelope files in the area being checked (which can vary over the life of a project). The Volume Filter toggle specifies a smaller volume of any of the options above. Once the Interference Checker has been run, you can review the clashes interactively with the Interference Manager. The Piping Designer provides a command to check interferences interactively while working in the piping design file. This option only checks one pipeline (or a group) against reference files that have a previously created envelope file. Unlike the Interference Checker, the Piping Design command does not write clash information to the database. It is intended as a quick check for the piping designer. Interference Checker Input The following are used as input by the PDS Interference Checker: The data collected by the forms interface. 224 _ _______________ Interference envelope files which correspond to model volumes or design areas. Information in the Project Control Database. The approval status of each known interference is stored in the Project Control Database. When an interference is approved, it is no longer be included in future interference reports. This allows all interferences within a project to be resolved, either by changing the approval status of the interference to Approved or by revising the model. Information in the Material Reference Database. The following database tables can be used to exclude items from interference checking. — The Component Insulation Exclusion Data table (PDtable_231) allows you to completely or partially exclude the insulation of components that are on insulated lines, during interference checking. If this table is not loaded, the insulation thickness is completely included in the component’s interference envelope. — The Flange Insulation Exclusion Data table (PD_table 232) provides for partial exclusion of flange insulation thickness from the generation of interference envelopes. This is an optional data table; if no data is defined for this table the insulation thickness is completely included in the component’s interference envelope. Understanding Interference Envelopes 7. Interferences Interference Checker Output The following are generated by running the Interference Checker: PDS Interference Report. This report contains all unapproved clashes, sorted first by model combinations then by the type of clash. For instance, all clashes detected between model A and model B are grouped together. A synopsis of the clashes is included at the beginning of the report. This report also includes the model status of any components involved in a clash for the piping, structural, HVAC, and equipment disciplines. This status is that of the model and not of the clash. These reports are named after the project or design area with a .int file extension and are created each time the checker is run. The interference report is created at the location specified with the Interference Report Management Data option. The report begins with a synopsis of all clashes found during interference processing and includes a report of the clashing items within each of the design files represented in the synopsis. PDS Interference Synopsis mbpip2.env Number of clashes = 14 PDS Interference Report Date: Model ’A’ Design File Name: 23-Jun-93 Time: 13:42:13 mbpip2 Entire Design Volume Included In Report 225 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 PDS Interference Clashes Hard/Hard Clashes No __ 48 Item Name _________ 2CPINSTRUMENT meblabels-6IN-1C0031–0 " Not approved PIPE ifc’clash pipe’-1IN-1C0031–0 " Not approved 3CPINSTRUMENT meblabels-6IN-1C0031–0 " Not approved PIPE ifc’clash pipe’-1IN-1C0031–0 " Not approved 2CPSPECIALTY meblabels-6IN-1C0031–0 " Not approved PIPE ifc’clash pipe’-1IN-1C0031–0 " Not approved 3CPSPECIALTY meblabels-6IN-1C0031–0 " Not approved PIPE ifc’clash pipe’-1IN-1C0031–0 " Not approved T meblabels-6IN-1C0031–0 " Not approved PIPE ifc’clash pipe’-1IN-1C0031–0 " Not approved PIPE meblabels-6IN-1C0031–0 " Not approved PIPE ifc’clash pipe’-1IN-1C0031–0 " Not approved pipesupport meblabels-6IN-1C0031–0 " Not approved PIPE ifcclash pipe-1IN-1C0031–0 " Not approved PIPE ifc’clash pipe’-1IN-1C0031–0 " Not approved CKS 1construct-6IN-1C0031–0 " Not approved Table _____ 6 Row ___ 4194305 X Coord _______ Y Coord _______ Z Coord _______ El 0’ 0" Plant E 1’ 3 15/16" Plant N 2000’ 0" Plant 48 5 4194306 E 40’ 2 3/16" Plant N 1999’ 10" Plant El 0’ 0" Plant 49 6 4194306 E 8’ 4" Plant N 2000’ 0" Plant El 0’ 0" Plant 49 5 4194306 E 40’ 2 3/16" Plant N 1999’ 10" Plant El 0’ 0" Plant 50 3 4194306 E 13’ 4 1/8" Plant N 2000’ 0" Plant El 0’ 0" Plant 50 5 4194306 E 40’ 2 3/16" Plant N 1999’ 10" Plant El 0’ 0" Plant 51 3 4194307 E 18’ 4 1/4" Plant N 2000’ 0" Plant El 0’ 0" Plant 51 5 4194306 E 40’ 2 3/16" Plant N 1999’ 10" Plant El 0’ 0" Plant 52 3 4194309 E 26’ 8 9/16" Plant N 2000’ 0" Plant El 0’ 0" Plant 52 5 4194306 E 40’ 2 3/16" Plant N 1999’ 10" Plant El 0’ 0" Plant 53 5 4194305 E 30’ 2 3/16" Plant N 2000’ 0" Plant El 0’ 0" Plant 53 5 4194306 E 40’ 2 3/16" Plant N 1999’ 10" Plant El 0’ 0" Plant 54 8 4194305 E 31’ 2 3/16" Plant N 2000’ 6" Plant El -1’ 1 9/16" Plant 54 5 4194308 E 40’ 2 3/16" Plant N 1999’ 4" Plant El -6" Plant 55 5 4194306 E 40’ 2 3/16" Plant N 1999’ 10" Plant El 0’ 0" Plant 55 3 4194321 E 22’ 6 1/16" Plant N 2000’ 0" Plant El 0’ 0" Plant Interference Markers. All interferences within the project are graphically represented by markers and are used by the Interference Manager. Each time the Interference Checker detects an interference within the project, a marker is written to one of the marker design files. The project marker file is created in the project directory during project creation. It is named after the project database with a .dgn extension. Area 226 _ _______________ marker files can be created as each piping or equipment design area is defined in the Project Control Database. The interference markers are numbered in the .int report with a system-assigned sequential number starting with 1. Any previously approved markers (interferences) will not be replaced unless the corresponding model items have been graphically modified. Error File. If an error is found while running the Interference Checker, the system writes the item name and an error code in a file named after either the project or design area, depending on the option selected to run the Interference Checker, with a .icl file extension. Runtime errors are written to a file with a .err extension. Log files. Each batch job creates a log file which is placed in the \temp directory. Any run time errors will be listed in these log files. Project Control Database Records. The following tables are updated by Interference Checking: — Clash Management Data (131). A record is created each time Interference Checking is run. — Interference Clash Data Per Project (132). A record is created for each clash in the project. The unique_clash_id uniquely identifies a clash. — Interference Clash Data Per Job (133). A record is created each time a clash is encountered. — Component Clash Data Per Project (134). A record is created for each model item which is involved in one or more clashes. These records are used by subsequent executions of the Interference Checker and Interference Manager. Clash Plots. These files are named by the system as the marker number with the extension .plt and placed in the \temp directory (or you may use the Interference Clash Plot Manager to specify a different node and directory). The system automatically generates the plots through the PDifc_plot queue. Understanding Interference Envelopes 7. Interferences Interference Manager The interference manager is used to review all interferences in a project or area and revise the approval status of a single interference marker or a group of interference markers. 227 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Clash Categories The Interference Manager and the reports created by the Interference Checker distinguish between three categories of interference clashes. See the graphics on the following page for examples of clashes. Hard. A clash which exists between actual physical components, equipment, or structures. Soft. A clash which exists between non-physical space envelopes, such as, insulation, maintenance accessways, or safety envelopes. Construction. A clash or discrepancy which exists between the user-defined distance and the actual distance of two components in specified disciplines defined using PD_Project. For instance, if piping components are required to be at least 1" away from all structural components but one is found closer, a Construction clash is reported. Clash Precedence The precedence for reporting clashes is Hard, Soft, and Construction. This results in the interference clash being reported in one of the following categories. The report will contain only the category of clashes with the highest precedence in accordance with the following precedence table: Hard - Hard Hard - Soft Hard - Construction Soft - Soft Soft - Construction Construction - Construction. 228 _ _______________ Hard - Hard Example The following example contains clashes between actual physical components. It would be categorized as a Hard - Hard clash. Understanding Interference Envelopes 7. Interferences Hard - Soft Example The following example displays a clash between an actual component and space that has been allocated for maintenance accessways. It would be categorized as a Hard - Soft clash. 229 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 7.4.2 Understanding Interference Plotting The Interference Plot Manager option plots clashes generally by project or design area. Within these choices, you can plot clashes by: The clash plot status. The clash approval status. The clash review status. The clash category. The group or individual clash selections from a list of clashes in marker file. The Interference Clash Plot Management option defines a default node and path for future clash plot files. This is a required step in the Interference Checking Process. Problems could occur later in the process if this step has not been completed. 7.4.3 Understanding Interference Reporting The interferences report is generated automatically during interference detection with the Interference Checker option. You can create user-defined reports on the Project Control Data using the Interference Report Manager. Discrimination data and format files are used to generate specific types of reports, such as a list of clashes involving the structural discipline, the approval status of those clashes, and the action discipline assigned to these clashes. The interface and process for interfence reporting is similar to that used in the PDS Report Manager module. 230 _ _______________ 8. 8.1 Creating Material Takeoffs and Other Reports Creating Material Takeoffs and Other Reports Reporting Process The following outlines the basic steps associated with the Material Take-Off process. 8. Reporting 1. Pre-defined report data determines the discrimination data (such as which models to process) and the format (content and layout) of the report. For the specified models (and using any additional discrimination data, such as line size), the system scans the physical elements in the model. The system determines the number of items present in the model by unique commodity code. In addition to the physical elements, it determines any implied items based on configuration of mating components or designations in the Piping Commodity Specification Data (PCD). The system looks up the material descriptions for the located components and implied items in the Material Description Library. The system writes a report of the located and calculated items based on pre-defined report format. 2. 3. 4. 5. There are two main user tasks necessary for creating reports: Maintaining the data that defines the format, content and approval status of the reports. Processing reports by activating the interface to extract data from all of the PDS models, databases, and libraries that are involved in a project. 8.2 Maintaining Report Definition Data The Report Manager uses both report definition files, such as discrimination data files and format files, along with database records that represent these files to generate reports. The two most important files that must be maintained in a report creation process are the discrimination data file and the format file. The discrimination data file, which defines the search criteria for a report, is maintained interactively with the Report Manager. The format file is generated outside of the interface using an ASCII text editor. There are several sample format files that are delivered with the PDS 3D products. You can use these files as examples for creating format files to meet your specific needs. 231 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 8.2.1 Understanding Report Files and Records The following definitions explain all of the files and records in the reporting process. Format File The format file is a user-defined, ASCII-text file which contains special indices identifying what data appears in the report, how the data is sorted, and how the data is formatted in the report. A set of basic format files are delivered for several types of reports. Using the Report Format option, you can create a database record for each format file so that it can be accessed for report processing. Without the format record, the Report Manager is unable to access format files. Format Record The format record is a record in the Project Control Database used to name and locate a specific format file. It is called a record to classify it as a block of data that is used for report processing but, it is not an actual file. It is created interactively. There are five format definitions in the format record: Number — Defines a unique number to name the record with up to 24 characters in the Project Control Database. This number is a short name to identify the record of the format file. Description — Describes the format file with up to 40 characters in the Project Control Database. File Specification — Defines the file name of the ASCII format file. The system verifies that the file does not already have a record in the project. Path — Defines the disk location of the format file. This field retains the active setting. Node — Defines the nodename where the format file is located. This field retains the active setting. Discrimination Data File The discrimination data file defines the search criteria which is used to limit the report to only the specified database occurrences. It is an ASCII file that is created interactively using the Report Manager. You also create a uniquely-numbered record for each discrimination data file so that it can be accessed for report processing. 