3. IEEE C.57.104-1991 (2)

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IEEE 91 .. 014 .. , IEEEStd C57.lM-1991 Communicatiun!> • Compulpr Eleclrumagnelit.·8 und Radiation IEEE Power Engineering Society Sponsored by the Transformers Committee Industrial Applications '. . . . . . 'Signo.ls and '. . Applications • • IEEE .... , .. SlanJards- .- , '.' :, ;',: :!.., " . '. t. • Coordinating .. '-,'-. '-, ·Conunittff.s ". PubJislHtd by th.lnstitut. of El«lricM.r>d It>y '.M IIr.iTlTurE OF HECTF1CA!.. s. £,.r.;t'iH"S (lEHl "'p 01 I ...... IEEE (57. ),04 910 • 4B05702 0504352 TSD • • ReooClIiud.1t lin American National Standard (ANSI) IEEE Std C57.104·1991 (Rlln-ionllf IEEE C57.104-1978l • • IEEE Guide for the Interpretation of Gases Generated in Oil-Immersed Transformers 1 .... ·-·-· "., ·","'f"'.1 1fT '\.:" \T Sponsor .}:! '. ,,"11'" .. ¢U.. 1 ;(¢ ..... .::...J_.U'" II Transformers Committee PT f>LN (Perscroj JCS.:l T...I;,..,..,K..:;slrokan of the ll _ IEEE Power Engineering Society Approved June 27, 1991 IEEE Standards Board Approved November 20, 1991 American National Standards Institute Abstract: Detailed procedures for analyzing gas from gas spaces or gas-collecting devices as well as gas dissolved in oil arc described. The procedures cover: (l) the calibration and use of field instruments for detedingand estimating the amount ofoombustible gases present. in gas blankets above oil. or in gas detector relays; (2) the use of fixed instruments for detecting and derermining the quantity of combustible gases present in gas-blanketed equipment; (3) obtaining samples of gas and oil from the transformer for laboratory analysis; (4) laboratory methods for analyzing the gas blanket and the gases extracted from the oil; and (5) interpret- ing the results in terms of transformer serviceability. The intent is to provide the operator with positive and useful information concerning the serviceability of the equipment. An e;:ll.:ten- sive bibliography on gM evolution, detection, and interpretation is included. Keywords: gas analysis, oil, oil-filled transformers, transformer$. The Inlllilule orEloctril:.I.nd Eloctronic. Enginoon, Int. Ealll Stl"Cet, NewYork, NY 10017·2394, USA Copyrillht c: 1992 by the InstiluteorEl«tliealllllcl Electronic. Engioen. Inc. All rightJ r-ese"""'d. PubLUh"d 1 pr.nl"d in th" United State. orArne";". ISBN I_S6937·H7_9 NfJ prl el"lll;td 1'l'&.ll>Ifon:nen.l At the time that this standard was completed, the Transformers Committee had the follow· ing officers: d. D. Bont., Chair J. H. Harlow, VICe Chair W. B. Binder, &cretary At the time that this 6tandud was completed, the Insulating Fluids Subcommittee had the following members: B. A Pearce, Chair D. J. AJJan D. B.....""w.Jd J. C. DryaD.t G. Bryant J. CorkraD. D. w.c",n. D.H.Dougl ... R. M.}·..,y M.Ftydma.n P. Gel"lai. J. P. Gibeault D.A.Cilliu J. Goudie }'. M. Gragg F. J. Grynkie....u:z T. J. Haupert F. W. Heinrich. P. J. Hoefler C.R.Hoe...! B. G.HuDter D. L.JOh"lOOD J. J. Kelly J. P. Kio....y J. G. Lackey R.t. Lowe G.O.McR_ M.M.McCee K. Mcl.hDllmOll C.K. Miller R. E. Millk..itz F. W. Heinrichs, Secretary R.J. Mull1 W. Mutechler, Jr. E.J.Norton T.Orbeck C. T. RaymoI'd A.D.lWchult.e G.J. Reitter T.O.Rou..... L.J.Savio G. J. Schreude... D. W. Sulldio. J. A. Thomp.... T. P.1....ub R.A. Veitch R. M. ViDb'nt L. Wagenaar At the time that it balloted and approved this standard for submission to the IEEE Stan· dards Board. the Transformers Committee had the £ollowing members: E.J.Ado1ph,oD L. C.A>cher D.J.AUan B.AUen R. AUustilU'ti S.AltmM J. C.Amold J. Aubin R. Ba...,ron D. Barnard D. L. Buol P. L. Bellalchi S.BellDDn W. B. Binder J. V. BonuceM .1. n. Bo..,.t C .V. BnlWD O. R. Compton F. W.Cook J. L. Corku.n D. W.Cnlfb .J_N.O"v;" D.H.Dougl .... J. C. Dt.