232 _ _______________ Discrimination Data Record The discrimination data record is a record in the Project Control Database used to name and locate a specific discrimination data file. It is called a record to classify it as a block of data that is used for report processing but is not an actual file. It is created using the Report Manager. There are five discrimination data definitions in the discrimination data record: Creating Material Takeoffs and Other Reports Number — Defines a unique number to name the record with up to 24 characters in the Project Control Database. This number is a short name to identify the record of the discrimination data file. Description — Describes the discrimination data file with up to 40 characters in the Project Control Database. File Specification — Defines the file name of the discrimination data file to reference. The system verifies that the file does not already have a record in the project. Path — Defines the disk location of the discrimination data file. This field retains the active setting. Node — Defines the nodename where the discrimination data file is located. This field retains the active setting. 8. Reporting Report Record The report record defines locations for all of the files that are necessary to generate a report, including the report output. (It is called a record to classify it as a block of data that is used for report processing but is not an actual file.) It is created using the Report Manager. There are seven report definitions in the report record: Report Number — Creates a unique report number in the Project Control Database that acts as a name or identifier for a report record. Report Title — Describes the report file. It is not the title in the actual report. That title is specified in the format file. Report File Spec — Defines the file name of the report output file. Each time a file is re-generated using the same report file, the report output file is overwritten. Change this field to save the old report output file and generate a new one. Report File Path — Defines the directory for the report output file. Report Node — Specifies the nodename for the report output file. Report Format File — Specifies the record number that contains the address of the report format file to be used. 233 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Report Discrimination Data — Specifies the record number that contains the address of the discrimination data to be used. Report Output The Report Manager creates a report using the specified format and discrimination data files and places it in the directory specified. 234 _ _______________ 8.3 Processing Reports Since there are reporting capabilities in various PDS modules, the format file, the discrimination data file and the module where the report process is activated determine what type of report is created. Processing Reports For instance, you can create MTO reports with Report Manager and Drawing reports with the report manager module of Drawing Manager. Depending on the definition data used and the module that executes the process, you can create MTO reports, drawing reports, spec reports, table checker reports, project reports, or interference reports. The following section describes the various report types, how they are generated, and their corresponding sample format files: 8. Reporting 8.4 Report Types Various modules in the PDS Suite generate reports. The following section describes the various report types, how they are generated, and their corresponding sample format files: MTO Report (with implied materials) — Generates reports on PDS piping and equipment models involving data from the Design Database, Reference Database, Project Database, and Material Description Libraries. This type of report will also include implied mating data, such as bolts, gaskets, and welds by determining the connectivity of the piping and equipment. Format files used in this type of report primarily use A and B prefixed indices. This report is generated using the Report Manager. Drawing Report — Generates reports on PDS Piping and Equipment drawing views and drawing files. This report is the same type of report as the MTO report generated by the Report Manager. Format files used in this type of report primarily use A and B prefixed indices. This report is generated using the Drawing Manager. Spec Report — Generates reports on the Reference Database and Material Description Libraries. The spec report is used to report on data in the reference database. Format files used to create this type of report primarily use C prefixed indices. This report is generated by the Reference Data Manager. Table Checker Report — Generates reports on the Reference Database and Material Description Libraries. The table checker report is used to test Eden modules and tables that would be executed by the Piping Commodity items within the Reference Database. Format files used to create this type of report primarily use C prefixed indices. This report is generated by the Reference Data Manager. Project Report — Generates reports on the Project Control Database. Format files used in this type of report primarily use D prefixed indices. This report is generated using the Project Administrator. 235 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Interference Report — Generates reports on the project control database. clash area, clash type, and clash approval along with the search criteria specified in the discrimination data define what interference data is reported. Format files used in this type of report primarily use D prefixed indices. This report is generated using the Interference Manager/Checker. 236 _ _______________ 8.5 Report Format File The reporting process is driven by a format file that determines the contents and format of the report. It must be created with a text editor prior to report processing. The format file is a standard ASCII file which contains all the needed criteria for creating the actual report, such as text position, special indices for input into the report, and sorting instructions for the indices. Report Format File 8.5.1 Format File Syntax 8. Reporting The format file is based on fields. A field contains a complete description of a given piece of data to be placed in an ASCII report file. Each line of the format file contains the entire description of one field. All fields are independent of each other; if they have a common order in the report, you are responsible for placing these fields in such a way that the orders match in the report. In other words, you are responsible for defining your format file in such a way that your columns and headings will fall under one another. Each line in the format file can contain the following data: Field_Function,Row,Col,Field_Len,Data_Type,Field_Type,[Buffer],[Rows/Page],[Spacing] (Brackets [ ] indicate data that is only used for certain field types; all other data is required in every field type.) Syntax Example 237 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 8.5.2 Definitions Field_Function 0 Null Field — Used to send a data field (index) to sort on an unreported item. 1 Page Field - All Pages — Places the specified field once on every page of the report. 2 Page Field - First Page Only — Places the specified field once on the first page of the report. 3 Page Field - Last Page Only — Places the specified field once on the last page of the report. 4 Output Field — Places the specified field a variable number of times on every page of the report based on rows/page and spacing. 5 New Page Marker — Forces a new page (form feed) after all the previous statements have been processed. All the lines in the format file after this marker are placed on a new (repeated) page. In other words, this enables you to append a complete format file to the previous format file and use the same data sources and sorting as the previous lines of the format file. 6 Continuous Page Marker — Forces everything after this marker in the format file up to a New Page Marker or the end of file to be continuously output as one page. The specified fields are continuously output without any page divisions. (This code overrides the value for Rows/Page) This function can be used to generate an intermediate data file in a fixed form that contains only raw data (without headings and other annotation). This output can then be used as input to your own report generation software. 7 Turn On Output Field Appending Control — Forces all output fields after this marker in the format file to begin after the previous output field (above 7) is completed, that is, all output fields will initially begin at the last output fields finishing row. 8 Turn Off Output Field Appending Control — If 7 is in effect for an output field this code will turn the effect off making output fields normal. 9 Start of output field loop 10 End of output field loop — Repeats all output fields defined between codes 9 and 10 until out of data or the maximum number of lines per output field has been exceeded by the number of lines of data between the 9 and 10 codes. These options are used to prevent control sorts from breaking to a new page by using the remaining space on the page before proceeding to a new page. 238 _ _______________ Row Starting line number to be used in placing the field in the report. The maximum number of rows in a report is 66. Report Format File Col Starting column number to be used in placing the field within the specified row. The maximum number of columns in a report is 132. 8. Reporting Field_Len The maximum number of characters that a field can occupy for the active row. The starting column plus the field length must not exceed 132. A negative value will truncate a field rather than wrap around a field (default). If the text being placed in the field exceeds the field length, the text is continued on the next row indented one space (col + 1) until it is completed or the page ends. Data_Type Code used to determine the type of translation required to convert the data to text. (Refer to the index listings to determine the applicable data type for a particular attribute.) 1 character or ’[Am]’, where m is the number of characters 2 single precision integer or ’[Im]’ 3 double precision integer or ’[Im]’ where m is the number of characters for the integer field 4 single precision decimal (float) or ’[Fm.n]’ 5 double precision decimal (float) or ’[Fm.n]’ where m is the total number of characters for the decimal value including the decimal point and n is the number of decimal places Optional text can precede and/or follow the formatted data type within the quotation marks. ’optional text [Format] optional text’ [Format] can be any legal FORTRAN format statement that matches an expected output. 239 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Field_Type 1 Text Field. Sets the buffer for hard-coded text. 2 Data Field. Sets the buffer for an index number or code used to generate the data to be placed in the field. 3 Generate Date/Time. No buffer required. When the report is generated, the system date and time is placed at the designated row/col position. 4 Generate Page Number. No buffer required. When the report is generated, the system calculates the page number and places the number at the designated row/col position. 5 Generate Date. No buffer required. When the report is generated, the system date is placed at the designated row/col position. A negative value will underline the generated output for the field. (This causes the report to be in a stream line feed file, rather than a stream carriage return file. This may impact an existing interface to a material control system.) [Buffer] = Field Definition The form of the buffer depends on the value for Field_Type. Hard coded text is enclosed in single quotes (’). For MTO reporting, the first character of the index is always A or B. Refer to the description of the indices for MTO Reporting (with implied materials). For spec reporting, the first character of the index is always C. Refer to the description of the indices for Spec Reporting. These indices are also used for the Table Checker. For project and interference reporting, the first character of the index is always D. Refer to the description of the indices for Project and Interference Reporting. [Rows/Page] This setting is only required for output fields. It indicates the number of vertical spaces (lines) in which to repeat the field contents on a given page. For example, a setting of 20 reserves 20 lines starting from a given row for use in placing the field contents (dependent on spacing). This does not take into account the extended fields due to exceeded field length. This is NOT the total number of times that the field is repeated (that value is based on number of occurrences for the specified attribute); it is only the vertical space allotted for repeating the field on a page. 240 _ _______________ [Spacing] This setting is only required for output fields. It indicates how much space (in rows) is allowable between repeated fields. This is useful for reserving space for extended fields due to exceeded field length. (Rows/Page)/Spacing = the number of times an output field can appear on a page. For example, if Rows/Page=40 and Spacing = 2, 20 occurrences of the specified attribute are placed on a page (until the number of occurrences is reached). Report Format File Optional Report Type Line There is an optional line that will determine the type of report the format record creates. It must be the first line of the format file when used. This line contains an integer variable that corresponds to a name in the standard note type 1720 in the Standard Note Library. You can modify the standard note type 1720 to add report types. For instance, the following line would define the report type as Piping Components MTO Report: report_type=689 8. Reporting 8.5.3 Output Fields Most report formats involve reporting multiple variables for a given component. This is accomplished by using output fields (Field_Type = 2) with the necessary index numbers. Each field is processed independently of the other fields on the report; there are no safeguards to assure that information in different fields corresponds to the same item. Therefore, you are responsible for placing these fields in such a way that the orders match in the report. To ensure that items match, you should make sure that the same number of common items are reported on each page. The Rows/Page divided by the Spacing determines the number of times an output field can appear on a page. Therefore, all the common fields should use identical settings for Rows/Page and Spacing. The Spacing enables you to reserve space for extended fields due to exceeded field length. For example, if you use a Field length of 20 for a field which may be up to 50 characters long, you should set the spacing at 3 to leave adequate space for any extended fields. If there is no data for the specified output field(s) on a page, that page will not be printed. 