>ttoD J. K. E8IIle)' J.A.Ebert D. J. Fallon S. L. Foster M.Frydmsn K. R. Hightoll P. J. Hodler C.H""""I R. H. Holli.te-r C. C.Honey E.Howella C. Hurty Y.P.tijima G. W.lIi1f R.G. J"....b... n D. L. JOlu:t.lIOlI D. C. Johnlon A.J.Jonnatti C. P. Kappeler R. B. Kaufman J. J. Kelly W. N. Kennedy J. P. Kinney B. Kl.pon,ki A. D. Kline E.KoeDlg J. G. Lackey R. E. Loo H. F. Light S. R. Lindgren L. W. Lonl(" L. A. Lowdermilk R. J. Lc>we M.L.MOl1luing M.MltelmJIn H. R.Moore R.J.Muli1 W. H. MutllChlcr E. T. Norton R. A. 01'1100 B.K. Patcl W.•'. Pattenon H.A. PUI'C1! D. Pc..... L. W. PlCI"Ct!I J. M. Pollitt C. P. Raymond C.A Robbio. L. J. Savio W. E. Suon D. N. Sharma V.Shenoy W. W. Skin L, R. SI.ewoI&J1d E.G.Str...g... D. S\lndin L. A. SwenllOn D. S. T.kach A. M. Tepliuky V. TheDappaD R. C. Tho..... J. A. Thomr-o T. P. Traub >r tt>. ltlSTIlUTE OF ELECTRICAL.!. ELECIRONICS I IEEE I 22,31>.04 !'l'lt> IEEE (51.104 91 .. 0504355 1bT .. R. E_ Ceo.m.r. D. D.A.Gim- R. s. CiJori. R. L. Grubb F. .I. cryukie...-ic& C.RIlI .I. H. Hario.... F. W. HeillJidl. w. B. D. MItIOIiI T. M,a-wda .I. W. Matlb,04 1'196 IEEE 91 .. 4805702 0504359 305 .. IEEE Guide for the Interpretation of Gases Generated in Oil-Immersed Transformers 1. Introduction The detection of certain gases generated in an oil-filled transformer in servi.ce is frequently the first available of a malfunction that may eventually lead to failure if not cor- rec:ted. Arcing, corona disc:harge, low-energy sparking, severe overloading, pump motor faH- ure, and overheating in the insulation system are some of the possible mechanisms. These c:onditions oc:curring singly, or as several simultaneous events, can result in decomposition of the insulating materials and the formation of various combustible and noncombustible gases. Normal operation will also result in the formation of some gases. In fact, it is possible for some transformers to operate throughout their useful life with substantial quantities of combusti- ble gllses prescnt. Operating a transformer with large quantities of c:ombustible gas present is not a normal occurrence but it does happen, usually after some degree of investigation and an evaluation of the possible risk. In a transformer, generated gases can be found dissolved in the insulating oil, in the gas blanket above the oil, or in gas c:olleding devices. The detection of an abnormal c:ondition requires an evaluation of the amount of generated gas present and the c:ontinuing rate ofgen- eration. Some indication of the soun::e of the gases and the kind of insulation involved may be gained by determining the composition of the generated gases. 1.1 Scope. This guide applies to minernl-oil-immersed transformers and addresses: (1) The theory of combustible gas generation in a transformer (2) The interpretation of gas analysis (3) Suggested operating procedures (4) Various diagnostic techniques, such as key gases, Dornenberg ratios, and Rogen ratios (5) Instruments for detecting and determining the amount of combustible gases present (6) A bibliography of related literature 1.2 LiDlit.ations. Many techniques for the detection and the measurement of gases have been established. However, it must be recognil:ed that analysis of these gases and interpretation