241 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 8.5.4 Sample Format Files Different format files are used by the system to generated specific types of reports. The following sections explain all of the delivered sample format files, their delivery locations, and what type of report the generate. In some instances, report output is also included. Sample MTO Report Format Files The following files are provided in the product delivery in win32app\ingr\pdreport\sample directory. segment.fmt — This report format includes piping segment data. It demonstrates ’control’ sorting and output field ’looping’ (field functions 9 and 10). This report format reports a list of piping segments grouped by the Model Builder’s alphanumeric description id. The report includes all piping lines that are associated with a specific Model Builder alphanumeric input file. (report type = 687) piping_a.fmt — This report format includes data for piping components, pipes, instrument components, gaskets, bolts, nuts, and welds. It demonstrates the use of ’standard’ output fields. This report includes each category of data in a fixed area of a repeated report page using ’normal sorting’ and ’standard output fields’ (field function 4). (report type = 689) piping_b.fmt — This report format includes data for piping components, pipes, instrument components, gaskets, bolts, nuts, and welds. It demonstrates the technique for grouping blocks of output fields on the same page of the report. This report format reports data similar to ’piping_a.fmt’. It differs only in that it demonstrates another method to format the data on the repeated page of the report. (report type = 689) piping_c.fmt — This report format includes data for piping components, pipes, instrument components, gaskets, bolts, nuts, welds, pipe supports, implied piping components, equipment, and nozzles. It demonstrates the use of different pages of output within one report. This report format reports data similar to ’piping_b.fmt’ with the addition of pipe_supports, implied piping components, equipment, and nozzles. It uses ’page break markers’ (field function 5) to break each category of data onto a different repeated page of the report. 242 _ _______________ (report type = 689) piping_d.fmt — This report format reports the material descriptions for piping components, pipes, instrument components, pipe supports, gaskets, and bolts. This report format uses identical report indices to create two columns to continue data on the same report page. It also uses page breaks to separate the different categories of data onto different repeated pages of the report. (report type = 689) piping_e.fmt — This report format reports data similar to ’piping_c.fmt’, but without any equipment and nozzle data. Sample Format Files 8. Reporting This report format uses a ’continuous page marker’ (field function 6) to create a report with no page boundaries and continuous output (typically used for creating a neutral file format). It also demonstrates the use of report indices to create a summary of standard notes used in the report. report type = 689) piping_f.fmt — This report format includes data for piping components, pipes, instrument components, gaskets, bolts, and pipe supports similar to ’piping_e.fmt’. Each category of data is grouped (using ’global control sorting’) under a common line number label for each page of output. It uses ’output field appending’ (field functions 7 and 8) to have the different categories of data reported on the same page and column of output. (report type = 689) piping_g.fmt — This report format includes data for piping components, pipes, instrument components, gaskets, bolts, and pipe supports similar to ’piping_f.fmt’ with the same line number grouping. This report format uses ’output field looping’ (field functions 9 and 10) to utilize all of the report page space available. The report includes a line number followed by all components that are associated with that line number label with one or more line number labels being reported per page, depending upon the amount of data and the space available. (report type = 689) weight.fmt — This report format includes weight and center of gravity data for piping components, pipes, instrument components, gaskets, bolts, pipe supports, implied piping components, and equipment. The output is similar in format to ’piping_e.fmt’ and demonstrates the weight and cog calculation reporting indices. 243 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 (report type = 689) equip_a.fmt — This report format reports equipment data (including location data) and nozzle data (including location and orientation data). It demonstrates the full range of equipment and nozzle reporting indices. (report type = 661) weldno.fmt — This format reports weld information, such as the weld number, type and the first and second connect point NPD. project_a.fmt — This format reports project information such as the client and project location and uses information from the Drawing Management Data table and the Drawing Revision Data table for reporting. Sample Spec Report Format Files The following files are provided in the product delivered in the win32app\pddata\sample\format directory. piping_rdb.fmt — This report format includes piping material class data and piping commodity data from the Material Reference Database. It reports the ’partial’ (without embedded commodity code labels) material descriptions. (report type = 601) tbl_chk_1.fmt — This report format includes Table Checker data for one piping material class. It reports the piping commodities with the dimension tables and Piping Eden modules used, including a list of all entries read in the dimension tables. This report also includes a list of all dimension tables and Piping Eden modules that were required for those piping commodities, but not available in the Reference Database. This report format is a combination of the following report formats tbl_chk_2.fmt, tblk_chk_3.fmt, and tbl_chk_4.fmt. It provides full Table Checker output for a specific piping materials class. (report type = 601) tbl_chk_2.fmt — This report format includes Table Checker data for one piping material class. It reports the dimension tables and Piping Eden modules used by each piping commodity in that piping materials class. (report type = 601) tbl_chk_3.fmt — This report format includes Table Checker data for one piping material class. It lists all entries read in dimension tables. (report type = 601) 244 _ _______________ tbl_chk_4.fmt — This report format includes Table Checker data for one piping material class. It includes a list of all dimension tables and Piping Eden modules used by the piping commodities in that piping materials class. This report also includes a list of all dimension tables and Piping Eden modules that were required for those piping commodities, but not available in the Reference Database. (report type = 601) Sample Format Files Sample Project Control Report Format Files 8. Reporting The following examples are delivered in the win32app\pdprojec\sample directory. model_mgt.fmt — This format file reports model management data. draw_mgt.fmt — This format file reports orthographic drawing management data. iso_mgt.fmt — This format file reports isometric drawing management data. iso_rev.fmt — This format file reports isometric drawing revision management data. Sample Interference Report Format File The following example is delivered in the win32app\pdclash\sample directory. clash_mgt.fmt — This format file reports interference checker data. Sample P&ID Consistency Check Report Format File The following example is delivered in the win32app\pddesign\sample directory. pid_cmprpt.fmt — This format file specifies the format of the title page and heading for each page of the P&ID Consistency Check reports. The remainder of the report is predefined by the product. 245 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 8.6 What Happens When I Report On a Component? When you place a component the system writes the engineering data for the component to the design database. For the gate valve placed in Chapter 4, the system writes information to the Piping Segment Data table and the Piping Component Data table. When you create a Material Take-Off (MTO) report using the Report Manager the system will use this data and information in the project reference data for reporting. In addition to the engineering data in the design database, PDS 3D uses the Material Description Library and the material data in the Material Reference Database to provide material descriptions for commodity items and specialty items. Material Descriptions The material description data is made up of four major parts: 1. Material Tables in the Material Reference Database - These database tables (211 and 212) contain commodity definitions which enable you to further classify the commodity items defined in the Piping Job Specification. This database information tends to be customer-specific. Piping Commodity Size-Dependent Material Data (211) The Size-Dependent Data table contains the data for a specific commodity item that is dependent on the commodity code, nominal piping diameter, and schedule/thickness. It is used for miscellaneous reporting and interfaces to material control, stress analysis, and isometric drawing extraction. 246 _ _______________ Piping Commodity Implied Material Data (212) The Implied Material Data table contains the implied material data for a specific commodity item that is dependent on both the commodity code and nominal piping diameter range. This data is used for generating implied materials for MTO reporting and material control. It is not used for welds, bolts, nuts, or gaskets, but is reserved for other types of implied material, such as caps or stubs, for a specific commodity item. It is also used for reporting the implied components of a commodity item (such as cap screws). 2. Short Material Description Library - This library contains the short bill-of-material (BOM) descriptions for all piping commodity items and the description addenda for taps. The short material descriptions can be up to 240 characters in length. Long Material Description Library - This library contains the long bill-of-material descriptions for all piping commodity items. The long material descriptions can be up to 500 characters in length. Specialty Material Description Library - This Library contains the material descriptions for any piping specialties, in-line instruments, or pipe supports which are reported by MTO or material control. These material descriptions are job specific and are accessed by the specialty item’s tag number. The specialty material descriptions can be up to 240 characters in length. What Happens When I Report On a Component? 8. Reporting 3. 4. The material description data in these files is used for reporting and material control and is not required for the interactive placement of symbols in the model. This data is normally accessed during a batch (non-interactive) process. Commodity Codes The system uses the commodity code as an index to access the descriptions in the material description libraries. You can use the commodity code defined in the Piping Commodity Specification Data table (Table 202 attribute 18) or a user-defined commodity code defined in the Size-Dependent Material Data table (Table 211 attribute 7). 247 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 The source of the commodity code and other processing options for reporting are defined for a model with the Material Takeoff Options form of the Project Data Manager. The commodity code represents that set of parameters that completely describe a commodity item, exclusive of nominal piping diameter and thickness. The character length for the commodity code is determined from the character length of the commodity code in the Size Dependent Data table of the database, or from the character length of the commodity code in the Piping Commodity Data table of the database, depending on which is being used to access the material descriptions. The delivered commodity codes use a 10 character code to fully identify the item. The first letter of the commodity code identifies the basic type of component, such as a valve or flange. The remaining characters provide a detailed description of the component. The first character designations are: 248 _ _______________ B D E F G H M N O P Flanged and Misc. Fittings Fire and Safety Components Steam Specialties Flanges Flanged Specialties Strainers Misc. Wetted Components Misc. Non-Wetted Components Tubing and Hose Pipe Q R S T U V W X Y Socket End Fittings Tubing Fittings Socketwelded Fittings Threaded Fittings Underground Fittings Valves Welded Fittings Gaskets Bolting What Happens When I Report On a Component? Examples 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 _____________________________ P A D A A B C A A E P AD AA BC AAE Pipe Pipe, Plain Ends Seamless X-Strong (s-xs) ASTM A106 Gr. B 8. Reporting V A A B A H C C A A V A A B A H CC AA Valve Gate Valve CL150 Raised Face Flanged Ends Carbon Steel Trim 8 Crane 47 Blank Refer to the PDS Piping Component Data Reference Guide for a complete listing of the delivered commodity codes. You can use the delivered commodity codes or create your own naming scheme. Regardless of the scheme used, all the codes must be unique and there must be an exact match between the commodity code specified for an item in the Material Reference Database and commodity codes used to define the material descriptions in the Material Description Library. Implied Data When the system creates a bill of materials for the elements in a model it lists both the items physically defined in the model and any implied items which are associated with the physical items. Implied materials can be defined in any of the following ways. 249 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Mating Implied Data (gaskets, bolts, and welds) During reporting, the system scans the components and their relationship to determine any mating implied material. The system uses a set of rules to determine the implied materials based on the end conditions of mating components. These rules are described in detail in the Report Manager (PD_Report) Reference Guide. Item definitions for mating implication such as bolts and gaskets are defined in the Piping Commodity Specification Data Table (pdtable_202) of the Specification/Material Reference Database. Spec Implied Data An asterix (*) in front of a commodity code in the Piping Commodity Specification Data (PCD) indicates that there is another line item in the PCD for the implied component. For example, a lap joint flange and stub end. The lap joint flange is placed in the model but the stub end is not. However, the stub end will show up in reports. This is a Parent/Child relationship with a one-to-one relation. Parent = option number Child = 5000 + parent option number Table 212 Implied Data A plus (+) in front of a commodity code in the PCD tells the software to look in table 212 for that commodity code. This method indicates a primary component which has one or more associated implied components. This is a Parent/Child relationship with a one-to-many relation. Commodity codes with neither an * or a + prefix in the PCD, indicate a commodity item that has no associated implied components. Report Output The following is a sample report using the format file piping_a.fmt. It reports on a very simple pipeline containing the component examples covered in Chapter 4 and the connecting pipes. 