of their significance is at this time not a science, but an art subject to vwiability. Their presence and quantity are dependent on equipment variables such as type, location, and temperature of the fault; solubility and degree of saturation of various gases in oil; the type of oil preserva- tion system; the type and rate of oil circ:ulation; the kinds ofrnaterial in contact with the fault; and finally, variables associated with the s.ampling and measuring procedures themselves. Because of the variability of acceptable gas limits and the significance of various gases and generation rates. a consensus is difficult to obtain. The principal obstacle in the development of fault interpretation 8S an exact scienc:e is the lack of positive cOTTelation ofthe fault·identi· fying gases ",';th faults found in actual transformers. The result of various ASTM testing round robins indicates that the analytical procedures for gus analysis are difficult, have poor precision, and can be wildly inaccurate, especially between laboratories. A replicate analysis confirming a diagnosis should be made before tak· ing any major action. 9 . bX t.toe INSTITUTE Of ElECTRICAL to ELECTRONlCS EN GENERATED IN OIL·IMMERSED TRANSFORMERS IEEE Std cti7J 04·1991 specific problems or situations. One consistent finding with all schemes for interpreting gas analysis is that the more information available concerning the history of the transformer and test data. the greater the probability for a correct diagnosis of the health of the unit. A number of simple schemes employing principal gases or programs using ratios of key gases have been employed for providing a tentative diagnosis when previous information is unavailable or indicated no fault condition existed. Principal gas or ratio methods require detectable or minimum levels of gases to be presents or norms to be exceeded, before they can provide a useful diagnosis. 3. Interpretation of Gas Analysis 3.1 Thermal Faults. Referring to Fig 1, the decomposition of mineral oil from 150°C to 500 °C produces relatively large quantities of the low molecular weight gases, such as hydro- gen (H 2 ) and methane (CH-l), and trace quantities of the higher molecular weight {:8ses ethyl- ene (C 2 H 4 ) and ethane (C 2 1"4). As the fault temperature in mineral oil increases to modest temperatures, the hydrogen concentration exceeds that of methane, hut now the tempera- Lures ure accompanied by significant quantities of higher molecular weight gases, first ethane and then ethylene. At the upper end of the thermal fault range, increasing quantities of hydrogen und ethylene and traces of acetylene (C 2 H 2 ) may be produced. In contrast with the thermal decomposition of oil. the thermal decomposition of cellulose and other solid insulation produces carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (C0 2 ), and watervapOl' at temperatures much lower than that for decomposition of oil and at raus exponentially proportional to the temper- ature. Because the paper begins to degrade at lower temperatures than the oil, its gaseous byproductll 8re found at nonnal operating temperatures in the transformer. A GSU trans· former, for eltamplc, that operates at or near nameplate rating will normally ganeratl' several hundred ports per million (ppm) of CO and several thousand parts per million of CO 2 without excessive hot spots. The ratio ofC0:IC0 is sometimes used as an indicator of the thermal decomposition of cel- lulose. This ratio is normally more than seven. For the COiCO ratio, the respective values of CO 2 and CO sbould exceed 5000 ppm and 500 ppm in order to improve the certainty (octor, i.e., ratios are sensitive to minimum values. As the magnitude of CO increases, the ratio of COliCO decreases. This may indicate an uLnQrmality that is degrading cellulosic insulation. 3.2 Electrical Faults-Low Intensity Discharges. Referring to Fig 1, low intensity dis· charges such as partial discharges and very low level intermittent arcing produce mainly hydrogen, with decreasing quantities Q( methane and trace quantities of acetylene. As the intensity of the discharge increases, the acetylene and ethylene coneentrations rise signifi. cantly (see Tnble 6). 3.3 Electrical Faults-High Intensity Arcing. Referring to Fig 1, as the intensity of the electrical discharge reaches arcing or contjnuing discharge proportions that produce tempera- tures from 700 °C W 1800 °C, the quantity ofocetylene becomes pronounced. 4. Suggested Operating Procedures Utilizing the Detection and Analysis of Combustible Gases FrQm an op.erational point of view, it is important to establish the following priQrities; (1) Detection. Detect the generation of any gases that exceed quantities and lile appropriate guidelines so the possible abnormality may be recogniled at the carli· est possible time in order to minimize damage or avoid a failure. 13 ,by the lNSTlTUl( OF HEtTI/leAL & ElECTRCl'IlCS (IEEE I l\ 1996 IEEE Std C57.104_1991 IEEE (57.104 .. 4605702 0504364 772 .. IEEE CUIDE FOR THE INTERPRETATION OF CASF.8 (2) Evaluation. Evaluate the impact of an obnonnality on the serviceability of the trans· former. using II l>ct of guidelines or recommendations. (3) Action. Take the recommended action, beginning with increased surveillance and con- firming or supplementary analysis and leading to either a detennination of load sensi· tivity. reducing the load on the transformer, or actually removing the unit from service. The success of fault gas analysis necessitates the earliest possible detection of gases using the following methods: Direct measurement of the amount of combustible gas in the gas space or relay ['Ibtnl Combustible Gas (TCO)-See 5.2.1 and 5.2.2]. Direct measurement of the amount of combustible gas dissolved in the oil (gas-in-oil 5.2). Chromatographic separation and analysis for the individual components in a gas mix- ture extracted from a sample of the transformer oil or a sample of the transfonner gas space (See Section 7). An opernting procedure utilizing the gas data from the above sources is to be developed immediately following the initial detection of combustible gases. Fig 2 is a flow chart that traces the suggested process from the initial detection of combustible gas to the final assess· ment of the status of the transformer. 4.1 Determmine Combustible Gas GeneratiDe Rates. A given gas volume and distribu- tion may be generated over a long time perioo. by a relatively insignificant fault or in 11 very short time period by a more severe fault. Hence, one meaiurement does not indicate the rate of generation and may indicate very little about the severity of the fault. Once a suspicious gas presence is detected, it is important to be certain whether the fault that generated the gas is active. An evolution rate greater than (0.1) ft3 ofCQmbustible gas per day may indicate the unit has an aelive internal fault. To calculate the rate of evolution, take the sum of the concentrations (in ppm) of all the combustible (everything but CO 2 , O 2 • Nv in the first and second samples and use Eq 1. R= (ST-SO) xVxlO-(l 7.5 x 7' (Eq 1) where: R ::: Rate (fl.3/day) So = First sample (ppm) ST = Second sample (ppm) V = Tank oil volume (gallons) T = Time (days) Limits for average gas generation rates are given for gas space analysis (TCG) in -4.4.1, and for total dissolved gas analysis rrnCGl in 4.4.2. 