250 _ _______________ What Happens When I Report On a Component? 8. Reporting 251 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 8.7 Material Takeoff Reporting (Report Manager) Material Takeoff reporting (with implied materials) generates reports on PDS piping and equipment models involving data from the Design Database, Reference Database, Project Database, and Material Description Libraries. This type of report also includes implied mating data, such as bolts, gaskets, and welds by determining the connectivity of the piping and equipment. Format files used in this type of report primarily use A and B prefixed indices. This report is generated using Report Manager. The active Piping Materials Class must be defined for a model for MTO processing to work. Before creating an MTO report for a model or set of models, the Piping Materials Class should be set in the active segment data for each model and the setting should be saved with File Design. The sample format files for creating MTO reports are: segment.fmt, piping_a.fmt through piping_g.fmt, weight.fmt, equip_a.fmt, and weldno.fmt and are delivered in the win32app\pdreport\sample directory. Sample MTO Format (piping_g.fmt) report_type=689 ! Piping Components MTO Report 1,1,1,-13,1,1,’Date/Time :’ 1,1,14,-23,1,5 1,1,50,-40,1,1,’PDS MTO REPORT’ 1,1,120,-6,1,1,’Page: ’ 1,1,127,-3,2,4 2,3,10,-40,1,1,’Corporate Headquarters’ 2,4,10,-40,1,1,’Intergraph Corporation’ 2,5,10,-40,1,1,’Huntsville, Alabama 35894-0001’ 2,6,10,-40,1,1,’(205)730-2000’ 2,3,90,-20,1,2,B**Q5 2,3,110,-20,1,2,B**Q9 2,4,90,-20,1,2,B**Q6 2,5,90,-20,1,2,B**Q7 2,6,90,-20,1,2,B**Q8 1,8,1,-25,1,-1,’Commodity Code’ 1,8,27,-16,1,-1,’Qty/Length’ 1,8,45,-10,1,-1,’1st Size’ 1,8,57,-10,1,-1,’2nd Size’ 1,8,69,-63,1,-1,’Material Description’ 9 4,10,55,-50,’LINE NUMBER: [A30]’,-2,BI2G1,45,2 7 4,10,55,-50,’LINE NUMBER: [A30]’,-2,BB2G1,45,2 7 4,10,55,-50,’LINE NUMBER: [A30]’,-2,B*I2G1,45,2 7 4,10,55,-50,’LINE NUMBER: [A30]’,-2,BT1G1,45,2 7 4,10,55,-50,’LINE NUMBER: [A30]’,-2,BX1G1,45,2 7 4,10,55,-50,’LINE NUMBER: [A30]’,-2,B**K2G1,45,2 7 4,10,55,-50,’LINE NUMBER: [A30]’,-2,B*S2G1,45,2 8 4,12,1,-25,1,2,BG8S2,45,2 4,12,27,-16,2,2,BS,45,2 4,12,45,-10,1,2,BN49S3,45,2 252 _ _______________ 4,12,57,-10,1,2,BN-49S4,45,2 4,12,69,63,1,2,BM1S5,45,2 7 4,12,1,-25,1,2,BA12S2,45,2 4,12,27,-16,1,2,BA22,45,2 4,12,45,-10,1,2,BA7S3,45,2 4,12,69,63,1,2,BF1S4,45,2 7 4,12,1,-25,1,2,B*G2S2,45,2 4,12,27,-16,2,2,B*O,45,2 4,12,45,-10,1,2,B*L55S3,45,2 4,12,57,-10,1,2,B*L-55S4,45,2 4,12,69,63,1,2,B*K1S5,45,2 7 4,12,1,-25,1,2,BT13S2,45,2 4,12,27,-16,2,2,BV,45,2 4,12,45,-10,1,2,BT2S3,45,2 4,12,57,-10,1,2,BT23,45,2 4,12,69,63,1,2,BT21S4,45,2 7 4,12,1,-25,1,2,BX12S2,45,2 4,12,27,-16,2,2,BZ,45,2 4,12,45,-10,1,2,BX4S3,45,2 4,12,57,-10,1,2,BX5S4,45,2 4,12,69,63,1,2,BX20S5,45,2 7 4,12,1,-25,1,2,B**J7S2,45,2 4,12,27,-16,1,2,B**O,45,2 4,12,69,63,1,2,B**M1S3,45,2 7 4,12,1,-25,1,2,B*P12S2,45,2 4,12,27,-16,2,2,B*R,45,2 4,12,45,-10,1,2,B*S11S3,45,2 4,12,69,63,1,2,B*U1S4,45,2 10 5 1,3,1,-13,1,1,’Date/Time :’ 1,3,14,-23,1,5 1,3,50,-40,1,1,’PDS MTO REPORT’ 1,3,120,-6,1,1,’Page: ’ 1,3,127,-3,2,4 1,11,1,-34,1,-1,’GRAND TOTALS’ 1,13,1,-15,1,-1,’Components’ 1,13,20,-15,1,-1,’Pipes’ 1,13,40,-15,1,-1,’Instruments’ 1,13,60,-15,1,-1,’Gaskets’ 1,13,80,-15,1,-1,’Bolts’ 1,13,100,-15,1,-1,’Pipe Supports’ 1,14,1,-15,2,2,BST 1,14,20,-15,2,2,BRT 1,14,40,-15,2,2,B*OT 1,14,60,-15,2,2,BVT 1,14,80,-15,2,2,BZT 1,14,100,-15,2,2,B*RT Material Takeoff Reporting (Report Manager) 8. Reporting Sample MTO Output Date/Time : 15-Apr-93 PDS MTO REPORT PDS Project tc101 RoXXon Corp. Nth Projector 1st Size ________ 2nd Size ________ Material Description ____________________ tcproj Page: 1 Corporate Headquarters Intergraph Corporation Huntsville, Alabama 35894-0001 (205)730-2000 Commodity Code ______________ Qty/Length __________ LINE NUMBER: P403-1/2IN-1C0031-N ________________________________ 253 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 POCAAAOAAE PPCAAAOAAE VAUHAHGAAA 1 1 2 1/2IN 1/2IN 1/2IN 1/2IN 1/2IN 1/2IN Nipple, PE, S-160, 3" long, ASTM-A106-B Nipple, PE, S-160, 6" long, ASTM-A106-B Gate valve, CL800, SWE/FTE, BB, OS&Y, ASTM-A105, trim 8, Smith 800 LINE NUMBER: P403-3/4IN-1C0031-N ________________________________ POCAAAOAAE TPAZVZZAAA VAUHAHGAAA 38-PI-6 39-PI-9 9 7 9 1 1 3/4IN 3/4IN 3/4IN 3/4IN 3/4IN 3/4IN 3/4IN 3/4IN 3/4IN Nipple, PE, S-160, 3" long, ASTM-A106-B Plug, MTE, ASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.11 Gate valve, CL800, SWE/FTE, BB, OS&Y, ASTM-A105, trim 8, Smith 800 * * LINE NUMBER: P403-3IN-1C0031-N ______________________________ FAAABAWAAA XDAABZZQSG YZZZHZZFFF 2 1 4 3IN 3" 5/8" 3IN 3 3/4" Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-STD bore Gasket, CL150, G653, 0.125" thk, 304 spiral wnd, graph filled, CS center ring, API-601 B31, ASTM-A193-B7 studs w/ASTM-A194-2H hvy hex nuts LINE NUMBER: P403-4IN-1C0031-N ______________________________ 1 FAAABAWAAA VAABAHCCAA VBABAHCFAA WAAAAAWAAA WRBAAAWAAA WTAAAAWAAA Date/Time : 15-Apr-93 Qty/Length __________ 6 1 1 2 2 1 4IN 4IN 4IN 4IN 4IN 4IN 4IN 4IN 4IN 4IN 4IN 4IN 3IN 4IN PDS MTO REPORT 1st Size ________ 2nd Size ________ Material Description ____________________ * Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-STD bore Gate valve, CL150, RFFE, BB, OS&Y, ASTM-A216-WCB, trim 8, Crane 47 Globe valve, CL150, RFFE, BB, OS&Y, ASTM-A216-WCB, trim 8, Crane 143 90 deg LR elbow, S-STD, BE, ASTM-A234-WPB, ANSI-B16.9 Eccentric reducer, S-STD x S-STD bore, BE, ASTM-A234-WPB, ANSI-B16.9 Tee, S-STD, BE, ASTM-A234-WPB, ANSI-B16.9 Page: 2 Commodity Code ______________ LINE NUMBER: P403-4IN-1C0031-N ______________________________ PAAAAAWAAA XDAABZZQSG YZZZHZZFFF supp2 4’ 8 9/16" 4 32 1 4IN 4" 5/8" 4IN 3 3/4" Pipe, S-STD, BE, ASTM-A53-B Type S Gasket, CL150, G653, 0.125" thk, 304 spiral wnd, graph filled, CS center ring, API-601 B31, ASTM-A193-B7 studs w/ASTM-A194-2H hvy hex nuts * LINE NUMBER: P403-6IN-1C0031-N ______________________________ FAAABAWAAA FGPBBAWAAA GJGABZZADA VAABAHCCAA VCABAHOBAA WAAAAAWAAA 11 2 1 4 2 9 6IN 6IN 6IN 6IN 6IN 6IN 6IN 6IN 6IN 6IN 6IN 6IN Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-STD bore Orifice flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.36, WN, one 0.5" SWE tap, S-STD bore Spectacle blank, CL150, RFTBE, ASTM-A516-70, API-590Z1, 0.75 thk Gate valve, CL150, RFFE, BB, OS&Y, ASTM-A216-WCB, trim 8, Crane 47 Check valve, CL150, RFFE, BC, swing, ASTM-A216-WCB, trim 8, Pacific 180 90 deg LR elbow, S-STD, BE, ASTM-A234-WPB, ANSI-B16.9 254 _ _______________ WADAAAWAAA WOAAAAWAFA WOBSABQAFA WRAAAAWAAA WTAAAAWAAA PAAAAAWAAA XDAABZZQSG XDABBZZQSG YZZZHZZFFF YZZZHZZFFF supp1 Date/Time : 15-Apr-93 Qty/Length __________ 1 1 4 4 3 131’ 1 3/16" 12 1 80 20 1 6IN 6IN 6IN 6IN 6IN 6IN 6" 6" 3/4" 3/4" 6IN PDS MTO REPORT 1st Size ________ 2nd Size ________ Material Description ____________________ 4" 5" 6IN 4IN 3/4IN 4IN 6IN 45 deg LR elbow, S-STD, BE, ASTM-A234-WPB, ANSI-B16.9 Weldolet, S-STD x S-STD, BE, ASTM-A105 Sockolet, CL3000, BE/SWE, ASTM-A105 Material Takeoff Reporting (Report Manager) Concentric reducer, S-STD x S-STD bore, BE, ASTM-A234-WPB, ANSI-B16.9 Tee, S-STD, BE, ASTM-A234-WPB, ANSI-B16.9 Pipe, S-STD, BE, ASTM-A53-B Type S Gasket, CL150, G653, 0.125" thk, 304 spiral wnd, graph filled, CS center ring, API-601 Gasket, CL300, G653, 0.125" thk, 304 spiral wnd, graph filled, CS center ring, API-601 B31, ASTM-A193-B7 studs w/ASTM-A194-2H hvy hex nuts B31, ASTM-A193-B7 studs w/ASTM-A194-2H hvy hex nuts 8. Reporting * Page: 3 Commodity Code ______________ LINE NUMBER: P403-6IN-1C0031-N ______________________________ supp3 1 6IN * Date/Time : GRAND TOTALS ____________ Components __________ 87 15-Apr-93 PDS MTO REPORT Page: 4 Pipes _____ 19 Instruments ___________ 2 Gaskets _______ 18 Bolts _____ 136 Pipe Supports _____________ 3 255 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 8.8 Understanding Implied Items This section discusses the various types of implied items and a few miscellaneous items and how they are reported. It also covers some of the features within the PDS suite of products that are outside of the Report Manager module. When reporting on components, there are sometimes additional parts necessary to complete that component that are not represented graphically in the piping model or stored in the Piping Design database. These additional components are mating, spec, or table implied items. If an implied item is part of an implied connection, it is called a mating implied item. Otherwise, the naming conventions for implied items are defined by the location where the implied item data is retrieved. The system retrieves these implied items from either the Piping Component Specification Data Table (pdtable_202) or from Piping Commodity Implied Material Data Table (pdtable_212). The following sections explains the mating, spec, and table implied items and how data is retrieved for each: 8.8.1 Mating Implied Items Mating implied items are found by the system while scanning related mating components and defining the items necessary to complete those connections. The following items termed mating implied. Bolts Gaskets Nuts Welds The Material Takeoff Options form is part of the Project Administrator module, and its setting greatly affect the way mating implied items are reported. For more information on mating implied item reporting see the Material Takeoff Options section. 8.8.2 ’*’ Spec Implied Items Commodity codes prefixed by an ’*’ in Material Description Code field in the Piping Job Specification indicate a primary component that has one associated spec implied item. The definition of the spec implied item has the same search parameters as the primary component, except in the following instances: 256 _ _______________ – The value for the option attribute of the spec implied component is equal to 5000 plus the option value for the primary component. The definition of the spec implied component can be divided into several NPD ranges. – The output parameters of the spec implied component may differ from those of the primary component in the following instances: – Only the primary component is included in the model depiction; the spec implied component only appears in reports. Understanding Implied Items – Only the primary component is displayed on an isometric drawing; the spec implied component only appears in the materials list. 8. Reporting The commodity codes prefixed by an ’*’ are used to define: – – Stub-ends used in conjunction with lap, slip-on, and plate flanges. Jacketed components when the outer jackets are obtained independently of the internal components. ’*’ Spec Implied Example Both the primary component and the implied item in the following Piping Job Specification example would be reported: ! AABBCC ! Code Opt PIPING 1 ————Green CP———– ————Red CP————- Commodity From To Prp Rating Sc/Th TS From To 2 6 301 S-STD 5 6 301 S-STD 5 Model Geo Mat Wt Prp Rating Sc/Th TS code TMx - *PAAAAAWAAA newcommcode FF Code Std Mod Grd Cd FC Nte lng PIPE 100 100 142 52 15 240 PIPE 100 100 142 52 15 - PIPING 5001 2 8.8.3 ’+’ Table Implied Items Commodity codes prefixed by a ’+’ in the Commodity Code field in the Piping Job Specification indicate the primary component has one or more associated table implied items. The system searches for the definition of the implied item in the Piping Commodity Implied Material Data (pdtable_212), which contains the commodity code of the primary component, the applicable NPD range, and the commodity code of the table implied components. To use this option, pdtable_212 must be loaded. The output parameters of the table implied item may differ from those of the primary component in the following situations: – If only the primary component is included in the model depiction, the table implied items appear only in the report. 257 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 – If the primary component is displayed on an isometric drawing, The materials list only includes the short description of the primary component. The descriptions of the table implied items are displayed as notes on the drawing, pointing to the primary component. The text for these notes is derived from the short descriptions of the applicable commodity codes. The short description can contain $ symbols to force the text to a new line in the label. The commodity codes prefixed by a ’+’ are used to define the following items: – – – Cap screws for valves requiring caps. Safety covers for required components. Housings for required components. ’+’ Table Implied Example First, notice the ’+’ indicating a table implied item in a line taken from the Piping Job Specification. 6Q2C01 1 3 24 21 CL150 NREQD 5 421 CL150 MATCH 5 +FAAABAWAAA FWN 35 150 52 15 - Secondly, notice the table entries that are related to the primary component, FAAABAWAAA, in pdtable_212. All of the related items, which include the first three items in the table would be reported: ! Implied data for table 212 Single_Spacing Sequence= 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 !Comm Code GFr GTo RFr RTo ! FAAABAWAAA 2 12 0 0 FAAABAWAAA 2 12 0 0 FAAABAWAAA 2 12 0 0 VAABAHCCAA 2 2 0 0 VAABAHCCAA 2 2 0 0 PAAAAAWAAA 2 2 0 0 WAAAAAWAAA 2 2 0 0 WRAAAAWAAA 3 12 2 10 Imp Code Qty FC Note IMPFLG2A IMPFLG2B IMPFLG2C IMPVAL2A IMPVAL2B IMPPIP2 IMPELB2 IMPRED 1.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 2.5 1.0 2.0 1.0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 - 258 _ _______________ 8.9 Material Takeoff Options The Material Takeoff Options form of the Project Data Manager specifies the source of commodity information, units for bolt length and diameter, and specifies item names used to reference a commodity item in the Piping Job Specification and Graphic Commodity Library. These options are essential to material takeoff reporting. Material Takeoff Options Refer to the Project Administrator Reference Guide for more information on the Project Data Manager. Refer to the Reference Data Manager Reference Guide for information on the stud table, bolt length calculations, and the bolt commodity code table. 8. Reporting Operating Sequence 1. Specify the bolt information. Bolt Length Roundoff — Select the option for the means to determine the reported bolt length. — Preferred Bolt Length Table - the system uses the preferred bolt length table. — Bolt Roundoff Factor - the system rounds up the calculated length by the specified factor. — No Roundoff - the exact length is used. Length Calculation — Select the method to be used in calculating bolt length. The bolt length is read from the stud table. The table name can be determined using the rating and table suffix (Almost Precise) or using termination type, rating, and table suffix (Precise). This also affects bolt lengths for lap joint flanges. 259 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Bolt Commodity Code Select the method to be used in determining the commodity code for bolts for use in material take-off. Piping Job Specification or Bolt Commodity Code Table. Bolt Diameter Units — Select the system of units for bolt diameter. Bolt Length Units — Select the system of units for bolt length. 2. Gasket Search Select this field to toggle the setting between Default or Alternate. 3. Field Fit Length Select this field to toggle the setting between Off or On. If this field is On, the system displays a field to input the Field Fit Length Table name. 4. Commodity Code Select this field to toggle the setting between Size Independent or Size Dependent. For a detailed description and graphical examples of how these options work, see the Size Dependent and Independent Reporting section. When the Size Dependent option is enabled, the system provides two additional options. Source of Implied Data This option specifies the source of the commodity code for reporting implied data from the Piping Commodity Implied Material Data Table. The default option (System Commodity Code) tells the system to use the commodity code defined in the Piping Commodity Specification Data Table (pdtable_202 attribute 18). The Size-Dependent Commodity Code option tells the system to use the commodity code defined in the Piping Commodity Size-Dependent Material Data Table (pdtable_211 attribute 7). Source of Material Description — This option specifies the source of the commodity code for reporting a component’s material description. The default option (System Commodity Code) tells the system to use the commodity code defined in the Piping Commodity Specification Data Table (pdtable_202 attribute 18). This option will result in a smaller Material Description Library. 260 _ _______________ The Size-Dependent Commodity Code option tells the system to use the commodity code defined in the Piping Commodity Size-Dependent Material Data Table (pdtable_211 attribute 7). This option will result in a larger Material Description Library. 5. Key in the commodity item names to be used for reporting mating implied materials. Gasket Commodity Name Bolt Commodity Name Nut Commodity Name 6. Key in the Eden Module names. Material Takeoff Options 8. Reporting Bolt Data Module — This field defines the name of the Eden Module which determines the values for the bolt diameter, the number of bolts per mating, and the bolt extension. Flange Data Module — This field defines the name of the Eden Module which defines values for flange outside diameter, thickness, and seat depth. 7. Key in the bolt length values. The display of these fields is dependent on the setting for Bolt Roundoff Option. Bolt Length Table — This table defines the low and high range for calculated bolt lengths and corresponding preferred or purchased lengths of the bolt. This field is only used if Preferred Bolt Length Table is the active Bolt Roundoff Option. Bolt Length Roundoff Factor — This field defines the value for the bolt roundoff factor in subunits. This value is only used if Bolt Roundoff Factor is the active Bolt Roundoff Option. 8. Select Confirm (√) to accept any changes to the Material Takeoff options. 261 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 8.10 Labels in Material Descriptions The material descriptions for commodity items can be loaded in the Material Description library via neutral files. The neutral file includes a unique Commodity Code followed by at least one space and a description enclosed in single quotes. It also contains the implied material descriptions associated with a commodity item. The following shows a portion of the neutral file used to load the Short Material Descriptions. ! ! ! DEFINE SHORT DESCRIPTIONS Date/Time: Thu Apr 23 14:16:58 1992 Processed Library /usr/newpipe/refdata/us_shbom.l !Cmdty Code ====================================Description======================================== CHAIN_1003 ’Chainwheel operator each with [422] of total chain length for [426] NPD valve with commodity code [400]’ CHAIN_1005 ’Chainwheel operator each with [422] of total chain length for [426] NPD valve with commodity code [400]’ CHAIN_1251 ’Chainwheel operator each with [424] of total chain length for valve with tag no [402]’ DAABAXAABE ’Monitor, CL150 FFFE, ˆstation type, 4" CL150 in-let by 2.5" NHT stainless steel outlet w/stainless steel stem lock knobs with 0.75" coupling in base, w/shapertip nozzle, Stang BB0309-21’ DAABAXAABF ’Monitor, CL150 FFFE, ˆstation type 4" CL150 in-let by 2.5" NHT stainless steel outlet w/stainless steel stem lock knobs with 0.75" coupling in base, w/fog nozzle, Stang BB0309-21’ DACBAXABBC ’Monitor, CL150 FFFE, ˆelevated type, free standing, 4" CL150 in-let by 2.5" NHT stainless steel outlet, [427], w/drain coupling, w/shapertip nozzle and two reaction supports, Stang BB2999-’ DACBAXABBD ’Monitor, CL300 FFFE, ˆelevated type, supported, 6" CL300 in-let by 2.5" NHT stainless steel outlet, [427], w/drain coupling, w/shapertip nozzle, Stang BB3561’ DBAAAXBAAB ’Fire hydrant, CL125 FFFE, ˆ5" size, counterclockwise open, 4.5" steamer nozzle, two 2.5" hose nozzles equipped w/caps and chains, [428], American Darling B-50-B’ DCBGDXEADA ’Hose rack, 300#, FTE, ˆw/valve, wall mount, rt hand w/100 ft hose & fog nozzle, Powhatan 30-333’ DDAXCJDAAA ’Spray sprinkler, MTE, filled cone w/rupture disc, 304, Grinnell, Mulsifyre Projector S-1’ FAAAAAWAAA ’Flange, CL150, FFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ FAAAAAWWAA ’Flange, CL150, FFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, cement lined, [409]|bore to match|’ FAAABADIIA ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F304, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-80S bore’ FAAABADIIF ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F316, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-80S bore’ FAAABADNPF ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-B166-600, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-80S bore’ FAAABAOAAA ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-160 bore’ FAAABAOABB ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A350-LF2, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-160 bore’ FAAABAOFFH ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F5, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-160 bore’ FAAABAWAAA ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ FAAABAWABB ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A350-LF2, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ FAAABAWFFH ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F5, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ FAAABAWFFL ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F9, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ FAAABAWGFD ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASME-SA182-F11, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ FAAABAWIIA ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F304, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ FAAABAWIIF ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F316, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ FAAABAWNPF ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-B166-600, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ FAAABBDAAA ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-XXS bore’ FAAADAOAAA ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, 125 Ra finish, S-160 bore’ FAAADAOFFC ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F11, ANSI-B16.5, WN, 125 Ra finish, S-160 bore’ FAAADAWAAA ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, 125 Ra finish, [409]|bore to match|’ FAAADAWFFC ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F11, ANSI-B16.5, WN, 125 Ra finish, [409]|bore to match|’ FAAADBDFFC ’Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F11, ANSI-B16.5, WN, 125 Ra finish, S-XXS bore’ FAABBADIIA ’Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F304, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-80S bore’ FAABBADIIB ’Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F304L, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-80S bore’ FAABBADIIF ’Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F316, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-80S bore’ FAABBAOAAA ’Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-160 bore’ FAABBAOABB ’Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A350-LF2, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-160 bore’ FAABBAOFFC ’Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F11, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-160 bore’ FAABBAOFFH ’Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F5, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-160 bore’ FAABBAWAAA ’Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ FAABBAWABB ’Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A350-LF2, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ FAABBAWFFC ’Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F11, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ FAABBAWFFH ’Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F5, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ FAABBAWFFL ’Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F9, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ FAABBAWIIA ’Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F304, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ FAABBAWIIB ’Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F304L, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ FAABBAWIIF ’Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F316, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ FAABBAWNPF ’Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-B166-600, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ FAABBBDAAA ’Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-XXS bore’ FAABDADIIJ ’Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A182-F321, ANSI-B16.5, WN, 125 Ra finish, S-80S bore’ 262 _ _______________ FAABDAOAAA FAABDAOFFC FAABDAWAAA FAABDAWFFC FAABDAWFFH FAABDAWIIJ FAADBADIIA FAADBADIIF FAADBAOAAA FAADBAOABE FAADBAWAAA FAADBAWABE FAADBAWFFC FAADBAWFFH FAADBAWFFL FAADBAWIIA ’Flange, ’Flange, ’Flange, ’Flange, ’Flange, ’Flange, ’Flange, ’Flange, ’Flange, ’Flange, ’Flange, ’Flange, ’Flange, ’Flange, ’Flange, ’Flange, CL300, CL300, CL300, CL300, CL300, CL300, CL600, CL600, CL600, CL600, CL600, CL600, CL600, CL600, CL600, CL600, RFFE/BE, RFFE/BE, RFFE/BE, RFFE/BE, RFFE/BE, RFFE/BE, RFFE/BE, RFFE/BE, RFFE/BE, RFFE/BE, RFFE/BE, RFFE/BE, RFFE/BE, RFFE/BE, RFFE/BE, RFFE/BE, ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, 125 Ra finish, S-160 bore’ ˆASTM-A182-F11, ANSI-B16.5, WN, 125 Ra finish, S-160 bore’ ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, 125 Ra finish, [409]|bore to match|’ ˆASTM-A182-F11, ANSI-B16.5, WN, 125 Ra finish, [409]|bore to match|’ ˆASTM-A182-F5, ANSI-B16.5, WN, 125 Ra finish, [409]|bore to match|’ ˆASTM-A182-F321, ANSI-B16.5, WN, 125 Ra finish, [409]|bore to match|’ ˆASTM-A182-F304, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-80S bore’ ˆASTM-A182-F316, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-80S bore’ ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-160 bore’ ˆASME-SA105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, S-160 bore’ ˆASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ ˆASME-SA105, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ ˆASTM-A182-F11, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ ˆASTM-A182-F5, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ ˆASTM-A182-F9, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ ˆASTM-A182-F304, ANSI-B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|’ Labels in Material Descriptions The following conventions are used to identify different types of information in the material descriptions: ˆ All information to the left of the carat (ˆ) is used in MTO reporting and isometric extraction, but is excluded from Spec reporting. Information appearing in |Pipes| indicates information for Spec descriptions only. This information is excluded from the descriptions for MTO reporting and isometric extraction. Information appearing in [brackets] indicates a label type from the Label Description Library. The system uses the label format to determine the information to be included in the material description for MTO reporting and isometric extraction. The label information is never used in Spec reporting. 8. Reporting || [] The following label types are provided in the product delivery: Label No 401 403 405 407 409 411 413 415 417 421 423 425 Data in Label Piping sch/thk 1 Component Sch/thk 1 Component sch/thk 1 b Component sch/thk 2 Component sch/thk 2 b Component sch/thk 1 x 2 Component sch/thk 1 x 2 b Component sch/thk 1 x 3 Component sch/thk 1 x 3 b Bonnet length Reinforcing weld size Pad width x pad thick Source of Data Pipe Component Component Component Component Component Component Component Component Component Component Component Attributes for mating implied items, specifically bolts and gaskets, are not stored in the Design Database (dd_projname) where attributes for independent components are stored. You can insert labels in Material Description Library for bolt and gasket entries, but these labels must be classified as Piping Component Data labels when they are created. Although data for bolts and gaskets is not recorded in the Piping Component Data Table (pdtable_34_x) in the Piping Design Database (dd_projname), bolt and gasket labels are classified as Piping Component Data labels. The system retrieves the bolt and gasket information for reporting using related attributes in the Piping Component Data Table (pdtable_202). 263 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Although all of the attributes for piping components are available when you define a bolt or gasket label using the Piping Component Data labels option, only the following attributes contain data that is pertinent to bolt and gasket reporting. The following list displays the form-attribute/table-attribute relationship which define what data is actually reported from the Piping Component Data Table (pdtable_202): Form Attributes commodity_name option_code maximum_temp cp_1_nom_pip_diam cp_1_end_prep cp_1_outside_diam cp_1_rating cp_1_sch_thk table_suffix_green cp_2_nom_pipe_diam cp_2_outside_diam cp_2_end_prep cp_2_rating cp_2_sch_thk table_suffix_red commodity_code model_code PDS_sort_code bend_radius geometric_standard weight_code fabrication_cat materials_grade standard_note_no_a standard_note_no_b Related (pdtable_202) Attributes commodity_name option_code maximum_temp gcp_from_nom_diam gcp_to_nom_diam gcp_end_prep gcp_rating gcp_sch_thk gcp_table_suffix rcp_from_nom_diam rcp_to_nom_diam rcp_end_prep rcp_rating rcp_sch_thk rcp_table_suffix commodity_code model_code PDS_sort_code modifier geometric_standard weight_code fabrication_cat materials_grade standard_note_no_a standard_note_no_b A Label Description Library is delivered in win32app\pdshell\lib\labels.l and should be edited to suit the needs of your project. 