14 by the IN$T!1UTE OF ELECTRICAL & ENGINEERS (IEEE) 01 22,36,04 199t> IEEE (57.104 .. 609 .. IEEE GENERATED IN OIL-IMMERSED TRANSFORMERS Std C67.104.1991 GAS DETECTED IN RelAY, GAS SPACE. OR OOl cor"'ARE VALUES WITH TABLE 1 TABLE 1 INDICATES TABLE 1 IHOICATES CONOmON I: OOHOITIOfIlS 2, 3,.: NORMAL PROBLEM MAY EXIST RESUME NORMAl RESAMPLE: TO FIND SURVEILLANCE GENERATING RATE: REFER TO •. I I GAS SPACE OR DISSOLVED IN OIL: RELAY SAMPLE: GO TO TA8t.E 3 GO TO TABlE 2 T I INVESTIGATE POSSIBLE FAULT TYPE USING METHODS DESCRIBED IN •.5.1 ••.&.1. ot ••6.2. REO- Qt.1MENOED INrTIAl RESAA4PUNG INTERVAL AND OPERATING PROCEDURE. I ADJUST SAMPLING INTERVALAND OPERATING PROCEDURE BASED ON ACCUMUlATeD DATA AND EXPERIENCE EXAMPlES CONSERVATOR GAS SPACE STEP ,: GAS DETECTED IN GAS DETECTED IN OIL GAS SPAce STEP 2: DATA(PPM): Ht. TOTAL GAS. 1.S-,r. 270. cu. w1110, CO. 280. CA.31. (7H. wI1.CIf. •• TOTAL DISSOlVED COM8USTI8LE GAS {TOCG).1liIS STEP 3: TABLE 1 INDICATES PAOCEEDTO CONDrTlON 2 STEP. STEP .: RESAMPLe (SEE RESAMPLE (SEE '.1) INDICATES A ••1) INDICATES A RATE OF 20 PPM! RATE OF .025'l\J DAY AND INCREAS- OAYAND '"0 INCREASING STEP 5: TABLE:) TABLE 2 INDICATES CONDITION 2, INTERVAL C AND PROCEDURE 3. AO..,..,SE MANUFAC- TURER; EXTREME CAUTION: PlAN OUT- AGE: RESAMPLE PER INTERVAl; ANALYlE GAS SPACE AND DISSOLVED GAS COMPONENTS [SEE NOTE (I)J STEP 15: ••5 KEYGAS: H;l> CH.&-ELECTRlCAL. COR""'- •.6.1 OOERNENBURG (seE Nore (')J FAULT TYPE: POSSlBLEARCING• •.6.2 ROGERS: FAlA.TTYPE: CASE 2 POSSiBlE ARCING. NOTES: (1) A.ume equal diuol ..od mmponeata in both Q.l.lDplea. (2) Ad.ual c... "'u in.pec:l.cd when CaRl ,.,..,hed.O ppm. FouDcI arcin, belw...n inaul.ted NLTC ,ball. pin aod IEEE Std C51.lGfo-I991 IEEE 91 .. .. IEEE GUIDE FOR THE n-.'"I"ERPRETATION OF CASES ble gas concent.ration in the gas blanket. The dissolved gas equivalentoflhe TCG. is obtained using the following equation: (Eq 2) where: rcG e '" An estimate of the percent ofcomoostible gas in the gas space C :: Combustible gas G .. Each gas dissolved in oil (combustible and nonc;ombu.stible) Fe :: The concentration expressed in parts per million (ppm) of combustible gas g dissolved in oil Be :: The Ostwald .olubitity coefficient of combust.ible gasg F. :: The coneetration ofa particular gas dissolved in oil Bit ,. The Ostwald solubility coefficient of particular EllS G.. OILw&ld Coefficient (8) (26°Cl R,' 0.0429 0, '"" co, ..,00 ""'" OJ" c,H,' ", N, 0.0145 CO' 0.102 c,R,' .." 0.331 °CDmlnlltiblel Note: Owr.",.ld .....ffici""tl an for LII. oil ....ith • delllily of 0.880•• ""mpt'r.u,11"e of 26 "'C, .lId • p......... ,.. or 1 IlmoIph"'.... 4.3 Mouitorin, losulation DeteriomtioD VsinK Dissolved Ga. Volume. ODe acceptable method for monitoring the deterioration of transfonner insulating material involves calculat- ing tha tolal volume of gas evolved. The total volume of evolved gas is an indicator of the mag- nitude of incipient faults. Succeeding samples indicate dlange' with time as the fault{s) develop. Trends are readily apparent. when gas volume is plotted versus time. 1b determine the volume. in gallons, offault gas dissolved in insuiliting oil, use Eq 3. 