264 _ _______________ 8.10.1 Create Label Attribute Data The Label Description Library Manager is used to create and revise label data for the PDS 3D modules. The Create Label Attribute Data form allows you to create and define a label. The Line and Item fields are used to define the attributes that make up the label and the order of the attributes within the label. Create Label Attribute Data 8. Reporting Set the option at the upper left of the form. Insert Data — used to add a line or item to the label description. Delete Data — used to delete a selected line or item from the label description. Edit Data — used to revise a selected line or item in the label description. Insert Data 1. 2. 3. Set the option to Insert Data. Set the toggle to Insert after or Insert before. Select Line or Item to Insert Data Select a line field to create a new line (before or after) the selected line. — OR — Select an item field to create a new item in the current line (before or after) the selected item. 265 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 The system activates a form that displays the Attribute Data Types. The following form illustrates the display for a drawing view specific label. 4. Select Option Select Piping Component Data to define the attribute data type for the bolt or gasket label. The system displays the attributes for the selected data type. 266 _ _______________ Create Label Attribute Data 8. Reporting 5. Enter Data Select the attribute to be reported from the form. The system sets the Format Data automatically. You can modify the total length and the number of decimal places (if applicable). All of the attributes that apply to gaskets and bolts are listed in the Labels in Material Descriptions section. — OR — For drawing view specific labels, you can select User Keyin Attribute to specify text to be entered by the user at label creation. — OR — Select Text Only and key in the text for a literal expression to be inserted in the label. — OR — Select Spacing Only and key in the number of spaces to define spacing between attributes. 6. Repeat the previous step to add additional attribute text information. This allows you to combine attribute values and pre-formatted text. You can only define one user-defined key-in in a specific label. 267 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 7. Select one of the Optional Data options to specify a modifier to the active format. Master Units = MicroStation master units, Sub Units = MicroStation sub units. Select Confirm (√) to accept the specified attribute data. 8. Delete Data 1. 2. 3. Set the option to Delete Data. Select the line or item to be deleted. Select Confirm (√) to delete the highlighted line or item. When you select a line, the system deletes all the associated items. Edit Data 1. 2. Set the option to Edit Data. Select Item to Edit Select the item to be revised. The system displays the attributes definition form for the selected item. The active setting is highlighted or shown in the display fields. 3. Select an attribute from the form to change the type of data. — OR — Select the Format Data option. You can modify the total length and the number of decimal places (if applicable). — OR — For drawing view specific labels, you can select User Keyin Attribute to specify text to be entered by the user at label creation. — OR — Select Text Only and key in the text for a literal expression to be inserted in the label. — OR — Select Spacing Only and key in the number of spaces to define spacing between attributes. 4. Repeat the previous steps to edit additional items. — THEN — Select Confirm (√) to accept the edits. _ _______________ 9. Extracting Isometric Drawings The PDS Isometric Extraction Software creates piping isometric drawings from 3D piping models created by the Piping Designer. Extracting Isometric Drawings 9. Isometric Extraction 269 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 The software consists of two principal components: Intergraph 3D software packages which create input for ISOGEN and perform other functions necessary in final drawing creation. ISOGEN, which draws the piping isometric and places it in a MicroStation design file and The software allows you to extract isometrics from a 3D plant model: single isometrics interactively or multiple isometrics in a batch mode. The ISOGEN software is designed to be flexible because drawing practices vary from one company to another. The following features of Intergraph’s isometric extraction package allow you to specify drawing format: User-controlled ISOGEN option switches The capability to use an alternate or foreign text A large set of Intergraph option switches User-controlled attribute breaks shown on drawings A flexible method for generating notes Attribute-driven symbology (solid or dotted lines) User-defined component symbology User-controlled mapping of attributes to the title block. In addition to the isometric drawing, the software also generates several nongraphic outputs, the most important of which is a completely user-definable MTO neutral file. This neutral file is extremely useful for those who want to combine a material control system with Intergraph’s 3D modeling software. The above features are collectively referred to as software customization and are dealt with at length in the PDS ISOGEN Interface Reference Guide. 270 _ _______________ 9.1 Overview of Isometric Extraction This section outlines the software components and how they are organized for interactively extracting isometrics. Overview of Isometric Extraction 9. Isometric Extraction 9.1.1 The Intergraph Interface to ISOGEN The core software module in isometric extraction (both interactive and batch) is the ISOGEN interface. This program reads data from the 3D model files and generates an input file for ISOGEN. ISOGEN knows nothing of PDS or any of its files. It reads only the input file created for it by the ISOGEN interface. While ISOGEN is primarily responsible for generating the drawing graphics (including dimensioning) the ISOGEN interface is responsible for most everything else — including note generation, recognition of attribute changes, defining which symbols to use and so on. 271 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 The primary input to the ISOGEN interface is an ASCII file named pdsidf.dat. The interface reads from this file the piping and equipment models involved, the output isometric file name, and identification of all of the pipelines in the drawing. The interface also reads in data from the options file. The options file consists of a collection of switches, options and tables that gives you some control over what the ISOGEN interface puts in its output file (called the intermediate data file or idf) and therefore what appears in the final drawing. Once this data is read in, the interface collects from the model files all of the components that make up the piping network. Data from the components is then used to form an internal data structure which represents the network. Finally, this network is traversed (the software traces a path through the piping network) and records are generated in the idf. The order of the records in the idf is in the order of the network traversal. Drawing notes and other features such as bill of material information are dealt with component by component as the network is traversed. If the components in the piping models are not properly connected or other problems exist, the internal data structure will not be properly built and isometric extraction will fail. The HITS report can help you to find problems in the piping model and tell you when the interface software is not working properly. 9.1.2 ASCII to Binary Conversion The Intergraph interface to ISOGEN creates an ASCII data file containing the input to ISOGEN. Since ISOGEN requires the input data to be in binary format, a program named ISOA_BGEN is run to convert this ASCII data file to binary. ISOA_BGEN creates the binary output file FOR036.# which IZOD2 uses to generate the isometric drawing. 9.1.3 ISOGEN ISOGEN takes the binary input file and generates graphics in an 2D MicroStation design file. The graphics consist of the completed isometric drawing. ISOGEN can also generate several nongraphic outputs, including: An ISOGEN MTO neutral file A parts list (bill of material) A cut pipe report A component VRS sheet number file The parts list file contains the same bill of material that is shown on the isometric drawing. It is possible to turn the drawing bill of material off and attach the printed ASCII file to the drawing instead. The cut pipe report, which shows the length of each piece of pipe in the line, can be useful. The component VRS sheet number file is used by the batch extraction software and is discussed elsewhere. 272 _ _______________ 9.2 Batch Software Organization This section provides an overview of the batch extraction software components and organization. The purpose of this section is to explain to software support personnel how the software works so that problems can be tracked down and reported. The batch extraction software is driven by an executable (pdsidf) and a script file (batch.sh). When you submit a batch job using the Schedule Batch Job form the batch extraction is submitted to a batch queue named PDisocreate. This queue is created with a job limit of 1 and a priority of 16. You can change these parameters as needed. Batch Software Organization In order to run batch iso’s, a new file located in /usr/bin called pd_iso.sh must define locations for required software. This script is executed from the batch queue and allows the batch extraction process to run on a node other than the one from which it was submitted. The following four variables must be exported: PD_SHELL PD_ISO PD_ISOGEN RIS_PARAMETERS 9. Isometric Extraction The above variables have the following default settings after the product is installed. PD_SHELL = /usr/ip32/pdshell/ PD_ISO = /usr/ip32/pdiso/ PD_ISOGEN = /usr/ip32/pdisogen/ RIS_PARAMETERS = /usr/ip32/ris/parameters If the locations for the above variables are different from the default locations. The file /usr/bin/pd_iso.sh must be edited so that it reflects the current variable location. 9.2.1 The Batch Job Input File The input to the batch procedure is an ASCII data file generated by the Batch Environment called the Batch Job Input File. This file is structured as shown. 273 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Figure 9 - 1. Batch input file data structure The first record in the file contains a file format version number and the name of the Batch Data File from which the Batch Job Input file was generated. The software checks the version number to see if it matches the software version number, and, if it does match, passes the Batch Data File name on to other software modules as needed. The second record is called an option record. The option record contains all of the batch processing options and revision block data that was entered into the BATCH form. Each option is separated from the others by at least one space. This record contains an exclamation point (!) in column 1 which flags it as an option record. The third record holds the name of the default set which was specified in the Create Batch Job Input form. This record also contains an exclamation point in column 1. Subsequent records, which initially contain a space in column 1, hold the area and primary line name for an isometric drawing which will be extracted. After the line is extracted, it is marked by an asterisk (*) in column 1 to indicate that it has been processed. The drawing records can be repeated any number of times in the batch job input file. Each time you select the Accept button from the Create Batch Job Input form, you write out a set of drawing records to the batch input file. An example batch job input file is shown below. Figure 9 - 2. Example Batch Job Input File When a batch iso job is submitted using the Schedule Batch Job form, the batch job input file name is passed to the pdsidf executable as a parameter. The system then reads the batch job input file and drawing creation begins. 274 _ _______________ 9.2.2 Line Processing (pdsidf) Given the options from the batch input file and the identification of the line, two files are created, seed.dat and pdsidf.dat. These are the same two files that are created during interactive extraction. Batch Software Organization The Project database is accessed to obtain the list of model files, secondary pipeline names, the seed file names, the options file for the piping area, the output file directory, the iso design file name and the extraction number for the drawing. The two files produced are different from the ones produced for interactive extraction. In pdsidf.dat, the first line name in the line name list is followed by a backslash and the piping area name. Following the line list is a record that contains the default set name. Next is a record that contains batch processing options. The last record contains the extraction number for the drawing. skiso5 skiso4 skiso6 skiso7 *skiso3 40eqp01 40eqp00 pdssk:h:\proj\iso\isofiles\380105wc.i* 380105\skiso\1 proj N Y Y N * * Y * * 04-Aug-1998 * 13 1 0 9. Isometric Extraction In SEED.DAT, the seed iso design file name is followed by records containing the plot request file name, the output file directory, the output iso file name, extraction number and number of sections. pdssk:h:\proj\iso\ref\isoc.def pdssk:h:\proj\iso\ref\isoc.sed pdssk:h:\proj\iso\ref\isoc_sml.i pdssk:h:\proj\iso\isofiles 380105 13 1.fi 9.2.3 The ISOGEN Interface The ISOGEN interface performs the same function in batch extraction as in interactive extraction. It generates an Intermediate Data File (IDF), which is the input to ISOGEN. In addition to the IDF the interface may also produce an mto neutral file and three files containing text for the drawing title block. 275 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 9.2.4 ISOGEN Isometrics generated by the batch software are always created one sheet to a design file. The iso design file name is passed to the interface as name.i*. Therefore, the first sheet will be in a file with the extension .i01, the second in .i02 and so on. When isometrics are created in batch, you must set Intergraph options block word 4 to 1. This causes ISOGEN to create a file that identifies which sheet each component in the line is drawn on. This file (called the sheet data file) is used downstream to split up the mto neutral file by sheet and also to prepare the segment summary table for each isometric sheet. 