16 lh. by u... mSlITUf( OF' EUCf"tCAl .. £UCTI?OHICS (t'GINE£11400 ס ס ,"'" NOTES, (1) Tlbl" 1 ..Ium.... thlt liD previOUI ....It. on the tnon.form..e foe diloolve •• >.03 D..lly ConMder re......al r""n Mmoe. Advi_ m....urarturer. .0:hOl Da.iI,. 4630 >30 Dllily Conlider """",vIII (mill ..,rvi.,.,. Adv..... m••lI,lf""tu....r. ' ....0 Daily dO Wcckj)· Eu...,u" ntnom30 Monthly I::""",i." ","ution. Anal)'le for individual ga.., •. ' ....0 Monthly Ik\.ermine load dependence. dO Qul\l1etly Condition I 720 >30 :Mo.llthly Eu...,i.., caution. Anlllyze fot individualguc•. o..\.erminl load dotpeOdcnc1l. llhlO QufU't.1.0 >0.1. RO SuggetlWdFBult C_ 'ifj( CHi H, DiB!fnOolo;a • 0.1 3.0 'fhertt\Al >7oo·C IEEE The transformer gas is continually circulaU!d through one section of a Wheatstone bridge and returned to the trflnsformer. The other sedion of the bridge cOntains pure nitrogen and is balnnccd ngninst the tTllnsformer gas. \Vhen combustible gases are produced in the transformer, they mix with the tnmdhrmer gas and increase the thermal conductivity of the transformer gas. The increase in the thermal conductivity of the trnnsformer gas unbalances the Wheatstone bridge, and the unbalance ig proportional to the tolal of the combustible gases as indicated on a meter. 5.2.2 Method 2. The second type of gas monitor continuously samples the transformer gas at fixed intervals and bums any combustible gases present to provide a measure ofthe total of the combustible gases. This type ofmonil.or is used only on transformers with a positive pres· sure of nitrogen over the oil. At a fixed interval (usually 24 h), a samplt! or the transformer gas is pumped from the unit, mixed with air, and passed over 8 platinum heating sensor of a Wheatstone bridge. Any com· bustible gas in the sumple is burned. This raises the temperature of the sensor alld unbul- ances the bridge, which was balanced against a second platinum sensor in air. The degree of unbahmce is proportional to the amount of total combust.ible gas present in the transformer gas as indicated on a meter. 5.2.3 Method 3. 'l'he third type orgas monitor continuously measures the amount of hydro. gen and other combustible gases dissolved in the transfonner oil. Hydrogen and the other combustible gases of unknown proportions diffusing through a per- meable membrane will be oxidized on a platinum gfls-permellble electrode; oxygen from the a mbient air will be electrochemically reduced on a second electrode. The ionic contact between the two electrodes is provided by a gelled high·concentration sulfuric acid electrolyte. The electric signal generated by this fuel cell is directly proportional to the total combustible gas concentration and is sent to a conditioning electric circuit. 1'he resulting output signal is wm· perature compensated. A relay is operated in conjunction with the percent. gus meter so that when the combustible gases exceed a preset value the relay sounds an alarm. 26 by the lNS1JIUTE:JF & ElEC1PClHCS EI1G!NEERS llEEEI 01 22,3b'0': 1"9b IEEE (57.104 91 .. 460570Z 0504377 320 .. CDo'ERATED IN OIL-IMMERSED 'IltANSFORMER5 IEEE Sl.d Cli7.164_1991 Alllll1it. lhat soundfti an ClIClnn .hould lH! wmplul for 4rnJi)'si.s by a chro- maUlgraph or m(1S$ Fipectromder. At the time of installation and each year thereafter, the equipment should be 5tandardized to be surc the monitor is operating properly. The operator !>hould follow the instruction guide Qf the manufacturer. 