9.2.5 Plotting After drawings are created in batch they can be plotted with the IP_IPLOT plotting software. To submit a plot, the batch software submits a job to the batch queue named PDisoplot. The job that runs in PDisoplot actually launches the plot. Since the plot jobs are launched from a separate batch queue, you can accumulate the jobs in the queue and release them at some later time. You might also hold the jobs in PDisoplot to prevent normal production plotting queues from getting loaded down with isometric plots. 276 _ _______________ 10. Creating Orthographic Drawings Creating Orthographic Drawings Designers use the Drawing Manager (PD_Draw) product to create and/or revise orthographic production drawings. PD_Draw creates windows (drawing views) to the live 3D Models created with PD_Design and the other modeling products. PD_Draw is used to place annotation labels identifying intelligent items and model coordinates, to plot the drawings, and to produce reports for drawings and model data. 10. Drawing Management The Drawing Manager is used to create and revise orthographic production drawings. It can be used by any of the 3D disciplines within PDS for drawing management. A drawing is a sheet or a plot used to describe the design of a model design volume (work area). Many drawings can be created from one model to completely document a design volume. A drawing can contain more than one drawing view of a model or models. A drawing view is a view of a model or models. Each drawing view within a drawing can have a different scale and each label within a drawing can have a different character size. You can create a drawing during any stage of the design process. It consists of the reference model attachments for the model graphics used in the drawing and the graphics for the drawing itself. The model graphics reside in the design file for that model. These model graphics are attached to the drawing as reference files through the use of drawing views. 277 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Drawing Manager Features The Drawing Manager can be used to: Create a drawing for any of the PDS 3D disciplines, along with a key plan drawing. Create multiple drawing views for a given drawing. Revise definition information for existing drawings or drawing views. Delete drawings and drawing views Report on drawing information in the Project Control Database. Report on model data in a specified drawing and drawing view(s). Place drawing views graphically within a drawing border. Revise drawing view characteristics, including clipping volume, orientation, reference file attachments, and display categories. Place annotation labels on a drawing to identify intelligent items and model coordinates. Create hidden-line-removed model graphics. Plot a drawing or set of drawings. Create a key plan model for the project. 278 _ _______________ 10.1 Drawing Manager Setup Project Setup A project and all of its accompanying files must be defined with the Project Administrator before you can use the Drawing Manager. Refer to the Project Administrator Reference Guide for information on Loading PDS 3D products. Editing the control script to identify the location of the project data. Setting up a project and creating the associated database schemas. Accessing the PDS 3D products remotely using NFS. Drawing Manager Setup Model Files A set of model files for the project must be defined before you can use the Drawing Manager. Refer to the following documents for information on creating and manipulating PDS 3D Models. Piping Design Graphics Reference Guide PDS Equipment Modeling Reference Guide 10. Drawing Management MicasPlus ModelDraft Reference Guide PE HVAC Modeling Reference Guide EE Raceway Modeling Reference Guide Drawing Manager Setup Complete the following operations before using the Drawing Manager. Drawing Categories When a project is created, the Project Administrator copies the default drawing category names to the project directory. The name of the copied file is drwcats.txt. You can edit this file to change the names that are displayed for drawing categories. 279 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Although you can modify the drawing category names, the meaning of a specific category will not be altered by this change. Cells The flow arrow symbol for drawing annotation is provided in the cell library win32app\pdshell\cell\drawing.cel. This cell library is copied to the project directory by the Project Administrator as a part of project creation. The Drawing Manager attaches this cell library each time you select a drawing for the purpose of drawing annotation. The drawing.cel library in the project directory must be used for any cells, other than the flow arrow, which you intend to use for drawing annotation. Drawing Borders The Drawing Manager uses the following guidelines to determine which drawing border to attach. The directory and network address for the drawing border is defined in the RDB Management Data with the Reference Data Manager. This setting is stored in the Project Control Database for access by the Drawing Manager. The file specifications for the drawing borders is determined by the following naming convention. dwgbrd_. drawing_type is the standard note number in Standard Note Type 2000 for drawing types. drawing_size is the text for the standard note value corresponding to the drawing size in the Standard Note Type 1202. For example, the drawing border name for an ’A’ size piping drawing is dwgbrd_2.a. Drawing Plot Size Table This table is located in the drawplotsize file and is copied from the PD_Shell delivery directory at the time a project is created. It contains the drawing size standard notation, plot size, the standard text for the size, and the four margins for the cutting edge. An example of a drawplotsize file and definitions of each field follows: ! Drawing Plot Size Table ! !Drawing Size Cutting Edge Margins from Cutting Edge !Std Note Size X-l Y-t X-r Y-b ! 1 8.5"x11" 0.8125" 0.625" 2.125" 0.625 (Drawing Size) (A) 280 _ _______________ 2 3 4 5 6 101 102 103 104 105 11"x17" 17"x22" 24"x36" 34"x44" 28"x40" 840mmx1189mm 595mmx840mm 420mmx595mm 297mmx420mm 210mmx297mm 1" 1.1875" 1.375" 1.5625" 1.625" 56mm 47mm 38mm 33mm 28mm 0.6875" 0.75" 0.8125" 0.875" 0.9375" 35mm 30mm 27mm 25mm 24mm 3" 3.75" 5.4375" 6.875" 5.625" 198mm 193mm 190mm 155mm 65mm 0.6875" 0.75" 0.8125" 0.875" 0.9375" 35mm 30mm 27mm 72mm 24mm (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (A0) (A1) (A2) (A3) (A4) Drawing Manager Setup Drawing Size Std Note is the standard note, which is referenced from the Standard Note Type 1202, for the drawing size selected. Cutting Edge Size reflects the actual size of the cutting edge around the border that is associated with the drawing size. Margins from Cutting Edge — X-l defines the horizontal distance from the left cutting edge for composition. — X-t defines the horizontal distance from the right cutting edge for composition. — Y-r defines the vertical distance from the top cutting edge for composition. — Y-b defines the vertical distance from the bottom cutting edge for composition. — Drawing Size is the standard note text for the drawing size. Drawing Manager Database Table Information 10. Drawing Management This section describes and includes the tables from the Default Relational Database Definition, which is stored in the project.ddl file, that are used during the drawing process. These tables are dedicated to the Drawing Manager task. There is interaction between these tables and other various tables in the Project Control Database (PDTABLE_112 Design Area Data, for example). Project Control Database This section describes and includes the tables from the Project Control Database that are affected during the drawing process. Do not edit database definitions except to modify column names. # Drawing Data 281 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 table number = 121, number of columns = 24 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, dwg_index_no drawing_no drawing_title default_scale approval_initials approval_date approval_status completion_status drawing_size drawing_type last_revision_no drawing_file_spec path_name network_address lock_owner lock_status lock_date revision_date last_rev_index_no release_revision release_date checking_status standard_note_no_a standard_note_no_b , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(24) character(40) character(16) character(4) integer short short short short character(2) character(14) character(36) character(26) character(10) short integer integer short character(2) integer short short short , index 1 , index 2 , standard note 35 , standard note 1202 , standard note 2000 , index 3 , standard note 1610 , standard note 499 , standard note 499 # Drawing View Data table number = 122, number of columns = 16 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, dwg_view_index_no dwg_view_no dwg_view_name dwg_view_scale dwg_index_no saved_view_name viewing_direction composition_status dwg_view_x_low dwg_view_y_low dwg_view_z_low dwg_view_x_high dwg_view_y_high dwg_view_z_high vhl_category_index drawing_view_type , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , integer character(6) character(40) character(16) integer character(6) short short double double double double double double short short , index 1 , index 2 , standard note 1620 , standard note 1630 # Drawing View Reference Model Data table number = 123, number of columns = 2 1 , dwg_view_index_no 2 , model_index_no , integer , integer # Composite Drawing View Data table number = 124, number of columns = 15 1 , comp_dwg_index_no , integer 2 , comp_dwg_view_no , character(6) 3 , comp_dwg_view_name , character(40) , index 1 282 _ _______________ 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, comp_dwg_v_scale dwg_index_no dwg_view_index_a dwg_view_index_b dwg_view_index_c dwg_view_index_d dwg_view_index_e dwg_view_index_f dwg_view_index_g dwg_view_index_h dwg_view_index_i dwg_view_index_j , , , , , , , , , , , , character(16) integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer Drawing Manager Setup # Drawing Revision Data table number = 125, number of columns = 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 , , , , , , , dwg_index_no revision_index_no revision_no revision_date revision_by checked_by rev_description , , , , , , , integer short character(2) integer character(4) character(4) character(40) # Drawing Setup Data table number = 126, number of columns = 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 , , , , , , , drawing_type drawing_size drawing_scale default_path_name default_node discipline_mask alternate_seed_opt , , , , , , , short short character(16) character(36) character(26) short short , standard note 2000 , standard note 1202 # Reference Model Display Category Setup Data 10. Drawing Management table number = 127, number of columns = 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 , , , , , , drawing_type discipline_indx_no category_mask_a category_mask_b category_mask_c category_mask_d , , , , , , short short integer integer integer integer , standard note 2000 # Plotting Default Data table number = 128, number of columns = 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 , , , , , , iplot_index_no iplot_number iplot_description iplot_file_spec path_name network_address , , , , , , integer character(24) character(40) character(14) character(36) character(26) 283 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 10.2 Drawing Seed Data The Project Data Manager is used to revise the seed data for a specified drawing or create a report of the RDB data. You can revise both 3D data and drawing data. The Revise Drawing option is used to revise the seed data for a selected drawing file. The system activates the following form which provides access to the modification options. Select the option for the type of drawing data to be revised. The following report shows the delivered settings for the Drawing Data. 284 _ _______________ Project Data Manager Drawing Category Data Level 4 5 7 9 10 11 8 3 12 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Project Data Manager Drawing Graphic Symbology Weight Revision Cloud Flow Arrow Report Dimension Miscellaneous 0 0 0 Colors White White White White Violet Name Drawing View Specific Labels Drawing View Indentification Labels Coordinate Labels Dimensioning Revision Triangles and Revision Clouds Hold Clouds Reports Miscellaneous Drawing Graphics Non-Plotted Drawing Graphics Battery Limits Matchlines Centerlines Dumb Details Leader Lines for Dumb Details Extension Lines for Dumb Details Dimensions for Dumb Details Coordinates for Dumb Details Like Line No Labels Like Equipment No Labels User-defined drawing annotation category 11 User-defined drawing annotation category 12 User-defined drawing annotation category 13 User-defined drawing annotation category 14 User-defined drawing annotation category 15 User-defined drawing annotation category 16 User-defined drawing annotation category 17 User-defined drawing annotation category 18 User-defined drawing annotation category 19 User-defined drawing annotation category 20 Hidden Line Category for View Number 1 Hidden Line Category for View Number 2 Hidden Line Category for View Number 3 Hidden Line Category for View Number 4 Hidden Line Category for View Number 5 Hidden Line Category for View Number 6 Hidden Line Category for View Number 7 Hidden Line Category for View Number 8 Hidden Line Category for View Number 9 Hidden Line Category for View Number 10 Hidden Line Category for View Number 11 Hidden Line Category for View Number 12 Hidden Line Category for View Number 13 Hidden Line Category for View Number 14 Hidden Line Category for View Number 15 Dashed Hidden Line Category for View Number Dashed Hidden Line Category for View Number Dashed Hidden Line Category for View Number Dashed Hidden Line Category for View Number Dashed Hidden Line Category for View Number Dashed Hidden Line Category for View Number Dashed Hidden Line Category for View Number Dashed Hidden Line Category for View Number Dashed Hidden Line Category for View Number Dashed Hidden Line Category for View Number Dashed Hidden Line Category for View Number Dashed Hidden Line Category for View Number Dashed Hidden Line Category for View Number Dashed Hidden Line Category for View Number Dashed Hidden Line Category for View Number Drawing Manager Setup 10. Drawing Management 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 FLOARR 285 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 Field Name for Nominal Piping Diameter Symbol Font Character Size for Report Line Spacing Factor Maximum Blank Line 50 Undefined,Undefined 0.500000 3 Project Data Manager Drawing Label Sizes Text Height 1/16" 1/8" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 11/16" 7/8" 3/4" Text Width 1/16" 1/8" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 11/16" 7/8" 3/4" Project Data Manager Drawing Annotation Line Spacing Factor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Category Battery Limits Matchlines Centerlines Dumb Details Leader Lines for Dumb Details Extension Lines for Dumb Details Dimensions for Dumb Details Coordinates for Dumb Details Like Line No Labels Like Equipment No Labels User-defined drawing annotation category User-defined drawing annotation category User-defined drawing annotation category User-defined drawing annotation category User-defined drawing annotation category User-defined drawing annotation category User-defined drawing annotation category User-defined drawing annotation category User-defined drawing annotation category User-defined drawing annotation category Weight 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Symbology Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Color White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Line Terminator Text Size 1/4", 1/4", 1/4", 1/4", 1/4", 1/4", 1/4", 1/4", 1/4", 1/4", 1/4", 1/4", 1/4", 1/4", 1/4", 1/4", 1/4", 1/4", 1/4", 1/4", 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" Text Font 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Project Data Manager Drawing Hidden Line Symbology Use Default Weight Use User Defined Symbology Use Default Color Drawing View Weight Symbology Color 286 _ _______________ Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Dash Dash Dash Dash Dash Dash Dash Dash Dash Dash Dash Dash Dash Dash Dash N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Drawing Manager Setup 10. Drawing Management 287 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 10.3 Using Labels in Drawings The Label Description Library contains the definitions for all the labels used in the PDS 3D modules. Labels can be placed in the drawing as intelligent graphics with linkages to the design database. You can update existing drawing view specific labels to reflect the latest data in the database. A Label Description Library is delivered in the file win32app\pdshell\lib\labels.l. You can use the Label Description Library Manager to edit the labels to suit the needs of your project. 10.3.1 Label Types The following label types are used for annotation in drawings. Displayable Attribute Labels Each type of displayable attribute label has a description in the Label Description Library. This description identifies the label characteristics such as level, color code, style, and font, and the attribute data associated with the label. A displayable attribute label consists of the text and optionally, a leader line, a line terminator, and some label enclosure graphics. This label type is further divided into the following categories. Drawing View Specific Label displayable attribute labels for named model items which are placed in a drawing. Drawing View Identification Label labels with attribute linkages to the Drawing View Data (table 122) that report information about the drawing view such as drawing view name and view scale Drawing View Specific Labels are further divided into subcategories for Piping, SMS, HVAC, and Raceways. Drawing View Specific Labels for Piping and View Independent Labels are divided into sub-ranges for system-defined labels and user labels. Alphanumeric Labels Alphanumeric labels are non-intelligent user-defined labels. Each type of alphanumeric label has a description in the Label Description Library. This description identifies the label characteristics such as level, color code, style, and font. An alphanumeric label consists of the text and optionally, a leader line, a line terminator, and some label enclosure graphics. 288 _ _______________ Displayable Attribute Message Each type of displayable attribute message has a description in the Label Description Library. Unlike the other label types, the description of a displayable attribute message only contains the attribute data. Therefore, you cannot define label description data such as color, weight, style, and text size for a displayable attribute message. A displayable attribute message has all or part of its text derived from the alphanumeric data that is linked to a specified named item in the model. Using Labels in Drawings A displayable attribute message is displayed temporarily at the terminal either as an identification message or as a reporting message. Some of these messages are displayed in the terminal’s refresh message fields. Other messages are displayed temporarily in the model. The system does not place any graphics in the model for this type of label. A displayable attribute message can also be used to create a value for another attribute, for example, the Line Number Label attribute. 10. Drawing Management 289 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 10.3.2 Label Definition Data The Label Description Library Manager is part of the Reference Data Manager. The following forms show the label definition data used to define the line number label. 10.3.3 Drawing View Specific Labels Label 001 defines the label definition data used to place a line number label in a drawing view. 290 _ _______________ Label Definition Data 10.3.4 Displayable Attribute Label Label 310 defines the structure of the line number label. 10. Drawing Management 291 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 292 _ _______________ Index 3D coordinate systems 31 seed data 160 A accessing spec data 115 activate orientation tee 173 active P&ID 207 placement point 188 alphanumeric labels 288 analyze data 193 ASCII to binary conversion 272 attribute 57 data 193 B base form 158 batch job input file 273 software organization 273 batch job input file 273 interface job creation (jobctl.exe) 275 ISOGEN 276 ISOGEN interface 275 plotting 276 batch job 28 bend deflection table 140 binary conversion 272 bolts commodity code 260 Eden data module 261 length 259, 261 roundoff 259 borders drawing 280 branch insertion tables 140 reinforcement equations 119 C categories drawing 279 cells 280 clash categories 228 checking design areas 216 design area ownership of 219 ownership 219 precedence 228 client/server relationship 54 close windows 153 code list 58, 109 column 57 commands fields 154 status field 154 window 154 commodity code 122, 247, 260 data 120 item name table 138 options 121 specification data 96 component manipulation commands 174 placement examples 142 overview 113 revision 192 selection 138 concepts piping graphics 187 connect point 96, 190 construction clash category 228 control menu box 153 conventions forms 155 piping materials class code 116 reporting 246 coordinate system design volume 43 indicator 188 Index Index 293 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 coordinate (continued) system (continued) plant 38 create label attribute data 265, 290 creating 3D models 145 creation commands 191 D database column 57 definition 59 information 51, 57 linkage 177 requirements 195 schemas 56 table 57 ddl files 59 design 73 project 59 reference 87 default display levels 148 define commands 174 definition data 231 delivered reference data 92 design area 216 clash checking 216 pre-defined volume 217 volume coordinate system 43 Design Review Integrator (PD_Review) 25 diagrams process and instrumentation 18 flow 18 discrimination data file 232 record 233 display levels 147 displayable attribute labels 288 message 289 drawing annotation 288 drawing (continued) borders 280 categories 279 manager setup 279 orthographic 277 plot size table 280 seed data 284 drwcats.txt 279 E Eden bolt data module 261 flange data module 261 modules 125 parametric language 125 EE RWAY 24 end preparation 121 envelope 223 builder 223 diagnostics 224 verication errors 224 verifications 223 environment graphics 150 equipment interface 169 manipulation commands 174 models 164 number and nozzle number 206 seed data 165 error field 155 examples component placement 142 extracting isometric drawings 269 F fabrication category 124 features drawing 278 field fit length 260 flanges Eden data module 261 flow diagram process 18 format file 237 output fields 241 294 _ _______________ format file (continued) syntax 237 column 239 data_type 239 field_functions 238 field_len 239 field_type 240 row 239 forms base 158 conventions 155 FrameWorks Plus 20 FW+ 20 G gadgets conventions 155 gaskets 260 commodity name 261 gap 120 generic physical data 130 tables 136 geometric industry standard 123 graphic commodity data 106 library parametric shape definitions 132 physical data definitions 128 sub-symbol processor 127 symbol processors 126 commodity library 124 symbology 147 graphics 187 environment 150 working in 151 green connect point 96, 121 H hard clash category 228 HITS 272 I IDF 272 IDM 19 IF_Check 22 implied data 249 items 256 implied (continued) items (continued) labels 262 types 256 material data 102 input 224 instrument component specification data 99 loops 19 instrument data manager 19 instrumentation diagrams (P&ID) 18 interface equipment modeling 169 interference checker design area 216 pre-defined volume 217 input 224 output 225 piping design area 216 piping design area pre-defined volume 217 project 216 detection 211 management clash categories 228 interference checker input 224 report 225 units 215 intermediate data file 272 introduction project organization 29 ISOA_BGEN 272 ISOGEN 272, 276 interface 271, 275 isometric drawings 269 extraction 271 item name 121 J job creation 275 JOBCTL.EXE 275 jobctl.exe 275 K key-in fields 155 Index Index 295 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 L label description data management create attribute data 265, 290 library 109 label types 288 descriptions 288 types 288 alphanumeric labels 288 displayable attribute labels 288 message 289 labels 262 level control 147 license 28 licenses 28 lower windows 153 M maintaining report definition data 231 material descriptions 107, 246, 262 reference database structure implied data 102 instrument 99 piping commodity 96 piping materials class 94 piping specialty 98 size-dependent data 101 tap properties 100 takeoff 252 options 259 materials grade 123 table 118 mating implied items 256 labels 262 material descriptions 262 maximizing windows 153 menu bar 154 message field 155 MicroStation command window 154 minimize windows 153 miscellaneous commands 174 model data 193 review 193 revise 178, 193 revision 192 component 192 piping 192 segment vertex 192 model code 121 model files 222 modeling 145 setup 145 modifier 123 MTO 231, 252 options 259 N name from P&ID 209 network traversal 272 node numbers 204 nominal piping diameter 117 nongraphic outputs 272 NPD 117 O option code 121 record 274 optional report type line 241 options file 272 orientation tee 189 activating 173 orienting the refresh tee 171 orthographic drawings 277 output fields 241 overview component placement 113 interactive isometric extraction 271, 272 ASCII to binary conversion 272 Intergraph interface 271 P parametric shape definitions 132 parametrics 164 296 _ _______________ PD_Clash 22 PD_Data 21 PD_Design 21 PD_Draw 22 PD_EQP 20 PD_ISO 23 PD_ISOGEN 23 pdisoplot 276 PD_LICE 28 PD_Report 23 PD_Review 25 PDS licenses 28 placement theory 113 PDS reporting modules 235 pdsidf.exe 275 PD_Stress 22 PE-HVAC 24 physical data 128 dimension data 135 P&ID 18 commodity name 209 correlation table 197 data 208 data comparison options 210 data transfer 195 by equipment number and nozzle number 206 correlation table 197 database requirements 195 unit number 195, 196 update by node number 206 update segment data 205 graphical data transfer 202 node numbers 204 unit number 195, 196 update segment data 205 piping assembly library 110 commodity implied material data 102 size-dependent material data 101 specification data 96, 120 connect point 190 diameter 117 job specification 94 tables and functions 104 materials class data 94, 115 models 176 revision 192 piping (continued) segments 187 specialty specification data 98 PJS 94 tables and functions 104 place point 188 placement commands 191 placing components on segments 138 plant coordinate system 38 plot sizes 280 plotting isos 276 positional units 35 precedence clash 228 pressure 116 primary axis 189 primitives 164 process and instrumentation diagrams (P&ID) 18 flow diagram 18 processing reports 235 project data manager revise drawing 284 revise equipment model 165 network environment 54 organization 29, 215 setup 26, 221 prompt field 155 R RDBMS 51 red connect point 96, 121 reference data delivered 92 equipment 165 overview 91 graphic commodity data 106 label description library 109 material description data 107 piping assembly library 110 piping job specification 94 standard note library 109 Index Index 297 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 refresh tee orienting 171 refresh graphics 187 relational interface system (ris) 51 report data report record 233 definition data 231 discrimination data file 232 record 233 files 232 format file 232, 237 syntax 237 format record 232 interference 225 output 234 processing 235 record 233 records 232 report type line 241 types 235 reporting 231 material takeoff 252 process 246 reports interference 225 review data 193 revise data 193 drawing data 284 equipment data 165 model graphics 192 model data 178 material takeoff options 259 RIS 51, 52 S sample report format files 242 secondary commands 175 secondary axis 189 seed data 146 3D 160 drawing 284 equipment 165 piping 178 segment piping 187 vertex 192 selecting components 138 server/client relationship 54 setup 221 2D project 26 3D project 26 drawing 279 project 26 sink box 154 size-dependent material data 101 soft clash category 228 software lease 28 purchase 28 spec access 115 implied items 256 specialty specification data 98 specific physical data 129 tables 137 standard note library 109 status field 154 sub-symbol processor 127 symbol processors 126 syntax format file 237 column 239 data_type 239 field_functions 238 field_len 239 field_type 240 row 239 system configurations 54 prompt field 155 T table access 124 database 57 implied items 256, 257 suffix 122 298 _ _______________ tables bend deflection 140 bolt length 261 branch insertions 140 commodity item name 138 tap properties data 100 temperature 116 transfer from P&ID 195 type 63 data 146 type report line 241 typefaces 13 types reports 235 U understanding envelopes 223 interference checking 224 interferences 211 report data 232 update by node number 206 segment data from P&ID 205, 207 V valve operator 123 view 153 volume filter 218 volumes clash checking 216 W wall thickness 118 equations 119 weight code 123 windows close 153 control menu box 153, 154 lower 153 manipulations 153 maximize 153 MicroStation command 154 minimize 153 move 153 restore 153 size 153 view 153 working units 35 working in graphics 151 three dimensions 31 Index Index 299 _ _______________ PDS 3D Theory — April 2002 300


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