6. Procedures for Obtaining Samples of Gas nnd Oil From the Transformer for Laboratory Analysis 6.1 Gas Sllmplcs for Labomwry Analysis. All samples of gas from the g:lS blanket above the oil should be taken in accordance with ASTM D3305-84 (2). 6.2 Gas DislIJolved in Oil. All samples of oil from electrical apparatus being taken for the purpose of dissolved gas· in-oil analysis should be taken in accordance with ASTM D3613-87 [4]. Under certain ronditions, stratification of dissolved gases in the oil may and complete milling could n'lQuire many hours. In these cases, where possible, oil samples should be obtained from more than one location on the transformer. 7. Laboratory Methods (or Analyzing the Gas Blanket and the Gases Extracted From the Oil Comparative tests on essentially identical samples of oil (for instance, from the same trans· former) by various laboratories have indicated a lack of precision, with the measured concen- tration of certain key gases reported to differ by a factor of 3 or more. The principal reason appears to be lack of uniformity in the degree, i.e., the efficiency of gas extraction. For e:13ct and generally applicable threshold or limit values of concentrations or evolution rates of key gases, it would be necessary to obLain uniform and high (for instance, 97%) efficiencies of edraction for individual characterislic gases. 7.1 Determination of Total Dissolved Gal. Determination oftolal dissolved gas should be mode in acc:ordWlce ",ith ASTM D2945-90 fl). 7.2 Determination of Individual Dissolved Gases. Detennination of the individual dis· solved gases should be made in accordance with ASTr.l D3612·90 [3]. 7.3 Determination of Individual Gases Present in the Gas Blanket. Analysis of the individual cases present in the gas blanket above the oil rna)' be made by using ASTM 03612· 90 (3], beginning at Section 10 of that stand:.wd. Sections 13.1 and 13.2 ofASTM D3612-90 [3J nrc not applicable in this casco 27 OF" I. [1'-:III£EI'5 IIEH) I .. ,04 1"0 IEEE C57.l04 91" 48057020504378 2b7 .. IEEE Sid ClI7.104-1 991 8.1 Sources. The sources used fire: IEEE CUIDE FOR THE INTERPR.£TA110N OF CASES 8. Bibliography IE,.., and IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems (PA) Doble Indices of Minutes ofAnnual International COllfcrCllces of Doble Clients lEE Procudings Electr-ical World Citation Indu Bulletin Analytique et Signaletique de France Infonnation and technical papers supplied by Memben orthe IEEE Trflnsformer Committee (in particular a comprehensive list by T. K. Sloat> Chemical Abstracts Eb:c1r-ic;ul and Electr-onics Abstr-acts CQmpendex und lnspec 8.2 Gas EvolutioD 1939-19i5 1935-19i5 1949-1972 1949-1969 196{)-1969 1950-1972 1969-1971 1973-1975 197&--1987 (81] Clerk, F. M., '"TI>e Role of DissoJved Gases in Detennining the Behavior of Mineral Insu- latin&" Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 215, p. 39, Jan. 1933. (B2) Berberich, L. J.• "I nnuance of Gaseous Electric Disc:har-ge of H,)rdrocarbon Oils, Indus· tr-ial and EngiJU!er-ing Chemistry, vol. 30, pp. 280-228, 1938. [B3] Murphy, E. J., "Gases Evolved by the Themlnl Decomposition Transactions of Electrochemical S()(;iety, vol. 83, p. 161, 1943. (B4) Vogel, }'. J., Peterson, C. C., nnd Mntsch, L. M., "Deterioration of Transfonner Oil and Paper Insulation by AlEE Transactions, vol. 78, no. I, pp. 18-21 {tithIes), 1951. [85J Worner, T., "Behavior oflnsulating Oil Under Dielectric Stress with Respect to G::as E\·o· lulion undlor Absorplion,- (in Gennan), Eltktrotech, Z. 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